Notices of Consultation 2001 | CRTC

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The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A00-0130 dated 22 November 2000, a change to the effective control of Cable Atlantic Inc. The transfer will be effected through the transfer of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Cable Atlantic Inc. to Rogers Cable Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rogers Communications Inc., a widely held Canadian company. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2">2001-2</a> - 591992 B.C. Ltd., Carleton, Quebec – 200019613. The Commission announces that it has approved, by majority vote, by Letter of Authority A00-0128 dated 21 November 2000, the transfer of ownership and control of 591992 B.C. Ltd., licensee of CHAU-TV Carleton and its eleven transmitters, to 3760464 Canada Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Télé Inter-Rives ltée. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-3"> 2001-3</a> Câble-Axion Digitel inc.; Câble-Axion Québec inc. and its affiliates, Various communities in Quebec. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A00-0125 dated 21&#160;November 2000, all of the transactions that are part of applications for a change to the effective control of Câble-Axion Digitel inc. (Digitel) as well as Câble-Axion Québec inc. (Québec) and its affiliates. These companies operate broadcasting distribution undertakings in various locations throughout Quebec. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-4">2001-4</a> - Cogeco Cable Inc., Huntsville, Ontario. The Commission announces that it has approved, by letter of Authority A00-0131 dated 1&#160;December 2000, a transfer of the ownership and control of Huntsville Cable Services Limited serving Huntsville to Cogeco Cable Inc. The above-noted cable system was acquired from Radio &amp; T.V. Distribution Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of N.C. Bradley Holding Ltd. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-5.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-5">2001-5</a> - Call for comments: contents of the public file for upcoming TV ownership group&#160;renewal hearings. Deadline for intervention: 29 January 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-5-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-5-1">2001-5-1</a> - Call for comments: contents of the public file for upcoming TV ownership group renewal hearings </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-6.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-6">2001-6</a> - To amend the broadcasting licences for: Star Choice Television Network Inc., across Canada; Standard Radio Inc., Montréal, Quebec; Rogers Cablesystems Ontario Limited and Rogers Cable Inc., Guelph and Kitchener/Grand River, Ontario; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Shelburne, Ontario; Delta Cable Communications Ltd., Delta, British Columbia; and Coast Cable Communications Ltd., Sechelt and Gibsons, British Columbia. Deadline for intervention: 15&#160;February 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-6-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-6-1">2001-6-1</a> - Further to its Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-6.htm"> 2001-6</a> dated 11 January 2001, the Commission announces that, at the request of the applicant, Item 2, Standard Radio Inc. (CJAD and CJFM-FM), Montréal, Quebec, is withdrawn from the Public Notice. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-7.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-7">2001-7</a> - BCE Media Inc., on behalf of Canal Évasion Inc., Across Canada. The Commission has approved the the transfer of BCE Media Inc.’s ownership and control of Canal Évasion Inc., licensee of the French-language specialty service Canal Évasion. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-8.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-8">2001-8</a> - La coopérative des montagnes ltée., Edmundston (New-Brunswick). To amend the broadcasting licence of the type&#160;B community radio programming undertaking CFAI-FM; CIBM-FM Mont-Bleu ltée., Sully, Quebec. To add a low-power FM transmitter at Sully to offer the programming of CIBM-FM Rivière-du-Loup to adequately serve the population of the villages of Estcourt and Sully in Témiscouata; Radio CJFP (1986) ltée., Sully, Quebec. To add a low-power FM transmitter at Sully to offer the programming of CJFP-FM Rivière-du-Loup to adequately serve the population of the villages of Estcourt and Sully in Témiscouata; Lillooet-Camelsfoot T.V. Association, North Lillooet, Pavilion and Fountain Reserves, British Columbia. To add the programming service of CIFM-FM Kamloops. Deadline for intervention: 27&#160;February 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-9.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-9">2001-9</a> - Corus Entertainment Inc., Across Canada. To acquire control of the 20% voting interest held by Nelvana Broadcasting Limited (Nelvana) in TELETOON Canada Inc., licensee of an English- and French-language specialty service dedicated to animated programming, TELETOON; Radio Communautaire de Châteauguay inc., Châteauguay, Quebec. To amend the broadcasting licence of the type B community radio programming undertaking CHAI-FM; CJMC Radio du Golfe, Gros Morne, Quebec. To add an FM transmitter at Gros-Morne to offer the programming of CJMC-FM so that residents of the village receive all the regional information they are entitled to; CIBM-FM Mont-Bleu ltée., Saint-Pamphile/Sainte-Perpétue, Quebec. To add a low-power FM transmitter at Sainte-Perpétue to offer the programming of CHOX-FM La Pocatière to adequately serve the population of Saint-Pamphile, l’Islet County. Deadline for intervention: 5 March 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-10.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10">2001-10</a> - Report to the Governor in Council on measures to ensure that the residents of the Greater Toronto Area receive a range of radio services reflective of the diversity of their languages and cultures. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-11.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-11">2001-11</a> - Cogeco Cable Inc., Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, etc., Ontario. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0002 dated 10 January 2001, a transfer of the ownership and control of Muskoka Cable Systems Limited, licensee of the cable distribution undertaking serving Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Beach and Muskoka Falls, to Cogeco Cable Inc. The above-noted cable system was acquired from Winlen Limited and Magbond Inc. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-12.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-12">2001-12</a> - Riverview Cable Limited, Appleton and Glenwood, Newfoundland. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0005 dated 10 January 2001, a change to the effective control of Riverview Cable Limited. The change will be effected through the transfer of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Sea Mar Holdings Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Riverview Cable Limited, to Regional Cablesystems Inc., a widely-held Canadian company. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-13.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-13">2001-13</a> - Cogeco Cable Inc., Bala, Baysville, etc., Ontario. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0006 dated 10 January 2001, a transfer of the ownership and control of Lakeview Cable Limited, licensee of the cable distribution undertaking serving Bala, Baysville, Mactier, Port Carling, Port Sydney and Utterson, to Cogeco Cable Inc. The above-noted cable system was acquired from Donald Banks, Glen Banks and Winlen Limited. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-14.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-14">2001-14</a> - Village Cablesystems Ltd., Cardiff and Tweed, Ontario. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0007 dated 10 January 2001, a change to the effective control of Village Cablesystems Ltd. The change will be effected through the transfer of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Village Cablesystems Ltd. to Regional Cablesystems Inc., a widely-held Canadian company. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-15.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-15">2001-15</a> - Redden’s Cable T.V. Limited, Campbellford, Ontario. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0008 dated 10 January 2001, a change to the effective control of Redden’s Cable T.V. Limited. The change will be effected through the transfer of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Redden’s Cable T.V. Limited to Regional Cablesystems Inc., a widely held Canadian company. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-16.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-16">2001-16</a> - Cottagers’ Security and Service Limited, Haliburton and Minden, Ontario. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0009 dated 10 January 2001, a change to the effective control of Cottagers’ Security and Service Limited. The change will be effected through the transfer of all of the issued and outstanding shares of 1184479 Ontario Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cottagers’ Security and Service Limited, to Regional Cablesystems Inc., a widely-held Canadian company. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-17.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-17">2001-17</a> - Amendments to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations, Pay Television Regulations, 1990 and Specialty Services Regulations, 1990. The Commission has adopted the amendments to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations, Pay Television Regulations, 1990 and Specialty Services Regulations, 1990 attached to this notice. These amendments were issued for public comment in Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2000/PB2000-150.htm">2000-150</a>. They will be published in Part II of the Canada Gazette on 14 February 2001 and come into effect on 1&#160;February 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-18.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-18">2001-18</a> - Access Communications Co-operative Limited, Regina, Estevan, Weyburn and Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Authority to distribute a second set of 4+1 U.S. network signals which will be selected from the List of Part 3 Eligible Satellite Services; 4+1 means four (4) U.S. commercial network signals (CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX) and one (1) U.S. non-commercial network signal (PBS); and to distribute any of the Canadian signals included on the List of Part 3 Eligible Satellite Services. These Canadian stations are those which can presently be distributed by Class 3 cable systems. Shaw Cablesystems Company, Shaw Cablesystems (SMB) Ltd., Prairie Co-Ax TV Ltd., Access Communications Co-operative Limited; MacGregor, Manitoba; Assiniboia, Bengough, Lafleche, Rockglen, White City and Central Butte, Saskatchewan; Pincher Creek, Cowley and Lundbrek, Bruderheim and Lamont, Redwater, Alberta; Fairmont Hot Springs and Columere Park, Charlie Lake, Radium, Edgewater, Invermere, Athalmer and Windermere, Canal Flats, Lion's Bay, Nanoose Bay and Yahk, British Columbia. Authority to distribute a second set of 4+1&#160;U.S. network signals which will be selected from the List of Part 3 Eligible Satellite Services; 4+1 means four (4)&#160;U.S. commercial network signals (CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX) and one (1) U.S. non-commercial network signal (PBS). Deadline for intervention: 12&#160;March 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-19.