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1em"> <table class="user-block" style="border: 1px solid var(--border-color-base,#AAA); padding: 0.5em; width: 100%;"> <tbody><tr> <td> <figure class="mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Banned_proxys.svg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="50" height="50" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="480" data-file-height="480" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure>您正在使用的<a href="/wiki/IP%E4%BD%8D%E5%9D%80" class="mw-redirect" title="IP位址">IP地址</a>被判定用于代理工具,因此这一IP已经被封禁。 <p>为防止破坏,<b><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:No open proxies/zh">维基媒体基金会禁止使用部分代理工具来编辑维基百科</a></b>。 </p> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="border-top: 1px solid #AAA; padding-top: 0.5em;"> <p><b>为什么?</b> </p><p>您当前访问维基百科使用的IP被我们判定为代理(包括<a href="/wiki/%E7%AA%81%E7%A0%B4%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E5%AE%A1%E6%9F%A5" title="突破网络审查">突破网络审查</a>)工具所使用的IP。因代理工具可以隐藏用户的真实IP,使破坏者可以以人工或程序对维基百科进行破坏,故禁止使用公共代理工具进行编辑。 </p><p><b>怎么办?</b> </p> <ul><li>直接访问维基百科,不经过代理服务。</li> <li>如果您在中国大陆而必须使用代理服务器,或是有特殊需要,请您 <span class="plainlinks"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Unblock-zh/Blocked_proxy" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:Unblock-zh/Blocked proxy"><span class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive" role="button">使用网站</span></a></span> 或者 <span class="plainlinks"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IPBEMAIL" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:IPBEMAIL"><span class="mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive" role="button">使用电邮</span></a></span> 申请IP封禁豁免。带有此权限的用户可以使用被封禁的代理编辑维基百科。</li> <li>如果您相信自己并未运行或使用代理,那很可能是因为上一个从<a href="/wiki/%E4%BA%92%E8%81%94%E7%BD%91%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E4%BE%9B%E5%BA%94%E5%95%86" title="互联网服务供应商">互联网服务供应商</a>分配到此IP地址的用户运行了代理。那么请在您的<a href="/wiki/Help:%E8%AE%A8%E8%AE%BA%E9%A1%B5" class="mw-redirect" title="Help:讨论页">讨论页</a>使用&#123;&#123;<a href="/wiki/Template:Unblock" title="Template:Unblock">unblock</a>&#125;&#125;模板申请解除封禁。极少数情况下,您的网络设备或服务提供商可能未进行正确配置,或已被恶意软件(如病毒)入侵。</li> <li>您如果无法自行解决问题,可至<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IRC%E8%81%8A%E5%A4%A9%E9%A2%91%E9%81%93" title="Wikipedia:IRC聊天频道">IRC聊天频道</a>寻求其他编者的帮助。</li></ul> </td></tr></tbody></table> </div> <div style="color: var(--color-progressive--active,rgba(42,75,141,1))">這次封禁的結束時間是:<b>2025年7月23日 (三) 10:52 (<a href="/wiki/UTC" class="mw-redirect" title="UTC">UTC</a>)</b></div> </div> <p>如您对此封禁有疑问或异议,您可以: </p> <div style="margin:1em; background: var(--background-color-neutral,#eaecf0); color: var(--color-progressive--active,rgba(42,75,141,1)); padding:0.6em 2em; border:0px var(--border-color-notice,#666 solid); border-radius: 3px;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 0.4em;"><b>网站申诉</b>:前往<a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">-{R|}-</a>,如果您没有账户,请选择“无法创建账户”。如果您有账户,请选择“已有账户,但无法编辑”。在页面下方的“IP地址和IPBE”一节,请您选择“检测并提供我的IP地址信息,同时申请IPBE权限”。如果您使用代理/翻墙工具,请确保您开启全局模式,以保证我们获得您的准确IP信息。管理员将手工处理您的请求。</div> <div style="margin-bottom: 0.4em;"><b>邮件申诉</b>:将您的用户名和申诉理由写入电子邮件,发送至 <b><samp>unblock-zh<span class="skin-invert" typeof="mw:File"><span title="@"><img alt="@" src="//" decoding="async" width="12" height="12" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="16" data-file-height="16" /></span></span></samp></b>。管理员将在收到邮件后考虑您的请求。请注意邮件发送可能会有延时,请勿重复多次发送。</div> <div class="user-show"><b>联络管理员</b>:聯絡<a href="/wiki/Special:%E7%94%B5%E9%82%AE%E8%81%94%E7%B3%BB/Jimmy-abot" title="Special:电邮联系/Jimmy-abot">执行封禁的管理员‪Jimmy-abot‬</a>或者其他的<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%91%98%E5%90%8D%E5%8D%95#在任管理员" title="Wikipedia:管理员名单">管理員</a>,討論這次封禁。如果您希望使用「電郵用戶」功能聯絡管理員,請注意您必须已于您的<a href="/wiki/Special:%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE" title="Special:参数设置">参数设置</a>中設定了一個有效的電子郵件地址,并且在管理员执行封禁时没有被禁止发送电子邮件。</div></div> <p>您目前的IP地址是8.222.208.146,而該封鎖ID是#566341。請您在所有申訴中註明此IP地址及封鎖ID。 </p><p><br /> </p> <div style="height: 2em;"></div> </div></div> </td></tr></tbody></table></li><li class="mw-permissionerror-globalblocking-blockedtext-range"><b>您的IP地址属于已<a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/Global blocks">在所有维基媒体基金会维基受到封禁</a>的地址段。</b> <p>封禁执行者是<a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">‪Jon Kolbert‬</a>。封禁原因是<i><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </i>。 </p> <ul><li>封禁开始时间:2023年8月27日 (日) 15:12</li> <li>封禁期满时间:2028年8月27日 (日) 15:12</li></ul> <p>您当前的IP地址是8.222.208.146。封禁的地址段是8.222.128.0/17。 </p> 请在进行咨询时提供上面所有详情。如果您认为您受到错误封禁,您可以在<a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/No open proxies">禁止公开代理</a>全域方针里找到更多信息和说明。您也可以<a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Steward requests/Global">到元维基发布复查申请</a>讨论该封禁。您还可以给<a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards">监管员</a><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/VRT">VRT</a>队列(<kbd></kbd>)发送提供上面所有详情的电子邮件。</li></ul><hr /> <p>您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 </p><textarea readonly="" accesskey="," id="wpTextbox1" cols="80" rows="25" style="" class="mw-editfont-monospace" lang="en" dir="ltr" name="wpTextbox1">-- Conversion data used by [[Module:Convert]] which uses mw.loadData() for -- read-only access to this module so that it is loaded only once per page. -- See [[:en:Template:Convert/Transwiki guide]] if copying to another wiki. -- -- These data tables follow: -- all_units all properties for a unit, including default output -- default_exceptions exceptions for default output ('kg' and 'g' have different defaults) -- link_exceptions exceptions for links ('kg' and 'g' have different links) -- -- These tables are generated by a script which reads the wikitext of a page that -- documents the required properties of each unit; see [[:en:Module:Convert/doc]]. -- 中文维基百科的此模块对比英语维基百科增加了对中国市制单位的支持。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do not change the data in this table because it is created by running -- -- a script that reads the wikitext from a wiki page (see note above). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local all_units = { ["Gy"] = { _name1 = "-{zh:戈瑞;zh-cn:戈瑞;zh-tw:戈雷;zh-hk:戈瑞;}-", _symbol = "Gy", utype = "電離輻射能量吸收劑量", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "rad", link = "戈瑞", }, ["rad"] = { _name1 = "拉德", _symbol = "rad", utype = "電離輻射能量吸收劑量", scale = 0.01, prefixes = 1, default = "Gy", link = ":en:Rad (unit)", }, ["cm/s2"] = { name1 = "-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-每二次方秒", symbol = "cm/s&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "加速度", scale = 0.01, default = "ft/s2", link = "伽", }, ["ft/s2"] = { name1 = "英尺每二次方秒", symbol = "ft/s&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "加速度", scale = 0.3048, default = "m/s2", }, ["g0"] = { name1 = "標準重力", symbol = "''g&lt;sub>0&lt;/sub>''", utype = "加速度", scale = 9.80665, default = "m/s2", }, ["km/hs"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-每小時每秒", symbol = "km/(h·s)", utype = "加速度", scale = 0.27777777777777779, default = "mph/s", link = "加速度", }, ["km/s2"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-每二次方秒", symbol = "km/s&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "加速度", scale = 1000, default = "mph/s", link = "加速度", }, ["m/s2"] = { name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每二次方秒", symbol = "m/s&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "加速度", scale = 1, default = "ft/s2", link = "米每二次方秒", }, ["mph/s"] = { name1 = "英里每小時每秒", symbol = "mph/s", utype = "加速度", scale = 0.44704, default = "km/hs", link = "加速度", }, ["km/h/s"] = { target = "km/hs", }, ["standard gravity"] = { target = "g0", }, ["1000sqft"] = { name1 = "千平方英尺", symbol = "1000&amp;nbsp;sq&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "面積", scale = 92.90304, default = "m2", link = "平方英尺", }, ["a"] = { _name1 = "公畝", _symbol = "a", utype = "面積", scale = 100, prefixes = 1, default = "sqft", link = "公畝", }, ["acre"] = { name1 = "英畝", symbol = "acre", utype = "面積", scale = 4046.8564224, default = "ha", }, ["acre-sing"] = { target = "acre", }, ["am2"] = { name1 = "平方阿米", symbol = "am&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-36, default = "m2", link = "阿米", }, ["arpent"] = { name1 = "阿潘特", symbol = "arpent", utype = "面積", scale = 3418.89, default = "ha", link = ":en:Arpent", }, ["cda"] = { name1 = "cuerda", symbol = "cda", utype = "面積", scale = 3930.395625, default = "acre ha", link = ":en:Cuerda", }, ["cm2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 0.0001, default = "sqin", link = "平方厘米", }, ["Cypriot donum"] = { symbol = "donum", utype = "面積", scale = 1337.803776, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Cypriot dunam"] = { symbol = "dunam", utype = "面積", scale = 1337.803776, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Cypriot dunum"] = { symbol = "dunum", utype = "面積", scale = 1337.803776, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Cypriot dönüm"] = { symbol = "dönüm", utype = "面積", scale = 1337.803776, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["daa"] = { name1 = "千平方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "daa", utype = "面積", scale = 1000, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Decare", }, ["dam2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:十米;zh-cn:十米;zh-tw:公丈;zh-hk:公丈;}-", symbol = "dam&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 100, default = "sqft", link = "公丈", }, ["dm2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:分米;zh-cn:分米;zh-tw:公寸;zh-hk:分米;}-", symbol = "dm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 0.01, default = "sqin", link = "公寸", }, ["donum"] = { symbol = "donum", utype = "面積", scale = 1000, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["dunam"] = { symbol = "dunam", utype = "面積", scale = 1000, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["dunum"] = { symbol = "dunum", utype = "面積", scale = 1000, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["dönüm"] = { symbol = "dönüm", utype = "面積", scale = 1000, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["fm2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:飛;zh-hans:飞;zh-hant:飛}-米", symbol = "fm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-30, default = "m2", link = "飛米", }, ["ha"] = { name1 = "公頃", symbol = "ha", utype = "面積", scale = 10000, default = "acre", }, ["hectare"] = { name1 = "公頃", symbol = "ha", utype = "面積", scale = 10000, default = "acre", }, ["Iraqi donum"] = { symbol = "donum", utype = "面積", scale = 2500, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Iraqi dunam"] = { symbol = "dunam", utype = "面積", scale = 2500, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Iraqi dunum"] = { symbol = "dunum", utype = "面積", scale = 2500, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Iraqi dönüm"] = { symbol = "dönüm", utype = "面積", scale = 2500, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["Irish acre"] = { name1 = "愛爾蘭英畝", symbol = "Irish&amp;nbsp;acres", utype = "面積", scale = 6555.2385024, default = "ha", link = ":en:Acre (Irish)", }, ["km2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1000000, default = "sqmi", link = "平方公里", }, ["m2"] = { _name1 = "平方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", _symbol = "m&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", prefix_position= 7, utype = "面積", scale = 1, prefixes = 2, default = "sqft", link = "平方米", }, ["mm2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-", symbol = "mm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 0.000001, default = "sqin", link = "平方毫米", }, ["mu"] = { name1 = "亩", symbol = "mu", utype = "面積", scale = 666.66666666667, default = "ha", subdivs = { ["sqzhang"] = { 60, default = "ha" } }, }, ["nm2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:納;zh-cn:纳;zh-tw:奈;zh-hk:納}-米", symbol = "nm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-18, default = "m2", link = "納米", }, ["old donum"] = { symbol = "donum", utype = "面積", scale = 919.3, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["old dunam"] = { symbol = "dunam", utype = "面積", scale = 919.3, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["old dunum"] = { symbol = "dunum", utype = "面積", scale = 919.3, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["old dönüm"] = { symbol = "dönüm", utype = "面積", scale = 919.3, default = "km2 sqmi", link = ":en:Dunam", }, ["pm2"] = { name1 = "平方皮米", symbol = "pm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-24, default = "m2", link = "皮米", }, ["pondemaat"] = { name1 = "pondemaat", symbol = "pond", utype = "面積", scale = 3674.363358816, default = "m2", link = ":nl:pondemaat", }, ["pyeong"] = { name1 = "坪", symbol = "pyeong", usename = 1, utype = "面積", scale = 3.3057851239669422, default = "m2", }, ["qing"] = { name1 = "顷", symbol = "qing", utype = "面積", scale = 66666.666666667, default = "ha", subdivs = { ["mu"] = { 15, default = "ha" } }, link = "中國度量衡#面積", }, ["rood"] = { name1 = "魯德", symbol = "rood", utype = "面積", scale = 1011.7141056, default = "sqft sqm", subdivs = { ["sqperch"] = { 40, default = "m2" } }, link = ":en:Rood (unit)", }, ["sqchi"] = { name1 = "平方尺", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;chi", utype = "面積", scale = 0.11111111111111, default = "m2", subdivs = { ["sqcun"] = { 100, default = "m2" } }, link = "市制#面积", }, ["sqcun"] = { name1 = "平方寸", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;cun", utype = "面積", scale = 0.0011111111111111, default = "cm2", link = "市制#面积", }, ["sqfoot"] = { name1 = "平方英尺", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "面積", scale = 0.09290304, default = "m2", }, ["sqft"] = { name1 = "平方英尺", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "面積", scale = 0.09290304, default = "m2", }, ["sqin"] = { name1 = "平方英寸", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;in", utype = "面積", scale = 0.00064516, default = "cm2", }, ["sqmi"] = { name1 = "平方英里", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;mi", utype = "面積", scale = 2589988.110336, default = "km2", }, ["sqnmi"] = { name1 = "平方海哩", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;nmi", utype = "面積", scale = 3429904, default = "km2 sqmi", link = "海哩", }, ["sqperch"] = { name1 = "平方桿距", symbol = "perch&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 25.29285264, default = "sqm", link = ":en:Perch (unit)#Area", }, ["sqverst"] = { name1 = "平方俄哩", symbol = "верста&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1138062.24, default = "km2 sqmi", link = "俄里", }, ["sqyd"] = { name1 = "平方碼", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;yd", utype = "面積", scale = 0.83612736, default = "m2", link = "碼", }, ["sqzhang"] = { name1 = "平方丈", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;zhang", utype = "面積", scale = 11.111111111111, default = "m2", subdivs = { ["sqchi"] = { 100, default = "m2" } }, link = "市制#面积", }, ["tsubo"] = { name1 = "坪", symbol = "tsubo", usename = 1, utype = "面積", scale = 3.3057851239669422, default = "m2", }, ["ym2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:仄;zh-cn:仄;zh-tw:介;zh-hk:仄}-米", symbol = "ym&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-48, default = "m2", link = "仄米", }, ["zm2"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:幺;zh-cn:幺;zh-tw:攸;zh-hk:幺}-米", symbol = "zm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-42, default = "m2", link = "幺米", }, ["µm2"] = { name1 = "平方微米", symbol = "µm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "面積", scale = 1e-12, default = "m2", link = "微米", }, ["acres"] = { target = "acre", }, ["are"] = { target = "a", }, ["Cypriot donum diaeresis"] = { target = "Cypriot dönüm", }, ["Cypriot donum dots"] = { target = "Cypriot dönüm", }, ["decare"] = { target = "daa", }, ["donum diaeresis"] = { target = "dönüm", }, ["donum dots"] = { target = "dönüm", }, ["foot2"] = { target = "sqfoot", }, ["ft2"] = { target = "sqft", }, ["in2"] = { target = "sqin", }, ["Iraqi donum diaeresis"] = { target = "Iraqi dönüm", }, ["Iraqi donum dots"] = { target = "Iraqi dönüm", }, ["km²"] = { target = "km2", }, ["metric donum"] = { target = "donum", }, ["metric donum diaeresis"] = { target = "dönüm", }, ["metric donum dots"] = { target = "dönüm", }, ["metric dunam"] = { target = "dunam", }, ["metric dönüm"] = { target = "dönüm", }, ["mi2"] = { target = "sqmi", }, ["million acre"] = { target = "e6acre", }, ["million acres"] = { target = "e6acre", }, ["million hectares"] = { target = "e6ha", }, ["m²"] = { target = "m2", }, ["nmi2"] = { target = "sqnmi", }, ["old donum diaeresis"] = { target = "old dönüm", }, ["old donum dots"] = { target = "old dönüm", }, ["pond"] = { target = "pondemaat", }, ["sq arp"] = { target = "arpent", }, ["sqam"] = { target = "am2", }, ["sqcm"] = { target = "cm2", }, ["sqdam"] = { target = "dam2", }, ["sqdm"] = { target = "dm2", }, ["sqfm"] = { target = "fm2", }, ["sqkm"] = { target = "km2", }, ["sqm"] = { target = "m2", }, ["sqmm"] = { target = "mm2", }, ["sqnm"] = { target = "nm2", }, ["sqpm"] = { target = "pm2", }, ["sqym"] = { target = "ym2", }, ["sqzm"] = { target = "zm2", }, ["sqµm"] = { target = "µm2", }, ["square verst"] = { target = "sqverst", }, ["verst2"] = { target = "sqverst", }, ["yd2"] = { target = "sqyd", }, ["m2/ha"] = { name1 = "平方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每公頃", symbol = "m&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>/ha", utype = "面積每單位面積", scale = 0.0001, default = "sqft/acre", link = ":en:Basal area", }, ["sqft/acre"] = { name1 = "平方英尺每英畝", symbol = "sq&amp;nbsp;ft/acre", utype = "面積每單位面積", scale = 2.295684113865932e-5, default = "m2/ha", }, ["A.h"] = { name1 = "安培·小時", symbol = "A·h", utype = "電荷", scale = 3600, default = "coulomb", link = "安培小時", }, ["coulomb"] = { _name1 = "庫侖", _symbol = "C", utype = "電荷", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "e", link = "庫侖", }, ["e"] = { name1 = "基本電荷", symbol = "''e''", utype = "電荷", scale = 1.602176487e-19, default = "coulomb", }, ["A·h"] = { target = "A.h", }, ["g-mol"] = { name1 = "克-摩尔", symbol = "g-mol", utype = "化學物質的量", scale = 1, default = "lbmol", link = "摩尔 (单位)", }, ["gmol"] = { name1 = "克-摩尔", symbol = "gmol", utype = "化學物質的量", scale = 1, default = "lbmol", link = "摩尔 (单位)", }, ["kmol"] = { name1 = "千摩尔", symbol = "kmol", utype = "化學物質的量", scale = 1000, default = "lbmol", link = "摩尔 (单位)", }, ["lb-mol"] = { name1 = "英磅-摩尔", symbol = "lb-mol", utype = "化學物質的量", scale = 453.59237, default = "mol", link = "摩尔 (单位)", }, ["lbmol"] = { name1 = "英磅-摩尔", symbol = "lbmol", utype = "化學物質的量", scale = 453.59237, default = "mol", link = "摩尔 (单位)", }, ["mol"] = { name1 = "摩尔", symbol = "mol", utype = "化學物質的量", scale = 1, default = "lbmol", link = "摩尔 (单位)", }, ["kgCO2/L"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每公升", symbol = "kg(CO&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>)/L", utype = "二氧化碳排放量", scale = 1000, default = "lbCO2/USgal", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["lbCO2/USgal"] = { name1 = "英磅每美制加侖", symbol = "lbCO2/US&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "二氧化碳排放量", scale = 119.82642731689663, default = "kgCO2/L", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["oz/lb"] = { per = { "oz", "lb" }, utype = "濃度", default = "mg/kg", }, ["mg/kg"] = { per = { "mg", "kg" }, utype = "濃度", default = "oz/lb", }, ["$/acre"] = { per = { "$", "acre" }, utype = "每單位面積價值", default = "$/ha", }, ["$/ha"] = { per = { "$", "ha" }, utype = "每單位面積價值", default = "$/acre", }, ["$/m2"] = { per = { "$", "m2" }, utype = "每單位面積價值", default = "$/sqft", }, ["$/sqft"] = { per = { "$", "sqft" }, utype = "每單位面積價值", default = "$/m2", }, ["$/km"] = { per = { "$", "km" }, utype = "每單位長度價值", default = "$/mi", }, ["$/mi"] = { per = { "$", "mi" }, utype = "每單位長度價值", default = "$/km", }, ["$/kg"] = { per = { "$", "kg" }, utype = "每單位質量價值", default = "$/lb", }, ["$/g"] = { per = { "$", "g" }, utype = "每單位質量價值", default = "$/lb", }, ["$/lb"] = { per = { "$", "lb" }, utype = "每單位質量價值", default = "$/kg", }, ["$/oz"] = { per = { "$", "oz" }, utype = "每單位質量價值", default = "$/g", }, ["$/ozt"] = { per = { "$", "ozt" }, utype = "每單位質量價值", default = "$/kg", }, ["$/m3"] = { per = { "$", "m3" }, utype = "每單位容量價值", default = "$/oilbbl", }, ["$/oilbbl"] = { per = { "$", "oilbbl" }, utype = "每單位容量價值", default = "$/m3", }, ["£/acre"] = { per = { "£", "acre" }, utype = "每單位面積英磅價值", default = "£/ha", }, ["£/ha"] = { per = { "£", "ha" }, utype = "每單位面積英磅價值", default = "£/acre", }, ["g/dm3"] = { name1 = "克每立方分米", symbol = "g/dm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "密度", scale = 1, default = "kg/m3", link = "密度", }, ["g/L"] = { name1 = "克每公升", symbol = "g/L", utype = "密度", scale = 1, default = "lb/cuin", link = "密度", }, ["g/mL"] = { name1 = "克每毫升", symbol = "g/mL", utype = "密度", scale = 1000, default = "lb/cuin", link = "密度", }, ["g/ml"] = { name1 = "克每毫升", symbol = "g/ml", utype = "密度", scale = 1000, default = "lb/cuin", link = "密度", }, ["kg/dm3"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每立方分米", symbol = "kg/dm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "密度", scale = 1000, default = "lb/cuft", link = "密度", }, ["kg/L"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每公升", symbol = "kg/L", utype = "密度", scale = 1000, default = "lb/USgal", link = "密度", }, ["kg/l"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每公升", symbol = "kg/l", utype = "密度", scale = 1000, default = "lb/USgal", link = "密度", }, ["kg/m3"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "kg/m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "密度", scale = 1, default = "lb/cuyd", link = "密度", }, ["lb/cuft"] = { name1 = "英磅每立方英尺", symbol = "lb/cu&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "密度", scale = 16.018463373960142, default = "g/cm3", link = "密度", }, ["lb/cuin"] = { name1 = "英磅每立方英寸", symbol = "lb/cu&amp;nbsp;in", utype = "密度", scale = 27679.904710203122, default = "g/cm3", link = "密度", }, ["lb/cuyd"] = { name1 = "英磅每立方碼", symbol = "lb/cu&amp;nbsp;yd", utype = "密度", scale = 0.5932764212577829, default = "kg/m3", link = "密度", }, ["lb/impgal"] = { name1 = "英磅每英制加侖", symbol = "lb/imp&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "密度", scale = 99.776372663101697, default = "kg/L", link = "密度", }, ["lb/in3"] = { name1 = "英磅每立方英寸", symbol = "lb/cu&amp;thinsp;in", utype = "密度", scale = 27679.904710203122, default = "g/cm3", link = "密度", }, ["lb/"] = { name1 = "英磅每美制加侖", symbol = "lb/U.S.