Truepic Developer Documentation
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13.8004 4.77189C12.5567 4.77189 11.3718 5.03544 10.2943 5.51073L9.611 4.28787C10.8915 3.69894 12.3083 3.36903 13.8004 3.36903ZM17.6016 14.0303C17.6016 11.861 15.8997 10.1025 13.8004 10.1025C11.7011 10.1025 9.99919 11.861 9.99919 14.0303C9.99919 16.1996 11.7011 17.9582 13.8004 17.9582C15.8997 17.9582 17.6016 16.1996 17.6016 14.0303ZM11.3567 14.0303C11.3567 12.6379 12.4529 11.5052 13.8004 11.5052C15.1477 11.5052 16.244 12.6379 16.244 14.0303C16.244 15.4226 15.1477 16.5553 13.8004 16.5553C12.4529 16.5553 11.3567 15.4226 11.3567 14.0303ZM17.33 7.71294C20.7065 9.72729 21.8633 14.1886 19.9139 17.6776C18.6063 20.0179 16.2335 21.326 13.7937 21.326C12.9411 21.326 12.0808 21.1628 11.2543 20.8314L11.9424 19.6C12.5374 19.8125 13.1634 19.9234 13.7937 19.9234C15.8278 19.9234 17.7226 18.794 18.7383 16.9762C19.4998 15.6133 19.7019 14.0254 19.3078 12.5054C18.9136 10.9852 17.9702 9.71469 16.6512 8.92779C15.7843 8.41065 14.8008 8.13723 13.8069 8.13723C11.7728 8.13723 9.87816 9.26655 8.86249 11.0844C8.10101 12.4472 7.89871 14.035 8.29285 15.5551C8.59168 16.7072 9.20711 17.7147 10.0611 18.4782L9.37175 19.7119C6.70316 17.4964 5.92216 13.5413 7.68686 10.3829C8.99444 8.04258 11.3671 6.73446 13.8069 6.73446C15.0044 6.73446 16.2184 7.04976 17.33 7.71294ZM36.3274 11.412V19.6127C36.3274 20.4473 36.571 21.1084 37.0588 21.5964C37.5462 22.0847 38.2262 22.3285 39.0989 22.3285H42.0903V19.9056H39.6633C39.1328 19.9056 38.8678 19.6306 38.8678 19.0801V11.412H42.0903V8.93604H38.8678V5.0487H36.3274V8.93604H34.1587V11.412H36.3274ZM47.5533 10.1873C47.8097 9.7791 48.1218 9.46833 48.4899 9.25545C48.8578 9.04227 49.3496 8.93604 49.9653 8.93604H52.2238V11.412H50.1964C49.3409 11.412 48.6824 11.6518 48.2205 12.131C47.7586 12.6102 47.5278 13.2937 47.5278 14.1812V22.3285H44.9872V8.93604H47.1684L47.425 10.1873H47.5533ZM63.2255 16.7638C63.2255 17.3674 63.0801 17.9266 62.7895 18.4412C62.4983 18.9563 62.1005 19.3642 61.596 19.6659C61.0914 19.9681 60.5395 20.1185 59.9408 20.1185C59.051 20.1185 58.3069 19.799 57.7083 19.1601C57.1093 18.5212 56.8103 17.7222 56.8103 16.7638V8.93604H54.27V16.9767C54.27 18.0776 54.4877 19.0535 54.9241 19.9056C55.3604 20.7577 55.9672 21.4191 56.7461 21.8893C57.5242 22.3592 58.4097 22.5948 59.402 22.5948C60.2399 22.5948 60.993 22.4305 61.6601 22.1022C62.3276 21.774 62.8406 21.3879 63.1997 20.9441H63.328L63.5847 22.3285H65.7659V8.93604H63.2255V16.7638ZM74.5264 8.66937C75.6723 8.66937 76.7116 8.9535 77.6441 9.52149C78.5764 10.0897 79.3123 10.8706 79.8512 11.8643C80.39 12.8586 80.6594 13.977 80.6594 15.2193C80.6594 15.8407 80.6164 16.3109 80.5311 16.6303H70.6773C70.7969 17.7131 71.2161 18.5965 71.9346 19.2795C72.6532 19.9631 73.5169 20.3048 74.5264 20.3048C75.2449 20.3048 75.8775 20.1363 76.4254 19.7988C76.9726 19.4618 77.3834 19.0267 77.6572 18.494H80.3003C79.9066 19.6837 79.2136 20.664 78.2219 21.4363C77.2293 22.2085 75.9977 22.5945 74.5264 22.5945C73.3288 22.5945 72.2427 22.2975 71.2675 21.7024C70.2923 21.1081 69.5264 20.2826 68.9707 19.2263C68.4148 18.1704 68.1369 16.9676 68.1369 15.6185C68.1369 14.2872 68.4148 13.0937 68.9707 12.0375C69.5264 10.9816 70.2923 10.1563 71.2675 9.56124C72.2427 8.96697 73.3288 8.66937 74.5264 8.66937ZM71.9346 11.9709C71.2329 12.6633 70.814 13.5417 70.6773 14.6067H78.1446C78.059 13.5417 77.6827 12.6633 77.0156 11.9709C76.3484 11.2786 75.5184 10.9325 74.5264 10.9325C73.5001 10.9325 72.6358 11.2786 71.9346 11.9709ZM92.6277 9.5481C91.7207 8.96232 90.7113 8.66937 89.5996 8.66937C87.9227 8.66937 86.5884 9.32616 85.5963 10.6396H85.468L85.2114 8.93571H83.0302V27.6534H85.5708V20.704H85.6991C86.1436 21.2897 86.6909 21.7514 87.3415 22.0884C87.9912 22.4254 88.744 22.5945 89.5996 22.5945C90.7113 22.5945 91.7207 22.3016 92.6277 21.7158C93.5341 21.13 94.2483 20.3048 94.7703 19.2396C95.292 18.1746 95.553 16.9676 95.553 15.6185C95.553 14.2699 95.292 13.0672 94.7703 12.011C94.2483 10.955 93.5341 10.1339 92.6277 9.5481ZM92.5121 17.9882C92.1785 18.6806 91.7251 19.213 91.152 19.5859C90.5789 19.9585 89.959 20.1447 89.2919 20.1447C88.6244 20.1447 88.0043 19.9585 87.4312 