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-19">2001-19</a> - Review of community channel policy and low-power radio broadcasting policy. The Commission seeks comments on issues relating to its policy frameworks for community cable television channels and low-power radio stations. The Commission will consider such revisions in conjunction with the development of a new licensing framework for low-power community-based television undertakings in urban areas and smaller communities, and in its development of an integrated policy approach to community-oriented programming undertakings. Deadline for intervention: 7 May 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-22.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-22">2001-22</a> - Corus Entertainment Inc. The Commission announces that it has approved, by Letter of Authority A01-0018 dated 26&#160;January 2001, the applications for a change to the effective control of Les Placements Belcand Mont-Royal inc. The change of control will be effected through the transfer of all of the issued and outstanding shares of 3776271 Canada inc. to 605838 B.C. Ltd., a subsidiary of Corus Entertainment Inc. Belcand is the owner of Metromedia CMR Broadcasting Inc. which owns directly or indirectly six radio stations, five in Montréal, CKOO-FM (formerly CIEL-FM), CKOI-FM, CINF, CFQR-FM and CINW, and one in St-Jérôme, CIME-FM, as well as the French-language Category 2 (digital) specialty television service "Canal Habitat". </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-23.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-23">2001-23</a> - No public notice issued under this number. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-25.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-25">2001-25</a> - Achieving a better balance: Report on French-language broadcasting services in a minority environment. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-26.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-26">2001-26</a> - A policy to increase the availability to cable subscribers of specialty services in the minority official language. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-27.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-27">2001-27</a> - Contents of the public file for upcoming TV group renewal hearings – Commission’s determination pursuant to consideration of comments received in response to Public Notices CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-5.htm"> 2001-5</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-5-1.htm"> 2001-5-1</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-27-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-27-1">2001-27-1</a> - Correction: In Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-27.htm">2001-27</a>, the Commission announced that it would be placing certain aggregate financial data with respect to the Canwest Global and CTV multi station groups on the public file. As of 28 March 2001 the Commission placed a revised version of the table entitled"Canwest Canadian Programming Expenses – 2000" on the public file. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-28.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-28">2001-28</a> - Changes to the following licensees: South Cariboo Communications Inc., Lillooet, British Columbia; Area "H" North T.V. Society, New Denver, British Columbia; and l'Association franco-culturelle de Yellowknife, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Deadline for intervention: 27&#160;March 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-29.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-29">2001-29</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Toronto, Ontario. To increase the effective radiated power of the transmitter of CBLA-FM from 48,000 to 55,100 watts; and to increase the effective radiated power of the transmitter of CJBC-FM Toronto from 3,500 to 5,730 watts combined with a decrease of the height of its antenna. Deadline for intervention: 29 March 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-30.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-30">2001-30</a> - Amendment to the eligibility criteria for Canadian treaty co-productions to access funding from certified independent production funds </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-31.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-31">2001-31</a> - Report to the Governor in Council on the earliest possible establishment of over-the-air television services that reflect and meet the needs of the multicultural, multilingual and multiracial population of the Greater Vancouver Area. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-32.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-32">2001-32</a> - An ethnic television programming undertaking to serve Vancouver. (Call for applications) </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-33.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-33">2001-33</a> - Call for comments on proposals by sponsors for the addition of non-Canadian satellite services to a digital list of eligible satellite services. Deadline for intervention: 2&#160;April 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-35.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-35">2001-35</a> - Star Choice Television Network Incorporated, Across Canada. To amend the condition of licence no. 9 of Star Choice’s Direct-to-Home ("<abbr title="direct-to-home">DTH</abbr>") satellite distribution undertaking licence. Deadline for intervention: 11 April 2001 </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-38.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-38">2001-38</a> - Telemedia Radio Inc., Hawkesbury, Ontario. To operate a transmitter on frequency 88.9 <abbr title="megahertz">MHz</abbr> (channel 205A) with an effective radiated power of 759 watts. Deadline for intervention: 10 April 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-39.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-39">2001-39</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario. Persons interested in submitting applications are required to file, with the Commission, a letter of intent no later than 23 April 2001, followed by a formal application no later than 22 May 2001, and are also required to submit all necessary technical documentation to the Department of Industry by the latter date. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-39-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-39-1">2001-39-1</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario. The Commission hereby suspends the deadline for filing applications until further notice. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-39-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-39-2">2001-39-2</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-39-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-39-3">2001-39-3</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario. Deadline for intervention: 15&#160;April 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-39-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-39-4">2001-39-4</a> - Further to its Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-39-3.htm">2001-39-3</a> dated 12&#160;February 2002, the Commission announces a correction to the call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-40.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-40">2001-40</a> - Extension of the Cable Capacity Report filing requirements for Class 1 cable distribution undertakings having 20,000 or more subscribers; and notice of the Commission’s plans to conduct a one-time survey of other cable distribution undertakings. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-41.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-41">2001-41</a> - The Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997 SOR/1997-144, 29 March 1997 (the regulations), provide for the payment of a Part I licence fee by certain broadcasting undertakings. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-42.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-42">2001-42</a> - To amend various licences of: The Partners of Canal Indigo, across Canada; Viewer’s Choice Canada Inc., Eastern Canada; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Churchill, Manitoba; Access Communications Co-Operative Limited, Regina, Weyburn, Estevan, Yorkton, Saskatchewan; SILK FM Broadcasting Ltd., Magna Bay, British Columbia; and 1158556 Ontario Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia. Deadline date for intervention: 7 May 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-43.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-43">2001-43</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: Rogers Cable Inc., Allardville, Bathurst, Blue Mountain Settlement, etc., New Brunswick; Carleton, Quebec; and Bolton and surrounding areas, CFB Borden, Alliston, etc., Ontario. To add a condition of licence that would allow the licensee, at its option, to insert certain promotional material as a substitute for the "local availabilities" (i.e. non-Canadian advertising material) or non-Canadian satellite services. Deadline for intervention: 24&#160;May 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-44.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-44">2001-44</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: Radio du golfe inc., Cloridorme, Rivière-à-Claude, etc., Quebec. To add FM transmitters at Cloridorme, Rivière-à-Claude, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts East and Murdochville so that the residents of the villages receive all the regional information available; and to amend the technical contours of the low power station CJMC-FM-4 Grande-Vallée by changing the current frequency of 92.7&#160;MHZ (channel&#160;224LP) to 103.1&#160;<abbr>MHz</abbr> (channel&#160;276LP). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Deline, Northwest Territories. To change the programming source of the transmitter CBQO-FM Deline from CHAK Inuvik to CFYK Yellowknife. Deadline for intervention: 24 May 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-45.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-45">2001-45</a> - Renewal of radio programming undertaking licences due to expire in 2001. Deadline for intervention: 25 May 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-46.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-46">2001-46</a> - Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC) – Call for comments on possible change to the regime governing the carriage of this service by broadcasting distribution undertakings. [Information: Secondary Audio Programming – SAP] </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-48.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-48">2001-48</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: Le réseau des sports inc., Across Canada. To amend the broadcasting licence for the national French-language specialty programming undertaking known as Le Réseau des Sports; Native Communication Inc., Long Plain Indian Reserve, Manitoba. To add an FM transmitter at Long Plain Indian Reserve to offer the programming of CINC-FM to adequately serve the population of Long Plain Indian Reserve; Burlingham Communications Inc., Hamilton/Burlington, Ontario. To increase the effective radiated power from 1,880 to 3,600 watts. Deadline for intervention: 5 June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-49.