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id="FAR_Subpart_19_2" data-part="subpart" data-part-number="19.2"> <h1 class="title topictitle1 Subpart" id="ariaid-title1"> <span class="ph autonumber">Subpart 19.2</span> - Policies</h1> <nav role="navigation" class="related-links"><div class="familylinks"><div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link FAR_Part_19 FAR_4 FAR_Subchapter_DNoPropPart" href="/far/part-19" title="Part 19 - Small Business Programs" aria-label="Part 19 - Small Business Programs. Link 0">Part 19 - Small Business Programs</a></div></div></nav><article class="topic concept nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title2" id="FAR_19_201" data-part="section" data-part-number="19.201"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title2"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.201</span> General policy.</h2> <div class="body conbody"> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e10"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> It is the policy of the Government to provide maximum practicable opportunities in its <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> to small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business, small disadvantaged business, and <i data-tippy-content="Women-owned small business concern means—(1) A small business concern–(i) That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and(ii) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women; or(2) A small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program in accordance with 13 CFR part 127 (see subpart 19.15)." class="agov-definition">women-owned small business concerns</i>. Such <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> <i data-tippy-content='Must (see "shall").' class="agov-definition">must</i> also have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate as subcontractors in the contracts awarded by any <i data-tippy-content="Executive agency means an executive department, a military department, or any independent establishment within the meaning of 5 U.S.C.101, 102, and 104(1), respectively, and any wholly owned Government corporation within the meaning of 31 U.S.C. 9101." class="agov-definition">executive agency</i>, consistent with efficient contract performance. The Small Business Administration (SBA) counsels and assists small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> and assists <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> personnel to ensure that a fair proportion of contracts for <i data-tippy-content="Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. It includes (but is not limited to) public works, buildings, and facilities; ships, floating equipment, and vessels of every character, type, and description, together with parts and accessories; aircraft and aircraft parts, accessories, and equipment; machine tools; and the alteration or installation of any of the foregoing." class="agov-definition">supplies</i> and services is placed with small business.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e15"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> Heads of <i data-tippy-content="Contracting activity means an element of an agency designated by the agency head and delegated broad authority regarding acquisition functions." class="agov-definition">contracting activities</i> are responsible for effectively implementing the small business programs within their activities, including achieving program goals. They are to ensure that <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> and technical personnel maintain knowledge of small business program requirements and take all reasonable action to increase participation in their activities’ <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> processes by these businesses.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e20"> <span class="ph autonumber">(c)</span> The Small Business Act requires each agency with <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> authority to establish an <i data-tippy-content="Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense." class="agov-definition">Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization</i> (see section 15(k) of the Small Business Act). For the Department of Defense, in accordance with section 904 of <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" title="Public Law 109-163" aria-label="Public聽Law聽109-163. Link 1">Public Law 109-163</a> ( <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" title="10 U.S.C. 144" aria-label="10聽U.S.C.聽144. Link 2">10 U.S.C. 144</a> note), the <i data-tippy-content="Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense." class="agov-definition">Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization</i> has been redesignated as the Office of Small Business Programs. Management of the office is the responsibility of an officer or employee of the agency who, in carrying out the purposes of the Act—</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e32"> <span class="ph autonumber">(1)</span> Is known as the Director of the <i data-tippy-content="Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense." class="agov-definition">Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization</i>, or for the Department of Defense, the Director of the Office of Small Business Programs;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e37"> <span class="ph autonumber">(2)</span>Is appointed by the <i data-tippy-content='Agency head or "head of the agency" means the Secretary, Attorney General, Administrator, Governor, Chairperson, or other chief official of an executive agency, unless otherwise indicated, including any deputy or assistant chief official of an executive agency.' class="agov-definition">agency head</i>;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e42"> <span class="ph autonumber">(3)</span> Is responsible to and reports directly to the <i data-tippy-content='Agency head or "head of the agency" means the Secretary, Attorney General, Administrator, Governor, Chairperson, or other chief official of an executive agency, unless otherwise indicated, including any deputy or assistant chief official of an executive agency.' class="agov-definition">agency head</i> or the deputy to the <i data-tippy-content='Agency head or "head of the agency" means the Secretary, Attorney General, Administrator, Governor, Chairperson, or other chief official of an executive agency, unless otherwise indicated, including any deputy or assistant chief official of an executive agency.' class="agov-definition">agency head</i> (except that for the Department of Defense, the Director of the Office of Small Business Programs reports to the Secretary or the Secretary’s designee);</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e47"> <span class="ph autonumber">(4)</span>Is responsible for the agency carrying out the functions and duties in sections 8, 15, 31, 36, and 44 of the Small Business Act;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e52"> <span class="ph autonumber">(5)</span> Works with the SBA <i data-tippy-content='Procurement (see "acquisition").' class="agov-definition">procurement</i> center representative (PCR) (or, if a PCR is not assigned, see <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.4#FAR_19_402" title="19.402" aria-label="19.402. Link 3">19.402</a>(a)) to identify proposed <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i> that involve <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i> and work with the agency <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> officials and SBA to revise the <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> strategies for such proposed <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i> to increase the probability of participation by small businesses;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e60"> <span class="ph autonumber">(6)</span>Assists small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> in obtaining payments under their contracts, late payment interest penalties, or information on contractual payment provisions;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e65"> <span class="ph autonumber">(7)</span> Has supervisory authority over agency personnel to the extent that their functions and duties relate to sections 8, 15, 31, 36, and 44 of the Small Business Act;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e70"> <span class="ph autonumber">(8)</span>Assigns a small business technical advisor to each <i data-tippy-content="Contracting activity means an element of an agency designated by the agency head and delegated broad authority regarding acquisition functions." class="agov-definition">contracting activity</i> within the agency to which the SBA has assigned a representative (see 