{"title":"The Architectural and Imaginary Spaces of the Anime Models","authors":"Kussain Marden","volume":72,"journal":"International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences","pagesStart":3632,"pagesEnd":3635,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9913","abstract":"Architecture as a form of art, whilst actively\ndeveloping, finds new methods and conceptions. Currently,\narchitectural animation is actively developing as a step, successive to\narchitectural visualization. Interesting vistas of architectural ideas\nwere discovered by artists of Japanese animation, in which there are\ntraditional spirits, kami, and imaginary spaces relating to them.\nAnime art should be considered abstract painting, another kind of an\narchitectural workshop, where new architectural ideas are generated.","references":"[1] \"The Imaginary Architectural Spaces\". - \u00f0\u00c9lmaty: \u00f0\u00dc\u00f0\u00a5mpleks, 2000. - P.\n15. - 300 pp.\n[2] Bussagli, Mario. History of World Architecture. - London: Oriental\nArchitecture\/2. Faber and Faber. - 1989. - 200 pp.\n[3] Coaldrake, William H. Architecture and Authority in Japan (Nissan\nInstitute\/Routledge Japanese Studies Series). - London: Routledge. -\n1996. - 360 pp.\n[4] Daniell, Thomas. After the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan. -\nNew York: Princeton Architectural Press. - 2008. - 192 pp.\n[5] Averintsev, S.S., Alekseyev V.P., Ardzinba, V. G., et al. The Ancient\nCivilizations. - Moscow: Mysl-, 1989. - p. 282. - 479 pp.\n[6] Christianity in Japan. - http:\/\/\/text\/303129.html\n[7] Sabitov, \u00f0\u00c9. The Monastery of Sainte-Marie-des-Bois \/\/ The imaginary\narchitectural spaces. Almaty, 2000. - Pp. 49-79.\n[8] Eco, Umberto. The Name of the Rose. St. Petersburg: Simpozium, 2009.\n- 640 pp.\n[9] The Imaginary Architectural Spaces. - \u00f0\u00c9lmaty: \u00f0\u00dc\u00f0\u00a5mpleks, 2000. - P.\n27. - 300 pp.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 72, 2012"}