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capturing individual experiences in BBC1’s The Search for Nicola Bulley</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OUTRAGEOUS_FIRST LOOK_00123" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Outrageous: Rivalry and rebellion in the upper class</a></h2><p class="intro">UKTV &amp; BritBox International’s story of the Mitford sisters aims to transcend its mid-20th century setting to appeal to a modern, global audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="al fayed" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Navigating the ‘most complex’ duty of care for Al Fayed exposé</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Erica Gornall unveils the expensive therapy process behind BBC2’s headline-grabbing doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Joan BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Joan, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">The creative team at Snowed In Productions reveals how it balanced budgets to make ITV1’s jewel thief drama sparkle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="rebel superstar kim kardashian" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Elizabeth Taylor: Rebel Superstar, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director James House and series producer Jemma Chisnall on how Kim Kardashian helped make an infamous story feel new and fresh</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="486800" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Small Town Big Riot, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Mobeen Azhar tells Manori Ravindran how BBC3’s race-riot doc reveals ‘racism repackaged for the internet age’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="my_mum_your_dad_sr2_ep1_19" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Mum Your Dad series 2, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producers Ami Jackson and Ros Coward on the challenges of moving the dating series forward from its debut run</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="nightsleeper 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Nightsleeper, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Euston Films’ managing director Kate Harwood on why its runaway train thriller was an easy pitch but a hard production</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ISRAEL_AND_GAZA_INTO_THE_ABYSS_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Israel & Gaza: Into the Abyss, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Robin Barnwell explains the challenges of recording footage and getting it out of Gaza for a major ITV1 doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the teacher II BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes on The Teacher II</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Dominic Leclerc on how turning The Teacher into an anthology series with a broader canvas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alison Lapper Stills v2-11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The making of In My Own Words: Alison Lapper</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Poppy Goodheart on the sensitive interviews at the heart of a doc about grief and love</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="image00005" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">ALT Jay: behind the scenes of Together TV’s disability doc</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Stefan Pollak explains how the social change broadcaster’s short film fund helped him uncover a story of twin brothers and an inclusive gym</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OL Seal Whisperer Stills-84" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Seal Whisperer, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Nathalie Grace, first time shooting producer/director, on capturing seals beneath the waves - and one man’s extraordinary passion for studying them</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="486131" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Brian May: The Badgers, The Farmers and Me, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Athena Films co-founder Claudia Riccio on a film that defied the odds to get made</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LIBUK_20230814_Unit_00240 _RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Giving Love is Blind a ‘British flavour’</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Nazleen Karim and series editor David Cheesman on bringing the hit Netflix dating show to the UK</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gladiators_Episode 103_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Gladiators, Sky Nature</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Alex Hemingway on unlocking the killer secrets and ingenious tactics of nature’s toughest fighters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LS_WSA_STILL_LIDAR_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shark Attack 360, Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">VFX Producer Amber Woodcock on bringing VFX sharks to life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Battle in the Box (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UKTV’s U&Dave moves into mainstream with Battle in the Box</a></h2><p class="intro">Jamie Ormerod, Tom Corrigan and Mark Iddon on how U&amp;Dave’s new challenge format is helping the channel think outside the box</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Director Luke Korzun Martin with actor and Narco Jean Michele Fueter" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ibiza Narcos, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Luke Korzun Martin talks breaking the fourth wall, trying to capture what it’s like being on drugs and trippy visuals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SupaCell_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The inside track on Supacell - Netflix’s superhero story with a twist</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Sebastian Thiel and producer Sheila Nortley on setting the superhero drama in south London and giving opportunities to diverse creatives</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE FALL - Neil Bishop and MyAnna Buring as Emile and Victoria Cilliers 01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fall: Skydive Murder Plot, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Guy King on blending drama and documentary to tell the story of a chilling relationship which culminated in an attempted murder</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Director Lee Phillips and DOP Graham Smith on location" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Six Schizophrenic Brothers, Discovery +</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Lee Phillips on the delicate task of telling the story of an all-American family torn apart by mental illness</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Faiza IV set up" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">On Thin Ice: Putin Vs Greenpeace, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Clare Beavis on telling the story of a 2013 Greenpeace protest against a Russian oil rig that went terrifyingly wrong</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Camden BTS Dua" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Camden, Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Lightbox’s SVP unscripted Suzanne Lavery on persuading a host of iconic musicians to talk about how they were shaped by this tiny part of London</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="D Day Barrage Balloon Batallion Drama Day.jpg" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Erased, National Geograhic</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producers Johanna Woolford Gibbon and Jamilla Dumbuya on a docudrama telling the stories of the people whitewashed out of history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dara O'Briain C5 Pyramids" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mysteries of the Pyramids with Dara O’Briain, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Ewen Thomson on what we do and don’t know about the pyramids, and the challenges of getting a closer look</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="72489_S1_The Gathering -First Look-4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The kids are alright: The Gathering</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast speaks to the creators of Channel 4’s new series on making a drama for adults and teens alike</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Camera Assistant Natalie Alderson and Camera Op Tristam Cones film guests by the pool" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fortune Hotel, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Series editor Ben Wilson explains the evolution of a double-crossing reality format from Cold War-style espionage to Carribean luxury</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IKAG Horizontal 50MB" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">I Kissed a Girl, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Dan Gray on assembling the perfect team to turn a groundbreaking format into the UK’s first dating show for gay women</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_85034408402" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crime meets horror in Alibi’s The Red King</a></h2><p class="intro">Director &amp; exec producer of the Quay Street’s six-parter on embracing the constraints of a small budget and creating their own religious cult</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="230130_C4_DANNY-DYER_0158" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danny Dyer: How to Be a Man, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Hugh Whitworth on how he tackled finding contributors to talk about the thorny issue of masculinity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the team copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pompeii: The New Dig, BBC 2</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Richard Bradley digs into an on-camera excavation which yielded surprising results</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SOHA Drama - Polish Womens Hall Bike Show" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secrets of the Hells Angels, A&E</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Stuart Pender on the challenges of gaining the trust of the notoriously secretive biker group</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Assembly - Michael Sheen and Caroline" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Assembly, BBC One</a></h2><p class="intro">Michelle Singer, executive producer, explains what went into unlocking the potential brilliance of a neurodivergent chat show format</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Nicola Coughlan. Taken at the end of Episode 1 in Maggie’s flat. Photographer_ Chris Baker" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big Mood, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Lotte Beasley Mestriner on visually depicting the experience of bipolar disorder, while keeping things funny and on budget</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DSC04740" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Barbie Uncovered, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Ross Wilson on diving into the true story behind the world’s most famous doll</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon heropictureLayout"><img alt="DES LONG WEAPONS TRAINER 1972" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Solving the mystery of the lost IRA film</a></h2><p class="intro">The 90-minute film for the BBC delves into the mystery surrounding an American documentary on IRA activity in 1972, and why it was never aired</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CHARLES SOBHRAJ, A LIFE LIVED IN HOTELS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Real Serpent, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">David Howard, creative director of Monster Films, on the challenges of gaining access to a suspected serial killer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Richard Spencer, Whitby Harbour 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Wife, My Abuser: The Secret Footage, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Director David Ward explains the sensitivity need to help Richard Spencer open up about 20 years of abuse at the hands of his wife</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="QU_101_Rachael_Kinley_QU_QQ04_5DMKII_RK_20221004_01_CL5A9739" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Queens, Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Showrunner Chloe Sarosh on pulling together a female-led team to capture animal societies where females rule the roost</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon heropictureLayout"><img alt="TITSUB_300_244_AP_23171180678536" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series PD Daniel Smith on the challenges of shedding new light on the well-covered search for the Titan submarine</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="432596" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Things You Should Have Done, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Lucia Keskin shot to fame on YouTube parodying sitcoms - Robin Parker finds out how the 23-year-old came to be running one of her own</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="73502_S1_Josh Must Win S1 First Look" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Josh Must Win: The Primal Media format turning the dial on reality TV</a></h2><p class="intro">In this new E4 series, celebrities secretly influence the competition by trying to help an ‘ordinary Joe’ contestant triumph over their ‘alpha’ rivals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC09097_LR" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cân i Gymru (Song for Wales), S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Emyr Afan on the increasing the profile of singing contest Cân i Gymru (Song for Wales) with a staging revamp</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC09606-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inseparable Sisters, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer and narrator Lucy Owen on making an intimate documentary exploring the story of conjoined twin sisters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="high-surviving-a-dubai-drugs-bust_s2_logo_as" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">High: Surviving a Dubai Drugs Bust, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Alex Irvine Cox explains how he and his team stretched their budget to tell a dramatic story set in an exotic location</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BTS_#2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Into the Congo with Ben Fogle, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Frederick Martin on why careful planning and optimism are vital when filming extreme adventures</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Picture9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Deep Dive Australia, Sky Nature</a></h2><p class="intro">Presenter Lizzie Daly on getting breathtakingly close to the wildlife of some of Australia’s most remote locations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="06e6b78f-f1fc-45e9-afac-436102987473" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wilderness with Simon Reeve, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Chris Mitchell, series producer and director, on filming in remote areas where nature still has the upper hand</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="© basecampmedia.eu_PR_benhodson-101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Andes Plane Crash, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Oliver Price on dodging French kite skiers to recreate the remote Andes mountains</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="457125" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Silverback, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Andrew Zikking on a wildlife documentary that went in an unexpected direction</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="iside safari_JTDI_C" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secret Life of the Safari Park, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Alex Sutherland on the challenges of filming animals who are free to roam on a budget that isn’t</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="JPP-TL-180423-06304" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Truelove, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Emily Harrison on keeping a high-octane premise grounded yet stylish</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC06981 - Copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bariau, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Alaw Llewelyn Roberts explains why she chose to build a prison from scratch</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Castaways Ep2 BTS H" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Castaways, Paramount+</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Mike Benson on finding the perfect spot to crash a plane</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Medium_70963_1_S1_Ep1_The Piano S1 Ep1-6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 behind the scenes of 2023</a></h2><p class="intro">Including The Piano, 007: Road to a Million, The Long Shadow and Go Hard or Go Home</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="73520_EMBARGOED Until 9.30am 1st Dec 2023 Mog's Christmas-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mog’s Christmas: Festive feline fun from Lupus Films</a></h2><p class="intro">How 63 artists worked to produce 170,000 animated frames in a distinctive hand-drawn style</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TRM_KIU_Dramatisation Merthyr 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Keeping It Up: The Story of Viagra, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Stephen Bennett on rising to the challenge of telling the story of the little blue pill</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="455582" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Famous Five, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Sophie MacClancy on breaking showbiz rules and bringing classic stories to a modern audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived - how closeness gave the film breath</a></h2><p class="intro">Creatives behind the HBO/Sky single discuss the personal bonds which made the doc possible and using it as a platform for industry exposure</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Connections James with trippy dolphins" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Connections, Curiosity Stream</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Iain Riddick on bringing back an iconic series with a modern twist</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MIXMUPS - THE CHARACTER POCKETS ON GREENSCREEN" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mixmups, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Creator, writer and exec producer Rebecca Atkinson explains how she mixed play and representation to create a magical new world for kids</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="74792_S1_Banged Up " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Banged Up, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Shine producers on recreating a realistic prison experience while ensuring a duty of care to reformed criminals</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="STILL 11_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain’s Human Zoos, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer and co-director Paul Berczeller on the challenge of uncovering a forgotten and painful history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OneLife_2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">One Life: The story of a remarkable hero</a></h2><p class="intro">How Nicholas Winton’s wartime efforts and heroism inspired a SeeSaw Films/BBC Film feature starring Anthony Hopkins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RTAM-BC-182_3000" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Licence to thrill: the inside story of 007 Road to a Million</a></h2><p class="intro">How 72 Films’ globe-trotting adventure format for Amazon Prime Video makes the most of Bond</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="A7S00932" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Trauma Room One, 5Star</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Andrew Nicholson explains the delicate, tricky process of lifting the lid on brain surgery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="UKRAINES_STOLEN_CHILDREN_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ukraine’s Stolen Children, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Shahida Tulaganova explains the very real dangers of telling a shocking story from the war in Ukraine</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Endurance Race to the Pole " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Endurance - Race to the Pole with Ben Fogle, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series PD and cameraman Alexis Girardet on how October Films’ Channel 5 series was imbued with authenticity and adventure</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Zorro MD4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Zorro rides again</a></h2><p class="intro">Amazon is reviving the ‘timeless Mexican superhero story’ with a new focus on strong female characters</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WSP07101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Long Shadow, ITV1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Willow Grylls on telling the story of the often overlooked victims at the heart of an infamous string of murders</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02_OttoBaxterNotAFingHorrorStory" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Otto Baxter: Not a F***ing Horror Story/Puppet Asylum, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Daisy Allsop explains how the combination of a documentary and a short film helped a man with Down Syndrome tell his own story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="M05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Supporting care-experienced children, BBC Teach</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Andy Glynne on how his team sensitively animated real-life testimony to help teachers support children who’ve been in the care system</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Paul's Stingray 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our Sea Forest, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Sarah Cunliffe on braving the elements to film the underwater worlds off the UK coast</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="ST207_Abermule_MoragGovans_ReneeandAndrew_Full" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Murder Trial: The Disappearance of Renee and Andrew Macrae, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking cameras in to courtrooms is challengeing but an important step for open justice, says the creative director of Firecrest Films, Iain Scollay</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Scream Publicity still 19-p1h83v6tlal083njqurhnvlc" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Man Who Stole The Scream, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Clare Beavis on the chaotic ups and downs of getting access to Norway’s most notorious and audacious art thief</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Untitled-5 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tops Guns: Inside the RAF, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Mark Tattersall reveals how unprecedented access to RAF Lossiemouth allowed him to take the audience into the cockpits of active fighter jets</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tan France helps a bride" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Say Yes To The Dress with Tan France, Really</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Richard Osborne on creating the perfect setting to revive an old favourite for the modern bride</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Alone Cast Image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alone, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">How do you make a contestant feel alone in the wilderness, while ensuring they can capture great footage? Rachel Bloomfield explains</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DSC02302" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mother Undercover, Disney +</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Thomas Viner on telling true crime stories of women turned detective to save or seek justice for their children</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the sixth commandment" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Sixth Commandment, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer and creator Sarah Phelps explains how she told the story of a real life murder without putting the perpetrator at the centre of the narrative</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FifteenLove_Ep2_01.08.22_RY_Stills_0131 1 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fifteen-Love: power games on Centre Court</a></h2><p class="intro">Handling the themes of abuse and consent with sensitivity was key for the team behind the Amazon tennis drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fred and Pete’s Treasure Tales, CBeebies</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Jasper James on the joys of unearthing local talent in Cornwall for a fast paced kids factual show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dr Enrico Gennari tagging a white shark in Mossel Bay (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shark Eat Shark, National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">Big Wave Productions’ director of natural history Emma Ross on proving that sharks off the coast of South Africa are eating each other</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Evacuation C4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Evacuation, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">How Wonderhood gained access to the human story of the soldiers who helped evacuate Kabul</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="JON SNOW IN GARDEN 2. PHOTO CREDIT JOHNNY BURKE" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jon Snow: A Witness to History, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Johnny Burke on the thrill of filming your hero - and the challenge of covering a 50-year career in 60 minutes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Puzzling Series 1 Generics 03" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Puzzling, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">12 Yard Productions’ head of entertainment Paul McGettigan on the speedy turnaround of a new quiz format</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_79827240754" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Katie Piper’s Jailhouse Mums, W</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Kate South explains how her team unlocked the stories of Americas mothers behind bars</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Look see wow 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Look See Wow!, Sky Kids</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Eline van der Velden explains how her team got hands on to make an ASMR-inspired immersive show for toddlers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_80230573859 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The complex journey to air Blackadder's pilot episode</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Tom Edwards explains the challenges of bringing the 40-year-old pilot of a beloved show to TV for the first time</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Our Planet II Netflix 3 " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our Planet II, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">How the landmark Silverback sequel reinvents itself, getting notes and harnessing the latest tech</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="FrankieDettori_Stills_9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Frankie Dettori: An Ascot Legacy, Sky Sports Racing</a></h2><p class="intro">Little Dot Sport creative producer Will O’Sullivan on how to make the most of limited time with a documentary star</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="KA_04_ForcedOut" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Forced Out, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Sophie Perrins explains how she and her LGBT+ crew told the story of those who were ejected from the Armed Forces because of their sexuality</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="My husband mma fighter (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Husband the MMA Fighter, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Christine Johnston explains the challenges of directing and producing her first documentary film</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="David Shipley" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Monster In The Morgue: David Fuller, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Andrew Parkin on the challenge of making a documentary about one of the biggest taboos</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IMAGE 17 - SURVIVING DAD" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Paedophile in My Family: Surviving Dad, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer-director Sophie Oliver on how she navigated complex duty of care needs to tell a difficult story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Katy JW" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gender Wars, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Pamela Gordon explains how the much-contested documentary gained the trust of trans contributors</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ten Pound Poms" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ten Pound Poms, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producers Danny Brocklehurst and Joel Wilson on making a drama series with ‘dirt under its fingernails’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Matt Willis" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Matt Willis: Fighting Addiction, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Grace Reynolds, executive producer, on telling a story which is both personal and wide-ranging</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Belgium Transitions" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eurovision Song Contest Postcards, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Tom Cook reveals how his team put together the Eurovision VTs showcasing the different countries involved</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="no idea" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Therapy: Tough Talking, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Northern Child creative director Andrew Eastel on balancing duty of care with opening up the world of therapy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="73527_1_Kids - Annabelle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes on Kids, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer-director Paddy Wivell explains how the power of obs docs help contributors tell previously unheard stories</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nikki and Angel 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kidnapped – The Angel Lynn Story: The ethics of filming a story of abuse</a></h2><p class="intro">Wonderhood Studios navigated a complex consent issue to bring the tragic story of a victim of coercive control to screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Karl Lagerfeld and cat" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Mysterious Mr Lagerfeld, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Michael Waldman on the quirks of capturing the lavish life of one of fashion’s most eccentric stars</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Con or Cure -Dr Xand and Karen Donnelly, Series Producer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dr Xand’s Con Or Cure, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Brendan Hughes explains the challenge of shooting 10 shows in four days</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Scared of the Dark_3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scared of the Dark: shining a light on the social experiment</a></h2><p class="intro">Creators of Channel 4 series on creating a reality show in total darkness</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Deborah James (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Deborah James: Bowelbabe In Her Own Words, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Sara Hardy explains the challenges of creating an archive documentary using very 21st Century material</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="LYRA - Lyra at wall, pointing to graffiti “God Loves the QUEERS’" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lyra, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Alison Millar explains the heart-wrenching task of allowing her friend, the murdered journalist Lyra McKee, to tell her own story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="KEY ART-Made Up In Belfast-01 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Made Up In Belfast, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Emma-Rosa Dias, managing director for Afro-Mic Productions, explains how BBC NI’s new glossy reality show came to be</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="CTR_MARAMEDIA_EP2_COLETTA_WITH_CUB-p1gss3q7e71jottqb1feqtb81b2l" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chasing the Rains, Sky Nature</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Faith Musembi on getting close to animal families during a severe drought</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="KEY ART FIVE (LOGO)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Highland Cops, BBC Scotland/BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Andrew Abbott explains how his team captured the realities of policing across vast swathes of northern Scotland</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Fred's Last Resort - Nick Avery (centre right to Fred Sirieix)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fred’s Last Resort, E4</a></h2><p class="intro">David Harrison, executive and joint creative director, Betty TV, on why his reality show relied on finding exactly the right hotel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Arctic_From_Above_With_Liz_Bonnin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Arctic From Above, Sky Nature</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Olly Bootle explains why the Arctic is best explored from the air</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="20_" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Murder in the Pacific, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Chloe Campbell explains how she directed a documentary about the bombing of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="PC_ANOREXIA3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Anorexic, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Rachel Harvie, executive producer explains why allowing contributors to take the lead can create a more intimate and illuminating film</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TEMPTING FORTUNE_PADDY_RT_v9_CC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tempting Fortune: Adventure with a tempting twist</a></h2><p class="intro">Voltage TV format, sold by Cineflix Rights, sends contestants on a trek across South Africa to win £300k – if they can keep their desires in check</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AmasStory_STILL_10" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ama’s Story, Sky Kids</a></h2><p class="intro">Creative director Jesse Cleverly explains how Wildseed Studios helped new talent find their voice on screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="KM_WARRIOR_ISLAND_UNIT_382" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Go Hard or Go Home, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Michael Fraser explains how the tropical island-set fitness format came to be</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dinosaur with Steven Fry_Dinos_FOSSIL_TRL5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dinosaur with Stephen Fry, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Tayte