Decisions 2017 | CRTC
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href="#sec-t">Telecommunications</a>]</li> </ul> </nav> <h2 id="sec-b">Broadcasting</h2> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-453-1.htm">2017-453-1</a> Videotron Ltd. - Various locations in Quebec - The Commission corrects Videotron G.P. – Acquisition of assets (corporate reorganization), Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2017-453, 18 December 2017, by adding a new paragraph </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-458.htm">2017-458</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited - Across Canada - DENIED - Application to add 360tunebox, a non-Canadian English-language programming service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-454.htm">2017-454</a> - I.T. Productions Ltd. - Vancouver, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the commercial ethnic AM radio station CJRJ Vancouver </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-453.htm">2017-453</a> - Videotron Ltd. - Various locations in Québec – APPROVED - Application for authority to acquire the assets of Videotron G.P. (Videotron Ltd. and 9227-2590 Québec inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Videotron G.P.) as part of a two-step corporate reorganization </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-452-1.htm">2017-452-1</a> - Dufferin Communications Inc. - Orangeville, Ontario - CIDC-FM Orangeville – Licence renewal – Correction </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-452.htm">2017-452</a> - Dufferin Communications Inc. - Orangeville, Ontario – APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CIDC-FM Orangeville </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-449.htm">2017-449</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add INSIGHT UHD, a non-Canadian English-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-447.htm">2017-447</a> - Wightman Telecom Ltd. - The province of Ontario - APPROVED - Request to revoke the broadcasting licence for the regional terrestrial pay-per-viewservice </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-446.htm">2017-446</a> - Canal Savoir - Montréal, Quebec - RENEWED - Broadcasting licence for the television station CFTU-TV Montréal from 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2019 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-444.htm">2017-444</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Edmonton and Grande Prairie, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language radio station CHFA-10-FM Edmonton </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-443.htm">2017-443</a> - Bell Media Inc. - Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Smithers and Terrace, British Columbia - APPROVED - Applications to amend the broadcasting licences for the television stations CJDC-TV Dawson Creek and CFTK-TV Terrace, British Columbia </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-440.htm">2017-440</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Request to revoke the broadcasting licence for the national, niche third-language ethnic specialty Category B service Zee Cinema Canada </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-436.htm">2017-436</a> - CHZ Business News Net Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Request to revoke the broadcasting licence for the national, English-language discretionary service Bloomberg TV Canada </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-423.htm">2017-423</a> - APPROVED - Dufferin Communications Inc. - Winnipeg, Manitoba - Application to operate an ethnic commercial specialty FM radio station in Winnipeg to replace its ethnic commercial AM radio station CKJS </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-422.htm">2017-422</a> - APPROVED - Radio Vallacquoise inc. - Val-des-Lacs, Quebec - Application to operate a low-power, French-language community FM radio station in Val-des-Lacs </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-418.htm">2017-418</a> - Radio Communautaire Francophone et Francophile de l’Outaouais Gatineau, Quebec - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language community AM radio station in Gatineau </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-415.htm">2017-415</a> - DENIED - Rogers Media Inc. - Across Canada - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the national, multilingual multi-ethnic discretionary service OMNI Regional </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-414.htm">2017-414</a> - APPROVED - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Thunder Bay and Savant Lake, Ontario - Application to change the authorized contours of CBQL-FM Savant Lake, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBQT-FM Thunder Bay, (Radio One) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-413.htm">2017-413</a> Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto and Owen Sound, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBL-FM-4 Owen Sound, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBL-FM Toronto (Radio 2)</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-409.htm">2017-409</a> Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto and Owen Sound, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the rebroadcasting transmitter CBCB-FM Owen Sound </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-408.htm">2017-408</a> Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Halifax and Digby, Nova Scotia - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBAF-FM-7 Digby </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-407.htm">2017-407</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Kelowna and Nakusp, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBTK-FM Kelowna in order to operate an FM transmitter in Nakusp to rebroadcast the programming of its national, English language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-406.htm">2017-406</a> - Potlotek Communication Society - Chapel Island/Potlotek First Nation, Nova Scotia - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate a low power Type B Native FM radio station in Chapel Island/Potlotek First Nation </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-399.htm">2017-399</a> - CKXU Radio Society - Lethbridge, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the radio station CKXU-FM Lethbridge </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-397.htm">2017-397</a> - DARR FM Radio Ltd. - Saint John, New Brunswick - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial specialty (Christian music) radio station CJRP-FM Saint John and its transmitter CJRP-FM-1 Rothesay </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-396.htm">2017-396</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Fredericton and McAdam, New Brunswick - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBZF-FM Fredericton to operate an FM transmitter in McAdam to rebroadcast the programming of its national, English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-395.htm">2017-395</a> - Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Radio Station Corp. - Aldina, Saskatchewan - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English- and Cree-language low-power Type B Native radio station CICN-FM Aldina </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-393.htm">2017-393</a> - 8384860 Canada Inc. Vancouver, British Columbia - DENIED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CHLG-FM Vancouver by removing a condition of licence relating to the broadcast of special interest music </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-391.htm">2017-391</a> - Radio Markham York Incorporated - Markham, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the commercial radio station CFMS-FM Markham </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-390.htm">2017-390</a> - RNC MEDIA Inc. - Donnacona and Sainte-Croix-de-Lotbinière, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the French-language commercial radio station CHXX-FM Donnacona and its transmitter CHXX-FM-1 Sainte-Croix-de-Lotbinière - DENIED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for CHXX-FM in order to delete conditions of licence relating to local presence and local programming</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-387.htm">2017-387</a> - Cogeco Connexion Inc. - Various locations in Ontario and Quebec - APPROVED - Application to delay until 31 March 2018 the requirement that the licensee's broadcasting distribution undertakings in the above-noted provinces adhere to certain provisions of the Television Service Provider Code </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-372.htm">2017-372</a> - Rogers Media Inc. - Calgary, Banff and Invermere, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the commercial radio station CJAQ-FM Calgary, Alberta, and its transmitters CJAQ-FM-1 Banff and CJAQ-FM-2 - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for CJAQ-FM Calgary to delete the conditions of licence relating to the Oldies music format</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-371.htm">2017-371</a> - 8159203 Canada Limited - Mississauga, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the English-language commercial AM radio station CKNT Mississauga by relocating the transmitter site </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-360.htm">2017-360</a> - Cochrane Christian Radio - Cochrane, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language low-power commercial specialty (Christian music) radio station CFCJ-FM Cochrane </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-358.htm">2017-358</a> - Avenue Radio Ltd. - Kelowna, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application for authority to acquire the assets of the English-language commercial radio station CJUI-FM Kelowna from Vista Radio Ltd. and for a broadcasting licence expiring 31 August 2024 to continue the operation of the station - DENIED - Request for an exception to the requirement to pay tangible benefits.