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their clients. Here's what’s changed: Previously, i...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/DNs8uZUB_AEU_maHzcus/2025/3/21/personal-producing-agencies-can-initiate-subagent-appointments-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Mar 21, 2025</time><h4>Personal Producing Agencies can initiate subagent appointments in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>Personal Producing Agencies (PPAs) can now initiate appointments for their subagents in Producer Toolbox. PPAs can establish a single appointment, multiple appointments, or change the agency principal on the Appointment tab. Once the agency is registered on Producer Toolbox, PPAs can begin creat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/TwMEq5UBb4w65uzCiXJf/2025/3/19/deadline-extended-to-submit-2024-prescription-drug-data-collection-form'><time>Mar 19, 2025</time><h4>Deadline extended to submit 2024 Prescription Drug Data Collection form</h4><p>The week of February 17, 2025, we sent our Fully Insured National Account, Large Group, and Small Group clients an email requesting information so we can submit the required 2024 Prescription Drug Data (RxDC) reporting on their behalf. We have extended the deadline for sending us this information...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YHSepJUBNsQ9JQaJpPUl/2025/3/18/new-campaign-promotes-our-value-to-large-group-prospects'><time>Mar 18, 2025</time><h4>New campaign promotes our value to Large Group prospects</h4><p>We’re launching two marketing campaigns in March and April aimed at non-Anthem Large Group employer prospects in the 14 blue states we serve. The campaigns will run through October. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and our focus on being affordable for employers, employees, and f...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TQObpJUBb4w65uzCRnJO/2025/3/18/new-campaign-promotes-our-value-to-large-group-prospects'><time>Mar 18, 2025</time><h4>New campaign promotes our value to Large Group prospects</h4><p>We’re launching two marketing campaigns in March and April aimed at non-Anthem Large Group employer prospects in the 14 blue states we serve. The campaigns will run through October. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and our focus on being affordable for employers, employees, and f...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/TAOapJUBb4w65uzChHI-/2025/3/18/new-campaign-promotes-our-value-to-large-group-prospects'><time>Mar 18, 2025</time><h4>New campaign promotes our value to Large Group prospects</h4><p>We’re launching two marketing campaigns in March and April aimed at non-Anthem Large Group employer prospects in the 14 blue states we serve. The campaigns will run through October. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and our focus on being affordable for employers, employees, and f...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/RwN7bZUBb4w65uzCO3In/2025/3/14/see-our-faq-about-a-new-member-dental-coverage-mandate'><time>Mar 14, 2025</time><h4>See our FAQ about a new member dental coverage mandate</h4><p>The Ohio Revised Code 1751.85 / 3923.86 Member Dental Coverage Notice is a state mandate that became effective on October 23, 2024. The bill requires that members with dental coverage must be informed that a participating dentist does not have to give a discount on services not covered by their p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/SgNJkJUBb4w65uzC9nL_/2025/3/14/in-case-you-missed-it-anthem-president-discusses-healthcare-costs-in-maine-with-the-maine-state-chamber-of-commerce'><time>Mar 14, 2025</time><h4>In case you missed it: Anthem president discusses healthcare costs in Maine with the Maine State Chamber of Commerce</h4><p>Denise McDonough, president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine, recently joined the Maine State Chamber of Commerce for its latest episode of “The Bottom Line” podcast. McDonough joined hosts Patrick Woodcock and John Williams for an engaging discussion about what’s driving high health...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/B9sri5UB_AEU_maH5Mt_/2025/3/12/uw-health-and-anthem-extend-agreement'><time>Mar 12, 2025</time><h4>UW Health and Anthem extend agreement</h4><p>We have reached an agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, also known as UW Health, to keep them in your clients’ health plan network until at least July 1, 2025. This extension ensures their employees' benefits will continue to cover care received from UW Health as we ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/KvMohpUBWlONxDYauoVL/2025/3/12/significant-verification-update-for-small-groups-starts-june-2025'><time>Mar 12, 2025</time><h4>Significant verification update for Small Groups starts June 2025</h4><p>Beginning June 1, 2025, all new Small Group clients with one to two enrolled employees will be required to provide proof of employee compensation from each month of the previous calendar year to continue receiving medical benefits. The NYS-45 form for the last four quarters will typically be the...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RQMVbZUBb4w65uzCx3KA/2025/3/11/the-ameriben-webinar-is-available-now'><time>Mar 11, 2025</time><h4>The AmeriBen webinar is available now</h4><p>Check out AmeriBen, the newest episode of the Anthem Broker and Consultant Webinar Series, that is now available to watch at your convenience. Presented by Jon Aubrey, AmeriBen’s Executive Vice President, this episode covers AmeriBen's capabilities and value proposition and offers an overview of...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/WnT2bJUBNsQ9JQaJq_Xp/2025/3/11/top-2025-of-services-cost-share-details-revealed'><time>Mar 11, 2025</time><h4>Top 20% of services cost-share details revealed</h4><p>Ohio law requires insurers offering health care plans through a health insurance exchange to make the following information available to existing and potential members upon request: A list of the top 20% of services based on use An insured's expected contribution for each service The top 20...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/V3RZbJUBNsQ9JQaJm_Wi/2025/3/6/new-streamlined-final-quote-process-for-small-groups'><time>Mar 06, 2025</time><h4>New streamlined final quote process for Small Groups</h4><p>You asked, we listened. Ohio Small Group Sales and Underwriting are pleased to share that as of March 1, you can obtain a pre-screened, final quote without medical questionnaires for Small Groups with ten or more enrolled subscribers.* This checklist outlines what is needed to obtain MEWA rates ...</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/J_OAZ5UBWlONxDYaRoU1/2025/3/5/uw-health-may-leave-your-clientse28099-anthem-health-plan-networks-in-wisconsin'><time>Mar 05, 2025</time><h4>UW Health may leave your clients’ Anthem health plan networks in Wisconsin</h4><p>We have been in discussions for several months with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, also known as UW Health, to keep them in-network for your clients’ healthcare plans. However, UW Health notified Anthem that its hospitals and physicians will leave our care provider network if ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/QwPdYZUBb4w65uzC1XJy/2025/3/4/changes-to-nevada-small-group-broker-commission'><time>Mar 04, 2025</time><h4>Changes to Nevada Small Group Broker Commission</h4><p>Effective April 1, 2025, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will have a simpler Small Group Affordable Care Act (ACA) broker compensation schedule. The current commission structure pays a different per contract per month (PCPM) amount based on Anthem’s Advantage, Champion, or Elite (ACE) Broker Ac...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/AduYQ5UB_AEU_maHMMtu/2025/2/26/promotion-of-paperless-communications-expands-'><time>Feb 26, 2025</time><h4>Promotion of paperless communications expands </h4><p>For 2025, we’ll continue to contact ASO clients and ask them to encourage their members to choose paperless communication. This initiative has expanded and is part of our efforts to become a digital-first company. We’ll ask ASO clients to obtain member email addresses and consent during enrollmen...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/IvOpPpUBWlONxDYarIV3/2025/2/26/promotion-of-paperless-communications-expands-'><time>Feb 26, 2025</time><h4>Promotion of paperless communications expands </h4><p>For 2025, we’ll continue to contact ASO clients and ask them to encourage their members to choose paperless communication. This initiative has expanded and is part of our efforts to become a digital-first company. We’ll ask ASO clients to obtain member email addresses and consent during enrollmen...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/ANvuPpUB_AEU_maH78v4/2025/2/26/university-of-missouri-health-care-mu-health-care-may-be-leaving-your-clientse28099-anthem-health-plan-networks-in-missouri'><time>Feb 26, 2025</time><h4>University of Missouri Health Care (MU Health Care) may be leaving your clients’ Anthem health plan networks in Missouri</h4><p>We have been in discussions for several months with MU Health Care to keep them in-network for your clients’ healthcare plans. However, MU Health Care has notified Anthem that its hospitals and physicians will leave our care provider networks on April 1, 2025. If we are unable to reach an agreeme...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/OAMBGpUBb4w65uzCfnIi/2025/2/26/large-group-clients-will-be-surveyed-about-carrier-selection-process'><time>Feb 26, 2025</time><h4>Large Group clients will be surveyed about carrier selection process</h4><p>To help us better serve our customers, we’re gathering honest feedback about our carrier selection process. We have retained Escalent, a third-party research firm, to perform an unbiased feedback analysis among Large Group clients. Existing clients with 100+ employees will receive an email surve...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/OgNXJZUBb4w65uzCNnLB/2025/2/25/upcoming-data-collection-for-the-annual-rate-and-consensus-reconciliation-'><time>Feb 25, 2025</time><h4>Upcoming data collection for the Annual Rate and Consensus Reconciliation </h4><p>The ChamberCare Health Alliance MEWA is preparing to collect data for the Annual Rate and Census Reconciliation (ARC), crucial for maintaining compliance and precise underwriting. The data collection will take place from March 3 to April 11, 2025. This initiative affects all groups active during ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in,me,oh,ca'><a href='/news/TnTTGZUBNsQ9JQaJ6PXo/2025/2/20/limited-time-campaign-incentivizes-large-group-clients-to-bundle-anthem-with-carelonrx-pharmacy-coverage-'><time>Feb 20, 2025</time><h4>Limited time campaign incentivizes Large Group clients to bundle Anthem with CarelonRx pharmacy coverage </h4><p>A CarelonRx marketing campaign targeting select Large Group clients with off-cycle 2025 medical renewals in California, Indiana, Maine, and Ohio will hit the market on February 24. The campaign encourages clients to combine CarelonRx pharmacy coverage with Anthem medical benefits. Doing so can e...</p><p>Large Group | IN, ME, OH, CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/G_OAH5UBWlONxDYaeIVG/2025/2/19/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storm-and-flooding-in-kentucky'><time>Feb 19, 2025</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storm and Flooding in Kentucky</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for members who live in Kentucky and are impacted by the winter storm and flooding emergency. The changes are in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-9uBH5UB_AEU_maHR8oT/2025/2/19/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storm-and-flooding-in-kentucky'><time>Feb 19, 2025</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storm and Flooding in Kentucky</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for members who live in Kentucky and are impacted by the winter storm and flooding emergency. The changes are in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/GvN_H5UBWlONxDYaqYUW/2025/2/19/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storm-and-flooding-in-kentucky'><time>Feb 19, 2025</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storm and Flooding in Kentucky</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for members who live in Kentucky and are impacted by the winter storm and flooding emergency. The changes are in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/T3QGG5UBNsQ9JQaJ6_Vo/2025/2/18/irs-reporting-news-on-annual-filings-and-mailings'><time>Feb 18, 2025</time><h4>IRS reporting: News on annual filings and mailings</h4><p>Tax season is here. Please remind your clients of the following dates, forms, requirements, and deadlines to ensure they have everything they need for a seamless filing.  Fully insured and Administrative Services Only (ASO) groups with 50 or more full-time employees are considered Applicable Lar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-tsIG5UB_AEU_maHQMr3/2025/2/18/irs-reporting-news-on-annual-filings-and-mailings'><time>Feb 18, 2025</time><h4>IRS reporting: News on annual filings and mailings</h4><p>Tax season is here. Please remind your clients of the following dates, forms, requirements, and deadlines to ensure they have everything they need for a seamless filing.  Fully insured and Administrative Services Only (ASO) groups with 50 or more full-time employees are considered Applicable Lar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/OQMCG5UBb4w65uzCnnIh/2025/2/18/irs-reporting-news-on-annual-filings-and-mailings'><time>Feb 18, 2025</time><h4>IRS reporting: News on annual filings and mailings</h4><p>Tax season is here. Please remind your clients of the following dates, forms, requirements, and deadlines to ensure they have everything they need for a seamless filing.  Fully insured and Administrative Services Only (ASO) groups with 50 or more full-time employees are considered Applicable Lar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NwM2FZUBb4w65uzC83KA/2025/2/18/the-second-blue-bid-webinar-is-available-now'><time>Feb 18, 2025</time><h4>The Second Blue Bid webinar is available now</h4><p>Second Blue Bid, the most recent episode of our Anthem Broker and Consultant Webinar Series is now available to watch. This episode is presented by Kathy Stannard, Anthem’s Staff Vice President of Strategic Initiatives. Kathy helps you understand the various Blue opportunities available to your ...</p><p>National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/SHS2BZUBNsQ9JQaJWfWs/2025/2/14/what-you-need-to-know-about-our-negotiations-with-mu-health-care'><time>Feb 14, 2025</time><h4>What you need to know about our negotiations with MU Health Care</h4><p>In order to keep you informed, we are sending this information to you in advance of communications that will be published this weekend. We will also be sending this information to our members.   For the past several months, Anthem and University of Missouri Health Care (MU Health Care) have bee...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RnSd-5QBNsQ9JQaJfvVJ/2025/2/13/enhancements-to-the-broker-plus-app-make-daily-tasks-simpler'><time>Feb 13, 2025</time><h4>Enhancements to the Broker Plus app make daily tasks simpler</h4><p>We’ve introduced several time-saving enhancements to the Broker Plus app. You can manage client information more efficiently and receive faster answers to your questions. Users can now expect: Access to real-time information. Perform common actions such as confirm application or client status,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LwPA8ZQBb4w65uzCMnK-/2025/2/12/requests-to-collect-2024-caa-d1-prescription-drug-data-begin-this-month'><time>Feb 12, 2025</time><h4>Requests to collect 2024 CAA D1 prescription drug data begin this month</h4><p>The Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug utilization and spending trends be submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services each year. As a reminder, we are required to include the average ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/DfNdvpQBWlONxDYa04Wp/2025/2/3/benefit-relief-extended-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Feb 03, 2025</time><h4>Benefit relief extended for members impacted by wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. On January 13, 2025, we shared this information about temporary changes we made to health plan benefits to provide relief for those impacted by wildfires in California. We have extended that relief to February 20, 20...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/KwNcvpQBb4w65uzC4nIQ/2025/2/3/benefit-relief-extended-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Feb 03, 2025</time><h4>Benefit relief extended for members impacted by wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. On January 13, 2025, we shared this information about temporary changes we made to health plan benefits to provide relief for those impacted by wildfires in California. We have extended that relief to February 20, 20...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/89tbvpQB_AEU_maH2Mp6/2025/2/3/benefit-relief-extended-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Feb 03, 2025</time><h4>Benefit relief extended for members impacted by wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. On January 13, 2025, we shared this information about temporary changes we made to health plan benefits to provide relief for those impacted by wildfires in California. We have extended that relief to February 20, 20...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/KgNnvZQBb4w65uzCnHIv/2025/2/3/new-webinar-dates-for-wisechoice-healthcare-alliance-mewa-certification-training-'><time>Feb 03, 2025</time><h4>New webinar dates for WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance (MEWA) certification training </h4><p>We are excited to offer you the opportunity to register for our WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance (MEWA) certification course. You can register for virtual sessions on February 6 and March 18, 2025. This training comes at no charge to you and is available for Virginia residents only. The Virginia c...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/C_PZqJQBWlONxDYa24Wx/2025/1/27/anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-and-st-joseph-hospital-announce-new-contract'><time>Jan 27, 2025</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and St. Joseph Hospital announce new contract</h4><p>St. Joseph Hospital and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire (Anthem) have reached an agreement that will provide Anthem members with continued access to affordable, high-quality care at St. Joseph Hospital and from its physicians, providers, and facilities through December 31, 2025...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/PnThmZQBNsQ9JQaJUvUU/2025/1/27/important-update-revised-april-small-group-affordable-care-act-renewal-rates-available'><time>Jan 27, 2025</time><h4>Important update: Revised April Small Group Affordable Care Act renewal rates available</h4><p>There was an issue with the April Small Group Affordable Care Act (ACA) renewal PDFs. Due to a system error, the documents published on January 14 did not accurately reflect our second quarter rate filing. We apologize and appreciate your patience — this error was corrected. The correct April re...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/CPMXlZQBWlONxDYas4UB/2025/1/24/simplifying-communication-new-email-addresses-for-brokers-and-employers'><time>Jan 24, 2025</time><h4>Simplifying communication: New email addresses for brokers and employers</h4><p>We simplified our email addresses to make it easier for you and your clients to contact us for support. Please see our new regional email addresses: West region: East region: Central region: CentralBrokerandEmp...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6NuBZpQB_AEU_maHi8qK/2025/1/22/were-transitioning-to-an-improved-client-reporting-experience-with-client-information-insights-cii-evolve'><time>Jan 22, 2025</time><h4>We're transitioning to an improved client reporting experience with Client Information Insights (CII) Evolve</h4><p>We have an updated plan for the retirement of our legacy CII Access reporting solution as we transition to the CII Evolve reporting platform’s Standard Insights. The sunset of CII Access and the final transition to CII Evolve is scheduled for April 2025. Since CII Evolve's inception in 2022, our...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IQPhcJQBb4w65uzCBXJI/2025/1/17/anthem-blue-cross-pledges-2410-million-in-support-of-southern-california-communities-affected-by-wildfires'><time>Jan 17, 2025</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross pledges $10 million in support of southern California communities affected by wildfires</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and the Anthem Blue Cross Foundation, a philanthropic arm of Anthem Blue Cross’ parent company, announced an initial $10 million in new grants to aid community resiliency and disaster response efforts in Southern California. This funding will help bolster partnerships with natio...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/IAMUcJQBb4w65uzCOXLz/2025/1/16/open-enrollment-deadlines-extended-until-january-22'><time>Jan 16, 2025</time><h4>Open enrollment deadlines extended until January 22</h4><p>Open enrollment deadlines for on- and off-exchange have been extended through January 22, 2025. Mark down these key dates: • Enrollments completed by 11:59pm on January 22, 2025, will not require a special enrollment period (SEP) and will have an effectuation date of February 1, 2025.  • Enroll...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/BPOMZ5QBWlONxDYaRoUj/2025/1/16/2025-commission-payment-schedules-are-available-now'><time>Jan 16, 2025</time><h4>2025 commission payment schedules are available now</h4><p>The 2025 commission payment calendars are now available. We’re here to ensure you have all the information you need to plan and manage your commission payments effectively throughout the year. The calendars outline the scheduled dates for commission payments and provide transparency and predicta...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/M3SLZ5QBNsQ9JQaJFfVi/2025/1/16/2025-commission-payment-schedules-are-available-now'><time>Jan 16, 2025</time><h4>2025 commission payment schedules are available now</h4><p>The 2025 commission payment calendar is now available. We’re here to ensure you have all the information you need to plan and manage your commission payments effectively throughout the year. The calendar outlines the scheduled dates for commission payments and provides transparency and predictab...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/6duKZ5QB_AEU_maHHcod/2025/1/16/2025-commission-payment-schedules-are-available-now'><time>Jan 16, 2025</time><h4>2025 commission payment schedules are available now</h4><p>The 2025 commission payment calendars are now available. We’re here to ensure you have all the information you need to plan and manage your commission payments effectively throughout the year. The calendar outlines the scheduled dates for commission payments and provides transparency and predict...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/AvMQYJQBWlONxDYaDYXY/2025/1/14/register-now-done28099t-miss-our-wellness-matters-webinar-series-'><time>Jan 14, 2025</time><h4>Register now: Don’t miss our Wellness Matters webinar series </h4><p>We’re presenting ten 30-minute webinars (PDF) about today’s most important health and wellness topics through Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and participating partners. Get updated on everything you need to know about how our plans and programs seamlessly integrate into a whole-health approach...</p><p>Large Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/HQNtYJQBb4w65uzCmHJe/2025/1/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Jan 13, 2025</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in Los Angeles and Ventura counties in California and are impacted by the wildfires and w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/MHRsYJQBNsQ9JQaJzPUS/2025/1/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Jan 13, 2025</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in Los Angeles and Ventura counties in California and are impacted by the wildfires and w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/A_NrYJQBWlONxDYav4Ud/2025/1/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Jan 13, 2025</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in Los Angeles and Ventura counties in California and are impacted by the wildfires and w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/FANMRpQBb4w65uzC9nL_/2025/1/9/quest-diagnostics-joins-network-starting-january-1'><time>Jan 09, 2025</time><h4>Quest Diagnostics joins network starting January 1</h4><p>Quest Diagnostics, a leader in medical testing, joined our network on January 1. This addition enhances the services available to your clients, offering them a broader range of in-network diagnostic options. Adding Quest to our network increases access to high-quality lab services while lowering...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/EwNMRpQBb4w65uzCDHKq/2025/1/9/quest-diagnostics-joins-network-starting-january-1'><time>Jan 09, 2025</time><h4>Quest Diagnostics joins network starting January 1</h4><p>Quest Diagnostics, a leader in medical testing, joined our network on January 1. This addition enhances the services available to your clients, offering them a broader range of in-network diagnostic options. Adding Quest to our network increases access to high-quality lab services while lowering...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/-vNLRpQBWlONxDYaO4RA/2025/1/9/quest-diagnostics-joins-network-starting-january-1'><time>Jan 09, 2025</time><h4>Quest Diagnostics joins network starting January 1</h4><p>Quest Diagnostics, a leader in medical testing, joined our network on January 1. This addition enhances the services available to your clients, offering them a broader range of in-network diagnostic options. Adding Quest to our network increases access to high-quality lab services while lowering...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/-fNKRpQBWlONxDYaAYSY/2025/1/9/quest-diagnostics-joins-network-starting-january-1'><time>Jan 09, 2025</time><h4>Quest Diagnostics joins network starting January 1</h4><p>Quest Diagnostics, a leader in medical testing, joined our network on January 1. This addition enhances the services available to your clients, offering them a broader range of in-network diagnostic options. Adding Quest to our network increases access to high-quality lab services while lowering...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/K3SgQZQBNsQ9JQaJ__VC/2025/1/9/understanding-the-decision-on-zepbound-for-sleep-apnea'><time>Jan 09, 2025</time><h4>Understanding the Decision on Zepbound for Sleep Apnea</h4><p>The GLP-1 drug landscape, known for significant potential in weight reduction, has seen a 250% rise in prescriptions since early 2022. This increase reflects both public interest and the therapeutic benefits of these medications. In December 2024, Zepbound received FDA approval for treating obstr...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ct,nv,oh,ga'><a href='/news/-PObQZQBWlONxDYaP4RL/2025/1/9/introducing-vera-whole-health-'><time>Jan 09, 2025</time><h4>Introducing Vera Whole Health </h4><p>Beginning February 2025, Total Health Connections,* including Anthem Health Guide, will feature Vera Whole Health. This will include targeted outreach at no additional cost, ensuring members have a primary care provider and appointment scheduling services.  Vera Whole Health offers an Advanced P...</p><p>Large Group, National | CT, NV, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/FgOwR5QBb4w65uzCW3Id/2025/1/8/california-wildfires-causing-extended-waiting-periods-for-broker-technical-support-line'><time>Jan 08, 2025</time><h4>California wildfires causing extended waiting periods for Broker Technical Support line</h4><p>Due to the California wildfires, you may experience extended waiting times when calling the Broker Technical Support line. We apologize if there’s a delay in providing support — and appreciate your patience as we prioritize the safety of our associates during this challenging time. Thank you for ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/FQOfRpQBb4w65uzCEXIo/2025/1/8/join-us-for-an-event-benefitting-the-american-lung-association'><time>Jan 08, 2025</time><h4>Join us for an event benefitting the American Lung Association</h4><p>Help us rise to the occasion as we support the American Lung Association. We are the presenting sponsor for the association’s Scale the STRAT — Fight for Air Climb event. Join us Sunday, February 23 at the STRAT Hotel, Casino, and Tower in Las Vegas as we climb the tower stairs. You can register...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/3tsGKJQB_AEU_maHOcog/2025/1/2/wee28099ve-submitted-the-gag-clause-prohibition-compliance-attestation'><time>Jan 02, 2025</time><h4>We’ve submitted the gag clause prohibition compliance attestation</h4><p>On December 20, 2024, we submitted Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestations on behalf of our fully insured and ASO clients for the benefits we administer and maintain. The attestation includes active clients through December 20, 2024. The gag clause provision of the Consolidated Appropriat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/DQOhHpQBb4w65uzCiHIe/2024/12/31/update-on-st-joseph-hospital-negotiations'><time>Dec 31, 2024</time><h4>Update on St. Joseph Hospital negotiations</h4><p>We are currently in discussions with St. Joseph Hospital to reach a new agreement that keeps their doctors and hospital in our network and improves healthcare affordability. Already one of the most expensive hospitals in New Hampshire, St. Joseph Hospital is demanding to drastically increase the ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/3dtyHpQB_AEU_maH28o-/2024/12/31/antheme28099s-parent-company-acquires-indiana-university-health-plans'><time>Dec 31, 2024</time><h4>Anthem’s parent company acquires Indiana University Health Plans</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s parent company announced the closing of its acquisition of Indiana University Health Plans (IU Health Plans), a managed care organization created by Indiana University Health. IU Health Plans is an established managed care plan known for its local brand awaren...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/19t45JMB_AEU_maHxMq0/2024/12/20/elevate-your-small-group-clientse28099-dental-benefits-in-2025'><time>Dec 20, 2024</time><h4>Elevate your Small Group clients’ dental benefits in 2025</h4><p>As we approach 2025, it's time to make your Small Group clients aware of the extensive coverage offered in our Essential Choice dental plans.   Our plans utilize Dental Complete, the largest national dental network, ensuring your clients can find the care they need from a wide range of provide...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/CAON35MBb4w65uzCAXIk/2024/12/19/two-new-episodes-of-the-e2809canthem-broker-and-consultant-webinar-seriese2809d-are-now-available'><time>Dec 19, 2024</time><h4>Two new episodes of the “Anthem Broker and Consultant Webinar Series” are now available</h4><p>We recently announced the launch of the all-new Anthem Broker and Consultant Webinar Series. The new series can give you a deep dive on some of the hottest topics in today’s marketplace, hear about the latest trends and insights from subject matter experts, and better understand the core of Anthe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/6_PN25MBWlONxDYajoSP/2024/12/19/virginia-resident-agents-can-register-for-virtual-continuing-education-sessions-in-january'><time>Dec 19, 2024</time><h4>Virginia resident agents can register for virtual continuing education sessions in January</h4><p>You can register now through January 7, 2025, to earn eight hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits at no cost with virtual training. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. See course details below. Tuesday, January 14 – Session 1 (Life and Hea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/BwPC25MBb4w65uzCHHKg/2024/12/19/carelonrxe28099s-specialty-condition-management-enhanced-program-ends-december-31-for-administrative-services-only-groups'><time>Dec 19, 2024</time><h4>CarelonRx’s Specialty Condition Management Enhanced program ends December 31 for administrative services only groups</h4><p>CarelonRx will sunset the Specialty Condition Management Enhanced program (SCM-E) for administrative services only (ASO) groups on December 31, 2024. The program provides personalized care management for 22 rare conditions. We wanted to make you aware that your clients will be notified by mail o...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/InSH1pMBNsQ9JQaJafWx/2024/12/18/broker-academy-is-ready-for-2025'><time>Dec 18, 2024</time><h4>Broker Academy is ready for 2025</h4><p>Broker Academy is back with a full schedule of free training opportunities for you and your staff in 2025 — with more content coming soon. Register now for the upcoming new producer, legislative, and continuing education (CE) webinars listed below. Please contact your Anthem Representative to lea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/BgMF0ZMBb4w65uzCuHKt/2024/12/17/smartshopper-is-now-available-for-small-group-fully-insured-new-york-employers'><time>Dec 17, 2024</time><h4>SmartShopper is now available for Small Group, fully insured New York employers</h4><p>SmartShopper is an incentive tool that helps people compare the costs of common medical procedures among providers nearby. This allows them to make informed decisions and earn rewards for choosing cost-effective care for routine services such as colonoscopies and lab tests. This benefits both em...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/BQPMz5MBb4w65uzCJHLs/2024/12/17/the-plan-comparison-tool-has-a-new-url'><time>Dec 17, 2024</time><h4>The Plan Comparison Tool has a new URL</h4><p>The Plan Comparison Tool has a new URL: The tool itself will remain the same. You can expect the same intuitive user experience and functionality as you compare benefits to find the best option for your Virginia Small Group and Large Group clients. Please bookmark the ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/1ttZ0JMB_AEU_maHX8rr/2024/12/17/the-plan-comparison-tool-has-a-new-url'><time>Dec 17, 2024</time><h4>The Plan Comparison Tool has a new URL</h4><p>The Plan Comparison Tool has a new URL: The tool itself will remain the same. You can expect the same intuitive user experience and functionality as you compare benefits to find the best option for your California Small Group clients. Please bookmark the new link and c...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/0tsnt5MB_AEU_maHEMpA/2024/12/17/new-trends-insights-page-is-now-available-on-broker-hub'><time>Dec 17, 2024</time><h4>New Trends & Insights page is now available on Broker Hub</h4><p>The Trends & Insights page is now available on Broker Hub. Visit this new resource for educational articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars about today’s most relevant healthcare topics. If there are topics you’d like to see us cover, or simply have feedback about the new page, please reach out ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/G3SZtpMBNsQ9JQaJwfUn/2024/12/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-earthquake-in-northern-california'><time>Dec 13, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Earthquake in Northern California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the recent earthquake in northern California. The changes are in effect December 5,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/0dubtpMB_AEU_maHH8pR/2024/12/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-earthquake-in-northern-california'><time>Dec 13, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Earthquake in Northern California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the recent earthquake in northern California. The changes are in effect December 5,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/HHSbtpMBNsQ9JQaJ-PWv/2024/12/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-earthquake-in-northern-california'><time>Dec 13, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Earthquake in Northern California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the recent earthquake in northern California. The changes are in effect December 5,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/AwNTtpMBb4w65uzCaHLH/2024/12/12/understanding-ohiohealthe28099s-network-status-in-antheme28099s-tiered-network-plan'><time>Dec 12, 2024</time><h4>Understanding OhioHealth’s network status in Anthem’s tiered network plan</h4><p>Anthem’s 3 Tier plan has become a popular choice among clients in Ohio. However, there has been some confusion about whether OhioHealth facilities are in network or out of network under this plan. Here are the key points to remember: Anthem’s 3 Tier plan continues to be offered across Ohio. ...</p><p>Large Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/zdsbnpMB_AEU_maHRcp1/2024/12/10/new-website-for-behavioral-health-programs-launches-in-new-hampshire'><time>Dec 10, 2024</time><h4>New website for behavioral health programs launches in New Hampshire</h4><p>Mental health is an integral part of whole health. That's why Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire launched a new website showcasing the behavioral health programs included in our health plans. This platform is designed to help your clients access: Lower costs. More providers. ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/_wManpMBb4w65uzCPHHN/2024/12/10/new-website-for-behavioral-health-programs-launches-in-maine'><time>Dec 10, 2024</time><h4>New website for behavioral health programs launches in Maine</h4><p>Mental health is an integral part of whole health. That's why Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine launched a new website showcasing the behavioral health programs included in our health plans. This platform is designed to help your clients access: Lower costs. More providers. Special...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/GnQhrJMBNsQ9JQaJuPXi/2024/12/9/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Dec 09, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes have been extended to: Between Septe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ztsirJMB_AEU_maHp8pm/2024/12/9/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Dec 09, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes have been extended to: Between Septe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/5PMgrJMBWlONxDYa74Sq/2024/12/9/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Dec 09, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes have been extended to: Between Septe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ytuPnJMB_AEU_maHo8pd/2024/12/6/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-virginia'><time>Dec 06, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Virginia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes have been extended to: Between Septe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_gORnJMBb4w65uzCMHGN/2024/12/6/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-virginia'><time>Dec 06, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Virginia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes have been extended to: Between Septe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/yduNnJMB_AEU_maHF8r3/2024/12/6/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-virginia'><time>Dec 06, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Virginia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes have been extended to: Between Septe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/FHQhjZMBNsQ9JQaJxvXz/2024/12/5/make-sure-your-individual-and-family-clients-are-covered-on-january-1-2025'><time>Dec 05, 2024</time><h4>Make sure your Individual and Family clients are covered on January 1, 2025</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual and Family applications must be submitted by December 31, 2024, to receive a January 1, 2025, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2025. Anthem HealthKeepers health plans for individuals and families help ...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/yNuKl5MB_AEU_maHDsrI/2024/12/5/changes-to-the-pharmacy-benefits-administrative-services-schedule-are-coming'><time>Dec 05, 2024</time><h4>Changes to the Pharmacy Benefits Administrative Services Schedule are coming</h4><p>We wanted to make you aware of a message that will be shared with your clients in the next few weeks. CarelonRx is making changes to the Pharmacy Benefits Administrative Services Schedule per the Administrative Services Agreement. Laws in several states are affecting pharmacy pricing and how your...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/2_Nol5MBWlONxDYaqIRD/2024/12/5/anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-and-mercy-announce-new-contract'><time>Dec 05, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Mercy announce new contract</h4><p>Mercy and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Missouri (Anthem) have reached a new multi-year agreement providing Anthem members with continued access to affordable, high-quality care at all Mercy hospitals, outpatient care centers and physician offices across Missouri.   With the new contract...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/xds4jZMB_AEU_maHC8qZ/2024/12/4/new-mandate-requires-individuals-to-manually-re-enroll-for-2025-coverage'><time>Dec 04, 2024</time><h4>New mandate requires individuals to manually re-enroll for 2025 coverage</h4><p>The Virginia State Based Exchange (SBE) has announced that individuals who enroll for on-exchange coverage for 2024 after December 12, 2024, will not be automatically re-enrolled for 2025. Your clients must manually re-enroll by December 31, 2024, to maintain coverage on January 1, 2025. For th...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-HRP_pIBNsQ9JQaJtvQH/2024/12/4/time-well-spent-managing-stress'><time>Dec 04, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Managing stress</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for December focus on recognizing and managing stress. When we feel challenged by demands on our time, energy, and resources, we may experience stress. While occasional stress is usually harmless, ongoing stress that disrupts your daily routines can af...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/6APUDJMBb4w65uzCv3Fj/2024/12/4/time-well-spent-managing-stress'><time>Dec 04, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Managing stress</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for December focus on recognizing and managing stress. When we feel challenged by demands on our time, energy, and resources, we may experience stress. While occasional stress is usually harmless, ongoing stress that disrupts your daily routines can af...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/9nRM_pIBNsQ9JQaJj_Q5/2024/12/4/time-well-spent-managing-stress'><time>Dec 04, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Managing stress</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for December focus on recognizing and managing stress. When we feel challenged by demands on our time, energy, and resources, we may experience stress. While occasional stress is usually harmless, ongoing stress that disrupts your daily routines can af...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/9gNxaZMBb4w65uzC3HEV/2024/12/4/small-group-anthem-balanced-funding-power-of-3-producer-rewards-promo'><time>Dec 04, 2024</time><h4>Small Group Anthem Balanced Funding: Power of 3 Producer Rewards promo</h4><p>We're excited to announce the Power of 3 Producer Rewards program for all our Connecticut brokers. This program runs from December 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025, and is designed to reward your hard work and dedication during Peak Season. Power of 3 program rules: Learn: Earn 50 points by completi...</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/xtuQjpMB_AEU_maHRMpc/2024/12/3/hy-vee-pharmacy-exits-base-network'><time>Dec 03, 2024</time><h4>Hy-Vee Pharmacy exits Base Network</h4><p>Hy-Vee Pharmacy, a midsize regional chain with 273 locations, has chosen to exit the Base Network, effective March 1, 2025. To ensure broad national access, CarelonRx will add the following pharmacy chains to the network, also effective March 1, 2025. Supervalu and Food City Pharmacy, Central...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/FXTNjZMBNsQ9JQaJHPWx/2024/12/3/byte-has-paused-operations'><time>Dec 03, 2024</time><h4>Byte has paused operations</h4><p>Byte, a network provider of our Ortho@Home program, has paused its operations effective October 25, 2024, and announced that its aligner treatment will be put on hold until future notice. Byte has informed us that they are re-evaluating their onboarding process and have made a decision to suspend...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/DnQAapMBNsQ9JQaJ6vXh/2024/11/26/evidence-of-coverage-booklets-updated-to-include-new-benefit-mandates-'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Evidence of Coverage booklets updated to include new benefit mandates </h4><p>In 2023, the Nevada Legislature passed two healthcare mandates that went into effect on January 1, 2024. The Large Group Evidence of Coverage (EOC) booklets were updated to include the new benefit mandates. Your Large Group clients enrolled in a 2024 medical plan will receive an EOC amendment wit...</p><p>Large Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/-AP4aZMBb4w65uzCuHF4/2024/11/26/important-2025-small-group-affordable-care-act-network-changes'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Important 2025 Small Group Affordable Care Act network changes</h4><p>Starting in 2025, all existing Pathway Connecticut PPO plans for Small Groups will no longer include national BlueCard access upon renewal. An insert was added to Producer Toolbox. What happens at renewals or time of sale? During renewals, Small Group plans will renew by default into the Limite...</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/C3SbaZMBNsQ9JQaJhvVP/2024/11/26/broker-video-series-e28094-how-behavioral-health-impacts-whole-health'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series — How behavioral health impacts whole health</h4><p>Our latest video focuses on behavioral health’s integral role within whole health. When we look at what defines a person’s health, we identify the drivers — they can be physical, behavioral, emotional, and social. Dr. Jim Polo, Medical Director at Carelon Behavioral Health discusses how Anthem b...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/DHScaZMBNsQ9JQaJb_W6/2024/11/26/broker-video-series-e28094-how-behavioral-health-impacts-whole-health'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series — How behavioral health impacts whole health</h4><p>Our latest video focuses on behavioral health’s integral role within whole health. When we look at what defines a person’s health, we identify the drivers — they can be physical, behavioral, emotional, and social. Dr. Jim Polo, Medical Director at Carelon Behavioral Health discusses how Anthem b...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9wOdaZMBb4w65uzCZHGw/2024/11/26/broker-video-series-e28094-how-behavioral-health-impacts-whole-health'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series — How behavioral health impacts whole health</h4><p>Our latest video focuses on behavioral health’s integral role within whole health. When we look at what defines a person’s health, we identify the drivers — they can be physical, behavioral, emotional, and social. Dr. Jim Polo, Medical Director at Carelon Behavioral Health discusses how Anthem b...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/DXSeaZMBNsQ9JQaJUfUF/2024/11/26/broker-video-series-e28094-how-behavioral-health-impacts-whole-health'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series — How behavioral health impacts whole health</h4><p>Our latest video focuses on behavioral health’s integral role within whole health. When we look at what defines a person’s health, we identify the drivers — they can be physical, behavioral, emotional, and social. Dr. Jim Polo, Medical Director at Carelon Behavioral Health discusses how Anthem b...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/z_OmVJMBWlONxDYa74Tz/2024/11/26/get-answers-to-your-frequently-asked-anthem-balanced-funding-questions-'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Get answers to your frequently asked Anthem Balanced Funding questions </h4><p>Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF) is a health plan that gives your small business clients a fixed monthly payment and rewards them when their employees are healthier than expected. We want you to feel fully informed and confident while selling ABF and answered your frequently asked questions below. ...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/0_OSZJMBWlONxDYa6YQK/2024/11/26/time-well-spent-is-transforming-into-employer-health-hub'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent is transforming into Employer Health Hub</h4><p>For years, our Time Well Spent website has provided top-notch health and wellness content, aiding your clients in empowering their workforce towards better lifestyle choices, enhanced productivity, and a happier workplace atmosphere. This resource is transforming into a new digital experience: E...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/wNuRZJMB_AEU_maH88pX/2024/11/26/time-well-spent-is-transforming-into-employer-health-hub'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent is transforming into Employer Health Hub</h4><p>For years, our Time Well Spent website has provided top-notch health and wellness content, aiding your clients in empowering their workforce towards better lifestyle choices, enhanced productivity, and a happier workplace atmosphere. This resource is transforming into a new digital experience: E...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/v9uQZJMB_AEU_maHvcqu/2024/11/26/time-well-spent-is-transforming-into-employer-health-hub'><time>Nov 26, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent is transforming into Employer Health Hub</h4><p>For years, our Time Well Spent website has provided top-notch health and wellness content, aiding your clients in empowering their workforce towards better lifestyle choices, enhanced productivity, and a happier workplace atmosphere. This resource is transforming into a new digital experience: E...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8QMwT5MBb4w65uzC73FU/2024/11/21/you-may-experience-difficulties-when-searching-for-anthem-in-network-pharmacies'><time>Nov 21, 2024</time><h4>You may experience difficulties when searching for Anthem in-network pharmacies</h4><p>As you support your clients choosing an Anthem Individual & Family Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan during Open Enrollment, you may experience difficulties completing a search for Anthem in-network participating pharmacies. We want to remind you that, when you enroll a client in one of our ACA pla...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8AMuQZMBb4w65uzCPHHy/2024/11/20/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Nov 20, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by the following wildfire emergencies: Mountain Fire in...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/u9syQZMB_AEU_maHF8rK/2024/11/20/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Nov 20, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by the following wildfire emergencies: Mountain Fire in...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/A3SbRpMBNsQ9JQaJnvVB/2024/11/20/watch-our-new-anthem-broker-and-consultant-webinar-series'><time>Nov 20, 2024</time><h4>Watch our new Anthem Broker and Consultant Webinar Series</h4><p>We are excited to offer the new Anthem Broker and Consultant Webinar Series. Tune in for a deep dive into some of the most pressing topics in today’s marketplace, gain insights from subject matter experts, and better understand the core of Anthem’s products and offerings. You can hear more about ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/zfMvQZMBWlONxDYaQYQ3/2024/11/20/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Nov 20, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by the following wildfire emergencies: Mountain Fire in...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/yPNPLJMBWlONxDYaJ4QP/2024/11/15/industry-leaders-tackle-rising-costs-in-healthcare'><time>Nov 15, 2024</time><h4>Industry leaders tackle rising costs in healthcare</h4><p>The rising costs of healthcare continue to be a concern for providers, patients, and payers. Recently, Crain’s New York Business and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield hosted a roundtable of industry insiders to discuss the issue of health care affordability and the steps being taken to mitigate c...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/x_OTJpMBWlONxDYa4YQk/2024/11/15/rula-joint-marketing-campaign-launches-soon'><time>Nov 15, 2024</time><h4>Rula joint marketing campaign launches soon</h4><p>We understand there is a growing demand for behavioral services and that this care is important to our members. To broaden access to care and diversify the ways to receive it, we have partnered with Rula Health to provide a comprehensive mental health solution. Rula, formerly known as Path, is a...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7QNBIpMBb4w65uzCxnEd/2024/11/13/email-autoreply-issue-is-being-resolved'><time>Nov 13, 2024</time><h4>Email autoreply issue is being resolved</h4><p>Our Broker and Employer Services team shifted to a new email system on November 7, 2024. We recently identified that part of our prior email system was not completely disabled as we transitioned to the new system leading to multiple, erroneous autoreplies. We want to assure you that this issue i...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/oNuGjJIB_AEU_maHyMrp/2024/11/12/time-well-spent-tips-to-stop-smoking-or-vaping'><time>Nov 12, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Tips to stop smoking or vaping</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for November focus on how to stop smoking or vaping. You’re never too young or too old to stop smoking or vaping. If you’ve tried before without success, you’re not alone. Nicotine, the drug in regular and e-cigarettes, is highly addictive. Nicotine af...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/n9uFjJIB_AEU_maHu8qX/2024/11/12/time-well-spent-tips-to-stop-smoking-or-vaping'><time>Nov 12, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Tips to stop smoking or vaping</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for November focus on how to stop smoking or vaping. You’re never too young or too old to stop smoking or vaping. If you’ve tried before without success, you’re not alone. Nicotine, the drug in regular and e-cigarettes, is highly addictive. Nicotine af...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ygOEjJIBb4w65uzCqnG5/2024/11/12/time-well-spent-tips-to-stop-smoking-or-vaping'><time>Nov 12, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Tips to stop smoking or vaping</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for November focus on how to stop smoking or vaping. You’re never too young or too old to stop smoking or vaping. If you’ve tried before without success, you’re not alone. Nicotine, the drug in regular and e-cigarettes, is highly addictive. Nicotine af...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/sdvSB5MB_AEU_maHaMoP/2024/11/11/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Nov 11, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by the following wildfire emergencies: Oceanside Pier F...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/-XTJB5MBNsQ9JQaJ5PRD/2024/11/11/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Nov 11, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by the following wildfire emergencies: Oceanside Pier F...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/w_PIB5MBWlONxDYavoR3/2024/11/11/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Nov 11, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by the following wildfire emergencies: Oceanside Pier F...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5wPs_JIBb4w65uzCIXEA/2024/11/6/client-information-insights-evolve-update-enhancements-to-improve-your-experience'><time>Nov 06, 2024</time><h4>Client Information Insights Evolve update: Enhancements to improve your experience</h4><p>Our reporting and analytics platform, Client Information Insights Evolve (CII Evolve), features a new look and additional enhancements to improve your user experience and navigation. New features include: Streamlined navigation to make account selection and navigating between applications eas...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/vPNK6JIBWlONxDYa-oSS/2024/11/1/smartshopper-program-is-expanding-in-2025'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>SmartShopper program is expanding in 2025</h4><p>SmartShopper is a program that offers members cash-like incentives to shop and receive certain procedures from lower-cost, in-network providers. What’s new beginning 1/1/2025? SmartShopper is expanding to LG ASO 250+ as a buy-up effective 1/1/25. FI and ASO buy-up members may access SmartSho...</p><p>Large Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/r9tL6JIB_AEU_maHNsrM/2024/11/1/smartshopper-program-is-expanding-in-2025'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>SmartShopper program is expanding in 2025</h4><p>SmartShopper is a program that offers members cash-like incentives to shop and receive certain procedures from lower-cost, in-network providers. What’s new beginning 1/1/2025? SmartShopper is expanding to LG ASO 250+ as a buy-up effective 1/1/25. FI and ASO buy-up members may access SmartSho...</p><p>Large Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/sfOCv5IBWlONxDYaUYQD/2024/11/1/individual-and-family-2025-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment begins today. We’re excited to be your trusted partner and connect your clients to a health plan that offers the high-quality care and savings they need. Californians can enroll in a 2025 individual and family plan on starting November 1, 2024. Anthem offers afforda...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/1QOEv5IBb4w65uzCwHEp/2024/11/1/individual-and-family-2025-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment begins today. We’re excited to be your trusted partner and connect your clients to a health plan that offers the high-quality care and savings they need. Nevadans can enroll in a 2025 individual and family plan on starting November 1, 2024. Anthem offers affordable hea...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/73SFv5IBNsQ9JQaJt_QX/2024/11/1/individual-and-family-2025-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment begins today. We’re excited to be your trusted partner and connect your clients to a health plan that offers the high-quality care and savings they need. Virginians can enroll in a 2025 individual and family plan on starting November 1, 2024. Anthem HealthKeepers offer...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,wi'><a href='/news/1AODv5IBb4w65uzC1XEc/2024/11/1/individual-and-family-2025-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment begins today. We’re excited to be your trusted partner and connect your clients to a health plan that offers the high-quality care and savings they need. Consumers can enroll in a 2025 individual and family plan on starting November 1, 2024. Anthem offers affordable he...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/svOGv5IBWlONxDYasoQh/2024/11/1/individual-and-family-2025-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment begins today. We’re excited to be your trusted partner and connect your clients to a health plan that offers the high-quality care and savings they need. Consumers can enroll in a 2025 individual and family plan on starting November 1, 2024. Anthem offers affordable he...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/rttqxZIB_AEU_maH5cr1/2024/10/29/broker-video-series-e28093-whole-health-index-identifies-key-social-drivers-of-health'><time>Oct 29, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Whole Health Index identifies key social drivers of health</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to deliver personalized, whole-health care. Monica Schmude, President, Virginia, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, shares how Anthem pairs solutions to each member’s needs.     We can’t change what we can’t measure. Using the Whole Health Index, a propri...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/uvNtxZIBWlONxDYa7YRw/2024/10/29/broker-video-series-e28093-whole-health-index-identifies-key-social-drivers-of-health'><time>Oct 29, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Whole Health Index identifies key social drivers of health</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to deliver personalized, whole-health care. Monica Schmude, President, Virginia, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, shares how Anthem pairs solutions to each member’s needs.   We can’t change what we can’t measure. Using the Whole Health Index, a propriet...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/3QM9xZIBb4w65uzCmHEM/2024/10/29/smartshopper-program-is-expanding-in-2025'><time>Oct 29, 2024</time><h4>SmartShopper program is expanding in 2025</h4><p>SmartShopper is a program that offers members cash-like incentives to shop and receive certain procedures from lower-cost, in-network providers. What’s new beginning 1/1/2025? SmartShopper is expanding to LG ASO 250+ as a buy-up effective 1/1/25. FI and ASO buy-up members may access SmartSho...</p><p>Large Group, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ufNsxZIBWlONxDYaLoT3/2024/10/29/broker-video-series-e28093-whole-health-index-identifies-key-social-drivers-of-health'><time>Oct 29, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Whole Health Index identifies key social drivers of health</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to deliver personalized, whole-health care. Monica Schmude, President, Virginia, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, shares how Anthem pairs solutions to each member’s needs.     We can’t change what we can’t measure. Using the Whole Health Index, a propri...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/3wNvxZIBb4w65uzCPHH8/2024/10/29/broker-video-series-e28093-whole-health-index-identifies-key-social-drivers-of-health'><time>Oct 29, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Whole Health Index identifies key social drivers of health</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to deliver personalized, whole-health care. Monica Schmude, President, Virginia, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, shares how Anthem pairs solutions to each member’s needs.     We can’t change what we can’t measure. Using the Whole Health Index, a propri...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/3AM7xZIBb4w65uzCqnF9/2024/10/29/smartshopper-program-is-expanding-in-2025'><time>Oct 29, 2024</time><h4>SmartShopper program is expanding in 2025</h4><p>SmartShopper is a program that offers members cash-like incentives to shop and receive certain procedures from lower-cost, in-network providers. What’s new beginning 1/1/2025? SmartShopper is expanding to LG ASO 250+ as a buy-up effective 1/1/25. FI and ASO buy-up members may access SmartSho...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/tPMIxJIBWlONxDYaloSC/2024/10/25/quest-diagnostics-will-join-our-network-on-january-1'><time>Oct 25, 2024</time><h4>Quest Diagnostics will join our network on January 1</h4><p>As your valued partner, we're always working to improve access to healthcare and bring your clients more cost savings. That's why we're excited to announce that Quest Diagnostics is joining the Anthem network in Georgia on January 1, 2025. Broader access and bigger savings Adding Quest to our n...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/ofOtbJIBWlONxDYaJIRd/2024/10/24/prepare-for-maine-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 24, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Maine Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment has started. Open enrollment begins November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive care,1 $...</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/fNshB5IB_AEU_maHTsrd/2024/10/23/prepare-for-connecticut-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 23, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Connecticut open enrollment and member renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment has started. Open enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive care,¹ $...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/ottllpIB_AEU_maHXcoa/2024/10/23/prepare-for-georgia-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 23, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Georgia Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Anthem’s window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment has started. Open enrollment begins November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ywMGoJIBb4w65uzC0XGn/2024/10/18/changes-coming-in-2025-to-carelonrxe28099s-base-network'><time>Oct 18, 2024</time><h4>Changes coming in 2025 to CarelonRx’s Base Network</h4><p>CarelonRx has announced a maintenance update that will remove some pharmacy partners from the Base Network beginning 1/1/2025. The annual network update supports ongoing competitiveness and value for CarelonRx plans, while continuing to provide members with national pharmacy access. The updates a...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/q_MNl5IBWlONxDYa8IT3/2024/10/17/update-clients-notified-of-state-mandated-regulations-impacting-groups-with-pharmacy-coverage'><time>Oct 17, 2024</time><h4>UPDATE: Clients notified of state-mandated regulations impacting groups with pharmacy coverage</h4><p>In March 2024 we shared that several states, including Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia, introduced new regulations that may impact groups with pharmacy coverage and pricing arrangements with CarelonRx. The mandated changes apply to claims processed by pharmacies in these...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/odu_kZIB_AEU_maH8cqx/2024/10/15/primary-care-and-behavioral-health-for-children-with-240-copays-in-2025'><time>Oct 15, 2024</time><h4>Primary care and behavioral health for children with $0 copays in 2025</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire is eliminating cost shares for primary and behavioral healthcare visits for children under 19 in most employer-sponsored plans. The zero-dollar cost shares* apply to Anthem health plans in New Hampshire in the fully insured large group and small...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/wgMBaZIBb4w65uzCfnE1/2024/10/15/prepare-for-ohio-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 15, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Ohio open enrollment and member renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment has started. Open enrollment begins November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive care,1 $...</p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/yQONfJIBb4w65uzC2HFE/2024/10/15/anthem-balanced-funding-is-open-for-georgia-small-group-business'><time>Oct 15, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Balanced Funding is open for Georgia Small Group business</h4><p>On November 1, 2024, we will begin accepting requests for quotes on Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF), our new funding solution for employers with 20 to 50 enrolled employees. Effective dates will begin on January 1, 2025. If you’d like to learn more about Small Group Anthem Balanced Funding, join u...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/5HQMaZIBNsQ9JQaJsPTf/2024/10/10/prepare-for-virginia-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 10, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Virginia open enrollment and member renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 open enrollment has started. Open enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive care,1 $...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/m9sqcpIB_AEU_maHtcrl/2024/10/10/producer-rewards-program-announces-relaunch-dates'><time>Oct 10, 2024</time><h4>Producer Rewards Program announces relaunch dates</h4><p>Our Producer Rewards Program came to a close on September 30. It will relaunch November 1. This program is designed to reward your success as a broker. For every qualified sale you make with effective dates from November 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025, you will earn points. You can use your points...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/wwO1cpIBb4w65uzCU3Gi/2024/10/9/wee28099re-aware-of-new-legislation-for-interfertility-coverage-and-benefits-'><time>Oct 09, 2024</time><h4>We’re aware of new legislation for interfertility coverage and benefits </h4><p>We are aware of Senate Bill 729, Health Care Coverage: Treatment for Infertility and Fertility Services, which was signed into law by Governor Newsom. We’re in the process of thoroughly reviewing the requirements established in this new mandate to ensure that we will be compliant upon its effecti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/mtu5bJIB_AEU_maHjsov/2024/10/9/group-medicare-supplement-and-group-blue-medicarerx-pdp-products-will-no-longer-be-offered-in-connecticut-'><time>Oct 09, 2024</time><h4>Group Medicare Supplement and Group Blue MedicareRX (PDP) products will no longer be offered in Connecticut </h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will stop offering Group Medicare Supplement and Group Blue Medicare RX (PDP) products in Connecticut and will terminate all outstanding policies upon client renewal beginning 1/1/2025. You can continue selling Individual Medicare Supplement products. We’re comm...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/mvP5TZIBWlONxDYa5YTZ/2024/10/9/prepare-for-kentucky-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 09, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Kentucky open enrollment and member renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 open enrollment has started. Open enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive care,1 $...</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5XRrbJIBNsQ9JQaJFPT9/2024/10/8/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Oct 08, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect: Between September 25 ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/oPNrbJIBWlONxDYa-YQT/2024/10/8/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Oct 08, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect: Between September 25 ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/n_NqbJIBWlONxDYaO4Rx/2024/10/8/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Oct 08, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this updated information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect: Between September 25 ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/ugOtTpIBb4w65uzCJXGz/2024/10/8/kentucky-senate-bill-institutes-a-special-enrollment-for-pregnancy-and-expands-maternity-coverage'><time>Oct 08, 2024</time><h4>Kentucky Senate Bill institutes a special enrollment for pregnancy and expands maternity coverage</h4><p>KY SB74 shares guidance on a new special enrollment period for pregnancy and expands maternity coverage. Special Enrollment Period: Allow a pregnant woman, and any individual who is eligible for coverage because of a relationship to a pregnant woman, to enroll for coverage under the plan or o...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/3XSSTpIBNsQ9JQaJefQ9/2024/10/8/prepare-for-indiana-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 08, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Indiana open enrollment and member renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 open enrollment has started. Open enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive care,1 $...</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/jduBL5IB_AEU_maHScp0/2024/10/7/time-well-spent-prioritizing-womene28099s-health'><time>Oct 07, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: prioritizing women’s health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for October focus on prioritizing women’s health. To be there for others, women need to prioritize their own health. This means taking time to get the healthcare you need. This month the calendar presents four ways to help women stay healthy. Our Octo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jNt_L5IB_AEU_maH0coC/2024/10/7/time-well-spent-prioritizing-womene28099s-health'><time>Oct 07, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: prioritizing women’s health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for October focus on prioritizing women’s health. To be there for others, women need to prioritize their own health. This means taking time to get the healthcare you need. This month the calendar presents four ways to help women stay healthy. Our Octo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/tAN-L5IBb4w65uzConEA/2024/10/7/time-well-spent-prioritizing-womene28099s-health'><time>Oct 07, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: prioritizing women’s health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for October focus on prioritizing women’s health. To be there for others, women need to prioritize their own health. This means taking time to get the healthcare you need. This month the calendar presents four ways to help women stay healthy. Our Octo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/k9tBTpIB_AEU_maH5Moe/2024/10/7/mercy-may-be-leaving-your-clientse28099-anthem-health-plan-networks-in-missouri'><time>Oct 07, 2024</time><h4>Mercy may be leaving your clients’ Anthem health plan networks in Missouri</h4><p>We have been in discussions for several months with Mercy to keep them in-network for your clients’ healthcare plans. However, Mercy has notified Anthem that its hospitals and physicians will leave our care provider networks on December 31, 2024. If we are unable to reach an agreement by January ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/vAMbWJIBb4w65uzCmXH2/2024/10/4/elevance-health-acquires-kroger-specialty-pharmacy'><time>Oct 04, 2024</time><h4>Elevance Health Acquires Kroger Specialty Pharmacy</h4><p>Elevance Health, the parent company of our pharmacy benefit management partner, CarelonRx, has acquired Kroger Specialty Pharmacy. This follows the recent acquisitions of Paragon Healthcare, Inc. and BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy, all aimed at enhancing support for individuals with chronic and compl...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ltsBT5IB_AEU_maH7so-/2024/10/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Oct 02, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: Se...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/m_MAT5IBWlONxDYaHoTi/2024/10/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Oct 02, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: Se...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/3nQBT5IBNsQ9JQaJLfSY/2024/10/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Oct 02, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in California and are impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: Se...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/kNtRSpIB_AEU_maHtcpT/2024/10/1/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-virginia'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Virginia</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect between September 25 and October ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/kdtSSpIB_AEU_maHdMpn/2024/10/1/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-virginia'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Virginia</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect between September 25 and October ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/kttTSpIB_AEU_maHT8pD/2024/10/1/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-virginia'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Virginia</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect between September 25 and October ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/sQMvEJIBb4w65uzCzXFM/2024/10/1/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1</h4><p>Georgians can explore and compare plans on starting October 1, 2024. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7.1 $0 preventive care.2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly used drugs as l...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jfMuEJIBWlONxDYaSISn/2024/10/1/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcomca-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1</h4><p>Californians can explore and compare plans on starting October 1, 2024. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7.1 $0 preventive care.2 Prescription drug coverage, including convenient home de...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/sAMsEJIBb4w65uzChnHw/2024/10/1/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1</h4><p>Virginians can explore and compare plans on starting October 1, 2024. Anthem HealthKeepers health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7.1 $0 preventive care.2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly ...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/znQpEJIBNsQ9JQaJ4PRf/2024/10/1/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1</h4><p>Nevadans can explore and compare plans on starting October 1, 2024. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7.1 $0 preventive care.2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly used drugs as lo...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,wi'><a href='/news/gNsoEJIB_AEU_maHEMoT/2024/10/1/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 01, 2024</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can explore and compare plans on starting October 1, 2024. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7.1 $0 preventive care.2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly used drugs as l...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/mfNYRJIBWlONxDYa6oS0/2024/9/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Sep 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect between September 24 and October ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/mPNYRJIBWlONxDYaCoRn/2024/9/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Sep 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect between September 24 and October ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/3HRXRJIBNsQ9JQaJQ_Qf/2024/9/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-helene-in-georgia'><time>Sep 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by Hurricane Helene. The changes are in effect between September 24 and October ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/i9unKpIB_AEU_maHfco0/2024/9/27/prepare-for-2025-open-enrollment'><time>Sep 27, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for 2025 open enrollment</h4><p>With Georgia moving to the state-based Health Benefit Exchange (Georgia Access), it’s time to prepare for key dates and changes for the 2025 open enrollment period. Please keep in mind that you may not begin marketing with any Georgia Access references until the start of the Georgia Access Publi...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/iduuKZIB_AEU_maHysoL/2024/9/26/broker-video-series-e28093-protecting-the-health-information-of-more-than-40-million-people'><time>Sep 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Protecting the health information of more than 40 million people</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to protect our members’ health information. Data and information are at the core of our focus to drive meaningful, positive change to the whole health of the more than 40 million members of our plans. As Enterprise Architect Principal, Dave Fantz works wit...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/iNuuKZIB_AEU_maHH8qh/2024/9/26/broker-video-series-e28093-protecting-the-health-information-of-more-than-40-million-people'><time>Sep 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Protecting the health information of more than 40 million people</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to protect our members’ health information. Data and information are at the core of our focus to drive meaningful, positive change to the whole health of the more than 40 million members of our plans. As Enterprise Architect Principal, Dave Fantz works wit...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/swOsKZIBb4w65uzCc3F9/2024/9/26/broker-video-series-e28093-protecting-the-health-information-of-more-than-40-million-people'><time>Sep 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Protecting the health information of more than 40 million people</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to protect our members’ health information. Data and information are at the core of our focus to drive meaningful, positive change to the whole health of the more than 40 million members of our plans. As Enterprise Architect Principal, Dave Fantz works wit...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/1HSrKZIBNsQ9JQaJq_SO/2024/9/26/broker-video-series-e28093-protecting-the-health-information-of-more-than-40-million-people'><time>Sep 26, 2024</time><h4>Broker video series – Protecting the health information of more than 40 million people</h4><p>Our latest video looks at what it takes to protect our members’ health information. Data and information are at the core of our focus to drive meaningful, positive change to the whole health of the more than 40 million members of our plans. As Enterprise Architect Principal, Dave Fantz works wit...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/lfPhJJIBWlONxDYaGIQd/2024/9/24/time-well-spent-protecting-your-child-with-vaccines'><time>Sep 24, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Protecting your child with vaccines</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for September focus on childhood vaccines. Childhood vaccines help your child’s body learn how to fight off dangerous diseases they may be exposed to throughout their life, such as measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, and polio. They also help prevent...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/0nTgJJIBNsQ9JQaJAfTN/2024/9/24/time-well-spent-protecting-your-child-with-vaccines'><time>Sep 24, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Protecting your child with vaccines</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for September focus on childhood vaccines. Childhood vaccines help your child’s body learn how to fight off dangerous diseases they may be exposed to throughout their life, such as measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, and polio. They also help prevent...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/lPPYJJIBWlONxDYaooQa/2024/9/24/time-well-spent-protecting-your-child-with-vaccines'><time>Sep 24, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Protecting your child with vaccines</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for September focus on childhood vaccines. Childhood vaccines help your child’s body learn how to fight off dangerous diseases they may be exposed to throughout their life, such as measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, and polio. They also help prevent...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/h9vqJJIB_AEU_maHtspz/2024/9/24/prepare-for-colorado-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 24, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Colorado Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment starts soon on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preve...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/f9unD5IB_AEU_maHKMog/2024/9/20/prepare-for-nevada-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 20, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Nevada Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment starts October 1, 2024, on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits incl...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,nh,nv,oh,wi'><a href='/news/ifPlBpIBWlONxDYatYRj/2024/9/20/wee28099ll-be-asking-aso-clients-to-promote-paperless-communications-to-their-members'><time>Sep 20, 2024</time><h4>We’ll be asking ASO clients to promote paperless communications to their members</h4><p>For 2025, we’ll be contacting ASO clients and asking them to encourage their employees to choose paperless communication. This initiative is part of our effort to become a digital-first company. We’ll ask ASO clients to obtain member email addresses and consent during enrollment to receive paperl...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, NH, NV, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='mo,va,ga'><a href='/news/ivMbC5IBWlONxDYa2YQT/2024/9/20/promotion-of-paperless-communications-expands-beyond-pilot-'><time>Sep 20, 2024</time><h4>Promotion of paperless communications expands beyond pilot </h4><p>For 2025, we’ll continue to contact ASO clients and ask them to encourage their employees to choose paperless communication. This initiative has expanded beyond a pilot and is part of our effort to become a digital-first company. We’ll ask ASO clients to obtain member email addresses and consent ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | MO, VA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ftvRC5IB_AEU_maHtMoN/2024/9/20/wellbeing-solutions-and-sydney-health-simplify-connected-whole-person-care-for-clients'><time>Sep 20, 2024</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions and Sydney Health simplify connected, whole-person care for clients</h4><p>Anthem’s Wellbeing Solutions program is simple for clients to implement and manage. And for members, Wellbeing Solutions is connected to SydneySM Health, the digital front door to Anthem’s well-being ecosystem, so it’s easy for them to use anytime they need it.    Together, Wellbeing Solutions ...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/i_MUDJIBWlONxDYalYT-/2024/9/20/wellbeing-solutions-and-sydney-health-simplify-connected-whole-person-care-for-clients'><time>Sep 20, 2024</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions and Sydney Health simplify connected, whole-person care for clients</h4><p>Anthem’s Wellbeing Solutions program is simple for clients to implement and manage. And for members, Wellbeing Solutions is connected to SydneySM Health, the digital front door to Anthem’s well-being ecosystem, so it’s easy for them to use anytime they need it.    Together, Wellbeing Solutions ...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='va'><a href='/news/jPMXDJIBWlONxDYawISp/2024/9/20/wellbeing-solutions-and-sydney-health-simplify-connected-whole-person-care-for-clients'><time>Sep 20, 2024</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions and Sydney Health simplify connected, whole-person care for clients</h4><p>Anthem’s Wellbeing Solutions program is simple for clients to implement and manage. And for members, Wellbeing Solutions is connected to SydneySM Health, the digital front door to Anthem’s well-being ecosystem, so it’s easy for them to use anytime they need it.    Together, Wellbeing Solutions ...</p><p>Large Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zXQSDJIBNsQ9JQaJV_SS/2024/9/19/wellbeing-solutions-and-sydney-health-simplify-connected-whole-person-care-for-clients'><time>Sep 19, 2024</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions and Sydney Health simplify connected, whole-person care for clients</h4><p>Anthem’s Wellbeing Solutions program is simple for clients to implement and manage. And for members, Wellbeing Solutions is connected to SydneySM Health, the digital front door to Anthem’s well-being ecosystem, so it’s easy for them to use anytime they need it.    Together, Wellbeing Solutions ...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/etuOBZIB_AEU_maH0cpz/2024/9/19/register-for-our-anthem-rhythm-and-blue-virtual-broker-roadshow-webinar-on-october-10'><time>Sep 19, 2024</time><h4>Register for our Anthem Rhythm and Blue Virtual Broker Roadshow webinar on October 10</h4><p>If you sell Individual coverage, your partners on the Georgia sales team invite you to attend the Anthem Rhythm and Blue Virtual Broker Roadshow webinar on Thursday, October 10 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. Join to learn more about: Anthem product updates that will help you sell new business duri...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/bduglZEB_AEU_maHsMq6/2024/9/19/prepare-for-wisconsin-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 19, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for Wisconsin Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment starts soon on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 15, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preve...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ngOKlZEBb4w65uzChHG9/2024/9/19/prepare-for-california-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals-'><time>Sep 19, 2024</time><h4>Prepare for California Open Enrollment and Member Renewals </h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2025 Open Enrollment starts October 1, 2024, on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2024, and runs through January 31, 2025. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers the savings and care they need. Benefits i...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/edtw-5EB_AEU_maHs8q1/2024/9/18/members-being-notified-about-discontinuation-of-anthem-enhanced-choice-aec-plans'><time>Sep 18, 2024</time><h4>Members being notified about discontinuation of Anthem Enhanced Choice (AEC) plans</h4><p>In May, we shared that we would no longer offer our Anthem Enhanced Choice (AEC) plans because of a new Federal rule that limits the length of Short-Term Plans. It’s important to know that Open enrollment for 2025 is November 1, 2024, through January 15, 2025. The loss of AEC coverage does not q...</p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/gPOy55EBWlONxDYa8oQR/2024/9/16/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-land-movement-emergency-in-rancho-palos-verdes-in-ca'><time>Sep 16, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Land Movement Emergency in Rancho Palos Verdes in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in Los Angeles County, California, and are impacted by the Rancho Palos Verdes land movem...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ynSx55EBNsQ9JQaJv_QN/2024/9/16/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-land-movement-emergency-in-rancho-palos-verdes-in-ca'><time>Sep 16, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Land Movement Emergency in Rancho Palos Verdes in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in Los Angeles County, California, and are impacted by the Rancho Palos Verdes land movem...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/f_Ow55EBWlONxDYanoR6/2024/9/16/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-land-movement-emergency-in-rancho-palos-verdes-in-ca'><time>Sep 16, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Land Movement Emergency in Rancho Palos Verdes in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who live in Los Angeles County, California, and are impacted by the Rancho Palos Verdes land movem...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/qANx5pEBb4w65uzCJ3Fa/2024/9/13/georgiae28099s-state-based-exchange-ga-access-registration-is-open'><time>Sep 13, 2024</time><h4>Georgia’s state-based exchange (GA Access) registration is open</h4><p>Agent training and certification is now available for Georgia Access. You must complete this by September 20 to have a Georgia Access agent profile automatically created and to maintain your Book of Business from Training and certification can be accessed at certification.georgia...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dvOzuZEBWlONxDYaeIRQ/2024/9/12/virtual-resources-make-it-easier-to-access-mental-healthcare'><time>Sep 12, 2024</time><h4>Virtual resources make it easier to access mental healthcare</h4><p>Mental health is part of overall well-being. The right support makes it easier to deal with behavioral health issues. That’s why we’ve enhanced virtual access to behavioral health providers through reduced copays and expanded networks. Anthem offers virtual mental health visits for our New York ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/fvPE3ZEBWlONxDYaEoS5/2024/9/10/antheme28099s-parent-company-agrees-to-acquire-indiana-university-health-plans'><time>Sep 10, 2024</time><h4>Anthem’s parent company agrees to acquire Indiana University Health Plans</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s parent company has agreed to acquire Indiana University (IU) Health Plans, a managed care organization created by Indiana University Health. After the acquisition closes, IU Health Plans will become part of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Indiana.    IU ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ctugvZEB_AEU_maHLMrZ/2024/9/6/new-video-series-focuses-on-how-we-lead-positive-change'><time>Sep 06, 2024</time><h4>New video series focuses on how we lead positive change</h4><p>As a trusted partner for health, Anthem continues to lead positive change. We are sharing videos to help you understand how we’re living our purpose of improving the health of humanity. They feature company leaders discussing how we lead positive change in innovation, access to care, advocacy, ma...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/xHSfvZEBNsQ9JQaJZfQr/2024/9/6/new-video-series-focuses-on-how-we-lead-positive-change'><time>Sep 06, 2024</time><h4>New video series focuses on how we lead positive change</h4><p>As a trusted partner for health, Anthem continues to lead positive change. We are sharing videos to help you understand how we’re living our purpose of improving the health of humanity. They feature company leaders discussing how we lead positive change in innovation, access to care, advocacy, ma...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ogOevZEBb4w65uzCuHHt/2024/9/6/new-video-series-focuses-on-how-we-lead-positive-change'><time>Sep 06, 2024</time><h4>New video series focuses on how we lead positive change</h4><p>As a trusted partner for health, Anthem continues to lead positive change. We are sharing videos to help you understand how we’re living our purpose of improving the health of humanity. They feature company leaders discussing how we lead positive change in innovation, access to care, advocacy, ma...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/d_OdvZEBWlONxDYavIQe/2024/9/6/new-video-series-focuses-on-how-we-lead-positive-change'><time>Sep 06, 2024</time><h4>New video series focuses on how we lead positive change</h4><p>As a trusted partner for health, Anthem continues to lead positive change. We are sharing videos to help you understand how we’re living our purpose of improving the health of humanity. They feature company leaders discussing how we lead positive change in innovation, access to care, advocacy, ma...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/w3TruJEBNsQ9JQaJPvR7/2024/9/5/anthem-lifee28099s-life-and-disability-experience-reports-and-claim-reports-are-moving-to-compassi'><time>Sep 05, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Life’s life and disability experience reports and claim reports are moving to Compassi</h4><p>As you know, StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. (The Standard) acquired our parent company’s Life and Disability business on April 1, 2024. We’re sharing this information from Anthem Life to keep you informed of changes in life and disability plan administration. Compassi, the Anthem Life employer s...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/nQOQlJEBb4w65uzCiXEy/2024/9/3/are-you-ready-to-sell-anthem-small-group-in-2025-act-now-to-become-shop-certified!-'><time>Sep 03, 2024</time><h4>Are you ready to sell Anthem Small Group in 2025? Act NOW to become SHOP certified! </h4><p>If you want to sell Anthem Small Group Business Health Options Program (SHOP) insurance in 2025, you need to register through the CMS Enterprise Portal. It only takes a few minutes to be SHOP certified. SHOP plans are administered directly by Anthem and include Pathway HMO, Access Blue New Engla...</p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/bvNio5EBWlONxDYaMITe/2024/8/30/hca-healthcare-hospitals-may-be-leaving-our-network-october-1'><time>Aug 30, 2024</time><h4>HCA Healthcare hospitals may be leaving our network October 1</h4><p>We've been working closely with HCA Healthcare, but we haven't yet reached an agreement to keep their hospitals in our plan network. If we do not reach an agreement the following HCA Healthcare hospitals may leave our Georgia plan network on October 1, 2024: Doctors Hospital in Augusta* Memo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,mo,nh,nv,oh,ga'><a href='/news/b9vcmZEB_AEU_maHHMob/2024/8/29/2023-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-september'><time>Aug 29, 2024</time><h4>2023 MLR rebates will mail in September</h4><p>Anthem groups and individual members in 11 states will receive 2023 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, MO, NH, NV, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/nwPZmZEBb4w65uzCwnEZ/2024/8/29/2023-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-september'><time>Aug 29, 2024</time><h4>2023 MLR rebates will mail in September</h4><p>Anthem groups and individual members in 11 states will receive 2023 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/btvXmZEB_AEU_maHB8rf/2024/8/29/2023-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-september'><time>Aug 29, 2024</time><h4>2023 MLR rebates will mail in September</h4><p>Anthem groups and individual members in 11 states will receive 2023 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/wXSamZEBNsQ9JQaJzvTZ/2024/8/28/historical-marker-in-columbus-to-recognize-antheme28099s-significance-to-georgiae28099s-history'><time>Aug 28, 2024</time><h4>Historical marker in Columbus to recognize Anthem’s significance to Georgia’s history</h4><p>Please join the Georgia Historical Society and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield on August 28 for the dedication of a historical marker in Columbus, GA recognizing Anthem’s history and significance to Georgia’s economic past. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia can trace its beginnings ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in,ky,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/bNu1j5EB_AEU_maHlcr-/2024/8/27/new-enhancement-makes-mewa-quoting-process-more-efficient'><time>Aug 27, 2024</time><h4>New enhancement makes MEWA quoting process more efficient</h4><p>The latest enhancement to our MEWA digital quoting process allows you to add comments to a quote on the upload document screen. Previously, any additional comments had to be emailed to underwriters separately. Please note that the comments field should only be used to support submitted informati...</p><p>Small Group | IN, KY, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/wHSelJEBNsQ9JQaJcfQr/2024/8/27/wee28099re-offering-your-small-business-clients-a-moment-in-the-spotlight'><time>Aug 27, 2024</time><h4>We’re offering your small business clients a moment in the spotlight</h4><p>We’re sending an email to California Small Group clients and offering them a chance to be promoted on our social media channels. The program is open to businesses with less than 500 employees. Your Anthem Sales representative can provide more information.</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/vXQMXZEBNsQ9JQaJePTC/2024/8/21/anthem-and-astrana-health-partner-to-offer-better-access-to-care-in-underserved-areas-'><time>Aug 21, 2024</time><h4>Anthem and Astrana Health partner to offer better access to care in underserved areas </h4><p>Anthem and Astrana Health are collaborating to expand access to high-quality patient care in previously underserved member communities. Astrana will open and manage clinics providing care exclusively for Anthem Blue Cross members who join Allied Pacific IPA. Allied Pacific IPA doctors and staff ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/Z9sGXZEB_AEU_maH-spf/2024/8/20/learn-how-anthem-and-trihealth-are-collaborating-for-better-health-and-lower-costs'><time>Aug 20, 2024</time><h4>Learn how Anthem and TriHealth are collaborating for better health and lower costs</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield President Jane Peterson is joining TriHealth Executive Vice President and System Chief Operating Officer Terri Hanlon-Bremer and local employers to talk about how collaboration can improve health and lower costs. Join us for this panel hosted by the Cincinnati B...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fQOYqJABb4w65uzCj3Fq/2024/8/16/time-well-spent-controlling-migraine-attacks'><time>Aug 16, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: controlling migraine attacks</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for August focus on taking control of migraine headaches. If you have experienced a migraine attack, you know it can be more than just a throbbing headache. It can also cause other symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, numbness, and blurry vision. They ca...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jySXqJABfr9kP0_gi2na/2024/8/16/time-well-spent-controlling-migraine-attacks'><time>Aug 16, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: controlling migraine attacks</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for August focus on taking control of migraine headaches. If you have experienced a migraine attack, you know it can be more than just a throbbing headache. It can also cause other symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, numbness, and blurry vision. They ca...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/fAOWqJABb4w65uzCtnHE/2024/8/16/time-well-spent-controlling-migraine-attacks'><time>Aug 16, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: controlling migraine attacks</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for August focus on taking control of migraine headaches. If you have experienced a migraine attack, you know it can be more than just a throbbing headache. It can also cause other symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue, numbness, and blurry vision. They ca...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/mANQUpEBb4w65uzCVHFA/2024/8/15/behavioral-health-network-expansion-in-new-york-'><time>Aug 15, 2024</time><h4>Behavioral health network expansion in New York </h4><p>New York members now have more options for accessing behavioral health care. We added almost 3,000 new behavioral health providers to our New York network, as well as 15 new EAP providers. As a result, there are now nearly 8,000 contracted behavioral health providers in the state. These new prov...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ZPMbUpEBWlONxDYa2YSR/2024/8/15/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Aug 15, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our California members who live in areas impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: Augu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Y_MQUpEBWlONxDYaroSS/2024/8/15/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Aug 15, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our California members who live in areas impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: Augu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZfPJVpEBWlONxDYaNYRT/2024/8/15/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Aug 15, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our California members who live in areas impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: Augu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/XvMwR5EBWlONxDYaiIR1/2024/8/14/register-for-our-september-10-webinar-on-our-gene-therapy-solution'><time>Aug 14, 2024</time><h4>Register for our September 10 webinar on our Gene Therapy Solution</h4><p>Gene therapy brings the promise of new treatments that can reduce long-term costs and improve health outcomes. Our Gene Therapy Solution — part of our stop-loss portfolio — can also provide added financial protection for your clients while they support their employees. Join us at 1 p.m. ET on Se...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/YvOfTZEBWlONxDYaBoR0/2024/8/14/anthem-and-cu-medicine-agree-to-continue-partnership'><time>Aug 14, 2024</time><h4>Anthem and CU Medicine agree to continue partnership</h4><p>University of Colorado Medicine (CU Medicine) and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Colorado (Anthem) have a new multiyear agreement guaranteeing Anthem members continued access to CU Medicine clinicians who deliver medical and behavioral health services. We are working together on innovative...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/X_NiSJEBWlONxDYaWYSz/2024/8/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-debby-in-ga-and-fl'><time>Aug 13, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Debby in GA and FL</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members in Florida and Georgia who are impacted by Hurricane Debby. The changes are in effect between Aug...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/YPNjSJEBWlONxDYakYQQ/2024/8/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-debby-in-ga-and-fl'><time>Aug 13, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Debby in GA and FL</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members in Florida and Georgia who are impacted by Hurricane Debby. The changes are in effect between Aug...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YfNySJEBWlONxDYaiYRl/2024/8/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-debby-in-ga-and-fl'><time>Aug 13, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Debby in GA and FL</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members in Florida and Georgia who are impacted by Hurricane Debby. The changes are in effect between Aug...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/awJcM5EBD2mfH913f-tU/2024/8/9/save-the-date-broker-roadshow-is-september-18'><time>Aug 09, 2024</time><h4>Save the date: Broker Roadshow is September 18</h4><p>Join your Anthem partners and other brokers online on September 18 as we come together at the Anthem Rhythm and Blue Broker Roadshow. We’ll share how our focus on affordability, simplicity, and experience drives dynamic, effective performance. We’ll also showcase new products and innovations that...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/lQM9N5EBb4w65uzCIHFv/2024/8/9/new-missouri-rvp-of-sales-david-ploesser'><time>Aug 09, 2024</time><h4>New Missouri RVP of Sales, David Ploesser</h4><p>David Ploesser is joining our Missouri Commercial team as Regional Vice President of Sales starting August 12 to lead our Missouri sales team. David is a St. Louis native. He is an experienced insurance professional and has held leadership roles with carrier and retail brokerages. He earned his ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WfOSI5EBWlONxDYal4Qx/2024/8/8/ask-the-expert-webinar-recap-e28093-enhancements-to-your-digital-tools'><time>Aug 08, 2024</time><h4>Ask the Expert Webinar recap – Enhancements to Your Digital Tools</h4><p>In case you missed it, you can view the recording of the Ask the Expert Webinar from Tuesday, July 30, about the latest enhancements to our broker digital tools. Our Staff Vice President of Operations and System Solutions, Amy Bastien, and her team led a discussion about: Enhancements made to ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in'><a href='/news/kgP7I5EBb4w65uzCm3Ef/2024/8/7/wee28099ll-pay-dental-providers-directly-if-the-member-assigns-benefits-to-them'><time>Aug 07, 2024</time><h4>We’ll pay dental providers directly if the member assigns benefits to them</h4><p>Per recently passed state legislation, we will reimburse dental providers directly if a member of an Indiana Fully insured group or the State of Indiana Employee Health Plan signs an assignment of benefits. The law applies to all providers, whether or not they are in the plan’s network. An assig...