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Rice in the husk; but the word is also, at least in composition, applied to growing rice. The word appears to have in some measure, a double origin. </p><p>There is a word <i>batty</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#batta" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BATTA</a></span></b>) used by some writers on the west coast of India, which has probably helped to propagate our uses of <i>paddy</i>. This seems to be the Canarese <i>batta</i> or <i>bhatta</i>, 'rice in the husk,' which is also found in Mahr. as <i>bhāt</i> with the same sense, a word again which in Hind. is applied to 'cooked rice.' The last meaning is that of Skt. <i>bhaktā</i>, which is perhaps the original of all these forms. </p><p>But in Malay <i>pādī</i> [according to Mr. Skeat, usually pronounced <i>pădi</i>] Javan. <i>pārī</i>, is 'rice in the straw.' And the direct parentage of the word in India is thus apparently due to the Archipelago; arising probably out of the old importance of the export trade of rice from Java (see <i>Raffles, Java</i>, i. 239-240, and <i>Crawfurd's Hist.</i> iii. 345, and <i>Descript. Dict.</i>, 368). Crawfurd, (<i>Journ. Ind. Arch.</i>, iv. 187) seems to think that the Malayo-Javanese word may have come from India with the Portuguese. But this is impossible, for as he himself has shown (<i>Desc. Dict.</i>, u.s.), the word <i>pārī</i>, more or less modified, exists in all the chief tongues of the Archipelago, and even in Madagascar, the connection of which last with the Malay regions certainly was long prior to the arrival of the Portuguese. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1580.—"Certaine Wordes of the naturall language of Jaua ... <b>Paree,</b> ryce in the huske."—<i>Sir F. Drake's Voyage</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> iv. 246. <p>1598.—"There are also divers other kinds of Rice, of a lesse price, and slighter than the other Ryce, and is called <b>Batte</b>...."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 70; [Hak. Soc. i. 246]. </p><p>1600.—"In the fields is such a quantity of rice, which they call <b>bate,</b> that it gives its name to the kingdom of Calou, which is <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r14515475">.mw-parser-output .wst-pagebreak{clear:both;display:block;break-after:page;page-break-after:always;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .wst-pagebreak>span>span{clear:both;display:block;font-size:83%;border-color:#999999}.mw-parser-output .wst-pagebreak-top>span>span{border-top-width:1px;border-top-style:dashed}.mw-parser-output .wst-pagebreak-bottom>span>span{border-bottom-width:1px;border-bottom-style:dashed}</style><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page650b">page 650b<span id="650b"></span></span></span></span>called on that account <i>Batecalou</i>."—<i>Lucena, Vida do Padre F. Xavier</i>, 121. </p><p>1615.—"... oryzae quoque agri feraces quam <b>Batum</b> incolae dicunt."—<i>Jarric, Thesaurus</i>, i. 461. </p><p>1673.—"The Ground between this and the great Breach is well ploughed, and bears good <b>Batty.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 67, see also 125. But in the Index he has <b>Paddy.</b> </p><p>1798.—"The <b>paddie</b> which is the name given to the rice, whilst in the husk, does not grow ... in compact ears, but like oats, in loose spikes."—<i>Stavorinus</i>, tr. i. 231. </p><p>1837.—"Parrots brought 900,000 loads of hill-<b>paddy</b> daily, from the marshes of Chandata,—mice husking the hill-<b>paddy,</b> without breaking it, converted it into rice."—<i>Turnour's Mahawanso</i>, 22. </p><p>1871.—"In Ireland Paddy makes riots, in Bengal raiyats make <b>paddy</b>; and in this lies the difference between the <b>paddy</b> of green Bengal, and the Paddy of the Emerald Isle."—<i>Govinda Samanta</i>, ii. 25. </p> 1878.—"Il est établi un droit sur les riz et les <b>paddys</b> exportés de la Colonie, excepté pour le Cambodge par la voie du fleuve."—<i>Courrier de Saigon</i>, Sept. 20.</div> <p><br /> <b>PADDY-BIRD,</b> s. The name commonly given by Europeans to certain baser species of the family <i>Ardeidae</i> or Herons, which are common in the rice-fields, close in the wake of grazing cattle. Jerdon gives it as the European's name for the <i>Ardeola leucoptera</i>, Boddaert, <i>andhā baglā</i> ('blind heron') of the Hindus, a bird which is more or less coloured. But in Bengal, if we are not mistaken, it is more commonly applied to the pure white bird—<i>Herodias alba</i>, L., or <i>Ardea Torra</i>, Buch. Ham., and <i>Herodias egrettoides</i>, Temminck, or <i>Ardea putea</i>, Buch. Ham. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1727.—"They have also Store of wild Fowl; but who have a Mind to eat them must shoot them. Flamingoes are large and good Meat. The <b>Paddy-bird</b> is also good in their season."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 161; [ed. 1744, i. 162-3]. 1868.—"The most common bird (in Formosa) was undoubtedly the <b>Padi bird,</b> a species of heron (<i>Ardea prasinosceles</i>), which was constantly flying across the padi, or rice-fields."—<i>Collingwood, Rambles of a Naturalist</i>, 44.</div> <p><br /> <b>PADDY-FIELD,</b> s. A rice-field, generally in its flooded state. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1759.—"They marched onward in the plain towards Preston's force, who, seeing them coming, halted on the other side of a long morass formed by <b>paddy-fields.</b>"—<i>Orme</i>, ed. 1803, iii. 430. <p>1800.—"There is not a single <b>paddy-field</b> in the whole county, but plenty of cotton <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page651a">page 651a<span id="651a"></span></span></span></span>ground (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#regur" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">REGUR</a></b>) swamps, which in this wet weather are delightful."—<i>Wellington</i> to <i>Munro</i>, in <i>Despatches</i>, July 3. </p> 1809.—"The whole country was in high cultivation, consequently the <b>paddy-fields</b> were nearly impassable."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 350.</div> <p><br /> <b>PADRE,</b> s. A priest, clergyman, or minister, of the Christian Religion; when applied by natives to their own priests, as it sometimes is when they speak to Europeans, this is only by way of accommodation, as 'church' is also sometimes so used by them. </p><p>The word has been taken up from the Portuguese, and was of course applied originally to Roman Catholic priests only. But even in that respect there was a peculiarity in its Indian use among the Portuguese. For P. della Valle (see below) notices it as a singularity of their practice at Goa that they gave the title of <i>Padre</i> to secular priests, whereas in Italy this was reserved to the <i>religiosi</i> or regulars. In Portugal itself, as Bluteau's explanation shows, the use is, or was formerly, the same as in Italy; but, as the first ecclesiastics who went to India were monks, the name apparently became general among the Portuguese there for all priests. </p><p>It is a curious example of the vitality of words that this one which had thus already in the 16th century in India a kind of abnormally wide application, has now in that country a still wider, embracing all Christian ministers. It is applied to the Protestant clergy at Madras early in the 18th century. A bishop is known as <b>Lord</b> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#lat" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LAT</a></span></b>) <b>padre.</b> See <b><span style="font-size:92%;">LAT</span></b> <i>Sahib</i>. </p><p>According to Leland the word is used in China in the form <i>pa-ti-li</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1541.—"Chegando á Porta da Igreja, o sahirão a receber oito <b>Padres.</b>"—<i>Pinto</i>, ch. lxix. (see <i>Cogan</i>, p. 85). <p>1584.—"It was the will of God that we found there two <b>Padres,</b> the one an Englishman, and the other a Flemming."—<i>Fitch</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 381. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "... had it not pleased God to put it into the minds of the archbishop and other two <b>Padres</b> of Jesuits of S. Paul's Colledge to stand our friends, we might have rotted in prison."—<i>Newberrie</i>, <i>ibid.</i> ii. 380. </p><p>c. 1590.—"Learned monks also come from Europe, who go by the name of <b>Pádre.</b> They have an infallible head called <i>Pápá</i>. He can change any religious ordinances as <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page651b">page 651b<span id="651b"></span></span></span></span>he may think advisable, and kings have to submit to his authority."—<i>Badāonī</i>, in <i>Blochmann's Āīn</i>, i. 182. </p><p>c. 1606.—"Et ut adesse <b>Patres</b> comperiunt, minor exclamat <b>Padrigi, Padrigi,</b> id est Domine Pater, Christianus sum."—<i>Jarric</i>, iii. 155. </p><p>1614.—"The <b>Padres</b> make a church of one of their Chambers, where they say Masse twice a day."—<i>W. Whittington</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 486. </p><p>1616.—"So seeing Master Terry whom I brought with me, he (the King) called to him, <b>Padre</b> you are very welcome, and this house is yours."—<i>Sir T. Roe</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 564; [Hak. Soc. ii. 385]. </p><p>1623.—"I Portoghesi chiamano anche i preti secolari <b>padri,</b> come noi i religiosi...."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, ii. 586; [Hak. Soc. i. 142]. </p><p>1665.—"They (Hindu Jogis) are impertinent enough to compare themselves with our Religious Men they meet with in the <i>Indies</i>. I have often taken pleasure to catch them, using much ceremony with them, and giving them great respect; but I soon heard them say to one another, This <i>Franguis</i> knows who we are, he hath been a great while in the <i>Indies</i>, he knows that we are the <b>Padrys</b> of the <i>Indians</i>. A fine comparison, said I, within myself, made by an impertinent and idolatrous rabble of Men!"—<i>Bernier</i>, E.T. 104; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 323]. </p><p>1675.—"The <b>Padre</b> (or Minister) complains to me that he hath not that respect and place of preference at Table and elsewhere that is due unto him.... At his request I promised to move it at ye next meeting of ye Councell. What this little Sparke may enkindle, especially should it break out in ye Pulpit, I cannot foresee further than the inflaming of ye dyning Roome w<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">ch</sup> sometimes is made almost intollerable hot upon other Acc<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">ts</sup>."—<i>Mr. Puckle's Diary at Metchlapatam</i>, MS. in India Office. </p><p>1676.—"And whiles the French have no settlement near hand, the keeping French <b>Padrys</b> here instead of Portugueses, destroys the encroaching growth of the Portugall interest, who used to entail Portugalism as well as Christianity on all their converts."—<i>Madras Consns.</i>, Feb. 29, in <i>Notes and Exts.</i> i. p. 46. </p><p>1680.—"... where as at the Dedication of a New Church by the French <b>Padrys</b> and Portugez in 1675 guns had been fired from the Fort in honour thereof, neither <b>Padry</b> nor Portugez appeared at the Dedication of our Church, nor as much as gave the Governor a visit afterwards to give him joy of it."—<i>Ibid.</i> Oct. 28. No. III. p. 37. </p><p>c. 1692.—"But their greatest act of tyranny (at Goa) is this. If a subject of these misbelievers dies, leaving young children, and no grown-up son, the children are considered wards of the State. They take them to their places of worship, their churches ... and the <b>padris,</b> that is to say the priests, instruct the children in the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page652a">page 652a<span id="652a"></span></span></span></span>Christian religion, and bring them up in their own faith, whether the child be a Mussulman <i>saiyid</i> or a Hindú <i>bráhman</i>."—<i>Kháfi Khán</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, vii. 345. </p><p>1711.—"The Danish <b>Padre</b> Bartholomew Ziegenbalgh, requests leave to go to Europe in the first ship, and in consideration that he is head of a Protestant Mission, espoused by the Right Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury ... we have presumed to grant him his passage."—In <i>Wheeler</i>, ii. 177. </p><p>1726.—"May 14. Mr. Leeke went with me to St. Thomas's Mount.... We conversed with an old <b>Padre</b> from Silesia, who had been 27 years in India...."—<i>Diary of the Missionary Schultze</i> (in <i>Notices of Madras</i>, &c., 1858), p. 14. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "May 17. The minister of the King of Pegu called on me. From him I learned, through an interpreter, that Christians of all nations and professions have perfect freedom at Pegu; that even in the Capital two French, two Armenian, and two Portuguese <b>Patres,</b> have their churches...."—<i>Ibid.</i> p. 15. </p><p>1803.—"Lord Lake was not a little pleased at the Begum's loyalty, and being a little elevated by the wine ... he gallantly advanced, and to the utter dismay of her attendants, took her in his arms, and kissed her.... Receiving courteously the proffered attention, she turned calmly round to her astonished attendants—'It is,' said she, 'the salute of a <b>padre</b> (or priest) to his daughter.'"—<i>Skinner's Mil. Mem.</i> i. 293. </p><p>1809.—"The <b>Padre,</b> who is a half cast Portuguese, informed me that he had three districts under him."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 329. </p><p>1830.—"Two fat naked Brahmins, bedaubed with paint, had been importuning me for money ... upon the ground that they were <b>padres.</b>"—<i>Mem. of Col. Mountain</i>, iii. </p> 1876.—"There is <b>Padre</b> Blunt for example,—we always call them <b>Padres</b> in India, you know,—makes a point of never going beyond ten minutes, at any rate during the hot weather."—<i>The Dilemma</i>, ch. xliii.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="padshaw"></span>PADSHAW,</b> <b>PODSHAW,</b> s. Pers.—Hind. <i>pādishāh</i> (Pers. <i>pād</i>, <i>pāt</i> 'throne,' <i>shāh</i>, 'prince'), an emperor; the Great <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mogul_great" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">Mogul</a></b> (q.v.); a king. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1553.—"<b>Patxiah.</b>" See under <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#poorub">POORUB</a>.</b> <p>[1612.—"He acknowledges no <b>Padenshawe</b> or King in Christendom but the Portugals' King."—<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 175.] </p><p>c. 1630.—"... round all the roome were placed tacite Mirzoes, Chauns, Sultans, and Beglerbegs, above threescore; who like so many inanimate Statues sat crosse-legg'd ... their backs to the wall, their eyes to a constant object; not daring to speak to one another, sneeze, cough, spet, or the like, it being held in the <b>Potshaw's</b> presence a sinne of too great presumption."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1638, p. 169. At p. 171 of the same we <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page652b">page 652b<span id="652b"></span></span></span></span>have <b>Potshaugh</b>; and in the edition of 1677, in a vocabulary of the language spoken in Hindustan, we have "King, <b>Patchaw.</b>" And again: "Is the King at Agra?... <b>Punshaw</b> <i>Agrameha</i>?" (<i>Pādishāh Agrā meṅ hai?</i>)—99-100. </p><p>1673.—"They took upon them without controul the Regal Dignity and Title of <b>Pedeshaw.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 166. </p> 1727.—"Aureng-zeb, who is now saluted <b>Pautshaw,</b> or Emperor, by the Army, notwithstanding his Father was then alive."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 175, [ed. 1744].</div> <p><br /> <b>PAGAR,</b> s. </p><p><b>a.</b> This word, the Malay for a 'fence, enclosure,' occurs in the sense of 'factory' in the following passage: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1702.—"Some other out-<b>pagars</b> or Factories, depending upon the Factory of Bencoolen."—<i>Charters of the E.I. Co.</i> p. 324.</div> <p>In some degree analogous to this use is the application, common among Hindustani-speaking natives, of the Hind.—Arab. word <i>iḥāṭa</i>, 'a fence, enclosure,' in the sense of <i>Presidency</i>: <i>Bombay kī</i> [<i>kā</i>] <i>iḥāṭa</i>, <i>Bangāl kī</i> [<i>kā</i>] <i>iḥāta</i>, a sense not given in Shakespear or Forbes; [it is given in Fallon and Platts. Mr. Skeat points out that the Malay word is <i>pāgar</i>, 'a fence,' but that it is not used in the sense of a 'factory' in the Malay Peninsula. In the following passage it seems to mean 'factory stock': </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1615.—"The King says that at her arrival he will send them their house and <b>pagarr</b> upon rafts to them."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iii. 151.]</div> <p><b>b.</b> (<i>pagār</i>). This word is in general use in the Bombay domestic dialect for wages, Mahr. <i>pagār</i>. It is obviously the Port. verb <i>pagar</i>, 'to pay,' used as a substantive. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1875.—"... the heavy-browed sultana of some Gangetic station, whose stern look palpably interrogates the amount of your monthly <b>paggar.</b>"—<i>Wilson, Abode of Snow</i>, 46.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pagoda"></span>PAGODA,</b> s. This obscure and remarkable word is used in three different senses. </p><p><b>a.</b> An idol temple; and also specifically, in China, a particular form of religious edifice, of which the famous "Porcelain tower" of Nanking, now destroyed, may be recalled as typical. In the 17th century we find the word sometimes misapplied to places of Mahommedan worship, as by Faria-y-Sousa, who speaks of the "<b>Pagoda</b> of Mecca." </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page653a">page 653a<span id="653a"></span></span></span></span><b>b.</b> An idol. </p><p><b>c.</b> A coin long current in S. India. The coins so called were both gold and silver, but generally gold. The gold <i>pagoda</i> was the <i>varāha</i> or <i>hūn</i> of the natives (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#hoon" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HOON</a></span></b>); the former name (fr. Skt. for 'boar') being taken from the Boar avatār of Vishnu, which was figured on a variety of ancient coins of the South; and the latter signifying 'gold,' no doubt identical with <i>sonā</i>, and an instance of the exchange of <i>h</i> and <i>s</i>. (See also <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pardao">PARDAO</a></span>.</b>) </p><p>Accounts at Madras down to 1818 were kept in <i>pagodas</i>, <i>fanams</i>, and <i>kās</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cash" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CASH</a></span></b>); 8 <i>kās</i> = 1 <i>fanam</i>, 42 <i>fanams</i> = 1 <i>pagoda</i>. In the year named the rupee was made the standard coin.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt195_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt195-1"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>1<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> The pagoda was then reckoned as equivalent to 3½ rupees. </p><p>In the suggestions of etymologies for this word, the first and most prominent meaning alone has almost always been regarded, and doubtless justly; for the other uses are deduceable from it. Such suggestions have been many. </p><p>Thus Chinese origins have been propounded in more than one form; <i>e.g.</i> <i>Pao-t'ah</i>, 'precious pile,' and <i>Poh-kuh-t'ah</i> ('white-bones-pile').<sup id="cite_ref-Nt196_2-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt196-2"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>2<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> Anything can be made out of Chinese monosyllables in the way of etymology; though no doubt it is curious that the first at least of these phrases is actually applied by the Chinese to the polygonal towers which in China foreigners specially call <i>pagodas</i>. Whether it be possible that this phrase may have been in any measure formed in imitation of <i>pagoda</i>, so constantly in the mouth of foreigners, we cannot say (though it would not be a solitary example of such borrowing—see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#neelam" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NEELAM</a></span></b>); but we can say with confidence that it is impossible <i>pagoda</i> should have been taken from the Chinese. The quotations from Corsali and Barbosa set that suggestion at rest. </p><p>Another derivation is given (and adopted by so learned an etymologist as H. Wedgwood) from the Portuguese <i>pagão</i>, 'a pagan.' It is possible that this word may have helped to facilitate the Portuguese adoption of <i>pagoda</i>; it is not possible that it should have given rise to the word. A third theory makes <i>pagoda</i> a transposition of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dagoba" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">dagoba</a>.</b> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page653b">page 653b<span id="653b"></span></span></span></span>The latter is a genuine word, used in Ceylon, but known in Continental India, since the extinction of Buddhism, only in the most rare and exceptional way. </p><p>A fourth suggestion connects it with the Skt. <i>bhagavat</i>, 'holy, divine,' or <i>Bhagavatī</i>, applied to Durgā and other goddesses; and a fifth makes it a corruption of the Pers. <i>but-kadah</i>, 'idol-temple'; a derivation given below by Ovington. There can be little doubt that the origin really lies between these two. </p><p>The two contributors to this book are somewhat divided on this subject:— </p><p>(1) Against the derivation from <i>bhagavat</i>, 'holy,' or the Mahr. form <i>bhagavant</i>, is the objection that the word <i>pagode</i> from the earliest date has the final <i>e</i>, which was necessarily pronounced. Nor is <i>bhagavant</i> a name for a temple in any language of India. On the other hand <i>but-kadah</i> is a phrase which the Portuguese would constantly hear from the Mahommedans with whom they chiefly had to deal on their first arrival in India. This is the view confidently asserted by Reinaud (<i>Mémoires sur l'Inde</i>, 90), and is the etymology given by Littré. </p><p>As regards the coins, it has been supposed, naturally enough, that they were called <i>pagoda</i>, because of the figure of a temple which some of them bear; and which indeed was borne by the <i>pagodas</i> of the Madras Mint, as may be seen in Thomas's <i>Prinsep</i>, pl. xlv. But in fact coins with this impress were first struck at Ikkeri at a date <i>after</i> the word <i>pagode</i> was already in use among the Portuguese. However, nearly all bore on one side a rude representation of a Hindu deity (see <i>e.g.</i> Kṛishṇarāja's pagoda, c. 1520), and sometimes two such images. Some of these figures are specified by Prinsep (<i>Useful Tables</i>, p. 41), and Varthema speaks of them: "These <i>pardai</i> ... have two devils stamped upon one side of them, and certain letters on the other" (115-116). Here the name may have been appropriately taken from <i>bhagavat</i> (A. B.). </p><p>On the other hand, it may be urged that the resemblance between <i>but-kadah</i> and <i>pagode</i> is hardly close enough, and that the derivation from <i>but-kadah</i> does not easily account for all the uses of the word. Indeed, it seems admitted in the preceding <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page654a">page 654a<span id="654a"></span></span></span></span>paragraph that <i>bhagavat</i> may have had to do with the origin of the word in one of its meanings. </p><p>Now is it not possible that the word in all its applications may have had its origin from <i>bhagavat</i>, or some current modification of that word? We see from Marco Polo that such a term was currently known to foreign visitors of S. India in his day—a term almost identical in sound with <i>pagoda</i>, and bearing in his statement a religious application, though not to a temple.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt197_3-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt197-3"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>3<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> We thus have four separate applications of the word <i>pacauta</i>, or <i>pagoda</i>, picked up by foreigners on the shores of India from the 13th century downwards, viz. to a Hindu ejaculatory formula, to a place of Hindu worship, to a Hindu idol, to a Hindu coin with idols represented on it. Is it not possible that <i>all</i> are to be traced to <i>bhagavat</i>, 'sacred,' or to <i>Bhagavat</i> and <i>Bhagavatī</i>, used as names of divinities—of Buddha in Buddhist times or places, of Kṛishṇa and Durgā in Brahminical times and places? (uses which are <i>fact</i>). How common was the use of <i>Bhagavatī</i> as the name of an object of worship in Malabar, may be seen from an example. Turning to Wilson's work on the Mackenzie MSS., we find in the list of local MS. tracts belonging to Malabar, the repeated occurrence of <i>Bhagavati</i> in this way. Thus in this section of the book we have at p. xcvi. (vol. ii.) note of an account "of a temple of <i>Bhagavati</i>"; at p. ciii. "Temple of Mannadi <i>Bhagavati</i> goddess ..."; at p. civ. "Temple of Mangombu <i>Bhagavati</i> ..."; "Temple of Paddeparkave <i>Bhagavati</i> ..."; "Temple of the goddess Pannáyennar Kave <i>Bhagavati</i> ..."; "Temple of the goddess Patáli <i>Bhagavati</i> ..."; "Temple of <i>Bhagavati</i> ..."; p. cvii., "Account of the goddess <i>Bhagavati</i> at, &c. ..."; p. cviii., "Acc. of the goddess Yalanga <i>Bhagavati</i>," "Acc. of <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page654b">page 654b<span id="654b"></span></span></span></span>the goddess Vallur <i>Bhagavati</i>." The term <i>Bhagavati</i> seems thus to have been very commonly attached to objects of worship in Malabar temples (see also <i>Fra Paolino</i>, p. 79 and p. 57, quoted under <b>c.</b> below). And it is very interesting to observe that, in a paper on "Coorg Superstitions," Mr. Kittel notices parenthetically that Bhadrā Kālī (<i>i.e.</i> Durgā) is "also called <b>Pogŏdi</b>, <i>Pavodi</i>, a <i>tadbhava</i> of <b>Bagavati</b>" (<i>Ind. Antiq.</i> ii. 170)—an incidental remark that seems to bring us very near the possible origin of <i>pagode</i>. It is most probable that some form like <i>pogodi</i> or <i>pagode</i> was current in the mouths of foreign visitors before the arrival of the Portuguese; but if the word was of Portuguese origin there may easily have been some confusion in their ears between <i>Bagavati</i> and <i>but-kadah</i> which shaped the new word. It is no sufficient objection to say that <i>bhagavati</i> is not a term applied by the natives to a temple; the question is rather what misunderstanding and mispronunciation by foreigners of a native term may probably have given rise to the term?—(H. Y.) </p><p>  </p><p>Since the above was written, Sir Walter Elliot has kindly furnished a note, of which the following is an extract:— </p><p>"I took some pains to get at the origin of the word when at Madras, and the conclusion I came to was that it arose from the term used generally for the object of their worship, viz., <i>Bhagavat</i>, 'god'; <i>bhagavati</i>, 'goddess.' </p><p>"Thus, the Hindu temple with its lofty <i>gopuram</i> or propylon at once attracts attention, and a stranger enquiring what it was, would be told, 'the house or place of <i>Bhagavat</i>.' The village divinity throughout the south is always a form of <i>Durga</i>, or, as she is commonly called, simply '<i>Devi</i>' (or <i>Bhagavati</i>, 'the goddess').... In like manner a figure of <i>Durga</i> is found on most of the gold <i>Huns</i> (<i>i.e.</i> <i>pagoda</i> coins) current in the Dakhan, and a foreigner inquiring what such a coin was, or rather what was the form stamped upon it, would be told it was 'the goddess,' <i>i.e.</i>, it was '<i>Bhagavati</i>.'" </p><p>  </p><p>As my friend, Dr. Burnell, can no longer represent his own view, it seems right here to print the latest remarks <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page655a">page 655a<span id="655a"></span></span></span></span>of his on the subject that I can find. They are in a letter from Tanjore, dated March 10, 1880:— </p><p>"I think I overlooked a remark of yours regarding my observation that the <i>e</i> in <i>Pagode</i> was pronounced, and that this was a difficulty in deriving it from <i>Bhagavat</i>. In modern Portuguese <i>e</i> is <i>not</i> sounded, but verses show that it was in the 16th century. Now, if there is a final vowel in <i>Pagoda</i>, it must come from <i>Bhagavati</i>; but though the goddess is and was worshipped to a certain extent in S. India, it is by other names (<i>Amma</i>, &c.). Gundert and Kittel give '<i>Pogodi</i>' as a name of a Durga temple, but assuredly this is no corruption of <i>Bhagavati</i>, but <i>Pagoda</i>! Malayālam and Tamil are full of such adopted words. <i>Bhagavati</i> is little used, and the goddess is too insignificant to give rise to <i>pagoda</i> as a general name for a temple. </p><p>"<i>Bhagavat</i> can only appear in the S. Indian languages in its (Skt.) nominative form <i>bhagavān</i> (Tamil <i>paγuvān</i>). As such, in Tamil and Malayālam it equals Vishnu or Siva, which would suit. But <i>pagoda</i> can't be got out of <i>bhagavān</i>; and if we look to the N. Indian forms, <i>bhagavant</i>, &c., there is the difficulty about the <i>e</i>, to say nothing about the <i>nt</i>." </p><p>The use of the word by Barbosa at so early a date as 1516, and its application to a particular class of temples must not be overlooked. </p><p><b>a.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1516.—"There is another sect of people among the Indians of Malabar, which is called <i>Cujaven</i> [<i>Kushavan</i>, <i>Logan</i>, <i>Malabar</i>, i. 115].... Their business is to work at baked clay, and tiles for covering houses, with which the temples and Royal buildings are roofed.... Their idolatry and their idols are different from those of the others; and in their houses of prayer they perform a thousand acts of witchcraft and necromancy; they call their temples <b>pagodes,</b> and they are separate from the others."—<i>Barbosa</i>, 135. This is from Lord Stanley of Alderley's translation from a Spanish MS. The Italian of Ramusio reads: "nelle loro orationi fanno molte strigherie e necromãtie, le quali chiamano <b>Pagodes,</b> differenti assai dall' altre" (<i>Ramusio</i>, i. f. 308<i>v</i>.). In the Portuguese MS. published by the Lisbon Academy in 1812, the words are altogether absent; and in interpolating them from Ramusio the editor has given the same sense as in Lord Stanley's English. <p>1516.—"In this city of Goa, and all over India, there are an infinity of ancient <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page655b">page 655b<span id="655b"></span></span></span></span>buildings of the Gentiles, and in a small island near this, called Dinari, the Portuguese, in order to build the city, have destroyed an ancient temple called <b>Pagode</b>, which was built with marvellous art, and with ancient figures wrought to the greatest perfection in a certain black stone, some of which remain standing, ruined and shattered, because these Portuguese care nothing about them. If I can come by one of these shattered images I will send it to your Lordship, that you may perceive how much in old times sculpture was esteemed in every part of the world."—Letter of <i>Andrea Corsali</i> to <i>Giuliano de'Medici</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, i. f. 177. </p><p>1543.—"And with this fleet he anchored at Coulão (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Q#quilon" title="Hobson-Jobson/Q">QUILON</a></b>) and landed there with all his people. And the Governor (Martim Afonso de Sousa) went thither because of information he had of a <b>pagode</b> which was quite near in the interior, and which, they said, contained much treasure.... And the people of the country seeing that the Governor was going to the <b>pagode,</b> they sent to offer him 50,000 pardaos not to go."—<i>Correa</i>, iv. 325-326. </p><p>1554.—"And for the monastery of Santa Fee 845,000 <i>reis</i> yearly, besides the revenue of the <b>Paguodes</b> which His Highness bestowed upon the said House, which gives 600,000 reis a year...."—<i>Botelho, Tombo</i>, in <i>Subsidios</i>, 70. </p><p>1563.—"They have (at Baçaim) in one part a certain island called Salsete, where there are two <b>pagodes</b> or houses of idolatry."—<i>Garcia</i>, f. 211<i>v</i>. </p><p>1582.—"... <b>Pagode,</b> which is the house of praiers to their Idolls."—<i>Castañeda</i> (by N. L.), f. 34. </p><p>1594.—"And as to what you have written to me, viz., that although you understand how necessary it was for the increase of the Christianity of those parts to destroy all the <b>pagodas</b> and mosques (<i>pagodes e mesquitas</i>), which the Gentiles and the Moors possess in the fortified places of this State...." (The King goes on to enjoin the Viceroy to treat this matter carefully with some theologians and canonists of those parts, but not to act till he shall have reported to the King).—Letter from the <i>K. of Portugal</i> to the <i>Viceroy</i>, in <i>Arch. Port. Orient.</i>, Fasc. 3, p. 417. </p><p>1598.—"... houses of Diuels [Divels] which they call <b>Pagodes.</b>"—<i>Linschoten</i>, 22; [Hak. Soc. i. 70]. </p><p>1606.—Gouvea uses <b>pagode</b> both for a temple and for an idol, <i>e.g.</i>, see f. 46<i>v</i>, f. 47. </p><p>1630.—"That he should erect <b>pagods</b> for God's worship, and adore images under green trees."—<i>Lord, Display</i>, &c. </p><p>1638.—"There did meet us at a great <b>Pogodo</b> or <b>Pagod,</b> which is a famous and sumptuous Temple (or Church)."—<i>W. Bruton</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> v. 49. </p><p>1674.—"Thus they were carried, many flocking about them, to a <b>Pagod</b> or Temple" (<i>pagode</i> in the orig.).—<i>Steven's Faria y Sousa</i>, i. 45. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page656a">page 656a<span id="656a"></span></span></span></span>1674.—"<b>Pagod</b> (quasi Pagan-God), an Idol or false god among the Indians; also a kind of gold coin among them equivalent to our Angel."—<i>Glossographia</i>, &c., by T. S. </p><p>1689.—"A <b>Pagoda</b> ... borrows its Name from the <i>Persian</i> word <i>Pout</i>, which signifies Idol; thence <i>Pout-Gheda</i>, a Temple of False Gods, and from thence <b>Pagode.</b>"—<i>Ovington</i>, 159. </p><p>1696.—"... qui eussent élévé des <b>pagodes</b> au milieu des villes."—<i>La Bruyère, Caractères</i>, ed. <i>Jouast</i>, 1881, ii. 306. </p><p>[1710.—"In India we use this word pagoda (<b>pagodes</b>) indiscriminately for idols or temples of the Gentiles."—<i>Oriente Conquistado</i>, vol. i. Conq. i. Div. i. 53.] </p><p>1717.—"... the <b>Pagods,</b> or Churches."—<i>Phillip's Account</i>, 12. </p><p>1727.—"There are many ancient <b>Pagods</b> or Temples in this country, but there is one very particular which stands upon a little Mountain near <i>Vizagapatam</i>, where they worship living Monkies."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 380 [ed. 1744]. </p><p>1736.—"<b>Págod</b> [incert. etym.], an idol's temple in China."—<i>Bailey's Dict.</i> 2nd ed. </p><p>1763.—"These divinities are worshipped in temples called <b>Pagodas</b> in every part of Indostan."—<i>Orme, Hist.</i> i. 2. </p><p>1781.—"During this conflict (at Chillumbrum), all the Indian females belonging to the garrison were collected at the summit of the highest <b>pagoda,</b> singing in a loud and melodious chorus hallelujahs, or songs of exhortation, to their people below, which inspired the enemy with a kind of frantic enthusiasm. This, even in the heat of the attack, had a romantic and pleasing effect, the musical sounds being distinctly heard at a considerable distance by the assailants."—<i>Munro's Narrative</i>, 222. </p><p>1809.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"In front, with far stretch'd walls, and many a tower,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>Turret, and dome, and pinnacle elate,<br /> The huge <b>Pagoda</b> seemed to load the land."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Kehama</i>, viii. 4. </p> </div></div> <p>[1830.—"... <b>pagodas,</b> which are so termed from <i>paug</i>, an idol, and <i>ghoda</i>, a temple (!)...."—<i>Mrs. Elwood, Narrative of a Journey Overland from England</i>, ii. 27.] </p> 1855.—"... Among a dense cluster of palm-trees and small <b>pagodas,</b> rises a colossal Gaudama, towering above both, and, Memnon-like, glowering before him with a placid and eternal smile."—<i>Letters from the Banks of the Irawadee, Blackwood's Mag.</i>, May, 1856.</div> <p><b>b.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1498.—"And the King gave the letter with his own hand, again repeating the words of the oath he had made, and swearing besides by his <b>pagodes,</b> which are their idols, that they adore for gods...."—<i>Correa, Lendas</i>, i. 119. 1582.—"The Divell is oftentimes in them, but they say it is one of their Gods or <b>Pagodes.</b>"—<i>Castañeda</i> (tr. by N. L.), f. 37.</div> <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page656b">page 656b<span id="656b"></span></span></span></span>[In the following passage from the same author, as Mr. Whiteway points out, the word is used in both senses, a temple and an idol: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">"In Goa I have seen this festival in a <b>pagoda,</b> that stands in the island of Divar, which is called Çapatu, where people collect from a long distance; they bathe in the arm of the sea between the two islands, and they believe ... that on that day the idol (<b>pagode</b>) comes to that water, and they cast in for him much betel and many plantains and sugar-canes; and they believe that the idol (<b>pagode</b>) eats those things."—<i>Castanheda</i>, ii. ch. 34. In the orig., <b>pagode</b> when meaning a temple has a small, and when the idol, a capital, <i>P</i>.] <p>1584.—"La religione di queste genti non si intende per esser differenti sette fra loro; hanno certi lor <b>pagodi</b> che son gli idoli...."—Letter of <i>Sassetti</i>, in <i>De Gubernatis</i>, 155. </p><p>1587.—"The house in which his <b>pagode</b> or idol standeth is covered with tiles of silver."—<i>R. Fitch</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 391. </p><p>1598.—"... The <b>Pagodes,</b> their false and divelish idols."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 26; [Hak. Soc. i. 86]. </p><p>1630.—"... so that the Bramanes under each green tree erect temples to <b>pagods</b>...."—<i>Lord, Display</i>, &c. </p><p>c. 1630.—"Many deformed <b>Pagothas</b> are here worshipped; having this ordinary evasion that they adore not Idols, but the <i>Deumos</i> which they represent."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1665, p. 375. </p><p>1664.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Their classic model proved a maggot,<br /> Their Directory an Indian <b>Pagod.</b>"<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Hudibras</i>, Pt. II. Canto i. </p> </div></div> <p>1693.—"... For, say they, what is the <b>Pagoda</b>? it is an image or stone...."—In <i>Wheeler</i>, i. 269. </p><p>1727.—"... the Girl with the Pot of Fire on her Head, walking all the Way before. When they came to the End of their journey ... where was placed another black stone <b>Pagod,</b> the Girl set her Fire before it, and run stark mad for a Minute or so."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 274 [ed. 1744]. </p><p>c. 1737.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"See thronging millions to the <b>Pagod</b> run,<br /> And offer country, Parent, wife or son."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Pope, Epilogue to Sat.</i> I. </p> </div></div> 1814.—"Out of town six days. On my return, find my poor little <b>pagod,</b> Napoleon, pushed off his pedestal;—the thieves are in Paris."—Letter of <i>Byron's</i>, April 8, in <i>Moore's Life</i>, ed. 1832, iii. 21.</div> <p><b>c.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1566.—"Nell' vscir poi li caualli Arabi di Goa, si paga di datio quaranta due <b>pagodi</b> per cauallo, et ogni <b>pagodo</b> val otto lire alia nostra moneta; e sono monete d'oro; de modo che li caualli Arabi sono in gran prezzo in que' paesi, come sarebbe trecento quattro cento, cinque cento, e fina mille ducati l'vno."—<i>C. Federici</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, iii. 388. <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page657a">page 657a<span id="657a"></span></span></span></span>1597.—"I think well to order and decree that the <b>pagodes</b> which come from without shall not be current unless they be of forty and three points (assay?) conformable to the first issue, which is called of <i>Agra</i>, and which is of the same value as that of the <i>San Tomes</i>, which were issued in its likeness."—<i>Edict of the King</i>, in <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i> iii. 782. </p><p>1598.—"There are yet other sorts of money called <b>Pagodes</b>.... They are Indian and Heathenish money with the picture of a Diuell vpon them, and therefore are called <b>Pagodes</b>...."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 54 and 69; [Hak. Soc. i. 187, 242]. </p><p>1602.—"And he caused to be sent out for the Kings of the Decan and Canara two thousand horses from those that were in Goa, and this brought the King 80,000 <b>pagodes,</b> for every one had to pay forty as duty. These were imported by the Moors and other merchants from the ports of Arabia and Persia; in entering Goa they are free and uncharged, but on leaving that place they have to pay these duties."—<i>Couto</i>, IV. vi. 6. </p><p>[ <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "... with a sum of gold <b>pagodes,</b> a coin of the upper country (Balagate), each of which is worth 500 <i>reis</i> (say 11s. 3d.; the usual value was 360 <i>reis</i>)."—<i>Ibid.</i> VII. i. 11.] </p><p>1623.—"... An Indian Gentile Lord called Rama Rau, who has no more in all than 2000 <b>pagod</b> [<b>paygods</b>] of annual revenue, of which again he pays about 800 to Venktapà Naieka, whose tributary he is...."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, ii. 692; [Hak. Soc. ii. 306]. </p><p>1673.—"About this time the Rajah ... was weighed in Gold, and poised about 16,000 <b>Pagods.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 80. </p><p>1676.—"For in regard these <b>Pagods</b> are very thick, and cannot be clipt, those that are Masters of the trade, take a Piercer, and pierce the <b>Pagod</b> through the side, halfway or more, taking out of one piece as much Gold as comes to two or three Sous."—<i>Tavernier</i>, E.T. 1684, ii. 4; [<i>Ball</i>, ii. 92]. </p><p>1780.—"Sir Thomas Rumbold, Bart., resigned the Government of Fort St. George on the Mg. of the 9th inst., and immediately went on board the General Barker. It is confidently reported that he has not been able to accumulate a very large Fortune, considering the long time he has been at Madrass; indeed people say it amounts to only 17 Lacks and a half of <b>Pagodas,</b> or a little more than £600,000 sterling."—<i>Hicky's Bengal Gazette</i>, April 15. </p><p>1785.—"Your servants have no Trade in this country, neither do you pay them high wages, yet in a few years they return to England with many lacs of <b>pagodas.</b>"—<i>Nabob of Arcot</i>, in <i>Burke's Speech on the Nabob's Debts, Works</i>, ed. 1852, iv. 18. </p><p>1796.—"La Bhagavadi, moneta d'oro, che ha l'immagine della dea Bhagavadi, nome corrotto in <b>Pagodi o Pagode</b> dagli Europei, è moneta rotonda, convessa in una parte...."—<i>Fra Paolino,</i> 57. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page657b">page 657b<span id="657b"></span></span></span></span>1803.—"It frequently happens that in the bazaar, the star <b>pagoda</b> exchanges for 4 rupees, and at other times for not more than 3."—<i>Wellington, Desp.</i>, ed. 1837, ii. 375.</div> <p><br /> <b>PAGODA-TREE.</b> A slang phrase once current, rather in England than in India, to express the openings to rapid fortune which at one time existed in India. [For the original meaning, see the quotation from Ryklof Van Goens under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bo_tree" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BO TREE</a></span>.</b> Mr. Skeat writes: "It seems possible that the idea of a coin tree may have arisen from the practice, among some Oriental nations at least, of making <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cash" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cash</a></b> in moulds, the design of which is based on the plan of a tree. On the E. coast of the Malay Peninsula the name <i>cash-tree</i> (<i>poko' pitis</i>) is applied to cash cast in this form. Gold and silver tributary trees are sent to Siam by the tributary States: in these the leaves are in the shape of ordinary tree leaves."] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1877.—"India has been transferred from the regions of romance to the realms of fact ... the mines of Golconda no longer pay the cost of working, and the <b>pagoda-tree</b> has been stripped of all its golden fruit."—<i>Blackwood's Magazine</i>, 575. 1881.—"It might be mistaken ... for the work of some modern architect, built for the Nabob of a couple of generations back, who had enriched himself when the <b>pagoda-tree</b> was worth the shaking."—<i>Sat. Review</i>, Sept. 3, p. 307.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pahlavi"></span>PAHLAVI,</b> <b>PEHLVI.</b> The name applied to the ancient Persian language in that phase which prevailed from the beginning of the Sassanian monarchy to the time when it became corrupted by the influence of Arabic, and the adoption of numerous Arabic words and phrases. The name <i>Pahlavi</i> was adopted by Europeans from the Parsi use. The language of Western Persia in the time of the Achaemenian kings, as preserved in the cuneiform inscriptions of Persepolis, Behistun, and elsewhere, is nearly akin to the dialects of the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Z#zend" title="Hobson-Jobson/Z">Zend-Avesta</a>,</b> and is characterised by a number of inflections agreeing with those of the Avesta and of Sanskrit. The dissolution of inflectional terminations is already indicated as beginning in the later Achaemenian inscriptions, and in many parts of the Zend-Avesta, but its course cannot be traced, as there are no inscriptions in Persian <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page658a">page 658a<span id="658a"></span></span></span></span>language during the time of the Arsacidae; and it is in the inscriptions on rocks and coins of Ardakhshīr-i-Pāpaḳān (<span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 226-240)—the Ardashīr Babagān of later Persian—that the language emerges in a form of that which is known as Pahlavi. "But, strictly speaking, the medieval Persian language is called Pahlavi when it is written in one of the characters used before the invention of the modern Persian alphabet, and in the peculiarly enigmatical mode adopted in Pahlavi writings.... Like the Assyrians of old, the Persians of Parthian times appear to have borrowed their writing from a foreign race. But, whereas the Semitic Assyrians adopted a Turanian syllabary, these later Aryan Persians accepted a Semitic alphabet. Besides the alphabet, however, which they could use for spelling their own words, they transferred a certain number of complete Semitic words to their writings as representatives of the corresponding words in their own language.... The use of such Semitic words, scattered about in Persian sentences, gives Pahlavi the motley appearance of a compound language.... But there are good reasons for supposing that the language was never spoken as it was written. The spoken language appears to have been pure Persian; the Semitic words being merely used as written representatives, or <i>logograms</i>, of the Persian words which were spoken. Thus, the Persians would write <i>malkân malkâ</i>, 'King of Kings,' but they would read <i>shâhân shâh</i>.... As the Semitic words were merely a Pahlavi mode of writing their Persian equivalents (just as 'viz.' is a mode of writing 'namely' in English<sup id="cite_ref-Nt198_4-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt198-4"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>4<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup>), they disappeared with the Pahlavi writing, and the Persians began at once to write all their words with their new alphabet, just as they pronounced them" (<i>E. W. West, Introd. to Pahlavi Texts</i>, p. xiii.; <i>Sacred Books of the East</i>, vol. v.).<sup id="cite_ref-Nt199_5-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt199-5"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>5<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>Extant Pahlavi writings are confined to those of the Parsis, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page658b">page 658b<span id="658b"></span></span></span></span>translations from the Avesta, and others almost entirely of a religious character. Where the language is transcribed, either in the Avesta characters, or in those of the modern Persian alphabet, and freed from the singular system indicated above, it is called Pazand (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pazend">PAZEND</a></span></b>); a term supposed to be derived from the language of the Avesta, <i>paitizanti</i>, with the meaning 're-explanation.' </p><p>Various explanations of the term <i>Pahlavi</i> have been suggested. It seems now generally accepted as a changed form of the <i>Parthva</i> of the cuneiform inscriptions, the Parthia of Greek and Roman writers. The Parthians, though not a Persian race, were rulers of Persia for five centuries, and it is probable that everything ancient, and connected with the period of their rule, came to be called by this name. It is apparently the same word that in the form <i>pahlav</i> and <i>pahlavān</i>, &c., has become the appellation of a warrior or champion in both Persian and Armenian, originally derived from that most warlike people the Parthians. (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pulwaun">PULWAUN</a></span>.</b>) Whether there was any identity between the name thus used, and that of <i>Pahlava</i>, which is applied to a people mentioned often in Sanskrit books, is a point still unsettled. </p><p>The meaning attached to the term <i>Pahlavi</i> by Orientals themselves, writing in Arabic or Persian (exclusive of Parsis), appears to have been 'Old Persian' in general, without restriction to any particular period or dialect. It is thus found applied to the cuneiform inscriptions at Persepolis. (Derived from <i>West</i> as quoted above, and from <i>Haug's Essays</i>, ed. London, 1878.) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 930.—"Quant au mot <i>dirafeh</i>, en <b>pehlvi</b> (<i>al-fahlviya</i>) c'est à dire dans la langue primitive de la Perse, il signifie drapeau, pique et étendard."—<i>Maṣ'ūdī</i>, iii. 252. c. <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 1000.—"Gayômarth, who was called <i>Girshâh</i>, because <i>Gir</i> means in <b>Pahlavî</b> <i>a mountain</i>...."—<i>Albîrûnî, Chronology</i>, 108.</div> <p><br /> <b>PAILOO,</b> s. The so-called 'triumphal arches,' or gateways, which form so prominent a feature in Chinese landscape, really monumental erections in honour of deceased persons of eminent virtue. Chin. <i>pai</i>, 'a tablet,' and <i>lo</i>, 'a stage or erection.' Mr. Fergusson <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page659a">page 659a<span id="659a"></span></span></span></span>has shown the construction to have been derived from India with Buddhism (see <i>Indian and Eastern Architecture</i>, pp. 700-702). [So the <i>Torii</i> of Japan seem to represent Skt. <i>toraṇa</i>, 'an archway' (see <i>Chamberlain, Things Japanese</i>, 3rd ed. 407 <i>seq.</i>).] </p><p><br /> <b>PÁLAGILÁSS,</b> s. This is domestic Hind. for 'Asparagus' (<i>Panjab N. & Q.</i> ii. 189). </p><p><br /> <b><span id="palankeen"></span>PALANKEEN,</b> <b>PALANQUIN,</b> s. A box-litter for travelling in, with a pole projecting before and behind, which is borne on the shoulders of 4 or 6 men—4 always in Bengal, 6 sometimes in the Telugu country. </p><p>The origin of the word is not doubtful, though it is by no means clear how the Portuguese got the exact form which they have handed over to us. The nasal termination may be dismissed as a usual Portuguese addition, such as occurs in <i>mandarin</i>, <i>Baçaim</i> (<i>Wasai</i>), and many other words and names as used by them. The basis of all the forms is Skt. <i>paryañka</i>, or <i>palyañka</i>, 'a bed,' from which we have Hind. and Mahr. <i>palang</i>, 'a bed,' Hind. <i>pālkī</i>, 'a palankin,' [Telugu <i>pallakī</i>, which is perhaps the origin of the Port. word], Pali <i>pallanko</i>, 'a couch, bed, litter, or palankin' (<i>Childers</i>), and in Javanese and Malay <i>palañgki</i>, 'a litter or sedan' (<i>Crawfurd</i>).<sup id="cite_ref-Nt200_6-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt200-6"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>6<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>It is curious that there is a Spanish word <i>palanca</i> (L. Lat. <i>phalanga</i>) for a pole used to carry loads on the shoulders of two bearers (called in Sp. <i>palanquinos</i>); a method of transport more common in the south than in England, though even in old English the thing has a name, viz. 'a cowle-staff' (see <i>N.E.D.</i>). It is just possible that this word (though we do not find it in the Portuguese dictionaries) may have influenced the form in which the early Portuguese visitors to India took up the word. </p><p>The <i>thing</i> appears already in the <i>Rāmāyana</i>. It is spoken of by Ibn Batuta and John Marignolli (both c. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page659b">page 659b<span id="659b"></span></span></span></span>1350), but neither uses this Indian name; and we have not found evidence of <i>pālkī</i> older than Akbar (see <i>Elliot</i>, iv. 515, and <i>Āīn</i>, i. 254). </p><p>As drawn by Linschoten (1597), and as described by Grose at Bombay (c. 1760), the palankin was hung from a bamboo which bent in an arch over the vehicle; a form perhaps not yet entirely obsolete in native use. Williamson (<i>V. M.</i>, i. 316 <i>seqq.</i>) gives an account of the different changes in the fashion of palankins, from which it would appear that the present form must have come into use about the end of the 18th century. Up to 1840-50 most people in Calcutta kept a palankin and a set of bearers (usually natives of Orissa—see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/O#ooriya" title="Hobson-Jobson/O">OORIYA</a></span></b>), but the practice and the vehicle are now almost, if not entirely, obsolete among the better class of Europeans. Till the same period the palankin, carried by relays of bearers, laid out by the post-office, or by private <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chowdry" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">chowdries</a></b> (q.v.), formed the chief means of accomplishing extensive journeys in India, and the elder of the present writers has undergone hardly less than 8000 or 9000 miles of travelling in going considerable distances (excluding minor journeys) after this fashion. But in the decade named, the palankin began, on certain great roads, to be superseded by the <i>dawk</i>-<b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#garry" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">garry</a></b> (a <b>Palkee-garry</b> or palankin-carriage, horsed by ponies posted along the road, under the post-office), and in the next decade to a large extent by railway, supplemented by other wheel-carriage, so that the palankin is now used rarely, and only in out-of-the-way localities. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1340.—"Some time afterwards the pages of the Mistress of the Universe came to me with a <i>dūla</i>.... It is like a bed of state ... with a pole of wood above ... this is curved, and made of the Indian cane, solid and compact. Eight men, divided into two relays, are employed in turn to carry one of these; four carry the palankin whilst four rest. These vehicles serve in India the same purpose as donkeys in Egypt; most people use them habitually in going and coming. If a man has his own slaves, he is carried by them; if not he hires men to carry him. There are also a few found for hire in the city, which stand in the bazars, at the Sultan's gate, and also at the gates of private citizens."—<i>Ibn Batuta</i>, iii. 386. <p>c. 1350.—"Et eciam homines et mulieres portant super scapulas in lecticis de quibus in Canticis: <i>ferculum fecit sibi Salomon de <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page660a">page 660a<span id="660a"></span></span></span></span>lignis Libani</i>, id est lectulum portatilem sicut portabar ego in Zayton et in India."—<i>Marignolli</i> (see <i>Cathay</i>, &c., p. 331). </p><p>1515.—"And so assembling all the people made great lamentation, and so did throughout all the streets the women, married and single, in a marvellous way. The captains lifted him (the dead Alboquerque), seated as he was in a chair, and placed him on a <b>palanquim,</b> so that he was seen by all the people; and João Mendes Botelho, a knight of Afonso d'Alboquerque's making (who was) his Ancient, bore the banner before the body."—<i>Correa, Lendas</i>, II. i. 460. </p><p>1563.—"... and the branches are for the most part straight except some ... which they twist and bend to form the canes for <b>palenquins</b> and portable chairs, such as are used in India."—<i>Garcia</i>, f. 194. </p><p>1567.—"... with eight Falchines (<i>fachini</i>), which are hired to carry the <b>palanchines,</b> eight for a <b>Palanchine</b> (<i>palanchino</i>), foure at a time."—<i>C. Frederike</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 348. </p><p>1598.—"... after them followeth the bryde between two <i>Commeres</i>, each in their <b>Pallamkin,</b> which is most costly made."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 56; [Hak. Soc. i. 196]. </p> 1606.—"The <b>palanquins</b> covered with curtains, in the way that is usual in this Province, are occasion of very great offences against God our Lord" ... (the Synod therefore urges the Viceroy to prohibit them altogether, and) ... "enjoins on all ecclesiastical persons, on penalty of sentence of excommunication, and of forfeiting 100 <i>pardaos</i> to the church court<sup id="cite_ref-Nt201_7-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt201-7"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>7<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> not to use the said <b>palanquins,</b> made in the fashion above described."—4th Act of 5th Council of Goa, in <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i>, fasc. 4. (See also under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#boy" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BOY</a>.</b>)</div> <p>The following is the remonstrance of the city of Goa against the ecclesiastical action in this matter, addressed to the King: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1606.—"Last year this City gave your Majesty an account of how the Archbishop Primate proposed the issue of orders that the women should go with their <b>palanquins</b> uncovered, or at least half uncovered, and how on this matter were made to him all the needful representations and remonstrances on the part of the whole community, giving the reasons against such a proceeding, which were also sent to Your Majesty. Nevertheless in a Council that was held this last summer, they dealt with this subject, and they agreed to petition Your Majesty to order that the said <b>palanquins</b> should travel in such a fashion that it could be seen who was in them. <p>"The matter is of so odious a nature, and of such a description that Your Majesty should grant their desire in no shape whatever, nor give any order of the kind, seeing this place is a frontier fortress. The reasons <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page660b">page 660b<span id="660b"></span></span></span></span>for this have been written to Your Majesty; let us beg Your Majesty graciously to make no new rule; and this is the petition of the whole community to Your Majesty."—<i>Carta, que a Cidade de Goa escrevea a Sua Magestade, o anno de 1606.</i> In <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i>, fasc. i<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">o</sup>. 2<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">a</sup>. Edição, 2<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">a</sup>. Parte, 186. </p><p>1608-9.—"If comming forth of his Pallace, hee (Jahāngīr) get vp on a Horse, it is a signe that he goeth for the Warres; but if he be vp vpon an Elephant or <b>Palankine,</b> it will bee but an hunting Voyage."—<i>Hawkins</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 219. </p><p>1616.—"... <i>Abdala Chan</i>, the great governour of <i>Amadauas</i>, being sent for to Court in disgrace, comming in Pilgrim's Clothes with fortie servants on foote, about sixtie miles in counterfeit humiliation, finished the rest in his <b>Pallankee.</b>"—<i>Sir T. Roe</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 552; [Hak. Soc. ii. 278, which reads <b>Palanckee,</b> with other minor variances]. </p><p>In Terry's account, in <i>Purchas</i>, ii. 1475, we have a <b>Pallankee,</b> and (p. 1481) <b>Palanka</b>; in a letter of Tom Coryate's (1615) <b>Palankeen.</b> </p><p>1623.—"In the territories of the Portuguese in India it is forbidden to men to travel in <b>palankin</b> (<i>Palanchino</i>) as in good sooth too effeminate a proceeding; nevertheless as the Portuguese pay very little attention to their laws, as soon as the rains begin to fall they commence getting permission to use the <b>palankin,</b> either by favour or by bribery; and so, gradually, the thing is relaxed, until at last nearly everybody travels in that way, and at all seasons."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, i. 611; [comp. Hak. Soc. i. 31]. </p><p>1659.—"The designing rascal (Sivají) ... conciliated Afzal Khán, who fell into the snare.... Without arms he mounted the <b>pálkí,</b> and proceeded to the place appointed under the fortress. He left all his attendants at the distance of a long arrow-shot.... Sivají had a weapon, called in the language of the Dakhin <i>bichúá</i> (<i>i.e.</i> 'scorpion') on the fingers of his hand, hidden under his sleeve...."—<i>Kháfi Khán</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, vii. 259. See also p. 509. </p><p>c. 1660.—"... From <i>Golconda</i> to <i>Maslipatan</i> there is no travelling by waggons.... But instead of Coaches they have the convenience of <b>Pallekies,</b> wherein you are carried with more speed and more ease than in any part of India."—<i>Tavernier</i>, E.T. ii. 70; [ed. <i>Ball</i>, i. 175]. This was quite true up to our own time. In 1840 the present writer was carried on that road, a stage of 25 miles in little more than 5 hours, by 12 bearers, relieving each other by sixes. </p><p>1672. The word occurs several times in Baldaeus as <b>Pallinkijn.</b> Tavernier writes <b>Palleki</b> and sometimes <b>Pallanquin</b> [<i>Ball</i>, i. 45, 175, 390, 392]; Bernier has <b>Paleky</b> [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 214, 283, 372]. </p><p>1673.—"... ambling after these a great pace, the <b>Palankeen</b>-Boys support them, four of them, two at each end of a <i>Bambo</i>, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page661a">page 661a<span id="661a"></span></span></span></span>which is a long hollow Cane ... arched in the middle ... where hangs the <b>Palenkeen,</b> as big as an ordinary Couch, broad enough to tumble in...."—<i>Fryer</i>, 34. </p><p>1678.—"The permission you are pleased to give us to buy a <b>Pallakee</b> on the Company's Acct. Shall make use off as Soone as can possiblie meet w<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">th</sup> one y<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">t</sup> may be fitt for y<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">e</sup> purpose...."—MS. Letter from <i>Factory</i> at <i>Ballasore</i> to the <i>Council</i> (of Fort St. George), March 9, in India Office. </p><p>1682.—Joan Nieuhof has <b>Palakijn.</b> <i>Zee en Lant-Reize</i>, ii. 78. </p><p>[<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The Agent and Council ... allowed him (Mr. Clarke) 2 pag<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">os</sup> p. mensem more towards the defraying his <b>pallanquin</b> charges, he being very crazy and much weaken'd by his sicknesse."—<i>Pringle, Diary Ft. St. Geo.</i> 1st ser. i. 34.] </p><p>1720.—"I desire that all the free Merchants of my acquaintance do attend me in their <b>palenkeens</b> to the place of burial."—Will of <i>Charles Davers</i>, Merchant, in <i>Wheeler</i>, ii. 340. </p><p>1726.—"... <b>Palangkyn</b> dragers" (palankin-bearers).—<i>Valentijn, Ceylon</i>, 45. </p><p>1736.—"<b>Palanquin,</b> a kind of chaise or chair, borne by men on their shoulders, much used by the Chinese and other Eastern peoples for travelling from place to place."—<i>Bailey's Dict.</i> 2nd ed. </p><p>1750-52.—"The greater nobility are carried in a <b>palekee,</b> which looks very like a hammock fastened to a pole."—<i>Toreen's Voyage to Suratte, China</i>, &c., ii. 201. </p><p>1754-58.—In the former year the Court of Directors ordered that Writers in their Service should "lay aside the expense of either horse, chair, or <b>Palankeen,</b> during their Writership." The Writers of Fort William (4th Nov. 1756) remonstrated, begging "to be indulged in keeping a <b>Palankeen</b> for such months of the year as the excessive heats and violent rains make it impossible to go on foot without the utmost hazard of their health." The Court, however, replied (11 Feb. 1756): "We very well know that the indulging Writers with <b>Palankeens</b> has not a little contributed to the neglect of business we complain of, by affording them opportunities of rambling"; and again, with an obduracy and fervour too great for grammar (March 3, 1758): "We do most positively order and direct (and will admit of no representation for postponing the execution of) that no Writer whatsoever be permitted to keep either <b>palankeen,</b> horse, or chaise, during his Writership, on pain of being immediately dismissed from our service."—In <i>Long</i>, pp. 54, 71, 130. </p><p>1780.—"The Nawaub, on seeing his condition, was struck with grief and compassion; but ... did not even bend his eyebrow at the sight, but lifting up the curtain of the <b>Palkee</b> with his own hand, he saw that the eagle of his (Ali Ruza's) soul, at one flight had winged its way to the gardens of Paradise."—<i>H. of Hydur</i>, p. 429. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page661b">page 661b<span id="661b"></span></span></span></span>1784.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"The Sun in gaudy <b>palanqueen</b><br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>Curtain'd with purple, fring'd with gold,<br /> Firing no more heav'n's vault serene,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>Retir'd to sup with Ganges old."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Plassy Plain</i>, a ballad by <i>Sir W. Jones</i>;<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:4.55em"></span>in <i>Life and Works</i>, ed. 1807, ii. 503. </p> </div></div> 1804.—"Give orders that a <b>palanquin</b> may be made for me; let it be very light, with the pannels made of canvas instead of wood, and the poles fixed as for a dooley. Your Bengally <b>palanquins</b> are so heavy that they cannot be used out of Calcutta."—<i>Wellington</i> (to Major Shaw), June 20.</div> <p>The following measures a change in ideas. A palankin is now hardly ever used by a European, even of humble position, much less by the opulent: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1808.—"<b>Palkee.</b> A litter well known in India, called by the English <b>Palankeen.</b> A Guzerat punster (aware of no other) hazards the Etymology <i>Pa-lakhee</i> [<i>pāo-lākhī</i>] a thing requiring an annual income of a quarter Lack to support it and corresponding luxuries."—<i>R. Drummond, Illustrations</i>, &c. <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The conveyances of the island (Madeira) are of three kinds, viz.: horses, mules, and a litter, ycleped a <b>palanquin,</b> being a chair in the shape of a bathing-tub, with a pole across, carried by two men, as doolees are in the east."—<i>Welsh, Reminiscences</i>, i. 282. </p><p>1809.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Woe! Woe! around their <b>palankeen,</b><br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:2.80em"></span>As on a bridal day<br /> With symphony and dance and song,<br /> Their kindred and their friends come on,<br /> The dance of sacrifice! The funeral song!"<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Kehama</i>, i. 6. </p> </div></div> <p>c. 1830.—"Un curieux indiscret reçut un galet dans la tête; on l'emporta baigné de sang, couché dans un <b>palanquin.</b>"—<i>V. Jacquemont, Corr.</i> i. 67. </p><p>1880.—"It will amaze readers in these days to learn that the Governor-General sometimes condescended to be carried in a <b>Palanquin</b>—a mode of conveyance which, except for long journeys away from railroads, has long been abandoned to portly Baboos, and Eurasian clerks."—<i>Sat. Rev.</i>, Feb. 14. </p> 1881.—"In the great procession on Corpus Christi Day, when the Pope is carried in a <b>palanquin</b> round the Piazza of St. Peter, it is generally believed that the cushions and furniture of the <b>palanquin</b> are so arranged as to enable him to bear the fatigue of the ceremony by sitting whilst to the spectator he appears to be kneeling."—<i>Dean Stanley, Christian Institutions</i>, 231.</div> <p><br /> <b>PALAVERAM,</b> n.p. A town and cantonment 11 miles S.W. from Madras. The name is <i>Pallāvaram</i>, probably <i>Palla-puram</i>, <i>Pallavapura</i>, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page662a">page 662a<span id="662a"></span></span></span></span>the 'town of the Pallas'; the latter a caste claiming descent from the Pallavas who reigned at Conjeveram (<i>Seshagiri Śāstrī</i>). [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> derives their name from Tam. <i>pallam</i>, 'low land,' as they are commonly employed in the cultivation of wet lands.] </p><p><br /> <b>PALE ALE.</b> The name formerly given to the beer brewed for Indian use. (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#beer" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BEER</a></span>.</b>) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1784.—"London Porter and <b>Pale Ale,</b> light and excellent, Sicca Rupees 150 per hhd."—Advt. in <i>Seton-Karr</i>, i. 39. <p>1793.—"For sale ... <b>Pale Ale</b> (per hhd.) ... Rs. 80."—<i>Bombay Courier</i>, Jan. 19. </p><p>[1801.—"1. <b>Pale Ale</b>; 2. strong ale; 3. small beer; 4. brilliant beer; 5. strong porter; 6. light porter; 7. brown stout."—Advt. in <i>Carey, Good Old Days</i>, i. 147.] </p><p>1848.—"Constant dinners, tiffins, <b>pale ale,</b> and claret, the prodigious labour of cutchery, and the refreshment of brandy pawnee, which he was forced to take there, had this effect upon Waterloo Sedley."—<i>Vanity Fair</i>, ed. 1867, ii. 258. </p><p>1853.—"Parmi les cafés, les cabarets, les gargotes, l'on rencontre çà et là une taverne anglaise placardée de sa pancarte de porter simple et double, d'old Scotch ale, d'<i>East India</i> <b>Pale beer.</b>"—<i>Th. Gautier, Constantinople</i>, 22. </p><p>1867.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Pain bis, galette ou panaton,<br /> Fromage à la pie ou Stilton,<br /> Cidre ou <b>pale-ale</b> de Burton,<br /> Vin de brie, ou branne-mouton."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Th. Gautier à Ch. Garnier.</i> </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="palempore"></span>PALEMPORE,</b> s. A kind of chintz bed-cover, sometimes made of beautiful patterns, formerly made at various places in India, especially at Sadras and Masulipatam, the importation of which into Europe has become quite obsolete, but under the greater appreciation of Indian manufactures has recently shown some tendency to revive. The etymology is not quite certain,—we know no place of the name likely to have been the eponymic,—and possibly it is a corruption of a hybrid (Hind. and Pers.) <i>palang-posh</i>, 'a bed-cover,' which occurs below, and which may have been perverted through the existence of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#salempoory" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">Salempore</a></b> as a kind of stuff. The probability that the word originated in a perversion of <i>palang-posh</i>, is strengthened by the following entry in Bluteau's <i>Dict.</i> (<i>Suppt.</i> 1727.) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">"<span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Chaudus</span> or <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Chaudeus</span> são huns panos grandes, que servem para cobrir camas e <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page662b">page 662b<span id="662b"></span></span></span></span>outras cousas. São pintados de cores muy vistosas, e alguns mais finos, a que chamão <b>palangapuzes.</b> Fabricão-se de algodão em Bengala e Choromandel,"—<i>i.e.</i> "<i>Chaudus</i> ou <i>Chaudeus</i>" (this I cannot identify, perhaps the same as <i>Choutar</i> among <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#p_chowtar">Piece-goods</a></b>) "are a kind of large cloths serving to cover beds and other things. They are painted with gay colours, and there are some of a finer description which are called <b>palangposhes,</b>" &c.</div> <p>[For the mode of manufacture at Masulipatam, see <i>Journ. Ind. Art.</i> iii. 14. Mr. Pringle (<i>Madras Selections</i>, 4th ser. p. 71, and <i>Diary Ft. St. Geo.</i> 1st ser. iii. 173) has questioned this derivation. The word may have been taken from the State and town of <i>Pālanpur</i> in Guzerat, which seems to have been an emporium for the manufactures of N. India, which was long noted for chintz of this kind.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1648.—"Int Governe van <i>Raga mandraga</i> ... werden veel ... <b>Salamporij</b> ... gemaeckt."—<i>Van den Broecke</i>, 87. <p>1673.—"Staple commodities (at Masulipatam) are calicuts white and painted, <b>Palempores,</b> Carpets."—<i>Fryer</i>, 34. </p><p>1813.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"A stain on every bush that bore<br /> A fragment of his <b>palampore,</b><br /> His breast with wounds unnumber'd riven,<br /> His back to earth, his face to heaven...."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Byron, The Giaour.</i> </p> </div></div> <p>1814.—"A variety of tortures were inflicted to extort a confession; one was a sofa, with a platform of tight cordage in network, covered with a <b>palampore,</b> which concealed a bed of thorns placed under it: the collector, a corpulent Banian, was then stripped of his <i>jama</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jamma" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JAMMA</a></b>), or muslin robe, and ordered to lie down."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> ii. 429; [2nd ed. ii. 54]. </p><p>1817.—"... these cloths ... serve as coverlids, and are employed as a substitute for the Indian <b>palempore.</b>"—<i>Raffles, Java</i>, 171; [2nd ed. i. 191]. </p><p>[1855.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"The jewelled amaun of thy zemzem is bare,<br /> And the folds of thy <b>palampore</b> wave in the air."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Bon Gaultier, Eastern Serenade.</i>] </p> </div></div> <p>1862.—"Bala posh, or <b>Palang posh,</b> quilt or coverlet, 300 to 1000 rupees."—<i>Punjab Trade Report</i>, App. p. xxxviii. </p> 1880.—"... and third, the celebrated <b>palampores,</b> or 'bed-covers,' of Masulipatam, Fatehgarh, Shikarpur, Hazara, and other places, which in point of art decoration are simply incomparable."—<i>Birdwood, The Industrial Arts of India</i>, 260.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pali"></span>PALI,</b> s. The name of the sacred language of the Southern Buddhists, in fact, according to their apparently <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page663a">page 663a<span id="663a"></span></span></span></span>well-founded tradition <i>Magadhī</i>, the dialect of what we now call South Bahar, in which Sakya Muni discoursed. It is one of the Prākrits (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pracrit">PRACRIT</a></span></b>) or Aryan vernaculars of India, and has probably been a dead language for nearly 2000 years. <i>Pāli</i> in Skt. means 'a line, row, series'; and by the Buddhists is used for the series of their Sacred Texts. <i>Pālī-bhāshā</i> is then 'the language of the Sacred Texts,' <i>i.e.</i> <i>Magadhī</i>; and this is called elliptically by the Singhalese <b>Pālī,</b> which we have adopted in like use. It has been carried, as the sacred language, to all the Indo-Chinese countries which have derived their religion from India through Ceylon. <i>Pālī</i> is "a sort of Tuscan among the Prākrits" from its inherent grace and strength (<i>Childers</i>). But the analogy to Tuscan is closer still in the parallelism of the modification of Sanskrit words, used in Pālī, to that of Latin words used in Italian. </p><p>Robert Knox does not apparently know by that name the Pālī language in Ceylon. He only speaks of the Books of Religion as "being in an eloquent style which the Vulgar people do not understand" (p. 75); and in another passage says: "They have a language something differing from the vulgar tongue (like <i>Latin</i> to us) which their books are writ in" (p. 109). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1689.—"Les uns font valoir le style de leur Alcoran, les autres de leur <b>Báli.</b>"—<i>Lettres Edif.</i> xxv. 61. <p>1690.—"... this Doubt proceeds from the <i>Siameses</i> understanding two Languages, <i>viz.</i>, the Vulgar, which is a simple Tongue, consisting almost wholly of Monosyllables, without Conjugation or Declension; and another Language, which I have already spoken of, which to them is a dead Tongue, known only by the Learned, which is called the <b>Balie</b> Tongue, and which is enricht with the inflexions of words, like the Languages we have in Europe. The terms of Religion and Justice, the names of Offices, and all the Ornaments of the Vulgar Tongue are borrow'd from the <b>Balie.</b>"—<i>De la Loubère's Siam</i>, E.T. 1693, p. 9. </p><p>1795.—"Of the ancient <b>Pállis,</b> whose language constitutes at the present day the sacred text of Ava, Pegue, and Siam, as well as of several other countries eastward of the Ganges: and of their migration from India to the banks of the Cali, the Nile of Ethiopia, we have but very imperfect information.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt202_8-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt202-8"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>8<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> ... It has been the opinion of some of the most enlightened writers on the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page663b">page 663b<span id="663b"></span></span></span></span>languages of the East, that the <b>Pali,</b> the sacred language of the priests of Boodh, is nearly allied to the Shanscrit of the Bramins: and there certainly is much of that holy idiom engrafted on the vulgar language of Ava, by the introduction of the Hindoo religion."—<i>Symes</i>, 337-8. </p><p>1818.