&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "密度", scale = 119.82642731689663, default = "kg/L", link = "密度", }, ["lb/USbu"] = { name1 = "英磅每美制蒲式耳", symbol = "lb/US&amp;nbsp;bu", utype = "密度", scale = 12.871859780974471, default = "kg/m3", link = "蒲式耳", }, ["lb/USgal"] = { name1 = "英磅每美制加侖", symbol = "lb/US&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "密度", scale = 119.82642731689663, default = "kg/L", link = "密度", }, ["lbm/cuin"] = { name1 = "英磅質量每立方英寸", symbol = "lbm/cu&amp;thinsp;in", utype = "密度", scale = 27679.904710203122, default = "g/cm3", link = "密度", }, ["mg/L"] = { name1 = "毫克每公升", symbol = "mg/L", utype = "密度", scale = 0.001, default = "lb/cuin", link = "密度", }, ["oz/cuin"] = { name1 = "盎司每立方英寸", symbol = "oz/cu&amp;nbsp;in", utype = "密度", scale = 1729.9940443876951, default = "g/cm3", link = "密度", }, ["g/cm3"] = { per = { "g", "cm3" }, utype = "密度", default = "lb/cuin", }, ["g/m3"] = { per = { "g", "m3" }, utype = "密度", default = "lb/cuyd", link = "密度", }, ["Mg/m3"] = { per = { "Mg", "m3" }, utype = "密度", default = "lb/cuft", }, ["mg/l"] = { per = { "mg", "l" }, utype = "密度", default = "oz/cuin", }, ["µg/dL"] = { per = { "µg", "dL" }, utype = "密度", default = "lb/cuin", }, ["µg/l"] = { per = { "µg", "l" }, utype = "密度", default = "oz/cuin", }, ["lb/ft3"] = { target = "lb/cuft", }, ["lb/yd3"] = { target = "lb/cuyd", }, ["lbm/in3"] = { target = "lbm/cuin", }, ["mcg/dL"] = { target = "µg/dL", }, ["oz/in3"] = { target = "oz/cuin", }, ["ug/dL"] = { target = "µg/dL", }, ["μg/dL"] = { target = "µg/dL", }, ["ug/l"] = { target = "µg/l", }, ["B.O.T.U."] = { name1 = "貿易董事會單位", symbol = "B.O.T.U.", utype = "能量", scale = 3600000, default = "MJ", link = ":en:Board of Trade", }, ["bboe"] = { name1 = "桶油當量", symbol = "bboe", utype = "能量", scale = 6117863200, default = "GJ", link = ":en:Barrel of oil equivalent", }, ["BOE"] = { name1 = "桶油當量", symbol = "BOE", utype = "能量", scale = 6117863200, default = "GJ", link = ":en:Barrel of oil equivalent", }, ["BTU"] = { name1 = "英熱單位", symbol = "BTU", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.05585262, default = "kJ", }, ["Btu"] = { name1 = "英熱單位", symbol = "Btu", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.05585262, default = "kJ", }, ["BTU-39F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏39度)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>39°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1059.67, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-39F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏39度)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>39°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1059.67, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU-59F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏59度)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>59°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.804, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-59F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏59度)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>59°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.804, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU-60F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏60度)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>60°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.68, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-60F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏60度)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>60°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.68, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU-63F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏63度)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>63°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.6, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-63F"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(華氏63度)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>63°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.6, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU-ISO"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(ISO)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>ISO&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.056, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-ISO"] = { target = "BTU-ISO", }, ["BTU-IT"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(IT)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.05585262, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-IT"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(IT)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.05585262, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU-mean"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(平均)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>mean&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.87, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-mean"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(平均)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>mean&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055.87, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU-th"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(熱化學)", symbol = "BTU&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.35026444, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Btu-th"] = { name1 = "英熱單位(熱化學)", symbol = "Btu&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054.35026444, default = "kJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Cal"] = { name1 = "卡路里", symbol = "Cal", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", }, ["cal"] = { name1 = "卡路里", symbol = "cal", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184, default = "J", }, ["Cal-15"] = { name1 = "卡路里(攝氏15度)", symbol = "Cal&lt;sub>15&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4185.8, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["cal-15"] = { name1 = "卡路里(攝氏15度)", symbol = "cal&lt;sub>15&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4.1858, default = "J", link = "卡路里", }, ["Cal-IT"] = { name1 = "卡路里(國際蒸汽表)", symbol = "Cal&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4186.8, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["cal-IT"] = { name1 = "卡路里(國際蒸汽表)", symbol = "cal&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4.1868, default = "J", link = "卡路里", }, ["Cal-th"] = { name1 = "卡路里(熱化學)", symbol = "Cal&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["cal-th"] = { name1 = "卡路里(熱化學)", symbol = "cal&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184, default = "J", link = "卡路里", }, ["ccatm"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-·大氣壓", symbol = "cc·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 0.101325, default = "mJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["CHU-IT"] = { name1 = "攝氏熱單位(國際表)", symbol = "CHU&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1899.100534716, default = "kJ", link = "單位換算", }, ["cm3atm"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-·大氣壓", symbol = "cm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 0.101325, default = "mJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["cufootatm"] = { name1 = "立方英尺·大氣壓", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft&amp;nbsp;atm", utype = "能量", scale = 2869.2044809344, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["cufootnaturalgas"] = { name1 = "立方英尺天然氣", symbol = "cuftnaturalgas", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055.85262, default = "MJ", link = "單位換算", }, ["cuftatm"] = { name1 = "立方英尺·大氣壓", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft&amp;nbsp;atm", utype = "能量", scale = 2869.2044809344, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["cuftnaturalgas"] = { name1 = "立方英尺天然氣", symbol = "cuftnaturalgas", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055.85262, default = "MJ", link = "單位換算", }, ["cuydatm"] = { name1 = "立方碼·大氣壓", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;yd&amp;nbsp;atm", utype = "能量", scale = 77468.5209852288, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["Eh"] = { name1 = "哈特里", symbol = "''E''&lt;sub>h&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4.35974417e-18, default = "eV", link = "哈特里能量", }, ["erg"] = { name1 = "爾格", symbol = "erg", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0000001, default = "µJ", }, ["eV"] = { name1 = "電子伏", symbol = "eV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-19, default = "aJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["feV"] = { name1 = "飛電子伏", symbol = "feV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-34, default = "yJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["foe"] = { symbol = "foe", utype = "能量", scale = 1e44, default = "YJ", link = ":en:Foe (unit)", }, ["ftlb"] = { name1 = "英尺·英磅", symbol = "ft·lb", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "J", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["ftlb-f"] = { name1 = "英尺·英磅", symbol = "ft·lb&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "J", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["ftlbf"] = { name1 = "英尺·英磅", symbol = "ft·lbf", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "J", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["ftpdl"] = { name1 = "英尺·磅達", symbol = "ft·pdl", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0421401100938048, default = "J", link = ":en:Foot-poundal", }, ["GeV"] = { name1 = "吉電子伏", symbol = "GeV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-10, default = "nJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["GLatm"] = { name1 = "吉公升·大氣壓", symbol = "GL·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325000000, default = "GJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["Glatm"] = { name1 = "吉公升·大氣壓", symbol = "Gl·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325000000, default = "GJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["gTNT"] = { name1 = "克黃色炸藥", symbol = "g of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["Gtoe"] = { name1 = "克公噸石油當量", symbol = "Gtoe", utype = "能量", scale = 4.1868e19, default = "EJ", link = ":en:Tonne of oil equivalent", }, ["GtonTNT"] = { name1 = "吉公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "gigaton of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e18, default = "EJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["GtTNT"] = { name1 = "吉公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "gigatonne of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e18, default = "EJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["GW.h"] = { name1 = "吉瓦特·小時", symbol = "GW·h", utype = "能量", scale = 3.6e12, default = "TJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["GWh"] = { name1 = "吉瓦特·小時", symbol = "GWh", utype = "能量", scale = 3.6e12, default = "TJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["hph"] = { name1 = "匹馬力小時", symbol = "hp·h", utype = "能量", scale = 2684519.537696172792, default = "kWh", link = "馬力", }, ["impgalatm"] = { name1 = "英制加侖·大氣壓", symbol = "imp gal·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 460.63256925, default = "J", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["inlb"] = { name1 = "英寸·英磅", symbol = "in·lb", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 0.1129848290276167, default = "mJ", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["inlb-f"] = { name1 = "英寸·英磅", symbol = "in·lb&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 0.1129848290276167, default = "mJ", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["inlbf"] = { name1 = "英寸·英磅", symbol = "in·lbf", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 0.1129848290276167, default = "mJ", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["inoz-f"] = { name1 = "英寸·盎司", symbol = "in·oz&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 0.00706155181422604375, default = "mJ", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["inozf"] = { name1 = "英寸·盎司", symbol = "in·ozf", utype = "能量", alttype = "力矩", scale = 0.00706155181422604375, default = "mJ", link = ":en:Foot-pound (energy)", }, ["J"] = { _name1 = "焦耳", _symbol = "J", utype = "能量", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "cal", link = "焦耳", }, ["kBOE"] = { name1 = "桶油當量", symbol = "kBOE", utype = "能量", scale = 6.1178632e12, default = "TJ", link = ":en:Barrel of oil equivalent", }, ["kcal"] = { name1 = "千卡", symbol = "kcal", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["kcal-15"] = { name1 = "千卡(攝氏15度)", symbol = "kcal&lt;sub>15&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4185.8, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["kcal-IT"] = { name1 = "千卡(國際蒸汽表)", symbol = "kcal&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4186.8, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["kcal-th"] = { name1 = "千卡(熱化學)", symbol = "kcal&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["kerg"] = { name1 = "千爾格", symbol = "kerg", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0001, default = "mJ", link = "爾格", }, ["keV"] = { name1 = "千電子伏", symbol = "keV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-16, default = "fJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["kgTNT"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-黃色炸藥", symbol = "kg of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000, default = "MJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["kLatm"] = { name1 = "千公升·大氣壓", symbol = "kL·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["klatm"] = { name1 = "千公升·大氣壓", symbol = "kl·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["kt(TNT)"] = { name1 = "千公噸", symbol = "kt", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e12, default = "TJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["ktoe"] = { name1 = "千公噸石油當量", symbol = "ktoe", utype = "能量", scale = 4.1868e13, default = "TJ", link = ":en:Tonne of oil equivalent", }, ["ktonTNT"] = { name1 = "千公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "kt", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e12, default = "TJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["ktTNT"] = { name1 = "千公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "kt of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e12, default = "TJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["kW.h"] = { name1 = "千瓦·小時", symbol = "kW·h", utype = "能量", scale = 3600000, default = "MJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["kWh"] = { name1 = "千瓦·小時", symbol = "kWh", utype = "能量", scale = 3600000, default = "MJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["Latm"] = { name1 = "公升·大氣壓", symbol = "L·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101.325, default = "J", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["latm"] = { name1 = "公升·大氣壓", symbol = "l·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101.325, default = "J", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["m3atm"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-·大氣壓", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["MBtu"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位", symbol = "MBtu", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055.85262, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-39F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏39度)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>39°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1059670, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-39F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏39度)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>39°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1059670, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-59F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏59度)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>59°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054804, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-59F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏59度)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>59°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054804, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-60F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏60度)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>60°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054680, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-60F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏60度)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>60°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054680, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-63F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏63度)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>63°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054600, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-63F"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(華氏63度)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>63°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054600, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-ISO"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(ISO)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>ISO&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055056, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-ISO"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(ISO)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>ISO&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055056, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-IT"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(IT)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055.85262, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-IT"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(IT)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055.85262, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-mean"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(平均)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>mean&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055870, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-mean"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(平均)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>mean&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055870, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBTU-th"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(熱化學)", symbol = "MBTU&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054350.26444, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MBtu-th"] = { name1 = "千英熱單位(熱化學)", symbol = "MBtu&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054350.26444, default = "MJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Mcal"] = { name1 = "百萬卡", symbol = "Mcal", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000, default = "MJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["mcal"] = { name1 = "百萬卡", symbol = "mcal", utype = "能量", scale = 0.004184, default = "mJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["Mcal-15"] = { name1 = "百萬卡(攝氏15度)", symbol = "Mcal&lt;sub>15&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4185800, default = "MJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["mcal-15"] = { name1 = "百萬卡(攝氏15度)", symbol = "mcal&lt;sub>15&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0041858, default = "mJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["Mcal-IT"] = { name1 = "百萬卡(國際蒸汽表)", symbol = "Mcal&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4186800, default = "MJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["mcal-IT"] = { name1 = "百萬卡(國際蒸汽表)", symbol = "mcal&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0041868, default = "mJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["Mcal-th"] = { name1 = "百萬卡(熱化學)", symbol = "Mcal&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000, default = "MJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["mcal-th"] = { name1 = "百萬卡(熱化學)", symbol = "mcal&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 0.004184, default = "mJ", link = "卡路里", }, ["Merg"] = { name1 = "百萬爾格", symbol = "Merg", utype = "能量", scale = 0.1, default = "J", link = "爾格", }, ["merg"] = { name1 = "毫爾格", symbol = "merg", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0000000001, default = "µJ", link = "爾格", }, ["MeV"] = { name1 = "百萬電子伏", symbol = "MeV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-13, default = "pJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["meV"] = { name1 = "毫電子伏", symbol = "meV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-22, default = "zJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["MLatm"] = { name1 = "百萬公升·大氣壓", symbol = "ML·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325000, default = "MJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["Mlatm"] = { name1 = "百萬公升·大氣壓", symbol = "Ml·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 101325000, default = "MJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["mLatm"] = { name1 = "毫升·大氣壓", symbol = "L·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 0.101325, default = "mJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["mlatm"] = { name1 = "毫升·大氣壓", symbol = "l·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 0.101325, default = "mJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["MMBtu"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位", symbol = "MMBtu", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055852.62, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-39F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏39度)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>39°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1059670000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-39F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏39度)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>39°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1059670000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-59F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏59度)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>59°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054804000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-59F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏59度)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>59°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054804000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-60F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏60度)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>60°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054680000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-60F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏60度)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>60°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054680000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-63F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏63度)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>63°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054600000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-63F"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(華氏63度)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>63°F&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054600000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-ISO"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(ISO)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>ISO&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055056000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-ISO"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(ISO)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>ISO&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055056000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-IT"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(IT)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055852.62, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-IT"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(IT)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>IT&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055055852.62, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-mean"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(品均)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>mean&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055870000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-mean"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(品均)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>mean&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1055870000, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBTU-th"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(熱化學)", symbol = "MMBTU&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054350264.44, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["MMBtu-th"] = { name1 = "百萬英熱單位(熱化學)", symbol = "MMBtu&lt;sub>th&lt;/sub>", utype = "能量", scale = 1054350264.44, default = "GJ", link = "英熱單位", }, ["Mt(TNT)"] = { name1 = "百萬公噸", symbol = "Mt", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e15, default = "PJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["Mtoe"] = { name1 = "百萬公噸油當量", symbol = "Mtoe", utype = "能量", scale = 4.1868e16, default = "PJ", link = ":en:Tonne of oil equivalent", }, ["MtonTNT"] = { name1 = "百萬公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "Mt", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e15, default = "PJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["mtonTNT"] = { name1 = "毫公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "milliton of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000, default = "MJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["MtTNT"] = { name1 = "百萬公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "megatonne of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e15, default = "PJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["mtTNT"] = { name1 = "毫公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "millitonne of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000, default = "MJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["MW.h"] = { name1 = "百萬瓦特·小時", symbol = "MW·h", utype = "能量", scale = 3600000000, default = "GJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["mW.h"] = { name1 = "毫瓦特·小時", symbol = "mW·h", utype = "能量", scale = 3.6, default = "J", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["MWh"] = { name1 = "百萬瓦特·小時", symbol = "MWh", utype = "能量", scale = 3600000000, default = "GJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["mWh"] = { name1 = "毫瓦特·小時", symbol = "mWh", utype = "能量", scale = 3.6, default = "J", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["neV"] = { name1 = "奈電子伏", symbol = "neV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-28, default = "yJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["PeV"] = { name1 = "拍電子伏", symbol = "PeV", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0001602176487, default = "mJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["peV"] = { name1 = "皮電子伏", symbol = "peV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-31, default = "yJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["quad"] = { name1 = "千的五次方英熱單位", symbol = "quad", utype = "能量", scale = 1.054804e18, default = "EJ", link = ":en:Quad (energy)", }, ["Ry"] = { name1 = "里德伯", symbol = "Ry", utype = "能量", scale = 2.1798741e-18, default = "eV", link = "里德伯常量", }, ["scc"] = { name1 = "標準立方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "scc", utype = "能量", scale = 0.101325, default = "mJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["scf"] = { name1 = "標準立方英尺", symbol = "scf", utype = "能量", scale = 2869.2044809344, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["scfoot"] = { name1 = "標準立方英尺", symbol = "scf", utype = "能量", scale = 2869.2044809344, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["scy"] = { name1 = "標準立方碼", symbol = "scy", utype = "能量", scale = 77468.5209852288, default = "kJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["sl"] = { name1 = "標準公升", symbol = "sl", utype = "能量", scale = 101.325, default = "J", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["t(TNT)"] = { name1 = "公噸", symbol = "t", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000000, default = "GJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["TeV"] = { name1 = "太電子伏", symbol = "TeV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-7, default = "µJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["th"] = { name1 = "撒姆(公制)", symbol = "th", utype = "能量", scale = 4186800, default = "MJ", link = "單位換算", }, ["thm-EC"] = { name1 = "撒姆(歐洲)", symbol = "thm (EC)", utype = "能量", scale = 105506000, default = "MJ", link = "天然氣#能含量及相關數字", }, ["thm-UK"] = { name1 = "撒姆(英國)", symbol = "thm (UK)", utype = "能量", scale = 105505585.257348, default = "MJ", link = "天然氣#能含量及相關數字", }, ["thm-US"] = { name1 = "撒姆(美國)", symbol = "thm (US)", sym_us = "thm (U.S.)", utype = "能量", scale = 105480400, default = "MJ", link = "天然氣#能含量及相關數字", }, ["toe"] = { name1 = "公噸油當量", symbol = "toe", utype = "能量", scale = 41868000000, default = "GJ", link = ":en:Tonne of oil equivalent", }, ["tonTNT"] = { name1 = "公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "ton of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000000, default = "GJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["tTNT"] = { name1 = "公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "tonne of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184000000, default = "GJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["TtonTNT"] = { name1 = "太公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "teraton of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e21, default = "ZJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["TtTNT"] = { name1 = "太公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "teratonne of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4.184e21, default = "ZJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["TW.h"] = { name1 = "太瓦特·小時", symbol = "TW·h", utype = "能量", scale = 3.6e15, default = "PJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["TWh"] = { name1 = "太瓦特·小時", symbol = "TWh", utype = "能量", scale = 3.6e15, default = "PJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["USgalatm"] = { name1 = "美制加侖·大氣壓", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;gal·atm", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;gal·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 383.5568490138, default = "J", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["W.h"] = { name1 = "瓦特·小時", symbol = "W·h", utype = "能量", scale = 3600, default = "kJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["Wh"] = { name1 = "瓦特·小時", symbol = "Wh", utype = "能量", scale = 3600, default = "kJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["µerg"] = { name1 = "微爾格", symbol = "µerg", utype = "能量", scale = 1e-13, default = "nJ", link = "爾格", }, ["µeV"] = { name1 = "微電子伏", symbol = "µeV", utype = "能量", scale = 1.602176487e-25, default = "yJ", link = "電子伏特", }, ["µLatm"] = { name1 = "微升·大氣壓", symbol = "µL·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 0.000101325, default = "µJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["µlatm"] = { name1 = "微升·大氣壓", symbol = "µl·atm", utype = "能量", scale = 0.000101325, default = "µJ", link = "標準大氣壓", }, ["µtonTNT"] = { name1 = "微公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "microton of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["µtTNT"] = { name1 = "微公噸黃色炸藥", symbol = "microtonne of TNT", utype = "能量", scale = 4184, default = "kJ", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["µW.h"] = { name1 = "微瓦特·小時", symbol = "µW·h", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0036, default = "mJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["µWh"] = { name1 = "微瓦特·小時", symbol = "µWh", utype = "能量", scale = 0.0036, default = "mJ", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["-kW.h"] = { target = "kW.h", }, ["btu"] = { target = "BTU", }, ["Calorie"] = { target = "Cal", }, ["ft.lbf"] = { target = "ftlbf", }, ["ft·lb-f"] = { target = "ftlb-f", }, ["ft·lbf"] = { target = "ftlbf", }, ["g-cal-15"] = { target = "cal-15", }, ["g-cal-IT"] = { target = "cal-IT", }, ["g-cal-th"] = { target = "cal-th", }, ["g-kcal-15"] = { target = "kcal-15", }, ["g-kcal-IT"] = { target = "kcal-IT", }, ["g-kcal-th"] = { target = "kcal-th", }, ["g-Mcal-15"] = { target = "Mcal-15", }, ["g-mcal-15"] = { target = "mcal-15", }, ["g-Mcal-IT"] = { target = "Mcal-IT", }, ["g-mcal-IT"] = { target = "mcal-IT", }, ["g-Mcal-th"] = { target = "Mcal-th", }, ["g-mcal-th"] = { target = "mcal-th", }, ["GW-h"] = { target = "GW.h", }, ["GW·h"] = { target = "GW.h", }, ["Hartree"] = { target = "Eh", }, ["hp.h"] = { target = "hph", }, ["hp·h"] = { target = "hph", }, [""] = { target = "inlb-f", }, ["in.lbf"] = { target = "inlbf", }, ["in.oz-f"] = { target = "inoz-f", }, ["in.ozf"] = { target = "inozf", }, ["in·lb-f"] = { target = "inlb-f", }, ["in·lbf"] = { target = "inlbf", }, ["in·oz-f"] = { target = "inoz-f", }, ["in·ozf"] = { target = "inozf", }, ["kbboe"] = { target = "kBOE", symbol = "kbboe", }, ["kg-cal-15"] = { target = "Cal-15", }, ["kg-cal-IT"] = { target = "Cal-IT", }, ["kg-cal-th"] = { target = "Cal-th", }, ["kW-h"] = { target = "kW.h", }, ["kW·h"] = { target = "kW.h", }, ["MW-h"] = { target = "MW.h", }, ["mW-h"] = { target = "mW.h", }, ["MW·h"] = { target = "MW.h", }, ["mW·h"] = { target = "mW.h", }, ["TW-h"] = { target = "TW.h", }, ["TW·h"] = { target = "TW.h", }, ["U.S.galatm"] = { target = "USgalatm", sp_us = true, }, ["uerg"] = { target = "µerg", }, ["ueV"] = { target = "µeV", }, ["uLatm"] = { target = "µLatm", }, ["ulatm"] = { target = "µlatm", }, ["usgalatm"] = { target = "USgalatm", }, ["utonTNT"] = { target = "µtonTNT", }, ["utTNT"] = { target = "µtTNT", }, ["uW-h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["uW.h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["uWh"] = { target = "µWh", }, ["uW·h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["W-h"] = { target = "W.h", }, ["W·h"] = { target = "W.h", }, ["µW-h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["µW·h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["μerg"] = { target = "µerg", }, ["μeV"] = { target = "µeV", }, ["μLatm"] = { target = "µLatm", }, ["μlatm"] = { target = "µlatm", }, ["μtonTNT"] = { target = "µtonTNT", }, ["μtTNT"] = { target = "µtTNT", }, ["μW-h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["μW.h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["μWh"] = { target = "µWh", }, ["μW·h"] = { target = "µW.h", }, ["kcal/mol"] = { per = { "kcal", "mol" }, utype = "每化學物質的量的能量", default = "kJ/mol", link = ":en:Kilocalorie per mole", }, ["kJ/mol"] = { per = { "kJ", "mol" }, utype = "每化學物質的量的能量", default = "kcal/mol", link = "焦耳每摩尔", }, ["kWh/100 km"] = { name1 = "千瓦·時每100-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "kW·h/100 km", utype = "每單位長度的能量", scale = 36, default = "MJ/km kWh/mi", link = "千瓦·時", }, ["MJ/100 km"] = { name1 = "百萬焦耳每100-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "MJ/100 km", utype = "每單位長度的能量", scale = 10, default = "BTU/mi", link = "英熱單位", }, ["BTU/mi"] = { per = { "BTU", "mi" }, utype = "每單位長度的能量", default = "v > 1525 ! M ! k ! J/km", }, ["kJ/km"] = { per = { "kJ", "km" }, utype = "每單位長度的能量", default = "BTU/mi", }, ["kWh/km"] = { per = { "-kW.h", "km" }, utype = "每單位長度的能量", default = "MJ/km kWh/mi", }, ["kWh/mi"] = { per = { "-kW.h", "mi" }, utype = "每單位長度的能量", default = "kWh/km MJ/km", }, ["MJ/km"] = { per = { "MJ", "km" }, utype = "每單位長度的能量", default = "BTU/mi", }, ["BTU/lb"] = { name1 = "英熱單位每英磅", symbol = "BTU/lb", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 429.92261414790346, default = "kJ/kg", link = "英熱單位", }, ["cal/g"] = { name1 = "卡路里每克", symbol = "cal/g", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 4184, default = "J/g", link = "卡路里", }, ["GJ/kg"] = { name1 = "吉焦耳每-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", symbol = "GJ/kg", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 1e9, default = "ktTNT/t", link = "焦耳", }, ["J/g"] = { name1 = "焦耳每克", symbol = "J/g", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 1000, default = "kcal/g", link = "焦耳", }, ["kcal/g"] = { name1 = "千卡路里每克", symbol = "kcal/g", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 4184000, default = "kJ/g", link = "卡路里", }, ["kJ/g"] = { name1 = "千焦耳每克", symbol = "kJ/g", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 1000000, default = "kcal/g", link = "焦耳", }, ["kJ/kg"] = { name1 = "千焦耳每-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", symbol = "kJ/kg", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 1000, default = "BTU/lb", link = "焦耳", }, ["ktonTNT/MT"] = { name1 = "千英噸黃色炸藥每公噸", symbol = "kiloton of TNT/metric ton", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 4184000000, default = "GJ/kg", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["ktTNT/t"] = { name1 = "千公噸黃色炸藥每公噸", symbol = "kilotonne of TNT/tonne", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 4184000000, default = "GJ/kg", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["MtonTNT/MT"] = { name1 = "百萬英噸黃色炸藥每公噸", symbol = "megaton of TNT/metric ton", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 4.184e12, default = "TJ/kg", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["MtTNT/MT"] = { name1 = "百萬公噸黃色炸藥每公噸", symbol = "megatonne of TNT/tonne", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 4.184e12, default = "TJ/kg", link = "爆炸當量", }, ["TJ/kg"] = { name1 = "太焦耳每-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", symbol = "TJ/kg", utype = "每單位質量的能量", scale = 1e12, default = "MtTNT/MT", link = "焦耳", }, ["Cal/g"] = { per = { "Cal", "g" }, utype = "每單位質量的能量", default = "kJ/g", }, ["BTU/cuft"] = { per = { "BTU", "cuft" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "kJ/L", }, ["Cal/12USoz(mL)serve"] = { per = { "Cal", "-12USoz(mL)serve" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "kJ/L", }, ["Cal/12USoz(ml)serve"] = { per = { "Cal", "-12USoz(ml)serve" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "kJ/l", }, ["Cal/12USozserve"] = { per = { "Cal", "-12USozserve" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "kJ/L", }, ["Cal/USoz"] = { per = { "Cal", "USoz" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "kJ/ml", }, ["kJ/L"] = { per = { "kJ", "L" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "BTU/cuft", }, ["kJ/l"] = { per = { "kJ", "l" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "BTU/cuft", }, ["kJ/ml"] = { per = { "kJ", "ml" }, utype = "每單位容量的能量", default = "Cal/USoz", }, ["Sv"] = { _name1 = "-{zh:西弗;zh-cn:希沃特;zh-tw:西弗;zh-hk:希沃特;}-", _symbol = "Sv", utype = "輻射收劑量當量", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "rem", link = "西弗", }, ["rem"] = { _name1 = "雷姆", _symbol = "rem", utype = "輻射收劑量當量", scale = 0.01, prefixes = 1, default = "Sv", link = "雷姆", }, ["g/km"] = { name1 = "克每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "g/km", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 1e-6, default = "oz/mi", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["g/mi"] = { name1 = "克每英里", symbol = "g/mi", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 6.2137119223733397e-7, default = "g/km", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["gCO2/km"] = { name1 = "克二氧化碳每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "g(CO&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>)/km", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 1e-6, default = "ozCO2/mi", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["gCO2/mi"] = { name1 = "克二氧化碳每英里", symbol = "g(CO&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>)/mi", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 6.2137119223733397e-7, default = "gCO2/km", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["kg/km"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "kg/km", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 0.001, default = "lb/mi", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["kgCO2/km"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-二氧化碳每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "kg(CO&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>)/km", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 0.001, default = "lbCO2/mi", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["lb/mi"] = { name1 = "英磅每英里", symbol = "lb/mi", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 0.00028184923173665794, default = "kg/km", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["lbCO2/mi"] = { name1 = "英磅二氧化碳每英里", symbol = "lb(CO&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>)/mi", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 0.00028184923173665794, default = "kgCO2/km", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["oz/mi"] = { name1 = "盎司每英里", symbol = "oz/mi", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 1.7615576983541121e-5, default = "g/km", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["ozCO2/mi"] = { name1 = "盎司二氧化碳每英里", symbol = "oz(CO&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>)/mi", utype = "廢氣排放量", scale = 1.7615576983541121e-5, default = "gCO2/km", link = ":en:Exhaust gas", }, ["cuft/a"] = { name1 = "立方英尺每年", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft/a", utype = "流量", scale = 8.9730672142368242e-10, default = "m3/a", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cuft/d"] = { name1 = "立方英尺每日", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft/d", utype = "流量", scale = 3.2774128000000003e-7, default = "m3/d", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cuft/h"] = { name1 = "立方英尺每小時", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft/h", utype = "流量", scale = 7.8657907200000004e-6, default = "m3/h", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cuft/min"] = { name1 = "立方英尺每分鐘", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft/min", utype = "流量", scale = 0.00047194744319999999, default = "m3/min", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cuft/s"] = { name1 = "立方英尺每秒", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft/s", utype = "流量", scale = 28316846592e-12, default = "m3/s", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cumi/a"] = { name1 = "立方英里每年", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;mi/a", utype = "流量", scale = 132.08171170940057, default = "km3/a", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cuyd/h"] = { name1 = "立方碼每小時", symbol = "cuyd/h", utype = "流量", scale = 0.00021237634944000001, default = "m3/h", link = "立方英尺", }, ["cuyd/s"] = { name1 = "立方碼每秒", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;yd/s", utype = "流量", scale = 0.76455485798400002, default = "m3/s", link = ":en:Cubic yard", }, ["Goilbbl/a"] = { name1 = "十億桶每年", symbol = "Gbbl/a", utype = "流量", scale = 5.0380033629933836, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/a", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["impgal/h"] = { name1 = "英制加侖每小時", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;gal/h", utype = "流量", scale = 1.2628027777777779e-6, default = "m3/h", link = "加侖", }, ["impgal/min"] = { name1 = "英制加侖每分鐘", symbol = "imp gal/min", utype = "流量", scale = 7.5768166666666671e-5, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["impgal/s"] = { name1 = "英制加侖每秒", symbol = "impgal/s", utype = "流量", scale = 0.00454609, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["km3/a"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-每年", symbol = "km&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/a", utype = "流量", scale = 31.68808781402895, default = "cumi/a", link = "立方公里", }, ["km3/d"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-每日", symbol = "km&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/d", utype = "流量", scale = 11574.074074074075, default = "cuft/d", link = "立方公里", }, ["koilbbl/a"] = { name1 = "千桶每年", symbol = "kbbl/a", utype = "流量", scale = 5.0380033629933841e-6, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! ! e3 ! m3/a", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["koilbbl/d"] = { name1 = "千桶每日", symbol = "kbbl/d", utype = "流量", scale = 0.0018401307283333335, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! ! e3 ! m3/d", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["L/h"] = { name1 = "公升每小時", symbol = "L/h", utype = "流量", scale = 2.7777777777777776e-7, default = "impgal/h USgal/h", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["L/min"] = { name1 = "公升每分鐘", symbol = "L/min", utype = "流量", scale = 1.6666666666666667e-5, default = "impgal/min USgal/min", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["L/s"] = { name1 = "公升每秒", symbol = "L/s", utype = "流量", scale = 0.001, default = "cuft/s", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["m3/a"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每年", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/a", utype = "流量", scale = 3.1688087814028947e-8, default = "cuft/a", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["m3/d"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每日", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/d", utype = "流量", scale = 1.1574074074074073e-5, default = "cuft/d", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["m3/h"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每小時", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/h", utype = "流量", scale = 0.00027777777777777778, default = "cuft/h", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["m3/min"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每分鐘", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/min", utype = "流量", scale = 0.016666666666666666, default = "cuft/min", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["m3/s"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每秒", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/s", utype = "流量", scale = 1, default = "cuft/s", link = ":en:Cubic metre per second", }, ["Moilbbl/a"] = { name1 = "百萬桶每年", symbol = "Mbbl/a", utype = "流量", scale = 0.0050380033629933837, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["Moilbbl/d"] = { name1 = "百萬桶每日", symbol = "Mbbl/d", utype = "流量", scale = 1.8401307283333335, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/d", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["oilbbl/a"] = { name1 = "桶每年", symbol = "bbl/a", utype = "流量", scale = 5.0380033629933841e-9, default = "m3/a", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["oilbbl/d"] = { name1 = "桶每日", symbol = "bbl/d", utype = "流量", scale = 1.8401307283333336e-6, default = "m3/d", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["Toilbbl/a"] = { name1 = "太桶每年", symbol = "Tbbl/a", utype = "流量", scale = 5038.0033629933832, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/a", link = "桶 (單位)", }, [""] = { name1 = "美制加侖每日", symbol = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;gal/d", utype = "流量", scale = 4.3812636388888893e-8, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", customary= 1, }, [""] = { name1 = "美制加侖每小時", symbol = "gal/h", utype = "流量", scale = 1.0515032733333334e-6, default = "m3/h", link = "加侖", customary= 2, }, [""] = { name1 = "美制加侖每分鐘", symbol = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;gal/min", utype = "流量", scale = 6.3090196400000003e-5, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["USgal/a"] = { name1 = "美制加侖每年", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;gal/a", utype = "流量", scale = 1.1995246102365199e-10, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["USgal/d"] = { name1 = "美制加侖每日", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;gal/d", utype = "流量", scale = 4.3812636388888893e-8, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["USgal/h"] = { name1 = "美制加侖每小時", symbol = "gal/h", utype = "流量", scale = 1.0515032733333334e-6, default = "m3/h", link = "加侖", customary= 1, }, ["USgal/min"] = { name1 = "美制加侖每分鐘", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;gal/min", utype = "流量", scale = 6.3090196400000003e-5, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["USgal/s"] = { name1 = "美制加侖每秒", symbol = "USgal/s", utype = "流量", scale = 0.003785411784, default = "m3/s", link = "加侖", }, ["ft3/a"] = { target = "cuft/a", }, ["ft3/d"] = { target = "cuft/d", }, ["ft3/h"] = { target = "cuft/h", }, ["ft3/s"] = { target = "cuft/s", }, ["Gcuft/a"] = { target = "e9cuft/a", }, ["Gcuft/d"] = { target = "e9cuft/d", }, ["kcuft/a"] = { target = "e3cuft/a", }, ["kcuft/d"] = { target = "e3cuft/d", }, ["kcuft/s"] = { target = "e3cuft/s", }, ["Mcuft/a"] = { target = "e6cuft/a", }, ["Mcuft/d"] = { target = "e6cuft/d", }, ["Mcuft/s"] = { target = "e6cuft/s", }, ["m³/s"] = { target = "m3/s", }, ["Tcuft/a"] = { target = "e12cuft/a", }, ["Tcuft/d"] = { target = "e12cuft/d", }, [""] = { target = "", }, ["usgal/min"] = { target = "USgal/min", }, ["-LTf"] = { name1 = "長噸力", symbol = "LTf", utype = "作用力", scale = 9964.01641818352, default = "kN", link = ":en:Long ton-force", }, ["-STf"] = { name1 = "短噸力", symbol = "STf", utype = "作用力", scale = 8896.443230521, default = "kN", link = ":en:Short ton-force", }, ["dyn"] = { name1 = "達因", symbol = "dyn", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00001, default = "gr-f", }, ["g-f"] = { name1 = "克力", symbol = "g&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00980665, default = "mN oz-f", link = "千克力", }, ["gf"] = { name1 = "克力", symbol = "gf", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00980665, default = "mN ozf", link = "千克力", }, ["gr-f"] = { name1 = "格令力", symbol = "gr&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.0006354602307515, default = "µN", link = "格令", }, ["grf"] = { name1 = "格令力", symbol = "grf", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.0006354602307515, default = "µN", link = "達因", }, ["kdyn"] = { name1 = "千達因", symbol = "kdyn", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.01, default = "oz-f", link = "達因", }, ["kg-f"] = { name1 = "千克力", symbol = "kg&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 9.80665, default = "N lb-f", }, ["kgf"] = { name1 = "千克力", symbol = "kgf", utype = "作用力", scale = 9.80665, default = "N lbf", }, ["kp"] = { name1 = "千克力", symbol = "kp", utype = "作用力", scale = 9.80665, default = "N lb-f", }, ["L/T-f"] = { name1 = "長噸力", symbol = "L/T&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 9964.01641818352, default = "kN", link = ":en:Long ton-force", }, ["L/Tf"] = { name1 = "長噸力", symbol = "L/Tf", utype = "作用力", scale = 9964.01641818352, default = "kN", link = ":en:Long ton-force", }, ["lb-f"] = { name1 = "英磅力", symbol = "lb&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 4.4482216152605, default = "N", link = "達因", }, ["lbf"] = { name1 = "英磅力", symbol = "lbf", utype = "作用力", scale = 4.4482216152605, default = "N", link = "達因", }, ["lb(f)"] = { name1 = "英磅", symbol = "lb", utype = "作用力", scale = 4.4482216152605, default = "N", link = "達因", }, ["LT-f"] = { name1 = "長噸力", symbol = "LT&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 9964.01641818352, default = "kN", link = ":en:Long ton-force", }, ["LTf"] = { name1 = "長噸力", symbol = "LT&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 9964.01641818352, default = "kN", link = ":en:Long ton-force", }, ["Mdyn"] = { name1 = "百萬達因", symbol = "Mdyn", utype = "作用力", scale = 10, default = "lb-f", link = "達因", }, ["mdyn"] = { name1 = "毫達因", symbol = "mdyn", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00000001, default = "gr-f", link = "達因", }, ["mg-f"] = { name1 = "毫克力", symbol = "mg&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00000980665, default = "µN gr-f", link = "千克力", }, ["mgf"] = { name1 = "毫克力", symbol = "mgf", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00000980665, default = "µN grf", link = "千克力", }, ["Mp"] = { name1 = "百萬客力", symbol = "Mp", utype = "作用力", scale = 9806.65, default = "kN LT-f ST-f", link = "千克力", }, ["mp"] = { name1 = "毫克力", symbol = "mp", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00000980665, default = "µN gr-f", link = "千克力", }, ["N"] = { _name1 = "牛頓", _symbol = "N", utype = "作用力", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "lb-f", link = "牛頓 (單位)", }, ["oz-f"] = { name1 = "盎司力", symbol = "oz&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.2780138203095378125, default = "mN", link = "達因", }, ["ozf"] = { name1 = "盎司力", symbol = "ozf", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.2780138203095378125, default = "mN", link = "達因", }, ["p"] = { name1 = "克力", symbol = "p", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.00980665, default = "mN oz-f", link = "千克力", }, ["pdl"] = { name1 = "磅達", symbol = "pdl", utype = "作用力", scale = 0.138254954376, default = "N", link = ":en:Poundal", }, ["S/T-f"] = { name1 = "短噸力", symbol = "S/T&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 8896.443230521, default = "kN", link = ":en:Short ton-force", }, ["S/Tf"] = { name1 = "短噸力", symbol = "S/Tf", utype = "作用力", scale = 8896.443230521, default = "kN", link = ":en:Short ton-force", }, ["ST-f"] = { name1 = "短噸力", symbol = "ST&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 8896.443230521, default = "kN", link = ":en:Short ton-force", }, ["STf"] = { name1 = "短噸力", symbol = "ST&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 8896.443230521, default = "kN", link = ":en:Short ton-force", }, ["t-f"] = { name1 = "公噸力", symbol = "t&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "作用力", scale = 9806.65, default = "kN LT-f ST-f", link = ":en:Ton-force#Tonne-force", }, ["tf"] = { name1 = "公噸力", symbol = "tf", utype = "作用力", scale = 9806.65, default = "kN LTf STf", link = ":en:Ton-force#Tonne-force", }, ["dyne"] = { target = "dyn", }, ["newtons"] = { target = "N", }, ["poundal"] = { target = "pdl", }, ["tonne-force"] = { target = "tf", }, ["impgal/mi"] = { per = { "@impgal", "mi" }, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "l/km USgal/mi", }, ["km/L"] = { per = { "km", "L" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "mpgimp mpgus", }, ["km/l"] = { per = { "km", "l" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "mpgimp mpgus", }, ["L/100 km"] = { per = { "L", "100km" }, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "mpgimp mpgus", link = "汽車燃油經濟性", }, ["l/100 km"] = { per = { "l", "100km" }, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "mpgimp mpgus", link = "汽車燃油經濟性", }, ["L/km"] = { per = { "L", "km" }, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "mpgimp mpgus", }, ["l/km"] = { per = { "l", "km" }, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "mpgimp mpgus", }, ["mi/impqt"] = { per = { "mi", "impqt" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "km/L", }, ["mi/U.S.qt"] = { per = { "mi", "U.S.qt" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "km/L", }, ["mi/USqt"] = { per = { "mi", "USqt" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "km/L", }, ["mi/usqt"] = { per = { "mi", "usqt" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "km/L", }, ["mpgimp"] = { per = { "mi", "@impgal" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "L/100 km mpgus", link = "汽車燃油經濟性", }, ["mpgus"] = { per = { "mi", "+USgal" }, utype = "油耗", invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "L/100 km mpgimp", link = "汽車燃油經濟性", }, [""] = { per = { "*", "mi" }, sp_us = true, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "l/km impgal/mi", }, ["usgal/mi"] = { per = { "+USgal", "mi" }, utype = "油耗", invert = 1, iscomplex= true, default = "l/km impgal/mi", }, ["L/100km"] = { target = "L/100 km", }, ["l/100km"] = { target = "l/100 km", }, ["mpg"] = { shouldbe = "請使用「mpgus」表達「英里每美制加侖」或「mpgimp」表達「英里每英制加侖」(「mpg」會引起歧義因此不提供轉換)", }, ["mpgU.S."] = { target = "mpgus", symbol = "mpg&lt;sub>&lt;small>-U.S.&lt;/small>&lt;/sub>", sp_us = true, }, ["mpgu.s."] = { target = "mpgus", symbol = "mpg&lt;sub>&lt;small>-U.S.