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Also in this year, the [[Spanish flu]] pandemic killed 50–100&amp;nbsp;million people worldwide. In Russia, this year runs with only 352 days. As the result of Julian to Gregorian calendar switch, 13 days needed to be skipped. Wednesday, January 31 ''(Julian Calendar)'' was immediately followed by Thursday, February 14 ''(Gregorian Calendar)''. {{TOC limit|2}} == Events == [[World War I]] will be abbreviated as “WWI” [[File:Nepriklausomybes aktas.gif|thumb|[[February 16]]: The [[Act of Independence of Lithuania]]]] === January === {{main|January 1918}} * [[January]] – [[1918 flu pandemic]]: The "Spanish flu" ([[influenza]]) is first observed in [[Haskell County, Kansas]].&lt;ref name=Barry>{{cite book|author-link=John M. Barry|first=John M.|last=Barry|title=The Great Influenza; The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History|location=New York|publisher=Penguin Books|year=2005|isbn=978-0143036494|url-access=registration|url=}}&lt;/ref> * [[January 4]] – The [[Finnish Declaration of Independence]] is recognized by [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic|Soviet Russia]], [[Sweden]], [[German Empire|Germany]] and [[France]]. * [[January 9]] – [[Battle of Bear Valley]]: U.S. troops engage [[Yaqui people|Yaqui]] Native American warriors in a minor skirmish in Arizona. This is one of the last battles of the [[American Indian Wars]] between the United States and Native Americans. * [[January 15]] ** The [[keel]] of {{HMS|Hermes|95|6}} is laid in Britain, the first purpose-designed [[aircraft carrier]] to be laid down. ** The [[Red Army]] (The Workers and Peasants Red Army) is formed in the [[Russian SFSR]] and [[Soviet Union]]. * [[January 18]] – The Historic Concert for the Benefit of Widows and Orphans of Austrian and Hungarian Soldiers is held at the [[Konzerthaus, Vienna]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web | title = Historical Concert for the Benefit of Widows and Orphans | work = World Digital Library | access-date = 2014-06-22 | date = 2014-02-10 | url =;page=5 }}&lt;/ref> * [[January 19]] – The [[Russian Constituent Assembly]] proclaims the [[Russian Democratic Federative Republic]] but is dissolved by the Bolshevik government on the same day. * [[January 22]] – The [[Ukrainian People's Republic]] [[Fourth Universal of the Ukrainian Central Council|declares independence]] from [[Bolshevik]] [[Russian SFSR|Russia]]. * [[January 25]] - The [[Third All-Russian Congress of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants Deputies' Soviets|Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets]] established the [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic]]. * [[January 27]] – The [[Finnish Civil War]] begins with the [[Battle of Kämärä]]. * [[January 28]] – [[Porvenir massacre (1918)|Porvenir massacre]]: [[Texas Ranger Division|Texas Rangers]], U.S. Cavalry soldiers and local ranchers kill 15 unarmed Mexican villagers, both men and boys. === February === {{main|February 1918}} * [[February 1]] – [[Cattaro Mutiny]]: Austrian sailors in the Gulf of Cattaro (Kotor), led by two Czech Socialists, mutiny. * [[February 3]] – [[Battle of Oulu]] * [[February 5]] – The {{SS|Tuscania|1914|6}} is torpedoed off the Irish coast; it is the first ship carrying American troops to Europe to be torpedoed and sunk. [[File:Declaration of Estonian independence in Pärnu.jpg|thumb|[[February 23]]: [[Estonian Declaration of Independence]] ]] * [[February 6]] – [[Women's suffrage in the United Kingdom]]: [[Representation of the People Act 1918|Representation of the People Act]] gives most women over 30 the vote.&lt;ref name="Pocket On This Day">{{cite book|title=Penguin Pocket On This Day|publisher=Penguin Reference Library|isbn=0-14-102715-0|year=2006}}&lt;/ref> * [[February 10]] – Deposed Sultan of the Ottoman Empire [[Abdul Hamid II]] dies in [[Istanbul]]. * [[February 13]] – A [[1918 Shantou earthquake|magnitude (M&lt;sub>w&lt;/sub>) 7.2 earthquake]] shakes the Chinese city of [[Shantou]] leaving 1,000 dead and causing a moderate tsunami.&lt;ref name=Engdahl>{{cite book|title=International Handbook of Earthquake &amp; Engineering Seismology |series=Part A, Volume 81A |chapter=Global seismicity: 1900–1999 |first1=E. R. |last1=Engdahl |first2=A. |last2=Vallaseñor |year=2002 |chapter-url= |publisher=[[Academic Press]] |edition=First |isbn=978-0124406520 |page=674 }}&lt;/ref> * [[February 14]] – [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic|Russia]] switches from the [[Julian calendar]] to the [[Gregorian calendar]]; the date skips from [[January 31]] to [[February 14]]. * [[February 16]] – The [[Council of Lithuania]] adopts the [[Act of Independence of Lithuania]], declaring Lithuania's independence from Germany, Russia or any other state. * [[February 18]] – [[Operations against the Marri and Khetran tribes]] in [[Balochistan]] by British authorities begin. * [[February 19]] – WWI: The [[Capture of Jericho]] by the [[Egyptian Expeditionary Force]] begins the [[British occupation of the Jordan Valley]]. * [[February 19]]–[[February 25|25]] – WWI: The [[Imperial Russian Navy]] evacuates [[Tallinn]] [[Ice Cruise of the Baltic Fleet|through thick ice]], over the [[Gulf of Finland]]. * [[February 23]] – [[Estonian Declaration of Independence]] from [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic|Russia]], after seven centuries of foreign rule; German forces capture [[Tallinn]] the following day. === March === {{main|March 1918}} * [[March 1]] – WWI: German submarine {{SMU|U-19|Germany|2}} sinks {{HMS|Calgarian|1913|6}} off [[Rathlin Island]], Northern Ireland. * [[March 3]] – WWI: The [[Central Powers]] and [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic|Bolshevist Russia]] sign the [[Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (Russia–Central Powers)|Treaty of Brest-Litovsk]], ending Russia's involvement in the war. * [[March 6]] ** The Finnish Army Corps of Aviation is founded as a forerunner of the [[Finnish Air Force]] (established on 4 May [[1928]]). The blue [[swastika]] is adopted as its symbol, as a tribute to the Swedish explorer and aviator [[Eric von Rosen]], who donated the first plane. Von Rosen had painted the Viking symbol on the plane as his personal lucky insignia.&lt;ref>{{cite book| last = Shores | first = Christopher | title = Finnish Air Force, 1918–1968 | location = Reading, Berkshire, UK | publisher = Osprey Publications Ltd. | year=1969 | isbn = 978-0668021210|page=3}}&lt;/ref> ** The first pilotless drone, the [[Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane]] developed by [[Elmer Ambrose Sperry]] and [[Peter Cooper Hewitt]], is test-flown in [[Long Island, New York]], but development is scrapped in [[1925]], after its guidance system proves unreliable. * [[March 7]] – WWI: [[Finland]] forms an alliance with Germany. * [[March 8]] – WWI: The [[Battle of Tell 'Asur]] is launched by units of the [[British Army]]'s [[Egyptian Expeditionary Force]] against Ottoman defences from the [[Mediterranean Sea]], across the [[Judaean Mountains]] to the edge of the Jordan Valley; it ends on [[March 12]], with the move of much of the front line north into Ottoman territory. * [[March 12]] – [[Moscow]] becomes the capital of Soviet Russia. * [[March 15]] – [[Finnish Civil War]]: The [[battle of Tampere]] begins.&lt;ref name="tampere">[ 100 years ago today: Reds take Tampere, Finnish Civil War begins] – ''[[Yle News]]'', January 27, 2018. Retrieved October 6, 2021.&lt;/ref> * [[March 19]] – The [[United States Congress]] establishes [[time zone]]s, and approves [[daylight saving time]] (DST goes into effect on [[March 31]]). * [[March 21]]–[[July 18]] – WWI: The [[German spring offensive|Spring Offensive]] by the [[German Empire|German]] Army along the [[Western Front (World War I)|Western Front]] fails to make a breakthrough, despite large losses on each side, including nearly 20,000 British Army dead on the first day, [[Operation Michael]], on the Somme. * [[March 21]] – WWI: The [[First Transjordan attack on Amman]] by units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force begins, with the passage of the Jordan River. * [[March 23]] ** WWI: The giant German cannon, the '[[Paris Gun]]' (''Kaiser Wilhelm Geschütz''), begins to shell Paris from {{convert|114|km|mi|abbr=on}} away. ** In London at the [[Wood Green]] Empire, [[Chung Ling Soo]] (William E. Robinson, U.S.-born magician) dies during his trick, where he is supposed to "[[Bullet catch|catch]]" two separate bullets (but one of them perforates his lung). He dies the following morning in a hospital. * [[March 25]] ** The [[Belarusian People's Republic]] declares independence. ** [[Karl Muck]], music director of the [[Boston Symphony Orchestra]], is arrested under the [[Alien Enemies Act]], and imprisoned for the duration of WWI. * [[March 26]] – [[Marie Stopes]] publishes her influential book ''[[Married Love]]'' in the U.K. * [[March 27]] – WWI: The [[First Battle of Amman]] is launched by units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, during the First Transjordan attack on Amman; it ends with their withdrawal on [[31 March]], back to the Jordan Valley. * [[March 30]] – [[March Days]]: [[Bolshevik]] and [[Armenian Revolutionary Federation]] forces suppress a Muslim revolt in [[Baku]], [[Azerbaijan]], resulting in up to 30,000 deaths. === April === {{main|April 1918}} [[File:Lady_Duff_Gordon_styles_sketched_by_Marguerite_Martyn,_1918.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Styles of [[Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon]], as presented in a vaudeville circuit pantomime and sketched by [[Marguerite Martyn]] of the ''St. Louis Post-Dispatch'' in April 1918]] * [[April 1]] – The [[Royal Flying Corps]] and the [[Royal Naval Air Service]] in Britain are merged to form the [[Royal Air Force]], the first autonomous Air Force in the world. * [[April 5]] – [[Sālote Tupou III|Sālote]] succeeds as Queen of [[Tonga]]; she will remain on the throne until her death in [[1965]]. * [[April 6]] – [[Finnish Civil War]]: The [[battle of Tampere]] ends.&lt;ref name="tampere"/> * [[April 8]] – [[Operations against the Marri and Khetran tribes]] in [[Balochistan]] end with surrender to the British authorities. * [[April 9]] – [[Union of Bessarabia with Romania]]: [[Bessarabia]] votes to become part of the [[Kingdom of Romania]]. * [[April 21]] – WWI: [[Manfred von Richthofen]], "The Red Baron", the war's most successful fighter pilot, dies in combat at Morlancourt Ridge near the Somme River. * [[April 22]] – [[Armenia]], [[Azerbaijan]], and [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]] declare their independence from Russia as the [[Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic]]. * [[April 23]] – WWI: ** [[Conscription Crisis of 1918]] in Ireland: A [[general strike]] is held here against conscription. ** [[Zeebrugge Raid]]: The British Royal Navy attempts to seal off the German [[U-boat]] base here.&lt;ref name=CBH>{{cite book|last=Palmer|first=Alan|last2=Palmer |first2=Veronica|year=1992|title=The Chronology of British History|publisher=Century Ltd|location=London|pages=355–356|isbn=0-7126-5616-2}}&lt;/ref> ** [[First Ostend Raid]]: The British Royal Navy unsuccessfully attempts to seal off the German U-boat base here. * [[April 28]] – WWI: [[Gavrilo Princip]], assassin of [[Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria]], dies in [[Terezin]], [[Austria-Hungary]], after three years in prison. * [[April 30]] – WWI: The [[Second Transjordan attack on Shunet Nimrin and Es Salt]], launched by units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, ends on [[4 May]], with their withdrawal back to the Jordan Valley. === May === {{main|May 1918}} * [[May 1]] – WWI: German troops enter [[Don Host Oblast]]; they capture [[Rostov-on-Don]] on [[May 8]]. * [[May 2]] – [[General Motors]] acquires the [[Chevrolet Motor Company]] of [[Delaware]]. * [[May 7]] – WWI: The British capture [[Kirkuk]]. * [[May 9]] – WWI – [[Second Ostend Raid]]: The British Royal Navy unsuccessfully attempts, for a second time, to seal off the German U-boat base here. * [[May 11]] – The [[Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus]] is officially established. * [[May 14]] – The Three Minute Pause, initiated by the daily firing of the [[Noon Gun]] on [[Signal Hill (Cape Town)|Signal Hill]], is instituted by [[Cape Town]] Mayor Sir [[Harry Hands]]. It will inspire the introduction of the [[two-minute silence]] in [[November 1919]].&lt;ref>Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 138.[ "2-Minute Wave of Silence" Revives a Time-honoured Tradition]. Accessed on 5 June 2014.&lt;/ref> * [[May 15]] ** The [[Finnish Civil War]] ends. ** The [[United States Postal Service|United States Post Office Department]] begins the world's third regular [[airmail]] service, between [[New York City]], [[Philadelphia]] and [[Washington, D.C.]]