Our Sponsors | XPRIZE Foundation

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messina--3">Our generous Sponsors and Benefactors support each competition by providing prize purse and operational funding as well as contributing mentorship and industry knowledge.</h3></div></div></p> </header> <section class="people__section"> <section class="partners__section"> <div class="grid grid--lg"> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="ASPIRE"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">ASPIRE</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>ASPIRE drives the creation of future transformative technologies as the programme management pillar of Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC). ATRC is responsible for defining Abu Dhabi’s research and development strategy, consolidating funds for efficient investment and driving policy and regulation. ASPIRE works in consultation with cross-sector industry stakeholders, universities and research institutes to frame problem statements. It also launches grand challenges and international competitions to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. ASPIRE brings together exceptional people, ideas, resources and technologies to solve complex challenges.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsor of XPRIZE Feed The Next Billion</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">ASPIRE</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsor of XPRIZE Feed The Next Billion</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Alana Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Alana Foundation</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Alana Foundation is an independent philanthropic organization founded in 2012 in the United States. The Foundation supports initiatives in the areas of environment, inclusive education and health scientific research through grants and co-funding partnerships. It also engages with networks and global movements in those areas.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of the Rainforest XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Alana Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of the Rainforest XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="All Nippon Airways (ANA)"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">All Nippon Airways (ANA)</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>ANA is Japan’s largest airline, and winner of multiple airline industry customer satisfaction awards. “Offering dreams and experiences to people around the world” is one of ANA’s most powerful corporate mission statements. As ANA expands its global reach, literally connecting billions more people around the world, the employees and management of ANA are excited to pursue innovation and exploration that provides humanity a wider view of the world.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class=""> Sponsor of the ANA Avatar XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">All Nippon Airways (ANA)</p> <p class="messina messina--5"> Sponsor of the ANA Avatar XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Amazon"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Amazon</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Amazon</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Ancestry Genomics, Inc."> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Ancestry Genomics, Inc.</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Ancestry, the global leader in family history and consumer genomics, harnesses the information found in family trees, historical records, and DNA to help people gain a new level of understanding about their lives. For more information visit <a href=""></a> </p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Ancestry Genomics, Inc.</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Anonymous Donor"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Anonymous Donor</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>A special thank you to our generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of XPRIZE Feed The Next Billion</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Anonymous Donor</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of XPRIZE Feed The Next Billion</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Anthem Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Anthem Foundation</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>As the philanthropic arm of Anthem, Inc., the Anthem Foundation promotes the organization’s commitment to improving lives and communities. Through strategic partnerships and programs, we are addressing the disparities and social determinants that will help create a healthier generation of Americans. For more information visit <a href=""></a> </p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Anchor Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Anthem Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Anchor Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Anthem Inc."> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Anthem Inc.</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Anthem is a leading health benefits company dedicated to improving lives and communities, and making healthcare simpler. Through its affiliated companies, Anthem serves more than 108 million people, including more than 42 million within its family of health plans. For more information visit <a href=""></a> </p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Anchor Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Anthem Inc.</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Anchor Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Anu and Naveen Jain&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Anu and Naveen Jain&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Philanthropists of the Anu &amp; Naveen Jain Women&#x2019;s Safety XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Anu and Naveen Jain&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Philanthropists of the Anu &amp; Naveen Jain Women&#x2019;s Safety XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Australian Aid"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Australian Aid</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>In 2015, the innovationXchange (iXc) at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was launched as part of the Australian Aid Program to address the growing need for innovative and transformative solutions for intractable problems facing people living in developing countries. The iXc aims to foster a culture of innovation in our aid program by harnessing new technologies, methodologies, and partnerships. It understands collaboration is pivotal, partnering with other government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, and academics to source new ideas for piloting and experimentation.</p> <p>Each of the iXc’s development portfolios – health and water, economic growth and humanitarian – challenge convention, seeking new ways to multiply the impact of Australian aid in the Indo-Pacific. The iXc has led a variety of open innovation processes to help improve humanitarian responses in the Pacific, aquaculture in the Indian Ocean, and food choices to reduce worsening malnutrition levels in our region. It is also initiating an ambitious social entrepreneurship and financing agenda to equip local innovators and entrepreneurs with the skills, networks, capital, and access to markets required to make their businesses viable, attractive to investment, and scalable.