The Exclusive Home of NFL Sunday Ticket - YouTube & YouTube TV

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Terms &amp; embargoes apply. No refunds. Puerto Rico, USVI, and commercial use excluded. See full terms for YouTube TV and Primetime Channels. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="st-hero__poster"> <picture class="st-hero__poster-picture"> <source media="(min-width: 1500px)" srcset=", 1x, 2x"/> <source media="(min-width: 1200px)" srcset=", 1x, 2x"/> <source media="(min-width: 900px)" srcset=", 1x, 2x"/> <source media="(min-width: 600px)" srcset=", 1x, 2x"/> <source media="(max-width: 414px)" srcset=", 1x, 2x"/> <source srcset=", 1x, 2x"/> <img style=" object-fit: cover; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; " src=" 0x" alt="" loading="eager" width="2880" height="1516" fetchpriority="high"/> </picture> </div> </section> <section id="id-email-capture" class="st-notify st-module st-module--theme-dark st-module--gutter-top st-module--gutter-bottom" theme="dark"> <div class="st-module__head"> <h2 class="st-module__headline lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-font--no-crop"> Be an insider </h2> </div> <div class="st-module__body"> <!-- Failure or Success Messages --> <div class="st-notify__form-user-message" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true"> <p class="st-notify__form-user-message-copy lb-font-subhead-4"></p> </div> <form class="st-notify__form" lb-auto-init-lazy="EmailCaptureForm" lb-options="{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;fbx-email&quot;,&quot;successString&quot;:&quot;Thanks! 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Easy set-up to start watching in minutes. </p> </div> </article> <article class="st-value-prop-shelf__tile"> <div class="st-value-prop-shelf__tile-media"> <img src="" alt="Redzone from NFL Network logo" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" max-width: 324px; object-fit: contain; height: 100%; width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 915/597; " width="915" height="597" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> <header class="st-value-prop-shelf__tile-name"> <h3 class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-500"> Get even more with YouTube TV and/or NFL RedZone </h3> </header> <div class="st-value-prop-shelf__tile-descriptor"> <p class="lb-font-body-1 lb-font-color-grey-2"> Bundle with YouTube TV for more live TV, or get it standalone. Available with or without NFL RedZone. </p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </section> <section id="id-plan-matrix" lb-auto-init-lazy="TileSupervisor" lb-tile-supervisor-options="{&quot;measureHeadline&quot;:false}" class="st-compare st-module st-module--theme-dark st-module--gutter-top st-module--gutter-bottom"> <div class="st-module__head"> <h2 class="st-module__headline lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-font--no-crop"> Flexible plan options: Bundled with YouTube TV or standalone <span class="st-sentence-no-orphan">with YouTube</span> </h2> </div> <div class="st-module__body st-module__body--wide st-compare__tile-container" style="--tile--flex-align: stretch"> <div class="st-compare__tile st-compare__tile--theme-light"> <!-- Tile Header --> <div class="st-compare__tile-head"> <div class="st-compare__tile-brand-logo"> <svg width="217" height="51" viewbox="0 0 217 51" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M190.379 37.8002V9.1602H195.939V5.2002H179.839V9.1602H185.399V37.8002H190.379Z" 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153.458 19.5 153.458 24.4V27.36Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M175.291 23.68C175.291 17.48 174.411 13.66 168.351 13.66C162.551 13.66 161.031 17.52 161.031 23.92V28.2C161.031 34.12 162.311 38.18 168.211 38.18C172.871 38.18 175.391 35.8 175.111 31.08L170.811 30.84C170.731 33.76 170.071 34.92 168.311 34.92C166.091 34.92 165.931 32.76 165.931 29.28V27.56H175.291V23.68ZM168.231 16.94C170.371 16.94 170.571 18.9 170.571 22.58V24.76H165.931V22.58C165.931 18.94 166.111 16.94 168.231 16.94Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M29.54 41C29.54 41 47.44 41 51.88 39.8C54.38 39.12 56.26 37.16 56.92 34.74C58.14 30.3 58.14 20.96 58.14 20.96C58.14 20.96 58.14 11.68 56.92 7.28C56.26 4.8 54.38 2.88 51.88 2.22C47.44 1 29.54 1 29.54 1C29.54 1 11.68 1 7.26 2.22C4.8 2.88 2.88 4.8 2.18 7.28C1 11.68 1 20.96 1 20.96C1 20.96 1 30.3 2.18 34.74C2.88 37.16 4.8 39.12 7.26 39.8C11.68 41 29.54 41 29.54 41Z" fill="#ff0000"/> <path d="M38.6794 20.9599L23.8594 12.4199V29.5599L38.6794 20.9599Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <!-- Offer Badge --> </div> <!-- Headline --> <h3 class="st-compare__tile-headline lb-font-headline-4 lb-font-weight-700"> NFL Sunday Ticket +<br/> YouTube TV </h3> </div> <!-- Divider Line --> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Body --> <div class="st-compare__tile-body st-compare__tile-body--flex-col lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanel" lb-auto-init-lazy="PlanTile" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': true}"> <!-- Tile Surface --> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface st-compare__tile-body-content" id="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-0"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <ul class="st-compare__matrix"> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>NFL Sunday Ticket: Every Sunday game<sup>1</sup></span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>YouTube TV Base Plan: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">100+ live channels</a> like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports and local &amp; national NFL games for an additional $72.99/mo</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Unavailable" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewbox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M11.9 0.899976L11.1 0.0999756L6.00001 5.29998L0.900006 0.0999756L0.100006 0.899976L5.30001 5.99998L0.100006 11.1L0.900006 11.9L6.00001 6.69998L11.1 11.9L11.9 11.1L6.70001 5.99998L11.9 0.899976Z" fill="#c00"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span class="st-string-desaturate-30">With NFL RedZone get whip around coverage of every game on Sunday afternoon</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Watch on your TV and supported devices</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>No 2-year contract required</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Unlimited simultaneous streams at home for NFL Sunday Ticket content</span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Footer --> <div class="st-compare__tile-foot"> <div lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'index': 0}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-0" id="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-0"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase st-purchase--signup st-purchase--align-start"> <div class="st-purchase__discount lb-font-body"> <div class="st-purchase__discount-offer"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase__info-field"> <span class="st-purchase__info-icon"> <svg viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_45017_274"> <rect width="24" height="24" fill="white"/> </clippath> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_45017_274)"> <path d="M 11 17 L 13 17 L 13 11 L 11 11 L 11 17 Z M 12 9 C 12.283 9 12.517 8.908 12.7 8.725 C 12.9 8.525 13 8.283 13 8 C 13 7.717 12.9 7.483 12.7 7.3 C 12.517 7.1 12.283 7 12 7 C 11.717 7 11.475 7.1 11.275 7.3 C 11.092 7.483 11 7.717 11 8 C 11 8.283 11.092 8.525 11.275 8.725 C 11.475 8.908 11.717 9 12 9 Z M 12 22 C 10.617 22 9.317 21.742 8.1 21.225 C 6.883 20.692 5.825 19.975 4.925 19.075 C 4.025 18.175 3.308 17.117 2.775 15.9 C 2.258 14.683 2 13.383 2 12 C 2 10.617 2.258 9.317 2.775 8.1 C 3.308 6.883 4.025 