Alpha Domus | Alpha Domus Winery & Cellar Door | Winery New Zealand

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14.2477 90.6281 15.476C90.5486 16.7043 90.2011 17.9003 89.61 18.98L96.54 24.98L88.16 27.96ZM78.05 18.46L80.74 17.46C81.0481 17.3921 81.3384 17.2602 81.5922 17.0729C81.846 16.8855 82.0575 16.6469 82.2131 16.3725C82.3687 16.0981 82.4649 15.794 82.4953 15.4801C82.5258 15.1661 82.4899 14.8492 82.39 14.55C81.99 13.43 80.76 13.04 79.32 13.55L76.64 14.55L78.05 18.46Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M114.81 6.76L108.45 7.46L110.25 23.69L102.34 24.56L100.54 8.34L94.19 9.04L93.44 2.28L114.06 0L114.81 6.76Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M121.057 0.466739L119.384 23.5261L127.313 24.1014L128.986 1.04206L121.057 0.466739Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M142.77 10.25L142.08 12.96L150.42 15.07L148.83 21.33L140.49 19.22L138.71 26.24L131 24.28L136.69 1.87L154.38 6.36L152.75 12.79L142.77 10.25Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M160.411 9.00198L150.863 30.0694L158.113 33.3552L167.661 12.2878L160.411 9.00198Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M177.52 25.59L176.38 27.24L183.59 32.23L180.11 37.26L172.9 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fill="black"></path> <path d="M144.39 175.74V177.85H149.54V180.3H144.39V182.31H150.27V184.82H141.51V173.23H150.27V175.74H144.39Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M158.76 184.81L156.56 181.45H154.36V184.81H151.48V173.23H156.54C159.42 173.23 161.35 174.8 161.35 177.31C161.362 178.014 161.182 178.708 160.83 179.317C160.477 179.927 159.966 180.429 159.35 180.77L162.08 184.82L158.76 184.81ZM154.36 178.86H156.49C157.6 178.86 158.49 178.25 158.49 177.3C158.49 176.35 157.62 175.76 156.49 175.76H154.36V178.86Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M171.95 175.81H168.25V184.82H165.39V175.81H161.69V173.23H171.95V175.81Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M67.61 177.79H65.86V182.03H64.52V177.79H62.77V176.57H67.61V177.79Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M73.91 182.03H72.55V179.29L71.34 181.16V181.17H70.59V181.16L69.37 179.28V182.03H68.02V176.57H69.03L70.96 179.49L72.9 176.57H73.91V182.03Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M68.39 187.29C66.7741 187.29 65.1945 186.811 63.851 185.913C62.5074 185.015 61.4603 183.739 60.8419 182.247C60.2236 180.754 60.0617 179.111 60.377 177.526C60.6922 175.941 61.4704 174.486 62.6129 173.343C63.7555 172.2 65.2113 171.422 66.7961 171.107C68.3809 170.792 70.0237 170.954 71.5165 171.572C73.0094 172.19 74.2854 173.237 75.1831 174.581C76.0808 175.925 76.56 177.504 76.56 179.12C76.5574 181.286 75.6958 183.363 74.1642 184.894C72.6326 186.426 70.556 187.287 68.39 187.29ZM68.39 172.17C67.0034 172.17 65.6481 172.582 64.4958 173.353C63.3436 174.125 62.4465 175.221 61.9182 176.503C61.3899 177.785 61.2542 179.195 61.5284 180.554C61.8026 181.913 62.4742 183.161 63.4582 184.137C64.4422 185.114 65.6941 185.777 67.0553 186.042C68.4164 186.306 69.8254 186.16 71.1036 185.623C72.3818 185.085 73.4716 184.18 74.2347 183.023C74.9978 181.865 75.3999 180.507 75.39 179.12C75.3768 177.272 74.6335 175.505 73.3221 174.203C72.0108 172.901 70.2379 172.17 68.39 172.17Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M116.85 70.24C120.711 65.564 125.549 61.7894 131.023 59.1809C136.497 56.5724 142.476 55.1932 148.54 55.14C145.822 49.0034 141.38 43.7881 135.755 40.1273C130.129 36.4665 123.562 34.5178 116.85 34.5178C110.138 34.5178 103.571 36.4665 97.9454 40.1273C92.32 43.7881 87.8783 49.0034 85.16 55.14C91.2239 55.1932 97.2027 56.5724 102.677 59.1809C108.151 61.7894 112.989 65.564 116.85 70.24Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M76.95 81.87C84.6573 81.871 92.2616 83.6392 99.1786 87.0388C106.096 90.4383 112.141 95.3787 116.85 101.48C121.56 95.3792 127.605 90.4393 134.522 87.0398C141.439 83.6403 149.043 81.8717 156.75 81.87C166.298 81.8623 175.615 84.8106 183.42 90.31C182.605 81.7202 178.619 73.742 172.241 67.9312C165.862 62.1204 157.548 58.8936 148.92 58.88C142.508 58.8833 136.202 60.5145 130.593 63.6208C124.984 66.7272 120.255 71.2068 116.85 76.64C113.445 71.2068 108.716 66.7272 103.107 63.6208C97.498 60.5145 91.1919 58.8833 84.78 58.88C76.1516 58.8936 67.8376 62.1204 61.4592 67.9312C55.0808 73.742 51.0953 