—"The <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#talapoin" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">Talapoins</a></b> ... do apply themselves in some degree to study, since according to their rules they are obliged to learn the Sadà, which is the grammar of the <b>Palì</b> language or Magatà, to read the Vini, the Padimot ... and the sermons of Godama.... All these books are written in the <b>Palì</b> tongue, but the text is accompanied by a Burmese translation. They were all brought into the kingdom by a certain Brahmin from the island of Ceylon."—<i>Sangermano's Burmese Empire</i>, p. 141. </p><p>[1822.—"... the sacred books of the Buddhists are composed in the <b>Balli</b> tongue...."—<i>Wallace, Fifteen Years in India</i>, 187.] </p><p>1837.—"Buddhists are impressed with the conviction that their sacred and classical language, the Mágadhi or <b>Páli,</b> is of greater antiquity than the Sanscrit; and that it had attained also a higher state of refinement than its rival tongue had acquired. In support of this belief they adduce various arguments, which, in their judgment, are quite conclusive. They observe that the very word <b>Páli</b> signifies original, text, regularity; and there is scarcely a Buddhist scholar in Ceylon, who, in the discussion of this question, will not quote, with an air of triumph, their favourite verse,— </p><p><i>Sá Mágadhi; múla bhásá</i> (&c.). </p><p>'There is a language which is the root; ... men and bráhmans at the commencement of the creation, who never before heard nor uttered a human accent, and even the Supreme Buddhos, spoke it: it is Mágadhi.' </p><p>"This verse is a quotation from Kachcháyanó's grammar, the oldest referred to in the Páli literature of Ceylon.... Let me ... at once avow, that, exclusive of all philological considerations, I am inclined, on primâ facie evidence—external as well as internal—to entertain an opinion adverse to the claims of the Buddhists on this particular point."—<i>George Turnour, Introd. to Maháwanso</i>, p. xxii. </p> 1874.—"The spoken language of Italy was to be found in a number of provincial dialects, each with its own characteristics, the Piedmontese harsh, the Neapolitan nasal, the Tuscan soft and flowing. These dialects had been rising in importance as Latin declined; the birth-time of a new literary language was imminent. Then came Dante, and choosing for his immortal Commedia the finest and most cultivated of the vernaculars, raised it at once to the position of dignity which it still retains. Read Sanskrit for Latin, Magadhese for Tuscan, and the Three Baskets for the Divina Commedia, and the parallel is complete.... Like Italian <b>Pali</b> is at once flowing and sonorous; it is a characteristic of both languages that nearly every word <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page664a">page 664a<span id="664a"></span></span></span></span>ends in a vowel, and that all harsh conjunctions are softened down by assimilation, elision, or crasis, while on the other hand both lend themselves easily to the expression of sublime and vigorous thought."—<i>Childers, Preface to Pali Dict.</i> pp. xiii-xiv.</div> <p><br /> <b>PALKEE-GARRY,</b> s. A 'palankin-coach,' as it is termed in India; <i>i.e.</i> a carriage shaped somewhat like a palankin on wheels; Hind. <i>pālkī-gāṛī</i>. The word is however one formed under European influences. ["The system of conveying passengers by palkee carriages and trucks was first established between Cawnpore and Allahabad in May 1843, and extended to Allyghur in November of the same year; Delhi was included in June 1845, Agra and Meerut about the same time; the now-going line not being, however, ready till January 1846" (<i>Carey, Good Old Days</i>, ii. 91).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1878.—"The Governor-General's carriage ... may be jostled by the hired '<b>palki-gharry,</b>' with its two wretched ponies, rope harness, nearly naked driver, and wheels whose sinuous motions impress one with the idea that they must come off at the next revolution."—<i>Life in the Mofussil</i>, i. 38. This description applies rather to the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cranchee" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cranchee</a></b> (q.v.) than to the palkee-garry, which is (or used to be) seldom so sordidly equipt. [Mr. Kipling's account of the Calcutta <i>palki gari</i> (<i>Beast and Man</i>, 192) is equally uncomplimentary.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="palmyra"></span>PALMYRA,</b> s. The fan-palm (<i>Borassus flabelliformis</i>), which is very commonly cultivated in S. India and Ceylon (as it is also indeed in the Ganges valley from Farrukhābād down to the head of the Delta), and hence was called by the Portuguese <i>par excellence</i>, <i>palmeira</i> or 'the palm-tree.' Sir J. Hooker writes: "I believe this palm is nowhere wild in India; and have always suspected that it, like the tamarind, was introduced from Africa." [So <i>Watt, Econ. Dict.</i> i. 504.] It is an important tree in the economy of S. India, Ceylon, and parts of the Archipelago as producing <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jaggery" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">jaggery</a></b> (q.v.) or 'palm-sugar'; whilst the wood affords rafters and laths, and the leaf gives a material for thatch, mats, umbrellas, fans, and a substitute for paper. Its minor uses are many: indeed it is supposed to supply nearly all the wants of man, and a Tamil proverb ascribes to it 801 uses (see Ferguson's <i>Palmyra-Palm of Ceylon</i>, and <i>Tennent's <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page664b">page 664b<span id="664b"></span></span></span></span>Ceylon</i>, i. 111, ii. 519 <i>seqq.</i>; also see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#brab" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BRAB</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1563.—"... A ilha de Ceilão ... ha muitas <b>palmeiras.</b>"—<i>Garcia</i>, ff. 65<i>v</i>-66. <p>1673.—"Their Buildings suit with the Country and State of the inhabitants, being mostly contrived for Conveniency: the Poorer are made of Boughs and <i>ollas</i> of the <b>Palmeroes.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 199. </p><p>1718.—"... Leaves of a Tree called <b>Palmeira.</b>"—<i>Prop. of the Gospel in the East</i>, iii. 85. </p><p>1756.—"The interval was planted with rows of <b>palmira,</b> and coco-nut trees."—<i>Orme</i>, ii. 90, ed. 1803. </p> 1860.—"Here, too, the beautiful <b>palmyra</b> palm, which abounds over the north of the Island, begins to appear."—<i>Tennent's Ceylon</i>, ii. 54.</div> <p><br /> <b>PALMYRA POINT,</b> n.p. Otherwise called Pt. Pedro, [a corruption of the Port. <i>Punta das Pedras</i>, 'the rocky cape,' a name descriptive of the natural features of the coast (<i>Tennent</i>, ii. 535)]. This is the N.E. point of Ceylon, the high palmyra trees on which are conspicuous. </p><p><br /> <b>PALMYRAS, POINT,</b> n.p. This is a headland on the Orissa coast, quite low, but from its prominence at the most projecting part of the combined Mahānadī and Brāhmaṇī delta an important landmark, especially in former days, for ships bound from the south for the mouth of the Hoogly, all the more for the dangerous shoal off it. A point of the Mahānadī delta, 24 miles to the south-west, is called <i>False Point</i>, from its liability to be mistaken for P. Palmyras. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1553.—"... o <b>Cabo</b> Segógora, a que os nossos chamam <b>das Palmeiras</b> por humas que alli estam, as quaes os navigantes notam por lhes dar conhecimento da terra. E deste cabo ... fazemos fim do Reyno Orixá."—<i>Barros</i>, I. ix. 1. <p>1598.—"... 2 miles (Dutch) before you come to the <b>point of Palmerias,</b> you shall see certaine blacke houels standing vppon a land that is higher than all the land thereabouts, and from thence to the Point it beginneth againe to be low ground and ... you shall see some small (but not ouer white) sandie Downes ... you shall finde being right against the <b>point de Palmerias</b> ... that vpon the point there is neyther tree nor bush, and although it hath the name of the Point of Palm-trees, it hath notwithstanding right forth, but one Palme tree."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 3d Book, ch. 12. </p><p>[c. 1665.—"Even the <i>Portuguese</i> of <i>Ogouli</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#hoogly" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HOOGLY</a></b>), in <i>Bengale</i>, purchased <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page665a">page 665a<span id="665a"></span></span></span></span>without scruple these wretched captives, and the horrid traffic was transacted in the vicinity of the island of <i>Galles</i>, near <b>Cape das Palmas.</b>"—<i>Bernier</i>, ed. <i>Constable</i>, 176.] </p> 1823.—"It is a large delta, formed by the mouths of the Maha-Nuddee and other rivers, the northernmost of which insulates <b>Cape Palmiras.</b>"—<i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, i. 88.</div> <p><br /> [<b>PAMBRE,</b> s. An article of dress which seems to have been used for various purposes, as a scarf, and perhaps as a turban. Mr. Yusuf Ali (<i>Monograph on Silk Fabrics</i>, 81) classes it among 'fabrics which are simply wrapped over the head and shoulders by men and women'; and he adds: "The <b>Pamri</b> is used by women and children, generally amongst Hindus." His specimens are some 3 yards long by 1 broad, and are made of pure silk or silk and cotton, with an ornamental border. The word does not appear in the Hind. dictionaries, but Molesworth has Mahr. <i>pāmarī</i>, 'a sort of silk cloth.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1616.—"He covered my head with his <b>Pambre.</b>"—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iv. 344.]</div> <p>For some of the following quotations and notes I am indebted to Mr. W. Foster. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1617.—"Antelopes and ramshelles,<sup id="cite_ref-Nt203_9-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt203-9"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>9<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> which bear the finest wool in the world, with which they make very delicate mantles, called <b>Pawmmerys.</b>"—<i>Joseph Salbank to the E. India Co.</i>, Agra, Nov. 22, 1617; India Office Records, O. C., No. 568. <p>[1627.—"L'on y [Kashmír] travaille aussi plusieurs <b>Vomeris</b> [misprint for <b>Pomeris,</b> which he elsewhere mentions as a stuff from Kashmir and Lahore], qui sont des pieces d'estoffes longues de trois aulnes, et largers de deux, faite de laine de moutons, qui croit au derriere de ces bestes, et qui est aussi fine que de la soye: on tient ces estoffes exposées au froid pendant l'hyver: elles ont un beau lustre, semblables aux tabis de nos cartiers."—<i>François Pelsart</i>, in <i>Thevenot's Rélations de divers Voyages</i>, vol. i. pt. 2. </p><p>[1634.—A letter in the India Office of Dec. 29 mentions that the Governor of Surat presented to the two chief Factors a horse and "a coat and <b>pamorine</b>" apiece. </p><p>[<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> O. C., No. 1543A (I. O. Records) mentions the presentation to the President of Surat of a "coat and <b>pamorine.</b>" </p><p>[1673.—"A couple of <b>pamerins,</b> which are fine mantles."—<i>Fryer's New Account</i>, p. 79; also see 177; in 112 <b>ramerin.</b> </p> [1766.—"... a lungee (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#loonghee" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LOONGHEE</a></b>) or clout, barely to cover their nakedness, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page665b">page 665b<span id="665b"></span></span></span></span>and a <b>pamree</b> or loose mantle to throw over their shoulders, or to lye on upon the ground."—<i>Grose</i>, 2nd ed. ii. 81.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PANCHĀÑGAM,</b> s. Skt. = 'quinque-partite.' A native almanac in S. India is called so, because it contains information on five subjects, viz. Solar Days, Lunar Days, Asterisms, Yogas, and <i>karaṇas</i> (certain astrological divisions of the days of a month). <i>Panchanga</i> is used also, at least by Buchanan below, for the Brahman who keeps and interprets the almanac for the villagers. [This should be Skt. <i>pañchāngī</i>.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1612.—"Every year they make new almanacs for the eclipses of the Sun and of the Moon, and they have a perpetual one which serves to pronounce their auguries, and this they call <b>Panchagão.</b>"—<i>Couto</i>, V. vi. 4. <p>1651.—"The Bramins, in order to know the good and bad days, have made certain writings after the fashion of our Almanacks, and these they call <b>Panjangam.</b>"—<i>Rogerius</i>, 55. This author gives a specimen (pp. 63-69). </p> 1800.—"No one without consulting the <b>Panchanga,</b> or almanac-keeper, knows when he is to perform the ceremonies of religion."—<i>Buchanan's Mysore</i>, &c., i. 234.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pandal"></span>PANDAL,</b> <b>PENDAUL,</b> s. A shed. Tamil <i>pandal</i>, [Skt. <i>bandh</i>, 'to bind']. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1651.—"... it is the custom in this country when there is a Bride in the house to set up before the door certain stakes somewhat taller than a man, and these are covered with lighter sticks on which foliage is put to make a shade.... This arrangement is called a <b>Pandael</b> in the country speech."—<i>Rogerius</i>, 12. <p>1717.—"Water-<b>Bandels,</b> which are little sheds for the Conveniency of drinking Water."—<i>Phillips's Account</i>, 19. </p><p>1745.—"Je suivis la procession d'un peu loin, et arrivé aux sepultures, j'y vis un <b>pandel</b> ou tente dressée, sur la fosse du defunt; elle était ornée de branches de figuier, de toiles peintes, &c. L'intérieur était garni de petites lampes allumées."—<i>Norbert, Mémoires</i>, iii. 32. </p><p>1781.—"Les gens riches font construire devant leur porte un autre <b>pendal.</b>"—<i>Sonnerat</i>, ed. 1782, i. 134. </p><p>1800.—"I told the farmer that, as I meant to make him pay his full rent, I could not take his fowl and milk without paying for them; and that I would not enter his <b>pundull,</b> because he had not paid the labourers who made it."—Letter of <i>Sir T. Munro</i>, in <i>Life</i>, i. 283. </p><p>1814.—"There I beheld, assembled in the same <b>pandaul,</b> or reposing under the friendly banian-tree, the <i>Gosannee</i> (see <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page666a">page 666a<span id="666a"></span></span></span></span><b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gosain" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GOSAIN</a></b>) in a state of nudity, the <i>Yogee</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jogee" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JOGEE</a></b>) with a lark or paroquet his sole companion for a thousand miles."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> ii. 465; [2nd ed. ii. 72. In ii. 109 he writes <b>Pendall</b>]. </p> 1815.—"<b>Pandauls</b> were erected opposite the two principal fords on the river, where under my medical superintendence skilful natives provided with eau-de-luce and other remedies were constantly stationed."—<i>Dr. M‘Kenzie</i>, in <i>Asiatic Researches</i>, xiii. 329.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pandaram"></span>PANDÁRAM,</b> s. A Hindu ascetic mendicant of the (so-called) Śūdra, or even of a lower caste. A priest of the lower Hindu castes of S. India and Ceylon. Tamil, <i>paṇḍāram</i>. C. P. Brown says the <i>Paṇḍāram</i> is properly a Vaishnava, but other authors apply the name to Śaiva priests. [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> derives the word from Skt. <i>pāṇḍu-ranga</i>, 'white-coloured.' Messrs. Cox and Stuart (<i>Man. of N. Arcot.</i> i. 199) derive it from Skt. <i>bhāṇḍagāra</i>, 'a temple-treasury,' wherein were employed those who had renounced the world. "The Pandārams seem to receive numerous recruits from the Śaivite Śúdra castes, who choose to make a profession of piety and wander about begging. They are, in reality, very lax in their modes of life, often drinking liquor and eating animal food furnished by any respectable Śúdra. They often serve in Śiva temples, where they make up garlands of flowers to decorate the lingam, and blow brass trumpets when offerings are made or processions take place" (<i>ibid.</i>).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1711.—"... But the destruction of 50 or 60,000 pagodas worth of grain ... and killing the <b>Pandarrum</b>; these are things which make his demands really carry too much justice with them."—Letter in <i>Wheeler</i>, ii. 163. <p>1717.—"... Bramans, <b>Pantarongal,</b> and other holy men."—<i>Phillips's Account</i>, 18. The word is here in the Tamil plural. </p><p>1718.—"Abundance of Bramanes, <b>Pantares,</b> and Poets ... flocked together."—<i>Propn. of the Gospel</i>, ii. 18. </p><p>1745.—"On voit ici quelquefois les <b>Pandarams</b> ou Penitens qui ont été en pélérinage à Bengale; quand ils retournent ils apportent ici avec grand soin de l'eau du <i>Gange</i> dans des pots ou vases bien formés."—<i>Norbert, Mém.</i> iii. 28. </p><p>c. 1760.—"The <b>Pandarams,</b> the Mahometan priests, and the Bramins thomselves yield to the force of truth."—<i>Grose</i>, i. 252. </p><p>1781.—"Les <b>Pandarons</b> ne sont pas moins révérés que les <i>Saniasis</i>. Ils sont de la secte de Chiven, se barbouillent toute la <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page666b">page 666b<span id="666b"></span></span></span></span>figure, la poitrine, et les bras avec des cendres de bouze de vache," &c.—<i>Sonnerat</i>, 8vo. ed., ii. 113-114. </p><p>1798.—"The other figure is of a <b>Pandaram</b> or Senassey, of the class of pilgrims to the various pagodas."—<i>Pennant's View of Hindostan</i>, preface. </p><p>1800.—"In Chera the <i>Pújáris</i> (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#poojaree">POOJAREE</a></b>) or priests in these temples are all <b>Pandarums,</b> who are the <i>Súdras</i> dedicated to the service of Siva's temples...."—<i>Buchanan's Mysore</i>, &c., ii. 338. </p><p>1809.—"The chief of the pagoda (Rameswaram), or <b>Pandaram,</b> waiting on the beach."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 338. </p> 1860.—"In the island of Nainativoe, to the south-west of Jafna, there was till recently a little temple, dedicated to the goddess Naga Tambiran, in which consecrated serpents were tenderly reared by the <b>Pandarams,</b> and daily fed at the expense of the worshippers."—<i>Tennent's Ceylon</i>, i. 373.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pandarani"></span>PANDARĀNI,</b> n.p. The name of a port of Malabar of great reputation in the Middle Ages, a name which has gone through many curious corruptions. Its position is clear enough from Varthema's statement that an uninhabited island stood opposite at three leagues distance, which must be the "Sacrifice Rock" of our charts. [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> identifies it with Collam.] The name appears upon no modern map, but it still attaches to a miserable fishing village on the site, in the form <b>Pantalānī</b> (approx. lat. 11° 26′), a little way north of Koilandi. It is seen below in Ibn Batuta's notice that Pandarāni afforded an exceptional shelter to shipping during the S.W. monsoon. This is referred to in an interesting letter to one of the present writers from his friend Col. (now Lt.-Gen.) R. H. Sankey, C.B., R.E., dated Madras, 13th Feby., 1881: "One very extraordinary feature on the coast is the occurrence of mud-banks in from 1 to 6 fathoms of water, which have the effect of breaking both surf and swell to such an extent that ships can run into the patches of water so sheltered at the very height of the monsoon, when the elements are raging, and not only find a perfectly still sea, but are able to land their cargoes.... Possibly the snugness of some of the harbours frequented by the Chinese junks, such as <b>Pandarani,</b> may have been mostly due to banks of this kind? By the way, I suspect your 'Pandarani' was nothing but the roadstead of Coulete (Coulandi or <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page667a">page 667a<span id="667a"></span></span></span></span>Quelande of our Atlas). The Master Attendant who accompanied me, appears to have a good opinion of it as an anchorage, and as well sheltered." [See <i>Logan, Malabar</i>, i. 72.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1150.—"<b>Fandarina</b> is a town built at the mouth of a river which comes from <i>Manibár</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#malabar1" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MALABAR</a></b>), where vessels from India and Sind cast anchor. The inhabitants are rich, the markets well supplied, and trade flourishing."—<i>Edrisi</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, i. 90. <p>1296.—"In the year (1296) it was prohibited to merchants who traded in fine or costly products with Maparh (Ma'bar or Coromandel), Peï-nan (?) and <b>Fantalaina,</b> three foreign kingdoms, to export any one of them more than the value of 50,000 <i>ting</i> in paper money."—<i>Chinese Annals of the Mongol Dynasty</i>, quoted by <i>Pauthier, Marc Pol</i>, 532. </p><p>c. 1300.—"Of the cities on the shore the first is Sindábúr, then Faknúr, then the country of Manjarúr, then the country of Hílí, then the country of (<b>Fandaraina</b><sup id="cite_ref-Nt204_10-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt204-10"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>10<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup>)."—<i>Rashíduddín</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, i. 68. </p><p>c. 1321.—"And the forest in which the pepper groweth extendeth for a good 18 days' journey, and in that forest there be two cities, the one whereof is called <b>Flandrina,</b> and the other <i>Cyngilin</i>" (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shinkali" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHINKALI</a></b>).—<i>Friar Odoric</i>, in <i>Cathay</i>, &c., 75. </p><p>c. 1343.—"From Boddfattan we proceeded to <b>Fandaraina,</b> a great and fine town with gardens and bazars. The Musulmans there occupy three quarters, each having its mosque.... It is at this town that the ships of China pass the winter" (<i>i.e.</i> the S.W. monsoon).—<i>Ibn Batuta</i>, iv. 88. (Compare <i>Roteiro</i> below.) </p><p>c. 1442.—"The humble author of this narrative having received his order of dismissal departed from Calicut by sea, after having passed the port of <b>Bendinaneh</b> (read <b>Bandarānah,</b> and see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mangalore" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MANGALORE</a>, a</b>) situated on the coast of Melabar, (he) reached the port of Mangalor...."—<i>Abdurrazzāk</i>, in <i>India in XVth Cent.</i>, 20. </p><p>1498.—"... hum lugar que se chama <b>Pandarany</b> ... por que alii estava bom porto, e que alii nos amarassemos ... e que era costume que os navios que vinham a esta terra pousasem alii por estarem seguros...."—<i>Roteiro de Vasco da Gama</i>, 53. </p><p>1503.—"Da poi feceno vela et in vn porto de dicto Re chiamato <b>Fundarane</b> amazorno molta gẽte cõ artelaria et deliberorno andare verso il regno de Cuchin...."—<i>Letter of King Emanuel</i>, p. 5. </p><p>c. 1506.—"Questo capitanio si trovò nave 17 de mercadanti Mori in uno porto se chima <b>Panidarami,</b> e combattè con queste le quali se messeno in terra; per modo che questo capitanio mandò tutti li soi copani ben armadi con un baril de polvere per <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page667b">page 667b<span id="667b"></span></span></span></span>cadaun copano, e mise fuoco dentro dette navi de Mori; e tutte quelle brasolle, con tutte quelle spezierie che erano carghe per la Mecha, e s'intende ch'erano molto ricche...."—<i>Leonardo Ca' Masser</i>, 20-21. </p><p>1510.—"Here we remained two days, and then departed, and went to a place which is called <b>Pandarani,</b> distant from this one day's journey, and which is subject to the King of Calicut. This place is a wretched affair, and has no port."—<i>Varthema</i>, 153. </p><p>1516.—"Further on, south south-east, is another Moorish place which is called <b>Pandarani,</b> in which also there are many ships."—<i>Barbosa</i>, 152. </p><p>In Rowlandson's Translation of the <i>Tohfat-ul-Majāhidīn</i> (<i>Or. Transl. Fund</i>, 1833), the name is habitually misread <i>Fundreeah</i> for <b>Fundaraina.</b> </p> 1536.—"Martim Afonso ... ran along the coast in search of the <i>paraos</i>, the galleys and caravels keeping the sea, and the foists hugging the shore. And one morning they came suddenly on Cunhalemarcar with 25 <i>paraos</i>, which the others had sent to collect rice; and on catching sight of them as they came along the coast towards the Isles of <b>Pandarane,</b> Diogo de Reynoso, who was in advance of our foists, he and his brother ... and Diogo Corvo ... set off to engage the Moors, who were numerous and well armed. And Cunhale, when he knew it was Martim Afonso, laid all pressure on his oars to double the Point of Tiracole...."—<i>Correa</i>, iii. 775.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pandy"></span>PANDY,</b> s. The most current colloquial name for the Sepoy mutineer during 1857-58. The surname <i>Pāṇḍē</i> [Skt. <i>Paṇḍita</i>] was a very common one among the high-caste Sepoys of the Bengal army, being the title of a <i>Jōt</i> [<i>got</i>, <i>gotra</i>] or subdivisional branch of the Brahmins of the Upper Provinces, which furnished many men to the ranks. "The first two men hung" (for mutiny) "at Barrackpore were <b>Pandies</b> by caste, hence all sepoys were <b>Pandies,</b> and ever will be so called" (<i>Bourchier</i>, as below). "In the Bengal army before the Mutiny, there was a person employed in the quarter-guard to strike the gong, who was known as the <i>gunta</i> <b>Pandy</b>" (<i>M.-G. Keatinge</i>). <i>Ghanṭā</i>, 'a gong or bell.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1857.—"As long as I feel the entire confidence I do, that we shall triumph over this iniquitous combination, I cannot feel gloom. I leave this feeling to the <b>Pandies,</b> who have sacrificed honour and existence to the ghost of a delusion."—<i>H. Greathed, Letters during the Siege of Delhi</i>, 99. <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "We had not long to wait before the line of guns, howitzers, and mortar carts, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page668a">page 668a<span id="668a"></span></span></span></span>chiefly drawn by elephants, soon hove in sight.... Poor <b>Pandy,</b> what a pounding was in store for you!..."—<i>Bourchier, Eight Months' Campaign against the Bengal Sepoy Army</i>, 47.</div> <p><br /> <b>PANGARA,</b> <b>PANGAIA,</b> s. From the quotations, a kind of boat used on the E. coast of Africa. [Pyrard de Laval (i. 53, Hak. Soc.) speaks of a "kind of raft called a <b>panguaye,</b>" on which Mr. Gray comments: "As Rivara points out, Pyrard mistakes the use of the word <i>panguaye</i>, or, as the Portuguese write it, <i>pangaio</i>, which was a small sailing canoe.... Rivara says the word is still used in Portuguese India and Africa for a two-masted barge with lateen sails. It is mentioned in Lancaster's <i>Voyages</i> (Hak. Soc. pp. 5, 6, and 26), where it is described as being like a barge with one mat sail of coco-nut leaves. 'The barge is sowed together with the rindes of trees and pinned with wooden pinnes.' See also <i>Alb. Comm.</i> Hak. Soc. iii. p. 60, note; and Dr. Burnell's note to Linschoten, Hak. Soc. i. p. 32, where it appears that the word is used as early as 1505, in Dom Manoel's letter."] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1513.—<b>Pandejada</b> and <b>Panguagada</b> are used for a sort of boat near Malacca in D'Andrade's Letter to Alboquerque of 22 Feby.; and we have "a <b>Pandejada</b> laden with supplies and arms" in India Office MS., <i>Corpo Chronologico</i>, vol. i.] <p>1591.—"... divers <b>Pangaras</b> or boates, which are pinned with wooden pinnes, and sowed together with Palmito cordes."—<i>Barker</i>, in <i>Hakluyt</i>, ii. 588. </p><p>1598.—"In this fortresse of Sofala the Captaine of <i>Mossambique</i> hath a Factor, and twice or thrice every yere he sendeth certaine boats called <b>Pangaios,</b> which saile along the shore to fetch gold, and bring it to <i>Mossambique</i>. These <b>Pangaios</b> are made of light planks, and sowed together with cords, without any nailes."—<i>Linschoten</i>, ch. 4; [Hak. Soc. i. 32]. </p><p>1616.—"Each of these bars, of Quilimane, Cumama, and Luabo, allows of the entrance of vessels of 100 tons, viz., galeots and <b>pangaios,</b> loaded with cloth and provisions; and when they enter the river they discharge cargo into other light and very long boats called <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#almadia" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">almadias</a></b>...."—<i>Bocarro, Decada</i>, 534. </p> [1766.—"Their larger boats, called <b>panguays,</b> are raised some feet from the sides with reeds and branches of trees, well bound together with small-cord, and afterwards made water-proof, with a kind of bitumen, or resinous substance."—<i>Grose</i>, 2nd ed. ii. 13.]</div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page668b">page 668b<span id="668b"></span></span></span></span><b>PANGOLIN,</b> s. This book-name for the <i>Manis</i> is Malay <i>Pangūlang</i>, 'the creature that rolls itself up.' [Scott says: "The Malay word is <i>peng-goling</i>, transcribed also <i>peng-guling</i>; Katingan <i>pengiling</i>. It means 'roller,' or, more literally, 'roll up.' The word is formed from <i>goling</i>, 'roll, wrap,' with the denominative prefix <i>pe-</i>, which takes before <i>g</i> the form <i>peng</i>." Mr. Skeat remarks that the modern Malay form is <i>teng-giling</i> or <i>senggiling</i>, but the latter seems to be used, not for the <i>Manis</i>, but for a kind of centipede which rolls itself up. "The word <b>pangolin,</b> to judge by its form, should be derived from <i>guling</i>, which means to 'roll over and over.' The word <i>pangguling</i> or <i>pengguling</i> in the required sense of <i>Manis</i>, does not exist in standard Malay. The word was either derived from some out-of-the-way dialect, or was due to some misunderstanding on the part of the Europeans who first adopted it." Its use in English begins with Pennant (<i>Synopsis of Quadrupeds</i>, 1771, p. 329). Adam Burt gives a dissection of the animal in <i>Asiat. Res.</i> ii. 353 <i>seqq.</i>] It is the <i>Manis pentedactyla</i> of Linn.; called in Hind. <i>bajrkīt</i> (<i>i.e.</i> Skt. <i>vajra-kiṭa</i> 'adamant reptile'). We have sometimes thought that the Manis might have been the creature which was shown as a gold-digging ant (see <i>Busbeck</i> below); was not this also the creature that Bertrandon de la Brocquière met with in the desert of Gaza? When pursued, "it began to cry like a cat at the approach of a dog. Pierre de la Vaudrei struck it on the back with the point of his sword, but it did no harm, from being covered with scales like a sturgeon." <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 1432. (<i>T. Wright's Early Travels in Palestine</i>, p. 290) (Bohn). It is remarkable to find the statement that these ants were found in the possession of the King of Persia recurring in Herodotus and in Busbeck, with an interval of nearly 2000 years! We see that the suggestion of the Manis being the gold-digging ant has been anticipated by Mr. Blakesley in his <i>Herodotus</i>. ["It is now understood that the gold-digging ants were neither, as ancients supposed, an extraordinary kind of real ants, nor, as many learned men have since supposed, large animals mistaken for ants, but Tibetan miners who, like their descendants of the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page669a">page 669a<span id="669a"></span></span></span></span>present day, preferred working their mines in winter when the frozen soil stands well and is not likely to trouble them by falling in. The Sanskrit word <i>pipilika</i> denotes both an ant and a particular kind of gold" (<i>McCrindle, Ancient India, its Invasion by Alexander the Great</i>, p. 341 <i>seq.</i>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. <span style="font-size: 83%;">B.C.</span> 445.—"Here in this desert, there live amid the sand great ants, in size somewhat less than dogs, but bigger than foxes. The Persian King has a number of them, which have been caught by the hunters in the land whereof we are speaking...."—<i>Herod.</i> iii. 102 (<i>Rawlinson's</i> tr.). 1562.—Among presents to the G. Turk from the King of Persia: "in his inusitati generis animantes, qualem memini dictum fuisse allatam <i>formicam Indicam</i> mediocris canis magnitudine, mordacem admodum et saevam."—<i>Busbequii Opera, Elzev.</i>, 1633, p. 343.</div> <p><br /> <b>PANICALE,</b> s. This is mentioned by Bluteau (vi. 223) as an Indian disease, a swelling of the feet. <i>Câle</i> is here probably the Tamil <i>kāl</i>, 'leg.' [<i>Ānaikkāl</i> is the Tamil name for what is commonly called <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cochin_leg" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Cochin Leg</a>.</b>] </p><p><br /> <b>PANIKAR,</b> <b>PANYCA,</b> &c., s. Malayāl. <i>paṇikan</i>, 'a fencing-master, a teacher' [Mal. <i>paṇi</i>, 'work,' <i>karan</i>, 'doer']; but at present it more usually means 'an astrologer.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1518.—"And there are very skilful men who teach this art (fencing), and they are called <b>Panicars.</b>"—<i>Barbosa</i>, 128. <p>1553.—"And when (the Naire) comes to the age of 7 years he is obliged to go to the fencing-school, the master of which (whom they call <b>Panical</b>) they regard as a father, on account of the instruction he gives them."—<i>Barros</i>, I. ix. 3. </p><p>1554.—"To the <b>panical</b> (in the Factory at Cochin) 300 <i>reis</i> a month, which are for the year 3600 <i>reis</i>."—<i>S. Botelho, Tombo</i>, 24. </p><p>1556.—"... aho Rei arma caualleiro ho <b>Panica</b> q̃ ho ensinou."—<i>D. de Goes, Chron.</i> 51. </p><p>1583.—"The maisters which teach them, be graduats in the weapons which they teach, and they bee called in their language <b>Panycaes.</b>"—<i>Castañeda</i> (by N. L.), f. 36<i>v</i>. </p><p>1599.—"L'Archidiacre pour assurer sa personne fit appeller quelques-uns des principaux Maitres d'Armes de sa Nation. On appelle ces Gens-là <b>Panicals</b>.... Ils sont extremement redoutez."—<i>La Croze</i>, 101. </p><p>1604.—"The deceased <b>Panical</b> had engaged in his pay many Nayres, with obligation to die for him."—<i>Guerrero, Relacion</i>, 90. </p><p>1606.—"<b>Paniquais</b> is the name by which the same Malauares call their masters of fence."—<i>Gouvea</i>, f. 28. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page669b">page 669b<span id="669b"></span></span></span></span>1644.—"To the cost of a <b>Penical</b> and 4 Nayres who serve the factory in the conveyance of the pepper on rafts for the year 12,960 res."—<i>Bocarro, MS.</i> 316.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="panthay"></span>PANTHAY,</b> <b>PANTHÉ,</b> s. This is the name applied of late years in Burma, and in intelligence coming from the side of Burma, to the Mahommedans of Yunnan, who established a brief independence at Talifu, between 1867 and 1873. The origin of the name is exceedingly obscure. It is not, as Mr. Baber assures us, used or known in Yunnan itself (<i>i.e.</i> by the <i>Chinese</i>). It must be remarked that the usual Burmese name for a Mahommedan is <i>Pathí</i>, and one would have been inclined to suppose <i>Panthé</i> to be a form of the same; as indeed we see that Gen. Fytche has stated it to be (<i>Burma, Past and Present</i>, ii. 297-8). But Sir Arthur Phayre, a high authority, in a note with which he has favoured us, observes: "<b>Panthé,</b> I believe, comes from a Chinese word signifying 'native or indigenous.' It is quite a modern name in Burma, and is applied exclusively to the Chinese Mahommedans who come with caravans from Yunnan. I am not aware that they can be distinguished from other Chinese caravan traders, except that they <i>do not bring hams for sale</i> as the others do. In dress and appearance, as well as in drinking samshu (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#samshoo" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SAMSHOO</a></span></b>) and gambling, they are like the others. The word <i>Pa-thi</i> again is the old Burmese word for 'Mahommedan.' It is applied to all Mahommedans other than the Chinese <i>Panthé</i>. It is in no way connected with the latter word, but is, I believe, a corruption of <i>Pārsī</i> or <i>Fārsī</i>, <i>i.e.</i> Persian." He adds:—"The Burmese call their own indigenous Mahommedans '<i>Pathi-Kulà</i>,' and Hindus '<i>Hindu-Kulà</i>,' when they wish to distinguish between the two" (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/K#kula" title="Hobson-Jobson/K">KULA</a></span></b>). The last suggestion is highly probable, and greatly to be preferred to that of M. Jacquet, who supposed that the word might be taken from <i>Pasei</i> in Sumatra, which was during part of the later Middle Ages a kind of metropolis of Islam, in the Eastern Seas.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt205_11-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt205-11"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>11<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>We may mention two possible origins for <i>Panthé</i>, as indicating lines for enquiry:— </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page670a">page 670a<span id="670a"></span></span></span></span><b>a.</b> The title <i>Pathí</i> (or <i>Passí</i>, for the former is only the Burmese lisping utterance) is very old. In the remarkable Chinese Account of Camboja, dating from the year 1296, which has been translated by Abel-Rémusat, there is a notice of a sect in Camboja called <i>Pa-sse</i>. The author identifies them in a passing way, with the <i>Tao-sse</i>, but that is a term which Fah-hian also in India uses in a vague way, apparently quite inapplicable to the Chinese sect properly so called. These <i>Pa-sse</i>, the Chinese writer says, "wear a red or white cloth on their heads, like the head-dress of Tartar women, but not so high. They have edifices or towers, monasteries, and temples, but not to be compared for magnitude with those of the Buddhists.... In their temples there are no images ... they are allowed to cover their towers and their buildings with tiles. The <i>Pa-sse</i> never eat with a stranger to their sect, and do not allow themselves to be seen eating; they drink no wine," &c. (<i>Rémusat, Nouv. Mél. As.</i>, i. 112). We cannot be quite sure that this applies to Mahommedans, but it is on the whole probable that the name is the same as the <i>Pathi</i> of the Burmese, and has the same application. Now the people from whom the Burmese were likely to adopt a name for the Yunnan Mahommedans are the Shans, belonging to the great Siamese race, who occupy the intermediate country. The question occurs:—Is <i>Panthé</i> a <i>Shan</i> term for Mahommedan? If so, is it not probably only a dialectic variation of the <i>Passe</i> of Camboja, the <i>Pathí</i> of Burma, but entering Burma from a new quarter, and with its identity thus disguised? (Cushing, in his <i>Shan Dict.</i> gives <i>Pasī</i> for Mahommedan. We do not find <i>Panthé</i>). There would be many analogies to such a course of things. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">["The name Panthay is a purely Burmese word, and has been adopted by us from them. The Shan word Pang-hse is identical, and gives us no help to the origin of the term. Among themselves and to the Chinese they are known as Hui-hui or Hui-tzu (Mahomedans)."—<i>J. G. Scott, Gazetteer Upper Burma</i>, I. i. 606.]</div> <p><b>b.</b> We find it stated in Lieut. Garnier's narrative of his great expedition to Yunnan that there is a hybrid Chinese race occupying part of the plain of Tali-fu, who are called <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page670b">page 670b<span id="670b"></span></span></span></span><i>Pen-ti</i> (see <i>Garnier, Voy. d'Expl.</i> i. 518). This name again, it has been suggested, may possibly have to do with <i>Panthé</i>. But we find that <i>Pen-ti</i> ('root-soil') is a generic expression used in various parts of S. China for 'aborigines'; it could hardly then have been applied to the Mahommedans. </p><p><br /> <b>PANWELL,</b> n.p. This town on the mainland opposite Bombay was in pre-railway times a usual landing-place on the way to Poona, and the English form of the name must have struck many besides ourselves. [Hamilton (<i>Descr.</i> ii. 151) says it stands on the river <i>Pan</i>, whence perhaps the name]. We do not know the correct form; but this one has substantially come down to us from the Portuguese: <i>e.g.</i> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1644.—"This Island of Caranja is quite near, almost frontier-place, to six cities of the Moors of the Kingdom of the Melique, viz. <i>Carnallî</i>, <i>Drugo</i>, <i>Pene</i>, <i>Sabayo</i>, <i>Abitta</i>, and <b>Panoel.</b>"—<i>Bocarro, MS.</i> f. 227. 1804.—"<i>P.S.</i> Tell Mrs. Waring that notwithstanding the debate at dinner, and her recommendation, we propose to go to Bombay, by <b>Panwell,</b> and in the balloon!"—<i>Wellington</i>, from "Candolla," March 8.</div> <p><br /> <b>PAPAYA,</b> <b>PAPAW,</b> s. This word seems to be from America like the insipid, not to say nasty, fruit which it denotes (<i>Carica papaya</i>, L.). A quotation below indicates that it came by way of the Philippines and Malacca. [The Malay name, according to Mr. Skeat, is <i>betik</i>, which comes from the same Ar. form as <b>pateca,</b> though <i>papaya</i> and <i>kapaya</i> have been introduced by Europeans.] Though of little esteem, and though the tree's peculiar quality of rendering fresh meat tender which is familiar in the W. Indies, is little known or taken advantage of, the tree is found in gardens and compounds all over India, as far north as Delhi. In the N.W. Provinces it is called by the native gardeners <i>aranḍ-kharbūza</i>, 'castor-oil-tree-melon,' no doubt from the superficial resemblance of its foliage to that of the <i>Palma Christi</i>. According to Moodeen Sheriff it has a Perso-Arabic name <i>'anbah-i-Hindī</i>; in Canarese it is called <i>P'arangi-haṇṇu</i> or <i>-mara</i> ('Frank or Portuguese fruit, tree'). The name <i>papaya</i> according to Oviedo <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page671a">page 671a<span id="671a"></span></span></span></span>as quoted by Littré ("<i>Oviedo</i>, t. l. p. 333, Madrid, 1851,"—we cannot find it in <i>Ramusio</i>) was that used in Cuba, whilst the Carib name was <i>ababai</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt206_12-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt206-12"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>12<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> [Mr. J. Platt, referring to his article in 9th Ser. <i>Notes & Queries</i>, iv. 515, writes: "Malay <i>papaya</i>, like the Accra term <i>kpakpa</i>, is a European loan word. The evidence for Carib origin is, firstly, Oviedo's <i>Historia</i>, 1535 (in the ed. of 1851, vol. i. 323): 'Del arbol que en esta isla Española llaman <i>papaya</i>, y en la tierra firme los llaman los Españoles los higos del mastuerço, y en la provincia de Nicaragua llaman a tal arbol <i>olocoton</i>.' Secondly, Breton, <i>Dictionnaire Caraibe</i>, has: '<i>Ababai</i>, papayer.' Gilij, <i>Saggio</i>, 1782, iii. 146 (quoted in <i>N. & Q.</i>, <i>u.s.</i>), says the Otamic word is <i>pappai</i>."] Strange liberties are taken with the spelling. Mr. Robinson (below) calls it <i>popeya</i>; Sir L. Pelly (<i>J.R.G.S.</i> xxxv. 232), <i>poppoi</i> (<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r13213921">.mw-parser-output .wst-lang-grc{font-family:GentiumPlus;font-feature-settings:"cv78"on,"cv83"on}</style><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r13686547">.mw-parser-output .wst-tooltip{cursor:help;border-bottom:thin dotted cornflowerblue}.mw-parser-output .wst-tooltip-nodash{border-bottom:none}</style><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="ô popoi">ὦ πόποι</span></span>!). <b>Papaya</b> is applied in the Philippines to Europeans who, by long residence, have fallen into native ways and ideas. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1550.—"There is also a sort of fruit resembling figs, called by the natives <b>Papaie</b> ... peculiar to this kingdom" (Peru).—<i>Girol. Benzoni</i>, 242. <p>1598.—"There is also a fruite that came out of the Spanish Indies, brought from beyond ye <i>Philipinas</i> or <i>Lusons</i> to <i>Malacca</i>, and frõ thence to <i>India</i>, it is called <b>Papaios,</b> and is very like a <i>Mellon</i> ... and will not grow, but alwaies two together, that is male and female ... and when they are diuided and set apart one from the other, then they yield no fruite at all.... This fruite at the first for the strangeness thereof was much esteemed, but now they account not of it."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 97; [Hak. Soc. ii. 35]. </p><p>c. 1630.—"... <b>Pappaes,</b> Cocoes, and Plantains, all sweet and delicious...."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1665, p. 350. </p><p>c. 1635.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"The Palma Christi and the fair <b>Papaw</b><br /> Now but a seed (preventing Nature's Law)<br /> In half the circle of the hasty year,<br /> Project a shade, and lovely fruits do wear."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Waller, Battle of the Summer Islands.</i> </p> </div></div> <p>1658.—"Utraque Pinoguaçu (mas. et fœmina), Mamoeira Lusitanis dicta, vulgò <b>Papay,</b> cujus fructum <i>Mamam</i> vocant a figura, quia mammae instar pendet in arbore ... carne lutea instar melonum, sed sapore ignobiliori...."—<i>Gul. Pisonis ... de Indiae utriusque Re Naturali et Medicâ</i>, Libri xiv. 159-160. </p><p>1673.—"Here the flourishing <b>Papaw</b> (in Taste like our Melons, and as big, but <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page671b">page 671b<span id="671b"></span></span></span></span>growing on a Tree leaf'd like our Fig-tree...."—<i>Fryer</i>, 19. </p><p>1705.—"Il y a aussi des ananas, des <b>Papées</b>...."—<i>Luillier</i>, 33. </p><p>1764.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Thy temples shaded by the tremulous palm,<br /> Or quick <b>papaw,</b> whose top is necklaced round<br /> With numerous rows of particoloured fruit."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Grainger, Sugar Cane</i>, iv. </p> </div></div> <p>[1773.—"<b>Paw Paw.</b> This tree rises to 20 feet, sometimes single, at other times it is divided into several bodies."—<i>Ives</i>, 480.] </p> 1878.—"... the rank <b>popeyas</b> clustering beneath their coronal of stately leaves."—<i>Ph. Robinson, In My Indian Garden</i>, 50.</div> <p><br /> <b>PAPUA,</b> n.p. This name, which is now applied generically to the chief race of the island of New Guinea and resembling tribes, and sometimes (improperly) to the great island itself, is a Malay word <i>papuwah</i>, or sometimes <i>puwah-puwah</i>, meaning 'frizzle-haired,' and was applied by the Malays to the people in question. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1528.—"And as the wind fell at night the vessel was carried in among the islands, where there are strong currents, and got into the Sea of the Strait of Magalhães,<sup id="cite_ref-Nt207_13-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt207-13"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>13<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> where he encountered a great storm, so that but for God's mercy they had all been lost, and so they were driven on till they made the land of the <b>Papuas,</b> and then the east winds began to blow so that they could not sail to the Moluccas till May 1527. And with their stay in these lands much people got ill and many died, so that they came to Molucca much shattered."—<i>Correa</i>, iii. 173-174. 1553.—(Referring to the same history.) "Thence he went off to make the islands of a certain people called <b>Papuas,</b> whom many on account of this visit of Don Jorge (de Menezes) call the Islands of Don Jorge, which lie east of the Moluccas some 200 leagues...."—<i>Barros</i>, IV. i. 6.</div> <p><br /> <b>PARABYKE,</b> s. Burmese <i>pārabeik</i>; the name given to a species of writing book which is commonly used in Burma. It consists of paper made from the bark of a spec. of <i>daphne</i>, which is agglutinated into a kind of pasteboard and blackened with a paste of charcoal. It is then folded, screen-fashion, into a note-book and written on with a steatite pencil. The same mode of writing has long been used in Canara; and from La Loubère we see <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page672a">page 672a<span id="672a"></span></span></span></span>that it is or was used also in Siam. The Canara books are called <i>kaḍatam</i>, and are described by Col. Wilks under the name of <i>cudduttum</i>, <i>carruttum</i>, or <i>currut</i> (<i>Hist. Sketches</i>, Pref. I. xii.). They appear exactly to resemble the Burmese <i>para-beik</i>, except that the substance blackened is cotton cloth instead of paper. "The writing is similar to that on a slate, and may be in like manner rubbed out and renewed. It is performed by a pencil of the <i>balapum</i> [Can. <i>balapa</i>] or <i>lapis ollaris</i>; and this mode of writing was not only in ancient use for records and public documents, but is still universally employed in Mysoor by merchants and shopkeepers, I have even seen a bond, regularly witnessed, entered in the <i>cudduttum</i> of a merchant, produced and received in evidence. </p><p>"This is the word <i>kirret</i>, translated 'palm-leaf' (of course conjecturally) in Mr. Crisp's translation of Tippoo's regulations. The Sultan prohibited its use in recording the public accounts; but altho' liable to be expunged, and affording facility to permanent entries, it is a much more durable material and record than the best writing on the best paper.... It is probable that this is the linen or cotton cloth described by Arrian, from Nearchus, on which the Indians wrote." (<i>Strabo</i>, XV. i. 67.) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1688.—"The Siamese make Paper of old Cotton rags, and likewise of the bark of a Tree named <i>Ton coi</i> ... but these Papers have a great deal less Equality, Body and Whiteness than ours. The Siameses cease not to write thereon with China Ink. Yet most frequently they black them, which renders them smoother, and gives them a greater body; and then they write thereon with a kind of <i>Crayon</i>, which is made only of a clayish earth dry'd in the Sun. Their Books are not bound, and consist only in a very long Leaf ... which they fold in and out like a Fan, and the way which the Lines are wrote, is according to the length of the folds...."—<i>De la Loubère, Siam</i>, E.T. p. 12. 1855.—"Booths for similar goods are arrayed against the corner of the palace palisades, and at the very gate of the Palace is the principal mart for the stationers who deal in the <b>para-beiks</b> (or black books) and steatite pencils, which form the only ordinary writing materials of the Burmese in their transactions."—<i>Yule, Mission to Ava</i>, 139.</div> <p><br /> <b>PARANGHEE,</b> s. An obstinate chronic disease endemic in Ceylon. It has a superficial resemblance to <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page672b">page 672b<span id="672b"></span></span></span></span>syphilis; the whole body being covered with ulcers, while the sufferer rapidly declines in strength. It seems to arise from insufficient diet, and to be analogous to the <i>pellagra</i> which causes havoc among the peasants of S. Europe. The word is apparently <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#firinghee" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">firinghee</a>,</b> 'European,' or (in S. India) 'Portuguese'; and this would point perhaps to association with syphilis. </p><p><br /> <b><span id="parbutty"></span>PARBUTTY,</b> s. This is a name in parts of the Madras Presidency for a subordinate village officer, a writer under the <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#patel">patel</a>,</b> sometimes the village-crier, &c., also in some places a superintendent or manager. It is a corruption of Telug. and Canarese <i>pārapatti</i>, <i>pārupatti</i>, Mahr. and Konkani, <i>pārpatya</i>, from Skt. <i>pravṛitti</i>, 'employment.' The term frequently occurs in old Port. documents in such forms as <i>perpotim</i>, &c. We presume that the Great Duke (audax omnia <i>perpeti</i>!) has used it in the Anglicised form at the head of this article; for though we cannot find it in his Despatches, Gurwood's <i>Explanation of Indian Terms</i> gives "<b>Parbutty,</b> writer to the Patell." [See below.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1567.—"... That no unbeliever shall serve as scrivener, <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shroff" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">shroff</a></b> (<i>xarrafo</i>), <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mocuddum" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">mocuddum</a>,</b> <b>naique</b> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#naik" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NAIK</a></b>), <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#peon">peon</a>,</b> <b>parpatrim,</b> collector (<i>saccador</i>), constable (? <i>corrector</i>), interpreter, procurator, or solicitor in court, nor in any other office or charge by which they may in any way whatever exercise authority over Christians...."—<i>Decree 27 of the Sacred Council of Goa</i>, in <i>Arch. Port. Orient.</i> fasc. 4. <p>1800.—"In case of failure in the payment of these instalments, the crops are seized, and sold by the <b>Parputty</b> or accomptant of the division."—<i>Buchanan's Mysore</i>, ii. 151-2. The word is elsewhere explained by Buchanan, as "the head person of a <i>Hobly</i> in Mysore." A <i>Hobly</i> [Canarese and Malayāl. <i>hobali</i>] is a sub-division of a <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#talook" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">talook</a></b> (i. 270). </p><p>[1803.—"Neither has any one a right to compel any of the inhabitants, much less the particular servants of the government, to attend him about the country, as the soubahdar (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#soubadar" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SOUBADAR</a></b>) obliged the <b>parbutty</b> and pateel (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#patel">PATEL</a></b>) to do, running before his horse."—<i>Wellington, Desp.</i> i. 323. (<i>Stanf. Dict.</i>).] </p> 1878.—"The staff of the village officials ... in most places comprises the following members ... the crier (<b>parpoti</b>)...."—<i>Fonseca, Sketch of Goa</i>, 21-22.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pardao"></span>PARDAO,</b> s. This was the popular name among the Portuguese of a gold coin from the native mints of Western <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page673a">page 673a<span id="673a"></span></span></span></span>India, which entered largely into the early currency of Goa, and the name of which afterwards attached to a silver money of their own coinage, of constantly degenerating value. </p><p>There could hardly be a better word with which to associate some connected account of the coinage of Portuguese India, as the <i>pardao</i> runs through its whole history, and I give some space to the subject, not with any idea of weaving such a history, but in order to furnish a few connected notes on the subject, and to correct some flagrant errors of writers to whose works I naturally turned for help in such a special matter, with little result except that of being puzzled and misled, and having time occupied in satisfying myself regarding the errors alluded to. The subject is in itself a very difficult one, perplexed as it is by the rarity or inaccessibility of books dealing with it, by the excessive rarity (it would seem) of specimens, by the large use in the Portuguese settlements of a variety of native coins in addition to those from the Goa mint,<sup id="cite_ref-Nt208_14-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt208-14"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>14<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> by the frequent shifting of nomenclature in the higher coins and constant degeneration of value in the coins that retained old names. I welcomed as a hopeful aid the appearance of Dr. Gerson D'Acunha's <i>Contributions to the Study of Indo-Chinese Numismatics</i>. But though these contributions afford some useful facts and references, on the whole, from the rarity with which they give data for the intrinsic value of the gold and silver coins, and from other defects, they seem to me to leave the subject in utter chaos. Nor are the notes which Mr. W. de G. Birch appends, in regard to monetary values, to his translation of Alboquerque, more to be commended. Indeed Dr. D'Acunha, when he goes astray, seems sometimes to have followed Mr. Birch. </p><p>The word <i>pardao</i> is a Portuguese (or perhaps an indigenous) corruption of Skt. <i>pratāpa</i>, 'splendour, majesty,' &c., and was no doubt taken, as Dr. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page673b">page 673b<span id="673b"></span></span></span></span>D'Acunha says, from the legend on some of the coins to which the name was applied, <i>e.g.</i> that of the Raja of Ikkeri in Canara: <i>Sri</i> <b>Pratāpa</b> <i>krishṇa-rāya</i>. </p><p>A little doubt arises at first in determining to what coin the name <i>pardao</i> was originally attached. For in the two earliest occurrences of the word that we can quote—on the one hand Abdurrazzāk, the Envoy of Shāh Rukh, makes the <i>partāb</i> (or <i>pardāo</i>) half of the <i>Varāha</i> ('boar,' so called from the Boar of Vishnu figured on some issues), <i>hūn</i>, or what we call <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pagoda">pagoda</a></b>;—whilst on the other hand, Ludovico Varthema's account seems to identify the <i>pardao</i> with the pagoda itself. And there can be no doubt that it was to the pagoda that the Portuguese, from the beginning of the 16th century, applied the name of <i>pardao d'ouro</i>. The money-tables which can be directly formed from the statements of Abdurrazzāk and Varthema respectively are as follows:<sup id="cite_ref-Nt209_15-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt209-15"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>15<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;"> <table style="poem;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" colspan="2"><span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Abdurrazzak</span> (<span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 1443). </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;vertical-align:top;">3 Jitals (copper) </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 Tar (silver). </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">6 Tars </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 Fanam (gold). </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">10 Fanams </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 <b>Partāb.</b> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">2 <b>Partābs</b> </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 Varāha. </td></tr></tbody></table> <p><br /> And the <i>Varāha</i> weighed about 1 <i>Mithḳāl</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#miscall" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MISCALL</a></b>), equivalent to 2 <i>dīnārs Kopekī</i>. </p><p><br /> </p> <table style="poem;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" colspan="2"><span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Varthema</span> (<span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 1504-5). </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">16 Cas (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cash" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CASH</a></b>) </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 Tare (silver). </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">16 Tare </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 Fanam (gold). </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">20 Fanams </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">= 1 <b>Pardao.</b> </td></tr></tbody></table> <p><br /> </p> And the <b>Pardao</b> was a gold ducat, smaller than the seraphim (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/X#xerafine" title="Hobson-Jobson/X">XERAFINE</a></b>) of Cairo (gold dīnār), but thicker.</div> <p>The question arises whether the <i>varāha</i> of Abdurrazzāk was the double pagoda, of which there are some examples in the S. Indian coinage, and his <i>partāb</i> therefore the same as Varthema's, <i>i.e.</i> the pagoda itself; or whether his <i>varāha</i> was the pagoda, and his <i>partāb</i> a half-pagoda. The weight which he assigns to the <i>varāha</i>, "about one <i>mithḳāl</i>," a weight which may be taken at 73 grs., does not well suit either one or the other. I find the mean weight of 27 different issues of the (single) <i>hūn</i> or pagoda, given in Prinsep's <i>Tables</i>, to be 43 grs., the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page674a">page 674a<span id="674a"></span></span></span></span>maximum being 45 grs. And the fact that both the Envoy's <i>varāha</i> and the Italian traveller's <i>pardao</i> contain 20 fanams is a strong argument for their identity.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt210_16-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt210-16"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>16<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>In further illustration that the <b>pardao</b> was recognised as a half <i>hūn</i> or pagoda, we quote in a foot-note "the old arithmetical tables in which accounts are still kept" in the south, which Sir Walter Elliot contributed to Mr. E. Thomas's excellent <i>Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, illustrated</i>, &c.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt211_17-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt211-17"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>17<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>Moreover, Dr. D'Acunha states that in the "New Conquests," or provinces annexed to Goa only about 100 years ago, "the accounts were kept until lately in <i>sanvoy</i> and <i>nixane</i> pagodas, each of them being divided into 2 <b>pratáps</b>...." &c. (p. 46, <i>note</i>). </p><p>As regards the value of the <i>pardao d'ouro</i>, when adopted into the Goa currency by Alboquerque, Dr. D'Acunha tells us that it "was equivalent to 370 <i>reis</i>, or 1<i>s.</i> 6½<i>d.</i><sup id="cite_ref-Nt212_18-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt212-18"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>18<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> English." Yet he accepts the identity of this <i>pardao d'ouro</i> with the <i>hūn</i> current in Western India, of which the Madras pagoda was till 1818 a living and unchanged representative, a coin which was, at the time of its abolition, the recognised equivalent of 3½ rupees, or 7 shillings. And doubtless this, or a few pence more, was the intrinsic value of the <i>pardao</i>. Dr. D'Acunha in fact has made his calculation from the <i>present</i> value of the (imaginary) <i>rei</i>. Seeing that a <i>milrei</i> is now reckoned equal to a dollar, or 50<i>d.</i>, we have a single <i>rei</i> = <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>20</sub></span><i>d.</i>, and 370 <i>reis</i> = 1<i>s.</i> 6½<i>d.</i> It seems not to have occurred to the author that the <i>rei</i> might have degenerated in value as well as every other denomination of money with which he has to do, every other in fact of which we can at this moment remember anything, except the pagoda, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page674b">page 674b<span id="674b"></span></span></span></span>the Venetian sequin, and the dollar.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt213_19-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt213-19"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>19<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> Yet the fact of this degeneration everywhere stares him in the face. Correa tells us that the <i>cruzado</i> which Alboquerque struck in 1510 was the just equivalent of 420 <i>reis</i>. It was indubitably the same as the <i>cruzado</i> of the mother country, and indeed A. Nunez (1554) gives the same 420 <i>reis</i> as the equivalent of the <i>cruzado d'ouro de Portugal</i>, and that amount also for the Venetian sequin, and for the <i>sultani</i> or Egyptian gold dīnār. Nunez adds that a gold coin of Cambaya, which he calls <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#madrafaxao" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">Madrafaxao</a></b> (q.v.), was worth 1260 to 1440 <i>reis</i>, according to variations in weight and exchange. We have seen that this must have been the gold-mohr of Muzaffar-Shāh II. of Guzerat (1511-1526), the weight of which we learn from E. Thomas's book. </p><p><br /> </p> <table style="poem;width:50%;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1em;vertical-align:top;">From the Venetian sequin (content of pure gold 52.27 grs. value 111<i>d.</i><sup id="cite_ref-Nt214_20-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt214-20"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>20<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup>) the value of the <i>rei</i> at <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>111</sup>⁄<sub>420</sub></span><i>d.</i> will be </td> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:bottom;">0.264<i>d.</i> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1em;vertical-align:top;">From the Muzaffar Shāhi mohr (weight 185 grs. value, if pure gold, 392.52<i>d.</i>) value of <i>rei</i> at 1440 </td> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:bottom;">0.272<i>d.</i> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-left:2em; text-indent:-2em;padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1em;vertical-align:top;">Mean value of <i>rei</i> in 1513<br /><i>i.e.</i> more than five times its present value. </td> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">0.268<i>d.</i> </td></tr></tbody></table> <p><br /> Dr. D'Acunha himself informs us (p. 56) that at the beginning of the 17th century the Venetian was worth 690 to 720 <i>reis</i> (mean 705 <i>reis</i>), whilst <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page675a">page 675a<span id="675a"></span></span></span></span>the pagoda was worth 570 to 600 <i>reis</i> (mean 585 <i>reis</i>). </p><p>These statements, as we know the intrinsic value of the sequin, and the approximate value of the pagoda, enable us to calculate the value of the <i>rei</i> of about 1600 at ... 0.16<i>d.</i> Values of the <i>milrei</i> given in Milburn's <i>Oriental Commerce</i>, and in Kelly's <i>Cambist</i>, enable us to estimate it for the early years of the last century. We have then the progressive deterioration as follows: </p><p><br /> </p> <table style="poem;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">Value of <i>rei</i> in the beginning of the 16th century </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0.268<i>d.</i> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">Value of <i>rei</i> in the beginning of the 17th century </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0.16<i>d.</i> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">Value of <i>rei</i> in the beginning of the 19th century </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0.06 to 0.066<i>d.</i> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">Value of <i>rei</i> at present </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0.06<i>d.</i> </td></tr></tbody></table> <p><br /> Yet Dr. D'Acunha has valued the coins of 1510, estimated in <i>reis</i>, at the rate of 1880. And Mr. Birch has done the same.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt215_21-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt215-21"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>21<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>The Portuguese themselves do not seem ever to have struck gold <i>pardaos</i> or pagodas. The gold coin of Alboquerque's coinage (1510) was, we have seen, a <i>cruzado</i> (or <i>manuel</i>), and the next coinage in gold was by Garcia de Sá in 1548-9, who issued coins called <i>San Thomé</i>, worth 1000 <i>reis</i>, say about £1, 2<i>s.</i> 4<i>d.</i>; with halves and quarters of the same. Neither, according to D'Acunha, was there silver money of any importance coined at Goa from 1510 to 1550, and the coins then issued were silver San Thomés, called also <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page675b">page 675b<span id="675b"></span></span></span></span><i>patacões</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pataca">PATACA</a></span></b>). Nunez in his <i>Tables</i> (1554) does not mention these by either name, but mentions repeatedly <i>pardaos</i>, which represented 5 silver <i>tangas</i>, or 300 <i>reis</i>, and these D'Acunha speaks of as silver <i>coins</i>. Nunez, as far as I can make out, does not speak of them as coins, but rather implies that in account so many tangas of silver were reckoned as a <i>pardao</i>. Later in the century, however, we learn from Balbi (1580), Barrett<sup id="cite_ref-Nt216_22-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt216-22"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>22<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> (1584), and Linschoten (1583-89), the principal currency of Goa consisted of a silver coin called <i>xerafin</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/X#xerafine" title="Hobson-Jobson/X">XERAFINE</a></span></b>) and <i>pardao-xerafin</i>, which was worth 5 <i>tangas</i>, each of 60 <i>reis</i>. (So these had been from the beginning, and so they continued, as is usual in such cases. The scale of sub-multiples remains the same, whilst the value of the divisible coin diminishes. Eventually the lower denominations become infinitesimal, like the <i>maravedis</i> and the <i>reis</i>, and either vanish from memory, or survive only as denominations of account). The data, such as they are, allow us to calculate the <i>pardao</i> or <i>xerafin</i> at this time as worth 4<i>s.</i> 2<i>d.</i> to 4<i>s.</i> 6<i>d.</i> </p><p>A century later, Fryer's statement of equivalents (1676) enables us to use the stability of the Venetian sequin as a gauge; we then find the <i>tanga</i> gone down to 6<i>d.</i> and the <i>pardao</i> or <i>xerafin</i> to 2<i>s.</i> 6<i>d.</i> Thirty years later Lockyer (1711) tells us that one rupee was reckoned equal to 1½ <i>perdo</i>. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page676a">page 676a<span id="676a"></span></span></span></span>Calculating the Surat Rupee, which may have been probably his standard, still by help of the Venetian (p. 262) at about 2<i>s.</i> 3<i>d.</i>, the <i>pardao</i> would at this time be worth 1<i>s.</i> 6<i>d.</i> It must have depreciated still further by 1728, when the Goa mint began to strike rupees, with the effigy of Dom João V., and the half-rupee appropriated the denomination of <i>pardao</i>. And the half-rupee, till our own time, has continued to be so styled. I have found no later valuation of the Goa Rupee than that in <i>Prinsep's Tables</i> (Thomas's ed. p. 55), the indications of which, taking the Company's Rupee at 2<i>s.</i>, would make it 21<i>d.</i> The <i>pardao</i> therefore would represent a value of 10½<i>d.</i>, and there we leave it. </p><p>[On this Mr. Whiteway writes: "Should it be intended to add a note to this, I would suggest that the remarks on coinage commencing at page 67 of my <i>Rise of the Portuguese Power in India</i> be examined, as although I have gone to Sir H. Yule for much, some papers are now accessible which he does not appear to have seen. There were two <i>pardaos</i>, the <i>pardao d'ouro</i> and the <i>pardao de tanga</i>, the former of 360 <i>reals</i>, the latter of 300. This is clear from the <i>Foral</i> of Goa of Dec. 18, 1758 (India Office MSS. <i>Conselho Ultramarino</i>), which passage is again quoted in a note to Fasc. 5 of the <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i> p. 326. Apparently <i>patecoons</i> were originally coined in value equal to the <i>pardao d'ouro</i>, though I say (p. 71) their value is not recorded. The <i>patecoon</i> was a silver coin, and when it was tampered with, it still remained of the nominal value of the <i>pardao d'ouro</i>, and this was the cause of the outcry and of the injury the people of Goa suffered. There were monies in Goa which I have not shown on p. 69. There was the <i>tanga branca</i> used in revenue accounts (see <i>Nunez</i>, p. 31), nearly but not quite double the ordinary <i>tanga</i>. This money of account was of 4 <i>barganims</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bargany" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BARGANY</a></span></b>) each of 24 <i>bazarucos</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#budgrook" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BUDGROOK</a></span></b>), that is rather over 111 reals. The whole question of coinage is difficult, because the coins were continually being tampered with. Every ruler, and they were numerous in those days, stamped a piece of metal at his pleasure, and the trader had to calculate its value, unless as a subject <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page676b">page 676b<span id="676b"></span></span></span></span>of the ruler he was under compulsion."] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1444.—"In this country (Vijayanagar) they have three kinds of money, made of gold mixed with alloys: one called <i>varahah</i> weighs about one <i>mithkal</i>, equivalent to two dinars <i>kopeki</i>; the second, which is called <b>pertab,</b> is the half of the first; the third, called <i>fanom</i>, is equivalent in value to the tenth part of the last-mentioned coin. Of these different coins the <i>fanom</i> is the most useful...."—<i>Abdurrazzāk</i>, in <i>India in the XVth Cent.</i> p. 26. <p>c. 1504-5; pubd. 1510.—"I departed from the city of Dabuli aforesaid, and went to another island, which ... is called Goga (Goa) and which pays annually to the King of Decan 19,000 gold ducats, called by them <b>pardai.</b> These pardai are smaller than the seraphim of Cairo, but thicker, and have two devils stamped on one side, and certain letters on the other."—<i>Varthema</i>, pp. 115-116. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "... his money consists of a <b>pardao,</b> as I have said. He also coins a silver money called tare (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tara" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">TARA</a></b>), and others of gold, twenty of which go to a <i>pardao</i>, and are called fanom. And of these small ones of silver, there go sixteen to a fanom...."—<i>Ibid.</i> p. 130. </p><p>1510.—"Meanwhile the Governor (Alboquerque) talked with certain of our people who were goldsmiths, and understood the alligation of gold and silver, and also with goldsmiths and money-changers of the country who were well acquainted with that business. There were in the country <b>pardaos</b> of gold, worth in gold 360 <i>reys</i>, and also a money of good silver which they call <i>barganym</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bargany" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BARGANY</a></b>) of the value of 2 <i>vintems</i>, and a money of copper which they call <i>bazaruqos</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#budgrook" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BUDGROOK</a></b>), of the value of 2 <i>reis</i>. Now all these the Governor sent to have weighed and assayed. And he caused to be made <i>cruzados</i> of their proper weight of 420 <i>reis</i>, on which he figured on one side the cross of Christ, and on the other a sphere, which was the device of the King Dom Manuel; and he ordered that this <i>cruzado</i> should pass in the place (Goa) for 480 <i>reis</i>, to prevent their being exported ... and he ordered silver money to be struck which was of the value of a <b>bargany</b>; on this money he caused to be figured on one side a Greek <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="A">Α</span></span>, and on the other side a sphere, and gave the coin the name of <i>Espera</i>; it was worth 2 <i>vintems</i>; also there were half <i>esperas</i> worth one <i>vintem</i> and he made <i>bazarucos</i> of copper of the weight belonging to that coin, with the A and the sphere; and each <i>bazaruco</i> he divided into 4 coins which they called <i>cepayquas</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#sapeca" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SAPECA</a></b>), and gave the <i>bazarucos</i> the name of <i>leaes</i>. And in changing the cruzado into these smaller coins it was reckoned at 480 <i>reis</i>."—<i>Correa</i>, ii. 76-77. </p><p>1516.—"There are current here (in Baticala—see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#batcul" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BATCUL</a></b>) the <b>pardaos,</b> which are a gold coin of the kingdom, and it is worth here 360 <i>reis</i>, and there is another coin of silver, called <i>dama</i>, which is worth 20 <i>reis</i>...."—<i>Barbosa</i>, Lisbon ed. p. 293. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page677a">page 677a<span id="677a"></span></span></span></span>1516.—"There is used in this city (Bisnagar) and throughout the rest of the Kingdom much pepper, which is carried hither from Malabar on oxen and asses; and it is all bought and sold for <b>pardaos,</b> which are made in some places of this Kingdom, and especially in a city called Hora (?), whence they are called <i>horãos</i>."—<i>Barbosa</i>, Lisbon ed. p. 297. </p><p>1552.—"Hic Sinam mercatorem indies exspecto, quo cum, propter atroces poenas propositas iis qui advenam sine fide publica introduxerint, <b>Pirdais</b> ducentis transegi, ut me in Cantonem trajiciat."—<i>Scti. Franc. Xaverii Epistt.</i>, Pragae, 1667, IV. xiv. </p><p>1553.— </p><p>"<i>R.</i> Let us mount our horses and take a ride in the country, and as we ride you shall tell me what is the meaning of <i>Nizamoxa</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nizamaluco" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NIZAMALUCO</a></b>), as you have frequently mentioned such a person. </p><p>"<i>O.</i> I can tell you that at once; it is the name of a King in the Bagalat (read Balagat, <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#balaghaut" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">Balaghaut</a></b>), whose father I often attended, and the son also not so often. I received from him from time to time more than 12,000 <b>pardaos</b>; and he offered me an income of 40,000 <i>pardaos</i> if I would pay him a visit of several months every year, but this I did not accept."—<i>Garcia</i>, f. 33<i>v</i>. </p><p>1584.