5.825 4.925 4.925 C 5.825 4.025 6.883 3.317 8.1 2.8 C 9.317 2.267 10.617 2 12 2 C 13.383 2 14.683 2.267 15.9 2.8 C 17.117 3.317 18.175 4.025 19.075 4.925 C 19.975 5.825 20.683 6.883 21.2 8.1 C 21.733 9.317 22 10.617 22 12 C 22 13.383 21.733 14.683 21.2 15.9 C 20.683 17.117 19.975 18.175 19.075 19.075 C 18.175 19.975 17.117 20.692 15.9 21.225 C 14.683 21.742 13.383 22 12 22 Z" style="fill: var(--lb-color-dark-blue)"/> </g> </svg> </span> <div> Requires an active YouTube TV Base Plan, priced at $72.99/mo </div> </div> <div class="st-purchase__signup-button"> <a lb-auto-init-lazy="LBAutoAnalytics,ButtonAugmentor" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] Button: YouTube TV - Notify Me&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;[module] Plan Tiles&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-button-augmentor-options="{&quot;gtm&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;event&quot;:&quot;select_content&quot;,&quot;eventParamsItemId&quot;:&quot;ytv_offer_nflst&quot;}" aria-label="Click here to submit your email address." class="st-button lb-button lb-button--filled" href="#id-email-capture"> Notify Me </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile st-compare__tile--theme-light st-compare__tile--with-ribbon"> <!-- Tile Header --> <div class="st-compare__tile-head"> <div class="st-compare__tile-head-ribbon"> <span class="lb-font-color-white-1 lb-font-footnote">Most NFL action 🏆</span> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile-brand-logo"> <svg width="217" height="51" viewbox="0 0 217 51" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M190.379 37.8002V9.1602H195.939V5.2002H179.839V9.1602H185.399V37.8002H190.379Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M203.124 37.8002H209.884L215.424 5.2002H210.184L208.304 19.8602C207.744 24.2002 207.344 28.0002 206.684 33.1802H206.244C205.684 28.4202 205.124 24.0602 204.584 19.8602L202.684 5.2002H197.444L203.124 37.8002Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M74.3988 37.8V27.3L80.7988 5.19996H75.8587L73.4987 15.18C72.9587 17.46 72.4588 19.88 72.0988 21.96H71.7988C71.5588 20.02 70.9588 17.52 70.4388 15.14L68.1588 5.19996H63.2188L69.4987 27.3V37.8H74.3988Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M86.9934 13.66C81.6734 13.66 79.4134 16.66 79.4134 24.24V27.64C79.4134 34.44 80.8934 38.2 86.8734 38.2C92.6134 38.2 94.3534 34.56 94.3534 27.64V24.24C94.3534 17.5 92.7334 13.66 86.9934 13.66ZM89.2934 29.8C89.2934 33.32 88.6534 34.92 86.8734 34.92C85.1534 34.92 84.4534 33.32 84.4534 29.8V22C84.4534 18.96 84.9734 17 86.8734 17C88.8734 17 89.2934 19.06 89.2934 22V29.8Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M101.631 38.14C104.091 38.14 106.011 37 107.351 34.54H107.531L107.871 37.8H111.611V14.14H106.651V33.02C106.091 34.08 104.991 34.7 103.911 34.7C102.511 34.7 102.071 33.58 102.071 31.54V14.14H97.1109V31.84C97.1109 35.9 98.3709 38.14 101.631 38.14Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M121.133 37.8V9.15996H126.693V5.19996H110.593V9.15996H116.153V37.8H121.133Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M129.895 38.14C132.355 38.14 134.275 37 135.615 34.54H135.795L136.135 37.8H139.875V14.14H134.915V33.02C134.355 34.08 133.255 34.7 132.175 34.7C130.775 34.7 130.335 33.58 130.335 31.54V14.14H125.375V31.84C125.375 35.9 126.635 38.14 129.895 38.14Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M153.518 13.62C151.298 13.62 149.438 14.76 148.258 16.86H148.098C148.218 14.52 148.298 12.34 148.298 10.62V3.95996H143.417L143.398 25L143.417 37.8H147.658L148.098 35.4H148.298C149.298 37.08 151.097 38.02 153.217 38.02C156.857 38.02 158.497 34.74 158.497 27.68V24.06C158.497 17.12 157.618 13.62 153.518 13.62ZM153.458 27.36C153.458 32.16 152.798 34.64 150.938 34.64C149.978 34.64 148.798 34.2 148.277 33.34V19.46C148.717 18.04 149.777 17.06 151.057 17.06C152.937 17.06 153.458 19.5 153.458 24.4V27.36Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M175.291 23.68C175.291 17.48 174.411 13.66 168.351 13.66C162.551 13.66 161.031 17.52 161.031 23.92V28.2C161.031 34.12 162.311 38.18 168.211 38.18C172.871 38.18 175.391 35.8 175.111 31.08L170.811 30.84C170.731 33.76 170.071 34.92 168.311 34.92C166.091 34.92 165.931 32.76 165.931 29.28V27.56H175.291V23.68ZM168.231 16.94C170.371 16.94 170.571 18.9 170.571 22.58V24.76H165.931V22.58C165.931 18.94 166.111 16.94 168.231 16.94Z" fill="#212121"/> <path d="M29.54 41C29.54 41 47.44 41 51.88 39.8C54.38 39.12 56.26 37.16 56.92 34.74C58.14 30.3 58.14 20.96 58.14 20.96C58.14 20.96 58.14 11.68 56.92 7.28C56.26 4.8 54.38 2.88 51.88 2.22C47.44 1 29.54 1 29.54 1C29.54 1 11.68 1 7.26 2.22C4.8 2.88 2.88 4.8 2.18 7.28C1 11.68 1 20.96 1 20.96C1 20.96 1 30.3 2.18 34.74C2.88 37.16 4.8 39.12 7.26 39.8C11.68 41 29.54 41 29.54 41Z" fill="#ff0000"/> <path d="M38.6794 20.9599L23.8594 12.4199V29.5599L38.6794 20.9599Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <!-- Offer Badge --> </div> <!-- Headline --> <h3 class="st-compare__tile-headline lb-font-headline-4 lb-font-weight-700"> NFL Sunday Ticket +<br/> NFL RedZone +<br/> YouTube TV </h3> </div> <!-- Divider Line --> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Body --> <div class="st-compare__tile-body st-compare__tile-body--flex-col lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanel" lb-auto-init-lazy="PlanTile" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': true}"> <!-- Tile Surface --> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface st-compare__tile-body-content" id="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-1"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <ul class="st-compare__matrix"> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>NFL Sunday Ticket: Every Sunday game<sup>1</sup></span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>YouTube TV Base Plan: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">100+ live channels</a> like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports and local &amp; national NFL games for an additional $72.99/mo</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>With NFL RedZone get whip around coverage of every game on Sunday afternoon</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Watch on your TV and supported devices</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>No 2-year contract required</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Unlimited simultaneous streams at home for NFL Sunday Ticket content</span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Footer --> <div class="st-compare__tile-foot"> <div lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'index': 1}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-1" id="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-1"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase st-purchase--signup st-purchase--align-start"> <div class="st-purchase__discount lb-font-body"> <div class="st-purchase__discount-offer"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase__info-field"> <span class="st-purchase__info-icon"> <svg viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_45017_274"> <rect width="24" height="24" fill="white"/> </clippath> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_45017_274)"> <path d="M 11 17 L 13 17 L 13 11 L 11 11 L 11 17 Z M 12 9 C 12.283 9 12.517 8.908 12.7 8.725 C 12.9 8.525 13 8.283 13 8 C 13 7.717 12.9 7.483 12.7 7.3 C 12.517 7.1 12.283 7 12 7 C 11.717 7 11.475 7.1 11.275 7.3 C 11.092 7.483 11 7.717 11 8 C 11 8.283 11.092 8.525 11.275 8.725 C 11.475 8.908 11.717 9 12 9 Z M 12 22 C 10.617 22 9.317 21.742 8.1 21.225 C 6.883 20.692 5.825 19.975 4.925 19.075 C 4.025 18.175 3.308 17.117 2.775 15.9 C 2.258 14.683 2 13.383 2 12 C 2 10.617 2.258 9.317 2.775 8.1 C 3.308 6.883 4.025 5.825 4.925 4.925 C 5.825 4.025 6.883 3.317 8.1 2.8 C 9.317 2.267 10.617 2 12 2 C 13.383 2 14.683 2.267 15.9 2.8 C 17.117 3.317 18.175 4.025 19.075 4.925 C 19.975 5.825 20.683 6.883 21.2 8.1 C 21.733 9.317 22 10.617 22 12 C 22 13.383 21.733 14.683 21.2 15.9 C 20.683 17.117 19.975 18.175 19.075 19.075 C 18.175 19.975 17.117 20.692 15.9 21.225 C 14.683 21.742 13.383 22 12 22 Z" style="fill: var(--lb-color-dark-blue)"/> </g> </svg> </span> <div> Requires an active YouTube TV Base Plan, priced at $72.99/mo </div> </div> <div class="st-purchase__signup-button"> <a lb-auto-init-lazy="LBAutoAnalytics,ButtonAugmentor" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] Button: YouTube TV - Notify Me&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;[module] Plan Tiles&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-button-augmentor-options="{&quot;gtm&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;event&quot;:&quot;select_content&quot;,&quot;eventParamsItemId&quot;:&quot;ytv_offer_nflst_redzone&quot;}" aria-label="Click here to submit your email address." class="st-button lb-button lb-button--filled" href="#id-email-capture"> Notify Me </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile"> <!