81.7202 50.28 90.31C58.0854 84.8106 67.4018 81.8623 76.95 81.87Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M183.09 126.41C182.527 126.404 181.969 126.513 181.45 126.731C180.931 126.95 180.462 127.272 180.073 127.679C179.684 128.086 179.383 128.569 179.188 129.097C178.993 129.625 178.908 130.188 178.94 130.75C178.94 131.294 179.047 131.832 179.255 132.334C179.463 132.837 179.768 133.293 180.153 133.677C180.537 134.062 180.993 134.367 181.496 134.575C181.998 134.783 182.536 134.89 183.08 134.89C183.624 134.89 184.162 134.783 184.664 134.575C185.167 134.367 185.623 134.062 186.007 133.677C186.392 133.293 186.697 132.837 186.905 132.334C187.113 131.832 187.22 131.294 187.22 130.75C187.251 130.19 187.168 129.629 186.974 129.102C186.78 128.575 186.481 128.093 186.094 127.687C185.707 127.28 185.241 126.957 184.724 126.737C184.207 126.518 183.651 126.406 183.09 126.41Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M84.41 130.75C84.4491 131.558 84.7242 132.337 85.2014 132.991C85.6785 133.645 86.3368 134.144 87.0947 134.428C87.8527 134.711 88.6771 134.766 89.4661 134.586C90.255 134.406 90.9739 133.999 91.5339 133.415C92.0939 132.83 92.4704 132.095 92.6168 131.299C92.7633 130.503 92.6732 129.682 92.3579 128.937C92.0426 128.191 91.5157 127.555 90.8425 127.106C90.1693 126.657 89.3792 126.415 88.57 126.41C88.0062 126.402 87.4468 126.511 86.9266 126.728C86.4064 126.946 85.9366 127.268 85.5464 127.676C85.1562 128.083 84.854 128.566 84.6585 129.095C84.463 129.624 84.3784 130.187 84.41 130.75Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M146.51 126.3C145.959 126.269 145.407 126.353 144.891 126.549C144.375 126.744 143.905 127.046 143.513 127.434C143.121 127.823 142.815 128.289 142.614 128.803C142.414 129.318 142.324 129.869 142.35 130.42C142.414 131.469 142.885 132.453 143.661 133.162C144.437 133.871 145.459 134.251 146.51 134.22C147.199 134.232 147.881 134.089 148.507 133.799C149.132 133.51 149.683 133.083 150.12 132.55V127.92C149.68 127.394 149.127 126.976 148.501 126.695C147.876 126.414 147.195 126.279 146.51 126.3Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M156.75 85.74C148.722 85.7443 140.83 87.8215 133.84 91.7704C126.85 95.7192 120.998 101.406 116.85 108.28C112.702 101.406 106.85 95.7192 99.86 91.7704C92.8698 87.8215 84.9785 85.7443 76.95 85.74C65.6471 85.7506 54.8101 90.2454 46.8177 98.2377C38.8254 106.23 34.3306 117.067 34.32 128.37C34.32 149.89 50.8 166.37 72.32 166.37C92.07 166.37 107.09 151.37 107.09 131.6C107.09 119.87 102.99 109.55 93.72 103.73C98.715 106.657 102.858 110.839 105.738 115.861C108.619 120.883 110.136 126.571 110.14 132.36V196.45H123.57V132.36C123.572 126.571 125.087 120.884 127.966 115.862C130.845 110.84 134.986 106.657 139.98 103.73C130.71 109.55 126.61 119.87 126.61 131.6C126.61 151.34 141.61 166.37 161.38 166.37C182.9 166.37 199.38 149.89 199.38 128.37C199.369 117.067 194.875 106.23 186.882 98.2377C178.89 90.2454 168.053 85.7506 156.75 85.74ZM57.87 139.97C56.1833 139.999 54.5251 139.533 53.1 138.63V139.5H47.2V113.81H53.1V122.89C54.5251 121.987 56.1833 121.521 57.87 121.55C60.2205 121.684 62.4305 122.713 64.0471 124.424C65.6637 126.136 66.5643 128.401 66.5643 130.755C66.5643 133.109 65.6637 135.374 64.0471 137.086C62.4305 138.797 60.2205 139.826 57.87 139.96M75.7 139.49H69.84V121.96H75.69L75.7 139.49ZM72.7 119.2C72.0507 119.174 71.4232 118.958 70.8958 118.579C70.3685 118.199 69.9646 117.672 69.7345 117.064C69.5044 116.457 69.4583 115.795 69.6019 115.161C69.7456 114.527 70.0726 113.95 70.5423 113.5C71.0119 113.051 71.6034 112.75 72.243 112.635C72.8825 112.52 73.5418 112.595 74.1387 112.852C74.7356 113.109 75.2437 113.536 75.5996 114.08C75.9555 114.624 76.1434 115.26 76.14 115.91C76.1377 116.355 76.0457 116.796 75.8696 117.205C75.6935 117.614 75.4368 117.984 75.1149 118.292C74.793 118.6 74.4124 118.84 73.9958 118.997C73.5792 119.155 73.1351 119.227 72.69 119.21M98.15 130.71C98.15 136.06 94.06 139.97 88.53 139.97C83 139.97 78.87 136.06 78.87 130.71C78.87 125.36 82.96 121.49 88.53 121.49C94.1 121.49 98.15 125.43 98.15 130.71ZM155.94 139.6C155.94 145.1 152.03 148.28 146.54 148.28C141.22 148.28 137.35 145.28 137.06 140.69H142.85C143.14 142.32 144.37 143.33 146.54 143.33C147.02 143.361 147.5 143.287 147.949 143.115C148.398 142.943 148.804 142.676 149.14 142.332C149.476 141.988 149.734 141.576 149.897 