Facts You Should Know: Weather Quiz | Britannica

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History provides a chronological, statistical, and cultural record of the events, people, and movements that have made an impact on humankind and the world at large throughout the ages.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/05/84505-050-8BB58BE6/cave-art-Ennedi-Plateau-Chad.jpg","altText":"World History","fullUrl":""}},{"id":10000,"title":"Entertainment & Pop Culture","url":"Entertainment-Pop-Culture","description":"Entertainment and leisure activities have been a part of culture in one form or another since the ancient times. Dance performances, live music, and storytelling have a long tradition throughout history, even as the styles and available methods of delivery have shifted dramatically.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/04/167104-050-A0D0F726.jpg","altText":"Entertainment & Pop Culture","fullUrl":""}},null],"mainCategory":{"id":6000,"title":"World History","url":"World-History","description":"Does history really repeat itself, or can we learn from the mistakes of those who came before us? History provides a chronological, statistical, and cultural record of the events, people, and movements that have made an impact on humankind and the world at large throughout the ages.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/05/84505-050-8BB58BE6/cave-art-Ennedi-Plateau-Chad.jpg","altText":"World History","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":12398,"title":"Name That World Flag!","url":"/quiz/name-that-world-flag","description":"Our salute to flags from around the world. Can you name the countries they belong to?","image":{"id":0,"url":"/78/6078-131-004E1EE7/Flag-Australia.jpg","altText":"Flag of Australia","credit":"Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Image Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"/quiz/browse/Geography-Travel"}],"lastItemTitle":"Geography & Travel"},"superCategory":{"id":4,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Explore geography and travel; geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions","keywords":"geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions ","classId":"GEOGRAPHY","sortOrder":5},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","Australia","France","Brazil","South Korea","Mexico","Turkey","Switzerland","Afghanistan","Sweden","Ireland","India","Egypt","Cuba","Ethiopia","Nepal","Saudi Arabia","Argentina","Belgium","Panama","Angola","flag","Portugal","Spain","Chile"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, Australia, France, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Switzerland, Afghanistan, Sweden, Ireland, India, Egypt, Cuba, Ethiopia, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Belgium, Panama, Angola, flag, Portugal, Spain, Chile","displayDate":[2024,6,6],"urlTitle":"name-that-world-flag","featureSubType":"IMAGE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":5000,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Planet Earth contains some extraordinarily diverse environments, some of which are easily habitable and some not so much. 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Clothing Quiz","url":"/quiz/what-are-you-wearing-clothing-quiz","description":"Roll up your sleeves and identify these garments.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/17/237217-131-4358665B/An-image-of-a-man-wearing-lederhosen.jpg","altText":"An image of a man wearing lederhosen. 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Find the answer that best describes the italicized standardized test word.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/12/237412-131-B9192C53/student-taking-SAT-test.jpg","altText":"High school student frowns and feeling stressed after reading question about SAT test examination in a classroom (testing, education, teenager)","credit":"© Chainarong Prasertthai—iStock/Getty Images","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Literature","url":"/quiz/browse/Literature"}],"lastItemTitle":"Literature"},"superCategory":{"id":2,"title":"Arts & Culture","url":"Arts-Culture","description":"Explore arts and culture; entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","keywords":"entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","classId":"ART","sortOrder":6},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","Luigi Galvani","Serendib","apocrypha","aptitude test","Scholastic Assessment Test","vocabulary "],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, Luigi Galvani, Serendib, apocrypha, aptitude test, Scholastic Assessment Test, vocabulary ","displayDate":[2022,12,15],"urlTitle":"challenging-standardized-test-words-quiz-vol-1","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. A literary work can transport us into a fictional, fantastic new world, describe a fleeting feeling, or simply give us a picture of the past through novels, poems, tragedies, epic works, and other genres. Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":15766,"title":"13-Letter Word Quiz","url":"/quiz/13-letter-word-quiz","description":"Thirteen words, thirteen letters each. It’s your lucky day.