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Our customized "smart" services save you time and cut through the clutter. <a href="" class="bb-url">Learn More about relevant advertising</a>. </div><!-- class="cont" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctgry" --> <!--End More Help Links--> <!--Begin custom left block--> <div class="yinfcctgry"> <h3>Yahoo Social Bar Activity</h3> <div class="cont"> Please read our <a href="" class="bb-url">FAQ </a> to learn more about Yahoo Social Bar Activity, or visit the Yahoo Social Bar Activity <a href="" class="bb-url">Help</a> pages if you have additional questions. </div><!-- class="cont" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctgry" --> <!--End custom left block--> <!--Begin custom left block--> <div class="yinfcctgry"> <h3>Opt-Out</h3> <div class="cont"> Prefer not to receive advertising based on your interests? 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You do not need to be registered to search or view public photos on Flickr, however you must be a registered member of Flickr or Yahoo to post.<br/><br/> <span style="font-weight:bold">Account Information</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>In <a href="" class="bb-url">Profile Privacy</a>, you can control who is able to see different parts of your profile, including email address, IM names, real name, and current city. <li>In your <a href="" class="bb-url">Account Settings</a>, you may also <a href="" class="bb-url">hide photos</a> or <a href="" class="bb-url">your profile</a> from searches on as well as from searches on 3rd party sites that use the Yahoo API, including Yahoo Image Search. </ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Information Collection and Use Practices</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>In your <a href="" class="bb-url">Privacy Settings</a>, you can choose to make your photos default to public for anyone to access, restrict access to a limited number of other Flickr users, or keep those photos private so only you can access them. On each photo page, you will also find more granular controls to change each photo setting. <li>Advertisements shown to you may be related to textual information, such as metadata and notes, associated with the photo you are seeing, or the search term you entered. </ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Location Information and Sharing</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>When you upload a photo with geographical data (i.e. from a mobile device) or manually geotag your photo, the photo's location can be shown on a <a href="" class="bb-url">map</a>. <li>You can also set your <a href="" class="bb-url">geopreferences</a> to decide who can see the location of your photos by default. Further, you can change the <a href="" class="bb-url">geopreferences</a> setting on individual photos by clicking on the map to the right of each photo.<br/><br/> <span style="font-weight:bold">EXIF Data</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>o You may elect to hide a link showing EXIF data about photos or video you upload. The link, where applicable, shows on all your individual photo pages, and displays the make &amp; model of the camera you used to take the shot. Unless you turn off EXIF data on your camera or device or remove it from the picture before uploading to Flickr, Flickr receives and stores EXIF data, but will not display that information if hidden. <li>Some cameras can store GPS (location) coordinates in a photo's EXIF header. If you like, you Flickr can import that data and use it to place your photos on your map <a href="" class="bb-url">automatically</a>. </ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Geofences</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>A geofence is a hotspot on a map that has special default geo privacy settings. These are useful for locations such as "home" or "school" that you would like to make more private than your global default. Click <a href="" class="bb-url">here</a> to create your geofences. </ul></ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Information Sharing and Disclosure Practices</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>In your <a href="" class="bb-url">Privacy Settings</a>, you can choose to make your photos default to public for anyone to access, restrict access to a limited number of other Flickr users, or keep those photos private so only you can access them. On each photo page, you will also find more granular controls to change each photo setting. <li>You may <a href="" class="bb-url">link your account</a> to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or other sites to link your photos directly to other social sharing sites and blogs. <ul class="bb-list"> <li>Your <a href="" class="bb-url">Guest Pass</a> history allows you to manage Guest Passes you have created for sharing your photos with others. </ul> <li>On the desktop Flickr experience, you may give certain Yahoo apps (including Aviary, ImageKind, and Moo) different levels of permissions to interact with your account to take advantage of things like photo editing tools. If you want to stop using one of these apps and revoke your permission, click the"Remove Permission" link under “<a href="" class="bb-url">sharing and extending</a>” on your account page and remove that permission. </ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Practices Regarding Your Ability to Update or Delete Information</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>You can delete individual photos that you have on Flickr by selecting the photos that you wish to delete, then clicking the delete button. Or you can delete groups of photos using batch operations. <li>Visit your <a href="" class="bb-url">Flickr account information</a> to edit your profile, default privacy settings for photos, and more. </ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Communication</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>Flickr communication is currently managed separately from your Yahoo <a href="" class="bb-url">Marketing Preferences</a> and <a href="" class="bb-url">Subscriptions</a>. <li>Visit your Flickr account information area to edit your <a href="" class="bb-url">email notification settings</a>. </ul> <span style="font-weight:bold">Other</span> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>When you use Flickr, you are subject to the <a href="" class="bb-url">Yahoo Terms of Service</a>, Flickr <a href="" class="bb-url">ATOS</a>, and the <a href="" class="bb-url">Flickr Community Guidelines</a>. <li>Please see <a href="" class="bb-url">Flickr Help</a> if you have questions about this service. </ul> This page describes current Yahoo practices with respect to this particular service. This information may change as Yahoo revises this service by adding or removing features or using different service providers. To find out how Yahoo treats your personal information, please visit our <a href="" class="bb-url">Privacy Policy</a>. <!-- End Answer --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctn" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcbxi" --> <span class="cb"><span class="cl"></span></span> </div><!-- class="yinfcbx" --> </div><!-- id="rb" --> </div><!-- id="yhlp-wrap" --> <div id="yhlp-foot"> <div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px; text-align:center; "> Copyright © <!-- -->2013<!-- --> Yahoo! Inc. 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