Matt Mullenweg — aka Photo Matt — on WordPress, Web, Jazz, Life, and Photography

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They support key authentication, which is my must-have feature.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-06-21T15:47:44+00:00"> <span class="month">Jun</span><br/> <span class="day">21</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38318 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides tag-photography entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Pharrell Williams at Home in Miami" href=""> <span class="count">0</span> </a> <p>The Selby goes with <a href="">Pharrell Williams at Home in Miami</a>. Explore the rest of the site, this is actually one of the less-interesting galleries.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-38316 post type-post status-publish format-aside hentry category-asides entry-content"> <div class="single-dashed"></div> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Alec Baldwin on WP" href=""> <span class="count">0</span> </a> <p>Alec Baldwin, my favorite character on 30 Rock, <a href="">has a great-looking WordPress-powered site</a>. It was also built by <a href="">Alley Interactive</a> who did the Observer site I <a href="">blogged about the other day</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-06-20T15:57:15+00:00"> <span class="month">Jun</span><br/> <span class="day">20</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38314 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Gopher dead, blogging lives" href=""> <span class="count">5</span> </a> <p><a href="">Gopher dead, blogging lives</a>. &#8220;If blogs are dead, what are we reading in Instapaper?&#8221;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-38312 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-asides tag-government entry-content"> <div class="single-dashed"></div> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Four Cool WP .gov Sites" href=""> <span class="count">18</span> </a> <p>I was in Washington DC last week at the <a href="">OpenGovDC conference</a> where I participated on a panel about design. The organizers and many of the speakers were pretty Drupal-focused, but I did get to meet some folks and learn about the ever-growing use of WordPress inside the Beltway. Here are four:</p> <ol> <li><a href="">CFPB, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau</a>. This is the best-looking of the four, and 100% WordPress.</li> <li><a href="">, Missouri State</a>. Is there a <img src="" alt=";)" class="wp-smiley"/> The show-me state has a solid WP-as-CMS going here.</li> <li><a href="">Office of Compliance</a>. As exciting as it sounds.</li> <li><a href="">, National Center for Computational Sciences</a>. Website is okay, but center is super-cool: they provide super-computing (tens of thousands of processors) for open scientific research.</li> </ol> <p>Any other favorites? Particularly well-designed ones like <a href=""></a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-06-19T06:53:39+00:00"> <span class="month">Jun</span><br/> <span class="day">19</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38310 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Newspaper with WordPress And Google Docs" href=""> <span class="count">9</span> </a> <p><a href="">How To Run A News Site And Newspaper Using WordPress And Google Docs</a>. This is why I love saying &#8220;scripting is the new literacy.&#8221; A bit of scripting glue can tie together Big Projects like WP and Google Docs to create something completely novel.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-06-18T22:29:38+00:00"> <span class="month">Jun</span><br/> <span class="day">18</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38308 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Achievement Design 101" href=""> <span class="count">1</span> </a> <p><a href="">Gamasutra: Greg McClanahan&#8217;s Blog &#8211; Achievement Design 101</a>. Long article, but worth getting through. I&#8217;ve had it in Instapaper forever.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> <div class="post-38305 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides tag-switchers tag-drupal entry-content"> <div class="single-dashed"></div> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on New York Observer" href=""> <span class="count">1</span> </a> <p>WordPress Publisher Blog: <a href="">Influential Weekly The New York Observer Migrates from Drupal to WordPress</a>. <em>Cool!</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-06-17T09:32:13+00:00"> <span class="month">Jun</span><br/> <span class="day">17</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38303 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Every 60 Seconds" href=""> <span class="count">8</span> </a> <p><a href="">Every 60 seconds on the web</a> there are 50+ WordPress downloads and 60+ new blogs created. <cite>Hat tip: <a href="">Andrew Nacin</a>.</cite>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-06-03T10:38:30+00:00"> <span class="month">Jun</span><br/> <span class="day">3</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38292 post type-post status-publish format-aside hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Seattle WP Meetup Friday" href=""> <span class="count">13</span> </a> <p><a href="">Six years ago on this blog we scheduled a WordPress meetup in Seattle</a> which ended up including a number of folks who are still changing the web today, including <a href="">Bre Pettis</a>, <a href="">Robert Scoble</a>, <a href="">Chris Pirillo</a>, <a href="">Matt May</a>, <a href="">Filipe Fortes</a>, <a href="">Andy Skelton</a>, <a href="">Scott Berkun</a>, and <a href="">Lee Lefever</a>. We&#8217;re going to do an informal 2.0 <strong>tonight at 6 PM, Friday June 3 at Pike Pub &amp; Brewery</strong> on 1st Avenue in downtown Seattle. Come by and share a beer, reminiscence about trackbacks, and talk about the future of the open web. It&#8217;s short notice, so please spread the word to your Seattle-area friends.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-30T08:23:58+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">30</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38289 post type-post status-publish format-quote hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Benoît Mandelbrot and Chance" href=""> <span class="count">6</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>Louis Pasteur is credited with the observation that chance can only help the well-prepared mind. I also think that my long string of lucky breaks can be credited to my mode of paying attention: I look at funny things and never hesitate to ask questions. Most people would not have noticed the dirty blackboard, or looked at the article that my uncle gave me because he was not interested.</p></blockquote></div> <p>via <a href="">Edge: THE FATHER OF LONG TAILS — Interview with Benoît Mandelbrot by Hans Ulrich Obrist</a>. For extra credit and an exercise in brevity and clarity, link or write <a href="">in the comments</a> the simplest definition of &#8220;fractal&#8221; as used by Mandelbrot and Obrist in the interview.