Indianapolis Colts
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Apply today.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-cf291e61bc" class="cmp-text"> <p>As an Extra Points Cardholder, you can earn points and redeem them for gift cards or unique NFL experiences, tickets, merchandise and more!¹ Either way, access has its privileges. Apply today.</p> </div> </div> <div class="container responsivegrid nfl-carousel aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div id="container-98a9dec701" class="cmp-container"> <div class="teaser nfl-carousel__image-with-title"> <div id="teaser-cdc1f91db6" class="cmp-teaser" data-cmp-data-layer="{"teaser-cdc1f91db6":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/teaser/v2/teaser","repo:modifyDate":"2023-06-15T01:31:33Z","dc:title":"Game Day Tickets"}}"> <div class="cmp-teaser__content"> <h3 class="cmp-teaser__title"> Game Day Tickets </h3> </div> <div class="cmp-teaser__image"> <div data-cmp-is="image" data-cmp-widths="320,480,600,800,1024,1200,1600" data-cmp-src="/content/experience-fragments/nfl-extrapoints/en/site/carosuel/carousel-with-title/_jcr_content/root/container_copy_copy/teaser_1489694772.coreimg.80{.width}.png/1686792693021/early-game.png" data-asset-id="6f197a79-643a-4f8b-aec2-80cf7f7cdcb5" data-cmp-filereference="/content/dam/nfl-extrapoints/carousel/early-game.png" 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EXTRA POINTS CREDIT CARD</h2> </div> </div> <div class="container responsivegrid nfl-benefits--description aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div id="container-33483b0825" class="cmp-container"> <div class="teaser nfl-benefits__image--text"> <div id="teaser-b4bcefe2a0" class="cmp-teaser" data-cmp-data-layer="{"teaser-b4bcefe2a0":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/teaser/v2/teaser","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-04T15:35:39Z","dc:title":"$100 Cash Back","dc:description":"<p>when you spend $500 on purchases outside of the NFL in your first 90 days from&nbsp;open&nbsp;date. Paid as a statement credit²</p>\r\n"}}"> <div class="cmp-teaser__content"> <h2 class="cmp-teaser__title"> $100 Cash Back </h2> <div class="cmp-teaser__description"><p>when you spend $500 on purchases outside of the NFL in your first 90 days from open date. Paid as a statement credit²</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser nfl-benefits__image--text"> <div id="teaser-934b64536c" class="cmp-teaser" data-cmp-data-layer="{"teaser-934b64536c":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/teaser/v2/teaser","repo:modifyDate":"2024-07-02T18:17:48Z","dc:title":"Special Financing on NFL Tickets","dc:description":"<p>when you spend $250 or more at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster and&nbsp;SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets with your NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card³</p>\r\n"}}"> <div class="cmp-teaser__content"> <h2 class="cmp-teaser__title"> Special Financing on NFL Tickets </h2> <div class="cmp-teaser__description"><p>when you spend $250 or more at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster and SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets with your NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card³</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser nfl-benefits__image--text"> <div id="teaser-908ebbf037" class="cmp-teaser" 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data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb":{"shownItems":[],"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion","repo:modifyDate":"2023-07-12T17:45:11Z"}}" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-94b61236e1":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:22:39Z","dc:title":"How do I apply for the NFL Extra Points Credit Card?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-94b61236e1"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-94b61236e1-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-94b61236e1-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">How do I apply for the NFL Extra Points Credit Card?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-94b61236e1-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-94b61236e1-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-4060620356":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:22:39Z","xdm:text":"<p>If you’re ready to apply, <a href=\"#home\">choose your team card</a>, then select the Apply Now button.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-4060620356" class="cmp-text"> <p>If you’re ready to apply, <a href="#home">choose your team card</a>, then select the Apply Now button.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-65f4a30c0a":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:52:00Z","dc:title":"How do I pick an NFL team card?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-65f4a30c0a"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-65f4a30c0a-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-65f4a30c0a-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">How do I pick an NFL team card?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-65f4a30c0a-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-65f4a30c0a-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-03740f6386":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:52:00Z","xdm:text":"<p>If you have one favorite NFL team, it’s easy! Just scroll through the <a href=\"#home\">card options</a>, pick your team and apply. Your team-branded card should arrive in a couple weeks, then you can start spending and earning. If you’re a fan of more than one team, sorry but you'll have to choose a favorite (don’t worry, we won’t tell the other team).</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-03740f6386" class="cmp-text"> <p>If you have one favorite NFL team, it’s easy! Just scroll through the <a href="#home">card options</a>, pick your team and apply. Your team-branded card should arrive in a couple weeks, then you can start spending and earning. If you’re a fan of more than one team, sorry but you'll have to choose a favorite (don’t worry, we won’t tell the other team).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-17ce9024fd":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:52:34Z","dc:title":"Does this credit card have an annual fee?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-17ce9024fd"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-17ce9024fd-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-17ce9024fd-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">Does this credit card have an annual fee?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-17ce9024fd-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-17ce9024fd-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-61f43917cc":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:52:34Z","xdm:text":"<p>No, there is no annual fee⁵&nbsp;associated with the NFL Extra Points card.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-61f43917cc" class="cmp-text"> <p>No, there is no annual fee⁵ associated with the NFL Extra Points card. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-52a7e35157":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:53:46Z","dc:title":"Will I earn rewards on my Special Financing Ticket purchases?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-52a7e35157"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-52a7e35157-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-52a7e35157-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">Will I earn rewards on my Special Financing Ticket purchases?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-52a7e35157-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-52a7e35157-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-0c6be96216":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:53:46Z","xdm:text":"<p>Yes! You will enjoy special financing on ticket purchases of $250 or more made at identified ticket providers.³ Plus, you'll earn points for every dollar on your ticket purchases made with your NFL Extra Points Card.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-0c6be96216" class="cmp-text"> <p>Yes! You will enjoy special financing on ticket purchases of $250 or more made at identified ticket providers.³ Plus, you'll earn points for every dollar on your ticket purchases made with your NFL Extra Points Card.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-5f797d6831":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:21:50Z","dc:title":"Is there a maximum amount of reward points I can earn?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-5f797d6831"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-5f797d6831-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-5f797d6831-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">Is there a maximum amount of reward points I can earn?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-5f797d6831-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-5f797d6831-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-421863ac45":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:21:50Z","xdm:text":"<p>While you can earn rewards points every time you use your card, some offers have maximum limits as part of the promotion. Please reference the <a data-micromodal-trigger=\"rewards\"><a data-micromodal-trigger=\"rewards\" href=\"#nfl-dummy-link\">Rewards Terms and Conditions</a></a> for full program details.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-421863ac45" class="cmp-text"> <p>While you can earn rewards points every time you use your card, some offers have maximum limits as part of the promotion. Please reference the <a data-micromodal-trigger="rewards"></a><a data-micromodal-trigger="rewards" href="#nfl-dummy-link">Rewards Terms and Conditions</a> for full program details.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-f47544ae6d":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:54:43Z","dc:title":"Do reward points expire?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-f47544ae6d"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-f47544ae6d-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-f47544ae6d-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">Do reward points expire?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-f47544ae6d-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-f47544ae6d-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-a16e8f3f14":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-11-16T01:54:43Z","xdm:text":"<p>Your NFL rewards points will expire if not redeemed after 5 years. Rewards are subject to <a data-micromodal-trigger=\"rewards\" href=\"#nfl-dummy-link\"></a><a data-micromodal-trigger=\"rewards\">Rewards Terms and Conditions</a>.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-a16e8f3f14" class="cmp-text"> <p>Your NFL rewards points will expire if not redeemed after 5 years. Rewards are subject to <a data-micromodal-trigger="rewards" href="#nfl-dummy-link"></a><a data-micromodal-trigger="rewards">Rewards Terms and Conditions</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-8180911809":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-03-30T15:09:47Z","dc:title":"If I’ve already received my NFL Extra Points card, how can I activate?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-8180911809"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-8180911809-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-8180911809-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">If I’ve already received my NFL Extra Points card, how can I activate?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-8180911809-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-8180911809-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-9cdb92da7d":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-03-30T15:09:47Z","xdm:text":"<p>Find your Account Center to activate online immediately or dial the number on your card. When you activate, please have your new card and information ready. If you have authorized buyers, you can also activate their cards, you’ll just need the last four digits of each card.