Chapter 19 On the Bones of the Thorax

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[the bones and the ligaments that interconnect them]</span> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <span class="VESALIUSCHAPTERHEAD">Chapter 19 On the Bones of the Thorax</span> <a name="FA.1.19.01"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Key to the seven figures of the nineteenth chapter <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>1</sup> </a> </span> <br clear="none"/>Since the following figure legend will refer to all seven of the figures that precede it, we shall as usual add a note for the several numbers <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>2</sup> </a> so you may understand more easily to which of the figures the letters refer. <br clear="none"/> <table> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;">[ <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=_x0031_1&amp;activeRegion=_x0031_2&amp;activeRegion=_x0031_0&amp;activeRegion=_x0031_&amp;activeRegion=_x0038_&amp;activeRegion=_x0037_&amp;activeRegion=_x0036_&amp;activeRegion=_x0035_&amp;activeRegion=_x0034_&amp;activeRegion=_x0033_&amp;activeRegion=_x0032_&amp;activeRegion=_x0039_&amp;x=1610&amp;y=2403&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=_x0031_&amp;activeRegion=_x0033_&amp;activeRegion=_x0034_&amp;activeRegion=_x0031_2&amp;activeRegion=_x0031_1&amp;activeRegion=_x0032_&amp;activeRegion=_x0031_0&amp;activeRegion=_x0035_&amp;activeRegion=_x0039_&amp;activeRegion=_x0038_&amp;activeRegion=_x0037_&amp;activeRegion=_x0036_&amp;x=1365&amp;y=-36&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 2 </a>]</span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">In the first and second figure, the twelve <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s [<i>costae</i>] of the thorax are indicated by this number. Of these, the seven upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the pectoral bone [<i>sternum</i>], but not the five lower. The numbering of the thoracic vertebrae is evident from the marked <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s even without the help of markings, if you observe that one <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> on each side is articulated with a single vertebra.</td> </tr> </table> <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 86</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/> <table> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">A, A<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=AA&amp;x=1337&amp;y=122&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=AA&amp;x=1589&amp;y=1074&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Whatever part of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s runs from the vertebrae to this point [<i>corpus costae</i>] is entirely osseous; here the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s begin reverting <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>3</sup> </a> into cartilage [<i>cartilago costalis</i>]. The legend for the remaining markings will be placed below the figures.</td> </tr> </table> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">FIRST FIGURE OF THE NINETEENTH CHAPTER,</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> where the complete structure of thoracic bones [<i>ossa thoracis</i>] is drawn in its anterior aspect, including the twelve thoracic vertebrae and the twelve <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s on each side, together with the pectoral bone [<i>sternum</i>] formed from several bones. </p> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">SECOND FIGURE OF THE PRESENT CHAPTER,</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> showing the posterior aspect of the complete structure of thoracic bones. It will be helpful also to examine in passing the three figures by which the entire structure of bones is illustrated in three aspects at the end of this Book. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>4</sup> </a> </p> <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 87</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">THE THIRD FIGURE</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> includes three vertebrae from the middle of the thoracic vertebrae seen from the right side, together with a middle <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> of the same side. By means of this figure the articulation of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s to the vertebrae is shown as well as the course of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s. </p> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">IN THE FOURTH</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> is illustrated the posterior portion of a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> nearest the vertebrae to bring into clear view the swellings <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>5</sup> </a> [<i>caput, crista, tuberculum</i>] by which the nine upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the vertebrae. We have also broken a part of this <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> to show the bony substance [<i>substantia spongiosa, s. compacta, s. corticalis</i>] of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, labeled <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">F</font>. </p> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">THE FIFTH FIGURE</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> displays a portion of the the twelfth <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> in the posterior aspect, where it is articulated <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>6</sup> </a> to the twelfth thoracic vertebra. We have broken this one also, where you see the <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">F</font>, to show the bony substance of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>. </p> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">THE SIXTH FIGURE,</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> showing the anterior part of the pectoral bone free of <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> cartilages [<i>cartilago costalis</i>]. </p> <p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">THE SEVENTH FIGURE,</span> <br clear="none"/> <br clear="left"/> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';level=default&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> <img src="" align="left" border="0"/> </a> illustrating the posterior aspect of the pectoral bone free of <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> cartilages. </p> <p> <br clear="none"/> <table> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">B B<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=BB&amp;x=1275&amp;y=124&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=BB&amp;x=1651&amp;y=1070&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Returning to the figure index, B, B marks the beginning of the cartilaginous substance [<i>cartilago costalis</i>] of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s. The line [<i>articulatio costochondralis</i>] between A and B marks its union with bony tissue [<i>os costale</i>].</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">C<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=C&amp;x=1181&amp;y=134&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Union of cartilage of the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> with the pectoral bone [<i>articulatio sternocostalis I</i>].</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">D<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=D&amp;x=1107&amp;y=302&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Articulation of cartilage of the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> [<i>art. sternochondralis II</i>] with the pectoral bone, from which the type of joint of the five subsequent <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s may readily be inferred.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">E<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=E&amp;x=2077&amp;y=294&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Cartilaginous tubercle <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>7</sup> </a> by which the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> and the five that follow are articulated to the pectoral bone.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">F F<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=FF&amp;x=1448&amp;y=2227&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">End of cartilage of the false <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s [<i>costae spuriae VIII-XII</i>], which is seen to be pointed.