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/85/259785-131-4FFACB48/roulette-wheel-13.jpg","altText":"A roulette wheel showing the number 13. 13 letter word quiz.","credit":"© GregorBister—iStock/Getty Images","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Literature","url":"/quiz/browse/Literature"}],"lastItemTitle":"Literature"},"superCategory":{"id":2,"title":"Arts & Culture","url":"Arts-Culture","description":"Explore arts and culture; entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","keywords":"entertainment and pop culture, actors, comics, dance, film, food, music, theatre, tv; visual arts, architecture, fashion, painting, photography, sculpture; literature, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poetry, short story; sports and recreation","classId":"ART","sortOrder":6},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","vocabulary","long words"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, vocabulary, long words","displayDate":[2024,8,13],"urlTitle":"13-letter-word-quiz","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":12000,"title":"Literature","url":"Literature","description":"With the development of language, the human imagination has found a way to create and communicate through the written word. 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Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":14181,"title":"Guess the Rotated U.S. State Quiz","url":"/quiz/guess-the-rotated-us-state-quiz","description":"Practice your geographical skills with this twisted test.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/88/248088-131-9D82AD9C/Michigan-map-quizzes.jpg","altText":"Michigan map rotated for use in quizzes","credit":"Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Question Multiple Images","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"/quiz/browse/Geography-Travel"}],"lastItemTitle":"Geography & Travel"},"superCategory":{"id":4,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Explore geography and travel; geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions","keywords":"geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions ","classId":"GEOGRAPHY","sortOrder":5},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","U.S. states"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, U.S. states","displayDate":[2024,9,11],"urlTitle":"guess-the-rotated-us-state-quiz","featureSubType":"QUESTION_MULTIPLE_IMAGES","categories":[{"id":5000,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Planet Earth contains some extraordinarily diverse environments, some of which are easily habitable and some not so much. 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Shifting trends in human migration have resulted in a human geography that is profoundly different from that of centuries ago.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/17/2317-050-758D0E55/World-map-descriptions-Herodotus-Black-Sea.jpg","altText":"Geography & Travel","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Question Multiple Images"},{"id":15613,"title":"Former Names of Current Places Quiz","url":"/quiz/former-names-of-current-places-quiz","description":"What is New Amsterdam called today?","image":{"id":0,"url":"/63/258363-131-52AB387C/vintage-old-timey-world-map.jpg","altText":"Vintage, old-timey world map for Former Names of Current Places Quiz.","credit":"© pingebat/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Text Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"/quiz/browse/Geography-Travel"}],"lastItemTitle":"Geography & Travel"},"superCategory":{"id":4,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Explore geography and travel; geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions","keywords":"geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions ","classId":"GEOGRAPHY","sortOrder":5},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes","displayDate":[2024,6,13],"urlTitle":"former-names-of-current-places-quiz","featureSubType":"TEXT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":5000,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Planet Earth contains some extraordinarily diverse environments, some of which are easily habitable and some not so much. 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This quiz will show you a code name along with two presidents’ names. Can you pick the right one?","image":{"id":0,"url":"/67/127967-131-824AEB24/United-States-White-House-south-portico-circa-2005.jpg","altText":"The White House South portico, Washington, D.C., USA. Photo circa 2005. White House history.","credit":"© Cristina Ciochina/","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"True/False","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Politics, Law & Government","url":"/quiz/browse/Politics-Law-Government"}],"lastItemTitle":"Politics, Law & Government"},"superCategory":{"id":5,"title":"History & Society","url":"History-Society","description":"Explore history and society; accidents and disasters; the age of revolutions; the ancient world; historic dynasties; global exploration; the middle ages; the modern world; prehistory; US history; world history; wars and battles; sociology; religion and philosophy; humanities; ethics; anthropology; festivals