19.402)—</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e76"> <span class="ph autonumber">(i)</span>Who is a full-time employee of the <i data-tippy-content="Contracting activity means an element of an agency designated by the agency head and delegated broad authority regarding acquisition functions." class="agov-definition">contracting activity</i>, well qualified, technically trained, and familiar with the <i data-tippy-content="Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. It includes (but is not limited to) public works, buildings, and facilities; ships, floating equipment, and vessels of every character, type, and description, together with parts and accessories; aircraft and aircraft parts, accessories, and equipment; machine tools; and the alteration or installation of any of the foregoing." class="agov-definition">supplies</i> or services contracted for by the activity; and</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e81"> <span class="ph autonumber">(ii)</span>Whose principal duty is to assist the SBA's assigned representative in performing functions and duties relating to sections 8, 15, 31, 36, and 44 of the Small Business Act;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e86"> <span class="ph autonumber">(9)</span> Cooperates and consults on a regular basis with the SBA in carrying out the agency's functions and duties in sections 8, 15, 31, 36, and 44 of the Small Business Act;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e91"> <span class="ph autonumber">(10)</span> Makes recommendations in accordance with agency procedures as to whether a particular <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> <i data-tippy-content="Should means an expected course of action or policy that is to be followed unless inappropriate for a particular circumstance." class="agov-definition">should</i> be awarded under subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_Subpart_19_5" title="19.5" aria-label="19.5. Link 4">19.5</a> as a small business set-aside, under subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.8#FAR_Subpart_19_8" title="19.8" aria-label="19.8. Link 5">19.8</a> as a section 8(a) award, under subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.13#FAR_Subpart_19_13" title="19.13" aria-label="19.13. Link 6">19.13</a> as a <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> set-aside, under subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.14#FAR_Subpart_19_14" title="19.14" aria-label="19.14. Link 7">19.14</a> as a set-aside service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> eligible under the SDVOSB Program, or under subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.15#FAR_Subpart_19_15" title="19.15" aria-label="19.15. Link 8">19.15</a> as a set-aside for economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB) <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> or women-owned small business (WOSB) <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> eligible under the WOSB Program;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e96"> <span class="ph autonumber">(11)</span> Conducts annual reviews to assess the—</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e102"> <span class="ph autonumber">(i)</span> Extent to which small businesses are receiving a fair share of Federal <i data-tippy-content='Procurement (see "acquisition").' class="agov-definition">procurements</i>, including contract opportunities under the programs administered under the Small Business Act;</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e107"> <span class="ph autonumber">(ii)</span> Adequacy of consolidated or bundled contract documentation and justifications; and</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e112"> <span class="ph autonumber">(iii)</span> Actions taken to mitigate the effects of necessary and justified consolidation or <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i> on small businesses.</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e118"> <span class="ph autonumber">(12)</span> Provides a copy of the assessment made under paragraph (c)(11) of this section to the <i data-tippy-content='Agency head or "head of the agency" means the Secretary, Attorney General, Administrator, Governor, Chairperson, or other chief official of an executive agency, unless otherwise indicated, including any deputy or assistant chief official of an executive agency.' class="agov-definition">Agency Head</i> and SBA Administrator;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e123"> <span class="ph autonumber">(13)</span>Provides to the <i data-tippy-content="Chief Acquisition Officer means an executive level acquisition official responsible for agency performance of acquisition activities and acquisition programs created pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 1702." class="agov-definition">chief acquisition officer</i> and <i data-tippy-content="Senior procurement executive means the individual appointed pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 1702(c) who is responsible for management direction of the acquisition system of the executive agency, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of the executive agency." class="agov-definition">senior procurement executive</i> advice and comments on <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> strategies, <i data-tippy-content="Market research means collecting and analyzing information about capabilities within the market to satisfy agency needs." class="agov-definition">market research</i>, and justifications related to consolidation of contract requirements;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e128"> <span class="ph autonumber">(14)</span> When notified by a small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> prior to the award of a contract that the small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> believes that a <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitation</i>, request for proposal, or request for quotation unduly restricts the ability of the small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> to compete for the award–</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e134"> <span class="ph autonumber">(i)</span> Submits the notification by the small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> to the <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> and, if necessary, recommends ways in which the <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitation</i>, request for proposal, or request for quotation <i data-tippy-content='May denotes the permissive. However, the words "no person may..." mean that no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do the act described.' class="agov-definition">may</i> be altered to increase the opportunity for competition; and</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e139"> <span class="ph autonumber">(ii)</span> Informs the advocate for competition of such agency (as established under 41 U.S.C 1705 or <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" title="10 U.S.C. 3249" aria-label="10 U.S.C. 3249. Link 9">10 U.S.C. 3249</a>) of such notification;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e150"> <span class="ph autonumber">(15)</span> Ensures agency purchases using the Governmentwide purchase card that are greater than the <i data-tippy-content="Micro-purchase threshold means $10,000, except it means-(1) For acquisitions of construction subject to 40 U.S.C. chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Construction), $2,000;(2) For acquisitions of services subject to 41 U.S.C. chapter 67, Service Contract Labor Standards, $2,500; (3) For acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2292 et seq.; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. 5122), as described in 13.201(g)(1), except for construction subject to 40 U.S.C. chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) (41 U.S.C. 1903)–(i) $20,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and(ii) $35,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and(4) For acquisitions of supplies or services from institutions of higher education (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)) or related or affiliated nonprofit entities, or from nonprofit research organizations or independent research institutes—(i) $10,000; or(ii) A higher threshold, as determined appropriate by the head of the agency and consistent with clean audit findings under 31 U.S.C. chapter 75, Requirements for Single Audits; an internal institutional risk assessment; or State law." class="agov-definition">micro-purchase threshold</i> and less than the <i data-tippy-content="Simplified acquisition threshold means $250,000, except for—(1) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2292 et seq.; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. 