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">G<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=G&amp;x=1622&amp;y=2349&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Area where cartilage of the eleventh <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is often separated from that of the tenth.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">H<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=H&amp;x=1492&amp;y=2391&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Point where cartilage of the twelfth <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is always separated from that of the eleventh.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">I I<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=II&amp;x=1242&amp;y=1291&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">In these places the cartilages of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s protrude unevenly, often filling the space between.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">K K<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=KK&amp;x=1496&amp;y=1579&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=KK&amp;x=388&amp;y=135&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 4 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">In this region an elongated depression [<i>sulcus costae</i>] is carved in the inner surface of the middle <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, to be occupied by a vein, an artery, and a nerve [<i>vasa et nervi intercostales</i>].</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">L<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=L&amp;x=156&amp;y=294&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 4 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Tubercle or capitulum [<i>facies articularis capitis costae</i>] by which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the vertebral bodies.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">M<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=M&amp;x=559&amp;y=353&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 4 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Tubercle [<i>facies articularis tuberculi costae</i>] by which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the tips [<i>facies articularis processus transversi</i>] of the transverse processes. These are more or less common to the nine upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>8</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">N<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=N&amp;x=929&amp;y=951&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 5 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">A type of tubercle [<i>caput costae</i>] by which the eleventh and twelfth <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the vertebrae.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">O<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=O&amp;x=626&amp;y=293&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 4 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=O&amp;x=729&amp;y=927&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 5 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Tubercle [<i>t. costae</i>] located in the posterior portion of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s next to the tip of the transverse process, into which is inserted the eleventh of the muscles [<i>m. erector spinae, m. longissimus thoracis</i>] that move the spine. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>9</sup> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 88</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/> <table> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Q<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=Q&amp;x=391&amp;y=294&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 4 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Interval [<i>collum costae</i>] between L and M, made rough for the purpose of producing a ligament [<i>l. costotransversarium</i>].</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">R<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=R&amp;x=784&amp;y=237&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 4 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">This area [<i>angulus costae</i>] too is roughened for muscles <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>10</sup> </a> which we shall enumerate in this chapter.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">S, T, V<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=S&amp;activeRegion=T&amp;activeRegion=V&amp;x=881&amp;y=314&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Three joined vertebrae, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>11</sup> </a> or the bodies [<i>corpora</i>] of these vertebrae. We have noted other parts or processes of the vertebrae in the appropriate places.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">X<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=X&amp;x=605&amp;y=728&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Depression [<i>foveae costales superior et inferior corporis vertebrae</i>] common to two vertebral bodies, to which the head of a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is articulated. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>12</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">a<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=a&amp;x=633&amp;y=432&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Joint of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> to the vertebral body [<i>art. costovertebralis</i>].</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">b<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=b&amp;x=339&amp;y=794&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Depression carved in the transverse process of the vertebra [<i>facies articularis processus transversi</i>], to which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is also articulated.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">c<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=c&amp;x=333&amp;y=580&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Joint [<i>art. costotransversaria</i>] of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> to the transverse process.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">d, e<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=d&amp;activeRegion=e&amp;x=645&amp;y=220&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">In the topmost vertebra marked S, the depression is also marked, d [<i>fovea costalis superior</i>], like the one marked X between the middle and lowest vertebra. Also, e marks the depression in which you see b written in the lowest vertebra. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>13</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">f<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=f&amp;x=149&amp;y=790&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 3 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Region [<i>angulus costae</i>] of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> most extended posteriorly, from which you may conveniently gauge the course of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s as follows: <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>14</sup> </a> from a and c to f, the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> runs obliquely downward from the vertebra to the posterior; but from A and B to E, the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is bent back upward to the front in a curve.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">g, h, i, k<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=h&amp;activeRegion=g&amp;activeRegion=k&amp;activeRegion=i&amp;x=980&amp;y=264&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 1 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">The pectoral bone [<i>sternum</i>] is marked with these letters in the first figure. The first pectoral bone [<i>manubrium sterni</i>] is marked g to h; the second [<i>corpus sterni</i>], h to i, the third i to k; k also marks the pointed cartilage [<i>proc. xiphoideus</i>] of the pectoral bone. We shall now approach the pectoral bone more exactly in the sixth and seventh figure.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">l<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=l&amp;x=349&amp;y=106&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">In the anterior surface of the first bone, a part protruding like a triangle, which could be circumsc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>ed by t, q, and r.