-- Tile Header --> <div class="st-compare__tile-head"> <div class="st-compare__tile-brand-logo"> <svg width="177" height="51" viewbox="0 0 177 51" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M74.3968 37.8V27.3L80.7968 5.19996H75.8568L73.4968 15.18C72.9568 17.46 72.4568 19.88 72.0968 21.96H71.7968C71.5568 20.02 70.9568 17.52 70.4368 15.14L68.1568 5.19996H63.2168L69.4968 27.3V37.8H74.3968Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M86.9915 13.66C81.6715 13.66 79.4115 16.66 79.4115 24.24V27.64C79.4115 34.44 80.8915 38.2 86.8715 38.2C92.6115 38.2 94.3515 34.56 94.3515 27.64V24.24C94.3515 17.5 92.7315 13.66 86.9915 13.66ZM89.2915 29.8C89.2915 33.32 88.6515 34.92 86.8715 34.92C85.1515 34.92 84.4515 33.32 84.4515 29.8V22C84.4515 18.96 84.9715 17 86.8715 17C88.8715 17 89.2915 19.06 89.2915 22V29.8Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M101.629 38.14C104.089 38.14 106.009 37 107.349 34.54H107.529L107.869 37.8H111.609V14.14H106.649V33.02C106.089 34.08 104.989 34.7 103.909 34.7C102.509 34.7 102.069 33.58 102.069 31.54V14.14H97.109V31.84C97.109 35.9 98.369 38.14 101.629 38.14Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M121.131 37.8V9.15996H126.691V5.19996H110.591V9.15996H116.151V37.8H121.131Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M129.893 38.14C132.353 38.14 134.273 37 135.613 34.54H135.793L136.133 37.8H139.873V14.14H134.913V33.02C134.353 34.08 133.253 34.7 132.173 34.7C130.773 34.7 130.333 33.58 130.333 31.54V14.14H125.373V31.84C125.373 35.9 126.633 38.14 129.893 38.14Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M153.516 13.62C151.296 13.62 149.436 14.76 148.256 16.86H148.096C148.216 14.52 148.296 12.34 148.296 10.62V3.95996H143.416L143.396 25L143.416 37.8H147.656L148.096 35.4H148.296C149.296 37.08 151.096 38.02 153.216 38.02C156.856 38.02 158.496 34.74 158.496 27.68V24.06C158.496 17.12 157.616 13.62 153.516 13.62ZM153.456 27.36C153.456 32.16 152.796 34.64 150.936 34.64C149.976 34.64 148.796 34.2 148.276 33.34V19.46C148.716 18.04 149.776 17.06 151.056 17.06C152.936 17.06 153.456 19.5 153.456 24.4V27.36Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M175.289 23.68C175.289 17.48 174.409 13.66 168.349 13.66C162.549 13.66 161.029 17.52 161.029 23.92V28.2C161.029 34.12 162.309 38.18 168.209 38.18C172.869 38.18 175.389 35.8 175.109 31.08L170.809 30.84C170.729 33.76 170.069 34.92 168.309 34.92C166.089 34.92 165.929 32.76 165.929 29.28V27.56H175.289V23.68ZM168.229 16.94C170.369 16.94 170.569 18.9 170.569 22.58V24.76H165.929V22.58C165.929 18.94 166.109 16.94 168.229 16.94Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M29.54 41C29.54 41 47.44 41 51.88 39.8C54.38 39.12 56.26 37.16 56.92 34.74C58.14 30.3 58.14 20.96 58.14 20.96C58.14 20.96 58.14 11.68 56.92 7.28C56.26 4.8 54.38 2.88 51.88 2.22C47.44 1 29.54 1 29.54 1C29.54 1 11.68 1 7.26 2.22C4.8 2.88 2.88 4.8 2.18 7.28C1 11.68 1 20.96 1 20.96C1 20.96 1 30.3 2.18 34.74C2.88 37.16 4.8 39.12 7.26 39.8C11.68 41 29.54 41 29.54 41Z" fill="#ff0000"/> <path d="M38.6794 20.9599L23.8594 12.4199V29.5599L38.6794 20.9599Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <!-- Offer Badge --> </div> <!-- Headline --> <h3 class="st-compare__tile-headline lb-font-headline-4 lb-font-weight-700"> NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube </h3> </div> <!-- Divider Line --> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Body --> <div class="st-compare__tile-body st-compare__tile-body--flex-col lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanel" lb-auto-init-lazy="PlanTile" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': true}"> <!-- Tile Surface --> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface st-compare__tile-body-content" id="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <ul class="st-compare__matrix"> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>NFL Sunday Ticket: Every out-of-market Sunday afternoon game<sup>1</sup></span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Unavailable" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewbox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M11.9 0.899976L11.1 0.0999756L6.00001 5.29998L0.900006 0.0999756L0.100006 0.899976L5.30001 5.99998L0.100006 11.1L0.900006 11.9L6.00001 6.69998L11.1 11.9L11.9 11.1L6.70001 5.99998L11.9 0.899976Z" fill="#c00"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span class="st-string-desaturate-30">YouTube TV Base Plan: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">100+ live channels</a> like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports and local &amp; national NFL games for an additional $72.99/mo</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Unavailable" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewbox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M11.9 0.899976L11.1 0.0999756L6.00001 5.29998L0.900006 0.0999756L0.100006 0.899976L5.30001 5.99998L0.100006 11.1L0.900006 11.9L6.00001 6.69998L11.1 11.9L11.9 11.1L6.70001 5.99998L11.9 0.899976Z" fill="#c00"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span class="st-string-desaturate-30">With NFL RedZone get whip around coverage of every game on Sunday afternoon</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Watch on your TV and supported devices</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>No 2-year contract required</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Unlimited simultaneous streams at home for NFL Sunday Ticket content</span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Footer --> <div class="st-compare__tile-foot"> <div lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'index': 2}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-2" id="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase st-purchase--signup st-purchase--align-start st-purchase--theme-dark"> <div class="st-purchase__discount lb-font-body"> <div class="st-purchase__discount-offer"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase__signup-button"> <a lb-auto-init-lazy="LBAutoAnalytics,ButtonAugmentor" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] Button: YouTube Primetime - Notify Me&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;[module] Plan Tiles&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-button-augmentor-options="{&quot;gtm&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;event&quot;:&quot;select_content&quot;,&quot;eventParamsItemId&quot;:&quot;ytv_offer_nflst&quot;}" aria-label="Click here to submit your email address." class="st-button lb-button lb-button--filled" href="#id-email-capture"> Notify Me </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile"> <!