展会介绍 | SIGEP China | 深圳国际手工冰淇淋、烘焙及咖啡展览会

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13.15h10.67c-1.8-8.15-5.81-14.6-12.02-19.34s-14.1-7.11-23.68-7.11c-7.3 0-13.8 1.64-19.48 4.91a34.49 34.49 0 0 0-13.37 13.94m154.52 24.96c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.23 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.66 34.66 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56H325.3a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.13 25.13 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.3-22.89c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.67-20.05s11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11c4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13a23.4 23.4 0 0 1 9.9 9.24m40.16-47.36h-9.96v105.24h9.96V549.82zm30.37 0h-9.96v105.24h9.96V549.82zm91.08 70.25c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.23 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.66 34.66 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56H473.6a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.13 25.13 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.43m-13.3-22.89c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.67-20.05s11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11c4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13a23.4 23.4 0 0 1 9.9 9.24m89.2-12.59c-5.88-5.74-13.46-8.6-22.76-8.6a32.7 32.7 0 0 0-15.79 3.77 25.41 25.41 0 0 0-10.67 10.88v-13.22h-9.96v77.65h9.96v-42.38c0-9.19 2.23-16.16 6.69-20.91 4.46-4.74 10.43-7.11 17.92-7.11 7.3 0 13.06 2.23 17.28 6.69s6.33 10.9 6.33 19.34v44.37h9.81v-45.51c.01-10.91-2.94-19.23-8.81-24.97m29.27 10.52c-3.23 6.02-4.84 13.06-4.84 21.12s1.61 15.1 4.84 21.12a34.42 34.42 0 0 0 13.37 13.94c5.69 3.27 12.18 4.9 19.48 4.9 9.48 0 17.35-2.42 23.61-7.25a32.58 32.58 0 0 0 12.09-19.2h-10.67c-1.33 5.69-4.2 10.12-8.6 13.3-4.41 3.18-9.88 4.76-16.43 4.76a28 28 0 0 1-14.08-3.55c-4.17-2.37-7.47-5.92-9.89-10.67-2.42-4.74-3.62-10.52-3.62-17.35s1.21-12.59 3.62-17.28a25 25 0 0 1 9.89-10.6A27.98 27.98 0 0 1 623 584.8c6.54 0 12.02 1.59 16.43 4.76 4.41 3.18 7.27 7.56 8.6 13.15h10.67c-1.8-8.15-5.81-14.6-12.02-19.34s-14.1-7.11-23.68-7.11c-7.3 0-13.8 1.64-19.48 4.91a34.42 34.42 0 0 0-13.37 13.94m154.51 24.96c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.22 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.66 34.66 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56h-10.52a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.13 25.13 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.29-22.89c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.68-20.05 5.21-4.74 11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11 4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13a23.49 23.49 0 0 1 9.89 9.24M48.74 693.15a6.99 6.99 0 0 0 5.12 2.13c1.99 0 3.7-.71 5.12-2.13a7.16 7.16 0 0 0 2.13-5.26 6.9 6.9 0 0 0-2.13-5.19 7.12 