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-49">2001-49</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: Radio Nord Communications Inc., Hull, Quebec. To increase the power of a transmitter. Manitoba Jockey Club Inc., Corus Premium Television Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba; Friends Of Banff National Park Fellowship, Banff, Alberta. To renew a broadcasting licence. Central Broadcasting Company Limited, Waskesiu Lake, Saskatchewan; West Coast Community T.V. Association, Tofino, Ucluelet, British Columbia. To add a transmitter. CKUA Radio Foundation, Calgary, Alberta. To broadcast predominantly East-Indian language programming. Deadline for interventions: 12 June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-49-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-49-1">2001-49-1</a> - Further to its Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-49.htm"> 2001-49</a> dated 8 May 2001, the Commission announces a correction to item 6, CKUA Radio Foundation, Calgary, Alberta. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-50.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-50">2001-50</a> - The Commission has received the following application: Regional Cablesystems Inc., Sudbury, Timmins, Hearst, etc., Ontario. To amend the broadcasting licences for its above-noted Northern Ontario cable distribution undertakings, as follows: by adding a condition of licence that would allow the licensee, at its option, to insert certain promotional material as a substitute for the "local availabilities" (i.e. non-Canadian advertising material) of non-Canadian satellite services. Deadline for interventions:&#160;12 June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-51.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-51">2001-51</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a television programming undertaking to serve all or any one of Toronto, Hamilton and Kitchener, Ontario. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-52.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-52">2001-52</a> - CJRN 710 Inc., Niagara Falls, Ontario. To broadcast the programming presently aired on CJRN on CFLZ-FM and the programming presently aired on CFLZ-FM on CJRN. Deadline for intervention: 4 June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-53.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-53">2001-53</a> - Rogers Cable Inc., St. Thomas and Woodstock, Ontario. Applications by Rogers Cable Inc. for rate deregulation. Deadline for Intervention: 19&#160;June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-54.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-54">2001-54</a> - Bras D’or Broadcasting Limited, Sydney, Nova Scotia. Application for authority to transfer 55% of all issued and outstanding shares of Bras d'Or Broadcasting Limited to Maritime Broadcasting System Limited. The Gulf Broadcasting Company Limited, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Application for authority to transfer at least 512 common shares (92.92%), of the authorized capital in the Gulf Broadcasting Company Limited. Deadline for Intervention: 19&#160;June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-55.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-55">2001-55</a> - Ravinder Singh Pannu (OBCI), Across Canada. To amend the licence of the Category 2 national specialty television service known as SSTV. All TV Inc., Across Canada. To amend the licence of the ethnic Category 2 national specialty television service. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Ltd., Across Canada. To amend the licence of the Category 2 national specialty television service known as Raptors Basketball Channel. Deadline for Intervention:&#160;29 June 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-57.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-57">2001-57</a> - Principles for the launch of Category 1 and 2 digital services. The notice sets out the joint principles developed by the industry for the purpose of guiding programmers and distributors in their negotiation of agreements for the carriage of the new digital services. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-58.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-58">2001-58</a> - Digital migration issues – Reconvening of working group regarding </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-58-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-58-1">2001-58-1</a> - Digital migration issues: Call for comments regarding small cable systems. At the request of the Canadian Cable Television Association, the Commission extends the deadline for the filing of reply comments to 20&#160;July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-59.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-59">2001-59</a> - Changes to the Commission’s approach to cable undertakings – Proposed exemption for cable systems with fewer than 2,000 subscribers, and implementation of a regional licensing model. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-62.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-62">2001-62</a> - Call for comments on a proposed policy to oversee the transition from analog to digital over-the-air television broadcasting. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-63.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-63">2001-63</a> - Introductory statement to Decisions CRTC 2001-312 to 2001-320: Radio applications considered at the 20&#160;November 2000 public hearing in Burnaby, B.C. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-64.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-64">2001-64</a> - 3224503 Canada Inc. and 3145069 Canada Inc., Drummondville and Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Transfer of shares. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Mulgrave, Nova Scotia; Metromedia CMR Broadcasting Corp., Saint-Jérôme, Quebec; Rogers Cable Inc. and Rogers Cablesystems Ontario Limited, Bolton, Erin, Grand River/Kitchener, Grand Valley, Newmarket, Orangeville, Pickering, Pine Ridge/Oshawa, Richmond Hill, Toronto/Downsview, Toronto(Metro)/ Scarborough, Toronto/Peel, Toronto/York, Ajax, Guelph and Toronto/Etobicoke/ Mississauga, Ontario; John Elliott, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario; Homegrown Community Radio, Wilno, Ontario; C.O.R.B. Swift Current &amp; District Inc., Swift Current, Saskatchewan; The Miracle Channel Association, Burmis, Alberta; Craig Broadcast Alberta Inc., Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta; Cathe Wagg, Campbell River, British Columbia; Wells Best Seniors Association, Wells, British Columbia. To amend various broadcasting licences. Deadline for intervention: 10 July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-64-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-64-1">2001-64-1</a> - Further to its Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-64.htm"> 2001-64</a> dated 5 June 2001, the Commission announces a correction to item 9. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-65.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-65">2001-65</a> - Call for comments on a proposed amendment to the conditions of licence describing the nature of the services to be provided by Newsnet and Le Canal Nouvelles. Deadline for intervention: 6&#160;July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-66.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-66">2001-66</a> - Ownership of analog discretionary services by cable undertakings. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-66-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-66-1">2001-66-1</a> - Ownership of analog discretionary services by cable undertakings – amendment to the Commission’s policy </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-68.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-68">2001-68</a> - The Commission has received the following application to amend the licence of CKOL-FM., Campbellford Area Radio Association, Campbellford, Ontario. Deadline for intervention: 18 July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-70.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-70">2001-70</a> - Changes to conditions of licence for certain native radio undertakings </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-72.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-72">2001-72</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Sherbrooke, Quebec. To increase the effective radiated power of CBM-FM-1 from 23,400 to 25,000 watts and to relocate its transmitter to a site in Fleurimont, Quebec. Crossroads Television System, London and Ottawa, Ontario. To amend the licence of CITS-TV Hamilton, Burlington, St. Catharines and Toronto, Ontario in order to add transmitters at London and Ottawa. CTV Television Inc., Calgary, Alberta. To amend the licence of CFCN-TV by increasing the effective radiated power from 55,000 to 100,000 watts. Deadline for intervention: 27 July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-73.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-73">2001-73</a> - Call for comments on proposed amendment to definition of "associate" in various broadcasting regulations. The Commission will accept comments that it receives on or before 26 July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-74.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-74">2001-74</a> - The Commission has received the following application: Cogeco Câble Canada Inc., Drummondville, Grand-Mère, etc., Quebec. For authority to carry WFFF-TV (FOX), Burlington, Vermont, received off-air, as part of the basic service of its distribution undertaking serving the localities mentioned in the Public Notice. Deadline for intervention: 19&#160;July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-74-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-74-1">2001-74-1</a> - Drummondville, Grand-Mère, Nicolet, Rimouski, St-Hyacinthe, Ste-Adèle and Trois-Rivières, Quebec. Commission hereby corrects Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-74.htm">2001-74</a>, dated 29&#160;June 2001. In that Public Notice, the applicant’s name should have read "COGECO CÂBLE CANADA INC. on behalf of Cogeco Câble Estrie Inc., Cogeco Câble Mauricie Inc., Cogeco Câble Nicolet Inc., Cogeco Câble Rimouski Inc., Cogeco Câble Montérégie Inc., Cogeco Câble Laurentides Inc. and Cogeco Câble Trois-Rivières Inc." </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-75.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-75">2001-75</a> - Ownership transfers – Application of a condition precedent where approval is predicated on the divestiture of another business asset or interest </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-76.HTM" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-76">2001-76</a> - To amend the licences of: CHUM Limited, London, Wheatley, Wingham, Barrie, Pembroke/Ottawa, Ontario and Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitée, Ottawa, Ontario. Deadline for intervention: 10&#160;August 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-77.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-77">2001-77</a> - CTV Inc., Montréal, Quebec. Authority to acquire control of CF Television Inc. by acquiring all of the issued and outstanding shares (35,000,100 common voting shares) of CF&#160;Television Inc., licensee of CFCF-TV Montreal, Quebec. Deadline for interventions: 10&#160;August 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-78.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-78">2001-78</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Quebec City, Quebec. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-79.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-79">2001-79</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Winnipeg, Manitoba </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-80.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-80">2001-80</a> - La radio communautaire inter-génération, jardin du Québec, St-Rémi, Quebec. To increase the effective radiated power for CHOC-FM from 0.8&#160;watts to 200&#160;watts. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-81.