Number of Refugees per 1000 square kilometre by Country

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2210.6,f: '2,210.6'}, {v: 'Netherlands'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'KW'}, {v: 2209.4,f: '2,209.4'}, {v: 'Kuwait'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'RW'}, {v: 2174.8,f: '2,174.8'}, {v: 'Rwanda'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'PK'}, {v: 2031,f: '2,031'}, {v: 'Pakistan'},{v: '034'}]},{c:[{v: 'DE'}, {v: 1636.9,f: '1,636.9'}, {v: 'Germany'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'GM'}, {v: 1368.9,f: '1,368.9'}, {v: 'Gambia, The'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'GB'}, {v: 1197.6,f: '1,197.6'}, {v: 'United Kingdom'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'LU'}, {v: 1190.3,f: '1,190.3'}, {v: 'Luxembourg'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'CH'}, {v: 1121,f: '1,121'}, {v: 'Switzerland'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'RS'}, {v: 946.4,f: '946.4'}, {v: 'Serbia'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'NP'}, {v: 847.7,f: '847.7'}, {v: 'Nepal'},{v: '034'}]},{c:[{v: 'BI'}, {v: 779.3,f: '779.3'}, {v: 'Burundi'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'UG'}, {v: 669,f: '669'}, {v: 'Uganda'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'IR'}, {v: 603.9,f: '603.9'}, {v: 'Iran'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'LI'}, {v: 589.4,f: '589.4'}, {v: 'Liechtenstein'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'BE'}, {v: 557.2,f: '557.2'}, {v: 'Belgium'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'KE'}, {v: 548.3,f: '548.3'}, {v: 'Kenya'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'DK'}, {v: 529.3,f: '529.3'}, {v: 'Denmark'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'AT'}, {v: 448.7,f: '448.7'}, {v: 'Austria'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'IL'}, {v: 438.5,f: '438.5'}, {v: 'Israel'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'DJ'}, {v: 424.1,f: '424.1'}, {v: 'Djibouti'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'EC'}, {v: 394,f: '394'}, {v: 'Ecuador'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'CR'}, {v: 352.6,f: '352.6'}, {v: 'Costa Rica'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'TZ'}, {v: 340.4,f: '340.4'}, {v: 'Tanzania'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'YE'}, {v: 332.9,f: '332.9'}, {v: 'Yemen'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'FR'}, {v: 292.4,f: '292.4'}, {v: 'France'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'TD'}, {v: 259.3,f: '259.3'}, {v: 'Chad'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'GW'}, {v: 231.2,f: '231.2'}, {v: 'Guinea-Bissau'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'PA'}, {v: 224.4,f: '224.4'}, {v: 'Panama'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'VE'}, {v: 219.8,f: '219.8'}, {v: 'Venezuela'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'TH'}, {v: 218.5,f: '218.5'}, {v: 'Thailand'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'BD'}, {v: 207.5,f: '207.5'}, {v: 'Bangladesh'},{v: '034'}]},{c:[{v: 'CM'}, {v: 173,f: '173'}, {v: 'Cameroon'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'SE'}, {v: 172.5,f: '172.5'}, {v: 'Sweden'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'SN'}, {v: 168.1,f: '168.1'}, {v: 'Senegal'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'TG'}, {v: 163.7,f: '163.7'}, {v: 'Togo'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'CY'}, {v: 158,f: '158'}, {v: 'Cyprus'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'IT'}, {v: 156.3,f: '156.3'}, {v: 'Italy'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'BA'}, {v: 141.8,f: '141.8'}, {v: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'IE'}, {v: 139.9,f: '139.9'}, {v: 'Ireland'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'AM'}, {v: 133.5,f: '133.5'}, {v: 'Armenia'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'SA'}, {v: 123.4,f: '123.4'}, {v: 'Saudi Arabia'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'NO'}, {v: 113.1,f: '113.1'}, {v: 'Norway'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'ZM'}, {v: 110.7,f: '110.7'}, {v: 'Zambia'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'MY'}, {v: 110.7,f: '110.7'}, {v: 'Malaysia'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'SL'}, {v: 107.8,f: '107.8'}, {v: 'Sierra Leone'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'LR'}, {v: 106.2,f: '106.2'}, {v: 'Liberia'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'EG'}, {v: 99.4,f: '99.4'}, {v: 'Egypt'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'IQ'}, {v: 89.2,f: '89.2'}, {v: 'Iraq'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'GN'}, {v: 87.4,f: '87.4'}, {v: 'Guinea'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'HU'}, {v: 83.5,f: '83.5'}, {v: 'Hungary'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'BH'}, {v: 77,f: '77'}, {v: 'Bahrain'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'CI'}, {v: 76.8,f: '76.8'}, {v: 'Côte d\'Ivoire'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'GH'}, {v: 75.9,f: '75.9'}, {v: 'Ghana'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'ET'}, {v: 73.9,f: '73.9'}, {v: 'Ethiopia'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'SD'}, {v: 72.3,f: '72.3'}, {v: 'Sudan'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'CG'}, {v: 72.2,f: '72.2'}, {v: 'Congo, Republic of the'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'CD'}, {v: 66.4,f: '66.4'}, {v: 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'MK'}, {v: 66,f: '66'}, {v: 'Macedonia [FYROM]'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'BJ'}, {v: 59.8,f: '59.8'}, {v: 'Benin'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'IN'}, {v: 58.4,f: '58.4'}, {v: 'India'},{v: '034'}]},{c:[{v: 'BG'}, {v: 46.3,f: '46.3'}, {v: 'Bulgaria'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'SZ'}, {v: 44.7,f: '44.7'}, {v: 'Swaziland'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'PL'}, {v: 41.1,f: '41.1'}, {v: 'Poland'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'DZ'}, {v: 40.6,f: '40.6'}, {v: 'Algeria'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'ER'}, {v: 39.5,f: '39.5'}, {v: 'Eritrea'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'ZA'}, {v: 35.6,f: '35.6'}, {v: 'South Africa'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'MW'}, {v: 35.2,f: '35.2'}, {v: 'Malawi'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'GA'}, {v: 33.9,f: '33.9'}, {v: 'Gabon'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'CN'}, {v: 32.1,f: '32.1'}, {v: 'China'},{v: '030'}]},{c:[{v: 'US'}, {v: 30,f: '30'}, {v: 'United States'},{v: '021'}]},{c:[{v: 'HR'}, {v: 28.3,f: '28.3'}, {v: 'Croatia'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'CZ'}, {v: 26.8,f: '26.8'}, {v: 'Czech Republic'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'MR'}, {v: 25.9,f: '25.9'}, {v: 'Mauritania'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'AZ'}, {v: 23.9,f: '23.9'}, {v: 'Azerbaijan'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'PG'}, {v: 21.5,f: '21.5'}, {v: 'Papua New Guinea'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'FI'}, {v: 19.8,f: '19.8'}, {v: 'Finland'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'CA'}, {v: 17.7,f: '17.7'}, {v: 'Canada'},{v: '021'}]},{c:[{v: 'SG'}, {v: 16.7,f: '16.7'}, {v: 'Singapore'},{v: ''}]},{c:[{v: 'GR'}, {v: 16.4,f: '16.4'}, {v: 'Greece'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'GE'}, {v: 14.3,f: '14.3'}, {v: 'Georgia'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'TR'}, {v: 14.2,f: '14.2'}, {v: 'Turkey'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'SI'}, {v: 13.2,f: '13.2'}, {v: 'Slovenia'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'TJ'}, {v: 12.7,f: '12.7'}, {v: 'Tajikistan'},{v: '143'}]},{c:[{v: 'BZ'}, {v: 12.4,f: '12.4'}, {v: 'Belize'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'UA'}, {v: 12,f: '12'}, {v: 'Ukraine'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'CF'}, {v: 11.9,f: '11.9'}, {v: 'Central African Republic'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'LT'}, {v: 11.6,f: '11.6'}, {v: 'Lithuania'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'NG'}, {v: 11.1,f: '11.1'}, {v: 'Nigeria'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'AO'}, {v: 10.1,f: '10.1'}, {v: 'Angola'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'NZ'}, {v: 10.1,f: '10.1'}, {v: 'New Zealand'},{v: ''}]},{c:[{v: 'ES'}, {v: 9.2,f: '9.2'}, {v: 'Spain'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'ZW'}, {v: 8.9,f: '8.9'}, {v: 'Zimbabwe'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'NA'}, {v: 8.2,f: '8.2'}, {v: 'Namibia'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'ML'}, {v: 7.6,f: '7.6'}, {v: 'Mali'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'VN'}, {v: 7.2,f: '7.2'}, {v: 'Vietnam'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'RO'}, {v: 