Simpson, executive producer on how the team had just six months to send the presenter back in time</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Medium_70963_1_S1_Ep1_The Piano S1 Ep1-15" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Channel 4’s The Piano breaks the rules of competition shows</a></h2><p class="intro">Richard McKerrow reveals how the twist at the heart of his latest show turned the genre on its head</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nolly BTS " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing TV soap royalty to life</a></h2><p class="intro">Nolly director Peter Hoar on harnessing nostalgia and finding inspiration from Netflix’s The Crown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="412606" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How His Dark Materials is opening up new worlds</a></h2><p class="intro">Bad Wolf has spent the past six years working on its adaptation for BBC1, but the show’s impact on the TV industry will last much longer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="PUTIN image 6 " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Putin vs the West, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Tim Stirzaker explains how a planned documentary about Russia foreign policy suddenly became more timely - and more challenging</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Lockwood, Lucy &amp; George" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lockwood & Co., Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Casting director Kharmel Cochrane on the quest to find the right young stars for the adaptation of a much-loved novel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="415812" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Warship: Tour of Duty, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director and producer Chris Terrill on the unique experience of filming on HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Navy’s biggest warship</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TheTerritory_BRAZIL_TRIP7_BTS-59" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Territory, Disney +</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Lizzie Gillett on the bespoke finance strategy and collaborative approach to the award-winning documentary about land theft in the Amazon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tom Daley illegal to be me (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 behind the scenes of 2022</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Tom Daley: Illegal To Be Me, Lovestruck High, Tell Me Everything and The Responder</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dance_Monsters_S1_E3_00_21_10_21_R" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dance Monsters, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Sarah Tyekiff, head of unscripted and executive producer, explains how a talent show featuring dancers digitally disguised as monsters came to be</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="135A4132" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Vardy v Rooney: A Courtroom Drama, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Tom Popay on distilling the court case that gripped the nation into two episodes of TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="deep_fake_neighbour_wars_001 copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Deep Fake Neighbour Wars: Faking it for laughs</a></h2><p class="intro">Tiger Aspect’s Deep Fake Neighbour Wars uses state-of-the-art technology to show ‘celebrities’ feuding with each other over the garden fence</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IMG_1561" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Snowman: the film that changed Christmas, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer/director Robert Neill on exploring the legacy of a short but magical film</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Seb Barfield and Joe Magee working on an animation" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Spike Milligan: The Unseen Archive, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Seb Barfield on capturing the chaos and comedy of Spike Milligan in an archival documentary</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="10_MDB" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Dead Body, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Sophie Robinson on the challenges of honouring life and dignity in a film about dissection</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="uktv_75991796491" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Live at the Moth Club, Dave & UKTV Play</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Rupert Majendie on bringing live ensemble comedy to UK television screens</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Trese Ribans" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kanaval, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Natasha Dack Ojumu on the long journey to the Jacmel carnival</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="224605_WrittenInTheStars_S01_GroupGeneric_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Written in The Stars, Discovery+</a></h2><p class="intro">Creative director Rosie Bray on whether relationships (and TV shows) can ever be left up to fate</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Three mothers" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Three Mothers, Two Babies and a Scandal, Amazon Prime</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Alice McMahon-Major on telling a complicated, emotional story while evoking the early days of the internet</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GHO-epi001-117226_2811b" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ghosts (US), BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Joe Port explains how he and writing partner Joe Wiseman approached moving a show about British history across the Atlantic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="strength_limitless_104_cp17554_r_5fe18e5a (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Limitless with Chris Hemsworth, Disney+</a></h2><p class="intro">Arif Nurmohamed on how to make internal battles and healthy living advice visually gripping</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Olga3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Olga da Polga, CBeebies</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Jackie Savery explains how to bring out the comedic talents of guinea pig</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="01_GodsoftheGame_04_2022" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gods of the Game: A Football Opera, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Lisa Fairbank on bringing together the international worlds of football and opera on stage and screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AA Shoot Malta2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ancient Apocalypse, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Bruce Kennedy on attempting to capture a seamless storyflow despite continual Covid challenges</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mariupol City destruction credit Evgeny Sosnovskyi_5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mariupol: The People’s Story (Panorama), BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Hilary Andersson on the challenges of getting footage and eyewitness testimony out of a besieged city</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Gogglebocs-12" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gogglebocs Cymru, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Sioned Wyn on the challenges of bringing a beloved reality format to a Welsh language audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="10-1188-Gallery-15" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">ITVX bids for youth audience with Tell Me Everything</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes on Noho Film &amp; Television’s coming-of-age drama, which balances comedy with mental health and social media</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broadcast 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Louis Theroux Interviews, BBC iPlayer</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Arron Fellows on creating a fresh approach to interviews, while capturing every moment</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="9. Police search on East Lothian 1977 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Hunt for the World’s End Killers, BBC1 Scotland</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producerMick McAvoy on making a true-crime doc two-parter about a gruesome doube murder</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="TS Eliot doc.Image credit to Susanna White" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">TS Eliot: Into The Waste Land, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Susanna White on unbuttoning the legacy of a notoriously private poet through film</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC09570" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Secret Superpowers with Tom Daley, Snapchat</a></h2><p class="intro">Tom Hemsley, executive creative director at Little Dot Studios, explains the challenges and opportunities of creating a show for mobile</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Trawlermen.25937" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Trawlermen: Hunting the Catch, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Jamie Balment on casting and co-ordinating a show at the mercy of the elements</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dal y Mellt BTS boat" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dal y Mellt, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Llyr Morus on why filming a Welsh language drama about a diamond heist wasn’t all plain sailing</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RTV1 copy_CC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reginald The Vampire: Comedy with bite</a></h2><p class="intro">How the Syfy series is subverting the comedy horror genre by sinking its teeth into issues such as race, sexuality and body positivity</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="HO C4 EP 5949 SILAS (PROMO) EMBARGOED UNTIL 20TH SEPTEMBER 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hollyoaks’ Big Autumn Stunt, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Phil Dodds on creating ever more spectacular stunts while maintaing an emotional heart</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OurBoardingSchool_S01_ALL_GenStill_GirlsLesson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our Boarding School, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Richard Marson talks about building trust with subjects</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WW2SFA_Broadcast_BTS_Image_7" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">WWII: Secrets From Above, National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Johnny Shipley explains the painstaking research and VFX work that went into this Second World War doc series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dont Hug Me Scared" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer James Stevenson Bretton on turning six-minute YouTube videos into half-hour sitcom episodes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ESCAPE FROM KABUL USMC DEPLOYMENT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Escape From Kabul Airport, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Director and producer Jamie Roberts on the inside story of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="IS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">One Day in Ukraine, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer and director Volodymyr Tykhyy on the process of capturing a the realities of life on single day in Ukraine during the Russian invasion</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_5165[5]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Michael Palin: Into Iraq, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Directer Neil Ferguson on filming Michael Palin on a 1,000 mile journey across Iraq, one of the most dangerous countries in the world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ninja_warrior_race_for_glory_sr6_ep1_18" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ninja Warrior UK: Race For Glory, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Michael Kelpie on attempting to return with a bigger, better, and stronger show than ever before</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="dead_canny_b" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dead Canny, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">TriForce’s Fraser Ayres explains how the initiative which created its comedy pilot sought to platform new and underrepresented talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Bad_Sisters_Photo_010102" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bad Sisters, AppleTV+</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Faye Dorn on the making of Merman’s dark comedy thriller</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CREDIT_BEN_ROTHSTEIN_PRIME_VIDEO_00105_R1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Rings of Power: The making of Middle Earth</a></h2><p class="intro">Lord Of The Rings precursor is taking episodic television into a whole new dimension – with scale and ambition to match the world of cinema</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GI_01_Mary and her sisters 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain’s Secret War Babies, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Emily Shields on documenting history and helping contributors search for their US relatives to better understand their black heritage</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Gary Numan Programme Imagery" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gary Numan: Resurrection, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer and director Randall Wright on how to tell a story of success, failure, rebirth and different ways of thinking</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Behind the Scenes - Pakistan - Credit - BBC - Zinc Television London Ltd - Luke Korzun Martin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tom Daley: Illegal To Be Me, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Fozia Nasir on the challenge of finding terrified LGBT+ athletes to talk on camera, even if their identity was concealed</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Zandile, Leigh, Alison &amp; Jannine" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shark Women: Ghosted by Great Whites, Discovery+</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Janine Waddell on finding missing sharks with an all-female crew</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dine Hard (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dine Hard, All 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Stu Richards on the challenges behind producing Rockerdale Studios’ digital-first format</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Broadcast ATB feature image 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">America The Beautiful, Disney+ & National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">Co-executive producer Mark Linfield reveals how Top Gun inspired the production team to use a fighter jet to film landscapes and weather systems</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS 01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Queen of Trucks, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Small indie founder Anton Inwood shares the journey to his first commission, an ob doc about an HGV driving school</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Pia Somersby" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: PRU, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Nicky Bedu on making a comedy series with young talent in front and behind the camera</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MKS_4039" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind The Scenes: Murder in the Alps, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer and director Catey Sexton on shaping a true crime story with no official police narrative to follow</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sunday Morning Live" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes on Sunday Morning Live, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Brendan Hughes on why there is no barrier to Green Inc &amp; Tern TV’s thinking on developing the popular BBC format</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Scouting for Girls" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Scouting for Girls: Fashion’s Darkest Secret, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Rebecca Templar and Jacqueline Edenbrow on balancing stories of abuse from the past with a present day journey towards justice</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="PZ Hologram image low res" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Zelensky’s hologram, Founders Forum</a></h2><p class="intro">Talesmith founder Martin Williams visits Kyiv to produce a Star Wars-style speech</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Season_1_Trailer__Dead_End__Paranormal_Park_00_01_04_13" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Dead End: Paranormal Park, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Hamish Steele shares his pride in featuring a fat, gay, trans, Jewish teen lead in Blink industries’ animated, kids comedy-horror series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Fantastic Friends Photo 24-11-2021, 17 11 23" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Getting Fantastic Friends on the road and on the screen</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Daniel Sharp on producing a series he hopes will inspire people to travel again</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ella and Andrew at PM 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What Killed The Whale?, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Rosy Marshall-McCrae on STVS’ doc about a stranded whale, an animal autopsy and an environmental crime scene</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="crown jewels 12" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Crown Jewels, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Atlantic’s Anthony Geffen on the 14 year wait to use macro-technology to discover the secrets of the planet’s most valuable jewels</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Unseen Queen 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Elizabeth: The Unseen Queen, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Julia Harrington reveals how BBCS told the Queen’s story using her own words and home movies</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LS on bench" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ralph & Katie: How the A Word spin-off put inclusivity first</a></h2><p class="intro">The first British drama to feature two lead actors with Down’s has raised the bar for accessibility on set</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="One Bullet in Belize" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">One Bullet in Belize, Discovery+</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer director Sarah Hunt battles death threats and misinformation in Central America</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tom Butler and Mike Cunliffe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cornwall’s Wildest Wave, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Mike Cunliffe on the patient wait for the perfect surf</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CTS1_E103_STILL_002" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Corpse Talk, YouTube</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Tom Beattie on making an animated chat show for dead historical people</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TLight_EP06_0403_AH_296" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes: Y Golau / The Light in the Hall, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Andy Newbery on the complexities of producing a back-to-back production in different languages</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Brickies_Cast_Kuda and Lucas" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Brickies, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Louis Bamber on how contributors’ willingness to share their issues took the show up a level</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BritBox_The_Dry_53" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Dry, BritBox</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Emma Norton on the long hunt to find a broadcast partner for Nancy Harris’ comedy drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Medium_73124_1_The Spy Who Died Twice-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Spy Who Died Twice, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Keely Winstone explains how her documentary on a scandal with striking parallels to the politics of today finally made it to the screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Army Commando, Danny, at the Royal Citadel overlooking Plymouth sea front" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Commando: Britain’s Ocean Warriors, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer/director Greg Lander Williams highlights the challenges of keeping up with the Royal Marine Commandos</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BDRH Key Art" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Born Deaf Raised Hearing, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Director/producer Toby Cameron tracks Jonny Cotsen’s journey to discover whether he can be part of both deaf and hearing worlds</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Elephants" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wild Babies, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Humble Bee’’s showrunner Beth Brooks on eliciting an emotional response to animal families</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Life After Life (7)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Life After Life, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Kate Ogborn on the complexities of shooting scenes set across five decades</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="LOVEST~2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lovestruck High: Creating an American high school in Devon</a></h2><p class="intro">Studio Lambert pays homage to classic US high-school movies in its new reality dating format for Amazon Prime Video</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tan France" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tan France: Beauty and the Bleach, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Line producer Lindsay Davies on making a special film on colourism</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC04875" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Primark – How Do They Really Do it?, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Firecrest’s executive producer Nicole Kleeman on gaining access to the secretive retailer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSCF1863" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Helen Thomas on having to keep tight-lipped over a spectacular discovery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="bbcfs_fightnight-7104" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Idris Elba’s Fight School, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Michelle Chappell on getting this special programme on air despite a series of setbacks</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="romeo_and_duet_04" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Romeo and Duet, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">A speedy greenlight meant that financing our shiny floor format was our biggest hurdle, says Goat Films’ Mel Crawford</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC01641" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">SAS: Who Dares Wins, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">A new location and line-up takes our popular format into a new direction says executive producer Benjamin Leigh</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="NG4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nikki Grahame: Who Is She?, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">A personal promise was at the heart of this intimate doc says executive producer Ollie Durrant</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SD Matt, Helen &amp; Ricky Tomlinson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes: Inside the Superbrands, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Balancing access with editorial integrity was key to our factual series, says editor Anoushka Roberts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Trust_No_One__The_Hunt_for_the_Crypto_King_01_21_19_11_RT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Trust No One, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Luke Sewell explains why a man wearing a fox mask didn’t feel out of place in this cryptocurrency-conspiracy doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Exclusive_TLB_107_Unit_00001 (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Last Bus: scaling up Wildseed Studios’ high-concept drama idea for a Netflix budget</a></h2><p class="intro">Creator Paul Neafcy and exec producers Jesse Cleverly and Miles Bullough on their killer robots series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="70936_1_S1_Ep1_Rescue_ Extreme Medics-5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rescue: Extreme Medics, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Documenting real-life remote critical care was as extraordinary and dramatic as we hoped, says executive producer Iain Scollay</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="9H8A2870" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Britain’s Rape Crisis, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Our Panorama special attempts to highlight the human cost behind rape conviction headlines, says producer/director Rebecca Coxon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Medium_72644_1_S1_Ep1_The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge S1 Ep1-8" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge, More 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Bringing this tiny world to life has been no small feat, but the result is one of which I couldn’t be prouder, says Sarah Stevenson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_72127423544" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Newark, Newark, Gold</a></h2><p class="intro">It took five years for our regional comedy to be greenlit, but it was worth the wait, says executive producer Dave Evans</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TBMA - BTS Stills - DRAGONFLY_samuel dore-15" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Then Barbara Met Alan, BBC2 / Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Bryony Arnold on assembling the largest collective of disabled talent on any UK TV show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Iceland Working on SkiBikes 1, L to R Billy, Titch, John, Photo Grant Wardrop Sml Size" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Speedshop, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Former Top Gear producer Grant Wardrop on the engineering and adventure show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Three Drinkers (2)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Three Drinkers in Ireland, Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">Booze co-founders Aidy Smith and Helena Nicklin on overcoming multiple challenges for their exploration of the burgeoning drinks trade</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OUR HOUSE 05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our House, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Red Planet Pictures’ stripped drama plays in the present and past, which provided us with multiple challenges, says producer Tom Mullens</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the_ipcress_file_04_0" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Ipcress File: giving the spy classic a modern spin</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec producer Will Clarke &amp; director James Watkins on retaining the feel of the 1960s film while giving their ITV adaptation a modern sensibility</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bad Love iPlayer image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bad Love: Why Did Fri Kill Kyle?, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">A multi-perspective approach helped bring balance to this emotive doc, says producer/director Danielle Spears</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="we-are-black-and-british" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">We Are Black and British, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec Narinder Minhas on how appointing a production team with different opinions and backgrounds was key</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS_01_TheDevil'sAdvocate" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Devil’s Advocate, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Wonderhood producer Tom Garton on telling the story of one of Britain’s most notorious conmen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Starstuck iconic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Starstruck, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Cat Lawson rises to the challenge of producing a feelgood show for Saturday night</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MM_106-20210311-BW_0077 (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Magpie Murders, BritBox</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Jill Green on bringing a fresh spin to Anthony Horowitz’s adaptation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="24141019-high_res-chloe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chloe, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Sourcing local Bristol talent and minimising travel helped get our series produced through the pandemic says exec producer Tally Garner</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AC-Dodger-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dodger: a reworking of Oliver Twist </a></h2><p class="intro">Creator Rhys Thomas on how his 80’s kids TV addiction inspired a reworking of Oliver Twist</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Jacqueline and Rhys (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Exploring the complexities of sex and disability</a></h2><p class="intro">Wildflame’s Jacqueline Lee tackles taboo topics for S4C</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="22572017-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Responder: crime drama gets a dose of reality</a></h2><p class="intro">Creator Tony Schumacher and star Martin Freeman talk about reflecting real life with a mix of dark moments and humour</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WCS08" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Getting to the bottom of Why Ships Crash</a></h2><p class="intro">Alessandra Bonomolo and Tom Cook on the story of the 2021 Suez Canal blockage which led to a global emergency</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SCREW main promo image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Screw, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted our drama to show the full range of human life that exists behind bars, says STVS exec Sarah Brown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="73376_1_S1_Ep1_The Greatest Snowman-9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Greatest Snowman: Working in a winter wonderland</a></h2><p class="intro">South Shore had to conquer a logistical mountain to get five celebrities to the Austrian Alps to see who could build the best snowman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Caroline Flack_ Her Life and Death-4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 Behind The Scenes of 2021</a></h2><p class="intro">Including Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death, It’s a Sin and Paddy and Christine McGuinness: Our Family And Autism</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="23730121-high_res-the-weakest-link" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Weakest Link, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Bringing a fresh feel to a much loved format was at the foremost of our minds says executive producer Pete Ogden</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Behind the scenes green screen war table " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">48 hours to Victory, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Time constraints and Covid restrictions couldn’t stop us bringing this historical series to life, says producer Nick Watts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Paddy, Christine &amp; Lucy Wilcox" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Paddy and Christine McGuinness: Our Family And Autism, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Raw’s Dilys McCaffrey on how her autism helped her connect with contributors</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Owen Peters recording sound New Forest" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">New Forest, Smithsonian Channel</a></h2><p class="intro">Patience was key to bringing our doc to the screen, says producer and director Sarah Cunliffe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="freddie mercury the final act" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Freddie Mercury: The Final Act, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">How a breakfast TV interview changed this documentary from a ‘making of’ film to a WTF film</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Queens of Rap" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Queens of Rap, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Poppy Begum on why working with an all-female crew for this hip hop doc was ‘like being in the girls’ toilets at clubs’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GM_Gamesmaster_press" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">GamesMaster: Rewriting the code for TV gaming</a></h2><p class="intro">How the producers of the C4 reboot kept the original’s DNA while updating the format for gamers raised on esports and Twitch</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_DSC6172" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside the Care Crisis with Ed Balls, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Gaining access to care homes meant more than sensitive filming - we had to earn respect by helping out, says Orlando Robinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WDTBWEW2_STILLS_RX_5_015" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Al Murray: Why Do the Brits Win Every War?