5122), (41 U.S.C. 1903), the term means–(i) $800,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and(ii) $1.5 million for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and(2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation (10 U.S.C. 3015), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States." class="agov-definition">simplified acquisition threshold</i> were made in compliance with the Small Business Act and were properly recorded in accordance with <a class="xref fm:Subpart" href="/far/subpart-4.6#FAR_Subpart_4_6" title="subpart 4.6" aria-label="subpart聽 4.6. Link 10">subpart 4.6</a> in the Federal <i data-tippy-content='Procurement (see "acquisition").' class="agov-definition">Procurement</i> Data System;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e158"> <span class="ph autonumber">(16)</span> Assists small business contractors and subcontractors in finding resources for education and training on compliance with <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> regulations;</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e163"> <span class="ph autonumber">(17)</span> Reviews all subcontracting plans required by <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.7#FAR_19_702" title="19.702" aria-label="19.702. Link 11">19.702</a>(a) to ensure the plan provides maximum practicable opportunity for small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> to participate in the performance of the contract; and</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e171"> <span class="ph autonumber">(18)</span> Performs other duties listed at <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" title="15 U.S.C. 644(k)" aria-label="15 U.S.C. 644(k). Link 12">15 U.S.C. 644(k)</a>.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e179"> <span class="ph autonumber">(d)</span> Small business specialists <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> be appointed and act in accordance with agency regulations.</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e185"> <span class="ph autonumber">(1)</span> The <i data-tippy-content="Contracting activity means an element of an agency designated by the agency head and delegated broad authority regarding acquisition functions." class="agov-definition">contracting activity</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> coordinate with the small business specialist as early in the <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition planning means the process by which the efforts of all personnel responsible for an acquisition are coordinated and integrated through a comprehensive plan for fulfilling the agency need in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. It includes developing the overall strategy for managing the acquisition." class="agov-definition">acquisition planning</i> process as practicable, but no later than 30 days before the issuance of a <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitation</i>, or prior to placing an order without a <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitation</i> when the <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> meets the dollar thresholds set forth at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-7.1#FAR_7_107_4" title="7.107-4" aria-label="7.107-4. Link 13">7.107-4</a>(a)(1). See also <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-7.1#FAR_7_104" title="7.104" aria-label="7.104. Link 14">7.104</a>(d).</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e196"> <span class="ph autonumber">(2)</span> The small business specialist <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> notify the agency's Director of the <i data-tippy-content="Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense." class="agov-definition">Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization</i>, and for the Department of Defense, the Director of the Office of Small Business Programs, when the criteria relating to substantial <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i> at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-7.1#FAR_7_107_4" title="7.107-4" aria-label="7.107-4. Link 13">7.107-4</a>(a)(1) are met.</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_201__d1159e204"> <span class="ph autonumber">(3)</span> The small business specialist <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> coordinate with the <i data-tippy-content="Contracting activity means an element of an agency designated by the agency head and delegated broad authority regarding acquisition functions." class="agov-definition">contracting activity</i> and the SBA PCR on all determinations and findings required by <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-7.1#FAR_7_107" title="7.107" aria-label="7.107. Link 16">7.107</a> for consolidation or <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i> of contract requirements.</p> </div> </article> <article class="topic concept nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title3" id="FAR_19_202" data-part="section" data-part-number="19.202"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title3"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202</span> Specific policies.</h2> <div class="body conbody"> <p class="p" id="FAR_19_202__d1154e10">In order to further the policy in <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="#FAR_19_201" title="19.201" aria-label="19.201. Link 17">19.201</a> (a), <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> officers <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> comply with the specific policies listed in this section and <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> consider recommendations of the agency Director of the <i data-tippy-content="Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense." class="agov-definition">Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization</i>, or for the Department of Defense, the Director of the Office of Small Business Programs, or the Director’s designee, as to whether a particular <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> <i data-tippy-content="Should means an expected course of action or policy that is to be followed unless inappropriate for a particular circumstance." class="agov-definition">should</i> be awarded under subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_Subpart_19_5" title="19.5" aria-label="19.5. Link 4">19.5</a>, <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.8#FAR_Subpart_19_8" title="19.8" aria-label="19.8. Link 5">19.8</a>, <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.13#FAR_Subpart_19_13" title="19.13" aria-label="19.13. Link 6">19.13</a>, <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.14#FAR_Subpart_19_14" title="19.14" aria-label="19.14. Link 7">19.14</a>, or <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.15#FAR_Subpart_19_15" title="19.15" aria-label="19.15. Link 8">19.15</a>. Agencies <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> establish procedures including dollar thresholds for review of <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> by the Director or the Director's designee for the purpose of making these recommendations. The <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> document the contract file whenever the Director's recommendations are not accepted, in accordance with <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_19_506" title="19.506" aria-label="19.506. Link 23">19.506</a>.</p> </div> <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title4" id="FAR_19_202_1" data-part="subsection" data-part-number="19.202-1"> <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title4"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202-1</span> Encouraging small business participation in acquisitions.