LISTSERV lists by country

<title>LISTSERV lists by country</title> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#FF0000"> <font size="-2" face="Arial,Helvetica"><b>Looking for mailing list software? Learn more about: <a href="">LISTSERV email list management software</a> &#149; <a href="">LISTSERV Maestro email marketing software</a></b></font><br> <table> <tr><td><a href=""> <img src="/images/logo-left.gif" border=0 alt="L-Soft - Home of the LISTSERV mailing list manager"></a> <td><img src="/images/HDR-lsoft.gif" border=0 usemap="#HDRMAP"> </table> <hr> <center> <h1>LISTSERV<sup>&#174;</sup> lists by host country</h1> </center> <hr> <p>Clicking on the name of a country will bring up a list of all the lists hosted in that country.<br> &nbsp; <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=??&C=??">??</a> (2 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=AU&C=Australia">Australia</a> (249 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=AT&C=Austria">Austria</a> (29 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=BE&C=Belgium">Belgium</a> (1,793 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=CA&C=Canada">Canada</a> (1,590 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=EU&C=EU">EU</a> (39 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=FR&C=France">France</a> (1,311 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=DE&C=Germany">Germany</a> (133 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=IE&C=Ireland">Ireland</a> (25 lists) <br>Israel (2,966 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=IT&C=Italy">Italy</a> (32 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=NL&C=Netherlands">Netherlands</a> (134 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=NZ&C=New+Zealand">New Zealand</a> (9 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=QA&C=Qatar">Qatar</a> (1 list) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=SE&C=Sweden">Sweden</a> (17 lists) <br><a href="/scripts/wl.exe?XC=UK&C=United+Kingdom">United Kingdom</a> (10 lists) <br>United States (34,645 lists) <p> <hr> <a href="/catalist.html"> <img align=right border=0 src="/lists/catalist-bottom.gif" alt="CataList email list search"> </a> <a href=""> <img align=right border=0 src="/lists/listserv-bottom.gif" alt="LISTSERV email list manager"> </a> <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-1"><b> Learn more about: <a href="">Announcement Lists</a> &#149; <a href="">Discussion Groups</a> &#149; <a href="">Email Marketing</a> </b></font><p> <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size="-2"> <a href="">LISTSERV</a> is a registered trademark licensed to <a href="">L-Soft international, Inc.</a> <br> <a href="">CataList</a> is a service mark of <a href="">L-Soft international, Inc.</a> <p> <a href="">Last update:</a> 3 Dec 2024 12:00 -0500 (46,361 lists, 891 sites)<br> &#169; L-Soft international, Inc. 2024 </font>

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