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40.7367 4.35458 37.6156 5.02567C35.8424 3.04709 33.5815 1.57136 31.0598 0.746716C28.5381 -0.077929 25.8445 -0.222462 23.2495 0.327634C20.6546 0.87773 18.2496 2.10309 16.2761 3.88064C14.3026 5.65819 12.8301 7.92534 12.0065 10.4544C9.92722 10.8821 7.96286 11.7501 6.24473 13.0004C4.5266 14.2506 3.09428 15.8544 2.0435 17.7044C0.436115 20.4762 -0.250868 23.689 0.0818644 26.8782C0.414597 30.0675 1.7498 33.0679 3.89445 35.4458C3.22321 37.4652 2.98959 39.605 3.20922 41.7222C3.42884 43.8394 4.09665 45.8851 5.16796 47.7225C6.76008 50.5 9.19016 52.6987 12.108 54.0016C15.0258 55.3046 18.2807 55.6447 21.4036 54.9728C22.8124 56.5642 24.5434 57.8357 26.481 58.7026C28.4186 59.5695 30.5184 60.0117 32.6399 59.9998C35.839 60.0027 38.9563 58.9859 41.5417 57.096C44.1272 55.2061 46.0471 52.541 47.0244 49.4853C49.1035 49.0568 51.0676 48.1885 52.7856 46.9383C54.5036 45.688 55.9361 44.0846 56.9875 42.2351C58.5758 39.4673 59.251 36.2666 58.9164 33.0907C58.5818 29.9148 57.2546 26.9261 55.1245 24.5526ZM32.6399 56.0728C30.0199 56.0769 27.4821 55.1558 25.4714 53.4708L25.825 53.2698L37.7335 46.3743C38.0299 46.1999 38.2759 45.9512 38.4475 45.6526C38.6191 45.354 38.7103 45.0157 38.7122 44.6711V27.8289L43.7464 30.7503C43.7713 30.763 43.7929 30.7814 43.8093 30.804C43.8258 30.8265 43.8367 30.8527 43.8411 30.8803V44.8368C43.8348 47.8149 42.6526 50.6691 40.5534 52.7749C38.4541 54.8807 35.6087 56.0665 32.6399 56.0728ZM8.56358 45.7593C7.24962 43.4834 6.77785 40.8155 7.23125 38.2251L7.58514 38.4381L19.5053 45.3336C19.8003 45.5072 20.136 45.5987 20.478 45.5987C20.82 45.5987 21.1558 45.5072 21.4507 45.3336L36.0121 36.9123V42.7433C36.0108 42.7735 36.0026 42.8031 35.9883 42.8297C35.974 42.8563 35.9538 42.8793 35.9294 42.8971L23.8677 49.8753C21.2935 51.3628 18.2362 51.7649 15.3668 50.9932C12.4974 50.2214 10.0506 48.3391 8.56358 45.7593ZM5.4274 19.7389C6.75046 17.4483 8.8388 15.7012 11.3227 14.8069V28.9999C11.3182 29.3427 11.4055 29.6805 11.5756 29.978C11.7456 30.2755 11.9921 30.5218 12.2894 30.6911L26.78 39.0768L21.7456 41.9981C21.7183 42.0126 21.6879 42.0202 21.6571 42.0202C21.6262 42.0202 21.5959 42.0126 21.5686 41.9981L9.53055 35.0318C6.96125 33.5379 5.08684 31.0834 4.31779 28.206C3.54874 25.3286 3.94774 22.2628 5.4274 19.6799V19.7389ZM46.7886 29.3784L32.2509 20.9099L37.2737 17.9999C37.3009 17.9854 37.3313 17.9778 37.3622 17.9778C37.393 17.9778 37.4234 17.9854 37.4506 17.9999L49.4887 24.9781C51.3293 26.0435 52.8298 27.6121 53.815 29.5009C54.8003 31.3896 55.2295 33.5205 55.0528 35.6448C54.876 37.7691 54.1005 39.7992 52.8167 41.4979C51.5329 43.1967 49.7939 44.494 47.8027 45.2386V31.0456C47.7923 30.7033 47.6933 30.3696 47.5155 30.0772C47.3376 29.7849 47.0873 29.5442 46.7886 29.3784ZM51.7997 21.8206L51.4458 21.6076L39.5493 14.6531C39.2526 14.4785 38.9147 14.3864 38.5706 14.3864C38.2265 14.3864 37.8887 14.4785 37.5919 14.6531L23.0427 23.0741V17.2434C23.0396 17.2137 23.0446 17.1838 23.057 17.1567C23.0695 17.1297 23.089 17.1065 23.1135 17.0896L35.1516 10.1232C36.9966 9.05696 39.1061 8.53976 41.2333 8.63206C43.3606 8.72436 45.4177 9.42234 47.1641 10.6444C48.9104 11.8664 50.2738 13.5619 51.0947 15.5327C51.9157 17.5035 52.1603 19.668 51.7999 21.7731L51.7997 21.8206ZM20.2951 32.1573L15.2609 29.2479C15.2357 29.2326 15.2141 29.2121 15.1978 29.1876C15.1814 29.1631 15.1706 29.1353 15.1662 29.1061V15.1854C15.1689 13.0498 15.7777 10.9592 16.9213 9.15791C18.0649 7.35662 19.696 5.91914 21.624 