Cheap Hotels in Seoul from 64US$ ( 2024 Edition)
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viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.06 13.78C10.1867 13.78 10.3133 13.7333 10.4133 13.6333C10.6067 13.44 10.6067 13.12 10.4133 12.9267L6.06668 8.58001C5.74668 8.26001 5.74668 7.74001 6.06668 7.42001L10.4133 3.07335C10.6067 2.88001 10.6067 2.56001 10.4133 2.36668C10.22 2.17335 9.90002 2.17335 9.70668 2.36668L5.36002 6.71335C5.02002 7.05335 4.82668 7.51335 4.82668 8.00001C4.82668 8.48668 5.01335 8.94668 5.36002 9.28668L9.70668 13.6333C9.80668 13.7267 9.93335 13.78 10.06 13.78Z"/> </svg> </div> <span class="text-secondary-950">Cheap Hotels in Seoul</span> </div> </div> <div class="trawell-post__main"> <div class="w-full border-b border-solid border-neutral-200 py-2.5 mb-10 js-clk-open" data-type="filters"> <div class="flex items-center flex-wrap gap-x-10 gap-y-2.5 w-full px-9 md:px-5 md:gap-1 md:grid md:grid-cols-3"> <div class="group relative flex items-center gap-2.5"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal 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md:hidden md:group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">Up to 100$</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">$100 - 200</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">From $200</div> </div> </div> <div class="group relative flex items-center gap-2.5 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal text-nowrap md:text-sm md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:rounded-md md:p-2.5 md:w-full"> <span class="md:hidden">Rating:</span> <span class="hidden md:inline">Guest rating</span> <svg class="hidden fill-secondary-950 transition-transform md:block md:group-hover:rotate-180" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 bg-white md:absolute md:flex-col md:items-start md:top-full md:left-0 md:z-10 md:w-full md:p-2.5 md:rounded-md md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:gap-2.5 md:hidden md:group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">Excellent 9+</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">Very good 8+</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">Good 7+</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">All ratings</div> </div> </div> <div class="group relative flex items-center gap-2.5 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal text-nowrap md:text-sm md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:rounded-md md:p-2.5 md:w-full"> <span class="md:hidden">Star rating:</span> <span class="hidden md:inline">Star rating</span> <svg class="hidden fill-secondary-950 transition-transform md:block md:group-hover:rotate-180" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.50001 11.7C8.03335 11.7 7.56668 11.5201 7.21335 11.1667L2.86668 6.82005C2.67335 6.62672 2.67335 6.30672 2.86668 6.11338C3.06001 5.92005 3.38001 5.92005 3.57335 6.11338L7.92001 10.4601C8.24001 10.7801 8.76001 10.7801 9.08001 10.4601L13.4267 6.11338C13.62 5.92005 13.94 5.92005 14.1333 6.11338C14.3267 6.30672 14.3267 6.62672 14.1333 6.82005L9.78668 11.1667C9.43335 11.5201 8.96668 11.7 8.50001 11.7Z"/> </svg> </div> <div class="flex items-center gap-1 bg-white md:absolute md:flex-col md:items-start md:top-full md:left-0 md:z-10 md:w-full md:p-2.5 md:rounded-md md:border md:border-solid md:border-neutral-200 md:gap-2.5 md:hidden md:group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">5-stars</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">4-stars</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">3-stars</div> <div class="flex items-center h-10 text-nowrap text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal rounded-md border border-solid border-neutral-200 p-2 cursor-pointer transition-colors hover:bg-secondary-0 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:border-secondary-600 md:border-0 md:p-0 md:h-auto md:hover:bg-inherit">Unrated</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full px-9 md:px-5"> <div class="flex justify-between gap-8 md:flex-col"> <div class="mb-8 flex-shrink-0"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4 xl:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-1 js-extra-hotels"> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="signiel-seoul" data-bhotel-id="signiel-seoul" data-lat="37.512703" data-lng="127.102439" data-price = "546US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (65)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Signiel Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">6.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">546US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2126729"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="park-hyatt-seoul" data-bhotel-id="park-hyatt-seoul" data-lat="37.50865" data-lng="127.06404" data-price = "302US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (68)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Park Hyatt Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">302US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal 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.extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="oriens-hotel-residences-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="oriens-hotel-residences-myeongdong" data-lat="37.5599" data-lng="126.99099" data-price = "47US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (140)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Oriens Hotel & Residences Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">47US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1296885"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="conrad-seoul" data-bhotel-id="conrad-seoul" data-lat="37.525724" data-lng="126.926122" data-price = "307US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (90)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Conrad Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">307US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="433855"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="capace-hotel-gangnam" data-bhotel-id="capace-hotel-gangnam" data-lat="37.5015" data-lng="127.04109" data-price = "81US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (46)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Capace Hotel Gangnam</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">81US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1900388"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="le-meridien-seoul" data-bhotel-id="le-meridien-seoul" data-lat="37.50502" data-lng="127.02739" data-price = "223US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (36)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Le Meridien Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">3.