&lt;ref>The first was from Allahabad to Naini Junction in India on [[18 February]] [[1911]], and the second from London to Windsor Castle on [[22 June]] [[1911]].&lt;/ref> * [[May 16]] – The [[Sedition Act of 1918]] is approved by the U.S. Congress. * [[May 20]] – The small town of [[Codell, Kansas]] is hit for the third year in a row, on the same date, by a [[tornado]]. * [[May 21]] – The United States Army Aviation Section is separated from the [[Signal Corps (United States Army)|Signal Corps]], and divided into the [[Division of Military Aeronautics]] and the Bureau of [[Aircraft]] Production. * [[May 24]] – Women in Canada, excluding residents of [[Quebec]], are [[Women's suffrage in Canada|granted the right to vote]] in federal elections.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Women's Right to Vote in Canada||access-date=2018-02-22}}&lt;/ref> * [[May 26]] – The [[Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic]] is abolished; Georgia declares its independence as the [[Democratic Republic of Georgia]]. * [[May 27]] – WWI: The [[Third Battle of the Aisne]] commences. * [[May 28]] – [[Armenia]] and [[Azerbaijan]] declare their independence as the [[First Republic of Armenia]] and the [[Azerbaijan Democratic Republic]] respectively. * [[May 29]] – WWI: The week-long [[Battle of Sardarabad]] concludes with defending Armenian forces victorious over the Ottomans. * [[May 29]]–[[May 30|30]] – WWI: [[Battle of Skra-di-Legen|Battle of Skra di Legen]] – The Greek [[National Defence Army Corps]] defeats the Bulgarians. === June === [[File:Bundesarchiv Bild 134-C1133, Szent István, Sinkendes Linienschiff.jpg|thumb|[[June 10]]: Austro-Hungarian battleship [[SMS Szent István|''Szent István'']] sunk by Italian [[torpedo boat]]s]] [[File:Bundesarchiv Bild 134-C2280, Szent István, Sinkendes Linienschiff.jpg|thumb|[[SMS Szent István|''Szent István'']]]] {{main|June 1918}} * [[June]]–[[August]] – The "[[Spanish flu]]" becomes [[pandemic]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |publisher=[[Institut Pasteur]] |title=La Grippe Espagnole de 1918 |access-date=3 May 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=June 4, 2011 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> Over 30&amp;nbsp;million people die in the following 6 months. * [[June 1]] – WWI: The [[Battle of Belleau Wood]] begins. * [[June 4]] – RMS ''Kenilworth Castle'', one of the [[Union-Castle Line]] steamships, collides with her escort destroyer [[Yarrow M class destroyer|HMS ''Rival'']] while trying to avoid her other escort, the cruiser [[HMS Kent (1901)|HMS ''Kent'']]. * [[June 8]] – [[V603 Aquilae]], the brightest [[nova]] observed since [[Kepler's Supernova|Kepler's]] of [[1604]], is discovered. * [[June 10]] – WWI: The [[Austria-Hungary|Austro-Hungarian]] [[dreadnought]] [[battleship]] [[SMS Szent István|SMS ''Szent István'']] is sunk by two Italian [[MAS (boat)|MAS]] motor [[torpedo boat]]s off the [[Dalmatia]]n coast. * [[June 12]] ** [[Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia|Grand Duke Michael of Russia]] is murdered, thereby becoming the first of the Romanovs to be killed by the Bolsheviks. ** WWI: The first airplane bombing raid by an American unit in France is carried out. * [[June 16]] – The [[Declaration to the Seven]], a [[United Kingdom|British]] government response to a memorandum issued anonymously by seven [[Syria]]n notables, is published. * [[June 22]] – Suspects in the [[Chicago]] Restaurant Poisonings are arrested, and more than 100 waiters are taken into custody for poisoning restaurant customers with a lethal powder called [[Mickey Finn (drugs)|Mickey Finn]]. * [[June 29]] – [[Bronx International Exposition of Science, Arts and Industries]] opens in New York; Brazil is the only international exhibitor and the exposition closes at the end of the season.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=CROWDS SEE OPENING OF TRADE EXPOSITION; Police Commissioner Enright Receives Keys for City at Formal Opening. PERMANENT SHOW PLANNED Borough President Bruckner Thanks Promoters for Choosing Site in the Bronx.|date=June 30, 1918|work=[[The New York Times]]|access-date=October 2, 2019|issn=0362-4331}}&lt;/ref> === July === {{main|July 1918}} * [[July 3]] – [[Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War]]: The [[Siberian Intervention]] is launched by the [[Allies of World War I|Allies]], to extract the [[Czechoslovak Legion]] from the [[Russian Civil War]]. * [[July 4]] – [[Mehmed VI]] succeeds as [[Sultan of the Ottoman Empire]] on the death of his half-brother [[Mehmed V]] (Reşâd, who has reigned since [[1909]]), himself reigning until the Sultanate is abolished in [[1922]]. * [[July 12]] – The [[Imperial Japanese Navy]] battleship ''[[Japanese battleship Kawachi|Kawachi]]'' blows up off [[Tokuyama, Yamaguchi]], western [[Honshu]], Japan, killing at least 621. * [[July 13]] – The National Czechoslovak Committee is established. * [[July 14]] – The film ''[[The Glorious Adventure (1918 film)|The Glorious Adventure]]'' is released in the United States, featuring [[Mammy Lou]], who becomes one of the oldest people ever to star in a film, at a claimed age of 114. * [[July 14]] – WWI: [[Second Battle of the Marne]]: The battle begins near the [[River Marne]], with a German attack. * [[July 14]] - [[Quentin Roosevelt]], Theodore Roosevelt's youngest son, is killed in action during the [[Second Battle of the Marne]]. [[File:Family in 1913.jpg|thumb|125px|[[July 17]]: [[Execution of the Romanov family]]]] * [[July 17]] ** WWI: {{RMS|Carpathia}} (famed for rescuing survivors of the {{RMS|Titanic}}) is torpedoed and sunk off the east coast of Ireland, by [[Imperial German Navy]] submarine ''[[SM U-55|U-55]]''; 218 of the 223 on board are rescued.&lt;ref>{{cite news|title=Carpathia Sunk; 5 of Crew Killed|newspaper=[[The New York Times]]|page=4|date=20 July 1918|url=}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Execution of the Romanov family]]: By order of the [[Bolshevik Party]], and carried out by the [[Cheka]], former emperor [[Nicholas II of Russia|Nicholas II]], his wife [[Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix of Hesse)|Alexandra Feodorovna]], their children, [[Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia|Olga]], [[Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia|Tatiana]], [[Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia (1899–1918)|Maria]], [[Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia|Anastasia]], [[Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia|Alexei]] and retainers are shot at the [[Ipatiev House]], in [[Yekaterinburg|Ekaterinburg, Russia]]. * [[July 21]] – WWI: [[Attack on Orleans]] &amp;ndash; Imperial German submarine {{SMS|U-156|sub=y}} surfaces and fires on a small convoy of barges and defending flying boats off the [[Cape Cod]] town of Orleans, Massachusetts.&lt;ref>{{cite book|title=Attack on Orleans: The World War I submarine raid on Cape Cod|last=Klim|first=Jake|publisher=The History Press|year=2014|isbn=9781625850348|oclc=883673275}}&lt;/ref> === August === {{main|August 1918}} * [[August 2]] – [[North Russia Intervention]]: Anti-Bolshevik forces stage a coup at [[Arkhangelsk]], and an occupation by Allied forces follows.&lt;ref>{{Citation|author=David S. Foglesong|title=America's Secret War Against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War 1917–1920|chapter=Fighting, But Not At War|date= 2014|publisher=UNC Press Books |isbn=978-1469611136|url=;q=US+intervention+in+Russia}}&lt;/ref> * [[August 3]] – WWI: Australian hospital ship {{ship|HMAT|Warilda}} is torpedoed and sunk in the [[English Channel]] on passage from [[Le Havre]] to [[Southampton]] by German submarine {{SMU|UC-49||6}} with the loss of 123 of the 801 people on board.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Warilda||access-date=2012-12-17}}&lt;/ref> * [[August 8]] – WWI: [[Battle of Amiens (1918)|Battle of Amiens]] – British, Canadian and Australian troops begin a string of almost continuous victories, the '[[Hundred Days Offensive]]', with an 8-mile push through the German front lines, taking 12,000 prisoners. German General [[Erich Ludendorff]] later calls this the "black day of the German Army".&lt;ref>{{cite news|first=John|last=Lichfield|title=A History of the First World War in 100 Moments: The 'blackest day' of the German army|url= |archive-url= |archive-date=May 1, 2022 |url-access=subscription |url-status=live|newspaper=[[The Independent]]|location=London|date=2014-07-07|access-date=2014-07-07}}{{cbignore}}&lt;/ref> * [[August 10]] – [[October Revolution|Russian Revolution]]: The British commander in Archangel is told to help the [[White movement|White Russians]]. * [[August 16]] – The [[Battle of Lake Baikal]] is fought by the [[Czechoslovak legion]], against the [[Red Army]]. * [[August 21]] – WWI: The [[Second Battle of the Somme (1918)|Second Battle of the Somme]] begins. * [[August 23]] – The [[Bessarabian Peasants' Party]] is created. * [[August 27]] – [[Battle of Ambos Nogales]]: U.S. Army forces skirmish against Mexican [[Carrancistas]] and their German [[Military advisor|advisors]] at [[Nogales, Arizona]], in the only battle of WWI fought on United States soil. * [[August 30]] ** In response to the [[October Revolution]] in Russia, [[Vladimir Lenin]] is shot and wounded by [[Fanny Kaplan]] in Moscow, but survives.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.2307/2498997 |jstor=2498997 |title=The 1918 Attempt on the Life of Lenin: A New Look at the Evidence |first=Semion |last=Lyandres |journal=Slavic Review |volume=48 |issue=3 |date=Autumn 1989 |pages=432–448 |publisher=Cambridge University Press|s2cid=155228899 }}&lt;/ref> ** [[Moisei Uritsky]], the Petrograd head of the [[Cheka]], is assassinated. [[File:Lenin attempt.jpg|150px|thumb|[[August 30]]: Attempted assassination of [[Lenin]], depicted by Vladimir Pchelin]] === September === {{main|September 1918}} * [[September]] – WWI: British armies and their Arab allies roll into [[Syria]]. * [[September 3]] – The [[Bolshevik]] government of Russia publishes the first official announcement of the [[Red Terror]], a period of repression against political opponents, as an "Appeal to the Working Class" in the newspaper ''[[Izvestia]]''.&lt;ref>{{cite book|last1=Werth|first1=Nicolas|last2=Bartosek|first2=Karel|last3=Panne|first3=Jean-Louis|last4=Margolin|first4=Jean-Louis|last5=Paczkowski|first5=Andrzej|last6=Courtois|first6=Stephane|year=1999|title=[[The Black Book of Communism|The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression]]|publisher=[[Harvard University Press]]|location=Cambridge, MA|isbn=0-674-07608-7|page=74}}&lt;/ref> * [[September 4]] – WWI: [[Battle of Mont Saint-Quentin]] concludes with the [[Australian Corps]] breaking the German line. * [[September 5]] – [[Russian Civil War]]: The [[Kazan Operation]] begins. The event continues for 5 days, and solidifies the Red Army's power in Russia over the White Army. * [[September 12]] – WWI: [[Battle of Havrincourt]] – The British take a German salient. * [[September 12]]–[[September 15|15]] – WWI: [[Battle of Saint-Mihiel]] – Americans take a German salient. * [[September 14]] – WWI: The Balkan front offensive by the Serbian Army begins. * [[September 15]]–[[September 18|18]] – WWI: [[Battle of Dobro Pole]] in the [[Vardar Offensive]] of the [[Balkans Campaign (World War I)|Balkans Campaign]]: The [[Allied Army of the Orient]] defeats [[Kingdom of Bulgaria|Bulgaria]]n defenders. * [[September 18]] – WWI: [[Battle of Épehy]] – British approach the [[Hindenburg Line]] along the St Quentin Canal. * [[September 19]] – WWI: ** The [[British Army]]'s [[Egyptian Expeditionary Force]] launches the [[Battle of Megiddo (1918)|Battle of Megiddo]], incorporating the [[Battle of Sharon]], and the [[Battle of Nablus (1918)|Battle of Nablus]], an attack in the [[Judaean Mountains]]. This day are fought the [[Battle of Tulkarm]], and the [[Battle of Arara]], which break the Ottoman front line stretching from the Mediterranean coast to the Judaean Mountains, while the [[Battle of Tabsor]] extends into [[September 20]]. ** The [[Third Transjordan attack]] in the Jordan Valley begins. * [[September 20]] – WWI: The British Army's Desert Mounted Corps launches the ** [[Battle of Nazareth]] by [[5th Cavalry Division (British Indian Army)]]; ** [[Capture of Afulah and Beisan]] by the [[4th Cavalry Division (British Indian Army)]]; ** [[Capture of Jenin]] by the [[Australian Mounted Division]], almost encircling the [[Yildirim Army Group]] still in the Judaean Mountains. * [[September 25]] – WWI: ** The Battle of Megiddo ends with the [[Battle of Haifa (1918)|Battle of Haifa]], [[Battle of Samakh]], and [[Capture of Tiberias]]. ** The [[Third Transjordan attack]] ends with [[ANZAC Mounted Division]] victory at the [[Second Battle of Amman]], with the subsequent capture at [[Al-Jizah, Jordan|Ziza]] of the Ottoman II Corps, and more than 10,000 