5.01352C23.552 4.1079 25.6972 3.77158 27.8087 4.04387C29.9203 4.31617 31.9109 5.18583 33.5478 6.55117L33.194 6.75242L21.2857 13.6474C20.9894 13.8218 20.7433 14.0705 20.5717 14.3691C20.4001 14.6677 20.3089 15.006 20.3071 15.3506L20.2951 32.1573ZM23.0305 26.2439L29.5152 22.4944L36.0121 26.2439V33.7423L29.5389 37.4916L23.0425 33.7423L23.0305 26.2439Z"/> </svg> <div class="g-logo__name">OpenAI</div> </div> <div class="g-logo"> <svg width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.2537 28.0006C16.981 27.6371 16.4355 27.4551 15.981 27.4551C15.6175 27.5461 15.2537 27.8188 15.072 28.1823L0.162871 58.0916C-0.200754 58.7278 0.0719465 59.5461 0.708322 59.8188C0.890147 59.9098 1.07197 60.0006 1.25377 60.0006H22.072C22.5265 60.0006 23.072 59.7278 23.2537 59.2733C27.6175 50.2733 24.8902 36.1826 17.2537 28.0006Z"/> <path d="M59.8897 58.091C59.6169 57.5455 31.8897 2.09095 31.2532 0.727324C31.0714 0.363674 30.7077 0.0909 30.2532 0H30.1624C29.7077 0 29.2532 0.272774 28.9804 0.727324C21.4349 12.6364 20.6169 27 26.7077 39.1818L36.7077 59.2728C36.8897 59.7273 37.3442 60 37.8897 60H58.7077C59.4349 60 59.9804 59.4545 59.9804 58.7272C59.9804 58.4545 59.9804 58.2728 59.8897 58.091Z"/> </svg> <div class="g-logo__name">Atlassian</div> </div> <div class="g-logo"> <svg width="26" height="24" viewBox="0 0 26 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M13.5 11.5C13.5 10.5717 13.8687 9.6815 14.5251 9.02513C15.1815 8.36875 16.0717 8 17 8C17.9283 8 18.8185 8.36875 19.4749 9.02513C20.1313 9.6815 20.5 10.5717 20.5 11.5C20.5 12.4283 20.1313 13.3185 19.4749 13.9749C18.8185 14.6313 17.9283 15 17 15C16.0717 15 15.1815 14.6313 14.5251 13.9749C13.8687 13.3185 13.5 12.4283 13.5 11.5Z" /> <path d="M6.5 18.5C6.5 17.5717 6.86875 16.6815 7.52513 16.0251C8.1815 15.3687 9.07174 15 10 15H13.5V18.5C13.5 19.4283 13.1313 20.3185 12.4749 20.9749C11.8185 21.6313 10.9283 22 10 22C9.07174 22 8.1815 21.6313 7.52513 20.9749C6.86875 20.3185 6.5 19.4283 6.5 18.5V18.5Z" /> <path d="M13.5 1V8H17C17.9283 8 18.8185 7.63125 19.4749 6.97487C20.1313 6.3185 20.5 5.42826 20.5 4.5C20.5 3.57174 20.1313 2.6815 19.4749 2.02513C18.8185 1.36875 17.9283 1 17 1L13.5 1Z" /> <path d="M6.5 4.5C6.5 5.42826 6.86875 6.3185 7.52513 6.97487C8.1815 7.63125 9.07174 8 10 8H13.5V1H10C9.07174 1 8.1815 1.36875 7.52513 2.02513C6.86875 2.6815 6.5 3.57174 6.5 4.5V4.5Z" /> <path d="M6.5 11.5C6.5 12.4283 6.86875 13.3185 7.52513 13.9749C8.1815 14.6313 9.07174 15 10 15H13.5V8H10C9.07174 8 8.1815 8.36875 7.52513 9.02513C6.86875 9.6815 6.5 10.5717 6.5 11.5V11.5Z" /> </svg> <div class="g-logo__name">Figma</div> </div> <div class="g-logo"> <svg width="57" height="60" viewBox="0 0 57 60" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1359_3575)"> <path d="M42.8771 28.3543C43.3193 28.3015 43.7429 28.2992 44.1294 28.3543C44.354 27.8423 44.3933 26.9607 44.1896 25.9987C43.8887 24.5707 43.4813 23.7075 42.641 23.8406C41.8007 23.9761 41.7683 25.0092 42.0693 26.4372C42.2382 27.2408 42.5392 27.9273 42.8748 28.352L42.8771 28.3543Z"/> <path d="M35.6551 29.4834C36.2569 29.7451 36.6273 29.9196 36.7708 29.7681C36.8634 29.6739 36.8356 29.4926 36.6921 29.2607C36.3958 28.7808 35.7847 28.2918 35.1365 28.0186C33.8102 27.4515 32.2291 27.6398 31.0092 28.5099C30.6065 28.8015 30.2245 29.2079 30.2801 29.4535C30.2986 29.5339 30.3588 29.5936 30.5 29.6119C30.831 29.6487 31.993 29.0678 33.3287 28.9875C34.2731 28.9301 35.0532 29.2216 35.6551 29.4857V29.4834Z"/> <path d="M34.4422 