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If 2023 was the year of AI exploration, 2024 is the year of experimentation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"8x8Mtzj5sZooFXgm8SJn9","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Web BrXnd Howie AssetHub 1600x900","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":411900,"image":{"width":1600,"height":900}},"fileName":"Web_BrXnd_Howie_AssetHub_1600x900.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wanna introduce you all to Howie. I'm very excited to hear what he has to say. Thank you. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My session is really gonna be about making AI real in your companies. Our big focus as Airtable has always been about making apps real and making them buildable by people exactly like you. And I think AI has been a really, really exciting thing for us. One, because I've personally been tinkering around with AI, from even, my college days, playing around with neural networks back in the 'five, 'six, 'seven time frame.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Things were very, very primitive at that time. You could use AI to do very, very simple things like text extraction or maybe some basic classification, sentiment analysis, that kind of thing. And I think really since then, over the past twenty years, what we've seen is more than just incremental improvements, but real profound unlocks in what you can do with AI. And so our entire focus as a company is gonna be about making these things real and making them operationalizable for you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So today is not about how things will be, but how things are and what we're actually already seeing from our customers. We've had a, had an AI beta program for about a year, and we just launched our AI features out of beta into full GA a couple of months ago. And even during the beta, we've worked really, really closely with one thousand plus customers in actually deploying real AI use cases into their orgs and often within marketing orgs. And actually later today, one of our customers from Amazon Web Services, Jonathan, is here to talk about the very systematic and innovative way in which he has gone through AWS's marketing org and transformed piece by piece their operations with AI on Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, just a very, very quick recap of how I see AI and the progression. So going back, this actually only goes back to twenty eighteen. I think back to even two thousand and five and so on. That was really, I think, the the beginning of an inflection in AI becoming really, really potent and really capable on a broad and deep level.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if you go back to the twenty ten or twenty twelve era models, these models were really good at very narrow applications. Right? So again, sentiment analysis. There was a big breakthrough in something called ImageNet.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the person who now leads AI at Facebook or Meta, Jan Lacun, basically created a lot of pioneering technologies around what's called ImageNet. It kind of pioneered this novel application of AI. And in some regards, kind of set off this renewed interest in AI. Because as Noah said, some of the basic concepts behind AI, neural networks, etcetera, have been around for many decades.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Literally, these things were talked about in the '60s and '70s because I think the theoretical allure of, hey, what if you could teach a computer not by telling it programmatically and in a very prescriptive way what to do if this, then that type statements. What if you could just train it on real content, real data, and have it figure things out on its own? Right? That sounds quite magical.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And frankly, as somebody who programmed a lot in the founding of Airtable, it'd be really nice not to have to code out every single step that you want your apps to do. So I think that's been a really, really exciting breakthrough. As we look at the progression, even over the past five years, we really have reached this thing that looks like Moore's Law, but on a, let's say, a PC version of some kind of very enhancing drug. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The models have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. And as that has happened, it's not just that you get incrementally better capabilities, but really that you've been able to get real breakthroughs in what these models are capable of. And of course, we've already heard today about some of those really profound breakthroughs. But the way I think of it, actually, if you go to the next slide, is it's not just about getting more some CPU capacity or some benchmark on the MMLU, the SAT equivalent for AIs.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But really, the way I start to think about it is in the past, AI was good at very, very narrow applications. And you couldn't even really compare it to a human doing work, right? Because it was very narrow, very, very purpose specific. And what you now have with LLMs, especially the largest LLMs and the most potent ones, is that you're actually able to automate human tasks that might have taken five seconds.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These AIs, as we've all seen with Chat2BT, they still get stuck. And yeah, you can do things like few shot prompting, like Noah talked about, other techniques like chain of thought reasoning. There's a lot of work being done around things called agents.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One demo example of this that made a breakout within the tech and AI community last year was called AutoGPT. You can look up YouTube videos of this and tell AI, basically, hey, help me design a business that can generate hundreds of dollars of profit per day. And you see the AI breaking it down into different steps. Like, Okay, what's a business?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"How do I create profit? How do I start? How do I get money to start my business? And it's a little bit comical because it's a five year old or a ten year old going out and trying to figure out, with a million whys, how to do something very, very broad and complex.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the really key thing is, inevitably, these AIs get stuck along the way. Right? Like, they kind of go down a rabbit hole and, like, you know, they never actually get to the point where they design an awesome, you know, hundred dollar profit business per per day. Right? And I think that's because these models are getting better and better, but they're still at the point where they're really capable not of broad human intelligence.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I think that's going to be a long, long, long way off. And instead, the way to think about it is it's not deterministic programming. So it's not just narrowly applicable, predictably applicable to very specific tasks. But really, it is capable of very broad and even creative or strategic reasoning, but on a smaller time scale than what a human working for many, many hours or many days could solve. So as we've gone through the different eras of these really large language models compressed into just a few years. I mean, this is incredible. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Imagine the days of processor wars between Intel and AMD. And every eighteen months, you got a twice as fast processor. And it was awesome because you could do more things like, you know, open up four tabs on Internet Explorer instead of one or play games that were more realistic. This is happening on an even more compressed time scale in AI. These models are getting dramatically bigger, better, and actually unlocking more advanced human reasoning. And I think this is really important as a mental model for how to actually use AI in a practical way. Next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way to think about it is it's non deterministic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As Tim talked about, you have to try sometimes experimentally asking the AI to get you what you want. Right? We just saw some examples of, hey, if you try different prompts, you can get different types of image outputs. And it may not give you exactly what you want on the first try, but if you kind of probe around with it and give it the right data, the right context, and eventually integrate it into a useful workflow, it actually can be really, really valuable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? Because unlike a human, the AI never sleeps. Right? You can have it on all of the time.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Even if it's only a fifty second or, you know, a a five minute human task, the fact that it can do it on demand in a recurring workflow way and potentially scalably up to fifty thousand or hundreds of thousands of different, you know, kind of work items all at once, that's the real power of it. So, I'm very aligned with, I think, Tim and Noah in that let's not think of this as either on one extreme just a complete replacement of humans, nor on the other extreme is it just narrow traditional programming. It's actually something very different, which is something that kind of approximates human intelligence but in very, very small chunks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And that's going to be the right paradigm to think about it for a very long time in my strong belief. And so the best way to get value out of it next slide is really around having humans not just in the loop with AI, but controlling the loop. So when human next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So Airtable as the no code app platform that allows you to build your own apps very quickly and as we saw briefly on the previous slide, we've seen a lot of traction, a lot of scale. We've raised one point four billion of capital. We still have a billion in our bank account and growing now that we're profitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the reason we've gotten to this point over the past twelve years is because we really have, I think, tapped into a really unmet need, which is companies need more and more apps. They need those apps to be very tailored to specific business use cases. We can talk more about marketing specific use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You know, but they need those apps to be extremely fluid. The way that marketing is changing and I've spent a ton of time with CMOs of leading retail companies, of tech companies, of financial services companies, the pace of change is so fast. And AI is only accelerating that pace of change, right, as you have to adapt to more personalization, more content creation, etcetera. And so having a very flexible approach to building out these use cases that, maybe ironically or very appropriately, use AI to automate the operations that are themselves being disrupted by AI, I think, is entirely inevitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the real challenge is with these AI capabilities that need to be thought of in this new way, you really have to be able to experiment with it. And if you go to the next slide, the way I see the landscape is you have AI chat products. So we've all seen ChatGPT, what it's capable of. And that's great.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's like basically a chat wrapper around these models. But the business impact is limited. Right? I mean, it's chat.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so you can't really do it in a recurring automated way. It's not integrated with your data. It's kind of just there as a one off, almost like a toy. On the other hand, you have very custom implemented AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we've definitely worked with a lot of large enterprises that are actually going out and building very heavyweight implementations of their own AI. Right? Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan has publicly talked about having thousands of developers now focus on building their own AI infrastructure, building applications on that AI, and ultimately deploying extremely high cost but also extremely high impact AI use cases into their enterprise. And I think that's a totally viable approach in fact, like, maybe necessary at some of the largest companies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"However, you can only solve few and far between use cases with that very heavyweight approach. And on the other extreme, you have products. Right? I mean, Slack has an AI feature, and Zoom now has one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And you can turn on these features and get some kind of summarization or some kind of automation step in AI. But these are also pretty narrow. They're not fulfilling the ultimate promise of what AI can do within all of your marketing operations within the enterprise. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so that's really where we see no code playing a massive role. Because no code is, by definition, the way that you can build your own apps tailored to your own operations, your own data model, your own workflows, and ultimately iterate on those as you experiment with what AI is capable of automating along the way. Because if anybody tells you they know exactly what the right way to implement AI into your operations are, they're full of it. Because even the researchers who are coming up with these models I mean, if you look at some of the papers that have been talked about Noah mentioned the Med prompt one for Microsoft Research.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a different one called Sparks of Artificial Intelligence, which basically was also published by AI researchers very close to the state of the art of these LLMs, actually noting how surprised they were at GPT-four coming out and having these real unlocks in what it was capable of doing. Right? So in a way, these are emergent capabilities of the AI. I personally think that as we get bigger, more advanced models, and even once you've trained it on all of the internet, all books ever, there's even more ways to advance these models' capabilities through things called synthetic data, where basically you're generating data and then training the AI on that data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's other techniques out there that will continue to improve these AIs, but they will start to continue to exhibit more and more human like behaviors along the way. And so really, the only way to keep up with this is to have an approach where you're able to experiment because nobody really knows what these AIs are capable of, especially with every successive generation. GPT-five is coming out soon. There's going to be surely Google and Anthropic and other players' open source options that mirror its performance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the only way to figure out how to apply it into every part of your organization is to experiment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the three principles that I'd leave you with, whether or not you use Airtable first, to really make AI valuable, you have to embed it into the context of your data and your workflows. Again, this is why chat is fun as a toy and maybe as a one off way to do certain tasks in a very ad hoc fashion. But ultimately, our strong belief is that to really maximize and fully utilize the value of AI, you have to embed it into the way that people are working on a recurring level. And you have to take out all the guesswork every time of them having to figure out, how do I prompt this chat, experience to get what I want?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It can just be built in to a recurring workflow. The AI prompts can actually be codified by somebody who built them within your company, who understands your data and your process, and can kind of do that experimentation with prompting to figure out, how do I get this to do what I want? Right? So that's number one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second is you have to build this culture of experimentation. So there is no way to develop a truly first class AI implementation without actually experimenting. Because as we've seen from earlier today, the prompting itself needs experimentation. As the models get better and better, they're going to unlock new capabilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way you prompt them might actually evolve and get easier. And so you have to constantly adapt and iterate to stay on top of it. The good news is the upside is profound. And we're already seeing our customers get massive, massive unlocks in time savings or impact to their revenue or their performance because of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then third and finally, this idea of chainability is really, really important. So AI on its own is kind of cool. It's powerful. AI, when combined with both additional AI steps so in Airtable, you can set up an AI step that produces one output, have a human review that, then have that chain into a different AI prompt, right, and have that generate an output.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then expose that through an integration in Slack or in an email or put that back into either Airtable or a Salesforce record. Whatever you want. Right? And so the idea of making AI truly this fluid tool at your disposal that you don't have to use as a one off, but you can integrate very, very deeply.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's just almost like water. You've got to put it into every single part of your operations, in a very, very fast and fluid way. I think that's going to be critical to getting maximum value out of AI. And now, without further ado, let's actually see a very, very brief demo of what this looks like in practice.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. Can you hear me?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's do it. Who's excited for a live demo?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Woo. Yeah. I know. Right before lunch. Okay. So I'm gonna set the stage quickly on the business context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So as Howie alluded to, this is inspired by one of, our global media customers with a large portfolio of podcasts. They launch about fifty podcasts every single month. So the scale is really high. For every podcast, there's a ton of episodes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for every episode, there are ad spots. So think about mid roll ad reads by the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I'd say that its core to their business, though, is this ability to match, pitch, and deliver ad spots to sponsors. So really, the right ad for the right sponsor. This customer requires relevant, tailored, cost effective sponsor pitches at scale. The success has direct impact on the revenue.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You ready to jump into the workflow? So we are actually in an Airtable app right now. This was all built in two hours, one weekend. So this is how quickly you can spin up in, Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If I go to my podcast portfolio, I can see all the podcasts is all fictional. This is actually all generated with AI here. But, like, we can assume that this is our portfolio of podcasts. I can scroll down, click into any podcast.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I have a soft spot for Conan. So let's look at Conan. We can see the description of the podcast. We can see what their genre is, the audience, and click into the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Amazing headshot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We can see what their personality is like. Animated, energetic, humorous. If anyone saw the Hot Ones interview with him, those are definitely on point. And so really what I'm trying to show you here though, is that we already have all this structured data around the podcast, around the host. We have all these attributes They're going to feed into this relevancy for how we're pitching to sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's look at the other side of this equation. Right? We have as a rep for this company, I want to go out and pitch these sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've already placed quite a few ads with some pretty large brands here. If you see your brand on here, don't worry. This data is all just made up. It's all fictional. Maybe I got it right. I don't know.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the idea is that the rep might already know some of the campaigns that exist for these sponsors or have insight into what's upcoming in the campaign. So let's click into Pepsi the PepsiCo RefreshFest.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it explains that it's designed for our youth market aiming to boost brand engagement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The campaign is active. And we've actually already placed a few ads across these different podcasts here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the idea here is now we're looking at this other side. Even if we had the attributes of the podcast host and the podcast itself, now we're looking at what the description is for the sponsor. And how can we tailor our pitches to this description, to this specific campaign?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I'm the rep. I'm going to go look at the open ad spots of what's coming on our calendar.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I see that Conan O'Brien has an episode with Will Ferrell. We have a pre roll sixty second ad that's available. I'm going to scroll down. And so now I can see everything in one place the episode information, this podcast with Will Ferrell, all the stuff we saw about the podcast. It's a comedy. 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I think that one might be funnier.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So it's a summer sports challenge.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click on the campaign. Hopefully, this gets going. I'm gonna click Conan O'Brien as the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Fun of live demos, See if this works. Okay. So I clicked on the campaign. It fills in the description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click in the reader. It's Conan O'Brien. And so now what this prompt is doing, as how it was just showing in the previous example, we now have a prompt here down at the bottom to generate a script for this specific pitch to this sponsor, Nike. So it's taken in both the podcast information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's taking in the sponsor information of what their campaign is. I'm trying to put it into the voice of Conan. You could imagine that we could even do this across a menu of options for the sponsors. And not just Conan, but if there's a podcast that has multiple hosts, we could show it in each of the hosts' voices.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We could even show different readers. And out comes an amazing Ad Spot script from Conan.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now you know me. I'm not exactly what you call an elite athlete unless you count my legendary moves in the highly competitive world of late night host chair swiveling. Right? 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I can click into what that ad read looked like.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"On the left side, we can see what the AI script told Conan to read, or what we all agreed upon was going to be the script. And then we can actually have the transcript from that podcast. And we can measure what was the diff between those two. In this case, if we scroll down to the summary, which is also AI generated, that's comparing these two values, we can see that the Acre score is one hundred percent The transcript for the Ad Spot, read by Conan O'Brien, is word for word accurate to the original script. There were no deviations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. I think it gets more interesting when they do deviate, which Conan O'Brien tends to do. 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This is a very, very simplified prototype or kind of a proof of concept, roughly modeled off of some realistic use cases we've seen with our customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And b, this is something that you can completely experiment with. Right? So we could literally give you a copy of this space. You could then go and experiment with the prompt, the workflow, the data, and get different results.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? You could tune it to get different host read generations, etcetera. And so the real emphasis here is that you are all going to be the heroes of this AI transformation because you have the power to go and experiment and figure out how to utilize AI in every single step of your operations. And these steps can actually be pretty profound.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? In this use case, if you can go out and pitch these sponsors with a pre generated example of what would it actually sound like if Coca Cola had their new campaign placed in The Conan Show, right? And to see that upfront, instead of saying, well, here's the CPMs, and Conan's a great brand, blah, blah, blah. What if that drove millions or tens of millions of more dollars of sponsored deals, right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So ultimately, massive, massive upside. Very much worth the experimentation. I think now is the time. It's not in the future.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's now that you can actually start making this real in your companies, whether or not you use Airtable. Thank you all. 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So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. And then, lastly, we'll focus on, today, how we use it for product development.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So what do we mean when I talk about product development? What I mean is we use it as our end-to-end source of truth. So, for us, Airtable is the artifact for cross-team development planning, bimonthly, company-reporting, weekly team reporting, and a generic way to self-serve into what's happening across product design and engineering.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's dive in here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I want to, first, lay out the situation that our team was in. It might sound familiar to some of you, or maybe you guys are in better shape than I was. But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. We had Jira implemented across all of our teams, which is really where our developers and product managers were managing their biweekly sprints.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But we didn't have a clear or consistent reporting layer that our executive teams, cross-functional partners, and, quite frankly, cross-teams could really use to look at the work that was being done, track our progress, and make trade-offs and also map dependencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We also-- and this last bullet will come in to why we use it so much-- is we also had this cumbersome, multiday planning process that was just not that effective.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The artifacts were always lost, left behind. And so we weren't seeing-- we were spending a lot of time in expensive meetings, but we weren't actually seeing any benefit from it. Oops.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we created a single pane of glass to plan, track, and report in Airtable. So I'll now just click into the solution, which was we set up-- at the highest level, what we set up was a four-level information hierarchy, and I'll talk through each one of these levels now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So at the highest level, we have categories. These are broad areas of our product. They're managed by a single team, but they might encompass work for multiple teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They're used as the highest level of organizing structure for our product, and they represent evergreen product areas which we'll continuously build on and optimize. And a category can capture work that is either end user or developer-facing. So in this example, we'll use commenting. If anyone's familiar with, commenting is a-- we're a review and approval tool for video, and so commenting is a core functionality of our product.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The next level, one below that, is a feature of a release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a feature can be shipped, so it's a discrete body of work. It's not necessarily mapped to our cycle length. We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}},"category":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5luJfhmtPSowr3Rpc40Hr3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-06-26T17:35:28.614Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-26T17:35:28.614Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"configVideoMediaCategory"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"For teams","category":"For teams"}},"cardCTA":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2c8RWAVcsHdGSdurGutsms","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T16:49:16.782Z","updatedAt":"2023-04-17T22:09:08.187Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":37,"revision":5,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"ctaSection"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"header":"Build a single source of truth that connects your data, workflows and teams with Airtable","themeProminence":"default","callToAction":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"251KHeJ0nyN6RXA2AmZ5Zl"}},"callsToAction":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"251KHeJ0nyN6RXA2AmZ5Zl"}}]}},"relatedMedia":[{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"532YLQ9HPOnkOJCu2AHdt3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:23:04.173Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:00:42.016Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":24,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Template tour: Product launch tracker","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Keep track of your bill of materials, major deadlines, and get your team on the same page with this product launch template.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2OCf7jxs324qb3NcXdr0c8","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:46:10.376Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.853Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Product launch tracker_ Template tour.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":363648,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Product launch tracker_ Template tour.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"From planning your roadmap to executing a large public launch, orchestration just got easier with this template. Let's see how.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Plan every detail of your team's product roadmap from status to ship dates all in one place. Keep your launch goals in focus. Tie each feature to the goal your team is working towards with linked records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Visualize your launches by changing your view. See your launch schedule in Gantt view so you can plan accordingly, spot timing conflicts, then align before going live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Get granular with calendar view. Create a custom icon for each product or stage so you can look at your calendar and time your social posts or email sends quickly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Check off every milestone in your marketing plans' table to prepare for launch. As your launch assets move from planned to approved and staged, you can track progress to make sure each asset is completed on time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now it's your turn. Go ahead and start customizing your product launch tracker template today. 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So glad to hear from you here at the Workflow Hotline. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Aaron? How did you know it was me?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Don't worry about that. How can I help you?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Well, you're right. Now that I've got my feedback in one place-- thanks for that, again-- I understand what our users want us to improve on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But now I've got so many ideas that I'm hitting a new challenge. 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First, how do we align across company goals?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Second, how do we prioritize the right features based on those company goals and the feedback we've gotten?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third, how do we share this new roadmap internally and externally so everyone could rally around it? Let's jump in. Let's talk about goals.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So we use the objective Key Result Framework, OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have company-level objectives, each with its key results that we track progress against. Usually, we have a doc where I write everything down, but it gets pretty stale. I want to connect each feature we work on to which objectives and key results in moves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Objectives and their related key results sound like a new type of information you want to track. Every new type of information means a new table in your base. Let's go ahead and add all of your key results, organized by their related objectives. Every record here is going to be a key result. And I'm going to add a dropdown single select for which objective it falls under-- a relevant quarter, an owner,. Then you can group by that field to make it easier to see everything. Let me ask you something, Robin, is this something you think other teams at your company might use?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Totally-- sales, support, marketing. Everyone's got the OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: So if multiple teams have the same OKRs, they may have their own table base to track progress against those. In that case, we should have one base with OKRs and sync from there, such that we have a single source of truth for OKRs, and any updates to that base will be synced across all workflows. So Robin, go ahead and fill this out with the rest of your OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: All right. Moving away from stale docs towards live data is a win for me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But how do I kind of put it all together? How do I get a prioritized roadmap with features tied to key results and customer feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right. So when you think about it, features are actually a new piece or type of information we want to track in our base. New type of information means new table. So let's go ahead and add a features table with a code name for the feature, as you do before. Let's give a description of that feature and then give it a status, where it is in our pipeline. Now, Robin, I'm sure you have a bunch of ideas from the feedback you've read. How about you go ahead and add a few in now.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Easy. Here are a few. 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So one more thing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: You want to talk about prioritization, right?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: You are very good at this, Aaron.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can't ship every feature. And so to decide what we work on, we rank each feature based on perceived effort and value. Low effort, high value are the ones we like to pick off first.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And so perceived effort and perceived value are actually pieces of information you want to track across each feature. 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You can also use that by adding new fields.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I feel like the mix of all of that together, knowing which objectives it moves, the feedback it's related to, and the effort will make it easier for me to pick the right feature to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Absolutely. And that's what the workflow hotline is here for. So at the beginning, you said you wanted to share this roadmap?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Yeah. Let's dig into that. So right now, folks are very much in the dark about what's going on because we don't have a single source of truth on the roadmap that we can share internally. Can I just share the table we just built with the team?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Yes, you can share any view you create. Let's say you want to share a Kanban of features you've committed. Now anyone coming to this link can see an up-to-date roadmap. They can even share with clients as well. Any changes in your roadmap will be reflected in this shared view, so your live roadmap becomes your internal roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If you want to give stakeholders something more comprehensive, you can create an interface with dashboard elements and a full view of your roadmap. Folks can come and see what you've delivered and what's coming up in one place. 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This is Aron. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Hi, I'm Robin. So I'm on a product operations team, and one part of my job is to get a clear picture of what our customers are saying so we can prioritize the right parts of the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Right now, my biggest challenge is that our feedback process is broken. It's not that I don't get the feedback, but it's just unusable when I get it well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- But tell me more about that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So the feedback is messy when I get it. And some of it just says, here's a bug and nothing else. I can't really do anything with that. It's also coming from everywhere, and I can't keep track of it all. Even when I pull it all together, it's really hard to see trends and take action on some things that can turn it into a clear and coherent roadmap that everyone loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- So I'm hearing from you, Robin, if I could summarize these three things.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First is that you need to standardize the information you received in each piece of feedback such that you can act on it. Second is that you need to centralize it. You want it all to go into one place no matter where that feedback comes from. And then third, once you have it all in one place, you want to be able to analyze it. To see trends and really create that roadmap that everybody loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So luckily, you're in the right place. This is definitely something that workflow hotline can help you with, and let's get started.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Robin, here at the workflow hotline we like to say, start with the data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So think about a piece of feedback. What information do you need in every piece of feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Every piece of feedback should have some text, like a click description of the feedback. And then whether it's a bug, a feature request, or even praise that I can share with the team. I also need to know some things about the submitter. Name and email, that feels like enough.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: As you're speaking, Robin, I'm actually building out your feedback table right here. So every field in this table will be something you want to capture for every piece of feedback. You mentioned email, name, feedback, I've added all of those. Now, it's really easy to add more. Maybe you want to track the experience that they're having with your product, just simply add that field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, every record in this table will be a piece of feedback. And this table can scale to thousands of pieces of feedback without any issues.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, Robin, go ahead and add the latest piece of feedback you've received. And boom, that feedback is now documented.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: This is a great first step, but how do I get the actual feedback into this table? I get thousands of pieces of feedback, and there's only one of me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- What you need is an easy way to get feedback into this table. Now, one option is to create a form. So you can simply drag and drop the fields you want to appear on that form from this feedback table, and it creates a form that you can share in emails, really use it however you want, and every submission of that form becomes a new record in your feedback table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Can I give this a try?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Yeah, absolutely. Let me shoot over the URL, and you can fill it out and start documenting feedback right away.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I can imagine this being in the emails that we send or maybe a nice embed in the product. I'm getting a lot of ideas here. But something that's coming to mind for me is that each team likes to use their own tool for tracking feedback.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The support team has Zendesk, the sales team has Salesforce. I'd love to get data from there as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: No problem. 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You can use a variety of grid views to slice your information say, unaddressed feedback or feedback organized by type.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can zoom out of every piece of feedback by creating dashboard that summarizes your information. It's the number of pieces of feedback you've addressed, quantity of feedback you've gotten over time, and how it breaks down per product area. Even look at how feedback moves for revenue, this is perfect for analyzing the feedback you're getting so you can accurately prioritize and pick the right features to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So I can create these dashboards, and they just update as the feedback rolls in?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Exactly. 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Watch how today’s high-velocity marketing teams run on Airtable in this quick explainer.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2U9t5diEMdsg1YuhVlM2A","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-07-05T15:02:17.989Z","updatedAt":"2023-07-05T15:02:17.989Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable for Marketing Teams.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":2452573,"image":{"width":3840,"height":2160}},"fileName":"Airtable for Marketing Teams.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today's marketing teams need to be more adaptable than ever, but misalignment is getting in the way.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"By creating and connecting all of your workflows with Airtable, your teams can align around a shared vision, easily adapt a change, and deliver on goals together.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Here are some ways your marketing team can raise the bar while working more efficiently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Keep requests organized and simplify the approval process to keep projects moving forward quickly. Once you've planned your deliverables, ensure they stay connected to broader campaign objectives.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Centralized feedbacks so nothing falls through the cracks and quickly take action on that feedback, all in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"All while keeping a high level view of all the important dates and deliver or just the dates most relevant to your work.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create ever expanding libraries of creative assets, vendors, contacts, and more. When assets are organized and more accessible across the organization, you'll get a better return on your investments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Customized dashboards allow you to see campaign insights like performance data, and remaining spend in real time, so your team can make adjustments and make improvements throughout the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable is bringing connection back to your marketing workflows. When teams are organized around the right information, amazing things happen.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Ideas align, campaigns make an impact, and creative excellence becomes reality.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"],"label":"new"}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3dTtumcP4gaa8U8dXrv5E3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.749Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:14:48.568Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":20,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable for your marketing calendar","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Managing multiple marketing campaigns with different deadlines and external stakeholders can be a challenge, but Airtable is flexible enough to fit the unique scope of your projects, even as they evolve. In this 30 minute webinar, we'll walk you through how to address common pain-points with Airtable. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5TNK2hPUj23pVtXJpRSmnq","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:53:31.481Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.827Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":344285,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Hello, everyone. I think that you can hear me now. I am Vanessa Bazalgette here from the Enterprise Accounts team. And we'll just give everyone else a few more minutes to join on here. But super excited to be talking through Airtable with you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Just give it probably 30 more seconds to a minute here. Thanks for your patience.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We are right at 4 o'clock, so I'm going to kick us off. And of course, there will be a recording of this in case anyone wants to watch after the fact. But hello, everyone. Super excited to be here today. My name is Vanessa Bazalgette, and I'm on the Enterprise Accounts team here at Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I'm actually traveling for work right now. I'm in New York City. So if you see any people moving behind us, I'm at one of our partners who uses Airtable quite closely at WeWork here in New York City. So very excited to be here today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And before joining Airtable, I spent much of my career consulting clients in agencies alike on marketing best practices. So today I get to do all of that consulting with Airtable specifically and have honed-in expertise in the marketing space, which is why I'm super excited to be presenting to you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Today we'll be walking through how many marketing businesses have gotten started with Airtable. And this webinar will be particularly useful if you're looking for a tool that can help you to collaboratively manage your marketing calendar.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So to kick us off, just so that we know what to expect from today, I wanted to set a brief agenda for us. And for anyone that's new to Airtable, we always like to start these webinars with that first \"what is Airtable\" question and then from there really diving into orient us in those foundational components of what makes up an Airtable product. We'll go through that step by step.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And then, finally, we'll highlight the important aspects of Airtable that really make it critical for marketing teams, their workflows, their marketing calendar management, and all of that good stuff. So we'll briefly outline some key challenges that I hear often in the space, that my colleagues hear very often in the space as well, and from there really outline how Airtable can help teams to overcome a lot of those challenges. So with that agenda, we'll keep that in mind and really get started and dive right in.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So like I mentioned, we're going to start at that \"what is Airtable\" section. So for those of you that are brand new to Airtable, it's super exciting for me to introduce you to a brand-new way of working. And Airtable's a horizontal toolkit that allows teams to creatively build the tools that they need.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how exactly do we do that?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We enable teams to build those tools because Airtable's a flexible, collaborative, and powerful database that allows for that customization for your specific team's process. So we've heard from many partners in the marketing space that they're most knowledgeable about their workflow, and sometimes the tools that they have aren't aligned with some of their practices, some of their goals, and there's no flexibility to create those tools, so they default to other things that are more flexible. And Airtable helps to bridge that gap and really empower you as a business users to create the tools and processes that you need to effectively get your work done.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable really gives you the building blocks to organize, to manage, and to create those tools that you all could use. And I hope that that's a key takeaway as to what you all take out of the webinar today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And now I would love to dive into an intro of Airtable because it's helpful to orient and really know where we're going for the webinar today. So when you first come to Airtable, what we're all seeing on the screen today is what we call Workspace. And Workspace is like a folder. It's an organizational unit that houses all of the individual bases that your team could be working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a base is a collection of either a relevant project, multiple workflows. It can really be the customized, individual database that your team is building.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Because like I mentioned, base is our short word for database. So what you truly are building is a relational tool that works exactly for your team. And rather than ordering a pre-ordered salad that's everything that you can't really change or customize and the dressing is all in it, that sometimes doesn't work for some teams. So instead, we have a full salad bar where you really can choose and customize and make your own team-- or your own salad-- and invite any teammates to that experience to share that with you. So on this base, you can see that there are seven people collaborating on this database. And this could be a visual of when you first come in to Airtable, which we'll do in a little bit.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to highlight the anatomy-- again, for those that are new to Airtable-- the upper left, you can see, are called tables. And we see campaigns, tasks, assets, teams. We see an individual record, one individual campaign, and all of the field types to the right, which are the different types of adjectives is the way I think about it about the different record that you're looking at.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So diving into that a little bit more specifically, a table is one unique type of information that you want to track. So in this case, it would be campaigns. And it's dedicated to something very specific. So the table itself would be then comprehensively built up of individual records with all sorts of different field types associated with it. And the field types are really very detailed information about each of the individual records, so each of the individual campaigns that your team might be executing on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And there are all sorts of different field types. So with Airtable, you can really customize to have an attachment, a single selected date. You can even establish a relationship between two different tables through a linked record. So we'll go into that a little bit later on. But these are the different field types that you can have in an Airtable base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And this is a visualization of an expanded record. So like I mentioned before-- and one record is a complete unit. And there's a horizontal relationship of all of those field types associated with that one unit. So when you make it larger, you're able to even see that record activity.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can see my colleague Becky, who is taking action on this record. And there's a record activity fee where you really know who's working on what. You can see the comments in the context of work. And we'll go into some specifics about that a little bit later.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. And how a lot of teams find that advanced functionality with Airtable is through our View Features. So the view picker, like you can see up there, allows you to select the customization that works for you. So it could be a grid, a calendar, a gallery, a Kanban status board, or even a form to receive structured information. And those views are the ways that you would take action on the underlying data. So you'd create a new view when you want to visualize the underlying data-- visualize your campaigns in a different manner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to construct that ideal visualization, a lot of folks will use the Airtable toolkit up at the very top there. As you can see, you can hide. You can filter. You can group. You can sort, color, or expand that size of the individual view. And it's also really handy to share a distinct URL of this customized view of only the information that you want to share that you can share with people that don't even have an Airtable account. So someone could access one visualization, a subset of the underlying data, and really know only exactly what you want to share with them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So without further ado, we do want to jump into why it's particularly relevant for marketing calendars and marketing workflows. So that's what I'll cover for the remainder of the webinar today. And although it's a lot of me talking, there is going to be a feedback survey that comes at the end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. We're always looking to improve. And we also do have our support team and also our customer engagement team, which I sit on, where you can always reach out to ask questions about how this could be customized to your business. And we'll cover off on that at the very end as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So to orient us for the base that we'll walk through today, I wanted to briefly touch upon some key challenges that I've experienced with a lot of other teams in the marketing space and what we work through together with Airtable. And these challenges aren't meant to be comprehensive of every single thing that any marketing team is facing, rather just an illustration of some of the top things that we hear most often. So if these are particularly relevant for your team, there will also be a recording of this webinar, and we'd love to have you share it with your team and get their thoughts and start to have a collaborative conversation about what is and isn't working with you all.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But the key challenges that we really are starting to see most often are first that marketing teams have demands to increase their output. And it can be really tough for teams to know who's running point on each campaign, where the assets are at. Sometimes campaigns get scheduled over each other, and deadlines get missed, and there's that overlap that doesn't allow for seamless communication and collaboration or even project ownership because people don't really know who's owning what.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And we also hear that a lot of teams will spend a ton of time chasing down assets and chasing down what work they should be doing rather than having one central source to know exactly what's going on, the latest status, and all of the related information for the projects that they're working on. So that's where Airtable can be that consolidated source, and teams can go back to focusing on creating the great content that they love rather than spending half of their day finding what work they should be working on, especially as the marketing landscape is getting more complex and the demands of output are increasing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third and finally, what we'll cover today is that we do hear that a lot of teams have reporting challenges. So, for example, they only know how they've performed against their KPIs at the end of the whole campaign itself rather than having a real-time update because they have to copy and paste data to even get a reporting metric, and sometimes key points get lost and aren't bubbled up for leadership, aren't adequately put forward for resource planning-- a lot of different challenges in the reporting space. So we'll dive into those today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like I mentioned, if your team is facing any of those challenges, we'd love to talk about those and see if there would be a customized way to work together. But today we'll really focus on how Airtable can empower your team to streamline that collaboration and project ownership, maximize the time that they spend on creative marketing rather than hunting down where the work is, and also creating that central source of truth for all of the reporting needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So we're actually going to exit out of the slides here and dive right into a base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I would want to orient us just, again, like we did so we know what we're looking at. So what we're looking at together is one individual base. And like I mentioned, a base can be a huge component of a workflow. But what we're looking at here is a Campaigns table and an Assets table. So each table has a complete list of all of the campaigns that this team is working on. And then there are different ways to visualize that underlying data differently.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All of the records that we see below are the individual records that are the complete units of information that we want to track. So that's just a quick orientation. We'll go into the dashboard reporting at the very end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to kick us off with problem number 1 and walk through how teams have solved that in Airtable, often it's really tough, like I mentioned before and like your teams might be experiencing, to know who's working on what. So that causes projects to miss their deadlines, to get off track, inadequate resource planning-- there aren't enough people working on the project or too many people working on the project. So really Airtable can help to streamline that project collaboration and project ownership when a project is owned by an individual.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The way that a lot of teams will do that is actually through a view functionality. So what we'll go through today is visualizing one of many views for the assets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I don't know if your team has similar challenges. But if they do, hopefully this will cover off on all of them of the individual views. So what we'll do today is click on the view picker as we did. And you can see that there are a whole host of saved views that update in real time as your team takes action on the work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But since a lot of teams in the marketing space have shared that they really like the calendar view, that's what we'll visualize here first. So this is an example of Bailey's calendar view. Bailey could be a person on your team that collaboratively owns a ton of projects and wants to only know what projects she's owning, what assets she's owning for deliverables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Bailey can come into Airtable, very quickly get a snapshot as to what exactly she needs to do, and take action on all of the work for the visualization that best meets her needs. But like we talked about before, there are many different ways to visualize Airtable. So Bailey just happens to like to use a calendar because she's a very visual learner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The toolkit up here is what we talked about before of really constructing that ideal view, narrowing in to only the data you want to see. And you can also, like I mentioned, share individual views with a distinct URL, password protect, domain restrict, so that people even that don't have an Airtable account can collaboratively see the information that you're working on if cross-functional visibility is really critical for your workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To show an example of what someone might do in a calendar view is there's a campaign that Bailey's working on, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And you can see just the high level of information here. But in the calendar view, you can actually expand that record and see all of the rich information associated with that record.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And let's say that Bailey actually goes in and does this work and she adds in the creative that she needs to take action on. She puts the final content here. And rather than being scheduled, this item is now live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We exit out of that. We'll note that, of course, it changed to yellow because Bailey has it set to color by status. But what's really awesome about Airtable is that updates across the entire source of truth. So like you can note here, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog is now live, associated with Bailey. So her whole team across every single one of these visualizations, if it's important to them, has been updated that Bailey has now posted. So there's no more of that going off to email, sending note and saying, reporting #SheSuite Post Blog, it's now live-- minimizes all of that back and forth. So instead of updating multiple sources of truth, everything is happening all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what Bailey can even do, if we pop back to her calendar view, is expand the record to comment and have a conversation in the context of work. So with Airtable, as you can see here, there's all of the great rich information associated with the record. But you can also comment to other colleagues and really have that talk happen in the context of work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So my friend Danielle at work, maybe Bailey wants to let her know, hey, this is live. And rather than sending an email, Danielle prefers to just get that notification and say, hey, make 5.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It's Friday afternoon here in New York. So hopefully things need to get done before the weekend, and this is just a great way to alert the team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So depending on Danielle's notification preferences, that streamlined collaboration really can happen in the context of this post because you can set up a native Slack integration. You can have an email notification when you're at mentioned in record. And you can also just be notified in Airtable itself.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So overall the key takeaways are that each of your teammates can visualize the underlying information however they best need to to streamline that collaboration, take on that project ownership, and know that these things are in my queue, this is everything I'm going to work on, work across time zones, even global teams, and really get everything done and have one central update for any changes that are made rather than working across multiple tools or disparate spreadsheets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So that's challenge number one. And diving into number two, we do hear a lot that a lot of teams are chasing down assets and status updates, and they don't really know or have one central source of truth as to what's going well. So there are even teams that physically print out information, often take notes in their meetings, and then go up and update things in the past. And a lot of teams will exchange emails and say, hey, can we change this date? Can we change that date? And sometimes things slip through the cracks.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And in order to really have that one central source of truth where people don't have to bother hunting things down and spending a lot of time knowing where the status or assets and stuff are at, Airtable enables you to create that central source of truth so that you can focus time on just creating the great marketing assets. So in order to increase output demands, teams really need to know, where will I have the most impact? What can I do specifically?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And often, for marketing teams that we've worked with, there are steps in their workflow where Airtable's highly, highly customizable and flexible and is not following a rigid process structure for a project management. It's really customizable to your language, to your needs, and can be built to reflect all of that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a way that some teams will do that is-- let's say that the feedback stage is really critical for a certain team. And right now they have a weekly meeting, and they all come, and they talk about their feedback, and they take notes. They send some emails. They send some Slacks. And there's another person on their team that actually goes and updates it all in a spreadsheet.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So instead of doing that, I even have teams that will create one ideal visualization, such as the feedback stage. We're using Airtable's toolkit. They're hiding, filtering, grouping by the campaign to really only note only assets that need feedback. And this type of a visualization kind of can act like an inbox where you can even host the meeting in Airtable or you can asynchronously work in your own time to get all of the feedback for the relevant projects that you need to take action on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And for example here, let's say Fall #SheSuite Post Instagram-- keeping on trend.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We actually, from the status, move it away from Feedback Needed to Revising.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You'll note back here that immediately that post came out of the inbox. So this type of distinct URL can be bookmarked for weekly team meeting, and everything in the feedback stage can be taken action on and update across all visualizations for your team. So there's no more duplication of effort. It all just seamlessly takes place, and it's one source of truth for that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And similarly, your team can easily update status and colors of the projects that are relevant for them. So if your team really has that distinct workflow-- and many teams have a workflow that makes their competitive edge as their business. So they operate in such a cool and innovative way that the tools really need to match the way that they work in order to keep that competitive advantage as opposed to having a tool force the process for them and impose the way that you should be working.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So, for example, let's say three months from now-- I'll go back to our All View here.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say you decide to do livestreams. So I'm doing a livestream right now. And other ways to educate people could be through a livestream. So what you can do in order to futureproof your workflow is, in real time, customize each of these types of fields, such as a single select, to say Livestream Facebook, Livestream Instagram.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. You can save it. And what you'll note here is that instead of maybe just an Instagram post, your team now has the option to choose a livestream on Instagram. So as you change processes, Airtable really helps you to futureproof your workflow and impose that data structure that really makes sense for you.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And one other thing that's really important for teams when creating the central source of truth is establishing relationships between tables to know everything that not only is associated with their asset but also which assets are connecting to which campaigns. So with Airtable, what is possible to do is bring your workflow to life to 3D rather than being a flat spreadsheet. And you can customize the field type to link to another record in the base that you have. And you can even limit to a specific view, such as only campaigns that are live, not the archived historical campaigns that you're working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what you'll note here is this campaign is associated with this asset, and you can expand that campaign in the context of that asset and see all of the rich information associated with that campaign. So that relationship goes both ways, and that linked record only needs to be established once and provides powerful functionality across both sources.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To explain that one step further, on the Campaigns table, we're actually using a specific field type to look up the associated asset due date, campaign start and end date to display the information as to when the campaign should be wrapping based on when the assets are wrapping. So let's say you move around the assets and the deliverables. The campaign will similarly match and move around as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I know that we covered a lot today. But in creating that central source of truth, there are just a few more things that I want to talk about because a lot of teams do discuss that cross-functional visibility is super critical for their workflows. So with Airtable, you can actually share a view or even embed it on a microsite. So let's say you have a gallery view of all of the great marketing deliverables that you've created. You can embed this link for an enterprise wiki for your entire team to see all of the deliverables that are status complete, let's say, or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So the way you would do that is just add in where status is live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And only the live items would be shown for your enterprise wiki.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a lot of other teams tell me that they don't operate in a silo, that they really-- they take innovative ideas and information from other teams. But right now, they get an email or an ad hoc walk up to your desk and say, hey, marketing team, can you work on this project? And of course, you want to be collaborating with cross-functional teams. But there's no structured way to receive that information for a lot of teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So what folks will do is use an Airtable form to impose structure of what they would like to receive as a marketing team when a request is coming in from an external source. And then they want to have the discretion to say when should I actually take action on it. So you can drag and drop information for these forms to customize and share this distinct URL-- again, password protect or domain restrict-- with your team to actually see a visualization of all the information that you want to receive from these teams even if they don't have an Airtable account. So again, keeping with the theme of creating one central source of truth, that's entirely possible with the Airtable form if you have an intake structure as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So covering off on all of that, we wanted to address how you can minimize the downtime of tracking down work, hunting down what you're working on, and truly create that central source of truth. And Airtable has empowered a lot of teams to do exactly that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So one more of three. We wanted to go into reporting on the metrics. I've heard from a lot of teams that it's really, really important that they bubble up exactly what they're doing to upper leadership and all of that. And hopefully with the first two steps of streamlined collaboration and having a central source of truth, your reports and dashboards will look even better than ever if you're using Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But we also have our blocks reporting features that are built right into Airtable itself. And blocks are like these powerful units that just add advanced functionality to all of the great underlying data that your team is taking work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to show you the visualization, sometimes teams have it just in the side panel where they're just seeing a visualization of what's important to them. 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If you have KPIs, you can track against them in real time, as opposed to having-- at the end of the campaign, realizing that you either overshot or undershot or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And aside from a bird's eye view, it can also help with real-time resource planning-- so budgeting, if that's critical for you, or just bandwidth of your team individually, or even just time zone planning across a lot of different time zones. We have an example of team bandwidth, which you can expand here. Shout out to our marketing team for beautiful visualization here and lots of colors.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But essentially, what you can really quickly grasp here is Ari is likely overstrapped. He's probably working on too much, whereas Bailey maybe has a little bit of room to take on some new projects. So in real time in the dashboard itself, you can click on the the not started projects that Ari is working on and maybe assign some of that workload to Bailey because, as we saw, she only had 20 projects on her plate, whereas Ari had many more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So let's say Bailey really loved working on this campaign last year. She's super expert at YouTube, and so we're going to actually assign this to her. So rather than Ari, you can go in here and choose Bailey, exit out, and you'll see right now Bailey has 21 items on her plate. So immediately, as you can see here, that new summer YouTube video was assigned to Bailey.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So you can very visually grasp resource planning, and I'm a super visual learner, so blocks are really helpful for me when thinking through things like this. But also, streamlined collaboration across increasingly global teams or teams that work across different time zones can be utilized with Airtable Blocks as well. So countdowns and all of that type of stuff can be really helpful, as well as timelines, as to get that bird's eye view of everything that's being worked on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Airtable can help with not only real-time reporting but also historical lookbacks, future quarter planning, staffing for upcoming projects. There's just so many different ways to visualize the underlying data that you're working on. And there's no margin for error from copying and pasting or going into a different tool to do all this reporting. You know for sure that everything that's in Airtable is what you're reporting on, and it's really a seamless, streamlined, closed loop there.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Amazing. All right, I'll leave the dashboard up as the last visual just because it looks so nice here. But we covered a ton today, and I really appreciate you taking the time to walk through all this information with me, especially while I'm in New York. Normally, I sit in San Francisco but would love to hear from you all that chatted in the webinar today. It was really great to talk through all of this.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To recap, I hope that we really did cover the three marketing challenges that we outlined and set out at the beginning-- to help your team streamline communication and project ownership, to create a central source of truth for seamless collaboration, and to improve your reporting processes across the board.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To get started with Airtable today, you can navigate to","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have a ton of great templates. We have a lot of open-source visualizations for Airtable from Airtable Universe where you can see how other businesses and teams have used us. And you'll even get a two-week free trial of our pro features when you sign up for an account the first time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So definitely don't hesitate to check out those templates. And if you prefer to get started off with your own data, you can take a CSV of existing data and upload that right into Airtable and get started from scratch or you can even get started from absolute scratch from building your own records all the way up.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So like I mentioned at the very beginning, we really welcome your feedback. We're always looking to improve and learn about how businesses are using Airtable. So super excited to be sending out a feedback form at the end and hope to connect with all of you. My email is And we also have our support and customer engagement team, like I mentioned.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But thanks again, and hope you all have a great afternoon, whether you're on the East Coast, West Coast, or internationally dialing in. We appreciate your time so much and are super excited to be having you join us today. All right, bye bye.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1IfhIUrWOby9WtFH6QQq58","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.791Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:10:51.585Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":23,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Build your UX research database with Airtable","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"No matter which product or initiative you’re working on, Airtable can help you optimize your user research process. 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Whether you are enhancing the viewing experience for your broadcast network or improving the member journey for your music streaming platform, Airtable can help you optimize the entire user research process. With Airtable, you can plan testing sessions, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is an Airtable base, your centralized tool for UX research.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is where you can keep all of your information relating to user insights, testing sessions, product areas, and participants. Separating each of these into different tables gives you the space to expand on their own unique details.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, the Insights table contains the individual pieces of feedback collected from your studies. 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For example, if you want to rate a session, simply create a new rating field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or if you're running a new type of test, just add it to the existing dropdown menu. With Airtable, you can empower your team to instantly create the perfect tool for their needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In Airtable, you can easily hone in on the right information for the right time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Views let you customize and save the settings you need for your various workstreams. For example, if you wanted to view feedback by its stage in the user journey, you can group everything by this field. Or if you only wanted to see feedback related to a certain product area, like audio, just add a filter.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Filters update automatically, so this view will always remain current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Streamline information collection with a custom form. As your team reviews testing sessions, they can isolate and submit individual insights using this form. Submissions are automatically added to your base so you can reference them instantly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then try using a Kanban view to organize and classify the newly submitted insights. Tag them with their corresponding sentiment by dragging them into the right column. 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Or add a powerful search block to your base that you can embed anywhere, effectively creating your own search engine for your insights.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Page Designer block pulls information from your base to autofill a template, so it's perfect for creating reports that you can then present to stakeholders. Blocks are responsive to your base. So any changes you make here will instantly be reflected here.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And in the Blocks pane, you can build unique dashboards for different purposes, like reporting and communication. With Airtable, you have a tool that's flexible enough to fit your processes and powerful enough to be a single source of truth. 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Let's see how.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Never miss a deadline with a calendar view of your key publishing dates. Schedule new content, or drag and drop to reschedule what's already in the works. Customize color based on status or whatever matters most to your team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Your content production is so much more than just a calendar, view every detail for every piece of content in your production pipeline to make sure nothing gets overlooked. 