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">223US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="249945"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-new-oriental-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="hotel-new-oriental-myeongdong" data-lat="37.56038" data-lng="126.983604" data-price = "89US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (43)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel New Oriental Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">89US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="571340"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-prince-seoul" data-bhotel-id="hotel-prince-seoul" data-lat="37.560734" data-lng="126.98626" data-price = "55US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (115)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Prince Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">55US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="286445"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="grand-intercontinental-seoul-parnas-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="grand-intercontinental-seoul-parnas-an-ihg-hotel" data-lat="37.509" data-lng="127.061" data-price = "198US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (110)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Grand Intercontinental Seoul Parnas, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">198US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="99219"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="lotte-city-hotel-mapo" data-bhotel-id="lotte-city-hotel-mapo" data-lat="37.54487" data-lng="126.95063" data-price = "120US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (322)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Lotte City Hotel Mapo</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">2.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">120US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="236292"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="ibis-ambassador-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="ibis-ambassador-myeongdong" data-lat="37.564285" data-lng="126.98272" data-price = "65US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (304)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ibis Ambassador Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">65US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="99177"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="ena-suite-hotel-namdaemun" data-bhotel-id="ena-suite-hotel-namdaemun" data-lat="37.56228" data-lng="126.9736" data-price = "107US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (235)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ena Suite Hotel Namdaemun</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">107US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2890283"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="the-plaza-seoul-autograph-collection" data-bhotel-id="the-plaza-seoul-autograph-collection" data-lat="37.564729" data-lng="126.977952" data-price = "185US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (195)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">The Plaza Seoul, Autograph Collection</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">185US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="256093"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="l7-hongdae-by-lotte" data-bhotel-id="l7-hongdae-by-lotte" data-lat="37.555401" data-lng="126.921479" data-price = "114US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (165)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">L7 Hongdae By Lotte</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">3.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">114US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2924478"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="shilla-stay-gwanghwamun-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="shilla-stay-gwanghwamun-myeongdong" data-lat="37.572724" data-lng="126.980844" data-price = "99US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (115)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Shilla Stay Gwanghwamun Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">99US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1584641"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="fairfield-by-marriott-seoul" data-bhotel-id="fairfield-by-marriott-seoul" data-lat="37.51716" data-lng="126.90911" data-price = "89US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (62)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Fairfield By Marriott Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">89US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3358607"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-pj-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="hotel-pj-myeongdong" data-lat="37.56439" data-lng="126.99576" data-price = "78US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (445)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Pj Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">78US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="253999"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel28-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="hotel28-myeongdong" data-lat="37.564369" data-lng="126.98391" data-price = "149US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (155)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel28 Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">149US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1850621"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="ibis-styles-ambassador-seoul-myeong-dong" data-bhotel-id="ibis-styles-ambassador-seoul-myeong-dong" data-lat="37.561626" data-lng="126.98908" data-price = "71US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (144)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ibis Styles Ambassador Seoul Myeong-Dong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">71US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1233651"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="ryse-autograph-collection-seoul" data-bhotel-id="ryse-autograph-collection-seoul" data-lat="37.554406" data-lng="126.921213" data-price = "146US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (142)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ryse, Autograph Collection, Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">3.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">146US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="242501"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="moxy-seoul-insadong-by-marriott" data-bhotel-id="moxy-seoul-insadong-by-marriott" data-lat="37.57241" data-lng="126.98931" data-price = "193US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (131)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Moxy Seoul Insadong By Marriott</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">193US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="311537"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="ocloud-hotel-gangnam" data-bhotel-id="ocloud-hotel-gangnam" data-lat="37.50301" data-lng="127.02376" data-price = "68US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (116)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ocloud Hotel Gangnam</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">68US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1191809"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="nine-tree-premier-hotel-myeongdong-2" data-bhotel-id="nine-tree-premier-hotel-myeongdong-2" data-lat="37.5645" data-lng="126.991" data-price = "307US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (189)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Nine Tree Premier Hotel Myeongdong 2</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">307US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2134603"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-skypark-central-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="hotel-skypark-central-myeongdong" data-lat="37.564604" data-lng="126.985111" data-price = "98US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (232)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Skypark Central Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">98US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="426931"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="mayfield-hotel-seoul" data-bhotel-id="mayfield-hotel-seoul" data-lat="37.547455848932096" data-lng="126.81862819194801" data-price = "139US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (222)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Mayfield Hotel Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">9.