</h3> <div class="body conbody"> <p class="p">Small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> be afforded an equitable opportunity to compete for all contracts that they can perform to the extent consistent with the Government’s interest. When applicable, the <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> take the following actions:</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e12"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> Divide proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> of <i data-tippy-content="Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. It includes (but is not limited to) public works, buildings, and facilities; ships, floating equipment, and vessels of every character, type, and description, together with parts and accessories; aircraft and aircraft parts, accessories, and equipment; machine tools; and the alteration or installation of any of the foregoing." class="agov-definition">supplies</i> and services (except <i data-tippy-content='Construction means construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property. For purposes of this definition, the terms "buildings, structures, or other real property" include, but are not limited to, improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, cemeteries, pumping stations, railways, airport facilities, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, canals, and channels. Construction does not include the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property (except that for use in subpart 22.5, see the definition at 22.502).' class="agov-definition">construction</i>) into reasonably small lots (not less than economic production runs) to permit <i data-tippy-content='Offer means a response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract. Responses to invitations for bids (sealed bidding) are offers called "bids" or "sealed bids"; responses to requests for proposals (negotiation) are offers called "proposals"; however, responses to requests for quotations (simplified acquisition) are "quotations," not offers. For unsolicited proposals, see subpart 15.6.' class="agov-definition">offers</i> on quantities less than the total requirement.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e17"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> Plan <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> such that, if practicable, more than one small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> <i data-tippy-content='May denotes the permissive. However, the words "no person may..." mean that no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do the act described.' class="agov-definition">may</i> perform the work, if the work exceeds the amount for which a <i data-tippy-content="Surety means an individual or corporation legally liable for the debt, default, or failure of a principal to satisfy a contractual obligation. The types of sureties referred to are as follows:(1) An individual surety is one person, as distinguished from a business entity, who is liable for the entire penal amount of the bond.(2) A corporate surety is licensed under various insurance laws and, under its charter, has legal power to act as surety for others.(3) A cosurety is one of two or more sureties that are jointly liable for the penal sum of the bond. A limit of liability for each surety may be stated." class="agov-definition">surety</i> <i data-tippy-content='May denotes the permissive. However, the words "no person may..." mean that no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do the act described.' class="agov-definition">may</i> be guaranteed by SBA against loss under <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" title="15 U.S.C. 694b" aria-label="15 U.S.C. 694b. Link 24">15 U.S.C. 694b</a> (see definition of “Applicable Statutory Limit” at <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank" title="13 CFR 115.10" aria-label="13 CFR 115.10. Link 25">13 CFR 115.10</a>). </p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e25"> <span class="ph autonumber">(c)</span> Ensure that delivery schedules are established on a realistic basis that will encourage small business participation to the extent consistent with the actual requirements of the Government.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e30"> <span class="ph autonumber">(d)</span> Encourage prime contractors to subcontract with small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> (see <a class="xref fm:Subpart" href="/far/subpart-19.7#FAR_Subpart_19_7" title="subpart 19.7" aria-label="subpart聽 19.7. Link 26">subpart 19.7</a>).</p> <p class="p"></p><p class="Runin RuninRestart ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e38"> <span class="ph autonumber">(e)</span> </p> <p class="RuninChild ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e43"> <span class="ph autonumber">(1)</span> Provide a copy of the proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> package and other reasonably obtainable information related to the <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> to the SBA PCR (or, if a PCR is not assigned, see <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.4#FAR_19_402" title="19.402" aria-label="19.402. Link 3">19.402</a>(a)) at least 30 days prior to the issuance of the <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitation</i> if—</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e52"> <span class="ph autonumber">(i)</span> The proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> is for <i data-tippy-content="Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. It includes (but is not limited to) public works, buildings, and facilities; ships, floating equipment, and vessels of every character, type, and description, together with parts and accessories; aircraft and aircraft parts, accessories, and equipment; machine tools; and the alteration or installation of any of the foregoing." class="agov-definition">supplies</i> or services currently being provided by a small business and the proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> is of a quantity or estimated dollar value, the magnitude of which makes it unlikely that small businesses can compete for the prime contract;</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e57"> <span class="ph autonumber">(ii)</span> The proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> is for <i data-tippy-content='Construction means construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property. For purposes of this definition, the terms "buildings, structures, or other real property" include, but are not limited to, improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, cemeteries, pumping stations, railways, airport facilities, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, canals, and channels. Construction does not include the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property (except that for use in subpart 22.5, see the definition at 22.502).' class="agov-definition">construction</i> and seeks to package or consolidate discrete <i data-tippy-content='Construction means construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property. For purposes of this definition, the terms "buildings, structures, or other real property" include, but are not limited to, improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, cemeteries, pumping stations, railways, airport facilities, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, canals, and channels. Construction does not include the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property (except that for use in subpart 22.5, see the definition at 22.502).' class="agov-definition">construction</i> projects and the magnitude of this consolidation makes it unlikely that small businesses can compete for the prime contract; </p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e62"> <span class="ph autonumber">(iii)</span> The proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> is for a consolidated or bundled requirement. (See <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-7.1#FAR_7_107_5" title="7.107-5" aria-label="7.107-5. Link 28">7.107-5</a>(a) for mandatory 30-<i data-tippy-content="Day means, unless otherwise specified, a calendar day." class="agov-definition">day</i> notice requirement to incumbent small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i>.) The <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> provide all information relative to the justification for the consolidation or <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i>, including the <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> plan or strategy, and if the <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> involves substantial <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i>, the information identified in <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-7.1#FAR_7_107_4" title="7.107-4" aria-label="7.107-4. Link 13">7.107-4</a>. The <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> also provide the same information to the agency <i data-tippy-content="Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense." class="agov-definition">Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization</i>: or </p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e73"> <span class="ph autonumber">(iv)</span> The <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> will be reviewed at the PCR's discretion. </p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e78"> <span class="ph autonumber">(2)</span> For <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> described in paragraph (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, provide a statement explaining why the— </p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e84"> <span class="ph autonumber">(i)</span> Proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> cannot be divided