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-29T11:08:52+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">29</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38284 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Liking is for Cowards" href=""> <span class="count">27</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>I may be overstating the case, a little bit. Very probably, you’re sick to death of hearing social media disrespected by cranky 51-year-olds. My aim here is mainly to set up a contrast between the narcissistic tendencies of technology and the problem of actual love. My friend Alice Sebold likes to talk about “getting down in the pit and loving somebody.” She has in mind the dirt that love inevitably splatters on the mirror of our self-regard.</p></blockquote></div> <p>Johnathan Franzen&#8217;s <a href="">Liking is for Cowards in the NY Times</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-26T07:30:03+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">26</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38278 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on ZURB Talk in Campbell, CA" href=""> <span class="count">3</span> </a> <p>Tomorrow I&#8217;m going to be speaking at <a href="">ZURBsoapbox in Campbell, California at noon</a>. If you&#8217;re in the Bay Area please come out and say howdy.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-25T13:15:37+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">25</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38273 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on I Don’t Care if You Read This Article" href=""> <span class="count">14</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>The Internet measures everything. And I am a slave to those measurements. After so many years of pushing much of my life through this screen, I’ve started measuring my experiences and my sense of self-worth using the same metrics as the Internet uses to measure success. I check my stats relentlessly. The sad truth is that I spend more time measuring than I spend doing.</p></blockquote></div> <p>Fantastic read over at <a href="">Tweetage Wasteland : I Don’t Care if You Read This Article</a>. Or put another way &#8220;Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.&#8221; <cite>Hat tip: <a href="">Mark Riley</a>.</cite>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-24T07:41:53+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">24</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38268 post type-post status-publish format-quote hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Opulence Bubble" href=""> <span class="count">7</span> </a> <div class="blockquote"><blockquote><p>I believe the mini-bubbles above are different ripples in what might call the surface of a superbubble: an opulence bubble. Here&#8217;s what I mean by opulence bubble: our conception of the good life, as I&#8217;ve discussed with you, has been centered on what I call hedonic opulence — having more, bigger, faster, cheaper, now. But we might be finding out, the hard way, that the pursuit of lowest-common-denominator industrial age stuff might have been steeply overvalued, in terms of its social, human, and financial value.</p></blockquote></div> <p><a href="">The Opulence Bubble by Umair Haque</a>. <cite>Hat tip: <a href="">Tim Bray</a> and <a href="">Paul Kedrosky</a>.</cite>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-23T07:22:37+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">23</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38183 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Great overview of WP economy" href=""> <span class="count">3</span> </a> <p>Joel Falconer has written a pretty definitive article on <a href="">WordPress: The Free Software With a Big Economy &amp; How You Can Get Involved</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-20T00:00:24+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">20</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38186 post type-post status-publish format-gallery hentry category-gallery entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Balloon Ride" href=""> <span class="count">8</span> </a> <div class="img-container"> <a href=""> <img width="250" height="166" src="" class="attachment-matt2010-gallery-thumbnail" alt="MCM_9029" title="MCM_9029"/> </a> </div> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="">Balloon&nbsp;Ride</a></h2> <div class="img-text"> <p>Went for Napa / Vacaville hot air balloon ride with Janitorial team at Automattic, had dinner at 54 Mint, and caught the end of the symphony masquerade ball in San Francisco. <a href="">Here are Nick&#8217;s pictures from the same day</a>.</p> <p>This album contains <strong>79 items</strong>.</p> </div> <br style="clear:both;"/><br/><br/> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-18T12:04:33+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">18</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38178 post type-post status-publish format-aside hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on BusinessWeek Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs" href=""> <span class="count">11</span> </a> <p>I&#8217;m honored to be have been chosen alongside some cool folks like Kevin Rose, Dave Morin, Andrew Mason, and Charlie Cheever as one of <a href="">Bloomberg BusinessWeek&#8217;s Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs in 2011</a>. I only have 3 more years before I&#8217;m too old for these lists. <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-17T06:58:15+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">17</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38176 post type-post status-publish format-aside hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on WP + MLB" href=""> <span class="count">3</span> </a> <p><a href="">Batters Up: Major League Baseball Now on</a>. MLB&#8217;s blogging system used to be powered by Movable Type, and about 15,000 blogs switched over to as part of this. It&#8217;s an honor and delight to have so many great bloggers joining the family. They&#8217;re also in good company with VIP blogs for the NFL, NBA, NBC Sports&#8230;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article><article> <div class="datedot"> <abbr class="published" title="2011-05-13T09:20:23+00:00"> <span class="month">May</span><br/> <span class="day">13</span> </abbr> </div> <div class="post-38174 post type-post status-publish format-link hentry category-asides entry-content"> <a class="entry-comment-count" title="Comments on Incomplete Manifesto for Growth" href=""> <span class="count">5</span> </a> <p><a href="">Bruce Mau Design Incomplete Manifesto for Growth</a> &#8212; &#8220;Written in 1998, the Incomplete Manifesto is an articulation of statements exemplifying Bruce Mau’s beliefs, strategies and motivations. Collectively, they are how we approach every project.&#8221; I dig. Hat tip: <a href="">Noel</a>.</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">(more&#8230;)</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">&infin;</a></p> </div> </article> <div class="navigation"> <div class="prev"> <a href="">&lt; Older Posts</a> </div> <br style="clear:both;"/> </div> </section> <aside> <ul> <li class="widget-container about-box"> <div id="mattbio"> <img src=""/> </div> <h3 class="widget-title">Matt Mullenweg</h3> <p class="text">is one of PC World's Top 50 People on the Web,'s 30 under 30, and Business Week's 25 Most Influential People on the Web. 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