</p><p>Large Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/lAOMLpEBb4w65uzCxHG8/2024/8/7/updated-wegovy-approved-for-cardiovascular-indication'><time>Aug 07, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Wegovy approved for cardiovascular indication</h4><p>Until recently, the FDA had only approved Wegovy for weight loss. In March 2024, Wegovy gained FDA approval for an additional indication for the reduction of cardiovascular (CV) events in overweight or obese patients with a history of cardiovascular disease. Based on the clinical trial, evidence-...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/jgNrE5EBb4w65uzCknGM/2024/8/2/the-law-requires-us-to-confirm-your-identity-before-disclosing-phi'><time>Aug 02, 2024</time><h4>The law requires us to confirm your identity before disclosing PHI</h4><p>To remain good stewards of your client’s information, we are legally required to confirm your identity before providing any protected health information (PHI) about them. We do that by asking for your full name, then three identifiers for your client, such as name, date of birth, and Health Care ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/UvNXE5EBWlONxDYa94QR/2024/8/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Aug 02, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our California members who live in areas impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: July...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZgJXE5EBD2mfH913E-sL/2024/8/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Aug 02, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our California members who live in areas impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: July...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/W9tYE5EB_AEU_maH68pW/2024/8/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Aug 02, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our California members who live in areas impacted by wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect: July...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/jQOUBZEBb4w65uzCRnGU/2024/7/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-park-wildfire-in-ca'><time>Jul 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Park Wildfire in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the Park Wildfire in Butte, Plumas, and Tehama counties in California. The changes ar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ZQKRBZEBD2mfH913wuvP/2024/7/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-park-wildfire-in-ca'><time>Jul 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Park Wildfire in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the Park Wildfire in Butte, Plumas, and Tehama counties in California. The changes are...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZAJfBZEBD2mfH9136esr/2024/7/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-park-wildfire-in-ca'><time>Jul 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Park Wildfire in CA</h4><p>We’re sharing this information in case you have clients in the impacted areas. We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the Park Wildfire in Butte, Plumas, and Tehama counties in California. The changes ar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/UPMk5ZABWlONxDYaToR0/2024/7/24/new-missouri-sales-director-for-individual-and-small-group'><time>Jul 24, 2024</time><h4>New Missouri Sales Director for Individual and Small Group</h4><p>Brittney Beazley has joined the Missouri Commercial team as Director of Sales for Individual and Small Group. She started overseeing the team on July 15. Brittney has worked in the insurance industry for eight years, during which time she’s developed solid skills in team development, strategic p...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YAKtzJABD2mfH913LesV/2024/7/22/reminder-ask-the-expert-webinar-e28093-enhancements-to-your-digital-tools'><time>Jul 22, 2024</time><h4>Reminder: Ask the Expert webinar – Enhancements to Your Digital Tools</h4><p>Don’t forget to register for our Ask the Expert webinar on Tuesday, July 30, to learn about the latest enhancements to broker digital tools. Our Staff Vice President of Operations and System Solutions, Amy Bastien, and her team will lead a discussion focused on: Enhancements made in response t...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,nh,nv,wi,ga'><a href='/news/SvMbwpABWlONxDYat4TA/2024/7/22/market-verifications-available-digitally-for-renewing-business'><time>Jul 22, 2024</time><h4>Market Verifications Available Digitally for Renewing Business</h4><p>Remember, there’s an easy, paperless way to certify renewing business. The market verification form (MVF) is available in EmployerAccess for small groups and their authorized brokers. There’s no need to scan and email documents. To use the digital form in EmployerAccess, select Complete Market V...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, NH, NV, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fwMKyJABb4w65uzCG3Gb/2024/7/19/wellbeing-solutions-placemats-for-2025-now-available'><time>Jul 19, 2024</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2025 now available</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2025 are available now on Broker Hub. These concise summaries explain how the program works and shows how easy it is for members to engage in all the wellbeing tools through our award-winning SydneySM Health app.  These placemats make it simple to share the value...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fgN2wZABb4w65uzCF3Fe/2024/7/19/pcori-fees-increasing-for-2024-payment'><time>Jul 19, 2024</time><h4>PCORI fees increasing for 2024 payment</h4><p>The annual mandated fee to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is increasing as follows: $3.00 per member for plan years ending on or before September 30, 2023, up from $2.79 last year. $3.22 per member for plan years ending on or after October 1, 2023, up from $3.00...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/XQKgqJABD2mfH9135Os0/2024/7/18/join-us-at-the-atlanta-heart-walk-to-support-heart-health'><time>Jul 18, 2024</time><h4>Join us at the Atlanta Heart Walk to support heart health</h4><p>Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Georgia. We invite you to help support heart health initiatives across Georgia as we “lace up” for the 2024 Atlanta Heart Walk on Saturday, September 21. Join us by registering a team today. The Heart Walk is a great way for you and your fa...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/XgLut5ABD2mfH913WOtv/2024/7/17/anthem-back-and-joint-pain-program-coming-to-aso-clients-in-2025'><time>Jul 17, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Back and Joint Pain Program coming to ASO clients in 2025</h4><p>We’re expanding access to our back and joint pain program to include Administrative Service Only (ASO) groups in 2025. Musculoskeletal conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis, and problems with bones and joints are the largest drivers of medical costs.1 They are a top concern for employers looki...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Ttvgt5AB_AEU_maHbMrA/2024/7/17/help-your-clients-navigate-open-enrollment-with-our-employer-toolkit'><time>Jul 17, 2024</time><h4>Help your clients navigate Open Enrollment with our employer toolkit</h4><p>Our employer toolkit can help guide your clients through Open Enrollment. It includes downloadable templates for emails, text messages, and social media content, as well as digital banners and videos. Employers can adjust the templates to suit their needs. The toolkit also offers useful Open Enr...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Tdvft5AB_AEU_maHi8og/2024/7/17/help-your-clients-navigate-open-enrollment-with-our-employer-toolkit'><time>Jul 17, 2024</time><h4>Help your clients navigate Open Enrollment with our employer toolkit</h4><p>Our employer toolkit can help guide your clients through Open Enrollment. It includes downloadable templates for emails, text messages, and social media content, as well as digital banners and videos. Employers can adjust the templates to suit their needs. The toolkit also offers useful Open Enr...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/TNvWt5AB_AEU_maHq8pl/2024/7/17/help-your-clients-navigate-open-enrollment-with-our-employer-toolkit'><time>Jul 17, 2024</time><h4>Help your clients navigate Open Enrollment with our employer toolkit</h4><p>Our employer toolkit can help guide your clients through Open Enrollment. It includes downloadable templates for emails, text messages, and social media content, as well as digital banners and videos. Employers can adjust the templates to suit their needs. The toolkit also offers useful Open Enr...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/_4o8npABtekjB65l5p5w/2024/7/11/nominations-open-for-anthem-small-business-spotlight-with-the-colorado-buffaloes'><time>Jul 11, 2024</time><h4>Nominations open for Anthem Small Business Spotlight with the Colorado Buffaloes</h4><p>We’re looking for your help to spotlight local small businesses. Anthem and the Colorado Buffaloes have awarded $32,000 to small businesses in Colorado since we launched the Small Business Spotlight in 2022. In partnership with the Colorado Buffaloes, we’re working to improve the lives of Colora...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/dAOsnpABb4w65uzCxXH-/2024/7/11/time-well-spent-understanding-digestive-health'><time>Jul 11, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding digestive health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for July focus on understanding digestive health. There’s a reason the old saying tells us to “go with our gut.” Our gut, or digestive system, does many important jobs that support good health. It removes toxins, breaks down our food, and puts the nut...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dQOvnpABb4w65uzCE3Hg/2024/7/11/time-well-spent-understanding-digestive-health'><time>Jul 11, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding digestive health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for July focus on understanding digestive health. There’s a reason the old saying tells us to “go with our gut.” Our gut, or digestive system, does many important jobs that support good health. It removes toxins, breaks down our food, and puts the nut...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/hiSrnpABfr9kP0_gDWne/2024/7/11/time-well-spent-understanding-digestive-health'><time>Jul 11, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding digestive health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for July focus on understanding digestive health. There’s a reason the old saying tells us to “go with our gut.” Our gut, or digestive system, does many important jobs that support good health. It removes toxins, breaks down our food, and puts the nut...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/agO1hJABb4w65uzCVXHN/2024/7/11/wee28099ll-send-the-annual-mlr-survey-to-employers-soon'><time>Jul 11, 2024</time><h4>We’ll send the annual MLR survey to employers soon</h4><p>Anthem pays annual rebates to Fully Insured groups when their medical loss ratio (MLR) is less than 85% for Large Groups or 80% for Small Groups and Individuals. Each year, we contact impacted groups to verify group size. We use the information to distribute rebates to the correct groups.  This y...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/cQPgnZABb4w65uzCmnEh/2024/7/10/why-international-medical-insurance-is-a-big-deal-for-your-clientse28094and-you'><time>Jul 10, 2024</time><h4>Why international medical insurance is a big deal for your clients—and you</h4><p>Working and traveling internationally has surpassed pre-pandemic levels. Most U.S. health plans, including employer-sponsored, ACA and Medicare plans, have limited, if any, international benefits. Clients who rely solely on their U.S. health insurance while abroad will likely experience critical ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_IoPmJABtekjB65lrJ5b/2024/7/10/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Jul 10, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members impacted by the Thompson wildfires in Butte County, California. The changes are in effect from July 3 through August 2, 2024. The changes also apply to emergency responders who ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/gCQleZABfr9kP0_gd2lu/2024/7/8/central-maine-medical-center-expands-oncology-services-with-new-lewiston-partnership'><time>Jul 08, 2024</time><h4>Central Maine Medical Center expands oncology services with new Lewiston partnership</h4><p>Central Maine Medical Center (CMMC) has expanded its oncology services with a new medical oncology partnership with New England Cancer Specialists at CMMC’s new cancer center next to the hospital in Lewiston. New England Cancer Specialists are the region’s largest cancer care specialty group and...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZgMzcJABb4w65uzCo3H9/2024/7/8/ask-the-expert-webinar-e28093-enhancements-to-your-digital-tools'><time>Jul 08, 2024</time><h4>Ask the Expert webinar – Enhancements to Your Digital Tools</h4><p>Join us on Tuesday, July 30, to learn about the latest enhancements to broker digital tools.  Our Staff Vice President of Operations and System Solutions, Amy Bastien, and her team will lead a discussion focused on: Enhancements made to Producer Toolbox in response to broker feedback, includin...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/UQLNhJABD2mfH913IusL/2024/7/8/new-imaging-options-for-southern-new-hampshire'><time>Jul 08, 2024</time><h4>New imaging options for southern New Hampshire</h4><p>Members have new in-network imaging options in southern New Hampshire. Tellica Imaging opened locations in Nashua and Manchester last month, offering better access to CT scans, MRIs, and other imaging services. Tellica is part of our Commercial, Medicare Advantage, and Pathway plans. Please shar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/-YopdZABtekjB65lA56Y/2024/7/3/we-have-reached-an-agreement-with-optum-colorado-to-keep-them-in-our-network'><time>Jul 03, 2024</time><h4>We have reached an agreement with Optum Colorado to keep them in our network</h4><p>We have reached an agreement with Optum Colorado (known as New West Physicians and Optum Colorado Springs) to keep them in our network. Anthem members have uninterrupted access to Optum Colorado care centers and physician offices. Members can contact the Member Services phone number on their Ant...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9oovX5ABtekjB65lYZ48/2024/7/1/new-live-chat-channel-for-sales-compensation-licensing-and-credentialling-questions'><time>Jul 01, 2024</time><h4>New live chat channel for sales compensation, licensing and credentialling questions</h4><p>You can now chat with a live agent to get answers to sales compensation and licensing and credentialing questions Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. We’ve expanded our capabilities so you can get more of what you need on the go. Chat with a live representative on topics like...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/6Yqz3o8BtekjB65l5p5D/2024/7/1/new-small-group-specialty-benefit-modification-form-for-august-1-and-later-effective-dates'><time>Jul 01, 2024</time><h4>New Small Group Specialty Benefit Modification Form for August 1 and later effective dates</h4><p>Starting with August 1, 2024, effective dates, you must use our new 2024 Specialty Benefit Modification Form for Small Groups in California. The Life & Disability sections have been removed now that our partner, The Standard, has completed its purchase of that business. You can download the new ...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh,wi'><a href='/news/SwLVW5ABD2mfH913-euL/2024/6/28/special-opportunity-to-assist-aec-clients-stay-covered'><time>Jun 28, 2024</time><h4>Special opportunity to assist AEC clients stay covered</h4><p>In May we let you know that we will soon stop offering our Anthem Enhanced Choice plans (AEC) because of a new Federal rule that limits the length of Short Term Plans.   It’s important to know that the loss of AEC coverage because of these new rules does not qualify an individual for a Special ...</p><p>Individual | OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,ga'><a href='/news/XwPdW5ABb4w65uzCEnFS/2024/6/28/special-opportunity-to-assist-aec-clients-stay-covered'><time>Jun 28, 2024</time><h4>Special opportunity to assist AEC clients stay covered</h4><p>In May we let you know that we will soon stop offering our Anthem Enhanced Choice plans (AEC) because of a new Federal rule that limits the length of Short Term Plans.   It’s important to know that the loss of AEC coverage because of these new rules does not qualify an individual for a Special ...</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YANXX5ABb4w65uzCQnEw/2024/6/28/change-healthcare-to-send-letters-to-aso-clients'><time>Jun 28, 2024</time><h4>Change Healthcare to send letters to ASO clients</h4><p>On June 20, 2024, Change Healthcare informed us that it would begin contacting clients and partners affected by their cybersecurity event. They will begin sending their notifications in July.   While Change Healthcare is unable to provide a comprehensive accounting of affected data, Anthem’s AS...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/8opEVZABtekjB65lOJ6c/2024/6/28/soca-groups-can-save-more-when-they-add-dental-or-vision-coverage'><time>Jun 28, 2024</time><h4>SOCA groups can save more when they add dental or vision coverage</h4><p>New and existing Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance Benefit Plan groups are eligible for even more savings when they add new dental or vision coverage. These increased credits vary by group size (based on number of enrolled medical subscribers). For example, a group with seven enrolled medical subscr...</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/9YpPW5ABtekjB65lPp6Z/2024/6/28/small-group-quotes-are-moving-to-online-only'><time>Jun 28, 2024</time><h4>Small group quotes are moving to online only</h4><p>To benefit our mutual clients, we are streamlining the small group (2-50) quote and group enrollment process. Beginning August 1, 2024, brokers must quote and enroll all small group products in the Producer Toolbox. Because of this automation, we will no longer accept quote requests (RFPs) or gro...</p><p>Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/eyRzVZABfr9kP0_gIWnp/2024/6/27/lin-health-offers-a-new-approach-to-chronic-pain'><time>Jun 27, 2024</time><h4>Lin Health offers a new approach to chronic pain</h4><p>Lin Health helps health systems and care practices provide compassionate, evidence-based, low-risk pain psychology treatment for chronic pain and discomfort. This video shares Mitzi's story and shows how Lin Health works with patients and how their treatment approach helps them recover. Lin Heal...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/84qyVZABtekjB65l9p6T/2024/6/26/enrollment-period-extended-for-those-no-longer-eligible-for-medicaid-coverage'><time>Jun 26, 2024</time><h4>Enrollment period extended for those no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage</h4><p>Colorado individuals and families losing Health First Colorado (Medicaid) or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) coverage have more time to transition to a Marketplace plan. The Colorado Division of Insurance has extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through November 30, 2024. It was ...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/WQPrT5ABb4w65uzC6HHZ/2024/6/26/effective-9124-wee28099ll-pay-dental-providers-directly-if-the-member-assigns-benefits-to-them'><time>Jun 26, 2024</time><h4>Effective 9/1/24, we’ll pay dental providers directly if the member assigns benefits to them</h4><p>Per recently passed state legislation, we will reimburse dental providers directly if a member of a Wisconsin group signs an assignment of benefits (AOB). The law takes effect September 1, 2024. The law applies to all providers, whether or not they are in the plan’s network. An assignment of ben...</p><p>Large Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/VQNqN5ABb4w65uzCfnE6/2024/6/26/kennebunk-boy-named-anthem-hero-at-hadlock'><time>Jun 26, 2024</time><h4>Kennebunk boy named Anthem Hero at Hadlock</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine partners with the Maine Children's Cancer Program every summer to recognize Anthem Heroes at Hadlock. The recognition honors courageous Maine kids who have battled childhood cancer or other serious medical conditions. We honored six-year-old Jackson Kalb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/7YqEN5ABtekjB65lnZ7K/2024/6/26/groups-can-save-up-to-2-points-off-their-risk-factor-by-adding-dental-and-vision-to-kentucky-chamberadvantage-medical-plans'><time>Jun 26, 2024</time><h4>Groups can save up to 2 points off their risk factor by adding dental and vision to Kentucky ChamberAdvantage medical plans</h4><p>To help groups save on their Kentucky ChamberAdvantage medical plans, we’re offering up to 2 points off their risk factor when they add dental and/or vision coverage. Starting June 1, 2024, groups can earn up to 1.5 points off their risk factor when they add dental coverage. They can earn 0.5 po...</p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/VANoNpABb4w65uzCU3Hc/2024/6/20/join-us-to-help-local-kids-with-cancer'><time>Jun 20, 2024</time><h4>Join us to help local kids with cancer</h4><p>This summer you can help young cancer patients at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond and the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Hampton Roads by hosting a lemonade stand or donating during the Anthem LemonAid event. How you can help Host a stand You'll receive free lemonade mat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/QwKOEpABD2mfH913ketC/2024/6/18/wee28099ll-file-the-caa-required-gag-clause-attestation-on-your-clientse28099-behalf-'><time>Jun 18, 2024</time><h4>We’ll file the CAA-required gag clause attestation on your clients’ behalf </h4><p>The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) gag clause provision prohibits group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group health insurance coverage from entering into an agreement between a plan or issuer and a healthcare provider, network or association of providers, third-party ad...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UwPBGJABb4w65uzCv3FU/2024/6/18/time-well-spent-addressing-alzheimere28099s-disease'><time>Jun 18, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for June focus on recognizing and responding to signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. Acknowledging signs of memory loss in yourself or a loved one isn’t easy. It’s natural to feel scared by the possibility of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis and what that could mean....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/eCTAGJABfr9kP0_gRmm5/2024/6/18/time-well-spent-addressing-alzheimere28099s-disease'><time>Jun 18, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for June focus on recognizing and responding to signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. Acknowledging signs of memory loss in yourself or a loved one isn’t easy. It’s natural to feel scared by the possibility of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis and what that could mean....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/RQK_GJABD2mfH913T-uM/2024/6/18/time-well-spent-addressing-alzheimere28099s-disease'><time>Jun 18, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for June focus on recognizing and responding to signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. Acknowledging signs of memory loss in yourself or a loved one isn’t easy. It’s natural to feel scared by the possibility of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis and what that could mean....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/diSvB5ABfr9kP0_gyWli/2024/6/12/lindsey-ames-is-new-regional-vp-of-sales-in-colorado'><time>Jun 12, 2024</time><h4>Lindsey Ames is new Regional VP of Sales in Colorado</h4><p>After an extensive search over the past few months, we have selected Lindsey Ames as our new Regional Vice President of Sales for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Colorado. Lindsey will lead the development, execution, and implementation of our sales strategy, enhancing our customer relations...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,va'><a href='/news/UQO4ApABb4w65uzCcHHs/2024/6/10/anthem-balanced-funding-groups-can-save-when-they-bundle-plans'><time>Jun 10, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Balanced Funding groups can save when they bundle plans</h4><p>Starting with June 1, effective dates: Small group clients can save up to 2% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new coverage:1 1.5% savings for dental. 0.5% savings for vision. Large group clients can save up to 4% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new co...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='mo,va,ga'><a href='/news/cySM7o8Bfr9kP0_gyWnk/2024/6/6/wee28099ll-be-asking-aso-clients-to-promote-paperless-communications-to-their-members'><time>Jun 06, 2024</time><h4>We’ll be asking ASO clients to promote paperless communications to their members</h4><p>Starting July 1, 2024, we’ll be contacting ASO clients in Georgia, Virginia, and Missouri. We’ll ask them to encourage their members to choose paperless communication. This pilot program is part of our efforts to become a digital-first company. We’ll ask ASO clients to obtain member email addres...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | MO, VA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me,nh'><a href='/news/ciSN3o8Bfr9kP0_gbGl_/2024/6/4/members-can-use-smartshopper-directly-from-sydney-health-and-earn-cash-rewards'><time>Jun 04, 2024</time><h4>Members can use SmartShopper directly from Sydney Health and earn cash rewards</h4><p>Your clients can now use SmartShopper through Sydney Health℠ with no phone call or additional login. SmartShopper is a great tool to help members find low-cost, high-quality medical services. And now it’s easier to access. If they have already registered with SmartShopper, they’ll be taken direc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME, NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/PQJSy48BD2mfH913ZetZ/2024/6/4/anthem-balanced-funding-ask-the-expert-broker-webinar-available-on-demand'><time>Jun 04, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Balanced Funding Ask the Expert broker webinar available on demand</h4><p>If you missed our latest webinar or want to review it, you can watch a recording of Next Level Anthem Balanced Funding:  Ask the Expert anytime. In our May session, we discussed Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF), our level funding solution. Our ABF Product Director, Nancy Sparks, and sales leaders M...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ayQP0I8Bfr9kP0_goWnM/2024/5/31/watch-your-inbox-for-new-broker-news-weekly-recaps'><time>May 31, 2024</time><h4>Watch your Inbox for new broker news weekly recaps</h4><p>We want to be sure you never miss a news post from Anthem. So starting today, we’ll send you an email each Friday that recaps Anthem’s news from that week. Each recap will be specific to the state or states you’re appointed in, so you won’t need to search for the stories relevant to you. They’ll ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5IpPz48BtekjB65llZ6J/2024/5/31/2023-prescription-drug-data-collection-submission-completed'><time>May 31, 2024</time><h4>2023 Prescription Drug Data Collection submission completed</h4><p>In February we let you know we would file the 2023 Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) files required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA). We submitted these files on May 29, 2024, on behalf of our fully insured and ASO clients for the benefits we administer and maintain. If you ne...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='nh,ga'><a href='/news/aiS8yo8Bfr9kP0_gDWmE/2024/5/31/anthem-balanced-funding-groups-can-save-when-they-bundle-plans'><time>May 31, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Balanced Funding groups can save when they bundle plans</h4><p>Starting with June 1, effective dates: Large group clients can save up to 4% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new coverage:* 1.5% savings for dental. 0.5% savings for vision. 0.25% savings for life. 0.5% savings for short-term disability. 0.5% savings for long-term disa...</p><p>Large Group | NH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/aSS5yo8Bfr9kP0_gEWm3/2024/5/31/anthem-balanced-funding-groups-can-save-when-they-bundle-plans'><time>May 31, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Balanced Funding groups can save when they bundle plans</h4><p>Starting with June 1, effective dates: Small group clients can save up to 2% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new coverage:1 1.5% savings for dental. 0.5% savings for vision. Large group clients can save up to 4% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new co...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/PAK3yo8BD2mfH9136-tE/2024/5/31/anthem-balanced-funding-groups-can-save-when-they-bundle-plans'><time>May 31, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Balanced Funding groups can save when they bundle plans</h4><p>Starting with June 1, effective dates: Small group clients can save up to 2% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new coverage:1 1.5% savings for dental. 0.5% savings for vision. Large group clients can save up to 4% on their ABF medical rate when adding the following new co...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ca,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/OwK2xI8BD2mfH913suv_/2024/5/30/updated-small-group-specialty-saving-program-'><time>May 30, 2024</time><h4>Updated Small Group Specialty Saving Program </h4><p>Your small group clients can get 5% off new dental and vision plans when they choose both from Anthem, even without an Anthem medical plan. When Small Group clients with 2 to 100 eligible employees buy new dental coverage and add a vision plan with us, they’ll receive a bundled discount of 5% on...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/44q1xI8BtekjB65l-p5D/2024/5/30/updated-small-group-specialty-saving-program-'><time>May 30, 2024</time><h4>Updated Small Group Specialty Saving Program </h4><p>Your small group clients can get 5% off new dental and vision plans when they choose both from Anthem, even without an Anthem medical plan. When Small Group clients with 2 to 50 eligible employees buy new dental coverage and add a vision plan with us, they’ll receive a bundled discount of 5% on ...</p><p>Small Group | CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/OQIPoY8BD2mfH913NuuV/2024/5/22/wegovy-approved-for-cardiovascular-indication'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>Wegovy approved for cardiovascular indication</h4><p>The FDA has approved Wegovy, currently used to treat weight loss, for cardiovascular (CV) treatment, effective July 1, 2024. Wegovy for CV treatment will be treated differently than Wegovy for weight loss. CarelonRx will manage Wegovy for CV differently from Wegovy for weight loss and will treat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/34rKnI8BtekjB65lhZ4i/2024/5/22/smart-and-farm-plans-need-full-census-when-adding-new-members'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>SMART and FARM plans need full census when adding new members</h4><p>Small group clients moving from ACA plans to Georgia Chamber SMART or Georgia FARM MEWA health plans with an effective date of July 1, 2024, or later will require a new quote request through Producer Toolbox. The request must include a group census, based on information provided by the employer. ...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/3orbm48BtekjB65lKZ5E/2024/5/22/time-well-spent-supporting-teenage-mental-health'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Supporting teenage mental health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for May focus on understanding how to support teenage mental health. Mental health conditions in teens are more than just age-related angst. They are real challenges. They are common. And they are treatable. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZCTZm48Bfr9kP0_gTmnj/2024/5/22/time-well-spent-supporting-teenage-mental-health'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Supporting teenage mental health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for May focus on understanding how to support teenage mental health. Mental health conditions in teens are more than just age-related angst. They are real challenges. They are common. And they are treatable. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/NwLXm48BD2mfH913xetq/2024/5/22/time-well-spent-supporting-teenage-mental-health'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Supporting teenage mental health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for May focus on understanding how to support teenage mental health. Mental health conditions in teens are more than just age-related angst. They are real challenges. They are common. And they are treatable. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YyTDm48Bfr9kP0_gZmmP/2024/5/22/broker-academy-enrollment-is-up-register-now-and-make-sure-you-can-attend'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>Broker Academy enrollment is up, register now and make sure you can attend</h4><p>The response to the 2024 Broker Academy training series has been overwhelming, with increased registration. Even after we doubled the training opportunities, space is limited. Register now for upcoming training, including:   Impact of Vision Wear Insurance Coverage June 5 or June 26 ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZyRGoY8Bfr9kP0_g92np/2024/5/22/mark-miller-named-regional-vice-president-and-sales-general-manager-for-new-york'><time>May 22, 2024</time><h4>Mark Miller named Regional Vice President and Sales General Manager for New York</h4><p>Mark Miller has joined Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New York as Regional Vice President and General Manager. He brings more than 25 years of experience in healthcare and pharmacy services. Throughout his career, Mark has consistently fostered strong client and consultant relationships bui...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,ga'><a href='/news/SgNWlo8Bb4w65uzCxHFt/2024/5/20/anthem-enhanced-coverage-plans-to-be-discontinued-due-to-final-federal-rule'><time>May 20, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Coverage plans to be discontinued due to final Federal rule</h4><p>A Federal rule finalized on March 28 modifies the requirements for Short Term Plans. These rules limit the length of time Short Term Plans can remain in place with effective dates after September 1, 2024. This impacts the sales and renewals of our Anthem Enhanced Choice (AEC) plans.   Selling n...</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh,wi'><a href='/news/3Io6lo8BtekjB65lBJ7S/2024/5/20/anthem-enhanced-coverage-plans-to-be-discontinued-due-to-final-federal-rule'><time>May 20, 2024</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Coverage plans to be discontinued due to final Federal rule</h4><p>A Federal rule finalized on March 28 modifies the requirements for Short Term Plans. These rules limit the length of time Short Term Plans can remain in place with effective dates after September 1, 2024. This impacts the sales and renewals of our Anthem Enhanced Choice (AEC) plans.   Selling n...</p><p>Individual | OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/SAOviI8Bb4w65uzCHXHS/2024/5/17/va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-make-up-sessions-in-july'><time>May 17, 2024</time><h4>VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE make-up sessions in July</h4><p>You can register now through July 12, 2024, to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in July. These courses are make-up courses for the classes in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit. This training is for V...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/QwO7fY8Bb4w65uzCPHFb/2024/5/16/showing-our-support-for-your-small-group-clients'><time>May 16, 2024</time><h4>Showing our support for your Small Group clients</h4><p>Small Businesses are the engine that drives communities across America. This month we honor and celebrate those businesses and commit to our continuing collaboration to build healthy communities where people and businesses thrive. We recently shared this small-business video with your client gro...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/1Iq8fY8BtekjB65lCZ6S/2024/5/16/showing-our-support-for-your-small-group-clients'><time>May 16, 2024</time><h4>Showing our support for your Small Group clients</h4><p>Small Businesses are the engine that drives communities across America. This month we honor and celebrate those businesses and commit to our continuing collaboration to build healthy communities where people and businesses thrive. We recently shared this small-business video with your client gro...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/MAK9fY8BD2mfH913FutM/2024/5/16/showing-our-support-for-your-small-group-clients'><time>May 16, 2024</time><h4>Showing our support for your Small Group clients</h4><p>Small Businesses are the engine that drives communities across America. This month we honor and celebrate those businesses and commit to our continuing collaboration to build healthy communities where people and businesses thrive. We recently shared this small-business video (upstate / downstate...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/RAO9fY8Bb4w65uzC5nEc/2024/5/16/showing-our-support-for-your-small-group-clients'><time>May 16, 2024</time><h4>Showing our support for your Small Group clients</h4><p>Small Businesses are the engine that drives communities across America. This month we honor and celebrate those businesses and commit to our continuing collaboration to build healthy communities where people and businesses thrive. We recently shared this small-business video with your client gro...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/XSRveI8Bfr9kP0_gNWnU/2024/5/16/groups-can-save-up-to-2-points-off-their-risk-factor-by-adding-dental-and-vision-to-smart-and-farm-medical-plans'><time>May 16, 2024</time><h4>Groups can save up to 2 points off their risk factor by adding dental and vision to SMART and FARM medical plans</h4><p>To help groups save on their Georgia Chamber SMART or Georgia FARM medical plans, we’re offering up to 2 points off their risk factor when they add any combination of dental or vision coverage. For effective dates starting June 1, 2024, groups can earn up to 1.5 points off their risk factor when...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/04qFco8BtekjB65l3Z7m/2024/5/15/instride-health-now-offers-in-network-pediatric-mental-healthcare-'><time>May 15, 2024</time><h4>InStride Health now offers in-network pediatric mental healthcare </h4><p>InStride Health, a pediatric anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) treatment provider, has joined our network. We’re working to increase access to mental healthcare and expand treatment capacity in Connecticut. InStride Health treats anxiety and OCD in children and young adults from 7 ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ct,me,nh'><a href='/news/QgNec48Bb4w65uzCUHHf/2024/5/15/learn-more-about-mental-health-challenges'><time>May 15, 2024</time><h4>Learn more about mental health challenges</h4><p>Anthem is working with Aspire365 to bring in-home mental health and substance use treatment programs for those 12 years old or older. It’s part of our effort to increase access to behavioral healthcare and expand treatment capacity in the region. Aspire365 has created four mental health videos f...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CT, ME, NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/LwKcd48BD2mfH913jesR/2024/5/14/top-2025-of-services-cost-share-details-revealed'><time>May 14, 2024</time><h4>Top 20% of services cost-share details revealed</h4><p>Ohio law requires insurers offering health care plans through a health insurance exchange to make the following information available to existing and potential members upon request: A list of the top 20% of services based on use An insured's expected contribution for each service The top 20...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/QQMpc48Bb4w65uzCEnFR/2024/5/13/update-on-life-and-disability-business-in-california'><time>May 13, 2024</time><h4>Update on Life and Disability Business in California</h4><p>StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. (The Standard) acquired our parent company’s life and disability business on April 1, 2024. The Standard purchased the existing group policies of Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company along with Anthem Life Insurance Company (Anthem Life). StanCorp Fin...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/VyQuZI8Bfr9kP0_gRWlU/2024/5/11/join-us-may-14-to-learn-how-wee28099re-expanding-behavioral-health-access'><time>May 11, 2024</time><h4>Join us May 14 to learn how we’re expanding behavioral health access</h4><p>Mental and emotional health challenges are a top concern for employers. Timely access to care, specialty care providers, and personal preferences present unique challenges when connecting employees to the care they need when they need it. Please join us for a half-hour webinar on Tuesday, May 14...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PwNyY48Bb4w65uzC8XEZ/2024/5/10/some-glp-1-drugs-not-available-for-home-delivery-from-carelonrx-pharmacy'><time>May 10, 2024</time><h4>Some GLP-1 drugs not available for home delivery from CarelonRx Pharmacy</h4><p>Due to ongoing, national supply issues, starting May 15, 2024, and until the medications become readily available, members will not be able to fill the following GLP-1 drugs via CarelonRx Pharmacy home delivery: Mounjaro Trulicity Wegovy Saxenda We will notify you and your clients when th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PAM0X48Bb4w65uzC8HFo/2024/5/10/broker-service-phone-enhancements'><time>May 10, 2024</time><h4>Broker Service Phone Enhancements</h4><p>We value the feedback you provided us. The Broker Services phone prompts are being enhanced to make getting the help you need even faster and easier. You can customize your service experience based on your preferences and specific needs. We’ve streamlined the prompts so you can choose self-servi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/PgMnY48Bb4w65uzCgXHx/2024/5/10/help-for-members-impacted-by-storms-and-flooding-in-ca'><time>May 10, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Storms and Flooding in CA</h4><p>We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who were impacted by the March 2024 storms and flooding emergency in California. The changes are in effect from May 3 through June 1, 2024, for the following California counties ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in'><a href='/news/KwKPU48BD2mfH913hevj/2024/5/7/your-cliente28099s-renewal-paperwork-is-due-soon'><time>May 07, 2024</time><h4>Your client’s renewal paperwork is due soon</h4><p>You play a key role when it comes to implementing your client’s health plan renewal. When you submit paperwork on time, you’re helping to make sure: Members have access to care without delay. Members receive ID cards before their effective date. Billing and commissions are correct and on tim...</p><p>Large Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/OQObTo8Bb4w65uzCjHEu/2024/5/7/you-could-score-big-prizes-at-yoga-day-at-folsom-field'><time>May 07, 2024</time><h4>You could score big prizes at Yoga Day at Folsom Field</h4><p>Join us at 8 a.m. on Saturday, June 8, 2024, for Yoga Day at Folsom Field presented by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in partnership with the Colorado Buffaloes. The event is free and limited to the first 500 people who register for the all-level yoga class. We’ll enter all participants in a ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/TiRpTo8Bfr9kP0_gwWnK/2024/5/7/done28099t-miss-the-may-legislative-update-from-broker-academy-'><time>May 07, 2024</time><h4>Don’t miss the May legislative update from Broker Academy </h4><p>The Broker Academy series continues its full slate of training opportunities for you and your staff this year. Register now for the free webinars. Legislative update – May 15 Join us for the latest insights on current and future legislation, and its potential impact on our industry. Continuin...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/OAPcNY8Bb4w65uzCVnEu/2024/5/3/anytime-is-a-good-time-to-sell-individual-family-stand-alone-dental-vision-plans'><time>May 03, 2024</time><h4>Anytime is a good time to sell Individual & family stand-alone dental & vision plans</h4><p>You can sell Anthem’s Individual & family stand-alone dental and vision plans off the exchange throughout the year. Our dental plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. When your clients choose an Anthem dental plan they will have access to one of the largest dental networks in the country...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NwPbNY8Bb4w65uzCanG1/2024/5/3/anytime-is-a-good-time-to-sell-individual-family-stand-alone-dental-vision-plans'><time>May 03, 2024</time><h4>Anytime is a good time to sell Individual & family stand-alone dental & vision plans</h4><p>You can sell Anthem’s Individual & family stand-alone dental and vision plans off the exchange throughout the year. Our dental plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. When your clients choose an Anthem dental plan they will have access to one of the largest dental networks in the country...</p><p>Individual | CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/SyRwNI8Bfr9kP0_gYGmy/2024/5/2/telling-members-about-the-value-of-virtual-care'><time>May 02, 2024</time><h4>Telling members about the value of virtual care</h4><p>Starting next week and then throughout 2024, we’ll email members quarterly tips to help them get the most from their health plan with virtual care. Accessing the care they need, when they need it, matters. The Sydney℠ Health mobile app connects members to a team of doctors ready to help them. N...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/SCSPK48Bfr9kP0_gOGlB/2024/5/1/january-1-renewal-date-added-to-mewa-plans'><time>May 01, 2024</time><h4>January 1 renewal date added to MEWA plans</h4><p>We’ve added a January 1 renewal date for Georgia Small Group MEWA plans to help eliminate short contracts of less than 12 months. The Georgia Chamber SMART Plan now has three renewal dates: January 1 April 1 October 1 The Georgia FARM Bureau Healthcare Plan now has two renewal dates: J...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/SiR7L48Bfr9kP0_gn2kL/2024/5/1/new-wisechoice-healthcare-alliance-broker-training-sessions-available'><time>May 01, 2024</time><h4>New WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance broker training sessions available</h4><p>We’ve worked with the Virginia Chamber of Commerce to present the WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance, the first Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) in the state. Formed from a 30-year partnership between the Chamber and Anthem, the WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance is designed to help drive hea...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/RySYKo8Bfr9kP0_g7mlH/2024/4/29/next-level-anthem-balanced-funding-ask-the-expert-and-help-your-clients-win'><time>Apr 29, 2024</time><h4>Next level Anthem Balanced Funding: Ask the Expert and help your clients win</h4><p>Join us at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14 for an in-depth look at Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF), our level funding solution. We'll talk about which clients could benefit the most from ABF and the comprehensive reporting it provides. And, true to our "Ask the Expert" format, we'll reserve the second ha...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/w4o5HI8BtekjB65lB574/2024/4/26/medi-cal-renewal-broker-hub-page-redesigned-e28093-provides-step-by-step-guidance-for-helping-individuals-and-employers'><time>Apr 26, 2024</time><h4>Medi-Cal Renewal Broker Hub page redesigned – provides step-by-step guidance for helping individuals and employers</h4><p>The Medi-Cal Renewal Broker Resource page on Broker Hub reflects a brand-new design that makes it easier for you to find the resources you need, right now, as you continue to help disenrolled individuals stay covered. Because Medi-Cal disenrollments have been underway for some time, we’ve shifte...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/woo2HI8BtekjB65lmZ49/2024/4/26/medicaid-renewal-broker-hub-page-redesigned-e28093-provides-step-by-step-guidance-for-helping-individuals-and-employers'><time>Apr 26, 2024</time><h4>Medicaid Renewal Broker Hub page redesigned – provides step-by-step guidance for helping individuals and employers</h4><p>The Medicaid Renewal Broker Resource page on Broker Hub reflects a brand-new design that makes it easier for you to find the resources you need, right now, as you continue to help disenrolled individuals stay covered. Because Medicaid disenrollments have been underway for over a year, we’ve shif...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IQJJF48BD2mfH9137eua/2024/4/25/large-group-medical-customers-with-embedded-vision-can-search-for-eye-doctors-using-guest-search-on-find-care'><time>Apr 25, 2024</time><h4>Large group medical customers with embedded vision can search for eye doctors using Guest Search on Find Care</h4><p>Some Large Group medical clients with embedded vision coverage are unable to find Blue View Vision providers using the Find Care search tool on and in the Sydney℠ Health mobile app.  For them, the system is only displaying medical plan providers. Affected members can use the Guest S...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi'><a href='/news/wYpEF48BtekjB65lF576/2024/4/25/large-group-medical-customers-with-embedded-vision-can-search-for-eye-doctors-using-guest-search-on-find-care-'><time>Apr 25, 2024</time><h4>Large group medical customers with embedded vision can search for eye doctors using Guest Search on Find Care </h4><p>Some Large Group medical clients with embedded vision coverage are unable to find Blue View Vision providers using the Find Care search tool on and in the Sydney℠ Health mobile app.  For them, the system is only displaying medical plan providers. Affected members can use the Guest Sear...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NCR88Y4Bfr9kP0_gWmko/2024/4/23/specialtyrx-savings-navigator-cost-management-solution-coming-in-june'><time>Apr 23, 2024</time><h4>SpecialtyRx Savings Navigator cost management solution coming in June</h4><p>SpecialtyRx Savings Navigator will be available this June for new or renewing ASO Large Groups and National accounts with 500 or more subscribers. It’s provided by our pharmacy benefit manager, CarelonRx. SpecialtyRx Savings Navigator offers comprehensive specialty drug cost management that helps...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/t4r38Y4BtekjB65leJ6M/2024/4/19/individual-family-members-say-paytient-makes-paying-out-of-pocket-healthcare-costs-less-stressful'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>Individual & Family members say Paytient makes paying out-of-pocket healthcare costs less stressful</h4><p>Over 3,600 Anthem Individual & Family members signed up for Paytient since 2023 to pay for care they may not have been able to obtain otherwise. The Paytient Health Payment Account1 offers Individual and Family members an easier way to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs. It makes those costs...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/tor08Y4BtekjB65l8p45/2024/4/19/individual-family-members-say-paytient-makes-paying-out-of-pocket-healthcare-costs-less-stressful'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>Individual & Family members say Paytient makes paying out-of-pocket healthcare costs less stressful</h4><p>Over 3,600 Anthem Individual & Family members signed up for Paytient since 2023 to pay for care they may not have been able to obtain otherwise. The Paytient Health Payment Account1 offers Individual and Family members an easier way to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs. It makes those costs...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/tYrw8Y4BtekjB65l6Z7C/2024/4/19/individual-family-members-say-paytient-makes-paying-out-of-pocket-healthcare-costs-less-stressful'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>Individual & Family members say Paytient makes paying out-of-pocket healthcare costs less stressful</h4><p>Over 3,600 Anthem Individual & Family members signed up for Paytient since 2023 to pay for care they may not have been able to obtain otherwise. The Paytient Health Payment Account1 offers Individual and Family members an easier way to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs. It makes those costs...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/HAK98o4BD2mfH913xetq/2024/4/19/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-groups-still-with-humana-'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to groups still with Humana </h4><p>We will continue our Large and Small Group marketing campaign for employers still with Humana. It will continue through April and, tentatively, through September. If one of your clients responds, we will connect with you to keep you involved. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/NyS88o4Bfr9kP0_g72mB/2024/4/19/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-groups-still-with-humana-'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to groups still with Humana </h4><p>We will continue our Large and Small Group marketing campaign for employers still with Humana. It will continue through April and, tentatively, through September. If one of your clients responds, we will connect with you to keep you involved. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/GwK88o4BD2mfH913E-uu/2024/4/19/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-groups-still-with-humana-'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to groups still with Humana </h4><p>We will continue our Large and Small Group marketing campaign for employers still with Humana. It will continue through April and, tentatively, through September. If one of your clients responds, we will connect with you to keep you involved. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='in'><a href='/news/uIq78o4BtekjB65lI57g/2024/4/19/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-groups-still-with-humana-'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to groups still with Humana </h4><p>We will continue our Large and Small Group marketing campaign for employers still with Humana. It will continue through April and, tentatively, through September. If one of your clients responds, we will connect with you to keep you involved. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/NiS58o4Bfr9kP0_g4mlQ/2024/4/19/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-groups-still-with-humana-'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to groups still with Humana </h4><p>We will continue our Large and Small Group marketing campaign for employers still with Humana. It will continue through April and, tentatively, through September. If one of your clients responds, we will connect with you to keep you involved. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/NSS48o4Bfr9kP0_g6WnE/2024/4/19/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-groups-still-with-humana-'><time>Apr 19, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to groups still with Humana </h4><p>We will continue our Large and Small Group marketing campaign for employers still with Humana. It will continue through April and, tentatively, through September. If one of your clients responds, we will connect with you to keep you involved. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/MyRz7Y4Bfr9kP0_giGnO/2024/4/18/vegas-chamber-ahp-sales-resuming-april-22-for-71-effective-dates'><time>Apr 18, 2024</time><h4>Vegas Chamber AHP sales resuming April 22 for 7/1 effective dates</h4><p>Vegas Chamber Association Health Plan (AHP) sales will resume on Monday, April 22, 2024, for July 1, 2024, and later effective dates. We suspended sales for May 1, 2024, and June 1, 2024, effective dates to avoid sales renewing too close to the focal renewal date of July 1. Learn more about Vega...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/s4ov444BtekjB65ldJ6q/2024/4/16/join-our-one-hour-webinar-may-9-to-learn-the-advantages-of-ahps'><time>Apr 16, 2024</time><h4>Join our one-hour webinar May 9 to learn the advantages of AHPs</h4><p>Join us at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 9, 2024, to learn how Vegas Chamber Association Health Plans (AHPs) can offer small businesses similar benefits to those available to larger businesses. Vegas Chamber membership offers many advantages, including networking, advocacy, and learning opportunit...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/ropKxI4BtekjB65lj55c/2024/4/15/bojan-grgic-is-new-lg-strategic-sales-manager-for-new-hampshire'><time>Apr 15, 2024</time><h4>Bojan Grgic is new LG strategic sales manager for New Hampshire</h4><p>Bojan Grgic is the new Large Group Strategic Sales Manager for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield  in New Hampshire. He joined Anthem in 2013 as a sales and retention executive. He most recently served as a Strategic Sales and Account Consultant. His deep understanding of the broker channel, and...</p><p>Large Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/FwI1xI4BD2mfH913jOtO/2024/4/10/time-well-spent-understanding-autism-spectrum-disorder-'><time>Apr 10, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding Autism spectrum disorder </h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for April focus on Autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that causes people to behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most people. ASD impacts all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic gro...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/FgI0xI4BD2mfH913oOuJ/2024/4/10/time-well-spent-understanding-autism-spectrum-disorder-'><time>Apr 10, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding Autism spectrum disorder </h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for April focus on Autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that causes people to behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most people. ASD impacts all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic gro...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/FQIzxI4BD2mfH913UesU/2024/4/10/time-well-spent-understanding-autism-spectrum-disorder-'><time>Apr 10, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding Autism spectrum disorder </h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for April focus on Autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that causes people to behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most people. ASD impacts all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic gro...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/rYopw44BtekjB65lo57j/2024/4/10/join-our-webinar-about-fostering-connections-in-behavioral-health'><time>Apr 10, 2024</time><h4>Join our webinar about fostering connections in behavioral health</h4><p>Register today to join CarelonRx Staff Vice President of Clinical Quality, Dr. Ami Bhatt and Manager Medical Director, Dr. Simreet Khaira, on May 1, as they cast light on behavioral health, a critically important yet often misunderstood field. Beyond the Shadows: Fostering Connections in Behav...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/JSTtn44Bfr9kP0_gz2kD/2024/4/3/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-prospective-large-group-clients'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to prospective Large Group clients</h4><p>We’re launching two marketing campaigns in April and May aimed at non-Anthem Large Group employer prospects in the 14 blue states we serve. We will tell you when one of your clients responds. The campaigns will run through October. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and our focus o...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/JCTtn44Bfr9kP0_gE2kf/2024/4/3/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-prospective-large-group-clients'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to prospective Large Group clients</h4><p>We’re launching two marketing campaigns in April and May aimed at non-Anthem Large Group employer prospects in the 14 blue states we serve. We will tell you when one of your clients responds. The campaigns will run through October. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and our focus o...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/IyTsn44Bfr9kP0_gb2ny/2024/4/3/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-prospective-large-group-clients'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to prospective Large Group clients</h4><p>We’re launching two marketing campaigns in April and May aimed at non-Anthem Large Group employer prospects in the 14 blue states we serve. We will tell you when one of your clients responds. The campaigns will run through October. Our messaging will showcase Anthem’s value story and our focus o...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/EgKooI4BD2mfH913mOs6/2024/4/3/individuals-and-families-losing-medicaid-have-more-time-to-transition-to-marketplace-coverage-e28093-sep-extended-through-november-'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>Individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage – SEP extended through November </h4><p>In Wisconsin, individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through November ...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/JySnoI4Bfr9kP0_g82l7/2024/4/3/individuals-and-families-losing-medicaid-have-more-time-to-transition-to-marketplace-coverage-e28093-sep-extended-through-november-'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>Individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage – SEP extended through November </h4><p>In Ohio, individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through November 30, 2...</p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/qIqnoI4BtekjB65lRZ5V/2024/4/3/individuals-and-families-losing-medicaid-have-more-time-to-transition-to-marketplace-coverage-e28093-sep-extended-through-november-'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>Individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage – SEP extended through November </h4><p>In New Hampshire, individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through Novem...</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/p4qmoI4BtekjB65lj553/2024/4/3/individuals-and-families-losing-medicaid-have-more-time-to-transition-to-marketplace-coverage-e28093-sep-extended-through-november-'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>Individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage – SEP extended through November </h4><p>In Missouri, individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through November 3...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/JiSkoI4Bfr9kP0_gJmnl/2024/4/3/individuals-and-families-losing-medicaid-have-more-time-to-transition-to-marketplace-coverage-e28093-sep-extended-through-november-'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>Individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage – SEP extended through November </h4><p>In Indiana, individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through November 30...</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/EQKjoI4BD2mfH913E-uy/2024/4/3/individuals-and-families-losing-medicaid-have-more-time-to-transition-to-marketplace-coverage-e28093-sep-extended-through-november-'><time>Apr 03, 2024</time><h4>Individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage – SEP extended through November </h4><p>In Georgia, individuals and families losing Medicaid have more time to transition to Marketplace coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have extended the temporary special enrollment period (SEP) through November 30...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/pYo-m44BtekjB65lDZ6M/2024/4/1/the-sale-of-life-and-disability-products-to-the-standard-is-now-complete-'><time>Apr 01, 2024</time><h4>The sale of Life and Disability products to The Standard is now complete </h4><p>Effective April 1, 2024, StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. (The Standard) has acquired our parent company’s Life and Disability business. Anthem Life clients and their employees will continue to use the current phone numbers, addresses, and website to access information regarding the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IiQ-m44Bfr9kP0_gemnU/2024/4/1/the-sale-of-life-and-disability-products-to-the-standard-is-now-complete-'><time>Apr 01, 2024</time><h4>The sale of Life and Disability products to The Standard is now complete </h4><p>Effective April 1, 2024, StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. (The Standard) has acquired our parent company’s Life and Disability business. Anthem Life clients and their employees will continue to use the current phone numbers, addresses, and website to access information regarding the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/poo-m44BtekjB65lxZ4G/2024/4/1/the-sale-of-life-and-disability-products-to-the-standard-is-now-complete'><time>Apr 01, 2024</time><h4>The sale of Life and Disability products to The Standard is now complete</h4><p>Effective April 1, 2024, StanCorp Financial Group, Inc. (The Standard) has acquired our parent company’s Life and Disability business. Anthem Life clients and their employees will continue to use the current phone numbers, addresses, and website to access information regarding the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ACRGXY4Bfr9kP0_gQ2kX/2024/3/21/webinar-digital-transformation-in-healthcare'><time>Mar 21, 2024</time><h4>Webinar: Digital Transformation in Healthcare</h4><p>Please join us for a half-hour webinar on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 2 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. PT. The head of Strategy and Solutions for Carelon Digital Platforms, Milind Shah, will discuss how we are focusing on digital transformation and leveraging new tools such as AI and digital technology resp...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/jIrnV44BtekjB65lX56D/2024/3/21/wee28099re-contacting-your-clients-to-tell-them-about-dispatchhealth'><time>Mar 21, 2024</time><h4>We’re contacting your clients to tell them about DispatchHealth</h4><p>In about two weeks, we will email your large group and small group clients who live in DispatchHealth’s coverage area in Columbus reminding them that the at-home provider is part of their plan’s network. DispatchHealth sends experienced medical professionals to provide urgent care in their home. ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-QJlPo4BD2mfH913C-r3/2024/3/21/time-well-spent-kidney-and-bladder-health'><time>Mar 21, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Kidney and bladder health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for March focus on kidney and bladder health. Our kidneys and bladder operate like our body’s cleaning department, silently preserving our well-being. They generally work without us noticing. When problems occur, they can cause discomfort and could lea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/iIpjPo4BtekjB65l9J4t/2024/3/21/time-well-spent-kidney-and-bladder-health'><time>Mar 21, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Kidney and bladder health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for March focus on kidney and bladder health. Our kidneys and bladder operate like our body’s cleaning department, silently preserving our well-being. They generally work without us noticing. When problems occur, they can cause discomfort and could lea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/_CRjPo4Bfr9kP0_gC2gQ/2024/3/21/time-well-spent-kidney-and-bladder-health'><time>Mar 21, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Kidney and bladder health</h4><p>Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources for March focus on kidney and bladder health. Our kidneys and bladder operate like our body’s cleaning department, silently preserving our well-being. They generally work without us noticing. When problems occur, they can cause discomfort and could lea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jYq4WI4BtekjB65lGJ6r/2024/3/20/priority-select-hmo-network-expands-into-kern-ventura-and-san-luis-obispo-counties'><time>Mar 20, 2024</time><h4>Priority Select HMO network expands into Kern, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties</h4><p>The Priority Select HMO network expanded into Kern, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties on March 1, 2024. Bakersfield Family Medical Center, Hispanic Physicians, Seaview IPA, Valley Care Physicians, Dignity Health Network, and Coastal Community Physician Network are now in the plan’s network. ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/-AJaPo4BD2mfH9130Oqw/2024/3/15/sauk-prairie-healthcare-is-leaving-your-clientse28099-health-plan-network'><time>Mar 15, 2024</time><h4>Sauk Prairie Healthcare is leaving your clients’ health plan network</h4><p>We have been in negotiations for several months with Sauk Prairie Healthcare to keep them in-network for your clients’ healthcare plans. If we are unable to reach an agreement by April 1, 2024, Sauk Prairie Healthcare will leave the network. If they leave, your clients and your clients’ employee...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/-yQvNI4Bfr9kP0_gBmjy/2024/3/14/concord-eye-center-is-now-part-of-the-pathway-network'><time>Mar 14, 2024</time><h4>Concord Eye Center is now part of the Pathway network</h4><p>The Concord Eye Center has joined Anthem’s Pathway network. The center has two Concord locations, 2 Pillsbury St., Suite 100, and 248 Pleasant St., Suite 1600. The addition brings in-network optometry and ophthalmology services to Merrimack County. Contact your Anthem Representative for question...</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/9gIEM44BD2mfH913xuoy/2024/3/13/vegas-chamber-ahp-sales-suspended-for-51-and-61-effective-dates'><time>Mar 13, 2024</time><h4>Vegas Chamber AHP sales suspended for 5/1 and 6/1 effective dates</h4><p>Vegas Chamber Associated Health Plan (AHP) sales will be suspended for May 1, 2024, and June 1, 2024, effective dates.  All Vegas Chamber AHPs renew on the same date (focal renewal), July 1, 2024. We want to avoid sales that renew too close to that date. We will update you soon with information ...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9QKwMo4BD2mfH9136-rJ/2024/3/13/expanded-ce-opportunities-in-broker-academy'><time>Mar 13, 2024</time><h4>Expanded CE opportunities in Broker Academy</h4><p>We are adding additional continuing education (CE) classes to meet demand.  Specifically, we are doubling the CE opportunities by adding duplicate CE classes for each scheduled topic.  Upcoming classes include: ASO Stop Loss - Protecting Employers:  March 20, with an additional class offered ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/h4qfMo4BtekjB65lbZ67/2024/3/13/regulations-to-impact-groups-with-pharmacy-coverage'><time>Mar 13, 2024</time><h4>Regulations to impact groups with pharmacy coverage</h4><p>Several states, including Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia, have introduced regulations that may impact members with pharmacy coverage and pricing arrangements with Anthem or CarelonRx. The mandated changes apply to claims processed by pharmacies in these states and memb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9wIKM44BD2mfH913quot/2024/3/12/elevance-health-completes-acquisition-of-paragon-healthcare'><time>Mar 12, 2024</time><h4>Elevance Health completes acquisition of Paragon Healthcare</h4><p>Today, Elevance Health, the parent company of our pharmacy benefit management partner, CarelonRx, completed its acquisition of Paragon Healthcare, Inc., a company specializing in life-saving and life-giving infusible and injectable therapies. Paragon Healthcare provides infusion services to pati...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5QLpeY0BD2mfH913nOpu/2024/3/12/webinar-beyond-benefits-e28093-helping-employees-live-their-healthiest-lives'><time>Mar 12, 2024</time><h4>Webinar: Beyond benefits – helping employees live their healthiest lives</h4><p>Advocacy programs can help employees and their families understand their benefits and make the most of them. Our advocacy strategy, Total Health Connections, goes beyond that to help them navigate their employer’s unique benefit ecosystem to find the right care at the right time. Dedicated Family...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/-iTsFY4Bfr9kP0_gMmgD/2024/3/11/local-infusion-opens-bangor-location-adding-to-antheme28099s-affordable-infusion-options'><time>Mar 11, 2024</time><h4>Local Infusion opens Bangor location, adding to Anthem’s affordable infusion options</h4><p>Local Infusion opened its second outpatient facility in Bangor at the end of February. The new location at 625 Broadway joins Penobscot Community Healthcare Infusion Center at 1012 Union Street serving Bangor. They are two of Anthem’s many in-network drug infusion and injection options at indepen...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9AJbFI4BD2mfH913DOpD/2024/3/7/update-zipdrug-sunsetting-moved-to-july-1-2024'><time>Mar 07, 2024</time><h4>UPDATE: ZipDrug sunsetting moved to July 1, 2024</h4><p>We communicated previously that CarelonRx will sunset ZipDrug for all Commercial and Medicare members starting May 1, 2024, upon renewal. We have moved the effective date of this change to July 1, 2024, upon renewal. ZipDrug is a concierge services program that connects members on multiple maint...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8wIlD44BD2mfH913Keq_/2024/3/7/resources-to-help-you-explain-the-benefits-of-a-total-cost-of-care-approach-'><time>Mar 07, 2024</time><h4>Resources to help you explain the benefits of a total cost of care approach </h4><p>Do your clients and prospects know where their organization's healthcare and employee benefits dollars go? Employers are looking for savings that can also improve the quality of employee care. Maximizing savings can be challenging without a clear understanding of the solutions and programs that ...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/8gJJCo4BD2mfH913sOps/2024/3/5/reminder-smart-plan-renewals-could-earn-you-an-atlanta-united-soccer-experience'><time>Mar 05, 2024</time><h4>Reminder: SMART Plan renewals could earn you an Atlanta United soccer experience</h4><p>You still have time to win. The Georgia Chamber SMART Plan offers your small group clients savings, support, and peace of mind. Now SMART plan renewals can offer you an exciting soccer experience with our SMART Plan renewal contest.   Every renewal submitted by March 15 earns you an entry into t...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-CRw-40Bfr9kP0_gp2ji/2024/3/5/oakleycom-is-a-new-online-vision-provider-in-the-blue-view-vision-network'><time>Mar 05, 2024</time><h4> is a new online vision provider in the Blue View Vision network</h4><p>With the addition of to our Blue View Vision network, members now have another convenient online option when it comes to purchasing eyewear. Through our strategic partnerships, members can receive eye care and purchase eyewear from their local network eye doctor or many regional and n...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/9yRv-40Bfr9kP0_gcGgM/2024/3/5/oakleycom-is-a-new-online-vision-provider-in-the-blue-view-vision-network'><time>Mar 05, 2024</time><h4> is a new online vision provider in the Blue View Vision network</h4><p>With the addition of to our Blue View Vision network, members now have another convenient online option when it comes to purchasing eyewear. Through our strategic partnerships, members can receive eye care and purchase eyewear from their local network eye doctor or many regional and n...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8QJt-40BD2mfH913werb/2024/3/5/oakleycom-is-a-new-online-vision-provider-in-the-blue-view-vision-network'><time>Mar 05, 2024</time><h4> is a new online vision provider in the Blue View Vision network</h4><p>With the addition of to our Blue View Vision network, members now have another convenient online option when it comes to purchasing eyewear. Through our strategic partnerships, members can receive eye care and purchase eyewear from their local network eye doctor or many regional and n...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7gLP-o0BD2mfH913deo-/2024/3/1/carelonrxe28099s-ensurerx-launches-march-1-for-integrated-pharmacy-clients'><time>Mar 01, 2024</time><h4>CarelonRx’s EnsureRx launches March 1 for integrated pharmacy clients</h4><p>At Anthem, we are committed to a future of pharmacy benefits that takes a whole health approach to care and has a positive impact on total cost. Our goal is also to help provide affordable healthcare, no matter how our members choose to fill their prescriptions.    Whether filling a prescription...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/horU8Y0BtekjB65lx54w/2024/2/29/update-requests-to-collect-required-caa-d1-prescription-drug-data-begin-this-month'><time>Feb 29, 2024</time><h4>Update: Requests to collect required CAA D1 prescription drug data begin this month</h4><p>Update: We are connecting with many employers that terminated their coverage with us in 2023 to support them with required prescription drug data reporting.   The Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug u...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9iRT7I0Bfr9kP0_gg2iB/2024/2/28/levemir-flexpens-will-be-discontinued-april-1-vials-will-be-available-until-december-31'><time>Feb 28, 2024</time><h4>Levemir Flexpens will be discontinued April 1. Vials will be available until December 31</h4><p>The maker of Levemir FlexPens and vials will stop making the man-made insulin this year. Flexpens will be discontinued on April 1, 2024. Vials of the drug will be discontinued on December 31, 2024. CarelonRx will be notifying roughly 5,000 members who have recently filled Levemir by March 1, 2024...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7QIn640BD2mfH913FuoN/2024/2/28/you-can-save-more-time-by-uploading-documents-and-photos-with-live-chat-in-the-broker-plus-app'><time>Feb 28, 2024</time><h4>You can save more time by uploading documents and photos with Live Chat in the Broker Plus app</h4><p>Need to send a document to us fast? Use Live Chat in the Broker Plus app. If you’re connected to a live agent in the app and need to send a file, our latest enhancement allows you to securely upload it so your agent can review it in real time. Once the agent you’re chatting with requests the fil...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in'><a href='/news/9CSy1o0Bfr9kP0_g22gs/2024/2/26/chambercare-health-alliance-mewa-arc-data-collection-march-4-e28093-april-12-2024'><time>Feb 26, 2024</time><h4>ChamberCare Health Alliance MEWA ARC data collection March 4 – April 12, 2024</h4><p>The ChamberCare Health Alliance MEWA plan will collect annual rate and census reconciliation (ARC) data from March 4 to April 12, 2024. The data collection will apply to any groups that were active in the MEWA for any portion of 2024, including groups that have since termed. This data is used by...</p><p>Small Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/8iQ80o0Bfr9kP0_gFWj0/2024/2/22/new-wisechoice-healthcare-alliance-broker-training-sessions-available'><time>Feb 22, 2024</time><h4>New WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance broker training sessions available</h4><p>We’ve worked with the Virginia Chamber of Commerce to present the WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance, the first Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) in the state. Formed from a 30-year partnership between the Chamber and Anthem, the WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance is designed to help drive hea...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8STgxo0Bfr9kP0_g_GiZ/2024/2/21/easily-see-who-in-your-organization-has-ptb-delegate-access'><time>Feb 21, 2024</time><h4>Easily see who in your organization has PTB delegate access</h4><p>It’s now easier to manage Producer Toolbox delegates. Anyone with a primary or site administration designation who has at least one delegate can now download a list of their organization’s delegates. The list shows who in their organization has Producer Toolbox delegate access and their assigned ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6wJ2wo0BD2mfH9135uoM/2024/2/20/broker-plus-now-available-for-tablets'><time>Feb 20, 2024</time><h4>Broker Plus Now Available for Tablets</h4><p>Now you can use Broker Plus on your Apple or Google tablet, making it easier to do business on the go. With the tablet launch, landscape view is now fully supported. The dashboard also has a refreshed look and feel that aligns with your desktop dashboard for a unified experience across devices. ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/gYokro0BtekjB65lz570/2024/2/19/share-this-flyer-to-tell-your-clientse28099-employees-how-wee28099re-enhancing-behavioral-health-support-'><time>Feb 19, 2024</time><h4>Share this flyer to tell your clients’ employees how we’re enhancing behavioral health support </h4><p>Our new behavioral health PDF brochure can tell your clients’ employees about programs and services available in New Hampshire and details our continuing effort to improve access to behavioral healthcare. We are enhancing behavioral health support in New Hampshire with: Reduced copays. Expan...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/gIp6pI0BtekjB65la57C/2024/2/19/georgia-chamber-smart-plan-renewals-could-earn-you-an-atlanta-united-soccer-experience'><time>Feb 19, 2024</time><h4>Georgia Chamber Smart Plan renewals could earn you an Atlanta United soccer experience</h4><p>The Georgia Chamber SMART Plan offers your small group clients savings, support, and peace of mind. Now SMART plan renewals can offer you an exciting soccer experience with our SMART Plan renewal contest.   Every renewal submitted by March 15 earns you an entry into two drawings for tickets to a...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/7CR0pI0Bfr9kP0_gMGiD/2024/2/15/bronze-pathway-ppo-now-available-to-small-group-aca-clients'><time>Feb 15, 2024</time><h4>Bronze Pathway PPO now available to Small Group ACA clients</h4><p>Anthem Bronze Pathway PPO Plan is now available to your Small Group ACA clients. You obtain quotes for new and existing employer groups using Producer Toolbox and most external quoting vendors. Please contact your account manager if you would like more information.</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/f4pjpI0BtekjB65le55x/2024/2/15/some-individual-aca-240-premium-applications-were-submitted-incorrectly'><time>Feb 15, 2024</time><h4>Some Individual ACA $0 premium applications were submitted incorrectly</h4><p>Roughly 4,500 Missouri Individual ACA $0 premium applications were submitted with incorrect member premium responsibility between November 9, and December 15, 2023. Members who should be on a $0 premium plan were incorrectly given an advanced premium tax credit (APTC) lower than their full premi...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co'><a href='/news/6yTOn40Bfr9kP0_gq2h5/2024/2/13/fight-food-insecurity-with-anthem-and-the-colorado-buffaloes'><time>Feb 13, 2024</time><h4>Fight food insecurity with Anthem and the Colorado Buffaloes</h4><p>Food insecurity can impact the health of our communities at a fundamental level. To help improve the health of our community, we’ve partnered with the Colorado Buffaloes to host a food drive benefiting Community Food Share. You’re invited to help us support our neighbors who can’t consistently o...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/6iTIn40Bfr9kP0_go2jE/2024/2/13/liaison-available-for-members-with-autism'><time>Feb 13, 2024</time><h4>Liaison available for members with autism</h4><p>Kentucky Anthem members with autism questions should call the customer service number on the back of their ID card first. If they need more help, our service representative can connect the member to a liaison who can investigate benefits and prior authorization, monitor claims, and help with any ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5yRuho0Bfr9kP0_gYmhh/2024/2/9/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storms-and-flooding-emergency-in-california'><time>Feb 09, 2024</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storms and Flooding Emergency in California</h4><p>We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by the winter storms emergency in California and related conditions including flooding and debris flow, damaging winds, high surf conditions, mudslides, and heavy...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fIpbhI0BtekjB65lVJ5D/2024/2/7/requests-to-collect-required-caa-d1-prescription-drug-data-begin-this-month'><time>Feb 07, 2024</time><h4>Requests to collect required CAA D1 prescription drug data begin this month</h4><p>The Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug utilization and spending trends be submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services each year. Starting last year, we are required to include the ave...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/4wIFZo0BD2mfH913xOpY/2024/2/7/time-well-spent-the-value-of-a-positive-body-image-'><time>Feb 07, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: The value of a positive body image </h4><p>February’s Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources focus on body positivity - Learning to love the body you’re in. Employees can support a positive body image by treating themselves and their bodies with respect and appreciation. Building body acceptance is important for their total health; ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/4yQEZo0Bfr9kP0_gKmjD/2024/2/7/time-well-spent-the-value-of-a-positive-body-image-'><time>Feb 07, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: The value of a positive body image </h4><p>February’s Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources focus on body positivity - Learning to love the body you’re in. Employees can support a positive body image by treating themselves and their bodies with respect and appreciation. Building body acceptance is important for their total health; ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/e4oCZo0BtekjB65l3Z6x/2024/2/7/time-well-spent-the-value-of-a-positive-body-image-'><time>Feb 07, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: The value of a positive body image </h4><p>February’s Time Well Spent Wellness Calendar resources focus on body positivity - Learning to love the body you’re in. Employees can support a positive body image by treating themselves and their bodies with respect and appreciation. Building body acceptance is important for their total health; ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5gJcf40BD2mfH913Jeof/2024/2/7/anthem-to-support-required-1095-b-and-1095-c-filings'><time>Feb 07, 2024</time><h4>Anthem to support required 1095-B and 1095-C filings</h4><p>Anthem is required to file tax forms 1095-B and 1094-B electronically with the IRS for all fully insured plans, by April 1, 2024. We are also required to mail tax form 1095-B to our members by March 1, 2024. Fully insured and Administrative Services Only (ASO) groups with 50 or more full-time em...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/5SQPa40Bfr9kP0_gDGin/2024/2/6/paytient-program-increases-access-to-care-for-your-aca-individual-members'><time>Feb 06, 2024</time><h4>Paytient program increases access to care for your ACA Individual members</h4><p>The Paytient payment program helps more people receive the care they need. In a recent Paytient customer survey, 45% of members who used the program said Paytient allowed them to receive care they would not have received without the program. Our partnership with Paytient began last year. The pro...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo,ga'><a href='/news/5CQOa40Bfr9kP0_gHGiY/2024/2/6/paytient-program-increases-access-to-care-for-your-aca-individual-members'><time>Feb 06, 2024</time><h4>Paytient program increases access to care for your ACA Individual members</h4><p>The Paytient payment program helps more people receive the care they need. In a recent Paytient customer survey, 45% of members who used the program said Paytient allowed them to receive care they would not have received without the program. Our partnership with Paytient began last year. The pro...</p><p>Individual | MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/eYr8W40BtekjB65lWJ5x/2024/2/1/webinar-healthcare-innovation-e28094-preparing-for-the-next-wave-of-promising-gene-therapies'><time>Feb 01, 2024</time><h4>Webinar: Healthcare innovation — preparing for the next wave of promising gene therapies</h4><p>Gene therapy is now providing effective treatment for more than rare genetic diseases. New therapies are becoming available for more prevalent conditions. As the advancements continue, more employees are likely to benefit from them. Please join us for a half-hour webinar on Tuesday, February 13,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/4iT6W40Bfr9kP0_gg2gU/2024/2/1/webinar-healthcare-innovation-e28094-preparing-for-the-next-wave-of-promising-gene-therapies'><time>Feb 01, 2024</time><h4>Webinar: Healthcare innovation — preparing for the next wave of promising gene therapies</h4><p>Gene therapy is now providing effective treatment for more than rare genetic diseases. New therapies are becoming available for more prevalent conditions. As the advancements continue, more employees are likely to benefit from them. Please join us for a half-hour webinar on Tuesday, February 13,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/eIr5W40BtekjB65lY55S/2024/2/1/webinar-healthcare-innovation-e28094-preparing-for-the-next-wave-of-promising-gene-therapies'><time>Feb 01, 2024</time><h4>Webinar: Healthcare innovation — preparing for the next wave of promising gene therapies</h4><p>Gene therapy is now providing effective treatment for more than rare genetic diseases. New therapies are becoming available for more prevalent conditions. As the advancements continue, more employees are likely to benefit from them. Please join us for a half-hour webinar on Tuesday, February 13,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/a4qN0IwBtekjB65lsp5T/2024/1/30/botox-prescriptions-will-be-filled-by-bioplus-in-2024'><time>Jan 30, 2024</time><h4>Botox prescriptions will be filled by BioPlus in 2024</h4><p>Botox prescriptions are moving from Accredo to BioPlus. BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy, a Carelon company, is our new specialty pharmacy and will start filling Botox specialty prescriptions on March 1, 2024. About 1,300 members nationwide have Botox prescriptions that are currently being filled by A...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/4gKPVY0BD2mfH9135OpL/2024/1/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-winter-storms-and-flooding-in-california'><time>Jan 30, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Winter Storms and Flooding in California</h4><p>We’re making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by the winter storms and flooding emergency in California. The changes are in effect between January 23 and February 21, 2024, for residents of San Diego and Ven...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/4CQMRo0Bfr9kP0_gzWgJ/2024/1/26/smile-direct-club-is-no-longer-providing-orthohome-care'><time>Jan 26, 2024</time><h4>Smile Direct Club is no longer providing Ortho@Home care</h4><p>Smile Direct Club, one of our national providers in our Ortho@Home program, closed its business and shut down global operations on December 8, 2023 — a few months after the teeth-straightening company filed for bankruptcy protection. The average treatment time for Ortho@Home is three to six mont...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/d4oSRo0BtekjB65lNp62/2024/1/26/smile-direct-club-is-no-longer-providing-orthohome-care'><time>Jan 26, 2024</time><h4>Smile Direct Club is no longer providing Ortho@Home care</h4><p>Smile Direct Club, one of our national providers in our Ortho@Home program, closed its business and shut down global operations on December 8, 2023 — a few months after the teeth-straightening company filed for bankruptcy protection. The average treatment time for Ortho@Home is three to six mont...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/4SQfRo0Bfr9kP0_gH2h_/2024/1/26/smile-direct-club-is-no-longer-providing-orthohome-care'><time>Jan 26, 2024</time><h4>Smile Direct Club is no longer providing Ortho@Home care</h4><p>Smile Direct Club, one of our national providers in our Ortho@Home program, closed its business and shut down global operations on December 8, 2023 — a few months after the teeth-straightening company filed for bankruptcy protection. The average treatment time for Ortho@Home is three to six mont...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/4ALJQo0BD2mfH913Veog/2024/1/25/bioplus-specialty-pharmacy-migration-starts-march-1-2024'><time>Jan 25, 2024</time><h4>BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy migration starts March 1, 2024</h4><p>Small Group, Large Group, and National Account members of Georgia Anthem plans who are currently receiving prescriptions from CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy will transition to BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy, a Carelon company, starting March 1, 2024. BioPlus has 30 years of high-touch specialty pharmac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/3yRYHo0Bfr9kP0_ggWjG/2024/1/23/help-us-rise-to-the-occasion-as-we-support-the-american-lung-association'><time>Jan 23, 2024</time><h4>Help us rise to the occasion as we support the American Lung Association</h4><p>Help us rise to the occasion as we support the American Lung Association. We are once again the presenting sponsor for the association’s Scale the STRAT - Fight for Air Climb. Join us on Sunday, February 25, 2024, at the STRAT Hotel, Casino and Tower in Las Vegas as we climb the tower stairs. Reg...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/3AKpE40BD2mfH913Cuou/2024/1/19/april-1-2024-rate-action-for-california-individual-grandfathered-plans'><time>Jan 19, 2024</time><h4>April 1, 2024 rate action for California Individual grandfathered plans</h4><p>Beginning April 1, 2024, we will adjust the base rates for existing business on all DMHC grandfathered medical plans with an April 1, 2024, effective date. Members will also receive an adjustment for age changes. The base rates for members on CDI grandfathered medical plans that were effective Ap...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/dor6HY0BtekjB65lUZ6j/2024/1/19/help-for-members-impacted-by-a-tornado-in-florida'><time>Jan 19, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by a Tornado in Florida</h4><p>We're making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by the tornado emergency in Florida. The changes are in effect between January 9 and February 7, 2024, for residents of 49 Florida counties:   Alachua, Baker, ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/3ST7HY0Bfr9kP0_gEWhs/2024/1/19/help-for-members-impacted-by-a-tornado-in-florida'><time>Jan 19, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by a Tornado in Florida</h4><p>We're making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by the tornado emergency in Florida. The changes are in effect between January 9 and February 7, 2024, for residents of 49 Florida counties:   Alachua, Baker, ...</p><p>National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi'><a href='/news/3iT7HY0Bfr9kP0_g-Gge/2024/1/19/help-for-members-impacted-by-a-tornado-in-florida'><time>Jan 19, 2024</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by a Tornado in Florida</h4><p>We're making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for our members who are impacted by the tornado emergency in Florida. The changes are in effect between January 9 and February 7, 2024, for residents of 49 Florida counties:   Alachua, Baker, ...</p><p>National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/3CTEHY0Bfr9kP0_gk2hQ/2024/1/18/introducing-wisechoice-healthcare-alliance-virginiae28099s-first-mewa'><time>Jan 18, 2024</time><h4>Introducing WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance, Virginia’s first MEWA</h4><p>We’ve worked with the Virginia Chamber of Commerce to present the WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance, the first Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) in the state. Formed from a 30-year partnership between the Chamber and Anthem, the WiseChoice Healthcare Alliance is designed to help drive hea...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/dYp5GY0BtekjB65lnJ5n/2024/1/18/webinar-strategies-for-navigating-school-avoidance-this-tuesday-jan-23'><time>Jan 18, 2024</time><h4>Webinar: Strategies for Navigating School Avoidance this Tuesday, Jan. 23</h4><p>School avoidance is a growing problem that leaves parents and counselors struggling for answers and it’s become more common since the COVID-19 pandemic. More students are struggling to attend school, especially after a holiday or break. A recent school avoidance article in USA Today suggests the ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/dIpUGY0BtekjB65lZp4F/2024/1/17/st-marys-health-system-and-anthem-reach-multi-year-agreement'><time>Jan 17, 2024</time><h4>St. Mary's Health System and Anthem reach multi-year agreement</h4><p>St. Mary's Health System and Anthem have agreed to a multi-year contract that continues patient care with a new focus on value-based care (VBC) and increased data connectivity to improve outcomes and control costs for patients and employers. The agreement includes employer sponsored and Medicare ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/2yRVGY0Bfr9kP0_gUGhr/2024/1/17/st-peters-health-partners-and-anthem-reach-multi-year-agreement'><time>Jan 17, 2024</time><h4>St. Peter's Health Partners and Anthem reach multi-year agreement</h4><p>St. Peter's Health Partners and Anthem have agreed to a multi-year contract that continues patient care with a new focus on value-based care (VBC) and increased data connectivity to improve outcomes and control costs for patients and employers. The agreement includes employer sponsored, Individua...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/2CS0F40Bfr9kP0_gPWgR/2024/1/17/saint-joseph-health-system-and-anthem-reach-multi-year-agreement'><time>Jan 17, 2024</time><h4>Saint Joseph Health System and Anthem reach multi-year agreement</h4><p>Saint Joseph Health System and Anthem have agreed to a multi-year contract that continues patient care with a new focus on value-based care (VBC) and increased data connectivity to improve outcomes and control costs for patients and employers. The agreement includes employer sponsored, Medicaid, ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/2SS0F40Bfr9kP0_g52iS/2024/1/17/mount-carmel-health-system-and-anthem-reach-multi-year-agreement'><time>Jan 17, 2024</time><h4>Mount Carmel Health System and Anthem reach multi-year agreement</h4><p>Mount Carmel Health System and Anthem have agreed to a multi-year contract that continues patient care with a new focus on value-based care (VBC) and increased data connectivity to improve outcomes and control costs for patients and employers. The agreement includes employer sponsored, Medicaid, ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/cIqzF40BtekjB65lhJ5s/2024/1/17/trinity-health-of-new-england-and-anthem-reach-multi-year-agreement'><time>Jan 17, 2024</time><h4>Trinity Health Of New England and Anthem reach multi-year agreement</h4><p>Trinity Health Of New England and Anthem have agreed to a multi-year contract that continues patient care with a new focus on value-based care (VBC) and increased data connectivity to improve outcomes and control costs for patients and employers. The agreement includes employer sponsored, individ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/1ySUE40Bfr9kP0_gdGhN/2024/1/17/individual-and-family-open-enrollment-ends-january-31-2024'><time>Jan 17, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family Open Enrollment ends January 31, 2024</h4><p>Individual and Family Open Enrollment is ending soon. Applications must be submitted by January 31, 2024, to receive a February 1, 2024, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any questions, p...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/booJFI0BtekjB65lVJ5Q/2024/1/16/follow-us-on-our-anthem-linkedin-pages'><time>Jan 16, 2024</time><h4>Follow us on our Anthem LinkedIn pages</h4><p>It’s official. We’ve transitioned our names from Empire BlueCross BlueShield and Empire BlueCross to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Anthem Blue Cross. Now is a good time to follow our Anthem LinkedIn page (downstate/upstate). We’ll soon retire our Empire LinkedIn pages.   Connecting wit...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/aYph0IwBtekjB65lHZ7u/2024/1/11/time-well-spent-walking-towards-better-health-'><time>Jan 11, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Walking towards better health </h4><p>Walking does more than help us get from one place to another. It also helps keep us healthy — physically and mentally. You don’t have to be athletic to walk for fitness and it’s free. All you need are comfortable clothes and sneakers. Learn how walking can help your clients’ employees stay health...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/0iRg0IwBfr9kP0_gOmig/2024/1/11/time-well-spent-walking-towards-better-health-'><time>Jan 11, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Walking towards better health </h4><p>Walking does more than help us get from one place to another. It also helps keep us healthy — physically and mentally. You don’t have to be athletic to walk for fitness and it’s free. All you need are comfortable clothes and sneakers. Learn how walking can help your clients’ employees stay health...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/1wJf0IwBD2mfH913WupU/2024/1/11/time-well-spent-walking-towards-better-health-'><time>Jan 11, 2024</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Walking towards better health </h4><p>Walking does more than help us get from one place to another. It also helps keep us healthy — physically and mentally. You don’t have to be athletic to walk for fitness and it’s free. All you need are comfortable clothes and sneakers. Learn how walking can help your clients’ employees stay health...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/0CQfiYwBfr9kP0_gpGhi/2024/1/11/broker-academy-is-back-for-2024'><time>Jan 11, 2024</time><h4>Broker Academy is back for 2024</h4><p>The Broker Academy is back with a full slate of training opportunities for you and your staff this year, and we’ll be adding more throughout the year. Register now for the free webinars. Legislative update – February 21 Join us for the latest insights on current and future legislation, and its...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/bIrS6owBtekjB65lWp7Y/2024/1/10/reminder-commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Jan 10, 2024</time><h4>REMINDER: Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, as of November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. An agent license and any state-required appointment will be verified at the time of commission payment and apply to both the w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/2QLR6owBD2mfH913dOqZ/2024/1/10/reminder-commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Jan 10, 2024</time><h4>REMINDER: Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, as of November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. An agent license and any state-required appointment will be verified at the time of commission payment and apply to both the w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/1iSP6owBfr9kP0_gKGhO/2024/1/10/reminder-commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Jan 10, 2024</time><h4>REMINDER: Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, as of November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. An agent license and any state-required appointment will be verified at the time of commission payment and apply to both the w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/1SSS1YwBfr9kP0_gpmiF/2024/1/5/providence-health-hospitals-no-longer-part-of-antheme28099s-pathway-individual-hmo-exchange-network'><time>Jan 05, 2024</time><h4>Providence Health hospitals no longer part of Anthem’s Pathway Individual HMO Exchange Network</h4><p>The Pathway HMO Covered California Exchange agreement between Providence St. Joseph Health Hospitals and Anthem Blue Cross was terminated effective January 1, 2024. As a result, these Providence Health Hospitals are no longer part of the Pathway HMO Exchange Network beginning January 1, 2024. Ple...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/aoqE0IwBtekjB65lkJ5m/2024/1/4/individual-and-family-open-enrollment-ends-january-16-2024'><time>Jan 04, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family Open Enrollment ends January 16, 2024</h4><p>Individual and Family Open Enrollment is ending soon. Applications must be submitted by January 16, 2024, to receive a February 1, 2024, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem HealthKeepers’ affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/1CSD0IwBfr9kP0_gxWjP/2024/1/4/individual-and-family-open-enrollment-ends-january-17-2024'><time>Jan 04, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family Open Enrollment ends January 17, 2024</h4><p>Individual and Family Open Enrollment is ending soon. Applications must be submitted by January 17, 2024, to receive a February 1, 2024, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any questions, p...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,nv'><a href='/news/0ySC0IwBfr9kP0_g_mjr/2024/1/4/individual-and-family-open-enrollment-ends-january-15-2024'><time>Jan 04, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family Open Enrollment ends January 15, 2024</h4><p>Individual and Family Open Enrollment is ending soon. Applications must be submitted by January 15, 2024, to receive a February 1, 2024, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any questions, p...</p><p>Individual | CT, NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/2AKC0IwBD2mfH913Cuof/2024/1/4/individual-and-family-open-enrollment-ends-january-16-2024'><time>Jan 04, 2024</time><h4>Individual and Family Open Enrollment ends January 16, 2024</h4><p>Individual and Family Open Enrollment is ending soon. Applications must be submitted by January 16, 2024, to receive a February 1, 2024, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any questions, p...</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/aIqTy4wBtekjB65lcJ45/2024/1/3/reminder-va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-in-january'><time>Jan 03, 2024</time><h4>Reminder: VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE in January</h4><p>You can register now through January 19, 2024, to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training this month. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. Tuesday, January 23 – Session 1 (Life and Health credits) – 8:...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/Z4optowBtekjB65l9p4z/2024/1/3/the-subscriber-is-changing-for-some-on-exchange-plans'><time>Jan 03, 2024</time><h4>The subscriber is changing for some on-exchange plans</h4><p>Starting in 2024, the Virginia Health Benefit Exchange will use a household’s primary tax filer as the health plan subscriber. Ther are 12,000 contracts where the primary filer was not the subscriber.  A new HCID must be issued for those contracts. This will process like a new sale and require a...