Service Directory — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software
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Please see the "updated" date below each entry. If you see that something is out-of-date, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</em></p> <p>To have your information added to this list, please send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>The information comes from the people who asked to be listed. We do not include any information we know to be false, but we cannot check out any of the information; we are transmitting it to you as it was given to us and do not promise it is correct. Also, this is not an endorsement of the people listed here. We have no opinions and usually no information about the abilities of any specific person. We provide this list to enable you to contact service providers and decide for yourself whether to hire one.</p> <p>Before the FSF will list your name in the Free Software Service Directory, we ask that you agree informally to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li>You will not restrict (except by copyleft) the use or distribution of any software, documentation, or other technical information you supply anyone in the course of modifying, extending, or supporting free software. This includes any information specifically designed to ameliorate the use of free software.</li> <li>You will not take advantage of contact made through the Service Directory to advertise an unrelated business (e.g., sales of proprietary information). You may spontaneously mention your availability for general consulting, but you should not promote a specific unrelated business unless the client asks.</li> </ol> <p>Please include some indication of your rates, because otherwise users have nothing to go by. Please put each e-mail address inside “<>”. Please put nothing else inside “<>”. Thanks!</p> <ul> <li><p><strong>A-Team Systems</strong> 109 East 17th Street Suite 80 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1.877.883.1394 <a href=""></a></p><p>A-Team Systems is a full-service Internet solutions provider with over 15 years of experience providing web application development, integration, hosting, systems administration, and monitoring services to organizations large and small.</p><p>We specialize in helping our clients leverage software such as FreeBSD, PHP, MySQL and Apache HTTP in a secure, customized, and cohesive way. Monitoring and contract rates are available, most work is flat rate (all quoted and estimated at front) currently starting at $165/hr with no commitment to review our quote!</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Actiu informatica</strong> Centre, 11 17741 Cistella (Girona) Spain +34 972001022 voice <a href=""></a></p><p>We install GNU/Linux in home computers, small and medium companies, cibercafes and educational centers. Our customers use directly our support service. We are focused on solutions and support for normal and not skilled users.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>AdaCore Technologies</strong> <a href=""></a> North American Headquarters 150 W. 30th Street, 16th floor New York, NY 10001 toll free: +1.877.SUP.GNAT (1.877.787.4628) toll free: +1.866.SUP.4ADA (1.866.787.4232) +1.212.620.7300 +1.212.807.0162 fax</p><p>European Headquarters 46 rue d'Amsterdam 75009 Paris France +33 1 49 70 67 16 +33 1 49 70 05 52 fax</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Founded in 1994, AdaCore is the leading provider of commercial software solutions for Ada, a state-of-the-art programming language designed for large, long-lived applications where safety, security, and reliability are critical. AdaCore’s flagship product is the GNAT Pro development environment, which comes with expert on-line support and is available on more platforms than any other Ada technology. It comprises a rich suite of tools including the optimizing Ada 83, Ada 95, and Ada 2005 compiler based on GNU GCC technology, a set of components, and the GNAT Programming Studio IDE available standalone or as part of Eclipse.</p><p>We believe your project will best benefit from free, non-proprietary technology, thus we have made all our products free software by adopting the licensing policy of the Free Software Foundation. This means that all components of the GNAT technology, including the run-time, come with sources.</p><p>Please visit <a href=""></a> for further details of our products and services or contact us at <a href=""></a>(</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Alaska Satellite Internet</strong> 3239 La Ree Way Fairbanks, Alaska, 99709, U.S.A. <a href=""></a> +1.888.396.5623 +1.907.451.0088. <a href=""></a></p><p>Alaska Satellite Internet has discovered inexpensive, free software solutions to a number of common needs among our business and enterprise customers, including bandwidth throttling, content filtering, and link balancing. Why pay hundreds of dollars a month to a networking mogul for a "black-box" appliance, when a free software solution will do what you need for less money, and without subscription fees? We provide the hardware and initial configuration. Please call or email for a no-obligation quote.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Alcôve</strong> Alcôve 16-20, rue de l’Agent Sarre 92700 Colombes Email: <a href=""></a> Web: <a href=""></a> Tel.: +33 1 79 62 60 95 Fax: +33 1 79 62 60 90</p><p>Founded in 1996, Alcôve's main purpose is to promote and support the use of GNU/Linux and free software on the European market. Expertise in free software innovation is the foundation of all Alcôve's activities. We provide key accounts and leading businesses in the field of IT with:</p> <ul> <li>Consultancy</li> <li>Engineering</li> <li>Training</li> <li>Support</li> <li><p>Technical watching brief</p></li> <li><p>Drivers for the Linux kernel</p></li> <li>Company directory and unified messaging</li> <li>GNU/Linux Firewall Security Package</li> </ul><p>Keys: support services, consulting, free software, GNU/Linux, Apache, Perl, GNU, Samba, Zope, Imp, OpenLDAP</p><p>Average daily rate, depending on the job : 1000 euros.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>ALE Software</strong></p><p>Website: <a href=""></a> Email: <a href=""></a></p><p>Region: Wrocław, Oława, Jelcz-Laskowice, Europe, Poland</p><p>We offer IT consulting, systems integration, corporate information systems, software consulting, support and customization based on free software.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Allegro Consultants, Inc.</strong> <a href=""></a> 1735 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 6B Redwood City, CA 94063 USA +1.408.252.2330 voice +1.408.200.4488 fax <a href=""></a></p><p>Allegro Consultants, Inc, in association with DIS International, is now offering annual support contracts covering the GNU Compiler Collection and related tools, including the GCC C and C++ compilers for MPE/iX.</p><p>The free GCC C and C++ compilers have been available on MPE/iX for several years now, and are used for mission-critical applications by many organizations including Hewlett-Packard. Until now, assistance was available only from Mark Klein of DIS on a limited, voluntary basis. Mark is the person who originally ported GCC to the HP e3000, and he continues to maintain the software and port new versions.</p><p>Support contracts start at $1,995.00/year for an organization (unlimited number of HP e3000 computer systems) with two designated callers. Additional options are available for large organizations who need to designate more than two authorized callers, or who want the additional security of 24x7 coverage.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Dipl.-Inform. Gerd Aschemann</strong> <a href=""></a> Lilienthalstr. 9 D-64347 Griesheim Tel.: +49 173 3264070 <a href=""></a></p> <ul> <li>Consultant <ul> <li>Unix Network and System Administration</li> <li>Distributed Systems and Middleware Infrastructures</li> </ul></li> <li>former System Administrator (UNIX and NT) at CS Department, TU Darmstadt, Germany</li> <li>22 years working in the CS field, System administration on different platforms</li> <li>15 years with UNIX/Networking/FreeWare/GNU/X11</li> <li>12 years courses on Operating Systems and Distributed Systems</li> <li>Lectures on System and Network Administration</li> <li>Platforms: Solaris, GNU/Linux, SunOS, Ultrix, HP-UX, Digital Unix, AIX, SCO, FreeBSDs</li> <li>Distributed Platforms and Information Systems (CORBA, WWW, Java, SOAP)</li> </ul><p>Rates are at 100,-- EUR (~90 US$) per hour minimum, depending on the job. I am willing to travel for sufficiently large jobs.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Baker Research, Ltd.</strong> P. O. Box 4057, Leesburg, VA 20177 Phone: (703) 999-6719 (Voice) Web: <a href=""></a> email: <a href=""></a> Rate: $75.00/hr to $150.00/hr, or fixed-price projects.</p><p>Services:</p> <ul> <li>Full-lifecycle software development</li> <li>Database design and migration</li> <li>Programming (C/C++, tcl/tk, bash, perl)</li> <li>Custom backup and archival systems</li> <li>GNU/Linux system installation, configuration, and management</li> <li>Customization of systems for user needs</li> <li>Software product evaluation and recommendation</li> <li>Cluster systems support <ul> <li>Installation, configuration, and management</li> <li>MPI and Myrinet support</li> </ul></li> <li>Data acquisition, management, visualization, and archival</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2004-05-13</p></li> <li><p><strong>Don Barry, Ph.D.</strong> <a href=""></a> Ithaca, NY</p><p>Astrophysicist with extensive and varied hacker background. Substantial expertise in mathematical modeling, instrument interface, low-level and high-level hardware control, statistical analysis, automated/mathematical typesetting. Also fluent in opto/electro/mechanical design. I try to find solutions using free software when possible and specialize in GNU/Linux platforms. Degrees also in chemistry and mathematics.</p><p>Speak: C, APL, Fortran, J, Perl, Emacs Lisp, IDL, variety of machine languages from CDC CYBER (!) to x86 families, TeX/LaTeX, sendmail, and quite a few others. Experience on platforms from PDP to present.</p><p>Rates: $75--$150 per hour + travel (if required) depending on the needs of the project, the level of support and availability required, and its interest to me.