News and Press releases – BayWa r.e.

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Solar Trade sells more than 10 GW of modules and inverters in 2023.","introText":"Photovoltaic (PV) distributor BayWa r.e. Solar Trade has sold more than 10 GW of modules and inverters combined in 2023 and significantly strengthened its global presence. Despite the challenging market conditions experienced globally, the wholesaler notably increased the sales volume of all its major product categories \u2013 not only modules and inverters, but also storage systems, wall boxes and mounting systems, in particular its own brand novotegra.","newsText":"<p>In a complex market environment impacted by high interest rates, high inventories and especially an oversupply of modules, as well as rapidly falling module prices, BayWa&nbsp;r.e. Solar Trade achieved continued growth, exceeding the 10 GW mark for the first time in its history and developing its global network.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Investment in new markets<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>During 2023, a key focus was on the expansion to new markets. The wholesaler continued to expand in Europe with market entries in Greece and Latvia, but also in South America in Brazil and Colombia, thereby strengthening its leading position in the international solar distribution market. In addition, BayWa&nbsp;r.e. Solar Trade further increased its warehouse capacities and opened new sales offices in Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Estonia and Lithuania.<\/p>\r\n<p>Relying on its vast network of more than 20 distribution companies across the globe, the wholesaler successfully navigated through the turbulence of the 2023 market.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Consolidation in 2024<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>This year, consolidation and efficiency will be high on the agenda within a market environment that is expected to remain complex. However, stabilizing module prices and the growing demand for renewable electricity present favorable opportunities for the solar distribution market. Additionally, electromobility and storage products, as well as the associated demand for self-sufficiency, are becoming increasingly important, especially in the commercial business segments. &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Within this context of consolidation, a major focus for BayWa&nbsp;r.e. Solar Trade this year will be to further drive digitalization.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Digitalization as a key focus<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa&nbsp;r.e. Solar Trade is committed to crafting the best digital experiences for its customers. Full system configurations via the Solar Trade planning tool Solar-Planit have already been implemented. In order to bring customer service and logistics to the next level, the wholesaler will enhance data analysis from the entire customer journey, while a newly implemented S&amp;OP (Sales and Operation Planning) software will lead to advanced forecasting in 2024.<\/p>\r\n<p>Frank Jessel, CEO of BayWa&nbsp;r.e. Solar Trade commented:&nbsp;<em>\u201cLast year was challenging, but with our commitment and strategic focus we were able to reach the 10 GW milestone in module and inverter sales, which is a great result. This year, we will continue to drive success by further unlocking our digital potential and improving our customer journey, particularly in e-commerce, where we have recorded more than a 53% increase in sales last year. The whole Solar Trade team, whose dedication is exceptional, looks forward to continuing to thrive in 2024 and beyond.\"<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/News\/Solar_Trade_headquarters_Tuebingen_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2024-03-06 14:29:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2024-03-06 12:11:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2024-09-06 12:11:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":false,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/solar-trade-sells-over-10-gw-of-modules-and-inverters","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/solar-trade-sells-over-10-gw-of-modules-and-inverters"}}],[{"uid":3518,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade expands headquarters","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade expands headquarters with sustainable new premises and the city\u2019s largest PV system.","introText":"Photovoltaic (PV) distributor BayWa r.e. Solar Trade is expanding its T\u00fcbingen headquarters with two new buildings. Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg's member of the state parliament, Daniel Lede Abal, T\u00fcbingen\u2019s mayor Boris Palmer, and TV presenter Claudia Kleinert were there for the opening ceremony. Joining them were G\u00fcnter Haug, Frank Jessel and Alexander Sch\u00fctt of BayWa r.e.","newsText":"<p>These new buildings provide office, logistics, and warehousing space at the T\u00fcbingen site. Around 100 new office workstations are now powering the company's strong growth. The expansion, fuelled by \u20ac20 millions of investment, exemplifies the super-sustainable Plus Energy construction standard.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Climate-friendly buildings<\/strong><br> Created primarily from glass and wood, 2,500m2 of state-of-the-art office buildings now sit alongside 11,000m2 of warehouse and logistics space.<\/p>\r\n<p>On the roof and fa\u00e7ade of the warehouse, solar panels were installed with a capacity of 1.3 MWp. Generating 1.3 million kWh per year, this is the largest PV installation in T\u00fcbingen. Almost twice as much electricity is produced on the new buildings than is consumed.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>The rooftop PV system supplies electricity for electric forklift trucks, and wall boxes for charging employee\u2019s electric cars and e-bikes. It also powers the building\u2019s day-to-day energy needs, heating, and air conditioning through heating and cooling ceilings. The concept is supported by six industrial heat pumps and a modern solar storage system with a capacity of 1 MWh.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Comments on the expansion<\/strong><br> Claudia Kleinert, TV presenter and climate expert, comments: <em>\"The new building shows that sustainable engagement is possible in every area, especially in real estate construction. Only in this way can we reduce our emissions and actively fight climate change. T\u00fcbingen is an ideal example of what future construction projects of this kind can look like throughout Germany.\"<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\"The success of the energy transition is reflected in the rapid growth of BayWa r.e. Solar Trade in T\u00fcbingen,\"<\/em> says Frank Jessel, Global Director Solar Trade at BayWa r.e. <em>\"Our colleagues have done a great job in recent years and are the reason why the site is thriving and expanding. However, we stay true to our sustainability philosophy and make sure that the increased warehouse and office capacity does not come at the expense of the environment.\"<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Boris Palmer, Mayor of T\u00fcbingen, on the new buildings: <em>\"The inauguration of BayWa r.e.'s new building is in line with T\u00fcbingen's goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2030. The sustainable construction of the offices and warehouses benefits both energy efficiency and climate protection and thus serves as a model for future properties. This is in large part due to their modern PV roof systems, which clearly emphasize T\u00fcbingen's commitment to the fight against climate change.\"<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Strategic realignment<\/strong><br> In March this year, BayWa r.e. announced the sale of its Solar Trade business for the purpose of a strategic realignment. For Solar Trade, the sale will help realise the huge growth opportunities for the company in EMEA, APAC and AMER. It also presents the opportunity to increase annual sales of solar modules and inverters to more than 10 gigawatts.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Around 300 new jobs in the region since 2020<\/strong><br> As a fast-growing employer in T\u00fcbingen, BayWa r.e. Solar Trade is always looking for motivated employees. As the PV industry continues to grow, new jobs are constantly being created. BayWa r.e. Solar Trade offers exciting opportunities for renewable energy specialists, or people looking to join from other sectors.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/News\/DJI_Neubau_skaliert_Website_komprimiert.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-09-25 09:03:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-09-25 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2024-09-24 09:51:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":false,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-expands-headquarters","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-expands-headquarters"}}],[{"uid":3500,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade marks Brazilian Market Entry","teaserText":"In the weeks ahead, BayWa r.e. Solar Trade and Ribeiro Solar will finalize the acquisition process.","introText":"In the weeks ahead, BayWa r.e. Solar Trade and Ribeiro Solar will finalize the acquisition process, launching solar product distribution for Brazilian solar installers through BayWa r.e. Solar Trade.","newsText":"<p>Today, BayWa r.e. Solar Trade announced the signing of an agreement to acquire Ribeiro Solar, a solar distribution company operating exclusively in Brazil. This strategic move solidifies BayWa r.e. Solar Trade's foothold in the Brazilian solar energy market, strengthening its international solar distribution presence.<br> <br> With a shared commitment to clean energy and empowering solar installers, BayWa r.e. Solar Trade and Ribeiro Solar are strategically aligning their expertise to drive the adoption of clean energy solutions. By leveraging Ribeiro Solar's deep market knowledge and extensive installer network within the Brazilian solar industry, alongside BayWa r.e.'s global solar distribution capabilities, the collaboration aims to support solar installers with high-quality products, comprehensive training, and a strong service record. This integration combines Ribeiro Solar's established presence and expertise with BayWa r.e. Solar Trade's track record of serving over 17,000 solar contractor customers worldwide.<br> <br> Ribeiro Solar is headquartered in greater Curitiba in the south of Paran\u00e1 with warehouse distribution hubs in Paran\u00e1, Rio Grande do Sul and Pernambuco, allowing for efficient storage, inventory management, and timely delivery of solar products to customers across Brazil. BayWa r.e.\u2019s global supply chain reach will enable Ribeiro Solar to benefit from global scale while continuing to provide best in class support to installers in Brazil.<br> <br> <strong><em>\u201c<\/em><\/strong><em>The expansion of BayWa r.e. into the Brazilian market compliments the company\u2019s continued international growth,\u201d <\/em>said Frank Jessel, Global Director of Solar Trade at BayWa r.e. <em>\u201c<\/em><em>Ribeiro Solar's <\/em><em>deep-rooted expertise and strong market presence will be instrumental in driving our success in Brazil, and we look forward to combining our strengths to accelerate the adoption of solar energy across the country.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> <em>\"We are very grateful for this opportunity to be a part of the BayWa r.e. team, a respected global player in the solar market. This partnership reflects our shared commitment to growth, innovation, and technical excellence, which in turn will benefit our valued clients. Together, we will make a greater impact in the renewable energy market, delivering enhanced value and sustainable&nbsp;solutions,\"<\/em> said Liciany Ribeiro, CEO of Ribeiro Solar.<br> <br> As one of the world's largest distributors of solar components, BayWa r.e. Solar Trade has a strong track record of delivering high-quality products and services to its customers. Building on its international presence in more than 30 countries, the company provides integrated solutions to installers and technical companies for residential, commercial, and industrial-scale PV projects.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._Solar_Trade_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-08-29 10:40:12","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-08-29 11:52:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2027-08-31 11:52:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[{"uid":3102,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Expands Solar Trade Business to Serve Malaysia","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. has announced the expansion of its Solar Distribution business into Malaysia at the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia 2022 (iGEM 2022).","introText":"BayWa r.e. has announced the expansion of its Solar Distribution business into Malaysia at the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia 2022 (iGEM 2022). This will enable further growth of renewable energy in the country, in line with BayWa r.e\u2019s own goal to make solar energy more readily available throughout Southeast Asia.","newsText":"<p>BayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business provides top-tier and high-quality solar components such as PV modules, mounting systems, energy storage solutions, and monitoring management systems supporting the growth of various solar players.<\/p>\r\n<p>Mr. Niranpal Singh, Managing Director, BayWa r.e. Malaysia said, <em>\u201cBayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business is integral to the growth of the residential, commercial, industrial, and utility solar segments. This business is a cog in the wheel of facilitating the mission of making renewable energy accessible for customers and society. As we expand our footprint into Malaysia, we are looking to make high-quality solar equipment more accessible to the Malaysian market, while expanding and upgrading market requirements. Our goal is to reach homeowners and companies in every corner of Malaysia, to reduce their energy bills and encourage the public to explore a carbon-free energy solution.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e.\u2019s customers will also have access to BayWa r.e\u2019s expert help, support, and advice, garnered from more than 25 years of experience in the solar market.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business expansion in Malaysia comes in the wake of the 2021 announcement by the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/mida-news\/malaysia-aims-31-re-capacity-by-2025\/\">Malaysian Investment Development Authority<\/a> (MIDA), of its plans to increase the share of renewable energy in installed capacity to 31% in 2025 and 40% in 2035. BayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business launch ties in with this goal, providing top-tier solar equipment and global expertise and capabilities to the masses in Malaysia.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Commenting on the launch, Mr. Junrhey Castro, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. Solar Systems Corporation said, <em>\u201cWithin the APAC region, the BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution business spans across Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and now, Malaysia. We are a one-stop shop, offering end-to-end solar equipment solutions, fully operational with logistics and supply chain management, and stocked warehouses. Our global footprint is unique to this region, with combined expertise from 20 countries and more than 1,000 employees servicing over 15,000 customers across Europe, America, Asia, and Oceania. We further plan to expand to other countries to serve more customers, enabling them to make a change for a sustainable future.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. has been helping accelerate the growth of Malaysia\u2019s renewable energy goals since 2016, when it successfully sold two solar farms in Malaysia to a local renewable energy-focused independent power producer, reNIKOLA Sdn Bhd. The first project is a 5.2 MWp development at Arau located on the university campus in Perlis, while the second project is the 39 MWp Gebeng solar park in Pahang.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the APAC region, BayWa r.e. was named the \u201cSolar Company of the Year\u201d at SolarQuarter\u2019s Annual Philippines Solar Week for two years running in 2021 and 2022. The company also recently closed the sale of a floating photovoltaic farm in Thailand. Globally, BayWa r.e. announced the opening of the Pinos Puente (Illora) PV park near Granada in Southern Spain.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._Solar_Trade_Malaysia_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-10-12 14:54:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-10-12 17:54:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-04-12 17:54:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1185,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Salim","lastname":"Pathan","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Asia\/Salim_Pathan_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1578,"areaOfResponsibility":"PR contact APAC","phoneCountryCode":"+66","phonePrefix":"2","phoneNumber":"097","phoneExtension":"1926","fullPhoneNumber":"+66 2 097 1926","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-expands-solar-trade-business-to-serve-malaysia","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-expands-solar-trade-business-to-serve-malaysia"}},{"uid":3239,"headline":"BayWa r.e. enters Baltic market","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. expands its growth strategy for its leading solar distribution business throughout the Baltics.","introText":"BayWa r.e. has announced the acquisition of Riga-based PV wholesaler ProElektro to kickstart its growth strategy for its leading solar distribution business throughout the Baltics, and to expand its successful presence in Eastern Europe.","newsText":"<p>Additional solar distribution sales offices in the neighbouring countries of Estonia and Lithuania are expected to follow, further establishing the company\u2019s wholesale business presence in the region. ProElektro\u2019s team of highly skilled employees will continue their work for BayWa r.e., with their warehouse and offices serving as a hub for future expansion projects.<br> <br> Founded in 2011, ProElektro is a wholesaler of PV modules, inverters, and other electrical components. The company primarily delivers to rooftop installers and C&amp;I customers in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania with more than a decade of experience in electrical distribution and established supplier relationships. Girts Pekal, managing director of ProElektro, will remain in his position and will be in charge of the BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution business in the Baltics.<br> <br> Girts Pekal said about the deal: <em>\u201cMy colleagues and I are excited to be part of BayWa r.e.\u2019s expansion into the Baltics and to leverage their international expertise. Our customers will benefit from an extended product portfolio with a wide range of quality components as well as improved product availability and logistics. We attach particular importance on high service quality and the satisfaction of our customers, which is perfectly aligned with BayWa r.e.\u2019s values. This collaboration will make a considerable positive impact on the Baltic region\u2019s PV market landscape and significantly accelerate its growth.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> BayWa r.e. will continue to serve ProElektro\u2019s customers with the same local experts as before and their customary high level of technical support.<br> <br> Alexander Sch\u00fctt, Regional Director at BayWa r.e. Solar Trade, commented: <em>\u201cThe acquisition of an experienced company like ProElektro strengthens the leading role of BayWa r.e. in the European solar distribution market and<\/em> <em>advances our ambitions in Eastern Europe. We regard the Baltics as a region with huge untapped potential \u2013 the PV market in Latvia for example is expected to grow by more than 30% per year. Apart from supporting the countries with their climate goals, we also aim at creating more jobs in this growing industry.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> Signing of the transaction took place in December 2022, its closing in February 2023. In addition to its existing offices in Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, BayWa r.e. is planning to open wholesale facilities in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia, further driving forward the energy transition throughout Europe.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/Baywa-re_solid-power_1920x1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-02-09 17:08:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-02-09 10:45:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2030-02-28 10:45:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market"}},{"uid":3322,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade enters Greek market","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. has been actively present in the country since 2013 with the development of renewable energy projects as well as O&M services.","introText":"BayWa r.e. announced the expansion of its solar distribution business to Greece. The company has been actively present in the country since 2013 with the development of renewable energy projects as well as O&M services. Greece has some of the most ambitious climate targets in Europe: by 2030, at least 70% of its consumed electricity is to come from renewable sources. With a current pipeline of more than 1.6 GW in wind and solar projects, BayWa r.e. already contributes significantly to these goals.","newsText":"<p>After being highly active in Italy and Spain in recent years, BayWa r.e. continues to develop its operations in Southern Europe. The new Solar Trade entity in Athens will complement the existing ones for Services and Projects and add to the ongoing expansion of BayWa r.e.\u2019s solar distribution business. BayWa r.e. Solar Trade announced earlier this year that it also increases its activities in Austria and Latvia.&nbsp;<br> <br> Alexander Sch\u00fctt, Regional Director at BayWa r.e. Solar Trade:<em> \u201cIn this decade that matters, BayWa r.e. sees significant potential in Greece playing a leading role in the development of renewable energy sources in Europe, accelerating the renewables transition. We already established close cooperations with Greek energy companies and are looking forward to further strengthen our presence in the market with our committed solar distribution team in Athens.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> As one of the world's largest wholesalers of solar components, BayWa r.e. has a strong track record of delivering high-quality products and services to its customers. Building on more than 30 years of business experience and with more than 16,000 partners internationally, the company provides integrated solutions to installers and technical companies for residential, commercial, and industrial-scale PV projects.<br> <br> Haris Christidis, Managing Director of the newly established BayWa r.e. Solar Systems Single Member S.A., said: <em>\u201cBeside commercial and industrial applications, we want to focus on the highly promising market of residential systems in Greece. This market is expected to boom due to the newly launched governmental subsidy program for residential roofs combined with storage systems. Through central frame agreements with the world's leading PV manufacturers, we provide our partners in Greece direct access to the strongest brands on the most competitive terms while simultaneously increasing the resilience of the local solar supply chain.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> <strong>Notes to the editor<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. recently announced that the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/baywa-group-to-sell-business-entity-solar-trade\" target=\"_blank\">BayWa Group plans to sell its solar distribution business<\/a> to focus on the international project business and further expansion as an independent power producer (IPP). The sale supports the goal to triple the volume of the projects business by 2026 and grow the IPP portfolio to 3 GW.<br> <br> For Solar Trade, the anticipated deal will help to realise huge growth opportunities in core European markets, APAC and the Americas, and to reach double-digit GW sales of modules and inverters.&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._roof-top_solar_in_Greece_website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-03-28 09:16:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-03-28 09:29:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2027-03-31 09:29:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-enters-greek-market","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-enters-greek-market"}}],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-marks-brazilian-market-entry","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-marks-brazilian-market-entry"}}],[{"uid":3478,"headline":"BayWa Group remains on course in first half of year","teaserText":"BayWa Group remains on course in first half of year \u2013 Board of Management confirms 2023 EBIT target.","introText":"Company continues to forecast earnings of between \u20ac320 million and \u20ac370 million in the financial year 2023.","newsText":"<p>Thanks to a generally strong first half of 2023, the BayWa Group remains on course. In the first six months of the year, the company generated earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of \u20ac186.9 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac328.5 million). Revenues in the reporting period were nearly on a par with the previous year at \u20ac12.6 billion (H1\/2022: \u20ac12.9 billion). The BayWa Board of Management has confirmed its target for the current financial year and continues to anticipate EBIT of between \u20ac320 million and \u20ac370 million in 2023.