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">m, n<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=n&amp;activeRegion=m&amp;x=437&amp;y=168&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Depressed area on each side of the protruding part. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>15</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">o<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=o&amp;x=335&amp;y=166&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Posterior area of the first bone which is seen to be rather concave.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">p<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=p&amp;x=131&amp;y=138&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=p&amp;x=103&amp;y=202&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Part [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis I</i>] of the first bone to which the cartilage of the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is attached.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">q, r<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=r&amp;activeRegion=q&amp;x=518&amp;y=-13&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Depression [<i>incisura clavicularis</i>] of the first bone to which the capitula [<i>extremitas sternalis claviculae</i>] of the clavicles are articulated; <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>16</sup> </a> r also marks the right depression in the seventh figure.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">s<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=s&amp;x=359&amp;y=-22&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=s&amp;x=293&amp;y=-10&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Area [<i>incisura jugularis</i>] between the two depressions incised for the clavicles, carved out like a moon. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>17</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">t<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=t&amp;x=369&amp;y=352&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=t&amp;x=311&amp;y=338&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Here the first bone is joined to the second [<i>angulus sterni</i>]. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>18</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">u<span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=u&amp;x=257&amp;y=328&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=u&amp;x=195&amp;y=352&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Common depression [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis II</i>] of the first and second bone to which the cartilage of the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is attached.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1">x, y, z, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">a</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">b</font> <span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=x&amp;activeRegion=y&amp;activeRegion=z&amp;activeRegion=alpha&amp;activeRegion=beta&amp;x=221&amp;y=534&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=beta&amp;activeRegion=alpha&amp;activeRegion=z&amp;activeRegion=y&amp;activeRegion=x&amp;x=221&amp;y=1210&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Depressions <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>19</sup> </a> of the second bone to which cartilages of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">g</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">d</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">e</font> <span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=gamma&amp;activeRegion=delta&amp;activeRegion=epsilon&amp;x=357&amp;y=532&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, 7</span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">At these locations, distinctions of the second bone sometimes appear in children as if it had been formed of several bones fusing together to make a union. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>20</sup> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="15%" rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">z</font> <span style="font-size: 9px;vertical-align: sub;"> <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=zeta&amp;x=365&amp;y=1199&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 6 </a>, <a href="javascript:top.getimg(';activeRegion=zeta&amp;x=313&amp;y=1200&amp;level=session&amp;')" target="leftframe" shape="rect"> 7 </a> </span> </td> <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">This [<i>processus xiphoideus</i>] is counted the third pectoral bone; it ends in a cartilage not unlike a sword’s point, marked <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">h</font>. Foramina, in which the inner surface of the pectoral bone abounds, readily show themselves, though they are not marked by letters. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>21</sup> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </p> <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.02"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">What the thorax is; the chest, and the pectoral bone [<i>sternum</i>]</span> <br clear="none"/>We shall call the thorax whatever is contained and circumsc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>ed by the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s (figs. 1 and 2 show the full array of thoracic bones); we do not include, with Aristotle, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>22</sup> </a> the entire trunk of the body (from O to <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">j</font> in the skeletons <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>23</sup> </a>), which we measure from the throat to the pubic area. We shall for convenience’s sake call the anterior part of the thorax the chest, pectus, and for this reason the wide bone in this location to which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated will fittingly be called the pectoral or chest bone [<i>sternum</i>], lest we seem negligently to confuse the three words of the Greeks and especially Galen, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">qw/rac</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">sth=qoj</font>, and <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">ste/rnon</font>. Thus the pectoral bone, <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, and twelve dorsal vertebrae, which I previously called thoracic, are the bones of the thorax. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.03"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The diligence of the Maker of things in creating the thorax <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>24</sup> </a> </span> <br clear="none"/>The industry of the supreme Maker of things, by which the thorax as a whole is neither bony nor fleshy but bone alternating by turns with flesh (the 7th and 8th tables of muscles illustrate this), <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>25</sup> </a> is admirable. The skull, by contrast, is entirely bony, while the abdomen is constructed chiefly of muscles. These should be considered not in a sketchy or casual way, but exactly and with special care. For since there are three vital organs <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>26</sup> </a> that regulate a person, bone that is rigid and interrupted by no muscles is placed around the first while the muscles surround the third. But something intermediate, made of bones and muscles, is constructed around the second. Now the brain had no need for muscles, since no part of the skull requires dilation or compression. Therefore the skull is rightly placed about the brain like a helmet or rigid wall. But if there had been some such barrier placed around the organs that serve the liver, such as the stomach, the intestines, and the bladder (the first figures of Bk. 5 illustrate these), and finally if the uterus <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>27</sup> </a> itself were so constrained, where would the stomach put food and drink? In what direction would the swelling of things gestating in the uterus protrude? Where would excrement be set aside, or how would offspring be expelled in fruitful labor? Could it happen if no muscle <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>28</sup> </a> <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 89</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/> rendered assistance here? The motion of the thorax, which we need most of all for the inspiration of air, would be lost altogether if the thorax consisted only of bones. If, on the other hand, it were fashioned solely from muscles that create motion, these would impinge upon the lungs and the heart even without the pressure of