FLOW | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
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(especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously…. 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role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cald4"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cald4"></div> <div class="pr x lbb lb-cm"> <div class="hfr lpb-2"> <div class="pr hdib i i-facebook lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'facebook')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on Facebook"></a> </div> <div class="pr hdib i i-x lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'twitter')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on X"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="di-body"><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cald4-1"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">flow</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">I</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio1" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio1.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">fləʊ</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio2" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/f/flo/flow_/flow.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/f/flo/flow_/flow.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio2.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">floʊ</span>/</span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-1"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="dgram">[I]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>MOVE</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_01', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref B1">B1</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">(<a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="liquids" rel="">liquids</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="gases" rel="">gases</a>, or <a class="query" href="" title="electricity" rel="">electricity</a>) to <a class="query" href="" title="move" rel="">move</a> in one <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> <a class="query" href="" title="continuously" rel="">continuously</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow down</span> <span class="eg deg">Lava from the <a class="query" href="" title="volcano" rel="">volcano</a> was flowing down the <a class="query" href="" title="hillside" rel="">hillside</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow into</span> <span class="eg deg">Many <a class="query" href="" title="short" rel="">short</a> <a class="query" href="" title="rivers" rel="">rivers</a> flow into the <a class="query" href="" title="Pacific" rel="">Pacific</a> Ocean.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow through</span> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="river" rel="">river</a> flows through three <a class="query" href="" title="counties" rel="">counties</a> before flowing into the <a class="query" href="" title="sea" rel="">sea</a> just <a class="query" href="" title="south" rel="">south</a> of here.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><a class="lu dlu" href="" title="traffic flows" rel="">traffic flows</a> <span class="eg deg">With fewer <a class="query" href="" title="cars" rel="">cars</a> on the <a class="query" href="" title="roads" rel="">roads</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="traffic" rel="">traffic</a> is flowing <span class="gloss dgloss">(= <a class="query" href="" title="moving" rel="">moving</a> <a class="query" href="" title="forward" rel="">forward</a>)</span> more <a class="query" href="" title="smoothly" rel="">smoothly</a> than <a class="query" href="" title="usual" rel="">usual</a>.</span></div> <div class="xref synonyms hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Synonyms</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/dribble" title="meaning of dribble" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">dribble</span> <span class="x-num dx-num">(FLOW SLOWLY)</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/drip" title="meaning of drip" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">drip</span> </a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/spill" title="meaning of spill" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">spill</span> </a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="4"><a href="/dictionary/english/trickle" title="meaning of trickle down, from, out of, etc. something" rel=""><span class="x-p dx-p"><span class="x-term dx-term">trickle</span> down, from, out of, etc. <span class="obj dobj">something</span></span></a></div></div></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section expanded > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">Every <a class="query" href="" title="day" rel="">day</a>, 30 million <a class="query" href="" title="gallons" rel="">gallons</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="untreated" rel="">untreated</a> <a class="query" href="" title="human" rel="">human</a> <a class="query" href="" title="waste" rel="">waste</a> flow from Ciudad Juarez into the Rio Grande.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="teacher" rel="">teacher</a> <a class="query" href="" title="drew" rel="">drew</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="diagram" rel="">diagram</a> <a class="query" href="" title="showing" rel="">showing</a> how the <a class="query" href="" title="blood" rel="">blood</a> flows through the <a class="query" href="" title="heart" rel="">heart</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">There's a <a class="query" href="" title="lovely" rel="">lovely</a> <a class="query" href="" title="stream" rel="">stream</a> that flows through <a class="query" href="" title="their" rel="">their</a> <a class="query" href="" title="garden" rel="">garden</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="road" rel="">road</a> was <a class="query" href="" title="blocked" rel="">blocked</a> for two <a class="query" href="" title="hours" rel="">hours</a> after the <a class="query" href="" title="accident" rel="">accident</a>, but <a class="query" href="" title="traffic" rel="">traffic</a> is now flowing <a class="query" href="" title="smoothly" rel="">smoothly</a> again.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="pipes" rel="">pipes</a> <a class="query" href="" title="creaked" rel="">creaked</a> as <a class="query" href="" title="water" rel="">water</a> flowed through the <a class="query" href="" title="system" rel="">system</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Movement of liquids">Movement of liquids</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="backsplash" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">backsplash</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="be dripping with something idiom" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">be dripping with <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brim" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">brim</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brim over phrasal verb" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">brim over</span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brim with something phrasal verb" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">brim with <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="drizzle" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">drizzle</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="drool" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">drool</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="funnel" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">funnel</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="plashing" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">plashing</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pour" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pour</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pour-over" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pour-over</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="reinject" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">reinject</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="reinjection" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">reinjection</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="spate" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">spate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="spout" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">spout</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stagnate" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stagnate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stagnation" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stagnation</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="staunch" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">staunch</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stem" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stem</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="swash" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">swash</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Movement of liquids">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Electricity & electronics">Electricity & electronics</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof iaw !== 'undefined') { iaw.que.push(function() { iaw.setExtraAdSlots(["ad_ringlinkslot"]); iaw.addPageCriteria("cdo_elvl", "B1"); }); } </script> <div id="ad_ringlinkslot"> <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof iaw !== 'undefined') { iaw.cmd.push(function () { iaw.display("ad_ringlinkslot"); }); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-2"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="dgram">[I]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>CONTINUE</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_02', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">to <a class="query" href="" title="continue" rel="">continue</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="arrive" rel="">arrive</a> or be <a class="query" href="" title="produced" rel="">produced</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow in</span> <span class="eg deg">Please <a class="query" href="" title="keep" rel="">keep</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="money" rel="">money</a> flowing in!</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow into</span> <span class="eg deg">Offers of <a class="query" href="" title="help" rel="">help</a> are flowing into the <a class="query" href="" title="disaster" rel="">disaster</a> <a class="query" href="" title="area" rel="">area</a> from all over the <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">thoughts flow</span> <span class="eg deg">My <a class="query" href="" title="thoughts" rel="">thoughts</a> flow more <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a> if I <a class="query" href="" title="work" rel="">work</a> on a <a class="query" href="" title="computer" rel="">computer</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">wine flows</span> <span class="eg deg">By eleven o'clock, the <a class="query" href="" title="wine" rel="">wine</a> was <a class="query" href="" title="starting" rel="">starting</a> to flow.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">conversation flows</span> <span class="eg deg">After they'd all had a <a class="query" href="" title="drink" rel="">drink</a> or two, the <a class="query" href="" title="conversation" rel="">conversation</a> <a class="query" href="" title="began" rel="">began</a> to flow.