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padding-top: .5em"> <div style="background:url(// no-repeat; width: 120px; height:60px; background-size: 120px 60px;"></div> </a> </div> <div class="below_nav"> <h1 id="logo"><a href="/web/20150421214929/"><img src="" width="453" height="50" alt="The Texas Tribune"></a></h1> <time datetime="2015-04-21T16:49:29.825815">Tuesday, April 21, 2015</time> </div> </header> </div> <div class="wrapper content-wrapper"> <div id="site_content" class="content "> <div class="grid"> <div class="cell w-8 main_column"> <article> <header> <h1><a href="/web/20150421214929/">State Medicaid Investigations Produce Paltry Results</a></h1> <ul class="meta separator"><li class="byline"> by <a href="/web/20150421214929/">Terri Langford</a></li><li><time datetime="Sat, 14 Mar 2015 06:00:00 -0500" title="2015-03-14 06:00"> March 14, 2015 </time></li><li class="comments"><a class="comments" href="/web/20150421214929/"><span class="value">28</span><span class="label">Comments</span></a></li></ul> </header> <aside> <ul class="social_links"> <li class="comment"> <a href="/web/20150421214929/" title=""> <i class="icon-comments-alt"></i> <span>Comment</span> </a> </li> <li class="republish"> <a href="/web/20150421214929/"> <i class="icon-share"></i> <span>Republish</span> </a> </li> <li class="email"> <a href="/web/20150421214929/ an article%20that%20you%20might%20be%20interested%20in%20at%20The%20Texas%20Tribune:%20State%20Medicaid%20Probes%20Produce%20Paltry%20Results%2C%20by%20Terri Langford.%20" title="" class="email"> <i class="icon-envelope"></i> <span>Email</span> </a> </li> <li class="twitter"> <a href=" Medicaid Investigations Produce Paltry Results&url=,TribData"> <i class="icon-twitter"></i> <span>Tweet</span> </a> </li> <li class="facebook"> <a href=""> <i class="icon-facebook"></i> <span>Recommend</span> </a> </li> </ul> </aside> <div class="content"> <p>On a rainy day in February three years ago, about 30 men and women recently hired by the state filed into a dull government classroom to begin a week of training for their new positions. </p> <p>Texas funnels a river of federal and state money — at that time $28 billion and change each year — out to doctors, dentists, labs and other medical providers to pay them for treating Medicaid patients. There is little doubt, the trainees were told, that some percentage of it is wasted, paid out by mistake or flat-out stolen by fraudulent providers.</p> <p>As Medicaid investigators for the Office ...</p> <p><a id="content_more" href="/web/20150421214929/" class="more" title="Read full story">Full Story</a></p> </div> </article> <div id="comment_policy"> <header class="smallcaps"> <h1>Comment Policy</h1> </header> <p> The Texas Tribune is pleased to provide the opportunity for you to share your observations about this story. We encourage lively debate on the issues of the day, but we ask that you refrain from using profanity or other offensive speech, engaging in personal attacks or name-calling, posting advertising, or wandering away from the topic at hand. To comment, you must be a registered user of the Tribune, and your user name will be displayed. Thanks for taking time to offer your thoughts. </p> <p class="anonymous_message"> <strong>You must be logged in to leave a comment.</strong> <a href="/web/20150421214929/">Login</a> <script> (function(){ var allScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), currentScript = allScripts[allScripts.length - 1], node = currentScript; while (node = node.previousSibling) { if (node.nodeName == "A"){ node.href += document.location.pathname; break; } }; })(); </script> | <a href="/web/20150421214929/">Sign-Up</a> </p> </div> <section id="comments_container" class="sidebar_block"> <header> <h1>Comments (28)</h1> </header> <ul class="comments"> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:01 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Patrick Scroggin</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">A billion in fraud? Hahahahahaha</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:02 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Bill Blackmon</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">it's only committed by illegals that commit the voter fraud.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:03 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Sean Hightower</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Texas where we'll spend $49 million a year of tax payer money to recover $5 million a year of tax payer money.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:13 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Jefferson Woodruff</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">And the politicians have turned it into a purchasing scandal because it does not support their fixed idea of welfare queens living off the fat of the land.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:30 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Pat Courtney</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">I have applied for work with HHSC before, but avoided jobs that claim to do this.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:43 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Joan Hardy</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Texas politicos did this. They don't want oversite where they can cyphon off the money to 'consultants' who are also their donors.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 12:50 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Gil Baca</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Sounds like drug tests for welfare recipients. Pay 1 million to save a thousand. Tell me that million isn't just welfare to someone else?</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 2:19 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Robert Painter</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Joshua Flynt, this is interesting to read.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 2:55 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">David Maserang</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">But they got such nice badges!</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 3:06 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Jalapeño Schwartz</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">when you barely give out benefits as it is!</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 3:32 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> Jim Vance </span> </p> <p class="comment">So, that highly-touted bit of propaganda that demagogues running for high office repeatedly screamed "huge Medicaid FRAUD!" finally gets revealed for just exactly what it is...a nonzero, but relatively miniscule financial problem dwarfed by the corruption fostered by the crony insiders who were put in charge to go after it.</p> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 3:43 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">James William Tingle</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">They weren't looking very hard. You need medical professionals to help. They wouldn't recognize when they were double billed.