30.1676C33.6574 30.2892 33.2269 30.5464 32.9491 30.7852C32.713 30.9895 32.5649 31.2168 32.5672 31.3775C32.5672 31.4532 32.6019 31.4969 32.6273 31.5198C32.6621 31.552 32.7061 31.568 32.757 31.568C32.9329 31.568 33.3311 31.4096 33.3311 31.4096C34.4213 31.0216 35.1412 31.0698 35.8542 31.1502C36.2477 31.1938 36.4352 31.2191 36.5209 31.0836C36.5463 31.0446 36.5764 30.9619 36.4977 30.8357C36.3149 30.5395 35.5232 30.0413 34.4422 30.1676Z"/> <path d="M40.4376 32.6839C40.97 32.9433 41.5556 32.8423 41.7477 32.4566C41.9399 32.0709 41.6621 31.5497 41.1297 31.2903C40.5973 31.0308 40.0116 31.1319 39.8195 31.5176C39.6297 31.9033 39.9051 32.4244 40.4376 32.6839Z"/> <path d="M43.8612 29.7178C43.4283 29.711 43.0695 30.1816 43.0602 30.7694C43.051 31.3571 43.3936 31.8392 43.8241 31.8484C44.257 31.8553 44.6158 31.3846 44.6251 30.7969C44.6343 30.2092 44.2917 29.727 43.8612 29.7178Z"/> <path d="M14.3563 40.2698C14.2359 40.2974 14.1017 40.3295 13.9535 40.3272C13.6364 40.3203 13.3656 40.1872 13.2151 39.9553C13.0183 39.6545 13.0299 39.2068 13.2475 38.6949C13.2776 38.626 13.3123 38.5502 13.3494 38.4653C13.6966 37.6939 14.2776 36.4013 13.6248 35.1707C13.1341 34.2432 12.3355 33.6669 11.3725 33.5453C10.4489 33.4282 9.49751 33.768 8.89103 34.4315C7.93501 35.4784 7.78455 36.9018 7.96973 37.4069C8.03686 37.5906 8.14334 37.6434 8.21973 37.6525C8.38177 37.6732 8.62251 37.5561 8.77297 37.1543C8.78455 37.1245 8.79843 37.0809 8.81695 37.0235C8.88408 36.81 9.00908 36.4151 9.2151 36.0982C9.46279 35.7148 9.84705 35.4508 10.2984 35.3567C10.7591 35.258 11.229 35.3452 11.6225 35.6023C12.2915 36.0363 12.5507 36.8513 12.2637 37.6296C12.1156 38.0314 11.8748 38.8005 11.9281 39.4318C12.0345 40.7106 12.8285 41.2226 13.5392 41.2777C14.2313 41.303 14.7151 40.9173 14.8378 40.6372C14.9095 40.4696 14.8494 40.3685 14.81 40.3249C14.7035 40.1918 14.5253 40.2331 14.354 40.2721L14.3563 40.2698Z"/> <path d="M54.7708 37.9873C54.7453 37.8955 54.5717 37.2733 54.3379 36.5226C54.1018 35.7718 53.8588 35.2438 53.8588 35.2438C54.8055 33.8387 54.8217 32.5829 54.6967 31.8711C54.5625 30.9895 54.1921 30.2365 53.4467 29.4605C52.7014 28.6845 51.1736 27.8878 49.0301 27.2909C48.7847 27.222 47.9768 27.0016 47.9051 26.981C47.9004 26.935 47.8449 24.3499 47.7963 23.2387C47.7615 22.4375 47.6921 21.1839 47.2986 19.951C46.831 18.2819 46.0185 16.8195 45.0023 15.8851C47.8055 13.0038 49.5555 9.82859 49.5509 7.1057C49.5439 1.86884 43.0578 0.284701 35.0671 3.56548C35.0578 3.57008 33.3865 4.27261 33.375 4.2795C33.368 4.27261 30.3148 1.30177 30.2685 1.26044C21.1527 -6.62354 -7.33568 24.7815 1.77311 32.4084L3.76385 34.0798C3.24765 35.4068 3.04395 36.9266 3.21061 38.5613C3.42358 40.6597 4.51617 42.6732 6.28469 44.2275C7.96524 45.7037 10.1736 46.6381 12.3171 46.6358C15.8611 54.7356 23.9606 59.7062 33.456 59.9862C43.6412 60.287 52.1921 55.546 55.7731 47.0307C56.0069 46.4338 57.0023 43.7407 57.0023 41.3645C57.0023 38.9883 55.6412 37.985 54.7731 37.985L54.7708 37.9873ZM13.0972 44.3629C12.787 44.4157 12.4722 44.4364 12.1527 44.4295C9.07635 44.3468 5.75228 41.601 5.42358 38.3432C5.05784 34.7433 6.91432 31.9722 10.199 31.3155C10.5926 31.2375 11.0671 31.1916 11.5787 31.2191C13.4189 31.3201 16.1296 32.7206 16.75 36.697C17.2986 40.2189 16.4282 43.8027 13.0995 44.3675L13.0972 44.3629ZM9.662 29.1597C7.61802 29.5546 5.81478 30.7025 4.71293 32.2913C4.05321 31.7472 2.82635 30.6911 2.61108 30.2801C0.851818 26.9672 4.53006 20.525 7.10182 16.8884C13.4537 7.89548 23.4027 1.09284 28.0092 2.32572C28.7569 