Ottoman and German prisoners. * [[September 26]] – WWI: ** The [[Meuse-Argonne Offensive]] begins, the largest and bloodiest operation of the war for the [[American Expeditionary Forces]]. ** The [[Capture of Damascus (1918)|Capture of Damascus]] begins, with the [[Charge at Irbid]] by the 4th Cavalry Division. * [[September 27]] – WWI ** The [[Battle of the Canal du Nord]], launched by British and Empire forces, continues the advance towards the Hindenburg Line. ** The [[Battle of Jisr Benat Yakub]], launched by the Australian Mounted Division, continues the advance towards [[Damascus]]. * [[September 29]] – WWI: ** [[Battle of St Quentin Canal]] begins; Allied forces advance towards the [[Hindenburg Line]]. ** [[Bulgaria]] requests an armistice. * [[September 30]] – WWI: ** The [[Charge at Kaukab]] is begun by units of the Australian Mounted Division. ** The [[Charge at Kiswe]] is begun by 4th Cavalry Division, continuing the Desert Mounted Corps' advance to Damascus. === October === {{main|October 1918}} * [[October 1]] – WWI: The Desert Mounted Corps [[Capture of Damascus (1918)|captures Damascus]]. * [[October 2]] – WWI: The [[Charge at Khan Ayash]] is begun north of Damascus, by the [[3rd Light Horse Brigade]]. * [[October 3]] ** Kaiser [[Wilhelm II of Germany]] appoints [[Max von Baden]] [[Chancellor of Germany (German Reich)|Chancellor of Germany]]. ** King [[Ferdinand I of Bulgaria]] abdicates in the wake of the Bulgarian military collapse in WWI. He is succeeded by his son, [[Boris III of Bulgaria|Boris III]]. ** WWI: The [[Pursuit to Haritan]] by the Desert Mounted Corps begins. * [[October 4]] ** [[Wilhelm II of Germany]] forms a new, liberal government to sue for peace. ** The [[T. A. Gillespie Company Shell Loading Plant explosion]] in New Jersey kills 100+, and destroys enough ammunition to supply the Western Front for 6 months. * [[October 7]] – The [[Regency Council (Poland)]] declares Polish independence from the [[German Empire]], and demands that Germany cede the Polish provinces of [[Poznań]], [[Upper Silesia]] and [[Polish Corridor|Polish Pomerania]]. * [[October 8]]–[[October 10|10]] – WWI: [[Battle of Cambrai (1918)|Second Battle of Cambrai]]: British and Canadian troops take [[Cambrai]] from the Germans and the First and Third British Armies break through the Hindenburg Line. * [[October 8]] – WWI: In the [[Forest of Argonne]] in France, U.S. Corporal [[Alvin C. York]] almost single-handedly kills 25 German soldiers and captures 132. * [[October 9]] – Landgrave [[Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse]] is elected [[Kingdom of Finland (1918)|King of Finland]]. * [[October 11]] – The magnitude (M&lt;sub>w&lt;/sub>) 7.1 [[1918 San Fermín earthquake|San Fermín earthquake]] shakes Puerto Rico with a maximum [[Mercalli intensity scale|Mercalli intensity]] of IX (''Violent''), killing 76–116 people. A destructive tsunami contributes to the damage and loss of life. * [[October 12]] – [[1918 Cloquet Fire|Cloquet Fire]]: The city of [[Cloquet, Minnesota]], and nearby areas are destroyed in a fire, killing 453. * [[October 16]] – Emperor Karl IV of Austria publishes the ''Völkermanifest'' manifesto, declaring the Cisleithanian part of the empire will be federalized on the basis of national councils * [[October 18]] – The [[Czechoslovak declaration of independence|Washington Declaration]] proclaims the independent [[First Czechoslovak Republic|Czechoslovak Republic]]. * [[October 21]] – German representatives of the ''Reichsrat'' in Austria-Hungary form the Provisional National Assembly for German-Austria * [[October 24]] – WWI: The [[Battle of Vittorio Veneto]] opens. * [[October 25]] ** WWI: [[Battle of Aleppo (1918)|Aleppo]] is captured, by [[Faisal I of Iraq|Prince Feisal's]] Sheifial Forces. ** The steamer ''[[SS Princess Sophia|Princess Sophia]]'' sinks on [[Vanderbilt Reef]] near [[Juneau, Alaska]]; 353 people die, in the greatest maritime disaster in the Pacific Northwest. * [[October 26]] – WWI – [[Charge at Haritan]]: Units of the Desert Mounted Corps battle with Ottoman forces for the last time in WWI. * [[October 28]] ** [[Czechoslovakia]] declares its independence from [[Austria-Hungary]]. ** A new Polish government is declared in Western [[Galicia (Eastern Europe)]]. * [[October 29]] ** The [[Wilhelmshaven mutiny]] of the German [[High Seas Fleet]] breaks out. ** The [[State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs]] declares its independence from Austria-Hungary. * [[October 30]] ** The [[Martin Declaration]] is published, including [[Slovakia]] in the formation of the Czecho-Slovak state. ** The [[Armistice of Mudros]] ends conflict between the [[Ottoman Empire]] and the [[Allies of World War I]], and grants independence to the [[Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen]]. * [[October 31]] – [[Aster Revolution|Revolution]] overthrows the pro-Habsburg government in [[Hungary]], effectively dissolving the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]]. === November === {{main|November 1918}} * [[November 1]] ** The [[Polish–Ukrainian War]] is inaugurated, by the proclamation of the [[West Ukrainian People's Republic]] in [[Galicia (Eastern Europe)|Galicia]], with a capital at [[Lviv|Lwów]]. ** Serbian forces recapture Belgrade. ** [[Malbone Street Wreck]]: The worst [[rapid transit]] accident in world history occurs under the intersection of Malbone Street and Flatbush Avenue, in [[Brooklyn]], New York City, with at least 93 dead. * [[November 3]] ** WWI: The [[Armistice of Villa Giusto]] is signed between Austria-Hungary and the [[Allies of WWI|Allies]] near [[Padua]]. ** [[Poland]] declares its independence from Russia. ** [[German Revolution of 1918–1919|German Revolution]]: [[Kiel mutiny]] by sailors in the German fleet at [[Kiel]] while throughout northern [[German Empire|Germany]] soldiers and workers begin to establish revolutionary councils on the Russian [[Soviet (council)|soviet]] model. * [[November 4]] – WWI: The [[Armistice of Villa Giusti]] comes into effect, ending warfare between Italy and Austria-Hungary on the Italian Front. * [[November 6]] – A new Polish government is proclaimed in [[Lublin]]. * [[November 7]] – King [[Ludwig III of Bavaria|Ludwig of Bavaria]] flees his country. * [[November 8]] – The German army withdraws its support of the Kaiser. The German Armistice delegation arrives at the [[Forest of Compiègne]] in France. [[File:Ausrufung Republik Scheidemann.jpg|thumb|115px|[[November 9]]: [[Proclamation of the republic in Germany|Proclamation of German Republic]] by [[Philipp Scheidemann]] in Berlin on the [[Reichstag (building)|Reichstag]] balcony]] * [[November 9]] ** Kaiser [[Wilhelm II of Germany]] abdicates and chooses to live in exile in the Netherlands. ** The [[Proclamation of the republic in Germany|German Republic is proclaimed]] by [[Philipp Scheidemann]] in [[Berlin]], on the [[Reichstag building|Reichstag]] balcony. ** Provisional National Council Minister-President [[Kurt Eisner]] declares [[Bavaria]] to be a republic. ** British [[Pre-dreadnought battleship|battleship]] {{HMS|Britannia|1904|6}} is sunk by a German submarine off [[Cape Trafalgar|Trafalgar]], with the loss of around fifty lives (the last major naval engagement of WWI). [[File:Armisticetrain.jpg|thumb|Signatories to the [[Armistice of 11 November 1918]] with Germany, ending WWI, pose outside Marshal Foch's railway carriage]][[Image:NYTimes-Page1-11-11-1918.jpg|thumb|November 11: Front page of ''[[The New York Times]]'' on [[Armistice Day]]]] *[[November 10 ]] Luxembourg communist forces rebel in Luxembourg city, beginning the [[Luxembourg rebellions]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Luxembourg's history : Mutiny in the Grand Duchy |url= |access-date=2024-04-23 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref> * [[November 11]] ** End of [[World War I|WWI]]: [[Armistice of 11 November 1918]] – Germany signs an [[armistice]] agreement with the Allies, between 5:12 AM and 5:20 AM, in the "[[Compiègne Wagon]]", Marshal [[Ferdinand Foch|Foch]]'s railroad car, in the [[Forest of Compiègne]] in France. It becomes official on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.&lt;ref>{{cite book|author=Pitt, Barrie|year=2003|title=1918: The Last Act|location=Barnsley|publisher=Pen and Sword|isbn=0-85052-974-3}}&lt;/ref> At 10:59 U.S. soldier [[Henry Gunther]] becomes (probably) the last killed in action. ** Poland regains independence, after 123 years of [[Partitions of Poland|partitions]]. [[Józef Piłsudski]] is appointed [[Commander-in-Chief]]. ** Emperor [[Charles I of Austria]] gives up his absolute power, but does not abdicate. ** [[Loppem Agreements]]: Start of a series of political meetings between [[Albert I of Belgium|King Albert I]] and Belgian liberals and socialists. ** [[Red Week (Netherlands)|Red Week]]: [[Pieter Jelles Troelstra]] gives a speech calling for socialist revolution in the Netherlands. * [[November 12]] – [[Republic of German-Austria|Austria]] becomes a [[republic]]. * [[November 13]] ** The Allied [[Occupation of Constantinople]] begins. ** [[Frederick II, Grand Duke of Baden]], relinquishes all governing duties. * [[November 14]] ** [[Czechoslovakia]] becomes a [[republic]]. ** The [[Second Polish Republic]] is proclaimed with [[Józef Piłsudski]] as [[head of state]]. ** The provisional government of Baden proclaims the "Free People's [[Republic of Baden]]" (''Freie Volksrepublik Baden''). ** [[Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse]], is forced from his throne, leading to the establishment of the [[People's State of Hesse]]. ** [[Frederick Francis IV, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]] abdicates his throne, leading to the establishment of the [[Free State of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]]. ** [[Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha]], announces he is ceasing to rule [[Saxe-Coburg and Gotha]], leading to the establishment of the [[Free State of Coburg]]. ** [[German East Africa]]n troops are informed of the November 11 armistice. * [[November 16]] – The [[Hungarian Democratic Republic]] is declared, marking [[Hungary]]'s independence from [[Austria]]. * [[November 18]] – [[Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic|Latvia]] declares its independence from Russia. * [[November 20]] – [[U-boat]]s start to rendezvous off [[Harwich]], to begin the surrender of the [[High Seas Fleet]] to the British [[Royal Navy]]; in the following week the German warships are escorted to internment in [[Scapa Flow]].&lt;ref>{{cite book|last=Massie|first=Robert K.|author-link=Robert K. Massie|title=[[Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea]]|year=2004|publisher=Ballantine Books|location=New York|isbn=0-345-40878-0}}&lt;/ref> * [[November 21]] – [[Lwów pogrom (1918)|Lwów pogrom]]: [[Second Polish Republic|Polish]] troops, volunteers and freed criminals massacre at least 320 Ukrainian Christians and [[History of the Jews in Poland|Jews]] in [[Lviv|Lwów]], [[Galicia (Eastern Europe)|Galicia]]. * [[November 22]] ** The [[Monarchy of Belgium|Belgian royal family]] returns to [[Brussels]] after the war, King [[Albert I of Belgium|Albert I]] having commanded the [[Allies of World War I|Allied]] army group in the September–October [[Battle of Courtrai (1918)|Courtrai offensive]], which liberated his country. ** [[Frederick II, Grand Duke of Baden]], abdicates; the [[Grand Duchy of Baden]] gives way to the [[Republic of Baden]]. * [[November 23]] – British military government of [[Palestine (region)|Palestine]] begins.&lt;ref>{{cite book|last=Biger|first=Gideon|title=The Boundaries of Modern Palestine, 1840–1947|url=|access-date=2009-05-02|year=2004|publisher=Routledge|location=London|isbn=978-0-7146-5654-0|pages=55, 164}}&lt;/ref> * [[November 25]] – General [[Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck]], German commander in [[German East Africa]], signs a ceasefire at [[Mbala, Zambia|Abercorn]] in [[Northern Rhodesia]]. * [[November 26]] – The [[Podgorica Assembly]] ('Great National Assembly of the Serb People in Montenegro') votes for a "union of the people" between the kingdoms of [[Kingdom of Montenegro|Montenegro]] and [[Kingdom of Serbia|Serbia]] and for deposition of the exiled King [[Nicholas I of Montenegro]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Unification of Montenegro and Serbia (1918) - Podgorica's Assembly|url=|website=Montenet|access-date=2017-12-17}}&lt;/ref> * [[November 28]] – [[Estonian War of Independence]]: The [[Red Army]] invades [[Estonia]], starting the war. The [[Commune of the Working People of Estonia]] is established as a Soviet puppet state in [[Narva]] on the next day. * [[November 29]] – [[Kingdom of Serbia|Serbia]] annexes [[Kingdom of Montenegro|Montenegro]], suspending the latter's existence as a sovereign state for nearly the entirety of the following 88 years.