64B8-9.012 : Standards for the Prescription of Drugs to Treat Obesity - Florida Administrative Rules, Law, Code, Register - FAC, FAR, eRulemaking
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text-align: center;" rowspan="3"> <a class="FX_Link_ID" href="/subscriber/addFavorite.asp?type=R&IID=15287"><img src="/images/Fav_Folder.gif" alt="Add to MyFLRules Favorites" /><br />Add to MyFLRules Favorites</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL">Division:</td> <td><a class="FX_Link_header" href="/gateway/organization.asp?divid=331" target="organization"> Board of Medicine</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL">Chapter:</td> <td> <a class="FX_Link_header" href="/gateway/ChapterHome.asp?Chapter=64B8-9" target="Chapter"> STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR MEDICAL DOCTORS</a> </td> </tr> </table> <p>Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC): </p> <p class="line"></p> <table class="tabHide" summary=""> <tr> <td rowspan="3" style="width: 25%;"> <a href="/gateway/readFile.asp?sid=0&tid=26115424&type=1&file=64B8-9.012.doc"> <img src="/images/VIEW_RULE.jpg" alt="VIEW_RULE" /></a> </td> <td style="width: 25%;" class="tdL">Effective Date:</td> <td style="width: 50%;">8/8/2022 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL">History Notes:</td> <td> Rulemaking Authority <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id=458.336 FS." target=statute>458.336 FS.</a> Law Implemented <a href="/gateway/statute.asp?id=458.336 FS." target=statute>458.336 FS.</a> History–New 12-4-97, Amended 2-17-98, 8-8-22. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdL" >References in this version: </td> <td> No reference(s). </td> </tr> </table> <span style="font-weight: bolder; font-size: 13px;">History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006</span> <table class="tabDisplay" style="table-latyout:fixed;" > <tr> <td colspan="5" class="thLast"></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="patency">Notice /<br>Adopted</th> <th class="Results" style="overflow:hidden;width:100px;word-wrap:break-word;" >Section </th> <th class="Results">Description</th> <th class="Results">ID</th> <th class="Results">Publish<br>Date</th> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=26704117', 'ReadFile275300', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=26704117"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on March 11, 2022, on behalf of Gene Lee, Jerri Jensen, Sonia Sharma, and Calibrate Health Medical P.C. The Notice of Petition for Variance ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=26704117"> 26704117</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3801"> 1/11/2023<br>Vol. 49/07 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=26115424', 'ReadFile269231', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=26115424"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >Standards for the Prescription of Drugs to Treat Obesity</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=26115424"> 26115424</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>08/08/2022 </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25998345', 'ReadFile268024', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25998345"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Change<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >Standards for the Prescription of Obesity Drugs</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25998345"> 25998345</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3663"> 6/22/2022<br>Vol. 48/121 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25792608', 'ReadFile265903', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25792608"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Proposed<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >The proposed rule amendment updates the overall standards of practice for the prescribing of medication for the treatment of obesity in children and adults and allows for the use of telemedicine for such prescribing.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25792608"> 25792608</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3621"> 4/22/2022<br>Vol. 48/79 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25687363', 'ReadFile264818', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25687363"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on January 4, 2022, on behalf of Julie Deaun Graves, Priya Mathew Philip, Ana Maria Mendez, Rebecca Eve Neril, Husni Nadim Hasan, Aleem Kanji, ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25687363"> 25687363</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3588"> 3/22/2022<br>Vol. 48/56 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25665829', 'ReadFile264596', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25665829"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Gene Lee, Jerri Jensen, Sonia Sharma and Calibrate Health Medical P.C., from Rule 64B8-9.012(6), F.A.C. In relevant part, each physician who is prescribing, ordering, or providing weight ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25665829"> 25665829</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3583"> 3/15/2022<br>Vol. 48/51 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25424493', 'ReadFile262108', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25424493"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Julie Deaun Graves, Priya Mathew Philip, Ana Maria Mendez, Rebecca Eve Neril, Husni Nadim Hasan, Aleem Kanji, Benjamin Lee Kohnen, Lisa Vasanth, and Julia Megan O鈥橫alley Keyes and Calibrate ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25424493"> 25424493</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3536"> 1/6/2022<br>Vol. 48/04 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25424396', 'ReadFile262107', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25424396"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on October 1, 2021, on behalf of Rona Heublum-Colton, Cici Carter, and Daniela Kloos, and Calibrate Health Medical P.C. The Notice of Petition ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25424396"> 25424396</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3536"> 1/6/2022<br>Vol. 48/04 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25424299', 'ReadFile262106', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25424299"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on November 3, 2021, on behalf of Leslie Colip, Margaret Savransky, Noreen Valla, Renae Thomas, Jessica Willet, and Theresa Marx-Armile, and ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25424299"> 25424299</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3536"> 1/6/2022<br>Vol. 48/04 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25302952', 'ReadFile260855', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25302952"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >: of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on September 2, 2021, on behalf of