</a></h2><p class="intro">Avalon’s Sky History show takes a humorous look at Britain’s involvement in historical conflicts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="15-L1180124" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">It Takes a Flood, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">With COP26 underway, the urgency of Docsville’s feature on flooding in Britain has never been clearer, says Dan Dewsbury</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Britain's Destitute Kids (4)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Britain’s Hidden Homeless Kids, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our Dispatches doc on childhood poverty could have been the impossible commission but a simple email changed everything, says Jezza Neumann</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Charlene White doc" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Charlene White: Empire’s Child, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Our exploration of the presenter’s past for ITV took us everywhere from Devon to Jamaica, says Andy Mundy-Castle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="catching a predator (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Catching a Predator, BBC iPlayer</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted to make a film that was about the people who brought Reynhard Sinaga to justice, says director Liza Williams</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Australia-Image1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">COP26: In Your Hands</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming our politically-charged climate change doc for Sky Kids and Sky News meant locating six young contributors on six continents</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS image 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wonders of the Celtic Deep</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a blue-chip natural history series during Covid could have swept our production away but experienced and ingenuity got us through</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sally_Lindsay_CreditScottKershaw" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Sally Lindsay uncovered The Madame Blanc Mysteries</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating Channel 5’s mystery drama in Gozo during the pandemic was tough, but the cast and crew made it the time of my life, says Sally Lindsay</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Myleene Klass 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Myleene Klass: Miscarriage & Me</a></h2><p class="intro">Our one-off doc for W is a raw but sensitive examination of an experience many refuse to address, says Lucy Rogers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mias story (2)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Domestic Violence and Me: Mia’s Story, MTV</a></h2><p class="intro">Mia Boardman’s experience and struggles to find closure was crucial to doc, says True North’s Fiona O’Sullivan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS_ESSEXLORRY_LONDONGV_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My journey Hunting the Essex Lorry Killers while pregnant</a></h2><p class="intro">Expectation supported my director’s vision for investigative doc throughout my pregnancy &amp; as I learned the ropes as a new mum, says Niamh Kennedy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="159769_001_290497d4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our mission to launch Among the Stars</a></h2><p class="intro">We applied Fulwell 73’s sports doc expertise to bring Disney+’s space doc to life as the pandemic caused unforseen issues, says Ben Turner</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MAIN PRESS SHOT" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Getting The Emily Atack Show back on stage</a></h2><p class="intro">Shooting for the second run of ITV2’s sketch series from Monkey Kingdom ended as we’d hoped – in a room full of laughing comedy fans, says Avril Spary</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Moley.4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Getting animated with Boomerang’s Moley</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating voices for our leading mole and his friends was a team effort powered by amazing acting skills, says Leon Joosen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="28Up" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">28Up: the quiet power of BBC1’s doc series</a></h2><p class="intro">We wondered whether to make the latest instalment of the feted generational doc series during Covid, but we’re glad we did, says Melanie Archer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="tribunale2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Vendetta: Behind the scenes on the showdown in Sicily</a></h2><p class="intro">Ruggero Di Maggio, Davide Gambino and Nicola Moody lift the lid on the co-pro between Sicily’s Mon Amour Films and the UK’s Nutopia</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1_Hellbender_FreshwatersIllustrated" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Playing The Mating Game on BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Capturing the antics of horny humpbacks and amorous arachnids relied on expert crew, says Silverback’s Jeff Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ridley Road 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sarah Solemani: en route to Ridley Road</a></h2><p class="intro">How Red’s BBC1 drama can change perceptions of Jewishness</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bambers Murder At The Farm" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Telling the tale of The Bambers for Sky Crime</a></h2><p class="intro">Revealing the complex, tragic and compelling family story underpinning the infamous crime case was key to our doc series, says director Lottie Gammon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="KARAOKE_CLUB_DRAG_EDITION_11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inviting all into Karaoke Club: Drag Edition</a></h2><p class="intro">Using an Inside No. 9 episode aesthetic as a jump off point, ITV2’s wild karaoke format blends live music show elements with reality, says Will Macdonald</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Human Pinball 3 - Photographer Credit Leo Francis-Red Bull Content Pool" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Making a Human Pinball machine for Red Bull</a></h2><p class="intro">Constructing and filming a human pinball structure was terrifying at times but impossible to resist, says Mike Christie</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RLH01204" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">If I Could Tell You Just One Thing, YouTube</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Emma Taylor on overcoming Covid protocols to help Patricia Bright converse with inspirational women</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="C4_Class_of__122__Park f2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sixteen: Class of 2021, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">The second wave of Covid completely changed the nature of our doc series says producer Farah Qayum</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TNW_103_NW_2509_4731_RT_credit Nick Wall" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The North Water: Going the extra mile for authenticity</a></h2><p class="intro">With its key whaling scenes filmed on location in the Arctic, The North Water is probably the most northerly drama shoot ever attempted</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DOG WITH Behaviour ISSUES" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Peataí! / Pet Nation, BBC Northern Ireland, RTÉ</a></h2><p class="intro">The unlikely combination of Covid protocols &amp; problematic pets made our pop-up event clinic a joy &amp; a challenge, says Muireann McGinty</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Caravan_Wimbledon_280521_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Wimbledon Kidnapping, Sky Documentaries</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Joanna Bartholomew on revisiting an intriguing case of mistaken identity and bungling ineptitude</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_22925245_22925235" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tonight With Target: black culture takes centre stage</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC3 music format aims to reinvigorate the genre by putting a new generation of black British artists in the spotlight</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="(L-R) Nicola Walker as Annika Strandhed, Ukweli Roach as DS Tyrone Clarke, Katie Leung as DC Blair Ferguson and Jamie Sives as DS Michael McAndrews" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Creating a Scandi/Scottish world for Alibi</a></h2><p class="intro">Annika exec producer Arabella Page Croft spotted a tiny window of opportunity with lead Nicola Walker and grabbed it with both hands</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MNIL_DAY_20_022" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Deceit: Police procedure in the dock</a></h2><p class="intro">Story Films hands a fresh perspective to C4’s drama exploring the notorious Rachel Nickell investigation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="RX3- Beau Hunslet tyre fire" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Illuminating Yorkshire Firefighters for BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Careful planning and creative storytelling ensured we could build the narrative for our blue-light factual series, says James Knight</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="reclaiming amy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reclaiming Amy: changing the narrative</a></h2><p class="intro">The late great singer’s story had never been told by the people closest to her – until now, says Marina Parker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FRENCHANDSAUNDERS_LR_300121_038" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Helping French and Saunders find Funny Women</a></h2><p class="intro">We used every ounce of ingenuity to achieve Dawn and Jennifer’s vision, says Glen Middleham</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Photographer Kevin Baker - Donna Preston and the horde" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hunkering down for Apocalypse Wow</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting talent in cohorts and and dropping the ‘baying horde’ were key to getting our wild ITV2 entertainment series to air, says Ben Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="UnknownAmazon_Ep3_ProdStill_22" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The dangers of uncovering hidden truths in the Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">We literally found ourselves in the firing line filming our documentary series for Vice, says Adam Laister</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Vicky Vasquez (scientist) and Dirk Rosen (ROV operator) working on our remote operated underwater vehicle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rogue Tiger Shark – The Hunt for Lagertha</a></h2><p class="intro">Covid-19 forced us to totally rethink how we made our Discovery+ doc about a tiger shark attack in the Pacific, says Martin Cass</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="5D_A0118" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Setting up Discovery+’s Shark Academy</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a Shark Week competition series during Covid meant commandeering a private jet to fly a testing lab to The Bahamas, says Jo Locke</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CARRIE _ MICHAEL" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Welcoming Michael Ball to Wonderful Wales</a></h2><p class="intro">Singer’s exploration of his mother’s homeland was also his first time presenting an ob-doc, says Carrie Smith</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sophie Toscan du Plantier" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sophie: A Murder in West Cork, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Sarah Lambert on taking a different approach to a crime story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Together (12)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Together: Love in the time of Covid</a></h2><p class="intro">Shot in just 10 days, with a cast of three and a single location, BBC2’s lockdown drama aired just four months after being greenlit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The A List pic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The A List, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Navigating lockdown and the wild Welsh weather made for a stressful shoot</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_4533" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Meerkat Manor Rise of the Dynasty, BBC America</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted to make our wildlife series a bingeworthy boxset, says executive producer Caroline Hawkins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mat Stimpson and George Hill filming at Hinkley Point B" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why BBC2 took the nuclear option with Windfall</a></h2><p class="intro">Constructing the narrative for Building Britain’s Biggest Nuclear Power Station was a test of trust and patience, says Mat Stimpson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Anne%20Boleyn%20played%20by%20Jodie%20Turner-Smith%205995_jpg_m14736" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Anne Boleyn: Bringing history up to date</a></h2><p class="intro">Channel 5’s ambitious new original drama aims to reset the narrative around Henry VIII’s second wife</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Shanghai Canaries (Shanghai orphanage football team initiated by Robert) training in Norwich shirts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Sky Documentaries met the Children of Shanghai</a></h2><p class="intro">Richard Nash on telling the story of how a former British footballer’s intervention meant a million Chinese orphans were moved into foster families</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="New_Ret_2021_04_23_Super_Vet1705 vr2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Supervet - Saving My Dog, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Recording how Noel Fitzpatrick’s life was turned upside down was an emotional rollercoaster says exec producer Alex Sutherland</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Sleaford_BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Sky Arts is leading The Live Revival</a></h2><p class="intro">Music venues were closing a significant rate before Covid struck, but our doc series chronicles a fightback led by artists, says Justin Rees</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ThePact_Day10-265" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Plot twist: making The Pact</a></h2><p class="intro">The pandemic placed production of our BBC drama in peril but strange new ways of working saw us through, says Pete McTighe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Steven Johnson &amp; Dr Anthony Fauci " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Carefully planning for Extra Life</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC drama Staged was an unexpected inspiration when pandemic problems hit our BBC4 and PBS science series, says Fiona Caldwell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="dom_ep7_still_uhd_07" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How we put Domina on trial</a></h2><p class="intro">The coronavirus cut our Sky swords ‘n’ sandals drama by two episodes and forced us into re-writes for an unexpected courtroom drama, says Simon Burke</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MLDHI double winner Josh from Dover is now ready to move out of his mums (pictured) house" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Lottery Dream Home International, Discovery+</a></h2><p class="intro">Reformatting a US series on UK soil for an international audience during lockdown proved a winning experience, says Paula Campion</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="71025_1_S1_Ep1_Davina McCall_ Sex, Myths and the Menopause-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tackling the menopause with Davina</a></h2><p class="intro">Finestripe set out to smash taboos on C4 single and was helped along by a host willing to open up, says director/producer Linda Sands</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Leigh Anne" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Leigh-Anne: Race, Pop & Power, BBC1/BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">My childhood friendship with the Little Mix star helped focus our exploration of race, says Tash Gaunt</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Pip and Posy ep 9 still 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pip and Posy, C5/Sky Kids</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer Vici King on why bringing the popular children’s tales to screen was like making vodka</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the_queen_and_her_cousins_01a" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sitting down with the Queen’s cousins</a></h2><p class="intro">Yorkshire Vet indie Daisybeck’s signature heartfelt style was applied to a sometimes-divisive subject, says development producer Claire Scollie</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="14-L1170517" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC1 Ian Wright doc: telling Home Truths on and off-screen</a></h2><p class="intro">Ensuring a diverse crew was crucial to spotlighting the football star’s childhood experiences, says producer Charlene Chika Osuagwu</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Photo 5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Finding our Money Maker in a pandemic</a></h2><p class="intro">Casting a business guru willing to invest big sums during Covid took more than blue sky thinking, says Nick Parnes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="104_SecretsOfTheWhales_028" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Secrets of the Whales: the art of goosebump TV</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming whale culture in every ocean on earth, but you still have to fight to keep the emotion going on-screen, Brian Armstrong argues</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Man like Greta" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Making Man Like Greta</a></h2><p class="intro">Rockerdale Studios underwent ‘detailed exploration of a new world’ to forge C4 social media show , says exec Michelle Singer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="britbox_the_beast_must_die_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Beast Must Die: Revenge is sweet</a></h2><p class="intro">The team behind BritBox’s original drama on how colour-blind casting &amp; a gender switch bring a different dimension to their novel adaptation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FL_04_Intergalactic_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Smart budgeting for British sci-fi</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating Intergalactic for Sky 1 was a mix of big ambitious and clear boundaries, says Kieron Hawkes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Saved by a Stranger" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The extraordinary story behind Saved By A Stranger</a></h2><p class="intro">Justine Kershaw reveals how a near-fatal accident inspired Blink’s new BBC2 series about strangers connected through trauma</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dreaming Whilst Black 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dreaming Whilst Black: from web to BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Our Comedy Slice adaptation of Adjani Salmon’s online hit shows people of colour given senior positions create brilliant programmes, says Gina Lyons</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Baby Surgeons1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Breaking the social silence around pregnancy for C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Wonderhood Studios’ doc series Baby Surgeons challenged us to film sensitively and carefully, says James W Newton</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS Lucy The Human ChimpC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Hollywood helped Lucy the Human Chimp</a></h2><p class="intro">Going into production during the global pandemic meant using a technique reserved for big-budget films on our Channel 4 doc, says Alex Parkinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="19. _LEONARDO_ AIDAN TURNER IMG_9353" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How the ‘woman of Cremona’ revealed Big Light’s Leonardo</a></h2><p class="intro">Telling the story of the great Renaissance painter came together when we discovered his possible ‘muse’, says Frank Spotnitz</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="213390_009[3]_edited" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Working with the Wolf of Wall Street</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating Discovery+’s GameStop: The Wall Street Hijack was a complicated and exciting challenge – and so was its presenter, says Mark Radice</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="14_Romeo&amp;Juliet2021" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Romeo & Juliet, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Collaborating with the National Theatre was a rewarding experience says producer David Sabel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Matt Baker Our Farm In The DalesE" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Matt Baker’s diary: a debut commission in lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">Presenter reveals how a family accident led to More 4’s Our Farm in the Dales</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="JULIA COURTHOUSE" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Covering the trial of Derek Chauvin</a></h2><p class="intro">A herculean effort was undertaken to get George Floyd’s accused murderer’s trial on screen, says exec Scott Tufts. Words: Emma Bullimore</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="21863007-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Syndicate: Eyes on the prize</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer Kay Mellor on her determination to mix young working-class actors with more familiar faces as her Lottery-winner drama returns</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Catie Munnings next to the Koenigsegg Regera" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unlocking the Secrets of the Supercars</a></h2><p class="intro">The pandemic posed unimagined problems for our behind-the-scenes look at the supercar world for Dave, but a belt and braces approach got us over the finish line, says Jonney Steven</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="crew photo 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Predator: Catching the Black Cab Rapist, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Honouring the brave accounts of the women attacked by John Worboys was essential to making this documentary, says Sheun Adelasoye</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the detectives fighting organised crime" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Detectives: Fighting Organised Crime, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Building trust with officers was key to recording some extraordinary moments, says series producer Louise Malkinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="From L to R Matt Bacon – Sound Recordist Alan Thurston – Camera Assistant Craig Collinson – Director Dr Zoe Laughlin - Presenter Dr George McGavin – Presenter Séamas McCracken – DoP" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why Tern TV trawled through sewage for BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Directing The Secret Science of Sewage under Covid was smelly and hard, but led to real-life breakthroughs, says Craig Collinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS Caroline image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted to celebrate the TV presenter’s life, but she deserved more from our industry says director Charlie Russell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Josh_Rosie_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dating through a Covid filter</a></h2><p class="intro">Physical closeness, juggling contributors’ cold feet and patience all played a part in getting Sky’s Dating No Filter off the ground</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lost Boy_ The Killing of James Bulger_m14919[1]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lost Boy: The Killing of James Bulger, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec Andy Dunn on why trust was key for the two-parter revisiting a shocking death</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TX1_Emaleigh and Toni_0004" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Women on the Force: captured in lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">A previous career in the police helped Dan Clark-Neal gain the trust of contributors for a locked down run of the W series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Yorkshire Ripper's new victims (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reliving the sinister crimes of a serial killer</a></h2><p class="intro">The Yorkshire Ripper’s New Victims producer Heenan Bhatti on recording the emotional stories on those who survived at the hands of Peter Sutcliffe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="HBF_LIC_WindsorSync_GuthrieOBrien_IMG_2683" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Using innovation to tell colourful stories</a></h2><p class="intro">Humble Bee Films’ Sharmila Choudhury on bringing Attenborough’s Life In Colour to the screen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bloods team" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bloods: Mining a fresh vein of comedy</a></h2><p class="intro">Samson Kayo, Nathan Bryon and Ash Atalla explain how a sliding-doors moment led to the two young talents being entrusted with a major sitcom</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="201216_BankBalance_95949" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Building Gordon Ramsay’s Bank Balance</a></h2><p class="intro">The celebrity chef navigated time differences and quarantines to film our BBC1 game show, says Sue Allison</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20190919_083807" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing the Age of Samurai to life</a></h2><p class="intro">Our Canadian Netflix original drama relied on great actors, production magic and animated battle maps, says Stephen Scott</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC_0890" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Recreating the Blitz Spirit for BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Covid-19, budgets and a trio of lockdown beards were among the challenges we faced creating our latest Lucy Worsley programme, says Emma Hindley</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="22091548-low_res-later...-with-jools-holland-series-56" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jools in lockdown: keeping the music playing</a></h2><p class="intro">The length of the great man’s grand piano helped Alison Howe’s team produce the 56th series of Later with… Jools Holland during the pandemic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hugh Dennis at Lenton Nottingham" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Digging deep for More 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We wrecked gardens, circumvented local councils and stunk out a Premier Inn hotel room to create The Great British Dig, says Steve Wynne</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Interviewee, Prosecutor Juan Martinez" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Discovering the true Jodi Arias during Covid</a></h2><p class="intro">We gained access to the people closest to convicted US killer Jodi Arias as the world locked down, says Lucie Ridout</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Image 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reconstructing Shannon Matthews’ disappearance</a></h2><p class="intro">Gaining the trust of a community dubbed ‘Broken Britain’ was tricky but rewarding, says director/producer Neil Rawles</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mel G 6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable – creating comedy in lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">We’d nearly finished filming our panel show when production stopped, but we adapted, says Dom Wells-Martin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="68719_2_S1_Ep2_It's A Sin S1 Ep2-9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">It’s A Sin: out and proud in the 80s</a></h2><p class="intro">Russell T Davies on why it was so important to cast gay actors in his 1980s-set AIDS drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TGE RH TB 01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Richard Hammond on The Great Escapists</a></h2><p class="intro">Our ambitious attempt to reinvent pop-science for Amazon involved 13 shipping containers, a desert island and massive builds, says presenter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Behind the scenes of The Brilliant World of Tom Gates filming the Make It segments" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing Tom Gates to life from our bedrooms</a></h2><p class="intro">Covid forced us to make decisions on the fly to film and produce our Sky Kids series, says Sueann Rochester</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dancing On Ice 2021" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Why 13 could be lucky for Dancing on Ice</a></h2><p class="intro">Every eventuality has been considered and contingency plan plotted for 13th series of ITV’s ice-skating competition, says Clodagh O’Donoghue</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="A Discovery of Witches (5)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Discovery of Witches, Sky</a></h2><p class="intro">Bad Wolf exec producer Lachlan MacKinnon on creating 16th century London in South Wales</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_21126152_21126142" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The ‘pawsome’ challenge of Pooch Perfect</a></h2><p class="intro">Covid-19 played havoc with the planning of our BBC1 dog grooming competition series but it might have also made it better, says Damon Pattison</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="london bridges" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">London’s Greatest Bridges, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Lockdown restrictions have forced factual producers to think differently – but this can present creative opportunities, says Dominic Gallagher</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="21597277-high_res-pandemonium-christmas-special-2020" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing order to Pandemonium</a></h2><p class="intro">Mucking in and keeping crew and cast safe were key to our Covid-themed comedy for BBC1, says Tom Jordan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="cabin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cuddling up in The Cabins</a></h2><p class="intro">ITV2 dating format may lack the ‘rattling pace or ratcheted drama’ of similar behemoths but it gives viewers room to breathe, says exec Ben Stevens</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE_MASKED_SINGER_SR2_13" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unmasking the Singer again</a></h2><p class="intro">Face-covering jokes aside, it took a Herculean effort to get the The Masked Singer’s second run on screen, says exec Derek McLean</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1. Dancing on Thin Ice - Jayne Torvill &amp; Christopher Dean" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The impact of Torvill & Dean’s Alaskan adventure</a></h2><p class="intro">Assessing the environmental cost of our quest to film the famous skaters perform the Bolero in nature underpinned our production, says Helena Braun</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="1450_DES_17DEC19RV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 Behind The Scenes of 2020</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Lenny Abrahamson and executive producer Ed Guiney reveal their experiences pulling together BBC3’s romantic drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Clown HBC 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing Quentin Blake’s Clown to life</a></h2><p class="intro">It was a race against time to realise our ambition for Channel 4’s animated special from day one, says Massimo Fenati</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20200825-RandB-182838-BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Roald & Beatrix saved Christmas</a></h2><p class="intro">How Sky’s festive drama battled bad weather and the pandemic to make it to air in time for Christmas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside KFC At ChristmasD - Anne - KFC Buckshaw" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Finding festive cheer in KFC</a></h2><p class="intro">Sifting through 960 stores to discover the ‘people behind the uniform’ was a daunting task, says C4 ob-doc director Jonny Ashton</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TheSurgeon'sCut_Season1_Episode4_Heart &amp; Soul_03" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Surgeon’s Cut: capturing life and death situations</a></h2><p class="intro">We scoured the planet to find the surgeons whose pioneering and lifesaving work is at the centre of our Netflix doc series, says James van der Pool</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Angellica Bell &amp; Ellie Harrison" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Co-ordinating a Very Country Christmas</a></h2><p class="intro">Tern TV had to grapple with PM’s Whack-a-Mole strategy and spiritual donkey-related conundrums for BBC1 three-parter, says exec Brendan Hughes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jungle Mystery Lost Kingdoms of the Amazon9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Risking it all for C4’s Jungle Mystery: Lost Kingdoms of the Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">Our quest to document ancient rock art brought us face to face with Colombia’s most wanted man, says Paul King</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Locked In" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Locked In: Breaking the Silence, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Filmmaker Xavier Alford on the cathartic experience of sharing the story of his illness</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WATG 7" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Exploring the World According to Grandpa</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating a relaxed atmosphere for child actors in a Covid-19 world was no easy task, says exec producer Caroline Cherry-Roberts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1018990-34.1-82" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Coronation Street: Sixty years on the Street</a></h2><p class="intro">How ITV Studios pulled off a series of ambitious 60th anniversary specials under Covid restrictions</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DIY SOS (8)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">DIY: SOS’s most challenging build</a></h2><p class="intro">Pulling off major constructions for television is tough at the best of times, so imagine that during a pandemic, says Hamish Summers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="image004" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How The Liberator revolutionises animated drama</a></h2><p class="intro">Our technology has transformed Netflix and A&amp;E’s WWII drama into a unique live-action/comic book hybrid, says Greg Jonkajtys</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Surviving the Stone_Age_CHutton-088" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Surviving the Stone Age with Channel 4’s explorers</a></h2><p class="intro">There was genuine jeopardy as our anthropological experiment pushed our ‘Stone Age’ cast to the limit, says Natalie Wilkinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rmls_09_07_Ep01_Sc101103106224_DSCF8414_high©FrancescaFago" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Romulus rolled back the clock</a></h2><p class="intro">John Elmes discovers that Sky Italia’s epic series was as much history lesson as high-concept drama for producer Cattleya</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20896865-high_res-being-frank-the-frank-gardner-story" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Being Frank, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Showing the truth about disability, leaky colostomy bags and all, is at the heart of Curious doc about the BBC security correspondent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FSP_Alton_Towers_C4_Portraits_007" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The rollercoaster ride reopening Alton Towers</a></h2><p class="intro">Our Channel 4 documentary reveals the quiet anxieties of staff at the famous theme park, says Kate Siney</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Arlo Parks" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Spirit Studios revealed The Whole Truth</a></h2><p class="intro">We braced for a social media reaction to our Channel 4 music-meets-mental health special, but only found positivity, says Matt Campion</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jordan Davies, Lady Leshurr and and Darren Harriott with Bus" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Taking Ghost Bus Tours mid-pandemic</a></h2><p class="intro">Our Lithuania-shot horror entertainment series for ITV2 could have been a nightmare but ended up a scarily strong success, says Ben Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="2e4b348d-8dbc-4690-86f1-4fb47c455129" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">American Nightmare: the two-week shoot that lasted