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">139US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="237755"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-gracery-seoul" data-bhotel-id="hotel-gracery-seoul" data-lat="37.561595" data-lng="126.97685" data-price = "70US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (201)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Gracery Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">70US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3495177"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="intercontinental-seoul-coex-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="intercontinental-seoul-coex-an-ihg-hotel" data-lat="37.5129401827204" data-lng="127.057360158302" data-price = "190US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (100)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Intercontinental Seoul Coex, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">190US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="247373"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="amanti-hotel-seoul" data-bhotel-id="amanti-hotel-seoul" data-lat="37.557178" data-lng="126.918603" data-price = "213US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (67)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Amanti Hotel Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">3.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">213US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1777818"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="g2-hotel-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="g2-hotel-myeongdong" data-lat="37.56334" data-lng="126.99028" data-price = "186US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (114)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">G2 Hotel Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">186US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2218946"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="l7-myeongdong-by-lotte" data-bhotel-id="l7-myeongdong-by-lotte" data-lat="37.56129294" data-lng="126.986956" data-price = "113US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (183)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">L7 Myeongdong By Lotte</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">113US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1446347"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-skypark-kingstown-dongdaemun" data-bhotel-id="hotel-skypark-kingstown-dongdaemun" data-lat="37.568718" data-lng="127.007669" data-price = "101US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (93)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Skypark Kingstown Dongdaemun</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">101US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1778038"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-cappuccino" data-bhotel-id="hotel-cappuccino" data-lat="37.506824700024275" data-lng="127.03152588724134" data-price = "103US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (88)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Cappuccino</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">103US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1489135"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="shilla-stay-yeoksam" data-bhotel-id="shilla-stay-yeoksam" data-lat="37.504788" data-lng="127.041314" data-price = "108US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (77)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Shilla Stay Yeoksam</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">108US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1103475"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="glad-mapo" data-bhotel-id="glad-mapo" data-lat="37.543115" data-lng="126.95133" data-price = "76US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (137)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Glad Mapo</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">2.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">76US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3112926"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="mondrian-seoul-itaewon" data-bhotel-id="mondrian-seoul-itaewon" data-lat="37.5286" data-lng="126.993" data-price = "115US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (67)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Mondrian Seoul Itaewon</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">115US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="716761"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="amid-hotel-seoul" data-bhotel-id="amid-hotel-seoul" data-lat="37.57247" data-lng="126.98428" data-price = "47US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (221)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Amid Hotel Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">1.3 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">47US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="431886"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-peyto-samseong" data-bhotel-id="hotel-peyto-samseong" data-lat="37.5083963" data-lng="127.0588294" data-price = "73US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (101)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Peyto Samseong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">73US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1502223"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="fraser-place-namdaemun-seoul" data-bhotel-id="fraser-place-namdaemun-seoul" data-lat="37.5613" data-lng="126.976381" data-price = "124US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (204)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Fraser Place Namdaemun Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">124US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="546418"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="travelodge-myeongdong-namsan" data-bhotel-id="travelodge-myeongdong-namsan" data-lat="37.562522" data-lng="126.990622" data-price = "83US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (184)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Travelodge Myeongdong Namsan</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">83US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1175339"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="sejong-hotel-seoul-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="sejong-hotel-seoul-myeongdong" data-lat="37.561274" data-lng="126.987973" data-price = "168US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (165)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Sejong Hotel Seoul Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">168US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="269734"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="courtyard-by-marriott-seoul-namdaemun" data-bhotel-id="courtyard-by-marriott-seoul-namdaemun" data-lat="37.56115" data-lng="126.97697" data-price = "179US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (76)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Courtyard By Marriott Seoul Namdaemun</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">179US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1752583"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="oakwood-premier-coex-center" data-bhotel-id="oakwood-premier-coex-center" data-lat="37.51091" data-lng="127.05776" data-price = "172US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (70)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Oakwood Premier Coex Center</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">172US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="556049"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="voco-seoul-myeongdong-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="voco-seoul-myeongdong-an-ihg-hotel" data-lat="37.5585" data-lng="126.9786" data-price = "75US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (141)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Voco Seoul Myeongdong, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">75US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1745011"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="metro-hotel-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="metro-hotel-myeongdong" data-lat="37.56503" data-lng="126.9837" data-price = "308US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (138)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Metro Hotel Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.8 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">308US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1104125"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="shilla-stay-mapo-hongdae" data-bhotel-id="shilla-stay-mapo-hongdae" data-lat="37.542984" data-lng="126.949767" data-price = "81US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (117)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Shilla Stay Mapo Hongdae</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">2.4 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">81US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1371720"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="fairmont-ambassador-seoul" data-bhotel-id="fairmont-ambassador-seoul" data-lat="37.52552" data-lng="126.92884" data-price = "256US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 7.8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (6)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Fairmont Ambassador Seoul</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">3.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">256US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="6958138"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="shilla-stay-guro-guro-digital-complex-station" data-bhotel-id="shilla-stay-guro-guro-digital-complex-station" data-lat="37.485665" data-lng="126.904427" data-price = "65US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (97)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Shilla Stay Guro - Guro Digital Complex Station</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">6.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">65US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1587281"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="hotel-peyto-gangnam" data-bhotel-id="hotel-peyto-gangnam" data-lat="37.486486" data-lng="127.032627" data-price = "83US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (73)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Hotel Peyto Gangnam</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">83US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1390032"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="lescape-hotel" data-bhotel-id="lescape-hotel" data-lat="37.55959" data-lng="126.97934" data-price = "189US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (69)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">L'Escape Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.7 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">189US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3515237"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="ibis-styles-ambassador-seoul-yongsan" data-bhotel-id="ibis-styles-ambassador-seoul-yongsan" data-lat="37.532284" data-lng="126.961739" data-price = "83US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.6 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (68)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Ibis Styles Ambassador Seoul Yongsan</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">2.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">83US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2480989"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="lotte-hotel-seoul-executive-tower" data-bhotel-id="lotte-hotel-seoul-executive-tower" data-lat="37.5653" data-lng="126.98098" data-price = "476US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (64)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Lotte Hotel Seoul Executive Tower</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">476US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3429930"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="holiday-inn-express-seoul-hongdae-an-ihg-hotel" data-bhotel-id="holiday-inn-express-seoul-hongdae-an-ihg-hotel" data-lat="37.55754" data-lng="126.926636" data-price = "127US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (134)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Holiday Inn Express Seoul Hongdae, An Ihg Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">3.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">127US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="3606104"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="novotel-ambassador-seoul-yongsan" data-bhotel-id="novotel-ambassador-seoul-yongsan" data-lat="37.532284" data-lng="126.961739" data-price = "89US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (56)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Novotel Ambassador Seoul Yongsan</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">5</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">2.2 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">89US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2534436"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="glad-gangnam-coex-center" data-bhotel-id="glad-gangnam-coex-center" data-lat="37.50881094" data-lng="127.0644888" data-price = "84US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (114)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Glad Gangnam Coex Center</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5.1 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">84US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2894610"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="travelodge-myeongdong-euljiro" data-bhotel-id="travelodge-myeongdong-euljiro" data-lat="37.566611" data-lng="126.989252" data-price = "45US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (111)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Travelodge Myeongdong Euljiro</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">45US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1370499"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="dormy-inn-seoul-gangnam" data-bhotel-id="dormy-inn-seoul-gangnam" data-lat="37.505655" data-lng="127.029467" data-price = "151US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (110)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Dormy Inn Seoul Gangnam</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">4.