The Best New Comedy Podcast Right Now - June 2024 -

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June 2024</h1><div class="entry-meta"> <span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2024-07-16T10:59:39+00:00">July 16, 2024</time><time class="updated" datetime="2024-07-22T07:26:02+00:00">July 22, 2024</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">Castbox</a></span></span></div> </header> --><div class="entry-content"><style>.blog_header { display: none; } .blog-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 36px; align-items: center; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-style: normal; font-variation-settings: "slnt" 0; } .blog-container * { box-sizing: border-box; } .blog-container body, .blog-container html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } .blog-container .content { width: 1200px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .blog-container .left { width: 800px; } .blog-container .head { width: 100vw; display: flex; color: #fff; background-color: #1d1d1d; padding: 50px 30px 64px; 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} });</script></p><div class="head"><h1 class="blog-title">The Best New Comedy Podcast Right Now &#8211; June 2024</h1><p><img class="cover" src="" /></p></div><div class="content"><div class="left"><p class="introduction">Get ready to laugh, learn, and be challenged! This blog dives into the world of comedy podcasts, exploring a diverse range of topics from UFC controversies and the future of AI to the challenges of staying focused in a world of distractions. Join us as we unpack insightful conversations with renowned actors like John Goodman and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, delve into the ethical implications of performance-enhancing drugs, and even get a glimpse into the personal experiences of those who have faced the social consequences of refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. Whether you&#8217;re looking for a good laugh, a thought-provoking discussion, or a fresh perspective on current events, this blog has something for everyone. So, grab your headphones, settle in, and get ready to be entertained!</p><h2 class="sub-title">The 10 Best Comedy episodes</h2> <section class="ep-list"><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id708154600'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id708154600'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-1" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">Tank Abbott discusses his wild fighting career, including his decision to wear gloves in the UFC, his tumultuous relationship with referee Big John McCarthy, and his near-death experience from liver and kidney failure, which led to a profound shift in his perspective on life.</p><p class="summary">Tank Abbott continues to recount his early days in the UFC, sharing a story about a bar fight that led to him being extorted for money. He then discusses his training regimen, emphasizing that his strength and cardio were not a result of a lack of training despite his heavy drinking. Abbott reiterates his belief that referee Big John McCarthy was biased against him and interfered with his fights, citing a specific instance where McCarthy broke up a fight between him and Oleg Taktarov. He also criticizes the stand-up rule in MMA, arguing that it gives an unfair advantage to strikers and undermines the reality of grappling. Abbott then shares a harrowing account of his near-death experience from liver and kidney failure, detailing his multiple surgeries, his time on dialysis, and his eventual recovery. He reflects on how this experience has changed his perspective on life, making him more appreciative and less narcissistic. The episode concludes with Abbott promoting his trilogy of books, which he wrote by hand and are available on Amazon.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id710105741'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id710105741'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-2" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">#2164 &#8211; Action Bronson</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">The conversation shifts from a discussion about the documentary &#8220;Flint&#8221; to a broader conversation about the impact of globalization on American cities, the ethics of charitable giving, and the future of AI, particularly in the context of pornography and deepfakes.</p><p class="summary">The conversation begins with a discussion about the documentary &#8220;Flint&#8221;, which explores the decline of the city of Flint, Michigan, after the auto factories moved to Mexico. The speakers discuss the impact of globalization on American cities and the ethical implications of companies moving jobs overseas for profit. The conversation then shifts to the topic of charitable giving, specifically the unintended consequences of donating free clothes to developing countries. The speakers argue that such donations can negatively impact local economies by displacing local clothing manufacturers. The conversation then delves into the future of AI, particularly in the context of pornography and deepfakes. The speakers discuss the potential for AI to create realistic deepfakes that could be used to create fake news or to deceive people. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the potential for AI to disrupt various industries, including the porn industry, and the ethical implications of such disruptions.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id711719615'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id711719615'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-3" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">#2166 &#8211; Enhanced Games</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">Dr. Aaron D&#8217;Souza and Christian Agamayo, founders of the Enhanced Games, discuss their vision for a new kind of athletic competition that embraces performance-enhancing drugs and aims to push the boundaries of human potential, and they also discuss the potential for the Enhanced Games to become a major force in the world of sports, attracting top athletes and generating significant revenue.