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u201cAfter an exceptional 2022, our business is performing in line with our expectations in most cases,\u201d says BayWa Chief Executive Officer Marcus P\u00f6llinger. \u201cPrices of raw materials, agricultural inputs and building materials have stabilised at a lower level, which is being reflected in our trading margins and therefore our earnings.\u201d P\u00f6llinger believes that the second half of the year will remain challenging: \u201cEven we, as a provider of the basics, cannot completely escape the market conditions, which are difficult in part. Rising interest rates and high inflation are thwarting investment and purchasing power. That being said, the fundamentals haven\u2019t changed. Global food security, expansion of Renewable Energies, creating affordable housing and renovating buildings to be energy efficient remain key political and social issues. These are precisely the areas in which BayWa enjoys a broad and international presence, and is therefore resilient against the complex market conditions that we are currently seeing.\u201d<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Renewable Energies and Agricultural Equipment the key drivers of earnings<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>High demand and positive trade opportunities made the Renewable Energies and Agricultural Equipment Segments some of the main driving forces behind earnings development in the first half of the year. Domestic and international trading in agricultural products benefited from volatility on global grain exchanges, with prices at a lower level compared to the previous year. Sales of agricultural inputs declined year on year, as did the Energy Segment\u2019s business involving fuels and lubricants, which are regarded as leading indicators of global economic development. The Global Produce Segment benefited from more stable prices in German apple business, with higher prices once again possible since March following promotional pricing by food retailers and strong apple sales. On the other hand, meagre interest in premium products among consumers had an adverse impact on earnings, while extreme weather and its consequences continued dampening earnings in international fruit trading. Although business involving BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH is going according to plan, while the dramatic decline in investment in residential construction is reflected in the demand for building materials. As a result, EBIT in the Building Materials Segment fell dramatically year on year. The business division has taken immediate countermeasures, focusing sales on building renovation.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Individual segment performance<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Renewable Energies Segment<\/strong><br> The Renewable Energies Segment recorded revenues of \u20ac3.0 billion in the first six months of the year (H1\/2022: \u20ac2.7 billion). EBIT amounted to \u20ac98.4 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac85.0 million). Solar trade and electricity income were the main contributing factors to this solid result, alongside the sale of projects with a total output of 120 megawatts (MW). BayWa believes that this performance will continue in the second half of the year. It plans to sell wind and solar projects with a total output of 500 MW before the end of the year. At the same time, the independent power producer (IPP) portfolio is set to grow by a further 200 MW to 1 gigawatt (GW).<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Energy Segment<\/strong><br> Revenues in the Energy Segment came to \u20ac1.3 billion in the reporting period (H1\/2022: \u20ac1.5 billion). EBIT declined as expected and stood at \u20ac9.3 million after six months (H1\/2022: \u20ac20.6 million). The mild winter, sparing use of energy and high levels of stockpiling among consumers pushed down on earnings. BayWa sold a greater quantity of wood pellets year on year but at much lower prices compared to the previous year. Lubricant business, which is closely linked to overall economic development, dipped by 15% year on year. By contrast, the expansion of the network of liquefied natural gas (LNG) filling stations and e-mobility charging infrastructure continues unabated. In view of the upcoming heating period, the company anticipates heightened demand for heat energy carriers in the second half of the year. This business area should also be bolstered by the increased CO2 levy on fossil fuels, which is set to take effect on 1 January 2024. Based on a slight recovery in the global economy, BayWa also expects lubricants business to improve.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cefetra Group Segment<\/strong><br> With revenues of \u20ac2.7 billion (H1\/2022: \u20ac3.1 billion) and EBIT of \u20ac30.3 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac36.6 million), the Cefetra Group recorded above-average business performance compared to previous years. Earnings were achieved by making successful use of grain trade opportunities and maintaining specialities business at a stable level. After the expiry of the grain agreement between Russia and Ukraine and Russia\u2019s attack on Ukrainian agricultural infrastructure, the situation on international agricultural markets is set to remain tense moving forward. While grain markets continue to suffer increased volatility as a result, the specialities business is proving to be resilient to crisis, with BayWa expecting further growth in this area.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment<\/strong><br> The Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment generated revenues of \u20ac2.8 billion in the first half of 2023 (H1\/2022: \u20ac3.0 billion). EBIT stood at \u20ac39.8 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac134.2 million) and was therefore above the long-term average. BayWa settled grain contracts in domestic agricultural trade activities at robust prices but saw its agricultural input business decline sharply. Fertilizer sales in particular were markedly different to the first half of 2022, with the market well supplied with products and demand among farmers subdued despite falling prices. BayWa expects there to be no change in this situation for the time being.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agricultural Equipment Segment<\/strong><br> The Agricultural Equipment Segment achieved new records, posting revenues of \u20ac1.2 billion (H1\/2022: \u20ac1.0 billion) and EBIT of \u20ac43.9 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac35.1 million). BayWa sold more 6.6% more new machines in the first half of 2023 than it did in the same period of the previous year. Capacity in service and spare parts business is being well utilised. BayWa expects the Agricultural Equipment Segment to maintain its positive performance in the second half of the year. Once order backlogs from the previous year have been cleared, demand for agricultural equipment will normalise again in the coming months.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Global Produce Segment<\/strong><br> The Global Produce Segment generated revenues of \u20ac518.1 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac458.8 million) despite difficult underlying conditions. EBIT amounted to minus \u20ac2.1 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac16.4 million) in the reporting period. Severe Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle, which inundated New Zealand in February, destroyed parts of this year\u2019s apple harvest. As a result, 40% fewer products were available for export. Shortages in supply led to rising prices. In German apple business, excess quantities have been sold off and prices have stabilised again. However, consumers still remain reticent when it comes to premium products, particularly exotic fruits. BayWa expects the Global Produce Segment to generate positive full-year earnings in 2023, albeit at a lower level than in the previous year. This forecast is based on expectations of rising demand in Asia and the upcoming Christmas business, when sales of exotic fruits traditionally increase.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Building Materials Segment<\/strong><br> The performance of the Building Materials Segment is a reflection of the overall situation in the construction sector. The segment generated revenues of \u20ac978.8 million in the first half of the year (H1\/2022: \u20ac1.2 billion) as well as EBIT of \u20ac0.7 million (H1\/2022: \u20ac43.5 million). Commercial and infrastructure construction benefited from an increase in investment, whereas domestic residential construction collapsed under the pressure of high interest rates and a decrease in lending. This trend is affecting structural engineering and roofing the most. The business division has taken immediate countermeasures, focusing sales on building renovation. Four to six strategically non-relevant locations will also be subject to review with regard to their efficiency, with the possibility of closure or sale. BayWa believes that this lean spell will not last for long, as demand for housing and the energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings remains unbroken. This can also be seen in the expectations regarding BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH\u2019s earnings contribution. It remains unaffected by the weak development of the residential construction market and will achieve its targets this year. All in all, BayWa believes that the Building Materials Segment will generate earnings growth in the second half of the year.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_AG_Standort_15__1__skaliert.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-08-03 10:04:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-08-03 10:38:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2024-02-03 10:38:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-group-remains-on-course-in-first-half-of-year","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-group-remains-on-course-in-first-half-of-year"}}],[{"uid":3469,"headline":"Daniel G\u00e4fke to join Group Management Board of BayWa r.e.","teaserText":"Currently Director of Projects APAC, Daniel will join CEO Matthias Taft, CFO Mihaela Seidl and COO G\u00fcnter Haug on the Board.","introText":"BayWa r.e. is appointing Daniel G\u00e4fke to its Group Management Board as the business continues to focus on the expansion of its global Wind and Solar Projects business. Currently Director of Projects APAC, Daniel will join CEO Matthias Taft, CFO Mihaela Seidl and COO G\u00fcnter Haug on the Board.","newsText":"<p>As the global renewable energy transition continues to accelerate, BayWa r.e. has set the goal of tripling the capacity of current wind and solar development by 2026 and building its Independent Power Producer (IPP) portfolio to 3 gigawatts (GW).<br> <br> In support of realising these goals, Daniel will take responsibility for BayWa r.e.\u2019s onshore Wind and Solar Projects businesses. He will also take responsibility for the company\u2019s Energy Solutions business, which is helping corporations in their own energy transition.&nbsp;<br> <br> Daniel joined BayWa r.e. in 2016 as Director of Projects APAC and has overseen BayWa r.e.\u2019s successful growth throughout the APAC region, including market entries and expansion throughout Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan and Australia.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br> <br> <em>\u201cBayWa r.e. has seen incredible growth, and it has been amazing to be part of our global success story. With the speed the renewable transition is progressing, our potential future growth is huge. This is all about securing a sustainable future and I\u2019m extremely motivated to be working with my fellow Board members to drive forward the energy transition\u201d, <\/em>comments Daniel G\u00e4fke, Director of Projects APAC, BayWa r.e. AG.<br> <br> Daniel will formally join the Board from 1<sup>st<\/sup> November 2023, and will focus on BayWa r.e.\u2019s EMEA and APAC Projects businesses. The US Projects business will continue to be steered by CEO Matthias Taft, as part of ambitious growth plans for the US and wider region. Taft will also continue to take responsibility for BayWa r.e.\u2019s growing offshore wind business as it builds on recent successes and further establishes itself in the market.&nbsp;<br> <br> <em>\u201cWe have set the goal of tripling the capacity of current global wind and solar projects we develop by 2026 and building our IPP portfolio to 3GW. Daniel\u2019s appointment to the <\/em><em>Board <\/em><em>reflects his <\/em><em>extensive market experience and expertise, which will further help to ensure these goals are realised\u201d,<\/em> adds Matthias Taft, CEO, BayWa r.e. AG.<br> <br> <em>\u201cThere can be no doubt that the impacts of climate change are being felt globally and while the renewable transition is moving at pace, it must move faster. This is a cause all of us at BayWa r.e. are deeply committed to and I\u2019m extremely proud of the business we have built and driven by the mission ahead of us.\u201d<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._DanielGaefke_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-07-31 10:26:59","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-07-31 10:37:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2027-07-29 10:37:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":["error: is missing"],"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[{"uid":3277,"headline":"BayWa Group to sell business entity Solar Trade","teaserText":"Following strategic realignment, BayWa r.e. AG will focus on international project business and further expansion as an independent power producer (IPP) going forward.","introText":"The BayWa Group plans to sell Solar Trade, an international solar trading business that is part of BayWa r.e. AG. The decision is the result of a strategic realignment of BayWa r.e. AG, which will focus on the international project business and further expansion as an independent power producer (IPP) going forward. The goal is to use the proceeds of the sale to finance a tripling of the volume of its current project business by 2026 and to enlarge the IPP portfolio to 3 gigawatts (GW). The sale will also make it possible to reallocate the invested capital.","newsText":"<p>In addition, the sale will provide Solar Trade with the opportunity to continue its success story together through a potential buyer. BayWa r.e.\u2019s solar trading business is an established market leader, with a worldwide presence comprising a global network of more than 20 distribution companies and over 1,400 employees. The global transition to renewable energy is creating huge growth opportunities in core European markets, and expansion in the APAC and Americas regions. Solar Trade has the potential to increase annual sales of solar modules and inverters to over 10 GW.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cA strong buyer will give us the chance to write the next chapter in the Group\u2019s exceptional success story that started in 2008,\u201d<\/em> says Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa AG and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BayWa r.e. AG. <em>\u201cToday, we play a key role in setting the pace for the transition to renewable energy sources. More than half of our consolidated earnings are generated with renewable energies.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cBayWa r.e. has achieved astonishing growth in its efforts to drive forward the global energy transition,\u201d <\/em>says Matthias Taft, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa r.e. AG. \u201c<em>We owe this success to the dedication and passion of our employees. Now is the right time to set this strategic course for the future, which will enable BayWa r.e. and Solar Trade to focus even more closely on pursuing this objective.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThere will be a huge demand for more renewable energies in the future, which means enormous potential for the players in this market,\u201d <\/em>says Roland D\u00f6rig, co-founder and Managing Partner of Energy Infrastructure Partners (EIP) AG. <em>\u201cThe high degree of momentum in the market in recent years, combined with Solar Trade\u2019s success and position as a market leader, should make this an extremely attractive prospect for potential buyers.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The combined effects of the global climate and energy crises are accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources even further. According to projections, more electricity will be generated from renewable energy sources in the next five years than in the past 20 years altogether.\u202fThis acceleration is creating a highly dynamic market environment.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/SolarTrade_image_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-03-01 09:54:32.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-03-01 12:18:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-09-01 12:18:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-group-to-sell-business-entity-solar-trade","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-group-to-sell-business-entity-solar-trade"}},{"uid":3378,"headline":"BayWa r.e. appoints Dr. Mihaela Seidl as CFO","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. announces the appointment of Dr. Mihaela Seidl as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Member of the Management Board.","introText":"BayWa r.e. announces the appointment of Dr. Mihaela Seidl as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Member of the Management Board.","newsText":"<p>Mihaela has more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership roles in multiple critical infrastructure industries including Energy, IT and Healthcare. She has held executive and supervisory board positions and has a proven track record with expertise in capital markets, strategy and transformation, auditing, financing, and M&amp;A.<\/p>\r\n<p>Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e. AG, commented: <em>\"BayWa r.e. has seen incredible global growth, but the coming years promise to be even more transformative for our business. We aim to triple the capacity of the projects we develop by 2026 and grow our Independent Power Producer (IPP) portfolio to 3 GW by 2028. Mihaela\u2019s extensive experience will prove invaluable on this journey, and it is great to welcome her to the BayWa r.e. family.\u201d &nbsp; &nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Before joining BayWa r.e., Mihaela worked as CFO and Managing Director at ESG Group. Prior to that, she was at General Electric for 15 years where she held multiple senior leadership positions, most recently as CFO of the Distributed Power Business.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThe global renewable energy industry is evolving at pace, but if climate goals are to be achieved, the rate of renewable deployment must significantly increase\u201d,<\/em> Dr. Mihaela Seidl adds. <em>\u201cI\u2019m excited to become part of the global success story that is BayWa r.e. and looking forward to working with BayWa r.e.\u2019s many committed and passionate people, and supporting our company in unlocking its further huge growth potential.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>2022 was another <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/record-result-2022-baywa-ag-underscores-profitable-growth\" target=\"_blank\">record year for BayWa r.e.<\/a> with an increase in revenues to \u20ac 6.5 billion and EBIT growth to \u20ac 230.2 million. The company developed and sold wind and solar projects with a total output of 764,5 MW. Moreover, BayWa r.e. expanded its global portfolio as an IPP to 30 wind and solar parks with a capacity of around 930 MW. The goal is to triple the volume of the current project business by 2026 and to enlarge the IPP portfolio to 3 GW by 2028.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._CFO_Dr._Mihaela_Seidl_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-05-23 12:33:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-05-23 11:40:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-11-23 11:40:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-appoints-dr-mihaela-seidl-as-cfo","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-appoints-dr-mihaela-seidl-as-cfo"}}],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/daniel-gaefke-to-join-group-management-board-of-baywa-re","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/daniel-gaefke-to-join-group-management-board-of-baywa-re"}}],[{"uid":3388,"headline":"New appointments announced for BayWa r.e. Solar Trade","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade has announced three new appointments this month which will help the business continue its drive to grow the use of renewables and make a positive impact on climate change.","introText":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade has announced three new appointments this month which will help the business continue its drive to grow the use of renewables and make a positive impact on climate change.","newsText":"<p>Alexander Sch\u00fctt becomes Regional Director, Solar Trade EMEA, effective June 1, while Friedhelm Enslin and Michael Harre both become Managing Directors of BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH.<\/p>\r\n<p>Alexander has 15 years experience with BayWa r.e. Solar Trade, including 10 years as Managing Director of the German entity BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH. Under his leadership, the Polish and Austrian sales offices became independent entities, and he successfully accompanied the launch of novotegra GmbH as an independent mounting system manufacturer. He was also responsible for the acquisition of a <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market?businessarea=solar-distribution\" target=\"_blank\">PV wholesaler in Latvia<\/a> and the opening of a new <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-enters-greek-market?businessarea=solar-distribution\" target=\"_blank\">legal entity in Greece<\/a>.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>During Alexander\u2019s time as Managing Director, revenues have grown six-fold, the number of employees has nearly quadrupled and the number of modules sold in MW has multiplied significantly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Frank Jessel, Global Director Solar Trade, commented: <em>\u201cAlexander has an outstanding track record in delivering results and always had a good sense for expansion opportunities. In addition, he is a great leader and drives our company culture, so he is the best fit for this new position.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The new appointment means BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH will now be managed by Friedhelm Enslin and Michael Harre, who between them have more than 40 years of experience in the industry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Friedhelm Enslin began his career in renewable energy in 1999, when he joined Solarstrom AG. A spin-off of Solarfabrik in Freiburg, the company\u2019s goal was to build rooftop PV-projects. Friedhelm was involved in installing 4 MW of PV systems within just three years, a significant volume at that time.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His career later took him to the Caribbean where he worked with GIZ, before returning to Germany and MHH Solartechnik \u2013 which later became part of the BayWa r.e. family. Friedhelm\u2018s initial role was that of sales manager and in 2015, he was appointed Head of Sales.<\/p>\r\n<p>Prior to joining BayWa r.e. Solar Trade, Michael Harre held sales and marketing roles with LG Electronics, SCHOTT Solar AG, and SCHOTT AG. At the end of the 1990s, Michael, working for glass manufacturer SCHOTT AG, was responsible for the identification of new business areas. Recognising the potential for photovoltaics as a possible growth area, he successfully built up SCHOTT\u2019s solar business, holding the role of Chief Sales Officer for more than eight years.<\/p>\r\n<p>In 2011, Michael joined EU Solar Business Group for LG Electronics as Vice President. He moved to BayWa r.e. as Managing Director of novotegra GmbH in 2021.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Frank added: <em>\u201cWe are proud to announce these important appointments which reflect our commitment to the crucial role of renewables as a critical cornerstone of the energy transition. We are looking forward to seeing what we will achieve together, to shape the next chapter of solar trade.\u201d<\/em><br> &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>The solar trade management from left to right: Alexander Sch\u00fctt (Regional Director, Solar Trade EMEA), Frank Jessel (Global Director Solar Trade), Michael Harre &amp; Friedhelm Enslin (Managing Directors of BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH) \u00a9BayWa r.e.<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._Management_Solar_Trade_Website_new.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-06-01 16:10:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-06-01 11:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-12-01 11:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/new-appointments-announced-for-baywa-re-solar-trade","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/new-appointments-announced-for-baywa-re-solar-trade"}}],[{"uid":3378,"headline":"BayWa r.e. appoints Dr. Mihaela Seidl as CFO","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. announces the appointment of Dr. Mihaela Seidl as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Member of the Management Board.","introText":"BayWa r.e. announces the appointment of Dr. Mihaela Seidl as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Member of the Management Board.","newsText":"<p>Mihaela has more than 20 years of experience and has held leadership roles in multiple critical infrastructure industries including Energy, IT and Healthcare. She has held executive and supervisory board positions and has a proven track record with expertise in capital markets, strategy and transformation, auditing, financing, and M&amp;A.