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Go ahead and start customizing your content calendar template today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING] ","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3Ab0PranT1dzZ4I1Ti1ff9","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.869Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:03:47.798Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":26,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Template tour: Marketing campaign tracker","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Plan campaigns across different platforms and teams. 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Instead of hoping stakeholders go to a view to see changes, we can use the views we just created to proactively update them on what's changed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say we want an email to send every Monday with the latest records that have changed. With Airtable automations, you can schedule and send a weekly digest email. In Taylor's case, we could configure a weekly email that tells her if any scheduled interviews have changed in the last seven days. To set up that email, select At Schedule Time as the trigger and configure it to run on Monday mornings.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In order to insert the updates into the email, we need this automation to find recently updated records. To do that, we'll use the Find Records action. The records we want to pull in are in the view we created a moment ago. Small pro-tip here, you don't necessarily need to create a view. You can find records based on a condition, filtering down on your Last Modified time field, just like we did in the view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that we have what we need, the next step is to put these records into an email, so we'll select the Send Email action. Configure the email to be sent to key stakeholders, a relevant subject, and in the body, we're going to go ahead and insert the records we found a moment ago as a grid. If we preview this, we see that what's in the view is now shown in the email, and we have every record that has been updated in the last seven days as a grid in their email directly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can further customize the email to add in a link to the view or any additional relevant details. 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No more early rushing out of bed for an interview that got canceled a week ago.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5PsITrsd2umSfq1sWNrzTQ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.178Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:47:59.357Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":29,"revision":7,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Prep Your Base for Collaborators","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Make your base easy to use and navigate for collaborators. In this Tool Tip, we show you how to create a base guide and descriptions so users have the info they need. 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With interfaces and permissions, teammates can get their work done quickly and you can rest assured knowing your data is secure.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Be sure to check out our guide for step-by-step instructions on familiarizing users with your base, then dive into Interface Designer and start creating for your team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1QureyYSUWn9qlXLNswYHZ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.124Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:52:38.394Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Computed Fields \u0026 How to Use Them","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this Tool Tip, we introduce computed fields and explore how teams can use them to get quick insight into their records.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"185hoI2bS63aRyvc3Dh6hF","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:21.231Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:21.231Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Computed Fields \u0026amp; How to Use Them _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":426431,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Computed Fields \u0026amp; How to Use Them _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Hey Airtable! How can I get more context about my records? Do I need to like, write code to see who created or updated a record in my base?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can use computed fields to automatically get the information you need. And no, you don't need to know a leg of code.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. Today, we're introducing computed fields and exploring how teams can use computed fields to get quick insight about their records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, let's define what a computed field is in Airtable. Computed fields describe field types that update based on conditions you've set. 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What are some other ways I can automatically update my work and my base?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With computed fields, you can surface details across tables, build formulas, and perform one-click actions, all without needing to make manual updates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In our last video, we introduced computed fields and showed how you can use them to pull up information about your records. 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That means no one has to manually log this information, and it's always up to date.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So along with tracking changes, you can also use computed fields to aggregate all of your connected data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you've linked records between multiple tables in your base, you can access a whole other set of computed fields to perform calculations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Use the count field to add up the total number of records in a linked record field, or throw in a lookup field so you can quickly pull linked record data from one table into another. 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You either use some type of point solution software, and that tends to be not very customizable, or you need to go kind of develop your own custom application.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I mean, having AI is like having a team next to you, building you whatever you want.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So a lot of the design thinking that we did was how do we guide customers to take what they want and translate it in a way that the AI can What person need to solve?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how can AI help them not take over their job and to do things just a little better, a little bit easier, with a little bit more confidence? I mean, I think that's where Cobuilder really shines.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We we heard people say things like, this would have taken me two weeks to do, or this just sped up my process by, like, forty days.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think it's it's showing with the power of AI and of no code combined. It was already faster to build custom applications through no code than was through traditional development cycles, but we're now taking, you know, something that might have taken days or weeks to build and condensing it down to just a few seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think the magic of Cobuilder is that it just works. You don't have to over tick it. It's there. It meets you where you're at, and it's just easy. And I think that's the dream for Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]}}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2QrGHu8HSGyt2rzwSlfe7g","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:02:34.079Z","updatedAt":"2023-07-14T01:20:05.129Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":37,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Taylor Guitars brings more music into the world with Airtable ","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Matt is revolutionizing the way Taylor Guitars amplifies its messaging to the world. His comprehensive content calendar created unparalleled visibility into campaigns, budgeting, and increased publishing times. What Matt was able to create in Airtable worked so well it quickly spread to the rest of the company. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Taylor Guitars now uses Airtable for manufacturing, apparel, accessories, budget forecasting, artist relationship management and much more. Taylor Guitars went from working in silos to a connected cross functional team. Their high level of sophistication in Airtable enabled them to create 343 automations giving them time back to work on much more meaningful nuanced tasks. It centralized their workflow, improved their time to publish and enabled teams to be more collaborative which has been essential during times of remote work. 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I picked up a guitar when I was 14.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Music is a huge connector for everyone at Taylor. Everybody here has a deep passion for music.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm Nicole Dahl, and I'm the Project Manager at Taylor Guitars.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm Matt Steele, the Social Media Manager for Taylor Guitars. It's really important to have a bird's eye view of what you're doing every day, every week, every month. [INAUDIBLE] into TikTok, and doing content that we've never really done before, and pushing the boundaries of what our brand tone, and look, and feel can be.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's good for the brand. It's pushing us in the right ways.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a lot going on in our department. And I'm just there to ensure that we set appropriate timelines and that we meet those timelines. Before Airtable, we didn't have a single source of truth. So I spent a lot of time searching through different management tools to try to piece information together.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We didn't really have a whole lot of cross-functional cross team visibility. Before Airtable, I felt a little less professional, less planned, less strategic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Well, I think any time you streamline processes and you improve communication within a department, I think that helps the company, overall. I would say since moving to Airtable, I've probably saved four or five hours a week.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's a really great tool for breaking down silos and connecting teams in a way that no other tool we've found does, offering visibility into what we're all doing every day.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're putting out amazing work, and we have more time to do it, which just gives us the opportunity to make it even better than it's been before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Most importantly, Airtable helps us better achieve our mission, which is to bring more music into the world and connect more people through music.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"[MUSIC PLAYING] ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["Customer story"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"70O3mn5LiBgwtAHjOgvOv4","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.310Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-29T15:32:33.930Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":34,"revision":12,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"How Runs Product Operations In Airtable ","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this community spotlight we welcomed Caroline Vernick, Director of Product \u0026 Business operations at to talk about how Frame runs product sprints in Airtable. 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My name is Jordan, and I lead our community efforts here at Airtable, and I'm super thrilled to be here hosting our very first community showcase exclusively about product operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm joined today by two truly amazing individuals, Caroline and Zach, who have put together some really awesome content to share with you, also. Thank you both for being here. We really do appreciate it. Without further ado, I'm going to hand things over to Caroline.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- OK, so, again, I'll be speaking to you all tonight about how uses Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First, just a very quick introduction on myself.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm currently Director of Operations at within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Prior to this, I was Senior Director of Product Operations within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This was really where the Airtable connection-- or sorry-- This is really where the Airtable connection comes in today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I started at as the Chief of Staff, which is how I oriented around the space of product operations and the need for a little bit more rigor for product teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm based in New York City, and I guess-- I don't have a fun fact but, because is a video company, I'll share my favorite movie that I saw recently, which is \u003ci\u003eEverything\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eEverywhere\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eAll\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eat\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eOnce.\u003c/i\u003e If you all haven't seen it, I'd really recommend going to see it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's dive in. So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. And then, lastly, we'll focus on, today, how we use it for product development.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So what do we mean when I talk about product development? What I mean is we use it as our end-to-end source of truth. So, for us, Airtable is the artifact for cross-team development planning, bimonthly, company-reporting, weekly team reporting, and a generic way to self-serve into what's happening across product design and engineering.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's dive in here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I want to, first, lay out the situation that our team was in. It might sound familiar to some of you, or maybe you guys are in better shape than I was. But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. We had Jira implemented across all of our teams, which is really where our developers and product managers were managing their biweekly sprints.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But we didn't have a clear or consistent reporting layer that our executive teams, cross-functional partners, and, quite frankly, cross-teams could really use to look at the work that was being done, track our progress, and make trade-offs and also map dependencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We also-- and this last bullet will come in to why we use it so much-- is we also had this cumbersome, multiday planning process that was just not that effective.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The artifacts were always lost, left behind. And so we weren't seeing-- we were spending a lot of time in expensive meetings, but we weren't actually seeing any benefit from it. Oops.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we created a single pane of glass to plan, track, and report in Airtable. So I'll now just click into the solution, which was we set up-- at the highest level, what we set up was a four-level information hierarchy, and I'll talk through each one of these levels now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So at the highest level, we have categories. These are broad areas of our product. They're managed by a single team, but they might encompass work for multiple teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They're used as the highest level of organizing structure for our product, and they represent evergreen product areas which we'll continuously build on and optimize. And a category can capture work that is either end user or developer-facing. So in this example, we'll use commenting. If anyone's familiar with, commenting is a-- we're a review and approval tool for video, and so commenting is a core functionality of our product.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The next level, one below that, is a feature of a release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a feature can be shipped, so it's a discrete body of work. It's not necessarily mapped to our cycle length. We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. 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My name is Jordan, and I lead our community efforts here at Airtable, and I'm super thrilled to be here hosting our very first community showcase exclusively about product operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm joined today by two truly amazing individuals, Caroline and Zach, who have put together some really awesome content to share with you, also. Thank you both for being here. We really do appreciate it. 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So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. 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But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. We had Jira implemented across all of our teams, which is really where our developers and product managers were managing their biweekly sprints.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But we didn't have a clear or consistent reporting layer that our executive teams, cross-functional partners, and, quite frankly, cross-teams could really use to look at the work that was being done, track our progress, and make trade-offs and also map dependencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We also-- and this last bullet will come in to why we use it so much-- is we also had this cumbersome, multiday planning process that was just not that effective.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The artifacts were always lost, left behind. And so we weren't seeing-- we were spending a lot of time in expensive meetings, but we weren't actually seeing any benefit from it. Oops.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we created a single pane of glass to plan, track, and report in Airtable. So I'll now just click into the solution, which was we set up-- at the highest level, what we set up was a four-level information hierarchy, and I'll talk through each one of these levels now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So at the highest level, we have categories. These are broad areas of our product. They're managed by a single team, but they might encompass work for multiple teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They're used as the highest level of organizing structure for our product, and they represent evergreen product areas which we'll continuously build on and optimize. And a category can capture work that is either end user or developer-facing. So in this example, we'll use commenting. If anyone's familiar with, commenting is a-- we're a review and approval tool for video, and so commenting is a core functionality of our product.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The next level, one below that, is a feature of a release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a feature can be shipped, so it's a discrete body of work. It's not necessarily mapped to our cycle length. We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"27mRg1eY6JyiT9FqQ4pkur","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.426Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:40:42.112Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":30,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Collaborate with Interface Designer Preview","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With Airtable's Interface Designer, you can build powerful, customized apps that streamline collaboration for you, your team, and even across your organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"Yu9WJs35JAns0hOwwspwR","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1145766,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"PRESENTER: Collaborating in Airtable is a team sport. Many different teammates from your department, outside your department, or even outside your company may need to contribute to making workflows in Airtable successful. All this and each of your stakeholders has different needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, on a creative operations team, designers want to view and manage their projects.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A creative director wants to review and approve those projects or leadership wants an overview of your team's progress against goals. As a workflow owner, you know firsthand that collaborating with different stakeholders with different needs can get overwhelming. And doing it within the same base, where you've built your workflow, can mean untidy workarounds that may not be relevant for every audience. From an excessive number of views, shared view links or data sinks spanning multiple bases.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, there's a better way.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Over the last year, we've seen teams build, customize, and manage interactive interfaces for their apps with interface designer. And one new capability that has the potential to transform how you collaborate with our table, granular permissions. With granular permissions with interfaces, you have a new level of centralized flexibility and control for the apps you build in Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With our new detailed permission settings, teams on pro and enterprise plans now having new invite option, interface-only collaborators. Instead of inviting you, workspace, or base collaborator who has access to the data layer within your app, interface-only collaborators or users who are only invited to the interface not the underlying data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This ensures the underlying data in your base will stay secure while giving your collaborators the relevant context they need to view and take action. What's more, you can create clarity for your collaborators with an interface that dynamically serves up the exact information each individual needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"User-based filtering capabilities. Adjust what data is shown in the same interface based on who's viewing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, your team of three designers need visibility into their projects. Instead of manually creating a personal view for each of them, with user-based filtering, the projects displayed in this single interface will adjust depending on if Cameron, Kerry, or Jordan is viewing. Customize what data each user can see and what to hide in an interface or decide what level of access any one person or group has from read-only to edit everything.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using granular permissions with interfaces, collaborating an Airtable is now even easier. You can consolidate the individual views and share view links used for each role on your team into just a few interfaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Ready to make collaboration easier with interfaces? Check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. With this demo, you'll get a step-by-step walkthrough to help you transition your existing workflow to interfaces. Your team is ready to start transitioning from base collaboration to interface-only collaboration if your workflow sounds like the following.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You're providing information to or collaborating with a large audience of stakeholders out of a single base or multiple basis. The tables in your base have five or more views supporting a single person or team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or you have multiple versions of the same view for different collaborators or teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If any of these statements sound like you, check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. 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His comprehensive content calendar created unparalleled visibility into campaigns, budgeting, and increased publishing times. What Matt was able to create in Airtable worked so well it quickly spread to the rest of the company. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Taylor Guitars now uses Airtable for manufacturing, apparel, accessories, budget forecasting, artist relationship management and much more. Taylor Guitars went from working in silos to a connected cross functional team. Their high level of sophistication in Airtable enabled them to create 343 automations giving them time back to work on much more meaningful nuanced tasks. It centralized their workflow, improved their time to publish and enabled teams to be more collaborative which has been essential during times of remote work. 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I picked up a guitar when I was 14.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Music is a huge connector for everyone at Taylor. Everybody here has a deep passion for music.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm Nicole Dahl, and I'm the Project Manager at Taylor Guitars.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm Matt Steele, the Social Media Manager for Taylor Guitars. It's really important to have a bird's eye view of what you're doing every day, every week, every month. [INAUDIBLE] into TikTok, and doing content that we've never really done before, and pushing the boundaries of what our brand tone, and look, and feel can be.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's good for the brand. It's pushing us in the right ways.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a lot going on in our department. And I'm just there to ensure that we set appropriate timelines and that we meet those timelines. Before Airtable, we didn't have a single source of truth. So I spent a lot of time searching through different management tools to try to piece information together.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We didn't really have a whole lot of cross-functional cross team visibility. Before Airtable, I felt a little less professional, less planned, less strategic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Well, I think any time you streamline processes and you improve communication within a department, I think that helps the company, overall. I would say since moving to Airtable, I've probably saved four or five hours a week.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's a really great tool for breaking down silos and connecting teams in a way that no other tool we've found does, offering visibility into what we're all doing every day.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're putting out amazing work, and we have more time to do it, which just gives us the opportunity to make it even better than it's been before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Most importantly, Airtable helps us better achieve our mission, which is to bring more music into the world and connect more people through music.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"[MUSIC PLAYING] ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["Customer story"]}}},{"title":"Product Tour: App Library","id":"4dPgDtYNsBugX9b4y2Kz0v","slug":"product-tour-app-library","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4bdOvz7kQ2qIDvQDXqqepp","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-09-26T21:15:40.984Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-26T21:15:40.984Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"NEW Product Tour App Library Launch Demo","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Learn how enterprises use App Library to power process standardization with Airtable. Take a tour through an example of an OKR tracker used by many departments that each have their own unique needs. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Here's how enterprises use Airtable to power their most critical business processes.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Process standardization requires expensive change management. When standardized tooling is too rigid, teams go rogue, adoption is compromised, and reporting is unreliable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Meanwhile, when processes are deployed, they are hard to change as workflows change rapidly as the business adapts.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"When it comes to AI, enterprises need a way to package and scale the best practices discovered by teams. Without a platform to share these discoveries, best practices stay in the dark.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"App Library allows process owners to deploy standardized Airtable apps across their company. These apps enforce a consistent data structure but can still be flexed to meet the unique needs of individual teams. Teams get to customize their experience while leadership benefits from easy roll up reporting. And when changes need to be made, process owners can push updates to all apps from a centralized place. Our customers are using App Library to standardize processes like OKR management, marketing pipeline management, global product launches, and more. Let's dive into an example around OKR management.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's start with Nisha, a director of marketing at Zelos, tasked with building an app to track OKRs for her team. Rather than build an app from scratch, Nisha opens App Library to browse apps that have been created within her company. These apps are not just templates that get duplicated and disconnected from their sources. They are custom built and actively managed by Jessica, the OKR process owner at Zelos. Updates to the standard app will be pushed out to all instances of this app, like Nisha's.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Nisha creates her OKR app in seconds, renames it, and starts to dive into the details.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Nisha can pick between official Zelos' branded colors for her app. The app has most of the sections Nisha is looking for, but she wants to customize it a little for her team. Nisha decides to add a table to track the specific campaign that each key result is tied to. She has the flexibility to add new fields, automations, and interfaces to the app that are specific to her team's needs. She can also see that the fields that the OKR process owner had created as an admin in this app cannot be changed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Nisha can easily browse components and choose to install a prebuilt IT approved package such as this approval workflow or an AI workflow that assists with prioritizing key results and checking them for alignment to company level objectives.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This OKR tracker Nisha created saves her team time by replacing an ad hoc key result tracking system with an approved standardized tool.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say Nisha is nervous about applying a new AI workflow that summarizes KRs and writes an overall team mission for the quarter that can be shared out with the company.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using the app sandbox, Nisha can test the change before rolling it out to her team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A","marks":[],"data":{}},{"nodeType":"text","value":"fter some careful testing and a few tweaks to optimize the experience, Nisha can deploy this change to anyone who is collaborating on her OKR app, keeping everyone on her team up to date with the latest version.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now let's talk about how this OKR app was created by Jessica from the strategy department in the first place. Within the builder hub, Jessica can see a host of applications and components that she built in the central repository.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Components are smaller blocks of functionality that can be added on top of existing apps for greater consistency and accelerated build time. This is where Jessica can create standardized and approved AI powered use cases, like auto generated executive summaries or flagging at risk status that can be easily adopted throughout the organization as soon as Jessica publishes the component to the library. And when changes need to be made to an already published app or component, Jessica can choose to push updates to all apps from the same menu.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Admins can see which teams are up to date with changes made in their installed apps from the App Library.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If Jessica opens the OKR Tracker app, she can see what fields, tables, automations, and interfaces that have been created that are now standardized for teams using the app.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This works especially well for AI use cases. Perhaps Nisha isn't experienced with building AI workflows, but wants to integrate it into her apps the way her coworkers are.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Admins can capture successful AI workflows into a component or as a full app and make them accessible in the App Library for any team across the business.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Since Nisha and other team leaders have leveraged this standardized OKR app, leadership benefits from global visibility into company performance and metrics.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With the standardized data structure across the org, OKR information can be synced throughout the business into one central location.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Updates from any of the apps from the App Library will proliferate here. And just as we could modify the use case on a team level, we can also edit this application to have interfaces with dashboards specific to executive visibility.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Diving into the data layer, we can see the key details on objectives and key results throughout the organization have been unified for leadership's visibility.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"App Library empowers executives to anticipate and intervene when priorities change or things go off the rails, improving org throughput and efficiency.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With App Library, process owners and IT have the ability to centrally publish, manage, and update standardized applications.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"T","marks":[],"data":{}},{"nodeType":"text","value":"eams can then browse and install their own version of an app, which they can modify to fit their preferences and needs without breaking the core structure.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And that very structure allows for central reporting for your leadership team's visibility, Increase process adoption with end users and accelerate digital transformation by giving enterprise App Library a try today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]}}}},{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","id":"51qkAsW2GeyysUIxN29vg3","slug":"how-jetblue-uses-airtable-elevate-IT-roadmap","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"43URWpDVYs71vfBQ2YhBI3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.545Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-15T14:36:36.383Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":25,"revision":4,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","videoUrl":"","description":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Learn how JetBlue's portfolio management team leverages Airtable to streamline its roadmap, enhance collaboration across departments, and maintain its edge in the competitive airline industry. Hear from JetBlue's IT leaders as they share insights into the challenges they faced before adopting Airtable and how this powerful tool has transformed their approach to prioritizing and executing strategic initiatives.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6XChdnOKvF9QPFOD97M8ml","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":98311,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JetBlue is New York's hometown airline. We've always said it's the little airline that could.\n\nWe're always competing and trying to make space against these legacy carriers.\n\nMy name is Amanda Luna. So my team is the IT portfolio management team. We're a shared service across the IT department responsible for what we like to call the business of IT.\n\nThe economic dynamics are changing, sometimes weekly, which requires us on the IT side to actually need to move really, really quickly in order to execute on our business strategy that our leaders are coming up with. So we have about four hundred, crew members on our IT team that's split, between sort of a technology organization and an IT products organization. On the product side, we have probably seven different product teams, that cover every aspect of the business. So think commercial products, digital products, our internal crew member products, finance systems, etcetera. Really, I mean, prior to Airtable, we we had a really hard time, sort of managing our our sort of enterprise wide list.\n\nWe found ourselves doing a ton of exporting, importing into different systems, trying to work within the confines of other tools, and Airtable's really been the first one that has, for lack of a better word, allowed us to be ourselves.\n\nWith Airtable now. You know, our CTO had a request a couple of months ago for a board meeting and said, hey, I really need to roll up all of the IT initiatives into our four strategic pillars for twenty twenty four, something that would have normally taken weeks. Now we can very easily spin up within a matter of of less than a day.\n\nThis is the first time we've ever had a metrics driven prioritization process, And what this has allowed us to do is look at the lineup and go high to low and force rank those initiatives. It really has given us the ability to customize everything.\n\nAnd JetBlue, we love customization both for our customers, but internally to The airline industry is a super dynamic industry, and Airtable gives us the agility to adapt as quickly as a click of a button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Airtable at BrXnd: The AI Powered Marketing Supply Chain","id":"65CAj4IfA1QOJ4IA98pvpT","slug":"ai-powered-marketing-supply","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4eyQQFPNgd7GapPWo5ys3r","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:12.240Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:12.240Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":19,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"NYC 2024","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Howie Liu, Co-Founder and CEO of Airtable, explores practical applications of AI in the marketing supply chain, translating “AI-hype” into practical and safe strategies to transform your marketing operations. Experience with generative AI is no longer a nice to have but a need to have for marketing organizations. Liu covers three principles for applying AI effectively, empowering brand creatives and marketers to transform their end-to-end workflows to improve business outcomes. If 2023 was the year of AI exploration, 2024 is the year of experimentation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"8x8Mtzj5sZooFXgm8SJn9","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Web BrXnd Howie AssetHub 1600x900","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":411900,"image":{"width":1600,"height":900}},"fileName":"Web_BrXnd_Howie_AssetHub_1600x900.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wanna introduce you all to Howie. I'm very excited to hear what he has to say. Thank you. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My session is really gonna be about making AI real in your companies. Our big focus as Airtable has always been about making apps real and making them buildable by people exactly like you. And I think AI has been a really, really exciting thing for us. One, because I've personally been tinkering around with AI, from even, my college days, playing around with neural networks back in the 'five, 'six, 'seven time frame.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Things were very, very primitive at that time. You could use AI to do very, very simple things like text extraction or maybe some basic classification, sentiment analysis, that kind of thing. And I think really since then, over the past twenty years, what we've seen is more than just incremental improvements, but real profound unlocks in what you can do with AI. And so our entire focus as a company is gonna be about making these things real and making them operationalizable for you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So today is not about how things will be, but how things are and what we're actually already seeing from our customers. We've had a, had an AI beta program for about a year, and we just launched our AI features out of beta into full GA a couple of months ago. And even during the beta, we've worked really, really closely with one thousand plus customers in actually deploying real AI use cases into their orgs and often within marketing orgs. And actually later today, one of our customers from Amazon Web Services, Jonathan, is here to talk about the very systematic and innovative way in which he has gone through AWS's marketing org and transformed piece by piece their operations with AI on Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, just a very, very quick recap of how I see AI and the progression. So going back, this actually only goes back to twenty eighteen. I think back to even two thousand and five and so on. That was really, I think, the the beginning of an inflection in AI becoming really, really potent and really capable on a broad and deep level.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if you go back to the twenty ten or twenty twelve era models, these models were really good at very narrow applications. Right? So again, sentiment analysis. There was a big breakthrough in something called ImageNet.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the person who now leads AI at Facebook or Meta, Jan Lacun, basically created a lot of pioneering technologies around what's called ImageNet. It kind of pioneered this novel application of AI. And in some regards, kind of set off this renewed interest in AI. Because as Noah said, some of the basic concepts behind AI, neural networks, etcetera, have been around for many decades.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Literally, these things were talked about in the '60s and '70s because I think the theoretical allure of, hey, what if you could teach a computer not by telling it programmatically and in a very prescriptive way what to do if this, then that type statements. What if you could just train it on real content, real data, and have it figure things out on its own? Right? That sounds quite magical.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And frankly, as somebody who programmed a lot in the founding of Airtable, it'd be really nice not to have to code out every single step that you want your apps to do. So I think that's been a really, really exciting breakthrough. As we look at the progression, even over the past five years, we really have reached this thing that looks like Moore's Law, but on a, let's say, a PC version of some kind of very enhancing drug. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The models have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. And as that has happened, it's not just that you get incrementally better capabilities, but really that you've been able to get real breakthroughs in what these models are capable of. And of course, we've already heard today about some of those really profound breakthroughs. But the way I think of it, actually, if you go to the next slide, is it's not just about getting more some CPU capacity or some benchmark on the MMLU, the SAT equivalent for AIs.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But really, the way I start to think about it is in the past, AI was good at very, very narrow applications. And you couldn't even really compare it to a human doing work, right? Because it was very narrow, very, very purpose specific. And what you now have with LLMs, especially the largest LLMs and the most potent ones, is that you're actually able to automate human tasks that might have taken five seconds.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These AIs, as we've all seen with Chat2BT, they still get stuck. And yeah, you can do things like few shot prompting, like Noah talked about, other techniques like chain of thought reasoning. There's a lot of work being done around things called agents.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One demo example of this that made a breakout within the tech and AI community last year was called AutoGPT. You can look up YouTube videos of this and tell AI, basically, hey, help me design a business that can generate hundreds of dollars of profit per day. And you see the AI breaking it down into different steps. Like, Okay, what's a business?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"How do I create profit? How do I start? How do I get money to start my business? And it's a little bit comical because it's a five year old or a ten year old going out and trying to figure out, with a million whys, how to do something very, very broad and complex.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the really key thing is, inevitably, these AIs get stuck along the way. Right? Like, they kind of go down a rabbit hole and, like, you know, they never actually get to the point where they design an awesome, you know, hundred dollar profit business per per day. Right? And I think that's because these models are getting better and better, but they're still at the point where they're really capable not of broad human intelligence.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I think that's going to be a long, long, long way off. And instead, the way to think about it is it's not deterministic programming. So it's not just narrowly applicable, predictably applicable to very specific tasks. But really, it is capable of very broad and even creative or strategic reasoning, but on a smaller time scale than what a human working for many, many hours or many days could solve. So as we've gone through the different eras of these really large language models compressed into just a few years. I mean, this is incredible. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Imagine the days of processor wars between Intel and AMD. And every eighteen months, you got a twice as fast processor. And it was awesome because you could do more things like, you know, open up four tabs on Internet Explorer instead of one or play games that were more realistic. This is happening on an even more compressed time scale in AI. These models are getting dramatically bigger, better, and actually unlocking more advanced human reasoning. And I think this is really important as a mental model for how to actually use AI in a practical way. Next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way to think about it is it's non deterministic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As Tim talked about, you have to try sometimes experimentally asking the AI to get you what you want. Right? We just saw some examples of, hey, if you try different prompts, you can get different types of image outputs. And it may not give you exactly what you want on the first try, but if you kind of probe around with it and give it the right data, the right context, and eventually integrate it into a useful workflow, it actually can be really, really valuable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? Because unlike a human, the AI never sleeps. Right? You can have it on all of the time.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Even if it's only a fifty second or, you know, a a five minute human task, the fact that it can do it on demand in a recurring workflow way and potentially scalably up to fifty thousand or hundreds of thousands of different, you know, kind of work items all at once, that's the real power of it. So, I'm very aligned with, I think, Tim and Noah in that let's not think of this as either on one extreme just a complete replacement of humans, nor on the other extreme is it just narrow traditional programming. It's actually something very different, which is something that kind of approximates human intelligence but in very, very small chunks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And that's going to be the right paradigm to think about it for a very long time in my strong belief. And so the best way to get value out of it next slide is really around having humans not just in the loop with AI, but controlling the loop. So when human next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So Airtable as the no code app platform that allows you to build your own apps very quickly and as we saw briefly on the previous slide, we've seen a lot of traction, a lot of scale. We've raised one point four billion of capital. We still have a billion in our bank account and growing now that we're profitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the reason we've gotten to this point over the past twelve years is because we really have, I think, tapped into a really unmet need, which is companies need more and more apps. They need those apps to be very tailored to specific business use cases. We can talk more about marketing specific use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You know, but they need those apps to be extremely fluid. The way that marketing is changing and I've spent a ton of time with CMOs of leading retail companies, of tech companies, of financial services companies, the pace of change is so fast. And AI is only accelerating that pace of change, right, as you have to adapt to more personalization, more content creation, etcetera. And so having a very flexible approach to building out these use cases that, maybe ironically or very appropriately, use AI to automate the operations that are themselves being disrupted by AI, I think, is entirely inevitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the real challenge is with these AI capabilities that need to be thought of in this new way, you really have to be able to experiment with it. And if you go to the next slide, the way I see the landscape is you have AI chat products. So we've all seen ChatGPT, what it's capable of. And that's great.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's like basically a chat wrapper around these models. But the business impact is limited. Right? I mean, it's chat.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so you can't really do it in a recurring automated way. It's not integrated with your data. It's kind of just there as a one off, almost like a toy. On the other hand, you have very custom implemented AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we've definitely worked with a lot of large enterprises that are actually going out and building very heavyweight implementations of their own AI. Right? Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan has publicly talked about having thousands of developers now focus on building their own AI infrastructure, building applications on that AI, and ultimately deploying extremely high cost but also extremely high impact AI use cases into their enterprise. And I think that's a totally viable approach in fact, like, maybe necessary at some of the largest companies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"However, you can only solve few and far between use cases with that very heavyweight approach. And on the other extreme, you have products. Right? I mean, Slack has an AI feature, and Zoom now has one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And you can turn on these features and get some kind of summarization or some kind of automation step in AI. But these are also pretty narrow. They're not fulfilling the ultimate promise of what AI can do within all of your marketing operations within the enterprise. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so that's really where we see no code playing a massive role. Because no code is, by definition, the way that you can build your own apps tailored to your own operations, your own data model, your own workflows, and ultimately iterate on those as you experiment with what AI is capable of automating along the way. Because if anybody tells you they know exactly what the right way to implement AI into your operations are, they're full of it. Because even the researchers who are coming up with these models I mean, if you look at some of the papers that have been talked about Noah mentioned the Med prompt one for Microsoft Research.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a different one called Sparks of Artificial Intelligence, which basically was also published by AI researchers very close to the state of the art of these LLMs, actually noting how surprised they were at GPT-four coming out and having these real unlocks in what it was capable of doing. Right? So in a way, these are emergent capabilities of the AI. I personally think that as we get bigger, more advanced models, and even once you've trained it on all of the internet, all books ever, there's even more ways to advance these models' capabilities through things called synthetic data, where basically you're generating data and then training the AI on that data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's other techniques out there that will continue to improve these AIs, but they will start to continue to exhibit more and more human like behaviors along the way. And so really, the only way to keep up with this is to have an approach where you're able to experiment because nobody really knows what these AIs are capable of, especially with every successive generation. GPT-five is coming out soon. There's going to be surely Google and Anthropic and other players' open source options that mirror its performance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the only way to figure out how to apply it into every part of your organization is to experiment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the three principles that I'd leave you with, whether or not you use Airtable first, to really make AI valuable, you have to embed it into the context of your data and your workflows. Again, this is why chat is fun as a toy and maybe as a one off way to do certain tasks in a very ad hoc fashion. But ultimately, our strong belief is that to really maximize and fully utilize the value of AI, you have to embed it into the way that people are working on a recurring level. And you have to take out all the guesswork every time of them having to figure out, how do I prompt this chat, experience to get what I want?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It can just be built in to a recurring workflow. The AI prompts can actually be codified by somebody who built them within your company, who understands your data and your process, and can kind of do that experimentation with prompting to figure out, how do I get this to do what I want? Right? So that's number one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second is you have to build this culture of experimentation. So there is no way to develop a truly first class AI implementation without actually experimenting. Because as we've seen from earlier today, the prompting itself needs experimentation. As the models get better and better, they're going to unlock new capabilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way you prompt them might actually evolve and get easier. And so you have to constantly adapt and iterate to stay on top of it. The good news is the upside is profound. And we're already seeing our customers get massive, massive unlocks in time savings or impact to their revenue or their performance because of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then third and finally, this idea of chainability is really, really important. So AI on its own is kind of cool. It's powerful. AI, when combined with both additional AI steps so in Airtable, you can set up an AI step that produces one output, have a human review that, then have that chain into a different AI prompt, right, and have that generate an output.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then expose that through an integration in Slack or in an email or put that back into either Airtable or a Salesforce record. Whatever you want. Right? And so the idea of making AI truly this fluid tool at your disposal that you don't have to use as a one off, but you can integrate very, very deeply.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's just almost like water. You've got to put it into every single part of your operations, in a very, very fast and fluid way. I think that's going to be critical to getting maximum value out of AI. And now, without further ado, let's actually see a very, very brief demo of what this looks like in practice.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. Can you hear me?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's do it. Who's excited for a live demo?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Woo. Yeah. I know. Right before lunch. Okay. So I'm gonna set the stage quickly on the business context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So as Howie alluded to, this is inspired by one of, our global media customers with a large portfolio of podcasts. They launch about fifty podcasts every single month. So the scale is really high. For every podcast, there's a ton of episodes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for every episode, there are ad spots. So think about mid roll ad reads by the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I'd say that its core to their business, though, is this ability to match, pitch, and deliver ad spots to sponsors. So really, the right ad for the right sponsor. This customer requires relevant, tailored, cost effective sponsor pitches at scale. The success has direct impact on the revenue.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You ready to jump into the workflow? So we are actually in an Airtable app right now. This was all built in two hours, one weekend. So this is how quickly you can spin up in, Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If I go to my podcast portfolio, I can see all the podcasts is all fictional. This is actually all generated with AI here. But, like, we can assume that this is our portfolio of podcasts. I can scroll down, click into any podcast.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I have a soft spot for Conan. So let's look at Conan. We can see the description of the podcast. We can see what their genre is, the audience, and click into the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Amazing headshot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We can see what their personality is like. Animated, energetic, humorous. If anyone saw the Hot Ones interview with him, those are definitely on point. And so really what I'm trying to show you here though, is that we already have all this structured data around the podcast, around the host. We have all these attributes They're going to feed into this relevancy for how we're pitching to sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's look at the other side of this equation. Right? We have as a rep for this company, I want to go out and pitch these sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've already placed quite a few ads with some pretty large brands here. If you see your brand on here, don't worry. This data is all just made up. It's all fictional. Maybe I got it right. I don't know.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the idea is that the rep might already know some of the campaigns that exist for these sponsors or have insight into what's upcoming in the campaign. So let's click into Pepsi the PepsiCo RefreshFest.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it explains that it's designed for our youth market aiming to boost brand engagement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The campaign is active. And we've actually already placed a few ads across these different podcasts here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the idea here is now we're looking at this other side. Even if we had the attributes of the podcast host and the podcast itself, now we're looking at what the description is for the sponsor. And how can we tailor our pitches to this description, to this specific campaign?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I'm the rep. I'm going to go look at the open ad spots of what's coming on our calendar.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I see that Conan O'Brien has an episode with Will Ferrell. We have a pre roll sixty second ad that's available. I'm going to scroll down. And so now I can see everything in one place the episode information, this podcast with Will Ferrell, all the stuff we saw about the podcast. It's a comedy. Here's a description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And once I clicked this, Get Campaign Matches, this is where AI can be infused directly, embedded directly into your workflow. It's now looking at that entire list of sponsors that we just looked at. And it's giving me a recommendation or suggestion of one to three campaigns that they think is fitting well to this specific podcast, to this specific episode. So we can see that the PepsiCo refresh fest, which we clicked in earlier, comes up for this one and says, hey, this vibrant, energetic tone aligns well with the comedic and lively atmosphere of a podcast hosted by Conan O'Brien.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. We also have one from Nike here. So what I'm going to do, let's go with Nike. I think that one might be funnier.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So it's a summer sports challenge.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click on the campaign. Hopefully, this gets going. I'm gonna click Conan O'Brien as the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Fun of live demos, See if this works. Okay. So I clicked on the campaign. It fills in the description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click in the reader. It's Conan O'Brien. And so now what this prompt is doing, as how it was just showing in the previous example, we now have a prompt here down at the bottom to generate a script for this specific pitch to this sponsor, Nike. So it's taken in both the podcast information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's taking in the sponsor information of what their campaign is. I'm trying to put it into the voice of Conan. You could imagine that we could even do this across a menu of options for the sponsors. And not just Conan, but if there's a podcast that has multiple hosts, we could show it in each of the hosts' voices.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We could even show different readers. And out comes an amazing Ad Spot script from Conan.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now you know me. I'm not exactly what you call an elite athlete unless you count my legendary moves in the highly competitive world of late night host chair swiveling. Right? So it's taking his more comedic, animated, humorous, tone, pairing it with the Nike campaign. And now we can package up this pitch, deliver it right to Nike.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we could stop there. That would be great. It would solve a lot of the business objectives of this company. But we can actually take it one step further.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And now that we've actually generated, pitched, and delivered these Ad Spots, we can actually see what the past Ad Spots how well they performed, and how well and how accurate the hosts were for what that script was. So now I look at some of the past episodes. I can see Conan O'Brien had one with Jerry Seinfeld. I can click into what that ad read looked like.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"On the left side, we can see what the AI script told Conan to read, or what we all agreed upon was going to be the script. And then we can actually have the transcript from that podcast. And we can measure what was the diff between those two. In this case, if we scroll down to the summary, which is also AI generated, that's comparing these two values, we can see that the Acre score is one hundred percent The transcript for the Ad Spot, read by Conan O'Brien, is word for word accurate to the original script. There were no deviations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. I think it gets more interesting when they do deviate, which Conan O'Brien tends to do. So if I click into this ad spot, if I go down and I look at the script, we had a campaign for General Motors Drive Ford Festival.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I think that might be made up. It's an auxiliary nationwide campaign. And we go down, and we see on the left side again what the script was that we pitched to GM, that we all agreed upon, that we handed to Conan O'Brien. If we look on the right side now, we start to see well, first of all, it's way longer.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We start to see some variance from what was handed to him. So right off the top instead of, hey there, friends. Conan O'Brien here. We say, hey there, amigos.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Conan O'Brien here. And goes into his Ad Lib tendencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so now when we go down to this ad read summary, we can see the accuracy score is seventy five. We get a summary of the key points that he missed from the original script, which might have been important for the brand. But we also see new points that he added that were not in the script at all. And really, probably most importantly, what is the impact of this variance for the intended audience?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what this summary is saying is that, hey, it's a more relaxed, humorous tone, which is likely to resonate. But at the same time, the informal tone and slight deviations from the script might slightly alter the perceived professionalism or seriousness. So this is the type of feedback and input that we want to understand as we're going on pitching new sponsors. There might be some sponsors that need that script to be word for word.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There might be other ones that enjoy this type of ad libbing and making it their own. So what we just saw to take a step back, we had new podcasts.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For every podcast, we had these ad spots.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We were trying to find relevant sponsors so we could pitch and deliver these ad spots.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"After delivering it with AI, we can then look at the transcript and compare how well the host delivered that transcript versus with the script we first set. Thank you, Buzzy. And more importantly than the specific use case here is the fact that, A, it was built in two hours. This is a very, very simplified prototype or kind of a proof of concept, roughly modeled off of some realistic use cases we've seen with our customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And b, this is something that you can completely experiment with. Right? So we could literally give you a copy of this space. You could then go and experiment with the prompt, the workflow, the data, and get different results.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? You could tune it to get different host read generations, etcetera. And so the real emphasis here is that you are all going to be the heroes of this AI transformation because you have the power to go and experiment and figure out how to utilize AI in every single step of your operations. And these steps can actually be pretty profound.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? In this use case, if you can go out and pitch these sponsors with a pre generated example of what would it actually sound like if Coca Cola had their new campaign placed in The Conan Show, right? And to see that upfront, instead of saying, well, here's the CPMs, and Conan's a great brand, blah, blah, blah. What if that drove millions or tens of millions of more dollars of sponsored deals, right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So ultimately, massive, massive upside. Very much worth the experimentation. I think now is the time. It's not in the future.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's now that you can actually start making this real in your companies, whether or not you use Airtable. Thank you all. And whether or not use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you all, and enjoy lunch.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}}},{"title":"How we built it: Airtable Cobuilder","id":"2czspCbxmCGO0nByo0VKMI","slug":"building-airtable-cobuilder","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6BHpxncI3fMgerd38vyGER","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.548Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.548Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":12,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"BTS Airtable Cobuilder","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable Cobuilder is the fastest way to create transformative apps. It uses AI to spin up customizable apps that can solve any problem—from operationalizing clean energy to powering a retailer’s supply chain.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"See how we turned Airtable Cobuilder from an idea into one of our most rapidly adopted features. Hear from the product leaders, engineers, designers, and marketers who brought Cobuilder to life— ideating an intuitive user experience and leveraging AI to get Airtable to think and solve problems like a human. 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With Cobuilder, you can have an idea, and just a few minutes later, exactly the way you put it in, you can have an app come up. And if you change your mind about what came out, you can have just another version of it in a couple of seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"When you talk about AI in the abstract, someone's like, okay. Great. Well, this cool technology exists, but what can it do for me? What can it do for my team, for my company?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Cobuilder is not just a cool new AI feature at Airtable. It's really, you know, can we take the idea of having a really seasoned professional software developer and actually insert them into the process of building an Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Our team was asked to figure out how we can leverage AI to make app building faster.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like, what's the most impactful place where AI can give a really big lift to speed up app building?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And it was honestly a big question mark initially of just, can we effectively utilize LMS to help builders build what they need in Airtable?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"One of the most important important things that we were really emphatic about was that we really didn't want people to have to be AI tooling experts to know how to use the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Instead of making people jump over the hurdle of learning and speaking Airtable, it's interesting if, like, what if you could just teach Airtable to think and communicate in a more human way to solve those problems?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The challenge that anyone has historically faced around software is that you're stuck between two extremes. You either use some type of point solution software, and that tends to be not very customizable, or you need to go kind of develop your own custom application.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I mean, having AI is like having a team next to you, building you whatever you want.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So a lot of the design thinking that we did was how do we guide customers to take what they want and translate it in a way that the AI can What person need to solve?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how can AI help them not take over their job and to do things just a little better, a little bit easier, with a little bit more confidence? I mean, I think that's where Cobuilder really shines.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We we heard people say things like, this would have taken me two weeks to do, or this just sped up my process by, like, forty days.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think it's it's showing with the power of AI and of no code combined. It was already faster to build custom applications through no code than was through traditional development cycles, but we're now taking, you know, something that might have taken days or weeks to build and condensing it down to just a few seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think the magic of Cobuilder is that it just works. You don't have to over tick it. It's there. It meets you where you're at, and it's just easy. 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My name is Jordan, and I lead our community efforts here at Airtable, and I'm super thrilled to be here hosting our very first community showcase exclusively about product operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm joined today by two truly amazing individuals, Caroline and Zach, who have put together some really awesome content to share with you, also. Thank you both for being here. We really do appreciate it. Without further ado, I'm going to hand things over to Caroline.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- OK, so, again, I'll be speaking to you all tonight about how uses Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First, just a very quick introduction on myself.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm currently Director of Operations at within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Prior to this, I was Senior Director of Product Operations within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This was really where the Airtable connection-- or sorry-- This is really where the Airtable connection comes in today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I started at as the Chief of Staff, which is how I oriented around the space of product operations and the need for a little bit more rigor for product teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm based in New York City, and I guess-- I don't have a fun fact but, because is a video company, I'll share my favorite movie that I saw recently, which is \u003ci\u003eEverything\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eEverywhere\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eAll\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eat\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eOnce.\u003c/i\u003e If you all haven't seen it, I'd really recommend going to see it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's dive in. So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. And then, lastly, we'll focus on, today, how we use it for product development.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So what do we mean when I talk about product development? What I mean is we use it as our end-to-end source of truth. So, for us, Airtable is the artifact for cross-team development planning, bimonthly, company-reporting, weekly team reporting, and a generic way to self-serve into what's happening across product design and engineering.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's dive in here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I want to, first, lay out the situation that our team was in. It might sound familiar to some of you, or maybe you guys are in better shape than I was. But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. We had Jira implemented across all of our teams, which is really where our developers and product managers were managing their biweekly sprints.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But we didn't have a clear or consistent reporting layer that our executive teams, cross-functional partners, and, quite frankly, cross-teams could really use to look at the work that was being done, track our progress, and make trade-offs and also map dependencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We also-- and this last bullet will come in to why we use it so much-- is we also had this cumbersome, multiday planning process that was just not that effective.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The artifacts were always lost, left behind. And so we weren't seeing-- we were spending a lot of time in expensive meetings, but we weren't actually seeing any benefit from it. Oops.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we created a single pane of glass to plan, track, and report in Airtable. So I'll now just click into the solution, which was we set up-- at the highest level, what we set up was a four-level information hierarchy, and I'll talk through each one of these levels now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So at the highest level, we have categories. These are broad areas of our product. They're managed by a single team, but they might encompass work for multiple teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They're used as the highest level of organizing structure for our product, and they represent evergreen product areas which we'll continuously build on and optimize. And a category can capture work that is either end user or developer-facing. So in this example, we'll use commenting. If anyone's familiar with, commenting is a-- we're a review and approval tool for video, and so commenting is a core functionality of our product.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The next level, one below that, is a feature of a release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a feature can be shipped, so it's a discrete body of work. It's not necessarily mapped to our cycle length. We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Collaborate with Interface Designer Preview","id":"26HixEoeVEgTZ6aZesraqs","slug":"streamline-collaboration-with-interface-designer","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"27mRg1eY6JyiT9FqQ4pkur","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.426Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:40:42.112Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":30,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Collaborate with Interface Designer Preview","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With Airtable's Interface Designer, you can build powerful, customized apps that streamline collaboration for you, your team, and even across your organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"Yu9WJs35JAns0hOwwspwR","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1145766,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"PRESENTER: Collaborating in Airtable is a team sport. Many different teammates from your department, outside your department, or even outside your company may need to contribute to making workflows in Airtable successful. All this and each of your stakeholders has different needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, on a creative operations team, designers want to view and manage their projects.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A creative director wants to review and approve those projects or leadership wants an overview of your team's progress against goals. As a workflow owner, you know firsthand that collaborating with different stakeholders with different needs can get overwhelming. And doing it within the same base, where you've built your workflow, can mean untidy workarounds that may not be relevant for every audience. From an excessive number of views, shared view links or data sinks spanning multiple bases.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, there's a better way.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Over the last year, we've seen teams build, customize, and manage interactive interfaces for their apps with interface designer. And one new capability that has the potential to transform how you collaborate with our table, granular permissions. With granular permissions with interfaces, you have a new level of centralized flexibility and control for the apps you build in Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With our new detailed permission settings, teams on pro and enterprise plans now having new invite option, interface-only collaborators. Instead of inviting you, workspace, or base collaborator who has access to the data layer within your app, interface-only collaborators or users who are only invited to the interface not the underlying data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This ensures the underlying data in your base will stay secure while giving your collaborators the relevant context they need to view and take action. What's more, you can create clarity for your collaborators with an interface that dynamically serves up the exact information each individual needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"User-based filtering capabilities. Adjust what data is shown in the same interface based on who's viewing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, your team of three designers need visibility into their projects. Instead of manually creating a personal view for each of them, with user-based filtering, the projects displayed in this single interface will adjust depending on if Cameron, Kerry, or Jordan is viewing. Customize what data each user can see and what to hide in an interface or decide what level of access any one person or group has from read-only to edit everything.