and holidays; human rights; human migration; international relations; politics, law, and government","keywords":"accidents and disasters; the age of revolutions; the ancient world; historic dynasties; global exploration; the middle ages; the modern world; prehistory; US history; world history; wars and battles; sociology; religion and philosophy; humanities; ethics; anthropology; festivals and holidays; human rights; human migration; international relations; politics, law, and government","classId":"HISTORY","sortOrder":1},"hashtags":["Secret Service","president","code names","nicknames","Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes"],"hashtagsString":"Secret Service, president, code names, nicknames, Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes","displayDate":[2021,1,13],"urlTitle":"us-presidential-code-names-quiz","featureSubType":"TRUE_FALSE","categories":[{"id":9000,"title":"Politics, Law & Government","url":"Politics-Law-Government","description":"The world today is divided territorially into more than 190 countries, each of which possesses a national government that claims to exercise sovereignty and seeks to compel obedience to its will by its citizens. 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Governments also vary in terms of the laws and rules of conduct that each political entity follows.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/22/99622-050-E70BCD0A/Parthenon-Athens.jpg","altText":"Politics, Law & Government","fullUrl":""}},null,null],"mainCategory":{"id":9000,"title":"Politics, Law & Government","url":"Politics-Law-Government","description":"The world today is divided territorially into more than 190 countries, each of which possesses a national government that claims to exercise sovereignty and seeks to compel obedience to its will by its citizens. Governments can be classified in any number of ways. For example, they might be classified by the number of rulers, thus distinguishing government by one (as in a monarchy or a tyranny) from government by the few (in an aristocracy or oligarchy) and from government by the many (as in a democracy). Governments can also be classified by mode of succession; for example, ascension to governmental leadership may follow the rules of hereditary succession, or it may be determined through elections or by force. Governments also vary in terms of the laws and rules of conduct that each political entity follows.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/22/99622-050-E70BCD0A/Parthenon-Athens.jpg","altText":"Politics, Law & Government","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"True/False"},{"id":8513,"title":"Monsters, Ghouls, and Ghosts Quiz","url":"/quiz/monsters-ghouls-and-ghosts-quiz","description":"What famous work of horror was created during a ghost story competition? What kind of creature is a lycanthrope?","image":{"id":0,"url":"/79/219679-131-A8D9C7EF/Halloween-Ghost-Costume-Child-Trick-or-Treat.jpg","altText":"A child wearing a sheet for a Halloween ghost costume. 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Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},null],"mainCategory":{"id":10000,"title":"Entertainment & Pop Culture","url":"Entertainment-Pop-Culture","description":"Entertainment and leisure activities have been a part of culture in one form or another since the ancient times. 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Through literature, communication becomes an art, and it can bridge and bond people and cultures of different languages and backgrounds.","image":{"id":0,"url":"/44/172844-131-9695C31F/word-communication-stress-accent-letters-syllable.jpg","altText":"Literature","fullUrl":""}},"typeDisplayName":"Text Multiple Choices"},{"id":12652,"title":"Name That U.S. National Park Quiz","url":"/quiz/name-that-us-national-park-quiz","description":"Can you tell Yellowstone from Yosemite?","image":{"id":0,"url":"/52/236552-131-64AE974F/The-famous-Tunnel-View-at-Yosemite.jpg","altText":"The famous Tunnel View at Yosemite","credit":"© Kenny McCartney—Moment/Getty Images","fullUrl":""},"type":"QUIZ","breadcrumb":{"items":[{"title":"Image Multiple Choices","url":"/quiz/browse"},{"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"/quiz/browse/Geography-Travel"}],"lastItemTitle":"Geography & Travel"},"superCategory":{"id":4,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Explore geography and travel; geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions","keywords":"geographic regions; historical places; people of the world; countries, states, provinces, cities, and towns; languages; deserts, islands, mountains, plateaus; lakes, oceans, seas, rivers; national parks, tourist attractions ","classId":"GEOGRAPHY","sortOrder":5},"hashtags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","Katmai National Park and Preserve","Wind Cave National Park","Biscayne National Park","Redwood National Park","Petrified Forest National Park","Bryce Canyon National Park","Death Valley National Park","Saguaro National Park","Glacier National Park","Yellowstone National Park","Everglades National Park","Yosemite National Park","Badlands National Park"],"hashtagsString":"Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, quiz, quizzes, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Wind Cave National Park, Biscayne National Park, Redwood National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Death Valley National Park, Saguaro National Park, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Everglades National Park, Yosemite National Park, Badlands National Park","displayDate":[2022,12,13],"urlTitle":"name-that-us-national-park-quiz","featureSubType":"IMAGE_MULTIPLE_CHOICE","categories":[{"id":5000,"title":"Geography & Travel","url":"Geography-Travel","description":"Planet Earth contains some extraordinarily diverse environments, some of which are easily habitable and some not so much. 