Belinda Escanio, Pearl Guerzon, Serena Satcher, and Calibrate Health Medical P.C. The Notice of Petition ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25302952"> 25302952</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3507"> 11/23/2021<br>Vol. 47/227 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25228941', 'ReadFile260092', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25228941"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Leslie Colip, Margaret Savransky, Noreen Valla, Renae Thomas, Jessica Willet, and Theresa Marx-Armile, and Calibrate Health Medical P.C., from Rule 64B8-9.012(6), F.A.C. In relevant ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25228941"> 25228941</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3496"> 11/5/2021<br>Vol. 47/216 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25104490', 'ReadFile258809', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25104490"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Rona Heublum-Colton, Cici Carter, and Daniela Kloos, and Calibrate Health Medical P.C., from Rule 64B8-9.012(6), F.A.C. In relevant part, each physician who is prescribing, ordering, ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25104490"> 25104490</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3474"> 10/6/2021<br>Vol. 47/194 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25055990', 'ReadFile258309', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=25055990"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on July 22, 2021, on behalf of Nicole Turner, Michele Griffith, Michelle Oza, Maria Rodriguez, Susan Leggett, Gaja Andzel, Dawn Kabra and Calibrate ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=25055990"> 25055990</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3465"> 9/23/2021<br>Vol. 47/185 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24980815', 'ReadFile257534', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24980815"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Belinda Escanio, Pearl Guerzon, Serena Satcher, and Calibrate Health Medical P.C., from Rule 64B8-9.012(6), F.A.C. In relevant part, each physician who is prescribing, ordering, ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=24980815"> 24980815</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3455"> 9/9/2021<br>Vol. 47/175 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24977226', 'ReadFile257497', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24977226"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Workshop<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >To discuss updating the rule and hearing public comments.<br> Thursday, October 7, 2021, 3:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter ....<br> Florida Hotel and Conference Center, 1500 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=24977226"> 24977226</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3454"> 9/8/2021<br>Vol. 47/174 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24796418', 'ReadFile255633', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24796418"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Nicole Turner, Michele Griffith, Michelle Oza, Maria Rodriguez, Susan Leggett, Gaja Andzel, Dawn Kabra and Calibrate Health Medical P.C., from Rule 64B8-9.012(6), F.A.C. In relevant ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=24796418"> 24796418</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3423"> 7/26/2021<br>Vol. 47/143 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24734144', 'ReadFile254991', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24734144"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Development<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >The purpose of the rule development is to update the rule language.</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=24734144"> 24734144</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3412"> 7/9/2021<br>Vol. 47/132 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24713289', 'ReadFile254776', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24713289"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance or Waiver, filed on May 3, 2021, on behalf of Kimberly Boyd, Gene Pershwitz, Maria Garcia, Fawn Langerman, Kristin Baier, Spencer Wong, Sona Shah, Kamilah Williams ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=24713289"> 24713289</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3408"> 7/2/2021<br>Vol. 47/128 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24485242', 'ReadFile252425', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=24485242"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Variances<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >variance or waiver filed on behalf of Kimberly Boyd, Gene Pershwitz, Maria Garcia, Fawn Langerman, Kristin Baier, Spencer Wong, Sona Shah, Kamilah Williams and Calibrate Health Medical P.C., from Rule 64B8-9.012(6), F.A.C. ....</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=24485242"> 24485242</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> <a class="PublishDate" title="go to FAR Issue Page" href="/BigDoc/View_Faw.asp?IID=3366"> 5/4/2021<br>Vol. 47/86 </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="tdBg1" > <td nowrap class="patency" align="center"> <!--a href = "javascript: OpenNewWindow ('/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=2413959', 'ReadFile24886', 800, 600)"--> <!-- <Img valign =middle border =0 src = "/images/doc01.gif" width=20 height = 20 alt="access file"> --> <a href = "/gateway/notice_Files.asp?ID=2413959"> <img src="../images/view_word.png" title="View Text" alt="View Text" /></a> </td> <td Align="Center" style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;">Final<br> 64B8-9.012 </td> <td >Standards for the Prescription of Obesity Drugs</td> <td nowrap align ="center" ><a class="id" title="go to Notice Page" href="/Gateway/View_notice.asp?id=2413959"> 2413959</a> </td> <td nowrap align =center> Effective:<br>02/17/1998 </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- clear folat --> <div class="footer"> <ul class="footerLink"> <li><a href="/default.asp" name="Home" alt="Home" >Home</a> </li> <li><a href="/gateway/search.asp" name="AdvancedSearch" alt="Advanced Search" title="Advanced Search">Advanced Search</a> </li> <li><a href="/Subscriber/subscriberview.asp" name="MyFLRules" alt="MyFLRules" title="MyFLRules">MyFLRules</a> </li> <li><a href="/notice/QuickResult.asp?P0=Stat_Comm_All&P1=0" name="Comment" alt="Comment" title=" Rules Open for Comments ">Rules Open for Comments</a> </li> <li><a href="/about_us.asp" name="About Us" alt="About Us" title="About Us">About Us</a> </li> <li><a href="/contact_us.asp" name="Contact Us" alt="Contact Us" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> </li> <li class="last"><a href="/Help/newHelp.asp" name="Help" alt="Help" title="Help">Help</a> </li></ul> <br clear="all" /><!-- 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