&lt;ref name="auto">{{Cite news|url=|title=Serbia ends union with Montenegro|newspaper=The Irish Times|access-date=June 9, 2021|date=June 5, 2006}}&lt;/ref> * [[November 30]] – [[Ernest Ansermet]] conducts the first concert by the ''[[Orchestre de la Suisse Romande]]''. === December === {{main|December 1918}} * [[December 1]] ** By the [[Danish–Icelandic Act of Union]], [[Kingdom of Iceland|Iceland]] regains independence, but remains in personal union with the [[King of Denmark]], who also becomes the King of Iceland. ** New voting laws in [[Sweden]] makes votes no longer dependent on taxable assets, each adult having one vote. ** The [[Union of Transylvania with Romania|Union of Alba Iulia]] is proclaimed: Following the [[March 27]] incorporation of [[Bessarabia]] and [[Bucovina]], [[Transylvania]] unites with the [[Kingdom of Romania]]. ** The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (which later becomes the [[Kingdom of Yugoslavia]]) is proclaimed, in particular ending Serbia's existence as a sovereign state for the next 87 years (it would not regain its sovereignty until 2006).&lt;ref name="auto"/> [[File:Flag of Yugoslavia (1918–1943).svg|thumbnail|right|Flag of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes]] * [[December 4]] – President [[Woodrow Wilson]] departs by ship to the [[Paris Peace Conference, 1919|Paris Peace Conference]], becoming the first United States President to travel to Europe while holding office. * [[December 5]] – [[Estonian War of Independence]]: The British [[light cruiser]] {{HMS|Cassandra|1916|6}} strikes a [[naval mine|mine]] and sinks near [[Saaremaa]] in the [[Baltic Sea]], killing 11 sailors.&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|first=Martin|last=Wainwright|author-link=Martin Wainwright (journalist)|newspaper=[[The Guardian]]|location=London|title=British warships sunk 90 years ago found off Estonian coast|date=23 August 2010|access-date=2010-08-24}}&lt;/ref> * [[December 6]] – A [[1918 Vancouver Island earthquake|magnitude (M&lt;sub>w&lt;/sub>) 7.2 earthquake]] shakes [[British Columbia]]. * [[December 14]] ** [[Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse]] renounces the Finnish throne.&lt;ref>Huldén, Anders: ''Kuningasseikkailu Suomessa 1918''. Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä, 1988. {{ISBN|951-26-2980-1}}. Page 189&lt;/ref> ** Portuguese President [[Sidónio Pais]] is assassinated. ** [[Giacomo Puccini]]'s comic opera ''[[Gianni Schicchi]]'' premiered at the [[Metropolitan Opera]] in [[New York City]].&lt;ref>{{cite book |title= The Puccini Problem |last= Wilson |first= Alexandra |year= 2007 |publisher= [[Cambridge University Press]] |location= Cambridge |isbn= 978-0-521-85688-1 |url= |page=178}}&lt;/ref> * [[December 16]] – [[Vincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas]] declares the formation of the [[Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (1918–19)|Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic]], a [[puppet state]] created by the [[Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic|Russian SFSR]] to justify the [[Lithuanian–Soviet War]]. * [[December 17]] – [[Darwin Rebellion]] in Australia: Disaffected workers march on [[Government House, Darwin]], demanding the resignation of the [[Administrator of the Northern Territory]], [[John A. Gilruth]]. * [[December 20]] – [[Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk]] returns to the Czechoslovak Republic. * [[December 21]] – [[Estonian War of Independence]]: The [[Red Army]] captures [[Tartu]], [[Estonia]]. * [[December 25]] – ''[[Der Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten]]'', is formed in Germany as a [[German nationalism|nationalist]] [[veteran]]s' organization. * [[December 27]] – [[Greater Poland Uprising (1918–19)]]: Poles in [[Greater Poland]] (the former [[Grand Duchy of Posen]]) rise up against the Germans, ignited by a patriotic speech made in [[Poznań]] by pianist and politician [[Ignacy Jan Paderewski]]. * [[December 28]] – [[Sinn Féin]] enjoys a landslide victory in Irish seats in the [[1918 Irish general election|Irish general election]] (part of the [[1918 United Kingdom general election]]), following the counting of votes, winning 73 of the 105 seats in Ireland. In accordance with their [[Sinn Féin Manifesto 1918|manifesto]], Sinn Féin members will not take their seats in the [[Palace of Westminster]] but will form the [[First Dáil]] in [[Dublin]]. Countess [[Constance Markievicz]], while detained in [[Holloway Prison]] (London), becomes the first woman elected to (but does not take her seat in) the British [[House of Commons of the United Kingdom|House of Commons]].&lt;ref>{{cite book|page=137|last=Ward|first=Margaret|title=Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish nationalism|publisher=Pluto Press|location=London|year=1983|isbn=0-86104-700-1}}&lt;/ref> * [[December 31]] – A British-brokered ceasefire ends the two weeks of fighting in the [[Georgian–Armenian War]]. === Date unknown === * [[Nakajima Aircraft Company]], a predecessor of the [[Subaru Corporation|Subaru]] car manufacturing company in Japan, is founded in [[Ota, Gunma]] [[Prefecture]].{{citation needed|date=December 2024}} == Births == {{BDToC|births}} === January === [[File:Figueiredo (colour).jpg|thumb|100px|[[João Figueiredo]]]] [[File:President Nasser, 1962.jpg|thumb|130x130px|[[Gamal Abdel Nasser]]]] [[File:Gertrude Elion.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Gertrude B. Elion]]]] [[File:Nicolae Ceaușescu.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Nicolae Ceaușescu]]]] * [[January 1]] – [[Patrick Anthony Porteous]], Scottish recipient of the [[Victoria Cross]] (d. [[2000]]) * [[January 2]] – [[Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse]], German typographer, calligrapher and book-binder (d. [[2019]]) * [[January 10]] – [[Arthur Chung]], 1st [[President of Guyana]] (d. [[2008]]) * [[January 11]] – [[Kassim Al-Rimawi]], Prime Minister of Jordan (d. [[1982]]) * [[January 15]] ** [[João Figueiredo]], 30th [[President of Brazil]] (d. [[1999]]) ** [[Gamal Abdel Nasser]], 2nd [[President of Egypt]] (d. [[1970]]) * [[January 16]] – [[Stirling Silliphant]], American writer, producer (d. [[1996]])&lt;ref>{{cite news| author-link= Mel Gussow| last= Gussow| first= Mel| url= |title= Stirling Silliphant, 78, Writer; Won 'Heat of the Night' Oscar| work= [[The New York Times]]| date= April 27, 1996}}&lt;/ref> * [[January 17]] ** [[Kamal Amrohi]], Indian director, screenwriter (d. [[1993]]) ** [[George M. Leader]], American politician (d. [[2013]]) * [[January 20]] – [[Juan García Esquivel]], Mexican bandleader (d. [[2002]]) * [[January 21]] ** [[Chicháy]], Filipino actress (d. [[1993]]) ** [[Richard Winters]], U.S. Army officer (d. [[2011]])&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Obituary: Richard 'Dick' Winters, courageous WWII officer portrayed in 'Band of Brothers' |author=Shapiro, T. Rees |newspaper=Washington Post |date=January 10, 2011 |access-date=January 7, 2018}}&lt;/ref> * [[January 22]] – [[Elmer Lach]], Canadian ice hockey player (d. [[2015]]) * [[January 23]] – [[Gertrude B. Elion]], American scientist, recipient of the [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]] (d. [[1999]])&lt;ref>{{cite journal|last=Avery|first=Mary Ellen|author-link = Mary Ellen Avery| doi = 10.1098/rsbm.2007.0051 | title = Gertrude Belle Elion. 23 January 1918 – 21 February 1999 | journal = [[Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society]] | volume = 54 | pages = 161–168 | year = 2008| doi-access = }}&lt;/ref> * [[January 24]] – [[Oral Roberts]], American neo-Pentecostal televangelist (d. [[2009]]) * [[January 26]] ** [[Nicolae Ceaușescu]], Romanian communist politician and leader (d. [[1989]]) ** [[Philip José Farmer]], American writer (d. [[2009]]) * [[January 27]] ** [[Skitch Henderson]], English-born musician, bandleader (d. [[2005]]) ** [[Elmore James]], American musician (d. [[1963]]) * [[January 29]] ** [[Luis Aguilar (actor)|Luis Aguilar]], Mexican actor, and singer (d. [[1997]]) ** [[John Forsythe]], American actor (d. [[2010]]) * [[January 31]] – [[Millie Dunn Veasey]], African-American civil rights activist (d. [[2018]]) === February === [[File:Joey_Bishop_1967.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Joey Bishop]]]] [[File:Schwinger.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Julian Schwinger]]]] * [[February 1]] ** [[Carlos Fayt]], Argentine lawyer, politician and academic (d. [[2016]]) ** Dame [[Muriel Spark]], Scottish author (d. [[2006]]) * [[February 2]] – [[Hella Haasse]], Dutch writer (d. [[2011]]) * [[February 3]] ** [[Joey Bishop]], American entertainer, member of the "[[Rat Pack]]" (d. [[2007]]) ** [[Helen Stephens]], American runner (d. [[1994]]) * [[February 4]] – [[Ida Lupino]], Anglo-American actress, screenwriter, director and producer (d. [[1995]]) * [[February 6]] – [[Lothar-Günther Buchheim]], German author (d. [[2007]]) * [[February 7]] – [[Marguerite Narbel]], Swiss biologist and politician (died [[2010]]) * [[February 8]] – [[Fred Blassie]], American professional wrestler, novelty singer (''Pencil Neck Geek'') (d. [[2003]]) * [[February 12]] – [[Julian Schwinger]], American physicist, [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[1994]]) * [[February 14]] – [[William L. Snyder]], American film producer (d. [[1998]]) * [[February 15]] – [[Smilja Avramov]], Serbian academic, authority and educator in international law (d. [[2018]]) * [[February 19]] – [[Fay McKenzie]], American silent film actress (d. [[2019]]) * [[February 22]] ** [[Don Pardo]], American television announcer (''[[Saturday Night Live]]'') (d. [[2014]]) ** [[Robert Pershing Wadlow]], American tallest man record-holder (d. [[1940]]) * [[February 25]] ** [[Barney Ewell]], American athlete (d. [[1996]]) ** [[Miguel Gallastegui]], Spanish pelotari (d. [[2019]]) ** [[Bobby Riggs]], American tennis player (d. [[1995]]) * [[February 26]] ** [[Herbert Blaize]], 6th [[Prime Minister of Grenada]] (d. [[1989]]) ** [[Lloyd Geering]], New Zealand theologian&lt;ref>{{cite book |editor-last=Traue |editor-first=J. E. |editor-link=Jim Traue |title=Who's Who in New Zealand |edition=11th |year=1978 |publisher=Reed |location=Wellington |isbn=0-589-01113-8|page=120}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Theodore Sturgeon]], American writer (d. [[1985]]) * [[February 28]] – [[Alfred Burke]], English actor (d. [[2011]]) === March === [[File:Jango.jpg|thumb|100px|[[João Goulart]]]] [[File:James Tobin.png|thumb|100px|[[James Tobin]]]] [[File:Elaine_de_Kooning,_RIT_NandE_1974_Dec16_Complete.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Elaine de Kooning]]]] [[File:Frederick Reines.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Frederick Reines]]]] &lt;!--[[File:Cheddi Jagan Anefo.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Cheddi Jagan]]]]--> [[File:Pearl Bailey - publicity.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Pearl Bailey]]]] * [[March 1]] ** [[Roger Delgado]], British actor (d. [[1973]]) ** [[João Goulart]], 24th [[President of Brazil]] (d. [[1976]]) * [[March 3]] ** [[Arthur Kornberg]], American biochemist, recipient of the [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]] (d. [[2007]]) ** [[Fritz Thiedemann]], German equestrian (d. [[2000]]) * [[March 4]] – [[Margaret Osborne duPont]], American female tennis player (d. [[2012]]) * [[March 5]] – [[James Tobin]], American economist, [[Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences|Nobel Memorial Prize]] laureate (d. [[2002]])&lt;ref>[ Tobin, James. "Autobiography"], published in ''Nobel Lectures. Economics 1981–1990'', Editor [[Karl-Göran Mäler]], World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1992&lt;/ref> * [[March 9]] ** [[George Lincoln Rockwell]], American Nazi leader (d. [[1967]]) ** [[Mickey Spillane]], American writer (d. [[2006]])&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Mickey Spillane, 88, Critic-Proof Writer of Pulpy Mike Hammer Novels, Dies|date=18 July 2006|work=The New York Times}}&lt;/ref> * [[March 10]] ** [[Günther Rall]], German ace fighter pilot (d. [[2009]]) * [[March 12]] ** [[Elaine de Kooning]], American artist (d. [[1989]])&lt;ref>{{cite news | title = Elaine de Kooning, Artist and Teacher, Dies at 68 | url = | work = New York Times | first1 = Grace | last1 = Glueck |author-link = Grace Glueck | date = February 2, 1989}}&lt;/ref> ** [[William E. Nichol]], American politician from [[Nebraska]] (d. [[2006]]) * [[March 16]] – [[Frederick Reines]], American physicist, [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[1998]])&lt;ref>{{cite news |last1=Wilford |first1=John Noble |title=Frederick Reines Dies at 80; Nobelist Discovered Neutrino |url= |access-date=24 October 2021 |work=[[The New York Times]] |date=28 August 1998 |url-access=subscription}}&lt;/ref> * [[March 17]] – [[Viviane Gauthier]], Haitian dancer (d. [[2017]]) * [[March 22]] – [[Cheddi Jagan]], 4th [[President of Guyana]] (d. [[1997]]) * [[March 23]] ** [[Kazu Naoki]], Japanese soccer player (d. [[1940s]]) ** [[Émile Derlin Zinsou]], President of [[Benin]] (d. [[2016]]) * [[March 28]] – [[Gonzalo Facio Segreda]], Costa Rican lawyer, politician, and diplomat (d. [[2018]]) * [[March 29]] ** [[Pearl Bailey]], African-American singer, actress (d. [[1990]]) ** [[Sam Walton]], founder of [[Wal-Mart]] (d. [[1992]]) ===April=== [[File:WILLIAMHolden.jpg|thumb|100px|[[William Holden]]]] [[File:Kai_Manne_Börje_Siegbahn_2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kai Siegbahn]]]] [[File:Olympische dag in Amsterdam. Fanny Blankers-Koen, Bestanddeelnr 903-4520.