Live stream bit rates | GlobalMeet Support Center

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for headshots to be displayed and uses a 96 kbps stream.</p> <p id="bkmrk-if-you%27re-broadcasti-0">If you're broadcasting audio and video, the video player has a widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio with the following layout options and streams to attendees at the listed bit rates. The audio bit rate is always 96 kbps and is included in the total bit rate.</p> <p id="bkmrk-480p-%28854-x-480%29"><strong>480p (854 x 480)</strong></p> <ul id="bkmrk-webcam%3A-896-kbps-%28hi"> <li>Webcam: 896 kbps (High) OR 296 kbps (Low)</li> <li>Encoder: <ul id="bkmrk-896-kbps-%2F-496-kbps-"> <li>896 kbps / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)&nbsp;</li> <li>896 kbps (Constant Bit Rate)</li> </ul> </li> <li>VCU: 896 kbps / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)&nbsp;</li> <li>Video Bridge: 896 kbps / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p id="bkmrk-720p-%281280-x-720%29"><strong>720p (1280 x 720)</strong></p> <ul id="bkmrk-webcam%3A-1796-kbps-%28h"> <li>Webcam: 1796 kbps (High) OR 296 kbps (Low)</li> <li>Encoder: <ul id="bkmrk-1796-kbps-%2F-896-kpbs"> <li>1796 kbps / 896 kpbs / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)</li> <li>1796 kbps (Constant Bit Rate)</li> </ul> </li> <li>VCU: 1796 kbps / 896 kpbs / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)</li> <li>Video Bridge: 1796 kbps / 896 kpbs / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)</li> </ul> <p id="bkmrk-1080p-%281920-x-1080%29%2A"><strong>1080p (1920 x 1080)*</strong></p> <ul id="bkmrk-webcam%3A-3096-kbps-%28h"> <li>Webcam: 3096 kbps (High) OR 296 kbps (Low)</li> <li>Encoder: <ul id="bkmrk-3096-kbps-%2F-1796-kbp"> <li>3096 kbps / 1796 kbps / 896 kpbs / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)</li> <li>3096 kbps (Constant Bit Rate)</li> </ul> </li> <li>VCU: 3096 kbps / 1796 kbps / 896 kpbs / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)</li> <li>Video Bridge: 3096 kbps / 1796 kbps / 896 kpbs / 496 kbps (Adaptive Bit Rate)</li> </ul> <div class="pointer-container" id="bkmrk-%C2%A0"> <div class="pointer anim is-page-editable"><svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="link" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""></svg> <div class="input-group inline block"><input id="bkmrk--0" readonly type="text" placeholder="url">&nbsp;<button class="button outline icon" title="Copy Link" type="button" data-clipboard-target="#pointer-url"><svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="copy" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""></svg></button></div> <svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="edit" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""></svg></div> </div> <p id="bkmrk-%2Anote%3A-1080p-and-720"><strong>*Note:</strong>&nbsp;1080p and 720p access may not be available on all accounts. Please contact Support with questions.</p> <p id="bkmrk-"></p> <h2 id="bkmrk-overlay-videos">Overlay Videos</h2> <p id="bkmrk-for-live-events.-the">The bit rate of overlay videos depends on the bit rate of the video when you uploaded it. If you uploaded a video:</p> <ul id="bkmrk-below-800-kbps%2C-the-"> <li>Below 800 kbps, the video will be transcoded at 800 kbps</li> <li>Between 800 to 1700 kbps, the video will be transcoded at the uploaded bit rate</li> <li>Over 1700 kbps, the video will be transcoded to 1700 kbps</li> </ul> </div> </div> </main> <div id="sibling-navigation" class="grid half collapse-xs items-center mb-m px-m no-row-gap fade-in-when-active print-hidden"> <div> <a href="" class="outline-hover no-link-style block rounded"> <div class="px-m pt-xs text-muted">Previous</div> <div class="inline-block"> <div class="icon-list-item no-hover"> <span class="text-page "><svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="page" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> <path d="M14 2H6c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L4 20c0 1.1.89 2 1.99 2H18c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V8l-6-6zm2 16H8v-2h8v2zm0-4H8v-2h8v2zm-3-5V3.5L18.5 9H13z"/> </svg></span> <span>How do I broadcast using an encoder?</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div> <a href="" class="outline-hover no-link-style block rounded text-xs-right"> <div class="px-m pt-xs text-muted text-xs-right">Next</div> <div class="inline block"> <div class="icon-list-item no-hover"> <span class="text-page "><svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="page" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> <path d="M14 2H6c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L4 20c0 1.1.89 2 1.99 2H18c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V8l-6-6zm2 16H8v-2h8v2zm0-4H8v-2h8v2zm-3-5V3.5L18.5 9H13z"/> </svg></span> <span>Presenter Best Practices</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tri-layout-right print-hidden pt-m"> <aside class="tri-layout-right-contents"> <div id="page-details" class="entity-details mb-xl"> <h5>Details</h5> <div class="body text-small blended-links"> <div class="entity-meta"> <div> <svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="history" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> <path d="M13 3c-4.97 0-9 4.03-9 9H1l3.89 12H6c0-3.87 3.13-7 7-7s7 3.13 7 7-3.13 7-7 7c-1.93 0-3.68-.79-4.94-2.06l-1.42 1.42C8.27 19.99 10.51 21 13 21c4.97 0 9-4.03 9-9s-4.03-9-9-9zm-1 5v5l4.28 2.54.72-1.21-3.5-2.08V8H12z"/> </svg>Revision #10 </div> <div> <svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="star" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> <path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21z"/> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> </svg><span title="Mon, May 2, 2022 7:33 PM">Created 2 years ago</span> </div> <div> <svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="edit" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M3 17.25V21h3.75L17.81 9.94l-3.75-3.75L3 17.25zM20.71 7.04c.39-.39.39-1.02 0-1.41l-2.34-2.34c-.39-.39-1.02-.39-1.41 0l-1.83 1.83 3.75 3.75 1.83-1.83z"/> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> </svg>Updated <span title="Tue, Jun 27, 2023 2:49 PM">1 year ago</span> by <a href=''>Matt Engel</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="actions mb-xl"> <h5>Actions</h5> <div class="icon-list text-primary"> <hr class="primary-background"/> <div component="dropdown" class="dropdown-container" id="export-menu"> <div refs="dropdown@toggle" class="icon-list-item" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Export" tabindex="0"> <span><svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="export" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> <path d="M19 19H5V5h7V3H5c-1.11 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.89 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-7h-2v7zM14 3v2h3.59l-9.83 9.83 1.41 1.41L19 6.41V10h2V3h-7z"/> </svg></span> <span>Export</span> </div> <ul refs="dropdown@menu" class="wide dropdown-menu" role="menu"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="label-item"><span>Contained Web File</span><span>.html</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="label-item"><span>PDF File</span><span>.pdf</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="label-item"><span>Plain Text File</span><span>.txt</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="label-item"><span>Markdown File</span><span>.md</span></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Contact Support</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Send Us Your Feedback</a> </footer> <div back-to-top class="primary-background print-hidden"> <div class="inner"> <svg class="svg-icon" data-icon="chevron-up" role="presentation" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.41 15.41L12 10.83l4.59 4.58L18 14l-6-6-6 6z"/> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/> </svg> <span>Back to top</span> </div> </div> <script src="" nonce="c2nsvL6CH7DrwjCqbQeY57Du"></script> </body> </html>

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