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The Luo are the fourth-largest ethnic group (10.65%) in Kenya, after the [[Kikuyu people|Kikuyu]] (17.13%), the [[Luhya people|Luhya]] (14.35%) and the [[Kalenjin people|Kalenjin]] (13.37%).&lt;ref name =Census2019/> The Tanzanian Luo population was estimated at 1.1 million in 2001 and 3.4 million in 2020.&lt;ref name="ethnologue" /> They are part of a larger group of related [[Luo peoples]] who inhabit an area ranging from [[South Sudan]], southwestern [[Ethiopia]], northern and eastern [[Uganda]], southwestern [[Kenya]], and northern [[Tanzania]], making them the largest ethnic group in East Africa.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=40-47}} They speak the [[Luo dialect|Luo language]], also known as ''Dholuo'', which belongs to the [[Western Nilotic]] branch of the [[Nilotic languages|Nilotic language family]]. Dholuo shares considerable similarities with languages spoken by other [[Luo peoples]].&lt;ref name=hammer>Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017). "Nilotic". Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.&lt;/ref> The Luo moved into western Kenya from Uganda between the 15th and 20th centuries in four waves. They were closely related to [[Luo peoples]] found in [[Uganda]], especially the [[Acholi people|Acholi]] and [[Padhola]] people. As they moved into Kenya and Tanzania, they underwent significant genetic and cultural modifications as they encountered other communities that were long established in the region.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=144–154}}&lt;ref name=tishkoff>{{cite journal |last1=Tishkoff |first1=S. A. |last2=Reed |first2=F. A. |last3=Friedlaender |first3=F. R. |last4=Ehret |first4=C. |last5=Ranciaro |first5=A. |last6=Froment |first6=A. |last7=Hirbo |first7=J. B. |last8=Awomoyi |first8=A. A. |last9=Bodo |first9=J.-M. |last10=Doumbo |first10=O. |last11=Ibrahim |first11=M. |last12=Juma |first12=A. T. |last13=Kotze |first13=M. J. |last14=Lema |first14=G. |last15=Moore |first15=J. H. |last16=Mortensen |first16=H. |last17=Nyambo |first17=T. B. |last18=Omar |first18=S. A. |last19=Powell |first19=K. |last20=Pretorius |first20=G. S. |last21=Smith |first21=M. W. |last22=Thera |first22=M. A. |last23=Wambebe |first23=C. |last24=Weber |first24=J. L. |last25=Williams |first25=S. M. |title=The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans |journal=Science |date=22 May 2009 |volume=324 |issue=5930 |pages=1035–1044 |doi=10.1126/science.1172257 |pmid=19407144 |pmc=2947357 |bibcode=2009Sci...324.1035T }}&lt;/ref> Traditionally, Luo people practiced a mixed economy of [[Pastoralism|cattle pastoralism]], seed farming and [[fishing]] supplemented by hunting.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=40-42}} Today, the Luo comprise a significant fraction of [[East Africa]]'s intellectual and skilled labour force in various professions. They also engage in various trades, such as tenant fishing, small-scale farming, and urban work.{{citation needed|date=July 2021}} Luo people and people of Luo descent have made significant contributions to modern culture and civilization. [[Tom Mboya]] and Nigel N. Mwangi were key figures in the [[African nationalism|African Nationalist struggle]].{{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=53–89}}&lt;ref name=Kyle>The Politics of The Independence of Kenya by Kyle Keith. Palgrave MacMillan 1999&lt;/ref> Luo scientists, such as [[Thomas Risley Odhiambo Nandy]] (founder of the [[International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology|International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)]] and winner of [[UNESCO Albert Einstein medal|UNESCO's Albert Einstein Gold Medal]] in 1991) and [[Washington Yotto Ochieng]] (winner of the Harold Spencer-Jones Gold Medal in 2019 from The [[Royal Institute of Navigation]] (RIN)) have achieved international acclaim for their contributions.&lt;ref>{{cite news | title=Thomas Odhiambo Visionary entomologist harnessing science for Africa's poor | url= | newspaper=The Guardian | first=Ehsan | last=Masood | date=23 June 2003 | accessdate=9 June 2021}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Home - Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng, FREng |url= |access-date=2022-12-07 |}}&lt;/ref> Prof. [[Richard Samson Odingo|Richard S. Odingo]] was the vice chairman of the [[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]] when it received the [[Nobel Peace Prize]] in 2007 with [[Al Gore]].&lt;ref name="odingo">{{Cite web |title=Nobel Prizes 2022 |url= |access-date=2023-08-01}}&lt;/ref> [[Barack Obama]], the first black [[President of the United States of America]] and a [[Nobel Peace Prize]] winner, was born to a Kenyan Luo father, [[Barack Obama Sr.]]&lt;ref>Obama, Barack (1995). Dreams from My Father. Three Rivers Press. {{ISBN|9781400082773}}&lt;/ref> [[Lupita Nyong'o]] became the first black African to win an [[Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress|Academy Award]] in 2014.&lt;ref name=lupita>"'Pride of Africa: Kenya celebrates Nyong'o's Oscar". Boston Herald. 3 March 2014. Archived from the original on 9 March 2014. Retrieved 5 September 2014.&lt;/ref> The Luo are the originators of a number of popular music genres including [[Benga music|benga]] and [[ohangla]]. Benga is one of Africa's most popular genres.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last= |first= |date=2015-07-09 |title=Remembering benga: Kenya's infectious musical gift to Africa |url= |access-date=2022-12-07 |website=the Guardian |language=en}}&lt;/ref> ==Location== The present day homeland of Kenyan and Tanzanian Luo lies in the eastern [[Lake Victoria Basin|Lake Victoria basin]] - ''Nam Lolwe'' in the former [[Nyanza province]] in Western Kenya and the [[Mara region]] in northwestern Tanzania. This area falls within [[Tropics|tropical latitudes]] and straddles the [[equator]]. This area also receives average rainfall levels. The average altitudes range between 3700 and 6000 feet above sea level.&lt;ref name=Ogot>Ogot, Bethwell A., ''History of the Southern Luo: Volume I, Migration and Settlement, 1500–1900'', (Series: ''Peoples of East Africa''), [[East African Publishing House]], Nairobi, 1967 pp 31–39&lt;/ref> ==Origin== {{Main|Luo peoples|Nilotic peoples|History of Kenya}} ===Origins=== [[File:Luo Language.svg|right|thumb|A map of some of the Luo peoples]] Luo people of Kenya and Tanzania form the majority of [[Nilotic peoples]].{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=41}} During the British colonial period, they were known as [[Kavirondo|Nilotic Kavirondo]].&lt;ref>Joyce, Thomas Athol (1911). "Kavirondo". In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. 15 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 701.&lt;/ref> The exact location of origin of the [[Nilotic peoples]] is controversial but most ethnolinguists and historians place their origins between [[Bahr el Ghazal (region of South Sudan)|Bahr-el-Ghazal]] and [[Eastern Equatoria]] in [[South Sudan]]. They practiced a mixed economy of cattle pastoralism, fishing and seed cultivation.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=40-42}} Some of the earliest archaeological findings on record, which describe a similar culture to this from the same region, are found at [[Kadero (archaeological site)|Kadero]], 48 kilometres (30 miles) north of [[Khartoum]] in [[Sudan]], and date to 3000 BC. Kadero contains the remains of a cattle pastoralist culture as well as a cemetery with skeletal remains featuring Sub-Saharan African phenotypes. It also contains evidence of other animal domestication, artistry, long-distance trade, seed cultivation and fish consumption.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Krzyzaniak |first1=Lech |title=The Archaeological Site of Kadero, Sudan |journal=Current Anthropology |date=December 1976 |volume=17 |issue=4 |pages=762 |doi=10.1086/201823 |s2cid=144379335 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Marshall |first1=Fiona |last2=Hildebrand |first2=Elisabeth |title=Cattle Before Crops: The Beginnings of Food Production in Africa |journal=Journal of World Prehistory |date=2002 |volume=16 |issue=2 |pages=99–143 |doi=10.1023/A:1019954903395 |s2cid=19466568 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Achilles Gautier. The faunal remains of the Early Neolithic site Kadero, Central Sudan. Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa Studies in African Archaeology 9. Available from:;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Krzyzaniak |first1=Lech |title=New Light on Early Food-Production in the Central Sudan |journal=The Journal of African History |date=April 1978 |volume=19 |issue=2 |pages=159–172 |doi=10.1017/S0021853700027572 |s2cid=162767986 }}&lt;/ref> Genetic and linguistic studies have demonstrated that [[Nubian people]] in Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt are an admixed group that started off as a population closely related to [[Nilotic peoples]].