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/1gLwtowBD2mfH9138eqQ/2024/1/2/empire-is-now-anthem-'><time>Jan 02, 2024</time><h4>Empire is now Anthem </h4><p>Dear Valued Partner, I am extremely excited to share this significant milestone as we officially launch Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in our downstate market and Anthem Blue Cross upstate. Becoming Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross reflects our dedication to elevating ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/1AL9kowBD2mfH9131OqY/2023/12/27/anthem-wellbeing-solutions-is-easy-to-start-and-administer'><time>Dec 27, 2023</time><h4>Anthem Wellbeing Solutions is easy to start and administer</h4><p>Many well-being programs take a holistic approach to health. Anthem Wellbeing Solutions takes it a step further for your clients and their employees. Anthem’s health and wellness programs focus on employers’ top concerns, including behavioral health, maternity, and program engagement. Anthem lev...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Zoqyp4wBtekjB65l3Z4A/2023/12/26/wee28099ve-submitted-the-gag-clause-prohibition-compliance-attestation-'><time>Dec 26, 2023</time><h4>We’ve submitted the gag clause prohibition compliance attestation </h4><p>On December 22, 2023, we submitted Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestations on behalf of our fully insured clients for the benefits we administer and maintain. ASO clients who completed the opt-in form were also included in the attestation submission for the benefits we administer and maint...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/0STnkYwBfr9kP0_gU2h8/2023/12/22/kathryn-caiazzo-is-mainee28099s-new-regional-vice-president-sales-'><time>Dec 22, 2023</time><h4>Kathryn Caiazzo is Maine’s new regional vice president, Sales </h4><p>Kathryn Caiazzo is the new regional vice president for Anthem’s Maine Sales team. In this role, she is responsible for growth and retention efforts across Anthem’s large group, small group, and individual business lines in Maine, working with brokers and employers to design diverse plan benefits....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/0wLvkYwBD2mfH913qeq9/2023/12/22/portsmouth-regional-ambulatory-surgery-center-will-be-removed-from-the-site-of-service-benefit-option-effective-112024-'><time>Dec 22, 2023</time><h4>Portsmouth Regional Ambulatory Surgery Center will be removed from the Site of Service Benefit Option effective 1/1/2024 </h4><p>Portsmouth Regional Ambulatory Surgery Center will no longer be a site-of-service benefit location after January 1, 2024. The member cost may change for procedures scheduled after that date that have received prior authorization. We’ll be notifying those who may be affected. Encourage your clien...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/ZYqTiIwBtekjB65lKp7t/2023/12/21/instride-health-now-offers-in-network-pediatric-outpatient-mental-healthcare-'><time>Dec 21, 2023</time><h4>InStride Health now offers in-network pediatric outpatient mental healthcare </h4><p>InStride Health, a pediatric anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) treatment provider, has joined our network. We’re working to increase access to mental healthcare and expand treatment capacity in New Hampshire. InStride Health treats all severity levels of anxiety and OCD in children...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZIq-fYwBtekjB65lXZ4C/2023/12/19/reducing-evidence-of-insurability-requirements-for-some-vstd-members'><time>Dec 19, 2023</time><h4>Reducing Evidence of Insurability requirements for some VSTD members</h4><p>We’ve simplified our underwriting requirements for Voluntary Short Term Disability (VSTD). For groups with pre-existing condition limitations: We waive Evidence of Insurability (EOI) requirements for any member electing VSTD up to the guaranteed issue limit – even if they are a late entrant fo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/0AI5b4wBD2mfH913_-q6/2023/12/18/va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-in-january'><time>Dec 18, 2023</time><h4>VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE in January</h4><p>You can register now through January 19, 2024, to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in January. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. Tuesday, January 23 – Session 1 (Life and Health credits) – 8:...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/zwKTaYwBD2mfH913rOqs/2023/12/15/mental-health-is-primary-care'><time>Dec 15, 2023</time><h4>Mental health is primary care</h4><p>As our lives become more divided, isolated, and technology driven, many American adults and children are dealing with mental health issues, and our mental health affects our physical health. At Anthem, we’re working to remove barriers to mental healthcare. Together with WMUR, we’ve created a web...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Y4rDaowBtekjB65lO57I/2023/12/15/regulations-may-impact-groups-with-pharmacy-coverage'><time>Dec 15, 2023</time><h4>Regulations may impact groups with pharmacy coverage</h4><p>Several states, including Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia, have passed regulations which go into effect on January 1, 2024, that may impact your commercial clients with pharmacy coverage.   Client impact These mandate changes apply to claims processed for members resi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YYrTYIwBtekjB65lfp7A/2023/12/14/anthem-plan-named-best-individual-dental-insurance-plan-by-usa-today-'><time>Dec 14, 2023</time><h4>Anthem plan named best individual dental insurance plan by USA Today </h4><p>USA Today has ranked Anthem Essential Choice PPO Platinum the best individual dental insurance plan for 2024. Anthem Dental was also ranked the best overall insurance for root canals and crowns and was one of only two carriers to receive a five-star rating. Anthem offers several different dental...</p><p>Individual | CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/yCT9SYwBfr9kP0_gQmiA/2023/12/14/webinar-a-consumer-focused-approach-to-improving-healthcare'><time>Dec 14, 2023</time><h4>Webinar: A consumer-focused approach to improving healthcare</h4><p>Please join us for a half-hour webinar on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT as our Executive Vice President of Commercial and Specialty business, Morgan Kendrick, discusses our strategy to improve and personalize healthcare, including how: Virtual products, high-value networks...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/zgJtZIwBD2mfH9138-q_/2023/12/14/commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Dec 14, 2023</time><h4>Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, as of November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. An agent license and any state-required appointment will be verified at the time of commission payment and apply to both the w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zQJsZIwBD2mfH913n-pD/2023/12/14/commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Dec 14, 2023</time><h4>Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, as of November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. An agent license and any state-required appointment will be verified at the time of commission payment and apply to both the w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/YoprZIwBtekjB65lZJ7G/2023/12/14/commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Dec 14, 2023</time><h4>Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, as of November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. An agent license and any state-required appointment will be verified at the time of commission payment and apply to both the w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/zST6Y4wBfr9kP0_gqmgr/2023/12/13/prescription-discount-program-coming-in-march-for-anthem-members'><time>Dec 13, 2023</time><h4>Prescription discount program coming in March for Anthem members</h4><p>Available March 2024, EnsureRx is a cost-saving program that ensures members get the lowest price on prescription medications and maximize the value of their benefit. EnsureRx will be a free, seamless benefit for CarelonRx members. Members will simply use their pharmacy member ID card at a retai...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/X4q4SowBtekjB65l3p73/2023/12/11/zipdrug-sunsetting-for-commercial-and-medicare-plans-starting-may-1-2024-'><time>Dec 11, 2023</time><h4>ZipDrug sunsetting for Commercial and Medicare plans starting May 1, 2024 </h4><p>CarelonRx will sunset ZipDrug for all Commercial and Medicare members starting May 1, 2024, upon renewal. ZipDrug is a concierge services program that connects members on multiple maintenance drugs, including local delivery through a retail pharmacy. With the launch of CarelonRx Pharmacy, our new...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ywKjQIwBD2mfH913f-ol/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-healthcaregov'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can log in ...</p><p>Individual | IN, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/ygKiQIwBD2mfH913jerE/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-connect-for-health-colorado'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with Connect for Health Colorado</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/XIp7NowBtekjB65lw55M/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-nevada-health-link'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with Nevada Health Link</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can l...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/xiR6NowBfr9kP0_gkWgE/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-coverme'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with CoverME</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can log in and...</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/W4p5NowBtekjB65la56X/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-kynect'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with Kynect</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can log in a...</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/WYp1NowBtekjB65lKZ7-/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-virginiae28099s-insurance-marketplace'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage c...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/yQLVOowBD2mfH9134-pw/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-access-health-ct'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with Access Health CT</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can log...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/WIpyNowBtekjB65lRZ51/2023/12/6/how-to-find-in-network-pharmacies-with-covered-california'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>How to find in-network pharmacies with Covered California</h4><p>If you or your clients are reviewing Anthem Individual and Family plans on or HealthSherpa and need additional information about participating pharmacies, the pharmacy information page on has everything you need. Current members with Anthem pharmacy coverage can log i...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/xCRxNYwBfr9kP0_gT2hr/2023/12/6/wee28099re-promoting-in-home-behavioral-health-providers-to-clients-and-employees-'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>We’re promoting in-home behavioral health providers to clients and employees </h4><p>Before the end of open enrollment, we’ll email your clients to promote in-home programs available through their health plan. We’ll tell them about programs from Equip, Aspire365, and Aware Recovery Care that address issues including: Eating disorders Mental health disorders Substance use di...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/XYoiPIwBtekjB65lrZ6D/2023/12/6/empire-name-transitions-to-anthem-january-1--'><time>Dec 06, 2023</time><h4>Empire name transitions to Anthem January 1 </h4><p>We’d like to remind you that on January 1, 2024, the Empire BlueCross BlueShield and Empire BlueCross names will transition to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross, respectively. Please be assured that this name transition will not impact plans, pricing, networks, coverage, or...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/V4pxIowBtekjB65lgp7T/2023/12/4/no-cost-sharing-for-breast-exams-or-low-dose-mammograms'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>No cost sharing for breast exams or low-dose mammograms</h4><p>To comply with recent state legislation, diagnostic breast examinations, supplemental breast examinations, and low-dose mammography screenings will have no cost-sharing requirement at network providers. This applies to new and renewal business that is effective on or after January 1, 2024. If co...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv,ca'><a href='/news/wiRFIowBfr9kP0_goWhC/2023/12/4/make-sure-your-individual-family-clients-are-covered-on-january-1-2024'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Make sure your Individual & Family clients are covered on January 1, 2024</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual & Family applications must be submitted by December 31, 2023, to receive a January 1, 2024, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2024. Anthem plans for individuals and families help them feel covered, prot...</p><p>Individual | NV, CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/xwJEIowBD2mfH9135eom/2023/12/4/make-sure-your-individual-family-clients-are-covered-on-january-1-2024'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Make sure your Individual & Family clients are covered on January 1, 2024</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual & Family applications must be submitted by December 15, 2023, to receive a January 1, 2024, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2024. Anthem HealthKeepers health plans for individuals and families help th...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/wSREIowBfr9kP0_gAWh7/2023/12/4/make-sure-your-individual-family-clients-are-covered-on-january-1-2024'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Make sure your Individual & Family clients are covered on January 1, 2024</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual & Family ACA applications must be submitted by December 15, 2023, to receive a January 1, 2024, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2024. Anthem health plans for individuals and families can help them fee...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/VopCIowBtekjB65l2p6N/2023/12/4/make-sure-your-individual-family-clients-are-covered-on-january-1-2024'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Make sure your Individual & Family clients are covered on January 1, 2024</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual & Family applications must be submitted by December 15, 2023, to receive a January 1, 2024, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2024. Anthem plans for individuals and families help them feel covered, prot...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/xgKsF4wBD2mfH913xurp/2023/12/4/wealthcare-saver-high-yield-hsa-helps-employees-save-and-earn'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA helps employees save and earn</h4><p>The Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA can help your clients' employees save on healthcare expenses, whether they’re a spender, saver, or investor. They can get more value from their cash balance with a High-Yield interest option. It is available for new business on January 1, 2024, and available fo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/xQKrF4wBD2mfH913mOpp/2023/12/4/wealthcare-saver-high-yield-hsa-helps-employees-save-and-earn'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA helps employees save and earn</h4><p>The Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA can help your clients' employees save on healthcare expenses, whether they’re a spender, saver, or investor. They can get more value from their cash balance with a High-Yield interest option. It is available for new business on January 1, 2024, and available fo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/VYqqF4wBtekjB65lsp45/2023/12/4/wealthcare-saver-high-yield-hsa-helps-employees-save-and-earn'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA helps employees save and earn</h4><p>The Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA can help your clients' employees save on healthcare expenses, whether they’re a spender, saver, or investor. They can get more value from their cash balance with a High-Yield interest option. It is available for new business on January 1, 2024, and available fo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/VIqpF4wBtekjB65ldp7z/2023/12/4/wealthcare-saver-high-yield-hsa-helps-employees-save-and-earn'><time>Dec 04, 2023</time><h4>Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA helps employees save and earn</h4><p>The Wealthcare Saver High-Yield HSA can help your clients' employees save on healthcare expenses, whether they’re a spender, saver, or investor. They can get more value from their cash balance with a High-Yield interest option. It is available for new business on January 1, 2024, and available fo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/U4reEYwBtekjB65lAJ7x/2023/12/1/new-benefits-added-to-coverage-for-contraception-mental-health-and-substance-use-'><time>Dec 01, 2023</time><h4>New benefits added to coverage for contraception, mental health and substance use </h4><p>We are increasing coverage effective January 1, 2024, to comply with new state mandates on a suicide and crisis lifeline, contraceptives, and other behavioral health crisis service providers. CA SB523 Contraceptive Equity Act of 2022 We will cover FDA-approved over-the-counter contraceptive dru...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UIqR7osBtekjB65l_p4_/2023/11/22/time-well-spent-understanding-diabetes-'><time>Nov 22, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding diabetes </h4><p>Many Americans with diabetes have not been diagnosed and are not aware of the related health risks. You may have clients and client employees who have been newly diagnosed, have been living with type 1 for years, or are helping a loved one manage the condition. Because understanding diabetes is s...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/T4qQ7osBtekjB65ll56t/2023/11/22/time-well-spent-understanding-diabetes-'><time>Nov 22, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding diabetes </h4><p>Many Americans with diabetes have not been diagnosed and are not aware of the related health risks. You may have clients and client employees who have been newly diagnosed, have been living with type 1 for years, or are helping a loved one manage the condition. Because understanding diabetes is s...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ToqP7osBtekjB65lLJ7c/2023/11/22/time-well-spent-understanding-diabetes-'><time>Nov 22, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Understanding diabetes </h4><p>Many Americans with diabetes have not been diagnosed and are not aware of the related health risks. You may have clients and client employees who have been newly diagnosed, have been living with type 1 for years, or are helping a loved one manage the condition. Because understanding diabetes is s...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/vyQo7osBfr9kP0_grmgt/2023/11/22/empower-your-employees-with-dental-care-anywhere'><time>Nov 22, 2023</time><h4>Empower your employees with dental care anywhere</h4><p>Your clients’ employees can get dental care when and where they need it with flexible, accessible, convenient dental benefits from Anthem. Your clients can invest in their employees’ well-being with confidence, knowing their dental needs are covered. Employees can find care: Anywhere: 140,000...</p><p>Large Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/viQn7osBfr9kP0_g_GjJ/2023/11/22/empower-your-employees-with-dental-care-anywhere'><time>Nov 22, 2023</time><h4>Empower your employees with dental care anywhere</h4><p>Your clients’ employees can get dental care when and where they need it with flexible, accessible, convenient dental benefits from Anthem. Your clients can invest in their employees’ well-being with confidence, knowing their dental needs are covered. Employees can find care: Anywhere: 140,000...</p><p>Large Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/xAIn7osBD2mfH913JepA/2023/11/22/empower-your-employees-with-dental-care-anywhere'><time>Nov 22, 2023</time><h4>Empower your employees with dental care anywhere</h4><p>Your clients' employees can get dental care when and where they need it with flexible, accessible, convenient dental benefits from Anthem. Your clients can invest in their employees’ well-being with confidence, knowing their dental needs are covered. Employees can find care: Anywhere: 140,000...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/UYrC7osBtekjB65l-Z66/2023/11/21/online-small-group-market-verifications-available-on-employeraccess'><time>Nov 21, 2023</time><h4>Online Small Group market verifications available on EmployerAccess</h4><p>Employers and brokers who use EmployerAccess can now complete market verification online. To use the digital form in EmployerAccess, select Complete Market Verification from the bottom of the Enroll and Manage card on the dashboard. Digital market verification forms will be available 90 days in...</p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/wwKx7YsBD2mfH913QOrz/2023/11/21/some-piedmont-individual-marketplace-clients-are-being-switched-to-anthem'><time>Nov 21, 2023</time><h4>Some Piedmont Individual marketplace clients are being switched to Anthem</h4><p>As Piedmont leaves the Individual market on the exchange, the Virginia Health Benefit Exchange is mapping their Individual clients to Anthem and other carriers. Newly mapped members will receive a welcome letter and phone call from Anthem within the next 45 days. Members who have a monthly prem...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/Uoql8osBtekjB65lqJ5R/2023/11/21/matt-pickett-named-president-of-anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-of-colorado'><time>Nov 21, 2023</time><h4>Matt Pickett named President of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Colorado</h4><p>Please welcome Matt Pickett as the new Commercial State Plan President for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Colorado, effective November 20, 2023. He has more than 20 years of payer and benefits experience with several organizations, which includes leading the sales and account teams for Ant...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/wAKB1IsBD2mfH913COqo/2023/11/20/broker-roadshow-highlights-the-key-topics-presented'><time>Nov 20, 2023</time><h4>Broker roadshow highlights: The key topics presented</h4><p>Thank you to those brokers who joined us for our Nevada Individual and Family Roadshow and OEP Prep Rally this fall. We appreciate the time you invested to stay up-to-date so you can continue to grow your business with Anthem. To recap, here are some highlights: Enrollment and off-exchange res...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TYp53osBtekjB65lvJ43/2023/11/17/reminder-potential-commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Nov 17, 2023</time><h4>Reminder: Potential Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, effective November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. As of this date, agent license and any state-required appointment are being validated at the time of commission payment an...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/wQJw3osBD2mfH913XOpS/2023/11/17/reminder-potential-commission-impact--active-license-required-after-november-1-2023'><time>Nov 17, 2023</time><h4>Reminder: Potential Commission Impact - Active license required after November 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, effective November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. As of this date, agent license and any state-required appointment are being validated at the time of commission payment an...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/vwJq04sBD2mfH913oOqc/2023/11/16/wisconsin-collaborative-insurance-company-wcic-agent-appointment-terminations'><time>Nov 16, 2023</time><h4>Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Company (WCIC) agent appointment terminations</h4><p>We have stopped marketing products under the Wisconsin Collaborative Insurance Company (WCIC) legal entity because WCIC is merging into the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin (BCBSWI) legal entity in 2024, pending regulatory approval. We will be terminating all WCIC appointments in December 202...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/TIoD1IsBtekjB65lVZ74/2023/11/15/lowest-cost-bronze-hmo-offers-high-tech-access-and-a-high-value-network'><time>Nov 15, 2023</time><h4>Lowest-cost Bronze HMO offers high-tech access and a high-value network</h4><p>Available only to Clark and Nye County residents, Convenient Care (pdf) is southern Nevada’s connected, coordinated, and collaborative approach to healthcare coverage. It has been our most popular HMO since its launch this year. We offer the lowest-priced Bronze HMO, and our Silver HMO is only 2%...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/vgJN0IsBD2mfH9139Op2/2023/11/15/some-cigna-individual-marketplace-clients-are-being-switched-to-anthem'><time>Nov 15, 2023</time><h4>Some Cigna Individual marketplace clients are being switched to Anthem</h4><p>As Cigna leaves the Individual market on the exchange, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the state of Missouri are mapping their Individual clients to Anthem and other carriers, based on location. Newly mapped members will receive a welcome letter and phone call from Anthe...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/SorJzosBtekjB65lWJ5Z/2023/11/14/new-kids-plus-dental-program-controls-costs'><time>Nov 14, 2023</time><h4>New Kids Plus dental program controls costs</h4><p>We are pleased to introduce a brand-new dental buy-up plan for your large and national groups. Kids Plus (PDF) is an optional dental program that enhances benefits for children up to age 13. It covers diagnostic, preventive, basic, and major services when visiting a participating provider. (1) Y...</p><p>Large Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/SIrStYsBtekjB65l9J7A/2023/11/14/new-kids-plus-dental-program-controls-costs'><time>Nov 14, 2023</time><h4>New Kids Plus dental program controls costs</h4><p>We are pleased to introduce a brand-new dental buy-up plan for your large and national groups. Kids Plus (PDF) is an optional dental program that enhances benefits for children up to age 13.(1) It covers diagnostic, preventive, basic, and major services when visiting a participating provider.(2) ...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/uwIayosBD2mfH913z-rV/2023/11/13/value-added-association-group-life-program-group-letters-to-be-mailed'><time>Nov 13, 2023</time><h4>Value Added Association group life program Group Letters to be mailed</h4><p>Thank you for your support of our Value Added Benefits program for association business.  As we communicated in early September, it is now time to draw this program to a close. All other benefits are unaffected and remain in force. We’ll be sending letters to affected employers in December; here...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/uCQFuosBfr9kP0_gPmiC/2023/11/10/jefferson-city-medical-group-will-remain-in-network'><time>Nov 10, 2023</time><h4>Jefferson City Medical Group will remain in network</h4><p>Jefferson City Medical Group and Anthem have reached an agreement that will keep JCMG in network through December 2026. This new value-based care agreement is designed to improve the quality of care and extends access to affordable coverage without disruption for Anthem members receiving care fr...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/ugJnq4sBD2mfH913z-rT/2023/11/8/new-individual-and-family-epo-plans-offer-a-broad-range-of-providers'><time>Nov 08, 2023</time><h4>New Individual and Family EPO plans offer a broad range of providers</h4><p>Effective January 1, 2024, Anthem will offer exclusive provider organization (EPO) Individual and Family plans in Clark and Nye counties. An EPO is generally less expensive than a preferred provider organization (PPO) and more flexible than a health maintenance organization (HMO). To reduce guess...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/uQJnposBD2mfH9130upo/2023/11/8/nutrition-tracker-is-another-way-sydney-health-brings-value-to-your-clients'><time>Nov 08, 2023</time><h4>Nutrition tracker is another way Sydney Health brings value to your clients</h4><p>With Sydney℠ Health’s nutrition tracker, built exclusively for Anthem, your clients’ employees can feel empowered to make healthier choices every day. That helps your clients as well as their employees. With the nutrition tracker and their smartphone camera, they can: Recognize and track an e...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/siR6posBfr9kP0_g72h6/2023/11/8/wee28099re-collaborating-with-cleveland-clinic-to-create-a-new-high-performance-network'><time>Nov 08, 2023</time><h4>We’re collaborating with Cleveland Clinic to create a new high-performance network</h4><p>Anthem is collaborating with Cleveland Clinic to create an even stronger network of high-quality care (PDF) available to employees anytime. This relationship strengthens the quality of care when members choose a high-performance network (HPN). An HPN is a new type of health plan that gives emplo...</p><p>Large Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/tSTGq4sBfr9kP0_gIGhU/2023/11/8/rebate-credit-change-for-aso-clients-with-formulary-minimum-rebate-guarantees'><time>Nov 08, 2023</time><h4>Rebate Credit Change for ASO Clients with Formulary Minimum Rebate Guarantees</h4><p>Effective January 1, 2024, CarelonRx will change the way it reconciles rebate guarantees for our ASO clients on National, Traditional, and Essential formularies, as well as clients on other formularies with minimum rebate guarantees. This change is due to a new provision in the American Rescue P...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/QYqHlYsBtekjB65lzp6l/2023/11/6/you-can-now-get-answers-on-the-go-with-live-agent-chat-in-the-broker-plus-app'><time>Nov 06, 2023</time><h4>You can now get answers on the go with live agent chat in the Broker Plus app</h4><p>You can now get answers on the go from a live agent through the Broker Plus app. Producer Assistant chat in Broker Plus now has live agents available to help you from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday. Just click the chat icon to be connected to Producer Assistant and select Chat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/QorWlosBtekjB65lNZ4f/2023/11/3/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Nov 03, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for Small group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Small Groups (NH) – 833-592-1651. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interactive...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/riSxkIsBfr9kP0_gjmgj/2023/11/3/two-health-systems-leave-anthem-pathway-network'><time>Nov 03, 2023</time><h4>Two health systems leave Anthem Pathway network</h4><p>Optum and St. Joseph Providence Health will terminate their health maintenance organization (HMO) agreements with Anthem Blue Cross effective January 1, 2024. As a result, Optum and Providence Health will no longer be part of the Anthem Blue Cross Commercial Pathway HMO Exchange Network starting ...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/twKwkYsBD2mfH913iOp5/2023/11/2/new-employer-resources-to-ensure-every-employee-is-covered'><time>Nov 02, 2023</time><h4>New employer resources to ensure every employee is covered</h4><p>Employers who care about their employees’ overall wellbeing have a healthier, more productive workforce.  Some employees not eligible for their group plan may be disenrolled from Medi-Cal as eligibility reviews continue, and others may be uninsured. With Individual Open Enrollment here, now is th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/sCSikYsBfr9kP0_gDWi1/2023/11/2/new-employer-resources-to-ensure-every-employee-is-covered'><time>Nov 02, 2023</time><h4>New employer resources to ensure every employee is covered</h4><p>Employers who care about their employees’ overall wellbeing have a healthier, more productive workforce.  Some employees not eligible for their group plan may be disenrolled from Medicaid as eligibility reviews continue, and others may be uninsured. With Individual Open Enrollment here, now is th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ryR2kYsBfr9kP0_gbmir/2023/11/2/new-employer-resources-to-ensure-every-employee-is-covered'><time>Nov 02, 2023</time><h4>New employer resources to ensure every employee is covered</h4><p>Employers who care about their employees’ overall wellbeing have a healthier, more productive workforce.  Some employees not eligible for their group plan may be disenrolled from Medicaid as eligibility reviews continue, and others may be uninsured. With Individual Open Enrollment here, now is th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/tQKHkIsBD2mfH913iOr4/2023/11/2/individual-open-enrollment-started-yesterday-in-connecticut'><time>Nov 02, 2023</time><h4>Individual open enrollment started yesterday in Connecticut</h4><p>The Open Enrollment Period for 2024 health and dental insurance coverage in Connecticut began on, November 1, 2023. Members and potential members can shop, compare, and then enroll in or renew Qualified Health Plans and stand-alone dental plans. Anthem health plans offer your clients the savings ...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/qST-hosBfr9kP0_gHGiW/2023/11/1/va-residents-only-save-the-date-for-continuing-education-january-23-25'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>VA residents only: Save the date for continuing education January 23 & 25</h4><p>Anthem will conduct four hours of virtual continuing education (CE) each day from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on January 23 and January 25. We’ll provide a total of eight hours of approved courses for Virginia resident agents only. Please mark your calendars. We’ll provide more information soon. Re...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PooLh4sBtekjB65l3p5W/2023/11/1/ite28099s-easier-to-find-client-information-id-cards-documents-and-forms-with-enhanced-producer-toolbox'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>It’s easier to find client information, ID cards, documents, and forms with enhanced Producer Toolbox</h4><p>The enhanced Producer Toolbox dashboard now offers faster access to client information and ID cards, and you can designate the forms and documents you use most as favorites to keep them just a click away. You can access key client information right from the dashboard. Under Search Clients and Fi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/sgLwhYsBD2mfH913z-or/2023/11/1/individual-and-family-2024-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment is here. Consumers can shop for 2024 individual and family plans on starting November 1, 2023. Anthem Health Keepers offers affordable health plans to help them feel covered, protected, and confident. Nine out of ten people nationwide are eligible for financial help, ma...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/PIrvhYsBtekjB65lQJ4B/2023/11/1/individual-and-family-2024-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment is here. Consumers can shop for 2024 individual and family plans on starting November 1, 2023. Anthem offers affordable health plans to help them feel covered, protected, and confident. Nine out of ten people nationwide are eligible for financial help, making it easier ...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/sQLthYsBD2mfH9133epM/2023/11/1/individual-and-family-2024-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment is here. Consumers can shop for 2024 individual and family plans on starting November 1, 2023. Anthem offers affordable health plans to help them feel covered, protected, and confident. Nine out of ten people nationwide are eligible for financial help, making it easier ...</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct'><a href='/news/O4rqhYsBtekjB65lRZ4-/2023/11/1/individual-and-family-2024-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment is here. Consumers can shop for 2024 individual and family plans on starting November 1, 2023. Anthem offers affordable health plans to help them feel covered, protected, and confident. Nine out of ten people nationwide are eligible for financial help, making it easier ...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/OornhYsBtekjB65lJJ4Q/2023/11/1/individual-and-family-2024-open-enrollment-is-here'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment is here</h4><p>Open enrollment is here. Consumers can shop for 2024 individual and family plans on starting November 1, 2023. Anthem offers affordable health plans to help them feel covered, protected, and confident. Nine out of ten people nationwide are eligible for financial help, making it easi...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/qyQQi4sBfr9kP0_g2GgM/2023/11/1/prepare-for-indiana-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Indiana Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/qiQLi4sBfr9kP0_gc2jW/2023/11/1/prepare-for-kentucky-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Nov 01, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Kentucky Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 16, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/pyR5cosBfr9kP0_gUGiD/2023/10/27/crisis-support-for-mainers-in-response-to-lewiston-shooting'><time>Oct 27, 2023</time><h4>Crisis support for Mainers in response to Lewiston shooting</h4><p>In response to the recent shooting in Lewiston, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and its behavioral health partner, Carelon Behavioral Health, are offering all Mainers free access to crisis support, regardless of whether they are Anthem members. Any Mainer needing assistance can speak to a lice...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/rgLmcYsBD2mfH913U-pD/2023/10/27/carelonrx-adding-humira-biosimilar-drugs-to-its-commercial-formularies'><time>Oct 27, 2023</time><h4>CarelonRx adding Humira biosimilar drugs to its commercial formularies</h4><p>CarelonRx will add Humira biosimilar drugs to its commercial formularies on December 1, 2023. Adalimumab-adbm (lower list price version) will be added to all CarelonRx commercial formularies. Cyltezo will be added to select commercial formularies. Both will be at parity with Humira. These biosim...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/rQIbbIsBD2mfH913t-pW/2023/10/26/pregnancy-and-early-childhood-support-with-a-focus-on-healthy-families'><time>Oct 26, 2023</time><h4>Pregnancy and early childhood support with a focus on healthy families</h4><p>Our pregnancy-care program, Future Moms, is changing to Building Healthy Families (upstate / downstate), starting January 1, 2024. The program went live in 2023 to Large Group ASO, JAA, and National groups and will now become available to Fully Insured, Individual, Small Group, Administrative Ser...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/rAIabIsBD2mfH913Quop/2023/10/26/pregnancy-and-early-childhood-support-with-a-focus-on-healthy-families'><time>Oct 26, 2023</time><h4>Pregnancy and early childhood support with a focus on healthy families</h4><p>Our pregnancy-care program, Future Moms, is changing to Building Healthy Families, starting January 1, 2024. The program went live in 2023 to Large Group ASO, JAA, and National groups and will now become available to Fully Insured, Individual, Small Group, Administrative Services Only, MEWA, Stud...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/OIoWbIsBtekjB65lf57U/2023/10/26/pregnancy-and-early-childhood-support-with-a-focus-on-healthy-families'><time>Oct 26, 2023</time><h4>Pregnancy and early childhood support with a focus on healthy families</h4><p>Our pregnancy-care program, Future Moms, is changing to Building Healthy Families, starting January 1, 2024. The program went live in 2023 to Large Group ASO, JAA, and National groups and will now become available to Fully Insured, Individual, Small Group, Administrative Services Only, MEWA, Stud...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/lyTtOIsBfr9kP0_gdWjO/2023/10/26/prepare-for-missouri-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 26, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Missouri Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/qgJjZ4sBD2mfH913yOqg/2023/10/26/jody-yoder-promoted-to-director-of-sales-for-individual-and-small-group'><time>Oct 26, 2023</time><h4>Jody Yoder promoted to Director of Sales for Individual and Small Group</h4><p>Jody Yoder was promoted to Director of Sales in September and will now lead the Individual and Small Group team. She joined Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in 2016, working as Program Administrator for Medicaid Sales & Marketing and was later promoted to the Territory Marketing Manager. In 2019...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/piQjZ4sBfr9kP0_gpGh5/2023/10/25/victor-destefano-named-new-york-plan-president'><time>Oct 25, 2023</time><h4>Victor DeStefano named New York plan president</h4><p>Victor DeStefano has been named Commercial Plan President for New York State for Empire Blue Cross and Empire BlueCross BlueShield. He has been with Empire since 2019 and spent the last four months serving as interim president for those plans. Victor’s personal life and career are steeped in the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/ngLfH4sBD2mfH9132-qr/2023/10/25/paytient-program-brings-added-value-to-your-aca-individual-clients'><time>Oct 25, 2023</time><h4>Paytient program brings added value to your ACA Individual clients</h4><p>Anthem’s partnership with Paytient is one more way we’re providing exceptional value to your clients. Paytient is a health payment account that members can use to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses today and repay over time without interest or fees. It’s an easier way to pay for healthcar...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo,ga'><a href='/news/nQLeH4sBD2mfH913G-o5/2023/10/25/paytient-program-brings-added-value-to-your-aca-individual-clients'><time>Oct 25, 2023</time><h4>Paytient program brings added value to your ACA Individual clients</h4><p>Anthem’s partnership with Paytient is one more way we’re providing exceptional value to your clients. Paytient is a health payment account that members can use to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses today and repay over time without interest or fees. It’s an easier way to pay for healthcar...</p><p>Individual | MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/J4oQOosBtekjB65lwZ68/2023/10/24/prepare-for-maine-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Maine Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 16, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/qQL-YYsBD2mfH913R-rt/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (WI) – 833-582-1571. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/Nor9YYsBtekjB65lOZ7M/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (VA) – 833-592-1645. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/NYr7YYsBtekjB65lc540/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (OH) – 833-582-1569. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/pST6YYsBfr9kP0_gUWh7/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (NY) – 833-798-1058. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/NIr4YYsBtekjB65l356J/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (NV) – 833-389-1972. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/pCT2YYsBfr9kP0_gMWjo/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (MO) – 833-582-1567. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/M4r0YYsBtekjB65lbp4q/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (ME) – 833-592-1649. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/MorzYYsBtekjB65lGp7x/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (KY) – 833-582-1565. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/oyTxYYsBfr9kP0_gwWiR/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (IN) – 833-582-1563. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/MYrwYYsBtekjB65lhZ6q/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (GA) – 833-592-1643. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/oiTuYYsBfr9kP0_grmjV/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (CT) – 833-592-1647. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/MIrsYYsBtekjB65l5Z6g/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (CO) – 833-389-1970. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/L4rqYYsBtekjB65lTJ4E/2023/10/24/simplified-phone-numbers-for-broker-services'><time>Oct 24, 2023</time><h4>Simplified phone numbers for Broker Services</h4><p>We’ve simplified how you contact us. Now there’s just one toll-free Broker Services number for group business and one number for Individual business. These numbers are: Large and Small Groups (CA) – 833-747-1190. Individual business (any state) – 833-864-0133. We’ve also added a new interac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in,ky,mo,oh,ga'><a href='/news/oSR7XosBfr9kP0_gdWiL/2023/10/23/life-disability-moving-to-separate-enrollment-and-billing-system'><time>Oct 23, 2023</time><h4>Life & Disability moving to separate enrollment and billing system</h4><p>We’re now using a separate enrollment and billing system for MEWA Life & Disability (L&D) plans. The system is separate from the Anthem medical, dental, vision, and supplemental health plans. As a result, your clients’ Summary Plan Description will no longer include a description of their L&D cov...</p><p>Small Group | IN, KY, MO, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/KYqDPosBtekjB65lt54y/2023/10/23/prepare-for-georgia-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 23, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Georgia Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/pALkSIsBD2mfH913g-qa/2023/10/23/the-perfect-storm-whate28099s-brewing-in-pharmacy'><time>Oct 23, 2023</time><h4>The Perfect Storm: What’s Brewing in Pharmacy?</h4><p>Register now for the first of our quarterly CarelonRx Connects webinars, focused on the latest pharmacy news and a look at what’s ahead. There’s a lot of information for benefit decision makers, consultants, and brokers to digest. Join pharmacist and Vice President, Alex Bolorchi, on November 1,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/lSQQH4sBfr9kP0_g52gD/2023/10/20/prepare-for-ohio-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 20, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Ohio Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/niRgSYsBfr9kP0_g12jn/2023/10/20/your-cliente28099s-employees-can-make-smarter-choices-for-mammograms-with-smartshopper'><time>Oct 20, 2023</time><h4>Your client’s employees can make smarter choices for mammograms with SmartShopper</h4><p>Your client's employees have choices when they need a mammogram or other medical service. SmartShopper helps them choose wisely by considering convenience, quality, and cost, to provide them with a list of options for certain screenings and outpatient procedures, including mammograms. Personal as...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/owLcQ4sBD2mfH913neq-/2023/10/19/producer-toolbox--simplified-password-reset-process'><time>Oct 19, 2023</time><h4>Producer Toolbox - Simplified Password Reset Process</h4><p>We have simplified the Producer Toolbox password reset process. You can now reset your password in Producer Toolbox without calling broker support. Just click on the Forgot Password link on the Producer Toolbox landing page and enter your Username, then we’ll send you an email with a direct link...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/nCTuPYsBfr9kP0_gimiv/2023/10/19/bioplus-specialty-pharmacy-migration-starts-january-1-2024'><time>Oct 19, 2023</time><h4>BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy migration starts January 1, 2024</h4><p>CarelonRx Members currently taking a specialty medication will transition to BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy, a Carelon company, starting January 1, 2024. BioPlus has 30 years of high-touch specialty pharmacy experience, advanced digital tools, and a fast and easy process for members and providers. T...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/mgJDFYsBD2mfH913iuo1/2023/10/19/prepare-for-new-hampshire-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 19, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for New Hampshire Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/K4rzQosBtekjB65lVp6r/2023/10/19/smart-reward-incentives-inspire-better-health'><time>Oct 19, 2023</time><h4>Smart Reward incentives inspire better health</h4><p>Employer incentives are effective at encouraging employees to care for their health. They are built into the award-winning SydneySM Health app, encouraging your client’s employees to stay on top of their preventive screenings and care visits. The Smart Rewards program offers personalized incenti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/Koo3P4sBtekjB65lPp7c/2023/10/18/immersive-coverage-from-pikeville-to-paducah'><time>Oct 18, 2023</time><h4>Immersive coverage from Pikeville to Paducah</h4><p>From Pikeville to Paducah, and all the areas in between, Anthem has your clients and their employees covered with deep discounts and superior coverage across the state and nation. Our immersive plans include medical, dental, and vision coverage, as well as options such as HSAs and wellness progra...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/KIr-PYsBtekjB65lyJ4G/2023/10/18/millions-are-transitioning-their-health-coverage-wee28099re-here-to-help!'><time>Oct 18, 2023</time><h4>Millions are transitioning their health coverage. We’re here to help!</h4><p>Since the continuous coverage condition under the Public Health Emergency expired on March 31, 2023, Medi-Cal agencies in each state have resumed eligibility reviews. As a result, an estimated 20 million people may no longer meet Medi-Cal, Medicaid, or Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) elig...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/oQL7PYsBD2mfH913_upY/2023/10/18/millions-are-transitioning-their-health-coverage-wee28099re-here-to-help!'><time>Oct 18, 2023</time><h4>Millions are transitioning their health coverage. We’re here to help!</h4><p>Since the continuous coverage condition under the Public Health Emergency expired on March 31, 2023, Medicaid agencies in each state have resumed eligibility reviews. As a result, an estimated 20 million people may no longer meet Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) eligibility req...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/ogIMPosBD2mfH913Feo5/2023/10/17/take-action-get-appointed-to-sell-new-blue-value-individual-network'><time>Oct 17, 2023</time><h4>Take action: Get appointed to sell new Blue Value individual network</h4><p>Our appointment tool on Producer Toolbox has begun accepting new appointments to sell our new Blue Value Individual Network HMO. As a reminder, you must become appointed to receive commission for sales on this network. View our helpful video to guide you through the process or click here to acce...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/JIq-FIsBtekjB65lup6-/2023/10/17/prepare-for-virginia-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Oct 17, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Virginia open enrollment and member renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment has started. Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 preventive car...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/JYrdFIsBtekjB65lNZ5D/2023/10/10/blue-view-vison-plus-is-now-available-for-large-group-and-national-quoting'><time>Oct 10, 2023</time><h4>Blue View Vison PLUS is now available for large group and national quoting</h4><p>Introducing Blue View Vision PLUS – a new vision benefit buy-up option for better member health and increased savings. It is now available for quoting. Blue View Vision PLUS is a group of 5,500 select providers within our traditional Blue View Vision network of more than 42,000 eye care provider...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky,ca'><a href='/news/mAKnBosBD2mfH913QOoQ/2023/10/9/active-license-required-after-nov-1-2023'><time>Oct 09, 2023</time><h4>Active license required after Nov. 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, starting November 1, 2023, agents must have an active license and any state-required appointment. Starting November 1, 2023, agent license and any state-required appointment will be validated at the time of commission pay...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY, CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/I4qXBosBtekjB65lPJ4j/2023/10/9/agent-tin-and-active-license-required-after-nov-1-2023'><time>Oct 09, 2023</time><h4>Agent TIN and active license required after Nov. 1, 2023</h4><p>To avoid disruption of commissions and ensure compliance with regulations, starting November 1, 2023, new applications must list the encrypted tax identification number (TIN) of the agent, not the agency, for the writing agent and that agent must have an active license and any state-required appo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IYp_AYsBtekjB65lfp4W/2023/10/5/new-medi-cal-renewal-ask-the-expert-webinar-oct-24'><time>Oct 05, 2023</time><h4>New Medi-Cal Renewal Ask the Expert Webinar Oct. 24</h4><p>Medi-Cal disenrollments continue for millions of people, including part-time employees. Join us for our October update to learn what’s on the horizon for your business and hear answers to your questions. Register now to join us from 2 to 2:45 p.m. ET on October 24. Director of Public Policy Gina...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/IIp9AYsBtekjB65l4J4w/2023/10/5/new-medicaid-renewal-ask-the-expert-webinar-oct-24'><time>Oct 05, 2023</time><h4>New Medicaid Renewal Ask the Expert Webinar Oct. 24</h4><p>Medicaid disenrollments continue for millions of people, including part-time employees. Join us for our October update to learn what’s on the horizon for your business and hear answers to your questions. Register now to join us from 2 to 2:45 p.m. ET on October 24. Director of Public Policy Gina...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/lwKDAIsBD2mfH913yOrN/2023/10/5/time-well-spent-lowering-the-risk-of-breast-cancer-'><time>Oct 05, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Lowering the risk of breast cancer </h4><p>October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We’re providing information that your clients can share with their employees about reducing the risk of breast cancer and the importance of screening. Our October Time Well Spent resources (upstate / downstate) focus on: The importance of regular mamm...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/lgKCAIsBD2mfH913Qupz/2023/10/5/time-well-spent-lowering-the-risk-of-breast-cancer-'><time>Oct 05, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Lowering the risk of breast cancer </h4><p>October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We’re providing information that your clients can share with their employees about reducing the risk of breast cancer and the importance of screening. Our October Time Well Spent resources focus on: The importance of regular mammograms What to expect...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/kySAAIsBfr9kP0_g9Whq/2023/10/5/time-well-spent-lowering-the-risk-of-breast-cancer-'><time>Oct 05, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Lowering the risk of breast cancer </h4><p>October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We’re providing information that your clients can share with their employees about reducing the risk of breast cancer and the importance of screening. Our October Time Well Spent resources focus on: The importance of regular mammograms What to expect...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/lAKw-4oBD2mfH9139erk/2023/10/4/covered-california-adding-state-csr-to-silver-plans-on-the-exchange'><time>Oct 04, 2023</time><h4>Covered California adding state CSR to Silver plans on the exchange</h4><p>Covered California is adding a state cost share reduction (CSR) subsidy to 2024 Silver plans on the exchange, Silver 73, Silver 87, Silver 94. This will remove deductibles on all Silver plans. Other Silver plan updates include: For Silver 73: Approximating the Gold level of coverage for p...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/kiSl9ooBfr9kP0_gr2hz/2023/10/3/help-for-members-impacted-by-flooding-in-ny'><time>Oct 03, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Flooding in NY</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to our health plan benefits to help members who live in New York and have been impacted by the flooding emergency there. The changes, outlined below, are in effect for the following areas: Albany, Bronx, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Kings, Manhattan, Nassau, Oran...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/kSSW9ooBfr9kP0_gAWgs/2023/10/3/a-new-way-to-access-intermountain-healthcare-for-clients-with-utah-employees-'><time>Oct 03, 2023</time><h4>A new way to access Intermountain Healthcare for clients with Utah employees </h4><p>Effective January 1, 2024, we will provide access to Regence’s select network in Utah for clients with Utah employees. The Utah Preferred Blue Option Network includes access to the Intermountain Healthcare (IHC) system and other high-quality in-network care across Utah — and even out of state, th...</p><p>Large Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/hCR8rooBfr9kP0_gomi_/2023/10/3/online-quoting-and-enrolling-makes-individual-enrollment-easier-and-faster'><time>Oct 03, 2023</time><h4>Online quoting and enrolling makes Individual enrollment easier and faster</h4><p>We’re improving Individual quoting and enrolling for off-exchange plans in Nevada. Your clients will soon be able to upload proof of residency documents and submit them with the enrollment application online. Once implemented, you will no longer have to print applications and residency validation...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/kwJ08YoBD2mfH913Weqq/2023/10/2/anthem-marketplace-access-to-care-expanding-in-wisconsin-for-2024'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Anthem marketplace access to care expanding in Wisconsin for 2024</h4><p>We are expanding coverage to 71 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties. We now offer greater access to affordable health care for tens of thousands of consumers seeking coverage through the Wisconsin Health Care Marketplace. In addition to Pathway and Blue Preferred, we are adding Blue Priority network plan ...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/hgJhtIoBD2mfH913Sur_/2023/10/2/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcomca-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1.</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on beginning October 1, 2023. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7. 1 $0 preventive care. 2 Prescription drug coverage, including conveni...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/hQJftIoBD2mfH913JOqK/2023/10/2/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1.</h4><p>Consumers can preview and compare plans on starting October 1, 2023. Anthem HealthKeepers health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7. 1 $0 preventive care. 2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/EopctIoBtekjB65lTJ6C/2023/10/2/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1.</h4><p>Consumers can preview and compare plans on starting October 1, 2023. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7. 1 $0 preventive care. 2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly used drugs as...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky,me'><a href='/news/EYpZtIoBtekjB65lxp7X/2023/10/2/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1.</h4><p>Consumers can preview and compare plans on starting October 1, 2023. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7. 1 $0 preventive care. 2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly used drugs as...</p><p>Individual | KY, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/EIpWtIoBtekjB65ln56t/2023/10/2/open-enrollment-window-shopping-on-anthemcom-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping on starts October 1.</h4><p>Consumers can preview and compare plans on starting October 1, 2023. Anthem health plans include coverage for doctor visits, hospital care, and mental health benefits, plus: $0 virtual care, 24/7. 1 $0 preventive care. 2 Prescription drug coverage, with some commonly used drugs as...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/fQK6iooBD2mfH913Aerf/2023/10/2/covered-california-offers-assistance-for-individuals-involved-in-labor-disputes'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>Covered California offers assistance for individuals involved in labor disputes</h4><p>To comply with new state law (PDF), effective July 1, 2023, Covered California must offer financial assistance for individuals who lose Minimal Essential Coverage from an employer due to a labor dispute. And, starting January 1, 2024, the Exchange must offer zero-deductible for any covered benefi...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/H4rt8IoBtekjB65lsp6g/2023/10/2/wee28099re-reminding-your-clients-that-wee28099re-mailing-renewal-packets-soon'><time>Oct 02, 2023</time><h4>We’re reminding your clients that we’re mailing renewal packets soon</h4><p>We recently started emailing Individual and Family members reminding them it’s almost time to renew their health plan for 2024. We let them know that they should be receiving renewal information in the mail soon. The email shows the member an image of the renewal packet envelope so they can find ...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/kgJk4ooBD2mfH913ruqN/2023/9/29/wee28099ve-reached-an-agreement-with-bon-secours-mercy-health'><time>Sep 29, 2023</time><h4>We’ve reached an agreement with Bon Secours Mercy Health</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has reached a five-year agreement with Bon Secours Mercy Health (BSMH) that provides Anthem members with continued access to affordable care at all BSMH hospitals, outpatient care centers, and physicians through September 2028 without additional costs to employer...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/HYrO4YoBtekjB65lm54b/2023/9/29/wee28099ve-reached-an-agreement-with-bon-secours-mercy-health'><time>Sep 29, 2023</time><h4>We’ve reached an agreement with Bon Secours Mercy Health</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has reached a five-year agreement with Bon Secours Mercy Health (BSMH) that provides Anthem members with continued access to affordable care at all BSMH hospitals, outpatient care centers, and physicians through September 2028. With this agreement, all Anthem Med...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/iwKkzYoBD2mfH913surl/2023/9/28/prepare-for-colorado-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 28, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Colorado Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment starts soon on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 ...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/kAJz3IoBD2mfH913aepW/2023/9/28/webinar-learn-about-georgia-individual-updates'><time>Sep 28, 2023</time><h4>Webinar: Learn about Georgia Individual updates</h4><p>Register now for our October 11 webinar overviewing important updates to our 2024 Individual products and plans. Learn more about our new Blue Value Individual Network HMO and how to get appointed, our new PCP Copay Choice plans, and other important updates. Join our experts as they review chang...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/Gooa04oBtekjB65lIJ6V/2023/9/28/be-sure-to-complete-training-for-virginiae28099s-new-state-based-exchange-'><time>Sep 28, 2023</time><h4>Be sure to complete training for Virginia’s new state-based exchange </h4><p>Make sure to complete your certification training for Virginia’s new state-based Health Benefit Exchange by October 10, 2023. It must be done by then to make sure your certification is effective when open enrollment begins on November 1, 2023.   Key Dates: 10/10 – Window shopping open on new ...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me,nh'><a href='/news/hSRxtIoBfr9kP0_g62iV/2023/9/27/help-us-shine-a-spotlight-on-your-small-group-clients'><time>Sep 27, 2023</time><h4>Help us shine a spotlight on your Small Group clients</h4><p>We recently invited your Small Group clients to participate in our Small Business Spotlight. We're promoting local businesses to our associates who live and work in Maine and New Hampshire and encouraging them to shop with your clients. The program is easy to join. Here’s how it works: Clien...</p><p>Small Group | ME, NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/jCSP0ooBfr9kP0_gLGht/2023/9/26/help-for-members-impacted-by-tropical-storm-idalia-in-florida'><time>Sep 26, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Tropical Storm Idalia in Florida</h4><p>In the event you have clients located in FL, we want you to know that we are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and help ensure healthcare access for members who live in Florida counties impacted by Tropical Storm Idalia. The changes are in effect between August 2...</p><p>National | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/iySvzYoBfr9kP0_g4mix/2023/9/26/broker-launchpad-now-added-to-producer-toolbox-dashboard'><time>Sep 26, 2023</time><h4>Broker Launchpad now added to Producer Toolbox Dashboard</h4><p>The new Broker Launchpad, in the Quick Links section of the Producer Toolbox dashboard, makes it easier to navigate the digital tools in Broker Hub, Producer Toolbox, and EmployerAccess. Broker Launchpad guides you to the right tool for each task. It’s another way we’re making it easier to suppo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/iQIQzYoBD2mfH913hupP/2023/9/26/prepare-for-wisconsin-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 26, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Wisconsin Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment starts soon on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits include $0 ...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/jALkzYoBD2mfH913AepW/2023/9/26/december-and-january-recommended-deadlines-are-early-due-to-higher-volume'><time>Sep 26, 2023</time><h4>December and January recommended deadlines are early due to higher volume</h4><p>Submission deadlines for Small Group business applications are normally the 15th of the month, but we are recommending earlier submissions for December and January effective dates during peak season. December 1, 2023, effective dates Recommended Peak Season Submission is November 6, 2023 ...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/hyQWvooBfr9kP0_gkGju/2023/9/25/marketing-materials-on-broker-hub-are-now-searchable-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Sep 25, 2023</time><h4>Marketing materials on Broker Hub are now searchable in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>We’ve made it quicker and easier to find marketing material. Visit Tools & Resources > Documents & Forms in your main Producer Toolbox menu or select View All Documents & Forms from the new dashboard, then search for marketing materials by state and keyword. Search results will now include mater...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/iCQ2vooBfr9kP0_gV2gE/2023/9/25/prepare-for-california-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 25, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for California Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment starts October 1, 2023, on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 31, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/hiR2uIoBfr9kP0_g7Ggo/2023/9/22/carelonrx-pharmacy-will-replace-carelonrx-mail-on-january-1'><time>Sep 22, 2023</time><h4>CarelonRx Pharmacy will replace CarelonRx Mail on January 1</h4><p>Starting January 1, 2024, CarelonRx Pharmacy will become the home delivery pharmacy for members who use CarelonRx, our pharmacy benefit manager, and members filling prescriptions with CarelonRx Mail will transition to CarelonRx Pharmacy. CarelonRx Pharmacy enhances existing pharmacy benefits suc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/DIoJlYoBtekjB65lxJ7E/2023/9/21/prepare-for-nevada-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 21, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Nevada Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment starts October 1, 2023, on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/fyT9lIoBfr9kP0_g4miu/2023/9/20/prepare-for-connecticut-open-enrollment-and-member-renewals'><time>Sep 20, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for Connecticut Open Enrollment and Member Renewals</h4><p>Window shopping for Individual and Family 2024 Open Enrollment starts October 1, 2023, on Open Enrollment starts November 1, 2023, and runs through January 15, 2024. We’re here to help you connect your clients to a health plan that offers both the savings and care they need. Benefits...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/hALUrooBD2mfH913WuqD/2023/9/19/prescription-discount-program-coming-in-february-for-anthem-members'><time>Sep 19, 2023</time><h4>Prescription discount program coming in February for Anthem members</h4><p>Available February 2024, EnsureRx is a cost-saving program that ensures members get the lowest price on prescription medications and maximize the value of their benefit. EnsureRx will be a free, seamless benefit for CarelonRx members. Members will simply use their pharmacy member ID card at a re...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/gQKgqYoBD2mfH9131erF/2023/9/18/empire-is-becoming-anthem'><time>Sep 18, 2023</time><h4>Empire is becoming Anthem</h4><p>We’re happy to remind you that on January 1, 2024, the Empire BlueCross BlueShield and Empire BlueCross names will transition to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross. Please be assured that this name transition will not impact plans, pricing, networks, coverage, level of suppo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/DorTqIoBtekjB65l357U/2023/9/18/new-lower-cost-individual-network-coming-in-2024'><time>Sep 18, 2023</time><h4>New lower-cost Individual network coming in 2024</h4><p>Our new Individual Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan will be available in mid-southern Georgia, with effective dates starting January 1, 2024. Blue Value Individual Network HMO was designed to help those disenrolled from Medicaid find quality, affordable coverage. Important details: Available i...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/gAIdmooBD2mfH913a-pl/2023/9/15/wellbeing-solutions-placemats-for-2024-now-available'><time>Sep 15, 2023</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 now available</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 (upstate / downstate) are available now on Broker Hub. These concise summaries cover the main components of the program as well as what’s new for 2024. They make it easy to share the value of Wellbeing Solutions with your ASO clients and prospects. Wellbein...</p><p>Large Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/fwJmlYoBD2mfH9137-rh/2023/9/14/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-hilary-in-ca'><time>Sep 14, 2023</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Hilary in CA</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and help ensure healthcare access for members who live in California counties impacted by Hurricane Hilary. The changes are in effect from September 12 through October 11, 2023, for Siskiyou County. The changes are in eff...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fSROiooBfr9kP0_ghWjK/2023/9/13/sydney-preferred-a-deeper-level-of-personalization-and-insight-for-your-clients'><time>Sep 13, 2023</time><h4>Sydney Preferred: a deeper level of personalization and insight for your clients</h4><p>Sydney Preferred is a premium, buy-up solution delivering a fully integrated hub that includes all employees and benefits. It helps build a culture of well-being and delivers a personalized experience designed to lower costs and improve health for everyone. Using SydneySM Health as the foundatio...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/CorthIoBtekjB65lLp4Z/2023/9/12/new-resource-will-guide-brokers-to-the-right-tool-at-the-right-time'><time>Sep 12, 2023</time><h4>New resource will guide brokers to the right tool at the right time</h4><p>You asked – we listened, created, and delivered. We heard you wanted an easier way to navigate our digital tools. Meet our new Broker Launchpad, giving you a simple path to find what you need daily through Broker Hub, Producer Toolbox, and EmployerAccess. The tool will help you: Explore what...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/eiQPcYoBfr9kP0_glWi2/2023/9/11/help-your-clients-make-smarter-choices-with-smartshopper'><time>Sep 11, 2023</time><h4>Help your clients make smarter choices with SmartShopper</h4><p>Your clients and their employees have choices when their doctor recommends a medical service. SmartShopper helps them choose wisely. SmartShopper considers convenience, quality, and cost to provide a list of options for certain screenings and outpatient procedures. Personal assistants are availab...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/CYp-cIoBtekjB65ldZ7i/2023/9/8/video-learn-how-aspire365-brings-behavioral-health-treatment-home'><time>Sep 08, 2023</time><h4>Video: Learn how Aspire365 brings behavioral health treatment home</h4><p>Aspire365 is the only provider in Maine offering in-home treatment for complex mental health illnesses or co-occurring disorders for children ages 12 to 17 and adults. Anthem is the only insurer in the state currently covering these programs. Watch the Aspire365 video.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/fCRfcYoBfr9kP0_gVGha/2023/9/7/wellbeing-solutions-placemats-for-2024-now-available'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 now available</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 are available now on Broker Hub. These concise summaries cover the main components of the program as well as what’s new for 2024. They make it easy to share the value of Wellbeing Solutions with your ASO clients and prospects. Wellbeing Solutions has severa...</p><p>Large Group, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/eyRdcYoBfr9kP0_goGha/2023/9/7/wellbeing-solutions-placemats-for-2024-now-available'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 now available</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 are available now on Broker Hub. These concise summaries cover the main components of the program as well as what’s new for 2024. They make it easy to share the value of Wellbeing Solutions with your ASO clients and prospects. Wellbeing Solutions has severa...</p><p>Large Group, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/fAJbcYoBD2mfH913leqe/2023/9/7/wellbeing-solutions-placemats-for-2024-now-available'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 now available</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions placemats for 2024 are available now on Broker Hub. These concise summaries cover the main components of the program as well as what’s new for 2024. They make it easy to share the value of Wellbeing Solutions with your ASO clients and prospects. Wellbeing Solutions has severa...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/eSQIcYoBfr9kP0_g22hb/2023/9/7/2022-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-september'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>2022 MLR rebates will mail in September</h4><p>Anthem groups and individual members in 12 states (PDF) will receive 2022 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ra...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ewIGcYoBD2mfH9133-of/2023/9/7/2022-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-september'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>2022 MLR rebates will mail in September</h4><p>Anthem groups and individual members in 12 states (PDF) will receive 2022 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ra...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,ga'><a href='/news/egIEcYoBD2mfH913FOoD/2023/9/7/2022-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-september'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>2022 MLR rebates will mail in September</h4><p>Anthem groups and individual members in 12 states (PDF) will receive 2022 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ra...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/eCT6a4oBfr9kP0_gSGiI/2023/9/7/time-well-spent-share-our-flu-prevention-resources'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Share our flu prevention resources</h4><p>The flu season will be here before you know it. The good news is the flu shot can help protect your clients and their employees. Our September Time Well Spent resources (Upstate / Downstate) focus on flu prevention and remind us of the level of protection vaccinations can help provide. Your clie...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/CIr1a4oBtekjB65l8J7m/2023/9/7/time-well-spent-share-our-flu-prevention-resources'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Share our flu prevention resources</h4><p>The flu season will be here before you know it. The good news is the flu shot can help protect your clients and their employees. Our September Time Well Spent resources focus on flu prevention and remind us of the level of protection vaccinations can help provide. Your clients and their employee...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/dyTza4oBfr9kP0_goWg3/2023/9/7/time-well-spent-share-our-flu-prevention-resources'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>Time Well Spent: Share our flu prevention resources</h4><p>The flu season will be here before you know it. The good news is the flu shot can help protect your clients and their employees. Our September Time Well Spent resources focus on flu prevention and remind us of the level of protection vaccinations can help provide. Your clients and their employee...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/B4qqZooBtekjB65lwZ7T/2023/9/7/new-commercialized-covid-19-vaccine-arriving-soon-replacing-existing-government-supply-update-on-oral-antiviral-commercialization'><time>Sep 07, 2023</time><h4>New commercialized COVID-19 vaccine arriving soon, replacing existing government supply. Update on oral antiviral commercialization.</h4><p>The commercialized (non-government supply) COVID-19 vaccine formulations are expected to be approved by the FDA on September 11, 2023. Health plans and Administrative Service Only clients will pay for the new vaccines. Members will continue to receive the vaccine at participating vaccine network ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dST_ZYoBfr9kP0_gfGh2/2023/9/6/reminder-register-for-our-september-12-webinar-on-gene-therapy-solution'><time>Sep 06, 2023</time><h4>REMINDER: Register for our September 12 webinar on Gene Therapy Solution</h4><p>Gene therapy opens exciting new possibilities for curative treatments that can reduce long-term costs and improve health outcomes for eligible patients. Our Gene Therapy Solution — part of our stop-loss portfolio — can also provide added financial protection for your clients while they support th...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/diQdZ4oBfr9kP0_gYGig/2023/9/5/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-ca'><time>Sep 05, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in CA</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for members who live in California and are impacted by the Smith River Complex and Happy Camp Complex wildfires. The changes are in effect between August 29 and September 27, 2023, for Del Nort...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/eQIjZooBD2mfH913seor/2023/9/5/reminder-thursday-is-the-last-day-to-submit-your-hbe-contact-information-form'><time>Sep 05, 2023</time><h4>Reminder: Thursday is the last day to submit your HBE contact information form</h4><p>Take time to save time. If you don’t create your agent account in Virginia’s new state-based Health Benefit Exchange by filling out the required Agent Contact Information Form before 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023, you will have to manually build your book of business. If you have questions, em...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/dCR2UIoBfr9kP0_gIGiz/2023/9/1/value-added-association-group-life-program-comes-to-an-end-'><time>Sep 01, 2023</time><h4>Value Added Association group life program comes to an end </h4><p>Thank you for your support of our Value Added Benefits program for association business.  After many years and market changes, it is now time to draw this program to a close. All other benefits are unaffected and remain in force.   Here are key dates and the timeline you need to know: Octobe...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/BopQR4oBtekjB65lG54H/2023/8/31/ld-clients-will-be-administered-separately-from-anthem-health-plans-'><time>Aug 31, 2023</time><h4>L&D clients will be administered separately from Anthem health plans </h4><p>As we prepare for the sale of our life and disability (L&D) business to The Standard, new L&D clients will be administered by a service team and billing and enrollment platform focused solely on L&D plans. Anthem health plans will be administered separately. Clients now have an L&D experience wi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/BYpNR4oBtekjB65l_p6N/2023/8/31/ld-clients-will-be-administered-separately-from-anthem-health-plans-'><time>Aug 31, 2023</time><h4>L&D clients will be administered separately from Anthem health plans </h4><p>As we prepare for the sale of our life and disability (L&D) business to The Standard, new L&D clients will be administered by a service team and billing and enrollment platform focused solely on L&D plans. Anthem health plans will be administered separately. Clients now have an L&D experience wi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ct,in,ky,oh,va'><a href='/news/BIpmQooBtekjB65l1Z54/2023/8/30/september-20-webinar-about-new-anthem-link-virtual-first-plans'><time>Aug 30, 2023</time><h4>September 20 webinar about new Anthem Link Virtual First plans</h4><p>Register now for our Ask the Expert webinar on September 20, 2023, to learn about our new Anthem Link Virtual First plans. Anthem Link Virtual First plans provide integrated digital solutions that create a more personalized healthcare experience for members, providers, and employers. Join Matt B...</p><p>Large Group | CT, IN, KY, OH, VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/AooELYoBtekjB65lXJ7e/2023/8/28/new-producer-toolbox-dashboard-makes-your-job-faster-and-easier-'><time>Aug 28, 2023</time><h4>New Producer Toolbox dashboard makes your job faster and easier </h4><p>We heard your feedback about the need to do things faster. So, we redesigned the Producer Toolbox (PTB) landing page with a new dashboard that gives you quick access to the tasks you do most often. You’ll spend less time clicking and digging because key resources are now front and center: Sea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/cySFLYoBfr9kP0_g8Gj2/2023/8/25/prepare-for-2024-open-enrollment-'><time>Aug 25, 2023</time><h4>Prepare for 2024 open enrollment </h4><p>With Virginia moving to the state-based Health Benefit Exchange this year, it’s time to prepare for key dates and changes for the 2024 open enrollment period. Here are the key dates and actions to remember: 7/28 – Registration begins for the Health Benefit Exchange agent training and certific...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/A4oTLYoBtekjB65lMZ4_/2023/8/25/advantage-plans-launching-in-virginia-maryland-and-washington-dc-'><time>Aug 25, 2023</time><h4>Advantage plans launching in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC </h4><p>Starting January 1, 2024, your clients’ employees who live in Virginia, Maryland, and the Washington DC Metro area will have access to our lowest-cost network through the new Anthem Advantage (for Large Groups) and BlueChoice Advantage (Small Groups) plans. These plans give employees convenient ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ciT3LIoBfr9kP0_g9mhy/2023/8/25/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-hilary-in-ca'><time>Aug 25, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Hilary in CA</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief and ensure healthcare access for members who live in California counties impacted by Hurricane Hilary. The changes are in effect between August 19 and September 17, 2023, for the following counties: Fresno Imperial In...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/biRYCYoBfr9kP0_gEWiT/2023/8/18/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-hi'><time>Aug 18, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in HI</h4><p>In the event you have clients located in HI, we want you to know that we are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Hawaii and who are impacted by the state’s wildfire emergency. The changes are in effect between August 10, 2023, and September 8...</p><p>National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/dwJWCYoBD2mfH9134Op4/2023/8/18/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-hi'><time>Aug 18, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in HI</h4><p>In the event you have clients located in HI, we want you to know that we are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Hawaii and who are impacted by the state’s wildfire emergency. The changes are in effect between August 10, 2023, and September 8...</p><p>National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/aiT9BIoBfr9kP0_gqWgO/2023/8/17/the-facts-about-antheme28099s-contract-negotiations-with-bon-secours-mercy-health'><time>Aug 17, 2023</time><h4>The facts about Anthem’s contract negotiations with Bon Secours Mercy Health</h4><p>Bon Secours Mercy Health (BSMH) has notified Anthem that they will no longer accept Anthem Medicaid coverage effective July 1, 2023, and Medicare Advantage coverage effective October 1, 2023, unless we agree to dramatically higher costs for those in our employer-sponsored and ACA health plans. Bo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/dQL-BIoBD2mfH913uupC/2023/8/17/the-facts-about-antheme28099s-contract-negotiations-with-bon-secours-mercy-health'><time>Aug 17, 2023</time><h4>The facts about Anthem’s contract negotiations with Bon Secours Mercy Health</h4><p>Bon Secours Mercy Health (BSMH) has notified Anthem that as of August 1, 2023, they no longer accept Anthem Medicare Advantage coverage, and they will discontinue accepting Medicaid on October 1, 2023, unless we agree to dramatically higher costs for those in our employer-sponsored and ACA health...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/aSRV_4kBfr9kP0_gjGgf/2023/8/17/share-our-cancer-prevention-resources'><time>Aug 17, 2023</time><h4>Share our cancer prevention resources</h4><p>Cancer can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. While there are certain risk factors out of our control, we can still take action to protect our health and minimize cancer risk. Our Time Well Spent wellness calendar (upstate / downstate) for August provides information to help employees sta...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_4pT_4kBtekjB65lv52V/2023/8/17/share-our-cancer-prevention-resources-'><time>Aug 17, 2023</time><h4>Share our cancer prevention resources </h4><p>Cancer can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. While there are certain risk factors out of our control, we can still take action to protect our health and minimize cancer risk. Our Time Well Spent wellness calendar for August provides information to help employees stay a step ahead of canc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/_opI_4kBtekjB65lK500/2023/8/17/share-our-cancer-prevention-resources'><time>Aug 17, 2023</time><h4>Share our cancer prevention resources</h4><p>Cancer can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. While there are certain risk factors out of our control, we can still take action to protect our health and minimize cancer risk. Our Time Well Spent wellness calendar for August provides information to help employees stay a step ahead of canc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ct,wi'><a href='/news/aCT8-okBfr9kP0_gx2gp/2023/8/16/help-your-clients-save-more-with-anthem-link-virtual-first'><time>Aug 16, 2023</time><h4>Help your clients save more with Anthem Link Virtual First</h4><p>Our new Anthem Link Virtual First option is a simple approach that can help your clients and their employees save money while offering a convenient way to receive care. It‘s a great choice for employees who prefer to interact digitally, meeting them where they are every day. Using the Sydney℠ He...</p><p>Large Group | CT, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in,ky,oh,va'><a href='/news/dAL6-okBD2mfH913TuoR/2023/8/16/help-your-clients-save-more-with-anthem-link-virtual-first'><time>Aug 16, 2023</time><h4>Help your clients save more with Anthem Link Virtual First</h4><p>Our new Anthem Link Virtual First option is a simple approach that can help your clients and their employees save money while offering a convenient way to receive care. It‘s a great choice for employees who prefer to interact digitally, meeting them where they are every day. Using the Sydney℠ He...</p><p>Large Group | IN, KY, OH, VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZCTzu4kBfr9kP0_gTWiU/2023/8/16/register-for-our-september-12-webinar-on-gene-therapy-solution'><time>Aug 16, 2023</time><h4>Register for our September 12 webinar on Gene Therapy Solution</h4><p>Gene therapy opens exciting new possibilities for curative treatments that can reduce long-term costs and improve health outcomes for eligible patients. Our Gene Therapy Solution — part of our stop-loss portfolio — can also provide added financial protection for your clients while they support th...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_YrQ5IkBtekjB65ljZ3-/2023/8/11/carelon-our-medical-benefits-manager-begins-conducting-medical-necessity-reviews'><time>Aug 11, 2023</time><h4>Carelon, our medical benefits manager, begins conducting medical necessity reviews</h4><p>Effective August 1, 2023, Carelon Medical Benefits Management, our medical benefits manager, began performing medical necessity reviews of procedures we previously conducted. This change applies to all fully insured, local ASO, and National groups with Wellbeing Solutions programs. It will improv...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/cgKa0YkBD2mfH913ier3/2023/8/8/state-based-exchange-registration-is-open-'><time>Aug 08, 2023</time><h4>State-based exchange registration is open </h4><p>Registration opened July 28 for agent training and certification for the Virginia health insurance exchange. Training opens August 11. Training and certification must be completed by October 10 for the 2024 plan year that begins November 1, 2023. Register and complete the training on the exchan...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ZiQj0YkBfr9kP0_g5Whi/2023/8/7/brokers-praise-successful-migration-from-humana-to-anthem-for-small-and-large-groups'><time>Aug 07, 2023</time><h4>Brokers praise successful migration from Humana to Anthem for small and large groups</h4><p>As groups continue to migrate from Humana to Anthem, we remain committed to bringing you and your clients' value through our stability and affordability, deep local ties and experience, and continued focus on delivering a seamless transition. The shared success we’ve seen is evident in the feedb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, IN, KY, MO, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/cAI4rIkBD2mfH913cuov/2023/8/1/2023-virginia-virtual-broker-roadshow-is-september-15'><time>Aug 01, 2023</time><h4>2023 Virginia virtual broker roadshow is September 15</h4><p>You are invited to join our virtual roadshow to learn about all the new and exciting ways our partnership will equip you for your best year ever. Join us for Virginia’s 2023 broker roadshow on Friday, September 15, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The agenda for this virtual event includes: VA P...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YyRKjYkBfr9kP0_gd2gy/2023/7/26/continuing-education-opportunities'><time>Jul 26, 2023</time><h4>Continuing education opportunities</h4><p>Register now to join us for free, online continuing education sessions. Topics include On-Demand Healthcare, a legislative update, and broadening the appeal of life insurance for Generation X and Millennials. We’re offering a legislative update on Wednesday, August 23. Join us for the latest ins...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/-4oUaokBtekjB65l5J2B/2023/7/19/new-specialty-sales-executives-for-kentucky-large-groups'><time>Jul 19, 2023</time><h4>New Specialty Sales executives for Kentucky large groups</h4><p>Starting August 1, 2023, Daniel Duffy and Brittney Beazley will be your specialty sales executives for large group dental, vision, life, disability, and supplemental health business in Kentucky. Daniel will be responsible for all large group specialty sales (100+ enrolled) and association busines...</p><p>Large Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/bQL8aokBD2mfH913Luqn/2023/7/19/disenrolled-medi-cal-members-can-choose-anthem'><time>Jul 19, 2023</time><h4>Disenrolled Medi-Cal members can choose Anthem</h4><p>Californians who no longer qualify for Medi-Cal and lose coverage during the renewal process, and also become eligible for subsidies, will be automatically enrolled in the lowest-cost Covered California Silver health plan available to them. But they have other options during their 60-day special ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-ophZIkBtekjB65lfp3h/2023/7/18/empire-small-group-dental-unlimited-annual-maximum-plans-are-no-longer-available-'><time>Jul 18, 2023</time><h4>Empire small group dental unlimited annual maximum plans are no longer available </h4><p>Empire is no longer marketing small group dental unlimited annual maximum plans in New York, effective immediately. Groups that already have those plans can renew them. Groups without unlimited annual maximum plans will not be allowed to select those plans at renewal. For more information or to ...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/YSRvS4kBfr9kP0_gQmiP/2023/7/14/anthem-will-notify-individual-subscribers-about-a-2024-rate-change-filing'><time>Jul 14, 2023</time><h4>Anthem will notify Individual subscribers about a 2024 rate change filing</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine recently filed a request with the Maine Bureau of Insurance (Bureau) to approve rate changes for our Individual health plans, effective January 1, 2024. The average proposed rate change is 14.5%, but Individual plan changes range from 5% to 21.9% dependi...</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-YqXRYkBtekjB65lTZ0-/2023/7/13/reminder-webinar-learn-about-our-new-maternal-health-program'><time>Jul 13, 2023</time><h4>REMINDER: Webinar: Learn about our new maternal health program</h4><p>Register now for our July 18 webinar introducing our new maternal health program. Building Healthy Families is our next-generation maternal health program, replacing our long-standing and successful Future Moms program. It offers a complete end-to-end family creation program that recognizes the ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YiT0S4kBfr9kP0_gEGgn/2023/7/13/sydney-live-chat-saves-time-for-employees'><time>Jul 13, 2023</time><h4>Sydney Live Chat saves time for employees</h4><p>We are going to send information about the SydneySM Health Live Chat feature to your clients soon. In an upcoming EmployerAccess article, we’ll tell them how it can save time for their employees with convenient access to health plan information. They can connect to their health plan resources im...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/bAILQIkBD2mfH9132Orw/2023/7/12/wee28099ll-send-annual-mlr-survey-to-employers-soon'><time>Jul 12, 2023</time><h4>We’ll send annual MLR survey to employers soon</h4><p>Anthem pays annual rebates to Fully Insured groups when their medical loss ratio (MLR) is less than 85% for Large Groups or 80% for Small Groups and Individuals. Each year, we contact impacted groups to verify group size. We use the information to distribute rebates to the correct groups.  This y...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/94pIQIkBtekjB65lWp3J/2023/7/11/carelonrxe28099s-specialty-condition-management-enhanced-program-ends-july-31-for-fully-insured-groups'><time>Jul 11, 2023</time><h4>CarelonRx’s Specialty Condition Management Enhanced program ends July 31 for Fully Insured groups</h4><p>Our pharmacy benefit management partner, CarelonRx, will sunset the Specialty Condition Management Enhanced program (SCM-E) for Fully Insured groups on July 31, 2023. The program provides personalized care management for 22 rare conditions.   There are about 137 members actively engaged in the p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-IpBRYkBtekjB65lkZ2S/2023/7/11/reminder-watch-your-email-for-new-producer-agreement'><time>Jul 11, 2023</time><h4>REMINDER: Watch your email for new producer agreement</h4><p>To make it easier for you to do business with us, we recently consolidated our existing producer contracts down to two. This change will help streamline the appointment and onboarding process, reduce the number of documents a new broker must sign, and create consistency. Read this FAQ (upstate / ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9oqlDIkBtekjB65l0Z1S/2023/7/10/discounted-eye-drops-available-for-myopia-and-dry-eye-symptoms'><time>Jul 10, 2023</time><h4>Discounted eye drops available for myopia and dry eye symptoms</h4><p>We’ve partnered with ImprimisRx, an ophthalmic pharmacy, to provide a 30-percent discount on home delivery of eye drops to treat myopia and dry eye symptoms. More than 40 percent of Americans are myopic and that number is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among school-aged children, acc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/awJ7JokBD2mfH913-uqo/2023/7/7/last-chance-for-va-resident-agents-to-register-for-virtual-ce-makeup-sessions-in-july'><time>Jul 07, 2023</time><h4>Last chance for VA resident agents to register for virtual CE makeup sessions in July</h4><p>Time is running out. Register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in July. These courses are make-up courses for the classes in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit. This training is for Virginia re...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8YpYA4kBtekjB65lWZ0w/2023/6/29/commission-schedules-are-now-easier-to-find'><time>Jun 29, 2023</time><h4>Commission schedules are now easier to find</h4><p>As of June 23, 2023, commission schedules are now available in Producer Toolbox for agents paid directly by the plan and will no longer be part of the agent onboarding process. Current schedules will remain in the documentation of existing producer agreements. Any updated or revised schedules wil...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,nv,oh,wi'><a href='/news/XyRaA4kBfr9kP0_gSmg4/2023/6/29/commission-schedules-are-now-easier-to-find'><time>Jun 29, 2023</time><h4>Commission schedules are now easier to find</h4><p>As of June 23, 2023, commission schedules are now available in Producer Toolbox for agents paid directly by the plan and will no longer be part of the agent onboarding process. Current schedules will remain in the documentation of existing producer agreements. Any updated or revised schedules wil...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, IN, KY, MO, NV, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9IpGB4kBtekjB65lZp2c/2023/6/29/share-our-musculoskeletal-health-resources'><time>Jun 29, 2023</time><h4>Share our musculoskeletal health resources</h4><p>In July, we are highlighting the importance of musculoskeletal health in our wellness calendar. Almost everyone will experience musculoskeletal discomfort at some point in their lives. Knowing how to prevent it and recognizing when it’s time to call a doctor can reduce chronic pain or prevent fu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/84pEB4kBtekjB65lxZ0S/2023/6/29/share-our-musculoskeletal-health-resources-'><time>Jun 29, 2023</time><h4>Share our musculoskeletal health resources </h4><p>In July, we are highlighting the importance of musculoskeletal health in our wellness calendar. Almost everyone will experience musculoskeletal discomfort at some point in their lives. Knowing how to prevent it and recognizing when it’s time to call a doctor can reduce chronic pain or prevent fu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/agJDB4kBD2mfH913COpW/2023/6/29/share-our-musculoskeletal-health-resources-'><time>Jun 29, 2023</time><h4>Share our musculoskeletal health resources </h4><p>In July, we are highlighting the importance of musculoskeletal health in our wellness calendar. Almost everyone will experience musculoskeletal discomfort at some point in their lives. Knowing how to prevent it and recognizing when it’s time to call a doctor can reduce chronic pain or prevent fu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8Io4_ogBtekjB65lMp1s/2023/6/28/new-specialty-pharmacy-in-2024'><time>Jun 28, 2023</time><h4>New specialty pharmacy in 2024</h4><p>Elevance Health, the parent company of the pharmacy benefit management partner, CarelonRx, acquired BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy earlier this year. Member services will be integrated in phases in 2024. BioPlus’ high-touch level of support will help CarelonRx provide a fast consumer experience focu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/74oR_YgBtekjB65l-53C/2023/6/28/webinar-learn-about-our-new-maternal-health-program'><time>Jun 28, 2023</time><h4>Webinar: Learn about our new maternal health program</h4><p>Register now for our July 18 webinar introducing our new maternal health program. Building Healthy Families is our next-generation maternal health program, replacing our long-standing and successful Future Moms program. It offers a complete end-to-end family creation program that recognizes the ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/aQKw_YgBD2mfH9138OoL/2023/6/28/reminder-va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-make-up-sessions-in-july'><time>Jun 28, 2023</time><h4>REMINDER: VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE make-up sessions in July</h4><p>You can register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in July. These courses are make-up courses for the classes in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit. This training is for Virginia resident agents...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/XiSu2YgBfr9kP0_gxGi3/2023/6/21/caa-gag-clause-compliance-requirements'><time>Jun 21, 2023</time><h4>CAA gag clause compliance requirements</h4><p>We’re emailing your clients with information about the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) gag clause provision. It prohibits group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group health insurance coverage from entering into an agreement between a plan or issuer and a healthcare provid...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/7oqr2YgBtekjB65l152Y/2023/6/21/caa-gag-clause-compliance-requirements'><time>Jun 21, 2023</time><h4>CAA gag clause compliance requirements</h4><p>We’re emailing your clients with information about the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) gag clause provision. It prohibits group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group health insurance coverage from entering into an agreement between a plan or issuer and a healthcare provid...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/aAIz2YgBD2mfH913I-os/2023/6/21/sb-677-removes-waiting-periods-for-some-dental-services-for-children-and-teens'><time>Jun 21, 2023</time><h4>SB 677 removes waiting periods for some dental services for children and teens</h4><p>Maine Senate Bill 677 prohibits waiting periods for children and teens, under 19 years old, for basic and major dental services in Maine. The law does not apply to orthodontic services. We have updated benefit grids and other sales and marketing materials to reflect this change. For more inform...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/ZwJXxIgBD2mfH913cOrr/2023/6/16/new-abf-credit-waives-one-month-of-administrative-fees-for-hsa-migration'><time>Jun 16, 2023</time><h4>New ABF credit waives one month of administrative fees for HSA migration</h4><p>We’ve added a new administrative fee credit for your clients who choose Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF) with an HSA compatible product. ABF plans offer: The predictable monthly costs and full coverage of a traditional health plan. A substantial savings opportunity from a potential surplus cred...</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/XCThuYgBfr9kP0_gXmjP/2023/6/14/the-empire-name-is-transitioning-to-anthem'><time>Jun 14, 2023</time><h4>The Empire name is transitioning to Anthem</h4><p>Dear Valued Partner, I am very excited to share the news that on January 1, 2024, Empire BlueCross BlueShield and Empire BlueCross will become Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross, respectively. This name brings together everything that the well-respected, industry-leading An...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/7Yr3uYgBtekjB65lvp0S/2023/6/14/support-for-individuals-transitioning-from-medi-cal'><time>Jun 14, 2023</time><h4>Support for individuals transitioning from Medi-Cal</h4><p>As Medi-Cal eligibility reviews continue, disenrolled individuals seeking new coverage may be worried that their access to care and prescription medications will be disrupted when they change health plans. We’re working to avoid any disruption of their care or medicine as we help them find the ri...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/XST2uYgBfr9kP0_gumiq/2023/6/14/support-for-individuals-transitioning-from-medicaid'><time>Jun 14, 2023</time><h4>Support for individuals transitioning from Medicaid</h4><p>As Medicaid eligibility reviews continue, disenrolled individuals seeking new coverage may be worried that their access to care and prescription medications will be disrupted when they change health plans. We’re working to avoid any disruption of their care or medicine as we help them find the ri...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7IrHoIgBtekjB65l451M/2023/6/12/lgbtq2b-and-mene28099s-health-information-to-share-with-your-clients'><time>Jun 12, 2023</time><h4>LGBTQ+ and men’s health information to share with your clients</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar (upstate / downstate) for June will focus on Pride and Men’s Health.  LGBTQ+ individuals are valued and respected members of our community. In the calendar this month you’ll find information about benefits, resources, and support that allow members of the LGBTQ+ comm...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/WyTFoIgBfr9kP0_gfWhZ/2023/6/12/lgbtq2b-and-mene28099s-health-information-to-share-with-your-clients'><time>Jun 12, 2023</time><h4>LGBTQ+ and men’s health information to share with your clients</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for June will focus on Pride and Men’s Health.  LGBTQ+ individuals are valued and respected members of our community. In the calendar this month you’ll find information about benefits, resources, and support that allow members of the LGBTQ+ community to take care of ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/WiS8oIgBfr9kP0_gEGhs/2023/6/12/lgbtq2b-and-mene28099s-health-information-to-share-with-your-clients'><time>Jun 12, 2023</time><h4>LGBTQ+ and men’s health information to share with your clients</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for June will focus on Pride and Men’s Health.  LGBTQ+ individuals are valued and respected members of our community. In the calendar this month you’ll find information about benefits, resources, and support that allow members of the LGBTQ+ community to take care of ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/ZgKloIgBD2mfH913kOql/2023/6/12/what-employers-need-to-know-about-the-resumption-of-medicaid-renewals'><time>Jun 12, 2023</time><h4>What employers need to know about the resumption of Medicaid renewals</h4><p>Starting this spring, some employees covered by MaineCare could lose access to their health plan as the state resumes Medicaid renewals to determine who is still eligible for coverage. Over the next 12 months, up to 90,000 Mainers could be impacted — many due to employment status changes since t...