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-9cdb92da7d" class="cmp-text"> <p>Find your Account Center to activate online immediately or dial the number on your card. When you activate, please have your new card and information ready. If you have authorized buyers, you can also activate their cards, you’ll just need the last four digits of each card.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-bc176b4f72":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:21:03Z","dc:title":"How can I pay my NFL Extra Points credit card bill?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-bc176b4f72"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-bc176b4f72-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-bc176b4f72-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">How can I pay my NFL Extra Points credit card bill?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-bc176b4f72-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-bc176b4f72-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-aa17c17b80":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:21:03Z","xdm:text":"<p>You can pay your bill online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find your <a data-micromodal-trigger=\"Current-Cardholder\"></a><a data-micromodal-trigger=\"Current-Cardholder\" href=\"#nfl-dummy-link\">Account Center</a> or go to the link on the back of your card. To avoid a late fee, your payment must be successfully submitted by 5 p.m., Eastern Time (ET) on or before your due date.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-aa17c17b80" class="cmp-text"> <p>You can pay your bill online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find your <a data-micromodal-trigger="Current-Cardholder"></a><a data-micromodal-trigger="Current-Cardholder" href="#nfl-dummy-link">Account Center</a> or go to the link on the back of your card. To avoid a late fee, your payment must be successfully submitted by 5 p.m., Eastern Time (ET) on or before your due date.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" data-cmp-data-layer="{"accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-3c545cb331":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/item","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:20:52Z","dc:title":"I received my card, but I’d like to change the team. How do I do that?"}}" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-3c545cb331"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-3c545cb331-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" type="button" aria-controls="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-3c545cb331-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">I received my card, but I’d like to change the team. How do I do that?</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-3c545cb331-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="accordion-8748b1b7eb-item-3c545cb331-button"><div class="text"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-9a81e7a3c0":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-04-12T05:20:52Z","xdm:text":"<p>Once you’ve registered for Account Center&nbsp;access, you can request a different team card on the Account page. Find your <a data-micromodal-trigger=\"Current-Cardholder\" href=\"#nfl-dummy-link\">Account Center</a> or look for the link on the back of your card.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-9a81e7a3c0" class="cmp-text"> <p>Once you’ve registered for Account Center access, you can request a different team card on the Account page. Find your <a data-micromodal-trigger="Current-Cardholder" href="#nfl-dummy-link">Account Center</a> or look for the link on the back of your card.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container responsivegrid"> <div id="container-54c608c34e" class="cmp-container"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="modal aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="bf-modal" id="Current-Cardholder" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="polite"> <div class="bf-modal__overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close> <div class="bf-modal__container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="Label" style="--btnThemeColor : #1C8195"> <header class="modal-header"> <button aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" class="close-btn" alt="Close" data-micromodal-close><span></span></button> </header> <div class="modal-content"> <h2>Get Access to Your Card</h2> <p>Manage your card, pay your statement and more.</p> <p> </p> <p><b>NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card</b><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sign In</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Activate Card</a></p> <p> </p> <p><b>Green Bay Packers Extra Points Mastercard® Credit Card</b><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sign In</a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Activate Card</a></p> <p> </p> <p><b>Ready to Shop?</b><br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p> <div class="modal-content__btn-container"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" data-micromodal-close class="btn btn-primary">Close</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="modal aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="bf-modal" id="privacy" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="polite"> <div class="bf-modal__overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close> <div class="bf-modal__container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" style="--btnThemeColor : #1C8195"> <header class="modal-header"> <button aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" class="close-btn" alt="Close" data-micromodal-close><span></span></button> </header> <div class="modal-content"> <p>Last Revised: March 2022</p> <p><b>This Privacy Policy describes how Bread Financial Holdings, Inc. family of companies, including Comenity Bank, Comenity Capital Bank, and Lon Operations LLC (d/b/a Bread and Bread Operations) (collectively referred to as “Bread Financial”, “we”, the “Bank”), collects, uses, shares, and retains data collected from its websites, including the websites located at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>, from when you interact with us (for example on our Social Media Pages), and from the Services we offer to our customers.</b></p> <p><b>If you are visiting us from a location outside of the United States, please keep in mind that we are U.S.-based. This Policy governs the information collected by or on behalf of our sites irrespective of where you are located when you access, browse, or interact with it. If you are a California resident, please see the “California Residents Only” section below which supplements this Privacy Policy.</b></p> <p><b>1. Personal Information We Collect</b></p> <p>“Personal Information” refers to information that identifies you directly or can reasonably be associated with you using other information. Such personal information may include your name, Social Security number, date of birth, email address, postal address, or telephone number. Generally, you may provide us with two types of personal information when you interact with our Sites:</p> <p><b>Information You Provide Directly To Us<br /> </b>We collect personal information from you online whenever you provide it directly to us. This includes when you send us an email, fill out an application, complete a “Contact Us” form, enter your zip code to find a store, and submit a resume.</p> <p>We do not knowingly collect, use, or maintain personal information from users under 16.</p> <p><b>Information Automatically Collected About Your Device<br /> </b>We, and other parties, such as our analytics and advertising service providers, will automatically collect personal information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you use our Sites. This includes navigational and/or other device-specific information like IP address, browser type, hardware model, and Unique Device Identifier.</p> <p>Please refer to the “Online Tracking” and “Online Behavioral Advertising” sections of the Policy for additional details.</p> <p><b>2. How We Use and Share Your Personal Information</b></p> <p><b>How We Use Your Personal Information<br /> </b>We may use personal information collected at our Sites for servicing, marketing, security, fraud prevention, other internal business purposes, or for any other purpose permitted by law.</p> <p><b>How We Share Your Personal Information</b><br /> We may share your personal information with third party service providers to perform services on our behalf. In addition, we will also share your information throughout our family of companies and with unaffiliated third parties: (i) as required for legal or regulatory compliance, (ii) to protect our rights and property or the rights and property of other parties, (iii) in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business assets, your information may be one of the business assets that are transferred as part of the transaction, (iv) during a bankruptcy proceeding, (v) for servicing, (vi) for internal business purposes, (vii) for fraud prevention, (viii) for marketing and/or to promote additional products, services, and special offers, as permitted by law, (ix) for any purpose you may request, or (x) for any other purpose that may be required or permitted by law.</p> <p><b>3. Online Tracking</b></p> <p>We, and certain service providers operating on our behalf, may collect information using tracking technologies, including:</p> <p><b>Browser Cookies</b><br /> Cookies are small text files that are stored directly on your device web browser. We use browser cookies to personalize your visit and improve our Sites and other services. Depending on your browser version, you may be able to block or erase browser cookies. Please be aware that some features of our Sites may be unavailable to you if your browser cookies are blocked or erased.</p> <p><b>Pixel Tags</b><br /> Pixel tags (also known as web beacons, web bugs, or clear GIFs) are nearly invisible pixel-sized graphic images in an email message or on a web page. Pixel tags in emails help us confirm the receipt of and response to our emails, the time our email is viewed, and “click-through” information such as where you click email links. Pixel tags on web pages operate similarly to pixel tags in emails in that they help us understand how you interact with our Sites. Please note that pixel tags are often used in conjunction with browser cookies, which are described above.</p> <p><b>“Do Not Track” Browser Signals</b><br /> Our Sites will continue to operate as described in this Policy, whether or not a “Do Not Track” signal or other similar mechanism is received from your web browser.</p> <p><b>Location Based Services</b><br /> Your IP address is a number assigned to your device by your Internet Service Provider and is captured automatically in our server files. If you consent, we may also collect your actual physical coordinates when a location-based service is used, such as GPS signals sent to us when you are searching for a nearby store on a mobile device. We use location information to improve our Sites and service offerings and administration of our Sites.</p> <p><b>Retail Application: Location Based Services</b><br /> For those customers that choose to utilize our retail applications, Bread Financial may collect, use, and share precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your device. This location data is collected anonymously in a form that does not personally identify you and is used by Bread Financial to provide and improve location-based products and services. For example, we may share geographic location with application providers when you opt in to their location services.