COP21 - Paris Climate Conference 2015 |

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This is a crucial milestone as it must result in a new international climate agreement applicable to all countries, with the objective of limiting global warming to below 2°C.</div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-name-field-partage field-type-pmv6-partage field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items "> <div class="field-item even first last"><div class="boutons-partage"><a href=";via=French_Gov" title="Tweet : COP21 - Nouvelle fenêtre" style="" class="bouton bouton-partage bouton-social bouton-partage-twitter" data-lang="en"><span class="icone icone-partage-twitter"></span><span class="bouton-texte">Tweet</span></a><a href="" title="Share on Facebook : COP21 - Nouvelle fenêtre" style="" class="bouton bouton-partage bouton-social bouton-partage-facebook partage-social" data-href="" data-share="" data-lang="en" data-title="COP21" data-caption="" data-description="" data-picture=""><span class="icone icone-partage-facebook"></span><span class="bouton-texte">Share</span></a><statgvt><a href="/web/20151212132902/;id=1979&amp;destination=node/1979&amp;lang=en" title="Send by e-mail : COP21" class="bouton colorbox-link bouton-partage bouton-partage-mail" data-lang="en"><span class="icone icone-partage-mail"></span><span class="bouton-texte">Send</span></a></statgvt></div><!-- /.boutons-partage --></div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-separateur"><div class="entete-separateur">&nbsp;</div></div><div class="field field-name-field-texte field-type-text-long field-label-hidden prose"> <div class="field-items "> <div class="field-item even first last">The fight against global warming, Major National Cause in France for 2015, is a vital challenge to tackle given that the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emphasised the significant role of human-induced climate change.<br/> <br/> The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted during the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Ratified by 196 parties, it recognised the existence of global warming caused by human activity and placed the responsibility of fighting against this phenomenon on industrialised countries.<br/> <br/> The Conference of the Parties (COP), the supreme decision-making body of the UNFCCC, meets yearly to take decisions that will make the objectives set in the fight against climate change achievable. Every year, the Conference is organised (based on a system of geographic rotation) in one of the countries in the five regional groups of the United Nations: Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) and Africa.<br/> <br/> The CMP serves as the meeting of the States Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. It ensures that the Protocol is implemented and promotes its effectiveness. Adopted in 1997 at the COP3 in Kyoto (Japan), this protocol marked a turning point in the fight against global warming: for the first time, 37 developed or transition countries committed to binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.<br/> <br/> During the 2009 Copenhagen Summit, the 195 countries that were represented postponed signing a global agreement until 2015. In September 2012, the President of the Republic, François Hollande, announced his intention to host the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in 2015. France was officially appointed host country during COP19 in Warsaw in 2013.<br/> <br/> &nbsp;<div class="asset-wrapper asset aid-3918 asset-citation alignement-gauche clearfix asset-full"> <div class="citation-alignement-gauche"> <div class="citation-photo"> <img src="" alt="François Hollande - UNO"/> </div> <blockquote class="citation-texte"> Following human rights, we are going to establish rights of Humanity, that is to say the right of everyone on Earth to live in a world whose future is not compromised by the lack of responsibility in the present. </blockquote> <div class="citation-auteur"> <div class="citation-auteur-nom"><cite>François Hollande</cite></div><div class="citation-auteur-fonction">26 November 2014</div> </div> </div> </div> &nbsp; <h2><br/> Unprecedented challenges</h2> <br/> COP21, also known as Paris 2015, will be one of the largest international conferences organised in France. France is facing a two-fold challenge: <ul> <li>as the host country, it will be responsible for hosting thousands of delegates and observers under the aegis of the United Nations, for two weeks, in the best possible conditions;</li> <li>as the country taking over the COP Presidency, it will need to act as a facilitator among all parties to the negotiations, in order to bring viewpoints together and ensure that an agreement is adopted unanimously.</li> </ul> This Conference is crucial because it must result in an international climate agreement enabling global warming to be limited to below 2°C.<br/> <br/> A number of decisions must be made in December 2015, building on the work carried out at COP20 in Lima.<br/> <br/> Firstly, <strong>an ambitious, binding agreement</strong> on climate change that applies to all countries. Secondly, intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) representing the investment that each country feels able to make. Climate finance will also be a crucial component. In this regard, a milestone has been reached with the initial capitalisation of the Green Climate Fund, amounting to $9.3 billion, including nearly $1 billion from France. The G7 Summit held in Elmau (Germany) on 8 June 2015 emphasised the preparation for the COP21. It offered an opportunity to send out clear commitments for climate negotiations and it reaffirmed the goal of $100 billion per year, by 2020, in favour of the development and the fight against global warming.