141.124C150.059 140.671 150.121 140.189 150.08 139.71V137.62C148.627 138.483 146.96 138.92 145.27 138.88C143.933 138.844 142.621 138.501 141.438 137.876C140.255 137.251 139.232 136.362 138.449 135.277C137.666 134.192 137.143 132.942 136.922 131.622C136.7 130.303 136.786 128.95 137.173 127.669C137.559 126.389 138.236 125.214 139.151 124.237C140.065 123.261 141.192 122.508 142.445 122.038C143.697 121.568 145.041 121.393 146.373 121.527C147.704 121.661 148.986 122.1 150.12 122.81V121.94H155.98L155.94 139.6ZM171.85 127.24C168.99 127.35 167.18 128.11 165.85 129.44V139.5H159.95V121.96H165.85V123.81C167.506 122.357 169.648 121.582 171.85 121.64V127.24ZM183.05 139.97C177.48 139.97 173.4 136.06 173.4 130.71C173.4 125.36 177.48 121.49 183.05 121.49C188.62 121.49 192.67 125.43 192.67 130.71C192.67 135.99 188.59 139.97 183.05 139.97Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M56.69 126.51C56.0134 126.481 55.3389 126.603 54.7147 126.866C54.0906 127.128 53.5324 127.526 53.08 128.03V133.53C53.5324 134.034 54.0906 134.432 54.7147 134.694C55.3389 134.957 56.0134 135.079 56.69 135.05C57.8225 135.05 58.9086 134.6 59.7094 133.799C60.5101 132.999 60.96 131.912 60.96 130.78C60.96 129.648 60.5101 128.561 59.7094 127.761C58.9086 126.96 57.8225 126.51 56.69 126.51Z" fill="black"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <hr> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col w-full sm:w-7-1/2 border-r-0 sm:border-r"> <h2 class="h2 max-w-300 pb-25">Founded in <br> — 1989 </h2> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1601333870" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1601333870 alt="Alpha domus about" class=" " style=""> </div> <div class="col w-full sm:w-4-1/2 border-r-0 mt-0 sm:mt-25 pb-25 sm:pb-0"> <p class="max-w-300 sm:pt-145px">Proudly a small independent New Zealand family owned certified organic vineyard and winery. ‘Alpha’ is derived from the names of the founders and ‘Domus’ is Latin for home. Alpha Domus has always been inspired to create beautiful <a href="/products">wines</a> of worth, with quality and expert craftsmanship paramount.</p> </div> </div> <hr> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col w-full sm:w-3/12 border-r-0 sm:border-r"> <h4 class="h4">Our Wines</h4> </div> <div class="col w-full sm:w-4-1/2 border-r-0 sm:border-r"> <div class="h-full flex flex-col justify-between"> <ul class="wine-selectors relative sm:-top-14 md:max-h-full overflow-hidden md:overflow-visible pb-10 sm:pb-0"> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="263"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left active"><p><em>The</em> Batten</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="634"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Ace</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="15381"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Aerofoil</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="518"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Fox Moth</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="521"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Barnstormer</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="524"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Wingwalker</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="527"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p>Cumulus</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="513"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Skybolt</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="546"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Aviator</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="556"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p>Beatrix</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="765"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Navigator</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="669"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Noble Selection</p> </a> </li> <li class="product-reveal-hover" data-id="1643"> <a href="" class="h2 text-left "><p><em>The</em> Aviatrix</p> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="/products" class="pb-25 sm:pb-0">View our full range of wines</a> </div> </div> <div class="col w-4-1/2 border-r-0 hidden sm:block"> <div class="product-card-reveal