User Login

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WIDTH="100%"> <tr> <TD CLASS="pldefault"> <div class="headerlinksdiv2"> &nbsp; </div> </TD> <TD CLASS="pldefault"><p class="rightaligntext"> <SPAN class="pageheaderlinks"> <a href="/duckweb/twbkfrmt.P_DispHelp?pagename_in=twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin" accesskey="H" onClick="popup ='/duckweb/twbkfrmt.P_DispHelp?pagename_in=twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin', 'PopupPage','height=500,width=450,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false" target="_blank" onMouseOver="window.status=''; return true" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true"onFocus="window.status=''; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" class="submenulinktext2">HELP</a> | <a href="twbkwbis.P_Logout" accesskey="3" class="submenulinktext2">EXIT</a> </span> </TD> </tr> </table> </DIV> <div class="pagetitlediv"> <table CLASS="plaintable" SUMMARY="This table displays title and static header displays." WIDTH="100%"> <tr> <TD CLASS="pldefault"> <h2>Welcome to DuckWeb!</h2> </TD> <TD CLASS="pldefault"> &nbsp; </TD> <TD CLASS="pldefault"><p class="rightaligntext"> <div class="staticheaders"> </div> </TD> </tr> <tr> <TD class="bg3" width="100%" colSpan=3><img src="/wtlgifs/web_transparent.gif" alt="Transparent Image" TITLE="Transparent Image" NAME="web_transparent" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=3 WIDTH=10 /></TD> </tr> </table> <a name="main_content"></a> </DIV> <div class="pagebodydiv"> <!-- ** END OF twbkwbis.P_OpenDoc ** --> <div class="infotextdiv"><table CLASS="infotexttable" SUMMARY="This layout table contains information that may be helpful in understanding the content and functionality of this page. It could be a brief set of instructions, a description of error messages, or other special information."><tr><td CLASS="indefault"><img src="/wtlgifs/web_caution.gif" alt="Caution" TITLE="Caution" NAME="web_caution" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=28 WIDTH=28 /></td><td CLASS="indefault"><SPAN class="infotext"> DuckWeb is unavailable Friday evenings from 7pm to 9pm for routine maintenance. <p> <B>To Login:</B> Enter your UO ID number (begins with 95, no dashes) and your Personal Access Code (PAC), then click on the <b>Login</b> button. <font size=2> <P><B><font color=930000>First-time Users:</b> </font color>Use the UO ID and initial PAC provided to you by the University of Oregon. Once you log in, DuckWeb will inform you that your PAC has expired. You will be prompted to set a new PAC and activate a security question. Click on the HELP link above for more information about your initial PAC. <font size=2> <P><B><font color=930000>Previously accessed DuckWeb, but don鈥檛 remember your UO ID?</b> </font> <ul><li><b>Students: please use our <a href=>ID/PAC Reset form</a></li> <li><b>Employees should contact the Office of Human Resources:</b> 541-346-3159. Please do not contact Human Resources if you are or were a student.</li> </ul></font> <font size=2> <P><B><font color=930000>Forgot your Personal Access Code (PAC)?</b></font color> <b>Don't guess!</b> Enter your UO ID number (begins with 95, no dashes) and click the <B><font color=930000>"Forgot PAC?" </b></font color>button. Follow the steps on the next page. If you forgot the answer to your security question (or if you never created one), further instructions will follow.</SPAN></td></tr></table><p></DIV> <form action="/duckweb/twbkwbis.P_ValLogin" method="post" NAME="loginform" AUTOCOMPLETE="OFF"> <table CLASS="dataentrytable" SUMMARY="This data entry table is used to format the user login fields"> <tr> <td CLASS="delabel" scope="row" ><LABEL for=UserID><SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">UO ID:</SPAN></LABEL></td> <td CLASS="dedefault"><input type="password" name="sid" size="11" maxlength="9" ID="UserID" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td CLASS="delabel" scope="row" ><LABEL for=PIN><SPAN class="fieldlabeltext">PAC:</SPAN></LABEL></td> <td CLASS="dedefault"><input type="password" name="PIN" size="7" maxlength="6" ID="PIN" /></td> </tr> </table> <p> <input type="submit" value="Login" /> &nbsp; <input type="submit" name="ButtonSelected" value="Forgot PAC?" /> </form> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JScript"> document.loginform.reset(); // End script hiding --> </SCRIPT> <div class="infotextdiv"><table CLASS="infotexttable" SUMMARY="This layout table contains information that may be helpful in understanding the content and functionality of this page. It could be a brief set of instructions, a description of error messages, or other special information."><tr><td CLASS="indefault"><img src="/wtlgifs/web_caution.gif" alt="Caution" TITLE="Caution" NAME="web_caution" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=28 WIDTH=28 /></td><td CLASS="indefault"><SPAN class="infotext"> <B><font color=930000>REMEMBER</b></font color>, especially if you are using a public computer, to Log Off by clicking <B><font color=930000>EXIT</b></font color> and then close your browser when you are finished. Avoid using the forward/back buttons on your browser unless specifically directed to do so. For security reasons, DuckWeb requires that your browser be configured to accept cookies. <p><font size=-2><i>Comments for the Office of the Registrar? Please use our <a href= target="_blank">contact form</a>.</i></font></SPAN></td></tr></table><p></DIV> <!-- ** START OF twbkwbis.P_CloseDoc ** --> <table CLASS="plaintable" SUMMARY="This is table displays line separator at end of the page." WIDTH="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><tr><TD class="bgtabon" width="100%" colSpan=2><img src="/wtlgifs/web_transparent.gif" alt="Transparent Image" TITLE="Transparent Image" NAME="web_transparent" HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 BORDER=0 HEIGHT=3 WIDTH=10 /></TD></tr></table> <a href="#top" onMouseover="window.status='Skip to top of page'; return true" onMouseout="window.status=''; return true" OnFocus="window.status='Skip to top of page'; return true" onBlur="window.status=''; return true" class="skiplinks">Skip to top of page</a> </DIV> <div class="footerbeforediv"> </DIV> <div class="footerafterdiv"> </DIV> <div class="globalafterdiv"> </DIV> <div class="globalfooterdiv"> </DIV> <div class="pagefooterdiv"> <SPAN class="releasetext">Release: 8.11</SPAN> </DIV> <div class="poweredbydiv"> </DIV> <DIV class="div1"></DIV> <DIV class="div2"></DIV> <DIV class="div3"></DIV> <DIV class="div4"></DIV> <DIV class="div5"></DIV> <DIV class="div6"></DIV> <div class="banner_copyright"> <h5><br>漏 2024 Ellucian Company L.P. and its affiliates.<br>This software contains confidential and proprietary information of Ellucian or its subsidiaries.<br>Use of this software is limited to Ellucian licensees, and is subject to the terms and conditions of one or more written license agreements between Ellucian and such licensees.</h5></div> </body> </html>

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