—"For the money of Goa there is a kind of money made of lead and tin mingled, being thicke and round, and stamped on the one side with the spheare or globe of the world, and on the other side two arrows and five rounds;<sup id="cite_ref-Nt217_23-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt217-23"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>23<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> and this kind of money is called <i>Basaruchi</i>, and 15 of them make a vinton of naughty money, and 5 <i>vintons</i> make a tanga, and 4 <i>vintenas</i> make a tanga of base money ... and 5 <i>tangas</i> make a seraphine of gold<sup id="cite_ref-Nt218_24-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt218-24"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>24<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> (read 'of silver'), which in marchandize is worth 5 tangas good money: but if one would change them into <i>basaruchies</i>, he may have 5 tangas, and 16 basaruchies, which matter they call <i>cerafaggio</i>, and when the bargain of the <b>pardaw</b> is gold, each <i>pardaw</i> is meant to be 6 tangas good money,<sup id="cite_ref-Nt219_25-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt219-25"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>25<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> but in murchandize, the vse is not to demaund <i>pardawes</i> of gold in Goa, except it be for jewels and horses, for all the rest they take of seraphins of silver, per aduiso.... The ducat of gold is worth 9 <i>tangas</i> and a halfe good money, and yet not stable in price, for that when the ships depart from Goa to Cochin, they pay them at 9 <i>tangas</i> and 3 fourth partes, and 10 <i>tangas</i>, and that is the most that they are worth...."—<i>W. Barret</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 410. I retain this for the old <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page677b">page 677b<span id="677b"></span></span></span></span>English, but I am sorry to say that I find it is a mere translation of the notes of Gasparo Balbi, who was at Goa in 1580. We learn from Balbi that there were at Goa <i>tangas</i> not only of good money worth 75 <i>basarucchi</i>, and of bad money worth 60 <i>basarucchi</i>, but also of another kind of bad money used in buying wood, worth only 50 <i>basarucchi</i>! </p><p>1598.—"The principall and commonest money is called <b>Pardaus Xeraphiins,</b> and is silver, but very brasse (read 'base'), and is coyned in Goa. They have Saint Sebastian on the one side, and three or four arrows in a bundle on the other side, which is as much as three Testones, or three hundred <i>Reijs</i> Portingall money, and riseth or falleth little lesse or more, according to the exchange. There is also a kind of money which is called <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tanga" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">Tangas</a>,</b> not that there is any such coined, but are so named onely in telling, five Tangas is one <b>Pardaw</b> or <b>Xeraphin,</b> badde money, for you must understande that in telling they have two kinds of money, good and badde.... Wherefore when they buy and sell, they bargain for good or badde money," &c.—<i>Linschoten</i>, ch. 35; [Hak. Soc. i. 241, and for another version see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/X#xerafine" title="Hobson-Jobson/X">XERAPHINE</a></b>]. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "They have a kind of money called <b>Pagodes</b> which is of Gold, of two or three sortes, and are above 8 <b>tangas</b> in value. They are Indian and Heathenish money, with the feature of a Devill upon them, and therefore they are called Pagodes. There is another kind of gold money, which is called <i>Venetianders</i>; some of Venice, and some of Turkish coine, and are commonly (worth) 2 <b>Pardawe Xeraphins.</b> There is yet another kind of golde called S. Thomas, because Saint Thomas is figured thereon and is worth about 7 and 8 <i>Tangas</i>: There are likewise Rialles of 8 which are brought from Portingall, and are <i>Pardawes de Reales</i>.... They are worth at their first coming out 436 Reyes of Portingall; and after are raysed by exchaunge, as they are sought for when men travell for China.... They use in Goa in their buying and selling a certaine maner of reckoning or telling. There are <i>Pardawes Xeraphins</i>, and these are silver. They name likewise <i>Pardawes</i> of Gold, and those are not in kinde or in coyne, but onely so named in telling and reckoning: for when they buy and sell Pearles, stones, golde, silver and horses, they name but so many <i>Pardawes</i>, and then you must understand that one <i>Pardaw</i> is sixe <i>Tangas</i>: but in other ware, when you make not your bargaine before hand, but plainely name Pardawes, they are <i>Pardawes Xeraphins</i> of 5 <i>Tangas</i> the peece. They use also to say a <i>Pardaw</i> of <i>Lariins</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#larin" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LARIN</a></b>), and are five Lariins for every Pardaw...."—<i>Ibid.</i>; [Hak. Soc. i. 187]. </p><p>This extract is long, but it is the completest picture we know of the Goa currency. We gather from the passage (including a part that we have omitted) that in the latter part of the 16th century there were really no national <i>coins</i> there used intermediate between the <i>basaruccho</i>, worth at this time 0.133<i>d.</i>, and the <b>pardao xerafin</b> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page678a">page 678a<span id="678a"></span></span></span></span>worth 50<i>d.</i><sup id="cite_ref-Nt220_26-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt220-26"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>26<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> The <i>vintens</i> and <i>tangas</i> that were nominally interposed were mere names for certain quantities of basaruccos, or rather of <i>reis</i> represented by basaruccos. And our interpretation of the statement about pardaos of gold in a note above is here expressly confirmed. </p><p>[1599.—"<b>Perdaw.</b>" See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tael" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">TAEL</a>.</b>] </p><p>c. 1620.—"The gold coin, struck by the rāīs of Bijanagar and Tiling, is called <i>hūn</i> and <b>partāb.</b>"—<i>Firishta</i>, quoted by <i>Quatremère</i>, in <i>Notices et Exts.</i> xiv. 509. </p> 1643.—"... estant convenu de prix auec luy à sept <b>perdos</b> et demy par mois tant pour mon viure que pour le logis...."—<i>Mocquet</i>, 284.</div> <p><br /> <b>PARELL,</b> n.p. The name of a northern suburb of Bombay where stands the residence of the Governor. The statement in the <i>Imperial Gazetteer</i> that Mr. W. Hornby (1776) was the first Governor who took up his residence at Parell requires examination, as it appears to have been so occupied in Grose's time. The 2nd edition of Grose, which we use, is dated 1772, but he appears to have left India about 1760. It seems probable that in the following passage Niebuhr speaks of 1763-4, the date of his stay at Bombay, but as the book was not published till 1774, this is not absolutely certain. Evidently Parell was occupied by the Governor long before 1776. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">"Les Jesuites avoient autrefois un beau couvent aupres du Village de <b>Parell</b> au milieu de l'Isle, mais il y a déjà plusieurs années, qu'elle est devenue la maison de campagne du Gouverneur, et l'Eglise est actuellement une magnifique salle à manger et de danse, qu'on n'en trouve point de pareille en toutes les Indes."—<i>Niebuhr, Voyage</i>, ii. 12.</div> <p>[Mr. Douglas (<i>Bombay and W. India</i>, ii. 7, note) writes: "High up and outside the dining-room, and which was the chapel when Parel belonged to the Jesuits, is a plaque on which is printed:—'Built by Honourable Hornby, 1771.'"] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1554.—<i>Parell</i> is mentioned as one of 4 aldeas, "<b>Parell,</b> Varella, Varell, and Siva, attached to the <i>Kasbah</i> (<i>Caçabe</i>—see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cusbah" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CUSBAH</a></b>) of Maim."—<i>Botelho, Tombo</i>, 157, in <i>Subsidios</i>. c. 1750-60.—"A place called <b>Parell,</b> where the Governor has a very agreeable country-house, which was originally a <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page678b">page 678b<span id="678b"></span></span></span></span>Romish chapel belonging to the Jesuits, but confiscated about the year 1719, for some foul practices against the English interest."—<i>Grose</i>, i. 46; [1st ed. 1757, p. 72].</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pariah"></span>PARIAH,</b> <b>PARRIAR,</b> &c., s. </p><p><b>a.</b> The name of a low caste of Hindus in Southern India, constituting one of the most numerous castes, if not <i>the</i> most numerous, in the Tamil country. The word in its present shape means properly 'a drummer.' Tamil <i>pa</i><b>r</b><i>ai</i> is the large drum, beaten at certain festivals, and the hereditary beaters of it are called (sing.) <i>pa</i><b>r</b><i>aiyan</i>, (pl.) <i>pa</i><b>r</b><i>aiyar</i>. [Dr. Oppert's theory (<i>Orig. Inhabitants</i>, 32 <i>seq.</i>) that the word is a form of <i>Pahaṛiyā</i>, 'a mountaineer' is not probable.] In the city of Madras this caste forms one fifth of the whole population, and from it come (unfortunately) most of the domestics in European service in that part of India. As with other castes low in caste-rank they are also low in habits, frequently eating carrion and other objectionable food, and addicted to drink. From their coming into contact with and under observation of Europeans, more habitually than any similar caste, the name <i>Pariah</i> has come to be regarded as applicable to the whole body of the lowest castes, or even to denote out-castes or people without any caste. But this is hardly a correct use. There are several castes in the Tamil country considered to be lower than the <i>Pariahs</i>, <i>e.g.</i> the caste of shoemakers, and the lowest caste of washermen. And the <i>Pariah</i> deals out the same disparaging treatment to these that he himself receives from higher castes. The Pariahs "constitute a well-defined, distinct, ancient caste, which has 'subdivisions' of its own, its own peculiar usages, its own traditions, and its own jealousy of the encroachments of the castes which are above it and below it. They constitute, perhaps, the most numerous caste in the Tamil country. In the city of Madras they number 21 per cent. of the Hindu people."—<i>Bp. Caldwell, u. i.</i>, p. 545. Sir Walter Elliot, however, in the paper referred to further on includes under the term <i>Paraiya</i> all the servile class not recognised by Hindus of caste as belonging to their community. </p><p>A very interesting, though not <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page679a">page 679a<span id="679a"></span></span></span></span>conclusive, discussion of the ethnological position of this class will be found in Bp. Caldwell's <i>Dravidian Grammar</i> (pp. 540-554). That scholar's deduction is, on the whole, that they are probably Dravidians, but he states, and recognises force in, arguments for believing that they may have descended from a race older in the country than the proper Dravidian, and reduced to slavery by the first Dravidians. This last is the view of Sir Walter Elliot, who adduces a variety of interesting facts in its favour, in his paper on the <i>Characteristics of the Population of South India</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt221_27-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt221-27"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>27<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> </p><p>Thus, in the celebration of the Festival of the Village Goddess, prevalent all over Southern India, and of which a remarkable account is given in that paper, there occurs a sort of Saturnalia in which the Pariahs are the officiating priests, and there are several other customs which are most easily intelligible on the supposition that the Pariahs are the representatives of the earliest inhabitants and original masters of the soil. In a recent communication from this venerable man he writes: 'My brother (Col. C. Elliot, C.B.) found them at Raipur, to be an important and respectable class of cultivators. The Pariahs have a sacerdotal order amongst themselves.' [The view taken in the <i>Madras Gloss.</i> is that "they are distinctly Dravidian without fusion, as the Hinduized castes are Dravidian with fusion."] </p><p>The mistaken use of <i>pariah</i>, as synonymous with out-caste, has spread in English parlance over all India. Thus the lamented Prof. Blochmann, in his <i>School Geography of India</i>: "Outcasts are called <b>pariahs.</b>" The name first became generally known in Europe through Sonnerat's <i>Travels</i> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page679b">page 679b<span id="679b"></span></span></span></span>(pub. in 1782, and soon after translated into English). In this work the <b>Parias</b> figure as the lowest of castes. The common use of the term is however probably due, in both France and England, to the appearance in the Abbé Raynal's famous <i>Hist. Philosophique des Établissements dans les Indes</i>, formerly read very widely in both countries, and yet more perhaps to its use in Bernardin de St. Pierre's preposterous though once popular tale, <i>La Chaumière Indienne</i>, whence too the misplaced halo of sentiment which reached its acme in the drama of Casimir Delavigne, and which still in some degree adheres to the name. It should be added that Mr. C. P. Brown says expressly: "The word <i>Paria</i> is unknown" (in <i>our</i> sense?) "to all natives, unless as learned from us." </p><p><b>b.</b> See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pariah_dog">PARIAH-DOG</a></span>.</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1516.—"There is another low sort of Gentiles, who live in desert places, called <b>Pareas.</b> These likewise have no dealings with anybody, and are reckoned worse than the devil, and avoided by everybody; a man becomes contaminated by only looking at them, and is excommunicated.... They live on the <i>imane</i> (<i>iname</i>, <i>i.e.</i> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Y#yam" title="Hobson-Jobson/Y">yams</a></b>), which are like the root of <i>iucca</i> or <i>batate</i> found in the West Indies, and on other roots and wild fruits."—<i>Barbosa</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, i. f. 310. The word in the Spanish version transl. by Lord Stanley of Alderley is <i>Pareni</i>, in the Portuguese of the Lisbon Academy, <i>Parcens</i>. So we are not quite sure that <i>Pareas</i> is the proper reading, though this is probable. <p>1626.—"... The <b>Pareas</b> are of worse esteeme."—(<i>W. Methold</i>, in) <i>Purchas, Pilgrimage</i> 553. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "... the worst whereof are the abhorred <b>Piriawes</b> ... they are in publike Justice the hateful executioners, and are the basest, most stinking, ill-favored people that I have seene."—<i>Ibid.</i> 998-9. </p><p>1648.—"... the servants of the factory even will not touch it (beef) when they put it on the table, nevertheless there is a caste called <b>Pareyaes</b> (they are the most contemned of all, so that if another Gentoo touches them, he is compelled to be dipt in the water) who eat it freely."—<i>Van de Broecke</i>, 82. </p><p>1672.—"The <b>Parreas</b> are the basest and vilest race (accustomed to remove dung and all uncleanness, and to eat mice and rats), in a word a contemned and stinking vile people."—<i>Baldaeus</i> (Germ. ed.), 410. </p><p>1711.—"The Company allow two or three Peons to attend the Gate, and a <b>Parrear</b> Fellow to keep all clean."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 20. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "And there ... is such a resort of basket-makers, Scavengers, people that look after the buffaloes, and other <b>Parriars,</b> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page680a">page 680a<span id="680a"></span></span></span></span>to drink Toddy, that all the Punch-houses in Madras have not half the noise in them."—<i>Wheeler</i>, ii. 125. </p><p>1716.—"A young lad of the Left-hand Caste having done hurt to a <b>Pariah</b> woman of the Right-Hand Caste (big with child), the whole caste got together, and came in a tumultuous manner to demand justice."—<i>Ibid.</i> 230. </p><p>1717.—"... <b>Barrier,</b> or a sort of poor people that eat all sort of Flesh and other things, which others deem unclean."—<i>Phillips, Account</i>, &c., 127. </p><p>1726.—"As for the separate generations and sorts of people who embrace this religion, there are, according to what some folks say, only 4; but in our opinion they are 5 in number, viz.: </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="a">α</span></span>. The Bramins. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="b">β</span></span>. The Settreas. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="g">γ</span></span>. The Weynyas or Veynsyas. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="d">δ</span></span>. The Sudras. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="e">ε</span></span>. The <b>Perrias,</b> whom the High-Dutch and Danes call <b>Barriars.</b>"—<i>Valentijn, Chorom.</i> 73. </p><p>1745.—"Les <b>Parreas</b> ... sont regardés comme gens de la plus vile condition, exclus de tous les honneurs et prérogatives. Jusques-là qu'on ne sçauroit les souffrir, ni dans les Pagodes des Gentils, ni dans les Eglises des Jesuites."—<i>Norbert</i>, i. 71. </p><p>1750.—"<i>K.</i> Es ist der Mist von einer Kuh, denselben nehmen die <b>Parreyer</b>-Weiber, machen runde Kuchen daraus, und wenn sie in der Sonne genug getrocken sind, so verkauffen sie dieselbigen (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/O#ooplah" title="Hobson-Jobson/O">OOPLAH</a></b>). <i>Fr.</i> O Wunder! Ist das das Feuerwerk, das ihr hier halt?"—<i>Madras</i>, &c., <i>Halle</i>, p. 14. </p><p>1770.—"The fate of these unhappy wretches who are known on the coast of Coromandel by the name of <b>Parias,</b> is the same even in those countries where a foreign dominion has contributed to produce some little change in the ideas of the people."—<i>Raynal, Hist.</i> &c., see ed. 1783, i. 63. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The idol is placed in the centre of the building, so that the <b>Parias</b> who are not admitted into the temple may have a sight of it through the gates."—<i>Raynal</i> (tr. 1777), i. p. 57. </p><p>1780.—"If you should ask a common <i>cooly</i>, or porter, what cast he is of, he will answer, 'the same as master, <b>pariar</b>-<i>cast</i>.'"—<i>Munro's Narrative</i>, 28-9. </p><p>1787.—"... I cannot persuade myself that it is judicious to admit <b>Parias</b> into battalions with men of respectable casts...."—<i>Col. Fullarton's View of English Interests in India</i>, 222. </p><p>1791.—"Le <i>masalchi</i> y courut pour allumer un flambeau; mais il revint un peu après, pris d'haleine, criant: 'N'approchez pas d'ici; il y a un <b>Paria</b>!' Aussitôt la troupe effrayée cria: 'Un <b>Paria</b>! Un <b>Paria</b>!' Le docteur, croyant que c'était quelque animal féroce, mit la main sur ses pistolets. 'Qu'est ce qu'un <b>Paria</b>?' demanda-t-il à son porte-flambeau."—<i>B. de St. Pierre, La Chaumière Indienne</i>, 48. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page680b">page 680b<span id="680b"></span></span></span></span>1800.—"The <b>Parriar,</b> and other impure tribes, comprising what are called the <i>Punchum Bundum</i>, would be beaten, were they to attempt joining in a Procession of any of the gods of the Brahmins, or entering any of their temples."—<i>Buchanan's Mysore</i>, i. 20. </p><p>c. 1805-6.—"The Dubashes, then all powerful at Madras, threatened loss of cast and absolute destruction to any Brahmin who should dare to unveil the mysteries of their language to a <b>Pariar</b> <i>Frengi</i>. This reproach of <i>Pariar</i> is what we have tamely and strangely submitted to for a long time, when we might with a great facility have assumed the respectable character of <i>Chatriya</i>."—<i>Letter of Leyden</i>, in <i>Morton's Memoir</i>, ed. 1819, p. lxvi. </p><p>1809.—"Another great obstacle to the reception of Christianity by the Hindoos, is the admission of the <b>Parias</b> in our Churches...."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 246. </p><p>1821.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Il est sur ce rivage une race flêtrie,<br /> Une race étrangère au sein de sa patrie.<br /> Sans abri protecteur, sans temple hospitalier,<br /> Abominable, impie, horrible au peuple entier.<br /> Les <b>Parias</b>; le jour à regret les éclaire,<br /> La terre sur son sein les porte avec colère.<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:2em"></span><b>*          *          *          *          *          </b><br /> Eh bien! mais je frémis; tu vas me fuir peut-être;<br /> Je suis un <b>Paria</b>...."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:4.20em"></span><i>Casimir Delavigne, Le Paria</i>, Acte 1. Sc. 1. </p> </div></div> <p>1843.—"The Christian <b>Pariah,</b> whom both sects curse, Does all the good he can and loves his brother."—<i>Forster's Life of Dickens</i>, ii. 31. </p><p>1873.—"The Tamilas hire a <b>Pariya</b> (<i>i.e.</i> drummer) to perform the decapitation at their Badra Kâli sacrifices."—<i>Kittel</i>, in <i>Ind. Ant.</i> ii. 170. </p><p>1878.—"L'hypothèse la plus vraisemblable, en tout cas la plus heureuse, est celle qui suppose que le nom propre et spécial de cette race [i.e. of the original race inhabiting the Deccan before contact with northern invaders] était le mot '<b>paria</b>'; ce mot dont l'orthographe correcte est <b>pareiya,</b> derivé de <i>par'ei</i>, 'bruit, tambour,' et à très-bien pu avoir le sens de 'parleur, doué de la parole'"(?)—<i>Hovelacque et Vinson, Études de Linguistique</i>, &c., Paris, 67. </p><p>1872.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Fifine, ordained from first to last,<br /> In body and in soul<br /> For one life-long debauch,<br /> The <b>Pariah</b> of the north,<br /> The European <i>nautch.</i>"<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Browning, Fifine at the Fair.</i> </p> </div></div> <p>Very good rhyme, but no reason. See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nautch" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NAUTCH</a>.</b> </p><p>The word seems also to have been adopted in Java, <i>e.g.</i>: </p> 1860.—"We Europeans ... often ... stand far behind compared with the poor <b>pariahs.</b>"—<i>Max Havelaar</i>, ch. vii.</div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page681a">page 681a<span id="681a"></span></span></span></span><b>PARIAH-ARRACK,</b> s. In the 17th and 18th centuries this was a name commonly given to the poisonous native spirit commonly sold to European soldiers and sailors. [See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#fools_rack" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">FOOL'S RACK</a></span>.</b>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1671-72.—"The unwholesome liquor called <b>Parrier-arrack</b>...."—<i>Sir W. Langhorne</i>, in <i>Wheeler</i>, iii. 422. <p>1711.—"The Tobacco, Beetle, and <b>Pariar Arack,</b> on which such great profit arises, are all expended by the Inhabitants."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 13. </p> 1754.—"I should be very glad to have your order to bring the ship up to Calcutta ... as ... the people cannot here have the opportunity of intoxicating and killing themselves with <b>Pariar Arrack.</b>"—In <i>Long</i>, 51.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pariah_dog"></span>PARIAH-DOG,</b> s. The common ownerless yellow dog, that frequents all inhabited places in the East, is universally so called by Europeans, no doubt from being a low-bred casteless animal; often elliptically '<b>pariah</b>' only. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1789.—"... A species of the common cur, called a <b>pariar-dog.</b>"—<i>Munro, Narr.</i> p. 36. <p>1810.—"The nuisance may be kept circling for days, until forcibly removed, or until the <b>pariah dogs</b> swim in, and draw the carcase to the shore."—<i>Williamson, V. M.</i> ii. 261. </p><p>1824.—"The other beggar was a <b>Pariah dog,</b> who sneaked down in much bodily fear to our bivouac."—<i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, i. 79. </p><p>1875.—"Le Musulman qui va prier à la mosquée, maudit les <b>parias</b> honnis."—<i>Rev. des Deux Mondes</i>, April, 539. </p> [1883.—"<b>Paraya Dogs</b> are found in every street."—<i>T. V. Row, Man. of Tanjore Dist.</i> 104.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PARIAH-KITE,</b> s. The commonest Indian kite, <i>Milvus Govinda</i>, Sykes, notable for its great numbers, and its impudence. "They are excessively bold and fearless, often snatching morsels off a dish <i>en route</i> from kitchen to hall, and even, according to Adams, seizing a fragment from a man's very mouth" (<i>Jerdon</i>). Compare quotation under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#brahminy_kite" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BRAHMINY KITE</a></span>.</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1880.—"I had often supposed that the scavenger or <b>Pariah Kites</b> (<i>Milvus govinda</i>), which though generally to be seen about the tents, are not common in the jungles, must follow the camp for long distances, and to-day I had evidence that such was the case...."—<i>Ball, Jungle Life</i>, 655.]</div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page681b">page 681b<span id="681b"></span></span></span></span><b><span id="parsee"></span>PARSEE,</b> n.p. This name, which distinguishes the descendants of those emigrants of the old Persian stock, who left their native country, and, retaining their Zoroastrian religion, settled in India to avoid Mahommedan persecution, is only the old form of the word for a Persian, viz., <i>Pārsī</i>, which Arabic influences have in more modern times converted into <i>Fārsī</i>. The Portuguese have used both <i>Parseo</i> and <i>Perseo</i>. From the latter some of our old travellers have taken the form <i>Persee</i>; from the former doubtless we got <i>Parsee</i>. It is a curious example of the way in which different accidental mouldings of the same word come to denote entirely different ideas, that Persian, in this form, in Western India, means a Zoroastrian fire-worshipper, whilst <i>Pathi</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#panthay">PANTHAY</a></span></b>), a Burmese corruption of the same word, in Burma means a Mahommedan. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1328.—"There be also other pagan-folk in this India who worship fire; they bury not their dead, neither do they burn them, but cast them into the midst of a certain roofless tower, and there expose them totally uncovered to the fowls of heaven. These believe in two First Principles, to wit, of Evil and of Good, of Darkness and of Light."—<i>Friar Jordanus</i>, 21. <p>1552.—"In any case he dismissed them with favour and hospitality, showing himself glad of the coming of such personages, and granting them protection for their ships as being (<b>Parseos</b>) Persians of the Kingdom of Ormuz."—<i>Barros</i>, I. viii. 9. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "... especially after these were induced by the Persian and Guzerati Moors (<i>Mouros</i>, <b>Parseos</b> <i>e Guzarates</i>) to be converted from heathen (<i>Gentios</i>) to the sect of Mahamed."—<i>Ibid.</i> II. vi. i. </p><p>[1563.—"There are other herb-sellers (<i>mercadores de boticas</i>) called Coaris, and in the Kingdom of Cambay they call them <b>Esparcis,</b> and we Portuguese call them Jews, but they are not, only Hindus who came from Persia and have their own writing."—<i>Garcia</i>, p. 213.] </p><p>1616.—"There is one sect among the Gentiles, which neither burne nor interre their dead (they are called <b>Parcees</b>) who incircle pieces of ground with high stone walls, remote from houses or Road-wayes, and therein lay their Carcasses, wrapped in Sheetes, thus having no other Tombes but the gorges of rauenous Fowles."—<i>Terry</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, ii. 1479. </p><p>1630.—"Whilst my observation was bestowed on such inquiry, I observed in the town of Surrat, the place where I resided, another Sect called the <b>Persees</b>...."—<i>Lord, Two Forraigne Sects</i>. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page682a">page 682a<span id="682a"></span></span></span></span>1638.—"Outre les Benjans il y a encore vne autre sorte de Payens dans le royaume de <i>Gusuratte</i>, qu'ils appellent <b>Parsis.</b> Ce sont des Perses de Fars, et de Chorasan."—<i>Mandelslo</i> (Paris, 1659), 213. </p><p>1648.—"They (the <b>Persians</b> of India, <i>i.e.</i> <i>Parsees</i>) are in general a fast-gripping and avaricious nation (not unlike the Benyans and the Chinese), and very fraudulent in buying and selling."—<i>Van Twist</i>, 48. </p><p>1653.—"Les Ottomans appellent <i>gueuure</i> vne secte de Payens, que nous connaissons sous le nom d'adorateurs du feu, les Persans sous celuy d'<i>Atechperés</i>, et les Indous sous celuy de <b>Parsi,</b> terme dont ils se nomment eux-mesmes."—<i>De la Boullaye-le-Gouz</i>, ed. 1657, p. 200. </p><p>1672.—"Non tutti ancora de' Gentili sono d'vna medesima fede. Alcuni descendono dalli <b>Persiani,</b> li quali si conoscono dal colore, ed adorano il fuoco.... In Suratte ne trouai molti...."—<i>P. F. Vincenzo Maria, Viaggio</i>, 234. </p><p>1673.—"On this side of the Water are people of another Offspring than those we have yet mentioned, these be called <b>Parseys</b> ... these are somewhat white, and I think nastier than the Gentues...."—<i>Fryer</i>, 117. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The <b>Parsies,</b> as they are called, are of the old Stock of the Persians, worship the Sun and Adore the Elements; are known only about Surat."—<i>Ibid.</i> p. 197. </p><p>1689.—"... the <b>Persies</b> are a Sect very considerable in India...."—<i>Ovington</i>, 370. </p><p>1726.—"... to say a word of a certain other sort of Heathen who have spread in the City of Suratte and in its whole territory, and who also maintain themselves in Agra, and in various places of Persia, especially in the Province of Kerman, at Yezd, and in Ispahan. They are commonly called by the Indians <b>Persees</b> or <b>Parsis,</b> but by the Persians <i>Gaurs</i> or <i>Gebbers</i>, and also <i>Atech Peres</i> or adorers of Fire."—<i>Valentijn</i>, iv. (<i>Suratte</i>) 153. </p><p>1727.—"The <b>Parsees</b> are numerous about Surat and the adjacent Countries. They are a remnant of the ancient Persians."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ch. xiv; [ed. 1744, i. 159]. </p> 1877.—"... en se levant, le <b>Parsi,</b> après s'être lavé les mains et la figure avec l'urine du taureau, met sa ceinture en disant: Souverain soit Ormuzd, abattu soit Ahrimān."—<i>Darmesteter, Ormuzd et Ahriman</i>, p. 2.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="parvoe"></span>PARVOE,</b> <b>PURVO,</b> s. The popular name of the writer-caste in Western India, <i>Prabhū</i> or <i>Parbhū</i>, 'lord or chief' (Skt. <i>prabhu</i>), being an honorific title assumed by the caste of <i>Kāyath</i> or <i>Kāyastha</i>, one of the mixt castes which commonly furnished writers. A Bombay term only. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1548.—"And to the <b>Parvu</b> of the <i>Tenadar Mor</i> 1800 reis a year, being 3 <i>pardaos</i> a month...."—<i>S. Botelho, Tombo</i>, 211. <p>[1567.—See <i>Paibus</i> under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#casis" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CASIS</a>.</b> </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page682b">page 682b<span id="682b"></span></span></span></span>[1676-7.—"... the same guards the <b>Purvos</b> y<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">t</sup> look after y<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">e</sup> Customes for the same charge can receive y<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">e</sup> passage boats rent...."—<i>Forrest, Bombay Letters, Home Series</i>, i. 125. </p><p>[1773.—"<i>Conucopola</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#conicopoly" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CONICOPOLY</a></b>).... At Bombay he is stiled <b>Purvo,</b> and is of the Gentoo religion."—<i>Ives</i>, 49 <i>seq.</i>] </p><p>1809.—"The Bramins of this village speak and write English; the young men are mostly <b>parvoes,</b> or writers."—<i>Maria Graham</i>, 11. </p><p>1813.—"These writers at Bombay are generally called <b>Purvoes</b>; a faithful diligent class."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> i. 156-157; [2nd ed. i. 100]. </p> 1833.—"Every native of India on the Bombay Establishment, who can write English, and is employed in any office, whether he be a Brahman, Goldsmith, Parwary, Portuguese, or of English descent, is styled a <b>Purvoe,</b> from several persons of a caste of Hindoos termed <i>Prubhoe</i> having been among the first employed as English writers at Bombay."—<i>Mackintosh on the Tribe of Ramoosies</i>, p. 77.</div> <p><br /> <b>PASADOR,</b> s. A marlin-spike. Sea-Hind., from Port. <i>passador</i>.—<i>Roebuck.</i> </p><p><br /> <b><span id="pasei"></span>PASEI,</b> <b>PACEM,</b> n.p. The name of a Malay State near the N.E. point of Sumatra, at one time predominant in those regions, and reckoned, with Malacca and Majapahit (the capital of the Empire of Java), the three greatest cities of the Archipelago. It is apparently the <i>Basma</i> of Marco Polo, who visited the coast before Islam had gained a footing. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1292.—"When you quit the kingdom of Ferlec you enter upon that of <b>Basma.</b> This also is an independent kingdom, and the people have a language of their own; but they are just like beasts, without laws or religion."—<i>Marco Polo</i>, Bk. iii. ch. 9. <p>1511.—"Next day we departed with the plunder of the captured vessel, which also we had with us; we took our course forward until we reached another port in the same island Trapobana (Sumatra), which was called <b>Pazze</b>; and anchoring in the said port we found at anchor there several junks and ships from divers parts."—<i>Empoli</i>, p. 53. </p><p>1553.—"In the same manner he (Diogo Lopes) was received in the kingdom of <b>Pacem</b> ... and as the King of Pedir had given him a cargo of pepper ... he did not think well to go further ... in case ... they should give news of his coming at Malaca, those two ports of Pedir and <b>Pacem</b> being much frequented by a multitude of ships that go there for cargoes."—<i>Barros</i>, II. iv. 31. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page683a">page 683a<span id="683a"></span></span></span></span>1726.—"Next to this and close to the East-point of Sumatra is the once especially famous city <b>Pasi</b> (or <b>Pacem</b>), which in old times, next to Magapahit and Malakka, was one of the three greatest cities of the East ... but now is only a poor open village with not more than 4 or 500 families, dwelling in poor bamboo cottages."—<i>Valentijn</i>, (v.) <i>Sumatra</i>, 10. </p> 1727.—"And at <b>Pissang,</b> about 10 Leagues to the Westward of Diamond Point, there is a fine deep River, but not frequented, because of the treachery and bloody disposition of the Natives."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ii. 125; [ed. 1744].</div> <p><br /> <b>PĀT,</b> s. A can or pot. Sea-Hind. from English.—<i>Roebuck.</i> </p><p><br /> <b><span id="pataca"></span>PATACA,</b> <b>PATACOON,</b> s. Ital. <i>patacco</i>; Provenc. <i>patac</i>; Port. <i>pataca</i> and <i>patação</i>; also used in Malayālam. A term, formerly much diffused, for a dollar or piece of eight. Littré connects it with an old French word <i>patard</i>, a kind of coin, "du reste, origine inconnue." But he appears to have overlooked the explanation indicated by Volney (<i>Voyage en Egypte</i>, &c., ch. ix. note) that the name <i>abūṭāḳa</i> (or corruptly <i>bāṭāḳa</i>, see also <i>Dozy & Eng.</i> s.v.) was given by the Arabs to certain coins of this kind with a scutcheon on the reverse, the term meaning 'father of the window, or niche'; the scutcheon being taken for such an object. Similarly, the pillar-dollars are called in modern Egypt <i>abū medfa</i>', 'father of a cannon'; and the Maria Theresa dollar <i>abū ṭēra</i>, 'father of the bird.' But on the Red Sea, where only the coinage of one particular year (or the modern imitation thereof, still struck at Trieste from the old die), is accepted, it is <i>abū nuḳāṭ</i>, 'father of dots,' from certain little points which mark the right issue. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1528.—"Each of the men engaged in the attack on Purakkat received no less than 800 gold <b>Pattaks</b> (ducats) as his share."—<i>Logan, Malabar</i>, i. 329. [1550.—"And afterwards while Viceroy Dom Affonso Noronha ordered silver coins to be made, which were patecoons (<b>patecoes</b>)."—<i>Arch. Port. Orient.</i>, Fasc. ii. No. 54 of 1569.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PATCH,</b> s. "Thin pieces of cloth at Madras" (<i>Indian Vocabulary</i>, 1788). Wilson gives <b>patch</b> as a vulgar abbreviation for Telug. <i>pach'chadamu</i>, 'a particular kind of cotton cloth, generally 24 cubits long and 2 broad; two cloths joined together.' </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page683b">page 683b<span id="683b"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">[1667.—"Pray if can procuer a good Pallenkeen bambo and 2 <b>patch</b> of ye finest with what colours you thinke hansome for my own wear, chockoloes and susaes (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#soosie" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SOOSIE</a></b>)."—In <i>Yule, Hedges' Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. cclxii.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PATCHARÉE,</b> <b>PATCHERRY,</b> <b>PARCHERRY,</b> s. In the Bengal Presidency, before the general construction of 'married quarters' by Government, <i>patcharée</i> was the name applied in European corps to the cottages which used to form the quarters of married soldiers. The origin of the word is obscure, and it has been suggested that it was a corruption of Hind. <i>pichch'hārī</i>, 'the rear,' because these cottages were in rear of the barracks. But we think it most likely that the word was brought, with many other terms peculiar to the British soldier in India, from Madras, and is identical with a term in use there, <i>parcherry</i> or <i>patcherry</i>, which represents the Tam. <i>pa</i><b>r</b><i>ash'shēri</i>, <i>paraiççeri</i>, 'a Pariah village,' or rather the quarter or outskirts of a town or village where the Pariahs reside. Mr. Whitworth (s.v. <i>Patcherry</i>) says that "in some native regiments the term denotes the married sepoys' quarters, possibly because Pariah sepoys had their families with them, while the higher castes left them at home." He does not say whether Bombay or Madras sepoys are in question. But in any case what he states confirms the origin ascribed to the Bengal Presidency term <i>Patcharée</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1747.—"<b>Patcheree Point,</b> mending Platforms and Gunports ... (Pgs.) 4 : 21 : 48."—<i>Accounts from Ft. St. David</i>, under Feb. 21. MS. Records, in India Office. <p>1781.—"Leurs maisons (c.-à-d. des <i>Parias</i>) sont des cahutes où un homme peut à peine entrer, et elles forment de petits villages qu'on appelle <b>Paretcheris.</b>"—<i>Sonnerat</i>, ed. 1782, i. 98. </p><p>1878.—"During the greater portion of the year extra working gangs of scavengers were kept for the sole purpose of going from <b>Parcherry</b> to <b>Parcherry</b> and cleaning them."—<i>Report of Madras Municipality</i>, p. 24. </p> c. 1880.—"Experience obtained in Madras some years ago with reconstructed <b>parcherries,</b> and their effect on health, might be imitated possibly with advantage in Calcutta."—<i>Report by Army Sanitary Commission.</i></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="patchouli"></span>PATCHOULI,</b> <b>PATCH-LEAF,</b> also <b>PUTCH</b> and <b>PUTCHA-LEAF,</b> s. In Beng. <i>pachapāt</i>; Deccani Hind. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page684a">page 684a<span id="684a"></span></span></span></span><i>pacholī</i>. The latter are trade names of the dried leaves of a labiate plant allied to mint (<i>Pogostemon patchouly</i>, Pelletier). It is supposed to be a cultivated variety of <i>Pogostemon Heyneanus</i>, Bentham, a native of the Deccan. It is grown in native gardens throughout India, Ceylon, and the Malay Islands, and the dried flowering spikes and leaves of the plant, which are used, are sold in every bazar in Hindustan. The <i>pacha-pāt</i> is used as an ingredient in tobacco for smoking, as hair-scent by women, and especially for stuffing mattresses and laying among clothes as we use lavender. In a fluid form <i>patchouli</i> was introduced into England in 1844, and soon became very fashionable as a perfume. </p><p>The origin of the word is a difficulty. The name is alleged in Drury, and in Forbes Watson's <i>Nomenclature</i> to be Bengāli. Littré says the word <i>patchouli</i> is <i>patchey-elley</i>, 'feuille de patchey'; in what language we know not; perhaps it is from Tamil <i>pachcha</i>, 'green,' and <i>êlâ</i>, <i>êlam</i>, an aromatic perfume for the hair. [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> gives Tamil <i>paççilai</i>, <i>paççai</i>, 'green,' <i>ilai</i>, 'leaf.'] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1673.—"<i>Note</i>, that if the following Goods from <i>Acheen</i> hold out the following <i>Rates</i>, the Factor employed is no further responsible. <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:2em"></span><b>*          *          *          *          *          </b> </p> <b>Patch Leaf,</b> 1 <i>Bahar Maunds</i> 7 20 <i>sear</i>."—<i>Fryer</i>, 209.</div> <p><br /> <b>PATECA,</b> s. This word is used by the Portuguese in India for a water-melon (<i>Citrullus vulgaris</i>, Schrader; <i>Cucurbita Citrullus</i>, L.). It is from the Ar. <i>al-baṭṭikh</i> or <i>al-biṭṭīkh</i>. F. Johnson gives this 'a melon, musk-melon. A pumpkin; a cucurbitaceous plant.' We presume that this is not merely the too common dictionary looseness, for the chaos of cucurbitaceous nomenclature, both vulgar and scientific, is universal (see <i>A. De Candolle, Origine des Plantes cultivées</i>). In Lane's <i>Modern Egyptians</i> (ed. 1837, i. 200) the word <i>butteekh</i> is rendered explicitly 'water-melon.' We have also in Spanish <i>albadeca</i>, which is given by Dozy and Eng. as 'espèce de melon'; and we have French <i>pastèque</i>, which we believe always means a water-melon. De Candolle seems to have no doubt that the water-melon was cultivated in ancient Egypt, and believes it to have been introduced into the Graeco-Roman world about <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page684b">page 684b<span id="684b"></span></span></span></span>the beginning of our era; whilst Hehn carries it to Persia from India, 'whether at the time of the Arabian or of the Mongol domination, (and then) to Greece, through the medium of the Turks, and to Russia, through that of the Tartar States of Astrakan and Kazan.' </p><p>The name <b>pateca,</b> looking to the existence of the same word in Spanish, we should have supposed to have been Portuguese long before the Portuguese establishment in India; yet the whole of what is said by Garcia de Orta is inconsistent with this. In his <i>Colloquio XXXVI.</i> the gist of the dialogue is that his visitor from Europe, Ruano, tells how he had seen what seemed a most beautiful melon, and how Garcia's housekeeper recommended it, but on trying it, it tasted only of mud instead of melon! Garcia then tells him that at Diu, and in the Bālaghāt, &c., he would find excellent melons with the flavour of the melons of Portugal but "those others which the Portuguese here in India call <b>patecas</b> are quite another thing—huge round or oval fruits, with black seeds—not sweet (<i>doce</i>) like the Portugal melons, but bland (<i>suave</i>), most juicy and cooling, excellent in bilious fevers, and congestions of the liver and kidneys, &c." Both name and thing are represented as novelties to Ruano. Garcia tells him also that the Arabs and Persians call it <i>batiec indi</i>, <i>i.e.</i> melon of India (F. Johnson gives '<i>biṭṭīkh-i-hindī</i>, the citrul'; whilst in Persian <i>hinduwāna</i> is also a word for water-melon) but that the real Indian country name was (<i>calangari</i> Mahr. <i>kālingaṛ</i>, [perhaps that known in the N.W.P. as <i>kalindā</i>, 'a water-melon']). Ruano then refers to the <i>budiecas</i> of Castille of which he had heard, and queries if these were not the same as these Indian <b>patecas,</b> but Garcia says they are quite different. All this is curious as implying that the water-melon was strange to the Portuguese at that time (1563; see <i>Colloquios</i>, f. 141v. <i>seqq.</i>). </p><p>[A friend who has Burnell's copy of Garcia De Orta tells me that he finds a note in the writing of the former on <i>bateca</i>: "<i>i.e.</i> the Arabic term. As this is used all over India, water-melons must have been imported by the Mahommedans." I believe it to be a mistake that the word is in use <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page685a">page 685a<span id="685a"></span></span></span></span>all over India. I do not think the word is ever used in Upper India, nor is it (in that sense) in either Shakespear or Fallon. [Platts gives: A. <i>biṭṭīkh</i>, s.m. The melon (<i>kharbūza</i>); the water-melon, <i>Cucurbita citrullus</i>.] The most common word in the N.W.P. for a water-melon is Pers. <i>tarbūz</i>, whilst the musk-melon is Pers. <i>kharbūza</i>. And these words are so rendered from the <i>Āīn</i> respectively by Blochmann (see his E.T. i. 66, "melons ... water-melons," and the original i. 67, "<i>kharbuza</i> ... <i>tarbuz</i>"). But with the usual chaos already alluded to, we find both these words interpreted in F. Johnson as "water-melon." And according to Hehn the latter is called in the Slav tongues <i>arbuz</i> and in Mod. Greek <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="karpousia">καρπούσια</span></span>, the first as well as the last probably from the Turkish <i>ḳārpūz</i>, which has the same meaning, for this hard <i>ḳ</i> is constantly dropt in modern pronunciation.—H. Y.] </p><p>We append a valuable note on this from Prof. Robertson-Smith: </p><p>"(1) The classical form of the Ar. word is <i>biṭṭīkh</i>. <i>Baṭṭīkh</i> is a widely-spread vulgarism, indeed now, I fancy, universal, for I don't think I ever heard the first syllable pronounced with an <i>i</i>. </p><p>"(2) The term, according to the law-books, includes all kinds of melons (<i>Lane</i>); but practically it is applied (certainly at least in Syria and Egypt) almost exclusively to the water-melon, unless it has a limiting adjective. Thus "the wild <i>biṭṭīkh</i>" is the colocynth, and with other adjectives it may be used of very various cucurbitaceous fruits (see examples in Dozy's <i>Suppt.</i>) </p><p>"(6) The biblical form is <i>ăbaṭṭīkh</i> (<i>e.g.</i> Numbers xi. 5, where the E.V. has 'melons'). But this is only the 'water-melon'; for in the Mishna it is distinguished from the sweet melon, the latter being named by a mere transcription in Hebrew letters of the Greek <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="mêlopepôn">μηλοπέπων</span></span>. Löw justly concludes that the Palestinians (and the Syrians, for their name only differs slightly) got the sweet melon from the Greeks, whilst for the water-melon they have an old and probably true Semitic word. For <i>baṭṭīkh</i> Syriac has <i>paṭṭīkh</i>, indicating that in literary Arabic the <i>a</i> has been changed to <i>i</i>, only to agree with rules of grammar. Thus popular pronunciation seems <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page685b">page 685b<span id="685b"></span></span></span></span>always to have kept the old form, as popular usage seems always to have used the word mainly in its old specific meaning. The Bible and the Mishna suffice to refute Hehn's view (of the introduction of the water-melon from India). Old Ḳimḥi, in his <i>Miklol</i>, illustrates the Hebrew word by the Spanish <i>budiecas</i>." </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1598.—"... ther is an other sort like <i>Melons</i>, called <b>Patecas</b> or <i>Angurias</i>, or <i>Melons of India</i>, which are outwardlie of a darke greene colour; inwardlie white with blacke kernels; they are verie waterish and hard to byte, and so moyst, that as a man eateth them his mouth is full of water, but yet verie sweet and verie cold and fresh meat, wherefore manie of them are eaten after dinner to coole men."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 97; [Hak. Soc. ii. 35]. <p>c. 1610.—"Toute la campagne est couverte d'arbres fruitiers ... et d'arbres de coton, de quantité de melons et de <b>pateques,</b> qui sont espèce de citrouilles de prodigieuse grosseur...."—<i>Pyrard de Laval</i>, ed. 1679, i. 286; [Hak. Soc. i. 399, and see i. 33]. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> A few pages later the word is written <b>Pasteques.</b>—<i>Ibid.</i> 301; [Hak. Soc. i. 417]. </p><p>[1663.—"<b>Pateques,</b> or water-melons, are in great abundance nearly the whole year round: but those of <i>Delhi</i> are soft, without colour or sweetness. If this fruit be ever found good, it is among the wealthy people, who import the seed and cultivate it with much care and expense."—<i>Bernier</i>, ed. <i>Constable</i>, 250.] </p> 1673.—"From hence (Elephanta) we sailed to the <i>Putachoes</i>, a Garden of Melons (<b>Putacho</b> being a Melon) were there not wild Rats that hinder their growth, and so to <i>Bombaim</i>."—<i>Fryer</i>, 76.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="patel"></span>PATEL,</b> <b>POTAIL,</b> s. The headman of a village, having general control of village affairs, and forming the medium of communication with the officers of Government. In Mahr. <i>paṭīl</i>, Hind. <i>paṭel</i>. The most probable etym. seems to be from <i>paṭ</i>, Mahr. 'a roll or register,' Skt.—Hind. <i>paṭṭa</i>. The title is more particularly current in territories that are or have been subject to the Mahrattas, "and appears to be an essentially Maráthi word, being used as a respectful title in addressing one of that nation, or a Súdra in general" (<i>Wilson</i>). The office is hereditary, and is often held under a Government grant. The title is not used in the Gangetic Provinces, but besides its use in Central and W. India it has been commonly employed in S. India, probably as a Hindustani word, though <i>Monigar</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#monegar" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MONEGAR</a></span></b>) <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page686a">page 686a<span id="686a"></span></span></span></span>(<i>Maṇiyakāram</i>), <i>adhikārī</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#adigar" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ADIGAR</a></span></b>), &c., are appropriate synonyms in Tamil and Malabar districts. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1535.—"The <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tanadar" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">Tanadars</a></b> began to come in and give in their submission, bringing with them all the patels (<b>pateis</b>) and renters with their payments, which they paid to the Governor, who ordered fresh records to be prepared."—<i>Couto</i>, Dec. IV. Bk. ix. ch. 2 (description of the commencement of Portuguese rule in Bassein). <p>[1614.—"I perceive that you are troubled with a bad commodity, wherein the desert of <b>Patell</b> and the rest appeareth."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, ii. 281.] </p><p>1804.—"The <b>Patel</b> of Beitculgaum, in the usual style of a Mahratta <b>patel,</b> keeps a band of plunderers for his own profit and advantage. You will inform him that if he does not pay for the horses, bullocks, and articles plundered, he shall be hanged also."—<i>Wellington</i>, March 27. </p><p>1809.—"... <b>Pattels,</b> or headmen."—<i>Lord Valentia</i>, i. 415. </p><p>1814.—"At the settling of the <i>jummabundee</i>, they pay their proportion of the village assessment to government, and then dispose of their grain, cotton, and fruit, without being accountable to the <b>patell.</b>"—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> ii. 418; [2nd ed. ii. 44]. </p><p>1819.—"The present system of Police, as far as relates to the villagers may easily be kept up; but I doubt whether it is enough that the village establishment be maintained, and the whole put under the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mamlutdar" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">Mamlutdar</a>.</b> The <b>Potail's</b> respectability and influence in the village must be kept up."—<i>Elphinstone</i>, in <i>Life</i>, ii. 81. </p><p>1820.—"The <b>Patail</b> holds his office direct of Government, under a written obligation ... which specifies his duties, his rank, and the ceremonies of respect he is entitled to; and his perquisites, and the quantity of freehold land allotted to him as wages."—<i>T. Coats</i>, in <i>Tr. Bo. Lit. Soc.</i> iii. 183. </p><p>1823.—"The heads of the family ... have purchased the office of <b>Potail,</b> or headman."—<i>Malcolm, Central India</i>, i. 99. </p><p>1826.—"The <b>potail</b> offered me a room in his own house, and I very thankfully accepted it."—<i>Pandurang Hari</i>, ed. 1877, p. 241; [ed. 1873, ii. 45]. </p><p>1851.—"This affected humility was in fact one great means of effecting his elevation. When at Poonah he (Madhajee Sindea) ... instead of arrogating any exalted title, would only suffer himself to be called <b>Pateil</b>...."—<i>Fraser, Mil. Mem. of Skinner</i>, i. 33. </p> 1870.—"The <b>Potail</b> accounted for the revenue collections, receiving the perquisites and percentages, which were the accustomed dues of the office."—<i>Systems of Land Tenure</i> (Cobden Club), 163.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="patna"></span>PATNA,</b> n.p. The chief city of Bahar; and the representative of the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page686b">page 686b<span id="686b"></span></span></span></span><i>Palibothra</i> (<i>Pātaliputra</i>) of the Greeks. Hind. <i>Paṭṭana</i>, "the city." [See quotation from D'Anville under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#allahabad" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ALLAHABAD</a></span>.</b>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1586.—"From Bannaras I went to <b>Patenaw</b> downe the riuer of Ganges.... <b>Patenaw</b> is a very long and a great towne. In times past it was a kingdom, but now it is vnder Zelabdim Echebar, the great Mogor.... In this towne there is a trade of cotton, and cloth of cotton, much sugar, which they carry from hence to Bengala and India, very much Opium, and other commodities."—<i>R. Fitch</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 388. <p>1616.—"<i>Bengala</i>, a most spacious and fruitful Province, but more properly to be called a kingdom, which hath two very large Provinces within it, <i>Purb</i> (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#poorub">POORUB</a></b>) and <b>Patan,</b> the one lying on the east, and the other on the west side of the River Ganges."—<i>Terry</i>, ed. 1665, p. 357. </p><p>[1650.—"<b>Patna</b> is one of the largest towns in India, on the margin of the Ganges, on its western side, and it is not less than two <i>coss</i> in length."—<i>Tavernier</i>, ed. <i>Ball</i>, i. 121 <i>seq.</i>] </p><p>1673.—"<i>Sir William Langham</i> ... is Superintendent over all the Factories on the coast of <i>Coromandel</i>, as far as the Bay of <i>Bengala</i>, and up Huygly River ... viz. <i>Fort St. George</i>, alias <i>Maderas</i>, <i>Pettipolee</i>, <i>Mechlapatan</i>, <i>Gundore</i>, <i>Medapollon</i>, <i>Balasore</i>, <i>Bengala</i>, <i>Huygly</i>, <i>Castle Buzzar</i>, <b>Pattanaw.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 38. </p><p>1726.—"If you go higher up the Ganges to the N. W. you come to the great and famous trading city of <b>Pattena,</b> capital of the Kingdom of Behar, and the residence of the Vice-roy."—<i>Valentijn</i>, v. 164. </p> 1727.—"<b>Patana</b> is the next Town frequented by Europeans ... for Saltpetre and raw Silk. It produces also so much Opium, that it serves all the Countries in India with that commodity."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ii. 21; [ed. 1744].</div> <p><br /> <b>PATOLA,</b> s. Canarese and Malayāl. <i>paṭṭuda</i>, 'a silk-cloth.' In the fourth quotation it is rather misapplied to the Ceylon dress (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#comboy" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COMBOY</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1516.—"Coloured cottons and silks which the Indians call <b>patola.</b>"—<i>Barbosa</i>, 184. <p>1522.—"... <b>Patolos</b> of silk, which are cloths made at Cambaya that are highly prized at Malaca."—<i>Correa, Lendas</i>, ii. 2, 714. </p><p>1545.—"... homems ... enchachados com <b>patolas</b> de seda."—<i>Pinto</i>, ch. clx. (<i>Cogan</i>, p. 219). </p><p>1552.—"They go naked from the waist upwards, and below it they are clothed with silk and cotton which they call <b>patolas.</b>"—<i>Castanheda</i>, ii. 78. </p><p>[1605.—"<b>Pattala.</b>"—<i>Birdwood, Letter Book</i>, 74.] </p> 1614.—"... <b>Patollas</b>...."—<i>Peyton</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 530.</div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page687a">page 687a<span id="687a"></span></span></span></span><b><span id="pattamar"></span>PATTAMAR,</b> <b>PATIMAR,</b> &c. This word has two senses: </p><p><b>a.</b> A foot-runner, a courier. In this use the word occurs only in the older writers, especially Portuguese. </p><p><b>b.</b> A kind of lateen-rigged ship, with one, two, or three masts, common on the west coast. This sense seems to be comparatively modern. In both senses the word is perhaps the Konkani <i>path-mār</i>, 'a courier.' C. P. Brown, however, says that <i>patta-mar</i>, applied to a vessel, is Malayāl. signifying "goose-wing." Molesworth's <i>Mahr. Dict.</i> gives both <i>patemārī</i> and <i>phatemārī</i> for "a sort of swift-sailing vessel, a <i>pattymar</i>," with the etym. "tidings-bringer." <i>Patta</i> is 'tidings,' but the second part of the word so derived is not clear. Sir. J. M. Campbell, who is very accurate, in the <i>Bo. Gazetteer</i> writes of the vessel as <i>pātimār</i>, though identifying, as we have done, both uses with <i>pathmār</i>, 'courier.' The Moslem, he says, write <i>phatemārī</i> quasi <i>fatḥ-mār</i>, 'snake of victory'(?). [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> gives Mal. <i>pattamāri</i>, Tam. <i>pāttimār</i>, from <i>patār</i>, Hind. 'tidings' (not in Platts), <i>māri</i>, Mahr. 'carrier.'] According to a note in <i>Notes and Extracts</i>, No. 1 (Madras, 1871), p. 27, under a Ft. St. Geo. Consultation of July 4, 1673, <i>Pattamar</i> is therein used "for a native vessel on the Coromandel Coast, though now confined to the Western Coast." We suspect a misapprehension. For in the following entry we have no doubt that the parenthetical gloss is wrong, and that <i>couriers</i> are meant: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">"A letter sent to the President and Councell at Surratt by a Pair of <b>Pattamars</b> (native craft) express...."—<i>Op. cit.</i> No. ii. p. 8. [On this word see further Sir H. Yule's note on <i>Linschoten</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 165.]</div> <p><b>a.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1552.—"... But Lorenço de Brito, seeing things come to such a pass that certain Captains of the King (of Cananor) with troops chased him to the gates, he wrote to the Viceroy of the position in which he was by <b>Patamares,</b> who are men that make great journeys by land."—<i>De Barros</i>, II. i. 5. <p>The word occurs repeatedly in <i>Correa, Lendas</i>, <i>e.g.</i> III. i. 108, 149, &c. </p><p>1598.—"... There are others that are called <b>Patamares,</b> which serue onlie for Messengers or Posts, to carie letters from place to place by land in winter-time when men cannot travaile by sea."—<i>Linschoten</i>, 78; [Hak. Soc. i. 260, and see ii. 165]. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page687b">page 687b<span id="687b"></span></span></span></span>1606.—"The eight and twentieth, a <b>Pattemar</b> told that the Governor was a friend to us only in shew, wishing the <i>Portugalls</i> in our roome; for we did no good in the Country, but brought Wares which they were forced to buy...."—<i>Roger Hawes</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 605. </p><p>[1616.—"The <b>Patamar</b> (for so in this country they call poor footmen that are letter-bearers)...."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iv. 227.] </p><p>1666.—"Tranquebar, qui est eloigné de Saint Thomé de cinq journées d'un Courier à pié, qu'on appelle <b>Patamar.</b>"—<i>Thevenot</i>, v. 275. </p><p>1673.—"After a month's Stay here a <b>Patamar</b> (a Foot Post) from <i>Fort St. George</i> made us sensible of the Dutch being gone from thence to Ceylon."—<i>Fryer</i>, 36. </p><p>[1684.—"The <b>Pattamars</b> that went to Codaloor by reason of the deepness of the Rivers were forced to Return...."—<i>Pringle, Diary Ft. St. Geo.</i> 1st ser. iii. 133.] </p><p>1689.—"A <b>Pattamar,</b> <i>i.e.</i> a Foot Messenger, is generally employ'd to carry them (letters) to the remotest Bounds of the Empire."—<i>Ovington</i>, 251. </p><p>1705.—"Un <b>Patemare</b> qui est un homme du Pais; c'est ce que nous appellons un exprès...."—<i>Luillier</i>, 43. </p><p>1758.—"Yesterday returned a <b>Pattamar</b> or express to our Jew merchant from Aleppo, by the way of the Desert...."—<i>Ives</i>, 297. </p> c. 1760.—"Between Bombay and Surat there is a constant intercourse preserved, not only by sea ... but by <b>Pattamars,</b> or foot-messengers overland."—<i>Grose</i>, i. 119. This is the last instance we have met of the word in this sense, which is now quite unknown to Englishmen.</div> <p><b>b.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1600.—"... Escrevia que hum barco pequeno, dos que chamam <b>patamares,</b> se meteria...."—<i>Lucena, Vida do P. F. Xavier</i>, 185. <p>[1822.—"About 12 o'clock on the same night they embarked in <b>Paddimars</b> for Cochin."—<i>Wallace, Fifteen Years</i>, 206.] </p><p>1834.—A description of the <b>Patamárs,</b> with a plate, is given in Mr. John Edye's paper on Indian coasting vessels, in vol. i. of the <i>R. As. Soc. Journal</i>. </p> 1860.—"Among the vessels at anchor lie the dows (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dhow" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DHOW</a></b>) of the Arabs, the <b>petamares</b> of Malabar, and the dhoneys (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#doney" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DONEY</a></b>) of Coromandel."—<i>Tennent's Ceylon</i>, ii. 103.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pattello"></span>PATTELLO,</b> <b>PATELLEE,</b> s. A large flat-bottomed boat on the Ganges; Hind. <i>paṭelā</i>. [Mr. Grierson gives among the Behar boats "the <i>paṭelī</i> or <i>paṭailī</i>, also called in Sāran <i>katrā</i>, on which the boards forming the sides overlap and are not joined edge to edge," with an illustration (<i>Bihar Peasant Life</i>, 42).] </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page688a">page 688a<span id="688a"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">[1680.—"The <b>Patella</b>; the boats that come down from Pattana with Saltpeeter or other goods, built of an Exceeding Strength and are very flatt and burthensome."—<i>Yule, Hedges' Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 15.] <p>1685.—"We came to a great <i>Godowne</i>, where ... this Nabob's Son has laid in a vast quantity of Salt, here we found divers great <b>Patellos</b> taking in their lading for Pattana."—<i>Ibid.</i> Jan 6; [Hak. Soc. i. 175]. </p> 1860.—"The <b>Putelee</b> (or Kutora), or Baggage-boat of Hindostan, is a very large, flat-bottomed, clinker-built, unwieldy-looking piece of rusticity of probably ... about 35 tons burthen; but occasionally they may be met with double this size."—<i>Colesworthy Grant, Rural Life in Bengal</i>, p. 6.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="paulist"></span>PAULIST,</b> n.p. The Jesuits were commonly so called in India because their houses in that country were formerly always dedicated to St. Paul, the great Missionary to the Heathen. They have given up this practice since their modern re-establishment in India. They are still called <i>Paolotti</i> in Italy, especially by those who don't like them. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1567.—"... e vi sono assai Chiese dei <b>padri di San Paulo</b> i quali fanno in quei luoghi gran profitto in conuertire quei popoli."—<i>Federici</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, iii. 390. <p>1623.—"I then went to the College of the Jesuit Fathers, the Church of which, like that at Daman, at Bassaim, and at almost all the other cities of the Portuguese in India, is called <b>San Paolo</b>; whence it happens that in India the said Fathers are known more commonly by the name of <b>Paolisti</b> than by that of Jesuits."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, April 27; [iii. 135]. </p><p>c. 1650.—"The <i>Jesuits</i> at <i>Goa</i> are known by the name of <b>Paulists</b>; by reason that their great Church is dedicated to St. <i>Paul</i>. Nor do they wear Hats, or Corner-Caps, as in <i>Europe</i>, but only a certain Bonnet, resembling the Skull of a Hat without the Brims."—<i>Tavernier</i>, E.T. 77; [ed. <i>Ball</i>, i. 197]. </p><p>1672.—"There was found in the fortress of Cranganor a handsome convent, and Church of the <b>Paulists,</b> or disciples and followers of Ignatius Loyola...."—<i>Baldaeus, Germ.</i>, p. 110. In another passage this author says they were called <b>Paulists</b> because they were first sent to India by Pope Paul III. But this is not the correct reason. </p><p>1673.—"St. Paul's was the first Monastery of the Jesuits in <i>Goa</i>, from whence they receive the name <b>Paulistins.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 150. </p><p>[1710.—See quotation under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cobra_de_capello" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COBRA DE CAPELLO</a>.</b>] </p> 1760.—"The Jesuits, who are better known in India by the appellation of <b>Paulists,</b> from their head church and convent of St. Paul's in Goa."—<i>Grose</i>, i. 50.</div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page688b">page 688b<span id="688b"></span></span></span></span><b><span id="paunchway"></span>PAUNCHWAY,</b> s. A light kind of boat used on the rivers of Bengal; like a large <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dingy" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">dingy</a></b> (q.v.), with a tilted roof of matting or thatch, a mast and four oars. Beng. <i>panśī</i>, and <i>pansoī</i>. [Mr. Grierson (<i>Peasant Life</i>, 43) describes the <i>pansūhī</i> as a boat with a round bottom, but which goes in shallow water, and gives an illustration.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1757.—"He was then beckoning to his servant that stood in a <b>Ponsy</b> above the Gaut."—<i>A. Grant, Account of the Loss of Calcutta</i>, ed. by <i>Col. Temple</i>, p. 7.] <p>c. 1760.—"<b>Ponsways,</b> Guard-boats."—<i>Grose</i> (Glossary). </p><p>1780.—"The <b>Paunchways</b> are nearly of the same general construction (as budgerows), with this difference, that the greatest breadth is somewhat further aft, and the stern lower."—<i>Hodges</i>, 39-40. </p><p>1790.—"Mr. Bridgwater was driven out to sea in a common <b>paunchway,</b> and when every hope forsook him the boat floated into the harbour of Masulipatam."—<i>Calcutta Monthly Review</i>, i. 40. </p><p>1823.—"... A <b>panchway,</b> or passage-boat ... was a very characteristic and interesting vessel, large and broad, shaped like a snuffer-dish; a deck fore-and-aft, and the middle covered with a roof of palm-branches...."—<i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, i. 21. </p> 1860.—"... You may suppose that I engage neither pinnace nor <i>bujra</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#budgerow" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BUDGEROW</a></b>), but that comfort and economy are sufficiently obtained by hiring a small <i>bhouliya</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#boliah" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BOLIAH</a></b>) ... what is more likely at a fine weather season like this, a small native <b>punsóee,</b> which, with a double set of hands, or four oars, is a lighter and much quicker boat."—<i>C. Grant, Rural Life in Bengal</i>, 10 [with an illustration].</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pawl"></span>PAWL,</b> s. Hind. <i>pāl</i>, [Skt. <i>paṭala</i>, 'a roof']. A small tent with two light poles, and steep sloping sides; no walls, or ridge-pole. I believe the statement 'no ridge-pole,' is erroneous. It is difficult to derive from memory an exact definition of tents, and especially of the difference between <b>pawl</b> and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shooldarry" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">shooldarry</a>.</b> A reference to India failed in getting a reply. The <b>shooldarry</b> is not essentially different from the <b>pawl,</b> but is trimmer, tauter, better closed, and sometimes has two <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#fly" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">flies</a>.</b> [The names of tents are used in various senses in different parts. The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> defines a <b>paul</b> as "a small tent with two light poles, a ridge-bar, and steep sloping sides; the walls, if any, are very short, often not more than 6 inches high. Sometimes a second <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page689a">page 689a<span id="689a"></span></span></span></span>ridge above carries a second roof over the first; this makes a common shooting tent." Mr. G. R. Dampier writes: "These terms are, I think, used rather loosely in the N.W.P. <b>Sholdārī</b> generally means a servant's tent, a sort of <i>tente d'abri</i>, with very low sides: the sides are generally not more than a foot high; there are no doors only flaps at one end. <b>Pāl</b> is generally used to denote a sleeping tent for Europeans; the roof slopes on both sides from a longitudinal ridge-pole; the sides are much higher than in the <b>sholdārī,</b> and there is a door at one end; the <b>fly</b> is almost invariably single. The Raoti (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#rowtee" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">ROWTEE</a></span></b>) is incorrectly used in some places to denote a sleeping <b>pāl</b>; it is, properly speaking, I believe, a larger tent, of the same kind, but with doors in the side, not at the end. In some parts I have found they use the word <b>pāl</b> as equivalent to <b>sholdārī</b> and <b>bilṭan</b> (? <i>bell-tent</i>)."] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1785.—"Where is the great quantity of baggage belonging to you, seeing that you have nothing besides tents, <b>pawls,</b> and other such necessary articles?"—<i>Tippoo's Letters</i>, p. 49. <p>1793.—"There were not, I believe, more than two small <b>Pauls,</b> or tents, among the whole of the deputation that escorted us from Patna."—<i>Kirkpatrick's Nepaul</i>, p. 118. </p><p>[1809.—"The shops which compose the Bazars, are mostly formed of blankets or coarse cloth stretched over a bamboo, or some other stick for a ridge-pole, supported at either end by a forked stick fixed in the ground. These habitations are called <b>pals.</b>"—<i>Broughton, Letters</i>, ed. 1892, p. 20.] </p><p>1827.—"It would perhaps be worth while to record ... the matériel and personnel of my camp equipment; an humble captain and single man travelling on the most economical principles. One double-poled tent, one routee (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#rowtee" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">ROWTEE</a></b>), or small tent, a <b>pâl</b> or servants' tent, 2 elephants, 6 camels, 4 horses, a pony, a buggy, and 24 servants, besides mahouts, serwâns or camel-drivers, and tent pitchers."—<i>Mundy, Journal of a Tour in India</i>, [3rd ed. p. 8]. We may note that this is an absurd exaggeration of any equipment that, even seventy-five years since, would have characterised the march of a "humble captain travelling on economical principles," or any one under the position of a highly-placed civilian. Captain Mundy must have been enormously extravagant. </p> [1849.—"... we breakfasted merrily under a <b>paul</b> (a tent without walls, just like two cards leaning against each other)."—<i>Mrs. Mackenzie, Life in the Mission</i>, ii. 141.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pawn"></span>PAWN,</b> s. The <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#betel" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">betel</a></b>-leaf (q.v.) Hind. <i>pān</i>, from Skt. <i>parṇa</i>, 'a leaf.' <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page689b">page 689b<span id="689b"></span></span></span></span>It is a North Indian term, and is generally used for the combination of betel, areca-nut, lime, &c., which is politely offered (along with otto of roses) to visitors, and which intimates the termination of the visit. This is more fully termed <b>pawn-sooparie</b> (<i>supārī</i>, [Skt. <i>supriya</i>, 'pleasant,'] is Hind. for areca). "These leaves are not vsed to bee eaten alone, but because of their bitternesse they are eaten with a certaine kind of fruit, which the <i>Malabars</i> and <i>Portugalls</i> call <i>Arecca</i>, the <i>Gusurates</i> and <i>Decanijns</i> <i>Suparijs</i>...." (In <i>Purchas</i>, ii. 1781). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1616.—"The King giving mee many good words, and two pieces of his <b>Pawne</b> out of his Dish, to eate of the same he was eating...."—<i>Sir T. Roe</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 576; [Hak. Soc. ii. 453]. <p>[1623.—"... a plant, whose leaves resemble a Heart, call'd here <b>pan,</b> but in other parts of India, Betle."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 36.] </p><p>1673.—"... it is the only Indian entertainment, commonly called <b>Pawn.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, p. 140. </p> 1809.—"On our departure <b>pawn</b> and roses were presented, but we were spared the <i>attar</i>, which is every way detestable."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 101.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pawnee"></span>PAWNEE,</b> s. Hind. <i>pānī</i>, 'water.' The word is used extensively in Anglo-Indian compound names, such as <b>bilayutee pawnee,</b> 'soda-water,' brandy-<b>pawnee,</b> <i>Khush-bo</i> <b>pawnee</b> (for European scents), &c., &c. An old friend, Gen. J. T. Boileau, R.E. (Bengal), contributes from memory the following Hindi ode to Water, on the Pindaric theme <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="ariston men hydôr">ἄριστον μὲν <span style="letter-spacing:0.2em">ὕδωρ</span></span></span>, or the Thaletic one <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="archê de tôn pantôn hydôr">ἀρχὴ δε τῶν πάντων ὑδωρ</span></span>! </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"<b>Pānī</b> kūā, pānī tāl;<br /> <b>Pānī</b> āṭā, pānī dāl;<br /> <b>Pānī</b> bāgh, pānī ramnā;<br /> <b>Pānī</b> Gangā, pānī Jumnā;<br /> <b>Pānī</b> haṅstā, pānī rotā;<br /> <b>Pānī</b> jagtā, pānī sotā;<br /> <b>Pānī</b> bāp, pānī mā;<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>Barā nām <b>Pānī</b> kā!" </p> </div></div> <div style="margin-left:2em;">Thus rudely done into English:</div> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Thou, Water, stor'st our Wells and Tanks,<br /> Thou fillest Gunga's, Jumna's banks;<br /> Thou Water, sendest daily food,<br /> And fruit and flowers and needful wood;<br /> Thou, Water, laugh'st, thou, Water, weepest;<br /> Thou, Water, wak'st, thou, Water, sleepest;<br /> —Father, Mother, in thee blent,—<br /> Hail, O glorious element!" </p> </div></div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page690a">page 690a<span id="690a"></span></span></span></span><b>PAWNEE, KALLA,</b> s. Hind. <i>kālā pānī</i>, <i>i.e.</i> 'Black Water'; the name of dread by which natives of the interior of India designate the Sea, with especial reference to a voyage across it, and to transportation to penal settlements beyond it. "Hindu servants and sepoys used to object to cross the Indus, and called <i>that</i> the <b>kālā pānī.</b> I think they used to assert that they lost caste by crossing it, which might have induced them to call it by the same name as the ocean,—or possibly they believed it to be part of the river that flows round the world, or the country beyond it to be outside the limits of Aryavartta" (<i>Note by Lt.-Col. J. M. Trotter</i>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1823.—"An agent of mine, who was for some days with Cheetoo" (a famous Pindārī leader), "told me he raved continually about <b>Kala Panee,</b> and that one of his followers assured him when the Pindarry chief slept, he used in his dreams to repeat these dreaded words aloud."—<i>Sir J. Malcolm, Central India</i> (2nd ed.), i. 446. 1833.—"<b>Kala Pany,</b> dark water, in allusion to the Ocean, is the term used by the Natives to express transportation. Those in the interior picture the place to be an island of a very dreadful description, and full of malevolent beings, and covered with snakes and other vile and dangerous nondescript animals."—<i>Mackintosh, Acc. of the Tribe of Ramoosies</i>, 44.</div> <p><br /> <b>PAYEN-GHAUT,</b> n.p. The country on the coast below the Ghauts or passes leading up to the table-land of the Deccan. It was applied usually on the west coast, but the expression <i>Carnatic</i> <b>Payen-ghaut</b> is also pretty frequent, as applied to the low country of Madras on the east side of the Peninsula, from Hind. and Mahr. <i>ghāt</i>, combined with Pers. <i>pāīn</i>, 'below.' [It is generally used as equivalent to <i>Talaghāt</i>, "but some Musalmans seem to draw the distinction that the Pāyīn-ghāt is nearer to the foot of the Ghāts than the Talaghāt" (<i>Le Fanu, Man. of Salem</i>, ii. 338).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1629-30.—"But ('Azam Khán) found that the enemy having placed their elephants and baggage in the fort of Dhárúr, had the design of descending the <b>Páyín-ghát.</b>"—<i>Abdu'l Hamíd Lahori</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, vii. 17. <p>1784.—"Peace and friendship ... between the said Company and the Nabob Tippo Sultan Bahauder, and their friends and allies, particularly including therein the Rajahs of Tanjore and Travencore, who are friends and allies to the English and the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page690b">page 690b<span id="690b"></span></span></span></span>Carnatic <b>Payen Ghaut.</b>"—<i>Treaty of Mangalore</i>, in <i>Munro's Narr.</i>, 252. </p> 1785.—"You write that the European taken prisoner in the <b>Pâyen-ghaut</b> ... being skilled in the mortar practice, you propose converting him to the faith.... It is known (or understood)."—<i>Letters of Tippoo</i>, p. 12.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pazend"></span>PAZEND,</b> s. See for meaning of this term s.v. <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pahlavi">Pahlavi</a>,</b> in connection with <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Z#zend" title="Hobson-Jobson/Z">Zend</a>.