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class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Donald Trump-Owned Businesses Are At Least $650M In Debt, New York Times Investigation Finds">Donald Trump-Owned Businesses Are At Least $650M In Debt, New York Times Investigation Finds</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">The Times found that Trump owns 30 percent of a company now $950 million in debt. Who's owed the money? The Bank of China and Goldman Sachs.</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Todd Richissin’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Todd Richissin</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-20 18:04:30"> Aug 20, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Donald Trump-Owned Businesses Are At Least $650M In Debt, New York Times Investigation Finds”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26638691">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Across America Patch">Across America</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To US Patch">US</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article> <!-- End Featured Article --> <!-- Top Stories --> <article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Louisiana Flooding Latest: 40,000 Homes Damaged in Flood-Battered State, President Obama to Visit Tuesday"> <img src="" alt="Louisiana Flooding Latest: 40,000 Homes Damaged in Flood-Battered State, President Obama to Visit Tuesday"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Louisiana Flooding Latest: 40,000 Homes Damaged in Flood-Battered State, President Obama to Visit Tuesday">Louisiana Flooding Latest: 40,000 Homes Damaged in Flood-Battered State, President Obama to Visit Tuesday</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">Described by the Red Cross as the "worst natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy," tens of thousands of people have been impacted. </div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Feroze Dhanoa’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Feroze Dhanoa</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-20 18:03:43"> Aug 20, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Louisiana Flooding Latest: 40,000 Homes Damaged in Flood-Battered State, President Obama to Visit Tuesday”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26638602">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Across America Patch">Across America</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To US Patch">US</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article> <article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer"> <img src="" alt="Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer">Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">In 2 incidents, half a dozen Notre Dame football players found themselves in handcuffs Friday night. One was Tasered in the street. </div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Feroze Dhanoa’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Feroze Dhanoa</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-20 17:28:00"> Aug 20, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26638729">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Chicago Patch">Chicago</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To Illinois Patch">Illinois</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article> <article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Simone Biles Chosen as Team USA Flag Bearer for Rio Closing Ceremony"> <img src="" alt="Simone Biles Chosen as Team USA Flag Bearer for Rio Closing Ceremony"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Simone Biles Chosen as Team USA Flag Bearer for Rio Closing Ceremony">Simone Biles Chosen as Team USA Flag Bearer for Rio Closing Ceremony</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">The 19-year-old leaves the Olympics having made history. </div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Feroze Dhanoa’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Feroze Dhanoa</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-20 17:24:07"> Aug 20, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Simone Biles Chosen as Team USA Flag Bearer for Rio Closing Ceremony”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26638609">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Across America Patch">Across America</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To US Patch">US</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article> <article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Fisherman Hugs Live Shark After Catching It (VIDEO)"> <img src="" alt="Fisherman Hugs Live Shark After Catching It (VIDEO)"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Fisherman Hugs Live Shark After Catching It (VIDEO)">Fisherman Hugs Live Shark After Catching It (VIDEO)</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">A Maryland man who reeled in a shark embraced the animal on Instagram before releasing it back into the Atlantic Ocean.</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Elizabeth Janney’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Elizabeth Janney</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - 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Your schools are no good. You have no jobs."</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Marc Torrence’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Marc Torrence</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 23:02:18"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Donald Trump's Pitch To Black Voters: 'What The Hell Do You Have To Lose?'”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26637942">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Plymouth-Canton Patch">Plymouth-Canton</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To Michigan Patch">Michigan</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article><!