6.7,f: '6.7'}, {v: 'Romania'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'SK'}, {v: 6.5,f: '6.5'}, {v: 'Slovakia'},{v: '155'}]},{c:[{v: 'JP'}, {v: 5.4,f: '5.4'}, {v: 'Japan'},{v: '030'}]},{c:[{v: 'BW'}, {v: 5.2,f: '5.2'}, {v: 'Botswana'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'CU'}, {v: 4.7,f: '4.7'}, {v: 'Cuba'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'MD'}, {v: 4.4,f: '4.4'}, {v: 'Moldova'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'PT'}, {v: 4.4,f: '4.4'}, {v: 'Portugal'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'LY'}, {v: 4.1,f: '4.1'}, {v: 'Libya'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'LK'}, {v: 4,f: '4'}, {v: 'Sri Lanka'},{v: '034'}]},{c:[{v: 'MZ'}, {v: 4,f: '4'}, {v: 'Mozambique'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'SO'}, {v: 2.9,f: '2.9'}, {v: 'Somalia'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'BY'}, {v: 2.9,f: '2.9'}, {v: 'Belarus'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'AE'}, {v: 2.7,f: '2.7'}, {v: 'United Arab Emirates'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'AU'}, {v: 2.7,f: '2.7'}, {v: 'Australia'},{v: ''}]},{c:[{v: 'AL'}, {v: 2.3,f: '2.3'}, {v: 'Albania'},{v: '039'}]},{c:[{v: 'CL'}, {v: 2.1,f: '2.1'}, {v: 'Chile'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'BF'}, {v: 2,f: '2'}, {v: 'Burkina Faso'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'UZ'}, {v: 1.9,f: '1.9'}, {v: 'Uzbekistan'},{v: '143'}]},{c:[{v: 'KG'}, {v: 1.9,f: '1.9'}, {v: 'Kyrgyzstan'},{v: '143'}]},{c:[{v: 'MA'}, {v: 1.9,f: '1.9'}, {v: 'Morocco'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'KR'}, {v: 1.7,f: '1.7'}, {v: 'Korea, South'},{v: '030'}]},{c:[{v: 'KZ'}, {v: 1.6,f: '1.6'}, {v: 'Kazakhstan'},{v: '143'}]},{c:[{v: 'SV'}, {v: 1.5,f: '1.5'}, {v: 'El Salvador'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'GT'}, {v: 1.2,f: '1.2'}, {v: 'Guatemala'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'QA'}, {v: 1.2,f: '1.2'}, {v: 'Qatar'},{v: '145'}]},{c:[{v: 'NI'}, {v: 1.1,f: '1.1'}, {v: 'Nicaragua'},{v: '013'}]},{c:[{v: 'AR'}, {v: 1,f: '1'}, {v: 'Argentina'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'KH'}, {v: 0.9,f: '0.9'}, {v: 'Cambodia'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'PE'}, {v: 0.8,f: '0.8'}, {v: 'Peru'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'UY'}, {v: 0.8,f: '0.8'}, {v: 'Uruguay'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'BO'}, {v: 0.6,f: '0.6'}, {v: 'Bolivia'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'TN'}, {v: 0.6,f: '0.6'}, {v: 'Tunisia'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'EE'}, {v: 0.5,f: '0.5'}, {v: 'Estonia'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'MX'}, {v: 0.5,f: '0.5'}, {v: 'Mexico'},{v: '021'}]},{c:[{v: 'BR'}, {v: 0.5,f: '0.5'}, {v: 'Brazil'},{v: '005'}]},{c:[{v: 'IS'}, {v: 0.5,f: '0.5'}, {v: 'Iceland'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'LV'}, {v: 0.5,f: '0.5'}, {v: 'Latvia'},{v: '154'}]},{c:[{v: 'NE'}, {v: 0.3,f: '0.3'}, {v: 'Niger'},{v: '002'}]},{c:[{v: 'PH'}, {v: 0.3,f: '0.3'}, {v: 'Philippines'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'TM'}, {v: 0.2,f: '0.2'}, {v: 'Turkmenistan'},{v: '143'}]},{c:[{v: 'ID'}, {v: 0.2,f: '0.2'}, {v: 'Indonesia'},{v: '035'}]},{c:[{v: 'PY'}, {v: 0.2,f: '0.2'}, {v: 'Paraguay'},{v: 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id="chart-description" class="description"><span><p>This map shows number of refugees per 1000 square kilometre by country.</p></span></div> <!-- google_ad_section_end --> <div id="chart-last-updated"><hr><label>Last updated: </label><span>15 years ago</span></div> <!-- google_ad_section_start --> <div id="chart-category"><label>Category: </label><span><a href="">Immigration</a></span></div> <div id="chart-tags" style="padding-bottom:4px;" class="tagged"><label>Tags: </label><a href="">world</a> <a href="">refugees</a> <a href="">asylum</a> <a href="">residence</a> </div> <!-- google_ad_section_end --> </div> </div> <div class="yui-g" id="html-table"> </div> <div class="yui-g" id="references"> <div class="more_meta_head"> <ul class="icon_list"> <li class="select"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" id="chart-source-link"><span class="icon i_reference"></span>References</a></li> <li><a class="download-link" title="To Embed or download this chart/map" href=""><span class="icon 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