2.53694 31.2384 5.3884 31.2384 5.3884C31.2384 5.3884 26.6342 7.92073 22.3657 11.4541C16.6134 15.846 12.2685 22.2308 9.66432 29.1597H9.662ZM21.3935 16.8516C23.6504 14.2642 26.4305 12.0142 28.9213 10.7492C29.0069 10.7056 29.0995 10.7974 29.0509 10.8824C28.8541 11.2382 28.4722 11.9982 28.3518 12.5744C28.3333 12.664 28.4328 12.7329 28.5092 12.68C30.0578 11.6331 32.7546 10.5105 35.118 10.3658C35.2199 10.3589 35.2685 10.4898 35.1875 10.5495C34.8287 10.8227 34.4352 11.2015 34.1481 11.5849C34.0995 11.6492 34.1458 11.7433 34.2268 11.7433C35.8865 11.7548 38.2268 12.3311 39.7523 13.1805C39.8564 13.2379 39.7824 13.4354 39.6666 13.4101C37.3588 12.8844 33.581 12.4872 29.6574 13.4377C26.1551 14.2849 23.4814 15.5935 21.5301 17.0009C21.4305 17.072 21.3125 16.9435 21.3935 16.8516ZM54.875 42.1727C54.4328 44.8313 53.2939 46.9871 51.3796 48.973C50.2152 50.2174 48.7986 51.2987 47.1805 52.0862C46.3217 52.5339 45.4051 52.9219 44.4398 53.2341C37.2222 55.5713 29.8356 53.0022 27.456 47.483C27.2662 47.0674 27.1041 46.6335 26.9791 46.1789C25.9652 42.5423 26.8264 38.1779 29.5185 35.432C29.6852 35.2552 29.8541 35.0509 29.8541 34.7915C29.8541 34.5757 29.7152 34.3461 29.5949 34.1831C28.6527 32.8285 25.3889 30.5189 26.0439 26.0488C26.5139 22.8392 29.3449 20.5778 31.9861 20.711C32.2083 20.7224 32.4328 20.7362 32.6551 20.75C33.7986 20.8166 34.7963 20.9635 35.7384 21.0025C37.3148 21.0691 38.7314 20.8418 40.4097 19.4551C40.9768 18.9868 41.4305 18.5804 42.199 18.4518C42.2801 18.4381 42.4814 18.3669 42.8819 18.3853C43.2916 18.4059 43.6828 18.5184 44.0324 18.7503C45.3773 19.6388 45.5694 21.79 45.6389 23.3627C45.6782 24.2604 45.787 26.4345 45.8264 27.059C45.912 28.4847 46.2893 28.6868 47.0555 28.937C47.4861 29.0771 47.8842 29.1827 48.4745 29.3457C50.2569 29.8416 51.3125 30.3444 51.9768 30.9918C52.375 31.3959 52.5578 31.8252 52.6157 32.2339C52.8264 33.7537 51.4259 35.6318 47.7199 37.3376C43.6689 39.2018 38.7546 39.6748 35.3611 39.2982C35.0995 39.2684 34.1759 39.1651 34.1713 39.1651C31.456 38.8023 29.9051 42.2829 31.537 44.6683C32.5879 46.2042 35.449 47.2052 38.3125 47.2052C44.8773 47.2052 49.9213 44.4249 51.7986 42.0257C51.8541 41.9546 51.8611 41.9454 51.949 41.8145C52.0416 41.6768 51.9652 41.601 51.8495 41.6791C50.3171 42.7191 43.5046 46.8516 36.2199 45.6073C36.2199 45.6073 35.3356 45.4626 34.5277 45.1504C33.8865 44.9024 32.5416 44.2894 32.3773 42.9211C38.2569 44.7234 41.9583 43.0198 41.9583 43.0198C42.0254 42.9923 42.0717 42.9165 42.0625 42.8408C42.0532 42.7489 41.9699 42.68 41.8773 42.6892C41.8773 42.6892 37.0578 43.3964 32.5046 41.7433C33 40.1454 34.3194 40.7217 36.3125 40.8824C39.9051 41.0936 43.125 40.5747 45.5046 39.8975C47.5671 39.3097 50.2754 38.1526 52.3773 36.5065C53.0856 38.0516 53.3379 39.7528 53.3379 39.7528C53.3379 39.7528 53.8865 39.6564 54.3449 39.9365C54.7777 40.2005 55.0972 40.7515 54.8796 42.175L54.875 42.1727Z"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath> <rect width="57" height="60" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <div class="g-logo__name">Mailchimp</div> </div> <div class="g-logo"> <svg width="51" height="60" viewBox="0 0 51 60" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M42.6465 38.6768H47.9773V60H0V38.6768H5.33081V54.6692H42.6465V38.6768Z"/> <path d="M11.1401 37.0918L37.3217 42.5946L38.4222 37.3607L12.2407 31.8555L11.1401 37.0918ZM14.6047 24.5552L38.8579 35.8507L41.1172 31.0001L16.8635 19.7046L14.6047 24.5552ZM21.3157 12.6563L41.8771 29.7784L45.3014 25.6664L24.74 