Top cooking channel websites.,,,,
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Cooking Channel's shows and top global chefs share their best recipes and demonstrate their specialties in cooking technique videos.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 35,065" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:65%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food cooking']);" title="View top food cooking websites" href="" target="_blank">food cooking</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'recipes']);" title="View top recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking']);" title="View top cooking websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking videos']);" title="View top cooking videos websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking videos</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Home - Xian Famous Foods - Specialty Chinese Restaurants in New York City - Liang pi Cold-skin Noodles, Spicy Cumin Lamb & Stewed Pork Burgers, Spicy & Tingly Beef Biang Biang Noodles</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">西安名吃 Xian Famous Foods is a small chain of restaurants located in New York City. It is best known for its western Chinese cuisine, including dishes such as the Spicy Cumin Lamb Burger and Liang Pi Cold-skin Noodles.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 346,713" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:45%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cold noodles']);" title="View top cold noodles websites" href="" target="_blank">cold noodles</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'lamb burgers']);" title="View top lamb burgers websites" href="" target="_blank">lamb burgers</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'chinese']);" title="View top chinese websites" href="" target="_blank">chinese</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food']);" title="View top food websites" href="" target="_blank">food</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Scripps Lifestyle Studios</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">ulive is your destination for entertaining and useful lifestyle videos. From original videos to ones youll love from Food Network, Cooking Channel, HGTV, Travel Channel, and DIY.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 883,613" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:40%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'thanksgiving recipes']);" title="View top thanksgiving recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">thanksgiving recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food network']);" title="View top food network websites" href="" target="_blank">food network</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'channels']);" title="View top channels websites" href="" target="_blank">channels</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Get Cooking, Fine Living Fans! : Site : Cooking Channel</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Fine Living is now Cooking Channel and were glad youre here. You can expect the same best-quality food and drink shows plus chefs youve loved on Fine Living and more. Welcome and enjoy.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 910,552" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:40%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking']);" title="View top cooking websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'drink recipes']);" title="View top drink recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">drink recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food networks']);" title="View top food networks websites" href="" target="_blank">food networks</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Laura Calder</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Laura Calder is a passionate home cook, hostess, and writer, as well as an enthusiast for all things art de vivre. An award-winning television personality, she hosted 78 episodes of Food at Home, which won the prestigious James Beard Award, and was a judg</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 959,646" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:40%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'laura calder']);" title="View top laura calder websites" href="" target="_blank">laura calder</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'french food at home']);" title="View top french food at home websites" href="" target="_blank">french food at home</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food network canada']);" title="View top food network canada websites" href="" target="_blank">food network canada</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'top chef canada']);" title="View top top chef canada websites" href="" target="_blank">top chef canada</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Get Cooking, Fine Living Fans! : Site : Cooking Channel</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Fine Living is now Cooking Channel and were glad youre here. You can expect the same best-quality food and drink shows plus chefs youve loved on Fine Living and more. Welcome and enjoy.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 977,269" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:40%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking']);" title="View top cooking websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food networks']);" title="View top food networks websites" href="" target="_blank">food networks</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'drink recipes']);" title="View top drink recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">drink recipes</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Recipe With dr Shalini Indias Leading Recipes in Written Format Food, Health & Wellness</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Find here written & video recipe of all Indian cuisine, Indian sweets, Cake, Chocloate, Vegetarian & Non Veg Recipes and Healthy Cooking with Dr Shalini</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 6,418,550" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:25%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'recipe']);" title="View top recipe websites" href="" target="_blank">recipe</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food recipe']);" title="View top food recipe websites" href="" target="_blank">food recipe</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'indian recipes']);" title="View top indian recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">indian recipes</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Plum Luv Foods - Home</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Official site of Chef Plum</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,041,775" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:30%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'chef']);" title="View top chef websites" href="" target="_blank">chef</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food']);" title="View top food websites" href="" target="_blank">food</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'recipe']);" title="View top recipe websites" href="" target="_blank">recipe</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'celebrity chef']);" title="View top celebrity chef websites" href="" target="_blank">celebrity chef</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> 起きかねない鍵に関するトラブルをスピーディに解決してもらおう</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">鍵のトラブルには紛失だけでなく故障もあり、解決方法は大きく異なってきます。またこういったトラブルの解決方法には専門業者に依頼をすることがベストな方法といえるのです。</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 4,956,418" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:30%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking games']);" title="View top cooking games websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking games</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking light']);" title="View top cooking light websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking light</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking turkey']);" title="View top cooking turkey websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking turkey</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Bal Arneson</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Join Spice Goddess Bal Arneson as she delves into the world of Indian cooking to make everyday a day to celebrate eating. As seen on the Cooking Channel US.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 5,581,689" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:25%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'indian cooking']);" title="View top indian cooking websites" href="" target="_blank">indian cooking</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'recipes']);" title="View top recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'videos']);" title="View top videos websites" href="" target="_blank">videos</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'spices']);" title="View top spices websites" href="" target="_blank">spices</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Wannabe tv Chef</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Celebrity Chef Stuart Reb Donald chronicles the pursuit of his own cooking show while giving his own recipes, videos, interviews with other chefs and TV personalities and pontificating from time-to-tome on the major issues that effect our food system.