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We have connectors that let you effortlessly deliver incredible APIs on that data.</p><div class="flex flex-col tb:flex-row mt-4 md:mt-0"><div class="w-fit"><a href="/connectors#connectors-list"><div><button type="button" class="inline-flex items-center whitespace-pre rounded-full text-hds-d-body3c-medium rounded-full py-2.5 pl-5 pr-3 group db:w-fit tb:w-fit w-full justify-center justify-center bg-blue-500 text-neutral-0 hover:bg-blue-700 hover:text-neutral-0 hover:shadow-md hover:shadow hover:transition-all hover:ease-out hover:duration-300 focus:bg-blue-600 focus:shadow-[0_0px_0px_4px_#DFE8FF] focus:text-neutral-0 focus:outline-none active:bg-blue-600 active:text-neutral-0 active:outline-none border-2 border-blue-500 hover:border-blue-700 mr-4 mb-4 md:mb-0 hover:text-neutral-0 ">See connectors<div class="group-hover:transition-all group-hover:stroke-neutral-0"><div style="stroke:#fff"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-5 w-5 group-hover:stroke-neutral-0 z-10 stroke-2 group-hover:translate-x-[0.15rem] group-hover:transition-all group-hover:duration-300"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"></path></svg></div><div style="stroke:#fff"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-5 w-5 -mt-5 group-hover:stroke-neutral-0 invisible stroke-2 group-hover:transition-all group-hover:delay-100 group-hover:visible "><path d="M7 12h10"></path></svg></div></div></button></div></a></div></div></div><div><div class="relative pb-[56.2%]"><iframe loading="lazy" title="Hasura Data Connectors" src="" allowfullscreen="" class="absolute w-full h-full rounded-xl"></iframe></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px-4 mt-10 tb:mt-12 db:mt-16"><div class="max-w-7xl mx-auto"><div class="w-full"><div class="rounded-3xl bg-neutral-0 shadow tb:p-16 db:p-20 px-5 py-10"><div class="grid grid-cols-1 tb-l:grid-cols-2 gap-10 tb-l:gap-28"><div><h3 class="text-hds-m-h3 tb:text-hds-t-h3 db:text-hds-d-h3 text-neutral-1000 pb-4">Hasura data connectors</h3><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-700 undefined"><p class="mb-2 lg:mb-4">Data connectors enable Hasura DDN to connect to an external data source and instantly get an amazing API. They translate incoming API requests into an efficient query that leverages the native strengths of the underlying data source.</p> <p class="mb-2 lg:mb-4">Connectors are built on the open Native Data Connector (NDC) <a class="text-blue-600" href="">specification</a>, and anyone can build a custom connector to bring a new data source into a Hasura API.</p> <p class="mb-2 lg:mb-4">The Hasura Connector Hub lists all the official connectors included with Hasura DDN, and verified connectors contributed by the community.</p></div></div><div><img src="" alt="Hasura data connectors illus" loading="lazy"/></div></div><div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-10 gap-y-10 pt-8 tb:pt-12 db:pt-14"><div class="border grid border-neutral-200 p-8 rounded-3xl flex-grow w-full tb:w-[45%] db:w-[30%]"><div class="self-start"><div class="w-16 h-16 mb-5 tb:mb-6 db:mb-8"><img src="" alt="Let’s build a connector"/></div><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 text-neutral-1000 pb-2">Let’s build a connector</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-1000 pb-2"><p>Follow this step-by-step course to build your own data connector.</p></div></div><div class="self-end"><a href="" class="pt-6 inline-flex"><div><button type="button" class="inline-flex items-center whitespace-pre rounded-full text-hds-d-body3c-medium rounded-full py-2.5 pl-5 pr-3 group db:w-fit tb:w-fit w-full justify-center border-2 border-blue-500 text-blue-500 hover:text-neutral-0 hover:bg-blue-700 hover:border-2 hover:border-blue-700 hover:shadow-md hover:shadow hover:transition-all hover:ease-out hover:duration-200 focus:bg-blue-200 focus:text-blue-500 focus:border-2 border-blue-500 focus:shadow-[0px_0px_0px_4px_#DFE8FF] focus:outline-none focus:text-blue-500 hover:text-neutral-0 ">Start building<div class="group-hover:transition-all group-hover:stroke-neutral-0"><div style="stroke:#3970FD"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-5 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class="self-end"><a href="" class="pt-6 inline-flex"><div><button type="button" class="inline-flex items-center whitespace-pre rounded-full text-hds-d-body3c-medium rounded-full py-2.5 pl-5 pr-3 group db:w-fit tb:w-fit w-full justify-center border-2 border-blue-500 text-blue-500 hover:text-neutral-0 hover:bg-blue-700 hover:border-2 hover:border-blue-700 hover:shadow-md hover:shadow hover:transition-all hover:ease-out hover:duration-200 focus:bg-blue-200 focus:text-blue-500 focus:border-2 border-blue-500 focus:shadow-[0px_0px_0px_4px_#DFE8FF] focus:outline-none focus:text-blue-500 hover:text-neutral-0 ">Read the spec<div class="group-hover:transition-all group-hover:stroke-neutral-0"><div style="stroke:#3970FD"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-5 w-5 group-hover:stroke-neutral-0 z-10 stroke-2 group-hover:translate-x-[0.15rem] group-hover:transition-all group-hover:duration-300"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"></path></svg></div><div 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3.515 3.515c.064.804.38 1.567.904 2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL</div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/postgres-azure" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="Azure Database for PostgreSQL" src="" class="h-[35px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div 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3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">BigQuery </div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/cassandra" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="Cassandra " src="" class="h-[35px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div class="ml-2"><div><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-6 w-6 stroke-[1.5px] stroke-blue-600 undefined"><path d="m9 12 2 2 4.5-4.5M7.334 3.819a3.832 3.832 0 0 0 2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 4.972 0c.613.523 1.376.84 2.18.904a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515 3.515c.064.804.38 1.567.904 2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">Cassandra </div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/citus" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="Citus PostgreSQL" src="" class="h-[35px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div 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1.567.904 2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">Databricks </div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/databricks" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="Databricks " src="" class="h-[35px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div class="ml-2"><div><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" 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flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/elasticsearch" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="Elasticsearch " src="" class="h-[35px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div class="ml-2"><div><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-6 w-6 stroke-[1.5px] stroke-blue-600 undefined"><path d="m9 12 2 2 4.5-4.5M7.334 3.819a3.832 3.832 0 0 0 2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 4.972 0c.613.523 1.376.84 2.18.904a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515 3.515c.064.804.38 1.567.904 2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 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1.567.904 2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">GCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQL</div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/graphql" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="GraphQL " src="" class="h-[35px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div class="ml-2"><div><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 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3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">Oracle </div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/postgres" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="PostgreSQL " src="" class="h-[32px] w-auto object-contain "/></div><div class="ml-2"><div><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" 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3.832 0 0 0 2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 4.972 0c.613.523 1.376.84 2.18.904a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515 3.515c.064.804.38 1.567.904 2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0 4.972 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904 2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515 3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-4.972 0 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-2.18-.904 3.832 3.832 0 0 1-3.515-3.515 3.832 3.832 0 0 0-.904-2.18 3.832 3.832 0 0 1 0-4.972c.523-.613.84-1.376.904-2.18a3.832 3.832 0 0 1 3.515-3.515Z"></path></svg></div></div></div><div><div class="text-hds-m-body1-medium tb:text-hds-t-body1-medium db:text-hds-d-body1-medium text-neutral-1000">Snowflake </div><div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-2"></div></div></a></div><div class="p-6 shadow min-w-[224px] break-inside-avoid hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300 sm:min-w-[224px] max-w-[224px] bg-neutral-0 rounded-2xl "><a href="/connectors/snowflake" class="flex flex-col gap-10 justify-between h-full"><div class="flex justify-between"><div class="flex"><img alt="Snowflake " src="" 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We have connectors that let you effortlessly deliver incredible APIs on that data. ","canonical_url":"","meta_image":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},"hero":{"title":"Connector Hub","description":"You have data. We have connectors that let you effortlessly deliver incredible APIs on that data.","eyeBrowText":"AMAZING APIS ON ANY DATA","heroImg":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}},"button":[{"cta_link":"#connectors-list","cta_type":"primary","cta_text":"See connectors"}]},"connectorBanner":{"title":"Build your own data connector today","imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}},"button":{"cta_text":"See tutorial","cta_link":""}},"connectorOverview":{"title":"Hasura native data connectors overview","description":"Check out docs for more information and guidance on data connectors out of the box, how to use them in your projects, or how to build your own.","imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}},"button":{"cta_text":"Learn more","cta_link":""}},"faq":[{"title":"Why build a native data connector?","content":"Data connectors are the compatibility layer between Hasura and data sources, such as databases like PostgreSQL, APIs via REST, or any other structured source of data.\n\nHave a data source that’s not currently supported by Hasura? Write a data connector to make it compatible!