-- /.article-featured --><article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Whats in a Name? Mysterious Sea Creature Named in Worldwide Contest"> <img src="" alt="Whats in a Name? Mysterious Sea Creature Named in Worldwide Contest"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Whats in a Name? Mysterious Sea Creature Named in Worldwide Contest">What's in a Name? Mysterious Sea Creature Named in Worldwide Contest</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">An international name that slug contest asked people across the globe to name this new type of Nudibranch. What would you call it? </div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Ashley Ludwig’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Ashley Ludwig</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 17:13:12"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “What's in a Name? 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in New Orleans</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">The NBA had decided to pull the game from Charlotte, North Carolina, due to the state's controversial anti-LGBT law. </div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Feroze Dhanoa’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Feroze Dhanoa</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 17:16:41"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “2017 NBA All-Star Game Will be Played in New Orleans”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26637440">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div 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class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Allen McDuffee</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 11:06:29"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's Campaign Chairman, Resigns Amid Campaign Reshuffle and Controversy”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26636654">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Across America Patch">Across America</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To US Patch">US</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article><!-- /.article-featured --><article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Donald Trump Expresses Regret; Clinton Foundation to Halt Foreign Donations with Hillary Win; Naked Donald Trump and More"> <img src="" alt="Donald Trump Expresses Regret; Clinton Foundation to Halt Foreign Donations with Hillary Win; Naked Donald Trump and More"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Donald Trump Expresses Regret; Clinton Foundation to Halt Foreign Donations with Hillary Win; Naked Donald Trump and More">Donald Trump Expresses 'Regret'; Clinton Foundation to Halt Foreign Donations with Hillary Win; Naked Donald Trump and More</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">Donald Trump expressed "regret" for some of his past words on the same day that "Naked Trump" appeared around the country, plus more news. </div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Allen McDuffee’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Allen McDuffee</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 09:57:31"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Donald Trump Expresses 'Regret'; Clinton Foundation to Halt Foreign Donations with Hillary Win; Naked Donald Trump and More”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26636407">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Across America Patch">Across America</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To US Patch">US</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article><!-- /.article-featured --><article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="What Its Like to Sculpt Trumps Naked Body Every Day for 5 Months"> <img src="" alt="What Its Like to Sculpt Trumps Naked Body Every Day for 5 Months"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="What Its Like to Sculpt Trumps Naked Body Every Day for 5 Months">What It's Like to Sculpt Trump's Naked Body Every Day for 5 Months</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">In the words of the artist.</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Sarah Kaufman’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Sarah Kaufman</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 14:11:13"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “What It's Like to Sculpt Trump's Naked Body Every Day for 5 Months”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26636172">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Gramercy-Murray Hill Patch">Gramercy-Murray Hill</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To New York Patch">New York</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article><!-- /.article-featured --><article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="NYC Parks Department Mocks Donald Trump Statues Tiny Man Parts"> <img src="" alt="NYC Parks Department Mocks Donald Trump Statues Tiny Man Parts"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="NYC Parks Department Mocks Donald Trump Statues Tiny Man Parts">NYC Parks Department Mocks Donald Trump Statue's Tiny Man Parts</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">"NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small," the department said in an official statement.</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Simone Wilson’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Simone Wilson</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 12:29:17"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span 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Super Lice At Bay As Kids Go Back To School">How To Keep 'Super Lice' At Bay As Kids Go Back To School</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">Lice resistant to over-the-counter treatment have been found in 42 states.</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Marc Torrence’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Marc Torrence</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch National Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-18 17:50:42"> Aug 18, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “How To Keep 'Super Lice' At Bay As Kids Go Back To School”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26635957">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Across America Patch">Across America</a>, <a href="" class="taxonomy-region" title="Go To US Patch">US</a> </div><!-- End Geography --> </div><!-- /.article-content --> </article><!