</p> <p>With global partners the iXc supports an online platform to allow hundreds of organisations across the world to share information on innovations and seek finance for them where necessary. It will seek to invest in a range of debt, equity and grant funding initiatives that enable new technologies, behavioural science approaches, and business models to be explored. The iXc believes it is crucial for all contributors to share lessons learned on development innovations being trialled and will continue to seek opportunities to scale successful pilots.</p> <p>For more information, you can visit: to <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of the Water Abundance XPRIZE powered by Tata Group and Australian Aid</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Australian Aid</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of the Water Abundance XPRIZE powered by Tata Group and Australian Aid</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Barbara Bush Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Barbara Bush Foundation</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>The Barbara Bush Foundation is the nation’s leading advocate for family literacy. Founded by former First Lady Barbara Bush, the mission of the Foundation is to advocate for and establish literacy as a value in every home.</p> <p>The goals of the Foundation are simple: We want children to start school ready to excel and help parents improve their literacy skills. Mrs. Bush’s guiding belief was simple – if you helped a person learn to read, their opportunities in life were endless.</p> <p>To learn more about the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy’s commitment to promote family literacy in homes across America, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of the Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE presented by Dollar General Literacy Foundation</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Barbara Bush Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of the Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE presented by Dollar General Literacy Foundation</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Blue Shield of California"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Blue Shield of California</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Blue Shield of California is guided by our mission and values, which encourage innovation and focus our efforts on transforming the current healthcare system into one that is worthy of our family and friends. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Blue Shield of California</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>The mission of the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation is to promote and support healthier South Carolinians, particularly the economically vulnerable, by supporting solutions to address gaps in health care and serving as an agent of change to support innovation and value-added public-private partnerships. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="COSIA (Canada&#x2019;s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance)"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">COSIA (Canada&#x2019;s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance)</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>COSIA (Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance) is an alliance of Canada’s largest oil sands producers, collaborating on innovations to accelerate the pace of environmental performance improvement in Canada’s oil sands. Since its formation in 2012, COSIA has shared 936 distinct environmental technologies and innovations that cost over $1.3 billion to develop. COSIA has some of the best minds on the planet working on technologies to enable the responsible and sustainable development of oil sands in the areas of water, land, tailings and greenhouse gases. For more information, please visit <a href=""></a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsor of the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">COSIA (Canada&#x2019;s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance)</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsor of the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="COVID Apollo Project"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">COVID Apollo Project</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Covid Apollo Project aims to enable a safe and sustainable return to work and school by identifying, assembling, developing, and scaling the most promising Covid-19 diagnostic opportunities. Covid Apollo was organized and funded under the leadership of RA Capital, a prominent biotechnology-focused investment firm, in collaboration with Redmile, Samsara, Perceptive Advisors, and Bain Capital. All of these firms will contribute to evaluating and scaling up technologies that Covid Apollo will accelerate.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Investment Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">COVID Apollo Project</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Investment Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Cambia Health Solutions"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Cambia Health Solutions</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Cambia Health Solutions, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, is dedicated to transforming health care. We are a family of over 20 companies that work together to make the health care system more economically sustainable and efficient for people and their families. Our solutions empower nearly 70 million Americans nationwide, including more than 2.6 million people in the Pacific Northwest who are enrolled in our regional health plans. For more information visit <a href=""></a> </p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Cambia Health Solutions</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Centerview Partners"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Centerview Partners</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>With offices in New York, London, Paris, San Francisco, Palo Alto and Los Angeles, Centerview Partners is a leading independent investment banking and advisory firm. The firm provides advice on mergers and acquisitions, financial restructurings, valuation, and capital structure to companies, institutions and governments. Since the founding of Centerview in 2006, we have advised on nearly $3 trillion of transactions. Our clients include over 20% of the 50 largest companies in the world by market capitalization, and we have been involved in many of the largest and most complex corporate situations and transactions. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Centerview Partners</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Cognizant"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Cognizant</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world's leading professional services companies, transforming clients' business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 194 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at <a href=""></a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Challenge Sponsor</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Cognizant</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Challenge Sponsor</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Dick &amp; Betsy DeVos Family Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Dick &amp; Betsy DeVos Family Foundation</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Betsy and Dick DeVos are, respectively, chairman and president of the Windquest Group, an enterprise and investment management firm based in Michigan with diversified projects in technology, manufacturing, clean technology, and nonprofit solutions. Betsy is a national leader of school choice education reform. She was a presidential appointee to the board of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and currently serves as a member of a number of local and national boards, including the American Federation for Children, ArtPrize, Kids Hope USA and the Foundation for Excellence in Education. Dick is the former president of Amway Corporation and the NBA’s Orlando Magic. In addition to business roles, he is an active leader in a wide range of initiatives in his local community of West Michigan, including Grand Action Foundation and West Michigan Aviation Academy. Dick and Betsy have been married for over 30 years and have seven children and two granddaughters. The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation serves as a catalyst for partner organizations that position communities for growth and viability.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor of the Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Dick &amp; Betsy DeVos Family Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor of the Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Dollar General Literacy Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Dollar General Literacy Foundation</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Founded in 1993, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation (DGLF) has helped advance the literacy skills of over 6 million individuals and donated more than $100 million to nonprofit, library and school-based literacy programs. The Foundation’s funding focuses on helping programs deliver quality literacy instruction and increasing access to literacy services. The DGLF believes learning to read is an investment that opens doorways for personal, professional and economic success. It is a gift that no one can take away – a gift that lasts a lifetime.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Presenting Sponsor of the Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE presented by Dollar General Literacy Foundation</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Dollar General Literacy Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Presenting Sponsor of the Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE presented by Dollar General Literacy Foundation</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Dr. Stewart and Marilyn Blusson&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Dr. Stewart and Marilyn Blusson&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsors of the Archon Genomics XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Dr. Stewart and Marilyn Blusson&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsors of the Archon Genomics XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Elon Musk&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Elon Musk&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Elon Musk co-founded and leads Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and The Boring Company. As the co-founder and CEO of Tesla, Elon leads all product design, engineering and global manufacturing of the company’s electric vehicles, battery products and solar energy products. Elon is also CEO of <a href="">Neuralink</a>, which is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect the human brain to computers. Previously, Elon co-founded and sold PayPal, the world’s leading Internet payment system, and Zip2, one of the first internet maps and directions services.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Elon Musk&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Exact Sciences"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Exact Sciences</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Getting ahead of cancer is crucial no matter where people are in their cancer journey. From earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring, we are helping people get the answers they need to make more informed decisions across the cancer continuum. With a leading portfolio of products for earlier detection and treatment guidance, we help people face the most challenging decisions with confidence. Our dedication to taking on the impossible fuels everything we do. We are continuously innovating, combining scientific rigor with an open-minded approach to deliver the next big thing. We are Exact Sciences, and we’re changing lives together through earlier detection and smarter answers. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Exact Sciences</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Google"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Google</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Google's innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google's targeted advertising program provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit the <a href="">Google website</a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Google</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="GuideWell Mutual Holding Corporation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">GuideWell Mutual Holding Corporation</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>GuideWell and its family of forward-thinking companies are focused on helping people and communities achieve better health and are at the forefront in the transformation of health care. The not-for- profit mutual holding company includes Florida Blue, GuideWell Connect, GuideWell Health and Diversified Service Options, Inc. For more information visit <a href=""></a> </p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">GuideWell Mutual Holding Corporation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Health Care Service Corporation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Health Care Service Corporation</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company (HCSC), and an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, is the largest customer-owned health insurer in the United States and fifth largest overall, operating through our Blue Cross and Blue Shield® Plans in Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Health Care Service Corporation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="HeroX"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">HeroX</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>HeroX exists at the intersection of crowdsourcing, competition and collaboration, using each to drive positive change. HeroX is a platform where you can support a cause you believe in, help fund a prize, or post challenges to inspire others. We offer the tools to help spark brilliant new solutions and we spread the word to people passionate about change. For more information, visit <a href=""></a>.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">HeroX</p> <p class="messina messina--5"></p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc. (NJ)"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc. (NJ)</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>We empower our members to achieve their best health by leading with strength, integrity and innovation to generate substantial improvements in health care quality, affordability and member experience. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc. (NJ)</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="IBM Watson"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">IBM Watson</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Watson represents a new era in computing called cognitive computing, where systems understand the world the way humans do: through senses, learning, and experience. Watson continuously learns, gaining in value and knowledge over time, from previous interactions. With the help of Watson, organizations are leveraging cognitive computing to transform industries, help professionals do their jobs better, and solve important challenges.</p> <p>To advance Watson, IBM has three dedicated business units: Watson, established for the development of cloud-delivered cognitive computing technologies that represent the commercialization of "artificial intelligence" or "AI" across a variety of industries; Watson Health, dedicated to improving the ability of doctors, researchers and insurers and other related health organizations to surface new insights from datato deliver personalized healthcare; and Watson IoT, focused on making sense of data embedded in more than 9 billion connected devices operating in the world today, which generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of new data daily. </p> <p>For more information on IBM Watson, visit: <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsor of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">IBM Watson</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsor of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src="" alt="Illumina"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Illumina</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>At Illumina, our goal is to apply innovative technologies to the analysis of genetic variation and function, making studies possible that were not even imaginable just a few years ago. It is mission critical for us to deliver innovative, flexible, and scalable solutions to meet the needs of our customers. As a global company that places high value on collaborative interactions, rapid delivery of solutions, and providing the highest level of quality, we strive to meet this challenge. Illumina innovative sequencing and array technologies are fueling groundbreaking advancements in life science research, translational and consumer genomics, and molecular diagnostics. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Illumina</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="John Raymonds&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">John Raymonds&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">John Raymonds&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src="" alt="Kimberly-Clark&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Kimberly-Clark&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of The Future of Forests ImpactMap</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Kimberly-Clark&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of The Future of Forests ImpactMap</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src="" alt="Lowe&#x2019;s&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Lowe&#x2019;s&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of The Future of Housing ImpactMap</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Lowe&#x2019;s&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of The Future of Housing ImpactMap</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Merkin Family Foundation&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Merkin Family Foundation&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Merkin Family Foundation&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="NRG"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">NRG</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>NRG is the leading integrated power company in the U.S., built on the strength of the nation’s largest and most diverse competitive electric generation portfolio and leading retail electricity platform. A Fortune 200 company, NRG creates value through best in class operations, reliable and efficient electric generation, and a retail platform serving residential and commercial businesses. Working with electricity customers, large and small, we continually innovate, embrace and implement sustainable solutions for producing and managing energy. We aim to be pioneers in developing smarter energy choices and delivering exceptional service as our retail electricity providers serve almost 3 million residential and commercial customers throughout the country. More information is available at <a href=""></a>. Connect with NRG Energy on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @nrgenergy and @NRGMedia.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsor of the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">NRG</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsor of the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><strong>BONUS PRIZE SPONSOR</strong>: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</p> <p>The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a science-based federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce with regulatory, operational, and information service responsibilities with a presence in every state and our territories. NOAA’s mission is to protect life and property and conserve and protect natural resources.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Bonus Prize Sponsor of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Bonus Prize Sponsor of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="New Profit"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">New Profit</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>New Profit is a nonprofit venture philanthropy organization that backs breakthrough social entrepreneurs who are advancing equity and opportunity in America.   </p> <p>New Profit's investment strategy focuses on building a breakthrough portfolio to take on entrenched systemic challenges in America, particularly by driving resources and support to Black, Indigenous, and Latino/a/x social entrepreneurs who have unique proximity to solutions, but face stark racial funding disparities in philanthropy; investing in social entrepreneurs with new systems change models across a range of issues; and creating jobs and opportunity by funding Future of Work innovation.</p> <p>To rebuild the economy and create a future of work that works for everyone, New Profit’s $6 million Future of Work Grand Challenge, powered by XPRIZE and MIT Solve, will rapidly reskill 25,000 displaced workers into living-wage jobs in the next 24 months, equip influential workforce boards with vetted tools to support the wave of displaced workers in six months, and achieve broader systemic change to help prepare 12 million Americans from underinvested communities for workforce success by 2025.</p> <p>New Profit’s Future of Work Initiative is funded by Strada Education Network and the Walmart Foundation.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">New Profit</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Nokia"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Nokia</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Nokia is a global leader in mobile communications whose products have become an integral part of the lives of people around the world. Every day, more than 1.3 billion people use their Nokia to capture and share experiences, access information, find their way or simply to speak to one another. Nokia's technological and design innovations have made its brand one of the most recognized in the world. For more information, visit the <a href="">Nokia website</a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsor of the Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Nokia</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsor of the Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Northrop Grumman"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Northrop Grumman</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions to government and commercial customers worldwide, offering an extraordinary portfolio of capabilities and technologies for applications from undersea to outer space and into cyberspace.