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A look at this Southern mix of country, funk, and soul |last=Fontenot |first=Robert |date=February 24, 2019 |publisher=Liveabout |access-date=November 9, 2022}}&lt;/ref> }} | regional_scenes = {{flatlist| *[[Australian country music|Australia]] *[[Canadian country music|Canada]] *[[Country and Irish|Ireland]] }} | local_scenes = {{flatlist| *[[Bakersfield sound|Bakersfield]] *[[Nashville sound|Nashville]] }} | other_topics = {{flatlist| *[[Contemporary folk music]] *[[List of years in country music|country music by year]] *[[List of country musicians|country musicians]] *[[country–western dance]] *[[radio format]]s **[[classic country]] **[[regional Mexican]] *[[singing cowboy]] *[[Yodeling#Yodeling in the United States|yodeling]] }} | current_year = yes }} '''Country''' (also called '''country and western''') is a [[popular music|music genre]] originating in the southern regions of the United States, both the [[American South]] and [[American southwest|the Southwest]]. First produced in the 1920s, country music is primarily focused on singing [[Narrative|stories]] about [[Working class in the United States|working-class]] and [[blue-collar worker|blue-collar]] American life.&lt;ref name="Fox 2004 p. ">{{cite book |last=Fox |first=A.A. |title=Real Country: Music and Language in Working-Class Culture |publisher=Duke University Press |year=2004 |isbn=978-0-8223-3348-7 |url= |access-date=December 3, 2022 |page=}}&lt;/ref> Country music is known for its [[ballad]]s and dance tunes (i.e., "[[Honky-tonk#Music|honky-tonk music]]") with simple form, folk lyrics, and harmonies generally accompanied by instruments such as [[banjo]]s, [[fiddle]]s, [[harmonica]]s, and many types of [[guitar]] (including [[acoustic guitar|acoustic]], [[electric guitar|electric]], [[steel guitar|steel]], and [[resonator guitar|resonator]] guitars).&lt;ref name="dictionary">{{cite encyclopedia |url= |title=Country music – Definition |access-date=October 30, 2011 | |archive-date=August 7, 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="dictionaryoxford">{{cite web|url= |title=Country music – Definition |access-date=October 30, 2011 |publisher=[[Oxford Dictionaries (website)|Oxford Dictionaries]] |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=September 9, 2011 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=WordWeb: Free English dictionary and thesaurus download||access-date=December 6, 2023}}&lt;/ref> Though it is primarily rooted in various forms of [[American folk music]], such as [[old-time music]] and [[Appalachian music]],&lt;ref name="Duncan Burns Steisel Shumaker 2019 p.">{{cite book |last1=Duncan |first1=Dayton |url= |title=Country music |last2=Burns |first2=Ken |last3=Steisel |first3=Susanna |last4=Shumaker |first4=Susan |last5=Baucom |first5=Pam Tubridy |last6=Mosher |first6=Emily |last7=Hinders |first7=Maggie |date=2019 |isbn=978-0-525-52054-2 |publication-place=New York |page= |oclc=1057241126}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Anderson 2020 p. ">{{cite book | last=Anderson | first=K. | title=Traditional Country &amp; Western Music | publisher=Arcadia Publishing Incorporated | series=Images of America | year=2020 | isbn=978-1-4396-7153-5 | url= | access-date=December 3, 2022 | page=}}&lt;/ref> many other traditions, including [[Music of Mexico|Mexican]], [[Music of Ireland|Irish]], and [[Music of Hawaii|Hawaiian music]], have had a formative influence on the genre.&lt;ref name="Center 2017">{{cite web |last=Egge |first=Sara |date=March 19, 2017 |title=The Origins of Country Music |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=December 3, 2022 |access-date=December 3, 2022 |website=Centre College's Norton Center For The Arts}}&lt;/ref> [[Jazz scale#Blues scale|Blues modes]] from [[blues music]] have been used extensively throughout its history as well.&lt;ref>{{cite book| first = Richard J.| last = Ripani| title = The New Blue Music: Changes in Rhythm &amp; Blues, 1950–1999| date = August 1, 2006| publisher = Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing| isbn = 978-1-57806-861-6| page = 22 }}&lt;/ref> Once called "[[hillbilly]] music", the term ''country music'' gained [[popularity]] in the 1940s. The genre came to encompass [[Western music (North America)|western music]], which evolved parallel to hillbilly music from similar roots, in the mid-20th century. Contemporary styles of western music include [[Texas country]], [[Red dirt (music)|red dirt]], and Hispano- and [[Mexican Americans|Mexican American]]-led [[Tejano music|Tejano]] and [[New Mexico music]],&lt;ref name="Trevino 2002 p. ">{{cite book | last=Trevino | first=G. | title=Dance Halls and Last Calls: A History of Texas Country Music | publisher=Taylor Trade Publishing | year=2002 | isbn=978-1-4616-6184-9 | url= | access-date=December 3, 2022 | page=}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Library of Congress Blogs 2020">{{cite web |last=Stefano |first=Michelle |date=June 8, 2020 |title=Live! In the Archive: an Interview with Lone Piñon - Folklife Today |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=November 24, 2022 |access-date=December 3, 2022 |website=Library of Congress Blogs}}&lt;/ref> which still exists alongside longstanding [[Indigenous music of North America#Southwest|indigenous traditions]]. In 2009, in the United States, country music was the most-listened-to rush-hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second-most popular in the morning commute.&lt;ref>AARP Bulletin. Vol. 53 No. 1. "50 Minutes on the Road." Betsy Tower. Page 50, citing Commuting in America III and Arbitron.&lt;/ref> ==Origins== {{Main|Appalachian music|Blues|Celtic folk|Old-time music|Western music (North America)}} The main components of the modern country music style date back to music traditions throughout the [[Southern United States]] and [[Southwestern United States]], while its place in [[American popular music]] was established in the 1920s during the early days of music recording.&lt;ref name="Peterson">{{cite book |last=Peterson |first=Richard A. |url=;pg=PA9 |title=Creating Country Music: Fabricating Authenticity |date=December 15, 1999 |publisher=[[University of Chicago Press]] |isbn=978-0-226-66285-5 |page=9}}&lt;/ref> According to country historian [[Bill C. Malone]], country music was "introduced to the world as a Southern phenomenon."&lt;ref>Malone, Bill. ''Country Music U.S.A.'' Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002. Print.&lt;/ref> Migration into the southern [[Appalachian Mountains]], of the [[Southeastern United States]], brought the [[folk music]] and instruments of [[Europe]] and the [[Mediterranean Basin]] along with it for nearly 300 years, which developed into [[Appalachian music]]. As the country expanded westward, the [[Mississippi River]] and [[Louisiana]] became a crossroads for country music, giving rise to [[Cajun music]]. In the Southwestern United States, it was the [[Rocky Mountains]], [[American frontier]], and [[Rio Grande]] that acted as a similar backdrop for [[Indigenous music of North America|Native American]], [[Music of Mexico|Mexican]], and [[cowboy]] ballads, which resulted in [[New Mexico music]] and the development of [[Western music (North America)|western music]], and it is directly related to Red Dirt, Texas country, and Tejano music styles. In the [[Asia-Pacific]], the [[steel guitar]] sound of country music has its provenance in the [[music of Hawaii]].&lt;ref name="Tiki with Ray 2018">{{cite web | title=How Hawaiian Music Influenced Country Music | website=Tiki with Ray | date=February 22, 2018 | url= | access-date=November 29, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Magazine Shah 2019">{{cite web |last1=Shah |first1=Haleema |date=April 25, 2019 |title=How the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Changed American Music |url= |access-date=December 3, 2022 |website=Smithsonian Magazine}}&lt;/ref> ===Role of East Tennessee=== {{Main|Music of East Tennessee}} The U.S. Congress has [[Concurrent resolution|formally recognized]] [[Bristol, Tennessee]] as the "Birthplace of Country Music",&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Birthplace of Country Music: A Local Legacy |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=December 5, 2009 |website=America's Library |publisher=[[Library of Congress]]}}&lt;/ref> based on the historic [[Bristol sessions|Bristol recording sessions]] of 1927.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The Birthplace of Country Music|via=National Geographic|access-date=July 14, 2020|archive-date=July 29, 2020|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Birthplace of Country Music |url= |website=America's Library}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news|url= |title=Dolly Parton, Vince Gill, Marty Stuart, and more, to appear on Orthophonic Joy: The 1927 Bristol Sessions Revisited |access-date=September 7, 2016 |publisher=Birthplace of Country Music Museum |date=April 30, 2015 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=May 20, 2015 }}&lt;/ref> Since 2014, the city has been home to the [[Birthplace of Country Music Museum]].&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |last=Dauphin |first=Chuck |date=August 21, 2014 |title=Step Inside Bristol's Newly-Opened Birthplace of Country Music Museum |url= |magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Cooper |first=Peter |date=August 3, 2014 |title=Bristol opens Birthplace of Country Music Museum |url= |website=The Tennessean}}&lt;/ref> Historians have also noted the influence of the less-known [[Johnson City sessions]] of 1928 and 1929,&lt;ref>[ "Old-Time Music Heritage"] {{webarchive |url= |date=January 31, 2009 }}, Johnson's Depot&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Wayne Erbsen, "Walter Davis: Fist and Skull Banjo," ''Bluegrass Unlimited'': March 1981, 22–26&lt;/ref> and the Knoxville sessions of 1929 and 1930.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Simmons |first=Morgan |date=April 11, 2016 |title=Museum of East Tennessee History showcases St. James recording sessions of 1929-30 |url= |access-date=February 15, 2022 |website=Knox News}}&lt;/ref> In addition, the [[Mountain City Fiddlers Convention]], held in 1925, helped to inspire modern country music. Before these, pioneer settlers, in the [[Great Smoky Mountains]] region, had developed a rich musical heritage.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=December 6, 2012 |title=CD of Old-Time Smokies Music Nominated for Grammy |url= |website=Great Smoky Mountains National Park (U.S. National Park Service)}}&lt;/ref> ==Generations== The first generation emerged in the 1920s, with [[Country music in Atlanta|Atlanta's music scene]] playing a major role in launching country's earliest recording artists. [[Gid Tanner|James Gideon "Gid" Tanner]] (1885–1960) was an American old-time fiddler and one of the earliest stars of what would come to be known as country music. His band, the [[Skillet Lickers]], was one of the most [[Innovation|innovative]] and influential string bands of the 1920s and 1930s. Its most notable members were [[Clayton McMichen]] (fiddle and vocal), [[Dan Hornsby]] (vocals), [[Riley Puckett]] (guitar and vocal) and Robert Lee Sweat (guitar). New York City record label [[Okeh Records]] began issuing hillbilly music records by [[Fiddlin' John Carson]] as early as 1923, followed by [[Columbia Records]] (series 15000D "Old Familiar Tunes") ([[Samantha Bumgarner]]) in 1924, and [[RCA Victor Records]] in 1927 with the first famous pioneers of the genre [[Jimmie Rodgers (country singer)|Jimmie Rodgers]], who is widely considered the "Father of Country Music", and the first family of country music the [[Carter Family]].&lt;ref name="">[] {{Webarchive|url= |date=September 17, 2010 }} ''The Online Discography Project''.&lt;/ref> Many "hillbilly" musicians recorded blues songs throughout the 1920s.&lt;ref name="Russell 14, 15, 25, 31, 45, 59, 73, 107, 157, 161, 165, 167, 225">{{cite book| last = Russell| first = Tony| title = Country Music Originals: The Legends and the Lost| date = November 15, 2007| publisher = Oxford University Press, USA| isbn = 978-0-19-532509-6| pages = [ 14, 15, 25, 31, 45, 59, 73, 107, 157, 161, 165, 167, 225]| url =}}&lt;/ref> During the second generation (1930s–1940s), radio became a popular source of entertainment, and "barn dance" shows featuring country music were started all over the South, as far north as Chicago, and as far west as California. The most important was the ''[[Grand Ole Opry]]'', aired starting in 1925 by [[WSM (AM)|WSM]] in [[Nashville, Tennessee|Nashville]] and continuing to the present day. During the 1930s and 1940s, cowboy songs, or western music, which had been recorded since the 1920s, were popularized by films made in Hollywood, many featuring [[Gene Autry]], who was known as king of the "singing cowboys," and [[Hank Williams]]. [[Bob Wills]] was another country musician from the Lower [[Great Plains]] who had become very popular as the leader of a "[[Dixieland|hot]] [[string band]]," and who also appeared in [[Western (genre)|Hollywood westerns]]. His mix of country and [[jazz]], which started out as dance hall music, would become known as [[western swing]]. Wills was one of the first country musicians known to have added an electric guitar to his band, in 1938.&lt;ref name="">[], Merle Haggard – Bob Wills {{webarchive |url= |date=May 13, 2008 }}&lt;/ref> Country musicians began recording [[boogie-woogie|boogie]] in 1939, shortly after it had been played at [[Carnegie Hall]], when [[Johnny Barfield]] recorded "Boogie Woogie". The third generation (1950s–1960s) started at the end of [[World War II]] with "mountaineer" string band music known as [[Bluegrass music|bluegrass]], which emerged when [[Bill Monroe]], along with [[Lester Flatt]] and [[Earl Scruggs]], were introduced by [[Roy Acuff]] at the Grand Ole Opry. [[Gospel music]] remained a popular component of country music. The [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]], Hispano, and [[American frontier]] music of the [[Southwestern United States]] and [[Northern Mexico]], became popular among poor communities in [[New Mexico]], [[Oklahoma]], and [[Texas]]; the basic ensemble consisted of [[classical guitar]], [[bass guitar]], [[dobro]] or steel guitar, though some larger ensembles featured [[electric guitar]]s, [[trumpet]]s, [[Keyboard instrument|keyboard]]s (especially the honky-tonk piano, a type of [[tack piano]]), [[banjo]]s, and [[drum]]s. By the early 1950s it blended with [[rock and roll]], becoming the [[rockabilly]] sound produced by [[Sam Phillips]], [[Norman Petty]], and [[Bob Keane]]. Musicians like [[Elvis Presley]], [[Bo Diddley]], [[Buddy Holly]], [[Jerry Lee Lewis]], [[Ritchie Valens]], [[Carl Perkins]], [[Roy Orbison]], and [[Johnny Cash]] emerged as enduring representatives of the style. Beginning in the mid-1950s, and reaching its peak during the early 1960s, the [[Nashville sound]] turned country music into a multimillion-dollar industry centered in [[Nashville, Tennessee]]; [[Patsy Cline]] and [[Jim Reeves]] were two of the most broadly popular Nashville sound artists, and their deaths in separate plane crashes in the early 1960s were a factor in the genre's decline. Starting in the 1950s to the mid-1960s, western singer-songwriters such as [[Marty Robbins]] rose in prominence as did others, throughout western music traditions, like [[New Mexico music]]'s [[Al Hurricane]]. The late 1960s in American music produced a unique blend as a result of traditionalist backlash within separate genres. In the aftermath of the [[British Invasion]], many desired a return to the "old values" of rock n' roll. At the same time there was a lack of [[enthusiasm]] in the country sector for Nashville-produced music. What resulted was a crossbred genre known as [[country rock]]. Fourth generation (1970s–1980s) music included [[outlaw country]] with roots in the [[Bakersfield sound]], and [[country pop]] with roots in the [[Nashville sound|countrypolitan]], folk music and [[soft rock]]. Between 1972 and 1975 singer/guitarist [[John Denver]] released a series of hugely successful songs blending country and folk-rock musical styles. By the mid-1970s, [[Texas country music|Texas country]] and [[Tejano music]] gained popularity with performers like [[Freddie Fender]]. During the early 1980s country artists continued to see their records perform well on the pop charts. In 1980 a style of "neocountry disco music" was popularized. During the mid-1980s a group of new artists began to emerge who rejected the more polished country-pop sound that had been prominent on radio and the charts in favor of more traditional "back-to-basics" production. During the fifth generation (the 1990s), [[Neotraditional country|neotraditionalists]] and [[stadium rock|stadium country]] acts prospered. The sixth generation (2000s–present) has seen a certain amount of diversification in regard to country music styles. It has also, however, seen a shift into patriotism and conservative politics since [[September 11 attacks|9/11]], though such themes are less prevalent in more modern trends.&lt;ref name="Hudak, Yahoo">{{cite web |last1=Hudak |first1=Joseph |title=Country Music Embraced Jingoism after 9/11. It's Finally Moving On. |url= |website=Yahoo! Entertainment |publisher=Yahoo! |access-date=September 13, 2021 |archive-date=September 12, 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> The influence of [[rock music]] in country has become more overt during the late 2000s and early 2010s. Most of the best-selling country songs of this era were those by [[Lady A]], [[Florida Georgia Line]], [[Carrie Underwood]], and [[Taylor Swift]].&lt;ref name="best-selling" /> [[Hip hop music|Hip hop]] also made its mark on country music with the emergence of [[country rap]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Despite Hits, No Radio Love Yet For Country Rap |agency= Associated Press |magazine=Billboard |date= July 5, 2014|access-date=February 15, 2023}}&lt;/ref> ==History== ===First generation (1920s)=== [[File:Vernon Dalhart 01.jpg|thumb|left|upright|[[Vernon Dalhart]] was the first country star to have a major hit record]] The first commercial recordings of what was considered instrumental music in the traditional country style were "[[The Arkansas Traveler (song)|Arkansas Traveler]]" and "[[Turkey in the Straw]]" by fiddlers Henry Gilliland &amp; [[Eck Robertson|A.C. (Eck) Robertson]] on June 30, 1922, for Victor Records and released in April 1923.&lt;ref>{{cite book| last = Russell| first = Tony| title = Country Music Records: A Discography, 1921–1942| date = October 7, 2004| publisher = Oxford University Press on Demand| isbn = 978-0-19-513989-1| url =}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Encyclopedic Dictionary of Victor Recordings | |access-date=May 13, 2014}}&lt;/ref> [[Columbia Records]] began issuing records with "hillbilly" music (series 15000D "Old Familiar Tunes") as early as 1924.&lt;ref name=""/> [[File:Carter Family 1927.jpg|thumb|upright|The Carter Family are a dynasty of country music and began with (left to right) [[A.P. Carter]], wife [[Sara Carter]] and [[Maybelle Carter]]]] The first commercial recording of what is widely considered to be the first country song featuring vocals and lyrics was [[Fiddlin' John Carson]] with "[[The Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane|Little Log Cabin in the Lane]]" for [[Okeh Records]] on June 14, 1923.&lt;ref>{{cite book|url=;q=first+country+song+carson+cabin&amp;pg=PA12|title=The First Generation of Country Music Stars: Biographies of 50 Artists Born Before 1940|first=David|last=Dicaire|date=July 5, 2007|publisher=McFarland|via=Google Books|isbn=9780786485581}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Our Georgia History |publisher=Our Georgia History |access-date=February 1, 2011 |archive-date=November 21, 2008 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> [[Vernon Dalhart]] was the first country singer to have a nationwide hit in May 1924 with "[[Wreck of the Old 97]]".&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Blue Ridge Institute &amp; Museum | |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=December 6, 2010 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Blue Ridge Institute &amp; Museum | |date=September 27, 1903 |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=December 9, 2010 }}&lt;/ref> The flip side of the record was "Lonesome Road Blues", which also became very popular.