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using granular permissions with interfaces, collaborating an Airtable is now even easier. You can consolidate the individual views and share view links used for each role on your team into just a few interfaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Ready to make collaboration easier with interfaces? Check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. With this demo, you'll get a step-by-step walkthrough to help you transition your existing workflow to interfaces. Your team is ready to start transitioning from base collaboration to interface-only collaboration if your workflow sounds like the following.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You're providing information to or collaborating with a large audience of stakeholders out of a single base or multiple basis. The tables in your base have five or more views supporting a single person or team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or you have multiple versions of the same view for different collaborators or teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If any of these statements sound like you, check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. ","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}}],"carouselsVideos":[{"title":"Customer Stories ","category":null,"media":[{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","id":"51qkAsW2GeyysUIxN29vg3","slug":"how-jetblue-uses-airtable-elevate-IT-roadmap","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"43URWpDVYs71vfBQ2YhBI3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.545Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-15T14:36:36.383Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":25,"revision":4,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","videoUrl":"","description":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Learn how JetBlue's portfolio management team leverages Airtable to streamline its roadmap, enhance collaboration across departments, and maintain its edge in the competitive airline industry. Hear from JetBlue's IT leaders as they share insights into the challenges they faced before adopting Airtable and how this powerful tool has transformed their approach to prioritizing and executing strategic initiatives.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6XChdnOKvF9QPFOD97M8ml","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":98311,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JetBlue is New York's hometown airline. We've always said it's the little airline that could.\n\nWe're always competing and trying to make space against these legacy carriers.\n\nMy name is Amanda Luna. So my team is the IT portfolio management team. We're a shared service across the IT department responsible for what we like to call the business of IT.\n\nThe economic dynamics are changing, sometimes weekly, which requires us on the IT side to actually need to move really, really quickly in order to execute on our business strategy that our leaders are coming up with. So we have about four hundred, crew members on our IT team that's split, between sort of a technology organization and an IT products organization. On the product side, we have probably seven different product teams, that cover every aspect of the business. So think commercial products, digital products, our internal crew member products, finance systems, etcetera. Really, I mean, prior to Airtable, we we had a really hard time, sort of managing our our sort of enterprise wide list.\n\nWe found ourselves doing a ton of exporting, importing into different systems, trying to work within the confines of other tools, and Airtable's really been the first one that has, for lack of a better word, allowed us to be ourselves.\n\nWith Airtable now. You know, our CTO had a request a couple of months ago for a board meeting and said, hey, I really need to roll up all of the IT initiatives into our four strategic pillars for twenty twenty four, something that would have normally taken weeks. Now we can very easily spin up within a matter of of less than a day.\n\nThis is the first time we've ever had a metrics driven prioritization process, And what this has allowed us to do is look at the lineup and go high to low and force rank those initiatives. It really has given us the ability to customize everything.\n\nAnd JetBlue, we love customization both for our customers, but internally to The airline industry is a super dynamic industry, and Airtable gives us the agility to adapt as quickly as a click of a button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Harnessing AI in Marketing: A Conversation with AWS and Airtable.","id":"LbkdmODfgT2zJjMheqI5G","slug":"harnessing-ai-marketing","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1fCvpP5UfIOgobXYCt4GPk","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:00.038Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:00.038Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":14,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable and AWS NYC 2024","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"An insightful conversation with Jonathan Laniado, Sr. Automation Manager at AWS and Anthony Maggio, VP of Product Management at Airtable. They discuss how AWS has revolutionized their marketing supply chain management through an innovative system called \"Aurora,\" built on Airtable and designed with AI-powered workflows.\nJonathan shares their approach to integrating AI within their marketing workflows emphasizing the importance of seamless integration, security, and the power of designing custom prompts that leverage your organization's data and context.\nThis session provides valuable insights for marketing professionals looking to leverage AI to enhance their operations and drive efficiency. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from these industry leaders about the future of AI in marketing.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"63vL8SKqTtUTdv3Yf7EhA2","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:44:59.854Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:44:59.854Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Web BrXnd Anthony Jonathan AssetHub 1600x900","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":208539,"image":{"width":1600,"height":900}},"fileName":"Web_BrXnd_Anthony_Jonathan_AssetHub_1600x900.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Jonathan, so great to be here with you. You know, like Noah said, we asked Jonathan to come on stage with us because we've seen that he's really done an incredible job just getting into the experimentation with AI and helping AWS, this really large organization, find really innovative ways to bring that into their workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So before we start, I think probably everyone in the room is familiar to some degree with Amazon Web Services. Jonathan works on the AWS Marketplace team, and I'll just ask you to to give us a little bit of an intro to the Marketplace team and what you all do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Absolutely. So AWS Marketplace is a lot like Amazon dot com because it is a store. It's a Marketplace.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But with Marketplace, what we're doing is we're allowing ISVs to list their solutions directly on AWS Marketplace, And then our customers can come in. They can, discover all of these solutions. They can deploy them really easily. And it allows them to scale and implement their solutions really quickly, in terms of AWS workloads and AWS applications.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what my marketing team does is we specifically support the growth of AWS Marketplace, and we do so with go to market strategies. We do it with marketing programs.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're looking to do is to educate our customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We want to raise awareness of AWS marketplace and essentially just accelerate the adoption of the listings.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we run a ton of marketing campaigns throughout the year. And what my team does specifically is we ensure that all the integration in the back end is working properly. We're working with a lot of different systems, a lot of different tools and processes. And so we build out these automations and workflows that are really designed and are focused on improving productivity, improving efficiency.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we just kind of, you know, throw AI pixie dust at everything and hope for the best.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome. And you built this really impressive application called Aurora. We're gonna see some demos of it in just a few minutes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Could you just give us a little bit of the background behind why did you decide to build this application? What were some of the pain points you were you were running into? And what does Aurora do for AWS Marketplace?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Sure. So like I was saying, our marketing programs are very complex. I mean, even just in terms of communication, we're working with, external agencies to build out content.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're working with engineering to build technical documentation, technical infrastructure, and we even work with, you know, internal stakeholders and teams that own specific processes that we are dependent on, and not just communication. And so, you know, we've kind of identified three primary challenges, that I think many of your organizations at some point or another probably also faced.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the first one is tool sprawl.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Our digital teams are all using, you know, specific tools that they find an affinity for, but that doesn't mean that everyone is specifically using the same one. So we've created data silos unintentionally.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Number two is reduced automation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So because of these data silos and this inconsistency, we, as my team, we found it difficult to build out automations that can scale to the entire organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then lastly, from a leadership perspective, we have, like, ineffective reporting, or we used to have ineffective reporting because there was no way to really organize all of our campaigns, evaluate the specificities of a specific campaign, and then compare it against other campaigns year over year or month over month, etcetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we went over to AI, and initially we started to build out these single use applications so we can support key initiatives, key automations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And that worked out really, really well. And we've been using Airtable for a while. And Airtable has matured over time, and our investment hasn't matured.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we've kind of thought, hey. Why don't we just consolidate all of these single use applications, create a more formalized system, and then we can build out this, you know, monstrous application, which we now call Aurora.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome. Yeah. And, you know, you guys have really been kind of at the forefront, that we've seen amongst our customer base of finding use cases for AI within marketing operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're gonna go through four today, but can you just tell us a little bit about how these use cases kind of came about and how you identified these opportunities to bring AI into your marketing workflows?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? I'll actually begin by explaining what Aurora is and then walk through the AI use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So just briefly speaking, Aurora is an end to end campaign management system. So if you think of Airtable as a factory, Aurora is an assembly line, and it's processing each campaign from start to finish. So we're including campaign ideation, content creation with agencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We integrate with our marketing automation platform, so we can sync data automatically to those, to create resources like emails and landing pages.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then also for reporting, we're bringing data back in from our CRM so we can evaluate campaign performance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's talk about the AI use cases. And we'll start with the first one, which is content suggestions.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So one thing I wanna mention is that we've built out these really sophisticated prompts in the back end. I'm not able to show you guys those prompts today, but you will be able to see the output, and you'll be able to see visually how this works. So first one is content suggestions. And we have, we work with many content agencies to develop emails and landing pages, paid media ads, organic social media. And so we're always in the process of developing and iterating on content.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So here you see an example of an email being created.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And as this email is being developed and the content is being developed, we're able to have the AI in the back end generate suggestions that are really applicable to this content. And what makes this a little bit different than other use cases is that we're providing business justifications and actual, you know, tangible reasons for why you might wanna make changes to this content and not just saying, hey. You know, here's here's a couple of suggestions and do x, y, and z. So we we use this for every single piece of content that we create, with our agencies and alone by by ourselves, it's been really impactful for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Who gives better feedback, the humans or the AI?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The AI. Yeah. So who are some of the folks in your team that are using, this tool for their content suggestions?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. So it's it's primarily our campaign managers Yeah. Who own the end to end execution of the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But when they feel like content is finalized, they're ready to submit that over, we have digital teams that also look over the content, and they're also utilizing the suggestions to make sure that, you know, the content is refined, it's at its best, and it's most importantly, it's applicable to our customers. It's relevant to our customers. So then they feel the real impact of that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Very cool. Let's take a look at this next one. So content generation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Content generation is a is a new area for us, because we're sort of taking this to the next level.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're not at a stage yet where we're completely generating the content for a campaign end to end. However, we have begun experimenting with, sales enablement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So when a campaign ends, we have a list of very high qualifying leads, and we want our sales teams to reach out to them. And so in the past, what we've done is we've worked with agencies to create call scripts and emails, even LinkedIn InMail.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And there these this content is very costly and expensive. It takes time and resources.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what we've done instead is use Airtable AI to utilize content that already exists on Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, for example, you saw the landing page data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we're utilizing that data to create really impactful and relevant call scripts and emails so our sales enablement teams can use. So this is one of the first things that we're sort of utilizing content generation for, and we're gonna continue to figure out where else we can fit this in.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Very cool. Yeah. And so these teams are then, how much editing is required by them before they they actually go start using these in their their campaigns or in their campaigns? You know, not much. Yeah.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Not much. Yeah.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Claude is kind of in the back end here, and it does a really good job in terms of speaking like a human. Mhmm. A little bit better than ChatGPT, for example. And so it is creating these more human, focused and personal. It's adding a personal touch to the content.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so it it does a pretty good job where we don't need to edit very much of it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. And you're using past content as well. Right? So you're incorporating, giving it examples of what you want the output to look like.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Exactly. Exactly. We have, for example, in the prompt, examples of really high performing sales enablement content. And then we use that as a template to provide to the AI so then it knows how to format the output for our sales teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Very cool. Yeah. Let's take a look at chat. These next two chat use cases that you've come up with, I thought were so innovative and interesting. So, the first one here that you call AI chat, tell us a little bit about how you came up with this, this need within your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Man, this one was really cool. So chat with data is is really interesting because what we've done is we've taken Chat GPT and brought it into Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're using advanced functionality in Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have automations and JavaScript functionality in the back end. And what we're doing here is we're making an AI that is hyper context aware. It has this sort of all this data in the back end that it's able to utilize toward its responses in a way where ChatGPT cannot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So for example, you see here we're asking for, you know, a specific framework for an offer in the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's utilizing the data that already exists in Airtable to create an output for us. That's really different from ChatCBT because we have to always repeatedly copy content, copy data, bring it over into ChatGPT or other AI models.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And here, what we're doing is we're bringing it over to Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I find this to be a really great value add. It allows our teams, our leaders, to ask very relevant questions about our data, to ask questions about content. We can create content that it knows that is our voice and our brand.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And, you know, most importantly, we have this conversation flow so we can ask follow-up questions. We can create, you know, additional asks and needs, over time. So it's really cool.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome. Very cool. Yeah. And so this last one, is is really unique, I thought, and that you're actually kind of using AI to help train and enable your own employees and your own team, building off of this kind of chat with data idea.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Can you kind of, let us know or share a little bit about how you put this this training use case together?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, what we've done is start to experiment with leveraging AI for enablement and training purposes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had created four hours of training content for our users to be able to understand how to use Aurora, what the processes and the key workflows are like. And so what we've done is transcribe all of that content, and then we fed the transcriptions over to AI so it is very well tuned on Aurora and its processes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And now what that means is as we're onboarding new users, we hire new employees that use Aurora. They're able to ask questions and understand specific, workflows and work streams that exist in Aurora.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they can get, like, a full SOP, like, as you see in this in the video, on how to do certain things.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So Claude has a huge context limit, so we're able to really feed in all this data, and it still somehow is able to parse it, understand it, and provide real, you know, SOPs that are real processes for our team. So that's been a really, really interesting use case. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So across these use cases, what is, you know, you mentioned kind of you started out using chat, chat g p t, other tools. What's the value that you've seen of building some of these workflows, yourself and embedding AI within the workflow versus using a a chat type tool?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Yeah. So I should say that Amazon does not use ChatGPT. However, other chat bots that exist Yeah. They're and for personal use, they're really, really interesting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they're amazing. So, you know, you start with a blank slate with a conversation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You can go anywhere. It's really flexible.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I think eventually what happens is as an organization develops and becomes more in tune with AI, you start to think about how can we create these repeatable AI processes and also bring data that is specific to the business so that the AI is aware of that. And so what we've learned with Airtable AI is rather than having to take all of our data, bring it to the AI every time, Airtable AI allows us to take the AI and layer it on top of our data. And so that's a huge, huge selling point. It's a huge value proposition. Because what that means is we can take, you know, our existing processes, our we can maintain all of our work streams, and really easily, without any engineering effort, layer this AI functionality on top of it. And then suddenly, we have all these amazing capabilities that we didn't even have to build. It's just kind of built in.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, yeah, I I would recommend that as a as a really key tool for for, like, you know, transforming your businesses. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And to wrap us up, what advice would you give to everyone in the room who wants to get started on bringing AI into their own marketing operations?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. So I have I have three pieces of advice. One, Jen mentioned this, and I love it because it's so important.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Just start with something. I don't think it's worth waiting to connect the dots, figuring out how to, you know, make this impressive AI system all work together. Just start with something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And if you don't know where to start, my second advice is listen to your groups and listen to your teams. They are always voicing their opinion on what challenges they have. Use AI and tackle those challenges and be able to, you know, just start somewhere and then connect the dots later.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then my last piece of advice, is really use AI in terms of augmenting human as opposed to replacing humans.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"AI only has as much context as we provide it, and so humans can retain long term memory. Humans can make inferences that AI cannot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's rely on humans.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's lean on humans to continue to strategize and then allow AI to kind of take on the technical execution work.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Well, thanks so much, and thanks for sharing all the great work that you've done at AWS.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you so much.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}}},{"title":"Airtable Leaders Forum NY 2023","id":"7hPuB5eRXnl4EQvSdGH7Hg","slug":"airtable-leadership-forum-ny2023","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2D4rsV9OQhUsqC7uCG5xCD","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-06-08T17:59:57.271Z","updatedAt":"2023-08-01T19:06:00.232Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":4,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable Leaders Forum NY2023","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Howie Liu, CEO at Airtable, invites leaders to imagine a fundamentally different way of operating. He envisions a world where companies can confidently create and deploy powerful apps across their entire organization. And where the power of AI is seamlessly integrated into day-to-day workflows. We’re facing a massive wave of fresh transformation, and the most urgent question facing organizations is: how will you adapt?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3WvqEjt9q7u9bIV0bH2Cio","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-06-08T17:59:56.997Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-09T19:29:25.416Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":6,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"ALF_NYC_Howie Keynote_WIDE_V2.jpg","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":455675,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"ALF_NYC_Howie_Keynote_WIDE_V2.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So to kick us off, let's just jump right in and to share a little bit more about what is coming with airtable. It's my pleasure to introduce our co founder and CEO, Howie Liu.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Hi, everyone.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Hello, New York.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you so much for being here today. This room is awesome. I love the energy. And first of all, I want to say thank you, because we wouldn't be here today without you. This is the air community, air table community that's made air table happen.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And when we started our table ten years ago, people were just starting to say, this concept of software is eating the world. Right? 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This video will showcase the transformative translate feature of Airtable AI, designed to empower your projects with multilingual capabilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"68gEwyJPZrewpWP5ofSxjo","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-09T16:37:21.505Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-09T16:37:21.505Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Translate Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":321725,"image":{"width":1379,"height":772}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Translate Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to a world without language barriers brought to you by Airtable AI. Today, we're excited to showcase the transformative translate feature of Airtable AI, designed to empower your projects with multilingual capabilities. Let's explore how this feature can globalize your workflow effortlessly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say you're looking to break into the LATAM market and need to translate your marketing deliverable copy to Spanish, specifically for the Mexican market. And for a team with a large catalog of blog posts, emails, website page copy, social media posts, search ad copy, video scripts, and more, localization would be an incredibly time intensive, laborious, and expensive task. Let's look at how Airtable AI solves those problems.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The easiest way to get started is by using using the Translate template in the AI field. Create a new AI field to generate long text and select the Translate template. Select the field that contains the deliverable copy and input the language you'd like it translated into. In this case, we'll translate the copy into Spanish, Mexico. Create the AI field and instantly translate hundreds of records into Mexican Spanish. With just a few clicks, your marketing deliverables are ready to captivate customers worldwide, breaking down language barriers in an instant. Now your marketing team is taking the world by storm, and an expansion into multiple geographies across Europe creates the need to translate your deliverables into several languages, like French, German, and more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Chapter\nCustomizing Translation Prompts","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can customize our templated prompt from before to accomplish this in seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, ensure that there's a region field included in the deliverables table. We'll then customize the prompt to look at the region field and translate the copy into the language based on the lookup. You can include other instructions, such as use formal business language to tailor the translation. You can also provide context for the translation, such as, this text appears in an email marketing campaign with an upbeat friendly tone for a global sports apparel brand, which can help to ensure that the translations fit the use case and tone. Your campaign message is now globally accessible, ensuring your brand resonates across cultures and languages.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's take our translations a step further by incorporating our translation functionality into automations.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In this example, a product team is aggregating global product feedback. And because your product is available to geographies across LATAM and EMEA, the feedback from customers can be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, or German. The problem is that the product team is based in the United States and only speaks English, which means they can't accurately review and action the feedback from the full global customer base. In order to translate this in real time, you can simply set up an automation.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Start by creating an automation where the trigger is a new record in the feedback table.\nThe first action taken will be the AI Assist, where you can prompt it to automatically translate all feedback received into English. From there, you can route the translated feedback to various destinations.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In this case, we'll route the translated feedback to a Slack channel, which is where our product team prefers to centralize feedback as it comes in. Product teams are now instantly informed of the global feedback regardless of language and can easily make data driven product decisions using the voice of the global customer.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The technology that powers Airtable AI, large language models from vendors such as OpenAI and Anthropic, are trained on a large corpus of data, much of which is sourced from the Internet. As a result, these models are better at translating to and from languages that are more commonly represented on the Internet, such as Spanish, French, German, and Mandarin. They are less competent at translating to and from languages that are underrepresented online, such as Bengali, Swahili, Urdu, and Thai, but are getting better over time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable's translate feature is more than just a tool. It's your gateway to a globally connected project environment. Whether it's product descriptions, marketing materials, or team collaboration, embracing multilingual capabilities has never been easier.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the integration and development tab under settings in the admin panel and toggle off the block AI integration setting. The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Here, admins on the enterprise scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers. Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here. After enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the workspace settings page by workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Join us in breaking down language barriers. Discover the power of instantaneous translations with Airtable today.\n","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Quickstart: Airtable AI","id":"36SIrLn9pShljMHX6jgPch","slug":"quickstart-airtable-ai","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"7osi0BDJoVA23jmSskNKTv","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":36,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI is designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content, whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5OOdP0880Fw1AyklU3esz4","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":187564,"image":{"width":983,"height":554}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today, we're exploring the versatile summarize feature using Airtable AI, designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content. Whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's dive into how you can leverage this feature across different scenarios.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First up, for teams collaborating in comment threads, the common summary feature is a quick way to catch up on discussions. In this example scenario, your team has been discussing the launch strategy for a new product in the comment thread of a project record. The thread has grown significantly, making it hard to catch up for anyone just joining the conversation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Navigate to the comments section of the record and click on the summarize comments button. Airtable's AI analyzes the thread and generates a summary highlighting the main discussion points decisions made and any unresolved questions. This way, the team can quickly get up to speed without reading through hundreds of comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For unstructured data, such as meeting notes or UX feedback, start with our templates, input your content and let Airtable summarize the key takeaways for you. In this next example scenario, you've just completed a product review meeting and you have pages of unstructured notes that need to be shared with the team. Including key decisions and action items.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Choose the meeting summary template in your Airtable base and input your meeting notes. The AI processes this input and generates a summary that includes major discussion points, decisions, and a list of action items with deadlines. The team receives a concise and clear summary of the meeting, ensuring everyone is aligned and aware of their responsibilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Need something more specific? Customize your summarization prompt in the AI field settings to get summaries exactly how you want them. Convert your templated query to a custom one by clicking the change to a text box button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We'll return to our last scenario where we used AI to generate a meeting summary using the meeting notes. This time, we'll go a level deeper by customizing the prompt.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In the AI field settings, customize your summarization prompt to focus on analyzing meeting sentiment from the meeting in addition to the action items. But AI generates a summary tailored to your needs, making it easier to identify meeting sentiment and action items all in one concise spot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"=Automate your summaries with AI in automations: set it up once and receive regular summaries in your inbox slack, or directly in your Airtable base.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you wanna send a weekly summary of updates from marketing campaigns to your CMO to highlight the priority work that is being done. Set up an automation to trigger at a scheduled time and add in the AI assist. Prompting it to create a summary of updates for a CMO of the most important campaigns. The CMO will now regularly receive that update, keeping them automatically formed of campaign progress.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With the summarized feature, Airtable transforms how you interact with data. From simplifying collaboration to automating routine summaries, tailor it to your needs, and spend less time digesting information, and more time acting on it. Dive into these features today and unlock a more efficient workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Generate drafts","id":"5WrEPXwD1ovr99Sl7EPV0Z","slug":"airtable-ai-generate","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2QqPbVOD7Ba927ePPmKK6J","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.840Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.840Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":37,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Generate - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI can help redefine how you automate and personalize content creation with it's powerful generate content feature, which will elevate your projects and streamline your workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"18FKqMMCiSDa1Q46OnTxLQ","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.420Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.420Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Generate - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":210626,"image":{"width":990,"height":556}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Generate - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today, we're excited to guide you through the generate content feature, a cornerstone of Airtable AI designed to redefine how you automate and personalize content creation. Let's walk through how you can unveil the power of AI to elevate your projects and streamline your workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this first scenario, a product manager is looking to create several product launch briefs in a project table. Using Airtable AI templates, the AI field generates briefs within seconds.\nCreate a new Long Text field and select Generate Text.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"From there, you can select a template, navigate to the Product section, and select the Product Launch Brief. Select the field that contains the Product Requirements doc, and let the AI field generate Launch Briefs for each of your projects.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In moments, what used to take hours is now ready for your team, clear, concise, and impactful.\nFor those moments requiring a unique touch, custom prompts are your best friend.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you're crafting a unique marketing message that resonates with your brand's voice. Create a long text field and use the existing campaign brief template as as a starting point. Edit the prompt to include messaging that resonates with your brand's identity. Save the field and watch Airtable AI generate custom briefs based on each campaign input.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now let's say you need to create a suite of marketing materials from a single campaign brief. With Airtable AI, you can generate website copy, emails, social media posts, and more, all from one input by generating multiple content variations from a single field.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"To start, you'll need to create a table that contains your Deliverable Types, where you define the prompts that will be used for each content type. Then in your Deliverable table, where you'll actually store each of the Deliverables, you'll create a Linked Record field where you can select the Deliverable type and a Lookup field where you'll pull in the prompt associated with that Deliverable type.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, create an AI text field—but instead of writing your own prompt, reference the lookup field to pull in the prompt associated with the deliverable type, as well as the campaign description. This will create a prompt that specifies different instructions based on the deliverable type you choose. Now when you create a new deliverable, choose the deliverable type, and copy will be generated for that specific deliverable type based on the campaign brief.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Finally, let's elevate our content creation with AI in automations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this example, we'll be automating the generation of a blog post draft once a team member submits an idea through a form. We'll start by setting up an automation that triggers when the blog post form is filled out.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We'll add in the generate with AI assist action and prompt it to generate a blog post using the responses in the form and create a Google Doc with the draft of the blog post. We'll then add in the action to send the doc via email to the requester.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now anytime a blog request is sent, an automated draft of that blog is generated and sent to the requester within seconds. This automation not only accelerates content creation, but also fosters a collaborative environment where ideas swiftly turn into tangible outcomes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable's generate content feature with AI field and AI and automations opens a world of possibilities for Airtable users. From leveraging templates and custom prompts to automating content creation, the power to innovate and streamline workflows is at your fingertips.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the Integration and Development tab under Settings in the Admin panel and toggle off the Block AI Integrations setting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces. Here, admins on the Enterprise Scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here. After enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the Workspace settings page by Workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Dive into Airtable today and let your creativity flow and unleash the full potential of your workflow with the power of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Route work in progress","id":"3EJoWyIivXsvDkkNDZ4BRg","slug":"airtable-ai-route","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2nvv0QfEmgBAwfojfqBAFk","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.120Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.120Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":40,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Route - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI is designed to enhance efficiency and clarity within your operations by intelligently linking records. Whether it's directing customer feedback to the right team or connecting project tasks with responsible individuals, every piece of information finds its rightful place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"11tFpVbl5BWTqEcJCnmWbM","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.433Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.433Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Route - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":197196,"image":{"width":986,"height":554}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Route - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to a walkthrough of Airtable's route feature, an AI feature designed to streamline your workflow by intelligently linking records. Whether it's directing customer feedback to the right team or connecting project tasks with responsible individuals, the route AI feature ensures that every piece of information finds its rightful place, enhancing efficiency and clarity within your operations. Let's explore how this feature can transform your workflows through a few example scenarios.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First, we'll see how product teams can utilize the route feature to automatically direct customer feedback to the appropriate department, ensuring swift action and improvement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Imagine your customer feedback table overflowing with insights. Using the route feature, you can set up AI suggestions to link each feedback to the right product team based on keywords and context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create a new linked record field. Select use AI to show top matches when selecting a record and choose fields from the origin and linked record tables that provide contextual matching. For example, the account name and revenue probably won't help much. In this case, from the feedback table, we choose the title field, which contains a short summary of the feedback and the feedback field with the actual content of the feedback.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, we need to identify the fields in the product teams table that the AI is gonna try to match to these fields. In product teams, we'll choose the fields that contain information about the areas that the team works on.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this case, those are the name, team description, and areas of ownership fields. Now when new pieces of feedback come in, a member of the product operations team can track that in an interface and easily assign each piece of feedback to a team. The linked record picker shows our top matches at the top of the picker, but we can always scroll down and choose any of the linked records that are available.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This can streamline the process of categorizing feedback and assigning it to the right team. If we need more information, we can open the record detail, look at the original feedback, and then categorize the feedback there. In less than a minute, we can route all of the incoming product feedback to the right team, where it will show up in their data insights and in the interfaces where that team goes for input while planning the road map.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, let's explore how marketing teams can leverage the route feature to align campaigns with their ideal customer segments, maximizing engagement and conversion rates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In our first example, we already had all the data in our base that we needed in order to match records across tables. However, you may need to prep your tables to make sure the relevant information for matching is captured. In a bustling marketing department, aligning campaigns with the right customer segments is key. Through AI suggestions, the route feature can identify and link campaigns to the customer segments most likely to engage. Similar to our product example, we'll create a linked record connecting campaigns with audiences.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In the campaigns table, we have the name of the campaign and a description. Clicking into one of these campaigns, we find that it doesn't explicitly mention which sports are highlighted in the campaign, which is going to be a critical part of the audience targeting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's make sure that we include that information by creating a column and populating it with the sport associated with the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, let's check the table that we wanna link these campaigns to, the Audiences table.\nIn Audiences, we can see that we have the name of the audience as well as a description of the brand value for that audience. What we're missing here is a general description of the audience, something that would help tie the age group of thirty five to forty four as likely to be parents, for example.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"To help create better matches between campaign and audience, we're going to create an AI field that fills in some of the missing demographic information about this audience.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Going back to the Campaigns tab, create a linked record field that links to the Audiences tab. In the fields for campaigns, select name, description, and sports. In the field for audiences, select name, brand value, and audience description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now when you click into the audiences field, either in the base or in an interface, you'll see the top matches for that campaign appear at the top of the linked record picker. As you harness the power of the AI route feature, remember that the quality of AI suggestions can be continuously improved by providing detailed descriptions, using consistent terminology across your records, and periodically reviewing and adjusting the links created by AI, you can significantly enhance the accuracy of matches.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Additionally, leveraging long text fields that capture the nuances of your data can give the AI more context, leading to even more relevant suggestions. These practices will refine the intelligence of your workflows, ensuring that every piece of information is not just linked, but perfectly matched to drive your projects forward.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The route feature using Airtable AI presents a powerful way to enhance productivity and decision making. By intelligently linking records, it ensures that information flows to where it's needed most.\nAnd remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the Integration and Development tab under Settings in the Admin panel and toggle off the Block AI Integrations setting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces. Here, admins on the enterprise scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here.\nAfter enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the workspace settings page by workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Dive into Airtable today and let Airtable AI transform your workflow into a model of efficiency and precision.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"The Airtable Connected Apps Platform","id":"4Miv0ZqBJxpVoH7zYxQrHw","slug":"airtable-connected-apps-platform","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1q3fQmtnIBwUojgCUUqiZW","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:52:19.978Z","updatedAt":"2023-07-13T16:29:51.214Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":11,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"The Airtable Connected Apps Platform","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Check out our latest features and see how work can flow faster, while keeping everything and everyone connected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4USIRu09vsPgmXbPoMUj6q","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:04:13.813Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:04:13.813Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ The Airtable Connected Apps Platform - A new way to connect your work _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":249613,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ The Airtable Connected Apps Platform - A new way to connect your work _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"tags":["Product Updates"]}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Categorize information","id":"DaeMBZv6UzElkj8a8mC0w","slug":"airtable-ai-categorize","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2H1lF4CnBkvWTAgcflwbNk","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.077Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.077Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":54,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Categorize - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI includes powerful capabilities designed to streamline how you categorize, organize, and interpret data. 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A key component of our AI capabilities designed to streamline how you organize and interpret data. From automating categorization of records, to integrating with third party services for enhanced workflows. Let's explore how this feature can transform your data management strategy. Begin with the AI field for straightforward categorization tasks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's perfect for organizing data like customer feedback into predefined categories. Making it easier to analyze and act upon. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you're tasked with collecting and analyzing customer feedback to inform future product updates. You currently have a survey form that feeds the user's contact information, NPS score, their reason for the score, and suggested improvements all into Airtable. Because of the volume of feedback, manually reviewing each and assigning it a category is cumbersome and time intensive.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Among the feedback, you find a comment: \"the apps customization options are limited\". Utilize the categorization feature to sort feedback into categories such as UI UX, functionality, and customization. This particular feedback is categorized under customization, highlighting a key area for improvement. By categorizing feedback, you can easily prioritize product development efforts to address user needs. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Categorizing your data, like feedback in this case, can also be helpful in streamlining your team's analysis, simplifying your data organization efforts, and improving feedback discoverability. This leads to a product that better aligns with customer expectations, enhancing user satisfaction.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For more nuanced categorization, custom prompts allow you to tailor the AI's approach, enabling multiple tags per record and use complex criteria. In this example, you manage a sprawling library of marketing content from short videos to social content aimed at various segments of your audience. You're adding a new blog post entitled Legends of Tomorrow Rising soccer stars.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create custom prompts to categorize content by type, target audience, and thematic focus, ensuring precise organization. This way, the blog post is categorized for easy retrieval and targeted distribution. Detailed categorization empowers you to deploy the right content to the right audience effectively.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"AI in automations takes categorization further by enabling dynamic responses based on the categorized data. Such as routing feedback to appropriate channels or teams. Let's say you receive multiple pieces of product feedback each day. But you only wanna share the constructive feedback with the product and engineering teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create an automation that is triggered when a new piece of feedback is created the feedback submission form. Using the AI action in automations, we send that piece of feedback to an AI model to be categorized by its sentiment. Positive, negative, or neutral. We can then use the response from the AI to trigger another action. In this case, posting the feedback to an Slack channel only if it's negative feedback.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This automation streamlines the inquiry handling process, ensuring faster and more accurate responses, which in turn enhances customer experience by providing timely, relevant information, bolstering your product's reputation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The categorized feature in Airtable offers a flexible and powerful solution for organizing your data more efficiently. Whether you're dealing with internal records or integrating external data, these categorization capabilities ensure your information is always structured and accessible.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the integration and development tab under settings in the admin panel, and toggle off the block AI integration setting. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled, or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces. Here, admins on the enterprise scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers. Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"After enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the workspace settings page by workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.Dive into these features to discover how they can enhance your data management and operational workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Reimagine your workflows with Interface Designer","id":"18Q46y1rgxMLtbmfMJxyWI","slug":"reimagine-your-workflows-with-interface-designer","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6mg5lvQsjkIuYpzF6gL4mO","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:52:20.037Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-08T18:07:51.844Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":34,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Reimagine your workflows with Interface Designer","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Interface Designer is now available for all Airtable users, so you can drive work by taking the data in your base and turning it into dynamic experiences for team members. 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","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We're excited to announce that after spending time in beta, Interface Designer is now available for all Airtable users.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And there's a big batch of updates so you can create and share powerful interfaces for your apps with ease. No code needed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First up are some updates to simplify the interface building process. The navigation bar has been redesigned so you can go back and forth easily between interfaces, whether you have 2 or 200. A new properties panel allows you to change elements, filter records, and much more from one place, updating your interface in real time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Next, we've got new button types to help you build even more dynamic interfaces. Add a button that allows stakeholders to give assets the final stamp of approval, and another to send them back for an additional round of reviews. Keep your work moving forward with just one click.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Elements help bring your data to life in visually appealing ways. 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Even more granular, pro and enterprise users can decide whether or not to grant users access to the underlying base data when sharing interfaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A final way you can control who gets to see what is by adding user filters so you can personalize the interface experience for each person.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Collaborate securely and effectively knowing that the right people have just the right amount of information.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Interface Designer is available now. We can't wait to see what you build.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["Product Updates"]}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Summarize and extract insights","id":"gma3p04lsyh8k3UvBLqSQ","slug":"airtable-ai-summarize","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"7osi0BDJoVA23jmSskNKTv","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":36,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI is designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content, whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5OOdP0880Fw1AyklU3esz4","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":187564,"image":{"width":983,"height":554}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today, we're exploring the versatile summarize feature using Airtable AI, designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content. Whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's dive into how you can leverage this feature across different scenarios.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First up, for teams collaborating in comment threads, the common summary feature is a quick way to catch up on discussions. In this example scenario, your team has been discussing the launch strategy for a new product in the comment thread of a project record. The thread has grown significantly, making it hard to catch up for anyone just joining the conversation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Navigate to the comments section of the record and click on the summarize comments button. Airtable's AI analyzes the thread and generates a summary highlighting the main discussion points decisions made and any unresolved questions. This way, the team can quickly get up to speed without reading through hundreds of comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For unstructured data, such as meeting notes or UX feedback, start with our templates, input your content and let Airtable summarize the key takeaways for you. In this next example scenario, you've just completed a product review meeting and you have pages of unstructured notes that need to be shared with the team. Including key decisions and action items.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Choose the meeting summary template in your Airtable base and input your meeting notes. The AI processes this input and generates a summary that includes major discussion points, decisions, and a list of action items with deadlines. The team receives a concise and clear summary of the meeting, ensuring everyone is aligned and aware of their responsibilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Need something more specific? Customize your summarization prompt in the AI field settings to get summaries exactly how you want them. Convert your templated query to a custom one by clicking the change to a text box button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We'll return to our last scenario where we used AI to generate a meeting summary using the meeting notes. This time, we'll go a level deeper by customizing the prompt.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In the AI field settings, customize your summarization prompt to focus on analyzing meeting sentiment from the meeting in addition to the action items. But AI generates a summary tailored to your needs, making it easier to identify meeting sentiment and action items all in one concise spot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"=Automate your summaries with AI in automations: set it up once and receive regular summaries in your inbox slack, or directly in your Airtable base.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you wanna send a weekly summary of updates from marketing campaigns to your CMO to highlight the priority work that is being done. Set up an automation to trigger at a scheduled time and add in the AI assist. Prompting it to create a summary of updates for a CMO of the most important campaigns. The CMO will now regularly receive that update, keeping them automatically formed of campaign progress.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With the summarized feature, Airtable transforms how you interact with data. From simplifying collaboration to automating routine summaries, tailor it to your needs, and spend less time digesting information, and more time acting on it. 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So the next time you need to create an interface for your team, you know, exactly which to choose to hit the ground too much information can be overwhelming, which is why interface designer lets you create customized experiences that show users the them most relevant to them, whether they're collaborators, stakeholders, or leadership.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you're new to interface design, don't worry, you're in good hands. All of our available layouts have been built around best practices gathered from our own customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Choosing one will fill the interface for you. You're not starting with a blank page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Currently, the layouts you can pick from include list, gallery, kanban, calendar, and timeline.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you've used views in your data layer before, these layouts will look and sound familiar.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's dive into some examples of when you wanna use them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Sometimes executives want high level updates on campaigns or launches.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"To avoid getting too granular, try creating an overview interface with the list and timeline layouts.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The list layout lets you pull in and organize data from multiple tables to provide more context on projects.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if you have a product launch, you can list all of the features included in the launch, followed by the specific tasks needed to complete each feature.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"All you have to do is connect your features table and your tasks table.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And if leadership is more interested in seeing how marketing campaigns map out the course of the year, go with the timeline layout.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This layout's ideal for visualizing data over time. So make sure your records have start and end dates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Use these layouts to give a leadership the updates they need with just a glance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, you can help your team members make progress on their work with the calendar and con bond layouts.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create customized calendar interfaces for each content team members so they can see all of their assigned deliverables over each week or month.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"By only seeing their records, they have a clear understanding of what to be delivered and won.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The kanban layout organizes your record into columns.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We recommend stacking records by status so team members can immediately see which tasks are on their to do list and which they've already completed.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And while choosing one layout gives you a solid jumping off point, it can be helpful to view your data in different ways.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"That's why you have the ability to toggle between layouts in one interface page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"No need to create a different page each layout type.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Allow your users to seamlessly switch between different visualizations at any time.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For more info on interfaces, check out the links to our on demand webinars in the description. We'll be back soon with more app building tips and tricks","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["How to"],"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Make Reviews \u0026 Approvals Easy","id":"7KUyVz3ECyzhgV4NZXNTRZ","slug":"make-reviews-and-approvals-easy-in-aritable","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"STIWfcATaljlLrcYpAltN","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.275Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:58:10.272Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":25,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Make Reviews \u0026 Approvals Easy","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Reviews and approvals are key to many workflow. In this Tool Tip, we cover how to make reviews and approvals easy using views, automations and interfaces in Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"57VDsjvPHhV0Q5vgR068AK","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:22.208Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:22.208Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Make Reviews \u0026amp; Approvals Easy _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":317732,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Make Reviews \u0026amp; Approvals Easy _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is Harley.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Harley writes blog posts on a content team. Jordan here reviews Harley's work, and Jack's work and Leslie's too, or he does when he can find it.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips, where we share new and surprising ways to use Airtable. Today, I'm going to help you and Jordan smooth out the approval workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Whether you need a deep edit for voice and tone or a quick signoff from legal, reviews and approvals are part of almost every workflow, but without a clear process, steps get missed, projects get bottlenecked, and your whole team, like Jordan's, spins their wheels. So let's explore a few ways to make this content approval workflow run smoothly. You can get oversight on the status of every item in a workflow with the Kanban view or filter down to items and review in a grid view so they're all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can also make reviews proactive by notifying approvers when something is ready for their signoff and make it easy by giving them a beautiful interface with everything they need to approve. So first, let's talk about setting your base up for an approval workflow, then we'll talk about the different views or interfaces approvers like Jordan can use to, well, approve things, and finally, how to get in front of it all using custom notifications.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Approval workflows require two elements. 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First, I can create a Kanban view stacked by the status field so records with the same status are together and easy to distinguish. Option two is to filter down to records that are ready to review in a grid view so approvers see everything that needs to be reviewed in one place. Option three is to create a record review interface where reviewers only see the items they're responsible for.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I can filter the Record List element to only show records that are ready for review and where the approver is the current user visiting the interface. So if Jordan comes to this interface, he'll only see the blog post for which he's assigned to review.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Next, I can add a button that approves a project using the Update Field action. Three different options for making it super easy for Jordan to see what he needs to approve in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that you know who, what, and where reviewers have to go, let's make it even easier by notifying them when new items are ready to be reviewed. With Airtable automations, you can send custom notifications at precisely the right time. In this case, I want to send a notification when a record in the content table has status Ready to Review, so I'm going to pick When Record Matches Condition as my trigger. And my condition will be when records in that content table have status equal to Ready to Review.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now what I want this automation to do is to send a notification to Jordan if he's the reviewer on this particular piece.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I can send an email, a message through Slack or Microsoft Teams, or even a text message using Twilio.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's pick email because that's what Jordan prefers for review requests. From here, I'm going to send this email to the reviewer of the piece. Furthermore, I can provide context in the subject and the body of the email.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In the email itself, I can link to the specific item that needs reviewing by including the record URL.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And Jordan might want to batch reviews together, so I can also include a link to the interface we just created that has all of their outstanding reviews in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Automated notifications that provide the reviewer a smooth experience. That's a win for Harley, Jordan, and the whole team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Stay In The Loop","id":"6uB7rYwKZ74pit1FyHkzI4","slug":"how-to-use-airtable-to-stay-in-the-loop","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2AnxLmAIprdfZrpD2no5Ax","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.231Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:59:29.311Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":21,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Stay In The Loop","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This Tool Tips video dives into the ways you can keep stakeholders in the loop about changes to your data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"DoHIZxCknTMLwCMPF05Zc","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:01.009Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:01.009Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Stay In The Loop _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":266674,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Stay In The Loop _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Taylor came in at 8:15 AM this morning for an 8:30 customer interview. Harley came in at her normal 9:45 AM. That customer interview was canceled a week ago because the client couldn't make it, but I guess Taylor never got that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips, where we share new and surprising ways to use Airtable. Today, let's talk about how different stakeholders can stay on top of changes to your workflow so no one shows up to an interview that's not happening. Workflows and data are ever changing, so it's important that stakeholders know exactly what's been updated and what data is the most current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"There are a few ways to do that. Customize any view to show recent changes by filtering on a Last Modified time field to see a view for recently updated customer interviews. Automatically send stakeholders a weekly newsletter containing all of the records that recently changed and bring those updates and other key information from the workflow together, conceptualized within a dashboard interface.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, we'll cover the Last Modified time field and how we can use it in different views to see what's changed, then let's use these views to email timely digest of changes to key stakeholders. And finally, let's contextualize those changes in a dashboard interface that provides everything a stakeholder needs to understand the workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Last Modified time field updates every time a record is updated. By default, it'll update for any change in a record, but it can be configured to only show updates for a specific field, like changes in status.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's, however, keep ours to all fields. If the time of this customer interview is updated, you'll notice that the Last Modified time field updates to the current time. That's when the latest change occurred.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can now use this as a filter in any view to identify recently changed records. So let's create a grid view of the customer interviews that have changed in the last seven days, or a compound view for customer stories with recently updated statuses. Instead of hoping stakeholders go to a view to see changes, we can use the views we just created to proactively update them on what's changed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say we want an email to send every Monday with the latest records that have changed. With Airtable automations, you can schedule and send a weekly digest email. In Taylor's case, we could configure a weekly email that tells her if any scheduled interviews have changed in the last seven days. To set up that email, select At Schedule Time as the trigger and configure it to run on Monday mornings.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In order to insert the updates into the email, we need this automation to find recently updated records. To do that, we'll use the Find Records action. The records we want to pull in are in the view we created a moment ago. Small pro-tip here, you don't necessarily need to create a view. You can find records based on a condition, filtering down on your Last Modified time field, just like we did in the view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that we have what we need, the next step is to put these records into an email, so we'll select the Send Email action. Configure the email to be sent to key stakeholders, a relevant subject, and in the body, we're going to go ahead and insert the records we found a moment ago as a grid. If we preview this, we see that what's in the view is now shown in the email, and we have every record that has been updated in the last seven days as a grid in their email directly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can further customize the email to add in a link to the view or any additional relevant details. Now we can be sure that Taylor knows what the new interview time is. Updates are one key element in a workflow, but they don't tell you the whole story. We can contextualize those updates with different key metrics using a dashboard interface.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's create a dashboard interface with all of the context needed, including the changes. Here, we can start by adding number elements summarizing information, like the number of customer interviews that are scheduled and the number that are in progress.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Add in a calendar of upcoming interviews, and finally, add in the view with customer interviews that have been recently updated. Now, Taylor and all relevant stakeholders get updates on a regular cadence on what's changed and a dedicated dashboard to get full overview on the workflow. No more early rushing out of bed for an interview that got canceled a week ago.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Prep Your Base for Collaborators","id":"1ivEZug0kOWWeDczUu66HI","slug":"prep-your-airtable-base-for-collaborators","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5PsITrsd2umSfq1sWNrzTQ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.178Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:47:59.357Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":29,"revision":7,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Prep Your Base for Collaborators","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Make your base easy to use and navigate for collaborators. 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Then, we'll walk you through creating customized interfaces so collaborators can start working with your data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1P1NLzXen8Aqau1QkQnoud","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:43.486Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:43.486Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Prep Your Base for Collaborators.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":579667,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Prep Your Base for Collaborators.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Hey Airtable! I've built my base and I'm ready to bring in my team. Now how can I help them find what they need?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"There's a lot you can do to help others quickly access their data. Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. 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How can I get more context about my records? Do I need to like, write code to see who created or updated a record in my base?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can use computed fields to automatically get the information you need. And no, you don't need to know a leg of code.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. Today, we're introducing computed fields and exploring how teams can use computed fields to get quick insight about their records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, let's define what a computed field is in Airtable. Computed fields describe field types that update based on conditions you've set. 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What are some other ways I can automatically update my work and my base?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With computed fields, you can surface details across tables, build formulas, and perform one-click actions, all without needing to make manual updates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In our last video, we introduced computed fields and showed how you can use them to pull up information about your records. 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That means no one has to manually log this information, and it's always up to date.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So along with tracking changes, you can also use computed fields to aggregate all of your connected data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you've linked records between multiple tables in your base, you can access a whole other set of computed fields to perform calculations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Use the count field to add up the total number of records in a linked record field, or throw in a lookup field so you can quickly pull linked record data from one table into another. And the rollup field comes in clutch when you want to apply calculations or formulas to link records.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say, you have a table that tracks your product launches, which is linked to another table that lists all of your features. Using the count field, you can easily see how many features are included for each of your launches without having to go back and forth between the tables. Computed fields help you to create seamless connections between the complex data and your base without the mental math.