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Continue & last">Continue & last</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bash" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bash</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bash on phrasal verb" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">bash on</span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bubble away" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bubble away</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="carry (something) on phrasal verb" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">carry <span class="obj">(something)</span> on</span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="cease" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">cease</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="cont." class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">cont.</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="echo" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">echo</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="hour" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">hour</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="immortality" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">immortality</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="immortally" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">immortally</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="in the making idiom" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">in the making</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="insist on doing something phrasal verb" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">insist on <span class="obj">doing something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="prosecute" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">prosecute</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="prosecution" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">prosecution</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="protract" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">protract</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="protraction" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">protraction</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="push ahead phrasal verb" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">push ahead</span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="soldier" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">soldier</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="spin" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">spin</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stretch" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stretch</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Continue & last">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-3"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="dgram">[I]</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>HANG DOWN</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_03', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">to <a class="query" href="" title="hang" rel="">hang</a> down <a class="query" href="" title="loosely" rel="">loosely</a> and often <a class="query" href="" title="attractively" rel="">attractively</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Her <a class="query" href="" title="long" rel="">long</a> <a class="query" href="" title="red" rel="">red</a> <a class="query" href="" title="hair" rel="">hair</a> flowed down over her <a class="query" href="" title="shoulders" rel="">shoulders</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Electricity & electronics">Electricity & electronics</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="anti-static" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">anti-static</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bitstream" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bitstream</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brown out phrasal verb" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">brown out</span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brownout" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">brownout</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="capacitance" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">capacitance</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="flick" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">flick</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="glitch" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">glitch</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="hydro" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">hydro</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="impulse" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">impulse</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="induction" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">induction</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="lossless" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">lossless</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="lossy" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">lossy</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="magneto" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">magneto</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="mercury lamp" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">mercury lamp</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="multiconductor" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">multiconductor</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="thermomagnetic" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">thermomagnetic</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="tidal power" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">tidal power</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="transmission tower" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">transmission tower</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="unelectrified" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">unelectrified</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="unlike" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">unlike</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Electricity & electronics">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Hanging and suspending">Hanging and suspending</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_1' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_1'); });</script> </div> </div></div></div> <div class="pr x lbb lb-cm"> <div class="hfr lpb-2"> <div class="pr hdib i i-facebook lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'facebook')" target="_blank" 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src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio3.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">fləʊ</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio4" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/f/flo/flow_/flow.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/f/flo/flow_/flow.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio4.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">floʊ</span>/</span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-2-1"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>MOVEMENT</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_04"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_04', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref B2">B2</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> <span class="gc dgc">usually singular</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="movement" rel="">movement</a> of something in one <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow of</span> <span class="eg deg">the flow of a <a class="query" href="" title="river" rel="">river</a></span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="traffic" rel="">traffic</a></span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="blood" rel="">blood</a></span></div> <div class="xref synonyms hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Synonyms</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/dribble" title="meaning of dribble" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">dribble</span> <span class="x-num dx-num">(SLOW FLOW)</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/drip" title="meaning of drip" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">drip</span> <span class="x-num dx-num">(LIQUID)</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/rivulet" title="meaning of rivulet" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">rivulet</span> </a><span class="x-lab dx-lab"><span class="usage" title="Used in books and poems, and not in ordinary conversation.">literary</span></span></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="4"><a href="/dictionary/english/stream" title="meaning of stream" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">stream</span> <span class="x-num dx-num">(CONTINUOUS FLOW)</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="5"><a href="/dictionary/english/trickle" title="meaning of trickle" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">trickle</span> <span class="x-num dx-num">(LIQUID)</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">Ligatures are used in <a class="query" href="" title="surgery" rel="">surgery</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="stop" rel="">stop</a> the flow of a <a class="query" href="" title="bleeding" rel="">bleeding</a> <a class="query" href="" title="artery" rel="">artery</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The country's <a class="query" href="" title="asylum" rel="">asylum</a> <a class="query" href="" title="laws" rel="">laws</a> were <a class="query" href="" title="amended" rel="">amended</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="staunch" rel="">staunch</a> the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="economic" rel="">economic</a> <a class="query" href="" title="migrants" rel="">migrants</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">They are <a class="query" href="" title="broadening" rel="">broadening</a> the <a class="query" href="" title="bridge" rel="">bridge</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="speed" rel="">speed</a> up the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="traffic" rel="">traffic</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">She <a class="query" href="" title="tied" rel="">tied</a> a <a class="query" href="" title="handkerchief" rel="">handkerchief</a> around the <a class="query" href="" title="wound" rel="">wound</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="stem" rel="">stem</a> the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="blood" rel="">blood</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">Diets that are high in <a class="query" href="" title="saturated" rel="">saturated</a> <a class="query" href="" title="fat" rel="">fat</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="cholesterol" rel="">cholesterol</a> <a class="query" href="" title="tend" rel="">tend</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="clog" rel="">clog</a> up <a class="query" href="" title="our" rel="">our</a> <a class="query" href="" title="arteries" rel="">arteries</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="thereby" rel="">thereby</a> <a class="query" href="" title="reducing" rel="">reducing</a> the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="blood" rel="">blood</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Movement of liquids">Movement of liquids</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="backsplash" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">backsplash</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="be dripping with something idiom" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">be dripping with <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brim" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">brim</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brim over phrasal verb" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">brim over</span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="brim with something phrasal verb" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">brim with <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="drizzle" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">drizzle</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="drool" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">drool</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="funnel" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">funnel</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="plashing" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">plashing</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pour" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pour</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="pour-over" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">pour-over</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="reinject" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">reinject</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="reinjection" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">reinjection</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="spate" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">spate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="spout" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">spout</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stagnate" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stagnate</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stagnation" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stagnation</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="staunch" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">staunch</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stem" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stem</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="swash" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">swash</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Movement of liquids">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-2-2"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>CONTINUOUS NUMBER</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_05"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_05', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> <span class="gc dgc">usually singular</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="regular" rel="">regular</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="quite" rel="">quite</a> <a class="query" href="" title="large" rel="">large</a> <a class="query" href="" title="number" rel="">number</a> of something: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">steady flow</span> <span class="eg deg">There's been a <a class="query" href="" title="steady" rel="">steady</a> flow of <a class="query" href="" title="visitors" rel="">visitors</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow of</span> <span class="eg deg">They are <a class="query" href="" title="worried" rel="">worried</a> that the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="tourists" rel="">tourists</a> could <a class="query" href="" title="swell" rel="">swell</a> into an <a class="query" href="" title="unmanageable" rel="">unmanageable</a> <a class="query" href="" title="torrent" rel="">torrent</a> if there are no <a class="query" href="" title="controls" rel="">controls</a>.</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_06"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_06', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">S</span> ]</a></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="situation" rel="">situation</a> in which something is <a class="query" href="" title="produced" rel="">produced</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="moved" rel="">moved</a> <a class="query" href="" title="continuously" rel="">continuously</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow of</span> <span class="eg deg">the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="ideas" rel="">ideas</a>/<a class="query" href="" title="information" rel="">information</a></span></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">The country's <a class="query" href="" title="asylum" rel="">asylum</a> <a class="query" href="" title="laws" rel="">laws</a> were <a class="query" href="" title="amended" rel="">amended</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="staunch" rel="">staunch</a> the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="economic" rel="">economic</a> <a class="query" href="" title="migrants" rel="">migrants</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="current" rel="">current</a> <a class="query" href="" title="structure" rel="">structure</a> does not <a class="query" href="" title="facilitate" rel="">facilitate</a> <a class="query" href="" title="efficient" rel="">efficient</a> <a class="query" href="" title="work" rel="">work</a> flow.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">He's <a class="query" href="" title="currently" rel="">currently</a> <a class="query" href="" title="experiencing" rel="">experiencing</a> <a class="query" href="" title="problems" rel="">problems</a> with his <a class="query" href="" title="cash" rel="">cash</a> flow.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">There is a <a class="query" href="" title="stimulating" rel="">stimulating</a> flow of <a class="query" href="" title="ideas" rel="">ideas</a> between the <a class="query" href="" title="departments" rel="">departments</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic General words for size and amount">General words for size and amount</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="-sized" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">-sized</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="allowance" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">allowance</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="amount" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">amount</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bulk" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bulk</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="content" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">content</span></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="dose of sth" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">dose of sth</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="extent" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">extent</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="haul" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">haul</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="level" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">level</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="load" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">load</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="lot" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">lot</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="measure" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">measure</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="much" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">much</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="order" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">order</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="order of magnitude" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">order of magnitude</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="quantity" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">quantity</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="quota" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">quota</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="quotient" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">quotient</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="ration" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">ration</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="the extent of something" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">the extent of <span class="obj">something</span></span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic General words for size and amount">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Continue & last">Continue & last</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-2-3"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>MENTAL STATE</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_10"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_10', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span> <span class="ddivide "> </span> <span class="domain ddomain">psychology</span> <span class="ddivide "> </span> <span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">specialized</span></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="pleasant" rel="">pleasant</a> <a class="query" href="" title="state" rel="">state</a> in which someone is giving <a class="query" href="" title="their" rel="">their</a> <a class="query" href="" title="attention" rel="">attention</a> <a class="query" href="" title="completely" rel="">completely</a> to what they are doing, not <a class="query" href="" title="thinking" rel="">thinking</a> about anything <a class="query" href="" title="else" rel="">else</a>, and doing it <a class="query" href="" title="skilfully" rel="">skilfully</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Flow is sometimes referred to as "being in the <a class="query" href="" title="zone" rel="">zone</a>".</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">state of flow</span> <span class="eg deg">He <a class="query" href="" title="believes" rel="">believes</a> that a <a class="query" href="" title="person" rel="">person</a> is at <a class="query" href="" title="their" rel="">their</a> <a class="query" href="" title="happiest" rel="">happiest</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="state" rel="">state</a> of flow.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow state</span> <span class="eg deg">When I <a class="query" href="" title="play" rel="">play</a> <a class="query" href="" title="music" rel="">music</a> I sometimes go into this flow <a class="query" href="" title="state" rel="">state</a> where I am not <a class="query" href="" title="aware" rel="">aware</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="time" rel="">time</a> <a class="query" href="" title="passing" rel="">passing</a>.