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Fanny Blankers-Koen]]]] * [[April 1]] – [[Diarmuid Larkin]], Irish artist and art educationist (d. [[1989]]) * [[April 6]] ** [[Alfredo Ovando Candía]], 48th [[President of Bolivia]] (d. [[1982]]) ** [[George Corones]], Australian Masters swimmer (d. [[2020]]) * [[April 7]] – [[Bobby Doerr]], American baseball player (d. [[2017]]) * [[April 8]] – [[Betty Ford]], [[First Lady of the United States]] (d. [[2011]]) * [[April 9]] – [[Jørn Utzon]], Danish architect (d. [[2008]]) * [[April 10]] – [[H. S. Doreswamy]], Indian activist, journalist (d. [[2021]]) * [[April 11]] – [[Jean-Claude Servan-Schreiber]], French journalist, politician (d. [[2018]]) * [[April 14]] – [[Mary Healy (entertainer)|Mary Healy]], American actress, variety entertainer and singer (d. [[2015]])&lt;ref>{{cite news |last=McFadden |first=Robert D. |date=February 4, 2015 |title=Mary Healy, Actress and Singer, Dies at 96|url= |newspaper=[[The New York Times]] |access-date=February 5, 2015}}&lt;/ref> * [[April 16]] – [[Spike Milligan]], Irish comedian (d. [[2002]]) * [[April 17]] ** [[William Holden]], American actor (d. [[1981]]) ** [[Anne Shirley (actress)|Anne Shirley]], American actress (d. [[1993]]) * [[April 18]] ** [[Gabriel Axel]], Danish film director (d. [[2014]]) ** [[Shinobu Hashimoto]], Japanese screenwriter (d. [[2018]]) * [[April 20]] – [[Kai Siegbahn]], Swedish physicist, [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2007]])&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=Kai Siegbahn, Swedish Physicist, Dies at 89|author=Jeremy Pearce |url= |work=[[The New York Times]] |date=7 August 2007}}&lt;/ref> * [[April 26]] – [[Fanny Blankers-Koen]], Dutch athlete (d. [[2004]]) * [[April 28]] ** [[Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler]], East German journalist, host of the television show ''Der schwarze Kanal'' (d. [[2001]]) ** [[Rodger Young]], [[United States Army]] soldier, remembered in the song "[[The Ballad of Rodger Young]]" (d. [[1943]]) * [[April 29]] – [[Nils Östensson]], Swedish Olympic cross-country skier (d. [[1949]]) === May === &lt;!--[[File:Kakuei Tanaka cropped 1 Kakuei Tanaka 19720707.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kakuei Tanaka]]]]--> [[File:Mike Wallace Interviews 1957 (4).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Mike Wallace]]]] [[File:Richard Feynman Nobel.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Richard Feynman]]]] [[File:Eddie Arnold 1969.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Eddy Arnold]]]] [[File:Birgit-Nilsson-standing-and-singing-on-the-stage-391837722733.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Birgit Nilsson]]]] [[File:Yasuhiro Nakasone.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Yasuhiro Nakasone]]]] [[File:Martin_Lundström_in_St_Moritz_1948.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Martin Lundstrom]]]] * [[May 1]] ** [[Jack Paar]], American television show host (''The Tonight Show'') (d. [[2004]])&lt;ref>Wepman, Dennis. [ "Paar, Jack"], ''American National Biography Online'', Oxford University Press (Oxford, England). Retrieved January 8, 2019.&lt;/ref> ** [[Li Yaowen]], Chinese politician, general and diplomat (d. [[2018]]) * [[May 4]] ** [[Kakuei Tanaka]], 40th [[Prime Minister of Japan]] (d. [[1993]]) ** [[Ana Enriqueta Terán]], Venezuelan poet (d. [[2017]]) * [[May 6]] ** [[Henrietta Boggs]], Costa Rican-American author, journalist and activist (d. [[2020]]) ** [[Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan]], 1st President of the United Arab Emirates (d. [[2004]]) * [[May 9]] ** [[Orville Freeman]], American politician (d. [[2003]]) ** [[Mike Wallace]], American journalist (d. [[2012]]) * [[May 11]] – [[Richard Feynman]], American physicist, [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[1988]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Richard P. Feynman – Biographical |publisher=The Nobel Foundation |access-date=April 23, 2013 |archive-date=July 1, 2006 |archive-url= |url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> * [[May 12]] – [[Julius Rosenberg]], American-born Soviet spy (d. [[1953]]) * [[May 15]] ** [[Eddy Arnold]], American country music singer (d. [[2008]]) ** [[Joseph Wiseman]], Canadian actor (d. [[2009]])&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|access-date=December 19, 2010||title=Accomplished Broadway actor immortalized Bond's Dr. No|first=Adam|last=Bernstein|date=October 21, 2009}}&lt;/ref> * [[May 16]] – [[Wilf Mannion]], English footballer (d. [[2000]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Wilf Mannion |author=Brian Glanville |author-link=Brian Glanville |date=15 April 2000 |department=Obituary |work=The Guardian|access-date=12 September 2014}}&lt;/ref> * [[May 17]] – [[Birgit Nilsson]], Swedish soprano (d. [[2005]])&lt;ref>{{cite news|last1=Blyth|first1=Alan|author1-link=Alan Blyth|last2=Barker |first2=Frank Granville |title=Obituary: Birgit Nilsson|newspaper=[[The Guardian]]|date=12 January 2006 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=25 October 2017 |url-status=live |access-date=29 April 2018}}&lt;/ref> * [[May 19]] – [[Abraham Pais]], Dutch-born American physicist (d. [[2000]]) * [[May 20]] – [[Edward B. Lewis]], American geneticist, recipient of the [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]] (d. [[2004]]) * [[May 23]] ** [[Frank Mancuso]], American major league baseball player, politician (d. [[2007]]) ** [[Naomi Replansky]], American poet (d. [[2023]]) * [[May 27]] – [[Yasuhiro Nakasone]], 45th [[Prime Minister of Japan]] (d. [[2019]]) * [[May 28]] ** [[Norbert Franck]], Luxembourgian swimmer (d. [[2006]]) ** [[Johnny Wayne]], Canadian comedian (d. [[1990]]) * [[May 30]] – [[Martin Lundström]], Swedish Olympic cross-country skier (d. [[2016]]) * [[May 31]] – [[Margaret Todd (golfer)|Margaret Todd]], Canadian female golfer (d. [[2019]]) === June === &lt;!--[[File:Robert Preston-publicity.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Robert Preston (actor)|Robert Preston]]]]--> &lt;!--[[File:Patachou (1961).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Patachou]]]]--> &lt;!--[[File:François Tombalbaye 1959.jpg|thumb|100px|[[François Tombalbaye]]]]--> [[File:Franco Modigliani.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Franco Modigliani]]]] * [[June 2]] – [[Kathryn Tucker Windham]], American writer, storyteller (d. [[2011]]) * [[June 6]] – [[Edwin G. Krebs]], American biochemist, recipient of the [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]] (d. [[2009]]) * [[June 8]] – [[Robert Preston (actor)|Robert Preston]], American actor (''The Music Man'') (d. [[1987]]) * [[June 9]] – [[John Hospers]], American philosopher (d. [[2011]]) * [[June 10]] – [[Patachou]], French singer (d. [[2015]]) * [[June 11]] – [[Hugo Scheltema]], Dutch diplomat (d. [[1996]]) * [[June 15]] – [[François Tombalbaye]], 1st [[President of Chad]] (d. [[1975]]) * [[June 17]] ** [[Derek Barber, Baron Barber of Tewkesbury]], British life peer (d. [[2017]]) ** [[Ajahn Chah]] Subaddho, Buddhist teacher (d. [[1992]]) ** [[Raúl Padilla]] (alias ''El Chato''), Mexican actor (d. [[1994]]) * [[June 18]] ** [[Jerome Karle]], American chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2013]]) ** [[Franco Modigliani]], Italian-born economist, [[Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences|Nobel Memorial Prize]] laureate (d. [[2003]]) ** [[Ángel Martín Taboas]], Puerto Rican-American politician (d. [[2023]]) * [[June 21]] ** [[Allan Lindberg]], Swedish pole vaulter (d. [[2004]]) ** [[Tibor Szele]], Hungarian mathematician (d. [[1955]]) ** [[Josephine Webb]], American engineer (d. [[2017]]) * [[June 22]] ** [[Cicely Saunders]], English Anglican nurse, social worker, physician and writer (d. [[2005]])&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Cicely Saunders Dies at 87; Reshaped End-of-Life Care|last=Saxon|first=Wolfgang|date=July 31, 2005|work=[[The New York Times]]|access-date=June 22, 2018}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Yeoh Ghim Seng]], Singaporean politician, acting [[President of Singapore]] (d. [[1993]]) * [[June 24]] ** [[Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky]], Ukrainian Catholic bishop (d. [[2000]]) ** [[Yong Nyuk Lin]], Singaporean politician (d. [[2012]]) * [[June 26]] ** [[Ellen Liiger]], Estonian actress (d. [[1987]]) ** [[Leo Rosner]], Polish-born Austrian Jewish musician (d. [[2008]]) * [[June 27]] ** [[Willy Breinholst]], Danish humorist, writer (d. [[2009]]) ** [[Adolph Kiefer]], American Olympic swimmer (d. [[2017]])&lt;ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Adolph Kiefer, a Gold Medal Backstroker in the 1936 Olympics, Dies at 98|last=Litsky|first=Frank|date=May 5, 2017|work=The New York Times|access-date=May 8, 2017|issn=0362-4331}}&lt;/ref> * [[June 29]] – [[Heini Lohrer]], Swiss ice hockey player (d. [[2011]]) * [[June 30]] – [[Jackie Roberts]], Welsh footballer (d. [[2001]]) === July === &lt;!--[[File:Zakaria Mohiedin as Interior Minister.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Zakaria Mohieddin]]]]--> &lt;!--[[File:Sebastian Cabot 1964.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Sebastian Cabot (actor)|Sebastian Cabot]]]]--> &lt;!--[[File:Portrait of Francisco Moncion, in Sebastian LCCN2004663346.tif|thumb|100px|[[Francisco Moncion]]]]--> [[File:Ingmar Bergman (1966).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ingmar Bergman]]]] [[File:Bertram Brockhouse.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Bertram Brockhouse]]]] &lt;!--[[File:Carlos Arana Osorio.png|thumb|100px|[[Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio]]]]--> [[File:Nelson Mandela-2008 (edit) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Nelson Mandela]]]] &lt;!--[[File:AntonioCandido (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Antonio Candido]]]]--> [[File:Paul D. Boyer.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Paul D. Boyer]]]] * [[July 1]] ** [[Ahmed Deedat]], South African writer, public speaker (d. [[2005]]) ** [[Pedro Yap]], Filipino lawyer (d. [[2003]]) * [[July 2]] ** [[Athos Bulcão]], Brazilian painter, sculptor (d. [[2008]]) ** [[Indumati Bhattacharya]], Indian politician (d. [[1990]]) * [[July 3]] – [[Lorenzo Robledo]], Spanish actor (d. [[2006]]) * [[July 4]] ** King [[Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV]] of Tonga (d. [[2006]]) ** [[Alec Bedser]], English cricketer (d. [[2010]]) ** [[Eric Bedser]], English cricketer (d. [[2006]]) * [[July 5]] ** [[Zakaria Mohieddin]], Egyptian general, politician (d. [[2012]]) ** [[Nikos Papatakis]], Greek Ethiopian-born naturalised French filmmaker (d. [[2010]]) ** [[Miguel Ángel Sanz Bocos]], Spanish fighter pilot (d. [[2018]]) * [[July 6]] ** [[Sebastian Cabot (actor)|Sebastian Cabot]], English actor (d. [[1977]]) ** [[Francisco Moncion]], Dominican-American dancer, charter member of [[New York City Ballet]] (d. [[1995]]) * [[July 7]] – [[Jing Shuping]], Chinese businessman (d. [[2009]]) * [[July 8]] ** [[Paul B. Fay]], American businessman, soldier, and diplomat, 12th [[United States Secretary of the Navy]] (d. [[2009]]) ** [[Oluf Reed-Olsen]], Norwegian resistance member, pilot (d. [[2002]]) * [[July 9]] – [[Jarl Wahlström]], Salvation Army general (d. [[1999]]) * [[July 12]] – [[Mary Glen-Haig]], British Olympic fencer (d. [[2014]]) * [[July 13]] ** [[Alberto Ascari]], Italian racing driver (d. [[1955]]) ** [[Ted Oldfield]], English footballer (d. [[2006]]) * [[July 14]] ** [[T. M. Aluko]], Nigerian writer (d. [[2010]])&lt;ref>{{Cite web|title=T.M. Aluko {{!}} Nigerian author|url=|website=Encyclopedia Britannica|language=en|access-date=2020-05-28}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Ingmar Bergman]], Swedish film director (d. [[2007]]&lt;ref>{{cite news|author=Rothstein, Mervyn|title=Ingmar Bergman, Master Director, Dies at 89|url=|work=The New York Times|date=30 July 2007|access-date=31 July 2007|issn=0362-4331}}&lt;/ref>) ** [[Jay Wright Forrester]], American computer scientist (d. [[2016]])&lt;ref name=NYT>Katie Hafner, [ "Jay W. Forrester Dies at 98; a Pioneer in Computer Models"], ''[[The New York Times]]'', November 17, 2016.