six months</a></h2><p class="intro">Covid-19 hit when I was filming our Channel 4 child poverty doc in US - but we decided to see it through, says Jezza Neumann</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="21135186-high_res-small-axe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Small Axe: Lessons in black history</a></h2><p class="intro">Tracing the stories of black West Indians over 16 years, director Steve McQueen’s new BBC1 series couldn’t be more relevant or timely</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_DSC3416" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Animation in lockdown: a new pace for stop motion</a></h2><p class="intro">Every rule our animators use went out the window to create the second series of CBBC’s Scream Street, says Phil Chalk</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1,000 YEARS OF HISTORY CHINA 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The collaboration game – C5’s ‘confederate’ commission</a></h2><p class="intro">How the trio of regional indies and commissioning editor reveal how they collaborated on A Big History of…</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_20200117_155038" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Addressing miscarriage on screen: a sensitive task</a></h2><p class="intro">Producer and director Janice Sutherland, explains her C5 film about a topic no-one could bring themselves to talk about </p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Pact_shoot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Covid couldn’t stop us - try as it might</a></h2><p class="intro">Sometimes it felt our BBC Wales drama The Pact would never get made, but we have made it into production, say Elwen Rowlands and Hayley Manning</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside the Tower of London 38" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Producing Inside the Tower of London from a distance</a></h2><p class="intro">We had to remotely teach Beefeaters to become professional filmmakers to complete our C5 series during lockdown, says Sarah Sarkhel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mari Lucaccini - Production Designer and her team" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Henry VIII: revealing the inner torment</a></h2><p class="intro">Our quest to explore the mental health of the storied monarch for C5 through docu-drama took us to the Vatican and back, says Luke Korzun Martin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="L-R Kenny Gamble, Olivia Lichtenstein, Leon Huff. Gamble and Huff are legendery producers and songwriters and creators of the Sound of Philadelphia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Creating the legacy Teddy Pendergrass deserves</a></h2><p class="intro">Our BBC2 documentary about the late soul singer was tough to finance but spotlights his life and talent perfectly, says Olivia Lichtenstein</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Laura Martin Robinson PD and dancer Skye Markey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Strictly Amy: a private battle with Crohn’s during lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">Strictly star’s personal account of the terrible disease for BBC1 Wales transformed into a love letter to ballroom, says Laura Martin Robinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC_6697" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How BBC2’s Mountain Vets avoided Covid-19</a></h2><p class="intro">We thought shooting the second series had been a challenge - then Covid turned up during the edit, says Edward Hart</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Michael_Palin_Home" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Profiling Palin’s lifetime of travel</a></h2><p class="intro">Firecrest had to navigate a sea of challenges to weave together the wanders of a TV great, says series producer and director Andrew Abbott</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dollan Cannell 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Capturing C5’s Suspect No 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Our police ob-doc series reveals the true nature of detectives’ work, says Dollan Cannell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside the Spitfire Factory" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing the Spitfire back into service</a></h2><p class="intro">Our More 4 series Inside the Spitfore Factory wasn’t just about filming – we were recording history, says Ed Avern</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="October Films crew at ZSL London Zoo 2020 (c)ZSL (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our time filming London Zoo: An Extraordinary Year</a></h2><p class="intro">This ITV ob-doc portrays a surprising and heart-warming picture of life in pandemic-struck Britain, says Barnaby Peel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="MODAK191017_BLUE_STILLS_CARD01_DSC00002 - Edited" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing the Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom to life</a></h2><p class="intro">Gaining access to Walt Disney World Resort was an unforgettable experience - just don’t tell my kids, says Ash Potterton</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Diene Petterle, Creative Director at DSP" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">In Cold Blood: exposing a scandal</a></h2><p class="intro">Our ITV feature-doc exposes one of the most shocking and underreported stories in the UK’s history, says Marcus Plowright</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BGT Semi Final 1-7" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BGT: back in the spotlight</a></h2><p class="intro">A socially-distanced studio couldn’t stop Thames’ entertainment smash from sparkling</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="2. Main Stage" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top Gear: back behind the wheel</a></h2><p class="intro">The motoring format got a best-of-British makeover after lockdown threatened its BBC1 debut</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Family Fortunes (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Family Fortunes: Reviving a popular gameshow</a></h2><p class="intro">“It was important for us to produce a programme that didn’t feel like we were hindered by Covid-19 in any way”</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="01_01_TheThirdDay_InvitationtotheSet_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Third Day: Making a Sky original on a small Essex island</a></h2><p class="intro">Predicting the tides was just one of the challenges faced by producer Adrian Sturges and his team</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Walking with camera equiptment" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lost at Sea: our story of a father and forgotten hero</a></h2><p class="intro">Louis Bird’s voyage of discovery about his ocean-crossing rower dad for Channel 4 had an emotional toll on us all, says Johnny Burke</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_20733869_20848451" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A madcap dash through Europe making David Nicholls' Us</a></h2><p class="intro">Our city-hopping drama production shoot had its own problems – and then Covid hit, says Hannah Pescod</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE SINGAPORE GRIP EPISODE 1 13" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Recreating Singapore from Malaysia</a></h2><p class="intro">The climate was challenging but ITV’s The Singapore Grip was a joy to film, says Mammoth Screen’s Farah Abushwesha</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="0581__DES_03DEC19RV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Des: our story of the serial killer</a></h2><p class="intro">Keeping the hand of producer and director out of our shoot was key to unlocking the story of this true-crime drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="EP Rebecca Hewett Sound Supervisor Martin Seweryn with Joanne McNally Bush Hall Theatre" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Comedy Central at the Edinburgh Fringe: remote but live</a></h2><p class="intro">Our plan to recreate the energy of the UK’s leading comedy festival was a technical challenge like no other, says Chris Jones</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lodgers for Codgers Ep1F" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lodgers for Codgers: bringing the generations together</a></h2><p class="intro">We combined flatmate speed-dating with intergenerational mixing to create our funny and emotional series, says Maia Liddell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dino Toybox 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Opening up the Dino Toybox</a></h2><p class="intro">Navigating a teething two-year-old was never going to be easy for our latest CBeebies dinosaur offering, says producer Paul Deane</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="OYF_Owens_01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our Yorkshire Farm special: self-filmed in lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">A wholehearted effort from the Owen family created the footage for our lockdown episode, says Kate Fraser</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20189820-high-cuba-castro-v-the-world" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our journey into Fidel Castro’s Cuba</a></h2><p class="intro">Co-producing the story of socialism in Cuba tested our journalistic skills to the limit, says Mick Gold</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WhatsApp Image 2020-06-28 at 19.25.05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cooking up a lockdown barbecue treat for Food Network</a></h2><p class="intro">Covid-19 forced Blink Films to grill every decision when making Tom Kerridge Barbecues, says Simon Arnold</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE REAL EASTENDERS 31" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Finding the heart of The Real Eastenders</a></h2><p class="intro">The Isle of Dogs has a magical aura and it was our challenge to represent that on screen, says Ashley Francis Roy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="image00015" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Building HGTV’s Weekend Workshop in lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">With productions halted and staff fighting effects of the virus, our DIY series for HGTV was a lifesaver, says Richard Osborne</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mummies with Linda - ​The Hunt for Cleopatra’s Tomb" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Covid and Cleopatra: the story of C5’s Egyptian dig</a></h2><p class="intro">Organising filming of a tomb excavation felt at times like the impossible puzzle, says Lucie Ridout</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC04304" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Dragonfly filmed frontline paramedics during the pandemic</a></h2><p class="intro">Safely and successfully following NHS workers during lockdown for Channel 4 impacted us all, says Peter Wallis-Tayler</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Nolans Go Cruising 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How the Nolans stayed in cruise control for Quest Red</a></h2><p class="intro">The coronavirus put paid to several European excursions we’d planned for the Nolan sisters but we adapted, says Dimitri Nicomanis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSC08456" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Rachel Khoo made a coronavirus era cooking show</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating a Food Network series while self-isolating in a remote Swedish village was a unique experience, says celebrity chef Rachel Khoo</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Night 3 - Selma march 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">America: Our Defining Hours - the production where nobody met</a></h2><p class="intro">Nutopia used pre-cleansed drop kits, negotiated civil unrest and addressed the problems of front doorsteps to complete History’s lockdown doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Trump in Tweets" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Telling Trump’s tale through tweets for BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Communicating ‘The Donald’s’ revolutionary method of speaking to the electorate was made all the harder by lockdown, says director Emeka Onono</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rob Greig" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Clearing the way for C5's mega-landfill doc</a></h2><p class="intro">We needed a full arsenal of kit to capture the best footage of a giant, dusty California landfill site, says Rob Greig</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The School That Tried to End Racism behind the scenes pic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes at The School that Tried to End Racism</a></h2><p class="intro">Our ob-doc mini-series about unconscious racial bias in children helped out production team understand more about themselves, says David DeHaney</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Aztec Pyramid-260" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Building a pyramid for C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Constructing a real-life pyramid from scratch in Mexico was a unique TV challenge, says Bella Falk</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="cupcake Nikki" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nikki Lilly Bakes: truly a family affair</a></h2><p class="intro">Our teenage baking star’s parents became vital members of our production, says Sarah Murch</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Make Me Famous (20)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dramatising the reality of fast fame</a></h2><p class="intro">Reggie Yates’s drama exploration of reality TV feels like an urgent story to tell, says Sue Horth</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Filming at the Saatchi Tutankhamun Exhibition cropped_ photographer Eleanor Ware" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing Tutankhamun to life in colour</a></h2><p class="intro">We gathered the material for our colourised history doc just in time, says Paul Bradshaw</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS The Queen and the Coup 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Race against time to save our queen doc from lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">We were trying to gain access to film in Iran. Then lockdown piled on the pressure to finish our doc, says director Paul Elston</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Salisbury Poisonings iconic image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Salisbury Poisonings: ‘an exploration of collateral damage’</a></h2><p class="intro">Dancing Ledge MD Chris Carey tells Desiree Ibekwe about telling human stories behind the headlines - and his mission to nurture new writers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dr Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet - Pandemic Emergency" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stitching together a lockdown special</a></h2><p class="intro">How Double Act pivoted to adapt Animal Planet’s long-running series Dr Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet as a pandemic special</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="A Greek Odyssey with Bettany Hughes5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Greek Odyssey with Bettany Hughes, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Series director Anna Thomson reveals the Herculean task of exploring Ancient and modern Greece amid a pandemic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ocean_Autopsy_Helen Czerski working on the NIOZ Pelagia Research Vessel" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Performing an Ocean Autopsy for BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our doc special for World Ocean Day contains shocking truths and entertaining reveals about the sea and its inhabitants, says Peter Collins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="A_&amp;_E_After_Dark_S1_EP1_4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crackit goes to A&E After Dark for C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Our doc series spotlights the fantastic work of NHS staff and the threats of violence and abuse they endure during nightshifts, says Jon Connerty</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Two Sisters One Body 5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Two Sisters One Body, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">The story of conjoined twins demanded we focus on their cultural and political lives – not just their medical condition, says Jack Macinnes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="RHOCH Reunion Still - Broadcast" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Real Housewives of Cheshire: staging a virtual reunion</a></h2><p class="intro">Lockdown did not temper the extravagant behaviour of the leads of our ITV Be reality soap, says David Granger</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WHT_01.10.2019_BTS_LR_0152" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">We Hunt Together, Alibi</a></h2><p class="intro">Director and costume designer of UKTV drama on creating two worlds in one show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="History 101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Making History 101 for Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Our challenge was to expand the ‘explainer video’ format into an innovative and accessible major international SVoD series, says Bruce Kennedy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Cleaner at work" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">An intimate look at life during (and after) China's lockdown</a></h2><p class="intro">Editing Coronavirus: Our Lockdown in Shanghai was like staring into the future for the team at Wonderhood Studios</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tony Slattery" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What’s the Matter with Tony Slattery?, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Our scientific investigation into Bipolar became a personal journey into the comedian and actor’s mental health history, says Clare Richards</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ultimate Tag" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Znak & Co plays Ultimate Tag with Fox</a></h2><p class="intro">Rooted in child’s play but starring high-octane adults, our US sports-entertainment show combines action with humour, says Glenn Coomber</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Big Flower Fight" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Arranging Netflix’s Big Flower Fight</a></h2><p class="intro">MultiStory Media ran with SVoD’s ambition to create a horticulture competition series of scale and whimsy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Work on the Wild Side Rachel Care For Wild" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Work on the Wild Side, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our daytime conservation series highlights the crisis in Africa’s natural world and nothing would stop us telling the story, says Jannine Waddell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Walking with Elephants 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Walking with Elephants, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Levison Wood’s latest journey into the African Savannah was dangerous and full of uncertainty, but that was the point, says Alexis Girardet</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Fantastical Factory of Curious Craft" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fantastical Factory of Curious Craft, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We tapped into the Instagram generation’s obsession with crafting to create a reality show for everybody, says Andrew Cartmell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hour of Duty - PC Andrew Hardy from Derbyshire Constabulary" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Police: Hour of Duty, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming police stories across a single hour poses challenges our crew had never faced before, says Tom Clarke</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Trying_Photo_010101" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Trying: the lowdown on Apple TV+’s first UK series</a></h2><p class="intro">Balancing laughs and emotion in Apple TV+’s comedy series was key to revealing the truth about Britain’s adoption system, says Jim O’Hanlon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20040185-high_res-normal-people" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The extraordinary story behind Normal People</a></h2><p class="intro">Director Lenny Abrahamson and executive producer Ed Guiney reveal their experiences pulling together BBC3’s romantic drama to Desiree Ibekwe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GOL_Ep101_191218_SA_1087" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gangs of London, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Film director Gareth Evans was adamant that this sprawling crime saga had to be a TV series - with stunts put front and centre, Gabriel Tate discovers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="What's It Like to Catch Coronavirus 03" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">​What’s It Like to Catch Coronavirus?, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">YouTube-style tutorials in self-shooting helped bring out the personal stories of sufferers - including our presenter, say Nick Godwin and James Routh</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Cafe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Café, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Shooting Ralf Little’s Sky 1 series on location in Weston-super-Mare was a pleasure compared with working in London, says Susie Liggat.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Births Hirez-4159" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Life and Birth: how Dragonfly created BBC1’s childbirth doc</a></h2><p class="intro">Known for a popular fixed rig childbirth series, our latest take on the format had to deliver fresh insights, says Dragonfly’s Tom Currie</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THTH_103_Portraits_01423R220200403-3458-1e1brpe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Too Hot To Handle: ‘we were inspired by Seinfeld’</a></h2><p class="intro">Talkback’s debut Netflix commission offers a light-hearted take on abstinence at a time when most under-25s are suffering terrible ‘blue balls’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20196189-high_res-devs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Devs: the making of BBC2’s FX drama</a></h2><p class="intro">We dodged the coronavirus lockdown, but producing our sci-fi drama still posed several challenges, says Allon Reich</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Interior revealed holes in vaulting" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rebuilding Notre-Dame: Inside the Great Cathedral Rescue, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Gaining access to the huge efforts to salvage the Paris landmark threw up challenges we could never have imagined, says Joby Lubman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Quiz courtroom scene" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Quiz: uncovering the drama behind a TV scandal</a></h2><p class="intro">The news told one version of the ‘coughing major’ TV scandal but James Graham wanted to reveal a different story, he tells Jesse Whittock</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="MAXXXEP1_02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How OT Fagbenle brought Maxxx to E4</a></h2><p class="intro">OT and Luti Fagbenle refused to cut financial corners and made bold choices to bring their comedy to life, they tell Gabriel Tate</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS The Snow Spider - Nia, Dewi (Jonah), Alun,Jenny (Director) Gary (Macsen), Gwyn -9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Snow Spider, CBBC/BBC Wales</a></h2><p class="intro">‘We wanted our adaptation to do justice to the original trilogy, so we made a conscious effort to give it a Welsh voice and sense of wonderment’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20071671-high_res-the-nest" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Nest, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">On the set of Nicole Taylor’s latest drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="3HTYt5Px.jpeg" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">On The Edge, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Back for its second series, C4’s strand provides an opportunity for new writers and directors from all walks of life, says Ben Bickerton</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TRACK ENGINEERS BIRMINGHAM NEW STREET STATION" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Station: Trouble on the Tracks, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">We couldn’t plan for everything but smart thinking kept our train doc on course, says Jon Cowen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20191107_120413 (1)[2]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">New Scotland Yard Files, CBS Reality</a></h2><p class="intro">Our journey through some of Britain’s most intriguing murder investigations had to be gripping, unique and entertaining, says Sarah-Jane Cohen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="5 Guys A Week Ep1C " class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How C4 got Five Guys a Week</a></h2><p class="intro">By speeding up the dating process and handing women the power, Label1 offers a fresh, romantic take on the genre</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TheHeatisOn_Day2_8439" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Heat is On: Sport Relief, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">From one extreme to another</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="HYWI Screen Glue 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hey You! What If..., CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Making clever compromises was key to creating our madcap scripted science series for CBBC, says Jasper James</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Background L-R Akis Petretzikis, Anna Haugh, Romy Gill, Ellis Barrie, Mike Reid" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ready Steady Cook, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Cooking on a budget with limited time is as relevant as ever, says Cat Lawson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="18 V1-0032_DAKOTA02201457_R" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How Nutopia made Babies for Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding scientists who met our exacting criteria was our biggest challenge</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="harry_redknapps_sandbank_summer_ep1_07" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What Harry Redknapp did last summer</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes on Harry Redknapp’s Sandbanks Summer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mind Yourself 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mind Yourself, Snap</a></h2><p class="intro">Understanding both the needs of vulnerable contributors and the intricacies of the Snap platform was vital to our short-form doc series, says Alex Morris</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mountain_Rescued_Noah Devereux" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rescued, National Geographic: Real drama caught on camera</a></h2><p class="intro">We have found a completely new way to approach the survival genre, says Lucie Ridout</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Warship_Life_at_Sea_S2_EP1_11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Warship: Life At Sea, Channel 5 - a front-row seat to history</a></h2><p class="intro">We didn’t expect to be sent to the Gulf to witness an international stand-off first hand, says Mark Tattersall</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="7bc5c490-f04c-11e9-9bf9-1203b2feb7c4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How we shed light on the nocturnal world</a></h2><p class="intro">From orcas to ocelots, advances in camera technology allowed us to capture the night-time habits of some elusive animals, says Bill Markham</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Frankie Boyle's Tour of Scotland Frankie smiling at Glencoe (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">When Frankie goes to Scotland</a></h2><p class="intro">With Tom Weir and Billy Connolly as inspiration, Frankie Boyle wanted to deliver his own unique take on the TV travelogue, says Mick McAvoy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Auschwitz women" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bringing home the horrors of the Holocaust</a></h2><p class="intro">Colourising Nazi atrocities was a decision not made lightly, but we have a duty to keep the story in the present say the producers of this More 4 film</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Win the Wilderness (8)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Win The Wilderness: Alaska, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">White-knuckle flights, roaming bears and constant daylight were just some of the challenges faced by the makers of this Twofour series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Don't Scream (9)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Don’t Scream, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating fear and fun was the name of the game for our BBC3 reality show, says Simon Knight</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_4947" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">7.7 Billion People & Counting, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">What we discovered filming our doc about humanity’s population boom changed the way we think and produce TV forever, says Charlie Russell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="QX5A7831" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crazy Delicious: cooking up a tasty new format</a></h2><p class="intro">Experts from the worlds of entertainment, food and competition shows have created a cross-genre series that channels Willy Wonka, says Nicola Pointer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="the_masked_singer_ep1_15" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside The Masked Singer</a></h2><p class="intro">How Bandicoot got on the front foot in snapping up the Korean format for the UK before it blew up in the US</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Catching A Killer 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Catching a Killer: A Diary From the Grave, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our clandestine investigation into the murder of two elderly people was an emotional experience, says Jess Stevenson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="First and Last 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First & Last, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">We instinctively knew a blend of innovative games and silliness would define our gameshow, says Peter Holmes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_T7A1380_nailor" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">This Is Our Family, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Little Gem takes the long view on family life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="COW_STILL_PORT_4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Meat the Family, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our attempt to bring warmth and pathos to a potentially dry subject was a steep learning curve for all of us - man and beast, says Juliet Rice</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="bones studio 2 - tori herridge ( yellow shirt), maya Hoole, osteoarchaeologist, Scotland, carla valentine ( red hair)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Bone Detectives: Britain’s Buried Secrets, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Getting under the skin of history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="PD Charlie farmer Ally harvest" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Born Mucky: Life on the Farm, Quest</a></h2><p class="intro">Patience and diligence were key to capturing agricultural life in our ob-doc, says Mark Beech</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="٢٠١٦٠٩٣٠_١٧٤٢٤٠" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 Behind The Scenes of 2019</a></h2><p class="intro">Shooting in VR for Your Home Made Perfect; working for Netflix on After Life and Top Boy; and capturing the truth of Aleppo in For Sama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ski A&amp;E 13" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ski A&E, W</a></h2><p class="intro">Our medical ob doc crew needed the skills of pro skiers and the shooting abilities of Hollywood directors, say John Quinn and Sean Doherty</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TREES BTS 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chris Packham: Plant a Tree to Save the World, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Pulling together a celebrity event for climate change in just five weeks was a worthwhile challenge, says Andy Dunn</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="19212582-high_res-the-mallorca-files" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Mallorca Files, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">On set with the show that’s moving the goalposts for daytime drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ARCHIVE - Osmond Retirement Sissinghurst '67-68 - Supplied by David Waters" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Grandparents’ War, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exploring a shared war history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="liebermann1_181107_1564_raw_final" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Vienna Blood, BBC2/ORF/ZDF</a></h2><p class="intro">Capturing the spirit of a unique time and place</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_17292559_17292549" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The War Of The Worlds, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Sci-fi classic returns to its roots</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WMAM EXPERTS &amp; JOHN COPYRIGHT TOM PULLEN" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">What Makes A Murderer, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Having colleagues with a prison background helped built genuine trust with nervous contributors</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BTS the country walk" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Cockfields, Gold</a></h2><p class="intro">Why shooting during the wettest June on record brought some unexpected benefits, says executive producer Lucy Lumsden</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The final resin figurines were used to portray the characters in the film" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Animating life and death decisions</a></h2><p class="intro">Migration is a challenging subject to convey accessibly. Our approach cuts to the global chase, says Osbert Parker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_2818" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Canal Boat Diaries, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">To get down and dirty with life on a barge, Robbie Cumming filmed and edited practically all of his series onboard via his iPhone</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside the Supermarket 1.png" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside the Supermarket, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Open and honest conversations with Sainsbury’s allowed us to film serious and fun stories for our series, says Anoushka Roberts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="20190528_124137" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">47 Summits: Huw Jack Brassington’s Challenge, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">How a storm threw our plans into chaos and quickly turned into the most challenging shoot of my life, says Huw Erddyn</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Later with Jools Holland 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Later… with Jools