into reasonably small lots (not less than economic production runs) to permit <i data-tippy-content='Offer means a response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract. Responses to invitations for bids (sealed bidding) are offers called "bids" or "sealed bids"; responses to requests for proposals (negotiation) are offers called "proposals"; however, responses to requests for quotations (simplified acquisition) are "quotations," not offers. For unsolicited proposals, see subpart 15.6.' class="agov-definition">offers</i> on quantities less than the total requirement;</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e89"> <span class="ph autonumber">(ii)</span> Delivery schedules cannot be established on a realistic basis that will encourage small business participation to the extent consistent with the actual requirements of the Government;</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e94"> <span class="ph autonumber">(iii)</span> Proposed <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> cannot be structured so as to make it likely that small businesses can compete for the prime contract;</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e99"> <span class="ph autonumber">(iv)</span> Consolidated <i data-tippy-content='Construction means construction, alteration, or repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property. For purposes of this definition, the terms "buildings, structures, or other real property" include, but are not limited to, improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, cemeteries, pumping stations, railways, airport facilities, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, canals, and channels. Construction does not include the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property (except that for use in subpart 22.5, see the definition at 22.502).' class="agov-definition">construction</i> project cannot be acquired as separate discrete projects; or</p> <p class=" ListL3" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e104"> <span class="ph autonumber">(v)</span> Consolidation or <i data-tippy-content='Bundling—(1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to—(i) The diversity, size, or specialized nature of the elements of the performance specified;(ii) The aggregate dollar value of the anticipated award;(iii) The geographical dispersion of the contract performance sites; or(iv) Any combination of the factors described in paragraphs (1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this definition.(2) "Separate smaller contract" as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by one or more small business concerns or that was suitable for award to one or more small business concerns. ' class="agov-definition">bundling</i> is necessary and justified.</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e109"> <span class="ph autonumber">(3)</span> Process the 30-<i data-tippy-content="Day means, unless otherwise specified, a calendar day." class="agov-definition">day</i> notification concurrently with other processing steps required prior to the issuance of the <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitation</i>.</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_1__d1161e114"> <span class="ph autonumber">(4)</span> If the <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> rejects the SBA PCR’s recommendation made in accordance with <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.4#FAR_19_402" title="19.402" aria-label="19.402. Link 3">19.402</a>(c)(2), document the basis for the rejection and notify the SBA PCR in accordance with <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_19_502_8" title="19.502-8" aria-label="19.502-8. Link 31">19.502-8</a>.</p> </div> </article> <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title5" id="FAR_19_202_2" data-part="subsection" data-part-number="19.202-2"> <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title5"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202-2</span> Locating small business sources.</h3> <div class="body conbody"> <p class="p" id="FAR_19_202_2__d1156e8">The <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i>, to the extent practicable, encourage maximum participation by small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business, small disadvantaged business, and <i data-tippy-content="Women-owned small business concern means—(1) A small business concern–(i) That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and(ii) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women; or(2) A small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program in accordance with 13 CFR part 127 (see subpart 19.15)." class="agov-definition">women-owned small business concerns</i> in <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> by taking the following actions:</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_2__d1162e12"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> Before issuing <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i>, make every reasonable effort to find additional small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> (see <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/10.002#FAR_10_002" title="10.002" aria-label="10.002. Link 32">10.002</a>(b)(2)). This effort <i data-tippy-content="Should means an expected course of action or policy that is to be followed unless inappropriate for a particular circumstance." class="agov-definition">should</i> include contacting the agency small business specialist and SBA PCR (or, if a PCR is not assigned, see <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.4#FAR_19_402" title="19.402" aria-label="19.402. Link 3">19.402</a>(a)).</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_2__d1162e23"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> Publicize <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i> and contract awards through the <i data-tippy-content="Governmentwide point of entry (GPE) means the single point where Government business opportunities greater than $25,000, including synopses of proposed contract actions, solicitations, and associated information, can be accessed electronically by the public. The GPE is located at" class="agov-definition">Governmentwide point of entry</i> (see <a class="xref fm:Subparts" href="/far/subpart-5.2#FAR_Subpart_5_2" title="subparts 5.2" aria-label="subparts聽 5.2. Link 34">subparts 5.2</a> and <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-5.3#FAR_Subpart_5_3" title="5.3" aria-label="5.3. Link 35">5.3</a>).</p> </div> </article> <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title6" id="FAR_19_202_3" data-part="subsection" data-part-number="19.202-3"> <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title6"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202-3</span> Equal low bids.</h3> <div class="body conbody"> <p class="p" id="FAR_19_202_3__d1157e8">In the event of equal low bids (see <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-14.4#FAR_14_408_6" title="14.408-6" aria-label="14.408-6. Link 36">14.408-6</a>), awards <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> be made first to small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> which are also <i data-tippy-content="Labor surplus area concern means a concern that together with its first-tier subcontractors will perform substantially in labor surplus areas. Performance is substantially in labor surplus areas if the costs incurred under the contract on account of manufacturing, production, or performance of appropriate services in labor surplus areas exceed 50 percent of the contract price." class="agov-definition">labor surplus area concerns</i>, and second to small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> which are not also <i data-tippy-content="Labor surplus area concern means a concern that together with its first-tier subcontractors will perform substantially in labor surplus areas. Performance is substantially in labor surplus areas if the costs incurred under the contract on account of manufacturing, production, or performance of appropriate services in labor surplus areas exceed 50 percent of the contract price." class="agov-definition">labor surplus area concerns</i>.</p> </div> </article> <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title7" id="FAR_19_202_4" data-part="subsection" data-part-number="19.202-4"> <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title7"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202-4</span> Solicitation.