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 16,805,835" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:15%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'resistant starch foods']);" title="View top resistant starch foods websites" href="" target="_blank">resistant starch foods</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food network']);" title="View top food network websites" href="" target="_blank">food network</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'e okul']);" title="View top e okul websites" href="" target="_blank">e okul</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> The Leading Uncle Zhou Site on The Net</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Xi'an Famous Foods is a small chain of restaurants located in New York City. Founded by the famous and experienced Mr. Liang Pi, it is best known for its western Chinese cuisine, including dishes such as cumin lamb burgers and liang pi cold noodles.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 12,625,062" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:20%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'chinese']);" title="View top chinese websites" href="" target="_blank">chinese</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food']);" title="View top food websites" href="" target="_blank">food</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'ny']);" title="View top ny websites" href="" target="_blank">ny</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'new york']);" title="View top new york websites" href="" target="_blank">new york</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Cooking And Recipes Information & Resources | Cooking Tips | Cooking Recipes</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Cooking Articles, Recipes and Information. Useful Articles related to Cooking: Cookery Tips, Baking Ideas, Cooks Recipes and much more.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 16,981,855" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:15%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking and recipes']);" title="View top cooking and recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking and recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking tips']);" title="View top cooking tips websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking tips</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking recipes']);" title="View top cooking recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking utensils']);" title="View top cooking utensils websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking utensils</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Xfinity® Tv, Internet, Phone & Home Security Services by Comcast</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Save on Comcast Digital Cable TV, High-Speed Internet and Home Phone Services. Enjoy entertainment your way with great deals on XFINITY® by Comcast.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: 22,859,916" class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:10%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'comcast']);" title="View top comcast websites" href="" target="_blank">comcast</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'xfinity']);" title="View top xfinity websites" href="" target="_blank">xfinity</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'comcast home page']);" title="View top comcast home page websites" href="" target="_blank">comcast home page</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cable tv']);" title="View top cable tv websites" href="" target="_blank">cable tv</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Index of /</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">FoodiesLive is a network of live shows featuring talented chefs and passionate foodies from all over.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: unavailable. The domain is not popular." class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:5%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food']);" title="View top food websites" href="" target="_blank">food</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'culinary']);" title="View top culinary websites" href="" target="_blank">culinary</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'shows']);" title="View top shows websites" href="" target="_blank">shows</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Recipe tv</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">The Food Networks and The Cook Networks, along with The Cooking Channel and Recipe Networks presents 'recip-emailing' of newHD recipe TV episodes daily & free</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: unavailable. The domain is not popular." class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:5%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food network']);" title="View top food network websites" href="" target="_blank">food network</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'recipe']);" title="View top recipe websites" href="" target="_blank">recipe</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 't patrick murray']);" title="View top t patrick murray websites" href="" target="_blank">t patrick murray</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Get Cooking, Fine Living Fans! : Site : Cooking Channel</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Fine Living is now Cooking Channel and were glad youre here. You can expect the same best-quality food and drink shows plus chefs youve loved on Fine Living and more. Welcome and enjoy.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: unavailable. The domain is not popular." class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:5%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking']);" title="View top cooking websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'drink recipes']);" title="View top drink recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">drink recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food networks']);" title="View top food networks websites" href="" target="_blank">food networks</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Get Cooking, Fine Living Fans! : Site : Cooking Channel</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Fine Living is now Cooking Channel and were glad youre here. You can expect the same best-quality food and drink shows plus chefs youve loved on Fine Living and more. Welcome and enjoy.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: unavailable. 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The domain is not popular." class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:5%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'yoga video']);" title="View top yoga video websites" href="" target="_blank">yoga video</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'yoga fitness video']);" title="View top yoga fitness video websites" href="" target="_blank">yoga fitness video</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'healthy recipes']);" title="View top healthy recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">healthy recipes</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Cooking Channel - Recipes, Shows And Cooking Videos From Top Global Chefs : Cooking Channel | Cooking Channel</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Do you love to cook? Cooking Channel's shows and top global chefs share their best recipes and demonstrate their specialties in cooking technique videos.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: unavailable. The domain is not popular." class="rating"> <span class="value" style="width:5%"></span> </span> </span> <span class="tags"> <strong>Tags:</strong> <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'recipes']);" title="View top recipes websites" href="" target="_blank">recipes</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking channel']);" title="View top cooking channel websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking channel</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'cooking videos']);" title="View top cooking videos websites" href="" target="_blank">cooking videos</a>, <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent',name_for_google_analytics, 'results_block', 'food networks']);" title="View top food networks websites" href="" target="_blank">food networks</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a class="left domain-name-link" style="width:100%;" href="" title="See overview of"> <h4 class="ellipsis_clipped"> Get Cooking, Fine Living Fans! : Site : Cooking Channel</h4> </a> <div class="body"> <span class="a-green"></span> <p class="giveMeEllipsis">Fine Living is now Cooking Channel and were glad youre here. You can expect the same best-quality food and drink shows plus chefs youve loved on Fine Living and more. Welcome and enjoy.</p> <span class="popularity"> <span title="Alexa Traffic Rank: unavailable. 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