International Journals on clinical skills and nursing practices
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fweight-400">ISSN<br>1753-0431 (Print )<br>1753-044X (Electronic)</p> </div> <div class="col-md-9 sm-margin-b-30"> <h2 class="breadcrumbs-v5-title">International Journal of Clinical Skills</h2> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!--========== END BREADCRUMBS V5 ==========--> <!--================Manuscript Sub=================--> <div class="container"> <div class="media alert alert-info margin-t-20 margin-b-0 mt-3"> <div class="media-left"> <i class="fas fa-hand-point-right fa-2x align-self-center mr-3 animated infinite bounce slow blue-500"></i> </div> <div class="media-body"> All submissions of the EM system will be redirected to <strong>Online Manuscript Submission System</strong>. 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This journal aim is to provide a platform for the researcher and scholars to exchange their knowledge on current advancement in clinical skills, clinical trials, therapy, evidence based medicine, clinical trials, image enhanced endoscopy etc.</p> <p>The term ‘<em>clinical skills</em>’ refers to those <span class="marorn-cls">clinical examination</span> and procedural skills commonly performed in real or simulated clinical environments. </p> <p> <strong>Clinical skills</strong> refers to address the key concerns over the <strong>medical practices</strong> by exploring the best patient oriented clinical research and by exhibiting this information both directly, as clinical findings, and in practice oriented formats of direct application in day-to-day situations.</p> <p>The Journal's aims to flourish and to maintain the standards in research and practice. The journal provides a platform and an opportunity to present <span class="marorn-cls">evidence based medicine</span> and analytical assessment of their clinical research which indeed will be helpful for other active students, teachers and health-care professionals to enhance the patient care.</p> <p><strong>Peer-review:</strong></p> <p>International Journal of Clinical Skills follows single-blind peer reviewed process which means that the reviewer(s) will be awared of the identity of the author(s), but the identity of reviewers shall not be disclosed with the author(s). The editorial office, with the support from eminent Editorial Board Members and Reviewers, ensures that every article submitted shall go under peer-review process.</p> <p>The journal publishes the articles under <strong>Open access/subscription mode</strong> depending upon the choice made by the author. for the easy access and globalized visibility.</p> <p><strong>Indexing Information:</strong></p> <blockquote> <p><strong>International Journal of Clinical Skills</strong> is listed in the quality indexing sites such as <strong><em><a href="">Pubmed</a> </em></strong> to standardized visibility and maintains publication standards.</p> <p><strong>Submission details:</strong> Submissions to the journal can be made through Online Submission portal <a href=""><strong> <em> IJOCS </em> </strong></a></p> <p><strong> Statistics: </strong> <a href="">Scimago Journal Rank 2020: 0.11</a> and <a href="">H index: 6 </a> </em></p> <p><strong> The Journal is listed in: </strong> <a href=""> Pubmed </a>, </em> <em> <a href=""> Scimagojr </a> </em> <em> <a href=""> Research Gate </a> , </em> <em><a href=""> Publons </a> , </em> <em><a href=""> Princetown University</a></em> etc.</p> </blockquote> <p><b>Know about the skills:</b> This includes knowledge about the skill, including underlying theory behind the practice. In relation to procedural skills it involves knowledge of indications, contraindications, potential complications and alternate strategies or approaches if the skill is unsuccessful or unable to be performed. </p> <p><b>Topics covered but not limited to:</b></p> <table width="584" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Clinical education</p> </td> <td> <p>· Handling risk assessment</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>·Primary care</p> </td> <td> <p>· Medical equipment management</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>· Clinical practice center</p> </td> <td> <p>· Clinical communication </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>· Clinical examination </p> </td> <td> <p>· Skill laboratory training </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>· Nursing skills </p> </td> <td> <p>· Physicians practice </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>· Radiology<p> </td> <td> <p>· Surgical skills</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>· Surgical oncology </p> </td> <td> <p>· Prescribing safety assessment </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><b>Surgical Skills: </b>These include proficiency in handling of instruments, suturing skills, haemostasis as well as the dissection of tissue. Surgery should be conducted safely by using the simplest and the safest way to achieve the operative goals.</p> <p><b>Surgical Oncology: </b>Also regarded as cancer surgery or technique to remove a tumour and potentially some adjacent tissue is known as cancer surgery. It is the earliest form of cancer treatment, and it continues to be effective in the treatment of a variety of cancers today. A "surgical oncologist" is a specialist who specialises in cancer surgery. </p> <p><b>Radiology: </b>Radiology, often known as diagnostic imaging, is a group of tests that take images of the body's various parts. Many of these tests allow doctors to look into the human body. This picture can be obtained using a variety of imaging tests, including X-ray, MRI, ultrasound, CT scan, and PET scan. </p> <p> Perhaps The journal not only deals with these concerned researches but all the other researche(s) which utilizes the clinical knowledge. </p> <p class="news" style="position: absolute; left: -1168px"><a href="" title="replica rolex">replica rolex</a></p> <p><strong>Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process):</strong></p> <p>International Journal of Clinical Skills is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular article processing fee. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process is a special service for the article that enables it to get a faster response in the pre-review stage from the handling editor as well as a review from the reviewer. An author can get a faster response of pre-review maximum in 3 days since submission, and a review process by the reviewer maximum in 5 days, followed by revision/publication in 2 days. If the article gets notified for revision by the handling editor, then it will take another 5 days for external review by the previous reviewer or alternative reviewer.</p> <p>Acceptance of manuscripts is driven entirely by handling editorial team considerations and independent peer-review, ensuring the highest standards are maintained no matter the route to regular peer-reviewed publication or a fast editorial review process. The handling editor and the article contributor are responsible for adhering to scientific standards. The article FEE-Review process of $99 will not be refunded even if the article is rejected or withdrawn for publication.</p> <p>The corresponding author or institution/organization is responsible for making the manuscript FEE-Review Process payment. The additional FEE-Review Process payment covers the fast review processing and quick editorial decisions, and regular article publication covers the preparation in various formats for online publication, securing full-text inclusion in a number of permanent archives like HTML, XML, and PDF, and feeding to different indexing agencies.</p> <blockquote> </blockquote> <hr /> <p>Kindly visit the <a href=""><strong> author guidelines </strong></a> page for more information and ensure that you have read and accept all the <strong><a href=""> Terms and Condition</a></strong> before submitting an article(s) to the journal.</p> <p class="but-cls"><a href=""><strong>APC (Article Processing Charges)</strong></a> </p> <p class="but-cls"><a href=""><input name="Useful Links" type="button" value="Useful Links" /></a></p><br> <!--=============h-index Description====================--> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-12"> <!--========submit Manuscript================--> <div class="card card-body bg-grey-200 my-3 p-2 rounded-20 border-0 border-left-5 shadow-sm border-info equal-height" id="subman"> <h4 class="font-size-4">h-index</h4> <p class="card-text"> Articles published in <strong>International Journal of Clinical Skills</strong> have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. <strong>International Journal of Clinical Skills</strong> has got <a href="" target="_blank"> h-index 8 </a> </strong>, which means every article in International Journal of Clinical Skills has got 8 average citations. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end --> <div class="well well-sm">*2024 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2023 with the number of times they are cited in 2024 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2023, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2024 then, journal impact factor = Y/X </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3"> <article class="news-v1 border-1 margin-b-30"> <div class="news-v1-heading"> <p class="card-text">Select your language of interest to view the total content in your interested language</p> <div id="google_translate_element" align="center" id="interest"></div> <script> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement( { pageLanguage: 'en' }, 'google_translate_element' ); } </script> <script src=""></script> </div> </article> <article class="news-v1 border-1 margin-b-30"> <div class="news-v1-heading"> <h3 class="news-v1-heading-title"> <i class="fa fa-whatsapp" aria-hidden="true"></i> +447362049930 </h3> </div> </article> <article class="news-v1 border-1 margin-b-30"> <div class="news-v1-heading"> <h3 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<h6><a target="_blank" href="" title="Click here">Google Scholar citation report</a></h6> <h6 id="pubcit">Citations : 1219</h6> <p><a target="_blank" href="" title="Click here">International Journal of Clinical Skills received 1219 citations as per google scholar report</a></p> <div class="card shadow-sm sidebar mb-3"> <a href="" title="Click here"><img src="" alt="Citation image" class="img-responsive img-fluid p_rel" /></a> </div> <!-----------Publons --------> <h6><a href="" target="_blank" title="Click here">International Journal of Clinical Skills peer review process verified at publons</a></h6> <div class="card shadow-sm sidebar mb-3"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Click here"><img src="" alt="Flyer image" class="p_rel w-100" height="250px"/></a> </div> <!---------------> <div class="card mb-2" id="recomen"> <h3 class="card-header custom-header">Indexed In</h3> <ul class="quick-lists m-0 list-group" id="quick"> <li class="pl-2 pt-2"> <i class="fa fa-angle-right ml-1"></i> 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disease at its source. The authors of this article discuss some of the most modern treatments that .. </p> <div class="blog-grid-supplemental"> <ul class="list-inline blog-sidebar-tags"> <li><a href="" class="radius-50" title="Abstract">Abstract</a></li> <li><a href="" class="radius-50" title="Full-Text">Full-Text</a></li> <li><a href="" class="radius-50" title="PDF">PDF</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </article> <article class="news-v10"> <div class="center-content-hor-wrap-sm"> <div class="center-content-hor-align-sm sm-margin-b-20"> <h2 class="news-v10-title"><a href="" title="Radiosensitizer Development Plan for Glioblastoma">Radiosensitizer Development Plan for Glioblastoma</a></h2> <p><strong>Author(s): </strong> Hazel Grace </p> <p> Glioblastoma is the most prevalent type of primary brain cancer and has a bad prognosis. 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