Holland: reinventing a BBC2 staple</a></h2><p class="intro">Going through a tender process forced us to consider what worked and what needed updating on the famous music performance series, says Alison Howe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="18932411-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Guilt, BBC Scotland/BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting BBC Scotland on the map for drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Undercover Girlfriends - Girlfriends dressed as hens" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Undercover Girlfriends, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Hiding our contestants’ partners in a next-door villa was no easy feat, says Colin May</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Courtney in the street taking part in ‘Stand for Self-Love’ in Oxford" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Who Are You Calling Fat?, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming a revealing doc series about the concept of ‘fat’ will change perceptions and inform national debate, says Sara Ramsden</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Campfire - Photo by Matas Astrauskas" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Killer Camp, ITV2</a></h2><p class="intro">Enfusing comedy into our reality horror whodunnit in a wet forest in Lithuania was an unforgettable experience, says James Donkin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="HMS Queen Elizabeth arrives in New York" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain’s Biggest Warship: Goes To Sea, BBC2/Smithsonian Channel</a></h2><p class="intro">Setting sail with the Royal Navy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="٢٠١٦١٠١٤_١٧٠٠٠٢" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">For Sama, Channel 4/PBS</a></h2><p class="intro">Living on the frontline of the war in Syria</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ITD Chris Chapman GettyImages-1164317287" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Prince Charles: Inside the Duchy of Cornwall, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Getting to know the future king</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Danny Dyer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Wall, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Scaling new gameshow heights</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="zomboat_02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Zomboat!, ITV2/Hulu</a></h2><p class="intro">How I became a zombie killer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="1611_CTG_12OCT18RV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Catherine The Great, Sky Atlantic/HBO</a></h2><p class="intro">Retelling history with scale and intimacy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="China's Greatest Treasures 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">China’s Greatest Treasures, BBC World News/CCTV</a></h2><p class="intro">With unprecedented access to China’s museums and artefacts, our co-production taught us that the right local partners are key to pulling off a challenging shoot, says Charlotte Jones</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="©YAMI 2_2019_TIANANMEN_© AGENCE VU - Manuel Vimenet_4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC4: Tiananmen – The People v the Party</a></h2><p class="intro">Co-producing our doc on the deadly 1989 Chinese student protests with French partners with challenging but rewarding, says Ed Stobart</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="FEED_Ep3_Michelle Fairley as Meredith © Studio Lambert and all3media international (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Feed, Virgin Media/Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">Building a brave new world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="01_15_Temple_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Temple, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Going underground in style on a Norwegian drama adaptation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="V1_TB_304_Unit_03354" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top Boy, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Bringing back his gritty drama, writer Ronan Bennett wanted to show the reality of life in a corner of London without glamourising it</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="360º CAMERA" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">MotoGP: Full throttle action</a></h2><p class="intro">Covering the Silverstone MotoGP race meeting for BT Sport is a mammoth operation for North One, with 26 hours of live outside broadcast over three days</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Born to be Wild Cameraman Fergus Gill filming Born to be Wild" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Born To Be Wild, BBC2/BBC Scotland</a></h2><p class="intro">Providing a fresh perspective on British wildlife</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Capture (3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Capture, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting video evidence on trial</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hairy Bikers Route 66 BTS (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hairy Bikers Route 66, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">As the Hairy Bikers rode the iconic highway, we wanted to film unexpected moments rather than an endless stream of diners, says producer Dick Sharman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Singletown1 (2)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Singletown, ITV2</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting couples to the love test</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dark Crystal38" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Puppet show for the 21st century</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="A-Black-and-White-Killing--The-Case-that-Shook-America_final_18663946_18663936" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mobeen Azhar on the story behind the crime that shook America</a></h2><p class="intro">Using old-fashioned British charm and guile allowed us to tell the story of A Black and White Killing for BBC2, says the writer and presenter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DIAG_BTS_DR. LISA_NYT_LOBBY" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Diagnosis, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Turning a famous New York Times column into a doc series for Netflix was an enormous but worthwhile challenge, says Alex Braverman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dads Army crew 0376" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dad’s Army: The Lost Episodes, Gold</a></h2><p class="intro">Recreating a slice of TV history</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jessican North shooting FOS on the patio" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Rap Game, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Tom O’Brien reveals the challenge of translating a grassroots ‘music-first’ world into formatted TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mattresses CH and GW" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside the Factory, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Amanda Lyon on the military levels of organisation required to produce the popular Voltage series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ep3 Jamie Flynn and Peter Keith Filming" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sacred Wonders, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Exploring faith across the globe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Jannette Hodds filming" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Best Little Prison in Britain?, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Our series focused on inmates who we could all identify with and a jail where the key aim was rehabilitation, says Rebecca Mulraine</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="filming" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: taking The Chef’s Brigade around the world</a></h2><p class="intro">Following celebrity chef Jason Atherton into Michelin-starred kitchens for our food-meets-travelogue show was hot work, says Dominique Foster</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SHE_KIRSTY BTS 049" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">I Am, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">When going off script makes better drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BIGGER BANG REVOLUTIONS STILL - PLANES 16" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Revolutions: The Stories of Six Remarkable Inventions, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">When imagination takes flight</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="L1270155" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stargazing: Moon Landing Special, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">When Donald Trump shut down the US government, our tightly scheduled production almost got stuck on the launch pad</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="17523479-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Left Behind, BBC3/BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">How real life shaped our gig economy drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Graham infusion" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Filming with human guinea pigs</a></h2><p class="intro">War in the Blood director Arthur Cary on the challenge of covering the human impact of a scientific breakthrough</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Robbie Jacks Nicolas II abdicates the throne" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Last Czars, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a drama doc fit for a king</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Fred Michel Paris cropped" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Remarkable Places to Eat, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming in the world’s most exclusive restaurants, we had to be meticulously organised to avoid getting in the way of service, says Katy Fryer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Atlanta HQ" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secrets Of Coca-Cola: The Billion Dollar Beverage, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Lifting the lid on Coke’s secret formula</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Group 3N0B0819" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big In The Valleys, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Sizing up the obesity problem</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Beecham House 30_8_18 high-0771" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Beecham House, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Emma Cox meets writer/director Gurinder Chadha and finds out about the joys and trials of shooting in India</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="C22_101_PS6097 03429RT_f" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">George Clooney: Authority is to be made fun of</a></h2><p class="intro">With their adaptation of Joseph Heller’s classic novel about to air on Channel 4 as a six-part series, George Clooney and Grant Heslov tell Gabriel Tate why the story is still relevant</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Dave Hamil and Taron Allison (sound)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The 1900 Island, BBC1 Wales/BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Turning back the clock to a simpler time</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DNYC 5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Drain The Oceans, National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">Making archaeology accessible and fun by taking a ‘cinematic and tabloid’ approach to reveal what lies beneath the waves</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Good Omens 5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Good Omens, BBC/Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">Staying true to the original vision of the book was key to creating our co-production, says Douglas Mackinnon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GalDemSugar-363" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Galdem Sugar, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">A small team and tight turnaround helped give our constructed reality grime series an authentic voice, says series producer Dinkesh Miesuria</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Charlene's parents, Karen and Robert Downes at Charlene's plaque during a photoshoot" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Murder of Charlene Downes, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Investigating a 15-year investigation into a teen girl’s disappearance forced us to embrace complex working practices, says Yonni Usiskin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BNT_Drama_Cast_Frankezinho01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Killer Ratings, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">A real-life TV murder mystery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="17596969-high_res-the-summer-of-rockets" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Summer Of Rockets, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking Britain back to the Cold War</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="180913_Mum3_181091" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mum, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">The main characters have come to the end of their journey and – I hope – revealed a few truths about life along the way, says Stefan Golaszewski</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="17914705-high_res-sex-on-the-couch" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sex on the Couch, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Watching couples’ sex therapy sessions was a real privilege and a production challenge, says Caroline Short</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CHER_102_081418_LD_00092" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chernobyl, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Exploring the fallout from a nuclear disaster</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="CX0A8497" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Banged Up: Teens Behind Bars, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Tough love for troubled teens</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="PressPic05" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Flinch, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Pain is the name of the game</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Deserts_EP104_HostilePlanet_34-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hostile Planet, National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">Stories of survival against the odds</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="13_04_Moominvalley_SO1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Moominvalley, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Kids’ classic for all the family</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="17929820-high_res-ghosts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ghosts, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">How Danny Dyer and Beetlejuice inspired the Horrible Histories team’s lurch onto primetime BBC1</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Chimerica Ep 1 64" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chimerica, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting Trump’s America in focus</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Naked Beach copy[2][2][3][2]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Naked Beach, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our first series aims to normalise the naked body through prime-time television, says Rosie Bray</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Life After Lock-Up EP2 Tracey 3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Life After Lock-Up, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Meeting former prison inmates on the day of their release was nothing like I had imagined, says Lee Phillips</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_17709940_17709930" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Victim, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Telling both sides of the story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="NY" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">World's Busiest Train Stations, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Having insider knowledge of the railway industry helped keep our series on track, says Tim Pritchard</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="17462481-high_res-pilgrimage-the-road-to-rome" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pilgrimage: The Road To Rome, BBC2 </a></h2><p class="intro">Following eight celebrities on an epic journey across Europe to meet Pope Francis was an emotional experience, says Caroline Matthews</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="17 Sean Scully Karate workout ©2018Nick Willing" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unstoppable: Sean Scully and the Art of Everything, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding a way to show the complete picture of the Irish artist’s extraordinary life was crucial to our doc, says Nick Willing</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mimi at Nemo science museum sex IQ test_penis question" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mimi on a Mission: Sex Ed, BBC iPlayer</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking seven teens to the Netherlands for a week-long sex education fact-finding mission was quite the eye-opening journey, says Danni Davis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Priyanka and Simon Biles on Venice Beach" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">If I Could Tell You Just One Thing, YouTube</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming Priyanka Chopra Jonas interview famous faces in LA proved to be more challenging than it sounds, says Sally Freeman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Paddy-02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Border Country, BBC NI / BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Uncovering a century of extraordinary archive granted us a deep well of stories that brought the story of the Irish border to life, says James Rogan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Who's Getting Rich from Moroccan Hash l to r Presenter Emir Nader and director Karim Shah" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Who's Getting Rich From Moroccan Hash?, BBC Arabic</a></h2><p class="intro">Foreign journalists are not welcome in the cannabis farming communities of Morocco. It took weeks just to find a fixer, writes Emir Nader</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_1915" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sarah Beeny’s Renovate Don’t Relocate, Really/W</a></h2><p class="intro">Cutting-edge production techniques helped our series show why homeowners are choosing not to move, says Laura Mansfield</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Camera assistant Clare Jones" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Secrets of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Turning history on its head</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="19. P9140109cropped" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hurricane Man, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">Caught in the eye of the storm</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The mums get advice from Erika Lust. From left to right - Erika Lust, Anita, Emma, Sarah Louise, Firecracker camera crew" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mums Make Porn, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">The mother of all porn shoots</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Episodic still3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">101 Dalmatian Street, Disney Channels EMEA</a></h2><p class="intro">Reanimating a Disney classic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Choir Our School By The Tower" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Choir: Our School By The Tower, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Giving school kids affected by the Grenfell Tower fire freedom to express themselves was key to our story, says Ben Rumney</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="AFTERLIFE_EP01_D33-034_R (1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ricky Gervais on After Life</a></h2><p class="intro">‘I’ve always found bleak funny’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="5_IMG_0935" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Say Yes To The Dress Lancashire, TLC</a></h2><p class="intro">A perfect fit for location, cast and talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="James Anderson, Director of Photography 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Race Across The World, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking a trip into the unknown</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Critical Condition 5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Critical Condition, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding a fresh angle on the hospital format</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="TRA_EP3_KEELEY_HAWES_13©TTPLTD" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Traitors, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Spy vs spy in a divided Britain</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Windrush Monologue Cyrus 10th December 2018-3117" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Soon Gone: A Windrush Chronicle, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Exploring the past from the front room</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Anna Paquin, plays Lydia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Flack, W</a></h2><p class="intro">Shining a light on the dark arts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Skint Britain Friends Without Benefits TamsynTrevorTracey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Skint Britain: Friends Without Benefits, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Juxtaposing Westminster rhetoric with the reality of poverty unlocked uncomfortable truths about a pressing social issue, says David Hodgkinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Damian Le Bas by the RiverEden at Appleby, Cumbria, during its horse fair June 2018" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Very British History, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Giving a voice to hidden Britain</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Tagged_01_Christian_Sarah" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tagged, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Gaining access to chaotic lives</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Under the Wire" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Storyville: Under The Wire, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">A war of nerves and emotions</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="PUREANNIVERSARYPARTY72" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pure, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Tackling mental health in a comedy show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BASE0643" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shipwrecked: Relaunching the original island reality show</a></h2><p class="intro">The genre has moved on since the show last aired – but stunning locations and a terrific cast will help us rise to the challenge, says Kate Bates</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Steph and Dom Parker 13 copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Steph and Dom: Can Cannabis Save Our Son?, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Over several months of embedded filming, executive producer Jon Lloyd and producer/director Erica Gornall saw a whole new side to the Gogglebox pair</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_D0B9382©fabiolovino_Ruffino_Sharman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Medici: The Magnificent, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Returning to the renaissance</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_CS_3676" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Your Home Made Perfect, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Redesigning the property show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bob Fosse 1 credit Alamy Stock Photo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bob Fosse: It's Showtime, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Exploring the life of a film and dance legend</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Flirty Dancing S1 Ashley Banjo Ep1.33.11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Flirty Dancing, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting a spring in the step of dating shows</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Eddie-5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Paras: Men Of War, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Revealing the human being under the beret</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Brexit The Uncivil War 5 Nick Wall" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Brexit: The Uncivil War, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">James Graham on how his political drama tries to make sense of the EU vote from all perspectives</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="P0601C170214PS_0910" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Planning for every eventuality was the key to telling the stories of rivers around the world, says Lannah McAdam</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The biggest little railway in the world" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 Behind The Scenes of 2018</a></h2><p class="intro">Under the bonnet of shows including The Heist, Judge Romesh and We Are British Jews. Click for the pick of the year’s Behind the Scenes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WWTBAM_UK_ITV_S1_2018_Best Of_11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">New format points and a refreshed approach helped retool ITV’s classic format, says Fiona Clark</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="16913778-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Long Song, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking the long road back to the days of slavery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="My Family Secrets Revealed 6 - Copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Family Secrets Revealed, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We beat The Beast from the East to create C4’s ‘democratised DNA’ daytime series, says Jane Kelly</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ian Wright and Viv Anderson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Out Of Their Skin, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Balancing celebration of achievement and scrutiny of progress was essential when exploring the history of black English football, says Gabriel Clarke</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="16716294-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Babies: Their Wonderful World, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting babies under the microscope</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Enterprice_s2-460 copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Enterprice, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer Kayode Ewumi on why he doesn’t want his long-form BBC3 debut to be defined as a ‘black show’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="T&amp;D_Day7_BTS_010818_PM-4907[1]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Torvill and Dean, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">The icy path to Olympic glory</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ORG_CVO_EP1_010318_-0568" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Origin, YouTube Premium</a></h2><p class="intro">Left Bank Pictures takes a journey into deep space</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="SP, DN, Daniel Mays, Michael Timney (DoP), Stuart Graham" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Interrogation of Tony Martin, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Crime drama that sticks to the script</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Beat The Internet 6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Beat The Internet, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">It might surprise you that Vice Studios produced UKTV’s latest gameshow, says Dan Louw</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The_Heist_S1_Unit-0021" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Heist, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">A real-life game of cops and robbers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Norah Quartey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Alone At Home, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Meredith Chambers describes the challenge of filming children trying to cope without their parents</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="16384670-high-" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">I'll Get This, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Celebrity dinner guests sing for their supper</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Me filming on phone pic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The time machine in your pocket</a></h2><p class="intro">The intimacy and ubiquity of smartphones make them ideal for telling personal stories, argue Victoria Mapplebeck and Adam Gee</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Inside No 9 Live crew" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside No. 9 Live: staging a Halloween prank</a></h2><p class="intro">Executive producer Adam Tandy lifts the lid on the delicate staging of BBC Studios’ elaborate hoax</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Blindboy Undestroys The World 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Blindboy Undestroys The World: Housing, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Merging current affairs and comedy requires good old-fashioned journalism, says Charlie Mole</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Hitler’s Holocaust Railway With Chris Tarrant 6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hitler’s Holocaust Railways With Chris Tarrant, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding the right testimony was key to retelling of these harrowing WWII stories, says Paul Kittel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="GBBO Briony Williams, Ric Clark- Cameraman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The ingredients for a Great British success</a></h2><p class="intro">The Love Productions megahit is now on its second series for Channel 4, but it remains a tricky recipe to pull off</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The First" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The First, Channel 4/Hulu</a></h2><p class="intro">Drama that reaches for the stars</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Ep1 Bi Life 9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Bi Life, E!</a></h2><p class="intro">Breaking the dating show mould</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="uktv_50004678744" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Emma Willis: Delivering Babies, W</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking baby steps on the maternity ward</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="in_my_skin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">In My Skin, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Nerys Evans found herself working on home soil in Wales for the first time on Expectation’s debut scripted show</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Last Chance Lawyer NYC 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Last Chance Lawyer, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">We embraced the chaos of our larger-than-life character, but working with a born performer has its challenges, says Barnaby Peel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BSGabeLeilaportrait001" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Bisexual, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Katie Carpenter on the many hurdles faced in producing an authentic take on London life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Britain's War of Thrones The Hundred Years War" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Hundred Years War with Dan Jones, History Channel</a></h2><p class="intro">Tailoring history to different audiences</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="THE_BIG_AUDITION_EP1_34" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Big Audition, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Twenty Twenty puts the audition process in the spotlight</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="ImpossibleBuilds_Broadcast_8" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Impossible Builds, More 4</a></h2><p class="intro">The highs and lows of building your own home</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="DSCF5217" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">New Order: Decades, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Entering the world of New Order</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02_15_SickOfIt_S01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sick of It, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">In his first scripted role, Karl Pilkington proved his acting chops by playing the main character and his alter ego, says Richard Yee</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The Cry" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Cry, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Making drama by Aussie rules</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="16337932-high_res-diy-sos-grenfell" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">DIY SOS: Grenfell, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">The scale and sensitivity of our latest build required a different approach to usual, says executive producer Robi Dutta</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Colombia seeds" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">DHL: Delivering the World, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">To capture the complex journeys of packages around the world, I needed a Tardis to carry all my equipment, says Paul Kittel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="15810712-high-we-are-british-jews" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">We Are British Jews, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">A journey of discovery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="VANITY_FAIR_LAUNCH_03(1)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Vanity Fair, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Contemporary take on a Victorian classic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mighty Redcar BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Mighty Redcar, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Giving a voice to an isolated community</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Romesh Ranganathan" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Judge Romesh, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">Laying down the law for Dave</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="02 Youven" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Foreign Doctors Are Coming, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Following the foreign medics who are helping to plug the NHS shortage</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Randy and Bob testing the 4G kit" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Yellowstone Live, Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding the right location among the vast Rocky Mountains was the primary challenge, says Plimsoll’s James Smith</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="5 PD Jamie Hammick and AP Alex Levitschi making sure everyone who appears on camera signs a release form!" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Amazing Interiors, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Rising to the SVoD challenge</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Y4U_7904" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes: Lucky Man, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Where ancient and modern worlds collide</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="3. MENTAL HEALTH FUTERS 02.Copy.01" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Capturing the reality of life behind bars</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes on the Channel 4/Spring Films doc Prison</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_0937" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Becca's Bunch, Nickelodeon</a></h2><p class="intro">Hatching an idea for kids’ TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BenFogleatEverestSummitcreditFisherCreative" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Challenge: Everest, CNN International</a></h2><p class="intro">A rapid ascent to the top of the world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="XXPorters in training as sound, camera and drone operators" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lost Kingdom of the Yeti, Animal Planet</a></h2><p class="intro">Epic trek in search of an elusive beast</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bobby Photo 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bobby Robson - More Than A Manager</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Where do I begin, to tell the story of a greater love than this?’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_15900684_15900674" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Before Grenfell - A Hidden History, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Revealing the roots of tragedy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="BIG_BEASTS_LAST_OF_THE_GIANTS_KOMODO DRAGON AND PATRICK ARYEE" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big Beasts: Last of the Giants, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Never work with animals without a risk appraisal</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Group 170809_TheDames_Keo_108849" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nothing Like a Dame, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">When four doyennes of British stage and screen gather to talk about their life experiences, it’s best just to let the cameras roll, says Anthony Wall</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="IMG_3002" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Capturing the sound of Africa</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes on BBC4’s A Journey into Music</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="When David met David 02" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Attenborough in 360 degrees</a></h2><p class="intro">Before we captured the great man as a hologram, we first needed to test the technology on his trademark shirt, says John Cassy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="_final_15251942_15251932" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain's Best Home Cook, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">How do you create a sustainable production when you have 30 kitchen appliances running at once? Rosa Brough explains</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Road to Palmyra, 050 © Bright Yellow FilmsOxford Films, behind the scenes" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">“Filming in Syria would not be easy”</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC4 takes a journey into the danger zone</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="HEATHROW_BRITAINS_BUSIEST_AIRPORT_22 copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the scenes: Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport</a></h2><p class="intro">Breathing new life into an old favourite</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Cocaine_Britain'sEpidemic_Ep1_04[2]" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cocaine: Britain's Epidemic, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Avoiding glamourisation, protecting anonymity and ensuring the team’s safety: William Fairman on the challenges of making drugs docs</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="_final_15772843_15772833" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Steve Backshall vs The Monster Mountain, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Scaling new heights for kids’ TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="180124 fatberg autopsy31242" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fatberg Autopsy: Secrets Of The Sewers, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Flushing out the secrets of London’s sewers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The split final 15491290 15491280" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Split, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Why Abi Morgan’s drama is a celebration of female talent</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="For sally" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Queen's Green Planet, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">When the Queen met TV royalty</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Franz and kai" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">My Multiple Personalities and Me, 5 Star</a></h2><p class="intro">Casting someone with a condition that affects just 1% of the population was no small order, says Kerry Brierley</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Conspiracy files" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Conspiracy Files: Murder in Washington, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Cutting through the misinformation around an unsolved crime was a sharp lesson in how modern media works, says Charlie Mole</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kiss me first motion capture behind scenes mf5 b0936 copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kiss Me First, Channel 4/Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">Creating a TV drama fit for the digital age</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="High and dry 110392" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">High & Dry, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Feeling the heat on a paradise island</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rcnx0012" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain's Polar Bear Club, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Waiting for a Christmas delivery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Fireworks 80" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting a rocket up factual TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bts gkh2 144" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Good Karma Hospital, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">On the Sri Lankan set of Tiger Aspect’s hospital drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bts save me (5)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Save Me, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">A mission to create a drama like no other</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="15075997 high res troy fall of a city" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Troy: Fall Of A City, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Where other takes on the siege of Troy focus on the Greeks, this BBC1 version puts the Trojans centre stage. Gabriel Tate meets the producers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Faye McCarthy at Good Housekeeping magazine" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Job Interview, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Working with big brands provided new challenges and rewards, according to series producer Genna Gibson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="999 nhs rescue squad2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">999 Rescue Squad, W</a></h2><p class="intro">Our drone proved invaluable in capturing the aftermath of stabbings, a murder, fires and accidents, says Matt Richards</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Mm+m" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Murder, Mystery and My Family, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Going back to the scene of the crime</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Lottie gammon and paul fishwick" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Flatpack Empire</a></h2><p class="intro">How Raw TV unpacked a retail giant</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Htr005" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Holocaust: The Revenge Plot</a></h2><p class="intro">Battling Nazi overload for a thrilling tale</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="01 03 britannia" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britannia, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">On set in the Czech Republic with Jez Butterworth’s offbeat Celtic drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Yianni supercar customiser" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Yianni: Supercar Customiser, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">From UKTV’s underground car park to top of the schedule</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Selection 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Goblin Works Garage, Quest</a></h2><p class="intro">A car show that’s not just for petrolheads</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Uktv 45582257908" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Into The Fire, Really</a></h2><p class="intro">Heat-resistant helmet cams helped our firefighters to take us into places far too dangerous for any TV crew, says Jon Peck</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The biggest little railway in the world" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Biggest Little Railway in the World, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Bringing military discipline to a major engineering challenge</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Gunpowder kit harrington" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 behind the scenes of 2017</a></h2><p class="intro">Under the bonnet of shows including Gunpowder, Little Boy Blue and Just Tattoo of Us</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="14881286 high the real t.rex with chris packham" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Real T-Rex With Chris Packham, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting flesh on the bones of the T.rex story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Prince purple rain era" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Prince: Last Year of a Legend, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes on the documentary looking at the life and death of a superstar</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="14644997 high" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Island Medics, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding TV treasure on a remote island</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="C hinese burn 1 8" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chinese Burn, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Breaking down stereotypes on a budget</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Raped my story title image" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Raped: My Story, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Lambent Productions investigation into the stories behind the statistics</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="! ned wakes up still10" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast TECH - December 2017</a></h2><p class="intro">How Jellyfish created a Neanderthal</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Top knot index" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Boy with the Topknot, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">‘The brownest BBC drama ever’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Kieran d2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lifers Behind Bars; Violent Men: Behind Bars, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">No amount of training can prepare you for the strangeness of prison life, says director Matt Pinder</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="U0012707" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Sky Arts Passions: Philip Larkin by Andrew Motion</a></h2><p class="intro">Our tribute to the poet took us to sex shops, pubs, schools and the streets of Hull, says writer/director Cris Warren</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Angry, white and american" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Angry, White and American, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Assistant producer Paddy Duff on shining a light on modern-day America</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Motherland 080817 ch 1425" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Motherland, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Difficult birth of a comedy with four parents</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Uktv 44647285603" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Murder On The Blackpool Express, Gold</a></h2><p class="intro">Northern twist on a classic whodunnit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bts 8 days that made rome" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eight Days That Made Rome, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Drama-doc approach recounting the history of Rome</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="X director david howard dop tony yates" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Voice of a Serial Killer, CBS Reality</a></h2><p class="intro">Giving a human face to evil</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Final 14211208 14211198" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gunpowder, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Kudos producer Ollie Madden on telling the real story of the Gunpowder Plot</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Bad habits episode1 08" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bad Habits, Holy Orders, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Crackit convinces five social media-obsessed girls to put down their smartphones and move into a convent for a month</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Celeb hunted" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Celebrity Hunted, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Going on the run with celebrities</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Escape ep1 b" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Escape, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking engineering to extremes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Billion Dollar Deals, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Billion Dollar Deals, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes with Jacques Peretti on his latest exposé</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Rex Anklyo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadcast TECH Sept/Oct</a></h2><p class="intro">Milk VFX unveils the huge range of VFX shots it created for Dinosaurs In The Wild</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Drugsland" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Drugsland, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Capturing the chaos of Britain’s drugs problem</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Porters 2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Porters, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">If at first you don’t succeed, keep the faith</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="WW2's Great Escapes the Freedom Trails" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">WWII's Great Escapes: The Freedom Trails, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Retracing the escape routes of Allied forces</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Cannonball ep1 11" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cannonball, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a splash in the world of TV gameshows</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Back to life" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bring Me Back To Life, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Unlike other hospital docs, we wanted our film to focus entirely on the patient rather than the doctors and nurses. But we had no idea how personal it would become, says Graeme McAulay</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Diana funeral893" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Diana – The Day Britain Cried, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Exec Sue Summers on turning a lack of royal access to her advantage</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="Human is 0047" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Electric Dreams, Channel 4/Amazon</a></h2><p class="intro">How Sony’s ‘all-star producing team’ created Philip K Dick’s imaginary worlds</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="No More Boys and Girls" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">No More Boys and Girls; BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Can gender-neutral education improve equality?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Delhi Cops" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Delhi Cops, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming with the police in India’s most dangerous city</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Out of Thin Air" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Out of Thin Air: Murder In Iceland, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">A 40 year-old unsolved mystery</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Catching The Tax Dodgers" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Catching The Tax Dodgers, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Revealing the work of a famous but secretly guarded institution</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon pictureLayout"><img alt="The State" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The State, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Confronting the horrors of ISIS</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="EasyJet-Inside-the-Cockpit" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">EasyJet: Inside The Cockpit, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Flying blind with trainee crew</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Accidental Anarchist" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Accidental Anarchist: Life Without Government, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">On the frontline with an unlikely revolutionary</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SIr Ian McKellen and Sir Derek Jacobi" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">50 Years Legal, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Joining the cause for a labour of love</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Earth Live" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Earth Live, National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">‘Like Springwatch on steroids’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Zoo, CBBC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Zoo, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Turning zoo life into animal magic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Casualty" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Casualty, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Dial 999 for non-stop drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Theresa v Boris" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Theresa vs Boris: How May Became PM</a></h2><p class="intro">The very epitome of a political drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Crystal Maze" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Crystal Maze, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">A new twist on a cult classic</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Pitch Battle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pitch Battle, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Series producer Gareth Davis on working in harmony to hit the right note</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="24_hours" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">24 Hours In Police Custody</a></h2><p class="intro">Capturing the drama of real police work</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Catching a Killer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Catching a Killer, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Challenges of filiming with a Major Crime Unit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Beatles, Hippies and Hells Angels" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Beatles, Hippies and Hells Angels, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro"> The Beatles, Hippies and Hells Angels </p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Beatles, Hippies and Hells Angels" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">GALLERY: The Beatles, Hippies and Hells Angels</a></h2><p class="intro">Nerd TV has unearthed a selection of classic images from the Apple offices and created a series of animations to tell the inside story of the Beatles record label.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Where in the World" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Where in the World?, CBeebies</a></h2><p class="intro">A unique portrait of childhood</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Windfarm" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Secrets of the Super Elements, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Shooting an entire programme on smartphones</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Inside the Gang, Channel 5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside the Gang, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Showing the true diversity of gang culture</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Trial" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Trial: A Murder In the Family</a></h2><p class="intro">The case of the first TV murder trial</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="A Time to Live" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Time To Live, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Celebrating life in the face of terminal illness</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hospital People" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hospital People, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Reality bursts the TV bubble</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="freemasons" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside the Freemasons, Sky</a></h2><p class="intro">What 21st century men get out of being a Mason</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="boy_blue" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Little Boy Blue, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">The story behind the headlines</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="passions" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Passions: Damien Hirst by Harry Hill, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Bringing anarchy to the arts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Born to Kill" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Born to Kill, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Inside the mind of a killer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Repair Shop, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Repair Shop, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Building a studio from scratch in the middle of a field</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Just Tattoo of Us" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Just Tattoo of Us, MTV</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a mark with millennials</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Harlots" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Harlots, ITV Encore</a></h2><p class="intro">Putting women at the heart of the story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="A Killing in My Family" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Killing in My Family, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">A child’s view of trauma</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mutiny" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mutiny, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">High drama on the high seas</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Extremely British Muslims" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Extremely British Muslims, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Entering the UK’s ‘no-go zone’</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Libya's Migrant Hell" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ross Kemp: Libya’s Migrant Hell, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">A matter of life and death in the Middle East</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Trouble with Dad" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Trouble With Dad, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Blurred lines between our subject’s dementia and his ‘true’ personality made for a difficult shoot</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SSGB3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">SS-GB, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">When the Nazis won the war</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Andrew Marr: My Brain and Me" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Andrew Marr: My Brain and Me, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">The presenter agreed to our doc on one condition: he wouldn’t cry for the camera</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Gap Year" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Gap Year, E4</a></h2><p class="intro">As we filmed in crowded Vietnamese markets and Thai temples, we had to be ready to switch locations at short notice if permission to film in China finally came through, says Joel Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kenzey The Accused" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Accused, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Insight of a trial of a mother accused of failing to protect her baby from a violent assault by her boyfriend.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Cult Next Door, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Cult Next Door, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Sleight of hand in the edit helped illustrate this extraordinary story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hospital" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hospital, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Weeks to examine the challenges facing our hospitals.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Idris Elba: Fighter, Discovery Channel" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Idris Elba: Fighter, Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">Hell and back in 4K with a Hollywood star</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Spy In The Wild" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Spy In The Wild, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">More than 30 ultra-realistic ‘spy creatures’ took viewers into the animals’ world</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Week We Went Wild" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Week We Went Wild, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Sending warring families to extreme locations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Faking-It-Tears-of-a-Crime" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Faking It: Tears of A Crime, Investigation Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">Why do criminals think TV is the place to protest their innocence?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dogs Might Fly" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top 10 behind the scenes of 2016</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast took a peek under the bonnet of shows including First Dates, Marcella and Dogs Might Fly. Click for the pick of the year’s Behind the Scenes.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Inside Number 9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside No 9, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Inside No. 9 producer Adam Tandy talks to George Bevir about creating a working 1970s drama set with period cameras and lighting for the return of the darkly comic anthology series</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Worlds Most Wanted Leopard" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The World's Most Wanted Leopard, Nat Geo Wild</a></h2><p class="intro">What started out as a bid to photograph a rare leopard in Azerbaijan turned into a mission to preserve a unique species, says Adrian Steirn</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Time-Commanders4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Time Commanders, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Rebooting the format a decade on allowed the use of much more powerful software</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Crown" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">VFX and post-production of The Crown</a></h2><p class="intro">With big budgets comes big responsibility</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Lowri Morgan: Her 333" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lowri Morgan: Her 333, S4C</a></h2><p class="intro">Running 150 miles up three mountains in three days not enough? Try being presenter and assistant producer too</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The-Last-Miners" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Last Miners, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">By rejecting the use of mini cams, gimbals and drones, we strove for visual honesty of life in the pits, says Wesley Pollitt</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Inside the Ambulance" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside The Ambulance, W</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted to get an intimate view of the ambulance crews. The solution: shooting on GoPro cameras and wrangling data in the back of a Volkswagon, says Jacqueline Hewer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Stacey Dooley Frontline" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stacey Dooley: Guns, Girls and Isis, BBC3 </a></h2><p class="intro">Stacey Dooley has revealed her reasons for venturing into a war zone for the first time following the launch of her Isis-themed BBC3 documentary.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="American High School" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">American High School, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Underprivileged students at a public school in America’s Deep South face huge challenges, but their sense of hope and determination was inspirational, writes Marcus Plowright</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BeforeTheFlood2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Before the Flood, Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">The ‘power of Leo’ compelled film-maker Fisher Stevens to return to the theme of climate change. The actor opened doors and made the topic sexy too, he tells Manori Ravindran</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="TVON-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">How the Box Was Born, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">The first night of broadcasting was a variety extravaganza – The X Factor of its day – and recreating it was a daunting task, says Peter Gauvain</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="TeenMomUK2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Teen Mom UK, MTV</a></h2><p class="intro">Zero fakery, an inspiring cast and gripping storylines with genuine emotion were key to replicating the appeal of the US format, says Fiona O’Sullivan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Crazyhead" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Crazyhead, E4 & Netflix </a></h2><p class="intro">Outrageous switches of tone are a key part of this contemporary supernatural story, but were hard to pull off, says Julian Murphy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SAS3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">SAS: Who Dares Wins, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We were warned that shooting in the jungle would be brutal, but with 40°C heat and 95% humidity, the reality was even worse, says Sophie Leonard</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Black Mirror, Netflix" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Black Mirror, Netflix</a></h2><p class="intro">From different episode lengths to unusual aspect ratios, Black Mirror’s move from C4 to Netflix has given the production and post teams freedom to experiment. Robin Parker reports</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Reggie Chicago" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Reggie Yates: Life and Death in Chicago, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Online shorts perfectly supported a Reggie Yates doc on gun crime in Chicago, writes Dov Freedman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Deserts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Planet Earth, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">A decade after its groundbreaking series, BBC Studios’ NHU is again using cutting-edge techniques and technology to take the viewer right into the world of animals.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Level, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Level, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Having finally won the commission after seven years of trying, dive-bombing seagulls and disruptive jet-skiers were just some of the challenges we faced, say Polly Leys and Kate Norrish</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hooten and the Lady" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hooten and the Lady, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Production on our action romp took us around the world in search of adventure, says Simon Winstone</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Alexandra Shulman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside British Vogue, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">The opportunity to make a series about a major British institution doesn’t usually just fall into your lap, says Katie Buchanan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Secrets of the SAS: In Their Own Words" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Secrets of the SAS: In Their Own Words, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Red Planet’s first factual commission demanded an astonishing level of trust in a closed-ranks organisation, says Dan Gold</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">Our comedy gameshow featuring celebrities taking part in lifesize versions of classic video games had to appeal to two different groups: hardcore gamers and the general audience, says Donald Taffner Jr.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Collection" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Collection, Amazon / BBC Worldwide</a></h2><p class="intro">An old car plant near Swansea makes an unlikely home for Amazon Prime’s lavish production about the golden age of French couture, finds Benji Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Watchman" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Watchman, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">After winning a Bafta for The Murder Detectives, director Dave Nath had his pick of documentary subjects. So why did he turn to drama?</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mega Shippers, Quest" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mega Shippers, Quest</a></h2><p class="intro">Fires at sea, tidal changes, hurricanes, and old-fashioned bad planning were all issues, says David Notman-Watt.