FAQ on the driving Hazard Perception Test

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[]).push({}); </script> <br><br> <div class="column_left"> </div><!-- //.column_left --> <div class="column_central"> <h1 class="fontface">FAQ on the <FONT COLOR="#CC0000">Hazard Test</FONT></h1> <p><font size="+1"> <script> var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec") function countup(yr,m,d){ var today=new Date() var todayy=today.getYear() if (todayy < 1000) todayy+=1900 var todaym=today.getMonth() var todayd=today.getDate() var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy var paststring=montharray[m-1]+" "+d+", "+yr var difference=(Math.round((Date.parse(todaystring)-Date.parse(paststring))/(24*60*60*1000))*1) difference+=" days" document.write("It\'s been "+difference+" since the launch of the Hazard Perception Test!") } //enter the count up date using the format year/month/day countup(2002,11,14) </script><BR> ( 14th November 2002)</P> <p><font size="+1"> <b>Special Note to Bus, Coach and Lorry drivers.</b> Since 4th August 2008 the Hazard Test changed for Bus, Coach and Lorry drivers. The number of hazard perception clips have increased from 14 to 19 and the pass mark has increased from 50 out of 75, to 67 out of 100.<br> The other Bus, Coach and Lorry change, which is being made at the request of the industry, is to split the test into two parts. This will allow candidates to take the multiple choice element separately from the hazard perception element; and in either order. </P> <p><font size="+1"><B> 20 most FAQ on the Hazard Perception Test.</B></p> <p><font size="+1"> Visit the <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="hazardtest.htm">2pass Hazard Perception Test</a> and watch our explanation video clip.<br> <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="mockhazardtest.htm">Free Mock Hazard Perception Test </a> </P> <p><font size="+1"><font color="#008000"><b><u>More Frequently Asked Questions </u></b>-</font> </p> <p><font size="+1"> <img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="faqtheory.htm">Theory Test</a> <br><img src="startlarrow.gif" border="0" height=13 width=18 alt="2pass" align="absmiddle"><a href="faqpract.htm"> Practical Test</a> </P> <p><font size="+1"> 1. <a href="#one"> When did the hazard perception test start? </a><br> 2. <a href="#two"> When can the hazard perception test be taken? </a><br> 3. <a href="#three"> Why have we got a hazard perception test? I've heard it's because the Government want to make more money from me</a> <br>4. <a href="#four"> How much more will it cost me to take this test?</a> <br>5. <a href="#five"> How will the hazard perception test work? </a> <br>6. <a href="#seven"> How will the test be marked?</a> <br>7. <a href="#eight"> What is the pass mark for the Hazard Perception Test?</a> <br>8. <a href="#nine"> Where can I find help to prepare for the Hazard Perception Test?</a> <br>9. <a href="#ten"> What Hazards Are We Looking For?</li></a> <br>10. <a href="#eleven"> What happens if I pass the theory test but fail the hazard perception test, will I have to pay the full fee again?</a> <br>11. <a href="#twelve"> Is the hazard perception test just for cars?</a> <br>12. <a href="#thirteen"> The roadsense video says you have to identify 'developing hazards' but you would not lose points for identify non-developing hazards, however I clicked once on every 'developing hazard' and once on every non-developing hazard on my test and I failed. Why is that? </a> <br>13. <a href="#fourteen"> What constitutes a hazard? </a> <br>14. <a href="#fiveteen"> I was wondering if there are any websites where I could have a practice of the hazard perception test? </a> <br>15. <a href="#sixteen"> Why did the DVSA increase the pass marks for the HPT?</a> <br>16. <a href="#seventeen"> Do I have to click directly on the hazard?</a> <br>17. <a href="#eighteen"> Can I take the Hazard test at a deferent time than the theory test?</a> <br>18 <a href="#nineteen"> I have failed my Hazard part of the Theory Test when can I re-book?</a> <br>19. <a href="#twenty"> What are the maximum points you can score for each clip?</a> <br>20. <a href="#twentyone"> Where can I find free online Hazard Perception tests?</a> </P> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="one"></a><b> When did the hazard perception test start? </b> </P> <p><font size="+1"> The new hazard perception test was incorporated into the current driving theory examination on 14 November 2002. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="Two"></a> <b> When can the hazard perception test be taken? </B></P> <p><font size="+1">It will be taken the same time as the theory test.<BR> The theory test is made up of two parts, or elements. The multiple-choice element is exactly the same as the current theory test. You will select your answers to questions by touching the screen. You have the opportunity to practice using the system before starting the multiple-choice element. After the multiple-choice element, you may have a break of up to 3 minutes before the hazard perception element starts. The hazard perception element will consist of 14 video clips, which will feature real road scenes and developing hazards of various types such as vehicles and pedestrians. There are a total of 15 scoreable hazards in the test. Thirteen clips will contain one scoreable hazard and one clip will contain two scoreable hazards. Each scoreable hazard has a marking window and a score is awarded when you respond in that window. The earlier the developing hazard is identified and a response is made the higher the score. You won't score any points if you respond outside the window.