<br/> <br/> But France also wants to establish optimal conditions for civil society participation. In particular, regular meetings will be held with civil society representatives (NGOs, businesses, unions, etc.) in order to gather opinions and involve all of those who are dedicated to making the conference a success. A dedicated civil society "village" has been set up. A report assigned to two senators on the role of local governments in climate negotiations further demonstrates France's wish to include territories and locally-elected representatives in the discussions.<br/> <br/> In addition, the initiatives developed by local authorities, civil society organisations and businesses will supplement the States' contributions. Indeed, France has chosen to support an Agenda of Solutions that brings together all the initiatives aimed at supplementing the international agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the impacts of climate change and financing.<br/> &nbsp; <h2>Major steps toward an agreement at Paris 2015</h2> <br/> The international community agreed on the first items in the text of the agreement in December 2014, during the COP20 conference in Lima.<br/> <br/> The States were invited to submit their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will be integrated into the agreement as of the first quarter of 2015. These projected commitments will be included in the contribution plans determined at the national level. The plans must then be subjected to a consultation period in order to determine if the combined commitments will allow the States to respect the objective of <strong>limiting the average increase in global temperature to below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels</strong>.<br/> <br/> <strong>The agreement must ensure that all countries are held to the same regulations</strong> so that they can jointly verify that efforts are being made to reduce emissions and so that there may be some assurance that the expected commitments have been successfully implemented. These measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) regulations will make up the heart of the 2015 agreement and should therefore be included in the legally binding section.<br/> <br/> All of the work to draw up the agreement is carried out by the<strong> </strong>Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (<em>ADP</em>)<em>.</em> The co-chairs of this working group play a key role in the success of the process, working closely with the UNFCCC Secretariat and with the country assuming the role of President of the Conference. They seek to take into account the views of all the parties, which are placed on equal terms. While only 28 countries were involved in the final negotiations of the Copenhagen agreement, <strong>the 196 parties of the Paris agreement should feel that they have co-authored the agreement so that they can claim ownership of it</strong>.<br/> <br/> Lastly, France has chosen to make this Conference exemplary in terms of environmental impact and will implement an action plan to minimise the impact of the meeting in terms of consumption of natural resources (water, waste, energy) and greenhouse gas emissions.<br/> &nbsp;<div class="asset-wrapper asset aid-3921 asset-citation alignement-gauche clearfix asset-full"> <div class="citation-alignement-gauche"> <div class="citation-photo"> <img src="" alt="French PM Manuel Valls" title="(c) Benoît Granier / Matignon"/> </div> <blockquote class="citation-texte"> There is no time to lose, action is needed quickly and it is this generation's responsibility to prepare a different world for the generations to come. </blockquote> <div class="citation-auteur"> <div class="citation-auteur-nom"><cite>Manuel Valls</cite></div><div class="citation-auteur-fonction">4 February 2015</div> </div> </div> </div> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h3>Countdown to COP21</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li>On 6 November 2015, <abbr title="Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development ">Laurent Fabius</abbr> presented the main goals of the informal ministerial meeting - the “pre-COP” - which he chaired together with Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Peruvian Minister of Environment and COP20 President. This “pre-COP” meeting took place in Paris from November 8 to 10 and brought together around 70 countries, including almost 60 at the ministerial level. Four major items were included on the agenda: the ambitions of the agreement, its fairness, the concrete actions to be undertaken before 2020 and the funding required after 2020. With three weeks left until the opening of the Paris conference, this meeting was a key step toward reaching a compromise that will ensure the adoption of a universal, ambitious and legally binding agreement in December.</li> </ul> &nbsp; <ul> <li>The Climate Convention Secretariat presented on 30 October 2015 a Synthesis Report on the effect of the national contributions [INDCs] published before 1 October by 146 countries ahead of the Paris conference. "The report shows that the national contributions enable us to change the situation and that they keep us from the worst-case scenario - i.e. warming of 4ºC to 5ºC or more. It confirms that it's possible to achieve a trajectory where warming is kept below 1.5ºC or 2ºC by the end of the century, but this means additional efforts over time. Some estimates put us on a trajectory of a 2.7º-3ºC increase by the end of the century. This confirms the importance of achieving an agreement at COP21 in Paris which sets the rules enabling us periodically to revise national contributions upwards", Laurent Fabius said.</li> </ul> &nbsp; <ul> <li>With less than 100 days to go before the Conference, the Head of State, François Hollande, chaired the event “<strong>France commits to climate action. Go COP21!</strong>” on Thursday, 10 September 2015 at the Élysée Palace. <abbr title="Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development">Laurent Fabius</abbr>,&nbsp;President of COP21, made a speech during this event and answered questions from the young participants. Nearly 400 people were invited to the official launch of COP21.