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float: left"></font><p> SINGAPORE (XFN-ASIA) - Tokyo is Asia's leading center of commerce but London is number one in the world, according to a study released by <b>MasterCard</b>.</p><p> Three other Asian cities -- Hong Kong, Seoul and Singapore -- ranked among the world's top 10, according to the MasterCard <b></b> (nyse: <a href="" class="maintkrlink">MA</a> - <a href=""> news </a> - <a href=""> people </a>) Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index.</p><p> London topped the chart with an index value of 77.79 followed by New York with 73.80, Tokyo at 68.09, Chicago with 67.19, Hong Kong at 62.32, Singapore 61.95, Frankfurt 61.34, Paris 61.19, Seoul 60.70 and Los Angeles 59.05.</p><p> Other Asia Pacific cities in the top 50 were: Sydney, ranked 14th, Shanghai 32nd, Melbourne 34th, Bangkok 36th, Kuala Lumpur 38th, Mumbai 45th and Beijing 46th, the study said.</p><p> Dubai ranked 37th overall and was the top-placed Middle East city.</p><p> Eight independent experts on urban development, economics and social science compiled the index, which rated 63 cities according to their legal and political framework, economic stability, ease of doing business, financial flow, business center status, and knowledge creation and information flow, the press release said.</p><p> London's number-one rating came from its flexible business operating environment, strong global financial connections and exceptionally high levels of international trade, travel and conferences, it said.</p><p> Seoul scored high marks for its higher education system and patent output, while Hong Kong and Singapore boasted top rankings for the strength of their business climate and their prominence in the global financial network, MasterCard said.</p><p> 'Singapore also rates high for government policies that favor international business and trade,' it said.</p><p> But Hong Kong edged out Singapore partly because of the smaller number of equity transactions in Singapore. Hong Kong also scored better in measures related to its business climate, MasterCard said.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p> <i>Neither the Subscriber nor AFX News warrants the completeness or accuracy of the Service or the suitability of the Service as a trading aid and neither accepts any liability for losses howsoever incurred. 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