<BR> You will be shown a short tutorial video about how the hazard perception element works before you start that part of the test.<BR> <B>You must pass both elements to pass your theory test.</B> </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="three"></a> <b>Why have we got a hazard perception test? I've heard it's because the Government want to make more money from me.</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> Improved hazard perception skills are expected to play an important part in achieving the Government's challenging casualty reduction targets. <BR> Young drivers (17-21) make up only 7% of all licence holders yet they are involved in up to one in seven accidents involving injury. The accident liability of new drivers drops sharply over the first 12 months or so after passing the test and continues to fall as more experience is gained. <BR> The hazard perception tests hopes to test these skills. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="four"></a> <b>How much more will it cost me to take this test?</b></p> <p><font size="+1">Standard fee for car and motorcycle <br> &pound;23.00</p> <p><font size="+1">Standard fee for bus and lorry drivers<br> &pound;26.00 + &pound;11.00 for the Hazard Test</p> <p><font size="+1">Potential driving instructor theory test <br> &pound;81.00 </p> <p><font size="+1"> The same fee will be charged regardless of the time or day the test takes place.<BR> <b>Prices correct as from 1st October 2015</b> </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="five"></a> <b>How will the hazard perception test work?</b> </P> <p><font size="+1"> You will be shown a number of moving video clips filmed from a car. Each clip will contain one or more developing hazards. <BR> You will be asked to indicate as soon as they see a hazard developing which may result in the driver taking some action, such as changing speed or direction. The sooner a response is made the higher the score. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="seven"></a> <b> How will the test be marked?</b></P> <p><font size="+1">There will be 14 different moving scenes on the Hazard Perception test screen. The scenes will have one hazard to identify and one scene will have 2 hazards to identify. You will not be told which clip this is. The 14 scenes will be taken from a bank of 200.<BR> You will have to identify the moving hazard by clicking a mouse. For example, a car pulling out in front of you, as quickly as possible. You will be given a 'window of time' in which to spot the hazard. The score will depend on how soon you identify the hazard - the longer they take, the lower their score. You will score a zero mark if you either click too late, or repeatedly. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="eight"></a> <b> What is the pass mark for the Hazard Perception Test?</b></P> <p><font size="+1">Different pass marks are being set for the different categories of test.<BR> Currently the pass marks are:-</P> <p><font size="+1"> <B>Car and Motorcycle</B><BR> Current pass mark - 44 out of 75</P> <p><font size="+1"><B> LGV and PCV</B><BR> Current pass mark- 67 out of 100</P> <p><font size="+1"> <B> ADI and LGV Register</B><BR> Current pass mark - 57 out of 75</P> <p><font size="+1"> The hazard perception pass marks may be subject to further change. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="nine"></a> <p><font size="+1"><b>Where can I find help to prepare for the Hazard Perception Test?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> To support trainers and drivers in their preparations for the new test, the Driving Standards Agency has published an official guide to the new section of the theory test. The guidance consists of a RoadSense video, pupils' booklet, tutor guide and handouts. Copies have been distributed free of charge to over 55,000 training bodies in the driver-rider training industry. <BR> To help <B>you </B>prepare for the test, DVSA has also produced a short introduction video which explains how the test works. During the early months of introduction this will be distributed free of charge to all candidates along with their test appointment letter. <BR> The DVSA will not be releasing the actual clips in the test for practise by student drivers.. This is because the DVSA are very keen to emphasise that the hazard perception test is aimed to test a more intuitive knowledge, rather than answers learned by rote. The aim is to include more hazard perception awareness in the lessons that a student undergoes, and pass responsibility on to the Driving Tutor's to emphasise Hazard Awareness earlier in the student's driving course.</P> <p><font size="+1"><span style="background-color:yellow"><a href="software.htm"> Visit our software page to see all the latest software releases to help you 2pass the Hazard Perception Test!</a></span> </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="ten"></a> <p><font size="+1"> <b> What Hazards Are We Looking For?