&lt;ref name="cohn">{{cite book| last=Cohn| first=Lawrence| title=Nothing but the Blues: The Music and the Musicians| date=September 1993| author2=Aldin, Mary Katherine| author3=Bastin, Bruce| publisher=Abbeville Press| isbn=978-1-55859-271-1| page=[ 238]| url=}}&lt;/ref> In April 1924, "Aunt" [[Samantha Bumgarner]] and Eva Davis became the first female musicians to record and release country songs.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|title=Samantha Bumgarner was a musical pioneer|work=The Sylva Herald|date=May 9, 2006|archive-date=May 9, 2006|access-date=February 15, 2022|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> The record 129-D produced by Columbia features Samantha playing fiddle and singing Big-Eyed Rabbit while Eva Davis plays banjo. The other side features Eva Davis playing banjo while singing Wild Bill Jones. Many of the early country musicians, such as the [[yodel]]er [[Cliff Carlisle]], recorded blues songs into the 1930s.&lt;ref name="Russell 163, 165, 167">{{cite book| last = Russell| first = Tony| title = Country Music Originals: The Legends and the Lost| date = November 15, 2007| publisher = Oxford University Press, USA| isbn = 978-0-19-532509-6| pages = [, 165, 167, 225]| url =}}&lt;/ref> Other important early recording artists were [[Riley Puckett]], [[Don Richardson (musician)|Don Richardson]], [[Fiddlin' John Carson]], [[Uncle Dave Macon]], [[Al Hopkins]], [[Ernest Stoneman|Ernest V. Stoneman]], [[Blind Alfred Reed]], [[Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers]] and [[the Skillet Lickers]].&lt;ref>{{cite web| first=Billy | last=Abbott |url= | | |date=March 7, 1924 |access-date=February 1, 2011}}&lt;/ref> The [[steel guitar]] entered country music as early as 1922, when Jimmie Tarlton met famed Hawaiian guitarist [[Frank Ferera]] on the West Coast.&lt;ref>Cohn, Lawrence: "Nothing But the Blues" chapter titles "A Lighter Shade of Blue – White Country Blues" by Charles Wolfe page 247, 1993&lt;/ref> [[Jimmie Rodgers (country singer)|Jimmie Rodgers]] and the [[Carter Family]] are widely considered to be important early country musicians. From [[Scott County, Virginia]], the Carters had learned [[sight reading]] of hymnals and sheet music using [[solfege]].{{Citation needed|date=December 2021}} Their songs were first captured at a [[Bristol sessions|historic recording session]] in [[Bristol, Tennessee]], on August 1, 1927, where [[Ralph Peer]] was the talent scout and sound recordist.&lt;ref>{{cite book| last = Russell| first = Tony| title = Country Music Originals: The Legends and the Lost| date = November 15, 2007| publisher = Oxford University Press, USA| isbn = 978-0-19-532509-6| page = [ 68]| url =}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Sanjek">{{cite book| last = Weisbard| first = Eric| title = This is Pop: In Search of the Elusive at Experience Music Project| year = 2004| publisher = Harvard University Press| isbn = 978-0-674-01321-6| pages = [ 155–172]| url =}}&lt;/ref> A scene in the movie ''[[O Brother, Where Art Thou?]]'' depicts a similar occurrence in the same timeframe. Rodgers fused hillbilly country, gospel, jazz, blues, pop, cowboy, and folk, and many of his best songs were his compositions, including "[[Blue yodel|Blue Yodel]]",&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=JIMMIE RODGERS SINGLES | |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=January 25, 2010 }}&lt;/ref> which sold over a million records and established Rodgers as the premier singer of early country music.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead||archive-date=May 23, 2008}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Nothing But the Blues 1993, White Country Blues by Charles Wolfe page 233&lt;/ref> Beginning in 1927, and for the next 17 years, the Carters recorded some 300 old-time ballads, traditional tunes, country songs and gospel hymns, all representative of America's southeastern folklore and heritage.&lt;ref>[] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 7, 2010 }}, the Carter Family.&lt;/ref> Maybelle Carter went on to continue the family tradition with her daughters as [[The Carter Sisters]]; her daughter [[June Carter Cash|June]] would marry (in succession) [[Carl Smith (musician)|Carl Smith]], Rip Nix and [[Johnny Cash]], having children with each who would also become country singers. ===Second generation (1930s–1940s)=== {{see also|1940s in music#Country music|l1=1940s in music § Country}} [[File:Roy Acuff 1950.JPG|thumb|upright|[[Roy Acuff]]]] Record sales declined during the [[Great Depression]]. However, radio became a popular source of entertainment, and "barn dance" shows featuring country music were started by radio stations all over the South, as far north as Chicago, and as far west as California. The most important was the ''[[Grand Ole Opry]]'', aired starting in 1925 by [[WSM (AM)|WSM]] in [[Nashville, Tennessee|Nashville]] and continuing to the present day.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Smith |first1=David |title=The Grand Ole Opry history started on the 28th of November 1925, with George D. Hay, who was its first director |url= |website=Grand Ole Opry |access-date=July 27, 2019}}&lt;/ref> Some of the early stars on the ''Opry'' were [[Uncle Dave Macon]], [[Roy Acuff]] and African American harmonica player [[DeFord Bailey]]. WSM's 50,000-watt signal (in 1934) could often be heard across the country.&lt;ref>{{cite web| author=code:v_farquharson@kshira_interactive and j_nowicki@kshira_interactive design:k_wilson@framewerk |url= |title=American Roots Music: Episode Summaries |publisher=PBS |access-date=February 1, 2011}}&lt;/ref> Many musicians performed and recorded songs in any number of styles. [[Moon Mullican]], for example, played [[western swing]] but also recorded songs that can be called [[rockabilly]]. Between 1947 and 1949, country crooner [[Eddy Arnold]] placed eight songs in the top 10.&lt;ref>[] ''''&lt;/ref> From 1945 to 1955 [[Jenny Lou Carson]] was one of the most prolific songwriters in country music.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last1=Langley |first1=Jerry|last2=Rogers |first2=Arnold |title=Many Tears Ago: The Life and Times of Jenny Lou Carson |url= |publisher=Nova Books |isbn=0-9628452-4-8 |access-date=July 10, 2015|year=2005}}&lt;/ref> ====Singing cowboys and western swing==== [[File:Roy Rogers and Gail Davis 1948.jpg|thumb|upright|Publicity photo of [[Roy Rogers]] and [[Gail Davis]], 1948]] In the 1930s and 1940s, cowboy songs, or western music, which had been recorded since the 1920s, were popularized by films made in Hollywood. Some of the popular [[singing cowboy]]s from the era were [[Gene Autry]], the [[Sons of the Pioneers]], and [[Roy Rogers]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |archive-url= |archive-date=February 16, 2004 |url= |title=Roughstock's History of Country Music – Cowboy Music | |access-date=February 1, 2011}}&lt;/ref> Country music and western music were frequently played together on the same radio stations, hence the term ''country and western'' music, despite country and western being two distinct genres. Cowgirls contributed to the sound in various family groups. [[Patsy Montana]] opened the door for female artists with her history-making song "I Want To Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart". This would begin a movement toward opportunities for women to have successful solo careers. [[Bob Wills]] was another country musician from the Lower [[Great Plains]] who had become very popular as the leader of a "[[Dixieland|hot]] [[string band]]," and who also appeared in [[Western (genre)|Hollywood westerns]]. His mix of country and [[jazz]], which started out as dance hall music, would become known as [[western swing]]. [[Cliff Bruner]], [[Moon Mullican]], [[Milton Brown]] and [[Adolph Hofner]] were other early western swing pioneers. [[Spade Cooley]] and [[Tex Williams]] also had very popular bands and appeared in films. At its height, western swing rivaled the popularity of [[big band]] swing music. ====Changing instrumentation==== Drums were scorned by early country musicians as being "too loud" and "not pure", but by 1935 western swing big band leader Bob Wills had added drums to the [[Texas Playboys]]. In the mid-1940s, the Grand Ole Opry did not want the Playboys' drummer to appear on stage. Although drums were commonly used by rockabilly groups by 1955, the less-conservative-than-the-Grand-Ole-Opry ''[[Louisiana Hayride]]'' kept its infrequently used drummer backstage as late as 1956. By the early 1960s, however, it was rare for a country band not to have a drummer.&lt;ref name="autogenerated1">{{Cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|title=Instruments &amp;#124; Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum&amp;#124;Nashville, Tennessee|archive-date=July 23, 2008}}&lt;/ref> Bob Wills was one of the first country musicians known to have added an [[electric guitar]] to his band, in 1938.&lt;ref name=""/> A decade later (1948) [[Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith|Arthur Smith]] achieved top 10 US country chart success with his MGM Records recording of "[[Guitar Boogie (song)|Guitar Boogie]]", which crossed over to the US pop chart, introducing many people to the potential of the electric guitar. For several decades Nashville session players preferred the warm tones of the [[Gibson Guitar Corporation|Gibson]] and [[Gretsch]] archtop electrics, but a "hot" [[Fender Musical Instruments Corporation|Fender]] style, using guitars which became available beginning in the early 1950s, eventually prevailed as the signature guitar sound of country.&lt;ref name="autogenerated1" />&lt;ref>[;ccID=132 ], exhibitions – online features {{webarchive |url=;ccID=132 |date=December 3, 2010 }}&lt;/ref> ====Hillbilly boogie==== Country musicians began recording [[boogie-woogie|boogie]] in 1939, shortly after it had been played at [[Carnegie Hall]], when [[Johnny Barfield]] recorded "Boogie Woogie". The trickle of what was initially called hillbilly boogie, or okie boogie (later to be renamed country boogie), became a flood beginning in late 1945. One notable release from this period was [[the Delmore Brothers]]' "Freight Train Boogie", considered to be part of the combined evolution of country music and blues towards [[rockabilly]]. In 1948, [[Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith]] achieved top ten US country chart success with his MGM Records recordings of "[[Guitar Boogie (song)|Guitar Boogie]]" and "Banjo Boogie", with the former crossing over to the US pop charts.&lt;ref>[] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 17, 2011 }}, Arthur Smith Biography.&lt;/ref> Other country boogie artists included [[Moon Mullican]], [[Merrill Moore (musician)|Merrill Moore]] and [[Tennessee Ernie Ford]]. The hillbilly boogie period lasted into the 1950s and remains one of many subgenres of country into the 21st century. ====Bluegrass, folk and gospel==== {{Main|Bluegrass music}} [[File:MonroeBrothers.jpg|thumb|right|Bill and Charlie Monroe (1936). Bill Monroe (1911–1996) and the Blue Grass Boys created the bluegrass by the end of World War II.]] By the end of [[World War II]], "mountaineer" string band music known as [[Bluegrass music|bluegrass]] had emerged when [[Bill Monroe]] joined with [[Lester Flatt]] and [[Earl Scruggs]], introduced by Roy Acuff at the Grand Ole Opry. That was the ordination of bluegrass music and how [[Bill Monroe]] came to be known as the "Father of Bluegrass." [[Gospel music]], too, remained a popular component of bluegrass and other sorts of country music. [[Red Foley]], the biggest country star following World War II, had one of the first million-selling gospel hits ("[[Peace in the Valley]]") and also sang boogie, blues and rockabilly. In the post-war period, country music was called "folk" in the trades, and "hillbilly" within the industry.&lt;ref>{{cite book| first = Charles K.| last = Wolfe|author2=James Edward Akenson| title = Country Music Goes to War| url =;pg=PA55| year = 2005| publisher = University Press of Kentucky| isbn = 978-0-8131-7188-3| page = 55 }}&lt;/ref> In 1944, ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]'' replaced the term "hillbilly" with "folk songs and blues," and switched to "country and western" in 1949.&lt;ref>{{cite book| last = Cohen| first = Norm| title = Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong (2d ed.)| date = April 17, 2000| publisher = University of Illinois Press| isbn = 978-0-252-06881-2| page = 31 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite book| last = Cohen| first = Norm| title = Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong| url =;pg=PA30| access-date = February 1, 2011| year = 2000| publisher = University of Illinois Press| isbn = 978-0-252-06881-2 }}&lt;/ref> ====Honky tonk==== [[File:Hank Williams MGM Records - cropped.jpg|thumb|left|[[Hank Williams]]]] Another type of stripped-down and raw music with a variety of moods and a basic ensemble of guitar, bass, [[dobro]] or steel guitar (and later) drums became popular, especially among rural residents in the three states of [[Texhomex]], those being [[Texas|''Tex''as]], [[Oklahoma|Okla''ho''ma]], and [[New Mexico|New ''Mex''ico]].&lt;ref name="Country Music Magazine (Périodique) 1994 ">{{cite book | author=Country Music Magazine (Périodique) | title=The Comprehensive Country Music Encyclopedia | publisher=Times Books | series=A country music magazine press book | year=1994 | page=39 | isbn=978-0-8129-2247-9 | url= | access-date=June 16, 2021}}&lt;/ref> It became known as [[Honky tonk music|honky tonk]] and had its roots in western swing and the [[ranchera]] music of Mexico and the border states, particularly New Mexico and Texas,&lt;ref name="Ingman 1997 p. ">{{cite book | last=Ingman | first=J. | title=A.O.K.: Record Labels of West Texas &amp; New Mexico | publisher=Ingman Music Research | year=1997 | url= | access-date=June 16, 2021 | page=}}&lt;/ref> together with the blues of the American South. [[Bob Wills]] and His Texas Playboys personified this music which has been described as "a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, a little bit of black and a little bit of white&amp;nbsp;... just loud enough to keep you from thinking too much and to go right on ordering the whiskey."&lt;ref name="Workin 1999. page 135">{{cite book| first1 = Gerald W.| last1 = Haslam| first2 = Alexandra Russell| last2 = Haslam| first3 = Richard| last3 = Chon| title = Workin' Man Blues: Country Music in California| date = April 1, 1999| publisher = [[University of California Press]]| isbn = 978-0-520-21800-0| page = [ 135]| url =}}&lt;/ref> East Texan [[Al Dexter]] had a hit with "Honky Tonk Blues", and seven years later "[[Pistol Packin' Mama]]".&lt;ref>{{cite book| last1 = Perkins| first1 = Carl| last2 = McGee| first2 = David| title = Go, Cat, Go!: The Life and Times of Carl Perkins, the King of Rockabilly| year = 1996| publisher = Hyperion Books| isbn = 978-0-7868-6073-9| pages = 23–24 }}&lt;/ref> These "honky tonk" songs were associated with barrooms, and was performed by the likes of [[Ernest Tubb]], [[Kitty Wells]] (the first major female country solo singer), [[Ted Daffan]], [[Floyd Tillman]], the [[Maddox Brothers and Rose]], [[Lefty Frizzell]] and [[Hank Williams]]; the music of these artists would later be called "traditional" country. Williams' influence in particular would prove to be enormous, inspiring many of the pioneers of rock and roll,{{sfn |Gilliland |1969 |loc=show 9}} such as [[Elvis Presley]], [[Jerry Lee Lewis]], [[Chuck Berry]] and [[Ike Turner]], while providing a framework for emerging honky tonk talents like [[George Jones]]. [[Webb Pierce]] was the top-charting country artist of the 1950s, with 13 of his singles spending 113 weeks at number one. He charted 48 singles during the decade; 31 reached the top ten and 26 reached the top four. ===Third generation (1950s–1960s)=== {{See also|1950s in music|1960s in music}} [[File:Loretta_Lynn_LCCN2021643178_(cropped).jpg|thumb|left|200px|[[Loretta Lynn]]]] By the early 1950s, a blend of western swing, country boogie, and honky tonk was played by most country bands, a mixture which followed in the footsteps of [[Gene Autry]], [[Lydia Mendoza]], [[Roy Rogers]], and [[Patsy Montana]]. Western music, influenced by the cowboy ballads, [[New Mexico music|New Mexico]], [[Texas country music|Texas country]] and [[Tejano music]] rhythms of the [[Southwestern United States]] and [[Northern Mexico]], reached its peak in popularity in the late 1950s, most notably with the song "[[El Paso (song)|El Paso]]", first recorded by [[Marty Robbins]] in September 1959. Western music's influence would continue to grow within the country music sphere, western musicians like [[Michael Martin Murphey]], [[New Mexico music]] artists [[Al Hurricane]] and [[Antonia Apodaca]], [[Tejano music]] performer [[Little Joe (singer)|Little Joe]], and even folk revivalist [[John Denver]], all first rose to prominence during this time. This western music influence largely kept the music of the [[American folk music revival|folk revival]] and [[folk rock]] from influencing the country music genre much, despite the similarity in instrumentation and origins (see, for instance, [[the Byrds]]' negative reception during their appearance on the ''Grand Ole Opry''). The main concern was largely political: most folk revival was largely driven by progressive activists, a stark contrast to the culturally conservative audiences of country music. John Denver was perhaps the only musician to have major success in both the country and folk revival genres throughout his career, later only a handful of artists like [[Burl Ives]] and Canadian musician [[Gordon Lightfoot]] successfully made the crossover to country after folk revival fell out of fashion. During the mid-1950s a new style of country music became popular, eventually to be referred to as rockabilly.&lt;ref>{{cite book| last = Morrison| first = Craig| title = Go Cat Go!: Rockabilly Music and Its Makers| date = September 1, 1996| publisher = University of Illinois Press| isbn = 978-0-252-02207-4| page = 28 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:Bill Haley and the Comets1956.jpg|thumb|[[Bill Haley &amp; His Comets]] in 1956 ]] In 1953, the first all-country radio station was established in [[Lubbock, Texas]].&lt;ref name=hamilton>{{Cite book| publisher = Princeton University Press| last = Hamilton| first=Shane |title = Trucking Country: The Road to America's Wal-Mart Economy| pages = 187–232| chapter = Agrarian Trucking Culture and Deregulatory Capitalism, 1960–80| date = 2008| jstor = j.ctt7t2vg.12| isbn = 9780691135823}}&lt;/ref> The music of the 1960s and 1970s targeted the American working class, and [[History of the trucking industry in the United States|truckers]] in particular. As country radio became more popular, trucking songs like the 1963 hit song ''Six Days on the Road'' by [[Dave Dudley]] began to make up their own subgenre of country. These revamped songs sought to portray American truckers as a "new folk hero", marking a significant shift in sound from earlier country music. The song was written by actual truckers and contained numerous references to the trucker culture of the time like "ICC" for [[Interstate Commerce Commission]] and "little white pills" as a reference to [[amphetamines]]. [[Starday Records]] in Nashville followed up on Dudley's initial success with the release of ''Give Me 40 Acres'' by the [[Willis Brothers]].&lt;ref name=hamilton /> ====Rockabilly==== {{Main|Rockabilly}} [[File:Johnny Cash Promotional Photo.jpg|thumb|left|upright|[[Johnny Cash]]]] Rockabilly was most popular with country fans in the 1950s; one of the first rock and roll superstars was former western yodeler [[Bill Haley]], who repurposed his Four Aces of Western Swing into a rockabilly band in the early 1950s and renamed it the [[Bill Haley &amp; His Comets|Comets]]. Bill Haley &amp; His Comets are credited with two of the first successful rock and roll records, "[[Crazy Man, Crazy]]" of 1953 and "[[Rock Around the Clock]]" in 1954.&lt;ref>[ Bill Haley's biography] {{Webarchive|url= |date=May 27, 2010 }} at the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. Retrieved June 20, 2020.&lt;/ref> 1956 could be called the year of [[rockabilly]] in country music. Rockabilly was an early form of [[rock and roll]], an upbeat combination of [[blues]] and country music.{{sfn |Gilliland |1969 |loc=shows 7–8}} The number two, three and four songs on ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard's]]'' charts for that year were [[Elvis Presley]], "[[Heartbreak Hotel]]"; [[Johnny Cash]], "[[I Walk the Line]]"; and [[Carl Perkins]], "[[Blue Suede Shoes]]". Reflecting this success, George Jones released a rockabilly record that year under the pseudonym "Thumper Jones", wanting to capitalize on the popularity of rockabilly without alienating his traditional country base.