</span></div> </div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">He said that some of his <a class="query" href="" title="graduate" rel="">graduate</a> <a class="query" href="" title="students" rel="">students</a> <a class="query" href="" title="describe" rel="">describe</a> <a class="query" href="" title="achieving" rel="">achieving</a> flow when <a class="query" href="" title="analyzing" rel="">analyzing</a> <a class="query" href="" title="data" rel="">data</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">Flow is a <a class="query" href="" title="state" rel="">state</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="mind" rel="">mind</a> in which you <a class="query" href="" title="become" rel="">become</a> <a class="query" href="" title="fully" rel="">fully</a> <a class="query" href="" title="immersed" rel="">immersed</a> in an <a class="query" href="" title="activity" rel="">activity</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The researchers <a class="query" href="" title="found" rel="">found</a> that <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> who <a class="query" href="" title="experienced" rel="">experienced</a> <a class="query" href="" title="states" rel="">states</a> of flow or mindfulness were <a class="query" href="" title="able" rel="">able</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="cope" rel="">cope</a> <a class="query" href="" title="better" rel="">better</a> with <a class="query" href="" title="restrictions" rel="">restrictions</a> such as <a class="query" href="" title="strict" rel="">strict</a> lockdowns. </li><li class="eg dexamp hax">While in a flow <a class="query" href="" title="state" rel="">state</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> are <a class="query" href="" title="highly" rel="">highly</a> <a class="query" href="" title="involved" rel="">involved</a> in and <a class="query" href="" title="focused" rel="">focused</a> on what they are doing, and <a class="query" href="" title="time" rel="">time</a> <a class="query" href="" title="flies" rel="">flies</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Paying attention and being careful">Paying attention and being careful</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="attention" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">attention</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="attentional focus" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">attentional focus</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="attentiveness" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">attentiveness</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="baby" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">baby</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="be good, and if you can't be good, be careful idiom" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">be good, and if you can't be good, be careful</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="be on ( your ) guard idiom" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">be on (<span class="obj">your</span>) guard</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="hang" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">hang</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="hang on/upon something phrasal verb" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">hang on/upon <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="have a care idiom" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">have a care</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="hawk" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">hawk</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="religion" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">religion</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="safety" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">safety</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="safety first idiom" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">safety first</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="see past something phrasal verb" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">see past <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">phrasal verb</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="singleness" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">singleness</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="sit" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">sit</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="sit up and take notice idiom" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">sit up and take notice</span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="the/a glare of something idiom" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">the/a glare of <span class="obj">something</span></span></span> <span class="pos">idiom</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="zero" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">zero</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="Zoom" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">Zoom</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Paying attention and being careful">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Skill, talent and ability">Skill, talent and ability</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_2' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_2'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense "><div class="cid" id="cald4-2-4"></div> <h3 class="dsense_h"><span class="hw dsense_hw">flow</span> <span class="pos dsense_pos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="guideword dsense_gw" title="Guide word: helps you find the right meaning when a word has more than one meaning"> (<span>HAIR</span>) </span></h3> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00012301_9"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00012301_9', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span> <span class="lab dlab"><span class="region dregion">US</span> <span class="usage dusage">informal</span></span></span> <div class="def ddef_d db">a man's <a class="query" href="" title="long" rel="">long</a> <a class="query" href="" title="hair" rel="">hair</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> that of an <span class="nondv-xref dnondv-xref"><a class="query" href="" title="athlete" rel="">athlete</a></span> : </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">His <a class="query" href="" title="blond" rel="">blond</a> <a class="query" href="" title="locks" rel="">locks</a> give him some <a class="query" href="" title="incredible" rel="">incredible</a> flow, making him one of the most <a class="query" href="" title="recognizable" rel="">recognizable</a> <a class="query" href="" title="players" rel="">players</a> in the <a class="query" href="" title="league" rel="">league</a>. </span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Hair">Hair</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="afro-textured" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">afro-textured</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="anti-dandruff" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">anti-dandruff</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="as bald as a coot phrase" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="phrase haf">as bald as a coot</span></span> <span class="pos">phrase</span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="baldness" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">baldness</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bearded" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bearded</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="bedhead" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">bedhead</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="flyaway" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">flyaway</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="hairpiece" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">hairpiece</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="kink" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">kink</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="receding hairline" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">receding hairline</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="shaggy" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">shaggy</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="sheitel" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">sheitel</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="short-haired" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">short-haired</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="sidelock" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">sidelock</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="soul patch" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">soul patch</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="stubbly" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">stubbly</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="toupée" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">toupée</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="unkempt" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">unkempt</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="wavy" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">wavy</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="wig" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">wig</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to flow in the topic Hair">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div><div class="xref idioms hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Idioms</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"><div class="lcs"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/go-against-the-flow" title="meaning of go against the flow" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">go against the flow</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/go-with-the-flow" title="meaning of go with the flow" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">go with the flow</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>flow</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div><div class="pr dictionary" data-type="sorted" data-id="cacd" data-tab="ds-cacd" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cacd"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cacd"></div> <div class="di-head c_h di_h"><div class="di-title di_t"><h2 class="c_hh"><b class='tb ttn'>flow</b> | American Dictionary</h2></div></div> <div class="di-body"><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cacd-1"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">flow</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">I</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio5" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/f/flo/flow_/flow.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/f/flo/flow_/flow.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio5.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">floʊ</span>/</span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00006765_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00006765_01', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">(<a class="query" href="" title="esp" rel="">esp</a>. of <a class="query" href="" title="liquids" rel="">liquids</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="gases" rel="">gases</a>, or <a class="query" href="" title="electricity" rel="">electricity</a>) to <a class="query" href="" title="move" rel="">move</a> in one <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="esp" rel="">esp</a>. <a class="query" href="" title="continuously" rel="">continuously</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Air flows over an aircraft’s <a class="query" href="" title="wing" rel="">wing</a> <a class="query" href="" title="faster" rel="">faster</a> than it flows under it.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Lava from the <a class="query" href="" title="volcano" rel="">volcano</a> was flowing down the <a class="query" href="" title="hillside" rel="">hillside</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">An <a class="query" href="" title="electrical" rel="">electrical</a> <a class="query" href="" title="current" rel="">current</a> flows from <a class="query" href="" title="positive" rel="">positive</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="negative" rel="">negative</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Many <a class="query" href="" title="rivers" rel="">rivers</a> flow into the <a class="query" href="" title="Pacific" rel="">Pacific</a> Ocean.