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other computed field, you can use the simplify your work in error table is the button field, which allows you to trigger certain actions directly from your base or interface. Buttons are a surefire way to get your team to interact with your data. 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Watch how today’s high-velocity marketing teams run on Airtable in this quick explainer.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2U9t5diEMdsg1YuhVlM2A","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-07-05T15:02:17.989Z","updatedAt":"2023-07-05T15:02:17.989Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable for Marketing Teams.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":2452573,"image":{"width":3840,"height":2160}},"fileName":"Airtable for Marketing Teams.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today's marketing teams need to be more adaptable than ever, but misalignment is getting in the way.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"By creating and connecting all of your workflows with Airtable, your teams can align around a shared vision, easily adapt a change, and deliver on goals together.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Here are some ways your marketing team can raise the bar while working more efficiently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Keep requests organized and simplify the approval process to keep projects moving forward quickly. 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My name is Jordan, and I lead our community efforts here at Airtable, and I'm super thrilled to be here hosting our very first community showcase exclusively about product operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm joined today by two truly amazing individuals, Caroline and Zach, who have put together some really awesome content to share with you, also. Thank you both for being here. We really do appreciate it. 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So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. 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But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. 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They're managed by a single team, but they might encompass work for multiple teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They're used as the highest level of organizing structure for our product, and they represent evergreen product areas which we'll continuously build on and optimize. And a category can capture work that is either end user or developer-facing. So in this example, we'll use commenting. If anyone's familiar with, commenting is a-- we're a review and approval tool for video, and so commenting is a core functionality of our product.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The next level, one below that, is a feature of a release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a feature can be shipped, so it's a discrete body of work. It's not necessarily mapped to our cycle length. We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Workflow Hotline: Align, Prioritize, and Share Your Roadmap","id":"eY4CKEplopanIZ0AhOdD4","slug":"align-prioritize-share-your-roadmap","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4d65fWulPV7gzP1oIBrgXl","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.608Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:09:53.290Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":32,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Workflow Hotline: Align, Prioritize, and Share Your Roadmap","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This week on the workflow hotline, we help Robin prioritize features based on her company's objectives, customer feedback and team effort. 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So glad to hear from you here at the Workflow Hotline. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Aaron? How did you know it was me?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Don't worry about that. How can I help you?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Well, you're right. Now that I've got my feedback in one place-- thanks for that, again-- I understand what our users want us to improve on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But now I've got so many ideas that I'm hitting a new challenge. How do I pick what's both important to our company goals and to our customers?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- So what you want is to be able to say, hey, I've got this feature, and it impacts this customer feedback. But also, here's how it moves our company goals. Is that right?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Yes, that's right. Ideally, I can say, here's a feature. We prioritized it because it impacts this company goal, addresses this feedback, and the team felt that it was the easiest way to accomplish that goal. Also, would it be too much to ask if I make this roadmap shareable across the company?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Never too much to ask. That's why we're here at the Workflow Hotline. So I'm hearing three things that we're going to work on during this chat. First, how do we align across company goals?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Second, how do we prioritize the right features based on those company goals and the feedback we've gotten?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third, how do we share this new roadmap internally and externally so everyone could rally around it? Let's jump in. Let's talk about goals.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So we use the objective Key Result Framework, OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have company-level objectives, each with its key results that we track progress against. Usually, we have a doc where I write everything down, but it gets pretty stale. I want to connect each feature we work on to which objectives and key results in moves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Objectives and their related key results sound like a new type of information you want to track. Every new type of information means a new table in your base. Let's go ahead and add all of your key results, organized by their related objectives. Every record here is going to be a key result. And I'm going to add a dropdown single select for which objective it falls under-- a relevant quarter, an owner,. Then you can group by that field to make it easier to see everything. Let me ask you something, Robin, is this something you think other teams at your company might use?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Totally-- sales, support, marketing. Everyone's got the OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: So if multiple teams have the same OKRs, they may have their own table base to track progress against those. In that case, we should have one base with OKRs and sync from there, such that we have a single source of truth for OKRs, and any updates to that base will be synced across all workflows. So Robin, go ahead and fill this out with the rest of your OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: All right. Moving away from stale docs towards live data is a win for me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But how do I kind of put it all together? How do I get a prioritized roadmap with features tied to key results and customer feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right. So when you think about it, features are actually a new piece or type of information we want to track in our base. New type of information means new table. So let's go ahead and add a features table with a code name for the feature, as you do before. Let's give a description of that feature and then give it a status, where it is in our pipeline. Now, Robin, I'm sure you have a bunch of ideas from the feedback you've read. How about you go ahead and add a few in now.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Easy. Here are a few. And from here, what I want to say is we're tackling this feature because it's tied to this key result, and here's the customer feedback we've gotten about it.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right, you want to associate information across tables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, it's important to know that Airtable bases are relational databases. What that means is you can associate information across tables using linked records. Now, let's tie everything together in your base. By adding a linked record to objectives, I can see what key results are associated with each feature, and I can do the same for associating feedback to each feature, giving you a complete picture across different tables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So with this, I can tell key stakeholders, leadership, or crossfunctional teams, here are the five features we're working on for this key result.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: That's right. And I'm sure your gut is good, Robin. But I feel like your stakeholders will appreciate that extra visibility and make it easier to track progress across OKRs for yourself and your team as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Absolutely. So one more thing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: You want to talk about prioritization, right?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: You are very good at this, Aaron.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can't ship every feature. And so to decide what we work on, we rank each feature based on perceived effort and value. Low effort, high value are the ones we like to pick off first.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And so perceived effort and perceived value are actually pieces of information you want to track across each feature. So I'm going to go ahead and add those as new fields to your table, and you could prioritize your low effort, high value by sorting this view. Now, at the top, you're going to see your low effort, high value. And this works for this framework.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But there are a bunch of other frameworks you want to use. Maybe you want to give points to different features. You can add fields for that as well. Or maybe you want to track effort and value across different teams, say the design team or the engineering team. You can also use that by adding new fields.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I feel like the mix of all of that together, knowing which objectives it moves, the feedback it's related to, and the effort will make it easier for me to pick the right feature to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Absolutely. And that's what the workflow hotline is here for. So at the beginning, you said you wanted to share this roadmap?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Yeah. Let's dig into that. So right now, folks are very much in the dark about what's going on because we don't have a single source of truth on the roadmap that we can share internally. Can I just share the table we just built with the team?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Yes, you can share any view you create. Let's say you want to share a Kanban of features you've committed. Now anyone coming to this link can see an up-to-date roadmap. They can even share with clients as well. Any changes in your roadmap will be reflected in this shared view, so your live roadmap becomes your internal roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If you want to give stakeholders something more comprehensive, you can create an interface with dashboard elements and a full view of your roadmap. Folks can come and see what you've delivered and what's coming up in one place. And it also updates based on any changes in your roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: That should give everyone a really clear view of what's coming. Internal alignment also means that we'll be sharing the right information to our clients.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- A clear and shared roadmap is always key. Hey, Mikaela, how's that hold music asking folks to subscribe to Airtable's YouTube channel coming along?","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Workflow Hotline: Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback ","id":"1OBLOHTCcRZrYL2WxonYZP","slug":"standardize-centralize-analyze-feedback","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1ozubeWtL1akyF4Vh4mc4c","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.659Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:12:24.624Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":31,"revision":12,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Workflow Hotline: Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This week on the workflow hotline, we got a call from Robin, a product operations manager who wants to improve how they collect feedback. 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This is Aron. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Hi, I'm Robin. So I'm on a product operations team, and one part of my job is to get a clear picture of what our customers are saying so we can prioritize the right parts of the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Right now, my biggest challenge is that our feedback process is broken. It's not that I don't get the feedback, but it's just unusable when I get it well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- But tell me more about that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So the feedback is messy when I get it. And some of it just says, here's a bug and nothing else. I can't really do anything with that. It's also coming from everywhere, and I can't keep track of it all. Even when I pull it all together, it's really hard to see trends and take action on some things that can turn it into a clear and coherent roadmap that everyone loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- So I'm hearing from you, Robin, if I could summarize these three things.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First is that you need to standardize the information you received in each piece of feedback such that you can act on it. Second is that you need to centralize it. You want it all to go into one place no matter where that feedback comes from. And then third, once you have it all in one place, you want to be able to analyze it. To see trends and really create that roadmap that everybody loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So luckily, you're in the right place. This is definitely something that workflow hotline can help you with, and let's get started.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Robin, here at the workflow hotline we like to say, start with the data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So think about a piece of feedback. What information do you need in every piece of feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Every piece of feedback should have some text, like a click description of the feedback. And then whether it's a bug, a feature request, or even praise that I can share with the team. I also need to know some things about the submitter. Name and email, that feels like enough.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: As you're speaking, Robin, I'm actually building out your feedback table right here. So every field in this table will be something you want to capture for every piece of feedback. You mentioned email, name, feedback, I've added all of those. Now, it's really easy to add more. Maybe you want to track the experience that they're having with your product, just simply add that field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, every record in this table will be a piece of feedback. And this table can scale to thousands of pieces of feedback without any issues.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, Robin, go ahead and add the latest piece of feedback you've received. And boom, that feedback is now documented.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: This is a great first step, but how do I get the actual feedback into this table? I get thousands of pieces of feedback, and there's only one of me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- What you need is an easy way to get feedback into this table. Now, one option is to create a form. So you can simply drag and drop the fields you want to appear on that form from this feedback table, and it creates a form that you can share in emails, really use it however you want, and every submission of that form becomes a new record in your feedback table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Can I give this a try?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Yeah, absolutely. Let me shoot over the URL, and you can fill it out and start documenting feedback right away.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I can imagine this being in the emails that we send or maybe a nice embed in the product. I'm getting a lot of ideas here. But something that's coming to mind for me is that each team likes to use their own tool for tracking feedback.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The support team has Zendesk, the sales team has Salesforce. I'd love to get data from there as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: No problem. If you end up with a variety of tools for getting feedback, you can set up an external sync such that no matter where it starts, it ends up in one table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: All right, so let's say I put this form everywhere and start getting thousands of pieces of feedback, how do I analyze the information to prioritize the roadmap?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Let's talk about a few ways.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So first, you can create views which are different ways of looking at your information. Say a common view of feedback organized by urgency level or by product area. You can use a variety of grid views to slice your information say, unaddressed feedback or feedback organized by type.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can zoom out of every piece of feedback by creating dashboard that summarizes your information. It's the number of pieces of feedback you've addressed, quantity of feedback you've gotten over time, and how it breaks down per product area. Even look at how feedback moves for revenue, this is perfect for analyzing the feedback you're getting so you can accurately prioritize and pick the right features to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So I can create these dashboards, and they just update as the feedback rolls in?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Exactly. As you're working on the underlying feedback, your dashboards will update in real time. I'm actually going to send you a link right now, and you can adjust it based on your team's needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Standardized, centralized, analyzed. Thanks, I'm feeling confident that I can get this feedback workflow under control and deliver the right features.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Well, I'm so happy to hear that. That is exactly what the workflow hotline is here for.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Airtable for your marketing calendar","id":"5gwA1IIHaPdO4SbqtnuTd3","slug":"airtable-for-your-marketing-calendar","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3dTtumcP4gaa8U8dXrv5E3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.749Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:14:48.568Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":20,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable for your marketing calendar","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Managing multiple marketing campaigns with different deadlines and external stakeholders can be a challenge, but Airtable is flexible enough to fit the unique scope of your projects, even as they evolve. In this 30 minute webinar, we'll walk you through how to address common pain-points with Airtable. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5TNK2hPUj23pVtXJpRSmnq","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:53:31.481Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.827Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":344285,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Hello, everyone. I think that you can hear me now. I am Vanessa Bazalgette here from the Enterprise Accounts team. And we'll just give everyone else a few more minutes to join on here. But super excited to be talking through Airtable with you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Just give it probably 30 more seconds to a minute here. Thanks for your patience.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We are right at 4 o'clock, so I'm going to kick us off. And of course, there will be a recording of this in case anyone wants to watch after the fact. But hello, everyone. Super excited to be here today. My name is Vanessa Bazalgette, and I'm on the Enterprise Accounts team here at Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I'm actually traveling for work right now. I'm in New York City. So if you see any people moving behind us, I'm at one of our partners who uses Airtable quite closely at WeWork here in New York City. So very excited to be here today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And before joining Airtable, I spent much of my career consulting clients in agencies alike on marketing best practices. So today I get to do all of that consulting with Airtable specifically and have honed-in expertise in the marketing space, which is why I'm super excited to be presenting to you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Today we'll be walking through how many marketing businesses have gotten started with Airtable. And this webinar will be particularly useful if you're looking for a tool that can help you to collaboratively manage your marketing calendar.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So to kick us off, just so that we know what to expect from today, I wanted to set a brief agenda for us. And for anyone that's new to Airtable, we always like to start these webinars with that first \"what is Airtable\" question and then from there really diving into orient us in those foundational components of what makes up an Airtable product. We'll go through that step by step.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And then, finally, we'll highlight the important aspects of Airtable that really make it critical for marketing teams, their workflows, their marketing calendar management, and all of that good stuff. So we'll briefly outline some key challenges that I hear often in the space, that my colleagues hear very often in the space as well, and from there really outline how Airtable can help teams to overcome a lot of those challenges. So with that agenda, we'll keep that in mind and really get started and dive right in.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So like I mentioned, we're going to start at that \"what is Airtable\" section. So for those of you that are brand new to Airtable, it's super exciting for me to introduce you to a brand-new way of working. And Airtable's a horizontal toolkit that allows teams to creatively build the tools that they need.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how exactly do we do that?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We enable teams to build those tools because Airtable's a flexible, collaborative, and powerful database that allows for that customization for your specific team's process. So we've heard from many partners in the marketing space that they're most knowledgeable about their workflow, and sometimes the tools that they have aren't aligned with some of their practices, some of their goals, and there's no flexibility to create those tools, so they default to other things that are more flexible. And Airtable helps to bridge that gap and really empower you as a business users to create the tools and processes that you need to effectively get your work done.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable really gives you the building blocks to organize, to manage, and to create those tools that you all could use. And I hope that that's a key takeaway as to what you all take out of the webinar today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And now I would love to dive into an intro of Airtable because it's helpful to orient and really know where we're going for the webinar today. So when you first come to Airtable, what we're all seeing on the screen today is what we call Workspace. And Workspace is like a folder. It's an organizational unit that houses all of the individual bases that your team could be working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a base is a collection of either a relevant project, multiple workflows. It can really be the customized, individual database that your team is building.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Because like I mentioned, base is our short word for database. So what you truly are building is a relational tool that works exactly for your team. And rather than ordering a pre-ordered salad that's everything that you can't really change or customize and the dressing is all in it, that sometimes doesn't work for some teams. So instead, we have a full salad bar where you really can choose and customize and make your own team-- or your own salad-- and invite any teammates to that experience to share that with you. So on this base, you can see that there are seven people collaborating on this database. And this could be a visual of when you first come in to Airtable, which we'll do in a little bit.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to highlight the anatomy-- again, for those that are new to Airtable-- the upper left, you can see, are called tables. And we see campaigns, tasks, assets, teams. We see an individual record, one individual campaign, and all of the field types to the right, which are the different types of adjectives is the way I think about it about the different record that you're looking at.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So diving into that a little bit more specifically, a table is one unique type of information that you want to track. So in this case, it would be campaigns. And it's dedicated to something very specific. So the table itself would be then comprehensively built up of individual records with all sorts of different field types associated with it. And the field types are really very detailed information about each of the individual records, so each of the individual campaigns that your team might be executing on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And there are all sorts of different field types. So with Airtable, you can really customize to have an attachment, a single selected date. You can even establish a relationship between two different tables through a linked record. So we'll go into that a little bit later on. But these are the different field types that you can have in an Airtable base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And this is a visualization of an expanded record. So like I mentioned before-- and one record is a complete unit. And there's a horizontal relationship of all of those field types associated with that one unit. So when you make it larger, you're able to even see that record activity.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can see my colleague Becky, who is taking action on this record. And there's a record activity fee where you really know who's working on what. You can see the comments in the context of work. And we'll go into some specifics about that a little bit later.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. And how a lot of teams find that advanced functionality with Airtable is through our View Features. So the view picker, like you can see up there, allows you to select the customization that works for you. So it could be a grid, a calendar, a gallery, a Kanban status board, or even a form to receive structured information. And those views are the ways that you would take action on the underlying data. So you'd create a new view when you want to visualize the underlying data-- visualize your campaigns in a different manner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to construct that ideal visualization, a lot of folks will use the Airtable toolkit up at the very top there. As you can see, you can hide. You can filter. You can group. You can sort, color, or expand that size of the individual view. And it's also really handy to share a distinct URL of this customized view of only the information that you want to share that you can share with people that don't even have an Airtable account. So someone could access one visualization, a subset of the underlying data, and really know only exactly what you want to share with them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So without further ado, we do want to jump into why it's particularly relevant for marketing calendars and marketing workflows. So that's what I'll cover for the remainder of the webinar today. And although it's a lot of me talking, there is going to be a feedback survey that comes at the end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. We're always looking to improve. And we also do have our support team and also our customer engagement team, which I sit on, where you can always reach out to ask questions about how this could be customized to your business. And we'll cover off on that at the very end as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So to orient us for the base that we'll walk through today, I wanted to briefly touch upon some key challenges that I've experienced with a lot of other teams in the marketing space and what we work through together with Airtable. And these challenges aren't meant to be comprehensive of every single thing that any marketing team is facing, rather just an illustration of some of the top things that we hear most often. So if these are particularly relevant for your team, there will also be a recording of this webinar, and we'd love to have you share it with your team and get their thoughts and start to have a collaborative conversation about what is and isn't working with you all.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But the key challenges that we really are starting to see most often are first that marketing teams have demands to increase their output. And it can be really tough for teams to know who's running point on each campaign, where the assets are at. Sometimes campaigns get scheduled over each other, and deadlines get missed, and there's that overlap that doesn't allow for seamless communication and collaboration or even project ownership because people don't really know who's owning what.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And we also hear that a lot of teams will spend a ton of time chasing down assets and chasing down what work they should be doing rather than having one central source to know exactly what's going on, the latest status, and all of the related information for the projects that they're working on. So that's where Airtable can be that consolidated source, and teams can go back to focusing on creating the great content that they love rather than spending half of their day finding what work they should be working on, especially as the marketing landscape is getting more complex and the demands of output are increasing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third and finally, what we'll cover today is that we do hear that a lot of teams have reporting challenges. So, for example, they only know how they've performed against their KPIs at the end of the whole campaign itself rather than having a real-time update because they have to copy and paste data to even get a reporting metric, and sometimes key points get lost and aren't bubbled up for leadership, aren't adequately put forward for resource planning-- a lot of different challenges in the reporting space. So we'll dive into those today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like I mentioned, if your team is facing any of those challenges, we'd love to talk about those and see if there would be a customized way to work together. But today we'll really focus on how Airtable can empower your team to streamline that collaboration and project ownership, maximize the time that they spend on creative marketing rather than hunting down where the work is, and also creating that central source of truth for all of the reporting needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So we're actually going to exit out of the slides here and dive right into a base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I would want to orient us just, again, like we did so we know what we're looking at. So what we're looking at together is one individual base. And like I mentioned, a base can be a huge component of a workflow. But what we're looking at here is a Campaigns table and an Assets table. So each table has a complete list of all of the campaigns that this team is working on. And then there are different ways to visualize that underlying data differently.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All of the records that we see below are the individual records that are the complete units of information that we want to track. So that's just a quick orientation. We'll go into the dashboard reporting at the very end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to kick us off with problem number 1 and walk through how teams have solved that in Airtable, often it's really tough, like I mentioned before and like your teams might be experiencing, to know who's working on what. So that causes projects to miss their deadlines, to get off track, inadequate resource planning-- there aren't enough people working on the project or too many people working on the project. So really Airtable can help to streamline that project collaboration and project ownership when a project is owned by an individual.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The way that a lot of teams will do that is actually through a view functionality. So what we'll go through today is visualizing one of many views for the assets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I don't know if your team has similar challenges. But if they do, hopefully this will cover off on all of them of the individual views. So what we'll do today is click on the view picker as we did. And you can see that there are a whole host of saved views that update in real time as your team takes action on the work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But since a lot of teams in the marketing space have shared that they really like the calendar view, that's what we'll visualize here first. So this is an example of Bailey's calendar view. Bailey could be a person on your team that collaboratively owns a ton of projects and wants to only know what projects she's owning, what assets she's owning for deliverables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Bailey can come into Airtable, very quickly get a snapshot as to what exactly she needs to do, and take action on all of the work for the visualization that best meets her needs. But like we talked about before, there are many different ways to visualize Airtable. So Bailey just happens to like to use a calendar because she's a very visual learner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The toolkit up here is what we talked about before of really constructing that ideal view, narrowing in to only the data you want to see. And you can also, like I mentioned, share individual views with a distinct URL, password protect, domain restrict, so that people even that don't have an Airtable account can collaboratively see the information that you're working on if cross-functional visibility is really critical for your workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To show an example of what someone might do in a calendar view is there's a campaign that Bailey's working on, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And you can see just the high level of information here. But in the calendar view, you can actually expand that record and see all of the rich information associated with that record.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And let's say that Bailey actually goes in and does this work and she adds in the creative that she needs to take action on. She puts the final content here. And rather than being scheduled, this item is now live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We exit out of that. We'll note that, of course, it changed to yellow because Bailey has it set to color by status. But what's really awesome about Airtable is that updates across the entire source of truth. So like you can note here, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog is now live, associated with Bailey. So her whole team across every single one of these visualizations, if it's important to them, has been updated that Bailey has now posted. So there's no more of that going off to email, sending note and saying, reporting #SheSuite Post Blog, it's now live-- minimizes all of that back and forth. So instead of updating multiple sources of truth, everything is happening all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what Bailey can even do, if we pop back to her calendar view, is expand the record to comment and have a conversation in the context of work. So with Airtable, as you can see here, there's all of the great rich information associated with the record. But you can also comment to other colleagues and really have that talk happen in the context of work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So my friend Danielle at work, maybe Bailey wants to let her know, hey, this is live. And rather than sending an email, Danielle prefers to just get that notification and say, hey, make 5.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It's Friday afternoon here in New York. So hopefully things need to get done before the weekend, and this is just a great way to alert the team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So depending on Danielle's notification preferences, that streamlined collaboration really can happen in the context of this post because you can set up a native Slack integration. You can have an email notification when you're at mentioned in record. And you can also just be notified in Airtable itself.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So overall the key takeaways are that each of your teammates can visualize the underlying information however they best need to to streamline that collaboration, take on that project ownership, and know that these things are in my queue, this is everything I'm going to work on, work across time zones, even global teams, and really get everything done and have one central update for any changes that are made rather than working across multiple tools or disparate spreadsheets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So that's challenge number one. And diving into number two, we do hear a lot that a lot of teams are chasing down assets and status updates, and they don't really know or have one central source of truth as to what's going well. So there are even teams that physically print out information, often take notes in their meetings, and then go up and update things in the past. And a lot of teams will exchange emails and say, hey, can we change this date? Can we change that date? And sometimes things slip through the cracks.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And in order to really have that one central source of truth where people don't have to bother hunting things down and spending a lot of time knowing where the status or assets and stuff are at, Airtable enables you to create that central source of truth so that you can focus time on just creating the great marketing assets. So in order to increase output demands, teams really need to know, where will I have the most impact? What can I do specifically?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And often, for marketing teams that we've worked with, there are steps in their workflow where Airtable's highly, highly customizable and flexible and is not following a rigid process structure for a project management. It's really customizable to your language, to your needs, and can be built to reflect all of that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a way that some teams will do that is-- let's say that the feedback stage is really critical for a certain team. And right now they have a weekly meeting, and they all come, and they talk about their feedback, and they take notes. They send some emails. They send some Slacks. And there's another person on their team that actually goes and updates it all in a spreadsheet.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So instead of doing that, I even have teams that will create one ideal visualization, such as the feedback stage. We're using Airtable's toolkit. They're hiding, filtering, grouping by the campaign to really only note only assets that need feedback. And this type of a visualization kind of can act like an inbox where you can even host the meeting in Airtable or you can asynchronously work in your own time to get all of the feedback for the relevant projects that you need to take action on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And for example here, let's say Fall #SheSuite Post Instagram-- keeping on trend.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We actually, from the status, move it away from Feedback Needed to Revising.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You'll note back here that immediately that post came out of the inbox. So this type of distinct URL can be bookmarked for weekly team meeting, and everything in the feedback stage can be taken action on and update across all visualizations for your team. So there's no more duplication of effort. It all just seamlessly takes place, and it's one source of truth for that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And similarly, your team can easily update status and colors of the projects that are relevant for them. So if your team really has that distinct workflow-- and many teams have a workflow that makes their competitive edge as their business. So they operate in such a cool and innovative way that the tools really need to match the way that they work in order to keep that competitive advantage as opposed to having a tool force the process for them and impose the way that you should be working.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So, for example, let's say three months from now-- I'll go back to our All View here.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say you decide to do livestreams. So I'm doing a livestream right now. And other ways to educate people could be through a livestream. So what you can do in order to futureproof your workflow is, in real time, customize each of these types of fields, such as a single select, to say Livestream Facebook, Livestream Instagram.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. You can save it. And what you'll note here is that instead of maybe just an Instagram post, your team now has the option to choose a livestream on Instagram. So as you change processes, Airtable really helps you to futureproof your workflow and impose that data structure that really makes sense for you.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And one other thing that's really important for teams when creating the central source of truth is establishing relationships between tables to know everything that not only is associated with their asset but also which assets are connecting to which campaigns. So with Airtable, what is possible to do is bring your workflow to life to 3D rather than being a flat spreadsheet. And you can customize the field type to link to another record in the base that you have. And you can even limit to a specific view, such as only campaigns that are live, not the archived historical campaigns that you're working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what you'll note here is this campaign is associated with this asset, and you can expand that campaign in the context of that asset and see all of the rich information associated with that campaign. So that relationship goes both ways, and that linked record only needs to be established once and provides powerful functionality across both sources.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To explain that one step further, on the Campaigns table, we're actually using a specific field type to look up the associated asset due date, campaign start and end date to display the information as to when the campaign should be wrapping based on when the assets are wrapping. So let's say you move around the assets and the deliverables. The campaign will similarly match and move around as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I know that we covered a lot today. But in creating that central source of truth, there are just a few more things that I want to talk about because a lot of teams do discuss that cross-functional visibility is super critical for their workflows. So with Airtable, you can actually share a view or even embed it on a microsite. So let's say you have a gallery view of all of the great marketing deliverables that you've created. You can embed this link for an enterprise wiki for your entire team to see all of the deliverables that are status complete, let's say, or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So the way you would do that is just add in where status is live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And only the live items would be shown for your enterprise wiki.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a lot of other teams tell me that they don't operate in a silo, that they really-- they take innovative ideas and information from other teams. But right now, they get an email or an ad hoc walk up to your desk and say, hey, marketing team, can you work on this project? And of course, you want to be collaborating with cross-functional teams. But there's no structured way to receive that information for a lot of teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So what folks will do is use an Airtable form to impose structure of what they would like to receive as a marketing team when a request is coming in from an external source. And then they want to have the discretion to say when should I actually take action on it. So you can drag and drop information for these forms to customize and share this distinct URL-- again, password protect or domain restrict-- with your team to actually see a visualization of all the information that you want to receive from these teams even if they don't have an Airtable account. So again, keeping with the theme of creating one central source of truth, that's entirely possible with the Airtable form if you have an intake structure as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So covering off on all of that, we wanted to address how you can minimize the downtime of tracking down work, hunting down what you're working on, and truly create that central source of truth. And Airtable has empowered a lot of teams to do exactly that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So one more of three. We wanted to go into reporting on the metrics. I've heard from a lot of teams that it's really, really important that they bubble up exactly what they're doing to upper leadership and all of that. And hopefully with the first two steps of streamlined collaboration and having a central source of truth, your reports and dashboards will look even better than ever if you're using Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But we also have our blocks reporting features that are built right into Airtable itself. And blocks are like these powerful units that just add advanced functionality to all of the great underlying data that your team is taking work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to show you the visualization, sometimes teams have it just in the side panel where they're just seeing a visualization of what's important to them. But often you want to expand that to see a full dashboard view and share these visualizations with other colleagues to let them know of the great work that's being taken action on for a bird's eye view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So it's possible to create customized dashboards with different sources. You set up the block one time, and it lives in-- as you make changes, updates in real time. So that's a great way to have a bird's eye view, reporting in real time, like we talked about before. If you have KPIs, you can track against them in real time, as opposed to having-- at the end of the campaign, realizing that you either overshot or undershot or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And aside from a bird's eye view, it can also help with real-time resource planning-- so budgeting, if that's critical for you, or just bandwidth of your team individually, or even just time zone planning across a lot of different time zones. We have an example of team bandwidth, which you can expand here. Shout out to our marketing team for beautiful visualization here and lots of colors.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But essentially, what you can really quickly grasp here is Ari is likely overstrapped. He's probably working on too much, whereas Bailey maybe has a little bit of room to take on some new projects. So in real time in the dashboard itself, you can click on the the not started projects that Ari is working on and maybe assign some of that workload to Bailey because, as we saw, she only had 20 projects on her plate, whereas Ari had many more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So let's say Bailey really loved working on this campaign last year. She's super expert at YouTube, and so we're going to actually assign this to her. So rather than Ari, you can go in here and choose Bailey, exit out, and you'll see right now Bailey has 21 items on her plate. So immediately, as you can see here, that new summer YouTube video was assigned to Bailey.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So you can very visually grasp resource planning, and I'm a super visual learner, so blocks are really helpful for me when thinking through things like this. But also, streamlined collaboration across increasingly global teams or teams that work across different time zones can be utilized with Airtable Blocks as well. So countdowns and all of that type of stuff can be really helpful, as well as timelines, as to get that bird's eye view of everything that's being worked on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Airtable can help with not only real-time reporting but also historical lookbacks, future quarter planning, staffing for upcoming projects. There's just so many different ways to visualize the underlying data that you're working on. And there's no margin for error from copying and pasting or going into a different tool to do all this reporting. You know for sure that everything that's in Airtable is what you're reporting on, and it's really a seamless, streamlined, closed loop there.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Amazing. All right, I'll leave the dashboard up as the last visual just because it looks so nice here. But we covered a ton today, and I really appreciate you taking the time to walk through all this information with me, especially while I'm in New York. Normally, I sit in San Francisco but would love to hear from you all that chatted in the webinar today. It was really great to talk through all of this.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To recap, I hope that we really did cover the three marketing challenges that we outlined and set out at the beginning-- to help your team streamline communication and project ownership, to create a central source of truth for seamless collaboration, and to improve your reporting processes across the board.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To get started with Airtable today, you can navigate to","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have a ton of great templates. We have a lot of open-source visualizations for Airtable from Airtable Universe where you can see how other businesses and teams have used us. And you'll even get a two-week free trial of our pro features when you sign up for an account the first time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So definitely don't hesitate to check out those templates. And if you prefer to get started off with your own data, you can take a CSV of existing data and upload that right into Airtable and get started from scratch or you can even get started from absolute scratch from building your own records all the way up.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So like I mentioned at the very beginning, we really welcome your feedback. We're always looking to improve and learn about how businesses are using Airtable. So super excited to be sending out a feedback form at the end and hope to connect with all of you. My email is And we also have our support and customer engagement team, like I mentioned.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But thanks again, and hope you all have a great afternoon, whether you're on the East Coast, West Coast, or internationally dialing in. We appreciate your time so much and are super excited to be having you join us today. All right, bye bye.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Build your UX research database with Airtable","id":"5lw8XgJVYQgeTFTOq955b","slug":"build-your-ux-research-database-with-airtable","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1IfhIUrWOby9WtFH6QQq58","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.791Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:10:51.585Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":23,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Build your UX research database with Airtable","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"No matter which product or initiative you’re working on, Airtable can help you optimize your user research process. This video will show you how you can use Airtable to manage participants, plan interviews, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1ut1EoT6OFYsbdzVclcjcL","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:47:40.182Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.833Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Build your UX research database with Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":297092,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Build your UX research database with Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable is a flexible collaboration platform. Whether you are enhancing the viewing experience for your broadcast network or improving the member journey for your music streaming platform, Airtable can help you optimize the entire user research process. With Airtable, you can plan testing sessions, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is an Airtable base, your centralized tool for UX research.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is where you can keep all of your information relating to user insights, testing sessions, product areas, and participants. Separating each of these into different tables gives you the space to expand on their own unique details.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, the Insights table contains the individual pieces of feedback collected from your studies. It includes a unique numerical ID for the insight, along with its contents, overall sentiment, stage in the user lifecycle, and more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Information about the testing sessions can be found in this table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It contains details like the type of test, the researcher, the date, and a link to the transcript.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Product Area table includes the date of the most recent study referencing the area, along with the overall percentages of negative and positive feedback received so far. And finally, the Participants table contains details like LinkedIn profiles and contact information.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We've separated these into different tables because they each have their own set of specific details that should be preserved. However, we can easily connect information from across tables. For example, let's connect this piece of feedback to its corresponding session.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, the session's details are organized separately in its own table. But you can still take a quick peek at them here if you need to.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Remember, everything you see here is entirely customizable, so it's easy to change the structure of your base as your workflow evolves. For example, if you want to rate a session, simply create a new rating field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or if you're running a new type of test, just add it to the existing dropdown menu. With Airtable, you can empower your team to instantly create the perfect tool for their needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In Airtable, you can easily hone in on the right information for the right time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Views let you customize and save the settings you need for your various workstreams. For example, if you wanted to view feedback by its stage in the user journey, you can group everything by this field. Or if you only wanted to see feedback related to a certain product area, like audio, just add a filter.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Filters update automatically, so this view will always remain current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Streamline information collection with a custom form. As your team reviews testing sessions, they can isolate and submit individual insights using this form. Submissions are automatically added to your base so you can reference them instantly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then try using a Kanban view to organize and classify the newly submitted insights. Tag them with their corresponding sentiment by dragging them into the right column. And remember, any changes you make in one view are instantly reflected in every view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can also build team or personal views to help everyone focus on the information that's most relevant to them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, check out Pierre's view, which is filtered to only show the testing sessions that he's leading.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or if you'd prefer to view the sessions according to their dates, try creating an interactive calendar. By creating different views, your team can organize and analyze their data exactly how they like, and you're free to edit or create new views as your workflow evolves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If you want to discuss something with your team, no need to switch apps. Send messages right where the work happens in Airtable. Plus, any changes that are made are instantly saved and synced across all devices.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Want to achieve even more with Airtable?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Check out Airtable Blocks, a growing library of tools that references and enhances your information. For example, try adding a chart block to analyze user sentiment about various parts of the user journey. Or add a powerful search block to your base that you can embed anywhere, effectively creating your own search engine for your insights.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Page Designer block pulls information from your base to autofill a template, so it's perfect for creating reports that you can then present to stakeholders. Blocks are responsive to your base. So any changes you make here will instantly be reflected here.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And in the Blocks pane, you can build unique dashboards for different purposes, like reporting and communication. With Airtable, you have a tool that's flexible enough to fit your processes and powerful enough to be a single source of truth. Try using Airtable for your UX research today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Template tour: Content calendar","id":"2KCkNDlLXUgSQnvWiSIJq9","slug":"content-calendar-template-tour","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2X4iiloEiv6RrKWjZuMcre","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.829Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:05:12.540Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":26,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Template tour: Content calendar","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Plan, execute, and deliver content for your team—and your company—with this template. Then, report on results in real time.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3Q1SsRwNaWxcc5VHvdl4ta","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:43:47.401Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.842Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Content calendar_ Template tour.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":788927,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Content calendar_ Template tour.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Your content and your time are valuable. Make the most of both with this content calendar template. Let's see how.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Never miss a deadline with a calendar view of your key publishing dates. Schedule new content, or drag and drop to reschedule what's already in the works. Customize color based on status or whatever matters most to your team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Your content production is so much more than just a calendar, view every detail for every piece of content in your production pipeline to make sure nothing gets overlooked. Assign ownership and update status as work progresses.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Create clarity by connecting your content to your campaigns with linked records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then track results for each campaign and the results table. Nice work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"As your content moves through production, automatically keep your stakeholders updated with custom notifications. Use automations to speed up repeatable actions like sending a Slack when content is ready to review, change a status and let your automation do all the work. Now, it's your turn. Go ahead and start customizing your content calendar template today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING] ","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Template tour: Marketing campaign tracker","id":"5RrRfdK5rMVNSlFlwPVNDu","slug":"marketing-campaign-tracker-template-tour","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3Ab0PranT1dzZ4I1Ti1ff9","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.869Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:03:47.798Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":26,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Template tour: Marketing campaign tracker","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Plan campaigns across different platforms and teams. And easily track performance with this marketing campaign tracking template.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4kxpfUPVYVOz0zbycuAUeq","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:45:28.519Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.848Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Marketing campaign tracking_ Template tour.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":537942,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Marketing campaign tracking_ Template tour.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Marketing campaigns can get complicated, but tracking them doesn't need to be, thanks to this template.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Plan each campaign in the Campaigns table. Track the goal and funnel stage each campaign is targeting to keep your work focused.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Create clarity by connecting your campaigns to your ad sets with linked records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Stay on top of your campaign outcomes in your Results table. Plan, spend, track impressions, then calculate cost per click with a formula. As your data updates, your key results update automatically.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"See what's most important by visualizing your campaign data across different views. With Gantt view, nail your timing for each campaign. See where campaigns overlap across a range of dates, rescheduling your launch is as simple as drag and drop. Then, filter to show only campaigns focused on a specific stage in your funnel.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Automate scheduling to social channels, or post status updates to Slack.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then, create your own custom reporting dashboards to see the big picture with Apps.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now it's your turn. 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class="BkIndicatorIcon_circle__jDBXI" cx="12" cy="12.5" r="11" stroke-width="2"></circle><path class="BkIndicatorIcon_path__WXkWs" d="M16.9268 11.2864C17.9268 11.8638 17.9268 13.3072 16.9268 13.8845L10.3767 17.6662C9.37668 18.2435 8.12668 17.5219 8.12668 16.3672L8.12668 8.80378C8.12668 7.64908 9.37668 6.92739 10.3767 7.50474L16.9268 11.2864Z"></path></svg></div></div><h3 class="BkText_typeShortSmMd__afxCL BkText_bkText__NcDVw BkText_medium__N04Bo BkMediaCard_cardTitle__IN9Mb BkMediaCard_ellipsis__J_TSS">Code and Theory saves more than 10,000 hours a year with Airtable</h3><div class="BkMediaCard_tagsWrapper__z4D_7 theme prominence"></div></div></div></div></div></li><li class="MediaCarousel_listItem__3QV56"><div class="MediaCarouselCard_mediaCarouselCard__OQcdg" style="transform:none"><div class="BkMediaCard_bkMediaCard__IU_nW lightBlue MediaCarouselCard_containerCard__82bDk"><div class="BkMediaCard_cardItem__ypxCg BkMediaCard_noUnderline__ZUjTN BkCard_bkCard__zJAQZ"><div 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BkText_bkText__NcDVw BkText_medium__N04Bo BkMediaCard_cardTitle__IN9Mb BkMediaCard_ellipsis__J_TSS">James Beard Foundation & Airtable: A smarter way to serve the food community</h3><div class="BkMediaCard_tagsWrapper__z4D_7 theme prominence"></div></div></div></div></div></li><li class="MediaCarousel_listItem__3QV56"><div class="MediaCarouselCard_mediaCarouselCard__OQcdg" style="transform:none"><div class="BkMediaCard_bkMediaCard__IU_nW lightBlue MediaCarouselCard_containerCard__82bDk"><div class="BkMediaCard_cardItem__ypxCg BkMediaCard_noUnderline__ZUjTN BkCard_bkCard__zJAQZ"><div class="CardImg_cardImageTop__HSA2M CardCommons_cardImageTop__DwXxh CardImg_borderRadiusMd__tGOIy"><div class="BkMediaCard_imageContainer__R0Yrt"><div class="BkMediaCard_image__GYX9x" style="padding-top:0%"><div style="opacity:0"><div style="aspect-ratio:640 / 360" class="WistiaPlayer_wistiaPlayer__OVaOp WistiaPlayer_borderRadiusMD__L0WtA WistiaPlayer_default__21kMj"><div class="LoadingDiv_skeleton__zTsrR 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We've always said it's the little airline that could.\n\nWe're always competing and trying to make space against these legacy carriers.\n\nMy name is Amanda Luna. So my team is the IT portfolio management team. We're a shared service across the IT department responsible for what we like to call the business of IT.\n\nThe economic dynamics are changing, sometimes weekly, which requires us on the IT side to actually need to move really, really quickly in order to execute on our business strategy that our leaders are coming up with. So we have about four hundred, crew members on our IT team that's split, between sort of a technology organization and an IT products organization. On the product side, we have probably seven different product teams, that cover every aspect of the business. So think commercial products, digital products, our internal crew member products, finance systems, etcetera. Really, I mean, prior to Airtable, we we had a really hard time, sort of managing our our sort of enterprise wide list.\n\nWe found ourselves doing a ton of exporting, importing into different systems, trying to work within the confines of other tools, and Airtable's really been the first one that has, for lack of a better word, allowed us to be ourselves.\n\nWith Airtable now. You know, our CTO had a request a couple of months ago for a board meeting and said, hey, I really need to roll up all of the IT initiatives into our four strategic pillars for twenty twenty four, something that would have normally taken weeks. Now we can very easily spin up within a matter of of less than a day.\n\nThis is the first time we've ever had a metrics driven prioritization process, And what this has allowed us to do is look at the lineup and go high to low and force rank those initiatives. It really has given us the ability to customize everything.\n\nAnd JetBlue, we love customization both for our customers, but internally to The airline industry is a super dynamic industry, and Airtable gives us the agility to adapt as quickly as a click of a button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}},"category":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4UcFKeq4Kt0fMSoxrrSrQE","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-06-26T17:32:03.726Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-26T17:32:03.726Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"configVideoMediaCategory"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Customer stories","category":"Customer stories"}},"cardCTA":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6Y1PeGSeddROFAC762knFu","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-05T23:35:53.584Z","updatedAt":"2024-11-22T18:45:48.979Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":10,"revision":3,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"ctaSection"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"header":"Over 500,000 forward-thinking organizations use Airtable every day. 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If 2023 was the year of AI exploration, 2024 is the year of experimentation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"8x8Mtzj5sZooFXgm8SJn9","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Web BrXnd Howie AssetHub 1600x900","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":411900,"image":{"width":1600,"height":900}},"fileName":"Web_BrXnd_Howie_AssetHub_1600x900.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wanna introduce you all to Howie. I'm very excited to hear what he has to say. Thank you. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My session is really gonna be about making AI real in your companies. Our big focus as Airtable has always been about making apps real and making them buildable by people exactly like you. And I think AI has been a really, really exciting thing for us. One, because I've personally been tinkering around with AI, from even, my college days, playing around with neural networks back in the 'five, 'six, 'seven time frame.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Things were very, very primitive at that time. You could use AI to do very, very simple things like text extraction or maybe some basic classification, sentiment analysis, that kind of thing. And I think really since then, over the past twenty years, what we've seen is more than just incremental improvements, but real profound unlocks in what you can do with AI. And so our entire focus as a company is gonna be about making these things real and making them operationalizable for you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So today is not about how things will be, but how things are and what we're actually already seeing from our customers. We've had a, had an AI beta program for about a year, and we just launched our AI features out of beta into full GA a couple of months ago. And even during the beta, we've worked really, really closely with one thousand plus customers in actually deploying real AI use cases into their orgs and often within marketing orgs. And actually later today, one of our customers from Amazon Web Services, Jonathan, is here to talk about the very systematic and innovative way in which he has gone through AWS's marketing org and transformed piece by piece their operations with AI on Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, just a very, very quick recap of how I see AI and the progression. So going back, this actually only goes back to twenty eighteen. I think back to even two thousand and five and so on. That was really, I think, the the beginning of an inflection in AI becoming really, really potent and really capable on a broad and deep level.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if you go back to the twenty ten or twenty twelve era models, these models were really good at very narrow applications. Right? So again, sentiment analysis. There was a big breakthrough in something called ImageNet.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the person who now leads AI at Facebook or Meta, Jan Lacun, basically created a lot of pioneering technologies around what's called ImageNet. It kind of pioneered this novel application of AI. And in some regards, kind of set off this renewed interest in AI. Because as Noah said, some of the basic concepts behind AI, neural networks, etcetera, have been around for many decades.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Literally, these things were talked about in the '60s and '70s because I think the theoretical allure of, hey, what if you could teach a computer not by telling it programmatically and in a very prescriptive way what to do if this, then that type statements. What if you could just train it on real content, real data, and have it figure things out on its own? Right? That sounds quite magical.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And frankly, as somebody who programmed a lot in the founding of Airtable, it'd be really nice not to have to code out every single step that you want your apps to do. So I think that's been a really, really exciting breakthrough. As we look at the progression, even over the past five years, we really have reached this thing that looks like Moore's Law, but on a, let's say, a PC version of some kind of very enhancing drug. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The models have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. And as that has happened, it's not just that you get incrementally better capabilities, but really that you've been able to get real breakthroughs in what these models are capable of. And of course, we've already heard today about some of those really profound breakthroughs. But the way I think of it, actually, if you go to the next slide, is it's not just about getting more some CPU capacity or some benchmark on the MMLU, the SAT equivalent for AIs.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But really, the way I start to think about it is in the past, AI was good at very, very narrow applications. And you couldn't even really compare it to a human doing work, right? Because it was very narrow, very, very purpose specific. And what you now have with LLMs, especially the largest LLMs and the most potent ones, is that you're actually able to automate human tasks that might have taken five seconds.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These AIs, as we've all seen with Chat2BT, they still get stuck. And yeah, you can do things like few shot prompting, like Noah talked about, other techniques like chain of thought reasoning. There's a lot of work being done around things called agents.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One demo example of this that made a breakout within the tech and AI community last year was called AutoGPT. You can look up YouTube videos of this and tell AI, basically, hey, help me design a business that can generate hundreds of dollars of profit per day. And you see the AI breaking it down into different steps. Like, Okay, what's a business?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"How do I create profit? How do I start? How do I get money to start my business? And it's a little bit comical because it's a five year old or a ten year old going out and trying to figure out, with a million whys, how to do something very, very broad and complex.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the really key thing is, inevitably, these AIs get stuck along the way. Right? Like, they kind of go down a rabbit hole and, like, you know, they never actually get to the point where they design an awesome, you know, hundred dollar profit business per per day. Right? And I think that's because these models are getting better and better, but they're still at the point where they're really capable not of broad human intelligence.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I think that's going to be a long, long, long way off. And instead, the way to think about it is it's not deterministic programming. So it's not just narrowly applicable, predictably applicable to very specific tasks. But really, it is capable of very broad and even creative or strategic reasoning, but on a smaller time scale than what a human working for many, many hours or many days could solve. So as we've gone through the different eras of these really large language models compressed into just a few years. I mean, this is incredible. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Imagine the days of processor wars between Intel and AMD. And every eighteen months, you got a twice as fast processor. And it was awesome because you could do more things like, you know, open up four tabs on Internet Explorer instead of one or play games that were more realistic. This is happening on an even more compressed time scale in AI. These models are getting dramatically bigger, better, and actually unlocking more advanced human reasoning. And I think this is really important as a mental model for how to actually use AI in a practical way. Next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way to think about it is it's non deterministic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As Tim talked about, you have to try sometimes experimentally asking the AI to get you what you want. Right? We just saw some examples of, hey, if you try different prompts, you can get different types of image outputs. And it may not give you exactly what you want on the first try, but if you kind of probe around with it and give it the right data, the right context, and eventually integrate it into a useful workflow, it actually can be really, really valuable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? Because unlike a human, the AI never sleeps. Right? You can have it on all of the time.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Even if it's only a fifty second or, you know, a a five minute human task, the fact that it can do it on demand in a recurring workflow way and potentially scalably up to fifty thousand or hundreds of thousands of different, you know, kind of work items all at once, that's the real power of it. So, I'm very aligned with, I think, Tim and Noah in that let's not think of this as either on one extreme just a complete replacement of humans, nor on the other extreme is it just narrow traditional programming. It's actually something very different, which is something that kind of approximates human intelligence but in very, very small chunks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And that's going to be the right paradigm to think about it for a very long time in my strong belief. And so the best way to get value out of it next slide is really around having humans not just in the loop with AI, but controlling the loop. So when human next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So Airtable as the no code app platform that allows you to build your own apps very quickly and as we saw briefly on the previous slide, we've seen a lot of traction, a lot of scale. We've raised one point four billion of capital. We still have a billion in our bank account and growing now that we're profitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the reason we've gotten to this point over the past twelve years is because we really have, I think, tapped into a really unmet need, which is companies need more and more apps. They need those apps to be very tailored to specific business use cases. We can talk more about marketing specific use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You know, but they need those apps to be extremely fluid. The way that marketing is changing and I've spent a ton of time with CMOs of leading retail companies, of tech companies, of financial services companies, the pace of change is so fast. And AI is only accelerating that pace of change, right, as you have to adapt to more personalization, more content creation, etcetera. And so having a very flexible approach to building out these use cases that, maybe ironically or very appropriately, use AI to automate the operations that are themselves being disrupted by AI, I think, is entirely inevitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the real challenge is with these AI capabilities that need to be thought of in this new way, you really have to be able to experiment with it. And if you go to the next slide, the way I see the landscape is you have AI chat products. So we've all seen ChatGPT, what it's capable of. And that's great.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's like basically a chat wrapper around these models. But the business impact is limited. Right? I mean, it's chat.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so you can't really do it in a recurring automated way. It's not integrated with your data. It's kind of just there as a one off, almost like a toy. On the other hand, you have very custom implemented AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we've definitely worked with a lot of large enterprises that are actually going out and building very heavyweight implementations of their own AI. Right? Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan has publicly talked about having thousands of developers now focus on building their own AI infrastructure, building applications on that AI, and ultimately deploying extremely high cost but also extremely high impact AI use cases into their enterprise. And I think that's a totally viable approach in fact, like, maybe necessary at some of the largest companies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"However, you can only solve few and far between use cases with that very heavyweight approach. And on the other extreme, you have products. Right? I mean, Slack has an AI feature, and Zoom now has one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And you can turn on these features and get some kind of summarization or some kind of automation step in AI. But these are also pretty narrow. They're not fulfilling the ultimate promise of what AI can do within all of your marketing operations within the enterprise. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so that's really where we see no code playing a massive role. Because no code is, by definition, the way that you can build your own apps tailored to your own operations, your own data model, your own workflows, and ultimately iterate on those as you experiment with what AI is capable of automating along the way. Because if anybody tells you they know exactly what the right way to implement AI into your operations are, they're full of it. Because even the researchers who are coming up with these models I mean, if you look at some of the papers that have been talked about Noah mentioned the Med prompt one for Microsoft Research.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a different one called Sparks of Artificial Intelligence, which basically was also published by AI researchers very close to the state of the art of these LLMs, actually noting how surprised they were at GPT-four coming out and having these real unlocks in what it was capable of doing. Right? So in a way, these are emergent capabilities of the AI. I personally think that as we get bigger, more advanced models, and even once you've trained it on all of the internet, all books ever, there's even more ways to advance these models' capabilities through things called synthetic data, where basically you're generating data and then training the AI on that data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's other techniques out there that will continue to improve these AIs, but they will start to continue to exhibit more and more human like behaviors along the way. And so really, the only way to keep up with this is to have an approach where you're able to experiment because nobody really knows what these AIs are capable of, especially with every successive generation. GPT-five is coming out soon. There's going to be surely Google and Anthropic and other players' open source options that mirror its performance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the only way to figure out how to apply it into every part of your organization is to experiment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the three principles that I'd leave you with, whether or not you use Airtable first, to really make AI valuable, you have to embed it into the context of your data and your workflows. Again, this is why chat is fun as a toy and maybe as a one off way to do certain tasks in a very ad hoc fashion. But ultimately, our strong belief is that to really maximize and fully utilize the value of AI, you have to embed it into the way that people are working on a recurring level. And you have to take out all the guesswork every time of them having to figure out, how do I prompt this chat, experience to get what I want?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It can just be built in to a recurring workflow. The AI prompts can actually be codified by somebody who built them within your company, who understands your data and your process, and can kind of do that experimentation with prompting to figure out, how do I get this to do what I want? Right? So that's number one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second is you have to build this culture of experimentation. So there is no way to develop a truly first class AI implementation without actually experimenting. Because as we've seen from earlier today, the prompting itself needs experimentation. As the models get better and better, they're going to unlock new capabilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way you prompt them might actually evolve and get easier. And so you have to constantly adapt and iterate to stay on top of it. The good news is the upside is profound. And we're already seeing our customers get massive, massive unlocks in time savings or impact to their revenue or their performance because of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then third and finally, this idea of chainability is really, really important. So AI on its own is kind of cool. It's powerful. AI, when combined with both additional AI steps so in Airtable, you can set up an AI step that produces one output, have a human review that, then have that chain into a different AI prompt, right, and have that generate an output.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then expose that through an integration in Slack or in an email or put that back into either Airtable or a Salesforce record. Whatever you want. Right? And so the idea of making AI truly this fluid tool at your disposal that you don't have to use as a one off, but you can integrate very, very deeply.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's just almost like water. You've got to put it into every single part of your operations, in a very, very fast and fluid way. I think that's going to be critical to getting maximum value out of AI. And now, without further ado, let's actually see a very, very brief demo of what this looks like in practice.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. Can you hear me?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's do it. Who's excited for a live demo?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Woo. Yeah. I know. Right before lunch. Okay. So I'm gonna set the stage quickly on the business context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So as Howie alluded to, this is inspired by one of, our global media customers with a large portfolio of podcasts. They launch about fifty podcasts every single month. So the scale is really high. For every podcast, there's a ton of episodes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for every episode, there are ad spots. So think about mid roll ad reads by the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I'd say that its core to their business, though, is this ability to match, pitch, and deliver ad spots to sponsors. So really, the right ad for the right sponsor. This customer requires relevant, tailored, cost effective sponsor pitches at scale. The success has direct impact on the revenue.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You ready to jump into the workflow? So we are actually in an Airtable app right now. This was all built in two hours, one weekend. So this is how quickly you can spin up in, Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If I go to my podcast portfolio, I can see all the podcasts is all fictional. This is actually all generated with AI here. But, like, we can assume that this is our portfolio of podcasts. I can scroll down, click into any podcast.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I have a soft spot for Conan. So let's look at Conan. We can see the description of the podcast. We can see what their genre is, the audience, and click into the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Amazing headshot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We can see what their personality is like. Animated, energetic, humorous. If anyone saw the Hot Ones interview with him, those are definitely on point. And so really what I'm trying to show you here though, is that we already have all this structured data around the podcast, around the host. We have all these attributes They're going to feed into this relevancy for how we're pitching to sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's look at the other side of this equation. Right? We have as a rep for this company, I want to go out and pitch these sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've already placed quite a few ads with some pretty large brands here. If you see your brand on here, don't worry. This data is all just made up. It's all fictional. Maybe I got it right. I don't know.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the idea is that the rep might already know some of the campaigns that exist for these sponsors or have insight into what's upcoming in the campaign. So let's click into Pepsi the PepsiCo RefreshFest.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it explains that it's designed for our youth market aiming to boost brand engagement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The campaign is active. And we've actually already placed a few ads across these different podcasts here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the idea here is now we're looking at this other side. Even if we had the attributes of the podcast host and the podcast itself, now we're looking at what the description is for the sponsor. And how can we tailor our pitches to this description, to this specific campaign?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I'm the rep. I'm going to go look at the open ad spots of what's coming on our calendar.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I see that Conan O'Brien has an episode with Will Ferrell. We have a pre roll sixty second ad that's available. I'm going to scroll down. And so now I can see everything in one place the episode information, this podcast with Will Ferrell, all the stuff we saw about the podcast. It's a comedy. Here's a description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And once I clicked this, Get Campaign Matches, this is where AI can be infused directly, embedded directly into your workflow. It's now looking at that entire list of sponsors that we just looked at. And it's giving me a recommendation or suggestion of one to three campaigns that they think is fitting well to this specific podcast, to this specific episode. So we can see that the PepsiCo refresh fest, which we clicked in earlier, comes up for this one and says, hey, this vibrant, energetic tone aligns well with the comedic and lively atmosphere of a podcast hosted by Conan O'Brien.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. We also have one from Nike here. So what I'm going to do, let's go with Nike. I think that one might be funnier.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So it's a summer sports challenge.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click on the campaign. Hopefully, this gets going. I'm gonna click Conan O'Brien as the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Fun of live demos, See if this works. Okay. So I clicked on the campaign. It fills in the description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click in the reader. It's Conan O'Brien. And so now what this prompt is doing, as how it was just showing in the previous example, we now have a prompt here down at the bottom to generate a script for this specific pitch to this sponsor, Nike. So it's taken in both the podcast information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's taking in the sponsor information of what their campaign is. I'm trying to put it into the voice of Conan. You could imagine that we could even do this across a menu of options for the sponsors. And not just Conan, but if there's a podcast that has multiple hosts, we could show it in each of the hosts' voices.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We could even show different readers. And out comes an amazing Ad Spot script from Conan.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now you know me. I'm not exactly what you call an elite athlete unless you count my legendary moves in the highly competitive world of late night host chair swiveling. Right? So it's taking his more comedic, animated, humorous, tone, pairing it with the Nike campaign. And now we can package up this pitch, deliver it right to Nike.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we could stop there. That would be great. It would solve a lot of the business objectives of this company. But we can actually take it one step further.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And now that we've actually generated, pitched, and delivered these Ad Spots, we can actually see what the past Ad Spots how well they performed, and how well and how accurate the hosts were for what that script was. So now I look at some of the past episodes. I can see Conan O'Brien had one with Jerry Seinfeld. I can click into what that ad read looked like.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"On the left side, we can see what the AI script told Conan to read, or what we all agreed upon was going to be the script. And then we can actually have the transcript from that podcast. And we can measure what was the diff between those two. In this case, if we scroll down to the summary, which is also AI generated, that's comparing these two values, we can see that the Acre score is one hundred percent The transcript for the Ad Spot, read by Conan O'Brien, is word for word accurate to the original script. There were no deviations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. I think it gets more interesting when they do deviate, which Conan O'Brien tends to do. 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And goes into his Ad Lib tendencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so now when we go down to this ad read summary, we can see the accuracy score is seventy five. We get a summary of the key points that he missed from the original script, which might have been important for the brand. But we also see new points that he added that were not in the script at all. And really, probably most importantly, what is the impact of this variance for the intended audience?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what this summary is saying is that, hey, it's a more relaxed, humorous tone, which is likely to resonate. But at the same time, the informal tone and slight deviations from the script might slightly alter the perceived professionalism or seriousness. So this is the type of feedback and input that we want to understand as we're going on pitching new sponsors. There might be some sponsors that need that script to be word for word.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There might be other ones that enjoy this type of ad libbing and making it their own. So what we just saw to take a step back, we had new podcasts.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For every podcast, we had these ad spots.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We were trying to find relevant sponsors so we could pitch and deliver these ad spots.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"After delivering it with AI, we can then look at the transcript and compare how well the host delivered that transcript versus with the script we first set. Thank you, Buzzy. And more importantly than the specific use case here is the fact that, A, it was built in two hours. This is a very, very simplified prototype or kind of a proof of concept, roughly modeled off of some realistic use cases we've seen with our customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And b, this is something that you can completely experiment with. Right? So we could literally give you a copy of this space. You could then go and experiment with the prompt, the workflow, the data, and get different results.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? You could tune it to get different host read generations, etcetera. And so the real emphasis here is that you are all going to be the heroes of this AI transformation because you have the power to go and experiment and figure out how to utilize AI in every single step of your operations. And these steps can actually be pretty profound.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? In this use case, if you can go out and pitch these sponsors with a pre generated example of what would it actually sound like if Coca Cola had their new campaign placed in The Conan Show, right? And to see that upfront, instead of saying, well, here's the CPMs, and Conan's a great brand, blah, blah, blah. What if that drove millions or tens of millions of more dollars of sponsored deals, right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So ultimately, massive, massive upside. Very much worth the experimentation. I think now is the time. It's not in the future.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's now that you can actually start making this real in your companies, whether or not you use Airtable. Thank you all. And whether or not use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you all, and enjoy lunch.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}},"category":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4UcFKeq4Kt0fMSoxrrSrQE","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-06-26T17:32:03.726Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-26T17:32:03.726Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"configVideoMediaCategory"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Customer stories","category":"Customer stories"}},"cardCTA":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1w3muSexQqoAKJW20sKZ5v","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-07-05T15:02:35.450Z","updatedAt":"2024-06-13T20:02:07.650Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":11,"revision":2,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"ctaSection"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"header":"Build a single source of truth that connects your data, workflows and teams with Airtable","callToAction":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"5WPjtMlaXk4zOB0V7AbMM8"}},"callsToAction":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"1Ezz1zoCkzU2FPimV55XqA"}}]}},"relatedVideoMediaPages":[],"showExploreCategories":true,"title":"Airtable at BrXnd: The AI Powered Marketing Supply Chain","slug":"ai-powered-marketing-supply","seo":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4nOXtFnTiOOEpyAJE6351p","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.778Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.778Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":7,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"seo"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"name":"NYC 2024 Event - Compose: SEO"}},"extraMediaCarousels":[]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2czspCbxmCGO0nByo0VKMI","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.448Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-26T19:07:58.188Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":19,"revision":3,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"videoMediaPage"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"name":"How We Built Cobuilder - Page \u003e Video Media","pageTheme":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1zQGPX7lTPrHDcQcaqxBdq","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-03-25T18:17:18.424Z","updatedAt":"2025-02-20T20:17:11.120Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"themeConfig"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Purple - Dark - Medium","designToken":"purpleDark","semanticTheme":"darkPurple","prominence":"medium"}},"headline":"How we built it: Airtable Cobuilder","media":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6BHpxncI3fMgerd38vyGER","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.548Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.548Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":12,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"BTS Airtable Cobuilder","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable Cobuilder is the fastest way to create transformative apps. 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With Cobuilder, you can have an idea, and just a few minutes later, exactly the way you put it in, you can have an app come up. And if you change your mind about what came out, you can have just another version of it in a couple of seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"When you talk about AI in the abstract, someone's like, okay. Great. Well, this cool technology exists, but what can it do for me? What can it do for my team, for my company?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Cobuilder is not just a cool new AI feature at Airtable. It's really, you know, can we take the idea of having a really seasoned professional software developer and actually insert them into the process of building an Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Our team was asked to figure out how we can leverage AI to make app building faster.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like, what's the most impactful place where AI can give a really big lift to speed up app building?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And it was honestly a big question mark initially of just, can we effectively utilize LMS to help builders build what they need in Airtable?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"One of the most important important things that we were really emphatic about was that we really didn't want people to have to be AI tooling experts to know how to use the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Instead of making people jump over the hurdle of learning and speaking Airtable, it's interesting if, like, what if you could just teach Airtable to think and communicate in a more human way to solve those problems?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The challenge that anyone has historically faced around software is that you're stuck between two extremes. 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My name is Jordan, and I lead our community efforts here at Airtable, and I'm super thrilled to be here hosting our very first community showcase exclusively about product operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm joined today by two truly amazing individuals, Caroline and Zach, who have put together some really awesome content to share with you, also. Thank you both for being here. We really do appreciate it. Without further ado, I'm going to hand things over to Caroline.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- OK, so, again, I'll be speaking to you all tonight about how uses Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First, just a very quick introduction on myself.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm currently Director of Operations at within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Prior to this, I was Senior Director of Product Operations within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This was really where the Airtable connection-- or sorry-- This is really where the Airtable connection comes in today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I started at as the Chief of Staff, which is how I oriented around the space of product operations and the need for a little bit more rigor for product teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm based in New York City, and I guess-- I don't have a fun fact but, because is a video company, I'll share my favorite movie that I saw recently, which is \u003ci\u003eEverything\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eEverywhere\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eAll\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eat\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eOnce.\u003c/i\u003e If you all haven't seen it, I'd really recommend going to see it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's dive in. So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. And then, lastly, we'll focus on, today, how we use it for product development.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So what do we mean when I talk about product development? What I mean is we use it as our end-to-end source of truth. So, for us, Airtable is the artifact for cross-team development planning, bimonthly, company-reporting, weekly team reporting, and a generic way to self-serve into what's happening across product design and engineering.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's dive in here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I want to, first, lay out the situation that our team was in. It might sound familiar to some of you, or maybe you guys are in better shape than I was. But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. We had Jira implemented across all of our teams, which is really where our developers and product managers were managing their biweekly sprints.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But we didn't have a clear or consistent reporting layer that our executive teams, cross-functional partners, and, quite frankly, cross-teams could really use to look at the work that was being done, track our progress, and make trade-offs and also map dependencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We also-- and this last bullet will come in to why we use it so much-- is we also had this cumbersome, multiday planning process that was just not that effective.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The artifacts were always lost, left behind. And so we weren't seeing-- we were spending a lot of time in expensive meetings, but we weren't actually seeing any benefit from it. Oops.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we created a single pane of glass to plan, track, and report in Airtable. So I'll now just click into the solution, which was we set up-- at the highest level, what we set up was a four-level information hierarchy, and I'll talk through each one of these levels now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So at the highest level, we have categories. These are broad areas of our product. 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We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. 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So glad to hear from you here at the Workflow Hotline. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Aaron? How did you know it was me?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Don't worry about that. How can I help you?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Well, you're right. Now that I've got my feedback in one place-- thanks for that, again-- I understand what our users want us to improve on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But now I've got so many ideas that I'm hitting a new challenge. 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I want to connect each feature we work on to which objectives and key results in moves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Objectives and their related key results sound like a new type of information you want to track. Every new type of information means a new table in your base. Let's go ahead and add all of your key results, organized by their related objectives. Every record here is going to be a key result. And I'm going to add a dropdown single select for which objective it falls under-- a relevant quarter, an owner,. Then you can group by that field to make it easier to see everything. Let me ask you something, Robin, is this something you think other teams at your company might use?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Totally-- sales, support, marketing. Everyone's got the OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: So if multiple teams have the same OKRs, they may have their own table base to track progress against those. In that case, we should have one base with OKRs and sync from there, such that we have a single source of truth for OKRs, and any updates to that base will be synced across all workflows. So Robin, go ahead and fill this out with the rest of your OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: All right. Moving away from stale docs towards live data is a win for me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But how do I kind of put it all together? How do I get a prioritized roadmap with features tied to key results and customer feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right. So when you think about it, features are actually a new piece or type of information we want to track in our base. New type of information means new table. So let's go ahead and add a features table with a code name for the feature, as you do before. Let's give a description of that feature and then give it a status, where it is in our pipeline. Now, Robin, I'm sure you have a bunch of ideas from the feedback you've read. How about you go ahead and add a few in now.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Easy. Here are a few. 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So one more thing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: You want to talk about prioritization, right?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: You are very good at this, Aaron.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can't ship every feature. And so to decide what we work on, we rank each feature based on perceived effort and value. Low effort, high value are the ones we like to pick off first.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And so perceived effort and perceived value are actually pieces of information you want to track across each feature. So I'm going to go ahead and add those as new fields to your table, and you could prioritize your low effort, high value by sorting this view. Now, at the top, you're going to see your low effort, high value. And this works for this framework.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But there are a bunch of other frameworks you want to use. Maybe you want to give points to different features. You can add fields for that as well. Or maybe you want to track effort and value across different teams, say the design team or the engineering team. You can also use that by adding new fields.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I feel like the mix of all of that together, knowing which objectives it moves, the feedback it's related to, and the effort will make it easier for me to pick the right feature to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Absolutely. And that's what the workflow hotline is here for. So at the beginning, you said you wanted to share this roadmap?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Yeah. Let's dig into that. So right now, folks are very much in the dark about what's going on because we don't have a single source of truth on the roadmap that we can share internally. Can I just share the table we just built with the team?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Yes, you can share any view you create. Let's say you want to share a Kanban of features you've committed. Now anyone coming to this link can see an up-to-date roadmap. They can even share with clients as well. Any changes in your roadmap will be reflected in this shared view, so your live roadmap becomes your internal roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If you want to give stakeholders something more comprehensive, you can create an interface with dashboard elements and a full view of your roadmap. Folks can come and see what you've delivered and what's coming up in one place. And it also updates based on any changes in your roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: That should give everyone a really clear view of what's coming. Internal alignment also means that we'll be sharing the right information to our clients.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- A clear and shared roadmap is always key. Hey, Mikaela, how's that hold music asking folks to subscribe to Airtable's YouTube channel coming along?","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1ozubeWtL1akyF4Vh4mc4c","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.659Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:12:24.624Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":31,"revision":12,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Workflow Hotline: Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This week on the workflow hotline, we got a call from Robin, a product operations manager who wants to improve how they collect feedback. 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This is Aron. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Hi, I'm Robin. So I'm on a product operations team, and one part of my job is to get a clear picture of what our customers are saying so we can prioritize the right parts of the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Right now, my biggest challenge is that our feedback process is broken. It's not that I don't get the feedback, but it's just unusable when I get it well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- But tell me more about that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So the feedback is messy when I get it. And some of it just says, here's a bug and nothing else. I can't really do anything with that. It's also coming from everywhere, and I can't keep track of it all. Even when I pull it all together, it's really hard to see trends and take action on some things that can turn it into a clear and coherent roadmap that everyone loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- So I'm hearing from you, Robin, if I could summarize these three things.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First is that you need to standardize the information you received in each piece of feedback such that you can act on it. Second is that you need to centralize it. You want it all to go into one place no matter where that feedback comes from. And then third, once you have it all in one place, you want to be able to analyze it. To see trends and really create that roadmap that everybody loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So luckily, you're in the right place. This is definitely something that workflow hotline can help you with, and let's get started.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Robin, here at the workflow hotline we like to say, start with the data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So think about a piece of feedback. What information do you need in every piece of feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Every piece of feedback should have some text, like a click description of the feedback. And then whether it's a bug, a feature request, or even praise that I can share with the team. I also need to know some things about the submitter. Name and email, that feels like enough.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: As you're speaking, Robin, I'm actually building out your feedback table right here. So every field in this table will be something you want to capture for every piece of feedback. You mentioned email, name, feedback, I've added all of those. Now, it's really easy to add more. Maybe you want to track the experience that they're having with your product, just simply add that field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, every record in this table will be a piece of feedback. And this table can scale to thousands of pieces of feedback without any issues.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, Robin, go ahead and add the latest piece of feedback you've received. And boom, that feedback is now documented.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: This is a great first step, but how do I get the actual feedback into this table? I get thousands of pieces of feedback, and there's only one of me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- What you need is an easy way to get feedback into this table. Now, one option is to create a form. So you can simply drag and drop the fields you want to appear on that form from this feedback table, and it creates a form that you can share in emails, really use it however you want, and every submission of that form becomes a new record in your feedback table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Can I give this a try?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Yeah, absolutely. Let me shoot over the URL, and you can fill it out and start documenting feedback right away.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I can imagine this being in the emails that we send or maybe a nice embed in the product. I'm getting a lot of ideas here. But something that's coming to mind for me is that each team likes to use their own tool for tracking feedback.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The support team has Zendesk, the sales team has Salesforce. I'd love to get data from there as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: No problem. 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You can use a variety of grid views to slice your information say, unaddressed feedback or feedback organized by type.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can zoom out of every piece of feedback by creating dashboard that summarizes your information. It's the number of pieces of feedback you've addressed, quantity of feedback you've gotten over time, and how it breaks down per product area. Even look at how feedback moves for revenue, this is perfect for analyzing the feedback you're getting so you can accurately prioritize and pick the right features to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So I can create these dashboards, and they just update as the feedback rolls in?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Exactly. As you're working on the underlying feedback, your dashboards will update in real time. I'm actually going to send you a link right now, and you can adjust it based on your team's needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Standardized, centralized, analyzed. Thanks, I'm feeling confident that I can get this feedback workflow under control and deliver the right features.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Well, I'm so happy to hear that. 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Once you've planned your deliverables, ensure they stay connected to broader campaign objectives.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Centralized feedbacks so nothing falls through the cracks and quickly take action on that feedback, all in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"All while keeping a high level view of all the important dates and deliver or just the dates most relevant to your work.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create ever expanding libraries of creative assets, vendors, contacts, and more. When assets are organized and more accessible across the organization, you'll get a better return on your investments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Customized dashboards allow you to see campaign insights like performance data, and remaining spend in real time, so your team can make adjustments and make improvements throughout the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable is bringing connection back to your marketing workflows. 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In this 30 minute webinar, we'll walk you through how to address common pain-points with Airtable. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5TNK2hPUj23pVtXJpRSmnq","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:53:31.481Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.827Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":344285,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Hello, everyone. I think that you can hear me now. I am Vanessa Bazalgette here from the Enterprise Accounts team. And we'll just give everyone else a few more minutes to join on here. But super excited to be talking through Airtable with you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Just give it probably 30 more seconds to a minute here. Thanks for your patience.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We are right at 4 o'clock, so I'm going to kick us off. And of course, there will be a recording of this in case anyone wants to watch after the fact. But hello, everyone. Super excited to be here today. My name is Vanessa Bazalgette, and I'm on the Enterprise Accounts team here at Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I'm actually traveling for work right now. I'm in New York City. So if you see any people moving behind us, I'm at one of our partners who uses Airtable quite closely at WeWork here in New York City. So very excited to be here today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And before joining Airtable, I spent much of my career consulting clients in agencies alike on marketing best practices. So today I get to do all of that consulting with Airtable specifically and have honed-in expertise in the marketing space, which is why I'm super excited to be presenting to you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Today we'll be walking through how many marketing businesses have gotten started with Airtable. And this webinar will be particularly useful if you're looking for a tool that can help you to collaboratively manage your marketing calendar.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So to kick us off, just so that we know what to expect from today, I wanted to set a brief agenda for us. And for anyone that's new to Airtable, we always like to start these webinars with that first \"what is Airtable\" question and then from there really diving into orient us in those foundational components of what makes up an Airtable product. We'll go through that step by step.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And then, finally, we'll highlight the important aspects of Airtable that really make it critical for marketing teams, their workflows, their marketing calendar management, and all of that good stuff. So we'll briefly outline some key challenges that I hear often in the space, that my colleagues hear very often in the space as well, and from there really outline how Airtable can help teams to overcome a lot of those challenges. So with that agenda, we'll keep that in mind and really get started and dive right in.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So like I mentioned, we're going to start at that \"what is Airtable\" section. So for those of you that are brand new to Airtable, it's super exciting for me to introduce you to a brand-new way of working. And Airtable's a horizontal toolkit that allows teams to creatively build the tools that they need.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how exactly do we do that?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We enable teams to build those tools because Airtable's a flexible, collaborative, and powerful database that allows for that customization for your specific team's process. So we've heard from many partners in the marketing space that they're most knowledgeable about their workflow, and sometimes the tools that they have aren't aligned with some of their practices, some of their goals, and there's no flexibility to create those tools, so they default to other things that are more flexible. And Airtable helps to bridge that gap and really empower you as a business users to create the tools and processes that you need to effectively get your work done.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable really gives you the building blocks to organize, to manage, and to create those tools that you all could use. And I hope that that's a key takeaway as to what you all take out of the webinar today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And now I would love to dive into an intro of Airtable because it's helpful to orient and really know where we're going for the webinar today. So when you first come to Airtable, what we're all seeing on the screen today is what we call Workspace. And Workspace is like a folder. It's an organizational unit that houses all of the individual bases that your team could be working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a base is a collection of either a relevant project, multiple workflows. It can really be the customized, individual database that your team is building.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Because like I mentioned, base is our short word for database. So what you truly are building is a relational tool that works exactly for your team. And rather than ordering a pre-ordered salad that's everything that you can't really change or customize and the dressing is all in it, that sometimes doesn't work for some teams. So instead, we have a full salad bar where you really can choose and customize and make your own team-- or your own salad-- and invite any teammates to that experience to share that with you. So on this base, you can see that there are seven people collaborating on this database. And this could be a visual of when you first come in to Airtable, which we'll do in a little bit.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to highlight the anatomy-- again, for those that are new to Airtable-- the upper left, you can see, are called tables. And we see campaigns, tasks, assets, teams. We see an individual record, one individual campaign, and all of the field types to the right, which are the different types of adjectives is the way I think about it about the different record that you're looking at.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So diving into that a little bit more specifically, a table is one unique type of information that you want to track. So in this case, it would be campaigns. And it's dedicated to something very specific. So the table itself would be then comprehensively built up of individual records with all sorts of different field types associated with it. And the field types are really very detailed information about each of the individual records, so each of the individual campaigns that your team might be executing on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And there are all sorts of different field types. So with Airtable, you can really customize to have an attachment, a single selected date. You can even establish a relationship between two different tables through a linked record. So we'll go into that a little bit later on. But these are the different field types that you can have in an Airtable base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And this is a visualization of an expanded record. So like I mentioned before-- and one record is a complete unit. And there's a horizontal relationship of all of those field types associated with that one unit. So when you make it larger, you're able to even see that record activity.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can see my colleague Becky, who is taking action on this record. And there's a record activity fee where you really know who's working on what. You can see the comments in the context of work. And we'll go into some specifics about that a little bit later.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. And how a lot of teams find that advanced functionality with Airtable is through our View Features. So the view picker, like you can see up there, allows you to select the customization that works for you. So it could be a grid, a calendar, a gallery, a Kanban status board, or even a form to receive structured information. And those views are the ways that you would take action on the underlying data. So you'd create a new view when you want to visualize the underlying data-- visualize your campaigns in a different manner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to construct that ideal visualization, a lot of folks will use the Airtable toolkit up at the very top there. As you can see, you can hide. You can filter. You can group. You can sort, color, or expand that size of the individual view. And it's also really handy to share a distinct URL of this customized view of only the information that you want to share that you can share with people that don't even have an Airtable account. So someone could access one visualization, a subset of the underlying data, and really know only exactly what you want to share with them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So without further ado, we do want to jump into why it's particularly relevant for marketing calendars and marketing workflows. So that's what I'll cover for the remainder of the webinar today. And although it's a lot of me talking, there is going to be a feedback survey that comes at the end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. We're always looking to improve. And we also do have our support team and also our customer engagement team, which I sit on, where you can always reach out to ask questions about how this could be customized to your business. And we'll cover off on that at the very end as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So to orient us for the base that we'll walk through today, I wanted to briefly touch upon some key challenges that I've experienced with a lot of other teams in the marketing space and what we work through together with Airtable. And these challenges aren't meant to be comprehensive of every single thing that any marketing team is facing, rather just an illustration of some of the top things that we hear most often. So if these are particularly relevant for your team, there will also be a recording of this webinar, and we'd love to have you share it with your team and get their thoughts and start to have a collaborative conversation about what is and isn't working with you all.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But the key challenges that we really are starting to see most often are first that marketing teams have demands to increase their output. And it can be really tough for teams to know who's running point on each campaign, where the assets are at. Sometimes campaigns get scheduled over each other, and deadlines get missed, and there's that overlap that doesn't allow for seamless communication and collaboration or even project ownership because people don't really know who's owning what.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And we also hear that a lot of teams will spend a ton of time chasing down assets and chasing down what work they should be doing rather than having one central source to know exactly what's going on, the latest status, and all of the related information for the projects that they're working on. So that's where Airtable can be that consolidated source, and teams can go back to focusing on creating the great content that they love rather than spending half of their day finding what work they should be working on, especially as the marketing landscape is getting more complex and the demands of output are increasing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third and finally, what we'll cover today is that we do hear that a lot of teams have reporting challenges. So, for example, they only know how they've performed against their KPIs at the end of the whole campaign itself rather than having a real-time update because they have to copy and paste data to even get a reporting metric, and sometimes key points get lost and aren't bubbled up for leadership, aren't adequately put forward for resource planning-- a lot of different challenges in the reporting space. So we'll dive into those today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like I mentioned, if your team is facing any of those challenges, we'd love to talk about those and see if there would be a customized way to work together. But today we'll really focus on how Airtable can empower your team to streamline that collaboration and project ownership, maximize the time that they spend on creative marketing rather than hunting down where the work is, and also creating that central source of truth for all of the reporting needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So we're actually going to exit out of the slides here and dive right into a base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I would want to orient us just, again, like we did so we know what we're looking at. So what we're looking at together is one individual base. And like I mentioned, a base can be a huge component of a workflow. But what we're looking at here is a Campaigns table and an Assets table. So each table has a complete list of all of the campaigns that this team is working on. And then there are different ways to visualize that underlying data differently.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All of the records that we see below are the individual records that are the complete units of information that we want to track. So that's just a quick orientation. We'll go into the dashboard reporting at the very end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to kick us off with problem number 1 and walk through how teams have solved that in Airtable, often it's really tough, like I mentioned before and like your teams might be experiencing, to know who's working on what. So that causes projects to miss their deadlines, to get off track, inadequate resource planning-- there aren't enough people working on the project or too many people working on the project. So really Airtable can help to streamline that project collaboration and project ownership when a project is owned by an individual.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The way that a lot of teams will do that is actually through a view functionality. So what we'll go through today is visualizing one of many views for the assets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I don't know if your team has similar challenges. But if they do, hopefully this will cover off on all of them of the individual views. So what we'll do today is click on the view picker as we did. And you can see that there are a whole host of saved views that update in real time as your team takes action on the work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But since a lot of teams in the marketing space have shared that they really like the calendar view, that's what we'll visualize here first. So this is an example of Bailey's calendar view. Bailey could be a person on your team that collaboratively owns a ton of projects and wants to only know what projects she's owning, what assets she's owning for deliverables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Bailey can come into Airtable, very quickly get a snapshot as to what exactly she needs to do, and take action on all of the work for the visualization that best meets her needs. But like we talked about before, there are many different ways to visualize Airtable. So Bailey just happens to like to use a calendar because she's a very visual learner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The toolkit up here is what we talked about before of really constructing that ideal view, narrowing in to only the data you want to see. And you can also, like I mentioned, share individual views with a distinct URL, password protect, domain restrict, so that people even that don't have an Airtable account can collaboratively see the information that you're working on if cross-functional visibility is really critical for your workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To show an example of what someone might do in a calendar view is there's a campaign that Bailey's working on, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And you can see just the high level of information here. But in the calendar view, you can actually expand that record and see all of the rich information associated with that record.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And let's say that Bailey actually goes in and does this work and she adds in the creative that she needs to take action on. She puts the final content here. And rather than being scheduled, this item is now live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We exit out of that. We'll note that, of course, it changed to yellow because Bailey has it set to color by status. But what's really awesome about Airtable is that updates across the entire source of truth. So like you can note here, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog is now live, associated with Bailey. So her whole team across every single one of these visualizations, if it's important to them, has been updated that Bailey has now posted. So there's no more of that going off to email, sending note and saying, reporting #SheSuite Post Blog, it's now live-- minimizes all of that back and forth. So instead of updating multiple sources of truth, everything is happening all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what Bailey can even do, if we pop back to her calendar view, is expand the record to comment and have a conversation in the context of work. So with Airtable, as you can see here, there's all of the great rich information associated with the record. But you can also comment to other colleagues and really have that talk happen in the context of work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So my friend Danielle at work, maybe Bailey wants to let her know, hey, this is live. And rather than sending an email, Danielle prefers to just get that notification and say, hey, make 5.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It's Friday afternoon here in New York. So hopefully things need to get done before the weekend, and this is just a great way to alert the team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So depending on Danielle's notification preferences, that streamlined collaboration really can happen in the context of this post because you can set up a native Slack integration. You can have an email notification when you're at mentioned in record. And you can also just be notified in Airtable itself.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So overall the key takeaways are that each of your teammates can visualize the underlying information however they best need to to streamline that collaboration, take on that project ownership, and know that these things are in my queue, this is everything I'm going to work on, work across time zones, even global teams, and really get everything done and have one central update for any changes that are made rather than working across multiple tools or disparate spreadsheets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So that's challenge number one. And diving into number two, we do hear a lot that a lot of teams are chasing down assets and status updates, and they don't really know or have one central source of truth as to what's going well. So there are even teams that physically print out information, often take notes in their meetings, and then go up and update things in the past. And a lot of teams will exchange emails and say, hey, can we change this date? Can we change that date? And sometimes things slip through the cracks.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And in order to really have that one central source of truth where people don't have to bother hunting things down and spending a lot of time knowing where the status or assets and stuff are at, Airtable enables you to create that central source of truth so that you can focus time on just creating the great marketing assets. So in order to increase output demands, teams really need to know, where will I have the most impact? What can I do specifically?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And often, for marketing teams that we've worked with, there are steps in their workflow where Airtable's highly, highly customizable and flexible and is not following a rigid process structure for a project management. It's really customizable to your language, to your needs, and can be built to reflect all of that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a way that some teams will do that is-- let's say that the feedback stage is really critical for a certain team. And right now they have a weekly meeting, and they all come, and they talk about their feedback, and they take notes. They send some emails. They send some Slacks. And there's another person on their team that actually goes and updates it all in a spreadsheet.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So instead of doing that, I even have teams that will create one ideal visualization, such as the feedback stage. We're using Airtable's toolkit. They're hiding, filtering, grouping by the campaign to really only note only assets that need feedback. And this type of a visualization kind of can act like an inbox where you can even host the meeting in Airtable or you can asynchronously work in your own time to get all of the feedback for the relevant projects that you need to take action on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And for example here, let's say Fall #SheSuite Post Instagram-- keeping on trend.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We actually, from the status, move it away from Feedback Needed to Revising.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You'll note back here that immediately that post came out of the inbox. So this type of distinct URL can be bookmarked for weekly team meeting, and everything in the feedback stage can be taken action on and update across all visualizations for your team. So there's no more duplication of effort. It all just seamlessly takes place, and it's one source of truth for that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And similarly, your team can easily update status and colors of the projects that are relevant for them. So if your team really has that distinct workflow-- and many teams have a workflow that makes their competitive edge as their business. So they operate in such a cool and innovative way that the tools really need to match the way that they work in order to keep that competitive advantage as opposed to having a tool force the process for them and impose the way that you should be working.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So, for example, let's say three months from now-- I'll go back to our All View here.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say you decide to do livestreams. So I'm doing a livestream right now. And other ways to educate people could be through a livestream. So what you can do in order to futureproof your workflow is, in real time, customize each of these types of fields, such as a single select, to say Livestream Facebook, Livestream Instagram.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. You can save it. And what you'll note here is that instead of maybe just an Instagram post, your team now has the option to choose a livestream on Instagram. So as you change processes, Airtable really helps you to futureproof your workflow and impose that data structure that really makes sense for you.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And one other thing that's really important for teams when creating the central source of truth is establishing relationships between tables to know everything that not only is associated with their asset but also which assets are connecting to which campaigns. So with Airtable, what is possible to do is bring your workflow to life to 3D rather than being a flat spreadsheet. And you can customize the field type to link to another record in the base that you have. And you can even limit to a specific view, such as only campaigns that are live, not the archived historical campaigns that you're working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what you'll note here is this campaign is associated with this asset, and you can expand that campaign in the context of that asset and see all of the rich information associated with that campaign. So that relationship goes both ways, and that linked record only needs to be established once and provides powerful functionality across both sources.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To explain that one step further, on the Campaigns table, we're actually using a specific field type to look up the associated asset due date, campaign start and end date to display the information as to when the campaign should be wrapping based on when the assets are wrapping. So let's say you move around the assets and the deliverables. The campaign will similarly match and move around as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I know that we covered a lot today. But in creating that central source of truth, there are just a few more things that I want to talk about because a lot of teams do discuss that cross-functional visibility is super critical for their workflows. So with Airtable, you can actually share a view or even embed it on a microsite. So let's say you have a gallery view of all of the great marketing deliverables that you've created. You can embed this link for an enterprise wiki for your entire team to see all of the deliverables that are status complete, let's say, or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So the way you would do that is just add in where status is live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And only the live items would be shown for your enterprise wiki.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a lot of other teams tell me that they don't operate in a silo, that they really-- they take innovative ideas and information from other teams. But right now, they get an email or an ad hoc walk up to your desk and say, hey, marketing team, can you work on this project? And of course, you want to be collaborating with cross-functional teams. But there's no structured way to receive that information for a lot of teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So what folks will do is use an Airtable form to impose structure of what they would like to receive as a marketing team when a request is coming in from an external source. And then they want to have the discretion to say when should I actually take action on it. So you can drag and drop information for these forms to customize and share this distinct URL-- again, password protect or domain restrict-- with your team to actually see a visualization of all the information that you want to receive from these teams even if they don't have an Airtable account. So again, keeping with the theme of creating one central source of truth, that's entirely possible with the Airtable form if you have an intake structure as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So covering off on all of that, we wanted to address how you can minimize the downtime of tracking down work, hunting down what you're working on, and truly create that central source of truth. And Airtable has empowered a lot of teams to do exactly that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So one more of three. We wanted to go into reporting on the metrics. I've heard from a lot of teams that it's really, really important that they bubble up exactly what they're doing to upper leadership and all of that. And hopefully with the first two steps of streamlined collaboration and having a central source of truth, your reports and dashboards will look even better than ever if you're using Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But we also have our blocks reporting features that are built right into Airtable itself. And blocks are like these powerful units that just add advanced functionality to all of the great underlying data that your team is taking work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to show you the visualization, sometimes teams have it just in the side panel where they're just seeing a visualization of what's important to them. But often you want to expand that to see a full dashboard view and share these visualizations with other colleagues to let them know of the great work that's being taken action on for a bird's eye view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So it's possible to create customized dashboards with different sources. You set up the block one time, and it lives in-- as you make changes, updates in real time. So that's a great way to have a bird's eye view, reporting in real time, like we talked about before. If you have KPIs, you can track against them in real time, as opposed to having-- at the end of the campaign, realizing that you either overshot or undershot or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And aside from a bird's eye view, it can also help with real-time resource planning-- so budgeting, if that's critical for you, or just bandwidth of your team individually, or even just time zone planning across a lot of different time zones. We have an example of team bandwidth, which you can expand here. Shout out to our marketing team for beautiful visualization here and lots of colors.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But essentially, what you can really quickly grasp here is Ari is likely overstrapped. He's probably working on too much, whereas Bailey maybe has a little bit of room to take on some new projects. So in real time in the dashboard itself, you can click on the the not started projects that Ari is working on and maybe assign some of that workload to Bailey because, as we saw, she only had 20 projects on her plate, whereas Ari had many more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So let's say Bailey really loved working on this campaign last year. She's super expert at YouTube, and so we're going to actually assign this to her. So rather than Ari, you can go in here and choose Bailey, exit out, and you'll see right now Bailey has 21 items on her plate. So immediately, as you can see here, that new summer YouTube video was assigned to Bailey.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So you can very visually grasp resource planning, and I'm a super visual learner, so blocks are really helpful for me when thinking through things like this. But also, streamlined collaboration across increasingly global teams or teams that work across different time zones can be utilized with Airtable Blocks as well. So countdowns and all of that type of stuff can be really helpful, as well as timelines, as to get that bird's eye view of everything that's being worked on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Airtable can help with not only real-time reporting but also historical lookbacks, future quarter planning, staffing for upcoming projects. There's just so many different ways to visualize the underlying data that you're working on. And there's no margin for error from copying and pasting or going into a different tool to do all this reporting. You know for sure that everything that's in Airtable is what you're reporting on, and it's really a seamless, streamlined, closed loop there.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Amazing. All right, I'll leave the dashboard up as the last visual just because it looks so nice here. But we covered a ton today, and I really appreciate you taking the time to walk through all this information with me, especially while I'm in New York. Normally, I sit in San Francisco but would love to hear from you all that chatted in the webinar today. It was really great to talk through all of this.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To recap, I hope that we really did cover the three marketing challenges that we outlined and set out at the beginning-- to help your team streamline communication and project ownership, to create a central source of truth for seamless collaboration, and to improve your reporting processes across the board.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To get started with Airtable today, you can navigate to","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have a ton of great templates. We have a lot of open-source visualizations for Airtable from Airtable Universe where you can see how other businesses and teams have used us. And you'll even get a two-week free trial of our pro features when you sign up for an account the first time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So definitely don't hesitate to check out those templates. And if you prefer to get started off with your own data, you can take a CSV of existing data and upload that right into Airtable and get started from scratch or you can even get started from absolute scratch from building your own records all the way up.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So like I mentioned at the very beginning, we really welcome your feedback. We're always looking to improve and learn about how businesses are using Airtable. So super excited to be sending out a feedback form at the end and hope to connect with all of you. My email is And we also have our support and customer engagement team, like I mentioned.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But thanks again, and hope you all have a great afternoon, whether you're on the East Coast, West Coast, or internationally dialing in. We appreciate your time so much and are super excited to be having you join us today. All right, bye bye.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1IfhIUrWOby9WtFH6QQq58","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.791Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:10:51.585Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":23,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Build your UX research database with Airtable","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"No matter which product or initiative you’re working on, Airtable can help you optimize your user research process. This video will show you how you can use Airtable to manage participants, plan interviews, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1ut1EoT6OFYsbdzVclcjcL","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:47:40.182Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.833Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Build your UX research database with Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":297092,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Build your UX research database with Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable is a flexible collaboration platform. Whether you are enhancing the viewing experience for your broadcast network or improving the member journey for your music streaming platform, Airtable can help you optimize the entire user research process. With Airtable, you can plan testing sessions, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is an Airtable base, your centralized tool for UX research.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is where you can keep all of your information relating to user insights, testing sessions, product areas, and participants. Separating each of these into different tables gives you the space to expand on their own unique details.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, the Insights table contains the individual pieces of feedback collected from your studies. It includes a unique numerical ID for the insight, along with its contents, overall sentiment, stage in the user lifecycle, and more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Information about the testing sessions can be found in this table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It contains details like the type of test, the researcher, the date, and a link to the transcript.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Product Area table includes the date of the most recent study referencing the area, along with the overall percentages of negative and positive feedback received so far. And finally, the Participants table contains details like LinkedIn profiles and contact information.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We've separated these into different tables because they each have their own set of specific details that should be preserved. However, we can easily connect information from across tables. For example, let's connect this piece of feedback to its corresponding session.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, the session's details are organized separately in its own table. But you can still take a quick peek at them here if you need to.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Remember, everything you see here is entirely customizable, so it's easy to change the structure of your base as your workflow evolves. For example, if you want to rate a session, simply create a new rating field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or if you're running a new type of test, just add it to the existing dropdown menu. With Airtable, you can empower your team to instantly create the perfect tool for their needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In Airtable, you can easily hone in on the right information for the right time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Views let you customize and save the settings you need for your various workstreams. For example, if you wanted to view feedback by its stage in the user journey, you can group everything by this field. Or if you only wanted to see feedback related to a certain product area, like audio, just add a filter.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Filters update automatically, so this view will always remain current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Streamline information collection with a custom form. As your team reviews testing sessions, they can isolate and submit individual insights using this form. Submissions are automatically added to your base so you can reference them instantly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then try using a Kanban view to organize and classify the newly submitted insights. Tag them with their corresponding sentiment by dragging them into the right column. 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Jordan here reviews Harley's work, and Jack's work and Leslie's too, or he does when he can find it.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips, where we share new and surprising ways to use Airtable. Today, I'm going to help you and Jordan smooth out the approval workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Whether you need a deep edit for voice and tone or a quick signoff from legal, reviews and approvals are part of almost every workflow, but without a clear process, steps get missed, projects get bottlenecked, and your whole team, like Jordan's, spins their wheels. So let's explore a few ways to make this content approval workflow run smoothly. You can get oversight on the status of every item in a workflow with the Kanban view or filter down to items and review in a grid view so they're all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can also make reviews proactive by notifying approvers when something is ready for their signoff and make it easy by giving them a beautiful interface with everything they need to approve. So first, let's talk about setting your base up for an approval workflow, then we'll talk about the different views or interfaces approvers like Jordan can use to, well, approve things, and finally, how to get in front of it all using custom notifications.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Approval workflows require two elements. You'll need a way to signal that an item is ready to be approved and a way to say who is responsible for that approval.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's build a workflow for Jordan and their team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I'll use a single select, where one of the options is Ready for Approval and another is Approve to specify when things have been approved. Next, I'll add a Collaborator field to specify who the approver is for each item, and here I'll assign Jordan to a few of them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With these two fields in their base, we're ready to give every reviewer a view-- get it-- into their pending approvals. A few options here. First, I can create a Kanban view stacked by the status field so records with the same status are together and easy to distinguish. Option two is to filter down to records that are ready to review in a grid view so approvers see everything that needs to be reviewed in one place. Option three is to create a record review interface where reviewers only see the items they're responsible for.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I can filter the Record List element to only show records that are ready for review and where the approver is the current user visiting the interface. So if Jordan comes to this interface, he'll only see the blog post for which he's assigned to review.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Next, I can add a button that approves a project using the Update Field action. Three different options for making it super easy for Jordan to see what he needs to approve in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that you know who, what, and where reviewers have to go, let's make it even easier by notifying them when new items are ready to be reviewed. With Airtable automations, you can send custom notifications at precisely the right time. In this case, I want to send a notification when a record in the content table has status Ready to Review, so I'm going to pick When Record Matches Condition as my trigger. And my condition will be when records in that content table have status equal to Ready to Review.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now what I want this automation to do is to send a notification to Jordan if he's the reviewer on this particular piece.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I can send an email, a message through Slack or Microsoft Teams, or even a text message using Twilio.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's pick email because that's what Jordan prefers for review requests. From here, I'm going to send this email to the reviewer of the piece. Furthermore, I can provide context in the subject and the body of the email.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In the email itself, I can link to the specific item that needs reviewing by including the record URL.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And Jordan might want to batch reviews together, so I can also include a link to the interface we just created that has all of their outstanding reviews in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Automated notifications that provide the reviewer a smooth experience. That's a win for Harley, Jordan, and the whole team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2AnxLmAIprdfZrpD2no5Ax","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.231Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:59:29.311Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":21,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Stay In The Loop","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This Tool Tips video dives into the ways you can keep stakeholders in the loop about changes to your data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"DoHIZxCknTMLwCMPF05Zc","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:01.009Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:01.009Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Stay In The Loop _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":266674,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Stay In The Loop _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Taylor came in at 8:15 AM this morning for an 8:30 customer interview. Harley came in at her normal 9:45 AM. That customer interview was canceled a week ago because the client couldn't make it, but I guess Taylor never got that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips, where we share new and surprising ways to use Airtable. Today, let's talk about how different stakeholders can stay on top of changes to your workflow so no one shows up to an interview that's not happening. Workflows and data are ever changing, so it's important that stakeholders know exactly what's been updated and what data is the most current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"There are a few ways to do that. Customize any view to show recent changes by filtering on a Last Modified time field to see a view for recently updated customer interviews. Automatically send stakeholders a weekly newsletter containing all of the records that recently changed and bring those updates and other key information from the workflow together, conceptualized within a dashboard interface.