7.12 0 0 0-5.12-2.06c-1.99 0-3.7.69-5.12 2.06a6.92 6.92 0 0 0-2.13 5.19c0 2.08.71 3.83 2.13 5.26m10.1 16.78h-9.95v77.65h9.95v-77.65zm79.64 7.18c-5.88-5.74-13.46-8.6-22.76-8.6a32.7 32.7 0 0 0-15.79 3.77 25.41 25.41 0 0 0-10.67 10.88v-13.23H79.3v77.65h9.96V745.2c0-9.19 2.23-16.16 6.69-20.91 4.46-4.74 10.43-7.11 17.92-7.11 7.3 0 13.06 2.23 17.28 6.69 4.22 4.46 6.33 10.9 6.33 19.34v44.37h9.81v-45.51c.01-10.9-2.93-19.23-8.81-24.96m69.82-28.94v99.41h9.95v-45.79h36.98v-8.25h-36.98v-37.12h43.81v-8.25H208.3zm77.44 95.64c5.83 3.27 12.4 4.9 19.7 4.9 7.3 0 13.94-1.63 19.91-4.9a35.4 35.4 0 0 0 14.08-14.01c3.41-6.07 5.12-13.08 5.12-21.05 0-8.06-1.69-15.1-5.05-21.12a35.27 35.27 0 0 0-13.94-13.94 40.39 40.39 0 0 0-19.84-4.91c-7.3 0-13.89 1.64-19.77 4.91a35.85 35.85 0 0 0-13.94 13.94c-3.41 6.02-5.12 13.06-5.12 21.12s1.68 15.1 5.05 21.12a35.51 35.51 0 0 0 13.8 13.94m33.92-7.26a29.8 29.8 0 0 1-14.22 3.48c-5.12 0-9.84-1.16-14.15-3.48a25.73 25.73 0 0 1-10.38-10.52c-2.61-4.69-3.91-10.45-3.91-17.28 0-6.83 1.3-12.59 3.91-17.28 2.6-4.69 6.09-8.2 10.45-10.52a29.81 29.81 0 0 1 14.22-3.49 29.7 29.7 0 0 1 14.22 3.49 26.1 26.1 0 0 1 10.52 10.52c2.65 4.69 3.98 10.45 3.98 17.28 0 6.83-1.35 12.59-4.05 17.28a26.57 26.57 0 0 1-10.59 10.52m55.72 7.26c5.83 3.27 12.4 4.9 19.7 4.9 7.3 0 13.94-1.63 19.91-4.9a35.4 35.4 0 0 0 14.08-14.01c3.41-6.07 5.12-13.08 5.12-21.05 0-8.06-1.69-15.1-5.05-21.12a35.27 35.27 0 0 0-13.94-13.94 40.39 40.39 0 0 0-19.84-4.91c-7.3 0-13.89 1.64-19.77 4.91a35.85 35.85 0 0 0-13.94 13.94c-3.41 6.02-5.12 13.06-5.12 21.12s1.68 15.1 5.05 21.12a35.51 35.51 0 0 0 13.8 13.94m33.91-7.26a29.8 29.8 0 0 1-14.22 3.48c-5.12 0-9.84-1.16-14.15-3.48a25.73 25.73 0 0 1-10.38-10.52c-2.61-4.69-3.91-10.45-3.91-17.28 0-6.83 1.3-12.59 3.91-17.28 2.6-4.69 6.09-8.2 10.45-10.52a29.81 29.81 0 0 1 14.22-3.49 29.7 29.7 0 0 1 14.22 3.49 26.1 26.1 0 0 1 10.52 10.52c2.65 4.69 3.98 10.45 3.98 17.28 0 6.83-1.35 12.59-4.05 17.28a26.5 26.5 0 0 1-10.59 10.52m41.72-48.92c-3.23 6.02-4.84 13.01-4.84 20.98 0 7.96 1.59 14.98 4.76 21.05a34.53 34.53 0 0 0 13.23 14.08c5.64 3.32 12.02 4.98 19.13 4.98 7.3 0 13.65-1.73 19.05-5.19 5.4-3.46 9.29-7.9 11.66-13.3v17.35h9.96V682.34H514v44.37c-2.56-5.31-6.59-9.62-12.09-12.94a35.07 35.07 0 0 0-18.49-4.98c-7.11 0-13.49 1.64-19.13 4.91a34.58 34.58 0 0 0-13.28 13.93m59.16 4.62c2.56 4.74 3.84 10.24 3.84 16.5s-1.28 11.76-3.84 16.5a27.39 27.39 0 0 1-10.45 10.95 28.52 28.52 0 0 1-14.58 3.84 29 29 0 0 1-14.79-3.77 26.45 26.45 0 0 1-10.31-10.95c-2.51-4.79-3.77-10.36-3.77-16.71 0-6.45 1.25-12.02 3.77-16.71a26.26 26.26 0 0 1 10.31-10.74 29.47 29.47 0 0 1 14.79-3.7c5.31 0 10.17 1.28 14.58 3.84a27.45 27.45 0 0 1 10.45 10.95m39.46 50.28c5.64 4.12 12.92 6.18 21.83 6.18 5.31 0 10-.95 14.08-2.85a23.25 23.25 0 0 0 9.53-7.75 19.1 19.1 0 0 0 3.41-11.16c-.1-4.55-1.33-8.2-3.7-10.95a23.14 23.14 0 0 0-8.53-6.26 105.9 105.9 0 0 0-13.37-4.41 123.3 123.3 0 0 1-11.09-3.63 