\n\nYou can use your own authored data connectors right away in your Hasura projects. If you wish to have them promoted to the Hasura Community, you’ll need to verify them with us on the Hasura Hub."},{"title":"How do I build my own connector?","content":"Depending on what kind of integration you are targeting, there are several approaches to building a connector, ranging from quick-and-dirty easy-point solutions to deeply integrated full collection-based connectors.\n\nThe best place to start is by going through the [NDC learn repo](\n\nFrom there, you can find an overview of the concepts involved, specification of the network protocol, SDKs, and example connector repositories."},{"title":"Are there SDKs and code examples to help build connectors?","content":"Yes! We currently have a [Rust SDK]( and [TypeScript SDK](\n\nThe native data connector [specification is available]( and contains a [tutorial]( outlining the protocol.\n\nCheck out some of the existing examples of real connectors:\n- [ClickHouse](\n- [Turso]("},{"title":"How do I publish my connector to the Hub?","content":"You’re in luck! Just submit a PR to the [Connector Hub](, adding your connector to the `/registry` and we’ll review and provide feedback for any additional information required. Once that’s done, your connector will be listed on the Hub!"},{"title":"How can I contribute to the specification and SDKs?","content":"The best way to contribute back to the SDKs and spec is to open issues on the repositories ([Rust](, [TypeScript](, [Spec](, then we can triage and prioritize it on our roadmap. Or, if you have a solution in mind, you can write a corresponding PR with a suggested implementation yourself!"}],"comingSoonConnectors":{"title":"Coming Soon","iconVariant":"clock","connectorCard":[{"title":"MySQL","linkUrl":"mysql","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Snowflake","linkUrl":"snowflake","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Oracle","linkUrl":"oracle","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"SQL Server","linkUrl":"sql-server","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":null}},{"title":"DBT","linkUrl":"dbt","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":true,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Amazon Athena","linkUrl":"amazon-athena","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"MariaDB","linkUrl":"/database/request","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":true,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Google BigQuery","linkUrl":"/database/request","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":false,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"SQLite","linkUrl":"sqlite","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"DuckDB","linkUrl":"duckdb","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"MySQL","linkUrl":"mysql","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Weaviate","linkUrl":"/database/request","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":true,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"DynamoDB","linkUrl":"/graphql/database/dynamodb","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":true,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Redshift","linkUrl":"/graphql/database/redshift","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Neo4j","linkUrl":"/graphql/database/neo4j","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":true,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Qdrant","linkUrl":"qdrant","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"Cassandra","linkUrl":"/database/request","description":"Coming soon...","isVerified":null,"isActive":false,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},{"title":"IBM DB2","linkUrl":"/database/request","description":null,"isVerified":null,"isActive":true,"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}}]},"preFooterBanner":{"title":"Apply to get your data connector verified by Hasura","description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Habitasse non tortor nisl nascetur aliquam mattis sit leo. Volutpat semper risus tincidunt tellus sed at molestie sed sapien. Lectus.","button":{"text":"Apply now","url":"#","type":"secondary"},"imgUrl":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}}},"connectorFeaturedContent":{"title":"Hasura data connectors","descriptionText":"Data connectors enable Hasura DDN to connect to an external data source and instantly get an amazing API. They translate incoming API requests into an efficient query that leverages the native strengths of the underlying data source.\n\nConnectors are built on the open Native Data Connector (NDC) [specification](, and anyone can build a custom connector to bring a new data source into a Hasura API.\n\nThe Hasura Connector Hub lists all the official connectors included with Hasura DDN, and verified connectors contributed by the community.","eyeBrowText":null,"sectionImg":{"data":{"attributes":{"url":""}}},"icon_card":[{"cardType":null,"description":"Follow this step-by-step course to build your own data connector.","iconBg":"bg-amber-200","iconStroke":null,"iconStrokeClass":null,"iconVariant":"","title":"Let’s build a connector","buttons":[{"cta_text":"Start building","cta_link":"","cta_type":"secondaryLink","buttonBgClass":null,"btnTextColorClass":"text-blue-500","btnTextHoverClass":null,"btnBgColorClass":null,"rightIconVariant":null,"rightIconColor":null,"leftIconVariant":null,"leftIconColor":null,"state":null,"size":null,"rightAnimatedArrow":null,"rightAnimatedArrowColor":null,"animatedHoverStroke":null}]},{"cardType":null,"description":"Get a detailed understanding of how connectors function.","iconBg":"bg-blue-200","iconStroke":null,"iconStrokeClass":null,"iconVariant":"","title":"Native Data Connector spec","buttons":[{"cta_text":"Read the spec","cta_link":"","cta_type":"secondaryLink","buttonBgClass":null,"btnTextColorClass":"text-blue-500","btnTextHoverClass":null,"btnBgColorClass":null,"rightIconVariant":null,"rightIconColor":null,"leftIconVariant":null,"leftIconColor":null,"state":null,"size":null,"rightAnimatedArrow":null,"rightAnimatedArrowColor":null,"animatedHoverStroke":"group-hover:stroke-blue-500"}]},{"cardType":null,"description":"Our Rust, Go, Python, and Typescript SDKs make it easy to build a connector.","iconBg":"bg-green-200","iconStroke":null,"iconStrokeClass":null,"iconVariant":"","title":"Explore our SDKs","buttons":[{"cta_text":"Explore SDKs","cta_link":"\u0026type=repositories","cta_type":"secondaryLink","buttonBgClass":null,"btnTextColorClass":"text-blue-500","btnTextHoverClass":null,"btnBgColorClass":null,"rightIconVariant":null,"rightIconColor":null,"leftIconVariant":null,"leftIconColor":null,"state":null,"size":null,"rightAnimatedArrow":null,"rightAnimatedArrowColor":null,"animatedHoverStroke":"group-hover:stroke-blue-500"}]}]},"ddnBanner":{"title":"Hasura Data Delivery Network","description":"Instantly build and operate a supergraph with zero operational overhead and baked-in security and performance capabilities. Use the connectors to plug into Hasura DDN and get a production-ready API instantly.","CTA":{"text":"Learn more","url":"/ddn","type":"secondary"}}}}}},"connectorsData":{"connector_overview":[{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:14.600235+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nAs much as possible we attempt to provide explicit support for database projects that identify as being derived from PostgreSQL such as [Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL](\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository]( \n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation]( \nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"postgres-cosmos","title":"Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:19.924953+00:00"},{"created_at":"2023-09-14T10:17:11.67054+00:00","description":"Connect to user-supplied typescript functions and expose them to Hasura Cloud v3 project","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Typescript (Deno) Connector allows a running connector to be inferred from a Typescript file (optionally with dependencies) and interpreted by [Deno](\n\n[](\n\nThe connector runs in the following manner:\n\n* Dependencies are fetched\n* Inference is performed\n* The functions are served via the [connector protocol](\n\nIt assumes that dependencies are specified in accordance with [Deno]( conventions.\n\n## Typescript Functions Format\n\nYour functions should be organised into a directory with `index.ts` file acting as the entrypoint.\n\n```\n// ./functions/index.ts\n\nimport { Hash, encode } from \"\";\n\n/**\n * Returns an MD5 hash of the given password\n *\n * @param pw - Password string\n * @returns The MD5 hash of the password string\n * @pure This function should only query data without making modifications\n */\nexport function make_password_hash(pw: string): string {\n return new Hash(\"md5\").digest(encode(pw)).hex();\n}\n```\n\n* JSDoc comments and tags are exposed in the schema\n* Async, and normal functions are both supported\n* Only exported functions are exposed\n* Functions tagged with `@pure` annotations are exposed as functions\n* Those without `@pure` annotations are exposed as procedures\n* Optional parameters are supported\n* Exceptions can be thrown and will be reported to the user\n\n## Function Development\n\nFor the best user-experience you should develop your functions in the following manner:\n\n* Have [Deno]( installed\n* Have [VSCode]( installed\n* Have the [Deno VSCode extension]( installed\n* Have the Hasura V3 CLI Installed\n* Have the Hasura VSCode extension\n\nAn example session:\n\n```\n\u003e tree\n.\n├── config.json\n├── functions\n ├── index.ts\n\n\u003e cat config.json \n{\n \"functions\": \"./functions/index.ts\"\n}\n\n\u003e cat functions/index.ts \n\nexport function hello(): string {\n return \"hello world\";\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n}\n\n\u003e deno run -A --watch --check serve --configuration ./config.json\nWatcher Process started.\nCheck file:///Users/me/projects/example/functions/index.ts\nInferring schema with map location ./vendor\nVendoring dependencies: /Users/me/bin/binaries/deno vendor --output /Users/me/projects/example/vendor --force /Users/me/projects/example/functions/index.ts\nSkipping non-exported function: foo\n{\"level\":30,\"time\":1697018006809,\"pid\":89762,\"hostname\":\"spaceship.local\",\"msg\":\"Server listening at\"}\n```\n\nAlternatively, if you have the `hasura3` CLI installed you can use the `hasura3 watch` command to watch and serve your functions and tunnel them automatically into a hasura project and console.\n\nIf you are happy with your definitions you can deploy your connector via the `hasura3 connector` commands.