</p> <p><b>4. Online Behavioral Advertising</b></p> <p>Online behavioral advertising (“OBA” or “interest-based advertising”) involves the tracking of your online activities in order to deliver tailored advertising of goods and services that are likely to be of interest to you. We permit third party advertising companies to serve advertisements on our behalf on our Sites and those websites and mobile apps not affiliated with us. This Policy does not cover the privacy practices of the third party sites on which we may have advertisements. Please review their privacy policies and terms of service if you have any questions about their privacy practices.</p> <p><b>Opting Out of OBA</b><br /> Behavioral advertisements will feature an AdChoices Icon (also known as the “Advertising Option Icon”), that when clicked, provides more information about how the advertisement was delivered to you and also provides the ability to opt-out from future OBA by the third parties listed. To opt-out of OBA from all Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) participating companies, please visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p> <p>Please note that if you opt-out of OBA, you may still receive online advertising from us on third party sites. Opting out from third party advertising companies means that the advertisements you receive will not be based on your preferences or behavior. Further, opting out does not prevent other parties from tracking your online activity for other uses as described in this Policy.</p> <p><b>5. Social Media Pages</b></p> <p>From time to time, we may create and manage social media pages that include, but are not limited to, a Twitter or Instagram account or a Facebook page (“Social Media Pages”). With your consent, personal information like your name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, birthday, likes, education history, work history, current city, hometown, interests, relationship status, and any other information you have shared on a social media site may be collected by us. This Policy does not cover the privacy practices of the social media sites on which we may have Social Media Pages. Please review their privacy policies and terms of service if you have any questions about their privacy practices.</p> <p><b>6. International Users</b></p> <p>If you are visiting us from a location outside of the United States, please keep in mind that we are U.S.-based. This Policy governs the information collected by or on behalf of our Sites irrespective of where you are located when you access it, browse it, or interact with it.</p> <p>With respect to personal information, you provide to us on the Social Media Pages, once received from the social media sites, it is maintained and processed by us on servers and internal systems located in the United States. This means your personal information may be stored outside of the province, state, and/or country in which you reside, and processed by us or a third party as described in this Policy. Moreover, governmental bodies that have jurisdiction over us in the United States (e.g., courts and law enforcement agencies) may be entitled to access your personal information.</p> <p><b>7. How Your Personal Information is Protected</b></p> <p>Your privacy is important to us. We have implemented physical, technical, and administrative security measures to safeguard the personal information that we maintain.</p> <p><b>8. Accuracy of Your Personal Information</b></p> <p>We strive to maintain accurate personal information about you. If you are a Bread Financial cardholder and believe that our records contain inaccurate or incomplete information about you, please contact the Customer Care phone number listed on your billing statement or on the back of your credit card. Customers with a registered online account may review their personal information by logging in to our secure account management service. For more information, please locate your card on the <u><a href="*" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Card Search</a></u> page.</p> <p><b>9. Links to Other Sites</b></p> <p>We may provide links on our Sites to external websites not owned or operated by us as a convenience to you. This Policy does not apply to the data collection, use, and protection practices of these websites. Please read and understand a linked website's privacy policy before using such a website.</p> <p><b>10. Changes to this Policy</b></p> <p>From time to time, we may modify this Policy. Should there be a material change to our information collection, use, or disclosure practices, it will be applied only to personal information collected on a going forward basis, and we will update this Policy accordingly.</p> <p><b>11. Contact Us</b></p> <p>If you have additional questions about this Policy, please contact us at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p> <p><b>12. California Residents Only</b></p> <p>The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) defines “Personal Information” as “information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household.” Certain information we collect may be exempt from the CCPA because it is considered public information (i.e., it is made available by a government entity) or covered by a specific federal privacy law, such as the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or the Fair Credit Reporting Act.</p> <p>A California resident has the following rights:</p> <p><b>1. The right to request what personal information we collect, use, disclose and sell including:</b></p> <ul><li>The categories of personal information.</li><li>The categories of sources from which the personal information was collected.</li><li>Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information.</li><li>The categories of third parties with whom the business shares personal information.</li><li>Specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.</li></ul> <p>In the past 12 months, we collected the following categories of personal information:</p> <ul><li>Identifiers (e.g. name, address, social security number) – Identifiers are collected for servicing your credit card account.</li><li>Commercial information (e.g. products or services purchased) – Commercial information is collected for servicing and marketing purposes.</li><li>Internet or other electronic network activity (e.g. information concerning your interaction with a website) – Internet or other electronic network activity is collected for marketing purposes.</li><li>Geolocation data – Geolocation data is collected for marketing purposes.</li><li>Professional or employment-related information – Professional or employment-related information is collected for servicing your credit card account.</li><li>Conclusions drawn from any of the information (e.g. predicted purchasing behavior) – Conclusions drawn from any of the information is collected for servicing and marketing purposes.</li></ul> <p>The above data was collected from you and data resellers for the marketing or servicing of a financial product. We may use any of the categories of information listed above for other business or operational purposes compatible with the context in which the Personal Information was collected We share the above data with the retailer listed on your card, services providers, vendors, advertising partners and data analytics providers.</p> <p>In the past 12 months, we sold internet or other electronic network activity for business purposes. However, we did not sell personal information of minors under 16 years of age.</p> <p><b>2. The right to request that we delete your personal information if we do not need it or are entitled by law to retain it.</b></p> <p><b>3. The right to request information that we have sold or disclosed to our business partners, including:</b></p> <ul><li>The categories of personal information that we collected about you.</li><li>The categories of personal information that we sold about you and the categories of third parties to whom we sold it.</li><li>The categories of personal information that we disclosed about you for a business purpose.</li></ul> <p><b>4. The right to direct us not to sell your personal information.</b></p> <p><b>5. The right to not be discriminated against because you exercised any of the rights described above.</b></p> <p><b>6. The right to designate an authorized agent to make a request under CCPA on your behalf.</b></p> <p>In order to exercise your right(s) please go to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> or dial <u><a href="tel:1-877-655-5391">1-877-655-5391</a></u> (TDD/TTY: <u><a href="tel:1-800-695-1788">1-800-695-1788</a></u>). In order to verify your identity you will be required to provide: your first name, last name, address, phone number, date of birth and email address. Once you have provided your data you will be asked a series of questions to confirm your identity.</p> <p>Contact for More Information: <u><a href="tel:1-877-655-5391">1-877-655-5391</a></u> (TDD/TTY: <u><a href="tel:1-800-695-1788">1-800-695-1788</a></u>) </p> <p><b>7. CCPA Requests Handled July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021</b></p> <ul><li><b>Request to Know: </b>703 Requests Received, 406 Requests Verified, 406 Verified Requests Answered, 297 Verified Requests Denied</li><li><b>Request to Delete: </b>140 Requests Received, 84 Requests Verified, 84 Verified Requests Answered, 56 Verified Requests Denied</li><li><b>Request to Opt Out*: </b>2,474 Requests Received, N/A Requests Verified, 2,474 Verified Requests Answered, 0 Verified Requests Denied</li></ul> <p>*Requests are passed to our service providers.</p> <ul><li>During this period, our median time within which we sent responses was 2.24 days.</li></ul> <div class="modal-content__btn-container"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" data-micromodal-close class="btn btn-primary">Close</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="modal aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="bf-modal" id="rewards" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="polite"> <div class="bf-modal__overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close> <div class="bf-modal__container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" style="--btnThemeColor : #1C8195"> <header class="modal-header"> <button aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" class="close-btn" alt="Close" data-micromodal-close><span></span></button> </header> <div class="modal-content"> <h3>NFL Extra Points Rewards Program Terms</h3> <p><b>Important note: These program terms are subject to the jury trial waiver and arbitration provision in your credit card account agreement that limit our liability to you, eliminate your right to a trial by jury, require you to resolve disputes with us on an individual basis and not as a part of any class or representative action, and through final and binding arbitration.</b></p> <p><b>Please read these Program Terms carefully for important information about your rights and obligations in the NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card Rewards Program (“Program”). By participating in the Program, you agree to these Program Terms.</b></p> <p><b>The Program is provided by Comenity Capital (“Bank”). Comenity Capital Bank is solely responsible for Program operation and may withdraw the Program or change the terms of the Program at any time. The purpose of the Program is to reward customers for certain uses of their NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card (“Card”.) The Program Terms may be supplemented with additional terms, conditions, and disclosures, including but not limited to applicable terms related to any promotional offers provided to you for use with the Program.</b></p> <p>For the most up-to-date terms, please visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p> <p><b>General Information</b></p> <p>The Program allows you to earn points (“points”) on the amount you spend as described in the “Earning Points” section below, using your NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card Account (your “Account”). You can then redeem points for certain Rewards Catalog Items (“Rewards”) as described in the “Issuing Rewards and Redemption” section below. You can redeem points for Rewards through the Account Center at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><i> </i>(“Account Center”).