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-81">2001-81</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: The Comedy Network Inc., across Canada; CHCQ Ltd., Belleville, Ontario; Haliburton Broadcasting Group Inc., Bracebridge and Sudbury, Ontario; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Grand Rapids, Manitoba; and Natotawin Broadcasting Inc., North Battleford, Saskatchewan.Deadline for intervention: 17&#160;August 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-82.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-82">2001-82</a> - Revised lists of eligible satellite services </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-82-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-82-1">2001-82-1</a> - Revised lists of eligible satellite services. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-84.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-84">2001-84</a> - Call for comments – Proposed regulatory amendments regarding implementation of certain recommendations of the CRTC's Report on French-language broadcasting services in a minority environment </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-85.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-85">2001-85</a> - Call for comments on a licensing framework for new specialty audio programming services and on proposed amendments to the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations regarding carriage of ethnic audio services. Comments must be submitted by 12 October 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-86.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-86">2001-86</a> - Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc., Across Canada. To acquire control of The Independent Film Channel Canada Incorporated and of 3779718 Canada Limited; Corus Entertainment Inc., Across Canada. To acquire control of Telelatino Network Inc. and of Lifestyle Television (1994) Limited.; Chum Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia. To acquire control of CKVU Sub Inc. Deadline for intervention: 30&#160;August 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-87.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-87">2001-87</a> - Radio CJFP (1986) ltée, Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec. To delete the current condition of licence for CIEL-FM (formerly CJFP-FM) with respect to spoken word programming which requires that the licensee broadcast a minimum weekly level of 50% of spoken word programming; Radio Nord Communications Inc., Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. To requests an amendment to the condition of licence of CHLM-FM concerning the broadcast of French-language vocal music (FVM) by decreasing the percentage of FVM that it must broadcast from 95% to 85% for all of the selections broadcast. Deadline for intervention: 20 August 2001 </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-88.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-88">2001-88</a> - Representation of cultural diversity on television – Creation of an industry/community task force. The Commission calls upon the Canadian Association of Broadcasters to prepare an action plan for the creation of a task force. The task force, to consist of representatives of the broadcasting industry and community groups, will be responsible for examining, and finding ways to improve, the representation of Canada’s cultural diversity on television. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-89.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-89">2001-89</a> - Linkage requirements for direct-to-home (<abbr>DTH</abbr>) satellite distribution undertakings. In this notice, the Commission sets out revised linkage requirements for direct-to-home (<abbr>DTH</abbr>) satellite distribution undertakings. These requirements replace those contained in Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2000/PB2000-128.htm"> 2000-128</a> dated 14 September 2000. The revisions to the linkage requirements are relatively minor in scope. They consist of additions and amendments necessitated by various Commission decisions over the past year. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-90.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-90">2001-90</a> - Distribution and linkage requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 licensees. In this notice, the commission sets out revised distribution and linkage requirements for class 1 and class 2 licensees. These rules replace those contained in public notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2000/PB2000-155.htm"> 2000-155</a> dated 8&#160;november 2000. The revisions to the linkage requirements are relatively minor in scope. They consist of additions and amendments necessitated by various commission decisions taken over the past year. Among other things, the revised distribution and linkage requirements for class 1 and class 2 licensees are now presented in two different sections, one for analog distribution and one for digital distribution. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-91.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-91">2001-91</a> - To amend the licences of: Les Chaînes Télé Astral Inc. &amp; Alliance Atlantis Communications inc., Across Canada, Astral Radio Group Inc., Across Canada, CTV Inc., Across Canada, Pridevision Inc., Across Canada, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Gaspé, Québec, William Evanov (OBCI) CKDX-FM Radio Limited, Newmarket, Ontario, Golden West Broadcasting Ltd., Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Fairchild Radio (Calgary FM) Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Northern Native Broadcasting, Yukon, Pelly Crossing, Yukon Territory. Deadline for Intervention: 12 September 2001 </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-92.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-92">2001-92</a> - To amend the licences of: Stornoway Communications Limited Partnership, Across Canada, 1158556 ONTARIO LTD.,ROGERS CABLE INC., Richmond Hill and Part of Toronto (Scarborough), Ontario, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO COMMUNITY RADIO INC., Toronto, Ontario. Deadline for Intervention: 13 September 2001 </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-92-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-92-1">2001-92-1</a> - Further to its Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-92.htm"> 2001-92</a> dated 9 August 2001, the Commission announces a correction to item 4. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-93.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-93">2001-93</a> - The Commission has received the following application: Alliant Telecom Inc., Halifax Regional Municipality (Halifax,&#160;Dartmouth, Bedford and Sackville), Nova Scotia. To amend the licence of the cable system serving the above-mentioned localities, by adding a condition of licence that would allow the licensee, at its option, to insert certain promotional material as a substitute for the "local availabilities" (i.e. non-Canadian advertising material) or non-Canadian satellite services. Intervention deadline: 21 September 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-93-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-93-1">2001-93-1</a> - Further to its Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-93.htm">2001-93</a> dated 17 August 2001, the Commission announces a correction to item 1. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-94.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-94">2001-94</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: Télévision MBS Inc., Les Escoumins, Quebec; Télé Inter-Rives Ltée, Les Escoumins, Quebec; CJRT-FM Inc., Toronto, Ontario; and Access Communications Co-Operative Limited, Regina, Estevan, Weyburn and Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Deadline for intervention: 21&#160;September 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-94-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-94-1">2001-94-1</a> - Further to its Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-94.htm"> 2001-94</a> dated 17&#160;August 2001, the Commission announces a correction to item&#160;4: at the applicant's request, Access Communications Co-operative Limited, Regina, Saskatchewan, has been withdrawn. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-95.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-95">2001-95</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw), Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. (Cancom) and Star Choice Television Network Incorporated, Across Canada. To amend conditions of licence related to structural separation. Deadline for intervention: 17 September 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-96.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-96">2001-96</a> - Call for Comments - Bulk Billing by Direct-to-Home Satellite Distribution Undertakings. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-97.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-97">2001-97</a> - To amend the licences of: 3429873 Canada Inc. (TreeHouse TV), across Canada; Canal Évasion inc., across Canada; 3824586 Canada Inc. (CIKR-FM), Kingston, Ontario; Rogers Broadcasting Limited (CHFM-FM), Calgary, Alberta; and Rogers Radio (British Columbia) Ltd. (CKVX-FM-1), Abbotsford, British Columbia. Deadline for intervention: 4&#160;October 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-98.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-98">2001-98</a> - Ownership and launch requirements for Category&#160;1 and Category&#160;2 specialty services. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-100.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-100">2001-100</a> - Amendments to the <em>Broadcasting Distribution Regulations </em>to implement recommendations of the CRTC's Report on French-language broadcasting services in a minority environment. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-103.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-103">2001-103</a> - Call for comments – Carriage of local television stations by <abbr>DTH</abbr> undertakings in smaller markets. Deadline for comments: 30&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-103-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-103-1">2001-103-1</a> - Call for response to comments – Carriage of local television stations by <abbr>DTH</abbr> undertakings in smaller markets. Deadline for comments: 31&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-104.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-104">2001-104</a> - The Commission has received various applications from: Canal Évasion Inc., across Canada; Rush Communications Limited, Mabou, Nova Scotia; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Rimouski, Quebec; La Radio Communautaire du Comté, Rimouski, Quebec; and Corus Radio Company, Cornwall, Ontario. Deadline for intervention: 2&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-105.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-105">2001-105</a> - Introductory statement to Decisions CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/DB2001-625.htm"> 2001-625</a> to <a href="/eng/archive/2001/DB2001-629.htm">2001-629</a>: Radio applications considered at the 22&#160;May 2001 public hearing in the National Capital Region. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-106.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-106">2001-106</a> - The Commission has received the following applications: CTV Television Inc., across Canada; Câblevision TRP-SDM Inc., Trois-Pistoles and the rural area including Saint-Mathieu and Saint-Hubert, Quebec; Corus Radio Company (CFNY-FM), Brampton, Ontario; and Natotawin Broadcasting Inc., Denare Beach, Saskatchewan. Intervention deadline: 15&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-107.