something external. So in order to have some inner thoracic capacity, and for the thorax to be moved voluntarily, muscles (S, T, V, X in the 6th table of muscles <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>29</sup> </a> and T, T, V in the 11th <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>30</sup> </a>) are placed alternately between the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s. This immediately cont<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>utes in no small way to the security of the heart and lungs, for they are now better protected than if the thorax had been constructed solely of muscles. What is more, the bony mass of the thorax cont<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>utes admirably to strengthening and supporting the scapulae and thence the arms as well; for we shall explain that the scapulae rest upon the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s only, and the clavicles are supported by no bone except the pectoral bone and the scapulae, to which in turn are attached the humerus, the forearm,and the hand in a series (these are Q, R, S, T, V, Z, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">G</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">D</font> in the skeletal figures <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>31</sup> </a>). If the thorax were constructed with no bones, there would be no place from which muscles could originate for the scapula, the humerus, the abdomen, and certain other members, nor would muscles attach or be situated on any foundations. And surely turtles instruct us perfectly regarding this necessity of the thoracic bone, if anything does, to the supreme credit of our Creator; these turtles are walled about with such a safe house, yet in the lateral surfaces of chest and thorax they show the most elegant and beautiful structure of bones created with astonishing craft for the sole purpose that the forward limbs might rest upon it, and so that the muscles moving the turtle’s arms might conveniently originate from it. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.04"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Why the abdomen is not also bony <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>32</sup> </a> </span> <br clear="none"/>But perhaps someone might interject: “Why should not the abdomen also be made bony, like the thorax? For if such a bony mass formed in alternation with muscles were placed around the belly, it would not interfere with its contraction and dilation, and in addition greater security would be gained for the abdomen.” Whoever asks such a question should be taught that the contents of the belly could not always be expanded and compressed as much as sometimes happens if they were fenced with bone on the outside. If such were the case, women would not be able to conceive, nor would it be possible for a person to eat one’s fill at one time: he would need to eat continually, just as one needs to breathe continually. But it is not at all absurd that one is in constant need of breath: for one spends one’s time in the air, and lives in it. But if we had the same need of food and drink, we should conduct our life quite apart from philosophy and the Muses: forever occupied with eating, we would never pay attention to the finest and most beautiful things. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>33</sup> </a> Again, if the bulk of a bony abdomen were as great as women require in the last months of pregnancy, what would be more awkward than such a bulk if after the fetus was expelled she continued to swell so unpleasantly? And at the same time when filled with no other thing which is useful to the human fabric, what would be more awkward than if it did not subside so as properly to embrace the stomach and intestines, and were not placed next to them like a pad or for the sake of heating <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>34</sup> </a>? We shall pursue these matters at greater length in the fifth book, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>35</sup> </a> and we shall show as well that in the fabric of the belly Nature’s cleverness was so great that she protected organs of the belly that do not require alternating dilation and compression, either placing them beneath other parts, or sheltering them no less than the lungs. For the liver and the spleen are walled in by the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, and the kidneys also lie beneath so many other organs, particularly toward the back, because none of these must be expanded, while with the remarkable foresight that we have noted, Nature wished the remaining organs of the belly to be in no way impeded from their functions by a bony structure. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.05"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">What Nature paid special attention to in constructing the thorax</span> <br clear="none"/>Since neither respiration nor speech can occur without the thorax, and since the heart first and the lung as well need to be protected by the thorax, it was necessary for the Maker of things to attend to four goals, as it were, in the fabric of the thorax: voice, respiration, and the size of the heart and the lung. The thorax, which has a more or less oval shape, is as large as the size of the lung warranted (figs. 12 and 13, Bk. 6). At the same time, the lung follows the shape of the thorax, not the opposite. In my account of the lung, I shall show with no great difficulty that like the liver, the spleen, or, to a degree, the brain, it required no particular shape,. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.06"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The number of <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s</span> <br clear="none"/>It will now be timely to desc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>e the bones of the thorax in order, and since we have already desc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>ed its vertebrae (C to D in the fig. for ch. 14 and the figs. in ch. 16), to begin our account with the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s. Men and women have twelve <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s on either side (numbered 1-12 in figs. 1 and 2); occasionally, there are only eleven, though sometimes we have even observed thirteen. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>36</sup> </a> We reported above that thirteen thoracic vertebrae occur more often than only eleven. Each thoracic vertebra is articulated to a single <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> on each side. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.07"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Men and women have the same number of <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s</span> <br clear="none"/>It is commonly believed that men lack a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> on one side, and that men have one <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> fewer than women. This is plainly absurd, even if Moses did say in the second chapter of Genesis that Eve was created by God out of Adam’s <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>. Granted that perhaps Adam’s bones, had someone articulated them into a skeleton, might have lacked a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> on one side, it does not necessarily follow on that account that all men are lacking a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> as well. Aristotle att<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>uted only eight <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s to humans, and was ready to allow that certain members of the race of the Turduli <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>37</sup> </a> were born with only seven <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s on each side, provided he established this on the actual testimony of some suitable authority. But as in the latter instance Aristotle was willing to support his opinion only with the testimony of others, it is also not unlikely that in the former instance he asc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>ed eight <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s to man on hearsay evidence, and in this <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 90</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/>manner wrongly handed down to us something he had not seen. For if we discover that he was suppositious so many times concerning the fabric of man, what judgement shall we make about the rest of his research into