</h3> <div class="body conbody"> <p class="p" id="FAR_19_202_4__d1158e8">The <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> encourage maximum response to <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i> by small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business, small disadvantaged business, and <i data-tippy-content="Women-owned small business concern means—(1) A small business concern–(i) That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and(ii) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women; or(2) A small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program in accordance with 13 CFR part 127 (see subpart 19.15)." class="agov-definition">women-owned small business concerns</i> by taking the following actions:</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_4__d1164e12"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> Allow the maximum amount of time practicable for the submission of <i data-tippy-content='Offer means a response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract. Responses to invitations for bids (sealed bidding) are offers called "bids" or "sealed bids"; responses to requests for proposals (negotiation) are offers called "proposals"; however, responses to requests for quotations (simplified acquisition) are "quotations," not offers. For unsolicited proposals, see subpart 15.6.' class="agov-definition">offers</i>.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_4__d1164e17"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> Furnish specifications, plans, and drawings with <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i>, or furnish information as to where they <i data-tippy-content='May denotes the permissive. However, the words "no person may..." mean that no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do the act described.' class="agov-definition">may</i> be obtained or examined.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_4__d1164e22"> <span class="ph autonumber">(c)</span> Provide to any small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i>, upon its request, a copy of <i data-tippy-content='Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. Solicitations under sealed bid procedures are called "invitations for bids." Solicitations under negotiated procedures are called "requests for proposals." Solicitations under simplified acquisition procedures may require submission of either a quotation or an offer.' class="agov-definition">solicitations</i> with respect to any contract to be let, the name and telephone number of an agency contact to answer questions related to such prospective contract and adequate citations to each major Federal law or agency rule with which such business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> <i data-tippy-content='Must (see "shall").' class="agov-definition">must</i> comply in performing such contract other than laws or agency rules with which the small business <i data-tippy-content='Must (see "shall").' class="agov-definition">must</i> comply when doing business with other than the Government.</p> </div> </article> <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title8" id="FAR_19_202_5" data-part="subsection" data-part-number="19.202-5"> <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title8"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202-5</span> Data collection and reporting requirements.</h3> <div class="body conbody"> <p class="p" id="FAR_19_202_5__d1159e8">Agencies <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> measure the extent of small business participation in their <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> programs by taking the following actions:</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_5__d1165e12"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> Require each prospective contractor to represent whether it is a small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned small business, EDWOSB <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i>, or WOSB <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> eligible under the WOSB Program (see the provision at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-52.2#FAR_52_219_1" title="52.219-1" aria-label="52.219-1. Link 37">52.219-1</a>, Small Business Program Representations).</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_5__d1165e20"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> Accurately measure the extent of participation by small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business, small disadvantaged business, and <i data-tippy-content="Women-owned small business concern means—(1) A small business concern–(i) That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and(ii) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women; or(2) A small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program in accordance with 13 CFR part 127 (see subpart 19.15)." class="agov-definition">women-owned small business concerns</i> in Government <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> in terms of the total value of contracts placed during each fiscal year, and report data to the SBA at the end of each fiscal year (see <a class="xref fm:Subpart" href="/far/subpart-4.6#FAR_Subpart_4_6" title="subpart 4.6" aria-label="subpart聽 4.6. Link 10">subpart 4.6</a>).</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_5__d1165e28"> <span class="ph autonumber">(c)</span> When the contract includes the clause at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-52.2#FAR_52_219_28" title="52.219-28" aria-label="52.219-28. Link 39">52.219-28</a>, <span class="ph FAC 2025-03 January 17, 2025">Postaward</span> Small Business Program Rerepresentation, and the conditions in the clause for rerepresenting are met—</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_5__d1165e37"> <span class="ph autonumber">(1)</span> Require a contractor that represented itself as any of the small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> identified in <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/19.000#FAR_19_000" title="19.000" aria-label="19.000. Link 40">19.000</a>(a)(3) prior to award of the contract to rerepresent its size and socioeconomic status (<em class="ph i">i.e.</em>, 8(a), small disadvantaged business, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, EDWOSB, or WOSB status); and</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_5__d1165e48"> <span class="ph autonumber">(2)</span> Permit a contractor that represented itself as other than a small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concern</i> prior to award to rerepresent its size status.</p> </div> </article> <article class="topic concept nested2" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title9" id="FAR_19_202_6" data-part="subsection" data-part-number="19.202-6"> <h3 class="title topictitle3" id="ariaid-title9"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.202-6</span> Determination of fair market price.</h3> <div class="body conbody"> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e10"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> The <i data-tippy-content="Fair market price means a price based on reasonable costs under normal competitive conditions and not on lowest possible cost (see 19.202-6)." class="agov-definition">fair market price</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> be the price achieved in accordance with the reasonable price guidelines in <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-15.4#FAR_15_404_1" title="15.404-1" aria-label="15.404-1. Link 41">15.404-1</a>(b) for-</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e19"> <span class="ph autonumber">(1)</span> Total and partial small business set-asides, and reserves (see <a class="xref fm:Subpart" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_Subpart_19_5" title="subpart 19.5" aria-label="subpart聽 19.5. Link 42">subpart 19.5</a>);</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e27"> <span class="ph autonumber">(2)</span> <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> set-asides (see <a class="xref fm:Subpart" href="/far/subpart-19.13#FAR_Subpart_19_13" title="subpart 19.13" aria-label="subpart聽 19.13. Link 43">subpart 19.13</a>);</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e35"> <span class="ph autonumber">(3)</span> Contracts utilizing the price evaluation preference for <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> (see <a class="xref fm:Subpart" href="/far/subpart-19.13#FAR_Subpart_19_13" title="subpart 19.13" aria-label="subpart聽 19.13. Link 43">subpart 19.13</a>);</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e43"> <span class="ph autonumber">(4)</span> Set-asides for SDVOSB <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> eligible under the SDVOSB Program (see subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.14#FAR_Subpart_19_14" title="19.14" aria-label="19.14. Link 7">19.14</a>); </p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e51"> <span class="ph autonumber">(5)</span> Set-asides for EDWOSB <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> and WOSB <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> eligible under the WOSB Program (see subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.15#FAR_Subpart_19_15" title="19.15" aria-label="19.15. Link 8">19.15</a>).