Researchera Conferences
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It will be held during <strong> 26th Nov 2024</strong> at <strong> Al Ain,UAE. </strong></p> <!--new--> <!--New--> <p> ICPPP-2024 includes plenary lectures, and keynote lectures by eminent professionals across the world who provide extensive knowledge in the field of plant science. The main focus of the conference is to bring together the topmost Scientists, Botanists, agronomists, Plant researchers, and Scholars from different parts of the world to share their research experience in all angles of Agriculture and Plant Science. In addition to this poster presentation, oral presentation, video presentation, journal publishing, workshops, young scholars, and researcher sessions were also included. We aim to provide the best conference that covers the range of plant science as well as exchange thoughts with world-class expertise. We hope that you will join the Conference to take advantage of the presence of internationally renowned Scholars to exchange ideas and to merge the different expertise into successful collaborations. </p> </div> <div class="col-lg-5 confr-imprt-link"> <div class="imprt-date-box"> <div class="wrap-gridcont"> <div class="mkdf-banner-holder col-md-6"> <div class="grid-box-subms"> <h4><strong>Date of Conference</strong></h4> <h5><span>26th Nov, 2024</span> <i class="fad fa-calendar-check"></i></h5> </div> </div> <div class="mkdf-banner-holder col-md-6"> <div class="grid-box-subms"> <h4>Early Bird Registration</h4> <h5><span>27th October 2024</span> <i class="fad fa-calendar-check"></i></h5> </div> </div> <div class="mkdf-banner-holder col-md-6"> <div class="grid-box-subms"> <h4>Abstract Submission</h4> <h5><span>04th Nov, 2024 </span> <i class="fad fa-calendar-check"></i></h5> </div> </div> <div class="mkdf-banner-holder col-md-6"> <div class="grid-box-subms"> <h4>Last date of registration</h4> <h5><span>11th Nov, 2024</span> <i class="fad fa-calendar-check"></i></h5> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!--//about-section--> <!--/w3l-index2--> <section class="vurat-cont-confr"> <div class="container py-lg-5"> <div class="row middle-section align-self"> <div class="col-lg-4 video-info pr-lg-5"> <div class="title-content text-left"> <h3 class="title-w3l pr-lg-5">Who Can Attend?</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-8 virtual-confr"> <ul> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Researchers</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Veterinarians</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Food Administrator</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Policymakers</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Scientists</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Agriculture & Food Councilor</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Practitioners</li> <li><i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i>Other Stakeholders</li> 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