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">With fewer <a class="query" href="" title="cars" rel="">cars</a> on the <a class="query" href="" title="roads" rel="">roads</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="traffic" rel="">traffic</a> is flowing <span class="gloss dgloss">(= <a class="query" href="" title="moving" rel="">moving</a> <a class="query" href="" title="forward" rel="">forward</a>)</span> more <a class="query" href="" title="smoothly" rel="">smoothly</a> than <a class="query" href="" title="usual" rel="">usual</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg"><span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">fig.</span></span> My <a class="query" href="" title="thoughts" rel="">thoughts</a> flow more <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a> <span class="gloss dgloss">(= I can <a class="query" href="" title="think" rel="">think</a> more <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a>)</span> if I <a class="query" href="" title="work" rel="">work</a> on a word <a class="query" href="" title="processor" rel="">processor</a>.</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00006765_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00006765_02', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">Something can be said to flow if it <a class="query" href="" title="hangs" rel="">hangs</a> down <a class="query" href="" title="loosely" rel="">loosely</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="attractively" rel="">attractively</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Her <a class="query" href="" title="long" rel="">long</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="red" rel="">red</a> <a class="query" href="" title="hair" rel="">hair</a> flowed down over <a class="query" href="" title="shoulders" rel="">shoulders</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pr x lbb lb-cm"> <div class="hfr lpb-2"> <div class="pr hdib i i-facebook lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'facebook')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on Facebook"></a> </div> <div class="pr hdib i i-x lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'twitter')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on X"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cacd-2"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">flow</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> <span class="gc dgc">usually sing</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio6" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/f/flo/flow_/flow.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/f/flo/flow_/flow.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio6.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">floʊ</span>/</span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cacd-2-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00006765_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00006765_03', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db"><a class="query" href="" title="movement" rel="">movement</a> of a <a class="query" href="" title="liquid" rel="">liquid</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">This <a class="query" href="" title="drug" rel="">drug</a> <a class="query" href="" title="increases" rel="">increases</a> the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="blood" rel="">blood</a> to the <a class="query" href="" title="heart" rel="">heart</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg"><span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">fig.</span></span> Music <a class="query" href="" title="interrupted" rel="">interrupted</a> the flow of the <a class="query" href="" title="conversation" rel="">conversation</a> <span class="gloss dgloss">(= the <a class="query" href="" title="regular" rel="">regular</a> <a class="query" href="" title="exchange" rel="">exchange</a> between <a class="query" href="" title="speakers" rel="">speakers</a>)</span>.</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00006765_04"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00006765_04', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> <span class="domain ddomain">earth science</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">A flow is also <a class="query" href="" title="large" rel="">large</a> <a class="query" href="" title="mass" rel="">mass</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="material" rel="">material</a>, such as <a class="query" href="" title="lava" rel="">lava</a><span class="gloss dgloss"> (= <a class="query" href="" title="melted" rel="">melted</a> <a class="query" href="" title="rock" rel="">rock</a> from a <a class="query" href="" title="volcano" rel="">volcano</a>)</span>, that is flowing or has flowed in the past.</div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>flow</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div><div class="pr dictionary" data-type="sorted" data-id="cbed" data-tab="ds-cbed" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cbed"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cbed"></div> <div class="di-head c_h di_h"><div class="di-title di_t"><h2 class="c_hh"><b class='tb ttn'>flow</b> | Business English</h2></div></div> <div class="di-body"><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">flow</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that describes an action, condition or experience.">verb</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">I</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio7" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio7.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">fləʊ</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio8" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/f/flo/flow_/flow.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/f/flo/flow_/flow.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio8.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00006932_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00006932_01', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">if <a class="query" href="" title="money" rel="">money</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="goods" rel="">goods</a>, etc. flow, they <a class="query" href="" title="move" rel="">move</a> from one <a class="query" href="" title="company" rel="">company</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a>, or <a class="query" href="" title="place" rel="">place</a> to another in <a class="query" href="" title="large" rel="">large</a> <a class="query" href="" title="amounts" rel="">amounts</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Capital must <strong class="cl">flow <a class="query" href="" title="freely" rel="">freely</a></strong> around the <a class="query" href="" title="world" rel="">world</a> in <a class="query" href="" title="order" rel="">order</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="ensure" rel="">ensure</a> <a class="query" href="" title="international" rel="">international</a> <a class="query" href="" title="prosperity" rel="">prosperity</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow in/out/back</span> <span class="eg deg">As <a class="query" href="" title="revenue" rel="">revenue</a> comes in it will flow back to <a class="query" href="" title="investors" rel="">investors</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">flow into/through/out of sth</span> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="money" rel="">money</a> flowing into <a class="query" href="" title="online" rel="">online</a> <a class="query" href="" title="advertising" rel="">advertising</a> today is <a class="query" href="" title="largely" rel="">largely</a> from <a class="query" href="" title="direct" rel="">direct</a> <a class="query" href="" title="marketing" rel="">marketing</a> <a class="query" href="" title="companies" rel="">companies</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-1-2"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00006932_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00006932_02', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">if <a class="query" href="" title="discussions" rel="">discussions</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="ideas" rel="">ideas</a> flow, <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> <a class="query" href="" title="talk" rel="">talk</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="exchange" rel="">exchange</a> <a class="query" href="" title="information" rel="">information</a> in a <a class="query" href="" title="relaxed" rel="">relaxed</a> way: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Ideas flow more <a class="query" href="" title="easily" rel="">easily</a> in an <a class="query" href="" title="atmosphere" rel="">atmosphere</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="trust" rel="">trust</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div><div class="xref phrasal_verbs hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Phrasal verbs</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"><div class="lcs"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/flow-from" title="meaning of flow from sth" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">flow from sth</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/flow-through-to" title="meaning of flow through to sb/sth" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">flow through to sb/sth</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pr x lbb lb-cm"> <div class="hfr lpb-2"> <div class="pr hdib i i-facebook lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'facebook')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on Facebook"></a> </div> <div class="pr hdib i i-x lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'twitter')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on X"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cbed-2"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">flow</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">C</span> or <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio9" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/ukf/ukfli/ukflirt008.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio9.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">fləʊ</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio10" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/f/flo/flow_/flow.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/f/flo/flow_/flow.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio10.