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Weather electricity thunderstorm light energy tree","credit":"© Black Ivy Images/","fullUrl":""},"title":"Facts You Should Know: Weather Quiz","timed":true,"seconds":30,"questions":[{"text":"On average, what is the wettest month of the year in the United States?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["November","April","June","August"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Although the fourth month of the year is popularly known for its precipitation—“April showers bring May flowers”—it is the fifth wettest month in the U.S. April’s rain showers are frequent but relatively brief. Rain in June tends to be much more prolonged."},{"text":"True or false: Lightning never strikes the same place twice.","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["false","true"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Because they are so tall and have many metal components, skyscrapers are magnets for lightning. Between 2015 and 2020, Chicago’s Willis Tower was struck 250 times, the most of any building in the U.S."},{"text":"The National Weather Service calculates the heat index by using air temperature and what other data?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["relative humidity","time of day","wind speed","barometric pressure"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Sweat evaporating off skin helps cool humans down. If the relative humidity is high, there is already so much water in the air that this cooling process is hindered, making it seem hotter than what the thermometer displays. The reverse also holds true: a very low relative humidity will cause the heat index (also called apparent temperature) to be lower than the actual temperature."},{"text":"The Coriolis effect is used to describe what weather phenomenon?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["rainbows appearing after rain","hot air getting trapped in Earth’s atmosphere","dew forming on grass in the morning","weather patterns moving in a curved line"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"If Earth did not spin, air would simply circulate from the poles to the Equator and back again in a straight line. As Earth rotates, air is deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This force is known as the Coriolis effect and is the reason hurricanes turn different directions on either side of the Equator."},{"text":"Which of these is <i>not</i> like the others?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["typhoon","hurricane","tsunami","cyclone"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Depending on where it takes place, a tropical cyclone can be called a hurricane (in the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific), a typhoon (in the western North Pacific), or a cyclone (in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean)."},{"text":"The three major cities (with populations greater than 100,000) that get the most snowfall on Earth are all in what country?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["United States","Canada","Japan","Russia"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Japan’s Aomori city averages about 25 feet of snow a year, making it one of the snowiest places on Earth. The northern half of Japan experiences sea-effect snow, when cold Siberian air mixes with warm wet air from the Sea of Japan, which dumps all that moisture onto the Japanese Alps."},{"text":"Finish this (somewhat useful) phrase: Red sky at night,…","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["sailor’s delight","sailor’s fright"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"There is science to back up this old nautical adage. Because weather typically travels from west to east in midlatitudes, the sun rising in the east will illuminate the high- and mid-level clouds of an incoming weather system, turning the sky red (“Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning”). A red sky at night indicates the weather system has moved on."},{"text":"Because it contains strong updrafts, which of these cloud types produces the most hail?","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["cirrus","cumulonimbus","stratus","altocumulus"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"A cumulonimbus is a heavy, dense, towerlike cloud that can reach up to 40,000 feet.&nbsp;Strong warm updrafts force rain up to its freezing heights. The frozen water droplets fall back down, either all the way to the ground or back into another updraft to start the cycle again, adding a new layer to the hail."