{"title":"Characterization of Liver Leukocyte Infiltrates and Features of Cytokine Profile under Viral Hepatitis-Induced Immunosuppression","authors":"Olga V. Lebedinskaya, Irina N. Kabanovskaya, Anna S. Lasareva, Nelly K. Akhmatova, Anatoliy P. Godovalov, Andrey V. Horinko, Mikhail V. Kiselevsky","volume":72,"journal":"International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences","pagesStart":739,"pagesEnd":743,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9131","abstract":"The nature, prevalence, cellular composition of\r\nleukocyte infiltrates and immunohistochemical characteristics of\r\ntheir constituent cells in the liver of patients with chronic viral\r\nhepatitis B and C were investigated. It was found that the area of\r\ndistribution and cellular composition of infiltrates depended on the\r\nvirus type and process activity. The expediency of\r\nimmunohistochemical study using leukocyte infiltrates from liver\r\nbiopsies of patients with viral hepatitis aimed at clarifying diagnosis,\r\nmaking prognosis, and choice of optimal treatment with elements of\r\nimmune correction is emphasized.","references":"[1] K.H. Meyer zum Buschenfelde \"Immunopathology of chronic liver\r\ndiseases \", Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Pathol., vol. 79, 1995, pp. 186-197.\r\n[2] M. Muller, H.E. Blum, F. Er, R. Thimme, N. Semmo \"Cellular immune\r\nresponse in hepatitis C infection: Role of CD154 expression and clinical\r\nrelevance\", Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr., vol. 136(20), 2011, pp. 1073-\r\n1077.\r\n[3] A. Weber, Y.T. Boege, F. Reisinger, M. Heikenw\u251c\u00f1lder \"Chronic liver\r\ninflammation and hepatocellular carcinoma: persistence matters\", Swiss.\r\nMed. Wkly., vol. 141, 2011, pp. 1-9","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 72, 2012"}