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span></span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-2-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00006932_05"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00006932_05', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="situation" rel="">situation</a> in which a <a class="query" href="" title="large" rel="">large</a> <a class="query" href="" title="amount" rel="">amount</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="money" rel="">money</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="goods" rel="">goods</a> <a class="query" href="" title="moves" rel="">moves</a> from one <a class="query" href="" title="company" rel="">company</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="organization" rel="">organization</a>, or <a class="query" href="" title="place" rel="">place</a> to another: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Portfolio <a class="query" href="" title="investment" rel="">investment</a> flows <a class="query" href="" title="generally" rel="">generally</a> <a class="query" href="" title="equate" rel="">equate</a> to high <a class="query" href="" title="interest" rel="">interest</a> <a class="query" href="" title="rates" rel="">rates</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">a steady/constant flow of sth</span> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="company" rel="">company</a> is in the <a class="query" href="" title="enviable" rel="">enviable</a> <a class="query" href="" title="position" rel="">position</a> of having no <a class="query" href="" title="debt" rel="">debt</a> and a <a class="query" href="" title="steady" rel="">steady</a> flow of <a class="query" href="" title="revenue" rel="">revenue</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">the flow of money/goods/resources</span> <span class="eg deg"><a class="query" href="" title="State" rel="">State</a> <a class="query" href="" title="authorities" rel="">authorities</a> <a class="query" href="" title="welcome" rel="">welcome</a> the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="money" rel="">money</a> from those <a class="query" href="" title="seeking" rel="">seeking</a> <a class="query" href="" title="city" rel="">city</a> <a class="query" href="" title="contracts" rel="">contracts</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_3' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_3'); });</script> </div> </div> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cbed-2-2"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CBED_00006932_06"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CBED_00006932_06', wotd: ' flow ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="situation" rel="">situation</a> in which <a class="query" href="" title="information" rel="">information</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="ideas" rel="">ideas</a> are <a class="query" href="" title="exchanged" rel="">exchanged</a> between <a class="query" href="" title="companies" rel="">companies</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="organizations" rel="">organizations</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Improving the flow of <a class="query" href="" title="information" rel="">information</a> between <a class="query" href="" title="buyers" rel="">buyers</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="sellers" rel="">sellers</a> makes <a class="query" href="" title="markets" rel="">markets</a> more <a class="query" href="" title="efficient" rel="">efficient</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">a flow of sth</span> <span class="eg deg">A <a class="query" href="" title="shared" rel="">shared</a> <a class="query" href="" title="sense" rel="">sense</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="commitment" rel="">commitment</a> to a <a class="query" href="" title="project" rel="">project</a> <a class="query" href="" title="leads" rel="">leads</a> to a <a class="query" href="" title="free" rel="">free</a> flow of <a class="query" href="" title="ideas" rel="">ideas</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="information" rel="">information</a>.</span></div> <div class="xref see_also hax dxref-w lmt-25"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">See also</strong><div class="lcs lmt-10 lmb-20"> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="1"><a href="/dictionary/english/audience-flow" title="meaning of audience flow" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">audience flow</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="2"><a href="/dictionary/english/capital-flow" title="meaning of capital flow" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">capital flow</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="3"><a href="/dictionary/english/cash-flow" title="meaning of cash flow" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">cash flow</span></a></div> <div class="item lc lc1 lpb-10 lpr-10" data-position="4"><a href="/dictionary/english/investment-flow" title="meaning of investment flow" rel=""><span class="x-h dx-h">investment flow</span></a></div></div></div> </div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>flow</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Business English Dictionary" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Business English Dictionary</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div> <div class="dataset dd pr lmb-20" data-type="sorted" data-id="examples" data-tab="ds-examples" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_examples"></div> <div id="dataset-example" data-tab="ds-example" role="tabpanel"> <div class="c_h"> <h2 class="c_hh">Examples <span class="tcl">of </span><span class="tb tci">flow</span></h2></div> <div class="lp-10"> <div class="h2 dhw dpos-h_hw lpt-5 lpb-10"> flow </div> <div class="degs had lbt lb-cm"> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The modules are linked by control variables, determined by physical, ecological, and behavioural relationships to define changes that take place in the stocks and flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776934" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776934', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The number of bird species seen was a strong determinant of revenue flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776936" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776936', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Like costs and timber revenues, carbon flows occurring at different points in time were discounted at 6 per cent per year. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776940" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776940', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The net investment prices reflect the present value of the future marginal contributions that the capital components make, both as stocks and flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776943" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776943', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The results illustrated major changes in the material flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776945" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776945', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Their focus is, for reasons stated above, on current income flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776947" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776947', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Let us now take into account the difference between the shapes of the streamlines in the gas and fictitious flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776949" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776949', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Theoretical analysis of forming flows of continuous fibre-resin systems. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776951" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776951', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> P3: computation of the current flows between interacting devices when a set of these devices is fabricated to form a chip. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776953" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776953', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Nevertheless, a great deal is now known about behaviour of steady withdrawal flows in reservoirs, with a single free surface above the fluid. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776955" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776955', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Investments that provide protection against flooding are often beneficial during normal or low flows. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776958" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776958', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> However, most of the plants studied have very large water flows, and further increases would lead to higher pumping and other costs. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776960" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776960', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Experimental evidence, showing that very highly-curved interfaces can be sustained in driven flows, supports this idea [2, 18]. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776962" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776962', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Under suitable assumptions, however, our results can be generalized to flows which are additionally driven by a source or sink. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776964" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776964', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Using methods from gradient flows, we demonstrate that our unsteady evolution equation for the stream function has a unique solution. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="5776966" data-dataset-id="5499879" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '5776966', dataset_id: '5499879' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="tc-w hax"> <a href="" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w tb lmt-20"> See all examples of <span class="bold">flow</span> </a> </div> <div class="tc-bi fs12 lpt-10 lpb-10 break"> These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="dataset dd pr lmb-20" data-type="sorted" data-id="combinations" data-tab="ds-combinations" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_combinations"></div><div class="cpexamps"> <div class="cpexamps-head c_h"><h2 class="c_hh">Collocations <span class="tcl">with</span> <span class="tb tcl">flow</span></h2></div><div class="lp-10"><h2 class="tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "> flow </h2> <p class="tb">These are words often used in combination with <span class="ti">flow</span>.</p><p>Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.</p><div class="cpexamps-body"><div class="cpegs degs had lbt lb-cm"><div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <a href="" class="hdib tb lmb-10">adequate flow</a><div class="dexamp"><span class="text dtext">Even should there be proliferation of fibrous tissue the chosen diameter of the stent should guarantee adequate flow to the systemic right atrium.</span></div><div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-dummy-attr="" data-example-id="23821832" data-dataset-id="23622615" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '23821832', dataset_id: '23622615' } })," data-dummy-attr2=""><i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"> </i></a></div></div><div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <a href="" class="hdib tb lmb-10">annual flow</a><div class="dexamp"><span class="text dtext">The end of peat cutting around 1960 meant the end of the <span class="em dem">annual</span> <span class="em dem">flow</span> of peat finds which necessitated pollen analytical treatment.</span></div><div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-dummy-attr="" data-example-id="7246365" data-dataset-id="7224322" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '7246365', dataset_id: '7224322' } })," data-dummy-attr2=""><i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"> </i></a></div></div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <a href="" class="hdib tb lmb-10">arterial flow</a><div class="dexamp"><span class="text dtext">With rewarming, consumption of oxygen increased but was significantly less than baseline values in spite of the renal arterial flow returning to baseline.</span></div><div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-dummy-attr="" data-example-id="23842899" data-dataset-id="23622615" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '23842899', dataset_id: '23622615' } })," data-dummy-attr2=""><i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"> </i></a></div></div><div class="ex-opinion tc-bi fs12 lpt-10 lpb-10"> These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. </div><div class="tc-w hax"> <a href="" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w tb lmt-5">See all collocations with <span class="bold">flow</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="lmt-10 hax"> <a href="/pronunciation/english/flow" title="flow pronunciation in English" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab hbtn-b hbtn-tl bh tc-w tb pr"> <span class="hdib w95">What is the pronunciation of <em>flow</em>?