</b></P> <p><font size="+1">Look for events occurring in front of the car such as:- <br> School crossing and bus waiting with children crossing road <br> Breakdown vehicle on bend <br> Vans parked with hazard warning lights on <br> Cyclist on country road <br> Vehicle doing U turn on brow of hill <br> Furniture vans parked on bend (door open) with oncoming traffic <br> Green traffic light turns on approach <br> Parked vehicles/road works </P> <p><font size="+1"> Look for something joining the car's path such as:- <br> Car emerging from left <br> Stray dog by kerb <br> Zebra crossing with pedestrians crossing <br> Vehicle emerges from left in road dip <br> Pedestrian trying to cross road <br> Car looking as though it may join traffic from right <br> Woman with pushchair ready to cross road <br> Blind man with dog by kerb <br> Vehicle edging out of side road from right <br> Zebra crossing with pedestrian crossing <br> Bus pulling out <br> Car late stopping at left hand junction </P> <p><font size="+1"> Look for event occurring in the opposite traffic such as:- <br> Vehicle turning right across traffic <br> Car stopping in road to collect passenger <br> Parked car and oncoming car </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="eleven"></a> <b>What happens if I pass the theory test but fail the hazard perception test, will I have to pay the full fee again?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> You must pass both elements to pass your test. If you fail either the existing multiple choice section or the new hazard perception test you will fail the whole test and have to pay the full fee and sit the whole test again. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="twelve"></a> <b> Is the hazard perception test just for cars ?</b></P> <p><font size="+1">The hazard perception test will have to be taken with<B> all </B>theory tests.<BR> These tests include:-<BR> Cars <br> Motorcycles <br> Goods Vehicle( LGV) - multiple choice element separately from the hazard perception element <br> Bus or Coach (PCV) - multiple choice element separately from the hazard perception element <br> ADI test (part1) </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="thirteen"></a> <b> The roadsense video says you have to identify 'developing hazards' but you would not lose points for identify non-developing hazards, however I clicked once on every 'developing hazard' and once on every non-developing hazard on my test and I failed. Why is that?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> We have been told by the DVSA that pressing the mouse button too much will result in you getting no score. This is resulting in a lot of people just clicking once on each hazard.<BR> Each scoreable hazard has a marking window and a score is awarded when you respond in that window. The earlier the developing hazard is identified and a response is made the higher the score.</P> <p><font size="+1"> You won't score any points if you respond outside the window and you could lose all the points already gained on the video clip. </P> <p><font size="+1"> We have been getting reports that the hazard window opens not when the hazard is first viewed but a few seconds after. This is resulting in many candidates not scoring because they are clicking just once (when the hazard is showing but the marking window is not opened.)<BR> If you click a few times during each hazard you are likely to score, which will result in a pass.<BR> We already know of candidates who have failed the hazard test because they have just clicking once on each hazard. <B>It would appear you have a better chance of passing </B>if the mouse is clicked a few times when you see a developing hazard. <B>BUT STOP CLICKING </B>when the hazard has passed. ( you only lose points responding outside the window)<BR> You do need to be careful though. Because if you make lots of unnecessary responses in a very short space of time, or throughout the clip, you will score 0 for that clip. If this happens you will see this warning message on screen at the end of the clip: </P> <p><font size="+1"><CENTER> <B><FONT SIZE="6" color="RED">X </FONT><BR>You responded to this clip in an unacceptable manner.<BR> You will score zero for this clip.</B> </P> </CENTER> </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="fourteen"></a> <b>What constitutes a hazard?</b> </P> <p><font size="+1"> Well, pretty much anything that could cause a driver to change speed, direction or stop – it needn't necessarily be on the road itself. </P> <p><font size="+1"> The children playing beyond the parked car may run out into the road to retrieve their ball. <br> The traffic lights could change from green to red, you should reduce your speed in anticipation <br>The bus can pull out at any time, or passengers leaving the bus may step out into the road in front of you <br>A vehicle travelling towards you indicating its intention to turn right may try to get across the road in front of you <br><B>The list is endless!</B> </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="fiveteen"></a> <b> I was wondering if there are any websites where I could have a practice of the hazard perception test?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> You Can find free Clips here <a href="mockhazardtest.htm">Free Mock Hazard Perception Test</a> </P> <p><font size="+1"> <B>You can buy or download Software.</B><BR> Have a look at our <a href="software.htm">software</a> page for more information. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="sixteen"></a> <b> Why did the DVSA increase the pass marks for the HPT ? </b></P> <p><font size="+1"> <B>Car and Motorcycle</B> <br>Current Pass Mark - 44 out of 75 </P> <p><font size="+1"><B> LGV and PCV</B> <br>Current Pass Mark - 67 out of 100 </P> <p><font size="+1"> <B> ADI and LGV Register</B> <br>Current Pass mark - 57 out of 75 </P> <p><font size="+1"> The hazard perception pass marks may be subject to further change in the future.