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 3:48 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> ellen goldburough </span> </p> <p class="comment">same song different program, one of the programs under HHSC Dr. Janek. programs are duplicated then repeated then reorganized with some new manger's idea that usually means bringing in their old crew and spending money like it grows on trees, tax payers pockets! All the while spewing we are saving the tax payer!!! Spending tax payers dollars for a private company to again do what state staff should be doing, Just where does that money come from and go?? example How many different programs need to look into Nursing Homes to figure out There is Major Problems!!! One comes in and recommends a way to do things then one come in and says not to do it that way and in the mean time Nothing gets done (other than the corporate owner of Nursing Home gets Rich and the private company the state employee have promoted, “encouraged” or just out right sold ) While the patient suffer some of the most disgusting treatment. Given too many dangerous medications, fall and abuse. Stop duplication, stop using tax payers dollars to sell private business products, ideas. Take care of the people that can not speak or defend themselves. STOP The GREED.</p> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 4:21 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Craig Spinn</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Argh! Now we'll have to find new Red Herrings to keep politicians busy.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 4:51 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Karen Spivey-Cummings</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">The GOP gag at a gnat and swallow a fly.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 6:25 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Mike McCarthy</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">abbott</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 7:56 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Glenda Taylor</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Hilarious, but not surprising.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 9:23 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Brian Harper</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">But most of the eye-catching collection numbers — the few Sunset staff have been able to find — have nothing to do with OIG investigators’ work, but instead come from HHSC's health care contractors.<br/><br/>Those contractors are constantly filtering Medicaid claims to make sure patients weren’t already covered by private insurance.<br/><br/>That happens when patients don't know if they have insurance. If, for instance, a teenager lands in the emergency room with a broken arm and has no clue what insurance his or her parents use, the hospital will file a claim under Medicaid. But the state of Texas employs contractors to filter through Medicaid claims, and if that teen was covered by a private insurer, he or she will get the money back from that insurance company.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 14 @ 11:53 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Ellen Sweets</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Raise your hand if you're surprised.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 15 @ 1:02 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Michael Greenburg</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Too many lazy blood suckered on the government tit.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 15 @ 10:03 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Del Wesearch</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">WTH do you expect. They stuffed the disgraced and discredited Allison Taylor who screwed the pooch as head of the Violent Sex Offenders office into this agency instead of firing her outright and possibly prosecuting her.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 15 @ 10:31 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Ben Sanders</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">Anyone else see why the current Income Tax rates are silly, and the only solution is a Flat Consumption tax? As Texas Comptroller I will do everything within the power of that office to ensure all Texans are treated equally under the law.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 15 @ 11:16 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Kerry Brix</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">The Fraudsters pay a lot more than the State does. Get it?</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 15 @ 11:47 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> D W </span> </p> <p class="comment">well our state leaders were looking for fraud by patients, not providers. so they didnt find any thing to speak of</p> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 15 @ 10:05 p.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Melissa Perez</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">#ers#boa #texas comptroller'soffice</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 16 @ 8:07 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> Christie Ellis </span> </p> <p class="comment">It is disappointing to see TT go from publishing quality investigative journalism to agitprop for Medicaid expansion with regard to Medicaid fraud.<br/>Consider the headline "nothing to see here - move along folks" in your future Medicaid fraud bits. Had you really wanted to know the state of affairs, you would have included pertinent facts the like recent 4.5 million settlement with Smile Magic for dental Medicaid fraud charges. You would also have pointed out that many cases are still in the legal process of either settlements or prosecution. But when the goal is a political agenda, you can't let facts get in the way, eh TT?</p> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> <a href=""> <img src=""/> </a> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 16 @ 9:15 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> <a href="">Sam Davis</a> </span> via <a href="">Texas Tribune on Facebook</a> </p> <p class="comment">When a company used my wife's number to overbill Medicaid for $350,000 in 2003, we tried to report it to the state but no one would listen. It's another indication of how dysfunctional Texas is at a state level.</p> <ul class="actions clearfix"> <li><a href=""><span>+</span> Reply</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> <li> <div class="comment_author_image"> </div> <div class="comment_body"> <div class="comment_time"> March 16 @ 9:21 a.m. </div> <p class="byline"> <span class="author"> Jerry Andrews </span> </p> <p class="comment">Typical right wing agenda item - suggest that anything that benefits the poor is wrought with fraud and should be dismantled. See, e.g. drug testing of welfare beneficiaries...99% plus clean test results. More spent chasing the boogie man than saved so politicians can thump their chest about being tough on crime/fraud. No one wants fraud, but, it appears than it would be more efficient to police your own house than to continue haranguing the poor. Example, tens of millions of dollars awarded in no bid contracts and CPRIT awards to folks who contribute to politicians could be saved by having simple ethics rules in place and what do R's do, defund and legislate out of existence the one ethics body designed to stop public corruption, the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County D.A.'s office. </p> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </li> </ul> </section> </div> <div class=" rail cell w-4 hide-for-medium-down"> <section class="trib_newsletter"> <form action="" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate> <header> <h2>Sign Up for The Brief</h2> </header> <p>Our daily news summary</p> <div class="mc-field-group nowrap"> <input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="input_neue required email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="enter your email here"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="btn_neue"> </div> 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