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|url=;g=Year-end+Singles&amp;year=1956 |title=Hot Country Songs 1956 |magazine=Billboard |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=;g=Year-end%2BSingles&amp;year=1956 |archive-date=October 20, 2006 }}&lt;/ref> Cash and Presley placed songs in the top 5 in 1958 with No. 3 "Guess Things Happen That Way/Come In, Stranger" by Cash, and No. 5 by Presley "Don't/I Beg of You."&lt;ref>[;g=Year-end+Singles&amp;year=1958] ''''&lt;/ref> Presley acknowledged the influence of [[rhythm and blues]] artists and his style, saying "The colored folk been singin' and playin' it just the way I'm doin' it now, man for more years than I know." Within a few years, many rockabilly musicians returned to a more mainstream style or had defined their own unique style. Country music gained national television exposure through ''[[Ozark Jubilee]]'' on ABC-TV and radio from 1955 to 1960 from [[Springfield, Missouri]]. The program showcased top stars including several rockabilly artists, some from the [[Ozarks]]. As Webb Pierce put it in 1956, "Once upon a time, it was almost impossible to sell country music in a place like New York City. Nowadays, television takes us everywhere, and country music records and sheet music sell as well in large cities as anywhere else."&lt;ref>Shulman, Art "Dynamo – Country Style" (1956), ''TV Guide'', p, 28&lt;/ref> The [[Country Music Association]] was founded in 1958, in part because numerous country musicians were appalled by the increased influence of rock and roll on country music.&lt;ref name="RollingstoneDeath">{{cite news |last=Moore |first=Bobby |title=Mac Wiseman, Bluegrass Icon, Dead at 93 |url= |access-date=February 25, 2019 |magazine=Rolling Stone |date=February 25, 2019}}&lt;/ref> ====The Nashville and countrypolitan sounds==== {{Main|Nashville sound}} [[File:Patsy_Cline_1960_publicity_portrait_-_cropped.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Patsy Cline]]]] Beginning in the mid-1950s, and reaching its peak during the early 1960s, the Nashville sound turned country music into a multimillion-dollar industry centered in [[Nashville, Tennessee]]. Under the direction of producers such as [[Chet Atkins]], [[Bill Porter (sound engineer)|Bill Porter]], [[Paul Cohen (record producer)|Paul Cohen]], [[Owen Bradley]], [[Bob Ferguson (music)|Bob Ferguson]], and later [[Billy Sherrill]], the sound brought country music to a diverse audience and helped revive country as it emerged from a commercially fallow period. This subgenre was notable for borrowing from 1950s pop stylings: a prominent and smooth vocal, backed by a [[string section]] (violins and other orchestral strings) and vocal chorus. Instrumental soloing was de-emphasized in favor of trademark "licks". Leading artists in this genre included [[Jim Reeves]], [[Skeeter Davis]], [[Connie Smith]], [[the Browns]],{{sfn |Gilliland |1969 |loc=shows 10–11}} [[Patsy Cline]], and [[Eddy Arnold]]. The "slip note" piano style of session musician [[Floyd Cramer]] was an important component of this style.&lt;ref>{{cite web| url= | | |access-date=February 1, 2011}}&lt;/ref> The Nashville Sound collapsed in mainstream popularity in 1964, a victim of both the [[British Invasion]] and the deaths of Reeves and Cline in separate airplane crashes. By the mid-1960s, the genre had developed into [[countrypolitan]]. Countrypolitan was aimed straight at mainstream markets, and it sold well throughout the later 1960s into the early 1970s. Top artists included [[Tammy Wynette]], [[Lynn Anderson]] and [[Charlie Rich]], as well as such former "hard country" artists as [[Ray Price (musician)|Ray Price]] and [[Marty Robbins]]. Despite the appeal of the Nashville sound, many traditional country artists emerged during this period and dominated the genre: [[Loretta Lynn]], [[Merle Haggard]], [[Buck Owens]], [[Porter Wagoner]], [[George Jones]], and [[Sonny James]] among them. ====Country-soul crossover==== {{Main|Country soul}} In 1962, [[Ray Charles]] surprised the pop world by turning his attention to country and western music, topping the charts and rating number three for the year on ''Billboard's'' pop chart&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|url=;g=Year-end+Singles&amp;year=1962 |title=Billboard Hot 100 1962 |magazine=Billboard |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=;g=Year-end%2BSingles&amp;year=1962 |archive-date=January 9, 2010 }}&lt;/ref> with the "[[I Can't Stop Loving You]]" single, and recording the landmark album ''[[Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music]]''.{{sfn |Gilliland |1969 |loc=show 16}} ====Bakersfield sound==== [[File:Merle Haggard 1975 - cropped.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Merle Haggard]] in a 1975 publicity photo for Capitol Records]] Another subgenre of country music grew out of hardcore honky tonk with elements of [[western swing]] and originated {{convert|112|mi|km|0}} north-northwest of Los Angeles in [[Bakersfield, California]], where many "[[Okie]]s" and other [[Dust Bowl]] migrants had settled. Influenced by one-time West Coast residents [[Bob Wills]] and [[Lefty Frizzell]], by 1966 it was known as the [[Bakersfield sound]]. It relied on electric instruments and amplification, in particular the [[Telecaster]] electric guitar, more than other subgenres of the country music of the era, and it can be described as having a sharp, hard, driving, no-frills, edgy flavor—hard guitars and honky-tonk harmonies.&lt;ref name = hamilton /> Leading practitioners of this style were [[Buck Owens]], [[Merle Haggard]], [[Tommy Collins (country music)|Tommy Collins]], [[Dwight Yoakam]], [[Gary Allan]], and [[Wynn Stewart]], each of whom had his own style.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Merle Haggard: Biography |publisher=CMT |date=April 6, 1937 |access-date=February 1, 2011 |archive-date=April 6, 2010 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[], Buck Owen's Crystal Palace: About Buck {{webarchive |url= |date=December 13, 2013 }}&lt;/ref> [[Ken Nelson (United States record producer)|Ken Nelson]], who had produced Owens and Haggard and [[Rose Maddox]] became interested in the trucking song subgenre following the success of ''Six Days on the Road'' and asked [[Red Simpson]] to record an album of trucking songs. Haggard's ''White Line Fever'' was also part of the trucking subgenre.&lt;ref name=hamilton /> ===Western music merges with country=== {{see also|Western music (North America)}} The country music scene of the 1940s until the 1970s was largely dominated by western music influences, so much so that the genre began to be called "country and western".&lt;ref name="June-Friesen 2011">{{cite web | last=June-Friesen | first=Katy | title=The Cowboy in Country Music | website=Smithsonian Magazine | date=September 7, 2011 | url= | access-date=February 5, 2020}}&lt;/ref> Even today, cowboy and frontier values continue to play a role in the larger country music, with [[western wear]], [[cowboy boot]]s, and [[cowboy hat]]s continues to be in fashion for country artists.&lt;ref name="Wide Open Country 2018">{{cite web | title=The Best and Worst Country Fashion Trends in History | website=Wide Open Country | date=August 9, 2018 | url= | access-date=February 5, 2020}}&lt;/ref> West of the [[Mississippi River]], many of these western genres continue to flourish, including the [[Red dirt (music)|Red Dirt]] of [[Oklahoma]],&lt;ref name="Radio Texas, LIVE! 2018">{{cite web | title=What is Red Dirt? | website=Radio Texas, LIVE! | date=April 11, 2018 | url= | access-date=February 5, 2020}}&lt;/ref> [[New Mexico music]] of [[New Mexico]],&lt;ref name="Latino USA 2017">{{cite web | title=The 10 Best Songs of New Mexico Music, America's Forgotten Folk Genre | website=Latino USA | date=November 8, 2017 | url= | access-date=February 5, 2020}}&lt;/ref> and both [[Texas country music]] and [[Tejano music]] of [[Texas]].&lt;ref name="Dansby 2006">{{cite web | last=Dansby | first=Andrew | title=Freddy Fender, 'giant of Texas music,' dies at 69 | website=Houston Chronicle | date=October 15, 2006 | url= | access-date=February 5, 2020}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Texas Highways 2016">{{cite web | title=Little Joe's Big Life | website=Texas Highways | date=December 16, 2016 | url= | access-date=February 5, 2020}}&lt;/ref> During the 1950s until the early 1970s, the latter part of the western heyday in country music, many of these genres featured popular artists that continue to influence both their distinctive genres and larger country music. Red Dirt featured [[Bob Childers]] and [[Steve Ripley]]; for New Mexico music [[Al Hurricane]], [[Al Hurricane Jr.]], and [[Antonia Apodaca]]; and within the Texas scenes [[Willie Nelson]], [[Freddie Fender]], [[Johnny Rodriguez]], and [[Little Joe (singer)|Little Joe]]. As Outlaw country music emerged as subgenre in its own right, Red Dirt, New Mexico, Texas country, and Tejano grew in popularity as a part of the Outlaw country movement. Originating in the bars, fiestas, and honky-tonks of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, their music supplemented outlaw country's singer-songwriter tradition as well as 21st-century [[rock music|rock]]-inspired [[alternative country]] and [[hip-hop music|hip hop]]-inspired [[country rap]] artists.&lt;ref name="Beaujohn 2018">{{cite news |last1=Beaujohn |first1=Andrew |url= |title=Alt-Country Finds Red Dirt Under Its Nails |access-date=September 5, 2018 |work=The New York Times |date=November 18, 2007}}&lt;/ref> &lt;gallery mode="packed" heights="175"> File:Cowboy-Boots-And-Hat.png|Example of [[cowboy hat]] and [[cowboy boots]], two prominent components of country music fashion File:Atypicalwesternshirt.svg|[[Western wear]] shirt design, with [[snap fastener]]s File:Eakins, Cowboy Singing 1890.jpg|Painting of a [[cowboy]] singing by [[Thomas Eakins]] (1890) File:Freddy Fender singing in 1977.jpg|[[Freddy Fender]] performing [[Tejano music]] after ''[[The Johnny Cash Show]]'' in [[Nashville, Tennessee]] (1977) File:Bob&amp;RDR07.jpg|[[Bob Childers]] performing [[Red dirt (music)|Red dirt]] in [[Okemah, Oklahoma]] (2001) File:Al Hurricane and Al Hurricane, Jr. performing at the San Felipe De Neri 2014 fiestas.jpg|[[Al Hurricane]] and [[Al Hurricane Jr.]] performing [[New Mexico music]] at a fiesta in [[Old Town Albuquerque]] (2014) &lt;/gallery> ===Fourth generation (1970s–1980s)=== {{See also|1970s in music#Country|l1=1970s in music § Country|1980s_in_music#Country_music|l2=1980s in music § Country}} ====Outlaw movement==== [[File:Willie Nelson Promotional Photo - cropped.jpg|thumb|left|upright|[[Willie Nelson]] (1974)]] {{Main|Outlaw country}} [[Outlaw country]] was derived from the traditional western, including [[Red dirt (music)|Red Dirt]], [[New Mexico music|New Mexico]], [[Texas country music|Texas country]], [[Tejano music|Tejano]], and [[honky-tonk]] musical styles of the late 1950s and 1960s. Songs such as the 1963 [[Johnny Cash]] popularized "[[Ring of Fire (song)|Ring of Fire]]" show clear influences from the likes of [[Al Hurricane]] and [[Little Joe (singer)|Little Joe]], this influence just happened to culminate with artists such as [[Ray Price (musician)|Ray Price]] (whose band, the "Cherokee Cowboys", included [[Willie Nelson]] and [[Roger Miller]]) and mixed with the anger of an alienated subculture of the nation during the period, a collection of musicians that came to be known as the [[outlaw country|outlaw movement]] revolutionized the genre of country music in the early 1970s.&lt;ref name="Billboard 1974 TX">{{cite magazine | magazine=Billboard | date= September 7, 1974 | title= Giley, Rodriguez, Spread Fame Of Texas Country Music Heritage | publisher=[[Nielsen Business Media]], Inc. }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Billboard 1974 NM">{{cite magazine | magazine=Billboard | date= September 7, 1974 | title= Hurricane Enterprises in New Mexico | publisher= }}&lt;/ref> "After I left Nashville (the early 70s), I wanted to relax and play the music that I wanted to play, and just stay around Texas, maybe Oklahoma. Waylon and I had that outlaw image going, and when it caught on at colleges and we started selling records, we were O.K. The whole outlaw thing, it had nothing to do with the music, it was something that got written in an article, and the young people said, 'Well, that's pretty cool.' And started listening." (Willie Nelson)&lt;ref>"The Roots of Country Music" Collectors Edition by ''Life'', September 1, 1994, page 72&lt;/ref> The term ''outlaw country'' is traditionally associated with [[Willie Nelson]], [[Jerry Jeff Walker]],&lt;ref>[]{{dead link|date=February 2017}}&lt;/ref> [[Hank Williams, Jr.]], Merle Haggard, [[Waylon Jennings]] and [[Joe Ely]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Joe Ely Band|last=Sixthman}}&lt;/ref> It was encapsulated in the 1976 album ''[[Wanted! The Outlaws]]''. Though the outlaw movement as a cultural fad had died down after the late 1970s (with Jennings noting in 1978 that it had [[Don't You Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out of Hand|gotten out of hand]] and led to real-life legal scrutiny), many western and outlaw country music artists maintained their popularity during the 1980s by forming [[Supergroup (music)|supergroups]], such as [[The Highwaymen (country supergroup)|The Highwaymen]],&lt;ref>{{cite web | last=Browne | first=David | title=Country Music's Counter-Culture 1980s Supergroup, The Highwaymen | website=AARP | date=January 30, 2018 | url= | access-date=December 23, 2020}}&lt;/ref> [[Texas Tornados]],&lt;ref>{{cite web | title=Texas Tornados | website=TSHA | date=March 19, 2011 | url= | access-date=December 23, 2020}}&lt;/ref> and [[Bandido (supergroup)|Bandido]].&lt;ref>{{AllMusic | id= al-hurricane-mn0001206671 | tab= biography | title= Biography of Al Hurricane}}&lt;/ref> ====Country pop==== {{Main|Country pop}} [[File:John Denver 1975.JPG|thumb|upright|[[John Denver]] (1975)]] Country pop or soft pop, with roots in the [[countrypolitan]] sound, folk music, and [[soft rock]], is a subgenre that first emerged in the 1970s. Although the term first referred to country music songs and artists that crossed over to top 40 radio, country pop acts are now more likely to cross over to [[adult contemporary music]]. It started with pop music singers like [[Glen Campbell]], [[Bobbie Gentry]], [[John Denver]], [[Olivia Newton-John]], [[Anne Murray]], [[B. J. Thomas]], [[the Bellamy Brothers]], and [[Linda Ronstadt]] having hits on the country charts. Between 1972 and 1975, singer/guitarist John Denver released a series of hugely successful songs blending country and folk-rock musical styles ("[[Rocky Mountain High]]", "[[Sunshine on My Shoulders]]", "[[Annie's Song]]", "[[Thank God I'm a Country Boy]]", and "[[I'm Sorry (John Denver song)|I'm Sorry]]"), and was named Country Music Entertainer of the Year in 1975. The year before, Olivia Newton-John, an Australian pop singer, won the "Best Female Country Vocal Performance" as well as the Country Music Association's most coveted award for females, "Female Vocalist of the Year". In response George Jones, Tammy Wynette, [[Jean Shepard]] and other traditional Nashville country artists dissatisfied with the new trend formed the short-lived "Association of Country Entertainers" in 1974; the ACE soon unraveled in the wake of Jones and Wynette's bitter divorce and Shepard's realization that most others in the industry lacked her passion for the movement. [[File:Dolly Parton, 2011.jpg|thumb|upright|left|[[Dolly Parton]]]] During the mid-1970s, [[Dolly Parton]], a successful mainstream country artist since the late 1960s, mounted a high-profile campaign to cross over to pop music, culminating in her 1977 hit "[[Here You Come Again]]", which topped the U.S. country singles chart, and also reached No. 3 on the pop singles charts. Parton's male counterpart, [[Kenny Rogers]], came from the opposite direction, aiming his music at the country charts, after a successful career in pop, rock and folk music with [[Kenny Rogers and the First Edition|the First Edition]], achieving success the same year with "[[Lucille (Kenny Rogers song)|Lucille]]", which topped the country charts and reached No. 5 on the U.S. pop singles charts, as well as reaching Number 1 on the British all-genre chart. Parton and Rogers would both continue to have success on both country and pop charts simultaneously, well into the 1980s. Country music propelled Kenny Rogers’ career, making him a three-time [[Grammy Awards|Grammy Award]] winner and six-time [[Country Music Association Awards]] winner. Having sold more than 50 million albums in the US, one of his Song "The Gambler," inspired several TV films, with Rogers as the main character.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|author=Christina Maxouris and Alta Spells|title=Legendary country singer Kenny Rogers dies at 81|url=|access-date=November 1, 2021|website=CNN|date=March 21, 2020 }}&lt;/ref> Artists like [[Crystal Gayle]], [[Ronnie Milsap]] and [[Barbara Mandrell]] would also find success on the pop charts with their records. In 1975, author Paul Hemphill stated in the ''Saturday Evening Post'', "Country music isn't really country anymore; it is a hybrid of nearly every form of popular music in America."&lt;ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Hemphill | first1 = Paul | year = 1975 | title = Nashville—Where It All Started | journal = [[Saturday Evening Post]] | volume = 247 | issue = 3| pages = 44–86 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:WIKI KENNY ROGERS.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Kenny Rogers]] in 2004]] During the early 1980s, country artists continued to see their records perform well on the pop charts. [[Willie Nelson]] and [[Juice Newton]] each had two songs in the top 5 of the Billboard Hot 100 in the early eighties: Nelson charted "[[Always on My Mind]]" (#5, 1982) and "[[To All the Girls I've Loved Before]]" (#5, 1984, a duet with [[Julio Iglesias]]), and Newton achieved success with "[[Queen of Hearts (Hank DeVito song)|Queen of Hearts]]" (#2, 1981) and "[[Angel of the Morning]]" (#4, 1981). Four country songs topped the ''Billboard'' Hot 100 in the 1980s: "[[Lady (Kenny Rogers song)|Lady]]" by [[Kenny Rogers]], from the late fall of 1980; "[[9 to 5 (Dolly Parton song)|9 to 5]]" by [[Dolly Parton]], "[[I Love a Rainy Night]]" by [[Eddie Rabbitt]] (these two back-to-back at the top in early 1981); and "[[Islands in the Stream (song)|Islands in the Stream]]", a duet by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers in 1983, a pop-country crossover hit written by Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb of the [[Bee Gees]]. Newton's "Queen of Hearts" almost reached No. 1, but was kept out of the spot by the pop ballad juggernaut "[[Endless Love (song)|Endless Love]]" by [[Diana Ross]] and [[Lionel Richie]].&lt;ref>[], Historical Music Charts Archive.&lt;/ref> The move of country music toward neotraditional styles led to a marked decline in country/pop crossovers in the late 1980s, and only one song in that period—[[Roy Orbison]]'s "[[You Got It]]", from 1989—made the top 10 of both the ''Billboard'' [[Hot Country Songs|Hot Country Singles]]" and Hot 100 charts, due largely to a revival of interest in Orbison after his sudden death.&lt;ref>Whitburn, Joel, "Top Pop Singles: 1955–2006," 2007&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=Whitburn |first=Joel |title=Hot Country Songs: Billboard 1944 to 2008 |publisher=Record Research |year=2008 |isbn=9780898201772}}&lt;/ref>{{Page needed|date=October 2024}} The only song with substantial country airplay to reach number one on the pop charts in the late 1980s was "[[At This Moment]]" by [[Billy Vera]] and the Beaters, an R&amp;B song with slide guitar embellishment that appeared at number 42 on the country charts from minor crossover airplay.