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, we'll cover the Last Modified time field and how we can use it in different views to see what's changed, then let's use these views to email timely digest of changes to key stakeholders. And finally, let's contextualize those changes in a dashboard interface that provides everything a stakeholder needs to understand the workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Last Modified time field updates every time a record is updated. By default, it'll update for any change in a record, but it can be configured to only show updates for a specific field, like changes in status.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's, however, keep ours to all fields. If the time of this customer interview is updated, you'll notice that the Last Modified time field updates to the current time. That's when the latest change occurred.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can now use this as a filter in any view to identify recently changed records. So let's create a grid view of the customer interviews that have changed in the last seven days, or a compound view for customer stories with recently updated statuses. Instead of hoping stakeholders go to a view to see changes, we can use the views we just created to proactively update them on what's changed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say we want an email to send every Monday with the latest records that have changed. With Airtable automations, you can schedule and send a weekly digest email. In Taylor's case, we could configure a weekly email that tells her if any scheduled interviews have changed in the last seven days. To set up that email, select At Schedule Time as the trigger and configure it to run on Monday mornings.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In order to insert the updates into the email, we need this automation to find recently updated records. To do that, we'll use the Find Records action. The records we want to pull in are in the view we created a moment ago. Small pro-tip here, you don't necessarily need to create a view. You can find records based on a condition, filtering down on your Last Modified time field, just like we did in the view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that we have what we need, the next step is to put these records into an email, so we'll select the Send Email action. Configure the email to be sent to key stakeholders, a relevant subject, and in the body, we're going to go ahead and insert the records we found a moment ago as a grid. If we preview this, we see that what's in the view is now shown in the email, and we have every record that has been updated in the last seven days as a grid in their email directly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can further customize the email to add in a link to the view or any additional relevant details. Now we can be sure that Taylor knows what the new interview time is. Updates are one key element in a workflow, but they don't tell you the whole story. We can contextualize those updates with different key metrics using a dashboard interface.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's create a dashboard interface with all of the context needed, including the changes. Here, we can start by adding number elements summarizing information, like the number of customer interviews that are scheduled and the number that are in progress.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Add in a calendar of upcoming interviews, and finally, add in the view with customer interviews that have been recently updated. Now, Taylor and all relevant stakeholders get updates on a regular cadence on what's changed and a dedicated dashboard to get full overview on the workflow. No more early rushing out of bed for an interview that got canceled a week ago.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5PsITrsd2umSfq1sWNrzTQ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.178Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:47:59.357Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":29,"revision":7,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Prep Your Base for Collaborators","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Make your base easy to use and navigate for collaborators. In this Tool Tip, we show you how to create a base guide and descriptions so users have the info they need. 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I've built my base and I'm ready to bring in my team. Now how can I help them find what they need?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"There's a lot you can do to help others quickly access their data. Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. Today, we'll walk you through how to prepare your base for collaborators.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We'll first go over how you can enhance your base with a guide and descriptions that make navigating easy.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then we'll show you how to create personalized interfaces from that same base for each teammate so they can see the data that's most relevant to their work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Naming your base is a simple way to help collaborators understand your base's purpose.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But if you need to provide even more context, you can add a longer, more detailed guide. 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With interfaces and permissions, teammates can get their work done quickly and you can rest assured knowing your data is secure.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Be sure to check out our guide for step-by-step instructions on familiarizing users with your base, then dive into Interface Designer and start creating for your team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1QureyYSUWn9qlXLNswYHZ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.124Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:52:38.394Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Computed Fields \u0026 How to Use Them","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this Tool Tip, we introduce computed fields and explore how teams can use them to get quick insight into their records.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"185hoI2bS63aRyvc3Dh6hF","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:21.231Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:21.231Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Computed Fields \u0026amp; How to Use Them _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":426431,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Computed Fields \u0026amp; How to Use Them _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Hey Airtable! How can I get more context about my records? Do I need to like, write code to see who created or updated a record in my base?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can use computed fields to automatically get the information you need. And no, you don't need to know a leg of code.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. Today, we're introducing computed fields and exploring how teams can use computed fields to get quick insight about their records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, let's define what a computed field is in Airtable. Computed fields describe field types that update based on conditions you've set. They're automatically computed within a specific field in your table rather than directly edited by a collaborator.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Computed fields allow you to do things like create custom calculations, run automations, and so much more. But for now, let's dive into one simple way you can use computed fields in your workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"An easy way you can use computed fields is to track when records have been created or changed in your base or interface. This creates a handy paper trail that you can reference at any time. There are four computed fields that can be used to track information in your base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Created by shows which contributor originally entered the information in your record. Created time tracks when something was created. Last modified by shows which person last updated an entry. And last modified time tracks when the last edit occurred.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Want to stay on top of all of your incoming records like new tasks tied to a marketing campaign? Add created by and created time fields to your grid view to see exactly who added what to your base and when. And to make your content review interface as detailed as possible, consider surfacing a last modified time field so approvers know which assets have been recently updated.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using computed fields gives you much needed context and helps you remain informed about critical information. Be sure to check out our guide below for more ways to use computed fields in Airtable, and customize your own fields in your app.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2kt398rvLICpmVIhuM9Tpg","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.075Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:56:15.572Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":53,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: How to Use Advanced Computed Fields","videoUrl":"","description":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In our latest Tool Tips video, we dive deeper into computed fields and show how you can use them to perform concise calculations and create actionable buttons.\n","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6cH28KkLJ7OsPDabSXMhKI","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:13:54.524Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:13:54.524Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ How to Use Advanced Computed Fields _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":432704,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ How to Use Advanced Computed Fields _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Hey Airtable! What are some other ways I can automatically update my work and my base?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With computed fields, you can surface details across tables, build formulas, and perform one-click actions, all without needing to make manual updates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In our last video, we introduced computed fields and showed how you can use them to pull up information about your records. Today, we'll explore how you can use computed fields to perform calculations with linked records and create actionable buttons, all within your table or interface.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As a quick refresher, computed fields describe field types that update based on conditions you set in Airtable. For instance, the last modified time field automatically populates with the most recent date and time that a record was modified by a user. That means no one has to manually log this information, and it's always up to date.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So along with tracking changes, you can also use computed fields to aggregate all of your connected data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you've linked records between multiple tables in your base, you can access a whole other set of computed fields to perform calculations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Use the count field to add up the total number of records in a linked record field, or throw in a lookup field so you can quickly pull linked record data from one table into another. 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You can set up a button to perform a number of specific actions, like open a URL, run a script, or send an email.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Do you have a table devoted to team meetings?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Add a button that takes members to your working Google Doc so they can follow along, or add a button to your design review interface so your team can see the brief and get the right context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Buttons can simplify and automate all kinds of tasks in Airtable, saving you time and energy. 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You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. 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And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}}]}},"extraMediaCarousels":[],"exploreCategories":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2zSAoTln9b9z2NKkOg40X0","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-03-11T13:06:30.023Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:29.440Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":12,"revision":2,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"gridCardsSection"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"themeProminence":"medium","type":"Categories","header":"Explore 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And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. 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They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}},{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"27mRg1eY6JyiT9FqQ4pkur","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.426Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:40:42.112Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":30,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Collaborate with Interface Designer Preview","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With Airtable's Interface Designer, you can build powerful, customized apps that streamline collaboration for you, your team, and even across your organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"Yu9WJs35JAns0hOwwspwR","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1145766,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"PRESENTER: Collaborating in Airtable is a team sport. Many different teammates from your department, outside your department, or even outside your company may need to contribute to making workflows in Airtable successful. All this and each of your stakeholders has different needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, on a creative operations team, designers want to view and manage their projects.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A creative director wants to review and approve those projects or leadership wants an overview of your team's progress against goals. As a workflow owner, you know firsthand that collaborating with different stakeholders with different needs can get overwhelming. And doing it within the same base, where you've built your workflow, can mean untidy workarounds that may not be relevant for every audience. From an excessive number of views, shared view links or data sinks spanning multiple bases.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, there's a better way.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Over the last year, we've seen teams build, customize, and manage interactive interfaces for their apps with interface designer. And one new capability that has the potential to transform how you collaborate with our table, granular permissions. With granular permissions with interfaces, you have a new level of centralized flexibility and control for the apps you build in Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With our new detailed permission settings, teams on pro and enterprise plans now having new invite option, interface-only collaborators. Instead of inviting you, workspace, or base collaborator who has access to the data layer within your app, interface-only collaborators or users who are only invited to the interface not the underlying data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This ensures the underlying data in your base will stay secure while giving your collaborators the relevant context they need to view and take action. What's more, you can create clarity for your collaborators with an interface that dynamically serves up the exact information each individual needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"User-based filtering capabilities. Adjust what data is shown in the same interface based on who's viewing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, your team of three designers need visibility into their projects. Instead of manually creating a personal view for each of them, with user-based filtering, the projects displayed in this single interface will adjust depending on if Cameron, Kerry, or Jordan is viewing. Customize what data each user can see and what to hide in an interface or decide what level of access any one person or group has from read-only to edit everything.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using granular permissions with interfaces, collaborating an Airtable is now even easier. You can consolidate the individual views and share view links used for each role on your team into just a few interfaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Ready to make collaboration easier with interfaces? Check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. With this demo, you'll get a step-by-step walkthrough to help you transition your existing workflow to interfaces. Your team is ready to start transitioning from base collaboration to interface-only collaboration if your workflow sounds like the following.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You're providing information to or collaborating with a large audience of stakeholders out of a single base or multiple basis. The tables in your base have five or more views supporting a single person or team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or you have multiple versions of the same view for different collaborators or teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If any of these statements sound like you, check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. 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His comprehensive content calendar created unparalleled visibility into campaigns, budgeting, and increased publishing times. What Matt was able to create in Airtable worked so well it quickly spread to the rest of the company. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Taylor Guitars now uses Airtable for manufacturing, apparel, accessories, budget forecasting, artist relationship management and much more. Taylor Guitars went from working in silos to a connected cross functional team. Their high level of sophistication in Airtable enabled them to create 343 automations giving them time back to work on much more meaningful nuanced tasks. It centralized their workflow, improved their time to publish and enabled teams to be more collaborative which has been essential during times of remote work. 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I picked up a guitar when I was 14.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Music is a huge connector for everyone at Taylor. Everybody here has a deep passion for music.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm Nicole Dahl, and I'm the Project Manager at Taylor Guitars.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm Matt Steele, the Social Media Manager for Taylor Guitars. It's really important to have a bird's eye view of what you're doing every day, every week, every month. [INAUDIBLE] into TikTok, and doing content that we've never really done before, and pushing the boundaries of what our brand tone, and look, and feel can be.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's good for the brand. It's pushing us in the right ways.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a lot going on in our department. And I'm just there to ensure that we set appropriate timelines and that we meet those timelines. Before Airtable, we didn't have a single source of truth. So I spent a lot of time searching through different management tools to try to piece information together.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We didn't really have a whole lot of cross-functional cross team visibility. Before Airtable, I felt a little less professional, less planned, less strategic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Well, I think any time you streamline processes and you improve communication within a department, I think that helps the company, overall. I would say since moving to Airtable, I've probably saved four or five hours a week.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's a really great tool for breaking down silos and connecting teams in a way that no other tool we've found does, offering visibility into what we're all doing every day.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're putting out amazing work, and we have more time to do it, which just gives us the opportunity to make it even better than it's been before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Most importantly, Airtable helps us better achieve our mission, which is to bring more music into the world and connect more people through music.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"[MUSIC PLAYING] ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["Customer story"]}}},{"title":"Product Tour: App Library","id":"4dPgDtYNsBugX9b4y2Kz0v","slug":"product-tour-app-library","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4bdOvz7kQ2qIDvQDXqqepp","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-09-26T21:15:40.984Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-26T21:15:40.984Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"NEW Product Tour App Library Launch Demo","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Learn how enterprises use App Library to power process standardization with Airtable. Take a tour through an example of an OKR tracker used by many departments that each have their own unique needs. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Here's how enterprises use Airtable to power their most critical business processes.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Process standardization requires expensive change management. When standardized tooling is too rigid, teams go rogue, adoption is compromised, and reporting is unreliable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Meanwhile, when processes are deployed, they are hard to change as workflows change rapidly as the business adapts.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"When it comes to AI, enterprises need a way to package and scale the best practices discovered by teams. Without a platform to share these discoveries, best practices stay in the dark.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"App Library allows process owners to deploy standardized Airtable apps across their company. These apps enforce a consistent data structure but can still be flexed to meet the unique needs of individual teams. Teams get to customize their experience while leadership benefits from easy roll up reporting. And when changes need to be made, process owners can push updates to all apps from a centralized place. Our customers are using App Library to standardize processes like OKR management, marketing pipeline management, global product launches, and more. Let's dive into an example around OKR management.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's start with Nisha, a director of marketing at Zelos, tasked with building an app to track OKRs for her team. Rather than build an app from scratch, Nisha opens App Library to browse apps that have been created within her company. These apps are not just templates that get duplicated and disconnected from their sources. They are custom built and actively managed by Jessica, the OKR process owner at Zelos. Updates to the standard app will be pushed out to all instances of this app, like Nisha's.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Nisha creates her OKR app in seconds, renames it, and starts to dive into the details.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Nisha can pick between official Zelos' branded colors for her app. The app has most of the sections Nisha is looking for, but she wants to customize it a little for her team. Nisha decides to add a table to track the specific campaign that each key result is tied to. She has the flexibility to add new fields, automations, and interfaces to the app that are specific to her team's needs. She can also see that the fields that the OKR process owner had created as an admin in this app cannot be changed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Nisha can easily browse components and choose to install a prebuilt IT approved package such as this approval workflow or an AI workflow that assists with prioritizing key results and checking them for alignment to company level objectives.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This OKR tracker Nisha created saves her team time by replacing an ad hoc key result tracking system with an approved standardized tool.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say Nisha is nervous about applying a new AI workflow that summarizes KRs and writes an overall team mission for the quarter that can be shared out with the company.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using the app sandbox, Nisha can test the change before rolling it out to her team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A","marks":[],"data":{}},{"nodeType":"text","value":"fter some careful testing and a few tweaks to optimize the experience, Nisha can deploy this change to anyone who is collaborating on her OKR app, keeping everyone on her team up to date with the latest version.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now let's talk about how this OKR app was created by Jessica from the strategy department in the first place. Within the builder hub, Jessica can see a host of applications and components that she built in the central repository.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Components are smaller blocks of functionality that can be added on top of existing apps for greater consistency and accelerated build time. This is where Jessica can create standardized and approved AI powered use cases, like auto generated executive summaries or flagging at risk status that can be easily adopted throughout the organization as soon as Jessica publishes the component to the library. And when changes need to be made to an already published app or component, Jessica can choose to push updates to all apps from the same menu.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Admins can see which teams are up to date with changes made in their installed apps from the App Library.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If Jessica opens the OKR Tracker app, she can see what fields, tables, automations, and interfaces that have been created that are now standardized for teams using the app.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This works especially well for AI use cases. Perhaps Nisha isn't experienced with building AI workflows, but wants to integrate it into her apps the way her coworkers are.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Admins can capture successful AI workflows into a component or as a full app and make them accessible in the App Library for any team across the business.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Since Nisha and other team leaders have leveraged this standardized OKR app, leadership benefits from global visibility into company performance and metrics.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With the standardized data structure across the org, OKR information can be synced throughout the business into one central location.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Updates from any of the apps from the App Library will proliferate here. And just as we could modify the use case on a team level, we can also edit this application to have interfaces with dashboards specific to executive visibility.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Diving into the data layer, we can see the key details on objectives and key results throughout the organization have been unified for leadership's visibility.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"App Library empowers executives to anticipate and intervene when priorities change or things go off the rails, improving org throughput and efficiency.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With App Library, process owners and IT have the ability to centrally publish, manage, and update standardized applications.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"T","marks":[],"data":{}},{"nodeType":"text","value":"eams can then browse and install their own version of an app, which they can modify to fit their preferences and needs without breaking the core structure.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And that very structure allows for central reporting for your leadership team's visibility, Increase process adoption with end users and accelerate digital transformation by giving enterprise App Library a try today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]}}}},{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","id":"51qkAsW2GeyysUIxN29vg3","slug":"how-jetblue-uses-airtable-elevate-IT-roadmap","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"43URWpDVYs71vfBQ2YhBI3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.545Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-15T14:36:36.383Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":25,"revision":4,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","videoUrl":"","description":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Learn how JetBlue's portfolio management team leverages Airtable to streamline its roadmap, enhance collaboration across departments, and maintain its edge in the competitive airline industry. Hear from JetBlue's IT leaders as they share insights into the challenges they faced before adopting Airtable and how this powerful tool has transformed their approach to prioritizing and executing strategic initiatives.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6XChdnOKvF9QPFOD97M8ml","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":98311,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JetBlue is New York's hometown airline. We've always said it's the little airline that could.\n\nWe're always competing and trying to make space against these legacy carriers.\n\nMy name is Amanda Luna. So my team is the IT portfolio management team. We're a shared service across the IT department responsible for what we like to call the business of IT.\n\nThe economic dynamics are changing, sometimes weekly, which requires us on the IT side to actually need to move really, really quickly in order to execute on our business strategy that our leaders are coming up with. So we have about four hundred, crew members on our IT team that's split, between sort of a technology organization and an IT products organization. On the product side, we have probably seven different product teams, that cover every aspect of the business. So think commercial products, digital products, our internal crew member products, finance systems, etcetera. Really, I mean, prior to Airtable, we we had a really hard time, sort of managing our our sort of enterprise wide list.\n\nWe found ourselves doing a ton of exporting, importing into different systems, trying to work within the confines of other tools, and Airtable's really been the first one that has, for lack of a better word, allowed us to be ourselves.\n\nWith Airtable now. You know, our CTO had a request a couple of months ago for a board meeting and said, hey, I really need to roll up all of the IT initiatives into our four strategic pillars for twenty twenty four, something that would have normally taken weeks. Now we can very easily spin up within a matter of of less than a day.\n\nThis is the first time we've ever had a metrics driven prioritization process, And what this has allowed us to do is look at the lineup and go high to low and force rank those initiatives. It really has given us the ability to customize everything.\n\nAnd JetBlue, we love customization both for our customers, but internally to The airline industry is a super dynamic industry, and Airtable gives us the agility to adapt as quickly as a click of a button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Airtable at BrXnd: The AI Powered Marketing Supply Chain","id":"65CAj4IfA1QOJ4IA98pvpT","slug":"ai-powered-marketing-supply","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4eyQQFPNgd7GapPWo5ys3r","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:12.240Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:12.240Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":19,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"NYC 2024","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Howie Liu, Co-Founder and CEO of Airtable, explores practical applications of AI in the marketing supply chain, translating “AI-hype” into practical and safe strategies to transform your marketing operations. Experience with generative AI is no longer a nice to have but a need to have for marketing organizations. Liu covers three principles for applying AI effectively, empowering brand creatives and marketers to transform their end-to-end workflows to improve business outcomes. If 2023 was the year of AI exploration, 2024 is the year of experimentation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"8x8Mtzj5sZooFXgm8SJn9","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:11.736Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Web BrXnd Howie AssetHub 1600x900","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":411900,"image":{"width":1600,"height":900}},"fileName":"Web_BrXnd_Howie_AssetHub_1600x900.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wanna introduce you all to Howie. I'm very excited to hear what he has to say. Thank you. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"My session is really gonna be about making AI real in your companies. Our big focus as Airtable has always been about making apps real and making them buildable by people exactly like you. And I think AI has been a really, really exciting thing for us. One, because I've personally been tinkering around with AI, from even, my college days, playing around with neural networks back in the 'five, 'six, 'seven time frame.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Things were very, very primitive at that time. You could use AI to do very, very simple things like text extraction or maybe some basic classification, sentiment analysis, that kind of thing. And I think really since then, over the past twenty years, what we've seen is more than just incremental improvements, but real profound unlocks in what you can do with AI. And so our entire focus as a company is gonna be about making these things real and making them operationalizable for you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So today is not about how things will be, but how things are and what we're actually already seeing from our customers. We've had a, had an AI beta program for about a year, and we just launched our AI features out of beta into full GA a couple of months ago. And even during the beta, we've worked really, really closely with one thousand plus customers in actually deploying real AI use cases into their orgs and often within marketing orgs. And actually later today, one of our customers from Amazon Web Services, Jonathan, is here to talk about the very systematic and innovative way in which he has gone through AWS's marketing org and transformed piece by piece their operations with AI on Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, just a very, very quick recap of how I see AI and the progression. So going back, this actually only goes back to twenty eighteen. I think back to even two thousand and five and so on. That was really, I think, the the beginning of an inflection in AI becoming really, really potent and really capable on a broad and deep level.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if you go back to the twenty ten or twenty twelve era models, these models were really good at very narrow applications. Right? So again, sentiment analysis. There was a big breakthrough in something called ImageNet.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the person who now leads AI at Facebook or Meta, Jan Lacun, basically created a lot of pioneering technologies around what's called ImageNet. It kind of pioneered this novel application of AI. And in some regards, kind of set off this renewed interest in AI. Because as Noah said, some of the basic concepts behind AI, neural networks, etcetera, have been around for many decades.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Literally, these things were talked about in the '60s and '70s because I think the theoretical allure of, hey, what if you could teach a computer not by telling it programmatically and in a very prescriptive way what to do if this, then that type statements. What if you could just train it on real content, real data, and have it figure things out on its own? Right? That sounds quite magical.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And frankly, as somebody who programmed a lot in the founding of Airtable, it'd be really nice not to have to code out every single step that you want your apps to do. So I think that's been a really, really exciting breakthrough. As we look at the progression, even over the past five years, we really have reached this thing that looks like Moore's Law, but on a, let's say, a PC version of some kind of very enhancing drug. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The models have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. And as that has happened, it's not just that you get incrementally better capabilities, but really that you've been able to get real breakthroughs in what these models are capable of. And of course, we've already heard today about some of those really profound breakthroughs. But the way I think of it, actually, if you go to the next slide, is it's not just about getting more some CPU capacity or some benchmark on the MMLU, the SAT equivalent for AIs.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But really, the way I start to think about it is in the past, AI was good at very, very narrow applications. And you couldn't even really compare it to a human doing work, right? Because it was very narrow, very, very purpose specific. And what you now have with LLMs, especially the largest LLMs and the most potent ones, is that you're actually able to automate human tasks that might have taken five seconds.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These AIs, as we've all seen with Chat2BT, they still get stuck. And yeah, you can do things like few shot prompting, like Noah talked about, other techniques like chain of thought reasoning. There's a lot of work being done around things called agents.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One demo example of this that made a breakout within the tech and AI community last year was called AutoGPT. You can look up YouTube videos of this and tell AI, basically, hey, help me design a business that can generate hundreds of dollars of profit per day. And you see the AI breaking it down into different steps. Like, Okay, what's a business?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"How do I create profit? How do I start? How do I get money to start my business? And it's a little bit comical because it's a five year old or a ten year old going out and trying to figure out, with a million whys, how to do something very, very broad and complex.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the really key thing is, inevitably, these AIs get stuck along the way. Right? Like, they kind of go down a rabbit hole and, like, you know, they never actually get to the point where they design an awesome, you know, hundred dollar profit business per per day. Right? And I think that's because these models are getting better and better, but they're still at the point where they're really capable not of broad human intelligence.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I think that's going to be a long, long, long way off. And instead, the way to think about it is it's not deterministic programming. So it's not just narrowly applicable, predictably applicable to very specific tasks. But really, it is capable of very broad and even creative or strategic reasoning, but on a smaller time scale than what a human working for many, many hours or many days could solve. So as we've gone through the different eras of these really large language models compressed into just a few years. I mean, this is incredible. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Imagine the days of processor wars between Intel and AMD. And every eighteen months, you got a twice as fast processor. And it was awesome because you could do more things like, you know, open up four tabs on Internet Explorer instead of one or play games that were more realistic. This is happening on an even more compressed time scale in AI. These models are getting dramatically bigger, better, and actually unlocking more advanced human reasoning. And I think this is really important as a mental model for how to actually use AI in a practical way. Next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way to think about it is it's non deterministic.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As Tim talked about, you have to try sometimes experimentally asking the AI to get you what you want. Right? We just saw some examples of, hey, if you try different prompts, you can get different types of image outputs. And it may not give you exactly what you want on the first try, but if you kind of probe around with it and give it the right data, the right context, and eventually integrate it into a useful workflow, it actually can be really, really valuable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? Because unlike a human, the AI never sleeps. Right? You can have it on all of the time.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Even if it's only a fifty second or, you know, a a five minute human task, the fact that it can do it on demand in a recurring workflow way and potentially scalably up to fifty thousand or hundreds of thousands of different, you know, kind of work items all at once, that's the real power of it. So, I'm very aligned with, I think, Tim and Noah in that let's not think of this as either on one extreme just a complete replacement of humans, nor on the other extreme is it just narrow traditional programming. It's actually something very different, which is something that kind of approximates human intelligence but in very, very small chunks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And that's going to be the right paradigm to think about it for a very long time in my strong belief. And so the best way to get value out of it next slide is really around having humans not just in the loop with AI, but controlling the loop. So when human next slide.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So Airtable as the no code app platform that allows you to build your own apps very quickly and as we saw briefly on the previous slide, we've seen a lot of traction, a lot of scale. We've raised one point four billion of capital. We still have a billion in our bank account and growing now that we're profitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the reason we've gotten to this point over the past twelve years is because we really have, I think, tapped into a really unmet need, which is companies need more and more apps. They need those apps to be very tailored to specific business use cases. We can talk more about marketing specific use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You know, but they need those apps to be extremely fluid. The way that marketing is changing and I've spent a ton of time with CMOs of leading retail companies, of tech companies, of financial services companies, the pace of change is so fast. And AI is only accelerating that pace of change, right, as you have to adapt to more personalization, more content creation, etcetera. And so having a very flexible approach to building out these use cases that, maybe ironically or very appropriately, use AI to automate the operations that are themselves being disrupted by AI, I think, is entirely inevitable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the real challenge is with these AI capabilities that need to be thought of in this new way, you really have to be able to experiment with it. And if you go to the next slide, the way I see the landscape is you have AI chat products. So we've all seen ChatGPT, what it's capable of. And that's great.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's like basically a chat wrapper around these models. But the business impact is limited. Right? I mean, it's chat.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so you can't really do it in a recurring automated way. It's not integrated with your data. It's kind of just there as a one off, almost like a toy. On the other hand, you have very custom implemented AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we've definitely worked with a lot of large enterprises that are actually going out and building very heavyweight implementations of their own AI. Right? Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan has publicly talked about having thousands of developers now focus on building their own AI infrastructure, building applications on that AI, and ultimately deploying extremely high cost but also extremely high impact AI use cases into their enterprise. And I think that's a totally viable approach in fact, like, maybe necessary at some of the largest companies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"However, you can only solve few and far between use cases with that very heavyweight approach. And on the other extreme, you have products. Right? I mean, Slack has an AI feature, and Zoom now has one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And you can turn on these features and get some kind of summarization or some kind of automation step in AI. But these are also pretty narrow. They're not fulfilling the ultimate promise of what AI can do within all of your marketing operations within the enterprise. Right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so that's really where we see no code playing a massive role. Because no code is, by definition, the way that you can build your own apps tailored to your own operations, your own data model, your own workflows, and ultimately iterate on those as you experiment with what AI is capable of automating along the way. Because if anybody tells you they know exactly what the right way to implement AI into your operations are, they're full of it. Because even the researchers who are coming up with these models I mean, if you look at some of the papers that have been talked about Noah mentioned the Med prompt one for Microsoft Research.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's a different one called Sparks of Artificial Intelligence, which basically was also published by AI researchers very close to the state of the art of these LLMs, actually noting how surprised they were at GPT-four coming out and having these real unlocks in what it was capable of doing. Right? So in a way, these are emergent capabilities of the AI. I personally think that as we get bigger, more advanced models, and even once you've trained it on all of the internet, all books ever, there's even more ways to advance these models' capabilities through things called synthetic data, where basically you're generating data and then training the AI on that data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There's other techniques out there that will continue to improve these AIs, but they will start to continue to exhibit more and more human like behaviors along the way. And so really, the only way to keep up with this is to have an approach where you're able to experiment because nobody really knows what these AIs are capable of, especially with every successive generation. GPT-five is coming out soon. There's going to be surely Google and Anthropic and other players' open source options that mirror its performance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the only way to figure out how to apply it into every part of your organization is to experiment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the three principles that I'd leave you with, whether or not you use Airtable first, to really make AI valuable, you have to embed it into the context of your data and your workflows. Again, this is why chat is fun as a toy and maybe as a one off way to do certain tasks in a very ad hoc fashion. But ultimately, our strong belief is that to really maximize and fully utilize the value of AI, you have to embed it into the way that people are working on a recurring level. And you have to take out all the guesswork every time of them having to figure out, how do I prompt this chat, experience to get what I want?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It can just be built in to a recurring workflow. The AI prompts can actually be codified by somebody who built them within your company, who understands your data and your process, and can kind of do that experimentation with prompting to figure out, how do I get this to do what I want? Right? So that's number one.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second is you have to build this culture of experimentation. So there is no way to develop a truly first class AI implementation without actually experimenting. Because as we've seen from earlier today, the prompting itself needs experimentation. As the models get better and better, they're going to unlock new capabilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The way you prompt them might actually evolve and get easier. And so you have to constantly adapt and iterate to stay on top of it. The good news is the upside is profound. And we're already seeing our customers get massive, massive unlocks in time savings or impact to their revenue or their performance because of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then third and finally, this idea of chainability is really, really important. So AI on its own is kind of cool. It's powerful. AI, when combined with both additional AI steps so in Airtable, you can set up an AI step that produces one output, have a human review that, then have that chain into a different AI prompt, right, and have that generate an output.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then expose that through an integration in Slack or in an email or put that back into either Airtable or a Salesforce record. Whatever you want. Right? And so the idea of making AI truly this fluid tool at your disposal that you don't have to use as a one off, but you can integrate very, very deeply.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's just almost like water. You've got to put it into every single part of your operations, in a very, very fast and fluid way. I think that's going to be critical to getting maximum value out of AI. And now, without further ado, let's actually see a very, very brief demo of what this looks like in practice.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. Can you hear me?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's do it. Who's excited for a live demo?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Woo. Yeah. I know. Right before lunch. Okay. So I'm gonna set the stage quickly on the business context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So as Howie alluded to, this is inspired by one of, our global media customers with a large portfolio of podcasts. They launch about fifty podcasts every single month. So the scale is really high. For every podcast, there's a ton of episodes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for every episode, there are ad spots. So think about mid roll ad reads by the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And I'd say that its core to their business, though, is this ability to match, pitch, and deliver ad spots to sponsors. So really, the right ad for the right sponsor. This customer requires relevant, tailored, cost effective sponsor pitches at scale. The success has direct impact on the revenue.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You ready to jump into the workflow? So we are actually in an Airtable app right now. This was all built in two hours, one weekend. So this is how quickly you can spin up in, Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If I go to my podcast portfolio, I can see all the podcasts is all fictional. This is actually all generated with AI here. But, like, we can assume that this is our portfolio of podcasts. I can scroll down, click into any podcast.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I have a soft spot for Conan. So let's look at Conan. We can see the description of the podcast. We can see what their genre is, the audience, and click into the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Amazing headshot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We can see what their personality is like. Animated, energetic, humorous. If anyone saw the Hot Ones interview with him, those are definitely on point. And so really what I'm trying to show you here though, is that we already have all this structured data around the podcast, around the host. We have all these attributes They're going to feed into this relevancy for how we're pitching to sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's look at the other side of this equation. Right? We have as a rep for this company, I want to go out and pitch these sponsors.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've already placed quite a few ads with some pretty large brands here. If you see your brand on here, don't worry. This data is all just made up. It's all fictional. Maybe I got it right. I don't know.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But the idea is that the rep might already know some of the campaigns that exist for these sponsors or have insight into what's upcoming in the campaign. So let's click into Pepsi the PepsiCo RefreshFest.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it explains that it's designed for our youth market aiming to boost brand engagement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The campaign is active. And we've actually already placed a few ads across these different podcasts here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the idea here is now we're looking at this other side. Even if we had the attributes of the podcast host and the podcast itself, now we're looking at what the description is for the sponsor. And how can we tailor our pitches to this description, to this specific campaign?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I'm the rep. I'm going to go look at the open ad spots of what's coming on our calendar.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I see that Conan O'Brien has an episode with Will Ferrell. We have a pre roll sixty second ad that's available. I'm going to scroll down. And so now I can see everything in one place the episode information, this podcast with Will Ferrell, all the stuff we saw about the podcast. It's a comedy. Here's a description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And once I clicked this, Get Campaign Matches, this is where AI can be infused directly, embedded directly into your workflow. It's now looking at that entire list of sponsors that we just looked at. And it's giving me a recommendation or suggestion of one to three campaigns that they think is fitting well to this specific podcast, to this specific episode. So we can see that the PepsiCo refresh fest, which we clicked in earlier, comes up for this one and says, hey, this vibrant, energetic tone aligns well with the comedic and lively atmosphere of a podcast hosted by Conan O'Brien.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. We also have one from Nike here. So what I'm going to do, let's go with Nike. I think that one might be funnier.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So it's a summer sports challenge.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click on the campaign. Hopefully, this gets going. I'm gonna click Conan O'Brien as the host.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Fun of live demos, See if this works. Okay. So I clicked on the campaign. It fills in the description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I click in the reader. It's Conan O'Brien. And so now what this prompt is doing, as how it was just showing in the previous example, we now have a prompt here down at the bottom to generate a script for this specific pitch to this sponsor, Nike. So it's taken in both the podcast information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's taking in the sponsor information of what their campaign is. I'm trying to put it into the voice of Conan. You could imagine that we could even do this across a menu of options for the sponsors. And not just Conan, but if there's a podcast that has multiple hosts, we could show it in each of the hosts' voices.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We could even show different readers. And out comes an amazing Ad Spot script from Conan.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now you know me. I'm not exactly what you call an elite athlete unless you count my legendary moves in the highly competitive world of late night host chair swiveling. Right? So it's taking his more comedic, animated, humorous, tone, pairing it with the Nike campaign. And now we can package up this pitch, deliver it right to Nike.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we could stop there. That would be great. It would solve a lot of the business objectives of this company. But we can actually take it one step further.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And now that we've actually generated, pitched, and delivered these Ad Spots, we can actually see what the past Ad Spots how well they performed, and how well and how accurate the hosts were for what that script was. So now I look at some of the past episodes. I can see Conan O'Brien had one with Jerry Seinfeld. I can click into what that ad read looked like.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"On the left side, we can see what the AI script told Conan to read, or what we all agreed upon was going to be the script. And then we can actually have the transcript from that podcast. And we can measure what was the diff between those two. In this case, if we scroll down to the summary, which is also AI generated, that's comparing these two values, we can see that the Acre score is one hundred percent The transcript for the Ad Spot, read by Conan O'Brien, is word for word accurate to the original script. There were no deviations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. I think it gets more interesting when they do deviate, which Conan O'Brien tends to do. So if I click into this ad spot, if I go down and I look at the script, we had a campaign for General Motors Drive Ford Festival.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I think that might be made up. It's an auxiliary nationwide campaign. And we go down, and we see on the left side again what the script was that we pitched to GM, that we all agreed upon, that we handed to Conan O'Brien. If we look on the right side now, we start to see well, first of all, it's way longer.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We start to see some variance from what was handed to him. So right off the top instead of, hey there, friends. Conan O'Brien here. We say, hey there, amigos.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Conan O'Brien here. And goes into his Ad Lib tendencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so now when we go down to this ad read summary, we can see the accuracy score is seventy five. We get a summary of the key points that he missed from the original script, which might have been important for the brand. But we also see new points that he added that were not in the script at all. And really, probably most importantly, what is the impact of this variance for the intended audience?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what this summary is saying is that, hey, it's a more relaxed, humorous tone, which is likely to resonate. But at the same time, the informal tone and slight deviations from the script might slightly alter the perceived professionalism or seriousness. So this is the type of feedback and input that we want to understand as we're going on pitching new sponsors. There might be some sponsors that need that script to be word for word.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"There might be other ones that enjoy this type of ad libbing and making it their own. So what we just saw to take a step back, we had new podcasts.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For every podcast, we had these ad spots.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We were trying to find relevant sponsors so we could pitch and deliver these ad spots.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"After delivering it with AI, we can then look at the transcript and compare how well the host delivered that transcript versus with the script we first set. Thank you, Buzzy. And more importantly than the specific use case here is the fact that, A, it was built in two hours. This is a very, very simplified prototype or kind of a proof of concept, roughly modeled off of some realistic use cases we've seen with our customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And b, this is something that you can completely experiment with. Right? So we could literally give you a copy of this space. You could then go and experiment with the prompt, the workflow, the data, and get different results.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? You could tune it to get different host read generations, etcetera. And so the real emphasis here is that you are all going to be the heroes of this AI transformation because you have the power to go and experiment and figure out how to utilize AI in every single step of your operations. And these steps can actually be pretty profound.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Right? In this use case, if you can go out and pitch these sponsors with a pre generated example of what would it actually sound like if Coca Cola had their new campaign placed in The Conan Show, right? And to see that upfront, instead of saying, well, here's the CPMs, and Conan's a great brand, blah, blah, blah. What if that drove millions or tens of millions of more dollars of sponsored deals, right?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So ultimately, massive, massive upside. Very much worth the experimentation. I think now is the time. It's not in the future.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's now that you can actually start making this real in your companies, whether or not you use Airtable. Thank you all. And whether or not use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you all, and enjoy lunch.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}}},{"title":"How we built it: Airtable Cobuilder","id":"2czspCbxmCGO0nByo0VKMI","slug":"building-airtable-cobuilder","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6BHpxncI3fMgerd38vyGER","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.548Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-01T16:18:17.548Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":12,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"BTS Airtable Cobuilder","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable Cobuilder is the fastest way to create transformative apps. It uses AI to spin up customizable apps that can solve any problem—from operationalizing clean energy to powering a retailer’s supply chain.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"See how we turned Airtable Cobuilder from an idea into one of our most rapidly adopted features. Hear from the product leaders, engineers, designers, and marketers who brought Cobuilder to life— ideating an intuitive user experience and leveraging AI to get Airtable to think and solve problems like a human. 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With Cobuilder, you can have an idea, and just a few minutes later, exactly the way you put it in, you can have an app come up. And if you change your mind about what came out, you can have just another version of it in a couple of seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"When you talk about AI in the abstract, someone's like, okay. Great. Well, this cool technology exists, but what can it do for me? What can it do for my team, for my company?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Cobuilder is not just a cool new AI feature at Airtable. It's really, you know, can we take the idea of having a really seasoned professional software developer and actually insert them into the process of building an Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Our team was asked to figure out how we can leverage AI to make app building faster.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like, what's the most impactful place where AI can give a really big lift to speed up app building?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And it was honestly a big question mark initially of just, can we effectively utilize LMS to help builders build what they need in Airtable?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"One of the most important important things that we were really emphatic about was that we really didn't want people to have to be AI tooling experts to know how to use the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Instead of making people jump over the hurdle of learning and speaking Airtable, it's interesting if, like, what if you could just teach Airtable to think and communicate in a more human way to solve those problems?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The challenge that anyone has historically faced around software is that you're stuck between two extremes. You either use some type of point solution software, and that tends to be not very customizable, or you need to go kind of develop your own custom application.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I mean, having AI is like having a team next to you, building you whatever you want.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So a lot of the design thinking that we did was how do we guide customers to take what they want and translate it in a way that the AI can What person need to solve?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how can AI help them not take over their job and to do things just a little better, a little bit easier, with a little bit more confidence? I mean, I think that's where Cobuilder really shines.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We we heard people say things like, this would have taken me two weeks to do, or this just sped up my process by, like, forty days.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think it's it's showing with the power of AI and of no code combined. It was already faster to build custom applications through no code than was through traditional development cycles, but we're now taking, you know, something that might have taken days or weeks to build and condensing it down to just a few seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think the magic of Cobuilder is that it just works. You don't have to over tick it. It's there. It meets you where you're at, and it's just easy. And I think that's the dream for Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]}}}},{"title":"How Runs Product Operations In Airtable ","id":"1xRANcHkpoPyV3HYsMx2AT","slug":"how-frame-io-runs-product-ops-in-airtable","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"70O3mn5LiBgwtAHjOgvOv4","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.310Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-29T15:32:33.930Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":34,"revision":12,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"How Runs Product Operations In Airtable ","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this community spotlight we welcomed Caroline Vernick, Director of Product \u0026 Business operations at to talk about how Frame runs product sprints in Airtable. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"j78w51eOHZ4TTgDLEVwXJ","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-06-29T15:32:33.898Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-29T15:32:33.898Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ How Runs Product Operations In Airtable .png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":407816,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ How Runs Product Operations In Airtable .png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today. My name is Jordan, and I lead our community efforts here at Airtable, and I'm super thrilled to be here hosting our very first community showcase exclusively about product operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm joined today by two truly amazing individuals, Caroline and Zach, who have put together some really awesome content to share with you, also. Thank you both for being here. We really do appreciate it. Without further ado, I'm going to hand things over to Caroline.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- OK, so, again, I'll be speaking to you all tonight about how uses Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First, just a very quick introduction on myself.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm currently Director of Operations at within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Prior to this, I was Senior Director of Product Operations within Adobe.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This was really where the Airtable connection-- or sorry-- This is really where the Airtable connection comes in today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I started at as the Chief of Staff, which is how I oriented around the space of product operations and the need for a little bit more rigor for product teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I'm based in New York City, and I guess-- I don't have a fun fact but, because is a video company, I'll share my favorite movie that I saw recently, which is \u003ci\u003eEverything\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eEverywhere\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eAll\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eat\u003c/i\u003e \u003ci\u003eOnce.\u003c/i\u003e If you all haven't seen it, I'd really recommend going to see it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's dive in. So, today, I'll talk through a couple of things. First is our Airtable use cases. We'll do a deep dive on how we use it for product development, and then I'll answer any questions you all have. So, hopefully, simple enough.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Great. So our use cases-- I've highlighted the three that cut across our organization, though I would also just acknowledge there are tons of teams using it in one-off, ad hoc ways. But the three primary uses we have for it are our marketing team uses it for content planning and project management.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then, as a full organization, we use it for org design, headcount planning, as well as measurements of recruiting efficiency. It's something-- a biz ops case that I've been working in it in. And then, lastly, we'll focus on, today, how we use it for product development.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So what do we mean when I talk about product development? What I mean is we use it as our end-to-end source of truth. So, for us, Airtable is the artifact for cross-team development planning, bimonthly, company-reporting, weekly team reporting, and a generic way to self-serve into what's happening across product design and engineering.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's dive in here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I want to, first, lay out the situation that our team was in. It might sound familiar to some of you, or maybe you guys are in better shape than I was. But I want to lay out the situation as a reason for why we decided to implement Airtable's R Reporting tool, and then I'll actually walk through what it is that we've implemented.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the situation we were in-- and this is January of 2021. We were about 120 employees working across 10 teams in R\u0026amp;D. We had Jira implemented across all of our teams, which is really where our developers and product managers were managing their biweekly sprints.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But we didn't have a clear or consistent reporting layer that our executive teams, cross-functional partners, and, quite frankly, cross-teams could really use to look at the work that was being done, track our progress, and make trade-offs and also map dependencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We also-- and this last bullet will come in to why we use it so much-- is we also had this cumbersome, multiday planning process that was just not that effective.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The artifacts were always lost, left behind. And so we weren't seeing-- we were spending a lot of time in expensive meetings, but we weren't actually seeing any benefit from it. Oops.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we created a single pane of glass to plan, track, and report in Airtable. So I'll now just click into the solution, which was we set up-- at the highest level, what we set up was a four-level information hierarchy, and I'll talk through each one of these levels now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So at the highest level, we have categories. These are broad areas of our product. They're managed by a single team, but they might encompass work for multiple teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They're used as the highest level of organizing structure for our product, and they represent evergreen product areas which we'll continuously build on and optimize. And a category can capture work that is either end user or developer-facing. So in this example, we'll use commenting. If anyone's familiar with, commenting is a-- we're a review and approval tool for video, and so commenting is a core functionality of our product.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The next level, one below that, is a feature of a release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a feature can be shipped, so it's a discrete body of work. It's not necessarily mapped to our cycle length. We run in eight-week cycles. But shipping a complete feature could take two, three, or half a cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"A feature is linked to one category. So that's an explicit link in Airtable, which I'll show you in a moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's owned by one team. So in our commenting example, an example of a feature might be a range-based comment, so a comment that's not necessarily associated with just one, specific piece of time but actually spans two minutes of a video.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The one level below that is a slice. And a slice is really a discrete piece of user value that is shipable within one of our eight-week cycles. You can think of a slice like a single bullet in a marketing push or a new internal milestone that helps make the product ready for its next release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"These are written as user or system stories to clarify the value that the team will release.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And a slice would be associated with a single feature/release and a single category. So there's this one linkage mapping all the way up. In our example of commenting to range-based comments, the applicable slice might here might be users can CRUD range-based comments, and a team could actually accomplish that within eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then the smallest increments that we track in Airtable are actually Jira epics. So epics are units of work in Jira that contribute to a slice and can be completed within a single cycle or less. And we use these epics-- we pull them into Airtable as the key point of connection between Jira, which is really tracking the motion of work for our developers, and then we use it as the link into Airtable, which we're using more as a synthesized reporting layer, not only for the ICs and managers who are in the day-to-day work, but also for our executives and cross-functional partners.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're pulling in with these epics-- and I'll show you in a moment-- is we have them linked just through a URL with a slice. So we're pasting a URL in a field. And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Collaborate with Interface Designer Preview","id":"26HixEoeVEgTZ6aZesraqs","slug":"streamline-collaboration-with-interface-designer","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"27mRg1eY6JyiT9FqQ4pkur","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.426Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:40:42.112Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":30,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Collaborate with Interface Designer Preview","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With Airtable's Interface Designer, you can build powerful, customized apps that streamline collaboration for you, your team, and even across your organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"Yu9WJs35JAns0hOwwspwR","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:12:26.569Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1145766,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Demo_ Streamline collaboration with Interface Designer.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"PRESENTER: Collaborating in Airtable is a team sport. Many different teammates from your department, outside your department, or even outside your company may need to contribute to making workflows in Airtable successful. All this and each of your stakeholders has different needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, on a creative operations team, designers want to view and manage their projects.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"A creative director wants to review and approve those projects or leadership wants an overview of your team's progress against goals. As a workflow owner, you know firsthand that collaborating with different stakeholders with different needs can get overwhelming. And doing it within the same base, where you've built your workflow, can mean untidy workarounds that may not be relevant for every audience. From an excessive number of views, shared view links or data sinks spanning multiple bases.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, there's a better way.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Over the last year, we've seen teams build, customize, and manage interactive interfaces for their apps with interface designer. And one new capability that has the potential to transform how you collaborate with our table, granular permissions. With granular permissions with interfaces, you have a new level of centralized flexibility and control for the apps you build in Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With our new detailed permission settings, teams on pro and enterprise plans now having new invite option, interface-only collaborators. Instead of inviting you, workspace, or base collaborator who has access to the data layer within your app, interface-only collaborators or users who are only invited to the interface not the underlying data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This ensures the underlying data in your base will stay secure while giving your collaborators the relevant context they need to view and take action. What's more, you can create clarity for your collaborators with an interface that dynamically serves up the exact information each individual needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"User-based filtering capabilities. Adjust what data is shown in the same interface based on who's viewing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, your team of three designers need visibility into their projects. Instead of manually creating a personal view for each of them, with user-based filtering, the projects displayed in this single interface will adjust depending on if Cameron, Kerry, or Jordan is viewing. Customize what data each user can see and what to hide in an interface or decide what level of access any one person or group has from read-only to edit everything.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using granular permissions with interfaces, collaborating an Airtable is now even easier. You can consolidate the individual views and share view links used for each role on your team into just a few interfaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Ready to make collaboration easier with interfaces? Check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. With this demo, you'll get a step-by-step walkthrough to help you transition your existing workflow to interfaces. Your team is ready to start transitioning from base collaboration to interface-only collaboration if your workflow sounds like the following.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You're providing information to or collaborating with a large audience of stakeholders out of a single base or multiple basis. The tables in your base have five or more views supporting a single person or team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or you have multiple versions of the same view for different collaborators or teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If any of these statements sound like you, check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. ","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}}],"carouselsVideos":[{"title":"Customer Stories ","category":null,"media":[{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","id":"51qkAsW2GeyysUIxN29vg3","slug":"how-jetblue-uses-airtable-elevate-IT-roadmap","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"43URWpDVYs71vfBQ2YhBI3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.545Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-15T14:36:36.383Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":25,"revision":4,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its digital roadmap","videoUrl":"","description":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Learn how JetBlue's portfolio management team leverages Airtable to streamline its roadmap, enhance collaboration across departments, and maintain its edge in the competitive airline industry. Hear from JetBlue's IT leaders as they share insights into the challenges they faced before adopting Airtable and how this powerful tool has transformed their approach to prioritizing and executing strategic initiatives.