</span> <i class="i i-angle-right iw tb pa pr0 pt0 lmt-5 lmr-20" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="lmb-25 lch0"> </div> </div> <div class="pr lcs bh"> <!-- translation --> <div class="cid" id="dataset_translations"></div> <div class="lc lc1 lc-m7-12 lp-20 lbb lbb0-m lbr-m lb-cn cdo-translations" id="translations"> <h2 class="h3 fs19 tn tc-w">Translations of <span class="tb">flow</span></h2> <!-- market data set + localized data set --> <div class="lmb-10"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Chinese (Traditional) </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25 break-cj" lang="zh-Hant"> 移動, (尤指液體、氣體或電)流動, 繼續… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Chinese (Traditional) translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Chinese (Simplified) </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25 break-cj" lang="zh-Hans"> 移动, (尤指液体、气体或电)流动, 继续… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-chinese-simplified/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Chinese (Simplified) translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Spanish </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="es"> fluir, flujo, corriente… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-spanish/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow Spanish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Portuguese </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="pt"> fluir, correr, corrente… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-portuguese/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Portuguese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- other data set--> <div amp-access="1=1"> <div class="lmb-5 pr"> <div class="cid" id="dataset_translations_down"></div> <template amp-access-template type="amp-mustache"> <amp-state id="stateDictTrans"> <script type="application/json"> { "dataset": "", "dataset_text": "in more languages" } </script> </amp-state> </template> <amp-accordion id="accordEntryTrans" disable-session-states> <section> <header class="pr bt ca_h lpt-0 lpb-0 lpl-0 lpr-0"> <span class="hbtn hbtn-tab hbtn-b hbtn-tl bw tc-bd 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'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="mr"> (विशेषत: द्रव, वायू किंवा विजेचे) एका दिशेने जाण्यासाठी विशेषत: सतत आणि सहजपणे वाहणारा प्रवाह, प्रवाह… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-marathi/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Marathi translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-japanese' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ja"> ~が流れる, 流(なが)れる, 流(なが)れ出(で)る… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-japanese/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Japanese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-turkish' ? 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'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ca"> fluir… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-catalan/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Catalan translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-dutch' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="nl"> stromen, opkomen, stroom… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-dutch/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Dutch translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-tamil' ? 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'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="hi"> (विशेषतः तरल पदाथ और गैस का एक दिशा में निरंतर) बहना या बढ़ना, बहाव, किसी चीज़ की एक दिशा में गति… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-hindi/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Hindi translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-gujarati' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="gu"> વહેવું, પ્રવાહ, એક દિશામાં કોઈ વસ્તુની હિલચાલ… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-gujarati/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Gujarati translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-danish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="da"> løbe, strømme, rejse sig… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-danish/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Danish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-swedish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="sv"> rinna, strömma, flyta… </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-swedish/flow" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="flow: Swedish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-malaysian' ? 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'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-simplified', dataset_text: 'English–Chinese (Simplified)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Simplified)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-simplified-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Simplified)–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Simplified)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary">English–Chinese (Simplified)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-simplified-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'chinese-simplified-english', dataset_text: 'Chinese (Simplified)–English', dataset_search: 'Search Chinese (Simplified)–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-chinese-simplified', datasetrev_text: 'English–Chinese (Simplified)', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Simplified)'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary">Chinese (Simplified)–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_chinese_traditional: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'english-chinese-traditional' : 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'English–Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Chinese (Traditional)–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-chinese-traditional" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-traditional', dataset_text: 'English–Chinese (Traditional)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-traditional-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary">English–Chinese (Traditional)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-traditional-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)–English', dataset_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-chinese-traditional', datasetrev_text: 'English–Chinese (Traditional)', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary">Chinese (Traditional)–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_dutch: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'english-dutch' : 'dutch-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'English–Dutch' : 'Dutch–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'Search English–Dutch' : 'Search Dutch–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-dutch" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-dutch', dataset_text: 'English–Dutch', dataset_search: 'Search English–Dutch', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'dutch-english', datasetrev_text: 'Dutch–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Dutch–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Dutch Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Dutch Dictionary">English–Dutch</span> <span data-dictCode="dutch-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'dutch-english', dataset_text: 'Dutch–English', dataset_search: 'Search Dutch–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-dutch', datasetrev_text: 'English–Dutch', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Dutch'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Dutch-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Dutch-English Dictionary">Dutch–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_french: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_french }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'english-french' : 'french-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'English–French' : 'French–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'Search English–French' : 'Search French–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-french" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-french', dataset_text: 'English–French', dataset_search: 'Search English–French', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'french-english', datasetrev_text: 'French–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search French–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-French Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-French Dictionary">English–French</span> <span data-dictCode="french-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'french-english', dataset_text: 'French–English', dataset_search: 'Search French–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-french', datasetrev_text: 'English–French', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–French'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to French-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="French-English Dictionary">French–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_german: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_german }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'english-german' : 'german-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'English–German' : 'German–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'Search English–German' : 'Search German–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-german" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-german', dataset_text: 'English–German', dataset_search: 'Search English–German', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'german-english', datasetrev_text: 'German–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search German–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-German Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-German Dictionary">English–German</span> <span data-dictCode="german-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'german-english', dataset_text: 'German–English', dataset_search: 'Search German–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-german', datasetrev_text: 'English–German', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–German'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to German-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="German-English Dictionary">German–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_indonesian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'english-indonesian' : 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'English–Indonesian' : 'Indonesian–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'Search English–Indonesian' : 'Search Indonesian–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-indonesian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-indonesian', dataset_text: 'English–Indonesian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Indonesian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'indonesian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Indonesian–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Indonesian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Indonesian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Indonesian Dictionary">English–Indonesian</span> <span data-dictCode="indonesian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: 'Indonesian–English', dataset_search: 'Search Indonesian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-indonesian', datasetrev_text: 'English–Indonesian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Indonesian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Indonesian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Indonesian-English