&lt;ref name=hollfelder>{{cite journal |last1=Hollfelder |first1=Nina |last2=Schlebusch |first2=Carina M. |last3=Günther |first3=Torsten |last4=Babiker |first4=Hiba |last5=Hassan |first5=Hisham Y. |last6=Jakobsson |first6=Mattias |title=Northeast African genomic variation shaped by the continuity of indigenous groups and Eurasian migrations |journal=PLOS Genetics |date=24 August 2017 |volume=13 |issue=8 |pages=e1006976 |doi=10.1371/journal.pgen.1006976 |pmid=28837655 |pmc=5587336 |doi-access=free }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Rilly |first1=Claude |title=The Wadi Howar Diaspora and its role in the spread of East Sudanic languages from the fourth to the first millennia BCE |journal=Faits de Langues |date=2016 |volume=47 |issue=1 |pages=151–163 |doi=10.1163/19589514-047-01-900000010 |s2cid=134352296 }}&lt;/ref> This population later received significant gene flow from [[Middle eastern people|Middle Eastern]] and other East African populations.&lt;ref name=hollfelder/> Nubians are considered to be descendants of the early inhabitants of the Nile valley who later formed the [[Kingdom of Kush]] which included [[Kerma]] and [[Meroe]] and the medieval christian kingdoms of [[Makuria]], [[Nobatia]] and [[Alodia]].&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Cooper |first1=Julien |title=Toponymic Strata in Ancient Nubia until the Common Era |journal=Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies |date=2017 |volume=4 |doi=10.5070/d64110028 |doi-access=free }}&lt;/ref> These studies suggest that populations closely related to Nilotic people long inhabited the Nile valley as far as Southern Egypt in antiquity. For various reasons, slow and multi-generational migrations of Nilotic [[Luo peoples|Luo Peoples]] occurred from [[South Sudan]] into [[Uganda]] and western [[Kenya]] from at least 1000 AD continuing up until the early 20th century.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=41–43}} Some authors note that the early phases of this expansion coincide with the collapse of the Christian Nubian kingdoms of [[Makuria]] and [[Alodia]], the penetration of Arabs into central [[Sudan]] as well as [[Nilotic peoples|Nilotic]] adoption of [[African Iron Age|Iron Age technology]].&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Robertshaw |first1=Peter |title=Prehistory in the upper Nile Basin |journal=The Journal of African History |date=July 1987 |volume=28 |issue=2 |pages=177–189 |doi=10.1017/S002185370002973X |s2cid=161548406 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Oliver |first1=Roland |title=The Nilotic Contribution to Bantu Africa |journal=The Journal of African History |date=1982 |volume=23 |issue=4 |pages=433–442 |doi=10.1017/S0021853700021289 |jstor=182034 |s2cid=153539947 }}&lt;/ref> The northern most group of [[Luo peoples]] - the [[Shilluk people|Shilluk]] - advanced north along the [[White Nile]] in the 16th century, conquering territory as far as modern day Khartoum.&lt;ref>Martell, Peter (2018). First Raise a Flag. London: Hurst &amp; Company. {{ISBN|978-1849049597}}.&lt;/ref> They established the [[Shilluk Kingdom]].{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=44–47}}&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Mercer |first1=Patricia |title=Shilluk Trade and Politics from the Mid-Seventeenth Century to 1861 |journal=The Journal of African History |date=1971 |volume=12 |issue=3 |pages=407–426 |doi=10.1017/S0021853700010859 |jstor=181041 |s2cid=154445649 }}&lt;/ref> In the 15th century, [[Luo peoples]] moved into the [[Bunyoro-Kitara|Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom]] and established the [[Babiito dynasty]] in [[Uganda]]. This group assimilated into [[Bantu peoples|Bantu]] culture. {{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=44–47}} The Luo of [[Kenya]] and [[Tanzania]] are classified as [[Southern Luo]].{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=44–144}}and are the only 'river lake Nilotes' having migrated and lived along the [[Nile river]]. They entered Kenya and Tanzania via [[Uganda]] from the [[Bahr el Ghazal (region of South Sudan)|Bahr el-Ghazal]] region in [[South Sudan]]. The Luo speakers who migrated into Kenya were chiefly from four Luo-speaking groups: the [[Acholi people|Acholi]], [[Adhola people|Adhola]] and [[Alur people|Alur]] people (From [[Uganda]] and parts of [[South Sudan]] and [[Democratic Republic of the Congo|Eastern Congo]]), especially [[Acholi people|Acholi]] and [[Padhola]].&lt;ref name=hammer/>{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=144–154}} It is estimated that Dholuo has 90% lexical similarity with Lep Alur ([[Alur language]]); 83% with Lep Achol ([[Acholi language]]); 93% with Dhopadhola (Padhola language), 74% with [[Anuak language|Anuak]], and 69% with Jurchol ([[Luwo]]) and Dhi-Pari (Pari).&lt;ref name=hammer/> Luo of Kenya and Tanzania are also called '''Joluo''' or '''Jonagi'''/'''Onagi(a person who has his six lower teeth removed as a rite of passage during puberty)''', singular '''Jaluo''', '''Jaonagi''' or '''Joramogi'''/'''Nyikwaramogi''', meaning "Ramogi's heirs." The Luo clans of Kenya and Tanzania were called '''Ororo''', while among the Nuer they were called '''Liel'''. In the Dinka tribe, the Luo are called the '''Jur-Chol'''.&lt;ref>{{Cite book|last=Odhiambo, Atieno.|title=Siaya : the Historical Anthropology of an African Landscape|date=1989|publisher=J. Currey|oclc=1096480559}}&lt;/ref> The present-day Kenya Luo traditionally consist of 27 tribes, each in turn composed of various clans and sub-clans&lt;ref>{{Cite book|author = Ogot, Bethwell A.| title = History of the Southern Luo: Volume I, Migration and Settlement, (Series: Peoples of East Africa)|publisher = [[East African Publishing House]], Nairobi|year = 1967|page = assim}}&lt;/ref> ("Jo-" indicates "people of"). ===Migration into Kenya=== [[File:Nyanza in Kenya.svg|left|thumb|The former Nyanza Province in Kenya]] Oral history and genealogical evidence have been used to estimate timelines of Luo expansion into and within Kenya and Tanzania. Four major waves of migrations into the former [[Nyanza province]] in [[Kenya]] are discernible, starting with the People of Jok (''Joka Jok''), which is estimated to have begun around 1490–1517.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=144}} ''Joka Jok'' were the first and largest wave of migrants into northern [[Nyanza Province|Nyanza]]. These migrants settled at a place called Ramogi Hill, then expanded around Northern [[Nyanza Province|Nyanza]]. The People of Owiny' (''Jok’Owiny'') and the People of Omolo (''Jok’Omolo'') followed soon after (1598–1625).{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=144–154}} A miscellaneous group composed of the Suba, Sakwa, Asembo, Uyoma and Kano then followed. The [[Suba people (Kenya)|Suba]] originally were Bantu-speaking people who assimilated into Luo culture. They fled from the [[Buganda Kingdom]] in [[Uganda]] after the civil strife that followed the murder of the 24th [[Kabaka of Buganda]] in the mid 18th century and settled in [[South Nyanza]], especially at [[Rusinga Island|Rusinga]] and [[Mfangano Island|Mfangano]] islands.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=212}} Luo speakers crossed [[Winam Gulf]] of Lake Victoria from Northern Nyanza into [[South Nyanza]] starting in the early 17th century.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=144–154}} As Luo speakers migrated deeper into western Kenya, they encountered the descendants of various people who had long occupied the region. The great lakes region has been inhabited since the early Stone Age.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=135}} The Kanysore culture, located at Gogo falls in [[Migori County|Migori county]], are thought to be the first [[hunter gatherers]] in East Africa to produce ceramics.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Dale |first1=Darla |last2=Ashley |first2=Ceri Z. |title=Holocene hunter-fisher-gatherer communities: new perspectives on Kansyore Using communities of Western Kenya |journal=Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa |date=April 2010 |volume=45 |issue=1 |pages=24–48 |doi=10.1080/00672700903291716 |s2cid=161788802 }}&lt;/ref> [[Twa people]] are thought to have created the rock art present on [[Mfangano Island]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=2022-12-15 |title=Kenya - Trust For African Rock Art |url= |access-date=2023-08-01 |language=en-GB}}&lt;/ref> [[Bantu peoples|Bantu speakers]], early migrants from [[West Africa]], are thought to have reached western Kenya by 1000 BC. They brought with them iron-forging technology and novel farming techniques, turning the great lakes region into one of Africa's main population centres and earliest iron smelting regions.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Ehret |first1=Christopher |title=Bantu Expansions: Re-Envisioning a Central Problem of Early African History |journal=The International Journal of African Historical Studies |date=2001 |volume=34 |issue=1 |pages=5–41 |doi=10.2307/3097285 |jstor=3097285 }}&lt;/ref> The [[Urewe|Urewe culture]] was dominant from 650 BC to 550 BC. This culture was found in northern Nyanza.