\n\n\n## Deployment\n\nYou will need:\n\n* [V3 CLI]( (with a logged in session)\n* [Connector Plugin](\n* A connector configuration file\n* Secret service token (optional)\n\nYour functions directory should be added as a volume to `/functions`\n\n```\n--volume ./my-functions:/functions\n```\n\nCreate the connector:\n\n```\nhasura3 connector create my-cool-connector:v1 \\\n --github-repo-url \\\n --config-file config.json \\\n --volume ./functions:/functions \\\n --env SERVICE_TOKEN_SECRET=MY-SERVICE-TOKEN\n```\n\nMonitor the deployment status by name:\n\n```\nhasura connector status my-cool-connector:v1\n```\n\nList your connector with its deployed URL:\n\n```\nhasura connector list\nmy-cool-connector:v1 active\n```\n\nSee [the Typescript Deno SendGrid repository](\nfor an example of what a project structure that uses a connector could look like.\n\n## Usage\n\nInclude the connector URL in your Hasura V3 project metadata (hml format).\nHasura cloud projects must also set a matching bearer token:\n\n```yaml\nkind: DataConnector\nversion: v2\ndefinition:\n name: petdatabase\n url:\n singleUrl: ''\n\n # And optionally if you have configured a service secret:\n headers:\n Authorization:\n valueFromSecret: BEARER_TOKEN_SECRET\n```\n\n(NOTE: This will require that the secret includes the `Bearer ` prefix.)\n\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"typescript-deno","title":"Typescript (Deno) Connector","updated_at":"2024-01-10T00:00:07.886995+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-12-02T08:43:10.940298+00:00","description":"The Redshift Native Data Connector allows for connecting to a Redshift instance giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Redshift data.","docs":"# Redshift Connector\n\n[](\n\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in Amazon Redshift Database.\nThis connector supports Redshift's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data\noperations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network (DDN) platform,\nincluding query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing query\noptimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Redshift connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\n## Using the Redshift connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n|-------------------|------------------------------|----------|\n| REDSHIFT_JDBC_URL | JDBC URL of your Redshift DB | Yes |\n| REDSHIFT_USERNAME | Username of your Redshift DB | Yes |\n| REDSHIFT_PASSWORD | Password of your Redshift DB | Yes |\n\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Redshift connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"redshift","title":"Redshift Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-24T00:00:08.37167+00:00"},{"created_at":"2025-01-24T14:25:52.307499+00:00","description":"Connect to a Trino database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Trino Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nTrino. This connector supports Trino's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and\nscalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network\n(DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing\nquery optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Trino connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Trino connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| -------- | --------------------------------------- | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n \n## Example JDBC Configuration\n\nSupposing you have a MySQL datasource `example_mysql` in your Trino instance's catalog, and a database named `chinook`, you might use a JDBC URL of the format:\n- `jdbc:trino://localhost:8080/example_mysql/chinook?user=trino`\n\nEnsure that your MySQL instance in the Trino catalog is configured with `case-insensitive-name-matching=true` for proper SQL query functionalty.\n\nA full example might be:\n```ini\\nconnection-url=jdbc:mysql://host.docker.internal:3306\nconnection-user=root\nconnection-password=Password123\nunsupported-type-handling=convert-to-varchar\ncase-insensitive-name-matching=true\n```\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Snowflake connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"trino","title":"Trino Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-18T00:00:16.250683+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-09-25T00:00:02.415307+00:00","description":"Connect to an Apache Phoenix database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Apache Phoenix Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nPhoenix. This connector supports Phoenix's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for\nefficient and scalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data\nDelivery Network (DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database,\nthereby enhancing query optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Phoenix connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Before you get Started\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Install the [CLI](\n3. Install the [Hasura VS Code extension](\n4. [Create a supergraph](\n5. [Create a subgraph](\n\n## Using the connector\n\nTo use the Phoenix connector, follow these steps in a Hasura project:\n(Note: for more information on the following steps, please refer to the Postgres connector\ndocumentation [here](\n\n\nThe connector requires a JDBC URL to function.\nFor example:\n\n```sh\nJDBC_URL=\"jdbc:phoenix:localhost:2181:/hbase\"\n```\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Phoenix connector is available under the [Apache License\n2.0](","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"phoenix","title":"Apache Phoenix Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-01-09T15:05:57.664104+00:00","description":"The Qdrant Data Connector allows for connecting to a Qdrant instance giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Qdrant Vector Data.","docs":"# Hasura Qdrant Connector\n\n\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003cimg src=\"\" align=\"right\" width=\"200\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nThe Hasura Qdrant Connector allows for connecting to a Qdrant database to give you an instant GraphQL API on top of your\nQdrant data.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Typescript Data Connector SDK]( and\nimplements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Qdrant connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ❌ | |\n| Sort | ❌ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | Pagination offset field only works for documents with Integer ID's |\n| Nested Objects | ✅ | |\n| Nested Arrays | ✅ | |\n| Nested Filtering | ❌ | |\n| Nested Sorting | ❌ | |\n| Nested Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Vector Search | ✅ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n5. Have a [Qdrant]( hosted database, or a locally running Qdrant database — for supplying data to\n your API.\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Qdrant connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description |\n| -------------- | --------------------------------------------- |\n| QDRANT_URL | The connection string for the Qdrant database |\n| QDRANT_API_KEY | The Qdrant API Key |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## Documentation\n\nView the full documentation for the Qdrant connector\n[here](\n\n## Contributing\n\nCheck out our [contributing guide]( for more\ndetails.\n\n## License\n\nThe Qdrant connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":false,"logo":"","name":"qdrant","title":"Qdrant Data Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:27.265943+00:00","description":"The Go connector allows you to expose Go functions as NDC functions/procedures for use in your Hasura DDN subgraphs.","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Go connector allows you to expose Go functions as NDC functions/procedures for use in your Hasura DDN subgraphs. The\nconnector provides a boilerplate with NDC Go SDK and a generation tool to generate NDC schema and DRY functions from Go\ncode.\n\n- [GitHub Repository](\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Go connector\n\nCheck out the [Hasura docs here]( to get\nstarted with the Go connector.\n\n## Compatibility\n\n| Go Version | SDK Version |\n| ---------- | ----------- |\n| 1.21+ | v1.x |\n| 1.19+ | v0.x |\n\n## More Information\n\n- [Hasura DDN Documentation](\n- [GitHub Repository](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"go","title":"Go Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-28T00:00:05.64138+00:00"},{"created_at":"2023-09-16T04:36:19.683924+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository](\n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation](\nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"postgres","title":"PostgreSQL Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-07T00:00:13.050283+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-10-11T20:55:10.044859+00:00","description":"The Cassandra Native Data Connector allows for connecting to a Cassandra instance giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Cassandra data.","docs":"# Cassandra Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in Cassandra.\nThis connector supports Cassandra's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data\noperations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network (DDN) platform,\nincluding query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing query\noptimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Cassandra connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\n## Using the Cassandra connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| --------------------- | ------------------------------------ | -------- |\n| CASSANDRA_HOST | Cassandra Host | true |\n| CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE | Cassandra KeySpace | true |\n| CASSANDRA_USERNAME | Cassandra username | true |\n| CASSANDRA_PASSWORD | Cassandra password | true |\n| CASSANDRA_PORT | Cassandra port | false |\n| CASSANDRA_DC | Cassandra Data Center | false |\n| CASSANDRA_SSL_CA_PATH | Cassandra self-signed root cert path | false |\n| CASSANDRA_SSL | Cassandra SSL | false |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Cassandra connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"cassandra","title":"Cassandra Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-18T00:00:04.28751+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-08-22T00:00:12.303875+00:00","description":"The OpenAPI Lambda Connector allows you to import already existing APIs specified by the Open API Spec into you Hasura DDN subgraphs","docs":"# OpenAPI Lambda Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nThe OpenAPI Lambda Connector allows you to import APIs that are documented in the OpenAPI/Swagger format into the Hasura\nSupergraph. The connector exposes REST API endpoints as Typescript functions, which can be exposed as GraphQL queries or\nmutations via the [NodeJS Lambda Connector](\n\nFunctions that wrap GET requests are marked with a `@readonly` annotation, and are exposed as GraphQL Queries by the\n[NodeJS Lambda Connector]( All other request types are exposed as GraphQL\nMutations.