&lt;/ref> * [[July 15]] ** [[Paddy Bassett]], New Zealand scientist (d. [[2019]]) ** [[Bertram Brockhouse]], Canadian physicist, [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2003]]) ** [[Brenda Milner]], Canadian neuropsychologist * [[July 16]] ** [[Bayani Casimiro]], Filipino dancer and actor (d. [[1989]]) ** [[Pituka de Foronda]], Spanish actress (d. [[1999]]) * [[July 17]] – [[Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio]], 35th [[President of Guatemala]] (d. [[2003]]) * [[July 18]] ** [[Lia Dorana]], Dutch comedian, actress (d. [[2010]]) ** [[Nelson Mandela]], 1st [[President of South Africa]] and recipient of the [[Nobel Peace Prize]] (d. [[2013]])&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=Mandela |first=Nelson |title=Long Walk to Freedom Volume II: 1962–1994 |edition=large print |year=2004 |orig-year=1994 |publisher=BBC AudioBooks and Time Warner Books Ltd |location=London |isbn=978-0-7540-8724-3 |page=3}}&lt;/ref> * [[July 20]] – [[Auður Laxness]], Icelandic writer, craftsperson (d. [[2012]]) * [[July 21]] – [[Elsa Kobberstad]], Norwegian schoolteacher, politician (d. [[2007]]) * [[July 22]] – [[Lila Zali]], Georgian-born American prima ballerina (d. [[2003]]) * [[July 24]] ** [[Antonio Candido]], Brazilian literary critic, sociologist (d. [[2017]]) ** [[Ruggiero Ricci]], Italian-born violinist (d. [[2012]]) * [[July 27]] – [[Leonard Rose]], American cellist (d. [[1984]]) * [[July 28]] – [[Penaia Ganilau]], 1st President of Fiji (d. [[1993]]) * [[July 29]] – [[Edwin O'Connor]], American novelist, [[Pulitzer Prize for Fiction]] winner (d. [[1968]]) * [[July 31]] ** [[Vicente Almeida d'Eça]], Portuguese colonial administrator (d. [[2018]]) ** [[Paul D. Boyer]], American chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2018]]) ** [[Hank Jones]], American pianist (d. [[2010]])&lt;ref>Keepnews, Peter (May 17, 2010), [ "Hank Jones, Versatile Jazz Pianist, Is Dead at 91"], ''[[The New York Times]]''.&lt;/ref> === August === [[File:Bruria_Kaufman.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Bruria_Kaufman]]]] [[File:Frederick Sanger2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Frederick Sanger]]]] [[File:Shankar Dayal Sharma 36.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Shankar Dayal Sharma]]]] [[File:Leonard Bernstein by Jack Mitchell.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Leonard Bernstein]]]] [[File:Katherine Johnson 1983.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Katherine Johnson]]]] [[File:Major Aslam Khan.png|thumb|100px|[[Aslam Khan (Pakistani brigadier)|Aslam Khan]]]] [[File:Alejandro Agust%C3%ADn Lanusse.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Alejandro Agustín Lanusse]]]] * [[August 1]] ** [[Artur Brauner]], German film producer and entrepreneur (d. [[2019]]) ** [[Zhou Xuan]], Chinese singer, actress (d. [[1957]]) * [[August 2]] – [[Dada Vaswani]], Indian spiritual leader (d. [[2018]]) * [[August 3]] – [[Cheng Kaijia]], Chinese nuclear physicist and engineer (d. [[2018]]) * [[August 4]] – [[Noel Willman]], Irish actor (d. [[1988]]) * [[August 5]] ** [[Kondapalli Koteswaramma]], Indian communist leader, feminist, revolutionary and writer (d. [[2018]]) ** [[Betty Oliphant]], co-founder of National Ballet of Canada (d. [[2004]]) * [[August 12]] – [[Guy Gibson]], British bomber pilot, leader of the "Dam Busters" raid (d. [[1944]]) * [[August 13]] ** [[Noor Hassanali]], 2nd [[President of Trinidad and Tobago]] (d. [[2006]]) ** [[Frederick Sanger]], English biochemist, double [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2013]]) * [[August 19]] – [[Shankar Dayal Sharma]], 9th [[President of India]] (d. [[1999]]) * [[August 20]] – [[Crystal Bennett]], British archaeologist, pioneering researcher on [[Jordan]] (d. [[1987]]) * [[August 21]] – [[Bruria Kaufman]], American-born Israeli physicist (d. [[2010]]) * [[August 22]] ** [[Said Mohamed Djohar]], [[President of the Comoros]] (d. [[2006]]) ** [[Martin Pope]], American physical chemist (d. [[2022]]) * [[August 23]] – [[Bernard Fisher (scientist)|Bernard Fisher]], American surgeon (d. [[2019]]) * [[August 25]] – [[Leonard Bernstein]], American composer, conductor (d. [[1990]]) * [[August 26]] ** [[Katherine Johnson]], African-American physicist, space scientist and mathematician (d. [[2020]])&lt;ref>{{Cite news|last=Fountain|first=Nigel|url=|title=Katherine Johnson obituary| date=February 24, 2020|work=[[The Guardian]]|access-date=February 26, 2020|language=en-GB|issn=0261-3077|archive-url=|archive-date=February 26, 2020|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiróz]], Brazilian sociologist (d. [[2018]]) * [[August 27]] ** [[Aslam Khan (Pakistani brigadier)|Aslam Khan]], British Indian-born military officer, led his troops during [[World War II]] in capturing [[Kennedy Peak (Myanmar)]], which the Americans had failed to conquer. For this achievement, he was awarded the [[Military Cross]] by [[Field Marshal Auchinleck]] (d. [[1994]])&lt;ref>{{cite book|url=;q=%22aslam%22|title=History of Jammu and Kashmir Rifles, 1820-1956: The State Force Background|year=1990|first= K. Brahma|last=Singh|publisher=Lancer International |isbn=978-81-7062-091-4}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Chang Yun Chung]], Chinese-born billionaire shipping magnate (d. [[2020]]) ** [[Jelle Zijlstra]], Dutch politician, [[Prime Minister of the Netherlands]] from 1966 to 1967 (d. [[2001]]) * [[August 28]] – [[Alejandro Agustín Lanusse]], 37th [[President of Argentina]] (d. [[1996]]) * [[August 29]] – [[Clemens C. J. Roothaan]], Dutch physicist (d. [[2019]]) * [[August 30]] – [[Ted Williams]], American baseball player (d. [[2002]]) * [[August 31]] – [[Alan Jay Lerner]], American lyricist, librettist (d. [[1986]]) === September === [[File:Chaim Herzog portrait.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Chaim Herzog]]]] * [[September 1]] – [[Phyllis Wallbank]], English educationalist (d. [[2020]]) * [[September 3]] – [[Helen Wagner]], American soap opera actress (d. [[2010]]) * [[September 4]] – [[Gerald Wilson]], American jazz trumpeter (d. [[2014]]) * [[September 6]] – [[Ludwig Hörmann]], German cyclist (d. [[2001]]) * [[September 8]] – [[Derek Barton]], British chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[1998]]) * [[September 9]] – [[Oscar Luigi Scalfaro]], 9th [[President of Italy]] (d. [[2012]]) * [[September 13]] – [[Ray Charles (musician, born 1918)|Ray Charles]], American musician, singer and songwriter (d. [[2015]]) * [[September 14]] – [[James George (diplomat)|James George]], Canadian diplomat (d. [[2020]]) * [[September 15]] – [[Nipsey Russell]], American comedian, poet, and dancer (d. [[2005]]) * [[September 16]] – [[Ismail Mohamed Ali]], Malaysian politician (d. [[1998]]) * [[September 17]] – [[Chaim Herzog]], 6th [[President of Israel]] 1983–1993 (d. [[1997]]) * [[September 19]] – [[Joseph Zeller]], American politician (d. [[2018]]) * [[September 22]] – [[Henryk Szeryng]], Polish-born violinist (d. [[1988]]) * [[September 24]] – [[Emerante Morse]], Haitian singer, dancer and folklorist (d. [[2018]]) * [[September 26]] – [[Peng Chang-kuei]], Taiwanese chef (d. [[2016]]) * [[September 27]] – [[Martin Ryle]], English radio astronomer, recipient of the [[Nobel Prize in Physics]] (d. [[1984]]) * [[September 28]] ** [[Ángel Labruna]], Argentine soccer player, manager (d. [[1983]]) ** [[Ida Schuster]], Scottish actress (d. [[2020]]) ** [[Arnold Stang]], American comic actor (d. [[2009]]) * [[September 30]] ** [[Giovanni Canestri]], Italian cardinal (d. [[2015]]) ** [[Aldo Parisot]], Brazilian-American cellist and educator (d. [[2018]]) === October === [[File:Skou2008crop.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jens Christian Skou]]]] [[File:Press photo of Robert Walker in Strangers on a Train (front).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Robert Walker (actor, born 1918)|Robert Walker]]]] [[File:Hayworth-Gilda-1946-Color.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Rita Hayworth]]]] [[File:Thelma_Coyne_1932.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Thelma Coyne Long]]]] &lt;!--[[File:Baby-Peggy 2012-07-01.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Diana Serra Cary]]]]--> &lt;!--[[File:Constantine Mitsotakis.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Konstantinos Mitsotakis]]]]--> * [[October 4]] – [[Kenichi Fukui]], Japanese chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[1998]]) * [[October 6]] – [[Goh Keng Swee]], former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore (d. [[2010]]) * [[October 8]] – [[Jens Christian Skou]], Danish chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2018]]) * [[October 9]] ** [[E. Howard Hunt]], American [[Watergate scandal|Watergate]] break-in coordinator (d. [[2007]]) ** [[Bebo Valdés]], Cuban pianist, bandleader, composer and arranger (d. [[2013]]) * [[October 10]] – [[Gaston Mialaret]], French pedagogist and professor (d. [[2016]]) * [[October 13]] ** [[Jack MacGowran]], Irish film actor (d. [[1973]]) ** [[Robert Walker (actor, born 1918)|Robert Walker]], American actor (d. [[1951]]) * [[October 14]] – [[Thelma Coyne Long]], Australian tennis player (d. [[2015]]) * [[October 16]] ** [[Louis Althusser]], French philosopher (d. [[1990]]) ** [[Géori Boué]], French operatic singer (d. [[2017]]) ** [[Henri Vernes]], Belgian author (d. [[2021]]) * [[October 17]] – [[Rita Hayworth]], American actress (d. [[1987]]) * [[October 18]] ** [[Konstantinos Mitsotakis]], former Greek Prime Minister (d. [[2017]]) ** [[Bobby Troup]], American singer-songwriter and actor, known for his role in ''[[Emergency!]]'' (d. [[1999]]) * [[October 19]] – [[Robert S. Strauss]], American politician, Democratic National Committee Chairman (d. [[2014]]) * [[October 22]] – [[René de Obaldia]], French playwright and poet (d. [[2022]]) * [[October 23]] – [[Augusta Dabney]], American actress (d. [[2008]]) * [[October 25]] ** [[Francisco Griéguez]], Spanish WWII soldier (d. [[2018]]) ** [[Milton Selzer]], American actor (d. [[2006]]) * [[October 26]] – [[Marc Hodler]], Swiss lawyer (d. [[2006]]) * [[October 27]] ** [[Mihkel Mathiesen]], Estonian statesman (d. [[2003]]) ** [[Teresa Wright]], American actress (d. [[2005]]) * [[October 29]] – [[Diana Serra Cary]], American actress (d. [[2020]]) * [[October 31]] – [[Ian Stevenson]], American parapsychologist (d. [[2007]]) === November === [[File:Billy Graham bw photo, April 11, 1966.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Billy Graham]]]] [[File:Spiro Agnew.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Spiro Agnew]]]] * [[November 1]] – [[Ken Miles]], British sports car racing engineer and driver (d. [[1966]]) * [[November 2]] – [[Raimon Panikkar]], Spanish theologian (d. [[2010]]) * [[November 3]] – [[Russell B. Long]], United States Senator from Louisiana (d. [[2003]]) * [[November 4]] ** [[Art Carney]], American actor, best known for his role in ''[[The Honeymooners]]'' (d. [[2003]]) ** [[Cameron Mitchell (actor)|Cameron Mitchell]], American actor (d. [[1994]]) * [[November 7]] ** [[Paul Aussaresses]], French general (d. [[2013]]) ** [[Billy Graham]], American evangelist, spiritual adviser to several U.S. Presidents (d. [[2018]]) * [[November 8]] ** [[Teoh Seng Khoon]], Malaysian badminton player (d. [[2018]]) ** [[Hermann Zapf]], German typeface designer (d. [[2015]]) * [[November 9]] ** [[Spiro Agnew]], Vice president of the United States (d. [[1996]]) ** [[Choi Hong Hi]], South Korean general, martial artist (d. [[2002]]) ** [[Su Beng]], Taiwanese dissident and political activist (d. [[2019]]) * [[November 10]] – [[Ernst Otto Fischer]], German chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2007]]) * [[November 14]] – [[John Bromwich]], Australian tennis player (d. [[1999]]) * [[November 15]] – [[Vittore Bocchetta]], Italian sculptor, painter and academic (d. [[2021]]) * [[November 18]] – [[Nicolás Kingman Riofrío]], Ecuadorian journalist, writer and politician (d. [[2018]]) * [[November 26]] – [[Patricio Aylwin]], 32nd [[President of Chile]] (d. [[2016]]) * [[November 27]] – [[Borys Paton]], Ukrainian scientist (d. [[2020]]) * [[November 29]] – [[Madeleine L'Engle]], American author (d. [[2007]]) * [[November 30]] – [[Efrem Zimbalist Jr.]], American actor (d. [[2014]])&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Star of '77 Sunset Strip' and 'The F.B.I.', Dies at 95 |url= |access-date=June 9, 2018 |work=The New York Times |date=May 3, 2014}}&lt;/ref> ===December=== [[File:Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1974crop.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn]]]] &lt;!--[[File:BKS Iyengar.jpg|thumb|100px|[[B. K. S. Iyengar]]]]--> &lt;!--[[File:Jeff Chandler - 1958.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jeff Chandler]]]]--> [[File:Kurt Waldheim 1971b.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kurt Waldheim]]]] [[File: Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Helmut Schmidt]]]] [[File:Anwar Sadat cropped.