</p><p>Services: consulting, design, porting, lecturing, support, project definition, system implementation.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>James Craig Burley</strong> 97 Arrowhead Circle Ashland, MA 01721 Email: <a href=""></a> Web: <a href=""></a></p><p>Expertise (mainly Development and Maintenance):</p> <ul> <li>Compilers for Imperative Languages (author of GNU Fortran, aka g77)</li> <li>Operating System Kernels</li> <li>Tools/Utilities</li> <li>Microcode (mainly VLIW) and Assembler</li> <li>Software-Development-System Architecture (including APIs, IDEs)</li> <li>Debugging</li> <li>Documentation Authoring and Project Management</li> </ul><p>Experience:</p> <ul> <li>Programming Languages such as C, Fortran</li> <li>Operating Systems such as Unix, GNU/Linux, Solaris, HP-UX</li> <li>Assembler/Microcode Languages -- RISC (such as SPARC), CISC, VLIW</li> <li>Scripting Languages</li> <li>API Design, Documentation, and Use</li> </ul><p>Rate: $200/hour</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Brian Carr</strong> <a href=""></a></p></li> <li><p><strong>Alex Cherepanov</strong> <a href=""></a> PO Box 2092 Boothwyn, PA 19061 USA tel: +1 610 529 3475 <a href=""></a></p> <ul> <li>Resolution of printing problems in free software.</li> <li>Support and custom development of PostScript and PDF solutions based on free software.</li> <li>Variable content printing and database publishing</li> <li>General programming in C and C++</li> </ul><p>Consulting rate: $65/hour.</p><p>Updated: 2013-07-10</p></li> <li><p><strong>CodeSourcery, LLC</strong> <a href=""></a> 9978 Granite Point Ct Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916) 791-8304 <a href=""></a></p><p>CodeSourcery specializes in customization of, enhancements to, and support for all GNU software. We have particular experience in the field of programming tools, and have been responsible for many features in the GNU C and C++ compilers including the implementation of member templates and type-based alias analysis. Mark Mitchell, one of our co-founders, is a co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection.</p><p>We also have experience with GNU tools ranging from Emacs to binutils to GDB to Autoconf, and are willing to work on any and all free software projects.</p><p>Please see our web page at <a href=""></a> for more information about our products, services, and prices.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>Stuart Cracraft</strong> <a href=""></a> 25682 Cresta Loma Laguna Niguel, CA, 92607, USA Phone: 949-347-8106 Rate: negotiable</p><p>Consultation topics: Entire GNU suite - porting, compilation, installation, user-training, administrator-training</p><p>Method: via any combination of telephone, dialup, Internet, in-person, email.</p><p>Experience: supporting GNU since project inception, original port of GNU Emacs to Sun Solaris, original author of GNU Emacs online tutorial. Expertise in C, Emacs Lisp, Perl, Expect, Oracle, Informix, SunOS, Solaris, NIS, NFS, system-monitoring via paging. Unix System and Database administration or development.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-20</p></li> <li><p><strong>DeepRoot Linux Pvt. Ltd.</strong></p><p>No. 93/4, 1st Floor, Nandidurga Road, Bangalore, India - 560 046</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>+91 (80) 4089 0000 / +91 9845505440</p><p>Getting GNU/Linux to work for you. Faster. Better. Today. Every way.</p><p>DeepRoot Linux is a eight year old GNU/Linux and free software company based in Bangalore. We develop free software products that are quick-to-deploy and easy-to-use.</p><p>DeepRoot Linux enables customers to use free software & GNU/Linux effectively, conveniently, quickly and at a very affordable cost. We believe that the best way to get organizations to adopt free software and GNU/Linux for their IT infrastructure and web applications is to make products that are extremely easy to install and use and are backed by dedicated support and services.</p><p>Our commercial support and associated services have helped hundreds of organisations (IT companies, corporations, nonprofits, garments exporters, manufacturers, service providers and educational and government institutions among others) in enhancing their productivity.</p><p>Our services and solutions include:</p> <ul> <li>Solutions for all IT infrastructure components of small and large organizations alike.</li> <li>Email services.</li> <li>Print and fax services.</li> <li>Internet access and web presence solutions and services.</li> <li>Instant messaging.</li> <li>Directory Service-enabled authentication solutions.</li> <li>Distributed Email setups.</li> <li>High Availability solutions for email.</li> <li>Large Scale Email solutions.</li> <li>Storage and file serving solutions.</li> <li>Commercial support for free software.</li> </ul><p>GNU/Linux:</p> <ul> <li>deepOfix Mail Server</li> <li>Samba</li> <li>Request Tracker</li> <li>HylaFax</li> <li>Qmail</li> <li>djbdns</li> <li>Drupal</li> <li>Perl/Catalyst</li> <li>Subversion</li> </ul><p>Our rates:</p> <ul> <li>One-time Installation / Deployment: US$ 350</li> <li>Annual Support Services: US$ 800</li> <li>Consultancy Services (Via Phone / Email): US$ 25 Per Hour</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2009-08-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Dimo Dimov, Embedeo Ltd.](</strong> +359 877 927740 (Bulgaria) +353 87 3213805 (Ireland)</p><p>I am passionate about adapting GNU or free software to customers' needs and helping customers avoid vendor lock-in. I have 20+ years experience in microcontrollers and PC-side R&D, C/C++, automotive electronics, embedded systems, etc.</p><p>Rate: EUR47/hour EXW, remote work/ Bulgaria. On-site work in Ireland or Switzerland, video DSP and multi-person trainings may be charged higher. Non-profits and publicly funded educational projects are charged lower. Fixed project price is also possible. Up to 8 hours initial analysis about fitting GNU or FOSS software to customers' needs may be free of charge.</p><p>Updated: 2020-08-14</p></li> <li><p><strong>DSS Distributed Systems Software, Inc.</strong> 832 Haliburton Rd. Victoria, B.C., Canada V8Y 2W4 CANADA</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a> (604) 270-9559</p><p>GNU-related services: We specialize in support for GCC (mainly C and C++), including porting, retargeting, and customizing. Also, GNU and other free software that falls within our areas of expertise.</p><p>Expertise:</p> <ul> <li>Client/Server architectures, web-based applications and systems</li> <li>Apache web server installation, configuration, and customization</li> <li>CGI programming, GLAMP, JavaScript/AJAX, PHP/Perl/Tcl, and various web technologies (HTML, XML, CSS, RSS, JSON, RELAX NG)</li> <li>E-Security, including OpenSSL, authentication, authorization, and single sign-on</li> <li>High-performance and special-purpose distributed systems and databases (SQLite, Berkeley DB)</li> <li>Creating and customizing "small", embedded, and special-purpose programming languages; parser, compiler, translator, and interpreter development(lex/flex, yacc/bison, GCC)</li> </ul><p>Rates: Consulting rates are $100-$150 USD per hour, plus applicable taxes. Fixed-cost projects are also possible.</p><p>Updated: 2014-07-01</p></li> <li><p><strong>E-Systems</strong> <a href=""></a> Gubinska 8, Wroclaw, Polska +48 71 78-55-77-5</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Rate: 50$/hr - depends on project</p><p>We provide IT solutions based on free software in Wroclaw, Poland. We have over 10 years experience in the IT sector.</p><p>Updated: 2007-08-24</p></li> <li><p><strong>Emcraft Systems</strong> <a href=""></a> Moscow, Russia 10/9, B. Tulskaya st., of. 9502 Tel / Fax +7 495 232-36-56 <a href=""></a></p><p>Emcraft Systems is a Moscow, Russia-based company specializing in embedded software development for GNU/Linux (especially, at kernel- and firmware levels) and providing GNU toolchain expertise ranging from bug-fixing to porting all major toolchain components (binutils, GCC, GDB) to new hardware architectures.</p><p>Our areas of expertise include:</p> <ul> <li>in-depth knowledge of the GCC internals;</li> <li>binutils/GCC/GDB (porting, configuring, optimizing, bugfixing - including notorious Internal Compiler Errors);</li> <li>GNU libc and friends (porting, optimizing, bugfixing);</li> <li>Linux kernel (porting, bugfixing, optimizing);</li> <li>device drivers (porting, developing, bugfixing, optimizing);</li> <li>U-boot firmware programming;</li> <li>documentation, support and maintenance for all projects.</li> </ul><p>Our rates start at $45 / hour.</p><p>Updated: 2007-04-06</p></li> <li><p><strong>Evolix</strong> Technopole Chateau-Gombert 13013 Marseille France</p><p>Mail: <a href=""></a> Tel: +33491117531 Web: <a href=""></a></p><p>We offer professional services (support, maintenance, ...), free software integration (mail server, firewall, etc.) and software development under GPL compatible licenses.</p><p>Consulting Engineering Development</p><p>Rates - Variable</p><p>Updated: 2004-07-20</p></li> <li><p><strong>Evolutionary IT</strong> PO Box 320351 Boston MA 02132 Phone: 888.404.5074 Web: <a href=""></a> (<a href=""></a>)</p><p>For over 15 years Evolutionary IT has been providing Information Technology solutions that make a definitive business impact. We provide excellence in the core practice areas of systems, networks, security, business continuity/disaster recovery, project management and training. Our expertise has a focus on free software solutions to meet any need. Please see our website for more information and contact information.</p><p>Services:</p> <ul> <li>System Administration</li> <li>Consultation and Support</li> <li>Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery</li> <li>Security Solutions</li> <li>Training</li> <li>Project Management</li> <li>Network Administration</li> <li>Network Management/Monitoring</li> </ul><p>Rates: Varies depending on project. Support contracts available.</p> <blockquote> <blockquote> <p>Qualifying Non-profits get 50% discount.</p> </blockquote> </blockquote><p>Updated: 2007-04-11</p></li> <li><p><strong></strong> 1453 Gingerwood ave, Milpitas CA 95035 +14087570839 <a href=""></a></p><p>With 9+ years of experience ExpertsFromIndia support and help with all kind of free software on GNU/Linux, contact us today for a free consultation.</p><p>We have offices in US, UK, Singapore and India.