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">151US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2043485"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="shilla-stay-seocho-gangnam-station" data-bhotel-id="shilla-stay-seocho-gangnam-station" data-lat="37.48936" data-lng="127.03008" data-price = "80US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (47)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Shilla Stay Seocho Gangnam Station</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">5.0 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">80US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="2164596"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="solaria-nishitetsu-hotel-seoul-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="solaria-nishitetsu-hotel-seoul-myeongdong" data-lat="37.5624638" data-lng="126.9851318" data-price = "196US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.2 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (70)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel Seoul Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.6 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">196US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="1280240"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="seoul-garden-hotel" data-bhotel-id="seoul-garden-hotel" data-lat="37.540783" data-lng="126.948245" data-price = "148US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (241)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Seoul Garden Hotel</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">4</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">2.5 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">148US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="300667"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <style> { box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } .extra-hotel-card__title, .extra-hotel-card.locked .extra-hotel-card__title{ color: #1261ff; } .extra-hotel-card.locked { background-color: #EDF7FF; border: 1px solid #50A8FF; } </style> <div class="group relative flex flex-col w-full max-w-[260px] rounded-md border-neutral-200 border border-solid p-1.5 overflow-hidden transition-shadow md:max-w-full hover:shadow-lg extra-hotel-card js-extra-hotel" id="line-hotel-myeongdong" data-bhotel-id="line-hotel-myeongdong" data-lat="37.565325" data-lng="126.983707" data-price = "124US$" > <img class="rounded-md h-[300px] sm:h-[260px] w-full object-cover" src="" alt="" loading="lazy"> <div class="absolute top-2.5 left-2.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.4 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (36)</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-4 pb-2 px-2"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-1"> <a href="" class="text-lg leading-6 text-secondary-950 font-bold transition-colors max-w-[200px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis cursor-pointer group-hover:text-secondary-600 extra-hotel-card__title">Line Hotel Myeongdong</a> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="shrink-0 fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 relative top-[2px] w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-medium underline">View map</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">·</span> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">0.9 mi City Centre</span> </div> <div class="mb-4"> <span class="text-neutral-600 text-base">From</span> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base ">124US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-sm">/per night</span> </div> </div> <button class="btn group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="rooms" data-bhotel-id="5122151"> <span>Check availability</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .marker.locked, { background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #132968; color: #132968; z-index: 1; } </style> <div class="sticky top-0 w-full h-dvh rounded-md mb-8 overflow-hidden" > <div class="w-full h-dvh" id="mapbox" data-lat="37.56961" data-lng="126.99123"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-neutral-0 mb-14"> <div class="container px-8 py-10"> <p class="text-secondary-950 text-2xl font-bold mb-2.5">Discover Your Perfect Stay</p> <div class="text-secondary-950 font-normal text-base space-y-4"><p>Seoul is a fascinating blend of rich history and modern innovation, making it a must-visit destination for travelers from around the globe. However, exploring this vibrant city doesn’t have to break the bank, especially when it comes to accommodations. In this article, we will guide you through some of the best cheap hotels in Seoul, ensuring you find the perfect place to rest after a day of sightseeing without straining your budget.</p><p>Finding budget-friendly hotels in Seoul allows you to immerse yourself deeper into the local culture and experience the city like a true resident. Many of the cheap accommodations are strategically located near public transit, providing easy access to iconic landmarks such as Gyeongbokgung Palace and the bustling streets of Myeongdong. From charming guesthouses to economical boutique hotels, there’s a wide array of options that won’t skimp on comfort and convenience.</p><p>Additionally, the affordability of cheap hotels in Seoul often means that you can allocate more of your travel budget to delicious street food and exciting adventures. Imagine spending your mornings enjoying traditional Korean breakfast or shopping for unique souvenirs, all while your cozy and cost-effective hotel serves as your reliable home base. Join us as we explore some fantastic recommendations for cheap hotels in Seoul that will elevate your travel experience without inflating your expenses.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="flex items-start lg:flex-wrap"> <article class="w-full mb-10 trawell-post-article post-698529" data-langcode="en" data-bcity-id="-716583" data-city-name="Seoul" > <style> .trawell-hotels-table-container { width: 100%; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .trawell-hotels-table-container { overflow-x: scroll; } } .trawell-hotels-table { font-size: 14px; width: 100%; margin: 40px 0!important; border-radius: 6px; overflow: hidden; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .trawell-hotels-table { font-size: 12px; } } .trawell-hotels-table thead { font-weight: 700; color: #fafafa; background: #4d4c4c; } .trawell-hotels-table thead tr td { vertical-align: middle; word-break: break-word; padding: 15px 8px; } .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td { vertical-align: middle; word-break: break-word; padding: 10px 8px; border: 1px solid #d0cccc; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td:first-child { width: 30%; } } .