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Lane |first1=Paul |last2=Ashley |first2=Ceri |last3=Oteyo |first3=Gilbert |title=New Dates for Kansyore and Urewe Wares from Northern Nyanza, Kenya |journal=Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa |date=January 2006 |volume=41 |issue=1 |pages=123–138 |doi=10.1080/00672700609480438 |s2cid=162233816 }}&lt;/ref> Bantu speaking groups found in the Lake Victoria basin today include the [[Luhya people|Luhya]], [[Suba people (Kenya)|Suba]], [[Kunta people|Kunta]], [[Kuria people|Kuria]] and [[Kisii people|Kisii]]. [[Southern Nilotic]] speakers, the [[Nandi people|Nandi]], [[Kipsigis people|Kipsigis]] and [[Maasai people|Maasai]] also were found in this area.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|pp=144–154}} [[File:Thimlich Ohinga Cultural Landscape- Kenya.JPG|thumb|right|Thimlich Ohinga in Migori County, South Nyanza, Kenya]] Luo expansion into these already inhabited areas led to trade, conflict, conquest, inter-marriage and cultural assimilation. The previous inhabitants were pushed by Luo speakers to their present day boundaries.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=128}} Luo customs and habits also changed as they adopted the culture of the communities with which they interacted.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=128}} Conflict and raids in this diverse area led to the development of defensive savanna architecture, typified by the stone walled ruins, [[Thimlich Ohinga]] in South Nyanza.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=218}} [[Neville Chittick]], the director of the British Institute of History and Archaeology in East Africa was the first to assert that the site was likely to have been constructed before the arrival of Luo speakers.{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=218}} This assertion is poorly supported archaeologically, however, because most of the stone walled structures are dated to within the period of Luo expansion.&lt;ref name=Odede>{{cite journal |title=Secrets in stone |journal=Kenya Past and Present |date=1 January 2006 |volume=36 |issue=1 |pages=67–72 |hdl=10520/AJA02578301_479 |url= }}&lt;/ref>{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=219}} Nevertheless, Luo speakers maintained [[Thimlich Ohinga]] and continued the tradition of building stone walled fortresses (''Ohingni'') as well as defensive earthworks (''Gunda Bur'') in both Northern and Southern Nyanza. These defensive earth works would curve around living areas surrounding them. Some of these defensive structures enclosed several hundred houses.&lt;ref name="gunda">{{Cite web |title=Luo Exhibition Settlements Pitt Rivers Museum |url= |access-date=2024-07-10 |}}&lt;/ref> Archaeological and ethnographic analyses of the sites have shown that the spatial organisation of these structures most closely resembles the layout of traditional Luo homesteads. Ceramic analysis also confirms continuity between the earliest inhabitants of these sites and Luo speakers.&lt;ref name=Odede/> With the arrival of the Europeans, these sites were slowly vacated as colonial administration established peace in the region. The families living in the enclosures moved out into individual homesteads using [[euphorbia]] instead of stone as fencing material. By the mid 20th century, they were all abandoned.&lt;ref name=Odede/>&lt;ref name=gunda/> ===Colonial times=== Early [[British Empire|British]] contact with the Luo was indirect and sporadic. Relations intensified only when the completion of the [[Uganda Railway]] had confirmed British intentions and largely removed the need for local alliances. In 1896, a [[punitive expedition]] was mounted in support of the Wanga ruler [[Rulers of Wanga|Mumia]] in Ugenya against the Kager clan led by [[Gero (Luo leader)|Ochieng Ger III]], otherwise known as Gero. Over 200 were quickly killed by a [[Maxim gun]]. Another 300 people in the Uyoma resistance were killed by an expedition led by Sir Charles Horbley (Bwana Obila Muruayi) when they were confiscating Luo cattle to help feed the Indian workers who were building the Uganda railway. Following these clashes, Luo spiritual leaders advised the people to actively cooperate with the British. By 1900, the Luo chief Odera was providing 1,500 porters for a British expedition against the [[Nandi people|Nandi]].{{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=11–14}} The British set up regional headquarters first at [[Mumias]] then at [[Kisumu]]. They worked to submit the Luo to colonial control and administration. Within a few decades, traditional leaders and political structures were replaced by colonial chiefs.&lt;ref name=odiero>Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History. The Luo Encounter with Europeans. Available from:;/ref> [[File:Luo dancer ostrich plume.png|thumb|left|Mgirango Jaluo in dance attire]] The Seventh-day Adventist Church missionaries were amongst the earliest Christian missionaries to proselytise to Luo people. [[Arthur Carscallen]], a Canadian [[Seventh-day Adventist]](SDA) was the first Adventist to work in Kenya with Peter Nyambo, from [[Nyasaland]] (Present day Malawi). The first mission was opened with the assistance of German missionary Abraham C. Enns, in November 1906 at Gendia Hill, [[Kendu Bay]]. These missionaries established stations at Wire Hill, [[Rusinga Island]], Kanyadoto, Karung, [[Kisii, Kenya|Kisii]] and Kamagambo. These were all in [[South Nyanza]]. The first Luo SDA converts were baptised on 21 May 1911. Carscallen was the first to reduce [[Dholuo]] to writing. He produced a textbook of grammar and started translating the bible into Dholuo.&lt;ref>"Carscallen, Arthur Asa Grandville." ''Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia'', Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. pp. 300–301.&lt;/ref> Catholic missionaries and Anglican missionaries through the [[Church Mission Society|Church Mission Society (CMS)]] were also active throughout Nyanza, but mainly focused on Northern Nyanza.&lt;ref name=jananga>Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History. Westernisation of the Luo. Available from:;/ref> It remains unclear whether Luo people westernised due to colonial pressure or they readily accepted aspects of western culture. However, by the 1930s, the Luo way of life had changed significantly and westernized.&lt;ref name=jananga/> Some suggest that the efforts of Chiefs (''Ruoth'') such as Odera Akang'o played a role in this. In 1915, the [[British East Africa|Colonial Government]] sent ''Odera Akang'o'', the ''[[Luo dialect#Sample phrases|ruoth]]'' of Gem, to [[Kampala]], Uganda. He was impressed by the British settlement there and upon his return home he initiated a forced process of adopting western styles of "schooling, dress and hygiene". This resulted in the rapid education of the '''Luo''' in the English language and English ways.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Residents protest the demolition of Odera Akang'o's cell |url= |access-date=2023-08-01}}&lt;/ref> European education carried out by the Christian missionaries also played a role in the westernization of the Luo.&lt;ref name=jananga/> The apparent acquiescence to British colonial rule was shattered by a movement known as [[Mumboism]] that took root in South Nyanza. In 1913, Onyango Dunde of central Kavirondo proclaimed to have been sent by the serpent goddes of [[Lake Victoria]], Mumbo to spread his teachings. The colonial government recognized this movement as a threat to their authority because of the Mumbo creed. Mumbo pledged to drive out the colonialists and their supporters and condemned their religion. Since violent resistance had been proven to be futile as the Africans were outmatched technologically, this movement focused on anticipating the end of colonialism, rather than actively inducing it. This movement was classified as a [[Millennialism|millennialist cult]]. [[Mumboism]] spread amongst the Luo and the [[Kisii people]]. The Colonial authorities suppressed the movement by deporting and imprisoning adherents in the 1920s and 1930s.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Shadle |first1=Brett L. |title=Patronage, Millennialism and the Serpent God Mumbo in South-West Kenya, 1912–34 |journal=Africa: Journal of the International African Institute |date=2002 |volume=72 |issue=1 |pages=29–54 |doi=10.2307/3556798 |jstor=3556798 |hdl=10919/46785 |hdl-access=free }}&lt;/ref> The earliest modern African political organization in [[Kenya Colony]] sought to protest pro-settler policies, and increased taxes on Africans and the despised ''Kipande'' (Identifying metal band worn around the neck). Mass meetings were organized separately by Luo people in [[Kavirondo]] and the [[Kikuyu people]] in [[Nairobi]]. A strike at the CMS mission school in [[Maseno]] was organised by Daudi Basudde. He raised concerns about the damaging implications on African land ownership by switching from the [[East African Protectorate]] to the [[Kenya Colony]]. A series of meetings dubbed ''Piny Owacho'' (Voice of the People) culminated in a large mass meeting held in December 1921 advocating for individual title deeds, getting rid of the ''Kipande'' system and a fairer tax system. Bound by the same concerns, [[James Beauttah]], one of the founders of the [[Kikuyu Central Association]] initiated an alliance between the Kikuyu and Luo communities.