</p><p>We are available as hourly work, dedicated monthly and on project basis.</p><p>Updated: 2013-03-06</p></li> <li><p><strong>Focal Point Software, Inc.</strong> <a href=""></a> 3701 Kirby Ste 512 Houston, TX 77098 +1 713 215 1600 voice <a href=""></a></p><p>Focal Point Software Inc. has been using and writing free software since 1993. We are expert in GNU/Linux, GNU software on other UN*X platforms, and the installation, configuration, upgrade, and extension of free software applications such as JBoss, file/print servers (Samba), and other infrastructre applications (SMTP/NNTP/LDAP/IRC/Asterisk).</p><p>We will work with clients all over the US. Our home office is in Houston TX.</p><p>We are available for both hourly work (at $75 per hour, plus a per-diem for travel) and fixed-price projects. Work is done on the client site, and/or "offsite" at our offices via dedicated lines or internet VPN.</p><p>Updated: 2005-08-05</p></li> <li><p><strong>Noah Friedman</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> 875-A Island Drive #275 Alameda, CA 94502</p><p>Author of several Emacs Lisp packages and parts of Emacs, as well as numerous network and Unix system utilities. Co-maintained GNU Texinfo and Autoconf for a couple of years. Experienced Unix systems engineer. FSF employee Feb 1991--Sep 1994.</p><p>I can design and implement relational database services; perform installation, porting, and enhancement of all GNU software and any other free software, especially for GNU/Linux and Unix-derived systems; design high-capacity hardware-redundant servers for production environments; provide consulting on the use of version control management.</p><p>Fees negotiable, averaging $100-$150/hour. I can work in the California bay area or anywhere accessible on the Internet. For larger jobs I may be willing to travel.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Cedric Gémy - Activdesign</strong> 8 square de la Rance 35000 Rennes France +33 9 54 73 40 18 <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>Since 2004, we design everything possible using free software. Websites, brochures, catalogs, visual identity, 3D or font design and even teaching the software we use for all those years show all we can provide with our tools. Contributing mainly to Inkscape and Scribus we can also customize software for special workflow or create plugins to enhance productivity.</p><p>After such a success, we founded in France an association of francophone graphic designer using FLOSS and the Activdesign school to promote free software use in design jobs.</p><p>Ways we can help you:</p> <ul> <li>Graphic and type design (Scribus, Inkscape, Gimp, Blender, Fontforge...)</li> <li>Training</li> <li>Development</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2013-02-05</p></li> <li><p><strong>Fabio J. Gonzalez</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <ul> <li>Strong in C, with some knowledge of C++, PHP and Java</li> <li>Basic knowledge of assembly (I like to use it with C)</li> <li>I follow the GNU Coding Standards<span>I'm an autodidact and I can learn new topics as necessary.</span> <span>In principle, the price will be as specified below, but I can negotiate.</span> <span>It depends on the job, knowledge needed, etc.</span> <span>Rate: $45/hour</span></li> </ul><p><span> </span></p><p><span>Updated: 2012-11-09</span></p></li> <li><p><strong>GoodBIOS Solutions</strong> <a href=""></a></p><p>GoodBIOS Solutions provides installations of the Coreboot and Libreboot BIOS replacement boot firmware on compatible laptops, as well as refurbishment of such devices. If it's on the list of Coreboot/Libreboot compatible devices, and is a laptop, we can install Coreboot or Libreboot onto it. The price differs depending on the type of flash chip that the device has, due to the requirements for soldering/desoldering, but otherwise each service is the same. Also, we sometimes offer devices with either of those boot firmware pre-installed, and can even acquire a device an install it for a user, depending on the circumstances; please contact the administrator for more information.</p><p>Updated: 2020-09-23</p></li> <li><p><strong>ITsyndicate Limited</strong> <a href=""></a> No. 5, 17/F Bonham Trade Centre, 50 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong +1 (888) 254-07-06 International +380 (94) 712-00-31 Ukraine Email: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>ITsyndicate Limited provides GNU/Linux Proactive System Management and DevOps services.</p><p>Our areas of expertise include:</p> <ul> <li>Professional DevOps & Microservices consulting</li> <li>Solutions integration & implementation</li> <li>Experienced and strong team</li> <li>Dedicated account & project manager</li> <li>Modern and flexible solutions</li> <li>Security - based standards</li> <li>Understandable and clear reports</li> <li>Rock star engineers</li> </ul><p>Rates are starting at $35 per hour or at $120 per month per server.</p><p>Updated: 2018-05-02</p></li> <li><p><strong>Jonas Jacek</strong></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Jonas provides GNU/Linux and free software support. His services range from customizing GNU/Linux software to writing custom applications for the GNU/Linux OS.</p><p>Jonas speaks German and English. His rates vary from $150 to $600 USD. Of course this depends on the nature of the project.</p><p>Updated: 2024-Oct-31</p></li> <li><p><strong>Philipp Kammerer</strong> Rathausstrasse 14 D-83734 Hausham BY, Germany Email: <a href=""></a> Mobile: +49 172 6236889</p><p>I provide consultancy for small and medium sized businesses and offices on the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Migration from proprietary to free software tools</li> <li>Information security and data encryption (using GnuPG)</li> <li>Simplification of office communication with open standards and open data-formats</li> </ul><p>Additional services include:</p> <ul> <li>GNU/Linux system installation, configuration and maintenance</li> <li>Training in the usage of specific free software</li> <li>Giving talks and workshops about the previous subjects</li> </ul><p>Fee begins at 80 EUR per hour or 500 EUR per day. Both plus travel and expenses. The fee is negotiable for non profit organisations. I also consider a fixed price per project. Just make an offer.</p><p>I'm fluent in German and English.</p><p>Updated: 2013-02-05</p></li> <li><p><strong>František Kučera</strong> <a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a></p><p>I am an independent software developer and consultant focused on free software. I have more than ten years (since 2005) of professional experience with software development. I worked on big projects in banking and telecommunication industry as a software developer, architect and team leader.</p><p>I would be happy to improve an existing free software for you or design and implement a new one or integrate some existing systems.</p><p>Main technologies:</p> <ul> <li>Java – SE, EE, Spring, OSGi, Karaf, Camel, Netty, Bouncy Castle etc.</li> <li>SQL – queries, procedures, data modeling and database design</li> <li>XML – schema design, XSLT and XQuery processing</li> <li>GNU/Linux – basic administration, KVM, Btrfs, scripting in Bash</li> <li>Version control systems: Mercurial, Git, Subversion</li> </ul><p>Methodology and soft skills:</p> <ul> <li>ArchiMate and UML2</li> <li>PRINCE2 Foundation certified</li> <li>have worked on RUP, Waterfall and SCRUM projects</li> </ul><p>Rates are at 16 grams of gold per day (circa 669 USD) paid in a negotiated currency (I can also accept cryptocurrencies like XMR, BTC or ETH).</p><p>Updated: 2019-05-17</p></li> <li><p><strong>Bradley M. Kuhn</strong> <a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a></p><p>I am available for part-time system administration, software development and training. I have extensive experience with system administration of GNU/Linux systems and Free Software development. I have also taught courses in C++ and Perl. As a former employee of the FSF, I have a unique perspective on the free software community.</p><p>Please visit my homepage for more information on my background and skills. My resume is also available there.</p><p>I am available for remote consulting via dialup or Internet connection anywhere in the USA. I am not interested in relocation. However, temporary (two week maximum) jobs with paid expenses at other locations will be considered.</p><p>My rate varies greatly (between $25-$60/hour) depending on the circumstances. Rates for non-profit organizations will be on the lower end of the spectrum if I support your cause.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Alan Lehotsky</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> Quality Software Management 634 West St Carlisle, MA 01741</p><p>Phone: (978)808-6836 Fax: (978)287-0436</p><p>Services:</p> <ul> <li>Support for GNU compilers, including rehost/retarget</li> <li>GNU Binutils rehost/retarget.</li> <li>cgen/sim</li> <li>Perl internals hacking</li> <li>General system software work (SW tools, O/S, device drivers)</li> <li>runtime library (especially floating point)</li> <li>project management</li> <li>software process improvement</li> </ul><p>Experience:</p> <ul> <li><p>20+ years of design and implementation of optimizing compilers. "Mr. Bliss" at Digital in the 70's and early 80's. Experience with ARM, Motorola 68k, PowerPC, SPARC, Intel x86 and IA64, MIPS, NS32K, ADI SHARC DSP, VAX, PDP-11, PDP-10. Wrote or maintained compilers for Ada, BLISS, C, C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, Modula/2, O/S experience includes Unix (OSF/1, SunOS, Solaris, AIX, HP/UX), VAX/VMS, Windows/NT, MacOS.)</p></li> <li><p>12 years experience with GCC internals, including major changes to support 8 bit bytes on word-address Analog Devices SHARC DSP and general support of PowerPC code generation. Retargetted gcc/binutils cross-tools to ASIC used in optical switch. Retargeted gcc to 8 bit "internet toaster" IP2K.</p></li> </ul><p>References available.</p><p>Rates:</p> <ul> <li>$110/hr.</li> <li>fixed price possible for well-defined deliverables.