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Northrop Grumman</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Open COVID Screen"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Open COVID Screen</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>OpenCovidScreen is a non-profit founded by scientists and business leaders committed to an “Open Science” model to drive needed innovation and help solve the critical unmet need for Covid-19 testing that is Frequent, Fast-turnaround, Cheap, and Easy, to enable safe Return-to-Work & School. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Founding Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Open COVID Screen</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Founding Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Progressive Insurance"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Progressive Insurance</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Progressive Insurance</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Qualcomm Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Qualcomm Foundation</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Established in 2010 by Qualcomm Incorporated, the Qualcomm Foundation is dedicated to developing and strengthening communities worldwide. Specifically, the Qualcomm Foundation focuses it philanthropic efforts on helping create and sustain educated, healthy, culturally vibrant communities in regions around the globe. As sponsor of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE competition, the Qualcomm Foundation is proud to support the discovery of innovative mobile solutions that will contribute to the advancement of healthcare and diagnostics. For more information about the Qualcomm Foundation and Qualcomm Incorporated’s global social responsibility programs, visit the <a href="">Qualcomm website</a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsor of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Qualcomm Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsor of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Scott Hassan&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Scott Hassan&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Scott Hassan&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Shell"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Shell</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Royal Dutch Shell plc is incorporated in England and Wales, has its headquarters in The Hague and is listed on the London, Amsterdam, and New York stock exchanges. Shell companies have operations in more than 70 countries and territories with businesses including oil and gas exploration and production; production and marketing of liquefied natural gas and gas to liquids; manufacturing, marketing and shipping of oil products and chemicals and renewable energy projects. For further information, visit <a href=""></a>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Partner &amp; Supporter</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Shell</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Partner &amp; Supporter</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Strada Education Network"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Strada Education Network</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Strada Education Network is a national social impact organization dedicated to improving lives by forging clearer and more purposeful pathways between education and employment. Our approach combines research, public engagement, strategic philanthropy, mission-aligned investments, and a network of affiliate organizations. Together, we work to create a new learning ecosystem that better serves the millions of Americans seeking to complete postsecondary education and training, gain clear value from those experiences, and build meaningful careers. Learn more at<a href=""> </a><a href=""></a><a href="">.</a></p></div> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Strada Education Network</p> <p class="messina messina--5"></p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Suzanne West&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Suzanne West&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Suzanne West&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor for Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Tata Group"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Tata Group</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, the Tata group is a global enterprise, headquartered in India, comprising over 100 independent operating companies. The group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents, with a mission ‘To improve the quality of life of the communities they serve globally, through long-term stakeholder value creation based on Leadership with Trust’.</p> <p>There are 29 publicly-listed Tata enterprises with a combined market capitalisation of about $116 billion (as of March 31, 2016). Tata companies with significant scale include Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Teleservices, Titan, Tata Communication and Indian Hotels.</p> <p>In tandem with the increasing international footprint of Tata companies, the Tata brand is also gaining international recognition. Tata companies bring to their customers worldwide a whole host of reputed brands which touch their lives every day. Brand finance, a UK- based consultancy firm, has valued Tata’s multi-brand portfolio at over $23 billion in 2016.</p> <p>Tata companies are building multinational businesses that seek to differentiate themselves through customer-centric, innovation, entrepreneurship, trustworthiness and value-driven business operations, while balancing the interests of diverse stakeholders including shareholders, employees and civil society.</p> <p>Ratan Tata, former Group Chairman, Tata group, is a true believer in India’s potential to solve global problems at an exponential scale, with its abundance of intellectual prowess and tech-savvy minds. He has made a string of personal investments in new ventures which embody the creativity and innovation of young India.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of the Water Abundance XPRIZE powered by Tata Group and Australian Aid</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Tata Group</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of the Water Abundance XPRIZE powered by Tata Group and Australian Aid</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="The Ansari Family&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">The Ansari Family&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Title Sponsors of the Ansari XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">The Ansari Family&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Title Sponsors of the Ansari XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="The Institute of Education Sciences (IES)"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">The Institute of Education Sciences (IES)</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is the independent and nonpartisan statistics, research, and evaluation arm of the U.S. Department of Education. Their mission is to provide scientific evidence on which to ground education practice and policy and to share this information in formats that are useful and accessible to educators, parents, policymakers, researchers, and the public. Learn more at <strong><u><a href="" data-new-window="true" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong></strong></a></u></strong>.