</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_202_6__d1166e59"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> For 8(a) contracts, both with respect to meeting the requirement at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.8#FAR_19_806" title="19.806" aria-label="19.806. Link 47">19.806</a>(b) and in order to accurately estimate the current <i data-tippy-content="Fair market price means a price based on reasonable costs under normal competitive conditions and not on lowest possible cost (see 19.202-6)." class="agov-definition">fair market price</i>, <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officers</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> follow the procedures at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.8#FAR_19_807" title="19.807" aria-label="19.807. Link 48">19.807</a>.</p> </div> </article> </article> <article class="topic concept nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title10" id="FAR_19_203" data-part="section" data-part-number="19.203"> <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title10"> <span class="ph autonumber">19.203</span> Relationship among small business programs.</h2> <div class="body conbody"> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e10"> <span class="ph autonumber">(a)</span> <em class="ph i">General</em>. There is no order of precedence among the 8(a) Program (subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.8#FAR_Subpart_19_8" title="19.8" aria-label="19.8. Link 5">19.8</a>), <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> Program (subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.13#FAR_Subpart_19_13" title="19.13" aria-label="19.13. Link 6">19.13</a>), <i data-tippy-content="Service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) Program means a program that authorizes contracting officers to limit competition, including award on a sole-source basis, to SDVOSB concerns eligible under the SDVOSB Program. " class="agov-definition">Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Program</i> (subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.14#FAR_Subpart_19_14" title="19.14" aria-label="19.14. Link 7">19.14</a>), or the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program (subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.15#FAR_Subpart_19_15" title="19.15" aria-label="19.15. Link 8">19.15</a>).</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e27"> <span class="ph autonumber">(b)</span> <em class="ph i">At or below the <i data-tippy-content="Simplified acquisition threshold means $250,000, except for—(1) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2292 et seq.; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. 5122), (41 U.S.C. 1903), the term means–(i) $800,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and(ii) $1.5 million for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and(2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation (10 U.S.C. 3015), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States." class="agov-definition">simplified acquisition threshold</i></em>. For <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> of <i data-tippy-content="Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. It includes (but is not limited to) public works, buildings, and facilities; ships, floating equipment, and vessels of every character, type, and description, together with parts and accessories; aircraft and aircraft parts, accessories, and equipment; machine tools; and the alteration or installation of any of the foregoing." class="agov-definition">supplies</i> or services that have an anticipated dollar value above the <i data-tippy-content="Micro-purchase means an acquisition of supplies or services using simplified acquisition procedures, the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the micro-purchase threshold." class="agov-definition">micro-purchase</i> threshold, but at or below the <i data-tippy-content="Simplified acquisition threshold means $250,000, except for—(1) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2292 et seq.; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. 5122), (41 U.S.C. 1903), the term means–(i) $800,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and(ii) $1.5 million for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and(2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation (10 U.S.C. 3015), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States." class="agov-definition">simplified acquisition threshold</i>, the requirement at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_19_502_2" title="19.502-2" aria-label="19.502-2. Link 53">19.502-2</a>(a) to set aside <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> for small business <i data-tippy-content='Concern means any business entity organized for profit (even if its ownership is in the hands of a nonprofit entity) with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, material and/or labor, etc. "Concern" includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For more information, see 13 CFR 121.105.' class="agov-definition">concerns</i> does not preclude the <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> from awarding a contract to a small business under the 8(a) Program, <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i> Program, SDVOSB Program, or WOSB Program.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e37"> <span class="ph autonumber">(c)</span> <em class="ph i">Above the <i data-tippy-content="Simplified acquisition threshold means $250,000, except for—(1) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2292 et seq.; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. 5122), (41 U.S.C. 1903), the term means–(i) $800,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and(ii) $1.5 million for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and(2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation (10 U.S.C. 3015), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States." class="agov-definition">simplified acquisition threshold</i></em>. For <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> of <i data-tippy-content="Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. It includes (but is not limited to) public works, buildings, and facilities; ships, floating equipment, and vessels of every character, type, and description, together with parts and accessories; aircraft and aircraft parts, accessories, and equipment; machine tools; and the alteration or installation of any of the foregoing." class="agov-definition">supplies</i> or services that have an anticipated dollar value exceeding the <i data-tippy-content="Simplified acquisition threshold means $250,000, except for—(1) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2292 et seq.; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. 5122), (41 U.S.C. 1903), the term means–(i) $800,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and(ii) $1.5 million for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States; and(2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation (10 U.S.C. 3015), the term means $500,000 for any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States." class="agov-definition">simplified acquisition threshold</i> definition at <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-2.1#FAR_2_101" title="2.101" aria-label="2.101. Link 54">2.101</a>, the <i data-tippy-content='Contracting officer means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer. "Administrative contracting officer (ACO)" refers to a contracting officer who is administering contracts. "Termination contracting officer (TCO)" refers to a contracting officer who is settling terminated contracts. A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas. Reference in this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1) to administrative contracting officer or termination contracting officer does not-(1) Require that a duty be performed at a particular office or activity; or(2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned.' class="agov-definition">contracting officer</i> <i data-tippy-content="Shall denotes the imperative." class="agov-definition">shall</i> first consider an <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i> for the small business socioeconomic <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> programs (<em class="ph i">i.e.