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td:first-of-type a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .trawell-hotels-table tbody tr td ul{ list-style: disc; padding: 0px 0 0 15px; } .trawell-hotels-table button { display: block; width: 100%; color: #fafafa; letter-spacing: .1px; padding: 6px 5px; margin: 0; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 5px; background: var(--accent-color); } </style> <div class="trawell-hotels-table-container" id="trawell-hotels-table"> <table class="trawell-hotels-table"> <thead> <tr> <td> <span>Name of hotel</span> </td> <td style="width: 135px;"> <span>Booking Rating</span> </td> <td style="width: 100px;"> <span>Price, $</span> </td> <td style="width: 160px;"></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <a href="#grid-inn-hotel" class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="2087141" data-open-once data-open-passive>Grid Inn Hotel</a> </td> <td> <p> 8.5 / 10 </p> <p> (1204 Reviews)</p> </td> <td> <span>From 77US$</span> </td> <td> <button class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="2087141">Check Price</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="#hotel-thomas-myeongdong" class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="2921891" data-open-once data-open-passive>Hotel Thomas Myeongdong</a> </td> <td> <p> 8.7 / 10 </p> <p> (3121 Reviews)</p> </td> <td> <span>From 68US$</span> </td> <td> <button class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="2921891">Check Price</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="#hotel-first-stay" class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="2174835" data-open-once data-open-passive>Hotel First Stay</a> </td> <td> <p> 7.9 / 10 </p> <p> (549 Reviews)</p> </td> <td> <span>From 64US$</span> </td> <td> <button class="js-clk-open" data-type="table" data-bhotel-id="2174835">Check Price</button> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="my-14 grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:grid-cols-1"> <div class="group bg-white border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md p-1.5 transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg js-bhotel-item" id="grid-inn-hotel" data-id="1297553" data-lat="37.56961" data-lng="126.99123"> <div class="flex md:flex-col"> <div class="relative overflow-hidden flex rounded-md h-[260px] max-w-[200px] md:max-w-full simple-lightbox"> <div class="flex cursor-pointer lg:w-full" data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="0" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > <img class=" object-cover lg:w-full" width="100%" height="100%" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/> </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="1" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="2" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="3" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="4" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="5" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="6" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="7" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="8" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="9" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="10" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="11" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="12" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div 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data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="18" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="19" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="20" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="21" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="22" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="23" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="24" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="25" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="26" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="27" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="28" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="29" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="30" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="31" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="32" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="33" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="34" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="35" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="36" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="37" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="38" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="39" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="40" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="41" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="42" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="43" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="44" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="45" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="46" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="47" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="48" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="49" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="50" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="51" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="52" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="53" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="54" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="55" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="56" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="57" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="58" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="59" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="60" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="61" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="62" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="63" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="64" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="gallerygrid-inn-hotel" data-image-number="65" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="grid-inn-hotel" > </div> <div class="absolute top-1.5 left-1.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.5 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (1204)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 w-full max-w-[430px] lg:max-w-full md:px-2 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 mb-4"> <h3 class="text-secondary-950 text-lg font-bold cursor-pointer max-w-[350px] xl:max-w-[250px] lg:max-w-[350px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600 js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="2087141">Grid Inn Hotel</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">9-6, Jong-Ro18-Gil, Jongno-Gu</span> </div> <div class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal line-clamp-3 mb-4"> <div> Grid Inn Hotel combines stylish design with affordability, making it one of the standout cheap hotels in Seoul. Located near popular shopping districts and cultural sites, it provides easy access to the vibrant heart of the city. Each room is fitted with comfortable bedding and essential amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. Guests can enjoy a rooftop terrace, providing a unique space to relax and unwind after exploring Seoul. The friendly staff is always on hand to assist with travel tips and recommendations, enhancing your overall experience. With its great location and modern facilities, Grid Inn Hotel is a fantastic option for travelers looking to stretch their