</p> <p>These Program Terms are separate from your NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card Account Agreement (your “Account Agreement”), which governs the use of your Account. In the event of any conflict between these Program Terms and your Account Agreement, these Program Terms will control in any matter relating to the Program. By using your Account, you agree to be bound by these Program Terms.</p> <p>All information collected about you in connection with the Program is subject to Comenity Capital Bank’s and NFL's privacy policy. Comenity Capital Bank’s privacy policy can be obtained at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> and the NFL privacy policy can be obtained at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p> <p><b>Earning Points</b></p> <p>You will earn points when you, or an authorized user, make eligible purchases of goods and services for personal, family and household purposes using your Account, minus any returns, refunds or credit adjustments (“Net Eligible Purchases”). Starting June 20, 2022 point earn is rounded to the nearest whole point value using standard rounding. Earning calculations that end in .5 will round up to the next whole point value. For example, earn calculated to 1.5 points rounds to 2 points. All calculations that result in less than .5 will round down. For example, calculated earn of 1.4 points would round to 1 point. Prior to June 20, 2022, points are earned according to bankers rounding on transactions Purchases that are not a whole dollar amount will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount to determine the amount of points earned. Purchases that end in $0.50 is rounded to the nearest even whole dollar amount. Example: $2.50 rounds to $2.00 where as $3.50 rounds to $4.00</p> <p>Using your NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card you will earn:</p> <ul><li>3% back in Rewards for each $1 of Net Eligible Purchases made at com, NFL Team Retail Stores, NFL Team Online Stores, NFL Team Stadiums and qualifying NFL Game Ticket Purchases made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, StubHub and SeatGeek. 3% back in Rewards is calculated as points earned, where 3% back earned is equal to 3 points per $1 spent.</li></ul> <ul><li>2% back in Rewards for each $1 of Net Eligible Purchases made at bars and restaurants, and on groceries, food delivery and fitness purchases such as memberships and gyms, as identified by Merchant Classification Codes as described in the Bonus points for Special Offers 2% back in Rewards is calculated as points earned, where 2% back earned is equal to 2 points per $1 spent.</li><li>1% back in Rewards for each $1 of Net Eligible Purchases made everywhere Visa is 1% back in Rewards is calculated as points earned, where 1% back earned is equal to 1 point per $1 spent.</li></ul> <p>Points are earned on taxes, shipping & handling, gift cards on purchases through the NFL and teams. Points are not earned on unauthorized or fraudulent charges, charges that violate the terms of your Account Agreement, balance transfers, cash advances, transactions treated similar to cash advances, interest charges, and fees of any kind.</p> <p>Comenity Capital Bank may temporarily prohibit you from earning points, using points, or using any features of the Program if: your Account becomes delinquent; Comenity Capital Bank suspects that you or any authorized user has engaged in fraudulent activity related to your Account or the Program; or the National Football League™ suspects that you misused the Program in any way.</p> <p>Points awarded for purchases that do not remain Net Eligible Purchases will be deducted from your Point balance. Returned items may result in credits being applied to your Account, which will reduce or may eliminate accumulated Points and may result in a negative Points balance. If your Points balance goes negative, you must first earn Points to bring your Points balance to zero before earning any Points eligible for redemption. The National Football League and Comenity Capital Bank reserve the right to verify and adjust Points, as applicable, at any time.</p> <p><b>Bonus Points for Special Offers</b></p> <p>From time to time, Comenity Capital Bank may make bonus offers to earn additional Points (“Bonus Points”). Read each offer carefully, as there may be important conditions or limitations, such as blackout periods, Bonus Points limits, or exclusions. You may have to register to qualify for the offer. Comenity Capital Bank may change or withdraw an offer at any time without notice. Any such change or withdrawal will not affect Bonus Points already earned. Certain offers may only be communicated via email. Tax and shipping charges are excluded from specials offers and bonuses.</p> <p><b>Reward Merchant Classification Codes</b>: Merchants who accept Visa are assigned a merchant classification code (“MCC”), which is determined by the merchant or its processor in accordance with Visa procedures based on the products and/or services they primarily sell. Comenity Capital Bank and the National Football League do not control the assignment of these codes and are not responsible</p> <p>for incorrectly coded purchases. Even though a merchant or some of the items it sells may appear to fit within a certain Rewards category, the merchant may not have a code in that category. Purchases made with third-party payment accounts, including but not limited to PayPal and Venmo, will not earn additional points.</p> <p><b>Expiration</b></p> <p><b>Important note: Points will expire 5 years after the date that they are posted to your Points balance.</b></p> <p><b>Termination and Forfeiture</b><br /> </p> <p><b>Important note: Subject to any requirements or limitations of applicable law, Comenity Capital Bank may at any time for any reason change or terminate the Program and these Program Terms without notice.</b></p> <p>Comenity Capital Bank reserves the right to terminate you from the Program. If the Program terminates, Comenity Capital Bank terminates you from participating in the Program, or you voluntarily cancel enrollment in the Program, all Points will be forfeited.</p> <p>Points will be forfeited if any of the following occur: your Account is closed; you terminate your participation in the Program; you or any authorized user engages in any fraudulent activity or misuse related to your Account or the Program, or engage in any activity deemed to be abusive or gaming conduct, as determined by Comenity Capital Bank. Misuse includes, but is not limited to, obtaining or using an Account to maximize Points earned in a manner that is not consistent with typical consumer activity as determined in Comenity Capital Bank’s sole discretion.</p> <p><b>Issuing Rewards and Redemption</b></p> <p>You may redeem Points for Rewards on the Program Catalog Website accessible through Account Center at <u><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></u>. Points will be redeemed on a “first in, first out” basis, such that the first Points earned will be the first Points redeemed. Once you’ve redeemed Points for a Reward or statement credit, your Points balance will be reduced by the number of Points used to obtain the Reward or statement credit and will appear on Account Center. Rewards are issued for reward purposes only.</p> <p>We contract with PrizeLogic and MKTG, non-affiliated third parties, who are solely responsible for the administration of the Program with respect to goods or services offered on the Program Catalog. To contact PrizeLogic or MKTG call<u><a href="tel:1-855-917-5473">1-855-917-5473</a></u>or email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> PrizeLogic and MKTG may establish procedures related to fulfillment of Rewards. The procedures will be disclosed prior to redeeming Points for Rewards from PrizeLogic or MKTG. Your redemption types are statement credit, catalog merchandise, gift cards, experiences, and game tickets. See details below. Redemption value of Points is variable based on the reward you choose to redeem for.</p> <p><b>Redeeming Points for Statement Credits</b></p> <p>You may redeem Rewards Points as a credit to your Account. The amount available to redeem, starting at $1 (for 200 points), is based on your Rewards balance. For every 200 Points = $1 Statement Credit.</p> <p>Once redeemed, Statement credits redemptions may take up to 3 business days to post to your account. Statement credits lower the account balance and do not count towards your minimum monthly payment. Your minimum monthly payment will not be required if your statement credit is equal to or greater than your statement balance. Once you request a Statement Credit, your request cannot be changed or returned. <b>Important Notice: Statement credits are only available up to the current balance on your account.</b></p> <p><b>Redeeming Points for Merchandise</b></p> <p>You may use Points to obtain Rewards through the Rewards Catalog. Merchandise orders will be confirmed by an email generated on behalf of the merchant by PrizeLogic.</p> <p><b>Redeeming Points for Gift Cards</b></p> <p>You may redeem Points for gift cards. Gift cards may be requested by you.</p> <p>Except as required by law, gift cards will not be replaced or replenished if it is lost, stolen, destroyed, used without the intended recipient’s permission or used in a manner inconsistent with any law. Digital gift card orders will be confirmed by an email generated on behalf of the merchant by PrizeLogic.</p> <p><b>Redeeming Points for Experiences</b></p> <p>You may redeem Points for Experiences ("Experiences") through PrizeLogic, a non-affiliated third party, who is solely responsible for the administration of the Program with respect to goods or services offered on the Program Catalog.</p> <p>All redemptions are for a pair of experience passes (2), unless otherwise noted. You will be notified either by telephone call or email communication for further arrangements and details. Substitutions may be necessary as Rewards are based on availability and are subject to change at any time and unless otherwise noted do not include travel to or from the experience and in some cases may require game day tickets. By redeeming Points for Experiences, you must abide by any terms and conditions in conjunction with the Experience. Experience passes are limited to personal use only and cannot be resold. Experiences are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are limited to two redemptions per cardmember, per experience and are from limited inventory. Experience passes (if required) will ship via FedEx or UPS to the address that you provide. We will not ship to a P.O. Box. Experiences could be canceled by the NFL or participating Team dependent on the current COVID guidelines of the NFL, the current policies of the NFL or participating Team, or local and State authorities. The NFL or participating Team have the right to refuse entry, or remove guests not adhering to their current guidelines. Children must be at least 10 years old and accompanied by someone 18 years or older to attend, unless stated otherwise.</p> <p><b>Redeeming Points for Game Tickets</b></p> <p>All redemptions are for a pair of tickets (2), unless otherwise noted. Game Tickets are limited to personal use only and cannot be resold. Ticket sections and seats will be determined by order date and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Ticket redemptions are limited to two redemptions per cardmember, per game and are from limited inventory, subject to availability. Game tickets do not include travel to or from the game. By redeeming Points for Game Tickets, you must abide by the terms and conditions in conjunction with the Game Tickets. Points required to redeem for NFL tickets may be subtracted in advance of gameday. If you redeem for NFL tickets at a higher points value and the points required for redemption are later lowered, a points refund will not be provided. Tickets will ship via FedEx or UPS to the address that you provide or for digital delivery, to an email address that you provide. We will not ship to a P.O. Box. Ticket redemptions made prior to late August will be held and processed in late August when Comenity Capital Bank receives the tickets from the NFL. Tickets will then be shipped/delivered within 24 hours of availability. Redemptions processed from September forward will be delivered within 3-5 business days of redemption.