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title="Old Town Road" is only the third country song in 30 years to make it to make it to number one|first1=Dan|last1=Kopf|website=Quartzy|date=April 11, 2019 }}&lt;/ref> The record-setting, multi-platinum group [[Alabama (American band)|Alabama]] was named Artist of the Decade for the 1980s by the Academy of Country Music. ====Country rock==== {{Main|Country rock}} {{see also|Cowpunk}} [[File:Eagles cropped.jpg|thumb|left|A reunited [[Eagles (band)|Eagles]] in 2008]] Country rock is a genre that started in the 1960s but became prominent in the 1970s. The late 1960s in American music produced a unique blend as a result of traditionalist backlash within separate genres. In the aftermath of the [[British Invasion]], many desired a return to the "old values" of rock n' roll. At the same time there was a lack of enthusiasm in the country sector for Nashville-produced music. What resulted was a crossbred genre known as [[country rock]]. Early innovators in this new style of music in the 1960s and 1970s included [[Bob Dylan]], who was the first to revert to country music with his 1967 album ''[[John Wesley Harding]]''{{sfn |Gilliland |1969 |loc=show 54}} (and even more so with that album's follow-up, ''[[Nashville Skyline]]''), followed by [[Gene Clark]], Clark's former band [[the Byrds]] (with [[Gram Parsons]] on ''[[Sweetheart of the Rodeo]]'') and its spin-off [[the Flying Burrito Brothers]] (also featuring Gram Parsons), guitarist [[Clarence White]], [[Michael Nesmith]] ([[the Monkees]] and the [[First National Band]]), the [[Grateful Dead]], [[Neil Young]], [[Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen|Commander Cody]], [[the Allman Brothers Band]], [[Charlie Daniels]], [[the Marshall Tucker Band]], [[Poco (band)|Poco]], [[Buffalo Springfield]], [[Stephen Stills]]' band [[Manassas (band)|Manassas]] and [[Eagles (band)|Eagles]], among many, even the former folk music duo [[Ian &amp; Sylvia]], who formed [[Great Speckled Bird (band)|Great Speckled Bird]] in 1969. The Eagles would become the most successful of these country rock acts, and their compilation album ''[[Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975)]]'' remains the second-best-selling album in the US with 29&amp;nbsp;million copies sold.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |url=|title= Glenn Frey &amp; Eagles' Biggest Billboard Hits |date=January 18, 2016|first= Gary |last= Trust |magazine=Billboard }}&lt;/ref> [[The Rolling Stones]] also got into the act with songs like "[[Dead Flowers (The Rolling Stones song)|Dead Flowers]]"; the original recording of "[[Honky Tonk Women]]" was performed in a country style, but it was subsequently re-recorded in a hard rock style for the single version, and the band's preferred country version was later released on the album ''[[Let It Bleed]]'', under the title "Country Honk". [[File:Gram_Parsons.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Gram Parsons]] often considered one of the pioneers of country rock.]] Described by [[AllMusic]] as the "father of country-rock",&lt;ref>[{{AllMusic|class=artist|id=p5109|pure_url=yes}}], Gram Parsons: Overview&lt;/ref> Gram Parsons' work in the early 1970s was acclaimed for its purity and for his appreciation for aspects of traditional country music.&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|title=Gram Parsons|magazine=[[Rolling Stone]]|archive-date=April 29, 2009}}&lt;/ref> Though his career was cut tragically short by his 1973 death, his legacy was carried on by his protégé and duet partner [[Emmylou Harris]]; Harris would release her debut solo in 1975, an amalgamation of country, rock and roll, folk, blues and pop. Subsequent to the initial blending of the two polar opposite genres, other offspring soon resulted, including [[Southern rock]], [[heartland rock]] and in more recent years, [[alternative country]]. In the decades that followed, artists such as [[Juice Newton]], [[Alabama (American band)|Alabama]], [[Hank Williams, Jr.]] (and, to an even greater extent, [[Hank Williams III]]), [[Gary Allan]], [[Shania Twain]], [[Brooks &amp; Dunn]], [[Faith Hill]], [[Garth Brooks]], [[Dwight Yoakam]], [[Steve Earle]], [[Dolly Parton]], [[Rosanne Cash]] and [[Linda Ronstadt]] moved country further towards rock influence. ====Neocountry==== In 1980, a style of "neocountry disco music" was popularized by the film ''[[Urban Cowboy]]''.&lt;ref name="Workin 1999. page 259">{{cite book| first1 = Gerald W.| last1 = Haslam| first2 = Alexandra Russell| last2 = Haslam| first3 = Richard| last3 = Chon| title = Workin' Man Blues: Country Music in California| date = April 1, 1999| publisher = University of California Press| isbn = 978-0-520-21800-0| page = [ 259]| url =}}&lt;/ref> It was during this time that a glut of pop-country crossover artists began appearing on the country charts: former pop stars [[Bill Medley]] (of [[the Righteous Brothers]]), [[Dan Seals|"England Dan" Seals]] (of [[England Dan and John Ford Coley]]), [[Tom Jones (singer)|Tom Jones]], and [[Merrill Osmond]] (both alone and with some of [[The Osmonds|his brothers]]; his younger sister [[Marie Osmond]] was already an established country star) all recorded significant country hits in the early 1980s. Sales in record stores rocketed to $250&amp;nbsp;million in 1981; by 1984, 900 radio stations began programming country or neocountry pop full-time. As with most sudden trends, however, by 1984 sales had dropped below 1979 figures.&lt;ref name="Workin 1999. page 259"/> ====Truck-driving country====&lt;!-- linked from [[truck driving country music]] --> {{Main|Truck-driving country}} Truck-driving country music is a genre of country music&lt;ref name="truckers-jukebox">{{cite book | title = Trucker's Jukebox: Various Artists: Music | url = | access-date = February 24, 2009 | quote = Trucker's Jukebox covers the Country landscape: outlaw, honkey tonk, country-rock, Bakersfield sound, country comedy, truck driving country and more.}}&lt;/ref> and is a fusion of [[honky-tonk]], [[country rock]] and the [[Bakersfield sound]].&lt;ref name="starpulse">{{cite web|title=Truck Driving Country Music |url=;ID=D4307&amp;Lvl=4 |archive-url=;ID=D4307&amp;Lvl=4 |url-status=dead |archive-date=June 4, 2012 |publisher=All Media Guide LLC |access-date=February 24, 2009 }}&lt;/ref> It has the [[tempo]] of country rock and the emotion of honky-tonk,&lt;ref name="starpulse"/> and its lyrics focus on a [[truck driver]]'s lifestyle.&lt;ref name="amazon">{{cite web | title = Dave Dudley: Albums, Songs, Bios, Photos | website = Amazon | url = | access-date = February 24, 2009 }}&lt;/ref> Truck-driving country songs often deal with the profession of trucking and love.&lt;ref name="starpulse"/> Well-known artists who sing truck driving country include [[Dave Dudley]], [[Red Sovine]], [[Dick Curless]], [[Red Simpson]], [[Del Reeves]], [[the Willis Brothers]] and [[Jerry Reed]], with [[C. W. McCall]] and [[Cledus Maggard]] (pseudonyms of Bill Fries and Jay Huguely, respectively) being more humorous entries in the subgenre.&lt;ref name="starpulse"/> Dudley is known as the father of truck driving country.&lt;ref name="amazon"/>&lt;ref name="mp3com">{{cite web|title=Dave Dudley |url= |access-date=February 24, 2009 |publisher=CBS Interactive |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=March 5, 2009 }}&lt;/ref> ====Neotraditionalist movement==== {{Main|Neotraditionalist country}} [[File:George Strait 2014 1.jpg|thumb|upright|[[George Strait]], a pioneer of the neotraditionalist movement and dubbed the "King of Country,"&lt;ref name="martings"/> Strait is one of the best selling musicians of all time.&lt;ref name="martings">{{cite news |last1=Martin |first1=Annie |title=George Strait debuts new single ahead of forthcoming album |url= |access-date=January 5, 2021 |work=[[United Press International]] |date=September 23, 2015}}&lt;/ref>]] During the mid-1980s, a group of new artists began to emerge who rejected the more polished country-pop sound that had been prominent on radio and the charts, in favor of more, traditional, "back-to-basics" production. Many of the artists during the latter half of the 1980s drew on traditional honky-tonk, bluegrass, folk and western swing. Artists who typified this sound included [[Travis Tritt]], [[Reba McEntire]], [[George Strait]], [[Keith Whitley]], [[Alan Jackson]], [[John Anderson (musician)|John Anderson]], [[Patty Loveless]], [[Kathy Mattea]], [[Randy Travis]], [[Dwight Yoakam]], [[Clint Black]], [[Ricky Skaggs]], and [[the Judds]]. ===Fifth generation (1990s)=== [[File:Garth Brooks at We Are One (edit).jpg|thumb|right|upright|[[Garth Brooks]]]] {{See also|1990s_in_music#Country_music|l1=1990s in music § Country}} Country music was aided by the U.S. [[Federal Communications Commission]]'s (FCC) Docket 80–90, which led to a significant expansion of [[FM radio]] in the 1980s by adding numerous higher-fidelity FM signals to rural and suburban areas. At this point, country music was mainly heard on rural [[AM radio]] stations; the expansion of FM was particularly helpful to country music, which migrated to FM from the AM band as AM became overcome by [[talk radio]] (the country music stations that stayed on AM developed the [[classic country]] format for the AM audience). At the same time, [[beautiful music]] stations already in rural areas began abandoning the format (leading to its effective demise) to adopt country music as well. This wider availability of country music led to producers seeking to polish their product for a wider audience. In 1990, ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]'', which had published a [[Hot Country Songs|country music chart]] since the 1940s, changed the methodology it used to compile the chart: singles sales were removed from the methodology, and only airplay on [[country radio]] determined a song's place on the chart.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|title=R&amp;B Enjoying Rare Dominance Over Rap|magazine=Billboard|date=April 24, 2004|page=68|url=;q=Nielsen+Broadcast+Data+Systems+january+20+1990&amp;pg=PA68|access-date=April 25, 2018}}&lt;/ref> In the 1990s, country music became a worldwide phenomenon thanks to [[Garth Brooks]],&lt;ref name="Country Worldwide">{{cite news |url=;pg=1510,3298161&amp;dq=billy+ray+cyrus+country+worldwide&amp;hl=en |title=Country is No. 1 musical style |date=August 19, 1992 |newspaper=Reading Eagle |access-date=July 26, 2010}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Country Worldwide2">{{cite web |url=;pg=4760,3698051&amp;dq=billy+ray+cyrus+country+worldwide&amp;hl=en |title=Country music reflects the time |date=September 27, 1992 |publisher=Herald-Journal |access-date=July 26, 2010}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Country Worldwide3">{{cite news |url=;FMT=ABS&amp;FMTS=ABS:FT&amp;type=current&amp;date=Nov+25%2C+1993&amp;author=Jack+Hurst&amp;pub=The+Record&amp;desc=Country+music+is+making+waves+across+the+seas&amp;pqatl=google |title=Country music is making waves across the seas |date=November 25, 1993 | |access-date=July 26, 2010 |first=Jack |last=Hurst |archive-date=May 6, 2011 |archive-url=;FMT=ABS&amp;FMTS=ABS:FT&amp;type=current&amp;date=Nov+25%2C+1993&amp;author=Jack+Hurst&amp;pub=The+Record&amp;desc=Country+music+is+making+waves+across+the+seas&amp;pqatl=google |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> who enjoyed one of the most successful careers in popular music history, breaking records for both sales and concert attendance throughout the decade. The [[RIAA]] has certified his recordings at a combined (128× [[RIAA certification|platinum]]), denoting roughly 113&amp;nbsp;million U.S. shipments.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= | | |access-date=February 1, 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=June 26, 2007 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> Other artists who experienced success during this time included [[Clint Black]], [[John Michael Montgomery]], [[Tracy Lawrence]], [[Tim McGraw]], [[Kenny Chesney]], [[Travis Tritt]], [[Alan Jackson]] and the newly formed duo of [[Brooks &amp; Dunn]]; [[George Strait]], whose career began in the 1980s, also continued to have widespread success in this decade and beyond. [[Toby Keith]] began his career as a more pop-oriented country singer in the 1990s, evolving into an outlaw persona in the early 2000s with ''[[Pull My Chain]]'' and its follow-up, ''[[Unleashed (Toby Keith album)|Unleashed]]''. ====Success of female artists==== [[File:LindaRonstadtPerforming.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Linda Ronstadt]]]] Female artists such as [[Reba McEntire]], [[Patty Loveless]], [[Faith Hill]], [[Martina McBride]], [[Deana Carter]], [[LeAnn Rimes]], [[Mindy McCready]], [[Pam Tillis]], [[Lorrie Morgan]], [[Shania Twain]], and [[Mary Chapin Carpenter]] all released platinum-selling albums in the 1990s. The [[Dixie Chicks]] became one of the most popular country bands in the 1990s and early 2000s. Their 1998 debut album ''[[Wide Open Spaces (album)|Wide Open Spaces]]'' went on to become certified 12× platinum while their 1999 album ''[[Fly (Dixie Chicks album)|Fly]]'' went on to become 10× platinum. After their third album, ''[[Home (Dixie Chicks album)|Home]]'', was released in 2003, the band made political news in part because of lead singer [[Natalie Maines]]'s comments disparaging then-President [[George W. Bush]] while the band was overseas (Maines stated that she and her bandmates were ashamed to be from the same state as Bush, who had just commenced the [[Iraq War]] a few days prior). The comments caused a rift between the band and the country music scene, and the band's fourth (and most recent) album, 2006's ''[[Taking the Long Way]]'', took a more rock-oriented direction; the album was commercially successful overall among non-country audiences but largely ignored among country audiences. After ''Taking the Long Way'', the band broke up for a decade (with two of its members continuing as the [[Court Yard Hounds]]) before reuniting in 2016 and releasing new material in 2020. [[File:ShaniaTwain3.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Shania Twain]] performing during her [[Up! Tour]] in 2004]] Canadian artist [[Shania Twain]] became the best selling female country artist of the decade. This was primarily due to the success of her breakthrough sophomore 1995 album, ''[[The Woman in Me (album)|The Woman in Me]]'', which was certified 12× platinum sold over 20&amp;nbsp;million copies worldwide and its follow-up, 1997's ''[[Come On Over]]'', which was certified 20× platinum and sold over 40&amp;nbsp;million copies. The album became a major worldwide phenomenon and became one of the world's best selling albums for three years (1998, 1999 and 2000); it also went on to become the best selling country album of all time. Unlike the majority of her contemporaries, Twain enjoyed large international success that had been seen by very few country artists, before or after her. Critics have noted that Twain enjoyed much of her success due to breaking free of traditional country stereotypes and for incorporating elements of rock and pop into her music. In 2002, she released her successful fourth studio album, titled ''[[Up! (album)|Up!]]'', which was certified 11× platinum and sold over 15&amp;nbsp;million copies worldwide. [[Shania Twain]] has been nominated eighteen times for [[Grammy Awards]] and won five Grammys. [&lt;ref>{{Cite web|date=November 23, 2020|title=Shania Twain|url=|access-date=October 25, 2021|website=Grammys}}&lt;/ref>] She was the best-paid country music star in 2016 according to Forbes, with a net worth of $27.5 million. [&lt;ref>{{Cite web|title=9. Shania Twain ($27.5 million)|url=|access-date=October 25, 2021|website=Forbes}}&lt;/ref>]Twain has been credited with breaking international boundaries for country music, as well as inspiring many country artists to incorporate different genres into their music in order to attract a wider audience. She is also credited with changing the way in which many female country performers would market themselves, as unlike many before her she used fashion and her sex appeal to get rid of the stereotypical '[[honky-tonk]]' image the majority of country singers had in order to distinguish herself from many female country artists of the time. ====Line dancing revival==== In the early-mid-1990s, country western music was influenced by the popularity of [[line dancing]]. This influence was so great that [[Chet Atkins]] was quoted as saying, "The music has gotten pretty bad, I think. It's all that damn line dancing."&lt;ref>The Roots of Country Music" Collectors Edition by ''Life'', September 1, 1994&lt;/ref> By the end of the decade, however, at least one line dance choreographer complained that good country line dance music was no longer being released. In contrast, artists such as [[Don Williams]] and [[George Jones]] who had more or less had consistent chart success through the 1970s and 1980s suddenly had their fortunes fall rapidly around 1991 when the new chart rules took effect. ====Alternative country==== {{Main|Alt country|cowpunk}} [[File:Steve_Earle_2.jpg|thumb|upright=1.15|right|[[Steve Earle]] performing in Ireland in 2007]] Country influences combined with [[Punk rock]] and [[alternative rock]] to forge the "[[cowpunk]]" scene in Southern California during the 1980s, which included bands such as [[the Long Ryders]], [[Lone Justice]] and [[the Beat Farmers]], as well as the established punk group [[X (American band)|X]], whose music had begun to include country and rockabilly influences.&lt;ref name="Malone2002">W. C. Malone, ''Country Music, U.S.A.'' (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2nd edn., 2002), {{ISBN|0-292-75262-8}}, p. 451.&lt;/ref> Simultaneously, a generation of diverse country artists outside of California emerged that rejected the perceived cultural and musical conservatism associated with Nashville's mainstream country musicians in favor of more countercultural outlaw country and the folk singer-songwriter traditions of artists such as [[Woody Guthrie]], [[Gram Parsons]] and [[Bob Dylan]]. Artists from outside California who were associated with early alternative country included singer-songwriters such as [[Lucinda Williams]], [[Lyle Lovett]] and [[Steve Earle]], the Nashville country rock band [[Jason and the Scorchers]], the Providence "[[cowboy pop]]" band [[Rubber Rodeo]], and the British post-punk band [[the Mekons]]. Earle, in particular, was noted for his popularity with both country and [[college rock]] audiences: He promoted his 1986 debut album ''[[Guitar Town]]'' with a tour that saw him open for both country singer [[Dwight Yoakam]] and alternative rock band [[The Replacements (band)|the Replacements]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|last1=Deming|first1=Mark|title=Guitar Town – Steve Earle|url=|website=AllMusic|access-date=October 31, 2016}}&lt;/ref> Yoakam also cultivated a fanbase spanning multiple genres through his stripped-down [[Honky-tonk#Music|honky-tonk]] influenced sound, association with the cowpunk scene, and performances at Los Angeles punk rock clubs.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Erlewine |first1=Stephen Thomas |title=Dwight Yoakam {{!}} Biography &amp; History |url= |website=AllMusic |access-date=August 7, 2019}}&lt;/ref> These early styles had coalesced into a genre by the time the Illinois group [[Uncle Tupelo]] released their influential debut album ''[[No Depression (album)|No Depression]]'' in 1990.&lt;ref name=smith2009>C. Smith, ''101 Albums That Changed Popular Music'' (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), {{ISBN|0-19-537371-5}}, pp. 204–9.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="AllmusicNoDepression">M. Deming, [{{AllMusic|class=album|id=r626894|pure_url=yes}} "No Depression Bonus Tracks"], ''Allmusic'', retrieved January 26, 2009.&lt;/ref> The album is widely credited as being the first "alternative country" album, and inspired the name of ''[[No Depression (magazine)|No Depression]]'' magazine, which exclusively covered the new genre.&lt;ref name="smith2009"/>&lt;ref name="AllmusicNoDepression"/> Following Uncle Tupelo's disbanding in 1994, its members formed two significant bands in genre: [[Wilco]] and [[Son Volt]]. Although Wilco's sound had moved away from country and towards [[indie rock]] by the time they released their critically acclaimed album ''[[Yankee Hotel Foxtrot]]'' in 2002, they have continued to be an influence on later alt-country artists. Other acts who became prominent in the alt-country genre during the 1990s and 2000s included [[the Bottle Rockets]], [[the Handsome Family]], [[Blue Mountain (band)|Blue Mountain]], [[Robbie Fulks]], [[Blood Oranges (band)|Blood Oranges]], [[Bright Eyes (band)|Bright Eyes]], [[Drive-By Truckers]], [[Old 97's]], [[Old Crow Medicine Show]], [[Nickel Creek]], [[Neko Case]], and [[Whiskeytown]], whose lead singer [[Ryan Adams]] later had a successful solo-career.&lt;ref name=WolfandDuanep549-92>K. Wolff and O. Duane, eds, ''Country Music: the Rough Guide'' (London: Rough Guides, 2000), {{ISBN|1-85828-534-8}}, pp. 549–92.