8.54481L21.3157 12.6563ZM34.5879 0L30.2942 3.19364L46.2614 24.6623L50.5552 21.4691L34.5879 0ZM10.6614 49.3381H37.3154V44.0073H10.6614V49.3381Z"/> </svg> <div class="g-logo__name">Stack Overflow</div> </div> <div class="g-logo"> <svg width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60" xmlns=""> <path d="M30.0564 45.0017C21.7532 45.0017 15.0299 38.2876 15.0299 30C15.0299 21.7124 21.7566 15.0017 30.0564 15.0017C37.4944 15.0017 43.6706 20.4153 44.8606 27.5014H60C58.721 12.1004 45.8113 0 30.0564 0C13.4637 0 0 13.4384 0 30C0 46.5616 13.4637 60 30.0564 60C45.8113 60 58.7244 47.8996 60 32.4986H44.847C43.6569 39.5881 37.4944 45.0017 30.0564 45.0017Z"/> </svg> <div class="g-logo__name">Coinbase</div> </div> </div> <!-- Logo strip end --> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-is-style-white" id="g-avatar-sync-animation" data-g-animation-delay="500" data-g-animation-step-duration="2000" 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<div class="g-wrapper"> <div class="g-columns g-columns--shift-left g-columns--align-middle"> <div> <div class="g-content g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <h2 class="g-brand g-has-grand-font-size"> Update Once, <span class="g-no-orphan">Sync Everywhere</span> </h2> <p> When you update your avatar or profile, your changes appear instantly across thousands of platforms. Save time and maintain a consistent online <span class="g-no-orphan">presence effortlessly.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="g-browser-group" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="g-browser g-browser--name-trello"> <div class="g-browser__content"> <div class="g-browser__content__avatar g-browser__content__avatar--1"> <!-- prettier-ignore --> <span class="g-avatar"><span class="g-avatar__content"><span class="g-avatar__content__image"></span></span></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-browser g-browser--name-github"> <div class="g-browser__content"> <div class="g-browser__content__avatar"> <!-- prettier-ignore --> <span class="g-avatar"><span class="g-avatar__content"><span class="g-avatar__content__image"></span></span></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-browser g-browser--name-slack"> <div class="g-browser__content"> <div class="g-browser__content__avatar g-browser__content__avatar--1"> <!-- prettier-ignore --> <span class="g-avatar"><span class="g-avatar__content"><span class="g-avatar__content__image"></span></span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-is-style-white g-section--your-profile"> <img class="profile-background profile-background--01" src="/images/homepage/profile-bg-01.png" loading="lazy" alt="" /> <img class="profile-background profile-background--02" src="/images/homepage/profile-bg-02.png" loading="lazy" alt="" /> <div class="g-wrapper"> <div class="g-columns g-columns--shift-right g-columns--is-reversed"> <div class="g-content g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <h2 class="g-brand g-has-grand-font-size"> Your Profile, <span class="g-no-orphan">Your Way</span> </h2> <p>Share your social media profiles, portfolio, website, and other relevant links easily. Your Gravatar profile works like a digital business card — simple, elegant, and uniquely you. Perfect for <span class="g-no-orphan">your link-in-bio.