</p><p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-356.htm">2017-356</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Sudbury and Timmins, Ontario – APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the rebroadcasting transmitter CBON-FM-25 Timmins </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-355.htm">2017-355</a> - THEMA Canada Inc. - Across Canada – APPROVED - Application to add Canal+ International, a non-Canadian French-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-354.htm">2017-354</a> - CFPV-FM Radio Ltd. - Pemberton, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CFPV-FM Pemberton </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-351.htm">2017-351</a> - International Harvesters for Christ Evangelistic Association Inc. - Halifax and Wolfville, Nova Scotia - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language specialty (Christian music) radio station CJLU-FM Halifax and its transmitter CJLU-FM-1 Wolfville </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-348.htm">2017-348</a> - Total Change Christian Ministries - Campbell River, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language low-power non-commercial specialty (Christian music) radio station CHVI-FM Campbell River </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-346.htm">2017-346</a> - Blackburn Radio Inc. - Wingham and Bluewater, Ontario – APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CIBU-FM Wingham and its transmitter CIBU-FM-1 Bluewater </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-340.htm">2017-340</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto, Ontario - DENIED - Application for authority to use the subsidiary communications multiplex operations channel of CBL-FM Toronto to broadcast a predominantly Tamil-language radio service </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-339.htm">2017-339</a> - Rogers Media Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application for a one-year extension to fulfil the tangible benefits commitments relating to the change in effective control of The Score Television Network Ltd. to Rogers, and its acquisition of Sportsnet 360</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-338.htm">2017-338</a> - Radio Montmagny inc. - Montmagny and Saint-Fabien-de-Panet, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language commercial radio station CIQI-FM Montmagny in order to operate an FM rebroadcasting transmitter in Saint-Fabien-de-Panet </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-337.htm">2017-337</a> - Canal Évasion inc. - Across Canada - DENIED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the Category A discretionary service Évasion (formerly Canal Évasion) in order to decrease its Canadian programming expenditure requirement </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-336.htm">2017-336</a> - CIAM Media & Radio Broadcasting Association - Fort Vermilion, Burnt Hills and Saskatoon Hill, Alberta; and Rose Prairie and Boston Bar, British Columbia - APPROVED - Applications to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CIAM-FM Fort Vermilion in order to operate rebroadcasting transmitters in Burnt Hills and Saskatoon Hill, Alberta, and Rose Prairie and Boston Bar </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-334.htm">2017-334</a> - Odyssey Television Network Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add Star International, a non-Canadian third-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-332.htm">2017-332</a> - Powell River Community Radio Society - Powell River, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the radio station CJMP-FM Powell River </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-331.htm">2017-331</a> - Radio communautaire Cornwall-Alexandria Inc. - Cornwall and Dunvegan, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language community radio station CHOD-FM Cornwall to operate an FM rebroadcasting transmitter in Dunvegan </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-330.htm">2017-330</a> - Beanfield Technologies Inc. - Toronto (East Bayfront and West Don Lands), Ontario - APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence issued to Beanfield Technologies Inc. for the terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertaking serving Toronto (East Bayfront and West Don Lands) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-329.htm">2017-329</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Applications to add the non-Canadian programming services set out in the decision to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-326.htm">2017-326</a> - Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta - Edmonton and Grande Prairie, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the Type B Native radio station CFWE-FM-4 Edmonton in order to operate an FM rebroadcasting transmitter at Grande Prairie </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-325.htm">2017-325</a> - Torres Media Ottawa Inc. - Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Québec - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the English-language commercial radio station CIDG-FM Ottawa/Gatineau </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-322.htm">2017-322</a> - Videotron Ltd. and 9227-2590 Quebec Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Videotron G.P. - Montréal, Montréal-Ouest and Terrebonne, Quebec - APPROVED - Application by Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Videotron Ltd. and 9227-2590 Quebec Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Videotron G.P., to be relieved from the requirement to distribute ICI (International Channel/Canal International) as part of the basic service of its terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings in Montréal, Montréal-Ouest and Terrebonne.</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-321.htm">2017-321</a> - Shaw Cablesystems Limited and Shaw Cablesystems (VCI) Limited - Various locations in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia - Star Choice Television Network Incorporated - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application by Shaw Communications Inc., on behalf of Shaw Cablesystems Limited, Shaw Cablesystems (VCI) Limited and Star Choice Television Network Incorporated, to be relieved from the requirement to distribute the signals of OMNI television stations as part of the basic service of its licensed and exempt terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, and of its direct-to-home satellite BDU Shaw Direct for the region of Southern Ontario.