-- Tile Header --> <div class="st-compare__tile-head"> <div class="st-compare__tile-brand-logo"> <svg width="177" height="51" viewbox="0 0 177 51" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M74.3968 37.8V27.3L80.7968 5.19996H75.8568L73.4968 15.18C72.9568 17.46 72.4568 19.88 72.0968 21.96H71.7968C71.5568 20.02 70.9568 17.52 70.4368 15.14L68.1568 5.19996H63.2168L69.4968 27.3V37.8H74.3968Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M86.9915 13.66C81.6715 13.66 79.4115 16.66 79.4115 24.24V27.64C79.4115 34.44 80.8915 38.2 86.8715 38.2C92.6115 38.2 94.3515 34.56 94.3515 27.64V24.24C94.3515 17.5 92.7315 13.66 86.9915 13.66ZM89.2915 29.8C89.2915 33.32 88.6515 34.92 86.8715 34.92C85.1515 34.92 84.4515 33.32 84.4515 29.8V22C84.4515 18.96 84.9715 17 86.8715 17C88.8715 17 89.2915 19.06 89.2915 22V29.8Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M101.629 38.14C104.089 38.14 106.009 37 107.349 34.54H107.529L107.869 37.8H111.609V14.14H106.649V33.02C106.089 34.08 104.989 34.7 103.909 34.7C102.509 34.7 102.069 33.58 102.069 31.54V14.14H97.109V31.84C97.109 35.9 98.369 38.14 101.629 38.14Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M121.131 37.8V9.15996H126.691V5.19996H110.591V9.15996H116.151V37.8H121.131Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M129.893 38.14C132.353 38.14 134.273 37 135.613 34.54H135.793L136.133 37.8H139.873V14.14H134.913V33.02C134.353 34.08 133.253 34.7 132.173 34.7C130.773 34.7 130.333 33.58 130.333 31.54V14.14H125.373V31.84C125.373 35.9 126.633 38.14 129.893 38.14Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M153.516 13.62C151.296 13.62 149.436 14.76 148.256 16.86H148.096C148.216 14.52 148.296 12.34 148.296 10.62V3.95996H143.416L143.396 25L143.416 37.8H147.656L148.096 35.4H148.296C149.296 37.08 151.096 38.02 153.216 38.02C156.856 38.02 158.496 34.74 158.496 27.68V24.06C158.496 17.12 157.616 13.62 153.516 13.62ZM153.456 27.36C153.456 32.16 152.796 34.64 150.936 34.64C149.976 34.64 148.796 34.2 148.276 33.34V19.46C148.716 18.04 149.776 17.06 151.056 17.06C152.936 17.06 153.456 19.5 153.456 24.4V27.36Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M175.289 23.68C175.289 17.48 174.409 13.66 168.349 13.66C162.549 13.66 161.029 17.52 161.029 23.92V28.2C161.029 34.12 162.309 38.18 168.209 38.18C172.869 38.18 175.389 35.8 175.109 31.08L170.809 30.84C170.729 33.76 170.069 34.92 168.309 34.92C166.089 34.92 165.929 32.76 165.929 29.28V27.56H175.289V23.68ZM168.229 16.94C170.369 16.94 170.569 18.9 170.569 22.58V24.76H165.929V22.58C165.929 18.94 166.109 16.94 168.229 16.94Z" fill="#ffffff"/> <path d="M29.54 41C29.54 41 47.44 41 51.88 39.8C54.38 39.12 56.26 37.16 56.92 34.74C58.14 30.3 58.14 20.96 58.14 20.96C58.14 20.96 58.14 11.68 56.92 7.28C56.26 4.8 54.38 2.88 51.88 2.22C47.44 1 29.54 1 29.54 1C29.54 1 11.68 1 7.26 2.22C4.8 2.88 2.88 4.8 2.18 7.28C1 11.68 1 20.96 1 20.96C1 20.96 1 30.3 2.18 34.74C2.88 37.16 4.8 39.12 7.26 39.8C11.68 41 29.54 41 29.54 41Z" fill="#ff0000"/> <path d="M38.6794 20.9599L23.8594 12.4199V29.5599L38.6794 20.9599Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <!-- Offer Badge --> </div> <!-- Headline --> <h3 class="st-compare__tile-headline lb-font-headline-4 lb-font-weight-700"> NFL Sunday Ticket +<br/> NFL RedZone on YouTube </h3> </div> <!-- Divider Line --> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Body --> <div class="st-compare__tile-body st-compare__tile-body--flex-col lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanel" lb-auto-init-lazy="PlanTile" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'computeBeforeOpen': true, 'open': true}"> <!-- Tile Surface --> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface st-compare__tile-body-content" id="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-3" role="region" aria-labelledby="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-3"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <ul class="st-compare__matrix"> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>NFL Sunday Ticket: Every out-of-market Sunday afternoon game<sup>1</sup></span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Unavailable" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewbox="0 0 16 16" fill="none"> <path d="M11.9 0.899976L11.1 0.0999756L6.00001 5.29998L0.900006 0.0999756L0.100006 0.899976L5.30001 5.99998L0.100006 11.1L0.900006 11.9L6.00001 6.69998L11.1 11.9L11.9 11.1L6.70001 5.99998L11.9 0.899976Z" fill="#c00"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span class="st-string-desaturate-30">YouTube TV Base Plan: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">100+ live channels</a> like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports and local &amp; national NFL games for an additional $72.99/mo</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>With NFL RedZone get whip around coverage of every game on Sunday afternoon</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Watch on your TV and supported devices</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>No 2-year contract required</span> </div> </li> <li class="st-compare__matrix-row"> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col st-compare__matrix-col--square"> <svg aria-label="Feature Available" width="20" height="16" viewbox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6 16.0001L0 10.0001L1.41 8.59008L6 13.1701L18.59 0.580078L20 2.00008L6 16.0001Z" fill="#2BA640"/> </svg> </div> <div class="st-compare__matrix-col"> <span>Unlimited simultaneous streams at home for NFL Sunday Ticket content</span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__tile-divider-line st-compare__tile-divider-line--dense"></div> <!-- Tile Footer --> <div class="st-compare__tile-foot"> <div lb-auto-init-component="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sundayticket-plan', 'index': 3}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="id-sundayticket-plan-panel-3" id="id-sundayticket-plan-trigger-3"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase st-purchase--signup st-purchase--align-start st-purchase--theme-dark"> <div class="st-purchase__discount lb-font-body"> <div class="st-purchase__discount-offer"></div> </div> <div class="st-purchase__signup-button"> <a lb-auto-init-lazy="LBAutoAnalytics,ButtonAugmentor" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] Button: YouTube Primetime - Notify Me&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;[module] Plan Tiles&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-button-augmentor-options="{&quot;gtm&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;event&quot;:&quot;select_content&quot;,&quot;eventParamsItemId&quot;:&quot;ytv_offer_nflst_redzone&quot;}" aria-label="Click here to submit your email address." class="st-button lb-button lb-button--filled" href="#id-email-capture"> Notify Me </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="st-compare__footer"> <p> <sup>1</sup>&nbsp;Locally broadcast Fox and CBS games, Sunday Night Football on NBC, select digital-only games and international games excluded </p> </div> </section> <section id="id-proof-quote" class="st-quote st-module st-module--theme-dark st-module--gutter-top st-module--gutter-bottom" theme="dark"> <div class="st-quote__claim lb-padding-top-l--bp-auto lb-padding-bottom-l--bp-auto"> <blockquote class="st-quote__claim-text st-font--global-no-crop"> <span class="lb-font-headline-3 lb-font-weight-500"> NFL Sunday Ticket and YouTube TV is $500/yr less than if you paid for NFL Sunday Ticket with DIRECTV as a returning subscriber. <sup class="lb-font-subhead-2"> 3 </sup></span> </blockquote> <div class="st-quote__disclaimer lb-font-disclaimer lb-margin-top-l--bp-auto"> <p> <strong>3</strong> Savings based on a study by SmithGeiger Group comparing the 2023 cost of YouTube TV with NFL Sunday Ticket to the 2022 cost of DIRECTV Choice for returning subscribers with NFL Sunday Ticket in the top 50 Nielsen DMAs, including all fees, taxes, DVR box rental and service fee, and