\n\nThis Connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura DDN Documentation](\n- [Hasura DDN Quickstart](\n- [NodeJS Lambda Connector](\n\nDocs for the OpenAPI data connector:\n\n- [Documentation](\n- [Contributing](\n- [Code of Conduct](\n- [Relase Document](\n\n## Features\n\n- Convert Open API/swagger documentation into Typescript functions compatible with NodeJS Lambda Connector\n- Supported request types\n\n| Request Type | Query | Path | Body | Headers |\n| ------------ | ----- | ---- | ---- | ------- |\n| GET | ✅ | ✅ | NA | ✅ |\n| POST | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n| DELETE | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n| PUT | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n| PATCH | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the OpenAPI Lambda connector\n\nCheck out the\n[Hasura docs here]( to get\nstarted with the OpenAPI Lambda connector.\n\n## Saving User Changes\n\nPlease refer to\n[Saving User Changes](\n\n## Known Limitations\n\n- Support for [Relaxed Types]( is\n a WiP.\n- [Types not supported by the NodeJS Lambda Connector](\n are not supported.\n\n## Contributing\n\nCheck out our [contributing guide](.docs/ for more details.\n\n## Changelog\n\nPlease refer to the [changelog](\n\n## License\n\nThe Open API Lambda Connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"openapi","title":"OpenAPI Lambda Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-23T00:00:10.462553+00:00"},{"created_at":"2023-09-16T00:00:09.207547+00:00","description":"The Clickhouse Native Data Connector allows for connecting to a Clickhouse instance giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Clickhouse data.","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe ClickHouse Native Data Connector allows for connecting to a ClickHouse instance giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your ClickHouse data.\nThis uses the [Rust Data Connector SDK]( from the [Data connector Hub]( and implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\nClickHouse is a powerful open-source columnar database that offers a range of features designed for speed and efficiency in processing large volumes of data. ClickHouse is an excellent choice for a database when you are dealing with large volumes of data and require high-speed data retrieval, aggregation, and analysis. It's particularly well-suited for real-time analytics and handling time-series data, log data, or any scenario where read operations vastly outnumber writes. ClickHouse thrives in environments where query performance and the ability to generate reports quickly are critical, such as in financial analysis, IoT data management, and online analytical processing (OLAP). Furthermore, its column-oriented architecture makes it ideal for queries that need to scan large datasets but only access a subset of columns.\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n5. Create a [ClickHouse account]( if you don't already have one.\n6. Make sure to make your ClickHouse service open to the public or add Hasura's IP to the allowlist.\n\n## Using the ClickHouse connector\n\nCheck out the [Hasura docs here]( to get started with the ClickHouse connector.\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"clickhouse","title":"Clickhouse Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-08T00:00:07.668496+00:00"},{"created_at":"2023-09-14T10:17:11.058325+00:00","description":"Connect to SendGrid v3 API and expose it to Hasura Cloud v3 project","docs":"## Overview\n\nThis connector uses the SendGrid v3 API to:\n\n* List email templates\n* Send emails\n\n\n\n* [Create a SendGrid API account](\n* [Create an API key](\n* Create a share service token\n\nYou will need the Hasura\n[V3 CLI](\nand\n[Connector Plugin](\ninstalled to use this connector.\n\n\n## Deployment\n\nYou will need to have a configuration file available with your sendgrid credentials in the following format:\n\n```\n\u003e cat sendgrid.connector.configuration.json\n{\"version\": 1, \"sendgrid_api_key\": \"YOUR-API-KEY-HERE\" }\n```\n\nDeploy and name the connector with the following command referencing your config:\n\n\u003e hasura3 connector create sendgrid:v1 --github-repo-url --volume ./sendgrid.connector.configuration.json:/config.json --env SERVICE_TOKEN_SECRET=MY-SERVICE-TOKEN\n\nMonitor the deployment status by name:\n\n\u003e hasura connector status sendgrid:v1\n\nList your connector with its deployed URL:\n\n\u003e hasura connector list\n\n```\nsendgrid:v1 active\n```\n\n\n## Usage\n\nInclude the connector URL in your Hasura V3 project metadata:\n\n```json\n[\n {\n \"kind\": \"dataSource\",\n \"name\": \"sendgrid\",\n \"dataConnectorUrl\": \"\",\n \"schema\": {}\n }\n ...\n]\n```\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [](submit a Github issue)\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"sendgrid","title":"SendGrid Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-03-06T00:00:14.153191+00:00","description":"Connect to a PostgreSQL database and expose them to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"## Overview\n\n`ndc-postgres` provides a Hasura Data Connector to the PostgreSQL database,\nwhich can expose and run GraphQL queries via the Hasura v3 Project.\n\n- [PostgreSQL Connector information in the Hasura Connectors directory](\n- [GitHub repository](\n\nThe connector implements the [NDC Specification](,\nbut does not currently support column relationship arguments in queries, or functions.\n\nVisit the\n[Hasura v3 Documentation]( \nfor more information.\n\nThe connector supports the [Google Spanner]( PostgreSQL-compatible database.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nFollow the [Quick Start Guide]( \nTo use the PostgreSQL data connector from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"spanner","title":"(Google Spanner) PostgreSQL Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2024-03-15T00:00:09.878802+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-10-15T15:07:02.196611+00:00","description":"The Stripe Data Connector provides an instant adapter for Engine v3 to request Stripe resources via GraphQL","docs":"# Stripe Connector\n\n## Overview\n\nThe Stripe Data Connector provides an instant adapter for Engine v3 to request Stripe resources via GraphQL. This connector is built upon the [REST connector]( and [Stripe's OpenAPI Specification](\n\n- [GitHub Repository](\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Stripe connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector by choosing `hasura/stripe`. When the wizard runs, you'll also be prompted to enter the following env\nvars necessary for your connector to function.\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models]( and\n [commands](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\nSee all available variables [here](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Stripe connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"stripe","title":"Stripe Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-09-02T11:51:46.117944+00:00","description":"The Hasura SingleStore Connector enables you to connect to a SingleStore database and gives instant access to a GraphQL API on top of your data.","docs":"# SingleStore Data Connector\n\n\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003cimg src=\"\" align=\"right\" width=\"200\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\n\n\u003c!-- TODO: update when connector will be published --\u003e\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE)\n[](./\n\nThe Hasura SingleStore Connector (\"the connector\") enables you to connect to a SingleStore database and gives instant\naccess to a GraphQL API on top of your data.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Typescript Data Connector SDK]( and, it\nimplements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n\u003c!-- TODO: update when connector will be published --\u003e\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nThe following matrix lists the features supported by the Hasura SingleStore connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----------- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Distinct | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | coming soon |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n5. An active [SingleStore]( deployment that serves as the data source for the API.\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the SingleStore connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Default | Description |\n| ----------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| SINGLESTORE_HOST | localhost | Hostname of the SingleStore database to connect with. |\n| SINGLESTORE_PORT | 3306 | Port number of the SingleStore database. |\n| SINGLESTORE_USER | | SingleStore user to authenticate as. |\n| SINGLESTORE_PASSWORD | | Password of the SingleStore database user. |\n| SINGLESTORE_DATABASE | | Name of the SingleStore database to connect with. |\n| SINGLESTORE_SSL_CA | | CA certificate. |\n| SINGLESTORE_SSL_CERT | | Certificate chain in PEM format. |\n| SINGLESTORE_SSL_KEY | | Private key in PEM format. |\n| SINGLESTORE_SSL_CIPHERS | | Cipher suite specification. If specified, it replaces the default value. |\n| SINGLESTORE_SSL_PASSPHRASE | | Shared passphrase used for a single private key. |\n| SINGLESTORE_SSL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED | true | If enabled, the server rejects any connection that is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs. |\n\nThe connector uses [MySQL2]( library to establish a connection. For more\ninformation, refer to [Connection options]( and\n[Pool options](\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n### Note\n\nSingleStore does not support foreign keys. Relationships between tables must be added manually. You can define\nrelationships by appending relationship information to the `.hml` files generated in the previous step. For information\non defining relationships, refer to [Relationships]( For\nexample, to add a relationship from a `message` table to the `user` table, append following text to the `DbMessage.hml`\nfile:\n\n```hml\n---\nkind: Relationship\nversion: v1\ndefinition:\n name: user\n sourceType: DbMessage\n target:\n model:\n name: DbUser\n subgraph: app\n relationshipType: Object\n mapping:\n - source:\n fieldPath:\n - fieldName: userId\n target:\n modelField:\n - fieldName: id\n description: The user details for a message\n```\n\n## License\n\nThe SingleStore connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":false,"logo":"","name":"singlestore","title":"SingleStore Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-06T00:00:01.802444+00:00"},{"created_at":"2025-02-17T14:26:20.395588+00:00","description":"The Hasura Storage Connector allows for connecting cloud storage services, giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your storage data.","docs":"# Storage Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your\ncloud storage objects. This connector supports cloud storage functionalities to manage your files on cloud storage, allowing for efficient\nand scalable data operations.