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6XChdnOKvF9QPFOD97M8ml","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-15T19:57:16.448Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":98311,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"How JetBlue uses Airtable to elevate its IT roadmap.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JetBlue is New York's hometown airline. We've always said it's the little airline that could.\n\nWe're always competing and trying to make space against these legacy carriers.\n\nMy name is Amanda Luna. So my team is the IT portfolio management team. We're a shared service across the IT department responsible for what we like to call the business of IT.\n\nThe economic dynamics are changing, sometimes weekly, which requires us on the IT side to actually need to move really, really quickly in order to execute on our business strategy that our leaders are coming up with. So we have about four hundred, crew members on our IT team that's split, between sort of a technology organization and an IT products organization. On the product side, we have probably seven different product teams, that cover every aspect of the business. So think commercial products, digital products, our internal crew member products, finance systems, etcetera. Really, I mean, prior to Airtable, we we had a really hard time, sort of managing our our sort of enterprise wide list.\n\nWe found ourselves doing a ton of exporting, importing into different systems, trying to work within the confines of other tools, and Airtable's really been the first one that has, for lack of a better word, allowed us to be ourselves.\n\nWith Airtable now. You know, our CTO had a request a couple of months ago for a board meeting and said, hey, I really need to roll up all of the IT initiatives into our four strategic pillars for twenty twenty four, something that would have normally taken weeks. Now we can very easily spin up within a matter of of less than a day.\n\nThis is the first time we've ever had a metrics driven prioritization process, And what this has allowed us to do is look at the lineup and go high to low and force rank those initiatives. It really has given us the ability to customize everything.\n\nAnd JetBlue, we love customization both for our customers, but internally to The airline industry is a super dynamic industry, and Airtable gives us the agility to adapt as quickly as a click of a button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Harnessing AI in Marketing: A Conversation with AWS and Airtable.","id":"LbkdmODfgT2zJjMheqI5G","slug":"harnessing-ai-marketing","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1fCvpP5UfIOgobXYCt4GPk","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:00.038Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:45:00.038Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":14,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable and AWS NYC 2024","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"An insightful conversation with Jonathan Laniado, Sr. Automation Manager at AWS and Anthony Maggio, VP of Product Management at Airtable. They discuss how AWS has revolutionized their marketing supply chain management through an innovative system called \"Aurora,\" built on Airtable and designed with AI-powered workflows.\nJonathan shares their approach to integrating AI within their marketing workflows emphasizing the importance of seamless integration, security, and the power of designing custom prompts that leverage your organization's data and context.\nThis session provides valuable insights for marketing professionals looking to leverage AI to enhance their operations and drive efficiency. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from these industry leaders about the future of AI in marketing.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"63vL8SKqTtUTdv3Yf7EhA2","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-05-20T18:44:59.854Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T18:44:59.854Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Web BrXnd Anthony Jonathan AssetHub 1600x900","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":208539,"image":{"width":1600,"height":900}},"fileName":"Web_BrXnd_Anthony_Jonathan_AssetHub_1600x900.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Jonathan, so great to be here with you. You know, like Noah said, we asked Jonathan to come on stage with us because we've seen that he's really done an incredible job just getting into the experimentation with AI and helping AWS, this really large organization, find really innovative ways to bring that into their workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So before we start, I think probably everyone in the room is familiar to some degree with Amazon Web Services. Jonathan works on the AWS Marketplace team, and I'll just ask you to to give us a little bit of an intro to the Marketplace team and what you all do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Absolutely. So AWS Marketplace is a lot like Amazon dot com because it is a store. It's a Marketplace.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But with Marketplace, what we're doing is we're allowing ISVs to list their solutions directly on AWS Marketplace, And then our customers can come in. They can, discover all of these solutions. They can deploy them really easily. And it allows them to scale and implement their solutions really quickly, in terms of AWS workloads and AWS applications.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what my marketing team does is we specifically support the growth of AWS Marketplace, and we do so with go to market strategies. We do it with marketing programs.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And what we're looking to do is to educate our customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We want to raise awareness of AWS marketplace and essentially just accelerate the adoption of the listings.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we run a ton of marketing campaigns throughout the year. And what my team does specifically is we ensure that all the integration in the back end is working properly. We're working with a lot of different systems, a lot of different tools and processes. And so we build out these automations and workflows that are really designed and are focused on improving productivity, improving efficiency.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we just kind of, you know, throw AI pixie dust at everything and hope for the best.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome. And you built this really impressive application called Aurora. We're gonna see some demos of it in just a few minutes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Could you just give us a little bit of the background behind why did you decide to build this application? What were some of the pain points you were you were running into? And what does Aurora do for AWS Marketplace?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Sure. So like I was saying, our marketing programs are very complex. I mean, even just in terms of communication, we're working with, external agencies to build out content.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're working with engineering to build technical documentation, technical infrastructure, and we even work with, you know, internal stakeholders and teams that own specific processes that we are dependent on, and not just communication. And so, you know, we've kind of identified three primary challenges, that I think many of your organizations at some point or another probably also faced.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So the first one is tool sprawl.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Our digital teams are all using, you know, specific tools that they find an affinity for, but that doesn't mean that everyone is specifically using the same one. So we've created data silos unintentionally.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Number two is reduced automation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So because of these data silos and this inconsistency, we, as my team, we found it difficult to build out automations that can scale to the entire organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then lastly, from a leadership perspective, we have, like, ineffective reporting, or we used to have ineffective reporting because there was no way to really organize all of our campaigns, evaluate the specificities of a specific campaign, and then compare it against other campaigns year over year or month over month, etcetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we went over to AI, and initially we started to build out these single use applications so we can support key initiatives, key automations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And that worked out really, really well. And we've been using Airtable for a while. And Airtable has matured over time, and our investment hasn't matured.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we've kind of thought, hey. Why don't we just consolidate all of these single use applications, create a more formalized system, and then we can build out this, you know, monstrous application, which we now call Aurora.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome. Yeah. And, you know, you guys have really been kind of at the forefront, that we've seen amongst our customer base of finding use cases for AI within marketing operations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're gonna go through four today, but can you just tell us a little bit about how these use cases kind of came about and how you identified these opportunities to bring AI into your marketing workflows?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? I'll actually begin by explaining what Aurora is and then walk through the AI use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So just briefly speaking, Aurora is an end to end campaign management system. So if you think of Airtable as a factory, Aurora is an assembly line, and it's processing each campaign from start to finish. So we're including campaign ideation, content creation with agencies.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We integrate with our marketing automation platform, so we can sync data automatically to those, to create resources like emails and landing pages.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then also for reporting, we're bringing data back in from our CRM so we can evaluate campaign performance.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's talk about the AI use cases. And we'll start with the first one, which is content suggestions.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So one thing I wanna mention is that we've built out these really sophisticated prompts in the back end. I'm not able to show you guys those prompts today, but you will be able to see the output, and you'll be able to see visually how this works. So first one is content suggestions. And we have, we work with many content agencies to develop emails and landing pages, paid media ads, organic social media. And so we're always in the process of developing and iterating on content.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So here you see an example of an email being created.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And as this email is being developed and the content is being developed, we're able to have the AI in the back end generate suggestions that are really applicable to this content. And what makes this a little bit different than other use cases is that we're providing business justifications and actual, you know, tangible reasons for why you might wanna make changes to this content and not just saying, hey. You know, here's here's a couple of suggestions and do x, y, and z. So we we use this for every single piece of content that we create, with our agencies and alone by by ourselves, it's been really impactful for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Who gives better feedback, the humans or the AI?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The AI. Yeah. So who are some of the folks in your team that are using, this tool for their content suggestions?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. So it's it's primarily our campaign managers Yeah. Who own the end to end execution of the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But when they feel like content is finalized, they're ready to submit that over, we have digital teams that also look over the content, and they're also utilizing the suggestions to make sure that, you know, the content is refined, it's at its best, and it's most importantly, it's applicable to our customers. It's relevant to our customers. So then they feel the real impact of that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Very cool. Let's take a look at this next one. So content generation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Content generation is a is a new area for us, because we're sort of taking this to the next level.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're not at a stage yet where we're completely generating the content for a campaign end to end. However, we have begun experimenting with, sales enablement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So when a campaign ends, we have a list of very high qualifying leads, and we want our sales teams to reach out to them. And so in the past, what we've done is we've worked with agencies to create call scripts and emails, even LinkedIn InMail.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And there these this content is very costly and expensive. It takes time and resources.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so what we've done instead is use Airtable AI to utilize content that already exists on Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, for example, you saw the landing page data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we're utilizing that data to create really impactful and relevant call scripts and emails so our sales enablement teams can use. So this is one of the first things that we're sort of utilizing content generation for, and we're gonna continue to figure out where else we can fit this in.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Very cool. Yeah. And so these teams are then, how much editing is required by them before they they actually go start using these in their their campaigns or in their campaigns? You know, not much. Yeah.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Not much. Yeah.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Claude is kind of in the back end here, and it does a really good job in terms of speaking like a human. Mhmm. A little bit better than ChatGPT, for example. And so it is creating these more human, focused and personal. It's adding a personal touch to the content.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so it it does a pretty good job where we don't need to edit very much of it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. And you're using past content as well. Right? So you're incorporating, giving it examples of what you want the output to look like.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Exactly. Exactly. We have, for example, in the prompt, examples of really high performing sales enablement content. And then we use that as a template to provide to the AI so then it knows how to format the output for our sales teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Very cool. Yeah. Let's take a look at chat. These next two chat use cases that you've come up with, I thought were so innovative and interesting. So, the first one here that you call AI chat, tell us a little bit about how you came up with this, this need within your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Man, this one was really cool. So chat with data is is really interesting because what we've done is we've taken Chat GPT and brought it into Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We're using advanced functionality in Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have automations and JavaScript functionality in the back end. And what we're doing here is we're making an AI that is hyper context aware. It has this sort of all this data in the back end that it's able to utilize toward its responses in a way where ChatGPT cannot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So for example, you see here we're asking for, you know, a specific framework for an offer in the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And it's utilizing the data that already exists in Airtable to create an output for us. That's really different from ChatCBT because we have to always repeatedly copy content, copy data, bring it over into ChatGPT or other AI models.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And here, what we're doing is we're bringing it over to Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I find this to be a really great value add. It allows our teams, our leaders, to ask very relevant questions about our data, to ask questions about content. We can create content that it knows that is our voice and our brand.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And, you know, most importantly, we have this conversation flow so we can ask follow-up questions. We can create, you know, additional asks and needs, over time. So it's really cool.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome. Very cool. Yeah. And so this last one, is is really unique, I thought, and that you're actually kind of using AI to help train and enable your own employees and your own team, building off of this kind of chat with data idea.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Can you kind of, let us know or share a little bit about how you put this this training use case together?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, what we've done is start to experiment with leveraging AI for enablement and training purposes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had created four hours of training content for our users to be able to understand how to use Aurora, what the processes and the key workflows are like. And so what we've done is transcribe all of that content, and then we fed the transcriptions over to AI so it is very well tuned on Aurora and its processes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And now what that means is as we're onboarding new users, we hire new employees that use Aurora. They're able to ask questions and understand specific, workflows and work streams that exist in Aurora.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they can get, like, a full SOP, like, as you see in this in the video, on how to do certain things.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So Claude has a huge context limit, so we're able to really feed in all this data, and it still somehow is able to parse it, understand it, and provide real, you know, SOPs that are real processes for our team. So that's been a really, really interesting use case. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So across these use cases, what is, you know, you mentioned kind of you started out using chat, chat g p t, other tools. What's the value that you've seen of building some of these workflows, yourself and embedding AI within the workflow versus using a a chat type tool?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. Yeah. So I should say that Amazon does not use ChatGPT. However, other chat bots that exist Yeah. They're and for personal use, they're really, really interesting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they're amazing. So, you know, you start with a blank slate with a conversation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"You can go anywhere. It's really flexible.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I think eventually what happens is as an organization develops and becomes more in tune with AI, you start to think about how can we create these repeatable AI processes and also bring data that is specific to the business so that the AI is aware of that. And so what we've learned with Airtable AI is rather than having to take all of our data, bring it to the AI every time, Airtable AI allows us to take the AI and layer it on top of our data. And so that's a huge, huge selling point. It's a huge value proposition. Because what that means is we can take, you know, our existing processes, our we can maintain all of our work streams, and really easily, without any engineering effort, layer this AI functionality on top of it. And then suddenly, we have all these amazing capabilities that we didn't even have to build. It's just kind of built in.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So, yeah, I I would recommend that as a as a really key tool for for, like, you know, transforming your businesses. Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And to wrap us up, what advice would you give to everyone in the room who wants to get started on bringing AI into their own marketing operations?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Yeah. So I have I have three pieces of advice. One, Jen mentioned this, and I love it because it's so important.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Just start with something. I don't think it's worth waiting to connect the dots, figuring out how to, you know, make this impressive AI system all work together. Just start with something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And if you don't know where to start, my second advice is listen to your groups and listen to your teams. They are always voicing their opinion on what challenges they have. Use AI and tackle those challenges and be able to, you know, just start somewhere and then connect the dots later.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then my last piece of advice, is really use AI in terms of augmenting human as opposed to replacing humans.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"AI only has as much context as we provide it, and so humans can retain long term memory. Humans can make inferences that AI cannot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So let's rely on humans.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's lean on humans to continue to strategize and then allow AI to kind of take on the technical execution work.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Well, thanks so much, and thanks for sharing all the great work that you've done at AWS.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you so much.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}}},{"title":"Airtable Leaders Forum NY 2023","id":"7hPuB5eRXnl4EQvSdGH7Hg","slug":"airtable-leadership-forum-ny2023","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2D4rsV9OQhUsqC7uCG5xCD","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-06-08T17:59:57.271Z","updatedAt":"2023-08-01T19:06:00.232Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":4,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable Leaders Forum NY2023","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Howie Liu, CEO at Airtable, invites leaders to imagine a fundamentally different way of operating. He envisions a world where companies can confidently create and deploy powerful apps across their entire organization. And where the power of AI is seamlessly integrated into day-to-day workflows. We’re facing a massive wave of fresh transformation, and the most urgent question facing organizations is: how will you adapt?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3WvqEjt9q7u9bIV0bH2Cio","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-06-08T17:59:56.997Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-09T19:29:25.416Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":6,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"ALF_NYC_Howie Keynote_WIDE_V2.jpg","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":455675,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"ALF_NYC_Howie_Keynote_WIDE_V2.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So to kick us off, let's just jump right in and to share a little bit more about what is coming with airtable. It's my pleasure to introduce our co founder and CEO, Howie Liu.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Hi, everyone.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Hello, New York.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Thank you so much for being here today. This room is awesome. I love the energy. And first of all, I want to say thank you, because we wouldn't be here today without you. This is the air community, air table community that's made air table happen.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And when we started our table ten years ago, people were just starting to say, this concept of software is eating the world. Right? 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That makes them really difficult for companies to implement, and painful as we all know for end users to adopt.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"On the other hand, companies have also purchased hundreds or even thousands of simple tools for teams to manage individual projects and use cases.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But they're limited to specific functions, and because they don't integrate deeply to each other or to existing systems, they actually drive disconnection and create more fragmentation between teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Together, these pressures are creating a new wave of transformation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And every company must take steps to adapt today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For leaders, that means taking a fresh perspective on your technology and enabling your teams to be more agile and harness the promise of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So whether you're in the business of making products, services, or content, you can make them and bring them to market faster, better, and cheaper.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"To help you meet these challenges, airtable is embarking on a new frontier.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This year, Airtable becomes the fastest way to build and deploy really engaging apps across your organization.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Unlike any app development or project management software on the market today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's the Airtable connected apps form, a next generation platform where business apps are radically simple to build and to use, where AI capabilities integrated into your work actually transform how work is done, and it's powered by your organization's most critical data in a scalable way. 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While working from home, despite initial resistance to Airtable, she dove in. Before Airtable they were using Skylark and manually uploading classes and manually generating playlists. One class took 8 hours. Now they're bulk publishing hundreds of classes in a matter of minutes. Within a few short months she taught her whole team to use Airtable and improved Equinox's time to publish by 400%. 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We're helping still to build the apps that fit your needs even faster and more flexibly than before.\n- We needed a platform and a technology like an operating backbone that could support all of these many different teams.\n- Transformation is a really powerful concept, and it's also one of the core ideas that drove our next speaker to found his company called Meow Wolf.\n- And it's platforms like Airtable that allow for the imagination to be expressed at a greater and higher rate.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- We really want to say thank you, that after a decade into this journey of democratizing software creation, we're now joining together to be part of the next era of connected apps.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"[APPLAUSE]\n[MUSIC PLAYING]","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["Customer story"]}}},{"title":"Thanks For Everything You Brought to Airtable in 2022","id":"2cwP1dVnOlP3D6KxBDNsJy","slug":"thanks-for-everything-you-brought-to-airtable-in-2022","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3uwZecZb85GN0evWeomD4i","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:02:34.339Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-29T13:56:57.752Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":16,"revision":7,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Thanks For Everything You Brought to Airtable in 2022","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"2022 was another year of uncertainty. 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It's really, you know, can we take the idea of having a really seasoned professional software developer and actually insert them into the process of building an Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Our team was asked to figure out how we can leverage AI to make app building faster.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like, what's the most impactful place where AI can give a really big lift to speed up app building?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And it was honestly a big question mark initially of just, can we effectively utilize LMS to help builders build what they need in Airtable?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"One of the most important important things that we were really emphatic about was that we really didn't want people to have to be AI tooling experts to know how to use the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Instead of making people jump over the hurdle of learning and speaking Airtable, it's interesting if, like, what if you could just teach Airtable to think and communicate in a more human way to solve those problems?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The challenge that anyone has historically faced around software is that you're stuck between two extremes. 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I mean, I think that's where Cobuilder really shines.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We we heard people say things like, this would have taken me two weeks to do, or this just sped up my process by, like, forty days.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think it's it's showing with the power of AI and of no code combined. It was already faster to build custom applications through no code than was through traditional development cycles, but we're now taking, you know, something that might have taken days or weeks to build and condensing it down to just a few seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I think the magic of Cobuilder is that it just works. You don't have to over tick it. It's there. It meets you where you're at, and it's just easy. 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Let's see how her team uses Airtable to power the product supply chain. First, Mark, head of research, wants to understand what customers think about the app's online shopping experience. He collects all product feedback in Airtable and uses the platform to understand what customers think about specific features today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With Airtable AI, Mark can streamline the triage process. 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And finally, in this execution execution interface, Simon can quickly take action on tasks that need his attention.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"He can see the team's roadmap in different ways using Gantt view and milestones.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And he can come to the approval queue to rapidly address the tasks that are awaiting his attention.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Finally, Claire, head of product operations, can use Airtable to track experiments and continuously improve the value of her team's work.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In Airtable, Claire can see the results of all AB testing in different product areas.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And she can see the winning and losing variants in a single view.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And with all of this data in one place, Claire can ensure that the product team starts the next discovery phase with the most pressing opportunities top of mind.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Whether you're looking for status updates or the latest customer feedback, you can see exactly what your product team is prioritizing and why in Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Transform your product operations today.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Translate content","id":"7a8NkzxxMpTqpfvfBtUzb3","slug":"airtable-ai-translate","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5s6xMaF5bYVHZZOotfSGEH","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-09T16:37:21.631Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-09T16:37:21.631Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":45,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Translate - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to a world without language barriers brought to you by Airtable AI. This video will showcase the transformative translate feature of Airtable AI, designed to empower your projects with multilingual capabilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"68gEwyJPZrewpWP5ofSxjo","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-09T16:37:21.505Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-09T16:37:21.505Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Translate Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":321725,"image":{"width":1379,"height":772}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Translate Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to a world without language barriers brought to you by Airtable AI. Today, we're excited to showcase the transformative translate feature of Airtable AI, designed to empower your projects with multilingual capabilities. Let's explore how this feature can globalize your workflow effortlessly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say you're looking to break into the LATAM market and need to translate your marketing deliverable copy to Spanish, specifically for the Mexican market. And for a team with a large catalog of blog posts, emails, website page copy, social media posts, search ad copy, video scripts, and more, localization would be an incredibly time intensive, laborious, and expensive task. Let's look at how Airtable AI solves those problems.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The easiest way to get started is by using using the Translate template in the AI field. Create a new AI field to generate long text and select the Translate template. Select the field that contains the deliverable copy and input the language you'd like it translated into. In this case, we'll translate the copy into Spanish, Mexico. Create the AI field and instantly translate hundreds of records into Mexican Spanish. With just a few clicks, your marketing deliverables are ready to captivate customers worldwide, breaking down language barriers in an instant. Now your marketing team is taking the world by storm, and an expansion into multiple geographies across Europe creates the need to translate your deliverables into several languages, like French, German, and more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Chapter\nCustomizing Translation Prompts","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can customize our templated prompt from before to accomplish this in seconds.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, ensure that there's a region field included in the deliverables table. We'll then customize the prompt to look at the region field and translate the copy into the language based on the lookup. You can include other instructions, such as use formal business language to tailor the translation. You can also provide context for the translation, such as, this text appears in an email marketing campaign with an upbeat friendly tone for a global sports apparel brand, which can help to ensure that the translations fit the use case and tone. Your campaign message is now globally accessible, ensuring your brand resonates across cultures and languages.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's take our translations a step further by incorporating our translation functionality into automations.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In this example, a product team is aggregating global product feedback. And because your product is available to geographies across LATAM and EMEA, the feedback from customers can be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, or German. The problem is that the product team is based in the United States and only speaks English, which means they can't accurately review and action the feedback from the full global customer base. In order to translate this in real time, you can simply set up an automation.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Start by creating an automation where the trigger is a new record in the feedback table.\nThe first action taken will be the AI Assist, where you can prompt it to automatically translate all feedback received into English. From there, you can route the translated feedback to various destinations.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In this case, we'll route the translated feedback to a Slack channel, which is where our product team prefers to centralize feedback as it comes in. Product teams are now instantly informed of the global feedback regardless of language and can easily make data driven product decisions using the voice of the global customer.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The technology that powers Airtable AI, large language models from vendors such as OpenAI and Anthropic, are trained on a large corpus of data, much of which is sourced from the Internet. As a result, these models are better at translating to and from languages that are more commonly represented on the Internet, such as Spanish, French, German, and Mandarin. They are less competent at translating to and from languages that are underrepresented online, such as Bengali, Swahili, Urdu, and Thai, but are getting better over time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable's translate feature is more than just a tool. It's your gateway to a globally connected project environment. Whether it's product descriptions, marketing materials, or team collaboration, embracing multilingual capabilities has never been easier.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the integration and development tab under settings in the admin panel and toggle off the block AI integration setting. The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Here, admins on the enterprise scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers. Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here. After enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the workspace settings page by workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Join us in breaking down language barriers. Discover the power of instantaneous translations with Airtable today.\n","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Quickstart: Airtable AI","id":"36SIrLn9pShljMHX6jgPch","slug":"quickstart-airtable-ai","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"7osi0BDJoVA23jmSskNKTv","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":36,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI is designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content, whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5OOdP0880Fw1AyklU3esz4","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":187564,"image":{"width":983,"height":554}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today, we're exploring the versatile summarize feature using Airtable AI, designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content. Whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's dive into how you can leverage this feature across different scenarios.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First up, for teams collaborating in comment threads, the common summary feature is a quick way to catch up on discussions. In this example scenario, your team has been discussing the launch strategy for a new product in the comment thread of a project record. The thread has grown significantly, making it hard to catch up for anyone just joining the conversation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Navigate to the comments section of the record and click on the summarize comments button. Airtable's AI analyzes the thread and generates a summary highlighting the main discussion points decisions made and any unresolved questions. This way, the team can quickly get up to speed without reading through hundreds of comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For unstructured data, such as meeting notes or UX feedback, start with our templates, input your content and let Airtable summarize the key takeaways for you. In this next example scenario, you've just completed a product review meeting and you have pages of unstructured notes that need to be shared with the team. Including key decisions and action items.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Choose the meeting summary template in your Airtable base and input your meeting notes. The AI processes this input and generates a summary that includes major discussion points, decisions, and a list of action items with deadlines. The team receives a concise and clear summary of the meeting, ensuring everyone is aligned and aware of their responsibilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Need something more specific? Customize your summarization prompt in the AI field settings to get summaries exactly how you want them. Convert your templated query to a custom one by clicking the change to a text box button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We'll return to our last scenario where we used AI to generate a meeting summary using the meeting notes. This time, we'll go a level deeper by customizing the prompt.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In the AI field settings, customize your summarization prompt to focus on analyzing meeting sentiment from the meeting in addition to the action items. But AI generates a summary tailored to your needs, making it easier to identify meeting sentiment and action items all in one concise spot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"=Automate your summaries with AI in automations: set it up once and receive regular summaries in your inbox slack, or directly in your Airtable base.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you wanna send a weekly summary of updates from marketing campaigns to your CMO to highlight the priority work that is being done. Set up an automation to trigger at a scheduled time and add in the AI assist. Prompting it to create a summary of updates for a CMO of the most important campaigns. The CMO will now regularly receive that update, keeping them automatically formed of campaign progress.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With the summarized feature, Airtable transforms how you interact with data. From simplifying collaboration to automating routine summaries, tailor it to your needs, and spend less time digesting information, and more time acting on it. Dive into these features today and unlock a more efficient workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Generate drafts","id":"5WrEPXwD1ovr99Sl7EPV0Z","slug":"airtable-ai-generate","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2QqPbVOD7Ba927ePPmKK6J","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.840Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.840Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":37,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Generate - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI can help redefine how you automate and personalize content creation with it's powerful generate content feature, which will elevate your projects and streamline your workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"18FKqMMCiSDa1Q46OnTxLQ","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.420Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.420Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Generate - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":210626,"image":{"width":990,"height":556}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Generate - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today, we're excited to guide you through the generate content feature, a cornerstone of Airtable AI designed to redefine how you automate and personalize content creation. Let's walk through how you can unveil the power of AI to elevate your projects and streamline your workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this first scenario, a product manager is looking to create several product launch briefs in a project table. Using Airtable AI templates, the AI field generates briefs within seconds.\nCreate a new Long Text field and select Generate Text.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"From there, you can select a template, navigate to the Product section, and select the Product Launch Brief. Select the field that contains the Product Requirements doc, and let the AI field generate Launch Briefs for each of your projects.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In moments, what used to take hours is now ready for your team, clear, concise, and impactful.\nFor those moments requiring a unique touch, custom prompts are your best friend.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you're crafting a unique marketing message that resonates with your brand's voice. Create a long text field and use the existing campaign brief template as as a starting point. Edit the prompt to include messaging that resonates with your brand's identity. Save the field and watch Airtable AI generate custom briefs based on each campaign input.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now let's say you need to create a suite of marketing materials from a single campaign brief. With Airtable AI, you can generate website copy, emails, social media posts, and more, all from one input by generating multiple content variations from a single field.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"To start, you'll need to create a table that contains your Deliverable Types, where you define the prompts that will be used for each content type. Then in your Deliverable table, where you'll actually store each of the Deliverables, you'll create a Linked Record field where you can select the Deliverable type and a Lookup field where you'll pull in the prompt associated with that Deliverable type.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, create an AI text field—but instead of writing your own prompt, reference the lookup field to pull in the prompt associated with the deliverable type, as well as the campaign description. This will create a prompt that specifies different instructions based on the deliverable type you choose. Now when you create a new deliverable, choose the deliverable type, and copy will be generated for that specific deliverable type based on the campaign brief.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Finally, let's elevate our content creation with AI in automations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this example, we'll be automating the generation of a blog post draft once a team member submits an idea through a form. We'll start by setting up an automation that triggers when the blog post form is filled out.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We'll add in the generate with AI assist action and prompt it to generate a blog post using the responses in the form and create a Google Doc with the draft of the blog post. We'll then add in the action to send the doc via email to the requester.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now anytime a blog request is sent, an automated draft of that blog is generated and sent to the requester within seconds. This automation not only accelerates content creation, but also fosters a collaborative environment where ideas swiftly turn into tangible outcomes.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable's generate content feature with AI field and AI and automations opens a world of possibilities for Airtable users. From leveraging templates and custom prompts to automating content creation, the power to innovate and streamline workflows is at your fingertips.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the Integration and Development tab under Settings in the Admin panel and toggle off the Block AI Integrations setting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces. Here, admins on the Enterprise Scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here. After enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the Workspace settings page by Workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Dive into Airtable today and let your creativity flow and unleash the full potential of your workflow with the power of AI.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Route work in progress","id":"3EJoWyIivXsvDkkNDZ4BRg","slug":"airtable-ai-route","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2nvv0QfEmgBAwfojfqBAFk","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.120Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.120Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":40,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Route - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI is designed to enhance efficiency and clarity within your operations by intelligently linking records. Whether it's directing customer feedback to the right team or connecting project tasks with responsible individuals, every piece of information finds its rightful place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"11tFpVbl5BWTqEcJCnmWbM","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.433Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.433Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Route - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":197196,"image":{"width":986,"height":554}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Route - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to a walkthrough of Airtable's route feature, an AI feature designed to streamline your workflow by intelligently linking records. Whether it's directing customer feedback to the right team or connecting project tasks with responsible individuals, the route AI feature ensures that every piece of information finds its rightful place, enhancing efficiency and clarity within your operations. Let's explore how this feature can transform your workflows through a few example scenarios.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First, we'll see how product teams can utilize the route feature to automatically direct customer feedback to the appropriate department, ensuring swift action and improvement.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Imagine your customer feedback table overflowing with insights. Using the route feature, you can set up AI suggestions to link each feedback to the right product team based on keywords and context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create a new linked record field. Select use AI to show top matches when selecting a record and choose fields from the origin and linked record tables that provide contextual matching. For example, the account name and revenue probably won't help much. In this case, from the feedback table, we choose the title field, which contains a short summary of the feedback and the feedback field with the actual content of the feedback.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, we need to identify the fields in the product teams table that the AI is gonna try to match to these fields. In product teams, we'll choose the fields that contain information about the areas that the team works on.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this case, those are the name, team description, and areas of ownership fields. Now when new pieces of feedback come in, a member of the product operations team can track that in an interface and easily assign each piece of feedback to a team. The linked record picker shows our top matches at the top of the picker, but we can always scroll down and choose any of the linked records that are available.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This can streamline the process of categorizing feedback and assigning it to the right team. If we need more information, we can open the record detail, look at the original feedback, and then categorize the feedback there. In less than a minute, we can route all of the incoming product feedback to the right team, where it will show up in their data insights and in the interfaces where that team goes for input while planning the road map.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, let's explore how marketing teams can leverage the route feature to align campaigns with their ideal customer segments, maximizing engagement and conversion rates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In our first example, we already had all the data in our base that we needed in order to match records across tables. However, you may need to prep your tables to make sure the relevant information for matching is captured. In a bustling marketing department, aligning campaigns with the right customer segments is key. Through AI suggestions, the route feature can identify and link campaigns to the customer segments most likely to engage. Similar to our product example, we'll create a linked record connecting campaigns with audiences.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In the campaigns table, we have the name of the campaign and a description. Clicking into one of these campaigns, we find that it doesn't explicitly mention which sports are highlighted in the campaign, which is going to be a critical part of the audience targeting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's make sure that we include that information by creating a column and populating it with the sport associated with the campaign.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next, let's check the table that we wanna link these campaigns to, the Audiences table.\nIn Audiences, we can see that we have the name of the audience as well as a description of the brand value for that audience. What we're missing here is a general description of the audience, something that would help tie the age group of thirty five to forty four as likely to be parents, for example.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"To help create better matches between campaign and audience, we're going to create an AI field that fills in some of the missing demographic information about this audience.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Going back to the Campaigns tab, create a linked record field that links to the Audiences tab. In the fields for campaigns, select name, description, and sports. In the field for audiences, select name, brand value, and audience description.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now when you click into the audiences field, either in the base or in an interface, you'll see the top matches for that campaign appear at the top of the linked record picker. As you harness the power of the AI route feature, remember that the quality of AI suggestions can be continuously improved by providing detailed descriptions, using consistent terminology across your records, and periodically reviewing and adjusting the links created by AI, you can significantly enhance the accuracy of matches.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Additionally, leveraging long text fields that capture the nuances of your data can give the AI more context, leading to even more relevant suggestions. These practices will refine the intelligence of your workflows, ensuring that every piece of information is not just linked, but perfectly matched to drive your projects forward.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The route feature using Airtable AI presents a powerful way to enhance productivity and decision making. By intelligently linking records, it ensures that information flows to where it's needed most.\nAnd remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the Integration and Development tab under Settings in the Admin panel and toggle off the Block AI Integrations setting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces. 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A key component of our AI capabilities designed to streamline how you organize and interpret data. From automating categorization of records, to integrating with third party services for enhanced workflows. Let's explore how this feature can transform your data management strategy. Begin with the AI field for straightforward categorization tasks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's perfect for organizing data like customer feedback into predefined categories. Making it easier to analyze and act upon. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you're tasked with collecting and analyzing customer feedback to inform future product updates. You currently have a survey form that feeds the user's contact information, NPS score, their reason for the score, and suggested improvements all into Airtable. Because of the volume of feedback, manually reviewing each and assigning it a category is cumbersome and time intensive.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Among the feedback, you find a comment: \"the apps customization options are limited\". Utilize the categorization feature to sort feedback into categories such as UI UX, functionality, and customization. This particular feedback is categorized under customization, highlighting a key area for improvement. By categorizing feedback, you can easily prioritize product development efforts to address user needs. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Categorizing your data, like feedback in this case, can also be helpful in streamlining your team's analysis, simplifying your data organization efforts, and improving feedback discoverability. This leads to a product that better aligns with customer expectations, enhancing user satisfaction.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For more nuanced categorization, custom prompts allow you to tailor the AI's approach, enabling multiple tags per record and use complex criteria. In this example, you manage a sprawling library of marketing content from short videos to social content aimed at various segments of your audience. You're adding a new blog post entitled Legends of Tomorrow Rising soccer stars.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create custom prompts to categorize content by type, target audience, and thematic focus, ensuring precise organization. This way, the blog post is categorized for easy retrieval and targeted distribution. Detailed categorization empowers you to deploy the right content to the right audience effectively.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"AI in automations takes categorization further by enabling dynamic responses based on the categorized data. Such as routing feedback to appropriate channels or teams. Let's say you receive multiple pieces of product feedback each day. But you only wanna share the constructive feedback with the product and engineering teams.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Create an automation that is triggered when a new piece of feedback is created the feedback submission form. Using the AI action in automations, we send that piece of feedback to an AI model to be categorized by its sentiment. Positive, negative, or neutral. We can then use the response from the AI to trigger another action. In this case, posting the feedback to an Slack channel only if it's negative feedback.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This automation streamlines the inquiry handling process, ensuring faster and more accurate responses, which in turn enhances customer experience by providing timely, relevant information, bolstering your product's reputation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The categorized feature in Airtable offers a flexible and powerful solution for organizing your data more efficiently. Whether you're dealing with internal records or integrating external data, these categorization capabilities ensure your information is always structured and accessible.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And remember, in order to enable these features in your workspace, have your admin go to the integration and development tab under settings in the admin panel, and toggle off the block AI integration setting. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The admin can now choose whether all workspaces should have AI enabled, or whether they want to make an allow list of workspaces. Here, admins on the enterprise scale plan will also have the ability to enable or disable particular AI model providers. Regardless of plan types, admins will be able to monitor their org wide usage data here.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"After enabling, if you are still running into any issues, note that AI can also be disabled on the workspace settings page by workspace owners even when allowed by the admin in the admin panel.Dive into these features to discover how they can enhance your data management and operational workflows.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Reimagine your workflows with Interface Designer","id":"18Q46y1rgxMLtbmfMJxyWI","slug":"reimagine-your-workflows-with-interface-designer","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"6mg5lvQsjkIuYpzF6gL4mO","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:52:20.037Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-08T18:07:51.844Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":34,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Reimagine your workflows with Interface Designer","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Interface Designer is now available for all Airtable users, so you can drive work by taking the data in your base and turning it into dynamic experiences for team members. 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","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We're excited to announce that after spending time in beta, Interface Designer is now available for all Airtable users.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And there's a big batch of updates so you can create and share powerful interfaces for your apps with ease. No code needed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First up are some updates to simplify the interface building process. The navigation bar has been redesigned so you can go back and forth easily between interfaces, whether you have 2 or 200. 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We can't wait to see what you build.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["Product Updates"]}}},{"title":"Airtable AI: Summarize and extract insights","id":"gma3p04lsyh8k3UvBLqSQ","slug":"airtable-ai-summarize","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"7osi0BDJoVA23jmSskNKTv","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:30.038Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":36,"revision":1,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Component \u003e Wistia Video","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Airtable AI is designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content, whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5OOdP0880Fw1AyklU3esz4","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-05T16:13:29.425Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":187564,"image":{"width":983,"height":554}},"fileName":"Airtable AI - Summarize - Thumbnail.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Today, we're exploring the versatile summarize feature using Airtable AI, designed to help you extract key insights from various types of content. Whether it's summarizing meeting notes, feedback, or automating summaries for regular updates, Airtable's AI can streamline your workflow.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's dive into how you can leverage this feature across different scenarios.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"First up, for teams collaborating in comment threads, the common summary feature is a quick way to catch up on discussions. In this example scenario, your team has been discussing the launch strategy for a new product in the comment thread of a project record. The thread has grown significantly, making it hard to catch up for anyone just joining the conversation.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Navigate to the comments section of the record and click on the summarize comments button. Airtable's AI analyzes the thread and generates a summary highlighting the main discussion points decisions made and any unresolved questions. This way, the team can quickly get up to speed without reading through hundreds of comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For unstructured data, such as meeting notes or UX feedback, start with our templates, input your content and let Airtable summarize the key takeaways for you. In this next example scenario, you've just completed a product review meeting and you have pages of unstructured notes that need to be shared with the team. Including key decisions and action items.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Choose the meeting summary template in your Airtable base and input your meeting notes. The AI processes this input and generates a summary that includes major discussion points, decisions, and a list of action items with deadlines. The team receives a concise and clear summary of the meeting, ensuring everyone is aligned and aware of their responsibilities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Need something more specific? Customize your summarization prompt in the AI field settings to get summaries exactly how you want them. Convert your templated query to a custom one by clicking the change to a text box button.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We'll return to our last scenario where we used AI to generate a meeting summary using the meeting notes. This time, we'll go a level deeper by customizing the prompt.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In the AI field settings, customize your summarization prompt to focus on analyzing meeting sentiment from the meeting in addition to the action items. But AI generates a summary tailored to your needs, making it easier to identify meeting sentiment and action items all in one concise spot.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"=Automate your summaries with AI in automations: set it up once and receive regular summaries in your inbox slack, or directly in your Airtable base.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say you wanna send a weekly summary of updates from marketing campaigns to your CMO to highlight the priority work that is being done. Set up an automation to trigger at a scheduled time and add in the AI assist. Prompting it to create a summary of updates for a CMO of the most important campaigns. The CMO will now regularly receive that update, keeping them automatically formed of campaign progress.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With the summarized feature, Airtable transforms how you interact with data. From simplifying collaboration to automating routine summaries, tailor it to your needs, and spend less time digesting information, and more time acting on it. 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So the next time you need to create an interface for your team, you know, exactly which to choose to hit the ground too much information can be overwhelming, which is why interface designer lets you create customized experiences that show users the them most relevant to them, whether they're collaborators, stakeholders, or leadership.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you're new to interface design, don't worry, you're in good hands. All of our available layouts have been built around best practices gathered from our own customers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Choosing one will fill the interface for you. 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We'll be back soon with more app building tips and tricks","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["How to"],"label":"new"}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Make Reviews \u0026 Approvals Easy","id":"7KUyVz3ECyzhgV4NZXNTRZ","slug":"make-reviews-and-approvals-easy-in-aritable","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"STIWfcATaljlLrcYpAltN","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.275Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:58:10.272Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":25,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Make Reviews \u0026 Approvals Easy","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Reviews and approvals are key to many workflow. In this Tool Tip, we cover how to make reviews and approvals easy using views, automations and interfaces in Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"57VDsjvPHhV0Q5vgR068AK","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:22.208Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:22.208Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Make Reviews \u0026amp; Approvals Easy _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":317732,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Make Reviews \u0026amp; Approvals Easy _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is Harley.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Harley writes blog posts on a content team. Jordan here reviews Harley's work, and Jack's work and Leslie's too, or he does when he can find it.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips, where we share new and surprising ways to use Airtable. Today, I'm going to help you and Jordan smooth out the approval workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Whether you need a deep edit for voice and tone or a quick signoff from legal, reviews and approvals are part of almost every workflow, but without a clear process, steps get missed, projects get bottlenecked, and your whole team, like Jordan's, spins their wheels. So let's explore a few ways to make this content approval workflow run smoothly. You can get oversight on the status of every item in a workflow with the Kanban view or filter down to items and review in a grid view so they're all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can also make reviews proactive by notifying approvers when something is ready for their signoff and make it easy by giving them a beautiful interface with everything they need to approve. So first, let's talk about setting your base up for an approval workflow, then we'll talk about the different views or interfaces approvers like Jordan can use to, well, approve things, and finally, how to get in front of it all using custom notifications.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Approval workflows require two elements. 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First, I can create a Kanban view stacked by the status field so records with the same status are together and easy to distinguish. Option two is to filter down to records that are ready to review in a grid view so approvers see everything that needs to be reviewed in one place. Option three is to create a record review interface where reviewers only see the items they're responsible for.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I can filter the Record List element to only show records that are ready for review and where the approver is the current user visiting the interface. So if Jordan comes to this interface, he'll only see the blog post for which he's assigned to review.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Next, I can add a button that approves a project using the Update Field action. Three different options for making it super easy for Jordan to see what he needs to approve in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that you know who, what, and where reviewers have to go, let's make it even easier by notifying them when new items are ready to be reviewed. With Airtable automations, you can send custom notifications at precisely the right time. In this case, I want to send a notification when a record in the content table has status Ready to Review, so I'm going to pick When Record Matches Condition as my trigger. And my condition will be when records in that content table have status equal to Ready to Review.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now what I want this automation to do is to send a notification to Jordan if he's the reviewer on this particular piece.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I can send an email, a message through Slack or Microsoft Teams, or even a text message using Twilio.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's pick email because that's what Jordan prefers for review requests. From here, I'm going to send this email to the reviewer of the piece. Furthermore, I can provide context in the subject and the body of the email.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In the email itself, I can link to the specific item that needs reviewing by including the record URL.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And Jordan might want to batch reviews together, so I can also include a link to the interface we just created that has all of their outstanding reviews in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Automated notifications that provide the reviewer a smooth experience. That's a win for Harley, Jordan, and the whole team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[LIGHTHEARTED MUSIC]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Stay In The Loop","id":"6uB7rYwKZ74pit1FyHkzI4","slug":"how-to-use-airtable-to-stay-in-the-loop","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2AnxLmAIprdfZrpD2no5Ax","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.231Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:59:29.311Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":21,"revision":8,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Stay In The Loop","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This Tool Tips video dives into the ways you can keep stakeholders in the loop about changes to your data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"DoHIZxCknTMLwCMPF05Zc","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:01.009Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:15:01.009Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Stay In The Loop _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":266674,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Stay In The Loop _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Taylor came in at 8:15 AM this morning for an 8:30 customer interview. Harley came in at her normal 9:45 AM. That customer interview was canceled a week ago because the client couldn't make it, but I guess Taylor never got that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips, where we share new and surprising ways to use Airtable. Today, let's talk about how different stakeholders can stay on top of changes to your workflow so no one shows up to an interview that's not happening. Workflows and data are ever changing, so it's important that stakeholders know exactly what's been updated and what data is the most current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"There are a few ways to do that. Customize any view to show recent changes by filtering on a Last Modified time field to see a view for recently updated customer interviews. Automatically send stakeholders a weekly newsletter containing all of the records that recently changed and bring those updates and other key information from the workflow together, conceptualized within a dashboard interface.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, we'll cover the Last Modified time field and how we can use it in different views to see what's changed, then let's use these views to email timely digest of changes to key stakeholders. And finally, let's contextualize those changes in a dashboard interface that provides everything a stakeholder needs to understand the workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Last Modified time field updates every time a record is updated. By default, it'll update for any change in a record, but it can be configured to only show updates for a specific field, like changes in status.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's, however, keep ours to all fields. If the time of this customer interview is updated, you'll notice that the Last Modified time field updates to the current time. That's when the latest change occurred.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can now use this as a filter in any view to identify recently changed records. So let's create a grid view of the customer interviews that have changed in the last seven days, or a compound view for customer stories with recently updated statuses. Instead of hoping stakeholders go to a view to see changes, we can use the views we just created to proactively update them on what's changed.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say we want an email to send every Monday with the latest records that have changed. With Airtable automations, you can schedule and send a weekly digest email. In Taylor's case, we could configure a weekly email that tells her if any scheduled interviews have changed in the last seven days. To set up that email, select At Schedule Time as the trigger and configure it to run on Monday mornings.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In order to insert the updates into the email, we need this automation to find recently updated records. To do that, we'll use the Find Records action. The records we want to pull in are in the view we created a moment ago. Small pro-tip here, you don't necessarily need to create a view. You can find records based on a condition, filtering down on your Last Modified time field, just like we did in the view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now that we have what we need, the next step is to put these records into an email, so we'll select the Send Email action. Configure the email to be sent to key stakeholders, a relevant subject, and in the body, we're going to go ahead and insert the records we found a moment ago as a grid. If we preview this, we see that what's in the view is now shown in the email, and we have every record that has been updated in the last seven days as a grid in their email directly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can further customize the email to add in a link to the view or any additional relevant details. Now we can be sure that Taylor knows what the new interview time is. Updates are one key element in a workflow, but they don't tell you the whole story. We can contextualize those updates with different key metrics using a dashboard interface.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's create a dashboard interface with all of the context needed, including the changes. Here, we can start by adding number elements summarizing information, like the number of customer interviews that are scheduled and the number that are in progress.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Add in a calendar of upcoming interviews, and finally, add in the view with customer interviews that have been recently updated. Now, Taylor and all relevant stakeholders get updates on a regular cadence on what's changed and a dedicated dashboard to get full overview on the workflow. No more early rushing out of bed for an interview that got canceled a week ago.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Prep Your Base for Collaborators","id":"1ivEZug0kOWWeDczUu66HI","slug":"prep-your-airtable-base-for-collaborators","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5PsITrsd2umSfq1sWNrzTQ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.178Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:47:59.357Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":29,"revision":7,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Prep Your Base for Collaborators","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Make your base easy to use and navigate for collaborators. 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Then, we'll walk you through creating customized interfaces so collaborators can start working with your data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1P1NLzXen8Aqau1QkQnoud","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:43.486Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:43.486Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Prep Your Base for Collaborators.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":579667,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Prep Your Base for Collaborators.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Hey Airtable! I've built my base and I'm ready to bring in my team. Now how can I help them find what they need?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"There's a lot you can do to help others quickly access their data. Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. 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With interfaces and permissions, teammates can get their work done quickly and you can rest assured knowing your data is secure.