</b> (See also quotation from <i>Maṣ'ūdī</i> under latter.) </p><p><br /> <b><span id="pecul"></span>PECUL,</b> <b>PIKOL,</b> s. Malay and Javanese <i>pikul</i>, 'a man's load.' It is applied as the Malay name of the Chinese weight of 100 <i>katis</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#catty" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CATTY</a></span></b>), called by the Chinese themselves <i>shih</i>, and = 133⅓lb. <i>avoird.</i> Another authority states that the <i>shih</i> is = 120 <i>kin</i> or <i>katis</i>, whilst the 100 <i>kin</i> weight is called in Chinese <i>tan</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1554.—"In China 1 <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tael" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">tael</a></b> weighs 7½ <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tanga" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">tanga</a> <a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#larin" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">larins</a></b> of silver, and 16 <b>taels</b> = 1 caté (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#catty" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CATTY</a></b>); 100 catés = 1 <b>pico</b> = 45 tangas of silver weigh 1 mark, and therefore 1 <b>pico</b> = 133½ arratels (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#rottle" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">ROTTLE</a></b>)."—<i>A. Nunes</i>, 41. <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "And in China anything is sold and bought by <i>cates</i> and <b>picos</b> and <i>taels</i>, provisions as well as all other things."—<i>Ibid.</i> 42. </p><p>1613.—"Bantam pepper vngarbled ... was worth here at our comming tenne Tayes the <b>Peccull</b> which is one hundred cattees, making one hundred thirtie pound <i>English</i> subtill."—<i>Saris</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 369. </p> [1616.—"The wood we have sold at divers prices from 24 to 28 mas per <b>Picoll.</b>"—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iv. 259.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PEDIR,</b> n.p. The name of a port and State of the north coast of Sumatra. Barros says that, before the establishment of Malacca, Pedir was the greatest and most famous of the States on that island. It is now a place of no consequence. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1498.—It is named as <b>Pater</b> in the <i>Roteiro</i> of Vasco da Gama, but with very incorrect information. See p. 113. <p>1510.—"We took a junk and went towards Sumatra, to a city called <b>Pider</b>.... In this country there grows a great quantity of pepper, and of long pepper which is called <i>Molaga</i> ... in this port there are laden with it every year 18 or 20 ships, all of which go to Cathai."—<i>Varthema</i>, 233. </p><p>1511.—"And having anchored before the said <b>Pedir,</b> the Captain General (Alboquerque) sent for me, and told me that I should go ashore to learn the disposition of the people ... and so I went ashore in the evening, the General thus sending me into <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page691a">page 691a<span id="691a"></span></span></span></span>a country of enemies,—people too whose vessels and goods we had seized, whose fathers, sons, and brothers we had killed;—into a country where even among themselves there is little justice, and treachery in plenty, still more as regards strangers; truly he acted as caring little what became of me!... The answer given me was this: that I should tell the Captain Major General that the city of <b>Pedir</b> had been for a long time noble and great in trade ... that its port was always free for every man to come and go in security ... that they were <i>men</i> and not <i>women</i>, and that they could hold for no friend one who seized the ships visiting their harbours; and that if the General desired the King's friendship let him give back what he had seized, and then his people might come ashore to buy and sell."—Letter of <i>Giov. da Empoli</i>, in <i>Archiv. Stor. Ital.</i> 54. </p><p>1516.—"The Moors live in the seaports, and the Gentiles in the interior (of Sumatra). The principal kingdom of the Moors is called <b>Pedir.</b> Much very good pepper grows in it, which is not so strong or so fine as that of Malabar. Much silk is also grown there, but not so good as the silk of China."—<i>Barbosa</i>, 196. </p><p>1538.—"Furthermore I told him what course was usually held for the fishing of seed-pearl between <i>Pullo Tiquos</i> and <i>Pullo Quenim</i>, which in time past were carried by the <i>Bataes</i> to <i>Pazem</i> (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pasei">PASEI</a></b>) and <b>Pedir,</b> and exchanged with the <i>Turks</i> of the Straight of <i>Mecqua</i>, and the Ships of <i>Judaa</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#judea" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JUDEA</a></b>) for such Merchandise as they brought from <i>Grand Cairo</i>."—<i>Pinto</i> (in <i>Cogan</i>), 25. </p><p>1553.—"After the foundation of Malaca, and especially after our entrance to the Indies, the Kingdom of Pacem began to increase, and that of <b>Pedir</b> to wane. And its neighbour of Achem, which was then insignificant, is now the greatest of all, so vast are the vicissitudes in States of which men make so great account."—<i>Barros</i>, iii. v. 1. </p><p>1615.—"Articles exhibited against John Oxwicke. That since his being in <b>Peedere</b> 'he did not entreate' anything for Priaman and Tecoe, but only an answer to King James's letter...."—<i>Sainsbury</i>, i. 411. </p> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "<b>Pedeare.</b>"—<i>Ibid.</i> p. 415.</div> <p><br /> <b>PEEÁDA.</b> See under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#peon">PEON</a></span>.</b> </p><p><br /> <b>PEENUS,</b> s. Hind. <i>pīnas</i>; a corruption of Eng. <i>pinnace</i>. A name applied to a class of budgerow rigged like a brig or brigantine, on the rivers of Bengal, for European use. Roebuck gives as the marine Hind. for pinnace, <i>p'hineez</i>. [The word has been adopted by natives in N. India as the name for a sort of palankin, such as that used by a bride.] </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page691b">page 691b<span id="691b"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">[1615.—"Soe he sent out a <b>Penisse</b> to look out for them."—<i>Cocks's Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 22.] <p>1784.—"For sale ... a very handsome <b>Pinnace</b> Budgerow."—In <i>Seton-Karr</i>, i. 45. </p> [1860.—"The <b>Pinnace,</b> the largest and handsomest, is perhaps more frequently a private than a hired boat—the property of the planter or merchant."—<i>C. Grant, Rural Life in Bengal</i>, 4 (with an illustration).]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="peepul"></span>PEEPUL,</b> s. Hind. <i>pīpal</i>, Skt. <i>pippala</i>, <i>Ficus religiosa</i>, L.; one of the great fig-trees of India, which often occupies a prominent place in a village, or near a temple. The <i>Pīpal</i> has a strong resemblance, in wood and foliage, to some common species of poplar, especially the aspen, and its leaves with their long footstalks quaver like those of that tree. This trembling is popularly attributed to spirits agitating each leaf. And hence probably the name of 'Devil's tree' given to it, according to Rheede (<i>Hort. Mal.</i> i. 48), by Christians in Malabar. It is possible therefore that the name is identical with that of the poplar. Nothing would be more natural than that the Aryan immigrants, on first seeing this Indian tree, should give it the name of the poplar which they had known in more northern latitudes (<i>popul-us</i>, <i>pappel</i>, &c.). Indeed, in Kumāon, a true sp. of poplar (<i>Populus ciliata</i>) is called by the people <i>gar-pipal</i> (qu. <i>ghar</i>, or 'house'-peepul? [or rather perhaps as another name for it is <i>pahāṛī</i>, from <i>gir</i>, <i>giri</i>, 'a mountain']). Dr. Stewart also says of this <i>Populus</i>: "This tree grows to a large size, occasionally reaching 10 feet in girth, and from its leaves resembling those of the pipal ... is frequently called by that name by plainsmen" (<i>Punjab Plants</i>, p. 204). A young <i>peepul</i> was shown to one of the present writers in a garden at Palermo as <i>populo delle Indie</i>. And the recognised name of the peepul in French books appears to be <i>peuplier d'Inde</i>. Col. Tod notices the resemblance (<i>Rajasthan</i>, i. 80), and it appears that Vahl called it <i>Ficus populifolia</i>. (See also <i>Geograph. Magazine</i>, ii. 50). In Balfour's <i>Indian Cyclopaedia</i> it is called by the same name in translation, 'the poplar-leaved Fig-tree.' We adduce these facts the more copiously perhaps because the suggestion of the identity of the names <i>pippala</i> and <i>populus</i> was somewhat scornfully rejected by a very <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page692a">page 692a<span id="692a"></span></span></span></span>learned scholar. The tree is peculiarly destructive to buildings, as birds drop the seeds in the joints of the masonry, which becomes thus penetrated by the spreading roots of the tree. This is alluded to in a quotation below. "I remember noticing among many Hindus, and especially among Hinduized Sikhs, that they often say <i>Pīpal ko jātā hūṅ</i> ('I am going to the Peepul Tree'), to express 'I am going to say my prayers.'" (<i>Lt.-Col. John Trotter</i>.) (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bo_tree" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BO-TREE</a></span>.</b>) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1550.—"His soul quivered like a <b>pipal</b> leaf."—<i>Rāmāyana of Tulsi Dás</i>, by <i>Growse</i> (1878), ii. 25. <p>[c. 1590.—"In this place an arrow struck Sri Kishn and buried itself in a <b>pipal</b> tree on the banks of the <i>Sarsuti</i>."—<i>Āīn</i>, ed. <i>Jarrett</i>, ii. 246.] </p><p>1806.—"Au sortir du village un <b>pipal</b> élève sa tête majestueuse.... Sa nombreuse posterité l'entoure au loin sur la plaine, telle qu'une armée de géans qui entrelacent fraternellement leurs bras informes."—<i>Haafner</i>, i. 149. This writer seems to mean a <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#banyan_tree" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">banyan</a>.</b> The <i>peepul</i> does not drop roots in that fashion. </p><p>1817.—"In the second ordeal, an excavation in the ground ... is filled with a fire of <b>pippal</b> wood, into which the party must walk barefoot, proving his guilt if he is burned; his innocence, if he escapes unhurt."—<i>Mill</i> (quoting from Halhed), ed. 1830, i. 280. </p><p>1826.—"A little while after this he arose, and went to a <b>Peepul</b>-tree, a short way off, where he appeared busy about something, I could not well make out what."—<i>Pandurang Hari</i>, 26; [ed. 1873, i. 36, reading <b>Peepal</b>]. </p><p>1836.—"It is not proper to allow the English, after they have made war, and peace has been settled, to remain in the city. They are accustomed to act like the <b>Peepul</b> tree. Let not Younger Brother therefore allow the English to remain in his country."—Letter from <i>Court of China</i> to <i>Court of Ava</i>. See <i>Yule, Mission to Ava</i>, p. 265. </p><p>1854.—"Je ne puis passer sous silence deux beaux arbres ... ce sont le <b>peuplier</b> <i>d'Inde</i> à larges feuilles, arbre réputé sacré...."—<i>Pallegoix, Siam</i>, i. 140. </p><p>1861.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"... Yonder crown of umbrage hoar<br /> Shall shield her well; the <b>Peepul</b> whisper a dirge<br /> And Caryota drop her tearlike store<br /> Of beads; whilst over all slim Casuarine<br /> Points upwards, with her branchlets ever green,<br /> To that remaining Rest where Night and Tears are o'er."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Barrackpore Park, 18th Nov. 1861.</i> </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="peer"></span>PEER,</b> s. Pers. <i>pīr</i>, a Mahommedan Saint or <i>Beatus</i>. But the word is used <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page692b">page 692b<span id="692b"></span></span></span></span>elliptically for the tombs of such personages, the circumstance pertaining to them which chiefly creates notoriety or fame of sanctity; and it may be remarked that <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/W#wali" title="Hobson-Jobson/W">wali</a></b> (or <i>Wely</i> as it is often written), <i>Imāmzāda</i>, <i>Shaikh</i>, and <i>Marabout</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#adjutant" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ADJUTANT</a></span></b>), are often used in the same elliptical way in Syria, Persia, Egypt, and Barbary respectively. We may add that <i>Nabī</i> (Prophet) is used in the same fashion. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1609.—See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nuggurkote" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NUGGURCOTE</a>.</b> <p>[1623.—"Within the Mesquita (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mosque" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MOSQUE</a></b>) ... is a kind of little Pyramid of Marble, and this they call <b>Pir,</b> that is <i>Old</i>, which they say is equivalent to Holy; I imagine it the Sepulchre of some one of their Sect accounted such."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 69.] </p><p>1665.—"On the other side was the Garden and the chambers of the Mullahs, who with great conveniency and delight spend their lives there under the shadow of the miraculous Sanctity of this <b>Pire,</b> which they are not wanting to celebrate: But as I am always very unhappy on such occasions, he did no Miracle that day upon any of the sick."—<i>Bernier</i>, 133; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 415]. </p><p>1673.—"Hard by this is a <b>Peor,</b> or Burying place of one of the Prophets, being a goodly monument."—<i>Fryer</i>, 240. </p> 1869.—"Certains <b>pirs</b> sont tellement renommés, qu'ainsi qu'on le verra plus loin, le peuple a donné leurs noms aux mois lunaires où se trouvent placées les fêtes qu'on celèbre en leur honneur."—<i>Garcin de Tassy, Rel. Musulm.</i> p. 18.</div> <p>The following are examples of the parallel use of the words named: </p><p><b>Wali:</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1841.—"The highest part (of Hermon) crowned by the <b>Wely,</b> is towards the western end."—<i>Robinson, Biblical Researches</i>, iii. 173. <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "In many of the villages of Syria the Traveller will observe small dome-covered buildings, with grated windows and surmounted by the crescent. These are the so-called <b>Welis,</b> mausolea of saints, or tombs of sheikhs."—<i>Baedeker's Egypt</i>, Eng. ed. Pt. i. 150.</div> <p><b>Imamzada:</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1864.—"We rode on for three farsakhs, or fourteen miles, more to another <b>Imámzádah,</b> called <i>Kafsh-gírí</i>...."—<i>Eastwick, Three Years' Residence in Persia</i>, ii. 46. 1883.—"The few villages ... have numerous walled gardens, with rows of poplar and willow-trees and stunted mulberries, and the inevitable <b>Imamzadehs.</b>"—<i>Col. Beresford Lovett's Itinerary Notes of Route Surveys in N. Persia in 1881 and 1882, Proc. R.G.S.</i> (N.S.) v. 73.</div> <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page693a">page 693a<span id="693a"></span></span></span></span><b>Shaikh:</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1817.—"Near the ford (on Jordan), half a mile to the south, is a tomb called '<b>Sheikh</b> Daoud,' standing on an apparent round hill like a barrow."—<i>Irby and Mangles, Travels in Egypt</i>, &c., 304.</div> <p><b>Nabi:</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1856.—"Of all the points of interest about Jerusalem, none perhaps gains so much from an actual visit to Palestine as the lofty-peaked eminence which fills up the north-west corner of the table-land.... At present it bears the name of <b>Nebi</b>-Samuel, which is derived from the Mussulman tradition—now perpetuated by a mosque and tomb—that here lies buried the prophet Samuel."—<i>Stanley's Palestine</i>, 165. So also <b>Nabi</b>-<i>Yūnus</i> at Nineveh; and see <b>Nebi</b>-<i>Mousa</i> in <i>De Saulcy</i>, ii. 73.</div> <p><br /> <b>PEGU,</b> n.p. The name which we give to the Kingdom which formerly existed in the Delta of the Irawadi, to the city which was its capital, and to the British province which occupies its place. The Burmese name is <i>Bagó</i>. This name belongs to the Talaing language, and is popularly alleged to mean 'conquered by stratagem,' to explain which a legend is given; but no doubt this is mere fancy. The form <i>Pegu</i>, as in many other cases of our geographical nomenclature, appears to come through the Malays, who call it <i>Paigū</i>. The first European mention that we know of is in Conti's narrative (c. 1440) where Poggio has Latinized it as <i>Pauco-nia</i>; but Fra Mauro, who probably derived this name, with much other new knowledge, from Conti, has in his great map (c. 1459) the exact Malay form <i>Paigu</i>. Nikitin (c. 1475) has, if we may depend on his translator into English, <i>Pegu</i>, as has Hieronimo di S. Stefano (1499). The <i>Roteiro</i> of Vasco da Gama (1498) has <i>Pegúo</i>, and describes the land as Christian, a mistake arising no doubt from the use of the ambiguous term <i>Kāfir</i> by his Mahommedan informants (see under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#caffer" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CAFFER</a></span></b>). Varthema (1510) has <i>Pego</i>, and Giov. da Empoli (1514) <i>Pecù</i>; Barbosa (1516) again <i>Paygu</i>; but <b>Pegu</b> is the usual Portuguese form, as in Barros, and so passed to us. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1498.—"<b>Pegúo</b> is a land of Christians, and the King is a Christian; and they are all white like us. This King can assemble 20,000 fighting men, <i>i.e.</i> 10,000 horsemen, as many footmen, and 400 war elephants; here is all the musk in the world ... and on the main land he has many rubies and much gold, so that for 10 cruzados you can <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page693b">page 693b<span id="693b"></span></span></span></span>buy as much gold as will fetch 25 in Calecut, and there is much lac (<i>lacra</i>) and benzoin...."—<i>Roteiro</i>, 112. <p>1505.—"Two merchants of Cochin took on them to save two of the ships; one from <b>Pegú</b> with a rich cargo of lac (<i>lacre</i>), benzoin, and musk, and another with a cargo of drugs from Banda, nutmeg, mace, clove, and sandalwood; and they embarked on the ships with their people, leaving to chance their own vessels, which had cargoes of rice, for the value of which the owners of the ships bound themselves."—<i>Correa</i>, i. 611. </p><p>1514.—"Then there is <b>Pecù,</b> which is a populous and noble city, abounding in men and in horses, where are the true mines of <i>linoni</i> (? '<i>di</i> linoni <i>e perfetti rubini</i>,' perhaps should be 'di <i>buoni</i> e perfetti') and perfect rubies, and these in great plenty; and they are fine men, tall and well limbed and stout; as of a race of giants...."—<i>Empoli</i>, 80. </p><p>[1516.—"<b>Peigu.</b>" (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#burma" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BURMA</a></b>).] </p><p>1541.—"<b>Bagou.</b>" (See under <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#peking">PEKING</a>.</b>) </p><p>1542.—"... and for all the goods which came from any other ports and places, viz. from <b>Peguu</b> to the said Port of Malaqua, from the Island of Çamatra and from within the Straits...."—<i>Titolo of the Fortress and City of Malaqua</i>, in <i>Tombo</i>, p. 105 in <i>Subsidios</i>. </p><p>1568.—"Concludo che non è in terra Re di possãza maggiore del Re di <b>Pegù,</b> per ciòche ha sotto di se venti Re di corona."—<i>Ces. Federici</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, iii. 394. </p><p>1572.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Olha o reino Arracão, olha o assento<br /> De <b>Pegú,</b> que já monstros povoaram,<br /> Monstros filhos do feo ajuntamento<br /> D'huma mulher e hum cão, que sos se acharam."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Camões</i>, x. 122. </p> </div></div></div> <p>By Burton: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;"><div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Arracan-realm behold, behold the seat<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>of <b>Pegu</b> peopled by a monster-brood;<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>monsters that gendered meeting most unmeet<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>of whelp and woman in the lonely wood...." </p> </div></div> 1597.—"... I recommend you to be very watchful not to allow the Turks to export any timber from the Kingdom of <b>Pegú</b> nor yet from that of Achin (<i>do Dachem</i>); and with this view you should give orders that this be the subject of treatment with the King of Dachem since he shows so great a desire for our friendship, and is treating in that sense."—<i>Despatch from the King to Goa</i>, 5th Feb. In <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i> Fasc. iii.</div> <p><br /> <b>PEGU PONIES.</b> These are in Madras sometimes termed elliptically <b>Pegus,</b> as Arab horses are universally termed Arabs. The ponies were much valued, and before the annexation of Pegu commonly imported into India; less commonly since, for the local demand absorbs them. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page694a">page 694a<span id="694a"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">1880.—"For sale ... also Bubble and Squeak, bay <b>Pegues.</b>"—<i>Madras Mail</i>, Feb. 19. [1890.—"Ponies, sometimes very good ones, were reared in a few districts in Upper Burma, but, even in Burmese times, the supply was from the Shan States. The so-called <b>Pegu Pony,</b> of which a good deal is heard, is, in fact, not a Pegu pony at all, for the justly celebrated animals called by that name were imported from the Shan States."—Report of <i>Capt. Evans</i>, in <i>Times</i>, Oct. 17.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="peking"></span>PEKING,</b> n.p. This name means 'North-Court,' and in its present application dates from the early reigns of the Ming Dynasty in China. When they dethroned the Mongol descendants of Chinghiz and Kublai (1368) they removed the capital from Taitu or Khānbāligh (<i>Cambaluc</i> of Polo) to the great city on the Yangtsze which has since been known as <i>Nan-King</i> or 'South-Court.' But before many years the Mongol capital was rehabilitated as the imperial residence, and became <i>Pe-King</i> accordingly. Its preparation for reoccupation began in 1409. The first English mention that we have met with is that quoted by Sainsbury, in which we have the subjects of more than one allusion in Milton. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1520.—"Thomé Pires, quitting this pass, arrived at the Province of Nanquij, at its chief city called by the same name, where the King dwelt, and spent in coming thither always travelling north, four months; by which you may take note how vast a matter is the empire of this gentile prince. He sent word to Thomé Pires that he was to wait for him at <b>Pequij,</b> where he would despatch his affair. This city is in another province so called, much further north, in which the King used to dwell for the most part, because it was on the frontier of the Tartars...."—<i>Barros</i>, III. vi. 1. <p>1541.—"This City of <b>Pequin</b> ... is so prodigious, and the things therein so remarkable, as I do almost repent me for undertaking to discourse of it.... For one must not imagine it to be, either as the City of <i>Rome</i>, or <i>Constantinople</i>, or <i>Venice</i>, or <i>Paris</i>, or <i>London</i>, or <i>Sevill</i>, or <i>Lisbon</i>.... Nay I will say further, that one must not think it to be like to Grand <i>Cairo</i> in <i>Egypt</i>, <i>Tauris</i> in <i>Persia</i>, <i>Amadaba</i> (Amadabad, <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#avadavat" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">Avadavat</a></b>) in <i>Cambaya</i>, <i>Bisnaga(r)</i> in <i>Narsingaa</i>, <i>Goura</i> (Gouro) in <i>Bengala</i>, <i>Ava</i> in <i>Chalen</i>, <i>Timplan</i> in <i>Calaminham</i>, <i>Martaban</i> (Martavão) and <i>Bagou</i> in <i>Pegu</i>, <i>Guimpel</i> and <i>Tinlau</i> in <i>Siammon</i>, <i>Odia</i> in the Kingdom of <i>Sornau</i>, <i>Passavan</i> and <i>Dema</i> in the Island of <i>Java</i>, <i>Pangor</i> in the Country of the <i>Lequiens</i> (no Lequio), <i>Usangea</i> (Uzãgnè) in the <i>Grand Cauchin</i>, <i>Lancama</i> (Laçame) in <i>Tartary</i>, and <i>Meaco</i> (Mioco) in <i>Jappun</i> ... for I dare well affirm that all those same <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page694b">page 694b<span id="694b"></span></span></span></span>are not to be compared to the least part of the wonderful City of <b>Pequin</b>...."—<i>Pinto</i> (in <i>Cogan</i>), p. 136 (orig. cap. cvii.). </p><p>[c. 1586.—"The King maketh alwayes his abode in the great city <b>Pachin,</b> as much as to say in our language ... the towne of the kingdome."—<i>Reports of China</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 546.] </p><p>1614.—"Richard Cocks writing from Ferando understands there are great cities in the country of Corea, and between that and the sea mighty bogs, so that no man can travel there; but great waggons have been invented to go upon broad flat wheels, under sail as ships do, in which they transport their goods ... the deceased Emperor of Japan did pretend to have conveyed a great army in these sailing waggons, to assail the Emperor of China in his City of <b>Paquin.</b>"—In <i>Sainsbury</i>, i. 343. </p><p>166*.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.80em"></span>"from the destined walls<br /> Of Cambalu, seat of Cathaian Can,<br /> And Samarchand by Oxus, Temer's throne,<br /> To <b>Paquin</b> of Sinaean Kings...."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Paradise Lost</i>, xi. 387-390. </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pelican"></span>PELICAN,</b> s. This word, in its proper application to the <i>Pelicanus onocrotalus</i>, L., is in no respect peculiar to Anglo-India, though we may here observe that the bird is called in Hindi by the poetical name <i>gagan-bheṛ</i>, <i>i.e.</i> 'Sheep of the Sky,' which we have heard natives with their strong propensity to metathesis convert into the equally appropriate <i>Gangā-bheṛī</i> or 'Sheep of the Ganges.' The name may be illustrated by the old term 'Cape-sheep' applied to the albatross.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt222_28-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt222-28"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>28<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> But <i>Pelican</i> is habitually misapplied by the British soldier in India to the bird usually called <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#adjutant" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">Adjutant</a></b> (q.v.). We may remember how Prof. Max Müller, in his Lectures on Language, tells us that the Tahitians show respect to their sovereign by ceasing to employ in common language those words which form part or the whole of his name, and invent new terms to supply their place. "The object was clearly to guard against the name of the sovereign being ever used, even by accident, in ordinary conversation," 2nd ser. 1864, p. 35, [<i>Frazer, Golden Bough</i>, 2nd ed. i. 421 <i>seqq.</i>]. Now, by an analogous process, it is possible that <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page695a">page 695a<span id="695a"></span></span></span></span>some martinet, holding the office of adjutant, at an early date in the Anglo-Indian history, may have resented the ludicrously appropriate employment of the usual name of the bird, and so may have introduced the entirely inappropriate name of <i>pelican</i> in its place. It is in the recollection of one of the present writers that a worthy northern matron, who with her husband had risen from the ranks in the —th Light Dragoons, on being challenged for speaking of "the <i>pelicans</i> in the barrack-yard," maintained her correctness, conceding only that "some ca'd them <b>paylicans,</b> some ca'd them <b>audjutants.</b>" </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1829.—"This officer ... on going round the yard (of the military prison) ... discovered a large beef-bone recently dropped. The sergeant was called to account for this ominous appearance. This sergeant was a shrewd fellow, and he immediately said,—'Oh Sir, the <b>pelicans</b> have dropped it.' This was very plausible, for these birds will carry enormous bones; and frequently when fighting for them they drop them, so that this might very probably have been the case. The moment the dinner-trumpet sounds, whole flocks of these birds are in attendance at the barrack-doors, waiting for bones, or anything that the soldiers may be pleased to throw to them."—<i>Mem. of John Shipp</i>, ii. 25.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="penang"></span>PENANG,</b> n.p. This is the proper name of the Island adjoining the Peninsula of Malacca (<i>Pulo</i>, properly <i>Pulau</i>, <i>Pinang</i>), which on its cession to the English (1786) was named 'Prince of Wales's Island.' But this official style has again given way to the old name. <i>Pinang</i> in Malay signifies an areca-nut or areca-tree, and, according to Crawfurd, the name was given on account of the island's resemblance in form to the fruit of the tree (<i>vulgo</i>, 'the betel-nut'). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1592.—"Now the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/W#winter" title="Hobson-Jobson/W">winter</a></b> coming vpon vs with much contagious weather, we directed our course from hence with the Ilands of <i>Pulo</i> <b>Pinaou</b> (where by the way is to be noted that <i>Pulo</i> in the Malaian tongue signifieth an Iland) ... where we came to an anker in a very good harborough betweene three Ilands.... This place is in 6 degrees and a halfe to the Northward, and some fiue leagues from the maine betweene Malacca and Pegu."—<i>Barker</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 589-590.</div> <p><br /> <b>PENANG LAWYER,</b> s. The popular name of a handsome and hard (but sometimes brittle) walking-stick, exported from Penang and Singapore. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page695b">page 695b<span id="695b"></span></span></span></span>It is the stem of a miniature palm (<i>Licuala acutifida</i>, Griffith). The sticks are prepared by scraping the young stem with glass, so as to remove the epidermis and no more. The sticks are then straightened by fire and polished (<i>Balfour</i>). The name is popularly thought to have originated in a jocular supposition that law-suits in Penang were decided by the <i>lex baculina</i>. But there can be little doubt that it is a corruption of some native term, and <i>pinang liyar</i>, 'wild areca' [or <i>pinang lāyor</i>, "fire-dried areca," which is suggested in <i>N.E.D.</i>], may almost be assumed to be the real name. [Dennys (<i>Descr. Dict.</i> s.v.) says from "<i>Layor</i>, a species of cane furnishing the sticks so named." But this is almost certainly wrong.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1883.—(But the book—an excellent one—is without date—more shame to the <i>Religious Tract Society</i> which publishes it). "Next morning, taking my '<b>Penang lawyer</b>' to defend myself from dogs...." The following note is added: "A <b>Penang lawyer</b> is a heavy walking-stick, supposed to be so called from its usefulness in settling disputes in Penang."—<i>Gilmour, Among the Mongols</i>, 14.</div> <p><br /> <b>PENGUIN,</b> s. Popular name of several species of birds belonging to the genera <i>Aptenodytes</i> and <i>Spheniscus</i>. We have not been able to ascertain the etymology of this name. It may be from the Port. <i>pingue</i>, 'fat.' See Littré. He quotes Clausius as picturing it, who says they were called a <i>pinguedine</i>. It is surely not that given by Sir Thomas Herbert in proof of the truth of the legend of Madoc's settlement in America; and which is indeed implied 60 years before by the narrator of Drake's voyage; though probably borrowed by Herbert direct from Selden. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1578.—"In these Islands we found greate relief and plenty of good victuals, for infinite were the number of fowle which the Welsh men named <b>Penguin,</b> and Magilanus tearmed them geese...."—<i>Drake's Voyage</i>, by <i>F. Fletcher</i>, Hak. Soc. p. 72. <p>1593.—"The <b>pengwin</b> described."—<i>Hawkins, V. to S. Sea</i>, p. 111, Hak. Soc. </p><p>1606.—"The <b>Pengwines</b> bee as bigge as our greatest Capons we have in England, they have no winges nor cannot flye ... they bee exceeding fatte, but their flesh is verie ranke...."—<i>Middleton</i>, f. B. 4. </p><p>1609.—"Nous trouvâmes beaucoup de Chiẽs de Mer, et Oyseaux qu'on appelle <b>Penguyns,</b> dont l'Escueil en estait quasi couvert."—<i>Houtman</i>, p. 4. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page696a">page 696a<span id="696a"></span></span></span></span>c. 1610.—"... le reste est tout couvert ... d'vne quantité d'Oyseaux nommez <b>pinguy,</b> qui font là leurs oeufs et leurs petits, et il y en a une quantité si prodigieuse qu'on ne sçauroit mettre ... le pied en quelque endroit que ce soit sans toucher."—<i>Pyrard de Laval</i>, i. 73; [Hak. Soc. i. 97, also see i. 16]. </p><p>1612.—"About the year CIↃ. C.LXX. Madoc brother to <i>David ap Owen</i>, prince of Wales, made this sea voyage (to <i>Florida</i>); and by probability these names of <i>Capo de Briton</i> in <i>Norumbeg</i>, and <b>Pengwin</b> in part of the Northern America, for a <i>white</i> rock, and a <i>white-headed</i> bird, according to the <i>British</i>, were relicks of this discovery."—<i>Selden, Notes on Drayton's Polyolbion</i>, in <i>Works</i> (ed. 1726), iii. col. 1802. </p><p>1616.—"The Island called <b>Pen-guin</b> Island, probably so named by some Welshman, in whose Language <b>Pen-guin</b> signifies a white head; and there are many great lazy fowls upon, and about, this Island, with great cole-black bodies, and very white heads, called <b>Penguins.</b>"—<i>Terry</i>, ed. 1665, p. 334. </p><p>1638.—"... that this people (of the Mexican traditions) were Welsh rather than Spaniards or others, the Records of this Voyage writ by many Bardhs and Genealogists confirme it ... made more orthodoxall by Welsh names given there to birds, rivers, rocks, beasts, &c., as ... <b>Pengwyn,</b> refer'd by them to a bird that has a white head...."—<i>Herbert, Some Yeares Travels</i>, &c., p. 360. </p><p>Unfortunately for this etymology the head is precisely that part which seems in all species of the bird to be black! But M. Roulin, quoted by Littré, maintains the Welsh (or Breton) etymology, thinking the name was first given to some short-winged sea-bird with a white head, and then transferred to the penguin. And <i>Terry</i>, if to be depended on, supports this view. [So Prof. Skeat (<i>Concise Dict.</i>, s.v.): "In that case, it must first have been given to another bird, such as the auk (the puffin is common in Anglesey), since the penguin's head is black."] </p><p>1674.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"So Horses they affirm to be<br /> Mere Engines made by Geometry,<br /> And were invented first from Engins,<br /> As <i>Indian Britons</i> were from <b>Penguins.</b>"<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Hudibras</i>, Pt. I. Canto ii. 57. </p> </div></div> [1869.—In Lombock ducks "are very cheap and are largely consumed by the crews of the rice ships, by whom they are called Baly-soldiers, but are more generally known elsewhere as <b>penguin</b>-<i>ducks</i>."—<i>Wallace, Malay Archip.</i> ed. 1890, p. 135.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="peon"></span>PEON,</b> s. This is a Portuguese word <i>peão</i> (Span. <i>peon</i>); from <i>pé</i>, 'foot,' and meaning a 'footman' (also a <i>pawn</i> at chess), and is not therefore a corruption, as has been alleged, of Hind. <i>piyāda</i>, meaning the same; though <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page696b">page 696b<span id="696b"></span></span></span></span>the words are, of course ultimately akin in root. It was originally used in the sense of 'a foot-soldier'; thence as 'orderly' or messenger. The word <i>Sepoy</i> was used within our recollection, and perhaps is still, in the same sense in the city of Bombay. The transition of meaning comes out plainly in the quotation from Ives. In the sense of 'orderly,' <i>peon</i> is the word usual in S. India, whilst <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chuprassy" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">chuprassy</a></b> (q.v.) is more common in N. India, though <i>peon</i> is also used there. The word is likewise very generally employed for men on police service (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#burkundauze" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BURKUNDAUZE</a></span></b>). [Mr. Skeat notes that <i>Piyun</i> is used in the Malay States, and <i>Tambi</i> or <i>Tanby</i> at Singapore]. The word had probably become unusual in Portugal by 1600; for Manoel Correa, an early commentator on the Lusiads (d. 1613), thinks it necessary to explain <b>piões</b> by 'gente de pé.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1503.—"The Çamorym ordered the soldier (<b>pião</b>) to take the letter away, and strictly forbade him to say anything about his having seen it."—<i>Correa, Lendas</i>, I. i. 421. <p>1510.—"So the Sabayo, putting much trust in this (Rumi), made him captain within the city (Goa), and outside of it put under him a captain of his with two thousand soldiers (<b>piães</b>) from the Balagate...."—<i>Ibid.</i> II. i. 51. </p><p>1563.—"The pawn (<b>pião</b>) they call <i>Piada</i>, which is as much as to say a man who travels on foot."—<i>Garcia</i>, f. 37. </p><p>1575.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"O Rey de Badajos era alto Mouro<br /> Con quatro mil cavallos furiosos,<br /> Innumeros <b>piões,</b> darmas e de ouro,<br /> Guarnecidos, guerreiros, e lustrosos."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Camões</i>, iii. 66. </p> </div></div></div> <p>By Burton: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;"><div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"The King of Badajos was a Moslem bold,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>with horse four thousand, fierce and furious knights,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>and countless <b>Peons,</b> armed and dight with gold,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>whose polisht surface glanceth lustrous light." </p> </div></div> <p>1609.—"The first of February the Capitaine departed with fiftie <b>Peons</b>...."—<i>W. Finch</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 421. </p><p>c. 1610.—"Les <b>Pions</b> marchent après le prisonnier, lié avec des cordes qu'ils tiennent."—<i>Pyrard de Laval</i>, ii. 11; [Hak. Soc. ii. 17; also i. 428, 440; ii. 16]. </p><p>[1616.—"This Shawbunder (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shabunder" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHABUNDER</a></b>) imperiously by a couple of <b>Pyons</b> commanded him from me."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iv. 351.] </p><p>c. 1630.—"The first of <i>December</i>, with some <b>Pe-unes</b> (or black Foot-boyes, who can pratle some English) we rode (from Swally) to Surat."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1638, p. 35. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page697a">page 697a<span id="697a"></span></span></span></span>[For "black" the ed. of 1677 reads "olive-coloured," p. 42.] </p><p>1666.—"... siete cientos y treinta y tres mil <b>peones.</b>"—<i>Faria y Sousa</i>, i. 195. </p><p>1673.—"The Town is walled with Mud, and Bulwarks for Watch-Places for the English <b>peons.</b>"—<i>Fryer</i>, 29. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "... <b>Peons</b> or servants to wait on us."—<i>Ibid.</i> 26. </p><p>1687.—"Ordered that ten <b>peons</b> be sent along the coast to Pulicat ... and enquire all the way for goods driven ashore."—In <i>Wheeler</i>, i. 179. </p><p>1689.—"At this Moors Town, they got a <b>Peun</b> to be their guide to the Mogul's nearest Camp.... These <b>Peuns</b> are some of the Gentous or <i>Rashbouts</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#rajpoot" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">RAJPOOT</a></b>), who in all places along the Coast, especially in Seaport Towns, make it their business to hire themselves to wait upon Strangers."—<i>Dampier</i>, i. 508. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "A <b>Peon</b> of mine, named <i>Gemal</i>, walking abroad in the Grass after the Rains, was unfortunately bit on a sudden by one of them" (a snake).—<i>Ovington</i>, 260. </p><p>1705.—"... <b>pions</b> qui sont ce que nous appellons ici des Gardes...."—<i>Luillier</i>, 218. </p><p>1745.—"Dès le lendemain je fis assembler dans la Forteresse où je demeurois en qualité d'Aumonier, le Chef des <b>Pions,</b> chez qui s'étaient fait les deux mariages."—<i>Norbert, Mém.</i> iii. 129. </p><p>1746.—"As the Nabob's behaviour when Madras was attacked by De la Bourdonnais, had caused the English to suspect his assurances of assistance, they had 2,000 <b>Peons</b> in the defence of Cuddalore...."—<i>Orme</i>, i. 81. </p><p>c. 1760.—"<b>Peon.</b> One who waits about the house to run on messages; and he commonly carries under his arm a sword, or in his sash a <i>krese</i>, and in his hand a ratan, to keep the rest of the servants in subjection. He also walks before your palanquin, carries <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chit" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">chits</a></b> (q.v.) or notes, and is your bodyguard."—<i>Ives</i>, 50. </p><p>1763.—"Europeans distinguish these undisciplined troops by the general name of <b>Peons.</b>"—<i>Orme</i>, ed. 1803, i. 80. </p><p>1772.—Hadley, writing in Bengal, spells the word <b>pune</b>; but this is evidently phonetic. </p><p>c. 1785.—"... <b>Peons,</b> a name for the infantry of the Deckan."—<i>Carraccioli's Life of Clive</i>, iv. 563. </p><p>1780-90.—"I sent off annually from Sylhet from 150 to 200 (elephants) divided into 4 distinct flocks.... They were put under charge of the common <b>peon.</b> These people were often absent 18 months. On one occasion my servant Manoo ... after a twelve-months' absence returned ... in appearance most miserable; he unfolded his girdle, and produced a scrap of paper of small dimensions, which proved to be a banker's bill amounting to 3 or 4,000 pounds,—his own pay was 30 shillings a month.... When I left India Manoo was still absent on one of these excursions, but he delivered <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page697b">page 697b<span id="697b"></span></span></span></span>to my agents as faithful an account of the produce as he would have done to myself...."—<i>Hon. R. Lindsay</i>, in <i>Lives of the Lindsays</i>, iii. 77. </p><p>1842.—"... he was put under arrest for striking, and throwing into the Indus, an inoffensive <b>Peon,</b> who gave him no provocation, but who was obeying the orders he received from Captain ——. The Major General has heard it said that the supremacy of the British over the native must be maintained in India, and he entirely concurs in that opinion, but it must be maintained by justice."—<i>Gen. Orders, &c., of Sir Ch. Napier</i>, p. 72. </p> 1873.—"Pandurang is by turns a servant to a shopkeeper, a <b>peon,</b> or orderly, a groom to an English officer ... and eventually a pleader before an English Judge in a populous city."—<i>Saturday Review</i>, May 31, p. 728.</div> <p><br /> <b>PEPPER,</b> s. The original of this word, Skt. <i>pippali</i>, means not the ordinary pepper of commerce ('black pepper') but <i>long pepper</i>, and the Sanskrit name is still so applied in Bengal, where one of the long-pepper plants, which have been classed sometimes in a different genus (<i>Chavica</i>) from the black pepper, was at one time much cultivated. There is still indeed a considerable export of long pepper from Calcutta; and a kindred species grows in the Archipelago. Long pepper is mentioned by Pliny, as well as white and black pepper; the three varieties still known in trade, though with the kind of error that has persisted on such subjects till quite recently, he misapprehends their relation. The proportion of their ancient prices will be found in a quotation below. </p><p>The name must have been transferred by foreign traders to black pepper, the staple of export, at an early date, as will be seen from the quotations. <i>Pippalimūla</i>, the root of long pepper, still a stimulant medicine in the native pharmacopoeia, is probably the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="pepereôs rhiza">πεπέρεως ῥίζα</span></span> of the ancients (<i>Royle</i>, p. 86). </p><p>We may say here that <i>Black pepper</i> is the fruit of a perennial climbing shrub, <i>Piper nigrum</i>, L., indigenous in the forests of Malabar and Travancore, and thence introduced into the Malay countries, particularly Sumatra. </p><p><i>White pepper</i> is prepared from the black by removing the dark outer layer of pericarp, thereby depriving it of a part of its pungency. It comes chiefly <i>viâ</i> Singapore from the Dutch settlement of Rhio, but a small <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page698a">page 698a<span id="698a"></span></span></span></span>quantity of fine quality comes from Tellicherry in Malabar. </p><p><i>Long pepper</i> is derived from two shrubby plants, <i>Piper officinarum</i>, C.D.C., a native of the Archipelago, and <i>Piper longum</i>, L., indigenous in Malabar, Ceylon, E. Bengal, Timor, and the Philippines. Long pepper is the fruit-spike gathered and dried when not quite ripe (<i>Hanbury and Flückiger, Pharmacographia</i>). All these kinds of pepper were, as has been said, known to the ancients. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 70 <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span>—"The cornes or graines ... lie in certaine little huskes or cods.... If that be plucked from the tree before they gape and open of themselves, they make that spice which is called <b>Long pepper</b>; but if as they do ripen, they cleave and chawne by little and little, they shew within the <b>white pepper</b>: which afterwards beeing parched in the Sunne, chaungeth colour and waxeth blacke, and therewith riveled also.... <b>Long pepper</b> is soone sophisticated, with the senvie or mustard seed of Alexandria: and a pound of it is worth fifteen Roman deniers. The <b>white</b> costeth seven deniers a pound, and the <b>black</b> is sold after foure deniers by the pound."—<i>Pliny</i>, tr. by <i>Phil. Holland</i>, Bk. xii. ch. 7. <p>c. 80-90.—"And there come to these marts great ships, on account of the bulk and quantity of <b>pepper</b> and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#malabathrum" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">malabathrum</a></b>.... The <b>pepper</b> is brought (to market) here, being produced largely only in one district near these marts, that which is called <i>Kottonarikē</i>."—<i>Periplus</i>, § 56. </p><p>c. <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 100.—"The <b>Pepper</b>-tree (<link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="peperi dendron">πέπερι δένδρον</span></span>) is related to grow in India; it is short, and the fruit as it first puts it forth is long, resembling pods; and this <b>long pepper</b> has within it (grains) like small millet, which are what grow to be the perfect (<b>black</b>) <b>pepper.</b> At the proper season it opens and puts forth a cluster bearing the berries such as we know them. But those that are like unripe grapes, which constitute the <b>white pepper,</b> serve the best for eye-remedies, and for antidotes, and for theriacal potencies."—<i>Dioscorides, Mat. Med.</i> ii. 188. </p><p>c. 545.—"This is the <b>pepper</b>-tree" (there is a drawing). "Every plant of it is twined round some lofty forest tree, for it is weak and slim like the slender stems of the vine. And every bunch of fruit has a double leaf as a shield; and it is very green, like the green of rue."—<i>Cosmas</i>, Book xi. </p><p>c. 870.—"The mariners say every bunch of <b>pepper</b> has over it a leaf that shelters it from the rain. When the rain ceases the leaf turns aside; if rain recommences the leaf again covers the fruit."—<i>Ibn Khurdādba</i>, in <i>Journ. As.</i> 6th ser. tom. v. 284. </p><p>1166.—"The trees which bear this fruit are planted in the fields which surround the towns, and every one knows his plantation. The trees are small, and the <b>pepper</b> is originally white, but when they collect it <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page698b">page 698b<span id="698b"></span></span></span></span>they put it into basons and pour hot water upon it; it is then exposed to the heat of the sun, and dried ... in the course of which process it becomes of a black colour."—<i>Rabbi Benjamin</i>, in <i>Wright</i>, p. 114. </p> c. 1330.—"L'albore che fa il <b>pepe</b> è fatto come l'elera che nasce su per gli muri. Questo pepe sale su per gli arbori che l'uomini piantano a modo de l'elera, e sale sopra tutti li arbori più alti. Questo pepe fa rami a modo dell'uve; ... e maturo si lo vendemiano a modo de l'uve e poi pongono il pepe al sole a seccare come uve passe, e nulla altra cosa si fa del <b>pepe.</b>"—<i>Odoric</i>, in <i>Cathay</i>, App. xlvii.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pergunnah"></span>PERGUNNAH,</b> s. Hind. <i>pargana</i> [Skt. <i>pragaṇ</i>, 'to reckon up'], a subdivision of a 'District' (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Z#zillah" title="Hobson-Jobson/Z">ZILLAH</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1500.—"The divisions into <i>súbas</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#souba" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SOUBA</a></b>) and <b>parganas,</b> which are maintained to the present day in the province of Tatta, were made by these people" (the Samma Dynasty).—<i>Tárikh-i-Táhirí</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, i. 273. <p>1535.—"Item, from the three <b>praguanas,</b> viz., Anzor, Cairena, Panchenaa 133,260 <i>fedeas</i>."—<i>S. Botelho, Tombo</i>, 139. </p><p>[1614.—"I wrote him to stay in the <b>Pregonas</b> near Agra."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, ii. 106.] </p><p>[1617.—"For that Muckshud had also newly answered he had mist his <b>prigany.</b>"—<i>Sir T. Roe</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 415.] </p><p>1753.—"Masulipatnam ... est capitale de ce qu'on appelle dans l'Inde un Sercar (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#sircar" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SIRCAR</a></b>), qui comprend plusieurs <b>Perganés,</b> ou districts particuliers."—<i>D'Anville</i>, 132. </p> 1812.—"A certain number of villages with a society thus organised, formed a <b>pergunnah.</b>"—<i>Fifth Report</i>, 16.</div> <p><br /> <b>PERGUNNAHS, THE TWENTY-FOUR,</b> n.p. The official name of the District immediately adjoining and inclosing, though not administratively including, Calcutta. The name is one of a character very ancient in India and the East. It was the original 'Zemindary of Calcutta' granted to the English Company by a 'Subadar's Perwana' in 1757-58. This grant was subsequently confirmed by the Great Mogul as an unconditional and rent-free <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jagheer" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">jagheer</a></b> (q.v.). The quotation from Sir Richard Phillips' <i>Million of Facts</i>, illustrates the development of 'facts' out of the moral consciousness. The book contains many of equal value. An approximate parallel to this statement would be that London is divided into Seven Dials. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1765.—"The lands of the <b>twenty-four Purgunnahs,</b> ceded to the Company by <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page699a">page 699a<span id="699a"></span></span></span></span>the treaty of 1757, which subsequently became Colonel <i>Clive's</i> jagghier, were rated on the King's books at 2 lac and 22,000 rupees."—<i>Holwell, Hist. Events</i>, 2nd ed., p. 217. <p>1812.—"The number of convicts confined at the six stations of this division (independent of <i>Zillah</i> <b>Twenty-four pergunnahs</b>), is about 4,000. Of them probably nine-tenths are dacoits."—<i>Fifth Report</i>, 559. </p> c. 1831.—"Bengal is divided in <b>24 Pergunnahs,</b> each with its judge and magistrate, registrar, &c."—<i>Sir R. Phillips, Million of Facts</i>, stereot. ed. 1843, 927.</div> <p><br /> <b>PERI,</b> s. This Persian word for a class of imaginary sprites, rendered familiar in the verses of Moore and Southey, has no blood-relationship with the English <i>Fairy</i>, notwithstanding the exact compliance with Grimm's Law in the change of initial consonant. The Persian word is <i>parī</i>, from <i>par</i>, 'a feather, or wing'; therefore 'the winged one'; [so F. Johnson, <i>Pers. Dict.</i>; but the derivation is very doubtful;] whilst the genealogy of <i>fairy</i> is apparently Ital. <i>fata</i>, French <i>fée</i>, whence <i>féerie</i> ('fay-dom') and thence <i>fairy</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[c. 1500?—"I am the only daughter of a Jinn chief of noblest strain and my name is <b>Peri</b>-Banu."—<i>Arab. Nights, Burton</i>, x. 264.] <p>1800.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"From cluster'd henna, and from orange groves,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>That with such perfumes fill the breeze<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.40em"></span>As <b>Peris</b> to their Sister bear,<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>When from the summit of some lofty tree<br /> She hangs encaged, the captive of the Dives."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Thalaba</i>, xi. 24. </p> </div></div> <p>1817.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"But nought can charm the luckless <b>Peri</b>;<br /> Her soul is sad—her wings are weary."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Moore, Paradise and the</i> <b>Peri.</b> </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b>PERPET,</b> <b>PERPETUANO,</b> s. The name of a cloth often mentioned in the 17th and first part of the 18th centuries, as an export from England to the East. It appears to have been a light and glossy twilled stuff of wool, [which like another stuff of the same kind called '<i>Lasting</i>,' took its name from its durability. (See <i>Draper's Dict.</i> s.v.)]. In France it was called <i>perpétuanne</i> or <i>sempiterne</i>, in Ital. <i>perpetuana</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1609.—"Karsies, <b>Perpetuanos</b> and other woollen Comodities."—<i>Birdwood, Letter Book</i>, 288. <p>[1617.—"<b>Perpetuano,</b> 1 bale."—<i>Cocks's Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 293. </p><p>[1630.—"... Devonshire kersies or <b>perpetuities</b>...."—<i>Forrest, Bombay Letters</i>, i. 4. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page699b">page 699b<span id="699b"></span></span></span></span>[1680.—"<b>Perpetuances.</b>"—<i>Ibid.</i> ii. 401.] </p><p>1711.—"Goods usually imported (to China) from <i>Europe</i> are Bullion Cloths, Clothrash, <b>Perpetuano's,</b> and Camblets of Scarlet, black, blew, sad and violet Colours, which are of late so lightly set by; that to bear the Dutys, and bring the prime Cost, is as much as can reasonably be hoped for."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 147. </p><p>[1717.—"... a Pavilion lined with Imboss'd <b>Perpets.</b>"—In <i>Yule, Hedges' Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. ccclix.] </p><p>1754.—"Being requested by the Trustees of the Charity Stock of this place to make an humble application to you for an order that the children upon the Foundation to the number of 12 or 14 may be supplied at the expense of the Honorable Company with a coat of blue <b>Perpets</b> or some ordinary cloth...."—<i>Petition of Revd. R. Mapletoft</i>, in <i>Long</i>, p. 29. </p><p>1757.—Among the presents sent to the King of Ava with the mission of Ensign Robert Lester, we find: </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"2 Pieces of ordinary Red Broad Cloth.<br /> 3 Do. of <b>Pérpetuánoes</b> Popingay."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span>In <i>Dalrymple, Or. Rep.</i> i. 203. </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b>PERSAIM,</b> n.p. This is an old form of the name of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bassein" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">Bassein</a></b> (q.v.) in Pegu. It occurs (<i>e.g.</i>) in <i>Milburn</i>, ii. 281. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1759.—"The Country for 20 miles round <b>Persaim</b> is represented as capable of producing Rice, sufficient to supply the Coast of <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Choromandel</span> from <i>Pondicherry</i> to <i>Masulipatam</i>."—Letter in <i>Dalrymple, Or. Rep.</i> i. 110. Also in a Chart by Capt. G. Baker, 1754. 1795.—"Having ordered presents of a trivial nature to be presented, in return for those brought from Negrais, he referred the deputy ... to the Birman Governor of <b>Persaim</b> for a ratification and final adjustment of the treaty."—<i>Symes</i>, p. 40. But this author also uses <i>Bassien</i> (<i>e.g.</i> 32), and "<b>Persaim</b> or <i>Bassien</i>" (39), which alternatives are also in the chart by Ensign Wood.</div> <p><br /> <b>PERSIMMON,</b> s. This American name is applied to a fruit common in China and Japan, which in a dried state is imported largely from China into Tibet. The tree is the <i>Diospyros kaki</i>, L. fil., a species of the same genus which produces ebony. The word is properly the name of an American fruit and tree of the same genus (<i>D. virginiana</i>), also called date-plum, and, according to the Dictionary of Worcester, belonged to the Indian language of Virginia. [The word became familiar in 1896 as the name of the winner of the Derby.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1878.—"The finest fruit of Japan is the <i>Kaki</i> or <b>persimmon</b> (<i>Diospyros Kaki</i>), a large <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page700a">page 700a<span id="700a"></span></span></span></span>golden fruit on a beautiful tree."—<i>Miss Bird's Japan</i>, i. 234.</div> <p><br /> <b>PERUMBAUCUM,</b> n.p. A town 14 m. N.W. of Conjevaram, in the district of Madras [Chingleput]. The name is perhaps <i>perum-pākkam</i>, Tam., 'big village.' </p><p><br /> <b><span id="pescaria"></span>PESCARIA,</b> n.p. The coast of Tinnevelly was so called by the Portuguese, from the great pearl 'fishery' there. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[c. 1566.—See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bazaar" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BAZAAR</a>.</b>] <p>1600.—"There are in the Seas of the East three principal mines where they fish pearls.... The third is between the Isle of Ceilon and Cape Comory, and on this account the Coast which runs from the said Cape to the shoals of Ramanancor and Manâr is called, in part, <b>Pescaria</b>...."—<i>Lucena</i>, 80. </p><p>[1610.—"<b>Pesqueria.</b>" See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chilaw" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHILAW</a>.</b>] </p><p>1615.—"Iam nonnihil de orâ <i>Piscariâ</i> dicamus quae iam inde a promontorio Commorino in Orientem ad usque breuia Ramanancoridis extenditur, quod haud procul inde celeberrimus, maximus, et copiosissimus toto Oriente Margaritarum piscatus instituitur...."—<i>Jarric, Thes.</i> i. 445. </p> 1710.—"The Coast of the <b>Pescaria</b> of the mother of pearl which runs from the Cape of Camorim to the Isle of Manar, for the space of seventy leagues, with a breadth of six inland, was the first debarcation of this second conquest."—<i>Sousa, Orient. Conquist.</i> i. 122.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="peshawur"></span>PESHAWUR,</b> n.p. <i>Peshāwar</i>. This name of what is now the frontier city and garrison of India towards Kābul, is sometimes alleged to have been given by Akbar. But in substance the name is of great antiquity, and all that can be alleged as to Akbar is that he is said to have modified the old name, and that since his time the present form has been in use. A notice of the change is quoted below from Gen. Cunningham; we cannot give the authority on which the statement rests. Peshāwar could hardly be called a frontier town in the time of Akbar, standing as it did according to the administrative division of the <i>Āīn</i>, about the middle of the Sūba of Kābul, which included Kashmīr and all west of it. We do not find that the modern form occurs in the text of the <i>Āīn</i> as published by Prof. Blochmann. In the translation of the <i>Ṭabaḳāt-i-Akbarī</i> of Nizāmu-d-din Ahmad (died 1594-95), in Elliot, we find the name <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page700b">page 700b<span id="700b"></span></span></span></span>transliterated variously as <i>Pesháwar</i> (v. 448), <i>Parsháwar</i> (293), <i>Parshor</i> (423), <i>Pershor</i> (424). We cannot doubt that the Chinese form <i>Folausha</i> in Fah-hian already expresses the name <i>Parashāwar</i>, or <i>Parshāwar</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 400.—"From Gandhâra, going south 4 days' journey, we arrive at the country of <b>Fo-lau-sha.</b> In old times Buddha, in company with all his disciples, travelled through this country."—<i>Fah-hian</i>, by <i>Beal</i>, p. 34. <p>c. 630.—"The Kingdom of Kien-to-lo (Gândhâra) extends about 1000 <i>li</i> from E. to W. and 800 <i>li</i> from S. to N. On the East it adjoins the river <i>Sin</i> (Indus). The capital of this country is called <b>Pu-lu-sha-pu-lo</b> (Purashapura).... The towns and villages are almost deserted.... There are about a thousand convents, ruined and abandoned; full of wild plants, and presenting only a melancholy solitude...."—<i>Hwen T'sang, Pèl. Boud.</i> ii. 104-105. </p><p>c. 1001.—"On his (Mahmúd's) reaching <b>Purshaur,</b> he pitched his tent outside the city. There he received intelligence of the bold resolve of Jaipál, the enemy of God, and the King of Hind, to offer opposition."—<i>Al-Utbi</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, ii. 25. </p><p>c. 1020.—"The aggregate of these waters forms a large river opposite the city of <b>Parsháwar.</b>"—<i>Al-Birūnī</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, i. 47. See also 63. </p><p>1059.—"The Amír ordered a letter to be despatched to the minister, telling him 'I have determined to go to Hindustán, and pass the winter in Waihind, and Marminára, and <b>Barshúr</b>...."—<i>Baihaki</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, ii. 150. </p><p>c. 1220.—"<b>Farshābūr.</b> The vulgar pronunciation is <b>Barshāwūr.</b> A large tract between Ghazna and Lahor, famous in the history of the Musulman conquest."—<i>Yāḳūt</i>, in <i>Barbier de Maynard, Dict. de la Perse</i>, 418. </p><p>1519.—"We held a consultation, in which it was resolved to plunder the country of the Aferîdî Afghâns, as had been proposed by Sultan Bayezîd, to fit up the fort of <b>Pershâwer</b> for the reception of their effects and corn, and to leave a garrison in it."—<i>Baber</i>, 276. </p><p>c. 1555.—"We came to the city of <b>Purshawar,</b> and having thus fortunately passed the <i>Kotal</i> we reached the town of Joshāya. On the Kotal we saw rhinoceroses, the size of a small elephant."—<i>Sidi 'Ali</i>, in <i>J. As.</i> Ser. i. tom. ix. 201. </p><p>c. 1590.—"Tumān Bagrām, which they call <b>Parshāwar</b>; the spring here is a source of delight. There is in this place a great place of worship which they call Gorkhatri, to which people, especially Jogis, resort from great distances."—<i>Āīn</i> (orig.), i. 592; [ed. <i>Jarrett</i>, ii. 404. In iii. 69, <b>Parasháwar</b>]. </p><p>1754.—"On the news that <b>Peishor</b> was taken, and that Nadir Shah was preparing to pass the Indus, the Moghol's court, already in great disorder, was struck with terror."—<i>H. of Nadir Shah</i>, in <i>Hanway</i>, ii. 363. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page701a">page 701a<span id="701a"></span></span></span></span>1783.—"The heat of <b>Peshour</b> seemed to me more intense, than that of any country I have visited in the upper parts of India. Other places may be warm; hot winds blowing over tracts of sand may drive us under the shelter of a wetted skreen; but at <b>Peshour,</b> the atmosphere, in the summer solstice, becomes almost inflammable."—<i>G. Forster</i>, ed. 1808, ii. 57. </p> 1863.—"Its present name we owe to Akbar, whose fondness for innovation led him to change the ancient <b>Parashâwara,</b> of which he did not know the meaning, to <b>Peshâwar,</b> or the 'frontier town.' Abul Fazl gives both names."—<i>Cunningham, Arch. Reports</i>, ii. 87. Gladwin does in his translation give both names; but see above.</div> <p><br /> <b>PESHCUBZ,</b> s. A form of dagger, the blade of which has a straight thick back, while the edge curves inwardly from a broad base to a very sharp point. Pers. <i>pesh-ḳabz</i>, 'fore-grip.' The handle is usually made of <i>shirmāhī</i>, 'the white bone (tooth?) of a large cetacean'; probably morse-tooth, which is repeatedly mentioned in the early English trade with Persia as an article much in demand (<i>e.g.</i> see <i>Sainsbury</i>, ii. 65, 159, 204, 305; iii. 89, 162, 268, 287, &c.). [The <i>peshḳubz</i> appears several times in Mr. Egerton's <i>Catalogue of Indian Arms</i>, and one is illustrated, Pl. xv. No. 760.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1767.— <p><br /> </p> <table style="poem;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0;vertical-align:top;">"Received for sundry jewels, &c. </td> <td style="padding-right:1em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">(Rs.) 7326 </td> <td style="padding-right:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">0 </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">Ditto for knife, or <b>peshcubz</b><br /><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:2em"></span>(misprinted <i>pesheolz</i>) </td> <td style="padding-right:1em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">3500 </td> <td style="padding-right:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:top;">0." </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;" colspan="4"><i>Lord Clive's Accounts</i>, in <i>Long</i>, 497. </td></tr></tbody></table> </div> <p><br /> <b><span id="peshcush"></span>PESHCUSH,</b> s. Pers. <i>pesh-kash</i>. Wilson interprets this as literally 'first-fruits.' It is used as an offering or tribute, but with many specific and technical senses which will be found in Wilson, <i>e.g.</i> a fine on appointment, renewal, or investiture; a quit-rent, a payment exacted on lands formerly rent-free, or in substitution for service no longer exacted; sometimes a present to a great man, or (loosely) for the ordinary Government demand on land. <b>Peshcush,</b> in the old English records, is most generally used in the sense of a present to a great man. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1653.—"<b>Pesket</b> est vn presant en Turq."—<i>De la Boullaye-le-Gouz</i>, ed. 1657, p. 553. <p>1657.—"As to the <b>Piscash</b> for the King of Golcundah, if it be not already done, we do hope with it you may obteyn our liberty to coyne silver Rupees and copper Pice at the Fort, which would be a great accommodation to our Trade. But in this and all <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page701b">page 701b<span id="701b"></span></span></span></span>other <b>Piscashes</b> be as sparing as you can."—<i>Letter of Court to Ft. St. Geo.</i>, in <i>Notes and Exts.</i>, No. i. p. 7. </p><p>1673.—"Sometimes sending <b>Pishcashes</b> of considerable value."—<i>Fryer</i>, 166. </p><p>1675.—"Being informed that Mr. Mohun had sent a <b>Piscash</b> of Persian Wine, Cases of Stronge Water, &c. to ye Great Governour of this Countrey, that is 2<i>d.</i> or 3<i>d.</i> pson in ye kingdome, I went to his house to speake abt. it, when he kept me to dine with him."—<i>Puckle's Diary</i>, MS. in India Office. </p><p>[1683.—"<b>Piscash.</b>" (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#firmaun" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">FIRMAUN</a>.</b>)] </p><p>1689.—"But the <b>Pishcushes</b> or Presents expected by the <i>Nabobs</i> and <i>Omrahs</i> retarded our Inlargement for some time notwithstanding."—<i>Ovington</i>, 415. </p><p>1754.—"After I have refreshed my army at <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Delhie</span>, and received the subsidy (<i>Note.</i>—'This is called a <b>Peischcush,</b> or present from an inferior to a superior. The sum agreed for was 20 crores') which must be paid, I will leave you in possession of his dominion."—<i>Hist. of Nadir Shah</i>, in <i>Hanway</i>, ii. 371. </p><p>1761.—"I have obtained a promise from his Majesty of his royal confirmation of all your possessions and priviledges, provided you pay him a proper <b>pishcush</b>...."—<i>Major Carnac</i> to the Governor and Council, in <i>Van Sittart</i>, i. 119. </p> 1811.—"By the <i>fixed or regulated sum</i> ... the Sultan ... means the <b>Paishcush,</b> or tribute, which he was bound by former treaties to pay to the Government of Poonah; but which he does not think proper to ... designate by any term denotive of inferiority, which the word <i>Paishcush</i> certainly is."—<i>Kirkpatrick</i>, Note on <i>Tippoo's Letters</i>, p. 9.</div> <p><br /> <b>PESH-KHĀNA,</b> <b>PESH-KHIDMAT,</b> ss. Pers. 'Fore-service.' The tents and accompanying retinue sent on over-night, during a march, to the new camping ground, to receive the master on his arrival. A great personage among the natives, or among ourselves, has a complete double establishment, one portion of which goes thus every night in advance. [Another term used is <b>peshkhaima</b> Pers. 'advance tents,' as below.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1665.—"When the King is in the field, he hath usually two Camps ... to the end that when he breaketh up and leaveth one, the other may have passed before by a day and be found ready when he arriveth at the place design'd to encamp at; and 'tis therefore that they are called <b>Peiche-kanes,</b> as if you should say, Houses going before...."—<i>Bernier</i>, E.T. 115; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 359]. <p>[1738.—"<b>Peish-khanna</b> is the term given to the royal tents and their appendages in India."—<i>Hanway</i>, iv. 153. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page702a">page 702a<span id="702a"></span></span></span></span>[1862.—"The result of all this uproarious bustle has been the erection of the Sardár's peshkhaima, or advanced tent."—<i>Bellew, Journal of Mission</i>, 409.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PESHWA,</b> s. from Pers. 'a leader, a guide.' The chief minister of the Mahratta power, who afterwards, supplanting his master, the descendant of Sivaji, became practically the prince of an independent State and chief of the Mahrattas. The Peshwa's power expired with the surrender to Sir John Malcolm of the last Peshwa, Bājī Rāo, in 1817. He lived in wealthy exile, and with a <i>jāgīr</i> under his own jurisdiction, at Bhitūr, near Cawnpoor, till January 1851. His adopted son, and the claimant of his honours and allowances, was the infamous Nānā Sāhib. </p><p>Mr C. P. Brown gives a feminine <i>peshwīn</i>: "The princess Gangā Bāī was <i>Peshwīn</i> of Purandhar." (MS. notes). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1673.—"He answered, it is well, and referred our Business to <i>Moro Pundit</i> his <b>Peshua,</b> or Chancellour, to examine our Articles, and give an account of what they were."—<i>Fryer</i>, 79. 1803.—"But how is it with the <b>Peshwah</b>? He has no minister; no person has influence over him, and he is only guided by his own caprices."—<i>Wellington Desp.</i>, ed. 1837, ii. 177.</div> <p>In the following passage (<i>quandoquidem dormitans</i>) the Great Duke had forgotten that things were changed since he left India, whilst the editor perhaps did not know: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1841.—"If you should draw more troops from the Establishment of Fort St. George, you will have to place under arms the subsidiary force of the Nizam, the <b>Peishwah,</b> and the force in Mysore, and the districts ceded by the Nizam in 1800-1801."—Letter from the <i>D. of Wellington</i>, in <i>Ind. Adm. of Lord Ellenborough</i>, 1874. (Dec. 29). The Duke was oblivious when he spoke of the Peshwa's Subsidiary Force in 1841.</div> <p><br /> <b>PETERSILLY,</b> s. This is the name by which 'parsley' is generally called in N. India. We have heard it quoted there as an instance of the absurd corruption of English words in the mouths of natives. But this case at least might more justly be quoted as an example of accurate transfer. The word is simply the Dutch term for 'parsley,' viz. <b>petersilie,</b> from the Lat. <i>petroselinum</i>, of which <i>parsley</i> is itself a double corruption through the French <i>persil</i>. In the Arabic of Avicenna the name is given as <i>fatrasiliūn</i>. </p><p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page702b">page 702b<span id="702b"></span></span></span></span><b>PETTAH,</b> s. Tam. <i>pēṭṭai</i>. The extramural suburb of a fortress, or the town attached and adjacent to a fortress. The <i>pettah</i> is itself often separately fortified; the fortress is then its citadel. The Mahratti <i>peṭh</i> is used in like manner; [it is Skt. <i>peṭaka</i>, and the word possibly came to the Tamil through the Mahr.]. The word constantly occurs in the histories of war in Southern India. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1630.—"'Azam Khán, having ascended the Pass of Anjan-dúdh, encamped 3 <i>kos</i> from Dhárúr. He then directed Multafit Khán ... to make an attack upon ... Dhárúr and its <b>petta,</b> where once a week people from all parts, far and near, were accustomed to meet for buying and selling."—<i>Abdul Hamīd</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, vii. 20. <p>1763.—"The pagoda served as a citadel to a large <b>pettah,</b> by which name the people on the Coast of Coromandel call every town contiguous to a fortress."—<i>Orme</i>, ed. 1803, i. 147. </p><p>1791.—"... The <b>petta</b> or town (at Bangalore) of great extent to the north of the fort, was surrounded by an indifferent rampart and excellent ditch, with an intermediate berm ... planted with impenetrable and well-grown thorns.... Neither the fort nor the <b>petta</b> had drawbridges."—<i>Wilks, Hist. Sketches</i>, iii. 123. </p><p>1803.—"The <b>pettah</b> wall was very lofty, and defended by towers, and had no rampart."—<i>Wellington</i>, ed. 1837, ii. 193. </p><p>1809.—"I passed through a country little cultivated ... to Kingeri, which has a small mud-fort in good repair, and a <b>pettah</b> apparently well filled with inhabitants."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 412. </p> 1839.—"The English ladies told me this <b>Pettah</b> was 'a horrid place—quite native!' and advised me never to go into it; so I went next day, of course, and found it most curious—really <i>quite native</i>."—<i>Letters from Madras</i>, 289.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="phanseegar"></span>PHANSEEGAR,</b> s. See under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#thug" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">THUG</a></span>.</b> </p><p><br /> [<b>PHOOLKAREE,</b> s. Hind. <i>phūl-kārī</i>, 'flowered embroidery.' The term applied in N. India to the cotton sheets embroidered in silk by village women, particularly Jats. Each girl is supposed to embroider one of these for her marriage. In recent years a considerable demand has arisen for specimens of this kind of needlework among English ladies, who use them for screens and other decorative purposes. Hence a considerable manufacture has sprung up of which an account will be found in a note by Mrs. F. A. Steel, appended to Mr. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page703a">page 703a<span id="703a"></span></span></span></span>H. C. Cookson's <i>Monograph on the Silk Industry of the Punjab</i> (1886-7), and in the <i>Journal of Indian Art</i>, ii. 71 <i>seqq.</i> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1887.—"They (native school girls) were collected in a small inner court, which was hung with the pretty <b>phulcarries</b> they make here (Rawal Pindi), and which ... looked very Oriental and gay."—<i>Lady Dufferin, Viceregal Life</i>, 336.]</div> <p><br /> [<b>PHOORZA,</b> s. A custom-house; Gujarātī <i>phurjā</i>, from Ar. <i>furẓat</i> 'a notch,' then 'a bight,' 'river-mouth,' 'harbour'; hence 'a tax' or 'custom-duty.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1791.—The East India Calendar (p. 131) has "John Church, <b>Phoorza</b>-Master, Surat." <p>[1727.—"And the Mogul's <b>Furza</b> or custom-house is at this place (Hughly)."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ed. 1744, ii. 19. </p><p>[1772.—"But as they still insisted on their people sitting at the gates on the <b>Phoorzer</b> Coosky ..."—<i>Forrest, Bombay Letters</i>, i. 386, and see 392, "<b>Phoorze</b> Master." <i>Coosky</i> = P.—Mahr. <i>Khushkī</i>, "inland transit-duties." </p> [1813.—"... idols ... were annually imported to a considerable number at the Baroche <b>Phoorza,</b> when I was custom-master at that settlement."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> 2nd ed. ii. 334.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PIAL,</b> s. A raised platform on which people sit, usually under the verandah, or on either side of the door of the house. It is a purely S. Indian word, and partially corresponds to the N. Indian <i>chabūtra</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chabootra" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHABOOTRA</a></span></b>). Wilson conjectures the word to be Telugu, but it is in fact a form of the Portuguese <i>poyo</i> and <i>poyal</i> (Span. <i>poyo</i>), 'a seat or bench.' This is again, according to Diez (i. 326), from the Lat. <i>podium</i>, 'a projecting base, a balcony.' Bluteau explains <i>poyal</i> as 'steps for mounting on horseback' (<i>Scoticè</i>, 'a louping-on stone') [see <i>Dalboquerque</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 68]. The quotation from Mr. Gover describes the S. Indian thing in full. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1553.—"... paying him his courtesy in Moorish fashion, which was seating himself along with him on a <b>poyal.</b>"—<i>Castanheda</i>, vi. 3. <p>1578.—"In the public square at Goa, as it was running furiously along, an infirm man came in its way, and could not escape; but the elephant took him up in his trunk, and without doing him any hurt deposited him on a <b>poyo.</b>"—<i>Acosta, Tractado</i>, 432. </p><p>1602.—"The natives of this region who are called Iaos, are men so arrogant that they think no others their superiors ... insomuch that if a Iao in passing along the street becomes aware that any one of <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page703b">page 703b<span id="703b"></span></span></span></span>another nation is on a <b>poyal,</b> or any place above him, if the person does not immediately come down, ... until he is gone by, he will kill him."—<i>Couto</i>, IV. iii. 1. [For numerous instances of this superstition, see <i>Frazer, Golden Bough</i>, 2nd ed. i. 360 <i>seqq.</i>] </p> 1873.