a second cable box for the home. $500 average savings does not include potential promotional discounts and users could save up to $833. </p> </div> <img class="st-quote__bloom-image" src="" alt="" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" role="presentation" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" width: 100vw; height: auto; max-width: 897px; object-fit: cover; overflow: hidden; aspect-ratio: 897/896; " width="897" height="896" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> </section> <section class="st-module st-module--theme-dark st-module--dense st-module--gutter-top st-module--gutter-bottom" theme="dark"> <div class="st-accolades__content-wrapper"> <h2 class="st-accolades__headline lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-font--no-crop"> A football experience worth talking about </h2> <div class="st-accolades__cards" style="--shelf--tile-count: 3"> <div class="st-accolades__tile"> <div class="st-accolades__quote">”</div> <h3 class="st-accolades__tile-title lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-500"> &quot;NFL Sunday Ticket Just Looks Better on YouTube TV&quot; </h3> <p class="st-accolades__tile-quote">Barrett Sports Media</p> <div class="st-accolades__background-image" lb-auto-init-lazy="Dimmer" lb-options="{&quot;index&quot;:0,&quot;max&quot;:0.3}"> <img src="" alt="" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" role="presentation" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" width: 100%; height: 100%; max-width: 600px; object-fit: cover; overflow: hidden; aspect-ratio: 6000/4000; " width="6000" height="4000" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> </div> <div class="st-accolades__tile"> <div class="st-accolades__quote">”</div> <h3 class="st-accolades__tile-title lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-500"> &quot;NFL fans love Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV&quot; </h3> <p class="st-accolades__tile-quote">Awful Announcing</p> <div class="st-accolades__background-image" lb-auto-init-lazy="Dimmer" lb-options="{&quot;index&quot;:1,&quot;max&quot;:0.3}"> <img src="" alt="" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" role="presentation" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" width: 100%; height: 100%; max-width: 600px; object-fit: cover; overflow: hidden; aspect-ratio: 3988/2659; " width="3988" height="2659" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> </div> <div class="st-accolades__tile"> <div class="st-accolades__quote">”</div> <h3 class="st-accolades__tile-title lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-500"> &quot;...Scores a Touchdown&quot; </h3> <p class="st-accolades__tile-quote">Streaming Media Blog</p> <div class="st-accolades__background-image" lb-auto-init-lazy="Dimmer" lb-options="{&quot;index&quot;:2,&quot;max&quot;:0.3}"> <img src="" alt="" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" role="presentation" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" width: 100%; height: 100%; max-width: 600px; object-fit: cover; overflow: hidden; aspect-ratio: 5004/3336; " width="5004" height="3336" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> </div> </div> <img class="st-accolades__bloom-image" src="" alt="" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" role="presentation" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" width: 50vw; height: auto; max-width: 2880px; object-fit: cover; overflow: hidden; aspect-ratio: 2880/2738; " width="2880" height="2738" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> </section> <section id="id-how-to-watch" class="st-value-prop st-module st-module--theme-dark st-module--gutter-top st-module--gutter-bottom st-value-prop--nested-headline" theme="dark"> <div class="st-module__body st-value-prop__split"> <div class="st-value-prop__split-media"> <img src="" alt="" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" role="presentation" lb-options="{ &quot;_0x&quot;: &quot; 0x&quot;, &quot;_1x&quot;: &quot; 1x&quot;, &quot;_2x&quot;: &quot; 2x&quot;, &quot;_3x&quot;: &quot; 3x&quot; }" style=" max-width: 680px; object-fit: contain; height: 100%; width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 1954/1128; " width="1954" height="1128" fetchpriority="auto"/> </div> <div class="st-value-prop__split-entries"> <!-- Nested headline --> <h2 class="st-module__headline st-value-prop__nested-headline lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-font--no-crop"> How to watch NFL <span class="st-sentence-no-orphan">Sunday Ticket</span> </h2> <!-- Optional module detail --> <ul class="st-value-prop__entries"> <li class="st-value-prop__entries-entry"> <div class="st-value-prop__entry-name lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700"> 1. Bundle or Standalone </div> <div class="st-value-prop__entry-descriptor lb-font-body"> <p> Bundle with 100+ live channels TV like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN on YouTube TV, or get it standalone </p> </div> </li> <li class="st-value-prop__entries-entry"> <div class="st-value-prop__entry-name lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700"> 2. Keep your internet </div> <div class="st-value-prop__entry-descriptor lb-font-body"> <p> Make sure you have a high-speed internet connection: at a minimum a 3+ Mbps connection, but we recommend 7+ Mbps for higher quality </p> </div> </li> <li class="st-value-prop__entries-entry"> <div class="st-value-prop__entry-name lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-weight-700"> 3. Watch on supported devices </div> <div class="st-value-prop__entry-descriptor lb-font-body"> <p> Download the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube</a> and/or <a href=";amp;ref_topic=7071745" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube TV</a> apps in your supported device&rsquo;s app store by searching "YouTube" or visit and/or to watch directly from your computer. Learn more about supported devices on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube</a> &amp; <a href=";amp;ref_topic=7071745" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube TV</a> </p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section id="id-faqs" class="st-faq st-module st-module st-module--gutter-top"> <div class="st-module__head"> <h2 class="st-module__headline lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-font--no-crop"> Have questions? <span class="st-sentence-no-orphan">We have answers.</span> </h2> <div class="st-faq__contact-link"> <p> Visit the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Help Center</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="st-module__body st-faq__container"> <div class="st-faq__list"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What is NFL Sunday Ticket and what games are included?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 0}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-0" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header0"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What is NFL Sunday Ticket and what games are included?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header0"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> NFL Sunday Ticket is a premium out-of-market sports package that broadcasts all out-of-market regular season Sunday National Football League games^ not available on your local broadcast in your area (NBC, CBS or Fox affiliate). So if you're a Dallas Cowboys fan but live in Miami, you'd be able to watch all of the Sunday Cowboys games that aren't shown on NBC, CBS or FOX in your local market. <a href="">See what remaining NFL games are included with each plan</a>. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What is NFL RedZone?