Dictionary">Indonesian–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_italian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'english-italian' : 'italian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'English–Italian' : 'Italian–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'Search English–Italian' : 'Search Italian–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-italian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-italian', dataset_text: 'English–Italian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Italian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'italian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Italian–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Italian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary">English–Italian</span> <span data-dictCode="italian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'italian-english', dataset_text: 'Italian–English', dataset_search: 'Search Italian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-italian', datasetrev_text: 'English–Italian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Italian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Italian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Italian-English Dictionary">Italian–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_japanese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'english-japanese' : 'japanese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'English–Japanese' : 'Japanese–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'Search English–Japanese' : 'Search Japanese–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-japanese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-japanese', dataset_text: 'English–Japanese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Japanese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'japanese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Japanese–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Japanese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary">English–Japanese</span> <span data-dictCode="japanese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'japanese-english', dataset_text: 'Japanese–English', dataset_search: 'Search Japanese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-japanese', datasetrev_text: 'English–Japanese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Japanese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Japanese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Japanese-English Dictionary">Japanese–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_norwegian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'english-norwegian' : 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'English–Norwegian' : 'Norwegian–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'Search English–Norwegian' : 'Search Norwegian–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-norwegian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-norwegian', dataset_text: 'English–Norwegian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Norwegian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'norwegian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Norwegian–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Norwegian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Norwegian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Norwegian Dictionary">English–Norwegian</span> <span data-dictCode="norwegian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: 'Norwegian–English', dataset_search: 'Search Norwegian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-norwegian', datasetrev_text: 'English–Norwegian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Norwegian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Norwegian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Norwegian-English Dictionary">Norwegian–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_polish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'english-polish' : 'polish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'English–Polish' : 'Polish–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'Search English–Polish' : 'Search Polish–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-polish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-polish', dataset_text: 'English–Polish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Polish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'polish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Polish–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Polish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary">English–Polish</span> <span data-dictCode="polish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'polish-english', dataset_text: 'Polish–English', dataset_search: 'Search Polish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-polish', datasetrev_text: 'English–Polish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Polish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Polish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Polish-English Dictionary">Polish–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_portuguese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'english-portuguese' : 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'English–Portuguese' : 'Portuguese–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'Search English–Portuguese' : 'Search Portuguese–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-portuguese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-portuguese', dataset_text: 'English–Portuguese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Portuguese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'portuguese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Portuguese–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Portuguese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary">English–Portuguese</span> <span data-dictCode="portuguese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_portuguese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'portuguese-english', dataset_text: 'Portuguese–English', dataset_search: 'Search Portuguese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-portuguese', datasetrev_text: 'English–Portuguese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Portuguese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Portuguese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Portuguese-English Dictionary">Portuguese–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_spanish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'english-spanish' : 'spanish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'English–Spanish' : 'Spanish–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'Search English–Spanish' : 'Search Spanish–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-spanish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-spanish', dataset_text: 'English–Spanish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Spanish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'spanish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Spanish–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Spanish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Spanish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Spanish Dictionary">English–Spanish</span> <span data-dictCode="spanish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_spanish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'spanish-english', dataset_text: 'Spanish–English', dataset_search: 'Search Spanish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-spanish', datasetrev_text: 'English–Spanish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Spanish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Diccionario Español-inglés" tabindex="0" title="Diccionario Español-inglés">Spanish–English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_swedish: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'english-swedish' : 'swedish-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'English–Swedish' : 'Swedish–English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'Search English–Swedish' : 'Search Swedish–English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-swedish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-swedish', dataset_text: 'English–Swedish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Swedish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'swedish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Swedish–English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Swedish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Swedish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Swedish Dictionary">English–Swedish</span> <span data-dictCode="swedish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_swedish ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'swedish-english', dataset_text: 'Swedish–English', dataset_search: 'Search Swedish–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-swedish', datasetrev_text: 'English–Swedish', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Swedish'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Swedish-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Swedish-English Dictionary">Swedish–English</span> </li> </ul> <div class="tb lmb-5">Semi-bilingual Dictionaries</div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="english-arabic" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-arabic', dataset_text: 'English–Arabic', dataset_search: 'Search English–Arabic', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary">English–Arabic</span> <span data-dictCode="english-bengali" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-bengali', dataset_text: 'English–Bengali', dataset_search: 'Search English–Bengali', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Bengali Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Bengali Dictionary">English–Bengali</span> <span data-dictCode="english-catalan" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-catalan', dataset_text: 'English–Catalan', dataset_search: 'Search English–Catalan', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary">English–Catalan</span> <span data-dictCode="english-czech" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-czech', dataset_text: 'English–Czech', dataset_search: 'Search English–Czech', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Czech Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Czech Dictionary">English–Czech</span> <span data-dictCode="english-danish" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-danish', dataset_text: 'English–Danish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Danish', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Danish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Danish Dictionary">English–Danish</span> <span data-dictCode="english-gujarati" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-gujarati', dataset_text: 'English–Gujarati', dataset_search: 'Search English–Gujarati', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Gujarati Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Gujarati Dictionary">English–Gujarati</span> <span data-dictCode="english-hindi" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-hindi', dataset_text: 'English–Hindi', dataset_search: 'Search English–Hindi', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Hindi Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Hindi Dictionary">English–Hindi</span> <span data-dictCode="english-korean" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-korean', dataset_text: 'English–Korean', dataset_search: 'Search English–Korean', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Korean Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Korean Dictionary">English–Korean</span> <span data-dictCode="english-malaysian" class="hp hdb" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-malaysian', 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