—"Built against the front wall of every Hindu house in southern India ... is a bench 3 feet high and as many broad. It extends along the whole frontage, except where the house-door stands.... The posts of the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/V#veranda" title="Hobson-Jobson/V">veranda</a></b> or <b>pandal</b> are fixed in the ground a few feet in front of the bench, enclosing a sort of platform: for the basement of the house is generally 2 or 3 feet above the street level. The raised bench is called the <b>Pyal,</b> and is the lounging-place by day. It also serves in the hot months as a couch for the night.... There the visitor is received; there the bargaining is done; there the beggar plies his trade, and the <i>Yogi</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jogee" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JOGEE</a></b>) sounds his <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chank" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">conch</a></b>; there also the members of the household clean their teeth, amusing themselves the while with belches and other frightful noises...."—<i>Pyal Schools in Madras</i>, by <i>E. C. Gover</i>, in <i>Ind. Antiq.</i> ii. 52.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="picar"></span>PICAR,</b> s. Hind. <i>paikār</i>, [which again is a corruption of Pers. <i>pā'e-kār</i>, <i>pā'e</i>, 'a foot'], a retail-dealer, an intermediate dealer or broker. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1680.—"<b>Picar.</b>" See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dustoor" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DUSTOOR</a>.</b> <p>1683.—"Y<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">e</sup> said Naylor has always corresponded with Mr. Charnock, having been always his intimate friend; and without question either provides him goods out of the Hon. Comp.'s Warehouse, or connives at the Weavers and <b>Piccars</b> doing of it."—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 133. </p> [1772.—"<b>Pykârs</b> (<i>Dellols</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#deloll" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DELOLL</a></b>) and Gomastahs) are a chain of agents through whose hands the articles of merchandize pass from the loom of the manufacturer, or the store-house of the cultivator, to the public merchant, or exporter."—<i>Verelst, View of Bengal, Gloss.</i> s.v.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pice"></span>PICE,</b> s. Hind. <i>paisā</i>, a small copper coin, which under the Anglo-Indian system of currency is ¼ of an anna, <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>64</sub></span> of a rupee, and somewhat less than <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>3</sup>⁄<sub>2</sub></span> of a farthing. <i>Pice</i> is used slangishly for money in general. By Act XXIII. of 1870 (cl. 8) the following copper coins are current:—1. Double <i>Pice</i> or Half-anna. 2. <i>Pice</i> or ¼ anna. 3. <i>Half-pice</i> or ⅛ anna. 4. <i>Pie</i> or <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>12</sub></span> anna. No. 2 is the only one in very common use. As with most other coins, weights, and measures, there used to be <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pucka">pucka</a></b> pice, and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cutcha" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cutcha</a></b> pice. The distinction was sometimes between the regularly minted copper of the Government and certain amorphous pieces of copper <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page704a">page 704a<span id="704a"></span></span></span></span>which did duty for small change (<i>e.g.</i> in the N.W. Provinces within memory), or between single and double pice, <i>i.e.</i> ¼ anna-pieces and ½ anna-pieces. [Also see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pie">PIE</a></span>.</b>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1590.—"The <i>dám</i> ... is the fortieth part of the rupee. At first this coin was called <b>Paisah.</b>"—<i>Āīn</i>, ed. <i>Blochmann</i>, i. 31. <p>[1614.—"Another coin there is of copper, called a <b>Pize,</b> whereof you have commonly 34 in the mamudo."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iii. 11.] </p><p>1615.—"<b>Pice,</b> which is a Copper Coyne; twelve Drammes make one <b>Pice.</b> The English Shilling, if weight, will yeeld thirtie three <i>Pice</i> and a halfe."—<i>W. Peyton</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 530. </p><p>1616.—"Brasse money, which they call <b>Pices,</b> whereof three or thereabouts countervail a Peny."—<i>Terry</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, ii. 1471. </p><p>1648.—"... de <b>Peysen</b> zijn kooper gelt...."—<i>Van Twist</i>, 62. </p><p>1653.—"<b>Peça</b> est vne monnoye du Mogol de la valeur de 6 deniers."—<i>De la Boullaye-le-Gouz</i>, ed. 1657, p. 553. </p><p>1673.—"<b>Pice,</b> a sort of Copper Money current among the Poorer sort of People ... the Company's Accounts are kept in Book-rate <b>Pice,</b> viz. 32 to the Mam. [i.e. <i>Mamoodee</i>, see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gosbeck" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GOSBECK</a></b>], and 80 <b>Pice</b> to the Rupee."—<i>Fryer</i>, 205. </p><p>1676.—"The Indians have also a sort of small Copper-money; which is called <b>Pecha</b>.... In my last Travels, a <i>Roupy</i> went at Surat for nine and forty <b>Pecha's.</b>"—<i>Tavernier</i>, E.T. ii. 22; [ed. <i>Ball</i>, i. 27]. </p><p>1689.—"Lower than these (pice), bitter-Almonds here (at Surat) pass for Money, about Sixty of which make a <b>Pice.</b>"—<i>Ovington</i>, 219. </p><p>1726.—"1 <i>Ana</i> makes 1½ stuyvers or 2 <b>peys.</b>"—<i>Valentijn</i>, v. 179. [Also see under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mohur" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MOHUR GOLD</a>.</b>] </p><p>1768.—"Shall I risk my cavalry, which cost 1000 rupees each horse, against your cannon balls that cost two <b>pice</b>?—No.—I will march your troops until their legs become the size of their bodies."—<i>Hyder Ali</i>, Letter to <i>Col. Wood</i>, in <i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> iii. 287; [2nd ed. ii. 300]. </p> c. 1816.—"'Here,' said he, 'is four <b>pucker-pice</b> for Mary to spend in the bazar; but I will thank you, Mrs. Browne, not to let her have any fruit....'"—<i>Mrs. Sherwood's Stories</i>, 16, ed. 1863.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="picota"></span>PICOTA,</b> s. An additional allowance or percentage, added as a handicap to the weight of goods, which varied with every description,—and which the editor of the <i>Subsidios</i> supposes to have lead to the varieties of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bahar" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">bahar</a></b> (q.v.). Thus at Ormuz the bahar was of 20 farazolas (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#frazala" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">FRAZALA</a></span></b>), to which was added, as <i>picota</i>, for cloves and mace 3 maunds (of Ormuz), or about <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>72</sub></span> additional; <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page704b">page 704b<span id="704b"></span></span></span></span>for cinnamon <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>20</sub></span> additional; for benzoin <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>5</sub></span> additional, &c. See the <i>Pesos</i>, &c. of <i>A. Nunes</i> (1554) <i>passim</i>. We have not been able to trace the origin of this term, nor any modern use. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1554.—"<b>Picotaa.</b>" (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#brazil_wood" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BRAZIL-WOOD</a>,</b> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#doocaun" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DOOCAUN</a>.</b>)]</div> <p><br /> <b>PICOTTAH,</b> s. This is the term applied in S. India to that ancient machine for raising water, which consists of a long lever or yard, pivotted on an upright post, weighted on the short arm and bearing a line and bucket on the long arm. It is the <i>ḍhenklī</i> of Upper India, the <i>shādūf</i> of the Nile, and the old English <i>sweep</i>, <i>swape</i>, or <i>sway-pole</i>. The machine is we believe still used in the Terra Incognita of market-gardens S.E. of London. The name is Portuguese, <i>picota</i>, a marine term now applied to the handle of a ship's pump and post in which it works—a 'pump-brake.' The <i>picota</i> at sea was also used as a pillory, whence the employment of the word as quoted from Correa. The word is given in the Glossary attached to the "Fifth Report" (1812), but with no indication of its source. Fryer (1673, pub. 1698) describes the thing without giving it a name. In the following the word is used in the marine sense: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1524.—"He (V. da Gama) ordered notice to be given that no seaman should wear a cloak, except on Sunday ... and if he did, that it should be taken from him by the constables (<i>lhe serra tomada polos meirinhos</i>), and the man put in the <b>picota</b> in disgrace, for one day. He found great fault with men of military service wearing cloaks, for in that guise they did not look like soldiers."—<i>Correa, Lendas</i>, II. ii. 822. <p>1782.—"Pour cet effet (arroser les terres) on emploie une machine appellée <b>Picôte.</b> C'est une bascule dressée sur le bord d'un puits ou d'un réservoir d'eaux pluviales, pour en tirer l'eau, et la conduire ensuite où l'on veut."—<i>Sonnerat, Voyage</i>, i. 188. </p><p>c. 1790.—"Partout les <b>pakotiés,</b> ou puits à bascule, étoient en mouvement pour fournir l'eau nécessaire aux plantes, et partout on entendoit les jardiniers égayer leurs travaux par des chansons."—<i>Haafner</i>, ii. 217. </p><p>1807.—"In one place I saw people employed in watering a rice-field with the <i>Yatam</i>, or <b>Pacota,</b> as it is called by the English."—<i>Buchanan, Journey through Mysore</i>, &c., i. 15. [Here <i>Yatam</i>, is Can. <i>yāta</i>, Tel. <i>ētamu</i>, Mal. <i>ēttam</i>.] </p><p>[1871.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Aye, e'en <b>picotta</b>-work would gain<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.40em"></span>By using such bamboos."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Gover, Folk Songs of S. India</i>, 184.] </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page705a">page 705a<span id="705a"></span></span></span></span><b><span id="pie"></span>PIE,</b> s. Hind. <i>pā'ī</i>, the smallest copper coin of the Anglo-Indian currency, being <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>12</sub></span> of an anna, <span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>192</sub></span> of a rupee, = about ½ a farthing. This is now the authorised meaning of <i>pie</i>. But <i>pā'ī</i> was originally, it would seem, the fourth part of an anna, and in fact identical with <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pice">pice</a></b> (q.v.). It is the H.—Mahr. <i>pā'ī</i>, 'a quarter,' from Skt. <i>pad</i>, <i>pādikā</i> in that sense. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1866.—"... his father has a one <b>pie</b> share in a small village which may yield him perhaps 24 rupees per annum."—<i>Confessions of an Orderly</i>, 201.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="piece_goods"></span>PIECE-GOODS.</b> This, which is now the technical term for Manchester cottons imported into India, was originally applied in trade to the Indian cottons exported to England, a trade which appears to have been deliberately killed by the heavy duties which Lancashire procured to be imposed in its own interest, as in its own interest it has recently procured the abolition of the small import duty on English piece-goods in India.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt223_29-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt223-29"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>29<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> [In 1898 a duty at the rate of 3 per cent. on cotton goods was reimposed.] </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page705b">page 705b<span id="705b"></span></span></span></span>Lists of the various kinds of Indian piece-goods will be found in Milburn (i. 44, 45, 46, and ii. 90, 221), and we assemble them below. It is not in our power to explain their peculiarities, except in very few cases, found under their proper heading. [In the present edition these lists have been arranged in alphabetical order. The figures before each indicate that they fall into the following classes: 1. Piece-goods formerly exported from Bombay and Surat; 2. Piece-goods exported from Madras and the Coast; 3. Piece-goods: the kinds imported into Great Britain from Bengal. Some notes and quotations have been added. But it must be understood that the classes of goods now known under these names may or may not exactly represent those made at the time when these lists were prepared. The names printed in capitals are discussed in separate articles.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1665.—"I have sometimes stood amazed at the vast quantity of Cotton-Cloth of all sorts, fine and others, tinged and white, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page706a">page 706a<span id="706a"></span></span></span></span>which the <i>Hollanders</i> alone draw from thence and transport into many places, especially into <i>Japan</i> and <i>Europe</i>; not to mention what the <i>English</i>, <i>Portingal</i> and <i>Indian</i> merchants carry away from those parts."—<i>Bernier</i>, E.T. 141; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 439]. <p>1785.—(Res<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">n</sup>. of Court of Directors of the E.I.C., 8th October) "... that the Captains and Officers of all ships that shall sail from any part of India, after receiving notice hereof, shall be allowed to bring 8000 pieces of <b>piece-goods</b> and no more ... that 5000 pieces and no more, may consist of white Muslins and Callicoes, stitched or plain, or either of them, of which 5000 pieces only 2000 may consist of any of the following sorts, viz., <i>Alliballies</i>, <i>Alrochs</i> (?), <i>Cossaes</i>, <i>Doreas</i>, <i>Jamdannies</i>, <i>Mulmuls</i>, <i>Nainsooks</i>, <i>Neckcloths</i>, <i>Tanjeebs</i>, and <i>Terrindams</i>, and that 3000 pieces and no more, may consist of coloured piece-goods...." &c., &c.—In <i>Seton-Karr</i>, i. 83. </p><p>[<b>Abrawan,</b> P. <i>āb-i-ravān</i>, 'flowing water'; a very fine kind of Dacca muslin. 'Woven air' is the name applied in the <i>Arabian Nights</i> to the Patna gauzes, a term originally used for the produce of the Coan looms (<i>Burton</i>, x. 247.) "The Hindoos amuse us with two stories, as instances of the fineness of this muslin. One, that the Emperor Aurungzebe was angry with his daughter for exposing her skin through her clothes; whereupon the young princess remonstrated in her justification that she had seven <i>jamahs</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jamma" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JAMMA</a></b>) or suits on; and another, in the Nabob Allaverdy Khawn's time a weaver was chastised and turned out of the city for his neglect, in not preventing his cow from eating up a piece of <b>abrooan,</b> which he had spread and carelessly left on the grass."—<i>Bolt, Considerations on Affairs of India</i>, 206.] </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#adati" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ADATIS</a>.</b> </p><p>2. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#alleja" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ALLEJAS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Alliballies.</b>—"<i>Alaballee</i> (signifying according to the weavers' interpretation of the word 'very fine') is a muslin of fine texture."—(<i>J. Taylor, Account of the Cotton Manufacture at Dacca</i>, 45). According to this the word is perhaps from Ar. <i>ā'lā</i>, 'superior,' H. <i>bhalā</i>, 'good.' </p><p>3. <b>Allibanees.</b>—Perhaps from <i>ā'lā</i>, 'superior,' <i>bānā</i>, 'woof.' </p><p>1. <b>Annabatchies.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Arrahs.</b>—Perhaps from the place of that name in Shahābād, where, according to Buchanan Hamilton (<i>Eastern India</i>, i. 548) there was a large cloth industry. </p><p>3. <b>Aubrahs.</b> </p><p>2. <b>Aunneketchies.</b> </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bafta" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BAFTAS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bandanna" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BANDANNAS</a>.</b> </p><p>1. <b>Bejutapauts.</b>—H. <i>be-jūṭā</i>, 'without join,' <i>pāt</i>, 'a piece.' </p><p>1. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#betteela" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BETEELAS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Blue cloth.</b> </p><p>1. <b>Bombay Stuffs.</b> </p><p>1. <b>Brawl.</b>—The <i>N.E.D.</i> describes Brawl as a 'blue and white striped cloth manufactured in India.' In a letter of 1616 (<i>Foster</i>, iv. 306) we have "Lolwee champell <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page706b">page 706b<span id="706b"></span></span></span></span>and <b>Burral.</b>" The editor suggests H. <i>biral</i>, 'open in texture, fine.' But Roquefort (s.v.) gives: "<i>Bure</i>, <i>Burel</i>, grosse étoffe en laine de couleur rousse ou grisâtre, dont s'habillent ordinairement les ramoneurs; cette étoffe est faite de brebis noire et brune, sans aucune autre teinture." And see <i>N.E.D.</i> s.v. <i>Borrel</i>. </p><p>3. <b>Byrampauts.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#beiramee" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BEIRAMEE</a>.</b>) </p><p>2. <b>Callawapores.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Callipatties.</b>—H. <i>Kālī</i>, 'black,' <i>pattī</i>, 'strip.' </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cambay" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CAMBAYS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Cambrics.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Carpets.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Carridaries.</b> </p><p>2. <b>Cattaketchies.</b> </p><p>1. <b>Chalias.</b> (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shalee" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHALEE</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b>Charconnaes.</b>—H. <i>chār-khāna</i>, 'chequered.' "The <i>charkana</i>, or chequered muslin, is, as regards manufacture, very similar to the <i>Doorea</i> (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#p_doreas">DOREAS</a></b> below). They differ in the breadth of the stripes, their closeness to each other, and the size of the squares." (<i>Forbes Watson, Textile Man.</i> 78). The same name is now applied to a silk cloth. "The word <i>chārkhāna</i> simply means 'a check,' but the term is applied to certain silk or mixed fabrics containing small checks, usually about 8 or 10 checks in a line to an inch." (<i>Yusuf Ali, Mon. on Silk</i>, 93. Also see <i>Journ. Ind. Art</i>, iii. 6.) </p><p>1683.—"20 yards of <b>charkonnas.</b>"—In <i>Yule, Hedges' Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 94. </p><p>2. <b>Chavonis.</b> </p><p>1. <b><span id="p_chelloes"></span>Chelloes.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shalee" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHALEE</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b><span id="p_chinechura"></span>Chinechuras.</b>—Probably cloth from <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chinsura" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Chinsura</a>.</b> </p><p>1. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chintz" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHINTZ</a>,</b> of sorts. </p><p>3. <b>Chittabullies.</b> </p><p>3. <b><span id="p_chowtar"></span>Chowtars.</b>—This is almost certainly not identical with <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chudder" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Chudder</a>.</b> In a list of cotton cloths in the <i>Āīn</i> (i. 94) we have <i>chautār</i>, which may mean 'made with four threads or wires.' <i>Chautāhī</i>, 'four-fold,' is a kind of cloth used in the Punjab for counterpanes (<i>Francis, Man. Cotton</i>, 7). This cloth is frequently mentioned in the early letters. </p><p>1610.—"<b>Chautares</b> are white and well requested."—<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 75. </p><p>1614.—"The <b>Chauters</b> of Agra and fine baftas nyll doth not here vend."—<i>Foster, Letters</i>, ii. 45. </p><p>1615.—"Four pieces fine white <b>Cowter.</b>"—<i>Ibid.</i> iv. 51. </p><p>3. <b>Chuclaes.</b>—This may be H. <i>chaklā</i>, <i>chakrī</i>, which Platts defines as 'a kind of cloth made of silk and cotton.' </p><p>3. <b>Chunderbannies.</b>—This is perhaps H. <i>chandra</i>, 'the moon,' <i>bānā</i>, 'woof.' </p><p>3. <b>Chundraconaes.</b>—Forbes Watson has: "<i>Chunderkana</i>, second quality muslin for handkerchiefs": "Plain white bleached muslin called <i>Chunderkora</i>." The word is probably <i>chandrakhāna</i>, 'moon checks.' </p><p>3. <b>Clouts,</b> common coarse cloth, for which see <i>N.E.D.</i> </p><p>3. <b>Coopees.</b>—This is perhaps H. <i>kaupin</i>, <i>kopin</i>, 'the small <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#lungooty" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">lungooty</a></b> worn by Fakirs.' </p><p>3. <b>Corahs.</b>—H. <i>korā</i>, 'plain, unbleached, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page707a">page 707a<span id="707a"></span></span></span></span>undyed.' What is now known as Kora silk is woven in pieces for waist-cloths (see <i>Yusuf Ali</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 76). </p><p>3. <b>Cossaes.</b>—This perhaps represents Ar. <i>khāṣṣa</i> 'special.' In the <i>Āīn</i> we have <i>khāçah</i> in the list of cotton cloths (i. 94). Mr. Taylor describes it as a muslin of a close fine texture, and identifies it with the fine muslin which, according to the <i>Āīn</i> (ii. 124), was produced at Sonārgāon. The finest kind he says is "<i>jungle-khasu</i>." (<i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 45.) </p><p>3. <b>Cushtaes.</b>—These perhaps take their name from Kushtia, a place of considerable trade in the Nadiya District. </p><p>3. <b>Cuttannees.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cotton" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COTTON</a>.</b>) </p><p>1. <b>Dhooties.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dhoty" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DHOTY</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b>Diapers.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Dimities.</b> </p><p>3. <b><span id="p_doreas"></span>Doreas.</b>—H. <i>ḍoriyā</i>, 'striped cloth,' <i>ḍor</i>, 'thread.' In the list in the <i>Āīn</i> (i. 95), <i>Doriyah</i> appears among cotton stuffs. It is now also made in silk: "The simplest pattern is the stripe; when the stripes are longitudinal the fabric is a <i>doriya</i>.... The <i>doriya</i> was originally a cotton fabric, but it is now manufactured in silk, silk-and-cotton, <i>tasar</i>, and other combinations." (<i>Yusuf Ali</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 57, 94.) </p><p>1683.—"3 pieces <b>Dooreas.</b>"—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 94. </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dosooty" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DOSOOTIES</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dungaree" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DUNGAREES</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Dysucksoys.</b> </p><p>3. <b><span id="p_elatch"></span>Elatches.</b>—Platts gives H. <i>Ilāchā</i>, 'a kind of cloth woven of silk and thread so as to present the appearance of cardamoms (<i>ilāchī</i>).' But it is almost certainly identical with <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#alleja" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">alleja</a>.</b> It was probably introduced to Agra, where now alone it is made, by the Moghuls. It differs from <i>doriya</i> (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#p_doreas">DOREAS</a></b> above) in having a substantial texture, whereas the <i>doriya</i> is generally flimsy. (<i>Yusuf Ali</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 95.) </p><p>3. <b>Emmerties.</b>—This is H. <i>amratī</i>, <i>imratī</i>, 'sweet as nectar.' </p><p>2. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gingham" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GINGHAMS</a>.</b> </p><p>2. <b>Gudeloor</b> (dimities).—There is a place of the name in the Neilgherry District, but it does not seem to have any cloth manufacture. </p><p>1. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#guinea_cloths" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GUINEA STUFFS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Gurrahs.</b>—This is probably the H. <i>gārhā</i>: "unbleached fabrics which under names varying in different localities, constitute a large proportion of the clothing of the poor. They are used also for packing goods, and as a covering for the dead, for which last purpose a large quantity is employed both by Hindoos and Mahomedans. These fabrics in Bengal pass under the name of <b>garrha</b> and <b>guzee.</b>" (<i>Forbes Watson</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 83.) </p><p>3. <b>Habassies.</b>—Probably P. <i>'abbāsī</i>, used of cloths dyed in a sort of magenta colour. The recipe is given by <i>Hadi, Mon. on Dyeing in the N.W.P.</i> p. 16. </p><p>3. <b>Herba Taffeties.</b>—These are cloths made of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#grass_cloth" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">Grass-cloth</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Humhums,</b> from Ar. <i>ḥammām</i>, 'a Turkish bath' "(apparently so named from its having been originally used at the bath), <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page707b">page 707b<span id="707b"></span></span></span></span>is a cloth of a thick stout texture, and generally worn as a wrapper in the cold season." (<i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 63.) </p><p>2. <b>Izarees.</b>—P. <i>izār</i>, 'drawers, trousers.' Watson (<i>op. cit.</i> 57, note) says that in some places it is peculiar to men, the women's drawers being <i>Turwar</i>. Herklots (<i>Qanoon-e-Islam</i>, App. xiv.) gives <i>eezar</i> as equivalent to <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shulwaurs" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">shulwaur</a>,</b> like the <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pyjammas">pyjamma</a>,</b> but not so wide. </p><p>3. <b>Jamdannies.</b>—P.-H. <i>jāmdānī</i>, which is said to be properly <i>jāmahdānī</i>, 'a box for holding a suit.' The <i>jāmdānī</i> is a loom-figured muslin, which Taylor (<i>op. cit.</i> 48) calls "the most expensive productions of the Dacca looms." </p><p>3. <b>Jamwars.</b> H. <i>jāmawār</i>, 'sufficient for a dress.' It is not easy to say what stuff is intended by this name. In the <i>Āīn</i> (ii. 240) we have <i>jamahwār</i>, mentioned among Guzerat stuffs worked in gold thread, and again (i. 95) <i>jāmahwār Parmnarm</i> among woollen stuffs. Forbes Watson gives among Kashmīr shawls: "<i>Jamewars</i>, or striped shawl pieces"; in the Punjab they are of a striped pattern made both in pashm and wool (<i>Johnstone, Mon. on Wool</i>, 9), and Mr. Kipling says, "the stripes are broad, of alternate colours, red and blue, &c." (<i>Mukharji, Art Manufactures of India</i>, 374.) </p><p>3. <b>Kincha cloth.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Kissorsoys.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Laccowries.</b> </p><p>1. <b>Lemmannees.</b> </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#long_cloth" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LONG CLOTHS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>LOONGHEES, HERBA.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#grass_cloth" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GRASS-CLOTH</a>.</b>) </p><p>1. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#loonghee" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LOONGHEE, MAGHRUB</a>.</b> Ar. <i>maghrib</i>, <i>maghrab</i>, 'the west.' </p><p>3. <b>Mamoodeatis.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Mammoodies.</b> Platts gives <i>Maḥmūdī</i>, 'praised, fine muslin.' The <i>Āīn</i> (i. 94) classes the <i>Maḥmūdī</i> among cotton cloths, and at a low price. A cloth under this name is made at Shāhābād in the Hardoi District. (<i>Oudh Gazetteer</i>, ii. 25.) </p><p>2. <b>Monepore cloths.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#munneepore" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MUNNEPORE</a>.</b>) </p><p>2. <b>Moorees.</b>—"<i>Moories</i> are blue cloths, principally manufactured in the districts of Nellore and at Canatur in the Chingleput collectorate of Madras.... They are largely exported to the Straits of Malacca." (<i>Balfour, Cycl.</i> ii. 982.) </p><p>1684-5.—"<b>Moorees</b> superfine, 1000 pieces."—<i>Pringle, Diary Ft. St. Geo.</i> iv. 41. </p><p>3. <b>Muggadooties.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#moonga" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MOONGA</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mulmull" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MULMULS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Mushrues.</b>—P. <i>mashrū'</i>, 'lawful.' It is usually applied to a kind of silk or satin with a cotton back. "Pure silk is not allowed to men, but women may wear the most sumptuous silk fabrics" (<i>Yusuf Ali</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 90, <i>seq.</i>). "All <i>Mushroos</i> wash well, especially the finer kinds, used for bodices, petticoats, and trousers of both sexes." (<i>Forbes Watson</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 97.) </p><p>1832.—"... <b>Mussheroo</b> (striped washing silks manufactured at Benares)...."—<i>Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali, Observations</i>, i. 106. </p><p>1. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#muster" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MUSTERS</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Naibabies.</b> </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page708a">page 708a<span id="708a"></span></span></span></span>3. <span id="p_nainsook"></span><b>Nainsooks.</b>—H. <i>nainsukh</i>, 'pleasure of the eye.' A sort of fine white calico. Forbes Watson (<i>op. cit.</i> 76) says it is used for neckerchiefs, and Taylor (<i>op. cit.</i> 46) defines it as "a thick muslin, apparently identical with the <i>tunsook</i> (<i>tansak'h</i>, <i>Blochmann</i>, i. 94) of the <i>Ayeen</i>." A cloth is made of the same name in silk, imitated from the cotton fabric. (<i>Yusuf Ali</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 95.) </p><p>1. <b>Neganepauts.</b> </p><p>1. <b>Nicannees.</b>—Quoting from a paper of 1683, Orme (<i>Fragments</i>, 287) has "6000 <b>Niccanneers,</b> 13 yards long." </p><p>3. <b>Nillaes.</b>—Some kind of blue cloth, H. <i>nīlā</i>, 'blue.' </p><p>1. <b>Nunsarees.</b>—There is a place called Nansārī in the Bhandāra District (<i>Central Provinces Gazetteer</i>, 346). </p><p>2. <b>Oringal</b> (cloths). Probably take their name from the once famous city of Warangal in Hyderabad. </p><p>3. <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#palempore">PALAMPORES</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Peniascoes.</b>—In a paper quoted by Birdwood (<i>Report on Old Records</i>, 40) we have <b>Pinascos,</b> which he says are stuffs made of pine-apple fibre. </p><p>2, 3. <b>Percaulas.</b>—H. <i>parkālā</i>, 'a spark, a piece of glass.' These were probably some kind of spangled robe, set with pieces of glass, as some of the modern <b>Phoolkaris</b> are. In the <i>Madras Diaries</i> of 1684-5 we have "<b>Percollaes,</b>" and "<b>percolles,</b> fine" (<i>Pringle</i>, i. 53, iii. 119, iv. 41.) </p><p>3. <b>Photaes.</b>—In a letter of 1615 we have "Lunges (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#loonghee" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LOONGHEE</a></b>) and <b>Footaes</b> of all sorts." (<i>Foster, Letters</i>, iv. 306), where the editor suggests H. <i>phūṭā</i>, 'variegated.' But in the <i>Āīn</i> we find "<i>Fautahs</i> (loin-bands)" (i. 93), which is the P. <i>foṭa</i>, and this is from the connection the word probably meant. </p><p>3. <b><span id="p_pulecat"></span>Pulecat</b> handkerchiefs. (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#madras2" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MADRAS</a></b> handkerchiefs and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bandanna" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BANDANNA</a>.</b>) </p><p>2. <b><span id="punjum"></span>Punjum.</b>—The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> gives Tel. <i>punjamu</i>, Tam. <i>puñjam</i>, <i>lit.</i> 'a collection.' "In Tel. a collection of 60 threads and in Tam. of 120 threads skeined, ready for the formation of the warp for weaving. A cloth is denominated 10, 12, 14, up to 40 <i>poonjam</i>, according to the number of times 60, or else 120, is contained in the total number of threads in the warp. <i>Poonjam</i> thus also came to mean a cloth of the length of one <i>poonjam</i> as usually skeined; this usual length is 36 cubits, or 18 yards, and the width from 38 to 44 inches, 14 lbs. being the common weight; pieces of half length were formerly exported as <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#salempoory" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">Salempoory</a>.</b>" Writing in 1814, Heyne (<i>Tracts</i>, 347) says: "Here (in Salem) two punjums are designated by 'first call,' so that twelve punjums of cloth is called 'six call,' and so on." </p><p>3. <b><span id="puteah"></span>Puteahs.</b> (See <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#puttee">PUTTEE</a>.</b>) In a letter of 1610 we have: "<b>Patta,</b> katuynen, with red stripes over thwart through." (<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 72.) </p><p>2. <b><span id="putton_ketchies"></span>Putton Ketchies.</b>—Cloths which possibly took their name from the city of Anhilwāra <b>Patan</b> in <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cutch" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Cutch</a>.</b> </p><p>1727.—"That country (Tegnapatam) produces Pepper, and coarse Cloth called <b>catchas.</b>"—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 335. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page708b">page 708b<span id="708b"></span></span></span></span>3. <b>Raings.</b>—"<i>Rang</i> is a muslin which resembles jhuna in its transparent gauze or net-like texture. It is made by passing a single thread of the warp through each division of the reed" (<i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 44.) "1 Piece of <b>Raiglins.</b>"—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 94. </p><p>1. <b><span id="p_saloopauts"></span>Saloopauts.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shalee" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHALEE</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b>Sannoes.</b> </p><p>2. <b>Sassergates.</b>—Some kind of cloth called 'that of the 1000 knots,' H. <i>sahasra granṭhi</i>. "<i>Saserguntees</i>" (<i>Birdwood, Rep. on Old Records</i>, 63). </p><p>2. <b>Sastracundees.</b>—These cloths seem to take their name from a place called <i>Sāstrakunḍa</i>, 'Pool of the Law.' This is probably the place named in the <i>Āīn</i> (ed. <i>Jarrett</i>, ii. 124): "In the township of <i>Kiyāra Sundar</i> is a large reservoir which gives a peculiar whiteness to the cloths washed in it." Gladwin reads the name <i>Catarashoonda</i>, or <i>Catarehsoonder</i> (see <i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 91). </p><p>3. <b><span id="p_seerband"></span>Seerbands,</b> <b>Seerbetties.</b>—These are names for turbans, H. <i>sirband</i>, <i>sirbatti</i>. Taylor (<i>op. cit.</i> 47) names them as Dacca muslins under the names of <i>surbund</i> and <i>surbutee</i>. </p><p>3. <b>Seershauds.</b>—This is perhaps P. <i>sirshād</i>, 'head-delighting,' some kind of turban or veil. </p><p>3. <b>Seersuckers.</b>—Perhaps, <i>sir</i>, 'head,' <i>sukh</i>, 'pleasure.' </p><p>3. <b>Shalbaft.</b>—P. <i>shālbāft</i>, 'shawl-weaving.' (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shawl" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHAWL</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b>Sicktersoys.</b> </p><p>3. <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#soosie" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SOOSIES</a>.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Subnoms,</b> <b>Subloms.</b>—"<i>Shubnam</i> is a thin pellucid muslin to which the Persian figurative name of 'evening dew' (<i>shabnam</i>) is given, the fabric being, when spread over the bleaching-field, scarcely distinguishable from the dew on the grass." (<i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 45.) </p><p>3. <b>Succatoons.</b> (See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#suclat" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SUCLAT</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b>Taffaties</b> of sorts. "A name applied to plain woven silks, in more recent times signifying a light thin silk stuff with a considerable lustre or gloss" (<i>Drapers' Dict.</i> s.v.). The word comes from P. <i>tāftan</i>, 'to twist, spin.' The <i>Āīn</i> (i. 94) has <i>tāftah</i> in the list of silks. </p><p>3. <b>Tainsooks.</b>—H. <i>tansukh</i>, 'taking ease.' (See above under <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#p_nainsook">NAINSOOKS</a>.</b>) </p><p>3. <b>Tanjeebs.</b> P. <i>tanzeb</i>, 'body adorning.'—"A tolerably fine muslin" (<i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 46; <i>Forbes Watson</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 76). "The silk <i>tanzeb</i> seems to have gone out of fashion, but that in cotton is very commonly used for the chicken work in Lucknow." (<i>Yusuf Ali</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 96.) </p><p>1. <b>Tapseils.</b> (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#alleja" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ALLEJA</a>.</b>) In the <i>Āīn</i> (i. 94) we have: "<i>Tafçilah</i> (a stuff from Mecca)." </p><p>1670.—"So that in your house are only left some <b>Tapseiles</b> and cotton yarn."—In <i>Yule, Hedges' Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. ccxxvi. Birdwood in <i>Report on Old Records</i>, 38, has <b>Topsails.</b> </p><p>2. <b>Tarnatannes.</b>—"There are various kinds of muslins brought from the East Indies, chiefly from Bengal, betelles (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#betteela" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BETTEELA</a></b>), <i>tarnatans</i>...." (<i>Chambers' Cycl.</i> of 1788, quoted in 3rd ser. <i>N. & Q.</i> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page709a">page 709a<span id="709a"></span></span></span></span>iv. 135). It is suggested (<i>ibid.</i> 3rd ser. iv. 135) that this is the origin of English <i>tarletan</i>, Fr. <i>tarletane</i>, which is defined in the <i>Drapers' Dict.</i> as "a fine open muslin, first imported from India and afterwards imitated here." </p><p>3. <b>Tartorees.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Tepoys.</b> </p><p>3. <b>Terindams.</b>—"<i>Turundam</i> (said by the weavers to mean 'a kind of cloth for the body,' the name being derived from the Arabic word <i>turuh</i> (<i>tarḥ</i>, <i>taraḥ</i>) 'a kind,' and the Persian one <i>undam</i> (<i>andām</i>) 'the body,' is a muslin which was formerly imported, under the name of <i>terendam</i>, into this country." (<i>Taylor</i>, <i>op. cit.</i> 46.) </p> 2. <b>Ventepollams.</b></div> <p><br /> <b>PIGDAUN,</b> s. A spittoon; Hind. <i>pīkdān</i>. <i>Pīk</i> is properly the expectorated juice of chewed betel. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[c. 1665.—"... servants ... to carry the <b>Picquedent</b> or spittoon...."—<i>Bernier</i>, ed. <i>Constable</i>, 214. In 283 <b>Piquedans.</b>] <p>1673.—"The Rooms are spread with Carpets as in <i>India</i>, and they have <b>Pigdans,</b> or Spitting pots of the Earth of this Place, which is valued next to that of China, to void their Spittle in."—<i>Fryer</i>, 223. </p> [1684.—Hedges speaks of purchasing a "Spitting Cup."—<i>Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 149.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pigeon_english"></span>PIGEON ENGLISH.</b> The vile jargon which forms the means of communication at the Chinese ports between Englishmen who do not speak Chinese, and those Chinese with whom they are in the habit of communicating. The word "<i>business</i>" appears in this kind of talk to be corrupted into "<i>pigeon</i>," and hence the name of the jargon is supposed to be taken. [For examples see <i>Chamberlain, Things Japanese</i>, 3rd ed. pp. 321 <i>seqq.</i>; <i>Ball, Things Chinese</i>, 3rd ed. 430 <i>seqq.</i> (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#butler_english" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BUTLER ENGLISH</a></span>.</b>)] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1880.—"... the English traders of the early days ... instead of inducing the Chinese to make use of correct words rather than the misshapen syllables they had adopted, encouraged them by approbation and example, to establish <b>Pigeon English</b>—a grotesque gibberish which would be laughable if it were not almost melancholy."—<i>Capt. W. Gill, River of Golden Sand</i>, i. 156. 1883.—"The '<b>Pidjun English</b>' is revolting, and the most dignified persons demean themselves by speaking it.... How the whole English-speaking community, without distinction of rank, has come to communicate with the Chinese in this baby talk is extraordinary."—<i>Miss Bird, Golden Chersonese</i>, 37.</div> <p><br /> <b>PIG-STICKING.</b> This is Anglo-Indian hog-hunting, or what would be called among a people delighting <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page709b">page 709b<span id="709b"></span></span></span></span>more in lofty expression, 'the chase of the Wild Boar.' When, very many years since, one of the present writers, destined for the Bengal Presidency, first made acquaintance with an Indian mess-table, it was that of a Bombay regiment at Aden—in fact of that gallant corps which is now known as the 103rd Foot, or Royal Bombay Fusiliers. Hospitable as they were, the opportunity of enlightening an aspirant Bengalee on the short-comings of his Presidency could not be foregone. The chief counts of indictment were three: 1st. The inferiority of the Bengal Horse Artillery system; 2nd. That the Bengalees were guilty of the base effeminacy of drinking beer out of champagne glasses; 3rd. That in pig-sticking they <i>threw</i> the spear at the boar. The two last charges were evidently ancient traditions, maintaining their ground as facts down to 1840 therefore; and showed how little communication practically existed between the Presidencies as late as that year. Both the allegations had long ceased to be true, but probably the second had been true in the 18th century, as the third certainly had been. This may be seen from the quotation from R. Lindsay, and by the text and illustrations of Williamson's <i>Oriental Field Sports</i> (1807), [and much later (see below)]. There is, or perhaps we should say more diffidently there was, still a difference between the Bengal practice in pig-sticking, and that of Bombay. The Bengal spear is about 6½ feet long, loaded with lead at the butt so that it can be grasped almost quite at the end and carried with the point down, inclining only slightly to the front; the boar's charge is received on the right flank, when the point, raised to 45° or 50° of inclination, if rightly guided, pierces him in the shoulder. The Bombay spear is a longer weapon, and is carried under the armpit like a dragoon's lance. Judging from Elphinstone's statement below we should suppose that the Bombay as well as the Bengal practice originally was to throw the spear, but that both independently discarded this, the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Q#qui_hi" title="Hobson-Jobson/Q">Qui-his</a></b> adopting the short overhand spear, the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#ducks" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">Ducks</a></b> the long lance. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1679.—"In the morning we went a hunting of wild Hoggs with Kisna Reddy, the chief man of the Islands" (at mouth of <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page710a">page 710a<span id="710a"></span></span></span></span>the Kistna) "and about 100 other men of the island (Dio) with lances and Three score doggs, with whom we killed eight Hoggs great and small, one being a Bore very large and fatt, of greate weight."—<i>Consn. of Agent and Council of Fort St. Geo.</i> on Tour. In <i>Notes and Exts.</i> No. II. <p>The party consisted of Streynsham Master "Agent of the Coast and Bay," with "Mr. Timothy Willes and Mr. Richard Mohun of the Councell, the Minister, the Chyrurgeon, the Schoolmaster, the Secretary, and two Writers, an Ensign, 6 mounted soldiers and a Trumpeter," in all 17 Persons in the Company's Service, and "Four Freemen, who went with the Agent's Company for their own pleasure, and at their own charges." It was a Tour of Visitation of the Factories. </p><p>1773.—The Hon. R. Lindsay <i>does</i> speak of the "Wild-boar chase"; but he wrote after 35 years in England, and rather eschews Anglo-Indianisms: </p><p>"Our weapon consisted only of a short heavy spear, three feet in length, and well poised; the boar being found and unkennelled by the spaniels, runs with great speed across the plain, is pursued on horseback, and the first rider who approaches him throws the javelin...."—<i>Lives of the Lindsays</i>, iii. 161. </p><p>1807.—"When (the hog) begins to slacken, the attack should be commenced by the horseman who may be nearest pushing on to his left side; into which the spear should be thrown, so as to lodge behind the shoulder blade, and about six inches from the backbone."—<i>Williamson, Oriental Field Sports</i>, p. 9. (<i>Left</i> must mean hog's <i>right</i>.) This author says that the bamboo shafts were 8 or 9 feet long, but that <i>very short</i> ones had formerly been in use; thus confirming Lindsay. </p><p>1816.—"We hog-hunt till two, then tiff, and hawk or course till dusk ... we do not throw our spears in the old way, but poke with spears longer than the common ones, and never part with them."—<i>Elphinstone's Life</i>, i. 311. </p><p>[1828.—"... the boar who had made good the next cane with only a slight scratch from a spear thrown as he was charging the hedge."—<i>Orient. Sport. Mag.</i> reprint 1873, i. 116.] </p><p>1848.—"Swankey of the Body-Guard himself, that dangerous youth, and the greatest buck of all the Indian army now on leave, was one day discovered by Major Dobbin, <i>tête-à-tête</i> with Amelia, and describing the sport of <b>pigsticking</b> to her with great humour and eloquence."—<i>Vanity Fair</i>, ii. 288. </p><p>1866.—"I may be a young <b>pig-sticker,</b> but I am too old a sportsman to make such a mistake as that."—<i>Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow</i>, in <i>Fraser</i>, lxxiii. 387. </p><p>1873.—"<b>Pigsticking</b> may be very good fun...."—<i>A True Reformer</i>, ch. i. </p><p>1876.—"You would perhaps like tiger-hunting or <b>pig-sticking</b>; I saw some of that <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page710b">page 710b<span id="710b"></span></span></span></span>for a season or two in the East. Everything here is poor stuff after that."—<i>Daniel Deronda</i>, ii. ch. xi. </p> 1878.—"In the meantime there was a '<b>pig-sticking</b>' meet in the neighbouring district."—<i>Life in the Mofussil</i>, i. 140.</div> <p><br /> <b>PIG-TAIL,</b> s. This term is often applied to the Chinaman's long plait of hair, by transfer from the <i>queue</i> of our grandfathers, to which the name was much more appropriate. Though now universal among the Chinese, this fashion was only introduced by their Manchu conquerors in the 17th century, and was "long resisted by the natives of the Amoy and Swatow districts, who, when finally compelled to adopt the distasteful fashion, concealed the badge of slavery beneath cotton turbans, the use of which has survived to the present day" (<i>Giles, Glossary of Reference</i>, 32). Previously the Chinese wore their unshaven back hair gathered in a net, or knotted in a chignon. De Rhodes (Rome, 1615, p. 5) says of the people of Tongking, that "<i>like the Chinese</i> they have the custom of gathering the hair in fine nets under the hat." </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1879.—"One sees a single Sikh driving four or five Chinamen in front of him, having knotted their <b>pigtails</b> together for reins."—<i>Miss Bird, Golden Chersonese</i>, 283.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pilau"></span>PILAU,</b> <b>PILOW,</b> <b>PILÁF,</b> &c., s. Pers. <i>pulāo</i>, or <i>pilāv</i>, Skt. <i>pulāka</i>, 'a ball of boiled rice.' A dish, in origin purely Mahommedan, consisting of meat, or fowl, boiled along with rice and spices. Recipes are given by Herklots, ed. 1863, App. xxix.; and in the <i>Āīn-i-Akbarī</i> (ed. <i>Blochmann</i>, i. 60), we have one for <i>ḳīma pulāo</i> (<i>ḳīma</i> = 'hash') with several others to which the name is not given. The <i>name</i> is almost as familiar in England as <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#curry" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">curry</a>,</b> but not the <i>thing</i>. It was an odd circumstance, some 45 years ago, that the two surgeons of a dragoon regiment in India were called <i>Currie</i> and <i>Pilleau</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1616.—"Sometimes they boil pieces of flesh or hens, or other fowl, cut in pieces in their rice, which dish they call <b>pillaw.</b> As they order it they make it a very excellent and a very well tasted food."—<i>Terry</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, ii. 1471. <p>c. 1630.—"The feast begins: it was compounded of a hundred sorts of <b>pelo</b> and candied dried meats."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1638, p. 138, [and for varieties, p. 310]. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page711a">page 711a<span id="711a"></span></span></span></span>[c. 1660.—"... my elegant hosts were fully employed in cramming their mouths with as much <b>Pelau</b> as they could contain...."—<i>Bernier</i>, ed. <i>Constable</i>, 121.] </p><p>1673.—"The most admired Dainty wherewith they stuff themselves is <b>Pullow,</b> whereof they will fill themselves to the Throat and receive no hurt, it being so well prepared for the Stomach."—<i>Fryer</i>, 399. See also p. 93. At p. 404 he gives a recipe. </p><p>1682.—"They eate their <b>pilaw</b> and other spoone-meate withoute spoones, taking up their pottage in the hollow of their fingers."—<i>Evelyn, Diary</i>, June 19. </p><p>1687.—"They took up their Mess with their Fingers, as the Moors do their <b>Pilaw,</b> using no Spoons."—<i>Dampier</i>, i. 430. </p><p>1689.—"<b>Palau,</b> that is Rice boil'd ... with Spices intermixt, and a boil'd Fowl in the middle, is the most common <i>Indian</i> Dish."—<i>Ovington</i>, 397. </p><p>1711.—"They cannot go to the Price of a <b>Pilloe,</b> or boil'd Fowl and Rice; but the better sort make that their principal Dish."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 231. </p><p>1793.—"On a certain day ... all the Musulman officers belonging to your department shall be entertained at the charge of the <i>Sircar</i>, with a public repast, to consist of <b>Pullao</b> of the first sort."—<i>Select Letters of Tippoo S.</i>, App. xlii. </p><p>c. 1820.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"And nearer as they came, a genial savour<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>Of certain stews, and roast-meats, and <b>pilaus,</b><br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:0.70em"></span>Things which in hungry mortals' eyes find favour."—<i>Don Juan</i>, v. 47. </p> </div></div> 1848.—"'There's a <b>pillau,</b> Joseph, just as you like it, and Papa has brought home the best turbot in Billingsgate.'"—<i>Vanity Fair</i>, i. 20.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pinang"></span>PINANG,</b> s. This is the Malay word for Areca, and it is almost always used by the Dutch to indicate that article, and after them by some Continental writers of other nations. The Chinese word for the same product—<i>pin-lang</i>—is probably, as Bretschneider says, a corruption of the Malay word. (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#penang">PENANG</a></span>.</b>) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1603.—"They (the Javans) are very great eaters—and they haue a certaine hearbe called <i>bettaile</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#betel" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BETEL</a></b>) which they vsually have carryed with them wheresouer they goe, in boxes, or wrapped vp in a cloath like a sugar loafe: and also a nut called <b>Pinange,</b> which are both in operation very hott, and they eate them continually to warme them within, and keepe them from the fluxe. They do likewise take much tabacco, and also opium."—<i>E. Scott, An Exact Discovrse</i>, &c., <i>of the East Indies</i>, 1606, Sig. N. 2. <p>[1665.—"Their ordinary food ... is Rice, Wheat, <b>Pinange</b>...."—<i>Sir T. Herbert, Travels</i>, 1677, p. 365 (<i>Stanf. Dict.</i>).] </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page711b">page 711b<span id="711b"></span></span></span></span>1726.—"But Shah Sousa gave him (viz. Van der Broek, an envoy to Rajmahal in 1655) good words, and regaled him with <b>Pinang</b> (a great favour), and promised that he should be amply paid for everything."—<i>Valentijn</i>, v. 165.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pindarry"></span>PINDARRY,</b> s. Hind. <i>pinḍārī</i>, <i>pinḍārā</i>, but of which the more original form appears to be Mahr. <i>penḍhārī</i>, a member of a band of plunderers called in that language <i>penḍhār</i> and <i>penḍhārā</i>. The etymology of the word is very obscure. We may discard as a curious coincidence only, the circumstance observed by Mr. H. T. Prinsep, in the work quoted below (i. 37, note), that "<b>Pindara</b> seems to have the same reference to <i>Pandour</i> that <i>Kuzāk</i> has to <i>Cossack</i>." Sir John Malcolm observes that the most popular etymology among the natives ascribes the name to the dissolute habits of the class, leading them to frequent the shops dealing in an intoxicating drink called <i>pinda</i>. (One of the senses of <i>penḍhā</i>, according to Molesworth's <i>Mahr. Dict.</i>, is 'a drink for cattle and men, prepared from <i>Holcus sorghum</i>' (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jowaur" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JOWAUR</a></span></b>) 'by steeping it and causing it to ferment.') Sir John adds: 'Kurreem Khan' (a famous Pindarry leader) 'told me he had never heard of any other reason for the name; and Major Henley had the etymology confirmed by the most intelligent of the Pindarries of whom he enquired' (<i>Central India</i>, 2nd ed. i. 433). Wilson again considers the most probable derivation to be from the Mahr. <i>penḍhā</i>, but in the sense of a 'bundle of rice-straw,' and <i>hara</i>, 'who takes,' because the name was originally applied to horsemen who hung on to an army, and were employed in collecting forage. We cannot think either of the etymologies very satisfactory. We venture another, as a plausible suggestion merely. Both <i>pinḍ-paṛnā</i> in Hindi, and <i>pinḍās-basneṅ</i> in Mahr. signify 'to follow'; the latter being defined 'to stick closely to; to follow to the death; used of the adherence of a disagreeable fellow.' Such phrases would aptly apply to these hangers-on of an army in the field, looking out for prey. [The question has been discussed by Mr. W. Irvine in an elaborate note published in the <i>Indian Antiq.</i> of 1900. To the above three suggestions he adds two made by other <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page712a">page 712a<span id="712a"></span></span></span></span>authorities: 4. that the term was taken from the <i>Beder</i> race; 5. from <i>Pinḍārā</i>, <i>pinḍ</i>, 'a lump of food,' <i>ār</i>, 'bringer,' a plunderer. As to the fourth suggestion, he remarks that there was a Beder race dwelling in Mysore, Belary and the Nizam's territories. But the objection to this etymology is that as far back as 1748 both words, <i>Bedar</i> and <i>Pinḍārī</i>, are used by the native historian, Rām Singh Munshī, side by side, but applied to different bodies of men. Mr. Irvine's suggestion is that the word <i>Pinḍārī</i>, or more strictly <i>Panḍhār</i>, comes from a place or region called <i>Pāndhār</i> or <i>Pandhār</i>. This place is referred to by native historians, and seems to have been situated between Burhānpur and Handiya on the Nerbudda. There is good evidence to prove that large numbers of Pindāris were settled in this part of the country. Mr. Irvine sums up by saying: "If it were not for a passage in Grant Duff (<i>H. of the Mahrattas</i>, Bombay reprint, 157), I should have been ready to maintain that I had proved my case. My argument requires two things to make it irrefutable: (1) a very early connection between Pandhār and the Pindhāris; (2) that the Pindhāris had no early home or settlement outside Pandhār. As to the first point, the recorded evidence seems to go no further back than 1794, when Sendhiah granted them lands in Nimār; whereas before that time the name had become fixed, and had even crept into Anglo-Indian vocabularies. As to the second point, Grant Duff says, and he if anybody must have known, that "there were a number of Pindhāris about the borders of Mahārāshtra and the Carnatic...." Unless these men emigrated from Khandesh about 1726 (that is a hundred years before 1826, the date of Grant Duff's book), their presence in the South with the same name tends to disprove any special connection between their name, Pindhāri, and a place, Pindhār, several hundred miles from their country. On the other hand, it is a very singular coincidence that men known as Pindhāris should have been newly settled about 1794 in a country which had been known as Pandhār at least ninety years before they thus occupied it. Such a mere fortuitous connection between Pandhār and the Pindhāris is <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page712b">page 712b<span id="712b"></span></span></span></span>so extraordinary that we may call it an impossibility. A fair inference is that the region Pandhār was the original home of the Pindhāris, that they took their name from it, and that grants of land between Burhānpur and Handiya were made to them in what had always been their home-country, namely Pandhār."] </p><p>The Pinḍārīs seem to have grown up in the wars of the late Mahommedan dynasties in the Deccan, and in the latter part of the 17th century attached themselves to the Mahrattas in their revolt against Aurangzīb; the first mention which we have seen of the name occurs at this time. For some particulars regarding them we refer to the extract from Prinsep below. During and after the Mahratta wars of Lord Wellesley's time many of the Pinḍārī leaders obtained grants of land in Central India from Sindia and Holkar, and in the chaos which reigned at that time outside the British territory their raids in all directions, attended by the most savage atrocities, became more and more intolerable; these outrages extended from Bundelkhand on the N.E., Kadapa on the S., and Orissa on the S.E., to Guzerat on the W., and at last repeatedly violated British territory. In a raid made upon the coast extending from Masulipatam northward, the Pinḍārīs in ten days plundered 339 villages, burning many, killing and wounding 682 persons, torturing 3600, and carrying off or destroying property to the amount of £250,000. It was not, however, till 1817 that the Governor-General, the Marquis of Hastings, found himself armed with permission from home, and in a position to strike at them effectually, and with the most extensive strategic combinations ever brought into action in India. The Pinḍārīs were completely crushed, and those of the native princes who supported them compelled to submit, whilst the British power for the first time was rendered truly paramount throughout India. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1706-7.—"Zoolfecar Khan, after the rains pursued Dhunnah, who fled to the Beejapore country, and the Khan followed him to the banks of the Kistnah. The <b>Pinderrehs</b> took Velore, which however was soon retaken.... A great caravan, coming from Aurungabad, was totally plundered and everything carried off, by a body of Mharattas, at only 12 coss distance from <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page713a">page 713a<span id="713a"></span></span></span></span>the imperial camp."—<i>Narrative of a Bondeela Officer</i>, app. to Scott's Tr. of Firishta's <i>H. of Deccan</i>, ii. 122. [On this see <i>Malcolm, Central India</i>, 2nd ed. i. 426. Mr. Irvine in the paper quoted above shows that it is doubtful if the author really used the word. "By a strange coincidence the very copy used by J. Scott is now in the British Museum. On turning to the passage I find 'Peḍā Baḍar,' a well-known man of the period, and not <i>Pindārā or Pinderreh</i> at all."] <p>1762.—"Siwaee Madhoo Rao ... began to collect troops, stores, and heavy artillery, so that he at length assembled near 100,000 horse, 60,000 <b>Pindarehs,</b> and 50,000 matchlock foot.... In reference to the <b>Pindarehs,</b> it is not unknown that they are a low tribe of robbers entertained by some of the princes of the Dakhan, to plunder and lay waste the territories of their enemies, and to serve for guides."—<i>H. of Hydur Naik</i>, by <i>Meer Hassan Ali Khan</i>, 149. [Mr. Irvine suspects that this may be based on a misreading as in the former quotation. The earliest undoubted mention of the name in native historians is by Rām Singh (1748). There is a doubtful reference in the <i>Tārīkh-i-Muhammadī</i> (1722-23)]. </p><p>1784.—"<b>Bindarras,</b> who receive no pay, but give a certain monthly sum to the commander-in-chief for permission to maraud, or plunder, under sanction of his banners."—<i>Indian Vocabulary</i>, s.v. </p><p>1803.—"Depend upon it that no <b>Pindarries</b> or straggling horse will venture to your rear, so long as you can keep the enemy in check, and your detachment well in advance."—<i>Wellington</i>, ii. 219. </p><p>1823.—"On asking an intelligent old <b>Pindarry,</b> who came to me on the part of Kurreem Khan, the reason of this absence of high character, he gave me a short and shrewd answer: 'Our occupation' (said he) 'was incompatible with the fine virtues and qualities you state; and I suppose if any of our people ever had them, the first effect of such good feeling would be to make him leave our community.'"—<i>Sir John Malcolm, Central India</i>, i. 436. </p><p>[ <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "He had ascended on horseback ... being mounted on a <b>Pindaree</b> pony, an animal accustomed to climbing."—<i>Hoole, Personal Narrative</i>, 292.] </p><p>1825.—"The name of <b>Pindara</b> is coeval with the earliest invasion of Hindoostan by the Mahrattas.... The designation was applied to a sort of sorry cavalry that accompanied the Pêshwa's armies in their expeditions, rendering them much the same service as the Cossacks perform for the armies of Russia.... The several leaders went over with their bands from one chief to another, as best suited their private interests, or those of their followers.... The rivers generally became fordable by the close of the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dussera" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">Dussera</a>.</b> The horses then were shod, and a leader of tried courage and conduct having been chosen as <i>Luhbureea</i>, all that were inclined set forth on a foray <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page713b">page 713b<span id="713b"></span></span></span></span>or <i>Luhbur</i>, as it was called in the <b>Pindaree</b> nomenclature; all were mounted, though not equally well. Out of a thousand, the proportion of good cavalry might be 400: the favourite weapon was a bamboo spear ... but ... it was a rule that every 15th or 20th man of the fighting <b>Pindarees</b> should be armed with a matchlock. Of the remaining 600, 400 were usually common <i>looteas</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#looty" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LOOTY</a></b>), indifferently mounted, and armed with every variety of weapon, and the rest, slaves, attendants, and camp-followers, mounted on <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#tattoo" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">tattoos</a>,</b> or wild ponies, and keeping up with the <i>luhbur</i> in the best manner they could."—<i>Prinsep, Hist. of Pol. and Mil. Transactions</i> (1813-1823), i. 37, note. </p><p>1829.—"The person of whom she asked this question said '<i>Brinjaree</i>' (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#brinjarry" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BRINJARRY</a></b>) ... but the lady understood him <b>Pindaree,</b> and the name was quite sufficient. She jumped out of the palanquin and ran towards home, screaming, '<b>Pindarees, Pindarees.</b>'"—<i>Mem. of John Shipp</i>, ii. 281. </p><p>[1861.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"So I took to the hills of Malwa, and the free <b>Pindaree</b> life."]<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Sir A. Lyall, The Old Pindaree.</i> </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b>PINE-APPLE.</b> (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#ananas" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ANANAS</a></span>.</b>) [The word has been corrupted by native weavers into <b>pinaphal</b> or <b>minaphal,</b> as the name of a silk fabric, so called because of the pine-apple pattern on it. (See <i>Yusuf Ali, Mon. on Silk</i>, 99.)] </p><p><br /> <b>PINJRAPOLE,</b> s. A hospital for animals, existing perhaps only in Guzerat, is so called. Guz. <i>pinjrāpor</i> or <i>pinjrapol</i>, [properly a cage (<i>pinjra</i>) for the sacred bull (<i>pola</i>) released in the name of Siva]. See <i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, ii. 120, and <i>Ovington</i>, 300-301; [<i>P. della Valle</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 67, 70. <i>Forbes</i> (<i>Or. Mem.</i> 2nd ed. i. 156) describes "the Banian hospital" at Surat; but they do not use this word, which Molesworth says is quite modern in Mahr.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1808.—"Every marriage and mercantile transaction among them is taxed with a contribution for the <b>Pinjrapole</b> ostensibly."—<i>R. Drummond.</i></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pintado"></span>PINTADO.</b> From the Port. </p><p><b>a.</b> A 'painted' (or 'spotted') cloth, <i>i.e.</i> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chintz" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">chintz</a></b> (q.v.). Though the word was applied, we believe, to all printed goods, some of the finer Indian chintzes were, at least in part, finished by hand-painting. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1579.—"With cloth of diverse colours, not much unlike our vsuall <b>pentadoes.</b>"—<i>Drake, World Encompassed</i>, Hak. Soc. 143. <p>[1602.—"... some fine <b>pinthadoes.</b>"—<i>Birdwood, First Letter Book</i>, 34.] </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page714a">page 714a<span id="714a"></span></span></span></span>1602-5.—"... about their loynes a fine <b>Pintadoe.</b>"—<i>Scot's Discourse of Iava</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 164. </p><p>1606.—"Heare the Generall deliuered a Letter from the KINGS MAIESTIE of ENGLAND, with a fayre standing Cuppe, and a cover double gilt, with divers of the choicest <b>Pintadoes,</b> which hee kindly accepted of."—<i>Middleton's Voyage</i>, E. 3. </p><p>[1610.—"<b>Pintadoes</b> of divers sorts will sell.... The names are Sarassa, Berumpury, large Chaudes, Selematt Cambaita, Selematt white and black, Cheat Betime and divers others."—<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 75. </p><p>c. 1630.—"Also they stain Linnen cloth, which we call <b>pantadoes.</b>"—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1677, p. 304.] </p><p>1665.—"To Woodcott ... where was a roome hung with <b>Pintado,</b> full of figures greate and small, prettily representing sundry trades and occupations of the Indians."—<i>Evelyn's Diary</i>, Dec. 30. </p> c. 1759.—"The chintz and other fine <b>painted goods,</b> will, if the market is not overstocked, find immediate vent, and sell for 100 p. cent."—<i>Letter from Pegu</i>, in <i>Dalrymple, Or. Rep.</i> i. 120.</div> <p><b>b.</b> A name (not Anglo-Indian) for the Guinea-fowl. This <i>may</i> have been given from the resemblance of the speckled feathers to a chintz. But in fact <i>pinta</i> in Portuguese is 'a spot,' or fleck, so that probably it only means speckled. This is the explanation of <i>Bluteau</i>. [The word is more commonly applied to the cape Pigeon. See Mr. Gray's note on <i>Pyrard de Laval</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 21, who quotes from Fryer, p. 12.] </p><p><br /> <b><span id="pisachee"></span>PISACHEE,</b> Skt. <i>piśāchī</i>, a she-demon, m. <i>piśācha</i>. In S. India some of the demons worshipped by the ancient tribes are so called. The spirits of the dead, and particularly of those who have met with violent deaths, are especially so entitled. They are called in Tamil <i>pey</i>. Sir Walter Elliot considers that the <i>Piśāchīs</i> were (as in the case of <i>Rākshasas</i>) a branch of the aboriginal inhabitants. In a note he says: 'The <i>Piśāchī</i> dialect appears to have been a distinct Dravidian dialect, still to be recognised in the speech of the <i>Paraiya</i>, who cannot pronounce distinctly some of the pure Tamil letters.' There is, however, in the Hindu drama a <i>Piśāchā bhāshā</i>, a gibberish or corruption of Sanskrit, introduced. [This at the present day has been applied to English.] The term <i>piśāchī</i> is also applied to the small circular storms commonly by <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page714b">page 714b<span id="714b"></span></span></span></span>Europeans called <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#devil" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">devils</a></b> (q.v.). We do not know where Archdeacon Hare (see below) found the <i>Piśāchī</i> to be a <i>white</i> demon. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1610.—"The fifth (mode of Hindu marriage) is the <i>Pisácha-viváha</i>, when the lover, without obtaining the sanction of the girl's parents, takes her home by means of talismans, incantations, and such like magical practices, and then marries her. <b>Pisách,</b> in Sanskrit, is the name of a demon, which takes whatever person it fixes on, and as the above marriage takes place after the same manner, it has been called by this name."—<i>The Dabistán</i>, ii. 72; [See <i>Manu</i>, iii. 34]. <p>c. 1780.—"'Que demandez-vous?' leur criai-je d'un ton de voix rude. 'Pourquoi restez-vous là à m'attendre? et d'où vient que ces autres femmes se sont enfuies, comme si j'étois un <b>Péschaseh</b> (esprit malin), ou une bête sauvage qui voulût vous devorer?'"—<i>Haafner</i>, ii. 287. </p><p>1801.—"They believe that such men as die accidental deaths become <b>Pysáchi,</b> or evil spirits, and are exceedingly troublesome by making extraordinary noises, in families, and occasioning fits and other diseases, especially in women."—<i>F. Buchanan's Mysore</i>, iii. 17. </p><p>1816.—"Whirlwinds ... at the end of March, and beginning of April, carry dust and light things along with them, and are called by the natives <b>peshashes</b> or devils."—<i>Asiatic Journal</i>, ii. 367. </p><p>1819.—"These demons or <b>peisaches</b> are the usual attendants of Shiva."—<i>Erskine</i> on <i>Elephanta</i>, in <i>Bo. Lit. Soc. Trans.</i> i. 219. </p> 1827.—"As a little girl was playing round me one day with her white frock over her head, I laughingly called her <b>Pisashee,</b> the name which the Indians give to their white devil. The child was delighted with so fine a name, and ran about the house crying out to every one she met, <i>I am the</i> <b>Pisashee,</b> <i>I am the</i> <b>Pisashee.</b> Would she have done so, had she been wrapt in black, and called <i>witch</i> or <i>devil</i> instead? No: for, as usual, the reality was nothing, the sound and colour everything."—<i>J. C. Hare</i>, in <i>Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers</i>, 1st Series, ed. 1838, p. 7.</div> <p><br /> <b>PISANG,</b> s. This is the Malay word for <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#plantain">plantain</a></b> or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#banana" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">banana</a></b> (qq.v.). It is never used by English people, but is the usual word among the Dutch, and common also among the Germans, [Norwegians and Swedes, who probably got it through the Dutch.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1651.—"Les <i>Cottewaniens</i> vendent des fruits, come du <b>Pisang,</b> &c."—<i>A. Roger, La Porte Ouverte</i>, p. 11. <p>c. 1785.—"Nous arrivâmes au grand village de <i>Colla</i>, où nous vîmes de belles allées de bananiers ou <b>pisang</b>...."—<i>Haafner</i>, ii. 85. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page715a">page 715a<span id="715a"></span></span></span></span>[1875.—"Of the <b>pisang</b> or plantain ... there are over thirty kinds, of which, the <i>Pisang-mas</i>, or golden plantain, so named from its colour, though one of the smallest, is nevertheless most deservedly prized."—<i>Thomson, The Straits of Malacca</i>, 8.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PISHPASH,</b> s. Apparently a factitious Anglo-Indian word, applied to a slop of rice-soup with small pieces of meat in it, much used in the Anglo-Indian nursery. [It is apparently P. <i>pash-pash</i>, 'shivered or broken in pieces'; from Pers. <i>pashīdan</i>.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1834.—"They found the Secretary disengaged, that is to say, if surrounded with huge volumes of Financial Reports on one side, and a small silver tray holding a mess of <b>pishpash</b> on the other, can be called disengaged."—<i>The Baboo</i>, &c. i. 85.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pitarrah"></span>PITARRAH,</b> s. A coffer or box used in travelling by palankin, to carry the traveller's clothes, two such being slung to a <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bangy" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">banghy</a></b> (q.v.). Hind. <i>piṭārā</i>, <i>peṭārā</i>, Skt. <i>piṭaka</i>, 'a basket.' The thing was properly a basket made of cane; but in later practice of tin sheet, with a light wooden frame. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1833.—"... he sat in the palanquin, which was filled with water up to his neck, whilst everything he had in his <b>batara</b> (or 'trunk') was soaked with wet...."—<i>Travels of Dr. Wolff</i>, ii. 198.] <p>1849.—"The attention of the staff was called to the necessity of putting their <b>pitarahs</b> and property in the Bungalow, as thieves abounded. 'My dear Sir,' was the reply, 'we are quite safe; we have nothing.'"—<i>Delhi Gazette</i>, Nov. 7. </p> 1853.—"It was very soon settled that Oakfield was to send to the dák bungalow for his <b>petarahs,</b> and stay with Staunton for about three weeks."—<i>W. D. Arnold, Oakfield</i>, i. 223.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="plantain"></span>PLANTAIN,</b> s. This is the name by which the <i>Musa sapientum</i> is universally known to Anglo-India. Books distinguish between the <i>Musa sapientum</i> or plantain, and the <i>Musa paradisaica</i> or banana; but it is hard to understand where the line is supposed to be drawn. Variation is gradual and infinite. </p><p>The botanical name <i>Musa</i> represents the Ar. <i>mauz</i>, and that again is from the Skt. <i>mocha</i>. The specific name <i>sapientum</i> arises out of a misunderstanding of a passage in Pliny, which we have explained under the head <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jack2" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">Jack</a>.</b> The specific <i>paradisaica</i> is derived from the old belief of Oriental Christians (entertained also, if not <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page715b">page 715b<span id="715b"></span></span></span></span>originated by the Mahommedans) that this was the tree from whose leaves Adam and Eve made themselves aprons. A further mystical interest attached also to the fruit, which some believed to be the forbidden apple of Eden. For in the pattern formed by the core or seeds, when the fruit was cut across, our forefathers discerned an image of the Cross, or even of the Crucifix. Medieval travellers generally call the fruit either <i>Musa</i> or 'Fig of Paradise,' or sometimes 'Fig of India,' and to this day in the W. Indies the common small plantains are called 'figs.' The Portuguese also habitually called it 'Indian Fig.' And this perhaps originated some confusion in Milton's mind, leading him to make the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#banyan_tree" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">Banyan</a></b> (<i>Ficus Indica</i> of Pliny, as of modern botanists) the Tree of the aprons, and greatly to exaggerate the size of the leaves of that <i>ficus</i>. </p><p>The name <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#banana" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">banana</a></b> is never employed by the English in India, though it is the name universal in the London fruit-shops, where this fruit is now to be had at almost all seasons, and often of excellent quality, imported chiefly, we believe, from Madeira, [and more recently from Jamaica. Mr. Skeat adds that in the Strait Settlements the name <b>plantain</b> seems to be reserved for those varieties which are only eatable when cooked, but the word <b>banana</b> is used indifferently with <b>plantain,</b> the latter being on the whole perhaps the rarer word]. </p><p>The name <i>plantain</i> is no more originally Indian than is <i>banana</i>. It, or rather <i>platano</i>, appears to have been the name under which the fruit was first carried to the W. Indies, according to Oviedo, in 1516; the first edition of his book was published in 1526. That author is careful to explain that the plant was <i>improperly</i> so called, as it was quite another thing from the <i>platanus</i> described by Pliny. Bluteau says the word is Spanish. We do not know how it came to be applied to the <i>Musa</i>. [Mr. Guppy (8 ser. <i>Notes & Queries</i>, viii. 87) suggests that "the Spaniards have obtained <i>platano</i> from the Carib and Galibi words for <i>banana</i>, viz., <i>balatanna</i> and <i>palatana</i>, by the process followed by the Australian colonists when they converted a native name for the casuarina trees into 'she-oak'; and that we can thus explain how <i>platano</i> came in Spanish <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page716a">page 716a<span id="716a"></span></span></span></span>to signify both the plane-tree and the banana." Prof. Skeat (<i>Concise Dict.