</p><p>Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/6oo9l4gBtekjB65lcp2U/2023/6/9/paytient-program-makes-paying-easier-for-aca-individual-clients'><time>Jun 09, 2023</time><h4>Paytient program makes paying easier for ACA Individual Clients</h4><p>Earlier this year, we announced that Anthem had partnered with Paytient to give ACA clients in Georgia, Missouri, and Virginia an easier way to pay for healthcare services. Paytient is a health payment account (HPA) that members can use to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses today and repay...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZQJDoIgBD2mfH913OupE/2023/6/9/we-are-updating-our-brand'><time>Jun 09, 2023</time><h4>We are updating our brand</h4><p>You will begin to see a fresh, updated Anthem Blue Cross logo that aligns to our broad portfolio of products and services. This is the first step in what will be a multi-year brand transition and signals a new chapter that honors the strength of our existing brand. Take a look at our fresh new l...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/WSRAoIgBfr9kP0_gfGis/2023/6/9/we-are-updating-our-brand'><time>Jun 09, 2023</time><h4>We are updating our brand</h4><p>You will begin to see a fresh, updated Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield logo that aligns to our broad portfolio of products and services. This is the first step in what will be a multi-year brand transition and signals a new chapter that honors the strength of our existing brand. Take a look at...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo,ga'><a href='/news/64pAl4gBtekjB65lH50P/2023/6/8/paytient-program-makes-paying-easier-for-aca-individual-clients'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Paytient program makes paying easier for ACA Individual Clients</h4><p>Earlier this year, we announced that Anthem had partnered with Paytient to give ACA clients in Georgia, Missouri, and Virginia an easier way to pay for healthcare services. Paytient is a health payment account (HPA) that members can use to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses today and repay...</p><p>Individual | MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/6Yotl4gBtekjB65l5p0K/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/WCQsl4gBfr9kP0_gOWhe/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/6Ioql4gBtekjB65l3509/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/VyQpl4gBfr9kP0_gQmiX/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/YwInl4gBD2mfH9133epb/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/ViQml4gBfr9kP0_gS2jy/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/54okl4gBtekjB65lzp0n/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/VSQil4gBfr9kP0_gWmix/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/VCQgl4gBfr9kP0_ggGji/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/UyQel4gBfr9kP0_ggWjs/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/YgIcl4gBD2mfH913o-py/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/UiQal4gBfr9kP0_gkWhA/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/USQWl4gBfr9kP0_gbWhg/2023/6/8/expand-your-business-with-international-health-plans-from-geoblue'><time>Jun 08, 2023</time><h4>Expand your business with international health plans from GeoBlue</h4><p>Relying on a domestic health plan outside the U.S. can leave your clients with unexpected medical costs that their domestic insurance plan does not cover. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say that having affordable access to quality medical care is just as important as booking a great place to ...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/ZAJIl4gBD2mfH913iupP/2023/6/7/learn-about-virginiae28099s-potential-move-to-a-state-based-exchange-for-2024'><time>Jun 07, 2023</time><h4>Learn about Virginia’s potential move to a state-based exchange for 2024</h4><p>Virginia is planning to move to a state-based exchange, or marketplace, starting January 1, 2024. The Virginia State Corporation Commission is offering town hall meetings to share information about the change. The next meeting is June 14. Please email for a meeti...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UCRKjYgBfr9kP0_giGhL/2023/6/6/small-group-enrollment-and-client-management-now-live-with-employee-navigator'><time>Jun 06, 2023</time><h4>Small group enrollment and client management now live with Employee Navigator</h4><p>A suite of enrollment and client management tools designed to make it easier to manage agency business and client benefits is now live in Employee Navigator, a leading benefit administration platform. These new capabilities allow Employee Navigator users to perform maintenance transactions for in...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5opFjYgBtekjB65ly521/2023/6/6/small-group-enrollment-and-client-management-now-live-with-employee-navigator'><time>Jun 06, 2023</time><h4>Small group enrollment and client management now live with Employee Navigator</h4><p>A suite of enrollment and client management tools designed to make it easier to manage agency business and client benefits is now live in Employee Navigator, a leading benefit administration platform. These new capabilities allow Employee Navigator users to perform maintenance transactions for in...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/5YpCjYgBtekjB65l5J0m/2023/6/6/small-group-enrollment-and-client-management-now-live-with-employee-navigator'><time>Jun 06, 2023</time><h4>Small group enrollment and client management now live with Employee Navigator</h4><p>A suite of enrollment and client management tools designed to make it easier to manage agency business and client benefits is now live in Employee Navigator, a leading benefit administration platform. These new capabilities allow Employee Navigator users to perform maintenance transactions for in...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/YQK9fYgBD2mfH913A-p6/2023/6/2/more-competitive-anthem-nevada-small-group-aca-rates'><time>Jun 02, 2023</time><h4>More competitive Anthem Nevada Small Group ACA rates</h4><p>Anthem Nevada Small Group ACA rates are now more competitive. Quoting has already begun for rates effective July 1, 2023. Closed sales will qualify for points in our producer rewards program. View the program flyer (PDF) for more information. Contact your Anthem Representative to learn more.</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5IrOfYgBtekjB65leZ3a/2023/6/2/help-your-clients-save-more-with-virtual-first'><time>Jun 02, 2023</time><h4>Help your clients save more with Virtual First</h4><p>Our new Virtual First option is a simple approach that can help your clients and their employees save money while offering a convenient way to receive care. It‘s a great choice for employees who prefer to interact digitally, meeting them where they are every day. Watch this short video on Virtual...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='mo,ga'><a href='/news/44o2fYgBtekjB65lqp07/2023/6/2/help-your-clients-save-more-with-virtual-first'><time>Jun 02, 2023</time><h4>Help your clients save more with Virtual First</h4><p>Our new Virtual First option is a simple approach that can help your clients and their employees save money while offering a convenient way to receive care. It‘s a great choice for employees who prefer to interact digitally, meeting them where they are every day. Using the Sydney℠ Health app, em...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/YAIzfYgBD2mfH913OupM/2023/6/2/help-your-clients-save-more-with-virtual-first'><time>Jun 02, 2023</time><h4>Help your clients save more with Virtual First</h4><p>Our new Virtual First option is a simple approach that can help your clients and their employees save money while offering a convenient way to receive care. It‘s a great choice for employees who prefer to interact digitally, meeting them where they are every day. Using the Sydney℠ Health app, em...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/XwIcfYgBD2mfH913DeoA/2023/6/2/ask-the-expert-webinar-join-us-for-a-medicaid-renewal-update-and-get-your-questions-answered-'><time>Jun 02, 2023</time><h4>Ask the Expert webinar: Join us for a Medicaid renewal update and get your questions answered </h4><p>Medicaid eligibility reviews are well underway, and we have the very latest information you need to help disenrolled members stay covered. Join us for our second Ask the Expert Medicaid renewal webinar on June 29: Medicaid Renewal: DSNP, CHP, QHPs, and Other Keys to Care and Coverage.   Our fir...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/XgIZfYgBD2mfH9139upq/2023/6/2/ask-the-expert-webinar-join-us-for-a-medi-cal-renewal-update-and-get-your-questions-answered-'><time>Jun 02, 2023</time><h4>Ask the Expert webinar: Join us for a Medi-Cal renewal update and get your questions answered </h4><p>Medi-Cal eligibility reviews are well underway, and we have the very latest information you need to help disenrolled members stay covered. Join us for our second Ask the Expert Medi-cal renewal webinar on June 27: Medi-Cal Renewal: DSNP, CHP, QHPs, and Other Keys to Care and Coverage.   Our fir...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/WwLQTogBD2mfH913AOpN/2023/5/25/equip-brings-effective-eating-disorder-treatment-home'><time>May 25, 2023</time><h4>Equip brings effective eating disorder treatment home</h4><p>Eating disorders will affect 30 million Americans in their lifetime. An estimated 80% of them never seek treatment. Traditional treatment often involves lengthy and costly inpatient or outpatient programs that remove a child or adolescent from home and school settings. Our newest in-network prov...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/2opQRYgBtekjB65ldJ2e/2023/5/24/new-site-of-service-locations-in-nashua-hollis-and-salem'><time>May 24, 2023</time><h4>New Site of Service locations in Nashua, Hollis, and Salem</h4><p>Our Site of Service option has added new locations in Nashua, Salem, and Hollis. Members with the Site of Service option can lower their out-of-pocket costs when they use one of the approved ambulatory care centers. The new locations are: Northridge Surgical Suites 41 Innovation Way, Nas...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WgLUNYgBD2mfH913h-ql/2023/5/23/new-employeraccess-demo-lets-you-show-your-clients-what-it-can-do-for-them'><time>May 23, 2023</time><h4>New EmployerAccess Demo lets you show your clients what it can do for them</h4><p>The new EmployerAccess Demo tool lets you show current and prospective clients how EmployerAccess can simplify their benefit management. The demo provides a high-level look at the employer portal’s features and functionality, including: Employee enrollment and ID cards. Group benefits and inf...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/2YonRYgBtekjB65lK53c/2023/5/23/covid-19-response-toolkit-no-longer-available'><time>May 23, 2023</time><h4>COVID-19 response toolkit no longer available</h4><p>With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, we have retired the COVID-19 employer and producer response toolkit formerly on the CAA/COVID-19 Employer and Producer Response Toolkit site. The CAA portion of the site remains active. Visit Broker Hub for the latest broker news and resource...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/24ouSYgBtekjB65lHp3F/2023/5/23/sydneye28099s-virtual-care-offers-convenient-personalized-care'><time>May 23, 2023</time><h4>Sydney’s Virtual Care offers convenient personalized care</h4><p>In an upcoming EmployerAccess article, we’ll tell your clients how Virtual Care through the SydneySM Health mobile app provides convenient, low-cost personalized care for their employees. Virtual Care makes it easier and more affordable for employees to focus on their overall health. Sydney can ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WAIPMIgBD2mfH913gOpz/2023/5/18/wee28099re-promoting-the-value-and-support-of-virtual-primary-care-to-your-clients'><time>May 18, 2023</time><h4>We’re promoting the value and support of Virtual Primary Care to your clients</h4><p>We will soon send emails about Virtual Primary Care (VPC) to your National and Large Group clients. We’ll promote the value of VPC to both clients who have opted in, and those who have not yet done so. Both emails will highlight: The significant role virtual care can play in addressing unnec...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TSSaL4gBfr9kP0_glWgi/2023/5/18/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storm-emergency-in-california'><time>May 18, 2023</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storm Emergency in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in California and are impacted by the winter storm emergency. The changes are in effect for the following counties in California: Amador, Kern, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, Nevada, San Bernar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TCQTJogBfr9kP0_gyWg0/2023/5/18/short-and-long-term-disability-plans-can-help-protect-your-clients-and-their-employees-from-lost-income'><time>May 18, 2023</time><h4>Short- and long-term disability plans can help protect your clients and their employees from lost income</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, a good time to remind your clients that they can make a difference for their employees by offering short and long-term disability plans as part of their total benefits package. This can help provide financial stability when it’s needed most and help th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/VwIQJogBD2mfH913kup9/2023/5/18/short-and-long-term-disability-plans-can-help-protect-your-clients-and-their-employees-from-lost-income'><time>May 18, 2023</time><h4>Short- and long-term disability plans can help protect your clients and their employees from lost income</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, a good time to remind your clients that they can make a difference for their employees by offering short and long-term disability plans as part of their total benefits package. This can help provide financial stability when it’s needed most and help th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/VgKxJYgBD2mfH9135ury/2023/5/18/va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-make-up-sessions-in-july'><time>May 18, 2023</time><h4>VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE make-up sessions in July</h4><p>You can register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in July. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. These are the same courses that were offered in January, if you took those, you will not be ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/VQLAJIgBD2mfH9134erv/2023/5/16/covid-19-enrollment-extensions-end-in-july'><time>May 16, 2023</time><h4>COVID-19 enrollment extensions end in July</h4><p>With the end of the COVID-19 National Emergency on May 11, 2023, health-plan related extensions will end on July 10, 2023. During the emergency, those deadlines were extended for up to one year. The extensions ending are for: Enrollment requests due to a qualifying special enrollment event: ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,nv,wi,ga'><a href='/news/VAIUEIgBD2mfH913q-qb/2023/5/15/new-digital-market-verification-form-now-available-in-employeraccess'><time>May 15, 2023</time><h4>New digital Market Verification Form now available in EmployerAccess</h4><p>Employers who use EmployerAccess now have an easier way to provide information about group size and participation that our underwriters use to rate groups ahead of renewals. As part of our focus on technology that simplifies the way we share information, a new digital Market Verification Form is ...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, NV, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/SyQiDIgBfr9kP0_gtGjo/2023/5/11/central-maine-medical-center-bridgton-hospital-rumford-hospital-join-tier-1'><time>May 11, 2023</time><h4>Central Maine Medical Center, Bridgton Hospital, Rumford Hospital join Tier 1</h4><p>Central Maine Medical Center, Bridgton Hospital, Rumford Hospital, and their healthcare professionals will become Tier 1 providers in Anthem’s Maine HMO Tiered Options plans, effective June 1, 2023. Our Tiered Options plans are available to members in individual, small group, and large group heal...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/SiQiBogBfr9kP0_gv2jo/2023/5/11/new-resources-for-soca-and-farm-bureau-plans'><time>May 11, 2023</time><h4>New resources for SOCA and Farm Bureau plans</h4><p>Our new resource page has resources you can share with prospective clients to help you sell, quote, and enroll a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plans such as SOCA and Farm Bureau plans. They offer all the benefits of an Anthem plan, with rates similar to large groups underwritten fo...</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/SSQhBogBfr9kP0_gXWix/2023/5/11/new-resources-for-ga-smart-and-farm-plans'><time>May 11, 2023</time><h4>New resources for GA SMART and FARM plans</h4><p>Our new resource page has resources you can share with prospective clients to help you sell, quote, and enroll a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plans such as SMART and Farm plans. They offer all the benefits of an Anthem plan, with rates similar to large groups underwritten for the ...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in,ky,mo'><a href='/news/SCQeBogBfr9kP0_g1mi-/2023/5/11/new-resources-for-chamber-plans'><time>May 11, 2023</time><h4>New resources for Chamber plans</h4><p>Our new resource page has resources you can share with prospective clients to help you sell, quote, and enroll a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plan such as Chamber plans. They offer all the benefits of an Anthem plan, with rates similar to large groups underwritten for the small gr...</p><p>Small Group | IN, KY, MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UAKvAIgBD2mfH913tOol/2023/5/11/upcoming-population-health-webinar-advancing-patient-centered-care-while-lowering-costs'><time>May 11, 2023</time><h4>Upcoming Population Health Webinar: Advancing Patient-Centered Care While Lowering Costs</h4><p>As the healthcare delivery system evolves, employers continue to look for new ways to curb spending while ensuring their employees receive the care they need to stay healthy and protected. Join us for our webinar on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. ET. Our Vice President of Value...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/UgLPBogBD2mfH913O-rF/2023/5/11/anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-in-new-hampshire-named-2023-business-of-the-year'><time>May 11, 2023</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire Named 2023 Business of the Year</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire was named 2023 New Hampshire Business of the Year in the Financial Services/Insurance category by Business NH Magazine and the New Hampshire Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives. This year’s winners were selected for their leadership in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RyQh_IcBfr9kP0_gWmi0/2023/5/8/upcoming-population-health-webinar-strengthening-employee-behavioral-health'><time>May 08, 2023</time><h4>Upcoming Population Health Webinar: Strengthening Employee Behavioral Health</h4><p>Please join us for our webinar on Thursday, May 18, 2023, from 1 to 1:45 p.m. (ET) / 10 to 10:45 a.m. (PT).*  Vice President of Commercial Products and Segment Officer, Dan Heslin and Carelon Behavioral Health Market President, Manuel Arisso will share how we are elevating mental health and emoti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/TgLX3IcBD2mfH913oepu/2023/5/8/travel-program-available-for-quality-affordable-care-outside-of-maine'><time>May 08, 2023</time><h4>Travel program available for quality, affordable care outside of Maine</h4><p>Members in Maine can now be reimbursed for travel expenses for select, covered health services that can be performed by in-network providers in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, or Connecticut. The Maine Travel Assistance Program helps members with the cost of travel and travel arrangements, to make ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/TwIY3YcBD2mfH9130Oq1/2023/5/3/befitting-is-now-a-blue-view-vision-in-network-eyewear-provider'><time>May 03, 2023</time><h4>Befitting is now a Blue View Vision in-network eyewear provider</h4><p>Online eyewear provider Befitting has joined our Blue View Vision network. Members can shop for glasses at by selecting Blue View Vision. Once logged in, prices will reflect their Blue View Vision benefits, so there are no surprises at checkout. Befitting carries brand names like Ra...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/1Yp93YcBtekjB65lip0y/2023/5/3/resources-available-for-mental-health-awareness-month'><time>May 03, 2023</time><h4>Resources available for Mental Health Awareness month</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for May will focus on mental health awareness.  The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health-related topics that can be shared each month. The mental health resources include: A blog article about the stigma of mental he...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/1Ip83YcBtekjB65lRp3b/2023/5/3/resources-available-for-mental-health-awareness-month'><time>May 03, 2023</time><h4>Resources available for Mental Health Awareness month</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for May will focus on mental health awareness.  The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health-related topics that can be shared each month. The mental health resources include: A blog article about the stigma of mental he...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/RCRv3YcBfr9kP0_gnWg2/2023/5/3/resources-available-for-mental-health-awareness-month'><time>May 03, 2023</time><h4>Resources available for Mental Health Awareness month</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for May will focus on mental health awareness.  The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health-related topics that can be shared each month. The mental health resources include: A blog article about the stigma of mental he...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/04pq3YcBtekjB65lM51p/2023/5/3/get-in-the-game-with-yoga-day-at-folsom-field-home-of-the-buffaloes'><time>May 03, 2023</time><h4>Get in the game with Yoga Day at Folsom Field, home of the Buffaloes</h4><p>Join us at 8 a.m. on Sunday, June 4, 2023, for Yoga Day at Folsom Field presented by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in partnership with the Colorado Buffaloes. The event is free and limited to the first 500 people who register. All participants will receive a free cooling towel. The first 150...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/QyQq3YcBfr9kP0_gpWhr/2023/5/3/on-demand-webinar-responding-to-the-return-of-medicaid-redetermination'><time>May 03, 2023</time><h4>On demand webinar: Responding to the return of Medicaid redetermination</h4><p>If you missed our recent webinar about the return of Medicaid redetermination, you can watch it here. You can also share it with your clients and prospects to help them prepare for the impact of this change. More than 325,000 Health First Colorado members are expected to lose their health covera...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/0Irzx4cBtekjB65l0J2h/2023/4/28/integrated-benefits-can-save-more-than-24100-per-member-per-month'><time>Apr 28, 2023</time><h4>Integrated benefits can save more than $100 per member per month</h4><p>We recently conducted a study to measure cost savings and clinical outcomes for members with integrated benefits. We compared costs, utilization, and quality indicators for members with a specialty condition. We found that by integrating benefits, our clients can save more than $100 per member pe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/QCQKyIcBfr9kP0_g9mjw/2023/4/28/covid-19-phe-benefits-extended-six-months-in-california-for-fully-insured-with-option-for-aso-groups'><time>Apr 28, 2023</time><h4>COVID-19 PHE benefits extended six months in California for fully insured with option for ASO groups</h4><p>The federal COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) will end May 11, 2023. California state law extends PHE health plan requirements for six months, until November 11, 2023. These benefits are extended for Fully Insured clients: Diagnostic and screening testing for COVID-19. COVID-19 immuniza...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/SQJ7uIcBD2mfH913neqR/2023/4/26/watch-your-email-for-new-producer-agreement'><time>Apr 26, 2023</time><h4>Watch your email for new producer agreement</h4><p>To make it easier for you to do business with us, we recently consolidated our existing producer contracts down to two. This change will help streamline the appointment and onboarding process, reduce the number of documents a new broker must sign, and create consistency. Read this FAQ (upstate / ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/SAJ5uIcBD2mfH913c-pQ/2023/4/26/watch-your-email-for-new-producer-agreement'><time>Apr 26, 2023</time><h4>Watch your email for new producer agreement</h4><p>To make it easier for you to do business with us, we recently consolidated our existing producer contracts down to two. This change will help streamline the appointment and onboarding process, reduce the number of documents a new broker must sign, and create consistency. Read this FAQ for more in...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='in'><a href='/news/SgKeuYcBD2mfH913YOpz/2023/4/25/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-tornadoes-in-indiana'><time>Apr 25, 2023</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Tornadoes in Indiana</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Indiana and are impacted by the severe weather system and tornadoes. The changes are in effect for the following seven Indiana counties from March 31, 2023, through April 30, 2023: Allen Howard ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/PiQYuYcBfr9kP0_g4Wgf/2023/4/25/coverme-webinar-planning-for-the-end-of-medicaid-continuous-coverage'><time>Apr 25, 2023</time><h4>CoverME Webinar: Planning for the end of Medicaid continuous coverage</h4><p>On May 31, 2023, some of your clients’ employees on Medicaid could lose access to their health plan. The Medicaid redetermination, or renewal process has resumed after it was paused during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The Maine Office of Health Insurance Management will host a webinar a...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='va'><a href='/news/zoqNpIcBtekjB65lyZ3S/2023/4/21/monica-schmude-is-new-anthem-president-in-virginia'><time>Apr 21, 2023</time><h4>Monica Schmude is new Anthem president in Virginia</h4><p>Monica Schmude is the new President of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia. Schmude held several leadership and executive positions at Cigna over the last 13 years. She served as president of Cigna’s mid-Atlantic market, covering Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Before that she...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RwIimocBD2mfH9137upZ/2023/4/20/sydneye28099s-personalized-match-offers-customized-and-unified-care'><time>Apr 20, 2023</time><h4>Sydney’s Personalized Match offers customized and unified care</h4><p>In an upcoming EmployerAccess article, we’ll tell your clients how Personalized Match in SydneySM Care mobile app provides customized and unified support that connects employees to the right care. And we’ll tell them how that drives better employee engagement and improved health outcomes — while ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/RgJMlYcBD2mfH913Tuof/2023/4/19/are-your-clients-ready-for-the-return-of-medicaid-renewal'><time>Apr 19, 2023</time><h4>Are your clients ready for the return of Medicaid renewal?</h4><p>On May 31, 2023, some of your clients’ employees on Medicaid could lose access to their health plan. The Medicaid redetermination, or renewal process, has resumed after it was paused during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Wisconsin President Paul Nobile...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/lqKefIcBNgm5cZDsgSDQ/2023/4/14/learn-more-about-local-infusion-now-part-of-our-network-in-maine'><time>Apr 14, 2023</time><h4>Learn more about Local Infusion, now part of our network in Maine</h4><p>Outpatient infusion therapy provider Local Infusion has joined our provider network in Maine. Our data shows that infusions delivered in a hospital are often two to three times more expensive than infusions done at an independent infusion center. Local Infusion offers infusion therapy (medicati...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jGTpeocBOJsrY7cE3Beg/2023/4/13/medi-cal-renewal-matters-to-group-clients-too-meet-bill'><time>Apr 13, 2023</time><h4>Medi-Cal Renewal matters to group clients too. Meet Bill</h4><p>This is the second in our series of short scenarios you may encounter as Medi-Cal eligibility reviews restart and clients look to you for support. Meet Bill, the chef at a local restaurant that is one of your Small Group clients. Here is his Medi-Cal renewal story. Bill loses group health plan ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/i2TneocBOJsrY7cEaRep/2023/4/13/medicaid-renewal-matters-to-group-clients-too-meet-bill'><time>Apr 13, 2023</time><h4>Medicaid Renewal matters to group clients too. Meet Bill</h4><p>This is the second in our series of short scenarios you may encounter as Medicaid eligibility reviews restart and clients look to you for support. Meet Bill, the chef at a local restaurant that is one of your Small Group clients. Here is his Medicaid renewal story. Bill loses group health plan ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/laLZa4cBNgm5cZDszCCi/2023/4/11/sydneye28099s-find-care-helps-bridge-care-gaps-and-lower-costs'><time>Apr 11, 2023</time><h4>Sydney’s Find Care helps bridge care gaps and lower costs</h4><p>We’re about to share information with your clients about the Find Care tool on the SydneySM Health mobile app. In an upcoming EmployerAccess article, we’ll tell them how it can drive better employee engagement and improved health outcomes — while maximizing efficiency and reducing costs.  Studi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PSSOmocBfr9kP0_gKmij/2023/4/10/training-events-for-new-and-experienced-brokers'><time>Apr 10, 2023</time><h4>Training events for new and experienced brokers</h4><p>Register now for free webinars through our Broker Academy. We have a full slate of training opportunities for you and your staff this year. Legislative update – Wednesday, May 24 Join us for the latest insights on current and future legislation, and its potential impact on our industry. New p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/J9Y7XYcB-a9Z6yU9VEsp/2023/4/10/pathways-to-health-virtual-wellness-event-available-for-your-clients'><time>Apr 10, 2023</time><h4>Pathways to Health virtual wellness event available for your clients</h4><p>We’ve invited your clients with 100+ subscribers to our 2023 Pathways to Health employer virtual wellness event. They can learn more about elements of well-being that can drive deeper employee engagement. Participating in this event and one of our Wellness Matters Webinars will qualify their orga...</p><p>Large Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='in'><a href='/news/JtYCXYcB-a9Z6yU9dkvx/2023/4/7/help-for-members-impacted-by-tornadoes-in-indiana'><time>Apr 07, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Tornadoes in Indiana</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Indiana and are impacted by the severe weather system and tornadoes. The changes are in effect for the following seven Indiana counties from March 31, 2023, through April 30, 2023: Allen Howard ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/JdZ_U4cB-a9Z6yU9_EsX/2023/4/6/university-of-virginia-health-system-is-now-a-tier-1-provider'><time>Apr 06, 2023</time><h4>University of Virginia Health System is now a tier 1 provider</h4><p>Services now cost less for Individual members with tiered benefits with the addition of the University of Virginia Health System to the tier 1 provider level. Individual members on the Pathway X network will pay less for services when enrolled in a plan with a tiered facility cost-share. Please ...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/JNasR4cB-a9Z6yU9JEvh/2023/4/4/provide-allergy-information-in-april-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Apr 04, 2023</time><h4>Provide allergy information in April and wellness all year long</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for April will focus on allergies.  The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health-related topics that can be shared each month. The allergy resources focus on: Top common triggers Signs and symptoms Prevention and treat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/I9aqR4cB-a9Z6yU9wEsY/2023/4/4/provide-allergy-information-in-april-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Apr 04, 2023</time><h4>Provide allergy information in April and wellness all year long</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for April will focus on allergies.  The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health-related topics that can be shared each month. The allergy resources focus on: Top common triggers Signs and symptoms Prevention and treat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/kqKpR4cBNgm5cZDsNSBq/2023/4/4/provide-allergy-information-in-april-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Apr 04, 2023</time><h4>Provide allergy information in April and wellness all year long</h4><p>The Time Well Spent calendar for April will focus on allergies.  The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health-related topics that can be shared each month. The allergy resources focus on: Top common triggers Signs and symptoms Prevention and treat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/imSHOYcBOJsrY7cE5xcu/2023/4/3/new-abf-products-available-in-virginia'><time>Apr 03, 2023</time><h4>New ABF products available in Virginia</h4><p>For Virginia in 2023, we’ve added six new Anthem Balanced Funding core plan options with pharmacy copay, removed the deductible from Tier 3 and Tier 4, and removed the per script maximum. We’ve also reduced Tier 1 and Tier 2 copays. In all, there are (12) new ABF plans for Virginia in 2023: A...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/h2T4MocBOJsrY7cE2Re2/2023/3/31/webinar-responding-to-the-return-of-medicaid-redeterminations'><time>Mar 31, 2023</time><h4>Webinar: Responding to the return of Medicaid redeterminations</h4><p>More than 325,000 Health First Colorado members are expected to lose their health coverage starting June 1, 2023, when the state begins disenrolling Medicaid beneficiaries as a result of Medicaid redetermination. Join us at 6 p.m. MT next Tuesday, April 4, for our webinar about navigating the end...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/iWTZM4cBOJsrY7cEMhfW/2023/3/31/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-select-employers'><time>Mar 31, 2023</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to select employers</h4><p>Three marketing campaigns aimed at Large Group employer prospects in the fourteen blue states we serve will hit the market in April and May. Our messages will address the challenges employers face while navigating economic uncertainty and share how Empire’s innovative, forward-thinking plans can...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ItbXM4cB-a9Z6yU9gEsa/2023/3/31/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-select-employers'><time>Mar 31, 2023</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to select employers</h4><p>Three marketing campaigns aimed at Large Group employer prospects in the fourteen blue states we serve will hit the market in April and May. Our messages will address the challenges employers face while navigating economic uncertainty and share how Anthem’s innovative, forward-thinking plans can...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/iGTVM4cBOJsrY7cEhhdj/2023/3/31/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-select-employers'><time>Mar 31, 2023</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to select employers</h4><p>Three marketing campaigns aimed at Large Group employer prospects in the fourteen blue states we serve will hit the market in April and May. Our messages will address the challenges employers face while navigating economic uncertainty and share how Anthem’s innovative, forward-thinking plans can...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/hmT_KYcBOJsrY7cElxfk/2023/3/28/life-and-disability-business-to-be-acquired-'><time>Mar 28, 2023</time><h4>Life and disability business to be acquired </h4><p>Our parent company has signed a definitive agreement to sell its life and disability business to StanCorp Financial Group (The Standard). The companies will also enter into a product distribution partnership. The transaction and partnership bring together two leading benefit providers with deep ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/hWT9KYcBOJsrY7cE4he4/2023/3/28/life-and-disability-business-to-be-acquired-'><time>Mar 28, 2023</time><h4>Life and disability business to be acquired </h4><p>Our parent company has signed a definitive agreement to sell its life and disability business to StanCorp Financial Group (The Standard). The companies will also enter into a product distribution partnership. The transaction and partnership bring together two leading benefit providers with deep ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/kaL8KYcBNgm5cZDshCA0/2023/3/28/life-and-disability-business-to-be-acquired'><time>Mar 28, 2023</time><h4>Life and disability business to be acquired</h4><p>Our parent company has signed a definitive agreement to sell its life and disability business to StanCorp Financial Group (The Standard). The companies will also enter into a product distribution partnership. The transaction and partnership bring together two leading benefit providers with deep ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/g2SbI4cBOJsrY7cEFxeq/2023/3/27/done28099t-miss-ask-the-expert-cii-evolve-session-next-week'><time>Mar 27, 2023</time><h4>Don’t Miss: Ask the Expert CII Evolve Session Next Week</h4><p>We're taking Client Information Insights (CII) to the next level. CII Evolve, (upstate / downstate PDF) is a new enhanced interactive reporting tool that unifies our current reporting platforms. It replaces CII Discover and CII Access in the Online Resources menu on Producer Toolbox. CII Access w...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/gmSZI4cBOJsrY7cEkBem/2023/3/27/done28099t-miss-ask-the-expert-cii-evolve-session-next-week'><time>Mar 27, 2023</time><h4>Don’t Miss: Ask the Expert CII Evolve Session Next Week</h4><p>We're taking Client Information Insights (CII) to the next level. CII Evolve, is a new enhanced interactive reporting tool that unifies our current reporting platforms. It replaces CII Discover and CII Access in the Online Resources menu on Producer Toolbox. CII Access will still be available for...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/INaXI4cB-a9Z6yU950vO/2023/3/27/done28099t-miss-ask-the-expert-cii-evolve-session-next-week'><time>Mar 27, 2023</time><h4>Don’t Miss: Ask the Expert CII Evolve Session Next Week</h4><p>We're taking Client Information Insights (CII) to the next level. CII Evolve, is a new enhanced interactive reporting tool that unifies our current reporting platforms. It replaces CII Discover and CII Access in the Online Resources menu on Producer Toolbox. CII Access will still be available for...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/eIRFFYcBE2fldFgURGq8/2023/3/27/anthem-voted-best-health-insurance-provider-in-new-hampshire'><time>Mar 27, 2023</time><h4>Anthem Voted Best Health Insurance Provider in New Hampshire</h4><p>For the sixth year in a row, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire was voted Best Health Insurance Provider in NH Business Review’s 2023 Best of Business (BOB) Awards. More than 3,000 NH Business Review readers cast their votes to select this year’s award recipients, which included n...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/d4R_CocBE2fldFgUumo_/2023/3/23/decisionhr-can-help-you-focus-on-your-relationship-with-your-clients'><time>Mar 23, 2023</time><h4>DecisionHR can help you focus on your relationship with your clients</h4><p>Our professional employer organization (PEO) partner, DecisionHR, can handle back-office needs so you can focus on your relationship with your small-group clients. DecisionHR is a full-service PEO offering Anthem medical, pharmacy, and ancillary plans to small- and medium-sized businesses in Conn...</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/d3N4CocBMr2A8msM5hU8/2023/3/23/top-2025-of-services-cost-share-details-revealed'><time>Mar 23, 2023</time><h4>Top 20% of services cost-share details revealed</h4><p>Ohio law requires insurers offering health care plans through a health insurance exchange to make the following information available to existing and potential members upon request: A list of the top 20% of services based on use An insured's expected contribution for each service The top 20...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/dnM_CocBMr2A8msM8hX6/2023/3/22/meet-rhonda-one-medi-cal-renewal-consumer-scenario'><time>Mar 22, 2023</time><h4>Meet Rhonda: One Medi-Cal Renewal Consumer Scenario</h4><p>With Medi-Cal eligibility reviews restarting, many individuals will lose their Medi-Cal coverage as early as April 1, 2023. The good news is that there are options, and some individuals may be able to stay covered by enrolling in their employer’s plan. Here’s one example of how this may happen an...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/Axg7CocBsTwMt47iijEk/2023/3/22/meet-rhonda-a-medicaid-renewal-consumer-scenario'><time>Mar 22, 2023</time><h4>Meet Rhonda: A Medicaid Renewal Consumer Scenario</h4><p>With Medicaid eligibility reviews restarting, many individuals will lose their Medicaid coverage as early as April 1, 2023. The good news is that there are options, and some individuals may be able to stay covered by enrolling in their employer’s plan. Here’s one example of how this may happen an...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/doTsBYcBE2fldFgURGpm/2023/3/22/your-clients-can-lock-in-lower-chamber-ahp-rates-for-more-than-a-year'><time>Mar 22, 2023</time><h4>Your clients can lock-in lower Chamber AHP rates for more than a year</h4><p>Vegas Chamber Association Health Plans (AHP) will have a renewal date of July 1, 2024, effectively locking in lower rates with guaranteed extended renewal dates for groups enrolling before June 2024. AHP is now available statewide thanks to a partnership between the Vegas and Tahoe Chambers. Th...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dHMDBocBMr2A8msMSxUx/2023/3/22/diane-duffy-named-ameriben-chief-operating-officer'><time>Mar 22, 2023</time><h4>Diane Duffy named AmeriBen Chief Operating Officer</h4><p>With AmeriBen now fully integrated into Elevance Health as a division of Anthem National Accounts, we are seeing strong results to start the year. Building upon our current momentum, effective March 13, 2023, Diane Duffy will join the AmeriBen leadership team as Chief Operating Officer, while kee...</p><p>National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='mo,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dYTBBYcBE2fldFgUXWoN/2023/3/21/reminder-march-23-webinar-about-new-virtual-first-plans'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>REMINDER: March 23 webinar about new Virtual-First plans</h4><p>Reminder to: Register now for our Ask the Expert webinar on March 23, 2023, to learn about our new Virtual-First plans. Virtual-First plans are built on our digital platform that enables more personalized healthcare experiences for members, providers, and employers through an integrated set of d...</p><p>Large Group | MO, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/cnPTAIcBMr2A8msM6BXe/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/cXPSAIcBMr2A8msM4RU0/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/cHPRAIcBMr2A8msM4xUD/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/dITQAIcBE2fldFgU5GpD/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/c4TPAIcBE2fldFgU3Gpt/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/AhjOAIcBsTwMt47iyjFM/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/b3PNAIcBMr2A8msMqBVH/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/bnPMAIcBMr2A8msMXhXQ/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/coTLAIcBE2fldFgUVWqL/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/bXPJAIcBMr2A8msMxhWa/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/cYTGAIcBE2fldFgUJmp4/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/ARjEAIcBsTwMt47ihjHJ/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/cITBAIcBE2fldFgUUWrQ/2023/3/21/you-can-sell-individual-stand-alone-specialty-plans-any-time'><time>Mar 21, 2023</time><h4>You can sell Individual stand-alone specialty plans any time</h4><p>You can sell our Individual stand-alone dental and vision plans any time of the year. We offer a variety of individual and family dental plan options to fit your clients’ needs and budget and many plans fully cover exams, cleanings, and X-rays. And we have one of the largest dental preferred pro...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/b4Sv_4YBE2fldFgUMGpA/2023/3/20/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-a-winter-storm-emergency-in-california'><time>Mar 20, 2023</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by a Winter Storm Emergency in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in California and are impacted by the winter storm emergency. The changes are in effect for the following counties in California: Amador, Kern, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, Nevada, San Bernar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ABhU8IYBsTwMt47ixDHu/2023/3/17/a-new-look-for-broker-news-starts-today'><time>Mar 17, 2023</time><h4>A new look for broker news starts today</h4><p>Starting later today, our broker news on will have a new look. But it’s a look we hope you’re familiar with. When you click on Producer News from you’ll go straight to our news page in Broker Hub. There’s no log on, you’ll see the news faster, and getting t...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/bHNT8IYBMr2A8msMnBXw/2023/3/17/a-new-look-for-broker-news-starts-today'><time>Mar 17, 2023</time><h4>A new look for broker news starts today</h4><p>Starting later today, our broker news on will have a new look. But it’s a look we hope you’re familiar with. When you click on Producer News from you’ll go straight to our news page in Broker Hub. There’s no log on, you’ll see the news faster, and getting to ne...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_xhf7IYBsTwMt47i3DDA/2023/3/16/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storm-emergency-in-new-york'><time>Mar 16, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storm Emergency in New York</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in New York and are impacted by the winter storm emergency. The changes are in effect from March 13, 2023, through April 11, 2023, for the following counties in New York: Albany, Broome, Cayuga, Chen...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_hg664YBsTwMt47i9jBo/2023/3/16/new-deadline-for-rxdc-reporting'><time>Mar 16, 2023</time><h4>New Deadline for RxDC Reporting</h4><p>The deadline has been extended to March 24, 2023, for fully insured groups to provide us the monthly average premium information that’s required by the Prescription Drug Data Collection reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA). To make sure your client’s data is included ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo,ga'><a href='/news/-xgo5oYBsTwMt47iWjDj/2023/3/16/new-paytient-program-offers-interest-free-payment-plans-for-aca-individual-'><time>Mar 16, 2023</time><h4>New Paytient program offers interest-free payment plans for ACA Individual </h4><p>Anthem has partnered with Paytient to give individual ACA clients in Georgia, Missouri, and Virginia an easier way to pay for healthcare services. Paytient is a Health Payment Account (HPA) that members can use to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses today and repay over time – without inter...</p><p>Individual | MO, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/-hgm5oYBsTwMt47iljDT/2023/3/16/new-paytient-program-offers-interest-free-payment-plans-for-aca-individual-'><time>Mar 16, 2023</time><h4>New Paytient program offers interest-free payment plans for ACA Individual </h4><p>Anthem has partnered with Paytient to give individual ACA clients in Georgia, Missouri, and Virginia an easier way to pay for healthcare services. Paytient is a Health Payment Account (HPA) that members can use to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses today and repay over time – without inter...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/aXPQ4YYBMr2A8msMcRVl/2023/3/15/local-infusion-now-part-of-our-network-in-maine'><time>Mar 15, 2023</time><h4>Local Infusion now part of our network in Maine</h4><p>Outpatient infusion therapy provider Local Infusion has joined our provider network in Maine. Our data shows that infusions delivered in a hospital are often two to three times more expensive than infusions done at an independent infusion center. Local Infusion offers infusion therapy (medicati...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/aHMt4YYBMr2A8msMsBVy/2023/3/15/new-specialty-sales-executive-for-groups-of-51-to-99'><time>Mar 15, 2023</time><h4>New Specialty Sales Executive for groups of 51 to 99</h4><p>Brittney Beazley joined Anthem on February 6 and will manage groups with 51-99 clients (Key Segment) for the entire state. Shawn Staley, Specialty Sales Executive, will continue to manage the 100+ employee size clients (Large Group Segment) in the state.   Please feel free to reach out to Brittn...</p><p>Large Group | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/bIQ_4YYBE2fldFgUD2rQ/2023/3/14/wee28099ve-updated-quoting-tools-for-individual-plans'><time>Mar 14, 2023</time><h4>We’ve updated quoting tools for Individual plans</h4><p>We have changed the way brokers, current members, and consumers can view ACA medical and dental plans while shopping. The Get a Quote page within our quoting tools now includes tabs to toggle between plans on and off the Marketplace. Users can compare plans more easily and make a more informed c...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual,national' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/a4Sa3IYBE2fldFgUemqT/2023/3/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-a-winter-storm-emergency-in-california'><time>Mar 13, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by a Winter Storm Emergency in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in California and are impacted by the winter storm emergency. The changes are in effect from March 1, 2023, through March 30, 2023, for the following counties in California: Butte, El Dorado, Fresno,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual, National | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZnNfyIYBMr2A8msMPhV2/2023/3/10/survey-says-members-like-the-teledentists'><time>Mar 10, 2023</time><h4>Survey says: Members like The TeleDentists</h4><p>Members are very satisfied with our network virtual dental provider, The TeleDentists®. We added them to our Dental Prime and Dental Complete networks in 2020. They provide our dental members with an easy way to get the dental care they need outside of their dentist’s normal business hours. The ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,national' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/aoQHzIYBE2fldFgU2GoV/2023/3/10/webinar-trailblazing-support-for-employees-who-are-family-caregivers'><time>Mar 10, 2023</time><h4>Webinar: Trailblazing Support for Employees Who Are Family Caregivers</h4><p>Register now (using Chrome or Firefox browsers) and join us on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 1 p.m. ET to learn how we partnered with ianacare to support our associates who are family caregivers. The partnership offered inclusive and innovative support to the one in five of our associates who cares...</p><p>Large Group, National | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZXOKw4YBMr2A8msMHhX6/2023/3/8/helping-employers-and-their-employees-through-an-important-healthcare-carrier-shift'><time>Mar 08, 2023</time><h4>Helping employers and their employees through an important healthcare carrier shift</h4><p>As you may have heard, Humana has announced its decision to exit the commercial employer healthcare space to focus on government-backed programs. This means their employer group plans will be phased out over the next 18 to 24 months. Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield and Empire Blue Cross (Empire) a...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='mo,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9xgSvYYBsTwMt47iOjBl/2023/3/8/march-23-webinar-about-new-virtual-first-plans'><time>Mar 08, 2023</time><h4>March 23 webinar about new Virtual-First plans</h4><p>Register now for our Ask the Expert webinar on March 23, 2023, to learn about our new Virtual-First plans. Virtual-First plans are built on our digital platform that enables more personalized healthcare experiences for members, providers, and employers through an integrated set of digital soluti...</p><p>Large Group | MO, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZHMow4YBMr2A8msMIhVY/2023/3/8/helping-employers-and-their-employees-through-an-important-healthcare-carrier-shift'><time>Mar 08, 2023</time><h4>Helping employers and their employees through an important healthcare carrier shift</h4><p>As you may have heard, Humana has announced its decision to exit the commercial employer healthcare space to focus on government-backed programs. This means their employer group plans will be phased out over the next 18 to 24 months. Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) is committed to offering you and yo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/Y3Mbw4YBMr2A8msMRRWm/2023/3/8/helping-employers-and-their-employees-through-an-important-healthcare-carrier-shift'><time>Mar 08, 2023</time><h4>Helping employers and their employees through an important healthcare carrier shift</h4><p>As you may have heard, Humana has announced its decision to exit the commercial employer healthcare space to focus on government-backed programs. This means their employer group plans will be phased out over the next 18 to 24 months. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) is committed to off...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZYRxt4YBE2fldFgUyGoW/2023/3/7/promote-colorectal-health-in-march-and-wellness-all-year'><time>Mar 07, 2023</time><h4>Promote colorectal health in March and wellness all year</h4><p>You can promote colorectal health in March and other wellness topics year-round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. (upstate / downstate) The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that you can share each month. For March we focus ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8hhwt4YBsTwMt47iQDCS/2023/3/7/promote-colorectal-health-in-march-and-wellness-all-year'><time>Mar 07, 2023</time><h4>Promote colorectal health in March and wellness all year</h4><p>You can promote colorectal health in March and other wellness topics year-round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that you can share each month. For March we focus on colorectal health w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ZIRut4YBE2fldFgU5Gpj/2023/3/7/promote-colorectal-health-in-march-and-wellness-all-year'><time>Mar 07, 2023</time><h4>Promote colorectal health in March and wellness all year</h4><p>You can promote colorectal health in March and other wellness topics year-round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that you can share each month. For March we focus on colorectal health w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/aISEvYYBE2fldFgUD2pc/2023/3/7/new-in-home-behavioral-healthcare-program-for-anthem-members-in-maine'><time>Mar 07, 2023</time><h4>New in-home behavioral healthcare program for Anthem members in Maine</h4><p>Aspire365’s new in-home and virtual behavioral healthcare treatment program is now in-network for Anthem members in Maine.  Currently, Aspire365 is the only provider in Maine offering in-home treatment for both complex mental health illnesses and co-occurring disorders for children ages 12 to 17...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/Z4TcuYYBE2fldFgUwmq_/2023/3/7/wellness-matters-series-webinar-schedule-now-available'><time>Mar 07, 2023</time><h4>Wellness Matters Series webinar schedule now available</h4><p>We’re presenting twelve 30-minute webinars (PDF) about health and wellness programming through Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and participating partners. Stay up to date on everything you need to know to exceed your sales goals while providing outstanding service to your clients. If you have ...</p><p>Large Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9Rh-uIYBsTwMt47iaTCl/2023/3/6/our-mental-health-programs-offer-a-range-of-support'><time>Mar 06, 2023</time><h4>Our mental health programs offer a range of support</h4><p>We offer a range of behavioral health programs to fit your clients’ needs and support their employees. Review this flyer (PDF) (upstate / downstate) for a quick view of the options and share it with your current and prospective clients to help them choose the right plan for them.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/9Bh9uIYBsTwMt47iqjBW/2023/3/6/our-mental-health-programs-offer-a-range-of-support'><time>Mar 06, 2023</time><h4>Our mental health programs offer a range of support</h4><p>We offer a range of behavioral health programs to fit your clients’ needs and support their employees. Review this flyer (PDF) for a quick view of the options and share it with your current and prospective clients to help them choose the right plan for them.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/YnN8uIYBMr2A8msMcBVO/2023/3/6/our-mental-health-programs-offer-a-range-of-support'><time>Mar 06, 2023</time><h4>Our mental health programs offer a range of support</h4><p>We offer a range of behavioral health programs to fit your clients’ needs and support their employees. Review this flyer (PDF) for a quick view of the options and share it with your current and prospective clients to help them choose the right plan for them.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/8xh6uIYBsTwMt47iDjBG/2023/3/6/our-mental-health-programs-offer-a-range-of-support'><time>Mar 06, 2023</time><h4>Our mental health programs offer a range of support</h4><p>We offer a range of behavioral health programs to fit your clients’ needs and support their employees. Review this flyer (PDF) for a quick view of the options and share it with your current and prospective clients to help them choose the right plan for them.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8Rgso4YBsTwMt47icTBS/2023/3/2/medi-cal-renewal-ask-the-expert-webinar--recording-additional-resources-available'><time>Mar 02, 2023</time><h4>Medi-Cal Renewal Ask the Expert webinar - Recording, additional resources available</h4><p>On February 15, our Anthem experts shared the very latest details about the restart of Medi-Cal eligibility reviews, timelines, and the resources we’re providing to help you support anyone losing their Medi-Cal coverage.  Most importantly, we answered dozens of questions on the topic that have be...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/YXMqo4YBMr2A8msMYBUu/2023/3/2/medicaid-renewal-ask-the-expert-webinar--recording-additional-resources-available'><time>Mar 02, 2023</time><h4>Medicaid Renewal Ask the Expert webinar - Recording, additional resources available</h4><p>On February 15, our Anthem experts shared the very latest details about the restart of Medicaid eligibility reviews, timelines, and the resources we’re providing to help you support anyone losing their Medicaid coverage.  Most importantly, we answered dozens of questions on the topic that have be...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/XnOClIYBMr2A8msMNRWW/2023/3/1/you-can-offer-farm-to-all-industries'><time>Mar 01, 2023</time><h4>You can offer FARM to all industries</h4><p>The Georgia FARM Bureau Health Plan is expanding to all SIC codes for quotes on or after April 1, 2023. You can sell the plan to groups that work in any industry. Visit for complete underwriting guidelines. The FARM Bureau Health Plan protects your clients’ with: Competitive...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Y4SumYYBE2fldFgUbmqC/2023/3/1/when-will-the-phe-end-and-what-is-empiree28099s-plan-to-implement-the-changes-that-go-along-with-it-'><time>Mar 01, 2023</time><h4>When will the PHE end and what is Empire’s plan to implement the changes that go along with it? </h4><p>The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) will end on May 11, 2023. Empire is working closely with stakeholders, including state and federal partners to carefully review policies tied to the PHE and determine ongoing coverage options for items such as vaccines, testing, and telehealth. We will p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/8BitmYYBsTwMt47iEDCq/2023/3/1/when-will-the-phe-end-and-what-is-antheme28099s-plan-to-implement-the-changes-that-go-along-with-it-'><time>Mar 01, 2023</time><h4>When will the PHE end and what is Anthem’s plan to implement the changes that go along with it? </h4><p>The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) will end on May 11, 2023. Anthem is working closely with stakeholders, including state and federal partners to carefully review policies tied to the PHE and determine ongoing coverage options for items such as vaccines, testing, and telehealth. We will p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YHN6mIYBMr2A8msM1xUK/2023/2/28/cii-evolve-is-the-next-level-of-data-and-insights'><time>Feb 28, 2023</time><h4>CII Evolve is the next level of data and insights</h4><p>We're taking Client Information Insights (CII) to the next level. CII Evolve, (upstate / downstate PDF) is a new enhanced interactive reporting tool that unifies our current reporting platforms. It replaces CII Discover and CII Access in the Online Resources menu on Producer Toolbox. CII Access w...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/7xh5mIYBsTwMt47iMDDt/2023/2/28/cii-evolve-is-the-next-level-of-data-and-insights'><time>Feb 28, 2023</time><h4>CII Evolve is the next level of data and insights</h4><p>We're taking Client Information Insights (CII) to the next level. CII Evolve, is a new enhanced interactive reporting tool that unifies our current reporting platforms. It replaces CII Discover and CII Access in the Online Resources menu on Producer Toolbox. CII Access will still be available for...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/X3N3mIYBMr2A8msMMhX9/2023/2/28/cii-evolve-is-the-next-level-of-data-and-insights'><time>Feb 28, 2023</time><h4>CII Evolve is the next level of data and insights</h4><p>We're taking Client Information Insights (CII) to the next level. CII Evolve, is a new enhanced interactive reporting tool that unifies our current reporting platforms. It replaces CII Discover and CII Access in the Online Resources menu on Producer Toolbox. CII Access will still be available for...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7hjAk4YBsTwMt47iRjAi/2023/2/27/earn-a-reward-by-completing-the-annual-broker-engagement-survey'><time>Feb 27, 2023</time><h4>Earn a Reward by Completing the Annual Broker Engagement Survey</h4><p>Each year, we provide a broker survey to learn more about your experiences and identify ways to better meet your needs. We use the feedback in everything we do – from developing strategies to creating marketing materials and digital tools. Aspen Finn, an independent global strategy and insights ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/7Riik4YBsTwMt47inTAh/2023/2/27/novella-infusion-joins-our-provider-network'><time>Feb 27, 2023</time><h4>Novella Infusion joins our provider network</h4><p>Outpatient infusion therapy provider Novella Infusion has joined our provider network in Maine. Our data shows that infusions delivered in a hospital are often two to three times more expensive than infusions done at an independent infusion center. Novella Infusion offers infusion and injection...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/W3M2doYBMr2A8msMQBVW/2023/2/21/caa-rxdc-d1-reporting-update-we-can-file-on-your-aso-clientse28099-behalf'><time>Feb 21, 2023</time><h4>CAA RxDC D1 reporting update: We can file on your ASO clients’ behalf</h4><p>As follow up to our January notice “Changes to 2023 CAA RxDC reporting for self-funded groups,” this week we are letting self-funded groups know we’re now offering to submit Data Sheet (D1) reporting on their behalf for the 2022 reporting year only.* Self-funded groups that want us to submit the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7Bg1doYBsTwMt47iMjCM/2023/2/21/caa-rxdc-d1-reporting-update-we-can-file-on-your-aso-clientse28099-behalf'><time>Feb 21, 2023</time><h4>CAA RxDC D1 reporting update: We can file on your ASO clients’ behalf</h4><p>As follow up to our January notice “Changes to 2023 CAA RxDC reporting for self-funded groups,” this week we are letting self-funded groups know we’re now offering to submit Data Sheet (D1) reporting on their behalf for the 2022 reporting year only.* Self-funded groups that want us to submit the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/X4Q0doYBE2fldFgUGmoG/2023/2/21/caa-rxdc-d1-reporting-update-we-can-file-on-your-aso-clientse28099-behalf'><time>Feb 21, 2023</time><h4>CAA RxDC D1 reporting update: We can file on your ASO clients’ behalf</h4><p>As follow up to our January notice “Changes to 2023 CAA RxDC reporting for self-funded groups,” this week we are letting self-funded groups know we’re now offering to submit Data Sheet (D1) reporting on their behalf for the 2022 reporting year only.* Self-funded groups that want us to submit the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/6xgxdoYBsTwMt47i8zDI/2023/2/21/caa-rxdc-d1-reporting-update-we-can-file-on-your-aso-clientse28099-behalf'><time>Feb 21, 2023</time><h4>CAA RxDC D1 reporting update: We can file on your ASO clients’ behalf</h4><p>As follow up to our January notice “Changes to 2023 CAA RxDC reporting for self-funded groups,” this week we are letting self-funded groups know we’re now offering to submit Data Sheet (D1) reporting on their behalf for the 2022 reporting year only.* Self-funded groups that want us to submit the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/XoS9cIYBE2fldFgUsWqj/2023/2/21/progressive-benefit-solutions-improves-enrollment-and-management-for-employers'><time>Feb 21, 2023</time><h4>Progressive Benefit Solutions improves enrollment and management for employers</h4><p>Anthem’s preferred marketplace solutions provider, Progressive Benefit Solutions, LLC (PBS), makes benefit enrollment and management more efficient for employers with 2-300 employees, while maintaining flexible plan funding. PBS provides a wide range of helpful, easy-to-use online tools. Please ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in'><a href='/news/WXOlVoYBMr2A8msMChXn/2023/2/21/arc-data-collection-march-6-e28093-april-14-2023'><time>Feb 21, 2023</time><h4>ARC data collection March 6 – April 14, 2023</h4><p>The ChamberCare Health Alliance MEWA plan will collect annual rate and census reconciliation (ARC) data from March 6 to April 14, 2023. The data collection will apply to any groups that were active in the MEWA for any portion of 2022, including groups that have since termed. This data is used by...</p><p>Small Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WnNIXIYBMr2A8msMihWm/2023/2/16/updated-pcori-fees-increasing-for-2023-payment'><time>Feb 16, 2023</time><h4>UPDATED: PCORI fees increasing for 2023 payment</h4><p>CORRECTION: An article published on February 9, 2023 incorrectly referenced Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) clients. In fact, PCORI fees are actually included in the premium equivalent rates for these groups. Here is the corrected article. The annual mandated fee to fund the Patien...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/W4QcUoYBE2fldFgUSGrU/2023/2/15/new-coverage-decision-tool-can-help-after-medi-cal-renewal'><time>Feb 15, 2023</time><h4>New coverage decision tool can help after Medi-Cal renewal</h4><p>Recent legislation allows states to restart their Medi-Cal eligibility reviews and begin removing ineligible people from their Medi-Cal programs as early as July 1, 2023. We’ve developed a new decision support tool to help impacted members and consumers re-enroll in Medi-Cal or understand their ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/WoQaUoYBE2fldFgUb2pV/2023/2/15/new-coverage-decision-tool-can-help-after-medicaid-renewal'><time>Feb 15, 2023</time><h4>New coverage decision tool can help after Medicaid renewal</h4><p>Recent legislation allows states to restart their Medicaid eligibility reviews and begin removing ineligible people from their Medicaid programs as early as April 1, 2023. We’ve developed a new decision support tool to help impacted members and consumers re-enroll in Medicaid or understand their...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WIQYToYBE2fldFgU32p1/2023/2/14/we-need-your-cliente28099s-premium-data-for-the-2023-rxdc-submission'><time>Feb 14, 2023</time><h4>We need your client’s premium data for the 2023 RxDC submission</h4><p>We’re sending emails to Small Group and Large Group fully insured clients, Anthem Balanced Funding clients and our Small Group MEWAs in OH, MO, KY, IN or GA, asking them to submit monthly average premium information required for Prescription Drug Data (RxDC) reporting. We are asking them to fill...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/V3NyNoYBMr2A8msMHRVx/2023/2/10/bringing-it-all-together-in-employeraccess'><time>Feb 10, 2023</time><h4>Bringing it all together in EmployerAccess</h4><p>The functionality of Employer Resource Center (ERC) is moving to EmployerAccess. Groups that use the resource center will be directed to EmployerAccess beginning this month. In addition to transactional tasks like enrolling employees and paying their bill, group administrators will also find res...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/UnN-DoYBMr2A8msMARXX/2023/2/10/reminder-ede-account-authentication-with-ffm-required-by-feb-24'><time>Feb 10, 2023</time><h4>Reminder: EDE Account Authentication with FFM required by Feb 24</h4><p>Agents and brokers in Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) states must integrate their EDE and CMS accounts (PDF) by February 24, 2023, and every 30 days after. They must do this to authenticate their Enhanced Direct Enrollment (EDE) account and be able to continue using direct enrollment for ...</p><p>Individual | IN, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/VIRFLYYBE2fldFgULGqY/2023/2/9/pcori-fees-increasing-for-2023-payment'><time>Feb 09, 2023</time><h4>PCORI fees increasing for 2023 payment</h4><p>The annual mandated fee to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is increasing to $3.00 per member, up from $2.79 last year. It’s mandated by the Affordable Care Act and due July 31st, 2023. Fees are paid annually with the submission of IRS Form 720. We pay it for fully i...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='me'><a href='/news/4xhKKIYBsTwMt47i-DDT/2023/2/7/tools-to-help-you-promote-240-cost-shares-with-a-convenientmd-pcp-'><time>Feb 07, 2023</time><h4>Tools to help you promote $0 cost shares with a ConvenientMD PCP </h4><p>Anthem Maine members in most Large Group and Small Group Anthem Balanced Funding employer-sponsored plans* can receive their primary care and urgent care clinic visits at $0 cost share when they select a ConvenientMD value-based primary care provider (PCP) in Portland, Maine, or Portsmouth, New H...</p><p>Large Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UoTOE4YBE2fldFgUcGpZ/2023/2/2/updated-broker-academy-is-back-for-2023'><time>Feb 02, 2023</time><h4>Updated: Broker Academy is back for 2023</h4><p>Register now for free webinars through our Broker Academy. The Broker Academy is back, and we have a full slate of training opportunities for you and your staff this year, and we’ll be adding more throughout the year. Legislative update -- February 22 Join us for the latest insights on current...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/4hiRCIYBsTwMt47iljBh/2023/2/2/promote-heart-health-and-health-equity-in-february-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Feb 02, 2023</time><h4>Promote heart health and health equity in February and wellness all year long</h4><p>You can promote heart health and African American health equity in February and other wellness topics year round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar (upstate / downstate). The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that you can shar...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/4RiQCIYBsTwMt47iADB2/2023/2/2/promote-heart-health-and-health-equity-in-february-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Feb 02, 2023</time><h4>Promote heart health and health equity in February and wellness all year long</h4><p>You can promote heart health and African American health equity in February and other wellness topics year round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that you can share each month.  For Feb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/UXOOCIYBMr2A8msMahVr/2023/2/2/promote-heart-health-and-health-equity-in-february-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Feb 02, 2023</time><h4>Promote heart health and health equity in February and wellness all year long</h4><p>You can promote heart health and African American health equity in February and other wellness topics year round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that you can share each month.  For Feb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/UYTODoYBE2fldFgU2Grn/2023/2/1/2023-small-group-success-webinar-series'><time>Feb 01, 2023</time><h4>2023 Small Group Success webinar series</h4><p>Join us to learn new skills and refresh your knowledge at our Small Group webinars this year. Stay up to date on what you need to know to exceed your sales goals while providing superior service to your clients. Download our webinar schedule to see the topics we’ll discuss the first Thursday of ...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/4BiGCIYBsTwMt47i9zBJ/2023/2/1/register-now-transforming-healthcare-advocacy-webinar'><time>Feb 01, 2023</time><h4>Register Now: Transforming Healthcare Advocacy Webinar</h4><p>Siloed systems and disconnected data have led to a fragmented healthcare system. Doctors, hospitals, and health plans can’t see the complete picture of a patient’s health, and patients are frustrated as they try to navigate multiple benefit programs, administrators, and care providers. Total Hea...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/3hi784UBsTwMt47imDCU/2023/1/30/wee28099re-adding-augmented-intelligence-to-improve-dental-claim-processing'><time>Jan 30, 2023</time><h4>We’re adding augmented intelligence to improve dental claim processing</h4><p>We are starting to integrate augmented intelligence (Upstate / Downstate PDF) into our dental claims review process to help process claims more efficiently. This new technology will help improve the speed and accuracy of our claims processing. Unlike artificial intelligence, augmented intelligen...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/T4S384UBE2fldFgUM2oN/2023/1/30/wee28099re-adding-augmented-intelligence-to-improve-dental-claim-processing'><time>Jan 30, 2023</time><h4>We’re adding augmented intelligence to improve dental claim processing</h4><p>We are starting to integrate augmented intelligence (PDF) into our dental claims review process to help process claims more efficiently. This new technology will help improve the speed and accuracy of our claims processing. Unlike artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence allows for human ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/3Rix84UBsTwMt47i9TBf/2023/1/30/wee28099re-adding-augmented-intelligence-to-improve-dental-claim-processing'><time>Jan 30, 2023</time><h4>We’re adding augmented intelligence to improve dental claim processing</h4><p>We are starting to integrate augmented intelligence (PDF) into our dental claims review process to help process claims more efficiently. This new technology will help improve the speed and accuracy of our claims processing. Unlike artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence allows for human ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/SoSc6YUBE2fldFgUpmpP/2023/1/25/new-medi-cal-renewal-broker-resource-toolkit-'><time>Jan 25, 2023</time><h4>New Medi-Cal Renewal Broker Resource Toolkit </h4><p>This is the second in a series of articles about how a new law may impact millions of individuals who have enrolled in Medi-Cal since January 2020, and how this affects your business. Today’s article focuses on a new package of resources we’ve put in place that helps you answer questions as you g...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/2Bia6YUBsTwMt47iYzAH/2023/1/25/new-medicaid-renewal-broker-resource-toolkit-'><time>Jan 25, 2023</time><h4>New Medicaid Renewal Broker Resource Toolkit </h4><p>This is the second in a series of articles about how a new law may impact millions of individuals who have enrolled in Medicaid since January 2020, and how this affects your business. Today’s article focuses on a new package of resources we’ve put in place that helps you answer questions as you g...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TXOC5IUBMr2A8msMFxUL/2023/1/24/your-medi-cal-renewal-questions-answered-join-our-ask-the-expert-webinar'><time>Jan 24, 2023</time><h4>Your Medi-Cal Renewal questions answered: Join our Ask the Expert Webinar</h4><p>Join us to get your questions answered and learn how you can help people stay protected and covered. During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, nearly all Medi-Cal, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Expansion members were able to stay enrolled in their current health coverage reg...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/SIR-5IUBE2fldFgU3GrA/2023/1/24/your-medicaid-renewal-questions-answered-join-our-ask-the-expert-webinar'><time>Jan 24, 2023</time><h4>Your Medicaid Renewal questions answered: Join our Ask the Expert Webinar</h4><p>Join us to get your questions answered and learn how you can help people stay protected and covered. During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, nearly all Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Expansion members were able to stay enrolled in their current health coverage reg...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/R4Sx34UBE2fldFgUd2pc/2023/1/24/extended-deadline-for-tax-forms-1095-b-and-1095-c-is-march-2'><time>Jan 24, 2023</time><h4>Extended deadline for tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is March 2</h4><p>Empire is required to file forms 1095-B and 1094-B electronically with the IRS for all fully insured plans. The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is March 2, 2023. The IRS has permanently extended the deadline from January 31. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Serv...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/RoSv34UBE2fldFgUnmpU/2023/1/24/extended-deadline-for-tax-forms-1095-b-and-1095-c-is-march-2'><time>Jan 24, 2023</time><h4>Extended deadline for tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is March 2</h4><p>Anthem is required to file forms 1095-B and 1094-B electronically with the IRS for all fully insured plans. The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is March 2, 2023. The IRS has permanently extended the deadline from January 31. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Serv...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/THOs34UBMr2A8msMjhVh/2023/1/24/extended-deadline-for-tax-forms-1095-b-and-1095-c-is-march-2'><time>Jan 24, 2023</time><h4>Extended deadline for tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is March 2</h4><p>Anthem is required to file forms 1095-B and 1094-B electronically with the IRS for all fully insured plans. The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is March 2, 2023. The IRS has permanently extended the deadline from January 31. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Serv...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/1xi6z4UBsTwMt47i1jBN/2023/1/20/help-for-members-impacted-by-tornadoes-and-severe-storms-in-georgia'><time>Jan 20, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Tornadoes and Severe Storms in Georgia</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in six Georgia counties impacted by tornadoes and severe storms. The changes are in effect from January 12, 2023, through February 10, 2023, for Butts, Henry, Meriwether, Pike, Spalding, and Troup count...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/S3Nwy4UBMr2A8msMPRVf/2023/1/19/why-you-should-care-about-medi-cal-disenrollments'><time>Jan 19, 2023</time><h4>Why you should care about Medi-Cal Disenrollments</h4><p>This is the first in a series of articles about how a new law may impact thousands of individuals who have enrolled in Medi-Cal since January 2020, and how this affects your business. Today’s article focuses on why this situation makes Medi-Cal particularly relevant to you. During the COVID-19 P...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/RIRty4UBE2fldFgU3Grv/2023/1/19/why-you-should-care-about-medicaid-disenrollments'><time>Jan 19, 2023</time><h4>Why you should care about Medicaid Disenrollments</h4><p>This is the first in a series of articles about how a new law may impact millions of individuals who have enrolled in Medicaid since January 2020, and how this affects your business. Today’s article focuses on why this situation makes Medicaid particularly relevant to you. During the COVID-19 Pu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/1hjexYUBsTwMt47iKzCf/2023/1/19/open-enrollment-ends-january-31-2023'><time>Jan 19, 2023</time><h4>Open Enrollment ends January 31, 2023</h4><p>Open Enrollment is ending soon. Individual applications must be submitted by January 31, 2023, to receive a February 1, 2023, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any questions, please conta...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/1RhiwYUBsTwMt47ikjAE/2023/1/17/reminder-we-must-request-identifying-information-to-help-with-member-issues'><time>Jan 17, 2023</time><h4>Reminder: We must request identifying information to help with member issues</h4><p>We protect member privacy at every level and with every contact. To respond to inquiries about member issues, we must verify both the identity and the authority of all persons and entities before disclosing non-public personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI)...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Q4RCroUBE2fldFgUQGr0/2023/1/14/changes-to-2023-caa-rxdc-reporting-for-self-funded-groups'><time>Jan 14, 2023</time><h4>Changes to 2023 CAA RxDC reporting for self-funded groups</h4><p>In response to recent federal regulatory guidelines, we’re changing the submission process for Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC). Starting this year, Administrative Service Only (ASO) clients will be responsible for filing certain data. The RxDC reporting provision of the Consolidated App...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/SnM_roUBMr2A8msMPxXI/2023/1/14/changes-to-2023-caa-rxdc-reporting-for-self-funded-groups'><time>Jan 14, 2023</time><h4>Changes to 2023 CAA RxDC reporting for self-funded groups</h4><p>In response to recent federal regulatory guidelines, we’re changing the submission process for Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC). Starting this year, Administrative Service Only (ASO) clients will be responsible for filing certain data. The RxDC reporting provision of the Consolidated App...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/QoRWqYUBE2fldFgUeGo2/2023/1/13/help-for-members-impacted-by-the-winter-storm-and-flooding-in-california'><time>Jan 13, 2023</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by the Winter Storm and Flooding in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in the entire state of California and are impacted by the winter storm and flooding emergency. The changes are in effect from January 4, 2023, through February 2, 2023.  The changes also apply to emerg...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/P4T_h4UBE2fldFgUZ2q2/2023/1/9/get-quick-answers-with-chat-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Jan 09, 2023</time><h4>Get quick answers with chat in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>You can get quick answers to common questions with the chat feature in Producer Toolbox, sometimes without logging in. It can answer many common questions quickly with automated responses and will connect you to a live agent when you need one. With live and automated chat, you’ll find real-time a...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/0hj9h4UBsTwMt47iWTA3/2023/1/9/get-quick-answers-with-chat-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Jan 09, 2023</time><h4>Get quick answers with chat in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>You can get quick answers to common questions with the chat feature in Producer Toolbox, sometimes without logging in. It can answer many common questions quickly with automated responses and will connect you to a live agent when you need one. With live and automated chat, you’ll find real-time a...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/0Rj8h4UBsTwMt47iAzAJ/2023/1/9/get-quick-answers-with-chat-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Jan 09, 2023</time><h4>Get quick answers with chat in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>You can get quick answers to common questions with the chat feature in Producer Toolbox, sometimes without logging in. It can answer many common questions quickly with automated responses and will connect you to a live agent when you need one. With live and automated chat, you’ll find real-time a...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/PIQLfoUBE2fldFgUnGoG/2023/1/6/open-enrollment-ends-january-15-2023'><time>Jan 06, 2023</time><h4>Open Enrollment ends January 15, 2023</h4><p>Open Enrollment is ending soon. Individual applications must be submitted by January 15, 2023, to receive a February 1, 2023, effective date. We appreciate your support connecting clients with Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families. If you have any questions, please conta...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/zxgZfoUBsTwMt47i6jDh/2023/1/6/va-residents-last-chance-to-register-for-virtual-ce-in-january'><time>Jan 06, 2023</time><h4>VA residents: Last chance to register for virtual CE in January</h4><p>Don’t miss out on your chance to earn eight hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits at no charge with our January virtual training for Virginia resident agents only. You must register by January 13, 2023, to receive credit. Eight hours of CE will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, January...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/0BjngoUBsTwMt47i9TDj/2023/1/5/2022-year-end-omnibus-legislation-separates-medi-cal-renewal-from-the-covid-19-public-health-emergency-what-it-means-for-you-and-your-clients'><time>Jan 05, 2023</time><h4>2022 Year End Omnibus Legislation separates Medi-Cal renewal from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: what it means for you and your clients</h4><p>During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), nearly all Medi-Cal and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) members were able to stay enrolled in their current health coverage regardless of changes in eligibility or status. Legislation signed on December 29, 2022, allows states to begin...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PYTkgoUBE2fldFgUN2pT/2023/1/5/2022-year-end-omnibus-legislation-separates-medicaid-renewal-from-the-covid-19-public-health-emergency-what-it-means-for-you-and-your-clients'><time>Jan 05, 2023</time><h4>2022 Year End Omnibus Legislation separates Medicaid renewal from the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: what it means for you and your clients</h4><p>During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), nearly all Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) members were able to stay enrolled in their current health coverage regardless of changes in eligibility or status. Legislation signed on December 29, 2022, allows states to begin...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/OoTFOoUBE2fldFgU7mq_/2023/1/3/promote-fitness-and-nutrition-in-january-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Jan 03, 2023</time><h4>Promote fitness and nutrition in January and wellness all year long</h4><p>You can promote fitness and nutrition in January and other wellness topics year-round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. (upstate / downstate) The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that your clients can share each month. They...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zBjEOoUBsTwMt47iujDO/2023/1/3/promote-fitness-and-nutrition-in-january-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Jan 03, 2023</time><h4>Promote fitness and nutrition in January and wellness all year long</h4><p>You can promote fitness and nutrition in January and other wellness topics year-round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that your clients can share each month. They can share resources w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/OYTDOoUBE2fldFgUdWr_/2023/1/3/promote-fitness-and-nutrition-in-january-and-wellness-all-year-long'><time>Jan 03, 2023</time><h4>Promote fitness and nutrition in January and wellness all year long</h4><p>You can promote fitness and nutrition in January and other wellness topics year-round with the 2023 Time Well Spent wellness calendar. The calendar lines up with many national observances and highlights a variety of health issues that your clients can share each month. They can share resources w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zRj5VIUBsTwMt47iETAU/2022/12/27/help-for-members-impacted-by-earthquake-in-ca'><time>Dec 27, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Earthquake in CA</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Humboldt County, California, and were impacted by the December 20 earthquake there. The changes are in effect from December 20, 2022, through January 19, 2023.  The changes also apply to emergency r...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/QnO9MIUBMr2A8msMrhXB/2022/12/21/anthem-health-plan-cost-share-changes-for-abortion-and-home-std-test-kits-'><time>Dec 21, 2022</time><h4>Anthem health plan cost share changes for abortion and home STD test kits </h4><p>All Anthem fully insured Small and Large Group health plans in California will cover abortion and abortion-related services with no cost sharing (except as noted below) as well as home test kits for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Anthem self-funded health plans in California may choose to ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/yxjoK4UBsTwMt47icTDJ/2022/12/20/anthem-benefits-can-travel-with-your-clients'><time>Dec 20, 2022</time><h4>Anthem benefits can travel with your clients</h4><p>Your Anthem clients have access to healthcare benefits across the country when traveling or temporarily residing outside of Colorado. These plan benefits are covered at the network level: Services for Emergency care and ambulance services related to an Emergency Urgent Care services received...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/QXObK4UBMr2A8msM1BVg/2022/12/20/join-us-to-learn-about-healthcare-market-trends'><time>Dec 20, 2022</time><h4>Join us to learn about healthcare market trends</h4><p>It’s a challenging time for employers — providing appealing benefits while accounting for rising healthcare costs can be a balancing act. We can help you face these challenges and partner with you to support your goals. Please join us (using Chrome or Mozilla browsers) on Thursday, January 19, 2...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/yhjAK4UBsTwMt47irzDg/2022/12/19/lutheran-health-network-will-remain-in-our-network'><time>Dec 19, 2022</time><h4>Lutheran Health Network will remain in our network</h4><p>We have agreed on a two-year contract with Lutheran Health Network that provides your clients with uninterrupted access to their facilities in Allen and surrounding counties. We negotiated with the health network to limit the increase in reimbursement to assure a fair rate that provides quality ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/yRiOFoUBsTwMt47i5zAm/2022/12/19/family-focus-plans-have-240-copays-for-children-and-savings-for-the-whole-family'><time>Dec 19, 2022</time><h4>Family Focus plans have $0 copays for children and savings for the whole family</h4><p>Help your clients support their employees and their families with our new Family Focus health plans. They are now available to small business members through the 2023 Georgia SMART Chamber (SMART) and Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care (FARM) plans. Family Focus health plans are designed to provide...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/OIQ0FoUBE2fldFgUp2oG/2022/12/15/in-less-than-30-days-ingeniorx-is-becoming-carelonrx'><time>Dec 15, 2022</time><h4>In less than 30 days, IngenioRx is becoming CarelonRx</h4><p>Next month, our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, will change its name to CarelonRx. IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy. The name change will not impact our members’ benefits, coverage, or how t...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/N4QzFoUBE2fldFgUkWq4/2022/12/15/in-less-than-30-days-ingeniorx-is-becoming-carelonrx'><time>Dec 15, 2022</time><h4>In less than 30 days, IngenioRx is becoming CarelonRx</h4><p>Next month our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, will change its name to CarelonRx. IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy. The name change will not impact our members’ benefits, coverage, or how th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/NoQyFoUBE2fldFgUIWox/2022/12/15/in-less-than-30-days-ingeniorx-is-becoming-carelonrx'><time>Dec 15, 2022</time><h4>In less than 30 days, IngenioRx is becoming CarelonRx</h4><p>Next month our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, will change its name to CarelonRx. IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy. The name change will not impact our members’ benefits, coverage, or how th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/wBggDIUBsTwMt47i6DAW/2022/12/14/learn-how-our-digital-tools-help-you-help-your-customers'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>Learn how our digital tools help you help your customers</h4><p>Our suite of digital tools is designed to make it easy for you to help your customers.  You find tools for plan management, quoting and enrolling, and summaries of benefits in Producer Toolbox. Some of the tools can are also available on the Broker Plus mobile app. We’ve created a guide to our d...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/vxgeDIUBsTwMt47i-jAx/2022/12/14/learn-how-our-digital-tools-help-you-help-your-customers'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>Learn how our digital tools help you help your customers</h4><p>Our suite of digital tools is designed to make it easy for you to help your customers.  You find tools for plan management, quoting and enrolling, and summaries of benefits in Producer Toolbox. Some of the tools can are also available on the Broker Plus mobile app. We’ve created a guide to our d...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/LIQcDIUBE2fldFgUAmo6/2022/12/14/learn-how-our-digital-tools-help-you-help-your-customers'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>Learn how our digital tools help you help your customers</h4><p>Our suite of digital tools is designed to make it easy for you to help your customers.  You find tools for plan management, quoting and enrolling, and summaries of benefits in Producer Toolbox. Some of the tools can are also available on the Broker Plus mobile app. We’ve created a guide to our d...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/KoSsBoUBE2fldFgU6mqq/2022/12/14/a-new-approach-for-pregnancy-and-early-childhood-support-'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>A new approach for pregnancy and early childhood support </h4><p>Our pregnancy-care program, Future Moms, is changing to Building Healthy Families (Upstate / Downstate), for most Large Group ASO, JAA, and National groups on January 1, 2023. It will launch for other groups in 2024. The definition of a family has changed since Future Moms launched many years ag...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/KYSrBoUBE2fldFgURGqk/2022/12/14/a-new-approach-for-pregnancy-and-early-childhood-support-'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>A new approach for pregnancy and early childhood support </h4><p>Our pregnancy-care program, Future Moms, is changing to Building Healthy Families, for most Large Group ASO, JAA, and National groups on January 1, 2023. It will launch for other groups in 2024. The definition of a family has changed since Future Moms launched many years ago. Building Healthy Fa...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/vRipBoUBsTwMt47iOjB-/2022/12/14/a-new-approach-for-pregnancy-and-early-childhood-support-'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>A new approach for pregnancy and early childhood support </h4><p>Our pregnancy-care program, Future Moms, is changing to Building Healthy Families, for most Large Group ASO, JAA, and National groups on January 1, 2023. It will launch for other groups in 2024. The definition of a family has changed since Future Moms launched many years ago. Building Healthy Fa...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/wRg7DIUBsTwMt47iaTBB/2022/12/14/new-in-home-mental-healthcare-program-for-anthem-members-in-new-hampshire'><time>Dec 14, 2022</time><h4>New in-home mental healthcare program for Anthem members in New Hampshire</h4><p>Aspire365’s new in-home and virtual mental healthcare treatment program is now in-network for Anthem members in New Hampshire.  Currently, Aspire365 is the only provider in New Hampshire offering in-home treatment for both complex mental health illnesses and substance use disorders for children ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/K4SzBoUBE2fldFgUbGpQ/2022/12/13/2023-member-welcome-campaign-starts-soon'><time>Dec 13, 2022</time><h4>2023 member welcome campaign starts soon</h4><p>Our 2023 member welcome campaign starts this month. It's designed to welcome, engage, and support new and renewing members.  We’ll send a series of emails and text messages focused on account registration, ID cards, and Specialty and Pharmacy highlights. We’ve simplified the messages based on me...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/JoRt8oQBE2fldFgUgmr-/2022/12/9/employees-can-access-plan-information-more-easily-with-digital-eobs'><time>Dec 09, 2022</time><h4>Employees can access plan information more easily with digital EOBs</h4><p>Your large group ASO clients can now choose to opt-in for digital Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) for their employees. Digital EOBs can be accessed on the SydneySM Health mobile app and our website. They make it easier for employees to access their health plan information. Digital EOBs can be: ...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/OXNq8oQBMr2A8msMjBUW/2022/12/9/employees-can-access-plan-information-more-easily-with-digital-eobs'><time>Dec 09, 2022</time><h4>Employees can access plan information more easily with digital EOBs</h4><p>Your large group ASO clients can now choose to opt-in for digital Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) for their employees. Digital EOBs can be accessed on the SydneySM Health mobile app and our website. They make it easier for employees to access their health plan information. Digital EOBs can be: ...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/JYRn8oQBE2fldFgUKmqa/2022/12/9/employees-can-access-plan-information-more-easily-with-digital-eobs'><time>Dec 09, 2022</time><h4>Employees can access plan information more easily with digital EOBs</h4><p>Your large group ASO clients can now choose to opt-in for digital Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) for their employees. Digital EOBs can be accessed on the SydneySM Health mobile app and our website. They make it easier for employees to access their health plan information. Digital EOBs can be: ...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/OnPN8oQBMr2A8msMahV0/2022/12/8/dispatchhealth-provides-convenient-affordable-care-at-home'><time>Dec 08, 2022</time><h4>DispatchHealth provides convenient, affordable care at home</h4><p>Injuries and sudden illnesses are a fact of life. When they come up, your clients' employees need high-quality care that’s fast, convenient, and affordable. DispatchHealth brings convenient medical care right to their door. Over the next couple of months, we'll be sharing information and resour...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/vBgL7oQBsTwMt47iGDAl/2022/12/7/anthem-bcbs-foundation-supports-virginiae28099s-community-colleges-in-the-fight-against-food-and-housing-insecurity'><time>Dec 07, 2022</time><h4>Anthem BCBS Foundation supports Virginia’s Community Colleges in the fight against Food and Housing Insecurity</h4><p>Our Foundation recently donated $125,000 to Virginia’s Community Colleges as part of our support to our communities. The Virginia Foundation for Community College Education will use the $125,000 to combat food and housing insecurity. The funds will also support additional basic needs for rural st...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/OHNP6YQBMr2A8msMnBWU/2022/12/6/va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-in-january'><time>Dec 06, 2022</time><h4>VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE in January</h4><p>You can register now through January 13, 2023, to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in January. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. Tuesday, January 17 – Session 1 (Life and Health credits) - 8:...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in'><a href='/news/N3PU44QBMr2A8msMEBUZ/2022/12/5/lopez-liggett-named-regional-vp-of-sales-for-indiana'><time>Dec 05, 2022</time><h4>Lopez-Liggett named Regional VP of sales for Indiana</h4><p>Jessica Lopez-Liggett has been named Regional Vice President of Sales for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Indiana. She will lead the large group sales team as we partner with Indiana brokers and employers to develop strategies focused on growing the business, improving affordability, and dri...</p><p>Large Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me'><a href='/news/uBgPyYQBsTwMt47i4zAt/2022/12/2/ensure-your-individual-clients-done28099t-miss-the-cutoff-for-11-effective-date-coverage'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>Ensure your Individual clients don’t miss the cutoff for 1/1 effective date coverage</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 15, 2022, to receive a January 1, 2023, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2023. Anthem’s health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, pr...</p><p>Individual | CT, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/uRgSyYQBsTwMt47ixzD5/2022/12/2/ensure-your-individual-clients-done28099t-miss-the-cutoff-for-11-effective-date-coverage'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>Ensure your Individual clients don’t miss the cutoff for 1/1 effective date coverage</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 31, 2022, to receive a January 1, 2023, effective date. Anthem’s health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Indivi...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/M3MRyYQBMr2A8msM9RUp/2022/12/2/ensure-your-individual-clients-done28099t-miss-the-cutoff-for-11-effective-date-coverage'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>Ensure your Individual clients don’t miss the cutoff for 1/1 effective date coverage</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 31, 2022, to receive a January 1, 2023, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2023. Anthem’s health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, pr...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/MnMRyYQBMr2A8msMDBXR/2022/12/2/ensure-your-individual-clients-done28099t-miss-the-cutoff-for-11-effective-date-coverage'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>Ensure your Individual clients don’t miss the cutoff for 1/1 effective date coverage</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 15, 2022, to receive a January 1, 2023, effective date. Anthem HealthKeepers health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Learn why it’s a great time to sell A...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/I4QNyYQBE2fldFgUP2rM/2022/12/2/ensure-your-individual-clients-done28099t-miss-the-cutoff-for-11-effective-date-coverage'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>Ensure your Individual clients don’t miss the cutoff for 1/1 effective date coverage</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 15, 2022, to receive a January 1, 2023, effective date. Applications received after that date will be effective February 1, 2023. Anthem’s health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, pr...</p><p>Individual | CO, IN, KY, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/NHM104QBMr2A8msMlxUG/2022/12/2/wee28099re-telling-members-about-our-specialty-drug-cost-relief-program-expansion'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling members about our Specialty Drug Cost Relief program expansion</h4><p>We are expanding the IngenioRx, soon-to-be CarelonRx, Specialty Drug Cost Relief program, effective January 1, 2023. The program, currently available to Administrative Services Only (ASO) plans, is being expanded to be compatible with health savings account (HSA) plans as well as fully insured pl...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/JIQ204QBE2fldFgUs2oq/2022/12/2/wee28099re-telling-members-about-our-specialty-drug-cost-relief-program-expansion'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling members about our Specialty Drug Cost Relief program expansion</h4><p>We are expanding the IngenioRx, soon-to-be CarelonRx, Specialty Drug Cost Relief program, effective January 1, 2023. The program, currently available to Administrative Services Only (ASO) plans (Upstate / Downstate), is being expanded to be compatible with health savings account (HSA) plans, as w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/NXM304QBMr2A8msMxhXI/2022/12/2/wee28099re-telling-members-about-our-specialty-drug-cost-relief-program-expansion'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling members about our Specialty Drug Cost Relief program expansion</h4><p>We are expanding the IngenioRx, soon-to-be CarelonRx, Specialty Drug Cost Relief program, effective January 1, 2023. The program, currently available to Administrative Services Only (ASO) plans, is being expanded to be compatible with health savings account (HSA) plans, as well as fully insured p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/uxg404QBsTwMt47isTBy/2022/12/2/wee28099re-telling-members-about-our-specialty-drug-cost-relief-program-expansion'><time>Dec 02, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling members about our Specialty Drug Cost Relief program expansion</h4><p>We are expanding the IngenioRx, soon-to-be CarelonRx, Specialty Drug Cost Relief program, effective January 1, 2023. The program, currently available to Administrative Services Only (ASO) plans, is being expanded to be compatible with health savings account (HSA) plans, as well as fully insured p...