</p><p class="summary">Dr. Aaron D&#8217;Souza and Christian Agamayo, founders of the Enhanced Games, discuss their vision for a new kind of athletic competition that embraces performance-enhancing drugs and aims to push the boundaries of human potential. They argue that the current Olympic system is flawed, with athletes often being exploited and forced to compete in a system riddled with doping. The Enhanced Games would be a transparent and open platform where athletes could compete at their peak, with full disclosure of their enhancement methods. The discussion delves into the ethical and legal implications of performance enhancement, exploring the potential benefits and risks of using substances like steroids and psychedelics. The founders also discuss the potential for the Enhanced Games to revolutionize the way we view body autonomy and the pursuit of human potential. They highlight the scientific and medical rigor behind their project, emphasizing the importance of clinical supervision and data collection. The conversation also touches on the potential for the Enhanced Games to become a major force in the world of sports, attracting top athletes and generating significant revenue. The founders express their confidence in the long-term viability of the project, highlighting their strong financial backing and the growing interest from major brands. They discuss the potential for brand sponsorships, the format of the games, and the potential for athletes to break world records. The conversation also touches on the topic of transgender athletes and the potential for the Enhanced Games to become a platform for transhumanism. The founders discuss the importance of scientific rigor and the need for more research into the potential benefits and risks of performance-enhancing drugs. They also discuss the importance of personal autonomy and the need for individuals to be able to make informed choices about their own bodies.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id711444360'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id711444360'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-4" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">#2165 &#8211; Jack Carr</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">The podcast discusses the challenges of staying focused in a world of distractions, the evolution of technology, and the importance of finding a balance between discipline and enthusiasm, while also exploring the impact of AI on various industries, including filmmaking and writing, and the potential implications for the future of creativity.</p><p class="summary">The podcast delves into the challenges of staying focused in a world of distractions, particularly with the rise of smartphones and social media. The hosts discuss their personal experiences with technology and how they try to maintain a balance between discipline and enthusiasm. They also explore the impact of AI on various industries, including filmmaking and writing, and the potential implications for the future of creativity. The conversation touches upon the importance of real-life experiences in shaping creative work, particularly for authors who draw upon their own backgrounds. The hosts also discuss the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life, and the need for dedicated time for creative pursuits. The podcast concludes with a reflection on the nature of ideas and the potential for a guiding force in both personal and creative endeavors. The hosts discuss the challenges of staying focused in a world of constant distractions, particularly from smartphones and social media. They share their personal experiences with technology and how they try to maintain a balance between discipline and enthusiasm. They also explore the impact of AI on various industries, including filmmaking and writing. They discuss the potential for AI to revolutionize these industries, but also emphasize the importance of human creativity and the unique value of human-generated content. The hosts discuss the importance of real-life experiences in shaping creative work, particularly for authors who draw upon their own backgrounds. They share their own experiences with serving in the military and how those experiences have informed their writing. The hosts discuss their personal strategies for staying motivated and maintaining a positive mindset in their creative endeavors. They emphasize the importance of taking breaks and prioritizing personal time to recharge. The hosts discuss the difficulties of creating believable storylines in a world where surveillance and tracking are ubiquitous. They share their thoughts on the impact of technology on the creative process and the need to adapt to a changing world. The hosts discuss the potential for AI to generate realistic and compelling content, and the implications for the future of creativity. They share their perspectives on the importance of human creativity and the unique value of human-generated content. The hosts discuss the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life, and the need for dedicated time for creative pursuits. They share their personal strategies for managing their time and prioritizing their well-being. The podcast concludes with a reflection on the nature of ideas and the potential for a guiding force in both personal and creative endeavors. The hosts share their thoughts on the mysterious origins of creativity and the possibility of a deeper connection to the creative process.