</em>, 8(a), <i data-tippy-content="HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, redesignated areas, governor-designated covered areas, or qualified disaster areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103." class="agov-definition">HUBZone</i>, SDVOSB, or WOSB programs) before considering a small business set-aside (see <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_19_502_2" title="19.502-2" aria-label="19.502-2. Link 53">19.502-2</a>(b)). However, if a requirement has been accepted by the SBA under the 8(a) Program, it <i data-tippy-content='Must (see "shall").' class="agov-definition">must</i> remain in the 8(a) Program unless the SBA agrees to its release in accordance with 13 CFR parts 124, 126, 127, and 128. </p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e53"> <span class="ph autonumber">(d)</span> In determining which socioeconomic program to use for an <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisition</i>, the <i data-tippy-content="Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. It does not include making grants or cooperative agreements." class="agov-definition">contracting</i> officer <i data-tippy-content="Should means an expected course of action or policy that is to be followed unless inappropriate for a particular circumstance." class="agov-definition">should</i> consider, at a minimum-</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e59"> <span class="ph autonumber">(1)</span> Results of <i data-tippy-content="Market research means collecting and analyzing information about capabilities within the market to satisfy agency needs." class="agov-definition">market research</i> that was done to determine if there are socioeconomic firms capable of satisfying the agency’s requirement; and</p> <p class=" ListL2" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e64"> <span class="ph autonumber">(2)</span> Agency progress in fulfilling its small business goals.</p> <p class=" ListL1" id="FAR_19_203__d1167e69"> <span class="ph autonumber">(e)</span> Small business set-asides have priority over <i data-tippy-content="Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract." class="agov-definition">acquisitions</i> using <i data-tippy-content="Full and open competition, when used with respect to a contract action, means that all responsible sources are permitted to compete." class="agov-definition">full and open competition</i>. See requirements for establishing a small business set-aside at subpart <a class="xref fm:ParaNumOnly" href="/far/subpart-19.5#FAR_Subpart_19_5" title="19.5" aria-label="19.5. Link 4">19.5</a>.</p> </div> </article> </article> </article> </div> <div class="nextprev"><a href="/far/19.103" class="docprevious docprevround" title="Previous" aria-label="Previous">芦 Previous</a><a href="/far/19.201" class="docnext docnextround" title="Next" aria-label="Next">Next 禄</a></div> </div> <div id="block-favoriteslinksblock" class="block block-agov-favorites block-agov-favorites-links-block"> <div id="favorites-container"><div id="favorites-header"><h4 id="favorites-heading">Favorite</h4><h4 id="favorites-close-bookmarks">X</h4></div> <div id="favorites-menu-container"></div> </div> </div> <div id="block-messagemodalblock" class="block block-agov-favorites block-agov-message-modal-block"> <div class="messages-overlay"><div id="messages-container"><div id="messages-header"></div> <div id="messages-menu-container"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="block-acquisition-gov-content" class="block block-system block-system-main-block"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div 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data-drupal-link-system-path="node/61444">11</a> </li> <li aria-label="12 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-12" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 12 - Acquisition of Commercial Products and Commercial Services" aria-label="12 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/61486">12</a> </li> <li aria-label="13 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-13" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 13 - Simplified Acquisition Procedures" aria-label="13 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/61533">13</a> </li> <li aria-label="14 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-14" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 14 - Sealed Bidding" aria-label="14 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/61588">14</a> </li> <li aria-label="15 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-15" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 15 - Contracting by Negotiation" aria-label="15 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/61675">15</a> </li> <li aria-label="16 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-16" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 16 - Types of Contracts" aria-label="16 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/61763">16</a> </li> <li aria-label="17 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-17" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 17 - Special Contracting Methods" aria-label="17 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/29766">17</a> </li> <li aria-label="18 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-18" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 18 - Emergency Acquisitions" aria-label="18 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/29818">18</a> </li> <li aria-label="19 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-19" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 19 - Small Business Programs" aria-label="19 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/29857">19</a> </li> <li aria-label="20 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-20" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 20 - Reserved" aria-label="20 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/29998">20</a> </li> <li aria-label="21 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-21" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 21 - Reserved" aria-label="21 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/29999">21</a> </li> <li aria-label="22 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-22" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 22 - Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions" aria-label="22 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30000">22</a> </li> <li aria-label="23 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-23" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 23 - Environment, Sustainable Acquisition, and Material Safety" aria-label="23 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30228">23</a> </li> <li aria-label="24 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-24" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 24 - Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information" aria-label="24 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30301">24</a> </li> <li aria-label="25 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-25" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 25 - Foreign Acquisition" aria-label="25 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30315">25</a> </li> <li aria-label="26 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-26" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 26 - Other Socioeconomic Programs" aria-label="26 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30407">26</a> </li> <li aria-label="27 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-27" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 27 - Patents, Data, and Copyrights" aria-label="27 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30438">27</a> </li> <li aria-label="28 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-28" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 28 - Bonds and Insurance" aria-label="28 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30503">28</a> </li> <li aria-label="29 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-29" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 29 - Taxes" aria-label="29 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30568">29</a> </li> <li aria-label="30 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-30" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 30 - Cost Accounting Standards Administration" aria-label="30 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30596">30</a> </li> <li aria-label="31 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-31" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 31 - Contract Cost Principles and Procedures" aria-label="31 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30633">31</a> </li> <li aria-label="32 regulations_far_menu"> <a href="/far/part-32" class="regulation-part-link" title="Part 32 - Contract Financing" aria-label="32 regulations_far_menu" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/30728">32</a> </li> 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