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=16–21}} Archdeacon W. E. Owen, an [[Anglican Missionary|Anglican missionary]] and prominent advocate for African affairs, formalised and canalised the ''Piny’ Owacho'' (Voice of the People) movement. Colonial authorities would come to praise him as having re-directed the political movement, which was thought of as premature. However, locals perceived him as their advocate. He started the Kavirondo Taxpayers Welfare Association and became its president, offering Africans an avenue through which they could address their grievances. However, he concentrated primarily on welfare issues and avoided politics that would upset colonial authorities.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Murray |first1=Nancy Uhlar |title=Archdeacon W. E. Owen: Missionary as Propagandist |journal=The International Journal of African Historical Studies |date=1982 |volume=15 |issue=4 |pages=653–670 |doi=10.2307/217849 |jstor=217849 }}&lt;/ref> [[Oginga Odinga]] started the Luo Thrift and Trading Corporation (LUTATCO) after noting that Luo business owners, who were the most financially independent Africans, loathed education. He also sought to uplift the economic status of the Luo community whilst proving that education was useful for business. The LUTATCO office was the first African owned building in [[Kisumu]] Town. One of the many business ventures it engaged in included the publication of African Nationalist newspapers including [[Achieng Oneko]]'s vernacular newspaper ''Ramogi'' and [[Paul Ngei]]'s radical newspaper ''Uhuru Wa Africa''. For his efforts he was appointed as ''‘Ker’'' or Chief of the [[Luo Union (Welfare Organisation)|Luo Union]], an organisation that represented the interests of the greater Luo Peoples in East Africa.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=78}} Oginga Odinga would become a Key political figure in Kenya. He first ventured into politics when he joined the [[Kenya African Union]]. [[Harry Thuku]], a pioneering Kikuyu politician, founded the Kenya African Study Union in 1944 which later became the [[Kenya African Union]]. This was an African nationalist organisation that demanded amongst other things, access to white owned land. It was multitribal. [[Jomo Kenyatta]] became president of KAU in 1947. In an effort to gain nationwide support of KAU, [[Jomo Kenyatta]] visited [[Kisumu]] in 1952. His effort to build up support for KAU in Nyanza inspired [[Oginga Odinga]], the ''Ker'' (chief) of the [[Luo Union (Welfare Organisation)|Luo Union]] to join KAU and delve into politics. {{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=38–43}} ===Mau Mau Uprising=== [[File:Acheing Oneko (cropped).jpg|thumb|left|Achieng Oneko. One of the Kapenguria Six]] The Luo generally were not dispossessed of their land by white settlers, avoiding the fate that befell the pastoral ethnic groups inhabiting the Kenyan "[[White Highlands]]". Many Luo played significant roles in the struggle for Kenyan independence, but the people were relatively uninvolved in the [[Mau Mau Uprising]] (1952–60). Instead, they used their education to advance the cause of independence peacefully. An intense propaganda campaign by the colonial government effectively discouraged other Kenyan communities, settlers and the international community from sympathising with the movement by emphasising on real and perceived acts of barbarism perpetrated by the Mau Mau. Although a much smaller number of Europeans lost their lives compared to Africans during the uprising, each individual European loss of life was publicised in disturbing detail, emphasising elements of betrayal and bestiality.&lt;ref name=Kyle/> As a result, the protest was mainly supported by the [[Kikuyu people|Kikuyu]] who began the uprising. Luo supporters of Mau Mau and those deemed by the colonial government to support it were imprisoned as well. Most notably, [[Ramogi Achieng Oneko]], a KAU leader and one of the [[Kapenguria Six|Kapenguria six]]. [[Barack Obama]]'s grandfather, [[Hussein Onyango Obama]], was involved in the African nationalist movement. He was imprisoned and tortured by the colonial authorities on suspicions that he was involved in the Mau Mau rebellion.&lt;ref>{{Cite news |last=Orengoh |first=Ben Macintyre and Paul |date=2023-07-31 |title=Beatings and abuse made Barack Obama's grandfather loathe the British |newspaper=[[The Times]] |language=en |url= |access-date=2023-08-01 |issn=0140-0460}}&lt;/ref> Luo lawyer [[Argwings Kodhek]], the first East African to obtain a law degree, became known as the Mau Mau lawyer as he would successfully defend Africans accused of [[Mau Mau rebellion|Mau Mau]] crimes pro bono. {{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=41–53}} ===Pre-independence politics=== [[File:Tom Mboya 1962 (cropped).jpg|thumb|right|Tom Mboya]] Following the suppression of the Mau Mau uprising and containment of Kikuyu politicians, Luo anticolonial activists filled the gap, achieving prominence on the political scene. [[Tom Mboya]] stepped into the limelight and became one of the major figures in the struggle for Kenya's independence. His intelligence, discipline, oratory and organisational skills set him apart. [[Tom Mboya]] started the Kenya Federation of Labour (KFL), which quickly became the most active political body in Kenya, representing all the trade unions. Mboya's successes in trade unionism earned him respect and admiration. Mboya established international connections, particularly with labour leaders in the [[United States of America]] through the [[International Confederation of Free Trade Unions]] (ICFTU). He used these connections and his international celebrity status to counter moves by the colonial government&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=History of COTU(K) – Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU-K) |url= |access-date=2023-08-01 |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref>{{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=73–74}} Tom Mboya started the [[Nairobi People's Convention Party|Nairobi People's Convention Party (NPCP)]], inspired by [[Kwame Nkrumah|Kwame Nkurumah's]] [[People's Convention Party]]. It became the most organised and effective political party in the country.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=82–84}} It later merged with the [[Kenya Independence Movement]] and KAU to form the [[Kenya African National Union|Kenya African National Union (KANU)]], which would go on to rule the country until 2002. Tom Mboya also started the [[The Kennedy Airlift|Kennedy Airlift]] scholarship program in order to address the issue of a lack of African skilled labour. Over 800 Kenyans and East Africans benefited from this program including environmentalist and [[Nobel Peace Prize]] winner [[Wangari Maathai]], former vice president [[George Saitoti]] and [[Barack Obama]]'s father, [[Barack Obama Sr]]. {{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=119}}&lt;ref name=Airlift>Airlift to America. How Barack Obama Sr., John F. Kennedy, Tom Mboya, and 800 East African Students Changed Their World and Ours by Tom Shachtman&lt;/ref> The first election for African Members of the Legislative Council (MLCs) was in 1957. [[Tom Mboya]] and [[Oginga Odinga]] were elected.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=70}} In June 1958, [[Oginga Odinga]] called for the release of [[Jomo Kenyatta]] who had been imprisoned following the crackdown on the Mau Mau uprising. He made this call at a Legislative council debate. He endured months of persecution for taking this stand before it became the rallying call for the African nationalist movement.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|pp=86–89}} [[Lancaster House Conferences (Kenya)|The Lancaster House Conferences]] were held in London to discuss Kenya's independence and constitutional framework. Tom Mboya and Oginga Odinga enlisted the assistance of [[Thurgood Marshall]], an American Lawyer and civil rights activist to draft the first constitution.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=100, 145, 189}}&lt;ref name=Airlift/> ===Independent Kenya=== After Kenya became independent on 12 December 1963, [[Oginga Odinga]] declined the presidency of Kenya and agreed to assume the vice presidency with [[Jomo Kenyatta]] as the head of government. Their administration represented the [[Kenya African National Union]] (KANU) party. The Luo and the Kikuyu inherited the bulk of political power in the first years following Kenya's independence in 1963.&lt;ref name=Kyle/> However, differences with Kenyatta caused Odinga to defect from the party and abandon the vice presidency in 1966. [[Cold War]] political intrigues were at play in local Kenyan politics.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=105, 119}} The [[Western Bloc|western]] and [[Eastern Bloc|eastern blocs]] actively sought to influence local policy making and win allies resulting in a proxy cold war in Kenya. Local politics became enmeshed with cold war ideological divisions.