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These are their stories. 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class="pos-r ms-vis-h ms-f-s-ml p-t-0 p-v-025">E02</h4> <div> <div class="pos-r d-f a-i-center"> <div class="pos-r d-ib m-r-05 avatar circle w-2rem ms-w-3rem h-2rem ms-h-3rem ms-t-025rem"> <img src="/ui/assets/images/people/ash_huang_avatar.jpg" alt="" class="pos-r w-100p bd bd-w-3 ms-bd-w-3 transparent"> <div class="pos-a t-0 l-0 w-100p h-100p white-30 bd bd-w-1 ms-bd-w-2 circle center-hv"></div> </div> <h3 class="pos-r d-ib f-w-600 f-s-xxl ms-f-s-xxl ls-f-s-lxl t-t-u">Ash Huang</h3> </div> <div class="pos-r op-60 f-s-xxxs ms-f-s-s">Artist, Author, and Designer in San Francisco</div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/mackeysaturday/" class="pos-r h-100p fx-b-100p ms-fx-b-49p ls-fx-b-33p m-b-1 ls-p-l-05"> <div class="episode ms-p-t-vid d-f ms-d-b ms-bg-white-10"> <div class="cover ms-pos-a pos-r fx-b-50p t-025rem ms-t-0 l-0 p-r-1 ms-p-0 ls-p-r-0 ls-p-l-05"> <img src="/ui/assets/images/people/mackey_saturday_640.jpg" class="d-b w-100p" alt=""> </div> <div class="pos-a t-0 l-0 d-f 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