&lt;/ref> Alt-country, in various iterations overlapped with other genres, including [[Red dirt (music)|Red Dirt country music]] ([[Cross Canadian Ragweed]]), [[jam band]]s ([[My Morning Jacket]] and [[the String Cheese Incident]]), and [[indie folk]] ([[the Avett Brothers]]). Despite the genre's growing popularity in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, alternative country and neo-traditionalist artists saw minimal support from country radio in those decades, despite strong sales and critical acclaim for albums such as the soundtrack to the 2000 film ''[[O Brother, Where Art Thou? (soundtrack)|O Brother, Where Art Thou?]]''.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Strauss |first1=Neil |title=MUSIC; The Country Music Country Radio Ignores |url= |website=The New York Times |access-date=April 13, 2019 |date=March 24, 2002}}&lt;/ref> In 1987, the Beat Farmers gained airplay on country music stations with their song "Make It Last", but the single was pulled from the format when station programmers decreed the band's music was too rock-oriented for their audience.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Beat Farmers {{!}} Biography &amp; History |url= |website=AllMusic |access-date=April 13, 2019}}&lt;/ref> However, some alt-country songs have been [[Crossover music|crossover hits]] to mainstream country radio in cover versions by established artists on the format; Lucinda Williams' "[[Passionate Kisses]]" was a hit for [[Mary Chapin Carpenter]] in 1993, Ryan Adams' "[[When the Stars Go Blue]]" was a hit for [[Tim McGraw]] in 2007, and Old Crow Medicine Show's "[[Wagon Wheel (song)|Wagon Wheel]]" was a hit for [[Darius Rucker]] (member of [[Hootie &amp; The Blowfish]]) in 2013. In the 2010s, the alt-country genre saw an increase in its critical and commercial popularity, owing to the success of artists such as [[the Civil Wars]], [[Chris Stapleton]], [[Sturgill Simpson]], [[Jason Isbell]], [[Lydia Loveless]] and [[Margo Price]]. In 2019, [[Kacey Musgraves]] – a country artist who had gained a following with [[indie rock]] fans and music critics despite minimal airplay on country radio – won the [[Grammy Award for Album of the Year]] for her album ''[[Golden Hour (Kacey Musgraves album)|Golden Hour]]''.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |last1=Moss |first1=Marissa R. |title=How Kacey Musgraves' Grammy Wins Give Country Radio a Choice to Make |url= |magazine=Rolling Stone |access-date=April 22, 2019 |date=February 12, 2019}}&lt;/ref> ===Sixth generation (2000s–present)=== {{more citations needed section|date=March 2017}} {{See also|2000s in music#Country|l1=2000s in music § Country|2010s in music#Country|l2=2010s in music § Country}} [[File:Luke_Bryan_in_2008.JPG|thumb|left|250px|[[Luke Bryan]]]] The sixth generation of country music continued to be influenced by other genres such as pop, rock, and R&amp;B. [[Richard Marx]] crossed over with his ''[[Days in Avalon]]'' album, which features five country songs and several singers and musicians. [[Alison Krauss]] sang background vocals to Marx's single "Straight from My Heart." Also, [[Bon Jovi]] had a hit single, "[[Who Says You Can't Go Home]]", with [[Jennifer Nettles]] of [[Sugarland]]. [[Kid Rock]]'s collaboration with [[Sheryl Crow]], "[[Picture (song)|Picture]]," was a major crossover hit in 2001 and began Kid Rock's transition from hard rock to a country-rock hybrid that would later produce another major crossover hit, 2008's "[[All Summer Long (Kid Rock song)|All Summer Long]]." (Crow, whose music had often incorporated country elements, would also officially cross over into country with her hit "[[Easy (Sheryl Crow song)|Easy]]" from her debut country album ''[[Feels like Home (Sheryl Crow album)|Feels like Home]]''). [[Darius Rucker]], frontman for the 1990s pop-rock band [[Hootie &amp; the Blowfish]], began a country solo career in the late 2000s, one that to date has produced five albums and several hits on both the country charts and the Billboard Hot 100. Singer-songwriter [[Unknown Hinson]] became famous for his appearance in the [[Charlotte, North Carolina|Charlotte]] television show ''Wild, Wild, South'', after which Hinson started his own band and toured in southern states. Other rock stars who featured a country song on their albums were [[Don Henley]] (who released ''[[Cass County (album)|Cass County]]'' in 2015, an album which featured collaborations with numerous country artists) and [[Poison (American band)|Poison]]. The back half of the 2010–2020 decade saw an increasing number of mainstream country acts collaborate with pop and R&amp;B acts; many of these songs achieved commercial success by appealing to fans across multiple genres; examples include collaborations between [[Kane Brown]] and [[Marshmello]]&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title= Kane Brown Joins Taylor Swift, Luke Bryan With Latest RIAA Milestone|date=September 29, 2020|archive-url=|access-date=April 3, 2021|archive-date= October 30, 2020}}&lt;/ref> and [[Maren Morris]] and [[Zedd]].&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|url=|title= Songs That Defined the Decade: Zedd, Grey and Maren Morris' 'The Middle'|magazine= [[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|date=November 21, 2019|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref> There has also been interest from pop singers in country music, including [[Beyoncé]], [[Lady Gaga]], [[Alicia Keys]], [[Gwen Stefani]], [[Justin Timberlake]], [[Justin Bieber]] and [[Pink (singer)|Pink]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web|last=Garcia|first=Patricia|title=Why Are So Many Pop Stars Going Country?|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Vogue|date=May 15, 2016}}&lt;/ref> Supporting this movement is the new generation of contemporary pop-country, including [[Taylor Swift]], [[Miranda Lambert]], [[Carrie Underwood]], [[Kacey Musgraves]], [[Miley Cyrus]], [[Billy Ray Cyrus]], [[Sam Hunt]], [[Chris Young (singer)|Chris Young]],&lt;ref name=":0" /> who introduced new themes in their works, touching on fundamental rights, feminism, and controversies about racism and religion of the older generations.&lt;ref name=":1" /> ====Popular culture==== [[File:191125 Carrie Underwood at the 2019 American Music Awards.png|thumb|251x251px|[[Carrie Underwood]] at the [[American Music Awards of 2019|2019 American Music Awards]]]] In 2005, country singer [[Carrie Underwood]] rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of ''[[American Idol]];'' she has since become one of the most prominent recording artists in the genre, with worldwide sales of more than 65&amp;nbsp;million records and seven [[Grammy Awards]].&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|url= |title=Readers' Poll: 10 Best Carrie Underwood Songs |magazine=[[Rolling Stone]] |date=March 10, 2015|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref> With her first single, "[[Inside Your Heaven]]", Underwood became the only solo country artist to have a number 1 hit on the [[Billboard Hot 100|''Billboard'' Hot 100]] chart in the 2000–2009 decade and also broke ''Billboard'' chart history as the first country music artist ever to debut at No. 1 on the Hot 100. Underwood's debut album, ''[[Some Hearts (Carrie Underwood album)|Some Hearts]]'', became the best-selling solo female debut album in country music history, the fastest-selling debut country album in the history of the SoundScan era and the best-selling country album of the last 10 years, being ranked by ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]'' as the number 1 Country Album of the 2000–2009 decade. She has also become the female country artist with the most number one hits on the ''Billboard'' [[Hot Country Songs]] chart in the Nielsen SoundScan era (1991–present), having 14 #1s and breaking her own ''[[Guinness Book]]'' record of ten. In 2007, Underwood won the [[Grammy Award for Best New Artist]], becoming only the second Country artist in history (and the first in a decade) to win it. She also made history by becoming the seventh woman to win Entertainer of the Year at the [[Academy of Country Music Awards]], and the first woman in history to win the award twice, as well as twice consecutively. ''[[Time (magazine)|Time]]'' has listed Underwood as one of the [[Time 100|100 most influential people in the world]]. In 2016, Underwood topped the [[Country Airplay]] chart for the 15th time, becoming the female artist with the most number ones on that chart. [[File:Miranda-Lambert-Bandwagon-Tour-2019.jpg|thumb|218x218px|[[Miranda Lambert]] in 2019]] Carrie Underwood was only one of several country stars produced by a television series in the 2000s. In addition to Underwood, ''American Idol'' launched the careers of [[Kellie Pickler]], [[Josh Gracin]], [[Bucky Covington]], [[Kristy Lee Cook]], [[Danny Gokey]], [[Lauren Alaina]] and [[Scotty McCreery]] (as well as that of occasional country singer [[Kelly Clarkson]]&lt;ref name=":2">{{Cite web|title=Kelly Clarkson goes country with 'Kellyoke' cover of the Chicks' 'Sin Wagon'|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021||date=January 14, 2021 }}&lt;/ref>) in the decade, and would continue to launch country careers in the 2010s. The series ''[[Nashville Star]]'', while not nearly as successful as ''Idol'', did manage to bring [[Miranda Lambert]], [[Kacey Musgraves]] and [[Chris Young (singer)|Chris Young]] to mainstream success, also launching the careers of lower-profile musicians such as [[Buddy Jewell]], [[Sean Patrick McGraw]], and Canadian musician [[George Canyon]]. ''[[Can You Duet]]?'' produced the duos [[Steel Magnolia]] and [[Joey + Rory]]. Teen sitcoms also have influenced modern country music; in 2008, actress [[Jennette McCurdy]] (best known as the sidekick Sam on the teen sitcom ''[[iCarly]]'') released her first single, "So Close", following that with the single "[[Generation Love]]" in 2011. Another teen sitcom star, [[Miley Cyrus]] (of Disney Channel's ''[[Hannah Montana]]''), also had a crossover hit in the late 2000s with "[[The Climb (Miley Cyrus song)|The Climb]]" and another with a duet with her father, [[Billy Ray Cyrus]], with "[[Ready, Set, Don't Go]]." [[Jana Kramer]], an actress in the teen drama ''[[One Tree Hill (TV series)|One Tree Hill]]'', released a country album in 2012 that has produced two hit singles as of 2013. Actresses [[Hayden Panettiere]] and [[Connie Britton]] began recording country songs as part of their roles in the TV shows ''[[Nashville (2012 TV series)|Nashville]]'' and ''[[Pretty Little Liars]]'' star [[Lucy Hale]] released her debut album ''[[Road Between]]'' in 2014. In 2010, the group [[Lady A]]ntebellum won five Grammys, including the coveted [[Grammy Award for Song of the Year|Song of the Year]] and [[Record of the Year]] for "[[Need You Now (Lady Antebellum song)|Need You Now]]".&lt;ref>{{cite news| url= |title=Esperanza Spalding, Arcade Fire top a night of upsets at 2011 Grammys |first=Chris |last=Richards |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |date=February 14, 2011 |access-date=March 13, 2011}}&lt;/ref> A large number of duos and vocal groups emerged on the charts in the 2010s, many of which feature [[close harmony]] in the lead vocals. In addition to Lady A, groups such as [[Little Big Town]], [[the Band Perry]], [[Gloriana (band)|Gloriana]], [[Thompson Square]], [[Eli Young Band]], [[Zac Brown Band]] and British duo [[The Shires (duo)|the Shires]] have emerged to occupy a large share of mainstream success alongside solo singers such as [[Kacey Musgraves]] and [[Miranda Lambert]]. [[File:191125 Taylor Swift at the 2019 American Music Awards.png|alt=|left|thumb|189x189px|[[Taylor Swift]] at the [[American Music Awards of 2019|2019 American Music Awards]]]] One of the most commercially successful country artists of the late 2000s and early 2010s has been singer-songwriter [[Taylor Swift]]. Swift first became widely known in 2006 when her debut single, "[[Tim McGraw (song)|Tim McGraw]]", was released when Swift was only 16 years old. In 2006, Swift released her [[Taylor Swift (album)|self-titled debut studio album]], which spent 275 weeks on [[Billboard 200|''Billboard'' 200]], one of the longest runs of any album on that chart. In 2008, Taylor Swift released her second studio album, ''[[Fearless (Taylor Swift album)|Fearless]]'', which made her the second longest number-one charted on ''Billboard'' 200 and the second best-selling album (just behind [[Adele]]'s ''[[21 (Adele album)|21]]'') within the past 5 years. At the [[52nd Annual Grammy Awards|2010 Grammys]], Taylor Swift was 20 and won Album of the Year for ''Fearless'', which made her the youngest artist to win this award. Swift has received fourteen [[Grammy Award|Grammys]] already. Buoyed by her [[teen idol]] status among girls and a change in the methodology of compiling the ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]'' charts to favor pop-crossover songs, Swift's 2012 single "[[We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together]]" spent the most weeks at the top of Billboard's [[Billboard Hot 100|Hot 100]] chart and [[Hot Country Songs]] chart of any song in nearly five decades. The song's long run at the top of the chart was somewhat controversial, as the song is largely a pop song without much country influence and its success on the charts was driven by a change to the chart's criteria to include airplay on non-country radio stations, prompting disputes over what constitutes a country song; many of Swift's later releases, such as album ''[[1989 (Taylor Swift album)|1989]]'' (2014), ''[[Reputation (Taylor Swift album)|Reputation]]'' (2017), and ''[[Lover (album)|Lover]]'' (2019) were released solely to [[Pop music|pop]] audiences.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |url= |title=Are Taylor Swift and Country Splitting Up for Good? |first= Jem |last= Aswad |date= August 22, 2014 |magazine=Billboard|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |url=|title=Trace Taylor Swift's Country-to-Pop Transformation in 5 Song |first= Keith |last= Harris |date=September 9, 2014 |magazine=Rolling Stone|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Taylor Swift shakes off country with first pop album |first1=Patrick|last1=Ryan|first2=Brian|last2=Mansfield|work= USA TODAY |date= August 18, 2014 }}&lt;/ref> Swift returned to country music in her recent folk-inspired releases, ''[[Folklore (Taylor Swift album)|Folklore]]'' (2020) and ''[[Evermore (Taylor Swift album)|Evermore]]'' (2020), with songs like "[[Betty (Taylor Swift song)|Betty]]" and "[[No Body, No Crime]]". ==== Modern variations ==== ===== Influence of rock, pop and hip-hop ===== [[File:Brad Paisley performing at Caesars Windsor, 2022-05-29 02.jpg|thumb|With his distinctive voice, exceptional guitar skills, and witty songwriting, [[Brad Paisley]] became one of the most successful male artists.]] In the mid to late 2010s, country music began to increasingly sound more like the style of modern-day [[Pop music]],&lt;ref name=":0">{{Cite magazine|title=As Gen Z Matures, Country Music Moves Into a New Age With Huge Potential|url=|access-date=February 15, 2022|magazine=Billboard}}&lt;/ref> with more simple and repetitive lyrics, more electronic-based instrumentation, and experimentation with "talk-singing" and rap, pop-country pulled farther away from the traditional sounds of country music and received criticisms from country music purists while gaining in popularity with mainstream audiences.&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|last1=Moss|first1=Marissa R.|date=December 18, 2019|title=20 Country Songs by Women That Should Have Been Hits|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|magazine=Rolling Stone}}&lt;/ref> The topics addressed have also changed, turning controversial such as acceptance of the [[LGBT community]], safe sex, recreational marijuana use, and questioning religious sentiment.&lt;ref name=":1">{{Cite web|last=Nugent|first=Addison|title=The story of queer country music – and its message of hope|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=BBC}}&lt;/ref> Influences also come from some pop artists' interest in the country genre, including [[Justin Timberlake]] with the album ''[[Man of the Woods]],''&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|last1=Blistein|first1=Jon|date=January 16, 2018|title=Watch Justin Timberlake Tease New Album in Behind-the-Scenes Doc|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|magazine=Rolling Stone}}&lt;/ref> [[Beyoncé]]'s song "[[Daddy Lessons]]" from [[Lemonade (Beyoncé album)|''Lemonade'']],&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|title=Beyonce's 'Daddy Lessons': 10 Fun Facts|url=|access-date=February 15, 2022|magazine=Billboard}}&lt;/ref> [[Kelly Clarkson]],&lt;ref name=":2" /> [[Gwen Stefani]] with "[[Nobody but You (Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani song)|Nobody but You]]",&lt;ref>{{Cite web|date=October 20, 2020|first1=Billy |last1=Dukes|title=Watch: Gwen Stefani Turns 'Don't Speak,' 'Spiderwebs' Into Country Songs|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Taste of Country}}&lt;/ref> [[Bruno Mars]],&lt;ref>{{Cite web|last1=Willman|first1=Chris|date=August 26, 2017|title=How a Country Music Bassist Made 'Magic' With Bruno Mars and Nabbed Four VMA Nominations|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Variety}}&lt;/ref> [[Lady Gaga]],&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|last1=Spanos|first1=Brittany|date=October 18, 2016|title=Hear Lady Gaga's Catchy New Country-Pop Song 'A-Yo'|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|magazine=Rolling Stone}}&lt;/ref> [[Alicia Keys]],&lt;ref>{{Cite web|date=August 18, 2016|first1=Laura|last1=Hostelley|title=Maren Morris to Meet Alicia Keys at the 'Crossroads'|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Taste of Country}}&lt;/ref> and [[Pink (singer)|Pink]].&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|last1=Hudak|first1=Joseph|date=September 16, 2020|title=Keith Urban and Pink Duet on New 'One Too Many'|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|magazine=Rolling Stone}}&lt;/ref> The influence of [[rock music]] in country has become more overt during the late 2000s and early 2010s as artists like [[Eric Church]], [[Jason Aldean]], and [[Brantley Gilbert]] have had success; [[Aaron Lewis (musician)|Aaron Lewis]], former frontman for the rock group [[Staind]], had a moderately successful entry into country music in 2011 and 2012, as did [[Dallas Smith]], former frontman of the band [[Default (band)|Default]]. [[Maren Morris]] success collaboration "[[The Middle (Zedd, Maren Morris and Grey song)|The Middle]]" with [[Electronic music|EDM]] producer [[Zedd]] is considered one of the representations of the fusion of electro-pop with country music.&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|last1=McKenna|first1=Brittney|date=January 23, 2018|title=Hear Maren Morris Sing on Vibrant New Zedd Song 'The Middle'|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|magazine=Rolling Stone}}&lt;/ref> [[Lil Nas X]] song "[[Old Town Road]]" [[List of Billboard Hot 100 chart achievements and milestones|spent 19 weeks]] atop the US [[Billboard Hot 100|''Billboard'' Hot 100]] chart, becoming the longest-running number-one song since the chart debuted in 1958, winning [[Billboard Music Awards]], [[MTV Video Music Awards]] and Grammy Award.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|date=August 13, 2019|title=Lil Nas X hit 'Old Town Road' makes Billboard charts history|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Associated Press}}&lt;/ref> [[Sam Hunt]] "[[Leave the Night On]]" peaked concurrently on the Hot Country Songs and Country Airplay charts, making Hunt the first country artist in 22 years, since [[Billy Ray Cyrus]], to reach the top of three country charts simultaneously in the [[Nielsen SoundScan]]-era.&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|title=Sam Hunt Scores Country Charts Feat Last Achieved 22 Years Ago|url=|access-date=February 15, 2022|magazine=Billboard}}&lt;/ref> With the fusion genre of "country [[trap music|trap]]"—a fusion of country/western themes to a [[hip hop music|hip hop]] beat, but usually with fully sung lyrics—emerging in the late 2010s, line dancing country had a minor revival, examples of the phenomenon include "[[The Git Up]]" by [[Blanco Brown]].&lt;ref name="Chow 2019">{{cite magazine | last=Chow | first=Andrew R. | title=Blanco Brown Talks 'The Git Up' and the Fusion of Country and Rap | magazine=Time | date=July 27, 2019 | url= | access-date=December 11, 2022}}&lt;/ref> Blanco Brown has gone on to make more traditional country soul songs such as "I Need Love" and a rendition of "[[Don't Take the Girl]]" with [[Tim McGraw]], and collaborations like "[[Just the Way]]" with [[Parmalee]].