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Anwar Sadat]]]] * [[December 3]] – [[Abdul Haris Nasution]], Indonesian general (d. [[2000]]) * [[December 7]] ** [[Jórunn Viðar]], Icelandic pianist, composer (d. [[2017]]) ** [[Liu Yichang]], Hong Kong writer and novelist (d. [[2018]]) * [[December 8]] – [[Gérard Souzay]], French baritone (d. [[2004]]) * [[December 10]] – [[Anatoly Tarasov]], Russian ice-hockey player and coach (d. [[1995]]) * [[December 11]] – [[Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn]], Russian writer, [[Nobel Prize in Literature|Nobel Prize]] laureate (d. [[2008]]) * [[December 12]] – [[Joe Williams (jazz singer)|Joe Williams]], American jazz singer (d. [[1999]]) * [[December 13]] – [[Rosalia Lombardo]], Italian child known as ''The Sleeping Beauty'' (d. [[1920]])&lt;ref>{{cite journal |last1=Panzer |first1=Stephanie |last2=Gill-Frerking |first2=Heather |last3=Rosendahl |first3=Wilfried |last4=Zink |first4=Albert R. |last5=Piombino-Mascali |first5=Dario |title=Multidetector CT investigation of the mummy of Rosalia Lombardo (1918–1920) |journal=[[Annals of Anatomy]] |date=2013 |volume=195 |issue=5 |pages=401–408 |doi=10.1016/j.aanat.2013.03.009 |pmid=23725823 |url=}}&lt;/ref> * [[December 14]] – [[B. K. S. Iyengar]], Indian [[yoga]] teacher (d. [[2014]]) * [[December 15]] – [[Jeff Chandler]], American actor (d. [[1961]]) * [[December 17]] ** [[Dusty Anderson]], American actress and model (d. [[2007]]) ** [[Duchess Woizlawa Feodora of Mecklenburg]], German royal (d. [[2019]]) * [[December 18]] – [[Joyce Reynolds (classicist)|Joyce Reynolds]], English classicist and academic (d. [[2022]]) * [[December 21]] ** [[Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias]], Peruvian philosopher (d. [[2019]]) ** [[Fred Gloden]], American football player (d. [[2019]]) ** [[Donald Regan]], American [[United States Secretary of the Treasury|Treasury Secretary]], [[White House Chief of Staff]] (d. [[2003]]) ** [[Kurt Waldheim]], [[President of Austria]], [[Secretary-General of the United Nations]] (d. [[2007]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |last1=Kandell |first1=Jonathan |title=Kurt Waldheim dies at 88; ex-UN chief hid Nazi past |url= |website=The New York Times |access-date=18 October 2022 |date=14 June 2007}}&lt;/ref> * [[December 23]] ** [[José Greco]], Italian-born flamenco dancer (d. [[2000]]) ** [[Kumar Pallana]], Indian actor (d. [[2013]]) ** [[Helmut Schmidt]], [[Chancellor of Germany (Federal Republic)|Chancellor of Germany]] (d. [[2015]]) * [[December 24]] – [[Dave Bartholomew]], American musician, songwriter and music producer (d. [[2019]]) * [[December 25]] ** [[Bertie Mee]], English football player, manager (d. [[2001]]) ** [[Anwar Sadat]], 3rd [[President of Egypt]], recipient of the [[Nobel Peace Prize]] (d. [[1981]]) * [[December 26]] – [[Georgios Rallis]], [[Prime Minister of Greece]] (d. [[2006]]) * [[December 30]] – [[W. Eugene Smith]], American photojournalist (d. [[1978]]) ===Date unknown=== * [[Abd an-Nabi Abd al-Qadir Mursal]], [[Sudan]]ese poet and politician (d. [[1962]])&lt;ref>{{cite book|author=Mansour Khalid|title=War &amp; Peace In The Sudan|url=;pg=PA65|date=12 October 2012|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-136-17924-2|page=65}}&lt;/ref> == Deaths == {{BDToC|deaths}} === January === [[File:Georg Cantor2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Georg Cantor]]]] [[File:Dolores sopeña pensativa.jpg|thumb|100px|[[María Dolores Rodríguez Sopeña]]]] * [[January 2]] – [[Katharine A. O'Keeffe O'Mahoney]], Irish-born American teacher and writer (b. [[1855]]) * [[January 6]] – [[Georg Cantor]], German mathematician (b. [[1845]]) * [[January 8]] ** [[Johannes Pääsuke]], Estonian photographer, filmmaker (b. [[1892]]) ** [[Ellis H. Roberts]], American politician (b. [[1827]]) * [[January 9]] ** [[Max Ritter von Müller]], German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. [[1887]]) ** [[Charles-Émile Reynaud]], French inventor (b. [[1844]]) * [[January 10]] – [[María Dolores Rodríguez Sopeña]], Spanish [[Roman Catholic]] religious sister and Blessed (b. [[1848]]) * [[January 21]] – [[Emil Jellinek]], German automobile entrepreneur (b. [[1853]]) * [[January 26]] – [[Grand Duke Nicholas Konstantinovich of Russia]] (b. [[1850]]) * [[January 28]] – [[John McCrae]], Canadian soldier, surgeon and poet (b. [[1872]]) * [[January 31]] – [[Ivan Puluj]], Ukrainian physicist and inventor (b. [[1845]]) === February === [[File:Leonilla Ivanovna Baryatinskaya.jpg|thumb|right|110px|[[Princess Leonilla Bariatinskaya]]]] [[File:Klimt.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Gustav Klimt]]]] [[File:Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire.jpg|thumb|100px|Sultan [[Abdul Hamid II]]]] * [[February 1]] – [[Princess Leonilla Bariatinskaya]], Russian aristocrat (b. [[1816]]) * [[February 2]] – [[John L. Sullivan]], American boxer, World Heavyweight Champion (b. [[1858]]) * [[February 4]] – [[Akiyama Saneyuki]], Japanese admiral (b. [[1868]]) * [[February 6]] – [[Gustav Klimt]], Austrian painter (b. [[1862]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[February 8]] – [[Louis Renault (jurist)|Louis Renault]], French jurist, educator and [[Nobel Peace Prize|Nobel Prize]] laureate (b. [[1843]]) * [[February 10]] ** Sultan [[Abdul Hamid II]] of the Ottoman Empire (b. [[1842]]) ** [[Ernesto Teodoro Moneta]], Italian pacifist, [[Nobel Peace Prize|Nobel Prize]] laureate (b. [[1833]]) * [[February 11]] – [[Alexey Kaledin]], Russian general (suicide) (b. [[1861]]) * [[February 14]] – [[Cecil Spring Rice|Sir Cecil Spring Rice]], British diplomat (b. [[1859]]) * [[February 15]] – [[Vernon Castle]], British-born American dancer (b. [[1887]]) * [[February 16]] – [[Károly Khuen-Héderváry]], 2-time [[Prime Minister of Hungary]] (b. [[1849]]) * [[February 23]] ** [[Adolphus Frederick VI, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz]] (b. [[1882]]) **[[Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey]], British politician and colonial administrator (b. [[1836]]) === March === [[File:Claude Debussy by Atelier Nadar.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Claude Debussy]]]] [[File:Martin Sheridan.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Martin Sheridan]]]] * [[March 2]] – [[Prince Mirko of Montenegro]] (b. [[1879]]) * [[March 9]] – [[Frank Wedekind]], German playwright (b. [[1864]]) * [[March 10]] – [[Hans-Joachim Buddecke]], German flying ace (killed in action) (b. [[1890]]) * [[March 13]] – [[César Cui]], Lithuanian composer (b. [[1835]]) * [[March 14]] ** [[Lucretia Garfield]], [[First Lady of the United States]] (b. [[1832]]) ** [[Gennaro Rubino]], Italian anarchist who unsuccessfully tried to assassinate King Leopold II of Belgium (b. [[1859]]) * [[March 15]] – [[Adolf Ritter von Tutschek]], German fighter ace (killed in action) (b. [[1891]]) * [[March 23]] – [[T. P. Cameron Wilson]], English poet, novelist (b. [[1888]]) * [[March 25]] ** [[Claude Debussy]], French composer (b. [[1862]]) ** [[Walter Tull]], first Black infantry officer to serve in the British Army (b. [[1888]]) * [[March 27]] ** [[Henry Adams]], American historian (b. [[1838]]) ** [[Martin Sheridan]], American Olympic athlete (b. [[1881]]), [[Spanish flu]] === April === [[File:Ferdinand Braun.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Karl Ferdinand Braun]]]] [[File:Manfred von Richthofen.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Manfred von Richthofen]]]] [[File:Gavrilloprincip.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Gavrilo Princip]]]] * [[April 1]] **[[Isaac Rosenberg]], British war poet (killed in action) (b. [[1890]]) **[[Paul von Rennenkampf]], Russian general (executed) (b. [[1854]]) * [[April 4]] – [[Hermann Cohen]], German philosopher (b. [[1842]]) * [[April 5]] – King [[George Tupou II]] of Tonga (b. [[1874]]) * [[April 11]] – [[Otto Wagner]], Austro-Hungarian architect, urban planner (b. [[1841]]) * [[April 19]] – [[William Hope Hodgson]], English author (b. [[1877]])&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=William Hope Hodgson|}}&lt;/ref> * [[April 20]] ** [[Jussi Merinen]], Finnish politician (executed) (b. [[1873]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Person: Merinen, Juho Rikard |url= |website=[[War Victims of Finland 1914–1922]] |publisher=[[National Archives of Finland]] |access-date=23 July 2023 |location=Helsinki, Finland}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Karl Ferdinand Braun]], German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. [[1850]]) ** [[Paul Gautsch von Frankenthurn]], Austrian statesman, Prime Minister (b. [[1851]]) * [[April 21]] ** [[Friedrich II, Duke of Anhalt]] (b. [[1856]]) ** [[Manfred von Richthofen]], German fighter pilot, top-scoring ace of World War I (killed in action) (b. [[1892]]) * [[April 27]] – [[Jacques Duchesne]], French general (b. [[1837]]) * [[April 28]] – [[Gavrilo Princip]], Yugoslav assassin (b. [[1894]]) === May === [[File:Blandine Merten.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Maria Magdalena Merten]]]] * [[May 2]] ** [[Ernie Parker]], Australian tennis champion (killed in action) (b. [[1883]]) ** [[Jüri Vilms]], Estonian politician (b. [[1889]]) * [[May 14]] – [[James Gordon Bennett Jr.]], American newspaper publisher (b. [[1841]]) * [[May 17]] – [[William Drew Robeson I]], African-American minister, father of singer and actor Paul Robeson (b. [[1844]]) * [[May 18]] – [[Blandine Merten]], German nun and Blessed (b. [[1883]]) * [[May 19]] ** [[Ferdinand Hodler]], Swiss painter (b. [[1853]]) ** [[Raoul Lufbery]], Franco-American fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1885]]) * [[May 21]] ** [[Sofia Hjulgrén]], Finnish politician (executed) (b. [[1875]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Person: Hjulgrén, Edla Sofia |url= |website=[[War Victims of Finland 1914–1922]] |publisher=[[National Archives of Finland]] |access-date=27 December 2023 |location=Helsinki, Finland}}&lt;/ref> ** [[Wilho Laine]], Finnish politician (executed) (b. [[1875]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Kansanedustajat: Wilho Laine |url= |publisher=[[Parliament of Finland]] |access-date=27 December 2023 |archive-url= |archive-date=16 October 2014 |location=Helsinki, Finland |language=fi}}&lt;/ref> * [[May 23]] – [[Mariano Ponce]], Filipino diplomat, politician and writer (b. [[1863]]) * [[May 24]] – [[József Kiss]], Austro-Hungarian fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1896]]) * [[May 30]] – [[Georgi Plekhanov]], Russian revolutionary, philosopher (b. [[1856]]) === June === [[File:Patriarch Kyrion II of Georgia.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Kyrion II of Georgia]]]] * [[June 1]] – [[Roderic Dallas]], Australian fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1891]]) * [[June 3]] – Count [[Richard von Bienerth-Schmerling]], Austrian noble, statesman and former Prime Minister (b. [[1863]]) * [[June 4]] – [[Charles W. Fairbanks]], [[List of Vice Presidents of the United States|26th]] [[Vice President of the United States]] (b. [[1852]]) * [[June 10]] – [[Arrigo Boito]], Italian poet, composer (b. [[1842]]) * [[June 13]] – [[Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia|Grand Duke Michael Romanov]] (assassinated) (b. [[1878]]) * [[June 15]] – [[Frank Miles Day]], American architect (b. [[1861]]) * [[June 16]] – [[Bazil Assan]], Romanian engineer and explorer (b. [[1860]]) * [[June 19]] – [[Francesco Baracca]], Italian fighter pilot (air crash) (b. [[1888]]) * [[June 26]] – [[Kyrion II of Georgia]], Georgian [[Eastern Orthodox Church|Orthodox patriarch]], Saint (b. [[1855]]) * [[June 27]] – [[Joséphin Péladan]], French occultist (b. [[1858]]) === July === [[File:Sultan_Mehmed_V_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_cropped.jpg|thumb|100px|Sultan [[Mehmed V]]]] [[File:McCuddenportrait.jpg|thumb|100px|[[James McCudden]]]] [[File:Quentin Roosevelt in Uniform 1917.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Quentin Roosevelt]]]] [[File:Face Nicholas II.jpg|thumb|100px|Emperor [[Nicholas II of Russia]]]] [[File:Henry Macintosh 1913.