&lt;ref name=branch>Freedom and suffering. Chapter in: Kenya: Between Hope and Despair, 1963 – 2011 by Daniel Branch. Yale University Press. Nov 2011&lt;/ref> Odinga and [[Bildad Kaggia]], a Kikuyu politician and [[Mau Mau rebellion|Mau Mau]] leader, criticised the Kenyatta government for adopting a corrupt land redistribution policy that did not benefit the poor and landless. [[Pio Gama Pinto]], a prominent anti-colonial activist, Odinga's chief tactician and link to the eastern bloc was assassinated on 25 February 1965 in what is recognised as Kenya's first political assassination. Odinga became increasingly sidelined in government and was eventually compelled to resign and start his own political party – the [[Kenya People's Union|Kenya People's Union (KPU)]].&lt;ref name=CIA>Kenya: The Post-Kenyatta Conundrum. CIA Intelligence Memorandum. Approved for release 2008/11/18. Available from:;/ref> The [[Kenya People's Union|Kenya People's Union (KPU)]] had strong support amongst the Luo.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=200}} The Kenyatta government persecuted this party. A security Act was passed in Parliament in July 1966 that permitted the government to carry out detention without trial ostensibly to maintain law and order in situations where the current order was threatened. This Act was immediately used against KPU members.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Conboy |first1=Kevin |title=Detention Without Trial in Kenya |journal=Georgia Journal of International &amp; Comparative Law |date=11 February 2016 |volume=8 |issue=2 |pages=441 |url= }}&lt;/ref> In August 1966, government police arrested prominent Luo KPU members including [[Ochola Ogaye Mak'Anyengo|Ochola Mak'Anyengo]] (the secretary general of the Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union), Oluande Koduol (Oginga Odinga's private secretary) and Peter Ooko (the general secretary of the East African Common Services Civil Servants Union) and detained without trial.&lt;ref>{{Cite news |date=1966-08-05 |title=5 opposition leaders seized |pages=1 |work=Pasadena Independent |url= |access-date=2023-08-01}}&lt;/ref> The [[Cold War]] intrigues reached their peak in 1969. Since Odinga's exit from KANU, the Luo increasingly became politically marginalised. Argwings Kodhek, the pioneering Mau Mau lawyer died in a car crash under mysterious circumstances on 29 January 1969. [[Tom Mboya]], widely touted as the heir apparent to Kenyatta, was assassinated 6 months after on 5 July 1969. The political tension led to the [[Kisumu massacre]] when Kenyatta's presidential guard and police forces shot and killed several civilians in [[Kisumu]] Town, the capital of [[Nyanza Province]]. Following this massacre, KPU was banned, turning Kenya into a ''de facto'' one party state. All KPU members were arrested and detained without trial, including [[Oginga Odinga]]. The political marginalisation of Nyanza province worsened and continued under the [[Daniel arap Moi|Moi]] administration.&lt;ref>{{Cite book|last=Odinga, Oginga.|title=Not yet Uhuru : the autobiography of Oginga Odinga.|date=1977|publisher=Heinemann|isbn=0-435-90038-2|oclc=264794347}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=2020-06-28 |title=Dark Saturday in 1969 when Jomo's visit to Kisumu turned bloody |url= |access-date=2023-08-01 |website=Nation |language=en}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Amnesty International Annual Report 1973–1974. Available from:;/ref>&lt;ref name=branch/> [[Oginga Odinga]] was released from detention in 1971. The government continued to discourage his active participation in politics as he could not run for office in the [[1974 Kenyan general election|1974 general elections]].&lt;ref name="">{{Cite web |title=Kenya - Colonialism, Mau Mau, Independence {{!}} Britannica |url= |access-date=2023-08-01 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref> In 1982, Odinga attempted to start a new political party - Kenya African Socialist Alliance.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=201}} Section 2A of the [[Constitution of Kenya|Kenyan constitution]] was amended making Kenya a ''de jure'' one party state therefore preventing Odinga's efforts. A coup attempt that same year by [[Kenya Air Force]] soldiers in August, led by a Luo, [[Hezekiah Ochuka]] was foiled. [[Oginga Odinga]] and his son [[Raila Odinga]] were accused of involvement and detained without trial for several months.{{sfn|Kyle|1999|p=201}}&lt;ref name=""/>&lt;ref>Horsby, Charles (20 May 2012). "How attempted takeover of Moi Government [sic] by rebels flopped". Standard Digital. Retrieved 23 June 2018&lt;/ref> These events led to many years of marginalisation of the Luo community. The perception of marginalisation was further enforced by the murder of [[Robert Ouko (politician)|Robert Ouko]], the Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1990.&lt;ref>{{Cite news |date=2010-12-09 |title=Robert Ouko 'killed in Kenya State House' |url= |access-date=2024-03-01 |work=BBC News |language=en-GB}}&lt;/ref> Economic and political marginalisation of the community and disastrous economic management in Kenya, particularly under the KANU party's administration of the nascent state, had tragic consequences for the people of Kenya. Despite the economic potential of nearby [[Lake Victoria]], Kenya continues to struggle with [[Poverty in Africa|poverty]] and [[HIV/AIDS in Kenya|HIV/AIDS]].&lt;ref>[ Energy Old – Renewable Energy for Development] {{webarchive|url= |date=2007-07-13 }}&lt;/ref> Local and international pressure in the early 1990s resulted in the [[Presidency of Daniel Moi|Moi government]] repealing the amendment of section 2A of the constitution. Multi-party politics was therefore permitted in Kenya.&lt;ref>Kenya's Quest for a New Constitution: the Key Constitutional Moments. Available from: Cited 11-11-20&lt;/ref> The [[Forum for the Restoration of Democracy|Forum for Restoration of Democracy]] (FORD), a multi-tribal opposition party led by [[Oginga Odinga]], [[Kenneth Matiba]] and [[Martin Shikuku]] was formed. This party split up due to internal wrangling into ethnic based opposition parties - [[FORD-Asili]] (led by Matiba) and [[Ford-Kenya|FORD-Kenya]] (led by Oginga Odinga).&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Brown |first1=Stephen |title=Authoritarian leaders and multiparty elections in Africa: How foreign donors help to keep Kenya's Daniel arap Moi in power |journal=Third World Quarterly |date=October 2001 |volume=22 |issue=5 |pages=725–739 |doi=10.1080/01436590120084575 |s2cid=73647364 }}&lt;/ref> Oginga Odinga died in 1994. [[Ford-Kenya]] later split and Odinga's son, [[Raila Odinga]] started the [[National Development Party (Kenya)|National Development Party of Kenya]] (NDP) which had considerable Luo support. This party merged with KANU in 2002, just before the [[2002 Kenyan general election|general elections]].&lt;ref>Merger shakes up Kenyan politics. BBC news. Available from:;/ref> Raila Odinga is widely credited with enabling [[Mwai Kibaki]] to win the 2002 presidential election through the support of his [[Liberal Democratic Party (Kenya)|Liberal Democratic Party]]. This relationship turned sour however and [[Raila Odinga]] led the vote against [[Mwai Kibaki]] in the [[2005 Kenyan constitutional referendum]] which was widely perceived as a referendum against Kibaki.&lt;ref>Kenya's entire cabinet dismissed. Available from:;/ref> More than 1,000 people were killed and 600,000 displaced in the [[2007–2008 Kenyan crisis]] following the 2007 general elections. The campaign and election period were heavily polarised along ethnic lines. Raila Odinga led the [[Orange Democratic Movement]] against [[Mwai Kibaki]]'s [[Party of National Unity (Kenya)|Party of National Unity]].&lt;ref>[ UN chief calls on Kenya rivals to stop violence] {{webarchive|url= |date=2008-02-02 }}, [[The Age]], 31 January 2008&lt;/ref> A power sharing agreement mediated by [[Kofi Annan]] led to a coalition government with Raila Odinga receiving the new position of Prime Minister.&lt;ref>"Key points: Kenya power-sharing deal". BBC News. 28 February 2008. Archived from the original on 6 April 2008. Retrieved 13 April 2008.&lt;/ref> The ethnic rivalry between the Kikuyu and the Luo underscores deeply rooted historical issues that involve access to resources and power. This rivalry continues to shape Kenya's political trajectory.