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Go Data Connector SDK]( and implements the\n[Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura DDN Documentation](\n- [Hasura DDN Quickstart](\n\nDocs for the Storage data connector:\n\n- [Configuration](\n- [Manage Objects](\n- [Security](\n\n## Features\n\n### Supported storage services\n\n| Service | Supported |\n| -------------------- | --------- |\n| AWS S3 | ✅ (\\*) |\n| Google Cloud Storage | ✅ |\n| Azure Blob Storage | ✅ |\n| MinIO | ✅ (\\*) |\n| Cloudflare R2 | ✅ (\\*) |\n| DigitalOcean Spaces | ✅ (\\*) |\n\n(\\*): Support Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage providers. The connector uses [MinIO Go Client SDK]( behind the scenes.\n\n### Supported features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Storage connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ---------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| List Buckets | ✅ | |\n| Create Bucket | ✅ | |\n| Update Bucket | ✅ | |\n| Delete Bucket | ✅ | |\n| List Objects | ✅ | |\n| Upload Object | ✅ | |\n| Download Object | ✅ | |\n| Delete Object | ✅ | |\n| Generate Presigned-URL | ✅ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n5. Authentication credentials of cloud storage services.\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Storage connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, choose `hasura/storage` connector. AWS S3 environment variables are the default settings in the interactive prompt. You'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function. If you want to use other storage providers you need to manually configure the `configuration.yaml` file and add the required environment variable mappings to the subgraph definition.\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Storage connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"storage","title":"Storage Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-17T14:26:20.395588+00:00"},{"created_at":"2025-02-17T22:25:53.432777+00:00","description":"Connect to a Snowflake database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Snowflake Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nSnowflake. This connector supports Snowflake's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and\nscalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network\n(DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing\nquery optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Snowflake connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Snowflake connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n| JDBC_SCHEMAS | A comma-separated list of schemas to include in the metadata | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n \n## Key-Pair Authentication with RSA Keys\n\nSnowflake supports Key-Pair Authentication in their JDBC driver, as noted in the docs:\n-\n\nThis connector supports the method described in section `Private key file name and password in connection string`.\n\nNamely, mount your RSA keys into the Connector container, and then reference the mounted file path in your connection string as below:\n- `jdbc:snowflake://\u0026private_key_file_pwd=\u003cPASSWORD\u003e`\n\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Snowflake connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"snowflake-jdbc","title":"Snowflake Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-28T01:36:37.83772+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-03-06T00:00:16.584985+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a YugabyteDB database","docs":"## Overview\n\n`ndc-postgres` provides a Hasura Data Connector to the PostgreSQL database,\nwhich can expose and run GraphQL queries via the Hasura v3 Project.\n\n- [PostgreSQL Connector information in the Hasura Connectors directory](\n- [GitHub repository](\n\nThe connector implements the [NDC Specification](,\nbut does not currently support column relationship arguments in queries, or functions.\n\nVisit the\n[Hasura v3 Documentation]( \nfor more information.\n\nThe connector supports the [YugabyteDB]( PostgreSQL database offering.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nFollow the [Quick Start Guide]( \nTo use the PostgreSQL data connector from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"yugabyte","title":"YugabyteDB PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-13T06:57:44.584331+00:00"},{"created_at":"2025-02-21T18:36:14.868216+00:00","description":"Connect to a BigQuery database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# BigQuery Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nBigQuery. This connector supports BigQuery's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and\nscalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network\n(DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing\nquery optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the BigQuery connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the BigQuery connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n### Configuring your JDBC connection string\nThe official BigQuery JDBC driver is used. You can find documentation on configuring the JDBC connection string\n[here]( As an example using a service account with a full key file downloaded from google:\n```\nAPP_FOO_JDBC_URL=jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=project-id;DefaultDataset=dataset;OAuthType=0;OAuthServiceAcctEmail=service-account-email;OAuthPvtKey=/etc/connector/key.json;\n```\n**Note:** `ProjectId` and `DefaultDataset` are required in your JDBC connection string.\n**Note:** since the files get mounted in docker it is import the file path is `/etc/connector/\u003cyour-key-file\u003e.json`\n\nMake sure you place you `key.json` in the connector folder `/\u003csubgraph\u003e/connector/\u003cconnectorname\u003e/key.json`. The key\nshould be the full key downloaded from google cloud console that looks like:\n```\n{\n \"type\": \"service_account\",\n \"project_id\": \"project-id\",\n \"private_key_id\": \"private-key-id\",\n \"private_key\": \"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nprivate-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n\",\n \"client_email\": \"service-account-email\",\n \"client_id\": \"client-id\",\n \"auth_uri\": \"\",\n \"token_uri\": \"\",\n \"auth_provider_x509_cert_url\": \"\",\n \"client_x509_cert_url\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\nOnce that is done you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura BigQuery connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"bigquery-jdbc","title":"BigQuery Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-28T00:00:02.198562+00:00"},{"created_at":"2025-02-21T18:36:14.868216+00:00","description":"Connect to a Databricks database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Databricks Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nDatabricks. This connector supports Databricks functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and\nscalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network\n(DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing\nquery optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Databricks connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Databricks connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n| JDBC_SCHEMAS | A comma-separated list of schemas to include in the metadata | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Databricks connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"databricks-jdbc","title":"Databricks Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-28T00:00:02.612476+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:15.959613+00:00","description":"Connect to a MongoDB database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"## Overview\n\n`ndc-mongodb` provides a Hasura Data Connector to the MongoDB database,\nwhich can expose and run GraphQL queries via the Hasura v3 Project.\n\n- [GitHub repository](\n\nThe connector implements the [NDC Specification](,\nbut does not currently support mutations, column relationship arguments in queries, functions or procedures.\n\n## Using the MongoDB connector\n\nCheck out the [Hasura docs here]( to get started with the MongoDB connector.\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"mongodb","title":"MongoDB Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-22T00:00:06.857362+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-09-20T17:25:53.523474+00:00","description":"Connect to a BigQuery database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# BigQuery Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n\n\u003e [!IMPORTANT]\n\u003e Breaking change: As of v2, the configuration format has changed. Configs prior to v2 need to be deleted and re-initialized\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nBigQuery. This connector supports BigQuery's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and\nscalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network\n(DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing\nquery optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Rust Data Connector SDK]( and implements\nthe [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the BigQuery connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Stored Procedures | ❌ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ✅ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n| Variables | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the BigQuery connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector by choosing `hasura/bigquery`. When the wizard runs, you'll also be prompted to enter the following env\nvars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n### Environment Variables\n\n| Name | Description | Required | Default |\n| --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- |\n| HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY | The service key of the BigQuery project | Yes | N/A |\n| HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID | The project ID of the BigQuery databse project | Yes | N/A |\n| HASURA_BIGQUERY_DATASET_ID | The dataset ID of the BigQuery databse project | Yes | N/A |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## Documentation\n\nView the full documentation for the ndc-bigquery connector [here](\n\n## Contributing\n\nWe're happy to receive any contributions from the community. Please refer to our\n[development guide](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura BigQuery connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"bigquery","title":"BigQuery Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-12T00:00:04.21532+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-03-06T00:00:11.524257+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a Neon PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\n`ndc-postgres` provides a Hasura Data Connector to the PostgreSQL database,\nwhich can expose and run GraphQL queries via the Hasura v3 Project.\n\n- [PostgreSQL Connector information in the Hasura Connectors directory](\n- [GitHub repository](\n\nThe connector implements the [NDC Specification](,\nbut does not currently support column relationship arguments in queries, or functions.\n\nVisit the\n[Hasura v3 Documentation]( \nfor more information.\n\nThe connector supports the [Neon]( PostgreSQL database offering.