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-107">2001-107</a>&#160; Amendments to definition of "associate" in various broadcasting regulations. In Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-73.htm">2001-73</a>, the Commission called for comments on proposed amendments to five sets of the Commission’s broadcasting regulations to amend the definition of the term "associate" in the provisions dealing with the transfer of ownership and control of a licensee or its undertaking. The proposed amendments were consistent with the values of tolerance, respect and equality found in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to ensure that its regulations have the same regulatory effect on all couples who have been cohabiting in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. Further to PN <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-73.htm">2001-73</a>, the Commission has adopted amendments to these regulations, as set out in the appendix to this notice. The amendments came into effect on 1&#160;October&#160;2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-108.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-108">2001-108</a> - The Commission has received an application from Rogers Broadcasting Limited, Lethbridge, Alberta – to amend the licence for its FM radio station CFRV-FM. Intervention deadline: 30&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-109.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-109">2001-109</a> - Mandatory Order issued to Mr. Jan Pachul, pursuant to subsection 12(2) of the <em>Broadcasting Act</em>, concerning the operation of an unlicensed undertaking at Toronto, Ontario. This order takes effect on 15&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-111.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-111">2001-111</a> - Call for comments – Proposed amendments to the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990 and the Pay Television Regulations, 1990. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-111-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-111-1">2001-111-1</a> - Call for comments – Proposed amendments to the Specialty Services Regulations, 1990 and the Pay Television Regulations,&#160;1990. The new deadline for comments is 13&#160;December 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-112.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-112">2001-112</a> - The Commission has received an application from Canadian Satellite Communications Inc., across Canada – To amend the licence of its national satellite relay distribution undertaking. Intervention deadline: 6&#160;December 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-113.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-113">2001-113</a> - Fact finding inquiry on interactivity. Deadline for comments: 15&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-113-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-113-1">2001-113-1</a> - Fact finding inquiry on interactivity. Extension of deadline for submission of comments: 15 February 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-114.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-114">2001-114</a> - The Commission has received an application from Telemedia Radio (West) Inc., Vernon, British Columbia – To amend the licence of the radio station CICF-FM at Vernon. Intervention deadline: 26&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-115.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-115">2001-115</a> - The distribution of the proceedings of the House of Commons on CPAC. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-116.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-116">2001-116</a> - The Commission has received applications from Rogers Broadcasting Limited, Toronto, Ontario and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Holberg, British Columbia. Intervention deadline: 12&#160;December 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-117.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-117">2001-117</a> - The Commission has received applications from Bell Globemedia, across Canada; Radio McGill, Montreal, Quebec; and Eternacom Inc., Sudbury, Ontario. Intervention deadline: 27&#160;December 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-118.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-118">2001-118</a> - Introductory statement to Decisions CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/db2001-738.htm"> 2001-738</a> to CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/db2001-741.htm">2001-741</a>: Restructuring commercial radio in Regina. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-120.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-120">2001-120</a> - The Commission has received an application from Les Communications Matane Inc., Les&#160;Méchins, Quebec to amend the licence of radio station CHRM-FM Matane. Intervention deadline: 27&#160;December 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-121.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-121">2001-121</a> - Exemption order respecting cable systems having fewer than 2,000 subscribers </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-122.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-122">2001-122</a> - Proposed amendment to the exemption criteria for master antenna television systems (MATV). Deadline for comments: 25&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-123.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-123">2001-123</a> - Proposed exemption order for radiocommunication distribution undertakings (RDUs). Deadline for comments: 25&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PB2001-124.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-124">2001-124</a> - The Commission has received applications from: Image Wireless Communications Inc., Lloydminster, North Battleford, Stranraer, Swift Current, and Wilkie, Saskatchewan; and Chetwynd Communications Society, Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Deadline for intervention: 16&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-125.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-125">2001-125</a> - The Commission has received an application from Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Vancouver, British Columbia – to amend the licence of the new French-language radio station at Vancouver, approved in Decision CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/DB2001-313.htm">2001-313</a>. Intervention deadline: 21&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-127.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-127">2001-127</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.Deadline for application: 21&#160;March 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-128.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-128">2001-128</a> - Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. Deadline for application: 8&#160;March 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-129.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-129">2001-129</a> - Proposed policy framework for community-based media. Deadline for comments: 22&#160;February 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-130.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-130">2001-130</a> - Small cable systems – Digital migration policy </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pb2001-131.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-131">2001-131</a> - The Commission has received applications from: Groupe Tva Inc., across Canada; and Pemberton T.V. Society, Pemberton and Pemberton Valley, British Columbia. Intervention deadline: 25&#160;January 2002 </p> <h2 id="sec-h"> Notices of Public Hearing </h2> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-1">2001-1</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Feb26.htm">26 February 2001</a>, at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec to consider 12 items.&#160;<a href="/Broadcast/eng/HEARINGS/2001/2001-1/list.htm">Deadline for interventions: 1&#160;February 2001</a> </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-1-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-1-1">2001-1-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC&#160;<a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-1.htm">2001-1</a> dated 5 January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Feb26.htm"> 26&#160;February 2001</a>, at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to Issue no. 1 - Item 1, Midmusq Enhancements Inc., Dean, Chaplin, etc; Nova Scotia. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-1-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-1-2">2001-1-2</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Feb26.htm"> 26&#160;February 2001</a>, at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider Issue no. 2 - Item 13:&#160;&#160;<a href="/eng/public/2001/5060/">CTV Inc.</a> (on behalf of 1406236 Ontario Inc., 3844609&#160;Canada Inc. and Holdco), in various locations across Canada, for authority to effectuate a multi-step corporate reorganization.&#160;<a href="/Broadcast/eng/HEARINGS/2001/2001-1/list.htm">Deadline for Intervention:&#160;12 February 2001.</a> </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-1-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-1-3">2001-1-3</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-1 dated 5 January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Feb26.htm"> 26&#160;February 2001</a>, at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to Issue no. 1 - Item 11. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2">2001-2</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Mar26.htm"> 26 March 2001</a>, at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure, 1 Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Quebec, to consider various broadcasting licences. Deadline for <a href="/Broadcast/eng/HEARINGS/2001/2001-2/list.htm">intervention</a>: 1 March 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2-1">2001-2-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2.htm">2001-2</a> dated 26 January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Mar26.htm"> 26 March 2001</a>, at 9:00 a.m., at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure, 1&#160;Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces corrections to certain items: Quebecor Média Inc., Across Canada. Application number 2000-2338-3 is added for Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc.; David Jackson, Sudbury, Ontario. The frequency and channel should have read 101.1&#160;<abbr>MHz</abbr> (channel 266C1); Education Alternative Radio Society, Prince George, British Columbia. Item is withdrawn from the public hearing because the application was not received by Industry Canada. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2-2">2001-2-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-2 dated 26 January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Mar26.htm"> 26 March 2001</a>, at 9;00 a.m., at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure, 1&#160;Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to item 7: La société de télédiffusion du Québec, Montréal, Chapeau, Val-D'or, Rouyn, Grand-Portage, Baie-Trinité, Carleton, Anse-aux-Cascons, Percé, Québec, Hull, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Chicoutimi, Rimouski and Set-Îles, Quebec. Please note that in paragraph b) the reference to "after 7&#160;p.m." is deleted. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2-3">2001-2-3</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-2 dated 26 January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 26 March 2001, at 9:00 a.m., at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure, 1&#160;Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to Item 1a, Quebecor Média Inc., Across Canada. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2-4">2001-2-4</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2.htm">2001-2</a> dated 26&#160;January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 26&#160;March 2001, at 9:00 a.m., at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure, 1&#160;Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces that the following items have been withdrawn from this public hearing and rescheduled at a later date:&#160;&#160;Radio Communautaire Missisquoi, Lac-Brome (including Sutton, Cowansville And Masonville), Quebec; David Jackson, on behalf of a company to be incorporated, Sudbury, Ontario. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2-5.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-2-5">2001-2-5</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-2.htm">2001-2</a> dated 26 January 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 26 March 2001, at 9:00 a.m., at the Hilton Montréal Bonaventure, 1&#160;Place Bonaventure, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces that at the request of the applicants, the following items are withdrawn from this public hearing: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Ville-Marie, Quebec; Radio Témiscamingue Inc., Ville-Marie and Témiscaming, Quebec. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-3">2001-3</a> - Issue No. 1 – The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on<a href="/eng/process/2001/Apr17.htm"> 17&#160;April 2001</a> at 9:00&#160;A.M., at the Conference Centre, Phase&#160;IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider 52&#160;applications. The Commission will examine applications to renew the licences of 30&#160;local television stations and a satellite network owned by CTV Television Inc. (CTV) and 19&#160;owned by Global Television Network Ltd. (Global). These stations serve local markets in all the regions of the country.</p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-3-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-3-1">2001-3-1</a> - Issue No. 2 – The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Apr17.htm"> 17&#160;April 2001</a> at 9:00&#160;A.M., at the Conference Centre, Phase&#160;IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider the following applications for licences for digital specialty television programming undertakings – Category&#160;2: CHUM Limited, Persian Vision Inc. (OBCI), The Jewish Television Network, and Frank Rogers (OBCI).</p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-3-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-3-2">2001-3-2</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC 2001-3 and 2001-3-1 dated 21 February 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Apr17.htm"> 17&#160;April 2001</a> at 9:00 a.m., at the Conference Centre, Phase IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to Issue no.1, Item 50. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-3-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-3-3">2001-3-3</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing, commencing on <a href="/eng/process/2001/Apr17.htm">17 April&#160; 2001</a>, to examine applications to renew the licences of 30 local television stations and a satellite network owned by CTV Television Inc. (CTV) and 19 local owned by Global Television Network Ltd. (Global). These stations serve local markets in all the regions of the country, including British Columbia. In the Commission’s view, the applications to distribute CIVT-TV as a distant signal in these British Columbia communities raise a number of important issues. Therefore, it is the Commission’s intention to consider these applications at the April 17th 2001 to renew the licences of the CTV local stations. Among other things, the Commission seeks comment on the availability of CTV programming in the B.C. interior and the impact of these applications on other local broadcasters serving these communities. CTV Television Inc., acting as an agent on behalf of OKS Cable Corporation, Regional Cablesystems Inc. and Shaw Cablesystems Company. Fernie, Oliver &amp; Osoyoos and Castlegar, etc., British Columbia. For authority to distribute CIVT-TV (Vancouver) as a distant signal in the interior of British Columbia. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-4">2001-4</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on<a href="/eng/process/2001/May22.htm"> 22 May 2001</a> at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider various broadcasting licences.</p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-4-1">2001-4-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC&#160;<a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4.htm">2001-4</a> dated 16 March 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 22 May 2001, at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to item 17, Jim Pattison Industries Ltd., Kamloops, Pritchard and Chase, British Columbia. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-4-2">2001-4-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4.htm"> 2001-4</a> dated 16&#160;March 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 22&#160;May 2001, at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces the withdrawal of Item&#160;14 from this public hearing at the request of Campbellford Area Radio Association, Campbellford, Ontario. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-4-4">2001-4-4</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4.htm"> 2001-4</a> dated 16 March 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 22 May 2001, at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces, at the request of Telemedia Radio Inc., Ottawa, Ontario/Hull, Quebec, that item 5 is withdrawn from this public hearing. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-4-3">2001-4-3</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-4.htm"> 2001-4</a> dated 16 March 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 22 May 2001, at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces, at the request of Astral Radio Group Inc., Ottawa, Ontario/Hull, Quebec, that item 7 is withdrawn from this public hearing. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-5.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-5">2001-5</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 19 June 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider various broadcasting licences. <a href="/Broadcast/eng/HEARINGS/2001/2001-5/list.htm">Deadline for intervention:&#160;30 May 2001.</a> </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-5-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-5-1">2001-5-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-5.htm">2001-5</a> dated 18 April 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19 June 2001, at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces the following:&#160; World Television Network/Le reseau telemonde inc. (WTM), Across Canada. For a licence to carry on a national specialty television service dedicated to providing news, public affairs, film and entertainment programming from around the world. <a href="/Broadcast/eng/HEARINGS/2001/2001-5/list.htm"> Interventions deadline:&#160;&#160;30 May 2001</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-5-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-5-2">2001-5-2</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-5.htm"> 2001-5</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-5-1.htm"> 2001-5-1</a> dated 18&#160;April 2001 and 8&#160;May 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19&#160;June 2001, at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces that item&#160;20, Craig Broadcast Systems Inc, Regina, Saskatchewan, has been withdrawn from the public hearing. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-6.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-6">2001-6</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 24 July 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider various broadcasting licences.</p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-6-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-6-1">2001-6-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-6.htm"> 2001-6</a> dated 18 May 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 24 July 2001, at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces various broadcasting licences. Deadline for intervention: 9 July 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-6-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-6-2">2001-6-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-6.HTM"> 2001-6</a> dated 18&#160;May 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 24 July 2001, at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to items 15 and 16, CTV Television Inc., Toronto, Thunder Bay, Kenora, Ontario. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7.HTM" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-7">2001-7</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 10&#160;September 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider various items. . </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-7-1">2001-7-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7.HTM">2001-7</a> dated 6&#160;July 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 10&#160;September 2001, at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to item #5. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-7-2">2001-7-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7.HTM">2001-7</a> dated 6 July 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 10 September 2001, at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider various items. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-7-3">2001-7-3</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7.HTM">2001-7</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-7-2.htm">2001-7-2</a> dated 6 July 2001 and 3 August 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 10&#160;September 2001, at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, the Commission is withdrawing items no. 8 and 18. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-8.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-8">2001-8</a> - The Commission calls Jan Pachul to a public hearing to be held at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, starting on the 19th day of September 2001 at 9:30 a.m. Deadline for submissions: 20 August 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-8-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-8-1">2001-8-1</a> - The Commission calls Jan Pachul to a public hearing to be held at the Conference Centre, Portage IV, 140&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, starting on the 19th day of September 2001 at 9:30 a.m. Please note that the address for the receipt of submissions should have read 204 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 3V4 or 186&#160;Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 2W1. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-8-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-8-2">2001-8-2</a> - Please note that the location for the public hearing to be held on 19&#160;September 2001 at Hull, Quebec with respect to Mr. Jan Pachul has been changed and the hearing will now be held at the Best Western Hotel Jacques Cartier, Champlain Room, 131&#160;Laurier Street, Hull, Quebec. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-9.