</p> <p><b>Other Terms</b></p> <p>Points may not be sold, transferred or altered in any way by you. Points you earn may not be combined with Points earned on any other credit account or earned by anyone else (other than your Authorized User).</p> <p>You may review your Points balance via Account Center. It may take up to two billing cycles for Points to post. The amount of Points earned is based on the date your purchase was made, which may be different than the date the transaction posts to your Account. For mail order, special order, online, and other purchases, your transaction may not post to your Account until items have shipped.</p> <p><b>Communications and Customer Service</b></p> <p>Comenity Capital Bank and the National Football League may send communications regarding the Program by mail, phone, email or other methods, including through online Account Center or mobile app. By providing your mobile phone number, Comenity Capital Bank may contact you about all of your accounts and this Program.</p> <p>If you have any questions about the Program or to update your contact information, please contact <u><a href="tel:1-888-232-1512">:1-888-232-1512</a></u> or TDD/TTY: <u><a href="tel:1-888-819-1918">1-888-819-1918</a></u> or visit Account Center. You can review your Program activity at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> or on your billing statement.</p> <p><b>Points Disputes</b></p> <p>If Points you believe were earned have not timely posted to your Points balance, you may dispute your Points balance (“Points Dispute”) [by calling <u><a href="tel:1-888-232-1512">1-888-232-1512</a></u> or TDD/TTY: <u><a href="tel:1-888-819-1918">1-888-819-1918</a></u> or by writing to Comenity Capital Bank. Comenity Capital Bank will use reasonable efforts to investigate your Points Dispute if you notify us within 90 days of the posting date. If you do not notify us within that period, you waive your right to make a Points dispute with respect to that purchase. Comenity Capital Bank may require you to provide written confirmation of the dispute and the applicable purchase receipt and may decline to investigate further if you do not provide the requested confirmation or a valid receipt. Upon completion of the investigation, Comenity Capital Bank will have no further responsibilities if you later reassert the same Points Dispute.</p> <p><b>Limited Liability</b></p> <p>Unless otherwise required by law, the National Football League, neither Comenity Capital Bank, nor any of its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, service providers, including PrizeLogic and MKTG, or agents will be liable to you, or anyone making a claim on your behalf, in connection with the Program or these Program Terms, including but not limited to, use of the Program and any redemption for or purchase of products or services through the Program.</p> <p><b>Important note: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any liability that Comenity Capital Bank may have to you in connection with the Program shall be limited to the amount of any Points you have earned in accordance with these Program Terms. In addition, unless otherwise required by law, you and we each waive the right to seek punitive or exemplary damages against the other.</b></p> <p><b>No Warranties</b></p> <p>The National Football League, the Bank and all of each of such company’s respective subsidiaries and affiliates make no warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Program or any products or services related to such Program. Such companies do not guarantee the performance of Rewards, or products or services obtained through the Program, nor do they operate or control the merchandise, gift certificates, or gift cards offered as Rewards.</p> <p><b>Taxes</b></p> <p>You are responsible for any tax liability that may result from participation in the Program. Consult your tax advisor concerning such tax consequences.</p> <p><b>Cancelling Program Participation</b></p> <p>You may cancel your participation in the Program at any time by calling Comenity Capital Bank at <u><a href="tel:1-888-232-1512">1-888-232-1512</a></u> or TDD/TTY: <u><a href="tel:1-888-819-1918">1-888-819-1918</a></u>. If you cancel your participation in the Program, you will no longer earn Points and you will forfeit your unused and unexpired Points. Your cancellation will not affect any previously redeemed Rewards.</p> <p><b>Governing Law; Assignment</b></p> <p>The Program and these Program Terms are governed by federal law and, to the extent state law applies, the laws of the State of Utah. You may not assign your rights or obligations under these Program Terms to any other person or entity. <b>Important note: You and Comenity Capital Bank agree that each of us may bring claims arising from or relating to these program terms only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action or proceeding.</b></p> <p>“Claim,” as used in these Program Terms means any claim, dispute or controversy that in any way arises from or relates to these Program Terms.</p> <p><b>Complete Agreement; Severability; Conflicts; No Waiver</b></p> <p>These Program Terms supersede any previous terms and conditions governing the Program. The Program is not available where and to the extent prohibited by law. If any part of these Program Terms conflict with applicable law, that provision will be deemed severed from these Program Terms and the remainder of the Program Terms will remain in effect. Comenity Capital Bank will not lose our rights under these Program Terms because Comenity Capital Bank chooses to delay or not enforce them.</p> <p><b>Licensing</b></p> <p>The NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card is issued by Comenity Capital Bank, pursuant to a license from Visa Inc.</p> <div class="modal-content__btn-container"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" data-micromodal-close class="btn btn-primary">Close</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container responsivegrid nfl-sticky-wrapper"> <div id="container-e3a2995036" class="cmp-container"> <div class="container responsivegrid"> <div id="container-4a4cf879d1" class="cmp-container"> <div class="separator nfl-sticky-bg-image"> <div id="separator-34d935d942" class="cmp-separator"> <hr class="cmp-separator__horizontal-rule"/> </div></div> <div class="container responsivegrid nfl-sticky-inner-wrapper"> <div id="container-be14effdf9" 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data-micromodal-trigger=\"privacy-footer\">Privacy</a></p>\r\n"}}" id="text-ff030b41bf" class="cmp-text"> <p><a href="#" data-micromodal-trigger="privacy-footer">Privacy</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="text nfl-footer--links aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-745a71ff63":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2024-04-11T12:59:10Z","xdm:text":"<p><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Financial Privacy Policy</a></b></p>\r\n"}}" id="text-745a71ff63" class="cmp-text"> <p><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Financial Privacy Policy</a></b></p> </div> </div> <div class="text nfl-footer--links aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-f82946be4f":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2022-12-28T02:52:08Z","xdm:text":"<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Do Not Sell My Information\">Do Not Sell or Share My Information</a></p>\r\n"}}" id="text-f82946be4f" class="cmp-text"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" title="Do Not Sell My Information" rel="noopener noreferrer">Do Not Sell or Share My Information</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text nfl-footer--description aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-fbb2d36f02":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/text/v2/text","repo:modifyDate":"2024-09-18T17:48:25Z","xdm:text":"<p>1.&nbsp;Offer is exclusive to NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card holders enrolled in the NFL Extra Points Rewards program. For offers associated with a specific category, earnings will only be awarded if the merchant code for the purchase matches a category eligible for the offer. Each merchant is assigned a code by a third party that indicates the merchant’s area of business. Comenity Capital Bank does not have the ability to control assignment of merchant codes.&nbsp; &nbsp;This rewards program is provided by Comenity Capital Bank and its terms may change at any time. For full Rewards Terms and Conditions, please see&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"><b><u></u></b></a>. NFL purchases include <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"><b><u></u></b></a>, NFL stadium purchases and NFL tickets made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets.</p>\r\n<p>2.&nbsp;Valid one time only. Offer is exclusive to NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card holders enrolled in the NFL Extra Points Rewards program. Maximum of $100 cash back. Offer excludes all NFL purchases including, NFL stadium purchases and NFL tickets made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets.</p>\r\n<p>3.&nbsp;Minimum payments are required for each Credit Plan. Valid for single transaction only. Qualifying purchases will automatically be placed on a promotional plan. If purchase qualifies for more than one plan, it will be placed on the qualified plan with the longest promotional period. Available on NFL Ticket purchases of $250 or more made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets with your NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card.</p>\r\n<p>4.&nbsp;Account must not be in default. <b>Redemption Details</b>: Enter offer code EXTRAPOINTS at checkout. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer will not be re-issued if lost, stolen or destroyed or with return/refund of merchandise. The entire transaction amount after discount must be placed on the NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card. Excludes gift cards and discounted items.</p>\r\n<p>5. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Click here</a> for important rate, fee, and other cost information.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Credit card offers are subject to credit approval.</p>\r\n<p>Your team branded Extra Points Visa Credit Card represents your team affiliation within the NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card program. Any reference to your team affiliated Extra Points Visa Credit Card is equivalent to the NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card.</p>\r\n<p>NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card Accounts are issued by Comenity Capital Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. Visa is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under license.</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-fbb2d36f02" class="cmp-text"> <p>1. Offer is exclusive to NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card holders enrolled in the NFL Extra Points Rewards program. For offers associated with a specific category, earnings will only be awarded if the merchant code for the purchase matches a category eligible for the offer. Each merchant is assigned a code by a third party that indicates the merchant’s area of business. Comenity Capital Bank does not have the ability to control assignment of merchant codes. This rewards program is provided by Comenity Capital Bank and its terms may change at any time. For full Rewards Terms and Conditions, please see <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><b><u></u></b></a>. NFL purchases include <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><b><u></u></b></a>, NFL stadium purchases and NFL tickets made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets.</p> <p>2. Valid one time only. Offer is exclusive to NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card holders enrolled in the NFL Extra Points Rewards program. Maximum of $100 cash back. Offer excludes all NFL purchases including, NFL stadium purchases and NFL tickets made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets.</p> <p>3. Minimum payments are required for each Credit Plan. Valid for single transaction only. Qualifying purchases will automatically be placed on a promotional plan. If purchase qualifies for more than one plan, it will be placed on the qualified plan with the longest promotional period. Available on NFL Ticket purchases of $250 or more made at NFL Team Ticket Offices, Ticketmaster, SeatGeek and Sports Illustrated Tickets with your NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card.</p> <p>4. Account must not be in default. <b>Redemption Details</b>: Enter offer code EXTRAPOINTS at checkout. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer will not be re-issued if lost, stolen or destroyed or with return/refund of merchandise. The entire transaction amount after discount must be placed on the NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card. Excludes gift cards and discounted items.</p> <p>5. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Click here</a> for important rate, fee, and other cost information.</p> <p> </p> <p>Credit card offers are subject to credit approval.</p> <p>Your team branded Extra Points Visa Credit Card represents your team affiliation within the NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card program. Any reference to your team affiliated Extra Points Visa Credit Card is equivalent to the NFL Extra Points Visa Credit Card.</p> <p>NFL Extra Points Visa® Credit Card Accounts are issued by Comenity Capital Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. Visa is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under license.</p> </div> </div> <div class="modal aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="bf-modal" id="privacy-footer" aria-hidden="true" aria-live="polite"> <div class="bf-modal__overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close> <div class="bf-modal__container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" style="--btnThemeColor : #1C8195"> <header class="modal-header"> <button aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" class="close-btn" alt="Close" data-micromodal-close><span></span></button> </header> <div class="modal-content"> <p><a href="/content/dam/breadfinancial/us/en/documents/privacy/July%202024%20Bread%20Financial%20Privacy%20Policy.pdf">Printer-friendly version (PDF)</a></p> <h2> </h2> <h2>Privacy Policy</h2> <p>Last Revised: July 2024</p> <h3>Overview</h3> <p>This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes how Bread Financial Holdings, Inc. family of companies, including Comenity Bank and Comenity Capital Bank (collectively referred to as “Bread Financial”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), collects, uses, discloses, processes, retains, and shares Personal Information (as defined below) collected from you—or that you provide to us—in connection with your use of our “online services.” Online services include our websites, Social Media Pages (as defined below), mobile apps, and from the Services (as defined below) we offer to our customers. By accessing our online Services, you signify your understanding of the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.<br /> </p> <p>If you are visiting us from a location outside of the United States, please keep in mind that we are U.S.-based. This Policy governs the information collected by or on behalf of our websites irrespective of where you are located when you access, browse, or interact with them. If you are a California resident, please see the “Privacy Notice for California Residents” section below, which supplements this Privacy Policy. <br /> </p> <p>Our online services and Services (as defined below) are not intended for use by minors under 16, and we do not knowingly collect, use, or maintain Personal Information from users under 16. If you are under the age of 16, please do not use our online Services.<br /> </p> <p>We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will update the last revised date, post the updated version on our website(s) and take any other steps necessary to comply with applicable law. Please check the date at the top of this Privacy Policy to see when it was last updated.</p> <p><b>Definitions:</b></p> <ul><li><b>"Personal Information"</b>: Information that identifies you directly or can reasonably identify you using other information. Such Personal Information may include but is not limited to your name, Social Security number, date of birth, email address, postal address, or telephone number. Personal Information does not include information that is aggregated or anonymized in accordance with applicable law. <br /> </li><li><b>"Services"</b>: Refers to any account that you may have with us, including loans, credit cards, deposit accounts and any related service that we provide.</li><li><b>"Merchant"</b>: The branded merchant partner for whom your Bread Financial credit card is issued as well as any merchant who accepts your Bread Financial credit card. Merchant also includes those businesses with whom we partner to offer you a point-of-sale loans.</li><li><b>"Cookies"</b>: Small pieces of data – usually text files – stored on your device (e.g., computer, tablet, phone, or similar device) when you use that device to visit our Sites which enable us to personalize your viewing experience and allow us to track statistical information about navigation to and throughout certain areas of the Site. </li></ul> <p> </p> <h3>Personal Information We Collect</h3> <p>The following details the categories of Personal Information we collect and have collected over the past 12 months. Throughout this Privacy Policy, we will refer to the categories listed in this chart.</p> <p><b><u>Information You Directly Provide Us:</u></b> When you visit our online services or use our Services, we will collect information that you directly provide us. This information may include: <br /> </p> <ul><li>Your first and last name</li><li>Email address </li><li>Phone number </li><li>Date of birth </li><li>Identification numbers, such as a Social Security number or other taxpayer identification number</li><li>Your home street address </li><li>Photographs, government identification, or other official identifying information, such as a driver’s license</li><li>Financial account numbers, such as for a debit or credit card </li><li>Employment history </li></ul> <p>You may provide information in writing, through our online services (e.g., online forms), using other customer service tools, or over the phone with our customer service representatives. As noted on our calls, all calls are recorded and retained in order to provide the best assistance to you, improve our level of customer experience and service, and to meet any legal and regulatory requirements.<br /> </p> <p><b><u>Information We Collect Automatically or Generate About You:</u></b> We also collect information automatically when you visit our websites. This information may include:<br /> </p> <ul><li>Your device’s IP address<br /> </li><li>Device type</li><li>Device hardware model </li><li>Unique device identifier</li><li>GPS location data</li><li>Other Information about your interactions and use of our Services on any Merchant website or our websites</li><li>Information collected by Cookies and other similar technologies </li></ul> <p><b><u>Information from Third Parties:</u></b> We also collect information about you from third parties such as credit information (e.g., credit reports). <br /> </p> <p>To help us further identify you to protect against fraud and identity theft, and for other purposes (including to improve our product or Services, or for us, or third parties, to market to you), our technology may gather further information about you, which information may include but is not limited to the following:<br /> </p> <p><b>Cookies:</b> Like many online services, we use Cookies or other anonymous identifiers to collect information about you. We may also gather and store “clickstream information,” including information regarding your use of our site directly, or through service providers, including Cookies, web beacons, page tags, pixels or similar tools (collectively, “Cookies”) and information about your device, the type of browser you are using, your internet service provider, your page views, pathways to and from the site, referral URL, data from third party analytics or marketing companies regarding the interaction with any web-based advertising, and your operating system. <br /> </p> <p>We use Cookies for a variety of different reasons. Certain Cookies are essential to our online services, including to provide you with features or Services that you have requested. We also use Cookies to record your choices and settings regarding the Services, collect analytical and performance data, and for the purposes of retargeting and advertising, to identify your interests and providing advertising that we believe is relevant to you. We may also supplement the information we collect from you with information received from third parties, including third parties that have placed their own Cookies on your device(s).<br /> </p> <p><b>Your Choices Regarding Cookies:</b> You can decide whether to accept Cookies through your internet browser’s settings. Most browsers have an option for turning off the Cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new Cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allowing you to decide on acceptance of each new Cookie in a variety of ways. You can also delete all Cookies that are already on your device. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a website and some of our websites’ functionalities may not work. To explore what Cookie settings are available to you, look in the “preferences” or “options” section of your browser’s menu. <br /> </p> <p>Additionally, behavioral advertisements will feature an AdChoices Icon (also known as the “Advertising Option Icon”), that when clicked, provides more information about how the advertisement was delivered to you and offers the ability to opt-out from future Online Behavioral Advertisements by the third parties listed. To opt-out of Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) from all Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA)-participating companies, please visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>. Please note that if you opt-out of OBA, you may still receive online advertising from us on third party websites. Opting out from third party advertising companies means that the advertisements you receive will not be based on your preferences or behavior. Further, opting out does not prevent other parties from tracking your online activity for other uses as described in this Privacy Policy.<br /> </p> <p><b><u>Site Analytics:</u></b><br /> </p> <p>We may use various analytics services, including Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., on our online services. These analytics services use Cookies or other tracking technologies to help us analyze how users interact with and use the websites, compile reports on activity, identify and address technical issues, and provide other services related to activity and usage. These technologies may collect information such as your IP address, time of visit, whether you are a return visitor and any referring website. </p> <p>We utilize data from analytics services like Google Analytics to enhance our Services. These services may set or read cookies on your browser or mobile device. Our online services do not combine the information collected using Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Information generated by analytics services is transmitted to and stored by the respective providers, governed by their privacy policies. You can control the information provided to Google and opt out of certain ads provided by Google by using the methods set forth in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> or use the Google Analytics opt out browser add-on at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.