&lt;ref name=" 2021">{{cite web | title=Industry Ink: Parmalee &amp; Blanco Brown, Visionary Media Group, PLA Media | | date=June 22, 2021 | url= | access-date=December 11, 2022}}&lt;/ref> Another country trap artist known as [[Breland (musician)|Breland]] has seen success with "[[My Truck]], "[[Throw It Back (Breland song)|Throw It Back]]" with [[Keith Urban]], and "[[Praise the Lord (Breland song)|Praise the Lord]]" featuring [[Thomas Rhett]].&lt;ref name="Zisman 2022">{{cite web | last=Zisman | first=Erica | title=Who Is Breland? The Story Behind His Journey to Country Music | website=CS | date=March 8, 2022 | url= | access-date=December 11, 2022}}&lt;/ref> [[Emo rap]] musician [[Sueco]], released a [[cowpunk]] song in collaboration is country musician [[Warren Zeiders]] titled "Ride It Hard".&lt;ref name=" 2022">{{cite web | title=DISClaimer Single Reviews: Jordan Davis Gives 'The Sound Of A Superstar In Training' | | date=November 17, 2022 | url= | access-date=December 11, 2022}}&lt;/ref> ====== Bro country ====== {{Main|Bro-country}} [[File:Florida Georgia Line Night Train Tour 2014.jpg|thumb|upright|[[Florida Georgia Line]] whose hit song "[[Cruise (song)|Cruise]]" drew attention to the [[bro-country]] genre]] In the early 2010s, "[[bro-country]]", a genre noted primarily for its themes on drinking and partying, girls, and pickup trucks became particularly popular.&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |url= |title=Taking Country Music back from the Bros |first=Ian |last=Crouch |magazine=The New Yorker |date=July 24, 2014 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Country Music and the Rise of the Binge-Drinking Bro |first=Patrick R. |last=Krill |work=HuffPost |date=August 21, 2014|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="kanuch">{{cite web |last1=Kanuch |first1=Nathan |title=Re-visiting Bro-Country |url= |website=[[Medium (website)|Medium]] |access-date=June 12, 2022 |date=March 5, 2018}}&lt;/ref> Notable artists associated with this genre are [[Luke Bryan]], [[Jason Aldean]], [[Blake Shelton]], [[Jake Owen]] and [[Florida Georgia Line]] whose song "[[Cruise (song)|Cruise]]" became the best-selling country song of all time.&lt;ref name="best-selling">{{cite news |url= |title=Florida Georgia Line's 'Cruise' Sets All-Time Country Sales Record |first= Wade |last= Jessen |date =January 6, 2014 |magazine=Billboard|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=COUNTRY TIMES: 'Bro-country' vs. traditional: Bring on the fight|first = David |last = Eldridge |work=The Washington Times |date= January 6, 2014 }}&lt;/ref> Research in the mid-2010s suggested that about 45 percent of country's best-selling songs could be considered bro-country, with the top two artists being Luke Bryan and Florida Georgia Line.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=February 27, 2015 |title=Bro Country Mashup Guy Confronts Radio Programmers: What Does the Future of Country Radio Hold?|first =Chris |last =Parton |date=February 26, 2015 |work=CMT}}&lt;/ref> Albums by bro-country singers also sold very well—in 2013, Luke Bryan's ''[[Crash My Party]]'' was the third best-selling of all albums in the United States, with Florida Georgia Line's ''[[Here's to the Good Times]]'' at sixth, and Blake Shelton's ''[[Based on a True Story...|Based on a True Story]]'' at ninth.&lt;ref name="fox">{{cite news |url= |title=Country music is not dead: Give bro' country a chance|first= Sasha |last= Bogursky |date= June 12, 2014 |work=Fox News|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref> It is also thought that the popularity of bro-country helped country music to surpass classic rock as the most popular genre in the American country in 2012.&lt;ref name="fox"/> The genre however is controversial as it has been criticized by other country musicians and commentators over its themes and depiction of women,&lt;ref name="smith">{{cite magazine|url=|title=How country music went crazy: A comprehensive timeline of the genre's identity crisis|last=Smith|first=Grady|date=October 1, 2013|magazine=Entertainment Weekly|access-date=February 15, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|last1=McCarthy|first1=Amy|title=Bro Country's Sexism Is Ruining Country Music|url=|website=Dallas Observer|access-date=February 15, 2022|date=June 18, 2014|archive-date=February 14, 2015|archive-url=}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Kenny Chesney Covers Billboard, Speaks Out on Country Songs That 'Objectify' Women|first= Sterling |last= Whitaker |work=Taste of Country|date=November 15, 2014 }}&lt;/ref> opening up a divide between the older generation of country singers and the younger bro country singers that was described as "civil war" by musicians, critics, and journalists."&lt;ref name=time>{{cite news |url= |title='Bro Country' Is Still Thriving, Even If Everyone Hates It |first=Adam|last=Carlson|date= October 14, 2014 |magazine=Time }}&lt;/ref> In 2014, [[Maddie &amp; Tae]]'s "[[Girl in a Country Song]]", addressing many of the controversial bro-country themes, peaked at number one on the ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]'' [[Country Airplay]] chart. ===== Bluegrass and Americana ===== {{unreferenced section|date=December 2020}} {{Main|Americana (music)|Bluegrass music}} [[File:Emmylou Harris 2008 The Woodland Park Zootunes.jpg|thumb|269x269px|[[Emmylou Harris]] in 2008]] Bluegrass is a genre that contain songs about going through hard times, country loving, and telling stories. Its history can be traced back to the 1600s. During this time, many people were coming to America from Ireland, Scotland and England.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=February 1, 2014 |title=Bluegrass, Roots, Americana, and Folk Music {{!}} San Diego Troubadour |url= |access-date=March 4, 2024 | |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> Those people brought the first version of Bluegrass to the Americas. After several years of bluegrass' development, Bill Monroe became the "father" of bluegrass.&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=Rosenberg |first=Neil V. |url= |title=Bluegrass music |date=2001 |publisher=Oxford University Press |series=Oxford Music Online|doi=10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.03309 }}&lt;/ref> Other sources argue that The Monroe Brothers were the first stars of bluegrass.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=June 7, 2021 |title=Bluegrass Music Guide |url= |access-date=March 4, 2024 |website=Masterclass}}&lt;/ref> Newer artists like [[Billy Strings]], [[the Grascals]], [[Molly Tuttle]], [[Tyler Childers]] and [[the Infamous Stringdusters]] have been increasing the popularity of this genre, alongside some of the genres more established stars who still remain popular including [[Rhonda Vincent]], [[Alison Krauss]] and [[Union Station (band)|Union Station]], [[Ricky Skaggs]] and [[Del McCoury]]. The genre has developed in the [[Northern Kentucky]] and [[Cincinnati]] area. Other artists include [[New South (band)]], [[Doc Watson]], [[Osborne Brothers]], and many others. In an effort to combat the over-reliance of mainstream country music on pop-infused artists, the sister genre of [[Americana (music)|Americana]] began to gain popularity and increase in prominence, receiving eight [[Grammy]] categories of its own in 2009. Though Americana music gained popularity in 2009, the first Americana singer was likely Hank Williams in the 1950s.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Chilton |first=Martin |date=May 2, 2023 |title=Americana: How Country And Roots Music Found A "Brand New Dance" |url= |access-date=March 4, 2024 |website=uDiscover Music |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> Americana music incorporates elements of country music, bluegrass, folk, blues, gospel, rhythm and blues, roots rock and southern soul and is overseen by the [[Americana Music Association]] and the [[Americana Music Honors &amp; Awards]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=About the Awards |url= |access-date=December 18, 2012 |archive-date=April 20, 2015 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> As a result of an increasingly pop-leaning mainstream, many more traditional-sounding artists such as [[Tyler Childers]], [[Zach Bryan]] and [[Old Crow Medicine Show]] began to associate themselves more with Americana and the [[alternative country]] scene where their sound was more celebrated. Similarly, many established country acts who no longer received commercial airplay, including [[Emmylou Harris]] and [[Lyle Lovett]], began to flourish again.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=| title=Lyle Lovett| access-date=June 4, 2019 |website=Grammys}}&lt;/ref> ===== Contemporary country and western revival ===== [[File:Kacey Musgraves 2019 by Glenn Francis.jpg|thumb|260x260px|[[Kacey Musgraves]] became one of the most controversial figures in contemporary country music.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|date=April 20, 2019|title=Kacey Musgraves: from liberal misfit to country's biggest star|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=The Guardian}}&lt;/ref>]] During the mid-1980s, a group of new artists began to emerge who rejected the more polished country-pop sound that had been prominent on radio and the charts, in favor of more, traditional, "back-to-basics" production. Many of the artists during the latter half of the 1980s drew on traditional honky-tonk, bluegrass, folk and western swing. Artists who typified this sound included [[Travis Tritt]], [[Reba McEntire]], [[George Strait]], [[Keith Whitley]], [[Alan Jackson]], [[John Anderson (musician)|John Anderson]], [[Patty Loveless]], [[Kathy Mattea]], [[Randy Travis]], [[Dwight Yoakam]], [[Clint Black]], [[Ricky Skaggs]], and [[the Judds]]. Beginning in 1989, a confluence of events brought an unprecedented commercial boom to country music. New marketing strategies were used to engage fans, powered by technology that more accurately tracked the popularity of country music, and boosted by a political and economic climate that focused attention on the genre. [[Garth Brooks]] ("Friends in Low Places") in particular attracted fans with his fusion of neotraditionalist country and [[arena rock|stadium rock]]. Other artists such as [[Brooks and Dunn]] ("Boot Scootin' Boogie") also combined conventional country with slick, rock elements, while [[Lorrie Morgan]], [[Mary Chapin Carpenter]], and [[Kathy Mattea]] updated neotraditionalist styles.&lt;ref name="Country Music">{{cite web|last1=Neal|first1=Jocelyn R.|title=Country Music|url=|website=Oxford music online}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Midland in concert - NYS Fair.jpg|thumb|left|[[Midland (band)|Midland]], one of the most popular neotraditional honky-tonk bands]] Roots of conservative country was Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA".&lt;ref name="Mendez 2020">{{cite web | last=Mendez | first=Katy | title=Lee Greenwood, 'God Bless the USA' singer, to perform at Trump rally in Central Texas | | date=October 15, 2020 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref> The [[September 11 attacks]] of 2001 and the economic recession helped move country music back into the spotlight. Many country artists, such as Alan Jackson with his ballad on terrorist attacks, "[[Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)]]", wrote songs that celebrated the military, highlighted the gospel, and emphasized home and family values over wealth. Alt-Country singer Ryan Adams song "[[New York, New York (Ryan Adams song)|New York, New York]]" pays tribute to New York City, and its popular music video (which was shot 4 days before the attacks) shows Adams playing in front of the Manhattan skyline, Along with several shots of the city. In contrast, more rock-oriented country singers took more direct aim at the attacks' perpetrators; Toby Keith's "[[Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)]]" threatened to "a boot in" the posterior of the enemy, while Charlie Daniels's "[[This Ain't No Rag, It's a Flag]]" promised to "hunt" the perpetrators "down like a mad dog hound." These songs gained such recognition that it put country music back into popular culture.&lt;ref>{{cite web|last1=Neal|first1=Jocelyn|title=Country Music|url=|website=Oxford Music Online|publisher=Oxford University Press|access-date=February 21, 2015}}&lt;/ref> Darryl Worley recorded "Have You Forgotten" also. There have been numerous patriotic country songs throughout the years.&lt;ref name="Country Thang Daily 2021">{{cite web | title=10 America Songs You Should Be Listening Right Now | website=Country Thang Daily | date=January 28, 2021 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Moore 2022">{{cite web | last=Moore | first=Bobby | title=20 Most Patriotic Country Songs | website=Wide Open Country | date=July 4, 2022 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref> Some modern artists that primarily or entirely produce [[country pop]] music include [[Kacey Musgraves]], [[Maren Morris]], [[Kelsea Ballerini]], [[Sam Hunt]], [[Kane Brown]], [[Chris Lane]], and [[Dan + Shay]].&lt;ref>{{Cite news|title=How The Sound Of Country Music Changed|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|newspaper=NPR|date=March 20, 2021|last=Hight|first=Jewly}}&lt;/ref> The singers who are part of this country movement are also defined as "Nashville's new generation of country".&lt;ref>{{Cite web|last=Hight|first=Jewly|date=August 9, 2018|title=In the Write: The Evolution of Country Music in Nashville|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Vulture}}&lt;/ref> Although the changes made by the new generation, it has been recognized by major music awards associations and successes in [[Billboard charts|Billboard]] and international charts. [[Golden Hour (Kacey Musgraves album)|''Golden Hour'']] by Kacey Musgraves won album of the year at [[61st Annual Grammy Awards]], [[Academy of Country Music Awards]], [[Country Music Association Awards]],&lt;ref>{{Cite web|last=Mercuri|first=Monica|title=Kacey Musgraves Reclaims Top Country Albums No. 1 Following Grammy Success|url=|access-date=April 21, 2021|website=Forbes}}&lt;/ref> although it has received criticism from some traditional country music fans.&lt;ref>{{Cite magazine|title=Kacey Musgraves' Golden Year: After dominating the year with her own brand of cosmic country, the singer looks ahead to 2019 and the Grammys|url=|magazine=[[Rolling Stone]]|date=December 21, 2018}}&lt;/ref> ==International== ===Australia=== {{Main|Australian country music}} [[File:Olivia Newton-John Sydney 2008.jpg|upright=0.7|thumb|left|[[Olivia Newton-John]] singing in [[Sydney]] in 2008]] [[Australian country music]] has a long tradition. Influenced by US country music, it has developed a distinct style, shaped by British and Irish folk ballads and Australian [[bush ballad]]eers like [[Henry Lawson]] and [[Banjo Paterson]]. Country instruments, including the guitar, [[banjo]], [[fiddle]] and harmonica, create the distinctive sound of country music in Australia and accompany songs with strong storyline and memorable chorus. Folk songs sung in Australia between the 1780s and 1920s, based around such themes as the struggle against government [[tyranny]], or the lives of [[bushranger]]s, [[swagmen]], [[Drover (Australian)|drovers]], [[Stockman (Australia)|stockmen]] and [[sheep shearer|shearers]], continue to influence the genre. This strain of Australian country, with lyrics focusing on Australian subjects, is generally known as "bush music" or "[[bush band]] music". "[[Waltzing Matilda]]", often regarded as Australia's unofficial [[national anthem]], is a quintessential Australian country song, influenced more by British and Irish folk ballads than by US country and western music. The lyrics were composed by the poet Banjo Paterson in 1895. Other popular songs from this tradition include "[[The Wild Colonial Boy]]", "[[Click Go the Shears]]", "The Queensland Drover" and "The Dying Stockman". Later themes which endure to the present include the experiences of war, of droughts and flooding rains, of [[Aboriginal Australians|Aboriginality]] and of the railways and trucking routes which link Australia's vast distances.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Bush songs and music – Australia's Culture Portal | |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=April 6, 2011 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Australian country music – Australia's Culture Portal | |date=November 24, 2006 |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=February 17, 2011 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:Kasey_Chambers_at_APRA_Music_Awards_2012_(cropped).jpg|thumb|upright|[[Kasey Chambers]] arguably one of the most successful Australian female country singers.]] Pioneers of a more Americanised popular country music in Australia included [[Tex Morton]] (known as "The Father of Australian Country Music") in the 1930s. Author Andrew Smith delivers a through research and engaged view of Tex Morton's life and his impact on the country music scene in Australia in the 1930s and 1940s. Other early stars included [[Buddy Williams (country musician)|Buddy Williams]], [[Shirley Thoms]] and [[Smoky Dawson]]. Buddy Williams (1918–1986) was the first Australian-born to record country music in Australia in the late 1930s and was the pioneer of a distinctly Australian style of country music called the bush ballad that others such as Slim Dusty would make popular in later years. During the Second World War, many of Buddy Williams recording sessions were done whilst on leave from the Army. At the end of the war, Williams would go on to operate some of the largest travelling tent rodeo shows Australia has ever seen. In 1952, Dawson began a radio show and went on to national stardom as a singing cowboy of radio, TV and film. [[Slim Dusty]] (1927–2003) was known as the "King of Australian Country Music" and helped to popularise the Australian [[bush ballad]]. His successful career spanned almost six decades, and his 1957 hit "[[A Pub with No Beer]]" was the biggest-selling record by an Australian to that time, and with over seven million record sales in Australia he is the most successful artist in Australian musical history.&lt;ref name="Guardian-obit">Dave" Laing, [ "Slim Dusty: Country singer famous for A Pub With No Beer"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=November 4, 2021 }}, ''The Guardian (UK)'', 20 September 2003&lt;/ref> Dusty recorded and released his one-hundredth album in the year 2000 and was given the honour of singing "[[Waltzing Matilda]]" in the closing ceremony of the [[2000 Summer Olympics|Sydney 2000 Olympic Games]]. Dusty's wife [[Joy McKean]] penned several of his most popular songs. [[Chad Morgan]], who began recording in the 1950s, has represented a [[vaudeville]] style of comic Australian country; [[Frank Ifield]] achieved considerable success in the early 1960s, especially in the UK Singles Charts and [[Reg Lindsay]] was one of the first Australians to perform at Nashville's [[Grand Ole Opry]] in 1974.&lt;ref>{{cite news|last=Duncan |first=Jamie |url= |title=Reg Lindsay, country great, takes final bow – Local News – News – General |newspaper=The Canberra Times |date=August 6, 2008 |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=August 7, 2008 }}&lt;/ref> [[Eric Bogle]]'s 1972 folk lament to the [[Gallipoli Campaign]] "[[And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda]]" recalled the British and Irish origins of Australian folk-country. Singer-songwriter [[Paul Kelly (Australian musician)|Paul Kelly]], whose music style straddles folk, rock and country, is often described as the [[poet laureate]] of Australian music.