</span></p> <a class="g-button g-has-chevron" href="">Claim Your Free Profile</a> </div> <div> <img class="profile-card--large" src="/images/homepage/profile-tina-large.png" loading="lazy" alt="Tina Wells profile" /> <img class="profile-card--small" src="/images/homepage/profile-tina-small.png" loading="lazy" alt="Tina Wells profile" /> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-section--multi-id g g-is-style-white"> <div class="g-wrapper"> <div class="g-columns g-columns--shift-left g-columns--align-middle"> <div class="g-content g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <h2 class="g-brand g-has-grand-font-size"> Manage <span class="g-no-orphan">Multiple Identities</span> </h2> <p>Gravatar links your identity to an email address, not your name. Seamlessly manage your work, personal, and <span class="g-no-orphan">anonymous profiles.</span></p> </div> <div> <div class="g-video-wrapper g-video-wrapper--large"> <video poster="/images/homepage/multi-identity-large-cover.png" preload="none" muted playsinline loop> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="g-video-wrapper g-video-wrapper--small"> <video poster="/images/homepage/multi-identity-small-cover.png" preload="none" muted playsinline loop> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-section--privacy g-is-style-white"> <div class="g-wrapper"> <div class="g-columns g-columns--shift-right g-columns--is-reversed g-columns--align-middle"> <div class="g-content g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <h2 class="g-brand g-has-grand-font-size"> Privacy <span class="g-no-orphan">First Design</span> </h2> <p>You're in control. Make your profile private or choose what you share and when. With Gravatar, your data is yours <span class="g-no-orphan">and yours alone.</span></p> </div> <div> <div class="g-video-wrapper g-video-wrapper--large"> <video poster="images/homepage/profile-privacy-large-cover.png" preload="none" muted playsinline loop> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="g-video-wrapper g-video-wrapper--small"> <video poster="images/homepage/profile-privacy-small-cover.png" preload="none" muted playsinline loop> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-is-style-black"> <div class="g-wrapper"> <div class="g-columns g-columns--shift-right g-columns--is-reversed g-columns--align-middle"> <div> <div class="g-content g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <h4 class="g-color-accent g-caps g-font-bold g-has-small-font-size"> <span class="g-icon g-icon--is-inline g-icon--position-left" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="g-icon__content" viewbox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M2 6c0-1.505.78-3.08 2-4 0 .845.69 2 2 2a3 3 0 013 3c0 .386-.08.752-.212 1.476 1.19 2.19 1.81L8.9 11.98a77.245 77.245 0 01-1.807-2.192C6.753 9.92 6.387 10 6 10c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4zm12.152 6.848l1.34-1.34A4.466 4.466 0 0017.5 12 4.5 4.5 0 0022 7.5c0-.725-.188-1.4-.493-2.007L18 9l-2-2 3.507-3.507A4.45 4.45 0 0017.5 3 4.5 4.5 0 0013 7.5c0 .725.188 1.4.493 2.007L3 20l2 2 6.848-6.848a68.733 68.733 0 005.977 5.45l1.425 1.148 1.5-1.5-1.15-1.425a68.392 68.392 0 00-5.448-5.977z" /></svg></span >PROFILES-AS-A-SERVICE </h4> <h2 class="g-brand g-has-grand-font-size">For Developers</h2> <p>Customize user experiences and bootstrap your community with verified user profiles, including avatars, social links, and more. Integrating Gravatar is effortless with our REST API, SDKs, and <span class="g-no-orphan">easy-to-follow tutorials.