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41 sur 41 </div> <div class="filter"> <label for="list_order">Order by : </label> <select id="list_order" name="or"> <option value="product_description ASC" >From A to Z</option> <option value="min_price ASC" >From least to most expensive</option> <option value="min_price DESC" >From most to least expensive</option> </select> </div> <hr/> </div> <div class="product_list"> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="The UNESCO Global Geoparks"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">The UNESCO Global Geoparks</a> <div class="for_detail text"> UNESCO Geoparks are places with outstanding geological and landscape features, where there are strong local efforts to make the most of Earth heritage through education, conservation and tourism. ... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">50,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3210175)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Patrimoine Mondial n°105"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Patrimoine Mondial n°105</a> <div class="for_detail text"> En septembre 2023, la liste du patrimoine mondial s'est enrichie de 42 nouveaux sites, dont 33 sites culturels et 9 sites naturels. L'Afrique a célébré une étape importante, L'Afrique a franchi une... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3210181)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="World Heritage Review 105"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">World Heritage Review 105</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Traditions, ancestral knowledge and ways of life of local communities are essential elements of World Heritage. In the quest to continue safeguarding and promoting cultural and natural treasures of... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3210182)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Patrimoine Mondial n°106"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Patrimoine Mondial n°106</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Le patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO est bien plus qu'une liste de sites remarquables. Il représente le patrimoine communcommun de l'humanité - un ensemble de trésors culturels et naturels qui... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3311218)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="World Heritage Review 106"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">World Heritage Review 106</a> <div class="for_detail text"> UNESCO's World Heritage is much more than a List of remarkable sites. It represents the common heritage of humanity – a collection of cultural and natural treasures that transcend borders and... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3311219)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Africa in the UNESCO Art Collection"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Africa in the UNESCO Art Collection</a> <div class="for_detail text"> No continent reflects better than Africa the diversity of periods, techniques, raw materials, media and artistic styles in the UNESCO Art Collection. Textiles, woodwork, tapestries, sculptures,... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">30,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2749093)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Bintou & Issa – on the island of Gorée"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Bintou & Issa – on the island of Gorée</a> <div class="for_detail text"> In this first title of the Bintou & Issa picture book series, the twins, their grandparents and closest friends visit the Island of Gorée off the coast of Senegal, opposite Dakar. Developed within... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">6,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3210178)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Financement climatique fourni et mobilisé par les pays développés en 2016-2020"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Financement climatique fourni et mobilisé par les pays développés en 2016-2020</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Ce rapport fournit une analyse de donnée désagrégée sur le financement climatique fourni et mobilisé en 2016-2020, ventilée par composantes, thèmes, secteurs et instruments financiers. Il explore... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">25,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2892830)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Human rights and people who use drugs in the Mediterranean region (2022)"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Human rights and people who use drugs in the Mediterranean region (2022)</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Developing a better understanding of the meaning of human rights in drug policy When people have a history of dependence, they often experience stigmatisation and are frequently perceived as... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">32,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2893659)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Incredible Treasures UNESCO World Heritage Sites of India"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Incredible Treasures UNESCO World Heritage Sites of India</a> <div class="for_detail text"> As of May 2021, there are 38 World Heritage Sites in India listed bythe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) which include 30 cultural sites, seven natural sites... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">40,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2734251)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Inde : Trésors du Patrimoine mondial"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Inde : Trésors du Patrimoine mondial</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Terre de contrastes, l’Inde est jalonnée de merveilles culturelles et naturelles qui attestent de la richesse de son histoire. Quarante sites indiens sont à ce jour inscrits sur la Liste du Patrimoine... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">39,90 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2801003)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Le Courrier de l’UNESCO Laboratoire d’idées Anthologie - Volume I : Penseurs"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Le Courrier de l’UNESCO Laboratoire d’idées Anthologie - Volume I : Penseurs</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Au cours des 75 années d’existence de l’UNESCO, jamais Le Courrier, la revue phare de l’UNESCO, n’avait publié une anthologie d’une telle envergure. Ces volumes réunissent les articles de grands... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">25,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2855624)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Le Courrier de l’UNESCO Laboratoire d’idées Anthologie - Volume II : Créateurs"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Le Courrier de l’UNESCO Laboratoire d’idées Anthologie - Volume II : Créateurs</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Au cours des 75 années d’existence de l’UNESCO, jamais Le Courrier, la revue phare de l’UNESCO, n’avait publié une anthologie d’une telle envergure. Ces volumes réunissent les articles de grands... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">25,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2855625)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="L’Afrique dans la Collection d’art de l’UNESCO"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">L’Afrique dans la Collection d’art de l’UNESCO</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Aucun continent ne reflète mieux que l’Afrique la diversité des périodes, des techniques, des matières premières, des supports et des styles artistiques de la collection d’œuvres d’art de l’UNESCO.... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">30,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2749090)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2022 pdf version"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2022 pdf version</a> <div class="for_detail text"> In a global economy where multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a prominent role, governments need to ensure that the taxable profits of MNEs are not artificially shifted out of their jurisdiction and... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">99,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2781726)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Ocean Science and International Cooperation Historical and personal recollections"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Ocean Science and International Cooperation Historical and personal recollections</a> <div class="for_detail text"> International scientific cooperation is fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge on the ocean, its condition and related sustainable development issues. This book presents the personal insight on the... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">25,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2761586)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Our natural world heritage: 50 of the most beautiful and biodiverse places"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Our natural world heritage: 50 of the most beautiful and biodiverse places</a> <div class="for_detail text"> his lush, photo-driven guide introduces 50 of the most magnificently biodiverse places around the world, revealing not only their physical beauty but also celebrating the flora and fauna that make... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">50,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(3210179)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Patrimoine mondial 102: Le secteur privé s’implique"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Patrimoine mondial 102: Le secteur privé s’implique</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Les sites du patrimoine mondial nécessitent des ressources énormes pour leur protection. Les besoins de conservation sont satisfaits de différentes manières par les gouvernements, les communautés... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2862970)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Patrimoine mondial 103: 50e anniversaire de la Convention"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Patrimoine mondial 103: 50e anniversaire de la Convention</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Le 16 novembre 2022, la Convention du patrimoine mondial a fêté son 50e anniversaire. Ce numéro retrace l’évolution de la Convention au cours de cette période, à travers des histoires de préservation... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2889869)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Patrimonio Mundial 102: El sector privado se involucra"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Patrimonio Mundial 102: El sector privado se involucra</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Los sitios del Patrimonio Mundial requieren para su protección un enorme número de recursos. Los gobiernos, las comunidades dinámicas o los donantes de muchos tipos satisfacen las necesidades de... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2865049)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Patrimonio Mundial 103: 50º aniversario de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Patrimonio Mundial 103: 50º aniversario de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial</a> <div class="for_detail text"> El 16 de noviembre de 2022, la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial celebró su 50º aniversario. Este número recorre la evolución de la Convención a lo largo de este periodo, a través de historias de... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2889899)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l'intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales 2022"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l'intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales 2022</a> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">165,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="" class="out_of_stock" >Out of stock</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l'intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales 2022 pdf version"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l'intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales 2022 pdf version</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Dans une économie mondiale où les entreprises multinationales (EMN) jouent un rôle prépondérant, les gouvernements doivent s’assurer que les profits imposables des EMN ne sont pas transférés... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">99,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2782068)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Re | pensar las políticas para la creatividad: plantear la cultura como un bien público global"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Re | pensar las políticas para la creatividad: plantear la cultura como un bien público global</a> <div class="for_detail text"> La cultura y la creatividad constituyen el 3,1 % del Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) mundial y el 6,2 % del total del empleo. El valor de las exportaciones de bienes y servicios culturales se ha... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">55,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2855653)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Re | penser les politiques en faveur de la créativité – 2022 – La culture, un bien public mondial"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Re | penser les politiques en faveur de la créativité – 2022 – La culture, un bien public mondial</a> <div class="for_detail text"> La culture et la créativité représentent 3,1 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) mondial et 6,2 % du total des emplois. Les exportations de biens et services culturels ont doublé de valeur depuis 2005,... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">55,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2855642)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Reimagining our Futures Together A new social contract for education"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Reimagining our Futures Together A new social contract for education</a> <div class="for_detail text"> The interwoven futures of humanity and our planet are under threat. Urgent action, taken together, is needed to change course and reimagine our futures. Education, long acknowledged as a powerful... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">35,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2757726)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Repenser nos futurs ensemble Un nouveau contrat social pour l’éducation"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Repenser nos futurs ensemble Un nouveau contrat social pour l’éducation</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Devant la menace qui pèse sur les futurs communs de l’humanité et de la planète Terre, il est devenu urgent d’entreprendre une action commune pour changer de cap et repenser nos futurs. Reconnue de... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">35,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2757727)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Resilience Through Knowledge Co-Production Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Global Environmental Change"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Resilience Through Knowledge Co-Production Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Global Environmental Change</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Confronted with the complex environmental crises of the Anthropocene, scientists have moved towards an interdisciplinary approach to address challenges that are both social and ecological. Several... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">60,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2843884)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Saving our World Heritage"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Saving our World Heritage</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Our world is full of wonders. From historic cities, castles and cathedrals to magnificent mountains, rainforests and oceans, the world’s greatest treasures belong to all humankind. This is our world... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">19,55 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2889890)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Systèmes judiciaires européens - Rapport d’évaluation de la CEPEJ - Cycle d’évaluation 2022 (données 2020) - Partie 1: Tableaux, graphiques et analyses (2022)"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Systèmes judiciaires européens - Rapport d’évaluation de la CEPEJ - Cycle d’évaluation 2022 (données 2020) - Partie 1: Tableaux, graphiques et analyses (2022)</a> <div class="for_detail text"> La nouvelle édition du rapport de la Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice (CEPEJ), qui évalue le fonctionnement des systèmes judiciaires de 44 États membres du Conseil de l’Europe... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">39,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2886460)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Tarification des émissions de gaz à effet de serre"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Tarification des émissions de gaz à effet de serre</a> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">25,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2892876)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="The Future of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues – Heritage Reconstruction in Theory and Practice"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">The Future of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues – Heritage Reconstruction in Theory and Practice</a> <div class="for_detail text"> The publication will contribute significantly to the available literature on post-conflict conservation ethics and provide an important historical record of the possible reconstruction of the Bamiyan... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">49,99 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2589079)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="The UNESCO Adventure (bilingual edition French/English)"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">The UNESCO Adventure (bilingual edition French/English)</a> <div class="for_detail text"> UNESCO was born out of a simple conviction: peace and development require stronger foundations than those resulting from political and economic arrangements between states. To better understand and... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">45,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2890441)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="The Unesco Adventure - L’Aventure de l’UNESCO - (édition bilingue français-anglais)"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">The Unesco Adventure - L’Aventure de l’UNESCO - (édition bilingue français-anglais)</a> <div class="for_detail text"> L’UNESCO est née d’une conviction simple : la paix et le développement des peuples doivent s’appuyer sur des fondements plus solides que les seuls accords politiques ou économiques entre les États.... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">45,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2890440)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Transformer le futur - L’anticipation au XXIe siècle"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Transformer le futur - L’anticipation au XXIe siècle</a> <div class="for_detail text"> Rien ne garantit que les choix que nous faisons aujourd’hui créeront un avenir meilleur – mais nous pouvons mieux exploiter notre imagination pour saisir les possibilités du présent et concevoir des... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">54,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2556558)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="Transforming ideas: Volume II: Creators"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">Transforming ideas: Volume II: Creators</a> <div class="for_detail text"> 2 VOLUMES Throughout UNESCO’s 75 years of existence, never before has the Courier, UNESCO’s flagship magazine, published an anthology, in book form, with such scope and scale. These two volumes bring... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">25,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2747426)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="UNESCO Art Collection Selected works"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">UNESCO Art Collection Selected works</a> <div class="for_detail text"> UNESCO has established, since its creation in Paris, a notable and diverse collection of artworks. The works currently exhibited in the UNESCO buildings bear witness to the richness of artistic... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">55,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2749094)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="UNESCO Collection d’art Sélection d’œuvres"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">UNESCO Collection d’art Sélection d’œuvres</a> <div class="for_detail text"> L’UNESCO a constitué, depuis sa création à Paris, une collection notable et diversifiée d’œuvres d’art. Les œuvres actuellement exposées dans les bâtiments de l’UNESCO témoignent de la richesse de la... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">55,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2749089)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="World Heritage Review 102: The private sector pitches in"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">World Heritage Review 102: The private sector pitches in</a> <div class="for_detail text"> World Heritage sites require an enormous number of resources for their protection. Conservation needs are met in different ways by governments, vibrant communities, or donors of many types. But... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2862971)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="World Heritage Review 103: 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">World Heritage Review 103: 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention</a> <div class="for_detail text"> On 16 November 2022, the World Heritage Convention celebrated its 50th anniversary. This issue traces the evolution of the Convention over these five decades, through emblematic preservation stories... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">7,50 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2889881)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="World Heritage for Sustainable Development in Africa / Le Patrimoine mondial pour un développement durable en Afrique"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">World Heritage for Sustainable Development in Africa / Le Patrimoine mondial pour un développement durable en Afrique</a> <div class="for_detail text"> This new UNESCO publication examines World Heritage and sustainable development in Africa. It addresses not only the challenges of safeguarding World Heritage in the Africa region but also the process... </div> </div> <div class="buy_price"> <div class="price">30,00 € </div> <div class="for_detail"><a href="" class="btn" >View product</a></div> <div class="buynow"> <a href="javascript:addCart(2734252)" class="btn btn-cart" >Buy now</a> </div> </div> <hr class="for_detail"/> </div> </div> <hr/> </div> </div><!-- End #content --> </div> <!-- End #main --> <div id="sidebar"> <div id="blognav"> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="categoriesstore"> <div class='widget_title title'> Catalog </div> <ul><li class="l1 category-current" ><a href="">Just published</a></li><li class="l1" ><span class="folder">Periodicals</span><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">Unesco Courier</a><ul><li class="l3" ><a href="">Le Courrier de l'Unesco</a></li><li class="l3" ><a href="">The Unesco Courier</a></li><li class="l3" ><a href="">Correo de la Unesco</a></li><li class="l3" ><a href="Курьер-ЮНЕСКО/">Курьер ЮНЕСКО</a></li><li class="l3" ><a href="">رسالة اليونسكو</a></li></ul></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">World Heritage Review</a><ul><li class="l3" ><a href="">La Revue du Patrimoine Mondial</a></li><li class="l3" ><a href="">World Heritage Review</a></li><li class="l3" ><a href="">Patrimonio Mundial</a></li></ul></li></ul></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">History</a><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">History of Humanity Complete Set 7 volumes</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">General History of Africa Collection I - VIII</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">History of Civilizations of Central Asia</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture</a></li></ul></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Education</a></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Sciences</a></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Environment</a><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">Earth</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Air / Climate</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Water / Sea / Ocean</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Territories, cities, rural areas</a></li></ul></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Culture</a><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">Fine arts</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">World Heritage</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Music</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Inventory of Monuments at Pagan</a></li></ul></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Communication</a></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Social Science</a><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">Human Rights</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Religions, Ethics, Philosophy</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Migrations - Peoples - Ethnology</a></li></ul></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Economy</a><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">Tax</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Legislation</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Finance</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Public Governance</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Employment</a></li></ul></li><li class="l1" ><a href="">Literature</a><ul><li class="l2" ><a href="">Colección « Archivos »</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Youth</a></li><li class="l2" ><a href="">Novel, theater, poetry</a></li></ul></li></ul></div><div id="product"> <div class='widget_title title'> Just Published </div> <p></p> <div class="product_list"> <div> <div class='productInList'> <a href="" class='image'><div class="perspective"> <img src="" alt="World Heritage Review 106"/> </div></a> <div class='desc'> <a href="">World Heritage Review 106</a> <div class="for_detail text"> UNESCO's World Heritage is much more than a List of remarkable sites. 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