</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2009-08-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Richard Levitte</strong> Levitte Programming Nordingrågatan 20 S-162 53 Vällingby SWEDEN +46-708-26 53 44 e-mail: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> What I do: I work with various free software packages, mostly GNU ones, for Unix and VMS (the latter both on VAX and Alpha). I've been porting GNU Emacs to VMS between spring 1991 and somewhere in 1998. I've ported a bunch of other GNU programs as well. I maintain GNU vmslib. For further info, see <a href=""></a></p><p>Programs supported: To a varying degree (ranging from extension and porting to installation and simple questions) at the time of updating this entry:</p> <ul> <li>GNU vmslib, emacs, autoconf, zip, diffutils, m4, patch, texinfo, C/C++; on both VMS and Unix.</li> <li>Other GNU programs to a small degree; on Unix.</li> </ul><p>For further info, look at <a href=""></a></p><p>Experience:</p> <ul> <li>Fluent in TeX/LaTeX and many programming languages.</li> <li>Modified key elements in Emacs (e.g., memory and process management) to work transparently on VMS. I have very good knowledge in the VMS operating system. I'm also knowledged in a few Unix flavors.</li> <li>Well knowledged in cryptography as well as the development of the PKIX standards (both based on X.500 and RFC 2459) and involved protocols (SSL, OCSP, CMS, ...)</li> </ul><p>For further info, see <a href=""></a></p><p>Your Rate: $75-$100/hour (750-1000 SEK in sweden), plus expenses. My rates are negotiable, depending on how interesting the project is to me.</p><p>Updated: 2018-01-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>LinuxBuz</strong><br> Meera Nagar, Junagadh, Gujrat, India<br> Phone: +91-740-5745-610<br> Email: <a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br></p><p>LinuxBuz provides GNU/Linux consulting, server management and article writing service for GNU/Linux and BSD systems. I am GNU/Linux certified system administrator with a minimum of 10 years experience. References available. Rates: $45/hr to $100/hr.</p><p>Updated: 2020-10-16</p></li> <li><p><strong>LinuxHostSupport</strong> St. Louis, MO USA <a href=""></a></p><p>WLinuxHostSupport offers GNU/Linux server management services and outsourced web hosting support. They support most free software applications and are available 24/7.</p><p>Their monthly server management services start at $19.95 monthly per server.</p><p>You can visit their website and contact them for more information.</p><p>Updated: 2017-06-29</p></li> <li><p><strong>Linux Pro</strong> 1998 Commerce St #25, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 USA USA <a href=""></a> Email: <a href=""></a> Rates: Hourly or monthly subscriptions available. Support rates start at $69.50/month/system and are described fully here:</p><p>Linux Pro provides migration services, consulting and advanced 24/7/365 technical support for all major GNU/Linux distributions, and most other free/libre software.</p><p>Updated: 2024-09-06</p></li> <li><p><strong>Brian Gitonga Marete</strong> P.O. Box 3365-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Phone: +254-722-151-590 Email: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a></p><p>I provide consultancy and implementation services for software on the following platforms:</p> <ul> <li>GNU/Linux</li> <li>FreeBSD</li> </ul><p>I am available for general Software Development, including Systems Programming, in C, C++, Python and Bash on these platforms</p><p>I will also undertake the following services on the above operating systems:</p> <ul> <li>Installation and Configuration, including the setup of Print, File, Mail and Web servers</li> <li>Systems Administration</li> <li>Network Administration</li> <li>Software Building including the compilation of custom Linux Kernels.</li> <li>Troubleshooting</li> <li>Software evaluation and recommendation</li> <li>Backup systems Design, Implementation and Administration</li> <li>Firewall Installation and Configuration</li> <li>Security Consultation</li> </ul><p>Primarily, I work in Nairobi and its environs but I am willing to travel provided only that there is agreement with the client on reasonable accommodation and travel expenses.</p><p>I am willing to take on long-term contracts, daily-paid work and hourly-paid work. My rates for daily-paid and hourly-paid work start at Ksh. 4000 and Ksh. 600 respectively but are negotiable.</p><p>Updated: 2005-09-07</p></li> <li><p><strong>Pablo Marinero <a href="mailto:privacy_first -at-">privacy_first -at-</a></strong> <br><a href=""></a> Segovia, Spain</p><p>I offer consultancy on privacy and free software migration. More than 6 years of experience both with individuals and small and medium-size companies. We specialize in helping people to carry out their tasks with free software and learning on how to recover and protect their privacy. Services are given both in English and Spanish languages. No previous knowledge is needed to properly access our service. The cost of the service is adaptable to the resources of every client.</p><p>Updated: 2020-08-14</p></li> <li><p><strong>J. Mayekar <](</strong> Mumbai, India.</p><p>Expertise (mainly Development and Maintenance):</p> <ul> <li>Tools/Utilities</li> <li>Software-Development-System Architecture (including APIs, IDEs)</li> <li>Testing</li> <li>Debugging</li> <li>Documentation Authoring and Project Management</li> </ul><p>Experience:</p> <ul> <li>Programming Languages such as Python, SQL</li> <li>Operating Systems such as Unix, GNU/Linux</li> <li>API Design, Documentation, and Use</li> </ul><p>Rate (as of most recent update): $25 /hour/ Dev/Resource.</p><p>Updated: 2023-08-11</p></li> <li><p><strong>Mneme Project</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>We have experience with PHP, SQL, Gnu/Linux, BSD, CakePHP, KissMVC, Zend, Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress. We offer free hosting of the Mneme Project for nonprofits with under 10,000 constituents. Paid plans for larger nonprofits. Pricing is based on the number of constituents stored in your database. Users and data are unlimited for all accounts.</p><p>Updated: 2013-11-05</p></li> <li><p><strong>MNX Solutions</strong> 123 W First St. Suite D Monroe MI, 48161 Phone:(888) 877-7118 Email:<a href=""></a><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a> - Your Server Management Experts</p><p>MNX Solutions provides expert GNU/Linux server management services. Your GNU/Linux server will have the support it needs, monitored 24x7, including patch management, proactive updates, monthly reporting and our guaranteed response time. Our GNU/Linux server management services are priced on a per service, per month model starting at $100 per month.</p><p>Updated: 2010-11-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Moss - Card Consulting Inc</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> 16360 Broadway Avenue Building A, Suite 103-104 Cleveland OH 44137 USA</p><p><a href=""></a> +1 216 587 4343 +1 216 587 4342 Fax</p><p>This dynamic Cleveland company offers the following services:</p> <ul> <li>installation and configuration for SGI machines</li> <li>Cross-platform development using wxWindows under GNULinux</li> <li>Programming (C/C++,tcsh)</li> <li>Compiler development using CORBA and gcc</li> <li>Real-time Cross-Platform Development</li> <li>Consulting</li> <li>Engineering</li> <li>Staff Augmentation</li> </ul><p>We are Cleveland's first GNULinux developers, and one of our company's members has just launched NASA's first cross development tool.</p><p>Our rates vary from ($50 - $400) USD depending on the nature of the project.</p><p>Updated: 2004-2-23</p></li> <li><p><strong>NetGuide Scandinavia AB</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> Tankegången 4 S-417 56 Göteborg, Sweden +46 31 50 79 00 voice +46 31 50 79 39 fax <a href=""></a></p><p>NetGuide Scandinavia AB is a company that does consultant jobs and holds courses in the fields of Unix software, TCP/IP networking and Internet applications. The people behind NetGuide Scandinavia AB have many years of general Unix experience, both as system administrators and as programmers, and also extensive experience in maintaining the GNU programs; in administration as well as finding and fixing bugs.</p><p>Services offered:</p> <ul> <li>Installation and customizing GNU and other free software. We will make free software as easy to install and use as shrink wrapped programs.</li> <li>Service and support subscriptions.</li> <li>Warranty protection.</li> <li>Customization and porting.</li> <li>Subscriptions to new versions which we will send monthly or with any other interval.</li> <li>Finding, recommending and investigating free software in any area of the customers choice.</li> <li>Regular consulting.</li> <li>Support on Internet service software, especially the free</li> <li>Support on GNU/Linux.</li> <li>Freeware based courses in Unix usage, C, C++, or any GNU tools</li> </ul><p>Rates: For courses, contact us for a quote, For consulting, $60-120/hour, depending on contract length.</p><p>Updated: 2000-12-13</p></li> <li><p><strong>Network Theory Ltd</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> 15 Royal Park Bristol United Kingdom Tel: +44 117 3179309 Fax: +44 117 9048108 <a href=""></a></p><p>We provide software maintenance contracts for commercial users of the GNU Scientific Library.</p><p>We can also provide general numerical consulting for all types of scientific and quantitative applications.</p><p>Rate: $1495/year (950 ukp) for base maintenance contract.</p><p>Updated: 2004-04-26</p></li> <li><p><strong>Jonas Öberg</strong> Rimfrostgatan 95 S-418 40 Göteborg Sweden</p><p>Phone: +46-733-423962 E-mail: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a></p><p>I offer support for most GNU software including the GNU Hurd and also do system administration on GNU systems. I can do free software development and have a good understanding of automake, autoconf, flex, bison, guile, texinfo and much more. Rates around USD$100.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>ODG - Open Development Group</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> Tel. +354 525-4001</p><p>Technology Court, Dunhaga 5, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland</p><p>ODG is a F/OSS consultancy/support firm mostly dedicated to Iceland. We provide support/training/development of free software.</p><p>Updated: 2004-07-09</p></li> <li><p><strong>PAGEmachine AG</strong></p><p>Solmsstrasse 6a 60486 Frankfurt a. M. Germany</p><p>E-Mail: <a href=""></a> Web: <a href=""></a></p><p>Tel.: +49 69 260 99 70 30</p><p>PAGEmachine is a German free software company that specializes in the implementation of TYPO3.