animals? <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>38</sup> </a> <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.08"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Symmetry of body among the Ligurians</span> <br clear="none"/>Yet once in a lecture at Padua while I was discussing the passage of Aristotle just mentioned, I learned from the most promising youths (because of their unique knowledge of literature and civil law) Jacopo Nigro and Francesco Pinelli, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>39</sup> </a> members of the Genoese nobility, that Ligurians of the highest rank had been called <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">e(ptapleu/roi</font>, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>40</sup> </a> “seven-<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>bed,” on ancient monuments, although these people are most distinguished for the excellent symmetry and proper number of their limbs, as they are energetic in battle on land and sea. There are therefore as a rule twelve <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s on each side; the seven upper ones are articulated to the pectoral bone and the vertebrae, as we shall state afterward, while the five lower ones are attached only to the vertebrae, and do not extend to the pectoral bone, but come to an end on the sides of the thorax and are joined to each other by the ends of their own cartilages (F in fig. 1) [<i>cartilagines costales VIII et X</i>], with the sole exception of the twelfth, which is far separated from the eleventh (H in figure 1) and nowhere comes in contact with it. This occurs not uncommonly with the eleventh as well, when it does not reach the cartilage of the tenth (G in fig. 1). Because they are not articulated with the pectoral bone, these five lower <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are named by the Greeks nothai, which is to say spurious and illegitimate. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.09"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The substance and epiphysis of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s</span> <br clear="none"/>All the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s have it in common that they are made up of a bony (from a through f to A in fig. 3) and cartilaginous (from B to E in the same fig., or A, B in fig. 1) substance, and that they possess an epiphysis (L and M in fig. 4; figs. 4 and 5 show a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> broken at <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">F</font>) at the spot where they are joined to the bodies of the vertebrae and where you will hear they swell out into capitula [<i>facies articulares superior et inferior capitis costae</i>]. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.10"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The bony substance</span> <br clear="none"/>The bony substance of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s is not the same throughout. Where the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the vertebrae, and where they form the back, they are much harder and more solid <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>41</sup> </a> than at the sides of the thorax and next to the region of the chest, where they are constructed of a more spongy [<i>pars ossea, substantia spongiosa</i>] substance covered by a thin scale or layer [<i>pars ossea, substantia corticalis</i>] (figs. 4, 5 show a <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> broken at <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">F</font>). This layer is thinnest where it reverts into cartilage. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.11"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Cartilaginous substance</span> <br clear="none"/>The cartilage also does not present the same appearance everywhere. The cartilage of the lower <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s is softer; this is perhaps why many people say the false <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are called <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">xo/ndroj</font>, or cartilage. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>42</sup> </a> The cartilage of the upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s is harder and more solid, and in aged persons it becomes bony inside <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>43</sup> </a> as we discover it in sheep, cattle, and nearly all animals of this kind, whose cartilage is made of friable, white, fragile bone inside, wrapped externally in cartilage like a kind of membrane. This is so evident in apes and dogs that Galen said the cartilages of the true <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are bony while in the false <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s they are pure cartilage. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>44</sup> </a> In humans who are not quite advanced in years, the cartilage seems to have given way to a bony nature, while in dogs that are still young and in the animals which we just mentioned, it becomes quite bony. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>45</sup> </a> <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.12"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Not all <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are of equal length</span> <br clear="none"/>The amount of this cartilage is not the same in all the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, and their length is likewise not equal. The first and twelfth are the shortest, then the second and eleventh; all of these have short cartilages. The sixth, seventh, and eighth are the longest, and also have the longest cartilages. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.13"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Unequal breadth</span> <br clear="none"/>The cartilage [<i>c. costalis</i>] of the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is the broadest, as the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> also excels the others in breadth; the second and third follow this one. The twelfth and eleventh [<i>costae fluitantes XI-XII</i>] are the thinnest of all, and also end in the thinnest cartilages. The middle <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are of a middle nature, their cartilages becoming wider in their progress away from the bony substance of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>46</sup> </a> For although the cartilages of the six upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s form intervals [<i>spatium intercostale</i>] and are equally separated from each other along their entire course, cartilages of the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s become from time to time variously broad over their course, and as they join together they fill the intervals between them with their own substance (I, I in fig. 1). The cartilages of the five false <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s [<i>costae spuriae VIII-XII</i>] end in a sharp point (F in fig. 1), unlike the cartilages of the true <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s [<i>costae verae I-VII</i>]. The cartilage of the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>, firmly attached at its end to the pectoral bone (C in fig. 1) [<i>articulatio sternocostalis I</i>], is wider than where it starts from the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>’s bony substance. The cartilages of the second, third, and three subsequent <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s narrow slightly as they progress, and each ends in a tubercle <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>47</sup> </a> (D in fig. 1; E in fig. 3) where we shall presently explain they are articulated to the pectoral bone. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.14"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Smoothness and roughness of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s; their sulcus</span> <br clear="none"/>The <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s do not have the same smoothness throughout. On their inner surface, where they face the membrane [<i>pleura parietalis, pars costalis</i>] that surrounds them, they all appear smooth and not in the least rough; but the third and those that follow as far as the tenth present a depression [<i>sulcus costae</i>] on their inner surface towards the bottom (K in figs. 1 and 4), carved along their length, not actually visible throughout the length of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> but most evident where they first leave the vertebrae and begin to run toward the sides of the thorax. This depression is prepared for a branch (G, G in the fig. for ch. 6, Bk. 3) [<i>vena intercostalis posterior</i>] of the hollow vein [<i>v. azygos</i>] which the unpaired vein extends to the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s; it also carries a branch (k, k in the fig. for ch. 11, Bk. 3) [<i>a. intercostalis posterior</i>] of the great artery [<i>pars descendens aortae</i>], and the nerve (the principal branches [<i>nervi thoracici, rami anteriores, nervi intercostales</i>] following the course of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s in fig. 2, ch. 11, Bk. 4) [<i>n. intercostalis</i>] originating from the dorsal medulla. [<i>medulla spinalis</i>]. But because these vessels are large in the middle <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s and always run as a matched set while in the three upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s they are small and run a wandering course, it comes as no surprise that the middle <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s have these depressions but the upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s do not. The three lower <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, though large vessels are extended to them, are thin and concave on their inner surface and they still provide safe passage to those vessels without the aid of those depressions. This depression, carved for the passage of vessels, makes the lower part of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> sharper and thinner than the upper, which looks more blunt and (so to speak) more smoothly rounded. The outer surface of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, which is convex, <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 91</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/>is not smooth everywhere. Where the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are attached to the vertebrae (L, M, and especially Q in fig. 4), excluding what is made up by the tubercles and capitula by which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the depressions <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>48</sup> </a> in the vertebrae, they are rough and uneven, so that ligaments which attach the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s to the vertebral bodies and their transverse processes may better be attached. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.15"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The rough tubercle of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s</span> <br clear="none"/>On this outer surface of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s where they first leave the transverse processes of the vertebrae, there is seen a rough, uneven tubercle [<i>t. costae</i>] (O in figs. 4 and 5) made to receive the tendons of the eleventh muscle [<i>m. erector spinae, m. longissimus thoracis</i>] that moves the back (<font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">D</font> in the 12th table of muscles). The tendons of this muscle are inserted partly into the tips of the transverse processes, and partly into these costal tubercles. Then, where the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s depart still further from the transverse processes of the vertebrae, they are rough and uneven in this outer, posterior surface [<i>angulus costae</i>] (R in figure 4) and even have a certain rather prominent swelling of sorts to make a suitable point of insertion for the muscle which we shall count the fourth [<i>m. erector spinae, m. iliocostalis thoracis</i>] of the muscles that move the thorax in man, and the sixth in apes and dogs. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>49</sup> </a> Not only is this roughness suitable for the insertion of that muscle, but it will be explained that the outer intercostal muscles [<i>m. intercostalis externus</i>] (V in the 11th table of muscles) originate here: these muscles originate in this region next to the vertebrae and run not only from the lower part of the upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> toward the upper part of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> below, but also from the outer part of one <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> to the outer part of the other. Elsewhere the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are smooth and even, unless one were to argue that they are slightly rough on their upper and lower surface where the origin and insertion of the intercostal muscles takes place. On its upper surface where it is very wide, the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is characteristically rough and uneven so that the fourth of the muscles that move the back (C in the 8th table of muscles [<i>m. scalenus anterior</i>]) may conveniently take its beginning here. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.16"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Articulation of <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s to the vertebrae</span> <br clear="none"/>Articulation to the vertebrae is not the same for all <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s. The nine upper <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are attached with a double articulation (a, c in fig. 3), the eleventh and twelfth with a single articulation; the tenth is quite rarely attached to its vertebra with two joints, however differently it may have seemed to Galen, who taught that each <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is attached to the vertebrae by a double joint. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>50</sup> </a> The <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s articulated by two nodes put forth two tubercles (one L, the other M in fig. 4): one [L] by which they are articulated into the depression (X, d in fig. 3) incised in the bodies of the vertebrae, the other [M] by which they are supported on the inner surface of the tip of the transverse process [<i>facies articularis processus transversi</i>]. These tubercles <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>51</sup> </a> [<i>t. costae</i>] correspond to the depressions [<i>fovea</i>] which we stated are carved in the vertebrae when we desc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>ed their construction. The first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is articulated by a round tubercle to the body of the first thoracic vertebra, and then ascends the transverse process of the same vertebra until it is articulated to its tip by means of the other capitulum or tubercle. The second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> and the seven after it are always articulated to the common depression of two vertebral bodies [<i>fovea costalis superior, f. costalis inferior</i>] by a capitulum which is not round but protuberant like an obtuse angle; they are attached to the transverse processes in the same way as the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>, although here too a certain variation arises in the joints because the depressions are not carved out at the same spot in the transverse processes. This is because the transverse processes of the upper vertebrae have their depressions cut in the lower portion of their inner surface, but in the lower vertebrae they are in the upper portion (as we stated above against the view of Galen), and in the middle vertebrae they are in between. That the articulation of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s to the body of the vertebra is higher than that which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s effect to the transverse processes, as much higher as the tip of the transverse process is lower than the depression carved in the vertebral body, I believe goes without saying. The articulation of the three lower <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, which takes place only on the body of the vertebrae and in depressions not as deeply hollowed out, occurs also with not very protuberant capitula (N in fig. 5). In this way the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are attached to the vertebrae. What type of joint <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>52</sup> </a> they form with the pectoral bone [<i>sternum</i>], and along what course they pass forward from the vertebrae, we shall find the opportunity to explain as soon as we have added the construction of the pectoral bone to our account. This would be truly easy to explain if the human bone corresponded to that of apes, dogs, calves, and suchlike animals. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.17"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Description of the pectoral bone in quadrupeds</span> <br clear="none"/>In these animals (as can be seen even while eating), <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>53</sup> </a> the pectoral bone consists of seven bones, not so different from each other in form. In dogs, pigs, and sheep, they look alike; but in apes and squirrels, because of the articulation of the clavicles, the first and highest bone is somewhat wider than the others. These seven bones are wider than they are deep or thick, and where they are joined together they are somewhat wider than they are in the middle. Their connection by intervening cartilage is sometimes so loosely accomplished that it differs only slightly from the structure of the vertebrae (R, R in the fig. for ch. 14) [<i>discus intervertebralis</i>], but this connection belongs to the category of symphysis or union, like that of the epiphyses with their bones. But it is possible to see this connection even in quite aged cattle. Hence I wonder about Galen in his book De ossibus, how he could have written that the bones of the chest are joined by synarthrosis, even though they are put together with neither harmonia [<i>sutura plana</i>] nor suture and much less with gomphosis, these being the types of juncture which he included under synarthrosis <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>54</sup> </a> in the beginning of his book. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>55</sup> </a> In the sides of these points of juncture a depression [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis II</i>] is carved on either side, to which a tubercle of the cartilage [<i>cartilago costalis</i>] into which the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s revert is joined. At the point where the first bone of the sternum [<i>manubrium sterni</i>] meets the second [<i>corpus sterni</i>], <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 92</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/>the cartilage of the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> on each side is articulated. At the junction [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis III</i>] of the second bone with the third, the cartilage of the third <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> on each side <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>56</sup> </a> is attached in its turn to the points of union of its pectoral bones. The cartilage of the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is articulated <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>57</sup> </a> —or rather attached—to the sides [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis I</i>] of the first bone; for this juncture resembles a union more than a joint. The seventh bone, which is more slender and rounded than the rest, comes to a cartilaginous point that is broader than the bone itself, and quite like the point of a sword. The pattern of the pectoral bone is very much of this sort in dogs and apes, which you will agree Galen was looking at when you compare his account of the pectoral bone to the preliminary statements which we have just made. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.18"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Description of the human pectoral bone</span> <br clear="none"/>But if you had studied the human pectoral bone (all of figs. 6 and 7) (which is in general broad, though by far the shortest if compared with the bones of other animals), you would notice that it is much different. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>58</sup> </a> For I can affirm with certainty that I have never found seven bones in the human pectoral bone, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>59</sup> </a> nor in man are these bones always found in the same number. In adults, about three are seen, quite different from each other. The first [<i>manubrium sterni</i>] is remarkably wide (g to h in fig. 1, and in 6 and 7 from s to t) and also rather thick, but only to the degree that its thickness is greatly exceeded by its breadth. On its inner or posterior surface (o in fig. 7) where it faces the cavity of the thorax, this bone is slightly concave; on the anterior it is convex, and much thicker in the middle lengthwise than at its sides, for it is depressed on the sides of its anterior surface and made thin to match the thickness of the cartilage of the first <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> (p in figs. 6 and 7) [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis I</i>]. In the middle, though, it protrudes in a triangular shape (q, r, l in fig. 6) for strength. The upper part of the bone (p, q, s, r in figs. 6 and 7) is much thicker and broader than the lower (t, u in figs. 6 and 7), and has on each side a single long depression [<i>incisura clavicularis</i>] (q, r in figs. 6 and 7) cut towards the posterior and lined with cartilage: to this the head [<i>extremitas sternalis</i>] of the clavicle (A in fig. 1, ch. 22) is articulated. Between these depressions, because of their swelling inner sides, this first bone is lunate (s in figs. 6 and 7) in this upper surface and shows a kind of fovea [<i>incisura jugularis</i>] which we properly call <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">sfagh/</font> and iugulum, “throat,” and laymen the upper fork. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>60</sup> </a> The lower part of the bone (t in figs. 6 and 7) is quite rough and is so loosely attached by cartilaginous ligament <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>61</sup> </a> to the second bone [<i>corpus sterni</i>], which I shall now desc<font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>e, that the connection of these bones never goes unnoticed, and its motion is sometimes actually perceived during deep breathing. The second bone (from h to i in fig. 1) is much wider than it is thick, and denser on its upper surface where it is attached to the first bone (t in figs. 6 and 7) than it is near the bottom (near <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">e</font> in fig. 6). But nowhere is it as wide as the upper part of the first bone. At the point where this second bone is joined to the first, a bluntly angled depression [<i>incisura cartilaginis costalis II</i>] (u in figs. 6 and 7) is carved on either side of the joint, common to both bones and lined with cartilage; to this the cartilage of the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> (D in fig. 1), protruding like the tip of a rather blunt triangle, is articulated. Besides this depression, the present bone forms many others [<i>incisurae cartilaginis costalis</i>] (x, y, z, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">a</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">b</font> in figs. 6, 7) on each side in a similar manner, pushed in at a blunt angle; these are separated at not at all uniform intervals. The first depression [<i>incisura</i>] on each side belonging to this bone, made for the cartilage of the third <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>, is farther from the depression incised for the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> than from the second depression peculiar to this bone, carved for the fourth <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>62</sup> </a> Again, a greater interval stands between the second depression and the third than between the third and the fourth, so that the depressions carved in this bone for the sixth and seventh <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s adjoin each other and are scarcely separated; <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>63</sup> </a> they are also not so deeply excavated as the higher ones. This second bone by itself receives the cartilages of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s which protrude like the cartilage of the second <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> (E in fig. 3). In children, it is seen to have been formed from several bones (<font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">g</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">d</font>, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">e</font> in fig. 6) knit together by the symphysis or fusion of cartilage. But this knitting-together <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>64</sup> </a> is never comparable to an ape’s or a dog’s structure of bones, since it is much harder to see and the lower bones are much shorter than the upper. In cemeteries the second bone is almost always unearthed in one piece and separate from the first, just as the vertebrae are brought up separated from each other, although by chance you will observe another type of structure in the second bone, as if it was made of several bones. This will most often appear where the cartilage of the third <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> is articulated to the bone (<font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">g</font> in fig. 6) <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>65</sup> </a>, and next often where the cartilages of the fourth <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are joined into the pectoral bone (<font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">d</font> in fig. 6) <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>66</sup> </a>. Now the third bone [<i>processus xyphoideus</i>] (from i to k in fig. 1, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">z</font> in figs. 6 and 7) is scanty, and is joined to the inner part of the lower surface of the second bone by the same method <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>67</sup> </a> as it has been explained the first is joined to the second; it is joined to the second bone where the cartilages of the seventh <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s are articulated to the lowest part of the second bone <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>68</sup> </a>. This bone is moderately wide and thin, and in its lower portion it reverts into a pointed cartilage. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>69</sup> </a> <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.19"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">Comparison of the pectoral bone to a sword</span> <br clear="none"/>But you will not infrequently find it is missing, and you will see a pointed cartilage (k in fig. 1, <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">h</font> in figs. 6 and 7) attached where the cartilages of the seventh <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s meet and are articulated to the second pectoral bone. If you now join the three pectoral bones together, you will see the image of a sword handle. The upper part of the first bone, which is rather wide, will correspond to that part of the handle which lies below the little finger when gripped. The second bone will match that part which the entire hand embraces within it, where the depressions made for the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> cartilages will be like the ones in which the fingers can be braced. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>70</sup> </a> This is the function the depressions would have which we seek in swords from the roughness of the handle, whenever we take the trouble to cover the handle with twisted and knotted cords <br clear="left"/> <table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right"> <font face="arial" size="-4"> <hr noshade="true" size="1"/> <i>page 93</i> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br/>or the scaly skin of a fish. The third bone together with the cartilage <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>71</sup> </a> could be compared to the remaining part of the sword, and many as a result have called this whole bone structure <font color="green" face="Sgreek,Sgreek Medium,Sgreek Fixed,Athenian">cifoeidh/j</font> <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>72</sup> </a> from its resemblance to a sword. Others, who have looked at dogs and apes rather than humans, consider only the pointed cartilage worthy of that name; because it resembles the shape of a sword’s point, but the pectoral bone of dogs cannot as aptly be compared to a sword’s shape as the human bone. This comparison of images confirms that human cadavers had been employed in dissection by the ancients, while Galen used the bodies of apes. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.20"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The pectoral bone is crescent-shaped on both sides</span> <br clear="none"/>The words of Celsus, where he wrote that the pectoral bone is crescent-shaped on both sides, support this view. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>73</sup> </a> For he made this false statement concerning apes and dogs even though nothing of the sort appears in them. For in man the first pectoral bone is much wider above and the second is wider below, than when they have been joined together. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.21"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The substance of the pectoral bone</span> <br clear="none"/>The substance of the pectoral bone is quite soft and spongy, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>74</sup> </a> and is covered on its anterior surface by a more uninterrupted scale [<i>pars ossea, substantia corticalis</i>] than on its posterior; for the posterior scale has many foramina of different sizes which are not open at both ends but only provide access to vessels [<i>arteria thoracica interna</i>] (following A, A in fig. 2, Bk. 6) by which this bone is nourished. These foramina are more conspicuous in the first bone [<i>manubrium sterni</i>] to the same degree that the thickness of this bone exceeds that of the second [<i>corpus sterni</i>]. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.22"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The use of the pectoral bone</span> <br clear="none"/>That the pectoral bone was created to stabilize the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s that form the space of the thorax in a series of rings, is I think known to all. Likewise it is known that it serves in the second place as a bulwark and performs those functions for man that the thoracic bones as a class provide, which we stated at the beginning of this chapter. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.23"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The use of the pointed cartilage</span> <br clear="none"/>The cartilage [<i>processus xiphoideus</i>] with which the pectoral bone ends in a point is also a protection for the things beneath, and is popularly called malum granatum, the pomegranate, <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>75</sup> </a> I think because it resembles a tip of the pomegranate blossom. Also because of its shape, laymen call it the epiglottal cartilage, from its resemblance to the operculum [<i>epiglottis</i>] of the larynx (figs. 12 and 13, ch. 38), which in appearance is not altogether unlike <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>76</sup> </a> the cartilage of the pectoral bone. We shall append a large number of such names to the end of this book together with the names of other bones. <br clear="none"/> </p> <a name="FA.1.19.24"></a><p> <span class="SECTIONHEAD">The course of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s</span> <br clear="none"/>Nothing remains now to be added, except perhaps the course of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, which is far different in the bones of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s than in their cartilages. When the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font> bones [<i>costae</i>] (from a through c to f in figure 3) first leave the vertebrae, they slant downward to the posterior, and from here (from f to A in figure 3) they decline to the sides of the thorax, always obliquely downward towards the front until they end in cartilage extending in a curve upward to the anterior (from B to E in the same figure). Thus when the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s first put forth cartilage [<i>c. costalis</i>] they bend in an arc and an angle more or less upward. This course of the <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s (see the skeletons, particularly the second) is evident not only in those which are attached to the pectoral bone, but also in all the rest with the possible exception of the twelfth, whose cartilage faces quite obscurely upward. This curvature is seen especially in the middle <font xmlns="" color="red">rib</font>s, which is to say the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth, while in the upper and lower ones it is more subtle. <a class="footnote" href="" target="rightlowerframe" shape="rect"> <sup>77</sup> </a> <br clear="none"/> </p> <br clear="left"/> <table align="center" width="560" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <p align="center"> <span class="nolink">Book One -- The things that sustain and support the entire body, and what braces and attaches them all. [the bones and the ligaments that interconnect them]</span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> <p align="center"> <img src="" width="560" border="0" align="left" ismap="ISMAP" usemap="#ChapterMap"/> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 08:36:52 Jul 06, 2007 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 12:55:42 Jan 03, 2025. 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