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IoQhxYQBE2fldFgUWWpn/2022/11/30/sydney-health-coming-to-vivity-members-in-2023'><time>Nov 30, 2022</time><h4>Sydney Health coming to Vivity members in 2023</h4><p>Beginning January 2023, Vivity members will have access to Anthem’s proprietary consumer app, SydneySM Health to manage their Vivity care and benefits. It replaces the Mobile Health Consumer app. Members can also use Sydney Health has features specifically designed for Vivity memb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/uhguyYQBsTwMt47iwDDx/2022/11/30/we-issued-small-group-id-cards-early-for-plans-renewing-in-december'><time>Nov 30, 2022</time><h4>We issued Small Group ID cards early for plans renewing in December</h4><p>We issued ID cards early for Small Group Employers who renew their plans in December. We’ll issue new cards for any employers who submit plan changes. We apologize for this error.   Please contact your Anthem account manager if you have any questions.</p><p>Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/sxjSpIQBsTwMt47ipjAG/2022/11/29/make-sure-your-life-and-disability-clients-have-the-current-application-forms'><time>Nov 29, 2022</time><h4>Make sure your life and disability clients have the current application forms</h4><p>For consistency, and to meet state department of insurance requirements, we need to provide clients with current, approved applications for their life and disability plans from Anthem Life & Disability Insurance Company. The current applications to use for your state are in the Forms Library. We...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/HITRpIQBE2fldFgUY2pC/2022/11/29/make-sure-your-life-and-disability-clients-have-the-current-application-forms'><time>Nov 29, 2022</time><h4>Make sure your life and disability clients have the current application forms</h4><p>For consistency, and to meet state department of insurance requirements, we need to provide clients with current, approved applications for their life and disability plans from Anthem Blue Cross. The current applications to use for your state are in the Forms Library. We will also continue to ac...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/LHPPpIQBMr2A8msM6xVZ/2022/11/29/make-sure-your-life-and-disability-clients-have-the-current-application-forms'><time>Nov 29, 2022</time><h4>Make sure your life and disability clients have the current application forms</h4><p>For consistency, and to meet state department of insurance requirements, we need to provide clients with current, approved applications for their life and disability plans from Anthem Life. The current applications to use for your state are in the Forms Library. We will also continue to accept e...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/MXMExYQBMr2A8msMYRXZ/2022/11/29/employee-assistance-program-offers-no-cost-mental-health-support-'><time>Nov 29, 2022</time><h4>Employee Assistance Program offers no-cost mental health support </h4><p>Many Coloradans may be facing mental health challenges after the recent shooting in Colorado Springs. The Anthem Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers no-cost mental health support for emotional well-being. The EAP offers: Experienced coaches. Support through email, text, or phone calls....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/H4TNpYQBE2fldFgUKGqq/2022/11/23/aspirus-health-will-remain-in-antheme28099s-network'><time>Nov 23, 2022</time><h4>Aspirus Health will remain in Anthem’s network</h4><p>Aspirus Health and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Wisconsin have reached an agreement to keep Aspirus Health in Anthem’s care provider network for the next three years. The new agreement means that Anthem’s employer-based, Medicare, and Medicaid members in North Central Wisconsin will conti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/shidi4QBsTwMt47iKDAz/2022/11/18/2023-rx-choice-pharmacy-changes'><time>Nov 18, 2022</time><h4>2023 Rx Choice pharmacy changes</h4><p>IngenioRx becomes CarelonRx in 2023, bringing value and choice with 67,000 pharmacies nationwide. Members can choose lower costs from 20,000 pharmacies including Albertsons/Safeway, CVS, Giant Eagle, Kroger, and Walmart. They can choose from 47,000 more pharmacies with higher out-of-pocket costs....</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='va'><a href='/news/GoSdi4QBE2fldFgUxmpj/2022/11/18/2023-rx-choice-pharmacy-changes'><time>Nov 18, 2022</time><h4>2023 Rx Choice pharmacy changes</h4><p>IngenioRx becomes CarelonRx in 2023, bringing value and choice with 67,000 pharmacies nationwide. Members can choose lower costs from 20,000 pharmacies including Albertsons/Safeway, CVS, Giant Eagle, Kroger, and Walmart. They can choose from 47,000 more pharmacies with higher out-of-pocket costs....</p><p>Large Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,nv,ga'><a href='/news/K3Ofi4QBMr2A8msMLhUU/2022/11/18/2023-rx-choice-pharmacy-changes'><time>Nov 18, 2022</time><h4>2023 Rx Choice pharmacy changes</h4><p>IngenioRx becomes CarelonRx in 2023, bringing value and choice with 67,000 pharmacies nationwide. Members can choose lower costs from 20,000 pharmacies including Albertsons/Safeway, CVS, Giant Eagle, Kroger, and Walmart. They can choose from 47,000 more pharmacies with higher out-of-pocket costs....</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, NV, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,wi'><a href='/news/G4Sgi4QBE2fldFgUA2oO/2022/11/18/2023-rx-choice-pharmacy-changes'><time>Nov 18, 2022</time><h4>2023 Rx Choice pharmacy changes</h4><p>IngenioRx becomes CarelonRx in 2023, bringing value and choice with 67,000 pharmacies nationwide. Members can choose lower costs from 20,000 pharmacies including Albertsons/Safeway, CVS, Giant Eagle, Kroger, and Walmart. They can choose from 47,000 more pharmacies with higher out-of-pocket costs....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/KXM7fIQBMr2A8msMxBU_/2022/11/16/fore-river-urology-returns-to-our-network'><time>Nov 16, 2022</time><h4>Fore River Urology returns to our network</h4><p>Fore River Urology returned to our network on November 14. We have agreed to a new contract that brings them back into our Maine network for employer-based, Individual, and Medicare plans. This agreement is part of our commitment to providing access to quality healthcare that is affordable. Plea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/rxgsgoQBsTwMt47ikzDQ/2022/11/16/2023-rx-choice-pharmacy-changes'><time>Nov 16, 2022</time><h4>2023 Rx Choice pharmacy changes</h4><p>IngenioRx becomes CarelonRx in 2023, bringing value and choice with 67,000 pharmacies nationwide. Members can choose lower costs from 20,000 pharmacies including Albertsons/Safeway, CVS, Giant Eagle, Kroger, and Walmart. They can choose from 47,000 more pharmacies with higher out-of-pocket costs....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/GIQVfIQBE2fldFgUc2qG/2022/11/15/why-you-should-care-about-medicaid-when-the-public-health-emergency-ends'><time>Nov 15, 2022</time><h4>Why you should care about Medicaid when the Public Health Emergency ends</h4><p>Since the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) began in January 2020, the number of Medicaid enrollees has grown significantly because eligibility reviews have been put on hold. When the PHE ends, states will restart their regular eligibility reviews and as many as 15 million people may lose th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/J3MOfIQBMr2A8msM3BVW/2022/11/15/why-you-should-care-about-medicaid-when-the-public-health-emergency-ends'><time>Nov 15, 2022</time><h4>Why you should care about Medicaid when the Public Health Emergency ends</h4><p>Since the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) began in January 2020, the number of Medicaid enrollees has grown significantly because eligibility reviews have been put on hold. When the PHE ends, states will restart their regular eligibility reviews and as many as 15 million people may lose th...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/FIQpX4QBE2fldFgUaWrs/2022/11/10/tech-talk-nutrition-tracker-can-help-improve-workplace-well-being'><time>Nov 10, 2022</time><h4>Tech Talk: Nutrition Tracker can help improve workplace well-being</h4><p>Our SydneySM Health Nutrition Tracker gives members new ways to engage with their health, supported by intuitive technology and evidence-based research. It can log meals, calculate macronutrients and calories, and even save favorite foods for future tracking or sharing with a provider. It’s inclu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/JnMmX4QBMr2A8msM1hUb/2022/11/10/tech-talk-nutrition-tracker-can-help-improve-workplace-well-being'><time>Nov 10, 2022</time><h4>Tech Talk: Nutrition Tracker can help improve workplace well-being</h4><p>Our SydneySM Health Nutrition Tracker gives members new ways to engage with their health, supported by intuitive technology and evidence-based research. It can log meals, calculate macronutrients and calories, and even save favorite foods for future tracking or sharing with a provider. It’s inclu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/rBgjX4QBsTwMt47iSzDg/2022/11/10/tech-talk-nutrition-tracker-can-help-improve-workplace-well-being'><time>Nov 10, 2022</time><h4>Tech Talk: Nutrition Tracker can help improve workplace well-being</h4><p>Our SydneySM Health Nutrition Tracker gives members new ways to engage with their health, supported by intuitive technology and evidence-based research. It can log meals, calculate macronutrients and calories, and even save favorite foods for future tracking or sharing with a provider. It’s inclu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/pRjzPoQBsTwMt47iHzCO/2022/11/7/dental-members-can-direct-claim-payments-to-out-of-network-dentists-beginning-january-1-2023'><time>Nov 07, 2022</time><h4>Dental members can direct claim payments to out-of-network dentists beginning January 1, 2023</h4><p>We currently send claims payments directly to dentists when services are performed by a network dentist. Claims payments for out-of-network dentists are paid to the member. The member then has to remit payment to the dentist. Starting January 1, 2023, members will have the ability to have claim p...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/pBjyPoQBsTwMt47iQzDt/2022/11/7/dental-members-can-direct-claim-payments-to-out-of-network-dentists-beginning-january-1-2023'><time>Nov 07, 2022</time><h4>Dental members can direct claim payments to out-of-network dentists beginning January 1, 2023</h4><p>We currently send claims payments directly to dentists when services are performed by a network dentist. Claims payments for out-of-network dentists are paid to the member. The member then has to remit payment to the dentist. Starting January 1, 2023, members will have the ability to have claim p...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/D4TwPoQBE2fldFgU9Go_/2022/11/7/dental-members-can-direct-claim-payments-to-out-of-network-dentists-beginning-january-1-2023'><time>Nov 07, 2022</time><h4>Dental members can direct claim payments to out-of-network dentists beginning January 1, 2023</h4><p>We currently send claims payments directly to dentists when services are performed by a network dentist. Claims payments for out-of-network dentists are paid to the member. The member then has to remit payment to the dentist. Starting January 1, 2023, members will have the ability to have claim p...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/phhIP4QBsTwMt47ipzD_/2022/11/7/were-adding-a-reference-to-the-ohio-department-of-insurance-to-member-ids'><time>Nov 07, 2022</time><h4>Were adding a reference to the Ohio Department of Insurance to member IDs</h4><p>We’re adding “ODI” to the front of member identification cards to comply with the Ohio Surprise Billing law. “ODI” refers to the Ohio Department of Insurance and must be added to the cards of members who are subject to the state law. Those affected include Ohio fully insured members, most ASO Non...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/HnNGQ4QBMr2A8msMwBXV/2022/11/4/help-for-members-impacted-by-flooding-in-indiana'><time>Nov 04, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Flooding in Indiana</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Indiana and are impacted by recent flooding. The changes are in effect for Ohio, Jefferson, and Switzerland counties from September 2, 2022, through December 16, 2022. For assistance during this eme...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/DoQJOYQBE2fldFgUWmr8/2022/11/3/gene-therapy-solution-protects-employee-health-and-aso-employer-costs'><time>Nov 03, 2022</time><h4>Gene Therapy Solution protects employee health and ASO employer costs</h4><p>Emerging gene therapies show great promise for treatment of difficult rare conditions, but carry significant risk in terms of cost. Our Gene Therapy Solution works as a provision of our stop-loss policy to protect your administrative services only (ASO) National and Large Group clients from unkno...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/DYQHOYQBE2fldFgU02on/2022/11/3/gene-therapy-solution-protects-employee-health-and-aso-employer-costs'><time>Nov 03, 2022</time><h4>Gene Therapy Solution protects employee health and ASO employer costs</h4><p>Emerging gene therapies show great promise for treatment of difficult rare conditions, but carry significant risk in terms of cost. Our Gene Therapy Solution works as a provision of our stop loss-policy to protect your administrative services only (ASO) National and Large Group clients from unkno...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/oxgGOYQBsTwMt47iITAV/2022/11/3/gene-therapy-solution-protects-employee-health-and-aso-employer-costs'><time>Nov 03, 2022</time><h4>Gene Therapy Solution protects employee health and ASO employer costs</h4><p>Emerging gene therapies show great promise for treatment of difficult rare conditions, but carry significant risk in terms of cost. Our Gene Therapy Solution works as a provision of our stop-loss policy to protect your administrative services only (ASO) National and Large Group clients from unkno...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/HXM1OYQBMr2A8msMKBXM/2022/11/3/large-group-client-account-structures-available-on-employeraccess'><time>Nov 03, 2022</time><h4>Large group client account structures available on EmployerAccess</h4><p>Our latest digital tool in EmployerAccess puts your clients’ account structure at your, and their, fingertips. The group account structure tool provides a report with active group numbers, plan descriptions, and group types. It’s the latest automated solution on EmployerAccess designed to make it...</p><p>Large Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/DISgOIQBE2fldFgUkWo3/2022/11/3/stand-alone-full-service-blue-view-vision-plans-available-for-small-group-medical-clients'><time>Nov 03, 2022</time><h4>Stand-alone full service Blue View Vision plans available for Small Group medical clients</h4><p>New Hampshire brokers can begin selling Anthem’s stand-alone full service Blue View Vision plans to Small Group medical plan clients effective immediately. We offer a full-service vision plan embedded within Anthem’s small group medical plans. We’re adding the ability to purchase a separate stan...</p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/HHN1OIQBMr2A8msMIBUq/2022/11/2/irs-rule-change-addresses-the-family-glitch'><time>Nov 02, 2022</time><h4>IRS rule change addresses the family glitch</h4><p>A new IRS rule that goes into effect for coverage beginning January 1, 2023, addresses the family glitch that kept some families from obtaining premium tax credits in the ACA Individual Marketplace. This new rule can benefit anyone looking for family coverage in the Marketplace, including those w...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/C4Q6NIQBE2fldFgU1mos/2022/11/1/help-us-spotlight-your-small-group-clients'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Help us spotlight your small group clients</h4><p>We recently invited your Small Group clients to participate in our Small Business Spotlight. We're promoting local businesses to our Anthem associates who live and work in Connecticut so they can start shopping with your clients. We sent them an invitation and instructions to participate. Here...</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,nh,oh,wi'><a href='/news/CoTnM4QBE2fldFgU_mo4/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. You can count on Anthem, we’ve been provid...</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO, NH, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/G3PmM4QBMr2A8msMuhUZ/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. With other carriers choosing to no longer ...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/oRjlM4QBsTwMt47iyjCA/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. With other carriers choosing to no longer ...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/GnPkM4QBMr2A8msMfRX5/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-healthkeepers-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Healthkeepers Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem HealthKeepers affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. You can count on Anthem Health...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me'><a href='/news/oBjjM4QBsTwMt47iKDDk/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. You can count on Anthem. We’ve been servin...</p><p>Individual | CT, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/nxjhM4QBsTwMt47i6jDs/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. You can count on Anthem. We’ve been servin...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/nhjTM4QBsTwMt47ixDDm/2022/11/1/learn-why-ite28099s-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-and-family-plans-this-open-enrollment'><time>Nov 01, 2022</time><h4>Learn why it’s a great time to sell Anthem Individual and Family plans this open enrollment</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2022.  With 9 out of 10 Individual members eligible to receive financial help,* Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. You can count on Anthem. We’ve been ser...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/GHPKGoQBMr2A8msMOBWw/2022/10/27/ebpa-partnering-with-anthem-as-third-party-administrator-in-connecticut'><time>Oct 27, 2022</time><h4>EBPA partnering with Anthem as third-party administrator in Connecticut</h4><p>Employee Benefit Plan Administration (EBPA) is now partnering with Anthem as a third-party administrator (TPA) in Connecticut. Founded in 1963, EBPA will provide a competitively priced option for the 100 - 1000 market. As a TPA, they will provide enrollment, billing, and member support as an alt...</p><p>Large Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/lxjpCoQBsTwMt47iHzDE/2022/10/25/anthem-and-the-vegas-chamber-offer-low-cost-health-plans'><time>Oct 25, 2022</time><h4>Anthem and the Vegas Chamber offer low-cost health plans</h4><p>There are two low-cost Anthem health plans available through the Vegas Chamber that you can offer your clients: the new Association Health Plan (AHP) and Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF). Quotes are available now and plans are effective January 1, 2023. They both offer quality health insurance and ...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/DHNHD4QBMr2A8msMhRUn/2022/10/25/important-update-on-provider-negotiations-in-indiana'><time>Oct 25, 2022</time><h4>Important update on provider negotiations in Indiana</h4><p>Thank you for your continuing partnership as we work to address the cost of healthcare in Indiana. During this period of rising inflation, consumers are understandably concerned about healthcare affordability. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is sensitive to those concerns. We are currently in...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='me'><a href='/news/kxh59YMBsTwMt47iZjB2/2022/10/24/anthem-hmo-and-pos-plans-are-top-rated-in-the-state'><time>Oct 24, 2022</time><h4>Anthem HMO and POS plans are top rated in the state</h4><p>SOUTH PORTLAND, MAINE – Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine’s HMO and POS plans were once again rated 4.5 out of 5 in the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) commercial Health Plan Ratings for 2022, tying for the top-rated health plans in the state. This rating recognizes Ant...</p><p>Large Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/C3Nh8IMBMr2A8msMPhX3/2022/10/20/an-affordable-easy-to-use-digital-first-health-plan-for-nevada'><time>Oct 20, 2022</time><h4>An Affordable, easy to use, digital-first health plan for Nevada</h4><p>Nevada’s Convenient Care combines the savings of a health maintenance organization (HMO) with the convenience of virtual and in-person care for Groups and Individuals. It shares health information with the entire preferred care team for integration that supports whole health. Convenient Care HMO ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/khjd8YMBsTwMt47iKTCK/2022/10/20/anthem-marketplace-coverage-expanding-from-9-to-68-counties-in-wisconsin'><time>Oct 20, 2022</time><h4>Anthem marketplace coverage expanding from 9 to 68 counties in Wisconsin</h4><p>Anthem is creating greater access to affordable health care for tens of thousands Wisconsin consumers seeking coverage through the Wisconsin Health Care Marketplace.  Anthem is expanding coverage to nearly 60 more counties, expanding from nine counties in Southeast Wisconsin to 68 of the state’s ...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='me'><a href='/news/kRjH8IMBsTwMt47iczAN/2022/10/20/convenientmd-partnership-expands-access-to-primary-care-at-no-cost-to-members'><time>Oct 20, 2022</time><h4>ConvenientMD partnership expands access to primary care at no cost to members</h4><p>Starting January 1, 2023, Anthem Maine members in most Large Group and Small Group Anthem Balanced Funding employer-sponsored plans* can receive their primary care and urgent care clinic visits at $0 cost share when they select a ConvenientMD primary care provider (PCP) in Portland, Maine, or Por...</p><p>Large Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/BYTK8IMBE2fldFgUnWq7/2022/10/20/anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-foundation-supports-donation-of-infant-cpr-kits-to-dartmouth-health-childrene28099s'><time>Oct 20, 2022</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation supports donation of infant CPR kits to Dartmouth Health Children’s</h4><p>The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation funded the donation of 500 Infant CPR Anytime kits to the intensive care nursery at Children's Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. The kits contain tools to help new parents learn the lifesaving skills of infant CPR and infant choking r...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/A4SK64MBE2fldFgU4WrQ/2022/10/19/wee28099re-telling-your-individual-cdi-grandfathered-clients-about-benefit-changes'><time>Oct 19, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling your Individual CDI grandfathered clients about benefit changes</h4><p>THIS COMMUNICATION APPLIES ONLY TO CALIFORNIA INDIVIDUAL GRANDFATHERED POLICIES REGULATED BY THE CDI. We’re sending a letter to your clients with individual grandfathered policies regulated by the California Department of Insurance (CDI) soon to let them know about changes to their benefits. We’...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/BITt7IMBE2fldFgUtGrL/2022/10/18/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Oct 18, 2022</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in California and are impacted by current wildfire emergencies. The changes are in effect for Madera, Modoc, and Siskiyou counties from September 19, 2022, through October 18, 2022. The changes also ap...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/CHNU5oMBMr2A8msMqRVE/2022/10/18/hmopos-plan-rated-4-out-of-5-by-national-committee-for-quality-assurance'><time>Oct 18, 2022</time><h4>HMO/POS plan rated 4 out of 5 by National Committee for Quality Assurance</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire’s HMO/POS plan earned a 4 out of 5 rating in the National Committee for Quality Assurance’s (NCQA) commercial Health Plan Ratings for 2022. This rating recognizes Anthem as a leader in supporting its members with access to high-quality healthcare...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/A3Onw4MBMr2A8msMHRUo/2022/10/17/new-streamlined-participation-requirements-for-small-group-dental-and-vision-plans-'><time>Oct 17, 2022</time><h4>New streamlined participation requirements for small group dental and vision plans </h4><p>We’re making it easier for small groups to enroll in our dental and vision plans. Our Small Group 2-50 Dental Essential Choice plans now only requires the participation of 50% of net eligible employees, with 2 or more enrolled. This matches our small group vision participation guidelines. Our den...</p><p>Small Group | CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/AnOlw4MBMr2A8msMzRX_/2022/10/17/new-streamlined-participation-requirements-for-small-group-dental-and-vision-plans-'><time>Oct 17, 2022</time><h4>New streamlined participation requirements for small group dental and vision plans </h4><p>We’re making it easier for small groups to enroll in our dental and vision plans. Our Small Group 2-100 Dental Essential Choice and Dental Enhanced Care PLUS plans now only requires the participation of 50% of net eligible employees, with 2 or more enrolled. This matches our small group vision pa...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/AXOkw4MBMr2A8msM0BVw/2022/10/17/new-streamlined-participation-requirements-for-small-group-dental-and-vision-plans-'><time>Oct 17, 2022</time><h4>New streamlined participation requirements for small group dental and vision plans </h4><p>We’re making it easier for small groups to enroll in our dental and vision plans. Our Small Group 2-50 Dental Essential Choice plan now only requires the participation of 50% of net eligible employees, with 2 or more enrolled. This matches our small group vision participation guidelines. Our dent...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/_YSkw4MBE2fldFgUL2kh/2022/10/17/new-streamlined-participation-requirements-for-small-group-dental-and-vision-plans-'><time>Oct 17, 2022</time><h4>New streamlined participation requirements for small group dental and vision plans </h4><p>We’re making it easier for small groups to enroll in our dental and vision plans. Our Small Group 2-100 Dental Essential Choice plan now only requires the participation of 50% of net eligible employees, with 2 or more enrolled. This matches our small group vision participation guidelines. Our den...</p><p>Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/AHOjw4MBMr2A8msMDhWe/2022/10/17/new-streamlined-participation-requirements-for-small-group-dental-and-vision-plans-'><time>Oct 17, 2022</time><h4>New streamlined participation requirements for small group dental and vision plans </h4><p>We’re making it easier for small groups to enroll in our dental and vision plans. Our Small Group 2-100 Dental Metallic PPO, Dental Essential Choice PPO, and Dental Net DHMO plans now only require the participation of 25% of net eligible employees, with 2 or more enrolled. This matches our small ...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/CXNr5oMBMr2A8msMGBW2/2022/10/17/you-can-now-quote-and-enroll-abf-groups-on-producer-toolbox-'><time>Oct 17, 2022</time><h4>You can now quote and enroll ABF groups on Producer Toolbox </h4><p>You can use Producer Toolbox to quote and enroll Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF) groups.  Quoting online through Producer Toolbox is easier, quicker, and more accurate — saving you and your clients time.  We have a full suite of training and support resources for you, including: An ABF Broker Q...</p><p>Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/B3M714MBMr2A8msM1hU1/2022/10/14/producer-power-hour-a-new-way-to-keep-up-with-anthem-news-and-updates'><time>Oct 14, 2022</time><h4>Producer Power Hour: A new way to keep up with Anthem news and updates</h4><p>Join us for a new series designed to keep you up to date on all things Anthem. Every other week, Large Group and Municipal Director of Sales Deborah Eifes and Senior Director of Product Development Kara Gibbons will host an interactive session on Anthem news, updates, and tips for your clients. ...</p><p>Large Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-4RMwoMBE2fldFgUGmmJ/2022/10/13/learn-about-our-commitment-to-meaningful-transparency'><time>Oct 13, 2022</time><h4>Learn about our commitment to meaningful transparency</h4><p>Consumers are looking for useful information about cost and quality of care to help them make better choices about their healthcare. We are addressing their needs — combining empathy, advocacy, and technology to overcome the toughest healthcare challenges. Read our recent position paper (upstate...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_3NLwoMBMr2A8msMZRQm/2022/10/13/learn-about-our-commitment-to-meaningful-transparency'><time>Oct 13, 2022</time><h4>Learn about our commitment to meaningful transparency</h4><p>Consumers are looking for useful information about cost and quality of care to help them make better choices about their healthcare. We are addressing their needs — combining empathy, advocacy, and technology to overcome the toughest healthcare challenges. Read our recent position paper to see h...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/hRhKwoMBsTwMt47isDCk/2022/10/13/learn-about-our-commitment-to-meaningful-transparency'><time>Oct 13, 2022</time><h4>Learn about our commitment to meaningful transparency</h4><p>Consumers are looking for useful information about cost and quality of care to help them make better choices about their healthcare. We are addressing their needs — combining empathy, advocacy, and technology to overcome the toughest healthcare challenges. Read our recent position paper to see h...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_IRYwoMBE2fldFgUDmlt/2022/10/12/wee28099re-adding-pih-health-to-priority-select'><time>Oct 12, 2022</time><h4>We’re adding PIH Health to Priority Select</h4><p>Anthem will add PIH Health to our Priority Select network as of January 1, 2023. The addition will add 200 more primary care providers to the network and significantly improve coverage in northern Orange County and Los Angeles County. Please contact your Anthem sales representative for more info...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_HMQpIMBMr2A8msMkBS4/2022/10/5/id-cards-will-arrive-with-simpler-documentation'><time>Oct 05, 2022</time><h4>ID cards will arrive with simpler documentation</h4><p>Starting this month, all Individual and Small Group members will receive simpler documentation with their ID cards. We’ve created a new, more succinct carrier document that holds the ID card when it is delivered. There will be different versions for members who prefer paper ID cards and those who...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/_nNUqIMBMr2A8msM4RRH/2022/10/5/anthem-provides-grant-to-postpartum-support-virginia-to-support-post-birth-mental-health'><time>Oct 05, 2022</time><h4>Anthem provides grant to Postpartum Support Virginia to support Post-Birth Mental Health</h4><p>We recently awarded a grant to Postpartum Support Virginia (PSVa) of $475,000 over the next three years that will help them reach more than 50,000 new mothers in southwest Virginia and Hampton Roads. The grant supports their Collaborative Rounds model where providers with expertise educate other ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/-nN7n4MBMr2A8msMKBRn/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/ghh5n4MBsTwMt47imzBd/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem HealthKeepers affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we e...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/gRhTn4MBsTwMt47iZDCP/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/-XNSn4MBMr2A8msMaxT-/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/-HNRn4MBMr2A8msMUBRv/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/-YRQn4MBE2fldFgUKmkw/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/-IROn4MBE2fldFgUwWkA/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $1 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/gBhNn4MBsTwMt47igTAt/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/fxhMn4MBsTwMt47iUzB8/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/93NLn4MBMr2A8msMLRSW/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/9nNIn4MBMr2A8msMZhS-/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $1 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/94RGn4MBE2fldFgUWWly/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 $0 for commonly used prescription drugs4 Plus, we estimate that...</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/9XM3n4MBMr2A8msMHxTu/2022/10/3/open-enrollment-window-shopping-starts-october-1'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Open enrollment window shopping starts October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families offer: $0 monthly premiums1 $0 preventive care visits2 $0 virtual care visits3 Plus, we estimate that 9 out of 10 Individual members are eligib...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/fhjdnoMBsTwMt47izzDv/2022/10/3/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-ian-in-georgia-north-carolina-and-virginia'><time>Oct 03, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Ian in Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia and are impacted by the Hurricane Ian emergency. The changes are in effect for: The entire state of Georgia from September 27, 2022, through October 27, 2022...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/fRhcj4MBsTwMt47i5zCH/2022/9/30/help-for-members-impacted-by-hurricane-ian-in-georgia'><time>Sep 30, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Hurricane Ian in Georgia</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Georgia and are impacted by the Hurricane Ian emergency. The changes are in effect statewide from September 27, 2022, through October 27, 2022. The changes also apply to emergency responders who hav...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/fBgli4MBsTwMt47iITBi/2022/9/30/group-broker-services-is-here-to-help-you'><time>Sep 30, 2022</time><h4>Group Broker Services is here to help you</h4><p>Group Broker Services (GBS) is here to help you and group administrators with day-to-day operations. Your GBS team delivers dedicated support, expert solutions, and one-touch resolution for questions about enrollment, billing, membership, claims, benefits, or Anthem products. Email GBS anytime o...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/8oTchYMBE2fldFgU4Gmo/2022/9/28/virtual-wellness-visits-now-available-in-sydney-health'><time>Sep 28, 2022</time><h4>Virtual wellness visits now available in Sydney Health</h4><p>Members 18 to 64 years old can now schedule virtual annual preventive care (wellness) visits through the SydneySM Health mobile app.  Patients attend virtual annual wellness visits through video with secure medical text chat and follow-up communication. The visits provide a comprehensive health ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8YTbhYMBE2fldFgUr2lD/2022/9/28/virtual-wellness-visits-now-available-in-sydney-health'><time>Sep 28, 2022</time><h4>Virtual wellness visits now available in Sydney Health</h4><p>Members 18 to 64 years old can now schedule virtual annual preventive care (wellness) visits through the SydneySM Health mobile app.  Patients attend virtual annual wellness visits through video with secure medical text chat and follow-up communication. The visits provide a comprehensive health ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/8HPbhYMBMr2A8msMORQi/2022/9/28/virtual-wellness-visits-now-available-in-sydney-health'><time>Sep 28, 2022</time><h4>Virtual wellness visits now available in Sydney Health</h4><p>Members 18 to 64 years old can now schedule virtual annual preventive care (wellness) visits through the SydneySM Health mobile app.  Patients attend virtual annual wellness visits through video with secure medical text chat and follow-up communication. The visits provide a comprehensive health ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/8IQOe4MBE2fldFgUXGld/2022/9/27/december-and-january-deadlines-are-early-due-to-higher-volume'><time>Sep 27, 2022</time><h4>December and January deadlines are early due to higher volume</h4><p>To adjust for our busiest months, deadlines for December and January effective dates are earlier than other months. Submission deadlines for Small Group business applications are normally the 15th of the month, but they have been moved up for peak season. December 1, 2022, effective dates: ...</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/74TfYYMBE2fldFgU9ml4/2022/9/22/prohealth-care-is-joining-our-network'><time>Sep 22, 2022</time><h4>ProHealth Care is joining our network</h4><p>We announced today that Waukesha County’s premier health system, ProHealth Care, is joining our network. ProHealth Care’s hospitals, primary and specialty care clinics, and network of more than 800 medical professionals are now in-network for members with Healthcare Marketplace Individual health ...</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/eBi_YIMBsTwMt47iBjDl/2022/9/21/anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-donates-24100000-to-fight-hunger-in-southeast-missouri'><time>Sep 21, 2022</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield donates $100,000 to fight hunger in Southeast Missouri</h4><p>We recently presented a $100,000 check to the Southeast Missouri Food Bank as part of our support to our communities. The presentation was part of Hunger Action Month’s kickoff which included a local mobile food pantry event sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem). This event serv...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/dxioYIMBsTwMt47iWTCn/2022/9/21/we-support-your-community-as-a-trusted-partner'><time>Sep 21, 2022</time><h4>We support your community as a trusted partner</h4><p>Beyond the facts and figures of health plans, your clients are looking for benefits from someone they trust. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield builds that trust not only through the way we do business, but through support for the communities we serve. Recent news articles (covered by four outlet...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/bxgNMoMBsTwMt47iLjAH/2022/9/19/marketplace-quote-and-direct-enrollment-process-for-ffm'><time>Sep 19, 2022</time><h4>Marketplace quote and direct enrollment process for FFM</h4><p>You can quote, enroll, and renew clients directly on the Marketplace this Open Enrollment period. Register and set up access to the new dashboard today if you haven’t already. Follow these three easy steps: Visit the password reset page. Enter the email address you have on file with Anthem wi...</p><p>Individual | IN, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/64RCVoMBE2fldFgUIWlP/2022/9/19/ingeniorx-is-becoming-carelonrx'><time>Sep 19, 2022</time><h4>IngenioRx is becoming CarelonRx</h4><p>Our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, an Elevance Health company, will change its name to CarelonRx on January 1, 2023. IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy. The name change will not impact our me...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/7XNBVoMBMr2A8msMYhTm/2022/9/19/ingeniorx-is-becoming-carelonrx'><time>Sep 19, 2022</time><h4>IngenioRx is becoming CarelonRx</h4><p>Our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, an Elevance Health company, will change its name to CarelonRx on January 1, 2023. IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy. The name change will not impact our me...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/6YQ-VoMBE2fldFgUtGkd/2022/9/19/ingeniorx-is-becoming-carelonrx'><time>Sep 19, 2022</time><h4>IngenioRx is becoming CarelonRx</h4><p>Our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, an Elevance Health company, will change its name to CarelonRx on January 1, 2023. IngenioRx Home Delivery Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Mail and IngenioRx Specialty Pharmacy will become CarelonRx Specialty Pharmacy. The name change will not impact our me...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/54T6N4MBE2fldFgU-Wk0/2022/9/14/wee28099re-adding-uc-san-diego-and-palomar-health-to-priority-select'><time>Sep 14, 2022</time><h4>We’re adding UC San Diego and Palomar Health to Priority Select</h4><p>Anthem will add UC San Diego Health and Palomar Health to our Priority Select network as of January 1, 2023. The addition will increase the number of Primary Care Providers in the network to nearly 1,200 PCPs and will significantly improve Priority Select Network's coverage in the North County an...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5oRoN4MBE2fldFgUc2m-/2022/9/14/life-insurance-is-a-key-part-of-an-employees-overall-financial-wellness'><time>Sep 14, 2022</time><h4>Life insurance is a key part of an employee's overall financial wellness</h4><p>Your clients can help their employees feel more financially secure by offering a robust group life plan as part of their benefits package. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s a good time to remind employees of the importance of life insurance in their financial wellness strategy. Ou...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/chhmN4MBsTwMt47itjC0/2022/9/14/life-insurance-is-a-key-part-of-an-employees-overall-financial-wellness'><time>Sep 14, 2022</time><h4>Life insurance is a key part of an employee's overall financial wellness</h4><p>Your clients can help their employees feel more financially secure by offering a robust group life plan as part of their benefits package. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s a good time to remind employees of the importance of life insurance in their financial wellness strategy. Ou...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/5YRjN4MBE2fldFgUkWmP/2022/9/14/life-insurance-is-a-key-part-of-an-employees-overall-financial-wellness'><time>Sep 14, 2022</time><h4>Life insurance is a key part of an employee's overall financial wellness</h4><p>Your clients can help their employees feel more financially secure by offering a robust group life plan as part of their benefits package. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s a good time to remind employees of the importance of life insurance in their financial wellness strategy. Ou...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5XOIPIMBMr2A8msMXhTR/2022/9/14/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-california-wildfire-expanded-to-four-counties-total'><time>Sep 14, 2022</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for Members Impacted by California Wildfire expanded to four counties total</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in select counties in California and are impacted by the state’s current wildfire emergency. We expanded this relief to impacted members in four counties total. Riverside, El Dorado, and Placer count...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/D02tHoMBR93RSVcJh942/2022/9/13/how-to-help-more-older-adults-bridge-the-digital-divide'><time>Sep 13, 2022</time><h4>How to help more older adults bridge the digital divide</h4><p>Healthcare consumers have come to expect the convenience of digital healthcare tools. Your clients can get better health outcomes when their retirees embrace digital healthcare. But some older adults face challenges accessing or using these tools. Read our recent article to learn how you can hel...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5HOxM4MBMr2A8msMVxTi/2022/9/12/wee28099re-telling-employers-about-drug-data-collection-reporting-requirements'><time>Sep 12, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling employers about Drug Data Collection reporting requirements</h4><p>We sent an email to employers (upstate / downstate) last week outlining Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting requirements that begin December 27, 2022. The RxDC reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug utilization and spending trends...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/cRiwM4MBsTwMt47iKTCB/2022/9/12/wee28099re-telling-employers-about-drug-data-collection-reporting-requirements'><time>Sep 12, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling employers about Drug Data Collection reporting requirements</h4><p>We sent an email to employers last week outlining Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting requirements that begin December 27, 2022. The RxDC reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug utilization and spending trends to be submitted to U....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/43OvM4MBMr2A8msMCxTr/2022/9/12/wee28099re-telling-employers-about-drug-data-collection-reporting-requirements'><time>Sep 12, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling employers about Drug Data Collection reporting requirements</h4><p>We sent an email to employers last week outlining Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting requirements that begin December 27, 2022. The RxDC reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug utilization and spending trends to be submitted to U....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/5IStM4MBE2fldFgUxWmZ/2022/9/12/wee28099re-telling-employers-about-drug-data-collection-reporting-requirements'><time>Sep 12, 2022</time><h4>We’re telling employers about Drug Data Collection reporting requirements</h4><p>We sent an email to employers last week outlining Prescription Drug Data Collection (RxDC) reporting requirements that begin December 27, 2022. The RxDC reporting provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) requires reports on drug utilization and spending trends to be submitted to U....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/cBhcMoMBsTwMt47iNTBP/2022/9/12/help-for-members-impacted-by-flooding-in-georgia'><time>Sep 12, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Flooding in Georgia</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Chattooga and Floyd counties in Georgia and who are impacted by the state’s current severe flooding emergency. The changes are in effect from September 4 through October 3, 2022. The changes also ap...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/EE3PHoMBR93RSVcJUd4m/2022/9/8/free-at-home-covid-19-tests-ended-by-us-government'><time>Sep 08, 2022</time><h4>Free at-home COVID-19 tests ended by US Government</h4><p>A nationwide US Government program that allowed residents to order batches of free at-home coronavirus tests through the U.S. Postal Service came to an end on Friday, September 2, 2022, according to the federal website. Find more information on free testing resources in the "Othe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Lj6YHoMByV5ya8jpOpPI/2022/9/8/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfire-in-california'><time>Sep 08, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfire in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Siskiyou County, California, and are impacted by the state’s current wildfire emergency. The changes are in effect from September 2 through October 1, 2022. The changes also apply to emergency resp...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/irIbGoMBZW8P-rf-75Jw/2022/9/8/gary-edwards-is-new-director-of-middle-market'><time>Sep 08, 2022</time><h4>Gary Edwards is new Director of Middle Market</h4><p>Gary Edwards has joined us as Director of Middle Market New Business Sales at Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Georgia.  Gary will manage sales activities in our 100+ segment. He is an experienced and talented industry veteran. Gary will directly lead Callie Kaufmann and Drew Parker, and hire q...</p><p>Large Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in'><a href='/news/Dk2cE4MBR93RSVcJ8t5f/2022/9/7/healthsync-adds-schneck-medical-center-in-seymour'><time>Sep 07, 2022</time><h4>HealthSync adds Schneck Medical Center in Seymour</h4><p>Schneck Medical Center in Seymour is now a part of the HealthSync network. With this addition, Your HealthSync clients can choose from more than 10,000 physicians and medical professionals and 45 top hospitals across the state. HealthSync represents a shift away from the traditional fee-for-ser...</p><p>Large Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/ibINE4MBZW8P-rf-hJLn/2022/9/6/reminder-register-now-for-the-va-broker-roadshow-is-september-12'><time>Sep 06, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Register Now for the VA broker roadshow is September 12</h4><p>Virginia’s 2022 broker roadshow will be on Monday, September 12, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET Agenda: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - General session 12 - 12:15 p.m. - Break 12:15 - 1 p.m. - Medicaid focused Register now to experience your moments — elevated, at our 2022 broker roadshow. Anthem B...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/LD4y-oIByV5ya8jpApMo/2022/9/1/updated-contact-information-for-your-support-team'><time>Sep 01, 2022</time><h4>Updated contact information for your support team</h4><p>As we head into the busy season, it’s important to be able to reach us when you need support. Please use this updated contact list (PDF) to make sure you have the contact information you need.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Kz7O-YIByV5ya8jpVZP0/2022/9/1/2021-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-early-september'><time>Sep 01, 2022</time><h4>2021 MLR rebates will mail in early September</h4><p>Groups and Individual members in 11 states (upstate / downstate) will receive 2021 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. ML...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/iLLN-YIBZW8P-rf-M5KV/2022/9/1/2021-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-early-september'><time>Sep 01, 2022</time><h4>2021 MLR rebates will mail in early September</h4><p>Anthem groups and Individual members in 11 states will receive 2021 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/DU3L-YIBR93RSVcJrd4-/2022/9/1/2021-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-early-september'><time>Sep 01, 2022</time><h4>2021 MLR rebates will mail in early September</h4><p>Anthem groups and Individual members in 11 states will receive 2021 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,ga'><a href='/news/h7LI-YIBZW8P-rf-NpL4/2022/9/1/2021-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-early-september'><time>Sep 01, 2022</time><h4>2021 MLR rebates will mail in early September</h4><p>Anthem groups and Individual members in 11 states will receive 2021 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/hbL76oIBZW8P-rf-spK6/2022/8/29/producer-toolbox-and-the-broker-plus-improvements-make-it-easier-to-do-business-with-us'><time>Aug 29, 2022</time><h4>Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus improvements make it easier to do business with us</h4><p>We’re constantly improving Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus app. Here are a few notable enhancements made over the last three months in addition to improvements that reduce the number of small group quote and enrollment screens, improve filtering, make it easier to sign into tools, and make i...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky,mo,oh'><a href='/news/hLL66oIBZW8P-rf-95J1/2022/8/29/producer-toolbox-and-the-broker-plus-improvements-make-it-easier-to-do-business-with-us'><time>Aug 29, 2022</time><h4>Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus improvements make it easier to do business with us</h4><p>We’re constantly improving Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus app. Here are a few notable enhancements made over the last three months in addition to improvements that reduce the number of small group quote and enrollment screens, improve filtering, make it easier to sign into tools, and make i...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY, MO, OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/g7Id24IBZW8P-rf-OpK4/2022/8/26/update-new-gene-therapy-solution-offers-aso-groups-protection-from-unknown-risk-newly-approved-zynteglo-added'><time>Aug 26, 2022</time><h4>UPDATE: New Gene Therapy Solution offers ASO groups protection from unknown risk. Newly-approved Zynteglo added</h4><p>Register now to join our live webinar at noon (ET), Wednesday, September 14. You’ll be able to ask our experts how our new Gene Therapy Solution can protect your administrative services only (ASO) National and Large Group clients from financial risks related to breakthrough gene therapies. A sing...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/B03oz4IBR93RSVcJVN4H/2022/8/24/producer-toolbox-and-the-broker-plus-improvements-make-it-easier-to-do-business-with-us'><time>Aug 24, 2022</time><h4>Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus improvements make it easier to do business with us</h4><p>We’re constantly improving Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus app. Here are a few notable enhancements made over the last three months in addition to improvements that reduce the number of small group quote and enrollment screens, improve filtering, make it easier to sign into tools, and make i...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/BU3lz4IBR93RSVcJv95E/2022/8/24/producer-toolbox-and-the-broker-plus-improvements-make-it-easier-to-do-business-with-us'><time>Aug 24, 2022</time><h4>Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus improvements make it easier to do business with us</h4><p>We’re constantly improving Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus app. Here is a notable enhancement made over the last three months in addition to improvements that reduce the number of small group quote and enrollment screens, improve filtering, make it easier to sign into tools, and make it more...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,me,nh,nv,va,wi,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/IT7kz4IByV5ya8jpXpMU/2022/8/24/producer-toolbox-and-the-broker-plus-improvements-make-it-easier-to-do-business-with-us'><time>Aug 24, 2022</time><h4>Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus improvements make it easier to do business with us</h4><p>We’re constantly improving Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus app. Here is a notable enhancement made over the last three months in addition to improvements that reduce the number of small group quote and enrollment screens, improve filtering, make it easier to sign into tools, and make it more...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, ME, NH, NV, VA, WI, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/Hj5op4IByV5ya8jppJNE/2022/8/23/clinical-reviews-expanding-to-include-rehabilitative-services'><time>Aug 23, 2022</time><h4>Clinical reviews expanding to include rehabilitative services</h4><p>We’ve expanded clinical reviews in Virginia to include rehabilitative services, starting September 1, 2022. The AIM Rehabilitative Services program will review physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services to decide whether they’re medically necessary. Clinical reviews can ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dbJytoIBZW8P-rf-hJLn/2022/8/22/long-covid-metrics-added-to-cii-discover'><time>Aug 22, 2022</time><h4>Long COVID metrics added to CII Discover</h4><p>The new Long COVID Summary dashboard in CII Discover brings COVID-19 client reporting full circle, providing valuable information about the lingering effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on groups. It goes beyond information about active infections. The reporting looks back to March 2021 and updates w...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in'><a href='/news/HT5So4IByV5ya8jpCJOh/2022/8/15/rhodes-stepping-down-as-regional-vice-president'><time>Aug 15, 2022</time><h4>Rhodes stepping down as regional vice president</h4><p>Indiana Regional Vice President Rick Rhodes has announced that he is leaving Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield after 23 years. His last day will be August 26, 2022. Rick played a vital role in our growth in Indiana and developed relationships in the broker community that supported our success. ...</p><p>Large Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Ak0Go4IBR93RSVcJNt7C/2022/8/15/supplemental-health-plans-can-help-your-clientse28099-employees-manage-unexpected-illness-injury-or-hospitalization'><time>Aug 15, 2022</time><h4>Supplemental health plans can help your clients’ employees manage unexpected illness, injury, or hospitalization</h4><p>Your Large Group clients can support their employees with supplemental health plans that reduce the impact of out-of-pocket expenses when facing a health emergency. An unexpected illness or injury can cause financial hardship. Fixing a broken leg can cost up to $7, 500, while the average cost fo...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/HD4Eo4IByV5ya8jpaZOz/2022/8/15/supplemental-health-plans-can-help-your-clientse28099-employees-manage-unexpected-illness-injury-or-hospitalization'><time>Aug 15, 2022</time><h4>Supplemental health plans can help your clients’ employees manage unexpected illness, injury, or hospitalization</h4><p>Your Large Group clients can support their employees with supplemental health plans that reduce the impact of out-of-pocket expenses when facing a health emergency. An unexpected illness or injury can cause financial hardship. Fixing a broken leg can cost up to $7, 500, while the average cost fo...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/AU38ooIBR93RSVcJe94A/2022/8/15/supplemental-health-plans-can-help-your-clientse28099-employees-manage-unexpected-illness-injury-or-hospitalization'><time>Aug 15, 2022</time><h4>Supplemental health plans can help your clients’ employees manage unexpected illness, injury, or hospitalization</h4><p>Your Large Group clients can support their employees with supplemental health plans that reduce the impact of out-of-pocket expenses when facing a health emergency. An unexpected illness or injury can cause financial hardship. Fixing a broken leg can cost up to $7, 500, while the average cost fo...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/bLISiYIBZW8P-rf-LJJ7/2022/8/12/register-now-the-va-broker-roadshow-is-september-12'><time>Aug 12, 2022</time><h4>Register Now: The VA broker roadshow is September 12</h4><p>Virginia’s 2022 broker roadshow will be on Monday, September 12, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET Agenda: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - General session 12 - 12:15 p.m. - Break 12:15 - 1 p.m. - Medicaid focused Register now to experience your moments — elevated, at our 2022 broker roadshow. Anthem B...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/cbLpjIIBZW8P-rf-p5Ly/2022/8/11/coverage-post-dobbs-webinar-now-available-on-demand'><time>Aug 11, 2022</time><h4>Coverage post-Dobbs webinar now available on demand</h4><p>On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (PDF) permitting states to regulate abortion, effective immediately. Watch our on-demand webinar to learn how the Supreme Court decision could affect your clients’ health plan benefits. ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/_01JZYIBR93RSVcJV91C/2022/8/4/save-the-date-the-va-broker-roadshow-is-september-12'><time>Aug 04, 2022</time><h4>Save the date: The VA broker roadshow is September 12</h4><p>Virginia’s 2022 broker roadshow will be on Monday, September 12, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET. Agenda: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - General session 12 - 12:15 p.m. - Break 12:15 - 1 p.m. - Medicaid focused Watch for registration information coming soon. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_k3dZIIBR93RSVcJ7N06/2022/8/3/updated-e28093-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Aug 03, 2022</time><h4>UPDATED – Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes (updated) to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in California and are impacted by the state’s current wildfire emergency. The changes are in effect for: Mariposa County from July 23 through August 21, 2022. Siskiyou County from July 30 ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/_U3MX4IBR93RSVcJkt3U/2022/8/3/ascension-wisconsin-anthem-reach-new-multi-year-agreement'><time>Aug 03, 2022</time><h4>Ascension Wisconsin, Anthem reach new multi-year agreement</h4><p>Ascension Wisconsin and Anthem have reaffirmed their commitment to work together to bring high-quality, affordable health care to Southeast Wisconsin consumers. All Ascension Wisconsin hospitals, physician practices, and allied health services will remain in-network for more than one million memb...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/GD7VWYIByV5ya8jpWJN8/2022/8/2/join-anthem-producer-rewards-to-get-more-for-your-effort'><time>Aug 02, 2022</time><h4>Join Anthem Producer Rewards to get more for your effort</h4><p>As we approach your busiest time of the year, be sure to sign up for Anthem Producer Rewards to earn a little more for your hard work. The program gives you reward points for new sales and renewals. You can redeem the points for products, experiences, or travel. You earn points for new or renewi...</p><p>Large Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/_E2_WoIBR93RSVcJad1Q/2022/8/1/help-for-members-impacted-by-flooding-in-kentucky'><time>Aug 01, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Flooding in Kentucky</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Kentucky and are impacted by the severe weather system and flooding. The changes are in effect for the following 14 Kentucky counties from July 28, 2022, through August 26, 2022: Perry Floyd Br...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/-01LSoIBR93RSVcJ3d3P/2022/7/29/small-group-quotes-are-moving-to-online-only'><time>Jul 29, 2022</time><h4>Small group quotes are moving to online only</h4><p>Anthem Small Group is streamlining the small group quote and group enrollment process. Beginning August 1, 2022, brokers must quote and enroll all products on the Producer Toolbox. We will no longer accept quote requests (RFPs) by email. Our online quoting and enrollment tool on the Producer Too...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-E3ZP4IBR93RSVcJat1x/2022/7/28/now-you-can-login-to-producer-toolbox-without-a-password'><time>Jul 28, 2022</time><h4>Now you can login to Producer Toolbox without a password</h4><p>You can now use the Broker Plus app to login to Producer Toolbox without entering a password. Once you’ve downloaded the app from the App Store or Google Play and logged into it on your phone, you can just tap the screen or look at the phone to login to Producer Toolbox. The new login process us...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/aLJeO4IBZW8P-rf-BZLq/2022/7/26/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Jul 26, 2022</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Wildfires in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Mariposa County, California, and must leave their homes due to the impacts of the state’s current wildfire emergency. The changes are in effect from July 23 through August 21, 2022. For assistance d...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/900WE4IBR93RSVcJed1q/2022/7/26/convenient-care-hmo-plan-improves-access-to-care-and-member-support'><time>Jul 26, 2022</time><h4>Convenient Care HMO plan improves access to care and member support</h4><p>In 2023, we’re offering a new lower-priced HMO plan for Nevada with enhanced access and member support. Convenient Care HMO offers affordable access to a network of virtual and in-person care, with always-on customer service in a seamless digital experience. It also includes health coordinators ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/9k0YAoIBR93RSVcJLN0y/2022/7/18/you-can-offer-farm-to-more-industries'><time>Jul 18, 2022</time><h4>You can offer FARM to more industries</h4><p>The Georgia FARM Bureau Health Plan is expanding to farm-related industries, for quotes on or after June 27, 2022. You can sell the plan to groups that work in transportation, manufacturing, storage and warehousing, machinery, gas services, and more. Visit for complete underwrit...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ZLII-YEBZW8P-rf-B5IV/2022/7/14/wee28099ll-send-annual-mlr-survey-to-employers-soon'><time>Jul 14, 2022</time><h4>We’ll send annual MLR survey to employers soon</h4><p>Anthem pays annual rebates to Fully Insured groups when their medical loss ratio (MLR) is less than 85% for Large Groups or 80% for Small Groups and Individuals. Each year, we contact impacted groups to verify group size. We use the information to distribute accurate rebates.  This year, we will ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8k3394EBR93RSVcJsd2m/2022/7/14/cancer-care-navigators-can-support-members-through-their-cancer-experience'><time>Jul 14, 2022</time><h4>Cancer Care Navigators can support members through their cancer experience</h4><p>Our Cancer Care Navigator program (Upstate / Downstate (PDF)) can help your clients who are diagnosed with cancer. The program can help them understand their cancer diagnosis and treatment plans, make sense of benefit options, and connect to helpful resources in their community. We use predictiv...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Y7L194EBZW8P-rf-4pId/2022/7/14/cancer-care-navigators-can-support-members-through-their-cancer-experience'><time>Jul 14, 2022</time><h4>Cancer Care Navigators can support members through their cancer experience</h4><p>Our Cancer Care Navigator (PDF) program can help your clients who are diagnosed with cancer. The program can help them understand their cancer diagnosis and treatment plans, make sense of benefit options, and connect to helpful resources in their community. We use predictive modeling to identify...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/YrLz94EBZW8P-rf-u5JY/2022/7/14/cancer-care-navigators-can-support-members-through-their-cancer-experience'><time>Jul 14, 2022</time><h4>Cancer Care Navigators can support members through their cancer experience</h4><p>Our Cancer Care Navigator (PDF) program can help your clients who are diagnosed with cancer. The program can help them understand their cancer diagnosis and treatment plans, make sense of benefit options, and connect to helpful resources in their community. We use predictive modeling to identify...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/YbKx94EBZW8P-rf-7JJt/2022/7/13/friday-is-the-last-chance-for-va-resident-agents-to-register-for-virtual-ce-makeup-sessions'><time>Jul 13, 2022</time><h4>Friday is the last chance for VA resident agents to register for virtual CE makeup sessions</h4><p>You have until Friday to register for free virtual training this month. Register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge. These courses are make-up courses for the classes offered in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit. Thi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8U1h2oEBR93RSVcJbt2E/2022/7/8/your-clients-choose-the-benefits-they-want-with-dental-essential-choice-'><time>Jul 08, 2022</time><h4>Your clients choose the benefits they want with Dental Essential Choice </h4><p>With our Dental Essential Choice PPO plans, your clients are in control of selecting the plan features they want for their employees. They can: Choose from different annual maximums, including unlimited. Waive diagnostic and preventive services from the deductible and/or annual maximum. Set ...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8E1g2oEBR93RSVcJMt0V/2022/7/8/your-clients-choose-the-benefits-they-want-with-dental-essential-choice-'><time>Jul 08, 2022</time><h4>Your clients choose the benefits they want with Dental Essential Choice </h4><p>With our Dental Essential Choice PPO plans, your clients are in control of selecting the plan features they want for their employees. They can: Choose from different annual maximums, including unlimited. Waive diagnostic and preventive services from the deductible and/or annual maximum. Set ...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/Dj5f2oEByV5ya8jpG5P2/2022/7/8/your-clients-choose-the-benefits-they-want-with-dental-essential-choice'><time>Jul 08, 2022</time><h4>Your clients choose the benefits they want with Dental Essential Choice</h4><p>With our Dental Essential Choice PPO plans, your clients are in control of selecting the plan features they want for their employees. They can: Choose from different annual maximums, including unlimited. Waive diagnostic and preventive services from the deductible and/or annual maximum. Set ...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/YLLY3oEBZW8P-rf-2JKq/2022/7/8/james-montecalvo-named-regional-vp-of-sales-in-new-hampshire'><time>Jul 08, 2022</time><h4>James Montecalvo named regional VP of Sales in New Hampshire</h4><p>James Montecalvo has been named regional vice president of Sales for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire, effective August 1. James brings a wealth of experience to his new role. He has been regional vice president of Underwriting for Anthem since 2015. He served in the Finance de...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/XbJU1IEBZW8P-rf-I5KR/2022/7/7/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-improving-overall-health'><time>Jul 07, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on improving overall health</h4><p>Our plan president shared how a focus on overall health can pay off for your clients and their employees in a recent article in the Milwaukee Business Journal. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Employers have a core business interest in the health of employees and their families...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/7k1T1IEBR93RSVcJEd3B/2022/7/7/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-improving-overall-health-'><time>Jul 07, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on improving overall health </h4><p>Our plan president shared how a focus on overall health can pay off for your clients and their employees in a recent article in the St. Louis Business Journal. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Employers have a core business interest in the health of employees and their families...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/XLJR1IEBZW8P-rf-15L6/2022/7/7/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-improving-overall-health'><time>Jul 07, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on improving overall health</h4><p>Our plan president shared how a focus on overall health can pay off for your clients and their employees in a recent article in Columbus Business First. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Employers have a core business interest in the health of employees and their families. Commi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/DT5Q1IEByV5ya8jp2JPH/2022/7/7/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-improving-overall-health'><time>Jul 07, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on improving overall health</h4><p>Our plan president shared how a focus on overall health can pay off for your clients and their employees in a recent article in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Employers have a core business interest in the health of employees and their families...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7U3M04EBR93RSVcJit3Q/2022/7/7/tell-us-what-you-think-about-broker-hub'><time>Jul 07, 2022</time><h4>Tell us what you think about Broker Hub</h4><p>Our Broker Hub launched one year ago, and we want to know what you think about it. Please take a minute to share your experience with the Hub. Your response will give us important insights about how to keep making it better for you. Please take this short survey by July 20, 2022.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/7E3L04EBR93RSVcJUt3P/2022/7/7/tell-us-what-you-think-about-broker-hub'><time>Jul 07, 2022</time><h4>Tell us what you think about Broker Hub</h4><p>Our Broker Hub launched one year ago, and we want to know what you think about it. Please take a minute to share your experience with the Hub. Your response will give us important insights about how to keep making it better for you. Please take this short survey by July 20, 2022.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6002tYEBR93RSVcJbt2R/2022/6/30/register-for-our-ask-the-expert-webinar-on-digital-tools-july-21-and-22'><time>Jun 30, 2022</time><h4>Register for our Ask the Expert webinar on digital tools July 21 and 22</h4><p>Join us as we walk through the suite of digital tools you have in your arsenal to save time and better support your clients. These sessions are appropriate for brokers and their support teams. Our Thursday, July 21 session will focus on tools to support your Small Group clients, while the Friday,...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5U3CkYEBR93RSVcJgt26/2022/6/24/you-can-now-read-public-broker-news-on-the-broker-hub'><time>Jun 24, 2022</time><h4>You can now read public broker news on the Broker Hub</h4><p>We’ve added a public broker news section to the Empire Broker Hub. It’s part of our ongoing effort to give you the marketing resources and information you need to help your clients.  You can read the latest news for your state on the hub’s home page. To switch states, use the drop-down menu on t...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/WrLBkYEBZW8P-rf-jJIm/2022/6/24/you-can-now-read-public-broker-news-on-the-broker-hub'><time>Jun 24, 2022</time><h4>You can now read public broker news on the Broker Hub</h4><p>We’ve added a public broker news section to the Anthem Broker Hub. It’s part of our ongoing effort to give you the marketing resources and information you need to help your clients.  You can read the latest news for your state on the hub’s home page. To switch states, use the drop-down menu on t...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/CD45jYEByV5ya8jp8ZME/2022/6/23/2021-ingeniorx-drug-trend-report-now-available'><time>Jun 23, 2022</time><h4>2021 IngenioRx Drug Trend Report now available</h4><p>An in-depth look at pharmacy and medical drug trends is available in the 2021 IngenioRx Drug Trend Report. For our pharmacy benefit manager, IngenioRx, 2021 was a year of continued growth, change, and accomplishments. Look behind the numbers to see what drove pharmacy spend last year. In 2021, m...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/WLKsZ4EBZW8P-rf-PJK5/2022/6/16/anthem-plans-cover-brca-gene-mutations-screening-counseling-and-testing'><time>Jun 16, 2022</time><h4>Anthem plans cover BRCA gene mutations screening, counseling, and testing</h4><p>Anthem plans include coverage for screening, genetic counseling, and testing for harmful BRCA gene mutations. This coverage is not new to our plans, but it is now mandated by recent Nevada legislation. The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for women with a persona...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/BD4wZIEByV5ya8jpsZMD/2022/6/16/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-lowering-healthcare-costs'><time>Jun 16, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on lowering healthcare costs</h4><p>As a business and community leader, you can have a positive influence on the health of others. Our plan president recently shared ways to lower healthcare costs through an article in the Milwaukee Business Journal. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Sixty-seven percent of all ba...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/VrIvZIEBZW8P-rf-lpIh/2022/6/16/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-lowering-healthcare-costs'><time>Jun 16, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on lowering healthcare costs</h4><p>As a business and community leader, you can have a positive influence on the health of others. Our plan president recently shared ways to lower healthcare costs through an article in the St. Louis Business Journal. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Sixty-seven percent of all ba...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/Az4tZIEByV5ya8jpjpMy/2022/6/16/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-lowering-healthcare-costs'><time>Jun 16, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on lowering healthcare costs</h4><p>As a business and community leader, you can have a positive influence on the health of others. Our plan president recently shared ways to lower healthcare costs through an article in the Cincinnati Business Courier. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Sixty-seven percent of all b...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/Aj4sZIEByV5ya8jpGpMc/2022/6/16/read-our-recent-article-for-insight-on-lowering-healthcare-costs'><time>Jun 16, 2022</time><h4>Read our recent article for insight on lowering healthcare costs</h4><p>As a business and community leader, you can have a positive influence on the health of others. Our plan president recently shared ways to lower healthcare costs through an article in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. It has valuable insights for you and your clients. Sixty-seven percent of all ba...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/VbIuXoEBZW8P-rf-IJIE/2022/6/15/new-payment-mailing-address-starts-with-mid-august-invoices'><time>Jun 15, 2022</time><h4>New payment mailing address starts with mid-August invoices</h4><p>We’re updating the payment process for your Anthem premiums. The only change that may affect you is the payment mailing address. You should start using the new address with mid-August invoices.   The new address is: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield P.O. Box 645438 Cincinnati, OH 45264-54...</p><p>Large Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/BT5lZ4EByV5ya8jp9ZPA/2022/6/15/introducing-elevance-health'><time>Jun 15, 2022</time><h4>Introducing Elevance Health</h4><p>We are pleased to announce that our shareholders voted to approve our parent company's name change from Anthem, Inc. to Elevance Health, Inc. (NYSE Ticker Symbol - ELV) effective June 28, 2022. Here's what you can expect:   A bold new vision for the future of health We chose the name Elevanc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/Bj6hZ4EByV5ya8jpbZOB/2022/6/15/introducing-elevance-health'><time>Jun 15, 2022</time><h4>Introducing Elevance Health</h4><p>We are pleased to announce that our shareholders voted to approve our parent company's name change from Anthem, Inc. to Elevance Health, Inc. (NYSE Ticker Symbol - ELV) effective June 28, 2022. Here's what you can expect:   A bold new vision for the future of health We chose the name Elevanc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/V7KlZ4EBZW8P-rf-gZKj/2022/6/15/introducing-elevance-health'><time>Jun 15, 2022</time><h4>Introducing Elevance Health</h4><p>We are pleased to announce that our shareholders voted to approve our parent company's name change from Anthem, Inc. to Elevance Health, Inc. (NYSE Ticker Symbol - ELV) effective June 28, 2022. Here's what you can expect:   A bold new vision for the future of health We chose the name Elevanc...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/5E3PYoEBR93RSVcJfN34/2022/6/15/pcori-fees-increasing-for-2022-payment'><time>Jun 15, 2022</time><h4>PCORI fees increasing for 2022 payment</h4><p>The annual mandated fee to fund the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is increasing to $2.79 per member, up from $2.66 last year. It’s mandated by the Affordable Care Act and due August 1, 2022. Fees are paid annually with the submission of IRS Form 720. We pay it for fully in...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/402wXYEBR93RSVcJr91u/2022/6/14/why-medicare-star-ratings-matter'><time>Jun 14, 2022</time><h4>Why Medicare Star Ratings matter</h4><p>Medicare Star Ratings can help your clients evaluate their options when choosing a Medicare retirement plan. Our recent blog article explains why Star Ratings matter. Star Ratings use federal benchmarks to determine how effectively healthcare is delivered to Medicare beneficiaries across the cou...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/AD6rXYEByV5ya8jpspON/2022/6/14/why-medicare-star-ratings-matter'><time>Jun 14, 2022</time><h4>Why Medicare Star Ratings matter</h4><p>Medicare Star Ratings can help your clients evaluate their options when choosing a Medicare retirement plan. Our recent blog article explains why Star Ratings matter. Star Ratings use federal benchmarks to determine how effectively healthcare is delivered to Medicare beneficiaries across the cou...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/4k2oXYEBR93RSVcJKN2f/2022/6/14/why-medicare-star-ratings-matter'><time>Jun 14, 2022</time><h4>Why Medicare Star Ratings matter</h4><p>Medicare Star Ratings can help your clients evaluate their options when choosing a Medicare retirement plan. Our recent blog article explains why Star Ratings matter. Star Ratings use federal benchmarks to determine how effectively healthcare is delivered to Medicare beneficiaries across the cou...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/VLLXTYEBZW8P-rf-a5I-/2022/6/10/virginia-plan-president-jeff-ricketts-retiring-in-september'><time>Jun 10, 2022</time><h4>Virginia plan President Jeff Ricketts retiring in September</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia President Jeff Ricketts will retire in September after nearly 40 years with the company.   He joined Anthem in 1984 as a sales account representative and progressed through several leadership positions before becoming plan president five years ago. ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_z5sSoEByV5ya8jp6pKa/2022/6/9/tech-talk-introducing-the-sydney-health-nutrition-tracker'><time>Jun 09, 2022</time><h4>Tech Talk: Introducing the Sydney Health Nutrition Tracker</h4><p>At the end of July, we’re adding a nutrition tracker to our SydneySM Health mobile app at no additional cost. It can log meals, and calculate macronutrients and calories. It can also save favorite foods for future tracking or sharing with a provider. It uses your smartphone camera and recognizes...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-j66RIEByV5ya8jplZKJ/2022/6/9/expanded-virtual-care-options-include-primary-and-preventive-care'><time>Jun 09, 2022</time><h4>Expanded virtual care options include primary and preventive care</h4><p>We've expanded the virtual care experience on our SydneySM Health app to now include access to primary care. We’re making it easier and more affordable for your self-funded and balance-funded clients and their employees to focus on overall healthcare. Members can schedule a virtual primary care ...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,mo,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ULKjRIEBZW8P-rf-XZKK/2022/6/9/expanded-virtual-care-options-include-primary-and-preventive-care'><time>Jun 09, 2022</time><h4>Expanded virtual care options include primary and preventive care</h4><p>We've expanded the virtual care experience on our SydneySM Health app to now include access to primary care. We’re making it easier and more affordable for your self-funded and balance-funded clients and their employees to focus on overall healthcare. Members can schedule a virtual primary care ...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/T7KaQ4EBZW8P-rf-L5Kp/2022/6/9/help-your-clients-obtain-plan-benefit-information-in-their-language'><time>Jun 09, 2022</time><h4>Help your clients obtain plan benefit information in their language</h4><p>Your clients can receive phone assistance and translations of their Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) if they need help understanding their plan benefits in their native language. The SBC is a 12-page policy review covering all benefits and features of our plans. You or your client can call...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/TrKYQ4EBZW8P-rf-_5LA/2022/6/9/help-your-clients-obtain-plan-benefit-information-in-their-language'><time>Jun 09, 2022</time><h4>Help your clients obtain plan benefit information in their language</h4><p>Your clients can receive phone assistance and translations of their Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) if they need help understanding their plan benefits in their native language. The SBC is a 12-page policy review covering all benefits and features of our plans. You or your client can call...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/TbImPoEBZW8P-rf-1JIj/2022/6/8/reminder-va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-makeup-sessions-in-july'><time>Jun 08, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE makeup sessions in July</h4><p>You can register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in July. These courses are make-up courses for the classes in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit. This training is for Virginia resident agents...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/-T60KYEByV5ya8jptpK3/2022/6/6/improved-hsa-investment-options'><time>Jun 06, 2022</time><h4>Improved HSA investment options</h4><p>On July 1, 2022, we’ll launch the WealthCare Saver investment solution – a new health savings account (HSA) investment platform that will make it easier for investors of every experience level to work toward their long-term financial goals. It will provide a modern investment experience with fea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/X5-hJYEBcxCjyDpdXYfd/2022/6/3/register-now-new-producer-training-available-this-month'><time>Jun 03, 2022</time><h4>Register Now: New producer training available this month</h4><p>There’s still time to register for our new producer training sessions this month. The training is designed for producers with less than 12 months in the industry. This foundational knowledge will help you succeed as you start your career as a producer. The sessions are: Underwriting 101:  Jun...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/-D7SJYEByV5ya8jpl5IG/2022/6/2/northern-light-and-anthem-bring-lower-cost-options-to-southern-maine'><time>Jun 02, 2022</time><h4>Northern Light and Anthem bring lower-cost options to southern Maine</h4><p>Northern Light Health and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Maine are partnering to provide greater access to affordable care in southern Maine. On July 1, 2022, Northern Light Inland Hospital in Waterville and Northern Light Mercy Hospital in Portland will become Tier 1 providers in our Main...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8z52_YAByV5ya8jpP5J6/2022/5/25/machine-readable-files-will-be-available-july-1'><time>May 25, 2022</time><h4>Machine readable files will be available July 1</h4><p>Beginning July 1, 2022, we will make machine-readable files (MRFs), for plans we administer and maintain, available to the public. The files will contain the negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts derived from historical claims for out-of-network providers. Transparency in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/WZ90_YABcxCjyDpdSIci/2022/5/25/machine-readable-files-will-be-available-july-1'><time>May 25, 2022</time><h4>Machine readable files will be available July 1</h4><p>Beginning July 1, 2022, we will make machine-readable files (MRFs), for plans we administer and maintain, available to the public. The files will contain the negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts derived from historical claims for out-of-network providers. Transparency in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8j5z_YAByV5ya8jpNpKI/2022/5/25/machine-readable-files-will-be-available-july-1'><time>May 25, 2022</time><h4>Machine readable files will be available July 1</h4><p>Beginning July 1, 2022, we will make machine-readable files (MRFs), for plans we administer and maintain, available to the public. The files will contain the negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts derived from historical claims for out-of-network providers. Transparency in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/8T5v_YAByV5ya8jp9JJ_/2022/5/25/machine-readable-files-will-be-available-july-1'><time>May 25, 2022</time><h4>Machine readable files will be available July 1</h4><p>Beginning July 1, 2022, we will make machine-readable files (MRFs), for plans we administer and maintain, available to the public. The files will contain the negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts derived from historical claims for out-of-network providers. Transparency in ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/8D4N_IAByV5ya8jpm5Ln/2022/5/25/mewa-annual-rate-census-reconciliation'><time>May 25, 2022</time><h4>MEWA Annual Rate & Census Reconciliation</h4><p>Within the next week or so, our mutual Georgia Chamber SMART Plan and Georgia Farm Bureau (MEWA) groups will receive an email request from, the MEWA management system used to collect data for the Annual Rate and Census Reconciliation (ARC). Consoliplex, the plan manager, will then use thi...</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/7z6i8oAByV5ya8jpsZLi/2022/5/24/torrance-memorial-opens-new-complex-in-el-segundo'><time>May 24, 2022</time><h4>Torrance Memorial opens new complex in El Segundo</h4><p>Torrance Memorial, one of Vivity's founders, has opened a new multi-specialty, family-centered medical complex in El Segundo. It brings family-centered, comprehensive care to those who live or work in or near El Segundo, Inglewood, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, and Gardena. You can watch...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7j7A4YAByV5ya8jpvJKk/2022/5/20/legislative-update-webinar-e28093-register-now-and-join-us-may-25-'><time>May 20, 2022</time><h4>Legislative update webinar – Register now and join us May 25 </h4><p>Join us on May 25 for a broker-focused webinar that will bring you up to date on some of the latest developments in federal health care legislation and regulation.  Our experts Gina Boscarino, Director, Public Policy, and Simone Myrie, Federal and External Affairs Manager, will discuss several t...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/R7LOzYABZW8P-rf-xJIg/2022/5/17/new-guest-level-access-to-broker-news-now-available'><time>May 17, 2022</time><h4>New guest level access to Broker News now available</h4><p>Now anyone can see unsecured broker news posts by accessing articles through the Broker Plus app via the new guest persona. No registration or login is required. So, you don’t need to be an appointed agent with a tax ID number to stay current on broker news through Empire. Download the Broker Pl...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/RrLNzYABZW8P-rf-3JKk/2022/5/17/new-guest-level-access-to-broker-news-now-available'><time>May 17, 2022</time><h4>New guest level access to Broker News now available</h4><p>Now anyone can see unsecured broker news posts by accessing articles through the Broker Plus app via the new guest persona. No registration or login is required. So, you don’t need to be an appointed agent with a tax ID number to stay current on broker news through Anthem. Download the Broker Pl...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/WJ_YzYABcxCjyDpdhYck/2022/5/17/reminder-chamberadvantage-is-moving-to-monthly-billing'><time>May 17, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: ChamberAdvantage is moving to monthly billing</h4><p>Effective June 1, 2022, we will begin billing monthly product dues for all new and renewing ChamberAdvantage groups on behalf of the Kentucky Chamber. Currently, the Chamber directly bills each participating ChamberAdvantage group for their product dues on an annual basis. The $4 per subscriber p...</p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RbK5vYABZW8P-rf-gJKI/2022/5/13/short-and-long-term-disability-plans-can-help-protect-your-clients-from-lost-income'><time>May 13, 2022</time><h4>Short- and long-term disability plans can help protect your clients from lost income</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. You can make a difference by offering your clients short- and long-term disability plans as part of their total benefits package. It helps provide employees with financial stability when it’s needed most. Disability insurance can work together with yo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/RLK4vYABZW8P-rf-m5ID/2022/5/13/short-and-long-term-disability-plans-can-help-protect-your-clients-from-lost-income'><time>May 13, 2022</time><h4>Short- and long-term disability plans can help protect your clients from lost income</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. You can make a difference by offering your clients short- and long-term disability plans as part of their total benefits package. It helps provide employees with financial stability when it’s needed most. Disability insurance can work together with yo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/7D63vYAByV5ya8jpIJKZ/2022/5/13/short-and-long-term-disability-plans-can-help-protect-your-clients-from-lost-income'><time>May 13, 2022</time><h4>Short- and long-term disability plans can help protect your clients from lost income</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. You can make a difference by offering your clients short- and long-term disability plans as part of their total benefits package. It helps provide employees with financial stability when it’s needed most. Disability insurance can work together with yo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/Q7LnroABZW8P-rf-XJLj/2022/5/11/va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-makeup-sessions-in-july'><time>May 11, 2022</time><h4>VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE makeup sessions in July</h4><p>Register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in July. These courses are make-up courses for the classes in January. If you attended the January courses, you will NOT get additional credit. This training is for Virginia resident agents only an...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/VZ-JmYABcxCjyDpdj4dl/2022/5/10/a-new-cost-saving-health-plan-exclusively-for-vegas-chamber-members'><time>May 10, 2022</time><h4>A new cost-saving health plan exclusively for Vegas Chamber members</h4><p>You can now offer your Small Group clients an easier way to provide health coverage for their employees. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and the Vegas Chamber have partnered to introduce the Vegas Chamber Association Health Plan (AHP).  It’s available to Small Group employers of 2 to 50 employ...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/VJ95lIABcxCjyDpdOIfx/2022/5/9/beyond-benefits-share-these-mental-health-resources-with-your-clients'><time>May 09, 2022</time><h4>Beyond benefits: Share these mental health resources with your clients</h4><p>May is Mental Health Awareness month and we want to be sure you’re aware of additional mental health resources you can share with your clients. When it comes to mental and emotional well-being, we support your clients with more than just the right benefits. We offer a diverse group of partnershi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/U593lIABcxCjyDpdaYc1/2022/5/9/beyond-benefits-share-these-mental-health-resources-with-your-clients'><time>May 09, 2022</time><h4>Beyond benefits: Share these mental health resources with your clients</h4><p>May is Mental Health Awareness month and we want to be sure you’re aware of additional mental health resources you can share with your clients. When it comes to mental and emotional well-being, we support your clients with more than just the right benefits. We offer a diverse group of partnershi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/QbJxlIABZW8P-rf-gZIc/2022/5/9/beyond-benefits-share-these-mental-health-resources-with-your-clients'><time>May 09, 2022</time><h4>Beyond benefits: Share these mental health resources with your clients</h4><p>May is Mental Health Awareness month and we want to be sure you’re aware of additional mental health resources you can share with your clients. When it comes to mental and emotional well-being, we support your clients with more than just the right benefits. We offer a diverse group of partnershi...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PrJBi4ABZW8P-rf-UpKD/2022/5/4/supporting-employee-well-being-with-supplemental-health-programs'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>Supporting employee well-being with supplemental health programs</h4><p>The Social Security Administration estimates that more than 25 percent of current 20-year-olds will become disabled before they reach retirement age, and 25 percent will be out of work for at least a year due to a disabling condition. Yet only 40 percent of Americans have access to short-term dis...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Up8_i4ABcxCjyDpd5Icb/2022/5/4/supporting-employee-well-being-with-supplemental-health-programs'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>Supporting employee well-being with supplemental health programs</h4><p>The Social Security Administration estimates that more than 25 percent of current 20-year-olds will become disabled before they reach retirement age, and 25 percent will be out of work for at least a year due to a disabling condition. Yet only 40 percent of Americans have access to short-term dis...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/UZ89i4ABcxCjyDpd94cS/2022/5/4/supporting-employee-well-being-with-supplemental-health-programs'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>Supporting employee well-being with supplemental health programs</h4><p>The Social Security Administration estimates that more than 25 percent of current 20-year-olds will become disabled before they reach retirement age, and 25 percent will be out of work for at least a year due to a disabling condition. Yet only 40 percent of Americans have access to short-term dis...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6z4pi4AByV5ya8jpGZLK/2022/5/4/new-digital-community-experience-launching-for-individual-clients'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>New digital community experience launching for Individual clients</h4><p>We continue to explore innovative ways to increase value and improve outcomes for your Individual members. Our latest innovation is the Sydney Community mobile app, a digital experience focused on improving the overall health and wellbeing of your members by connecting them to peer-to-peer suppor...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PbKqhYABZW8P-rf-uJLa/2022/5/4/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-select-employers'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to select employers</h4><p>We are launching three marketing campaigns aimed at Large Group employer prospects in the 14 states we serve. Our messages will address common pain points employers are facing and tell them about Empire solutions that can help them address those challenges. All three campaigns will exclude state...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/6j6ohYAByV5ya8jp-JJd/2022/5/4/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-select-employers'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to select employers</h4><p>We are launching three marketing campaigns aimed at Large Group employer prospects in the 14 states we serve. Our messages will address common pain points employers are facing and tell them about Anthem solutions that can help them address those challenges. All three campaigns will exclude state...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/PLKmhYABZW8P-rf-o5L7/2022/5/4/wee28099re-promoting-our-value-to-select-employers'><time>May 04, 2022</time><h4>We’re promoting our value to select employers</h4><p>We are launching three marketing campaigns aimed at Large Group employer prospects in the 14 states we serve. Our messages will address common pain points employers are facing and tell them about Anthem solutions that can help them address those challenges. All three campaigns will exclude state...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ObIHhYABZW8P-rf-4ZIF/2022/5/3/wee28099ve-reduced-the-red-tape-on-our-disability-plans-'><time>May 03, 2022</time><h4>We’ve reduced the red tape on our disability plans </h4><p>We’ve made it easier for short- and long-term disability plan customers to make the most of their benefits. Members of groups with two to five employees no longer need to submit an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form to receive their full plan benefit amount, unless they miss their group’s enrol...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/UJ8GhYABcxCjyDpdwofR/2022/5/3/wee28099ve-reduced-the-red-tape-on-our-disability-plans-'><time>May 03, 2022</time><h4>We’ve reduced the red tape on our disability plans </h4><p>We’ve made it easier for short- and long-term disability plan customers to make the most of their benefits. Members of groups with two to five employees no longer need to submit an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form to receive their full plan benefit amount, unless they miss their group’s enrol...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/T58FhYABcxCjyDpdj4fS/2022/5/3/wee28099ve-reduced-the-red-tape-on-our-disability-plans-'><time>May 03, 2022</time><h4>We’ve reduced the red tape on our disability plans </h4><p>We’ve made it easier for short- and long-term Anthem Life disability plan customers to make the most of their benefits. Members of groups with two to five employees no longer need to submit an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form to receive their full plan benefit amount, unless they miss their g...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/6T5CcIAByV5ya8jpi5KV/2022/4/29/exclusive-vegas-chamber-ahp-accepting-rfps-starting-may-2'><time>Apr 29, 2022</time><h4>Exclusive Vegas Chamber AHP accepting RFPs starting May 2</h4><p>We’ve partnered with the Vegas Chamber to introduce the exclusive Vegas Chamber Association Health Plan (AHP) for Small Group employers with 2 to 50 employees. It includes a full suite of benefits to help employees stay healthy while keeping costs down for everyone. Brokers and employers must be ...</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Tp-aUoABcxCjyDpdAIdQ/2022/4/28/wee28099ll-remind-you-when-your-license-is-about-to-expire'><time>Apr 28, 2022</time><h4>We’ll remind you when your license is about to expire</h4><p>Starting May 1, we will send you an email to remind you when your state insurance license is within 45 days of expiring.  We want to help you avoid the hassle of an expired license and prevent any delays in commission payments.  Thanks for choosing to work with us.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/SZ-vR4ABcxCjyDpdVocg/2022/4/27/top-services-information-available-to-the-public'><time>Apr 27, 2022</time><h4>Top services information available to the public</h4><p>Ohio law requires us to make available to the public a list of the top 20 percent of services used by members of Anthem plans offered on the exchange. We must also provide a member’s expected contribution for each service. Primary care office visits and lab services make up the top 20 percent of...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/6D6fUoAByV5ya8jpQJKe/2022/4/25/save-the-date-2022-make-up-ce-classes-july-19-and-21'><time>Apr 25, 2022</time><h4>Save the date: 2022 Make Up CE Classes July 19 and 21</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will conduct a makeup session of four hours of virtual continuing education for (CE) each day on July 19 and July 21. We’ll provide a total of eight hours of approved courses for Virginia resident agents only. Please mark your calendars. We’ll provide more infor...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/QZ8e-38BcxCjyDpdJoc1/2022/4/14/rx-guide-pharmacy-reporting-now-available-in-cii-discover-'><time>Apr 14, 2022</time><h4>RX Guide pharmacy reporting now available in CII Discover </h4><p>RX Guide pharmacy reporting is now available for Large Group and national self-funded (ASO) group accounts that have more than 100 subscribers and that participate in the IngenioRx pharmacy program. There, you can find useful information about pharmacy claims that can help you make informed benef...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,mo'><a href='/news/eNEtKYABwI_veyD4cH4H/2022/4/14/we-are-not-suspending-broker-bonuses-for-sep'><time>Apr 14, 2022</time><h4>We are not suspending broker bonuses for SEP</h4><p>A recent story in Modern Healthcare contained incorrect information. Anthem is not suspending broker bonuses for the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Anthem appreciates you and recognizes that your work extends beyond Open Enrollment season. Rest assured that we are continuing to offer broker bo...</p><p>Individual | CT, MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ky,nh,wi'><a href='/news/R58sKYABcxCjyDpdoodc/2022/4/14/we-are-not-suspending-commissions-for-sep'><time>Apr 14, 2022</time><h4>We are not suspending commissions for SEP</h4><p>A recent story in Modern Healthcare contained incorrect information. Anthem is not suspending broker commissions for the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Anthem appreciates you and recognizes that your work extends beyond Open Enrollment season. Rest assured that we are continuing to offer broke...</p><p>Individual | CO, KY, NH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,oh,ga'><a href='/news/Rp8rKYABcxCjyDpdn4d5/2022/4/14/we-are-not-suspending-commissions-for-sep'><time>Apr 14, 2022</time><h4>We are not suspending commissions for SEP</h4><p>A recent story in Modern Healthcare contained incorrect information. Anthem is not suspending broker commissions for the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). We appreciate you and recognize that your work extends beyond Open Enrollment season. Rest assured that we are continuing to offer broker comm...</p><p>Individual | IN, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me,nv,va,ca'><a href='/news/NbIqKYABZW8P-rf-p5K8/2022/4/14/we-are-not-suspending-commissions-or-bonuses-for-sep'><time>Apr 14, 2022</time><h4>We are not suspending commissions or bonuses for SEP</h4><p>A recent story in Modern Healthcare contained incorrect information. Anthem is not suspending broker commissions or bonuses for the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). We appreciate you and recognize that your work extends beyond Open Enrollment season. Rest assured that we are continuing to offer ...</p><p>Individual | ME, NV, VA, CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/NLJTJIABZW8P-rf-epJ4/2022/4/13/anthem-plans-now-cover-feeding-tube-nutrition-formulas'><time>Apr 13, 2022</time><h4>Anthem plans now cover feeding tube nutrition formulas</h4><p>Enteral feeding formulas are liquid formulas delivered through enteral feeding tubes and are an important part of care for members who cannot eat or digest food normally. Our plans now cover the formulas in accordance with Nevada regulations. Policies that start or renew July 1, 2021, or later, ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,mo,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RZ-eBYABcxCjyDpdUYcb/2022/4/11/join-us-april-21-or-22-for-a-virtual-primary-care-panel-discussion'><time>Apr 11, 2022</time><h4>Join us April 21 or 22 for a virtual primary care panel discussion</h4><p>Join us April 21 or 22 to learn how virtual primary care (VPC) can help your clients and their employees. It’s a convenient choice for preventive care, chronic condition management, prescription refills, and urgent care. Help is available 24/7, and in some cases it’s more affordable than other o...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dtEtCoABwI_veyD4X35u/2022/4/11/we-must-request-identifying-information-to-help-with-member-issues'><time>Apr 11, 2022</time><h4>We must request identifying information to help with member issues</h4><p>To comply with HIPPA guidelines, we must ask for identifying information when you request assistance with a member issue. You will be asked to provide the case name or number and the member’s: Name Healthcare ID (HCID) or Social Security number Date of Birth Sharing this information in yo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/QJ_P9H8BcxCjyDpdTocp/2022/4/7/the-soca-benefit-plan-moves-to-antheme28099s-quote-to-enroll-tool-this-weekend'><time>Apr 07, 2022</time><h4>The SOCA Benefit Plan moves to Anthem’s Quote to Enroll Tool this weekend</h4><p>We are moving the SOCA Benefit Plan to our online quote and enrollment tool, beginning with July 1, 2022, effective dates. The tool is available in Producer Toolbox and makes quoting and enrollment easier. Brokers and agents who work with a general agency to support their Anthem business will co...