</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-318.htm">2017-318</a> - Various radio licensees - Various locations across Canada - RENEWED - Renewal of the broadcasting licences for the radio stations set out in the appendix to this decision</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-317.htm">2017-317</a> - Groupe des médias étudiants de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières<br> Trois-Rivières, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the French-language campus radio station CFOU-FM Trois-Rivières</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-315.htm">2017-315</a> - Various applicants - Various locations in Ontario and Alberta - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the low-power, English-language commercial radio station CFQK-FM Kaministiquia, Ontario and its transmitter CKED-FM Shuniah Township - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CKKX-FM Peace River, Alberta and its transmitters CFKX-FM High Level, CJHP-FM High Prairie, CKKF-FM Fairview and CKKX-FM-1 Manning - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CKRA-FM Edmonton, Alberta </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-314.htm">2017-314</a> - Sound of Faith Broadcasting - Woodstock, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial specialty (Christian music) radio station CJFH-FM Woodstock </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-313.htm">2017-313</a> - 8384827 Canada Inc. - Toronto, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CFXJ-FM Toronto </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-311.htm">2017-311</a> - Radio communautaire francophone de Montréal inc. - Montréal, Quebec - RENEWED - Renewal of the broadcasting licence for the French-language community radio station CIBL-FM Montréal </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-308.htm">2017-308</a> - Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - Moncton and surrounding areas, New Brunswick and Ottawa, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to amend the conditions of licence relating to contributions to Canadian programming for the broadcasting distribution undertakings serving the above-noted locations </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-306.htm">2017-306</a> - Le Club de la radio communautaire de Plamondon-Lac La Biche - Plamondon, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to renewthe broadcasting licence for the community radio station CHPL-FM Plamondon </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-305.htm">2017-305</a> - Radio Ville-Marie - Montréal, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the predominantly religious French-language radio station CIRA-FM Montréal and its transmitters CIRA-FM-2 Trois-Rivières, CIRA-FM-3 Victoriaville and CIRA-FM-4 Rimouski </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-304.htm">2017-304</a> - Newcap Inc. - Various locations in British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CHNL Kamloops and its transmitters CHNL-1 Clearwater, CINL Ashcroft, CJNL Merritt and CFNL-FM Sorrento </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-303.htm">2017-303</a> - United Christian Broadcasters Media Canada - Cobourg, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial specialty (Christian music) radio station CHJJ-FM Cobourg </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-302.htm">2017-302</a> - Various licensees - Various locations - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the community radio stations CHMM-FM Mackenzie and CFDY-FM Cochrane </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-301.htm">2017-301</a> - Various licensees - Various locations - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for various Native radio stations </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-298.htm">2017-298</a> - Lenape Community Radio Society - Thamesville, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the Native radio station CKBK-FM Thamesville </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-297.htm">2017-297</a> - Bluewater Community Radio - Hanover, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the community radio station CFBW-FM Hanover </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-296.htm">2017-296</a> - Shaw Communications Inc., on behalf of Shaw Cablesystems Limited, Shaw Cablesystems (VCI) Limited and Star Choice Television Network Incorporated - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licences for various terrestrial and direct to home satellite broadcasting distribution undertakings </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-294.htm">2017-294</a> - Radio Diffusion Sorel-Tracy inc. - Sorel-Tracy, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the French-language commercial radio station CJSO-FM Sorel-Tracy </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-292.htm">2017-292</a> - Complaint regarding CTV News Channel and CITV-DT Edmonton news reports relating to Canadian Forces Base Edmonton dog policy </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-291.htm">2017-291</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Rouyn-Noranda, Lebel-sur-Quévillon and Senneterre, Quebec - APPROVED - Applications to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language radio station CHLM-FM Rouyn-Noranda, to operate FM transmitters in Lebel-sur-Quévillon and Senneterre to rebroadcast the programming of its national, French-language network service Ici Radio-Canada Première. </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-290.htm">2017-290</a> - Newcap Inc. - Wetaskiwin, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the commercial radio station CKJR Wetaskiwin </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-288.htm">2017-288</a> - CHZ Business News Net Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate the currently exempt discretionary service Bloomberg TV Canada as a licensed discretionary service </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-284.htm">2017-284</a> - Bell Media Inc. - Various locations in Quebec - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the French-language commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-283.htm">2017-283</a> - Rogers Media Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to revoke broadcasting licence for the English-language discretionary services G4 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-275.htm">2017-275</a> - Radio Dégelis inc. - Dégelis, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the commercial radio station CFVD-FM Dégelis and its transmitters CFVD-FM-2 Pohénégamook and CFVD-FM-3 Squatec, Quebec </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-273.htm">2017-273</a> - Radio 1540 Limited - Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Québec - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licence for the ethnic radio station CJLL-FM Ottawa/Gatineau and to reduce the station’s third-language programming from 92 % to 70 % </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-272.htm">2017-272</a> - Findings regarding market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve the St. John’s radio market </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-271.htm">2017-271</a> - Various applicants - Various locations in Quebec and Ontario - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the community radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-269.htm">2017-269</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Across Canada RENEWED - Broadcasting licences for the television and radio stations set out in Appendices 1 and 2 to the decision from 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2019, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-268.htm">2017-268</a> - Various licensees Across Canada - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the national, English-language specialty audio service Chutney Radio and the national, ethnic Tamil- and English-language specialty audio service Tamil Radio</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-267.htm">2017-267</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Québec, Lebel-sur-Quévillon and Senneterre, Québec<br> APPROVED - Applications to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBVE-FM Québec to operate FM transmitters in Lebel sur Quévillon and Senneterre to rebroadcast the programming of its national, English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-264.htm">2017-264</a> - Rogers Media Inc. - Calgary, Alberta - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licence for the commercial radio station CFFR Calgary and to amend its broadcasting licence by deleting the conditions of licence pertaining to the Oldies format </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-263.htm">2017-263</a> - Corus Entertainment Inc.Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to reallocate tangible benefits stemming the change in the ownership and effective control of various services </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-260.htm">2017-260</a> - Dufferin Communications Inc. Brantford, Ontario APPROVED - Application for authority to acquire from 1486781 Ontario Limited the assets of the English-language specialty (Christian music) radio station CFWC-FM Brantford and for a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of the station DENIED - Request for an exception from the requirement to pay tangible benefits </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-258.htm">2017-258</a> - Blackgold Radio Inc. Stony Plain/Spruce Grove and Ponoka, Alberta APPROVED - Application for authority to acquire from Blackgold Broadcasting Inc., as part of a corporate reorganization, the assets of the English-language commercial radio station CKSS-FM Stony Plain/Spruce Grove, as well as the English-language commercial radio station CKPA-FM Ponoka, approved in Broadcasting Decision 2016-356 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-257.htm">2017-257</a> - Radio communautaire F.M. de la Haute-Gatineau inc. - Maniwaki, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to amend the authorized contours for the French-language community radio programming undertaking CHGA-FM Maniwaki, Quebec </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-256.htm">2017-256</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto and Penetanguishene, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBCM-FM Penetanguishene, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBLA-FM Toronto (Radio One) - Application to change the authorized contours of CJBC-3-FM Penetanguishene, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the French-language radio station CJBC Toronto (ICI Radio-Canada Première) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-253.htm">2017-253</a> - Bell Fund - Across Canada - APPROVED - Request for a transition period to adapt its guidelines to the Commission’s new policy framework for Certified Independent Production Funds - DENIED – Request for an increase to the 10% cap on funding for non-programming digital content</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-251.htm">2017-251</a> - Rogers Media Inc., on behalf of Tillsonburg Broadcasting Company Limited - Tillsonburg, Ontario – APPROVED - Application for authority to effect a change in the ownership and effective control of TBCL, licensee of the English-language commercial radio stations CJDL-FM and CKOT-FM Tillsonburg </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-250.htm">2017-250</a> - Connelly Communications Corporation - New Liskeard, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CJTT-FM New Liskeard </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-249.htm">2017-249</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Sudbury and Marathon, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBON-FM-29 Marathon, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the French-language radio station CBON-FM Sudbury </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-248.htm">2017-248</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Sudbury and Timmins, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBCJ-FM Timmins, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBCS-FM Sudbury (Radio One) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-246.htm">2017-246</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add Alaraby Television Network, a non-Canadian third-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-245.htm">2017-245</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Sudbury and Blind River, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language radio station CBON-FM Sudbury to operate an FM rebroadcasting transmitter in Blind River that will replace its existing AM transmitter CBON-6 Blind River </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-244.htm">2017-244</a> - 9427899 Canada Inc. - Montréal, Quebec - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licence for the ethnic radio station CKIN-FM Montréal, Quebec </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-243.htm">2017-243</a> - Radio Chalom - Montréal, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the religious radio station CJRS Montréal, Quebec </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-241.htm">2017-241</a> - Various licensees - Various locations - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-240.htm">2017-240</a> - Rogers Media Inc. - Various locations in Ontario and Alberta - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-237.htm">2017-237</a> - Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Ltd. (the general partner) and Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership<br> Various locations in Alberta and British Columbia - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-236.htm">2017-236</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add Kino Polska Muzyka, a non-Canadian third-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-232.htm">2017-232</a> - Various licensees - Various locations in British Columbia and Ontario - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-231.htm">2017-231</a> - Various licensees - Various locations in Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-228.htm">2017-228</a> - International Harvesters for Christ Evangelistic Association Inc. - Saint John, New Brunswick - DENIED - Application for a broadcast licence to operate an English-language commercial FM specialty (Christian music) radio station in Saint John </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-227.htm">2017-227</a> - Findings regarding market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve the Ottawa-Gatineau radio market </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-224.htm">2017-224</a> - Various radio licensees - Various locations in Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec - RENEWED - Broadcasting licences for radio stations set out in the appendix to the decision, from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-222.htm">2017-222</a> - Various licensees - Chibougamau and Montréal, Quebec - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the French-language commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-219.htm">2017-219</a> - Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Newfoundland and Labrador - Various locations in Newfoundland and Labrador - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language specialty (Christian music) FM radio station in Mount Pearl to replace its English-language religious AM radio station VOAR Mount Pearl and its rebroadcasting transmitter VOAR-1-FM Bay Roberts </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-218.htm">2017-218</a> - RNC MEDIA Inc. - Gatineau, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the radio station CHLX-FM Gatineau by deleting condition of licence 2 regarding the broadcast of musical selections from subcategory 34 (Jazz and blues) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-216.htm">2017-216</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Kamloops and Clinton, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBYK-FM Kamloops to operate an FM transmitter in Clinton to rebroadcast the programming of its national, English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-215.htm">2017-215</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Inuvik and Norman Wells, Northwest Territories - APPROVED - Application<strong> </strong>to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio programming undertaking CHAK Inuvik to operate an FM transmitter in Norman Wells to rebroadcast the programming of its national, English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-214.htm">2017-214</a> - Manager, Technology Infrastructure, Government of Yukon - Mount Jubilee, Yukon - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate a radiocommunication distribution undertaking to serve Mount Jubilee </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-212.htm">2017-212</a> - Corus Radio Company - Corus Premium Television Ltd. - Various locations in Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-211.htm">2017-211</a> - Golden West Broadcasting Ltd. - Various locations in Alberta and Saskatchewan - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-209.htm">2017-209</a> - Various licensees - Sherbrooke, Quebec, and Lethbridge, Alberta - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the campus radio stations set out in the decision</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-208.htm">2017-208</a> - Various licensees - Various locations across Canada - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for the commercial radio stations set out in the decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-207.htm">2017-207</a> - Peace River Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. - Peace River, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of the English-language commercial radio station CKKX-FM Peace River </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-206.htm">2017-206</a> - Peace River Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. - Peace River, Alberta - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate an English language FM commercial radio station in Peace River to replace its AM commercial radio station CKYL Peace River and its rebroadcasting transmitter CKYL-FM-1 Peace River </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-205.htm">2017-205</a> - Eternacom Inc. - Sudbury, Iroquois Falls, Sault Ste. Marie, Englehart, New Liskeard, Sundridge and Spring Bay, Ontario - APPROVED - Applications to operate FM rebroadcasting transmitters in the above-mentioned localities to rebroadcast the programming of the English-language commercial specialty (Christian music) radio station CJTK-FM Sudbury </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-204.htm">2017-204</a> - Canadian