},{"text":"In 1913 the world-record air temperature of 134 °F was recorded in what country?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["Saudi Arabia","Côte d’Ivoire","Ecuador","United States"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"The record for hottest observed air temperature was set in Death Valley’s aptly named Furnace Creek in 1913. Some extreme-weather analysts believe the 134 °F figure is just a bunch of hot air, claiming that the temperature was impossible based on other data from surrounding areas. The World Meteorological Organization still recognizes 134 °F as the record."},{"text":"True or false: Most people survive being struck by lightning.","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["true","false"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"About 10 percent of people who are struck by lightning die from it. Most of the current in a lightning strike passes over skin in a phenomenon called flashover. Heat from the lightning, which is hotter than the surface of the Sun, can cause burns but lasts for only a few microseconds."},{"text":"What term is frequently used to describe lightning that is so far away that observers cannot hear the thunder?","correctAnswerIndex":3,"answers":["reverse lightning","white lightning","ball lightning","heat lightning"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"So-called “heat lightning” has nothing to do with air temperature. The phenomenon often labeled “heat lightning” is just regular lightning from a storm so distant that it can be seen but not heard."},{"text":"Hearing thunder five seconds after seeing lightning usually indicates…","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["the lightning is about one mile away","the storm will produce about three inches of rain","the storm is dissipating","the storm will last about another hour"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Thunder is produced by the rapid heating and cooling of air that happens during and immediately after a lightning strike. As light travels faster than sound, an observer can see lightning before hearing thunder. Every 5-second interval between lightning and thunder roughly equals a 1-mile distance from the strike (10 seconds = 2 miles, 15 seconds = 3 miles, and so on)."},{"text":"Which of the following directly causes wind?","correctAnswerIndex":2,"answers":["gravitational pull of the Moon","gaseous emissions from volcanoes","uneven heating from the Sun","Earth’s rotation"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Various surfaces of Earth absorb heat from the Sun differently. Hotter air tends to rise and spread out; this is a low-pressure area. Colder, denser air (a high-pressure area) rushes in to fill the space the hot air once occupied, and this movement is called wind. The greater the difference in temperature, the stronger the wind."},{"text":"What color is the best option to wear in order to stay cool on a hot sunny day?","correctAnswerIndex":0,"answers":["white","black","green","blue"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Researchers at Japan’s National Institute for Environmental Studies put nine different color polo shirts out in the sun on a 86 °F day. After five minutes, the black shirt hit 122 °F while the white polo stayed roughly equivalent to the air temperature."},{"text":"True or false: House windows should be opened in preparation for a tornado to equalize inside and outside pressure.","correctAnswerIndex":1,"answers":["true","false"],"difficulty":4,"explanation":"Opening windows prior to a tornado’s arrival will only allow powerful gusts into the house, inviting greater structural damage."}],"difficulty":4,"nextUpQuiz":{"title":"Tightrope","subTitle":"A daily trivia game","url":"/quiz/tightrope","image":{"id":0,"url":"","altText":"Tightrope","fullUrl":""},"type":"TIGHTROPE"},"metadata":{"source":"EB","publishDate":1719100432423,"author":"Jonathan Daly","browserTitle":"Facts You Should Know: Weather Quiz","metaDescription":"Take this Science quiz at Encyclopaedia Britannica to test your knowledge of weather.","tags":["Britannica","Encyclopedia Britannica","Encyclopaedia Britannica","quiz","quizzes","weather","snow","lightning","hurricanes","cyclones","hail","rain","clouds","humidity","heat index","tornado","wind","Coriolis effect"],"slug":"facts-you-should-know-weather-quiz"}}, "quizFeatureFlags": { "enableLeaderboards": true, } }, "GA": {"leg":"C","adLeg":"C","userType":"ANONYMOUS","pageType":"Quiz","gisted":false,"pageNumber":1,"hasSummarizeButton":false,"hasAskButton":false} }; </script> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="1887621861548296"/ <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@britannica" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Take this Science quiz at Encyclopaedia Britannica to test your knowledge of weather."/> <meta property="og:type" content="WEBSITE"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Facts You Should Know: Weather Quiz | Britannica"/> <meta property="og:description" content="Take this Science quiz at Encyclopaedia Britannica to test your knowledge of weather."