&lt;ref>The ethnic rivalry that holds Kenya hostage. The Africa Report. Available from: Cited 18-12-20&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Kenyatta-Odinga Rivalry Spans Two Generations of Kenyan Politics. VOA news. Available from: Cited 18-12-20&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>History repeats itself through Kenyatta, Odinga feud. Nation News. Available from: Cited 18-12-20&lt;/ref> Despite the polarised politics that have led to economic and political marginalisation, several members of the Luo community continue to achieve prominence in Kenya. These include, [[James Orengo]], Professor [[Anyang' Nyong'o]], [[Peter Oloo-Aringo]], [[Dalmas Otieno]] and [[Peter Ombija]]. Dr. [[PLO Lumumba]] who is the former [[Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission]] director also is a Luo. [[Lupita Nyong'o]] won an [[Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress]] for her role in the film [[12 Years a Slave (film)|12 Years a Slave]] in 2014. Prominent Luo doctors and scientists include the late [[David Peter Simon Wasawo|Prof. David Peter Simon Wasawo]], the first science professor in East and Central Africa and first black East African to study and lecture science courses at Makerere university; [[Thomas R. Odhiambo]], prominent entomologist, founder of the [[International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology]] (ICIPE) and the [[African Academy of Sciences]], winner of the Albert Einstein Gold Medal (1991); [[Washington Yotto Ochieng]], winner of the Harold Spencer-Jones Gold Medal 2019 from The [[Royal Institute of Navigation]] (RIN) following his outstanding contribution to navigation; [[Henry Odera Oruka|Prof. Henry Odera Oruka]], philosopher; Professor [[George Magoha]], a consultant urologist and former Vice-Chancellor of University of Nairobi; and Prof [[Richard Samson Odingo]], vice-chairman of the [[Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]] (IPCC) which received the 2007 Nobel peace prize.&lt;ref name=odingo/>&lt;ref name=lupita/>&lt;ref>"An African Savant: Henry Odera Oruka" article by F. Ochieng'-Odhiambo in ''Quest'' Vol. IX No. 2/Vol X No. 1 (December 1995/June 1996): 12–11.[]&lt;/ref> ==Genetics== [[Tishkoff, Sarah|Tishkoff]] ''et al.'' in 2009 published the largest study done to characterise genetic variation and relationships among populations in Africa. They examined 121 African populations, 4 African American populations and 60 non-African populations. Their results indicated a high degree of mixed ancestry reflecting migration events. In East Africa, all population groups examined had elements of [[Nilotic peoples|Nilotic]], [[Cushitic peoples|Cushitic]] and [[Bantu peoples|Bantu]] ancestry, amongst others, to varying degrees. They also found that, by and large, genetic clusters were consistent with linguistic classification, with notable exceptions including the Luo of Kenya. Despite being [[Nilotic languages|Nilotic speakers]], the Luo cluster with the [[Bantu languages|Bantu speaking]] populations that surround them. They suggest that this indicates a high degree of admixture occurred during the southward migration of Southern Luo.&lt;ref name=tishkoff/> [[David Reich (geneticist)|David Reich's]] laboratory also noted similar findings. They found that mutation frequencies in the Luo were much more similar to those of the surrounding Bantu speakers. They suggested that Luo speakers in East Africa may not always have been socially disadvantaged as they migrated into territories already inhabited by Bantu speakers. This is in keeping with oral history, which affirms that large groups of Bantu speakers adopted Luo language, culture and customs that were dominant at the time. {{sfn|Reich|2018|pp=215–216}} 66% of tested Luo men were found to have Y [[Haplogroup E-M2]] (E1b1a) which is common among Bantu speaking peoples.&lt;ref name="Wood2005">{{cite journal | vauthors = Wood ET, Stover DA, Ehret C, Destro-Bisol G, Spedini G, McLeod H, Louie L, Bamshad M, Strassmann BI, Soodyall H, Hammer MF | title = Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA variation in Africa: evidence for sex-biased demographic processes | journal = European Journal of Human Genetics | volume = 13 | issue = 7 | pages = 867–76 | date = July 2005 | pmid = 15856073 | doi = 10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201408 | s2cid = 20279122 | doi-access =free }}&lt;/ref> ==Culture and customs== ===Traditional system of government=== Traditionally, the Luo people were a patriarchal society with a decentralized government system.&lt;ref>{{Cite book|last=Grigorenko, Elena L.|title=The organisation of Luo conceptions of intelligence : a study of implicit theories in a Kenyan village|date=2001|publisher=The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development|oclc=842972252}}&lt;/ref> The family was headed by the father or the first wife ''mikayi'' or son in the absence of the father. Many families came together through a traced relations by blood to form a clan, ''anyuola'', which mostly brought together the heads of different families together as people of the same descent, ''jokang'ato''. Many clans came together to form a village called ''gweng'' which was headed by a village elder titled ''dodo'' or ''jaduong' gweng''' who ruled with the assistance of elders who were traditionally men of status gained through commerce, wealth, war, or eloquence. Many villages came together to form a sub-tribe - '''''Piny''''' which losely translates to Tribal state. Piny was headed by a merit based '''hereditary chieftaincy''' by the eldest son WoR''uoth (prince/son of the Ruoth)''. The Ruoth was crowned by a diviner - ''Jabilo'' who was also his spiritual and military advisor. The Luo government structure was stronger at the state level under ''Ruoth'' who had a council of elders, ''galamoro mar jodongo'' or ''jodong gweng''', from all the villages in their territory. The Luos organized their defense and security at the sub-tribe level which was headed by a commander, ''Osumba Mrwayi'', who was part of the council of elders. The council also had a spokesperson who talked on behalf of the council in official matters in village market meetings, religious, and cultural ceremonies that ''Ruoth'' presided over.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Odenyo |first1=Amos O. |title=Conquest, Clientage, and Land Law among the Luo of Kenya |journal=Law &amp; Society Review |date=1973 |volume=7 |issue=4 |pages=767–778 |doi=10.2307/3052969 |jstor=3052969 }}&lt;/ref>{{sfn|Ogot|1967|p=170-175}} Sub-tribe relations with each other was ad-hoc as there was no single ruler of the Luo people. Sub-tribes came together during calamities, war, and natural disasters like drought, famines, and floods to help each other. ''Sumo'', the act of sharing produce with people who were struck by famine was a common tradition with Kisumo being one of the renowned marketplaces where those who were struck by famine never missed the generosity of their Luo counterparts. The concept of a Luo ruler ''ker'' was coined by [[Jaramogi Oginga Odinga]] during the formation of the [[Luo Union (Welfare Organisation)|Luo Union]] in 1947 that was aimed at uniting all people of Luo descent in East Africa. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga was the first Luo ''Ker''. As part of distinguishing a tribal leader from a national leader, part of the conditions was that a Luo ''Ker'' would not go into national politics and when Jaramogi Oginga Odinga went into national politics in 1957, he had to quit being a ''Ker''.&lt;ref>{{cite thesis |id={{ProQuest|305309018}} |last1=Carotenuto |first1=Matthew Paul |title=Cultivating an African community: The Luo Union in 20th century East Africa |year=2006 |isbn=978-0-542-93443-8 }}{{page needed|date=January 2021}}&lt;/ref> The second Lu In recent years, the Luo ''Ker'' seat has been claimed by different factions of Luo council of elders that started with the appointment of Willis Opiyo Otondi by [[Raila Odinga]] in 2010 to replace Ker Riaga Ogalo. Traditionally, the Ker was elected by a Council of Elders and was not appointed as it happened with Opondo Otondi, and a Luo ''Ker'' could only leave office under two conditions, resignation or death. Ker Riaga Ogalo argued that he had not resigned nor died to warrant the appointment of another Ker while Opiyo Otondi argued that he was the duly elected Ker of the Luo people. Ker Riaga Ogalo represented Raila in numerous political forums and helped build Raila Odinga's political career contrary to the requirements of the council during the days they were in good talking terms.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Struggle for power splits Luo council of elders into 3 factions|date = 23 January 2020}}&lt;/ref> Ker Riaga Ogalo is credited for having progressive ideas of all modern Luo Kers by championing for circumcision of the Luo men to help in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Circumcision was alien to the Luo tradition but his leadership made many hearts to accept the new changes. Ker Riaga Ogalo also served as the Vice-Chairman of the National Council of Elders. During the last years of his reign, he argued that Raila was deterring the Luo People to grow democratically and economically with his style of polictics. Ker Riaga Ogalo died in 2015 after a kidney infection at the Kenyatta National Hospital. The Council's wrangles continued after his demise with Willis Opiyo Otondi still claiming to be the legitimate ker rivalled by Ker Nyandiko Ong'adi who was elected by the Luo Council of Elders in 2015 to replace ker Riaga Ogalo.&lt;ref>Voluntary male cut project to be rolled out in urban areas. Nation News. Available from: Cited 19-12-20&lt;/ref> The Current Ker is Jaduong Odungi Randa, who was crowned on 22nd December 2023 becoming the 9th ''Ker''. Attempts to centralize the Luo people under one authority have not been easy given their history with a decentralized government structure.