<\/p>\r\n<p>Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e. AG, commented: <em>\"BayWa r.e. has seen incredible global growth, but the coming years promise to be even more transformative for our business. We aim to triple the capacity of the projects we develop by 2026 and grow our Independent Power Producer (IPP) portfolio to 3 GW by 2028. Mihaela\u2019s extensive experience will prove invaluable on this journey, and it is great to welcome her to the BayWa r.e. family.\u201d &nbsp; &nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Before joining BayWa r.e., Mihaela worked as CFO and Managing Director at ESG Group. Prior to that, she was at General Electric for 15 years where she held multiple senior leadership positions, most recently as CFO of the Distributed Power Business.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThe global renewable energy industry is evolving at pace, but if climate goals are to be achieved, the rate of renewable deployment must significantly increase\u201d,<\/em> Dr. Mihaela Seidl adds. <em>\u201cI\u2019m excited to become part of the global success story that is BayWa r.e. and looking forward to working with BayWa r.e.\u2019s many committed and passionate people, and supporting our company in unlocking its further huge growth potential.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>2022 was another <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/record-result-2022-baywa-ag-underscores-profitable-growth\" target=\"_blank\">record year for BayWa r.e.<\/a> with an increase in revenues to \u20ac 6.5 billion and EBIT growth to \u20ac 230.2 million. The company developed and sold wind and solar projects with a total output of 764,5 MW. Moreover, BayWa r.e. expanded its global portfolio as an IPP to 30 wind and solar parks with a capacity of around 930 MW. The goal is to triple the volume of the current project business by 2026 and to enlarge the IPP portfolio to 3 GW by 2028.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._CFO_Dr._Mihaela_Seidl_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-05-23 12:33:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-05-23 11:40:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-11-23 11:40:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-appoints-dr-mihaela-seidl-as-cfo","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-appoints-dr-mihaela-seidl-as-cfo"}}],[{"uid":3359,"headline":"BayWa AG reports strong first quarter","teaserText":"Company generates above-average Group EBIT in the first quarter of 2023 \u2013 good starting point for earnings targets in the current financial year.","introText":"BayWa AG generated above-average earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) in the first quarter of the current financial year. Despite falling year on year to \u20ac91.8 million on the heels of an exceptional first quarter of 2022 (Q1\/2022: \u20ac144.9 million), EBIT still exceeded the comparable figure for other previous years by a clear margin. At \u20ac6.3 billion (Q1\/2022: \u20ac6.3 billion), revenues were on a par with the previous year in the first quarter of 2023.","newsText":"<p>\u201cAll in all, a strong first quarter and a good starting point for further business performance this year,\u201d says BayWa Chief Executive Officer Marcus P\u00f6llinger. \u201cThe volatile market environment of one year ago, in which we faced a particularly forceful call to action as a provider of essential goods and services and more than delivered on our promises to our customers, has since settled down somewhat. By contrast, the global trends that we at BayWa serve through our business divisions remain intact, as the strong figures for the first quarter of this year also show.\u201d<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Individual segment performance<\/strong><br> <br> <strong>Renewable Energies Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>With revenues of \u20ac1.5 billion (Q1\/2022: \u20ac1.6 billion) and EBIT of \u20ac53.0 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac63.9 million), the Renewable Energies Segment recorded a good start to the new year. Demand for solar modules and inverters remains high and made a significant contribution to the result. In project business, the lion\u2019s share of wind farms and solar parks are usually sold in the second half of the year.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Energy Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>In combination with revenues of \u20ac633.2 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac649.2 million), EBIT in the Energy Segment declined year on year, as expected, to stand at \u20ac4.5 million in the first quarter of 2023 (Q1\/2022: \u20ac8.4 million). The drop was price-related and was also attributable to reluctance to buy among customers, who continued to maintain significant stocks and speculated on falling prices. In fuels, BayWa expects to see higher sales volumes in the months ahead due to the seasonal increase in agricultural and construction activity.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cefetra Group Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>The Cefetra Group Segment reported revenues and EBIT on a par with the previous year, at \u20ac1.4 billion (Q1\/2022: \u20ac1.4 billion) and \u20ac17.1 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac17.1 million), respectively. Having successfully seized trading opportunities a year ago on account of the price rally on international agriculture exchanges, the Cefetra Group benefited this past quarter from better prices for freight and shipping. The specialities business, which includes products such as proteins, nuts and legumes, also developed very positively in the first quarter of 2023.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>In the Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment, revenues increased to \u20ac1.5 billion in the first quarter of 2023 (Q1\/2022: \u20ac1.4 billion). EBIT stood at \u20ac31.0 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac58.7 million). The result was buoyed by above-average earnings margins in domestic grain trading, but was also weighed down by farmers\u2019 reluctance to buy agricultural inputs. BayWa anticipates rising sales in the months ahead, especially for seed and crop protection products, once the weather permits farmers to make such purchases.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agricultural Equipment Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>The Agricultural Equipment Segment started the new year with a high order backlog, as reflected in new record figures. Revenues stood at \u20ac539.9 million in the first quarter of 2023 (Q1\/2022: \u20ac476.0 million), with EBIT of \u20ac22.4 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac11.3 million). Farmers continue to have a healthy investment appetite. The number of tractors sold is on a par with the previous year, and both capacity utilisation and productivity at BayWa\u2019s workshops remain high. BayWa expects this trend to continue in the months ahead.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Global Produce Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>Inclement weather in various fruit-growing regions had an effect on results and earnings in the international fruit business. In combination with revenues of \u20ac257.1 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac224.3 million), the Global Produce Segment recorded EBIT of minus \u20ac12.6 million (Q1\/2022: \u20ac7.3 million). While Cyclone Gabrielle damaged a portion of the apple harvest in New Zealand, key procurement regions for avocados and mangoes also reported lower harvest volumes and quality issues. In domestic fruit trading, discount campaigns among retailers stimulated sales of dessert pome fruit. BayWa expects buying to stabilise over the course of the year. However, the overall conditions should remain challenging.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Building Materials Segment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>Revenues in the Building Materials Segment stood at \u20ac414.4 million in the reporting period (Q1\/2022: \u20ac477.4 million). EBIT stood at minus \u20ac9.1 million (Q1\/2022: minus \u20ac1.2 million), as is typical for the season. The supply and price situation for building materials eased slightly compared to the same period in the previous year, which affected trading margins in the first quarter of 2023. Order backlog remains high in the Building Materials Segment. BayWa also anticipates rising demand for building materials for energy-efficient modernisation work and climate-friendly construction. In addition, reservations have already been received for the first units from BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH construction projects in Bad Endorf and Munich, even though the marketing phase has yet to begin.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/02223_q1_en\/02223_q1_en\/baywacms%3Adownloads%5B2%5D\/02323EN_Q1_2023_Zahlensheet.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Factsheet Q1_2023<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><em>Copyright photo:&nbsp;(c) BayWa AG<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_Zentrale_Muenchen__c__BayWa_AG_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-05-11 07:57:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-05-11 11:08:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-11-11 11:08:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-ag-reports-strong-first-quarter","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-ag-reports-strong-first-quarter"}}],[{"uid":3356,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade & Seacon to develop logistics centre","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade and Seacon Logistics to develop Netherlands based fully climate-neutral logistics centre with over 50,000 m\u00b2 of storage capacity for photovoltaic components.","introText":"The agreement for the comprehensive logistics project, between BayWa r.e. Solar Trade and Seacon Logistics, was finalised during the leading international trade fair \"Transport Logistic\" in Munich. The partners are developing a completely climate-neutral logistics hub at the Wanssum container port for the distribution of photovoltaic products from BayWa r.e. Solar Trade. The finalised project will have a storage capacity of over 50,000 m\u00b2, making it the largest hub out of currently 66 in the BayWa r.e. Solar Trade supply chain. The aim is to increase and continuously develop customer service and efficiency in all aspects of the business including the handling of sea freight, warehousing, transport alongside customs and import services. The ground-breaking project is scheduled for completion in early 2024.","newsText":"<p>Solar Trade, BayWa r.e\u2019s solar trade business is an established market leader in the renewable energies sector. With a network of over 20 world-wide distribution companies, more than 1,400 employees and over 30 years of experience, the wholesaler sells its photovoltaic components globally. Solar Trade supports and supplies installers and cooperation partners with innovative photovoltaic products throughout the B2B sector.<\/p>\r\n<p>Certified \"Excellent\" by BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) the final concept of the logistics hub includes a PV system with a capacity of 7,3 MWp on the roofs of the hub. This system will provide enough electricity for the entire logistics hub including the electrified barges, terminal trucks and car fleet. In line with both Seacon's and BayWa r.e.'s sustainability policy the logistics hub will therefore be entirely climate-neutral.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Frank Jessel, Global Director of Solar Trade at BayWa r.e., says: <em>\"The hub at the Wanssum container port will enable us to offer our customers an even better service in the future. The increased connectivity reduces delivery and storage times, while at the same time increasing product availability. Last but not least, the project is designed to be completely sustainable, so together with our partner Seacon we are setting an example in the fight against climate change.\"<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Dominik Dohr, Global Head Supply Chain Solar Trade at BayWa r.e., adds: <em>\"In order to make product availability and security of supply for our customers as efficient and sustainable as possible, the new logistics hub in Wanssum plays an essential role in our supply chain. The direct barge connection to the container port of Rotterdam makes Wanssum our gateway for importing PV modules for the European market. Service, efficiency and sustainability are harmonised here.\"<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Sylvester van de Logt, CEO of Seacon Logistics, adds: <em>\"The cooperation with BayWa r.e. Solar Trade fits perfectly with our vision of creating significant added value along our customers' supply chains and continuously improving our service. In concrete terms, this means tailor-made end-to-end supply chain solutions based on a sustainable foundation that has been awarded \"Excellent\" by BREEAM. Together with BayWa r.e. Solar Trade, Seacon will in future take on the responsible task of making optimum use of the electricity generated.\"<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><br> <em>Copyright photo: Seacon Logistics<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/Seacon_Logistics_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-05-11 07:57:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-05-11 10:09:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-11-11 10:09:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-seacon-to-develop-logistics-centre","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-seacon-to-develop-logistics-centre"}}],[{"uid":3340,"headline":"War in Ukraine will delay net zero goals","teaserText":"War in Ukraine will delay net zero goals while simultaneously propelling the renewable transition forward.","introText":"Business leaders and policymakers across Europe and the US expect the war in Ukraine to delay global net zero goals by up to three years, as many parts of the world turn to alternative sources of fossil fuels to reduce their reliance on Russia. At the same time, the combined effects of a climate and energy crisis are speeding up the renewable transition, with 96% of business leaders already sourcing renewables or planning to in the future. While 53% of business leaders say the resulting rise in energy prices has brought renewed urgency, positively impacting their sustainability ambitions.","newsText":"<p>Coal returned to the global online conversation in 2022 with over a million mentions a month \u2013 an increase of almost 12% compared to 2021. While between 2020 and 2022, carbon-related mentions increased by 130%. This all comes against the backdrop of the changing online conversation where consumers have increased the use of urgent language such as \u2018climate crisis\u2019 and \u2018climate action\u2019, which have overtaken \u2018global warming\u2019 as a talking point.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> These findings are according to BayWa r.e.\u2019s \u2018<a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/rethink-energy\/white-paper\/climate-change-part-2\/916303\/view\/\" target=\"_blank\">The Decade That Matters 2.0<\/a>\u2019 study, which surveyed 3,000 business leaders and policymakers across Europe, the UK and the US, and used a suite of social listening tools to analyse evolving public discourse online. &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> The direction of travel is clear: businesses are transitioning to renewable energy. However, when it comes to fully achieving that transition, 57% of business leaders believe it won\u2019t happen until 2050 or after, and almost one in ten (8%) think the transition will never be fully achieved. This is in contrast to policymakers, with over a third (35%) believing it will be achieved during the 2030s, and only 11% saying after 2050. As the world increasingly experiences the impacts of the climate crisis and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes repeated calls to aim higher and move faster, timing is fundamentally crucial.<br> &nbsp;<br> <em>\u201cTwo years on from the first \u2018The Decade That Matters\u2019 study, and its sentiment is more relevant than ever. The impacts of the climate crisis are being felt globally, and this crisis does not care about recessions, policies, borders or the speed at which humanity can adapt,\u201d<\/em> said Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> <em>\u201cThe survey shows recognition of this urgency amongst the public, policymakers and business leaders. The war in Ukraine has simultaneously been a catalyst to speeding up the renewable transition, while also increasing short-term reliance on fossil fuels. While the direction of travel is clear, pace is crucial and any delay risks seeing the climate crisis exacerbated. While the transition has now sped up, fast is not yet fast enough.\u201d &nbsp; <\/em>&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> <strong>Finger-pointing dominates the European landscape<\/strong><br> &nbsp;<br> Policymakers and business leaders not only differ in their views on the timing of the renewable transition but also about the biggest barriers to realising net zero. Globally, business leaders cite a lack of support from government (34%) and government policy (29%) as delaying the journey to net zero. While policymakers believe public understanding (35%) and the speed at which businesses can adapt (35%) are the biggest issues. However, 42% of business leaders and 33% of policymakers are in agreement that cost is a major barrier.<br> &nbsp;<br> <strong>Changing sentiment is driving action<\/strong><br> &nbsp;<br> \u2018<a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/rethink-energy\/white-paper\/climate-change-part-2\/916303\/view\/\" target=\"_blank\">The Decade That Matters 2.0<\/a>\u2019 report also shows a growing change in online sentiment around climate change through its social listening findings. In the first report, mentions of \u2018net zero\u2019 were shown to have more than quintupled between the years of 2015 and 2019. In the three years since, they have done so again \u2013 a significant rise in what is a far shorter amount of time.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> In 2021, there was also a noticeable shift around the term \u2018climate crisis\u2019 which overtook \u2018global warming\u2019 as a talking point, peaking at over 2.5 million online mentions. While in 2022, sentiment shifted once more, with overtly negative mentions of \u2018net zero\u2019 doubling in comparison to 2018.<br> &nbsp;<br> These changes around public understanding are undoubtedly influenced by seismic shifts in world affairs \u2013 ones that indicate a move from awareness to urgency. While continuing to evolve, they also show growing impatience with the current pace of change. The opportunity to take the action necessary to avert the most catastrophic effects of the climate crisis is still there, but that window is rapidly closing as the initial impacts of the climate crisis are felt globally. &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><br> <strong>BayWa r.e.\u2018s \u2018The Decade That Matters 2.0\u2019:<\/strong><br> &nbsp;<br> BayWa r.e.\u2019s \u2018<a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/rethink-energy\/white-paper\/climate-change-part-2\/916303\/view\/\" target=\"_blank\">The Decade That Matters 2.0<\/a>\u2019 report is the result of research conducted on behalf of BayWa r.e. by Censuswide at the end of 2022, surveying over 3,000 business leaders and policymakers across the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.<br> &nbsp;<br> Alongside the research are insights into the conversations around climate change, compiled using Brandwatch social listening tools which helped analyse the state of play on a macro level, then drawing insights from over a billion mentions of key phrases online.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>(c) Image: shutterstock \/ Soloviova Liudmyla<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/DTM_2.0_Titel_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-04-18 09:28:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-04-18 09:18:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-10-18 09:18:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/war-in-ukraine-will-delay-net-zero-goals","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/war-in-ukraine-will-delay-net-zero-goals"}}],[{"uid":3330,"headline":"Record result 2022: BayWa AG underscores profitable growth","teaserText":"Positive prospects for further business development after an exceptional year: Company is aiming for operating EBIT of between \u20ac470 million and \u20ac520 million by the end of 2025.","introText":"Positive prospects for further business development after an exceptional year: Company is aiming for operating EBIT of between \u20ac470 million and \u20ac520 million by the end of 2025.","newsText":"<p>BayWa AG closed the financial year 2022 with record revenues and earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). In a generally volatile market environment, revenues rose to \u20ac27.1 billion (2021: \u20ac19.8 billion). The company generated EBIT of \u20ac504.1 million (2021: \u20ac266.6 million). This underscores the BayWa Group\u2019s profitable growth \u2013 especially in the Renewable Energies Segment \u2013 following two increases in its earnings forecast during 2022. \u201cWhether it\u2019s energy security, global food supplies, housing construction or energy-efficiency renovations, BayWa\u2019s role as a provider of essential goods and services means that it has a direct impact on the most pressing issues around the world and here at home,\u201d says BayWa Chief Executive Officer Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz. \u201cOur performance in the financial year 2022 once again underscores the reliability that BayWa has stood for over the past 100 years. Despite the disruptions in global supply chains and the scarce availability of certain goods, we were able to meet our customers\u2019 demand for heat energy carriers, building materials and agricultural inputs with virtually no restrictions.\u201d<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>High demand for solar modules, agricultural machinery and building materials<\/strong><br> The Renewable Energies Segment achieved record revenues of \u20ac6.5 billion that far exceeded previous years. Trading in photovoltaic components was particularly brisk, with greater stockpiling of heat energy carriers by consumers leading to high demand for heating oil and wood pellets. In the agricultural commodities trade, market opportunities were seized by both the international Cefetra Group and BayWa\u2019s German operations. High producer prices for grain and oilseed also drove farmers\u2019 willingness to invest and enabled the Agricultural Equipment Segment to generate record revenues. However, earnings in the international fruit trade fell short of the previous year\u2019s level. Contrary to the somewhat weaker trend in the overall market, the Building Materials Segment posted another extremely positive performance in 2022. The main drivers of earnings were high demand for building materials and BayWa\u2019s unrestricted delivery capability, especially in periods when the market was seeing general goods shortages.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Higher medium-term target for Group EBIT<\/strong><br> \u201cGoing forward, we expect Group EBIT to remain well above the average figures that we have achieved to date,\u201d says BayWa CEO Klaus Lutz. \u201cOur role as a provider of essential goods and services, plus the fact that all of our business sectors serve global megatrends such as climate protection, food and energy security, back up this forecast.\u201d The company anticipates Group EBIT of between \u20ac320 million and \u20ac370 million for the current financial year. By the end of 2025, BayWa aims to generate operating EBIT of between \u20ac470 million and \u20ac520 million, adds Lutz.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Performance of the individual operating segments<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Renewable Energies Segment<\/strong><br> The Renewable Energies Segment recorded revenues of \u20ac6.5 billion in the reporting year (2021: \u20ac3.6 billion). EBIT reached a new high of \u20ac239.1 million (2021: \u20ac135.0 million). The strong earnings were attributable to the sale of 26 planned wind and solar projects and in particular to solar module trading. BayWa r.e. AG, in which BayWa\u2019s renewable energies business is pooled, sold photovoltaic modules with a total output of 3.5 gigawatt-peak (GWp) \u2013 an increase of 71% compared to the 2021. The IPP portfolio of solar parks and wind farms, which BayWa operates itself as an independent power producer, grew by seven projects in the reporting period to 26 projects with a total output of 0.8 gigawatt (GW).&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa expects the Renewable Energies Segment to continue its growth trajectory in the future. In 2023, the company plans to sell wind and solar projects with a total output of 2.1 GW. The IPP portfolio is set for further growth, mainly through project acquisitions in Europe. Government expansion targets and subsidy programmes for solar power, as well as the growth of e-mobility in the residential and commercial sector, will continue to boost sales of solar modules.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Energy Segment<\/strong><br> Revenues in the Energy Segment also rose significantly in the reporting year to \u20ac3.3 billion (2021: \u20ac2.1 billion). EBIT amounted to \u20ac53.6 million (2021: \u20ac17.4 million). Despite higher prices for fuels, heating oil and wood pellets, BayWa recorded stable demand for these products. While sales of lubricants declined compared to the previous year, building services benefited from rising interest in new heating solutions such as heat pumps. In the field of electromobility, BayWa strengthened its market position in the expansion of charging infrastructure with BayWa Mobility Solutions (BMS), building around 300 new charging parks with an average of six charging points in Germany in 2022. This now puts BMS\u2019s share of the fast-charging infrastructure market at 7%.