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="boderline_3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Borderline, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">From location and choice of director through to the show itself, Borderline was all about getting the best out of improvisation, says Zoe Rocha</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-fall-sky-atlantic" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fall, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Reuniting Mary Decker and Zola Budd for the first time since their 1984 clash, it was clear how much it had affected both their lives, says Karen Emsley</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BTS_Nuts_APS_7046" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Robot Wars, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">As Sir Killalot, Matilda and the rest of the Robot Wars gang prepare for their TV comeback, Olly Grant visits the giant set where the souped-up veterans will take on the next generation</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="EDEN-GROUP-midres" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eden, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">If our participants were to succeed in building a new society, we had to let them make all the decisions – even if it meant we had no idea where to set up our rig, says series editor Liz Foley</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ross Kemp: The Fight Against Isis, Sky 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ross Kemp: The Fight Against Isis, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">We found many inspiring people in our journey to reveal the society the Kurds are trying to build in Syria, says Marta Shaw</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="sicily" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A Very Sicilian Justice, Al Jazeera</a></h2><p class="intro">Court restrictions, bomb threats and intense security challenged our attempt to tell the story of the judge who took on the mafia, says Paul Sapin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Undressed-bts-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Undressed, TLC</a></h2><p class="intro">It’s 9am on day one of our auditions. The casting team are briefing a room of diverse women aged between 19 and 62 in preparation for their interviews, to be filmed in their bra and pants.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-lodge" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Lodge, Disney Channel</a></h2><p class="intro">We shifted the action to Northern Ireland and introduced musical elements to turn this Disney Israel format into something that will resonate with European audiences, says Steven Andrew</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Life-inside-jail" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Life Inside Jail: Hell on Earth, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">To gain access to a tough US prison, we gambled with telling some stark truths about our intentions, says Lee Phillips.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="City in the Sky" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">City in the Sky, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Russell Levin highlights the challenges of trying to film 300 tonne aircraft taking off from the coldest city on earth.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Battle of Jutland" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Battle of Jutland: the Navy's Bloodiest Day, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">What started as a personal story for executive producer Liz McLeod became a technical jigsaw puzzle for director Alicia Aarce</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="FINAL-poster" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Neil Gaiman’s Likely Stories, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">The trick to adapting four unconnected short stories from the pen of cult author Neil Gaiman was to give them a ‘shared grammar’, directors Jane Pollard and Iain Forsyth tell Olly Grant</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DANCING-4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Last Whites of the East End, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">We warmed up many of our contributors over a pint - but we had to out ourselves as lightweights, says Kelly Close</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Love-Nina-iconic---landscape" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Love, Nina, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Our fictionalised take on Nina Stibbe’s book tries to shine a light on the every day with wit, heart and visual flourish, says Jamie Laurenson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="hetty-feather" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hetty Feather, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Convincing children that ‘old stuff ’ is worth watching is one thing; curbing contemporary slang on set is quite another, discovered David Collier</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SARA-10" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Children On The Frontline: The Escape, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Revisiting a family trying to escape the conflict in Syria presented many challenges, says Marcel Mettelsiefen. But the hardest was balancing the roles of friend and film-maker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Lord-Montagu-bts-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lord Montagu</a></h2><p class="intro">How did a Texan come to make a feature-length doc about an aristocrat he had never heard of? Luke Korem explains</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="TGAM007_The-Grumeti-Security-Guards-and-Ben-Fogle" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Capturing a year in the life of four wildebeest over just 40 days’ filming was no small undertaking, discovered Natalie Wilkinson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="flowers-bts-6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Flowers, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">We found the perfect dilapidated old building to match the ‘otherness’ of our characters’ world - but filming upstairs carried a risk that the floors might collapse, says Will Sharpe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The-Five" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Harlan Coben's The Five, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Approaching a drama script in the same vein as author Harlan Coben’s thrillers, with hooks and cliffhangers at every turn, had to be a collaborative process, says Danny Brocklehurst</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="CARE-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dispatches: Britain’s Pensioner Care Scandal, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Listening in to secret recordings of care home visits, just metres away in a car outside, was a distressing experience for Alison Ramsay</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Adrian-Riot-Camera" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Undercover, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Key scenes finally clicked once we changed continent last-minute, says producer Richard Stokes - while director James Hawes battled to make a riot look real.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Life In The Air, BBC1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Life In The Air, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Capturing animals in flight in some of the world’s toughest locations required some unorthodox kit, says Simon Bell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="MARCELLA_EPISODE1_04" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: Marcella, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">The Bridge creator Hans Rosenfeldt has brought Scandinavian rhythms to our ‘London noir’, says Nicola Larder</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Eddie-Izzard-4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eddie Izzard: Marathon Man, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Eddie Izzard’s Sport Relief challenge was an endurance test for the production team too, says executive producer Nick Catliff</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Maigret" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Maigret, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">For ITV’s new Maigret adaptation, Ealing Studios recreated 1950s Paris in Budapest. Olly Grant met the cast and crew on set.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BRITAINS_WHALES_BRITAINS_SHARKS_13" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain's Whales and Sharks, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">We had to wait 18 months for a whale to wash up on our shores, says Sarah Cunliffe. Then the sharks turned up…</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="guy-martin-wall-of-death-5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Guy Martin's Wall Of Death: Live, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Guy’s death-defying attempt at breaking a world record live on air had to be put on hold when our fearless star almost killed himself in a motorbike accident, says Ewan Keil</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Cant-Touch-This_BBC1_UK_S1_2015_Episodic-Stills_19" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Can't Touch This, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Getting a commission turned out to be the easy bit - the real test was losing our location and having to build three new sets in a building with a leaky roof, says Stellify’s joint managing director Matthew Worthy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sabrina-with-pic-1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind Closed Doors, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Our film is a testament to the brave domestic violence victims who chose to speak openly about their ordeal, says Erica Gornall</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BTS-Doon-Camera-AP-031015" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Two Doors Down, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">When you have naturally funny performers like Doon Mackichan, Elaine C Smith and Sharon Rooney in your cast, you’d be crazy not to take their opinions on board, says Simon Carlyle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dunblane: Our Story, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dunblane: Our Story, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">A piece of kit inspired by Errol Morris’ famous ‘Interrotron’ was key to helping contributors feel comfortable about opening up on camera, says Stephen Bennett</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="LiveU-Boiler-Room-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Beats international: live streaming music</a></h2><p class="intro">The ability to stream live music events from far-flung and tricky locations has brought niche and underground music to the masses, writes George Bevir</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Get-me-to-the-church-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Get Me To The Church, W</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding six courageous couples willing to risk missing their own wedding was hard enough, but the friends they took with them had to be dynamite on camera too, says Sarah Veevers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Stag" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stag, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">We went full ‘method’ in recreating the stag do from hell in the Scottish Highlands, says Jim Field Smith</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BTBD-crew" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Born to be Different, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Joining the production 15 years in, it was touching to see the rapport the crew had built with families, says Laurence Turnbull</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DogsMightFly-S1E628" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dogs Might Fly, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">We had experts from Spectre and Top Gear on hand to train up our dogs - and 40,000 sausages, says Caroline Hawkins</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Churchill's Secret" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Churchill's Secret, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">ITV’s one-off drama reveals a hidden, vulnerable side to Britain’s WWII leader as he copes with family tragedy and encroaching old age.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Prosecutors, BBC4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Prosecutors, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">You learn to be patient when there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to use the cases you’re following, say Sara Hardy and Blue Ryan</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="silk-road-5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">David Baddiel On The Silk Road</a></h2><p class="intro">Our trek along the ancient trade route from China to Istanbul took months of planning - but our best stories came from the things we didn’t expect, says series producer Glenn Swift</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="thirteen-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Thirteen, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Commissioned before BBC3’s online move was set in stone, Thirteen had to shift from a traditional production road map to one that embraced all things digital.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="First-Dates-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First Dates, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Feeling the series was lacking something, we brought in our own staff to give the restaurant an identity - and provide some familiar faces to keep viewers coming back, says Nicola Lloyd</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Jump" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Behind the Scenes: risk and reward at The Jump</a></h2><p class="intro">It may be known as the most dangerous show on the television, but there are some risks even The Jump won’t take.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hitler" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Day Hitler Died, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">A treasure trove of archive interviews was the key to unlocking our Hitler doc. The next step was to rebuild his bunker, says Sue Summers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="9735038-high_res-the-rack-pack" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Rack Pack, BBC iPlayer</a></h2><p class="intro">Our BBC iPlayer film presented two huge challenges: combining comedy and tragedy, and making non-professionals look like geniuses with a snooker cue, says Barney Reisz</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="LipSyncBattleUK_1489" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lip Sync Battle UK, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Could we launch a talent-led show to rival the cult US version? asks Lisa Chapman. With top presenters, brilliant contestants and a bit of pig-spanking, we think we’ve pulled it off</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="clyne" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ten Pieces II, BBC2 / CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">For our cinematic take on orchestra performance, we shot ten music videos in two days, reveals Serena Cross</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Credit: BBC &amp; Jan Helmer Olsen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">All Aboard! The Sleigh Ride, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">As if filming at -20°C wasn’t challenging enough, we had to grapple with reindeer and hand-held filming on a bumpy sleigh, says Luke Korzun Martin</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BEOWULF_RETURN_TO_THE_SHILEDLANDS_06" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Beowulf, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">The producers of ITV’s take on the Anglo-Saxon epic tell Olly Grant how they created a fantasy universe from scratch and made an ancient saga work for a modern audience</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="dickensian_2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dickensian, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">On a vast Victorian street set in a warehouse in west London, James Rampton hears how Red Planet took a light-footed approach to its rummage through Charles Dickens’ brain</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="War and Peace, BBC1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">War and Peace, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">At more than 1,400 pages, adapting War And Peace as a six-part drama was not for the fainthearted. Olly Grant meets the director, producer and crew charged with bringing the epic story to life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Sound of Music Live, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Sound of Music Live, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">ITV’s live broadcast of the classic musical won’t shy away from drawing political parallels with today’s global crises, discovers Emily Norval</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-dads-army-story" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">A drama about the birth of Dad’s Army reveals the behind-the-scenes conflict over the classic sitcom - and how it almost didn’t happen. Olly Grant meets the team telling the tale</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Shaun The Sheep" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shaun The Sheep: The Farmer's Llama, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">The challenge on our 30-minute Shaun The Sheep special was to broaden his world without alienating his fans - and meticulous planning of every last detail, says Jay Grace</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="capital-bts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Capital, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">To create an authentic soundscape for BBC drama Capital, dubbing mixer Howard Bargroff took a trip to the part of south London in which it is set, writes George Bevir</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-murder-detectives-5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Murder Detectives, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">We aimed to make our documentary more like a box-set to hook in younger viewers who rarely watch programmes on TV, says Dave Nath</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-age-of-loneliness-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Age of Loneliness, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding 14 contributors prepared to bare their souls on camera wasn’t easy but we wanted to show how loneliness can affect people of all ages and from all walks of life</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="President-LBJ" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">JFK & LBJ: A Time For Greatness, PBS America</a></h2><p class="intro">With rare footage, secret recordings and a Morgan Freeman voiceover, we had everything - except our most important location, writes Alastair Layzell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="teletubbies-bts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Teletubbies, CBeebies</a></h2><p class="intro">The Teletubbies are back, but with their original outdoor set long gone, new producer Darrall Macqueen used models and CGI to recreate the magic, they tell Robin Parker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="prison-first-last-24-hours" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Prison: First & Last 24 Hours, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Weeks immersed in prison life then long filming days paid off for our hard-working crew, says producer Louise Say</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Ultimate-airport-dubai_5" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ultimate Airport Dubai, National Geographic</a></h2><p class="intro">Nights in a jail cell and takeaway cast-offs in a windowless bunker are a price worth paying for access to Dubai’s amazing airport, says Nick Metcalfe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Frankenstein" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Frankenstein Chronicles, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Olly Grant hears how the team behind ITV Encore’s detective spin on Mary Shelley’s Gothic masterpiece recreated 1920s London across 40 Northern Ireland locations</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="money-pit-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Money Pit, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">A live crowd-funding format turned out to be a legal minefield, but we found a way to make it work - and stay out of jail, says series producer Pat Doyle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="BULL-14Aug-BTS-_048" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bull, Gold</a></h2><p class="intro">With no gallery and no audience to play to, UKTV’s new sitcom tried to take a more naturalistic approach to studio filming. Robin Parker reports</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The-Diner-(Title-tbc)-Group-1shot-3-copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kitchen Impossible with Michel Roux Jnr, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">With the help of Michelin-starred chef Michel Roux Jr, we wanted to show that people with disabilities have the talent, ambition and will to succeed in the workplace, says series producer Sam Grace</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="GLITCHY_10" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Glitchy, ITV2</a></h2><p class="intro">With spoof programmes like Sun, Sea And Sex With My Parents, we wanted to gently send up the contemporary TV landscape, says executive producer James Longman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="asian-provocateur" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Asian Provocateur, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">The unpredictability of Romesh Ranganathan’s extended family was the making of our series, says series producer Ben Green</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="George-in-Tree---Credit-BBC-_-Andy-Jackson" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Oak Tree: Nature's Great Survivor, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Spending a year watching a tree slowly grow had its challenges, but this was the kind of privilege only BBC4 can provide, says Nic Stacey</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="You, Me &amp; the Apocalypse, Sky 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">You, Me & the Apocalypse, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Sky 1’s new comedy-drama about the final days of life on Earth is filmed close to its Slough setting, but this location also doubles as Tennessee and Washington, discovers Olly Hunt</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="body-donors-bts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Body Donors, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">Never let your best idea die. One day its time will come, as Paul Stead discovered.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="4-Wayne" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rooney - The Man Behind The Goals, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">What kicked off as a sporting achievement documentary soon turned into an unexpectedly unguarded glimpse into the life of the man behind the tabloid headlines, says Tony Pastor</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="7114529-high_res-danger-mouse" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Danger Mouse, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">We had to bring a cartoon classic right up to date while keeping the charm of the original. Making sure the gags didn’t get lost in translation was a challenge too, says Ben Ward</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="singing-in-the-rainforest" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Singing in the Rainforest, Watch</a></h2><p class="intro">Taking western pop stars to remote places to make music with the locals seemed like a brilliant idea - the problem was finding anyone prepared to go, says Helen Nightingale</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="boy-meets-girl" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Boy Meets Girl, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">There is no agenda to our transgender comedy, but the issue still required sensitive treatment, says Margot Gavan Duffy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="THE-CATCH" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Catch, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming and living aboard a fishing boat for this fixed-rig doc threw up many challenges, but it also made for a very personal experience, says Jim Incledon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BIG-LOU'S-FINISHED-62-INCH-PIZZA-copy" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Big Kitchens, Travel Channel UK</a></h2><p class="intro">We used innovative filming technology to shake up the food genre - but drew the line at flying drones in a kitchen, says Carlo Massarella</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="If Katie Hopkins Ruled The World, TLC" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">If Katie Hopkins Ruled The World, TLC</a></h2><p class="intro">After our first big hit with the outspoken columnist, it was time to step out of our comfort zones, says Sarah Thornton</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="lenny_1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lenny Henry's Got The Blues, Sky Arts</a></h2><p class="intro">Lenny Henry wanted to know why there are so few black British blues singers. The story we uncovered was far more colourful and complex than we ever imagined, says Chris Wilson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-boy-who-wants-his-leg-cut-off" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Boy Who Wanted His Leg Cut Off, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">BBC3 took a risk with our doc, but it was a human story worth telling, says Jazz Gowans</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Swivel-chair-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Man V Viral/Experimental, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted a brave, athletic and charismatic stuntman to recreate the crazy clips we’d seen on the internet, says Jago Lee. But instead we chose west London’s answer to Woody Allen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="supershoppers" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Supershoppers, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Firecrest’s Nicole Kleeman on combining satire with stunts to create a new kind of consumer programme</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="cuffs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cuffs, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">First-time director and former rally driver Nick Rowland is in the hot seat for the climax of BBC1’s pacy crime series. Adrian Lobb visits him on set</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="escape-from-isis" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dispatches: Escape From Isis, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">We were prepared for harrowing tales of life under Isis, but never expected positive stories to emerge from the horror, says Edward Watts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-outcast-bts-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Outcast, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Novel, film or TV series? BBC1’s new drama has been all of these at some point in its development. Olly Grant hears about its unusual journey to TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="CBBC-ChartShow_V1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">CBBC Official Chart Show</a></h2><p class="intro">Our young production team had no previous experience of working in television, but stacks of ability and the confi dence to take on anything we threw at them, says Steve Wynne</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Bank, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Bank, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">We ditched the fixed rig for our bank doc when we realised where the real action was, says Zac Beattie</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Humans, Channel 4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Humans, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Getting the look and movement right for our ‘synths’ was no small task, says producer Chris Fry</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="La-Traviata-6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">La Traviata: Love, Death and Divas, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Opera doesn’t always work on screen, but by setting the performances within a documentary about La Traviata’s first London staging, we may just have pulled it off, says Ben Weston</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="DARA-AND-STEPHEN-still" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The logistics of filming with Stephen Hawking</a></h2><p class="intro">We had to rip up our schedules when filming with the scientist, but we gained huge insight into the challenges of his daily life, says Mark Wells</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-interceptor-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Interceptor, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Car chases through London and a takeover of Waterloo station required precision planning and tight budget control, says Patrick Schweitzer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Britains-busiest-airport" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain's Busiest Airport, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Ensuring our ob-doc series would avoid becoming a puff piece for the UK’s biggest airport demanded buy-in from every corner of this ‘mini city’, writes executive producer Tim Wardle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-tribe-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Tribe, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">With long days, floods and intense heat, C4’s first foreign fixed-rig series took me out of my comfort zone, says Paddy Wivell. But focusing on the basics of storytelling carried us through</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="T. Rex Autopsy, Nat Geo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">T. Rex Autopsy, Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">Building a full-size, anatomically correct model of a T. rex that could be dissected on TV was a labour of love that took months of painstaking work. Olly Grant finds out how it was done</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Undercover, Dave" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Undercover, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">We took inspiration from classic gangland movies and TV shows for this original sitcom set in Newcastle, says Margery Bone. That meant action and stunts - and a lot of guns</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="8592628-suntrap" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Suntrap, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">A six-part sitcom set on a sun-drenched island was the perfect start for our newly launched indie– until we had to go to sea, says Neil Webster</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="No-Offence-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">No Offence, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Paul Abbott’s new Channel 4 series is a comedy/police procedural with three female leads. Benji Wilson visits the set, while the writer explains how it draws on his previous work</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ballot-Monkeys" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ballot Monkeys, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">C4’s Ballot Monkeys had to be filmed close to the wire to keep it topical. The solution? An unusual OB with four crews crammed into four coaches, writes Jimmy Mulville</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="fright-club" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fright Club, Sky1</a></h2><p class="intro">The first rule of Fright Club was to create a drama-filled series that used extreme methods to help people with their phobias, says Kaye Godleman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="UK Election Debate, CNN" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">UK Election Debate, CNN</a></h2><p class="intro">CNN has ambitions for McLaren’s ‘Thought Leadership’ hub beyond its election debates. Alex Farber paid a visit</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="channel-patrol-6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Channel Patrol, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Drones and GoPros helped us capture the busy English channel on a daytime budget, says series producer Rebecca Nunn</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="8420290-high_res-hunters-of-the-south-seas" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hunters of the South Seas, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">When we gave our researcher his dream assignment, a new star presenter was born, says series producer/director Jamie Balment</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Safe House, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Safe House, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">When a hurricane blown in from the Caribbean put filming in jeopardy, we turned the conditions to our advantage, says Andrew Benson</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Episodes, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Episodes, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">When Wimbledon Studios went into receivership just before shooting began on Episodes’ fourth series, producer Debs Pisani had her work cut out keeping the production on track</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tatau" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Tatau, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">The tropical setting of the Cook Islands and legends surrounding Maori culture inspired BBC3’s new drama about two backpackers caught up in a mystery.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="ninja-warrior-uk" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ninja Warrior UK, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">ITV has turned to a high-octane Japanese format for its latest Saturday night entertainment offering.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="whod-be-a-millionaire" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Who'd Be A Billionaire?, Sky Living</a></h2><p class="intro">The super-rich aren’t very forthcoming about their lives, but their staff provided a fascinating insight into their world, says Remy Blumenfeld</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Londongrad" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Londongrad, CTC Media</a></h2><p class="intro">Behind the scenes on Londongrad, the first Russian television series to be filmed in the capital</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="gotham" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Analysis: Viacom acquisition</a></h2><p class="intro">Kate Bulkley speaks to Viacom execs about plans to appeal to a younger audience and increase audience share</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Richard E Grant" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Richard E Grant's 7 Deadly Sins, Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">A genre-bending exploration of the animal instincts inside us all proved an eye-opening experience for Benedetta Pinelli</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Filming My Father" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Filming My Father: In Life And Death, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">To capture the intimacy of a man living with motor neurone disease, Liz Tucker trained up his son as a camera operator</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Kids Who Can't Stay Awake" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Kids Who Can't Stay Awake, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">First-time producer/director Nicola Comber reflects on tacking the sensitive subject of childhood narcolepsy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="horrible-histories-3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Horrible Histories: Revamping a classic</a></h2><p class="intro">The past’s comic potential remains undimmed - it just needed a new twist, as Paul Whitelaw discovers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Javone Prince Show, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Javone Prince Show, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Previously best known for his role in cult E4 sitcom PhoneShop, Javone Prince may well be the BBC’s latest breakout comedy star.