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 1}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-1" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header1"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What is NFL RedZone?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header1"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> Scott Hanson kicks off your Sunday with 7 hours of live football coverage, featuring up to 8 games at once within the Octobox. NFL RedZone brings you every touchdown, from every game, every Sunday afternoon during the regular season. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What is YouTube TV?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 2}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-2" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header2"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What is YouTube TV?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube TV</a> is a subscription streaming service that lets you watch live TV from major broadcast and popular cable networks in English and Spanish. Enjoy local and national live sports, breaking news, and must-see shows the moment they air. Included: unlimited cloud DVR storage space so you can record your favorites, and stream them wherever you go. You also get 6 accounts per household, so share with your family members or roommates. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What stations do you carry in my area?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 3}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-3" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header3"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What stations do you carry in my area?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-3" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header3"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> YouTube TV is a live TV service that carries similar channels as traditional cable or satellite TV (for example NBC, FOX, ABC or ESPN). But unlike those services, it is delivered to your TVs and devices through the Internet. You don't need a satellite dish or other dedicated equipment to use it. All you need is internet and a supported streaming device, which can be on your TV. YouTube TV costs $72.99 per/mo, and NFL Sunday Ticket is an additional charge. Many previous NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers have found they can save money by switching to YouTube TV and adding NFL Sunday Ticket vs what they paid last year. And if you want to check out what channels YouTube TV has in your area, you can do that here (link to zip lookup tool) If you don&rsquo;t want a new TV service and you are happy with your existing service, you can buy NFL Sunday Ticket by itself from YouTube Primetime Channels. You'll watch the games right in the YouTube app on your supported devices. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What is YouTube Primetime Channels?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 4}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-4" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header4"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What is YouTube Primetime Channels?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-4" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header4"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube Primetime Channels</a> is a new way for users to subscribe and watch content from their favorite streaming services right on the YouTube app. With over 30 channels, users can browse, sign up for and watch their favorite shows, movies, sports and more, directly on YouTube. Watch all of your channels, such as Paramount+, AMC+, ViX+, STARZ and more, on the same YouTube you use today. It's the way to watch out-of-market games and NFL RedZone, all within the same YouTube you use today. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;Where else is NFL Sunday Ticket available?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 5}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-5" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header5"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">Where else is NFL Sunday Ticket available?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-5" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header5"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> YouTube is now the exclusive home of NFL Sunday Ticket. Our exclusive NFL Sunday Ticket package is only exclusive to your home, on the go and includes features like unlimited simultaneous streams at home, key plays, real time stats, the ability to view your Fantasy Football metrics, and the option to watch up to 4 games at once. Commercial use excluded. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;Will I need a YouTube TV membership to get NFL Sunday Ticket?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 6}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-6" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header6"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">Will I need a YouTube TV membership to get NFL Sunday Ticket?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-6" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header6"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> No. Having a YouTube TV membership is not required. You can purchase NFL Sunday Ticket by itself with YouTube Primetime Channels-no bundling is required. However, if you bundle NFL Sunday Ticket with YouTube TV, it'll save you $500/yr less than if you paid for NFL Sunday Ticket and DIRECTV last year as a returning subscriber<sup>3</sup>. Plus, with YouTube TV you'll get 100+ live TV channels like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports and local &amp; national NFL games. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about switching from DIRECTV.</a> </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> <p> <strong>3</strong> Savings based on a study by SmithGeiger Group comparing the 2023 cost of YouTube TV with NFL Sunday Ticket to the 2022 cost of DIRECTV Choice for returning subscribers with NFL Sunday Ticket in the top 50 Nielsen DMAs, including all fees, taxes, DVR box rental and service fee, and a second cable box for the home. $500 average savings does not include potential promotional discounts and users could save up to $833. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;Will I be able to get NFL RedZone without NFL Sunday Ticket?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 7}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-7" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header7"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">Will I be able to get NFL RedZone without NFL Sunday Ticket?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-7" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header7"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> Yes, if you have YouTube TV Base Plan, you can also access NFL RedZone by purchasing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sports Plus</a> on YouTube TV for a monthly fee, but it's more cost-effective to get NFL RedZone with NFL Sunday Ticket package. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;Will I be able to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket/NFL Sunday Ticket with NFL RedZone?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 8}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-8" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header8"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">Will I be able to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket/NFL Sunday Ticket with NFL RedZone?