</span></p> <a class="g-button g-button--is-outline g-has-chevron" href="">Learn More About Our APIs</a> </div> </div> <div class="g-scroll-x"> <!-- Editor mockup start --> <div class="g-editor" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"> <input class="g-hidden" id="g-editor-1" type="radio" name="g-editor" tabindex="-1" checked="" /> <input class="g-hidden" id="g-editor-2" type="radio" name="g-editor" tabindex="-1" /> <div class="g-editor-bar"> <label class="g-editor-bar__tab" for="g-editor-1">example.js</label> <label class="g-editor-bar__tab" for="g-editor-2">example.php</label> </div> <div class="g-editor-content"> <div class="g-editor-content__tab g-editor-content__tab--has-layout"> <div class="g-editor-content__tab__line-numbers">1<br />2<br />3<br />4<br />5<br />6<br />7<br />8<br />9<br />10<br />11<br />12<br />13<br />14</div> <pre class="g-editor-content__tab__code language-js"><code>const sha256 = require( 'js-sha256' ); function getGravatarURL( email ) { // Trim leading and trailing whitespace from // an email address and force all characters // to lower case const address = String( email ).trim().toLowerCase(); // Create a SHA256 hash of the final string const hash = sha256( address ); // Grab the actual image URL return `${ hash }`; }</code></pre> </div> <div class="g-editor-content__tab"> <div class="g-editor-content__tab__line-numbers">1<br />2<br />3<br />4<br />5<br />6<br />7<br />8<br />9<br />10<br />11<br />12</div> <pre class="g-editor-content__tab__code language-php"><code>function get_gravatar_url( $email ) { // Trim leading and trailing whitespace from // an email address and force all characters // to lower case $address = strtolower( trim( $email ) ); // Create an SHA256 hash of the final string $hash = hash( 'sha256', $address ); // Grab the actual image URL return '' . $hash; }</code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Editor mockup end --> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-section--posts g-is-style-blue"> <div class="g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <span class="g-brand g-has-small-font-size g-caps"> Latest News & Guides </span> <div class="g-posts-list g-posts-list--loaded"> <div class="g-posts-list__post"> <a class="g-posts-list__title" href="" title="Simplify Link Sharing With Smart Redirects"> Simplify Link Sharing With Smart Redirects </a> <span class="g-posts-list__date">Feb 12, 2025</span> </div> <div class="g-posts-list__post"> <a class="g-posts-list__title" href="" title="How to Set Up a Custom Domain Handle on Bluesky"> How to Set Up a Custom Domain Handle on Bluesky </a> <span class="g-posts-list__date">Feb 06, 2025</span> </div> <div class="g-posts-list__post"> <a class="g-posts-list__title" href="" title="Enhance Your WordPress Blog: Create a Custom Author Page"> Enhance Your WordPress Blog: Create a Custom Author Page </a> <span class="g-posts-list__date">Jan 26, 2025</span> </div> <div class="g-posts-list__post"> <a class="g-posts-list__title" href="" title="Create Unique Avatars With Backgrounds and Stickers!"