SageMaker JumpStart pretrained models - Amazon SageMaker AI

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You can incrementally train and tune these models before deployment. JumpStart also provides solution templates that set up infrastructure for common use cases, and executable example notebooks for machine learning with SageMaker AI.</p><p>You can deploy, fine-tune, and evaluate pretrained models from popular models hubs through the JumpStart landing page in the updated Studio experience.</p><p>You can also access pretrained models, solution templates, and examples through the JumpStart landing page in Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. </p><p>The following steps show how to access JumpStart models using Amazon SageMaker Studio and Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic.</p><p>You can also access JumpStart models using the SageMaker Python SDK. For information about how to use JumpStart models programmatically, see <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span>Use SageMaker JumpStart Algorithms with Pretrained Models</span><awsui-icon class="awsdocs-link-icon" name="external"></awsui-icon></a>.</p> <h2 id="jumpstart-open-use-studio">Open and use JumpStart in Studio</h2> <p>The following sections give information on how to open, use, and manage JumpStart from the Studio UI.</p> <div class="awsdocs-note awsdocs-important"><div class="awsdocs-note-title"><awsui-icon name="status-warning" variant="error"></awsui-icon><h6>Important</h6></div><div class="awsdocs-note-text"><p>As of November 30, 2023, the previous Amazon SageMaker Studio experience is now named Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The following section is specific to using the updated Studio experience. For information about using the Studio Classic application, see <a href="./studio.html">Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic</a>.</p></div></div> <h3 id="jumpstart-open-studio">Open JumpStart in Studio</h3> <p>In Amazon SageMaker Studio, open the JumpStart landing page either through the <b>Home</b> page or the <b>Home</b> menu on the left-side panel. This opens the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> landing page where you can explore model hubs and search for models.</p> <div class="itemizedlist"> <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"> <p>From the <b>Home</b> page, choose <b>JumpStart</b> in the <b>Prebuilt and automated solutions</b> pane. </p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p>From the <b>Home</b> menu in the left panel, navigate to the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> node.</p> </li></ul></div> <p>For more information on getting started with Amazon SageMaker Studio, see <a href="./studio-updated.html">Amazon SageMaker Studio</a>.</p> <div class="mediaobject"> <img src="/images/sagemaker/latest/dg/images/jumpstart/jumpstart-assets-studio.png" class="aws-docs-img-whiteBg aws-docs-img-padding" alt="Amazon SageMaker Studio interface with access to JumpStart." style="max-width:600px" /> </div> <div class="awsdocs-note awsdocs-important"><div class="awsdocs-note-title"><awsui-icon name="status-warning" variant="error"></awsui-icon><h6>Important</h6></div><div class="awsdocs-note-text"><p>Before downloading or using third-party content: You are responsible for reviewing and complying with any applicable license terms and making sure that they are acceptable for your use case. </p></div></div> <h3 id="jumpstart-use-studio">Use JumpStart in Studio</h3> <p>From the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> landing page in Studio, you can explore model hubs from providers of both proprietary and publicly available models. </p> <div class="mediaobject"> <img src="/images/sagemaker/latest/dg/images/jumpstart/jumpstart-use-studio.png" class="aws-docs-img-whiteBg aws-docs-img-padding" alt="Amazon SageMaker Studio JumpStart landing page." style="max-width:600px" /> </div> <p>You can find specific hubs or models using the search bar. Within each model hub, you can search directly for models, sort by provided attributes, or filter based on a list of provided model tasks.</p> <h3 id="jumpstart-manage-studio">Manage JumpStart in Studio</h3> <p>Choose a model to see its model detail card. In the upper right-hand corner of the model detail card, choose <b>Fine-tune</b>, <b>Deploy</b>, or <b>Evaluate</b> to start working through the fine-tuning, deployment, or evaluation workflows, respectively. Note that not all models are available for fine-tuning or evaluation. For more information on each of these options, see <a href="./jumpstart-foundation-models-use-studio-updated.html">Use foundation models in Studio</a>.</p> <h2 id="jumpstart-open-use">Open and use JumpStart in Studio Classic</h2> <p>The following sections give information on how to open, use, and manage JumpStart from the Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic UI.</p> <div class="awsdocs-note awsdocs-important"><div class="awsdocs-note-title"><awsui-icon name="status-warning" variant="error"></awsui-icon><h6>Important</h6></div><div class="awsdocs-note-text"><p>As of November 30, 2023, the previous Amazon SageMaker Studio experience is now named Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The following section is specific to using the Studio Classic application. For information about using the updated Studio experience, see <a href="./studio-updated.html">Amazon SageMaker Studio</a>.</p></div></div> <h3 id="jumpstart-open">Open JumpStart in Studio Classic</h3> <p>In Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic, open the JumpStart landing page either through the <b>Home</b> page or the <b>Home</b> menu on the left-side panel. </p> <div class="itemizedlist"> <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"> <p>From the <b>Home</b> page you can either:</p> <div class="itemizedlist"> <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"> <p>Choose <b>JumpStart</b> in the <b>Prebuilt and automated solutions</b> pane. This opens the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> landing page.