Centre for Civic Media & Arts Development Incorporated - Downsview and Scarborough, Ontario - DENIED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language campus radio station CHRY-FM Downsview, in order to add an FM rebroadcasting transmitter in Scarborough </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-202.htm">2017-202</a> - Newcap Inc. - Various locations across Canada - APPROVED - Applications to renew the broadcasting licences for various commercial radio stations </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-199.htm">2017-199</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Trois-Rivières and Parent, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language radio programming undertaking CBF-FM-8 Trois-Rivières, Quebec, to add a low-power FM transmitter in Parent to replace its current AM rebroadcasting transmitter CBF-18 Parent. </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-198.htm">2017-198</a> - Various applicants - Vancouver, British Columbia; Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta; and Ottawa and Toronto, Ontario - APPROVED – Application by Northern Native Broadcasting (Terrace, B.C.) for a broadcasting licence to operate an English- and Indigenous-language Type B Native FM radio station to serve the urban Indigenous community in Vancouver - APPROVED – Applications by Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta for broadcasting licences to operate English- and Indigenous-language Type B Native FM radio stations to serve the urban Indigenous communities in Edmonton and Calgary - APPROVED – Applications by First Peoples Radio Inc. for broadcasting licences to operate English- and Indigenous-language Type B Native FM radio stations to serve the urban Indigenous communities in Ottawa and Toronto - DENIED – Other applications for broadcasting licences to operate radio stations to serve the urban Indigenous communities in the above-noted localities </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-196.htm">2017-196</a> - InsightEdge Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Applications to add the non-Canadian programming services set out in the decision to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-193.htm">2017-193</a> - Findings regarding market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve the Brampton radio market </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-192.htm">2017-192</a> - Findings regarding market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve the Aurora radio market </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-191.htm">2017-191</a> - My Broadcasting Corporation Simcoe, Ontario - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language, commercial FM radio station in Simcoe, Ontario. </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-189.htm">2017-189</a> - 9427899 Canada Inc.Montréal, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to reallocate the tangible benefits flowing from the change in the effective control of the commercial ethnic radio station CKIN-FM Montréal, Quebec, to fund a scholarship for journalism students at Concordia University. </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-175.htm">2017-175</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Thunder Bay, Marathon and Terrace Bay, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBQT-FM Thunder Bay to operate an FM transmitter in Marathon </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-170.htm">2017-170</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto and Orillia, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBL-FM-3 Orillia, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBL-FM Toronto (Radio Two) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-169.htm">2017-169</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto and Orillia, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBCO-FM Orillia, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBLA-FM Toronto (Radio One) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-162.htm">2017-162</a> - 902890 Alberta Ltd. - Wetaskiwin, Alberta - APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence for the English-language specialty commercial radio station CIHS-FM Wetaskiwin </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-161.htm">2017-161</a> - Diffusion communautaire des Îles inc. - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec - APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence for its French-language community television station in Îles-de-la-Madeleine </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-159.htm">2017-159</a> - Various licensees - Various locations - RENEWED - Broadcasting licences for the terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings set out in the appendix to the decision from 1 December 2017 to 31 May 2018 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-156.htm">2017-156</a> - Telelatino Network Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the discretionary service Telelatino </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-155.htm">2017-155</a> - Shaw Cablesystems (VCI) Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the national video-on-demand service Shaw On Demand </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-152.htm">2017-152</a> - Rogers Media Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED IN PART - Application to operate a national, multilingual multi-ethnic discretionary service to be known as OMNI Regional - APPROVED - Request for mandatory distribution of OMNI Regional on the digital basic service for the licence term </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-151.htm">2017-151</a> - Rogers Media Inc. on behalf of itself and of 8064750 Canada Inc., 8834776 Canada Inc. and 9742638 Canada Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the television stations and services set out in the appendices to the decision Rogers Communications Canada Inc. Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licencesfor the on-demand service Rogers on Demand</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-150.htm">2017-150</a> - Corus Entertainment Inc., on behalf of various licensees - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the currently licensed television stations and discretionary services that will form part of the English-language Corus group of services in the next licence term<br> APPROVED - Request for broadcasting licences to operate the currently exempt discretionary services Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD as licensed discretionary services, and to include these services as part of the English-language Corus group of services - APPROVED - Request to revoke the broadcasting licence for CKWS-TV-2 Prescott and add that transmitter to the broadcasting licence for CKWS-DT Kingston as a rebroadcasting transmitter </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-149.htm">2017-149</a> - Bell Media Inc. - Various locations and across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the various English-language television stations and services that will form the Bell Media Group in the next licence term - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for various television services that are not included in the Bell Media Group in the next licence term<br> Issuance of new broadcasting licences for various on-demand services </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-148.htm">2017-148</a> - Renewal of licences for the television services of large English language ownership groups – Introductory decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-147.htm">2017-147</a> - Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of TVA Group Inc. and Videotron G.P. - Across Canada<br> APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the television stations and services that will form of the TVA Group for the next licence term - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the television services that will not be part of the TVA Group for the next licence term </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-146.htm">2017-146</a> - Groupe V Média inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the various French-language television services that will form the Groupe V Média inc. group of services </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-145.htm">2017-145</a> - Corus Entertainment Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the television services that will form Corus’s French-language Group for the next licence term<br> APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for the service La Chaîne Disney, which are not included in the Group </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-144.htm">2017-144</a> - Bell Media Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licences for the television services that will