&lt;/small>&lt;/sub>", sp_us = true, }, ["mpgUS"] = { target = "mpgus", }, ["USgal/mi"] = { target = "usgal/mi", }, ["kPa/m"] = { per = { "kPa", "-m-frac" }, utype = "水力壓裂增長度", default = "psi/ft", link = "水力壓裂", }, ["psi/ft"] = { per = { "psi", "-ft-frac" }, utype = "水力壓裂增長度", default = "kPa/m", link = "水力壓裂", }, ["cm/km"] = { name1 = "-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "cm/km", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.00001, default = "ft/mi", link = "坡度", }, ["ft/mi"] = { name1 = "英尺每英里", symbol = "ft/mi", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.00018939393939393939, default = "v &lt; 5.28 ! c ! ! m/km", link = "坡度", }, ["ft/nmi"] = { name1 = "英尺每海里", symbol = "ft/nmi", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.00016457883369330455, default = "v &lt; 6.076 ! c ! ! m/km", link = "坡度", }, ["in/ft"] = { name1 = "英寸每英尺", symbol = "in/ft", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.083333333333333329, default = "mm/m", link = "坡度", }, ["in/mi"] = { name1 = "英寸每英里", symbol = "in/mi", utype = "坡度", scale = 1.5782828282828283e-5, default = "v &lt; 0.6336 ! m ! c ! m/km", link = "坡度", }, ["m/km"] = { name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "m/km", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.001, default = "ft/mi", link = "坡度", }, ["mm/km"] = { name1 = "-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-每-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "mm/km", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.000001, default = "in/mi", link = "坡度", }, ["mm/m"] = { name1 = "-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-每-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "mm/m", utype = "坡度", scale = 0.001, default = "in/ft", link = "坡度", }, ["admi"] = { name1 = "海里", symbol = "nmi&amp;nbsp;(admiralty)", utype = "長度", scale = 1853.184, default = "km mi", }, ["am"] = { name1 = "阿米", symbol = "am", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-18, default = "m", }, ["AU"] = { name1 = "天文單位", symbol = "AU", utype = "長度", scale = 149597870700, default = "km mi", }, ["Brnmi"] = { name1 = "英制海里", symbol = "(Brit)&amp;nbsp;nmi", utype = "長度", scale = 1853.184, default = "km mi", link = "海里", }, ["bu"] = { name1 = "和分", symbol = "bu", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0030303030303030303, default = "mm", link = "东亚传统计量体系#长度单位", }, ["ch"] = { name1 = "鏈", symbol = "ch", utype = "長度", scale = 20.1168, default = "ft m", subdivs = { ["ft"] = { 66, default = "m" }, ["yd"] = { 22, default = "m" } }, link = "鏈 (量度單位)", }, ["chain"] = { name1 = "鏈", symbol = "ch", utype = "長度", scale = 20.1168, default = "ft m", subdivs = { ["ft"] = { 66, default = "m" }, ["yd"] = { 22, default = "m" } }, link = "鏈 (量度單位)", }, ["chi"] = { name1 = "尺", symbol = "chi", utype = "長度", scale = 0.33333333333333331, exception= "integer_more_precision", default = "m", subdivs = { ["cun"] = { 10, default = "m" } }, link = "市制#长度", }, ["cm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "cm", utype = "長度", scale = 0.01, default = "in", link = "厘米", }, ["cun"] = { name1 = "寸", symbol = "cun", utype = "長度", scale = 0.033333333333333333, exception= "subunit_more_precision", default = "mm", subdivs = { ["fen"] = { 10, default = "mm" } }, link = "市制#长度", }, ["dam"] = { name1 = "-{zh:十米;zh-cn:十米;zh-tw:公丈;zh-hk:公丈;}-", symbol = "dam", utype = "長度", scale = 10, default = "ft", link = "公丈", }, ["dm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:分米;zh-cn:分米;zh-tw:公寸;zh-hk:分米;}-", symbol = "dm", utype = "長度", scale = 0.1, default = "in", link = "公寸", }, ["dpcm"] = { name1 = "點每-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "dot/cm", utype = "長度", scale = 100, invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "dpi", link = "每英寸點數", }, ["dpi"] = { name1 = "點每英寸", symbol = "DPI", utype = "長度", scale = 39.370078740157481, invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "pitch", link = "每英寸點數", }, ["fathom"] = { name1 = "英尋", symbol = "fathom", utype = "長度", scale = 1.8288, default = "ft m", }, ["fen"] = { name1 = "分", symbol = "fen", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0033333333333333, exception= "subunit_more_precision", default = "mm", link = "市制#长度", }, ["fm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:飛;zh-hans:飞;zh-hant:飛}-米", symbol = "fm", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-15, default = "m", link = "飛米", }, ["foot"] = { name1 = "英尺", symbol = "ft", utype = "長度", scale = 0.3048, default = "m", subdivs = { ["in"] = { 12, default = "m" } }, }, ["ft"] = { name1 = "英尺", symbol = "英尺", utype = "長度", scale = 0.3048, exception= "integer_more_precision", default = "m", subdivs = { ["in"] = { 12, default = "m" } }, }, ["furlong"] = { name1 = "浪", symbol = "furlong", utype = "長度", scale = 201.168, default = "ft m", link = "浪 (量度單位)", }, ["Gly"] = { name1 = "吉光年", symbol = "Gly", utype = "長度", scale = 9.4607304725808e24, default = "Mpc", link = "光年", }, ["Gpc"] = { name1 = "十億秒差距", symbol = "Gpc", utype = "長度", scale = 3.0856775814671916e25, default = "Gly", link = "秒差距", }, ["hand"] = { name1 = "手距", symbol = "h", utype = "長度", builtin = "hand", scale = 0.1016, iscomplex= true, default = "in cm", link = ":en:Hand (unit)", }, ["in"] = { name1 = "英寸", symbol = "英寸", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0254, exception= "subunit_more_precision", default = "mm", }, ["inabbreviated"] = { name1 = "英寸", symbol = "in", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0254, default = "mm", }, ["kly"] = { name1 = "千光年", symbol = "kly", utype = "長度", scale = 9.4607304725808e18, default = "pc", link = "光年", }, ["km"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "km", utype = "長度", scale = 1000, default = "mi", link = "公里", }, ["kpc"] = { name1 = "千秒差距", symbol = "kpc", utype = "長度", scale = 3.0856775814671916e19, default = "kly", link = "秒差距", }, ["LD"] = { name1 = "月距", symbol = "LD", utype = "長度", scale = 384403000, default = "km mi", link = "月球距離", }, ["league"] = { name1 = "里格", symbol = "league", utype = "長度", scale = 4828.032, default = "km", }, ["li"] = { name1 = "-{里}-", symbol = "li", utype = "長度", scale = 500, default = "km", subdivs = { ["zhang"] = { 150, default = "km" } }, link = "里", }, ["ly"] = { name1 = "光年", symbol = "ly", utype = "長度", scale = 9.4607304725808e15, default = "AU", }, ["m"] = { _name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", _symbol = "米", utype = "長度", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "v > 0 and v &lt; 3 ! ftin ! ft", link = "米 (單位)", }, ["mi"] = { name1 = "英里", symbol = "mi", utype = "長度", scale = 1609.344, default = "km", subdivs = { ["ch"] = { 80, default = "km" }, ["chain"] = { 80, default = "km" }, ["ft"] = { 5280, default = "km" }, ["yd"] = { 1760, default = "km" } }, }, ["mil"] = { name1 = "密耳", symbol = "mil", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0000254, default = "mm", }, ["Mly"] = { name1 = "百萬光年", symbol = "Mly", utype = "長度", scale = 9.4607304725808e21, default = "kpc", link = "光年", }, ["mm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-", symbol = "mm", utype = "長度", scale = 0.001, default = "in", link = "毫米", }, ["Mpc"] = { name1 = "百萬秒差距", symbol = "Mpc", utype = "長度", scale = 3.0856775814671916e22, default = "Mly", link = "秒差距", }, ["nm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:納;zh-cn:纳;zh-tw:奈;zh-hk:納}-米", symbol = "nm", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-9, default = "m", link = "納米", }, ["NM"] = { name1 = "海里", symbol = "NM", utype = "長度", scale = 1852, default = "km mi", }, ["nmi"] = { name1 = "海里", symbol = "nmi", utype = "長度", scale = 1852, default = "km mi", }, ["oldUKnmi"] = { name1 = "海里", symbol = "nmi", utype = "長度", scale = 1853.184, default = "km mi", }, ["oldUSnmi"] = { name1 = "海里", symbol = "nmi", utype = "長度", scale = 1853.24496, default = "km mi", }, ["pc"] = { name1 = "秒差距", symbol = "pc", utype = "長度", scale = 3.0856775814671916e16, default = "ly", }, ["perch"] = { name1 = "桿距", symbol = "perch", utype = "長度", scale = 5.0292, default = "ft m", link = ":en:Rod (unit)", }, ["pitch"] = { name1 = "微米", symbol = "µm", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-6, default = "dpi", defkey = "pitch", linkey = "pitch", link = "每英寸點數", }, ["pm"] = { name1 = "皮米", symbol = "pm", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-12, default = "m", }, ["pole"] = { name1 = "桿距", symbol = "pole", utype = "長度", scale = 5.0292, default = "ft m", link = ":en:Rod (unit)", }, ["pre1954U.S.nmi"] = { name1 = "海里(1954年前美制)", symbol = "(pre-1954&amp;nbsp;U.S.) nmi", utype = "長度", scale = 1853.24496, default = "km mi", link = "海里", }, ["pre1954USnmi"] = { name1 = "海里(1954年前美制)", symbol = "(pre-1954&amp;nbsp;US) nmi", sym_us = "(pre-1954&amp;nbsp;U.S.) nmi", utype = "長度", scale = 1853.24496, default = "km mi", link = "海里", }, ["rd"] = { name1 = "桿距", symbol = "rd", utype = "長度", scale = 5.0292, default = "ft m", link = ":en:Rod (unit)", }, ["royal cubit"] = { name1 = "皇家腕尺", symbol = "cu", utype = "長度", scale = 0.524, default = "mm", link = "肘 (單位)", }, ["rtmi"] = { name1 = "英里", symbol = "mi", utype = "長度", scale = 1609.344, default = "km", }, ["shaku"] = { name1 = "和尺", symbol = "shaku", usename = 1, utype = "長度", scale = 0.30303030303030304, default = "m", link = "东亚传统计量体系#长度单位", }, ["sm"] = { name1 = "斯穆特", symbol = "sm", utype = "長度", scale = 1.70180, default = "m", }, ["smi"] = { name1 = "規里", symbol = "mi", utype = "長度", scale = 1609.344, default = "km", subdivs = { ["chain"] = { 80, default = "km" } }, link = ":en:Statute mile", }, ["sun"] = { name1 = "和寸", symbol = "sun", usename = 1, utype = "長度", scale = 0.030303030303030304, default = "mm", link = "东亚传统计量体系#长度单位", }, ["thou"] = { name1 = "密耳", symbol = "thou", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0000254, default = "mm", }, ["verst"] = { name1 = "俄里", symbol = "верста", utype = "長度", scale = 1066.8, default = "km mi", }, ["yd"] = { name1 = "碼", symbol = "yd", utype = "長度", scale = 0.9144, default = "m", subdivs = { ["ft"] = { 3, default = "m" } }, }, ["ym"] = { name1 = "-{zh:仄;zh-cn:仄;zh-tw:介;zh-hk:仄}-米", symbol = "ym", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-24, default = "m", link = "仄米", }, ["zhang"] = { name1 = "丈", symbol = "zhang", utype = "長度", scale = 3.3333333333333, default = "m", subdivs = { ["chi"] = { 10, default = "m" } }, link = "仞", }, ["zm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:幺;zh-cn:幺;zh-tw:攸;zh-hk:幺}-米", symbol = "zm", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-21, default = "m", link = "幺米", }, ["µin"] = { name1 = "微英寸", symbol = "µin", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0000000254, default = "nm", link = ":en:SI prefix#Non-metric units", }, ["µm"] = { name1 = "微米", symbol = "µm", utype = "長度", scale = 1e-6, default = "m", }, ["Å"] = { name1 = "埃", symbol = "Å", utype = "長度", scale = 0.0000000001, default = "in", link = "埃格斯特朗", }, ["-ft-frac"] = { target = "ft", link = "水力压裂", }, ["-in-stiff"] = { target = "in", link = "剛度", }, ["-m-frac"] = { target = "m", link = "水力压裂", }, ["-m-stiff"] = { target = "m", link = "剛度", }, ["100km"] = { target = "km", symbol = "&amp;nbsp;km", multiplier= 100, }, ["admiralty nmi"] = { target = "oldUKnmi", }, ["angstrom"] = { target = "Å", }, ["feet"] = { target = "ft", }, ["hands"] = { target = "hand", }, ["inch"] = { target = "in", }, ["kilometer"] = { target = "km", sp_us = true, }, ["kilometers"] = { target = "km", sp_us = true, }, ["kilometre"] = { target = "km", }, ["kilometres"] = { target = "km", }, ["light-year"] = { target = "ly", }, ["meter"] = { target = "m", sp_us = true, }, ["meters"] = { target = "m", sp_us = true, }, ["metre"] = { target = "m", }, ["metres"] = { target = "m", }, ["micrometre"] = { target = "µm", }, ["mile"] = { target = "mi", }, ["miles"] = { target = "mi", }, ["parsec"] = { target = "pc", }, ["rod"] = { target = "rd", }, ["rtkm"] = { target = "km", }, ["smoot"] = { target = "sm", }, ["uin"] = { target = "µin", }, ["yard"] = { target = "yd", }, ["yards"] = { target = "yd", }, ["yds"] = { target = "yd", }, ["μin"] = { target = "µin", }, ["英尺"] = { target = "ft", }, ["dtex"] = { name1 = "分特克士", symbol = "dtex", utype = "線密度", scale = 1e-7, default = "lb/yd", link = "紡織材料測量單位", }, ["kg/cm"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "kg/cm", utype = "線密度", scale = 100, default = "lb/yd", link = "線密度", }, ["kg/m"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "kg/m", utype = "線密度", scale = 1, default = "lb/yd", link = "線密度", }, ["lb/ft"] = { name1 = "英磅每英尺", symbol = "lb/ft", utype = "線密度", scale = 1.4881639435695539, default = "kg/m", link = "線密度", }, ["lb/yd"] = { name1 = "英磅每碼", symbol = "lb/yd", utype = "線密度", scale = 0.49605464785651798, default = "kg/m", link = "線密度", }, ["G"] = { name1 = "高斯", symbol = "G", utype = "磁場力度", scale = 0.0001, default = "T", link = "高斯 (單位)", }, ["T"] = { _name1 = "-{zh:特斯拉;zh-cn:特斯拉;zh-tw:特士拉;zh-hk:忒斯拉;}-", _symbol = "T", utype = "磁場力度", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "G", link = "特斯拉", }, ["A/m"] = { name1 = "安培每-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "A/m", utype = "磁場", scale = 1, default = "Oe", link = "磁場", }, ["kA/m"] = { name1 = "千安培每-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "kA/m", utype = "磁場", scale = 1000, default = "kOe", link = "磁場", }, ["MA/m"] = { name1 = "百萬安培每-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "MA/m", utype = "磁場", scale = 1e6, default = "kOe", link = "磁場", }, ["Oe"] = { _name1 = "奥", _symbol = "Oe", utype = "磁場", scale = 79.5774715, prefixes = 1, default = "kA/m", link = "奧斯特 (單位)", }, ["--Lcwt"] = { name1 = "長𠵆", symbol = "Lcwt", utype = "質量", scale = 50.80234544, default = "lb", link = "英擔", }, ["--Scwt"] = { name1 = "短𠵆", symbol = "Scwt", utype = "質量", scale = 45.359237, default = "lb", link = "英擔", }, ["-Scwt"] = { name1 = "短𠵆", symbol = "Scwt", utype = "質量", scale = 45.359237, default = "lb", link = "英擔", }, ["-ST"] = { name1 = "短噸", symbol = "ST", utype = "質量", scale = 907.18474, default = "t", link = "英噸", }, ["carat"] = { name1 = "克拉", symbol = "carat", utype = "質量", scale = 0.0002, default = "g", }, ["dan"] = { name1 = "担", symbol = "dan", utype = "質量", scale = 50, default = "kg", subdivs = { ["jin"] = { 100, default = "kg" } }, link = "市制#1959年中华人民共和国发布改制", }, ["drachm"] = { name1 = "特拉姆", symbol = "drachm", utype = "質量", scale = 0.001771845195, default = "g", link = ":en:Dram (unit)", }, ["dram"] = { target = "drachm", }, ["dwt"] = { name1 = "便士重", symbol = "dwt", utype = "質量", scale = 0.00155517384, default = "oz g", link = ":en:Pennyweight", }, ["DWton"] = { name1 = "載重英噸", symbol = "deadweight ton", utype = "質量", scale = 1016.0469088, default = "DWtonne", link = ":en:Deadweight tonnage", }, ["DWtonne"] = { name1 = "載重公噸", symbol = "deadweight tonne", utype = "質量", scale = 1000, default = "DWton", link = ":en:Deadweight tonnage", }, ["g"] = { _name1 = "克", _symbol = "g", utype = "質量", scale = 0.001, prefixes = 1, default = "oz", link = "克", }, ["kg"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", symbol = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", utype = "質量", scale = 1, default = "lb", link = "公斤", }, ["gr"] = { name1 = "格令", symbol = "gr", utype = "質量", scale = 0.00006479891, default = "g", }, ["Gt"] = { name1 = "吉公噸", symbol = "Gt", utype = "質量", scale = 1000000000000, default = "LT ST", link = "公噸", }, ["impgalh2o"] = { name1 = "英制加侖水重", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;gal H&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>O", utype = "質量", scale = 4.5359236999999499, default = "lb kg", link = "加侖", }, ["jin"] = { name1 = "斤", symbol = "jin", utype = "質量", scale = 0.5, exception= "integer_more_precision", default = "kg", subdivs = { ["liang"] = { 10, default = "kg" } }, }, ["kt"] = { name1 = "千公噸", symbol = "kt", utype = "質量", scale = 1000000, default = "LT ST", link = "公噸", }, ["lb"] = { name1 = "英磅", symbol = "磅", utype = "質量", scale = 0.45359237, exception= "integer_more_precision", default = "kg", subdivs = { ["oz"] = { 16, default = "kg" } }, link = "磅", }, ["Lcwt"] = { name1 = "長𠵆", symbol = "Lcwt", utype = "質量", scale = 50.80234544, default = "lb", subdivs = { ["qtr"] = { 4, default = "kg", name = "qtr" }, ["st"] = { 8, default = "kg" } }, link = "英擔", }, ["liang"] = { name1 = "两", symbol = "liang", utype = "質量", scale = 0.05, default = "g", subdivs = { ["qian"] = { 10, default = "g" } }, link = "市两", }, ["long cwt"] = { name1 = "長𠵆", symbol = "long&amp;nbsp;cwt", utype = "質量", scale = 50.80234544, default = "lb kg", link = "英擔", }, ["long qtr"] = { name1 = "長夸特", symbol = "long&amp;nbsp;qtr", utype = "質量", scale = 12.70058636, default = "lb kg", link = "常衡", }, ["LT"] = { name1 = "長噸", symbol = "long ton", utype = "質量", scale = 1016.0469088, default = "t", subdivs = { ["Lcwt"] = { 20, default = "t", unit = "--Lcwt", name = "cwt" } }, link = "英噸", }, ["lt"] = { name1 = "長噸", symbol = "LT", utype = "質量", scale = 1016.0469088, default = "t", link = "英噸", }, ["metric ton"] = { name1 = "公噸", symbol = "metric ton", utype = "質量", scale = 1000, default = "long ton", }, ["MT"] = { name1 = "公噸", symbol = "t", utype = "質量", scale = 1000, default = "LT ST", }, ["Mt"] = { name1 = "百萬公噸", symbol = "Mt", utype = "質量", scale = 1000000000, default = "LT ST", link = "公噸", }, ["oz"] = { name1 = "盎司", symbol = "oz", utype = "質量", scale = 0.028349523125, default = "g", }, ["ozt"] = { name1 = "金衡制盎司", symbol = "ozt", utype = "質量", scale = 0.0311034768, default = "oz g", link = "金衡制", }, ["pdr"] = { name1 = "英磅", symbol = "pdr", utype = "質量", scale = 0.45359237, default = "kg", link = "磅", }, ["qian"] = { name1 = "钱", symbol = "qian", utype = "質量", scale = 0.005, default = "g", link = "市制#1959年中华人民共和国发布改制", }, ["qtr"] = { name1 = "夸特", symbol = "qtr", utype = "質量", scale = 12.70058636, default = "lb kg", subdivs = { ["lb"] = { 28, default = "kg" } }, link = "常衡", }, ["Scwt"] = { name1 = "短𠵆", symbol = "Scwt", utype = "質量", scale = 45.359237, default = "lb", link = "英擔", }, ["short cwt"] = { name1 = "短𠵆", symbol = "short&amp;nbsp;cwt", utype = "質量", scale = 45.359237, default = "lb kg", link = "英擔", }, ["short qtr"] = { name1 = "短夸特", symbol = "short&amp;nbsp;qtr", utype = "質量", scale = 11.33980925, default = "lb kg", link = "常衡", }, ["ST"] = { name1 = "短噸", symbol = "short ton", utype = "質量", scale = 907.18474, default = "t", subdivs = { ["Scwt"] = { 20, default = "t", unit = "--Scwt" } }, link = "英噸", }, ["shtn"] = { name1 = "短噸", symbol = "sh&amp;nbsp;tn", utype = "質量", scale = 907.18474, default = "t", link = "英噸", }, ["shton"] = { name1 = "英噸", symbol = "ton", utype = "質量", scale = 907.18474, default = "t", }, ["solar mass"] = { name1 = "太陽質量", symbol = "M&lt;sub>☉&lt;/sub>", utype = "質量", scale = 1.98855e30, default = "kg", }, ["st"] = { name1 = "英石", symbol = "st", utype = "質量", scale = 6.35029318, default = "lb kg", subdivs = { ["lb"] = { 14, default = "kg lb" } }, }, ["t"] = { name1 = "公噸", symbol = "t", utype = "質量", scale = 1000, default = "LT ST", }, ["tonne"] = { name1 = "公噸", symbol = "t", utype = "質量", scale = 1000, default = "shton", }, ["troy pound"] = { name1 = "金衡制磅", symbol = "troy pound", utype = "質量", scale = 0.3732417216, default = "lb kg", link = "金衡制", }, ["usgalh2o"] = { name1 = "美制加侖水重", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;gal H&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>O", utype = "質量", scale = 3.7776215836051126, default = "lb kg", link = ":en:United States customary units#Fluid volume", }, ["viss"] = { symbol = "viss", utype = "質量", scale = 1.632932532, default = "kg", link = "緬甸計量單位", }, ["billion tonne"] = { target = "e9t", }, ["kilogram"] = { target = "kg", }, ["kilotonne"] = { target = "kt", }, ["lbs"] = { target = "lb", }, ["lbt"] = { target = "troy pound", }, ["lcwt"] = { target = "Lcwt", }, ["long ton"] = { target = "LT", }, ["mcg"] = { target = "µg", }, ["million tonne"] = { target = "e6t", }, ["scwt"] = { target = "Scwt", }, ["short ton"] = { target = "ST", }, ["stone"] = { target = "st", }, ["thousand tonne"] = { target = "e3t", }, ["tonnes"] = { target = "t", }, ["kg/kW"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-每千瓦", symbol = "kg/kW", utype = "每單位力量的質量", scale = 0.001, default = "lb/hp", link = "瓦特", }, ["lb/hp"] = { name1 = "英磅每匹馬力", symbol = "lb/hp", utype = "每單位力量的質量", scale = 0.00060827738784176115, default = "kg/kW", link = "馬力", }, ["kg/h"] = { per = { "kg", "h" }, utype = "每單位之間的質量", default = "lb/h", }, ["lb/h"] = { per = { "lb", "h" }, utype = "每單位之間的質量", default = "kg/h", }, ["g-mol/d"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每日", symbol = "g-mol/d", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1.1574074074074073e-5, default = "µmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["g-mol/h"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每小時", symbol = "g-mol/h", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.00027777777777777778, default = "mmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["g-mol/min"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每分鐘", symbol = "g-mol/min", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.016666666666666666, default = "g-mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["g-mol/s"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "g-mol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1, default = "lb-mol/min", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["gmol/d"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每日", symbol = "gmol/d", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1.1574074074074073e-5, default = "µmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["gmol/h"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每小時", symbol = "gmol/h", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.00027777777777777778, default = "mmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["gmol/min"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每分鐘", symbol = "gmol/min", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.016666666666666666, default = "gmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["gmol/s"] = { name1 = "克--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "gmol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1, default = "lbmol/min", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["kmol/d"] = { name1 = "千-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每日", symbol = "kmol/d", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.011574074074074073, default = "mmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["kmol/h"] = { name1 = "千-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每小時", symbol = "kmol/h", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.27777777777777779, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["kmol/min"] = { name1 = "千-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每分鐘", symbol = "kmol/min", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 16.666666666666668, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["kmol/s"] = { name1 = "千-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "kmol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1000, default = "lb-mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lb-mol/d"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每日", symbol = "lb-mol/d", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.0052499116898148141, default = "mmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lb-mol/h"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每小時", symbol = "lb-mol/h", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.12599788055555555, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lb-mol/min"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每分鐘", symbol = "lb-mol/min", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 7.5598728333333334, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lb-mol/s"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "lb-mol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 453.59237, default = "kmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lbmol/d"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每日", symbol = "lbmol/d", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.0052499116898148141, default = "mmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lbmol/h"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每小時", symbol = "lbmol/h", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.12599788055555555, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lbmol/min"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每分鐘", symbol = "lbmol/min", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 7.5598728333333334, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["lbmol/s"] = { name1 = "英磅--{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "lbmol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 453.59237, default = "kmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["mmol/s"] = { name1 = "毫-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "mmol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.001, default = "lb-mol/d", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["mol/d"] = { name1 = "-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每日", symbol = "mol/d", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1.1574074074074073e-5, default = "µmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["mol/h"] = { name1 = "-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每小時", symbol = "mol/h", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.00027777777777777778, default = "mmol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["mol/min"] = { name1 = "-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每分鐘", symbol = "mol/min", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.016666666666666666, default = "mol/s", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["mol/s"] = { name1 = "-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "mol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 1, default = "lb-mol/min", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["µmol/s"] = { name1 = "微-{zh:摩爾;zh-cn:摩尔;zh-tw:莫耳;zh-hk:摩爾;}-每秒", symbol = "µmol/s", utype = "摩爾比例", scale = 0.000001, default = "lb-mol/d", link = "摩爾 (單位)", }, ["umol/s"] = { target = "µmol/s", }, ["μmol/s"] = { target = "µmol/s", }, ["/acre"] = { name1 = "每英畝", symbol = "/acre", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 247.10538146716533, default = "/ha", link = "英畝", }, ["/ha"] = { name1 = "每公頃", symbol = "/ha", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 100, default = "/acre", link = "公頃", }, ["/sqcm"] = { name1 = "每平方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "/cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 1e10, default = "/sqin", link = "平方厘米", }, ["/sqin"] = { name1 = "每平方英寸", symbol = "/in&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 1550003100.0062001, default = "/sqcm", link = "平方英寸", }, ["/sqkm"] = { name1 = "每平方-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "/km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 1, default = "/sqmi", link = "平方公里", }, ["/sqmi"] = { name1 = "每平方英里", symbol = "/sq&amp;nbsp;mi", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 0.38610215854244584, default = "/sqkm", link = "平方英里", }, ["PD/acre"] = { name1 = "名居民每英畝", symbol = "/acre", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 247.10538146716533, default = "PD/ha", link = "英畝", }, ["PD/ha"] = { name1 = "名居民每公頃", symbol = "/ha", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 100, default = "PD/acre", link = "公頃", }, ["PD/sqkm"] = { name1 = "名居民每平方-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "/km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 1, default = "PD/sqmi", link = "平方公里", }, ["PD/sqmi"] = { name1 = "名居民每平方英里", symbol = "/sq&amp;nbsp;mi", utype = "每單位面積", scale = 0.38610215854244584, default = "PD/sqkm", link = "平方英里", }, ["/cm2"] = { target = "/sqcm", }, ["/in2"] = { target = "/sqin", }, ["/km2"] = { target = "/sqkm", }, ["pd/acre"] = { target = "PD/acre", }, ["pd/ha"] = { target = "PD/ha", }, ["PD/km2"] = { target = "PD/sqkm", }, ["pd/km2"] = { target = "PD/sqkm", }, ["PD/km²"] = { target = "PD/sqkm", }, ["pd/sqkm"] = { target = "PD/sqkm", }, ["pd/sqmi"] = { target = "PD/sqmi", }, ["/l"] = { name1 = "每公升", symbol = "/l", utype = "每單位容量", scale = 1000, default = "/usgal", link = "公升", }, ["/USgal"] = { name1 = "每加侖", symbol = "/gal", utype = "每單位容量", scale = 264.172052, default = "/l", link = "加侖", customary= 2, }, ["/usgal"] = { target = "/USgal", }, ["bhp"] = { name1 = "匹制動馬力", symbol = "bhp", utype = "力量", scale = 745.69987158227022, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["Cal/d"] = { name1 = "卡路里每日", symbol = "Cal/d", utype = "力量", scale = 0.048425925925925928, default = "kJ/d", link = "卡路里", }, ["Cal/h"] = { name1 = "卡路里每小時", symbol = "Cal/h", utype = "力量", scale = 1.1622222222222223, default = "kJ/h", link = "卡路里", }, ["cal/h"] = { name1 = "卡路里每小時", symbol = "cal/h", utype = "力量", scale = 0.0011622222222222223, default = "W", link = "卡路里", }, ["CV"] = { name1 = "匹公制馬力", symbol = "CV", utype = "力量", scale = 735.49875, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["hk"] = { name1 = "匹公制馬力", symbol = "hk", utype = "力量", scale = 735.49875, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["hp"] = { name1 = "匹馬力", symbol = "hp", utype = "力量", scale = 745.69987158227022, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["hp-electric"] = { name1 = "匹電氣馬力", symbol = "hp", utype = "力量", scale = 746, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["hp-electrical"] = { name1 = "匹電氣馬力", symbol = "hp", utype = "力量", scale = 746, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["hp-metric"] = { name1 = "匹公制馬力", symbol = "hp", utype = "力量", scale = 735.49875, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["ihp"] = { name1 = "匹指示馬力", symbol = "ihp", utype = "力量", scale = 745.69987158227022, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["kcal/h"] = { name1 = "千卡路里每小時", symbol = "kcal/h", utype = "力量", scale = 1.1622222222222223, default = "kW", link = "卡路里", }, ["kJ/d"] = { name1 = "千焦耳每日", symbol = "kJ/d", utype = "力量", scale = 0.011574074074074073, default = "Cal/d", link = "焦耳", }, ["kJ/h"] = { name1 = "千焦耳每小時", symbol = "kJ/h", utype = "力量", scale = 0.27777777777777779, default = "W", link = "焦耳", }, ["PS"] = { name1 = "匹公制馬力", symbol = "PS", utype = "力量", scale = 735.49875, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["shp"] = { name1 = "匹軸馬力", symbol = "shp", utype = "力量", scale = 745.69987158227022, default = "kW", link = "馬力", }, ["W"] = { _name1 = "瓦特", _symbol = "W", utype = "力量", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "hp", link = "瓦特", }, ["BTU/h"] = { per = { "BTU", "h" }, utype = "力量", default = "W", }, ["Btu/h"] = { per = { "Btu", "h" }, utype = "力量", default = "W", }, ["BHP"] = { target = "bhp", }, ["btu/h"] = { target = "BTU/h", }, ["HP"] = { target = "hp", }, ["Hp"] = { target = "hp", }, ["hp-mechanical"] = { target = "hp", }, ["IHP"] = { target = "ihp", }, ["SHP"] = { target = "shp", }, ["whp"] = { target = "hp", }, ["hp/LT"] = { name1 = "匹馬力每長噸", symbol = "hp/LT", utype = "每單位質量的力量", scale = 0.73392268125000004, default = "kW/t", link = "功率重量比", }, ["hp/ST"] = { name1 = "匹馬力每短噸", symbol = "hp/ST", utype = "每單位質量的力量", scale = 0.821993403, default = "kW/t", link = "功率重量比", }, ["hp/t"] = { name1 = "匹馬力每公噸", symbol = "hp/t", utype = "每單位質量的力量", scale = 0.74569987158227022, default = "kW/t", link = "功率重量比", }, ["kW/t"] = { name1 = "千瓦每公噸", symbol = "kW/t", utype = "每單位質量的力量", scale = 1, default = "PS/t", link = "功率重量比", }, ["PS/t"] = { name1 = "匹公制馬力每公噸", symbol = "PS/t", utype = "每單位質量的力量", scale = 0.73549875, default = "kW/t", link = "功率重量比", }, ["hp/tonne"] = { target = "hp/t", symbol = "hp/tonne", default = "kW/tonne", }, ["kW/tonne"] = { target = "kW/t", symbol = "kW/tonne", }, ["-lb/in2"] = { name1 = "磅力每平方英寸", symbol = "lb/in&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "壓強", scale = 6894.7572931683608, default = "kPa kgf/cm2", }, ["atm"] = { name1 = "標準大氣壓", symbol = "atm", utype = "壓強", scale = 101325, default = "kPa", }, ["Ba"] = { name1 = "微巴", symbol = "Ba", utype = "壓強", scale = 0.1, default = "Pa", link = "巴", }, ["bar"] = { name1 = "巴", symbol = "bar", utype = "壓強", scale = 100000, default = "kPa", }, ["dbar"] = { name1 = "分巴", symbol = "dbar", utype = "壓強", scale = 10000, default = "kPa", link = "巴", }, ["inHg"] = { name1 = "英寸汞柱", symbol = "inHg", utype = "壓強", scale = 3386.388640341, default = "kPa", link = "英寸汞柱", }, ["kBa"] = { name1 = "千微巴", symbol = "kBa", utype = "壓強", scale = 100, default = "hPa", link = "巴", }, ["kg-f/cm2"] = { name1 = "千克力每平方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "kg&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>/cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "壓強", scale = 98066.5, default = "psi", link = "千克力", }, ["kg/cm2"] = { name1 = "千克每平方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "kg/cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "壓強", scale = 98066.5, default = "psi", link = "千克力", }, ["kgf/cm2"] = { name1 = "千克力每平方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "kgf/cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "壓強", scale = 98066.5, default = "psi", link = "千克力", }, ["ksi"] = { name1 = "千英磅每平方英寸", symbol = "ksi", utype = "壓強", scale = 6894757.2931683613, default = "MPa", link = "磅力每平方英寸", }, ["lbf/in2"] = { name1 = "英磅力每平方英寸", symbol = "lbf/in&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>", utype = "壓強", scale = 6894.7572931683608, default = "kPa kgf/cm2", link = "磅力每平方英寸", }, ["mb"] = { name1 = "毫巴", symbol = "mb", utype = "壓強", scale = 100, default = "hPa", link = "巴", }, ["mbar"] = { name1 = "毫巴", symbol = "mbar", utype = "壓強", scale = 100, default = "hPa", link = "巴", }, ["mmHg"] = { name1 = "-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-汞柱", symbol = "mmHg", utype = "壓強", scale = 133.322387415, default = "kPa", link = "托", }, ["Pa"] = { _name1 = "帕斯卡", _symbol = "Pa", utype = "壓強", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "psi", link = "帕斯卡", }, ["psf"] = { name1 = "磅力每平方英寸", symbol = "psf", utype = "壓強", scale = 47.880258980335839, default = "kPa", }, ["psi"] = { name1 = "磅力每平方英寸", symbol = "psi", utype = "壓強", scale = 6894.7572931683608, default = "kPa", }, ["Torr"] = { name1 = "托", symbol = "Torr", utype = "壓強", scale = 133.32236842105263, default = "kPa", }, ["N/cm2"] = { per = { "N", "cm2" }, utype = "壓強", default = "psi", }, ["N/m2"] = { per = { "N", "m2" }, utype = "壓強", default = "psi", }, ["g/cm2"] = { per = { "g", "cm2" }, utype = "壓強", default = "lb/sqft", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["g/m2"] = { per = { "g", "m2" }, utype = "壓強", default = "lb/sqft", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["kg/ha"] = { per = { "kg", "ha" }, utype = "壓強", default = "lb/acre", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["kg/m2"] = { per = { "kg", "m2" }, utype = "壓強", default = "lb/sqft", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["lb/1000sqft"] = { per = { "lb", "1000sqft" }, utype = "壓強", default = "g/m2", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["lb/acre"] = { per = { "lb", "acre" }, utype = "壓強", default = "kg/ha", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["lb/sqft"] = { per = { "lb", "sqft" }, utype = "壓強", default = "kg/m2", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["lb/sqyd"] = { per = { "lb", "sqyd" }, utype = "壓強", default = "kg/m2", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["LT/acre"] = { per = { "LT", "acre" }, utype = "壓強", default = "t/ha", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["MT/ha"] = { per = { "MT", "ha" }, utype = "壓強", default = "LT ST/acre", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["oz/sqft"] = { per = { "oz", "sqft" }, utype = "壓強", default = "g/m2", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["oz/sqyd"] = { per = { "oz", "sqyd" }, utype = "壓強", default = "g/m2", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["ST/acre"] = { per = { "ST", "acre" }, utype = "壓強", default = "t/ha", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["t/ha"] = { per = { "t", "ha" }, utype = "壓強", default = "LT ST/acre", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["tonne/acre"] = { per = { "tonne", "acre" }, utype = "壓強", default = "tonne/ha", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["tonne/ha"] = { per = { "tonne", "ha" }, utype = "壓強", default = "tonne/acre", multiplier= 9.80665, }, ["kgfpsqcm"] = { target = "kgf/cm2", }, ["kgpsqcm"] = { target = "kg/cm2", }, ["kN/m2"] = { target = "kPa", }, ["lb/in2"] = { target = "lbf/in2", }, ["torr"] = { target = "Torr", }, ["Bq"] = { _name1 = "-{zh:貝克;zh-cn:贝可勒尔;zh-tw:貝克;}-", _symbol = "Bq", utype = "放射性活度", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "pCi", link = "貝可勒爾", }, ["Ci"] = { _name1 = "居里", _symbol = "Ci", utype = "放射性活度", scale = 3.7e10, prefixes = 1, default = "GBq", link = "居里 (單位)", }, ["cm/h"] = { name1 = "-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-每小時", symbol = "cm/h", utype = "速度", scale = 2.7777777777777775e-6, default = "in/h", link = "米每秒", }, ["cm/s"] = { name1 = "-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-每秒", symbol = "cm/s", utype = "速度", scale = 0.01, default = "in/s", link = "米每秒", }, ["cm/year"] = { name1 = "-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-每年", symbol = "cm/year", utype = "速度", scale = 3.168873850681143e-10, default = "in/year", link = "數量級 (速率)", }, ["foot/s"] = { name1 = "英尺每秒", symbol = "ft/s", utype = "速度", scale = 0.3048, default = "m/s", }, ["ft/min"] = { name1 = "英尺每分鐘", symbol = "ft/min", utype = "速度", scale = 0.00508, default = "m/min", link = "英尺每秒", }, ["ft/s"] = { name1 = "英尺每秒", symbol = "ft/s", utype = "速度", scale = 0.3048, default = "m/s", }, ["furlong per fortnight"] = { name1 = "浪每兩週", symbol = "furlong/fortnight", utype = "速度", scale = 0.00016630952380952381, default = "km/h mph", link = "浪 (量度單位)", }, ["in/h"] = { name1 = "英寸每小時", symbol = "in/h", utype = "速度", scale = 7.0555555555555559e-6, default = "cm/h", link = "英寸", }, ["in/s"] = { name1 = "英寸每秒", symbol = "in/s", utype = "速度", scale = 0.0254, default = "cm/s", link = "英寸", }, ["in/year"] = { name1 = "英寸每年", symbol = "in/year", utype = "速度", scale = 8.0489395807301024e-10, default = "cm/year", link = "數量級 (速率)", }, ["isp"] = { name1 = "秒", symbol = "s", utype = "速度", scale = 9.80665, default = "km/s", link = "比冲", }, ["km/h"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-每小時", symbol = "km/h", utype = "速度", scale = 0.27777777777777779, default = "mph", link = "公里每小時", }, ["km/s"] = { name1 = "-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-每秒", symbol = "km/s", utype = "速度", scale = 1000, default = "mi/s", link = "米每秒", }, ["kn"] = { name1 = "節", symbol = "kn", utype = "速度", scale = 0.51444444444444448, default = "km/h mph", link = "節 (單位)", }, ["kNs/kg"] = { name1 = "千牛頓·秒每-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", symbol = "kN-s/kg", utype = "速度", scale = 1000, default = "isp", link = "比冲", }, ["m/min"] = { name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每分鐘", symbol = "m/min", utype = "速度", scale = 0.016666666666666666, default = "ft/min", link = "米每秒", }, ["m/s"] = { name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每秒", symbol = "m/s", utype = "速度", scale = 1, default = "ft/s", link = "米每秒", }, ["Mach"] = { name1 = "馬赫", symbol = "Mach", utype = "速度", builtin = "mach", scale = 0, iscomplex= true, default = "mph km/h", }, ["mi/s"] = { name1 = "英里每秒", symbol = "mi/s", utype = "速度", scale = 1609.344, default = "km/s", link = "英里", }, ["mm/h"] = { name1 = "-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-每小時", symbol = "mm/h", utype = "速度", scale = 2.7777777777777781e-7, default = "in/h", link = "米每秒", }, ["mph"] = { name1 = "英里每小時", symbol = "mph", utype = "速度", scale = 0.44704, default = "km/h", }, ["Ns/kg"] = { name1 = "牛頓·秒每-{zh:公斤;zh-cn:千克;zh-tw:公斤;zh-hk:公斤;}-", symbol = "N-s/kg", utype = "速度", scale = 1, default = "isp", link = "比冲", }, ["si tsfc"] = { name1 = "克燃料每千牛頓每秒", symbol = "g/(kN·s)", utype = "速度", scale = 9.9999628621379242e-7, invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "tsfc", link = ":en:Thrust specific fuel consumption", }, ["tsfc"] = { name1 = "英磅燃料每英磅推力每小時", symbol = "lb/(lbf·h)", utype = "速度", scale = 2.832545036049801e-5, invert = -1, iscomplex= true, default = "si tsfc", link = ":en:Thrust specific fuel consumption", }, ["cm/y"] = { target = "cm/year", }, ["cm/yr"] = { target = "cm/year", }, ["ft:s"] = { target = "ft/s", }, ["in/y"] = { target = "in/year", }, ["in/yr"] = { target = "in/year", }, ["km:h"] = { target = "km/h", }, ["knot"] = { target = "kn", }, ["knots"] = { target = "kn", }, ["kph"] = { target = "km/h", }, ["mi/h"] = { target = "mph", }, ["mi:h"] = { target = "mph", }, ["m:s"] = { target = "m/s", }, ["mm/s"] = { per = { "mm", "s" }, utype = "速度", default = "in/s", link = "米每秒", }, ["C"] = { symbol = "°C", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度", scale = 1, offset = -273.15, iscomplex= true, istemperature= true, default = "F", link = "攝氏溫標", }, ["F"] = { symbol = "°F", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度", scale = 0.55555555555555558, offset = 32-273.15*(9/5), iscomplex= true, istemperature= true, default = "C", link = "華氏溫標", }, ["K"] = { symbol = "K", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度", scale = 1, offset = 0, iscomplex= true, istemperature= true, default = "C F", link = "熱力學溫標", }, ["keVT"] = { name1 = "千電子伏特", symbol = "keV", utype = "溫度", scale = 11.604505e6, offset = 0, iscomplex= true, default = "MK", link = "電子伏特", }, ["MK"] = { symbol = "MK", utype = "溫度", scale = 1e6, offset = 0, iscomplex= true, default = "keVT", link = "熱力學溫標", }, ["R"] = { symbol = "R", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度", scale = 0.55555555555555558, offset = 0, iscomplex= true, istemperature= true, default = "K F C", link = "蘭金溫標", }, ["Celsius"] = { target = "C", }, ["°C"] = { target = "C", }, ["℃"] = { target = "C", }, ["°F"] = { target = "F", }, ["℉"] = { target = "F", }, ["°R"] = { target = "R", }, [".C"] = { target = "C", }, [".F"] = { target = "F", }, ["C-change"] = { name1 = "°C", symbol = "°C", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度變化", scale = 1, default = "F-change", link = "攝氏溫標", }, ["F-change"] = { name1 = "°F", symbol = "°F", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度變化", scale = 0.55555555555555558, default = "C-change", link = "華氏溫標", }, ["K-change"] = { name1 = "K", symbol = "K", usesymbol= 1, utype = "溫度變化", scale = 1, default = "F-change", link = "熱力學溫標", }, ["°C-change"] = { target = "C-change", }, ["°F-change"] = { target = "F-change", }, ["century"] = { name1 = "世紀", symbol = "ha", utype = "時間", scale = 3155760000, default = "Gs", }, ["d"] = { name1 = "日", symbol = "d", utype = "時間", scale = 86400, default = "ks", }, ["decade"] = { name1 = "十年代", symbol = "daa", utype = "時間", scale = 315576000, default = "Ms", link = "年代", }, ["dog year"] = { name1 = "狗齡", symbol = "dog yr", utype = "時間", scale = 220903200, default = "years", link = ":en:Aging in dogs", }, ["fortnight"] = { name1 = "兩週", symbol = "fortnight", utype = "時間", scale = 1209600, default = "week", link = ":en:Fortnight", }, ["h"] = { name1 = "小時", symbol = "h", utype = "時間", scale = 3600, default = "ks", }, ["long billion year"] = { name1 = "十億年", symbol = "Ta", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000000000000, default = "Es", link = "年", }, ["millennium"] = { name1 = "千年", symbol = "ka", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000, default = "Gs", link = "千禧年", }, ["milliard year"] = { name1 = "美創年", symbol = "Ga", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000000000, default = "Ps", link = "年", }, ["million year"] = { name1 = "百萬年", symbol = "Ma", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000000, default = "Ts", link = "年", }, ["min"] = { name1 = "分鐘", symbol = "min", utype = "時間", scale = 60, default = "s", link = "分 (時間單位)", }, ["month"] = { name1 = "月", symbol = "month", utype = "時間", scale = 2629800, default = "Ms", }, ["months"] = { name1 = "月", symbol = "mo", utype = "時間", scale = 2629800, default = "year", }, ["s"] = { _name1 = "秒", _symbol = "s", utype = "時間", scale = 1, prefixes = 1, default = "min", link = "秒", }, ["short billion year"] = { name1 = "十億年", symbol = "Ga", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000000000, default = "Ps", link = "年", }, ["short trillion year"] = { name1 = "太年", symbol = "Ta", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000000000000, default = "Es", link = "年", }, ["thousand million year"] = { name1 = "千億年", symbol = "Ga", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600000000000, default = "Ps", link = "年", }, ["wk"] = { name1 = "週", symbol = "week", utype = "時間", scale = 604800, default = "Ms", link = "星期", }, ["year"] = { name1 = "年", symbol = "a", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600, default = "Ms", }, ["years"] = { name1 = "年", symbol = "yr", utype = "時間", scale = 31557600, default = "Ms", }, ["byr"] = { target = "short billion year", }, ["day"] = { target = "d", }, ["days"] = { target = "d", }, ["dog yr"] = { target = "dog year", }, ["Gyr"] = { target = "thousand million year", }, ["hour"] = { target = "h", }, ["hours"] = { target = "h", }, ["kMyr"] = { target = "thousand million year", }, ["kmyr"] = { target = "thousand million year", }, ["kyr"] = { target = "millennium", }, ["long byr"] = { target = "long billion year", }, ["minute"] = { target = "min", }, ["minutes"] = { target = "min", }, ["mth"] = { target = "month", }, ["Myr"] = { target = "million year", }, ["myr"] = { target = "million year", }, ["second"] = { target = "s", }, ["seconds"] = { target = "s", }, ["tmyr"] = { target = "thousand million year", }, ["tryr"] = { target = "short trillion year", }, ["tyr"] = { target = "millennium", }, ["week"] = { target = "wk", }, ["weeks"] = { target = "wk", }, ["yr"] = { target = "year", }, ["kg.m"] = { name1 = "千克·-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "kg·m", utype = "力矩", scale = 9.80665, default = "Nm lbft", link = "力矩", }, ["kgf.m"] = { name1 = "千克力·-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "kgf·m", utype = "力矩", scale = 9.80665, default = "Nm lbfft", link = "力矩", }, ["kgm"] = { name1 = "千克·-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "kg·m", utype = "力矩", scale = 9.80665, default = "Nm lbfft", link = "力矩", }, ["lb-fft"] = { name1 = "英磅力·英尺", symbol = "ft·lb&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "Nm", link = "力矩", }, ["lb.ft"] = { name1 = "英磅力·英尺", symbol = "lb·ft", utype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "Nm", link = "力矩", }, [""] = { name1 = "英磅力·英寸", symbol = "lb·in", utype = "力矩", scale = 0.1129848290276167, default = "mN.m", link = "力矩", }, ["lbfft"] = { name1 = "英磅力·英尺", symbol = "lbf·ft", utype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "Nm", link = "力矩", }, ["lbft"] = { name1 = "英磅·英尺", symbol = "lb·ft", utype = "力矩", scale = 1.3558179483314004, default = "Nm", link = "力矩", }, [""] = { name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-·千克力", symbol = "m·kg&lt;sub>f&lt;/sub>", utype = "力矩", scale = 9.80665, default = "Nm lbfft", link = "力矩", }, ["m.kgf"] = { name1 = "-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-·千克力", symbol = "m·kgf", utype = "力矩", scale = 9.80665, default = "Nm lbfft", link = "力矩", }, ["mN.m"] = { name1 = "毫牛頓·-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "mN·m", utype = "力矩", scale = 0.001, default = "", link = "力矩", }, ["Nm"] = { name1 = "牛頓·-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", symbol = "N·m", utype = "力矩", alttype = "能量", scale = 1, default = "lbfft", link = "力矩", }, ["kN/m"] = { per = { "kN", "-m-stiff" }, utype = "力矩", default = "lbf/in", }, ["lbf/in"] = { per = { "lbf", "-in-stiff" }, utype = "力矩", default = "kN/m", }, ["lb-f.ft"] = { target = "lb-fft", }, ["lb-f·ft"] = { target = "lb-fft", }, ["lbf.ft"] = { target = "lbfft", }, ["lbf·ft"] = { target = "lbfft", }, ["lb·ft"] = { target = "lb.ft", }, ["mkg-f"] = { target = "", }, ["mkgf"] = { target = "m.kgf", }, ["N.m"] = { target = "Nm", }, ["N·m"] = { target = "Nm", }, ["-12USoz(mL)serve"] = { name1 = "十二美制液態盎司(355毫克)每罐", symbol = "12&amp;nbsp;US&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz (355&amp;nbsp;mL) serving", sym_us = "12&amp;nbsp;U.S.&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz (355&amp;nbsp;mL) serving", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00035488235475000004, default = "mL", link = "易拉罐", }, ["-12USoz(ml)serve"] = { name1 = "十二美制液態盎司(355毫克)每罐", symbol = "12&amp;nbsp;US&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz (355&amp;nbsp;ml) serving", sym_us = "12&amp;nbsp;U.S.&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz (355&amp;nbsp;ml) serving", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00035488235475000004, default = "ml", link = "易拉罐", }, ["-12USozserve"] = { name1 = "十二美制液態盎司每罐", symbol = "12&amp;nbsp;US&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz serving", sym_us = "12&amp;nbsp;U.S.&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz serving", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00035488235475000004, default = "mL", link = "易拉罐", }, ["acre foot"] = { name1 = "英畝·英尺", symbol = "acre·ft", utype = "容量", scale = 1233.48183754752, default = "m3", link = ":en:Acre-foot", }, ["acre ft"] = { name1 = "英畝·英尺", symbol = "acre·ft", utype = "容量", scale = 1233.48183754752, default = "m3", link = ":en:Acre-foot", }, ["am3"] = { name1 = "立方阿米", symbol = "am&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-54, default = "m3", link = "阿米", }, ["AUtbsp"] = { name1 = "澳制湯匙", symbol = "AU&amp;nbsp;tbsp", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000020, default = "ml", link = "湯匙", }, ["bdft"] = { name1 = "板英尺", symbol = "bd&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0023597372167, default = "m3", }, ["board feet"] = { name1 = "板英尺", symbol = "board ft", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0023597372167, default = "m3", }, ["board foot"] = { name1 = "板英尺", symbol = "board ft", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0023597372167, default = "m3", }, ["cc"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "cc", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000001, default = "cuin", link = "立方厘米", }, ["CID"] = { name1 = "立方英寸", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;in", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000016387064, default = "cc", link = "排氣量", }, ["cm3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:厘米;zh-cn:厘米;zh-tw:公分;zh-hk:厘米;}-", symbol = "cm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000001, default = "cuin", link = "立方厘米", }, ["cord"] = { symbol = "cord", utype = "容量", scale = 3.624556363776, default = "m3", link = ":en:Cord (volume)", }, ["cufoot"] = { name1 = "立方英尺", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "容量", scale = 0.028316846592, default = "m3", }, ["cuft"] = { name1 = "立方英尺", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;ft", utype = "容量", scale = 0.028316846592, default = "m3", }, ["cuin"] = { name1 = "立方英寸", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;in", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000016387064, default = "cm3", }, ["cumi"] = { name1 = "立方英里", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;mi", utype = "容量", scale = 4168181825.440579584, default = "km3", }, ["cuyd"] = { name1 = "立方碼", symbol = "cu&amp;nbsp;yd", utype = "容量", scale = 0.764554857984, default = "m3", }, ["dam3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:十米;zh-cn:十米;zh-tw:公丈;zh-hk:公丈;}-", symbol = "dam&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1000, default = "cuft", link = "公丈", }, ["dm3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:分米;zh-cn:分米;zh-tw:公寸;zh-hk:分米;}-", symbol = "dm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 0.001, default = "cuin", link = "公寸", }, ["firkin"] = { symbol = "firkin", utype = "容量", scale = 0.04091481, default = "l impgal USgal", link = ":en:English brewery cask units#Firkin", }, ["fm3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:飛;zh-hans:飞;zh-hant:飛}-米", symbol = "fm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-45, default = "m3", link = "飛米", }, ["foot3"] = { target = "cufoot", }, ["Goilbbl"] = { name1 = "十億桶", symbol = "Gbbl", utype = "容量", scale = 158987294.928, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["gr water"] = { name1 = "格令水", symbol = "gr H&lt;sub>2&lt;/sub>O", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00000006479891, default = "cm3", link = "格令", }, ["grt"] = { name1 = "總註冊噸", symbol = "grt", utype = "容量", scale = 2.8316846592, default = "m3", link = ":en:Gross register tonnage", }, ["impbbl"] = { name1 = "英制桶", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;bbl", utype = "容量", scale = 0.16365924, default = "l impgal USgal", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["impbsh"] = { name1 = "英制蒲式耳", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;bsh", utype = "容量", scale = 0.03636872, default = "l impgal USdrygal", link = "蒲式耳", }, ["impbu"] = { name1 = "英制蒲式耳", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;bu", utype = "容量", scale = 0.03636872, default = "m3", link = "蒲式耳", }, ["impgal"] = { name1 = "英制加侖", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00454609, default = "l USgal", link = "加侖", }, ["impgi"] = { name1 = "及耳", symbol = "gi", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0001420653125, default = "ml USoz", link = ":en:Gill (unit)", }, ["impkenning"] = { name1 = "英制坎寧", symbol = "kenning", utype = "容量", scale = 0.01818436, default = "l USdrygal", link = ":en:Kenning (unit)", }, ["impoz"] = { name1 = "英制液態盎司", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0000284130625, default = "ml USoz", link = ":en:Fluid ounce", }, ["imppk"] = { name1 = "英制配克", symbol = "pk", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00909218, default = "l USdrygal", link = ":en:Peck", }, ["imppt"] = { name1 = "英制品脫", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;pt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00056826125, default = "l", link = "品脫", }, ["impqt"] = { name1 = "英制夸脫", symbol = "imp&amp;nbsp;qt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0011365225, default = "ml USoz", link = "夸脫", customary= 3, }, ["kilderkin"] = { symbol = "kilderkin", utype = "容量", scale = 0.08182962, default = "l impgal USgal", link = ":en:English brewery cask units#Kilderkin", }, ["km3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:公里;zh-cn:千米;zh-tw:公里;zh-hk:公里;}-", symbol = "km&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1000000000, default = "cumi", link = "立方公里", }, ["koilbbl"] = { name1 = "千桶", symbol = "kbbl", utype = "容量", scale = 158.987294928, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! ! e3 ! m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["L"] = { _name1 = "公升", _symbol = "L", utype = "容量", scale = 0.001, prefixes = 1, default = "impgal USgal", link = "公升", }, ["l"] = { _name1 = "公升", _symbol = "l", utype = "容量", scale = 0.001, prefixes = 1, default = "impgal USgal", link = "公升", }, ["m3"] = { _name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-", _symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", prefix_position= 7, utype = "容量", scale = 1, prefixes = 3, default = "cuft", link = "立方米", }, ["Mbbl"] = { name1 = "千桶", symbol = "Mbbl", utype = "容量", scale = 158.987294928, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e3 ! ! m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["mm3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:毫米;zh-cn:毫米;zh-tw:公釐;zh-hk:毫米;}-", symbol = "mm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-9, default = "cuin", link = "立方毫米", }, ["MMoilbbl"] = { name1 = "百萬桶", symbol = "MMbbl", utype = "容量", scale = 158987.294928, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["Moilbbl"] = { name1 = "百萬桶", symbol = "Mbbl", utype = "容量", scale = 158987.294928, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["MTON"] = { name1 = "測量噸", symbol = "MTON", utype = "容量", scale = 1.13267386368, default = "m3", link = "英噸", }, ["MUSgal"] = { name1 = "百萬美制加侖", symbol = "million US&amp;nbsp;gal", sym_us = "million U.S.&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "容量", scale = 3785.411784, default = "Ml", link = "加侖", }, ["nm3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:納;zh-cn:纳;zh-tw:奈;zh-hk:納}-米", symbol = "nm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-27, default = "m3", link = "納米", }, ["oilbbl"] = { name1 = "桶", symbol = "bbl", utype = "容量", scale = 0.158987294928, default = "m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["pm3"] = { name1 = "立方皮米", symbol = "pm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-36, default = "m3", link = "皮米", }, ["stere"] = { symbol = "stère", utype = "容量", scale = 1, default = "cuft", link = ":en:Stere", }, ["Toilbbl"] = { name1 = "太桶", symbol = "Tbbl", utype = "容量", scale = 158987294928, default = "v * 1.58987294928 &lt; 10 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3", link = "桶 (單位)#石油桶", }, ["USbbl"] = { name1 = "美制桶", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;bbl", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;bbl", utype = "容量", scale = 0.119240471196, default = "l USgal impgal", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["USbeerbbl"] = { name1 = "美制啤酒桶", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;bbl", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;bbl", utype = "容量", scale = 0.117347765304, default = "l USgal impgal", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["USbsh"] = { name1 = "美制蒲式耳", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;bsh", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;bsh", utype = "容量", scale = 0.03523907016688, default = "l USdrygal impgal", link = "蒲式耳", }, ["USbu"] = { name1 = "美制蒲式耳", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;bu", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;bu", utype = "容量", scale = 0.03523907016688, default = "l USdrygal impgal", link = "蒲式耳", }, ["USdrybbl"] = { name1 = "美制乾貨桶", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;bbl", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;bbl", utype = "容量", scale = 0.11562819898508, default = "m3", link = "桶 (單位)", }, ["USdrygal"] = { name1 = "美制乾貨加侖", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;gal", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00440488377086, default = "l", link = "加侖", }, ["USdrypt"] = { name1 = "美制乾貨品脫", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;pt", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;pt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0005506104713575, default = "ml", link = "品脫", }, ["USdryqt"] = { name1 = "美制乾貨夸脫", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;qt", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;dry&amp;nbsp;qt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.001101220942715, default = "ml", link = "夸脫", }, ["USflgal"] = { name1 = "美制加侖", symbol = "US fl gal", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "容量", scale = 0.003785411784, default = "l impgal", link = "加侖", }, ["USgal"] = { name1 = "美制加侖", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;gal", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;gal", utype = "容量", scale = 0.003785411784, default = "l impgal", link = "加侖", }, ["USgi"] = { name1 = "及耳", symbol = "gi", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0001182941183, default = "ml impoz", link = ":en:Gill (unit)", }, ["USkenning"] = { name1 = "美制坎寧", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;kenning", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;kenning", utype = "容量", scale = 0.01761953508344, default = "l impgal", link = ":en:Kenning (unit)", }, ["USmin"] = { name1 = "美制量滴", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;min", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;min", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000000061611519921875, default = "ml", link = ":en:Minim (unit)", }, ["USoz"] = { name1 = "美制液態盎司", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;fl&amp;nbsp;oz", utype = "容量", scale = 0.0000295735295625, default = "ml", link = ":en:Fluid ounce", }, ["USpk"] = { name1 = "美制配克", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;pk", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;pk", utype = "容量", scale = 0.00880976754172, default = "l impgal", link = ":en:Peck", }, ["USpt"] = { name1 = "美制品脫", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;pt", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;pt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000473176473, default = "l imppt", link = "品脫", }, ["USqt"] = { name1 = "美制夸脫", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;qt", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;qt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000946352946, default = "ml", link = "夸脫", customary= 1, }, ["USquart"] = { name1 = "美制夸脫", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;qt", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;qt", utype = "容量", scale = 0.000946352946, default = "ml impoz", link = "夸脫", }, ["UStbsp"] = { name1 = "美制湯匙", symbol = "US&amp;nbsp;tbsp", sym_us = "U.S.