<br /> </p> <p>From time to time, we may create and manage social media pages that include, but are not limited to, a Twitter or Instagram account or a Facebook page (“Social Media Pages”). With your consent, Personal Information like your name, profile picture, gender, networks, user ID, list of friends, birthday, likes, education history, work history, current city, hometown, interests, relationship status, and any other information you have shared on a social media site may be collected by us. This Privacy Policy does not cover the privacy practices of the social media websites on which we may have Social Media Pages. Please review their privacy policies and terms of service if you have any questions about their privacy practices. </p> <h3>How We Use The Personal Information We Collect</h3> <p>Information we receive in connection with our online services or the Services we provide may be used for the following purposes:<br /> </p> <ul><li>Process your transactions</li><li>Expand, enhance, or verify the accuracy of our records </li><li>Market our products or our Merchant partners’ products to you</li><li>Contact you by mail, telephone, text message or email, in connection with your account or to deliver updates to our Services (for example, we may use email to send you information about products or services and new offers that we think may interest you or administer your participation in surveys – you may be able to opt out of some of these communications)</li><li>Develop new products and services or improve them and your experience with them</li><li>Support internal business operations, including assessing and managing risk and meeting legal and regulatory requirements</li><li>Provide technical support for using our online services</li><li>Monitor and analyze trends and usage</li><li>Comply with contractual obligations, relevant industry standards and our policies</li><li>Verify your identity, prevent or detect fraud or other unauthorized or illegal activity</li><li>Operate, evaluate and improve our business (including developing new products and services, performing data analytics, and performing accounting, auditing and other internal functions)</li><li>Respond to your requests</li><li>Resolve disputes</li><li>Respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations</li><li>Perform any other business purpose stated when collecting your Personal Information or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. </li></ul> <h3>Providing Your Personal Information To Others</h3> <p>We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties in the ways described in this Privacy Policy: <br /> </p> <p><b><i>Merchants:</i></b> By using our Services, you authorize us to disclose Personal Information to Merchants, for managing and servicing your account, Merchants’ marketing purposes, including certain information that is a part of or related to your application for your account, including, but not limited to, your name, email address and whether or not you were pre-qualified for our loan products, as permitted by law. You may limit this sharing at any time. See “Your Choices” below. <br /> </p> <p><b><i>Service Providers:</i></b> We disclose information (such as name, account information, demographic information) to our service providers in connection with our everyday business operations, including those that engage in assisting us in underwriting, sending communications on our or our Merchants’ behalf, document storage, fraud prevention, collections, maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services, providing analytic services, or providing similar services on behalf of a service provider.<br /> </p> <p><b><i>Marketing and Analytics Companies:</i></b> We disclose information (such as name, account information, demographic information, and transaction information) to marketing and analytics companies for the purposes of marketing our or our Merchants’ products and services to you, as well as the purposes set forth below: </p> <ul><li>Auditing related to a current interaction and concurrent transactions, including, but not limited to, ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with this specification and other standards</li><li>Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity</li><li>Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality</li><li>Short-term, transient use of Personal Information that is not used by another party to build a consumer profile or otherwise alter your consumer experience outside the current interaction</li><li>Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration</li><li>Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that we own, manufacture, was manufactured for us, or that we control</li><li>With the Merchant for their marketing purposes and with other non-affiliated third parties (for example, marketing companies) for purposes of marketing our or our Merchant’s products and services to you</li><li>With regulators or auditors, in connection with an audit, routine inquiry, or to fulfill our contractual or legal obligations</li><li>With third parties who may purchase Services (or an interest in the account), or the rights to service such an account</li><li>With non-affiliated third parties, including regulatory bodies, law enforcement officials, governmental agencies, and courts, in response to a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process or for the purposes of preventing fraud or criminal activity, or as required by law or to protect our legal rights</li><li>With our Affiliates who have a need to know such information for everyday business purposes</li><li>With any third party in response to a legal or regulatory inquiry.</li></ul> <p>In the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of any or all our assets, some of the Personal Information that we hold may be among the assets transferred to a buyer or other successor. We may transfer to another business or non-affiliated entity or its affiliates, advisors or service providers some or all information about you in connection with, or during negotiations of, any joint marketing relationship, merger, acquisition, sale of assets or any business unit, change in ownership control or financing transaction. If we do, we may not be able to limit how such other parties may use or further transfer your information.<br /> </p> <p>We may disclose information in other ways if you give us consent or direct us to do so.</p> <h3>Your Choices </h3> <p>When it comes to how your Personal Information is collected, stored, used, and disclosed, you have rights and choices. You can control how Personal Information is collected or disclosed, as well as how we communicate with you. Here are some of the ways you can customize your choices.</p> <p><b>Choose How We Collect Personal Information</b></p> <p>You may choose to limit the Personal Information you provide when our online services or Services request it. To receive our Services, some Personal Information is required. This Privacy Policy is intended to describe to you how your Personal Information is collected, used, and disclosed so you can make the choices that are right for you. </p> <p><b>Choose How We Communicate With You</b></p> <p>You have choices about how we communicate with you and how it is delivered. Some messages are considered necessary for you to manage your accounts with us (e.g., servicing your account) and some are considered optional (e.g., marketing emails). </p> <p>If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to disclose your information as described in this notice.</p> <p>However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing.</p> <table style=" border: 1.0px solid; border-collapse: collapse; "><tbody><tr><th style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Service</th><th style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">How to Change Your Preferences</th></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Bread Financial (Comenity)</td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Our menu will prompt you through your choices: <ul><li><i>Comenity Bank customers: Call <a href="tel:1-800-220-1181">1-800-220-1181</a> (TDD/TTY <a href="tel:1-800-695-1788">1-800-695-1788</a>)</i></li><li><i>Comenity Capital Bank customers: Call <a href="tel:1-877-287-5012">1-877-287-5012</a> (TDD/TTY <a href="tel:1-888-819-1918">1-888-819-1918</a>) </i></li></ul> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Bread Savings (Deposits)</td><td width="486" valign="top"><p>Contact us at 1-833-755-4354; dial 7 for a representative. For operator relay assistance, first dial 711.</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Bread Pay or Loans</td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Visit your Member Portal under “My Account,” email <a href=""></a> or call 1-844-992-7323.</td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Emails</td><td width="486" valign="top"><p>Click the unsubscribe button on any marketing emails from us or call us at the phone number found on your account statement or credit card<i>.</i></p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">California Residents</td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid; ">Refer to “Information for Residents of California” on how to exercise your rights. </td></tr></tbody></table> <p>Some internet browsers have a ‘Do Not Track’ feature that signals to online services that you do not want your online activities tracked. We recognize most major browsers’ do not track signals. For us to recognize such a signal you will have to enable it in your browser according to your browser’s instructions.</p> <h3>Protecting Personal Information</h3> <p>Your privacy is important to us. We have implemented and maintain reasonable physical, technical, electronic, and administrative security measures to safeguard the Personal Information that we collect through our websites, your interactions with us, or through our Services. <br /> </p> <h3>Accuracy of Your Personal Information<br /> </h3> <p>We strive to maintain accurate Personal Information about you. If you are a Bread Financial cardholder or borrower and believe that our records contain inaccurate or incomplete information about you, please contact the Customer Care phone number listed on your account statement or on the back of your credit card. Customers with a registered online account may review their Personal Information by logging in to our secure account management service. <br /> </p> <h3>Privacy Notice for California Residents </h3> <p>This Privacy Notice for California Residents (“Notice”) applies to California consumers and households (“you” and “your”) whose Personal Information we collect through our online services and the services we offer, and describes your rights and choices with respect to the processing of Personal Information under the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”) which amends the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). This Notice does not apply to Bread Financial employees or job applicants except to the extent you may utilize our Services. For California residents, this Notice controls to the extent it conflicts with any provision in the main body of the Privacy Policy. Capitalized terms not defined in this Notice are defined in our Privacy Policy.