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-8" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header8"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> If you purchase a NFL Sunday Ticket package, your purchase is nonrefundable. Additionally, if you purchase the YouTube TV NFL Sunday Ticket/NFL Sunday Ticket with NFL RedZone package, you must also keep an active YouTube TV subscription until, and throughout, the 2023-2024 regular NFL season to keep watching NFL Sunday Ticket. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Please contact our Customer Service if you have any additional questions</a>. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;How many streams do I get?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 9}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-9" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header9"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">How many streams do I get?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-9" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header9"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> NFL Sunday Ticket can be watched on unlimited (simultaneous) streams at home and 2 additional streams out of the home for household members on the go. </p> <p> For example, you can tune in on your living room TV while a family member watches on their tablet from a different room, and another member watches at the same time on their mobile phone when at home. But outside your home, you can only watch on up to two separate streams. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn how to share NFL Sunday Ticket with your family</a>. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What is the YouTube TV Base Plan?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 10}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-10" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header10"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What is the YouTube TV Base Plan?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-10" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header10"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> The Base Plan is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YouTube TV's</a> core live TV offering. It includes 100+ live channels like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports, new, shows, and more. It also includes unlimited DVR space, 6 accounts per household, and other benefits. And for an additional monthly charge, you can always stack your lineup with a few more add-on networks. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;Are monthly payment plans available?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 11}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-11" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header11"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">Are monthly payment plans available?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-11" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header11"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> Yes, if monthly payment plans are offered in your state, you&rsquo;ll see the option to buy NFL Sunday Ticket as a single payment or 4 payments over 4 months when you&rsquo;re signing up on web (desktop &amp; mobile). Users pay the same price for NFL Sunday Ticket whether paying via in a single payment or via 4 monthly payments. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;What devices are supported?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 12}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-12" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header12"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">What devices are supported?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-12" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header12"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> You can watch NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV on&nbsp;<a href=";p=NFL_Sunday_Ticket_YTV_Devices&amp;rd=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">these devices</a>. </p> <p> You can watch NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube Primetime Channels on&nbsp;<a href=";p=NFL_Sunday_Ticket_YT_Devices&amp;rd=1#smart_tv" target="_blank" rel="noopener">these devices</a>. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanel" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-expansion-panel-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'computeBeforeOpen': true}"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div lb-auto-init-lazy="LBExpansionPanelTrigger,LBAutoAnalytics" lb-analytics-options="{&quot;eventAction&quot;:&quot;click&quot;,&quot;eventCategory&quot;:&quot;[yt-sunday-ticket] FAQ Trigger&quot;,&quot;eventLabel&quot;:&quot;If I sign up, can I share with family members?&quot;,&quot;scrubReferrer&quot;:&quot;True&quot;}" lb-expansion-panel-trigger-options="{'family': 'sunday-ticket-faq', 'index': 13}" class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sunday-ticket-faq-13" id="sunday-ticket-faq-header13"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name lb-font-weight-600">If I sign up, can I share with family members?</span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="sunday-ticket-faq-13" role="region" aria-labelledby="sunday-ticket-faq-header13"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <p> Yes. When you create a Google family group, you can share YouTube TV or access to Primetime Channels with up to 5 other members of your household at no extra cost. Each of you will be able to use your own Google account to log in and access the service once you've set up your family group. Want to know more about family sharing? Learn more about: How to create a Google family group How to manage your Google family group How to manage a Google family group with YouTube TV. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer theme="dark" class="lb-footer" role="contentinfo" lb-auto-init-lazy="LBCustomFooter" lb-options="{ 'bareUrl': '/learn/nflsundayticket/', 'locales': '' }"></footer> <!-- Faq structured data --> <script type="application/ld+json" nonce="66YBtYYTLsPgmB8o3FokSg"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is NFL Sunday Ticket and what games are included?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>NFL Sunday Ticket is a premium out-of-market sports package that broadcasts all out-of-market regular season Sunday National Football League games^ not available on your local broadcast in your area (NBC, CBS or Fox affiliate). So if you're a Dallas Cowboys fan but live in Miami, you'd be able to watch all of the Sunday Cowboys games that aren't shown on NBC, CBS or FOX in your local market. <a href=\"\">See what remaining NFL games are included with each plan</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is NFL RedZone?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Scott Hanson kicks off your Sunday with 7 hours of live football coverage, featuring up to 8 games at once within the Octobox. NFL RedZone brings you every touchdown, from every game, every Sunday afternoon during the regular season.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is YouTube TV?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">YouTube TV</a> is a subscription streaming service that lets you watch live TV from major broadcast and popular cable networks in English and Spanish. Enjoy local and national live sports, breaking news, and must-see shows the moment they air. Included: unlimited cloud DVR storage space so you can record your favorites, and stream them wherever you go. You also get 6 accounts per household, so share with your family members or roommates.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What stations do you carry in my area?