<\/p>\r\n<p>For the current year, BayWa anticipates a decline in earnings compared to the exceptional 2022, but expects positive business development overall. For example, the company believes that it will continue to benefit from the electrification of the transport sector, energy-efficiency renovations in the heating market and stable demand for alternative heat energy carriers such as wood pellets. In addition, BayWa intends to convert all eleven of its LNG filling stations to 100% bio-LNG (liquefied natural gas) by the end of the year.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cefetra Group Segment<\/strong><br> The international agricultural trade activities in the Cefetra Group Segment resulted in revenues of \u20ac6.1 billion in the reporting year (2021: \u20ac5.0 billion). EBIT increased to \u20ac59.5 million (2021: \u20ac38.8 million). As trading volumes of grain and oilseed were lower than in the previous year, Cefetra Group benefited from the trading opportunities offered by highly volatile prices on the international commodities exchanges. Specialities accounted for around 60% of the segment\u2019s earnings. Above all, the Group company Royal Ingredients, which trades in goods such as quinoa, chia seeds and vegetable proteins, proved to be a mainstay of earnings.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa expects the pressure on agricultural markets to remain high due to geopolitical tensions. However, following the heavy price fluctuations seen primarily in the first half of 2022, the market has settled. As a result, the company expects agricultural trade activities to return to normal levels in 2023. BayWa anticipates that the specialities business will make a stable contribution to earnings.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment<\/strong><br> In the Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment, which comprises trading in grain, oilseed and agricultural inputs, BayWa recorded revenues of \u20ac5.8 billion (2021: \u20ac4.2 billion). EBIT increased to \u20ac104.7 million (2021: \u20ac12.3 million). Concerns on the part of BayWa customers about possible supply bottlenecks and further price rises led to early stockpiling, especially for fertilizer, in 2022. In the domestic marketing of grain and oilseed, BayWa benefited from its forward-looking management of trading processes: Contracts that had already been concluded in 2021 were recognised in earnings in the reporting year at the higher market prices.<\/p>\r\n<p>The current financial year is set to be another positive one for the Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment. Global grain supplies are scarce, while global demand continues to rise. Prices for agricultural commodities will therefore remain above average for the time being. While BayWa anticipates stable development for seeds and crop protection products, it expects sales of fertilizers to decline. Stockpiling in the past year means that many farmers still have sufficient supplies. Nevertheless, biologicals will gain in importance going forward due to stricter environmental regulations for agriculture.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agricultural Equipment Segment<\/strong><br> The Agricultural Equipment Segment achieved new records, posting revenues of \u20ac2.1 billion (2021: \u20ac1.9 billion) and EBIT of \u20ac70.2 million (2021: \u20ac48.6 million). Although sales of used machinery fell to 1,724 tractors, agricultural machinery manufacturers were able to clear the production and order backlogs for new machinery from 2021. In the past year, BayWa sold an average of 14 new machines a day, or 5,025 in total.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa is optimistic about the financial year 2023 as well. Investment appetites in the agriculture sector remain strong, as proved by the high order backlog in BayWa\u2019s books at the beginning of the year. BayWa continues to expect stable capacity utilisation at its technical workshops in the current year.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Global Produce Segment<\/strong><br> The Global Produce Segment recorded revenues of \u20ac921.3 million in the reporting period (2021: \u20ac960.7 million). EBIT amounted to \u20ac21.1 million (2021: \u20ac42.6 million). The decline in earnings was mainly due to higher energy and logistics costs, muted consumer spending on premium products and exotic fruits, as well as disruptions to global supply chains.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa remains cautiously optimistic in its outlook for the rest of the year. For example, a cyclone destroyed part of the yields a few weeks before the start of the New Zealand apple harvest. However, it may be possible to offset the lower supply with higher prices. Internal processes were further optimised in 2022 thanks to investments in the German fruit business and at the Dutch subsidiary TFC Holland B.V. This will have a positive impact on quality assurance and the pricing of fresh products.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Building Materials Segment<\/strong><br> In 2022, the Building Materials Segment seamlessly continued its strong showing from the previous year, generating revenues of \u20ac2.3 billion (2021: \u20ac2.1 billion) and EBIT of \u20ac70.4 million (2021: \u20ac73.2 million). Earnings were driven by high demand along with rising prices for building materials. Efficient warehousing as well as broad and stable supplier relationships made it possible for BayWa to deliver products with virtually no restrictions. Extensive product range expertise and a dense network of locations were additional factors that provided Germany\u2019s second-largest building materials trader with competitive advantages, especially in phases of scarce product availability in the market. BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH also made a positive contribution to annual earnings through the complete sale of several residential units and the acquisition of 15 new projects.<\/p>\r\n<p>The start of the new construction season will be determined by mild weather and the existing order backlog. Activity will be boosted by demand for energy-efficiency renovations in the housing sector, as well as government subsidy programmes for the refurbishment of existing buildings. In contrast, higher mortgage rates and the noticeable shortage of skilled labour are holding back the construction industry. BayWa expects BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH to achieve an even better market position in the current financial year. A well-filled project pipeline promises stable earnings beyond 2023.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_Flaggen_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-03-30 10:45:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-03-30 10:40:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-09-30 10:40:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"},{"uid":246,"name":"Green Hydrogen","seoName":"green-hydrogen"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/record-result-2022-baywa-ag-underscores-profitable-growth","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/record-result-2022-baywa-ag-underscores-profitable-growth"}}],[{"uid":3322,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Solar Trade enters Greek market","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. has been actively present in the country since 2013 with the development of renewable energy projects as well as O&M services.","introText":"BayWa r.e. announced the expansion of its solar distribution business to Greece. The company has been actively present in the country since 2013 with the development of renewable energy projects as well as O&M services. Greece has some of the most ambitious climate targets in Europe: by 2030, at least 70% of its consumed electricity is to come from renewable sources. With a current pipeline of more than 1.6 GW in wind and solar projects, BayWa r.e. already contributes significantly to these goals.","newsText":"<p>After being highly active in Italy and Spain in recent years, BayWa r.e. continues to develop its operations in Southern Europe. The new Solar Trade entity in Athens will complement the existing ones for Services and Projects and add to the ongoing expansion of BayWa r.e.\u2019s solar distribution business. BayWa r.e. Solar Trade announced earlier this year that it also increases its activities in Austria and Latvia.&nbsp;<br> <br> Alexander Sch\u00fctt, Regional Director at BayWa r.e. Solar Trade:<em> \u201cIn this decade that matters, BayWa r.e. sees significant potential in Greece playing a leading role in the development of renewable energy sources in Europe, accelerating the renewables transition. We already established close cooperations with Greek energy companies and are looking forward to further strengthen our presence in the market with our committed solar distribution team in Athens.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> As one of the world's largest wholesalers of solar components, BayWa r.e. has a strong track record of delivering high-quality products and services to its customers. Building on more than 30 years of business experience and with more than 16,000 partners internationally, the company provides integrated solutions to installers and technical companies for residential, commercial, and industrial-scale PV projects.<br> <br> Haris Christidis, Managing Director of the newly established BayWa r.e. Solar Systems Single Member S.A., said: <em>\u201cBeside commercial and industrial applications, we want to focus on the highly promising market of residential systems in Greece. This market is expected to boom due to the newly launched governmental subsidy program for residential roofs combined with storage systems. Through central frame agreements with the world's leading PV manufacturers, we provide our partners in Greece direct access to the strongest brands on the most competitive terms while simultaneously increasing the resilience of the local solar supply chain.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> <strong>Notes to the editor<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. recently announced that the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/baywa-group-to-sell-business-entity-solar-trade\" target=\"_blank\">BayWa Group plans to sell its solar distribution business<\/a> to focus on the international project business and further expansion as an independent power producer (IPP). The sale supports the goal to triple the volume of the projects business by 2026 and grow the IPP portfolio to 3 GW.<br> <br> For Solar Trade, the anticipated deal will help to realise huge growth opportunities in core European markets, APAC and the Americas, and to reach double-digit GW sales of modules and inverters.&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._roof-top_solar_in_Greece_website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-03-28 09:16:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-03-28 09:29:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2027-03-31 09:29:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[{"uid":3239,"headline":"BayWa r.e. enters Baltic market","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. expands its growth strategy for its leading solar distribution business throughout the Baltics.","introText":"BayWa r.e. has announced the acquisition of Riga-based PV wholesaler ProElektro to kickstart its growth strategy for its leading solar distribution business throughout the Baltics, and to expand its successful presence in Eastern Europe.","newsText":"<p>Additional solar distribution sales offices in the neighbouring countries of Estonia and Lithuania are expected to follow, further establishing the company\u2019s wholesale business presence in the region. ProElektro\u2019s team of highly skilled employees will continue their work for BayWa r.e., with their warehouse and offices serving as a hub for future expansion projects.<br> <br> Founded in 2011, ProElektro is a wholesaler of PV modules, inverters, and other electrical components. The company primarily delivers to rooftop installers and C&amp;I customers in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania with more than a decade of experience in electrical distribution and established supplier relationships. Girts Pekal, managing director of ProElektro, will remain in his position and will be in charge of the BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution business in the Baltics.<br> <br> Girts Pekal said about the deal: <em>\u201cMy colleagues and I are excited to be part of BayWa r.e.\u2019s expansion into the Baltics and to leverage their international expertise. Our customers will benefit from an extended product portfolio with a wide range of quality components as well as improved product availability and logistics. We attach particular importance on high service quality and the satisfaction of our customers, which is perfectly aligned with BayWa r.e.\u2019s values. This collaboration will make a considerable positive impact on the Baltic region\u2019s PV market landscape and significantly accelerate its growth.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> BayWa r.e. will continue to serve ProElektro\u2019s customers with the same local experts as before and their customary high level of technical support.<br> <br> Alexander Sch\u00fctt, Regional Director at BayWa r.e. Solar Trade, commented: <em>\u201cThe acquisition of an experienced company like ProElektro strengthens the leading role of BayWa r.e. in the European solar distribution market and<\/em> <em>advances our ambitions in Eastern Europe. We regard the Baltics as a region with huge untapped potential \u2013 the PV market in Latvia for example is expected to grow by more than 30% per year. Apart from supporting the countries with their climate goals, we also aim at creating more jobs in this growing industry.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> Signing of the transaction took place in December 2022, its closing in February 2023. In addition to its existing offices in Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, BayWa r.e. is planning to open wholesale facilities in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia, further driving forward the energy transition throughout Europe.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/Baywa-re_solid-power_1920x1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-02-09 17:08:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-02-09 10:45:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2030-02-28 10:45:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market"}}],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-enters-greek-market","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-solar-trade-enters-greek-market"}}],[{"uid":3277,"headline":"BayWa Group to sell business entity Solar Trade","teaserText":"Following strategic realignment, BayWa r.e. AG will focus on international project business and further expansion as an independent power producer (IPP) going forward.","introText":"The BayWa Group plans to sell Solar Trade, an international solar trading business that is part of BayWa r.e. AG. The decision is the result of a strategic realignment of BayWa r.e. AG, which will focus on the international project business and further expansion as an independent power producer (IPP) going forward. The goal is to use the proceeds of the sale to finance a tripling of the volume of its current project business by 2026 and to enlarge the IPP portfolio to 3 gigawatts (GW). The sale will also make it possible to reallocate the invested capital.","newsText":"<p>In addition, the sale will provide Solar Trade with the opportunity to continue its success story together through a potential buyer. BayWa r.e.\u2019s solar trading business is an established market leader, with a worldwide presence comprising a global network of more than 20 distribution companies and over 1,400 employees. The global transition to renewable energy is creating huge growth opportunities in core European markets, and expansion in the APAC and Americas regions. Solar Trade has the potential to increase annual sales of solar modules and inverters to over 10 GW.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cA strong buyer will give us the chance to write the next chapter in the Group\u2019s exceptional success story that started in 2008,\u201d<\/em> says Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa AG and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BayWa r.e. AG. <em>\u201cToday, we play a key role in setting the pace for the transition to renewable energy sources. More than half of our consolidated earnings are generated with renewable energies.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cBayWa r.e. has achieved astonishing growth in its efforts to drive forward the global energy transition,\u201d <\/em>says Matthias Taft, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa r.e. AG. \u201c<em>We owe this success to the dedication and passion of our employees. Now is the right time to set this strategic course for the future, which will enable BayWa r.e. and Solar Trade to focus even more closely on pursuing this objective.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThere will be a huge demand for more renewable energies in the future, which means enormous potential for the players in this market,\u201d <\/em>says Roland D\u00f6rig, co-founder and Managing Partner of Energy Infrastructure Partners (EIP) AG. <em>\u201cThe high degree of momentum in the market in recent years, combined with Solar Trade\u2019s success and position as a market leader, should make this an extremely attractive prospect for potential buyers.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The combined effects of the global climate and energy crises are accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources even further. According to projections, more electricity will be generated from renewable energy sources in the next five years than in the past 20 years altogether.\u202fThis acceleration is creating a highly dynamic market environment.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/SolarTrade_image_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-03-01 09:54:32","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-03-01 12:18:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-09-01 12:18:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. 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The project is the fourth largest Floating-PV plant in Europe after <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/two-largest-floating-pv-parks-outside-of-asia-commissioned\">three projects located in the Netherlands<\/a>, which have all been built by BayWa r.e.<br> &nbsp;<br> The Floating-PV system in Grafenw\u00f6rth measuring approximately 14 hectares is built on the water surface in a former sand and gravel pit on two lakes. It will produce 26,700 MWh of green electricity per year and will be able to supply around 7,500 Austrian households.<br> &nbsp;<br> The project has seen rapid growth, with the 45,304 solar modules installed in only ten weeks total.<br> &nbsp;<br> Dr. Benedikt Ortmann, Global Director of Solar Projects at BayWa r.e. said: <em>\u201cWe are in the decade that matters. As market leader in Floating-PV, BayWa r.e. sees the important role of this technology in the clean energy revolution, and we are excited to bring Floating-PV to more and more countries. It creates a new function for otherwise unused water surfaces. With this turnkey Floating-PV project, we have brought incremental improvements to our already cutting-edge systems in the Netherlands. Together with EVN and our Austrian subsidiary ECOwind, we managed to install the plant in record time \u2013 without compromising on environmental protection. Biodiversity and sustainability are major considerations for us in all Floating-PV projects.\u201d<\/em><br> &nbsp;<br> To ensure the project\u2019s integration into the surrounding ecosystem, research on the fish population as well as examinations of the local dragonfly fauna will be carried out regularly over several years.<br> &nbsp;<br> Johann Janker, Managing Director of ECOwind, added: <em>\u201cIn Grafenw\u00f6rth, the challenge was to drive approval procedures and regulations for this new PV application in Austria and to ensure a safe construction \u2013 which we managed even with a level difference of 7m between the mounting surface and the water. Besides being quickly installed and easy to maintain, Floating-PV also has the benefit of a higher electricity yield thanks to the cooling effect of water \u2013 making the application a very attractive prospect to landowners of unused water bodies.\u201d<\/em><br> &nbsp;<br> Including the project in Grafenw\u00f6rth, BayWa r.e. has installed a total of 15 Floating-PV projects with more than 230 MW worldwide.<br> &nbsp;<br> Further information on the project and the technology behind can be found in this <a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=IrsE8o2FP0w\">video<\/a> about the construction of the Floating-PV plant Grafenw\u00f6rth.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>Copyright image: ECOwind<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._Floating-PV_Grafenwoerth1_1920_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-02-21 08:56:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-02-21 10:14:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-08-21 10:14:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. 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ProElektro\u2019s team of highly skilled employees will continue their work for BayWa r.e., with their warehouse and offices serving as a hub for future expansion projects.<br> <br> Founded in 2011, ProElektro is a wholesaler of PV modules, inverters, and other electrical components. The company primarily delivers to rooftop installers and C&amp;I customers in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania with more than a decade of experience in electrical distribution and established supplier relationships. Girts Pekal, managing director of ProElektro, will remain in his position and will be in charge of the BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution business in the Baltics.<br> <br> Girts Pekal said about the deal: <em>\u201cMy colleagues and I are excited to be part of BayWa r.e.\u2019s expansion into the Baltics and to leverage their international expertise. Our customers will benefit from an extended product portfolio with a wide range of quality components as well as improved product availability and logistics. We attach particular importance on high service quality and the satisfaction of our customers, which is perfectly aligned with BayWa r.e.\u2019s values. This collaboration will make a considerable positive impact on the Baltic region\u2019s PV market landscape and significantly accelerate its growth.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> BayWa r.e. will continue to serve ProElektro\u2019s customers with the same local experts as before and their customary high level of technical support.<br> <br> Alexander Sch\u00fctt, Regional Director at BayWa r.e. Solar Trade, commented: <em>\u201cThe acquisition of an experienced company like ProElektro strengthens the leading role of BayWa r.e. in the European solar distribution market and<\/em> <em>advances our ambitions in Eastern Europe. We regard the Baltics as a region with huge untapped potential \u2013 the PV market in Latvia for example is expected to grow by more than 30% per year. Apart from supporting the countries with their climate goals, we also aim at creating more jobs in this growing industry.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> Signing of the transaction took place in December 2022, its closing in February 2023. In addition to its existing offices in Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, BayWa r.e. is planning to open wholesale facilities in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia, further driving forward the energy transition throughout Europe.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/Baywa-re_solid-power_1920x1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-02-09 17:08:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-02-09 10:45:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2030-02-28 10:45:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-enters-baltic-market"}}],[{"uid":3227,"headline":"BayWa r.e. partners with offshore sailor Sanni Beucke","teaserText":"Offshore sailor Sanni Beucke and BayWa r.e. set sail to promote sustainability and equality.","introText":"Professional sailor Susann \u201cSanni\u201d Beucke, 31, silver medalist at the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games, and leading global renewable energy company BayWa r.e., officially launch their new long-term partnership.","newsText":"<p>Beucke's campaign, titled \"This Race is Female,\" is resonating with fans worldwide. Even well beyond the sailing scene, the personable German native engages tens of thousands of followers on her social media channels. <em>\"With the campaign, however, we are not just encouraging women to be confident in their abilities,\"<\/em> said Beucke. <em>\"In my particular sport, you have to be willing to push boundaries, to give everything to achieve a mutual goal. That's also what I have in common with my new partner BayWa r.e. who constantly challenges the status quo and is effecting global change in addressing the climate crisis.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><br> <br> BayWa r.e., which operates in 30 countries, is actively shaping the future of the energy sector with one core motivation at its heart \u2013 securing a sustainable future for our planet. With hundreds of realised wind and solar farms the company is driving forward the global energy transition that is so crucial to all our futures.