</i> s.v.) derives plantain from Lat. <i>planta</i>, 'a plant'; properly 'a spreading sucker or shoot'; and says that the plantain took its name from its spreading leaf.] The rapid spread of the plantain or banana in the West, whence both names were carried back to India, is a counterpart to the rapid diffusion of the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#ananas" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">ananas</a></b> in the Old World of Asia. It would seem from the translation of Mendoça that in his time (1585) the Spaniards had come to use the form <i>plantano</i>, which our Englishmen took up as <i>plantan</i> and <i>plantain</i>. But even in the 1736 edition of Bailey's Dict. the only explanation of plantain given is as the equivalent of the Latin <i>plantago</i>, the field-weed known by the former name. <i>Platano</i> and <i>Plantano</i> are used in the Philippine Islands by the Spanish population. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1336.—"Sunt in Syriâ et Aegypto poma oblonga quae Paradisi nuncupantur optimi saporis, mollia, in ore cito dissolubilia: per transversum quotiescumque ipsa incideris invenies <i>Crucifixum</i> ... diu non durant, unde per mare ad nostras partes duci non possunt incorrupta."—<i>Gul. de Boldensele.</i> <p>c. 1350.—"Sunt enim in orto illo Adae de Seyllano primo <i>musae</i>, quas incolae ficus vocant ... et istud vidimus oculis nostris quod ubicunque inciditur per transversum, in utrâque parte incisurae videtur ymago hominis <i>crucifixi</i> ... et de istis foliis ficûs Adam et Eva fecerunt sibi perizomata...."—<i>John de' Marignolli, in Cathay</i>, &c. p. 352. </p><p>1384.—"And there is again a fruit which many people assert to be that regarding which our first father Adam sinned, and this fruit they call <i>Muse</i> ... in this fruit you see a very great miracle, for when you divide it anyway, whether lengthways or across, or cut it as you will, you shall see inside, as it were, the image of the <i>Crucifix</i>; and of this we comrades many times made proof."—<i>Viaggio di Simone Sigoli</i> (Firenze, 1862, p. 160). </p><p>1526 (tr. 1577).—"There are also certayne plantes whiche the Christians call <b>Platani.</b> In the myddest of the plant, in the highest part thereof, there groweth a cluster with fourtie or fiftie <b>platans</b> about it.... This cluster ought to be taken from the plant, when any one of the <b>platans</b> begins to appeare yelowe, at which time they take it, and hang it in their houses, where all the cluster waxeth rype, with all his <b>platans.</b>"—<i>Oviedo</i>, transl. in <i>Eden's Hist. of Travayle</i>, f. 208. </p><p>1552 (tr. 1582).—"Moreover the Ilande (of Mombas) is verye pleasaunt, having many orchards, wherein are planted and are groweing ... Figges of the Indias...."—<i>Castañeda</i>, by N. L., f. 22. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page716b">page 716b<span id="716b"></span></span></span></span>1579.—"... a fruit which they call <i>Figo</i> (Magellane calls it a figge of a span long, but it is no other than that which the Spaniards and Portingalls have named <b>Plantanes</b>)."—<i>Drake's Voyage</i>, Hak. Soc. p. 142. </p><p>1585 (tr. 1588).—"There are mountaines very thicke of orange trees, siders [<i>i.e.</i> <i>cedras</i>, 'citrons'], limes, <b>plantanos,</b> and palmas."—<i>Mendoça</i>, by <i>R. Parke</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 330. </p><p>1588.—"Our Generall made their wiues to fetch vs <b>Plantans,</b> Lymmons, and Oranges, Pine-apples, and other fruits."—<i>Voyage of Master Thomas Candish</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 64. </p><p>1588 (tr. 1604).—"... the first that shall be needefulle to treate of is the <b>Plantain</b> (<i>Platano</i>), or <b>Plantano,</b> as the vulgar call it.... The reason why the Spaniards call it <b>platano</b> (for the Indians had no such name), was, as in other trees for that they have found some resemblance of the one with the other, even as they called some fruites prunes, pines, and cucumbers, being far different from those which are called by those names in Castille. The thing wherein was most resemblance, in my opinion, between the <b>platanos</b> at the Indies and those which the ancients did celebrate, is the greatnes of the leaves.... But, in truth, there is no more comparison nor resemblance of the one with the other than there is, as the Proverb saith, betwixt an egge and a chesnut."—<i>Joseph de Acosta</i>, transl. by E. G., Hak. Soc. i. 241. </p><p>1593.—"The <b>plantane</b> is a tree found in most parts of Afrique and America, of which two leaves are sufficient to cover a man from top to toe."—<i>Hawkins, Voyage into the South Sea</i>, Hak. Soc. 49. </p><p>1610.—"... and every day failed not to send each man, being one and fiftie in number, two cakes of white bread, and a quantitie of Dates and <b>Plantans</b>...."—<i>Sir H. Middleton</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 254. </p><p>c. 1610.—"Ces Gentils ayant pitié de moy, il y eut vne femme qui me mit ... vne seruiete de feuilles de <b>plantane</b> accommodées ensemble auec des espines, puis me ietta dessus du rys cuit auec vne certaine sauce qu'ils appellent <i>caril</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#curry" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CURRY</a></b>)...."—<i>Mocquet, Voyages</i>, 292. </p><p>[<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "They (elephants) require ... besides leaves of trees, chiefly of the Indian fig, which we call Bananes and the Turks <b>plantenes.</b>"—<i>Pyrard de Laval</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 345.] </p><p>1616.—"They have to these another fruit we English there call a <b>Planten,</b> of which many of them grow in clusters together ... very yellow when they are Ripe, and then they taste like unto a <i>Norwich</i> Pear, but much better."—<i>Terry</i>, ed. 1665, p. 360. </p><p>c. 1635.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"... with candy <b>Plantains</b> and the juicy Pine,<br /> On choicest Melons and sweet Grapes they dine,<br /> And with Potatoes fat their wanton wine."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Waller, Battle of the Summer Islands.</i> </p> </div></div> <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page717a">page 717a<span id="717a"></span></span></span></span>c. 1635.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Oh how I long my careless Limbs to lay<br /> Under the <b>Plantain's</b> Shade; and all the Day<br /> With amorous Airs my Fancy entertain."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Waller, Battle of the Summer Islands.</i> </p> </div></div> <p>c. 1660.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"The Plant (at Brasil <i>Bacone</i> call'd) the Name<br /> Of the Eastern <b>Plane-tree</b> takes, but not the same:<br /> Bears leaves so large, one single Leaf can shade<br /> The Swain that is beneath her Covert laid;<br /> Under whose verdant Leaves fair Apples grow,<br /> Sometimes two Hundred on a single Bough...."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Cowley, of Plants</i>, Bk. v. </p> </div></div> <p>1664.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Wake, Wake Quevera! Our soft rest must cease,<br /> And fly together with our country's peace.<br /> No more must we sleep under <b>plantain</b> shade,<br /> Which neither heat could pierce nor cold invade;<br /> Where bounteous Nature never feels decay,<br /> And opening buds drive falling fruits away."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Dryden, Prologue to the Indian Queen.</i> </p> </div></div> <p>1673.—"Lower than these, but with a Leaf far broader, stands the curious <b>Plantan,</b> loading its tender Body with a Fruit, whose clusters emulate the Grapes of <i>Canaan</i>, which burthened two men's shoulders."—<i>Fryer</i>, 19. </p><p>1686.—"The <b>Plantain</b> I take to be King of all Fruit, not except the Coco itself."—<i>Dampier</i>, i. 311. </p><p>1689.—"... and now in the Governour's Garden (at St. Helena) and some others of the Island are quantities of <b>Plantins,</b> <b>Bonanoes,</b> and other delightful Fruits brought from the East...."—<i>Ovington</i>, 100. </p><p>1764.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"But round the upland huts, <b>bananas</b> plant;<br /> A wholesome nutriment bananas yield,<br /> And sunburnt labour loves its breezy shade,<br /> Their graceful screen let kindred <b>plantanes</b> join,<br /> And with their broad vans shiver in the breeze."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Grainger</i>, Bk. iv. </p> </div></div> 1805.—"The <b>plantain,</b> in some of its kinds, supplies the place of bread."—<i>Orme, Fragments</i>, 479.</div> <p><br /> <b>PLASSEY,</b> n.p. The village <i>Palāsī</i>, which gives its name to Lord Clive's famous battle (June 23, 1757). It is said to take its name from the <i>pālas</i> (or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dhawk" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">dhawk</a></b>) tree. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1748.—"... that they have great reason to complain of Ensign English's conduct in <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page717b">page 717b<span id="717b"></span></span></span></span>not waiting at <b>Placy</b> ... and that if he had staid another day at <b>Placy,</b> as Tullerooy Caun was marching with a large force towards Cutway, they presume the Mahrattas would have retreated inland on their approach and left him an open passage...."—<i>Letter from Council at Cossimbazar</i>, in <i>Long</i>, p. 2. <p>[1757.—Clive's original report of the battle is dated on the "plain of <b>Placis.</b>"—<i>Birdwood, Report on Old Records</i>, 57.] </p> 1768-71.—"General <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Clive</span>, who should have been the leader of the English troops in this battle (<b>Plassy</b>), left the command to Colonel <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Coote</span>, and remained hid in his palankeen during the combat, out of the reach of the shot, and did not make his appearance before the enemy were put to flight."—<i>Stavorinus</i>, E.T. i. 486. This stupid and inaccurate writer says that several English officers who were present at the battle related this "anecdote" to him. This, it may be hoped, is as untrue as the rest of the story. Even to such a writer one would have supposed that Clive's mettle would be familiar.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="podar"></span>PODÁR,</b> s. Hind. <i>poddār</i>, corrn. of Pers. <i>fot̤adār</i>, from <i>fot̤a</i>, 'a bag of money.' A cash-keeper, or especially an officer attached to a treasury, whose business it is to weigh money and bullion and appraise the value of coins. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[c. 1590.—"The Treasurer. Called in the language of the day <b>Fotadar.</b>"—<i>Āīn</i>, ed. <i>Jarrett</i>, ii. 49.] <p>1680.—"<b>Podar.</b>" (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dustoor" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DUSTOOR</a>.</b>) </p><p>1683.—"The like losses in proportion were preferred to be proved by Ramchurne <b>Podar,</b> Bendura bun <b>Podar,</b> and Mamoobishwas who produced their several books for evidence."—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 84. </p> [1772.—"<b>Podār,</b> a money-changer or teller, under a <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shroff" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">shroff</a>.</b>"—<i>Verelst, View of Bengal</i>, Gloss. s.v.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="poggle"></span>POGGLE,</b> <b>PUGGLY,</b> &c., s. Properly Hind. <i>pāgal</i>; 'a madman, an idiot'; often used colloquially by Anglo-Indians. A friend belonging to that body used to adduce a macaronic adage which we fear the non-Indian will fail to appreciate: "<b>Pagal</b> <i>et pecunia jaldè separantur</i>!" [See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nautch" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NAUTCH</a></span>.</b>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1829.—"It's true the people call me, I know not why, the <b>pugley.</b>"—<i>Mem. John Shipp</i>, ii. 255. <p>1866.—"I was foolish enough to pay these <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#budmash" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">budmashes</a></b> beforehand, and they have thrown me over. I must have been a <b>paugul</b> to do it."—<i>Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow</i>, 385. </p> [1885.—"He told me that the native name for a regular picnic is a '<b>Poggle</b>-<i>khana</i>,' <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page718a">page 718a<span id="718a"></span></span></span></span>that is, a fool's dinner."—<i>Lady Dufferin, Viceregal Life</i>, 88.]</div> <p><br /> <b>POISON-NUT,</b> s. <i>Strychnos nux vomica</i>, L. </p><p><br /> <b><span id="polea"></span>POLEA,</b> n.p. Mal. <i>pulayan</i>, [from Tam. <i>pulam</i>, 'a field,' because in Malabar they are occupied in rice cultivation]. A person of a low or impure tribe, who causes pollution (<i>pula</i>) to those of higher caste, if he approaches within a certain distance. [The rules which regulate their meeting with other people are given by Mr. Logan (<i>Malabar</i>, i. 118).] From <i>pula</i> the Portuguese formed also the verbs <i>empolear-se</i>, 'to become polluted by the touch of a low-caste person,' and <i>desempolear-se</i>, 'to purify oneself after such pollution' (<i>Gouvea</i>, f. 97, and <i>Synod.</i> f. 52<i>v</i>), superstitions which Menezes found prevailing among the Christians of Malabar. (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#hirava" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HIRAVA</a></span>.</b>) </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1510.—"The fifth class are called <b>Poliar,</b> who collect pepper, wine, and nuts ... the <b>Poliar</b> may not approach either the Naeri (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nair" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NAIR</a></b>) or the Brahmins within 50 paces, unless they have been called by them...."—<i>Varthema</i>, 142. <p>1516.—"There is another lower sort of gentiles called <b>puler</b>.... They do not speak to the nairs except for a long way off, as far as they can be heard speaking with a loud voice.... And whatever man or woman should touch them, their relations immediately kill them like a contaminated thing...."—<i>Barbosa</i>, 143. </p><p>1572.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"A ley, da gente toda, ricca e pobre,<br /> De fabulas composta se imagina:<br /> Andão nus, e somente hum pano cobre<br /> As partes que a cubrir natura ensina.<br /> Dous modos ha de gente; porque a nobre<br /> <i>Nayres</i> chamados são, e a minos dina<br /> <b>Poleas</b> tem por nome, a quem obriga<br /> A ley não misturar a casta antiga."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Camões</i>, vii. 37. </p> </div></div></div> <p>By Burton: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;"><div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"The Law that holds the people high and low,<br /> is fraught with false phantastick tales long past;<br /> they go unclothèd, but a wrap they throw<br /> for decent purpose round the loins and waist:<br /> Two modes of men are known: the nobles know<br /> the name of Nayrs, who call the lower caste<br /> <b>Poléas,</b> whom their haughty laws contain<br /> from intermingling with the higher strain...." </p> </div></div> <p>1598.—"When the Portingales came first into India, and made league and composition with the King of <i>Cochin</i>, the <i>Nayros</i> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page718b">page 718b<span id="718b"></span></span></span></span>desired that men shovld give them place, and turne out of the Way, when they mette in the Streetes, as the <b>Polyas.</b> ..." (used to do).—<i>Linschoten</i>, 78; [Hak. Soc. i. 281; also see i. 279]. </p><p>1606.—"... he said by way of insult that he would order him to touch a <b>Poleaa,</b> which is one of the lowest castes of Malauar."—<i>Gouvea</i>, f. 76. </p><p>1626.—"These <b>Puler</b> are Theeves and Sorcerers."—<i>Purchas, Pilgrimage</i>, 553. </p><p>[1727.—"<b>Poulias.</b>" (See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mucoa" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MUCOA</a>.</b>) </p><p>[1754.—"Niadde and <b>Pullie</b> are two low castes on the <i>Malabar</i> coast...."—<i>Ives</i>, 26. </p><p>[1766.—"... <b>Poolighees,</b> a cast hardly suffered to breathe the common air, being driven into the forrests and mountains out of the commerce of mankind...."—<i>Grose</i>, 2nd ed. ii. 161 <i>seq.</i>] </p><p>1770.—"Their degradation is still more complete on the Malabar coast, which has not been subdued by the Mogul, and where they (the pariahs) are called <b>Pouliats.</b>"—<i>Raynal</i>, E.T. 1798, i. 6. </p> 1865.—"Further south in India we find polyandry among ... <b>Poleres</b> of Malabar."—<i>McLennan, Primitive Marriage</i>, 179.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="poligar"></span>POLIGAR,</b> s. This term is peculiar to the Madras Presidency. The persons so called were properly subordinate feudal chiefs, occupying tracts more or less wild, and generally of predatory habits in former days; they are now much the same as <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Z#zemindar" title="Hobson-Jobson/Z">Zemindars</a></b> in the highest use of that term (q.v.). The word is Tam. <i>pāḷaiyakkāran</i>, 'the holder of a <i>pālaiyam</i>,' or feudal estate; Tel. <i>paḷegāḍu</i>; and thence Mahr. <i>pālegār</i>; the English form being no doubt taken from one of the two latter. The southern Poligars gave much trouble about 100 years ago, and the "Poligar wars" were somewhat serious affairs. In various assaults on Pānjālamkurichi, one of their forts in Tinnevelly, between 1799 and 1801 there fell 15 British officers. Much regarding the Poligārs of the south will be found in Nelson's <i>Madura</i>, and in Bishop Caldwell's very interesting <i>History of Tinnevelly</i>. Most of the quotations apply to those southern districts. But the term was used north to the Mahratta boundary. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1681.—"They pulled down the <b>Polegar's</b> houses, who being conscious of his guilt, had fled and hid himself."—<i>Wheeler</i>, i. 118. <p>1701.—"Le lendemain je me rendis à Tailur, c'est une petite ville qui appartient à un autre <b>Paleagaren.</b>"—<i>Lett. Edif.</i> x. 269. </p><p>1745.—"J'espère que Votre Eminence agréera l'établissement d'une nouvelle Mission près des Montagnes appellées <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page719a">page 719a<span id="719a"></span></span></span></span>vulgairement des <b>Palleagares,</b> où aucun Missionnaire n'avait paru jusqu'à présent. Cette contrée est soumise à divers petits Rois appellés également <b>Palleagars,</b> qui sont independans du Grand Mogul quoique placés presque au milieu de son Empire."—<i>Norbert, Mem.</i> ii. 406-7. </p><p>1754.—"A <b>Polygar</b> ... undertook to conduct them through defiles and passes known to very few except himself."—<i>Orme</i>, i. 373. </p><p>1780.—"He (Hyder) now moved towards the pass of Changana, and encamped upon his side of it, and sent ten thousand <b>polygàrs</b> to clear away the pass, and make a road sufficient to enable his artillery and stores to pass through."—<i>Hon. James Lindsay</i>, in <i>Lives of the Lindsays</i>, iii. 233. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The matchlock men are generally accompanied by <b>poligars,</b> a set of fellows that are almost savage, and make use of no other weapon than a pointed bamboo spear, 18 or 20 feet long."—<i>Munro's Narrative</i>, 131. </p><p>1783.—"To Mahomet Ali they twice sold the Kingdom of Tanjore. To the same Mahomet Ali they sold at least twelve sovereign Princes called the <b>Polygars.</b>"—<i>Burke's Speech on Fox's India Bill</i>, in <i>Works</i>, iii. 458. </p><p>1800.—"I think Pournaya's mode of dealing with these rajahs ... is excellent. He sets them up in palankins, elephants, &c., and a great <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#sowarry" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">sowarry</a>,</b> and makes them attend to his person. They are treated with great respect, which they like, but can do no mischief in the country. Old Hyder adopted this plan, and his operations were seldom impeded by <b>polygar</b> wars."—<i>A. Wellesley</i> to <i>T. Munro</i>, in <i>Arbuthnot's Mem.</i> xcii. </p><p>1801.—"The southern <b>Poligars,</b> a race of rude warriors habituated to arms of independence, had been but lately subdued."—<i>Welsh</i>, i. 57. </p><p>1809.—"Tondiman is an hereditary title. His subjects are <b>Polygars,</b> and since the late war ... he is become the chief of those tribes, among whom the singular law exists of the female inheriting the sovereignty in preference to the male."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 364. </p><p>1868.—"There are 72 bastions to the fort of Madura; and each of them was now formally placed in charge of a particular chief, who was bound for himself and his heirs to keep his post at all times, and under all circumstances. He was also bound to pay a fixed annual tribute; to supply and keep in readiness a quota of troops for the Governor's armies; to keep the Governor's peace over a particular tract of country.... A grant was made to him of a tract of a country ... together with the title of <i>Páleiya Kâran</i> (<b>Poligar</b>)...."—<i>Nelson's Madura</i>, Pt. iii. p. 99. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "Some of the <b>Poligars</b> were placed in authority over others, and in time of war were answerable for the good conduct of their subordinates. Thus the Sethupati was chief of them all; and the <b>Poligar</b> of <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page719b">page 719b<span id="719b"></span></span></span></span>Dindigul is constantly spoken of as being the chief of eighteen <b>Poligars</b> ... when the levying of troops was required the Delavay (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dalaway" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DALAWAY</a></b>) sent requisitions to such and such <b>Poligars</b> to furnish so many armed men within a certain time...."—<i>Nelson's Madura</i>, Pt. iii. p. 157. </p><p>The word got transferred in English parlance to the people <i>under</i> such Chiefs (see quotations above, 1780-1809); and especially, it would seem, to those whose habits were predatory: </p> 1869.—"There is a third well-defined race mixed with the general population, to which a common origin may probably be assigned. I mean the predatory classes. In the south they are called <b>Poligars,</b> and consist of the tribes of Marawars, Kallars (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#collery2" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COLLERY</a></b>), Bedars (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#byde" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BYDE</a></b>), Ramuses (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#ramoosy" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">RAMOOSY</a></b>): and in the North are represented by the Kolis (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cooly" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COOLY</a></b>) of Guzerat, and the Gujars (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#goojur" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GOOJUR</a></b>) of the N.W. Provinces."—<i>Sir Walter Elliot</i>, in <i>J. Ethn. Soc. L.</i>, N.S. i. 112.</div> <p><br /> [<b>POLIGAR DOG,</b> s. A large breed of dogs found in S. India. "The Polygar dog is large and powerful, and is peculiar in being without hair" (<i>Balfour, Cycl.</i> i. 568).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1853.—"It was evident that the original breed had been crossed with the bull-dog, or the large <b>Poligar dog</b> of India."—<i>Campbell, Old Forest Ranger</i>, 3rd ed. p. 12.]</div> <p><br /> <b>POLLAM,</b> s. Tam. <i>pālaiyam</i>; Tel. <i>pāḷemu</i>; (see under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#poligar">POLIGAR</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1783.—"The principal reason which they assigned against the extirpation of the <b>polygars</b> (see <b>POLIGAR</b>) was that the weavers were protected in their fortresses. They might have added, that the Company itself which stung them to death, had been warmed in the bosom of these unfortunate princes; for on the taking of Madras by the French, it was in their hospitable <b>pollams</b> that most of the inhabitants found refuge and protection."—<i>Burke's Speech on Fox's E. I. Bill</i>, in <i>Works</i>, iii. 488. 1795.—"Having submitted the general remarks on the <b>Pollams</b> I shall proceed to observe that in general the conduct of the <b>Poligars</b> is much better than could be expected from a race of men, who have hitherto been excluded from those advantages, which almost always attend conquered countries, an intercourse with their conquerors. With the exception of a very few, when I arrived they had never seen a European...."—<i>Report on Dindigal</i>, by <i>Mr. Wynch</i>, quoted in <i>Nelson's Madura</i>, Pt. iv. p. 15.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="polo"></span>POLO,</b> s. The game of hockey on horseback, introduced of late years into England, under this name, which comes from Baltī; <i>polo</i> being properly <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page720a">page 720a<span id="720a"></span></span></span></span>in the language of that region the ball used in the game. The game thus lately revived was once known and practised (though in various forms) from Provence to the borders of China (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chicane" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHICANE</a></span></b>). It had continued to exist down to our own day, it would seem, only near the extreme East and the extreme West of the Himālaya, viz. at Manipur in the East (between Cachar and Burma), and on the West in the high valley of the Indus (in Ladāk, Balti, Astōr and Gilgit, and extending into Chitrāl). From the former it was first adopted by our countrymen at Calcutta, and a little later (about 1864) it was introduced into the Punjab, almost simultaneously from the Lower Provinces and from Kashmīr, where the summer visitors had taken it up. It was first played in England, it would seem at Aldershot, in July 1871, and in August of the same year at Dublin in the Phœnix Park. The next year it was played in many places.<sup id="cite_ref-Nt224_30-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt224-30"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>30<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> But the first mention we can find in the <i>Times</i> is a notice of a match at Lillie-Bridge, July 11, 1874, in the next day's paper. There is mention of the game in the <i>Illustrated London News</i> of July 20, 1872, where it is treated as a new invention by British officers in India. [According to the author of the <i>Badminton Library</i> treatise on the game, it was adopted by Lieut. Sherer in 1854, and a club was formed in 1859. The same writer fixes its introduction into the Punjab and N.W.P. in 1861-62. See also an article in <i>Baily's Magazine</i> on "The Early History of Polo" (June 1890). The Central Asian form is described, under the name of <i>Baiga</i> or <i>Kok-büra</i>, 'grey wolf,' by Schuyler (<i>Turkistan</i>, i. 268 <i>seqq.</i>) and that in Dardistan by Biddulph (<i>Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh</i>, 84 <i>seqq.</i>).] In Ladāk it is not indigenous, but an introduction from Baltistan. See a careful and interesting account of the game of those parts in Mr. F. Drew's excellent book, <i>The Jummoo and Kashmir Territories</i>, 1875, pp. 380-392. </p><p>We learn from Professor Tylor that the game exists still in Japan, and a very curious circumstance is that the polo <i>racket</i>, just as that described by <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page720b">page 720b<span id="720b"></span></span></span></span>Jo. Cinnamus in the extract under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chicane" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHICANE</a></span></b> has survived there. [See <i>Chamberlain, Things Japanese</i>, 3rd ed. 333 <i>seqq.</i>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1835.—"The ponies of Muneepoor hold a very conspicuous rank in the estimation of the inhabitants.... The national game of Hockey, which is played by every male of the country capable of sitting a horse, renders them all expert equestrians; and it was by men and horses so trained, that the princes of Muneepoor were able for many years not only to repel the aggressions of the Burmahs, but to save the whole country ... and plant their banners on the banks of the Irrawattee."—<i>Pemberton's Report on the E. Frontier of Br. India</i>, 31-32. <p>1838.—"At Shighur I first saw the game of the Chaughán, which was played the day after our arrival on the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mydan" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">Mydan</a></b> or plain laid out expressly for the purpose.... It is in fact hocky on horseback. The ball, which is larger than a cricket ball, is only a globe made of a kind of willow-wood, and is called in Tibeti '<b>Pulu.</b>'... I can conceive that the Chaughán requires only to be seen to be played. It is the fit sport of an equestrian nation.... The game is played at almost every valley in Little Tibet and the adjoining countries ... Ladakh, Yessen, Chitral, &c.; and I should recommend it to be tried on the Hippodrome at Bayswater...."—<i>Vigne, Travels in Kashmir, Ladakh, Iskardo</i>, &c. (1842), ii. 289-392. </p><p>1848.—"An assembly of all the principal inhabitants took place at Iskardo, on some occasion of ceremony or festivity.... I was thus fortunate enough to be a witness of the chaugan, which is derived from Persia, and has been described by Mr. Vigne as hocky on horseback.... Large quadrangular enclosed meadows for this game may be seen in all the larger villages of Balti, often surrounded by rows of beautiful willow and poplar trees."—<i>Dr. T. Thomson, Himalaya and Tibet</i>, 260-261. </p><p>1875.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"<b>Polo,</b> Tent-pegging, Hurlingham, the Rink,<br /> I leave all these delights."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Browning, Inn Album</i>, 23. </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b>POLLOCK-SAUG,</b> s. Hind. <i>pālak</i>, <i>pālak-sāg</i>; a poor vegetable, called also 'country spinach' (<i>Beta vulgaris</i>, or <i>B. Bengalensis</i>, Roxb.). [Riddell (<i>Domest. Econ.</i> 579) calls it 'Bengal Beet.'] </p><p><br /> <b><span id="polonga"></span>POLONGA,</b> <b>TIC-POLONGA,</b> s. A very poisonous snake, so called in Ceylon (<i>Bungarus?</i> or <i>Daboia elegans?</i>); Singh. <i>poloñgarā</i>. [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> identifies it with the <i>Daboia elegans</i>, and calls it 'Chain viper,' 'Necklace snake,' 'Russell's viper,' or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cobra_manilla" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cobra manilla</a>.</b> The Singh. name is said <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page721a">page 721a<span id="721a"></span></span></span></span>to be <b>titpolanga,</b> <i>tit</i>, 'spotted,' <i>polanga</i>, 'viper.'] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1681.—"There is another venomous snake called <b>Polongo,</b> the most venomous of all, that kills cattel. Two sorts of them I have seen, the one green, the other of reddish gray, full of white rings along the sides, and about five or six feet long."—<i>Knox</i>, 29. 1825.—"There are only four snakes ascertained to be poisonous; the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cobra_de_capello" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cobra de capello</a></b> is the most common, but its bite is not so certainly fatal as that of the <b>tic polonga,</b> which destroys life in a few minutes."—<i>Mrs. Heber</i>, in <i>H.'s Journal</i>, ed. 1844, ii. 167.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pomfret"></span>POMFRET,</b> <b>POMPHRET,</b> s. A genus of sea-fish of broad compressed form, embracing several species, of good repute for the table on all the Indian coasts. According to Day they are all reducible to <i>Stromateus sinensis</i>, 'the white Pomfret,' <i>Str. cinereus</i>, which is, when immature, 'the silver Pomfret,' and when mature, 'the gray Pomfret,' and <i>Str. niger</i>, 'the black P.' The French of Pondicherry call the fish <i>pample</i>. We cannot connect it with the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="pompilos">πομπίλος</span></span> of <i>Aelian</i> (xv. 23) and Athenaeus (Lib. VII. cap. xviii. <i>seqq.</i>) which is identified with a very different fish, the 'pilot-fish' (<i>Naucrates ductor</i> of Day). The name is probably from the Portuguese, and a corruption of <i>pampano</i>, 'a vine-leaf,' from supposed resemblance; this is the Portuguese name of a fish which occurs just where the <i>pomfret</i> should be mentioned. Thus: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1598.—"The best fish is called Mordexiin, <b>Pampano,</b> and Tatiingo."—<i>Linschoten</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 11.] <p>1613.—"The fishes of this Mediterranean (the Malayan sea) are very savoury <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#sable_fish" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">sables</a>,</b> and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#seer_fish" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">seer fish</a></b> (<i>serras</i>) and <b>pampanos,</b> and rays...."—<i>Godinho de Eredia</i>, f. 33<i>v</i>. </p><p>[1703.—"... Albacores, Daulphins, <b>Paumphlets.</b>"—In <i>Yule, Hedges' Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. cccxxxiv.] </p><p>1727.—"Between <i>Cunnaca</i> and <i>Ballasore</i> Rivers ... a very delicious Fish called the <b>Pamplee,</b> come in Sholes, and are sold for two Pence per Hundred. Two of them are sufficient to dine a moderate Man."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 396; [ed. 1744]. </p><p>1810.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Another face look'd broad and bland<br /> Like <b>pamplet</b> floundering on the sand;<br /> Whene'er she turned her piercing stare,<br /> She seemed alert to spring in air."—<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Malay verses</i>, rendered by <i>Dr. Leyden</i>, in <i>Maria Graham</i>, 201. </p> </div></div> <p>1813.—"The <b>pomfret</b> is not unlike a small turbot, but of a more delicate flavour; and epicures esteem the <b>black pomfret</b> a great <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page721b">page 721b<span id="721b"></span></span></span></span>dainty."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> i. 52-53; [2nd ed. i. 36]. </p><p>[1822.—"... the lad was brought up to catch <b>pamphlets</b> and bombaloes...."—<i>Wallace, Fifteen Years in India</i>, 106.] </p><p>1874.—"The greatest pleasure in Bombay was eating a fish called '<b>pomfret.</b>'"—<i>Sat. Rev.</i>, 30th May, 690. </p> [1896.—"Another account of this sort of seine fishing, for catching <b>pomfret</b> fish, is given by Mr. Gueritz."—<i>Ling Roth, Natives of Sarawak</i>, i. 455.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pommelo"></span>POMMELO,</b> <b>PAMPELMOOSE,</b> &c., s. <i>Citrus decumana</i>, L., the largest of the orange-tribe. It is the same fruit as the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shaddock" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">shaddock</a></b> of the West Indies; but to the larger varieties some form of the name Pommelo seems also to be applied in the West. A small variety, with a fine skin, is sold in London shops as "the Forbidden fruit." The fruit, though grown in gardens over a great part of India, really comes to perfection only near the Equator, and especially in Java, whence it was probably brought to the continent. For it is called in Bengal <i>Batāvī nimbū</i> (<i>i.e.</i> <i>Citrus Bataviana</i>). It probably did not come to India till the 17th century; it is not mentioned in the <i>Āīn</i>. According to Bretschneider the Pommelo is mentioned in the ancient Chinese Book of the <i>Shu-King</i>. Its Chinese name is <i>Yu</i>. </p><p>The form of the name which we have put first is that now general in Anglo-Indian use. But it is probably only a modern result of 'striving after meaning' (quasi <i>Pomo-melone</i>?). Among older authors the name goes through many strange shapes. Tavernier calls it <i>pompone</i> (<i>Voy. des Indes</i>, liv. iii. ch. 24; [ed. <i>Ball</i>, ii. 360]), but the usual French name is <i>pampel-mousse</i>. Dampier has <i>Pumplenose</i> (ii. 125); Lockyer, <i>Pumplemuse</i> (51); Forrest, <i>Pummel-nose</i> (32); Ives, '<i>pimple-noses</i>, called in the West Indies <i>Chadocks</i>' [19]. Maria Graham uses the French spelling (22). <i>Pompoleon</i> is a form unknown to us, but given in the <i>Eng. Cyclopaedia</i>. Molesworth's <i>Marāṭhi Dict.</i> gives "<i>papannas</i>, <i>papanas</i>, or <i>papanis</i> (a word of. S. America)." We are unable to give the true etymology, though Littré says boldly "Tamoul, <i>bambolimas</i>." Ainslie (<i>Mat. Medica</i>, 1813) gives <i>Poomlimas</i> as the Tamil, whilst Balfour (<i>Cycl. of India</i>) gives <i>Pumpalimas</i> and <i>Bambulimas</i> as Tamil, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page722a">page 722a<span id="722a"></span></span></span></span><i>Bombarimasa</i> and <i>Pampara-panasa</i> as Telugu, <i>Bambali naringi</i> as Malayālim. But if these are real words they appear to be corruptions of some foreign term. [Mr. F. Brandt points out that the above forms are merely various attempts to transliterate a word which is in Tamil <i>pambalimāsu</i>, while the Malayālim is <i>bambāli-nārakam</i> '<i>bambili</i> tree.' According to the <i>Madras Gloss.</i> all these, as well as the English forms, are ultimately derived from the Malay <i>pumpulmas</i>. Mr. Skeat writes: "In an obsolete Malay dict., by Howison (1801) I find '<i>poomplemoos</i>, a fruit brought from India by Captain Shaddock, the seeds of which were planted at Barbadoes,' and afterwards obtained his name: the affix <i>moos</i> appears to be the Dutch <i>moes</i>, 'vegetable.'" If this be so, the Malay is not the original form.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1661.—"The fruit called by the Netherlanders <b>Pumpelmoos,</b> by the Portuguese <i>Jamboa</i>, grows in superfluity outside the city of Batavia.... This fruit is larger than any of the lemon-kind, for it grows as large as the head of a child of 10 years old. The core or inside is for the most part reddish, and has a kind of sourish sweetness, tasting like unripe grapes."—<i>Walter Schulzen</i>, 236.</div> <p><br /> <b>PONDICHERRY,</b> n.p. This name of what is now the chief French settlement in India, is <i>Pudu-ch'chēri</i>, or <i>Puthuççēri</i>, 'New Town,' more correctly <i>Pudu-vai</i>, <i>Puthuvai</i>, meaning 'New Place.' C. P. Brown, however, says it is <i>Pudi-cherū</i>, 'New Tank.' The natives sometimes write it <i>Phulcheri</i>. [Mr. Garstin (<i>Man. S. Arcot</i>, 422) says that Hindus call it <i>Puthuvai</i> or <i>Puthuççeri</i>, while Musulmans call it <i>Pulcheri</i>, or as the <i>Madras Gloss.</i> writes the word, <i>Pulchari</i>.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1680.—"Mr. Edward Brogden, arrived from Porto Novo, reports arrival at <b>Puddicherry</b> of two French ships from Surat, and the receipt of advices of the death of Sevajie."—<i>Fort St. Geo. Consn.</i>, May 23. In <i>Notes and Exts.</i> No. iii. p. 20. <p>[1683.—"... Interlopers intend to settle att Verampatnam, a place neer <b>Pullicherry</b>...."—<i>Pringle, Diary Ft. St. Geo.</i>, 1st ser. ii. 41. In iv. 113 (1685) we have <b>Pondicherry.</b>] </p><p>1711.—"The French and Danes likewise hire them (Portuguese) at <b>Pont de Cheree</b> and Trincombar."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 286. </p><p>1718.—"The Fifth Day we reached <b>Budulscheri,</b> a French Town, and the chief Seat of their Missionaries in India."—<i>Prop. of the Gospel</i>, p. 42. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page722b">page 722b<span id="722b"></span></span></span></span>1726.—"<b>Poedechery,</b>" in <i>Valentijn, Choro.</i> 11. </p><p>1727.—"<b>Punticherry</b> is the next Place of Note on this Coast, a colony settled by the French."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 356; [ed. 1744]. </p><p>1753.—"L'établissement des François à <b>Pondicheri</b> remonte jusqu'en l'année 1674; mais par de si foibles commencements, qu'on n'auroit eu de la peine à imaginer, que les suites en fussent aussi considerables."—<i>D'Anville</i>, p. 121. </p> 1780.—"An English officer of rank, General Coote, who was unequalled among his compeers in ability and experience in war, and who had frequently fought with the French of <b>Phoolcheri</b> in the Karnatic and ... had as often gained the victory over them...."—<i>H. of Hyder Naik</i>, 413.</div> <p><br /> <b>PONGOL,</b> s. A festival of S. India, observed early in January. Tam. <i>pŏngăl</i>, 'boiling'; <i>i.e.</i> of the rice, because the first act in the feast is the boiling of the new rice. It is a kind of harvest-home. There is an interesting account of it by the late Mr. C. E. Gover (<i>J. R. As. Soc.</i> N.S. v. 91), but the connection which he traces with the old Vedic religion is hardly to be admitted. [See the meaning of the rite discussed by <i>Dr. Fraser, Golden Bough</i>, 2nd ed. iii. 305 <i>seq.</i>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1651.—"... nous parlerons maintenant du <b>Pongol,</b> qui se celebre le 9 de Janvier en l'honneur du Soleil.... Ils cuisent du ris avec du laict.... Ce ris se cuit hors la maison, afin que le Soleil puisse luire dessus ... et quand ils voyent, qu'il semble le vouloir retirer, ils crient d'une voix intelligible, <b>Pongol, Pongol, Pongol, Pongol</b>...."—<i>Abr. Roger</i>, Fr. Tr. 1670, pp. 237-8. 1871.—"Nor does the gentle and kindly influence of the time cease here. The files of the Munsif's Court will have been examined with cases from litigious enemies or greedy money lenders. But as <b>Pongol</b> comes round many of them disappear.... The creditor thinks of his debtor, the debtor of the creditor. The one relents, the other is ashamed, and both parties are saved by a compromise. Often it happens that a process is postponed 'till after <b>Pongol</b>!'"—<i>Gover</i>, as above, p. 96.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pooja"></span>POOJA,</b> s. Properly applied to the Hindu ceremonies in idol-worship; Skt. <i>pūjā</i>; and colloquially to any kind of rite. Thus <i>jhanḍā kī pūjā</i>, or 'Pooja of the flag,' is the sepoy term for what in St. James's Park is called 'Trooping of the colours.' [Used in the plural, as in the quotation of 1900, it means the holidays of the Durgā Pūjā or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dussera" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">Dussera</a>.</b>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1776.—"... the occupation of the <i>Bramin</i> should be ... to cause the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page723a">page 723a<span id="723a"></span></span></span></span>performance of the <b>poojen,</b> <i>i.e.</i> the worship to <i>Dewtàh</i>...."—<i>Halhed, Code</i>, ed. 1781, Pref. xcix. <p>[1813.—"... the Pundits in attendance commenced the <b>pooja,</b> or sacrifice, by pouring milk and curds upon the branches, and smearing over the leaves with wetted rice."—<i>Broughton, Letters</i>, ed. 1892, p. 214.] </p><p>1826.—"The person whose steps I had been watching now approached the sacred tree, and having performed <b>puja</b> to a stone deity at its foot, proceeded to unmuffle himself from his shawls...."—<i>Pandurang Hari</i>, 26; [ed. 1873, i. 34]. </p><p>1866.—"Yes, Sahib, I Christian boy. Plenty <b>poojah</b> do. Sunday time never no work do."—<i>Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow</i>, in <i>Fraser</i>, lxxiii. 226. </p><p>1874.—"The mass of the ryots who form the population of the village are too poor to have a family deity. They are forced to be content with ... the annual <b>pujahs</b> performed ... on behalf of the village community."—<i>Cal. Rev.</i> No. cxvii. 195. </p><p>1879.—"Among the curiosities of these lower galleries are little models of costumes and country scenes, among them a grand <b>pooja</b> under a tree."—<i>Sat. Rev.</i> No. 1251, p. 477. </p> [1900.—"Calcutta has been in the throes of the <b>Pujahs</b> since yesterday."—<i>Pioneer Mail</i>, 5 Oct.].</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="poojaree"></span>POOJAREE,</b> s. Hind. <i>pujārī</i>. An officiating priest in an idol temple. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1702.—"L'office de <b>poujari</b> ou de Prêtresse de la Reine mère était incompatible avec le titre de servante du Seigneur."—<i>Lett. Edif.</i> xi. 111. [1891.—"Then the <b>Pūjāri,</b> or priest, takes the Bhuta sword and bell in his hands...."—<i>Monier-Williams, Brahmanism and Hinduism</i>, 4th ed. 249.]</div> <p><br /> <b>POOL,</b> s. P.—H. <i>pul</i>, 'a bridge.' Used in two of the quotations under the next article for 'embankment.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1812.—"The bridge is thrown over the river ... it is called the <b>Pool</b> Khan...."—<i>Morier, Journey through Persia</i>, 124.]</div> <p><br /> <b>POOLBUNDY,</b> s. P.—H. <i>pulbandī</i>, 'Securing of bridges or embankments.' A name formerly given in Bengal to a civil department in charge of the embankments. Also sometimes used improperly for the embankment itself. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1765.—"Deduct <b>Poolbundy</b> advanced for repairs of dykes, roads, &c."—<i>Verelst, View of Bengal</i>, App. 213. <p>[c. 1781.—"Pay your constant devoirs to Marian Allypore, or sell yourself soul and body to <b>Poolbundy.</b>"—Ext. from <i>Hicky's Gazette</i>, in <i>Busteed, Echoes of Old Calcutta</i>, 3rd ed. 178. This refers to Impey, who was called by this name in allusion to a lucrative contract given to his relative, a Mr. Fraser.] </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page723b">page 723b<span id="723b"></span></span></span></span>1786.—"That the Superintendent of <b>Poolbundy</b> Repairs, after an accurate and diligent survey of the <b>bunds</b> and <b>pools,</b> and the provincial Council of Burdwan ... had delivered it as their opinion...."—<i>Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings</i>, in <i>Burke</i>, vii. 98. </p><p>1802.—"The Collector of Midnapore has directed his attention to the subject of <b>poolbundy,</b> and in a very ample report to the Board of Revenue, has described certain abuses and oppressions, consisting chiefly of pressing ryots to work on the <b>pools,</b> which call aloud for a remedy."—<i>Fifth Report</i>, App. p. 558. </p> 1810.—"... the whole is obliged to be preserved from inundation by an embankment called the <b>pool bandy,</b> maintained at a very great and regular expense."—<i>Williamson, V. M.</i>, ii. 365.</div> <p><br /> <b>POON,</b> <b>PEON,</b> &c., s. Can. <i>ponne</i>, [Mal. <i>punna</i>, Skt. <i>punnāga</i>]. A timber tree (<i>Calophyllum inophyllum</i>, L.) which grows in the forests of Canara, &c., and which was formerly used for masts, whence also called <i>mast-wood</i>. [Linschoten refers to this tree, but not by name (Hak. Soc. i. 67).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1727.—"... good <b>Poon</b>-masts, stronger but heavier than Firr."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ed. 1744, i. 267. <p>[1776.—"... <b>Pohoon</b>-masts, chiefly from the Malabar coast."—<i>Grose</i>, 2nd ed. ii. 109.] </p><p>[1773.—"<b>Poon</b> tree ... the wood light but tolerably strong; it is frequently used for masts, but unless great care be taken to keep the wet from the ends of it, it soon rots."—<i>Ives</i>, 460.] </p> 1835.—"<b>Peon,</b> or <b>Puna</b> ... the largest sort is of a light, bright colour, and may be had at Mangalore, from the forests of Corumcul in Canara, where it grows to a length of 150 feet. At Mangalore I procured a tree of this sort that would have made a foremast for the Leander, 60-gun ship, in one piece, for 1300 Rupees."—<i>Edye</i>, in <i>J. R. As. Soc.</i> ii. 354.</div> <p><br /> <b>POONAMALEE,</b> n.p. A town, and formerly a military station, in the Chingleput Dist. of Madras Presidency, 13 miles west of Madras. The name is given in the <i>Imp. Gazetteer</i> as <i>Pūnamallu</i> (?), and <i>Ponda malāi</i>, whilst Col. Branfill gives it as "<i>Pūntha malli</i> for <i>Pūvirunthamalli</i>," without further explanation. [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> gives Tam. <i>Pundamalli</i>, 'town of the jasmine-creeper,' which is largely grown there for the supply of the Madras markets. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1876.—"The dog, a small piebald cur, with a short tail, not unlike the '<b>Poonamallee</b> terrier,' which the British soldier is wont to manufacture from <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pariah_dog">Pariah</a></b> dogs for '<b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#griffin" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">Griffins</a></b>' with sporting proclivities, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page724a">page 724a<span id="724a"></span></span></span></span>was brought up for inspection."—<i>McMahon, Karens of the Golden Chersonese</i>, 236.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="poongee"></span>POONGEE,</b> <b>PHOONGY,</b> s. The name most commonly given to the Buddhist <i>religieux</i> in British Burma. The word (<i>p'hun-gyi</i>) signifies 'great glory.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1782.—"... leurs Prêtres ... sont moins instruits que les Brames, et portent le nom de <b>Ponguis.</b>"—<i>Sonnerat</i>, ii. 301. <p>1795.—"From the many convents in the neighbourhood of Rangoon, the number of Rhahans and <b>Phongis</b> must be very considerable; I was told it exceeded 1500."—<i>Symes, Embassy to Ava</i>, 210. </p><p>1834.—"The <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#talapoin" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">Talapoins</a></b> are called by the Burmese <b>Phonghis,</b> which term means great glory, or <i>Rahans</i>, which means perfect."—<i>Bp. Bigandet</i>, in <i>J. Ind. Archip.</i> iv. 222-3. </p> [1886.—"Every Burman has for some time during his life to be a <b>Pohngee,</b> or monk."—<i>Lady Dufferin, Viceregal Life</i>, 177.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="poorana"></span>POORÁNA,</b> s. Skt. <i>purāṇa</i>, 'old,' hence 'legendary,' and thus applied as a common name to 18 books which contain the legendary mythology of the Brahmans. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1612.—"... These books are divided into bodies, members, and joints (<i>cortos, membros, e articulos</i>) ... six which they call <i>Xastra</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shaster" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SHASTER</a></b>), which are the bodies; eighteen which they call <b>Puraná,</b> which are the members; twenty-eight called <i>Agamon</i>, which are the joints."—<i>Couto</i>, Dec. V. liv. vi. cap. 3. <p>1651.—"As their <b>Poranas,</b> <i>i.e.</i> old histories, relate."—<i>Rogerius</i>, 153. </p><p>[1667.—"When they have acquired a knowledge of Sanscrit ... they generally study the <b>Purana,</b> which is an abridgment and interpretation of the Beths" (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/V#vedas" title="Hobson-Jobson/V">VEDAS</a></b>).—<i>Bernier</i>, ed. <i>Constable</i>, p. 335.] </p><p>c. 1760.—"Le <b>puran</b> comprend dix-huit livres qui renferment l'histoire sacrée, qui contient les dogmes de la religion des Bramines."—<i>Encyclopédie</i>, xxvii. 807. </p> 1806.—"Ceux-ci, calculoient tout haut de mémoire tandis que d'autres, plus avancés, lisoient, d'un ton chantant, leurs <b>Pourans.</b>"—<i>Haafner</i>, i. 130.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="poorub"></span>POORUB,</b> and <b>POORBEEA,</b> ss. Hind. <i>pūrab</i>, <i>pūrb</i>, 'the East,' from Skt. <i>pūrva</i> or <i>pūrba</i>, 'in front of,' as <i>paścha</i> (Hind. <i>pachham</i>) means 'behind' or 'westerly' and <i>dakshina</i>, 'right-hand' or southerly. In Upper India the term means usually Oudh, the Benares division, and Behar. Hence <b>Poorbeea</b> (<i>pūrbiya</i>), a man of those countries, was, in the days of the old Bengal army, often used for a sepoy, the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page724b">page 724b<span id="724b"></span></span></span></span>majority being recruited in those provinces. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1553.—"Omaum (Humāyūn) Patxiah ... resolved to follow Xerchan (Sher Khān) and try his fortunes against him ... and they met close to the river Ganges before it unites with the river Jamona, where on the West bank of the river there is a city called Canose (Canauj), one of the chief of the kingdom of Dely. Xerchan was beyond the river in the tract which the natives call <b>Purba</b>...."—<i>Barros</i>, IV. ix. 9. <p>[1611.—"<b>Pierb</b> is 400 cose long."—<i>Jourdain</i>, quoted in <i>Sir T. Roe</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 538.] </p><p>1616.—"Bengala, a most spacious and fruitful province, but more properly to be called a kingdom, which hath two very large provinces within it, <b>Purb</b> and Patan, the one lying on the east, the other on the west side of the river."—<i>Terry</i>, ed. 1665, p. 357. </p><p>1666.—"La Province de Halabas s'appelloit autrefois <b>Purop</b>...."—<i>Thevenot</i>, v. 197. </p><p>[1773.—"Instead of marching with the great army he had raised into the <b>Purbunean</b> country ... we were informed he had turned his arms against us...."—<i>Ives</i>, 91.] </p><p>1881.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"... My lands were taken away,<br /> And the Company gave me a pension of just eight annas a day;<br /> And the <b>Poorbeahs</b> swaggered about our streets as if they had done it all...."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Attar Singh loquitur</i>, by '<i>Sowar</i>,' Sir M. Durand in an Indian paper, the name and date lost. </p> </div></div></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pootly_nautch"></span>POOTLY NAUTCH,</b> s. Properly Hind. <i>kāṭh-putlī-nāch</i>, 'wooden-puppet-dance.' A puppet show. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1817.—"The day after tomorrow will be my lad James Dawson's birthday, and we are to have a <b>puttully-nautch</b> in the evening."—<i>Mrs. Sherwood's Stories</i>, 291.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="popper_cake"></span>POPPER-CAKE,</b> in Bombay, and in Madras <b>popadam,</b> ss. These are apparently the same word and thing, though to the former is attributed a Hind. and Mahr. origin <i>pāpaṛ</i>, Skt. <i>parpaṭa</i>, and to the latter a Tamil one, <i>pappaḍam</i>, as an abbreviation of <i>paruppu-aḍam</i>, 'lentil cake.' [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> gives Tel. <i>appadam</i>, Tam. <i>appalam</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#hopper" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HOPPER</a></span></b>), and Mal. <i>pappatam</i>, from <i>parippu</i>, '<b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dhall" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">dhall</a>,</b>' <i>ata</i>, 'cake.'] It is a kind of thin scone or wafer, made of any kind of pulse or lentil flour, seasoned with assafoetida, &c., fried in oil, and in W. India baked crisp, and often eaten at European tables as an accompaniment to curry. It is not bad, even to a novice. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page725a">page 725a<span id="725a"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">1814.—"They are very fond of a thin cake, or wafer, called <b>popper,</b> made from the flour of <i>oord</i> or <i>mash</i> ... highly seasoned with assa-foetida; a salt called <b>popper</b>-<i>khor</i>; and a very hot massaula (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mussalla" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MUSSALLA</a></b>), compounded of turmeric, black pepper, ginger, garlic, several kinds of warm seeds, and a quantity of the hottest Chili pepper."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> ii. 50; [2nd ed. i. 347]. <p>1820.—"<b>Papaḍoms</b> (fine cakes made of gram-flour and a fine species of alkali, which gives them an agreeable salt taste, and serves the purpose of yeast, making them rise, and become very crisp when fried...."—<i>As. Researches</i>, xiii. 315. </p> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "<b>Paper,</b> the flour of <i>ooreed</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/O#oord" title="Hobson-Jobson/O">OORD</a></b>), salt, assa-foetida, and various spices, made into a paste, rolled as thin as a wafer, and dried in the sun, and when wanted for the table baked crisp...."—<i>T. Coates</i>, in <i>Tr. Lit. Soc. Bo.</i> iii. 194.</div> <p><br /> <b>PORCA,</b> n.p. In <i>Imp. Gazetteer</i> <i>Porakád</i>, also called <i>Piracada</i>; properly <i>Puṛākkāḍŭ</i>, [or according to the <i>Madras Gloss.</i> <i>Purakkātu</i>, Mal. <i>pura</i>, 'outside,' <i>kātu</i>, 'jungle']. A town on the coast of Travancore, formerly a separate State. The Portuguese had a fort here, and the Dutch, in the 17th century, a factory. Fra Paolina (1796) speaks of it as a very populous city full of merchants, Mahommedan, Christian, and Hindu. It is now insignificant. [See <i>Logan, Malabar</i>, i. 338.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1663-4.—"Your ffactories of Carwarr and <b>Porquatt</b> are continued but to very little purpose to you."—<i>Forrest, Bombay Letters</i>, i. 18.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="porcelain"></span>PORCELAIN,</b> s. The history of this word for China-ware appears to be as follows. The family of univalve mollusks called <i>Cypraeidae</i>, or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cowry1" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Cowries</a>,</b> (q.v.) were in medieval Italy called <i>porcellana</i> and <i>porcelletta</i>, almost certainly from their strong resemblance to the body and back of a pig, and not from a grosser analogy suggested by Mahn (see in Littré <i>sub voce</i>). That this is so is strongly corroborated by the circumstance noted by Dr. J. E. Gray (see <i>Eng. Cyc. Nat. Hist.</i> s.v. <i>Cypraeidae</i>) that <i>Pig</i> is the common name of shells of this family on the English coast; whilst <i>Sow</i> also seems to be a name of one or more kinds. The enamel of this shell seems to have been used in the Middle Ages to form a coating for ornamental pottery, &c., whence the early application of the term <i>porcellana</i> to the fine ware brought from the far East. Both applications <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page725b">page 725b<span id="725b"></span></span></span></span>of the term, viz. to cowries and to China-ware, occur in <i>Marco Polo</i> (see below). The quasi-analogous application of <i>pig</i> in Scotland to earthen-ware, noticed in an imaginary quotation below, is probably quite an accident, for there appears to be a Gaelic <i>pige</i>, 'an earthen jar,' &c. (see <i>Skeat</i>, s.v. <i>piggin</i>). We should not fail to recall Dr. Johnson's etymology of <i>porcelaine</i> from "<i>pour cent années</i>," because it was believed by Europeans that the materials were matured under ground 100 years! (see quotations below from Barbosa, and from Sir Thomas Brown). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1250.—Capmany has the following passage in the work cited. Though the same writer published the Laws of the Consulado del Mar in 1791, he has deranged the whole of the chapters, and this, which he has quoted, is omitted altogether! <p>"In the XLIVth chap. of the maritime laws of Barcelona, which are undoubtedly not later than the middle of the 13th century, there are regulations for the return cargoes of the ships trading with Alexandria.... In this are enumerated among articles brought from Egypt ... cotton in bales and spun wool <i>de capells</i> (for hats?), <b>porcelanas,</b> alum, elephants' teeth...."—<i>Memorias, Hist. de Barcelona</i>, I. Pt. ii. p. 44. </p><p>1298.—"Il ont monoie en tel mainere con je voz dirai, car il espendent <b>porcelaine</b> blance, celle qe se trovent en la mer et qe se metent au cuel des chienz, et vailent les quatre-vingt <b>porcelaines</b> un saic d'arjent qe sunt deus venesians gros...."—<i>Marco Polo</i>, oldest French text, p. 132. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "Et encore voz di qe en ceste provence, en une cité qe est apellé Tinugui, se font escuelle de <b>porcellaine</b> grant et pitet les plus belles qe l'en peust deviser."—<i>Ibid.</i> 180. </p> c. 1328.—"Audivi quòd ducentas civitates habet sub se imperator ille (Magnus Tartarus) majores quàm Tholosa; et ego certè credo quòd plures habeant homines.... Alia non sunt quae ego sciam in isto imperio digna relatione, nisi vasa pulcherrima, et nobilissima, atque virtuosa <b>porseleta.</b>"—<i>Jordani Mirabilia</i>, p. 59.</div> <p>In the next passage it seems probable that the shells, and not China dishes, are intended. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1343.—"... ghomerabica, vernice, armoniaco, zaffiere, coloquinti, <b>porcelláne,</b> mirra, mirabolani ... si vendono a Vinegia a cento di peso sottile" (<i>i.e.</i> by the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cutcha" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cutcha</a></b> hundredweight).—<i>Pegolotti, Practica della Mercatura</i>, p. 134. c. 1440.—"... this Cim and Macinn that I haue before named arr ii verie great provinces, thinhabitants whereof arr idolaters, and there make they vessells and disshes of <b>Porcellana.</b>"—<i>Giosafa Barbaro</i>, Hak. Soc. 75.</div> <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page726a">page 726a<span id="726a"></span></span></span></span>In the next the shells are clearly intended: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1442.—"<i>Gabelle di Firenze</i> ... <b>Porcielette</b> marine, la libra ... soldi ... denari 4."—<i>Uzzano, Prat. della Mercatura</i>, p. 23. <p>1461.—"<b>Porcellane</b> pezzi 20, cioè 7 piattine, 5 scodelle, 4 grandi e una piccida, piattine 5 grandi, 3 scodelle, una biava, e due bianche."—<i>List of Presents sent by the</i> Soldan of Egypt <i>to the Doge</i> Pasquale Malepiero. In <i>Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores</i>, xxi. col. 1170. </p><p>1475.—"The seaports of Cheen and Machin are also large. <b>Porcelain</b> is made there, and sold by the weight and at a low price."—<i>Nikitin</i>, in <i>India in the XVth Cent.</i>, 21. </p><p>1487.—"... le mando lo inventario del presente del Soldano dato a Lorenzo ... vasi grandi di <b>Porcellana</b> mai più veduti simili ne meglio lavorati...."—<i>Letter of P. da Bibbieno to Clar. de' Medici</i>, in <i>Roscoe's Lorenzo</i>, ed. 1825, ii. 371. </p><p>1502.—"In questo tempo abrusiorno xxi nave sopra il porto di Calechut; et de epse hebbe tãte drogarie e speciarie che caricho le dicte sei nave. Praeterea me ha mandato sei vasi di <b>porzellana</b> excellitissimi et grãdi: quatro bochali de argento grandi cõ certi altri vasi al modo loro per credentia."—<i>Letter of K. Emanuel</i>, 13. </p><p>1516.—"They make in this country a great quantity of <b>porcelains</b> of different sorts, very fine and good, which form for them a great article of trade for all parts, and they make them in this way. They take the shells of sea-snails (? <i>caracoli</i>), and eggshells, and pound them, and with other ingredients make a paste, which they put underground to refine for the space of 80 or 100 years, and this mass of paste they leave as a fortune to their children...."—<i>Barbosa</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, i. 320<i>v</i>. </p><p>1553.—(In China) "The service of their meals is the most elegant that can be, everything being of very fine <b>procelana</b> (although they also make use of silver and gold plate), and they eat everything with a fork made after their fashion, never putting a hand into their food, much or little."—<i>Barros</i>, III. ii. 7. </p><p>1554.—(After a suggestion of the identity of the <i>vasa murrhina</i> of the ancients): "Ce nom de <b>Porcelaine</b> est donné à plusieurs coquilles de mer. Et pource qu'vn beau Vaisseau d'vne coquille de mer ne se pourroit rendre mieux à propos suyuãt le nom antique, que de l'appeller de <b>Porceláine</b> i'ay pensé que les coquilles polies et luysantes, resemblants à Nacre de perles, ont quelque affinité auec la matière des vases de <b>Porcelaine</b> antiques: ioinct aussi que le peuple Frãçois nomme les patesnostres faictes de gros vignols, patenostres de <b>Porcelaine.</b> Les susdicts vases de <b>Porcelaine</b> sont transparents, et coustent bien cher au Caire, et disent mesmement qu'ilz les apportent des Indes. Mais cela ne me sembla vraysemblable: car on n'en voirroit pas si grande quantité, ne de si grãdes <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page726b">page 726b<span id="726b"></span></span></span></span>pieces, s'il failloit apporter de si loing. Vne esguiere, vn pot, ou vn autre vaisseau pour petite qu'elle soit, couste vn ducat: si c'est quelque grãd vase, il coustera d'auantage."—<i>P. Belon, Observations</i>, f. 134. </p><p>c. 1560.—"And because there are many opinions among the Portugals which have not beene in <i>China</i>, about where this <b>Porcelane</b> is made, and touching the substance whereof it is made, some saying, that it is of oysters shels, others of dung rotten of a long time, because they were not enformed of the truth, I thought it conuenient to tell here the substance...."—<i>Gaspar da Cruz</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, iii. 177. </p><p>[1605-6.—"... China dishes or <b>Puselen.</b>"—<i>Birdwood, First Letter Book</i>, 77. </p><p>[1612.—"Balanced one part with sandal wood, <b>Porcelain</b> and pepper."—<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 197.] </p><p>1615.—"If we had in England beds of <b>porcelain</b> such as they have in China,—which <b>porcelain</b> is a kind of plaster buried in the earth, and by length of time congealed and glazed into that substance; this were an artificial mine, and part of that substance...."—<i>Bacon, Argument on Impeachment of Waste</i>; <i>Works</i>, by <i>Spedding</i>, &c., 1859, vii. 528. </p><p>c. 1630.—"The <i>Bannyans</i> all along the sea-shore pitch their Booths ... for there they sell Callicoes, China-satten, <b>Purcellain</b>-ware, scrutores or Cabbinets...."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1665, p. 45. </p><p>1650.—"We are not thoroughly resolved concerning <b>Porcellane</b> or China dishes, that according to common belief they are made of earth, which lieth in preparation about an hundred years underground; for the relations thereof are not only divers but contrary; and Authors agree not herein...."—<i>Sir Thomas Browne, Vulgar Errors</i>, ii. 5. </p><p>[1652.—"Invited by Lady Gerrard I went to London, where we had a greate supper; all the vessels, which were innumerable, were of <b>Porcelan,</b> she having the most ample and richest collection of that curiositie in England."—<i>Evelyn, Diary</i>, March 19.] </p><p>1726.—In a list of the treasures left by Akbar, which is given by Valentijn, we find: </p><p>"In <b>Porcelyn,</b> &c., Ropias 2507747."—iv. (<i>Suratte</i>), 217. </p> 1880.—"'Vasella quidem delicatiora et caerulea et venusta, quibus inhaeret nescimus quid elegantiae, <b>porcellana</b> vocantur, quasi (sed nescimus quare) a <i>porcellis</i>. In partibus autem Britanniae quae septentrionem spectant, vocabulo forsan analogo, vasa grossiora et fusca <i>pigs</i> appellant barbari, quasi (sed quare iterum nescimus) a <i>porcis</i>.' <i>Narrischchen und Weitgeholt, Etymol. Universale</i>, s.v. 'Blue China.'"—Motto to <i>An Ode in Brown Pig, St. James's Gazette</i>, July 17.</div> <p><br /> <b>PORGO,</b> s. We know this word only from its occurrence in the passage <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page727a">page 727a<span id="727a"></span></span></span></span>quoted; and most probably the explanation suggested by the editor of the <i>Notes</i> is correct, viz. that it represents Port. <i>peragua</i>. This word is perhaps the same as <i>pirogue</i>, used by the French for a canoe or 'dug-out'; a term said by Littré to be (<i>piroga</i>) Carib. [On the passage from T. B. quoted below Sir H. Yule has the following note: "J. (<i>i.e.</i> T.) B., the author, gives a rough drawing. It represents the <i>Purgoe</i> as a somewhat high-sterned lighter, not very large, with five oar-pins a side. I cannot identify it exactly with any kind of modern boat of which I have found a representation. It is perhaps most like the <i>palwār</i>. I think it must be an Orissa word, but I have not been able to trace it in any dictionary, Uriya or Bengali." On this Col. Temple says: "The modern Indian <i>palwār</i> (Malay <i>palwa</i>) is a skiff, and would not answer the description." Anderson (<i>loc. cit.</i>) mentions that in 1685 several "well-laden <i>Purgoes</i>" and boats had put in for shelter at Rameswaram to the northward of Madapollam, <i>i.e.</i> on the Coromandel Coast. There seems to be no such word known there now. I think, however, that the term <i>Purgoo</i> is probably an obsolete Anglo-Indian corruption of an Indian corruption of the Port. term <i>barco</i>, <i>barca</i>, a term used for any kind of sailing boat by the early Portuguese visitors to the East (<i>e.g.</i> <i>D'Alboquerque</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 230; <i>Vasco da Gama</i>, Hak. Soc. 77, 240).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1669-70.—"A <b>Purgoo</b>: These Vse for the most part between Hugly and Pyplo and Ballasore: with these boats they carry goods into ye Roads on board English and Dutch, &c. Ships, they will liue a longe time in ye Sea, beinge brought to anchor by ye Sterne, as theire Vsual way is."—MS. by T. B.[ateman], quoted by <i>Anderson, English Intercourse with Siam</i>, p. 266.] <p>1680.—Ft. St. Geo. Consn., Jany. 30, "records arrival from the Bay of the 'Success,' the Captain of which reports that a <b>Porgo</b> [<i>Peragua</i>?, a fast-sailing vessel, Clipper] drove ashore in the Bay about Peply...."—<i>Notes and Exts.</i> No. iii. p. 2. </p><p>[1683.—"The Thomas arrived with ye 28 bales of Silk taken out of the <b>Purga.</b>"—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 65. </p> [1685.—"In Hoogly letter to Fort St. George, dated February 6 <b>Porgo</b> occurs coupled with 'bora' (Hind. bhar, 'a lighter')."—<i>Pringle, Diary Ft. St. Geo.</i> 1st ser. iii. 165.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="portia"></span>PORTIA,</b> s. In S. India the common name of the <i>Thespesia <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page727b">page 727b<span id="727b"></span></span></span></span>populnea</i>, Lam. (N.O. <i>Malvaceae</i>), a favourite ornamental tree, thriving best near the sea. The word is a corruption of Tamil <i>Puarassu</i>, 'Flower-king'; [<i>pu-varasu</i>, from <i>pu</i>, 'flower,' <i>arasu</i>, '<b>peepul</b> tree']. In Ceylon it is called <i>Suria gansuri</i>, and also the Tulip-tree. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1742.—"Le bois sur lequel on les met (les toiles), et celui qu'on employe pour les battre, sont ordinairement de tamarinier, ou d'un autre arbe nommé <b>porchi.</b>"—<i>Lett. Edif.</i> xiv. 122. <p>1860.—"Another useful tree, very common in Ceylon, is the <i>Suria</i>, with flowers so like those of a tulip that Europeans know it as the tulip tree. It loves the sea air and saline soils. It is planted all along the avenues and streets in the towns near the coast, where it is equally valued for its shade and the beauty of its yellow flowers, whilst its tough wood is used for carriage-shafts and gun-stocks."—<i>Tennent's Ceylon</i>, i. 117. </p> 1861.—"It is usual to plant large branches of the <b>portia</b> and banyan trees in such a slovenly manner that there is little probability of the trees thriving or being ornamental."—<i>Cleghorn, Forests and Gardens of S. India</i>, 197.</div> <p><br /> <b>PORTO NOVO,</b> n.p. A town on the coast of South Arcot, 32 m. S. of Pondicherry. The first mention of it that we have found is in Bocarro, <i>Decada</i>, p. 42 (c. 1613). The name was perhaps intended to mean 'New Oporto,' rather than 'New Haven,' but we have not found any history of the name. [The Tamil name is <i>Parangi-pēṭṭai</i>, 'European town,' and it is called by Mahommedans <i>Maḥmūd-bandar</i>.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1718.—"At Night we came to a Town called <b>Porta Nova,</b> and in Malabarish <i>Pirenkī Potei</i> (<i>Parangipēṭṭai</i>)."—<i>Propagation of the Gospel</i>, &c., Pt. ii. 41. 1726.—"The name of this city (<i>Porto Novo</i>) signifies in Portuguese <b>New Haven,</b> but the Moors call it <i>Mohhammed Bendar</i> ... and the Gentoos <i>Perringepeente</i>."—<i>Valentijn, Choromandel</i>, 8.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="porto_piqueno"></span>PORTO PIQUENO,</b> <b>PORTO GRANDE,</b> nn.pp. 'The Little Haven and the Great Haven'; names by which the Bengal ports of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#satigam" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">Satigam</a></b> (q.v.) and <i>Chatigam</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chittagong" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHITTAGONG</a></span></b>) respectively were commonly known to the Portuguese in the 16th century. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1554.—"<b>Porto Pequeno</b> <i>de Bemgala</i> ... <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cowry1" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Cowries</a></b> are current in the country; 80 cowries make 1 <i>pone</i> (see <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pun">PUN</a></b>); of these <i>pones</i> 48 are equal to 1 <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#larin" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">larin</a></b> more or less."—<i>A. Nunes</i>, 37. <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page728a">page 728a<span id="728a"></span></span></span></span>1554.—"<b>Porto Grande</b> <i>de Bemgala</i>. The <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#maund" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">maund</a></b> (<i>mão</i>), by which they weigh all goods, contains 40 <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#seer" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">seers</a></b> (<i>ceros</i>), each seer 18<span style="white-space:nowrap" class="template-frac"><sup>2</sup>⁄<sub>5</sub></span> ounces...."—<i>A. Nunes</i>, 37. </p><p>1568.—"Io mi parti d'Orisa per Bengala al <b>Porto Picheno</b> ... s'entra nel fiume Ganze, dalla bocca del qual fiume sino a <i>Satagan</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#satigam" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SATIGAM</a></b>) città, oue si fanno negotij, et oue i mercadanti si riducono, sono centi e venti miglia, che si fanno in diciotto hore a remi, cioè, in tre crescenti d'acqua, che sono di sei hore l'uno."—<i>Ces. Federici</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, iii. 392. </p><p>1569.—"Partissemo di Sondiua, et giungessemo in Chitigan il <b>gran porto</b> di Bengala, in tempo che già i Portoghesi haueuano fatto pace o tregua con i Rettori."—<i>Ibid.</i> 396. </p><p>1595.—"Besides, you tell me that the traffic and commerce of the <b>Porto Pequeno</b> of Bemguala being always of great moment, if this goes to ruin through the Mogors, they will be the masters of those tracts."—<i>Letter of the K. of Portugal</i>, in <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i>, Fascic. 3, p. 481. </p><p>1596.—"And so he wrote me that the Commerce of <b>Porto Grande</b> of Bengala is flourishing, and that the King of the Country had remitted to the Portuguese 3 per cent. of the duties that they used to pay."—<i>Ibid.</i> p. 580. </p><p>1598.—"When you thinke you are at the point de Gualle, to be assured thereof, make towards the Iland, to know it ... where commonlie all the shippes know the land, such I say as we sayle to <i>Bengalen</i>, or to any of the Hauens thereof, as <b>Porto Pequeno</b> or <b>Porto Grande,</b> that is the small, or the great Haven, where the Portingalles doe traffique...."—<i>Linschoten</i>, Book III. p. 324. </p> [c. 1617.—"<b>Port Grande,</b> <b>Port Pequina,</b>" in <i>Sir T. Roe's List</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 538.]</div> <p><br /> <b>POSTEEN,</b> s. An Afghan leathern pelisse, generally of sheep-skin with the fleece on. Pers. <i>postīn</i>, from <i>post</i>, 'a hide.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1080.—"Khwája Ahmad came on some Government business to Ghaznín, and it was reported to him that some merchants were going to Turkistán, who were returning to Ghaznín in the beginning of winter. The Khwája remembered that he required a certain number of <b>postins</b> (great coats) every year for himself and sons...."—<i>Nizám-ul-Mulk</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, ii. 497. <p>1442.—"His Majesty the Fortunate Khākān had sent for the Prince of Kālikūt, horses, pelisses (<b>postīn</b>) and robes woven of gold...."—<i>Abdurazzāk</i>, in <i>Not. et Extr.</i> xiv. Pt. i. 437. </p><p>[c. 1590.—"In the winter season there is no need of <b>poshtins</b> (fur-lined coats)...."—<i>Āīn</i>, ed. <i>Jarrett</i>, ii. 337.] </p> 1862.—"Otter skins from the Hills and Kashmir, worn as <b>Postīns</b> by the Yarkandis."—<i>Punjab Trade Report</i>, p. 65.</div> <p><br /> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page728b">page 728b<span id="728b"></span></span></span></span><b><span id="pottah"></span>POTTAH,</b> s. Hind. and other vernaculars, <i>paṭṭā</i>, &c. A document specifying the conditions on which lands are held; a lease or other document securing rights in land or house property. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1778.—"I am therefore hopeful you will be kindly pleased to excuse me the five lacs now demanded, and that nothing may be demanded of me beyond the amount expressed in the <b>pottah.</b>"—<i>The Rajah of Benares</i> to Hastings, in <i>Articles of Charge against H.</i>, Burke, vi. 591. [1860.—"By the Zumeendar, then, or his under tenant, as the case may be, the land is farmed out to the Ryuts by <b>pottahs,</b> or agreements...."—<i>Grant, Rural Life in Bengal</i>, 67.</div> <p><br /> <b>PRA,</b> <b>PHRA,</b> <b>PRAW,</b> s. This is a term constantly used in Burma, familiar to all who have been in that country, in its constant application as a style of respect, addressed or applied to persons and things of especial sanctity or dignity. Thus it is addressed at Court to the King; it is the habitual designation of the Buddha and his images and dagobas; of superior ecclesiastics and sacred books; corresponding on the whole in use, pretty closely to the Skt. <i>Śṛī</i>. In Burmese the word is written <i>bhurā</i>, but pronounced (in Arakan) <i>p'hrā</i>, and in modern Burma Proper, with the usual slurring of the <i>r</i>, <i>P'hyā</i> or <i>Pyā</i>. The use of the term is not confined to Burma; it is used in quite a similar way in Siam, as may be seen in the quotation below from Alabaster; the word is used in the same form <i>P'hra</i> among the Shans; and in the form <i>Prea</i>, it would seem, in Camboja. Thus Garnier speaks of Indra and Vishnu under their Cambojan epithets as <i>Prea</i> En and <i>Prea</i> Noreai (Nārāyaṇa); of the figure of Buddha entering <i>nirvāna</i>, as <i>Prea</i> Nippan; of the King who built the great temple of Angkor Wat as <i>Prea</i> Kot Melea, of the King reigning at the time of the expedition as <i>Prea</i> Ang Reachea Vodey, of various sites of temples as <i>Preacon</i>, <i>Preacan</i>, <i>Prea</i> Pithu, &c. (<i>Voyage d'Exploration</i>, i. 26, 49, 388, 77, 85, 72). </p><p>The word <b>p'hrā</b> appears in composition in various names of Burmese kings, as of the famous <i>Alom</i>-<b>p'hra</b> (1753-60), founder of the late dynasty, and of his son <i>Bodoah-</i><b>p'hra</b> (1781-1819). In the former instance the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page729a">page 729a<span id="729a"></span></span></span></span>name is, according to Sir A. Phayre, Alaung-<i>p'hrā</i>, <i>i.e.