-- /.article-featured --><article class="article featured"> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Court Ruling a Setback for Transgender Rights Movement"> <img src="" alt="Court Ruling a Setback for Transgender Rights Movement"/> </a> </div> <div class="article-content"> <header> <h3 class="article-title"> <a href="" title="Court Ruling a Setback for Transgender Rights Movement">Court Ruling a Setback for Transgender Rights Movement</a> </h3> </header> <div class="article-body">A federal judge said transgender individuals aren’t a protected class and employers can’t be forced to go against religious beliefs.</div> <!-- Metadata --> <footer class="article-meta"> <div class="via-patch-p"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> <span class="shared">By <a href="" title="View Beth Dalbey’s Profile" class="article-author"><span class="article-author-name">Beth Dalbey</span><span class="article-author-role"> (Patch Staff) - </span></a></span> <span class="stats"> <!-- Updated Date --> <span class="article-created"> <time datetime="2016-08-19 10:21:15"> Aug 19, 2016</time> </span> <!-- Comment Count --> <span class="article-comments"> <a href="" title="View Comments for “Court Ruling a Setback for Transgender Rights Movement”"> <span class="patch-mini-comment"></span><span class="disqus-comment-count" data-disqus-identifier="26635956">0</span> </a> </span> </span> </footer><!-- End Metadata --> <!-- Geography --> <div class="taxonomy taxonomy-breadcrumb"> <span class="patch-icon icon-patch-location"></span><a href="" class="taxonomy-local" title="Go To Grosse Pointe Patch">Grosse Pointe</a>, <a 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At Least $650M In Debt, New York Times Investigation Finds" category="localrecirc" trigger="lr_side_trending"> <span class="text">Donald Trump-Owned Businesses Are At Least $650M In Debt, New York Times Investigation Finds</span> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span class="li-inner"> <a href="" title="Patch's Live Back-To-School Deals Blog!" category="localrecirc" trigger="lr_side_trending"> <span class="text">Patch's Live Back-To-School Deals Blog!</span> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span class="li-inner"> <a href="" title="Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer" category="localrecirc" trigger="lr_side_trending"> <span class="text">Notre Dame Football Players Arrested: Pot, a Handgun and a Tackled Police Officer</span> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span class="li-inner"> <a href="" title="Phony 'Old' Fogey Exposed as Pimply-Faced Young Drug Trafficker: DA " category="localrecirc" trigger="lr_side_trending"> <span class="text">Phony 'Old' Fogey Exposed as Pimply-Faced Young Drug Trafficker: DA </span> </a> </span> </li> <li> <span class="li-inner"> <a href="" title="Fisherman Hugs Live Shark After Catching It (VIDEO)" category="localrecirc" trigger="lr_side_trending"> <span class="text">Fisherman Hugs Live Shark After Catching It (VIDEO)</span> </a> </span> </li> </ol><!-- .trending-item --> </div><!-- .trending-item-outer --> </div> <!-- End Trending Stories --> </section> </div> </div> <div id="block-fe-news-ticker-fe-news-ticker-sidebar" class="block block-fe-news-ticker"> <div class="content"> <section> <header class="block-title"> <span class="header"> Live on Patch </span> </header> <div id="fe-news-ticker" class="row "> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-0" nid="0"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Marlboro-Coltsneck, NJ</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Marlboro Teen Talks about Her Dad's Kidney Transplant" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Marlboro Teen Talks about Her Dad's Kidney Transplant</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Marlboro Teen Talks about Her Dad's Kidney Transplant" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Marlboro Teen Talks about Her Dad's Kidney Transplant" alt="Marlboro Teen Talks about Her Dad's Kidney Transplant" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> This Sunday, the Marlboro Township family will participate in a 5K at Brookdale Community College to promote organ donation awareness. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-1" nid="1"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Chicago, IL</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Angry, PCP-Using Brother Shoots Pregnant Sister and Kills Her Baby: Prosecutor" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Angry, PCP-Using Brother Shoots Pregnant Sister and Kills Her Baby: Prosecutor</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Angry, PCP-Using Brother Shoots Pregnant Sister and Kills Her Baby: Prosecutor" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Angry, PCP-Using Brother Shoots Pregnant Sister and Kills Her Baby: Prosecutor" alt="Angry, PCP-Using Brother Shoots Pregnant Sister and Kills Her Baby: Prosecutor" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> William Welch was mad she and her husband were trying to kick him out of their Chicago home. He's being held without bail. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-2" nid="2"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Wayne, NJ</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Dave &amp; Buster's Restaurant Coming To Wayne: Mayor" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Dave &amp; Buster's Restaurant Coming To Wayne: Mayor</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Dave &amp; Buster's Restaurant Coming To Wayne: Mayor" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Dave &amp; Buster's Restaurant Coming To Wayne: Mayor" alt="Dave &amp; Buster's Restaurant Coming To Wayne: Mayor" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Restaurant and arcade chain is expected to go on the second floor of Sears in the Willowbrook Mall. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-3" nid="3"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Lisle, IL</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Lisle Police Department Asking For Community's Help To Make It A Safe School Year" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Lisle Police Department Asking For Community's Help To Make It A Safe School Year</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Lisle Police Department Asking For Community's Help To Make It A Safe School Year" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Lisle Police Department Asking For Community's Help To Make It A Safe School Year" alt="Lisle Police Department Asking For Community's Help To Make It A Safe School Year" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Many Lisle students returned to school this week. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-4" nid="4"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Lake View, IL</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="New LED Lights Will Be Installed on Sheffield " category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">New LED Lights Will Be Installed on Sheffield </a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="New LED Lights Will Be Installed on Sheffield " category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="New LED Lights Will Be Installed on Sheffield " alt="New LED Lights Will Be Installed on Sheffield " src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Improved lighting project to take less than two weeks between Belmont and Addison. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile 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Apologizes For Role In 'International Incident' Caused By American Athletes' Antics" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Jack Conger is back in the Austin after he and others drew global ire after drunken, post-competition escapade in Rio. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-6" nid="6"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Mount Pleasant-Sturtevant, WI</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Drunk Milwaukee Man Arrested for Punching Officer at Kmart" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Drunk Milwaukee Man Arrested for Punching Officer at Kmart</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Drunk Milwaukee Man Arrested for Punching Officer at Kmart" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Drunk Milwaukee Man Arrested for Punching Officer at Kmart" alt="Drunk Milwaukee Man Arrested for Punching Officer at Kmart" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Dustin Perez was arrested after Caledonia police responded to a fight in the Kmart parking lot </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-7" nid="7"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Fremont, CA</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Fremont Road Rage Involved Gun: Police " category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Fremont Road Rage Involved Gun: Police </a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Fremont Road Rage Involved Gun: Police " category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Fremont Road Rage Involved Gun: Police " alt="Fremont Road Rage Involved Gun: Police " src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> One vehicle chased another in the area of Fremont and South Grimmer boulevards, according to police. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-8" nid="8"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Chicago, IL</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Chicago Air and Water Show 2016 Live Stream" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Chicago Air and Water Show 2016 Live Stream</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Chicago Air and Water Show 2016 Live Stream" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Chicago Air and Water Show 2016 Live Stream" alt="Chicago Air and Water Show 2016 Live Stream" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Watch the Chicago Air and Water Show via live streaming video on Sunday, starting at 10 a.m. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-9" nid="9"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Ossining-Croton-On-Hudson, NY</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Condo Fire/ All-Star Celeb Ball Game/ Hillary Clinton's Doctor Issues Statement" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Condo Fire/ All-Star Celeb Ball Game/ Hillary Clinton's Doctor Issues Statement</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Condo Fire/ All-Star Celeb Ball Game/ Hillary Clinton's Doctor Issues Statement" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Condo Fire/ All-Star Celeb Ball Game/ Hillary Clinton's Doctor Issues Statement" alt="Condo Fire/ All-Star Celeb Ball Game/ Hillary Clinton's Doctor Issues Statement" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Newsweek's 2016 list of best high schools/ drug bust at the mall/ Elks Club assault/ gas station robbery with violence: News of the Week </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-10" nid="10"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Monrovia, CA</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Man Suspected of Fatally Shooting Neighbor in Custody" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Man Suspected of Fatally Shooting Neighbor in Custody</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Man Suspected of Fatally Shooting Neighbor in Custody" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Man Suspected of Fatally Shooting Neighbor in Custody" alt="Man Suspected of Fatally Shooting Neighbor in Custody" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Witnesses told investigators that the victim and the suspect lived on the same lot in two separate residences. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-11" nid="11"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">New London, CT</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="New London Plans $1 Million Veterans Field Renovation" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">New London Plans $1 Million Veterans Field Renovation</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="New London Plans $1 Million Veterans Field Renovation" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="New London Plans $1 Million Veterans Field Renovation" alt="New London Plans $1 Million Veterans Field Renovation" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> The city is hoping to restore the field, formerly known as Morgan Park, to an improved state. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-12" nid="12"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Cleveland, OH</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Indians' Tyler Naquin Smacks Inside-the-Park Walk-Off Home Run" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Indians' Tyler Naquin Smacks Inside-the-Park Walk-Off Home Run</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Indians' Tyler Naquin Smacks Inside-the-Park Walk-Off Home Run" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Indians' Tyler Naquin Smacks Inside-the-Park Walk-Off Home Run" alt="Indians' Tyler Naquin Smacks Inside-the-Park Walk-Off Home Run" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> The Cleveland Indians won in spectacular fashion on Friday night. The Tribe is recapturing the magic. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-13" nid="13"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Bel Air, MD</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="2 Dead in Crash on Route 24: Bel Air Police" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">2 Dead in Crash on Route 24: Bel Air Police</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="2 Dead in Crash on Route 24: Bel Air Police" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="2 Dead in Crash on Route 24: Bel Air Police" alt="2 Dead in Crash on Route 24: Bel Air Police" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> A third person in the vehicle survived, police reported. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-14" nid="14"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Swampscott, MA</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Biggest Liquor Store in Northern New England Opens in NH" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Biggest Liquor Store in Northern New England Opens in NH</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Biggest Liquor Store in Northern New England Opens in NH" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Biggest Liquor Store in Northern New England Opens in NH" alt="Biggest Liquor Store in Northern New England Opens in NH" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> In case you're headed up to New Hampshire ... biggest tax-free liquor store in the region opened for business Thursday. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-15" nid="15"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Joliet, IL</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Police Find Accused Burglars Hunkered in Joliet Basement" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Police Find Accused Burglars Hunkered in Joliet Basement</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Police Find Accused Burglars Hunkered in Joliet Basement" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Police Find Accused Burglars Hunkered in Joliet Basement" alt="Police Find Accused Burglars Hunkered in Joliet Basement" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Joliet police say two young men broke into a local home early Friday morning. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-16" nid="16"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">New York City, NY</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="7 Manhattan Stories you May Have Missed Last Week" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">7 Manhattan Stories you May Have Missed Last Week</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="7 Manhattan Stories you May Have Missed Last Week" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="7 Manhattan Stories you May Have Missed Last Week" alt="7 Manhattan Stories you May Have Missed Last Week" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> For Aug. 13. — Aug. 20 </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-17" nid="17"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Royal Oak, MI</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="Free Senior Day Coming Up at the Detroit Zoo" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">Free Senior Day Coming Up at the Detroit Zoo</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="Free Senior Day Coming Up at the Detroit Zoo" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="Free Senior Day Coming Up at the Detroit Zoo" alt="Free Senior Day Coming Up at the Detroit Zoo" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> Seniors citizens will have a chance to see the Detroit Zoo's newest senior resident, Tundra, and all the other animals and attractions. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-18" nid="18"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Monroe, CT</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="2-Week Paving Project To Impact Monroe Traffic" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">2-Week Paving Project To Impact Monroe Traffic</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="2-Week Paving Project To Impact Monroe Traffic" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="2-Week Paving Project To Impact Monroe Traffic" alt="2-Week Paving Project To Impact Monroe Traffic" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> The Town of Monroe is announcing potential traffic delays due to area road work over the next two weeks. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> <!-- Article Tiles --> <div class=" ticker-article " id="article-19" nid="19"> <article class="article tile micro"> <header> <div class="location-abbrev"> <a href="/web/20160821005833/">Pasadena, TX</a> </div> <div class="article-title ticker-normal"> <a href="" title="New Details About South Houston Bingo Hall Raid" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker">New Details About South Houston Bingo Hall Raid</a> </div> </header> <div class="article-image"> <a href="" title="New Details About South Houston Bingo Hall Raid" category="localrecirc" trigger="side_ticker"><img class="recirc-sidebar-image" title="New Details About South Houston Bingo Hall Raid" alt="New Details About South Houston Bingo Hall Raid" src=""></a> </div> <div class="article-body"> New details emerge about South Houston bingo hall raid. </div> </article> <!-- End Article Tile --> </div><!-- End Tile Outer --> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </aside> <!-- /#sidebar --> </div> <!-- /.content-wrapper --> </div> <!-- /.content-main-container-border --> <div id="footer"> <div class="region region-footer"> <div id="block-client-footer-client-footer" class="block block-client-footer"> <div class="content"> <div class="footer-container"> <div 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