active fade" data-id="263"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Batten <br> Chardonnay <br> — 2022 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADBAT22" data-product-slug="the-batten-chardonnay-2022"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADBAT22"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701560863" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701560863 alt="Ad chard no shadow" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Only the best grapes from low yielding vines are selected, with free run juice run directly into French oak barrels for fermentation by wild and cultured yeasts. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-batten-chardonnay-2022"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="634"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Ace <br> Syrah <br> — 2019 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADACE18" data-product-slug="the-ace-syrah-2019"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADACE18"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701560845" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701560845 alt="Ad ace no shadow" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Alluringly vibrant in colour, deepest damson with violet hues. Highly intense aromas of violet, black pepper, boysenberry and hints of liquorice root meld into a hedonistic experience. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-ace-syrah-2019"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="15381"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Aerofoil <br> Cabernet Sauvignon <br> — 2021 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADAERO21" data-product-slug="the-aerofoil-cabernet-sauvignon"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADAERO21"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701372747" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701372747 alt="Ad aerofoil" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> There is nothing quite like a Cabernet when it&#039;s at its best. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-aerofoil-cabernet-sauvignon"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="518"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Fox Moth <br> Merlot <br> — 2023 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADFOX23" data-product-slug="the-fox-moth-merlot-organic"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADFOX23"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1719870651" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1719870651 alt="The Fox Moth organic" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> The classic 1932 Fox Moth aircraft helped open the world up to exciting new horizons of travel and adventure. You can do the same for your tastebuds with this opulent Merlot. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-fox-moth-merlot-organic"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="521"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Barnstormer <br> Syrah <br> — 2022 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADBAR22" data-product-slug="the-barnstormer-syrah"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADBAR22"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604138428" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604138428 alt="Barnstormer" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> The 2022 vintage gave us grapes with exceptional flavour and balance. An aromatic and harmonious wine, the Barnstormer is multilayered and engaging. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-barnstormer-syrah"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="524"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Wingwalker <br> Viognier <br> — 2024 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADWIN24" data-product-slug="the-wingwalker-organic-2024"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADWIN24"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1719871777" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1719871777 alt="The Wingwalker organic" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Named after the brave and daring aerial acrobats of the 1920&#039;s, you have to be a little adventurous to try this exotic and enchanting variety, but once you have you may be smitten. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-wingwalker-organic-2024"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="527"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> Cumulus <br> Méthode Traditionelle <br> — NV <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADCUMNV" data-product-slug="cumulus"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADCUMNV"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1625085188" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1625085188 alt="Alpha Domus Cumulus2" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Traditionally hand harvested and bottle fermented, Cumulus Blanc de Blanc is celebratory, festive, and elegantly dry in style. Perfect as an aperitif or a great accompaniment through all courses. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="cumulus"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="513"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Skybolt <br> Chardonnay <br> — 2023 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADSKY23" data-product-slug="the-skybolt-2023"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADSKY23"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1719871574" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1719871574 alt="The Skybolt organic" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> The Skybolt Organic Chardonnay is an elegant style with fruit richness, seductive oak and a succulent palate that is rounded and creamy. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-skybolt-2023"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="546"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Aviator <br> Cabernet Merlot <br> — 2019 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADAVI19" data-product-slug="the-aviator-red-blend-2019"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADAVI19"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701560857" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701560857 alt="Ad aviator no shadow" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> A love of the classic blend and the founders vision created The Aviator. Released only in the best years and made from our finest parcels. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-aviator-red-blend-2019"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="556"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> Beatrix <br> Sparkling Rosé <br> — NV <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="COBEANV" data-product-slug="beatrix-sparkling-rose"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="COBEANV"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604133719" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604133719 alt="Beatrix" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Delightfully charming and whimsical with perfectly balanced freshness. A fun and refreshing anytime sparkling Rosé. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="beatrix-sparkling-rose"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="765"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Navigator <br> Merlot Cabernet <br> — 2019 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADNAV19" data-product-slug="the-navigator"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADNAV19"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604138435" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604138435 alt="Navigator" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Softly concentrated and medium-full bodied our special blend of five Bordeaux red varietals contribute to an exquisitely varied array of aromas and great depth of flavour. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-navigator"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="669"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Noble Selection <br> Semillon Dessert <br> — 2018 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADNOB18" data-product-slug="the-noble-selection"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADNOB18"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701561349" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1701561349 alt="Alpha Domus Noble Selection No Shadow ƒ01" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Crafted only when vintage conditions allow, this opulent wine is made from 100% botrytised Semillon, one of the truly great sweet varieties of the world. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-noble-selection"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="product-card-reveal " data-id="1643"> <div class="relative wine-link"> <a href=""> <h4 class="relative sm:sticky top-0 sm:top-90 left-0 mb-10 lg:mb-42 sticky__el sm:z-10"> <span class="max-w-200"> The Aviatrix <br> Semillon Dry <br> — 2022 <br><br> </span> <div class="c7-buy-product price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADTRIX22" data-product-slug="the-aviatrix"></div> <div class="c7-buy-variant price absolute left-0 " style="top: 100%;" data-sku="ADTRIX22"></div> </h4> <div class="product-card-image-container product-card-image-container--home "> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604138427" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1604138427 alt="Aviatrix" class=" fade-blur-out" style=""> </div> </a> <a href="" class="product-link">Learn more <img src="/dist/icons/arrow.svg" alt="" width="32" class="inline-block ml-1 pb-1"></a> <div class="product-quick-view"> <h6 class="h3 max-w-400 pb-16"> Last produced in 2004, we are very excited to once again have a dry Semillon in our range. Exclusively available online and in the cellar door. </h6> <div class="flex flex-no-wrap w-full"> <div class="relative w-1/2 "> <div class="c7-buy-product add-to-cart absolute left-0 top-0 w-full" data-product-slug="the-aviatrix"></div> </div> <a href="" class="btn ml-2 w-1/2">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr> </div> </section> <section> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col w-full sm:w-3/12 border-r-0 sm:border-r mb-0 sm:mb-25"> <h4 class="h4">Our Wine Club</h4> </div> <div class="col w-full sm:w-9/12 border-r-0"> <div class="mb-25 relative"> <img data-src=";fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1606027139" src=;fit=crop&amp;ixlib=php-3.1.0&amp;v=1606027139 alt="Alpha Domus 07 11 2020 Selects 83" class=" " style=""> <a href="/club" class="h2 text-white absolute top-1/2 left-1/2 w-full text-center transform -translate-y-1/2 -translate-x-1/2">Join <i>now</i> </a> </div> <div class="markdown"> <p>Take a look at the customisable <a href="/club">Merlin Wine Club</a>, peruse pack options for bespoke shipments, and your exclusive discounts and benefits.</p> </div> </div> </div> <hr> </div> </section> <footer> <div class="container pb-25 sm:pb-16"> <div class="row"> <div class="col w-full sm:w-3/12 border-r-0 sm:border-r order-1 mobile-hr bottom"> <p class="pb-4 sm:pb-25 uppercase">STAY IN TOUCH</p> <a href="/#newsletter" class="text-left max-w-150 font-tiempos-regular" target="_blank" >Stay up-to-date with Alpha Domus</a> <hr> </div> <div class="col w-1/2 sm:w-3/12 order-2"> <p class="pb-4 sm:pb-25 uppercase">FIND US</p> <p class="sm:pb-16"> <a href=",176.7365728,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x6d69c7d4fb7028c9:0xc0f6a890b304900f!8m2!3d-39.6454049!4d176.7387615" target="_blank" class="font-tiempos-regular"> 1829 Maraekakaho Road<br /> Bridge Pa RD 1<br /> Hastings<br /> Hawke&#039;s Bay </a> </p> </div> <div class="col w-full sm:w-4/12 md:w-3/12 border-r-0 sm:border-r order-4 sm:order-3 mobile-hr top"> <hr> <p class="pb-4 sm:pb-25 uppercase">MENU</p> <ul class="md:pb-16 two-column "> <li> <a href="/products" class="font-tiempos-regular">Shop</a> </li> <li> <a href="/club" class="font-tiempos-regular">Wine Club</a> </li> <li> <a href="/discover" class="font-tiempos-regular">About</a> </li> <li> <a href="/visit" class="font-tiempos-regular">Visit Us</a> </li> <li> <a href="/organic" class="font-tiempos-regular">Vineyard</a> </li> <li> <a href="/winery" class="font-tiempos-regular">Winery</a> </li> <li> <a href="/people" class="font-tiempos-regular">People</a> </li> <li> <a href="/products#gifts" class="font-tiempos-regular">Gifts</a> </li> <li> <a href="/profile" class="font-tiempos-regular">My Account</a> </li> <li> <a href="/contact" class="font-tiempos-regular">Contact Us</a> </li> <li> <a href="/terms" class="font-tiempos-regular">T &amp; 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