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id712733935'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id712733935'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-5" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Fight Companion &#8211; June 22, 2024</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">The conversation discusses Kelvin Gastelum&#8217;s fighting style, the UFC&#8217;s fighter pay structure, and the legal drama surrounding rapper Young Thug, with a focus on the potential for a future fight between John Jones and Tom Aspinall, and the speaker&#8217;s personal experience with a fight.</p><p class="summary">The conversation begins with an analysis of Kelvin Gastelum&#8217;s fighting style, highlighting his speed, head movement, and ability to withstand punches. The discussion then shifts to the UFC&#8217;s fighter pay structure, with the speakers arguing that the UFC is doing something right in terms of business, but that fighters deserve more pay. The conversation then moves to the legal drama surrounding rapper Young Thug, with the speakers discussing the alleged corruption of the district attorney and the legal maneuvering of Young Thug&#8217;s lawyer. The conversation concludes with a discussion of the potential for a future fight between John Jones and Tom Aspinall, with the speakers debating the merits of each fighter and the potential for a knockout. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about attending a fight and having a lapse in concentration.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id3079504-id707112664'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id3079504-id707112664'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-6" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">&#8220;John Goodman&#8221;</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src="" /></p><p class="summmary">John Goodman, a renowned actor, shares his journey from a struggling theater student to a successful Hollywood star, highlighting his early experiences, collaborations with the Coen brothers, and his perspective on the acting profession.</p><p class="summary">John Goodman, a renowned actor, joins the Smart Less podcast and shares his journey from a struggling theater student to a successful Hollywood star. He recounts his early days in New York, where he faced challenges and setbacks, including a brief stint as a bouncer. He emphasizes the importance of finding his own path and trusting his instincts, even when facing rejection. Goodman discusses his collaborations with the Coen brothers, highlighting their unique creative process and the joy of working with them. He reflects on his career, acknowledging the challenges of maintaining a high level of performance and the importance of staying open and relaxed. Goodman also shares his experiences with stage fright and the importance of staying true to oneself, even when facing adversity. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and trusting one&#8217;s instincts, even when facing adversity.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id713931548'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id713931548'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-7" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">#2169 &#8211; Protect Our Parks 12</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">The podcast continues its discussion about the state of America, with the hosts debating whether the country is in decline and expressing concerns about the growing influence of China and the potential for AI to govern our lives, ultimately leading to a choice between AI or no freedom.</p><p class="summary">The podcast continues its discussion about the state of America, with the hosts debating whether the country is in decline. They express concerns about the growing influence of China, particularly their purchase of American farms and real estate, and the potential for AI to govern our lives. The hosts believe that AI will eventually govern things, leading to a choice between AI or no freedom. This segment is filled with humorous banter and playful teasing, but it also touches upon serious concerns about the future of America and the world.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id714282295'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id714282295'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-8" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">#2170 &#8211; Max Lugavere</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">The podcast discusses the importance of exercise for brain health, the dangers of environmental toxins like trichloroethylene and forever chemicals, and the potential benefits of sauna use and ketone supplementation for Alzheimer&#8217;s disease prevention.</p><p class="summary">The podcast delves into the importance of exercise for brain health, highlighting the benefits of resistance training and cardiovascular exercise for reducing anxiety and improving mental well-being. The discussion then shifts to the dangers of environmental toxins, specifically trichloroethylene found in tap water and forever chemicals in dishwasher pods, emphasizing the need for water filtration and reducing exposure to these compounds. The podcast explores the potential benefits of sauna use for reducing Alzheimer&#8217;s disease risk, as well as the role of ketone supplementation, particularly MCT oil and exogenous ketones, in supporting brain energy needs. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of adopting healthy habits, such as prioritizing whole foods, incorporating exercise snacks, and practicing mindfulness with food consumption, to promote overall health and well-being.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id713563155'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id1608-id713563155'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-9" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">#2168 &#8211; Tyler Fischer</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p><p class="summmary">This episode delves into the guest&#8217;s personal experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, including his decision not to get vaccinated, the social consequences he faced, and his critique of the government&#8217;s handling of the pandemic, while also discussing the broader cultural shifts and societal impacts of the pandemic.