form Bell’s French-language Group for the next licence term<br> APPROVED - Application to renew the broadcasting licence for RDS, which are not included in the Group </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-143.htm">2017-143</a> - Various licensees - Across Canada - Renewal of licences for the television services of large French-language ownership groups – Introductory decision </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-140.htm">2017-140</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Toronto and Peterborough, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CJBC-5-FM Peterborough, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the French-language radio station CJBC-FM Toronto (ICI Radio-Canada Première) - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBCP-FM Peterborough, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBLA-FM Toronto (Radio One) - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBBP-FM Peterborough, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBL-FM Toronto (Radio 2) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-139.htm">2017-139</a> - Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Incorporated - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the national, English- and French-language specialty Category A service APTN </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-136.htm">2017-136</a> - Radio 1540 Limited - Toronto, Ontario - APPROVED - Application for a broadcasting licence to operate a commercial ethnic FM radio station in Toronto - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the commercial ethnic AM radio station CHIN Toronto in order to delete CHIN-1-FM as a transmitter </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-135.htm">2017-135</a> - KCVI Educational Radio Station Incorporated - Kingston, Ontario - APPROVED - Application for a new broadcasting licence to operate an English-language community FM radio station in Kingston </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-124.htm">2017-124</a> - S. S. TV Inc. - Across Canada – APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence for the national third-language specialty Category B service SSTV</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-123.htm">2017-123</a> - TELUS Communications Inc., and 1219723 Alberta ULC in partnership with TELUS Communications Inc. in TELE-MOBILE Company, partners in a general partnership carrying on business as TELUS Communications Company<br> Kelowna, Nanaimo, Penticton, Prince George, Terrace, Vancouver (including Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley and Whistler, and their surrounding areas), Vernon and Victoria, British Columbia; Calgary, Edmonton (including St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain), Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie and Red Deer, Alberta; Baie-Comeau, Gaspé, Montmagny, Mont Tremblant, Rimouski, Saint Georges, Sainte-Marie and Sept-Îles, and their surrounding areas, Quebec; and across Canada - APPROVED - Application for authority to effect a corporate reorganization within TELUS Communications Company, and for new broadcasting licences to continue the operation of its terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings serving the above-noted localities, its national video on-demand service, and its unlaunched pay-per-view service under the same terms and conditions as those set out in the current licences.</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-122.htm">2017-122</a> - Vista Radio Ltd. - Medicine Hat, Alberta - DENIED - Application to amend and delete conditions of licence relating to the specialty (Christian music) format of the English-language radio station CJLT-FM Medicine Hat </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-114.htm">2017-114</a> - Sirius XM Canada Holdings Inc., on behalf of Sirius XM Canada Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application for authority to effect a change in the ownership structure of Sirius XM Canada Inc., licensee of the satellite subscription radio services Sirius Canada and XM Canada </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-106.htm">2017-106</a> - 8384860 Canada Inc. - Vancouver, British Columbia - APPROVED -Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial radio station CHLG-FM Vancouver in order to direct a total of $185,000 in Canadian content development contributions to two concert events featuring Aboriginal music </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-99.htm">2017-99</a> - Findings regarding market capacity and the appropriateness of issuing a call for radio applications to serve Georgina, Ontario </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-89.htm">2017-89</a> - Klondike Broadcasting Company Limited - Whitehorse, Yukon Territory - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language commercial AM radio station CKRW Whitehorse </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-83.htm">2017-83</a> - Radio Rimouski inc. - Rimouski, Quebec - DENIED - Application to amend condition of licence 2 of the radio station CFYX-FM Rimouski regarding the solicitation of local advertising </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-78.htm">2017-78</a> - Gimaa Giigidoowin Communications - M’Chigeeng, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to acquire from Anong Migwans Beam the assets of the English- and Aboriginal-language Type B Native radio station CHYF-FM M’Chigeeng </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-77.htm">2017-77</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Victoria and Port Alice, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBCV-FM Victoria in order to operate an FM transmitter in Port Alice to rebroadcast the programming of the national English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-76.htm">2017-76</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Yellowknife and Fort Smith, Northwest Territories - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CFYK-FM Yellowknife in order to operate an FM transmitter in Fort Smith to rebroadcast the programming of the national English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-74.htm">2017-74</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Thunder Bay and White River, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language radio station CBQT-FM Thunder Bay in order to operate an FM transmitter at White River to rebroadcast the programming of the national English-language network service Radio One </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-70.htm">2017-70</a> - TekSavvy Solutions Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add WJBK-TV Detroit, Michigan, a non-Canadian television station, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-69.htm">2017-69</a> - Asian Television Network International Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add NDTV 24 X 7, a non-Canadian English-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-60.htm">2017-60</a> - Sex-Shop Television Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence for the national bilingual pay Category B service VividTV (formerly Vanessa) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-59.htm">2017-59</a> - MusiquePlus inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED IN PART - Complaint regarding Bell’s proposed repackaging of the independent discretionary services MusiquePlus and Max </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-53.htm">2017-53</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Sydney, Nova Scotia - APPROVED - Application relating to technical changes that were made in 2013 to the authorized contours of CBAF-FM-14 Sydney, Nova Scotia, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the French-language radio station CBAF-FM-5 Halifax </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-47.htm">2017-47</a> - Shaw Cablesystems Limited - Kenora (Ontario) - APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence for the English-language conventional television programming undertaking CJBN-TV Kenora</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-45.htm">2017-45</a> - TELUS Communications Company - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add RIDE TV, a non-Canadian English-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-44.htm">2017-44</a> - Stingray Digital Group Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add Stingray Festival 4K, a non-Canadian English- and French-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-42.htm">2017-42</a> - Ethnic Channels Group Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to add Sky News Arabia, a non-Canadian third-language service, to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-36.htm">2017-36</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Windsor and Sarnia, Ontario - APPROVED - Application to