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nFollow the [Quick Start Guide]( \nTo use the PostgreSQL data connector from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"neon","title":"Neon PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:18.765336+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:14.016557+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to an Azure PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nAs much as possible we attempt to provide explicit support for database projects that identify as being derived from PostgreSQL such as [Azure PostgreSQL](\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository]( \n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation]( \nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"postgres-azure","title":"Azure Database for PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:25.678739+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:15.264473+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nAs much as possible we attempt to provide explicit support for database projects that identify as being derived from PostgreSQL such as [Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database](\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository]( \n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation]( \nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"postgres-gcp","title":"GCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:21.327228+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-10-24T10:02:14.47744+00:00","description":"DuckDuckAPI - A connector to create a data product out of any SaaS service, with support for federated OAuth2 access","docs":"## Overview\n\nThis is the registry entry for DuckDuckAPI, a connector to create a data product out of any SaaS service, with support for federated OAuth2 access.\n\n\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"duckduckapi","title":"DuckDuckAPI Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-19T00:00:07.149946+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-03-06T00:00:04.880239+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to an AWS Aurora PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nAs much as possible we attempt to provide explicit support for database projects that identify as being derived from PostgreSQL such as [AWS RDS and Aurora PostgreSQL](\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository]( \n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation]( \nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"aurora","title":"AWS Aurora PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:11.7307+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-11-05T12:12:03.338929+00:00","description":"The Databricks Native Data Connector allows for connecting to a Databricks instance giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Databricks data.","docs":"# Databricks Connector\n\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in Databricks.\nThis connector supports Databricks's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data\noperations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network (DDN) platform,\nincluding query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing query\noptimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Databricks connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n|---------------------------------|-----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | There is a known issue with the `limit` feature when used with aggregate functions where the `limit` argument is ignored. |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ❌ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\n## Using the Databricks connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n|-------------------------|--------------------------------|----------|\n| DATABRICKS_JDBC_URL | JDBC URL of your Databricks DB | Yes |\n| DATABRICKS_SCHEMA | Databricks Schema | Yes |\n| DATABRICKS_CATALOG | Databricks Catalog | Yes |\n\nNote: While entering the JDBC URL, ensure that the JDBC URL is in accordance with the DataBricks JDBC URL format, as specified [here](\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Cassandra connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"databricks","title":"Databricks Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-30T00:00:09.520816+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-08-22T00:00:11.478612+00:00","description":"The NodeJS Lambda connector allows you to expose TypeScript functions as NDC functions/procedures for use in your Hasura DDN subgraphs.","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe NodeJS Lambda connector allows you to expose TypeScript functions as Commands in your Hasura DDN Supergraph.\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the NodeJS Lambda connector\n\nCheck out the\n[Hasura docs here]( to\nget started with the NodeJS Lambda connector.\n\n## More Information\n\n- [ndc-nodejs-lambda GitHub Repository](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"nodejs","title":"NodeJS Lambda Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-23T00:00:11.698222+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-06-21T00:00:07.881853+00:00","description":"Connect to a Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in Azure\nCosmos DB for NoSQL Database containers. This connector supports Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL's functionalities listed in\nthe table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data operations.\n\nThis connector is built using the [TypeScript Data Connector SDK]( and\nimplements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n|---------------------------------|-----------|-------|\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Nested Objects | ✅ | |\n| Nested Arrays | ✅ | |\n| Nested Filtering | ✅ | |\n| Nested Sorting | ❌ | |\n| Nested Relationships | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector by choosing `hasura/azure-cosmos`. When the wizard runs, you'll also be prompted to enter the following\nenv vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |\n| AZURE_COSMOS_KEY | The Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL DB key | Yes |\n| AZURE_COSMOS_DB_NAME | Name of the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL DB | Yes |\n| AZURE_COSMOS_ENDPOINT | Endpoint of the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL DB | Yes |\n| AZURE_COSMOS_MANAGED_CLIENT_ID | Managed client ID of the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL | Yes |\n| AZURE_COSMOS_NO_OF_ROWS_TO_FETCH | Maximum number of rows to fetch per container to infer the schema of the container. | No |\n\nNote: `AZURE_COSMOS_CONNECTOR_NO_OF_ROWS_TO_FETCH` is an optional field, with 100 rows to be fetched by default.\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## Contributing\n\nWe're happy to receive any contributions from the community. Please refer to our\n[development guide](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL connector is available under the\n[Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"azure-cosmos","title":"Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL","updated_at":"2024-11-29T00:00:04.40292+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-06-20T00:00:04.543006+00:00","description":"Connect to a DuckDB database and expose them to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Hasura DuckDB Connector\n\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003cimg src=\"\" align=\"right\" width=\"200\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nThe Hasura DuckDB Connector allows for connecting to a DuckDB database or a MotherDuck hosted DuckDB database to give you an instant GraphQL API on top of your DuckDB data.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Typescript Data Connector SDK]( and implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the DuckDB connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ❌ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n\n## Before you get Started\n\n1. The [DDN CLI]( and [Docker]( installed\n2. A [supergraph](\n3. A [subgraph](\n4. Have a [MotherDuck]( hosted DuckDB database, or a persitent DuckDB database file — for supplying data to your API.\n\nThe steps below explain how to Initialize and configure a connector for local development. You can learn how to deploy a\nconnector — after it's been configured — [here](\n\n## Using the DuckDB connector\n\n### Step 1: Authenticate your CLI session\n\n```bash\nddn auth login\n```\n\n### Step 2: Configure the connector\n\nOnce you have an initialized supergraph and subgraph, run the initialization command in interactive mode while providing a name for the connector in the prompt:\n\n```bash\nddn connector init duckdb -i\n```\n\n#### Step 2.1: Choose the `hasura/duckdb` option from the list\n\n#### Step 2.2: Choose a port for the connector\n\nThe CLI will ask for a specific port to run the connector on. Choose a port that is not already in use or use the default suggested port.\n\n#### Step 2.3: Provide the env var(s) for the connector\n\n| Name | Description |\n|-|-|\n| DUCKDB_URL | The connection string for the DuckDB database, or the file path to the DuckDB database file |\n\nYou'll find the environment variables in the `.env` file and they will be in the format:\n\n`\u003cSUBGRAPH_NAME\u003e_\u003cCONNECTOR_NAME\u003e_\u003cVARIABLE_NAME\u003e`\n\nHere is an example of what your `.env` file might look like:\n\n```\nAPP_DUCKDB_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER=\"Bearer SPHZWfL7P3Jdc9mDMF9ZNA==\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_DUCKDB_URL=\"md:?motherduck_token=ey...\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_HASURA_SERVICE_TOKEN_SECRET=\"SPHZWfL7P3Jdc9mDMF9ZNA==\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT=\"\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=\"app_duckdb\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_READ_URL=\"\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_WRITE_URL=\"\"\n```\n\nIf you are attaching to a local DuckDB file, first make sure that the file is located inside the connector directory. For example, if you had a `data.duckdb` file you could place it at `/app/connector/duckdb/data.duckdb`. Files in the connector directory get mounted to `/etc/connector/`. \n\nIn this instance, you would set the `DUCKDB_URL=/etc/connector/data.duckdb`. Now your `.env` might look like this:\n\n```\nAPP_DUCKDB_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER=\"Bearer SPHZWfL7P3Jdc9mDMF9ZNA==\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_DUCKDB_URL=\"/etc/connector/data.duckdb\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_HASURA_SERVICE_TOKEN_SECRET=\"SPHZWfL7P3Jdc9mDMF9ZNA==\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT=\"\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=\"app_duckdb\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_READ_URL=\"\"\nAPP_DUCKDB_WRITE_URL=\"\"\n```\n\nYour experience mounting files may vary, and while useful to explore a file locally, it's not recommended to attempt to deploy a connector using a locally mounted file.\n\n### Step 3: Introspect the connector\n\nIntrospecting the connector will generate a `config.json` file and a `duckdb.hml` file.