</p><p>Therefore we apply and support the following software: Debian GNU/Linux, Apache, TYPO3, Development of TYPO3 Extensions, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Subversion.</p><p>Our Services:</p> <ul> <li>Consulting</li> <li>Design</li> <li>Implementation</li> <li>SEO</li> <li>Training</li> </ul><p>Daily rate: 800 Euros or fixed-price projects</p><p>Updated 2011-11-7</p></li> <li><p><strong>Pantek, Inc.</strong></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>4401 Rockside Road #205 Independence, OH 44131 US 1-877-LINUX-FIX [toll free] 216-344-1614 [international] <a href=""></a></p><p>Register for a Free account <a href="">here</a>. Open a Support Ticket <a href="">here</a>.</p><p>Pantek provides advanced 24/7/365 Samba, GNU/Linux and free software Tech Support, Consulting and Administration services. Vendor Neutral, we've been providing Technical Support for all GNU/Linux and free software since 1995.</p><p>Some supported software includes:</p> <ul> <li>Apache</li> <li>CentOS</li> <li>LDAP</li> <li>MySQL</li> <li>PHP</li> <li>Parallels Plesk Panel</li> <li>Postfix</li> <li>Qmail</li> <li>Red Hat</li> <li>Samba</li> <li>Sendmail</li> <li>Ubuntu</li> </ul><p>Click <a href="">here</a> for a full list of Supported Software. Experts are standing by 24/7/365. Open a Ticket and receive support within one hour.</p><p>Updated: 2014-12-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Pernix & Associates</strong> 508 904 3646 GNU/Linux Expert</p><p>We are in the North East but will work all over the world to help you solve your system problems including Application, Embedded systems, bugs, testing, QA Tools, etc. In some cases we work for free and others we work T&M or Fixed Price so you pay nothing till it is done and working.</p><p>Updated: 2005-08-23</p></li> <li><p><strong>Thomas Platen</strong> Email: <a href=""></a> Web: <a href=""></a> Rate: negotiable</p><p><strong>Services:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Installation and administration of GNU/Linux</li> <li>Commercial support of Free Software: GNU/Linux and LibreOffice Email services.</li> <li>Cross-platform development using QT, wxWidgets, Gtk and GNUstep</li> <li>Programming (C/C++/Objective-C,Python)</li> <li>Embedded GNU/Linux development</li> <li>Shell Programming with BASH</li> <li>Flex and Bison</li> <li>Debugging with GDB</li> <li>Free Software Web Applications (GNU MediaGoblin, WordPress, OwnCloud)</li> <li>Version control systems (Subversion, git)</li> <li>Database solutions: PostgreSQL, MariaDB, sqlite, LibreOffice Base</li> <li>Reverse engineering of proprietary technologies</li> <li>Network administration</li> <li>Migration from Windows, Mac OS X and Ubuntu to Trisquel GNU/Linux</li> </ul><p>Date updated: October 16, 2013</p></li> <li><p><strong>Francesco Potortì</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> Via S.Stefano, 8 56123 Pisa, Italy Tel. (050)560671</p><p>Emacs: installation and maintenance, training and tutorials, customisation, extensions, troubleshooting. Author of some of the packages in the emacs distribution, has made the porting of emacs to the Motorola Delta architecture.</p><p>Other: installation and maintenance of GNU software. Experience with hylafax, RCS, gperf, etags, smail, indent, diff, gawk, gcc, screen. Is the current maintainer of etags.</p><p>Rates: 100 €/hour. Prefer e-mail communication to telephone.</p><p>Qualifications: Electronic Engineering degree, Pisa. Full time researcher in CNUCE-CNR. Familiar with elisp programming, porting of C programs, low-level TCP/IP programming for embedded systems.</p><p>Updated: 2002-06-28</p></li> <li><p><strong>Rodolphe Quiedeville</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> 1 Quai Martin 56400 Auray France Tel (33 1) 613796341 <a href=""></a></p><p>Experience: Original author and current maintainer of the Lolix project, can be found at <a href=""></a> I have more than 5 years experience on free software system administration.</p><p>Programming: PHP, Perl, Unix shell</p><p>Services: Anything related to free software network and system administration.</p><p>Updated: 2002-07-01</p></li> <li><p><strong>R. R. Logic Systems Private Limited</strong> #89, 1st Floor, V. M. Cosma Karthik Nagar Marathahalli Outer Ring Road Bangalore - 560 037 INDIA +91-98456-67483 (Voice) +91-80-6688-5757 (Fax) <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>We are a full-service compiler development company offering our services in the field of development, porting and maintenance of various compiler frameworks, the GNU Compiler Collection being one of them. We have more than 100 man years of experience in compiler development and have ported GCC, Binutils, GLibC, uCLibC and GDB to several hardware platforms which include RISC as well as VLIW ones. We have designed ABIs for both embedded as well as desktop systems and implemented them in the GCC framework. We have done standards compliance of GCC based ports using frameworks like Perennial or Plumhall. We also offer maintenance and routine upgrade of existing GCC ports. More details are available on our website.</p><p>We also offer our customers based in India, a special scheme of grooming a GCC team on a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) basis using locally available talent. Similar services can be considered for overseas customers too using their manpower at specially negotiated rates. We also offer staff augmentation services within Bangalore.</p><p>Our hourly rates for porting and maintenance range from USD 40 - 125 depending upon the work profile and the experience levels demanded. Special rates available for non-profit organizations and publicly funded educational institutions. Fixed price contracts possible for very well scoped out work.</p><p>Updated: 2013-03-29</p></li> <li><p><strong>rackAID</strong></p><p><a href=""></a><a href=""></a></p><p>221. N. Hogan Street, #308 Jacksonville, FL 32202 877-435-2444</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>rackAID provides consultancy, support security and management services for GNU/Linux. We help our clients identify, deploy and maintain applications using F/OSS resources.</p><p>Key areas we handle are:</p> <ul> <li>Consultancy</li> <li>Support</li> <li>Security</li> <li>Management</li> </ul><p>We have a team experienced system administrators versed in GNU/Linux, Apache, GCC, Perl, GNU, BIND, and many other GNU and FOSS programs.</p><p>rackAID provides professional IT management services through convenient monthly support packages starting from $100/month. We also provided hourly support with rates starting at $75.00/hr for many projects. We are a proud sponsor of many free software projects and continually promote the adopting of free software by the small business community.</p><p>Updated: 2009-08-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Red Hat, Inc.</strong> <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> 1325 Chesapeake Terrace Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Toll free: 866-2REDHAT ext. 3005 +1 408 542 9600 voice +1 408 542 9699 fax</p><p>GNUPro Tools Red Hat provides supported and maintained versions of gcc, g++, gdb with GUI, GNU linker and GNU macro assembler. In addition, Red Hat provides these GNU software development tools for well over many popular host-target configurations. Support includes bug fixes and semi-annual releases of the toolset. Each release is regression tested and includes substantial improvements and additions to the current release. Support is available through Incident support packages, or Unlimited support for specific user groups. GNUPro is available with standard, custom, and vintage toolchains for both native and embedded application development. New target processors are being added regularly. Rates for support for standard products start at $12,500.</p><p>Embedded GNU/Linux Red Hat offers Red Hat Embedded GNU/Linux to companies looking for a free software and royalty-free runtime solution. Red Hat Embedded GNU/Linux currently supports certain ARM, StrongARM, and MIPS families of processors. Embedded GNU/Linux supports multiple graphics APIs, is compliant with POSIX APIs and thread support, can be configured as low as 512k memory footprint including TCP/IP and NFS built into the kernel, and supports journaling and transparent compression in filesystems. Support for new processors is available via Red Hat Professional Services.</p><p>Updated: 2001-05-16</p></li> <li><p><strong>ReliaTec GmbH</strong> Schleissheimer Str. 37, 85748 Garching Germany</p><p>web <a href=""></a> e-mail <a href=""></a></p><p>ReliaTec GmbH is an IT company focused on embedded real-time systems, dependable systems, and healthcare IT. In these areas we prefer free software to offer fair and sustainable solutions to our customers. We also offer consultancy, validation, integration, support, and training outside these areas on GNU/Linux, Plone, and other free software.</p><p>Rates are around EUR 90 per hour depending on the task. We are happy to give you a fixed price offer for your project, please send your inquiry to <a href=""></a>.</p><p>Updated: 2019-06-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>Relogic AB</strong> Pipersgatan 26 Box 868 SE-112 28 Stockholm SWEDEN</p><p>web <a href=""></a> e-mail <a href=""></a> phone +46 708 800 000 fax +46 708 800 580</p><p>Relogic provides experienced unix developers that know and love GNU products. We can take on anything from single contractor support to full scale projects. We know all programming languages and all Unix dialects.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>RoseHosting</strong> - St. Louis, MO, USA <a href=""></a></p><p> is a privately held, US-based web hosting company founded in 2001. They offer fully managed hosting services - including GNU/Linux virtual servers. They support most free software applications for GNU/Linux and will properly install, configure and manage your server with the free software applications and services of your choice.</p><p>You get full control (root access) to your virtual server, so you are free to use free software like WordPress, Apache, PHP, MySQL and more.</p><p>'s virtual server hosting services start from $21.95/mo with 24/7 fully managed support included for free.