</li> </ul> <h2><br/> Paris Climate Conference</h2> <div class="rtecenter">&nbsp;</div> The major world leaders confirmed their attendance for the opening of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference on 30 November, including Barack Obama from the United States, Xi Jinping from China, Narendra Modi from India and Vladimir Putin from Russia (see <a href="/web/20151212132902/" title="Infographic: exceptional measures concerning road use">exceptional measures concerning road use</a>). Over 145 foreign Heads of State and Government attended the conference at Le Bourget.<br/> &nbsp; <h3>November 30, 2015</h3> <div class="rtecenter"><br/> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opening speech by M. François Hollande, President of the Republic (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Opening speech by M. François Hollande, President of the Republic</a><br/> <br/> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Speech by the President of the Paris Climate Conference, at the meeting of heads of state and government (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Speech by M. <abbr title="Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development ">Laurent Fabius</abbr>,&nbsp; President of the Paris Climate Conference,<br/> at the meeting of Heads of State and Government</a><br/> <br/> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Investiture speech by M. Laurent Fabius (FranceDiplomatie website, new window)">Investiture speech by M. Laurent Fabius, President of the Paris Climate Conference<br/> (excerpts)</a><br/> &nbsp;</div> <h3>&nbsp;December 1, 2015</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li>«The Climate challenge and African Solutions» summit - <a href="" target="_blank" title="Communiqué of the Presidency of the Republic - Climate challenge and African Solution (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Communiqué </a>issued by the Presidency of the Republic; <a href="" target="_blank" title="Communiqué (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy website, new window) ">Communiqué </a>issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Launch of the International Solar Alliance - Communiqué (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Launch of the International Solar Alliance</a> - Communiqué (Presidency of the Republic)</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Global Geothermal Alliance - Communiqué (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy website, new window)">Global Geothermal Alliance</a> - Communiqué (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy)</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Carbon pricing - Communiqué (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Carbon pricing</a> - Communiqué (Presidency of the Republic)</li> </ul> &nbsp; <h3>&nbsp;December 3, 2015</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li>Focus day on buildings - <a href="" target="_blank" title="Communiqué (Ministry in charge of Ecology website, new window)">Communiqué</a> issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy</li> <li>Focus day on transports - <a href="" target="_blank" title="Communiqué (Ministry in charge of Ecology website, new window)">Communiqué</a> issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy</li> </ul> &nbsp; <h3>December 5, 2015</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Speech (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Speech </a>by M. François Hollande, President of the Republic, at the conclusion of the Action Day</li> </ul> <h3><br/> &nbsp;December 7, 2015</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Communiqué - Launch of the global geothermal alliance with Iceland, Kenya and the IRENA (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy website, new window)">Launch of the global geothermal alliance with Iceland, Kenya and the IRENA</a>, communiqué issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Agreement for green growth with the governors of California, Washington state and Vermont (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy website, new window)">"Solutions for Climate" - Agreement for green growth with the governors of California, Washington state and Vermont</a>, communiqué issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Official statements (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Statements </a>by M. Laurent Fabius, President of the Paris Climate Conference, at his joint press briefing with the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC (excerpts)</li> </ul> &nbsp; <h3>December 8, 2015</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Bill on biodiversity, nature and lanscape restoration (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy website, new window)">Bill on biodiversity, nature and lanscape restoration</a>, communiqué issued by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy</li> </ul> <h3><br/> December 9, 2015</h3> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Statetement (France Diplomatie website, new window)">Statement </a>by M. Laurent Fabius, President of the Paris Climate Conference - Meeting of the Paris Committee - 3.00 p.m.</li> </ul> &nbsp; <div class="encart encart-call-to-action"><strong><a class="bouton call sans-icone" href="" target="_blank" title="The conference day after day (COP21 website, new window)">The conference day after day</a></strong><br/> <br/> <strong><a class="bouton call sans-icone" href="" target="_blank" title="Events to come (COP21 website, new window)">Events to come</a></strong></div> <div class="rtecenter">&nbsp;</div> <div><br/> <div id="node-3477" class="teaser node node-english node-promoted node-teaser clearfix"> <div class="teaser-illustration"> <a href="/web/20151212132902/"> <img src="" alt="Do you speak #COP21?"> </a> </div> <div class="teaser-content"> <h2 class="node-titre"><a href="/web/20151212132902/">Do you speak #COP21?</a></h2> <div class="teaser-intro">Climate change, energy mix, ecological footprint... just some of the words that we read and hear increasingly often. 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