\n\n```bash\nddn connector introspect duckdb\n```\n\n### Step 4: Add your resources\n\nYou can add the models, commands, and relationships to your API by tracking them which generates the HML files. \n\n```bash\nddn connector-link add-resources duckdb\n```\n\n## Documentation\n\nView the full documentation for the DuckDB connector [here](\n\n## Contributing\n\nCheck out our [contributing guide]( for more details.\n\n## License\n\nThe DuckDB connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":false,"logo":"","name":"duckdb","title":"(MotherDuck) DuckDB Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-17T00:00:04.292418+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-03-06T00:00:08.610739+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a Citus PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\n`ndc-postgres` provides a Hasura Data Connector to the PostgreSQL database,\nwhich can expose and run GraphQL queries via the Hasura v3 Project.\n\n- [PostgreSQL Connector information in the Hasura Connectors directory](\n- [GitHub repository](\n\nThe connector implements the [NDC Specification](,\nbut does not currently support column relationship arguments in queries, or functions.\n\nVisit the\n[Hasura v3 Documentation]( \nfor more information.\n\nThe connector supports the Citus database extensions to PostgreSQL.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nFollow the [Quick Start Guide]( \nTo use the PostgreSQL data connector from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"citus","title":"Citus PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:14.136834+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-06-20T00:00:07.089672+00:00","description":"Connect to a SQLite database and expose them to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Hasura Turso Connector\n\n\u003ca href=\"\"\u003e\u003cimg src=\"\" align=\"right\" width=\"200\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nThe Hasura Turso Connector allows for connecting to a LibSQL/SQLite database or a Turso hosted LibSQL database to give\nyou an instant GraphQL API on top of your Turso data.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Typescript Data Connector SDK]( and\nimplements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Turso connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ❌ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ✅ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Turso connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description |\n| ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| TURSO_URL | The connection string for the Turso database, or the file path to the SQLite file |\n| TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN | The turso auth token |\n\nIf you are attaching to a local SQLite file, first make sure that the file is located inside the connector directory.\nFor example, if you had a `data.sqlite` file you could place it at `/app/connector/turso/data.sqlite`. Files in the\nconnector directory get mounted to `/etc/connector/`.\n\nIn this instance, you would set the `TURSO_URL=file:/etc/connector/data.sqlite` and leave the `TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN` as\nblank/null.\n\n**Your experience mounting files may vary, and while useful to explore a file locally, it's not recommended to attempt\nto deploy a connector using a locally mounted file.**\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## Documentation\n\nView the full documentation for the Turso connector [here](\n\n## Contributing\n\nCheck out our [contributing guide]( for more details.\n\n## License\n\nThe Turso connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":false,"logo":"","name":"turso","title":"(Turso) SQLite Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-05-15T00:00:05.379316+00:00","description":"Connect to a SQL Server database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# SQL Server Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n\n\u003e **Note:** ADO.NET is the supported connection string format for SQL Server for ndc-sqlserver in DDN.\n\u003e You can find the documentation for ADO.NET SQL Server connection strings [here](\n\u003e This is a change from Hasura version 2, where ODBC connection strings were supported.\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nMicrosoft SQL Server. This connector supports SQL Server's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for\nefficient and scalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data\nDelivery Network (DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database,\nthereby enhancing query optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Rust Data Connector SDK]( and implements\nthe [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the SQL Server connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n|---------------------------------|-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Native Mutations | ✅ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | The limit parameter does not work as expected when combined with aggregate functions. Currently, any limit value set in these cases will be disregarded. |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Stored Procedures | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | Only native mutations are suppported |\n| Distinct | ✅ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the SQLServer connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\u003e **Note:** The `CONNECTION_URI` is the connection string of the SQL Server database. You can find the documentation for ADO.NET SQL Server connection string formats [here](\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required | Default |\n| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------- |\n| CONNECTION_URI | The connection string of the SQL Server database | Yes | N/A |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## Documentation\n\nView the full documentation for the ndc-sqlserver connector [here](\n\n## Contributing\n\nWe're happy to receive any contributions from the community. Please refer to our\n[development guide](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura SQL Server connector is available under the\n[Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"sqlserver","title":"SQL Server Connector","updated_at":"2025-01-10T00:00:06.556314+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-03-06T00:00:09.418999+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a CockroachDB PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe connector supports the CockroachDB flavor of PostgreSQL.\n\n## Using the PostgreSQL connector\n\nCheck out the [Hasura docs here]( to get started with the PostgreSQL connector.\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"cockroach","title":"CockroachDB PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-09-28T00:00:22.718472+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-06-24T16:08:38.837131+00:00","description":"The Hasura Elasticsearch Connector allows for connecting to a Elasticsearch search engine, giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Elasticsearch data.","docs":"# Elasticsearch Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your documents in\nElasticsearch. This connector supports Elasticsearch functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient\nand scalable data operations. Additionally, you will benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery\nNetwork (DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate all query operations to the Elasticsearch,\nthereby enhancing query optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector is built using the [Go Data Connector SDK]( and implements the\n[Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [See the listing in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura DDN Documentation](\n- [Hasura DDN Quickstart](\n- [GraphQL on Elasticsearch](\n\nDocs for the Elasticsearch data connector:\n\n- [Architecture](\n- [Code of Conduct](\n- [Contributing](\n- [Configuration](\n- [Development](\n- [Security](\n- [Support](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Elasticsearch connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Nested Objects | ✅ | |\n| Nested Arrays | ✅ | |\n| Nested Filtering | ✅ | |\n| Nested Sorting | ❌ | |\n| Nested Relationships | ❌ | |\n\n\u003e [!Note]\n\u003e\n\u003e - **Relationships** are currently implemented via `top_hits` operator. That operator has a default maximum result size limit of 100 rows. This is what the connector operates on. If you give the connector a higher limit, it will change that to 100 for compliance with the database. Also, since the returned result will contain only 100 rows per bucket, it may not represent the whole result.\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Elasticsearch connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Environment Variable | Description | Required | Example Value |\n| ----------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| `ELASTICSEARCH_URL` | The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch host addresses for connection (Use `` instead of `localhost` if your connector is running on your local machine) | Yes | `` |\n| `ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME` | The username for authenticating to the Elasticsearch cluster | Yes | `admin` |\n| `ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD` | The password for the Elasticsearch user account | Yes | `default` |\n| `ELASTICSEARCH_API_KEY` | The Elasticsearch API key for authenticating to the Elasticsearch cluster | No | `ABCzYWk0NEI0aDRxxxxxxxxxx1k6LWVQa2gxMUpRTUstbjNwTFIzbGoyUQ==` |\n| `ELASTICSEARCH_CA_CERT_PATH` | The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate for verifying the Elasticsearch server's SSL certificate | No | `/etc/connector/cacert.pem` |\n| `ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_PATTERN` | The pattern for matching Elasticsearch indices, potentially including wildcards, used by the connector | No | `hasura*` |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## Documentation\n\nCheck out the [NDC Elasticsearch Documentation](\n\n## Contributing\n\nCheck out our [contributing guide]( for more\ndetails.\n\n## License\n\nThe Elasticsearch connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"elasticsearch","title":"Elasticsearch Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-04T00:00:04.486589+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-09-27T00:00:10.520771+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a Prometheus API server","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura Prometheus Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a Prometheus API server giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your Prometheus data.\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-prometheus GitHub repository](\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura Prometheus connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"prometheus","title":"Prometheus Data Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-07-11T00:00:06.412631+00:00","description":"Connect to a MySQL database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# MySQL Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in MySQL.