</p><p class="summary">The episode continues with a discussion about the COVID-19 pandemic, where the guest shares his personal experience of refusing to get vaccinated and the social consequences he faced. He criticizes the government&#8217;s handling of the pandemic, particularly the mandates and the lack of transparency surrounding the vaccine&#8217;s development. He also discusses the lasting impact of the pandemic on society, including the rise of anxiety and the erosion of trust in institutions. The guest then delves into his own experience with COVID-19, highlighting his rapid recovery after contracting the virus and his belief that the government&#8217;s focus on vaccination as the sole solution was misguided. He argues that other treatments, such as Ivermectin, were demonized to promote the vaccine as the only option. The conversation then shifts to the broader cultural shifts and societal impacts of the pandemic, with the guest expressing concern about the increasing use of AI in government and the potential for it to be used to monitor and control people. He also discusses the rise of cancel culture and the increasing pressure to conform to certain ideologies, particularly in the comedy scene. The guest shares his own experiences of being canceled for his views on the pandemic and for his comedy, highlighting the challenges of navigating a world where free speech is increasingly under attack. The episode concludes with a reflection on the importance of telling the truth and standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5368143-id707737015'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5368143-id707737015'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-10" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Julia Gets Wise with Julie Andrews</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" src=";size=Large" /></p><p class="summmary">Julia Louis-Dreyfus interviews Dame Julie Andrews, discussing her career, her love of nature, her chaotic upbringing, and her perspective on aging and loss.</p><p class="summary">Julia Louis-Dreyfus sits down with Dame Julie Andrews, a true icon, to discuss her extraordinary life and career. They delve into Julie&#8217;s love for hiking and the natural world, her childhood experiences with poverty and alcoholism, and her perspective on aging and loss. Julie shares her unique approach to singing, emphasizing the importance of understanding lyrics and connecting them to personal experiences. She also reflects on her marriage to Blake Edwards, navigating his depressive personality, and the joy of being a grandmother and great-grandmother. The conversation touches on the challenges of typecasting and the importance of finding new ways to express oneself after experiencing loss. Julie&#8217;s wisdom and humor shine through as she shares her insights on life, love, and the power of laughter.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div> </section> <section class="qa-list"><div class="title">Q&amp;A</div><div id="nav-11" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the main theme of this comedy podcast?</h5><p class="answer">This comedy podcast features a variety of topics, ranging from personal anecdotes and social commentary to discussions about current events and pop culture.</p></div><div id="nav-12" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is Tank Abbott&#8217;s perspective on the UFC and its rules?</h5><p class="answer">Tank Abbott believes that referee Big John McCarthy was biased against him and that the stand-up rule in MMA gives an unfair advantage to strikers.</p></div><div id="nav-13" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What are the ethical implications of AI discussed in the podcast?</h5><p class="answer">The podcast explores the potential for AI to create realistic deepfakes that could be used to create fake news or deceive people.</p></div><div id="nav-14" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the vision behind the Enhanced Games?</h5><p class="answer">The Enhanced Games aim to create a new kind of athletic competition that embraces performance-enhancing drugs and pushes the boundaries of human potential.</p></div><div id="nav-15" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What are the challenges of staying focused in a world of distractions?</h5><p class="answer">The podcast discusses the challenges of staying focused in a world of distractions, particularly with the rise of smartphones and social media.</p></div> </section> <section class="related-list"><div class="title">Related Blogs</div><div class="related-wrapper"><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-1").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/top-10-true-crime-podcasts')); })</script></p><div id="related-blog-1" class="blog-item"><div class="cover-wrapper"><img src="" /></div><h5 class="title">Top 10 True Crime Podcasts</h5></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-2").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/the-9-best-pokemon-podcasts-to-help-you-catch-em-all')); })</script></p><div id="related-blog-2" class="blog-item"><div class="cover-wrapper"><img src="" /></div><h5 class="title">The 9 Best Pokemon Podcasts To Help You Catch Em All</h5></div></div> </section></div><div class="right"><div class="nav-container"><h5 class="nav-title">Table of contents:</h5><ul><li id="nav_nav-1"><a href="#nav-1">JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-1").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-2"><a href="#nav-2">#2164 &#8211; Action Bronson</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-2").