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Civics &amp;#124; Paul Kelly (1955–) | |access-date=February 1, 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=June 2, 2011 |url-status=dead |date=June 14, 2005 }}&lt;/ref> [[File:Keith Urban in PoAH (cropped).JPG|thumb|upright|[[Keith Urban]] in 2007]] By the 1990s, country music had attained crossover success in the pop charts, with artists like [[James Blundell (singer)|James Blundell]] and [[James Reyne]] singing "[[The Dingoes|Way Out West]]", and country star [[Kasey Chambers]] winning the [[ARIA Award for Best Female Artist]] in three years (2000, 2002 and 2004), tying with pop stars [[Wendy Matthews]] and [[Sia]] for the most wins in that category. Furthermore, Chambers has gone on to win nine [[ARIA Award for Best Country Album|ARIA Awards for Best Country Album]] and, in 2018, became the youngest artist to ever be inducted into the [[ARIA Hall of Fame]]. The crossover influence of Australian country is also evident in the music of successful contemporary bands [[the Waifs]] and the [[John Butler Trio]]. [[Nick Cave]] has been heavily influenced by the country artist [[Johnny Cash]]. In 2000, Cash, covered Cave's "[[The Mercy Seat (song)|The Mercy Seat]]" on the album ''[[American III: Solitary Man]]'', seemingly repaying Cave for the compliment he paid by covering Cash's "The Singer" (originally "[[The Folk Singer]]") on his ''[[Kicking Against the Pricks]]'' album. Subsequently, Cave cut a duet with Cash on a version of [[Hank Williams]]' "[[I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry]]" for Cash's ''[[American IV: The Man Comes Around]]'' album (2002).&lt;ref>{{cite news| first=Nick | last=Cave |url= |title=Nick Cave on Johnny Cash &amp;#124; Music |newspaper=The Guardian |date= September 13, 2003|access-date=February 1, 2011 |location=London}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Sara_Storer.png|left|thumb|upright|[[Sara Storer]] celebrated for her heartfelt songwriting and authentic storytelling.]] Popular contemporary performers of Australian country music include [[John Williamson (singer)|John Williamson]] (who wrote the iconic "[[True Blue (John Williamson song)|True Blue]]"), [[Lee Kernaghan]] (whose hits include "Boys from the Bush" and "[[The Outback Club]]"), [[Gina Jeffreys]], Forever Road and [[Sara Storer]]. In the U.S., [[Olivia Newton-John]], [[Sherrié Austin]] and [[Keith Urban]] have attained great success. During her time as a country singer in the 1970s, Newton-John became the first (and to date only) non-US winner of the [[Country Music Association Award for Female Vocalist of the Year]] which many considered a controversial decision by the CMA; after starring in the rock-and-roll musical film ''[[Grease (film)|Grease]]'' in 1978, Newton-John (mirroring the character she played in the film) shifted to pop music in the 1980s. Urban is arguably considered the most successful international Australian country star, winning nine CMA Awards, including three [[Country Music Association Award for Male Vocalist of the Year|Male Vocalist of the Year]] wins and two wins of the CMA's top honour [[Country Music Association Award for Entertainer of the Year|Entertainer of the Year]]. Pop star [[Kylie Minogue]] found success with her 2018 country pop album ''[[Golden (Kylie Minogue album)|Golden]]'' which she recorded in Nashville reaching number one in Scotland, the UK and her native Australia. Country music has been a particularly popular form of musical expression among [[Indigenous Australians]]. [[Troy Cassar-Daley]] is among Australia's successful contemporary indigenous performers, and [[Kev Carmody]] and [[Archie Roach]] employ a combination of folk-rock and country music to sing about Aboriginal rights issues.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Australian folk music – Australia's Culture Portal | |access-date=February 1, 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=February 17, 2011 }}&lt;/ref> The [[Tamworth Country Music Festival]] began in 1973 and now attracts up to 100,000 visitors annually. Held in [[Tamworth, New South Wales]] (country music capital of Australia), it celebrates the culture and heritage of Australian country music. During the festival the [[Country Music Association of Australia|CMAA]] holds the [[Country Music Awards of Australia]] ceremony awarding the [[Golden Guitar]] trophies. Other significant country music festivals include the Whittlesea Country Music Festival (near [[Melbourne]]) and the [[Mildura Country Music Festival]] for "independent" performers during October, and the [[Canberra Country Music Festival]] held in the national capital during November. ''Country HQ'' showcases new talent on the rise in the country music scene [[down under]]. CMC (the [[Country Music Channel]]), a 24‑hour music channel dedicated to non-stop country music, can be viewed on [[pay TV]] and features once a year the Golden Guitar Awards, CMAs and CCMAs alongside international shows such as ''The Wilkinsons'', ''The Road Hammers'', and ''Country Music Across America''. ===Canada=== {{Main|Canadian country music|Canadian Country Music Association|Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame}} [[File:ShaniaTwainJunoAwardsMar2011.jpg|thumb|upright|Shania Twain in 2011]] Outside of the United States, Canada has the largest country music fan and artist base, something that is to be expected given the two countries' proximity and cultural parallels. Mainstream country music is culturally ingrained in the [[Canadian Prairies|prairie provinces]], the [[British Columbia Interior]], Northern Ontario, and in [[Atlantic Canada]].&lt;ref name="book">{{cite book |last=Wolfe |first=Charles K. |author2=James Edward Akenson |title=The Women of Country Music |year=2003 |publisher=University Press of Kentucky |pages=162=163}}&lt;/ref> [[Celtic music|Celtic traditional music]] developed in Atlantic Canada in the form of Scottish, Acadian and Irish folk music popular amongst Irish, French and Scottish immigrants to Canada's Atlantic Provinces ([[Newfoundland and Labrador|Newfoundland]], [[Nova Scotia]], [[New Brunswick]], and [[Prince Edward Island]]).&lt;ref name="book"/> Like the southern United States and [[Appalachia]], all four regions are of heavy [[British Isles]] stock and rural; as such, the development of traditional music in the Maritimes somewhat mirrored the development of country music in the US South and Appalachia. Country and western music never really developed separately in Canada; however, after its introduction to Canada, following the spread of radio, it developed quite quickly out of the Atlantic Canadian traditional scene. While true Atlantic Canadian traditional music is very Celtic or "[[sea shanty]]" in nature, even today, the lines have often been blurred. Certain areas often are viewed as embracing one strain or the other more openly. For example, in Newfoundland the traditional music remains unique and [[Music of Ireland|Irish]] in nature, whereas traditional musicians in other parts of the region may play both genres interchangeably. [[File:Terri_Clark_on_CP_Holiday_Train_2017-12-09.jpg|thumb|left|[[Terri Clark]]]] ''[[Don Messer's Jubilee]]'' was a [[Halifax Regional Municipality|Halifax, Nova Scotia]]-based country/folk variety television show that was broadcast nationally from 1957 to 1969. In Canada it out-performed ''[[The Ed Sullivan Show]]'' broadcast from the United States and became the top-rated television show throughout much of the 1960s. ''Don Messer's Jubilee'' followed a consistent format throughout its years, beginning with a tune named "Goin' to the Barndance Tonight", followed by fiddle tunes by Messer, songs from some of his "Islanders" including singers [[Marg Osburne]] and [[Charlie Chamberlain]], the featured guest performance, and a closing hymn. It ended with "[[Till We Meet Again (1918 song)|Till We Meet Again]]". The guest performance slot gave national exposure to numerous Canadian folk musicians, including [[Stompin' Tom Connors]] and [[Catherine McKinnon]]. Some Maritime country performers went on to further fame beyond Canada. [[Hank Snow]], [[Wilf Carter (musician)|Wilf Carter]] (also known as Montana Slim), and [[Anne Murray]] are the three most notable. The cancellation of the show by the public broadcaster in 1969 caused a nationwide protest, including the raising of questions in the Parliament of Canada. The Prairie provinces, due to their western cowboy and agrarian nature, are the true heartland of Canadian country music.&lt;ref name="book"/> While the Prairies never developed a traditional music culture anything like the Maritimes, the folk music of the Prairies often reflected the cultural origins of the settlers, who were a mix of [[Scottish Canadian|Scottish]], [[Ukrainian Canadian|Ukrainian]], [[Canadians of German ethnicity|German]] and others. For these reasons [[polka]]s and western music were always popular in the region, and with the introduction of the radio, mainstream country music flourished. As the culture of the region is western and frontier in nature, the specific genre of country and western is more popular today in the Prairies than in any other part of the country. No other area of the country embraces all aspects of the culture, from two-step dancing, to the cowboy dress, to rodeos, to the music itself, like the Prairies do. The Atlantic Provinces, on the other hand, produce far more traditional musicians, but they are not usually specifically country in nature, usually bordering more on the [[Folk music|folk]] or [[Celtic music|Celtic]] genres.&lt;ref name="book"/> Canadian country pop star [[Shania Twain]] is the best-selling female country artist of all time and one of the [[List of best-selling music artists|best-selling artists of all time]] in any genre.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Shania Twain joins 'The Voice' as key adviser|work=[[United Press International]]|first=Annie|last=Martin|date=April 14, 2017|access-date=August 18, 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=August 18, 2017|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|last=Gordinier|first=Jeff|url=|title=Shania Twain Does Not Believe in Tears|magazine=[[Entertainment Weekly]]|date=November 8, 2002|access-date=March 4, 2011|archive-url=,,386430,00.html|archive-date=September 25, 2011|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Furthermore, she is the only woman to have three consecutive albums be certified [[RIAA certification|Diamond]]. ===Mexico and Latin America=== [[File:Lorenzo-Antonio-Performing-2016.jpg|thumb|right|upright|[[Lorenzo Antonio]]]] Country music artists from the U.S. have seen crossover with Latin American audiences, particularly in [[Mexico]]. Country music artists from throughout the U.S. have recorded renditions of Mexican folk songs, including "[[El Rey (song)|El Rey]]" which was performed on [[George Strait]]'s ''[[Twang (album)|Twang]]'' album and during [[Al Hurricane]]'s [[A Tribute to Al Hurricane|tribute concert]]. American [[Latin pop]] crossover musicians, like [[Lorenzo Antonio]]'s "Ranchera Jam" have also combined Mexican songs with country songs in a [[New Mexico music]] style.{{citation needed|date=April 2023}} While Tejano and New Mexico music is typically thought of as being Spanish language, the genres have also had charting musicians focused on English language music.&lt;ref name="Escamilla 2022">{{cite web | last=Escamilla | first=Maria | title=Tejano And Country Music: Six Key Figures | website=Yahoo | date=October 7, 2022 | url= | access-date=January 7, 2023 | archive-date=October 24, 2022 | archive-url= | url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> During the 1970s, singer-songwriter [[Freddy Fender]] had two #1 country music singles, that were popular throughout [[North America]], with "[[Before the Next Teardrop Falls (song)|Before the Next Teardrop Falls]]" and "[[Wasted Days and Wasted Nights]]".&lt;ref name="Lamitschka 2021">{{cite web | last=Lamitschka | first=Christian | title=Freddy Fender. 15 Years Gone But Never Forgotten. | website=Country Music News International | date=October 23, 2021 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref> Notable songs which have been influenced by Hispanic and Latin culture as performed by US country music artists include [[Marty Robbins]]' "[[El Paso (song)|El Paso]]" trilogy, [[Willie Nelson]] and [[Merle Haggard]] covering the [[Townes Van Zandt]] song "[[Pancho and Lefty]]", "[[Toes (Zac Brown Band song)|Toes]]" by [[Zac Brown Band]], and "[[Sangria (song)|Sangria]]" by [[Blake Shelton]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-05-26 |title=Marty Robbins, ‘El Paso’ |url= |access-date=2024-11-14 |website=Rolling Stone Australia |language=en-AU}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Patricia_Vonne_-_Hamburg_Harley_Days_2017_06_(cropped).jpg|thumb|left|[[Patricia Vonne]]]] [[Regional Mexican]] is a radio format featuring many of [[Mexico]]'s versions of country music. It includes a number of different styles, usually named after their region of origin. One specific song style, the [[Ranchera|Canción Ranchera]], or simply Ranchera, literally meaning "[[ranch]] song", found its origins in the Mexican countryside and was first popularized with [[Mariachi]]. It has since also become popular with [[Grupera|Grupero]], [[Banda music|Banda]], [[Norteño (music)|Norteño]], [[Tierra Caliente music|Tierra Caliente]], [[Duranguense]] and other regional Mexican styles. The [[Corrido]], a different song style with a similar history, is also performed in many other regional styles, and is most related to the [[Western music (North America)|western]] style of the United States and Canada. Other song styles performed in regional Mexican music include [[Sentimental ballad|Ballad]]s, [[Cumbia]]s, [[Boleros]], among others. Country en Español (Country in Spanish) is also popular in Mexico. Some Mexican artists began performing country songs in Spanish during the 1970s, and the genre became prominent mainly in the northern regions of the country during the 1980s. A Country en Español popularity boom also reached the central regions of Mexico during the 1990s. For most of its history, Country en Español mainly resembled [[Neotraditional country]]. However, in more modern times, some artists have incorporated influences from other country music subgenres. In [[Argentina]], on the last weekend of September, the yearly San Pedro Country Music Festival&lt;ref>{{cite web| url= | |access-date=February 1, 2011}}&lt;/ref>{{Better source needed|date=February 2022}} takes place in the town of [[San Pedro, Buenos Aires]]. The festival features bands from different places in [[Argentina]], as well as international artists from Brazil, [[Uruguay]], [[Chile]], [[Peru]] and the U.S. ===United Kingdom=== [[File:Bonnie woman1 (cropped).JPG|thumb|left|upright|Before pop stardom, [[Bonnie Tyler]] had a country hit with "[[It's a Heartache]]"]] Country music is popular in the United Kingdom, although somewhat less so than in other English-speaking countries. There are some British country music acts and publications. Although radio stations devoted to country are among the most popular in other Anglophone nations, none of the top ten [[List of most-listened-to radio programs|most-listened-to stations in the UK]] are country stations, and national broadcaster [[BBC Radio]] does not offer a full-time country station ([[BBC Radio 2 Country]], a "pop-up" station, operated four days each year between 2015 and 2017). The BBC does offer a country show on [[BBC Radio 2]] each week hosted by [[Bob Harris (radio)|Bob Harris]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |publisher=Rajar |title=Quarterly Listening }}&lt;/ref> The most successful British country music act of the 21st century are [[Ward Thomas (band)|Ward Thomas]] and [[The Shires (duo)|the Shires]]. In 2015, the Shires' album ''[[Brave (The Shires album)|Brave]]'', became the first UK country act ever to chart in the Top 10 of the [[UK Albums Chart]] and they became the first UK country act to receive an award from the American [[Country Music Association]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Shires become first UK country act to reach Albums Chart Top 10|last=Stassen|first=Murray|date=March 9, 2015|work=[[Music Week]]|access-date=March 9, 2015}}&lt;/ref> In 2016, [[Ward Thomas (band)|Ward Thomas]] then became the first UK country act to hit number 1 in the [[UK Albums Chart]] with their album [[Cartwheels (Ward Thomas album)|''Cartwheels'']].&lt;ref>{{cite magazine|url=|title=Ward Thomas Is First Homegrown Country Act to Score No. 1 Album on U.K. Charts|magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|last=Sexton|first=Paul|date=September 9, 2016|access-date=May 24, 2023}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Cowboy humpy 10-31-2008.JPG|thumb|right|[[Engelbert Humperdinck (singer)|Engelbert Humperdinck]] had hits with country songs]] There is the [[C2C: Country to Country]] festival held every year, and for many years there was a festival at [[Wembley Arena]], which was broadcast on the [[BBC]], the International Festivals of Country Music, promoted by [[Mervyn Conn]], held at the venue between 1969 and 1991. The shows were later taken into Europe, and featured such stars as [[Johnny Cash]], [[Dolly Parton]], [[Tammy Wynette]], [[David Allan Coe]], [[Emmylou Harris]], [[Boxcar Willie]], [[Johnny Russell (singer)|Johnny Russell]] and [[Jerry Lee Lewis]]. A handful of country musicians had even greater success in mainstream British music than they did in the U.S., despite a certain amount of disdain from the music press. Britain's largest music festival [[Glastonbury Festival|Glastonbury]] has featured major US country acts in recent years, such as [[Kenny Rogers]] in 2013 and Dolly Parton in 2014.&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=Why Britain is taking country music to its achy-breaky heart |url= |access-date=May 24, 2023 |work=The Guardian}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Nathan_Carter._Royal_Concert_Hall._Glasgow.JPG|thumb|left|upright|[[Nathan Carter]] a British-born Irish country music singer based in the UK and Ireland.]] From within the UK, few country musicians achieved widespread mainstream success. Many British singers who performed the occasional country songs are of other genres. [[Tom Jones (singer)|Tom Jones]], by this point near the end of his peak success as a pop singer, had a string of country hits in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The [[Bee Gees]] had some fleeting success in the genre, with one country hit as artists ("[[Rest Your Love on Me]]") and a major hit as songwriters ("[[Islands in the Stream (song)|Islands in the Stream]]"); [[Barry Gibb]], the band's usual lead singer and last surviving member, acknowledged that country music was a major influence on the band's style.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url= |title=The Bee Gees' Barry Gibb: "Country Music Always Inspired Us" |date=November 4, 2013 |work=Country Weekly |archive-url= |archive-date=March 4, 2016}}&lt;/ref> Singer [[Engelbert Humperdinck (singer)|Engelbert Humperdinck]], while charting only once in the U.S. country top 40 with "[[After the Lovin']]", achieved widespread success on both the U.S. and British pop charts with his covers of Nashville country ballads such as "[[Release Me (1949 song)|Release Me]]", "[[Am I That Easy to Forget]]" and "[[There Goes My Everything (song)|There Goes My Everything]]". Welsh singer [[Bonnie Tyler]] initially started her career making country records, and in 1978 her single "[[It's a Heartache]]" reached number four on the [[UK Singles Chart]]. In 2013, Tyler returned to her roots, blending the country elements of her early work with the rock of her successful material on her album ''[[Rocks and Honey]]'' which featured a duet with [[Vince Gill]]. The songwriting tandem of [[Roger Cook (songwriter)|Roger Cook]] and [[Roger Greenaway]] wrote a number of country hits, in addition to their widespread success in pop songwriting; Cook is notable for being the only Briton to be inducted into the [[Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame]]. A niche country subgenre popular in the [[West Country]] is [[Scrumpy and Western]], which consists mostly of [[novelty song]]s and [[comedy music]] recorded there (its name comes from [[scrumpy]], an alcoholic beverage). A primarily local interest, the largest Scrumpy and Western hit in the UK and Ireland was "[[The Combine Harvester]]", which pioneered the genre and reached number one in both the UK and Ireland; [[Fred Wedlock]] had a number-six hit in 1981 with "The Oldest Swinger in Town". In 1975, comedian [[Billy Connolly]] topped the UK Singles Chart with "[[D.I.V.O.R.C.E.]]", a parody of the [[Tammy Wynette]] song "[[D-I-V-O-R-C-E]]".