</p><p>Updated: 2017-01-13</p></li> <li><p><strong>SeeksAdmin</strong> 1936 Hempstead Tpke Suite 238 East Meadow, NY 11554 Phone: +1-877-397-7335 Email: <a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>SeeksAdmin provides IT consulting, server management and security services for GNU/Linux and BSD systems. We're fully staffed 24/7 by certified administrators with a minimum of 5 years experience.</p><p>Hourly rates start at $75/hour, in addition to, affordable monthly maintenance plans.</p><p>Updated: 2010-11-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Phillip Rulon</strong> 122 Blossom Rd. Westport, MA 02790 USA 508.672.3007 <a href=""></a></p><p>15 years experience with GNU systems and tools. Available for any free software project. Most useful for network design and construction or dynamic web development. Very good Debian, Perl, and Apache.</p><p>Boston, travel OK. $100/hr, flat rate possible.</p><p>Updated: 2002-06-28</p></li> <li><p><strong>Michail Salichos</strong> <a href=""></a> Orlof 10</p><p>Glyfada 1675 Greece</p><p>Phone: +306938010340</p><p>Services Offered:</p> <ul> <li>Support for GNU utilities/tools</li> <li>C, C++ code optimization</li> <li>software development</li> <li>software design</li> <li>system programming / GUI programming</li> </ul><p>Twelve (12) years software development in various GNU/Linux platforms with an emphasis in object oriented programming (OOP) and object oriented analysis and design (OOAD) process. Multithreaded applications design, network and distributed object programming.</p><p>References available</p><p>Rates: Variable</p><p>Updated: 2006-12-31</p></li> <li><p><strong>Sankhya Technologies Private Limited,</strong> <a href=""></a> III FLoor, #30-15-58 "Silver Willow", Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam - 530 020 INDIA Tel: +91 891 5542665 Fax: +91 891 5542666 <a href=""></a></p><p>SANKHYA Development is a package of software engineering services structured around select technologies in the areas of Compilers, Assemblers and Linkers, Debuggers. Our rich experience with such technologies enables us to deliver competitive software development services to you, customized to your specific requirements.</p><p>Sankhya offers competitive and cost-effective GNU maintenance and support services for gcc, binutils, libtools and gdb. GNU Development and Maintenance focuses on providing C, C++ compiler development, assembler and linker development, debugger development, and compiler optimizations. For semiconductor and chip design companies we offer annual maintenance packages, and for software developers we offer annual support packages. Following services are provided for gcc, binutils, libtools and gdb,</p> <ul> <li>Retargeting gcc, binutils, libtools and gdb for new processor architectures, including RISC, CISC, VLIW or DSP architectures.</li> <li>Implementing processor specific optimizations.</li> <li>Annual Developer Support for developers.</li> <li>Maintenance packages for CPU/SoC vendors. We offer variety of development/maintenance packages.</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2004-02-13</p></li> <li><p><strong>Sarata</strong> <a href=""></a> Clifton, NJ, 07012, USA Web: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> Phone: (877) 822-1208</p><p>Sarata is a full service technology support organization.</p><p>We provide OS installation, support and administration for GNU/Linux.</p><p>We specialize in custom application development utilizing C, PHP, Python, MySQL, HTML5 and JavaScript.</p><p>We are networking experts with a focus on network protocols, applications and security.</p><p>Experienced with firewalls, SMTP, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, configuration management and monitoring.</p><p>Rate: $90/hour (average) but can vary based on task and/or contract</p><p>Updated: 2015-07-17</p></li> <li><p><strong>The Server Team</strong> <a href=""></a></p><p>139 Arundel Ave Toronto, ON M4K 3A3</p><p>We provide bilingual (English and Spanish) GNU/Linux server management, server security and optimization for small and medium companies.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Updated: 2012-08-23</p></li> <li><p><strong>Shellit</strong> <a href=""></a></p><p>Multim Oy - Isolinnankatu 24 28100 Pori Finland</p><p>We offer hosting services and virtual cloud servers running on GNU/Linux. We also offer e.g. maintenance services, administration services and other services related to running servers using GNU/Linux. We have a professional team with years of experience on GNU and Linux software. Our rates usually start at 80 eur/hour but pricing is flexible depending on the specific issue.</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Updated: 2019-05-10</p></li> <li><p><strong>Simon Josefsson Datakonsult</strong> E-mail <a href=""></a></p><p>Hagagatan 24 113 47 Stockholm Sweden</p><p>Phone +46-8-6190422 Fax +46-8-50226087 <a href=""></a></p><p>We implement and standardize network and security protocols. We work with technologies such as Kerberos, SASL, GSS-API, TLS, IDN, DNSSEC, OpenPGP and OpenID. Languages used include C, C++, Perl, Lisp, PHP. We have 10+ years of experience with programming, system administration, maintaining GNU programs, and standardization work.</p><p>Rate: Support via e-mail 100 EUR per hour. Development 75-150 EUR per hour depending on project size and relevance.</p><p>Updated: 2007-09-26</p></li> <li><p><strong>Simma Software, Inc.</strong></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>5940 South Ernest Drive</p><p>Terre Haute, IN 47802</p><p>812-418-0526</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Simma Software is a leading provider of embedded development consulting for the automotive industry. We have 15 years of experience in developing real-time embedded software and offer support for SAE J1939, ISO 15765, CANopen, and CAN protocols. We have experience with GNU/Linux, gcc, bash, gawk, eCos, and CVS. Hourly rates of $120/hr.</p><p>Updated: 2011-11-14</p></li> <li><p><strong>Skills 1st Ltd.</strong></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>2 Cedar Chase Taplow Maidenhead SL6 0EU UK +44 1628 782565 <a href=""></a></p><p>Skills 1st Ltd provides consultancy and training services covering network and systems management, directory services, and e-mail systems. We have specific expertise in Zenoss, OpenLDAP, Exim, Cyrus IMAP, Raddle and MRTG.</p><p>We are happy to take on assignments ranging from a few hours up to 15 days per month.</p><p>Rates are around &euro 100/hour plus actual expenses for on-site work.</p><p>Updated: 2009-08-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>The Software Mechanics</strong></p><p><a href=""></a> 1002 Thomas Ave. Forest Park IL, 60130 USA +1 708-415-5081</p><p>The Software Mechanics is a small independent consultancy providing top-notch expertise on the GNU Autotools suite and Libtool in particular. Since 2000, we have been involved in development of software in multiple languages using the GNU Autotools, and development of the Autotools themselves. We are also experts in cross-platform (UNIX/Windows/OSX) portability.</p><p>Hourly rate $210 with 4-hour minimum.</p><p>Updated: 2013-02-28</p></li> <li><p><strong>Andre Spiegel</strong> <a href=""></a> Dipl.-Inform. Berlin, Germany</p><p>Maintainer of the GNU Emacs version control package (VC).</p><p>I can provide consulting and practical help for the installation and administration of GNU/Linux systems, in particular Debian. Also knowledgeable on many other Unix derivates, and network technology. Installation, porting and customization of GNU software is possible; I have programming experience in C, C++, Java, and Emacs Lisp, among others. Expertise in version control using RCS or CVS. I also give seminars on the above subjects.</p><p>Rates: 75 EUR/hr (US$ 70)</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-22</p></li> <li><p><strong>Julian Stacey</strong></p><p>Munich, Germany = Muenchen, Deutschland. <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Qualifications:</strong> University Degree, BSc Hons Computers & Cybernetics, 1980.</p><p><strong>Resume:</strong> <span class="link-external"><a href=""></a></span> Projects: <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Specialisation:</strong> Unix (since 1978) (Pref. BSD or GNU/Linux), C, X-Windows, FSF/GNU tools, firewalls, systems engineering, hardware interfacing, real time/ embedded, custom design & porting. No { Emacs, Cobol, Microsoft }; BSD consultants list maintainer <a href=""></a>; Free Software Presentations: <a href=""></a>.</p><p><strong>Net Consulting:</strong> Remote via DSL + On site in Munich area. + Multiple fixed IP servers on net.</p><p><strong>Rate:</strong> Euros per hour. Dependent on job & work load + local market & remote exchange rate.</p><p><strong>Free Personal sources:</strong> <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Free GCC-1.40:</strong> For Symmetric Computer Systems Model 375 (native cc is broken).</p><p><strong>Languages:</strong> I am English. Ich verstehe Deutsch. Je comprend Francais, (lentment!). Use Hoch Deutsch, not Bayerisch, Spell slowly & clearly, Use single digits (no inverted digit pairs).</p><p><strong>Contact:</strong> First please state approx. amount of days/ months you want to purchase professional consultancy; Else please note I am Not a free help desk, post your questions to a newsgroup or mail list or forum, for those with more time, knowledge, & inclination.</p><p><strong>Updated:</strong> 2008-04-04</p></li> <li><p><strong>Secure Network S.r.l.</strong> <a href=""></a> Centro Direzionale Colleoni - Palazzo Taurus Viale Colleoni, 3 - 20041 Agrate Brianza - Milano - Italy Tel +39 (039) 5966025 Fax +39 (039) 652477 <a href=""></a></p><p>Secure Network provides a full range of consulting and implementation services on network security, using, customizing and supporting free software installations of any kind. We have packages ready to be deployed and customized for ISPs and end-user, and we can create and customize installations for securing an existing infrastructure or create a new, secure, free-software environment.</p><p>Although we support legacy proprietary systems, we will help our customers migrate to free software whenever possible, enabling them to save money and enjoy the additional freedom this entails.</p><p>Our service area covers Italy and SEMEA, we are strategically located near Milano in Italy.