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-3"><a href="#nav-3">#2166 &#8211; Enhanced Games</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-3").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-4"><a href="#nav-4">#2165 &#8211; Jack Carr</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-4").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-5"><a href="#nav-5">Fight Companion &#8211; June 22, 2024</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-5").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-6"><a href="#nav-6">&#8220;John Goodman&#8221;</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-6").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-7"><a href="#nav-7">#2169 &#8211; Protect Our Parks 12</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-7").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-8"><a href="#nav-8">#2170 &#8211; Max Lugavere</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-8").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-9"><a href="#nav-9">#2168 &#8211; Tyler Fischer</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-9").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-10"><a href="#nav-10">Julia Gets Wise with Julie Andrews</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-10").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-11"><a href="#nav-11">What is the main theme of this comedy podcast?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-11").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-12"><a href="#nav-12">What is Tank Abbott&#8217;s perspective on the UFC and its rules?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-12").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-13"><a href="#nav-13">What are the ethical implications of AI discussed in the podcast?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-13").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-14"><a href="#nav-14">What is the vision behind the Enhanced Games?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-14").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-15"><a href="#nav-15">What are the challenges of staying focused in a world of distractions?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-15").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><!-- .entry-content --></article><!-- #post-2385 --><p class="post-time"> <time datetime="2024-07-16T10:59:39+00:00" itemprop="datePublished">July 16, 2024</time></p></div> </main><!-- #main --></div><!-- #primary --></div><!-- #content --><footer id="colophon" class="site-footer"><div class="container"><div class="footer-d"> <section class="widget footer-widget wp_editor_widget-2"><p><a href="/"><img class="alignnone wp-image-275" src="" alt="" width="134" height="50"></a></p><p class="p1">Castbox is the best free podcast app with over 95 million volumes of content on Android, Apple iPhone, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Carplay and Android Auto.</p><p><a id="index_footer_apple" href=";mt=8&amp;ct=web_index_page"><img class="alignnone wp-image-307" src="" alt="" width="106" height="32"> </a><a id="index_footer_google" href=";referrer=utm_source%3Dcastbox_web%26utm_medium%3Dlink%26utm_campaign%3Dweb_index_page%26utm_content%3D"><img class="alignnone wp-image-308" src="" alt="" width="106" height="32"> </a><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-306" src="" alt="" width="106" height="32"></a></p> </section> <section class="widget footer-widget nav_menu-3"><h2 class="widgettitle">About</h2><div class="menu-about-container"><ul id="menu-about-1" class="menu"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1189"><a href="/castbox-story">About Castbox</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1157"><a href="">Newsroom</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1463"><a href="">FAQs</a></li></ul></div></section><div class="group-widget"> <section id="footer-socials" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">Connect</h2><div class="social-widget"> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/telegram.png"/> <span>Telegram</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Facebook.png"/> <span>Facebook</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Twitter.png"/> <span>Twitter</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Instagram.png"/> <span>Instagram</span> </a></div></section> <section id="footer-socials" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">Mail</h2><div class="social-widget"> <a class="social-item" href=""> </a></div> </section></div></div><div class="footer-m"><div class="group-widget"> <section id="footer-mobile-1" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">About</h2><div class="menu-about-container"><ul id="menu-about-2" class="menu"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1189"><a href="/castbox-story">About Castbox</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1157"><a href="">Newsroom</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1463"><a href="">FAQs</a></li></ul></div></section></div><div class="group-widget"> <section id="footer-mobile-2" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">Connect</h2><div class="social-widget"> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/telegram.png"/> <span>Telegram</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Facebook.png"/> <span>Facebook</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Twitter.png"/> <span>Twitter</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Instagram.png"/> <span>Instagram</span> </a> <a class="social-item" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/email.svg"/> <span></span> </a></div></section></div></div><div class="site-info"> <a href="/policy.html"> Privacy Policy </a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; 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