&lt;ref>{{cite book| first= David| last= Roberts| year= 2006| title= [[British Hit Singles &amp; Albums]]| edition= 19th| publisher= Guinness World Records Limited | location= London| isbn= 1-904994-10-5| page= 320}}&lt;/ref> [ The British Country Music Festival] is an annual three-day festival held in the seaside resort of [[Blackpool]]. It uniquely promotes artists from the United Kingdom and Ireland to celebrate the impact that Celtic and British settlers to America had on the origins of country music. Past headline artists have included [[Amy Wadge]], [[Ward Thomas (band)|Ward Thomas]], [[Tom Odell]], [[Nathan Carter]], [[Lisa McHugh]], [[Catherine McGrath]], [[Wildwood Kin]], The Wandering Hearts and [[Henry Priestman]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Live Review: The British Country Music Festival – |date=September 13, 2022 |url= |access-date=September 19, 2022 |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> ===Ireland=== {{main|Country and Irish}} [[File:Catherine_McGrath_(52338298859).jpg|thumb|right|200px|[[Catherine McGrath]]]] In [[Ireland]], [[Country and Irish]] is a music genre that combines traditional [[Irish folk music]] with US country music. Television channel [[TG4]] began a quest for Ireland's next country star called ''[[Glór Tíre]]'', translated as "Country Voice". It is now in its sixth season and is one of TG4's most-watched TV shows. Over the past ten years, country and gospel recording artist [[James Kilbane]] has reached multi-platinum success with his mix of [[contemporary Christian music|Christian]] and traditional country influenced albums. James Kilbane like many other Irish artists is today working closer with Nashville. [[Daniel O'Donnell]] achieved international success with his brand of music crossing country, Irish folk and [[schlager music|European easy listening]], earning a strong following among older women&lt;ref>{{cite news|url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=August 2, 2012 |title=Daniel is 'shite', Geldof has no talent, says Louis Walsh – National News | |date=August 27, 2006 |access-date=April 18, 2012 }}&lt;/ref> both in the British Isles and in North America. A recent success in the Irish arena has been [[Crystal Swing]]. ===Japan and Asia=== [[File:ClaraChung.jpg|thumb|left|200px|[[Clara Chung]]]] In [[Japan]], country and western music first developed a following before World War II, but many Japanese became exposed to it after the war due to the [[Far East Network]].&lt;ref name="Kitazawa 2019">{{cite web | last=Kitazawa | first=Yosuke | title=Y'All Come: Japan's Country Music Scene | website=PBS SoCal | date=September 11, 2019 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="AFAR Media 2020">{{cite web | title=Honky-Tonk Tokyo | website=AFAR Media | date=July 7, 2020 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref> One of the first Japanese western acts was Biji Kuroda &amp; The Chuck Wagon Boys, other vintage artists include Jimmie Tokita and His Mountain Playboys, The Blue Rangers, Wagon Aces, and [[Tomi Fujiyama]].&lt;ref name="Kitazawa 2019"/> While the majority of these musicians sung in English, a few of them sang in the Japanese language, such as Fujiyama and Kazuya Kosaka.&lt;ref name="Kitazawa 2019"/> The genre continues to have a dedicated following in Japan, thanks to Charlie Nagatani, Katsuoshi Suga, J.T. Kanehira, Dicky Kitano, and Manami Sekiya.&lt;ref name="Kitazawa 2019"/> Country and western venues in Japan include the former annual Country Gold which were put together by Charlie Nagatani, and the modern honky tonks at [[Little Texas (Tokyo restaurant)|Little Texas]] in Tokyo and Armadillo in [[Nagoya]].&lt;ref name="Nerozzi 2020">{{cite web | last=Nerozzi | first=Timothy | title=Clocking up the years with Charlie Nagatani, Japan's country king | website=The Japan Times | date=January 16, 2020 | url= | access-date=October 14, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="KPRC 2021">{{cite web | title=See inside the Little Texas Bar and Grille in Tokyo | website=KPRC | date=August 8, 2021 | url= | access-date=October 14, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="赤坂カントリーミュージック ライブハウス">{{cite web | title=赤坂カントリーミュージック ライブハウス | website=赤坂カントリーミュージック ライブハウス | url= | language=ja | access-date=October 14, 2022}}&lt;/ref> In [[India]], there is an annual concert festival called "Blazing Guitars"&lt;ref>{{cite news|url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=July 7, 2011 |title=Country Roads |newspaper=The Hindu |access-date=July 19, 2011 }}&lt;/ref> held in [[Chennai]] brings together Anglo-Indian musicians from all over the country (including some who have emigrated to places like Australia). The year 2003 brought home-grown Indian, [[Bobby Cash (singer)|Bobby Cash]] to the forefront of the country music culture in India when he became India's first international country music artist to chart singles in Australia. In the [[Philippines]], country music has found their way into Cordilleran way of life, which often compares the [[Igorot]] lifestyle to that of US cowboys. The Philippines was once a US Commonwealth from 1900 to 1946, and country music began to be exported to the islands in the early 20th centurty. [[Baguio]] City has an FM station that caters to country music, [[DZWR]] 99.9 Country, which is part of the [[Catholic Media Network]]. Bombo Radyo Baguio has a segment on its Sunday slot for Igorot, Ilocano and country music. And as of recently, [[DWUB]] occasionally plays country music. Many country music musicians tour the [[Philippines]]. [[Original Pinoy Music]] has influences from country. ===Other international country music=== [[File:Jill_Johnson2.jpg|thumb|right|Swedish singer [[Jill Johnson]]]] Tom Roland, from the [[Country Music Association]] International, explains country music's global popularity: "In this respect, at least, Country Music listeners around the globe have something in common with those in the United States. In Germany, for instance, Rohrbach identifies three general groups that gravitate to the genre: people intrigued with the US cowboy icon, middle-aged fans who seek an alternative to harder rock music and younger listeners drawn to the pop-influenced sound that underscores many current Country hits."&lt;ref name=int/> One of the first US people to perform country music abroad was [[George Hamilton IV]]. He was the first country musician to perform in the [[Soviet Union]]; he also toured in Australia and the Middle East. He was deemed the "International Ambassador of Country Music" for his contributions to the [[globalization]] of country music.&lt;ref>[] {{webarchive |url= |date=July 29, 2013 }} "Country Music Figures Donate Papers, Give Concert"&lt;/ref> Johnny Cash, Emmylou Harris, Keith Urban, and Dwight Yoakam have also made numerous international tours.&lt;ref name="int">{{Cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead||archive-date=September 23, 2010}}&lt;/ref> The [[Country Music Association]] undertakes various initiatives to promote country music internationally.&lt;ref name=int/> ====Middle East==== In [[Iran]], country music has appeared in recent years. According to ''Melody Music Magazine'', the pioneer of country music in Iran is the English-speaking country music band [[Dream Rovers]], whose founder, singer and songwriter is Erfan Rezayatbakhsh (elf).&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=گزارشی از فعالیت‌های جدید گروه موسیقی کنتریِ "دریم رووِرز" مجله موسیقی ملودی|access-date=August 14, 2012|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=July 28, 2012}}&lt;/ref> The band was formed in 2007 in [[Tehran]],&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Dream Rovers – Biography |access-date=August 14, 2012}}&lt;/ref> and during this time they have been trying to introduce and popularize country music in Iran by releasing two studio albums&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=آلبوم فلاش‌بک از گروه موسیقی دریم روورز مجله موسیقی ملودی|access-date=August 14, 2012|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=October 31, 2012}}&lt;/ref> and performing live at concerts, despite the difficulties that the Islamic regime in Iran makes for bands that are active in the western music field.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=رؤیانوردان تهران جدید آنلاین |access-date=August 14, 2012}}&lt;/ref> Musician [[Toby Keith]] performed alongside Saudi Arabian folk musician [[Rabeh Sager]] in 2017.&lt;ref name=" 2017">{{cite web | title=How Did Toby Keith Get To Do A Concert In Saudi Arabia? | website=NPR | date=May 22, 2017 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="France-Presse 2017">{{cite web | agency=Agence France-Presse | title=Women and whisky: country star Toby Keith to sing during Trump Saudi Arabia visit | website=the Guardian | date=May 19, 2017 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref> This concert was similar to the performances of [[Jazz ambassadors]] that performed distinctively American style music internationally.&lt;ref name="Plis 2017">{{cite web | last=Plis | first=Ivan | title=Sending Toby Keith to Saudi Arabia Is a Genius Move | website=The National Interest | date=May 18, 2017 | url= | access-date=October 13, 2022}}&lt;/ref> ====Continental Europe==== {{Unreferenced section|date=April 2019}} [[File:Vanha-Isanta-1974-a.jpg|thumb|Vanha Isäntä, a [[Finland|Finnish]] country rock band, performing at the [[Helsinki Festival]]'s open-air concert in [[Kaivopuisto]] in 1974. Seppo Sillanpää (violin) on the left and Olli Haavisto (guitar) on the right.]] In [[Sweden]], [[Rednex]] rose to stardom combining country music with [[synthpop|electro-pop]] in the 1990s. In 1994, the group had a worldwide hit with their version of the traditional Southern tune "[[Cotton-Eyed Joe]]". Artists popularizing more traditional country music in Sweden have been [[Ann-Louise Hanson]], [[Hasse Andersson]], [[Kikki Danielsson]], [[Elisabeth Andreassen]] and [[Jill Johnson]]. In [[Poland]] an international country music festival, known as [[Piknik Country]], has been organised in [[Mrągowo]] in [[Masuria]] since 1983. The number of country music artists in France has increased. Some of the most important{{according to whom|date=July 2022}} are [[Liane Edwards]], Annabel, Rockie Mountains, Tahiana, and Lili West. French [[rock and roll]] singer [[Eddy Mitchell]] is also inspired by [[Americana (music)|Americana]] and country music. In the [[Netherlands]] there are many artists producing popular country and Americana music, which is mostly in the English language, as well as Dutch country and country-like music in the Dutch language. The latter is mainly popular on the countrysides in the northern and eastern parts of the Netherlands and is less associated with its US brethren, although it sounds sometimes very similar. Well-known popular artists mainly performing in English are [[Waylon (singer)|Waylon]], [[Danny Vera (singer)|Danny Vera]], [[Ilse DeLange]], [[Douwe Bob]] and [[Henk Wijngaard]]. [[Norway]] had a significant country scene from the late 1970s&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|language=nn|title=Country-musikken har gjort ei klassereise i Noreg|date=November 19, 2023|access-date=December 28, 2023|publisher=[[]]}}&lt;/ref> to the late 2000s, with bands and artists including [[Hellbillies]], [[Bjøro Håland]], [[Terje Tysland]], [[Vassendgutane]], [[Øystein Sunde]], and Rotlaus. The scene and its concerts were considered mostly a rural scene, such that most bands sang in dialects, but occasional songs made it to national fame even in the larger cities.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Hellbillies|language=nb|date=June 10, 2008|access-date=December 28, 2023|publisher=[[NRK]]}}&lt;/ref> The songs occasionally used inspirations from [[rock music]], [[Norwegian folk music]], and [[polka]], but remained recognisable as country music. ==Performers and shows== {{Main|List of country music performers|List of country performers by era|List of country television and radio shows}} ===US cable television=== Several US television networks are at least partly devoted to the genre: [[CMT (American TV channel)|Country Music Television]] (CMT) (the first channel devoted to country music) and [[CMT Music]] (both owned by [[Paramount Global]]), [[RFD-TV]] and [[The Cowboy Channel]] (both owned by Rural Media Group), [[Heartland (TV network)|Heartland]] (owned by [[Get After It Media]]), [[Circle Country]] (a joint venture of the ''Grand Ole Opry'' and [[Gray Television]]), [[The Country Network]] (owned by TCN Country, LLC), and Country Music Channel (the country-oriented sister channel of [[California Music Channel]]). [[The Nashville Network]] (TNN) was launched in 1983 as a channel devoted to country music, and later added sports and outdoor lifestyle programming. It actually launched just two days after CMT. In 2000, after TNN and CMT fell under the same corporate ownership, TNN was stripped of its country format and rebranded as ''The National Network'', then ''Spike TV'' in 2003, ''Spike'' in 2006, and finally [[Paramount Network]] in 2018. TNN was later revived from 2012 to 2013 after [[Jim Owens Entertainment]] (the company responsible for prominent TNN hosts [[Crook &amp; Chase]]) acquired the trademark and licensed it to [[Get After It Media|Luken Communications]]; that channel renamed itself Heartland after Luken was embroiled in an unrelated dispute that left the company bankrupt. [[Great American Family|Great American Country]] (GAC) was launched in 1995, also as a country music-oriented channel that would later add lifestyle programming pertaining to the American Heartland and South. In Spring 2021, GAC's then-owner, [[Discovery, Inc.]] divested the network to [[Great American Media|GAC Media]], which also acquired the equestrian network [[Great American Living|Ride TV]]. Later, in the summer of that year, GAC Media relaunched Great American Country as GAC Family, a family-oriented general entertainment network, while Ride TV was relaunched as GAC Living, a network devoted to programming pertaining to lifestyles of the American South. The GAC acronym which once stood for "Great American Country" now stands for "Great American Channels". ===Canadian television=== {{Unreferenced section|date=April 2019}} Only one television channel was dedicated to country music in Canada: [[CMT (Canadian TV channel)|CMT]] owned by [[Corus Entertainment]] (90%) and Viacom (10%). However, the lifting of strict genre licensing restrictions saw the network remove the last of its music programming at the end of August 2017 for a schedule of generic off-network family sitcoms, [[Canadian content|Cancom]]-compliant lifestyle programming, and reality programming. In the past, the current-day [[Cottage Life (TV channel)|Cottage Life]] network saw some country focus as Country Canada and later, CBC Country Canada before that network drifted into an alternate network for overflow CBC content as Bold. [[Stingray Music]] continues to maintain several country music audio-only channels on [[cable radio]]. In the past, country music had an extensive presence, especially on the Canadian national broadcaster, [[CBC Television]]. The show ''[[Don Messer's Jubilee]]'' significantly affected country music in Canada; for instance, it was the program that launched [[Anne Murray]]'s career. [[Gordie Tapp]]'s ''[[Country Hoedown]]'' and its successor, ''[[The Tommy Hunter Show]]'', ran for a combined 36 years on the CBC, from 1956 to 1992; in its last nine years on air, the U.S. cable network TNN carried Hunter's show. ===Australian cable television=== The only network dedicated to country music in Australia was the [[Country Music Channel]] owned by [[Foxtel]]. It ceased operations in June 2020 and was replaced by [[CMT (Australian TV channel)|CMT]] (owned by [[Network 10]] parent company [[Paramount Networks UK &amp; Australia]]).{{Citation needed|date=April 2019}} ===British digital television=== One music video channel is dedicated to country music in the United Kingdom: [[Music &amp; Memories]], owned by Canis Media. Music &amp; Memories, formerly known as Keep it Country and Spotlight, features a mix of country-western, pop oldies and Celtic folk music.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Country music for the masses? Keep It Country has confirmed it will be expanding its Freeview coverage | archive-url= | archive-date=2019-01-14}}&lt;/ref> ===Festivals=== {{Main|List of country music festivals}} ==See also== {{Portal|Music}} {{Div col}} * [[American Country Countdown Awards]] * [[Canadian Country Music Association]] * [[CMT Music Awards]] * [[Country (identity)]] * [[Country and Irish]] * [[Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum]] * [[Country-western dance]] * [[Culture of the Southern United States]] * [[Music genre]] * [[List of country music performers]] * [[List of RPM number-one country singles]] * [[Music of the United States]] * [[Pop music]] * [[Western Music Association]] {{div col end}} ==References== {{Reflist}} ==Further reading== {{Refbegin|40em}} * {{cite book| last = Biracree| first = Tom| title = The country music almanac: Tom Biracree| year = 1993| publisher = Macmillan General Reference| isbn = 978-0-671-79761-4 }} * {{cite book| last = Dawidoff| first = Nicholas| title = In the Country of Country: A Journey to the Roots of American Music| date = April 28, 1998| publisher = Vintage| isbn = 978-0-375-70082-8 }} * {{cite book| last = Doggett| first = Peter| title = Are You Ready for the Country: Elvis, Dylan, Parsons and the Roots of Country Rock| year = 2000| publisher = Penguin| isbn = 978-0-14-026108-0 }} * {{cite book| last = Escott| first = Colin| author-link=Colin Escott| title = Roadkill on the Three-Chord Highway: Art and Trash in American Popular Music| url =| url-access = registration| date = August 1, 2002| publisher = New York : Routledge| isbn = 978-0-415-93783-2 }} *{{Gilliland |show=9 |title=Tennessee Firebird: American country music before and after Elvis }} * {{cite book| last = Harris| first = Stacy| title = The Best of Country: The Essential Cd Guide| date = October 1, 1993| publisher = Collins Pub San Francisco| isbn = 978-0-00-255335-3 }} * Thomas S. Johnson (1981) "That Ain't Country: The Distinctiveness of Commercial Western Music" JEMF Quarterly. Vol. 17, No. 62. Summer, 1981. pp 75–84. * {{cite book| last = Keevil| first = Sabine| title = Guitars &amp; Cadillacs| date = February 1, 2002| publisher = Sabine Keevil| isbn = 978-0-9689973-0-7 }} * {{cite book| author = Peter La Chapelle| title = Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, And Migration to Southern California| date = April 15, 2007| publisher = University of California Press| isbn = 978-0-520-24889-2 }} * Bill Legere (1977). ''Record Collectors Guide of Country LPs''. Limited ed. Mississauga, Ont.: W.J. Legere. 269, 25, 29, 2 p., thrice perforated and looseleaf. Without ISBN * Bill Legere ([1977]). ''E[lectrical] T[anscription]s: Transcription Library of Bill Legere''. Mississauga, Ont.: B. Legere. 3 vols., each of which is thrice perforated and looseleaf. N.B.: Vol. 1–2, Country Artists—vol. 2, Pop Artists. Without ISBN * {{cite book| first = Bill C.| last = Malone| title = Country music, U.S.A.| url =| url-access = registration| year = 1985| publisher = University of Texas Press| isbn = 978-0-292-71096-2 }} * {{cite book | year = 2001 | title = Don't Get Above Your Raisin': Country Music and the Southern Working Class | url = | url-access = registration | first = Bill C. | last = Malone | pages=[ 151–152] | author-link = Bill C. Malone | publisher = [[University of Illinois Press]] | isbn = 0-252-02678-0}} * Diane Pecknold (ed.) ''Hidden in the Mix: The African American Presence in Country Music.'' Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2013. * {{cite book| first = Richard A.| last = Peterson| title = Creating Country Music: Fabricating Authenticity| date = December 15, 1999| publisher = University of Chicago Press| isbn = 978-0-226-66285-5 }} * {{cite book| last = Stamper| first = Pete| title = It All Happened In Renfro Valley| year = 1999| publisher = [[University of Kentucky Press]]| isbn = 978-0-8131-0975-6 }} {{Refend}} ==External links== &lt;!-- Please do not add any links to this list without suggesting them on the talk page first. --> {{Commons category|Country music}} {{wikiquote}} * [ The Country Music Association – Nashville, Tennessee(CMA)] * [ Western Music Association (WMA)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=October 17, 2010 }} * [ Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum – Nashville, Tennessee] * [ Grand Ole Opry – Nashville, Tennessee] * [ Irish country music] {{Webarchive|url= |date=February 23, 2015 }} * [ Country Music Festivals Ontario Website] * [ Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame Foundation] * [,21428,c_country_music,00.shtml TIME Archive] of country music's progression * [], alt country from American Studies at the University of Virginia * [ Largest collection of online Country music radio stations] * [ Kingwood Kowboy's History Of Country Music] * [ A Treasure Trove for Country Music Collectors. 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