</P> <p><font size="+1"> The DVSA think the test is too easy!<BR> In the first six weeks of the new test, figures reveal that the candidates are already achieving an 80 per cent pass rate in the hazard perception element of the driving test. <BR> Whilst candidates are preparing well for the hazard perception test, the pass rate of learner car drivers for the multiple-choice section of the test has dropped from 65% to 58%. The DVSA believes this section of the exam may have suffered as a result of candidates concentrating on the new section. The overall result is that the pass rate has dropped from 65% to 50%.<BR> With the introduction of a higher pass mark for the HPT the pass rate is likely to fail even more. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="seventeen"></a> <B> Do I have to click directly on the hazard?</B></P> <p><font size="+1"> No, you do not have to click on the hazard. Simply click the mouse button anywhere on screen and you will see a small red flag appear at the bottom of the screen. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="eighteen"></a> <b>Can I take the Hazard test at a deferent time than the theory test?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> The hazard perception test is the second part of the driving theory test and is taken a few minutes after completing the multiple choice questions. so they are taken at the same time. <br> However, The bus, coach and lorry drivers Theory Test is to split into two parts. This will allow candidates to take the multiple choice element separately from the hazard perception element; and in either order. </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="nineteen"></a> <b>I have failed my Hazard part of the Theory Test when can I re-book?</b></P> <p><font size="+1">You will need to wait at least three clear working days before you are able to re-book your Theory Test. Re-book <a href="booking.htm">online now</a> </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="twenty"></a> <b>What are the maximum points you can score for each clip?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> The maximum points you can score for each hazard in the learner car driver and motorcycle test is 5 points. However, please be aware that there is one clip in the test that will contain 2 hazards, so you’re total score for this clip will be 10 points. </p><p><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <p><font size="+1"> <A NAME="twentyone"></a> <b>Where can I find free online Hazard Perception tests?</b></P> <p><font size="+1"> Visit our <a href="mockhazardtest.htm">FREE Mock Hazard Perception Test page</a>. Perfect for preparing you for the second part of your Theory Test! </p><p><font size="+1"><a href="#top">^Back to top</a></p> <p><img src="line1.gif" border="0" alt="line"></p> <hr> </div><!-- //.column_central --> <div class="column_right"> <script async src="//"></script> <!-- Wide sky --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:160px;height:600px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4110339233674045" data-ad-slot="5809188640"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <br><br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Collingwood Learner Driver Insurance" border="0"></a> </div><!-- //.column_right --> <!-- NEW ROW --> <br style="clear:both" /> <!-- NEW ROW --> </div> <div class="advert_block"> <div class="advert_inner_full_width"> <a href=""><img src="img/anytimefree.png" border="1" width="970" height="250" alt="Driving Test Success Anytime free trial" /></a> </div> </div><!-- //.advert_block --> <footer> <div class="l-footer_inner"> <div class="l-footer-col"> <h2 class="fontface">Navigation</h2> <ul class="footer-nav"> <li><a href="index.htm">Home</a></li> <li><a href="start.htm">Starting Out</a></li> <li><a href="theory.htm">Theory Test</a></li> <li><a href="pract.htm">Practical Test</a></li> <li><a href="passed.htm">Passed</a></li> <li><a href="software.htm">Training Aids</a></li> <li><a href="page3.htm">News</a></li> <li><a href="site-search.htm">Site Search</a></li> <li><a href="mail.htm">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="in.htm">Privacy Policy/About Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="l-footer-col"> <h2 class="fontface">Advertisement</h2> <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- Box --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:300px;height:250px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-4110339233674045" data-ad-slot="2542193441"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div><!-- //.l-footer-col --> <div class="l-footer-col last"> <h2 class="fontface">Join us on Facebook!</h2> <div class="fb-like-box" data-href="" data-width="300" data-height="370" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="false"></div> </div> </div><!-- //.l-footer_inner --> <div class="disclaimer"> <p align="right"> &#169; 1996-2023 </div> </footer> <!-- JavaScript at the bottom for fast page loading --> <!-- Grab Google CDN's jQuery, with a protocol relative URL; fall back to local if offline --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> <script src="//"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/libs/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> <!-- scripts concatenated and minified via build script --> <script src="js/plugins.js"></script> <script src="js/libs/slider.js"></script> <script src="js/script.js"></script> <!-- end scripts --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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