\nThis connector supports MySQL's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data\noperations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network (DDN) platform,\nincluding query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing query\noptimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the MySQL connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\n## Using the MySQL connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| -------- | --------------------------------------- | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura MySQL connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"mysql","title":"MySQL Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-18T00:00:09.352902+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-07-11T00:00:05.292441+00:00","description":"Connect to a Snowflake database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Snowflake Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in\nSnowflake. This connector supports Snowflake's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and\nscalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network\n(DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing\nquery optimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Snowflake connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the Snowflake connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n| JDBC_SCHEMAS | A comma-separated list of schemas to include in the metadata | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n \n## Key-Pair Authentication with RSA Keys\n\nSnowflake supports Key-Pair Authentication in their JDBC driver, as noted in the docs:\n-\n\nThis connector supports the method described in section `Private key file name and password in connection string`.\n\nNamely, mount your RSA keys into the Connector container, and then reference the mounted file path in your connection string as below:\n- `jdbc:snowflake://\u0026private_key_file_pwd=\u003cPASSWORD\u003e`\n\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Snowflake connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"snowflake","title":"Snowflake Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-18T00:00:14.293404+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-07-11T00:00:06.562506+00:00","description":"Connect to an Oracle database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project","docs":"# Oracle Connector\n\n[](\n[](\n[](LICENSE.txt)\n[](./\n\nWith this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in Oracle.\nThis connector supports Oracle's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data\noperations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network (DDN) platform,\nincluding query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing query\noptimization and performance.\n\nThis connector implements the [Data Connector Spec](\n\n- [Connector information in the Hasura Hub](\n- [Hasura V3 Documentation](\n\n## Features\n\nBelow, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the Oracle connector:\n\n| Feature | Supported | Notes |\n| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- |\n| Native Queries + Logical Models | ✅ | |\n| Native Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Simple Object Query | ✅ | |\n| Filter / Search | ✅ | |\n| Simple Aggregation | ✅ | |\n| Sort | ✅ | |\n| Paginate | ✅ | |\n| Table Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Views | ✅ | |\n| Remote Relationships | ✅ | |\n| Custom Fields | ❌ | |\n| Mutations | ❌ | |\n| Distinct | ❌ | |\n| Enums | ❌ | |\n| Naming Conventions | ❌ | |\n| Default Values | ❌ | |\n| User-defined Functions | ❌ | |\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\n## Using the Oracle connector\n\nWith the [context set]( for an existing subgraph, initialize\nthe connector:\n\n```sh\nddn connector init -i\n```\n\nWhen the wizard runs, you'll be prompted to enter the following env vars necessary for your connector to function:\n\n| Name | Description | Required |\n| -------- | --------------------------------------- | -------- |\n| JDBC_URL | The JDBC URL to connect to the database | Yes |\n\nAfter the CLI initializes the connector, you'll need to:\n\n- [Introspect]( the source.\n- Add your [models](,\n [commands](, and\n [relationships](\n- Create a [new build](\n- Test it by [running your project along with the connector](\n\n## License\n\nThe Hasura Oracle connector is available under the [Apache License 2.0](\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"oracle","title":"Oracle Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-22T00:00:07.4447+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:27.811276+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to a Timescale database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nAs much as possible we attempt to provide explicit support for database projects that identify as being derived from PostgreSQL such as [Timescale PostgreSQL](\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository]( \n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation]( \nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"postgres-timescaledb","title":"Timescale PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:26.798898+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-07-03T00:00:03.614826+00:00","description":"The GraphQL Native Data Connector allows for connecting to any GraphQL endpoint","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura GraphQL Connector allows for connecting to a GraphQL API and bringing it into Hasura DDN supergraph as a\nsingle unified API. It can also be used to bring in your current Hasura v2 graphQL API into Hasura DDN and our\nrecommended approach is to create a new subgraph for the v2 API.\n\nFor Hasura v2 users, this functionality is the replacement of\n[remote schemas]( functionality in v3 (DDN).\n\nThe `ndc-graphql` data connector is open source and can be found in the\n[ndc-graphql GitHub repository](\n\n## Prerequisites\n\n1. Create a [Hasura Cloud account](\n2. Please ensure you have the [DDN CLI]( and\n [Docker]( installed\n3. [Create a supergraph](\n4. [Create a subgraph](\n\nThe steps below explain how to initialize and configure a connector on your local machine (typically for development\npurposes).You can learn how to deploy a connector to Hasura DDN — after it's been configured —\n[here](\n\n## Using the GraphQL connector\n\nCheck out the\n[Hasura docs here]( to get\nstarted with the GraphQL connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 CLI]( and\n[Console]( Please follow either the\n[Quick Start Guide]( or\n[deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue]( you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":false,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"graphql","title":"GraphQL Native Data Connector","updated_at":"2024-11-13T11:10:53.166126+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-12-02T07:23:27.016681+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to HTTP API servers","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura HTTP Connector allows for connecting Hasura to HTTP API servers giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your RESTful data.\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-http GitHub repository](\n\n\u003e [!NOTE]\n\u003e HTTP connector is a configuration-based HTTP engine and isn't limited to the OpenAPI specs only. Use [OpenAPI Connector]( if you want to take more control of OpenAPI via code generation.\n\n## Features\n\n- No code, configuration-based.\n- Supported many API specifications.\n- Composable API collections.\n- Supported authentication.\n- Supported headers forwarding.\n- Supported timeout and retry.\n- Supported concurrency and sending distributed requests to multiple servers.\n\n**Supported request types**\n\n| Request Type | Query | Path | Body | Headers |\n| ------------ | ----- | ---- | ---- | ------- |\n| GET | ✅ | ✅ | NA | ✅ |\n| POST | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n| DELETE | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n| PUT | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n| PATCH | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |\n\n**Supported content types**\n\n| Content Type | Supported |\n| --------------------------------- | --------- |\n| application/json | ✅ |\n| application/xml | ✅ |\n| application/x-www-form-urlencoded | ✅ |\n| multipart/form-data | ✅ |\n| text/\\* | ✅ |\n| application/x-ndjson | ✅ |\n| application/octet-stream | ✅ (\\*) |\n| image/\\* | ✅ (\\*) |\n| video/\\* | ✅ (\\*) |\n\n(\\*) Upload file content types are converted to `base64` encoding.\n\n**Supported authentication**\n\n| Security scheme | Supported | Comment |\n| --------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| API Key | ✅ | |\n| Bearer Auth | ✅ | |\n| Cookies | ✅ | Require forwarding the `Cookie` header from the Hasura engine. |\n| OAuth 2.0 | ✅ | Built-in support for the `client_credentials` grant. Other grant types require forwarding access tokens from headers by the Hasura engine |\n| mTLS | ✅ | |\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura HTTP connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\nExplore, request, and contribute pre-built configurations of popular services in the [HTTP Connector Recipes]( repository.\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"http","title":"HTTP Connector","updated_at":"2025-02-21T10:07:52.942009+00:00"},{"created_at":"2024-04-02T12:42:13.426877+00:00","description":"Connect Hasura DDN to an AlloyDB PostgreSQL database","docs":"## Overview\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.\n\nAs much as possible we attempt to provide explicit support for database projects that identify as being derived from PostgreSQL such as [Google AlloyDB PostgreSQL](\n\nData Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the [NDC Specification]( using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.\n\nThe `ndc-postgres` data connector is open source and can be found in the [ndc-postgres GitHub repository]( \n\nVisit the\n[Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation]( \nfor more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.\n\n## Deployment\n\nThe connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the [Hasura v3 Console](\n\n## Usage\n\nThe Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the [Hasura CLI]( by following either the [Quick Start Guide]( or [deploying the connector](\n\n## Troubleshooting\n\nPlease [submit a Github issue](\nif you encounter any problems!\n","is_hosted_by_hasura":true,"is_verified":true,"logo":"","name":"postgres-alloydb","title":"AlloyDB PostgreSQL","updated_at":"2024-08-23T00:00:27.771872+00:00"}]}}},"page":"/connectors","query":{},"buildId":"fxzKEjKif2EpqY9zKItnh","isFallback":false,"gsp":true,"appGip":true,"locale":"en-US","locales":["en-US"],"defaultLocale":"en-US","scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>