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-9">2001-9</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 15 October 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Renaissancee Vancouver Hotel Harbourside, 1133 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, to consider various broadcasting licences. Deadline for Intervention: 20 September 2001 </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-9-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-9-1">2001-9-1</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 15 October 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Renaissance Vancouver Hotel Harbourside, 1133 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, to consider 4 items: HDL Investments Inc., Regina, Saskatchewan and Rawlco Communications (Sask.) Ltd., Regina, Saskatchewan. Deadline for intervention: 1&#160;October 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-9-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-9-2">2001-9-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-9.htm">2001-9</a> dated 10&#160;August 2001 relating to a Public Hearing which will be held on 15&#160;October 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Renaissance Vancouver Hotel Harbourside, 1133 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, the Commission withdraws Item #4 – Trinity Television Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10">2001-10</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 19&#160;November 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Best Western Hotel Jacques Cartier, 131&#160;Laurier Street, Champlain Room, Montréal, Quebec, to consider various broadcasting licences. Deadline for interventions: 25&#160;October 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10-1">2001-10-1</a> - Please note that the location for the public hearing to be held on 19&#160;November 2001 at Montréal, Quebec has been changed and the hearing will now be held at the Mont-Royal Centre, 2200 Mansfield Street, Auditorium Room, Montréal, Quebec. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10-2">2001-10-2</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10.htm">2001-10</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-1.htm">2001-10-1</a> dated 14 and 18&#160;September 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19&#160;November 2001, at the Mont-Royal Centre, 2200 Mansfield Street, Auditorium Room, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to Item #1 - Astral Média Inc. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10-3">2001-10-3</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10.htm">2001-10</a>, <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-1.htm">2001-10-1</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-2.htm">2001-10-2</a> dated 14, 18 and 20&#160;September 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19&#160;November 2001, at the Mont-Royal Centre, 2200 Mansfield Street, Auditorium Room, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction to Item # 4 – Katinniq (Raglan Mine) and Kilometre 38, Quebec Application No. 2001-0708-8. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10-4">2001-10-4</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10.htm">2001-10</a>, <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-1.htm">2001-10-1</a>, <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-2.htm">2001-10-2</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-3.htm">2001-10-3</a> dated 14, 18, 20 and 28&#160;September 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19&#160;November 2001, at the Mont-Royal Centre, 2200 Mansfield Street, Auditorium Room, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces additional broadcasting applications. Deadline for interventions: 2 November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-5.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-10-5">2001-10-5</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10.htm"> 2001-10</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-10-3.htm"> 2001-10-3</a> dated 14 and 28&#160;September 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 19&#160;November 2001, at the Mont-Royal Centre, 2200 Mansfield Street, Montréal, Quebec, the Commission announces the following:&#160;Item 4 Société Minière Raglan du Québec Ltée. Katinniq (Raglan Mine) and Kilometre 38, Quebec - The Commission withdraws the above-noted item from the public hearing and will reschedule it at a later date. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-11">2001-11</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 3&#160;December 2001 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Hamilton Convention Centre, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton (Ontario), to consider various licences: Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting Inc., Toronto with transmitters in Hamilton and London/Kitchener, Ontario; CFMT-TV, a division of Rogers Broadcasting Limited, Toronto, Ontario; Craig Broadcast Systems Inc., Toronto with a transmitter in Hamilton, Ontario; CTV Television Inc., Toronto and surrounding areas, Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario; Global Communications Limited, Toronto, Hamilton and Kitchener, Ontario; and TDNG Inc. (TORSTAR), Toronto, Hamilton and Kitchener, Ontario. Deadline for intervention: 8&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-11-1">2001-11-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11.htm"> 2001-11</a> dated 28&#160;September 2001 relating to the public relating which will be held on 3&#160;December 2001, in Hamilton, Ontario, the Commission announces the following: Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting Inc., Toronto with transmitters in Hamilton and London/Kitchener, Ontario. Correction to Item #1. At the request of the applicant the effective radiated power of the rebroadcasting transmitter in London/Kitchener on channel 39 should read 227,000 watts. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-11-2">2001-11-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11.htm"> 2001-11</a> dated 28&#160;September 2001 relating to the public hearing which will be held on 3&#160;December 2001, in Hamilton, Ontario, the Commission adds three new items to its hearing. Deadline for interventions: 16&#160;November 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-11-3">2001-11-3</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-11.htm">2001-11</a> dated 28&#160;September 2001 relating to the public relating which will be held on 3&#160;December 2001, in Hamilton, Ontario, the Commission announces that at the request of the applicant, Item&#160;4 – CTV Television Inc., Toronto and surrounding areas, Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario is withdrawn from this public hearing. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-12.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-12">2001-12</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 14&#160;January 2002 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1&#160;Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec, to consider multiple broadcasting applications. Deadline for interventions: 20&#160;December 2001. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-13.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-13">2001-13</a> - The Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 4&#160;February 2002 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375&#160;York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, to consider various broadcasting licences. Deadline for interventions&#160;: 10 January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-13-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-13-1">2001-13-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-13.htm"> 2001-13</a> dated 30&#160;November 2001 relating to a Public Hearing which will be held on 4&#160;February 2002 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375&#160;York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, to consider the following: Bell Globemedia Inc., across Canada – authority to change the ownership of the national English language programming undertaking, ROBTv. Deadline for interventions: 18&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-13-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-13-2">2001-13-2</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-13.htm">2001-13</a> dated 30&#160;November 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 4&#160;February 2002, at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375&#160;York Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Commission announces a correction to Item #7 – N.I.B. 95.5 Cable FM Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-13-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-13-3">2001-13-3</a> - Further to its Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-13.htm"> 2001-13</a> dated 30&#160;November 2001 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 4&#160;February 2002, at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, 375&#160;York Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Commission announces a correction to Item #5 – Red River College Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-14.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-14">2001-14</a> - the Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on 18&#160;February 2002 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Congres Centre, 1000 René-Levesque East Boulevard, Quebec City, Quebec, to consider various broadcasting applications. Deadline for interventions: 24&#160;January 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-14-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-14-1">2001-14-1</a> - Further to its Notice of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14.htm"> 2001-14</a> dated 14&#160;December 2001 relating to a Public Hearing which will be held on 18&#160;February 2002 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Congress Centre, 1000 René-Levesque East Boulevard, Quebec City, Quebec, the Commission announces a correction ot Items #9, 11 and 31. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/N2001-14-2.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-14-2">2001-14-2</a> - Further to its Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14.htm">2001-14</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14-1.htm">2001-14-1</a> dated 14 and 20&#160;December 2001 relating to a Public Hearing which will be held on 18&#160;February 2002 at 9:00&#160;a.m., at the Congress Centre, 1000 René-Levesque East Boulevard, Quebec City, Quebec, to announce a correction to Item #8 – Genex Communications Inc., Donnacona, Quebec. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14-3.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-14-3">2001-14-3</a> - Further to its Broadcasting Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14.htm">2001-14</a>, <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14-1.htm">2001-14-1</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14-2.htm">2001-14-2</a> dated 14 and 20&#160;December 2001 and 8&#160;January 2002 relating to the Public Hearing which will be held on 18&#160;February 2002, at the Congress Centre, 1000&#160;René-Lévesque Boulevard East, Quebec City, Quebec, the Commission is adding Items 34 to 37. Deadline for interventions: 4&#160;February 2002. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14-4.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-14-4">2001-14-4</a> - Further to its Broadcasting Notices of Public Hearing CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14.htm">2001-14</a> and <a href="/eng/archive/2001/n2001-14-1.htm">2001-14-1</a> dated 14 and 20 December 2001 relating to a Public Hearing which will be held on 18&#160;February&#160;2002 at 9:00 a.m., at the Congress Centre, 1000 René-Levesque Boulevard East, Quebec City, Quebec, announce a correction to Item 9. </p> <h2 id="sec-t"> Telecommunications </h2> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-20.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-20">2001-20</a> - Establishment of a CISC ad hoc committee for area code relief planning in area codes 613 and 819. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8698/8698-01.htm#c12-11">8698-C12-11/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-21.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-21">2001-21</a> - Establishment of a CISC ad hoc committee for area code relief planning in area code 519. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8698/8698-01.htm#c12-12">8698-C12-12/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-24.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-24">2001-24</a> - Competition in the local exchange and local payphone markets in the territories of Québec-Téléphone and Télébec ltée. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8622/8622-01.htm#c12-13">8622-C12-13-01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-34.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-34">2001-34</a> - The CRTC is seeking public input in its review of Canadian telemarketing rules. Telemarketing has prompted controversy among consumers and business owners for a number of years. Order CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/O2001-193.htm">2001-193</a> , released today, extends the existing telemarketing rules to apply uniformly to all telecom service providers across the country. This Public Notice takes the process one step further by inviting Canadians to comment on how well those rules meet their needs, and whether changes are required. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8665/8665-01.htm#c12-13">8665-C12-13/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-36.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-36">2001-36</a> - This public notice initiates a proceeding to develop and implement in 2002 an appropriate price cap methodology for Québec-Téléphone and Télébec ltée by setting the principles and components of price cap regulation. In addition, a financial review for both companies will be undertaken in order to set just and reasonable going-in rates coincident with the implementation of price cap regulation. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8678/8678-01.htm#c12-10">8678-12-10/01</a> </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-37.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-37">2001-37</a> - This public notice initiates a proceeding to review the price cap regime for the major incumbent telephone companies and to establish an appropriate regulatory regime that will go into effect in 2002. Reference <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8678/8678-01.htm#c12-11">8678-C12-11/01</a> </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-47.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-47">2001-47</a> - The CRTC is seeking public input to establish a set of general principles and criteria to be used in assessing applications for creation of common local calling areas. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8663/8663-01.htm#c12-04">8663-C12-04/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-56.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-56">2001-56</a> - This public notice initiates a proceeding to determine whether it is appropriate for telephone companies to provide reverse search directory assistance services, and if so, the tariff conditions for telephone companies under Commission jurisdiction. Reference: Bell Canada <abbr title="Tariff Notice">TN</abbr> 6508 et <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8651/C12-01.htm">8651-C12-01/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-60.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-60">2001-60</a> - The CRTC is seeking public input for its review of the confidentiality provisions applicable to most Canadian telecom carriers. This public notice invites Canadians to comment on how well the current rules meet their privacy needs and if any changes are required. Among other things, the Commission seeks comment on whether the written consent of customers should continue to be required in order to allow carriers and their affiliates to share customer information. References: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8665/C12-14.htm">8665-C12-14/01</a> - 8665-B20-01/00. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-60-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-60-1">2001-60-1</a> - Corrected version of Public Notice CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-60.htm">2001-60</a> - CRTC seeks public input on the confidentiality provisions of Canadian carriers issued on 29 May 2001. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8665/8665-01.htm#c12-14">8665-C12-14/01</a> and8665-B20-01/00. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-61.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-61">2001-61</a> - This public notice initiates a proceeding to develop and implement an appropriate regulatory framework for the small Canadian independent telephone companies (CITCs), which focuses on prices rather than on earnings. The Commission proposes to establish, as part of the implementation of the new regulatory framework, the CITCs' subsidy requirements based on: (a)&#160;the methodology for the total subsidy requirement calculation prescribed for all ex-Stentor companies across Canada under the new national contribution collection regime, and (b) a uniform approach to identify high-cost serving areas (HCSAs) in the CITCs' territories. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8663/8663-01.htm#c12-05">8663-C12-05/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-61-1.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-61-1">2001-61-1</a> - New regulatory framework for small independent telephone companies and related issues. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8663/8663-01.htm#c12-05">8663-C12-05/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-67.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-67">2001-67</a> - The Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 1995, SOR/1995-157, dated 23 March 1995 (the 1995 Regulations), provide for the payment of annual telecommunications fees by certain Canadian carriers. Section 4 of the 1995 Regulations sets out the formula for the calculation of the telecommunications fees. Reference: 8686-C12-06/01. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-69.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-69">2001-69</a> - The Commission initiates a proceeding to establish the rates in the territories of Télébec and TELUS (Québec), for local interconnection and network component unbundling, and for local payphone access. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8622/8622-01.htm#c12-14">8622-C12-14/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-71.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-71">2001-71</a> - Telephone numbers in area codes 613 and 819 will soon be depleted. Solutions and recommendations for a relief plan have been identified by a subcommittee of the CRTC Industry Steering Committee. This public notice invites comments on solutions and recommendations in determining the appropriate relief method(s) and date(s) for these area codes. Parties who wish to provide comments are requested to submit their responses to this public notice by 8 August 2001. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8698/8698-01.htm#c12-16">8698-C12-16/01</a>. The HTML version of the Appendix will be posted shortly on our Web site. In the meantime, the document may be viewed at the following Internet site: <a href=""></a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-83.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-83">2001-83</a> - This public notice initiates a proceeding to seek comments on an appropriate mechanism that the Commission could employ to ensure all telecommunications service providers comply with the revenue-based contribution regime established in Decision CRTC <a href="/eng/archive/2000/DT2000-745.htm">2000-745</a>. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8695/C12-17.htm">8695-C12-17/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-99.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-99">2001-99</a> - Terms and conditions of existing agreements for access to municipal property. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8690/8690-01.htm#a4-01">8690-A4-01/01</a> - <a href="/PartVII/Eng/2001/8690/C12-03.htm">8690-C12-03/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pt2001-101.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-101">2001-101</a> - Providing relief for the diminishing supply of telephone numbers in area code 519. Telephone numbers in area code 519 will soon be depleted. A subcommittee of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee has identified solutions and recommendations for a relief plan. This public notice invites comments on solutions and recommendations in determining the appropriate relief method and date for this area code. Parties who wish to provide comments are requested to submit their responses to this public notice by 15&#160;October 2001. Parties that wish to reply to these comments must submit their responses by 29 October 2001. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/Eng/2001/8698/8698-01.htm#c12-12">8698-C12-12/01</a> - <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8698/8698-01.htm#c12-17">8698-C12-17/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/PT2001-102.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-102">2001-102</a> - The Commission seeks comments from <abbr title="competitive local exchange carriers">CLECs</abbr> on the adoption of the model tariff. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8657/8657-01.htm#c12-02">8657-C12-02/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pt2001-110.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-110">2001-110</a> - The Commission seeks views on terms and conditions for a wireless local exchange carrier offering wireless local telephone service. The Commission also seeks views about issues regarding the provision of 9-1-1 services by mobile cellular service providers. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/Eng/2001/8669/8669-01.htm#m16-01">8669-M16-01/01</a> and <a href="/PartVII/Eng/2001/8669/8669-01.htm#c12-01">8669-C12-01/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pt2001-119.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-119">2001-119</a> - CRTC to review revised loop and primary exchange service cost filings. Reference: <a href="/PartVII/Eng/2001/8661/8661-01.htm#b20-01">8661-B20-01/01</a>. </p> <p> <a href="/eng/archive/2001/pt2001-126.htm" title="Notice of Consultation 2001-126">2001-126</a> - Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers. Reference: 8643-C25-01/99, <a href="/PartVII/eng/2001/8643/8643-01.htm#c12-07">8643-C12-07/01</a> and Bell Canada <abbr>TN</abbr> <a href="/8740/eng/2001/B2.htm#a6597">6597</a> </p> <div class="clear"> </div> <div class="clear"> </div> <!-- MainContentEnd --> <dl id="wb-dtmd"> <dt>Date modified:&#32;</dt> <dd> <time property="dateModified">2015-06-22</time> </dd> </dl> </main> <nav id="wb-sec" typeof="SiteNavigationElement" class="col-md-3 col-md-pull-9 visible-md visible-lg"> <h2>Section menu</h2> <ul class="list-group menu list-unstyled"> <li><h3 class="wb-navcurr"><a href="/eng/dno.htm">Decisions, Notices and Orders</a></h3> <ul class="list-group menu list-unstyled"> <li><details><summary>Decisions</summary> <ul class="list-unstyled menu list-group mrgn-lft-md"> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2025.htm">2025</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2024.htm">2024</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2023.htm">2023</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2022.htm">2022</a> </li> <li> <a 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