19.11 19.11 0 0 1-6.9-4.55c-1.85-1.94-2.77-4.43-2.77-7.47 0-3.51 1.57-6.45 4.69-8.82 3.13-2.37 7.2-3.55 12.23-3.55 5.69 0 10.17 1.4 13.44 4.2 3.27 2.8 5.05 6.47 5.33 11.02h9.96c-.38-7.4-3.13-13.2-8.25-17.42-5.12-4.22-11.85-6.33-20.2-6.33a34.1 34.1 0 0 0-14.22 2.84c-4.17 1.9-7.39 4.46-9.67 7.68a17.88 17.88 0 0 0-3.41 10.53c0 5.02 1.26 9.03 3.77 12.01a23.94 23.94 0 0 0 9.18 6.76 105.8 105.8 0 0 0 14.08 4.55c4.46 1.14 7.99 2.2 10.6 3.2 2.6 1 4.76 2.35 6.47 4.05a8.85 8.85 0 0 1 2.56 6.54c0 3.79-1.54 6.97-4.62 9.53-3.09 2.56-7.32 3.84-12.73 3.84-6.16 0-11.07-1.35-14.72-4.05a14.7 14.7 0 0 1-6.19-10.6h-10.24c.66 7.13 3.81 12.74 9.45 16.87m135.26-29.94c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.23 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.6 34.6 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56h-10.52a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.07 25.07 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.3-22.9c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.67-20.05s11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11c4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13s7.48 5.17 9.9 9.24m50.02-17.2a24.31 24.31 0 0 0-10.03 11.24v-13.79h-9.95v77.65h9.95V744.2c0-9.1 2.18-15.6 6.54-19.48 4.36-3.88 10.15-5.83 17.35-5.83h2.7V708.5c-6.53 0-12.06 1.33-16.56 3.99m32.64-2.56h-10.67l31.15 77.65h11.23l31.15-77.65h-10.52l-26.17 67.98-26.17-67.98zm74.56-16.78a6.99 6.99 0 0 0 5.12 2.13c1.99 0 3.7-.71 5.12-2.13a7.16 7.16 0 0 0 2.13-5.26 6.9 6.9 0 0 0-2.13-5.19 7.12 7.12 0 0 0-5.12-2.06c-1.99 0-3.7.69-5.12 2.06a6.92 6.92 0 0 0-2.13 5.19c0 2.08.71 3.83 2.13 5.26m10.1 16.78h-9.95v77.65h9.95v-77.65zm20.79 17.7c-3.23 6.02-4.84 13.06-4.84 21.12s1.61 15.1 4.84 21.12a34.42 34.42 0 0 0 13.37 13.94c5.69 3.27 12.18 4.9 19.48 4.9 9.48 0 17.35-2.42 23.61-7.25a32.55 32.55 0 0 0 12.09-19.2h-10.67c-1.33 5.69-4.19 10.12-8.6 13.3-4.41 3.18-9.88 4.76-16.43 4.76a28 28 0 0 1-14.08-3.55c-4.17-2.37-7.47-5.92-9.89-10.67-2.42-4.74-3.62-10.52-3.62-17.35 0-6.83 1.21-12.59 3.62-17.28a25 25 0 0 1 9.89-10.6 27.98 27.98 0 0 1 14.08-3.55c6.54 0 12.02 1.59 16.43 4.76 4.41 3.18 7.27 7.56 8.6 13.15h10.67c-1.8-8.15-5.81-14.6-12.02-19.34s-14.1-7.11-23.68-7.11c-7.3 0-13.8 1.64-19.48 4.91a34.49 34.49 0 0 0-13.37 13.94m154.51 24.96c.19-1.8.29-4.41.29-7.82 0-6.64-1.49-12.68-4.48-18.14a33.4 33.4 0 0 0-12.8-13.01c-5.55-3.22-12.02-4.84-19.41-4.84-7.4 0-13.99 1.61-19.77 4.84a33.58 33.58 0 0 0-13.51 13.94c-3.22 6.07-4.84 13.13-4.84 21.19s1.64 15.1 4.91 21.12a34.66 34.66 0 0 0 13.58 13.94c5.78 3.27 12.32 4.91 19.63 4.91 9.38 0 17.18-2.39 23.39-7.18a32.9 32.9 0 0 0 12.16-18.56h-10.52a22.07 22.07 0 0 1-8.74 12.66c-4.41 3.13-9.84 4.69-16.28 4.69-4.93 0-9.48-1.07-13.66-3.2a25.07 25.07 0 0 1-10.1-9.46c-2.56-4.17-3.98-9.2-4.27-15.08h64.42m-13.29-22.9c2.42 4.08 3.58 9.01 3.48 14.79h-54.61c.57-8.63 3.46-15.31 8.68-20.05 5.21-4.74 11.52-7.11 