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Nurse" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Nurse, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">A four-part comedy drama for BBC2 based on a low-key Radio 4 series, Nurse is a character sketch show by proxy.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Sandy-Hook" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">This World: Surviving Sandy Hook, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Revisiting a tragedy that befell a community increasingly sceptical of media intrusion made gaining access tough, reveals Jezza Neumann</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Banished, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Banished, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">From landscape to wildlife, shooting exteriors for Jimmy McGovern’s period piece in Australia gave it a hard-to-replicate authenticity.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Africa's Fishing Leopards, BBC2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Africa's Fishing Leopards, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">It took two years to gain the trust of the leopards we were filming. It was worth it, says Brad Bestelink</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="World's Toughest Jobs, BBC3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">World's Toughest Jobs, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Boundless’ small production team had to work as hard as our subjects in our global adventure</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Bear Grylls Mission Survive" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bear Grylls: Mission Survive, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Twelve days moving through the Costa Rican jungle with eight celebrities, a crew of 60 and Bear Grylls.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image layoutIcon galleryLayout"><img alt="Critical, Sky 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Critical, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Jed Mercurio’s drama would take the audience to places, and show them sights, they’d never seen before</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="1501_26-Twirly-Russ" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Twirlywoos, CBeebies</a></h2><p class="intro">We used a mix of animation and live-action to teach kids about the world around them, says Chris Wood</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Inside-the-commons" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside The Commons, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Anthony Geffen reveals how winning trust was key to capturing parliament as it’s never been seen before</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Secret Life of Four Year Olds, C4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secret Life of Four Year Olds, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">When we started filming a group of four year-olds, we had no idea what it would teach us, says Teresa Watkins.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Air-Ambulance-6" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Air Ambulance ER, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Finding room to fit cameras among helicopter crews’ kit was a big logistical challenge, says producer Louise V Say.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Eichmann Show" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Eichmann Show, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">The trial of the Nazi war criminal was also the birth of mass media, discovered producer Laurence Bowen</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="fortitude" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fortitude, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">The producers battled limited daylight, snow shortages and polar bears</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Eve" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Eve, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Six years on from our original idea, the timing is finally right for our kids’ robot drama, says Jez Swimer</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Drunk-History-2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Drunk History, Comedy Central</a></h2><p class="intro">Plying comic actors with booze? What can possibly go wrong, wonders Robin Parker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tern-TV---Roman-Britain-from-the-Air" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Roman Britain From The Air, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Our helicopter filming hinged on two things: the weather - and England going out of the World Cup, says Brendan Hughes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Wrong Mans" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Wrong Mans, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">With stunts involving helicopters and a moving train, the first series of the The Wrong Mans was hard to top, says Jim Field Smith.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Wild-Weather" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wild Weather, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">When the complex weather phenomena we wanted to study couldn’t be found, we had to make our own, says Graham Booth</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="bloodiest_dynasty" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty</a></h2><p class="intro">A first-time presenter, untested camera rig and the entire history of the Plantagenets. A tall order on a C5 budget, says Dan Gold</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Cyber-sex,-love-and-marriage3" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Cyber Sex, Love and Marriage, Sky Living</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a doc about people falling in love via gaming avatars meant keeping a very open mind</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="worlds-greatest-food-markets" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">World's Greatest Food Markets, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Getting the ‘Bastard of Billingsgate’ to live up to his name in front of camera</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Puppy Love" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Puppy Love, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">An improvised comedy with a first-time TV dog wrangler and up to 40 dogs? Director Susan Tully likes a challenge</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Remember-Me" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Remember Me, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">A supernatural meditation on ageing and a return to his Yorkshire roots lures Michael Palin back to TV drama</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Micky Flanagan’s Detour De France, Sky 1" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Micky Flanagan’s Detour De France, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">A star prepared to leave his vanity at the door and try anything on camera was a real boon</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Rome-the-first-superpower" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Rome: The First Superpower, Channel 5</a></h2><p class="intro">We always knew Rome wasn’t built in a day. But this show came chock-full of challenges.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="the-missing" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Missing, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">The creators and stars of BBC1’s new thriller speak to Olly Grant about keeping on top of its time-shifting plot</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Curing-Cancer" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Curing Cancer, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">This documentary involved more than just observational fi lming, says Brian Woods</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Great Fire, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Great Fire, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Using real flames was key to recreating the biggest disaster in British history.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="GRANTCHESTER_EP2_18" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Grantchester, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Producers of the ITV crime drama are hoping it will do for Cambridgeshire what Morse did for Oxford</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Paedophile-Hunter" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Paedophile Hunters, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a film with secret filming, thorny legal issues and explicit material is not for the faint-hearted</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Plebs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Plebs, ITV2</a></h2><p class="intro">As ITV2’s Roman era sitcom returns, Jake Kanter discovers how producer Rise Films raised the bar for series two</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BAD_BRIDESMAID" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bad Bridesmaid, ITV2</a></h2><p class="intro">Casting a comedian as the bad bridesmaid has forged a new hybrid format, writes Amy Dallmeyer.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Monsters behind the iron curtain" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Russia's Mystery Files / Monsters Behind The Iron Curtain, Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">Two teams were run in parallel to investigate myths from the Soviet era</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Human-Tissue-Squad" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Human Tissue Squad, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">With months spent hanging around mortuaries this was not a job for the squeamish</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Suspicions Of Mr Whicher" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Suspicions Of Mr Whicher, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Hat Trick takes a bold approach on the first episode of the new series, using almost entirely natural light</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Photograph-by-Wenn" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Esio Trot, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Richard Curtis has lured Dustin Hoffman and Judi Dench to BBC1 for his Christmas adaptation of Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="boomers" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Boomers, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Having such a talented and experienced cast was a real blessing, says Paul Schlesinger</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="our-world-war" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Our World War, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">Broken down tanks, torrential rain and real soldiers playing extras added to the authenticity, says Sue Horth</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BlingingUpBabies" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Blinging Up Baby, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">A killer title landed us the commission, but the hard part was still to come says Ian Lamarra</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="David Rudisha" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">100 Seconds To Beat The World, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Ed Sunderland’s story of 800m Olympic champion David Rudisha</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="SurviveTheTribe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Survive The Tribe, Nat Geo UK</a></h2><p class="intro">Travelling to remote places without a fixer made our job harder - but enriched our film says George Pagliero</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Testing Britain's Worst Drivers: Crash Course, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Testing Britain's Worst Drivers: Crash Course, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Technical pre-production was key to ensuring our crashes went smoothly</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Secret-Life-Clothes" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Secret Life of Your Clothes, BBC</a></h2><p class="intro">Africa is a film-maker’s dream - unless you want access to disabled facilities, says Nicole Kleeman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Royal Marines Commando School" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Royal Marines Commando School, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">A series that tells us something about a generation of young men, not just their military training</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Tom-Burke" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Utopia, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Utopia flashes back to the 1970s for series two’s opener. Olly Grant reports from behind the scenes</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Marvellous-(3)" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Marvellous, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Peter Bowker’s BBC2 drama Marvellous gave young trainees from a range of backgrounds a chance to gain experience alongside the crew on a real TV production</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="OAPs Behaving Badly" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">OAPs Behaving Badly, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming OAPs in Tenerife sounded fun, but keeping up with the hard-partying Brits wasn’t easy.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Get Stuffed!, C4" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">All Creatures Great and Stuffed, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Alongside the bizarre footage of flying cats, sharks and ostriches, it was important that we didn’t lose sight of the human story</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Drag Queens" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Drag Queens Of London, London Live</a></h2><p class="intro">Making a ten-part ob doc series on a microbudget is not impossible, but you do have to take risks with where you cut corners, says Jason Mitchell.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dan Etheridge" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Island With Bear Grylls, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">As C4’s survivalist adventure draws to a close, two of the castaway crew talk about life in front of the camera</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="iPlayer shorts" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">BBC iPlayer: comedy shorts</a></h2><p class="intro">Pett Productions discuss ‘micro-producing’ an eclectic mix of experimental shorts</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="I Wanna Marry Harry" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">I Wanna Marry 'Harry', Fox</a></h2><p class="intro">Secrecy was vital to convince a group of girls that they were impressing Prince Harry, says David Tibballs</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mr Sloane" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Mr Sloane, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Recreating a brown and beige British 1960s pub culture a world away from Mad Men</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ed Stafford" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">A 25-year voyage of Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">Broadcast reveals how eight of the broadcaster’s most important shows were made</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="24" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">24: Live Another Day, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">A British crew helped to create a new twist on 24 that aims to be both fresh and reassuringly familiar, Robin Parker discovers.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Wanted: A Family Of My Own" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Wanted: A Family Of My Own, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Claire Lewis discovered local government red tape was just one of the hurdles in following adoption cases</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Prey" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Prey, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Tom Sherry explains how a brilliant script forced Red to reinvent the production process</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Jamaica Inn" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jamaica Inn, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">The Cornish moors of Daphne du Maurier’s story were even more breathtaking than director Philippa Lowthorpe could have believed</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Jesus" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Jesus Mysteries, Nat Geo UK</a></h2><p class="intro">We didn’t need a miracle but what we achieved on a modest TV budget wasn’t far off, says Justin Hardy</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hercules" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hercules The Human Bear, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Not even a stroke could derail our doc’s Hollywood ending, write David Sumnall and Paul Goodliffe</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Protecting Our Parents" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Protecting Our Parents, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Filming showed the complexities of a system involving multiple agencies and budgets, says Alice Perman</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dead Famous DNA" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Dead Famous DNA, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">Our show took three years to make - and we didn’t know the outcome until the last minute, says Rob Davis</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Generation Cryo" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Generation Cryo, MTV UK</a></h2><p class="intro">We let the participants follow their own path on the journey to find their sperm-donor dad, says Ellen Windemuth</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Frisky Business, Lifetime" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Frisky Business, Lifetime</a></h2><p class="intro">Mixing down-to-earth employees with a mind-blowing array of sex toys set our pulses racing.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Animals Through the Night" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Animals Through the Night, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Nicholas Head on organising a sleepover at the zoo for Icon Films</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="37 Days" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">37 Days, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">We didn’t have the luxury of a drama budget but Northern Ireland was great value as a location</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Zoran" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Coach Zoran and his African Tigers, BBC4</a></h2><p class="intro">Sam Benstead records the birth of football inside the world’s newest country</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Railroad Alaska" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Railroad Alaska, Discovery </a></h2><p class="intro">The quirky, heavily armed Alaskan homesteaders were TV gold says Gwyn Williams</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Fleming" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Fleming, Sky Atlantic</a></h2><p class="intro">Douglas Rae and director Mat Whitecross share the story of giving life to the James Bond creator</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Mark Saben" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Births, Deaths & Marriages, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Mark Saben explains the reasons for ditching the rig for the ITV doc</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Babylon" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Babylon, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">We wouldn’t have dreamed of doing a cop show before Danny Boyle approached us, says Jesse Armstrong</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Growing Up Downs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Growing Up Downs, BBC3</a></h2><p class="intro">William Jessop follows the Blue Apple theatre company as it performs Hamlet</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Suspects" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Suspects, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Semi-improvised dialogue and a documentary shooting style give C5’s police drama an edgy, contemporary feel</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Embrace" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Children's Emergency Rescue, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Ian Cundall discusses gaining the trust of doctors and patients</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Children on the Frontline" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Children on the Frontline, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Chris Shaw on telling the real stories from the Syrian conflict</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Taste" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Taste, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Nigella Lawson is back in the headlines, but this time for all the right reasons.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Helicopter Heroes" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Helicopter Heroes, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Ian Cundall reveals the skills required to film in a chopper</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Lucan, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Lucan, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Dramatising Lord Lucan’s story was a tall order, says Adrian Shergold</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Liberty of London" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Liberty of London, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">A strong team and building trust quickly were key to opening up this West End institution, says Katherine Anstey</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Countdown to the Rains" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Africa 2013: Countdown to the Rains, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">The key was the positioning of the fixed rig - and avoiding hippos, says Sarah Peat</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Day Kennedy Died, ITV" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Day Kennedy Died, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">We had to be quick and persuasive to get the best footage and contributors, says Sue Summers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Yonderland" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Yonderland, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">The scope and ambition of what we were attempting was frightening, says Sioned Wiliam</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Bizarre Bodies" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Body Bizarre, Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">Our exploration of rare medical conditions took us on an emotional journey, says Brent Baker</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Bedlam" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Bedlam, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Alice Mayhall on filming at the Maudsley Hospital for The Garden Productions</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Shackleton: Death or Glory, Discovery" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Shackleton: Death or Glory, Discovery</a></h2><p class="intro">Recreating the famous rescue mission seemed an impossible task, says Ed Wardle</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Ross Noble Freewheeling" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Ross Noble Freewheeling, Dave</a></h2><p class="intro">Andy Devonshire on taking direction from Twitter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Day I Got My Sight Back" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Day I Got My Sight Back, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Sally George strikes a balance between showing the procedure and avoiding too much gore</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Amanda Knox Trial" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Amanda Knox Trial, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">We subjected a lifesize model of Meredith Kercher’s flat to CSI techniques, writes Ian Russell</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Last Witch" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Last Witch, Sky Living</a></h2><p class="intro">Yorkshire provided the perfect backdrop for a modern fantasy story grounded in reality, says Sally Wainwright</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Pandas 3D" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Pandas 3D, Sky 3D/Nat Geo</a></h2><p class="intro">Caroline Hawkins says dressing in panda suits was one of the more bizarre moments on the tricky 3D shoot</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hustling America" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hustling America, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">We wanted to follow in the footsteps of famous con men, says Martin Turner</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Educating Yorkshire" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Educating Yorkshire, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Grace Reynolds on being warm and witty while making important points about education</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Educating Harrow" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Harrow - A Very British School, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">Emma Read’s plan to immerse ITN for a year with one of the 12 houses at Harrow</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="UGANDA___SF_WITH_STOSH_2" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Stephen Fry Out There, BBC2 </a></h2><p class="intro">Our exploration of gay rights around the world uncovered heartbreaking stories, says Fergus O’Brien</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="No9" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Inside No. 9, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton have pared things down for a twist on Tales Of The Unexpected.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="That Puppet Game Show" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">That Puppet Game Show, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">A jaded armadillo and a talking hotdog will be among the colourful characters helping BBC1 in the Saturday night ratings war over coming weeks. Olly Grant meets the show’s creators</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Southcliffe" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Southcliffe, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Unlike other crime dramas, we were more interested in the impact on those left behind than the investigation, says Tony Grisoni</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Burrowers" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Burrowers, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Trying to ‘cut a British hillside in half ’ was the maddest thing I’ve ever done says Fiona Pitcher</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Matthew McNulty and Holly Lucas" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Mill, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">C4’s history and drama teams came together to deliver a ‘worm’s-eye view’ of the Industrial Revolution.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Run" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Run, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">A crash course in TV drama was required for the writers when Channel 4 picked up on this online idea</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Top Of The Lake" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Top Of The Lake, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Writers Jane Campion and Gerard Lee discuss the growing constraints of film and unleashing their creativity on TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Married To The Job" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Married To The Job, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">Landmark Films tracks four women police officers at work and play.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Kung Foolery" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Kung Foolery, Sky 1</a></h2><p class="intro">In true B-movie style, we delivered a tongue-in-cheek travelogue and recreated a treasured martial arts fight scene, says Neil Edwards</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="First Dates" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">First Dates, Channel 4</a></h2><p class="intro">We’ll have earned our supper if we can turn around a show about the trials and tribulations of a first date in just four days, says Meredith Chambers</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Returned" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Returned, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">With Channel 4 about to air its first fully subtitled drama in 20 years, Olly Grant speaks to the show’s producers about forging links with British indies - and the state of French TV</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The White Queen" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The White Queen, BBC1</a></h2><p class="intro">Combining three of Philippa Gregory’s Wars of the Roses novels into one 10-part television series was like a Mensa test, says Emma Frost</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Strange Hill" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Strange Hill High, CBBC</a></h2><p class="intro">We combined rod puppetry with groundbreaking digital techniques to bring our characters and their mysterious world to life, says Phil Chalk.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Fall" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Fall, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Writer Allan Cubitt was involved in everything from casting to editing on his BBC2 series The Fall. Tim Adler speaks to the producers and star Gillian Anderson about the unusual set-up</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Hunt For Britain’s Sex Gangs" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Hunt For Britain's Sex Gangs, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Documenting the grooming and exploitation of girls in Bradford for 17 years has had many obstacles, not least officials in denial and fears of race-related violence, says Anna Hall</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="BTS" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Motor Morphers, C5</a></h2><p class="intro">Piloting cement lorries across a lake and felling trees with converted fire engines were just some of the challenges on this show, says Emma Read</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dakar Rally" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Frontline to Finish Line</a></h2><p class="intro">Gaucho Productions’ executive producer, Alistair Weaver, reflects on the challenge of shooting the Dakar Rally.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="The Politician's Husband" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">The Politician's Husband, BBC2</a></h2><p class="intro">Paula Milne’s forthcoming follow-up to her classic 1995 drama turns the tables to explore the shifting balance of power between husbands and wives. Paul Whitelaw reports</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Chasing Ice" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Chasing Ice, National Geographic Channel</a></h2><p class="intro">The harsh reality of filming in Arctic conditions took me by surprise, says Jeff Orlowski. But if we can raise awareness of climate change, it will have been worth it</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Unreported World" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Unreported World: Cuba, Basketball And Betrayal, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">I hadn’t planned to be a TV presenter, let alone a current affairs film-maker, says Ade Adepitan. Now I find myself interviewing people in Spanish.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Dogging Tales" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">True Stories: Dogging Tales, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">It wasn’t too difficult to find people who enjoyed going dogging, says Leo Maguire. But persuading them to appear on camera was another matter</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Insect" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Edwardian Insects On Film, BBC4 </a></h2><p class="intro">A new BBC4 documentary from Mentorn revisits the work of amateur naturalist Percy Smith, recreating his century-old film of a performing housefly.</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Jonathan Goodwin" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href=""> The Incredible Mr Goodwin, Watch</a></h2><p class="intro">Whether burying our star alive or throwing him off a cliff, we only ever had one chance to get our Looney Tunes stunts right, says Matt Crook</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol right item-penultimate hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="broadchurch" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Broadchurch, ITV</a></h2><p class="intro">I’d wanted to write a big ensemble piece for 10 years, but inspiration finally came on a walk along the cliffs near my home, says Chris Chibnall</p></div></div></div><div class="spinLayout thumb onecol left item-last hasPicture"><div class="sleeve"><p class="picture"><a href="" class="image"><img alt="Valley Of Death" class="lazyloaded" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 1179px) 100px, 220px" src="" srcset=" 100w, 220w" width="100" height="67" /></a></p><div class="subSleeve"><h2><a href="">Syria: Across the Lines, C4</a></h2><p class="intro">Entering a ‘vortex of horror’ where scores of journalists as well as Syrians had been killed, seriously injured or taken hostage was a nerve-shattering experience for Olly Lambert</p></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="rightcolumn" class="fluidrightcolumn rightcolumn"> <div id="rightcolumn_sleeve"> <div id="mainright" class="area"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="inner-sleeve"> <div id="foot" class="area"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer_ad"> <div class="footer_ad_strip"> <div class="ad"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container footerTopNavPageText"> <div class="inner-sleeve"> <div class="nav topNav"><ul><li class="first"><a href="">Advertise</a></li><li class=""><a href="">A-Z of Contributors</a></li><li class=""><a href="">A-Z of Subjects</a></li><li class="last"><a href="">Browse by issues</a></li></ul></div><div class="footerSocial"> <ul> <li class="footerSocialFacebook"> <a href="">Connect with us on Facebook</a> </li> <li class="footerSocialTwitter"> <a href="">Connect with us on Twitter</a> </li> <li class="footerSocialInstagram"> <a href="">Connect with us on Instagram</a> </li> <li class="footerSocialLinkedin"> <a href="">Connect with us on Linked in</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerPromo"> <div> <h3>Events</h3> <ul> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow">Broadcast Awards</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow">Broadcast Digital Awards</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="nofollow">Media Production &amp; 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