<br /> </p> <p>The specific Personal Information that we collect, use, and disclose relating to a California resident covered by the CPRA will vary based on our relationship or interaction with that individual. Most of the information that we collect is collected in connection with your application for, and use of our Services. As such, it was collected in accordance with the terms of the federal Gramm Leach Bliley Act ("GLBA”) and is exempt from the provisions of the CCPA and CPRA. For your privacy rights related to that information please see our Financial Privacy Policy further described above or found at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p> <h3>How We Collect, Use, Share, and Sell Information</h3> <p>Below is a summary describing the Personal Information we collected from you in the past 12 months, as classified under the CPRA, the reason we collect your Personal Information, and how we disclose, share, and sell your information. Please see our Privacy Policy for further details about how we collect, process, and disclose Personal Information about you. <br /> </p> <p><b>Categories of Information Collected:</b> As described further in our Privacy Policy, when you visit our online services, interact with us, or use our services, we may collect your Personal Information for business or commercial purposes. In the past 12 months we may have collected the following categories of Personal Information directly from you when you communicated with us, indirectly when you visited our online services, using Cookies and other technologies, as well as from third parties, such as Merchants: </p> <ul><li>Identifiers, including first and last name, email address, IP address, device identifier, government identification number (such as Social Security number), date of birth, phone number, financial account numbers </li><li>Commercial information, such as information related to your purchasing or consuming tendencies, including financial transactions, and employment </li><li>Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as device type, device hardware model, and information about your interactions with our Services on any Merchant website or our online services, or information collected from Cookies and other similar technologies </li><li>Geolocation information. </li></ul> <p><b>Uses of Information:</b> As described further in our Policy, in the past 12 months we may have used the information we receive in connection with our online services or the Services we provide for the following purposes: </p> <ul><li>Process your transactions</li><li>Expand, enhance, or verify the accuracy of our records </li><li>Market our products or our Merchant partners’ products to you</li><li>Contact you by mail, telephone, text message or email, in connection with your account or to deliver updates to our Services (for example, we may use email to send you information about products or services and new offers that we think may interest you – you may be able to opt out of some of these communications);</li><li>Develop new products and services or improve them and your experience with them</li><li>Support internal business operations, including assessing and managing risk and meeting legal and regulatory requirements</li><li>Provide technical support for using our online services</li><li>Monitor and analyze trends and usage</li><li>Comply with contractual obligations, relevant industry standards and our policies</li><li>Verify your identity, prevent or detect fraud or other unauthorized or illegal activity</li><li>Operate, evaluate and improve our business (including developing new products and services, performing data analytics, and performing accounting, auditing and other internal functions)</li><li>Respond to your requests</li><li>Resolve disputes</li><li>Respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations</li><li>Perform any other business purpose stated when collecting your Personal Information or as otherwise set forth in applicable data privacy laws, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. </li></ul> <p><b>Disclosure of Information:</b> As described further in our Policy, in the past 12 months we may have disclosed each of the data categories described above to the following third parties: </p> <ul><li><b><i>Merchants</i></b>: By using our Services, you authorize us to share Personal Information with Merchants, for managing and servicing your account and for Merchants’ marketing purposes, including certain information that is a part of or related to your application for your account, including, but not limited to, your name, email address and whether or not you were pre-qualified for our loan products, as permitted by law. You may limit this sharing at any time. See “Your CPRA Privacy Rights and Exercising Your CPRA Rights” below. </li><li><b><i>Service Providers</i></b>: We share information (such as name, account information, demographic information) with our service providers in connection with our everyday business operations, including those that engage in assisting us in underwriting, sending communications on our or our Merchants’ behalf, document storage, fraud prevention, collections, maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services, providing analytic services, or providing similar services on behalf of a service provider;</li><li><b><i>Marketing and Analytics Companies</i></b>: We share information (such as name, account information, demographic information, and transaction information) with marketing and analytics companies for the purposes of marketing our or our Merchants’ products and services to you. </li></ul> <p><b>Selling or Sharing of Information:</b> In the last 12 months, we have “sold” or “shared” (as defined by the CPRA) identifiers and internet or other electronic network activity information to third party partners for advertising and marketing Bread Financial services to consumers. We did not sell or share personal information of minors under 16 years of age. </p> <h3>How Long We Retain Your Personal Information</h3> <p>We retain your Personal Information as long as it is deemed necessary for providing our Services and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, which is approximately seven years from the end of our relationship (e.g., seven years after the account is closed and balance is paid in full). Your Personal Information will be destroyed in accordance with applicable requirements at the end of the applicable retention period. </p> <h3>Your CPRA Privacy Rights</h3> <p>The CPRA provides California residents with certain rights regarding their Personal Information. These rights are not absolute and certain exceptions apply under the CPRA. To exercise any of the rights described below, see the “Exercising Your CPRA Rights” section. <br /> </p> <p><b>Right to Know</b>: You have the right to know the categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you in the previous 12 months. <br /> </p> <p>The categories of Personal Information include:<br /> </p> <ul><li>The categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected.<br /> </li><li>Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling Personal Information. </li><li>The categories of third parties with whom we share Personal Information. </li><li>Specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you. </li></ul> <p>As more fully explained above, the data that we collect in the categories listed above is collected from you and data resellers for the marketing or servicing of a financial product. We may use any of the categories of information listed above for other business or operational purposes compatible with the context in which the Personal Information was collected. We disclose the above data to the Merchant listed on your card or who received the proceeds of your loan, services providers, vendors, advertising partners and data analytics providers. <br /> </p> <p><b>Right to Deletion</b>: You have the right to request that we delete any Personal Information we have collected about you. <br /> </p> <p><b>Right to Opt-Out of the Sale and Sharing of Information</b>: You have the right to opt-out of the sale and sharing of Personal Information we have collected about you. <br /> </p> <p><b>Right to Non-Discrimination</b>: You have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising any of your CPRA Rights. The Company will not treat you differently for exercising any of the rights above. <br /> </p> <p><b>Right to Correct</b>: You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate Personal Information maintained about you.</p> <h3>Exercising Your CPRA Rights</h3> <p><b>How to Submit a Request</b>: If you are a California resident or an authorized agent and wish to make a request, you can make a request by visiting or calling 1-877-655-5391 (TDD/TTY: 1-800-695-1788). To verify your identity we will require you to provide: your first name, last name, address, phone number, date of birth and email address. Once you have provided your data you will be asked a series of questions to authenticate your identity. <br /> </p> <p>If you are an authorized agent, such as Power of Attorney, and submitting a request, please send a letter to Comenity at PO Box 182567, Columbus, OH 43218 with the request type(s) (request to know, delete, do not sell or share, and/or correct my data). Please include proof that the data subject gave you signed permission to make the request.</p> <p>Under the CPRA, you may exercise these rights yourself or you may also designate an authorized agent to make these requests on your behalf. For the Company to process the request, you must provide the authorized agent signed written permission. The Company reserves the request to require the agent to authenticate their own identity and to confirm directly with you that you have provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request. <br /> </p> <p><b>How to Opt-Out of the Sale and Sharing of My Information</b>: If you are a California resident and wish to opt-out of the sale and sharing of your personal information, <b>please click here</b>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information</a>.</p> <h3>How to Contact Us</h3> <p>To submit questions about this Notice, or to contact us for more information, please call 1-877-655-5391 (TDD/TTY: 1-800-695-1788). To exercise your rights under the CPRA, please only do so following the designated methods above. </p> <h3>CPRA Statistics<br /> </h3> <p>CPRA Requests Handled July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024</p> <p><b>Request to Know</b>: 2,011 Requests Received, 986 Requests Verified, 986 Verified Requests Answered, 1,025 Verified Requests Denied</p> <p><b>Request to Delete</b>: 605 Requests Received, 299 Requests Verified, 299 Verified Requests Answered, 306 Verified Requests Denied</p> <p><b>Request to Opt Out*</b>: 4,129 Requests Received, N/A Requests Verified, 4,129 Verified Requests Answered, 0 Verified Requests Denied</p> <p><b>Request to Correct: </b>494 Requests Received, 180 Requests Verified, 180 Verified Requests Answered, 314 Verified Requests Denied</p> <p>*Requests are passed to our service providers.<br /> </p> <p>During this period, our median time within which we sent responses was 4.8 days.</p> <div class="modal-content__btn-container"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" aria-label="Close modal and return to main content" data-micromodal-close class="btn btn-primary">Close</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/commons/site/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/tabs/v1/tabs/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/carousel/v1/carousel/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/image/v2/image/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/search/v1/search/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/form/text/v2/text/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/pdfviewer/v1/pdfviewer/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/commons/datalayer/v1/clientlibs/"></script> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/comenity-microsites/clientlibs/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3&ns=1&cb=1333148759" async></script></body> </html>