> Create Unique Avatars With Backgrounds and Stickers! </a> <span class="g-posts-list__date">Jan 22, 2025</span> </div> <div class="g-posts-list__post"> <a class="g-posts-list__title" href="" title="Boost Engagement with Advanced WordPress Comment Design"> Boost Engagement with Advanced WordPress Comment Design </a> <span class="g-posts-list__date">Jan 16, 2025</span> </div> </div> <a class="g-button g-button--is-outline g-has-chevron" href=""> Visit Our Blog </a> </div> </section> <section class="g-section g-is-style-light-gray"> <div class="g-wrapper"> <div class="g-columns g-columns--shift-left"> <div class="g-content g-wrapper g-wrapper--has-content"> <h2 class="g-brand g-has-grand-font-size"> You Asked, We Answered </h2> </div> <div> <details class="g-details"> <summary class="g-details__summary g-has-normal-font-size"> <div>Is Gravatar really free?</div> <div class="g-details__trigger"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 12H18" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path d="M12 6L12 18" stroke-width="1.5"/> </svg> </div> </summary> <p class="g-details__content"> Yes, Gravatar profiles are completely free for individual users. We're committed to providing a valuable and open service <span class="g-no-orphan">for the web.</span> </p> </details> <details class="g-details"> <summary class="g-details__summary g-has-normal-font-size"> <div>Can I use a custom domain?</div> <div class="g-details__trigger"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 12H18" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path d="M12 6L12 18" stroke-width="1.5"/> </svg> </div> </summary> <p class="g-details__content"> Absolutely! You can personalize your Gravatar profile with your own domain. You can register a domain on our sister service,, and map it to your <span class="g-no-orphan">Gravatar profile.</span> </p> </details> <details class="g-details"> <summary class="g-details__summary g-has-normal-font-size"> <div>How does Gravatar compare with other <span class="g-no-orphan">link-in-bio services?</span></div> <div class="g-details__trigger"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 12H18" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path d="M12 6L12 18" stroke-width="1.5"/> </svg> </div> </summary> <p class="g-details__content"> Gravatar is an open alternative to profile page services like LinkTree. Integrated across millions of websites, Gravatar avatars and profiles ensure a consistent presence online. You have full control with no data lock-in and can use your own custom domain. Update your profile once, and it <span class="g-no-orphan">updates everywhere.</span> </p> </details> <details class="g-details"> <summary class="g-details__summary g-has-normal-font-size"> <div>Can I have multiple Gravatars?</div> <div class="g-details__trigger"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 12H18" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path d="M12 6L12 18" stroke-width="1.5"/> </svg> </div> </summary> <p class="g-details__content"> Yes! You can create different Gravatars and profiles for various aspects of your life — work, personal, hobbies, or anonymous profiles. Just create additional accounts using a different <span class="g-no-orphan">email address.</span> </p> </details> <details class="g-details"> <summary class="g-details__summary g-has-normal-font-size"> <div>Who owns Gravatar?</div> <div class="g-details__trigger"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 12H18" stroke-width="1.5"/> <path d="M12 6L12 18" stroke-width="1.5"/> </svg> </div> </summary> <p class="g-details__content"> Gravatar is a service by Automattic, the company behind, Tumblr, Pocket Casts, Day One, Beeper, WooCommerce, and other popular web services. 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