18.91-7.11 4.93 0 9.48 1.04 13.65 3.13s7.47 5.17 9.89 9.24" style="fill:#981c33"/><path d="M693.35 164.24s.22 8.14-1.57 26.46c-8.86 90.44-73.49 150.35-161.16 150.35-95.47 0-170.26-74.39-170.26-169.36C360.36 75.42 435.83 0 532.17 0c50.21 0 90.39 19.49 115.26 35.84l15.37 10.11-8.15 25.12-20.55-15.06c-23.03-15.14-58.16-31.84-101.88-31.84-81.97 0-147.55 64.46-147.55 147.55 0 82.71 65.58 145.22 145.99 145.22 76.9 0 129.59-52.03 137.01-128.52H491.9v-24.17h201.45zm-71.79-71.76 20.71 16.75 8.35-25.72c-1.73-1.45-6.63-5.29-20.42-15.46-22.64-16.69-58.55-32.61-98.76-32.61-75.33 0-134.67 60.57-134.67 135.51 0 76.1 59.33 134.74 134.67 134.74 70.26 0 113.2-46.6 123.34-106.39H491.9v24.11h130.64c-14.14 36.21-45.28 56.62-90.36 56.62-59.72 0-107.73-44.65-107.73-109.89 0-62.51 47.62-109.11 106.17-109.11 32.39 0 68.3 14.36 90.94 31.45M313.49 6.63h-24.18v327.85h26.55V6.63h-2.37zm-35.89 0h-26.54v327.85h26.54V6.63zm625.39 59.09V41.64H770.81v117.27h118.63v-24.07h-92.08V65.72h105.63zM759.1 310.34V30.77h143.89V17.49h.01V6.63H734.83v327.85h168.96v-24.14H759.1zm11.71-10.87h132.98V275.4H797.35v-81.54h92.08v-24.07H770.8v129.68zM86.65 196.9c40.25 24.97 47.88 38.46 47.88 54.62 0 12.25-10.68 29.5-34.42 29.5-17.7 0-31.32-3.95-56.05-16.25l-25.81-12.84-6.98 22.36 21.83 12.28c26.8 13.33 44.14 18.82 67 18.82 36.61 0 58.93-27.61 58.93-53.88 0-30.62-19.61-50.6-59.42-75.3-46.12-28.62-62.97-54.97-62.97-83.2 0-36.47 29.95-68.61 80.01-68.61 17.19 0 35.72 4.12 48.28 9.27a406.94 406.94 0 0 1 23.71 10.71l7.5-23.21-.03.01-6.62-3.29C165.67 6.04 141.17.03 116.66.03 57.07.03 12.14 40.01 12.14 93.02c.01 39.33 23.68 72.33 74.51 103.88M0 310.44l22.46 11.83c27.2 13.72 51.63 18.82 76.47 18.82 67.41 0 99.13-46.82 99.13-90.34 0-46.82-29.46-75.3-77.16-105.1-34.29-21.56-45.23-37.33-45.23-53.01 0-17.65 11.83-32.54 39.81-32.54 16.95 0 33.11 4.7 52.42 14.51l9.52 4.52L185 55.68a308 308 0 0 0-23.58-11.06 118.45 118.45 0 0 0-45.15-8.85c-41.78 0-67.79 26.66-67.79 57.25 0 23.92 14.09 47.13 57.84 74.18 46.9 29.01 64.54 51.89 64.54 84.32 0 32.15-25.09 64.86-71.14 64.86-23.25 0-42.57-4.31-70.16-18.43l-22.13-11.3L0 310.44zm1033.11-268.8c53.48 0 99.93 34.17 99.93 88.92 0 60.57-55.04 91.25-104.61 91.25H985.1V41.64h48.01m55.39 134.16c10.64-10.59 17.6-25.22 17.6-44.46 0-15.51-4.55-28.24-12.05-38.23a62.64 62.64 0 0 0-5.82-6.68 64.9 64.9 0 0 0-13.29-10.02c-12.39-7.13-27.24-10.68-42.23-10.68h-21.08v132.41h16.78c21.11-.02 44.54-6.86 60.09-22.34m-55-169.17h-84.38v327.85h24.27V30.77h60.11c62.84 0 112.02 39.22 112.02 99.01 0 68.73-60.11 102.9-119.05 102.9H985.1v101.8h25.75v-77.91h20.18c57.37 0 138.77-36.63 138.77-126.78 0-71.37-57.32-123.16-136.3-123.16M7.44 467.61h685.9v-24.08H7.44m-.02-10.87h685.91v-13.28h.03v-10.86H7.42m743.05 56.49a32.5 32.5 0 0 0 16.15 4.09c5.76 0 10.98-1.31 15.65-3.94a28.1 28.1 0 0 0 10.92-10.92l-9.28-6.52c-4.25 6.86-9.98 10.28-17.2 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