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p>Choose a model directly in the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> landing page, or choose the <b>Explore All</b> option to see available solutions or models of a specific type. </p> </li></ul></div> </li><li class="listitem"> <p>From the <b>Home</b> menu in the left panel you can either:</p> <div class="itemizedlist"> <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"> <p>Navigate to the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> node, then choose <b>Models, notebooks, solutions</b>. This opens the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> landing page.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p>Navigate to the <b>JumpStart</b> node, then choose <b>Launched JumpStart assets</b>.</p> <p>The <b>Launched JumpStart assets</b> page lists your currently launched solutions, deployed model endpoints, and training jobs created with JumpStart. You can access the JumpStart landing page from this tab by clicking on the <b>Browse JumpStart</b> button at the top right of the tab.</p> </li></ul></div> </li></ul></div> <p>The JumpStart landing page lists available end-to-end machine learning solutions, pretrained models, and example notebooks. From any individual solution or model page, you can choose the <b>Browse JumpStart</b> button (<span class="inlinemediaobject"> <img src="/images/sagemaker/latest/dg/images/jumpstart/jumpstart-browse-button.png" class="aws-docs-img-whiteBg aws-docs-img-xs-padding" alt="Button labeled &#34;Browse JumpStart&#34; with an icon indicating a browsing action." data-alt-text-source="generated" style="max-width:120px" /> </span>) at the top right of the tab to return to the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> page.</p> <div class="mediaobject"> <img src="/images/sagemaker/latest/dg/images/jumpstart/jumpstart-assets.png" class="aws-docs-img-whiteBg aws-docs-img-padding" alt="SageMaker Studio Classic interface with access to JumpStart." style="max-width:600px" /> </div> <div class="awsdocs-note awsdocs-important"><div class="awsdocs-note-title"><awsui-icon name="status-warning" variant="error"></awsui-icon><h6>Important</h6></div><div class="awsdocs-note-text"><p>Before downloading or using third-party content: You are responsible for reviewing and complying with any applicable license terms and making sure that they are acceptable for your use case. </p></div></div> <h3 id="jumpstart-using">Use JumpStart in Studio Classic</h3> <p>From the <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b> landing page, you can browse for solutions, models, notebooks, and other resources.</p> <div class="mediaobject"> <img src="/images/sagemaker/latest/dg/images/jumpstart/jumpstart-use.png" class="aws-docs-img-whiteBg aws-docs-img-padding" alt="SageMaker Studio Classic JumpStart landing page." style="max-width:600px" /> </div> <p>You can find JumpStart resources by using the search bar, or by browsing each category. Use the tabs to filter the available solutions by categories:</p> <div class="itemizedlist"> <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Solutions</b> – In one step, launch comprehensive machine learning solutions that tie SageMaker AI to other AWS services. Select <b>Explore All Solutions</b> to view all available solutions.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Resources</b> – Use example notebooks, blogs, and video tutorials to learn and head start your problem types.</p> <div class="itemizedlist"> <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Blogs</b> – Read details and solutions from machine learning experts. </p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Video tutorials</b> – Watch video tutorials for SageMaker AI features and machine learning use cases from machine learning experts.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Example notebooks</b> – Run example notebooks that use SageMaker AI features like Spot Instance training and experiments over a large variety of model types and use cases. </p> </li></ul></div> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Data types</b> – Find a model by data type (e.g., Vision, Text, Tabular, Audio, Text Generation). Select <b>Explore All Models</b> to view all available models.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>ML tasks</b> – Find a model by problem type (e.g., Image Classification, Image Embedding, Object Detection, Text Generation). Select <b>Explore All Models</b> to view all available models.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Notebooks</b> – Find example notebooks that use SageMaker AI features across multiple model types and use cases. Select <b>Explore All Notebooks</b> to view all available example notebooks.</p> </li><li class="listitem"> <p> <b>Frameworks</b> – Find a model by framework (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow, Hugging Face).</p> </li></ul></div> <h3 id="jumpstart-managing">Manage JumpStart in Studio Classic</h3> <p>From the <b>Home</b> menu in the left panel, navigate to <b>SageMaker JumpStart</b>, then choose <b>Launched JumpStart assets</b> to list your currently launched solutions, deployed model endpoints, and training jobs created with JumpStart.</p> <div class="highlights"><h6>Topics</h6><ul><li><p><a href="./jumpstart-foundation-models.html">Amazon SageMaker JumpStart Foundation Models</a></p></li><li><p><a href="./jumpstart-curated-hubs.html">Private curated hubs for foundation model access control in JumpStart</a></p></li><li><p><a href="./jumpstart-studio-classic.html">Amazon SageMaker JumpStart in Studio Classic</a></p></li></ul></div><awsdocs-copyright class="copyright-print"></awsdocs-copyright><awsdocs-thumb-feedback right-edge="{{$ctrl.thumbFeedbackRightEdge}}"></awsdocs-thumb-feedback></div><noscript><div><div><div><div id="js_error_message"><p><img src="" alt="Warning" /> <strong>Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser.</strong></p><p>To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. 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