</p><p>We are available for both time-material work (at an average rate of EUR 600 daily) and fixed-price projects. Our preferred way to work is on the customer's premises, to interact with customer's staff and deliver an on-job training on the software we are deploying; but of course, remote work via Internet or telephone connection is available for maintenance or assessment works.</p><p>Updated: 2007-04-05</p></li> <li><p><strong>Static Free Software</strong> 4119 Alpine Road Portola Valley, Ca 94028 (650) 851-2927 <a href=""></a></p><p>Static Free Software developed and supports the "Electric VLSI Design System". Steven Rubin, the founder of the company and author of Electric, is available for enhancements, support, and training.</p><p>Please see our web page at <a href=""></a> for more information about our products, services, and prices.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>Tommy Stiansen</strong> Skeielia 112 5238 Raadal Norway</p> <ul> <li>47 92 40 42 00</li> <li>47 55 22 12 17 <a href=""></a></li> </ul><p>Special fields:</p> <ul> <li>Unix, GNU/Linux, Perl installation, C, C++, Lisp, Perl programming.</li> <li>CGI programming.</li> <li>Installation, porting.</li> <li>Specification development, design, implementation, documentation.</li> <li>Firewalls, security analysis.</li> <li>Porting Windows platforms to GNU/Linux.</li> <li>Teaching, preaching GNU/Linux / unix and Telecom.</li> <li>15 years experience with GNU systems and tools.</li> <li>Most useful for network design and construction or dynamic web development.</li> <li>Expert in Apache, php, Mysql, Telecom related, C, Lisp, Perl.</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2002-04-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Sturm</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>Ben Sturmfels, Lead Developer</p><p>We write and integrate smart, internet-connected software to automate boring business processes. This includes scaling up time-consuming manual processes, enabling customers to self-serve, automating payment processing, analyzing and reporting on data and notifying you of problems before your customers do.</p><p>Specializing in Python-based web applications with Django, Flask, Mezzanine, WSGI, PostgreSQL and Nginx. We use 100% free software.</p><p>Updated: 2016-10-27</p></li> <li><p><strong>Swing Digital Ltd.</strong> <a href=""></a> 15-17 Middle Street Brighton BN1 1AL United Kingdom Tel +44 (0) 1273 20 11 66 Fax +44 (0) 1273 20 11 68 <a href=""></a></p><p>Swing Digital actively supports the development of the GNU.FREE Internet Voting system. Through this support we have gained the unique expertise to support, install and run GUN.FREE-based Internet votes. We are also available in a consultancy basis to offer advice for organisations wishing to run GNU.FREE themselves.</p><p>Our consultancy fees start at 900 Euro (550 UK pounds) per day. We are also able to securely host Internet Votes, prices on application.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>Kayvan A. Sylvan</strong> <a href=""></a> Sylvan Associates, Inc. 879 Lewiston Drive San Jose, CA 95136-1517 Phone: (408) 978-1407 Fax: (408) 978-0472</p><p>I will help you port, install and customize GNU Emacs, GCC, G++, GNUmake, bison, and other GNU tools on almost any architecture and operating system. Questions answered. GNU C/C++, Java and lisp hacking available.</p><p>I will also do ongoing support and periodic upgrades if you get on my GNU software subscription list.</p><p>Rates: $100-$125/hour, depending on type and quantity of work. Substantial discounts for long-term contracts and also for educational or non-profit institutions.</p><p>Experience: Many different Unix systems (2.9BSD to 4.4BSD, Xenix, SVR3 and SVR4, Solaris, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD). Systems programming and system administration on all brands of Unix.</p><p>Kernel hacking experience. Lots of porting experience.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Synetec</strong> E-mail <a href=""></a> Website: <a href="" title="Synetec"></a> Tel: +48 32 7508697 Fax:+48 32 7508698</p><p>Region: Poland, Europe.</p><p>Offer: IT consulting, mobile applications, web applications, outsourcing, server systems, computer networks, system and network administration, content management systems.</p><p>Updated: 2010-11-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>THR Support</strong> <a href=""></a></p><p>ThisHosting.Rocks Support has been offering GNU/Linux support services for a few years for different companies and individuals worldwide. We support (almost) all free software that runs on Unix-based systems. Including, but not limited to:</p> <ul> <li>Apache</li> <li>Dovecot</li> <li>Nginx</li> <li>WordPress</li> <li>MySQL</li> <li>MariaDB</li> <li>Webmin</li> <li>DokuWiki</li> <li>and other applications listed at</li> </ul><p>THR Support can and will maintain your server and the software that runs on that server. Contact them to find out more. Pricing depends on requirements and server setup, but the average rate starts at $29.99 per hour.</p></li> <li><p><strong>Alfredo Tomasini</strong> <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a></p> <ul> <li>GNU/Linux Intel desktop/laptop installation, setup, and networking.</li> <li>Installation of GNU tools on SunOS and GNU/Linux.</li> <li>Sed and Gawk script development.</li> </ul><p>Languages: English and Italian.</p><p>Fee: $50/hour.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>Tksoft Inc.</strong> Papinkatu 19 06100, Porvoo Finland +358 40 570 9900</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>Software development services for GNU programs. We can modify and fix GNU software. We will also develop new software under the GNU license.</p><p>10 years of experience in GNU/Linux and other GNU software.</p><p>We speak Finnish, Japanese and English.</p><p>Updated: 2004-05-13</p></li> <li><p><strong>Leonard H. Tower Jr.</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> 36 Porter Street Somerville, MA 02143-2313 USA</p><p>Will work on most GNU, GPLed, and free software. Installation, handholding, trouble shooting, extensions, teaching, etc.</p><p>Rates: $ 300.00/hour + travel + expenses. Fixed fee quotes available. Negotiable for non-profits.</p><p>Experience: Have hacked on over a dozen architectures in many languages. Have system mothered too many varieties of Unixes. Assisted rms with the front end of GCC and its back-end support. Installed and worked with many GNU programs including GNU Emacs. Resume available on request.</p><p>Updated: 2011-10-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Tuonetti</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>Web site Hosting Services: Tuonetti is a Finnish company providing various Web hosting solutions on GNU/Linux servers. We offer scalable and customizable GNU/Linux server setups for your company's hosting needs.</p><p>Rates: 60€/hour + Free 30 minute consulting before ordering any service.</p><p>Updated: 2020-04-28</p></li> <li><p><strong>Tycho Softworks</strong> <a href=""></a> 23 Olin Drive CMCH, NJ 08210 USA +1 609 204 7308 <a href=""></a></p><p>Tycho Softworks is a provider of professional services and commercial incident support worldwide to users of GNU Bayonne for both traditional wired circuits and the rapidly growing Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) telephony market. Our company develops solutions exclusively using free software. Our own software is publicly developed as part of the GNU Telephony community. While Tycho Softworks specifically helps to develop and provides commercial support for GNU Bayonne, we develop solutions using various free licensed software on GNU/Linux for our clients. We primarily offer solutions using the CentOS and Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions.</p><p>Updated: 2007-09-09</p></li> <li><p><strong>Vixre</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>Vixre is a computer consultancy based in Northallerton, North Yorkshire. We specialise in developing web services, and free software consultancy.</p><p>Updated: 2014-06-03</p></li> <li><p><strong>Wasabi Systems</strong> <a href=""></a> 500 E. Main St., Suite 1520 Norfolk, VA 23510</p><p>+1 757 248-9601 voice +1 509 461-7283 fax <a href=""></a></p><p>Wasabi Systems provides service and support for the popular GNU development tools, as service packages and as stand-alone software distributions. We provide cross-compilers and cross-debuggers to be used for developing all types of embedded systems. We specialize in optimizing the GNU tools for particular targets, and in providing support for standardized tools to be used on multiple types of hosts for multiple types of targets. We provide first- and/or second- tier support for you and/or your end-users.</p><p>Support is available in a variety of packages, with a base rate of $200/hour.</p><p>Updated: 2004-03-02</p></li> <li><p><strong>Wensheng Xie</strong> <a href=""></a></p><p>I work only with free software.</p><p>Services: 1. install Free GNU/Linux distributions for personal computers, small and medium companies, and educational centers. 2. set up and configure email servers, Web servers, CVS. 3. offer installation, technical support, consulting, training on the GNU software development environment: Emacs, gcc/g++, binutils, gas, gdb. 4. translate documents (English/Chinese) in LibreOffice, plain text and Tex format.</p><p>Rates: $50/hour</p><p>Updated: 2019-12-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>Robert Wetzlmayr</strong> <a href=""></a> Thal 6 4860 Lenzing Austria <a href=""></a></p><p>Expertise:</p> <ul> <li>Interpreted and dynamically typed languages (Perl, PHP, Ruby)</li> <li>Web servers (Apache, mod_rails)</li> <li>Free software web applications (Textpattern CMS, Drupal, WordPress, PHPList)</li> <li>Version control systems (Subversion, git)</li> <li>Software development environments (Eclipse, NetBeans)</li> </ul><p>Rate: $90/hour</p><p>Updated: 2010-05-06</p></li> <li><p><strong>WhiteIT</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p><p>Free strategy advice – In addition to the work carried out within the guidelines of specific payment plans, we’re always on hand to offer free strategic advice for best technology practices. If you’ve got a question, we’re more than happy to oblige. Free reporting: with all payment plans comes full and regular reporting on any problems, snags, or glitches, so you can ascertain how.