</i> the embryo Buddha, or Bodisatva. A familiar Siamese example of use is in the <b>Phrā</b> <i>Bāt</i>, or sacred foot-mark of Buddha, a term which represents the <i>Śṛi Pada</i> of Ceylon. </p><p>The late Prof. H. H. Wilson, as will be seen, supposed the word to be a corruption of Skt. <i>prabhu</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#parvoe">PARVOE</a></span></b>). But Mr. Alabaster points, under the guidance of the Siamese spelling, rather to Skt. <i>vara</i>, 'pre-eminent, excellent.' This is in Pali <i>varo</i>, "excellent, best, precious, noble" (<i>Childers</i>). A curious point is that, from the prevalence of the term <b>phrā</b> in all the Indo-Chinese kingdoms, we must conclude that it was, at the time of the introduction of Buddhism into those countries, in predominant use among the Indian or Ceylonese propagators of the new religion. Yet we do not find any evidence of such a use of either <i>prabhu</i> or <i>vara</i>. The former would in Pali be <i>pabbho</i>. In a short paper in the <i>Bijdragen</i> of the Royal Institute of the Hague (Dl. X. 4de Stuk, 1885), Prof. Kern indicates that this term was also in use in Java, in the forms <i>Bra</i> and <i>pra</i>, with the sense of 'splendid' and the like; and he cites as an example <b>Bra</b>-<i>Wijaya</i> (the style of several of the medieval kings of Java), where <b>Bra</b> is exactly the representative of Skt. <i>Śṛī</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1688.—"I know that in the country of <i>Laos</i> the Dignities of <i>Pa-ya</i> and <i>Meuang</i>, and the honourable Epithets of <b>Pra</b> are in use; it may be also that the other terms of Dignity are common to both Nations, as well as the Laws."—<i>De la Loubère, Siam</i>, E.T. 79. <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The <b>Pra</b>-Clang, or by a corruption of the <i>Portugueses</i>, the <i>Barcalon</i>, is the officer, who has the appointment of the Commerce, as well within as without the Kingdom.... His name is composed of the Balie word <b>Pra,</b> which I have so often discoursed of, and of the word <i>Clang</i>, which signifies Magazine."—<i>Ibid.</i> 93. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "Then <i>Sommona-Codom</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gautama" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GAUTAMA</a></b>) they call <b>Pra</b>-<i>Boute-Tchaou</i>, which verbatim signifies the <i>Great and Excellent Lord</i>."—<i>Ibid.</i> 134. </p><p>1795.—"At noon we reached Meeaday, the personal estate of the Magwoon of Pegue, who is oftener called, from this place, Meeaday <b>Praw,</b> or Lord of Meeaday."—<i>Symes, Embassy to Ava</i>, 242. </p><p>1855.—"The epithet <b>Phra,</b> which occupies so prominent a place in the ceremonial and religious vocabulary of the Siamese and Burmese, has been the subject of a good <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page729b">page 729b<span id="729b"></span></span></span></span>deal of nonsense. It is unfortunate that our Burmese scholars have never (I believe) been Sanskrit scholars, nor <i>vice versâ</i>, so that the Palee terms used in Burma have had little elucidation. On the word in question, Professor H. H. Wilson has kindly favoured me with a note: 'Phrá is no doubt a corruption of the Sanskrit <i>Prabhu</i>, a Lord or Master; the <i>h</i> of the aspirate <i>bh</i> is often retained alone, leaving <i>Prahu</i> which becomes <b>Práh</b> or <b>Phra.</b>'"—<i>Sir H. Yule, Mission to Ava</i>, 61. </p><p>1855.—"All these readings (of documents at the Court) were intoned in a high recitative, strongly resembling that used in the English cathedral service. And the long-drawn <b>Phyá-á-á-á!</b> (My Lord), which terminated each reading, added to the resemblance, as it came in exactly like the Amen of the Liturgy."—<i>Ibid.</i> 88. </p><p>1859.—"The word <b>Phra,</b> which so frequently occurs in this work, here appears for the first time; I have to remark that it is probably derived from, or of common origin with, the Pharaoh of antiquity. It is given in the Siamese dictionaries as synonymous with God, ruler, priest, and teacher. It is in fact the word by which sovereignty and sanctity are associated in the popular mind."—<i>Bowring, Kingdom and People of Siam</i>, [i. 35]. </p><p>1863.—"The title of the First King (of Siam) is <b>Phra</b>-<i>Chom-Klao-Yu-Hua</i> and spoken as <b>Phra</b> <i>Phutthi-Chao-Yu-Hua</i>.... His Majesty's nose is styled in the Pali form <b>Phra</b>-<i>Nasa</i>.... The Siamese term the (Catholic) missionaries, the Preachers of the <b>Phra</b>-<i>Chao Phu-Sang</i>, <i>i.e.</i> of God the Creator, or the Divine Lord Builder.... The Catholic missionaries express 'God' by <b>Phra</b>-<i>Phutthi-Chao</i> ... and they explain the Eucharist as <b>Phra</b>-<i>Phutthi-Kaya</i> (<i>Kaya</i> = 'Body')."—<i>Bastian, Reise</i>, iii. 109, and 114-115. </p><p>1870.—"The most excellent <b>Parā,</b> brilliant in his glory, free from all ignorance, beholding Nibbāna the end of the migration of the soul, lighted the lamp of the law of the Word."—<i>Rogers, Buddhagosha's Parables</i>, tr. from the Burmese, p. 1. </p> 1871.—"<b>Phra</b> is a Siamese word applied to all that is worthy of the highest respect, that is, everything connected with religion and royalty. It may be translated as 'holy.' The Siamese letters <i>p</i>—<i>h</i>—<i>r</i> commonly represent the Sanskrit <i>v</i>—<i>r</i>. I therefore presume the word to be derived from the Sanskrit '<i>vri</i>'—'to choose, or to be chosen,' and '<i>vara</i>'—'better, best, excellent,' the root of <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="aristos">ἄριστος</span></span>."—<i>Alabaster, The Wheel of the Law</i>, 164.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="praag"></span>PRAAG,</b> sometimes <b>PIAGG,</b> n.p. Properly <i>Prayāga</i>, 'the place of sacrifice,' the old Hindu name of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#allahabad" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">Allahabad</a>,</b> and especially of the river confluence, since remote ages a place of pilgrimage. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 638.—"Le royaume de <i>Polo-ye-kia</i> (<b>Prayâga</b>) a environ 5000 <i>li</i> de tour. La <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page730a">page 730a<span id="730a"></span></span></span></span>capitale, qui est située au confluent de deux fleuves, a environ 20 <i>li</i> de tour.... Dans la ville, il y a un temple des dieux qui est d'une richesse éblouissante, et où éclatent une multitude de miracles.... Si quel qu'un est capable de pousser le mépris de la vie jusqu' à se donner la mort dans ce temple, il obtient le bonheur eternel et les joies infinies des dieux.... Depuis l'antiquité jusqu' à nos jours, cette coutume insensée n'a pas cessé un instant."—<i>Hiouen-Thsang</i>, in <i>Pèl. Boudd.</i> ii. 276-79. <p>c. 1020.—"... thence to the tree of <b>Barāgi,</b> 12 (parasangs). This is at the confluence of the Jumna and Ganges."—<i>Al-Birūnī</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, i. 55. </p><p>1529.—"The same day I swam across the river Ganges for my amusement. I counted my strokes, and found that I crossed over at 33 strokes. I then took breath and swam back to the other side. I had crossed by swimming every river that I had met with, except the Ganges. On reaching the place where the Ganges and Jumna unite, I rowed over in the boat to the <b>Piâg</b> side...."—<i>Baber</i>, 406. </p> 1585.—"... Frõ Agra I came to <b>Prage,</b> where the riuer Jemena entreth into the mightie riuer Ganges, and Iemena looseth his name."—<i>R. Fitch</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 386.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pracrit"></span>PRACRIT,</b> s. A term applied to the older vernacular dialects of India, such as were derived from, or kindred to, Sanskrit. Dialects of this nature are used by ladies, and by inferior characters, in the Sanskrit dramas. These dialects, and the modern vernaculars springing from them, bear the same relation to Sanskrit that the "Romance" languages of Europe bear to Latin, an analogy which is found in many particulars to hold with most surprising exactness. The most completely preserved of old Prakrits is that which was used in Magadha, and which has come down in the Buddhist books of Ceylon under the name of <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pali">Pali</a></b> (q.v.). The first European analysis of this language bears the title "<i>Institutiones Linguae</i> <b>Pracriticae.</b> <i>Scripsit Christianus Lassen</i>, Bonnae ad Rhenum, 1837." The term itself is Skt. <i>prākṛita</i>, 'natural, unrefined, vulgar,' &c. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1801.—"<i>Sanscrita</i> is the speech of the Celestials, framed in grammatical institutes, <b>Pracrita</b> is similar to it, but manifold as a provincial dialect, and otherwise."—<i>Sanskrit Treatise</i>, quoted by <i>Colebrooke</i>, in <i>As. Res.</i> vii. 199.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="praya"></span>PRAYA,</b> s. This is in Hong-Kong the name given to what in most foreign settlements in China is called the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bund" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">Bund</a></b>; <i>i.e.</i> the promenade or drive <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page730b">page 730b<span id="730b"></span></span></span></span>along the sea. It is Port. <i>praia</i>, 'the shore.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1598.—"Another towne towards the North, called Villa de <b>Praya</b> (for <b>Praya</b> is as much as to say, as strand)."—<i>Linschoten</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 278.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PRESIDENCY</b> (and <b>PRESIDENT</b>), s. The title 'President,' as applied to the Chief of a principal Factory, was in early popular use, though in the charters of the E.I.C. its first occurrence is in 1661 (see <i>Letters Patent</i>, below). In Sainsbury's <i>Calendar</i> we find letters headed "to Capt. Jourdain, president of the English at Bantam" in 1614 (i. 297-8); but it is to be doubted whether this wording is in the original. A little later we find a "proposal by Mr. Middleton concerning the appointment of two especial factors, at Surat and Bantam, to have authority over all other factors; Jourdain named." And later again he is styled "John Jourdain, Captain of the house" (at Bantam; see pp. 303, 325), and "Chief Merchant at Bantam" (p. 343). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1623.—"Speaking of the Dutch Commander, as well as of the English <b>President,</b> who often in this fashion came to take me for an airing, I should not omit to say that both of them in Surat live in great style, and like the grandees of the land. They go about with a great train, sometimes with people of their own mounted, but particularly with a great crowd of Indian servants on foot and armed, according to custom, with sword, target, bow and arrows."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, ii. 517. <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "Our boat going ashore, the <b>President</b> of the English Merchants, who usually resides in Surat, and is chief of all their business in the E. Indies, Persia, and other places dependent thereon, and who is called Sign. Thomas Rastel<sup id="cite_ref-Nt225_31-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt225-31"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>31<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> ... came aboard in our said boat, with a minister of theirs (so they term those who do the priest's office among them)."—<i>Ibid.</i> ii. 501-2; [Hak. Soc. i. 19]. </p><p>1638.—"As soon as the Commanders heard that the (English) <b>President</b> was come to Suhaly, they went ashore.... The two dayes following were spent in feasting, at which the Commanders of the two Ships treated the <b>President,</b> who afterwards returned to <i>Suratta</i>.... During my abode at <i>Suratta</i>, I wanted for no divertisement; for I ... found company at the <i>Dutch</i> <b>President's,</b> who had his Farms there ... <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page731a">page 731a<span id="731a"></span></span></span></span>inasmuch as I could converse with them in their own Language."—<i>Mandelslo</i>, E.T., ed. 1669, p. 19. </p><p>1638.—"Les Anglois ont bien encore vn bureau à Bantam, dans l'Isle de Jaua, mais il a son <b>President</b> particulier, qui ne depend point de celuy de <i>Suratta</i>."—<i>Mandelslo</i>, French ed. 1659, p. 124. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "A mon retour à <i>Suratta</i> ie trouvay dans la loge des Anglois plus de cinquante marchands, que le <b>President</b> auoit fait venir de tous les autres Bureaux, pour rendre compte de leur administration, et pour estre presens à ce changement de Gouuernement."—<i>Ibid.</i> 188. </p><p>1661.—"And in case any Person or Persons, being convicted and sentenced by the <b>President</b> and Council of the said Governor and Company, in the said East Indies, their Factors or Agents there, for any Offence by them done, shall appeal from the same, that then, and in every such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said <b>President</b> and Council, Factor or Agent, to seize upon him or them, and to carry him or them home Prisoners to England."—<i>Letters Patent to the Governor and Company of Merchants of London, trading with the E. Indies</i>, 3d April. </p><p>1670.—The Court, in a letter to Fort St. George, fix the amount of tonnage to be allowed to their officers (for their private investments) on their return to Europe: </p><p><br /> </p> <table style="poem;"> <tbody><tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:0;vertical-align:top;">"<b>Presidents</b> and Agents, at Surat, Fort<br />    St. George, and Bantam </td> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:bottom;">5 <i>tonns</i>. </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1em;vertical-align:top;"><i>Chiefes</i>, at Persia, the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bay" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">Bay</a></b> (q.v.),<br />    Mesulapatam, and Macassar: Deputy at<br />    Bombay, and Seconds at Surat, Fort<br />    St. George, and Bantam </td> <td style="padding-bottom:1em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:bottom;">3 <i>tonns</i>." </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;" colspan="2">In <i>Notes and Exts.</i>, No. i. p. 3. </td></tr></tbody></table> <p><br /> </p> 1702.—"Tuesday 7th Aprill.... In the morning a Councill ... afterwards having some Discourse arising among us whether the charge of hiring Calashes, &c., upon Invitations given us from the Shabander or any others to go to their Countrey Houses or upon any other Occasion of diverting our Selves abroad for health, should be charged to our Honble Masters account or not, the <b>President</b> and Mr. Loyd were of opinion to charge the same.... But Mr. Rouse, Mr. Ridges, and Mr. Master were of opinion that Batavia being a place of extraordinary charge and Expense in all things, the said Calash hire, &c., ought not to be charged to the Honourable Company's Account."—<i>MS. Records in India Office</i>.</div> <p>The book containing this is a collocation of fragmentary MS. diaries. But this passage pertains apparently to the proceedings of President Allen Catchpole and his council, belonging to the Factory of Chusan, from which they were expelled by the Chinese in 1701-2; they stayed some time at Batavia on their way home. Mr. Catchpole (or Ketchpole) was soon afterwards chief of an English settlement made <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page731b">page 731b<span id="731b"></span></span></span></span>upon Pulo Condore, off the Cambojan coast. In 1704-5, we read that he reported favourably on the prospects of the settlement, requesting a supply of young <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/W#writer" title="Hobson-Jobson/W">writers</a>,</b> to learn the Chinese language, anticipating that the island would soon become an important station for Chinese trade. But Catchpole was himself, about the end of 1705, murdered by certain people of Macassar, who thought he had broken faith with them, and with him all the English but two (see <i>Bruce's Annals</i>, 483-4, 580, 606, and <i>A. Hamilton</i>, ii. 205 [ed. 1744]). The Pulo Condore enterprise thus came to an end. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1727.—"About the year 1674, <b>President</b> Aungier, a gentleman well qualified for governing, came to the Chair, and leaving Surat to the Management of Deputies, came to <i>Bombay</i>, and rectified many things."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 188.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="prickly_heat"></span>PRICKLY-HEAT,</b> s. A troublesome cutaneous rash (<i>Lichen tropicus</i>) in the form of small red pimples, which itch intolerably. It affects many Europeans in the hot weather. Fryer (pub. 1698) alludes to these "fiery pimples," but gives the disease no specific name. Natives sometimes suffer from it, and (in the south) use a paste of sandal-wood to alleviate it. Sir Charles Napier in Sind used to suffer much from it, and we have heard him described as standing, when giving an interview during the hot weather, with his back against the edge of an open door, for the convenience of occasional friction against it. [See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#red_dog" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">RED-DOG</a></span>.</b>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1631.—"Quas Latinus Hippocrates <i>Cornelius Celsus</i> papulas, Plinius sudamina vocat ... ita crebra sunt, ut ego adhuc neminem noverim qui molestias has effugerit, non magis quam morsas culicum, quos Lusitani <i>Mosquitas</i> vocant. Sunt autem haec papulae rubentes, et asperae aliquantum, per sudorem in cutem ejectæ; plerumque a capite ad calcem usque, cum summo pruritu, et assiduo scalpendi desiderio erumpentes."—<i>Jac. Bontii, Hist. Nat.</i> &c., ii. 18, p. 33. <p>1665.—"The Sun is but just now rising, yet he is intolerable; there is not a Cloud in the Sky, not a breath of Wind; my horses are spent, they have not seen a green Herb since we came out of <i>Lahor</i>; my <i>Indians</i>, for all their black, dry, and hard skin, sink under it. My face, hands and feet are peeled off, and my body is covered all over with <b>pimples that prick me,</b> as so many needles."—<i>Bernier</i>, E.T. 125; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 389]. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page732a">page 732a<span id="732a"></span></span></span></span>[1673.—"This Season ... though moderately warm, yet our Bodies broke out into small <b>fiery Pimples</b> (a sign of a prevailing <i>Crasis</i>) augmented by <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Muskeetoe</span>-Bites, and <i>Chinces</i> raising Blisters on us."—<i>Fryer</i>, 35.] </p><p>1807.—"One thing I have forgotten to tell you of—the <b>prickly heat.</b> To give you some notion of its intensity, the placid Lord William (Bentinck) has been found sprawling on a table on his back; and Sir Henry Gwillin, one of the Madras Judges, who is a Welshman, and a fiery Briton in all senses, was discovered by a visitor rolling on his own floor, roaring like a baited bull."—<i>Lord Minto in India</i>, June 29. </p> 1813.—"Among the primary effects of a hot climate (for it can hardly be called a disease) we may notice <b>prickly heat.</b>"—<i>Johnson, Influence of Trop. Climates</i>, 25.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="prickly_pear"></span>PRICKLY-PEAR,</b> s. The popular name, in both E. and W. Indies, of the <i>Opuntia Dillenii</i>, Haworth (<i>Cactus Indica</i>, Roxb.), a plant spread all over India, and to which Roxburgh gave the latter name, apparently in the belief of its being indigenous in that country. Undoubtedly, however, it came from America, wide as has been its spread over Southern Europe and Asia. On some parts of the Mediterranean shores (<i>e.g.</i> in Sicily) it has become so characteristic that it is hard to realize the fact that the plant had no existence there before the 16th century. Indeed at Palermo we have heard this scouted, and evidence quoted in the supposed circumstance that among the mosaics of the splendid Duomo of Monreale (12th century) the fig-leaf garments of Adam and Eve are represented as of this uncompromising material. The mosaic was examined by one of the present writers, with the impression that the belief has no good foundation. [See 8th ser. <i>Notes and Queries</i>, viii. 254.] The cactus fruit, yellow, purple, and red, which may be said to form an important article of diet in the Mediterranean, and which is now sometimes seen in London shops, is not, as far as we know, anywhere used in India, except in times of famine. No cactus is named in Drury's <i>Useful Plants of India</i>. And whether the Mediterranean plants form a different species, or varieties merely, as compared with the Indian <i>Opuntia</i>, is a matter for inquiry. The fruit of the Indian plant is smaller and less succulent. There is a good description of the plant and fruit in <i>Oviedo</i>, with a good <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page732b">page 732b<span id="732b"></span></span></span></span>cut (see Ramusio's Ital. version, bk. viii. ch. xxv.). That author gives an amusing story of his first making acquaintance with the fruit in S. Domingo, in the year 1515. </p><p>Some of the names by which the <i>Opuntia</i> is known in the Punjab seem to belong properly to species of <i>Euphorbia</i>. Thus the <i>Euphorbia Royleana</i>, Bois., is called <i>tsūī</i>, <i>chū</i>, &c.; and the <i>Opuntia</i> is called <i>Kābulī tsūī</i>, <i>Gangi sho</i>, <i>Kanghi chū</i>, &c. <i>Gangi chū</i> is also the name of an <i>Euphorbia</i> sp. which Dr. Stewart takes to be the <i>E. Neriifolia</i>, L. (<i>Punjab Plants</i>, pp. 101 and 194-5). [The common name in Upper India for the prickly pear is <i>nāgphanī</i>, 'snake-hood,' from its shape.] This is curious; for although certain cactuses are very like certain <i>Euphorbias</i>, there is no <i>Euphorbia</i> resembling the <i>Opuntia</i> in form. </p><p>The <i>Zaḳūm</i> mentioned in the <i>Āīn</i> (<i>Gladwin</i>, 1800, ii. 68; [<i>Jarrett</i>, ii. 239; <i>Sidi Ali</i>, ed. <i>Vambery</i>, p. 31] as used for hedges in Guzerat, is doubtless <i>Euphorbia</i> also. The <i>Opuntia</i> is very common as a hedge plant in cantonments, &c., and it was much used by Tippoo as an obstruction round his fortifications. Both the <i>E. Royleana</i> and the <i>Opuntia</i> are used for fences in parts of the Punjab. The latter is objectionable, from harbouring dirt and reptiles; but it spreads rapidly both from birds eating the fruit, and from the facility with which the joints take root. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1685.—"The <b>Prickly-Pear,</b> Bush, or Shrub, of about 4 or 5 foot high ... the Fruit at first is green, like the Leaf.... It is very pleasant in taste, cooling and refreshing; but if a Man eats 15 or 20 of them they will colour his water, making it look like Blood."—<i>Dampier</i>, i. 223 (in W. Indies). <p>1764.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"On this lay cuttings of the <b>prickly pear</b>;<br /> They soon a formidable fence will shoot."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Grainger</i>, Bk. i. </p> </div></div> <p>[1829.—"The castle of Bunai ... is covered with the <i>cactus</i>, or <b>prickly pear,</b> so abundant on the east side of the Aravali."—<i>Tod, Annals</i>, Calcutta reprint, i. 826.] </p> 1861.—"The use of the <b>prickly pear</b>" (for hedges) "I strongly deprecate; although impenetrable and inexpensive, it conveys an idea of sterility, and is rapidly becoming a nuisance in this country."—<i>Cleghorn, Forests and Gardens</i>, 285.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="prome"></span>PROME,</b> n.p. An important place in Pegu above the Delta. The name is Talaing, properly <i>Brun</i>. The <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page733a">page 733a<span id="733a"></span></span></span></span>Burmese call it <i>Pyé</i> or (in the Aracanese form in which the <i>r</i> is pronounced) <i>Pré</i> and <i>Pré-myo</i> ('city'). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1545.—"When he (the K. of <i>Bramaa</i>) was arrived at the young King's pallace, he caused himself to be crowned King of <b>Prom,</b> and during the Ceremony ... made that poor Prince, whom he had deprived of his Kingdom, to continue kneeling before him, with his hands held up.... This done he went into a Balcone, which looked on a great Market-place, whither he commanded all the dead children that lay up and down the streets, to be brought, and then causing them to be hacked very small, he gave them, mingled with Bran, Rice, and Herbs, to his Elephants to eat."—<i>Pinto</i>, E.T. 211-212 (orig. clv.). <p>c. 1609.—"... this quarrel was hardly ended when a great rumour of arms was heard from a quarter where the Portuguese were still fighting. The cause of this was the arrival of 12,000 men, whom the King of <b>Pren</b> sent in pursuit of the King of Arracan, knowing that he had fled that way. Our people hastening up had a stiff and well fought combat with them; for although they were fatigued with the fight which had been hardly ended, those of <b>Pren</b> were so disheartened at seeing the Portuguese, whose steel they had already felt, that they were fain to retire."—<i>Bocarro</i>, 142. This author has <b>Prom</b> (p. 132) and <b>Porão</b> (p. 149). [Also see under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#ava" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">AVA</a>.</b>] </p><p>1755.—"<b>Prone</b> ... has the ruins of an <i>old brick wall round it</i>, and immediately without <i>that</i>, another with <i>Teak Timber</i>."—<i>Capt. G. Baker</i>, in <i>Dalrymple</i>, i. 173. </p> 1795.—"In the evening, my boat being ahead, I reached the city of <i>Peeaye-mew</i>, or <b>Prome,</b> ... renowned in Birman history."—<i>Symes</i>, pp. 238-9.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="prow"></span>PROW,</b> <b>PARAO,</b> &c., s. This word seems to have a double origin in European use; the Malayāl. <i>pāṛu</i>, 'a boat,' and the Island word (common to Malay, Javanese, and most languages of the Archipelago) <i>prāū</i> or <i>prāhū</i>. This is often specifically applied to a peculiar kind of galley, "Malay Prow," but Crawfurd defines it as "a general term for any vessel, but generally for small craft." It is hard to distinguish between the words, as adopted in the earlier books, except by considering date and locality. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1499.—"The King despatched to them a large boat, which they call <b>paráo,</b> well manned, on board which he sent a Naire of his with an errand to the Captains...."—<i>Correa, Lendas</i>, I. i. 115. <p>1510.—(At Calicut) "Some other small ships are called <b>Parao,</b> and they are boats of ten paces each, and are all of a piece, and go with oars made of cane, and the mast also is made of cane."—<i>Varthema</i>, 154. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page733b">page 733b<span id="733b"></span></span></span></span>1510.—"The other Persian said: 'O Sir, what shall we do?' I replied: 'Let us go along this shore till we find a <b>parao,</b> that is, a small bark.'"—<i>Ibid.</i> 269. </p><p>1518.—"Item; that any one possessing a zambuquo (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#sambook" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SAMBOOK</a></b>) or a <b>parao</b> of his own and desiring to go in it may do so with all that belongs to him, first giving notice two days before to the Captain of the City."—<i>Livro dos Privilegios da Cidade de Goa</i>, in <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i> Fascic. v. p. 7. </p><p>1523.—"When Dom Sancho (Dom Sancho Anriquez; see <i>Correa</i>, ii. 770) went into Muar to fight with the fleet of the King of Bintam which was inside the River, there arose a squall which upset all our <b>paraos</b> and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#lanchara" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">lancharas</a></b> at the bar mouth...."—<i>Lembrança de Cousas de India</i>, p. 5. </p><p>1582.—"Next daye after the Capitaine Generall with all his men being a land, working upon the ship called Berrio, there came in two little <b>Paraos.</b>"—<i>Castañeda</i> (tr. by N. L.), f. 62<i>v</i>. </p><p>1586.—"The fifth and last festival, which is called <i>Sapan Donon</i>, is one in which the King (of Pegu) is embarked in the most beautiful <b>parò,</b> or boat...."—<i>G. Balbi</i>, f. 122. </p><p>1606.—Gouvea (f. 27<i>v</i>) uses <b>parò.</b> </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "An howre after this comming a board of the hollanders came a <b>prawe</b> or a canow from Bantam."—<i>Middleton's Voyage</i>, c. 3 (<i>v</i>). </p><p>[1611.—"The Portuguese call their own galiots Navires (<i>navios</i>) and those of the Malabars, <b>Pairaus.</b> Most of these vessels were Chetils (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chetty" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHETTY</a></b>), that is to say merchantmen. Immediately on arrival the Malabars draw up their <b>Pados</b> or galliots on the beach."—<i>Pyrard de Laval</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 345. </p><p>1623.—"In the Morning we discern'd four ships of Malabar Rovers near the shore (they called them <b>Paroes</b> and they goe with Oars like our Galeots or Foists."—<i>P. della Valle</i>, Hak. Soc. ii. 201.] </p><p>[1666.—"Con secreto previno Lope de Soarez veinte bateles, y gobernandolo y entrando por un rio, hallaron el peligro de cinco naves y ochenta <b>paraos</b> con mucha gente resuelta y de valor."—<i>Faria y Sousa, Asia</i>, i. 66. </p><p>1673.—"They are owners of several small <b>Provoes,</b> of the same make, and Canooses, cut out of one entire Piece of Wood."—<i>Fryer</i>, 20. Elsewhere (<i>e.g.</i> 57, 59) he has <b>Proes.</b> </p><p>1727.—"The <i>Andemaners</i> had a yearly Custom to come to the <i>Nicobar</i> Islands, with a great number of small <b>Praws,</b> and kill or take Prisoners as many of the poor Nicobareans as they could overcome."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ii. 65 [ed. 1744]. </p><p>1816.—"... <b>Prahu,</b> a term under which the Malays include every description of vessel."—<i>Raffles</i>, in <i>As. Res.</i> xii. 132. </p><p>1817.—"The Chinese also have many brigs ... as well as native-built <b>prahus.</b>"—<i>Raffles, Java</i>, i. 203. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page734a">page 734a<span id="734a"></span></span></span></span>1868.—"On December 13th I went on board a <b>prau</b> bound for the Aru Islands."—<i>Wallace, Malay Archip.</i> 227.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pucka"></span>PUCKA,</b> adj. Hind. <i>pakkā</i>, 'ripe, mature, cooked'; and hence substantial, permanent, with many specific applications, of which examples have been given under the habitually contrasted term <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cutcha" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cutcha</a></b> (q.v.). One of the most common uses in which the word has become specific is that of a building of brick and mortar, in contradistinction to one of inferior material, as of mud, matting, or timber. Thus: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1756.—"... adjacent houses; all of them of the strongest <b>Pecca</b> work, and all most proof against our Mettal on ye Bastions." <i>Capt. Grant, Report on Siege of Calcutta</i>, ed. by Col. Temple, <i>Ind. Ant.</i>, 1890, p. 7.] <p>1784.—"The House, Cook-room, bottle-connah, godown, &c., are all <b>pucka</b>-built."—In <i>Seton-Karr</i>, i. 41. </p><p>1824.—"A little above this beautiful stream, some miserable <b>pucka</b> sheds pointed out the Company's warehouses."—<i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, i. 259-60. </p><p>1842.—"I observe that there are in the town (Dehli) many buildings <b>pucka</b>-built, as it is called in India."—<i>Wellington</i> to Ld. Ellenborough, in <i>Indian Adm.</i> of <i>Ld. E.</i>, p. 306. </p><p>1857.—"Your Lahore men have done nobly. I should like to embrace them; Donald, Roberts, Mac, and Dick are, all of them, <b>pucca</b> trumps."—<i>Lord Lawrence</i>, in <i>Life</i>, ii. 11. </p><p>1869.—"... there is no surer test by which to measure the prosperity of the people than the number of <b>pucka</b> houses that are being built."—<i>Report of a Sub-Committee</i> on Proposed Indian Census. </p><p>This application has given rise to a substantive <b>pucka,</b> for work of brick and mortar, or for the composition used as cement and plaster. </p> 1727.—"Fort William was built on an irregular Tetragon of Brick and Mortar, called <b>Puckah,</b> which is a Composition of Brick-dust, Lime, Molasses, and cut Hemp, and when it comes to be dry, it is as hard and tougher than firm Stone or Brick."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, ii. 19; [ed. 1744, ii. 7].</div> <p>The word was also sometimes used substantively for "<i>pucka pice</i>" (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cutcha" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CUTCHA</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1817.—"I am sure I strive, and strive, and yet last month I could only lay by eight rupees and four <b>puckers.</b>"—<i>Mrs. Sherwood's Stories</i>, 66.</div> <p>In (Stockdale's) <i>Indian Vocabulary</i> of 1788 we find another substantive use, but it was perhaps even then inaccurate. </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page734b">page 734b<span id="734b"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">1788.—"<b>Pucka</b>—A putrid fever, generally fatal in 24 hours."</div> <p>Another habitual application of <b>pucka</b> and <b>cutcha</b> distinguishes between two classes of weights and measures. The existence of twofold weight, the <b>pucka</b> ser and the <b>cutcha,</b> used to be very general in India. It was equally common in Medieval Europe. Almost every city in Italy had its libra <i>grossa</i> and libra <i>sottile</i> (<i>e.g.</i> see <i>Pegolotti</i>, 4, 34, 153, 228, &c.), and we ourselves still have them, under the names of <i>pound avoirdupois</i> and <i>pound troy</i>. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1673.—"The <b>Maund Pucka</b> at <i>Agra</i> is double as much (as the Surat <i>Maund</i>)."—<i>Fryer</i>, 205. <p>1760.—"Les <b>pacca</b> cosses ... repondent à une lieue de l'Isle de France."—<i>Lett. Edif.</i> xv. 189. </p> 1803.—"If the rice should be sent to Coraygaum, it should be in sufficient quantities to give 72 <b>pucca</b> seers for each load."—<i>Wellington, Desp.</i> (ed. 1837), ii. 43.</div> <p>In the next quotation the terms apply to the temporary or permanent character of the appointments held. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1866.—"<i>Susan.</i> Well, Miss, I don't wonder you're so fond of him. He is such a sweet young man, though he is <b>cutcha.</b> Thank goodness, my young man is <b>pucka,</b> though he is only a subordinate Government Salt Chowkee."—<i>Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow</i>, 222.</div> <p>The remaining quotations are examples of miscellaneous use: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1853.—"'Well, Jenkyns, any news?' 'Nothing <b>pucka</b> that I know of.'"—<i>Oakfield</i>, ii. 57. 1866.—"I cannot endure a swell, even though his whiskers are <b>pucka.</b>"—<i>Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow</i>, in <i>Fraser</i>, lxxiii. 220.</div> <p>The word has spread to China: </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Dis <b>pukka</b> sing-song makee show<br /> How smart man make mistake, galow."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Leland, Pidgin English Sing-Song</i>, 54. </p> </div></div> <p><br /> <b>PUCKAULY,</b> s.; also <b>PUCKAUL.</b> Hind. <i>pakhālī</i>, 'a water-carrier.' In N. India the <i>pakhāl</i> [Skt. <i>payas</i>, 'water,' <i>khalla</i>, 'skin'] is a large water-skin (an entire ox-hide) of some 20 gallons content, of which a pair are carried by a bullock, and the <i>pakhālī</i> is the man who fills the skins, and supplies the water thus. In the Madras Drill Regulations for 1785 (33), ten <b>puckalies</b> are allowed to a battalion. (See also Williamson's <i>V. M.</i> (1810), i. 229.) </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page735a">page 735a<span id="735a"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">[1538.—Referring to the preparations for the siege of Diu, "which they brought from all the wells on the island by all the bullocks they could collect with their water-skins, which they call <b>pacals</b> (<i>Pacais</i>)."—<i>Couto</i>, Dec. V. Bk. iii. ch. 2.] <p>1780.—"There is another very necessary establishment to the European corps, which is two <b>buccalies</b> to each company: these are two large leathern bags for holding water, slung upon the back of a bullock...."—<i>Munro's Narrative</i>, 183. </p><p>1803.—"It (water) is brought by means of bullocks in leathern bags, called here <b>puckally</b> bags, a certain number of which is attached to every regiment and garrison in India. Black fellows called <b>Puckauly-boys</b> are employed to fill the bags, and drive the bullocks to the quarters of the different Europeans."—<i>Percival's Ceylon</i>, 102. </p><p>1804.—"It would be a much better arrangement to give the adjutants of corps an allowance of 26 rupees per mensam, to supply two <b>puckalie</b> men, and two bullocks with bags, for each company."—<i>Wellington</i>, iii. 509. </p><p>1813.—"In cities, in the armies, and with Europeans on country excursions, the water for drinking is usually carried in large leather bags called <b>pacaulies,</b> formed by the entire skin of an ox."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> ii. 140; [2nd ed. i. 415]. </p><p>1842.—"I lost no time in confidentially communicating with Capt. Oliver on the subject of trying some experiments as to the possibility of conveying empty '<b>puckalls</b>' and '<b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mussuck" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">mussucks</a></b>' by sea to Suez."—<i>Sir G. Arthur</i>, in <i>Ellenborough's Ind. Admin.</i> 219. </p> [1850.—"On the reverse flank of companies march the <b>Pickalliers,</b> or men driving bullocks, carrying large leather bags filled with water...."—<i>Hervey, Ten Years in India</i>, iii. 335.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="puckerow"></span>PUCKEROW,</b> v. This is properly the imperative of the Hind. verb <i>pakṛānā</i>, 'to cause to be seized,' <i>pakṛāo</i>, 'cause him to be seized'; or perhaps more correctly of a compound verb <i>pakaṛāo</i>, 'seize and come,' or in our idiom, 'Go and seize.' But <i>puckerow</i> belongs essentially to the dialect of the European soldier, and in that becomes of itself a verb 'to <i>puckerow</i>,' <i>i.e.</i> to lay hold of (generally of a recalcitrant native). The conversion of the Hind. imperative into an Anglo-Indian verb infinitive, is not uncommon; compare <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bunow" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">bunow</a>,</b> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#dumbcow" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">dumbcow</a>,</b> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gubbrow" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">gubbrow</a>,</b> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#lugow" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">lugow</a>,</b> &c. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1866.—"Fanny, I am <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cutcha" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">cutcha</a></b> no longer. Surely you will allow a lover who is <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pucka">pucka</a></b> to <b>puckero</b>!"—<i>Trevelyan, The Dawk Bungalow</i>, 390.</div> <p><br /> <b>PUDIPATAN,</b> n.p. The name of a very old seaport of Malabar, which <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page735b">page 735b<span id="735b"></span></span></span></span>has now ceased to have a place in the Maps. It lay between Cannanore and Calicut, and must have been near the Waddakaré of K. Johnston's Royal Atlas. [It appears in the map in Logan's <i>Malabar</i> as <i>Putuppatanam</i> or <i>Putappanam</i>.] The name is Tamil, <i>Pudupaṭṭana</i>, 'New City.' Compare true form of <b>Pondicherry.</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 545.—"The most notable places of trade are these ... and then five marts of Malé from which pepper is exported, to wit, Parti, Mangaruth (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mangalore" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MANGALORE</a></b>), Salopatana, Nalopatana, <b>Pudopatana</b>...."—<i>Cosmas Indicopleustes</i>, Bk. xi. (see in <i>Cathay</i>, &c. p. clxxviii.). <p>c. 1342.—"<b>Buddfattan,</b> which is a considerable city, situated upon a great estuary.... The haven of this city is one of the finest; the water is good, the betel-nut is abundant, and is exported thence to India and China."—<i>Ibn Batuta</i>, iv. 87. </p><p>c. 1420.—"A quâ rursus se diebus viginti terrestri viâ contulit ad urbem portumque maritimum nomine <b>Pudifetaneam</b>."—<i>Conti</i>, in <i>Poggio, de Var. Fort.</i> </p> 1516.—"... And passing those places you come to a river called <b>Pudripatan,</b> in which there is a good place having many Moorish merchants who possess a multitude of ships, and here begins the Kingdom of Calicut."—<i>Barbosa</i>, in <i>Ramusio</i>, i. f. 311<i>v</i>. See also in Stanley's Barbosa <b>Pudopatani,</b> and in <i>Tohfat-ul-Mujahideen</i>, by Rowlandson, pp. 71, 157, where the name (<i>Budfattan</i>) is misread <b>Buduftun.</b></div> <p><br /> [<b><span id="pug"></span>PUG,</b> s. Hind. <i>pag</i>, Skt. <i>padaka</i>, 'a foot'; in Anglo-Indian use the footmarks of an animal, such as a tiger. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1831.—"... sanguine we were sometimes on the report of a <i>bura</i> <b>pug</b> from the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shikaree" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">shikaree</a>.</b>"—<i>Orient. Sport. Mag.</i> reprint 1873, ii. 178. [1882.—"Presently the large square '<b>pug</b>' of the tiger we were in search of appeared."—<i>Sanderson, Thirteen Years</i>, 30.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="puggry"></span>PUGGRY,</b> <b>PUGGERIE,</b> s. Hind. <i>pagṛī</i>, 'a turban.' The term being often used in colloquial for a scarf of cotton or silk wound round the hat in turban-form, to protect the head from the sun, both the thing and name have of late years made their way to England, and may be seen in London shop-windows. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1200.—"Prithirâja ... wore a <b>pagari</b> ornamented with jewels, with a splendid <i>toro</i>. In his ears he wore pearls; on his neck a pearl necklace."—<i>Chand Bardai</i> E.T. by <i>Beames, Ind. Ant.</i> i. 282. <p>[1627.—"... I find it is the common mode of the Eastern People to shave the head all save a long lock which superstitiously <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page736a">page 736a<span id="736a"></span></span></span></span>they leave at the very top, such especially as wear <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#turban" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">Turbans</a>,</b> Mandils, Dustars, and <b>Puggarees.</b>"—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1677, p. 140.] </p><p>1673.—"They are distinguished, some according to the consanguinity they claim with Mahomet, as a Siad is akin to that Imposture, and therefore only assumes to himself a Green Vest and <b>Puckery</b> (or Turbat)...."—<i>Fryer</i>, 93; [comp. 113]. </p><p>1689.—"... with a <b>Puggaree</b> or Turbant upon their Heads."—<i>Ovington</i>, 314. </p> 1871.—"They (the Negro Police in Demarara) used frequently to be turned out to parade in George Town streets, dressed in a neat uniform, with white <b>puggries</b> framing in their ebony faces."—<i>Jenkins, The Coolie</i>.</div> <p><br /> <b>PUGGY,</b> s. Hind. <i>pagī</i> (not in Shakespear's Dict., nor in Platts), from <i>pag</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pug">PUG</a></span></b>), 'the foot.' A professional tracker; the name of a caste, or rather an occupation, whose business is to track thieves by footmarks and the like. On the system, see <i>Burton, Sind Revisited</i>, i. 180 <i>seqq.</i> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1824.—"There are in some of the districts of Central India (as in Guzerat) <b>puggees,</b> who have small fees on the village, and whose business it is to trace thieves by the print of their feet."—<i>Malcolm, Central India</i>, 2nd ed. ii. 19.] 1879.—"Good <b>puggies</b> or trackers should be employed to follow the dacoits during the daytime."—<i>Times of India</i>, Overland Suppt., May 12, p. 7.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="puhur"></span>PUHUR,</b> <b>PORE,</b> <b>PYRE,</b> &c., s. Hind. <i>pahar</i>, <i>pahr</i>, from Skt. <i>prahara</i>. 'A fourth part of the day and of the night, a watch' or space of 8 <i>ghaṛīs</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#ghurry" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GHURRY</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1526.—"The natives of Hindostân divide the night and day into 60 parts, each of which they denominate a <i>Gheri</i>; they likewise divide the night into 4 parts, and the day into the same number, each of which they call a <b>Pahar</b> or watch, which the Persians call a <i>Pâs</i>."—<i>Baber</i>, 331. <p>[c. 1590.—"The Hindu philosophers divide the day and night into four parts, each of which they call a <b>pahr.</b>"—<i>Āīn</i>, ed. <i>Jarrett</i>, iii. 15.] </p><p>1633.—"<b>Par.</b>" See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#ghurry" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GHURRY</a>.</b> </p><p>1673.—"<b>Pore.</b>" See under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gong" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GONG</a>.</b> </p> 1803.—"I have some <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jasoos" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">Jasooses</a></b> selected by Col. C's brahmin for their stupidity, that they might not pry into state secrets, who go to Sindia's camp, remain there a <b>phaur</b> in fear...."—<i>M. Elphinstone</i>, in <i>Life</i>, i. 62.</div> <p><br /> <b>PULÁ,</b> s. In Tamil <i>pillai</i>, Malayāl. <i>pilla</i>, 'child'; the title of a superior class of (so-called) Śūdras, [especially <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page736b">page 736b<span id="736b"></span></span></span></span><b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#curnum" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">curnums</a></b>]. In Cochin and Travancore it corresponds with <i>Nāyar</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nair" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NAIR</a></span></b>). It is granted by the sovereign, and carries exemption from customary manual labour. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1553.—"... <b>pulas,</b> who are the gentlemen" (<i>fidalgos</i>).—<i>Castanheda</i>, iv. 2. [1726.—"O Saguate que o Commendor tinha remetido como gristnave amim e as <b>Pulamares</b> temos ca recebid."—<i>Ratification</i>, in <i>Logan, Malabar</i>, iii. 13.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pulicat"></span>PULICAT,</b> n.p. A town on the Madras coast, which was long the seat of a Dutch factory. Bp. Caldwell's native friend Seshagiri Śāstri gives the proper name as <i>pala-Vêlkāḍu</i>, 'old Velkāḍu or Verkāḍu,' the last a place-name mentioned in the Tamil Sivaite <i>Tevāram</i> (see also Valentijn below). [The <i>Madras Gloss.</i> gives <i>Pazhaverk-kādu</i>, 'old acacia forest,' which is corroborated by Dr. Hultzsch (<i>Epigraphia Indica</i>, i. 398).] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1519.—"And because he had it much in charge to obtain all the lac (<i>alacre</i>) that he could, the Governor learning from merchants that much of it was brought to the Coast of Choromandel by the vessels of Pegu and Martaban which visited that coast to procure painted cloths and other coloured goods, such as are made in <b>Paleacate,</b> which is on the coast of Choromandel, whence the traders with whom the Governor spoke brought it to Cochin; he, having got good information on the whole matter, sent a certain Frolentine (<i>sic</i>, <i>frolentim</i>) called Pero Escroco, whom he knew, and who was good at trade, to be factor on the coast of Choromandel...."—<i>Correa</i>, ii. 567. <p>1533.—"The said Armenian, having already been at the city of <b>Paleacate,</b> which is in the Province of Choromandel and the Kingdom of Bisnaga, when on his way to Bengal, and having information of the place where the body of S. Thomas was said to be, and when they arrived at the port of <b>Paleacate</b> the wind was against their going on...."—<i>Barros</i>, III. vii. 11. </p><p>[1611.—"The Dutch had settled a factory at <b>Pellacata.</b>"—<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 133; in <i>Foster</i>, ii. 83, <b>Pollicat.</b>] </p><p>1726.—"Then we come to <i>Palleam Wedam Caddoe</i>, called by us for shortness <b>Palleacatta,</b> which means in Malabars 'The old Fortress,' though most commonly we call it <i>Castle Geldria</i>."—<i>Valentijn, Chorom.</i> 13. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The route I took was along the strip of country between <b>Porto Novo</b> and <b>Paleiacatta.</b> This long journey I travelled on foot; and preached in more than a hundred places...."—<i>Letter of the Missionary Schultze</i>, July 19, in <i>Notices of Madras</i>, &c., p. 20. </p><p>1727.—"<b>Policat</b> is the next Place of Note to the City and Colony of Fort St <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page737a">page 737a<span id="737a"></span></span></span></span><i>George</i>.... It is strengthned with two Forts, one contains a few Dutch soldiers for a Garrison, the other is commanded by an Officer belonging to the <i>Mogul</i>."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 372, [ed. 1744]. </p> [1813.—"<b>Pulecat</b> handkerchiefs." See under <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#p_pulecat">PIECE-GOODS</a>.</b>]</div> <p><br /> <b>PULTUN,</b> s. Hind. <i>palṭan</i>, a corruption of <i>Battalion</i>, possibly with some confusion of <i>platoon</i> or <i>péloton</i>. The S. India form is <i>pataulam</i>, <i>patālam</i>. It is the usual native word for a regiment of native infantry; it is never applied to one of Europeans. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1800.—"All I can say is that I am ready primed, and that if all matters suit I shall go off with a dreadful explosion, and shall probably destroy some <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#campoo" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">campoos</a></b> and <b>pultons</b> which have been indiscreetly pushed across the Kistna."—<i>A. Wellesley</i> to <i>T. Munro</i>, in <i>Mem. of Munro</i>, by <i>Arbuthnot</i>, lxix. [1895.—"I know lots of Sahibs in a <b>pultoon</b> at Bareilly."—<i>Mrs Croker, Village Tales and Jungle Tragedies</i>, 60.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PULWAH,</b> <b>PULWAR,</b> s. One of the native boats used on the rivers of Bengal, carrying some 12 to 15 tons. Hind. <i>palwār</i>. [For a drawing see <i>Grierson, Bihar Village Life</i>, p. 42.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1735.—"... We observed a boat which had come out of <i>Samboo</i> river, making for <i>Patna</i>: the commandant detached two light <b>pulwaars</b> after her...."—<i>Holwell, Hist. Events</i>, &c., i. 69. <p>[1767.—"... a Peon came twice to Noon-golah, to apply for <b>polwars</b>...."—<i>Verelst, View of Bengal</i>, App. 197.] </p><p>1780.—"Besides this boat, a gentleman is generally attended by two others; a <b>pulwah</b> for the accommodation of the kitchen, and a smaller boat, a <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#paunchway">paunchway</a></b>" (q.v.).—<i>Hodges</i>, p. 39. </p><p>1782.—"To be sold, Three New Dacca <b>Pulwars,</b> 60 feet long, with Houses in the middle of each."—<i>India Gazette</i>, Aug. 31. </p><p>1824.—"The ghât offered a scene of bustle and vivacity which I by no means expected. There were so many budgerows and <b>pulwars,</b> that we had considerable difficulty to find a mooring place."—<i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, i. 131. </p> 1860.—"The <b>Pulwar</b> is a smaller description of native travelling boat, of neater build, and less rusticity of character, sometimes used by a single traveller of humble means, and at others serves as <i>cook-boat</i> and accommodation for servants accompanying one of the large kind of boats...."—<i>Grant, Rural Life in Bengal</i>, p. 7, with an illustration.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pulwaun"></span>PULWAUN,</b> s. P.—H. <i>pahlwān</i>, [which properly means 'a native of ancient Persia' (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pahlavi">PAHLAVI</a></span></b>). Mr. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page737b">page 737b<span id="737b"></span></span></span></span>Skeat notes that in Malay the word becomes <i>pahlāwan</i>, probably from a confusion with Malay <i>āwan</i>, 'to fight']. A champion; a professed wrestler or man of strength. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1753.—"... the fourth, and least numerous of these bodies, were choice men of the <b>Pehlevans</b>...."—<i>Hanway</i>, iii. 104. <p>[1813.—"When his body has by these means imbibed an additional portion of vigour, he is dignified by the appellation of <b>Puhlwan.</b>"—<i>Broughton, Letters</i>, ed. 1892, p. 165.] </p> 1828.—"I added a <b>pehlivân</b> or prize-fighter, a negro whose teeth were filed into saws, of a temper as ferocious as his aspect, who could throw any man of his weight to the ground, carry a jackass, devour a sheep whole, eat fire, and make a fountain of his inside, so as to act as a spout."—<i>Hajji Baba in England</i>, i. 15.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pun"></span>PUN,</b> s. A certain number of cowries, generally 80; Hind. <i>paṇa</i>. (See under <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cowry1" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COWRY</a></span></b>). The Skt. <i>paṇa</i> is 'a stake played for a price, a sum,' and hence both a coin (whence <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#fanam" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">fanam</a>,</b> q.v.) and a certain amount of cowries. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1554.—"<b>Pone.</b>" (See under <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#porto_piqueno">PORTO PIQUENO</a>.</b>) <p>1683.—"I was this day advised that Mr. Charnock putt off Mr. Ellis's Cowries at 34 <b>pund</b> to ye Rupee in payment of all ye Peons and Servants of the Factory, whereas 38 <b>punds</b> are really bought by him for a Rupee...."—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Oct. 2; [Hak. Soc. i. 122]. </p><p>1760.—"We now take into consideration the relief of the menial servants of this Settlement, respecting the exorbitant price of labor exacted from them by tailors, washermen, and barbers, which appear in near a quadruple (pro)portion compared with the prices paid in 1755. Agreed, that after the 1st of April they be regulated as follows: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">"No tailor to demand for making: <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p>1 <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jamma" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">Jamma</a>,</b> more than 3 annas.<br /> <b>*          *          *          *          *          </b><br /> 1 pair of drawers, 7 <b>pun</b> of cowries. </p> </div></div> <p>No washerman: </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p>1 corge of pieces, 7 <b>pun</b> of cowries. </p> </div></div> No barber for shaving a single person, more than 7 gundas" (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#cowry1" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">COWRY</a></b>).—<i>Ft. William Consns.</i>, March 27, in <i>Long</i>, 209.</div></div> <p><br /> <b><span id="punch"></span>PUNCH,</b> s. This beverage, according to the received etymology, was named from the Pers. <i>panj</i>, or Hind. and Mahr. <i>pānch</i>, both meaning 'five'; because composed of five ingredients, viz. arrack, sugar, lime-juice, spice, and water. Fryer may be considered to give something like historical evidence of its origin; but there is <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page738a">page 738a<span id="738a"></span></span></span></span>also something of Indian idiom in the suggestion. Thus a famous horse-medicine in Upper India is known as <i>battīsī</i>, because it is supposed to contain 32 ('<i>battīs</i>') ingredients. Schiller, in his <i>Punschlied</i>, sacrificing truth to trope, omits the spice and makes the ingredients only 4: "<i>Vier</i> Elemente Innig gesellt, Bilden das Leben, Bauen die Welt." </p><p>The Greeks also had a "Punch," <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="pentaploa">πενταπλόα</span></span>, as is shown in the quotation from Athenaeus. Their mixture does not sound inviting. Littré gives the etymology correctly from the Pers. <i>panj</i>, but the 5 elements <i>à la française</i>, as tea, sugar, spirit, cinnamon, and lemon-peel,—no water therefore! </p><p>Some such compound appears to have been in use at the beginning of the 17th century under the name of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#larkin" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">Larkin</a></b> (q.v.). Both Dutch and French travellers in the East during that century celebrate the beverage under a variety of names which amalgamate the drink curiously with the vessel in which it was brewed. And this combination in the form of <b>Bole-ponjis</b> was adopted as the title of a Miscellany published in 1851, by H. Meredith Parker, a Bengal civilian, of local repute for his literary and dramatic tastes. He had lost sight of the original authorities for the term, and his quotation is far astray. We give them correctly below. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 210.—"On the feast of the Scirrha at Athens he (Aristodemus on Pindar) says a race was run by the young men. They ran this race carrying each a vine-branch laden with grapes, such as is called <i>ōschus</i>; and they ran from the temple of Dionysus to that of Athena Sciras. And the winner receives a cup such as is called '<b>Five-fold,</b>' and of this he partakes joyously with the band of his comrades. But the cup is called <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="pentaploa">πενταπλόα</span></span> because it contains wine and honey and cheese and flour, and a little oil."—<i>Athenaeus</i>, XI. xcii. <p>1638.—"This voyage (Gombroon to Surat) ... we accomplished in 19 days.... We drank English beer, Spanish sack, French wine, Indian spirit, and good English water, and made good <b>Palepunzen.</b>"—<i>Mandelslo</i>, (Dutch ed. 1658), p. 24. The word <b>Palepunzen</b> seems to have puzzled the English translator (John Davis, 2nd ed. 1669), who has "excellent good sack, <i>English</i> beer, <i>French</i> wines, <i>Arak, and other refreshments</i>." (p. 10). </p><p>1653.—"<b>Bolleponge</b> est vn mot Anglois, qui signifie vne boisson dont les Anglois vsent aux Indes faite de sucre, suc de limon, eau de vie, fleur de muscade, et <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page738b">page 738b<span id="738b"></span></span></span></span>biscuit roty."—<i>De la Boullaye-le-Gouz</i>, ed. 1657, p. 534. </p><p>[1658.—"Arriued this place where found the Bezar almost Burnt and many of the People almost starued for want of Foode which caused much Sadnes in Mr. Charnock and my Selfe, but not soe much as the absence of your Company, which wee haue often remembered in a bowle of the cleerest <b>Punch,</b> hauing noe better Liquor."—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Hak. Soc. iii. cxiv.] </p><p>1659.—"Fürs Dritte, <b>Pale bunze</b> getituliret, von halb Wasser, halb Brantwein, dreyssig, vierzig Limonien, deren Körnlein ausgespeyet werden, und ein wenig Zucker eingeworfen; wie dem Geschmack so angenehm nicht, also auch der Gesundheit nicht."—<i>Saar</i>, ed. 1672, 60. </p><p>[1662.—"Amongst other spirituous drinks, as <b>Punch,</b> &c., they gave us Canarie that had been carried to and fro from the Indies, which was indeed incomparably good."—<i>Evelyn, Diary</i>, Jan. 16.] </p><p>c. 1666.—"Néanmoins depuis qu'ils (les Anglois) ont donné ordre, aussi bien que les Hollandois, que leurs equipages ne boivent point tant de <b>Bouleponges</b> ... il n'y a pas tant de maladies, et il ne leur meurt plus tant de monde. <b>Bouleponge</b> est un certain breuvage composé d'arac ... avec du suc de limons, de l'eau, et un peu de muscade rapée dessus: il est assez agréable au gout, mais c'est la peste du corps et de la santé."—<i>Bernier</i>, ed. 1723, ii. 335 (Eng. Tr. p. 141); [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 441]. </p> 1670.—"Doch als men zekere andere drank, die zij <b>Paleponts</b> noemen, daartusschen drinkt, zo word het quaat enigsins geweert."—<i>Andriesz</i>, 9. Also at p. 27, "<b>Palepunts.</b>"</div> <p>We find this blunder of the compound word transported again to England, and explained as a 'hard word.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1672.—Padre Vincenzo Maria describes the thing, but without a name: <p>"There are many fruites to which the Hollanders and the English add a certain beverage that they compound of lemon-juice, aqua-vitae, sugar, and nutmegs, to quench their thirst, and this, in my belief, augments not a little the evil influence."—<i>Viaggio</i>, p. 103. </p><p>1673.—"At Nerule is the best <i>Arach</i> or <i>Nepa</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/N#nipa" title="Hobson-Jobson/N">NIPA</a></b>) <i>de Goa</i>, with which the <i>English</i> on this Coast make that enervating Liquor called <b>Paunch</b> (which is <i>Indostan</i> for Five), from Five Ingredients; as the Physicians name their Composition <i>Diapente</i>; or from four things, <i>Diatessaron</i>."—<i>Fryer</i>, 157. </p><p>1674.—"<b>Palapuntz,</b> a kind of Indian drink, consisting of <i>Aqua-vitae</i>, Rose-water, juyce of Citrons and Sugar."—<i>Glossographia</i>, &c., by T. E. </p><p>[1675.—"Drank part of their boules of <b>Punch</b> (a liquor very strange to me)."—<i>H. Teonge, Diary</i>, June 1.] </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page739a">page 739a<span id="739a"></span></span></span></span>1682.—"Some (of the Chinese in Batavia) also sell Sugar-beer, as well as cooked dishes and Sury (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#sura" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">SURA</a></b>), arak or Indian brandy; wherefrom they make <i>Mussak</i> and <b>Follepons,</b> as the Englishmen call it."—<i>Nieuhoff, Zee en Lant-Reize</i>, ii. 217. </p><p>1683.—"... Our owne people and mariners who are now very numerous, and insolent among us, and (by reason of <b>Punch</b>) every day give disturbance."—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Oct. 8; [Hak. Soc. i. 123]. </p><p>1688.—"... the soldiers as merry as <b>Punch</b> could make them."—In <i>Wheeler</i>, i. 187. </p><p>1689.—"Bengal (Arak) is much stronger spirit than that of Goa, tho' both are made use of by the Europeans in making <b>Punch.</b>"—<i>Ovington</i>, 237-8. </p><p>1694.—"If any man comes into a victualling house to drink <b>punch,</b> he may demand one quart good Goa <i>arak</i>, half a pound of sugar, and half a pint of good lime water, and make his own <b>punch</b>...."—<i>Order Book of Bombay Govt.</i>, quoted by <i>Anderson</i>, p. 281. </p><p>1705.—"Un bon repas chez les Anglais ne se fait point sans <i>bonne</i> <b>ponse</b> qu'on sert dans un grand vase."—<i>Sieur Luillier, Voy. aux Grandes Indes</i>, 29. </p><p>1771.—"Hence every one (at Madras) has it in his Power to eat well, tho' he can afford no other Liquor at Meals than <b>Punch,</b> which is the common Drink among Europeans, and here made in the greatest Perfection."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 22. </p><p>1724.—"Next to <i>Drams</i>, no Liquor deserves more to be stigmatised and banished from the Repasts of the <i>Tender</i>, <i>Valetudinary</i>, and <i>Studious</i>, than <b>Punch.</b>"—<i>G. Cheyne, An Essay on Health and Longevity</i>, p. 58. </p> 1791.—"Dès que l'Anglais eut cessé de manger, le Paria ... fit un signe à sa femme, qui apporta ... une grande calebasse pleine de <b>punch,</b> qu'elle avoit preparé, pendant le souper, avec de l'eau, et du jus de citron, et du jus de canne de sucre...."—<i>B. de St. Pierre, Chaumière Indienne</i>, 56.</div> <p><br /> <b>PUNCH-HOUSE,</b> s. An Inn or Tavern; now the term is chiefly used by natives (sometimes in the hybrid form <b>Punch-ghar,</b> [which in Upper India is now transferred to the meeting-place of a Municipal Board]) at the Presidency towns, and applied to houses frequented by seamen. Formerly the word was in general Anglo-Indian use. [In the Straits the Malay <i>Panc-haus</i> is, according to Mr. Skeat, still in use, though obsolescent.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1661.—"... the Commandore visiting us, wee delivering him another examination of a Persee (<b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#parsee">Parsee</a></b>), who kept a <b>Punch house,</b> where the murder was committed...."—<i>Forrest, Bombay Letters, Home Series</i>, i. 189.] <p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page739b">page 739b<span id="739b"></span></span></span></span>1671-2.—"It is likewise enordered and declared hereby that no Victuallar, <b>Punch-house,</b> or other house of Entertainment shall be permitted to make stoppage at the pay day of their wages...."—<i>Rules</i>, in <i>Wheeler</i>, iii. 423. </p><p>1676.—Major Puckle's "Proposals to the Agent about the young men at Metchlepatam. </p><p>"That some pecuniary mulct or fine be imposed ... for misdemeanours. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:2em"></span><b>*          *          *          *          *          </b> </p><p>"6. Going to <b>Punch</b> or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#arrack" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">Rack</a>-houses</b> without leave or warrantable occasion. </p><p>"Drubbing any of the Company's <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#peon">Peons</a></b> or servants." </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:2em"></span><b>*          *          *          *          *          </b> </p><p>—In <i>Notes and Exts.</i>, No. I. p. 40. </p><p>1688.—"... at his return to Achen he constantly frequented an English <b>Punch-house,</b> spending his Gold very freely."—<i>Dampier</i>, ii. 134. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "Mrs. Francis, wife to the late Lieutenant Francis killed at Hoogly by the Moors, made it her petition that she might keep a <b>Punch-house</b> for her maintenance."—In <i>Wheeler</i>, i. 184. </p><p>1697.—"Monday, 1st April ... Mr. Cheesely having in a <b>Punch-house,</b> upon a quarrel of words, drawn his Sword ... and being taxed therewith, he both doth own and justify the drawing of the sword ... it thereupon ordered not to wear a sword while here."—In <i>Wheeler</i>, i. 320. </p><p>1727.—"... Of late no small Pains and Charge have been bestowed on its Buildings (of the Fort at Tellichery); but for what Reason I know not ... unless it be for small Vessels ... or to protect the Company's Ware-house, and a small <b>Punch-house</b> that stands on the Sea-shore...."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 299 [ed. 1744]. </p><p>1789.—"Many ... are obliged to take up their residence in dirty <b>punch-houses.</b>"—<i>Munro's Narrative</i>, 22. </p> 1810.—"The best house of that description which admits boarders, and which are commonly called <b>Punch-houses.</b>"—<i>Williamson, V.M.</i> i. 135.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="punchayet"></span>PUNCHAYET,</b> s. Hind. <i>panchāyat</i>, from <i>pānch</i>, 'five.' A council (properly of 5 persons) assembled as a Court of Arbiters or Jury; or as a committee of the people of a village, of the members of a Caste, or whatnot, to decide on questions interesting the body generally. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1778.—"<i>The Honourable</i> <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">William Hornby</span>, Esq., <i>President and Governor of His Majesty's Castle and Island of Bombay</i>, &c. <p>"The humble Petition of the Managers of the <b>Panchayet</b> of Parsis at Bombay...."—<i>Dosambhai Framji, H. of the Parsis</i>, 1884, ii. 219. </p><p>1810.—"The Parsees ... are governed by their own <b>panchaït</b> or village Council. <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page740a">page 740a<span id="740a"></span></span></span></span>The word <b>panchaït</b> literally means a Council of five, but that of the Guebres in Bombay consists of thirteen of the principal merchants of the sect."—<i>Maria Graham</i>, 41. </p><p>1813.—"The carpet of justice was spread in the large open hall of the durbar, where the arbitrators assembled: there I always attended, and agreeably to ancient custom, referred the decision to a <b>panchaeet</b> or jury of five persons."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i>, ii. 359; [in 2nd ed. (ii. 2) <b>Panchaut</b>]. </p><p>1819.—"The <b>punchayet</b> itself, although in all but village causes it has the defects before ascribed to it, possesses many advantages. The intimate acquaintance of the members with the subject in dispute, and in many cases with the characters of the parties, must have made their decisions frequently correct, and ... the judges being drawn from the body of the people, could act on no principles that were not generally understood."—<i>Elphinstone</i>, in <i>Life</i>, ii. 89. </p><p>1821.—"I kept up <b>punchayets</b> because I found them ... I still think that the <b>punchayet</b> should on no account be dropped, that it is an excellent institution for dispensing justice, and in keeping up the principles of justice, which are less likely to be observed among a people to whom the administration of it is not at all intrusted."—<i>Ibid.</i> 124. </p><p>1826.—"... when he returns assemble a <b>punchayet,</b> and give this cause patient attention, seeing that Hybatty has justice."—<i>Pandurang Hari</i>, 31; [ed. 1873, i. 42]. </p><p>1832.—Bengal Regn. VI. of this year allows the judge of the Sessions Court to call in the alternative aid of a <b>punchayet,</b> in lieu of assessors, and so to dispense with the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#futwa" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">futwa</a>.</b> See <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#law_officer" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">LAW-OFFICER</a>.</b> </p><p>1853.—"From the death of Runjeet Singh to the battle of Sobraon, the Sikh Army was governed by '<b>Punchayets</b>' or '<b>Punches</b>'—committees of the soldiery. These bodies sold the Government to the Sikh chief who paid the highest, letting him command until murdered by some one who paid higher."—<i>Sir C. Napier, Defects of Indian Government</i>, 69. </p> 1873.—"The Council of an Indian Village Community most commonly consists of five persons ... the <b>panchayet</b> familiar to all who have the smallest knowledge of India."—<i>Maine, Early Hist. of Institutions</i>, 221.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pundit"></span>PUNDIT,</b> s. Skt. <i>paṇḍita</i>, 'a learned man.' Properly a man learned in Sanskrit lore. The Pundit of the Supreme Court was a Hindu <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#law_officer" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">Law-Officer</a>,</b> whose duty it was to advise the English Judges when needful on questions of Hindu Law. The office became extinct on the constitution of the 'High Court,' superseding the Supreme Court and Sudder Court, under the Queen's Letters Patent of May 14, 1862. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page740b">page 740b<span id="740b"></span></span></span></span>In the Mahratta and Telegu countries, the word <i>Paṇḍit</i> is usually pronounced <i>Pant</i> (in English colloquial <i>Punt</i>); but in this form it has, as with many other Indian words in like case, lost its original significance, and become a mere personal title, familiar in Mahratta history, <i>e.g.</i> the Nānā Dhundo<i>pant</i> of evil fame. </p><p>Within the last 30 or 35 years the term has acquired in India a peculiar application to the natives trained in the use of instruments, who have been employed beyond the British Indian frontier in surveying regions inaccessible to Europeans. This application originated in the fact that two of the earliest men to be so employed, the explorations by one of whom acquired great celebrity, were masters of village schools in our Himālayan provinces. And the title <i>Pundit</i> is popularly employed there much as <i>Dominie</i> used to be in Scotland. The <i>Pundit</i> who brought so much fame on the title was the late Nain Singh, C.S.I. [See Markham, <i>Memoir of Indian Surveys</i>, 2nd ed. 148 <i>seqq.</i>] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1574.—"I hereby give notice that ... I hold it good, and it is my pleasure, and therefore I enjoin on all the <b>pandits</b> (<i>panditos</i>) and Gentoo physicians (<i>phisicos gentios</i>) that they ride not through this City (of Goa) or the suburbs thereof on horseback, nor in <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#andor" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">andors</a></b> and palanquins, on pain of paying, on the first offence 10 <i>cruzados</i>, and on the second 20, <i>pera o sapal</i>,<sup id="cite_ref-Nt226_32-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt226-32"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>32<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> with the forfeiture of such horses, <b>andors,</b> or palanquins, and on the third they shall become the galley-slaves of the King my Lord...."—<i>Procl.</i> of the Governor <i>Antonio Moriz Barreto</i>, in <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i> Fascic. 5, p. 899. <p>1604.—"... llamando tãbien en su compania los <b>Põditos,</b> le presentaron al Nauabo."—<i>Guerrero, Relaçion</i>, 70. </p><p>1616.—"... Brachmanae una cum <b>Panditis</b> comparentes, simile quid iam inde ab orbis exordio in Indostane visum negant."—<i>Jarric, Thesaurus</i>, iii. 81-82. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page741a">page 741a<span id="741a"></span></span></span></span>1663.—"A <b>Pendet</b> Brachman or <i>Heathen</i> Doctor whom I had put to serve my Agah ... would needs make his Panegyrick ... and at last concluded seriously with this: <i>When you put your Foot into the Stirrup, My Lord, and when you march on Horseback in the front of the Cavalry, the Earth trembleth under your Feet, the eight Elephants that hold it up upon their Heads not being able to support it</i>."—<i>Bernier</i>, E.T., 85; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 264]. </p><p>1688.—"Je feignis donc d'être malade, et d'avoir la fièvre; on fit venir aussitôt un <b>Pandite</b> ou médicin Gentil."—<i>Dellon, Rel. de l'Inq. de Goa</i>, 214. </p><p>1785.—"I can no longer bear to be at the mercy of our <b>pundits,</b> who deal out Hindu law as they please; and make it at reasonable rates, when they cannot find it ready made."—Letter of <i>Sir W. Jones</i>, in Mem. by <i>Ld. Teignmouth</i>, 1807, ii. 67. </p><p>1791.—"Il était au moment de s'embarquer pour l'Angleterre, plein de perplexité et d'ennui, lorsque les brames de Bénarés lui apprirent que le brame supérieur de la fameuse pagode de Jagrenat ... était seul capable de resoudre toutes les questions de la Société royale de Londres. C'était en effet le plus fameux <b>pandect,</b> ou docteur, dont on eût jamais oui parler."—<i>B. de St. Pierre, La Chaumière Indienne.</i> The preceding exquisite passage shows that the blunder which drew forth Macaulay's flaming wrath, in the quotation lower down, was not a new one. </p><p>1798.—"... the most learned of the <b>Pundits</b> or Bramin lawyers, were called up from different parts of Bengal."—<i>Raynal, Hist.</i> i. 42. </p><p>1856.—"Besides ... being a <i>Pundit</i> of learning, he (Sir David Brewster) is a bundle of talents of various kinds."—<i>Life and Letters of Sydney Dobell</i>, ii. 14. </p><p>1860.—"Mr. Vizetelly next makes me say that the principle of limitation is found 'amongst the <b>Pandects</b> of the Benares....' The Benares he probably supposes to be some Oriental nation. What he supposes their Pandects to be I shall not presume to guess.... If Mr. Vizetelly had consulted the Unitarian Report, he would have seen that I spoke of the <b>Pundits</b> of Benares, and he might without any very long and costly research have learned where Benares is and what a Pundit is."—<i>Macaulay</i>, Preface to his <i>Speeches</i>. </p><p>1877.—"Colonel Y——. Since Nain Singh's absence from this country precludes my having the pleasure of handing to him in person, this, the Victoria or Patron's Medal, which has been awarded to him, ... I beg to place it in your charge for transmission to the <b>Pundit.</b>"—<i>Address</i> by <i>Sir R. Alcock</i>, Prest. R. Geog. Soc., May 28. </p> "Colonel Y—— in reply, said: ... Though I do not know Nain Singh personally, I know his work.... He is not a topographical automaton, or merely one of a great multitude of native employés with an average qualification. His observations <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page741b">page 741b<span id="741b"></span></span></span></span>have added a larger amount of important knowledge to the map of Asia than those of any other living man, and his journals form an exceedingly interesting book of travels. It will afford me great pleasure to take steps for the transmission of the Medal through an official channel to the <b>Pundit.</b>"—<i>Reply to the President</i>, same date.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="punjaub"></span>PUNJAUB,</b> n.p. The name of the country between the Indus and the Sutlej. The modern Anglo-Indian province so-called, now extends on one side up beyond the Indus, including Peshāwar, the Derajāt, &c., and on the other side up to the Jumna, including Delhi. [In 1901 the Frontier Districts were placed under separate administration.] The name is Pers. <i>Panj-āb</i>, 'Five Rivers.' These rivers, as reckoned, sometimes include the Indus, in which case the five are (1) Indus, (2) Jelam (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jelum" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JELUM</a></span></b>) or Behat, the ancient <i>Vitasta</i> which the Greeks made <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Hydaspês">Ὑδάσπης</span></span> (<i>Strabo</i>) and <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Bidaspês">Βιδάσπης</span></span> (<i>Ptol.