/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Encyclopedia Britannica" /> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg" /> <script type="text/javascript" data-type="init opengraph"> Mendel.openGraph = {"type":"WEBSITE","title":"Facts You Should Know: Weather Quiz","description":"Take this Science quiz at Encyclopaedia Britannica to test your knowledge of weather.","imageUrl":"","imageType":"image/jpeg","pageUrl":""}</script> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="" > <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript"> if (self !== top) { top.location = self.location; } </script> <script src="" async ></script> <script> dataLayer = []; </script> <script type="text/javascript">(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= '//'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-5W6NC8'); </script> </head> <body data-leg="C" class="quiz-page bg-gray-50 user-ANONYMOUS user-ads md-desktop leg-c b-ie"> <!-- **** cafemedia **** --> <script>Mendel.config.adProvider='cafemedia';</script> <script data-no-optimize="1" data-cfasync="false"> (function(w, d) { w.adthrive = w.adthrive || {}; w.adthrive.cmd = w. adthrive.cmd || []; w.adthrive.plugin = 'adthrive-ads-manual'; = '';var s = d.createElement('script'); s.async = true; s.referrerpolicy='no-referrer-when-downgrade'; s.src = 'https://' + + '/sites/61575e5c934c481d714b3ca9/ads.min.js?referrer=' + w.encodeURIComponent(w.location.href) + '&cb=' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1); var n = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n); })(window, document); </script> <div class="ie-warning d-flex align-items-center align-self-center justify-content-center site-alert bg-orange"> <div> You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. 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Background color changed. Original image asset 254486. Old 8-track audio tapes of different colors. Music, technology","credit":"© MichelGuenette—iStock/Getty Images","fullUrl":""}},{"title":"Fit for a King (or Queen): the British Royalty Quiz","url":"/quiz/fit-for-a-king-or-queen-the-british-royalty-quiz","image":{"id":0,"url":"/06/235406-131-17CB8E3D/Queen-Elizabeth-II-Buckingham-Palace-Platinum-Jubilee-London-England-June-5-2022.jpg","altText":"Britain&#39;s Queen Elizabeth II smiles to the crowd from Buckingham Palace (London, England) balcony at the end of the Platinum Pageant in London on June 5, 2022 as part of Queen Elizabeth II&#39;s platinum jubilee celebrations. The curtain comes down on four days of momentous nationwide celebrations to honor Queen Elizabeth II&#39;s historic Platinum Jubilee with a day-long pageant lauding the 96 year old monarch&#39;s record seven decades on the throne. 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The curtain comes down on four days of momentous nationwide celebrations to honor Queen Elizabeth II's historic Platinum Jubilee with a day-long pageant lauding the 96 year old monarch's record seven decades on the throne. 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Rain in June tends to be much more prolonged.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: True or false: Lightning never strikes the same place twice.</dt> <dd>Answer: Because they are so tall and have many metal components, skyscrapers are magnets for lightning. Between 2015 and 2020, Chicago’s Willis Tower was struck 250 times, the most of any building in the U.S.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: The National Weather Service calculates the heat index by using air temperature and what other data?</dt> <dd>Answer: Sweat evaporating off skin helps cool humans down. If the relative humidity is high, there is already so much water in the air that this cooling process is hindered, making it seem hotter than what the thermometer displays. The reverse also holds true: a very low relative humidity will cause the heat index (also called apparent temperature) to be lower than the actual temperature.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: The Coriolis effect is used to describe what weather phenomenon?</dt> <dd>Answer: If Earth did not spin, air would simply circulate from the poles to the Equator and back again in a straight line. As Earth rotates, air is deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This force is known as the Coriolis effect and is the reason hurricanes turn different directions on either side of the Equator.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which of these is <i>not</i> like the others?</dt> <dd>Answer: Depending on where it takes place, a tropical cyclone can be called a hurricane (in the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific), a typhoon (in the western North Pacific), or a cyclone (in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean).</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: The three major cities (with populations greater than 100,000) that get the most snowfall on Earth are all in what country?</dt> <dd>Answer: Japan’s Aomori city averages about 25 feet of snow a year, making it one of the snowiest places on Earth. The northern half of Japan experiences sea-effect snow, when cold Siberian air mixes with warm wet air from the Sea of Japan, which dumps all that moisture onto the Japanese Alps.