&amp;nbsp;tbsp", utype = "容量", scale = 1.4786764781250001e-5, default = "ml", link = "湯匙", }, ["winecase"] = { name1 = "盒", symbol = "case", utype = "容量", scale = 0.009, default = "l", link = ":en:Case (goods)", }, ["ym3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:仄;zh-cn:仄;zh-tw:介;zh-hk:仄}-米", symbol = "ym&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-72, default = "m3", link = "仄米", }, ["zm3"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:幺;zh-cn:幺;zh-tw:攸;zh-hk:幺}-米", symbol = "zm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-63, default = "m3", link = "幺米", }, ["µm3"] = { name1 = "立方微米", symbol = "µm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>", utype = "容量", scale = 1e-18, default = "m3", link = "微米", }, ["*U.S.drygal"] = { target = "USdrygal", sp_us = true, customary= 2, }, ["*"] = { target = "USgal", sp_us = true, default = "L impgal", customary= 2, }, ["+USdrygal"] = { target = "USdrygal", customary= 1, }, ["+usfloz"] = { target = "USoz", customary= 1, }, ["+USgal"] = { target = "USgal", customary= 1, }, ["+USoz"] = { target = "USoz", customary= 1, }, ["@impgal"] = { target = "impgal", customary= 3, }, ["acre feet"] = { target = "acre ft", }, ["acre-feet"] = { target = "acre ft", }, ["acre-ft"] = { target = "acre ft", }, ["acre.foot"] = { target = "acre foot", }, ["acre.ft"] = { target = "acre ft", }, ["acre·foot"] = { target = "acre foot", }, ["acre·ft"] = { target = "acre ft", }, ["acreft"] = { target = "acre ft", }, ["bushels"] = { target = "USbsh", }, ["cid"] = { target = "CID", }, ["drybbl"] = { target = "USdrybbl", }, ["drygal"] = { target = "+USdrygal", }, ["drypt"] = { target = "USdrypt", }, ["dryqt"] = { target = "USdryqt", }, ["ft3"] = { target = "cuft", }, ["gal"] = { target = "USgal", }, ["gallon"] = { shouldbe = "請使用「USgal」表達「美制加侖」或「impgal」表達「英制加侖」(「gallon」會引起歧義因此不提供轉換)", }, ["gallons"] = { shouldbe = "請使用「USgal」表達「美制加侖」或「impgal」表達「英制加侖」(「gallons」會引起歧義因此不提供轉換)", }, ["Gcuft"] = { target = "e9cuft", }, ["impfloz"] = { target = "impoz", }, ["Impgal"] = { target = "impgal", }, ["in3"] = { target = "cuin", }, ["kcuft"] = { target = "e3cuft", }, ["kcum"] = { target = "e3m3", }, ["km³"] = { target = "km3", }, ["liter"] = { target = "L", sp_us = true, }, ["liters"] = { target = "L", sp_us = true, }, ["litre"] = { target = "L", }, ["litres"] = { target = "L", }, ["Mcuft"] = { target = "e6cuft", }, ["Mcum"] = { target = "e6m3", }, ["Mft3"] = { target = "e6cuft", }, ["mi3"] = { target = "cumi", }, ["m³"] = { target = "m3", }, ["Pcuft"] = { target = "e15cuft", }, ["pt"] = { shouldbe = "請使用「USpt」表達「美制品脫」或「imppt」表達「英制品脫」(「pt」會引起歧義因此不提供轉換)", }, ["qt"] = { shouldbe = "請使用「USqt」表達「美制夸脫」或「impqt」表達「英制夸脫」(「qt」會引起歧義因此不提供轉換)", }, ["Tcuft"] = { target = "e12cuft", }, ["Tft3"] = { target = "e12cuft", }, ["U.S.bbl"] = { target = "USbbl", sp_us = true, default = "l impgal", }, ["U.S.beerbbl"] = { target = "USbeerbbl", sp_us = true, default = "l impgal", }, ["U.S.bsh"] = { target = "USbsh", sp_us = true, default = "l U.S.drygal impgal", }, ["U.S.bu"] = { target = "USbu", sp_us = true, default = "l U.S.drygal impgal", }, ["U.S.drybbl"] = { target = "USdrybbl", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.drygal"] = { target = "USdrygal", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.drypt"] = { target = "USdrypt", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.dryqt"] = { target = "USdryqt", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.flgal"] = { target = "USflgal", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.floz"] = { target = "USoz", sp_us = true, }, [""] = { target = "USgal", sp_us = true, default = "L impgal", }, [""] = { target = "USgal", sp_us = true, default = "L impgal", }, [""] = { target = "USgi", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.kenning"] = { target = "USkenning", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.oz"] = { target = "USoz", sp_us = true, }, [""] = { target = "USpk", sp_us = true, }, [""] = { target = "USpt", sp_us = true, }, ["U.S.qt"] = { target = "USqt", sp_us = true, default = "L impqt", customary= 2, }, ["usbbl"] = { target = "USbbl", }, ["usbeerbbl"] = { target = "USbeerbbl", }, ["usbsh"] = { target = "USbsh", }, ["usbu"] = { target = "USbu", }, ["usdrybbl"] = { target = "USdrybbl", }, ["usdrygal"] = { target = "+USdrygal", }, ["usdrypt"] = { target = "USdrypt", }, ["usdryqt"] = { target = "USdryqt", }, ["USfloz"] = { target = "USoz", }, ["usfloz"] = { target = "USoz", }, ["USGAL"] = { target = "USgal", }, ["usgal"] = { target = "USgal", }, ["usgi"] = { target = "USgi", }, ["uskenning"] = { target = "USkenning", }, ["usoz"] = { target = "USoz", }, ["uspk"] = { target = "USpk", }, ["uspt"] = { target = "USpt", }, ["usqt"] = { target = "USqt", }, ["yd3"] = { target = "cuyd", }, ["cuft/sqmi"] = { per = { "cuft", "sqmi" }, utype = "每單位面積的容量", default = "m3/km2", }, ["m3/ha"] = { name1 = "立方-{zh:米;zh-cn:米;zh-tw:公尺;zh-hk:米;}-每公頃", symbol = "m&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>/ha", utype = "每單位面積的容量", scale = 0.0001, default = "USbu/acre", link = "公頃", }, ["m3/km2"] = { per = { "m3", "km2" }, utype = "每單位面積的容量", default = "cuft/sqmi", }, [""] = { per = { "", "acre" }, utype = 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"impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["l USdrygal impgal"] = { combination= { "l", "USdrygal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["L USgal"] = { combination= { "L", "USgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["L usgal"] = { combination= { "L", "usgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["l USgal"] = { combination= { "l", "USgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["l usgal"] = { combination= { "l", "usgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["L USgal impgal"] = { combination= { "L", "USgal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["L usgal impgal"] = { combination= { "L", "USgal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["l USgal impgal"] = { combination= { "l", "USgal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["l USpt"] = { combination= { "l", "USpt" }, utype = "容量", }, ["m3 impgal"] = { combination= { "m3", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL impfloz"] = { combination= { "mL", "impfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml impfloz"] = { combination= { "ml", "impfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL impoz"] = { combination= { "mL", "impoz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml impoz"] = { combination= { "ml", "impoz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL U.S.floz"] = { combination= { "mL", "U.S.floz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml U.S.floz"] = { combination= { "ml", "U.S.floz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL U.S.oz"] = { combination= { "mL", "U.S.oz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml U.S.oz"] = { combination= { "ml", "U.S.oz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL USfloz"] = { combination= { "mL", "USfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL usfloz"] = { combination= { "mL", "usfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml USfloz"] = { combination= { "ml", "USfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml usfloz"] = { combination= { "ml", "usfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL USoz"] = { combination= { "mL", "USoz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["mL usoz"] = { combination= { "mL", "usfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml USoz"] = { combination= { "ml", "USoz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["ml usoz"] = { combination= { "ml", "usfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["MUSgal m3"] = { combination= { "MUSgal", "m3" }, utype = "容量", }, ["oilbbl m3"] = { combination= { "oilbbl", "m3" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal impgal"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal impgal L"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "impgal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal impgal l"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "impgal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal L"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal l"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal L impgal"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "L", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.drygal l impgal"] = { combination= { "U.S.drygal", "l", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.floz impfloz"] = { combination= { "U.S.floz", "impfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, [" impgal"] = { combination= { "", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, [" impgal L"] = { combination= { "", "impgal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, [" impgal l"] = { combination= { "", "impgal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, [" L"] = { combination= { "", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, [" l"] = { combination= { "", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, [" L impgal"] = { combination= { "", "L", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, [" l impgal"] = { combination= { "", "l", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, [" U.S.drygal"] = { combination= { "U.S.flgal", "U.S.drygal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.oz impoz"] = { combination= { "U.S.oz", "impoz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.oz mL"] = { combination= { "U.S.oz", "mL" }, utype = "容量", }, ["U.S.oz ml"] = { combination= { "U.S.oz", "ml" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal impgal"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal impgal L"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "impgal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal impgal l"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "impgal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal L"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal l"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal L impgal"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "L", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USdrygal l impgal"] = { combination= { "USdrygal", "l", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USfloz impfloz"] = { combination= { "USfloz", "impfloz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal impgal"] = { combination= { "USgal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["usgal impgal"] = { combination= { "USgal", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal impgal L"] = { combination= { "USgal", "impgal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal impgal l"] = { combination= { "USgal", "impgal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal L"] = { combination= { "USgal", "L" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal l"] = { combination= { "USgal", "l" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal L impgal"] = { combination= { "USgal", "L", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal l impgal"] = { combination= { "USgal", "l", "impgal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal m3"] = { combination= { "USgal", "m3" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USgal USdrygal"] = { combination= { "USflgal", "USdrygal" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USoz impoz"] = { combination= { "USoz", "impoz" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USoz mL"] = { combination= { "USoz", "mL" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USoz ml"] = { combination= { "USoz", "ml" }, utype = "容量", }, ["USqt impqt"] = { combination= { "USqt", "impqt" }, utype = "容量", }, } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do not change the data in this table because it is created by running -- -- a script that reads the wikitext from a wiki page (see note above). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local default_exceptions = { -- Prefixed units with a default different from that of the base unit. -- Each key item is a prefixed symbol (unitcode for engineering notation). ["cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "sqin", ["dm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "sqin", ["e3acre"] = "km2", ["e3m2"] = "e6sqft", ["e6acre"] = "km2", ["e6ha"] = "e6acre", ["e6km2"] = "e6sqmi", ["e6m2"] = "e6sqft", ["e6sqft"] = "v * 9.290304 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m2", ["e6sqmi"] = "e6km2", ["hm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "acre", ["km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "sqmi", ["mm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "sqin", ["aJ"] = "eV", ["e3BTU"] = "MJ", ["e6BTU"] = "GJ", ["EJ"] = "kWh", ["fJ"] = "keV", ["GJ"] = "kWh", ["MJ"] = "kWh", ["PJ"] = "kWh", ["pJ"] = "MeV", ["TJ"] = "kWh", ["YJ"] = "kWh", ["yJ"] = "µeV", ["ZJ"] = "kWh", ["zJ"] = "meV", ["e12cuft/a"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/a", ["e12cuft/d"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3/d", ["e12m3/a"] = "Tcuft/a", ["e12m3/d"] = "Tcuft/d", ["e3cuft/a"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/a", ["e3cuft/d"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/d", ["e3cuft/s"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! ! e3 ! m3/s", ["e3m3/a"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/a", ["e3m3/d"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/d", ["e3m3/s"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft/s", ["e3USgal/a"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! ! e3 ! m3/a", ["e6cuft/a"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a", ["e6cuft/d"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/d", ["e6cuft/s"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/s", ["e6m3/a"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft/a", ["e6m3/d"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft/d", ["e6m3/s"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! e6 ! e9 ! cuft/s", ["e6USgal/a"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3/a", ["e9cuft/a"] = "m3/a", ["e9cuft/d"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/d", ["e9m3/a"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft/a", ["e9m3/d"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft/d", ["e9m3/s"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! e9 ! e12 ! cuft/s", ["e9USgal/a"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/a", ["e9USgal/s"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3/s", ["nN"] = "gr-f", ["µN"] = "gr-f", ["mN"] = "oz-f", ["am"] = "in", ["cm"] = "in", ["dam"] = "ft", ["dm"] = "in", ["e12km"] = "e12mi", ["e12mi"] = "e12km", ["e3AU"] = "ly", ["e3km"] = "e3mi", ["e3mi"] = "e3km", ["e6km"] = "e6mi", ["e6mi"] = "e6km", ["e9km"] = "AU", ["e9mi"] = "e9km", ["Em"] = "mi", ["fm"] = "in", ["Gm"] = "mi", ["hm"] = "ft", ["km"] = "mi", ["mm"] = "in", ["Mm"] = "mi", ["nm"] = "in", ["Pm"] = "mi", ["pm"] = "in", ["Tm"] = "mi", ["Ym"] = "mi", ["ym"] = "in", ["Zm"] = "mi", ["zm"] = "in", ["µm"] = "in", ["e12lb"] = "v * 4.5359237 &lt; 10 ! Mt ! Gt", ["e3lb"] = "v * 4.5359237 &lt; 10 ! kg ! t", ["e3ozt"] = "v * 0.311034768 &lt; 10 ! kg ! t", ["e3t"] = "LT ST", ["e6carat"] = "t", ["e6lb"] = "v * 4.5359237 &lt; 10 ! t ! kilotonne", ["e6ozt"] = "lb kg", ["e6ST"] = "Mt", ["e6t"] = "LT ST", ["e9lb"] = "v * 4.5359237 &lt; 10 ! kilotonne ! Mt", ["e9t"] = "LT ST", ["Gg"] = "lb", ["mg"] = "gr", ["Mg"] = "LT ST", ["ng"] = "gr", ["µg"] = "gr", ["mBq"] = "fCi", ["kBq"] = "nCi", ["MBq"] = "µCi", ["GBq"] = "mCi", ["TBq"] = "Ci", ["PBq"] = "kCi", ["EBq"] = "kCi", ["fCi"] = "mBq", ["pCi"] = "Bq", ["nCi"] = "Bq", ["µCi"] = "kBq", ["mCi"] = "MBq", ["kCi"] = "TBq", ["MCi"] = "PBq", ["ns"] = "µs", ["µs"] = "ms", ["ms"] = "s", ["ks"] = "h", ["Ms"] = "week", ["Gs"] = "decade", ["Ts"] = "millennium", ["Ps"] = "million year", ["Es"] = "thousand million year", ["cL"] = "impoz usoz", ["cl"] = "impoz usoz", ["cm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>"] = "cuin", ["dL"] = "impoz usoz", ["dl"] = "impoz usoz", ["dm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>"] = "cuin", ["e12cuft"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e9 ! e12 ! m3", ["e12impgal"] = "v * 4.54609 &lt; 1000 ! T ! P ! l", ["e12m3"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! T ! P ! cuft", [""] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! T ! P ! l", ["e12USgal"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! T ! P ! l", ["e15cuft"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e12 ! e15 ! m3", ["e15m3"] = "Pcuft", ["e3bdft"] = "v * 0.23597372167 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3", ["e3cuft"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! ! e3 ! m3", ["e3impgal"] = "v * 4.54609 &lt; 1000 ! k ! M ! l", ["e3m3"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! k ! M ! cuft", [""] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! k ! M ! l", ["e3USgal"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! k ! M ! l", ["e6bdft"] = "v * 0.23597372167 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3", ["e6cuft"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3", ["e6cuyd"] = "v * 7.64554857984 &lt; 10 ! e3 ! e6 ! m3", ["e6impgal"] = "v * 4.54609 &lt; 1000 ! M ! G ! l", ["e6L"] = "USgal", ["e6m3"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! M ! G ! cuft", [""] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! M ! G ! l", ["e6USgal"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! M ! G ! l", ["e9bdft"] = "v * 0.23597372167 &lt; 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3", ["e9cuft"] = "v * 2.8316846592 &lt; 100 ! e6 ! e9 ! m3", ["e9impgal"] = "v * 4.54609 &lt; 1000 ! G ! T ! l", ["e9m3"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! G ! T ! cuft", [""] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! G ! T ! l", ["e9USgal"] = "v * 3.785411784 &lt; 1000 ! G ! T ! l", ["GL"] = "cuft", ["Gl"] = "cuft", ["kL"] = "cuft", ["kl"] = "cuft", ["km&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>"] = "cumi", ["mL"] = "impoz usoz", ["ml"] = "impoz usoz", ["Ml"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! e3 ! e6 ! cuft", ["ML"] = "v &lt; 28.316846592 ! e3 ! e6 ! cuft", ["TL"] = "cumi", ["Tl"] = "cumi", ["µL"] = "cuin", ["µl"] = "cuin", } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do not change the data in this table because it is created by running -- -- a script that reads the wikitext from a wiki page (see note above). -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local link_exceptions = { -- Prefixed units with a linked article different from that of the base unit. -- Each key item is a prefixed symbol (not unitcode). ["mm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "平方毫米", ["cm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "平方厘米", ["dm&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "平方分米", ["km&lt;sup>2&lt;/sup>"] = "平方公里", ["fm"] = "飛米", ["pm"] = "皮米", ["nm"] = "納米", ["µm"] = "微米", ["mm"] = "毫米", ["cm"] = "厘米", ["dm"] = "公寸", ["dam"] = "公丈", ["hm"] = "公引", ["km"] = "公里", ["Mm"] = "百萬米", ["Gm"] = "吉米", ["Pm"] = "拍米", ["Em"] = "艾米", ["Zm"] = "澤米 (單位)", ["Ym"] = "堯米", ["µg"] = "微克", ["mg"] = "毫克", ["Mg"] = "公噸", ["aW"] = "阿瓦", ["pW"] = "皮瓦", ["nW"] = "納瓦", ["µW"] = "微瓦", ["mW"] = "毫瓦", ["kW"] = "千瓦", ["MW"] = "百萬瓦", ["GW"] = "吉瓦", ["PW"] = "拍瓦", ["fs"] = "飞秒", ["ps"] = "皮秒", ["ns"] = "奈秒", ["µs"] = "微秒", ["ms"] = "毫秒", ["cm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>"] = "立方厘米", ["dm&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>"] = "立方分米", ["km&lt;sup>3&lt;/sup>"] = "立方公里", ["µL"] = "微升", ["µl"] = "微升", ["mL"] = "毫升", ["ml"] = "毫升", ["cL"] = "厘升", ["cl"] = "厘升", ["dL"] = "分公升", ["dl"] = "分公升", ["daL"] = "公斗", ["dal"] = "公斗", ["kL"] = "公秉", ["kl"] = "千升", ["TL"] = "太升", ["Tl"] = "垓升", } return { all_units = all_units, default_exceptions = default_exceptions, link_exceptions = link_exceptions, } </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>本页<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:%E5%B5%8C%E5%85%A5%E5%8C%85%E5%90%AB" title="Wikipedia:嵌入包含">嵌入包含</a>了15个页面: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Module:Arguments" title="Module:Arguments">Module:Arguments</a>(<a href="/w/index.php?title=Module:Arguments&amp;action=edit" title="Module:Arguments">查看源代码</a>)(<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:%E4%BF%9D%E8%AD%B7%E6%96%B9%E9%87%9D" title="Wikipedia:保護方針">全保护</a>)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Module:Convert/data" title="Module:Convert/data">Module:Convert/data</a>(<a href="/w/index.php?title=Module:Convert/data&amp;action=edit" title="Module:Convert/data">查看源代码</a>)(<a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:%E4%BF%9D%E8%AD%B7%E6%96%B9%E9%87%9D" title="Wikipedia:保護方針">全保护</a>)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Module:Convert/data/doc" class="mw-redirect" 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