</i>), (3) Chenāb, ancient <i>Chandrabāgha</i> and <i>Āsiknī</i>. Ptolemy preserves a corruption of the former Sanskrit name in <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Sandabal">Σανδαβάλ</span></span>, but it was rejected by the older Greeks because it was of ill omen, <i>i.e.</i> probably because Grecized it would be <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Xandrophagos">Ξανδροφάγος</span></span>, 'the devourer of Alexander.' The alternative <i>Āsiknī</i> they rendered <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Akesinês">Ἀκεσίνης</span></span>. (4) Rāvī, the ancient <i>Airāvatī</i>, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Hyarôtês">Ὑάρωτης</span></span> (<i>Strabo</i>), <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Hydraôtês">Ὑδραώτης</span></span> (<i>Arrian</i>), <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Adris">Ἄδρις</span></span> or <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Rhouadis">Ῥούαδις</span></span> (<i>Ptol.</i>). (5) Biās, ancient <i>Vipāsā</i>, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Hyphasis">Ὕφασις</span></span> (Arrian), <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Bibasios">Βιβάσιος</span></span> (<i>Ptol.</i>). This excluded the Sutlej, <i>Satadru</i>, <i>Hesydrus</i> of Pliny, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Zaradros">Ζαράδρος</span></span> or <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="Zadadrês">Ζαδάδρης</span></span> (<i>Ptol.</i>), as Timur excludes it below. We may take in the Sutlej and exclude the Indus, but we can hardly exclude the Chenāb as Wassāf does below. </p><p>No corresponding term is used by the Greek geographers. "Putandum est nomen <b>Panchanadae</b> Graecos aut omnino latuisse, aut casu quodam non ad nostra usque tempora pervenisse, quod in tanta monumentorum ruina facile accidere potuit" (<i>Lassen, Pentapotamia</i>, 3). Lassen however has termed the country <i>Pentepotamia</i> in a learned Latin dissertation on its ancient geography. Though the actual word <i>Panjāb</i> is Persian, and dates from Mahommedan times, the corresponding Skt. <i>Panchanada</i> is ancient and genuine, occurring in the <i>Mahābhārata</i> and <i>Rāmāyaṇa</i>. The name <i>Panj-āb</i> in older Mahommedan writers is applied to the Indus river, after <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page742a">page 742a<span id="742a"></span></span></span></span>receiving the rivers of the country which we call <i>Punjaub</i>. In that sense <i>Panj-nad</i>, of equivalent meaning, is still occasionally used. [In S. India the term is sometimes applied to the country watered by the Tumbhadra, Wardha, Malprabha, Gatprabha and Kistna (<i>Wilks, Hist. Sketches</i>, Madras reprint, i. 405).] </p><p>We remember in the newspapers, after the second Sikh war, the report of a speech by a clergyman in England, who spoke of the deposition of "the bloody <b>Punjaub</b> of Lahore." </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;"><span style="font-size: 83%;">B.C.</span> <i>x</i>.—"Having explored the land of the Pahlavi and the country adjoining, there had then to be searched <b>Panchanada</b> in every part; the monkeys then explore the region of Kashmīr with its woods of acacias."—<i>Rāmāyaṇa</i>, Bk. iv. ch. 43. <p>c. 940.—Maṣ'ūdī details (with no correctness) the five rivers that form the Mihrān or Indus. He proceeds: "When the <b>Five Rivers</b> which we have named have past the House of Gold which is Mūltān, they unite at a place three days distant from that city, between it and Manṣūra at a place called Doshāb."—i. 377-8. </p><p>c. 1020.—"They all (Sind, Jhailam, Irāwa, Biah) combine with the Satlader (Sutlej) below Múltán, at a place called <b>Panjnad,</b> or 'the junction of the five rivers.' They form a very wide stream."—<i>Al-Birūnī</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, i. 48. </p><p>c. 1300.—"After crossing the <b>Panj-āb,</b> or five rivers, namely Sind, Jelam, the river of Loháwar (<i>i.e.</i> of <i>Lahore</i>, viz. the Rāvī), Satlút, and Bīyah...."—<i>Wassāf</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, iii. 36. </p><p>c. 1333.—"By the grace of God our caravan arrived safe and sound at <b>Banj-āb,</b> <i>i.e.</i> at the River of the Sind. <i>Banj</i> (<i>panj</i>) signifies 'five,' and <i>āb</i>, 'water;' so that the name signifies 'the Five Waters.' They flow into this great river, and water the country."—<i>Ibn Batuta</i>, iii. 91. </p><p>c. 1400.—"All these (united) rivers (Jelam, Chenáb, Ráví, Bíyáh, Sind) are called the Sind or <b>Panj-áb,</b> and this river falls into the Persian Gulf near Thatta."—<i>The Emp. Timur</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, iii. 476. </p><p>[c. 1630.—"He also takes a Survey of <b>Pang-ob</b>...."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1677, p. 63. He gives a list of the rivers in p. 70.] </p><p>1648.—"... <b>Pang-ab,</b> the chief city of which is Lahor, is an excellent and fruitful province, for it is watered by the five rivers of which we have formerly spoken."—<i>Van Twist</i>, 3. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The River of the ancient Indus, is by the Persians and Magols called <b>Pang-ab,</b> <i>i.e.</i> the Five Waters."—<i>Ibid.</i> i. </p><p>1710.—"He found this ancient and famous city (Lahore) in the Province <b>Panschaap,</b> by the side of the broad and fish-abounding river Rari (for <i>Ravi</i>)."—<i>Valentijn</i>, iv. (<i>Suratte</i>), 282. </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page742b">page 742b<span id="742b"></span></span></span></span>1790.—"Investigations of the religious ceremonies and customs of the Hindoos, written in the Carnatic, and in the <b>Punjab,</b> would in many cases widely differ."—<i>Forster</i>, Preface to <i>Journey</i>. </p><p>1793.—"The Province, of which Lahore is the capital, is oftener named <b>Panjab</b> than Lahore."—<i>Rennell's Memoir</i>, 3rd ed. 82. </p><p>1804.—"I rather think ... that he (Holkar) will go off to the <b>Punjaub.</b> And what gives me stronger reason to think so is, that on the seal of his letter to me he calls himself '<i>the Slave of Shah Mahmoud, the King of Kings</i>.' Shah Mahmoud is the brother of Zemaun Shah. He seized the musnud and government of Caubul, after having defeated Zemaun Shah two or three years ago, and put out his eyes."—<i>Wellington, Desp.</i> under March 17. </p> 1815.—"He (Subagtageen) ... overran the fine province of the <b>Punjaub,</b> in his first expedition."—<i>Malcolm, Hist. of Persia</i>, i. 316.</div> <p><br /> <b>PUNKAH,</b> s. Hind. <i>pankhā</i>. </p><p><b>a.</b> In its original sense a portable fan, generally made from the leaf of the <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#palmyra">palmyra</a></b> (<i>Borassus flabelliformis</i>, or 'fan-shaped'), the natural type and origin of the fan. Such <i>pankhās</i> in India are not however formed, as Chinese fans are, like those of our ladies; they are generally, whether large or small, of a bean-shape, with a part of the dried leaf-stalk adhering, which forms the handle. </p><p><b>b.</b> But the specific application in Anglo-Indian colloquial is to the large fixed and swinging fan, formed of cloth stretched on a rectangular frame, and suspended from the ceiling, which is used to agitate the air in hot weather. The date of the introduction of this machine into India is not known to us. The quotation from Linschoten shows that some such apparatus was known in the 16th century, though this comes out clearly in the French version alone; the original Dutch, and the old English translation are here unintelligible, and indicate that Linschoten (who apparently never was at Ormuz) was describing, from hearsay, something that he did not understand. More remarkable passages are those which we take from Dozy, and from El-Fakhrī, which show that the true Anglo-Indian <i>punka</i> was known to the Arabs as early as the 8th century. </p><p><b>a.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1710.—"Aloft in a Gallery the King sits in his chaire of State, accompanied with his <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page743a">page 743a<span id="743a"></span></span></span></span>Children and chiefe Vizier ... no other without calling daring to goe vp to him, saue onely two <b>Punkaws</b> to gather wind."—<i>W. Finch</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 439. The word seems here to be used improperly for the men who plied the fans. We find also in the same writer a verb to <b>punkaw</b>: "... behind one <b>punkawing,</b> another holding his sword."—<i>Ibid.</i> 433.</div> <p>Terry does not use the word: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1616.—"... the people of better quality, lying or sitting on their Carpets or Pallats, have servants standing about them, who continually beat the air upon them with <i>Flabella's</i>, or Fans, of stiffned leather, which keepe off the flyes from annoying them, and cool them as they lye."—Ed. 1665, p. 405. <p>1663.—"On such occasions they desire nothing but ... to lie down in some cool and shady place all along, having a servant or two to fan one by turns, with their great <b>Pankas,</b> or Fans."—<i>Bernier</i>, E.T., p. 76; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 241]. </p><p>1787.—"Over her head was held a <b>punker.</b>"—<i>Sir C. Malet</i>, in Parl. Papers, 1821, '<i>Hindoo Widows</i>.' </p><p>1809.—"He ... presented me ... two punkahs."—<i>Lord Valentia</i>, i. 428. </p> 1881.—"The chair of state, the <i>sella gestatoria</i>, in which the Pope is borne aloft, is the ancient palanquin of the Roman nobles, and, of course, of the Roman Princes ... the fans which go behind are the <b>punkahs</b> of the Eastern Emperors, borrowed from the Court of Persia."—<i>Dean Stanley, Christian Institutions</i>, 207.</div> <p><b>b.</b>— </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1150-60.—"Sous le nom de <i>Khaich</i> on entend des étoffes de mauvais toile de lin qui servent à différents usages. Dans ce passage de Rhazès (c. <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 900) ce sont des ventilateurs faits de cet étoffe. Ceci se pratique de cette manière: on en prend un morceau de la grandeur d'un tapis, un peu plus grand ou un peu plus petit selon les dimensions de la chambre, et on le rembourre avec des objets qui ont de la consistance et qui ne plient pas facilement, par exemple avec du sparte. L'ayant ensuite suspendu au milieu de la chambre, on le fait tirer et lacher doucement et continuellement par un homme placé dans le haut de l'appartement. De cette manière il fait beaucoup de vent et rafraichit l'air. Quelquefois on le trempe dans de l'eau de rose, et alors il parfume l'air en même temps qu'il le rafraichit."—<i>Glossaire sur le Mançouri</i>, quoted in <i>Dozy et Engelmann</i>, p. 342. See also <i>Dozy, Suppt. aux Dictt. Arabes</i>, s.v. <i>Khaich</i>. <p>1166.—"He (Ibn Hamdun the Kātib) once recited to me the following piece of his composition, containing an enigmatical description of a linen fan: (<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">1</sup>) </p><p>"'Fast and loose, it cannot touch what it tries to reach; though tied up it moves swiftly, and though a prisoner it is free. Fixed in its place it drives before it the gentle breeze; though its path lie closed up <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page743b">page 743b<span id="743b"></span></span></span></span>it moves on in its nocturnal journey.'"—Quoted by <i>Ibn Khallikan</i>, E.T. iii. 91. </p><p>"(<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">1</sup>) The <i>linen fan</i> (<i>Mirwaha-t al Khaish</i>) is a large piece of linen, stretched on a frame, and suspended from the ceiling of the room. They make use of it in Irâk. See de Sacy's <i>Hariri</i>, p. 474."—Note by <i>MacGuckin de Slane</i>, <i>ibid.</i> p. 92. </p><p>c. 1300.—"One of the innovations of the Caliph Manṣūr (<span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 753-774) was the <i>Khaish</i> of linen in summer, a thing which was not known before his time. But the Sāsānian Kings used in summer to have an apartment freshly plastered (with clay) every day, which they inhabited, and on the morrow another apartment was plastered for them."—<i>El-Fakhrī</i>, ed. <i>Ahlwardt</i>, p. 188. </p><p>1596.—"And (they use) instruments like swings with fans, to rock the people in, and to make wind for cooling, which they call <i>cattaventos</i>."—Literal Transln. from <i>Linschoten</i>, ch. 6. </p> 1598.—"And they vse certaine instruments like Waggins, with bellowes, to beare all the people in, and to gather winde to coole themselves withall, which they call <i>Cattaventos</i>."—<i>Old English Translation</i>, by W. P., p. 16; [Hak. Soc. i. 52].</div> <p>The French version is really a brief description of the punka: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1610.—"Ils ont aussi du Cattaventos qui sont certains instruments pendus en l'air es quels se faisant donner le bransle ils font du vent qui les rafraichit."—Ed. 1638, p. 17.</div> <p>The next also perhaps refers to a suspended punka: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1662.—"... furnished also with good Cellars with great <i>Flaps</i> to stir the Air, for reposing in the fresh Air from 12 till 4 or 5 of the Clock, when the Air of these Cellars begins to be hot and stuffing."—<i>Bernier</i>, p. 79; [ed. <i>Constable</i>, 247]. <p>1807.—"As one small concern succeeds another, the <b>punkah</b> vibrates gently over my eyes."—<i>Lord Minto in India</i>, 27. </p><p>1810.—"Were it not for the <b>punka</b> (a large frame of wood covered with cloth) which is suspended over every table, and kept swinging, in order to freshen the air, it would be scarcely possible to sit out the melancholy ceremony of an Indian dinner."—<i>Maria Graham</i>, 30. </p><p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> Williamson mentions that <b>punkahs</b> "were suspended in most dining halls."—<i>Vade Mecum</i>, i. 281. </p><p>1823.—"<b>Punkas,</b> large frames of light wood covered with white cotton, and looking not unlike enormous fire-boards, hung from the ceilings of the principal apartments."—<i>Heber</i>, ed. 1844, i. 28. </p><p>1852.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Holy stones with scrubs and slaps<br /> (Our Christmas waits!) prelude the day;<br /> For holly and festoons of bay<br /> Swing feeble <b>punkas,</b>—or perhaps<br /> A windsail dangles in collapse."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Christmas on board a P. and O., near the Equator.</i> </p> </div></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page744a">page 744a<span id="744a"></span></span></span></span>1875.—"The <b>punkah</b> flapped to and fro lazily overhead."—<i>Chesney, The Dilemma</i>, ch. xxxviii.</div> <p>Mr. Busteed observes: "It is curious that in none of the lists of servants and their duties which are scattered through the old records in the last century (18th), is there any mention of the <b>punka,</b> nor in any narratives referring to domestic life in India then, that have come under our notice, do we remember any allusion to its use.... The swinging <b>punka,</b> as we see it to-day, was, as every one knows, an innovation of a later period.... This dates from an early year in the present century."—<i>Echoes of Old Calcutta</i>, p. 115. He does not seem, however, to have found any positive evidence of the date of its introduction. ["Hanging punkahs are said by one authority to have originated in Calcutta by accident towards the close of the last (18th) century. It is reported that a clerk in a Government office suspended the leaf of a table, which was accidentally waved to and fro by a visitor. A breath of cool air followed the movement, and suggested the idea which was worked out and resulted in the present machine" (<i>Carey, Good Old Days of John Company</i>, i. 81). Mr. Douglas says that punkahs were little used by Europeans in Bombay till 1810. They were not in use at Nuncomar's trial in Calcutta (1775), <i>Bombay and W. India</i>, ii. 253.] </p><p><br /> <b>PUNSAREE,</b> s. A native drug-seller; Hind. <i>pansārī</i>. We place the word here partly because C. P. Brown says 'it is certainly a foreign word,' and assigns it to a corruption of <i>dispensarium</i>; which is much to be doubted. [The word is really derived from Skt. <i>paṇyaśāla</i>, 'a market, warehouse.'] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1830.—"Beside this, I purchased from a <b>pansaree</b> some application for relieving the pain of a bruise."—<i>Frazer, The Persian Adventurer</i>, iii. 23.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="purdah"></span>PURDAH,</b> s. Hind. from Pers. <i>parda</i>, 'a curtain'; a <i>portière</i>; and especially a curtain screening women from the sight of men; whence a woman of position who observes such rules of seclusion is termed <i>parda-nishīn</i>, 'one who sits behind a curtain.' (See <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gosha" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GOSHA</a></span>.</b>) </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page744b">page 744b<span id="744b"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">1809.—"On the fourth (side) a <b>purdah</b> was stretched across."—<i>Ld. Valentia</i>, i. 100. <p>1810.—"If the disorder be obstinate, the doctor is permitted to approach the <b>purdah</b> (<i>i.e.</i> curtain, or screen) and to put <i>the hand</i> through a small aperture ... in order to feel the patient's pulse."—<i>Williamson, V. M.</i> i. 130. </p><p>[1813.—"My travelling palankeen formed my bed, its <b>purdoe</b> or chintz covering my curtains."—<i>Forbes, Or. Mem.</i> 2nd ed. ii. 109.] </p><p>1878.—"Native ladies look upon the confinement behind the <b>purdah</b> as a badge of rank, and also as a sign of chastity, and are exceedingly proud of it."—<i>Life in the Mofussil</i>, i. 113. </p> [1900.—"Charitable aid is needed for the <b>purdah</b> women."—<i>Pioneer Mail</i>, Jan. 21.]</div> <p><br /> <b>PURDESEE,</b> s. Hind. <i>paradeśī</i> usually written <i>pardesī</i>, 'one from a foreign country.' In the Bombay army the term is universally applied to a sepoy from N. India. [In the N.W.P. the name is applied to a wandering tribe of swindlers and coiners.] </p><p><br /> <b><span id="purwanna"></span>PURWANNA,</b> <b>PERWAUNA,</b> s. Hind. from Pers. <i>parwāna</i>, 'an order; a grant or letter under royal seal; a letter of authority from an official to his subordinate; a license or pass.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1682.—"... we being obliged at the end of two months to pay Custom for the said goods, if in that time we did not procure a <b>Pherwanna</b> for the <i>Duan</i> of Decca to excuse us from it."—<i>Hedges, Diary</i>, Oct. 10; [Hak. Soc. i. 34]. <p>1693.—"... Egmore and Pursewaukum were lately granted us by the Nabob's <b>purwannas.</b>"—<i>Wheeler</i>, i. 281. </p><p>1759.—"<b>Perwanna,</b> under the Coochuck (or the small seal) of the Nabob Vizier Ulma Maleck, Nizam ul Muluck Bahadour, to Mr. John Spenser."—In <i>Cambridge's Acct. of the War</i>, 230. (See also quotation under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#hosbolhookum" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HOSBOLHOOKUM</a>.</b>) </p> 1774.—"As the peace has been so lately concluded, it would be a satisfaction to the Rajah to receive your <b>parwanna</b> to this purpose before the departure of the caravan."—<i>Bogle's Diary</i>, in <i>Markham's Tibet</i>, p. 50. But Mr. Markham changes the spelling of his originals.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="putchock"></span>PUTCHOCK,</b> s. This is the trade-name for a fragrant root, a product of the Himālaya in the vicinity of Kashmīr, and forming an article of export from both Bombay and Calcutta to the Malay countries and to China, where it is used as a chief ingredient of the Chinese pastille-rods commonly called <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jostick" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">jostick</a>.</b> This root was recognised by the famous Garcia de Orta as <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page745a">page 745a<span id="745a"></span></span></span></span>the <i>Costus</i> of the ancients. The latter took their word from the Skt. <i>kusṭha</i>, by a modification of which name—<i>kuṭ</i>—it is still known and used as a medicine in Upper India. De Orta speaks of the plant as growing about Mandu and Chitore, whence it was brought for sale to Ahmadābād; but his informants misled him. The true source was traced <i>in situ</i> by two other illustrious men, Royle and Falconer, to a plant belonging to the N. O. <i>Compositae</i>, <i>Saussurea Xappe</i>, Clarke, for which Dr. Falconer, not recognising the genus, had proposed the name of <i>Aucklandia Costus verus</i>, in honour of the then Governor-General. The <i>Costus</i> is a gregarious plant, occupying open, sloping sides of the mountains, at an elevation of 8000 to 9000 feet. See article by Falconer in <i>Trans. Linn. Soc.</i> xix. 23-31. </p><p>The trade-name is, according to Wilson, the Telugu <i>pāch'chāku</i>, 'green leaf,' but one does not see how this applies. (Is there, perhaps, some confusion with <i>Patch</i>? see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#patchouli">PATCHOULI</a></span></b>). De Orta speaks as if the word, which he writes <i>pucho</i>, were Malay. Though neither Crawfurd nor Favre gives the word, in this sense, it is in Marsden's earlier <i>Malay Dict.</i>: "<b>Pūchok,</b> a plant, the aromatic leaves of which are an article of trade; said by some to be <i>Costus indicus</i>, and by others the <i>Melissa</i>, or <i>Laurus</i>." [On this Mr. Skeat writes: "<b>Puchok</b> is the Malay word for a young sprout, or the growing shoot of a plant. <b>Puchok</b> in the special sense here used is also a Malay word, but it may be separate from the other. Klinkert gives <b>puchok</b> as a sprout or shoot and also as a radish-like root (indigenous in China (<i>sic</i>), used in medicine for fumigation, &c.). Apparently it is always the root and not the leaves of the plant that are used, in which case Marsden may have confused the two senses of the word."] In the year 1837-38 about 250 tons of this article, valued at £10,000, were exported from Calcutta alone. The annual import into China at a later date, according to Wells Williams, was 2,000 <i>peculs</i> or 120 tons (<i>Middle Kingdom</i>, ed. 1857, ii. 308). In 1865-66, the last year for which the details of such minor exports are found in print, the quantity exported from Calcutta was only 492½ cwt., or 24⅝ <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page745b">page 745b<span id="745b"></span></span></span></span>tons. In 1875 the value of the imports at Hankow and Chefoo was £6,421. [<i>Watt, Econ. Dict.</i> vi. pt. ii. p. 482, <i>Bombay Gazetteer</i>, xi. 470.] </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1516.—See Barbosa under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#catechu" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CATECHU</a>.</b> <p>1520.—"We have prohibited (the export of) pepper to China ... and now we prohibit the export of <i>pucho</i> and incense from these parts of India to China."—<i>Capitulo de hum Regimento del Rey</i> a Diogo Ayres, Feitor da China, in <i>Arch. Port. Orient.</i>, Fasc. v. 49. </p><p>1525.—"<b>Pucho</b> of Cambaya worth 35 tangas a maund."—<i>Lembranças</i>, 50. </p><p>[1527.—Mr. Whiteway notes that in a letter of Diogo Calvo to the King, dated Jan. 17, <b>pucho</b> is mentioned as one of the imports to China.—<i>India Office MS. Corpo Chronologico</i>, vol. i.] </p><p>1554.—"The <i>baar</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bahar" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">BAHAR</a></b>) of <b>pucho</b> contains 20 <i>faraçolas</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#frazala" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">FRAZALA</a></b>), and an additional 4 of <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#picota">picota</a></b> (q.v.), in all 24 <i>faraçolas</i>...."—<i>A. Nunes</i>, 11. </p><p>1563.—"I say that <i>costus</i> in Arabic is called <i>cost</i> or <i>cast</i>; in Guzarate it is called <i>uplot</i> (<i>upaleta</i>); and in Malay, for in that region there is a great trade and consumption thereof, it is called <b>pucho.</b> I tell you the name in Arabic, because it is called by the same name by the Latins and Greeks, and I tell it you in Guzerati, because that is the land to which it is chiefly carried from its birth-place; and I tell you the Malay name because the greatest quantity is consumed there, or taken thence to China."—<i>Garcia</i>, f. 72. </p><p>c. 1563.—"... Opium, Assa Fetida, <b>Puchio,</b> with many other sortes of Drugges."—<i>Caesar Frederike</i>, in <i>Hakl.</i> ii. 343. </p><p>[1609.—"Costus of 2 sorts, one called <b>pokermore,</b> the other called <i>Uplotte</i> (see <i>Garcia</i>, above)."—<i>Danvers, Letters</i>, i. 30.] </p><p>1617.—"5 hampers <b>pochok</b>...."—<i>Cocks, Diary</i>, i. 294. </p><p>1631.—"Caeterum Costus vulgato vocabulo inter mercatores Indos <b>Pucho,</b> Chinensibus <b>Potsiock,</b> vocatur ... vidi ego integrum <i>Picol</i>, quod pondus centum et viginti in auctione decem realibus distribui."—<i>Jac. Bontii, Hist. Nat.</i>, &c., lib. iv. p. 46. </p><p>1711.—In Malacca <i>Price Currant</i>, July 1704: "<b>Putchuck</b> or Costus dulcis."—<i>Lockyer</i>, 77. </p><p>1726.—"<b>Patsjaak</b> (a leaf of Asjien (Acheen?) that is pounded to powder, and used in incense)...."—<i>Valentijn, Choro.</i> 34. </p><p>1727.—"The Wood <i>Ligna dulcis</i> grows only in this country (Sind). It is rather a Weed than a Wood, and nothing of it is useful but the Root, called <b>Putchock,</b> or <i>Radix dulcis</i>.... There are great quantities exported from <i>Surat</i>, and from thence to <i>China</i>, where it generally bears a good Price...."—<i>A. Hamilton</i>, i. 126; [ed. 1744, i. 127]. </p><p>1808.—"Elles emploient ordinairement ... une racine aromatique appelée <b>pieschtok,</b> qu'on coupe par petits morceaux, <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page746a">page 746a<span id="746a"></span></span></span></span>et fait bouillir dans de l'huile de noix de coco. C'est avec cette huile que les danseuses se graissent...."—<i>Haafner</i>, ii. 117. </p> 1862.—"<i>Koot</i> is sent down country in large quantities, and is exported to China, where it is used as incense. It is in Calcutta known under the name of '<b>Patchuk.</b>'"—<i>Punjab Trade Report</i>, cvii.</div> <p><br /> <b>PUTLAM,</b> n.p. A town in Ceylon on the coast of the bay or estuary of Calpentyn; properly <i>Puṭṭalama</i>; a Tamil name, said by Mr. Fergusson to be <i>puthu</i>- (<i>pudu?</i>) <i>alam</i>, 'New Salt-pans.' Ten miles inland are the ruins of Tammana Newera, the original Tambapanni (or <i>Taprobane</i>), where Vijaya, the first Hindu immigrant, established his kingdom. And Putlam is supposed to be the place where he landed. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1298.—"The pearl-fishers ... go post to a place callen <b>Bettelar,</b> and (then) go 60 miles into the gulf."—<i>Marco Polo,</i> Bk. iii. ch. 16. <p>c. 1345.—"The natives went to their King and told him my reply. He sent for me, and I proceeded to his presence in the town of <b>Baṭṭāla,</b> which was his capital, a pretty little place, surrounded by a timber wall and towers."—<i>Ibn Batuta</i>, iv. 166. </p><p>1672.—"<b>Putelaon</b>...."—<i>Baldaeus</i> (Germ.), 373. </p> 1726.—"<b>Portaloon</b> or <b>Putelan.</b>"—<i>Valentijn, Ceylon</i>, 21.</div> <p><br /> <b>PUTNEE,</b> <b>PUTNEY,</b> s. </p><p><b>a.</b> Hind. and Beng. <i>paṭṭanī</i>, or <i>paṭnī</i>, from v. <i>paṭ-nā</i>, 'to be agreed or closed' (<i>i.e.</i> a bargain). Goods commissioned or manufactured to order. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1755.—"A letter from Cossimbazar mentions they had directed Mr. Warren Hastings to proceed to the <b>Putney <a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#aurung" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">aurung</a></b> (q.v.) in order to purchase <b>putney</b> on our Honble. Masters' account, and to make all necessary enquiries."—<i>Fort William Consns.</i>, Nov. 10. In <i>Long</i>, 61.</div> <p><b>b.</b> A kind of sub-tenure existing in the Lower Provinces of Bengal, the <b>patnīdār,</b> or occupant of which "holds of a Zemindar a portion of the Zemindari in perpetuity, with the right of hereditary succession, and of selling or letting the whole or part, so long as a stipulated amount of rent is paid to the Zemindar, who retains the power of sale for arrears, and is entitled to a regulated fee or fine upon transfer" (<i>Wilson</i>, q.v.). Probably both <b>a</b> and <b>b</b> are etymologically the same, and connected with <i>paṭṭā</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pottah">POTTAH</a></span></b>). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1860.—"A perpetual lease of land held under a Zumeendar is called a <b>putnee,</b>—and <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page746b">page 746b<span id="746b"></span></span></span></span>the holder is called a <b>putneedar,</b> who not only pays an advanced rent to the Zumeendar, but a handsome price for the same."—<i>Grant, Rural Life in Bengal</i>, 64.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="puttan"></span>PUTTÁN,</b> <b>PATHÁN,</b> n.p. Hind. <i>Paṭhān</i>. A name commonly applied to Afghans, and especially to people in India of Afghan descent. The derivation is obscure. Elphinstone derives it from <i>Pushtūn</i> and <i>Pukhtūn</i>, pl. <i>Pukhtāna</i>, the name the Afghans give to their own race, with which Dr. Trumpp [and Dr. Bellew (<i>Races of Afghanistan</i>, 25) agree. This again has been connected with the <i>Pactyica</i> of Herodotus (iii. 102, iv. 44).] The Afghans have for the name one of the usual fantastic etymologies which is quoted below (see quotation, c. 1611). The Mahommedans in India are sometimes divided into four classes, viz. <i>Paṭhāns</i>; <i>Mughals</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mogul" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">MOGUL</a></span></b>), <i>i.e.</i> those of Turki origin; <i>Shaikhs</i>, claiming Arab descent; and <i>Saiyyids</i>, claiming also to be descendants of Mahommed. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1553.—"This State belonged to a people called <b>Patane,</b> who were lords of that hill-country. And as those who dwell on the skirts of the Pyrenees, on this side and on that, are masters of the passes by which we cross from Spain to France, or vice versâ, so these <b>Patan</b> people are the masters of the two entrances to India, by which those who go thither from the landward must pass...."—<i>Barros</i>, IV. vi. 1. <p>1563.—"... This first King was a <b>Patane</b> of certain mountains that march with Bengala."—<i>Garcia, Coll.</i> f. 34. </p><p>1572.— </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"Mas agora de nomes, et de usança,<br /> Novos, et varios são os habitantes,<br /> Os Delijs, os <b>Patãnes</b> que em possança<br /> De terra, e gente são mais abundantes."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Camões</i>, vii. 20. </p> </div></div> <p>[By Aubertin: </p> <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"But now inhabitants of other name<br /> And customs new and various there are found,<br /> The Delhis and <b>Patans,</b> who in the fame<br /> Of land and people do the most abound."] </p> </div></div> <p>1610.—"A <b>Pattan,</b> a man of good stature."—<i>Hawkins</i>, in <i>Purchas</i>, i. 220. </p><p>c. 1611.—"... the mightiest of the Afghan people was Kais.... The Prophet gave Kais the name of Abd Ulrasheed ... and ... predicted that God would make his issue so numerous that they, with respect to the establishment of the Faith, would outvie all other people; the angel Gabriel having revealed to him that their attachment to the Faith would, in strength, be like the wood upon which they lay the keel when constructing a ship, which wood the seamen call <i>Pathan</i>: on this account he conferred upon Abd Ulrasheed the title <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page747a">page 747a<span id="747a"></span></span></span></span>of <b>Pathan</b><sup id="cite_ref-Nt227_33-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt227-33"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>33<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> also."—<i>Hist. of the Afghans</i>, E.T., by <i>Dorn</i>, i. 38. </p><p>[1638.—"... Ozmanchan a <b>Puttanian</b>...."—<i>Sir T. Herbert</i>, ed. 1677, p. 76.] </p><p>1648.—"In general the Moors are a haughty and arrogant and proud people, and among them the <b>Pattans</b> stand out superior to the others in dress and manners."—<i>Van Twist</i>, 58. </p><p>1666.—"Martin Affonso and the other Portuguese delivered them from the war that the <b>Patanes</b> were making on them."—<i>Faria y Sousa, Asia Portuguesa</i>, i. 343. </p><p>1673.—"They are distinguished, some according to the Consanguinity they claim with <i>Mahomet</i>; as a <i>Siad</i> is a kin to that Imposture.... A <i>Shiek</i> is a Cousin too, at a distance, into which Relation they admit all new made Proselytes. <i>Meer</i> is somewhat allied also.... The rest are adopted under the Name of the Province ... as <i>Mogul</i>, the Race of the <i>Tartars</i> ... <b>Patan,</b> <i>Duccan</i>."—<i>Fryer</i>, 93. </p><p>1681.—"En estas regiones ay vna cuyas gentes se dizen los <b>Patanes.</b>"—<i>Martinez de la Puente, Compendio</i>, 21. </p><p>1726.—"... The <i>Patans</i> (<b>Patanders</b>) are very different in garb, and surpass in valour and stout-heartedness in war."—<i>Valentijn, Choro.</i> 109. </p><p>1757.—"The Colonel (Clive) complained bitterly of so many insults put upon him, and reminded the Soubahdar how different his own conduct was, when called upon to assist him against the <b>Pytans.</b>"—<i>Ives</i>, 149. </p><p>1763.—"The northern nations of India, although idolaters ... were easily induced to embrace Mahomedanism, and are at this day the Affghans or <b>Pitans.</b>"—<i>Orme</i>, i. 24, ed. 1803. </p><p>1789.—"Moormen are, for the most part, soldiers by profession, particularly in the cavalry, as are also ... <b>Pitans.</b>"—<i>Munro, Narr.</i> 49. </p> 1798.—"... Afghans, or as they are called in India, <b>Patans.</b>"—<i>G. Forster, Travels</i>, ii. 47.</div> <p><br /> [<b><span id="puttee"></span>PUTTEE,</b> <b>PUTTY,</b> s. Hind. <i>paṭṭī</i>. </p><p><b>a.</b> A piece or strip of cloth, bandage; especially used in the sense of a ligature round the lower part of the leg used in lieu of a gaiter, originally introduced from the Himālaya, and now commonly used by sportsmen and soldiers. A special kind of cloth appears in the old trade-lists under the name of <b>puteahs</b> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#puteah">PIECE GOODS</a></span></b>). </p> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page747b">page 747b<span id="747b"></span></span></span></span><div style="margin-left:2em;">1875.—"Any one who may be bound for a long march will put on leggings of a peculiar sort, a bandage about 6 inches wide and four yards long, wound round from the ankle up to just below the knee, and then fastened by an equally long string, attached to the upper end, which is lightly wound many times round the calf of the leg. This, which is called <b>patawa,</b> is a much cherished piece of dress."—<i>Drew, Jummoo</i>, 175. 1900.—"The <b>Puttee</b> leggings are excellent for peace and war, on foot or on horseback."—<i>Times</i>, Dec. 24.</div> <p><b>b.</b> In the N.W.P. "an original share in a joint or coparcenary village or estate comprising many villages; it is sometimes defined as the smaller subdivision of a mahal or estate" (<i>Wilson</i>). Hence <b>Putteedaree,</b> <i>paṭṭidārī</i> used for a tenure of this kind. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1852.—"Their names were forthwith scratched off the collector's books, and those of their eldest sons were entered, who became forthwith, in village and cutcherry parlance, <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#lumberdar" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">lumberdars</a></b> of the shares of their fathers, or in other words, of <b>puttee</b> Shere Singh and <b>puttee</b> Baz Singh."—<i>Raikes, Notes on the N.W.P.</i> 94.</div> <p><b>c.</b> In S. India, soldiers' pay. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1810.—"... hence in ordinary acceptation, the pay itself was called <b>puttee,</b> a Canarese word which properly signifies a written statement of any kind."—<i>Wilks</i>, <i>Hist. Sketches</i>, Madras reprint, i. 415.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="puttywalla"></span>PUTTYWALLA,</b> s. Hind. <i>paṭṭā-wālā</i>, <i>paṭṭī-wālā</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;">PUTTEE</span></b>), 'one with a belt.' This is the usual Bombay term for a messenger or orderly attached to an office, and bearing a belt and brass badge, called in Bengal <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chuprassy" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">chuprassy</a></b> or <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#peon">peon</a></b> (qq.v.), in Madras usually by the latter name. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1878.—"Here and there a belted Government servant, called a <b>Puttiwālā,</b> or <b>Paṭṭawālā,</b> because distinguished by a belt...."—<i>Monier Williams, Modern India</i>, 34.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="putwa"></span>PUTWA,</b> s. Hind. <i>patwā</i>. The <i>Hibiscus sabdariffa</i>, L., from the succulent acid flowers of which very fair jelly is made in Anglo-Indian households. [It is also known as the Rozelle or Red Sorrel (<i>Watt, Econ. Dict.</i> iv. 243). Riddell (<i>Domest. Econ.</i> 337) calls it "Oseille or <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/R#roselle" title="Hobson-Jobson/R">Roselle</a></b> jam and jelly."] </p><p><br /> <b>PYE,</b> s. A familiar designation among British soldiers and young officers for a <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#pariah_dog">Pariah-dog</a></b> (q.v.); a <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page748a">page 748a<span id="748a"></span></span></span></span>contraction, no doubt, of the former word. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1892.—"We English call him a <b>pariah,</b> but this word, belonging to a low, yet by no means degraded class of people in Madras, is never heard on native lips as applied to a dog, any more than our other word '<b>pie.</b>'"—<i>L. Kipling, Beast and Man</i>, 266.]</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pyjammas"></span>PYJAMMAS,</b> s. Hind. <i>pāē-jāma</i> (see <b><span style="font-size:92%;"><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#jamma" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JAMMA</a></span></b>), lit. 'leg-clothing.' A pair of loose drawers or trowsers, tied round the waist. Such a garment is used by various persons in India, <i>e.g.</i> by women of various classes, by Sikh men, and by most Mahommedans of both sexes. It was adopted from the Mahommedans by Europeans as an article of <i>dishabille</i> and of night attire, and is synonymous with <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#long_drawers" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">Long Drawers</a>,</b> <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#shulwaurs" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">Shulwáurs</a>,</b> and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/M#mogul_breeches" title="Hobson-Jobson/M">Mogul-breeches</a>.</b> [For some distinctions between these various articles of dress see Forbes-Watson, (<i>Textile Manufactures</i>, 57).] It is probable that we English took the habit like a good many others from the Portuguese. Thus Pyrard (c. 1610) says, in speaking of Goa Hospital: "Ils ont force <i>calsons</i> sans quoy ne couchent iamais les Portugais des Indes" (ii. p. 11; [Hak. Soc. ii. 9]). The word is now used in London shops. A friend furnishes the following reminiscence: "The late Mr. B——, tailor in Jermyn Street, some 40 years ago, in reply to a question why <b>pyjammas</b> had feet sewn on to them (as was sometimes the case with those furnished by London outfitters) answered: 'I believe, Sir, it is because of the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/A#ant_white" title="Hobson-Jobson/A">White Ants</a></b>!'" </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1828— <div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"His chief joy smoking a cigar<br /> In loose <b>Paee-jams</b> and native slippers."<br /> <span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:3.85em"></span><i>Orient. Sport. Mag.</i>, reprint 1873, i. 64.] </p> </div></div> 1881.—"The rest of our attire consisted of that particularly light and airy white flannel garment, known throughout India as a <b>pajama</b> suit."—<i>Haekel, Ceylon</i>, 329.</div> <p><br /> <b><span id="pyke"></span>PYKE,</b> <b>PAIK,</b> s. Wilson gives only one original of the term so expressed in Anglo-Indian speech. He writes: "<i>Páík</i> or <i>Páyik</i>, corruptly <i>Pyke</i>, Hind. &c. (from S. <i>padātika</i>), <i>Páík</i> or <i>Páyak</i>, Mar. A footman, an armed attendant, an inferior police and revenue officer, a messenger, a courier, a village watchman: in Cuttack the <i>Páíks</i> formerly constituted a local militia, holding land of the <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page748b">page 748b<span id="748b"></span></span></span></span>Zamindárs or Rájas by the tenure of military service," &c., quoting Bengal Regulations. [Platts also treats the two words as identical.] But it seems clear to us that there are here two terms rolled together: </p><p><b>a.</b> Pers. <i>Paik</i>, 'a foot-runner or courier.' We do not know whether this is an old Persian word or a Mongol introduction. According to Hammer Purgstall it was the term in use at the Court of the Mongol princes, as quoted below. Both the words occur in the <i>Āīn</i>, but differently spelt, and that with which we now deal is spelt <i>paik</i> (with the <i>fatḥa</i> point). </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1590.—"The <i>Jilaudár</i> (see under <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/J#julibdar" title="Hobson-Jobson/J">JULIBDAR</a></b>) and the <b>Paik</b> (a runner). Their monthly pay varies from 1200 to 120<i>d.</i> (<i>dāms</i>), according to their speed and manner of service. Some of them will run from 50 to 100 <i>kroh</i> (<b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#coss" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">Coss</a></b>) per day."—<i>Āīn</i>, E.T. by <i>Blochmann</i>, i. 138 (see orig. i. 144). <p>1673.—At the Court of Constantinople: "Les <b>Peiks</b> venoient ensuite, avec leurs bonnets d'argent doré ornés d'un petit plumage de héron, un arc et un carquois chargé de flèches."—<i>Journal d'A. Galland</i>, i. 98. </p><p>1687.—"... the under officers and servants called <i>Agiam-Oglans</i>, who are designed to the meaner uses of the Seraglio ... most commonly the sons of Christians taken from their Parents at the age of 10 or 12 years.... These are: 1, <i>Porters</i>, 2, <i>Bostangies</i> or Gardiners ... 5, <b>Paicks</b> and <i>Solacks</i>...."—<i>Sir Paul Rycaut, Present State of the Ottoman Empire</i>, 19. </p><p>1761.—"Ahmad Sultán then commissioned Sháh Pasand Khán ... the <i>harkáras</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#hurcarra" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HURCARRA</a></b>) and the <b>Paiks,</b> to go and procure information as to the state and strength of the Mahratta army."—<i>Muhammad Jáfar Shámlu</i>, in <i>Elliot</i>, viii. 151-2. </p><p>1840.—"The express-riders (<i>Eilbothen</i>) accomplished 50 <i>farsangs</i> a-day, so that an express came in 4 days from Khorasan to Tebris [<i>Tabrīz</i>).... The Foot-runners carrying letters (<b>Peik</b>), whose name at least is maintained to this day at both the Persian and Osmanli Courts, accomplished 30 <i>farsangs</i> a-day."—<i>Hammer Purgstall, Gesch. der Golden Horde</i>, 243. </p> [1868.—"The <b>Payeke</b> is entrusted with the <i>tchilim</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chillum" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHILLUM</a></b>) (pipe), which at court (Khiva) is made of gold or silver, and must be replenished with fresh water every time it is filled with tobacco."—<i>Vambery, Sketches</i>, 89.]</div> <p><b>b.</b> Hind. <i>pāīk</i> and <i>pāyik</i> (also Mahr.) from Skt. <i>padātika</i>, and <i>padika</i>, 'a foot-soldier,' with the other specific application given by Wilson, exclusive of 'courier.' In some narratives the word seems to answer exactly to <b><a class="mw-selflink-fragment" href="#peon">peon</a>.</b> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page749a">page 749a<span id="749a"></span></span></span></span>In the first quotation, which is from the <i>Āīn</i>, the word, it will be seen, is different from that quoted under (<b>a</b>) from the same source. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1590.—"It was the custom in those times, for the palace (of the King of Bengal) to be guarded by several thousand <b>pykes</b> (<i>pāyak</i>), who are a kind of infantry. An eunuch entered into a confederacy with these guards, who one night killed the King, Futteh Shah, when the Eunuch ascended the throne, under the title of Barbuck Shah."—<i>Gladwin's</i> Tr., ed. 1800, ii. 19 (orig. i. 415; [<i>Jarrett</i> (ii. 149) gives the word as <b>Páyiks</b>].</div> <p>In the next quotation the word seems to be the same, though used for 'a seaman.' Compare uses of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/L#lascar" title="Hobson-Jobson/L">Lascar</a>.</b> </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">c. 1615.—"(His fleet) consisted of 20 beaked vessels, all well manned with the sailors whom they call <b>paiques,</b> as well as with Portuguese soldiers and <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/T#topaz" title="Hobson-Jobson/T">topazes</a></b> who were excellent musketeers; 50 hired <i>jalias</i> (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gallevat" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GALLEVAT</a></b>) of like sort and his own (Sebastian Gonçalves's) galliot (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/G#gallevat" title="Hobson-Jobson/G">GALLEVAT</a></b>), which was about the size of a <i>patacho</i>, with 14 demi-falcons on each broadside, two pieces of 18 to 20 lbs. calibre in the forecastle, and 60 Portuguese soldiers, with more than 40 <b>topazes</b> and Cafres (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#caffer" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CAFFER</a></b>)."—<i>Bocarro, Decada</i>, 452. <p>1722.—Among a detail of charges at this period in the <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/Z#zemindar" title="Hobson-Jobson/Z">Zemindárry</a></b> of Rājshāhī appears: </p> "9. <i>Paikan</i>, or the <b>pikes,</b> guard of villages, everywhere necessary ... 2,161 rupees."—<i>Fifth Report</i>, App. p. 345.</div> <p>The following quotation from an Indian Regulation of Ld. Cornwallis's time is a good example of the extraordinary multiplication of terms, even in one Province in India, denoting approximately the same thing: </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1792.—"All <b>Pykes,</b> Chokeydars (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/C#chokidar" title="Hobson-Jobson/C">CHOKIDAR</a></b>), <i>Pasbans</i>, <i>Dusauds</i>, <i>Nigabans</i>,<sup id="cite_ref-Nt228_34-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Nt228-34"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>34<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> Harees (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/H#harry" title="Hobson-Jobson/H">HARRY</a></b>), and other descriptions of village watchmen are declared subject to the orders of the Darogah (see <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/D#daroga" title="Hobson-Jobson/D">DAROGA</a></b>)...."—<i>Regns. for the Police</i> ... passed by the G.-G. in C., Dec. 7. <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span>"<span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:1.5em"></span> "The army of Assam was a militia organised as follows. The whole male population was bound to serve either as soldiers or labourers, and was accordingly divided into sets of four men each, called <i>gotes</i>, the individuals comprising the gotes being termed <b>pykes.</b>"—<i>Johnstone's Acct. of Welsh's Expedition to Assam, 1792-93-94</i> (commd. by Gen. Keatinge). </p><p><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r14515475"><span class="wst-pagebreak wst-pagebreak-bottom"><span class="noprint ws-noexport"><span id="page749b">page 749b<span id="749b"></span></span></span></span>1802.—After a detail of persons of rank in Midnapore: </p><p>"None of these entertain armed followers except perhaps ten or a dozen Peons for state, but some of them have <b>Pykes</b> in considerable numbers, to keep the peace on their estates. These <b>Pykes</b> are under the magistrate's orders."—<i>Fifth Report</i>, App. p. 535. </p><p>1812.—"The whole of this last-mentioned numerous class of <b>Pykes</b> are understood to have been disbanded, in compliance with the new Police regulations."—<i>Fifth Report</i>, 71. </p> 1872.—"... <i>Dalais</i> or officers of the peasant militia (<b>Paiks</b>). The <b>Paiks</b> were settled chiefly around the fort on easy tenures."—<i>Hunter's Orissa</i>, ii. 269.</div> <p><br /> <b>PYSE!</b> interjection. The use of this is illustrated in the quotations. Notwithstanding the writer's remark (below) it is really Hindustani, viz. <i>po'is</i>, 'look out!' or 'make way!' apparently from Skt. <i>paśya</i>, 'look! see!' (see Molesworth's <i>Mahr. Dict.</i> p. 529, col. <i>c</i>; Fallon's <i>Hind. Dict.</i>, p. 376, col. <i>a</i>; [<i>Platts</i>, 282<i>b</i>]. </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">[1815.—"... three men came running up behind them, as if they were clearing the road for some one, by calling out '<b>pice! pice!</b>' (make way, make way)...."—<i>Elphinstone's Report on Murder of Gungadhur Shastry</i>, in <i>Papers relating to E.I. Affairs</i>, p. 14.] 1883.—"Does your correspondent Col. Prideaux know the origin of the warning called out by buggy drivers to pedestrians in Bombay, '<b>Pyse</b>'? It is not Hindustani."—<i>Letter in N. & Q.</i>, Ser. VI. viii. p. 388.</div> <p>[Other expressions of the same kind are Malayāl. <i>po</i>, 'Get out of the way!' and Hind. Mahr. <i>khis, khis</i>, from <i>khisnā</i>, 'to drop off.' </p> <div style="margin-left:2em;">1598.—"As these hayros goe in the streetes, they crie <b>po, po,</b> which is to say, take heede."—<i>Linschoten</i>, Hak. Soc. i. 280. 1826.—"I was awoke from disturbed rest by cries of <b>kis! kis!</b> (clear the way)."—<i>Pandurang Hari</i>, ed. 1873, i. 46.]</div> <p><br /> </p> <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r14416321">.mw-parser-output .wst-rule{background-color:#202122;color:inherit;width:auto;margin:2px auto 2px auto;height:1px}.mw-parser-output .wst-rule.wst-rule-left{margin-left:0}.mw-parser-output .wst-rule.wst-rule-right{margin-right:0}.mw-parser-output .wst-rule.__uirule{background-color:#a2a9b1;color:inherit;border:0;margin-top:0.2em;margin-bottom:0.2em}</style><hr class="wst-rule wst-rule-center" style="color:inherit;" /><style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r12988171">.mw-parser-output .wst-smallrefs{font-size:83%;clear:both;line-height:1.25;margin-top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .wst-smallrefs ol.references{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .wst-smallrefs-ruled{border-top:1px solid black;padding-top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .wst-smallrefs ol.references.uksi{margin-top:0;list-style-type:lower-alpha}.mw-parser-output .wst-smallrefs ol.references.uksi li::marker{font-weight:bold}</style> <div class="prp-pages-output"><div class="reflist wst-smallrefs" style=""> <ol class="references"> <li id="cite_note-Nt195-1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt195_1-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Prinsep's <i>Useful Tables</i>, by E. Thomas, p. 19.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt196-2"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt196_2-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Giles, <i>Glossary of Reference</i>, s.v.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt197-3"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt197_3-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"The prayer that they say daily consists of these words: '<i>Pacauta! Pacauta! Pacauta!</i>' And this they repeat 104 times."—(Bk. iii. ch. 17.) The word is printed in Ramusio <i>pacauca</i>; but no one familiar with the constant confusion of <i>c</i> and <i>t</i> in medieval manuscript will reject this correction of M. Pauthier. Bishop Caldwell observes that the word was probably <i>Bagavā</i>, or <i>Pagavā</i>, the Tamil form of <i>Bhagavata</i>, "Lord"; a word reiterated in their sacred formulæ by Hindus of all sorts, especially Vaishnava devotees. The words given by Marco Polo, if written "<i>Pagoda! Pagoda! Pagoda!</i>" would be almost undistinguishable in sound from <i>Pacauta</i>.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt198-4"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt198_4-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Or our symbol (<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r14426420">.mw-parser-output .pmbox{margin:4px 0;border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid #a2a9b1;background-color:#f8f9fa;box-sizing:border-box}.mw-parser-output .pmbox.mbox-small{font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em}.mw-parser-output .pmbox-speedy{border:2px solid #b32424;background-color:#fee7e6}.mw-parser-output .pmbox-delete{border:2px solid #b32424}.mw-parser-output .pmbox-content{border:1px solid #f28500}.mw-parser-output .pmbox-style{border:1px solid #fc3}.mw-parser-output .pmbox-move{border:1px solid #9932cc}.mw-parser-output .pmbox-protection{border:2px solid #a2a9b1}.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-text{border:none;padding:0.25em 0.9em;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-image{border:none;padding:2px 0 2px 0.9em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-imageright{border:none;padding:2px 0.9em 2px 0;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-image img,.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-imageright img{max-width:none}.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-empty-cell{border:none;padding:0;width:1px}.mw-parser-output .pmbox .mbox-invalid-type{text-align:center}@media(min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .pmbox{margin:4px 10%}.mw-parser-output .pmbox.mbox-small{clear:right;float:right;margin:4px 0 4px 1em;width:238px}}</style><table class="plainlinks metadata pmbox pmbox-notice" role="presentation"><tbody><tr><td class="mbox-image"><div class="mbox-image-div"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Nuvola_camera.svg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="40" height="40" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="60" data-file-height="60" /></a></span></div></td><td class="mbox-text"><div class="mbox-text-span"><b>An image should appear at this position in the text.</b><br /><span style="font-size:smaller;">If you are able to provide it, see <a href="/wiki/Wikisource:Image_guidelines" title="Wikisource:Image guidelines">Wikisource:Image guidelines</a> and <a href="/wiki/Help:Adding_images" title="Help:Adding images">Help:Adding images</a> for guidance.</span></div></td></tr></tbody></table><a href="/w/index.php?title=File:Hobson-Jobson_ampersand.jpg&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="File:Hobson-Jobson ampersand.jpg (page does not exist)">21px</a>), now modified into (&), which is in fact Latin <i>et</i>, but is read 'and."</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt199-5"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt199_5-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"The peculiar mode of writing Pahlavi here alluded to long made the character of the language a standing puzzle for European scholars, and was first satisfactorily explained by Professor Haug, of Munich, in his admirable Essay on the Pahlavi Language, already cited" (<i>West</i>, p. xii.).</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt200-6"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt200_6-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">In <i>Canticles</i>, iii. 9, the "ferculum <i>quod fecit sibi rex Salomon de lignis Libani</i>" is in the Hebrew <i>appiryōn</i>, which has by some been supposed to be Greek <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13213921"><span lang="grc" dir="ltr" class="wst-lang wst-lang-grc"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r13686547"><span class="wst-tooltip wst-tooltip-dash" title="phoreion">φορεῖον</span></span>; highly improbable, as the litter came to Greece from the East. Is it possible that the word can be in some way taken from <i>paryañka</i>? The R.V. has <i>palanquin</i>. [See the discussion in <i>Encyclopaedia Biblica</i>, iii. 2804 <i>seq.</i>].</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt201-7"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt201_7-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"<i>Pagos do aljube.</i>" We are not sure of the meaning.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt202-8"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt202_8-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">The writer is here led away by Wilford's nonsense.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt203-9"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt203_9-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Query (i.) <i>rámún</i> (Hind.) or <i>rama</i> (Ladakhi) <i>chhelli</i> = the <i>rama</i> (special variety of goat) -goat; (ii.) or is Salbank mixing <i>rama-shál</i> (goat-shawl), the product, with the name of the animal producing the raw material?</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt204-10"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt204_10-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">This is the true reading, see note at the place, and <i>J. R. As. Soc.</i> N.S.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt205-11"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt205_11-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">See <i>Journ. As.</i>, Ser. II., tom. viii. 352.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt206-12"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt206_12-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">See also <i>De Candolle, Plantes Cultivées</i>, p. 234.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt207-13"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt207_13-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"<i>E foy dar no golfam</i> do estreito de Magalhães." I cannot explain the use of this name. It must be applied here to the Sea between Banda and Timor.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt208-14"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt208_14-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Antonio Nunez, "Comtador da Casa del Rey noso Senhor," who in 1554 compiled the <i>Livro dos Pesos da Ymdia e asy Medidas e Mohedas</i>, says of Diu in particular: "The moneys here exhibit such variations and such differences, that it is impossible to write any thing certain about them; for every month, every 8 days indeed, they rise and fall in value, according to the money that enters the place" (p. 28).</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt209-15"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt209_15-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">I invert the similar table given by Dr. Badger in his notes to Varthema.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt210-16"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt210_16-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">The issues of <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/F#fanam" title="Hobson-Jobson/F">fanams</a>,</b> q.v., have been infinite; but they have not varied much in weight, though very greatly in alloy, and therefore in the number reckoned to a pagoda.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt211-17"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt211_17-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text"><div style="margin-left:10%;"><div class="poem"> <p><span class="wst-gap __gap" style="display:inline-block; inline-size:-0.40em"></span>"2 gunjās = 1 dugala<br /> 2 dugalas = 1 chavula (= the panam or fanam),<br /> 2 chavalas = 1 hoṇa (= the <b>pratapa,</b> máda, or <i>half pagoda</i>),<br /> 2 hoṇṇas = 1 Varāha (the hūn or pagoda)". </p> </div></div> <p>"The ganjā or unit (= ¼ fanam) is the rati, or Sanskrit raktika, the seed of the <i>abrus</i>."—<i>Op. cit.</i> p. 224, <i>note</i>. See also Sir W. Elliot's <i>Coins of S. India</i>, p. 56. </p> </span></li> <li id="cite_note-Nt212-18"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt212_18-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">360 <i>reis</i> is the equivalent in the authorities, so far as I know.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt213-19"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt213_19-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Even the pound sterling, since it represented a pound of silver sterlings, has come down to one-third of that value; but if the value of silver goes on dwindling as it has done lately, our pound might yet justify its name again! I have remarked elsewhere: "Everybody seems to be tickled at the notion that the Scotch Pound or <i>Livre</i> was only 20 pence. Nobody finds it funny that the French or Italian <i>Livre</i> or Pound is only 20 halfpence or less!" I have not been able to trace how high the <i>rei</i> began, but the <i>maravedi</i> entered life as a gold piece, equivalent to the Saracen <i>mithḳāl</i>, and ended—?</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt214-20"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt214_20-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">I calculate all gold values in this paper at those of the present English coinage. Besides the gradual depreciation of the Portugal <i>rei</i>, so prominently noticed in this paper, there was introduced in Goa a reduction of the <i>rei</i> locally below the <i>rei</i> of Portugal in the ratio of 15 to 8. I do not know the history or understand the object of such a change, nor do I see that it affects the calculations in this article. In a table of values of coins current in Portuguese India, given in the <i>Annaes Maritimos</i> of 1844, each coin is valued both in <i>Reis of Goa</i> and in <i>Reis of Portugal</i>, bearing the above ratio. My kind correspondent, Dr. J. N. Fonseca, author of the capital <i>History of Goa</i>, tells me that this was introduced in the beginning of the 17th century, but that he has yet found no document throwing light upon it. It is a matter quite apart from the secular depreciation of the <i>rei</i>.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt215-21"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt215_21-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Thus Alboquerque, returning to Europe in 1504, gives a "Moorish" pilot, who carried him by a new course straight from Cannanore to Mozambique, a <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bucksheesh" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">buckshish</a></b> of 50 <i>cruzados</i>; this is explained as £5—a mild munificence for such a feat. In truth it was nearly £24, the <i>cruzado</i> being about the same as the sequin (see i. p. 17). The mint at Goa was farmed out by the same great man, after the conquest, for 600,000 <i>reis</i>, amounting, we are told, to £125. It was really £670 (iii. 41). Alboquerque demands as ransom to spare Muscat "10,000 xerafins of gold." And we are told by the translator that this ransom of a wealthy trading city like Muscat amounted to £625. The coin in question is the <i>ashrafi</i>, or gold dīnār, as much as, or more than the sequin in value, and the sum more than £5000 (i. p. 82). In the note to the first of these cases it is said that the <i>cruzado</i> is "a silver coin (formerly gold), now equivalent to 480 <i>reis</i>, or about 2<i>s.</i> English money, but probably worth much more relatively in the time of Dalboquerque." "Much more relatively" means of course that the 2<i>s.</i> had much more purchasing power. This is a very common way of speaking, but it is often very fallaciously applied. The change in purchasing power <i>in India</i> generally till the beginning of last century was probably not very great. There is a curious note by Gen. Briggs in his translation of Firishta, comparing the amount stated by Firishta to have been paid by the Bāhmanī King, about <span style="font-size: 83%;">A.D.</span> 1470, as the annual cost of a body of 500 horse, with the cost of a British corps of Irregular horse of the same strength in Briggs's own time (say about 1815). The Bāhmanī charge was 350,000 Rs.; the British charge 219,000 Rs. A corps of the same strength would now cost the British Government, as near as I can calculate, 287,300 Rs. The price of an Arab horse imported into India (then a great traffic) was in Marco Polo's time about three times what it was in our own, up to 1850. The salary of the Governor at Goa, c. 1550, was 8000 <i>cruzados</i>, or nearly £4000 a year; and the salaries of the commandants of the fortresses of Goa, of Malacca, of Dio, and of Bassain, 600,000 <i>reis</i>, or about £670. The salary of Ibn Batuta, when Judge of Delhi, about 1340, was 1000 silver <i>tankas</i> or <i>dinārs</i> as he calls them (practically 1000 rupees) a month, which was in addition to an assignment of villages bringing in 5000 <i>tankas</i> a year. And yet he got into debt in a very few years to the tune of 55,000 <i>tankas</i>—say £5,500!</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt216-22"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt216_22-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Dr. D'Acunha has set this English traveller down to 1684, and introduces a quotation from him in illustration of the coinage of the latter period, in his quasi-chronological notes, a new element in the confusion of his readers.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt217-23"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt217_23-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"3 <i>plaghe</i>" in Balbi.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt218-24"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt218_24-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"<i>Serafinno di argento</i>" (<i>ibid.</i>).</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt219-25"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt219_25-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"<i>Quando si parla di pardai d'oro s'intendono, tanghe 6, di buona moneta</i>" (Balbi). This does not mean the old <i>pardao d'ouro</i> or golden pagoda, a sense which apparently had now become obsolete, but that in dealing in jewels, &c., it was usual to settle the price in pardaos of 6 good tangas instead of 5 (as we give doctors guineas instead of pounds). The actual <i>pagodas of gold</i> are also mentioned by Balbi, but these were worth, new ones 7½ and old ones 8 tangas of good money.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt220-26"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt220_26-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">No doubt, however, foreign coins were used to make up sums, and reduce the bulk of small change.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt221-27"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt221_27-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Sir W. Elliot refers to the Aśoka inscription (Edict II.) as bearing <i>Palaya</i> or <i>Paraya</i>, named with Choḍa (or Chola), Kerala, &c., as a country or people "in the very centre of the Dravidian group ... a reading which, if it holds good, supplies a satisfactory explanation of the origin of the Paria name and nation" (in <i>J. Ethnol. Soc.</i> N.S., 1869, p. 103). But apparently the reading has not held good, for M. Senart reads the name <i>Pām̃dya</i> (see <i>Ind. Ant.</i> ix. 287). [Mr. V. A. Smith writes: "The Girnar text is very defective in this important passage, which is not in the Dhauli text; that text gives only 11 out of the 14 edicts. The capital of the <i>Pām̃diyan</i> Kingdom was Madura. The history of the kingdom is very imperfectly known. For a discussion of it see <i>Sewell, Lists of Antiquities</i>, Madras, vol. ii. Of course it has nothing to do with <b>Parias.</b>"]</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt222-28"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt222_28-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">"... great diversion is found ... in firing balls at birds, particularly the <i>albitross</i>, a large species of the swan, commonly seen within two or three hundred miles round the Cape of Good Hope, and which the French call <i>Montons</i> (Moutons) du <i>Cap</i>."—<i>Munro's Narrative</i>, 13. The confusion of genera here equals that mentioned in our article above.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt223-29"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt223_29-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">It is an easy assumption that this export trade from India was killed by the development of machinery in England. We can hardly doubt that this cause would have killed it in time. But it was not left to any such lingering and natural death. Much time would be required to trace the whole of this episode of "ancient history." But it is certain that this Indian trade was not killed by natural causes: <i>it was killed by prohibitory duties</i>. These duties were so high in 1783 that they were declared to operate as a premium on smuggling, and they were <i>reduced</i> to 18 per cent. <i>ad valorem</i>. In the year 1796-97 the value of piece-goods from India imported into England was £2,776,682, or one-third of the whole value of the imports from India, which was £8,252,309. And in the sixteen years between 1793-4 and 1809-10 (inclusive) the imports of Indian piece-goods amounted in value to £26,171,125. In 1799 the duties were raised. I need not give details, but will come down to 1814, just before the close of the war, when they were, I believe, at a maximum. The duties then, on "plain white calicoes," were:— <table style="border-collapse:collapse;poem;"> <tbody><tr> <td> </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">£ </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;"><i>s.</i> </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;"><i>d.</i> </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;vertical-align:top;">Warehouse duty </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">4 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;"> 0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">per cent. </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;vertical-align:top;">War enhancement </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">1 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">" </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;vertical-align:top;">Customs duty </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">50 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">" </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;vertical-align:top;">War enhancement </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">12 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">10 </td> <td style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">" </td></tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:2em;vertical-align:top;">Total </td> <td style="border-top:1px solid black;padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">67 </td> <td style="border-top:1px solid black;padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">10 </td> <td style="border-top:1px solid black;padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;">0 </td> <td style="padding-left:0.5em;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">per cent. </td> <td style="vertical-align:top;">on value. </td></tr></tbody></table> <p><br /> There was an Excise duty upon British manufactured and printed goods of 3½<i>d.</i> per square yard, and of twice that amount on foreign (Indian) calico and muslin printed in Great Britain, and the whole of both duty and excise upon such goods was recoverable as drawback upon re-exportation. But on the exportation of Indian white goods there was no drawback recoverable; and stuffs printed in India were at this time, so far as we can discern, <i>not admitted through the English Custom-house at all</i> until 1826, when they were admitted on a duty of 3½<i>d.</i> per square yard. (See in the <i>Statutes</i>, 43 Geo. III. <i>capp.</i> 68, 69, 70; 54 Geo. III. <i>cap.</i> 36; 6 Geo. IV. <i>cap.</i> 3; also <i>Macpherson's Annals of Commerce</i>, iv. 426). </p><p>In Sir A. Arbuthnot's publication of <i>Sir T. Munro's Minutes</i> (<i>Memoir</i>, p. cxxix.) he quotes a letter of Munro's to a friend in Scotland, written about 1825, which shows him surprisingly before his age in the matter of Free Trade, speaking with reference to certain measures of Mr. Huskisson's. The passage ends thus: "India is the country that has been worst used in the new arrangements. All her products ought undoubtedly to be imported freely into England, upon paying the same duties, and no more, which English duties [? manufactures] pay in India. When I see what is done in Parliament against India, I think that I am reading about Edward III. and the Flemings." </p><p>Sir A. Arbuthnot adds very appropriately a passage from a note by the late Prof. H. H. Wilson in his continuation of James Mill's <i>History of India</i> (1845, vol. i. pp. 538-539), a passage which we also gladly insert here: </p><p>"It was stated in evidence (in 1813) that the cotton and silk goods of India, up to this period, could be sold for a profit in the British market at a price from 50 to 60 per cent. lower than those fabricated in England. It consequently became necessary to protect the latter by duties of 70 or 80 per cent. on their value, or by positive prohibition. Had this not been the case, had not such prohibitory duties and decrees existed, the mills of Paisley and of Manchester would have been stopped in their outset, and could hardly have been again set in motion, even by the powers of steam. They were created by the sacrifice of the Indian manufactures. Had India been independent, she would have retaliated; would have imposed preventive duties upon British goods, and would thus have preserved her own productive industry from annihilation. This act of self-defence was not permitted her; she was at the mercy of the stranger. British goods were forced upon her without paying any duty; and the foreign manufacturer employed the arm of political injustice to keep down and ultimately strangle a competitor with whom he could not contend on equal terms." </p> </span></li> <li id="cite_note-Nt224-30"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt224_30-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">See details in the <i>Field</i> of Nov. 15, 1884, p. 667, courteously given in reply to a query from the present writer.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt225-31"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt225_31-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">Thomas Rastall or Rastell went out apparently in 1615, in 1616 is mentioned as a "chief merchant of the fleet at <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/S#swally" title="Hobson-Jobson/S">Swally</a></b> Road," and often later as chief at Surat (see <i>Sainsbury</i>, i. 476, and ii. <i>passim</i>).</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt226-32"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt226_32-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text"><i>Pera o sapal</i>, <i>i.e.</i> 'for the marsh.' We cannot be certain of the meaning of this; but we may note that in 1543 the King, as a favour to the city of Goa, and for the commodity of its shipping and the landing of goods, &c., makes a grant "of the marsh inundated with sea-water (<i>do</i> sapal <i>alagado dagoa salgada</i>) which extends along the river-side from the houses of Antonio Correa to the houses of Afonso Piquo, which grant is to be perpetual ... to serve for a landing-place and quay for the merchants to moor and repair their ships, and to erect their <b><a href="/wiki/Hobson-Jobson/B#bankshall" title="Hobson-Jobson/B">bankshalls</a></b> (<i>bangaçaes</i>), and never to be turned away to any other purpose." Possibly the fines went into a fund for the drainage of this <i>sapal</i> and formation of landing-places. See <i>Archiv. Port. Orient.</i>, Fasc. 2, pp. 130-131.</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt227-33"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt227_33-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">We do not know what word is intended, unless it be a special use of Ar. <i>baṭan</i>, 'the interior or middle of a thing.' Dorn refers to a note, which does not exist in his book. Bellew gives the title conferred by the Prophet as "<i>Pīhtān</i> or <i>Pāthān</i>, a term which in the Syrian language signifies a rudder." Somebody else interprets it as 'a mast.'</span> </li> <li id="cite_note-Nt228-34"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-Nt228_34-0">↑</a></span> <span class="reference-text">P. <i>pāsbān</i> and <i>nigabān</i>, both meaning literally 'watch-keeper,' the one from <i>pās</i>, 'a watch,' in the sense of a division of the day, the other from <i>nigah</i>, 'watch,' in the sense of 'heed' or 'observation.' [<i>Dusaud</i> = <i>Dosādh</i>, a low caste often employed as watchmen.]</span> </li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> <!-- NewPP limit report Parsed by mw‐web.codfw.main‐f69cdc8f6‐ffqzr Cached time: 20241122155350 Cache expiry: 2592000 Reduced expiry: false Complications: [vary‐page‐id] CPU time usage: 1.739 seconds Real time usage: 1.832 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 19711/1000000 Post‐expand include size: 169020/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 8592/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 9/100 Expensive parser function count: 1/500 Unstrip recursion depth: 2/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 176803/5000000 bytes Lua time usage: 0.706/10.000 seconds Lua memory usage: 4417055/52428800 bytes Number of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 1384.268 1 -total 41.49% 574.273 199 Template:Page_break 16.97% 234.967 80 Template:Ts 16.76% 232.054 315 Template:Anchor 11.94% 165.300 1 Template:Smallrefs 11.36% 157.322 199 Template:Makeid 11.15% 154.347 201 Template:Optional_style 6.35% 87.838 31 Template:Polytonic 6.24% 86.445 1 Template:Header 3.53% 48.900 1 Template:Missing_image --> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key enwikisource:pcache:idhash:2630344-0!canonical and timestamp 20241122155350 and revision id 13918842. 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