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>YouTube TV is a live TV service that carries similar channels as traditional cable or satellite TV (for example NBC, FOX, ABC or ESPN). But unlike those services, it is delivered to your TVs and devices through the Internet. You don't need a satellite dish or other dedicated equipment to use it. All you need is internet and a supported streaming device, which can be on your TV. YouTube TV costs $72.99 per/mo, and NFL Sunday Ticket is an additional charge. Many previous NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers have found they can save money by switching to YouTube TV and adding NFL Sunday Ticket vs what they paid last year. And if you want to check out what channels YouTube TV has in your area, you can do that here (link to zip lookup tool) If you don&rsquo;t want a new TV service and you are happy with your existing service, you can buy NFL Sunday Ticket by itself from YouTube Primetime Channels. You'll watch the games right in the YouTube app on your supported devices.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is YouTube Primetime Channels?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">YouTube Primetime Channels</a> is a new way for users to subscribe and watch content from their favorite streaming services right on the YouTube app. With over 30 channels, users can browse, sign up for and watch their favorite shows, movies, sports and more, directly on YouTube. Watch all of your channels, such as Paramount+, AMC+, ViX+, STARZ and more, on the same YouTube you use today. It's the way to watch out-of-market games and NFL RedZone, all within the same YouTube you use today.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Where else is NFL Sunday Ticket available?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>YouTube is now the exclusive home of NFL Sunday Ticket. Our exclusive NFL Sunday Ticket package is only exclusive to your home, on the go and includes features like unlimited simultaneous streams at home, key plays, real time stats, the ability to view your Fantasy Football metrics, and the option to watch up to 4 games at once. Commercial use excluded.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will I need a YouTube TV membership to get NFL Sunday Ticket?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>No. Having a YouTube TV membership is not required. You can purchase NFL Sunday Ticket by itself with YouTube Primetime Channels-no bundling is required. However, if you bundle NFL Sunday Ticket with YouTube TV, it'll save you $500/yr less than if you paid for NFL Sunday Ticket and DIRECTV last year as a returning subscriber<sup>3</sup>. Plus, with YouTube TV you'll get 100+ live TV channels like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports and local &amp; national NFL games.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about switching from DIRECTV.</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>3</strong> Savings based on a study by SmithGeiger Group comparing the 2023 cost of YouTube TV with NFL Sunday Ticket to the 2022 cost of DIRECTV Choice for returning subscribers with NFL Sunday Ticket in the top 50 Nielsen DMAs, including all fees, taxes, DVR box rental and service fee, and a second cable box for the home. $500 average savings does not include potential promotional discounts and users could save up to $833.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will I be able to get NFL RedZone without NFL Sunday Ticket?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, if you have YouTube TV Base Plan, you can also access NFL RedZone by purchasing <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Sports Plus</a> on YouTube TV for a monthly fee, but it's more cost-effective to get NFL RedZone with NFL Sunday Ticket package.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will I be able to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket/NFL Sunday Ticket with NFL RedZone?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>If you purchase a NFL Sunday Ticket package, your purchase is nonrefundable. Additionally, if you purchase the YouTube TV NFL Sunday Ticket/NFL Sunday Ticket with NFL RedZone package, you must also keep an active YouTube TV subscription until, and throughout, the 2023-2024 regular NFL season to keep watching NFL Sunday Ticket. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Please contact our Customer Service if you have any additional questions</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How many streams do I get?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>NFL Sunday Ticket can be watched on unlimited (simultaneous) streams at home and 2 additional streams out of the home for household members on the go.</p>\n<p>For example, you can tune in on your living room TV while a family member watches on their tablet from a different room, and another member watches at the same time on their mobile phone when at home. But outside your home, you can only watch on up to two separate streams. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn how to share NFL Sunday Ticket with your family</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the YouTube TV Base Plan?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The Base Plan is <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">YouTube TV's</a> core live TV offering. It includes 100+ live channels like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and ESPN for more live sports, new, shows, and more. It also includes unlimited DVR space, 6 accounts per household, and other benefits. And for an additional monthly charge, you can always stack your lineup with a few more add-on networks.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are monthly payment plans available?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes, if monthly payment plans are offered in your state, you&rsquo;ll see the option to buy NFL Sunday Ticket as a single payment or 4 payments over 4 months when you&rsquo;re signing up on web (desktop &amp; mobile). Users pay the same price for NFL Sunday Ticket whether paying via in a single payment or via 4 monthly payments.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What devices are supported?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>You can watch NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV on&nbsp;<a href=\";p=NFL_Sunday_Ticket_YTV_Devices&amp;rd=1\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">these devices</a>.</p>\n<p>You can watch NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube Primetime Channels on&nbsp;<a href=\";p=NFL_Sunday_Ticket_YT_Devices&amp;rd=1#smart_tv\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">these devices</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Learn more about NFL Sunday Ticket</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "If I sign up, can I share with family members?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Yes. When you create a Google family group, you can share YouTube TV or access to Primetime Channels with up to 5 other members of your household at no extra cost. Each of you will be able to use your own Google account to log in and access the service once you've set up your family group. Want to know more about family sharing? Learn more about: How to create a Google family group How to manage your Google family group How to manage a Google family group with YouTube TV.</p>" } } ] } </script> <script src="" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-category="2A" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-language="en" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-site-id="" nonce="66YBtYYTLsPgmB8o3FokSg"></script> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 01:41:01 Feb 05, 2024 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 04:12:16 Feb 18, 2025. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. 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