amend the broadcasting licence for the French-language radio station CBEF Windsor, Ontario, to operate an FM rebroadcasting transmitter in Sarnia </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-29.htm">2017-29</a> - 7262591 Canada Limited - Across Canada - APPROVED - Application to revoke the broadcasting licence for the English-language Category 2 specialty service Gusto TV </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-24.htm">2017-24</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Dawson Creek and Vancouver, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBUF-FM-7 Dawson Creek, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the French-language radio station CBUF-FM Vancouver </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-23.htm">2017-23</a> - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Dawson Creek and Prince George, British Columbia - APPROVED - Application to change the authorized contours of CBKQ-FM Dawson Creek, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the English-language radio station CBYG-FM Prince George (Radio One) </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-20.htm">2017-20</a> - Various licensees - Various locations across Canada - RENEWED - Administrative renewals </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-19.htm">2017-19</a> - Stingray Digital Group Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Addition of DJAZZ to the List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-17.htm">2017-17</a> - VMedia Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Addition of BESTSELLER and MULT to the <em>List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </em></p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-16.htm">2017-16</a> - Stingray Digital Group Inc. - Across Canada - APPROVED - Addition of Stingray Brava to the <em>List of non-Canadian programming services and stations authorized for distribution </em></p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-3.htm">2017-3</a> - Various applicants - Edmonton, Alberta - APPROVED - Application by 1811258 Alberta Ltd. for a broadcasting licence to operate an ethnic commercial AM radio station in Edmonton - APPROVED - Application by Société Radio Communautaire du Grand Edmonton Society for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language community FM radio station in Edmonton - DENIED - Other applications for broadcasting licences for radio stations to serve Edmonton </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-2.htm">2017-2</a> - Riding Mountain Broadcasting Ltd. - Brandon, Manitoba - APPROVED - Application to operate an English-language commercial FM radio station in Brandon to replace its AM station CKLQ Brandon and to operate an AM transmitter in Brandon to rebroadcast the programming of the FM station </p> <h2 id="sec-c-e">Compliance and Enforcement</h2> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-445.htm">2017-445</a> - Topline Air Duct Cleaning Inc. and Mr. Naveed Raza – Violations under paragraph 71(10)(a) of the Telecommunications Act - File number: 1011-NOC2017-0281 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-385.htm">2017-385</a> - Delegation of a National Do Not Call List Operator and delegation of Commission powers to the National Do Not Call List Operator as the Fees Collection Delegate </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-368.htm">2017-368</a> - Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation 3510395 Canada Inc., operating as Compu.Finder – Violations of Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation - File number: PDR 9094-201400302-001 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-367.htm">2017-367</a> - Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation 3510395 Canada Inc., operating as Compu.Finder – Constitutional challenge to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation - File number: PDR 9094-201400302-001 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-65.htm">2017-65</a> - William Rapanos – Violations of Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation </p> <h2 id="sec-t">Telecommunications</h2> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-462.htm">2017-462</a> - This number is not associated to any document</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-461.htm">2017-461</a> - Application to review and vary the Commission’s 30 May 2017 letter decision denying certain telecommunications carriers’ request to suspend the City of Calgary’s application regarding municipal access - Public record: 8662-T66-201705534</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-459.htm">2017-459</a> - Bell Canada – Application to review and vary Telecom Decision 2016-379 regarding the implementation of an outside meet-me point for disaggregated wholesale high-speed access service <br> Public record: 8662-B2-201612391 and Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7524</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-457.htm">2017-457</a> - Bell Canada and Northwestel Inc. – DENIED - Request for implementation of a traffic stimulation regulatory Framework - Public record: 8622-B2-201700469</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-456.htm">2017-456</a> - Rogers Communications Canada Inc. – Allegation of traffic stimulation by Iris Technologies Inc. and Iristel Inc. - Public record : 8622-R28-201611781</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-438.htm">2017-438</a> - Final 2017 revenue-percent charge and related matters - File number: 8695-C12-201702481 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-437.htm">2017-437</a> - Canadian Administrator of VRS (CAV), Inc. – Application requesting video relay service funding for 2018 - File number: 8695-C209-201706400 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-435.htm">2017-435</a> - Bell Canada – Application to review and vary Telecom Order 2017-95 - File number: 8662-B2-201705724</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-432.htm">2017-432</a> - Bell Canada – Application to review and vary a portion of Telecom Decision 2017-56 regarding final terms and conditions for wholesale mobile wireless services - File number: 8662-B38-201703109 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-389.htm">2017-389</a> - CISC Emergency Services Working Group – Consensus report ESRE0076 – 9-1-1 Service Outage Notification Processes - File number: 8665-C12-201507008 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-388.htm">2017-388</a> - Clause 13(b) of the Municipal Access Agreement between the City of Hamilton and Bell Canada regarding the vertical location of underground facilities - File number: 1011-NOC2017-0066 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-384.htm">2017-384</a> - Sogetel inc. – Application to modify the band assignment for the four wire centres - File number: 8663-S4-201707019</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-383.htm">2017-383</a> - 9315-1884 Québec inc. – Application to modify the band assignment for the Lambton wire centre - File number: 8663-Q29-201707035 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-370.htm">2017-370</a> - Canadian Telecommunications Contribution Consortium Inc. – Request for designation of the administrator for the National Contribution Fund - File number: 8695-C211-201706350</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-335.htm">2017-335</a> - Bell Canada – Various applications related to Bell Canada’s dedicated wholesale high-speed access services (legacy and fibre-to-the-node)<br> File numbers: 8661-A117-201314145, Bell Aliant Tariff Notice 482, and Bell Canada Tariff Notices 7429 and 7503 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-300.htm">2017-300</a> - Northwestel Inc. – Request for forbearance from the regulation of Wholesale Connect service in the communities served by the Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link network - File number: 8640-N1-201700724</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-299.htm">2017-299</a> - Northwestel Inc. – Request for forbearance from the regulation of operation and maintenance services provided to support the Government of Northwest Territories’ Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link network - File number: 8640-N1-201609893 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-289.htm">2017-289</a> - CISC Business Process Working Group – Consensus report BPRE098a regarding the development of a standardized notification form for network changes and the harmonization of notification standards - File number: 8663-T117-201513325 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-287.htm">2017-287</a> - Northwestel Inc. – Application to review and vary certain determinations in Telecom Decision 2016-443 regarding Wholesale Connect service <br> File number: 8662-N1-201700716</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-226-1.htm">2017-226-1</a> - CISC