budget. </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between border-t border-solid border-neutral-200 pt-4 mt-auto"> <div> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-sm font-normal">From</p> <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-bold mr-1">77US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal">/per night</span> </div> <span></span> </div> <button class="btn !p-2.5 !w-36 !justify-between h-9 gap-2 group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="2087141" > <span>Check rates</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="group bg-white border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md p-1.5 transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg js-bhotel-item" id="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-id="1297557" data-lat="37.563203" data-lng="126.978288"> <div class="flex md:flex-col"> <div class="relative overflow-hidden flex rounded-md h-[260px] max-w-[200px] md:max-w-full simple-lightbox"> <div class="flex cursor-pointer lg:w-full" data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="0" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > <img class=" object-cover lg:w-full" width="100%" height="100%" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/> </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="1" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="2" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="3" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="4" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="5" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="6" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="7" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="8" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="9" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div 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data-image-number="96" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="97" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="98" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-thomas-myeongdong" data-image-number="99" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-thomas-myeongdong" > </div> <div class="absolute top-1.5 left-1.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 8.7 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Excellent </span> <span> (3121)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 w-full max-w-[430px] lg:max-w-full md:px-2 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 mb-4"> <h3 class="text-secondary-950 text-lg font-bold cursor-pointer max-w-[350px] xl:max-w-[250px] lg:max-w-[350px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600 js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="2921891">Hotel Thomas Myeongdong</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">26, Sejong-Daero 16-Gil, Jung-Gu</span> </div> <div class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal line-clamp-3 mb-4"> <div> Nestled in the lively Myeongdong district, Hotel Thomas Myeongdong is another excellent find among the cheap hotels in Seoul. This hotel offers a perfect mix of convenience and comfort, with spacious rooms that include essential amenities like air conditioning and free Wi-Fi. Its proximity to popular shopping streets and iconic attractions like N Seoul Tower makes it an ideal base for exploring the city. Guests will enjoy the breakfast options, providing a delightful start to their day of sightseeing. The hotel’s modern decor and cleanliness create a welcoming environment for all visitors. With competitive rates and a fantastic location, Hotel Thomas Myeongdong is a smart choice for budget travelers. </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between border-t border-solid border-neutral-200 pt-4 mt-auto"> <div> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-sm font-normal">From</p> <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-bold mr-1">68US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal">/per night</span> </div> <span></span> </div> <button class="btn !p-2.5 !w-36 !justify-between h-9 gap-2 group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="2921891" > <span>Check rates</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-span-2 mt-14 mb-8 lg:col-span-1 md:mt-10"> <h2 class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-2xl mb-2.5 " id="cheap-hotels-in-seoul">Cheap Hotels in Seoul</h2> <p class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-normal col-span-2 lg:col-span-1">When traveling to Seoul, finding a budget-friendly accommodation that does not compromise on comfort is essential. The hotels featured in this section provide cozy environments and friendly amenities, ensuring you have a restful stay without burdening your wallet. From hospitable guesthouses to simple yet elegant hotels, these options highlight the diversity among the cheap hotels in Seoul. Ideal for travelers looking for practical choices, each of these accommodations has been selected for its value and comfort, allowing you to enjoy your trip fully. Get ready to experience the best of Seoul while keeping your expenses in check with these fantastic selections. Each hotel offers convenient access to the city’s key attractions, making it easier for you to explore.</p> </div> <div class="group bg-white border border-solid border-neutral-200 rounded-md p-1.5 transition-shadow hover:shadow-lg js-bhotel-item" id="hotel-first-stay" data-id="1297562" data-lat="37.5595018" data-lng="126.8370295"> <div class="flex md:flex-col"> <div class="relative overflow-hidden flex rounded-md h-[260px] max-w-[200px] md:max-w-full simple-lightbox"> <div class="flex cursor-pointer lg:w-full" data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="0" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > <img class=" object-cover lg:w-full" width="100%" height="100%" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/> </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="1" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="2" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="3" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="4" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="5" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="6" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="7" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="8" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="9" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="10" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="11" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="12" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="13" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="14" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="15" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="16" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="17" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="18" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="19" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="20" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="21" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="22" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="23" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="24" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="25" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="26" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="27" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="28" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="29" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="30" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="31" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="32" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="33" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="34" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="35" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="36" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="37" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="38" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="39" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="40" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="41" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="42" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="43" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="44" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="45" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="46" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="47" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="48" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="49" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="50" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="51" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="52" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="53" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="54" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="55" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="56" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div data-fslightbox-link="" data-image-gallery="galleryhotel-first-stay" data-image-number="57" data-type="image" data-open-passive data-open-once data-open-hash="hotel-first-stay" > </div> <div class="absolute top-1.5 left-1.5 flex items-center gap-1 bg-white rounded-md p-1"> <div class="rounded-md bg-[#003B95] px-2 py-0.5 text-white text-xs font-bold"> 7.9 </div> <div class="text-xs text-secondary-950 font-normal"> <span> Very good </span> <span> (549)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 w-full max-w-[430px] lg:max-w-full md:px-2 "> <div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-2 mb-4"> <h3 class="text-secondary-950 text-lg font-bold cursor-pointer max-w-[350px] xl:max-w-[250px] lg:max-w-[350px] overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis transition-colors group-hover:text-secondary-600 js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="2174835">Hotel First Stay</h3> <div class="flex items-center gap-1"> <svg class="fill-primary-600" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_4154_5718)"> <path d="M11.9758 4.59814C11.9484 4.51109 11.8969 4.43355 11.8274 4.37444C11.7578 4.31533 11.673 4.27706 11.5827 4.26401L8.03178 3.74644L6.43976 0.529641C6.39445 0.453626 6.33017 0.39068 6.25323 0.346967C6.17628 0.303255 6.0893 0.280273 6.00081 0.280273C5.91231 0.280273 5.82533 0.303255 5.74839 0.346967C5.67144 0.39068 5.60717 0.453626 5.56186 0.529641L3.96984 3.74644L0.418912 4.26401C0.328583 4.27706 0.243772 4.31533 0.174232 4.37444C0.104693 4.43355 0.0532504 4.51109 0.0258212 4.59814C-0.00346124 4.68486 -0.00793674 4.77804 0.0128994 4.86717C0.0337355 4.95631 0.0790547 5.03785 0.143748 5.1026L2.72505 7.60528L2.11576 11.1431C2.10031 11.2342 2.11052 11.3278 2.14523 11.4134C2.17994 11.499 2.23779 11.5733 2.3123 11.6279C2.38693 11.6811 2.47495 11.7123 2.56641 11.7181C2.65787 11.7239 2.74913 11.704 2.82987 11.6607L6.00081 9.99004L9.1783 11.6607C9.24858 11.6992 9.32743 11.7195 9.4076 11.7196C9.51068 11.7185 9.61105 11.6865 9.69587 11.6279C9.77038 11.5733 9.82823 11.499 9.86294 11.4134C9.89765 11.3278 9.90786 11.2342 9.89241 11.1431L9.27657 7.60528L11.8513 5.1026C11.9171 5.03855 11.9637 4.95734 11.9857 4.86817C12.0077 4.779 12.0043 4.68545 11.9758 4.59814Z" /> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_4154_5718"> <rect width="12" height="12" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-950 font-bold text-base">3</span> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline gap-1 mb-4"> <svg class="fill-secondary-400 w-3 h-3" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.31 4.225C9.78505 1.915 7.77005 0.875 6.00005 0.875C6.00005 0.875 6.00005 0.875 5.99505 0.875C4.23005 0.875 2.21005 1.91 1.68505 4.22C1.10005 6.8 2.68005 8.985 4.11005 10.36C4.64005 10.87 5.32005 11.125 6.00005 11.125C6.68005 11.125 7.36005 10.87 7.88505 10.36C9.31505 8.985 10.895 6.805 10.31 4.225ZM6.00005 6.73C5.13005 6.73 4.42505 6.025 4.42505 5.155C4.42505 4.285 5.13005 3.58 6.00005 3.58C6.87005 3.58 7.57505 4.285 7.57505 5.155C7.57505 6.025 6.87005 6.73 6.00005 6.73Z"/> </svg> <span class="text-secondary-400 text-sm font-normal">797-12 Magok-Dong</span> </div> <div class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal line-clamp-3 mb-4"> <div> First Stay Hotel is a charming accommodation located in the heart of Seoul, ideal for budget-conscious travelers seeking comfort. The hotel boasts tastefully decorated rooms equipped with modern amenities, making it a fantastic choice among cheap hotels in Seoul. Guests will appreciate the warm hospitality and clean facilities that create a welcoming atmosphere. Close to major transit lines, Hotel First Stay allows for easy exploration of nearby attractions. Additionally, the hotel offers free Wi-Fi and breakfast options, enhancing the overall experience without additional costs. With its affordable rates and excellent service, it's a perfect choice for both families and solo travelers. </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between border-t border-solid border-neutral-200 pt-4 mt-auto"> <div> <p class="text-neutral-600 text-sm font-normal">From</p> <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-base font-bold mr-1">64US$</span> <span class="text-secondary-950 text-sm font-normal">/per night</span> </div> <span></span> </div> <button class="btn !p-2.5 !w-36 !justify-between h-9 gap-2 group mt-auto js-clk-open" data-type="property" data-bhotel-id="2174835" > <span>Check rates</span> <svg class="group-hover:translate-x-1 fill-white absolute right-2.5 w-4 h-4 transition" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M9.62004 12.5466C9.49337 12.5466 9.3667 12.5 9.2667 12.4C9.07337 12.2066 9.07337 11.8866 9.2667 11.6933L12.96 7.99996L9.2667 4.30662C9.07337 4.11329 9.07337 3.79329 9.2667 3.59996C9.46004 3.40662 9.78004 3.40662 9.97337 3.59996L14.02 7.64662C14.2134 7.83996 14.2134 8.15996 14.02 8.35329L9.97337 12.4C9.87337 12.5 9.7467 12.5466 9.62004 12.5466Z" /> <path d="M13.5534 8.5H2.33337C2.06004 8.5 1.83337 8.27333 1.83337 8C1.83337 7.72667 2.06004 7.5 2.33337 7.5H13.5534C13.8267 7.5 14.0534 7.72667 14.0534 8C14.0534 8.27333 13.8267 8.5 13.5534 8.5Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-neutral-0 py-14 "> <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-10"> <div> <p class="text-secondary-950 text-2xl font-bold mb-5 md:text-center md:mb-8">Other city in Country</p> <div class=" columns-[4_200px] md:columns-2"> <div class="flex items-baseline "> <span class="hidden mr-2 md:block">•</span> <a class="block text-secondary-950 text-base font-medium mb-4 underline cursor-pointer " href="">Busan</a> </div> <div class="flex items-baseline "> <span class="hidden mr-2 md:block">•</span> <a class="block text-secondary-950 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