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Be sure to check out our guide for step-by-step instructions on familiarizing users with your base, then dive into Interface Designer and start creating for your team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["How to"]}}},{"title":"Tool Tips: Computed Fields \u0026 How to Use Them","id":"4XSmMGCqQiGkdkDB2fM28i","slug":"how-to-use-airtable-computed-fields","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1QureyYSUWn9qlXLNswYHZ","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:38:52.124Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T14:52:38.394Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":38,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Tool Tips: Computed Fields \u0026 How to Use Them","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In this Tool Tip, we introduce computed fields and explore how teams can use them to get quick insight into their records.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"185hoI2bS63aRyvc3Dh6hF","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:21.231Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T21:14:21.231Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":2,"revision":1,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Computed Fields \u0026amp; How to Use Them _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":426431,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Tool Tips_ Computed Fields \u0026amp; How to Use Them _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Hey Airtable! How can I get more context about my records? Do I need to like, write code to see who created or updated a record in my base?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can use computed fields to automatically get the information you need. And no, you don't need to know a leg of code.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable. Today, we're introducing computed fields and exploring how teams can use computed fields to get quick insight about their records.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First, let's define what a computed field is in Airtable. Computed fields describe field types that update based on conditions you've set. 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What are some other ways I can automatically update my work and my base?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"With computed fields, you can surface details across tables, build formulas, and perform one-click actions, all without needing to make manual updates.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Welcome to Tool Tips where we share quick and helpful ways to use Airtable.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"In our last video, we introduced computed fields and showed how you can use them to pull up information about your records. 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That means no one has to manually log this information, and it's always up to date.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So along with tracking changes, you can also use computed fields to aggregate all of your connected data.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"If you've linked records between multiple tables in your base, you can access a whole other set of computed fields to perform calculations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Use the count field to add up the total number of records in a linked record field, or throw in a lookup field so you can quickly pull linked record data from one table into another. And the rollup field comes in clutch when you want to apply calculations or formulas to link records.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Let's say, you have a table that tracks your product launches, which is linked to another table that lists all of your features. Using the count field, you can easily see how many features are included for each of your launches without having to go back and forth between the tables. Computed fields help you to create seamless connections between the complex data and your base without the mental math.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other computed field, you can use the simplify your work in error table is the button field, which allows you to trigger certain actions directly from your base or interface. Buttons are a surefire way to get your team to interact with your data. You can set up a button to perform a number of specific actions, like open a URL, run a script, or send an email.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Do you have a table devoted to team meetings?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Add a button that takes members to your working Google Doc so they can follow along, or add a button to your design review interface so your team can see the brief and get the right context.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Buttons can simplify and automate all kinds of tasks in Airtable, saving you time and energy. 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From an excessive number of views, shared view links or data sinks spanning multiple bases.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, there's a better way.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Over the last year, we've seen teams build, customize, and manage interactive interfaces for their apps with interface designer. And one new capability that has the potential to transform how you collaborate with our table, granular permissions. With granular permissions with interfaces, you have a new level of centralized flexibility and control for the apps you build in Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"With our new detailed permission settings, teams on pro and enterprise plans now having new invite option, interface-only collaborators. 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Instead of manually creating a personal view for each of them, with user-based filtering, the projects displayed in this single interface will adjust depending on if Cameron, Kerry, or Jordan is viewing. Customize what data each user can see and what to hide in an interface or decide what level of access any one person or group has from read-only to edit everything.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Using granular permissions with interfaces, collaborating an Airtable is now even easier. You can consolidate the individual views and share view links used for each role on your team into just a few interfaces.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Ready to make collaboration easier with interfaces? Check out our demo, streamline collaboration with interface designer. 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And then we built a custom script where we scrape in issue count, point count, and a couple of other fields so that we're actually able to extrapolate a percentage done in addition to a status update from a product manager.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so let's actually dive in and look at what we've built.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So if I start over here, this is our highest level, which are categories. So what you're seeing in this light blue pill is one of our team's names. Here in the row, you'll see the example that we had before, which was commenting, is our category. And then we would have some of these example features.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We have a Adobe-wide contact. So we use this Categories view quite heavily as a shared view for both, internally, our customer success managers, our product marketing manager, or sales. And then now that we're within this broader organization of Adobe, we will share it out with our Adobe partner organizations.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And the value here is-- one of the values we've seen here is really it helps us and our partners who are outside of R\u0026amp;D triage more effectively. So one of the challenges we were having was a customer success manager would hear about a bug from one of the enterprise customers that they talk to frequently.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And they would go into Jira. They would write up their ticket, and then they would be tagging the wrong team because that was the team they thought did or that was the team, historically, who had worked on that part of the product. So we had tickets bouncing around, and it meant that things were getting lost, not necessarily appropriately prioritized.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we use this Category view very heavily as a way for people to self-serve information about, who are your key contacts, both in terms of team to tag? Or, if you have a question, who's the product manager or group product manager that you would want to go speak to? So we leverage a shared view for this quite heavily, and we found it has really improved our ability to triage. So that's just one adjacent call-out on the Categories page.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then if we were to move-- and then you'll see here the features that are associated. Then notching down one level, we've got our slices. So here we've got-- users can create range-based comments.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We utilize this view of slices quite heavily both for planning-- so we'd have a different version of this where teams would use a form that we create. They would write out potential commitments for a cycle, for the upcoming cycle.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then we would have a view that is the basis of our planning day where all of the potential bodies of work that teams could commit to-- we run through them with all of our product and engineering managers, and we prioritize them. We talk about the dependencies, and then we tag them, basically, as committed/uncommitted. And by the start of the next cycle, we have a filtered view that is all of just the committed slices for the upcoming eight weeks.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Then once we're in the eight weeks, once we're in our cycle, on a weekly basis, we have our product managers updating a status and then adding a descriptive status note. And this kind of status update is what allows us to direct anyone who wants to know, anyone in the company who wants to know what's happening across R\u0026amp;D-- we direct them here so that they can self-serve the information.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"They can always follow up with the team, but this really helps the team not be spending their days just responding to one-off Slacks and consolidates information for them to just self-serve into.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The other thing I'll call out here is this percentage progress. As I mentioned, we have our Jira epics linked here. So you can see here, there's this one epic that's associated with it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is a representation of the total of points and issues associated with the epic and the ones that have been completed. And that's how we're extrapolating a percentage of progress. So we use this and the status as a bit of a back check on each other just to make sure that, when things are on track, we have the quantitative data from Jira to back up the fact that those things are actually on track. It's not totally precise, but it's a very helpful, directional step for us.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Lastly, and the lowest level-- we can just spend a moment here-- are the Jira epics. So what we do to simplify this for the team is we have a shared form where they basically will type in-- just copy/paste the URL from the Jira epic that they're referring to. And then they would go in and just tag the slice, and then everything else auto-populates for them.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So this makes the setup for a cycle quite simple for them and also gives us a high degree of data integrity.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Cool. So that was-- oh, sorry. The one last thing I wanted to show is we also use an interface. And this one, you'll see we're past the dates of it, but it's a good example, nonetheless.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We set up one very high-level summary interface for executive reporting.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"One of the things that-- we've set up this Airtable. It's got so much information in it. It's really, really helpful. But culling through it can be difficult, particularly depending on who you are and how much appetite you have and, really, what your questions are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so one of the things that I did was set up this interface so that our executive stakeholders could have a place where they could just very quickly look at one to two numbers, green/red-type deal and understand how we are pacing on the cycle. So the things I included here were basically the percentage of points-- so those are the Jira issues and point counts that we're scraping in-- percentage of those complete, then the cycle start and end dates, and so the percentage of days complete.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Typically, this is for a past cycle, but, typically, this would say we're, like, 75%-- in a ideal world, we are 75% of points complete , and we are 75% of the cycle complete. And these two numbers move in lockstep. And then it's a good way to assess how things are going.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I've also got a little pie chart of the statuses of all of the slices associated with the cycle and then just a quick view of the percentage completion across our actual, independent teams. So that's a way for us to just provide a very quick snapshot of visibility. Often, this is the starting point of diving into deeper views and really sussing out more information. But it's just a quick way to get a sense of where you are.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"OK, so that was all I wanted to share in the demo. I'll flip back to my deck right now. Just give me one moment.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Oh, I don't want to share it. We're going to Slide Show.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And for wrap up, I just wanted to share two things, one of which is the value that we've seen, and then, also, just some advice from someone who's gone through this, if you were to want to do something similar yourself. So first is the organizational impact.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"We've really seen major impact across three different groups. So for the team, the team that's actually working at it, our R\u0026amp;D folks, it's improved our ability to plan. It's allowed them to update a status in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"As someone who's very mindful of how much time people are spending on reporting and making sure that we're only having them do that in the highest-value ways, this has really improved efficiency there. It's also, as I mentioned-- on the Category page, it's improved our triage efficiency. And then, overall, it's just reduced the noise of one-off Slack messages about statuses, when is this being released, et cetera.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"For our executive stakeholders, it's given them one place to look to know what's happening. They're not sifting through docs, and Jira dashboards, et cetera. And so it's giving them a quick way to enter and get the information that they need-- similarly, for our cross-functional partners, creating the right level of visibility into the roadmap that they can self-serve. And then it's also helped by giving them a better understanding of all of the team's commitments and priorities.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"It's very easy for a customer success manager, understandably, to get off a call with a customer, get really excited about a feature they want, and then push for it really hard without full context. And so it's actually helped just with cross-org communication and expectation setting more broadly.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, lastly, if I were doing this again, what I would suggest is-- or some things I've learned would be invest heavily in setting up the right information architecture. I talked through our four-layer version. We went through a couple of versions-- ones with more, ones with less-- and finally oriented to this being right for our team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I wouldn't necessarily suggest that this is going to be right for everyone, but it was right for our team and the work that we were trying to do. But I would think about how your team works, how they plan, and how you want to integrate into your process as you're setting up that information architecture. With that being said, like any operational initiative, you should be prepared to pivot and shift things as it's rolling, as you're getting feedback from your team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Next is I would establish one owner.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Setting this up, I had a ton of help and a ton of partnership from product management and engineering leaders.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"But having myself as the DRI-- but having one DRI made sure that it actually happened and got adopted and that one person was on the hook for what a lot of reporting requires, which is a hearts and minds campaign-- getting the team bought into it, making them see the value in it, making them try it long enough that they actually see the value. So that would be another point.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then, finally, I would suggest think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking. Oh, sorry.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Think about what your team is already doing in terms of tracking, and zoom out and think about how it's all going to be connected. No one ever wants one more place to update.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So think about what you can automate, what you can integrate, what, if you roll this out, you would be able to deprecate, and then what it should link to. For us, being able to pull in information from Jira was basically table stakes. We had all of this information flowing through Jira, and it didn't feel right to have these things disconnected.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So I would just think about that as you're setting it up, as well. So at this point, that's all I have prepared. I would be happy-- I don't know if we're doing questions now or just to the end, but I would be happy to take them now, if--","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Awesome.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- --you want to do that now.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, we'll go through a couple of them, and then we'll save some for the end. So if anyone else has more questions for Caroline, please don't hesitate to drop them in the Q\u0026amp;A. Again, we'll get through a couple right now, and then we'll save some time at the end. So first one, can you tell us a little bit about some of the roadblocks you ran into as you were getting this process set up and how you guys overcame them?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah. So I would say the two major roadblocks-- and there were very opposite ends of the spectrum of challenges you could have, one of which is really adoption, data integrity from the team.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And this is, I think, a very natural part of any kind of process change or process addition. We weren't doing a ton of tracking like this before.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so the teams were comfortable using Jira. They felt that their work was appropriately represented there. And that was all totally valid. But we did need-- we had executive stakeholders who were telling us they had no idea what was going on. So we needed something.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so, really, like I said, the hearts and minds campaign of getting them to understand why it was important, getting them to actually understand why this was-- if we invested in this, it was actually a lot more efficient than many of the things they were doing in silos. So that piece of it was hard.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I would say the way that I overcame that was, one, is a level of just persistence and doggedly knowing that you have to do this. I knew I had to do this. I had to chat with our CEO every week about what was going on with it. And so that was a bit of a-- there was enough pressure on me from that.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And then I think that the other way I overcame it with the team was actually by bringing them into the process. So our product managers are the ones who are doing the weekly updates. And so the most process-oriented are the ones that were most interested in the project.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"I actually brought them in as my stakeholders, and we pressure-tested, \"does this make sense\" together. They had a lot of-- they had a huge voice in developing it. So that was also a big part of it was actually bringing in the team members who had a real appetite to understand this and have input into it.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"The second biggest challenge was this Jira connection. So Airtable has native Jira integrations, and I actually-- the other two people on this, Jordan and Zach, could probably speak to what those look like today much better. But when I was setting it up, that was my hypothesis of how we were going to connect these two systems.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Without getting too technical and into the details, the information that we needed, which was issue count and point count from epics, was not actually information that we could pull in. It's not actually a part of Jira's API, like, the tokens that they give in their API.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"So we had to build a custom-- so what that meant was we had to take, like, an hour of development time to build a custom script that automatically pulled this information in. So that was just a-- it's pretty easily overcome if you have anyone on your end team who's willing to lend you an hour of help. But it was definitely something I ran around a bit.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"JORDAN: Yeah, that makes sense. We'll do one more, and then we'll get to the rest of these at the end, or you can respond to them via text, as well, as we're going. But what did the onboarding process look like for this space for the rest of your team?","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"- Yeah, so, fortunately, the main people using this are our product managers.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"And so we had very little turnover or new hires when we were developing this.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"While we were in the throes of setting it up and getting it right, we weren't onboarding people into it, which was just fortunate. Totally could have done it but was just a nice thing to not have to do.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Now, I onboard team members into it. I have a one-pager that's a-- and I think I flashed a screenshot of it-- that walks through, with a bunch of examples, the information hierarchy that we use. And that's where I first direct people. And then we have recorded a little video walkthrough for folks to watch during their onboarding.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Workflow Hotline: Align, Prioritize, and Share Your Roadmap","id":"eY4CKEplopanIZ0AhOdD4","slug":"align-prioritize-share-your-roadmap","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"4d65fWulPV7gzP1oIBrgXl","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.608Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:09:53.290Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":32,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Workflow Hotline: Align, Prioritize, and Share Your Roadmap","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This week on the workflow hotline, we help Robin prioritize features based on her company's objectives, customer feedback and team effort. 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So glad to hear from you here at the Workflow Hotline. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Aaron? How did you know it was me?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Don't worry about that. How can I help you?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Well, you're right. Now that I've got my feedback in one place-- thanks for that, again-- I understand what our users want us to improve on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But now I've got so many ideas that I'm hitting a new challenge. How do I pick what's both important to our company goals and to our customers?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- So what you want is to be able to say, hey, I've got this feature, and it impacts this customer feedback. But also, here's how it moves our company goals. Is that right?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Yes, that's right. Ideally, I can say, here's a feature. We prioritized it because it impacts this company goal, addresses this feedback, and the team felt that it was the easiest way to accomplish that goal. Also, would it be too much to ask if I make this roadmap shareable across the company?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Never too much to ask. That's why we're here at the Workflow Hotline. So I'm hearing three things that we're going to work on during this chat. First, how do we align across company goals?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Second, how do we prioritize the right features based on those company goals and the feedback we've gotten?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third, how do we share this new roadmap internally and externally so everyone could rally around it? Let's jump in. Let's talk about goals.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So we use the objective Key Result Framework, OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have company-level objectives, each with its key results that we track progress against. Usually, we have a doc where I write everything down, but it gets pretty stale. I want to connect each feature we work on to which objectives and key results in moves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Objectives and their related key results sound like a new type of information you want to track. Every new type of information means a new table in your base. Let's go ahead and add all of your key results, organized by their related objectives. Every record here is going to be a key result. And I'm going to add a dropdown single select for which objective it falls under-- a relevant quarter, an owner,. Then you can group by that field to make it easier to see everything. Let me ask you something, Robin, is this something you think other teams at your company might use?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Totally-- sales, support, marketing. Everyone's got the OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: So if multiple teams have the same OKRs, they may have their own table base to track progress against those. In that case, we should have one base with OKRs and sync from there, such that we have a single source of truth for OKRs, and any updates to that base will be synced across all workflows. So Robin, go ahead and fill this out with the rest of your OKRs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: All right. Moving away from stale docs towards live data is a win for me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But how do I kind of put it all together? How do I get a prioritized roadmap with features tied to key results and customer feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right. So when you think about it, features are actually a new piece or type of information we want to track in our base. New type of information means new table. So let's go ahead and add a features table with a code name for the feature, as you do before. Let's give a description of that feature and then give it a status, where it is in our pipeline. Now, Robin, I'm sure you have a bunch of ideas from the feedback you've read. How about you go ahead and add a few in now.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Easy. Here are a few. And from here, what I want to say is we're tackling this feature because it's tied to this key result, and here's the customer feedback we've gotten about it.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right, you want to associate information across tables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, it's important to know that Airtable bases are relational databases. What that means is you can associate information across tables using linked records. Now, let's tie everything together in your base. By adding a linked record to objectives, I can see what key results are associated with each feature, and I can do the same for associating feedback to each feature, giving you a complete picture across different tables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So with this, I can tell key stakeholders, leadership, or crossfunctional teams, here are the five features we're working on for this key result.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: That's right. And I'm sure your gut is good, Robin. But I feel like your stakeholders will appreciate that extra visibility and make it easier to track progress across OKRs for yourself and your team as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Absolutely. So one more thing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: You want to talk about prioritization, right?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: You are very good at this, Aaron.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We can't ship every feature. And so to decide what we work on, we rank each feature based on perceived effort and value. Low effort, high value are the ones we like to pick off first.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And so perceived effort and perceived value are actually pieces of information you want to track across each feature. So I'm going to go ahead and add those as new fields to your table, and you could prioritize your low effort, high value by sorting this view. Now, at the top, you're going to see your low effort, high value. And this works for this framework.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But there are a bunch of other frameworks you want to use. Maybe you want to give points to different features. You can add fields for that as well. Or maybe you want to track effort and value across different teams, say the design team or the engineering team. You can also use that by adding new fields.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I feel like the mix of all of that together, knowing which objectives it moves, the feedback it's related to, and the effort will make it easier for me to pick the right feature to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Absolutely. And that's what the workflow hotline is here for. So at the beginning, you said you wanted to share this roadmap?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Yeah. Let's dig into that. So right now, folks are very much in the dark about what's going on because we don't have a single source of truth on the roadmap that we can share internally. Can I just share the table we just built with the team?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"AARON: Yes, you can share any view you create. Let's say you want to share a Kanban of features you've committed. Now anyone coming to this link can see an up-to-date roadmap. They can even share with clients as well. Any changes in your roadmap will be reflected in this shared view, so your live roadmap becomes your internal roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If you want to give stakeholders something more comprehensive, you can create an interface with dashboard elements and a full view of your roadmap. Folks can come and see what you've delivered and what's coming up in one place. And it also updates based on any changes in your roadmap.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: That should give everyone a really clear view of what's coming. Internal alignment also means that we'll be sharing the right information to our clients.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- A clear and shared roadmap is always key. Hey, Mikaela, how's that hold music asking folks to subscribe to Airtable's YouTube channel coming along?","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Workflow Hotline: Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback ","id":"1OBLOHTCcRZrYL2WxonYZP","slug":"standardize-centralize-analyze-feedback","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1ozubeWtL1akyF4Vh4mc4c","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.659Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:12:24.624Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":31,"revision":12,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Workflow Hotline: Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"This week on the workflow hotline, we got a call from Robin, a product operations manager who wants to improve how they collect feedback. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Learn more about Airtable for product operations: ","nodeType":"text"},{"data":{"uri":""},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"hyperlink"},{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"},{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"\n","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5gC59Y3V6l2x4895sCJ5Eh","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:54:41.906Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.814Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Workflow Hotline_ Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback _ Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":143052,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Workflow Hotline_ Standardize, Centralize and Analyze Feedback _ Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Right now, my biggest challenge is that our feedback process is broken.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[PHONE RINGING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Hi, you've reached the workflow hotline. This is Aron. How can I make your workflow more efficient today?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Hi, I'm Robin. So I'm on a product operations team, and one part of my job is to get a clear picture of what our customers are saying so we can prioritize the right parts of the product.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Right now, my biggest challenge is that our feedback process is broken. It's not that I don't get the feedback, but it's just unusable when I get it well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- But tell me more about that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So the feedback is messy when I get it. And some of it just says, here's a bug and nothing else. I can't really do anything with that. It's also coming from everywhere, and I can't keep track of it all. Even when I pull it all together, it's really hard to see trends and take action on some things that can turn it into a clear and coherent roadmap that everyone loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- So I'm hearing from you, Robin, if I could summarize these three things.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"First is that you need to standardize the information you received in each piece of feedback such that you can act on it. Second is that you need to centralize it. You want it all to go into one place no matter where that feedback comes from. And then third, once you have it all in one place, you want to be able to analyze it. To see trends and really create that roadmap that everybody loves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So luckily, you're in the right place. This is definitely something that workflow hotline can help you with, and let's get started.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Robin, here at the workflow hotline we like to say, start with the data.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So think about a piece of feedback. What information do you need in every piece of feedback?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Every piece of feedback should have some text, like a click description of the feedback. And then whether it's a bug, a feature request, or even praise that I can share with the team. I also need to know some things about the submitter. Name and email, that feels like enough.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: As you're speaking, Robin, I'm actually building out your feedback table right here. So every field in this table will be something you want to capture for every piece of feedback. You mentioned email, name, feedback, I've added all of those. Now, it's really easy to add more. Maybe you want to track the experience that they're having with your product, just simply add that field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, every record in this table will be a piece of feedback. And this table can scale to thousands of pieces of feedback without any issues.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, Robin, go ahead and add the latest piece of feedback you've received. And boom, that feedback is now documented.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: This is a great first step, but how do I get the actual feedback into this table? I get thousands of pieces of feedback, and there's only one of me.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- What you need is an easy way to get feedback into this table. Now, one option is to create a form. So you can simply drag and drop the fields you want to appear on that form from this feedback table, and it creates a form that you can share in emails, really use it however you want, and every submission of that form becomes a new record in your feedback table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Can I give this a try?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Yeah, absolutely. Let me shoot over the URL, and you can fill it out and start documenting feedback right away.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: I can imagine this being in the emails that we send or maybe a nice embed in the product. I'm getting a lot of ideas here. But something that's coming to mind for me is that each team likes to use their own tool for tracking feedback.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The support team has Zendesk, the sales team has Salesforce. I'd love to get data from there as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: No problem. If you end up with a variety of tools for getting feedback, you can set up an external sync such that no matter where it starts, it ends up in one table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: All right, so let's say I put this form everywhere and start getting thousands of pieces of feedback, how do I analyze the information to prioritize the roadmap?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Let's talk about a few ways.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So first, you can create views which are different ways of looking at your information. Say a common view of feedback organized by urgency level or by product area. You can use a variety of grid views to slice your information say, unaddressed feedback or feedback organized by type.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can zoom out of every piece of feedback by creating dashboard that summarizes your information. It's the number of pieces of feedback you've addressed, quantity of feedback you've gotten over time, and how it breaks down per product area. Even look at how feedback moves for revenue, this is perfect for analyzing the feedback you're getting so you can accurately prioritize and pick the right features to work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: So I can create these dashboards, and they just update as the feedback rolls in?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ARON: Exactly. As you're working on the underlying feedback, your dashboards will update in real time. I'm actually going to send you a link right now, and you can adjust it based on your team's needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"ROBIN: Standardized, centralized, analyzed. Thanks, I'm feeling confident that I can get this feedback workflow under control and deliver the right features.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Well, I'm so happy to hear that. That is exactly what the workflow hotline is here for.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Airtable for your marketing calendar","id":"5gwA1IIHaPdO4SbqtnuTd3","slug":"airtable-for-your-marketing-calendar","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"3dTtumcP4gaa8U8dXrv5E3","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.749Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:14:48.568Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":20,"revision":9,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Airtable for your marketing calendar","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Managing multiple marketing campaigns with different deadlines and external stakeholders can be a challenge, but Airtable is flexible enough to fit the unique scope of your projects, even as they evolve. In this 30 minute webinar, we'll walk you through how to address common pain-points with Airtable. ","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"5TNK2hPUj23pVtXJpRSmnq","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:53:31.481Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.827Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":344285,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Webinar_ Airtable for your marketing calendar.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"- Hello, everyone. I think that you can hear me now. I am Vanessa Bazalgette here from the Enterprise Accounts team. And we'll just give everyone else a few more minutes to join on here. But super excited to be talking through Airtable with you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Just give it probably 30 more seconds to a minute here. Thanks for your patience.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All right.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We are right at 4 o'clock, so I'm going to kick us off. And of course, there will be a recording of this in case anyone wants to watch after the fact. But hello, everyone. Super excited to be here today. My name is Vanessa Bazalgette, and I'm on the Enterprise Accounts team here at Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I'm actually traveling for work right now. I'm in New York City. So if you see any people moving behind us, I'm at one of our partners who uses Airtable quite closely at WeWork here in New York City. So very excited to be here today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And before joining Airtable, I spent much of my career consulting clients in agencies alike on marketing best practices. So today I get to do all of that consulting with Airtable specifically and have honed-in expertise in the marketing space, which is why I'm super excited to be presenting to you all today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Today we'll be walking through how many marketing businesses have gotten started with Airtable. And this webinar will be particularly useful if you're looking for a tool that can help you to collaboratively manage your marketing calendar.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So to kick us off, just so that we know what to expect from today, I wanted to set a brief agenda for us. And for anyone that's new to Airtable, we always like to start these webinars with that first \"what is Airtable\" question and then from there really diving into orient us in those foundational components of what makes up an Airtable product. We'll go through that step by step.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And then, finally, we'll highlight the important aspects of Airtable that really make it critical for marketing teams, their workflows, their marketing calendar management, and all of that good stuff. So we'll briefly outline some key challenges that I hear often in the space, that my colleagues hear very often in the space as well, and from there really outline how Airtable can help teams to overcome a lot of those challenges. So with that agenda, we'll keep that in mind and really get started and dive right in.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So like I mentioned, we're going to start at that \"what is Airtable\" section. So for those of you that are brand new to Airtable, it's super exciting for me to introduce you to a brand-new way of working. And Airtable's a horizontal toolkit that allows teams to creatively build the tools that they need.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And how exactly do we do that?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We enable teams to build those tools because Airtable's a flexible, collaborative, and powerful database that allows for that customization for your specific team's process. So we've heard from many partners in the marketing space that they're most knowledgeable about their workflow, and sometimes the tools that they have aren't aligned with some of their practices, some of their goals, and there's no flexibility to create those tools, so they default to other things that are more flexible. And Airtable helps to bridge that gap and really empower you as a business users to create the tools and processes that you need to effectively get your work done.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable really gives you the building blocks to organize, to manage, and to create those tools that you all could use. And I hope that that's a key takeaway as to what you all take out of the webinar today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And now I would love to dive into an intro of Airtable because it's helpful to orient and really know where we're going for the webinar today. So when you first come to Airtable, what we're all seeing on the screen today is what we call Workspace. And Workspace is like a folder. It's an organizational unit that houses all of the individual bases that your team could be working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a base is a collection of either a relevant project, multiple workflows. It can really be the customized, individual database that your team is building.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Because like I mentioned, base is our short word for database. So what you truly are building is a relational tool that works exactly for your team. And rather than ordering a pre-ordered salad that's everything that you can't really change or customize and the dressing is all in it, that sometimes doesn't work for some teams. So instead, we have a full salad bar where you really can choose and customize and make your own team-- or your own salad-- and invite any teammates to that experience to share that with you. So on this base, you can see that there are seven people collaborating on this database. And this could be a visual of when you first come in to Airtable, which we'll do in a little bit.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to highlight the anatomy-- again, for those that are new to Airtable-- the upper left, you can see, are called tables. And we see campaigns, tasks, assets, teams. We see an individual record, one individual campaign, and all of the field types to the right, which are the different types of adjectives is the way I think about it about the different record that you're looking at.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So diving into that a little bit more specifically, a table is one unique type of information that you want to track. So in this case, it would be campaigns. And it's dedicated to something very specific. So the table itself would be then comprehensively built up of individual records with all sorts of different field types associated with it. And the field types are really very detailed information about each of the individual records, so each of the individual campaigns that your team might be executing on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And there are all sorts of different field types. So with Airtable, you can really customize to have an attachment, a single selected date. You can even establish a relationship between two different tables through a linked record. So we'll go into that a little bit later on. But these are the different field types that you can have in an Airtable base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And this is a visualization of an expanded record. So like I mentioned before-- and one record is a complete unit. And there's a horizontal relationship of all of those field types associated with that one unit. So when you make it larger, you're able to even see that record activity.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can see my colleague Becky, who is taking action on this record. And there's a record activity fee where you really know who's working on what. You can see the comments in the context of work. And we'll go into some specifics about that a little bit later.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. And how a lot of teams find that advanced functionality with Airtable is through our View Features. So the view picker, like you can see up there, allows you to select the customization that works for you. So it could be a grid, a calendar, a gallery, a Kanban status board, or even a form to receive structured information. And those views are the ways that you would take action on the underlying data. So you'd create a new view when you want to visualize the underlying data-- visualize your campaigns in a different manner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to construct that ideal visualization, a lot of folks will use the Airtable toolkit up at the very top there. As you can see, you can hide. You can filter. You can group. You can sort, color, or expand that size of the individual view. And it's also really handy to share a distinct URL of this customized view of only the information that you want to share that you can share with people that don't even have an Airtable account. So someone could access one visualization, a subset of the underlying data, and really know only exactly what you want to share with them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So without further ado, we do want to jump into why it's particularly relevant for marketing calendars and marketing workflows. So that's what I'll cover for the remainder of the webinar today. And although it's a lot of me talking, there is going to be a feedback survey that comes at the end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. We're always looking to improve. And we also do have our support team and also our customer engagement team, which I sit on, where you can always reach out to ask questions about how this could be customized to your business. And we'll cover off on that at the very end as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So to orient us for the base that we'll walk through today, I wanted to briefly touch upon some key challenges that I've experienced with a lot of other teams in the marketing space and what we work through together with Airtable. And these challenges aren't meant to be comprehensive of every single thing that any marketing team is facing, rather just an illustration of some of the top things that we hear most often. So if these are particularly relevant for your team, there will also be a recording of this webinar, and we'd love to have you share it with your team and get their thoughts and start to have a collaborative conversation about what is and isn't working with you all.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But the key challenges that we really are starting to see most often are first that marketing teams have demands to increase their output. And it can be really tough for teams to know who's running point on each campaign, where the assets are at. Sometimes campaigns get scheduled over each other, and deadlines get missed, and there's that overlap that doesn't allow for seamless communication and collaboration or even project ownership because people don't really know who's owning what.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And we also hear that a lot of teams will spend a ton of time chasing down assets and chasing down what work they should be doing rather than having one central source to know exactly what's going on, the latest status, and all of the related information for the projects that they're working on. So that's where Airtable can be that consolidated source, and teams can go back to focusing on creating the great content that they love rather than spending half of their day finding what work they should be working on, especially as the marketing landscape is getting more complex and the demands of output are increasing.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And third and finally, what we'll cover today is that we do hear that a lot of teams have reporting challenges. So, for example, they only know how they've performed against their KPIs at the end of the whole campaign itself rather than having a real-time update because they have to copy and paste data to even get a reporting metric, and sometimes key points get lost and aren't bubbled up for leadership, aren't adequately put forward for resource planning-- a lot of different challenges in the reporting space. So we'll dive into those today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Like I mentioned, if your team is facing any of those challenges, we'd love to talk about those and see if there would be a customized way to work together. But today we'll really focus on how Airtable can empower your team to streamline that collaboration and project ownership, maximize the time that they spend on creative marketing rather than hunting down where the work is, and also creating that central source of truth for all of the reporting needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So we're actually going to exit out of the slides here and dive right into a base.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I would want to orient us just, again, like we did so we know what we're looking at. So what we're looking at together is one individual base. And like I mentioned, a base can be a huge component of a workflow. But what we're looking at here is a Campaigns table and an Assets table. So each table has a complete list of all of the campaigns that this team is working on. And then there are different ways to visualize that underlying data differently.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"All of the records that we see below are the individual records that are the complete units of information that we want to track. So that's just a quick orientation. We'll go into the dashboard reporting at the very end.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to kick us off with problem number 1 and walk through how teams have solved that in Airtable, often it's really tough, like I mentioned before and like your teams might be experiencing, to know who's working on what. So that causes projects to miss their deadlines, to get off track, inadequate resource planning-- there aren't enough people working on the project or too many people working on the project. So really Airtable can help to streamline that project collaboration and project ownership when a project is owned by an individual.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The way that a lot of teams will do that is actually through a view functionality. So what we'll go through today is visualizing one of many views for the assets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"I don't know if your team has similar challenges. But if they do, hopefully this will cover off on all of them of the individual views. So what we'll do today is click on the view picker as we did. And you can see that there are a whole host of saved views that update in real time as your team takes action on the work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But since a lot of teams in the marketing space have shared that they really like the calendar view, that's what we'll visualize here first. So this is an example of Bailey's calendar view. Bailey could be a person on your team that collaboratively owns a ton of projects and wants to only know what projects she's owning, what assets she's owning for deliverables.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Bailey can come into Airtable, very quickly get a snapshot as to what exactly she needs to do, and take action on all of the work for the visualization that best meets her needs. But like we talked about before, there are many different ways to visualize Airtable. So Bailey just happens to like to use a calendar because she's a very visual learner.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The toolkit up here is what we talked about before of really constructing that ideal view, narrowing in to only the data you want to see. And you can also, like I mentioned, share individual views with a distinct URL, password protect, domain restrict, so that people even that don't have an Airtable account can collaboratively see the information that you're working on if cross-functional visibility is really critical for your workflow.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To show an example of what someone might do in a calendar view is there's a campaign that Bailey's working on, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And you can see just the high level of information here. But in the calendar view, you can actually expand that record and see all of the rich information associated with that record.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And let's say that Bailey actually goes in and does this work and she adds in the creative that she needs to take action on. She puts the final content here. And rather than being scheduled, this item is now live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We exit out of that. We'll note that, of course, it changed to yellow because Bailey has it set to color by status. But what's really awesome about Airtable is that updates across the entire source of truth. So like you can note here, Spring #SheSuite Post Blog is now live, associated with Bailey. So her whole team across every single one of these visualizations, if it's important to them, has been updated that Bailey has now posted. So there's no more of that going off to email, sending note and saying, reporting #SheSuite Post Blog, it's now live-- minimizes all of that back and forth. So instead of updating multiple sources of truth, everything is happening all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what Bailey can even do, if we pop back to her calendar view, is expand the record to comment and have a conversation in the context of work. So with Airtable, as you can see here, there's all of the great rich information associated with the record. But you can also comment to other colleagues and really have that talk happen in the context of work.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So my friend Danielle at work, maybe Bailey wants to let her know, hey, this is live. And rather than sending an email, Danielle prefers to just get that notification and say, hey, make 5.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It's Friday afternoon here in New York. So hopefully things need to get done before the weekend, and this is just a great way to alert the team.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So depending on Danielle's notification preferences, that streamlined collaboration really can happen in the context of this post because you can set up a native Slack integration. You can have an email notification when you're at mentioned in record. And you can also just be notified in Airtable itself.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So overall the key takeaways are that each of your teammates can visualize the underlying information however they best need to to streamline that collaboration, take on that project ownership, and know that these things are in my queue, this is everything I'm going to work on, work across time zones, even global teams, and really get everything done and have one central update for any changes that are made rather than working across multiple tools or disparate spreadsheets.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So that's challenge number one. And diving into number two, we do hear a lot that a lot of teams are chasing down assets and status updates, and they don't really know or have one central source of truth as to what's going well. So there are even teams that physically print out information, often take notes in their meetings, and then go up and update things in the past. And a lot of teams will exchange emails and say, hey, can we change this date? Can we change that date? And sometimes things slip through the cracks.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And in order to really have that one central source of truth where people don't have to bother hunting things down and spending a lot of time knowing where the status or assets and stuff are at, Airtable enables you to create that central source of truth so that you can focus time on just creating the great marketing assets. So in order to increase output demands, teams really need to know, where will I have the most impact? What can I do specifically?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And often, for marketing teams that we've worked with, there are steps in their workflow where Airtable's highly, highly customizable and flexible and is not following a rigid process structure for a project management. It's really customizable to your language, to your needs, and can be built to reflect all of that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a way that some teams will do that is-- let's say that the feedback stage is really critical for a certain team. And right now they have a weekly meeting, and they all come, and they talk about their feedback, and they take notes. They send some emails. They send some Slacks. And there's another person on their team that actually goes and updates it all in a spreadsheet.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So instead of doing that, I even have teams that will create one ideal visualization, such as the feedback stage. We're using Airtable's toolkit. They're hiding, filtering, grouping by the campaign to really only note only assets that need feedback. And this type of a visualization kind of can act like an inbox where you can even host the meeting in Airtable or you can asynchronously work in your own time to get all of the feedback for the relevant projects that you need to take action on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And for example here, let's say Fall #SheSuite Post Instagram-- keeping on trend.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We actually, from the status, move it away from Feedback Needed to Revising.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You'll note back here that immediately that post came out of the inbox. So this type of distinct URL can be bookmarked for weekly team meeting, and everything in the feedback stage can be taken action on and update across all visualizations for your team. So there's no more duplication of effort. It all just seamlessly takes place, and it's one source of truth for that update.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And similarly, your team can easily update status and colors of the projects that are relevant for them. So if your team really has that distinct workflow-- and many teams have a workflow that makes their competitive edge as their business. So they operate in such a cool and innovative way that the tools really need to match the way that they work in order to keep that competitive advantage as opposed to having a tool force the process for them and impose the way that you should be working.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So, for example, let's say three months from now-- I'll go back to our All View here.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Let's say you decide to do livestreams. So I'm doing a livestream right now. And other ways to educate people could be through a livestream. So what you can do in order to futureproof your workflow is, in real time, customize each of these types of fields, such as a single select, to say Livestream Facebook, Livestream Instagram.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. You can save it. And what you'll note here is that instead of maybe just an Instagram post, your team now has the option to choose a livestream on Instagram. So as you change processes, Airtable really helps you to futureproof your workflow and impose that data structure that really makes sense for you.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And one other thing that's really important for teams when creating the central source of truth is establishing relationships between tables to know everything that not only is associated with their asset but also which assets are connecting to which campaigns. So with Airtable, what is possible to do is bring your workflow to life to 3D rather than being a flat spreadsheet. And you can customize the field type to link to another record in the base that you have. And you can even limit to a specific view, such as only campaigns that are live, not the archived historical campaigns that you're working on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And what you'll note here is this campaign is associated with this asset, and you can expand that campaign in the context of that asset and see all of the rich information associated with that campaign. So that relationship goes both ways, and that linked record only needs to be established once and provides powerful functionality across both sources.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To explain that one step further, on the Campaigns table, we're actually using a specific field type to look up the associated asset due date, campaign start and end date to display the information as to when the campaign should be wrapping based on when the assets are wrapping. So let's say you move around the assets and the deliverables. The campaign will similarly match and move around as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Great.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So I know that we covered a lot today. But in creating that central source of truth, there are just a few more things that I want to talk about because a lot of teams do discuss that cross-functional visibility is super critical for their workflows. So with Airtable, you can actually share a view or even embed it on a microsite. So let's say you have a gallery view of all of the great marketing deliverables that you've created. You can embed this link for an enterprise wiki for your entire team to see all of the deliverables that are status complete, let's say, or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So the way you would do that is just add in where status is live.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And only the live items would be shown for your enterprise wiki.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And a lot of other teams tell me that they don't operate in a silo, that they really-- they take innovative ideas and information from other teams. But right now, they get an email or an ad hoc walk up to your desk and say, hey, marketing team, can you work on this project? And of course, you want to be collaborating with cross-functional teams. But there's no structured way to receive that information for a lot of teams.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So what folks will do is use an Airtable form to impose structure of what they would like to receive as a marketing team when a request is coming in from an external source. And then they want to have the discretion to say when should I actually take action on it. So you can drag and drop information for these forms to customize and share this distinct URL-- again, password protect or domain restrict-- with your team to actually see a visualization of all the information that you want to receive from these teams even if they don't have an Airtable account. So again, keeping with the theme of creating one central source of truth, that's entirely possible with the Airtable form if you have an intake structure as well.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So covering off on all of that, we wanted to address how you can minimize the downtime of tracking down work, hunting down what you're working on, and truly create that central source of truth. And Airtable has empowered a lot of teams to do exactly that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Awesome. So one more of three. We wanted to go into reporting on the metrics. I've heard from a lot of teams that it's really, really important that they bubble up exactly what they're doing to upper leadership and all of that. And hopefully with the first two steps of streamlined collaboration and having a central source of truth, your reports and dashboards will look even better than ever if you're using Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But we also have our blocks reporting features that are built right into Airtable itself. And blocks are like these powerful units that just add advanced functionality to all of the great underlying data that your team is taking work on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And to show you the visualization, sometimes teams have it just in the side panel where they're just seeing a visualization of what's important to them. But often you want to expand that to see a full dashboard view and share these visualizations with other colleagues to let them know of the great work that's being taken action on for a bird's eye view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So it's possible to create customized dashboards with different sources. You set up the block one time, and it lives in-- as you make changes, updates in real time. So that's a great way to have a bird's eye view, reporting in real time, like we talked about before. If you have KPIs, you can track against them in real time, as opposed to having-- at the end of the campaign, realizing that you either overshot or undershot or something like that.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"And aside from a bird's eye view, it can also help with real-time resource planning-- so budgeting, if that's critical for you, or just bandwidth of your team individually, or even just time zone planning across a lot of different time zones. We have an example of team bandwidth, which you can expand here. Shout out to our marketing team for beautiful visualization here and lots of colors.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But essentially, what you can really quickly grasp here is Ari is likely overstrapped. He's probably working on too much, whereas Bailey maybe has a little bit of room to take on some new projects. So in real time in the dashboard itself, you can click on the the not started projects that Ari is working on and maybe assign some of that workload to Bailey because, as we saw, she only had 20 projects on her plate, whereas Ari had many more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So let's say Bailey really loved working on this campaign last year. She's super expert at YouTube, and so we're going to actually assign this to her. So rather than Ari, you can go in here and choose Bailey, exit out, and you'll see right now Bailey has 21 items on her plate. So immediately, as you can see here, that new summer YouTube video was assigned to Bailey.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So you can very visually grasp resource planning, and I'm a super visual learner, so blocks are really helpful for me when thinking through things like this. But also, streamlined collaboration across increasingly global teams or teams that work across different time zones can be utilized with Airtable Blocks as well. So countdowns and all of that type of stuff can be really helpful, as well as timelines, as to get that bird's eye view of everything that's being worked on.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So Airtable can help with not only real-time reporting but also historical lookbacks, future quarter planning, staffing for upcoming projects. There's just so many different ways to visualize the underlying data that you're working on. And there's no margin for error from copying and pasting or going into a different tool to do all this reporting. You know for sure that everything that's in Airtable is what you're reporting on, and it's really a seamless, streamlined, closed loop there.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Amazing. All right, I'll leave the dashboard up as the last visual just because it looks so nice here. But we covered a ton today, and I really appreciate you taking the time to walk through all this information with me, especially while I'm in New York. Normally, I sit in San Francisco but would love to hear from you all that chatted in the webinar today. It was really great to talk through all of this.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To recap, I hope that we really did cover the three marketing challenges that we outlined and set out at the beginning-- to help your team streamline communication and project ownership, to create a central source of truth for seamless collaboration, and to improve your reporting processes across the board.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"To get started with Airtable today, you can navigate to","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We have a ton of great templates. We have a lot of open-source visualizations for Airtable from Airtable Universe where you can see how other businesses and teams have used us. And you'll even get a two-week free trial of our pro features when you sign up for an account the first time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So definitely don't hesitate to check out those templates. And if you prefer to get started off with your own data, you can take a CSV of existing data and upload that right into Airtable and get started from scratch or you can even get started from absolute scratch from building your own records all the way up.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"So like I mentioned at the very beginning, we really welcome your feedback. We're always looking to improve and learn about how businesses are using Airtable. So super excited to be sending out a feedback form at the end and hope to connect with all of you. My email is And we also have our support and customer engagement team, like I mentioned.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"But thanks again, and hope you all have a great afternoon, whether you're on the East Coast, West Coast, or internationally dialing in. We appreciate your time so much and are super excited to be having you join us today. All right, bye bye.","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Build your UX research database with Airtable","id":"5lw8XgJVYQgeTFTOq955b","slug":"build-your-ux-research-database-with-airtable","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1IfhIUrWOby9WtFH6QQq58","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.791Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:10:51.585Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":23,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Build your UX research database with Airtable","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"No matter which product or initiative you’re working on, Airtable can help you optimize your user research process. This video will show you how you can use Airtable to manage participants, plan interviews, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"},"isInline":true,"thumbnailImage":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"1ut1EoT6OFYsbdzVclcjcL","type":"Asset","createdAt":"2023-03-07T20:47:40.182Z","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T09:26:21.833Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":3,"revision":2,"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"title":"Video_ Build your UX research database with Airtable.png","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":297092,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Video_ Build your UX research database with Airtable.png","contentType":"image/png"}}},"transcript":{"nodeType":"document","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Welcome to Airtable.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Airtable is a flexible collaboration platform. Whether you are enhancing the viewing experience for your broadcast network or improving the member journey for your music streaming platform, Airtable can help you optimize the entire user research process. With Airtable, you can plan testing sessions, organize feedback, and synthesize learnings, all in one place.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is an Airtable base, your centralized tool for UX research.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"This is where you can keep all of your information relating to user insights, testing sessions, product areas, and participants. Separating each of these into different tables gives you the space to expand on their own unique details.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, the Insights table contains the individual pieces of feedback collected from your studies. It includes a unique numerical ID for the insight, along with its contents, overall sentiment, stage in the user lifecycle, and more.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Information about the testing sessions can be found in this table.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"It contains details like the type of test, the researcher, the date, and a link to the transcript.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"The Product Area table includes the date of the most recent study referencing the area, along with the overall percentages of negative and positive feedback received so far. And finally, the Participants table contains details like LinkedIn profiles and contact information.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"We've separated these into different tables because they each have their own set of specific details that should be preserved. However, we can easily connect information from across tables. For example, let's connect this piece of feedback to its corresponding session.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Now, the session's details are organized separately in its own table. But you can still take a quick peek at them here if you need to.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Remember, everything you see here is entirely customizable, so it's easy to change the structure of your base as your workflow evolves. For example, if you want to rate a session, simply create a new rating field.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or if you're running a new type of test, just add it to the existing dropdown menu. With Airtable, you can empower your team to instantly create the perfect tool for their needs.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"In Airtable, you can easily hone in on the right information for the right time.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Views let you customize and save the settings you need for your various workstreams. For example, if you wanted to view feedback by its stage in the user journey, you can group everything by this field. Or if you only wanted to see feedback related to a certain product area, like audio, just add a filter.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Filters update automatically, so this view will always remain current.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Streamline information collection with a custom form. As your team reviews testing sessions, they can isolate and submit individual insights using this form. Submissions are automatically added to your base so you can reference them instantly.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Then try using a Kanban view to organize and classify the newly submitted insights. Tag them with their corresponding sentiment by dragging them into the right column. And remember, any changes you make in one view are instantly reflected in every view.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"You can also build team or personal views to help everyone focus on the information that's most relevant to them.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"For example, check out Pierre's view, which is filtered to only show the testing sessions that he's leading.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Or if you'd prefer to view the sessions according to their dates, try creating an interactive calendar. By creating different views, your team can organize and analyze their data exactly how they like, and you're free to edit or create new views as your workflow evolves.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"If you want to discuss something with your team, no need to switch apps. Send messages right where the work happens in Airtable. Plus, any changes that are made are instantly saved and synced across all devices.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Want to achieve even more with Airtable?","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"Check out Airtable Blocks, a growing library of tools that references and enhances your information. For example, try adding a chart block to analyze user sentiment about various parts of the user journey. 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Try using Airtable for your UX research today.","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"[MUSIC PLAYING]","marks":[],"data":{}}]},{"nodeType":"paragraph","data":{},"content":[{"nodeType":"text","value":"","marks":[],"data":{}}]}]},"tags":["For Teams"]}}},{"title":"Template tour: Content calendar","id":"2KCkNDlLXUgSQnvWiSIJq9","slug":"content-calendar-template-tour","videoMedia":{"metadata":{"tags":[],"concepts":[]},"sys":{"space":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Space","id":"wl95ljfippl8"}},"id":"2X4iiloEiv6RrKWjZuMcre","type":"Entry","createdAt":"2023-03-07T17:27:32.829Z","updatedAt":"2023-06-28T15:05:12.540Z","environment":{"sys":{"id":"master","type":"Link","linkType":"Environment"}},"publishedVersion":26,"revision":10,"contentType":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"ContentType","id":"wistiaVideoComponent"}},"locale":"en-US"},"fields":{"internalName":"Template tour: Content calendar","videoUrl":"","description":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"Plan, execute, and deliver content for your team—and your company—with this template. 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