<br> <br> Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e., commented: <em>\u201cWe are excited to launch this new partnership and support Sanni in her ambitious goals. Her passion, commitment and resilience resonate with our own core values to realize a sustainable and equitable future for our planet. Just like Sanni, we are working hard to always find new solutions and go the extra mile, standing up not only for achieving vital climate goals, but also for making progress on equality. Together, we want to make waves in the renewable energy and sailing world by raising awareness for sustainability and promoting gender equality in sports and professional life.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> Sanni Beucke added:<em> \"As a sailor, we try to reduce our CO<\/em>\u2082<em> footprint to a minimum. We are passionate about nature. The wind accelerates our speed. It allows us to accomplish any goal we set for ourselves. Becoming an ambassador for a globally operating renewable energy company that also utilizes the force of the wind and the energy of the sun to make a contribution in the fight against climate change is simply a perfect match for me.\"<\/em><br> <br> BayWa r.e. is also a strong advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).The company embraces these as a source of innovation, creativity and competitive advantage, striving for people\u2019s empowerment and success. These are topics that are paramount to Sanni Beucke, too. <em>\"My sport has always been seen as a strictly male dominated discipline. My team and I want to demonstrate that no wave is too high, no headwind too strong, for women to master.\"<\/em><br> <br> Both partners have common goals, set out long-term. The sailor aims to successfully compete in various offshore regattas in the years ahead, with the ultimate goal of competing in the Vend\u00e9e Globe, an around-the-world regatta, alongside partner BayWa r.e. in 2028\/29. The company for its part keeps pursuing its long-term goal to accelerate the implementation of renewable energy, which is essential to avert the most severe impacts of the climate crisis.&nbsp;<br> <br> <em>Copyright Image: Thomas Deregnieaux-QAPTURE\/Susann Beucke<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/Sanni_Beucke_QAPTUR26_skaliert.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-02-07 10:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-02-07 10:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-07-07 10:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1684,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-partners-with-offshore-sailor-sanni-beucke","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-partners-with-offshore-sailor-sanni-beucke"}}],[{"uid":3222,"headline":"Sale of 110 MWp of renewable energy capacity in the UK","teaserText":"Global renewable energy company, BayWa r.e., has sold two solar projects in the UK.","introText":"Global renewable energy company, BayWa r.e., has sold two solar projects in the UK. The solar farms have a total capacity of 110 MWp, which have the potential to supply over 31,000 UK households with green electricity.","newsText":"<p>The 30 MWp Bracks solar project in Cambridgeshire has been sold to UK Railway Pension Scheme, managed by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">Railpen<\/a>. This is the second cooperation between the two companies after the sale of <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/sale-of-scottish-tralorg-wind-farm-to-rpmi-railpen\/\" target=\"_blank\">Tralorg Wind Farm in 2019<\/a>.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Scurf Dyke near Hull, a co-located solar project where a utility scale battery will be linked to an 80 MWp solar farm, has been sold to a fund managed by investment advisor and asset manager, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">re:cap global investors<\/a>. Both projects are currently under construction by BayWa r.e. and are expected to be commissioned in 2023.&nbsp;<br> <br> BayWa r.e. has entered into 20-year-agreements to provide long term O&amp;M as well as commercial asset management services for both solar projects. These projects add to a growing UK portfolio, where BayWa r.e. currently manages and operates over 2 GW of renewable energy assets.<\/p>\r\n<p>Benedikt Ortmann, Global Director of Solar Projects at BayWa r.e. said: <em>\u201cIdentifying, developing and selling high quality renewable energy projects is the driving force behind BayWa r.e.'s fast global growth. The sale of these two projects in short succession is testament to not only the UK team\u2019s ambitions, but BayWa r.e.\u2019s expertise as a whole. It highlights our capabilities across the development of renewable energy and storage projects, which are now highly demanded investment objects on the market.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The sale of these projects follows success this year in the UK Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 4 process, which saw BayWa r.e. secure CfDs for eight renewable energy projects (including Bracks and Scurf Dyke), totalling over 330 MW across onshore wind and solar. BayWa r.e. UK\u2019s total pipeline now stands at 2.4 GW.<\/p>\r\n<p>John Milligan, Managing Director, UK &amp; Ireland at BayWa r.e., said: <em>\u201cSecuring reliable and economic long term supply of domestically generated energy is more essential than ever in the face of the climate and energy crises. The implementation of renewable energy projects is key to this, and we are delighted to have brought these two sites to the point of being attractive investment opportunities for our customers. These projects will also make an important contribution to the UK government\u2019s ambitions in meeting its Net Zero emission commitment by 2050. We look forward to continuing our work in the UK to help achieve vital sustainability goals.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>These sales follow other recent successful transactions of more than 140 MW of wind and solar capacity in France, Spain and Germany.&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._UK_Solar_Park_Website1.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-01-24 15:12:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-01-24 15:17:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2024-01-31 15:17:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[{"uid":1282,"headline":"Sale of Scottish Tralorg Wind Farm to RPMI Railpen","teaserText":"BayWa r.e., has announced that it has sold its Tralorg Wind Farm in South Ayrshire to RPMI Railpen (Railpen), one of the UK\u2019s largest pension funds.","introText":"BayWa r.e., has announced that it has sold its Tralorg Wind Farm in South Ayrshire to RPMI Railpen (Railpen), one of the UK\u2019s largest pension funds.","newsText":"<p>Tralorg is an eight-turbine wind farm located approximately 30km south of Ayr, Scotland, with an installed capacity of 18.8MW \u2013 enough to power around 15,000 homes. The wind turbines have been erected and the project is expected to be fully operational in the second quarter of 2020. Grid connection has already been secured with works underway.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Katy Hogg, Global Director of Wind Projects at BayWa r.e., commented: <em>\u201cTralorg is a high wind speed site designed with efficient and high-quality turbines. It will make a great contribution towards delivering low carbon electricity for UK consumers, both supporting the Scottish Government\u2019s renewable energy aspirations and helping the UK make progress towards its Net Zero targets.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>It is one of the last onshore wind farms to be built under the UK\u2019s onshore wind Contract for Difference (CfD) regime, having secured a 15-year CfD in 2014 through a competitive bidding process.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Gordon MacDougall, Managing Director, BayWa.r.e. UK Ltd. <em>\u201cWe\u2019re very pleased to have secured this first project sale with Railpen. We look forward to developing an ongoing relationship with them and, once the project is operational, ensuring that the wind farm gives them the best return on their investment through provision of ongoing asset management services.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cIt will be one of the last UK onshore wind farms to benefit from CfDs and it\u2019s clear that we now need a suitable replacement framework to encourage the development of and investment in wind and solar assets in the future. A level-playing-field is important if all generation sources are to play their full roles in furthering the energy transition. We are actively seeking new sites and partners to take forward further wind and solar projects around the UK.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Railpen is one of the UK\u2019s top five pension funds. It is responsible for investing railway pension scheme funds on behalf of members, with the goal of paying members\u2019 pensions securely, affordably and sustainably. To achieve this, it invests in projects that generate strong investment returns over the long-term.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Lewis Vanstone, Deputy Portfolio Manager of Railpen\u2019s Long-term Income Fund, said: <em>\u201cWe are delighted to have acquired Tralorg Wind Farm. The wind farm\u2019s sustainable, long-dated and asset-backed income characteristics dovetail perfectly with our core investment themes. The experience and expertise of our partner BayWa r.e. ensure this deal will be of great long-term value for members.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. has an established but still expanding project development and asset management team in the UK, with project activities spanning back to 2010. To date over 500MW of wind and solar projects have been realised in the UK. The company also recently started construction of its Scottish Inverclyde Wind Farm, one of the UK\u2019s first subsidy-free wind farms, albeit one that was developed before the UK\u2019s support schemes were closed to onshore wind projects. The wind farm will comprise eight 110 metre Enercon 3MW turbines, with a total installed capacity of 24MW.&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/BayWa_r.e._Tralorg.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2019-11-28 20:33:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2019-11-28 11:42:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2019-12-28 11:42:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":20,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Felix","lastname":"Gmelin","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Felix_Gmelin.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":27,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communication Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"5817","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 5817","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":"error: recursion stop","relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/sale-of-scottish-tralorg-wind-farm-to-rpmi-railpen","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/sale-of-scottish-tralorg-wind-farm-to-rpmi-railpen"}}],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/sale-of-110-mwp-of-renewable-energy-capacity-in-the-uk","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/sale-of-110-mwp-of-renewable-energy-capacity-in-the-uk"}}],[{"uid":3208,"headline":"BayWa r.e. accelerates Agri-PV research with 4 new projects","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. accelerates Agri-PV research with four new pilot projects in the Netherlands, Austria and Germany.","introText":"BayWa r.e. accelerates Agri-PV research with four new pilot projects in the Netherlands, Austria and Germany. These \u201cfruitvoltaic\u201d systems combine food and solar energy production on the same land and aim to improve fruit quality through research on plant health, growth and production, while reducing waste due to plastic foil.","newsText":"<p>In the Netherlands, together with its Dutch subsidiary GroenLeven, BayWa r.e has built two Agri-PV research facilities in the villages of Enspijk and Randwijk in the centre of the Netherlands with a capacity of 105 kWp and 125 kWp. The cherry and pear pilots will be monitored by the Fruit Tech Campus and the Wageningen University &amp; Research (WUR) respectively. Both projects give the research institutes ample opportunity to test a variety of set-ups and their effects on the fruits.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> In Austria, BayWa r.e., together with its subsidiary ECOWind, has completed a 340 kWp pilot for stone and pome fruit which was implemented together with the Haidegg research facility in Graz. Furthermore, BayWa r.e. and MKG G\u00d6BEL finished construction of a 115 kWp raspberry pilot in Oedheim, in the South of Germany, with a light transmittance of approximately 70 % and rainproof construction. The research institute for Viticulture and fruit growing Weinsberg (LVWO) will be monitoring the quality of the fruit below the PV modules. With these pilots, BayWa r.e. keeps pushing the boundaries in fruit cultivation research via Agri-PV and is thereby actively supporting evidence-based decision-making in business and politics.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> Funding bodies of the projects are the Dutch government, the federal state of Styria in Austria and the federal state of Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg in Germany.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> Stephan Schindele, Head of Product Management Agri-PV at BayWa r.e., commented: <em>\u201cOur Agri-PV projects can be a great response to the poly-crisis we are facing right now. In times of climate change, water scarcity and energy crisis, we should look for multifunctional approaches that support our sustainable development in the EU and worldwide. We are experiencing a great demand for our Agri-PV solutions, because it brings PV expansion in line with agriculture and nature conservation. For these synergies to be leveraged between the sectors, technical adaptation of the PV generator is required, resulting in higher costs. Unfortunately, in many markets, the political course has not yet been set to serve this potential and demand. In collaboration with the scientific community, we will demonstrate that it is socially, environmentally and economically worthwhile to support Agri-PV.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><br> &nbsp;<br> Dr. Benedikt Ortmann, Global Director of Solar Projects at BayWa r.e., added: <em>\u201cClimate change and agriculture are deeply connected with each other. We have already made a positive impact on both of these with our past projects, and we could do even better with our future ones. Making the most of combining food production and solar energy unites social, environmental and economic benefits. Now the question is: What should be done to create more of these kinds of projects?\u201d<\/em><br> &nbsp;<br> By the end of 2022, BayWa r.e. has developed and installed 15 Agri-PV projects in the EU. In 2023, the first Agri-PV projects will be built outside the EU and new \u201cRangevoltaic\u201d applications added to its portfolio, in which animal husbandry for cows and sheep is combined with Agri-PV.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>Image: Agri-PV pilot in Oedheim in the South of Germany&nbsp;(Copyright: MKG G\u00d6BEL)<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/MKG_GOEBEL_Agri-PV_Pilot_Oedheim_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-01-12 11:54:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-01-12 10:20:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-07-12 10:20:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1684,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-accelerates-agri-pv-research-with-4-new-projects","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-accelerates-agri-pv-research-with-4-new-projects"}}],[{"uid":3201,"headline":"BayWa r.e. sells PV portfolio of 115 MWp in Spain","teaserText":"The deal tops off another successful year for BayWa r.e. in Spain and will contribute towards reaching the country\u2019s climate goals for 2030.","introText":"BayWa r.e. sells a photovoltaic (PV) portfolio consisting of three solar plants with a total capacity of 115 MWp to L&G NTR Clean Power Fund managed by Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), a global asset manager, and NTR, a leading renewable energy specialist. The deal tops off another successful year for BayWa r.e. in Spain and will contribute towards reaching the country\u2019s ambitious climate goals for 2030.","newsText":"<p>Two of the PV projects will be situated in the Castilla la Mancha region. The third project consists of two installations, which are located near Granada in the Andalusia region.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Dr. Benedikt Ortmann, Global Director of Solar Projects of BayWa r.e., commented: <em>\u201cWe are pleased to complete the sale of this high-quality project portfolio to the L&amp;G NTR Clean Power Fund. Such an investment in clean energy infrastructure accelerates the development of new renewable installations and thus plays an important role in achieving vital climate goals. In Spain, we have been operating for more than 10 years, and during that time have been steadily increasing our project pipeline. Our solar projects in the country have been built without any subsidies for several years now. We are looking forward to continuing to build upon this success story in the future.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The projects each have long-term power purchase agreements in place, with multinational food and beverage company <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/nestle-and-baywa-re-sign-ppa-for-new-solar-park-in-spain\" target=\"_blank\">Nestl\u00e9<\/a>, global provider of sustainable packaging solutions <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/largest-solar-vppa-for-packaging-industry-in-europe\" target=\"_blank\">Huhtamaki<\/a>, and Spanish renewable energy provider <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/largest-solar-vppa-for-packaging-industry-in-europe\" target=\"_blank\">Holaluz<\/a>.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. has already installed 500 MW of wind and solar capacity in Spain, signed 790 MW in PPAs there, and has a project portfolio of over 2 GW, including one of the largest PV portfolios in the Spanish market.<\/p>\r\n<p>Juanjo \u00c1lvarez, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. Projects Espa\u00f1a S.L.U, added: <em>\u201cWhen it comes to renewables, Spain has a rather privileged position that allows the country to contribute to Europe\u2019s energy supply, and we are happy to be part of this process together with our partners LGIM and NTR. It is important to keep pushing for initiatives in the sector that ease regulations, which will help to facilitate the way for future projects \u2013 and make a significant contribution in the fight against climate change.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cSpain is the third largest European solar generator in the European Union with ambitious plans to grow installed capacity\u201d<\/em>, said Anthony Doherty, Chief Investment Officer, NTR. <em>\u201cWe are delighted to enter that market through the continuation of a strong relationship with BayWa r.e., one of the leading global renewables developers and energy solutions providers.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>This sale follows other recent successful transactions of BayWa r.e. of more than 130 MW of wind and solar capacity in France, the UK and Germany.&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/BayWa_r.e._Energy_Ventures_Zolar_1920x1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2023-01-04 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2023-01-04 09:05:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-12-07 09:05:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":2204,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Quirin","lastname":"L\u00f6ffelmeier","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Quirin_loeffelmeier_70x70.png"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":2845,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"7258","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 7258","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-sells-pv-portfolio-of-115-mwp-in-spain","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-sells-pv-portfolio-of-115-mwp-in-spain"}}],[{"uid":3199,"headline":"BayWa r.e. supports Schaeffler Group's sustainability goals","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. supports Schaeffler Group's sustainability goals through sale of solar park Kammerstein.","introText":"BayWa r.e. and the Schaeffler Group, a global supplier for the automotive and industrial sectors, launch their cooperation in the field of green energy supply with the sale of the 9.9 MWp Kammerstein solar farm in Bavaria, Germany. BayWa r.e. will continue to provide operating and maintenance services for the project.","newsText":"<p>The park is located less than 35 km linear distance from Schaeffler\u2019s headquarters, covers a total area of 10.7 hectares and consists of more than 15,400 solar modules. Connected to the grid in May 2022, the solar park generates around 11,000 MWh of green electricity per year, covering the electricity consumption of around two percent of Schaeffler\u2019s German locations. With this transaction, BayWa r.e. is supporting the company\u2019s decarbonisation strategy: achieving climate-neutrality for in-house production by 2030 and a total of 25 percent of energy requirements worldwide from self-generated renewable energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e. commented: <em>\u201cWe are in the decade that matters for achieving the 1.5-degree target where companies like Schaeffler play a decisive role. At BayWa r.e., we are aiming at advancing the energy transition in companies of all sizes with tailor-made energy solutions. We are therefore delighted to support Schaeffler in its sustainability goals. Together, we are making an active contribution to meeting global climate targets by realising projects such as the Kammerstein solar park.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThe acquisition of the solar farm in Kammerstein is another important achievement in the implementation of our sustainability roadmap, which we are pursuing successfully and with great determination,\u201d<\/em> said Klaus Rosenfeld, CEO of Schaeffler AG.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. implemented compensatory and replacement measures to promote local biodiversity, such as breeding birds and wild bees, on part of the project's area. In addition, local citizens were able to individually invest in the solar park through crowdfunding with a total sum of more than \u20ac 220,000.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/Kammerstein_BayWa_r.e._Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-12-19 14:12:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-12-19 08:46:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-06-19 08:47:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1684,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-supports-schaeffler-groups-sustainability-goals","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-supports-schaeffler-groups-sustainability-goals"}}],[{"uid":3150,"headline":"VELUX commissions BayWa r.e. to build two solar parks","teaserText":"VELUX Group commissions BayWa r.e. to build two solar parks to power its European operations with green electricity by 2024.","introText":"VELUX Group and BayWa r.e. announce a ground breaking dual-site deal to power the world-leading roof window manufacturer's European operations with 100% renewable electricity by 2024.","newsText":"<p>The Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) will drive the development of two new solar parks in southern Spain, one close to Seville and the other near Granada. The latter, called Alhend\u00edn solar park, includes BayWa r.e.\u2019s first installation of innovative Agri-PV technology in Spain, which will allow for crops growing in-between the solar panels.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Bringing more renewable energy online&nbsp;<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>When connected to the grid in 2023 and 2024, the two plants will generate 167 GWh of renewable electricity every year, equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 45,000 European homes. 80% of the electricity generated by the plants will be supplied to VELUX, with the remaining share to be added to the grid. The new PPAs will reduce the carbon footprint of VELUX with approximately 40,000 tons CO<sub>2<\/sub> equivalent from European activities alone on a yearly basis.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Commenting on the project, Lars Petersson, CEO of the VELUX Group, said: <em>\u201cVELUX has always been about bringing daylight into people\u2019s lives, and now we are very excited to apply the use of daylight, or more specifically solar power, to decarbonise our operations with renewable energy in the coming years. In our company, we have committed ourselves to fight the climate crisis and show sustainable leadership. And with this agreement, we are well on our way to achieving our aim for a 100% reduction of our emissions from operations by 2030.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Pioneering solar plant symbiosis&nbsp;<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>About 10% of the Alhend\u00edn solar park will be an Agri-PV installation, a new solar application that combines food production and energy generation, of which BayWa r.e. is a pioneer and leader. This installation will be specially designed with taller rows of panels, more widely spaced to allow farming to continue and modern agricultural machinery to pass between the panel rows, in this case to produce crops. The PV modules will also be used to collect rainwater, which will help the farmer manage the continuing risks posed by climate change and droughts in a very dry area, bringing the water-energy-food nexus to life.<\/p>\r\n<p>This PPA is pioneering the concept of solar plant symbiosis, integrating solar power production with nature and community for mutual benefit. The development of both solar plants will include a comprehensive plan and suite of community and environmental measures that will enhance local biodiversity and foster community involvement.