Apache Commons – Dormant

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class="externalLink" title="Sponsorship"> Sponsorship</a> </li> <li class="none"> <a href="" class="externalLink" title="Thanks"> Thanks</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="poweredBy"> <a href="" title="ApacheCon" class="builtBy"> <img class="builtBy" alt="ApacheCon" src="" /> </a> <a href="" title="Maven" class="builtBy"> <img class="builtBy" alt="Maven" src="" /> </a> </div> </td> <td class="content"> <section> <h2><a name="The_Apache_Commons_Dormant"></a>The Apache Commons Dormant</h2> <p> The Dormant is a Subversion repository for Commons components that have had little recent development activity and no individual or group of individual committers has emerged to champion its ultimate promotion to Commons Proper. </p> <p> If you wish to use any of these components, you must build them yourselves. It is best to assume that these components will not be released in the near future. </p> <table border="0" class="bodyTable"> <tr class="a"> <th>Dormant</th> <th></th></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-attributes/">Attributes</a></td> <td>Runtime API to metadata attributes such as doclet tags.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-betwixt/">Betwixt</a></td> <td>Services for mapping JavaBeans to XML documents, and vice versa.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/cache/">Cache</a></td> <td>Cache provides object caching services.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/chain/">Chain</a></td> <td><i>Chain of Responsibility</i> pattern implemention.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/clazz/">Clazz</a></td> <td>Clazz focuses on introspection and class manipulation.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/contract/">Contract</a></td> <td>This component makes all the nice features available to the java programming language that come along with contract based programming.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/convert/">Convert</a></td> <td>Commons-Convert aims to provide a single library dedicated to the task of converting an object of one type to another.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/discovery/">Discovery</a></td> <td>Tools for locating resources by mapping service/reference names to resource names.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-el/">EL</a></td> <td>Interpreter for the Expression Language defined by the JSP 2.0 specification.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/events/">Events</a></td> <td>Commons-Events provides additional classes for firing and handling events. It focusses on the Java Collections Framework, providing decorators to other collections that fire events.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/feedparser/">Feedparser</a></td> <td>A Java RSS/Atom parser designed to elegantly support all versions of RSS (0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, and 2.0), Atom 0.5 (and future versions) as well as easy ad hoc extension and RSS 1.0 modules capability.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-functor/">Functor</a></td> <td>A functor is a function that can be manipulated as an object, or an object representing a single, generic function.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/jjar/">JJar</a></td> <td>Jakarta JAR Archive Repository</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/launcher/">Launcher</a></td> <td>Cross platform Java application launcher.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/latka/">Latka</a></td> <td>Commons-Latka is an HTTP functional testing suite for automated QA, acceptance and regression testing.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/mapper/">Mapper</a></td> <td>Mapper is a thin abstraction layer around a project's chosen data mapping technology (a.k.a. DAO pattern).</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/messenger/">Messenger</a></td> <td>Messenger is an easy to use and lightweight framework for working with JMS in the web tier.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-modeler/">Modeler</a></td> <td>Mechanisms to create Model MBeans compatible with JMX specification.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-ognl/">OGNL</a></td> <td>An Object-Graph Navigation Language</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/commons-primitives/">Primitives</a></td> <td>Smaller, faster and easier to work with types supporting Java primitive types.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/proxy/">Proxy</a></td> <td> Library for creating dynamic proxies.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/resources/">Resources</a></td> <td>Resources provides a lightweight framework for defining and looking up internationalized message strings keyed by a java.util.Locale and a message key.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/scaffold/">Scaffold</a></td> <td>Scaffold is a toolkit for building web applications.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/threadpool/">ThreadPool</a></td> <td>ThreadPool is a simple component for asynchronously dispatching work to another thread in a pool for simple multi threaded programming.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="proper/commons-transaction/">Transaction</a></td> <td>Implementations for multi level locks, transactional collections and transactional file access.</td></tr> <tr class="a"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/workflow/">Workflow</a></td> <td>Workflow provides a framework for building workflow management systems.</td></tr> <tr class="b"> <td align="left"><a href="./dormant/xmlio/">XMLIO</a></td> <td>Simple and fast importer for XML configuration or import files.</td></tr> </table> </section> <section> <h2><a name="Revival_of_the_Dormant_Components"></a>Revival of the Dormant Components</h2> <p> A Commons Dormant component may be revived to the Commons Sandbox if one or more committers are interested in picking up development of the components and working towards the promotion to Commons Proper. </p> <p> A revival of a Commons Dormant component must be preceded by a VOTE on the <a href="../mail-lists.html">commons developers mailing list</a>. </p> </section> <section> <h2><a name="Marking_a_component_as_dormant"></a>Marking a component as dormant</h2> <p> Some notes on what needs to be changed when a component is made dormant. </p> <p> <b>===== work in progress - to be completed =====</b> </p> <section> <h3><a name="Changes_to_the_component_Git_repo"></a>Changes to the component Git repo</h3> <ul> <li>Update for the component: add note re dormancy</li> <li>Add '(Dormant)' to description in .asf.yaml</li> <li>We don't ask for repo to be made read-only in case revival occurs</li> <li>pom.xml - change site URLs: s/proper/dormant/ </li> <li>delete dependabot.yml</li> <li>disable GH CI builds - change to workflow_dispatch only</li> <li>edit download_COMP.xml - remove all but archive link?</li> </ul> </section><section> <h3><a name=""></a>Changes to</h3> <ul> <li>content/resources/.htaccess - change redirect (this affects site move)</li> <li>content/site.xml - move entry to under Dormant</li> <li>content/xdoc/components.xml - drop entry</li> <li>content/xdoc/dormant.xml - add entry</li> <li>DOAP: Add (Dormant) to name.</li> <li>Maybe drop DOAP from projects.a.o?</li> </ul> </section><section> <h3><a name="Other_changes"></a>Other changes</h3> <ul> <li> - Move site from proper to dormant (try to coordinate this with htaccess change)</li> <li>[dev|release]/commons/COMPONENT - drop COMPONENT folders</li> </ul> </section></section> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="footer"> <p>Copyright &copy; 2025 <a href="">The Apache Software Foundation</a>. 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