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Finish this (somewhat useful) phrase: Red sky at night,…</dt> <dd>Answer: There is science to back up this old nautical adage. Because weather typically travels from west to east in midlatitudes, the sun rising in the east will illuminate the high- and mid-level clouds of an incoming weather system, turning the sky red (“Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning”). A red sky at night indicates the weather system has moved on.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Because it contains strong updrafts, which of these cloud types produces the most hail?</dt> <dd>Answer: A cumulonimbus is a heavy, dense, towerlike cloud that can reach up to 40,000 feet.&nbsp;Strong warm updrafts force rain up to its freezing heights. The frozen water droplets fall back down, either all the way to the ground or back into another updraft to start the cycle again, adding a new layer to the hail.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: In 1913 the world-record air temperature of 134 °F was recorded in what country?</dt> <dd>Answer: The record for hottest observed air temperature was set in Death Valley’s aptly named Furnace Creek in 1913. Some extreme-weather analysts believe the 134 °F figure is just a bunch of hot air, claiming that the temperature was impossible based on other data from surrounding areas. The World Meteorological Organization still recognizes 134 °F as the record.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: True or false: Most people survive being struck by lightning.</dt> <dd>Answer: About 10 percent of people who are struck by lightning die from it. Most of the current in a lightning strike passes over skin in a phenomenon called flashover. Heat from the lightning, which is hotter than the surface of the Sun, can cause burns but lasts for only a few microseconds.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What term is frequently used to describe lightning that is so far away that observers cannot hear the thunder?</dt> <dd>Answer: So-called “heat lightning” has nothing to do with air temperature. The phenomenon often labeled “heat lightning” is just regular lightning from a storm so distant that it can be seen but not heard.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Hearing thunder five seconds after seeing lightning usually indicates…</dt> <dd>Answer: Thunder is produced by the rapid heating and cooling of air that happens during and immediately after a lightning strike. As light travels faster than sound, an observer can see lightning before hearing thunder. Every 5-second interval between lightning and thunder roughly equals a 1-mile distance from the strike (10 seconds = 2 miles, 15 seconds = 3 miles, and so on).</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: Which of the following directly causes wind?</dt> <dd>Answer: Various surfaces of Earth absorb heat from the Sun differently. Hotter air tends to rise and spread out; this is a low-pressure area. Colder, denser air (a high-pressure area) rushes in to fill the space the hot air once occupied, and this movement is called wind. The greater the difference in temperature, the stronger the wind.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: What color is the best option to wear in order to stay cool on a hot sunny day?</dt> <dd>Answer: Researchers at Japan’s National Institute for Environmental Studies put nine different color polo shirts out in the sun on a 86 °F day. After five minutes, the black shirt hit 122 °F while the white polo stayed roughly equivalent to the air temperature.</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Question: True or false: House windows should be opened in preparation for a tornado to equalize inside and outside pressure.</dt> <dd>Answer: Opening windows prior to a tornado’s arrival will only allow powerful gusts into the house, inviting greater structural damage.</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="grid"> <div class="col pt-sm-20"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement" : [ { "@type" : "ListItem", "position" : 1, "item" : { "@id" : "", "name": "Games & Quizzes" } } , { "@type" : "ListItem", "position" : 2, "item" : { "@id" : "", "name": "Science Quizzes" } } ] } </script> <nav class="breadcrumb quiz-breadcrumb mt-10 mt-sm-0 mb-10 mx-auto"> <span class="breadcrumb-item "> <a href="/" class="">Home</a> </span> <span class="breadcrumb-item "> <a class="" href="/quiz/browse">Games & Quizzes</a> </span> <span class="breadcrumb-item "> <a class="" href="/quiz/browse/Science">Science Quizzes</a> </span> </nav> <div class="md-quiz mx-n20 mx-sm-auto shadow-lg rounded" id="quiz-root" data-bc-category="Science"> <div class="md-quiz-skeleton" style="--aspect-ratio: 900/675"></div> </div> <div class="md-extra-quiz-content mx-auto mb-10"> <div id="intro" class="mt-10"> <a class="font-14 d-inline-flex align-items-center font-weight-bold mb-10" href=""> <em class="material-icons mr-5" data-icon="star" style="font-size: inherit"></em> Save your scores! 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