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Unity in sight as one Luo council faction quits}}&lt;/ref> ===Rites of passage=== Traditionally, the names given to children often reflected the conditions of the mother's pregnancy or delivery (including, for example, the time or season).&lt;ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=Native Peoples of the World: An Encyclopedia of Groups, Cultures and Contemporary Issues|last=Danver, Steven L.|date=2013|publisher=M.E. Sharpe, Inc|pages=57|oclc=1026939363}}&lt;/ref> Further, the Luos have removed six lower teeth because of lock jaw disease that had affected Luo land ===Cuisine=== A popular Luo meal includes fish (rech) especially [[tilapia]] (ngege) and [[silver cyprinid|omena]], usually accompanied with [[ugali]] (called ''kuon'' in Dholuo) and traditional vegetables like [[African nightshade|osuga]] and [[apoth]]. Traditional Luo diet consisted of kuon made of sorghum or millet accompanied by fish, meat, or vegetable stews.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Johns |first1=Timothy |last2=Kokwaro |first2=John O. |title=Food Plants of the Luo of Siaya District, Kenya |journal=Economic Botany |date=1991 |volume=45 |issue=1 |pages=103–113 |doi=10.1007/BF02860055 |jstor=4255314 |s2cid=38589713 }}&lt;/ref> ===Religious customs=== {{See also|African divination#Luo people}} Like many ethnic communities in Uganda, including the Langi, Acholi, and Alur, the Luo do not practice the [[ritual]] [[circumcision]] of males as [[initiation]]. Local churches include ''Legio Maria'', ''Roho'', ''Nomiya'' and ''Fweny'' among others.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Kustenbauder |first1=Matthew |title=Believing in the Black Messiah: The Legio Maria Church in an African Christian Landscape |journal=Nova Religio |date=1 August 2009 |volume=13 |issue=1 |pages=11–40 |doi=10.1525/nr.2009.13.1.11 |url= }}&lt;/ref> There are Luo Muslim communities, with a notable group living in [[Kisumu|Kisumu, Kenya]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web|last=Becker|first=Felicitas|date=2018-06-25|title=The History of Islam in East Africa|url=|access-date=2021-12-02|website=Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History|language=en|doi=10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.151|isbn=978-0-19-027773-4}}&lt;/ref> ===Marriage customs=== Historically, couples were introduced to each other by matchmakers, but this is not common now. Like many other communities in Kenya, marriage practices among the Luo have been changing and some people are moving away from the traditional way of doing things. The Luo successfully expanded their culture through intermarriage with other groups in the region, and many Luo today continue to marry outside the Luo community. This mainly acceptable since it is an exogamous community with restrictions at clan level both paternally and maternally.&lt;ref name=":0" /> The traditional marriage ceremony takes place in two parts, both involving the payment of a [[bride price]] by the groom. The first ceremony, the [[Ayie]], involves a payment of money to the mother of the bride; the second stage involves giving cattle to her father. Often these two steps are carried out at the same time, and, as many modern Luos are Christians, a church ceremony often follows. ===Music=== {{See also|Music of Kenya#Luo|l1=Luo Section of Folk Music of Kenya}} [[File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Luo dansers in krijgskostuum tijdens de Eldoret Agricultural Show TMnr 20014319.jpg|left|thumb|Luo dancers in Eldoret, Kenya]] Traditionally, music was the most widely practiced art in the Luo community. At any time of day or night, music would be made. Music was not played for its own sake. Music was functional, being used for ceremonial, religious, political, or incidental purposes. Music was performed during funerals (''[[Tero buru]]''), to praise the departed, to console the bereaved, to keep people awake at night, and to express pain and agony. It was also used during cleansing and chasing away of spirits. Music was also played during ceremonies like beer parties (''[[Dudu (party)|Dudu]], [[ohangla dance]]''), welcoming back the warriors from a war, during a wrestling match (''[[Olengo]]''), during courtship, etc. Work songs also existed. These were performed both during communal work like building, weeding, etc. and individual work like pounding of cereals, or winnowing. Music was also used for ritual purposes like chasing away evil spirits ''(nyawawa)'', who visit the village at night, in rain making, and during divination and healing. The Luo music was shaped by the total way of life, lifestyles, and life patterns of individuals of this community. Because of that, the music had characteristics which distinguished it from that of other communities. This can be seen, heard, and felt in their melodies, rhythms, mode of presentation and dancing styles, movements, and formations. The melodies in Luo music were lyrical, with a lot of vocal ornamentations. These ornaments came out clearly, especially when the music carried an important message. Their rhythms were characterized by a lot of syncopation and acrusic beginning. These songs were usually presented in solo-response style, although some were solo performances. The most common forms of solo performances were chants. These chants were recitatives with irregular rhythms and phrases, which carried serious messages. Most of the Luo dances were introduced by these chants. One example is the dudu dance.&lt;ref>{{Cite journal|last=Jones|first=A.M.|date=1973|title=Luo music and its rhythm|journal=African Music: Journal of the African Music Society|volume=5|issue=3|pages=43–54|doi=10.21504/amj.v5i3.1658|doi-access=}}&lt;/ref> Another unique characteristic in the Luo music is the introduction of yet another chant at the middle of a musical performance. The singing stops, the pitch of the musical instruments go down and the dance becomes less vigorous as an individual takes up the performance is self-praise. This is referred to as '''''Pakruok'''''. There was also a unique kind of ululation, '''''Sigalagala''''', that marked the climax of the musical performance. Sigalagala was mainly done by women. The dance styles in the Luo folk music were elegant and graceful. They involved either the movement of one leg in the opposite direction with the waist in step with the syncopated beats of the music or the shaking of the shoulders vigorously, usually to the tune of the [[nyatiti]], an eight-stringed instrument. Adamson (1967) commented that Luos clad in their traditional costumes and ornaments deserve their reputation as the most picturesque people in Kenya. During most of their performances, the Luo wore costumes and decorated themselves not only to appear beautiful, but also to enhance their movements. These costumes included sisal skirts ('''''owalo'''''), beads ('''''Ombulu / [[tigo]]''''') worn around the neck and waist, and red or white clay worn by the ladies. The men's costumes included '''''[[kuodi]]''''' or '''''chieno''''', a skin worn from the shoulders or from the waist respectively to cover their nakedness, '''''Ligisa''''', the headgear, shield and spear, reed hats, and clubs, among others. All these costumes and ornaments were made from locally available materials. The Luo were also rich in musical instruments which ranged from percussion (drums, clappers, metal rings, '''''ongeng'o or gara''''', shakers), strings (e.g., '''''nyatiti''''', a type of [[lyre]]; '''''[[orutu]]''''', a type of [[fiddle]]), wind ('''''tung''''', a horn, '''''[[Asili]]''''', a [[flute]], '''''A bu-!''''', to a specific type of trumpet). [[File:Nyatiti.jpg|300px|thumb|[[:en:Nyatiti|Nyatiti]]]] Currently the Luo are associated with the ''[[Benga music|benga]]'' style of music. It is a lively style in which songs in [[Dholuo]], [[Swahili language|Swahili]], or English are sung to a lively guitar riff. It originated in the 1950s with Luo musicians like George Ramogi and Ochieng' Kabaselle trying to adapt their traditional dance rhythms to western instruments. The [[guitar]] (acoustic, later electric) replaced the [[nyatiti]] as the string instrument. ''Benga'' has become so popular that it is played by musicians of all ethnicities.