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Henry Macintosh]]]] * [[July 3]] – Sultan [[Mehmed V]] of the Ottoman Empire (b. [[1844]]) * [[July 9]] – [[James McCudden]], British fighter pilot (air crash) (b. [[1895]]) * [[July 14]] – [[Quentin Roosevelt]], youngest son of United States President [[Theodore Roosevelt]], fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1897]]) * [[July 17]] – Executed members of the Romanov family: ** Former Emperor [[Nicholas II of Russia]] (b. [[1868]]) ** Former Empress [[Alexandra of Hesse|Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia]] (b. [[1872]]) ** [[Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia]] (b. [[1895]]) ** [[Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia]] (b. [[1897]]) ** [[Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia]] (b. [[1899]]) ** [[Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia]] (b. [[1901]]) ** Former [[Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia|Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia]] (b. [[1904]]) * [[July 18]] ** [[Prince Constantine Constantinovich of Russia]] (executed) (b. [[1891]]) ** [[Prince Igor Constantinovich of Russia]] (executed) (b. [[1894]]) ** [[Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich of Russia]] (executed) (b. [[1869]]) ** Grand Duchess Elisabeth of Russia ([[Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1864–1918)|Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine]]) (executed) (b. [[1864]]) * [[July 20]] – [[Francis Lupo]], American soldier (b. [[1895]]) * [[July 22]] ** [[Roy Earl Parrish]], American politician (killed in action) (b. [[1888]]) ** [[Manuel González Prada]], Peruvian politician, author (b. [[1844]]) ** [[Indra Lal Roy]], Indian fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1898]]) ** [[Alexey Schastny]], Russian naval officer (executed) (b. [[1881]]) * [[July 26]] ** [[Henry Macintosh]], British Olympic athlete (killed in action) (b. [[1892]]) ** [[Edward Mannock]], British fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1887]]) * [[July 29]] – [[Ernest William Christmas]], Australian painter (b. [[1863]]) * [[July 30]] **[[Hermann von Eichhorn]], German field marshal (assassinated) (b. [[1848]]) **[[Joyce Kilmer]], American journalist, poet (killed in action) (b. [[1886]]) **[[Frank Linke-Crawford]], Austro-Hungarian fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1893]]) * [[July 31]] – [[George McElroy]], British fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1893]]) === August === [[File:Mother Marianne Cope in her youth.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Marianne Cope]]]] * [[August 1]] ** [[John Riley Banister]], American policeman, cowboy (b. [[1854]]) ** [[Gabriel Guérin]], French World War I fighter ace (air crash) (b. [[1892]]) * [[August 5]] – [[Peter Strasser]], German naval officer, airship commander (killed in action) (b. [[1876]]) * [[August 9]] ** [[Marianne Cope]], German-born American [[Roman Catholic]] nun and saint (b. [[1838]]) ** [[František Plesnivý]], Austro-Hungarian architect (b. [[1845]]) * [[August 10]] ** [[Jean Brillant]], Canadian soldier, [[Victoria Cross]] recipient (killed in action) (b. [[1890]]) ** [[Erich Löwenhardt]], German World War I fighter ace (air crash) (b. [[1897]]) ** [[Aleksander Uurits]], Estonian painter, graphic artist (b. [[1888]]) * [[August 12]] – [[Anna Held]], French actress (b. [[1872]]) * [[August 22]] – [[Korbinian Brodmann]], German neurologist (b. [[1868]])&lt;ref>[On the life and work of Korbinian Brodmann (1868–1918)]&lt;/ref> * [[August 30]] – [[William Duncan (missionary)|William Duncan]], British missionary in Canada and the United States (b. [[1832]]) === September === [[File:George Reid cph.3c31684.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[George Reid]]]] [[File:EduardDukeAnhalt.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Eduard, Duke of Anhalt]]]] [[File:Eriksweden18894qr.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Prince Erik, Duke of Vastmanland]]]] * [[Mudbir al-Far'un]], Arab chieftain, leader of 1913 Euphrates rebellion * [[September 2]] – [[John Forrest|Sir John Forrest]], Australian explorer and politician, 1st [[Premier of Western Australia]] (b. [[1847]]) * [[September 5]] – [[Nikolay Maklakov]], Russian politician, former minister of the Interior (b. [[1871]]) * [[September 6]] – [[Elizabeth Yates (mayor)|Elizabeth Yates]], New Zealand politician (b. [[1845]]) * [[September 8]] ** [[Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan]], German [[Roman Catholic]] priest and venerable (b. [[1848]]) ** [[Mikael of Wollo]], Ethiopian army commander and Ras of Wollo (b. [[1850]]) * [[September 12]] – [[George Reid|Sir George Reid]], 4th [[Prime Minister of Australia]] (b. [[1845]]) * [[September 13]] – [[Eduard, Duke of Anhalt]] (b. [[1861]]) * [[September 16]] – [[Maurice Boyau]], French World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. [[1888]]) * [[September 20]] – [[Prince Erik, Duke of Västmanland]] (b. [[1889]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[September 27]] – [[Fritz Rumey]], German World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. [[1891]]) * [[September 28]] ** [[True Boardman]], American actor (b. [[1882]]), [[Spanish flu]] ** [[Georg Simmel]], German sociologist, philosopher (b. [[1858]]) ** [[Freddie Stowers]], American soldier (killed in action) (b. [[1896]]) * [[September 29]] – [[Frank Luke]], American fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1897]]) ===October=== * [[October 4]] – [[Nikolai Skrydlov]], Russian admiral (b. [[1844]]) * [[October 5]] ** [[Roland Garros (aviator)|Roland Garros]], French fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1888]]) ** [[Robbie Ross]], British writer (b. [[1869]]) * [[October 6]] – [[Arthur O'Hara Wood]], Australian tennis champion and fighter pilot (killed in action) (b. [[1890]]) * [[October 7]] – [[Hubert Parry|Sir Hubert Parry]], British composer (b. [[1848]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[October 8]] – [[Mikhail Alekseyev]], Russian general (b. [[1857]]) * [[October 9]] – [[Raymond Duchamp-Villon]], French sculptor (b. [[1876]]) * [[October 11]] – [[Wallace Lloyd Algie]], Canadian soldier (killed in action) (b. [[1891]]) * [[October 15]] – [[Sai Baba of Shirdi]], Indian guru, yogi and National saint of India (b. [[1838]]) * [[October 16]] – [[Felix Arndt]], American pianist, composer (b. [[1889]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[October 18]] ** [[Radko Dimitriev]], Bulgarian, Russian general (executed) (b. [[1859]]) ** [[Uganda Martyrs|Jildo Irwa]], Ugandan [[Roman Catholic]] martyr and saint (executed) (b. [[1906]]) ** [[Uganda Martyrs|Daudo Okelo]], Ugandan [[Roman Catholic]] martyr and saint (executed) (b. ca. [[1900]]) ** [[Nikolai Ruzsky]], Russian general (executed) (b. [[1854]]) * [[October 19]] ** [[Harold Lockwood]], American actor (b. [[1887]]), [[Spanish flu]] ** [[Prince Umberto, Count of Salemi]] (b. [[1889]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[October 24]] ** [[César Ritz]], Swiss hotelier (b. [[1850]]) ** [[Daniel Burley Woolfall]], English administrator, 2nd [[President of FIFA]] (b. [[1852]]) * [[October 25]] – [[Amadeo de Souza Cardoso]], Portuguese painter (b. [[1887]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[October 29]] ** [[Michel Coiffard]], French World War I fighter ace (killed in action) (b. [[1892]]) ** [[Rudolf Tobias]], Estonian composer (b. [[1873]]) * [[October 31]] ** [[Egon Schiele]], Austrian artist (b. [[1890]]), [[Spanish flu]] ** [[István Tisza]], 2-time [[List of Prime Ministers of Hungary|Prime Minister of Hungary]] (assassinated) (b. [[1861]]) === November=== [[File:Wilfred Owen plate from Poems (1920).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Wilfred Owen]]]] * [[November 1]] – [[Vladimir Vasilyevich Smirnov]], Russian general (executed) (b. [[1849]]) * [[November 2]] – [[Hugh Cairns (VC)|Hugh Cairns]], Canadian soldier (b. [[1896]]) * [[November 4]] ** [[Wilfred Owen]], British poet, soldier (killed in action) (b. [[1893]]) ** [[Andrew Dickson White]], American academic and diplomat, co-founder of [[Cornell University]] (b. [[1832]]) * [[November 5]] **[[Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers]], British occultist (b. [[1854]]), [[Spanish flu]] **[[William Shea (actor)|William Shea]], British actor (b. [[1856]]) * [[November 6]] – [[Alan Arnett McLeod]], Canadian soldier (b. [[1899]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[November 9]] ** [[Guillaume Apollinaire]], French poet (b. [[1880]]), [[Spanish flu]] ** [[Albert Ballin]], German shipping magnate (b. [[1857]]) ** [[Peter Lumsden|Sir Peter Lumsden]], British general in the Indian Army (b. [[1829]]) * [[November 11]] ** [[Victor Adler]], Austrian politician (b. [[1852]]) ** [[George Lawrence Price]], last Commonwealth soldier to die in WWI (b. [[1892]]) * [[November 12]] – [[Aleksei Evert]], Russian general (executed) (b. [[1857]]; may have died in [[1926]]) * [[November 14]] – [[Matti Lonkainen]], Finnish politician (b. [[1874]])&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Person: Lonkainen, Matti |url= |website=[[War Victims of Finland 1914–1922]] |publisher=[[National Archives of Finland]] |access-date=16 December 2023 |location=Helsinki, Finland}}&lt;/ref> * [[November 15]] – [[Robert Anderson (Scotland Yard official)|Sir Robert Anderson]], British police officer (b. [[1841]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[November 19]] – [[Joseph F. Smith]], 6th President of [[The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]] (b. [[1838]]) * [[November 20]] – [[John Bauer (illustrator)|John Bauer]], Swedish painter (b. [[1882]]) * [[November 22]] – [[Rose Cleveland]], ''de facto'' [[First Lady of the United States]] (b. [[1846]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[November 23]] – [[Fritz von Below]], German general (b. [[1853]]) * [[November 30]] – [[Karl Petrovich Jessen]], Russian admiral (b. [[1852]]) === December=== [[File:Sidónio Pais.jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Sidónio Pais]]]] [[File:Zanz-Ali II.jpg|thumb|100px|right|Sultan [[Ali bin Hamud of Zanzibar]]]] * [[December 2]] – [[Edmond Rostand]], French writer (b. [[1868]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[December 4]] – [[Princess Teriivaetua]] of [[Tahiti]] (b. [[1869]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[December 5]] – [[Schalk Willem Burger]], Boer military leader, lawyer, politician, statesman, and acting [[President of the South African Republic]] (1900-1902) (b. [[1852]]) * [[December 9]] – [[Samuel Swett Green]], American library pioneer (b. [[1837]]) * [[December 11]] – [[Ivan Cankar]], Slovenian writer (b. [[1876]]), [[Spanish flu]] * [[December 14]] – [[Sidónio Pais]], Portuguese politician, general, diplomat, 66th [[Prime Minister of Portugal]] and 4th [[President of Portugal]] (b. [[1872]]), assassinated * [[December 20]] – Sultan [[Ali bin Hamud of Zanzibar]] (b. [[1884]]) * [[December 21]] – [[Prince Konrad of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst]], Austrian statesman, former Prime Minister (b. [[1863]]) * [[December 28]] – [[Olavo Bilac]], Brazilian poet (b. [[1865]]) === Date unknown === * Spring – [[Vyacheslav Troyanov]], Russian general (b. [[1875]]) * [[Yakov Zhilinsky]], Russian general (b. [[1853]]) == Nobel Prizes == [[File:Nobel medal.png|right|100px]] * [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Physics]] – [[Max Planck]] * [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Chemistry]] – [[Fritz Haber]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=These Nobel Prize Winners Weren't Always Noble |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=August 8, 2020 |website=National Geographic News |access-date=19 January 2021 |language=en |date=6 October 2015}}&lt;/ref> * [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine|Medicine]] – not awarded * [[Nobel Prize in Literature|Literature]] – not awarded * [[Nobel Peace Prize|Peace]] – not awarded == References == {{Reflist}} ==Further reading== * Chandra, Siddharth, Julia Christensen, and Shimon Likhtman. "Connectivity and seasonality: the 1918 influenza and COVID-19 pandemics in global perspective." ''Journal of Global History'' 15.3 (2020): 408–420. * Phillips, Howard. "’17,’18,’19: religion and science in three pandemics, 1817, 1918, and 2019." ''Journal of Global History'' 15.3 (2020): 434–443. * Williams, John. ''The Other Battleground The Home Fronts: Britain, France and Germany 1914-1918'' (1972) pp 243–92. ===Primary sources and year books=== * [ ''New International Year Book 1918'' (1919)], Comprehensive coverage of world and national affairs, 904 pp * {{cite book|author=Wickware. Francis Graham |title=The American Year Book: A Record of Events and Progress...|url=|year=1919|publisher=T. Nelson &amp; Sons}} {{Events by month links}} {{Authority control}} {{DEFAULTSORT:1918}} [[Category:1918| ]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/HMAT_Warilda" title="HMAT Warilda">HMAT Warilda</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=HMAT_Warilda&amp;action=edit" title="HMAT Warilda">edit</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/HMS_Britannia_(1904)" title="HMS Britannia (1904)">HMS Britannia (1904)</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=HMS_Britannia_(1904)&amp;action=edit" title="HMS Britannia (1904)">edit</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/HMS_Calgarian_(1913)" title="HMS Calgarian (1913)">HMS Calgarian (1913)</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=HMS_Calgarian_(1913)&amp;action=edit" title="HMS Calgarian (1913)">edit</a>) </li><li><a 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