<\/p>\r\n<p>To ensure that the parks will always prioritise their local environment and communities, BayWa r.e. will be partnering with nearby universities \u2013 namely <a href=\"https:\/\/\/uam\/inicio\">Universidad Aut\u00f3noma de Madrid<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Universidad de C\u00f3rdoba<\/a> \u2013 to form an interdisciplinary research group whose findings will ultimately inform a comprehensive and bespoke site strategy.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThis project is so exciting because it perfectly embodies the synergies between new solar generation, Agri-PV, community partnerships and biodiversity. It also underlines our deep commitment to sustainability initiatives,\u201d<\/em> commented Matthias Taft, BayWa r.e.\u2019s CEO. <em>\u201cLeading companies, such as the VELUX Group, play a crucial role in the fight against climate change and can be a game-changer in unlocking more sustainable pathways and solutions. Advancing the corporate energy transition is a huge focus for us, so it\u2019s a major milestone for BayWa r.e. to help the VELUX Group achieve its renewable electricity targets with these PPAs.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Helping to deliver on VELUX Group\u2019s historic carbon capture commitment<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>Once connected to the grid, the new solar farms will enable VELUX to achieve its 2030 target to reduce emissions from its own operations and activities by 100%. This target is part of the company\u2019s 2030 sustainability strategy commitment to pioneer climate and nature action. The commitment also includes targets to capture its historical carbon footprint since its founding in 1941 and up to 2041 through forest conservation projects with World Wide Fund for Nature and halving its value chain emissions by 2030.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Schneider Electric, the leading advisor on global corporate renewable energy procurement, supported VELUX in the selection of the projects and their negotiations.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>About the VELUX Group<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>For more than 80 years, the VELUX Group has created better living environments for people around the world; making the most of daylight and fresh air through the roof. Our product programme includes roof windows and modular skylights, decorative blinds, sun screening products and roller shutters, as well as installation and smart home solutions. These products help to ensure a healthy and sustainable indoor climate, for work and learning, for play and pleasure. We work globally \u2013 with sales and manufacturing operations in more than 40 countries and around 12,500 employees worldwide. The VELUX Group is owned by VKR Holding A\/S, a limited company wholly owned by non-profit, charitable foundations (THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS) and family. In 2021, VKR Holding had total revenue of EUR 3.5 billion and THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS donated EUR 244 million in charitable grants. For more information about VELUX Group, visit <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\"><\/a>.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._Interspace_Agri-PV_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-11-15 08:41:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-11-15 08:45:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-05-15 08:45:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1684,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/velux-commissions-baywa-re-to-build-two-solar-parks","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/velux-commissions-baywa-re-to-build-two-solar-parks"}}],[{"uid":3135,"headline":"BayWa AG continues strong growth momentum in third quarter","teaserText":"BayWa AG continues strong growth momentum in third quarter \u2013 full-year forecast raised again.","introText":"High demand in the energy, agriculture and construction business \u2013 Group is able to deliver products almost without interruption.","newsText":"<p>With very successful operations in the third quarter, BayWa AG seamlessly built on its strong performance in the first half of the year. The company posted revenues of \u20ac20.1 billion after nine months (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac14.1 billion). Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased to \u20ac459.8 million in the reporting period (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac191.7 million). This means that BayWa exceeded its previously raised full-year earnings forecast for 2022 of \u20ac400 million to \u20ac450 million in the first nine months. The company is looking ahead to the final quarter with confidence and now expects earnings of \u20ac475 million to \u20ac525 million in 2022. The Renewable Energies Segment will be one of the main earnings drivers.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u201cIn this year\u2019s turbulent market environment, reliability of supply is our customers\u2019 top priority. Accordingly, we are seeing high demand for heat energy carriers such as heating oil and wood pellets, for agricultural inputs and equipment, as well as for building materials to be used in renovation, for example,\u201d says Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa. \u201cOur customers are benefiting with virtually no restrictions from BayWa\u2019s strengths: our forward-looking inventory and risk management, our broad supplier network and our strong ability to deliver.\u201d<\/p>\r\n<p>As a European market leader and a key global player in the energy transition, the BayWa Group is participating in the expansion of renewable energies around the world. At the same time, the company is registering high demand for heating oil, wood pellets and fuel. Weather effects and low grain availability worldwide are leading to dynamic conditions on the agricultural markets. BayWa took advantage of appropriate trade opportunities and further increased its profitability in the trading of agricultural products. In addition, high producer prices are fuelling investment appetites among farmers, a factor that is reflected in rising sales figures for agricultural equipment. International fruit and vegetable trading is the only area in which the current difficult economic environment is inhibiting earnings. In the construction sector, however, the momentum remains intact, with the Building Materials Segment increasing both revenues and EBIT year on year.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Renewable Energies Segment<\/strong><br> The Renewable Energies Segment recorded revenues of \u20ac4.5 billion after the first nine months of the current financial year (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac2.2 billion). EBIT stood at \u20ac161.7 million (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac69.0 million). As in the previous quarters, trade involving PV components proved a major source of business. Five additional solar parks were sold in the segment\u2019s project business. This means that BayWa r.e. AG, in which BayWa\u2019s renewable energies business is pooled, sold wind farms and solar parks worldwide with a total output of 423 megawatts in the first three quarters of this year. Other large project sales are planned in the period up to the end of the year. BayWa once again expects record earnings in the Renewable Energies Segment for 2022.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Energy Segment<\/strong><br> The Energy Segment saw high demand for energy and heat carriers in the reporting period. Revenues amounted to \u20ac2.4 billion (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac1.5 billion). EBIT rose significantly to \u20ac44.8 million (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac11.1 million). As one of Germany\u2019s largest wood pellet traders, BayWa also benefited from the trend towards heating with this type of energy carrier. At times, demand outstripped supply threefold, but was met almost without interruption thanks to BayWa\u2019s active inventory management. The company sold a total of 554,451 tonnes of wood pellets in the first nine months of this year. The weather in the period ahead will determine how strongly the heat energy carriers business performs in the fourth quarter. Fuel sales will remain stable.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cefetra Group Segment<\/strong><br> International agricultural trade continued to develop positively in the third quarter. After nine months, the Cefetra Group Segment reported revenues of \u20ac4.6 billion (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac3.6 billion) and earnings of \u20ac52.8 million (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac28.8 million). Trade involving specialities was one of the main earnings drivers. The development of the agricultural markets in the course of the fourth quarter will depend heavily on the geopolitical situation. BayWa anticipates that volatility and price levels will remain high for the time being.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Global Produce Segment<\/strong><br> At \u20ac703.8 million, revenues in the Global Produce Segment were slightly below the previous year after three quarters (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac709.3 million). EBIT amounted to \u20ac18.3 million (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac22.7 million). Earnings were pushed down by higher energy and logistics costs, disruptions in international supply chains and muted consumer spending, especially on exotic fruits and premium products, as a result of inflation. On account of the multiple challenges affecting conditions in international fruit and vegetable trading, BayWa expects overall earnings for 2022 to be below the previous year\u2019s level.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment<\/strong><br> After three quarters, the Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment posted revenues of \u20ac4.4 billion (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac3.1 billion) and a jump in earnings to \u20ac152.3 million (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac34.0 million). The optimization of internal distribution and trading processes, as well as the market environment, had a positive effect on earnings. In the first half of the year, BayWa benefited from invoicing existing contracts relating to the 2021 harvest. The company took advantage of the sideways movement on the agricultural markets in the third quarter to substantially expand the scope of the futures contracts from this year\u2019s harvest, a large proportion of which will be reflected in earnings in 2023. BayWa registered a greater willingness among farmers to stock up on agricultural inputs, especially fertilizer, for the coming season. In the seed business, the expansion of the product portfolio to include high-margin exclusive varieties also paid off.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Agricultural Equipment Segment<\/strong><br> Earnings in the Agricultural Equipment Segment were buoyed by farmers\u2019 investment appetites and high demand for new machinery. With revenues at \u20ac1.5 billion (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac1.4 billion), EBIT rose significantly to \u20ac47.5 million (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac25.9 million). Business from maintenance and servicing as well as spare parts was similarly strong. The segment\u2019s order books remain healthy. As a result, BayWa expects the positive trend in the field of agricultural equipment to continue.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Building Materials Segment<\/strong><br> The Building Materials Segment recorded revenues of \u20ac1.8 billion in the reporting period (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac1.6 billion). Earnings stood at \u20ac65.8 million after nine months (Q1\u20133\/2021: \u20ac61.4 million). In a challenging market environment that saw supply bottlenecks at manufacturers and a lack of transport capacity, BayWa was able to deliver products almost without interruption. This enabled the company to meet sustained high demand from its customers for building materials. In recent years, BayWa has evolved into a multi-specialist in the construction sector and expanded its speciality range. It is therefore in a position to easily absorb any temporary slowdown in construction activity. Bau Projekt GmbH made a positive contribution to earnings with the sale of further residential units from its construction projects in Borna near Leipzig and in Traunstein, Upper Bavaria. Overall, BayWa expects total earnings in the Building aterials Segment to be on a par with the previous year.<\/p>\r\n<p><br> <br> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/08422_q3_en\/08422_q3_en\/baywacms%3Adownloads\/08422_EN_Q3_2022_Zahlen.pdf\">BayWa fig\u00adures after the 3nd quarter of 2022<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/baywa-ag-p\/raw\/upload\/fl_attachment\/v1\/bloomreach-upload\/Praesentation_Presse_Q3_2022_EN7270081719537078650.pdf\">BayWa present\u00ada\u00adtion for the press con\u00adfer\u00adence<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/08422_q3_en\/08422_q3_en\/baywacms%3Adownloads%5B3%5D\/BayWa_EN_Boerse_Q1-3_2022.pdf\">BayWa Fin\u00adan\u00adcial State\u00adments after the 3nd quarter of 2022<\/a><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_Flaggen_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-11-10 15:15:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-11-10 11:16:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-05-10 11:16:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1148,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Raphael","lastname":"Lohrer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Raphael_Lohrer_70x70_01.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":357,"areaOfResponsibility":"Contact for Media Requests","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"4534","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 4534","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-ag-continues-strong-growth-momentum-in-third-quarter","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-ag-continues-strong-growth-momentum-in-third-quarter"}}],[{"uid":3102,"headline":"BayWa r.e. Expands Solar Trade Business to Serve Malaysia","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. has announced the expansion of its Solar Distribution business into Malaysia at the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia 2022 (iGEM 2022).","introText":"BayWa r.e. has announced the expansion of its Solar Distribution business into Malaysia at the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia 2022 (iGEM 2022). This will enable further growth of renewable energy in the country, in line with BayWa r.e\u2019s own goal to make solar energy more readily available throughout Southeast Asia.","newsText":"<p>BayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business provides top-tier and high-quality solar components such as PV modules, mounting systems, energy storage solutions, and monitoring management systems supporting the growth of various solar players.<\/p>\r\n<p>Mr. Niranpal Singh, Managing Director, BayWa r.e. Malaysia said, <em>\u201cBayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business is integral to the growth of the residential, commercial, industrial, and utility solar segments. This business is a cog in the wheel of facilitating the mission of making renewable energy accessible for customers and society. As we expand our footprint into Malaysia, we are looking to make high-quality solar equipment more accessible to the Malaysian market, while expanding and upgrading market requirements. Our goal is to reach homeowners and companies in every corner of Malaysia, to reduce their energy bills and encourage the public to explore a carbon-free energy solution.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e.\u2019s customers will also have access to BayWa r.e\u2019s expert help, support, and advice, garnered from more than 25 years of experience in the solar market.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business expansion in Malaysia comes in the wake of the 2021 announcement by the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/mida-news\/malaysia-aims-31-re-capacity-by-2025\/\">Malaysian Investment Development Authority<\/a> (MIDA), of its plans to increase the share of renewable energy in installed capacity to 31% in 2025 and 40% in 2035. BayWa r.e.\u2019s Solar Distribution business launch ties in with this goal, providing top-tier solar equipment and global expertise and capabilities to the masses in Malaysia.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Commenting on the launch, Mr. Junrhey Castro, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. Solar Systems Corporation said, <em>\u201cWithin the APAC region, the BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution business spans across Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and now, Malaysia. We are a one-stop shop, offering end-to-end solar equipment solutions, fully operational with logistics and supply chain management, and stocked warehouses. Our global footprint is unique to this region, with combined expertise from 20 countries and more than 1,000 employees servicing over 15,000 customers across Europe, America, Asia, and Oceania. We further plan to expand to other countries to serve more customers, enabling them to make a change for a sustainable future.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. has been helping accelerate the growth of Malaysia\u2019s renewable energy goals since 2016, when it successfully sold two solar farms in Malaysia to a local renewable energy-focused independent power producer, reNIKOLA Sdn Bhd. The first project is a 5.2 MWp development at Arau located on the university campus in Perlis, while the second project is the 39 MWp Gebeng solar park in Pahang.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the APAC region, BayWa r.e. was named the \u201cSolar Company of the Year\u201d at SolarQuarter\u2019s Annual Philippines Solar Week for two years running in 2021 and 2022. The company also recently closed the sale of a floating photovoltaic farm in Thailand. Globally, BayWa r.e. announced the opening of the Pinos Puente (Illora) PV park near Granada in Southern Spain.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._Solar_Trade_Malaysia_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-10-12 14:54:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-10-12 17:54:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-04-12 17:54:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1185,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Salim","lastname":"Pathan","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Asia\/Salim_Pathan_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1578,"areaOfResponsibility":"PR contact APAC","phoneCountryCode":"+66","phonePrefix":"2","phoneNumber":"097","phoneExtension":"1926","fullPhoneNumber":"+66 2 097 1926","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-expands-solar-trade-business-to-serve-malaysia","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-expands-solar-trade-business-to-serve-malaysia"}}],[{"uid":2987,"headline":"BayWa sees enormous growth momentum in first half of 2022","teaserText":"Full-year guidance raised to between \u20ac400 million and \u20ac450 million.","introText":"Group secures strong ability to deliver and benefits from high global demand for renewable energies.","newsText":"<p>BayWa AG has followed up on an extraordinarily strong first quarter by posting further gains during a successful second quarter. In the first half of 2022, the Group generated revenues of \u20ac12.9 billion (H1\/2021: \u20ac9.3 billion). Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) climbed to \u20ac328.5 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac144.6 million). All operating segments contributed to this development, with some seeing tremendous earnings growth. <em>\u201cIn a highly volatile market environment characterised by scarce resources and disruptions to supply chains, we reliably lived up to the trust of our customers in BayWa\u2019s ability to deliver,\u201d<\/em> says Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa. The company is also benefiting from the international efforts to achieve greater independence from fossil energy, which are gaining further momentum due to the energy crisis. As a result, the very good development of business in the Renewable Energies Segment will continue in the remaining months of the financial year, Lutz explains, adding: <em>\u201cThanks to the strong first half of the year, we are entering the second half with tremendous momentum. We have therefore raised our guidance for the year and expect to see full-year EBIT of \u20ac400 million to \u20ac450 million in 2022.\u201d<\/em><br> <br> Alongside project business involving renewable energy plants and increased sales of photovoltaic (PV) components and inverters, the marketing of electricity from own plants as an independent power producer (IPP) also contributed to earnings. Heat energy carriers were in high demand, and sales of agricultural inputs also increased by a large margin despite a sharp rise in prices. In trade involving agricultural products, BayWa benefited from high demand for specialities and was able to take advantage of price development in commodities. The higher prices for grain and oilseed fuelled greater willingness to invest among farmers, which had a positive effect on BayWa\u2019s agricultural equipment business. The Global Produce Segment compensated for the inflation-related dip in fruit and vegetable consumption in Europe through stable business in the southern hemisphere. Earnings in the Building Materials Segment increased by just under 30% year on year, thanks in no small part to BayWa\u2019s unaffected delivery capability and further specialisation in the building materials business.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Renewable Energies Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>Revenues in the Renewable Energies Segment came to \u20ac2.7 billion in the first half of the year (H1\/2021: \u20ac1.4 billion). EBIT stood at \u20ac85.0 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac50.8 million). BayWa r.e. AG, in which BayWa\u2019s renewable energies business is pooled, sold wind farms and solar parks with a total output of 350 megawatts (MW) in the first six months of 2022. Sales of PV modules once again climbed by a remarkable 77%, with business involving inverters gaining 52%. The new IPP business entity also developed positively thanks to the sharp rise in electricity prices.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Energy Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>High demand coupled with rising prices had a favourable effect on trade involving fuels and heating products. Revenues climbed to \u20ac1.5 billion (H1\/2021: \u20ac892.4 million) in the reporting period, while EBIT rose by a clear margin to stand at \u20ac20.6 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac6.5 million). Fear of further price hikes and future supply bottlenecks are motivating customers to stock up on heating oil. BayWa expects this trend to continue in the second half of the year, albeit at a lower level.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Cefetra Group Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>The Cefetra Group Segment, which includes international agricultural business, reported revenues of \u20ac3.1 billion (H1\/2021: \u20ac2.6 billion) after six months. EBIT stood at \u20ac36.6 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac20.1 million). Earnings were mainly driven by specialities trading, which benefited from strong demand for proteins and starch products. As specialities trading has proved to be fairly crisis-proof, BayWa expects positive business development to continue in this segment. Volatility on international exchanges is also likely to remain high due to a tight supply from European cultivation regions and a slight decline in global grain stocks. The availability of transport capacity will play a decisive role in the months ahead, as will logistics and energy costs.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Global Produce Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>Business performance in the Global Produce Segment, in which BayWa has pooled its fresh fruit and vegetable business, was characterised by both positive and negative developments in the reporting period. In the northern hemisphere, robust availability of goods in the market coincided with inflation-related constraints on demand among consumers, who increasingly chose less expensive products when making their purchases. This stood in contrast to higher apple marketing volumes in the southern hemisphere and the successful licensing business involving the Envy apple variety. Overall, the Global Produce Segment recorded revenues of \u20ac458.8 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac461.0 million) in the first six months of 2022. At \u20ac16.4 million, earnings were up year on year (H1\/2021: \u20ac14.5 million). While the market environment should remain challenging in Germany, BayWa expects stable sales in the international apple business. The successful closing of the climate-controlled greenhouse project in the United Arab Emirates and its sale will also have a positive effect on earnings.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>The Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment generated revenues of \u20ac3.0 billion in the reporting period (H1\/2021: \u20ac2.1 billion). EBIT stood at \u20ac134.2 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac39.0 million). The higher prices made it possible to market the grain inventories at above-average margins. The tremendous willingness among farmers to stockpile agricultural inputs, particularly fertilizer, led to stable demand in the face of high prices. In seed business, the broad product range and the expansion of the private brand strategy had a positive effect on earnings. BayWa expects sales of agricultural inputs to decline in the second half of the year due to anticipatory effects and the dry conditions in recent weeks. The supply of fertilizer on the global market will remain scarce. Through active inventory and risk management, BayWa will continue to ensure the supply for the agriculture sector in the upcoming fertilizer season. Grain contracts currently being signed for the harvest will have an impact on earnings in the first half of 2023.