Emergency Services Working Group – Consensus report ESRE0071 regarding wireless 9-1-1 test calls to public safety answering points - Corrections - File number: 8621-C12-01/08 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-266.htm">2017-266</a> - KMTS – Implementation of intermodal wireless number portability for Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - File number: 8620-K1-201613092 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-254.htm">2017-254</a> - Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited – Application to modify the band assignment for the Ripley wire centre - File number: 8663-H4-201703372 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-252.htm">2017-252</a> - TELUS Communications Company – Show cause proceeding concerning the use of deferral account funds to improve access to telecommunications services for persons with disabilities - File number: 8638-T102-201607657 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-233.htm">2017-233</a> - Sogetel inc. - Implementation of local competition for CoopTel, on behalf of Câble Axion Digitel inc., in the exchanges of Lac-Etchemin and St-Just-de-Bretenières, Quebec - File number: 8663-S4-201703215</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-226.htm">2017-226</a> - CISC Emergency Services Working Group – Consensus report ESRE0071 regarding wireless 9-1-1 test calls to public safety answering points </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-210-1.htm">2017-210-1</a> - Forbearance from the regulation of high-capacity / digital data services interexchange private line services on certain additional routes - Public record: 8638-S1-01/98 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-210.htm">2017-210</a> - Forbearance from the regulation of high-capacity / digital data services interexchange private line services on certain additional routes - File number: 8638-S1-01/98 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-203.htm">2017-203</a> - CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering – Consensus report CNRE120A regarding 555 line numbers - File number: 8621-C12-01/08 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-190.htm">2017-190</a> - Sogetel inc. - Application for forbearance from the regulation of business local exchange services - File number: 8640-S4-201701748 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-186.htm">2017-186</a> - Coalition pour le service 9-1-1 au Québec – Request to review and vary certain determinations in Telecom Decision 2016-453 regarding wireless Phase II Enhanced 9-1-1 service - File number: 8662-C238-201613117 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-172.htm">2017-172</a> - Bell Canada – Application for forbearance from the regulation of wholesale wireless access service - File number: 8640-B2-201601253 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-171.htm">2017-171</a> - Bell Canada – Application for forbearance from the regulation of extended area service transport and local transit services - File number: 8640-B2-201602326</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-167.htm">2017-167</a> - Bragg Communications Incorporated, operating as Eastlink – Application to review and vary or stay Telecom Order 2016-448 regarding wholesale high-speed access service interim rates - File number: 8662-E17-201700170.</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-134.htm">2017-134</a> - TELUS Communications Company – Application for forbearance from the regulation of business local exchange services<br> File number: 8640-T66-201612268 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-119.htm">2017-119</a> - CISC Emergency Services Working Group – Consensus report regarding updates to the wireless 9-1-1 caller location accuracy thresholds - File number: 8669-C12-01/01 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-115.htm">2017-115</a> - VOIS Inc. – Non-compliance with the requirement to participate in the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services Inc. and violation under section 72.001 of the Telecommunications Act - File number: 1011-NOC2016-0431 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-108.htm">2017-108</a> - CISC Business Process Working Group – Consensus report BPRE095a regarding revisions to the On-boarding of New Trading Partners Guide - File number: 8621-C12-01/08 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-105.htm">2017-105</a> - Complaints against Quebecor Media Inc., Videotron Ltd., and Videotron G.P. alleging undue and unreasonable preference and disadvantage regarding the Unlimited Music program - File numbers: 8661-P8-201510199, 8622-V42-201510735, 1011-NOC2016-0192 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-87.htm">2017-87</a> - Sogetel inc. – Implementation of local competition for CoopTel in the exchange of Nantes, Quebec File number: 8663-S4-201607293</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-57.htm">2017-57</a> - Ice Wireless Inc. – Application regarding roaming on Rogers Communications Canada Inc.’s network by customers of Ice Wireless Inc. and Sugar Mobile Inc. - File number: 8620-J106-201601633 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-56.htm">2017-56</a> - Wholesale mobile wireless roaming service tariffs – Final terms and conditions - File numbers: Bell Mobility Tariff Notices 1, 1A, 1B, and 2; Rogers Communications Partnership Tariff Notice 42; and TELUS Communications Company Tariff Notice 501 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-51.htm">2017-51</a> - Bell Canada – Application for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services - File number: 8640-B2-201610618 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-38.htm">2017-38</a> - CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering – Consensus report CNRE119A regarding setting aside numbering plan area (NPA) codes to be used for relief of existing Canadian NPAs forecast to exhaust in the next 10 years - File number: 8621-C12-01/08</p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-37.htm">2017-37</a> - Revocation of basic international telecommunications services licences </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-35.htm">2017-35</a> - Area code relief for area code 709 in Newfoundland and Labrador - File number: 1011-NOC2016-0205 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-34.htm">2017-34</a> - CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering – Consensus report CNRE118A regarding proposed revisions to the Canadian Adjunct to the Industry Numbering Committee Carrier Identification Code Assignment Guidelines - File number: 8621-C12-01/08 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-32.htm">2017-32</a> - CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering – Relief planning committee recommendation for area codes 418 and 581 in eastern Quebec - File number: 1011-NOC2016-0207 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-31.htm">2017-31</a> - CISC Business Process Working Group – Consensus report BPRE093c regarding revised Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines - File number: 8621-C12-01/08 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-15.htm">2017-15</a> - Bell Canada – Application for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services - File number: 8640-B2-201609002 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-9.htm">2017-9</a> - Shaw Cablesystems G.P. – Application requesting relief from TELUS Communications Company’s monthly recurring charge for service entrance conduit - File number: 8661-S9-201601625 </p> <p><a href="/eng/archive/2017/2017-5.htm">2017-5</a> - Bell Canada – Application for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services - File number: 8640-B2-201608994</p> <div class="clear"> </div> <!-- MainContentEnd --> <dl id="wb-dtmd"> <dt>Date modified: </dt> <dd> <time property="dateModified">2018-09-21</time> </dd> </dl> </main> <nav id="wb-sec" typeof="SiteNavigationElement" class="col-md-3 col-md-pull-9 visible-md visible-lg"> <h2>Section menu</h2> <ul class="list-group menu list-unstyled"> <li><h3 class="wb-navcurr"><a href="/eng/dno.htm">Decisions, Notices and Orders</a></h3> <ul class="list-group menu list-unstyled"> <li><details><summary>Decisions</summary> <ul class="list-unstyled menu list-group mrgn-lft-md"> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2025.htm">2025</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2024.htm">2024</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2023.htm">2023</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2022.htm">2022</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2021.htm">2021</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2020.htm">2020</a> </li> <li> <a href="/eng/8045/d2019.htm">2019</a> </li> <li> <a 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