</p><p>We provide GNU/Linux support, consulting, installation and tailor design, database and systems including OpenLDAP to customer requirements.</p><p>We’ll monitor and support your system making sure that regular back-ups are carried out and your system remains free from viruses.</p><p>We’ll also carry out regular security and maintenance checks so that your system continually operates at optimum capacity. In addition, we have a direct helpline where you can get help and support when you need it most.</p><p>Rate: $190/hour</p><p>Updated: 2020-05-11</p></li> <li><p><strong>Jody Winston</strong> xprt Computer Consulting, Inc. 731 Voyager Houston, TX, 77062 (281) 480-UNIX, <a href=""></a><a href=""></a></p><p>We have supported, installed, and used the entire GNU software suite for over 10 years on many different Unix platforms. We have written character device drivers and proc file systems for custom hardware running on GNU/Linux. We have developed extensions for tcl and Python. In addition, we have developed a custom X11 server and X input extensions. Our consulting rate is $150.00 US dollars per hour, negotiable, plus a per diem for out of town work.</p><p>Updated: 2002-04-19</p></li> <li><p><strong>Benjamin Wolsey</strong> Website: <a href=""></a></p><p>I am a leading developer on the FSF high-priority project Gnash and contributor to various Free Software projects, specializing in C++ design, documentation and maintenance.</p><p>Services:</p> <ul> <li>Software design, development, and support</li> <li>Free Software Flash tools and content creation</li> <li>Documentation (English, German)</li> <li>Reverse engineering of proprietary technologies</li> </ul><p>Updated: 2009-09-18</p></li> <li><p><strong>The Written Word</strong> Web: <a href=""></a> Email: <a href=""></a> Tel: (800) 372-7476</p><p>The Written Word provides CDs of pre-compiled free software applications on popular UNIX variants. Clients can purchase a one-time CD set ($149/set), or a subscription, which provides four quarterly releases. Two types of subscription are available: "media only" ($550/year), or "media and updates" ($1459/year). The "media and updates" subscription entitles the subscriber, via a web site, to patches, security fixes, new releases to existing packages, new packages, online documentation, and changelog information, between releases, and a central bug tracking system for all packages.</p><p>Updated: 2000-11-27</p></li> <li><p><strong>Xetpoint Oy</strong> Maahisentie 5, 37560 Lempaala, Finland</p><p>Email: <a href=""></a> Web: <a href=""></a> Services:</p> <ul> <li>GNU/Linux system installation, configuration and maintenance</li> <li>GNU/Linux system administration</li> <li>GNU/Linux consultation and support</li> <li>GNU/Linux and free software customization</li> <li>Network administration</li> <li>Free software development and integration</li> <li>Training</li> <li>Security analysis</li> </ul><p>Hosting services <a href=""></a></p><p>Rates: 100 EUR/hour or fixed contract.</p><p>Updated: 2016-09-28</p></li> <li><p><strong>Zoner Oy</strong> Finland</p><p>Email: <a href=""></a> Web: <a href=""></a> Services:</p><p>Zoner is a Finnish hosting company founded in 2005, offering scalable virtualized GNU/Linux servers and services regarding installation, administration, monitoring of the server. Over 13,000 customers. All servers are located in Finland.</p><p>Updated: 2018-04-23</p></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="viewlet-below-content-body"> <div class="visualClear"> <!-- --> </div> <div class="documentActions"> <h5 class="hiddenStructure">Document Actions</h5> <ul> <li><b><a href="">Share on social networks</a></b></li> <li>Syndicate:</li> <li><a href="">News</a></li> <li><a href="">Events</a></li> <li><a href="">Blogs</a></li> <li><a href="">Jobs</a></li> <li id="document-action-copy_of_full_screen"><a href="" title="">GNU</a></li> <li id="document-action-print"><a href="" title=""></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div id="viewlet-below-content"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="fsf-sidebar" class="yui-b visualNoPrint"> <aside><span style="display: none;">1PC9aZC4hNX2rmmrt7uHTfYAS3hRbph4UN</span> <div id="search"> <form id="sidesearch" name="searchform" action="/search"> <p><input name="SearchableText" tabindex="1" type="text" size="30" title="Search Site"></p> <p><input class="searchButton" type="submit" value="Search"></p> </form> </div> <div class="visualPadding"> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673662f7265736f75726365730a74616b652d616374696f6e" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673662f7265736f75726365730a74616b652d616374696f6e"> <dl class="portlet portletStaticText portlet-static-nominate-someone-for-a-free-software-award"> <dt class="portletHeader"><span class="portletTopLeft"></span> <span> Nominate someone for a Free Software Award! </span> <span class="portletTopRight"></span> </dt> <dd class="portletItem odd"> <div style="width:220px; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center; color: black;"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Red award ribbon with text in the middle reading Free Software Award." style="float: center; width: 180px; padding-bottom: 15px;"></a> <p>Please take a little time to <a href="">show your appreciation</a> for a particular member or project's commitment to software freedom in your area.</p><span class="portletBottomLeft"></span> <span class="portletBottomRight"></span> </div> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a737570706f72746572" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a737570706f72746572"> <div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-supporter"> <div style="text-align: center;"> <h5>Sign up</h5> <form action="" method="post"> <p>Enter your email address to receive our monthly newsletter, the<br><a href="">Free Software Supporter</a></p> <p><input id="frmEmail" type="text" name="email-Primary" size="18" maxlength="80"></p> <p><input type="submit" name="_qf_Edit_next" value="Subscribe me"></p> <div> <input name="postURL" type="hidden" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="group[25]" value="1"> <input name="cancelURL" type="hidden" value=""> <input name="_qf_default" type="hidden" value="Edit:cancel"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d6e6577732d727373" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d6e6577732d727373"> <div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-fsf-news-rss"> <p style="float: right;"><a href="" title="Subscribe to an RSS feed of FSF news"><img src="/static/fsforg/css/img/rss.gif" alt="RSS feed"></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6e657773" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6e657773"> <dl class="portlet portletNews" xmlns=""> <dt class="portletHeader"><span class="portletTopLeft"></span> <a href="" class="tile">News</a> <span class="portletTopRight"></span> </dt> <dd class="portletItem odd"><a href="" class="tile" title="BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA (February 4, 2025) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) turns forty this year. "> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item"> Free Software Foundation to auction off original GNU drawings, awards, and historic tech <span class="portletItemDetails">Feb 04, 2025</span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem even"><a href="" class="tile" title=""> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item"> Anchoring the FSF in its values <span class="portletItemDetails">Jan 10, 2025</span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem odd"><a href="" class="tile" title="BOSTON (October 22, 2024) -- The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced today that it is working on a statement of criteria for free machine learning applications, which will require the software, as well as the raw training data and associated scripts, to grant users the four freedoms."> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="News Item"> FSF is working on freedom in machine learning applications <span class="portletItemDetails">Oct 22, 2024</span> </a> </dd> <dd class="portletFooter"><span class="portletBottomLeft"></span> <a href=""> More news… </a> <span class="portletBottomRight"></span> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d626c6f67732d727373" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a6673662d626c6f67732d727373"> <div class="portletStaticText portlet-static-fsf-blogs-rss"> <p style="float: right;"><a href="" title="Subscribe to an RSS feed of FSF blogs"><img src="/static/fsforg/css/img/rss.gif" alt="RSS feed"></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="portletWrapper" data-portlethash="706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a726563656e742d626c6f6773" id="portletwrapper-706c6f6e652e7269676874636f6c756d6e0a636f6e746578740a2f6673660a726563656e742d626c6f6773"> <dl class="portlet portletCollection portlet-collection-recent-blogs"> <dt class="portletHeader"><span class="portletTopLeft"></span> <a href=""> <span>Recent blogs</span> </a> <span class="portletTopRight"></span> </dt> <dd class="portletItem odd"><a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title="Check out the important work our volunteers accomplished at today's Free Software Directory (FSD) IRC meeting."> FSD meeting recap 2025-02-21 </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem even"><a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title=""> Working together for free software: Our interview with Melanie Punz </a> </dd> <dd class="portletItem odd"><a href="" class="tile contenttype-blog-entry" title="Four FSF staff members had a great time sharing their knowledge and learning at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels. 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"> <img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="Event C source code"> Free Software Directory meeting on IRC: Friday, February 28, starting at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC) </a> <span class="portletItemDetails"> <span>Feb 28, 2025 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM</span> <span> — #fsf on </span> </span> </dd> <dd class="portletItem even"><a href="" class="tile" title="Join the FSF and friends on Friday, March 7 from 12:00 to 15:00 EST (17:00 to 20:00 UTC) to help improve the Free Software Directory. 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