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Agricultural Equipment Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>With revenues of \u20ac1.0 billion (H1\/2021: \u20ac880.8 million) and EBIT of \u20ac35.1 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac14.7 million), the Agricultural Equipment Segment recorded a strong first half of 2022. BayWa started the reporting year with a high order backlog yet succeeded in serving customers even at short notice thanks to its ability to deliver. While sales of new machinery increased by 19%, service and spare parts business saw stable capacity utilisation. Fundamentally, the outlook for the agricultural equipment business remains positive. Following the very good first half of 2022, BayWa expects demand to normalise in the second half of the year.<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Building Materials Segment<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>The Building Materials Segment received momentum from the consistent stability in construction activity in the first half of the year. Revenues increased to \u20ac1.2 billion (H1\/2021: \u20ac994.6 million). EBIT came to \u20ac43.5 million (H1\/2021: \u20ac33.6 million). In a market environment characterised by the low availability of products, BayWa benefited from its good inventories and stable network of suppliers. As a result, the company was able to meet the high demand for building materials with virtually no restrictions. While Bau Projekt GmbH marketed additional residential units from the projects in Schrobenhausen and Traunstein, the implementation of the multi-specialist strategy also bore fruit. Given the high order backlogs, BayWa\u2019s outlook for the second half of the year is positive. Even if construction activity were to slow down, the company believes it is well positioned thanks to its broad range of products and solutions.<br> <br> <br> <em>An overview of the key figures on the BayWa Group's business development for the 2nd quarter of 2022 can be found as a downloadable PDF file at the bottom of this page.<\/em><br> <br> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/baywa-half-year-results-2022\/baywa-half-year-results-2022\/baywacms%3Adownloads\/06122_EN_Halbjahr_2022_Zahlen.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"BayWa figures after the 2nd quarter of 2022\">BayWa fig\u00adures after the 2nd quarter of 2022 <\/a><br> <br> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/baywa-half-year-results-2022\/baywa-half-year-results-2022\/baywacms%3Adownloads%5B2%5D\/BayWa_Halbjahresfinanzbericht_2022_EN.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Half-Year Financial Statements 2022\">Half-Year Financial Statements 2022<\/a><br> <br> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/baywa-half-year-results-2022\/baywa-half-year-results-2022\/baywacms%3Adownloads%5B3%5D\/https%3A\/\/\/baywa-ag-p\/raw\/upload\/fl_attachment\/v1\/bloomreach-upload\/EN_Pr_sentation_Presse_Q2_20226008857178404571484\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Present\u00ada\u00adtion press after the 2nd quarter of 2022\">Present\u00ada\u00adtion press after the 2nd quarter of 2022<\/a><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_Flaggen_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-08-04 10:30:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-08-04 10:30:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-01-04 15:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-sees-enormous-growth-momentum-in-first-half-of-2022","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-sees-enormous-growth-momentum-in-first-half-of-2022"}}],[{"uid":2950,"headline":"BayWa r.e. sees strong success in UK renewables auction","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. was successful in the UK renewable energy auction with eight projects in England and Scotland.","introText":"In the recent UK Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 4 process, global renewable energy company, BayWa r.e., has been successful with eight projects throughout England and Scotland, totalling over 330MW across onshore wind and solar.","newsText":"<p>To date there have been four CfD allocation rounds, and, in the recent Allocation Round Four (AR4), BayWa r.e. has successfully secured CfDs for eight renewable energy projects. These include six solar projects, totalling 236MW, as well as two onshore wind projects, totalling 98MW.<br> <br> These projects represent an important contribution to securing the reliable, long-term supply of domestically-generated, renewable energy. They will also support the UK government\u2019s ambitions in meeting its Net Zero emission commitment by 2050, and the Net Zero emission electricity system target by 2035.<br> <br> John Milligan, Managing Director for BayWa r.e. UK, said: <em>\u201cIn the face of climate and energy crises, it is more important than ever to deliver low-cost, as well as zero-carbon energy to UK consumers. The implementation of renewable projects is key to this and is why our success in the recent AR4 round is a fantastic result, not only for us as a business but also for the wider industry.\"<\/em><br> <br> <em>\u201cThe growth and development of BayWa r.e.\u2019s portfolio has been a team effort over the last few years, so success in this round is a great reward which recognises the determination of the team. We look forward to continuing our work in the UK to help achieve vital sustainability milestones.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><br> <br> CfDs are the UK government scheme that promote investment into large scale low carbon electricity generation. Renewable developers in Great Britain can compete for contracts by submitting sealed bids into the CfD auction.&nbsp;<br> <br> <strong>Successful BayWa r.e. Projects<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Solar Projects<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<ul> \t<li>Driffield (30MW), Yorkshire<\/li> \t<li>Scurf Dyke (49.9MW), Yorkshire<\/li> \t<li>Bracks (20MW), Cambridgeshire<\/li> \t<li>Fambridge Hall (45MW), Essex<\/li> \t<li>Corner Copse (49.9MW), Wiltshire<\/li> \t<li>Rag Lane (42MW), Gloucestershire&nbsp;<\/li> <\/ul>\r\n<h4><strong>Wind Projects<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<ul> \t<li>High Constellation (50MW), Argyle &amp; Bute<\/li> \t<li>Broken Cross (48MW), Lanarkshire<\/li> <\/ul>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_r.e._CfD_2.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-07-14 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-07-14 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2022-12-14 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1663,"areaOfResponsibility":"Global Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-sees-strong-success-in-uk-renewables-auction","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-sees-strong-success-in-uk-renewables-auction"}}],[{"uid":2828,"headline":"BayWa r.e. to tender 10TWh of green electricity in Europe","teaserText":"Largest pure-play developer corporate PPA tender in Europe will be issued in Autumn 2022.","introText":"Renewable energy leader BayWa r.e. will issue Europe\u2019s first-ever tender initiated by a developer, for corporate power purchase agreements (CPPA), totalling 10 terawatt-hours over 10-year contracts. The energy will come from a portfolio of renewable projects located in Germany and Spain.","newsText":"<p>The tender will take place in Autumn 2022 and will see the project\u2019s total output shared with several off-takers, each looking to meet their energy demands with a reliable source of renewable energy. The tender\u2019s terms and principles are currently being finalised and further information will be shared by BayWa r.e. later this year.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Reliable, accessible renewable energy in the face of climate and energy crisis<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. is witnessing a very high corporate demand for renewable electricity globally, and particularly in the EMEA region, driven by intensifying sustainability commitments in the face of climate change and customer and investor expectations, as well as Europe\u2019s unprecedented ongoing energy crisis.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long-term PPA deals provide companies with a stable energy supply that protects against future energy price increases, while also enabling the development of new renewable energy projects. Both benefits make corporate PPAs a key part of actively driving the renewable energy transition forward.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. is a well-established PPA and energy solutions provider in Europe, having previously signed agreements across the continent with leading global corporations including <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/budweiser-will-be-brewed-100-renewable\">AB InBev<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/news\/details\/nestle-and-baywa-re-sign-ppa-for-new-solar-park-in-spain\">Nestl\u00e9<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/en\/company\/news\/details\/baywa-re-signs-first-solar-corporate-ppa-in-poland\">HeidelbergCement<\/a>.<\/p>\r\n<p>Speaking on this announcement was Daniel Parsons, BayWa r.e.\u2019s Head of PPA: <em>\u201cThis is truly an unprecedented time for energy markets across Europe. Corporates are facing price spikes and increasing uncertainty, and at the same time they want to play an active role in tackling the climate crisis. Renewable energy is the only answer, and long-term PPA contracts are a key tool to achieve reliable electricity supply and to enable more renewable energy. It\u2019s brilliant that we\u2019re now able to introduce a tender process to our PPAs in Spain and Germany.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>Also commenting was Benedikt Ortmann, Global Director of Solar Projects at BayWa r.e.: <em>\u201cWe want to make green electricity as accessible as possible. Our PPA tender is promoting the energy transition for commercial and industrial customers, which are on the lookout for affordable and reliable green energy supply. At BayWa r.e., we are playing an integral role in this transition.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><br> <em>For more information please contact:&nbsp;<a href=\"\"><\/a><\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/3257_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-05-06 17:02:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-05-06 12:32:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2022-07-06 12:32:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1663,"areaOfResponsibility":"Global Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-to-tender-10twh-of-green-electricity-in-europe","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-to-tender-10twh-of-green-electricity-in-europe"}}],[{"uid":2748,"headline":"BayWa delivers excellent results again in 2021","teaserText":"BayWa delivers excellent results again in 2021 \u2013 growth momentum continues.","introText":"Listed company does not currently expect its business to be materially impacted by the war in Ukraine.","newsText":"<p>Even in the second year of the coronavirus pandemic, the BayWa Group succeeded in defying the difficult economic environment and generating record results, allowing BayWa AG to finish the financial year 2021 with a 26% jump in earnings. The new earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) record of \u20ac266.6 million (2020<sup>1<\/sup>: \u20ac211.6 million) confirms the excellent business development of the listed company as part of a trend that emerged over the course of the year. Revenues increased by more than 20% to \u20ac19.8 billion (2020<sup>1<\/sup>: \u20ac16.5 billion). Plans are in place to raise the dividend for 2021 by 5 cents to \u20ac1.05 per share.<\/p>\r\n<p>Once again, more than half of the consolidated earnings were generated by BayWa r.e., which has been operating as a German stock corporation within the BayWa Group since March 2021. <em>\u201cI am proud that BayWa r.e., in its role as the European market leader for the energy transition, is successfully leading the charge in the fields of renewable energies. That shows how important entering this sector in 2009 was for the financial success of BayWa,\u201d<\/em> says Chief Executive Officer Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz. <em>\u201cDespite the tense logistics situation around the world, we managed to further increase our productivity and profitability in the international Cefetra Group and Global Produce Segments.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The Group\u2019s business activities in Germany also contributed to the record results. <em>\u201cAs a provider of essential goods and services in the fields of food, energy and building materials, we were able to cater to our customers\u2019 needs despite lockdowns and the difficult global supply chain,\u201d<\/em> Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz says. <em>\u201cThroughout the protracted pandemic, we have constantly kept our sites open and have practically always been able to deliver thanks to our warehouses and the modern logistics in every segment, from Agri Trade &amp; Service and Building Materials to Energy. All of our employees share credit for that.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>In the German agricultural business, the changes initiated in 2019 already had a positive effect on earnings contributions in 2021. Lutz: <em>\u201cThe reorganisation of our business in eastern Germany, along with the new approach taken in agricultural equipment service and sales and in logistics, was an important pillar of this&nbsp;success.\u201d<\/em> The agricultural equipment business benefited from above-average sales figures for new machinery and high capacity utilisation at the Group\u2019s workshops.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Building Materials Segment achieved stronger revenue growth than its competitors and recorded a 56% year-on-year increase in earnings in the financial year 2021. <em>\u201cThe shift in our business model towards greater specialisation and services for the construction sector, as well as BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH, acted as significant driving factors for this positive development,\u201d<\/em> according to Klaus Josef Lutz. <em>\u201cOur long-standing business relationships enabled us to supply our customers and be a reliable partner despite last year\u2019s turbulent conditions for materials such as wood and steel in the building materials market.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>So far, the new financial year is off to a good start. At the present time, BayWa does not expect the war in Ukraine to have a material impact on its activities. Ukraine and Russia are not key sales markets for BayWa. The extent to which logistics chains may be additionally disrupted remains to be seen. Lutz: <em>\u201cWe were well positioned with our broadly diversified procurement, storage and logistics network, even before the coronavirus pandemic. Right now, we still view continuing to make sure that people are supplied with energy, food and building materials as our top priority.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Individual segment performance<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p>The <strong>Renewable Energies Segment<\/strong> set a new record in the reporting year, with an increase in revenues to \u20ac3.6 billion (2020: \u20ac2.2 billion). EBIT rose to \u20ac135.0 million (2020: \u20ac110.9 million). Alongside project business, solar trade activities proved once again to be an earnings driver. The total output of the photovoltaic (PV) modules sold increased by roughly 73%. Demand was high, particularly in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The IPP business, in which the BayWa subsidiary BayWa r.e. AG operates selected solar parks and wind farms itself, also developed positively on the whole.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa expects to see sustained tailwind for further growth in the Renewable Energies Segment in the current year. Wind and solar energy projects with a total capacity of 1.2 gigawatts are slated for completion in 2022, with already completed projects scheduled for sale in the first half of the year. Thanks in part to the political expansion targets, specifically in Europe, BayWa also anticipates a further rise in PV component sales within its solar trade activities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite higher revenues, the results of the <strong>Energy Segment<\/strong> were down year on year, as expected. Revenues increased to \u20ac2.1 billion on account of price effects (2020: \u20ac1.7 billion). EBIT came to \u20ac17.4 million (2020: \u20ac31.8 million). Demand, especially for heating oil, cooled considerably over the course of the year due to rising costs on the back of high crude oil prices, the return to the full value added tax rate and the introduction of carbon pricing. Although BayWa sold roughly one-fifth less heating oil than in 2020, which was a record-setting year, it was able to partially compensate for the decline through higher volume for wood pellets. The company continued to expand its network of filling and charging stations for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and electromobility.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa plans to keep expanding its range of CO<sub>2<\/sub>-optimised mobility solutions in the current year. Alongside the construction of three additional LNG filling stations, the Group has already received an order to build 75 charging parks on behalf of retail chains. BayWa also anticipates a further rise in wood pellet sales volumes. The company assumes that the high energy prices will accelerate the transformation of heating systems, with demand for heat contracting solutions and the corresponding installation contracts for building services providers expected to grow. By contrast, the high energy prices will continue to weigh down demand for heating oil and fuels.<\/p>\r\n<p>The international agricultural trade activities in the <strong>Cefetra Group Segment<\/strong> resulted in revenues of \u20ac5.0 billion in the reporting year (2020: \u20ac4.2 billion). EBIT rose to \u20ac38.8 million (2020: \u20ac21.6 million). Cefetra Group benefited from rising prices for corn and soya meal, especially in the second half of the year. The rise was due to increased demand for feedstuff grain, particularly from China, coupled with scarce supply. Trade involving specialities also saw very successful development.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa expects major price fluctuations to continue in the current year on account of the war in Ukraine. The volatility will result in marketing opportunities for Cefetra Group and its global procurement network, even in the event of potential global supply bottlenecks. BayWa expects stable development over the course of the year in the specialities trade following the expansion of the portfolio in 2021 to include dairy products and milk alternatives, as well as nuts and legumes of African origin.<\/p>\r\n<p>The <strong>Global Produce Segment<\/strong> faced challenges, particularly in New Zealand. Less pome fruit was available for marketing on account of hail damage during the blossom period and the coronavirus-related lack of seasonal workers. A shortage of sufficient container capacity delayed the delivery of exports from the southern hemisphere to Europe, resulting in a conflict with the new local harvest and a surplus of pome fruit. Prices, which had been high until that time, fell noticeably. Nevertheless, revenues in the Global Produce Segment increased to \u20ac0.96 billion due to price effects (2020: \u20ac0.94 billion). The rise in EBIT to \u20ac42.6 million (2020: \u20ac41.8 million) is primarily attributable to the sale of properties no longer required and the issuing of cultivation licences.<\/p>\r\n<p>The situation in New Zealand has eased noticeably during the current harvest season. BayWa expects the export ratio to increase by 7%. In Germany, however, efforts to sell off inventory from delayed exports and the previous European harvest remain slow. As a result, BayWa expects further decreases in the price of pome fruit. In the trade with exotic fruits, the company is expanding its capacities, with marketing volumes in the segment set to rise further in the medium term.<\/p>\r\n<p>Higher grain and agricultural input prices provided additional momentum for the ongoing restructuring of the <strong>Agri Trade &amp; Service Segment<\/strong> in the financial year 2021. Revenues increased to \u20ac4.2 billion (2020: \u20ac3.6 billion). EBIT came to \u20ac12.3 million (2020: minus \u20ac14.3 million). BayWa benefited from early warehousing at favourable prices, particularly for fertilizers. The Group was then able to sell off its inventories at better margins over the further course of the year. The rising prices for agricultural commodities also resulted in opportunities in product trade activities.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa expects the prices for grain and oilseed to at least remain at the level seen to date. As a consequence of the increase in land under organic cultivation, the company anticipates a decline in fertilizer and crop protection sales volumes. Demand for fertilizers is additionally being weighed down by stricter environmental regulations and the current high prices. By contrast, business involving alternative agricultural inputs and seed, as well as trade in organic products, is gaining importance. Two new BayWa sites for organic grain collection are slated for construction in eastern Bavaria and eastern Germany in 2022.<\/p>\r\n<p>In terms of revenues, the <strong>Agricultural Equipment Segment<\/strong> topped the previous year\u2019s record by a slight margin to finish the reporting year at \u20ac1.90 billion (2020: \u20ac1.87 billion). EBIT fell to \u20ac48.6 million (2020: \u20ac54.4 million). The number of new machines sold was up slightly on the five-year average in 2021 but fell short of the level seen in the previous year on account of manufacturers\u2019 supply bottlenecks, leading to a high order backlog in the current year. BayWa therefore expects tractor and machinery sales to remain above average in Germany in 2022. Both the Bauernmilliarde (farmers\u2019 billion) subsidy programme and inflation are driving factors that are encouraging farmers to make increased investments in tangible goods. The resulting trend is benefiting BayWa\u2019s workshops, which saw a further rise in capacity utilisation in the reporting year.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa saw an unusually strong year in its <strong>Building Materials Segment<\/strong>, where revenues rose to \u20ac2.1 billion due to volume and price factors (2020: \u20ac1.9 billion). EBIT increased by a clear margin to stand at \u20ac73.2 million (2020: \u20ac46.9 million). The segment benefited from sustained high demand in structural engineering, civil engineering, roofing, gardening and landscaping, dry construction, construction equipment and tools. BayWa\u2019s decidedly better inventories and ability to deliver than its competitors, coupled with the further expansion of sales and product range specialisations in 2020, played an important role in the segment\u2019s success.<\/p>\r\n<p>In addition, BayWa Bau Projekt GmbH has proved to be an important pillar of the Building Materials Segment, having sold over 120 residential and commercial units in 2021 \u2013 four times as many as in 2020. Eight new projects were added to the project pipeline, with the proceeds set to start making a difference in the years ahead. The residential construction segment should expect a shift away from new building activities to modernisation and renovation of existing properties. The shortage of skilled labour will remain the greatest concern for the construction sector as a whole. As a result, BayWa will again focus its efforts on expanding digitalisation and industrial pre-fabrication in 2022.<\/p>\r\n<p>An overview of the key figures on the business development of the BayWa Group for the 2021 balance sheet can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><br> <sup>1&nbsp;<\/sup>The previous year\u2019s figures have been adjusted in accordance with IAS 8.42.<br> &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021\/baywacms%3Adownloads\/BayWa_KFB_2021_EN_web.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Consolidated Financial Statement 2021<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021\/baywacms%3Adownloads%5B2%5D\/EN_BayWa+GJ+2021+Pr%C3%A4sentation+Presse.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Presentation Press 2021<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/binariesdownload\/file\/content\/documents\/baywacms-en\/press\/pressinformation\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021\/baywacms%3Adownloads%5B3%5D\/EN_02522_Bilanz_Zahlen.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Figures 2021<\/a>&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_Flaggen_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-03-24 17:24:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-03-24 11:26:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2022-05-24 11:26:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":930,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Global Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-delivers-excellent-results-again-in-2021"}}],[{"uid":2678,"headline":"BayWa closes 2021 with a significant jump in earnings","teaserText":"BayWa AG closed 2021 with a significant jump in earnings, confirming the excellent business performance that it had already indicated during the past twelve months.","introText":"BayWa AG closed 2021 with a significant jump in earnings, confirming the excellent business performance that it had already indicated during the past twelve months, and successfully building on the previous year. The SDAX-listed Group recorded earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of \u20ac266.6 million (2020[1]: \u20ac211.6 million) \u2013 up around 26% year on year.","newsText":"<p>Revenues stood at \u20ac19.8 billion in 2021 (20201: \u20ac16.5 billion). All three operating business units contributed to the increase in earnings. The BayWa Board of Management will propose to the Supervisory Board to raise the dividend for 2021 by 5 cents to \u20ac1.05 per share.