</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/atGm3H8BwI_veyD4xX5H/2022/4/1/wee28099re-converting-some-individual-members-to-paperless-billing'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>We’re converting some Individual members to paperless billing</h4><p>We will soon convert Individual members to paper billing if they receive paper bills, but have given us permission for email communication. They’ll get an email in April telling them when the change will happen. The message will include instructions allowing them to opt-out. A month later we’ll ...</p><p>Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/NZ-k3H8BcxCjyDpdUIfv/2022/4/1/wee28099re-converting-some-individual-members-to-paperless-billing'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>We’re converting some Individual members to paperless billing</h4><p>We will soon convert Individual members to paper billing if they receive paper bills, but have given us permission for email communication. They’ll get an email in April telling them when the change will happen. The message will include instructions allowing them to opt-out. A month later we’ll ...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/adGh3H8BwI_veyD4v36q/2022/4/1/wee28099re-converting-some-individual-members-to-paperless-billing'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>We’re converting some Individual members to paperless billing</h4><p>We will soon convert Individual members to paper billing if they receive paper bills, but have given us permission for email communication. They’ll get an email in April telling them when the change will happen. The message will include instructions allowing them to opt-out. A month later we’ll ...</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dNHV4X8BwI_veyD4Y34q/2022/4/1/engaging-members-in-value-based-care'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>Engaging members in value-based care</h4><p>A value-based approach to care focuses on better care for lower cost. It rewards providers for better patient outcomes, not the quantity of care provided. Member engagement and the right technology are important parts of a successful value-based care model. We recently shared an article about me...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/MLLE4X8BZW8P-rf-bJJG/2022/4/1/wee28099re-issuing-new-id-cards-for-fully-insured-large-group-members'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>We’re issuing new ID cards for Fully Insured Large Group members</h4><p>We are re-issuing ID cards to Fully Insured Large Group members who were previously issued a new card in 2022. The cards ensure compliance with updated New Hampshire state regulations by listing the medical deductible, copays, and out-of-pocket maximum directly on the card. No other information ...</p><p>Large Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Pp8f4H8BcxCjyDpdA4eS/2022/4/1/wee28099ll-reward-you-for-your-opinions-about-us'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>We’ll reward you for your opinions about us</h4><p>We want to know what you think, and we’ll send you a gift card for sharing your opinion. TRC, an independent market research company, recently started emailing surveys to all brokers on our behalf. Please watch for an email from TRC with the subject line “Empire Seeks Your Input – Gift Card Offe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/J7KW3H8BZW8P-rf-4ZKD/2022/4/1/wee28099ll-reward-you-for-your-opinions-about-us'><time>Apr 01, 2022</time><h4>We’ll reward you for your opinions about us</h4><p>We want to know what you think, and we’ll send you a gift card for sharing your opinion. TRC, an independent market research company, recently started emailing surveys to all brokers on our behalf. Please watch for an email from TRC with the subject line “Anthem Seeks Your Input – Gift Card Offe...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/JrKG3H8BZW8P-rf-A5I2/2022/3/30/restricted-gift-cards-now-available-as-incentive-for-wellness-programs'><time>Mar 30, 2022</time><h4>Restricted gift cards now available as incentive for wellness programs</h4><p>Anthem supports your clients’ efforts to improve the health of employees and their families with worksite wellness programs. Clients with worksite wellness budgets can choose wellness program and incentive ideas that are eligible for financial support from Anthem. We now offer rewards and incenti...</p><p>Large Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/M5_Y0X8BcxCjyDpdUocW/2022/3/30/new-caa-and-transparency-hub-available-in-employeraccess'><time>Mar 30, 2022</time><h4>New CAA and Transparency hub available in EmployerAccess</h4><p>EmployerAccess is a one-stop location to provide your clients with the information they need to manage their plans. We’ve added a Legislative & Regulatory Updates section to provide updated information about the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and Transparency in Coverage (TIC) regulations....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/Mp_W0X8BcxCjyDpdQodH/2022/3/30/new-caa-and-transparency-hub-available-in-employeraccess'><time>Mar 30, 2022</time><h4>New CAA and Transparency hub available in EmployerAccess</h4><p>EmployerAccess is a one-stop location to provide your clients with the information they need to manage their plans. We’ve added a Legislative & Regulatory Updates section to provide updated information about the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and Transparency in Coverage (TIC) regulations....</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZtEzvX8BwI_veyD4dH7e/2022/3/28/producer-toolbox-and-the-broker-plus-improvements-make-it-easier-to-quote-and-enroll'><time>Mar 28, 2022</time><h4>Producer Toolbox and the Broker Plus improvements make it easier to quote and enroll</h4><p>We are working to make your job easier through innovative tools and technology. We’ve added new features to Producer Toolbox to help us work together more efficiently. The census tool is now easier to use and has less steps, making it faster to enroll members and validate data. You can enter dat...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/JLIJrn8BZW8P-rf-VZK3/2022/3/21/smart-plan-adds-second-renewal-date-drops-short-plans'><time>Mar 21, 2022</time><h4>SMART plan adds second renewal date, drops short plans</h4><p><p>The <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Georgia Chamber SMART plan</strong></a> is adding a second renewal date which will eliminate short contracts of less than 12 months.<strong> </strong></p> <p>The change starts with May 1, 2022, effective dates. The renewal date for those plans will be October 1, 2023. After that, all plans will be for 12 to 18 months with <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>renewal dates</strong></a> of April 1 or October 1.</p> <p>The Georgia Chamber SMART plan is available to small business employers with at least two employees enrolled on their medical plan, but no more than 50 eligible employees. The SMART plan is an opportunity for small businesses to participate in a larger, self-funded pool. Businesses must be a member of an <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>affiliated local chamber</strong></a>.</p> <p>Please contact your Anthem representative for more information.</p> </p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZdF0jn8BwI_veyD4JH6t/2022/3/16/large-group-client-retention-campaign-continues'><time>Mar 16, 2022</time><h4>Large Group client retention campaign continues</h4><p>We are continuing our Large Group client campaign in 2022. The campaign follows clients through their plan year with timely, relevant messages to welcome, onboard, and renew existing clients. Most employers who responded to our survey view these email communications as valuable. In the first mon...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/IrJzjn8BZW8P-rf-EJI8/2022/3/16/large-group-client-retention-campaign-continues'><time>Mar 16, 2022</time><h4>Large Group client retention campaign continues</h4><p>We are continuing our Large Group client campaign in 2022. The campaign follows clients through their plan year with timely, relevant messages to welcome, onboard, and renew existing clients. Most employers who responded to our survey view these email communications as valuable. In the first mon...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/I7Imj38BZW8P-rf-FJIC/2022/3/16/covered-california-continues-to-offer-public-health-emergency-as-a-qualifying-life-event'><time>Mar 16, 2022</time><h4>Covered California continues to offer public health emergency as a qualifying life event</h4><p>While Open Enrollment ended January 31, 2022, Covered California continues to recognize the national public health emergency as a qualifying life event that permits individuals to obtain health coverage. Covered California updated its regulations in 2021 to include a national public health emerg...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/ZNEtin8BwI_veyD44n5t/2022/3/15/vasquez-named-individual-and-small-group-sales-and-retention-executive'><time>Mar 15, 2022</time><h4>Vasquez named Individual and Small Group Sales and Retention Executive</h4><p>Art Vasquez is the new Sales and Retention Executive for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Nevada focusing on Individual and Small Group business. He will focus on working with broker partners in Northern Nevada. Art has supported Nevada brokers for the last four years with Anthem, most recent...</p><p>Small Group, Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/E7I8-n4BZW8P-rf-bZJL/2022/3/14/chamberadvantage-is-moving-to-monthly-billing'><time>Mar 14, 2022</time><h4>ChamberAdvantage is moving to monthly billing</h4><p>Effective June 1, 2022, we will begin billing monthly product dues for all new and renewing ChamberAdvantage groups on behalf of the Kentucky Chamber. Currently, the Chamber directly bills each participating ChamberAdvantage group for their product dues on an annual basis. The $4 per subscriber p...</p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/Y9HGiX8BwI_veyD4Cn68/2022/3/14/pappas-mitchell-named-ohio-vice-president-of-sales'><time>Mar 14, 2022</time><h4>Pappas-Mitchell named Ohio Vice President of Sales</h4><p>Dorie Pappas-Mitchell is the new Vice President of Sales for Ohio. She has 24 years of experience in healthcare and has been with Anthem for the last 21 years, most recently serving as Regional Vice President of Sales for Southern Ohio.  At Anthem, she has been successful in a series of roles fr...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/YtFZdX8BwI_veyD4Jn4b/2022/3/10/anthem-inc-announces-intent-for-corporate-rebranding'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Anthem, Inc. Announces Intent for Corporate Rebranding</h4><p>We are very excited to share the news that our parent company, Anthem, Inc., has filed a preliminary proxy statement to change its name. The new name, pending shareholder approval, will be Elevance Health. Please know this change will have no impact or changes to your plans, coverage, or level of support. We will continue to do business as either: Upstate: Empire BlueCross / Downstate: Empire Blue</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Lp9XdX8BcxCjyDpd3ofp/2022/3/10/anthem-inc-announces-intent-for-corporate-rebranding'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Anthem, Inc. Announces Intent for Corporate Rebranding</h4><p>We are very excited to share the news that our parent company, Anthem, Inc., has filed a preliminary proxy statement to change its name. The new name, pending shareholder approval, will be Elevance Health. Please know this change will have no impact or changes to your plans, coverage, or level of support. We will continue to do business as Anthem Blue Cross. Why the change? The upcoming name chan</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/IbJUdX8BZW8P-rf-4JJp/2022/3/10/anthem-inc-announces-intent-for-corporate-rebranding'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Anthem, Inc. Announces Intent for Corporate Rebranding</h4><p>We are very excited to share the news that our parent company, Anthem, Inc., has filed a preliminary proxy statement to change its name. The new name, pending shareholder approval, will be Elevance Health. Please know this change will have no impact or changes to your plans, coverage, or level of support. We will continue to do business as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Why the change? The up</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/HLL8ZH8BZW8P-rf-dJJ2/2022/3/10/reminder-spending-accounts-are-no-longer-called-act-wise'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Spending accounts are no longer called Act Wise</h4><p>Our spending account and consumer-driven health plans are no longer called Act Wise. Our fully integrated spending accounts are now called Empire Spending Accounts We’ve also created spending account toolkits (upstate / downstate) to help you sell and manage them. CDHP vs. Spending Accounts Con...</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LJ_7ZH8BcxCjyDpdHYdd/2022/3/10/reminder-spending-accounts-are-no-longer-called-act-wise'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Spending accounts are no longer called Act Wise</h4><p>Our spending account and consumer-driven health plans are no longer called Act Wise. Our fully integrated spending accounts are now called Empire Spending Accounts. These flyers (upstate / downstate) can help you talk to clients about account benefits and features. We’ve also created spending acc...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/G7L5ZH8BZW8P-rf-h5KU/2022/3/10/reminder-spending-accounts-are-no-longer-called-act-wise'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Spending accounts are no longer called Act Wise</h4><p>Our spending account and consumer-driven health plans are no longer called Act Wise. Our fully integrated spending accounts are now called Anthem Spending Accounts. We’ve also created spending account toolkits to help you sell and manage them. CDHP vs. Spending Accounts Consumer-driven health p...</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/K5_4ZH8BcxCjyDpdQYeg/2022/3/10/reminder-spending-accounts-are-no-longer-called-act-wise'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Spending accounts are no longer called Act Wise</h4><p>Our spending account and consumer-driven health plans are no longer called Act Wise. Our fully integrated spending accounts are now called Anthem Spending Accounts. These flyers can help you talk to clients about account benefits and features. We’ve also created spending account toolkits to help ...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/W9HtZH8BwI_veyD4qH70/2022/3/10/reminder-spending-accounts-are-no-longer-called-act-wise'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Spending accounts are no longer called Act Wise</h4><p>Our spending account and consumer-driven health plans are no longer called Act Wise. Our fully integrated spending accounts are now called Anthem Spending Accounts. We’ve also created spending account toolkits to help you sell and manage them. CDHP vs. Spending Accounts Consumer-driven health p...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/GrLrZH8BZW8P-rf-PpJR/2022/3/10/reminder-spending-accounts-are-no-longer-called-act-wise'><time>Mar 10, 2022</time><h4>Reminder: Spending accounts are no longer called Act Wise</h4><p>Our spending account and consumer-driven health plans are no longer called Act Wise.  Our fully integrated spending accounts are now called Anthem Spending Accounts. These flyers can help you talk to clients about account benefits and features. We’ve also created spending account toolkits to help...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LZ8han8BcxCjyDpdGodp/2022/3/9/promotion-for-paperless-communications-starts-in-march'><time>Mar 09, 2022</time><h4>Promotion for paperless communications starts in March</h4><p>We have an always-on campaign to encourage members to choose paperless communication. Once a year we run an additional campaign for members who have not made the switch. We’re starting that effort soon. It’s a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communica...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/XtEgan8BwI_veyD4FX4B/2022/3/9/promotion-for-paperless-communications-starts-in-march'><time>Mar 09, 2022</time><h4>Promotion for paperless communications starts in March</h4><p>We have an always-on campaign to encourage members to choose paperless communication. Once a year we run an additional campaign for members who have not made the switch. We’re starting that effort soon. It’s a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communica...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/XdEean8BwI_veyD4Hn5V/2022/3/9/promotion-for-paperless-communications-starts-in-march'><time>Mar 09, 2022</time><h4>Promotion for paperless communications starts in March</h4><p>We have an always-on campaign to encourage members to choose paperless communication. Once a year we run an additional campaign for members who have not made the switch. We’re starting that effort soon. It’s a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communica...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/HbI-Zn8BZW8P-rf-G5Ks/2022/3/8/wee28099re-making-it-easier-to-quote-and-enroll-soca-benefit-plan-groups'><time>Mar 08, 2022</time><h4>We’re making it easier to quote and enroll SOCA Benefit Plan groups</h4><p>We are moving the SOCA Benefit Plan to our online quote and enrollment tool, beginning with July 1, 2022, effective dates. The tool is available in Producer Toolbox and makes quoting and enrollment easier. We’ll provide more information and virtual training in April. Invitations to the training ...</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/WtFBVX8BwI_veyD4C349/2022/3/7/covered-connecticut-sep-through-june-30'><time>Mar 07, 2022</time><h4>Covered Connecticut SEP through June 30</h4><p>Access Health CT is providing a special enrollment period for the Covered Connecticut program. Covered Connecticut launched last year and provides health insurance at no cost to residents who meet eligibility requirements. This special enrollment period runs through June 30, 2022, to allow more r...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/XNEIZX8BwI_veyD4YX7X/2022/3/7/2022-digital-enrollment-tools-available-for-large-group-clients'><time>Mar 07, 2022</time><h4>2022 digital enrollment tools available for Large Group clients</h4><p>We offer many digital enrollment tools to make doing business with us easy for you and your clients. We are connecting technology, tools, and resources to simplify enrollment management for your clients during open enrollment and all year long. We offer a variety of quick and efficient automated ...</p><p>Large Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/GbKOR38BZW8P-rf-OZIO/2022/3/3/candid-no-longer-part-of-orthohome-program'><time>Mar 03, 2022</time><h4>Candid no longer part of Ortho@Home program</h4><p>Candid is no longer part of our Ortho@Home program. They are leaving the direct-to-consumer market to focus on working directly through dentist offices. They will complete care for members who have started treatment, but will not take any new patients. Members with Ortho@Home coverage will conti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Kp-NR38BcxCjyDpdBYez/2022/3/3/candid-no-longer-part-of-orthohome-program'><time>Mar 03, 2022</time><h4>Candid no longer part of Ortho@Home program</h4><p>Candid is no longer part of our Ortho@Home program. They are leaving the direct-to-consumer market to focus on working directly through dentist offices. They will complete care for members who have started treatment, but will not take any new patients. Members with Ortho@Home coverage will conti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/KZ-KR38BcxCjyDpdyodI/2022/3/3/candid-no-longer-part-of-orthohome-program'><time>Mar 03, 2022</time><h4>Candid no longer part of Ortho@Home program</h4><p>Candid is no longer part of our Ortho@Home program. They are leaving the direct-to-consumer market to focus on working directly through dentist offices. They will complete care for members who have started treatment, but will not take any new patients. Members with Ortho@Home coverage will conti...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/GLKILX8BZW8P-rf-ApIb/2022/2/25/support-your-clientse28099-overall-health-with-time-well-spent'><time>Feb 25, 2022</time><h4>Support your clients’ overall health with Time Well Spent</h4><p>You can offer health and wellness information to your clients with Time Well Spent (upstate / downstate). This new online resource has relevant monthly topics to encourage, inspire, and motivate clients and their employees to develop healthy habits. Each month highlights health topics that follo...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/KJ-GLX8BcxCjyDpdyIc6/2022/2/25/support-your-clientse28099-overall-health-with-time-well-spent'><time>Feb 25, 2022</time><h4>Support your clients’ overall health with Time Well Spent</h4><p>You can offer health and wellness information to your clients with Time Well Spent. This new online resource has relevant monthly topics to encourage, inspire, and motivate clients and their employees to develop healthy habits. Each month highlights health topics that follow national health obse...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/WdGBLX8BwI_veyD4-X7f/2022/2/25/support-your-clientse28099-overall-health-with-time-well-spent'><time>Feb 25, 2022</time><h4>Support your clients’ overall health with Time Well Spent</h4><p>You can offer health and wellness information to your clients with Time Well Spent. This new online resource has relevant monthly topics to encourage, inspire, and motivate clients and their employees to develop healthy habits. Each month highlights health topics that follow national health obse...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/FLJ1CX8BZW8P-rf-85LQ/2022/2/23/hearing-aid-benefit-added-for-children-'><time>Feb 23, 2022</time><h4>Hearing aid benefit added for children </h4><p>In accordance with recent legislation, new and renewing plans now include hearing aid benefits for children as of January 1, 2022. In policies without previously existing benefits, Anthem will cover the replacement of one hearing aid per ear every 36 months with no cost limits. This benefit inclu...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/F7IYI38BZW8P-rf-nJJ2/2022/2/22/our-caa-and-transparency-response-toolkit-has-tools-for-you-and-your-clients'><time>Feb 22, 2022</time><h4>Our CAA and Transparency response toolkit has tools for you and your clients</h4><p>We designed our Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and Transparency Response Toolkit as a resource, not just for you, but your clients as well. It is a single place to stay updated as new rules and regulations are developed. The FAQ and the quick reference guide to specific rules in the toolki...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/FrI_Hn8BZW8P-rf-HpIj/2022/2/21/equote-function-for-grandmothered-renewals-still-available-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Feb 21, 2022</time><h4>eQuote function for grandmothered renewals still available in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>eQuote for grandmothered renewals has been retired, but you can still perform the same function in Producer Toolbox. Putting all your renewals and account management information in one place will make it easier to locate and generate Summary of Benefits (SOB) and view accounts and renewals for al...</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in,ky,wi'><a href='/news/J58-Hn8BcxCjyDpdK4fU/2022/2/21/equote-function-for-grandmothered-renewals-still-available-in-producer-toolbox'><time>Feb 21, 2022</time><h4>eQuote function for grandmothered renewals still available in Producer Toolbox</h4><p>eQuote for grandmothered renewals has been retired, but you can still perform the same function in Producer Toolbox. Putting all your renewals and account management information in one place will make it easier to locate and generate Summary of Benefits (SOB) and view accounts and renewals for al...</p><p>Small Group | IN, KY, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/V9FhCX8BwI_veyD4dX7g/2022/2/17/proulx-named-new-president-of-anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-in-new-hampshire'><time>Feb 17, 2022</time><h4>Proulx named new president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire</h4><p>Maria Proulx has been named president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire and will assume her new role March 14. She is currently regional vice president of sales for the New Hampshire plan, where she has led growth and retention efforts across Anthem’s Large Group, Small Group...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,me,mo,nv,va,wi'><a href='/news/Jp8tBH8BcxCjyDpd2YfL/2022/2/16/online-test-ordering-available-to-anthem-balance-funded-abf-clients-starting-february-21'><time>Feb 16, 2022</time><h4>Online test ordering available to Anthem Balance Funded (ABF) clients starting February 21</h4><p>We are expanding our COVID-19 over-the-counter test kit ordering service to members of our small group ABF plans that have Anthem medical and pharmacy benefits beginning February 21, 2022. We’ve provided more than 400,000 test kits directly to members of fully insured plans since we launched the ...</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, ME, MO, NV, VA, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ErJS334BZW8P-rf-jpIp/2022/2/10/integrated-disability-and-medical-benefits-reduce-cost-and-employee-absence'><time>Feb 10, 2022</time><h4>Integrated disability and medical benefits reduce cost and employee absence</h4><p>In a recent study, Anthem Life found that integrating disability and medical benefits can reduce lost workdays and lower costs for members. Our Productivity Solutions integrated disability and medical benefits study (Upstate / Downstate) found that integrating disability and medical benefits res...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/VNFP334BwI_veyD4gX6i/2022/2/10/integrated-disability-and-medical-benefits-reduce-cost-and-employee-absence'><time>Feb 10, 2022</time><h4>Integrated disability and medical benefits reduce cost and employee absence</h4><p>In a recent study, Anthem found that integrating disability and medical benefits can reduce lost workdays and lower costs for members. Our Productivity Solutions integrated disability and medical benefits study found that integrating disability and medical benefits resulted in: 67% of short-t...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/U9FN334BwI_veyD4In5j/2022/2/10/integrated-disability-and-medical-benefits-reduce-cost-and-employee-absence'><time>Feb 10, 2022</time><h4>Integrated disability and medical benefits reduce cost and employee absence</h4><p>In a recent study, Anthem found that integrating disability and medical benefits can reduce lost workdays and lower costs for members. Our Productivity Solutions integrated disability and medical benefits study found that integrating disability and medical benefits resulted in: 67% of short-t...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/EbKf0H4BZW8P-rf-V5KZ/2022/2/7/form-1095-b-and-1095-c-deadlines-extended'><time>Feb 07, 2022</time><h4>Form 1095-B and 1095-C deadlines extended</h4><p>Anthem is required to file form 1095-B and 1094-B electronically to the IRS. The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is now March 2, 2022. The IRS permanently extended the original deadline from January 31. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Services Only) employers with 50 or more full-time employees are considered Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and required to file</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UtGd0H4BwI_veyD4U35B/2022/2/7/form-1095-b-and-1095-c-deadlines-extended'><time>Feb 07, 2022</time><h4>Form 1095-B and 1095-C deadlines extended</h4><p>Empire is required to file form 1095-B and 1094-B electronically to the IRS. The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is now March 2, 2022. The IRS permanently extended the original deadline from January 31. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Services Only) employers with 50 or more full-time employees are considered Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and required to file</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/JZ-a0H4BcxCjyDpdiYd_/2022/2/7/form-1095-b-and-1095-c-deadlines-extended'><time>Feb 07, 2022</time><h4>Form 1095-B and 1095-C deadlines extended</h4><p>Anthem is required to file form 1095-B and 1094-B electronically to the IRS. The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-B and 1095-C is now March 2, 2022. The IRS permanently extended the original deadline from January 31. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Services Only) employers with 50 or more full-time employees are considered Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and required to file</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/UdELx34BwI_veyD4gX7N/2022/2/4/online-test-ordering-available-to-aso-clients-starting-february-14'><time>Feb 04, 2022</time><h4>Online test ordering available to ASO clients starting February 14</h4><p>We are expanding our COVID-19 over-the-counter test kit ordering service to members of our large group ASO plans that have Anthem medical and pharmacy benefits, effective February 14, 2022. We’ve provided more than 400,000 test kits directly to members of fully insured plans since we launched the...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='va'><a href='/news/JJ8Ix34BcxCjyDpdL4eA/2022/2/4/online-test-ordering-available-to-aso-clients-starting-february-14'><time>Feb 04, 2022</time><h4>Online test ordering available to ASO clients starting February 14</h4><p>We are expanding our COVID-19 over-the-counter test kit ordering service to members of our large group ASO plans that have Anthem medical and pharmacy benefits, effective February 14, 2022. We’ve provided more than 400,000 test kits directly to members of fully insured plans since we launched the...</p><p>Large Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/I58Dx34BcxCjyDpdnIfB/2022/2/4/online-test-ordering-available-to-aso-clients-starting-february-14'><time>Feb 04, 2022</time><h4>Online test ordering available to ASO clients starting February 14</h4><p>We are expanding our COVID-19 over-the-counter test kit ordering service to members of our large group ASO plans that have Anthem medical and pharmacy benefits, effective February 14, 2022. We’ve provided more than 400,000 test kits directly to members of fully insured plans since we launched the...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Ip_0xn4BcxCjyDpdL4cL/2022/2/4/online-test-ordering-available-to-aso-clients-starting-february-14'><time>Feb 04, 2022</time><h4>Online test ordering available to ASO clients starting February 14</h4><p>We are expanding our COVID-19 over-the-counter test kit ordering service to members of our large group ASO plans that have Anthem medical and pharmacy benefits, effective February 14, 2022. We’ve provided more than 400,000 test kits directly to members of fully insured plans since we launched the...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/D7JvrH4BZW8P-rf-4JJr/2022/2/3/training-available-before-hsa-depository-changes-on-march-31'><time>Feb 03, 2022</time><h4>Training available before HSA depository changes on March 31</h4><p>BMO Harris will become the depository of Empire health savings account (HSA) funds on March 31, 2022. BMO Harris will handle all movement of money to and from employees’ HSAs, including contributions to, and payments from, those accounts. You can view this FAQ (Upstate / Downstate) or watch this...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/S9FtrH4BwI_veyD4w37y/2022/2/3/training-available-before-hsa-depository-changes-on-march-31'><time>Feb 03, 2022</time><h4>Training available before HSA depository changes on March 31</h4><p>BMO Harris will become the depository of Anthem health savings account (HSA) funds on March 31, 2022. BMO Harris will handle all movement of money to and from employees’ HSAs, including contributions to, and payments from, those accounts. You can view this FAQ or watch this training video to lea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IJ9nrH4BcxCjyDpd9YfW/2022/2/3/training-available-before-hsa-depository-changes-on-march-31'><time>Feb 03, 2022</time><h4>Training available before HSA depository changes on March 31</h4><p>BMO Harris will become the depository of Anthem health savings account (HSA) funds on March 31, 2022. BMO Harris will handle all movement of money to and from employees’ HSAs, including contributions to, and payments from, those accounts. You can view this FAQ or watch this training video to lea...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/ELKwu34BZW8P-rf-p5K_/2022/2/2/local-missouri-names-regional-vice-president-of-sales'><time>Feb 02, 2022</time><h4>Local Missouri names Regional Vice President of Sales</h4><p>Stan Marczak has joined the Local Missouri team as Regional Vice President of Sales. He will lead the Missouri and HealthLink sales teams.   Stan has worked in healthcare for nearly twenty years. He’s been at Anthem for the past seven, working with Labor and Trust, National Accounts, and most r...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/UNH2tX4BwI_veyD4X36d/2022/2/1/caa-and-transparency-information-gathered-in-one-place'><time>Feb 01, 2022</time><h4>CAA and transparency information gathered in one place</h4><p>We have created a web resource to keep you informed about regulations related to the Consolidated Appropriations Act and Transparency in Coverage Act. The site includes a quick reference summary of the legislative provisions, links to official government details, FAQs, and links to CAA communicat...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/TtGasH4BwI_veyD4Vn5l/2022/1/31/coverage-of-fda-authorized-covid-19-antiviral-medicine'><time>Jan 31, 2022</time><h4>Coverage of FDA-authorized COVID-19 antiviral medicine</h4><p>We now cover the oral antiviral drugs Paxlovid and Lagevrio at no additional cost to members as part of their pharmacy benefits. Both drugs received emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) late last year. They are only available by prescription and can reduce ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/OQyxJX4B4m5lyEskVib_/2022/1/21/your-april-2022-individual-renewal-information-is-coming-soon'><time>Jan 21, 2022</time><h4>Your April 2022 Individual renewal information is coming soon</h4><p>April 2022 renewals for Individual grandfathered (GF) plans will be available soon. We typically post this information around the 27th of each month. How to access renewals: Go to Producer Toolbox, select Book of Business, then choose Renewals, to see the Renewal Letter link to your client’s in...</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/MsHgNH4BBcRBaOWpRBkN/2022/1/7/help-for-members-impacted-by-boulder-county-wildfires'><time>Jan 07, 2022</time><h4>Help for members impacted by Boulder County wildfires</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in Boulder County, Colorado, and were impacted by the wildfire emergency. The changes are in effect from December 31, 2021, through January 30, 2022. They also apply to emergency personnel who have been activated by their state or local agency, but who do not reside in the impacted area. Please contact </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/1b8aMH4BBcRBaOWp3sQK/2022/1/6/wee28099ve-updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-kentucky-tornadoes'><time>Jan 06, 2022</time><h4>We’ve updated help for members impacted by Kentucky tornadoes</h4><p>Weve updated the temporary changes we made to health plan benefits to provide relief for members in Kentucky who were impacted by the tornado system that struck the state on December 11, 2021. The changes are now extended to January 30, 2022, and now apply to emergency personnel activated by their state or local agency who live outside the impacted area. Please contact your Anthem representative </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/JiRfTn0BmRkO5-PTOSDk/2022/1/5/wee28099ve-updated-the-spending-account-site-and-videos'><time>Jan 05, 2022</time><h4>We’ve updated the spending account site and videos</h4><p>We’ve updated our spending account site and videos as we updated the name to Anthem Spending Accounts. Share these product-specific member videos with your customers to help them understand the benefits of an Anthem Spending Account. They are also on the Anthem Broker Hub. Comparing an HSA, F...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/xyRcTn0BmRkO5-PTmB7p/2022/1/5/wee28099ve-updated-the-spending-account-site-and-videos'><time>Jan 05, 2022</time><h4>We’ve updated the spending account site and videos</h4><p>We’ve updated our spending account site (upstate / downstate) and videos as we updated the name to Empire Spending Accounts. Share these product-specific member videos with your customers to help them understand the benefits of an Empire spending account. They are also on the Empire Broker Hub. ...</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/9EhZTn0B7Ss8fzhUJdlO/2022/1/5/wee28099ve-updated-the-spending-account-site-and-videos'><time>Jan 05, 2022</time><h4>We’ve updated the spending account site and videos</h4><p>We’ve updated our spending account site and videos as we updated the name to Anthem Spending Accounts. Share these product-specific member videos with your customers to help them understand the benefits of an Anthem Spending Account. They are also on the Anthem Broker Hub. Comparing an HSA, F...</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/gK-e2H0BBcRBaOWpYaRE/2022/1/4/tech-talk-health-and-wellness-beyond-new-yeare28099s-resolutions'><time>Jan 04, 2022</time><h4>Tech Talk: Health and Wellness beyond New Year’s resolutions</h4><p>Health is on a lot of members’ minds this time of year. Encourage engagement with Sydney Preferred by talking to your clients about challenges and incentive programs. (Incentive programs may include additional costs.) Your clients can create unique wellness challenges to encourage a healthy cultu...</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ugcoAn4B4m5lyEskGYHI/2022/1/3/open-enrollment-ends-january-15-2022'><time>Jan 03, 2022</time><h4>Open Enrollment ends January 15, 2022</h4><p>Open Enrollment is ending soon. Individual applications must be submitted by January 15, 2022, to receive a February 1, 2022, effective date. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sell...</p><p>Individual | CO, IN, KY, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me'><a href='/news/X7YpAn4BBcRBaOWptxOw/2022/1/3/open-enrollment-ends-january-15-2022'><time>Jan 03, 2022</time><h4>Open Enrollment ends January 15, 2022</h4><p>Open Enrollment is ending soon. Individual applications must be submitted by January 15, 2022, to receive a February 1, 2022, effective date. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sell...</p><p>Individual | CT, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/5AcqAn4B4m5lyEsk_IJr/2022/1/3/open-enrollment-ends-january-15-2022'><time>Jan 03, 2022</time><h4>Open Enrollment ends January 15, 2022</h4><p>Open Enrollment is ending soon. Individual applications must be submitted by January 15, 2022, to receive a February 1, 2022, effective date. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sell...</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7btHIX4BBcRBaOWpRBWT/2022/1/3/update-regarding-the-consolidated-appropriations-act'><time>Jan 03, 2022</time><h4>Update Regarding the Consolidated Appropriations Act</h4><p>On December 27, 2020, the President signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) legislation, which included various healthcare-related provisions, including requirements for the disclosure of broker and consultant compensation in the individual and group health plans markets. The CAA defines compensation broadly as anything of monetary value except non-monetary compensation valued at $250 or</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/MwTb3n0B4m5lyEsk9ySE/2021/12/21/access-health-ct-extends-open-enrollment-for-january-1-effective-dates'><time>Dec 21, 2021</time><h4>Access Health CT extends open enrollment for January 1 effective dates</h4><p>Access Health CT has extended the open enrollment period for Connecticut through December 31, 2021, for January 1, 2022, effective dates. Members who enroll between January 1, 2022, and January 15, 2022, will have coverage beginning February 1, 2022. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individu...</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='va'><a href='/news/qqu83n0Bx_1WfMjz34wv/2021/12/21/done28099t-forget-that-abf-key-accounts-use-the-standard-product-portfolio'><time>Dec 21, 2021</time><h4>Don’t forget that ABF Key Accounts use the standard product portfolio</h4><p>You can now offer Anthem Balanced Funding to Key Accounts with 51 to 99 with the same product portfolio as fully insured Large Groups. The change started with July 1, 2021, effective dates. Your key clients can pair the benefits of ABF with more options and familiar products. Please contact you...</p><p>Large Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/D6sw3n0Bx_1WfMjzmlG_/2021/12/21/wee28099re-notifying-groups-about-new-state-legislation'><time>Dec 21, 2021</time><h4>We’re notifying groups about new state legislation</h4><p>Over the next few weeks, we’ll notify your groups about legislation going into effect in Connecticut. Your groups will be provided with information and a form to opt-in or out to the following bills: CT 2020 HB6003a Diabetes Coverage & HDHPs CT 2021 SB 1202 J_Budget Bill Sec 455-457_Birth to...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/7QMR3n0B4m5lyEskVs4y/2021/12/21/reminder-va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-in-january'><time>Dec 21, 2021</time><h4>Reminder: VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE in January</h4><p>You can register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in January. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. Tuesday, January 25 – Session 1 (Life and Health credits) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. G...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/dwOt2X0B4m5lyEskCif_/2021/12/20/kentucky-marketplace-extends-aca-enrollment-to-december-31'><time>Dec 20, 2021</time><h4>Kentucky marketplace extends ACA enrollment to December 31</h4><p>The Kentucky Health Insurance Marketplace,, will provide a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for anyone who could not enroll in a qualified health plan due to the recent tornado outbreak or Kynect system errors that it caused. Those individuals have until December 31, 2021, to select ...</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/rj5nvn0BdlR36zP4bZkz/2021/12/15/be-sure-to-submit-individual-applications-by-123121-for-1122-effective-date'><time>Dec 15, 2021</time><h4>Be sure to submit Individual applications by 12/31/21 for 1/1/22 effective date</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 31, 2021, to receive a January 1, 2022, effective date. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sel...</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/BR1hvn0B9oRSGdUSNd-5/2021/12/15/be-sure-to-submit-individual-applications-by-123121-for-1122-effective-date'><time>Dec 15, 2021</time><h4>Be sure to submit Individual applications by 12/31/21 for 1/1/22 effective date</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 31, 2021, to receive a January 1, 2022, effective date. Anthem’s affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sel...</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Jh00un0B9oRSGdUSRSe2/2021/12/14/vivity-network-now-includes-uc-irvine-medical-center'><time>Dec 14, 2021</time><h4>Vivity network now includes UC Irvine Medical Center</h4><p>The University of California, Irvine Medical Center (UCIMC) is now included in Vivity’s network of top-ranking hospitals. The addition expands access to highly specialized care in Orange County. Vivity members may obtain access to UCIMC with a referral by their Vivity physician. UCIMC is ranked ...</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/nSQXun0BF1Vrg1UEvHHM/2021/12/14/help-for-members-impacted-by-kentucky-tornadoes'><time>Dec 14, 2021</time><h4>Help for members impacted by Kentucky tornadoes</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members in Kentucky who were impacted by the tornado system that struck the state on December 11, 2021. The changes are in effect for the entire state through January 9, 2022. You can read more in the above member blog link or by reaching out to your Anthem sales representative. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/4R2Ymn0BF1Vrg1UE4bqW/2021/12/8/pathway-transition-networks-expands-in-kentucky-for-2022'><time>Dec 08, 2021</time><h4>Pathway Transition networks expands in Kentucky for 2022</h4><p>Your Individual clients have more options in Kentucky for 2022.Weve added nine Kentucky healthcare providers to the Pathway Transition HMO network, which now includes a total of 37 across the state. There are new providers in: Louisville Norton Hospital Norton Womens and Childrens Hospital Norton Audubon Hospital Norton Brownsboro Hospital Lexington Saint Joseph Hospital S</p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/YTRigX0BdlR36zP45pwn/2021/12/3/be-sure-to-submit-individual-applications-by-121521-for-1122-effective-date'><time>Dec 03, 2021</time><h4>Be sure to submit Individual applications by 12/15/21 for 1/1/22 effective date</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 15, 2021, to receive a January 1, 2022, effective date. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Please contact Broker Sales Support or your local Anthem sales representative for more inform</p><p>Individual | CO, IN, KY, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me'><a href='/news/HDRigX0BdlR36zP4U5zi/2021/12/3/be-sure-to-submit-individual-applications-by-121521-for-1122-effective-date'><time>Dec 03, 2021</time><h4>Be sure to submit Individual applications by 12/15/21 for 1/1/22 effective date</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 15, 2021, to receive a January 1, 2022, effective date. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Please contact Broker Sales Support or your local Anthem sales representative for more inform</p><p>Individual | CT, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/rxNhgX0B9oRSGdUS_uLT/2021/12/3/be-sure-to-submit-individual-applications-by-121521-for-1122-effective-date'><time>Dec 03, 2021</time><h4>Be sure to submit Individual applications by 12/15/21 for 1/1/22 effective date</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway, and Individual applications must be submitted by December 15, 2021, to receive a January 1, 2022, effective date. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Please contact Broker Sales Support or your local Anthem sales representative for more inform</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/VTTogH0BdlR36zP4JVy2/2021/12/3/summary-of-dental-benefits-and-coverage-will-be-available-beginning-january-1'><time>Dec 03, 2021</time><h4>Summary of Dental Benefits and Coverage will be available beginning January 1</h4><p>In compliance with California state regulators and state Senate Bill 1008, we will provide the Summary of Dental Benefits and Coverage documents on and after January 1, 2022, for fully insured dental plans regulated by the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC). Well provide documents for fully insured dental insurance policies regulated by the California Department of Insurance on an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/BxLrfH0B9oRSGdUSFvb2/2021/12/2/va-resident-agents-can-register-now-for-virtual-ce-in-january'><time>Dec 02, 2021</time><h4>VA resident agents can register now for virtual CE in January</h4><p>You can register now to earn eight hours of Continuing Education credits at no charge with virtual training in January. This training is for Virginia resident agents only and is not approved in other states. Tuesday, January 25 Session 1 (Life and Health credits) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Getting Well: Increasing employee engagement in health insurance wellness programs (course #223603) - 8:3</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/KDFBdn0BdlR36zP4I4je/2021/12/1/hra-wrap-is-a-solution-for-non-consumer-driven-plans'><time>Dec 01, 2021</time><h4>HRA Wrap is a solution for non-consumer-driven plans</h4><p>HRA Wrap pairs with our non-consumer-driven medical plans. It allows employers to fund a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) that employees can use to pay for expenses defined by the employer. The HRA Wrap plan operates like our member pay HRA plans. HRA funds are accessible through an Anthem branded debit card or reimbursement through or the SydneySM Health app. The HRA wrap plan m</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/CzFAdn0BdlR36zP40IgO/2021/12/1/hra-wrap-is-a-solution-for-non-consumer-driven-plans'><time>Dec 01, 2021</time><h4>HRA Wrap is a solution for non-consumer-driven plans</h4><p>HRA Wrap pairs with our non-consumer-driven medical plans. It allows employers to fund a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) that employees can use to pay for expenses defined by the employer. The HRA Wrap plan operates like our member pay HRA plans. HRA funds are accessible through an Anthem branded debit card or reimbursement through or the SydneySM Health app. The HRA wrap plan must</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/5BBQTn0Bd4lc74rix6kL/2021/11/29/short-term-disability-plans-include-payable-benefit-of-at-least-12-weeks-for-childbirth'><time>Nov 29, 2021</time><h4>Short-term disability plans include payable benefit of at least 12 weeks for childbirth</h4><p>In accordance with Virginia law effective July 1, 2021, Anthems fully insured short-term disability plans provide coverage of a payable childbirth benefit for at least 12 weeks with no elimination period. The benefit is included for all group sizes. Clients with Administrative Service Only (ASO) short-term disability plans may want to consider adding the same coverage in order to provide competit</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/cUiJTX0B7Ss8fzhU2Gr4/2021/11/24/wee28099re-thankful-for-your-partnership'><time>Nov 24, 2021</time><h4>We’re thankful for your partnership</h4><p>We want to thank you for the trust youve placed in us to take care of your Individual clients. The American Rescue Plan expanded financial help that lowers the cost of health coverage for millions who would otherwise go uninsured. With this additional access and affordability, the 2022 open enrollment season is more dynamic. New Individual carriers come and go but experience matters, especially </p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_EiWTn0B7Ss8fzhUyve5/2021/11/23/wee28099re-making-some-changes-to-your-clientse28099-plans'><time>Nov 23, 2021</time><h4>We’re making some changes to your clients’ plans</h4><p>THIS COMMUNICATION APPLIES ONLY TO CALIFORNIA SMALL GROUP AND LARGE GROUP PLANS Anthem is making these changes to comply with new laws. Theyll affect your clients CA Large Group and Small Group plans. Changes were required to make: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits California Senate Bill 855 (2020) took effect January 1, 2021. It requires health plans to cover medically necessa</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/uEczSn0B7Ss8fzhUUP0-/2021/11/23/now-is-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-plans'><time>Nov 23, 2021</time><h4>Now is a great time to sell Anthem Individual plans</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway and Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. We estimate that 9 out of 10 Individual members are eligible to receive financial help to lower the cost of coverage. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Open enrollment ends January 15, 2022. Visit Anthem Broker Hub to conveniently find k</p><p>Individual | CO, IN, KY, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/gQ8ySn0Bd4lc74rij4o1/2021/11/23/now-is-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-plans'><time>Nov 23, 2021</time><h4>Now is a great time to sell Anthem Individual plans</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway and Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. We estimate that 9 out of 10 Individual members are eligible to receive financial help to lower the cost of coverage. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Open enrollment ends January 15, 2022. Visit Anthem Broker Hub to conveniently find k</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me'><a href='/news/YA8ySn0Bd4lc74riLoqU/2021/11/23/now-is-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-plans'><time>Nov 23, 2021</time><h4>Now is a great time to sell Anthem Individual plans</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway and Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. We estimate that 9 out of 10 Individual members are eligible to receive financial help to lower the cost of coverage. Open Enrollment ends January 15, 2022. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Visit Anthem Broker Hub to conveniently find k</p><p>Individual | CT, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/UkcxSn0B7Ss8fzhUrf2O/2021/11/23/now-is-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-individual-plans'><time>Nov 23, 2021</time><h4>Now is a great time to sell Anthem Individual plans</h4><p>Open Enrollment is underway and Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. We estimate that 9 out of 10 Individual members are eligible to receive financial help to lower the cost of coverage. Find out why now is a great time to sell Anthem. Open Enrollment ends January 31, 2022. Visit Anthem Broker Hub to conveniently find k</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/TUXsOH0B7Ss8fzhUAoMz/2021/11/19/cvs-and-ingeniorx-specialty-pharmacies-will-no-longer-provide-botox'><time>Nov 19, 2021</time><h4>CVS and IngenioRx specialty pharmacies will no longer provide Botox</h4><p>CVS and IngenioRx specialty pharmacies will stop distributing the brand name drug Botox starting January 1, 2022. The member benefit is not changing. Botox will still be available to our members through other specialty pharmacies. Members who do not use IngenioRx or CVS specialty pharmacies will not be affected. We will send letters to impacted members telling them theyll have to move their presc</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/n0XaNX0B7Ss8fzhUuikK/2021/11/19/tech-talk-the-power-of-personalization-and-customization-with-sydney-preferred'><time>Nov 19, 2021</time><h4>Tech Talk: The power of personalization and customization with Sydney Preferred</h4><p>SydneySM Preferred is a seamless and fully integrated benefit-engagement solution delivering a single, trusted digital experience through our Sydney Health app. Its proactive personalized guidance is designed to drive engagement for a better overall healthcare experience, while improving outcomes and lowering costs for your clients entire population not just ourmembers. This innovative tool empo</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/d0NDLn0B7Ss8fzhU_ACJ/2021/11/17/mobile-pay-now-available-for-spending-accounts'><time>Nov 17, 2021</time><h4>Mobile pay now available for spending accounts</h4><p>Members can now upload their Empire spending account debit card to their mobile wallet using their payment app. Once the card information is loaded, members can use this safe, secure way to pay for qualified expenses. Please contact your sales representative for more information. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/Dh5DLn0BmRkO5-PTfEPp/2021/11/17/mobile-pay-now-available-for-spending-accounts'><time>Nov 17, 2021</time><h4>Mobile pay now available for spending accounts</h4><p>Members can now upload their Anthem spending account debit card to their mobile wallet using their payment app. Once the card information is loaded, members can use this safe, secure way to pay for qualified expenses. Please contact your sales representative for more information. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/mkGDJX0B7Ss8fzhUhE89/2021/11/15/group-broker-services-is-here-to-help-you'><time>Nov 15, 2021</time><h4>Group Broker Services is here to help you</h4><p>Group Broker Services (GBS) is here to help you and group administrators with day-to-day operations. Our GBS team is ready to deliver dedicated support, expert solutions, and one-touch resolution for questions about enrollment, billing, membership, claims, benefits, or Anthem products. Email GBS anytime or call from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Well respond within two business days. Large Group: GBS-A</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/1AS7FX0Bd4lc74rigybb/2021/11/12/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Nov 12, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a customized website created for each of your Small Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from us. Plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. Take a tour with this video: ups</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/Vxq5FX0BmRkO5-PTnbMT/2021/11/12/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Nov 12, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a customized website created for each of your Small Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from us. Plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. Take a tour with this video. Th</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/5QS3FX0Bd4lc74riNiNm/2021/11/12/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Nov 12, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a customized website created for each of your Small Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from us. Plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. Take a tour with this video. Th</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Cj-xFX0B7Ss8fzhUvm2v/2021/11/12/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Nov 12, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a customized website created for each of your Small Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from us. Plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. Take a tour with this video. Th</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Hz21C30B7Ss8fzhUQGBr/2021/11/10/at-home-covid-19-test-kits-available-at-no-cost-to-members-for-a-limited-time'><time>Nov 10, 2021</time><h4>At-home COVID-19 test kits available at no cost to members for a limited time</h4><p>Member health is our top priority. As the spread of COVID-19 continues across our communities, we want to share information about additional testing options for members with symptoms of COVID-19 or who have been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. These options are available to members of our Fully Insured groups. At-home diagnostic COVID-19 testing kit. This test is availa</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/cQFrC30Bd4lc74rigDhj/2021/11/10/at-home-covid-19-test-kits-available-at-no-cost-to-members-for-a-limited-time'><time>Nov 10, 2021</time><h4>At-home COVID-19 test kits available at no cost to members for a limited time</h4><p>Member health is our top priority. As the spread of COVID-19 continues across our communities, we want to share information about additional testing options for members with symptoms of COVID-19 or who have been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. These options are available to members of our Fully Insured groups. At-home diagnostic COVID-19 testing kit. This test is availa</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/aD1hC30B7Ss8fzhU8Dqu/2021/11/10/at-home-covid-19-test-kits-available-at-no-cost-to-members-for-a-limited-time'><time>Nov 10, 2021</time><h4>At-home COVID-19 test kits available at no cost to members for a limited time</h4><p>Member health is our top priority. As the spread of COVID-19 continues across our communities, we want to share information about additional testing options for members with symptoms of COVID-19 or who have been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. These options are available to members of our Fully Insured groups. At-home diagnostic COVID-19 testing kit. This test is availa</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/yvvN8HwBd4lc74ri-SQJ/2021/11/5/wee28099re-promoting-our-2022-individual-plans'><time>Nov 05, 2021</time><h4>We’re promoting our 2022 Individual plans</h4><p>We are promoting our 2022 Individual plans with a multifaceted Open Enrollment marketing campaign that runs through January 15, 2022. Please contact your Anthem representative if you have any questions. </p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/6BPM8HwBmRkO5-PT6fMa/2021/11/5/wee28099re-promoting-our-2022-individual-plans'><time>Nov 05, 2021</time><h4>We’re promoting our 2022 Individual plans</h4><p>We are promoting our 2022 Individual plans with a multifaceted Open Enrollment marketing campaign that runs through January 31, 2022. Please contact your Anthem representative if you have any questions. </p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/4BPL8HwBmRkO5-PTDfK0/2021/11/5/wee28099re-promoting-our-2022-individual-plans'><time>Nov 05, 2021</time><h4>We’re promoting our 2022 Individual plans</h4><p>We are promoting our 2022 Individual plans with a multifaceted Open Enrollment marketing campaign that runs through January 15, 2022. Please contact your Anthem representative if you have any questions. </p><p>Individual | CO, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/Hvcn5nwBd4lc74riS5Wx/2021/11/3/update-appointment-requests-paused-due-to-ct-department-of-insurance-system-upgrade'><time>Nov 03, 2021</time><h4>Update: Appointment requests paused due to CT Department of Insurance system upgrade</h4><p>The Connecticut Department of Insurance is upgrading their licensing system and will be temporarily offline from 5:00pm E.T. on Wednesday, November 3, through 10:00am ET on Tuesday, November 9. During this time Anthem will not be able to submit new Connecticut broker appointment requests to the Connecticut DOI. Update: Well continue to accept requests but be aware that appointment effective dates</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/hhAP4nwBmRkO5-PTJ4py/2021/11/2/emotional-well-being-resources-program-replaces-mystrength-in-2022'><time>Nov 02, 2021</time><h4>Emotional Well-being Resources program replaces MyStrength in 2022</h4><p>Emotional, psychological, and social well-being deserve the same care as physical health concerns. Mental health conditions can significantly impact day-to-day life, including overall happiness and productivity. We are introducing new Emotional Well-being Resources to provide comprehensive whole-health support and promote skill-building, resiliency, and mindfulness. These digital resources use pr</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/4hD04XwBmRkO5-PTLXo-/2021/11/2/caa-surprise-billing-protection-takes-effect-january-2022'><time>Nov 02, 2021</time><h4>CAA Surprise Billing protection takes effect January 2022</h4><p>Were taking the necessary steps to comply with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 (CAA) and the Transparency in Coverage rule (TIC), which was intended to create greater transparency to help consumers make informed healthcare decisions. As you may know, in August the Department of Labor, in conjunction with the Departments of Health and Human Services and the Treasury, (known collectivel</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Vw-Y3XwBmRkO5-PTmoLR/2021/11/1/complete-sydney-coffee-house-series-available-online'><time>Nov 01, 2021</time><h4>Complete Sydney Coffee House Series available online</h4><p>The complete Sydney Coffee House series is now available online. The series explored a different aspect of the SydneySM Health app each month, culminating in a complete, end-to-end demonstration. Sydney is one way we invest in technology to improve our members healthcare experience. We explored all of the features the app has to offer and answered your questions. If you missed any of the sessions</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/_vPT23wBd4lc74riHPnR/2021/11/1/new-association-health-plan-is-available-for-small-and-medium-sized-manufacturers'><time>Nov 01, 2021</time><h4>New association health plan is available for small and medium-sized manufacturers</h4><p>Were collaborating with the Wisconsin National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and Mercer Health and Benefits on an association health plan (AHP) for NAM member companies. Were working together to provide medical, dental, vision, and life benefits built specifically as an alternative for small to medium-sized manufacturers. The AHP includes extensive options in Blue Preferred or Blue Priority n</p><p>Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me'><a href='/news/Xg2NzXwBmRkO5-PT339M/2021/10/29/no-cost-options-make-now-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem'><time>Oct 29, 2021</time><h4>No cost options make now a great time to sell Anthem</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2021. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Available features include: $1 monthly cost for health coverage for some Anthem plans1 $0 unlimited virtual care visits using the SydneySM Health app2, available 24/7, and rewards for healthy behaviors $0 preventive </p><p>Individual | CT, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/3TKBzXwB7Ss8fzhUoTiV/2021/10/29/no-cost-options-make-now-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem'><time>Oct 29, 2021</time><h4>No cost options make now a great time to sell Anthem</h4><p>Consumers can shop and purchase plans on starting November 1, 2021. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident with: $0 monthly cost for health coverage for some Anthem plans1 $0 unlimited virtual care visits using the SydneySM Health 2, available 24/7 and rewards for healthy behaviors $0 preventive care to help m</p><p>Individual | IN, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ky'><a href='/news/F_J7zXwBd4lc74rii3-f/2021/10/29/no-cost-options-make-now-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem'><time>Oct 29, 2021</time><h4>No cost options make now a great time to sell Anthem</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2021. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Available features include: $0 monthly cost for health coverage for some Anthem plans1 $0 unlimited virtual care visits using the SydneySM Health app, 2 available 24/7, and rewards for healthy behaviors $0 preventive</p><p>Individual | CO, KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/MPJ2zXwBd4lc74rimnyn/2021/10/29/no-cost-options-make-now-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem'><time>Oct 29, 2021</time><h4>No cost options make now a great time to sell Anthem</h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2021. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Available features include: $0 monthly cost for health coverage for some Anthem plans1 $0 unlimited virtual care visits using the SydneySM Health app 2, available 24/7, and rewards for healthy behaviors $0 preventive</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/oA1vzXwBmRkO5-PTynHv/2021/10/29/no-cost-options-make-now-a-great-time-to-sell-anthem-'><time>Oct 29, 2021</time><h4>No cost options make now a great time to sell Anthem </h4><p>Consumers can shop plans on starting November 1, 2021. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families help people feel covered, protected, and confident. Available features include: $0 monthly cost for health coverage for some Anthem plans1 $0 unlimited online doctor visits using the SydneySM Health app,2 available 24/7 $0 preventive care to help members stay on t</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/7gr-wXwBmRkO5-PT-YJA/2021/10/27/va-residents-only-save-the-date-for-continuing-education-january-25-27'><time>Oct 27, 2021</time><h4>VA residents only: Save the date for continuing education January 25 & 27</h4><p>Anthem will conduct four hours of virtual continuing educationfor (CE) each day on January 25 and January 27. Well provide a total of eight hours of approved courses for Virginia resident agents only. Please mark your calendars. Well provide more information soon. Remember, you are now required to renew your Virginia Insurance Licensebased on your month and year of birth.If you have not complete</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8e68vnwBd4lc74riliA_/2021/10/26/wee28099re-making-some-changes-to-your-clientse28099-plans'><time>Oct 26, 2021</time><h4>We’re making some changes to your clients’ plans</h4><p>THIS COMMUNICATION APPLIES ONLY TO CALIFORNIA INDIVIDUAL ACA ON AND OFF-EXCHANGE PLAN Anthem is making these changes to comply with new laws. Changes were required to make: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits California Senate Bill 855 requires health plans and insurers to cover medically necessary treatment for all mental health and substance use disorders under the same terms a</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/pQgXuXwBmRkO5-PTKLMv/2021/10/25/get-your-january-2022-individual-renewal-information-soon'><time>Oct 25, 2021</time><h4>Get your January 2022 Individual renewal information soon</h4><p>January 2022 renewals for Individual grandfathered (GF) and grandmothered, also called non-grandfathered (NGF), plans will be available soon. We typically post this information around the 27th of each month. Heres how to access renewals: Go to Producer Toolbox, select Book of Business, then choose Renewals, to see the Renewal Letter link to your clients information. To find and pull a renewal r</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_AY-qXwBmRkO5-PT4dVK/2021/10/22/new-member-confirmation-email-promotes-digital-tools'><time>Oct 22, 2021</time><h4>New member confirmation email promotes digital tools</h4><p>Weve created a new enrollment confirmation email that encourages members to register for an online account through our website or the SydneySM Health mobile app before their plans effective date. The email will launch later this year and will also promote the use of our digital tools and paperless communication. Well send the message within six days after members complete their enrollment. Non-</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in,ky,mo,oh,wi'><a href='/news/PgYZpXwBmRkO5-PTqhv2/2021/10/21/new-contacts-for-membership-updates-and-questions'><time>Oct 21, 2021</time><h4>New contacts for membership updates and questions</h4><p>Were always working to make it easier for you to manage your accounts. We value your partnership and use our technology to save you time. There are many ways to update enrollment information or find answers to questions. You can use EmployerAccess to make membership changes, view and pay invoices, look at transaction history, and view activity reports after you register with the group number. St</p><p>Large Group | IN, KY, MO, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/q-bunXwBd4lc74rifVAF/2021/10/20/we-now-accept-premium-payment-from-some-third-party-payors'><time>Oct 20, 2021</time><h4>We now accept premium payment from some third-party payors</h4><p>To continue meeting members and brokers where and how they need us, we can now allow some third-party payors to submit premium payment on behalf of individual enrollees and members. We will only accept payments from the following third-party payors: A relative or legal guardian of the enrollee/member The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Other federal or state government programs that provide mont</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/rN5he3wBd4lc74riuMHR/2021/10/13/december-and-january-deadlines-are-early-due-to-higher-volume'><time>Oct 13, 2021</time><h4>December and January deadlines are early due to higher volume</h4><p>To adjust for our busiest months, deadlines for December and January effective dates are earlier than other months. Submission deadlines for Small Group business applications are normally the 15th of the month, but they have been moved up for peak season. December 1, 2021, effective dates Deadline is November 8, 2021 January 1, 2022, effective dates Deadline is December 6, 2021 </p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/XiIJenwB7Ss8fzhU7rx_/2021/10/13/wee28099re-notifying-employers-about-mainee28099s-health-cost-relief-program'><time>Oct 13, 2021</time><h4>We’re notifying employers about Maine’s health cost relief program</h4><p>Well send a direct mail letter to Small Group employers in October notifying them of the Maine Small Business Health Cost Relief program. The program provides small group health coverage premium reductions for 18 months, from November 1, 2021, through April 30, 2023. The monthly premium reduction for employers and their enrolled employees is currently: Employee = $50 Two adults = $100 One adu</p><p>Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Zdx9dXwBd4lc74rirscO/2021/10/12/broker-services-call-center-will-close-for-1-hour-on-october-15'><time>Oct 12, 2021</time><h4>Broker Services call center will close for 1 hour on October 15</h4><p>Our Broker Services call center will be closed from 2:00 3:00 pm EST this Friday, October 15, 2021, while we invest time in improving our service to you. Should you have questions or need our support during this period, send us your request by email or contact your Anthem Service representative. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/kyGldHwB7Ss8fzhUUIbx/2021/10/12/paperless-communication-campaign-to-focus-on-adult-dependents'><time>Oct 12, 2021</time><h4>Paperless communication campaign to focus on adult dependents</h4><p>Paperless communication makes it easier for members to receive important information from us. We send members an email alert when theres new information, such as an explanation of benefits (EOB) or important plan updates. They can then review the details on our mobile app or at As part of our ongoing commitment to support members at all moments of their unique personal health journ</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/MSGkdHwB7Ss8fzhUSYa1/2021/10/12/paperless-communication-campaign-to-focus-on-adult-dependents'><time>Oct 12, 2021</time><h4>Paperless communication campaign to focus on adult dependents</h4><p>Paperless communication makes it easier for members to receive important information from us. We send members an email alert when theres new information, such as an explanation of benefits (EOB) or important plan updates. They can then review the details on our mobile app or at As part of our ongoing commitment to support members at all moments of their unique personal health journey, </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TiG-cHwB7Ss8fzhU3AI3/2021/10/11/anthem-is-expanding-covered-california-plans-and-returning-to-northern-california'><time>Oct 11, 2021</time><h4>Anthem is expanding Covered California plans and returning to northern California</h4><p>Anthem is offering consumers more choices with plans in new regions through Covered California. We are expanding and returning to Alameda, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Marin, Napa, Placer, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano, Sonoma, and Yolo counties in northern California. Anthem is ranked 1 and 2 in pricing in these rating regions: East Los Angeles/Rating Region 15: Including Alhambra,</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LtcuV3wBd4lc74risz8Q/2021/10/6/new-ingeniorx-webpage-shares-latest-innovations'><time>Oct 06, 2021</time><h4>New IngenioRx webpage shares latest innovations</h4><p>IngenioRx is working to transform pharmacy benefit management by reimagining what is possible. The pharmacy benefit manager has just launched a new webpage to highlight its latest innovative efforts. The Reimagining Whats Possible page at focuses on program pilots, digital solutions, and products that set IngenioRx apart. Each multimedia story includes an article, downloadable pdfs</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/qx1IVnwB7Ss8fzhUaVwz/2021/10/6/update-antheme28099s-dental-ppo-expands-teledentistry'><time>Oct 06, 2021</time><h4>UPDATE: Anthem’s dental PPO expands teledentistry</h4><p>We support teledentistry as a way to reduce time away from work and to provide a simple and effective way to connect members with the care they need. Members can access dental care either in-office or remotely through smartphones, laptops, tablets by accessing websites, video streaming, secure email, or remote monitoring through electronic health records. Anthem covers teledentistry in all states </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/zPhFVnwBmRkO5-PT8Zon/2021/10/6/update-antheme28099s-dental-ppo-expands-teledentistry'><time>Oct 06, 2021</time><h4>UPDATE: Anthem’s dental PPO expands teledentistry</h4><p>We support teledentistry as a way to reduce time away from work and to provide a simple and effective way to connect members with the care they need. Members can access dental care either in-office or remotely through smartphones, laptops, tablets by accessing websites, video streaming, secure email, or remote monitoring through electronic health records. Anthem covers teledentistry exams the same</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/zdZDVnwBd4lc74riTK-N/2021/10/6/update-empiree28099s-dental-ppo-expands-teledentistry-'><time>Oct 06, 2021</time><h4>UPDATE: Empire’s dental PPO expands teledentistry </h4><p>We support teledentistry as a way to reduce time away from work and to provide a simple and effective way to connect members with the care they need. Members can access dental care either in-office or remotely through smartphones, laptops, tablets by accessing websites, video streaming, secure email, or remote monitoring through electronic health records. Empire covers teledentistry exams the same</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,ky,me'><a href='/news/jtULUnwBd4lc74riictm/2021/10/5/window-shopping-for-open-enrollment-begins-october-1'><time>Oct 05, 2021</time><h4>Window Shopping for Open Enrollment begins October 1</h4><p>Consumers can begin previewing and comparing plans on on October 1, 2021. Anthems affordable health plans for individuals and families include preventive care with no out-of-pocket costs, $0 virtual care visits, and rewards for healthy behaviors. We estimate that 9 out of 10 Individual members are eligible to receive financial help. Now is a great time to sell Anthem. Open Enrollment s</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, KY, ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/k_cIUnwBmRkO5-PTVezI/2021/10/5/help-us-recognize-excellent-educators-in-kentucky'><time>Oct 05, 2021</time><h4>Help us recognize excellent educators in Kentucky</h4><p>We want to recognize Kentucky educators and school staff members who have gone above and beyond throughout the pandemic. Two award winners will be selected from each of five regions: Greater Louisville, Lexington/Central Kentucky, and Eastern, Western and Northern Kentucky. Each of the 10 winners across the state will receive a $2,500 donation from Anthem to their school for classroom supplies or</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/RBzdUXwB7Ss8fzhUHZkD/2021/10/5/now-is-the-best-time-to-prepare-for-a-healthy-flu-season'><time>Oct 05, 2021</time><h4>Now is the best time to prepare for a healthy flu season</h4><p>Flu prevention is important for the health of your clients employees and business. Keeping them informed provides proactive support that protects their health and lowers costs. Making flu shots available to employees with no out-of-pocket cost proactively provides them with simpler access to care. Its a more affordable way to bridge gaps in care. The CDC estimates 17 million workdays are lost each</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/2PfXUXwBmRkO5-PTh9Vn/2021/10/5/now-is-the-best-time-to-prepare-for-a-healthy-flu-season'><time>Oct 05, 2021</time><h4>Now is the best time to prepare for a healthy flu season</h4><p>Flu prevention is important for the health of your clients employees and business. Keeping them informed provides proactive support that protects their health and lowers costs. Making flu shots available to employees with no out-of-pocket cost proactively provides them with simpler access to care. Its a more affordable way to bridge gaps in care. The CDC estimates 17 million workdays are lost each</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dtXUUXwBd4lc74riCKhz/2021/10/5/now-is-the-best-time-to-prepare-for-a-healthy-flu-season'><time>Oct 05, 2021</time><h4>Now is the best time to prepare for a healthy flu season</h4><p>Flu prevention is important for the health of your clients employees and business. Keeping them informed provides proactive support that protects their health and lowers costs. Making flu shots available to employees with no out-of-pocket cost proactively provides them with simpler access to care. Its a more affordable way to bridge gaps in care. The CDC estimates 17 million workdays are lost each</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/JffQUXwBmRkO5-PT6NJU/2021/10/5/now-is-the-best-time-to-prepare-for-a-healthy-flu-season'><time>Oct 05, 2021</time><h4>Now is the best time to prepare for a healthy flu season</h4><p>Flu prevention is important for the health of your clients employees and business. Keeping them informed provides proactive support that protects their health and lowers costs. Making flu shots available to employees with no out-of-pocket cost proactively provides them with simpler access to care. Its a more affordable way to bridge gaps in care. The CDC estimates 17 million workdays are lost each</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/UPYrTHwBmRkO5-PTxG43/2021/10/4/health-pass-provides-members-with-mobile-proof-of-vaccination'><time>Oct 04, 2021</time><h4>Health Pass provides members with mobile proof of vaccination</h4><p>Anthem has developed a solution to provide members with real-time access to their COVID-19 vaccine records. A recent survey of our members shows that 84% would use digital proof provided by their insurer and 76% of responders do not currently have digital proof. Introducing Health Pass a simple, secure, and trustworthy way for members to digitally access and store their vaccination information. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/29MpTHwBd4lc74rim8pL/2021/10/4/health-pass-provides-members-with-mobile-proof-of-vaccination'><time>Oct 04, 2021</time><h4>Health Pass provides members with mobile proof of vaccination</h4><p>Empire has developed a solution to provide members with real-time access to their COVID-19 vaccine records. A recent survey of our members shows that 84% would use digital proof provided by their insurer and 76% of responders do not currently have digital proof. Introducing Health Pass a simple, secure, and trustworthy way for members to digitally access and store their vaccination information. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/HtMlTHwBd4lc74riasit/2021/10/4/health-pass-provides-members-with-mobile-proof-of-vaccination'><time>Oct 04, 2021</time><h4>Health Pass provides members with mobile proof of vaccination</h4><p>Anthem has developed a solution to provide members with real-time access to their COVID-19 vaccine records. A recent survey of our members shows that 84% would use digital proof provided by their insurer and 76% of responders do not currently have digital proof. Introducing Health Pass a simple, secure, and trustworthy way for members to digitally access and store their vaccination information. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/8_SwN3wBmRkO5-PTUjmv/2021/9/30/wee28099ll-start-mailing-2022-missouri-aec-renewal-packets-soon'><time>Sep 30, 2021</time><h4>We’ll start mailing 2022 Missouri AEC Renewal packets soon</h4><p>Individual members enrolled in Anthem Enhanced Choice (AEC) health plans in Missouri will begin receiving plan renewal packets soon. Access your AEC Individual client renewal information in Producer Toolbox underBook of Business. We expect to start mailing AEC renewal packets in late September.We will mail renewal packets to Individual plan members monthly at their renewal. They will receive thei</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/afNaMnwBmRkO5-PTjh7Q/2021/9/29/food-banks-and-anthem-foundation-issue-a-hunger-challenge-to-kentucky'><time>Sep 29, 2021</time><h4>Food banks and Anthem Foundation Issue a Hunger Challenge to Kentucky</h4><p>Kentuckys three largest food banks are teaming up with the Anthem Foundation to fill a growing gap in volunteers and dollars needed to fight food insecurity. We invite you and your clientsto join us. Dare to Care Food Bank; Feeding America, Kentuckys Heartland; and Gods Pantry Food Bank estimate they will need about 10,000 volunteer hours combined each month to help sort, pack, and distribute foo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,oh,wi'><a href='/news/H_MyMnwBmRkO5-PT4Ayc/2021/9/29/vision-exam-added-to-large-group-medical-plans-in-2022'><time>Sep 29, 2021</time><h4>Vision exam added to large group medical plans in 2022</h4><p>To support the total health of our members, Anthem has added an annual vision exam to new and renewing large group medical plans with a January 1, 2022, or later effective date. This addition covers a complete eye exam with dilation and refraction at more than 40,000 eye doctors in 30,000 locations nationwide. Fully insured and ASO clients with 250 or more lives can opt out of this new benefit. </p><p>Large Group | CO, IN, KY, MO, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZM8wMnwBd4lc74ri7Uai/2021/9/29/vision-exam-added-to-large-group-medical-plans-in-2022'><time>Sep 29, 2021</time><h4>Vision exam added to large group medical plans in 2022</h4><p>To support the total health of our members, Anthem has added an annual vision exam to new and renewing large group medical plans with a January 1, 2022, or later effective date. This addition covers a complete eye exam with dilation and refraction at more than 40,000 eye doctors in 30,000 locations nationwide. Non-Pool clients can opt out of this new benefit. In addition to protecting vision, an</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/UfEGKXwBmRkO5-PT9YfX/2021/9/27/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Sep 27, 2021</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for members impacted by wildfires in California</h4><p>We continue to monitor the wildfires in California and how it may be affecting members in various counties. As the situation changes, we are adjusting areas where we are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide needed relief. Please read the latest details we shared with California members on the Better Care Blog story page. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/NRbOKHwB7Ss8fzhUEjH4/2021/9/27/enhanced-lifesecure-accident-insurance-available-now'><time>Sep 27, 2021</time><h4>Enhanced LifeSecure Accident Insurance available now</h4><p>An upgraded LifeSecure Accident Insurance plan launched August 26, 2021. It features increased benefit limits and an accidental death benefit. LifeSecure is an independent company offering complementary benefits promoted by Anthem. Your Individual clients can extend their protection by pairing this plan with their Anthem medical plan. The plan can help with accident-related expenses, including: </p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5M3MKHwBd4lc74riDyLM/2021/9/27/enhanced-lifesecure-accident-insurance-available-now'><time>Sep 27, 2021</time><h4>Enhanced LifeSecure Accident Insurance available now</h4><p>An upgraded LifeSecure Accident Insurance plan launched August 26, 2021. It features extended time to be seen after an accident, increased benefit limits, and an accidental death benefit. LifeSecure is an independent company offering complementary benefits promoted by Anthem. Your Individual clients can extend their protection by pairing this plan with their Anthem medical plan. The plan can hel</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/SO3VCXwBmRkO5-PTxk8S/2021/9/21/complete-required-training-by-924-to-begin-quoting-october-1'><time>Sep 21, 2021</time><h4>Complete required training by 9/24 to begin quoting October 1</h4><p>Kentucky is moving from a federally funded marketplace to a state-based marketplace for plan year 2022. To sell through the new marketplace, you must complete Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange (KHBE) training by September 24, 2021. Once completed, youll be able to quote Individual and Small Group business on-exchange beginning 10/1, and submit enrollments beginning 11/1, via Producer Toolbox. Ple</p><p>Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/oRFdBnwB7Ss8fzhUFkIr/2021/9/21/cobra-premium-assistance-for-individual-clients-ends-september-30'><time>Sep 21, 2021</time><h4>COBRA premium assistance for Individual clients ends September 30</h4><p>COBRA premium assistance for Individual members ends September 30, 2021. Those impacted can qualify for an SEP by reporting a loss of coverage when applying for Marketplace coverage. The COBRA coverage page includes guidance for Individual members when their COBRA premium assistance ends. Please contact your Anthem agent for more information. </p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/3hFLBnwB7Ss8fzhUz0G9/2021/9/21/anthem-partners-with-dbs-to-reduce-hra-paperwork-for-your-clients'><time>Sep 21, 2021</time><h4>Anthem partners with DBS to reduce HRA paperwork for your clients</h4><p>Anthem has partnered with Diversified Benefit Services (DBS) in Wisconsin to support seamless health reimbursement account (HRA) administration. We will provide DBS medical claim files to fully insured and self-funded groups for medical deductibles, co-insurance amounts, copays, and prescription drugs. Promote this service with DBS to reduce HRA paperwork for your Anthem clients. Please contact </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/fREvBnwB7Ss8fzhU10Dq/2021/9/21/required-training-now-available-for-state-based-marketplace'><time>Sep 21, 2021</time><h4>Required training now available for state-based marketplace</h4><p>Maine is moving from a federally funded marketplace to a state-based marketplace for plan year 2022. You must complete the online broker training on and register by October 15, 2021, to sell through the new marketplace. The Maine Department of Health and Human Services sent a message to brokers on September 3 about the training and registration requirements. If you are registered by O</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/E8UWBHwBd4lc74rik75I/2021/9/20/digital-chronic-disease-program-reimagines-real-time-connections'><time>Sep 20, 2021</time><h4>Digital chronic disease program reimagines real-time connections</h4><p>Empire is reimagining what is possible for every moment of health. Were developing ways to give members holistic, empowering support. We are focused on creating meaningful connections through empathetic solutions like our Concierge Care digital program. Its available at no additional cost for clients or their employees. Members diagnosed with Crohns disease, complex cancer, or certain behavioral h</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/VsUTBHwBd4lc74rivbzS/2021/9/20/digital-chronic-disease-program-reimagines-real-time-connections'><time>Sep 20, 2021</time><h4>Digital chronic disease program reimagines real-time connections</h4><p>Anthem is reimagining what is possible for every moment of health. Were developing ways to give members holistic, empowering support. We are focused on creating meaningful connections through empathetic solutions like our Concierge Care digital program. Its available at no additional cost for clients or their employees. Members diagnosed with Crohns disease, complex cancer, or certain behavioral h</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ycQU9XsBd4lc74riWmsb/2021/9/17/ingeniorxe28099s-focus-on-reducing-waste-saved-clients-2413-million-last-year'><time>Sep 17, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx’s focus on reducing waste saved clients $13 million last year</h4><p>As much as 30% of healthcare costs in the United States can be attributed to fraud, waste, and abuse, according to a 2019 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. IngenioRxs 2020 Drug Trend Report examined two of the most common wasteful practices drug re-labeling and medical device classification as well as the pharmacy benefit managers successful response. Last year, Ingenio</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/guoG9XsBmRkO5-PT1OD4/2021/9/17/empiree28099s-dental-ppo-expands-teledentistry-offering'><time>Sep 17, 2021</time><h4>Empire’s dental PPO expands teledentistry offering</h4><p>We support teledentistry as a way to reduce time away from work and to provide a simple and effective way to connect members with the care they need. Members can access dental care either in-office or remotely through smartphones, laptops, tablets by accessing websites, video streaming, secure email, or remote monitoring through electronic health records*. Teledentistry improves access to care fo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/ueoi8nsBmRkO5-PTOFt1/2021/9/17/antheme28099s-dental-ppo-expands-teledentistry-offering'><time>Sep 17, 2021</time><h4>Anthem’s dental PPO expands teledentistry offering</h4><p>We support teledentistry as a way to reduce time away from work and to provide a simple and effective way to connect members with the care they need. Members can access dental care either in-office or remotely through smartphones, laptops, tablets by accessing websites, video streaming, secure email, or remote monitoring through electronic health records*. Teledentistry improves access to care fo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/78Mp8HsBd4lc74rilFpP/2021/9/16/2020-mlr-rebates-will-mail-by-the-end-of-september'><time>Sep 16, 2021</time><h4>2020 MLR rebates will mail by the end of September</h4><p>We will send 2020 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates to Anthem groups and Individual members in Virginia by the end of September. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare costs rather than overhead. MLR is a ratio of insurance premiums to claims costs, usually expressed as a percentage. We incorrectly</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Q-lD73sBmRkO5-PTFrQ3/2021/9/16/vivity-expands-to-include-small-groups'><time>Sep 16, 2021</time><h4>Vivity expands to include small groups</h4><p>Vivity, our clinically integrated network of top-ranking health systems, will be available to Small Group in Los Angeles and Orange counties starting January 1, 2022.Vivity is a first-of-its-kind joint venture that brings together Anthem and top-ranked health systems in Southern California. Initially only available for Large Group, Vivity drives value by providing a seamless member experience with</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/h8IU63sBd4lc74riHB0E/2021/9/15/covered-california-credit-will-enable-carriers-to-offer-240-health-coverage'><time>Sep 15, 2021</time><h4>Covered California Credit will enable carriers to offer $0 health coverage</h4><p>Beginning January 1, 2022, Covered California will apply a California Premium Credit of at least $1 per member per month (PMPM) to all Covered California enrollees to cover the premium amounts for elective abortion services. That premium amount cannot be paid with federal premium credits. This premium credit will allow Anthem to offer premiums as low as $0 on individual health coverage for eligibl</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/8A2Q6nsB7Ss8fzhUCKt8/2021/9/15/stephanie-vojicic-named-president-anthem-blue-cross-and-blue-shield-in-missouri'><time>Sep 15, 2021</time><h4>Stephanie Vojicic Named President, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Missouri</h4><p>Anthem has named Stephanie Vojicic as President, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Missouri. Stephanie brings a wealth of experience to this role and a commitment to fulfilling our mission of improving the lives and communities we serve, said Morgan Kendrick, President of Anthems West Region Commercial Business. Shes a proven leader, and her in-depth knowledge of the industry will benefit our </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/leUV0XsBmRkO5-PTGs3n/2021/9/10/download-the-broker-plus-app-to-save-time-and-support-cancer-screenings'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Download the Broker Plus app to save time and support cancer screenings</h4><p>Empire will make a donation to support cancer screenings when you download the award-winning Broker Plus app. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant drop in cancer screenings over the past year. As a result, many cancers could be going undiagnosed and untreated. The American Cancer Society predicts that this will result in a drop in cancer diagnoses and a corresponding increase in late-stage </p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/3b0R0XsBd4lc74ri5J2b/2021/9/10/download-the-broker-plus-app-to-save-time-and-support-cancer-screenings'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Download the Broker Plus app to save time and support cancer screenings</h4><p>Anthem will make a donation to support cancer screenings when you download the award-winning Broker Plus app. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant drop in cancer screenings over the past year. As a result, many cancers could be going undiagnosed and untreated. The American Cancer Society predicts that this will result in a drop in cancer diagnoses and a corresponding increase in late-stage </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Gr0O0XsBd4lc74ri2pwh/2021/9/10/download-the-broker-plus-app-to-save-time-and-support-cancer-screenings'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Download the Broker Plus app to save time and support cancer screenings</h4><p>Empire will make a donation to support cancer screenings when you download the award-winning Broker Plus app. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant drop in cancer screenings over the past year. As a result, many cancers could be going undiagnosed and untreated. The American Cancer Society predicts that this will result in a drop in cancer diagnoses and a corresponding increase in late-stage </p><p>Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/qgrY0HsB7Ss8fzhUXHfJ/2021/9/10/download-the-broker-plus-app-to-save-time-and-support-cancer-screenings'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Download the Broker Plus app to save time and support cancer screenings</h4><p>Anthem will make a donation to support cancer screenings when you download the award-winning Broker Plus app. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant drop in cancer screenings over the past year. As a result, many cancers could be going undiagnosed and untreated. The American Cancer Society predicts that this will result in a drop in cancer diagnoses and a corresponding increase in late-stage </p><p>Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nv,ca'><a href='/news/jAoF0HsB7Ss8fzhU-iSI/2021/9/10/learn-about-sydney-health-from-end-to-end-on-september-15'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Learn about Sydney Health from end to end on September 15</h4><p>The Sydney Coffee House series explores a different aspect of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This month well provide a complete, end-to-end demonstration. Join us at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 15, for this half-hour presentation. Well explore all of the features the app has to offer with time for your questions. Youll be ready to help your clients use Sydneys tools and features to fe</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NV, CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/oQoD0HsB7Ss8fzhUVyMA/2021/9/10/learn-about-sydney-health-from-end-to-end-on-september-15'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Learn about Sydney Health from end to end on September 15</h4><p>The Sydney Coffee House series explores a different aspect of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This month well provide a complete, end-to-end demonstration. Join us at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 15, for this half-hour presentation. Well explore all of the features the app has to offer with time for your questions. Youll be ready to help your clients use Sydneys tools and features to fe</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo,wi'><a href='/news/Hbzaz3sBd4lc74riwf8z/2021/9/10/learn-about-sydney-health-from-end-to-end-on-september-15'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Learn about Sydney Health from end to end on September 15</h4><p>The Sydney Coffee House series explores a different aspect of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This month well provide a complete, end-to-end demonstration. Join us at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 15, for this half-hour presentation. Well explore all of the features the app has to offer with time for your questions. Youll be ready to help your clients use Sydneys tools and features to f</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,nh,oh,va,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NLzKz3sBd4lc74rijfnW/2021/9/10/learn-about-sydney-health-from-end-to-end-on-september-15'><time>Sep 10, 2021</time><h4>Learn about Sydney Health from end to end on September 15</h4><p>The Sydney Coffee House series explores a different aspect of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This month well provide a complete, end-to-end demonstration. Join us at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 15, for this half-hour presentation. Well explore all of the features the app has to offer with time for your questions. Youll be ready to help your clients use Sydneys tools and features to f</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CT, IN, KY, ME, NH, OH, VA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/wAlWy3sB7Ss8fzhUAmea/2021/9/9/online-census-enrollments-make-new-small-group-implementation-easier'><time>Sep 09, 2021</time><h4>Online census enrollments make new small group implementation easier</h4><p>We value our partnership with you and continue to make it easier to work with us. Weve improved the online census enrollment process to save you time. You no longer need to scan and upload all member applications, just keep them for your files. Here are some tips to use OCE more effectively: Enable editing and content on spreadsheets when prompted Copy and paste your data into spreadsheets </p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/0bpCxnsBd4lc74riYtSR/2021/9/8/wee28099ve-added-data-support-for-empires-wellbeing-solutions'><time>Sep 08, 2021</time><h4>We’ve added data support for Empire's Wellbeing Solutions</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions (WBS) is an employee wellness program designed to improve members total financial, emotional, physical and social well-being. It helps connect members to care more effectively at all stages of their health journey. Weve added a new value story module to Empires Client Information Insights (CII) Discover to help you track WBS activity, key outcomes and value. Eight value story </p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/oQhAxnsB7Ss8fzhUvnhk/2021/9/8/wee28099ve-added-data-support-for-antheme28099s-wellbeing-solutions'><time>Sep 08, 2021</time><h4>We’ve added data support for Anthem’s Wellbeing Solutions</h4><p>Wellbeing Solutions (WBS) is an employee wellness program designed to improve members total financial, emotional, physical and social well-being. It helps connect members to care more effectively at all stages of their health journey. Weve added a new value story module to Anthems Client Information Insights (CII) Discover to help you track WBS activity, key outcomes and value. Eight value story </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/T7oQwnsBd4lc74riaQXL/2021/9/7/help-protect-your-clients-september-is-life-insurance-awareness-month'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>Help protect your clients. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month</h4><p>Anthem Life is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. You</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8LoMwnsBd4lc74ri-QPm/2021/9/7/help-protect-your-clients-september-is-life-insurance-awareness-month'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>Help protect your clients. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month</h4><p>Anthem is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. You can </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NboIwnsBd4lc74rijwLH/2021/9/7/help-protect-your-clients-september-is-life-insurance-awareness-month'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>Help protect your clients. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month</h4><p>Anthem Life is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. You</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PbmbwXsBd4lc74ripMA5/2021/9/7/webinar-navigating-the-uncertainty-of-covid-19'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>Webinar: Navigating the uncertainty of COVID-19</h4><p>Please join Empire experts as they explore the latest information on COVID-19, including vaccinations, the Delta variant, available resources, and legislative and clinical updates that could impact your clients and your business. When: 4 p.m. ET Thursday, September 9, 2021 Sign up: Register now to reserve a spot and receive calendar notifications. We hope youll join the discussion. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/ZweYwXsB7Ss8fzhU86ci/2021/9/7/webinar-navigating-the-uncertainty-of-covid-19'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>Webinar: Navigating the uncertainty of COVID-19</h4><p>Please join Anthem experts as they explore the latest information on COVID-19, including vaccinations, the Delta variant, available resources, and legislative and clinical updates that could impact your clients and your business. When: 4 p.m. ET Thursday, September 9, 2021 Sign up: Register now to reserve a spot and receive calendar notifications. We hope youll join the discussion. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/VgdAwXsB7Ss8fzhUc31p/2021/9/7/a-simpler-more-flexible-well-being-incentive-program'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>A simpler, more flexible, well-being incentive program</h4><p>Smart Rewards is our new well-being program with an updated incentives platform that provides your clients with a more stable, simplified, customizable solution. It replaces Anthem Health Rewards. Its an integrated, customizable solution that simplifies setting up and running a successful rewards program for an employers whole population. Weve leveraged our investments in technology to provide a </p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/CAc7wXsB7Ss8fzhUxHvx/2021/9/7/a-simpler-more-flexible-well-being-incentive-program'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>A simpler, more flexible, well-being incentive program</h4><p>Smart Rewards is our new well-being program with an updated incentives platform that provides your clients with a more stable, simplified, customizable solution. It replaces Anthem Health Rewards. Its an integrated, customizable solution that simplifies setting up and running a successful rewards program for an employers whole population. Weve leveraged our investments in technology to provide a </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/a-LZwHsBmRkO5-PTzYwT/2021/9/7/help-for-members-impacted-by-tropical-depression-ida-in-new-york'><time>Sep 07, 2021</time><h4>Help for Members Impacted by Tropical Depression Ida in New York</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in New York and must leave their homes due to the impacts of Tropical Depression Ida. The changes are in effect September 2, 2021, through October 1, 2021, in the counties of Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/5eG5rHsBmRkO5-PTDJav/2021/9/3/join-us-september-14-for-our-virtual-broker-roadshow'><time>Sep 03, 2021</time><h4>Join us September 14 for our Virtual Broker Roadshow</h4><p>Youre invited to experience how were reimagining whats possible for every moment of health. Join us at our 2021 Virtual Broker Roadshow Tuesday, September 14, 2021. Schedule: 9:45 a.m. - Lobby open 10 a.m. to noon -General Session Noon to 12:30 p.m. -Medicare and Senior Well be sharing the latest information on the tools, support, and innovations that make your job easier and your clients</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/k-AkqHsBmRkO5-PTk_7A/2021/9/2/updated-help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Sep 02, 2021</time><h4>UPDATED: Help for members impacted by wildfires in California</h4><p>We continue to monitor the wildfires in California. As the situation changes, we adjust the areas where we are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide the relief needed by our impacted members. Please read the latest details we shared with California members on the Better Care Blog story page. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RQSKonsB7Ss8fzhUB6ps/2021/9/1/we-encourage-large-group-employers-to-go-digital-and-continue-doing-business-with-us'><time>Sep 01, 2021</time><h4>We encourage Large Group employers to go digital and continue doing business with us</h4><p>We value our partnership with you and want to support your business. To strengthen your clients connection to Empire, we conduct continuous outreach promoting the value of their existing benefits and the Employer Resource Center (ERC). The Employer Resource Center messages direct new and renewing clients to a personalized URL that serves as their digital information hub with Empire resources. O</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/cASHonsB7Ss8fzhUwKmY/2021/9/1/we-encourage-large-group-employers-to-go-digital-and-continue-doing-business-with-us'><time>Sep 01, 2021</time><h4>We encourage Large Group employers to go digital and continue doing business with us</h4><p>We value our partnership with you and want to support your business. To strengthen your clients connection to Anthem, we conduct continuous outreach promoting the value of their existing benefits and the Employer Resource Center (ERC). The Employer Resource Center messages direct new and renewing clients to a personalized URL that serves as their digital information hub with Anthem resources. O</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/3bOInHsBd4lc74riWPfd/2021/8/31/we-are-removing-preliminary-quotes-from-application-process'><time>Aug 31, 2021</time><h4>We are removing preliminary quotes from application process</h4><p>We are removing preliminary quotes from the Large Group (51 to 99 members) application process so that we can provide faster quotes. We will need all required documents upfront to provide a firm rate. Submit the new Georgia Underwriting Questionnaire and receive a final proposal for Large Groups within two business days. The process is simpler, faster and avoids delays and changes from initial pr</p><p>Large Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/sLOQmHsBd4lc74ri5lxC/2021/8/30/anthem-suspends-additional-authorization-requirements-to-aid-georgia-covid-19-response'><time>Aug 30, 2021</time><h4>Anthem suspends additional authorization requirements to aid Georgia COVID-19 response</h4><p>As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread throughout our communities, we support front-line providers as they provide care to our members. In addition to the proactive steps Anthem has already taken to support care providers and protect our members, associates, and communities against COVID-19, Anthem in Georgia is taking additional measures outlined by the Georgia Department of Insurance inDi</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/PN2Vl3sBmRkO5-PTIavt/2021/8/30/online-submissions-will-be-processed-quicker'><time>Aug 30, 2021</time><h4>Online submissions will be processed quicker</h4><p>We are implementing parallel processing for Small Group ACA online submissions. When we receive online forms for a Small Group sale, our credentialing and enrollment teams will work in parallel.The group will be set up faster and ID cards issued sooner.This does not apply to composite billed groups. You must submit complete, clean online documentation for SG sales. All required forms and documenta</p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,nv,va'><a href='/news/H7JRl3sBd4lc74riWaOa/2021/8/30/online-submissions-will-be-processed-quicker'><time>Aug 30, 2021</time><h4>Online submissions will be processed quicker</h4><p>We are implementing parallel processing for Small Group ACA online submissions. When we receive online forms for a Small Group sale, our credentialing and enrollment teams will work in parallel.The group will be set up faster and ID cards issued sooner.This does not apply to composite billed groups. You must submit complete, clean online documentation for SG sales. All required forms and documenta</p><p>Small Group | CO, NV, VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dQFJiHsB7Ss8fzhUNn7E/2021/8/27/virtual-care-is-now-available-247-for-no-or-low-cost'><time>Aug 27, 2021</time><h4>Virtual care is now available 24/7 for no or low cost</h4><p>We are always working to increase value and improve the well-being of your clients and their employees. Our latest offering includes virtual care options through the Sydney Health app: Access: Members can have a video visit, chat with a doctor, or use the symptom checker anywhere, at any time, from their mobile device. No appointment needed. Affordability: Virtual care doctors are available 24</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/2dyeg3sBmRkO5-PTkRuV/2021/8/26/life-insurance-can-protect-clients-and-employees-from-unexpected-income-loss'><time>Aug 26, 2021</time><h4>Life insurance can protect clients and employees from unexpected income loss</h4><p>Anthem is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. You can share our new infographic to tell clients abo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LACZg3sB7Ss8fzhUyd1i/2021/8/26/life-insurance-can-protect-clients-and-employees-from-unexpected-income-loss'><time>Aug 26, 2021</time><h4>Life insurance can protect clients and employees from unexpected income loss</h4><p>Anthem Life is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. You can share our new infographic (upstate versi</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/k7CUg3sBd4lc74rijq4_/2021/8/26/life-insurance-can-protect-clients-and-employees-from-unexpected-income-loss'><time>Aug 26, 2021</time><h4>Life insurance can protect clients and employees from unexpected income loss</h4><p>Anthem Life is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. You can share our new infographic to tell client</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,ga'><a href='/news/b9sCf3sBmRkO5-PTVXmY/2021/8/25/2020-mlr-rebates-will-mail-by-the-end-of-august'><time>Aug 25, 2021</time><h4>2020 MLR rebates will mail by the end of August</h4><p>Anthem groups and Individual members in 10 stateswill receive 2020 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. We will mail the rebates by the end of August. This is the second year in a row we mailed the rebates a month earlier than the September 30 deadline. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/HK_4fnsBd4lc74riZtYA/2021/8/25/2020-mlr-rebates-will-mail-in-august'><time>Aug 25, 2021</time><h4>2020 MLR rebates will mail in August</h4><p>Anthem groups and Individual members in 10 stateswill receive 2020 medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates this year. We will mail the rebates by the end of August. This is the second year in a row we mailed the rebates a month earlier than the September 30 deadline. The MLR provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages health plans to spend most of the premium dollars they collect on healthcare</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,me,mo,nh,nv,wi'><a href='/news/Dq1rdHsBd4lc74riuWGR/2021/8/23/promotion-for-paperless-communications-starts-this-month'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Promotion for paperless communications starts this month</h4><p>Were starting our annual effort to encourage members to use paperless communication soon. Its a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communication is a simpler, more effective way for members to receive important information from us. We send email alerts when theres new information, such as an EOB or a benefit update. They can then review the details on our</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, ME, MO, NH, NV, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,in,ky,oh,va,ga'><a href='/news/Pa1LdHsBd4lc74riClDD/2021/8/23/promotion-for-paperless-billing-starts-in-august'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Promotion for paperless billing starts in August</h4><p>Were starting our annual effort to encourage members to use paperless billing. Its a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communication is a simpler, more effective way for members to receive important information from us. We send email alerts when a members monthly bill is due, and they are able to log in and make their payment on our mobile app or at anth</p><p>Individual | CT, IN, KY, OH, VA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Vq1HdHsBd4lc74rinU6O/2021/8/23/promotion-for-paperless-billing-starts-in-august'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Promotion for paperless billing starts in August</h4><p>Were starting our annual effort to encourage members to use paperless billing. Its a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communication is a simpler, more effective way for members to receive important information from us. We send email alerts when a members monthly bill is due, and they are able to log in and make their payment on our mobile app or at empi</p><p>Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/GP5EdHsB7Ss8fzhUnVNh/2021/8/23/promotion-for-paperless-billing-starts-in-august'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Promotion for paperless billing starts in August</h4><p>Were starting our annual effort to encourage members to use paperless billing. Its a proactive way to encourage real-time connections with our members. Paperless communication is a simpler, more effective way for members to receive important information from us. We send email alerts when a members monthly bill is due, and they are able to log in and make their payment on our mobile app or at anth</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,oh,wi'><a href='/news/MNmqc3sBmRkO5-PTaVLY/2021/8/23/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without employer health coverage. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anthem Enhanced Choice is ava</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | IN, KY, MO, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/KNmgc3sBmRkO5-PToU4j/2021/8/23/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without employer health coverage. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anthem Enhanced Choice is ava</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/79mBc3sBmRkO5-PT_D_U/2021/8/23/required-training-now-available-for-state-based-marketplace'><time>Aug 23, 2021</time><h4>Required training now available for state-based marketplace</h4><p>Kentucky is moving from a federally funded marketplace to a state-based marketplace for plan year 2022. To sell through the new marketplace, you must complete Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange (KHBE) training by September 24, 2021. KHBE has provided an agent welcome packet that explains the training process. Please contact your Anthem representative for more information. </p><p>Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/vti6Y3sBmRkO5-PTXUHK/2021/8/20/new-agreement-with-trinity-health-system-extends-access-through-2025'><time>Aug 20, 2021</time><h4>New agreement with Trinity Health System extends access through 2025</h4><p>We notified you last month that our previous agreement with Trinity Health System ended August 1. We have reached a new agreement that will assure continued access to affordable healthcare at Trinity Health hospitals, physicians, and affiliated care providers through 2025. We will continue our collaborative work to serve the community and look for innovative ways to help solve challenges together.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/3asLYHsBd4lc74ris0BU/2021/8/19/tech-talk-sydney-preferred-offers-employers-a-more-connected-digital-experience'><time>Aug 19, 2021</time><h4>Tech Talk: Sydney Preferred offers employers a more connected digital experience</h4><p>Sydney Preferred is a new, premium version of Sydney Health, available for employers with 1,000 or more employees. Its a fully integrated benefit engagement solution delivering a single, trusted digital experience. Its designed to proactively improve health outcomes and lower costs for employers entire population not just Anthem members. It provides guided personalization that draws employees in </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NfwDYHsB7Ss8fzhUjMb9/2021/8/19/tech-talk-sydney-preferred-offers-employers-a-more-connected-digital-experience'><time>Aug 19, 2021</time><h4>Tech Talk: Sydney Preferred offers employers a more connected digital experience</h4><p>Sydney Preferred is a new, premium version of Sydney Health, available for employers with 1,000 or more employees. Its a fully integrated benefit engagement solution delivering a single, trusted digital experience. Its designed to proactively improve health outcomes and lower costs for employers entire population not just Empire members. It provides guided personalization that draws employees in </p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/k_tCVXsB7Ss8fzhU3iCP/2021/8/17/the-consolidated-appropriations-act-impact-to-member-id-cards'><time>Aug 17, 2021</time><h4>The Consolidated Appropriations Act: Impact to Member ID Cards</h4><p>Because our clients are making final decisions on member ID cards, it is important to ensure they are informed about the impact of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) on member ID cards issued for plan years beginning January 1, 2022, and after. To ensure members know where to access current information about their benefits, we will add verbiage to our ID cards advising the member where o</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/v6fsT3sBd4lc74rirszP/2021/8/16/help-for-members-impacted-by-wildfires-in-california'><time>Aug 16, 2021</time><h4>Help for members impacted by wildfires in California</h4><p>We are making temporary changes to health plan benefits to provide relief for members who live in certain areas of California impacted by wildfires. Specifically, relaxed guidelines are in effect for members who reside in Alpine, Butte, Lassen, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Tehama, Trinity, Shasta, and Siskiyou counties in California and who must temporarily leave their home due to the wildfire emergenc</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/oqUENnsBd4lc74riKpYD/2021/8/11/individual-sep-ends-august-15'><time>Aug 11, 2021</time><h4>Individual SEP ends August 15</h4><p>The Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP) through Nevada Health Link ends August 15. This is your last opportunity to enroll clients in low-cost coverage until open enrollment begins in November. Visit Anthem Broker Hub for access to Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrollment dec</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/fPgBNnsB7Ss8fzhUZIcp/2021/8/11/individual-sep-ends-august-15'><time>Aug 11, 2021</time><h4>Individual SEP ends August 15</h4><p>The Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP) through Connect for Health Colorado ends August 15. This is your last opportunity to enroll clients in low-cost coverage until open enrollment begins in November. Visit Anthem Broker Hub for access to Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrol</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/7fj-NXsB7Ss8fzhUu4aG/2021/8/11/individual-sep-ends-august-15'><time>Aug 11, 2021</time><h4>Individual SEP ends August 15</h4><p>The Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for states on the Federally Facilitated Marketplace ends August 15. This is your last opportunity to enroll clients in low-cost coverage until open enrollment begins in November. Visit Anthem Broker Hub for access to Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them </p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/_fjgNXsB7Ss8fzhU8n8W/2021/8/11/wee28099re-simplifying-the-evidence-of-insurability-process-for-group-life'><time>Aug 11, 2021</time><h4>We’re simplifying the evidence of insurability process for group life</h4><p>As we reimagine how to make our clients benefit administration easier, were simplifying how members receive Evidence of Insurability forms for most large group clients. When members need to submit information, Empires Medical Evidence Underwriting department will now send the forms directly to them. Clients will no longer need to provide Evidence of Insurability forms to their employees. This chan</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/eqXeNXsBd4lc74ritIvO/2021/8/11/wee28099re-simplifying-the-evidence-of-insurability-process-for-group-life'><time>Aug 11, 2021</time><h4>We’re simplifying the evidence of insurability process for group life</h4><p>As we reimagine how to make our clients benefit administration easier, were simplifying how members receive Evidence of Insurability forms for most large group clients. When members need to submit information, Anthems Medical Evidence Underwriting department will now send the forms directly to them. Clients will no longer need to provide Evidence of Insurability forms to their employees. This chan</p><p>Large Group | CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,oh,ga'><a href='/news/ktI0GHsBmRkO5-PTpy4q/2021/8/5/new-6-week-online-coaching-program-helps-members-manage-back-pain'><time>Aug 05, 2021</time><h4>New 6-week online coaching program helps members manage back pain</h4><p>Were reimagining what is possible for every moment of health, including how we can help members manage back pain. Back pain is a common and costly problem, and a leading cause of disability.1 Members can face extensive treatment that can increase costs for them and for your clients. Chronic cases can also lower workplace productivity. The Anthem Back Pain Guide program can help reduce the risk </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, OH, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/1_bVF3sB7Ss8fzhUP99E/2021/8/5/anthem-inviting-members-to-join-grievance-committee'><time>Aug 05, 2021</time><h4>Anthem inviting members to join grievance committee</h4><p>We are looking for members to join our committee to review grievances and appeals submitted by fellow Anthem members. The grievance committee helps us provide empathetic solutions for our members. Committee volunteers can help us reimagine what is possible for every moment of health. Well send members an email invitation on August 10. The email will include an application form with screening ques</p><p>Large Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/890dEnsBWPl4UQFEpVrw/2021/8/4/life-insurance-is-a-key-part-of-an-employees-overall-financial-wellness'><time>Aug 04, 2021</time><h4>Life insurance is a key part of an employee's overall financial wellness</h4><p>Anthem Life is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. You can share our monthly infographic to tell cl</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Xd0bEnsBWPl4UQFENFor/2021/8/4/life-insurance-is-a-key-part-of-an-employees-overall-financial-wellness'><time>Aug 04, 2021</time><h4>Life insurance is a key part of an employee's overall financial wellness</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. You can share our monthly infographic to t</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/7uUYEnsBZaFtDSF-_x6g/2021/8/4/life-insurance-is-a-key-part-of-an-employees-overall-financial-wellness'><time>Aug 04, 2021</time><h4>Life insurance is a key part of an employee's overall financial wellness</h4><p>Anthem Life is participating in the year-long Help Protect Our Families campaign to tell consumers about the need for life insurance. The Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA) and six other trade associations are sponsoring this campaign to help educate the estimated 60 million Americans who are underinsured or have none at all. If you are an upstate NY Broker, you can share</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,oh,wi'><a href='/news/YNyVCHsBWPl4UQFEK5ZQ/2021/8/2/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Aug 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without health coverage who dont qualify for subsidies. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anthe</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/KG6TCHsB9w9sv-DOnIfB/2021/8/2/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Aug 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without health coverage who dont qualify for subsidies. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anthe</p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/TdxuCHsBWPl4UQFEpI9U/2021/8/2/geoblue-offers-sales-opportunity-for-travelers'><time>Aug 02, 2021</time><h4>GeoBlue offers sales opportunity for travelers</h4><p>As world travel opens back up, you can make sure your ACA clients have the coverage they need. Most ACA plans do not include international coverage. You can offer an international health plan that covers gaps such as medically necessary evacuation and COVID testing and treatment. GeoBlue, our international health insurance partner, can provide the support they need if they get sick or hurt outs</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/gdzPB3sBWPl4UQFEHGpv/2021/8/2/join-us-august-18-2021-for-the-sydney-coffee-house-series'><time>Aug 02, 2021</time><h4>Join us August 18, 2021, for the Sydney Coffee House series</h4><p>The new Sydney Coffee House series explores a specific feature of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This months session will focus on how Sydney can help your clients find the best provider solution for their needs and those providers who align with the cost structurea win-win for your clients and their employees.​ Join us at 11:30 a.m. ET on August 18, 2021. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LNzNB3sBWPl4UQFEXGpl/2021/8/2/join-us-august-18-2021-for-the-sydney-coffee-house-series'><time>Aug 02, 2021</time><h4>Join us August 18, 2021, for the Sydney Coffee House series</h4><p>The new Sydney Coffee House series explores a specific feature of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This months session will focus on how Sydney can help your clients find the best provider solution for their needs and those providers who align with the cost structurea win-win for your clients and their employees.​ Join us at 11:30 a.m. on August 18, 2021. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TePLB3sBZaFtDSF-od6S/2021/8/2/join-us-august-18-2021-for-the-sydney-coffee-house-series'><time>Aug 02, 2021</time><h4>Join us August 18, 2021, for the Sydney Coffee House series</h4><p>The new Sydney Coffee House series explores a specific feature of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This months session will focus on how Sydney can help your clients find the best provider solution for their needs and those providers who align with the cost structurea win-win for your clients and their employees.​ Join us at 8:30 a.m.PT on August 18, 2021. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/mdut93oBWPl4UQFEjMZH/2021/7/30/wee28099ll-send-annual-mlr-survey-to-employers-soon'><time>Jul 30, 2021</time><h4>We’ll send annual MLR survey to employers soon</h4><p>Anthem pays annual rebates to Fully Insured groups when their medical loss ratio (MLR) is less than 85% for Large Groups or 80% for Small Groups and Individuals. Each year, we contact impacted groups to verify group size. We use that information to distribute accurate rebates. This year, we will ask for 2020 group size for distribution of MLR rebates in 2022. We appreciate your partnership and tr</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6mxa6noB9w9sv-DO5tso/2021/7/27/broker-satisfaction-survey--ite28099s-not-about-us-ite28099s-all-about-you'><time>Jul 27, 2021</time><h4>Broker Satisfaction Survey - It’s not about us, it’s all about you</h4><p>Were working to connect with you in meaningful and effective ways. We recently surveyed brokers to see how were doing and how we can do better. The survey results show that were headed in the right direction. Your feedback helps reveal opportunities and inspires us to find new ways to be easier to work with. We kept our ears open, heard your needs and stayed focused on being the trusted partner y</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/gdpW6noBWPl4UQFEAeq7/2021/7/27/broker-satisfaction-survey--ite28099s-not-about-us-ite28099s-all-about-you'><time>Jul 27, 2021</time><h4>Broker Satisfaction Survey - It’s not about us, it’s all about you</h4><p>Were working to connect with you in meaningful and effective ways. We recently surveyed brokers to see how were doing and how we can do better. The survey results show that were headed in the right direction. Your feedback helps reveal opportunities and inspires us to find new ways to be easier to work with. We kept our ears open, heard your needs and stayed focused on being the trusted partner</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/qdkb1HoBWPl4UQFE0tVY/2021/7/23/additional-option-for-sexgender-added'><time>Jul 23, 2021</time><h4>Additional Option for Sex/Gender Added</h4><p>To provide empathetic solutions and proactive support to all members, Empire will add a non-binary birth-sex selection to our membership and enrollment process. Starting September 1, 2021, employers and brokers can enter U in the birth sex field via Electronic Enrollment Transmission (EET). Paper applications are not being changed at this time. The new choice of U does not denote the members ge</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/4tkV1HoBWPl4UQFEttQS/2021/7/23/additional-option-for-sexgender-added'><time>Jul 23, 2021</time><h4>Additional Option for Sex/Gender Added</h4><p>To provide empathetic solutions and proactive support to all members, Anthem will add a non-binary birth-sex selection to our membership and enrollment process. Starting September 1, 2021, employers and brokers can enter U in the birth sex field via Electronic Enrollment Transmission (EET). Paper applications are not being changed at this time. The new choice of U does not denote the members ge</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/sdiqxXoBWPl4UQFE2uoZ/2021/7/20/geoblue-offers-sales-opportunity-for-travelers'><time>Jul 20, 2021</time><h4>GeoBlue offers sales opportunity for travelers</h4><p>As world travel opens back up, you can make sure your ACA clients have the coverage they need. Most ACA plans do not include international coverage. You can offer an international health plan that covers gaps such as medically necessary evacuation and COVID testing and treatment. GeoBlue, our international health insurance partner, can provide the support they need if they get sick or hurt outs</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/796hwHoBZaFtDSF-YLJG/2021/7/19/we-changed-cii-discover-report-methods'><time>Jul 19, 2021</time><h4>We changed CII Discover report methods</h4><p>As we look for innovative ways to simplify your work, weve made a change to help you analyze data. CII Discover now provides a consistent reporting methodology for Self-Insured and some Fully Insured group accounts. CII Discover users will see a matched runout period to ensure consistency among incurred data views for each time period. The change took effect July 7, 2021, with the May paid clai</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/bmr_v3oB9w9sv-DOyV9V/2021/7/19/large-group-marketing-resources-are-moving-to-empire-broker-hub'><time>Jul 19, 2021</time><h4>Large Group Marketing resources are moving to Empire Broker Hub</h4><p>As we announced on July 8, Anthem is launching a brand-new Broker Hub that will make doing business with us quicker and easier. The site is now live and ready to use. Weve gathered the resources you need to sell Individual, Small Group, and Large Group business and put them all in one place, so you can find what you need fast. Broker Hub is replacing the existing Large Group Broker Resources site </p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/N2r1v3oB9w9sv-DOeF3T/2021/7/19/large-group-marketing-resources-are-moving-to-anthem-broker-hub'><time>Jul 19, 2021</time><h4>Large Group marketing resources are moving to Anthem Broker Hub</h4><p>As we announced on July 8, Anthem is launching a brand-new Broker Hub that will make doing business with us quicker and easier. The site is now live and ready to use. Weve gathered the resources you need to sell Individual, Small Group, and Large Group business and put them all in one place, so you can find what you need fast. Broker Hub is replacing the existing Large Group Broker Resources site </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/NWrwv3oB9w9sv-DOGlwO/2021/7/19/small-group-marketing-resources-are-moving-to-empire-broker-hub'><time>Jul 19, 2021</time><h4>Small Group Marketing resources are moving to Empire Broker Hub</h4><p>As we announced on July 8, Anthem is launching a brand-new Broker Hub that will make doing business with us quicker and easier. The site is now live and ready to use. Weve gathered the resources you need to sell Individual, Small Group, and Large Group business and put them all in one place, so you can find what you need fast. Broker Hub is replacing the existing Small Group broker resources site,</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/vtjsv3oBWPl4UQFEP2pQ/2021/7/19/small-group-marketing-resources-are-moving-to-anthem-broker-hub'><time>Jul 19, 2021</time><h4>Small Group marketing resources are moving to Anthem Broker Hub</h4><p>As we announced on July 8, Anthem is launching a brand-new Broker Hub that will make doing business with us quicker and easier. The site is now live and ready to use. Weve gathered the resources you need to sell Individual, Small Group, and Large Group business and put them all in one place, so you can find what you need fast. Broker Hub is replacing the existing Small Group broker resources site,</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/b9jLv3oBWPl4UQFE7mRA/2021/7/19/individual-marketing-resources-are-moving-to-anthem-broker-hub'><time>Jul 19, 2021</time><h4>Individual marketing resources are moving to Anthem Broker Hub</h4><p>As we announced on July 8, Anthem is launching a brand-new Broker Hub that will make doing business with us quicker and easier. The site is now live and ready to use. Weve gathered the resources you need to sell Individual, Small Group, and Large Group business and put them all in one place, so you can find what you need fast. Broker Hub is replacing the existing Individual broker resources site, </p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/hNjZu3oBWPl4UQFEHDJC/2021/7/18/anthem-supports-hunger-relief-and-mental-health'><time>Jul 18, 2021</time><h4>Anthem supports hunger relief and mental health</h4><p>The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation provided $500,000 in support of Southeast Missouri Food Bank, Aging Ahead and DOORWAYS over the summer. The support of the food bank and Aging Ahead will bring more food to those facing hunger in southeast Missouri and St. Louis. Nearly one in six people in Missouri do not have reliable access to healthy food, according to data from Anthems Close</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/qmk-q3oB9w9sv-DOFn_b/2021/7/15/latest-information-on-recent-and-pending-fda-approvals'><time>Jul 15, 2021</time><h4>Latest information on recent and pending FDA approvals</h4><p>New research and technology are bringing innovative medicines to market. IngenioRxs experts are tracking the development and approval of new treatments to keep you informed. The Q2 updates of our quarterly reports focus on recent and pending FDA approvals. DrugInsights lists recent approvals. The Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update analyzes drugs and therapeutics in development and looks at e</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/09fDqnoBWPl4UQFEAXgd/2021/7/15/2020-ingeniorx-drug-trend-report-is-out'><time>Jul 15, 2021</time><h4>2020 IngenioRx Drug Trend Report is out</h4><p>IngenioRx published its 2020 Drug Trend Report on July 15, 2021. The report is divided into three parts: Taking a Total View Specialty Supplement Reimagining Whats Possible at Every Step of Health The report is our most anticipated publication of each year. It tracks commercial trend. In spite of a challenging year, IngenioRx achieved negative drug trends in both pharmacy-only and integ</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/ONYFonoBWPl4UQFEM_Pe/2021/7/13/new-smart-and-farm-online-quote-and-enrollment-tool'><time>Jul 13, 2021</time><h4>New SMART and FARM online quote and enrollment tool</h4><p>Our online quoting and enrollment tool on the Producer Toolbox will be available this month to quote and enroll ACA medical and specialty plans, Georgia Chamber SMART plan (SMART), and Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care plan (FARM). This change will provide: More transparency for new group quotes and enrollment Ability to upload any census format Quicker delivery of member ID cards Use our </p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/x2gUoXoB9w9sv-DOVcAS/2021/7/13/new-custom-large-group-website-simplifies-open-enrollment'><time>Jul 13, 2021</time><h4>New custom Large Group website simplifies Open Enrollment</h4><p>Customized Open Enrollment sites make enrollment easy for your clients. They provide information based on each clients plans and employee population. The sites put all enrollment materials for your Large Group clients in one place. They also allow you to provide a consistent, simple, Open Enrollment experience for all your Large Group clients. This new digital resource offers personalized guida</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/FmeLhnoB9w9sv-DOo17I/2021/7/8/how-ingeniorx-moved-millions-of-members-to-a-new-pharmacy-benefit-manager'><time>Jul 08, 2021</time><h4>How IngenioRx moved millions of members to a new pharmacy benefit manager</h4><p>In 2019, we created IngenioRx to make more meaningful connections with our members and help improve outcomes. Through the use of innovative technology, we created a new model of pharmacy care that considers each members needs and helps to control costs. What followed was an unprecedented transition of millions of members, involving more than 25,000 plan designs. Learn more in this case study tha</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/X9p1hnoBZaFtDSF-Y4M_/2021/7/8/vision-aca-auto-quotes-start-with-september-renewals-'><time>Jul 08, 2021</time><h4>Vision ACA auto quotes start with September renewals </h4><p>We will provide vision auto quotes for ACA business that dont have those plans, beginning with September 2021 renewals. ACA groups with more than two medical enrolled subscribers but no vision plan will automatically see five auto quote options for the plans they dont have included with their medical renewal. We want to make it easy for groups to choose an Empire vision plan. If they are interest</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct,in,ky,oh,va'><a href='/news/lWdzhnoB9w9sv-DOIFng/2021/7/8/vision-aca-auto-quotes-start-with-september-renewals-'><time>Jul 08, 2021</time><h4>Vision ACA auto quotes start with September renewals </h4><p>We will provide vision auto quotes for ACA business that dont have those plans, beginning with September 2021 renewals. ACA groups with more than two medical enrolled subscribers but no vision plan will automatically see five auto quote options for the plans they dont have included with their medical renewal. We want to make it easy for groups to choose an Anthem vision plan. If they are interest</p><p>Small Group | CT, IN, KY, OH, VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me,nv,wi'><a href='/news/UGfRg3oB9w9sv-DOH0IW/2021/7/8/vision-and-dental-aca-auto-quotes-start-with-september-renewals-'><time>Jul 08, 2021</time><h4>Vision and dental ACA auto quotes start with September renewals </h4><p>We will provide dental and vision auto quotes for ACA groups that dont have those plans, beginning with September 2021 renewals. ACA groups who have medical but not dental or vision will automatically see up to five auto quote options for the plans they dont have included with their medical renewal. Well provide vision quotes for groups with two or more medical enrolled subscribers. Well provide d</p><p>Small Group | ME, NV, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/mtrPg3oBZaFtDSF-y2PG/2021/7/8/vision-and-dental-aca-auto-quotes-start-with-september-renewals-'><time>Jul 08, 2021</time><h4>Vision and dental ACA auto quotes start with September renewals </h4><p>We will provide dental and vision auto quotes for ACA groups that dont have those plans, beginning with September 2021 renewals. ACA groups who have medical but not dental or vision will automatically see up to five auto quote options for the plans they dont have included with their medical renewal. Well provide vision quotes for groups with two or more medical enrolled subscribers. Well provide d</p><p>Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='mo,ca,ga'><a href='/news/NWfNg3oB9w9sv-DOxEJM/2021/7/8/vision-and-dental-aca-auto-quotes-start-with-september-renewals-'><time>Jul 08, 2021</time><h4>Vision and dental ACA auto quotes start with September renewals </h4><p>We will provide dental and vision auto quotes for ACA groups that dont have those plans, beginning with September 2021 renewals. ACA groups who have medical but not dental or vision will automatically see up to five auto quote options for the plans they dont have included with their medical renewal. Well provide vision quotes for groups with two or more medical enrolled subscribers. Well provide d</p><p>Small Group | MO, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/t9pTg3oBZaFtDSF-PF0z/2021/7/7/coming-soon-an-easier-way-to-get-marketing-materials'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Coming soon: An easier way to get marketing materials</h4><p>Were days away from launching the site that will make selling Empire even easier. Empire Broker Hub goes live Monday, July 12, 2021. It will replace Your Time Matters for Small Group sales and the Large Group marketing resource sites. The new site will help you find marketing materials faster with: Keyword search Filtering by state, segment, and product type One-click downloading and sharin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/c9VRg3oBWPl4UQFER0ty/2021/7/7/coming-soon-an-easier-way-to-get-marketing-materials-'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Coming soon: An easier way to get marketing materials </h4><p>Were days away from launching the site that will make selling Anthem even easier. Anthem Broker Hub goes live Monday, July 12, 2021. It will replace Your Time Matters for Small Group sales, for Individual sales, and the Large Group marketing resource sites. The new site will help you find marketing materials faster with: Keyword search Filtering by state, segment, and p</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/n2c3g3oB9w9sv-DO3Dvq/2021/7/7/join-us-july-14-to-learn-how-digital-solutions-lower-costs-and-improve-outcomes'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Join us July 14 to learn how digital solutions lower costs and improve outcomes</h4><p>Sydney Coffee House is a monthly chance to learn about our Sydney suite of apps. The next session is Wednesday, July 14. Mark your calendar now to join us at 11:30 a.m. (ET) for a 30-minute coffee break to learn more about how Empire member digital solutions are driving down costs and improving member outcomes. For upstate NY brokers For downstate NY brokers </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/QWclg3oB9w9sv-DOhTp7/2021/7/7/join-us-july-14-to-learn-how-digital-solutions-lower-costs-and-improve-outcomes'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Join us July 14 to learn how digital solutions lower costs and improve outcomes</h4><p>Sydney Coffee House is a monthly chance to learn about our Sydney suite of apps. The next session is Wednesday, July 14. Mark your calendar now to join us at 11:30 a.m. (ET) for a 30-minute coffee break to learn more about how Anthem member digital solutions are driving down costs and improving member outcomes. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/NdUeg3oBWPl4UQFENkdy/2021/7/7/join-us-july-14-to-learn-how-digital-solutions-lower-costs-and-improve-outcomes'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Join us July 14 to learn how digital solutions lower costs and improve outcomes</h4><p>Sydney Coffee House is a monthly chance to learn about our Sydney suite of apps. The next session is Wednesday, July 14. Mark your calendar now to join us at 8:30 a.m. (PT) for a 30-minute coffee break to learn more about how Anthem member digital solutions are driving down costs and improving member outcomes. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='in'><a href='/news/zmaYgHoB9w9sv-DO0MKW/2021/7/7/hendricks-county-brownsburg-hospital-now-in-planse28099-network'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Hendricks County Brownsburg Hospital now in plans’ network</h4><p>Weve reached an agreement with Hendricks County Hospital to add their Brownsburg location to our networks. We want to help members get the right care at the right time. All Brownsburg Hospital services and healthcare providers are now in Anthem Large Group plans networks. Please contact your sales representative for more information. </p><p>Large Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/L2aOgHoB9w9sv-DOqcJo/2021/7/7/va-residents-last-chance-to-register-for-july-virtual-ce'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>VA residents: Last chance to register for July virtual CE</h4><p>Dont miss out on your chance to earn eight hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits at no charge with our July virtual training for Virginia resident agents only. You must register in advance to receive credit. Eight hours of CE will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, July 13 Session 1 (Life and Health) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Virginia Medicaid Update (course #221628) 8:30 to 9:30 a</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/EWbtfnoB9w9sv-DOPbr8/2021/7/7/give-your-small-group-clients-more-options-with-anthem-balanced-funding'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Give your Small Group clients more options with Anthem Balanced Funding</h4><p>Anthem Balanced Funding plans offer your Small Group clients in Northern California predictable monthly costs and potential for money back when their claims are low. ABF plans are available in Regions 1 through 12 and Region 14 for groups with 20 to 100 enrolled members. The plans protect your clients with: Stop-loss risk protection from large claims. No deficit carryforward: They wont have </p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/p9mCfnoBZaFtDSF-faip/2021/7/7/large-group-acquisition-campaigns-roll-out-in-late-june-and-july'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Large Group acquisition campaigns roll out in late June and July</h4><p>We have three marketing campaigns targeting prospective employers that have just hit the market. As we emerge from a year unlike any other, Empire is on a mission to reimagine health for every moment in a persons life. Our campaigns will show group prospects how we strive to improve healthcare through innovation, technology, and empathy creating solutions that are not only cost-efficient, but hu</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/ktmBfnoBZaFtDSF-D6gk/2021/7/7/large-group-acquisition-campaigns-roll-out-in-late-june-and-july'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Large Group acquisition campaigns roll out in late June and July</h4><p>We have three marketing campaigns targeting prospective employers that have just hit the market. As we emerge from a year unlike any other, Anthem is on a mission to reimagine health for every moment in a persons life. Our campaigns will show group prospects how we strive to improve healthcare through innovation, technology, and empathy creating solutions that are not only cost-efficient, but hu</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/62Z-fnoB9w9sv-DO3rXB/2021/7/7/large-group-acquisition-campaigns-roll-out-in-late-june-and-july'><time>Jul 07, 2021</time><h4>Large Group acquisition campaigns roll out in late June and July</h4><p>We have three marketing campaigns targeting prospective employers that have just hit the market. As we emerge from a year unlike any other, Anthem is on a mission to reimagine health for every moment in a persons life. Our campaigns will show group prospects how we strive to improve healthcare through innovation, technology, and empathy creating solutions that are not only cost-efficient, but hu</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/gteuX3oBZaFtDSF-DMv8/2021/7/1/wee28099re-using-social-media-to-promote-digital-id-cards'><time>Jul 01, 2021</time><h4>We’re using social media to promote digital ID cards</h4><p>We are launching an eight-week paid social media campaign to drive digital ID card adoption and increase member registrations, email capture, and Sydney Health downloads. Starting in July well target Small Group and Large Group members with an email address on file who have not opted in for digital ID cards. Well use still and video advertisements on Facebook and Instagram that promote the conven</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/PdeUX3oBZaFtDSF-m8rP/2021/7/1/clients-who-qualify-for-unemployment-in-2021-can-begin-seeing-savings-in-august'><time>Jul 01, 2021</time><h4>Clients who qualify for unemployment in 2021 can begin seeing savings in August</h4><p>Consumers who received or were approved to receive unemployment compensation for any week in 2021 can take advantage of new savings on health coverage beginning July 1, 2021. They are eligible for additional premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions at the same level as those with a household income no greater than 133% of the Federal Poverty Level. Existing enrollees who received or were a</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ZmQ-XXoB9w9sv-DOWfMC/2021/6/30/wee28099re-mailing-non-registered-members-to-encourage-account-registration'><time>Jun 30, 2021</time><h4>We’re mailing non-registered members to encourage account registration</h4><p>Well send a mailer to Individual, Small Group and Large Group members in mid July. Our goal is to encourage account registration on or the Sydney Health mobile app. The secondary goal is for members to choose paperless communication. The mailer will also feature a special text code to encourage members to download Sydney Health. We are working to improve outcomes through technology. P</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/xtc8XXoBZaFtDSF-dU25/2021/6/30/wee28099re-mailing-non-registered-members-to-encourage-account-registration'><time>Jun 30, 2021</time><h4>We’re mailing non-registered members to encourage account registration</h4><p>Well send a mailer to Individual, Small Group and Large Group members in mid July. Our goal is to encourage account registration on or the Sydney Health mobile app. The secondary goal is for members to choose paperless communication. The mailer will also feature a special text code to encourage members to download Sydney Health. We are working to improve outcomes through technology. P</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/XtcDXXoBZaFtDSF--0Ey/2021/6/30/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Jun 30, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without health coverage who dont qualify for subsidies. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anyone </p><p>Individual | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/B9cCXXoBZaFtDSF-6EFK/2021/6/30/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Jun 30, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without health coverage who dont qualify for subsidies. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anyone </p><p>Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/tNcAXXoBZaFtDSF-xEC0/2021/6/30/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Jun 30, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without health coverage who dont qualify for subsidies. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anyone </p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo'><a href='/news/2tL_XHoBWPl4UQFEYPcZ/2021/6/30/anthem-enhanced-choice-a-new-kind-of-coverage-for-individual-consumers'><time>Jun 30, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice: A new kind of coverage for Individual consumers</h4><p>More than 12 percent of Americans do not have health insurance, even with available Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, according to the CDC. Anthem Enhanced Choice can offer a budget-friendly solution for customers without health coverage who dont qualify for subsidies. Its a medically underwritten Individual health plan that provides coverage for doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. Anyone </p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/R9HGRHoBWPl4UQFEk_ba/2021/6/25/new-arp-state-continuation-changes-for-groups-with-less-than-20-employees'><time>Jun 25, 2021</time><h4>New ARP state continuation changes for groups with less than 20 employees</h4><p>In late May, we told you and your Small Group employers about requirements involving individuals who are on state health continuation because they lost group health coverage because of termination of employment or reduction in hours. The American Rescue Plan provides these individuals with a 100% premium subsidy for continuation from April 1 through September 30, 2021. Some details about these re</p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/OWPFRHoB9w9sv-DOB-iw/2021/6/25/new-arp-state-continuation-changes-for-groups-with-less-than-20-employees'><time>Jun 25, 2021</time><h4>New ARP state continuation changes for groups with less than 20 employees</h4><p>In late May, we told you and your Small Group employers about requirements involving individuals who are on state health continuation because they lost group health coverage because of termination of employment or reduction in hours. The American Rescue Plan provides these individuals with a 100% premium subsidy for continuation from April 1 through September 30, 2021. Some details about these re</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me,nh'><a href='/news/0WO8RHoB9w9sv-DOI-a3/2021/6/25/new-arp-state-continuation-changes-for-groups-with-less-than-20-employees'><time>Jun 25, 2021</time><h4>New ARP state continuation changes for groups with less than 20 employees</h4><p>In late May, we told you and your Small Group employers about requirements involving individuals who are on state health continuation because they lost group health coverage because of termination of employment or reduction in hours. The American Rescue Plan provides these individuals with a 100% premium subsidy for continuation from April 1 through September 30, 2021. Your employer groups are </p><p>Small Group | ME, NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/adW6RHoBZaFtDSF-w-dK/2021/6/25/new-arp-state-continuation-changes-for-groups-with-less-than-20-employees'><time>Jun 25, 2021</time><h4>New ARP state continuation changes for groups with less than 20 employees</h4><p>In late May, we told you and your Small Group employers about requirements involving individuals who are on state health continuation because they lost group health coverage because of termination of employment or reduction in hours. The American Rescue Plan provides these individuals with a 100% premium subsidy for continuation from April 1 through September 30, 2021. Some details about these re</p><p>Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/CtW5RHoBZaFtDSF-MudT/2021/6/25/new-arp-state-continuation-changes-for-groups-with-less-than-20-employees'><time>Jun 25, 2021</time><h4>New ARP state continuation changes for groups with less than 20 employees</h4><p>In late May, we told you and your Small Group employers about requirements involving individuals who are on state health continuation because they lost group health coverage because of termination of employment or reduction in hours. The American Rescue Plan provides these individuals with a 100% premium subsidy for continuation from April 1 through September 30, 2021. Some details about these re</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct,mo,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/4NG3RHoBWPl4UQFEn_M5/2021/6/25/new-arp-state-continuation-changes-for-groups-with-less-than-20-employees'><time>Jun 25, 2021</time><h4>New ARP state continuation changes for groups with less than 20 employees</h4><p>In late May, we told you and your Small Group employers about requirements involving individuals who are on state health continuation because they lost group health coverage because of termination of employment or reduction in hours. The American Rescue Plan provides these individuals with a 100% premium subsidy for continuation from April 1 through September 30, 2021. Some details about these re</p><p>Small Group | CT, MO, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/E9CVNXoBWPl4UQFEE_1a/2021/6/22/covered-california-adding-unemployment-insurance-benefit-for-eligible-individuals'><time>Jun 22, 2021</time><h4>Covered California adding unemployment insurance benefit for eligible individuals</h4><p>Anyone who has received at least one week of unemployment insurance (UI) compensation in 2021 will be eligible for a special premium tax credit under the American Rescue Plan. Covered California is adding the UI benefit automatically for qualifying members enrolled in a plan on the Exchange starting June 21, 2021. Covered California will add the additional subsidies to any existing members who ha</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,ky,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/QWI_NHoB9w9sv-DOSbQw/2021/6/22/arp-unemployment-rule-creates-sales-opportunity'><time>Jun 22, 2021</time><h4>ARP unemployment rule creates sales opportunity</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan created a special premium tax credit provision for anyone who has received at least one week of unemployment insurance (UI) compensation in 2021. Individuals who receive UI benefits may be eligible for maximum ACA subsidies, including paying as little as a $0 monthly premium for a Silver on-Exchange plan. Weve created an email template you can use to share this message wi</p><p>Individual | CO, IN, KY, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct,me,ca'><a href='/news/ydA5NHoBWPl4UQFE68BZ/2021/6/22/arp-unemployment-rule-creates-sales-opportunity'><time>Jun 22, 2021</time><h4>ARP unemployment rule creates sales opportunity</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan created a special premium tax credit provision for anyone who has received at least one week of unemployment insurance (UI) compensation in 2021. Individuals who receive UI benefits may be eligible for maximum ACA subsidies, including paying as little as a $1 monthly premium for a Silver on-Exchange plan. Weve created an email template you can use to share this message wi</p><p>Individual | CT, ME, CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,oh,wi'><a href='/news/AmIvNHoB9w9sv-DOT7E7/2021/6/22/wee28099re-stopping-ebill-for-individual-members'><time>Jun 22, 2021</time><h4>We’re stopping eBill for Individual members</h4><p>Were no longer offering eBill as a payment option for Individual plans. We will begin sending paper bills to members currently on eBill with the July billing cycle. This affects members with legacy plans. We are notifying those members of the change. They will have option to sign up for automatic withdrawal, pay online or by check with their payment coupon, or call Member Services to make a payme</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO, OH, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RdPKG3oBZaFtDSF-7iV0/2021/6/17/us-supreme-court-upholds-the-affordable-care-act-originally-enacted-by-congress-in-2010'><time>Jun 17, 2021</time><h4>U.S. Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act originally enacted by Congress in 2010</h4><p>The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) today, leaving in place the provisions of the law enacted by Congress in 2010. Empire looks forward to continuing to serve our individual and family members. We also appreciate our broker partners for their dedication to the individual and family clients they serve. </p><p>Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/M8_JG3oBWPl4UQFEj-Lr/2021/6/17/us-supreme-court-upholds-the-affordable-care-act-originally-enacted-by-congress-in-2010'><time>Jun 17, 2021</time><h4>U.S. Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act originally enacted by Congress in 2010</h4><p>The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA) today, leaving in place the provisions of the law enacted by Congress in 2010. Anthem looks forward to continuing to serve our individual and family members. We also appreciate our broker partners for their dedication to the individual and family clients they serve. </p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/C9JoGnoBZaFtDSF-_Nxh/2021/6/17/renewing-medical-small-groups-will-receive-dental-and-vision-quotes'><time>Jun 17, 2021</time><h4>Renewing medical Small Groups will receive dental and vision quotes</h4><p>Were launching a new automated program Friday, June 18, for groups renewing in September or later. Well place dental and vision quotes in renewal packets for Colorado Small Groups with at least five subscribers if they are not enrolled in those plans with Anthem. We will quote selected dental or vision plans. The Anthem Connect team can quote other dental and vision plans if your client would lik</p><p>Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/NmCgDHoB9w9sv-DOdsii/2021/6/14/va-residents-have-you-registered-yet-for-our-july-virtual-ce'><time>Jun 14, 2021</time><h4>VA residents: Have you registered yet for our July virtual CE?</h4><p>Dont miss out on your chance to earn eight hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits at no charge with our July virtual training for Virginia resident agents only. You must register in advance to receive credit. Eight hours of CE will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, July 13 Session 1 (Life and Health) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Virginia Medicaid Update (course #221628) 8:30 to 9:30 a.m</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/K9Aj_HkBZaFtDSF-w_3c/2021/6/11/dont-miss-our-june-17-state-of-the-nations-mental-health-webinar'><time>Jun 11, 2021</time><h4>Don't miss our June 17 State of the Nation's Mental Health webinar</h4><p>Join us for a virtual discussion on Thursday, June 17 as experts share important insights from Anthem, Inc.s inaugural State of the Nations Mental Health report which reveals implications of the recent pandemic on long-term mental health. The webinar will provide a national context to help healthcare organizations and other stakeholders make decisions at the local level. Learn about the populatio</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/SM4g_HkBWPl4UQFEfkO_/2021/6/11/dont-miss-our-june-17-state-of-the-nations-mental-health-webinar'><time>Jun 11, 2021</time><h4>Don't miss our June 17 State of the Nation's Mental Health webinar</h4><p>Join us for a virtual discussion on Thursday, June 17 as experts share important insights from Anthem, Inc.s inaugural State of the Nations Mental Health report which reveals implications of the recent pandemic on long-term mental health. The webinar will provide a national context to help healthcare organizations and other stakeholders make decisions at the local level. Learn about the populatio</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/8tBF8nkBZaFtDSF-hS0j/2021/6/9/join-us-june-23-for-the-sydney-coffee-house-series'><time>Jun 09, 2021</time><h4>Join us June 23 for the Sydney Coffee House series</h4><p>The new Sydney Coffee House series explores a specific feature of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This months session series will focus on how Sydney can help your clients manage their unique health challenges with the My Health Dashboard. Join us at 8:30 a.m. PT on Wednesday, June 23, 2021. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/es0t8nkBWPl4UQFESKTq/2021/6/9/join-us-june-23-for-the-sydney-coffee-house-series'><time>Jun 09, 2021</time><h4>Join us June 23 for the Sydney Coffee House series</h4><p>The new Sydney Coffee House series explores a specific feature of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This months session series will focus on how Sydney can help your clients manage their unique health challenges with the My Health Dashboard. Join us at 11:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday, June 23, 2021. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/m9Aq8nkBZaFtDSF-syfk/2021/6/9/join-us-june-23-for-the-sydney-coffee-house-series'><time>Jun 09, 2021</time><h4>Join us June 23 for the Sydney Coffee House series</h4><p>The new Sydney Coffee House series explores a specific feature of the Sydney suite of apps each month. This months session series will focus on how Sydney can help your clients manage their unique health challenges with the My Health Dashboard. Register now to join us at 11:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday, June 23, 2021: For upstate NY brokers For downstate NY brokers </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/kV5X6HkB9w9sv-DO0t8O/2021/6/7/wee28099re-telling-off-exchange-members-that-new-arp-subsidies-may-lower-health-plan-costs'><time>Jun 07, 2021</time><h4>We’re telling off-exchange members that new ARP subsidies may lower health plan costs</h4><p>In coordination with the Colorado Department of Insurance, we are sending letters to off-exchange members of our Colorado plans, including grandfathered membership. It explains how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) may help pay for health plans available through Connect for Health Colorado, even for members who were not eligible in the past. We tell them they may be able to move to a similar plan on</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/fs6x5nkBZaFtDSF-i874/2021/6/7/smartshopper-program-unavailable-for-fully-insured-groups'><time>Jun 07, 2021</time><h4>SmartShopper program unavailable for fully insured groups</h4><p>We withdrew SmartShopper for fully insured Small Groups on June 1, 2021. Our current provider contracting language does not allow us to offer the program to those groups in Missouri at this time. This does not affect the Missouri Chamber Benefit Plan which will keep the program in place. Please contact your Anthem representative for more information. </p><p>Small Group | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/RV7W2HkB9w9sv-DODV-1/2021/6/4/june-15-webinar-american-rescue-plan'><time>Jun 04, 2021</time><h4>June 15 webinar: American Rescue Plan</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan (ARP) offers more affordable options and enrollment opportunities for your Individual and Small Group clients. Please join us on Tuesday, June 15 to learn more about the American Rescue Plan so you can take advantage of this new selling opportunity and help your clients save money. What: American Rescue Plan webinar For:Brokers and Small Group employers Date: Tuesday, Ju</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/rs7P2HkBZaFtDSF-34fV/2021/6/4/june-15-webinar-american-rescue-plan'><time>Jun 04, 2021</time><h4>June 15 webinar: American Rescue Plan</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan (ARP) offers more affordable options and enrollment opportunities for your Individual and Small Group clients. Please join us on Tuesday, June 15 to learn more about American Rescue Plan subsidies so you can take advantage of this new selling opportunity and help your clients save money. What: American Rescue Plan webinar For:Brokers and Small Group employers Date: Tuesd</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/8MyO13kBWPl4UQFEjDiN/2021/6/4/updated-arp-resource-guide-explains-impact-on-individual-clients'><time>Jun 04, 2021</time><h4>Updated ARP resource guide explains impact on Individual clients</h4><p>Weve updated our American Rescue Plan (ARP) resource guide to help you understand how the plan will affect your existing Individual clients and offer opportunities to enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about: Enhanced premium tax credits for states on the federal Exchange Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators COBRA provisions The federal Special E</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/zc4v13kBZaFtDSF-uS_S/2021/6/4/updated-arp-resource-guide-explains-impact-on-individual-clients'><time>Jun 04, 2021</time><h4>Updated ARP resource guide explains impact on Individual clients</h4><p>Weve updated our American Rescue Plan (ARP) resource guide to help you understand how the plan will affect your existing Individual clients and offer opportunities to enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about: Enhanced premium tax credits for states on the federal Exchange Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators COBRA provisions The federal Special E</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,nv'><a href='/news/oM4u13kBZaFtDSF-oy9b/2021/6/4/updated-arp-resource-guide-explains-impact-on-individual-clients'><time>Jun 04, 2021</time><h4>Updated ARP resource guide explains impact on Individual clients</h4><p>Weve updated our American Rescue Plan (ARP) resource guide to help you understand how the plan will affect your existing Individual clients and offer opportunities to enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about: Enhanced premium tax credits for state-based exchanges Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators COBRA provisions Your states Special Enrollment</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/tcwt13kBWPl4UQFEeSmf/2021/6/4/updated-arp-resource-guide-explains-impact-on-individual-clients'><time>Jun 04, 2021</time><h4>Updated ARP resource guide explains impact on Individual clients</h4><p>Weve updated our American Rescue Plan (ARP) resource guide to help you understand how the plan will affect your existing Individual clients and offer opportunities to enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about: Enhanced premium tax credits offered through Covered California Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators COBRA provisions Your states Special E</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/p8uVyHkBWPl4UQFE4xAm/2021/6/1/brattleboro-memorial-hospital-joins-pathway-network'><time>Jun 01, 2021</time><h4>Brattleboro Memorial Hospital joins Pathway Network</h4><p>Brattleboro Memorial Hospital joins Anthems Pathway Network June 1, 2021. The network serves members in the Individual health insurance marketplace. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire President Lisa Guertin said the addition offers southwestern New Hampshire residents new healthcare options. Expanded subsidies offered during the special enrollment period through August 15 make pla</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Icwls3kBZaFtDSF-2Qbc/2021/5/28/new-infographic-shows-impact-of-pandemic-on-mental-health'><time>May 28, 2021</time><h4>New infographic shows impact of pandemic on mental health</h4><p>Behavioral health is an essential element of whole health. And we believe a comprehensive approach is needed to improve health in all forms. Effectively identifying and treating behavioral health concerns requires addressing the many factors both medical and non-medical that influence our health. Our new Behavioral Health infographic shows how peoples behavioral health got notably worse during </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/iVutpnkB9w9sv-DOKLI-/2021/5/26/new-small-group-life-and-disability-options'><time>May 26, 2021</time><h4>New Small Group Life and Disability options</h4><p>Our updated Life and Disability contracts give clients more options to create a benefit program that meets their employees needs. They will be available for Small Groups effective July 1, 2021 and later. New or updated Life provisions include living benefits, life wavier of premium, and ADD exposure and disappearance benefit. New or updated Disability provisions include the following for short-t</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/XMmqpnkBWPl4UQFEPMHu/2021/5/26/new-large-group-life-and-disability-options-'><time>May 26, 2021</time><h4>New Large Group Life and Disability options </h4><p>Our updated Life and Disability contracts give clients more options to provide a benefit program that meets their employees needs. They will be available for Large Groups effective July 1, 2021 and later. New or updated Life provisions include continuity language, living benefits, and life waiver of premium. New or updated Disability provisions include: For short-term disability: standard</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/GsmnpnkBWPl4UQFEucHv/2021/5/26/new-large-group-life-and-disability-options'><time>May 26, 2021</time><h4>New Large Group Life and Disability options</h4><p>Our new Life and Disability options give clients updated features, improved flexibility, and clearer language to help make benefits easier to understand. The new contracts provide more options for clients to create the Life and Disability program that meets their employees needs. They are available for Large Groups effective July 1, 2021 and later. New or updated Life provisions include updated c</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/ncnjpHkBWPl4UQFEgp3-/2021/5/25/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Small Group clients. It replaces the Small Group onboarding site. The ERC makes it easy to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Empire. It gathers together plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from th</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/HMngpHkBWPl4UQFEzp26/2021/5/25/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Small Group clients. It replaces the Small Group onboarding site. The ERC makes it easy to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Anthem. It gathers together plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from th</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/QsoypHkBZaFtDSF-iqH5/2021/5/25/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Small Group clients. It replaces the Small Group onboarding site. The ERC makes it easy to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Anthem. It gathers together plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from th</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/LVsnpHkB9w9sv-DO_muz/2021/5/25/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-small-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Small Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Small Group clients. It replaces the Small Group onboarding site. The ERC makes it easy to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Anthem. It gathers together plan information and resources your clients need to help their employees stay healthy and obtain the most from th</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/C8k3oXkBWPl4UQFE_1p_/2021/5/25/anthem-will-issue-additional-mlr-rebates-to-nevada-small-groups'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Anthem will issue additional MLR rebates to Nevada Small Groups</h4><p>Small Groups in Nevada will receive incremental medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates as a correction to rebates issued for the 2018 plan year. Anthem will issue the rebates by May 31, 2021. Nevada Small Group rebates We recently reviewed previously paid rebates and identified $32,172 in additional MLR rebates that we should have included in 2018 rebate checks issued to Nevada Small Group customers </p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/18k2oXkBWPl4UQFErFlY/2021/5/25/anthem-will-issue-additional-mlr-rebates-to-wisconsin-individual-hmo-members'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Anthem will issue additional MLR rebates to Wisconsin Individual HMO members</h4><p>Individual HMO members in Wisconsin will receive additional medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates due to recovery of funds from an April 2020 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Anthem will issue the rebates by May 31, 2021. Wisconsin Individual HMO rebates On April 27, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of insurers in the Maine Community Health Options v. United States case. The case involved th</p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/Oco0oXkBZaFtDSF-93O1/2021/5/25/anthem-will-issue-additional-mlr-rebates-to-colorado-individual-hmo-members'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Anthem will issue additional MLR rebates to Colorado Individual HMO members</h4><p>Individual HMO members in Colorado will receive additional medical loss ratio (MLR) rebates due to recovery of funds from an April 2020 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Anthem will issue the rebates in May 2021. Colorado Individual HMO rebates On April 27, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of insurers in the Maine Community Health Options v. United States case. The case involved the Afford</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/isoyoXkBZaFtDSF-KnIr/2021/5/25/small-groups-with-less-than-20-eligible-employees-must-take-action'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Small Groups with less than 20 eligible employees must take action</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act provides that individuals on state health continuation due to loss of group health coverage from either termination of employment or reduction in hours (hereafter Assistance Eligible Individuals or AEIs) receive a 100% premium subsidy for their continuation coverage for a period potentially from April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Empire must pay the premium for </p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/G8kxoXkBWPl4UQFEGlmk/2021/5/25/small-groups-with-less-than-20-eligible-employees-must-take-action'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Small Groups with less than 20 eligible employees must take action</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act provides that individuals on state health continuation due to loss of group health coverage from either termination of employment or reduction in hours (hereafter Assistance Eligible Individuals or AEIs) receive a 100% premium subsidy for their continuation coverage for a period potentially from April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Anthem must pay the premium for </p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/HVswoXkB9w9sv-DOHkqJ/2021/5/25/small-groups-with-less-than-20-eligible-employees-must-take-action'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Small Groups with less than 20 eligible employees must take action</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act provides that individuals on state health continuation due to loss of group health coverage from either termination of employment or reduction in hours (hereafter Assistance Eligible Individuals or AEIs) receive a 100% premium subsidy for their continuation coverage for a period potentially from April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Anthem must pay the premium for </p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/DFsuoXkB9w9sv-DO5kqC/2021/5/25/small-groups-with-less-than-20-eligible-employees-must-take-action'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Small Groups with less than 20 eligible employees must take action</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act provides that individuals on state health continuation due to loss of group health coverage from either termination of employment or reduction in hours (hereafter Assistance Eligible Individuals or AEIs) receive a 100% premium subsidy for their continuation coverage for a period potentially from April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Anthem must pay the premium for </p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/8cotoXkBZaFtDSF-0XFC/2021/5/25/small-groups-with-less-than-20-eligible-employees-must-take-action'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Small Groups with less than 20 eligible employees must take action</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act provides that individuals on state health continuation due to loss of group health coverage from either termination of employment or reduction in hours (hereafter Assistance Eligible Individuals or AEIs) receive a 100% premium subsidy for their continuation coverage for a period potentially from April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Anthem must pay the premium for </p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,me,mo,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/BcoZoXkBZaFtDSF-LnGk/2021/5/25/small-groups-with-less-than-20-eligible-employees-must-take-action'><time>May 25, 2021</time><h4>Small Groups with less than 20 eligible employees must take action</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act provides that individuals on state health continuation due to loss of group health coverage from either termination of employment or reduction in hours (hereafter Assistance Eligible Individuals or AEIs) receive a 100% premium subsidy for their continuation coverage for a period potentially from April 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Anthem must pay the premium for </p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, ME, MO, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/Wsnkj3kBZaFtDSF-5KjW/2021/5/21/you-can-now-upload-your-own-employee-quote-census-files'><time>May 21, 2021</time><h4>You can now upload your own employee quote census files</h4><p>You can now upload your own employee quote census files instead of having to use Anthems template. But if you prefer to use our template, you still have that option. This is just another way were responding to broker feedback and making it easier to do business with us. Visit our training videos and resources library to learn more about this and other Producer Toolbox features, or contact your sa</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/x8lUj3kBZaFtDSF-K40l/2021/5/21/the-pandemic-has-proven-that-mental-health-is-health'><time>May 21, 2021</time><h4>The pandemic has proven that mental health is health</h4><p>Ongoing mental health support is key for long-term health. Thats why we must acknowledge the impact that the pandemic has had on mental wellbeing and share resources to support long-term mental health as we move forward. Share this important video with your clients to help them understand the impact that 2020 had on their employees mental health and wellbeing. 4 in 10 adults reported symptom</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/8MhRj3kBWPl4UQFEP6x-/2021/5/21/the-pandemic-has-proven-that-mental-health-is-health'><time>May 21, 2021</time><h4>The pandemic has proven that mental health is health</h4><p>Ongoing mental health support is key for long-term health. Thats why we must acknowledge the impact that the pandemic has had on mental wellbeing and share resources to support long-term mental health as we move forward. Share this important videowith your clients to help them understand the impact that 2020 had on their employees mental health and wellbeing. 4 in 10 adults reported sympto</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/bVmKf3kB9w9sv-DOsnY0/2021/5/18/online-quoting-tool-required-for-new-small-group-business'><time>May 18, 2021</time><h4>Online quoting tool required for new Small Group business</h4><p>Starting with July effective dates, all new Small Group cases must be submitted electronically through the online quoting and enrollment tool in Producer Toolbox. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted. Our new submission process is designed to make your job easier. Weve made our online enrollment template simpler to use. You no longer need to scan or upload the paper applications. The te</p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/47R1a3kB-IXz_i6KhjQO/2021/5/14/for-virginia-resident-agents-only-register-now-for-july-virtual-ce'><time>May 14, 2021</time><h4>For Virginia resident agents only: Register now for July virtual CE</h4><p>Were offering eight hours of continuing education (CE) at no charge with our July virtual training for Virginia resident agents appointed with Anthem.These sessions are for individuals that werent able to make the January sessions. You mustregister in advanceto receive credit. Eight hours of credits will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, July 13Session 1 (Life and Health)- 8:30 a.m. to 12:30</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/BLTAZ3kB-IXz_i6K2Avw/2021/5/13/the-state-of-mental-health-in-america'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>The state of mental health in America</h4><p>At Empire, we take a comprehensive approach to improving health in all its forms. We are leveraging data to inform our approaches to predict, prevent, identify, and treat behavioral health conditions. Our 2021 State of the Nations Mental Health report can help you understand your clients mental health needs. Its based on an analysis of 27 million behavioral healthcare claims and a nationwide clin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zbS-Z3kB-IXz_i6K4wp_/2021/5/13/the-state-of-mental-health-in-america'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>The state of mental health in America</h4><p>At Anthem, we take a comprehensive approach to improving health in all its forms. We are leveraging data to inform our approaches to predict, prevent, identify, and treat behavioral health conditions. Our 2021 State of the Nations Mental Health report can help you understand your clients mental health needs. Its based on an analysis of 27 million behavioral healthcare claims and a nationwide clin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/vCW9Z3kB8VC8-69DS7rt/2021/5/13/the-state-of-mental-health-in-america'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>The state of mental health in America</h4><p>At Anthem, we take a comprehensive approach to improving health in all its forms. We are leveraging data to inform our approaches to predict, prevent, identify, and treat behavioral health conditions. Our 2021 State of the Nations Mental Health report can help you understand your clients mental health needs. Its based on an analysis of 27 million behavioral healthcare claims and a nationwide clin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/LbS5Z3kB-IXz_i6KNgq9/2021/5/13/visit-our-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-easy-to-share-resources'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Visit our COVID-19 Response Toolkit for easy-to-share resources</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Response Toolkit (upstate/downstate) can help you and your clients address the challenges of the pandemic. The site features ready-to-share flyers, tools, and other resources ─ all in one place. Bookmark the site (upstate/downstate) and check back often for our most recent materials including: COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide COBRA and State Continuation Subsidy FAQs Americ</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/3bS3Z3kB-IXz_i6Kjgk9/2021/5/13/visit-our-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-easy-to-share-resources'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Visit our COVID-19 Response Toolkit for easy-to-share resources</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Response Toolkit can help you and your clients address the challenges of the pandemic. The site features ready-to-share flyers, tools, and other resources ─ all in one place. Bookmark the site and check back often for our most recent materials including: COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide COBRA and State Continuation Subsidy FAQs American Rescue Plan Resource Guide Return to</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/CSW1Z3kB8VC8-69D7roz/2021/5/13/visit-our-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-easy-to-share-resources'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Visit our COVID-19 Response Toolkit for easy-to-share resources</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Response Toolkit can help you and your clients address the challenges of the pandemic. The site features ready-to-share flyers, tools, and other resources ─ all in one place. Bookmark the site and check back often for our most recent materials including: COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide COBRA and State Continuation Subsidy FAQs American Rescue Plan Resource Guide Return to</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/drS0Z3kB-IXz_i6Knwlt/2021/5/13/visit-our-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-easy-to-share-resources'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Visit our COVID-19 Response Toolkit for easy-to-share resources</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Response Toolkit can help you and your clients address the challenges of the pandemic. The site features ready-to-share flyers, tools, and other resources ─ all in one place. Bookmark the site and check back often for our most recent materials including: COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide COBRA and State Continuation Subsidy FAQs American Rescue Plan Resource Guide Return to</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/R7SrZ3kB-IXz_i6KOQiU/2021/5/13/sydney-health-mobile-app-rated-excellent-by-corporate-insight'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Sydney Health mobile app rated Excellent by Corporate Insight</h4><p>Empires Sydney Health mobile app was the only health plan mobile app rated Excellent in Corporate Insights recent competitive research report on Mobile App Design and Navigation. The survey noted that Sydney Health: Provides a well-organized navigation with a consistent design Includes a universal chatbot to assist with app navigation Offers value-added features like pre-login ID cards and a</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/0yWpZ3kB8VC8-69D37iT/2021/5/13/sydney-health-mobile-app-rated-excellent-by-corporate-insight'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Sydney Health mobile app rated Excellent by Corporate Insight</h4><p>Anthems Sydney Health mobile app was the only health plan mobile app rated Excellent in Corporate Insights recent competitive research report on Mobile App Design and Navigation. The survey noted that Sydney Health: Provides a well-organized navigation with a consistent design Includes a universal chatbot to assist with app navigation Offers value-added features like pre-login ID cards and a</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/HImoZ3kBjjj7HfHkRoqq/2021/5/13/sydney-health-mobile-app-rated-excellent-by-corporate-insight'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>Sydney Health mobile app rated Excellent by Corporate Insight</h4><p>Anthems Sydney Health mobile app was the only health plan mobile app rated Excellent in Corporate Insights recent competitive research report on Mobile App Design and Navigation. The survey noted that Sydney Health: Provides a well-organized navigation with a consistent design Includes a universal chatbot to assist with app navigation Offers value-added features like pre-login ID cards and a</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky,mo,oh'><a href='/news/UiWkZ3kB8VC8-69DsrgC/2021/5/13/aca-plans-may-be-better-for-your-grandfathered-and-grandmothered-clients'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>ACA plans may be better for your grandfathered and grandmothered clients</h4><p>Your grandfathered and grandmothered Individual Anthem clients may receive more comprehensive benefits and lower premiums with Anthem Marketplace plans. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) added new subsidies and extended eligibility requirements that make Marketplace plans more accessible and affordable for many people. Anthem Marketplace plans offer preventive care at no cost and cover the Affordabl</p><p>Individual | KY, MO, OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/gImiZ3kBjjj7HfHk-YkI/2021/5/13/aca-plans-may-be-better-for-your-grandmothered-clients'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>ACA plans may be better for your grandmothered clients</h4><p>Your grandmothered Individual Anthem clients may receive more comprehensive benefits and lower premiums with Anthem Marketplace plans. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) added new subsidies and extended eligibility requirements that make Marketplace plans more accessible and affordable for many people. Anthem Marketplace plans offer preventive care at no cost and cover the Affordable Care Acts (ACA) </p><p>Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,in,nh,va'><a href='/news/AiWhZ3kB8VC8-69DYbij/2021/5/13/aca-plans-may-be-better-for-your-grandfathered-clients'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>ACA plans may be better for your grandfathered clients</h4><p>Your grandfathered Individual Anthem clients may receive more comprehensive benefits and lower premiums with Anthem Marketplace plans. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) added new subsidies and extended eligibility requirements that make Marketplace plans more accessible and affordable for many people. Anthem Marketplace plans offer preventive care at no cost and cover the Affordable Care Acts (ACA) </p><p>Individual | CO, IN, NH, VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/0SWfZ3kB8VC8-69DGbcz/2021/5/13/aca-plans-may-be-better-for-your-grandfathered-clients'><time>May 13, 2021</time><h4>ACA plans may be better for your grandfathered clients</h4><p>Your grandfathered Individual Anthem clients may receive more comprehensive benefits and lower premiums with Anthem Marketplace plans. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) added new subsidies and extended eligibility requirements that make Marketplace plans more accessible and affordable for many people. Anthem Marketplace plans offer preventive care at no cost and cover the Affordable Care Acts (ACA) </p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/RyOjR3kB8VC8-69Dzfjo/2021/5/7/new-insights-now-available-in-cii-discover-'><time>May 07, 2021</time><h4>New insights now available in CII Discover </h4><p>CII Discover now provides more information to help your clients make better decisions. Two new dashboards offer you deeper insights into member digital engagement and service setting utilization. The Clinical Value Digital Engagement dashboard shows digital household and member registration, digital visit rates, and most used digital features. Members who use our digital tools have a better un</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/brGeR3kB-IXz_i6Kfq8N/2021/5/7/new-insights-now-available-in-cii-discover'><time>May 07, 2021</time><h4>New insights now available in CII Discover</h4><p>CII Discover now provides more information to help your clients make better decisions. Two new dashboards offer you deeper insights into member digital engagement and service setting utilization. The Clinical Value Digital Engagement dashboard shows digital household and member registration, digital visit rates, and most used digital features. Members who use our digital tools have a better u</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/TIeYR3kBjjj7HfHk5cad/2021/5/7/new-insights-now-available-in-cii-discover'><time>May 07, 2021</time><h4>New insights now available in CII Discover</h4><p>CII Discover now provides more information to help your clients make better decisions. Two new dashboards offer deeper insights into member digital engagement and service setting utilization. The Clinical Value Digital Engagement dashboard shows digital household and member registration, digital visit rates, and most used digital features. Members who use our digital tools have a better under</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/vLE_QnkB-IXz_i6KkCJU/2021/5/6/american-rescue-plan-raises-dependent-care-fsa-contribution-limits'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan raises dependent care FSA contribution limits</h4><p>President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 into law on March 11, 2021. The Act increases 2021 contribution limits for dependent care flexible spending accounts (DCFSA) from the current $5,000 to $10,500 for single taxpayers and married couples filing jointly. It increases the limit from $2,500 to $5,250 for married taxpayers filing separately. Employees who increase their pretax </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/LiM8QnkB8VC8-69Deo3F/2021/5/6/american-rescue-plan-raises-dependent-care-fsa-contribution-limits'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan raises dependent care FSA contribution limits</h4><p>President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 into law on March 11, 2021. The Act increases 2021 contribution limits for dependent care flexible spending accounts (DCFSA) from the current $5,000 to $10,500 for single taxpayers and married couples filing jointly. It increases the limit from $2,500 to $5,250 for married taxpayers filing separately. Employees who increase their pretax </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/2oc6QnkBjjj7HfHk0Fw7/2021/5/6/covid-19-relief-guide-can-help-clients-understand-options'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Relief Guide can help clients understand options</h4><p>Weve created a guide with resources to help your clients respond to the effects of COVID-19 on their business and employees. The COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide (upstate/downstate) includes information about: Paycheck Protection Plan extension American Rescue Plan Economic Aid Act Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act </p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/D7E5QnkB-IXz_i6KPSGj/2021/5/6/covid-19-relief-guide-can-help-clients-understand-options'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Relief Guide can help clients understand options</h4><p>Weve created a guide with resources to help your clients respond to the effects of COVID-19 on their business and employees. The COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide includes information about: Paycheck Protection Plan extension American Rescue Plan Economic Aid Act Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Weve also created a </p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Foc3QnkBjjj7HfHkXFxN/2021/5/6/covid-19-relief-guide-can-help-clients-understand-options'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Relief Guide can help clients understand options</h4><p>Weve created a guide with resources to help your clients respond to the effects of COVID-19 on their business and employees. The COVID-19 Employer Relief Options Guide includes information about: Paycheck Protection Plan extension American Rescue Plan Economic Aid Act Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Weve also created a </p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/xbE1QnkB-IXz_i6KSh_S/2021/5/6/remind-your-clients-about-disability-insurance-this-month'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>Remind your clients about disability insurance this month</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. Its a good time to remind clients of the benefits of short- and long-term disability insurance. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, less than half of employees in the U.S. have access to group disability insurance and can be vulnerable to lost income if they are unable to work due to a disability. You can help protect the financial wellne</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/AoczQnkBjjj7HfHkT1uo/2021/5/6/remind-your-clients-about-disability-insurance-this-month'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>Remind your clients about disability insurance this month</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. Its a good time to remind clients of the benefits of short- and long-term disability insurance. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, less than half of employees in the U.S. have access to group disability insurance and can be vulnerable to lost income if they are unable to work due to a disability. You can help protect the financial wellne</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/hbEwQnkB-IXz_i6KoB6-/2021/5/6/remind-your-clients-about-disability-insurance-this-month'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>Remind your clients about disability insurance this month</h4><p>May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month. Its a good time to remind clients of the benefits of short- and long-term disability insurance. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, less than half of employees in the U.S. have access to group disability insurance and can be vulnerable to lost income if they are unable to work due to a disability. You can help protect the financial wellne</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/vrEtQnkB-IXz_i6K6R3k/2021/5/6/american-rescue-plan-raises-dependent-care-fsa-contribution-limits'><time>May 06, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan raises dependent care FSA contribution limits</h4><p>President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 into law on March 11, 2021. The Act increases 2021 contribution limits for dependent care flexible spending accounts (DCFSA) from the current $5,000 to $10,500 for single taxpayers and married couples filing jointly. It increases the limit from $2,500 to $5,250 for married taxpayers filing separately. Employees who increase their pretax </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/TiIQOnkB8VC8-69DFfbs/2021/5/5/individual-sep-extended-through-august-15'><time>May 05, 2021</time><h4>Individual SEP extended through August 15</h4><p>Nevada Health Link has extended the Special Enrollment Period for Individual business through at least August 15, 2021. It was originally scheduled to end May 15. The extension gives individuals and their families more time to enroll in healthcare coverage and take advantage of additional subsidies provided by the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Members can change carriers when shopping through the s</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/aiKkN3kB8VC8-69D1Zfp/2021/5/4/ohio-senate-bill-9-mandates-claims-data-reporting-'><time>May 04, 2021</time><h4>Ohio Senate Bill 9 mandates claims data reporting </h4><p>Ohio Senate Bill 9, signed into law by Governor Mike DeWine on January 7, 2021, takes effect July 1, 2021. The law requires health plan issuers to release claims data within 30 days of a formal request, once per calendar year, to groups with 50 or more full-time enrolled employees. The law applies to fully insured group plans, self-funded non-ERISA public employee plans cities, public schools and</p><p>Large Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/_oaSN3kBjjj7HfHkeWPR/2021/5/4/anthem-blue-cross-secures-a-purpose-driven-partnership-with-the-oakland-roots'><time>May 04, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Blue Cross secures a purpose-driven partnership with the Oakland Roots</h4><p>The partnership between Anthem and Roots is founded on our shared goals to help bring physical and mental support and services to communities in and around Oakland, California. Both organizations pledge to jointly support efforts aimed at making a measurable impact through education, awareness and community health and wellness engagement initiatives. Through the power of community and shared expe</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/rYUIHnkBjjj7HfHkNRRH/2021/4/29/kentucky-sales-team-adjusts-to-serve-you-and-your-clients-better'><time>Apr 29, 2021</time><h4>Kentucky sales team adjusts to serve you and your clients better</h4><p>Weve recently made some changes to the Kentucky Large Group Sales team to better serve you and your clients. Evelyn Soete and Jamie Ammons are taking on new roles and responsibilities. Jamie has been promoted to director of sales and Evelyn is now an account manager. Together, Jamie and Evelyn bring more than 30 years of experience to our Kentucky sales team. They know Anthem well and understan</p><p>Large Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in,ky,mo'><a href='/news/moXaHXkBjjj7HfHk_Azv/2021/4/29/find-specialty-sales-opportunities-with-producer-toolbox'><time>Apr 29, 2021</time><h4>Find Specialty sales opportunities with Producer Toolbox</h4><p>Recent changes to Producer Toolbox make it easy to find Specialty add-on sales opportunities for your alternate funded plan (aka MEWA, or multiple employer welfare arrangement) clients. Select the new Find Specialty Options link at the top of the Quick Renewal page to see MEWA clients with Specialty add-on sales opportunities. Just upload the signed Benefit Modification Form with the signed quote</p><p>Small Group | IN, KY, MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,me,nv'><a href='/news/I4XXHXkBjjj7HfHk6gx0/2021/4/29/new-producer-toolbox-features-help-you-do-more-in-less-time'><time>Apr 29, 2021</time><h4>New Producer Toolbox features help you do more in less time</h4><p>Weve added new features to Producer Toolboxto help you do more in less time. Faster renewals Its easier than ever to access your Small Group renewals. From yourProducer Toolboxhomepage, select theSG Quick Renewalbutton at the top of the page, then: Search for a client by name or scroll down to see all groups that are up for renewal. Choose a client and select the Quick Renewal link to see and</p><p>Small Group | CO, ME, NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ESG-HXkB8VC8-69D4jnF/2021/4/29/new-producer-toolbox-features-help-you-do-more-in-less-time'><time>Apr 29, 2021</time><h4>New Producer Toolbox features help you do more in less time</h4><p>Weve added new features to Producer Toolbox to help you do more in less time. Faster renewals Its easier than ever to access your Small Group renewals. From your Producer Toolbox homepage, select the SG Quick Renewal button at the top of the page, then: Search for a client by name or scroll down to see all groups that are up for renewal. Choose a client and select the Quick Renewal link to se</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/PasY93gB-IXz_i6KsRE-/2021/4/22/save-your-favorite-broker-news-articles-to-read-later'><time>Apr 22, 2021</time><h4>Save your favorite broker news articles to read later</h4><p>Having access to the information you need, when you need it, is important. Thats why you can now find your broker news anytime,Producer Toolbox, and theBroker Plus mobile app.Whether youre in the office or on the go, its easy to stay informed. And when theres information you want to be able to reference later, thats easy too. Weve added a bookmark feature on Producer Toolbox and</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ZR4X93gB8VC8-69DW_6Y/2021/4/22/save-your-favorite-broker-news-articles-to-read-later'><time>Apr 22, 2021</time><h4>Save your favorite broker news articles to read later</h4><p>Having access to the information you need, when you need it, is important. Thats why you can now find your broker news anytime,Producer Toolbox, and theBroker Plus mobile app.Whether youre in the office or on the go, its easy to stay informed. And when theres information you want to be able to reference later, thats easy too. Weve added a bookmark feature on Producer Toolbox and </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/tYIW93gBjjj7HfHkVM6h/2021/4/22/save-your-favorite-broker-news-articles-to-read-later'><time>Apr 22, 2021</time><h4>Save your favorite broker news articles to read later</h4><p>Having access to the information you need, when you need it, is important. Thats why you can now find your broker news anytime,Producer Toolbox, and theBroker Plus mobile app.Whether youre in the office or on the go, its easy to stay informed. And when theres information you want to be able to reference later, thats easy too. Weve added a bookmark feature on Producer Toolbox and the</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/6IJK8XgBjjj7HfHkaljE/2021/4/20/register-for-july-virtual-continuing-education'><time>Apr 20, 2021</time><h4>Register for July virtual continuing education</h4><p>Were offering eight hours of continuing education at no charge with our July virtual training for Virginia resident agents appointed with Anthem. These sessions are for individuals that werent able to make the January sessions. You mustregister in advanceto receive credit. Eight hours of credits will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, July 13Session 1 (Life and Health)- 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/fYJH8XgBjjj7HfHkHVjY/2021/4/20/get-your-july-2021-individual-renewal-information-soon'><time>Apr 20, 2021</time><h4>Get your July 2021 Individual renewal information soon</h4><p>July 2021 renewals for Individual grandfathered (GF) plans will be available soon. We typically post this information around the 27thof each month. Heres how to access renewals in theProducer Toolbox: Go toMenu Book of Business Renewals. SelectNew Hampshire. Apply any appropriate filters, such as Renewal Date: Next 30 days. To pull a renewal report: Go toMenu Tools Resources Report</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/3oJD8XgBjjj7HfHkClcn/2021/4/20/submit-new-aca-small-group-business-by-the-25th-of-the-month'><time>Apr 20, 2021</time><h4>Submit new ACA Small Group business by the 25th of the month</h4><p>The deadline to submit new ACA Small Group business applications is the 25th of each month. Meeting, or beating the deadline is the best way to ensure the requested effective date. Submit new business by the 25th of the month to ensure a smooth enrollment process. All new ACA Small Group business must be submitted online starting with July 1, 2021, effective dates. Download theBroker Plus appf</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/Taox8XgB-IXz_i6KEm7L/2021/4/20/anthem-named-best-health-insurer-in-new-hampshire'><time>Apr 20, 2021</time><h4>Anthem named best health insurer in New Hampshire</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire was voted Best Health Insurance Provider in NH Business Reviews2021 Best of Business Awards. More than 4,700 readers voted this year. This is the fourth year in a row Anthem, the largest health insurer in the Granite State, has earned this honor. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire President Lisa Guertin said the award recognizes o</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/64Iu8XgBjjj7HfHkZ1Rh/2021/4/20/anthem-named-best-health-insurer-in-new-hampshire'><time>Apr 20, 2021</time><h4>Anthem named best health insurer in New Hampshire</h4><p>Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire was voted Best Health Insurance Provider in NH Business Reviews2021 Best of Business Awards. More than 4,700 readers voted this year. This is the fourth year in a row Anthem, the largest health insurer in the Granite State, has earned this honor. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire President Lisa Guertin said the award recognizes o</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/EIBw1ngBjjj7HfHkwNm3/2021/4/15/finding-broker-news-articles-is-easy-with-our-new-search-tools'><time>Apr 15, 2021</time><h4>Finding broker news articles is easy with our new search tools</h4><p>Earlier this week we let you know that you can read your broker news wherever you are on ourBroker Plus mobile app, theProducer Toolbox, Weve put your news right where you need it, and weve added powerful search and filtering tools so you can find the right information for you. Enter a keyword in the search bar to find articles on a specific topic. The search tool will also mak</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/rh1v1ngB8VC8-69DgAZm/2021/4/15/finding-broker-news-articles-is-easy-with-our-new-search-tools'><time>Apr 15, 2021</time><h4>Finding broker news articles is easy with our new search tools</h4><p>Earlier this week we let you know that you can read your broker news wherever you are on ourBroker Plus mobile app, theProducer Toolbox, Weve put your news right where you need it, and weve added powerful search and filtering tools so you can find the right information for you. Enter a keyword in the search bar to find articles on a specific topic. The search tool will also make</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/IIBs1ngBjjj7HfHkpNiu/2021/4/15/finding-broker-news-articles-is-easy-with-our-new-search-tools'><time>Apr 15, 2021</time><h4>Finding broker news articles is easy with our new search tools</h4><p>Earlier this week we let you know that you can read your broker news wherever you are on ourBroker Plus mobile app, theProducer Toolbox, Weve put your news right where you need it, and weve added powerful search and filtering tools so you can find the right information for you. Enter a keyword in the search bar to find articles on a specific topic. The search tool will also make su</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/Kaho1ngB-IXz_i6KwHHz/2021/4/15/covid-19-conversations-our-new-podcast-addresses-vaccine-safety'><time>Apr 15, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Our new podcast addresses vaccine safety</h4><p>Weve developed a new podcast series called Ask a Health Expert. These podcasts supplement our newsletters, flyers, and other printed materials in our effort to share important COVID-19 information. In the first podcast episode, Anthem Vice President Dr. John Whitney and Anthem Medical Director Dr. Geoffrey Crawford talk about COVID-19 vaccine safety. The discussion topics include: -Are the vacc</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/tqhn1ngB-IXz_i6KP3AU/2021/4/15/covid-19-conversations-our-new-podcast-addresses-vaccine-safety'><time>Apr 15, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Our new podcast addresses vaccine safety</h4><p>Weve developed a new podcast series called Ask a Health Expert. These podcasts supplement our newsletters, flyers, and other printed materials in our effort to share important COVID-19 information. In the first podcast episode, Anthem Vice President Dr. John Whitney and Anthem Medical Director Dr. Geoffrey Crawford talk about COVID-19 vaccine safety. The discussion topics include: -Are the vacc</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/nB1l1ngB8VC8-69DFgTc/2021/4/15/covid-19-conversations-our-new-podcast-addresses-vaccine-safety'><time>Apr 15, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Our new podcast addresses vaccine safety</h4><p>Weve developed a new podcast series called Ask a Health Expert. These podcasts supplement our newsletters, flyers, and other printed materials in our effort to share important COVID-19 information. In the first podcast episode, Anthem Vice President Dr. John Whitney and Anthem Medical Director Dr. Geoffrey Crawford talk about COVID-19 vaccine safety. The discussion topics include: -Are the vacc</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in,nv,wi'><a href='/news/HBzb0XgB8VC8-69DpMKh/2021/4/14/our-small-group-online-quoting-and-enrollment-tool-can-save-you-time'><time>Apr 14, 2021</time><h4>Our Small Group online quoting and enrollment tool can save you time</h4><p>All new Small Group cases should be submitted electronically throughProducer Toolboxsonline quoting and enrollment tool. If you havent made the switch yet, dont worry. Were here to help. -Dont miss our final, liveonline quoting and enrollment training webinaronMonday,April 19, from 2-4 p.m. ET. Well cover the new online submission process all the way from quote to enroll. And well be available to</p><p>Small Group | IN, NV, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/v3-yuHgBjjj7HfHkIlmf/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits offered through Covered California- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- Covered California's Special Enroll</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/4qayuHgB-IXz_i6KInIX/2021/4/8/covid-19-conversations-the-different-types-of-covid-19-tests'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: The different types of COVID-19 tests</h4><p>Its important for people to understand their COVID-19 testing options should they need to get tested. To help you and your clients understand your options, check out our latest article on the COVID-19 Resource Center called, The Different Types of COVID-19 Tests. Youll learn more about:- Viral tests Learn the pros and cons between molecular and antigen tests. - At-home tests Find at-home test op</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/LRuyuHgB8VC8-69DIYeD/2021/4/8/anthem-partners-with-gees-clippers-for-milwaukee-covid-19-vaccine-clinic'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Anthem partners with Gee's Clippers for Milwaukee COVID-19 vaccine clinic</h4><p>One Milwaukee barber has gained attentionfor his efforts to provide a vaccine clinic for the African American community. Anthem is one of the partners supporting the effort. Gaulien Gee Smith owns Gees Clippers and offers a weekly wellness clinicat the barbershop on North King Drive. Now hes partnering with Anthem, Hayat Pharmacy, and Unite WI to provide COVID-19 vaccinations. Vaccines are availab</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/vn-yuHgBjjj7HfHkIVkQ/2021/4/8/covid-19-conversations-the-different-types-of-covid-19-tests'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: The different types of COVID-19 tests</h4><p>Its important for people to understand their COVID-19 testing options should they need to get tested. To help you and your clients understand your options, check out our latest article on the COVID-19 Resource Center called, The Different Types of COVID-19 Tests. Youll learn more about:- Viral tests Learn the pros and cons between molecular and antigen tests. - At-home tests Find at-home test op</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/LBuyuHgB8VC8-69DIIeU/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits for states on thefederal Exchange- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- The federal Special Enrollment Perio</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/KxuyuHgB8VC8-69DIIcb/2021/4/8/short-term-disability-plans-can-help-close-gaps-in-state-paid-family-and-medical-leave'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Short-term disability plans can help close gaps in state paid family and medical leave</h4><p>Paid family and medical leave (PFML) and state disability insurance programs can help protect an employees income in the event of an accident or illness. But these programs may not provide adequate income replacement for employees who earn more than the maximum benefits paid by their states plan. Short-term disability (STD) insurance can help close that gap for your Large Group clients. The maximu</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/4aayuHgB-IXz_i6KH3Ks/2021/4/8/covid-19-conversations-the-different-types-of-covid-19-tests'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: The different types of COVID-19 tests</h4><p>Its important for people to understand their COVID-19 testing options should they need to get tested. To help you and your clients understand your options, check out our latest article on the COVID-19 Resource Center called, The Different Types of COVID-19 Tests. Youll learn more about:- Viral tests Learn the pros and cons between molecular and antigen tests. - At-home tests Find at-home test op</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me,nh'><a href='/news/36ayuHgB-IXz_i6KHnJ2/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits for states on the federal Exchange- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- The federal Special Enrollment Peri</p><p>Individual | ME, NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ky,mo,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/JRuyuHgB8VC8-69DG4ef/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits for states on thefederal Exchange- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- The federal Special Enrollment Perio</p><p>Individual | KY, MO, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/46ayuHgB-IXz_i6KI3I8/2021/4/8/short-term-disability-plans-can-help-close-gaps-in-state-paid-family-and-medical-leave'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Short-term disability plans can help close gaps in state paid family and medical leave</h4><p>Paid family and medical leave (PFML) and state disability insurance programs can help protect an employees income in the event of an accident or illness. But these programs may not provide adequate income replacement for employees who earn more than the maximum benefits paid by their states plan. Short-term disability (STD) insurance can help close that gap for your Large Group clients. The maximu</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/JBuyuHgB8VC8-69DGoeD/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits for state-based exchanges- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- Your state's Special Enrollment Period (SEP)</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/2KayuHgB-IXz_i6KGXIe/2021/4/8/short-term-disability-plans-can-help-close-gaps-in-state-paid-family-and-medical-leave'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Short-term disability plans can help close gaps in state paid family and medical leave</h4><p>Paid family and medical leave (PFML) and state disability insurance programs can help protect an employees income in the event of an accident or illness. But these programs may not provide adequate income replacement for employees who earn more than the maximum benefits paid by their states plan. Short-term disability (STD) insurance can help close that gap for your Large Group clients. The maximu</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,nv'><a href='/news/s3-yuHgBjjj7HfHkF1ng/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits for state-based exchanges- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- Your state's Special Enrollment Period (SEP)</p><p>Individual | CO, NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/16ayuHgB-IXz_i6KFnLt/2021/4/8/covid-19-conversations-the-different-types-of-covid-19-tests'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: The different types of COVID-19 tests</h4><p>Its important for people to understand their COVID-19 testing options should they need to get tested. To help you and your clients understand your options, check out our latest article on the COVID-19 Resource Center called, The Different Types of COVID-19 Tests. Youll learn more about:- Viral tests Learn the pros and cons between molecular and antigen tests. - At-home tests Find at-home test op</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/1aayuHgB-IXz_i6KDXLi/2021/4/8/individual-sep-extended-through-august-15'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Individual SEP extended through August 15</h4><p>Connect for Health Colorado has announcedthat it will extend the Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for Individual through at least August 15, 2021. The SEP was originally scheduled to end on May 15. Visit our Individual broker resource site,, for quick access to Individual ACA materials and pharmacy, dental and vision information you can share with your clients to help them wi</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/3qayuHgB-IXz_i6KHXJ-/2021/4/8/learn-how-the-american-rescue-plan-affects-individual-clients'><time>Apr 08, 2021</time><h4>Learn how the American Rescue Plan affects Individual clients</h4><p>Weve created aresource guideto help you understand how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will affect your existing Individual clients and how it may help you enroll new ones. The guide shares important information about:- Enhanced premium tax credits for states on thefederal Exchange- Transfer of deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulators- COBRA provisions- The federal Special Enrollment Perio</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/sn0IjHgBjjj7HfHkZxns/2021/3/24/individual-sep-has-been-extended-through-august-15'><time>Mar 24, 2021</time><h4>Individual SEP has been extended through August 15</h4><p>In response to President Bidens announcement on Tuesday, March 23, Anthem will extend its Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for Individual business through August 15, 2021. This longer enrollment period will make it easier for uninsured consumers to get the healthcare coverage they need. This SEP applies to Federally Facilitated Marketplace states and state-based exchanges using the federal platfor</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/sX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkZxmA/2021/3/24/now-is-a-good-time-to-move-your-individual-business-to-anthem'><time>Mar 24, 2021</time><h4>Now is a good time to move your Individual business to Anthem</h4><p>Healthcare coverage is more accessible and more affordable to individuals and their families than ever before.Current enrollees and eligible consumers who enroll in healthcare coverage certified byCovered California will find increased savings and lower premiums due to additional financial assistance. Anthem provides programs to improve the overall health of our members, and offers a way for you t</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dxkIjHgB8VC8-69DZ0gI/2021/3/23/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-large-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Large Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Large Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Empire. Plan information and resources your clients need to help employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. The Employer Resource</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/tH0IjHgBjjj7HfHkbBkM/2021/3/23/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-large-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Large Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Large Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Anthem. Plan information and resources your clients need to help employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. The Employer Resource</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/eRkIjHgB8VC8-69Dakgr/2021/3/23/a-personalized-website-makes-it-easy-for-large-groups-to-manage-benefits'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>A personalized website makes it easy for Large Groups to manage benefits</h4><p>The Employer Resource Center (ERC) is a personalized website created exclusively for each of your Large Group clients that makes it easy for them to find materials and resources about the products theyve purchased from Anthem. Plan information and resources your clients need to help employees stay healthy and obtain the most from their benefits are all gathered in one place. The Employer Resource</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/3aMIjHgB-IXz_i6KZnKS/2021/3/23/welcome-to-empire-campaign-adds-text-message'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>Welcome to Empire campaign adds text message</h4><p>Were adding a text message to our Welcome to Empire email campaign that encourages new members to use our digital tools. A text message gives us an additional way to reach new members whove signed up to receive them. We send the first email within 10 days of their effective date. It lets members know how to access their digital ID cards online and includes a direct link. Well send a text with a s</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ehkIjHgB8VC8-69Da0iP/2021/3/23/welcome-to-anthem-campaign-adds-text-message'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>Welcome to Anthem campaign adds text message</h4><p>Were adding a text message to our Welcome to Anthem email campaign that encourages new members to use our digital tools. A text message gives us an additional way to reach new members whove signed up to receive them. We send the first email within 10 days of their effective date. It lets members know how to access their digital ID cards online and includes a direct link. Well send a text with a s</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/3qMIjHgB-IXz_i6KaXKd/2021/3/23/welcome-to-anthem-campaign-adds-text-message'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>Welcome to Anthem campaign adds text message</h4><p>Were adding a text message to our Welcome to Anthem email campaign that encourages new members to use our digital tools. A text message gives us an additional way to reach new members whove signed up to receive them. We send the first email within 10 days of their effective date. It lets members know how to access their digital ID cards online and includes a direct link. Well send a text with a s</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/3KMIjHgB-IXz_i6KZXLw/2021/3/23/ingeniorx-quarterly-drug-and-biologic-pipeline-update-available'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx quarterly Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update available</h4><p>IngenioRx closely monitors drugs, biologics, and gene therapies in development. Our Q1 2021 IngenioRx Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update highlights significant upcoming FDA approvals. Share it with your clients to make them aware of potential new options for their employees. Topics include:A safer alternative for certain autoimmune disorder patients on high-dose corticosteroidsA first-of-its-kind </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/s30IjHgBjjj7HfHkaRkP/2021/3/23/ingeniorx-quarterly-drug-and-biologic-pipeline-update-available'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx quarterly Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update available</h4><p>IngenioRx closely monitors drugs, biologics, and gene therapies in development. Our Q1 2021 IngenioRx Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update highlights significant upcoming FDA approvals. Share it with your clients to make them aware of potential new options for their employees. Topics include:A safer alternative for certain autoimmune disorder patients on high-dose corticosteroidsA first-of-its-kind </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/4KMIjHgB-IXz_i6Ka3Ia/2021/3/23/ingeniorx-quarterly-drug-and-biologic-pipeline-update-available'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx quarterly Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update available</h4><p>IngenioRx closely monitors drugs, biologics, and gene therapies in development. Our Q1 2021 IngenioRx Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update highlights significant upcoming FDA approvals. Share it with your clients to make them aware of potential new options for their employees. Topics include:A safer alternative for certain autoimmune disorder patients on high-dose corticosteroidsA first-of-its-kind </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/dhkIjHgB8VC8-69DY0gm/2021/3/23/covid-19-conversations-what-does-it-mean-to-be-fully-vaccinated'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?</h4><p>As the number of fully vaccinated people grows, we want to keep you informed. Current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) shows that more than one-fifth of all Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and more than one-tenth are fully vaccinated. The CDC considers someone fully vaccinatedtwo weeks after they receive their last dose of a vaccin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/36MIjHgB-IXz_i6KanKg/2021/3/23/covid-19-conversations-what-does-it-mean-to-be-fully-vaccinated'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?</h4><p>As the number of fully vaccinated people grows, we want to keep you informed. Current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) shows that more than one-fifth of all Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and more than one-tenth are fully vaccinated. The CDC considers someone fully vaccinatedtwo weeks after they receive their last dose of a vaccin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/eBkIjHgB8VC8-69DaEiX/2021/3/23/covid-19-conversations-what-does-it-mean-to-be-fully-vaccinated'><time>Mar 23, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?</h4><p>As the number of fully vaccinated people grows, we want to keep you informed. Current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) shows that more than one-fifth of all Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and more than one-tenth are fully vaccinated. The CDC considers someone fully vaccinatedtwo weeks after they receive their last dose of a vaccin</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fRkIjHgB8VC8-69DcEga/2021/3/17/covid-19-conversations-how-members-feel-about-covid-19-vaccines'><time>Mar 17, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How members feel about COVID-19 vaccines</h4><p>We surveyed members to find out how they feel about COVID-19 vaccines and where they turn for vaccine information. View the results in our easy-to-read and shareinfographic (upstate/downstate). Download a copy of the PDF or cut and paste the url to share it with your clients. Here are just a few of the insights from our survey:Members of all ages, including 73% of Millennials and 89% of those 7</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/gBkIjHgB8VC8-69DeEh5/2021/3/17/covid-19-conversations-coverage-options-for-the-unemployed'><time>Mar 17, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Coverage options for the unemployed</h4><p>Unemployment is an additional challenge many Americans are facing as organizations adjust to changes caused by COVID-19. Making health benefit decisions can be difficult for those who are without coverage because of unforeseen work circumstances. Share our blog article, Coverage Options When You Are Unemployed, with clients who are out of work to help them understand how they can maintain benefit</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/fxkIjHgB8VC8-69DdEjR/2021/3/17/covid-19-conversations-coverage-options-for-the-unemployed'><time>Mar 17, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Coverage options for the unemployed</h4><p>Unemployment is an additional challenge many Americans are facing as organizations adjust to changes caused by COVID-19. Making health benefit decisions can be difficult for those who are without coverage because of unforeseen work circumstances. Share our blog article, Coverage Options When You Are Unemployed, with clients who are out of work to help them understand how they can maintain benefit</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/46MIjHgB-IXz_i6Kb3Kf/2021/3/17/new-sydney-health-features-help-group-members-find-answers-and-care'><time>Mar 17, 2021</time><h4>New Sydney Health features help group members find answers and care</h4><p>Were sending a message to some group members about new Sydney Health mobile app features that can help when theyre not feeling well or have a health question.* Sydney Health is available anytime they need to:Assess symptoms online. The Sydney Health intuitive Symptom Checker reacts to user-supplied information to assess specific symptoms.Text with a board-certified doctor. After using the Sympto</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5qMIjHgB-IXz_i6Kd3KY/2021/3/17/new-sydney-health-features-help-group-members-find-answers-and-care'><time>Mar 17, 2021</time><h4>New Sydney Health features help group members find answers and care</h4><p>Were sending a message to some group members about new Sydney Health mobile app features that can help when theyre not feeling well or have a health question.* Sydney Health is available anytime they need to:Assess symptoms online. The Sydney Health intuitive Symptom Checker reacts to user-supplied information to assess specific symptoms.Text with a board-certified doctor. After using the Sympto</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/5KMIjHgB-IXz_i6Kc3LY/2021/3/17/new-sydney-health-features-help-group-members-find-answers-and-care'><time>Mar 17, 2021</time><h4>New Sydney Health features help group members find answers and care</h4><p>Were sending a message to some group members about new Sydney Health mobile app features that can help when theyre not feeling well or have a health question.* Sydney Health is available anytime they need to:Assess symptoms online. The Sydney Health intuitive Symptom Checker reacts to user-supplied information to assess specific symptoms.Text with a board-certified doctor. After using the Sympto</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='wi'><a href='/news/fBkIjHgB8VC8-69Dbkic/2021/3/16/anthem-is-inviting-members-to-join-grievance-committee'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>Anthem is inviting members to join grievance committee</h4><p>We are looking for members to join our grievance committee. The committee reviews grievances and appeals submitted by fellow Anthem members. Committee volunteers can help us improve the healthcare experience for members. Well send Small Group members an email invitation soon. The email will include an application form with screening questions. Selected applicants will be notified in two to three w</p><p>Small Group | WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/uX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkcxkk/2021/3/16/new-essential-choice-ppo-dental-plans-available-for-colorado-individual-sales'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>New Essential Choice PPO dental plans available for Colorado Individual sales</h4><p>Our new Essential Choice PPO dental plans bring a wide range of coverage and budget options to the Colorado Individual market and are designed to fit any need for an individual or family. Essential Choice PPO dental plans offer some of the most requested services, such as teeth whitening, tooth colored fillings, implants, and child orthodontics.Other plan features include:100% coverage on diagnost</p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/4aMIjHgB-IXz_i6KbnIP/2021/3/16/new-electronic-enrollment-tool-in-employeraccess-saves-time'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>New Electronic Enrollment Tool in EmployerAccess saves time</h4><p>Group administrators can now view an electronic enrollment file through our new Electronic Enrollment Tool (EET) in EmployerAccess. Available in late March, this new process delivers faster results than emailed PDF forms that needed to be filled out and returned. Group administrators can view the setup status in real-time and see when the file was received and processed. Any errors are reported on</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/fhkIjHgB8VC8-69DcUjT/2021/3/16/new-electronic-enrollment-tool-in-employeraccess-saves-time'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>New Electronic Enrollment Tool in EmployerAccess saves time</h4><p>Group administrators can now view an electronic enrollment file through our new Electronic Enrollment Tool (EET) in EmployerAccess. Available in late March, this new process delivers faster results than emailed PDF forms that needed to be filled out and returned. Group administrators can view the setup status in real-time and see when the file was received and processed. Any errors are reported on</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/5aMIjHgB-IXz_i6KdnIw/2021/3/16/new-electronic-enrollment-tool-in-employeraccess-saves-time'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>New Electronic Enrollment Tool in EmployerAccess saves time</h4><p>Group administrators can now view an electronic enrollment file through our new Electronic Enrollment Tool (EET) in EmployerAccess. Available in late March, this new process delivers faster results than emailed PDF forms that needed to be filled out and returned. Group administrators can view the setup status in real-time and see when the file was received and processed. Any errors are reported on</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/t30IjHgBjjj7HfHkcBmV/2021/3/16/american-rescue-plan-act-brings-individual-market-changes'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan Act brings Individual market changes</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA), signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, makes health care coverage more accessible and more affordable to individuals and their families. Increased savings and lower premiums due to additional financial assistance will be available to current enrollees and eligible consumers who enroll in health care coverage certified byNevada Health Link.</p><p>Individual | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,mo,nv,oh,va,wi'><a href='/news/wKN3cXgB-IXz_i6K3Dup/2021/3/16/new-effective-dates-for-anthem-enhanced-choice-applications'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>New effective dates for Anthem Enhanced Choice Applications</h4><p> New effective dates for Anthem Enhanced Choice shopper applications beginning March 12, 2021. Between the 1st and 25th of the month, the effective date will be the 2nd of the following month. (Previously was the 15th) Between the 26th and the last day of the month, the effective date will be the 2nd day of the second following month. (Previously was the 16th) </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, MO, NV, OH, VA, WI </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/tn0IjHgBjjj7HfHkbRmD/2021/3/16/american-rescue-plan-act-brings-individual-market-changes'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan Act brings Individual market changes</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA), signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, makes health care coverage more accessible and more affordable to individuals and their families. Increased savings and lower premiums due to additional financial assistance will be available to current enrollees and eligible consumers who enroll in health care coverage certified byAccess Health CT. T</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/uH0IjHgBjjj7HfHkcRkb/2021/3/16/american-rescue-plan-act-brings-individual-market-changes'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan Act brings Individual market changes</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA), signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, makes health care coverage more accessible and more affordable to individuals and their families. Increased savings and lower premiums due to additional financial assistance will be available to current enrollees and eligible consumers who enroll in health care coverage certified byConnect for Health </p><p>Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/exkIjHgB8VC8-69DbEj7/2021/3/16/american-rescue-plan-act-brings-individual-market-changes'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan Act brings Individual market changes</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA), signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, makes health care coverage more accessible and more affordable to individuals and their families. Increased savings and lower premiums due to additional financial assistance will be available to current enrollees and eligible consumers who enroll in health care coverage certified byCovered California.</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,me,mo,nh,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/tX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkbBmB/2021/3/16/american-rescue-plan-act-brings-individual-market-changes'><time>Mar 16, 2021</time><h4>American Rescue Plan Act brings Individual market changes</h4><p>The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA), signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, makes health care coverage more accessible and more affordable to individuals and their families. Increased savings and lower premiums due to additional financial assistance will be available to current enrollees and eligible consumers who enroll in health care coverage certified bythe Individual Mark</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6KMIjHgB-IXz_i6KfnJD/2021/3/10/recent-regulations-focus-on-price-and-quality-transparency'><time>Mar 10, 2021</time><h4>Recent regulations focus on price and quality transparency</h4><p>We believe part of making healthcare simpler means empowering members decisions with information that balances the cost and quality of services. Empire will expand the amount of information provided to members and clients in response to the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and transparency rule from the Tri-Agencies (U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury). No Sur</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/hBkIjHgB8VC8-69DhEgb/2021/3/10/recent-regulations-focus-on-price-and-quality-transparency'><time>Mar 10, 2021</time><h4>Recent regulations focus on price and quality transparency</h4><p>We believe part of making healthcare simpler means empowering members decisions with information that balances the cost and quality of services. Anthem will expand the amount of information provided to members and clients in response to the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and transparency rule from the Tri-Agencies (U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury). No Sur</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/vX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkgxkF/2021/3/10/recent-regulations-focus-on-price-and-quality-transparency'><time>Mar 10, 2021</time><h4>Recent regulations focus on price and quality transparency</h4><p>We believe part of making healthcare simpler means empowering members decisions with information that balances the cost and quality of services. Anthem will expand the amount of information provided to members and clients in response to the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and transparency rule from the Tri-Agencies (U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury). No Sur</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in,ky,mo,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/56MIjHgB-IXz_i6KfHJd/2021/3/9/anthem-enhanced-choice-effective-dates-are-changing'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>Anthem Enhanced Choice effective dates are changing</h4><p>Effective dates for Anthem Enhanced Choice (AEC) applications are changing. Starting March 12, 2021:The effective date for applications received on or before the 25th day of the month will be the second day of the next month.For example, applications received between March 1 and March 25 will have an effective date of April 2.The effective date for applications received on or after the 26th day of</p><p>Individual | IN, KY, MO, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/vH0IjHgBjjj7HfHkexm-/2021/3/9/find-individual-enrollment-materials-all-in-one-place'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>Find Individual enrollment materials all in one place</h4><p>Bookmark our broker resource site,, for quick access to all the materials you need to help your clients during the Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Youll find Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrollment decisions.You'll also find details about our Indivi</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/gxkIjHgB8VC8-69DgEi-/2021/3/9/find-individual-enrollment-materials-all-in-one-place'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>Find Individual enrollment materials all in one place</h4><p>Bookmark our broker resource site,, for quick access to all the materials you need to help your clients during the Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Youll find Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrollment decisions. Youll also find details about our Indiv</p><p>Individual | CO, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='in'><a href='/news/gRkIjHgB8VC8-69De0hH/2021/3/9/find-individual-enrollment-materials-all-in-one-place'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>Find Individual enrollment materials all in one place</h4><p>Bookmark our broker resource site,, for quick access to all the materials you need to help your clients during the Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Youll find Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrollment decisions. Contact your local Anthem sales represe</p><p>Individual | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/u30IjHgBjjj7HfHkehln/2021/3/9/covid-19-conversations-new-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-brokers'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: New COVID-19 Response Toolkit for brokers</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Resource Center now includes a COVID-19 Response Toolkitto help you and your clients respond to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your clients are facing a reduction in workforce, preparing to reopen the workplace, or want vaccine information to share with their employees, weve got you covered. Our new, online toolkit features ready-to-share flyers, tools, an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/vn0IjHgBjjj7HfHkgxmN/2021/3/9/covid-19-conversations-new-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-brokers'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: New COVID-19 Response Toolkit for brokers</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Resource Center now includes a COVID-19 Response Toolkitto help you and your clients respond to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your clients are facing a reduction in workforce, preparing to reopen the workplace, or want vaccine information to share with their employees, weve got you covered. Our new, online toolkit features ready-to-share flyers, tools, an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/un0IjHgBjjj7HfHkeRm5/2021/3/9/individual-special-enrollment-period-extended-through-april-15'><time>Mar 09, 2021</time><h4>Individual Special Enrollment Period extended through April 15</h4><p>Access Health CT recently announcedthat the Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for Connecticut has been extended through April 15, 2021, to give eligible, uninsured individuals more time to get the coverage they need. Be sure to visit our Individual broker resource site,, for quick access to Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educ</p><p>Individual | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/53x6cXgBjjj7HfHkce97/2021/3/8/covid-19-message'><time>Mar 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Message</h4><p> A new COVID-19 toolkit is ready to help you support your clients. It has easy-to-share COVID-19 information, tools and resources in one place to make it easy for you to help your clients navigate this rapidly changing landscape. Access it by visiting ourCOVID-19 Resource Centerand selecting theEmployers Producerstab at the top of the page. Bookmark it and check back often for new materials. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/Vhl7cXgB8VC8-69DSB7l/2021/3/8/covid-19-message'><time>Mar 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Message</h4><p> A new COVID-19 toolkit is ready to help you support your clients. It has easy-to-share COVID-19 information, tools and resources in one place to make it easy for you to help your clients navigate this rapidly changing landscape. Access it by visiting ourCOVID-19 Resource Center, selecting theEmployers Producerstab, then clicking the COVID-19 Toolkit button. Bookmark it and check back often for </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/Vxl7cXgB8VC8-69D4B4J/2021/3/8/covid-19'><time>Mar 08, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19</h4><p> A new COVID-19 toolkit is ready to help you support your clients. It has easy-to-share COVID-19 information, tools and resources in one place to make it easy for you to help your clients navigate this rapidly changing landscape. Access it by visiting ourCOVID-19 Resource Centerand selecting theEmployers Producerstab at the top of the page. Bookmark it and check back often for new materials. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/hxkIjHgB8VC8-69DiEgp/2021/3/3/covid-19-conversations-easy-to-share-vaccine-safety-flyer'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Easy-to-share vaccine safety flyer</h4><p>Do you know how COVID-19 vaccines were developed so fast? Learn more about the FDAs clinical trial and approval process in our new vaccine safety flyer (upstate/downstate). Be sure to share it with your clients to help them understand the importance of the COVID-19 vaccines, how they were made so quickly, and what steps were taken to ensure that they are safe. Bookmark Empire's COVID-19 Resource</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/w30IjHgBjjj7HfHkixkl/2021/3/3/covid-19-conversations-easy-to-share-vaccine-safety-flyer'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Easy-to-share vaccine safety flyer</h4><p>Do you know how COVID-19 vaccines were developed so fast? Learn more about the FDAs clinical trial and approval process in our new vaccine safety flyer. Be sure to share it with your clients to help them understand the importance of the COVID-19 vaccines, how they were made so quickly, and what steps were taken to ensure that they are safe. Bookmark Anthem's COVID-19 Resource Centersite for impo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/76MIjHgB-IXz_i6KinIz/2021/3/3/covid-19-conversations-easy-to-share-vaccine-safety-flyer'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Easy-to-share vaccine safety flyer</h4><p>Do you know how COVID-19 vaccines were developed so fast? Learn more about the FDAs clinical trial and approval process in our new vaccine safety flyer. Be sure to share it with your clients to help them understand the importance of the COVID-19 vaccines, how they were made so quickly, and what steps were taken to ensure that they are safe. Bookmark Anthem's COVID-19 Resource Centersite for impo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/wX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkhxmv/2021/3/3/dental-cost-estimator-added-to-find-care-tool'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>Dental cost estimator added to Find Care tool</h4><p>The Find Care member tool can now estimate dental costs for all Prime and Complete network dental plans. Members can find it through the Sydney Health app Its one tool for finding a network dentist and comparing costs, locations, and office hours. Our existing Dental Cost Estimator tool remains available for dental plans using other networks. Please contact your Empire repres</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/iRkIjHgB8VC8-69Diki-/2021/3/3/dental-cost-estimator-added-to-find-care-tool'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>Dental cost estimator added to Find Care tool</h4><p>The Find Care member tool can now estimate dental costs for all Prime and Complete network dental plans. Members can find it through the Sydney Health app Its one tool for finding a network dentist and comparing costs, locations, and office hours. Our existing Dental Cost Estimator tool remains available for dental plans using other networks. Please contact your Anthem represe</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/7qMIjHgB-IXz_i6KiXLM/2021/3/3/dental-cost-estimator-added-to-find-care-tool'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>Dental cost estimator added to Find Care tool</h4><p>The Find Care member tool can now estimate dental costs for all Prime and Complete network dental plans. Members can find it through the Sydney Health app Its one tool for finding a network dentist and comparing costs, locations, and office hours. Our existing Dental Cost Estimator tool remains available for dental plans using other networks. Please contact your Anthem representa</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/6aMIjHgB-IXz_i6Kf3IX/2021/3/3/covid-19-conversations-new-covid-19-response-toolkit-for-brokers'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: New COVID-19 Response Toolkit for brokers</h4><p>Our COVID-19 Resource Center now includes a COVID-19 Response Toolkitto help you and your clients respond to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your clients are facing a reduction in workforce, preparing to reopen the workplace, or want vaccine information to share with their employees, weve got you covered. Our new, online toolkit features ready-to-share flyers, tools, an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/wH0IjHgBjjj7HfHkhxk9/2021/3/3/dollars-for-doers-extended-through-march-31'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>Dollars for Doers extended through March 31</h4><p>Dare to Care Food Bank and the Anthem Foundation are extending the Dollars for Doers Challenge through March. The challenge aims to fill a growing gap in volunteers and dollars needed to feed those facing food insecurity in Kentuckiana. Hunger and food insecurity are reaching staggering heights in the wake of COVID-19. One in seven people in Kentuckiana worries about having enough food to put on t</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/7aMIjHgB-IXz_i6KiHLv/2021/3/3/new-anthem-balanced-funding-sales-materials-for-small-groups'><time>Mar 03, 2021</time><h4>New Anthem Balanced Funding sales materials for Small Groups</h4><p>We've created the following sales materials to help you sell Anthem Balanced Funding (ABF):ABF informational brochureProduct details sheetsFAQEmployer flyer What is Anthem Balanced Funding? Anthem Balanced Funding lets Small Group clients save money and better manage the monthly risks that come with protecting their employees. Theyll enjoy one predictable monthly payment that covers administrativ</p><p>Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='va'><a href='/news/hhkIjHgB8VC8-69Dhki_/2021/3/2/master-contracts-now-available-on-employeraccess'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>Master contracts now available on EmployerAccess</h4><p>An electronic version of your client's Fully Insured Master Contract is now available to group administrators of fully insured Large Groups with 51 or more employees in the Tools Resources section of EmployerAccess. They are posted by the fifteenth of the month following a groups renewal or effective date. We will continue to mail hard copies of the contracts. Your clients can find the document</p><p>Large Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/7KMIjHgB-IXz_i6KhnJI/2021/3/2/smartshopper-helps-navigate-the-changing-healthcare-landscape'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>SmartShopper helps navigate the changing healthcare landscape</h4><p>SmartShopper is now available in Missouri and gives members the tools they need to shop for healthcare services like experts. They can also earn a cash reward. Their cost-effective decisions canadd up tosignificant savings for your clients, too. How SmartShopper works:A members doctor recommends a medical service.The member logs on or calls SmartShopper to find lower-cost, high-quality </p><p>Small Group | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='nv'><a href='/news/wn0IjHgBjjj7HfHkiBmM/2021/3/2/smartshopper-helps-navigate-the-changing-healthcare-landscape'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>SmartShopper helps navigate the changing healthcare landscape</h4><p>SmartShopper is now available in Nevada and gives members the tools they need to shop for healthcare services like experts. They can also earn a cash reward. Their cost-effective decisions canadd up tosignificant savings for your clients, too. How SmartShopper works:A members doctor recommends a medical service.The member logs on or calls SmartShopper to find lower-cost, high-quality op</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NV </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/iBkIjHgB8VC8-69DiUhX/2021/3/2/smartshopper-helps-navigate-the-changing-healthcare-landscape'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>SmartShopper helps navigate the changing healthcare landscape</h4><p>SmartShopper is now available in Colorado and gives members the tools they need to shop for healthcare services like experts. They can also earn a cash reward. Their cost-effective decisions canadd up tosignificant savings for your clients, too. How SmartShopper works:A members doctor recommends a medical service.The member logs on or calls SmartShopper to find lower-cost, high-quality </p><p>Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='me'><a href='/news/hRkIjHgB8VC8-69DhUhY/2021/3/2/learn-how-our-small-group-online-quoting-and-enrollment-can-save-you-time'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>Learn how our Small Group online quoting and enrollment can save you time</h4><p>Submitting new Small Group cases electronically through Producer Toolboxsonline quoting and enrollment tool saves you time and eliminates paper. If you havent made the switch yet, dont worry. Were here to help.Dont miss our final, live online quoting and enrollment training webinar onTuesday,March 16, from 2-3 p.m. ET. Well cover the new online submission process all the way from quote to enroll. </p><p>Small Group | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ct'><a href='/news/6qMIjHgB-IXz_i6KhHLz/2021/3/2/mandatory-small-group-online-quoting-and-enrollment-starts-soon'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>Mandatory Small Group online quoting and enrollment starts soon</h4><p>Starting with July 1 effective dates, all new Small Group business must be submitted electronically through Producer Toolboxsonline quoting and enrollment tool. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted after this time. If you havent made the switch yet, dont worry. Were here to help.Dont miss our final, live online quoting and enrollment training webinar onTuesday,March 16, from 2-3 p.m. ET. W</p><p>Small Group | CT </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/v30IjHgBjjj7HfHkhBl7/2021/3/2/mandatory-small-group-online-quoting-and-enrollment-starts-soon'><time>Mar 02, 2021</time><h4>Mandatory Small Group online quoting and enrollment starts soon</h4><p>Starting with July 1 effective dates, all new Small Group business must be submitted electronically through Producer Toolboxsonline quoting and enrollment tool. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted after this time. If you havent made the switch yet, dont worry. Were here to help.Dont miss our final, live online quoting and enrollment training webinar onTuesday,March 16, from 2-3 p.m. ET. W</p><p>Small Group | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8aMIjHgB-IXz_i6KjXLc/2021/2/24/covid-19-conversations-what-experts-say-about-the-vaccine'><time>Feb 24, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: What experts say about the vaccine</h4><p>We know your clients have questions about COVID-19 vaccines and were here to help.Our latest blog article, What Do Experts Say About the Vaccine?, provides information, advice and recommendations from trusted health and medical professionals on a variety of vaccine topics. Experts from the American Medical Association (AMA), Johns Hopkins Medicine, Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic weigh in on </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jRkIjHgB8VC8-69DkUhh/2021/2/24/covid-19-conversations-what-experts-say-about-the-vaccine'><time>Feb 24, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: What experts say about the vaccine</h4><p>We know your clients have questions about COVID-19 vaccines and were here to help.Our latest blog article, What Do Experts Say About the Vaccine?, provides information, advice and recommendations from trusted health and medical professionals on a variety of vaccine topics. Experts from the American Medical Association (AMA), Johns Hopkins Medicine, Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic weigh in on </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/xn0IjHgBjjj7HfHkkBl1/2021/2/24/covid-19-conversations-what-experts-say-about-the-vaccine'><time>Feb 24, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: What experts say about the vaccine</h4><p>We know your clients have questions about COVID-19 vaccines and were here to help.Our latest blog article, What Do Experts Say About the Vaccine?, provides information, advice and recommendations from trusted health and medical professionals on a variety of vaccine topics. Experts from the American Medical Association (AMA), Johns Hopkins Medicine, Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic weigh in on </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/ixkIjHgB8VC8-69DjUh4/2021/2/24/lifesecure-hospital-recovery-insurance-is-now-available'><time>Feb 24, 2021</time><h4>LifeSecure Hospital Recovery Insurance is now available</h4><p>LifeSecure Insurance Companys Hospital Recovery Insurance with Observation Coverage is now available for Anthem members on the California Individual market. Members must have Minimal Essential Coverage to qualify. LifeSecure is an independent company offering complementary benefits in cooperation with Anthem. LifeSecures Hospital Recovery plan features straightforward coverage and a cash payout b</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/8KMIjHgB-IXz_i6KjHL_/2021/2/24/marketing-campaign-to-large-group-employers-continues'><time>Feb 24, 2021</time><h4>Marketing campaign to Large Group employers continues</h4><p>Our outreach to prospective Large Group employers continues this quarter to tell employers about our innovative solutions that can help save money and improve health outcomes. The campaign is ongoing and will continue through 2021. We use the latest technology powered by artificial intelligence and claims data to create a whole health picture that helps members get the most from their benefits. T</p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/x30IjHgBjjj7HfHkkBn8/2021/2/24/marketing-campaign-to-large-group-employers-continues'><time>Feb 24, 2021</time><h4>Marketing campaign to Large Group employers continues</h4><p>Our outreach to prospective Large Group employers continues this quarter to tell employers about our innovative solutions that can help save money and improve health outcomes. The campaign is ongoing and will continue through 2021. We use the latest technology powered by artificial intelligence and claims data to create a whole health picture that helps members get the most from their benefits. T</p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/xX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkjBmJ/2021/2/23/lifesecures-personal-accident-insurance-available-this-month'><time>Feb 23, 2021</time><h4>LifeSecure's Personal Accident Insurance available this month</h4><p>LifeSecure Insurance Company will release Personal Accident Insurance with an Accidental Death Benefit to Individual markets in New Hampshire. LifeSecure is an independent company offering complementary benefits in cooperation with Anthem. LifeSecures Personal Accident coverage features straightforward coverage, benefit payouts based on actual medical expenses, and flexibility. Pairing accident i</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/xH0IjHgBjjj7HfHkixm1/2021/2/23/lifesecures-personal-accident-insurance-available-this-month'><time>Feb 23, 2021</time><h4>LifeSecure's Personal Accident Insurance available this month</h4><p>LifeSecure Insurance Company will release an updatedPersonal Accident Insurance planwith an Accidental Death Benefit to Individual markets in Missouri. LifeSecure is an independent company offering complementary benefits in cooperation with Anthem. LifeSecures Personal Accident coverage features straightforward coverage, benefit payouts based on actual medical expenses, and flexibility. Pairing a</p><p>Individual | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='me'><a href='/news/ihkIjHgB8VC8-69DjEgT/2021/2/23/lifesecures-personal-accident-insurance-available-this-month'><time>Feb 23, 2021</time><h4>LifeSecure's Personal Accident Insurance available this month</h4><p>LifeSecure Insurance Company will release Personal Accident Insurance with an Accidental Death Benefit to Individual markets in Maine. LifeSecure is an independent company offering complementary benefits in cooperation with Anthem. LifeSecures Personal Accident coverage features straightforward coverage, benefit payouts based on actual medical expenses, and flexibility. Pairing accident insurance</p><p>Individual | ME </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/8qMIjHgB-IXz_i6KjnI_/2021/2/19/marketing-campaign-to-large-group-employers-continues'><time>Feb 19, 2021</time><h4>Marketing campaign to Large Group employers continues</h4><p>Our outreach to prospective Large Group employers continues this quarter to tell employers about our innovative solutions that can help save money and improve health outcomes. The campaign is ongoing and will continue through 2021. We use the latest technology powered by artificial intelligence and claims data to create a whole health picture that helps members get the most from their benefits. T</p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WBl9cXgB8VC8-69Dfh48/2021/2/17/improvements-to-made-and-agent-connect'><time>Feb 17, 2021</time><h4>Improvements to MADE and Agent Connect</h4><p> The following enhancements are available on Producer Toolbox. You are now able to select a Part B effective date up to 6 months in advance when submitting a Medicare Supplement application using MADE. Through Agent Connect you will now have the ability to change content between English, Spanish and Traditional Chinese, allowing you to direct your clients to content in their preferred languag</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/9KMIjHgB-IXz_i6Kk3KQ/2021/2/15/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-myths-vs-facts-shareable-flyer'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine myths vs. facts shareable flyer</h4><p>Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect you, your clients, your families, and your communities during this pandemic. We are committed to putting resources in your hands to help get the facts out about COVID-19 vaccines. Share this COVID-19 vaccines Myths vs. Facts flyer (upstate/downstate)with your clients to help increase their understanding of COVID-19 vaccine development, efficacy, and</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/y30IjHgBjjj7HfHklhlL/2021/2/15/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-myths-vs-facts-shareable-flyer'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine myths vs. facts shareable flyer</h4><p>Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect you, your clients, your families, and your communities during this pandemic. We are committed to putting resources in your hands to help get the facts out about COVID-19 vaccines. Share this COVID-19 vaccines - Myths vs. Facts flyer with your clients to help increase their understanding of COVID-19 vaccine development, efficacy, and safety.Encourage y</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/96MIjHgB-IXz_i6Kl3J4/2021/2/15/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-myths-vs-facts-shareable-flyer'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine myths vs. facts shareable flyer</h4><p>Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect you, your clients, your families, and your communities during this pandemic.We are committed to putting resources in your hands to help get the facts out about COVID-19 vaccines. Share this COVID-19 vaccines - Myths vs. Facts flyer with your clients to help increase their understanding of COVID-19 vaccine development, efficacy, and safety. Encourage </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/jhkIjHgB8VC8-69Dk0ga/2021/2/15/sydney-health-app-recognized-as-industry-leading-tool'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Sydney Health app recognized as industry-leading tool</h4><p>Our Sydney Health app delivers a highly personalized and curated healthcare experience to support members throughout their healthcare journey. Sydney Health helps members get the most from their healthcare benefits by simplifying the experience and proactively making recommendations and providing relevant information when its needed. Sydney Health lets members choose the most convenient way for th</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/kRkIjHgB8VC8-69Dl0gV/2021/2/15/sydney-health-app-recognized-as-industry-leading-tool'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Sydney Health app recognized as industry-leading tool</h4><p>Our Sydney Health app delivers a highly personalized and curated healthcare experience to support members throughout their healthcare journey. Sydney Health helps members get the most from their healthcare benefits by simplifying the experience and proactively making recommendations and providing relevant information when its needed. Sydney Health lets members choose the most convenient way for th</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/kBkIjHgB8VC8-69DlUjW/2021/2/15/sydney-health-app-recognized-as-industry-leading-tool'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Sydney Health app recognized as industry-leading tool</h4><p>Our Sydney Health app delivers a highly personalized and curated healthcare experience to support members throughout their healthcare journey. Sydney Health helps members get the most from their healthcare benefits by simplifying the experience and proactively making recommendations and providing relevant information when its needed. Sydney Health lets members choose the most convenient way for th</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/86MIjHgB-IXz_i6KknJP/2021/2/15/find-care-combines-care-directory-and-cost-estimating-in-one-tool'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Find Care combines care directory and cost estimating in one tool</h4><p>Members can now find high-quality, affordable care using Find Care on the Sydney Health app or Find Care gives members an integrated, transparent way to find care and compare costs. Members can easily find the information they need to compare doctors, dentists, hospitals, and other facilities in one tool. Find Care helps members find healthcare professionals and facilities in the</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/yH0IjHgBjjj7HfHkkRnD/2021/2/15/find-care-combines-care-directory-and-cost-estimating-in-one-tool'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Find Care combines care directory and cost estimating in one tool</h4><p>Members can now find high-quality, affordable care using Find Care on the Sydney Health app or Find Care gives members an integrated, transparent way to find care and compare costs. Members can easily find the information they need to compare doctors, dentists, hospitals, and other facilities in one tool. Find Care helps members find healthcare professionals and facilities in thei</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/yn0IjHgBjjj7HfHklRlL/2021/2/15/find-care-combines-care-directory-and-cost-estimating-in-one-tool'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Find Care combines care directory and cost estimating in one tool</h4><p>Members can now find high-quality, affordable care using Find Care on the Sydney Health app or Find Care gives members an integrated, transparent way to find care and compare costs. Members can easily find the information they need to compare doctors, dentists, hospitals, and other facilities in one tool. Find Care helps members find healthcare professionals and facilities in their a</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/jxkIjHgB8VC8-69DlEhs/2021/2/15/producer-toolbox-enhancements-simplify-renewals-and-call-out-sales-opportunities'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Producer Toolbox enhancements simplify renewals and call out sales opportunities</h4><p>We continue to improve Producer Toolbox to help you grow your business. The latest improvements simplify renewals and call out additional opportunities for Specialty sales. Faster renewals From your home page in Producer Toolbox, click on the new Quick Renewal button at the top of the page. Next, scroll down to find the group and click on the Quick Renewal link along the left-hand side of the pa</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/9aMIjHgB-IXz_i6Kk3Lz/2021/2/15/top-2025-of-services-cost-share-details-revealed'><time>Feb 15, 2021</time><h4>Top 20% of services cost-share details revealed</h4><p>Ohio law requires insurers offering health care plans through a health insurance exchange to make the following information available to existing and potential members upon request:A list of the top 20% of services based on useAn insured's expected contribution for each service The top 20% of services for Anthem health care plans offered on an exchange in 2020 were:Primary care office visitsLab</p><p>Small Group, Individual | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/khkIjHgB8VC8-69DmEj0/2021/2/10/form-1095-b-and-1095-c-deadlines-extended'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>Form 1095-B and 1095-C deadlines extended</h4><p>The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-Band 1095-Cis now March 2, 2021. The IRS extended the original deadline from January 31, 2021. We are required to file form 1095-B. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Services Only) employers with 50 or more full-time employees, are considered Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and are required to file form 1095-C. Empire will send additional </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zn0IjHgBjjj7HfHkmhnY/2021/2/10/form-1095-b-and-1095-c-deadlines-extended'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>Form 1095-B and 1095-C deadlines extended</h4><p>The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-Band 1095-Cis now March 2, 2021. The IRS extended the original deadline from January 31, 2021. We are required to file form 1095-B. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Services Only) employers with 50 or more full-time employees, are considered Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and are required to file form 1095-C. In accordance with a state m</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/GRlncXgB8VC8-69DVR5H/2021/2/10/form-1095-b-and-1095-c-deadlines-extended'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>Form 1095-B and 1095-C deadlines extended</h4><p>The deadline to file federal tax forms 1095-Band 1095-Cis now March 2, 2021. The IRS extended the original deadline from January 31, 2021. We are required to file form 1095-B. Fully insured and self-insured (Administrative Services Only) employers with 50 or more full-time employees, are considered Applicable Large Employers (ALE) and are required to file form 1095-C. Anthem will send additional </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/kxkIjHgB8VC8-69Dmkgz/2021/2/10/covid-19-conversations-why-do-vaccines-matter'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Why do vaccines matter?</h4><p>Your clients, and you, are likely to have questions about whether to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Our recent Why Vaccines Matter article on The Benefits Guide blogcan help you understand the benefits of vaccines so you can make an informed decision. Here are some key insights from the article:Vaccination is an important weapon in the fight again disease.Studies estimate that 42,000 children bor</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/rXxncXgBjjj7HfHkVO_m/2021/2/10/covid-19-conversations-why-do-vaccines-matter'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Why do vaccines matter?</h4><p>Your clients, and you, are likely to have questions about whether to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Our recent Why Vaccines Matter article on The Benefits Guide blogcan help you understand the benefits of vaccines so you can make an informed decision. Here are some key insights from the article:Vaccination is an important weapon in the fight again disease.Studies estimate that 42,000 children bor</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/eKNncXgB-IXz_i6KRjuB/2021/2/10/new-essential-choice-ppo-dental-plans-available-for-individual-sales'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>New Essential Choice PPO dental plans available for Individual sales</h4><p>We have new Essential Choice PPO dental plans for individuals and families. They bring a wide range of coverage and budget options to the Individual market and are designed to fit any need for an individual or family. Essential Choice PPO dental plans offer some of the most requested services, such as teeth whitening, tooth colored fillings, implants, and child orthodontics. These new plans also</p><p>Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/zX0IjHgBjjj7HfHkmRnR/2021/2/10/find-individual-enrollment-materials-all-in-one-place'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>Find Individual enrollment materials all in one place</h4><p>Visit our broker resource site,, for all the materials you need to help guide your clients during the Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Youll find Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrollment decisions. Youll also find quick links to the Anthem Plan Summa</p><p>Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/g6NncXgB-IXz_i6KVzuI/2021/2/10/find-individual-enrollment-materials-all-in-one-place'><time>Feb 10, 2021</time><h4>Find Individual enrollment materials all in one place</h4><p>Visit our broker resource site,, for all the materials you need to help guide your clients during the Individual Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Youll find Individual ACA materials, pharmacy, dental and vision information, and educational videos you can share with your clients to help them with their enrollment decisions. Youll also find quick links to the Anthem Plan Summa</p><p>Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/GBlncXgB8VC8-69DUh7E/2021/2/3/covid-19-conversations-how-members-feel-about-covid-19-vaccines'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How members feel about COVID-19 vaccines</h4><p>We surveyed members to find out how they feel about COVID-19 vaccines and where they turn for vaccine information. View the results in our easy-to-read and shareinfographic. Download a copy of the PDF or cut and paste the url to share it with your clients. Here are just a few of the insights from our survey:Members of all ages, including 73% of Millennials and 89% of those 75 and older, are wil</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/q3xncXgBjjj7HfHkUu9P/2021/2/3/covid-19-conversations-how-members-feel-about-covid-19-vaccines'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How members feel about COVID-19 vaccines</h4><p>We surveyed members to find out how they feel about COVID-19 vaccines and where they turn for vaccine information. View the results in our easy-to-read and shareinfographic (upstate/downstate). Download a copy of the PDF or cut and paste the url to share it with your clients. Here are just a few of the insights from our survey:Members of all ages, including 73% of Millennials and 89% of those 7</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/GhlncXgB8VC8-69DVR6q/2021/2/3/covid-19-conversations-how-members-feel-about-covid-19-vaccines'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How members feel about COVID-19 vaccines</h4><p>We surveyed members to find out how they feel about COVID-19 vaccines and where they turn for vaccine information. View the results in our easy-to-read and shareinfographic. Download a copy of the PDF or cut and paste the url to share it with your clients. Here are just a few of the insights from our survey:Members of all ages, including 73% of Millennials and 89% of those 75 and older, are wil</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/FxlncXgB8VC8-69DUR7U/2021/2/3/paycheck-protection-program-reopens-enrollment-window-for-small-groups'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>Paycheck Protection Program reopens enrollment window for Small Groups</h4><p>Were here to help you support your clients by sharing information about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP, offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), is a loan designed to help small businesses keep their workers employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. PPP loans can be used to help fund payroll, benefits, and other expenses like rent and utilities. The SBA is now takin</p><p>Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/FhlncXgB8VC8-69DUR5L/2021/2/3/paycheck-protection-program-reopens-enrollment-window-for-small-groups'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>Paycheck Protection Program reopens enrollment window for Small Groups</h4><p>Were here to help you support your clients by sharing information about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP, offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), is a loan designed to help small businesses keep their workers employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. PPP loans can be used to help fund payroll, benefits, and other expenses like rent and utilities. The SBA is now takin</p><p>Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/qnxncXgBjjj7HfHkUO_p/2021/2/3/paycheck-protection-program-reopens-enrollment-window-for-small-groups'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>Paycheck Protection Program reopens enrollment window for Small Groups</h4><p>Were here to help you support your clients by sharing information about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP, offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), is a loan designed to help small businesses keep their workers employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. PPP loans can be used to help fund payroll, benefits, and other expenses like rent and utilities. The SBA is now takin</p><p>Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/HxlncXgB8VC8-69DYR6L/2021/2/3/paycheck-protection-program-reopens-enrollment-window-for-small-groups'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>Paycheck Protection Program reopens enrollment window for Small Groups</h4><p>Were here to help you support your clients by sharing information about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP, offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), is a loan designed to help small businesses keep their workers employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. PPP loans can be used to help fund payroll, benefits, and other expenses like rent and utilities. The SBA is now takin</p><p>Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/fqNncXgB-IXz_i6KUDuA/2021/2/3/covid-19-conversations-vaccination-reimbursement-and-administrative-policies-update'><time>Feb 03, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccination reimbursement and administrative policies update</h4><p>Empire is committed to supporting care providers and protecting our members and communities against COVID-19. Were encouraging all members to get vaccinated and weve created a consistent and simple approach to reimburse providers for administering the vaccine Vaccine reimbursementThe federal government will initially pay for FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines. Empire will reimburse for the administ</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/IBlncXgB8VC8-69DYx4Y/2021/2/2/covid-19-conversations-vaccination-reimbursement-and-administrative-policies-update'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccination reimbursement and administrative policies update</h4><p>Anthem is committed to supporting care providers and protecting our members and communities against COVID-19. Were encouraging all members to get vaccinated and weve created a consistent and simple approach to reimburse providers for administering the vaccine. Vaccine reimbursementThe federal government will initially pay for FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines. Anthem will reimburse for the adminis</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/qXxncXgBjjj7HfHkUO8K/2021/2/2/anthems-stop-loss-coverage-provides-financial-protection-for-smart-and-farm-groups'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem's stop loss coverage provides financial protection for SMART and FARM groups</h4><p>Georgia Chamber SMART and Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care plans let smaller employers join together to share in the overall claims risk while offering employees high-quality health coverage with less worry. Small Group clients who participate in either the SMART or FARM plan can enjoy lower costs and more predictable rates just like larger corporations. The SMART or FARM plans, administered by A</p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='in'><a href='/news/faNncXgB-IXz_i6KTztr/2021/2/2/anthems-stop-loss-coverage-provides-financial-protection-for-mewa-groups'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem's stop loss coverage provides financial protection for MEWA groups</h4><p>A self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plan lets smaller employers join together to share in the overall claims risk while offering employees high-quality health coverage with less worry. Small Group clients who participate in a MEWA plan can enjoy lower costs and more predictable rates just like larger corporations. ChamberCare Health Alliance, administered by Anthem Blue Cr</p><p>Small Group | IN </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/fKNncXgB-IXz_i6KTjv0/2021/2/2/anthems-stop-loss-coverage-provides-financial-protection-for-mewa-groups'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem's stop loss coverage provides financial protection for MEWA groups</h4><p>A self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plan lets smaller employers join together to share in the overall claims risk while offering employees high-quality health coverage with less worry. Small Group clients who participate in a MEWA plan can enjoy lower costs and more predictable rates just like larger corporations. The ChamberAdvantage Plan, administered by Anthem Blue Cros</p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='oh'><a href='/news/r3xncXgBjjj7HfHkWO8B/2021/2/2/anthems-stop-loss-coverage-provides-financial-protection-for-mewa-groups'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem's stop loss coverage provides financial protection for MEWA groups</h4><p>A self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plan lets smaller employers join together to share in the overall claims risk while offering employees high-quality health coverage with less worry. Small Group clients who participate in a MEWA plan can enjoy lower costs and more predictable rates just like larger corporations. The SOCA Benefit Plan, administered by Anthem Blue Cross a</p><p>Small Group | OH </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='mo'><a href='/news/FRlncXgB8VC8-69DTh6P/2021/2/2/anthems-stop-loss-coverage-provides-financial-protection-for-mewa-groups'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>Anthem's stop loss coverage provides financial protection for MEWA groups</h4><p>A self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA) plan lets smaller employers join together to share in the overall claims risk while offering employees high-quality health coverage with less worry. Small Group clients who participate in a MEWA plan can enjoy lower costs and more predictable rates just like larger corporations. The Chamber Benefit Plan*, administered by Anthem Blue Cros</p><p>Small Group | MO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/haNncXgB-IXz_i6KWzs4/2021/2/2/covid-19-conversations-how-members-feel-about-covid-19-vaccines'><time>Feb 02, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How members feel about COVID-19 vaccines</h4><p>We surveyed members to find out how they feel about COVID-19 vaccines and where they turn for vaccine information. View the results in our easy-to-read and shareinfographic. Download a copy of the PDF or cut and paste the url to share it with your clients. Here are just a few of the insights from our survey:Members of all ages, including 73% of millenials and 89% of those 75 and older, are will</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/6Hx-cXgBjjj7HfHkIO-H/2021/2/1/let-your-clients-know-about-our-new-covid-19-test-site-finder'><time>Feb 01, 2021</time><h4>Let your clients know about our new COVID-19 Test Site Finder</h4><p> Your clients can find a COVID-19 testing location near them by using this tool. Members should talk to a doctor first to be certain a COVID-19 test is needed. A doctor must order a COVID-19 test for them. </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/WRmAcXgB8VC8-69DRx5v/2021/2/1/new-special-enrollment-period-alert'><time>Feb 01, 2021</time><h4>New Special Enrollment Period Alert</h4><p>Theres still time to find the right health insurance coverage for your clients during the new Special Enrollment period. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. The Special Enrollment period for CA lasts from February 1 through December 31, 2021. The Special Enrollment period for CO lasts from February 8 through May15, 2021. The Special Enrollment period fo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/gqNncXgB-IXz_i6KVzsB/2021/1/27/covid-19-conversations-how-were-vaccines-developed-so-quickly'><time>Jan 27, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How were vaccines developed so quickly?</h4><p>The federal government, under the umbrella of Operation Warp Speed, worked with researchers to develop COVID-19 vaccines faster than ever before, but this doesnt mean safety measures were skipped. Here are some of the reasons why COVID-19 vaccines were developed faster than other traditional vaccines:Advanced funding:The federal government gave funding to pharmaceutical companies in advance. This </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/t3xncXgBjjj7HfHkae_Q/2021/1/27/covid-19-conversations-how-were-vaccines-developed-so-quickly'><time>Jan 27, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: How were vaccines developed so quickly?</h4><p>The federal government, under the umbrella of Operation Warp Speed, worked with researchers to develop COVID-19 vaccines faster than ever before, but this doesnt mean safety measures were skipped. Here are some of the reasons why COVID-19 vaccines were developed faster than other traditional vaccines:Advanced funding:The federal government gave funding to pharmaceutical companies in advance. This </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/jKNncXgB-IXz_i6KajtJ/2021/1/26/understand-the-new-fsa-and-dca-options-in-the-latest-covid-19-relief-act'><time>Jan 26, 2021</time><h4>Understand the new FSA and DCA options in the latest COVID-19 relief act</h4><p>The recent Consolidated Appropriations Act offers more options for flexible spending accounts (FSAs), including Limited Purpose FSA, and dependent care accounts (DCAs) for participating Groups. We want you to be aware of these changes so you can help clients understand them. Well email your clients about them and include a DocuSign form where they can select their options. Key options include: </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ky'><a href='/news/rnxncXgBjjj7HfHkVu8j/2021/1/26/continuation-coverage-coming-to-kentucky-chamberadvantage-plan'><time>Jan 26, 2021</time><h4>Continuation coverage coming to Kentucky ChamberAdvantage plan</h4><p>The Kentucky ChamberAdvantage Benefit Plan will include continuation of coverage services starting February 2021. This means that eligible plan members and their dependents will be offered COBRA or state continuation coverage if they are no longer covered by the plan. Watch for emails on behalf of the Chamber from the digital MEWA management system,, if you have ChamberAdvantage clients.</p><p>Small Group | KY </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/HhlncXgB8VC8-69DWh6_/2021/1/21/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-basics'><time>Jan 21, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine basics</h4><p>As you and your clients prepare for the vaccine rollout in your state, wed like to answer some commonly asked questions about vaccines, including who should get them and why. You can also visit the CDC websiteat any time for the latest information.When can I get the vaccine?The initial supply of COVID-19 vaccines is expected to be limited, so the CDC is making recommendations about who should be v</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/hqNncXgB-IXz_i6KWzvU/2021/1/21/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-basics'><time>Jan 21, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine basics</h4><p>As you and your clients prepare for the vaccine rollout in your state, wed like to answer some commonly asked questions about vaccines, including who should get them and why. You can also visit the CDC websiteat any time for the latest information.When can I get the vaccine?The initial supply of COVID-19 vaccines is expected to be limited, so the CDC is making recommendations about who should be v</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/uHxncXgBjjj7HfHkau-s/2021/1/21/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-basics'><time>Jan 21, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine basics</h4><p>As you and your clients prepare for the vaccine rollout in your state, wed like to answer some commonly asked questions about vaccines, including who should get them and why. You can also visit the CDC websiteat any time for the latest information.When can I get the vaccine?The initial supply of COVID-19 vaccines is expected to be limited, so the CDC is making recommendations about who should be v</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/s3xncXgBjjj7HfHkXe-5/2021/1/14/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-safety'><time>Jan 14, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine safety</h4><p>The U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA)has issued Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 vaccinations. This means they have determined that the benefits of the approved vaccines outweigh the risks in preventing COVID-19 infection. The CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)also recommends COVID-19 vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19. Clinical trials of the vaccines have in</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/iKNncXgB-IXz_i6KZTtM/2021/1/14/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-safety'><time>Jan 14, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine safety</h4><p>The U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA)has issued Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 vaccinations. This means they have determined that the benefits of the approved vaccines outweigh the risks in preventing COVID-19 infection. The CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)also recommends COVID-19 vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19. Clinical trials of the vaccines have in</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/JhlncXgB8VC8-69DbB55/2021/1/13/covid-19-conversations-vaccine-safety'><time>Jan 13, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 Conversations: Vaccine safety</h4><p>The U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA)has issued Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 vaccinations. This means they have determined that the benefits of the approved vaccines outweigh the risks in preventing COVID-19 infection. The CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)also recommends COVID-19 vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19. Clinical trials of the vaccines have in</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/h6NncXgB-IXz_i6KXTso/2021/1/13/covid-19-stimulus-bill-offers-fsa-and-dca-options'><time>Jan 13, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 stimulus bill offers FSA and DCA options</h4><p>The recent Consolidated Appropriations Act offers additional carryover options for flexible spending accounts (FSA) and dependent care accounts (DCA) for some Large Groups. Empire will contact impacted employer groups by email to let them know their carryover options. Please contact your sales representative for more information. </p><p>Large Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/jaNncXgB-IXz_i6KazsE/2021/1/13/covid-19-stimulus-bill-offers-fsa-and-dca-options'><time>Jan 13, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 stimulus bill offers FSA and DCA options</h4><p>The recent Consolidated Appropriations Act offers additional carryover options for flexible spending accounts (FSA) and dependent care accounts (DCA) for some Large Groups. Anthem will contact impacted employer groups by email to let them know their carryover options. Please contact your sales representative for more information. </p><p>Large Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/IRlncXgB8VC8-69DZB6D/2021/1/13/covid-19-stimulus-bill-offers-fsa-and-dca-options'><time>Jan 13, 2021</time><h4>COVID-19 stimulus bill offers FSA and DCA options</h4><p>The recent Consolidated Appropriations Act offers additional carryover options for flexible spending accounts (FSA) and dependent care accounts (DCA) for some Large Groups. Anthem will contact impacted employer groups by email to let them know their carryover options. Please contact your sales representative for more information. </p><p>Large Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/snxncXgBjjj7HfHkXO-e/2021/1/13/last-chance-to-register-for-january-virtual-continuing-education'><time>Jan 13, 2021</time><h4>Last chance to register for January virtual Continuing Education</h4><p>Dont miss out on your chance to earn eight hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits at no charge with our January virtual training for Virginia resident agents only. You must register in advanceto receive credit. Eight hours of CE will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, January 19 Session 1 (Life and Health) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Virginia Medicaid Update (course #221628) 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='individual' data-state='nh'><a href='/news/sHxncXgBjjj7HfHkWO_1/2021/1/12/get-your-april-2021-individual-renewal-information-soon'><time>Jan 12, 2021</time><h4>Get your April 2021 Individual renewal information soon</h4><p>April 2021 renewals for Individual grandfathered (GF) plans will be available soon. We typically post this information around the 27th of each month. Here's how to access renewals in the Producer Toolbox:Go to Menu Book of Business Renewals.Select New Hampshire.Apply any appropriate filters, such as Renewal Date: Next 30 days. To pull a renewal report:Go to Menu Tools Resources Reports Cre</p><p>Individual | NH </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/vHxncXgBjjj7HfHkb-92/2021/1/6/who-should-be-tested-for-covid-19'><time>Jan 06, 2021</time><h4>Who should be tested for COVID-19?</h4><p>The Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) advises that only certain people should be tested for COVID-19. They recommend viral testing for a current infection when:A healthcare professional or local or state health department recommends testing.COVID-19 symptomssuch as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or new loss of taste or smell are present.Someone has close contact (within 6 feet for a tot</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/naNncXgB-IXz_i6Kgzs0/2021/1/6/who-should-be-tested-for-covid-19'><time>Jan 06, 2021</time><h4>Who should be tested for COVID-19?</h4><p>The Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) advises that only certain people should be tested for COVID-19. They recommend viral testing for a current infection when:A healthcare professional or local or state health department recommends testing.COVID-19 symptomssuch as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or new loss of taste or smell are present.Someone has close contact (within 6 feet for a tot</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='co'><a href='/news/JRlncXgB8VC8-69Dax7z/2021/1/6/our-brand-new-lowest-cost-gold-plan-is-available-for-quoting-now'><time>Jan 06, 2021</time><h4>Our brand-new, lowest-cost Gold plan is available for quoting now</h4><p>Our new Gold plan offers $3,000 individual deductible, 40% copay and $8,250 maximum out of pocket on Anthem PPO, Pathway and Mountain Enhanced networks. Quote now for effective dates starting April 1, 2021.Anthem Gold Pathway EPO 3000/40%/8250Anthem Gold Mountain Enhanced 3000/40%/8250Anthem Gold PPO 3000/40%/8250 Find the details you need to sell our Small Group plans in our 2021 product guides:</p><p>Small Group | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/i6NncXgB-IXz_i6KaTtb/2021/1/6/who-should-be-tested-for-covid-19'><time>Jan 06, 2021</time><h4>Who should be tested for COVID-19?</h4><p>The Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) advises that only certain people should be tested for COVID-19. They recommend viral testing for a current infection when:A healthcare professional or local or state health department recommends testing.COVID-19 symptomssuch as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or new loss of taste or smell are present.Someone has close contact (within 6 feet for a tot</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='va'><a href='/news/JBlncXgB8VC8-69DaB7g/2021/1/5/register-now-january-virtual-continuing-education-starts-soon'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Register now: January virtual Continuing Education starts soon</h4><p>Dont miss out on your chance to earn eight hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits at no charge with our January virtual training for Virginia resident agents only. You must register in advanceto receive credit. Eight hours of CE will be split into two webinars: Tuesday, January 19 Session 1 (Life and Health) - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Virginia Medicaid Update (course #221628) 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small' data-state='ga'><a href='/news/IxlncXgB8VC8-69DaB5F/2021/1/5/chamber-smart-plan-groups-with-less-than-two-employees-will-not-be-renewed'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Chamber SMART Plan groups with less than two employees will not be renewed</h4><p>Groups with less than two enrolled employees do not meet Georgia Chamber SMART Plan requirements and will not be renewed.Please reach out to your clients who are not compliant to offer other Anthem plans such as Anthem Enhanced Choice or Georgia FARM Bureau Health Care plans for sole proprietors that may meet their needs. Please contact your Anthem sales representative for more information. </p><p>Small Group | GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='small,individual' data-state='co'><a href='/news/uXxncXgBjjj7HfHka-96/2021/1/5/pathway-essentials-offers-low-cost-medical-coverage-in-denver-boulder-area'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Pathway Essentials offers low-cost medical coverage in Denver-Boulder area</h4><p>Pathway Essentialsis a new network focused on cost-effective, high-quality care for Individuals and Small Groups in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Gilpin, Jefferson and Park counties. Pathway Essentials Small Group plans include Anthem Link, which combines the latest digital technology with integrated, performance-based health care. Anthem Linkdeliver</p><p>Small Group, Individual | CO </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/IhlncXgB8VC8-69DZx7z/2021/1/5/empire-extends-health-plan-timeframes-during-covid-19-emergency'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Empire extends health plan timeframes during COVID-19 emergency</h4><p>Our primary focus is our members health and well-being, and making sure they have access to the care they need. In response to the national COVID-19 emergency, we are giving your clients more time to enroll in a health plan, file and appeal claims, elect COBRA continuation coverage, and pay COBRA premiums. U.S. Department of Labor guidance effective March 1, 2020, remains in effect, suspending k</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='va'><a href='/news/tnxncXgBjjj7HfHkZ--S/2021/1/5/anthem-extends-health-plan-timeframes-during-covid-19-emergency'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Anthem extends health plan timeframes during COVID-19 emergency</h4><p>Our primary focus is our members health and well-being, and making sure they have access to the care they need. In response to the national COVID-19 emergency, we are giving your clients more time to enroll in a health plan, file and appeal claims, elect COBRA continuation coverage, and pay COBRA premiums. U.S. Department of Labor guidance effective March 1, 2020, remains in effect, suspending k</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | VA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/kKNncXgB-IXz_i6KbzsM/2021/1/5/anthem-extends-health-plan-timeframes-during-covid-19-emergency'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Anthem extends health plan timeframes during COVID-19 emergency</h4><p>Our primary focus is our members health and well-being, and making sure they have access to the care they need. In response to the national COVID-19 emergency, we are giving your clients more time to enroll in a health plan, file and appeal claims, elect COBRA continuation coverage, and pay COBRA premiums. U.S. Department of Labor guidance effective March 1, 2020, remains in effect, suspending k</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,wi,ga'><a href='/news/NBlncXgB8VC8-69DgB6P/2021/1/5/anthem-extends-health-plan-timeframes-during-covid-19-emergency'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Anthem extends health plan timeframes during COVID-19 emergency</h4><p>Our primary focus is our members health and well-being, and making sure they have access to the care they need. In response to the national COVID-19 emergency, we are giving your clients more time to enroll in a health plan, file and appeal claims, elect COBRA continuation coverage, and pay COBRA premiums. U.S. Department of Labor guidance effective March 1, 2020, remains in effect, suspending k</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/iqNncXgB-IXz_i6KZzst/2021/1/5/register-for-our-vaccines-webinar-on-january-12'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Register for our vaccines webinar on January 12</h4><p>Empire is offering another opportunity to learn about important topics for your business. Please join leaders from across Empire at 4 p.m. ET on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, as they share the latest information on COVID-19, including clinical updates with a focus on vaccines. We hope youll join us. REGISTER NOWand save the event to your calendar. This is a streamed event only. There will be no </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga'><a href='/news/yXxncXgBjjj7HfHkhO8H/2021/1/5/register-for-our-vaccines-webinar-on-january-12'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Register for our vaccines webinar on January 12</h4><p>Anthem is offering another opportunity to learn about important topics for your business. Please join leaders from across Anthem at 4 p.m. ET on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, as they share the latest information on COVID-19, including clinical updates with a focus on vaccines. We hope youll join us. REGISTER NOWand save the event to your calendar. This is a streamed event only. There will be no </p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/tXxncXgBjjj7HfHkZu-f/2021/1/5/members-can-now-check-their-symptoms-and-text-with-a-doctor-through-sydney-health'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Members can now check their symptoms and text with a doctor through Sydney Health</h4><p>The Sydney Health app now offers a no-cost Symptom Checker to provide members with immediate health guidance, and a feature to connect with a doctor via text from their mobile phones anytime, anywhere.The Symptom Checker intuitively uses information members provide to narrow down millions of medical data points and assess specific symptoms before members see a doctor. Theyll receive information an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/u3xncXgBjjj7HfHkbu-t/2021/1/5/members-can-now-check-their-symptoms-and-text-with-a-doctor-through-sydney-health'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Members can now check their symptoms and text with a doctor through Sydney Health</h4><p>The Sydney Health app now offers a no-cost Symptom Checker to provide members with immediate health guidance, and a feature to connect with a doctor via text from their mobile phones anytime, anywhere.The Symptom Checker intuitively uses information members provide to narrow down millions of medical data points and assess specific symptoms before members see a doctor. Theyll receive information an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/nKNncXgB-IXz_i6Kfztz/2021/1/5/members-can-now-check-their-symptoms-and-text-with-a-doctor-through-sydney-health'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>Members can now check their symptoms and text with a doctor through Sydney Health</h4><p>The Sydney Health app now offers a no-cost Symptom Checker to provide members with immediate health guidance, and a feature to connect with a doctor via text from their mobile phones anytime, anywhere.The Symptom Checker intuitively uses information members provide to narrow down millions of medical data points and assess specific symptoms before members see a doctor. Theyll receive information an</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/iaNncXgB-IXz_i6KZjsl/2021/1/5/ingeniorx-quarterly-drug-and-biologic-pipeline-update-available'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx quarterly Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update available</h4><p>The Q4 2020 IngenioRx Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update provides more insight into emerging biopharma therapies. The update provides our insight and analysis to help you understand how the drug and biologic pipeline could change in 2021. Highlights include:An examination of a novel therapy that may slow clinical decline in patients with Alzheimers disease In-depth reviews of proposed treatments fo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/j6NncXgB-IXz_i6KbjtE/2021/1/5/ingeniorx-quarterly-drug-and-biologic-pipeline-update-available'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx quarterly Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update available</h4><p>The Q4 2020 IngenioRx Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update provides more insight into emerging biopharma therapies. The update provides our insight and analysis to help you understand how the drug and biologic pipeline could change in 2021. Highlights include:An examination of a novel therapy that may slow clinical decline in patients with Alzheimers disease In-depth reviews of proposed treatments fo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/xnxncXgBjjj7HfHkfu8l/2021/1/5/ingeniorx-quarterly-drug-and-biologic-pipeline-update-available'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>IngenioRx quarterly Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update available</h4><p>The Q4 2020 IngenioRx Drug and Biologic Pipeline Update provides more insight into emerging biopharma therapies. The update provides our insight and analysis to help you understand how the drug and biologic pipeline could change in 2021. Highlights include:An examination of a novel therapy that may slow clinical decline in patients with Alzheimers disease In-depth reviews of proposed treatments fo</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/unxncXgBjjj7HfHkbe_R/2021/1/5/wealthcare-saver-is-our-new-hsa-custodian'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>WealthCare Saver is our new HSA custodian</h4><p>Anthem continues to advance our Health Savings Account (HSA) model. We are making a change to our HSA custodian, the group that manages HSA dollars. On March 13, 2021, WealthCare Saver will replace PNC Bank as the custodian of the HSAs for:Current members who are actively enrolled in an HSA-compatible health plan.Current members who left their HSA-compatible health plan. Members who have left th</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/tHxncXgBjjj7HfHkZe-y/2021/1/5/wealthcare-saver-is-our-new-hsa-custodian'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>WealthCare Saver is our new HSA custodian</h4><p>Empire continues to advance our Health Savings Account (HSA) model. We are making a change to our HSA custodian, the group that manages HSA dollars. On March 13, 2021, WealthCare Saver will replace PNC Bank as the custodian of the HSAs for:Current members who are actively enrolled in an HSA-compatible health plan.Current members who left their HSA-compatible health plan. Members who have left th</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ga'><a href='/news/JxlncXgB8VC8-69DbB7w/2021/1/5/wealthcare-saver-is-our-new-hsa-custodian'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>WealthCare Saver is our new HSA custodian</h4><p>Anthem continues to advance our Health Savings Account (HSA) model. We are making a change to our HSA custodian, the group that manages HSA dollars. On March 13, 2021, WealthCare Saver will replace PNC Bank as the custodian of the HSAs for:Current members who are actively enrolled in an HSA-compatible health plan.Current members who left their HSA-compatible health plan. Members who have left th</p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, GA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small' data-state='ca'><a href='/news/jqNncXgB-IXz_i6KbTtW/2021/1/5/were-launching-a-dedicated-hmo-member-service-unit-in-february'><time>Jan 05, 2021</time><h4>We're launching a dedicated HMO member service unit in February</h4><p>Anthem is adopting a new strategic member service model for commercial business designed to better meet the needs of health maintenance organization (HMO) members. Were creating a dedicated member service unit for most organizations based in California who offer an Anthem HMO plan. The new unit will provide an enhanced experience for HMO members. Our dedicated and highly trained HMO plan expert</p><p>Large Group, Small Group | CA </p></a></li><li data-audience='large,small,individual' data-state='co,ct,in,ky,me,mo,nh,nv,oh,va,wi,ca,ga,ny-downstate,ny-upstate'><a href='/news/waOAcXgB-IXz_i6K8DuK/2021/1/1/let-your-clients-know-about-our-new-covid-19-test-site-finder'><time>Jan 01, 2021</time><h4>Let your clients know about our new COVID-19 Test Site Finder</h4><p> Your clients can find a COVID-19 testing locationnear them by using this tool. Members should talk to a doctor first to be certain a COVID-19 test is needed. A doctor must order a COVID-19 test for them. Get our COVID-19 FAQs: Anthem Blue Cross Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Empire Blue Cross Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield </p><p>Large Group, Small Group, Individual | CO, CT, IN, KY, ME, MO, NH, NV, OH, VA, WI, CA, GA, NY-DOWNSTATE, NY-UPSTATE </p></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer> <div> <div> <div class="col"> <p>&copy; 2005 - 2025 Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Serving Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area), Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia (excluding the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C.), and Wisconsin.</p> <br /> <br /> <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="text-light">About Us</a> l <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-light">Terms of Use</a> l <a href="" target="_blank" class="text-light">Privacy Policy</a> l <a href="/cookie-policy" class="text-light">Cookie Policy</a></p> </div> <div class="col"> <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" data-icon="facebook">Facebook</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" data-icon="x">X</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" data-icon="linkedin">LinkedIn</a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" data-icon="youtube">Youtube</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </form> <script src="" integrity="sha512-v2CJ7UaYy4JwqLDIrZUI/4hqeoQieOmAZNXBeQyjo21dadnwR+8ZaIJVT8EE2iyI61OV8e6M8PP2/4hpQINQ/g==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha512-2rNj2KJ+D8s1ceNasTIex6z4HWyOnEYLVC3FigGOmyQCZc2eBXKgOxQmo3oKLHyfcj53uz4QMsRCWNbLd32Q1g==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha512-ykZ1QQr0Jy/4ZkvKuqWn4iF3lqPZyij9iRv6sGqLRdTPkY69YX6+7wvVGmsdBbiIfN/8OdsI7HABjvEok6ZopQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha512-HGOnQO9+SP1V92SrtZfjqxxtLmVzqZpjFFekvzZVWoiASSQgSr4cw9Kqd2+l8Llp4Gm0G8GIFJ4ddwZilcdb8A==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>

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