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Sponsor of the Digital Learning Challenge</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">The Institute of Education Sciences (IES)</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Sponsor of the Digital Learning Challenge</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="The Schmidt Family Foundation&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">The Schmidt Family Foundation&#xA0;</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><br></p></div> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">The Schmidt Family Foundation&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5"></p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="The Tony Robbins Foundation"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">The Tony Robbins Foundation</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>For over 30 years, Tony Robbins’ passion has been helping people break through and take their lives to new levels — no matter how successful they already are — in the areas that matter most: their businesses, personal finance, intimate relationships, families, careers and health.</p> <p>Tony has received honors from the United Nations, Forbes, Accenture, American Express and Harvard Business School. As a peak performance strategist, Tony has helped over 50 million people from more than 100 countries transform their lives through his live events, books, audio programs, health products and personal coaching. What began as Tony's individual effort to feed families in need has grown into the nonprofit Anthony Robbins Foundation, which provides assistance to underserved youth, low-income families, senior citizens and the homeless. The foundation's International Basket Brigade provides baskets of food and household items for an estimated two million people annually in countries all over the world.</p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor of the Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">The Tony Robbins Foundation</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor of the Global Learning XPRIZE</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src="" alt="The Tony Robbins Foundation&#xA0;"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">The Tony Robbins Foundation&#xA0;</h4> <a href="" class="cta cta--tertiary sponsor-detail__ext-link">View Website <i class="fas fa-external-link-square-alt sponsor-detail__ext-link-icon"></i></a> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Founded in 1991, The Tony Robbins Foundation is a nonprofit organization created to empower individuals and organizations to make a significant difference in the quality of life of people often forgotten. Through global programs and initiatives, The Tony Robbins Foundation is dedicated to creating positive changes in the lives of youth, seniors, the hungry, homeless and the imprisoned population. </p> <p>The Foundation helps provide millions of meals globally each year, has awarded over 2,000 grants and other resources to health and human services organizations, implemented curriculum in 1,700 plus correctional facilities and gathered thousands of young leaders from around the world with its teen programs. </p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Benefactor of XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">The Tony Robbins Foundation&#xA0;</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Benefactor of XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt="Thermo Fisher Scientific"> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;">Thermo Fisher Scientific</h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p>Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with annual revenue exceeding $25 billion. Our Mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Whether our customers are accelerating life sciences research, solving complex analytical challenges, improving patient diagnostics and therapies or increasing productivity in their laboratories, we are here to support them. Our global team of more than 75,000 colleagues delivers an unrivaled combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and pharmaceutical services through our industry-leading brands, including Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific, Unity Lab Services and Patheon. For more information visit <a href=""></a></p></div> <h5 class="cta">Affiliation</h5> <p class="">Supporting Partner</p> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold">Thermo Fisher Scientific</p> <p class="messina messina--5">Supporting Partner</p> </figcaption> </figure> <figure class="sponsor-card"> <div class="sponsor-card__image"> <img src=";auto=format" alt=""> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail"> <div class="container"> <svg class="sponsor-detail__close icon--close"> <use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--close" /> </svg> <div class="sponsor-detail__name"> <h4 class="display display--4" style="white-space: initial;"></h4> </div> <div class="sponsor-detail__about"> <h5 class="cta">About</h5> <div class="sponsor-detail__bio"><p><a href=""></a> represents the philanthropic efforts of Walmart and the Walmart Foundation. By leaning in where our business has unique strengths, we work to tackle key social issues and collaborate with others to spark long-lasting systemic change. Walmart has stores in 27 countries, employing more than 2 million associates and doing business with thousands of suppliers who, in turn, employ millions of people. <a href=""></a> is helping people live better by supporting programs that work to accelerate upward job mobility for frontline workers, address hunger and make healthier, more sustainably-grown food a reality, and build strong communities where Walmart operates. To learn more, visit <a href=""></a> or find us on Twitter @walmartorg.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <figcaption> <p class="messina messina--4 messina--bold"></p> <p class="messina messina--5"></p> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </section> </section> <section> <p><a href="/about/benefactors/the-vision-circle"><div class="bottom-nav"><p class="bottom-nav__heading display">Next</p><div class="bottom-nav__details"><p class="bottom-nav__sub-heading heading">Vision Circle</p><svg class="bottom-nav__arrow icon--arrow-right"><title>Next arrow</title><use xlink:href="/svg/icons.svg#icon--arrow-right"></use></svg></div></div></a></p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="xp-container-footer"> <div class="donate-fixed"> <a class="nav__cta cta cta--primary" href="/donate">Donate</a> </div> <footer class="footer" style="display: none;"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-6 col-xl-7"> <blockquote class="footer__blockquote blockquote"> <p class="blockquote__quote" style="text-transform:uppercase">The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it's a crazy idea.</p> <cite> <p class="blockquote__citation"> Peter H. 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