<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cBayWa has performed superbly in a market environment that is becoming more and more challenging for many companies. The figures show how right we were to take the realignment path we set out on more than ten years ago,\u201d<\/em> says Prof. Klaus Josef Lutz, Chief Executive Officer of BayWa AG. <em>\u201cWe have systematically forged ahead with our international expansion and diversification and have embarked on new business models, such as in renewable energies. This has not only put BayWa on a very firm economic footing, but has also enabled the company to continuously grow. One of the indicators of these achievements is our dividend, which has increased by 70% during this period.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>In addition to reaching \u2013 and in some cases even exceeding \u2013 its operational targets, BayWa has laid further foundations to ensure future profitability during the reporting period. With a financing and investment policy that will be more strictly aligned with the ESG criteria going forward, BayWa is in a good position for the long-term economic restructuring targeted by policymakers, he added.<\/p>\r\n<p>BayWa will publish detailed figures for the financial year 2021 along with its balance sheet on 24 March 2022. An exclusively digital annual results press conference will be held on 24 March at 10.30 am. An analysts\u2019 conference will also be held digitally on 25 March.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Countrypage_DE\/06_News\/BayWa_Flaggen_Website.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-02-28 11:08:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-02-28 08:38:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2022-09-22 08:38:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":16,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Mark","lastname":"Cooper","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Marc_Cooper.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":934,"areaOfResponsibility":"Head of Corporate Communications","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"3611","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 3611","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-closes-2021-with-a-significant-jump-in-earnings","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-closes-2021-with-a-significant-jump-in-earnings"}}],[{"uid":2662,"headline":"BayWa r.e. predicts exceptional growth in 2022","teaserText":"Following a successful 2021 with significant progress made across its business entities, BayWa r.e. predicts record growth and expansion in 2022.","introText":"Following a successful 2021 with significant progress made across its projects, services, distribution and energy solutions business entities, BayWa r.e. predicts record growth and expansion in 2022 with the realization of more than 1 GW of new renewable projects, as the pace of the global renewable energy transition increases.","newsText":"<h4><strong>2021 Highlights:<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<ul> \t<li>Completed transaction with Energy Infrastructure Partners for 49% share in BayWa r.e.&nbsp;<\/li> \t<li>About 500 MW of wind and solar projects sold in 2021 across core global markets and 100 MW transferred to IPP portfolio<\/li> \t<li>6 major business acquisitions made including leading wind and solar developers, as well as deals to strengthen the company\u2019s digital asset operations expertise and distribution business<\/li> \t<li>60% increase in revenues within solar distribution business&nbsp;<\/li> <\/ul>\r\n<h4><strong>2022 In focus:&nbsp;<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<ul> \t<li>Predicted realization of more than 1 GW of wind and solar energy projects globally&nbsp;<\/li> \t<li>Continued expansion of offshore wind business with 1 GW already secured in Scotwind tender and further growth of onshore wind&nbsp;<\/li> \t<li>Even greater focus on innovative technologies, including green hydrogen and storage<\/li> \t<li>Increase in subsidy-free projects, many of which will be realised through corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with leading corporations &nbsp;<\/li> <\/ul>\r\n<p><br> <strong>Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e. AG commented:<\/strong><em> \u201c2021 was a landmark year in the fight against the climate crisis, with global leaders uniting at COP26 and the renewable energy industry experiencing major growth despite challenges caused by factors such as the pandemic and global supply chain disruption. The industry is poised for further growth in 2022 as the pace of the renewable energy transition increases, and BayWa r.e. is set to play a significant role.<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThe company achieved exceptional results during 2021 across all business entities, with the Solar Distribution business in particular having a record year. Growing our project pipeline, entering new markets, bringing a new investor on board and becoming an Independent Power Producer (IPP), have all contributed to that success. In 2022, we anticipate further strong growth with predicted project realizations of 1GW, continued expansion in offshore and onshore wind, more PPAs with leading corporations and even greater focus on evolving technologies such as green hydrogen and storage.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Success and Outlook by Business Entity&nbsp;<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<h4><strong>Projects<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>BayWa r.e. sold about 500 MW of wind and solar energy in 2021, with projects located in core European markets: the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and Sweden. The company also commissioned its largest wind farm in Europe, the 94.6 MW Lyngs\u00e5sa wind farm in Southern Sweden. In the APAC region, BayWa r.e. successfully sold its Isohara solar farm in Japan. In the Americas, BayWa r.e. is managing the construction phase of the 98.8 MW Strauss wind project, the first on the California coast. It has also managed the development and construction of the 260 MWp Corazon solar park located in Texas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Spain and the Netherlands will continue to be key markets for the solar business, with Eastern Europe beginning to pick up speed. While the Nordics and Spain will play a more significant role in the advancement of the onshore wind business, and the UK, France and Portugal as priority markets for offshore wind. BayWa r.e. has a project pipeline in EMEA of over 12.5 GW. In APAC, the company will be actively pursuing solar and wind projects with a total of 2.5 GW and is also looking into opportunities in the floating solar and wind sector. In the Americas, BayWa r.e. will continue developing its pipeline of over 5 GW of wind, solar and energy storage projects, as well as continued expansion of its O&amp;M and EPC businesses across the region. &nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Energy Solutions<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>It was a record year for the BayWa r.e. Energy Solutions business with 68 projects realised, compared with 54 in the previous year. Significant deals included signing the first solar corporate PPA in Poland with HeidelbergCement, as well as the largest solar VPPA for the packaging industry in Europe with Huhtamaki. In the U.S., BayWa r.e. announced a PPA with multinational company Hershey. BayWa r.e. also executed its largest PV rooftop project to date with global property expert Goodman.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> The company has achieved significant development in the APAC market, with new projects awarded in Q4. Further expansion in this market is expected in 2022 with PPA opportunities in Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia upcoming. In the U.S., the company has established a market leadership in the C&amp;I and utility scale EPC construction business in Hawaii and the wider Pacific region. The business will also solidify its success in the EMEA market in the coming year, with new customers and expanded client relationships.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Services<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>Achieving over 10 GW under operations and management was a key milestone for the Services business in 2021. Another significant highlight included the acquisition of Kaiserwetter\u2019s IoT, asset intelligence and data science capabilities, to expand the company\u2019s digital asset operations expertise. The Services business continued its focus on its digitalisation and repowering solutions throughout the year, with several successful repowering projects undertaken in core European markets: France, Italy, the UK and Germany. In the Americas, BayWa r.e. launched a new Remote Operational Control Centre (ROCC) based in California, providing around the clock coverage for its solar projects in the U.S. and Mexico.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Digitalisation and revamping will remain a focus for the Services business in 2022, driving efficiency and sustainability for the industry.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4><strong>Solar Distribution<\/strong><\/h4>\r\n<p>Despite ongoing supply chain disruptions, BayWa r.e. Solar Distribution sold multiple GW of modules and inverters, representing a significant increase from 2020. As a result, overall revenues for the Solar Distribution business increased by more than 60%.<\/p>\r\n<p>At the beginning of 2021, the company celebrated the successful launch of novotegra GmbH as a new, independent mounting system manufacturer, as well as the establishment of an independent distribution business in Poland with its first warehouse and new offices in Krak\u00f3w. A number of acquisitions strengthened the Solar Distribution business and allowed targeted growth in individual markets. In October 2021, novotegra GmbH broadened its position in the mounting system market, with the acquisition of PV Integ, specialised in systems for green and gravel roofs. In addition, the Solar Distribution division expanded further into Eastern Europe by acquiring a leading distributor in the Czech Republic in May 2021. At the end of Q4 2021, the acquisition of Beacon Solar, further strengthened the Solar Distribution\u2019s market presence in the U.S. &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>In 2022, the Solar Distribution business continues to benefit from increasing worldwide demand, driven by high electricity prices, ambitious renewable energy targets and strong incentives. In the coming years, BayWa r.e. plans to make acquisitions in regions where the business is underrepresented or where market leadership has not yet been achieved.&nbsp;<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/Financial_Results_2022_News_1920_x_1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-02-24 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-02-24 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-01-19 09:56:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":20,"salutation":"mr","firstname":"Felix","lastname":"Gmelin","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Felix_Gmelin.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":27,"areaOfResponsibility":"Communication Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+49","phonePrefix":"89","phoneNumber":"383932","phoneExtension":"5817","fullPhoneNumber":"+49 89 383932 5817","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"},{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"},{"uid":4,"name":"Asset Operations","seoName":"asset-operations"},{"uid":5,"name":"Solar Distribution","seoName":"solar-distribution"},{"uid":6,"name":"Energy Trade","seoName":"energy-trade"},{"uid":7,"name":"Energy Solutions","seoName":"energy-solutions"},{"uid":188,"name":"Hybrid Projects","seoName":"hybrid-projects"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-predicts-exceptional-growth-in-2022","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-predicts-exceptional-growth-in-2022"}}],[{"uid":2638,"headline":"BayWa r.e. advances offshore wind strategy","teaserText":"BayWa r.e., alongside partners Elicio and BW Ideol as part of the Floating Energy Allyance, has secured the rights to develop a 960 MW floating wind farm in the northeast coast of Scotland.","introText":"BayWa r.e., alongside partners Elicio and BW Ideol as part of the Floating Energy Allyance, has secured the rights to develop a 960 MW floating wind farm in the NE8 area off the northeast coast of Scotland through Crown Estate Scotland\u2019s recent ScotWind leasing round. Having established itself as a key player in the solar and onshore wind sectors, this result bolsters BayWa r.e.\u2019s position within the offshore industry, and marks an important step forward in floating wind development.","newsText":"<p>ScotWind is the first Scottish offshore wind leasing round in over a decade and the first ever since the management of offshore wind rights were devolved to Scotland. The Floating Energy Allyance is one of 17 projects to have been selected out of a total of 74 applications.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Gordon MacDougall, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. UK commented: <\/strong><em>\u201cWe are delighted to have been awarded the development rights for NE8 by the Crown Estate Scotland in what was a highly competitive tender process. The level of competition demonstrates the quality of our submission and the confidence that has been placed in BayWa r.e. and our partners. We now look forward to delivering this exciting project together with our partners. It will help to meet Scotland\u2019s net zero target and put the country at the forefront of the global growth of floating wind. While supporting up to 3,900 jobs at the peak of manufacturing and construction.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The successful award is another milestone in BayWa r.e.\u2019s strategy to become established in the offshore and floating offshore wind market. It follows the signing of an MOU with Ulsan City, South Korea in November 2021, for the development of floating offshore wind projects off the coast of the city. Furthermore, in September 2021, BayWa r.e. pre-qualified for participation in the largest call for tenders for floating wind on an industrial scale in Europe to date, held in Brittany, France.<\/p>\r\n<p>Building on its global network of development offices and local expertise, the company is pursuing further offshore opportunities in additional markets, with the ambition to expand its portfolio over the coming year.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Felipe Cornago, Commercial Director Offshore Wind at BayWa r.e. adds: <\/strong><em>\u201cWith a well-established and highly successful onshore wind business, BayWa r.e. set out to replicate this in the offshore market. Through the implementation of a clear strategy and by building on our trust, reputation and expertise in the renewable energy market, we have been able to meet this ambition. A vital element of this strategy has been working with partners to respond directly to the needs, goals and opportunities of local markets and stakeholders. We will continue this approach as we build our offshore portfolio, focusing on emerging and established markets and newer technologies like floating wind, as well as balancing greenfield and tenders to mitigate risks. We look forward to communicating on progress made in the coming year.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><em>Copyright: BW Ideol<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/ScotWind_Leasing_News_1920_x_1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-02-02 08:30:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-02-02 08:30:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2022-09-22 10:57:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1663,"areaOfResponsibility":"Global Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":1,"name":"Wind","seoName":"wind"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-advances-offshore-wind-strategy","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-advances-offshore-wind-strategy"}}],[{"uid":2631,"headline":"BayWa r.e. and Holaluz sign PPA for solar park in Spain","teaserText":"BayWa r.e. and Holaluz have signed a 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a 20 MWp solar park near Poblete in Castile-La Mancha.","introText":"BayWa r.e. and Holaluz, a green energy technology company, have signed a 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a 20 MWp solar park near Poblete in the Castile-La Mancha region of Spain.","newsText":"<p>The PPA marks another milestone for BayWa r.e. on its journey towards grid parity in Europe, as this will be the company\u2019s seventh solar project in Spain developed without any support from subsidies. For Holaluz this agreement is a new step to a 100% renewable world.<\/p>\r\n<p>The project will be built exclusively on single-axis trackers and commissioning of the solar park is planned for summer 2022. In its first year of full production, the park is expected to generate approximately 37.5 GWh of solar energy.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>The partnership will enable BayWa r.e. and Holaluz to supply 9,500 Holaluz customers with renewable energy.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Daniel Parsons, Head of PPA at BayWa r.e., commented:<em> \u201cAfter successful large-scale agreements for our Don Rodrigo, Don Rodrigo II, Tordesillas I and II, Illora and Archidona solar parks, this new PPA with Holaluz demonstrates once more that grid parity is becoming a reality.&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cWe are very proud to be leading the way for subsidy-free renewable energy in Europe and taking concrete action against climate change. The collaboration with Holaluz is positive in all respects. We have found a great partner who is well established in the Spanish electricity market and shares our vision of a 100% renewable future.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The project underlines Holaluz\u2019 commitment to foster its position as the leading green electricity supplier in Spain. &nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Carlota Pi, co-founder and CEO at Holaluz said: <em>\u201cOur goal is to create a 100% renewable world by connecting people to green energy. This partnership brings us one step closer to this goal.&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cTogether with BayWa r.e. we will provide green energy to our customers. We are delighted about this first cooperation with BayWa r.e. and are looking forward for more business opportunities in the future.\u201d&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>In addition to the PPA, the two companies have also signed a framework agreement to help Commercial &amp; Industrial customers obtain reliable and high-quality energy solutions such as self-consumption models, e-mobility solutions, or financial concepts including leasing solutions or PPAs.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cCommercial and industrial companies can benefit in two ways,\u201d <\/em>said Ana Lopez, Head of Sales at BayWa r.e. Espa\u00f1a S.L.U.<\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cWith our high-quality PV energy, as well as other energy solutions they are able to achieve their sustainability goals and at the same time get great savings on their energy bills once their tailored solution is connected to the grid.<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cWe are driving the energy transition in Spain in both the private and the industrial sector.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p>The Spanish government goals are to source 70% of electricity from renewables by 2030, and to be carbon neutral by 2050. With a pipeline of 1.4 GW of renewable projects in the country planned for delivery by 2027, BayWa r.e. is contributing to meeting these targets.<\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/BayWa_r.e._PPA_Holaluz_News_1920_x_1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-02-01 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-02-01 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2022-07-20 22:05:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+02:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1663,"areaOfResponsibility":"Global Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. AG","streetNo":"Arabellastra\u00dfe 4","postcode":"81925","city":"Munich","phoneLinkFormatted":"+49893839320","email":"","management":"Matthias Taft (Chairman), Dr. Daniel G\u00e4fke, Dr. Mihaela Seidl","website":"https:\/\/","latitude":"48.153363","longitude":"11.61726","fixedAtTop":"1","country":{"uid":54,"name":"Germany","seoName":"Germany"}}},"externalLink":"","noDetailPageLink":false,"relatedNews":[],"relatedDownloads":[],"displayCorporate":true,"relatedLinks":[],"businessArea":[{"uid":2,"name":"Solar","seoName":"solar"}],"metaData":{"url":"https:\/\/\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-and-holaluz-sign-ppa-for-solar-park-in-spain","urlRelative":"\/en\/about-us\/news\/details\/baywa-re-and-holaluz-sign-ppa-for-solar-park-in-spain"}}],[{"uid":2614,"headline":"Floating Energy Allyance successful in ScotWind tender","teaserText":"Floating Energy Allyance Secures Rights to Develop Major Floating Wind Project in Scottish Waters.","introText":"Floating Energy Allyance Secures Rights to Develop Major Floating Wind Project in Scottish Waters.","newsText":"<p>The Floating Energy Allyance has secured the rights to develop a floating offshore wind farm with an approximate capacity of 1GW off the northeast coast of Scotland through Crown Estate Scotland\u2019s ScotWind leasing round, which concluded today (Monday 17 January).<\/p>\r\n<p>The \u2018option agreement\u2019 is for the area designated NE8 in the Scottish Government\u2019s Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind, which is located some 75km to the northeast of Fraserburgh on the Aberdeenshire coast.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Allyance is a development partnership comprising BayWa r.e., a global renewable energy business with UK offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh; Elicio, an experienced Belgian offshore wind developer, owner and operator; and BW Ideol, a proven floating technology leader and international floating wind project co-developer.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Allyance will now seek to re-engage with key stakeholders, step up environmental surveys and progress further work on design as it moves towards developing detailed proposals for the project ahead of applying for consent.<\/p>\r\n<p>FEA expects to enter into an Option Lease Agreement with CES by April 2022.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Responding to the award, Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e., said:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cWe are delighted that the partnership\u2019s unique breadth and depth of capability and expertise has been recognised by Crown Estate Scotland.<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cWe believe that our project will put the Floating Energy Allyance at the heart of Scotland\u2019s offshore wind sector and also place Scotland at the very forefront of the global push to develop floating wind.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Paul de la Gueriviere, CEO of BW Ideol, said:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cThis award underlines the pertinence of our co-development model and shows once again how BW Ideol\u2019s unique value proposition contributes to a winning and differentiating bid. We strongly believe that a credible execution and industrialization plan, accurate cost assumptions, a proven and bankable technology, and the option to manufacture our concrete floating foundations locally will contribute to our project\u2019s successful execution.<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cWe will continue with our plans to create a manufacturing hub in the north of Scotland as illustrated by the strategic partnership agreement signed between BW Ideol and the Port of Ardersier in September 2021, and more generally to work to engage with the wider Scottish supply chain.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Alain Janssens, CEO of Elicio, commented:<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cElicio has built significant expertise through our involvement in the development and operation of four offshore wind projects in Belgian waters, and we look forward to applying those lessons to the development of our ScotWind site.<\/em><\/p>\r\n<p><em>\u201cI would like to thank everyone across the partnership that has played a part in securing this exciting new chapter for Floating Energy Allyance and for Scotland\u2019s offshore wind sector.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><em>Copyright: BW Ideol<\/em><\/p>","image":["\/fileadmin\/Corporate_Content\/07_News\/ScotWind_Leasing_News_1920_x_1080.jpg"],"date":{"date":"2022-01-17 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarStarttime":{"date":"2022-01-17 09:00:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"dateSidebarEndtime":{"date":"2023-02-15 12:36:00","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"+01:00"},"contact":{"uid":1249,"salutation":"mrs","firstname":"Karin","lastname":"Kreuzer","image":["\/fileadmin\/ContentHub\/Contacts\/Contact_Persons_Germany\/Karin_Kreuzer_70x70.jpg"]},"contactPosition":{"uid":1663,"areaOfResponsibility":"Global Communications Manager","phoneCountryCode":"+33","phonePrefix":"430","phoneNumber":"003","phoneExtension":"206","fullPhoneNumber":"+33 430 003 206","email":"","company":{"uid":24,"companyname":"BayWa r.e. 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