&lt;ref>{{Cite book|last1=Rateng&amp;#39|last2=Ramogi Dichol Dimo II|first2=His Majesty|title=The Luo Nation-History, Origin and Culture of Luo People of Kenya |url= |language=en |isbn=9789966123138}}&lt;/ref> Luo singer and nyatiti player [[Ayub Ogada]] received widespread exposure in 2005 when two of his songs were featured in [[Alberto Iglesias]]' Academy Award-nominated score for [[Fernando Mereilles]]' film adaptation of ''[[The Constant Gardener (film)|The Constant Gardener]]''. Other Luo musicians, in various genres, are [[Akothee]], [[Suzanna Owiyo]], [[Daniel Owino Misiani]], [[Collela Mazee]], [[Achieng' Abura]], [[George Ramogi]], [[Musa Juma]], [[Tony Nyadundo]] and [[Onyi Papa Jey]]. ===Kinship, family, and inheritance=== Ocholla Ayayo writes in "Traditional Ideology and Ethics among the southern Luo":&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Welbourn |first1=F. B. |last2=Ocholla-Ayayo |first2=A. B. C. |title=Traditional Ideology and Ethics among the Southern Luo |journal=Journal of Religion in Africa |date=1978 |volume=9 |issue=2 |pages=159 |doi=10.2307/1581402 |jstor=1581402 |url= }}&lt;/ref> "When the time of the inheritance comes the ideology of seniority is respected: the elder son receives the largest share, followed in the order of seniority. If it is the land to be divided, for instance, the land of the old grandfather's homestead, the senior son gets the middle piece, the second the land to the right hand side of the homestead, and the third son takes the land on the left hand side. After the father's death the senior son takes over the responsibilities of leadership. These groups when considered in terms of genealogy, are people of the same grandfather, and are known in Dholuo as Jokakwaro. They share sacrifices under the leadership of the senior brother. If the brother is dead the next brother in seniority takes the leadership of senior brother. The responsibility and prestige position of leadership is that it puts one into the primary position in harvesting, cultivation, as well as in eating specified parts of the animal killed, usually the best parts. It is the senior brother, who is leading in the group, who can first own the fishing boat. Since it is he who will be communicating with the ancestors of their father or grandfather, it is he who will conduct or lead the sacrifices of religiousity of the boat, as we have noted earlier. [...] The system of the allocation of land by the father while he is still alive is important since it will coincide with the system of inheritance of land. The principle of the division of the land in monogamous families is rather simple and straightforward. [...] The senior son takes the centre portion of all the land of the homestead up to and beyond the gate or to the buffer zone; the second son then has the remainder of the land to divide with the other brothers. If the land is divided among the elder sons after they are married, and take to live in their lands, it often happens that a youngest son remains in the village of the father to care for him in his old age. His inheritance is the last property, called Mondo and the remaining gardens of his mother. [...] In the case of a polygamous village, the land is divided along the same lines, except that within the village, the sons claim the area contiguous to the houses of their mother. Each wife and her children are regarded as if the group constituted was the son of a single woman.By that I mean the children of the senior wife, Mikayi, are given that portion of the total area which could have been given to the senior son in a monogamous family. The sons of Nyachira, the second wife, and the sons of Reru, the third wife, lay claim to those portions which would have fallen to the second and third sons of Mikayi in a monogamous village".&lt;ref>Traditional ideology and ethics among the southern Luo – DiVA {{cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2013-10-13 |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-10-14 }}&lt;/ref> Paul Hebinck and Nelson Mango explain in detail the family and inheritance system of the Luo in their article "Land and embedded rights: An analysis of land conflicts in Luoland, Western Kenya."&lt;ref>{{cite book |url= |title=Dilemmas of Development: Conflicts of Interest and Their Resolutions in Modernizing Africa |isbn=9789054480815 |access-date=2013-10-09 |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-10-19 |last1=Abbink |first1=J. |year=2008 |publisher=African Studies Centre }}&lt;/ref> Parker MacDonald Shipton also writes extensively about kinship, family and inheritance among the Luo in his book "Mortgaging the Ancestors: Ideologies of Attachment in Africa": "Outside the homestead enclosure, or (where there is no more enclosure) beyond and before its houses, Luo people have favored a layout of fields that in some ways reflects placements of houses within. The following pattern, as described in Gordon Wilson's work from the 1950s, is still discernable in our times—not just in informants’ sketches of their ideals, but also in the allocations of real lands where space has allowed following suit. If there is more than one son in a monogamous homestead, the eldest takes land in front of or to the right of the entrance, and the second son takes land on the left. The third receives land to the right and center again, but farther from the father's homestead. The fourth son, if there is one, goes to the left but farther from the paternal homestead than the second. Further sons alternate right and left. While elder sons might thus receive larger shares than the younger ones, the youngest takes over the personal garden (mondo) kept by the father for his own use—as if as a consolation prize". ==List of notable people of Luo descent== &lt;!---♦♦♦ Only add a person to this list if they already have their own article on the English Wikipedia ♦♦♦---> &lt;!---♦♦♦ Please keep the list in alphabetical order by LAST NAME ♦♦♦---> {{See also|List of Luo Kenyans}} &lt;gallery class="center" caption="Notable people"> File:Dan Aceda at Thursday Night Live in NaIrobi by Paul Munene.jpg|[[Dan 'chizi' Aceda|Dan 'Chizi' Aceda]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Musician&lt;/span> File:President Barack Obama.jpg|[[Barack Obama]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">44th President of the [[United States of America]]&lt;/span> File:Evans Odhiambo Kidero 2015.jpg|[[Evans Kidero]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">First Governor of [[Nairobi County]]&lt;/span> File:Ochola Makanyengo Pipe.webp|[[Ochola Ogaye Mak'Anyengo|Ochola Ogaye Mak’Anyengo]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Anti-colonial activist, trade unionist and politician&lt;/span> File:Tom Mboya 1962 (cropped).jpg|[[Tom Mboya]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Statesman. One of Kenya's founding fathers. &lt;/span> File:Susan Mboya Official Photo.jpg|[[Susan Mboya]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Corporate executive and philanthropist &lt;/span> File:Miguna Miguna.jpg|[[Miguna Miguna]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Barrister. Former adviser to the Prime Minister on coalition affairs&lt;/span> File:SXSW 2019 4 (47282558132) (cropped).jpg|[[Lupita Nyong'o]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Actress. First black African [[Academy Award]] winner&lt;/span> File:Tavia Nyong'o 03.jpg|[[Tavia Nyong'o]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Cultural critic&lt;/span> File:Jaramogi Oginga Odinga (cropped).jpg|[[Oginga Odinga]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%"> First Vice-President of Kenya&lt;/span> File:Johnny Oduya Jets2 2012-02-11.JPG|[[Johnny Oduya]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%"> Professional Ice-Hockey defenceman&lt;/span> File:Margaret A Ogola.jpg|[[Margaret Ogola]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%"> Paediatrician and Author. Winner of the 1995 [[Commonwealth Writers' Prize]]&lt;/span> File:Bethwell Allan Ogot.jpg|[[Bethwell Ogot]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%"> Historian&lt;/span> File:Dennis Oliech.jpg|[[Dennis Oliech]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%">Professional Footballer&lt;/span> File:2014 David Otunga.jpg|[[David Otunga]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%"> Actor, Lawyer, former [[WWE wrestling|WWE professional wrestler]]&lt;/span> File:Yvonne Owuor.jpg|[[Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor]]&lt;br />&lt;span style="font-size:90%"> Author. Winner of the 2003 [[Caine Prize for African Writing]]&lt;/span> &lt;/gallery> ===Academics, medicine, and science=== &lt;!---♦♦♦ Only add a person to this list if they already have their own article on the English Wikipedia ♦♦♦---> &lt;!---♦♦♦ Please keep the list in alphabetical order by LAST NAME ♦♦♦---> *[[George Abungu]] *[[George Magoha]] *[[Tavia Nyong'o]] *[[Washington Yotto Ochieng]] *[[Peter Amollo Odhiambo]] *[[Thomas R. 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"The Luo." In ''Encyclopedia of World Cultures Supplement'', C. Ember, M. Ember and I. Skoggard (eds.), pp.&amp;nbsp;189–194. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2002 * Senogazake, George, ''Folk Music of Kenya'', {{ISBN|9966-855-56-4}} * [[Godfrey Mwakikagile|Mwakikagile, Godfrey]], ''Ethnic Politics in Kenya and Nigeria'', [[Nova Science Publishers, Inc.]], Huntington, New York, 2001; Godfrey Mwakikagile, ''Kenya: Identity of A Nation'', New Africa Press, Pretoria, South Africa, 2008. == External links == {{Ethnic groups in Kenya}} {{Ethnic groups in Tanzania}} {{Ethnic groups in Uganda}} {{Authority control}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Luo people of Kenya and Tanzania}} [[Category:Luo people| ]] [[Category:Ethnic groups in Kenya]] [[Category:Ethnic groups in Tanzania]] [[Category:Ethnic groups in Uganda]] [[Category:Kenya–Tanzania relations]] [[Category:Kenyan Luo people| ]] [[Category:Nilotic peoples]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a 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