19.5859C86.8578 19.213 86.4049 18.6806 86.0713 17.9882C85.7374 17.2959 85.5708 16.5065 85.5708 15.6185C85.5708 14.731 85.7374 13.9458 86.0713 13.2622C86.4049 12.5791 86.8578 12.0507 87.4312 11.6781C88.0043 11.3052 88.6244 11.1188 89.2919 11.1188C89.959 11.1188 90.5789 11.3052 91.152 11.6781C91.7251 12.0507 92.1785 12.5791 92.5121 13.2622C92.8457 13.9458 93.0126 14.731 93.0126 15.6185C93.0126 16.5065 92.8457 17.2959 92.5121 17.9882ZM110.427 20.1448C111.282 20.1448 112.001 19.9232 112.583 19.4793C113.164 19.0357 113.566 18.4234 113.789 17.6422H116.355C116.047 19.098 115.371 20.2873 114.328 21.2101C113.284 22.1332 111.983 22.5945 110.427 22.5945C109.229 22.5945 108.143 22.2976 107.168 21.7025C106.193 21.1082 105.427 20.2826 104.871 19.2264C104.315 18.1705 104.037 16.9676 104.037 15.6185C104.037 14.2872 104.315 13.0938 104.871 12.0376C105.427 10.9816 106.193 10.1564 107.168 9.5613C108.143 8.96703 109.229 8.66943 110.427 8.66943C111.983 8.66943 113.284 9.12207 114.328 10.0273C115.371 10.9326 116.047 12.0954 116.355 13.5152H113.789C113.566 12.7697 113.164 12.1839 112.583 11.7578C112.001 11.332 111.282 11.1189 110.427 11.1189C109.725 11.1189 109.084 11.3052 108.503 11.6781C107.921 12.0508 107.459 12.5792 107.117 13.2622C106.774 13.9458 106.604 14.7311 106.604 15.6185C106.604 16.5065 106.774 17.2959 107.117 17.9883C107.459 18.6807 107.921 19.213 108.503 19.5859C109.084 19.9585 109.725 20.1448 110.427 20.1448ZM100.39 3.0861C99.8335 3.0861 99.3983 3.2925 99.0845 3.70515C98.8275 3.99447 98.6989 4.36164 98.6989 4.80681C98.6989 4.84149 98.6998 4.91091 98.7018 4.94442C98.7218 5.39109 98.8792 5.76111 99.1742 6.05448C99.4906 6.37035 99.8962 6.52809 100.39 6.52809C100.872 6.52809 101.271 6.37035 101.588 6.05448C101.905 5.73894 102.063 5.3319 102.063 4.83327C102.063 4.32354 101.905 3.90483 101.588 3.57729C101.271 3.2499 100.872 3.0861 100.39 3.0861ZM99.1109 11.412H97.0516V8.93604H101.651V22.3285H99.1109V11.412Z" 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verified digital media. Our developer tools offer SDKs and APIs for integrating camera functionality, media verification, and inspection record management into your existing app.</h5> <a class="text-xs flex justify-between w-[176px] text-tp-blue font-bold border-b-[1px] border-b-tp-blue pb-2 cursor-pointer transition-all duration-300 hover:pb-1 hover:w-[186px] hover:mb-[4px]" href="">Vision Documentation <span class="ml-2">→</span></a> </section> <section class=""></section> <section class="border-[1px] p-8 lg:max-w-[440px] border-tp-gray rounded mt-10 lg:mt-0"> <h4 class="text-md text-black font-bold">C2PA Tools</h4> <h5 class="text-sm text-black font-normal mt-4 leading-5 mb-14">Truepic's enterprise tools offer C2PA-compliant digital content authenticity with enhanced security, robust support, and flexible integrations. Use our SDKs and libraries to add digital media signing and transparency across platforms, apps, and websites.</h5> <a class="text-xs flex justify-between w-[196px] text-tp-blue font-bold border-b-[1px] border-b-tp-blue pb-2 cursor-pointer transition-all duration-300 hover:pb-1 hover:w-[206px] hover:mb-[4px]" href="">Developer Documentation <span class="ml-2">→</span></a> </section> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="bg-tp-blue-dark pt-12 pb-14 mt-14"> <div class="max-w-[540px] lg:max-w-[1040px] ml-auto mr-auto pl-10 pr-10"> <h5 class="text-tp-blue-light font-bold text-sm mb-8">NEED HELP?</h5> <div class="lg:flex"> <section class="lg:w-[300px]"> <h6 class="text-white font-bold text-xs mb-4">Support</h6> <p class="text-white font-normal text-xs mb-8 lg:mb-0 max-w-[240px]">Didn’t find what you were looking for? <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#2546494c404b51565055554a57516551575040554c460b464a48" class="cursor-pointer underline text-tp-blue-light">Click here</a> to email our support team.</p> </section> <section class="lg:w-[300px]"> <h6 class="text-white font-bold text-xs mb-4">Sales</h6> <p class="text-white font-normal text-xs mb-8 lg:mb-0 max-w-[240px]">Not a customer yet? 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